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Paul Hancock


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: I Arena hanging lam p display/Graham Salter/© Lebrecht Music


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All units contain four sections each:

Use of English: Grammar

Use of English: Vocabulary

Use of English: Reacting to language


A ll about y o u


W in n in g and lo sin g


H ouse and hom e


Ligh ts, cam era, action!


S h o p p in g


H ow techie are you?


A rou n d the w orld


W h a t i f ...?


Crim e scene


T h e w ritten w ord


background image


I AU about you

Use of English: Grammar

Use of English: Vocabulary

p re se n t sim p le ■ p re se n t c o n tin u o u s ■ v e rb + in fin itiv e ■ v e rb + -/'ng

P e rs o n a lity a d je c tive s

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct adjective or adverb.

arrive eat tidy up play visit

read laugh

be not hunt prefer


a bit honest confident

impatient very arrogant quite

1 My brother spends a lot of time________ video games.
2 I was into action films for a while, but at the moment I


3 I can’t come out because I promised________ my

bedroom this afternoon.

4 I’m afraid I couldn’t help________ when I heard Jo’s


5 Male lions________ very often - it’s the females who

go out and catch the food.

6 The train is leaving now so we expect________ at about





7 I ________ a really interesting book about ancient

history - I’ll lend you it when I’ve finished it.

8 When my mum came to in my bedroom I pretended


9 It’s not just the Chinese that________ chicken feet -

Jamaicans and Mexicans do too.

10 We________ your grandma tomorrow. I said we’ll be

there at 4 o’clock.

2 C| Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A-C).


Wybierając pasujący wyraz w luce, zawsze przeczytaj całe
zdanie. Pomoże ci to w wyborze poprawnej odpowiedzi.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

11________ to a theme park for my birthday next week.

My dad has refused 2________ me because he


queuing, and theme parks are always really

crowded. Luckily, my uncle has offered to take me.

I’ve decided to go to Alton Towers because they


the Nemesis ride, which turns you completely

upside down. 15________ forward to it so much!


1 A have gone

B go

C ’m going

2 A to take

B taking

C take

3 A isn’t liking

B doesn’t like

C not likes

4 A are having

B have

C have had

5 A ’m looking

B looking

C look

1 I would believe anything Richard tells me - he’s

completely________ .

2 It’s normal for teenagers to be________ - they don’t

want to follow other people’s rules.

3 Demi can be________ too talkative sometimes, but

she’s good fun to be with.

4 I feel________ that I can pass this test because I’ve

practised for it so much.

5 That was________ generous of Uncle Tom to give us all

£50 for Christmas!

6 I find Johann slightly________ - he really thinks he’s

better than everyone else.

7 Don’t be so ________ ! You have to learn to wait for

things sometimes!

8 You can be________ a lazy girl sometimes. You need to

work hard all the time.

2 O Przeczytaj zdania. Wybierz wyraz A, B, lub C, tak aby

pasował do wszystkich trzech zdań w każdym zestawie (1-5).
Zakreśl właściwą literę.


Najpierw przeczytaj trzy zdania, ale nie czytaj możliwych

odpowiedzi. Być może przyjdzie ci do głowy wyraz, który

pasuje choćby w jednej lub dwóch lukach. Upewnij się,

że wyraz ten pasuje we wszystkich trzech zdaniach

i dopiero wtedy sprawdź, czy jest on jedną z możliwych



After had flu,

feit very... for several days.

My English Is very good, but my French is rather...

• T-is " ~ e e tastes very... - can I make some that’s a bit


A gentle

B weak

C quiet


It was very... of you to criticize her paintings so much.

- - a f s a very ...-looking dog - keep away from it!

. jncle is so ... - he always buys me cheap birthday


A wean

B dishonest

C rude


tidy up


background image

• This milk tastes ... - I think it needs throwing away.
• My computer keeps going ... today.
• Shirley is so ...! She always makes me laugh!

A nasty

B funny

C weak


• That looks like a ... injury. You’d better see the doctor.
• You shouldn’t laugh about this - it’s a ... matter!
• Do you think John is ... about entering for the marathon?

A difficult

B hard

C serious

• Cook the soup on a ... heat for 30 minutes.
• It was a very ... climb up the hill, and we cycled it easily.
• Wanda’s still upset after failing her exam, so be ... with her.

A gentle

B modest

C soft

Use of English: Reacting to language

Exchanging opinions

1 Choose the correct preposition.

1 I’m very fond of / in / for Uncle Alan.

2 I’m not really for / about / into computer games.
3 I don’t like listening for / to / with music very much.
4 What do you like doing at / in / for weekends?

5 I’m not keen to / for / on playing sport.

2 d Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1-5 wybierz właściwą

reakcję (A-C).


Przeczytaj pierwsze zdanie w dialogu i wyobraź sobie,

że ktoś kieruje je do ciebie. Zastanów się, jak mógłbyś/

mogłabyś odpowiedzieć, a potem sprawdź, czy jedna

z możliwych odpowiedzi jest podobna do twojej propozycji.

1 X: I’m not really a fan of classical music.

Y :____
A Me neither. B Me too! C Are you?

2 X: What do you think of the music in this restaurant?

Y :____
A I wish they wouldn’t play country and western.

B I bet that you like playing country and western.
C I’d like to play country and western.

3 X: I think this game is a bit boring.

Y :____
A Would you like to play it?

B What else would you like to play?
C What do you think of playing it?

4 X: I don’t really fancy staying here much longer.

Y :____
A I can’t help leaving soon. B I can’t stand leaving soon.

C I don’t mind leaving soon.

5 X: I’d like to make friends with Dan’s sister.

Y :____
A I bet you’d like to introduce her.

B I can’t help introducing you.

C Do you want me to introduce you?

Writing: A personal profile

1 Read the exam task and answer the questions.

Przekazano ci dane ucznia z Wielkiej Brytanii, z którym
będziesz korespondował/korespondowała w ramach
programu partnerskiego waszych szkół. Napisz do niego

e-mail, w którym:

• przedstawisz się,
• opiszesz członków swojej rodziny,
• opiszesz coś, co lubisz,
• zapytasz o hobby kolegi i poprosisz o e-mail zwrotny.

a) Who is the email to?

b) Will it be formal or informal?

c) What is the purpose of the email?
d) What things do you need to include in the email?


Read the example email and check your answers to exercise 1.

« c e



Hi Peter!

M y nam e is M arek and I’ m 1 5 .1 live in Katowice. I’m quite h a rd-w o rk ing

at schoo l and I e n jo y it beca u se I like m ost o f m y teachers. I d o n ’t like
w riting English - I prefer sp e a k in g it!

Th e re are five p e o ple in m y fam ily. I’ve got tw o sisters. Joasia is 14 -
s h e ’s quiet and shy. Zosia is 12 and s h e ’s v e ry talkative, and fu n n y
s o m e tim es.

I like p la yin g football and listening to m usic. I’m a big fan o f h e a vy metal

a nd rap. I p la y the piano. O n e d a y I w a n t to p la y ja zz piano.

W h a t a b o u t yo u? W rite m e an em ail and tell m e a b o u t yo urse lf, yo u r
s ch o o l and y o u r fam ily.

A ll th e best,

M arek


Read the writing tip. Then read the email in exercise 2
again and answer the questions below.


Po napisaniu e-maila upewnij się, że odniosłeś się/

odniosłaś się do wszystkich punktów z polecenia.
Czytając swój tekst ponownie, odznaczaj w poleceniu

punkty, które przekazałeś/przekazałaś.

1 Underline the way Marek introduces himself.

2 Which members of his family does he describe? How?
3 What things does he like?
4 What does Marek ask Peter for information about?


□ Now do the exam task below.

Znalazłeś/Znalazłaś internetowe forum, na którym młodzi
ludzie szukają współtowarzyszy na wyprawę. Stwórz swój

profil internetowy, w którym:

• przedstawisz się,
• napiszesz, jakie masz hobby,
• opiszesz swoją osobowość,
• wyjaśnisz, dlaczego chcesz się wybrać na wyprawę.
Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien

zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.

U n i t 1



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W inning and losing

Use of English: Grammar

p a st sim p le ■ pa st c o n tin u o u s

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs

in brackets.

1 I woke up very early because the sun________ (shine)

through my window.

2 I ________ (stop) watching the film because I was

feeling tired.
When I heard the doorbell, I ________ (open) the door.

. (cycle) along the High Street when the car

hit me.

I ________ (do) my homework when you phoned me.

While we were having dinner, my sister________ (arrive).

When I got to the park, they _ _ _ _ _ _ (already, play)


2 O

Przeczytaj zdania 1-5 i wybierz zdanie A, B lub C mające

to samo znaczenie, co zdanie wyjściowe.


Jeśli zdanie wyjściowe i zdania parafrazujące zawierają

informację o sekwencji zdarzeń, ustal kolejność tych

wydarzeń i ponumeruj je najpierw w zdaniu wyjściowym,

a potem w zdaniu parafrazującym, które uważasz
za odpowiednie. Upewnij się, że w obydwu zdaniach
kolejność zdarzeń jest taka sama.

When I got to the restaurant, everyone was already eating.
A I got to the restaurant and everyone started eating.

B Everyone finished eating when I got to the restaurant.

C Everyone started eating before I got to the restaurant.

I opened all my presents when Auntie Jane arrived.

A Auntie Jane arrived before I opened all my presents.

B Auntie Jane arrived as I was opening all my presents.
C I opened all my presents before Auntie Jane arrived.

We were playing tennis when it started raining.
A It started raining before we played tennis.

B We started playing tennis and then it started raining.
C It was raining when we started playing tennis.

It was raining and the wind was blowing very hard.

A It started raining before the wind started blowing hard.

B The wind was blowing hard when it started raining.
C There was rain and a strong wind at the same time.

I jumped on the bus while it was leaving.

A The bus started leaving just before I jumped on.

B I jumped on the bus and then it left.
C The bus left before I could jump on.

Use of English: Vocabulary

S p o rts

Choose either play, go or do for each of the sports below.

1 karate ________________

2 cricket ________________

3 rowing ________________
4 boxing ________________

5 archery________________

6 netball ________________


□ Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A-C).


Nie zakreślaj pierwszej odpowiedzi, która wydaje ci

się prawidłowa. Zanim podejmiesz ostateczną decyzję,

rozważ wszystkie możliwości odpowiedzi.

I decided I needed to do a sport some time ago,
but it took me a long time to choose one. I looked
at the more exciting options first. I love watching


, but I spend too much time on my back

when I go skating. I fancied surfing but I live too

the sea. Nothing is more exciting than

the 3________ , but there’s not much opportunity to

do that in a country with very little snow. As for team
sports, I once played


________ and it was great, but

it’s an American thing, and people don’t play it in the

UK. I’ve never played basketball because 5________

very tall and that seems a real disadvantage. So, in the

end I’ve decided to go rowing, because I live near a

river. I’ve also done a lot of it in the gym!

A ice hockey

B snowboarding

C weightlifting

A close to

B far away from

C independently of

A surfing

B ski jump

C snowboarding

A baseball

B boxing

C fencing

A 1 won’t be

B I’m not

C 1 wasn’t being

was cycling




was doing

were already to play


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Use of English: Reacting to language

T a lk in g a b o u t th e past

1 Match the verbs and nouns.

1 cook

A karate

2 go

B a goal

3 go to

C dinner

4 visit

D volleyball

5 play

E bowling

6 do

F a party

7 score

G relatives


□ Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1-5 wybierz właściwą

reakcję (A-C).


Zwróć uwagę na czas gramatyczny, którego użyto
w pierwszym zdaniu w dialogu. Często ten sam czas jest

użyty w prawidłowej odpowiedzi.


Read the example letter. What did the writer enjoy most

about their stay?

Dear all,

1 hope '(ou're well and enjoyed the. rest of the summer. "flnanks so
much for having me in Tuly and looking after me so well. I had
a brilliant time on all the trips! I loved Warwick £astle the most
because 1 learned loads about 6nglish history.

1 got back safely and I've told everyone what a fantastic time I

had with '(ou. I've posted photos of the holiday on my Facebook
page, so 'fou'll see them there.

I'd like to invite you to come and stay with me netf summer.

There are lots of places we could visit and I reckon we'd have a

great time together.

Write soon and let me know how you are!

Lots of love, and thanks again for everything.


1 X: I went to the cinema on Saturday.

Y :____
A What were you seeing? B What do you see?

C What did you see?

2 X: What did you get up to at the weekend?

Y :____
A Pretty much! B Nothing much. C Very much!

3 X: How was your weekend?

Y :____
A It wasn’t much. B I didn’t do much. C Nothing much.

4 X: I had a quiet weekend. How about you?

Y :____
A I prefer to stay at home. B I’d rather stay at home.

C I stayed at home mostly.

5 X: I cooked dinner for my family on Sunday.

Y :____
A What did you do? B What did you make?

C Who did you make It for?

Writing: An informal thank-you letter

1 Read the exam task and answer the questions.

W czasie swojego ubiegłorocznego pobytu w Wielkiej

Brytanii, mieszkałeś/mieszkałaś u pewnej rodziny. Napisz

do jej członków list.
• Podziękuj im za gościnę i opisz podróż powrotną

do domu.

• Wyjaśnij, dlaczego podobał cl się twój pobyt u nich.
• Opisz, czym się zająłeś/zajęłaś po powrocie do domu.
• Zaproś Ich w odwiedziny u ciebie w przyszłe lato

i zaproponuj, co będziecie robić.

a) Who is the letter to?
b) What Information should you include In the

opening paragraph of your letter?

c) What phrases could you use for inviting them to

stay with you?

d) Which tenses will you need to use in the letter?


Read the writing tip. Then read the letter in exercise 2 again
and answer the questions below.


Upewnij się, że w liście nieoficjalnym zastosowałeś/

zastosowałaś formy skrócone (np.

I’m, it’s, we’ll).

W tego

typu liście nie powinno się stosować form pełnych.

Pamiętaj również o zastosowaniu nieoficjalnych wyrażeń,

loads of.

Find informal expressions in the letter that have the same
meaning as the expressions below.

a) Thank you very much _____________

b) an enjoyable experience ________________ /

c) a large amount__________________
d) many______________
e) I th in k_______________


□ Now do the exam task below.

Przebywając w Wielkiej Brytanii, zatrzymałeś się/

zatrzymałaś się u swojego brytyjskiego kolegi. Jego wujek

przysłał wam bilety na mecz footballowy. Napisz do niego
list, w którym:
• podziękujesz za bilety i poinformujesz, jak podobał

ci się mecz,

• opiszesz, co robiliście po meczu,

• podzielisz się swoimi wrażeniami z pobytu w Wielkiej


• zaprosisz go w odwiedziny do ciebie i zachęcisz do

udziału w jakimś wydarzeniu.

Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien

zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.

background image

House and home

Use of English: Grammar

some, any, much, many, a lot of, a little, a few

■ a rticle s

1 Choose the correct answer.

1 There were only a little / a few people in the shopping

centre today.

2 Do you have much space / rooms in your new apartment?
3 We have a pet cat and a pet dog, but a / the cat is my


4 Have you got some / any lOp coins in your pocket?

5 Welcome to my new home! This is a / the living room.
6 We don’t have some / any serious crime problems in

my town.

7 Do you like an / the Italian restaurant next to the bus


2 □ W każdym zdaniu (1-5) wybierz odpowiedź A-C, która

jest najlepszym tłumaczeniem fragmentu w nawiasie i po

wstawieniu jej w lukę utworzy poprawne zdanie.


Przed przeczytaniem możliwych odpowiedzi, zastanów
się, jaki wyraz lub jakie wyrażenie pasuje w zdaniu.
Następnie sprawdź, czy twoja propozycja jest jedną

z możliwych odpowiedzi.

1 There aren’t (wiele)____________

the centre.
A any B many C some

2 Hurry Up! There isn’t (wiele czasu).

. rubbish bins in


. with

A much time B anytime C many times

3 We’re having (kilka problemów)__________

the new computer system.
A any problems B a little problem C a few problems

4 There are (wiele świateł ruchu drogowego)

in this town!

A few traffic lights B more traffic lights

C a lot of traffic lights

I think there are (kiełbaski).

A any sausages

B no sausages

C some sausages

. in the fridge.

Use of English: Vocabulary

L a n d s c a p e s

Write U (= urban) or R (= rural) next to the words below.

] barn

pedestrian crossing

] billboard

] lane

traffic lights


] cottage


street lamp


2 EJ

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A-C).


Wybierając właściwą odpowiedź, zwracaj uwagę nie tylko

na wyrazy bezpośrednio przed luką i po niej. Aby dokonać
dobrego wyboru, często trzeba zwrócić uwagę na dłuższe
fragmenty tekstu, by prawidłowo określić jego kontekst.

OK, here’s how to get to the cottage from the station.
Don’t take the Lexington Road because there are

on it at the moment and the traffic is very

slow. Take the Warnborough Road and follow the

to Heathcote. When you come 3


a big roundabout, take the second road off that onto
a small country road. Go 4________ the bridge. The

road then continues through a small wood, and after

you haved passed a big farmhouse, the road becomes
a sm all5________ . Go as far as you can along that

and you’ll come to Rose Cottage.

A street lamps
A footpath
A in
A over
A hedge

B roadworks
B pavement
B to
B through
B lane

C telegraph poles
C road signs
C over
C onto
C stream

background image

Use of English: Reacting to language

Picture d e s c rip tio n

1 Put the words in the correct order.

1 in / man / the / is / hat / background / a / the / wearing /
2 front / the / is / ticket / girl / in / the / of / smiling /


3 looks / the / very / woman / unhappy / older

4 day / you / time / think / do / is / what / it / of / ?

5 think / boy / do / how / feeling / the / is / you / ?

6 can / the / picture / else / in / you / see / what / ?

2 O

Do każdej wypowiedzi (1-7) wybierz właściwą

reakcję (A-C).


Zwróć uwagę, czy zdanie wyjściowe dotyczy osoby czy

przedmiotu lub miejsca. Ta informacja często pomoże
ci w wyborze właściwej odpowiedzi.

X: What do you think the two girls are looking at?

Y :____



They both look relaxed.
They’re looking very serious.

I imagine it’s something scary.

Are there any disadvantages to living in these flats?

Yes, it’s not at all noisy.

It can be quite noisy sometimes.

No, it’s pretty noisy sometimes.

Where do you think the photo was taken?

It’s on the left. B It’s in the background.
It’s indoors.

4 X: I heard that the party wasn’t very good.

Y :____


That’s right - it was dreadful.
Yes, it was terrified,

disagree. I thought it was terrible.

Were you tired after all that hard work?

Yes, it was exhausted! B Yes, I was exhausted!
Yes, it wasn’t exhausting!

Writing: A travel blog entry

Read the exam task and answer the questions.

W czasie wakacji podróżujesz po Polsce i piszesz błoga,

którego czytają twoi znajomi i twoja rodzina. Napisz post
na blogu, w którym:
1 opiszesz miejsce, w którym się znajdujesz,
2 wyrazisz swoją opinię o tym miejscu,
3 opiszesz coś, co robiłeś/robiłaś poprzedniego dnia,

4 poinformujesz czytelników, gdzie następnie chcesz się

udać i wyjaśnisz, dlaczego w to miejsce.

Which of the four points in the task will these

phrases be used in?

a) I had to leave before ...
b) I’m going to Berwick
c) it’s absolutely stunning

d) It overlooks the sea


Read the example blog entry and check your answers in

exercise 1. Why did the writer have to leave Lindisfarne
so early?

Hi everyone!

Day 11 and I’m in Northumberland, just below
Scotland. Today I’m visiting Bamburgh. It’s a lovely
village on the coast. The real attraction in this place
is a castle. It overlooks the sea and it’s absolutely
stunning. There’s a huge sandy beach just below it

- what a shame it’s freezing today! I went round the

castle this morning. It was fascinating, but really
crowded with tourists.

Yesterday I went to the island of Lindisfarne. You

can walk over to it when the sea is out, but I had to

leave before it came back in at 4 o’clock!

Tomorrow I’m going to Benvick. I've always wanted

to see this place. I’ll be back home in one week.
I hope the dreadful weather improves.


Read the writing tip. Then read the blog in exercise 2 again.

Then find extreme adjectives in the blog and write them in
the gaps below.


Gdy opisujesz miejsce, używaj wielu przymiotników,
szczególnie tych o wzmocnionym znaczeniu (np.


dreadful, huge, stunning).

Zabieg ten sprawi, że opis

będzie ciekawszy i bogatszy językowo.

a) very bad____
b) very beautiful.
c) very cold.

d) very interesting_____________

4 d Now do the exam task below.

Poproszono cię o napisanie postu na popularnym blogu
podróżniczym. Opisz wybrane miejsce w Polsce, o którym
nieczęsto wspomina się w przewodnikach turystycznych.

• Określ, gdzie znajduje się to miejsce.
• Uzasadnij wybór tego miejsca.
• Opisz, co można tam zrobić lub zobaczyć.
• Zachęć czytelników błoga do zwiedzenia tego miejsca.
Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien

zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.

Unit 3


background image

, camera,

Use of English: Grammar

c o m p a ra tive s ■ s u p e rla tive s

1 Correct the mistakes in bold.

1 Bill Gates is one of the richer men in the world.

2 This painting is definitely most beautiful than that one.
3 Which of the three jokes do you find the funnier?
Polish is the more common language spoken in the UK

after English.

5 We haven’t got time enough to walk there.
6 Matt isn’t as clever than Sally.

2 CJ

Do każdego zdania (1-5) wybierz odpowiedź A-C, tak

aby po zastąpieniu nią podkreślonego fragmentu powstało
poprawne zdanie o tym samym znaczeniu, co zdanie wyjściowe.


Zastanów się, jak można sparafrazować podkreślony
fragment zdania, zanim przeczytasz możliwe odpowiedzi.
Następnie sprawdź, czy którakolwiek z opcji jest podobna
do twojej propozycji. Zanim zakreślisz odpowiedź, ustal,
dlaczego dwie pozostałe są błędne.

1 l’m as experienced as Damien at doing stunts.

A I have the same amount of experience as Damien

B Damien has more experience than me

C I have more experience than Damien

2 Of all the horror films I’ve seen, that was the scariest.

A that was as scary as the others

B that was scarier than the others

C the others were scarier

3 In my opinion, cycling is as dangerous as riding

a motorbike.

A riding a motorbike is less dangerous than cycling.

B riding a motorbike isn’t more dangerous than cycling.
C cycling is more dangerous than riding a motorbike.

4 The man in the ticket office said I was too voung to see

that film.
A I needed to be younger

B I wasn’t old enough

C I was young enough

5 Compared to his last film, the special effects weren’t

as amazing.

A were less amazing.

B weren’t amazing enough.

C were more amazing.


Use of English: Vocabulary

C in em a and T V

1 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

special soap comedies science

ceremony horror lead

1 I love romantic________ .
2 I never watch________ operas.
3 This is the best current affairs________ on TV.

4 I prefer not to watch________ films.

5 The________ effects were amazing!

6 It got ‘best film’ at the award________ last night.

7 She plays the________ role in that film.

8 It’s my favourite________ fiction film.


O W każdym zdaniu (1-5) wybierz odpowiedź A-C, która

jest najlepszym tłumaczeniem fragmentu w nawiasie i po
wstawieniu jej w lukę utworzy poprawne zdanie.


Postaraj się dopasować wtaściwy fragment zdania, zanim

przeczytasz tłumaczenie w nawiasie. Następnie sprawdź,
czy odpowiedź, którą wybrałeś/wybrałaś, odpowiada
fragmentowi w języku polskim.

1 I’m (wielkim fanem)____________ talent shows.

A a big fan of B a big fan about C a big fan for

2 I knew what was going to happen (w zakonczeniu)

of the film.

A at the end of B in the end of C to the end of

3 There’s a very (zabawny talk-show)____________ on TV

on Friday nights.

A interesting current affairs programme

B entertaining quiz show C funny chat show

4 I thought her last film was (przereklamowany)

A overadvertised B overrated C too good

5 You have to pay attention because the film

(cechuje szybka akcja).

A moves a lot B is extremely moving

C is very fast-moving

background image

Use of English: Reacting to language

i Buying tickets


1 Complete the questions and match them with the answers.

1 Which film do you want to________ ?
2 Which________ would you like, 7.30 or 9.00?
3 How many________ do you need?

4 How would you like to________ ?

5 Can I have the________ on your card, please?

6 What’s the________ date?


Four, please.

B 4753 8156 3932 8761

C December 2018
D Iron Man 3, please.

E 7.30, please.
F By debit card.

2 O W każdym dialogu


wybierz właściwą reakcję (A-C).


Jeśli w pierwszym zdaniu dialogu jest przymiotnik, sprawdź,

czy w reakcjach znajduje się wyraz, który się do niego odnosi.

1 X: I’m afraid that showing is sold out.

Y :____
A I’d like that showing, please.

B The eight-thirty showing, please.

C What time is the next one?

2 X: Sorry, did you say three tickets?

Y :____

A Yes, can I have two tickets, please?

B Yes, two adults and two children.

C No, I’d like two tickets, please.

3 X: How would you like to pay?

Y :____
A That’s
£21 change. B By credit card, please.

C For three tickets, please.

4 X: That was pretty violent, wasn’t it?

Y: ____
A Yes, it was incredibly fast-moving.

B Yes, it really made me think.

C Yes, too much fighting and blood!

5 X: I’ve never been so bored in my life!

Y :____
A I found it a bit dull too.

B I agree. I thought it was gripping.

C Yes, I noticed that you were very boring.

Writing: An informal email about a movie

1 Read the exam task and answer the questions.

Obejrzałeś/Obejrzałaś z koleżanką w kinie film, który
nakręcono w oparciu o książkę. Napisz e-mail do kolegi.
• Napisz, dlaczego chcieliście obejrzeć ten film i kto

ci go polecił.

• Opisz krótko jego akcję.

• Porównaj ten film z innymi, które widziałeś/widziałaś.
• Podaj opinie innych ludzi o tym filmie.

a) What kind of film should the writer describe?

b) What information could the writer give about going to

see the film?

c) What tense should the writer use to say what happens

in the film?

d) Who else’s opinion of the film could the writer give?


Read the example email and check your answers in exercise 1.

Did both people enjoy the film?


Hi Sam!

I saw Life o f P i with Amy yesterday. We chose this film because it

was the only new film in 3D. My dad recommended it.

It’s based on a book by Yann Martel about an Indian boy whose

family has a zoo. He ends up in a small boat in the middle of the
sea, with ... a tiger! The ending is strange ... but you should see it

The special effects were amazing. The 3D was better than in most
film s and they made the tiger look so real. Amy jumped once when
the tiger appeared suddenly, but she loved the film too. Everyone

I’ve spoken to thought it was great. So try and see it.

See you soon,



Look at the writing tip. Then read the email in exercise 2

again and answer the questions below.


Zanim zaczniesz pisać, przeznacz kilka minut na
zaplanowanie tekstu. Zanotuj pomysły dotyczące tego,
0 czym możesz napisać, a potem wybierz te najlepsze

1 ułóż je w kolejności.

Look at the points from the writer’s plan and write the

order in which they appear in the email. Cross out the three

points that weren’t used.



film title


main character




Amy’s opinion


length offilm




special effects ____

people in cinema ____

book’s author


4 E3 Now do the exam task below.

Napisz e-mail do anglojęzycznej koleżanki, w którym

opowiesz jej o filmie akcji, który ostatnio obejrzałeś/
obejrzałaś w kinie.

• Wyjaśnij, dlaczego chciałeś/chciałaś obejrzeć ten film.
• Opisz krótko jego akcję.
• Porównaj ten film z innymi, które widziałeś/widziałaś.
• Przytocz przeciwną opinię osoby, z którą obejrzałeś/

obejrzałaś ten film.

Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien

zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.

background image

Use of English: Grammar

present perfect » past simple

1 Choose the correct tense and complete the sentences with

for, since or ago.

1 I am / ’ve been at this school________ three years.

2 We started / ’ve started this textbook four months

3 Have you lived / Did you live in that house______

last six months?

4 My dad works / has worked for the same company


5 It’s two years________ we went / ’ve gone to the


6 My sister bought / has bought me this pen a year


2 Q

Wybierz wtaściwą odpowiedź (A-C).


Zanim przystąpisz do wyboru odpowiedzi, przeczytaj
szybko cały tekst, by zorientować się, czego dotyczy.

We moved here from Scotland six months ago and

a lot of friends since then. I found

we 1____
a new job as a hotel receptionist after a couple of

months, so 13________ there for four months already.
The time 4________ really quickly, but it also seems

like ages since we left Scotland. 16________ much

of the garden around the house yet, but our son Josh

7________ an ‘expedition’ through the jungle last

week and said he found a pond!

1 A made

B make

C ’ve made

2 A was

B ’ve been there Cam

3 A goes

B has gone

C went

4 A haven’t cleared

B didn’t clear

C don’t clear

5 A was making

B has made

C made

Use of English: Vocabulary

■ At the shops

1 Complete the names of the shops and add shop, store,

centre o r’s.






I ___ th ___s


h___ m ___ s

4 g __ r ______ n

5 e __ e ___tr__







2 O

Przeczytaj zdania. Wybierz wyraz A, B, lub C, tak aby

pasował do wszystkich trzech zdań w każdym zestawie (1-5).
Zakreśl wtaściwą literę.


Nie wybieraj odpowiedzi po przeczytaniu tylko pierwszego

zdania. Upewnij się, że wybrany przez ciebie wyraz pasuje
we wszystkich trzech zdaniach.

I got these jeans in the January ... so they were really
Excuse me, is this vase for... ?

The shop assistants here get 10% of the value of every

... they make.


B sale

C purchase

This is the second message I’ve left on your phone.

Please... my call.
I want to ... this jumper because there’s a hole in it.
I’m afraid the manager is away and won’t ... until tomorrow,


B give back

C reply

Many buskers come and ... in Covent Garden.

Jenny w ill... an important role in increasing our sales.
This word processing program doesn’t ... well on my





B achieve

C perform

I’d like you to ... me my money back.

I’m afraid we don’t ... refunds.

You didn’t need to ... me such an expensive present!

B give

C present

Can we drive to the DIY... and get some paint?

I ... all my shoes under my bed.

This hard disk can ... more than a thousand films on it.

sh o D

B centre

C store

background image

Use of English: Reacting to language

M a k in g a c o m p la in t

1 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1 Excuse me. There’s a problem________ this DVD.

2 I bought this jacket last week and a button has come


3 Could I speak________ the manager, please?
4 I thinkyou should take this back________ the shop.

5 What’s wrong________ it?

6 I bought this________ your shop last week.

7 I am enclosing the receipt________ this letter.


C|Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1-5 wybierz wtaściwą

reakcję (A-C).

Zastanów się, czy wypowiedź wzbudzitaby w adresacie

pozytywne czy negatywne odczucia. To może ci pomóc

w wyborze odpowiedniej reakcji.

1 X: I’m afraid we’ve sold out.

Y :____

A OK, I’ll try somewhere else. B OK, I’ll try it, please.

C OK, I’ll try it on.

2 X: Are you sure you bought this here?

Y :____
A Yes, I’ve got a refund. B Yes, I’ve got a reference.
C Yes, I’ve got the receipt.

3 X: Can I have my money back?

Y :____
A I’m afraid we don’t give refunds.

B I’m afraid we don’t give exchanges.
C I’m afraid we don’t give receipts.

4 X: Can I exchange it?

Y :____
A No, but we could repair this one.

B No, but we could give you another one.
C No, I’m afraid we don’t give change.

5 X: Is there anything else?

Y :____

A No, I’ll buy it.

B Yes, I’ll have it.

C No, that’s all thanks.

Writing: Complaining about a service

on an Internet forum

1 Read the exam task and answer the questions.

Jesteś niezadowolony/niezadowolona z usługi

szerokopasmowego internetu, którą niedawno zamówili
twoi rodzice. Znalazłeś/Znalazłaś forum internetowe,
na którym użytkownicy wyrażają swoje zastrzeżenia

do tej usługi. Napisz post na tym forum.

• Opisz usługę, która miała być świadczona.
• Napisz,
jakie miałeś/miałaś z nią problemy.

Wyjaśnij, jak twoim zdaniem firma powinna poprawić tę


• Zapytaj innych użytkowników forum, czy spotkali się

z podobnymi problemami.

a) What is the purpose of the forum?

b) What details might the writer give about the broadband


c) What tense will the writer use to describe their problems

using the service?

d) How will the writer end their post?


Read the example post and check your answers to exercise 1.
Does the writer say anything positive about the service?

We’ve had BroadFast for two months - the ‘anytime’

package, costing £25 a month.






I’ve had lots of problems using it. The highest
download speed I’ve reached is 18 Mbps, but only


once - most of the time it's been lower than that.
I’ve often had problems connecting to the Internet

k and sometimes I’ve lost connection in the middle of

downloading something.

I’m really fed up with the service. I think these

\ broadband companies should stop advertising speeds

of ‘up to’ and tell us what speed we’re really going to
get. I also think people should get some money back
every month if there have been connection problems.

Have you had the same problems with Broadfast?
If so, what have they done about it?

Kevin, Devon, UK


Read the tip. Then read the post in exercise 2 again and
answer the questions below.


Powoli i z uwagą zapoznaj się z informacjami, które należy
przekazać w zadaniu. Zastanów się, jakich zwrotów można
użyć do przekazania każdej z podanych informacji (np. I’ve
had lots of problems with.... / I’m really annoyed about....)
i zanotuj je. Pisząc list, wykreślaj wykorzystane zwroty.

a) What information does the writer give at the beginning of

his post?

b) What else could the writer say at the beginning of his post?
c) What phrase is used to express the author’s opinion?
d) What tense is used to ask about other people’s


4 O

Now do the exam task below.

Napisz post na forum internetowym, w którym wyrazisz

niepochlebną opinię o usłudze dotyczącej naprawy roweru.

• Napisz, na czym miała polegać usługa.
• Opisz problemy, które z nią miałeś/miałaś.

• Wyjaśnij, jakie masz odczucia związane z wykonaniem


• Zapytaj, czy użytkownicy forum mieli podobne problemy.

Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien

zawierać od



130 stów.

background image

How techie are you?

Use of English: Grammar


going to

■ ze ro c o n d itio n a l

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs

in brackets.

1 And that’s 4-1 with only five minutes left. Liverpool

(win) this one comfortably.

2 If you mix yellow and blue, you________ (get) green.

. (win) Wimbledon

I don’t think Andy Murray_____
next year.
‘We’ve sold out of strawberry ice cream.’
‘OK, I ________ (have) chocolate.’

i’ve joined the gym and I ________ (get) fit this year.

Buy the more expensive one. I ________ (lend) you

the money.

2 0

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A-C).


Po wybraniu odpowiedzi upewnij się, że pozostałe opcje
są niepoprawne. Nie polegaj na intuicji. Upewnij się,
że wiesz, dlaczego pozostałe odpowiedzi są niepoprawne.

A Where’s the remote control for the new TV recorder?

I’ll record a film we can watch tomorrow night.

B It1________ on the sofa or one of the armchairs.

A I can’t see it there.

B Just a minute. 2I____ ____ you look. Here it is, under the

sofa. It’s really easy to use. If you press this button, the

on the screen with all the instructions.

What are you going to record?

The Bourne Legacy.

it. If you !

. any good - it hasn’t got Matt Damon in
___a Bourne film, it has to be with him.

A OK, I’ll record Men in Black III instead.

1 A ’11 be

B ’s going to be

2 A ’m going to help B ’m helping
3 A is appearing

B appears

4 A won’t be

5 A ’11 make

B made

C ’s been
C ’ll help

C is going to appear

B isn’t going to be C hasn’t been


Use of English: Vocabulary

Electronic devices

1 Match the verbs and nouns.

1 charge

A a phone call

2 download

B your profile

3 pick up

C to a website

4 follow

D the Internet

5 make

E your emails

6 surf

F a film

7 update

G satnav directions

8 log on

H the battery

2 O

Przeczytaj zdania. Wybierz wyraz A, B, C lub D, tak aby

pasował do wszystkich trzech zdań w każdym zestawie (1-5).

Zakreśl właściwą literę.


Przynajmniej dwie z podanych możliwości odpowiedzi
będą miały bardzo podobne znaczenie. Możliwe, że to

właśnie jedna z nich będzie właściwa. Upewnij się jednak,

że pozostałe są błędne przynajmniej w jednym zdaniu.

• Can you ... Suzy from the station?
• I use my smartphone to ... emails.
• Could you ... all that paper from the floor?

A collect

B return

C pick up

D find

I ... a lot programmes to watch later.
Most websites keep a ... of every visit you’ve made.
I don’t think a CD or MP3 file can sound as good as a



B download

C store

D track

I ... all my photos on this hard drive.

This hard disk recorder can ... over 1000 hours of


We ... wood for the winter months in the basement,


B keep

C collect

D store

I think tablets ... laptops when it comes to reading

things online.
Tom will easily ... you at that computer game.

It’s true that lying makes your heart... faster - I can feel it!


B win

C check

D challenge

background image

• This bag can ... my laptop and an extra battery.

• You ... the tablet in one hand and use the other to swipe

up and down.

• We’re going to ... a competition - the first prize is a


A carry

B have

C keep

D hold

Use of English: Reacting to language


1 Put the words in the correct order.

1 you / that / I / heavy / shall / box / carry / help / ?

2 joining / fancy / you / lunch / for / do / tomorrow / us / ?
3 can’t / sorry / Thursday / make / but / I’m / on / it / I

4 go / you / with / like / would / us / skateboarding / to / ?

5 and / you / why / us / the / come / don’t / join / park / in / ?

6 round / and / you / call / maybe / see / we’ll / later

2 O Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach


wybierz właściwą

reakcję (A-C).


Jeśli w pierwszym zdaniu dialogu występuje rzeczownik

lub zaimek, upewnij się, że odnosi się do rzeczownika lub

zaimka w wybranej odpowiedzi.

1 X: Why don’t you come along?

Y :____
A I’d love to I’m afraid.

B I’d rather but I can’t.

C I’d love to but I can’t.

2 X: Would you like to bring Sheila?

Y :____

A Yes, I’ll pick her up on my way.

B Sure, I’ll drop her off at 6.00.
C Thanks, I’ll carry her around.

3 X: We’re going out for a pizza if you want to come.

Y :____

A Sorry, but I can’t do it. B Sorry, but I can’t make pizza.

C Sorry, but I can’t make it.

4 X: Would you like to see Skyfall at the cinema with us

on Saturday?

Y :____
A Which showing are you going to?

B What are you going to show?

C I’d love to come to the show.

5 X: I’m afraid I’m busy on Sunday.

Y :____
A OK, join us another time.

B OK, join us once more. C OK, join us again.

Writing: Giving instructions on a blog

1 Read the exam task and answer the questions.

Redaktorzy błoga naukowego poprosili cię o napisanie
informacji o aplikacji edukacyjnej. Napisz post, w którym:
• opiszesz tę aplikację,
• udzielisz instrukcji, jak z niej korzystać,
• wyrazisz swoją opinię na jej temat,
• podzielisz się swoimi przypuszczeniami na temat

przyszłości tej aplikacji.


What’s the purpose of the post?


What tense should the writer use to write the instructions?


What phrases could the writer use for expressing opinions?


What tenses wilt the writer use to speculate about the

future of the app?

2 Read the example blog post and check your answers in

exercise 1. Is the app just for astronomers?

I want to tell you about an app called Night Sky. It’s an

astronomy app, but anyone would enjoy using it.
It works on a smartphone but is better on a tablet.


Go outside at night and hold your tablet up to the sky.


The app opens when you tap on it. The stars and


planets you see on the tablet are exactly what’s there


in the real sky behind it! Move your tablet around and


it shows you whichever part of the sky you’re looking


at. It gives the names of all the planets, stars and




I love it! It’s a fantastic mix of education and fun.


I’m sure it will be a great success and get more


people interested in astronomy.

v Gemma Watkins


Aby udzielić instrukcji, możesz użyć trybu rozkazującego,

np.: press, hold, move itp. Możesz również zastosować

tzw. zerowy tryb warunkowy, np.: If you press the red
button, It opens the information screen.


Read the blog post again and underline all the instructions.

Which of them are imperatives and which ones are zero

conditional sentences?

4 Q

Now do the exam task below.

Redaktorzy błoga poświęconego nowoczesnym

technologiom poprosili cię o napisanie możliwie

najprostszych instrukcji, jak korzystać z nowego
odtwarzacza MP3. Napisz post, w którym:
• opiszesz ten odtwarzacz MP3,
• podasz kilka prostych instrukcji, jak go używać,
• podzielisz się swoją opinią na temat instrukcji

dołączonych do tego urządzenia,

• porównasz ten odtwarzacz z innymi, z których wcześniej


Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien

zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.

background image

Around the world

Use of English: Grammar


must, mustn’t, needn't « first conditional

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in


1 It’s necessary to use a pen - you________ (musisz)

bring one.

2 You________ (nie wolno) point at people - it’s rude.

3 If you choose the chicken curry, I ________ (podzielę

się) it with you.

4 You________ (nie musisz) bring any food - we’ve got


5 We

. (nie możemy) forget to put the rubbish out


6 We’ll sing some songs if you________ (przyniesiesz)

your guitar.

2 13

Przeczytaj zdania 1-5 i wybierz zdanie A, B lub C mające

to samo znaczenie, co zdanie wyjściowe.


Wyrazy i wyrażenia użyte w zdaniach wyjściowych są często
takie same, jak te w parafrazach. Jednak nie daj się zwieść!
Aby mieć pewność, że dokonasz właściwego wyboru,

upewnij się, że znaczenie obu zdań jest takie samo.

You needn’t pay to park here on Sundays.
A You mustn’t pay to park here on Sundays.

B It’s not necessary to pay to park here on Sundays.
C You have to pay to park here on Sundays.

Passengers mustn’t speak to the bus driver.

A The bus driver mustn’t speak to passengers.

B Passengers needn’t speak to the bus driver.
C Don’t speak to the bus driver if you are a passenger.

Readers must remain completely silent in the library.

A Readers needn’t talk in the library.

B Readers mustn’t talk quietly in the library.

C It’s necessary to keep quiet in the library.

You needn’t bring any drinks to the party.
A You can bring drinks to the party if you want to.

B If you come to the party, you’ll need to bring a drink.
C You mustn’t bring any drinks to the party.

Swimmers mustn’t stay in the pool for more than
two hours.
A You mustn’t stay in the pool for an hour and a half.

B You needn’t stay in the pool for two and a half hours.

C You must stay in the pool for less than two hours.

Use of English: Vocabulary

Body language

1 Complete the phrases with the correct verb.

pat nod fold swallow shake (x2)

shrug give cross









.your arms

your legs cheek

.your head from side to side
. your head up and down
.the thumbs up
. hands
. somebody on the cheek

.your shoulders
.your food
. somebody on the back

2 EJ

W każdym zdaniu (1-5) wybierz odpowiedź A-C, która

jest najlepszym tłumaczeniem fragmentu w nawiasie

i po wstawieniu jej w lukę utworzy poprawne zdanie.


Skreśl to tłumaczenie fragmentu zdania, które twoim
zdaniem na pewno jest błędne. Dokonaj wyboru spośród
dwóch pozostałych możliwości.

1 Arabs often (jedzą palcami)______________ .

A eat by their fingers

B eat with their fingers
C eat from their fingers

2 I knew it was a joke when Pavel (do mnie mrugnął)

A gave me a shrug

B gave me a hug
C gave me a wink

3 She asked the children to sit on the floor

(ze skrzyżowanymi nogami)______________ .

A with their legs crossed

B with their legs folded

C with their legs straight

4 I want everyone to (siedzieć prosto)______________ .

A sit down straight

B sit up straight

C sit back straight

5 As our ship left, the people watching (pomachali nam)

A waved at us

B pointed at us

C beckoned to us

background image

Use of English: Reacting to language

Giving advice and recommendations

1 Put the words in the correct order.

1 you / information / about / some / can / the / us / city /

give / ?

2 where / show / on / that / me / can / map / is / you /

the / ?

3 else / interested / are / what / in / you / ?
4 bus / we / sightseeing / do / where / the / catch / ?

5 any / at / are / on / festivals / moment / there / the / ?

6 get / can / taxi / where / from / a / we / ?

2 Cl

Do każdego dialogu 1-5 wybierz właściwą reakcję (A-C).


Jeśli dialog składa się z trzech wypowiedzi, upewnij się,

że reakcja, którą wybrałeś/wybrałaś, pasuje zarówno
do pierwszej, jak i do drugiej wypowiedzi.

1 X: I think you should visit the old castle.

Y :____

X: There’s the antique market which is on today.
A Do you recommend it?

B What can you recommend?

C What else could you recommend?

2 X: Are there any art galleries in the town?

Y :____

X: We like visiting churches.

A Yes. Are you interested in art?

B I’m afraid not. What else are you interested in?
C Why are you interested in art?

3 X: How long will it take to walk to the hotel?

Y :____

X: Is there a taxi rank nearby?

A It should only take two minutes.

B Not long - it’s only a hundred metres from here.

C I don’t think you should walk there - it’s too far.

4 X: Is there anything we need to know?

Y :____

X: That’s OK - we’ll be asleep before then!

A You must take breakfast between 7.00 and 11.00.

B You mustn’t have the TV on after 11.00pm.

C You must leave the room by 12.00.

5 X: Can we book tickets for the carnival in July?

Y :____
X: OK, thanks.
A You must come in July - the carnival will be fantastic.

B You mustn’t book tickets because it will be popular.

C You needn’t book tickets in advance.

Writing: An informal email asking for advice

1 Read the exam task and answer the questions.

Wraz ze swoją rodziną wybierasz się na festiwal do

Edynburga. Napisz e-mail do znajomego mieszkającego

w Szkocji i poproś go, by udzielił ci wskazówek przed

1 Zapytaj, co słychać u kolegi i wyraź nadzieję,

że spotkacie się niebawem.

2 Wyjaśnij, jakie masz plany związane z uczestnictwem

w festiwalu.

3 Poproś kolegę o poradę w kwestii zakwaterowania

i zapytaj, kiedy należy kupić bilety.

4 Podziękuj za pomoc i poinformuj kolegę, że nie możesz

się doczekać waszego spotkania.

Which of the four points in the task will these phrases be

used in?
a) how early we should try and book
b) Can you recommend
c) for any help you can give me
d) my family are coming to Scotland


Read the example email and check your answers to exercise 1.

Where would Hannah and her parents like to stay?

I Hi Robert!

How are you? I hope you and your family are well. I’m hoping we

can meet up in September - my family are in Scotland for the

| Edinburgh Festival.

! I was wondering if you could recommend somewhere not too

expensive to stay? You needn’t book it - we’ll book it on the
Internet. We’d prefer somewhere in Edinburgh, but if that’s not
possible, it will be OK because my dad is going to hire a car.

I Also, can you give advice on how early we should book tickets for

festival events? Is it true that the programme isn’t decided until
six weeks before the festival?


Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. Looking forward

j to seeing you in the summer!



j Hannah

3 O

Now do the exam task below.

Wraz z rodziną planujesz wakacje w Nowej Zelandii. Napisz
e-mail do mieszkającej tam koleżanki, w którym poprosisz
o udzielenie wskazówki przed wyjazdem.

• Zapytaj koleżankę, co u niej słychać i powiedz,

co słychać u ciebie.

• Poinformuj ją o planowanym wyjeździe.
• Zapytaj o możliwości zakwaterowania i o to, co warto

zobaczyć w Nowej Zelandii.

• Podziękuj za pomoc i obiecaj podzielić się z koleżanką

wrażeniami z wyjazdu.

Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien

zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.

background image

W hat i f ... ?

Use of English: Grammar

second conditional

I wish...

1 Complete the sentences with suitable verbs.

1 If I had a car, I ________ to school because it would be

so quick.

2 I bet you wish you________ so much homework to do


3 If you________ less time playing computer games,

you’d have time for other things.

4 I wish I ________ longer legs - I hate them being so


5 I wish we________ near a railway line. The noise stops

me getting to sleep sometimes.

6 You________ better if you didn’t drink coffee before you

went to bed.

2 O Do każdego zdania


wybierz odpowiedź A-C, tak

aby po zastąpieniu nią podkreślonego fragmentu powstało

poprawne zdanie o tym samym znaczeniu, co zdanie



Upewnij się, czy czas zastosowany w podkreślonym

fragmencie zdania odpowiada czasowi użytemu
w wybranej przez ciebie odpowiedzi. Zwróć również

uwagę na podmiot - czy jest ten sam i czy zgadza się
liczba (pojedyncza lub mnoga).

1 I wish I wasn’t so short - then I could be a model.

A If I was a bit shorter

B I wish I wasn’t taller
C I’d like to be taller

2 I wish we had a tennis court. I can’t practise often


A We had a tennis court.

B I’d go to a tennis court.
C I’d be happy if we had a tennis court.

3 I’d go and live in Mexico if I spoke better Spanish.

A but my Spanish isn’t good enough.

B but I don’t speak Spanish.

C because I speak Spanish well.

4 If vou studied harder, then you’d do better at school.

A If studying wasn’t hard

B If you weren’t so lazy in your studies
C You needn’t study harder

5 It’s six o’clock already. I wish we didn’t have to leave.

A I’m sorry we have to leave.

B We don’t need to leave.
C It’s a shame we don’t have to leave.

Use of English: Vocabulary

P lanet Earth

1 Write two of the natural disasters in each category.

earthquake drought tsunami tornado landslide

famine flood forest fire hurricane volcanic eruption

1 Bring large amounts of water:

2 Bring large amounts of wind:

3 When large areas of earth move suddenly:

4 Burn everything around them:

5 Result from not enough rain:

2 Q

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A-C).


Gdy zaznaczysz wszystkie odpowiedzi, przeczytaj jeszcze
raz cały tekst, by upewnić się, że ma sens i jest spójny

z wybranymi przez ciebie odpowiedziami.


We all know about the dangers to our planet as a

result of Hollywood 1________ movies. Their heroes
have rescued us from volcanic eruptions, massive

earthquakes, global2________ caused by deadly
viruses, and perhaps the biggest danger of them all:

collisions with asteroids from outer space.

Today the TV news often shows us scenes that look like
those movies. The dangers are slightly different though

- it isn’t the earthquakes that3________ thousands,
but the giant tsunamis that come in from the ocean

after them. Hurricanes and tornadoes are considered
normal weather events in the US, but the size and
number of them in recent years has been
h________ .

It’s not so much the winds that have caused a lot of

damage, but the massive 5________ that they cause.


1 A destruction

B disaster

C emergency

2 A famine

B diseases

C drought

3 A have killed

B don’t kill

C were killing

4 A devastating

B striking

C destroying

5 A droughts

B famines

C floods

background image

Use of English: Reacting to language

: S tim u lu s d is c u s s io n

1 Write the expressions in the correct category.

What’s more,...

I’d (much) rather...

That’s because ...

I wouldn’t choose ...

I think... would be better

There’s also the fact that...

I don’t think... would be as good

The main reason for this is that...

1 Making a choice

2 Rejecting opinions

3 Giving reasons

4 Adding extra reasons

2 O

Do każdej wypowiedzi 1-5 wybierz właściwą reakcję (A-C).


Próbując wskazać właściwą odpowiedź, zwróć uwagę na to,

czy w zdaniu wyjściowym i opcjach występują wyrażenia
synonimiczne, np. I think i I imagine, I’d rather i I prefer to,
it’s a pity i what a shame.

1 X: I’d prefer to raise money for sports equipment.

Y :____
A What’s more, raising money for sports equipment

would be great.

B I’d much rather raise money for an animal charity.

C I think raising money for sports equipment would be

as good.

2 X: I think holding a raffle would be better.

Y :____
A I don’t think a raffle would be as good.

B Really? I’d prefer to hold a raffle.

C What’s more, we could hold a raffle.

3 X: Why don’t you think a cake sale would be as good?

Y :____
A What’s more, cakes aren’t healthy.

B The main reason is that not everyone likes baking cakes.

C I wouldn’t choose a cake sate.

4 X: I’m rejecting the idea of a sponsored run.

Y :____
A Shall we do something else sponsored?

B Do you think we can find enough sponsors?

C How much should we ask people to sponsor us for?

5 X: Why wouldn’t you choose a bike ride?

Y :____
A Because
the v.eaihe' " ig ^ i not be good enough for


B The main reesr- s

" Lave cycling.

C I think c y i'-g

2B r=£!er.

Writing: Announcing an event on a blog

1 Read the exam task and answer the questions.

Prowadzisz blog organizacji charytatywnej. Napisz post,

w którym poinformujesz czytelników o zbliżającej się
zbiórce pieniędzy na cel dobroczynny.

• Poinformuj czytelników, jaki jest cel zbiórki.
• Przedstaw szczegóły spotkania.
• Powiadom czytelników, ile pieniędzy chcielibyście zebrać.
• Poinformuj, w jaki sposób można się przyłączyć do akcji.

a) What is the purpose of the announcement?

b) Who will read it?

c) Does the writer need to tell people about the charity?
d) What details will the writer probably give about the event?


Read the example announcement. Is it asking for people with

baking experience?

Calling all fundraisers!

As you all know, we’re trying to raise more money for
poor people.

On Saturday 12th September we’ll have a ‘bakeathon’.
We’re going to spend the whole day baking cakes and

selling them to the public on the street outside. It doesn’t
matter if you haven’t baked cake before - we’ve got
some easy recipes, and it’ll be great fun.

We’re hoping we’ll be able to raise at least thousand

pounds during the day. It sounds a lot, but if you all will

: come and help, it won’t be too difficult to reach that amount.

Send us an email using link below if you want to take

part. Or just turn up at Town Hall on Saturday.

Looking forward to us all mixing together!



Read the writing tip. Then read the announcement in

exercise 2 again and answer the questions below.


Gdy napiszesz cały tekst, sprawdź uważnie, czy nie
zawiera błędów. Upewnij się, czy poprawnie użyłeś/

użyłaś czasów gramatycznych oraz czy umieściłeś/
umieściłaś właściwe przedimki przed rzeczownikami

Sprawdź również poprawność pisowni.

1 What is the purpose of the fundraising event?
2 What do people have to do to take part?
3 Find four articles which are missing.

4 Correct two grammatical mistakes.

4 Q

Now do the exam task below.

Napisz post na blogu klubu sportowego. Poinformuj

w nim o wydarzeniu, którego celem będzie zbiórka środków

na działalność klubu.
• Przypomnij czytelnikom, dlaczego działalność klubu

jest ważna.

• Poinformuj o zbliżającym się wydarzeniu.
• Przedstaw cel tego wydarzenia.
• Poinstruuj czytelników, w jaki sposób mogą wziąć udział.

Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien
zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.

U n it e I 4 0

background image


Crime scene

Use of English: Grammar

past perfect ■ reported speech

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs

in brackets.
1 I was annoyed when the shop assistant told me they

(sell out) of potatoes.

2 We________ (leave) before the match had ended to try

and avoid the traffic.

Sam said he_______

(meet) us in the park tomorrow.

I couldn’t phone you because my phone________
(run out of) charge.

Jackie said she________ (wait) for me outside the

cinema and told me to hurry up.

When the film had finished, the lights________ (come on).

2 d

Przeczytaj zdania 1-5 i wybierz zdanie (A-C) mające to

samo znaczenie, co zdanie wyjściowe.


Jeśli wszystkie zdania parafrazujące zawierają ten sam typ

transformacji (np. z mowy niezależnej na mowę zależną),

spróbuj najpierw samodzielnie sparafrazować zdanie

wyjściowe i zobacz, czy któraś z podanych odpowiedzi
jest taka sama.

1 The band had started playing when we arrived.

A The band was playing when we arrived.

B We arrived when the band started playing.
C We had arrived when the band started playing.

2 ‘It’s difficult to catch cybercriminals but we’ll try,’ said

the policeman.
A The policeman said it had been difficult to catch

cybercriminals but they had tried.

B The policeman said it was difficult to catch

cybercriminals but they would try.

C The policeman said it would be difficult to catch

cybercriminals but they were trying.

3 We were cycling to school when the tornado struck.

A We had cycled to school when the tornado struck.

B The tornado struck when we started cycling to school.
C When the tornado had struck, we started cycling to


4 The police said they were questioning two men they’d

arrested on Monday.

A ‘We questioned two men we’d arrested on Monday,’

the police said.

B ‘We questioned two men we arrested on Monday,’

the police said.

C ‘We’re questioning two men we arrested on Monday,’

5 A button had come off my jeans. I was sewing it back on

when you rang.
A First a button came off my jeans, then I started sewing

it back on, and then you rang.

B First you rang, then a button came off my jeans, and

then I started sewing it back on.

C First 1 started sewing a button back on my jeans, then

you rang, and then a button came off.

Use of English: Vocabulary

Crimes and criminals

1 Match the crimes and definitions.


5 joyriding

6 shoplifting

7 vandalism
8 murder

taking something from a person in the street
destroying or damaging public property
setting fire to a building
taking something from a house

killing someone

taking something from a bank
taking a car and driving it around fast for fun

H taking something from a shop

2 O

Przeczytaj zdania. Wybierz wyraz A, B lub C, tak aby

pasował do wszystkich trzech zdań w każdym zestawie (1-5).

Zakreśl właściwą literę.


Jeśli nie rozumiesz któregoś zdania, skup się na dwóch

pozostałych. Czasem to wystarczy, by wyeliminować
niepoprawne odpowiedzi.

The arsonists tried to ... fire to the main school building.
We need to ... off for the airport at 8.00 tomorrow.

I’m going to ... up a website for my new business,


B put

C set

Two men were arrested for... drugs.

Mrs Huntley is responsible for... with students’ problems.
My job involves ... with customers,


B dealing

C managing

It’s not easy to ... cybercriminals because they can use

different computers.

If you ring John now, you’ll just... him before he leaves

the house.

I tried to ... the 8.00 train but it was already leaving.

background image


• The burglars managed to ... into the house while the

owners were on holiday.

• If you ... the law, you will be punished.
• I saw him ... the window playing football, but I didn’t tell


A break

B smash

C strike

• I gave the police my ... of what had happened.
• Someone must have found the password for my email....
• The bank said that someone had taken money from my....

A details

B record

C account

Use of English: Reacting to language

Reporting a theft

1 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

describe fill in report take last j

1 I’d like to________ a theft, please.
2 Where did you________ have your jacket?
3 Could you________ the jacket, please?

4 OK, I’ll just________ some details and make some notes.

5 If you could just________ this form, please.

2 O Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach


wybierz właściwą

reakcję (A-C).


Podkreśl kluczowy wyraz lub kluczowe wyrażenie

w pierwszym zdaniu dialogu. Następnie sprawdź,
czy wybrana odpowiedź odnosi się do tego wyrazu lub

1 X: I’d like to report a theft, please.

Y :____
A OK, I’ll just fill in some questions.

B OK, I’ll just take some details.

C OK, could you take some details?

2 X: Could you describe the bag, please?

Y :____
A Yes, I had it half an hour ago.

B Yes, I’ll take some details.

C Yes, it’s made of leather.

3 X: Could I ask if tkere was any ID in the bag?

Y :____
A I’mnotsure.

B Yes, of course.

C Yes, that’s fine.

4 X: What was in ifce wallet?

Y :____
A It was in my jacket sucket.

B It just had cash in it.

C It was in the a" galsry.

5 X: Have yoa; iis=~

™ t~e cafe?

Y :____
A No, [

i r ' = = : : ' r ~;~t.

B Yes, _



C Yes, I went straight back.

Writing: An informal email describing a crime

1 Read the exam task and answer the questions.

Zniszczono skate park w twojej okolicy i władze chcą go
zamknąć. Napisz e-mail do kolegi, w którym:

1 opiszesz, jakie szkody wyrządzili wandale,
2 poinformujesz, co myślisz o pomyśle zamknięcia

skate parku,

3 wyjaśnisz, jakie konsekwencje dla nastolatków może

mieć brak podobnego miejsca w okolicy,

4 zapytasz, co o tym sądzi twój kolega i czy chciałby wziąć

udział w proteście przeciw zamknięciu skate parku.

Which of the four points in the task will these words and

phrases be used in?


Let me know



b) unfair


get bored


broke into




cause more trouble

2 Read the example email and check your answers to exercise 1.

Why do the council want to close the park?

Hi Andrew!

Have you heard about the vandalism at the local skate park?

Apparently, the council were building a new ramp there and they’d

left some tools in a lorry. It seem s the vandals broke into the lorry
and used the tools to smash all the other ramps.

The council want to close the park now because it will cost too
much to repair. I’m really angry about this - it’s so unfair! Should
all young people suffer because of the stupid behaviour of a few?
The skate park is the only place to go around here. Without it,
teenagers would get bored and cause more trouble.


What do you think about it? Would you be interested in organising
a protest against it closing?

Bye for now,

• Peter

3 Read the writing tip. Then read the email in exercise



Which of the phrases in the tip does the writer use?


Gdy opisujesz zdarzenie, o którym słyszałeś/słyszałaś,
ale w nim nie uczestniczyłeś/nie uczestniczyłaś, możesz
użyć następujących zwrotów: Apparently, ...;

It seems that...-, I’ve heard that....

4 O Now do the exam task below.

Uczęszczasz do brytyjskiej szkoły. Niedawno wziąłeś,

wzięłaś udział w spotkaniu z policjantem, któiy wy?aśr/at

uczniom w twojej szkole, jak postępo*»*,

ofiarą przestępstwa. Napisz e-raal so


• Wyjaśnij, która ćnfojTEara

— —_T

przydsors i Giaczs^o.

Przeksż, cz z s r r :

—. ! ą

: •

i : *

a. 'Z jT je ~ b z ~ z


zawierać od 80 do *30 sićw.

background image

The written word

Use of English: Grammar

The passive (present, past simple, present perfect, future)

1 Complete the sentences using the passive form of the verbs

in brackets.

1 A lot of the things we buy nowadays


in China.

2 The Colosseum in Rome

('build'» in the

1st century AD.

3 In the future, most meat

(erow) in laboratories.

4 Whale hunting

(ban) since 1986.

5 The Lord of the Rinas and The Hobbit


in New Zealand.

6 That book

(not. publish) vet - it comes out in

a month.

2 O W każdym zdaniu (1-5) wybierz odpowiedź A-C, tak

aby po zastąpieniu nią podkreślonego fragmentu powstało

poprawne zdanie o tym samym znaczeniu, co zdanie



Jeśli podkreślony fragment i opcje odpowiedzi zawierają

czasowniki, upewnij się, że zastosowano w nich ten sam

1 Volvo cars are made in Sweden.

A They are making Volvo cars

B They made Volvo cars
C They make Volvo cars

2 Marconi didn’t invent radio - most people agree that

Nikola Tesla invented it.

A Radio hadn’t been invented by Marconi

B Radio wasn’t invented by Marconi

C Radio hasn’t been invented by Marconi

3 Your order will be delivered to vou bv next Thursday.

A We will deliver your order

B We are delivering

C We deliver your order

4 They’ve cancelled the concert because of bad weather.

A The concert will be cancelled

B The concert was cancelled
C The concert has been cancelled

5 Mv car was stolen and it hasn’t been found vet.

A it’s still missing.

B they’ve found it.
C they’ll find it.

Use of English: Vocabulary


1 Match the words with the definitions.

1 comic

2 cookbook
3 guidebook
4 non-fiction
5 newspaper
6 fiction

a) the thing you buy every day to find out what’s happening

b) based on real life and true stories
c) a useful thing to take when you go travelling
d) a collection of recipes for making food

e) a story told using cartoons


stories that are not true or real

2 O W każdym zdaniu (1-5) wybierz odpowiedź A-C, która

jest najlepszym tłumaczeniem fragmentu w nawiasie i po
wstawieniu jej w lukę utworzy poprawne zdanie.


Jeśli nie rozumiesz znaczenia jednej z możliwych

odpowiedzi, skup się na dwóch pozostałych. Być może
obydwie okażą się niepoprawne!

1 It sounds like a really good book from the description on

the (tylniej okładce)______________ .
A back cover B last page C contents page

2 I had a few problems getting the camera to work, but

luckily the (instrukcja obsługi)______________ was very


A guidebook B manual C manuscript

3 This book (została wydana)______________ by Oxford

University Press.

A was printed B was published C was written

4 We found a really good (przewodnik turystyczny)

for our trip to Paris.

A atlas B manual C guidebook

5 You can download some ebooks (bezpłatnie)

A free off charge B free from charge C free of charge

background image

Use of English: Reacting to language

Arranging to meet

1 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

shall prefer I’d fancy rather instead

1 Do you________ going to the cinema?

2 I’d ________ to meet later.

3 Why don’t we go to the theatre________ ?

4 I’d ________ eat after the film.


we go fora pizza?


like to go for a walk.

2 O

Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1-5 wybierz właściwą

reakcję (A-C).


Nawet jeśli wydaje ci się, że wiesz, która odpowiedź jest
poprawna, „wypróbuj” również pozostałe, by upewnić

się, że na pewno są błędne.

1 X: Do you fancy going for a pizza?

Y :____
X: I’d rather eat out if you don’t mind.
A Why don’t we just order a take-away?

B Why don’t we have something to eat first?

C Why don’t we try that new Italian restaurant?

2 X: I’d like to see the comedy film.

Y :____

X: Fine, I’m OK with that.

A I’d prefer to see something funny.

B I think that sounds like fun.
C I’d rather see a thriller instead.

3 X: Shall we meet outside the station?

Y :____

X: Great. I’ll see you here.

A Can you come over to my place?

B Can I come over to your place?

C Can we meet there in 10 minutes?

4 X: Do you fancy watching TV?

Y :____

X: I’ll just have a look.

A Sure. Is there anything good on?

B I’d rather read, if that’s OK.
C I fancy playing a computer game.

5 X: Are you free to go for a bike ride?

Y :____

X: What a sffi>£~=,

A Sure,

w h y

r e i


B That’s not a te r
C I’m afraid !toi.

Writing: An informal letter replying to

an invitation

1 Read the exam task and answer the questions.

Napisz list do swojego wujka, w którym odpowiesz

mu na zaproszenie cię na musical.

• Zapytaj o coś, co niedawno przydarzyło się twojemu


• Podziękuj mu za zaproszenie i przekaż, że nie możesz

go przyjąć.

• Zaproponuj inny musical i przytocz opinie na jego temat.
• Podaj termin i wyraź nadzieję, że uda się wam spotkać.

a) Will the letter begin with the thank you?
b) What does the writer need to say about the invitation?
c) How many people will go to the other event?


Read the example letter. What does the writer want to do in


Dear Linde Nan,

How have you been since your accident? Mum said you were fine but

the ta r was badly damaged.

Thanks for inviting me to go and see a musical in London.

Unfortunately, I've already seen U s Miserables, and I can't mate the

■Saturday you suggest anyway because I'm playing tennis then.

Have you seen The Lion King? 11hink it's the best musical ever because

it has such fantastic songs. I've also heard that the costumes and scenery

are brilliant. Do you fancy coming to see it with me and my sister? We

could meet before 1he show and do some shopping.

£ou\d you mate it on Monday, 3rd Tune? I hope we can meet then

and perhaps have a meal in a nearby restaurant.




Read the writing tip. Then read the letter in exercise 2 again
and answer the questions below.


Nie odbiegaj od zagadnień wymienionych w poleceniu.
Limit wyrazów, który będzie określony w zadaniu,
umożliwi przekazanie wszystkich niezbędnych informacji.

a) Which part of the letter isn’t about a point in the task?
b) What has the writer forgotten to include from the task?

4 Q

Now do the exam task below.

Napisz list do koleżanki z Wielkiej Brytanii, w którym

odpowiesz na jej zaproszenie dotyczące twojego przyjazdu.

• Podziękuj za zaproszenie i poinformuj koleżankę, że nie

możesz go przyjąć.

• Wyjaśnij przyczyny odmowy.

• Zaproponuj koleżance, by odwiedziła ciebie i zachęć ją

do uczestnictwa w jakimś wydarzeniu.

• Podaj proponowany termin wizyty i wyraź nadzieję,

że uda się wam spotkać.

Rszwira każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien

i e

.'. V


! 3d 80 do 130 słów.

Unit 1



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