Adrianna Dane Love Me Tonight

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…Casper’s heart pounded harder, like he’d just run a marathon. He

was terrified he couldn’t meet Lando’s expectations. Casper wasn’t
that experienced and he was afraid of what Lando might do when he
realized that. He moved in front of Lando. He pulled his leather loafers
off and tossed them aside. Then he pulled his shirt over his head
without unbuttoning it and tossed it toward the orange chair. It missed.
So what. He started to unzip his pants.

“No. Stop,” Lando said. “Let me look at you. Turn around slowly.

Don’t move so quickly.”

Casper turned slowly. He had to focus on his breathing; he was

starting to hyperventilate. He slowed it down. Casper recalled the text
message he’d finally gotten up the nerve to send to Lando more than a
month before.

Meet me where nobody knows either of us and I’ll do anything you

want. It will just be between you and me.

It was a bold move and very out of character for Casper, who had

been dubbed the librarian because he was always so quiet and

Lando’s text response came as a surprise.
Are we talking about fucking?
Lando didn’t mince words, he got right to the point of things


They had stood across from each other in the elegant lobby of the

first-class hotel where they were both employed. The message arrived
on Casper’s phone. He had glanced across at Lando. Good-looking
and sexy and Casper couldn’t stand it another day. It was do or die.
He’d never done anything like this before, but he had to have the man
even if it was only for just one night. Just one, and Casper knew he
could die a happy man…


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An Acquired Taste


Carnal Carnivale

Caution: Wet Paint

The Exile Series

Eye Candy And Achy Hearts

Forget Me Not

Heart And Soul

Hidden Impact

Hot Male

I Want

Joe Gallant

Knave Of Hearts

Man Power

Mariposa Soul

No Choice

Opposing Forces

Primal Magic: Swan’s Lake

Sea Sentinel: From The Waters

Stormy Weather

Sully’s Heart

Tales Of The Midnight Pearl Brotherhood Series

Unicorn Craving

A View To Possession

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This book is a work of fiction.

All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the

author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously.

Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales,

or events is entirely coincidental.

Amber Quill Press, LLC

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be transmitted or

reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in

writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief

excerpts used for the purposes of review.

Copyright © 2013 by Dream Romantic Unlimited LLC

ISBN 978-1-61124-517-2

Cover Art © 2013 Trace Edward Zaber


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Summer heat brought to mind steamy nights and stripping

naked. Skinny dipping and slick wet bodies. Especially the slick,
wet bodies. Casper had never done this before. Probably wouldn’t
ever do it again. But tonight, if Lando Madrid really did accept
Casper’s offer of a “no strings attached, fun in the sack” night,
Casper was going to get the fucking of his life.

Casper watched from the window of the Hideaway Hills motel

room, located just off I-90, about fifty miles outside of Seattle. The
motel choice had been Lando’s suggestion. It had made Casper
curious about whether Lando had made use of the rundown little
place that reminded him of the Bates Motel, on some previous
occasion. It had also brought to mind images of Lando fucking
some other guy on the bed Casper had just remade with fresh


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sheets. He tried not to think about it now. He shouldn’t be jealous.
After all, he and Lando had never had sex before. There was
nothing, and likely would be nothing, proprietary about their
relationship. This would be the first time—maybe the only time
they would be together. But it was a night that Casper had been
waiting for a very long time.

The motel would have taken some finding if Lando hadn’t

already been aware of it. But it was just the sort of place they
required. Somewhere that nobody could recognize them as
working at the Hotel Draysden in Seattle. Wasn’t this just a far cry
from the place they worked at? If anyone knew, they’d probably
laugh their asses off. It looked more like a no-frills sort of place for
sportsmen…or steamy secret assignations. Well, just like this.

Casper held his breath as he saw the headlights of a vehicle as

it rounded the turn toward the weed-infested cracked macadam that
had probably once called itself a parking lot. As the car moved
closer to the room Casper had rented for the night, and the dirty
yellow glow of the night light beamed out to catch the shape of the
car, Casper’s gaze widened. The flashy vintage candy apple red
Ford Galaxie was not what he expected Lando to be driving at all.
And yet, as the car rolled into the parking spot right next to
Casper’s much more sedate silver 2012 Prius he had to wonder
about his preconceptions regarding Lando, because actually the
vehicle was a perfect foil for Lando.

This whole thing was a unique and strange experience for

Casper. He’d sent the text to Lando on the spur of the moment.
Their positions hadn’t really offered them an opportunity to get to
know one another on a social level as much as Casper might have
liked. Casper was in management, Lando was staff. They hadn’t
actually conversed to any great depth up to this point, so likely

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there’d be a lot more surprises by the end of the night. Casper had
simply reached a point, after watching the man over the last two
years, and he needed to bring things to a head…so to speak. No
one could have been more shocked than Casper, when Lando
actually agreed to the proposal.

Casper watched the driver park the car. Anticipation roiled in

his stomach. He waited for the driver to step out of the vehicle,
then he would know for sure. The car was a low-riding red-topped
convertible, tricked out very nicely, and that alone had Casper
salivating. Only a man very confident in himself would drive a car
like that. And noting the pristine condition of the vehicle, Casper
wasn’t surprised in the least about the list of things Lando had
demanded Casper accomplish to prepare the room before his
arrival. The man certainly was all about attention to detail. Casper
was even more turned on by seeing this facet of Lando’s nature.

The shiny red car door swung open. Casper’s grip on the

cleaning rag tightened. He saw the black-booted foot hit the
ground first. Casper held his breath. It felt like he’d been waiting
for this moment forever. The time had been agreed on, and now
here they were.

A dark-haired attractive man wearing sunglasses stepped out of

the sleek red car. He was dressed in casual clothing—black chinos,
a light-colored sweater with a V-neck, long sleeves shoved up,
exposing his dark, muscular forearms. Casper’s stomach did a flip-
flop. He had only ever seen Lando dressed in this manner once
before. Usually when Casper saw Lando, he was wearing his blue
and gray uniform.

As Casper watched, Lando removed the sunglasses. He leaned

in and set them on the dashboard. Oh, it was him all right. There
was no mistake about those wide shoulders and the way he stood,


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casual, one leg bent at the knee. For just a moment he leaned
against the car and surveyed the motel building, seeming in no
particular hurry to get to the room. Casper wondered what was
going through his mind.

From a distance, Casper had seen him in a similar stance so

many times before, as he waited for someone to do something or
other at the hotel. The desk clerk to hand over a key card, a
manager to give instructions, a guest wanting answers. Calm,
collected, attentive to every word. Beautiful, quiet, with a
commanding attitude. The way he stood now was just the way
Casper saw Lando in his dreams at night. He belonged on
television, he belonged on the big screen with a close-up of the
man’s face and his dreamy bedroom eyes offering an invitation to
join him. The man, the car, Casper couldn’t wait to learn more.

Of course, the things he really wanted to know, Lando kept to

himself. How many lovers he’d had, jockeys or boxers…or
nothing. Casper had watched him cross the reception area once
with that thought uppermost in his mind. He couldn’t tell with
Lando’s uniform whether he wore underwear or not. But now he’d
get the chance to find out.

Discreet inquiries at the hotel had gotten him no further

personal information. If Casper wanted to find out something, he
was going to have to get it directly from the man himself. Lando
didn’t play cards with the other guys. He didn’t go out after work
to any of the bars. He didn’t stay for the holiday parties for more
than an extra moment or two. He seemed to be a very private kind
of person, with a certain natural charisma that drew people to him,
no matter what his position was. His sharing was discreet. Like his
wardrobe. But looking at the car Lando drove, Casper knew there
were depths yet unexplored.

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Lando always had that certain enigmatic look about him. A

hooded gaze that shielded his thoughts from view. He was
probably a very good poker player. But Casper had to admit it
frustrated him at times. Casper turned to survey the room. He
pulled out his cell phone and glanced at the list Lando had texted
him. Yes, he’d covered everything. He put the phone back in his

At least the room smelled better than when he’d arrived. And

he’d remade the bed with clean black sheets and matching
pillowcases he’d bought at a big box store on the way here. Casper
glanced around the room. Candles in varying lengths and sizes
were lit, giving off a better ambiance to the cheap motel room. He
wiped the laminated wood table one more time and then tossed the
cleaning rag into the trash. He quickly went to the sink and washed
his hands. He turned to survey the room as he wiped his hands on
the cheap towel. Casper crossed the room to sit on the edge of the
plastic orange chair where he could watch the door.

Yes, everything looked as perfect as it was going to get in a

place like this. There was, after all, only so much a man could do
to make it habitable. Both of them were used to a lot better
surroundings. The upscale, grand place they worked at was a far
cry from this tiny hole-in-the-wall.


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Casper had left the door unlocked, and as he watched, the silver

door handle turned and finally Lando stepped across the threshold.
Casper released the breath he’d been holding. Lando filled up the
doorway. Like some conquering Spanish warlord of old, he stood
there for one long moment surveying the room. Casper could see
the dark curling hairs peeking out above the opened neckline of the
daffodil colored sweater. The line of his black chinos fell model
perfect over his hips. How did a man in his position happen to look
this good?

Lando turned and his deep blue gaze met Casper’s. He

wondered what Lando thought. Casper, dressed in beige khakis
and a pale blue button-down shirt felt like a faded spot on the
chintzy wallpaper now that Lando had entered the room. Feeling

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nervous, Casper slowly rose and he stepped forward to greet
Lando. He wiped his palms against his trousers. God, he hated
having damp palms. This man shouldn’t reduce him to this. But he

“You decided to come,” Casper said.
Stepping farther into the room, the door slamming shut behind

him, Lando efficiently blocked out the rest of the world. And now,
at last, it was just the two of them. Lando smelled of fine, clean
things. Casper inhaled sharply. Musk, maybe some vanilla, earthy
sandalwood perhaps. The mix of scents was intoxicating. Lando
gave Casper the shadow of a smile as his gaze rode over him

“Your invitation intrigued me.”
“Do you get a lot of propositions like this?” Casper couldn’t

help asking the question.

Lando shrugged. “In my position, I get a few. Usually from

women. It took a lot of guts to approach me the way you did. I
admire that in a man. But are you certain you know what you’re
asking for?”

“I’ve asked around. Discreetly, of course. As far as I can tell no

rumors of rudeness or disrespect or otherwise. Most of the people I
spoke with have the greatest respect for you, at all levels, and
that’s not easy to do. I’ve been watching you for the last year.”

“Watching me?” Lando asked a little sharply.
“Not the way you think. We can’t help but stumble across each

other on occasion, you know. But it wasn’t until I saw you in the
Cascade Bar that I thought maybe… Well, until then, I didn’t
know you were gay, so all I allowed myself to do was… Well,
enjoy the view so to speak. But when I saw you in the bar, then I
knew. You keep your private life very close, don’t you?”


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“I guard my personal life. It’s nobody’s business.” He

shrugged. “What I like, who I like, and how I like it is my
business. No one else’s. And I expect my privacy to remain that

“Yet, you’re here. Do you trust me to keep your secrets?”
Lando circled the room. He studied the candles, the new sheets

on the bed, then he turned back to Casper. “I don’t know yet. But
I’ve asked around about you, too.”

“We don’t travel in the same circles.”
“No, we don’t. I’d bet we grew up differently as well. I’ll bet

you went to private schools and expensive universities. I went to
public school and just barely stayed out of the gangs. But, when it
comes down to it, in a place like this, we level the playing field, ?

Casper licked his lips. He was so ready for the games to begin.

“But I bet we have similar dreams, similar fantasies. Or we
wouldn’t be here, would we?” Casper paused. Lando remained
silent. “No promises,” Casper finally said.

“None,” Lando agreed. “No strings attached.”
“No strings,” Casper echoed.
Casper took several steps toward Lando. Casper’s cock was

already hard. He reached out, but, like a striking viper, Lando
grabbed his wrist and stopped Casper from touching him. The grip
was not so punishing, but Lando certainly made Casper aware of
who had the control. “Have you done this before?” Lando asked.

“No. Not in a long time,” Casper responded, not fighting the

firm grip on his wrist.

Lando glanced at the bed. “You did as I requested.”
“Yes. Do you like them?”
Lando released Casper’s wrist and walked over to the bed. He

ran his hands across the sheets. “Very nice.” He checked the

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corners on the bed. “I am impressed. Perfect corners. I wouldn’t
have expected a man like you to make your own bed so well.”

“I possess a certain skill. My father was in the military and he

was a bit of a taskmaster about certain things. If the corners
weren’t right, he had a habit of ripping all the bedding off and
making me do it again. Maybe you don’t know as much about me
as you think you do.”

“He sounds harsh,” Lando said. “Any brothers or sisters?”
“No. Just me.” He hesitated for just a fraction of a second. “I

had a younger brother, but he died when he was two. A blood
disease. My mother wouldn’t agree to more children after that.”
Another one of those silences. Lando stared off toward the
curtained window. “And you?” Casper asked in order to fill the

“Five sisters, one brother.”
“Where do you fit in the line-up? I always wanted to be part of

a large family.”

“It’s not as much fun as you might think. Especially when you

know you’re different. You learn to keep certain things to yourself.
I was the oldest, my brother was the youngest, with the girls in the
middle. Like bookends who have to shore up the middle.”

“Do your parents live in Seattle?” Casper asked.
“No.” That was it. Lando turned back to face him. Again, that

blue-eyed look that scanned Casper from head to foot. And then
his gaze fastened on Casper’s crotch. He sat on the side of the bed.

“Pull off my boots. I want to get comfortable. And then I want

you to strip for me. And then once you’re bare, I want you to bring
me a glass of wine. And when you bring it to me, I want you to
kneel in front of me. Think you can handle that?”

Casper’s pulse quickened. “Y-yes. I can do that.” Just by the


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list of demands Lando had texted him, Casper had developed a
sense of Lando’s likes, as well as his desire for dominance. Casper
might have called a halt to this dalliance right then and there, but
he hadn’t. In fact, the whole thing had excited him.

“What kind of wine did you get?” Casper asked.
“Exactly what you asked for,” Casper responded. “Liberalia

Cinco. It’s a 2004 vintage. I hope that’s all right. Are you a wine

“Not really. But I dated someone for a few months who was

into wines and he introduced me to that particular vintage.”

“Oh.” There were all sorts of questions that Casper wanted to

ask, but he didn’t.

“Do you know where the name comes from? Liberalia?” Lando


“No. I was too busy trying to find an importer so I could

procure the wine before tonight.”

“All that for one bottle of wine?” Lando asked as he smoothed

a hand over the bedsheet. Casper couldn’t help staring at his hands.
Those long fingers, well-manicured nails. Nice hands.

Casper felt the hot color rise up into his face. “I, ah, bought a

case of it. I thought maybe—”

Lando gave a deep-throated chuckle. “I sense that about you.

You’d go overboard on a thing like that. You want this bad, don’t
you? I wonder why? Why do you want me so bad? There are
plenty of other guys out there who wouldn’t put your job in
jeopardy. How come?”

“H-how did the wine get its name?” Casper asked attempting to

draw attention away from himself. And besides, now he was
curious about the story behind the wine.

“Okay. The wine is produced in Spain. It’s named after the god

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Liber. Do you know him?”

Casper shook his head. Lando stared into his eyes. “Liber is

also known as the god, Bacchus. And do you know of him?”

Casper gulped, his throat went dry. “The god of wine?” He

ventured. He grabbed from thin air for specks of remembered
mythology from his college classes.

Lando grinned widely. “He is the god of ecstasy as well. The

man I dated—he was a connoisseur of that as well. Bacchus also
induces frenzy in his followers.” Lando leaned forward. “Will it
induce frenzy in you tonight?” he said in an intimate deep voice.

Casper felt lightheaded and didn’t think he could stand another

minute of this conversational foreplay that Lando appeared to be
enjoying. Casper wiped at the sweat on his forehead.

Finally Lando waved a hand in the air. He pointed to the spot in

front of him, between his legs. “Well, let’s get started.” He cupped
his crotch. “This is what you wanted, right? This is why you’re

The term made Casper angry. “That’s not what I’m doing.”
“Isn’t it?”
“You have all the control,” Casper said. “I’m hardly putting

anyone in their place.”

“But you want to keep it a secret, right?” Lando said.
“That runs to both our benefits. Are you willing to lose your

job over one night?”

“No. I guess that puts us at a stalemate. So, I’m still intrigued.

Let’s see what you can do. I wanna find out if taking this chance is
worth it.”

Casper’s heart pounded harder, like he’d just run a marathon.

He was terrified he couldn’t meet Lando’s expectations. Casper


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wasn’t that experienced and he was afraid of what Lando might do
when he realized that. He moved in front of Lando. He pulled his
leather loafers off and tossed them aside. Then he pulled his shirt
over his head without unbuttoning it and tossed it toward the
orange chair. It missed. So what. He started to unzip his pants.

“No. Stop,” Lando said. “Let me look at you. Turn around

slowly. Don’t move so quickly.”

Casper turned slowly. He had to focus on his breathing; he was

starting to hyperventilate. He slowed it down. Casper recalled the
text message he’d finally gotten up the nerve to send to Lando
more than a month before.

Meet me where nobody knows either of us and I’ll do anything

you want. It will just be between you and me.

It was a bold move and very out of character for Casper, who

had been dubbed the librarian because he was always so quiet and

Lando’s text response came as a surprise.
Are we talking about fucking?
Lando didn’t mince words, he got right to the point of things


They had stood across from each other in the elegant lobby of

the first-class hotel where they were both employed. The message
arrived on Casper’s phone. He had glanced across at Lando. Good-
looking and sexy and Casper couldn’t stand it another day. It was
do or die. He’d never done anything like this before, but he had to
have the man even if it was only for just one night. Just one, and
Casper knew he could die a happy man.

Casper had responded, tapping the three little letters on his

phone and sending them, without hesitation.


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His gut churned.
Tied in knots, Casper had watched Lando glance down at his

phone and read the message. Casper had to control himself from
walking across that reception area, to keep from showing the least
interest or it could have meant both their jobs. He’d made a point
of schooling his expression, tamping down his excitement. Even
though the secret nature of their communication did add a certain
level of excitement to the budding relationship. Lando glanced up
and stared across the space between them. Casper just caught the
light in his eyes as Lando’s gaze met Casper’s for a brief moment.

Casper stood next to the entrance of the hallway leading to the

business offices, at the fringes of activity in the main reception
area. A large conference going on at the hotel almost assured that
no one would pay particular notice to the byplay between Casper
and Lando. They were flirting and one might say almost hiding in
plain sight. Lando stood near the front desk. He glanced down at
his phone and texted a message back to Casper. It came to
Casper’s phone.

I’ll let you know.
Then Lando had turned and sauntered away. Casper felt like a

tire with a nail shoved through it and deflating fast. Patience. He
had to exert patience.

That first exchange had taken place four weeks ago. From then

till now they’d flirted by phone, texting even as they watched each
other. Like a pair of duelists they sized each other up. It had been
thrilling the way they parried back and forth. No words spoken,
just glances and texting. It was actually kind of titillating. All
Casper could think about for weeks was Lando. Seeing him each
day, and eventually—hopefully—the chance to be with him. He’d
never flirted like that via the phone.


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Lando would send him a message in the morning.
Hard or soft?
Just that, nothing else.
Casper usually was able to respond hard. Inevitably hard when

he thought about Lando.

Casper had almost choked the day he was in a manager’s

meeting and he received a text from Lando.

Suck or fuck?
Casper had glanced around the boardroom almost frantically to

see if anyone had noticed. He almost had wanted to laugh. His
mind certainly wasn’t on the forecasted projections for the coming
fiscal year that they were discussing.

Lando’s flirtatious teasing and explicit texts went on like that,

several a day, keeping Casper hard and eager. Lando seemed to be
enjoying the phone byplay. And yet, Lando remained coy about
one thing—setting a date when they would meet in person. Casper
wasn’t certain he could last much longer. But there was also the
question in his mind—was Lando just playing Casper along or did
he really consider meeting him for a hot night? That was the
question that served to keep Casper so on edge day after day.

It was late at night three days ago that had been the final

deciding factor. One of the perks for management level employees
was the ability to use the exercise facilities, including the heated
indoor Olympic-sized pool. Casper tried to make use of the
facilities at least several times a week. He’d been on the swim
team in college and tried to stay in shape. His job made that
difficult to do sometimes. But that night he had the pool all to
himself. His frustration level was increasing in direct proportion to
the number of texts Lando sent him in a given day, and it felt
particularly important on that night because he had way too much

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energy coiling inside him and he needed to expend or explode. He
put it down to Lando’s latest text message.

Top or bottom.
Casper lapped the damned pool until he was exhausted. He lost

count of how many times he’d gone back and forth in broad
powerful breaststrokes that carried him across the pool quickly.
Finally, he pulled himself up and out of the water, thinking maybe
he would actually sleep rather than toss and turn thinking about
Lando. He was in the shower room, having just finished his
shower, when Lando unexpectedly walked in. Casper’s heart
missed a beat.

“So you want me to do the dirty with you. How do you know I

like your type?”

Casper had pulled the white towel around his hips tighter. This

was not how he’d expected their first conversation to go.

“We shouldn’t be in here together like this,” Casper had

sputtered. “Someone might see us.”

“I know the rhythm of this place backward and forward and

you should, too. We’ve both been here long enough.”

“Yes, but—”
“Drop the towel,” Lando had said, cutting him off. “Let’s see

now well you follow orders.”

For a moment Casper had stared at him, shocked by the

command. Was this a test? If so, Casper was determined to pass it
with flying colors. Without breaking contact with Lando’s gaze, he
reached down, unhooked the towel and let it drop. Moist heat from
the showers curled around him, making him dizzy. At least he
thought it was the heat from the room, but it could just as well
have been the look in Lando’s eyes—so focused on Casper’s face.

Suddenly, Lando had unzipped his pants and pulled out his


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cock. He stroked it. He had continued to stare at Casper. “This boy
what you want? Do you dream about me sticking it in you? What if
I asked you to get on your knees right here, right now, and suck

Casper had lost his voice. He was certain all the blood rushed

from his face, right down through his body, to flood his cock.
What the hell. There were other jobs, right? Slowly, he nodded.

Lando kept stroking his cock. “I don’t get fucked. I do the

fucking. You okay with that?”

“W-whatever way you want. I promise.” Casper wanted to

reach down and stroke his own hard cock, but he didn’t.

“So, you want to be my pretty boy for one night?”
“Yes.” There was no hesitation with Casper’s response. Not the

least little bit. He wanted Lando way too badly to prevaricate or
play coy with his answer.

“You trust me that way. You’d do anything I wanted. You trust

I wouldn’t bang you up bad? You trust I won’t say anything about
fucking management?”

Casper couldn’t take his eyes off Lando’s hand, his cock, how

big it was. The man had charisma. And he had a body to die for.
Casper found himself deciding that, for this man, he’d even
sacrifice his job just to have one night with him. Just one night of
his brand of loving.

Lando grinned and kept stroking his cock. Casper swallowed

hard, there was nothing he could do. His full-blown lust for the
man was front and center. “Yes. I’ve seen the way you are with
people. I’ve seen the way you act. I know your work ethics.”

“You know nothing really. Any man can act in public. A real

man can make people think what he wants them to think about

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“I trust my instincts about you,” Casper stubbornly asserted.

His instincts about people hadn’t led him too far wrong thus far, he
trusted those instincts this time as well. “And, anyway, it’s just for
one night,” Casper had amended.

Lando nodded. He stopped stroking and stuffed his cock back

into his pants and zipped them up. The bulge remained obvious.
Casper wondered how, or with whom, Lando planned to take care
of that little problem. He had tried not to think about that too
closely, but it hadn’t been easy. He already felt somewhat invested
in this man who seemed to just want to play with Casper’s

“Okay then, you make the arrangements.”
Casper almost fell over with shock. Finally. He almost cried.

He had tried to keep such a tight rein on his emotions through
these last weeks and now he had the answer he’d been wishing for.
Had he passed Lando’s test? Apparently.

“I’ll text you the name of a place I know and instructions on

what to bring,” Lando said. “You follow my orders, text me when
you’ve got it confirmed and I’ll be there. Make it a Saturday, that’s
usually my day off.” He turned to leave.

“Wait,” Casper said.
Lando had looked back over his shoulder.
“Underwear or not?” Casper asked.
The slow grin Lando gave him, somersaulted Casper’s

stomach. He turned back toward the door. “Guess you’ll have to
wait and see.” And then, without another word, he’d exited the
shower room.

But he’d given Casper a taste of what to expect. And he’d

made Casper want him all the more.

And now, in this motel room, he turned for Lando and then


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came around to face him again, a better handle on his emotions.
Well, slightly better. But he had a feeling that wasn’t going to last.

“You take orders very well,” Lando said. “I expected you to

balk more. I guess you want me bad, don’t you?”

“Yes, Lando, I do.” Why lie? He was the one who had invited

Lando here. He was the one who’d said he’d do anything Lando
wanted. This was not the time to pretend. For one night Casper
would give his all. Casper had always worked hard to do as his
father wanted. Everything had always been about what his father
expected. By rights Casper should have had his fill of taking
orders, and for a lot of years he’d been careful about making his
own road. But something had been missing in his life. It had taken
him the last two years to figure out what that something was. It
shocked him to think about the fact that some of what made him
happy brought him full circle. It was one night as he lay in bed
thinking about things that he realized something. If he hated
following orders, why hadn’t he rebelled more against his father?
There was more to it, more about Casper that he’d not thought
deeply about. Maybe he’d just been afraid to examine his
motivations too closely.

He and his father had had a falling out when Casper was in his

last year of college. True, Casper had gone just a big crazy with
freedom back then. He’d told his parents the truth—that he was
gay. And they’d not taken it well. Friends had tried to help him
through that bad time. He’d come to terms with it. After he’d
graduated and the air had cleared somewhat, and he kind of found
a place for himself at Hotel Draysden, he began to relax, and was
forced to consider certain things about himself. Lando’s presence
drew Casper out. Lando’s texting made him think about certain
things he’d never quite considered before.

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What he was doing now wasn’t about pleasing his father. He’d

already failed at that, and come to terms with the fact. It wasn’t
about anyone else really.

Not this time. This time it was all for Casper and what Casper

wanted and needed in his life. He waited for Lando’s next order,
eager to comply. And to see what came next. He wanted this more
than he’d wanted anything in a very long time.


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“Did you clean yourself good, the way I told you?” Lando


Casper nodded. He felt the blush rise up into his face… again.

Lando gave nothing away with his expression as he studied

“Unzip your pants, push them down to your knees. Then turn

around, bend over, and grab on behind your knees.”

Casper took a deep breath and then proceeded to do exactly

what Lando ordered him to do. He stood there, mostly naked, bent
over, exposing himself to Casper. He jumped when Lando put his
bare hands on Casper’s ass cheeks, spreading them to reveal his
anus. When Lando brushed a finger over his exposed hole, Casper
couldn’t help the little flutter that went through him.

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“You’re tight, baby. Too tight for me. We’re gonna have to

work that little brown bud of yours. Did you bring the plug and the
lube like I said?”

“Yes, I did.” It hadn’t been easy walking into that sex shop and

buying the items that Lando had requested. But it had also made
Casper hot as hell to think about Lando using them.

“Where are they?” Lando asked.
Casper nodded toward the other side of the room toward the

credenza. “Over there in that black overnight bag.” Casper had
done one-night stranger sex before, but this was different than any
of those quick-and-dirty hook-ups. Lando had made him search, to
prepare things, and think about stuff regarding sex that’s he’d
never really thought about before. In truth, things he’d shied away
from thinking about too deeply. But Lando forced him to consider
carefully, made him do, made him want to explore more fully the
things that, before tonight, Lando had only alluded to.

Maybe that was part of Lando’s draw. He challenged Casper

differently than any man Casper had been with thus far. The short
text messages had made Casper pause to think about his feelings,
why he did or didn’t do certain things. Lando made him think
about what he really wanted from intimacy, and what role he
wanted to play.

“Stay where you are,” Lando instructed. “Don’t move. I’ve got

to get you ready. You get that, right?”

And Lando made Casper converse. He made Casper talk about

his feelings, the things he wanted and needed. He’d periodically
text him the name of a book that was sexually explicit and
expected Casper to read it. And those were certainly enlightening
for Casper, not to say the least. All along Lando had been
educating Casper on the way Lando liked his sex. And introducing


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Casper to the varied ways Casper might like it, too. One such
message had Casper practically salivating at the possibilities.

Joys of Anal Sex. Read it? If not, get it. Read it.
Eye opening education.
“I get it,” Casper responded. He remained exactly as Lando


Other than while shopping for the items on his lunch hour,

Casper hadn’t really allowed himself to think too much about what
came next after he bought all the items and stuffed them into the
new overnight bag, and then shoved the bag under his bed. No, he
hadn’t thought much about it until he’d started to get this room
ready. He hadn’t even been certain Lando would show up. Lando
had kept him on edge this whole time. He’d primed Casper very,
very well. It had seemed like a lot of prep and foreplay for one
night, but Casper had to admit he’d enjoyed every moment. He
could admit that, now that they were finally here.

Lando had made him consider. Why did he want this so badly?

Why was he here? Was it just about the risk of sleeping with a man
who should be taboo to him? Had Casper’s life become so boring
he jumped at any chance to feel something more? It seemed life
was passing him by and he was always doing what his father
expected. But when his father had that heart attack three months
ago, it opened up a whole lot of feelings for Casper. Life was short.
Emotions he didn’t even know existed erupted to the surface. And
maybe that had something to do with taking the chance and texting

Lando was someone bright and beautiful, who appeared so self-

confident. Seeing him every day at the hotel was a secret guilty
pleasure that Casper had kept all to himself. Like that whiskey
bottle some men kept in the bottom draw, the porno magazine, or

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just a simple box of chocolates. It was a yearning Casper simply
couldn’t put off any longer. Lando was everything Casper
shouldn’t want, and yet…everything Casper needed. He was
danger in the best possible way. And Casper loved that he wasn’t
playing safe any longer.

Lando taught him something else too through their texting. It

wasn’t just the danger aspect about this relationship. Casper loved
the way Lando claimed control. His quiet powerful manner had
seduced Casper as much as anything, because Casper had come to
discover he’d liked this power play game. He liked it very much.

Dominant/submissive, Master/slave.
Casper had learned about those terms, too. Something odd had

fluttered inside him when he’d read those missives. Something, he
finally had recognized, about himself.

After rummaging through the bag, Lando returned with the butt

plug and the lube. And slowly Lando prepared Casper’s ass to
accept the plug. Casper was ready for this. He wanted it. Lando
started with a lot of lube, and one finger pressed into Casper’s
anus. Casper jumped when the tip of Lando’s finger penetrated
him. Lando worked him slowly, pushing in, pulling out.

“W-where did you learn how to do this? Ugh,” Casper said as

Lando’s finger went in deeper, exploring Casper’s passage. Casper
wanted to know even more about Lando. Wanted to know

“Boyfriends,” Lando answered. “Too many of them to count.

Too much dross, not enough value. But a lot of education. Enough
to teach me what I want in my men. Enough to explain to you what
I don’t want.”

Casper didn’t know how to follow that response. Lando’s

fingers jabbed into him, screwing and twisting inside him.


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“Tight,” Lando remarked. “You are so tight. You feel like a

virgin, baby. Are you a virgin? Is that why you wanted this? No
one’s ever fucked you properly have they?”

Casper didn’t answer. For one thing he was too focused on the

finger sliding in and out of his ass and forcing himself to try and
stay put and not wiggle around. He had the greatest urge to shove
back against that penetration, to deepen it. He was so hungry to
share more with this man.

On the other hand, he didn’t want to give too much away and

scare Lando off. He didn’t want to share how few times he’d
actually been intimate in that way with a man. Sure, there’d been
kissing, sucking, and mutual masturbation a time or two. But not
all that much actual ass fucking.

“Never mind,” Lando said. “We’ll just take it slow.”
Casper almost breathed a sigh of relief. And then Lando

squirted more lube and added a second finger to the first. Now
Casper was really starting to feel the pressure. And he liked it.

“There you go, now you’re loosening up. A little more, then

we’ll let the plug do the rest of the work. There’s plenty more for
us to get busy with.”

Lando seemed to have gone so far inside Casper, stretching

him, filling him up. So many emotions collided in Casper. There
was the stretch of pain, the excitement of Lando’s attentions, the
desire to have Lando’s cock pumping inside him, not just his
fingers. And not the butt plug. But it was the butt plug, that
inanimate manufactured object that next was pushed into him. And
then Casper was surprised when Lando pulled up Casper’s
underwear, then his trousers, and helped him to straighten up.

“Feeling a little full, are you?” Lando asked as he zipped up

Casper’s pants and then refastened the button. “Now put your shirt

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and shoes on because we’re going out for a bit.”

“But, I thought… I can’t—”
“Oh, yes you can. And you will. Show me that cute stiff little

walk that tells me you’ve got your ass full. It lets me know your
little hole is limber enough to take my dick in you. I don’t want to
hurt you. And that plug is gonna make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“I can’t go out like this,” Casper protested. “I’ve never—” He

bore down on the plug, feeling its presence inside him.

“I expect we’re gonna do a whole bunch of things you’ve never

done before.”

“But I hadn’t expected we were going to go out.”
“The night will be full of surprises before we’re through. I

think, Casper, you’re about to get an advanced education. Did you
really think it was just jump in that bed, fuck, and we were
finished? You could go back to your nice dull life no different than
before? Baby, I am going to change your life.”

“As I said, get your shirt on. We’re going out.”
“I can’t walk with this thing in me,” Casper protested.
“You’ll get used to it and I bet you get used to it being there

real fast.” Casper chuckled. “You may even come to loving the
feel of it in you. I bet, come next week, I’ll be watching you cross
that foyer, striding like you’ve got a nice big log up your ass and
I’ll be able to tell by the way you walk, you’re sporting this little
butt plug, stowed deep and wanting my cock there. And I’ll be the
only one who knows who gave you a taste for that little sexy
secret. Just you and me. Now come on, let’s get out of here.”

Just the way Lando was talking about certain sexy possibilities

when they left this place, had Casper so hot, he didn’t think he
could stand it. He liked the thought of sexy little secrets between


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them when they got back to work. He liked the thought of it way
more than he should.

He particularly liked the thought that maybe this didn’t have to

end with just one night.

Casper slipped on his shoes and grabbed up his shirt, which

took a little effort, the butt plug making him stiff as he carefully
bent over to retrieve it. He clamped down on the plug to keep it
from sliding out. Then he walked around the room blowing out the
candles. Casper waited near the door while Lando put on his boots,
wishing Lando would hurry so they could get this jaunt over with.

“You first,” Lando said as he approached Casper. “I love

watching you move. You get me all hot and bothered, baby.”

“Then maybe we should just stay and finish what you asked me

to do. Strip and bring you wine. Wouldn’t that be more fun?”
Casper asked. He really didn’t think he wanted to go out feeling as
stretched and stuffed as he did. This wasn’t quite what he’d
expected. But then again, he wasn’t really sure what he did expect.

“Nope. I’ve thought of something better. All set? So let’s go.

Don’t worry. You’ll enjoy it.”

Casper wasn’t so sure about that. But he was the one who

wanted this game, and he’d given carte blanche to Lando on how it
was going to be played. It was only fair that he follow through.
With every step the butt plug made its presence felt. He tried to
walk normally, but he was certain that wasn’t the way he was

“That tight little ass of yours is just gorgeous. You keep that

plug in there good and tight. It’s probably going to help build those
ass muscles of yours. Sitting in that chair all day crunching those
numbers, you’re going to end up with a fat ass like Joslin. You
don’t want that, do you? Keep it tight. We don’t want it popping

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out, now do we?” Lando said, as he closed and locked the motel
room door behind him. Then he pocketed the old-fashioned key.
He turned to Casper. “In the car.”

Oh, Christ. Now what? Casper shimmied himself carefully onto

the red leather passenger seat, and Lando got behind the wheel of
the ’63 Ford Galaxie.


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Casper could not imagine what was going through Lando’s

mind as they sat there in the vintage car with the amazingly
comfortable red leather seats. Lando didn’t move to start the
engine. Casper wiggled in his seat. He could definitely feel the butt
plug situated in his ass. But, oddly, he thought he was becoming
accustomed to its presence. He was spread wide, but he wasn’t
feeling the bite of it quite as much as he was before. In fact, it was
feeling quite erotic the way his channel hugged and conformed to
the object inside him.

“I’ve been to this town before,” Lando said without preamble.

He stared at the door to the room. “I’ve been to this motel.”

What did Casper say to that? He’d actually thought that might

be the case when Lando gave him the name of the motel, but he

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wasn’t certain he’d wanted it confirmed.

“Same room?”
“No. Different room.” Lando curled his fingers around the big

red steering wheel. “That’s why I wanted you to change it up. I
dated someone from this town. Logistics of getting together got too
difficult. He was a nurse and he had crazy hours.”

“Crazier than yours?” Casper asked. He wondered where this

was all leading. It seemed the dynamics between them were
changing and he wasn’t certain what it was leading to.

“Do you think I don’t have goals?” Lando asked. He still didn’t

look at Casper. He gripped the steering wheel harder.

“I don’t know. I don’t think I’ve thought that far ahead.”

Casper squirmed in his seat. Where was this going?

Finally Lando turned to Casper. “I’m tired of men not wanting

to know more about me than how good I can fuck and how big my
cock is. Whether or not I can satisfy them in bed. They want me,
but they don’t, not really.”

“I-I’m sorry. Then why did you agree to come here with me?”

Casper was starting to feel bad.

“Why’d you text me, Casper? Tell me the truth.”
“Tell me what your goals are first,” Casper said, thinking on

the fly.

“I go to school at night. Did you know that?”
With just that one response things seemed to clear the way for

Casper to follow. “I’ve always known you were intelligent,”
Casper responded. And he had known that. It wasn’t simply about
just Lando’s looks. There were a lot of good-looking men in the
world. But there was something different, something special about
Lando. Even his texts to Casper were well thought out in addition
to being damned sexy. And something else Casper noted—he


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spelled and put words together beautifully. He took crude and
explicit to new heights of language. Mind fuck came to the
forefront. So Casper had known for a long time that Lando was not
simply just another pretty face.

Casper turned and looked at him in the soft yellow glow of the

night-light. He remained quiet, waiting.

“I’m going to school to learn about computers,” Lando blurted

out. “I’ve always liked the mechanics of things. Technology
excites me almost as much as sex.”

“Why take the job at Draysden’s?”
“A lot of good tippers. I’m careful with money, you know. I

pay for my tuition with cash, not loans. Every penny I earn.”
Lando said it with such pride in his voice. And he should be proud.
So many people took the easy way. “When I’m not working at the

“What?” Casper asked, sensing Lando was about to reveal

some secret he’d never shared with anyone else.

“Never mind.” Lando went quiet.
“I think that’s admirable,” Casper said.
“Yeah, admirable.” Lando laughed bitterly.
A silence stretched for a time between them. And Casper knew

he was going to have to come clean. Right now they were dancing
around each other, flirting with truths.

“We started at Draysden’s on the same day. Do you remember?

We were sitting in the waiting room in HR. You were called in

“Yeah? I don’t remember that too well. I was excited I got the

job. I’d heard from friends there was some nice money to be made
in tips if you were good. I wanted to get through the paperwork
and get started. I needed the money.”

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“Well…I remember you. From that first moment, I wanted you.

You weren’t flashy like a lot of the guys I know. But you were—
you are—beautiful—naturally beautiful. I don’t mean just looks, it
was about the whole way you carried yourself. You got my
attention. I guess you could say I’ve been watching you for the last
two years. But I was always afraid to ask—to talk to you. You
always seemed so intent on doing a good job. Your clothes were
always neat and well groomed. You always made people smile.
And I’ve seen you more times than not in reception helping
someone or other when the computer system froze.” Casper
glanced over at Lando shyly. “I didn’t think I’d have a chance with
someone as together as you are. Besides, we work for the same
company and we’re not supposed to fraternize.”

“What changed your mind then?” Lando asked.
Casper didn’t hesitate to tell the truth—he was far beyond that.

“Seeing you at the gay bar with someone else. I knew I was going
to explode if I didn’t at least try. Why did you agree to come here

“Honestly, I don’t know. I mean I was aware of you around the

place, but I never thought too much about things like that with the
people I worked with. I had too much on my plate as it was. I can’t
say you stood out exactly. You’re a quiet one. I was too busy. But
then you texted me, I couldn’t believe you did that. I thought it
took some balls. Then I thought, you know, you gotta watch out
for those quiet ones, they can run kinda deep. And then I started to
watch you. They call me Flash sometimes because of the way I
look, the way I dress. This car doesn’t help any, but my uncle left
it to me. I always helped him work on it and I guess it was a
sentimental thing. But it’s bought and paid for and I know it inside
and out. That’s the only hobby I have—working on this baby.


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Reliable, you know? Maybe, I looked at you and saw, you ain’t
going to like this, but I saw reliable. Maybe in for the long haul.”

“Great, just what I want to be,” Casper said.
“But you are. People rely on you to make the right decisions.

And you’re a straight-up guy. You do it all quiet-like, but you get
the job done. You’re the kind of man people trust. I thought, I
wanna be like him. When I get my schooling done, I wanna be the
kind of guy people respect. And maybe a night with you, it’ll rub
off, you know?”

“That’s funny. Because I thought the same about you.” Casper

couldn’t help smiling. Maybe the two of them were more alike
than he’d thought. “So,” Casper said, “you think there can be more
to this? More than just tonight?”

“I don’t know, but I guess maybe it can start somewhere. It’s

hard enough being Hispanic, but being gay and Hispanic, it’s not
that easy.”

“I know,” Casper said. “But I’ve got to tell you, we may be

doing this backward, because I don’t want to keep this platonic
until we figure things out.”

Lando grinned. He shimmied across the red leather seat and

kissed Casper. And oh, what a beautiful kiss it was. “I like the way
you kiss,” Lando said. “And did I mention I like your ass? You
have a great ass.”

“Thank you,’ Casper said, a little breathless after the kiss. “I

can’t wait to see yours.”

Lando kissed him again. “You will,” he promised, “eventually.

He slid a hand beneath Casper’s shirt and played with Casper’s tits,
then French kissed him, with deep, hungry demands.

“You are an amazing kisser,” Casper said, barely able to catch

his breath. Lando fingered Casper’s tit, rolling it between his

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thumb and first finger. He tugged on it. Casper arched upward. He
felt the plug shift in his ass. “And I like this, making out in your
car. I’ve never made out in a car before.” It didn’t smell old, it
smelled…like Lando. Bits of vanilla and sandalwood, earthy and

“You haven’t?” Lando seemed surprised. “You know, I’ve

never made out in this car. I only use it when I have to go out of
town. Otherwise I take the bus or the train. I rent space where I
keep this baby. Secure place, not like where I live. I’ve never made
out in it before. Not until tonight. I’m thinking it’s not like those
new ones—this is a car for having some fun.” He laughed.

“I didn’t come out until college,” Casper blurted out. “That was

hard enough. I don’t visit home much. My parents—they had a
hard time with things—with me.”

Lando cupped Casper’s jaw. “I’m sorry. My parents don’t

know. I’m not really out. Most of the people at work don’t know
I’m gay. Just a few close friends. That’s why I was surprised you
figured it out.”

“I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t happened to visit the bar that


“Fate maybe,” Lando said. “It was a last ditch effort to save the

relationship with my boyfriend. Going out in public I hoped he’d
see I was willing to change for him. But it was too little too late.
That night he told me he was already seeing someone else. It was a
blow. But then the next afternoon you texted me. Wow.” He kissed
Casper again. He tugged on Casper’s tit again. “You hit me at the
right time. I was hurting and I needed distraction.”

“Is that why you dragged your feet on meeting me right away?
“Maybe. And maybe, I just wanted this to be different. The

texting, maybe it helped to lay some groundwork,” Lando said.


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“Fate.” Casper considered that for a moment. He sort of liked

the sound of it. “Maybe it was. Who could have known that one
night could make such a difference? If it weren’t for that night at
the bar, I would never have guessed you were into guys.”

“Right now, I seem to be very much into you.” Lando sucked at

Casper’s lower lip, drawing it between his teeth, sucking on it and
then he released it. Lando began to unbutton Casper’s shirt.

“You like this?” Lando asked. “You like making out in my

uncle’s hot red car?” He peeled back Casper’s shirt to expose his
chest. “Very nice.” He then tipped Casper’s head back and began
sucking at his neck, then slowly lowered his head to suck at his
reddened tit. Casper completely forgot there even was a motel
room all ready and waiting for them.

“Shit, you’re killing me,” Casper gasped. His ass cheeks bore

down on the butt plug. Everything Lando did to him just made him

Finally Lando pulled back and looked into Casper’s eyes. “This

is what you want, right? You like me playing the man. You like me
telling you what to do.”

“I sensed that would be the only way you might agree to come

here with me, if I let you control things.”

“You’ve done that all right. But you like it this way, too. I can

tell when a man isn’t comfortable with me. But you, you like this.
You’re all hot and hard and panting. This is something you’re
really into.”

“Take me back inside, Lando. I want to see all of you. I like

making out in your car, but I want more.”

Lando grinned, he forced Casper to look at him. “You didn’t

answer me. Tell me the truth and then we’ll go back inside.”

Casper knew he didn’t have a choice. “Yes, I like it. It makes

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me hot. I spend all day telling other people what to do, answering
their questions, untangling problems with billing. It gets a little
exhausting. I didn’t know I would like you like this. I didn’t know
I would like it so much. But with you it seems the totally right
thing to do.”

“With me. How many men have you been with?”
Casper shrugged. More truth. “Not that many. And I don’t

usually let them fuck me. I don’t know why, but I just don’t.”

“Mutual masturbation, a little sucking? Is that why you were at

the club that night to pick some guy up?”

“Yeah. Sometimes I just need to let off some steam, you

know?” Casper didn’t do it often but there were nights he just got
so lonely. When he couldn’t stand it any longer, in desperation
he’d go to the bar.

“Did you pick someone up that night?”
“No. Not after I saw you there. I saw the guy you were with

walk out and leave you there. You didn’t look sad exactly, but I
could tell something was wrong. I should have gone to you then,
but I still wasn’t quite ready. I went home that night and all I
thought about was you. All I could think about was being with you.
I wanted to make you feel better, but I was afraid to approach you
at the bar. It just—it didn’t seem the right time. But by the next day
I knew I just couldn’t wait any longer. I didn’t want you to be
hurting. I couldn’t stand it anymore. That’s why I texted you. Even
if you said no, I had to try.”

“I wish I’d known. Maybe I could have saved both of us a lot

of searching and heartache. Let’s go inside,” Lando said. “I’m
going to fuck you until you beg me to stop. I’m going to make you
come until you’ve got no juice left to give me. Maybe I’ll spank
you, maybe I’ll tie you to the bed. Maybe I’ll kiss you and just


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keep on kissing you until you can’t take anymore. Has anybody
ever done that to you, baby?”

“No.” Casper almost choked on the words. He was so worked

up already, he didn’t think he was going to last five minutes once
Lando touched him.

“Get your cute little ass out of this car then and let’s go inside.”
“I thought we were going somewhere.”
Lando smiled mysteriously. “We did. Back in time so we could

find out more about each other.”

Casper couldn’t move fast enough. Even with the plug shoved

up in him, he found himself moving quickly toward the chipped
door of the motel room. He stopped at the door. He didn’t have the
key. Lando moved up right behind him. He placed a hand on
Casper’s ass, squeezed his cheeks, and shoved the plug in deeper.
Casper shivered with pleasure.

“Now. Move to the side and I’ll open the door. Keep those ass

cheeks tight and hold the plug in. We’ll see how nice and loosened
up you are once we’re inside. We’ll see just how ready you are to
take me.”

Casper was afraid he was going to come right in his pants. He

didn’t think he could stand much more. And then Casper unlocked
the door and guided Lando inside.

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“Light the candles and then get undressed,” Lando ordered.
Casper quickly moved about the room to do what Lando

ordered and lit all the candles. Then he turned off the light near the
door, which left only flickering candlelight. He came back to stand
in front of Casper, who was lying on the bed watching him.

“The candles are all lit,” Casper said rather unnecessarily.
“I can see that.” Lando unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock

and began stroking it. “Now get undressed and show me if you’re
ready for me.

“That’s what you did in the shower room. Why’d you do that

there? You shocked the hell out of me.”

Lando grinned and his hand rode up and down his prick.

Casper saw the sparkle of pre-come gloss the head. “I made you


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horny, didn’t I? Did you whack off when you got home? Did you
wait that long?”

Casper discovered he was actually shaking. It seemed Lando

knew Casper much better than Casper knew himself. “Yes. I
waited till I got home. I tried taking another shower, but I couldn’t
get you out of my mind, so I jacked off. That helped for all of two

“Get undressed,” Lando said, his voice having gone deeper.

“Do it slow, I want to enjoy it. Turn on the radio to something slow
and sexy. And then show me what you’ve got.”

The longer Casper was in Lando’s company, the more he found

he was enjoying himself. He’d never been one to make an
exhibition of himself in public. And Lando, just by being seen in
public, was an exhibition, although it seemed he didn’t want to be.
Casper sashayed over to the radio and chose a jazz station and then
went to work. Slowly he circled his hips as he pulled off his shirt.
He was starting to have a hard time keeping the plug inside him.
He wanted to move faster, just strip and get on with it. He was so
ready and he really didn’t want to wait out this whole song to get
into bed with Lando. He slipped off his loafers next.

“Nice, very nice,” Lando said. “I really like the way you shake

those hips. Now, show me some leg.”

And Casper proceeded to do just that. He unhooked his pants

and slowly pulled down the zipper. He turned, he circled, he
carefully bent down and came back up, minus the pants, and then
he turned his back to Lando and wiggled his ass as he kicked away
his boring beige khakis.

Lando moved fast, and was off the bed in a flash. He yanked

Casper up, pulled him close, ass to groin, fitted him to his own
body, then swayed to the music. Slow, undulating music. Lando

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reached around and gripped Casper’s cock, slowly stroking up and
down. Casper moaned. He tilted his head back against Lando’s
shoulder and closed his eyes.

Lando picked up his leg and jabbed his knee against Casper’s

crease, grinding the plug deeper into Casper.

“Are you ready to replace that little toy with something

bigger?” Lando asked.

“Oh, yeah,” Casper said. He was definitely more than ready.
Lando danced them back to the bed. He turned Casper, gave

him a deep, hungry kiss, then he sat on the bed. He cupped
Casper’s balls. “You’ve got some big cojones, baby. I like that
about you. Get me ready for you. Undress me and then suck me
good. Then wrap it for me.”

Casper pulled off Lando’s boots and then rolled off his socks

and set them to the side. He stood and pulled Lando’s daffodil
sweater over his head and tossed it to the credenza. He couldn’t
help stroking across his broad, chest and playing in the silky black
hair that covered his ripped pecs.

“Mmm. You like that, don’t you, baby?” Casper asked.
“Yeah, I do. Well look further, I think you’ll find something

more you like,” Lando said.

Casper was quite certain he would. He slid his hands down

Lando’s chest, over his washboard tight abs to the closure on his
trousers. He undid them. Lando lifted and then Casper slid them
down to the floor. No underwear. Casper couldn’t help grinning.

The man was beautiful. Even better than Casper had dreamed.

His thighs were thickly muscled, his calves well defined, his legs
covered with the same silky black hair as covered Lando’s chest.
But it was what lay at the heart of him, thrusting up between those
legs, the huge cock rising from a wealth of thick wiry black hair


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that truly drew his attention. That and the low-hanging balls
beneath. Worthy of an artist.

He knelt between Lando’s legs and slowly dipped forward to

suck him into his mouth.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about,” Lando said. Then he

sighed. “Don’t play too sweet and soft. Suck that fucker hard and

Casper sucked, moving his head up and down. He fisted the

root of Lando’s cock and used his other hand to fondle his balls.
He licked up one side, down the other. Thick veins popped on
Lando’s cock and Casper could feel them pulse beneath his tongue.

Casper’s ass flexed, squeezing the plug in his ass. He knew he

wasn’t going to be able to keep it inside much longer. He sucked
and licked Lando’s prick, thinking about what that rod was going
to feel like inside him. He worked Lando faster. He tested taking
him deeper. The movies he’d watched make him want to try to
take him deeper. Yeah, they might be just porn, and a lot of razzle-
dazzle, but he wanted to please Casper so much.

He pulled Lando’s cock deeper until his cockhead hit the back

of Casper’s throat. Lando arched and almost lifted up off the bed.

“Fuck, you did that. I can’t believe you did that.”
Casper eased Lando from his mouth. “You didn’t like that?”
“Like it. I fucking loved it. I almost came. Get the condom.

I’ve gotta fuck you right now. Shit.”

Casper found the box of condoms he’d purchased. He pulled

one free and then trotted back to Lando. Carefully, and quickly, he
sheathed him.

“Get the lube,” Lando said.
The tube still sat on the nightstand and Casper retrieved it. He

handed it to Lando.

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“On the bed, on your knees. Ass in the air.”
Casper was shaking with excitement. This is what he’d waited


Slowly, Lando removed the plug and Casper felt every inch of

the plug receding from inside him. And when it was finally
removed, he felt oddly empty. Yet relieved as well. And he wanted
filling now. But he wanted this man’s cock inside him, not some
sex toy.

“Lando,” he cried out. “Fuck me!”
Casper slapped his ass. “Patience, baby. Patience. You’ll get

filled when I think you’re ready.”

Casper wiggled his ass. He shoved back. “I’m ready now. Fuck



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The next slap was harder than the first. Lando dragged Casper

across his lap, facedown, ass in a particularly convenient position.
And Casper’s prick was locked between Lando’s muscular thighs

“Bad boy,” Lando said as he paddled Casper’s ass. “Bad, bad


“No, please,” Casper cried out. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I won’t

do it again.” Jesus, he just wanted Lando to fuck him.

Casper’s ass burned, until finally Lando stopped. “Now you’ll

behave?” Lando asked.

“Yes, sir. I’ll be good.”
Lando smoothed his hand across Casper’s red-hot bottom.

“You’ve got a damned pretty ass, amigo. I like it a lot. Now, back
up on the bed.”

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“You’re going to fuck me now? My ass is sore.”
“So it is. And such a pretty shade of red. It matches my uncle’s

beautiful car. I’m very fond of red.” He gave one more swat. “Up
there, same position as before.”

Casper could say no. He could stop this right here and now. He

could say forget it. But instead of wanting to retreat, he wanted to
find out more about what came next. He loved the comparison to
the red Ford Galaxie. It made him feel…attractive. And he wanted
to be attractive to Lando. Very much so. It seemed, even with the
pain in his ass, he wanted Lando more than ever.

Casper crawled up to the center of the bed and positioned

himself on his hands and knees. The movement of the cool air in
the room across his reddened ass actually heightened his
excitement. The sensation seemed to have been magnified by the
spanking. The bed shifted as Lando came up behind him. Lando
stroked over Casper’s hot reddened cheeks. He leaned down,
licked across Casper’s flaming ass, then blew softly across the wet,
hot flesh. Casper sucked in a breath. He felt so sensitive, each
stroke shuddered through him. Lando tested his hole. Casper felt
the digits, each one—first one, then two. He pulled out, and then
Lando squirted the cold lube into his channel and Casper
shuddered when the gel made contact with his hot ass and well-
prepared hole. The amazing sensations ripped right through him. It
was almost too much. And then, when Lando pressed three fingers
into him, he thought he would shatter. He screamed.

And then he shot his load onto the black sheets beneath him,

coming with such force he couldn’t catch his breath.

Casper chuckled. “I guess you like that after all, don’t you,

baby? That spanking made you real hot, didn’t it?”

“Yes,” Casper managed to gasp out. “Oh, fucking yes.”


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“Well, that’s nice, but we’re not done yet. Maybe next time I’ll

bring the cock ring. Then you won’t come until I let you.”

Lando twisted his fingers inside Casper’s channel. “Feel that?”
“Fuck, yes,” Casper said. He felt it all the way up and down his

body as the ripple of feeling rode though him in wave after wave
like electrical lightning passing through him. Casper’s blood
boiled. How could his cock recover so quickly after Casper having
just come?

Lando pulled his fingers from Casper’s channel. And then

Casper felt what he’d been waiting for—Lando’s cock poised at
his entrance. Yes, finally!

Time stopped, poised and waiting. The head of Lando’s cock

popped past the entrance lodging just inside him. Lando didn’t
shove home fast. He took his time, as he had with everything all

Casper knew better than to move. He’d learned his lesson well.

He forced himself to stay still as Lando’s cockhead settled just
inside his entrance. Lando seemed to wait for Casper’s ass to
accustom itself to the new, thicker presence. Then inch-by-inch he
slid deeper, then deeper still, like a steam engine gathering speed
as it raced along the track. Until, finally, Casper felt him rooted
inside, stretching him farther than the plug, going a good deal
deeper. He felt the wiry hairs around Lando’s cock brush against
his sensitive cheeks. And Casper almost cried when emotions
swamped him.

“You like that?” Lando asked. “You like me inside you? You

ready for me to ride you?”

Casper’s cock began to engorge again. Oh, yes, he liked the

feel of Lando inside him very, very much. “Yes. I like it. Ride,
baby, ride!”

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For a couple of minutes Lando thrust, moving slowly in and

out, rocking into him. Finally he pulled out. He applied more lube
to Casper’s hole. Then Lando lay upon the bed.

“Come here,” he said. “On top of me, facing me. Guide my

cock into you and then you fuck me.”

Casper moved quickly to comply with Lando’s order. He

straddled Lando and positioned his ass over his cock, then slowly
lowered himself onto Lando’s prick.

“All the way,” Lando said. “All the way. I know you can take

me. You just finished swallowing me whole. Now you do it.”

Casper dropped slowly. The angle was different, the sensations

stronger as he carefully took all of Lando inside. This way, at this
angle, he felt Lando’s hard pole all the way to his core. Once the
deed was accomplished, Lando grabbed onto Casper’s hips and
locked him there. He gazed up into Casper’s eyes.

“Is this what you dreamed about?” he asked. “Can you forget

me after this? Will one night satisfy that lust I saw in your eyes
when you texted me?”

Lando’s cock was so hard, so deep inside Casper, he couldn’t

breathe. Casper gazed into Lando’s eyes; he couldn’t look away.
With Lando inside him, and so intimately connected to him, how
could he lie? One night would never be enough. But then, he’d
known that all along.

“No,” he said, almost choking on the word.
“Ride me, ride me hard,” Lando commanded. And Casper did

just that, his thick muscles aching, shuddering. He gripped Lando’s
cock with his ass muscles, stroking up and down, even as he
worked Lando inside him. And then he felt it, or maybe he heard it.
Lando cried out. Lando spasmed inside him. Casper pushed down
until he completely engulfed Lando’s prick. And as Lando


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climaxed, Casper used his hand to bring himself off, spilling his
seed onto Lando’s rock-hard stomach.

He’d ridden hard, and it took Casper a while to catch his

breath, sweat dripped down his body. He felt Lando deflate inside
him, and slowly Casper released him and dropped next to Lando
on the bed.

Lando eventually rose and went into the bathroom to clean up.

He brought another white washcloth back and cleaned up Casper.
He poured some of the wine into the two glasses that Casper had
provided. Casper sat up against the pillows and Lando handed one
of the glasses to him. He got onto the bed facing Casper.

“Was it what you expected it?” he asked.
Casper looked into his eyes and smiled. “More,” he said. He

drank some of the wine and Lando did the same.

“It’s good,” Casper said. Then he drained the glass and set it

aside. He leaned closer to Lando. “I love you, Lando.”

Lando tossed the empty glass aside. It rolled off the bed and

onto the floor. He took Casper into his arms, then dropped back
against the pillows.

Lando stroked Casper’s hair, again, and again and again.

Casper enjoyed listening to Lando’s heartbeat beneath his ear. It
comforted him. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this good after

“I think I’m in love with you, too,” Lando said softly.
And Casper couldn’t help smiling, albeit a bit tiredly. With

luck, this was only the beginning.

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The gold doors to the elevator, emblazoned with the Hotel

Draysden logo, slid open, and for just one moment, Casper’s gaze
connected with the attractive bellhop’s sexy look. He stood in front
of the elevators, a hand steadying the loaded luggage cart poised
next to him. Casper pulled himself free of the gaze and stepped out
of the elevator, making way for the loaded cart. The bellhop rolled
the cart inside. Casper glanced over his shoulder. He caught
Lando’s wink just before the polished mirror doors silently slid

Casper smiled. His ass cheeks bore down on the plug in his ass.

It was a Friday, six months after that first encounter at the
Hideaway Hills Motel. It was a far different place than this
exclusive hotel where they both worked. But soon things would be


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Casper made his way through the lobby and down the corridor

to his office. Casper had just been promoted to manager of client
services, transferring from his position as assistant manager of
client billing, and he took his job very seriously. He didn’t get a lot
of time off, but this weekend did happen to be all his. The plug
he’d worn all afternoon would have him ready for Lando when
they met up at the usual place. Casper had his bag packed and
ready and stowed in the trunk of his car. These secretive
encounters wouldn’t have to go on for too much longer. In three
months Lando would graduate and then he’d find the job he was
really suited for.

The winter holiday season was in full force at the hotel. It

wasn’t easy getting some time away this time of year. Casper
stepped into his office. He walked over the window. He saw Lando
assisting another guest with their bags at the main entrance to the
hotel. God, he was gorgeous. Snow mixed with rain darkened the
sky. Lando looked so tall, and he was so strong, lifting those heavy
bags like they weighed nothing at all.

One night at the Hideaways Hills Motel really had only been

the beginning. Every time they met it just got better. Wrapped in
each other’s arms, they shared their dreams, they talked about love.
They even talked about commitment. And then they made love all
night long. Casper had managed to locate a discreet hotel that was
a bit closer to Seattle. The getaways had a way of heightening their
passion. When they saw each other every day at the hotel where
they worked it was exciting to know they shared something so
special. Phone calls and texting got them through the days and
hours until they could be together. Casper had never realized how
hot texting could be. Or the midnight phone calls. Perhaps not the

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usual progression of a relationship, but for now, the right way for
them. But soon, everything would change.

This was Friday and tonight, after much finagling of schedules,

it would be loving all night. Lando had said he was finally going to
bring a surprise. The cock ring he’d only alluded to in the past.
Lando sighed happily. He bore down on the plug and then
shuddered with pleasure at the thought of the night ahead. It was
nice having his own bathroom attached to his office. It made his
preparations that much easier.

Casper had never realized love could be so wonderfully

exciting. But then he’d never known a man like Lando Madrid.
Sometimes it paid to take crazy chances on the impossible. And
sometimes it just took believing that love always found a way even
under the most unusual circumstances.


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Adrianna Dane has been putting pen to paper since the age of ten.
She currently resides in the state of Washington.

The first defining love story Adrianna read back in junior high
school was Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, and that set her
on the road to her long-standing love affair with the romance
genre. Her inspiration in writing often can be found by listening to
song lyrics and reading poetry by such poets as Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, Edgar Allen Poe, and Ranier Maria Rilke. But finding
inspiration for her stories truly has no boundaries for Adrianna.

With close to 100 published stories, Esmerelda’s Secret, released
by Amber Quill Press in June of 2004, was Adrianna's first
published erotic romance, and with that story and her subsequent
books has firmly established herself as a voice within the
sensual/erotic romance genre.

Adrianna always looks forward to hearing from her readers and she
may be contacted at Find out more
about her current releases as well as planned future releases and
book signings by checking for updates at her website
( periodically.

* * *

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Don’t miss Knave Of Hearts

by Adrianna Dane,

available at!

Nathaniel Diamond, head of a corporate restructuring consultancy
firm, is as hard as his last name suggests when it comes to sealing
the deal. In his personal life, broken hearts are nothing more than
collateral damage, and business is his sole priority. Until, that is,
he meets his new client’s right-hand man, Elijah Gentry.

Elijah returned home to Seattle out of love and respect for his
guardian, Charles Ballard, head of Ballard Holdings Worldwide,
who is dying. Charles hired Nathaniel to help secure his financial
legacy, and Elijah is expected to aid him. Although Elijah has a
grasp of the business, his true passion lies in Los Angeles with his
sound editing career, not with Ballard Holdings. Eventually, he
plans to return to L.A., away from the world of high finance and
dog-eat-dog corporate politics.

When Elijah and Nathaniel first meet, they are strangers. Well,
almost. Nathaniel knows Elijah’s type, and he plans to use the man
to get intimate and necessary information Elijah might not share
otherwise in order to do his job. But Elijah is not quite the easy
target Nathaniel expects, and soon the games begin.

Sex and power quickly tangle in this high-stakes game of corporate
politics. Will either man emerge heart-whole from their encounter?
Or does destiny have another set of plans for these two very
different men?


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