Drawing Manga Female Eyes

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*Reminder*: All lessons are copyrighted by Richard Abril. Please do not take his lessons a final law to drawing anime style. These lessons are
only to help those who need a boast to anime style. He is far from being professional so his may have mistakes, or some may disaggree with his
method. Please do not e-mail him about mistakes and conflicts.

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Terms Used in Introduction

Guidelines - Usage

Drawing Female Eyes

Drawing Male Eyes

Drawing Hands and Feet


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*Reminder*: All lessons are copyrighted by Richard Abril. Please do not take his lessons a final law to drawing anime style. These lessons are
only to help those who need a boast to anime style. He is far from being professional so his may have mistakes, or some may disaggree with his
method. Please do not e-mail him about mistakes and conflicts.

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1) First draw a straigth line and draw a smooth top curve,
and a bottom curve. The size of the eye depends on how
far apart the top and bottom curves are. In this case, this
eye has a normal eye size. Then measure about an eye
and a half away for the first two curves and draw another
two curves identical to it. You can draw horizontal lines to
help keep the curves in the same level in height.

2) Next, you want to draw curves about the the top curve
to establish a thick line on top. While doing those curves,
you can make the circles within to establish the eyes. Try
to keep both eyes with the same measurements for better
accuracy. For help on keeping the meassurements the
same, draw guildlines.

3) Okay, once you have the eyes within the top and
bottom curve, you want to establish the light source. Here,
the light is shinning from the left. Draw the iris within the
eye shines. You can be more detailed with the eye shines
and add more for a more feminine look. Depending on
what style you want, and the expression, the eye shines
help with the expression to you might want to keep that in

4) Now that you have the basic outline of the eye, you can
now darken the iris and top curves. While doing this, add
the two eye lashes to the top curves. You can add at least
three lashes at the bottom curves at the very corners of

5) Again, darken the lashes, and since you've got the eye
drawn you can finish it up by going over all the lines and
making them a little bit more thicker. Place to make the
lines thicker would include the lashes, the corners of the
bottom curves, and the outline of the circles. Also, add the
lines that indicate where shading will take once you color
the eyes. In this style, you want to make lines around the
iris so you can make the color darker. You can also add a
small line under the top curves for light blue shading laer

6) The last step is to color the eye. You can do it in cel
style as shown at the example on the left, with darkening
the places that were indicated in step 5. The basic
priciples in drawing eye applies to doing the basic top and
bottom curves, the circles, and the eye shines. Once you
get that down you can make up your own style of eyes
and eye sizes.

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*Reminder*: All lessons are copyrighted by Richard Abril. Please do not take his lessons a final law to drawing anime style. These lessons are
only to help those who need a boast to anime style. He is far from being professional so his may have mistakes, or some may disaggree with his
method. Please do not e-mail him about mistakes and conflicts.

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Final Anime Oasis

Limited CD ROM For Sale! Click here!



Final Anime Oasis

! Here you

will find a collection of my art that I've done in
Anime style. Basically, this page is dedicated
to fandom toward Final Fantasy, anime/video
games, and most importantly, fandom for


. I also feature my own manga(comics)

here. In addition, I will be selling products like
fan comics, figurines, CD Roms, and poster
that I will make myself. I hope you enjoy your
stay and come back often.

Major News


Summer is here and that means MORE
FREQUENT updates! Plans changed about my
manga- I have to work on it some more before
I publish it. I have a new project though which
would be an exclusive collection of original
CGs I will put on a CD ROM. If you're
interesting in buying my product, click



Jill Melbrooke, a character for my N'Sync manga that I

will work on most of the summer

Since: August 14, 1997

Updated Last

: July 20, 2000





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[ Marmalade Boy |



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FFIV Revial Ring


is owned by

Richard Abril







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Richard Abril

Please e-mail comments, suggestions, and problems to the e-mail address above.

Also read the


BEFORE e-mailing so you don't repeat yourself and waste time.

Richard Abril Copyright 1997-2000

*Reminder*: Final Anime Oasis is copyrighted by Richard Abril. Please do not redistribute, alter, or use anything off this page without prior

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My Greatest Memories Limited CD ROM

Summer 2000 Illustration Collection Project

After a friend suggested that I make use of my art, and produce a portfolio, I decided
to go ahead and try to my hand at producing a CD ROM collection of high quality CGs.
Seeing as how it was summer vacation for me (thank GOD!) I might as well make use
of my time. I've already made prefabricated plans as to what the CD will contain.

This CD ROM will contain the following:

18 exclusive, never-before-seen, high quality illustrations of my original
characters from my manga "Rythmic Emotions(original)" and doujinshi "This I
Promise You.(N'Sync fan comic)"

Images will be in low compression JPEG formatts, as well as non compressed
BMP formats. This means these images can work for PCs and Macs.

CD will be in html format for easy viewing - losta cool stuff you wouldn't find on
my webpage layout. Works like a program.

8 Wallpapers for 800 x 600 screens and 1024 x 768 screens of some of the

Several pencil sketches

Tips on how to CG

Possible Manga/Doujinshi pages as well

Behind the scenes information about my original characters, and personal

Previews for my upcoming projects


Preview--more quality



something for


Note:Better Quality in CD

These will be limited CDs which will be numbered, and autographed by me. They will be packaged in a
jewel CD case, with a color illustration CD jacket. Everything that will be in this CD will never appear
on my webpage so if you really want to see the best of my work at this point, this is this CD you might
want to consider purchasing. I'm almost positive this will work on both PCs and Macs, but if it comes
down to which format the CD will require, it will be PC. Hopefully this does not cause any problems.

Just to play it on the safe side, I'd like to know how many people would actually consider buying a CD
ROM from me. Please fill in this quick survey so I know what I'm getting into.
PLEASE e-mail me if you have any questions about this product:


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*Reminder*: This CD ROM is a product by Richard Abril. That means, he produces it using his own original characters and therefore, has
complete rights to everything in the CD.

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Updates Log

Like the title implies, this is the Updates page. It is best that you check here regularly because I don't usually
post all my many tiny updates on the Major New section on the main page.


Hello everyone! How's it going. Well, summer's here (and almost over if I might add) and that means this
page SHOULD have some new stuff at hand. Right now I'm focusing on my


, which I hope

people will consider purchasing. I have about 45 percent of it done. This is my major project for the
summer. I haven't really gotten too much response to it, and it worries me a little so for those who visit,
please take the time to check my CD ROM page out and fill out the survey.

On to other things. I just realized how long it has been that I didn't do any fanart of any video game
character. I will try to pick up the pace on drawing fanart, which of course, will be mainly Final Fantasy.
I think it will help motivate me since I will start playing FF8 on my break time from the CD ROM.

I can't tell you guys how much I've improved these past few months from the stuff you see now. Every
since I sat down and looked at my work, anyalized what I needed to work on, and study the Japanese
fanartists styles, I think you guys will like the new stuff I will come out with.

Also, I'm thinking about making an online store where I make fandom goodies like SD figurines out of
clay, special posters, and CD ROM CG collections. I have to see how things work out first. Depending
on how things workout with my first product, I'll have to wait and see if I should do this in the first place.
Well, I guess that's that. I also want to thank all those who've visited my page in the past and have
supported me during the rough times. This page has been here for quite sometime now and there isn't
anything that's going to stop it now. I'll try and satisfy all of you with new and improved stuff soon. For
now, please be patient as I have no time to really update this page. When I do, I'll have lotsa cool new
stuff. I promise. Just keep visiting till then and thank you so much for the support.^_^

Rhythmic Emotions Gallery

- +2 Pics (Though they were made awhile back)

My Greatest Memories CD ROM Illustration Collection

- News, and thumbnail previews added

Free Talk: Unqiue Style=Success [6/30/2000]

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I just had a little time on my hands so I decided to finally get down and do a freetalk. Let's see, what I

can talk about. Oh, yeah, I can talk about how people's styles in art can differ and how it's great to see

so many new styles.

I for one, have tried to create my own style in anime. It's already hard enough as it is to find a unique

style in anime because so many styles are similar. Take for instance the popular series Evangelion, and

the illustrations done from the remake RPG playstation game Lunar. Both styles are incredibly similar, as

in the proportions and color choice. I thought at first it was the same artist, but someone informed me

afterward that it wasn't. To my amazement, I was in awe as to how similar both styles were. This comes

to my point on how as artists, we have to try and lead our own path in our art and to try to make

distinctions in style. I can't say that my style is any different from many artists because I'd be lying.

But the main point is to establish something to what you can call your own stuff.

Yes, I have to admit my style in art right now is very heavily influenced by the Japanese fanartists out

on the net. However, the big influence from their styles to mine are the way they color things. The

biggest factor that distinguishes a Japanese fanartist, to a "foreign" (meaning outside Japan) is the way

the linework is presented. From looking at various Japanese fanartists I noticed the consistency in how

they present the linework. Their linework is much thinner than what I usually see in foreign fanartists

that do anime/manga style. When I look at the linework, it seems that the thickness of it usually pencil

thin, or even thinner than that. Also, their lines aren't just one solid color. For example, most artists

that I've seen only have black lines, or grey sketchy lines. Whereas in the Japanese, they seem to blend

in the line's color, with what the line is surrounding. I could have a picture of a pretty girl in a red dress,

and if I were to do it the way the Japanese fanartist does it, I would make the lines around the red

dress, a dark red color, rather than it being just plain black, or grey. With this brilliant way of coloring

the lines, it makes the picture more soft in quality, yet it still contains the form. In many ways, it makes

the picture look more realistic since in real life, we don't really have thick black lines all around us. This

coralates back to even Reni painters in Europe, like Di'Vinci, where his human figures had nice glowing

skin, and soft lines that blending in with what the lines were surrounding.

Another distinguishing factor to a Japanese fanartist's style is the coloring itself. The majority of

Japanese fanartists I've seen have a firm grasp of neatly coloring his/her work. What I mean by this is

how well they know where the light is coming from, and where to shade and highlight. The biggest

admiration for their stuff is how they render the clothing. The drappery, and folds are simply stunning

when you look at a Japanese fanartist. Their folds look like folds, instead of randomly colored dark

areas. I actually have a BIG problem with that.

Despite the fact that they all do very high quality work, the major drawback in some of their art forms

is how similar many styles are. I do realize it is almost impossible to create your own style in

anime/manga, but I must emphasize how beneficial it would be if we all try and experiment with

different approaches to our work. In many Japanese fanartists, I see a lot of chibi cute styles (I must

say is my favorite style^_^;;). The eyes are usually an eye and half, to two yes are part. The nose is

about half an eye down, and the mouths are very close to the nose. The isn't a bad thing, but I'm just

pointing out some of the similarities in style.

In the end, I believe that those who will make it big in the growing anime/manga industry will be those

who have completely unique styles that still define "anime." This has been proven if you take a look at

artists like Bengus, who does Capcom's character designs or Yoshitaka Amano's work or even the new

character designer for the Final Fantasy series. All three artists have fairly unique styles, and look at

where they are now. There are so many anime/manga artists in Japan, and from what I've heard, and

even witness, many do not make it to high levels of publicity like Bengus or Amano.

I guess I've rambled enough. But before I stop boring your, or even confusing you, I'd just like to say

that I'm thankful people are accepting my style. I can only remember one person who wrote in my

guestbook that I could not draw, and the only thing I could draw where eyes and something about how I

draw very long faces. I laughed when I read that because I realized how this person pointed out the

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uniqueness in my artwork. In anime/manga style, there are some rules in proportions, but if you make

your own style, you're playing with your own rules. That's what I'm doing. I have to admit that I do draw

elongated heads a little more than the usual, but that's how I like it. Or how there really isn't a light

source for the way I do my hair. I just add detail and shine to every possible area in the hair.

I hope this freetalk was somewhat insightful to those who read, and understood it.^_^;; Remember,

these are my opinions, and everyone is entitled to an opinion-- whether it be an educated one, or a "just

because" opinion that seems to plague my guestbook. Hopefully, people will realize that before one

critizes an artist, they should take into consideration the artist's style. Simply saying an artist can't

draw says nothing, because about 80 percent of the time, most people just think an artist is "skilled" if

they like the style. Well, I guess that's that. Hopefully, I'll have another freetalk sometime. This was

really fun even though it does take awhile to do.

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*Reminder*: All fan art characters are copyrighted by their respective companies. Do not take images without permission by the artist. Images
are not being used for profit. This is just purely for fandom.

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*Reminder*: All fan art characters are copyrighted by their respective companies. Do not take images without permission by the artist. Images
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SD Delita reading about the truth

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*Reminder*: All writings her may not be used, reproduced, or redistributed in any form or way without permission from the author(s). All writings
are based on writer's opinions therefore please do not take their word as a final thought.

Document Outline


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