Jude Mason Jetts Gift

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A Total-E-Bound Publication


Jett’s Gift
ISBN # 978-0-85715-462-0
©Copyright Jude Mason 2011
Cover Art by April Martinez ©Copyright February 2011
Edited by Delaney Sullivan
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
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proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,
United Kingdom.

Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature
readers. This story has been rated total-e-burning.

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Jude Mason

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To those living with AIDS and the people who love them.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmark mentioned in this work of fiction:

Sherlock Holmes: Sir Arthur Conan Dole

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Chapter One

Jett grabbed the metal vent pipe and leaned over the side of the building, peering down

at the ant-like mingling of humanity below. The cold, southeast wind whipped the long

duster around his thighs and he grasped the waist-high pipe a little tighter. Wouldn’t do to

fall into their midst unannounced. He smiled dismally. The real shocker would have come

when he got up and walked casually away. Rain slicked his long, black hair down. The wind

whipped it across his face, into his eyes—black eyes, the colour of death, or so he’d been told

time and time again.

He climbed onto one of the many ledges, his heavy-soled leather boots gripping the

worn shingles. Standing tall, he turned his gaze upwards to the night sky, daring the wind to

tear him from his precarious perch.

Six hundred years he’d lived in darkness, feeding off the dregs of humanity and finding

love with those who, for the most part, had been cast out or shunned for being ‘different.’

Alex was different, and he loved the man like he’d never loved anyone before. Loved

him more than he’d thought possible after so long, so very, very long. Their couplings were

nothing less than amazing. Alex, as always, was brilliant in the many ways he’d found to

pleasure Jett. The lovely man knew how to do things with his mouth and lips that drove Jett

mad with desire. The sharpness of Alex’s mortal teeth tugging at flesh long chilled and lust-

tainted with the passing of so much time both astonished Jett and impressed him

tremendously. He’d thought he was long past the intensity of arousal Alex garnered in him.

Thinking of his lover’s amazing oral capabilities made his rod stiffen to majestic proportions

and sensitivity. The gentle nipping of the man’s mouth was enough to set his teeth on edge

and send flashes of ecstasy up his spine.

The soft flick of a wet tongue sliding across his swollen cock head, its stiffened tip

entering the hole at the end, sent a shiver of lust up his spine. Alex’s warm palm cradling

Jett’s balls, tugging on them just enough to create that special tension he adored so much.

Not pain, but so close it made his eyes water. How he longed for the man’s mouth to open

and take him in one long, slow swallow.

His cock thickened even more. The memories were so sweet, so raunchy.

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He gave himself a shake and groaned. Tilting his head back, he sent a harsh keening cry

into the night. A cry filled with all the pain of angry frustration he’d bottled up for too long.

He’d told Alex about his age, and all that went with it after they’d become more than a

weekly fuck. At first, the sexy, young blond had laughed and made fun of his confession.

But, when Jett showed him, the laughter had stopped, and the questions began. There’d

never been fear, and for that Jett was grateful, delighted even, but confused. After many

dozen’s of nights of discussion, ranging from what it felt like to have no heartbeat to how he

could get a hard-on when he didn’t have blood flow, they became more than just lovers.

They’d begun to fall in love.

Their fucking was monumental. Alex loved to go down on him and he didn’t seem to

care where they were. Jett loved the attention and he’d never been one to shy away from sex,

any kind of sex. Although the exposure proved problematic a few times, he never argued.

Alex stripped down to shoes and T-shirt whenever the desire took him. He often dropped to

his knees while they were at restaurants or shops, unzipping Jett easily, handily, and slipping

the growing length of his cock down his warm throat. The sheer joy of that warmth often

sent Jett skyrocketing towards orgasm long before he was ready. While sucking him, Alex

masturbated, coming gloriously all over Jett’s boots or the floor between his legs.

If Jett managed to push the man off his cock long enough for a good solid fuck, the

experience always left him exhausted beyond belief. A hand firmly gripping Alex by the hair,

guiding the sexy blond to his feet and over a nearby railing, couch or table got them both hot.

Jett took to carrying a small tube of lubricant on him at all times, just in case.

Jett had once dragged Alex into an unoccupied five star hotel room just to get to the

balcony where he thrust his lover over the railing. He’d slid Alex’s pants down and groaned

when he realised he’d neglected to wear underpants, as if the planned scene was all his idea.

It wasn’t and Jett took great pleasure in kneeling behind the man. With his fingers spreading

the tight buttocks wide, he leaned in and devoured the succulent rosebud while Alex

groaned and shook with pleasure.

“Please fuck me!” Alex had moaned over and over.

Jett had thrust his tongue in and out of the man’s slowly loosening hole, relenting only

when his lover’s voice took on a raspy tone he knew meant an orgasm couldn’t be far off. Jett

stood and slapped Alex’s right buttock sharply while unfastening the slacks that seemed

determined to strangle him. Naked from the waist down, he’d given his shaft a couple of

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quick strokes before placing its tip at the fluttering hole and waiting. The silken clenching of

Alex’s anal muscles trying to grasp his dick sent a shudder of pleasure along Jett’s spine. Yet,

he continued to wait. A few moments later, he got what he wanted.

“Jett, for fuck sakes, fuck me. Fuck me, now!”

Alex’s desperation was near palatable and Jett obliged eagerly. He eased the head of his

cock in, the tightness surprising him. It always did. He stopped, half-buried, to give his lover

time to accommodate him comfortably, only to have the man push back. The rest of his cock

sank in until Alex’s arse pressed against his belly.

Their fucking began slowly, like a lazy waltz they both loved. Soon the pace quickened,

flesh slapping as if they were angry at each other. Jett reached around Alex’s belly and took

hold of the up thrust shaft, masturbating him. Matching the pace as best he could, he brought

them both to the brink of climax and held them there. Alex moaned continuously, thrusting

his hips back and forth, effectively fucking himself, as well as Jett. The ecstasy couldn’t go on

forever and in a rush of groaning release, Jett slammed forwards and exploded into Alex’s

arse. That caused the man to cry out his pleasure and he joined Jett, his cum spattering

through the railing and down onto the people, or cars, below. The rhythmic clench,

shuddering squirm and spasm were a dance Jett knew he’d never tire of—especially with

Alex. That thought and the desire to give the man more pleasure than he’d ever had before,

became Jett’s focus in the half-life he led.

Three months later, they were exclusive to each other. Funny thing was, Alex never

asked about being turned. He seemed happy enough to accept the time Jett gave him. Alex

did extremely well as a model and was much in demand by some of the more prominent

fashion houses. His tall slenderness, the washboard abs and that mop of unruly hair were

always sought after. Jett had money enough to keep them both if that’s what he’d wanted,

but Alex wanted to work. Secretly, Jett thought he revelled in the attention. Now he’d

become more successful, the PR had ramped up and they partied and did the nightclub scene

at least four or five nights a week.

For eight years, Alex had been his lover. For eight years, they’d worked hard to learn

how to deal with Jett’s difference. Jett was a creature of the night—one of the undead, a


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It all changed when Alex got sick. It wasn’t anything drastic or horrible, at first. He just

had a cough that wouldn’t quit. Three weeks ago, after much urging and coaxing, he finally

went to a doctor.

“Yes, I know you’re fine,” Jett had told him softly one evening, pushing a lock of blond

hair out of Alex’s eyes.

“So what’s the rush? I’ve got one more shoot then I’ll be able to take a little time off.”

Alex had turned his back and thrust his hands into the sink full of dirty dishes and hot,

soapy water. He pressed his butt against Jett’s crotch, and began washing the dinner dishes.

A few minutes shy of midnight, Jett knew Alex was tired, while his own day was just

beginning. “You’ve had this fucking cough for three months. That’s too long, and you know


“Yeah, well, someone has to pay the rent.”

“Listen you stubborn son of a bitch,” Jett growled and took hold of Alex’s shoulders,

spinning the man around to face him. “We both know I can buy this building ten times over,

so there’s no ‘rent’ issue.”

“Yes, I know. You’re filthy rich. You can buy anything and anyone you want. So why

are you bothering with a sicko queer model?” Alex countered.

“Because, I love you.”

There it was. He’d said it out loud and knew it was the truth.

“Dayum!” Alex whispered and bent forward, wet hands slipping along Jett’s forearms.

“Okay, I’ll do the damn tests the doctor ordered.”

Jett leant down and pressed his lips against Alex’s cheek. “Thank you,” he murmured.

Nothing showed on the test results, at first. It was a cold. Then it was bronchitis.

Pneumonia. Coughing non-stop scarred his lungs. His eyes sunk from lack of sleep. The

specialist he’d begun seeing ordered more tests. He got some results.

For such a small word, AIDS took such an enormous toll on people’s lives.

On the rooftop, the frustration and anger he couldn’t hide or bury any longer broke

free. “Why?” Jett screamed into the storm. Water ran down his face. Not tears, he shed no

tears. Muscles rippled in his belly. His thighs strained. He cried like the wounded animal he

was. He’d found love, but could he keep it? Would Alex let him?

Fear knotted his stomach.

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He’d left Alex alone, asleep in the bed they’d shared for much too short a time, or so it

seemed to Jett. Angry, abysmally frustrated, Jett raised himself up onto his toes, and jumped.

Air whooshed by him. Wind and rain tore at his clothes, his flesh, his hair. Water

streamed upwards as he fell like a stone towards the street four stories below. If anyone had

looked up, they’d have seen him plummeting down, arms extended, a forlorn smile on his

face. He could kill them by the hundreds, and they’d never know what hit them. He thirsted.

In his rage, he wanted blood. Someone had to pay for the cruel injustice of Alex’s illness.

He twisted deftly. Pushing his feet downward, he forced his body to straighten up. The

black maw of a grimy window sped past at a blinding speed as he raced for the tarmac. An

instant before his feet touched, he flexed his knees, ready for impact.

A loud thud echoed off the brick walls of the surrounding buildings. No one seemed to

notice him, no one turned towards him or realised how close to death they might be.

“Fuckin’ cretins,” he snarled, glaring at a small group of greasy looking teenagers at the

end of the block.

Young men who obviously thought they had it all, knew it all and deserved more,

slouched against the building. Hands thrust deep into pockets lined with empty dreams,

accentuating genitals they’d scarcely learnt to enjoy. Hell, they hadn’t even got it through

their fat heads that it wasn’t just for pissing out of. Others, in skin tight leather jeans and torn

muscles shirts showing too much belly fat and not enough tone, strutted like peacocks for

any passing fem who might look their way.

Jett stalked past them, secretly hoping one of them would approach him. None did, and

for that alone, they lived—at least for another night.

The streets were all the shades of grey, colour seemed to have fled with the warm

weather. The cold fit his mood.

Striding out of the side street, he thrust his hands deep into the pockets of his

threadbare trench coat and turned towards home. There weren’t many ‘respectable’ people

there, a few hookers vying for the slowing vehicles slinking by. Each street corner had its

small group of homeboys or drug dealers furtively dealing out their goods to mad-eyed

wretches, whose minds gibbered with ghostly apparitions and all that kept them going was

the addiction that drove them. He spotted a child, no more than ten, skeletally thin and

sunken-eyed peering into the world he had no hope of understanding, and even less of


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“Humanity at its best,” he growled, and continued on. He brushed past a plump black

whore, who grabbed at his crotch and whispered filth in his ear. A young man, T-shirted and

in skin tight jeans approached him next, but he must have spotted Jett’s eyes because he

veered away before he got too close.

A car pulled up—a slinky black beast reeking of money. The boy sauntered that way,

and a moment later, vanished into the dark cavernous interior. When it pulled away, Jett

wondered if the boy would see twenty.

He reached the next corner and scowled at the skinny white trash leaning against the

lamp standard. Ripped jeans and a filthy cargo coat, the kid’s pockets bulged with drug

paraphernalia and his eyes gleamed from using his own product. “Hey dude, what’s your

poison? Dicky Do got what you need.” His words were slurred, his eyes barely focused.

“Don’t!” Jett warned and took a step away from the druggie.


He didn’t get any farther. Jett leapt at him, lifting him by the throat and slamming him

against the buildings’ brick wall a dozen paces away. Jett heard his teeth rattle and smiled

when a trickle of blood oozed from the corner of the boy’s mouth. “You shit for brains, waste

of skin, don’t you ever speak to me again. Ever. Or you’ll live out the rest of your useless life

peddling your wares from a wheelchair.” He slammed the young man against the wall again,

punctuating each word. When Jett finally dropped him, he remained on the pavement.

Jett wiped his hands down the front of his jeans and moved on. Anger still near the

surface, he skirted several more whores at a safe distance, before turning into another alley.

He was close to home, but still kept his guard up. To his left, amongst the mounds of trash, a

rat skittered into its hole. A cat, mangy and sly, crept after it, intent on a dinner that would

fill its stomach for the first time in days. He sensed this and more. But under it all, he raged

at the injustice of his lover, his Alex, and the illness that would eventually take him away,

unless he could be talked into joining Jett in the world of the undead.

The street Jett emerged onto was nothing like the one he’d just left. It was clean and the

buildings were in good repair, if a little older. Two more blocks, and he stood in front of their

apartment house entrance.

The door was old, the brown paint chipped and scarred from years of weather and

abuse. It faced him, challenged him to go in.

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He took a deep breath, smiled at how ludicrous that reflex was, then opened the door

and stepped through. The familiar smell of old wood and old people nipped at the anger still

burning inside. Alex was on the third floor. The stairs were straight ahead, the elevator to the

right. He scowled at the elevator doors and headed for the stairs, taking them two at a time

until he made the third floor landing. There was only one apartment on the third floor, theirs,

the other door leading to a vacant tomblike expanse used for storage.

He listened, and heard nothing. He reached out with his mind for a hint of movement

or wakefulness from inside. Again, there was nothing. Silently, he entered their apartment.

Darker shades of black and grey met him. A longish hallway, the cloak hooks piercing

the wooden slat at shoulder height on his right, two doorways across from each other a few

feet away, laundry and a tiny office. Farther on, to the right, the living room, and on the left,

the kitchen dinette. Straight ahead were two more doors, bathroom and bedroom.

Trench coat tossed over a hook, he shed his clothing with each step closer to their room.

Boots clattered on the floor, and he toed them off then kicked them under a chair. Black silk

shirt flung over the back of a dining chair, his jeans over the next. Socks and underpants

dropped, left just outside the bedroom door. Hand on the knob, he again listened for

movement, and heard nothing.

Light filtered in from the wide-open window above the king-sized bed. Sheets and

blankets pulled up around a slender neck, a foot and shin thrust out, hooked over the deep

forest green quilt that showed black in the night air. White-blond hair fanned over the

blackness of a pillowslip and framed a too-slender face.

Jett knelt beside the bed and reached for Alex’s foot. The warmth made him shiver. The

pulsing blood sent a chill of desire racing through him. He bent and ran his tongue along the

inside of his lover’s ankle, tasting salt and the very faint hint of blood. Inhaling, he got the

familiar scent of man. He rubbed his cheek against the swell of a firm lower leg, kissed his

way higher.

Alex stirred and rolled onto his back, his hands moving beneath the covers to his mid-

section. Jett felt the man’s pulse race and knew he was awake. He nipped at the taut skin

then nibbled on the soft hairs, tugging on them.

“Hey!” a sleepy voice admonished. “What’re you doin’ down there? Get in bed.”

The rustle of the covers followed by still strong hands on his shoulders and hair,

dragged him up and onto the bed. Jett climbed between the sheets, and slipped an arm under

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Alex’s pillow to draw his lover’s face closer. There was just enough light for him to see the

sparkle in the younger man’s eyes.

“Thought you might be horny.” Jett reached down for the erection he knew would be

waiting for him.

Alex gasped, but didn’t pull away when Jett wound his strong fingers around the shaft

of his cock. The organ stood plump, heading towards hard in his hand. Jett loved the feel of

blood pumping along the shaft, filling it, stiffening it. With his free hand, he pushed the

covers down, exposing the pale translucent flesh of his lover’s body. The scent of excitement

wafted up around him.

“I’m always horny for you,” Alex whispered and eased his legs apart.

Jett pulled away, but only so he could get back onto his knees, this time, between Alex’s

widespread legs. He pushed his lover’s knees wider apart forcing Alex’s to spread even

more. With the man’s cock still in hand, Jett leant forward to kiss his lover. Lips, soft and dry

from recent sleep, tightened then opened when he slid his tongue along them. Jett lingered

only long enough to taste the sleep-sweet breath before moving down to his neck, the pulse-

point below his ear and along his collar bone to the hallow at his throat.

Alex’s heartbeat quickened. Jett savoured the wild thumping of the man’s pulse against

his cheek and kissed his way to the nipple over that crazily drumming organ. Hard and tight,

a tiny morsel of man flesh he tormented with his teeth and lips. Smooth skin pressed against

his nose and smelt of aftershave applied hours ago.

Alex slid his hands over Jett’s head and shoulders. The nails dug into him when Jett

nibbled a bit too hard, or tormented a tad too long. Tired of the one nip, he laved his way

across the man’s warm chest to the other, where he proceeded to gently chew on its twin.

Nipple firmly grasped, he stroked Alex’s cock with a roughness both enjoyed. On the

upstroke, he ran a thumb across the weeping glans. Pre-cum drooled from its slit, anointing

his thumb and the soft-fleshed crown. Tightening his fist, Jett drove it down until the wiry

hair circling its base pressed against his hand.

“Fuck yeah,” Alex moaned and thrust his hips rhythmically.

“Do you want it?” Jett whispered in a husky voice. His own erection begged attention

and he easily straddled one of Alex’s thighs. The pre cum wet crown bounced between his

belly and the shin below. His balls ached with that over-full feeling he loved. He clenched his

arse and pushed forward, driving the head of his cock along Alex’s thigh. He bit down on the

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tiny man nipple then quickly moved to the other. He bit and waggled his head from side to

side, drawing a loud groan from the man beneath him.

“Yeah, fuck yeah, I want it.” Alex’s hips thrust even more urgently against him, and his

hands slid down to Jett’s arse. He gripped Jett’s buttocks tightly, massaging the large muscles

and pulling him in.

Jett sat up. He eyed his sexy blond lover, and swore he’d do everything in his power to

make the man agree to let him help. Shaking his head, Jett refocused on the deed at hand—or

in his hand. He cupped Alex’s balls with his free hand, gently gripping them and drawing

them down away from his body. His cock pulsed harder. A glistening droplet of pre cum

oozed over his hand.

Pulling has hand away, he held it up to his lips, and licked it clean. The taste made his

mouth water. The salty sweetness was almost like blood.

“What do you want?” He knew, but he loved making Alex ask him.

“Fuck me, damn you.” Alex growled. “You know what I want. Fuck me.”

Jett laughed, and swung his leg back between Alex’s. He gave the man’s cock several

extra firm strokes then released it. Before Alex could protest, he said, “Lift your legs up over

your head.”

“Bastard,” came the throaty retort. But, a moment later, Alex grabbed his legs behind

the knee and raised them.

“Now isn’t that a pretty picture?” Jett ran a finger along the tendon joining Alex’s thigh

to groin then circled his cock and balls. “Don’t let go, or I’ll stop.” He rounded the man’s

balls, and ran his finger along the underside of his cock, just barely touching the skin. He

circled again, before abandoning his groin to explore the other inner thigh.

Enjoying the tease, Jett scooted off the bed and knelt at its foot. Using a little of his

extraordinary strength, he pulled Alex towards him. Genitals no more than a few inches

away, he dined on them. He tongued Alex’s cock and sucked on the large firm balls. Making

his tongue rigid, he traced a wet line down to the crinkled star so beautifully exposed for


Above, Alex’s moans turned to a soft sob of need. His hips moved, his body trembled,

and his cock leaked copiously. But, no matter what Jett did to him, he held onto his thighs.

Jett relented and raised his mouth from the saliva slick and swollen pucker he’d been

gently fucking with his tongue. “Ready?”

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“Yes!” Alex yelled, apparently so crazed with lust he couldn’t control the frustration he


Jett positioned himself expertly. Cock in hand, the satin-smooth tip placed against the

softly clenching anal ring, he leant forward. There was resistance, but only for a brief

moment, before his cock head popped in, surrounded by the most exquisite warmth and

tightness. He stopped then, to bask in the sweetness of entry. He couldn’t bear to wait a

second longer and, taking one of Alex’s feet in each hand, he eased ahead. The inner ring of

muscle gripped him like a second skin, like wet velvet sliding over his shaft. He sighed, and

he moaned as inch after inch slowly sank into the depth of Alex’s rectum.

Again, Jett stopped. And again, he revelled in the sensation of being embedded so

intimately inside his lover. He trembled for a moment then he slowly withdrew his cock. The

extraction was almost as sweet as the entrance. The slow drag and pull, the gentle tug and

sighs that came from Alex’s mouth, excited him beyond words. He stopped only when his

cock head rested against the distended pucker of his anal ring, and only for a moment, before

he thrust home in one long easy push.

Alex groaned and shifted his arse on the bed to better align himself for the onslaught

ahead. When Jett was again seated well inside, he hissed, “Yes,” and clenched his inner

muscles. Only then did he release his knees, his hands moving to Jett’s hips.

“You weren’t supposed to let go,” he teased and pulled almost completely out of the

warm hole. “I said I’d stop if you did.”

“Jett, just fuck me. Damn, just fuck me now. I need this.”

That’s what Jett had been waiting for. That desperation and need in his lover’s voice.

“Stroke your cock,” he urged then began the fucking.

Alex demanded—nothing slow or gentle, but a hard and fast slamming of body against

body. He knew from experience that it wouldn’t take long for Alex to climax and allowed his

own boiling cum to rise. Focused on nothing but the sensation he caused and the breathy

sighs of the beauty beneath him, it took only a matter of a few minutes before both men were

gasping for breath as their orgasms took hold. Every muscle in his body seemed to tense as

fire shot from his cock. Alex cried out and his anal muscles clamped down on Jett’s cock like

a vice. A fountain of creamy white cum splattered his belly and Alex’s chest. Another

followed and the rest oozed over the swollen plum-coloured head.

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Jett gasped and fell forward onto Alex’s chest. Sweat-covered flesh slid across flesh. He

kissed the younger man’s throat. Blood was very near the surface and the sweet temptation

to bare his fangs was nearly overwhelming. To end the pain, the suffering he knew was to


“It’s a damn good thing I don’t have an early call in the morning,” Alex whispered

breathlessly. Sliding his arms around Jett, he wriggled his arse, clenching his inner muscles

for a last delicious squeeze.

“You haven’t had an early call in months, young pup.” Jett rolled to the side, sprawling

out on his back, one arm draped across Alex’s stomach, the other at his side. “Noon is early

to you these days.

“Yeah, I know. I seem to be getting calls for evening wear a lot more than I used to.” He

climbed from their bed and headed for the bathroom. “Be right back.”

Jett lay quietly, thinking of the future and what it might hold for them, if only—if only

Alex was well, if only he’d allow Jett to turn him. So lost in thought, he didn’t hear the blond

return until a warm damp cloth engulfed his genitals. Alex washed him then kissed the skin

just above his pubic hair. Face cloth tossed into the nearby hamper, he climbed back on the

bed. He yawned and turned on his side, tucking an arm under his pillow. Pale-blue eyes

gazed at him. Full lips and a nose that turned up at the end just enough to be imperfect, faced


“Alex, you know how I feel about you.” He traced a sharp fingernail along the smooth

skin of Alex’s chest. “You know I want to spend a great deal more time with you.”


He waited, expecting him to continue. But, when he didn’t, Jett said, “I don’t want you

to suffer. I don’t want to watch you waste away.” He gritted his teeth and shied away from

the image that flashed into his mind. “I don’t want to lose you. I—”

Alex’s finger across his mouth stopped him. “Jett, I just found out about the AIDS, give

me some time. We’ve still got time.”

“Yes, we still have time. Just don’t take too long.”

“My career is just taking off. I don’t want to jeopardise that. I need to be able to answer

cattle calls, and most of those are for daylight hours.”

“If you get sick, you’ll miss those anyway,” Jett countered.

“I’m fine. I don’t have any symptoms. Nothing. Maybe it was a mistake.”

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Jett caught the desperation in Alex’s voice and kept silent. They’d found out about the

disease just two short days ago, and Alex obviously wasn’t ready to leap into a decision so

radical. They had time, or so he hoped.

He stroked along the length of Alex’s side, from well-muscled shoulder, to the curve of

his hip. “You’re right. It could be a mistake.” Leaning forward, he kissed the tip of that

beautifully upturned nose, and added, “Sleep now, my young pup. We’ll talk another time.”

Alex snuggled in closer. His breath felt warm against Jett’s chest, and in no time at all,

he was snoring softly.

Jett peered at the alarm clock on the night table beside him. It was close to five and

would soon be daylight. He bent to kiss Alex on the forehead then he too drifted into a deep


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Chapter Two

Several months later, Jett stood behind the tall, gangly cameraman and watched Alex

pose. The shoot had been scheduled nearly a year ago and, as usual, it was supposed to begin

at noon. The actual picture taking hadn’t got rolling until nearly three. It was nearly nine

now and they’d been at it for hours with no break. Alex looked strained and the

photographer was beginning to show his temper, as was the director. Swimwear, which

consisted of very little more than a cup and some straps to hold it in place, seemed to be the

coming fashion for the young and beautiful next season, and that meant a ton of makeup,

which was hard on the skin if worn for any length of time. Nine hours was crazy. It wasn’t

just face paint this time either. The catalogue people wanted gaudy peacock colours from

hairline to toes. At the moment, Alex looked more like some tribal dancer than the man he

loved. They’d even dyed his hair with streaks of blue and purple to match the ‘suits’ he’d

been modelling.

Earlier, they’d been outside in the cool September weather, and of course, Jett had

missed those shots. Once the sun went down, he’d easily made his way past the security

guards and entered the studio. After a good twenty minutes of growing anger at the

treatment Alex was receiving, the young man spotted him. Alex beamed a smile his way then

spoke to the photographer. Jett saw the man’s annoyance, but he let Alex leave the set.

Alex approached him. Still beautiful, still vibrant, he got work as he ever did. But Jett

saw how tired and worn he really was. His ribs were a little more prominent, his eyes a little

more sunken and his face had that drawn look of one who was on the edge of exhaustion.

Reaching out, Jett took Alex into his arms, hugging the nearly naked man close. “Hey

sexy, how are you doing?”

“Good, babe, just a little tired is all. Been at this for fucking hours. The damn

photographer keeps changing his mind about what he wants.”

“Like that kind of shit will ever change.” He rested his chin on the top of Alex’s head,

scowling at the waiting group of vultures. “You look wiped, babe. Want me to scare this

bunch off?”

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Alex chuckled. “Nah, it’s a big shoot. I’m almost finished. Another hour and I walk no

matter what they want. Ten o’clock, the set guys start tearing this all down.”

“Okay, but I’m not happy about it.” He relaxed his hold but, before Alex turned away,

added, “Tonight, we talk.”

The blond man opened his mouth, to object or complain perhaps, but thought better of

it, and simply nodded.

Jett returned the nod then added, “I’ll see you later, at home, yes?”

“Yes.” Alex winked and headed back to work.

He stood watching, but only long enough to see Alex resume the posing stage.

On his way home, Jett stopped at one of the delis he knew stayed open and had decent

fare, even that late. Perusing the selection available, he chose a cheese and spinach quiche

and a Greek salad he knew Alex would like. Another stop at a small pub, where they brewed

their own style of beer, and he was on his way home.

Half an hour later, he had the table set, and dinner ready for Alex. It gave him time to

prepare himself for what he knew was going to be an uncomfortable, possibly frustrating


When they’d first found out Alex had AIDS, they’d both hoped it would, at the very

least, remain dormant in his system, sleeping for a few years. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem

to be what was happening.

Every day Jett felt the life force fading just a little more. Each week, he seemed either

weaker, or thinner, or both. At first, he’d refused to see a doctor, as if by ignoring the disease

it would somehow go away. When he’d fainted after a particularly gruelling modelling

session, Jett had taken the bull by the horns and got him to the emergency room at the local

hospital as fast as possible. A huge step for him, and the smell of blood had nearly driven

him crazy.

“He’ll need to begin a regime of both meds and supplements,” the tall gawky intern

said, and added seriously, “If you want to stay at all healthy, you’ll follow directions.”

Alex looked cowed. It was as if that moment the entire AIDS thing really sank in and he

accepted that he might actually die if he kept on as he was. “What meds, what

supplements?” he asked quietly.

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“I’ll make out a list for you.” The doctor took out his prescription pad and made a list.

“These are just until you see your own doctor. Make an appointment tomorrow. I’m sure

he’ll want to do tests and get you started on a schedule.”

Alex looked stricken.

Jett chimed in with a, “Yes, of course.” Then helped his lover off the exam table.

The doctor handed two lists to him, one with a dozen supplements, the other with

prescribed meds. “Remember, see your doctor. This won’t keep you going for long.”

“Yes, doctor,” Alex managed, looking at the lists, then added, “Thank you,” in a much

milder, subdued voice.

The doctor left the cubicle, and Jett helped Alex dress. The trip home had been silent,

both of them deep in their own thoughts.

The shuffling of Alex’s feet outside the door, just before the doorknob turned, dragged

Jett back to the present.

“Hey, you,” he remarked poking his head out of the small kitchen. “Long day, too


“Yeah, it was.” Alex bent to unfasten his shoes then kicked them into the corner. His

face was flushed, hopefully from the makeup and not from a fever. His jeans and the soft

cotton shirt seemed too big for his too-slender frame. “It’s great getting the exposure, but it

would sure be nice if they knew what they wanted before I’d spent four hours dipped in that

crap. He rubbed his hands up and down his arms, as if trying to rub something away.

“You ready to eat?” Jett returned to the kitchen, hopefully hiding the concern he felt,

while getting two cold beers from the refrigerator.

“A beer first,” Alex called. “I’m not really hungry right now.”

“I knew you’d say that.” He wandered into the main room, a beer held out. “I’ll give

you a little time to relax, but then you eat. I got your favourites.”

“And you?”

“I’ve dined already.” The memory of his latest meal flashed into his mind—a plump

prostitute who wouldn’t miss a litre or so of blood, and who was extremely content with the

exchange. She’d climaxed twice while he fed.

Alex chuckled and took the proffered bottle. He lifted the bottle in a silent toast then

took a swallow of the cold brew. “Ah, this is just what the doctor ordered. Thank you, Jett.”

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He took a drink of his beer, savouring the tart bite of the local brew sliding down his

throat. When he looked back at his blond lover, he saw again the pale flesh and knew that he

had to do something soon. The meds were helping, but not enough. “The doctor ordered you

to take it easy.”

Anger flashed in the young man’s eyes. “It’s a little difficult to take it easy when I’ve

got three people pulling on me to do more.”

“Maybe it’s time you told your agent how sick you are.” Jett suggested.

“Oh yeah, I’m sure I’d get all kinds of work if I spilled those beans.”

“You don’t have to work. I’ve got money. You know I could support us both for as long

as you like.”

Temper flaring, Alex glared at him. “Yeah I know. I could live off my sugar daddy

boyfriend. That’d look good, too.”

“What difference does that make?” Jett walked to the big picture window and gazed

out at the night skyline. “I could do so much more, if you’d just let me.” The last, he said in a


“It makes a huge difference, to me!” he roared. “At least I know I’m capable of taking

care of myself. I’m not some freeloading, pansy arsed, queer.” He opened his mouth, as if to

say more, but clamped his lips tight. He glared at Jett then took a deep breath. His face

softened. He guzzled his beer, holding the bottle up until it was nearly empty. When he

looked at Jett again, the expression on his face had softened.

“Babe, you’ll never be a freeloader.”

“But that’s how I feel about it.” Alex gulped the last of his beer, and put the empty on

the counter. “Any more cold ones?”

“Yeah,” replied Jett. Going to the fridge, he grabbed another bottle and opened it before

handing it over. “How about some food to go with that?”

“What did you get?”

Jett knew he wasn’t interested in the menu, but it gave each of them a moment’s respite

from the deeper conversation. “Quiche, spinach and cheese, and a Greek salad, from that deli

we found a couple of months ago. Thought you’d like it.”

“I do. Okay, bring it on.”

He sat in his usual chair, and waited while Jett laid the dinner out for him—a large slice

of the warm creamy quiche, and beside it, a mound of fresh Greek salad. Sitting next to him,

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Jett waited impatiently for him to dig in. He wasn’t eating enough. The disease was working

its ugly magic and sapping the young man’s strength.

Finally, his second beer half empty, Alex picked up his fork. It seemed as if he was

forcing himself to swallow the first two or three mouthfuls, but when he tried the quiche, he

smiled and ate with gusto.

Jett sighed. He’d done the right thing. Now if he could just get the fool man to see

reason and let him help, all would be well in his world. “It’s good to see you eating. You’re

losing weight, you know?”

“Yeah, I know. The doc said I would.”

“You’re working too hard.”

“I know that, too. But, I’ll need the money later.” He pushed another forkful of salad

into his mouth and chewed contemplatively. “Least I don’t have any ulcers or sores.”

“Yet,” finished Jett.

Alex fixed him with an angry glare. “I don’t need to be reminded.”

“I know you don’t,” he replied gently. “I just don’t want it to go that far with you.”

Looking up, his eyes sparkling, Alex said, “I don’t either.”

“Alex, my love, it doesn’t have to.” He reached across the table and took one of the

other man’s hands between his. “You know what I can do. It wouldn’t change you. You’d

just have to alter certain aspects of your life.”

“Certain aspects!” Alex gaped at him.

“Okay, so maybe it’d change your life a lot.”

“No shit, Sherlock! I wouldn’t be able to take any calls for daylight shoots. I wouldn’t be

able to use a mirror, and you have to admit that’s a pretty huge thing for a model. There are a

hundred things that would have to change.”

“Alex, take a breath. Eat your dinner and then we’ll talk,” Jett tried to calm him down.

The man had to eat. His strength depended on it, and this arguing wasn’t getting either of

them anywhere.

Alex glared at him, but didn’t say a word. He simply looked down at his plate and

tucked in. The meal slowly disappeared as did his beer. When he dropped his fork onto the

plate and sat back, rubbing his stomach, Jett rose to clear the dishes.

Standing with his back to the blond man, Jett asked, “Why won’t you let me help you?”

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“I just gave you a couple of good reasons.” Alex pushed his chair back and slid down

until his butt perched on the edge of the seat, extending his extraordinarily long legs under

the table.

Jett returned to the window and looked out at the darkness. “You’d rather die than

change your life?”

“I don’t want to die.”

The words were barely loud enough to hear, but held so much desperation and fear, it

tore at Jett’s soul. He was frustrated and confused. Alex didn’t have to die. He’d have to

make some changes, but he could live and be healthy for decades—for hundreds of years if

he was lucky. Why wouldn’t he allow it? He was sure there was more. Turning, he went and

stood behind the man.

Leaning forward, Jett kissed him on the neck. “You’re not telling me everything, are


Alex stiffened and lunged to his feet. Whirling, he looked Jett straight in the eyes. He

shook his head, but didn’t answer. He simply turned and headed for the bathroom.

Jett followed, sure he’d finally touched on something he needed to hear. He watched

Alex line up his pill bottles and began to down an assortment of tablets, following each with

a swallow of water. Done, he walked from there to the bedroom they shared, with Jett on his

heels. Without turning on the light, he pulled the bedding back.

“It’s late,” Alex said, unfastening the buttons of his shirt. Slipping it off, his too thin

torso seemed much too pale. His ribs rose like fingers along his sides. Belt unfastened, he let

his slacks drop. He didn’t pick anything up, just climbed into bed.

Jett crossed his arms over his chest. Should he continue or let the man sleep? The dark

circles under his lover’s eyes almost made the decision for him, but then he figured those

circles weren’t going to get any better. It took him only a few moments to lock up and return

to the bedroom. Not long enough for Alex to fall asleep.

He shucked his own clothing, and after making sure the blinds were closed properly, he

climbed into bed. For the longest few minutes, they both remained silent. Jett was deep in

thought, wondering how best to continue and how he’d handle it if Alex simply refused him.

Just the thought of what the coming months could bring if he was left unchanged made Jett


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Finally, unable to stand the silence, or the distance any longer, Jett rolled onto his side.

Rising onto his elbow, he gazed down into Alex’s eyes. “It’s been over six months. This

disease is taking its toll and I can help. You won’t let me. Alex, I love you. You know I do.

Why won’t you let me help?”

“You just can’t let it rest, can you?” He spoke through gritted teeth, obviously holding

his emotions in check.

“No, I can’t.” Jett leant forward and pressed his lips against those much warmer than

his. “I’ve lost too many lovers. I can’t lose you, too.”


Again, Jett waited for him to continue, but again the words had stopped. “But what,

Alex? Please, don’t shut me out. Not now.”

Instead of answering right away, the young man’s arms slid around Jett’s neck, and

drew him closer. Soft lips warmed his neck then the soft breath made him shiver as he spoke.

“I love you Jett. I’ve never loved anyone before, but I know I love you.”

Jett relented and slipped his arms more firmly around his young lover’s body. “I know,

babe. I love you too, and that’s why I want—no, I don’t just want—I need to help.”

There was a long pause before Alex continued. Finally, he said, “Don’t stop me now.

Just let me tell you.”

Eureka, thought Jett but kept his mouth shut.

“AIDS. Such a huge thing. And pretty new, too, in the scope of things. Been around for

less than fifty years. A new disease—a disease that we humans can’t do anything about—

except prolong our lives and pray.”

“Fuck!” He growled and shifted so his cheek rested more comfortably against Jett’s

chest. “Before this happened, I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with you. A very long

unnatural life.”

Jett stiffened. He’d assumed that, at some point, Alex planned to allow him to turn him,

but they’d never actually spoken of it until the AIDS happened. Now, he knew and ached to

hear more. But as anxious as he was, he bided his time and kept silent.

“I figured I’d have my ten years, if I was lucky, at modelling. Then, if I hadn’t decided

on some other career where I needed to be so much in the public eye, I’d simply ask you.

That is, if we were still together in ten years. You never know what’s going to happen.” He

paused then, and looked up at Jett. “You really don’t.”

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Looking down into the lovely blue eyes, Jett worked at smiling. He didn’t feel it, but he

knew Alex would want to see it. “Ten years is over in the blink of an eye, my love.”

“Yes, for you, I guess it is.” He snuggled his face back against Jett’s chest before going

on. “You ever heard of a vampire taking the blood of someone HIV positive?”

The question caught Jett totally by surprise. He didn’t associate with others of his kind,

very few did. For a moment, he thought about it, and realised it had been at least twenty-five

years since he’d talked to Aton, the beautiful black man who’d turned him.

He rolled onto his back, but kept his arm under Alex’s head. “Why are you asking this?

Honestly, can’t remember even discussing this with any of my kind. It’s not a topic that

would come up in casual conversation.”

“I’m asking, because I’m scared. I’m dying, I know that intimately. I won’t take the

chance of you contracting AIDS from me. It was bad enough when I thought I’d passed it on

to two guys who didn’t mean anything to me.”

That’s it! Jett raised his upper body and looked down at his blond lover. He was a fool.

How could he have missed this? “Alex, my sweet, crazy, beautiful man, you haven’t thought

this through very well, have you?” He smiled, and this time it was an honest moment of

sheer happiness.

“What do you mean? Of course, I’ve thought about it. I’ve thought of nothing else for

the last few months.”

Jett felt the man’s anger rising and, wanting to nip it in the bud, leant forward and

planted a kiss on his soft, warm lips. At first there was nothing more than flesh pressed

against flesh, but when he slid his tongue over Alex’s, he felt a softening. Pulling back, he

whispered, “But, my love, my sweet man, I’m already dead. How could your disease hurt


Alex gaped. He’d obviously been so worried, he’d let his heart do the thinking and not

his head. “What?”

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Chapter Three

“What indeed,” Jett remarked, pulling the man’s mouth to his again. Hot breath

caressed his cheek as he slipped his tongue between his lover’s lips to explore the hot interior

of his mouth. Their teeth bumped, and he shuddered as his incisors pushed forward. He

tasted the tang of medication on Alex’s breath, and chose to ignore it as he sucked greedily

on his tongue. Moaning, he thrust his hips forward, his swelling cock rubbing against a

warm thigh.

Alex, breathless, panting, finally pushed him away. “Jett, are you serious?”

Tilting his head, he replied, “Of course, I am.” He ran his tongue over the firm curve of

Alex’s ear. “I can turn you right now.”

“No, not yet. My modelling…”

“Alex.” He flopped down beside the distraught man and ran a hand over his back. “The

medication and treatments will keep you healthy-ish for a while. But, you’ll suffer. You

know you’ll start getting sick. You’ll have lesions and, when it gets really bad, the treatments

will be horrible—you’ll lose it all. And not in a good way.”

“I know. Dear God, I think about that all the time.” He shuddered and curled against

Jett’s side again, cheek against his chest, hand spread across his belly.

“Hey, it doesn’t have to happen.” Jett turned and kissed Alex’s nose. “I won’t let it

happen.” He kissed the man’s left cheek. “I love you too much.” He kissed his right cheek. “I

can’t lose you.” He kissed him on the lips. “I won’t lose you.” He stopped and gazed into the

blue, blue eyes he adored. “I won’t allow it to happen. All right?” He waited, silently praying

for the answer he needed to hear.

“Yes, all right.”

Jett launched himself straight up, right arm raised, fist clenched and yelled, “Yes!”

Below him, Alex blinked then broke into laughter, which suited Jett just fine. It had

been much too long since the gorgeous blond man had laughed. He’d had little to laugh

about. All that had suddenly changed.

“Hey, you jump on me and I’ll have broken ribs to contend with.” But he was still


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Jett sank to his knees, and drawing Alex up by his shoulders, kissed him soundly on the

mouth. “I love you.”

Alex blinked again, and replied, “I love you, too. Kiss me again.”

Leaning forward, Jett brushed his lips softly against Alex’s. Flicking his tongue out, he

drew a line across the tightly closed mouth, urging it open. Their tongues entwined, and

Alex’s breath fanned across his cheek warming him. He suddenly pulled away, and asked,

“What about your career?”

Alex had a thoughtful look on his face for a moment, before he smiled. “I love my

career. I’m sorry it’s not going to go as far as I’d hoped, but if I can’t do the mirror thing, or

go out during the day, it’d cause some questions.”

“You could take on some special assignments,” Jett suggested, the ghost of an idea

forming in the back of his mind.

“Yeah, maybe I could. But, every day I wonder if I’ll show signs of some illness. I’ve

been really lucky so far, no sores or complications, but I can feel it in me now. I know I’m


“Yes, you’re sick. I can feel it in you. I sense it every time we’re close like this.”

“Jett, please, turn me tonight.”

Elated, Jett replied, “I thought you’d never ask.”

He hopped from the bed and went for the tall black candles he’d stashed in the bottom

of the closet along with the matches from his bedside table. Setting them on the table, he lit

all ten of them then faced the bed. Reaching down, he pulled the covers down, letting them

fall to the floor. “Strip off your underpants.” His voice trembled. Until that moment, he

hadn’t realised how much he needed this to happen.

Alex tore off his underwear and lay back against the soft cushions. The dark green

sheets looked black in the flickering candlelight and made his fair skin seem even paler.

Already slender, the illness had taken the last bit of body fat and left him just skin and bones.

The only things it hadn’t touched were his cock and balls. Nestled snugly at the apex of his

thighs, his plump white cock lay across his nearly hairless balls.

Jett climbed onto the bed and, on hands and knees, he crawled ahead. Leaning down,

he kissed one too-slim ankle and nudged it away from its twin. Alex got the message and

eased his legs wide. His balls moved in their smooth sack, and his cock twitched then slowly

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lengthened, its dome rising as it progressed. Suddenly, it flipped to the side. After that, each

beat of Alex’s heart sent it jerking towards his belly.

“Are you sure?” Jett asked, giving Alex one last chance to change his mind, but terrified

he’d do so.

“Yes, never been surer of anything in my life.” He held out his arms. “Besides the fact

that I love you.”

Jett ignored them for the moment, and continued on his slow easy crawl up the inside

of the man’s widespread legs. He bent to kiss a thigh then crossed to the other. He licked one,

savouring the salty man-taste on his tongue. A hair tickled his nose, and in response to it, he

nipped at one just below the shiny round balls mere inches from his face. He smiled when

Alex shuddered.

His jaw ached. It was that dull ache he’d grown immensely familiar with over the

decades—the centuries. He writhed, his body going into the kill mode. His skin tingled. The

pain in his jaw moved, centring in his upper and lower incisors. Even his vision cleared,

things around him becoming more focused, the flesh of the man beneath him taking on a

surreal silver glow. His cock stirred and lengthened, blood coursing along the shaft.

He bent and ran his tongue along Alex’s warm, inner thigh, and savoured the rich

aroma of the man. He nudged his balls, and ran his nose under them, lifting them, all the

while caressing the flesh with his lips. His fangs lengthened. The sharp tips raked the inside

of his mouth. He yawned and it helped ease the ache, as it always did.

A moan from Alex only made Jett’s hunger rise faster. He nuzzled at his balls, revelling

in the feel of their soft outer flesh and the firm, walnut-sized orbs inside. How tempting,

simply to raise his head, surround each with his lips, his teeth. How easy to simply let his

teeth sink into them.

His cock pulsed, its shaft fully distended, the crown slapping his belly with each

movement he made. Pre-cum oozed, anointing his thighs and belly.

Unable to hold his hunger in check any longer, Jett zeroed in on the vein running along

Alex’s inner thigh. He was so sensitive, so aware of his mate. He heard the blood rushing

through his body, needed to taste it. Glancing up into the ocean blue eyes, he flattened his

tongue and licked it, luxuriating in the pulsing beat. A hint of copper reached him, blood, so


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“Do it,” urged Alex, his face flushed, his voice nearly unrecognisable in his lust. “Do it


Jett needed no further urging and yawned, his mouth wide, exposing his dagger-sharp

incisors before he slowly sank them into the warm pulsing vein. The slight resistance

dragged a moan of sheer bliss from deep inside him. It lasted but an instant then the warm

smoothness filled his mouth.

“Yes, yes!” Alex whispered, a hint of pain in his affirmation.

Suddenly, there were hands on his head, holding him in place while he suckled on the

life-blood of his mate. He slid his own hands beneath Alex’s buttocks, and lifted him. The

drumbeat of the man’s heart echoed inside him, the rich warmth sliding down his throat like

wet silk and tasting of life and desire. Jett arched his back, pushing his hips forward, his cock

aching for a touch, a tease, anything to ease the tension building inside.

Jett knew it took some time to drain the blood from a man, but he was patient, and after

the initial wild excitement, he harnessed his desperate need. He listened to the beating of

Alex’s heart. When the rush of blood slowed, and the strength of its beat grew less insistent,

he eased off, allowing the last little bit to merely drain into his mouth. When it was done, he

raised himself over the still form of the man he adored, who meant more to him than the

half-life he loved. Beyond pale, and as limp as any of the dead he’d seen in his long life, he

knew his Alex would die if he didn’t act swiftly.

There was still life there, but so very little.

Jett flipped himself around, and slashed the thick vein in his inner thigh. Rich, copper-

sweet and dark, his blood flowed across his thigh. He positioned himself perfectly. Lifting

Alex’s head, he pressed the man’s lips to the open wound, and in his most hypnotic voice,

said, “Drink, my love. Join me now.”

For long moments, nothing happened, but again Jett was patient. When he felt a stirring

then the soft moist lips pressing against his thigh, he knew he’d never be alone again. Lights

flashed behind his eyes. The hungry slurping of the newly born creature taking his first meal

was like the richest of melodies to his ears. Hands pulled his hips closer, nails dug painfully

into his buttocks and the draining sensation of turning his lover crashed down on him.

He growled. His strength waned as the blood flowed into the other’s mouth. Soon, he’d

have to stop Alex, but it had to be done at the right time, or all would indeed be lost.

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He had trouble concentrating, and his vision dulled. Yet, his erection remained. It

pulsed, and his balls churned.

“Alex,” he croaked and was alarmed at how weak his voice was. “Alex, you have to


The man ignored him, continuing to feed. Reaching down, Jett wrapped his fingers in

the soft blond mat of hair, and with the last reserve of strength, he pulled. Agony tore at his

thigh as teeth gripped tighter.

Alex snarled, the animal within him surfacing with a vengeance. His strength

astounded Jett, and for a moment, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to break free.

Eyes the colour of blood glared at him from between his thighs—inhuman, beastly,

hungry eyes that sent daggers of hate and lust towards him. But only for a moment. Alex

surfaced, and the gnawing agony at his leg halted and a gentle lapping took its place.

“Jett, my God, Jett,” mumbled the bemused man from between his thighs. “Your flesh,

it glows. I can smell…everything. This is amazing.”

“Yeah, it is,” he murmured and turned so his face was at the other man’s groin. “But, if

you think all that’s amazing, wait until you come.” With that said, he bent forward and took

Alex’s dick into his mouth. He was hard already. By the way he thrust his hips forward then

enveloped the aching meat between Jett’s thighs, he seemed more than ready to explore these

newfound pleasures. Yet, Jett also got the impression Alex might be a little timid in his

newfound world of blood and the night.

Jett ran his tongue along the side of his lover’s cock, and sighed when the same thing

happened to him. His cock jerked, the tip wedging itself at the back of Alex’s mouth in a cool

clench. No breath swept passed the whetted flesh. There was no need, nor any need to


Jett ran his tongue along the side of Alex’s shaft one more time, and shuddered when he

got the same treatment—a mirror of pleasure given. He tightened his oral hold on Alex’s dick

and flicked the head with the pointed tip of his tongue.

When Alex reciprocated, the muscles in Jett’s thighs tensed against a quick climax.

Jett shifted, raising his upper leg as best he could, allowing better access to his genitals.

A cool hand cupped his balls, cradling them tenderly while his cock received another, more

insistent sucking.

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The lead had been passed to Alex. Jett took another path, sliding a finger between

Alex’s balls and heading towards the knot-like pucker. Using just the ball of his finger, he

pressed it against the centre of Alex’s hole and watched it slowly sink in. Not far, just to the

first knuckle whereupon the muscles clamped tight, holding his digit captive.

He pulled his mouth off Alex’s cock and whispered, “Relax, babe, let me in. I want to

show you how amazing this can be.”

Alex moaned, but didn’t let go of Jett’s cock. Instead, he forced a little more into his

throat. It was as if he wanted to prove something. Maybe that he was worth Jett’s time and

effort. It didn’t matter.

Jett’s finger slipped inside a little more. He wiggled it, twisted and turned it until the

muscles gave up their slight resistance and let the digit in. “Yes, that’s it. Feel it. Feel the

sensation of being fucked—taken by someone who loves you.” He slid his finger out, barely

keeping contact with the softened pucker. A moment later, he sank it back in. Twice more he

eased in then pulled out of Alex’s hole.

His lover finally released his hold on Jett’s dick and laid the head against his cheek.

“More. Fuck. This is incredible. I feel like I’m stoned or drunk. Everything feels twice as

intense. In-fucking-credible!”

Jett bit back the chuckle bubbling up from deep inside. Carefully, he straightened a

second finger alongside the first and eased them both past the ring of loosened anal muscle.

Alex moaned and grunted. The muscles clamped then relaxed, gripping the intruding


“That’s it. Just feel it. Take it and enjoy.” Jett plunged deeper. He twirled and twisted

the two fingers, spreading them slowly, easing his lover’s hole open.

“You’re making me crazy, man.”

“Nah, you were crazy before I started this. Trust me.”

“Always.” Alex’s hips shifted, slowly moving back and forth.

Jett gasped, his cock suddenly enveloped in the wetness of the man’s mouth again.

Alex’s tongue and teeth slid along the shaft, catching on the ridge just below the head.

“Yes, that’s it. Get me good and wet,” he murmured. “I’m going to fuck you for real in a

minute. You’re going to love that.”

Alex’s nod sent a new set of sensations coursing through him.

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Jude Mason


When Jett was sure he’d stretched his lover’s anal ring enough, he pulled off him and

got to his knees. He grabbed the man’s shoulders and spun him around. “On your knees,

sweet cheeks. I want your arse.”

“Oh yeah. I want your cock buried deep in my hole.” Alex rose onto his hands and

knees, positioning himself between Jett’s legs. He wiggled his arse and peered at Jett over his

shoulder. “Come on, do me.” Lowering his shoulders to the bed, Alex reached back and

spread his buttocks apart in a lewd invitation. “Show me, my love. I want to know what it

means to be a creature like you.”

Jett couldn’t say whether the fucking he planned would show Alex anything but how

amazing he’d feel, but that was enough. A little unsteady from blood loss and the insane

excitement he felt, Jett took hold of his cock shaft. Taking aim, he dragged his cock over the

softened opening of his lover’s hole. “Tell me when you’re ready. But don’t move or I’ll pull

away.” He guided the crown like a weapon of intense pleasure up and down Alex’s arse

crack, stopping at the man’s opening to press in just enough to tempt them both. He never

went in deep, just teased them both mercilessly.

“Now, fuck, now. Do me. Fuck me. Do it hard.” Alex trembled beneath him in his

obvious struggle to remain still.

“Hold yourself open for me. Wider.” Jett bent forward and spat on the darker opening.

He pressed the head of his cock against the warm wetness and moved it around, anointing

his target with the only lubricant he’d use, this time. Taking his time, he eased ahead. The

crown popped in, and he held still, letting Alex become accustomed to the girth.

“Oh fuck. Oh my…fuck. Yeah. Do me. Fuck!” Alex whispered a litany of lust quietly

into the bedding.

Jett smiled when he noticed the twisted handfuls of cotton sheets clenched in each of

Alex’s fists.

Another jab and Jett’s cock inched its way deeper. He waited, but only for a few

seconds before he lunged forward again, thrusting the last few inches of his dick in. Belly to

butt, Jett was buried as far as he could be.

“The colours. The smell. You smell amazing, Jett. Musky, manly. Hot. Sexy,” Alex

whispered huskily. “Things glisten like I never saw before. The heat. Is that it?”

“Shsh! Just hush now and feel me,” Jett urged and thrust gently in then pulled partially


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Jude Mason


He fucked Alex slowly, carefully, at first. But soon enough, his lover couldn’t seem to

control his need for more and was actively slamming his hips, his arse, back against Jett’s

body. The slapping of flesh against flesh became the drumbeats of their guttural mating


Jett reached under his lover and took hold of a surprisingly firm erection. The head

dripped pre cum onto the sheets, but it didn’t matter, nothing did but their lustful love for

each other. Moments later, an aeon or so passed, and Alex’s cock sent its creamy load all over

the bed in great throbbing pulses. Each jet of cum was accompanied by a harsh groan of

animal pleasure, the likes of which Jett had never heard from his man before.

Alex slumped and moaned, sagging onto the bed beneath him. His arse clenched so

tightly, Jett was unable to break free, nor would have if he could.

Jett’s orgasm followed quickly, his thighs tightening, his arse clenching. He emptied his

balls into Alex’s eager hole. Growling with pleasure, he squirmed and worked his hips

against Alex’s bottom, sending the last of his creamy cum into the man’s arse.

They stroked and kissed each other wherever they could reach. Alex lay silent for

several moments before he spoke. “I didn’t know it would be like this.”

Jett rolled to the side and collapsed next to him on the bed. “Course you didn’t. And

there was no way I could describe it.”

“I’m all right now, aren’t I?”

“You don’t have AIDS. But, you don’t have a heartbeat either.”

“It’s huge.”

“Yeah, it is. When you sleep the first time, you’ll find it even more amazing. Your body

goes through some changes, and it takes a little while.”

“I can imagine. Fuck, no I can’t.” He laughed then he was silent.

“You’ll be all right. I’ll be here for you.” Jett stroked the slender thigh beside his.

“We’ve got all the time we need.”

“No more modelling, though.” There was disappointment in his voice.

“We’ll see.”

The plan that had begun to form in Jett’s thoughts blossomed. There might very well be

a way Alex could keep modelling. He’d simply have to change his marketing plan, his

audience. They’d talk. He’d look into it first, but they would talk.

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Jude Mason


* * * *

Three months later, Alex strained to hold the pose expected of him. The leather gear

wrapped around his loins and chest concealed very little, the collar and leash pulled tight.

“Good, now hold…” The camera clicked, repeatedly, as the tall, balding photographer

moved around the set. “Okay, move.”

Jett watched from across the room, a smile on his face. Alex glanced his way, and

couldn’t keep the smile off his face, either. They shared a wink. The new agent he’d found for

Alex had been thrilled with his lover’s waif-like appearance and the late night restrictions

hadn’t seemed to phase anyone.

“Hold your head up a little more. Show me the collar.” The photographer suggested in

his bland tone.

Alex lifted his chin, yet somehow managed to hold onto the look of submission the mag

needed. The leather collar with its pattern of silver studs stood out starkly against Alex’s pale

flesh. The makeup on his arse stood out even more in the bright lights and looked amazingly

real, as if he’d been whipped.

Now, that might be something to try, later. Jett smiled and waggled his eyebrows at his

lover, wondering if BDSM might be in their future—fetish, most definitely was. They both

loved the leather Alex had been modelling and with the money he made, and the wealth Jett

had stashed away, they could afford it.

Jett walked over to one of the tall windows and gazed into the night. Life, or death, was

indeed good—very good.

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About the Author

Jude’s imagination frequently leads her astray and she eagerly follows while trying to keep
out of trouble, or at least, not get caught. For those of you who know her, you’ll know that's
not always easy. A picture, a smell, an unexpected glimpse of flesh, or a load of soil in the
back of a pick-up, are all fodder for her writing. Her male characters run the gamut from the
dominant male ruling his women with an iron fist, to a simpering purple-clad boy-toy whose
only desire is to please. As diverse and as richly depicted, her women find themselves in a
myriad of exotic and erotic situations.




Jude loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author
biography at



Also by Jude Mason

Forever Mine

Stiff Trick

Knight or Daye

Jacob’s Pony

Night Games

Ghost of a Chance

Pleasure Bound: Selene’s Awakening

Naughty Nooners: Lunch Is Served

Also by Jude Mason and Jenna Byrnes

Untamed Hearts: Stallion’s Pride

Untamed Hearts: Wolfen Choice

Untamed Hearts: Bear Combustion

Untamed Hearts: Feral Heat

Kindred Spirits: Quinn’s Blessing

Kindred Spirits: Alex’s Appeal

Kindred Spirits: Hunter’s Light

Kindred Spirits: Ethan’s Choice

Gaymes: Good Cop, Bad Cop

Over the Moon: Trapped

Friction: Maximum Exposure

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