Stormy Glenn Fangs and All(1)

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Fangs & All

Garret Kane loves his bar. It’s his baby. When Samuel Harden
walks through the door and applies for a job as a bouncer, Kane is

pretty sure the man is a good fit for the position. One look at
Samuel and Kane is positive the gorgeous mountain of a man is

perfect for another position—specifically one in Kane’s bed.

Samuel has a few surprises of his own—mainly the fact that not

only does he have fangs and drink blood, but he is in another
coven’s territory without permission. As Kane expresses his

interest in Samuel, he’s drawn into a world he never even knew
existed, one filled with danger and betrayal. Only by making a
deal with a man that seems like the devil himself can Kane save

Samuel from a fate worse than death. But the cost of that deal
might be more than a mere human can survive.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal,
Length: 46,302 words

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Stormy Glenn



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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Stormy Glenn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-027-8

First E-book Publication: December 2012

Cover design by Harris Channing
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1

“Yo, Kane, there’s some guy out here asking about a bouncer


Kane rolled his head, hearing a distinct popping sound as his neck

realigned itself. He rubbed the nape of his neck trying to massage
away the rest of the tension gathering there. Sometimes he hated
owning a bar.

Nights like tonight were a perfect example. It seemed like almost

every worker he employed tried to call in sick just before shift started,
his weekly alcohol delivery was over two hours late, and the doors on
the bar were due to open in less than forty-five minutes.

And now someone wanted a job?
“Yo, Kane,” the voice shouted again, “what do you want me to

tell this guy?”

Kane opened his mouth to shout back an angry retort, catching

himself just in time. He snapped his mouth closed and pushed his
hand through his thick curls, tugging a little at the ends as if he could
pull his worries away with his fingers.

He stared down at the pile of bills and paperwork on his desk and

shook his head. His mind just wasn’t in it. The bar was due to open
soon, and he needed to collect himself before that happened or he’d
end up decking the first drunk bastard that looked at him wrong.

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Kane tossed his pen down on the desk and stood. He’d better find

out who wanted to see him before business started or he’d never get
the chance. He made his way out to the main room, his eyes
immediately scanning the room and assessing the shape of things.

Doors still closed?
Room clean and organized?
Gorgeous muscle-bound sex god in tight jeans?
Kane’s eyes snapped back to the bar. His cock hardened and

throbbed against the confines of his black jeans faster than it ever had
in his life as he took in the tall, striking figure standing by the bar

Hot damn!
Breathtaking didn’t even begin to describe the man. He stood

several inches over the other men in the room, making him easily seen
by Kane. The muscles rippling under the man’s tight, white cotton
shirt quickened Kane’s pulse. His powerful body moved with a
sensual gracefulness Kane wouldn’t have expected in a man his size.

And if his pants hugged his ass any tighter the guy would lose

consciousness from lack of oxygen to his brain. But, damn, the ass
was the tightest rounded ass Kane ever saw. Kane really liked fucking
asses like that.

If he added in the shoulders that seemed as wide as a barn and the

thick, bulging muscles, Kane knew he was looking at the man of his
dreams. And he hadn’t even looked above the man’s collar yet.

When he did, Kane was beyond stunned. He didn’t figure a man

that had the body of a Greek God could have a face of an angel. His
lips were firm and sensual, his smooth tanned skin stretched over high

A lock of dishwater-blond hair fell over his forehead, his light hair

a deep contrast to his tanned skin. Kane thumped his hard cock then

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walked across the room, his sights set on the man staring back at him
with moss-green eyes.

He was so fucked.
And if he was lucky, so was the man he had in his sights.
“Garret Kane, what can I do for you?” I have a few ideas I could


“My name is Samuel Harden. I’m looking for work,” the man

said, his voice low and smooth and just husky enough to send shivers
of delight down Kane’s spine. “I have experience as a bouncer, beer
bartender, and prep cook. Do you have any positions available?”

Kane muffled a groan by biting his lip. This was just too easy. He

flexed his fingers to keep from reaching for Samuel. He wanted to
drag the massive man back to his office, bend him over his desk, and
find out how many positions they could discover together.

Samuel’s eyes narrowed in on the lip caught between Kane’s

teeth. A light flush filled his face, and his eyes seem to widen just a
fraction before they darted away. Kane smirked, raising an eyebrow at

“I may have a few…uh…positions you might be interested in,”

Kane drawled. He couldn’t believe the crap that came out of his
mouth. That was the worst pick up line he’d ever heard.

“Uh, thank you, sir.”
Just damn!
Kane breathed deeply then instantly wished he hadn’t. The strong

scent of male sweat and arousal filled his nostrils. There seemed to be
an underlying scent that curled right around Kane’s cock and drove
him insane. He’d never smelled anything so sweet and yet masculine
in his life. He could bottle the stuff and make millions—if he were
willing to share.

He wasn’t.
“Why don’t you come back to my office and we can talk.” It was

a statement, not a question. Kane didn’t ask questions. He was too

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used to giving orders and being instantly obeyed. Maybe it had gone
to his head, but he wasn’t about to change that now, not even for a
man that looked like sex on a stick.

Kane turned on his heel and walked back toward his office. The

sweet masculine scent that followed closely behind him told Kane
that the gorgeous man followed. He waited until Samuel walked in
then shut the door before walking around to his side of the desk to sit

“Take a load off, Samuel.”
Samuel sat. Kane noted that his eyes seemed to rest on him then

dart wildly around the room then come back to rest on him again. It
intrigued Kane. Samuel intrigued Kane, right down to his boot-clad

Kane stretched his legs out under the desk and crossed them,

mirroring that action with his hands. “Tell me about yourself,
Samuel,” he said. “Why are you looking for a job, and why choose
my bar to come looking?”

“I just need a job, Mr. Kane.”
“Kane will do, Samuel.”
Samuel’s face flushed again. Kane found it an interesting response

for a man of Samuel’s size. He carried himself with a commanding air
of self-confidence but blushed so prettily. Kane wondered just how
far the blush reached. He damn sure wanted to find out.

Kane couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this taken with

someone, especially someone he’d just met. Granted, he could usually
tell within a few moments of meeting someone if he was interested in
them, but he didn’t ever remember being entranced at first sight.

“Oh, yeah, and please, call me Samuel.”
“How old are you, Samuel?”
The man’s eyes narrowed, his dark blond eyebrows scrunching

together. “Old enough.”

“I need to know that you’re old enough to tend bar, let alone be

inside of one.”

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Damn! There he went again. Samuel’s face flushed bright red as

he leaned forward, dug his wallet out of his back pocket, and pulled
his driver’s license out. He held it out to Kane.

“I’m twenty-four, sir.”
Kane took the license, looking it over carefully before handing it

back. So the man was a few years younger than him. Okay, several
years younger than Kane’s thirty-eight, but he wasn’t jailbait. Kane
handed the license back and watched Samuel put it away.

“This is a bar, Samuel,” Kane said at the disgruntled look Samuel

shot him before sitting back down. “It’s also my livelihood.”

Samuel’s head fell forward. “I’m sorry, sir.”
“No need to apologize, Samuel.” Kane wasn’t about to apologize

to the man for protecting what was his. “I hope you understand why I
had to ask. I put too many years into this place to not verify the age of
my employees.”

“Employees?” Samuel said a little breathlessly. “Then I got the


There was too much desperation in Samuel’s moss-green eyes for

Kane to turn him down. There was a story with this guy, and Kane
wanted to know what it was before he hired him. He didn’t want
trouble following.

Kane folded his hands together and watched Samuel for a few

moments before answering. “I’m considering it, Samuel, but I still
want to know why you’re looking for a job in my bar.”

Samuel shrugged. “I figured a bar is a bar, right? You pour drinks,

operate the cash register, and clean up at the end of the night.”

“With most bars that may be true.” Kane regarded Samuel for

another moment. “Samuel, do you know what kind of bar this is?”

Samuel frowned.
“It’s a roadhouse, Samuel. We get everything from farm boys

wanting to sew their wild oats to bikers looking for a fight. You’ll be
pouring drinks, but you’ll also be dodging them. And nine times out
of ten when you clean up at the end of the night you’re going to be

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cleaning up alcohol, blood, cum, and puke. Do you think you can
handle that?”

Samuel instantly snickered. “Yes, sir.”
“If you work the door, every lot lizard and barfly within fifty

miles will be hitting on you trying to get inside. They’ll try to bribe
you with crack, weed, dick, and pussy—whatever they think might
get you to let them through the door.” Kane leaned back in his chair,
tapping his finger lightly on the desktop. “Prep cook isn’t much of an
issue because we only serve burgers and fries here. They come one
way—my way—and we don’t do special orders, ever.”

Samuel chuckled and nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“And you really need to stop the sir thing, Samuel, at least while

we’re around other people. When we’re alone, you can call me sir all
you want. Otherwise, call me Kane.”

Kane could see the man’s shock in the way his eyes widened and

his jaw dropped open briefly before an adorable blush tinged his
cheeks and he snapped his mouth shut. Kane was beginning to see a
pattern, though, in the way Samuel’s face flushed. It happened every
time Kane mentioned something remotely sexual.

“Yes, sir.”
Yep, this man intrigued Kane right down to his toes.
“Why are you looking for work, Samuel? I’d think a man of your

stature could find work anywhere, certainly in a bar in a better
neighborhood.” Samuel’s head fell again. Only this time, he seemed a
little pale instead of flushed. Kane learned forward in concern.

“I was fired, okay?” Samuel looked up, that desperate look Kane

first saw in his eyes back in their gleaming depths. “I worked at this
bar over on the East side for three years. I never missed a day of work
or called in sick. They were even training me to be the night manager.
Then some asshole made an issue of my sexu—someone said
something to my boss and they fired me.”

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Shock caused Kane’s eyebrows to shoot up his forehead. “You got

fired because you’re gay?”

Samuel’s entire body seemed to shudder as he suddenly jumped to

his feet. He cast one long, anger-filled glare at Kane then started for
the door without saying a word.

Kane jumped to his feet ready to chase after the man when a

thought struck him. He could tell from the stiff posture of Samuel’s
shoulders that the man was waiting for Kane to start in on him. Kane
also knew he didn’t have a single gay vibe in his body. People were
constantly surprised when they discovered he preferred men. Maybe
Samuel didn’t know either.

“Samuel,” he said in the sternest tone he could possibly muster,

“sit down. I don’t believe we’re done with our conversation, unless,
of course, you don’t want the job.”

Samuel’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he spun around. “You

would still hire me knowing I’m gay?”

“I’m no hypocrite, Samuel.”
Samuel’s jaw dropped. “You’re gay?”
“If the strong desire to bend you over my desk and fuck you until

you can’t walk means that I’m gay, then yes, I’m gay.” Kane smirked.
“Surprisingly, I’ve been that way since I was fifteen and discovered
Billy Swanson jacking off in the barn back home in Nebraska.”

Samuel’s green eyes grew so round that they dominated his face.

“You—you want to fuck me?”

Could the man not see his own appeal?
Kane walked around his desk, never taking his eyes off of Samuel

until he stood directly in front of him, so close their chests nearly
touched. Their noses probably would have nearly touched, too, if
Samuel didn’t stand several inches above Kane. As it was, he was just
the right height to see Samuel’s Adam’s apple bob as the man

“You seem surprised, Samuel.”

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“Yeah, I guess I am,” Samuel said. His mouth curved into an

unconscious smile. “You’re really gay?”

“I’d like the chance to prove it to you, but I guess you’re more

interested in a job.”

Samuel’s eyes darted away from Kane’s, his face burning bright.

He bent his head slightly forward as if he were inspecting his feet. “I
don’t suppose I could try both?” he murmured.

Kane felt an uncharacteristic desire to dance around the room.

Holding onto his dignity by a thread, he reached up and brushed his
hand across the side of Samuel’s face until the man raised his eyes to
meet his.

“Hell, Samuel, I own the damn place.” Kane let Samuel see the

grin on his face. He heard Samuel inhale when his desire showed
through. “I imagine I can do just about any damn thing I want to.”

Samuel peered down at him intently. The air around them seemed

electrified, arousal surrounding them. If Kane had been a cat, he
would be purring right about now. As it was, he wanted to rub his
body all over Samuel until he was saturated in the man’s sweet smell.

Samuel’s broad shoulders heaved as he breathed. His closeness

was so male, so bracing it sent shivers of pleasure throughout Kane’s
body. He leaned forward and buried his face against the corded
muscles of Samuel’s chest then inhaled deeply, groaning.

“You smell really fucking good, Samuel.”
Kane tilted his head back and grinned up at Samuel. “Yeah.”
Samuel’s long dark eyelashes fluttered against his flushed cheeks.

He bent his head down, paused, and then bent more until his nose
rested against the curve of Kane’s neck. Kane’s cock throbbed against
his zipper when Samuel inhaled.

“You smell good, too,” Samuel murmured, his breath hot against

Kane’s ear.

Kane felt Samuel’s large hands rest on his hips, pulling him

forward until their bodies pressed together. The grip was light as if

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Samuel realized he was the stronger man physically and didn’t want
to hurt Kane.

Kane wasn’t so careful. While a gentle loving always felt good, it

had a time and place. This wasn’t it. Kane wrapped his hand around
Samuel’s neck and buried his fingers in the soft, silky hair at the nape
of Samuel’s head. Grabbing a handful, he yanked Samuel’s face down
and claimed his lips.

Kane felt the small surprised gasp from Samuel all the way down

his body. It settled somewhere in his balls. Samuel’s lips were lax for
a moment before the man submitted. His lips softened and his mouth
opened wider to let Kane inside.

Kane traced the soft fullness of Samuel’s lips before delving

inside, exploring. The kiss was hot, passionate, much as Kane
imagined Samuel would be if he let himself go. Kane suspected there
was a sensual man beneath Samuel’s stiff exterior, waiting to be

He planned to find him.
His hands moved over Samuel’s body, softly caressing the hard

contours of his back and down to the waistband of his tight jeans.
Deciding now was not the time to get too involved, he skipped the
temptation of sticking his hand down the back of Samuel’s jeans and
moved further down to grasp Samuel’s ass in his hands through the
thick denim material instead.

As tall as Samuel stood, Kane had the perfect height advantage.

He easily grabbed Samuel’s ass cheeks in his hands and squeezed.
Kane was delighted when he heard a soft moan come from Samuel.
The man lifted up on his heels a little even though his mouth never
left Kane’s. Their cocks rubbed together, Samuel’s just a little higher
than Kane’s but still impressive in the thickness that pressed against

A stiff finger stroked down the seam of Samuel’s jeans between

his ass cheeks garnered Kane an outright groan and a full-body
shudder. Oh yeah, this man screamed to be fucked. Kane had every

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intention of doing just that once he got the man alone and to his
apartment upstairs.

Hearing voices outside his office door, Kane regretfully pulled his

lips away from Samuel. He felt some satisfaction when Samuel’s lips
tried to follow his. Kane grinned and rubbed his finger across
Samuel’s lips.

“We’ll continue this later, but if the noise outside is anything to go

by, the doors just opened and we need to get to work.”

Kane wasn’t sure if Samuel was asking about the job or the

fucking. He decided he needed to be clear on both. “Whatever
happens between us and being employed at the bar are two separate
things, Samuel. You need to know that. You won’t get any special
treatment because you’re dating the boss.”

“Really?” Samuel blinked. “You want to date me?”
“There are a lot of things I want to do to you, baby.” Kane

chuckled. “Dating is just one of them.”

Kane chuckled again. Samuel was just too damn cute. He

imagined that man wouldn’t want to hear that, but he was, adorable
even. Kane truly didn’t think the man knew how gorgeous he was.
He’d have to do something about that.

Eagerness shined in Samuel’s eyes that Kane couldn’t resist. He

leaned up and took one more kiss, lingering over the sweet taste of the
man in his arms before pulling away. He lightly fingered a loose
tendril of hair on Samuel’s cheek.

“Work first, play later, hmmm, gorgeous?”
“Yeah, okay, I can do that.”
Oh, such eagerness, such need. Kane was in heaven and he hadn’t

even seen the man naked yet. The night was definitely looking up.
“Tonight, I just want you to follow me around, get a feel for the place.
You can pitch in here and there when things get hopping. We can
discuss the specifics tomorrow.”

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“Yes, sir.”
Kane groaned. He was in so much trouble.

* * * *

Kane’s feet ached but not nearly as much as his knuckles. He’d

thrown more than one punch tonight, and he showed it. Kane shook
his head. Man, stupid wannabe bikers. They thought they were big
and bad because they rode motorcycles and wore leather. They didn’t
know shit.

“You need some more ice, boss?”
“No, Toby, I’m fine.”
“I’m glad you’re feeling okay because you look like shit.”
Kane rolled his eyes and reached out to cuff Toby upside the back

of his head. Toby laughed and quickly moved away but not before
Kane heard a slight growl come from behind him. He glanced over his
shoulder in surprise.

Samuel stood behind him, his lip curled back in a snarl as his

narrowed eyes followed Toby across the bar. He looked like he might
pounce at any second. Having seen enough blood tonight, Kane
reached out and grabbed Samuel’s arm. The thick muscles bunched
under his hand.

“Hey, baby, don’t mind Toby,” Kane said as he pulled Samuel

over closer to him. “He’s just goofing around. He doesn’t mean any

Samuel stumbled over to Kane. Then he seemed to almost wrap

his body around Kane in a protective manner. His body blanketed
Kane from behind, his arms wrapped around him, settling over
Kane’s stomach. Kane felt strangely comforted by Samuel’s embrace.

“He shouldn’t do that,” Samuel complained. “Besides it not being

nice, you’re the boss.”

Kane leaned his head back into the curve of Samuel’s neck and

turned to plant a small kiss on the underside of the man’s chin. “Toby

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has been with me for more than five years, Samuel. He’s earned the
right to feed me shit.”

Samuel’s arms started to loosen. “You’re together?”
Kane quickly grabbed Samuel’s arms and pulled them back

around his body. “No, baby, not like that. Toby’s been working for
me for more than five years. There’s never been anything between us,
I swear. Toby is so not my type.”

Samuel glared across the room at Toby for another moment and

then leaned his head to glance down at Kane, his head tilting to one
side as if something curious was running through his head. “What’s
your type?” he asked.

Kane could feel the blush burning on the face pressed against his

forehead. He reached down to caress the impressive bulge in
Samuel’s jeans. He felt the man immediately start to harden. “Take a
wild guess.”

Samuel’s arms tightened around him, a small hiss coming from

his lips as he thrust his hips toward Kane. “Damn, you have no idea
what that feels like.”

Had this man never experienced desire before? Samuel seemed to

be soaking up Kane’s touch like a sponge. If the tight, flushed look on
Samuel’s face was anything to go by, he craved it more than air.

“Are you ready to stop being my employee and start being my

lover?” Kane asked.

Samuel’s eyes widened. His breath came out of his mouth in a

little pant. “Lover?”

Kane grinned at the eager look on Samuel’s face. “The bar is

closed. Toby and Mitch can clean up the place tonight.”

Kane grew concerned when the eager look on Samuel’s face faded

only to be replaced by one of hesitation. Samuel frowned, the corners
of his mouth turning down. His eyes dropped away from Kane’s.

“I won’t—I can’t be a kept man, Kane,” Samuel said quietly.
Kane turned in Samuel’s arms until he was pressed chest to chest

with the man. “Oh, Samuel, I’d never expect you to be. Besides, I

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don’t keep lovers. When the bar is open and we are at work, you are
my employee, but after hours you are my lover. That’s all I meant,

Kane loved the blush that filled Samuel’s face. He was beginning

to look forward to watching the man’s face turn red. It made Samuel
seem young and innocent, something Kane hoped he wasn’t. What
Kane wanted from Samuel was in no way childlike.

“Just so you know, Kane, I don’t expect a free ride, even if we do

become lovers.” Samuel’s lips thinned, becoming grim. “I want to

Kane chuckled. “Oh, we’re going to be lovers, baby, just as soon

as I can get your sexy ass upstairs, but that has nothing to do with
working at the bar.”

“You don’t think there might be a conflict?” Samuel asked. “What

if—what if you don’t like me after we—I mean, I’m not very—I don’t

Damn, Samuel looked adorable when he stammered. He seemed

so nervous and uncomfortable but at least he tried to get his point
across. Kane decided to give the man a break. He grabbed Samuel’s
hand and pressed it against the hard cock in his pants.

“I’ve been hard since the moment I saw you standing next to the

bar. If just looking at you can get me this hard, I don’t doubt for a
second that having you in my bed will do a lot more.” Kane glanced
around the bar room. “As for your employment here, I’d be more than
happy to sign a contract with you that states you can’t be fired if we
go our separate ways.”

“Do you think that will happen?”
“Honestly, no, but I want you to be assured that one doesn’t have

to do with the other. I can separate my work and my love life,
Samuel.” Kane arched an eyebrow at the man. “Can you?”

“Don’t know.” Samuel shrugged, his massive shoulders moving

easily under his cotton shirt. “It’s never been an issue before.”

“Do you think it’s going to be an issue now?”

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Samuel’s massive shoulders pulled against the seams of his shirt

when he shrugged again. Kane’s mouth watered with the desire to
stroke his tongue across the skin under Samuel’s shirt. “I can’t really
say, Kane. I’ve never been in this situation before.

Kane’s hand slid down Samuel’s arm and tightened around his

wrist. “Samuel, you’re not a virgin, are you?” Kane wouldn’t turn
Samuel away if he was, but it might change some of the things he
wanted to do to the man, at least in the beginning.

Samuel’s face flushed again as he ducked his head. “No, but…”
“But?” Kane encouraged.
Samuel’s eyebrows flickered a little. The warmth of his smile

echoed in his voice. “I’ve never met anyone like you before. I don’t
know if I can be what you want me to be, give you what you need.”

Kane thought carefully over his words before he replied. He held

no doubt that Samuel could fulfill every single fantasy he’d had about
the man since meeting him and a few he hadn’t even thought of yet.
He didn’t want to scare Samuel off before he could prove it, though.

Kane leaned back and gazed up into Samuel’s moss-green eyes.

“Samuel, there are no rules here. We do what feels right for us. We
need to get to know each other out of bed, but I certainly want to get
to know you in it, too. And I’m in no way worried that you can’t give
me what I want.” Kane caressed Samuel’s cheek with the knuckle of
his hand. “I think you’re perfect.”

“Yeah?” Samuel’s eyes lit up like Kane had just handed him his

greatest dream.

“Yeah, okay.” Samuel’s voice was a silky murmur. “So, can we—”
Kane grinned. “Remember what I told you, baby. I own the place.

I can pretty much do anything I want.”

His mood suddenly seemed buoyant, excitement and anticipation

filling him. He stepped back and gave Samuel’s body a raking gaze,
liking what he saw as much as he did the first time he saw it. Samuel

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was tall and gorgeous and totally drool worthy. Kane wanted to make
a meal of the buffet before him.

“Want to go upstairs and get better acquainted?” Okay, that

sounded like another bad pick up line. He might as well have asked
Samuel if he wanted to come upstairs and see his etchings—if he had
etchings. He really needed to be more charming because he sounded
like an idiot trying to pick up his first guy in a bar.

Kane dropped his head forward onto Samuel’s chest. He took a

couple of deep breaths before lifting his head and looking back into
Samuel’s twinkling eyes. “I know I sound like a complete idiot.
You’ll have to forgive me. I haven’t had someone as sexy as you in a
long time.” He smirked. “I’d really like you to come upstairs to my
place with me. I’d like to get to know you a whole lot better and then
see where things go from there.”

Samuel’s perfect white teeth gleamed in the low bar light as he

grinned. “I think you’re cute.”

Kane couldn’t ever remember being referred to as cute—sexy,

maybe even aggressive, but cute? Kane thought about it then decided
he didn’t mind Samuel thinking of him as cute. He’d have to work
toward sexy.

“Come on, gorgeous,” Kane said as he stepped away from

Samuel, turning to head toward his apartment above the bar. It wasn’t
much, basically a place to sleep when he wasn’t downstairs, but it was
all his.

Kane could hear Samuel’s heavy footsteps as the man trailed

behind him. His eyes never traveled down past the bulge in the
Samuel’s pants earlier, too intrigued with what was hidden behind the
guy’s zipper, but he now realized that Samuel wore boots. He could
hear them hitting the wooden floor with each step Samuel took.

Kane wouldn’t outright admit it to anyone, but he had a thing for

boots on a man. There was nothing on earth as sexy as a strong man
in a pair of boots. Kane wasn’t too particular about what kind of boots

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they were either as long as they were boots. He’d have to get Samuel
to model them for him.

“Samuel?” Kane said over his shoulder as he climbed the stairs to

his apartment. “What size boots do you wear?”

“Uh, size fifteen,” Samuel replied. Kane could hear the confusion

in his voice. “Why?”

Size fifteen? Hot damn!
Kane hid his smile by looking back up the stairwell. “No reason,

just curious.” So curious in fact that it was all Kane could do to keep
from looking back at Samuel’s feet. Still, he sped up his steps, eager
to get Samuel inside his apartment.

It took just moments to get to his apartment, get the door open,

and get Samuel inside. Kane closed the door, locked it, and then
leaned back against it, crossing his arms over his chest. He took in
Samuel’s magnificent form as he watched him look around.

Kane wondered what Samuel saw. Would he notice the

cleanliness of the place even with his sparse furnishings? Would he
see the carefully selected books that Kane picked up here and there
and kept on the recessed bookshelves along one wall? Would the care
Kane took in keeping his black leather couch clean or the gently
polished wood coffee table make him seem too feminine?

It might seem like little things to most, but to Kane, this was his

sanctuary away from the world. He kept it sparsely furnished because
he didn’t need much, just a place to retreat from the world at large.
Still, he took pride in caring for what he did have.

“What do you think?”
Samuel’s head swung up from the stack of DVDs he’d been

looking at. “Very nice. It’s much better than the craptastic hole in the
wall I rent from my old boss.”

Kane’s interest was piqued by the sudden downturn of Samuel’s

lips. “Samuel, is something wrong?”

“What? Oh, no.” Samuel shook his head. “I was just thinking of


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“It doesn’t seem like it was something good.” Kane walked over

to stand in front of Samuel. “Anything I can help with?”

“No, it’s something I need to figure out on my own.” Samuel’s

lips trembled a little as they curved up into a smile. “But thank you.”

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Chapter 2

“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” Hell, Samuel was positive. This was just

something he had to work out on his own. Kane couldn’t help him.

Samuel didn’t have a clue what he was going to do. He had been

allowed exactly ten minutes to gather everything he wanted to take
with him before being kicked out of his little apartment. Currently,
everything he had been able to grab was sitting in a couple of
cardboard boxes and a suitcase inside his friend Camden’s apartment.
Luckily, Camden was his best friend and didn’t even bat an eyelash
when Samuel showed up on his doorstep in the middle of the night.

Samuel still couldn’t believe that he had not only lost his job but

his apartment, all because some bitch didn’t like Samuel saying no to
her. And that angered Samuel. He should have the right to say no to
whomever he wanted to. Having a job and a roof over his head did not
mean he also had to give it up to whatever female crooked her finger
at him.

He was not just a dick. He was a person, a living, breathing person

with wants and needs just like everyone else. Being a fertile male did
not mean he was readily available to every female within fifty miles
of the coven.

Why couldn’t his father understand that?
The man had been pissed when he discovered Samuel was gay,

but he had been even more pissed that Samuel had turned down a
female in heat. As the oldest son, his brother Jared was being trained
to take over the coven when their father stepped down. As the second

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oldest son, it was apparently Samuel’s job to impregnate every fertile
female that snapped her finger.

Yeah, wasn’t going to happen.
Besides the fact that Samuel had no intention of bringing any kids

into the world, women did nothing for him. His dick didn’t even
twitch when the woman wanting him had flashed him. The only thing
he could think when he saw her breasts was that she needed to do
something about the fact that they seemed to defy gravity.

“Would you like a drink?”
Samuel turned from the bookshelf he was perusing and glanced

over his shoulder at Kane. Damn, that man was gorgeous. Kane was a
few inches shorter than Samuel, and definitely not as muscle bound,
but the man carried himself with an air of confidence and lethal

Samuel could almost imagine him being an alpha. Kane certainly

had the aura for it—all dark blues with a tinge of red around the
edges. The very center was white, and that was the only reason that
Samuel had agreed to come upstairs with Kane.

A blue aura meant strength and power, and Kane had that in

spades. Red was the man’s feral nature, telling Samuel that Kane was
possessive and fought for what he believed in. He wouldn’t go down
easily in a fight. He was loyal and dedicated to those he cared about.

The white, however, represented Kane’s soul—his pure soul.

Anyone could have power and strength and dedication, but still have a
soul as black as death. Those were the people that Samuel avoided
like the plague.

His father’s aura had been white once upon a time, but as Samuel

grew older, it had started to fade, turning dingy white and then light
gray. In recent weeks, it had turned dark gray, and that scared Samuel.
The next level was black, and black was wholly evil.

“I have wine, beer, soda, and water,” Kane said, continuing to talk

through Samuel’s internal thoughts. “What can I get you?”

“Water would be fine.”

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Kane looked nonplussed for a moment. “Okay,” he said as he

turned and walked around the breakfast bar island separating the
living room from the kitchen area. He opened the fridge and pulled
out a bottle of water and a beer.

“Not much of a drinker?” Kane asked as he turned around and set

them both on the counter before popping the top on his beer.

“Not really. I don’t think I ever developed the taste for it.” And he

didn’t want to. Drinking led to letting go of inhibitions, and that led to
making mistakes that couldn’t always be rectified in dawn’s early

“That’s not always a bad thing.” Kane chuckled as he walked

back around the counter and sauntered over to the couch. “People
who tend to drink a lot should not be working in a bar. They tend to
drink all of the inventory.”

Once Kane sat, Samuel moved over to sit on the other end of the

couch, angling his body so that his back was against the arm of the
couch and he was facing Kane. Damn, he really liked the way the man

“That sounds like the voice of experience.”
The corner of Kane’s mouth curved up. “It is. I’ve been in the

business long enough to know being an alcoholic and working in a
bar are not two things that should happen together. I’ve lost more than
one employee that way.”

“How long have you owned this place?” Samuel was desperate to

know everything about Kane, every tidbit of information.

“It seems like forever but in all actuality, only about eight years.

My brother owned the place before me, but he died several years back
and I inherited the place from him.” Kane chuckled suddenly, which
was strange considering he had just talked about his brother dying.
“You should have seen the place then. It was a real dive.”

Samuel grinned. “You seem to have done okay with it.”
“It’s my home. I love it here. Granted, I wouldn’t mind if some of

the customers never returned, but in general, they are okay. Most of

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them are just looking for a place to have a good time and cut loose.
It’s when the real assholes show up that we have problems.”

Samuel remembered a few of the bar fights he had broken up

tonight and grimaced. “Were they here tonight?”

“Oh no.” Samuel inhaled sharply when Kane laughed. The man’s

amusement made his eyes sparkle with life, and some of the stress
lines in his face smoothed out. “No, what you saw tonight was the
regular crowd. The assholes usually only show up once a month or

“Well, warn me, huh? I’d like to know who I need to keep an eye


“Don’t worry, when this particular group shows up, it’s all hands

on deck. I assign two bouncers to the doors and another two to the
floor. I like my bar to be in one piece after they leave, and it takes that
many people to keep them in line.”

“Why do you allow them into the bar if they are so much


Kane’s lips thinned. He brought the beer bottle in his hand to his

lips and took a swallow before lowering it back to his lap. Samuel had
the notion that Kane was trying to formulate an answer.

“For one, the guy in charge of these assholes always pays for any

damage to the place. For two, they drink like fish, and that increases
my profits. And three, I don’t think they would really take me
seriously if I told them to leave.”

“Can’t you just ban them?”
“No.” Kane’s soft dark brown curls brushed against his cheek as

he shook his head. “I have a long-standing agreement with the man
that keeps the meatheads in line. If I break that agreement, he could
bring his guys in and tear the place apart and then not pay for the

Samuel’s mouth dropped open. “He’s threatened you?”
“Not in exact words, no, but we have a kind of understanding. I

look the other way when his boys get rowdy, and he pays for any

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damages. They really don’t get too bad, but they can start stuff if
others get in their way. The local crowd knows to stay away when
Fallon and his group are here.”

Samuel was kind of shocked. Kane had such an intimidating

presence. He couldn’t imagine the man backing down from anyone.
But what did he know? He couldn’t stand up to his own father.

Samuel realized that he was weak. He had figured that out long

ago. He didn’t like fighting of any kind. It always made his stomach
clench. He would much rather talk a problem out than throw a punch.
His only problem was that most people expected him to be violent
because of his size.

He hoped Kane didn’t feel that way.
“Do you like owning a bar?” Samuel asked just to hear Kane talk

some more. He was pretty sure he could listen to the man talk all day
long. Kane might have been smaller than him, but he had a deep
whiskey voice that set him apart from anyone Samuel had ever met.

“I do.”
Samuel inhaled softly when Kane grinned. It lit up the man’s

entire face, and it was all Samuel could do not to lean into the man.
The wave of lust that was sweeping through him made him dizzy.

“Wha—what do you like about it?”
“I like not working for someone else, that’s for sure. I have a

small problem with authority figures, in case you haven’t noticed.”

Samuel chuckled. He couldn’t imagine Kane submitting to

anyone, let alone a superior. “I suppose I can see that.”

“I also like knowing that my hard work is what keeps me going. I

put my blood, sweat, and tears into this place. It’s mine, all mine. I
don’t even have a bank loan on it. Any profits that are made go right
back into the bar, and I don’t have to answer to anyone for the choices
I make.”

“Must be nice.” Samuel couldn’t remember not having to answer

for every little thing he did. He couldn’t even conceive of not having
to report to someone.

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“What about you, baby?” Kane asked. “What do you like about

working in a bar?”

Samuel shrugged and dropped his eyes. He wasn’t comfortable

having the spotlight on him. “I’m good at it, I guess. People generally
tend not to fuck with me.” Of course, the flip side of that coin was
that everyone expected him to be big, mean, and intimidating. He was
big, but that was about it.

He couldn’t intimidate a mouse.
“Have you ever wanted to do anything else?”
“I’ve never really given it much thought.” He didn’t mind

working in a bar. He liked working and working at night was even
better for him. He just wished that someone would see him as more
than a muscle-bound meathead. There was more to him than bulging
muscles and a heavy fist.

Samuel inhaled swiftly when Kane set his beer bottle down on the

table and started crawling down the length of the leather couch toward
him. When Kane reached him, he took the bottle of water out of
Samuel’s hand and set it on the table next to his beer.

And then he turned his full attention on Samuel.
Samuel could barely breathe. The desire burning in Kane’s eyes

was something Samuel had never seen, at least not aimed in his
direction. He wasn’t a virgin, but he had never had anyone look at
him like Kane was doing now. Samuel felt like the man wanted to
devour him.

“Kane,” he whispered.
“Enough talk, Samuel,” Kane said as he nuzzled his face into the

curve of Samuel’s neck. “I want to get to know you better, but right
now, I want to get to know your body, every damn inch of it.”

“Okay,” Samuel croaked out.
Samuel’s eyes fluttered closed when he felt Kane’s tongue lick up

the side of his neck. His heartbeat was rapid, and he couldn’t seem to
get enough air into his lungs. Samuel dropped his head back against

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the couch and gave Kane better access to his throat. It was a gesture
he would never have normally made, but it just felt right with Kane.

He groaned when Kane took full advantage of that move and

proceeded to lick and nibble on his skin. The man in him gloried in
each little lick. The vampire in him was yowling with delight at each

Samuel knew that he was submissive. It was one of the things that

made his life so hard. With his size, he should have been a Dom at the
very least. He wasn’t. He desired to have someone stronger than him
make him submit.

And while Kane might not know exactly what he was doing,

Samuel felt like baring his throat to Kane, admitting to himself and to
Samuel that Kane was of higher rank than he was. Now, if Kane
would fuck him at the same time, Samuel would be in heaven.

“Kane,” Samuel whispered. “Please.”
“Oh yeah, baby,” Kane murmured against his skin, “tell me what

you want.”

“You,” Samuel moaned. He couldn’t believe he was begging, but

he couldn’t help it. If Kane didn’t fuck him soon, Samuel was pretty
sure he would wither up and die. “Fuck me, Kane.”

“Take your shirt off, baby,” Kane said as he leaned back and knelt

on his knees above Samuel.

Samuel’s tongue nearly fell out of his mouth when Kane whipped

his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Oh man, Kane might not be
big and muscular like Samuel, but he had tight, rippled muscles in all
of the right places. Samuel had a strong desire to lick every inch of
Kane’s six-pack abs.

And the small trail of dark hair that led from Kane’s belly button

down under the waistband of his jeans begged to be followed. Before
Kane could move back over the top of him, Samuel sat up and
reached for the zipper on Kane’s jeans. His heart hammered in his
chest as he slowly lowered the zipper and revealed the most
marvelous dick he had ever seen.

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Samuel licked his lips, aching to have that long, hard shaft

between his lips. He started to reach for it when Kane’s hand on his
wrist stopped him. Samuel’s heart froze in his throat. His eyes darted

Had he done something wrong?
“Shirt, Samuel.”
Samuel grabbed the edges of his shirt and pulled it up over his

head. He dropped it onto the floor and went back to looking at the
thick cock he wanted to worship with his mouth. He licked his lips
again, hoping he wouldn’t have to beg.

But he would if he had to.
Kane grabbed the base of his cock. Samuel swallowed hard as he

watched the man’s fingers wrap around his thick cock. He knew Kane
was teasing him when the man stroked the full length of his shaft a
few times, thrusting forward into his hand.

“Is this what you want, baby?”
Samuel nodded. He was beyond words at that point. The moisture

pooling in his mouth was threatening to spill out of his mouth and
drip down his chin.

“Lose the pants, Samuel, but keep the boots on.”
Samuel blinked up at Kane for a moment. He was shocked to see

a slight flush filling Kane’s face. He wasn’t sure what it came from,
but he wasn’t about to ask questions when Kane was staring down at
him like he was a glass of water in the middle of the desert.

Samuel moved out from beneath Kane and stood. He quickly

unzipped his pants and shoved them down his legs. It took a little
work to get them past his boots, but once he did, he dropped the pants
on the floor and turned to face Kane.

The man was leaning back against the couch, slowly stroking his

cock from root to tip. His eyes were eating Samuel alive. And he was

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naked from the toes up. Samuel hadn’t noticed him getting undressed,
but he wished he had. Watching Kane strip would have been a treat.

“On your knees, Samuel.”
Oh hell, yes!
Samuel dropped to his knees right in front of Kane and scooted as

close to the couch as he could get. Kane draped his legs over
Samuel’s shoulders and spread them wide. Samuel nearly swallowed
his tongue when Kane’s thick cock bobbed right in front of his face.

Had anything ever looked sexier?
Samuel slowly raised his eyes to meet Kane’s. He kept them

locked together as he slowly lowered his head and engulfed Kane’s
straining erection. The drops of pre-cum that instantly exploded
across his tongue drew out a long, needy groan from Samuel. Kane
tasted unlike anything he had ever tasted before. He knew if he wasn’t
careful, he could easily become addicted to the way the man tasted.

Wrapping his lips around the head of Kane’s cock, Samuel began

to suck. He was filled with elation when Kane groaned as he
swallowed the man down to the back of his throat. He might not be
good at a lot of things, but Samuel knew he was good at giving head.
He had no gag reflex, thanks to his unique genetics. Samuel could
practically unhinge his jaw.

“Suck me, Samuel,” Kane groaned. “Just like that.”
Samuel was good at following directions. Hell, he was a fucking

expert. And to be given orders by a man like Kane only made him
want to follow them more. He had an undeniable need to please Kane,
to give him whatever he wanted.

Samuel swallowed again and then began to bob his head up and

down Kane’s hard shaft. He wanted, needed, his lover’s seed in his
mouth. He reached down with his hand and began to roll Kane’s balls
in the palm of his hand. He gently massaged the delicate sacs as he
flicked his tongue over the slit of Kane’s cock and was rewarded by
the tightening of the man’s body.

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Samuel nuzzled in the wiry curls before licking his way up the

fully hard cock and sucking at the engorged head to savor Kane’s pre-
cum. As he swallowed, Samuel felt a hand on his head and looked up
to see Kane gazing down at him, his eyes filled with desire.

“Feels so good, baby,” Kane murmured.
Encouraged by Kane’s praise, Samuel sucked harder, moving his

head up and down. He sucked and swallowed until, with a loud roar,
Kane’s release flooded his welcoming mouth. Samuel swallowed all
the gorgeous man had to offer and continued to suckle gently, even as
Kane softened, reluctant to release the flesh in his mouth.

Samuel slowly allowed his lover’s cock to slip from his mouth

and smiled up at the sated man. He was hard and horny and ached so
much he hurt, but the look of satisfaction on Kane’s face made it all
worth it.

“I want you to lie over the side of the couch, Samuel.”
Samuel swallowed hard as lust beat down on him like a drum.

“Yes, sir.”

He heard Kane groan as he jumped to his feet and moved to the

end of the couch, draping himself over the arm of the couch. When
Kane stood up and moved behind him, Samuel spread his legs as far
apart as they would go.

“I knew you had a great ass when I saw you in the bar, Samuel,”

Kane said as he stroked his hand over Samuel’s ass, “but I had no idea
it was this perfect.”

Samuel began to shake when he heard the soft snick of a cap

opening. A moment later he felt Kane’s slick fingers move between
his ass cheeks. He shivered at the cold lube but knew that it would
warm up soon enough.

He felt a light pressure from the tip of Kane’s finger against his

quivering hole. Samuel gasped when he felt Kane’s finger push into
him. He held onto the edge of the couch as his ring of muscle
squeezed down on the invasion. Bearing down on Kane’s long finger,
Samuel tried to brace himself for more.

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He groaned when Kane’s fingers wiggled in his ass, stretching his

opening to force in another digit. Kane pulled all the way back out
and pushed back in, fucking Samuel with his fingers for a few strokes.
Samuel almost couldn’t breathe through the pleasure that raced
through his body with the speed of light as Kane stretched him.

“Do you like that, Samuel?”
“Yesss,” Samuel hissed.
He fucking loved it. He would love it even more if Kane would

replace his fingers with his cock. He had seen how big Kane was and
he wanted that monster cock pounding into his ass until he couldn’t
walk straight.

Kane’s free hand explored the hollows of Samuel’s back, his

touch firm and persuasive. Slowly, Kane’s hand moved downward,
skimming the side of Samuel’s body to his hip, where his fingers dug
in deep.

“I’m going to fuck you now, Samuel,” Kane said. “Are you ready

for me?”

Instead of answering him verbally, Samuel arched his hips and

spread his thighs wider, encouraging Kane to take him. He moaned
out loud with erotic pleasure when he felt Kane’s hard cock brush
against his ass cheeks. He was more than ready to be fucked. He
needed it more than he had ever needed anything in his life.

Samuel was fully aware of the hardness of Kane’s thigh brushing

against his. He was aware of every single movement that Kane made.
With a deep growl, Kane removed his fingers from Samuel’s ass and
pressed his cock against Samuel’s tight entrance. Passion pounded the
blood through Samuel’s heart, chest, and head as Kane slowly sank
into him.

This was no slow, romantic loving. It was hot, passionate, and

wild. Kane grabbed Samuel’s hips and started to piston back and forth
almost instantly, completely burying his cock in Samuel’s ass over
and over again.

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A spurt of hungry desire spiraled through Samuel when he felt

Kane bite down on his neck. He knew he’d have a trail of red marks
marring his skin, but instead of being angry at the simple act of
possession, a deep feeling of peace entered Samuel.

He wanted Kane’s marks on his body.
His body began to vibrate with liquid fire as Kane’s hand snaked

between their sweat-slick bodies and enveloped his straining cock and
pumped hard. Samuel’s eyes rolled back, his head thrashed, and he
screamed Kane’s name as he came hard. His seed coated Kane’s hand
and the couch beneath him as his climax wracked his toned frame.

Kane quickened his movements. He rocked forward and back,

deep in Samuel’s body. After several hard, frantic thrusts, Kane threw
back his head, and with a primal bellow of Samuel’s name, his seed
flooded Samuel’s still-shuddering body.

Samuel’s heart burst with love and anguish as Kane’s body

slumped over the top of his. He knew deep down in his soul that Kane
hadn’t felt the same connection that he had. For Kane, it was simply
sex. For Samuel, it was an altering of his entire world.

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Chapter 3

“Has Samuel come in yet, Toby?”
“No, boss,” Toby replied as he dried a glass. “I haven’t seen him

since last night at closing time.”

Kane almost growled as he whipped around and stormed down the

hallway to his office. He hadn’t seen Samuel since the previous
evening either. After some mind-blowing sex, Kane had thought that
they would go snuggle in bed for a while.

He had been wrong.
Samuel had darted for the door seconds after his pants were

zipped with some lousy excuse about needing a change of clothes and
a shower. He had been gone before Kane knew it.

And Kane had gone to bed alone.
Kane stalked into his office and slammed the door closed behind

him. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey off the sideboard by the door and
poured himself a stiff drink. He knew he shouldn’t be drinking this
early. It was barely dark outside. He just needed something to calm
his nerves.

He felt used.
It was as simple as that.
Samuel had given him the most intense sexual experience of his

life and then took off for the hills just as fast as his size-fifteen boots
would carry him. Kane didn’t know whether to be insulted that he had
been dumped before anything more could happen between him and
Samuel or grateful that he had dodged a bullet.

It was obvious that Samuel had some serious commitment issues,

and frankly, Kane didn’t need the headache. He had a bar to run. He

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didn’t need to be pining after some kid that didn’t know what he
really wanted out of life.

No, it was better this way.
And if Kane could convince himself of that, he’d be just fine.

Unfortunately, his dick seemed to have other ideas. Every damn time
he thought of fucking Samuel again, he got hard so hard he hurt. Hell,
he got hard just thinking about Samuel. He didn’t even need to be
fucking him.

The man was a menace, plain and simple. He was interfering in

Kane’s job because Kane couldn’t think of anything else except
Samuel. He hadn’t even been able to sleep more than a few hours
because he was so worried about the man.

He knew that Samuel had lost his last job because he was gay, and

from what Samuel had said, his apartment was owned by his old boss.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Samuel had probably lost his
apartment as well as his job.

So, where had he slept last night?
Had Kane just been one man in a long list of suckers that Samuel

had charmed with the hopes of finding a place to crash? Was all of
that talk about not wanting to be a kept man a load of bullshit?

Kane’s fingers tightened around the glass in his hand. He had an

urge to throw the glass against the wall and listen to it shatter into a
million pieces. He would have, too, if he had someone else to clean
up the mess.

Besides, letting his temper get away from him was never a good

idea. Kane had a huge temper, and once it got free, people got hurt.
He had learned very early in life to always be in control. It was
probably why he liked submissive men so much, so he could control

And Samuel had been perfect.
Kane growled when he heard a soft knock on his office door.

“Who is it?”

“Samuel, sir.”

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Kane slammed his glass down on the sideboard and walked across

the room to yank the door open. The anger that rolled through him at
the sight of Samuel’s gorgeous face was almost more than he could
handle. Kane dug his fingers into the doorframe to keep from
reaching for the man and giving him a good shake as he demanded to
know what in the hell was going on.

Samuel gulped and paled, his eyes dropping away. “I just wanted

to let you know I was here,” Samuel said hesitantly.

“Duly noted.” Kane slammed the door in Samuel’s face and

walked back to his glass. He downed the contents in one swallow. By
the time he set the glass back on the sideboard, Kane’s temper started
to cool. He replaced the cap on the whiskey bottle and then turned and
walked to the chair behind his desk. He slumped down in his chair
and dropped his head into his hands.

As the anger festering inside of him slowly began to drain away, it

was replaced by the look on Samuel’s face as he had slammed the
door in his face. Kane felt guilt take hold of him at the anguish that
had been blazing in Samuel’s moss-green eyes.

Okay, so maybe he had overreacted. He just couldn’t help but feel

used by Samuel. The man was skittish, even Kane could see that. But
he had been as gentle as he could have been and still Samuel had run
from him.

It made Kane feel like a monster.
Slamming the door in Samuels face probably hadn’t done his case

any good either. Kane knew he’d have to apologize, even if it didn’t
bring Samuel back to his bed. The man deserved more than that from

Kane grimaced as he got up and walked out of his office. His eyes

scanned the interior of the bar as he walked out into the main room,
searching for Samuel. When he didn’t see him, Kane turned to look at
Toby, who was still drying glasses.

“Where did Samuel go?”

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Toby shrugged. “Don’t know, boss. He lit out of here like his

boots were on fire.”

“Damn!” Kane pushed his hand through his curls, agitated and

growing angry all over again. Now he would never have the chance to
apologize to Samuel or try and convince him that they were good
together. Hell, he doubted he’d ever see Samuel again.

And why did that make his chest ache so much?
“I heard through the grapevine that Fallon and his boys will be in


“Fucking perfect!” Kane dropped his hands to his hips and tilted

his head back to stare up at the ceiling. “Any other good news you
have for me, Toby?”

“Milly called in sick again.”
Kane rolled his eyes. Milly was always calling in sick. If it wasn’t

for the fact that she had worked here when his brother owned the
place and had a child to care for, Kane would have fired her years

“What was it this time?” Kane asked. “Another stubbed toe?”
“Naw, Jason got sent home from daycare with the flu.”
Kane frowned. “Do they need anything?” He might have issues

with Milly calling in sick all of the time, but he liked Milly’s son,
Jason. The boy had just turned four, and he was a handful at the best
of times.

“I’m dropping off some soup to them later tonight,” Toby said,

and then shook his finger at Kane. “So, chicken noodle soup is on the
menu tonight. I’m making a huge pot of it.”

“Find out if Jason needs anything else, medicine or anything.”
“Will do, boss.”
Kane wasn’t real happy with the way that Milly took care of her

son. He knew that Milly loved Jason, but she tended to be a little
neglectful at times. Toby and Kane tried to make sure that Jason was
well taken care of, despite Milly’s protests.

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“If Samuel comes back, tell him I want to see him in my office,”

Kane said as he turned and started back for his office. “And put the
breakables away. If Fallon and his boys are coming in tonight, I want
to minimize the damage as much as possible.”

“Do you want me to call in a backup bouncer?”
Kane rubbed the back of his neck. He could already feel the

tension forming in his tight muscles. “Yeah, that might be a good
idea. I’m not sure if Samuel is going to be back or not.” And Kane
hated admitting that. It made the ache in his chest hurt even more.

Damn, he really needed to get over this infatuation he had with

Samuel. It was clear that Samuel wasn’t interested in something long
term with Kane. He’d do so much better if he just forgot about
Samuel and found someone else to warm his bed.

Maybe that was what he would do. Guys, and girls, were always

making plays for him when they came into the bar. Kane didn’t know
if it came from the fact that he owned the place or if they thought he
was attractive. At this point, he didn’t care. He just needed someone
to wipe away the memory of the night he had spent with Samuel.

The rest of Kane’s night went by pretty damn fast. Fallon and his

group had shown up a few hours after the bar opened. Kane had spent
most of his evening trying to keep his bar in one piece. He had thrown
more than one punch and would probably throw more by the time the
bar closed.

But at least he had found an outlet for his aggression.
Toward the end of the evening, things started to slow down. Kane

knew that Fallon’s group wasn’t drunk because they never got drunk
even if they drank like fish. They just enjoyed cutting loose.

Kane grabbed a bottle of good whiskey from behind the bar and

two glasses, and then made his way across the room to the booth
Fallon always occupied when he was there. He slid into the booth and
poured two glasses of whiskey, handing one to Fallon and taking the
other for himself. Kane downed the amber liquid in one long swallow.

“I didn’t think we were that bad tonight, Kane.”

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Kane grimaced as he poured himself another glass. “No, your

guys were pretty good tonight. They didn’t destroy nearly as much as
I expected.” He chuckled lightly as he met the other man’s eyes. “It
shouldn’t cost you more than a few hundred dollars.”

Fallon frowned as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad

of cash. He pulled off several hundred dollar bills and slapped them
down on the table. Kane shook his head as he grabbed the money and
tucked it into his pocket. He had no idea where Fallon got his money,
but the man was loaded. He was never short for cash.

“So, if it wasn’t my guys, then what has you so down in the


Kane snorted. Like he was going to share that with Fallon.
“Ah, man troubles.”
Kane’s eyes narrowed. “I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to,” Fallon said. “It’s all over your face.”
Fucking perfect.
“Yeah, well, forget you ever saw it.”
Fallon and Kane had an understanding about his visits to the bar.

That did not make them buddies or even friends. They were business
associates, in a weird sort of way. Kane wasn’t about to tell the man a
damn thing.

Kane didn’t like the way that Fallon was staring at him. “Dude,

stop staring. It’s creepy.”

Fallon chuckled and moved his eyes away. “You need to loosen

up, Kane. You’re going to have a heart attack the way you keep

Kane rolled his eyes. “I’m sure that will keep you awake at night.”
Fallon shrugged but didn’t say anything.
Kane swished the whiskey around in his glass as he leaned back in

the booth. “So, how are things going in the biker gang business?”

“I’m sure.”
“How’s the bar business?”

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Kane gazed out over the bar and smiled. There were a few locals

that had been brave enough to come into the place with Fallon’s men
inside, but just a few. Fallon’s men were drinking at the bar, curled up
in booths, out on the dance floor, and playing pool—everything
regular patrons did minus the broken furniture and smashed beer

“Never better.”
“Glad to hear it.”
“So,” Kane said as he looked back at Fallon, “how long until we

see you all again?”

“Actually, we should be in town for a few days. I have some

business to handle here and my guys will need a place to burn off
some steam. I hope you don’t mind.”

It wasn’t a question, and Kane knew it. “I’ll keep a tally. You can

pay it when you leave.”

“I always do.”
Kane pointed his finger at Fallon. “And that’s the only reason I let

you heathens in here.”

Fallon grinned. “I love you, too, Kane.”
Kane opened his mouth to tell Fallon to go to hell when he heard a

sharp inhale. He turned to see Samuel standing there with an ashen
face. Kane squinted, not sure if he was seeing tears in Samuel’s eyes
or if it was a reflection of the light.

“Samuel, wha—”
Samuel was gone before Kane could finish his question. Kane

growled and scooted out of the booth. He spotted Samuel running
toward the door, but only because the man was so tall. Kane raced
after him.

Before Samuel could reach the door though, he crashed into a

couple of Fallon’s men that were arguing by the juke box. Words
were spoken, but Kane couldn’t hear them over the noise in the bar.
But he was pretty sure they were angry words when one of Fallon’s

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men grabbed Samuel by his throat and slammed him into the wall
next to the door.

Kane roared. He shoved people out of his way as he ran across the

room and jumped the guy that had Samuel pinned to the wall. He
didn’t care if the guy was a member of Fallon’s gang. No one put his
hands on Samuel.

Kane drew back his fist, ready to shove it into the face of the guy

holding Samuel, but before he could deliver the blow, someone
grabbed him from behind and swung him around. Kane growled and
prepared himself to fight whoever grabbed him.

He paused, thinking better of that idea when he saw Fallon

standing there. He might not have any issues with fighting one of
Fallon’s men, but he wasn’t so sure he wanted to tangle with Fallon.
The man was even bigger than Samuel.

“What’s the meaning of this, Ranz?” Fallon bellowed.
Ranz jerked Samuel forward and shoved him at Fallon. “He’s out

of his territory.”

Kane frowned and slowly lowered his fist. He was confused, and

it just got worse when Fallon grabbed Samuel around the throat and
pulled him close. Something deep inside of him broke free when
Fallon leaned in and sniffed at Samuel’s skin. A deep growl started in
Kane’s throat, threatening to erupt.

“Who are you?” Fallon snapped when he jerked back.
“Samuel Harden.”
“Terrence Harden’s boy?”
Samuel nodded as much as he could considering that Fallon’s

massive hand was still wrapped around his throat.

“You’re a little bit out of your territory, aren’t you, boy?”
Kane swore he could hear Samuel’s hard swallow from where he

stood. “Yes, sir,” Samuel whispered.

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“This is my territory.” Fallon growled. “I didn’t give you

permission to be here.”

“No, sir,” Samuel replied.
“You need to leave.” Fallon released Samuel and stepped back.
Samuel’s eyes flickered to Kane for a moment before he nodded.

“Yes, sir.” There was so much sadness in Samuel’s voice that Kane
almost felt tears come to his own eyes, and that made him angry, both
for Samuel and at himself. He was not a crier.

“Now, wait just one damn minute,” Kane snapped. “This is my

bar and if—”

“Do not!” Fallon shouted as he grabbed Kane by his throat and

lifted him off the floor. “You meddle in things you know nothing
about, Kane. Leave it alone.”

Kane’s eyes widened, and a spike of fear slithered down his spine,

not because of the grip Fallon had on him but because of the low feral
growl that he could hear filling the space around them and rendering
the room silent.

When he turned his head to look, he wasn’t really sure what he

was looking at. It was Samuel, yet it wasn’t. He seemed to have
grown by several inches, the muscles in his body increasing to the
point that his shirt was ripping at the seams. Long, razor-sharp claws
had grown out of the tips of his fingers, and two very white fangs
hung down over his bottom lip.

Kane frowned as he stared at Samuel. “What are you?”
Samuel seemed to wilt right before his eyes. His size shrank back

down to his normal six foot four, and the muscles that had been
bulging out of his shirt reduced in size. The claws on Samuel’s hand
slid back into his hands, and the fangs hanging over his lip retracted.

Samuel stared at Kane for a long moment and then tossed his head

back. The roar that came from Samuel was so heart wrenching that
Kane shivered in apprehension. Before he could question Samuel
anymore, the man turned and ran out of the bar, disappearing into the

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“How do you know him?” Fallon asked.
Kane turned his bewildered gaze from the empty doorway to

Fallon. “He’s one of my bouncers.”

“Since when?” Fallon asked as he crossed his arms over his chest,

looking just as imposing as he possibly could, and that said a lot.
Fallon looked imposing as hell on a good day. This wasn’t a good

“He wasn’t here that last time we came through the area.”
Kane stared at Fallon for a moment, confused out of his mind, and

then he remembered where he was—and who he was. “I don’t answer
to you, Fallon. This is my bar. I hire whoever I damn well please, and
I do not have to explain it to you.”

Fallon arched one dark chestnut eyebrow. “Ranz,” he said, never

looking away from Kane.

“On it.”
Kane’s jaw dropped as he watched Fallon’s men clear the bar of

patrons and employees in under five minutes. He didn’t know if he
was about to be held up or have the crap beat out of him. But he did
know he didn’t like it. This was his bar.

“Fallon, you and your men need to leave, and don’t come back.”

Kane pointed toward the door. “You’re no longer welcome in my

“Is that right?” Fallon asked.
Kane suddenly felt like he had just made the biggest mistake of

his life. He glanced around to find that every member of Fallon’s
gang was surrounding him. Kane wasn’t a wimp by any means, and
he had been in more than his fair share of fights, but even he wasn’t
strong enough to fight off five massive, muscle-bound bikers.

Yeah, I’m fucked.
“I warned you not to meddle in things you have no knowledge of,

Kane,” Fallon said as he started pacing back and forth in front of
Kane, “but you just wouldn’t listen. Now, I am going to give you the
knowledge you seem to want so very much.”

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Fallon snapped his fingers, and one of his men stepped forward.

The confusion that Kane had been feeling turned to apprehension. He
held up his hands and backed up until he ran smack dab into another
body. Kane jerked and spun. His heart started thundering in his chest
when Ranz grinned down at him.

It wasn’t a pleasant grin.
“Now, look, this isn’t—”
Kane’s eyes rounded at Fallon’s sharp words. He slowly turned to

see Fallon standing behind him. The man that had been undressing
stood right next to Fallon, stark naked. Kane was pretty sure that
wasn’t a good thing.

Kane was positive it wasn’t a good thing when the man next to

Fallon started to change just like Samuel had. Before Kane could ask
what in the hell was going on, something crackled in the air. His jaw
dropped when long razor sharp claws grew out of the man’s fingertips
and two perfectly white fangs slid down over the man’s lower lip.

“This is the knowledge that was withheld from you, Kane,” Fallon

said as he stepped up behind him. “Your brother knew of us, but not
many do. I am sorry to say that he died for his knowledge, killed by
someone attempting to take over my territory. That is why you were
never told. I had hoped to keep you from the same fate.”

Kane heard Fallon’s words, but they didn’t make much sense in

the face of what he was watching. Little by little, more of the man’s
body changed and grew larger until something not quite human stood
in the middle of Kane’s bar. There was an air of danger about the man
as if he could reach over and rip out Kane’s throat without even
expending a single ounce of energy.

“Now, you know why it is important that I know who is in my


Kane licked his lips and tore his eyes away from the man to look

at Fallon. “Can you all change like that?”

“We can.”

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“And my brother knew about this?”
Fallon nodded. “He did.”
Kane was…something. He just wasn’t sure what. Stunned didn’t

even begin to describe the feelings flooding him at the moment. He
felt like he was standing in a room full of aliens or something.

“Some believe it is a curse,” Fallon said. “Others believe it is a

gift from the gods. No one is exactly sure what causes it. We just
know that we are what we are. We were born this way, although we
did not know of the ability to transform until we hit puberty and
shifted for the very first time.”

“Are you like werewolves or something?” The man staring at him

from the middle of the room didn’t exactly look like a werewolf, but
he didn’t not look like a werewolf either. He was somewhere in

“No, we are not werewolves. Werewolves are a myth, a

Hollywood legend,” Fallon said. “We are creatures of the night that
need blood to survive. We are a unique species that has been around
for centuries, since the Roman times. We can transform into another
form, but it is just a larger and more lethal form of what we already

Kane turned when he heard a noise and watched as the creature

transformed back into a man. Watching the transformation was awe
inspiring, and terrifying as all hell. Kane couldn’t figure out whether
to be intrigued or scared shitless.

“I need a drink,” Kane said, “a big one.”
Kane blinked in surprise when a glass of amber liquid was shoved

into his hand. He shrugged and tossed the whiskey down his throat.
The glass was refilled the second he lowered it from his lips.

After what he had just seen, it didn’t even faze Kane when he was

led over to Fallon’s booth and sat down. He just chugged the whiskey
down and then motioned for more. After two more glasses, he finally

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figured he had had enough to face whatever was going to happen

“So, now what?” Kane asked as he looked across the table at

Fallon. “Do you have to kill me now that I know what you are?”

“I would hope not,” Fallon said. “But, if that’s what you desire, I

can see that it’s done.”

“No.” Kane quickly shook his head. “I’m kind of partial to


“And you’ll remain that way as long as you keep our secret.”
Kane’s eyebrows shot up. “Who would I tell?” His eyes widened.

“Hell, who would believe me?”

“I need to know how Terrence Harden’s son came to be here,


“Terrence Harden is the alpha of his coven. He has territory near


“He’s the what?”
“Alpha of his coven.”
“Terrence Hardin is a vampire. He is the alpha of his coven, the

leader, just as I am the alpha of my coven. And since I am the alpha
of this territory, anyone not of my coven that enters my territory is
seen as an enemy. Samuel’s presence here could be seen as an act of
aggression against my coven.”

Kane groaned as he slumped back against the bench seat he sat in.

“Samuel is one of these creatures?”

“Yes, he is.” Fallon smirked. “And we are called vampires, Kane,

or at least vampires as you would know us. We drink blood to
survive, although we also need human food to sustain us. We cannot
go out into daylight, although we can eat garlic. And holy water just
gets us wet. It doesn’t make us melt. We are faster, stronger, and a
whole hell of a lot meaner than any human you have ever

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“Fuck!” Kane rubbed his hand over his face. He had fucked a

vampire? A sudden cold dread filled him. Since he had fucked
Samuel, was he going to turn into a vampire? His eyes snapped up to
Fallon. “Is this thing contagious?”

“Yeah, you know, can I catch it?” Kane asked. “Will I turn into a

vampire or something?”

“I do not believe so.” Fallon’s eyes flickered to one of the men

standing beside the table for a moment before coming back to Kane.
“I have never heard of a case of someone catching it. You’re either
born with it or you’re not.”

Kane blew out a deep breath of relief. He didn’t want to turn into

a blood-sucking vampire. He wasn’t ready for something like that. He
wasn’t sure he ever would be. Hell, he didn’t even like needles. The
whole blood thing was definitely out.

“Of course, that does not mean that someone cannot bond with

one of us. And while he wouldn’t turn into one of us, he might take on
some of our more interesting traits.”

Kane gulped. “What do you mean bond?”
“I suppose you could call it the human equivalent of marriage,

only it’s for life. Once a vampire bonds with someone, vampire or
human, it is forever. We take things like that very seriously. I have
only known a few vampires that have given in to the need to bond
because once they bond, they will never desire another and the death
of one means the death of the other.”

“Shit.” Kane reached for his glass of whiskey again. He had just

brought it to his lips when Fallon dropped a bomb in his lap.

“Of course, that is nothing for you to be worried about. It’s

practically impossible to bond with a vampire.”

Kane choked on the whiskey in his mouth, swallowing hard as he

tried to clear his throat. He just knew it wasn’t that simple. It couldn’t
be. His luck didn’t seem to be running that way lately.

“Ho–How do you bond with a vampire?”

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The smirk that crossed Fallon’s lips was one that Kane never

wanted to see again in his life. It was like looking at an oncoming
train and knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop from
being hit.

“You have to have sex with them.”

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Chapter 4

Samuel shivered, feeling cold right down to his bones. He felt like

he had been cold for so long that he barely remembered what warmth
felt like. He cuddled his knees closer to his chest and tried to curl
himself into the smallest ball possible.

There wasn’t much cover under the small bridge he hid under. If

the rain didn’t get him, the frozen ground did. His clothes were
soaked clean through and had been for days. Every time he tried to
find a place to dry out, he spotted one of Fallon’s men and ran for his

Samuel knew he couldn’t keep running. He hadn’t fed in days,

and his strength was slowly seeping away. He was already so
exhausted that he could barely see two feet in front of him. He just
wanted to rest for a little while.

He had no place to go.
He had tried going back to his father’s territory only to be run off

by his brother and a bunch of his buddies. He hadn’t walked away
from that confrontation without a few aches and pains either. Jared
seemed to enjoy beating him up and taunting him with what would
happen if he ever came back into their father’s territory.

Samuel hadn’t even been able to gather his stuff from Camden’s

house before running for his life. Unfortunately, his feet had led him
right back into Fallon’s territory. He had just wanted to get a glimpse
of Kane, just one small look.

When Samuel saw one of Fallon’s men come out of the bar and

lift his nose into the air, he had dropped down behind the bushes he
was hiding behind. He should have known better. Fallon’s coven was

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known for being one of the fiercest and deadliest in the area. The man
had looked right at him and then started toward him.

Samuel wasn’t stupid. He had run as fast as his feet would carry

him. And he had been running ever since. Samuel wasn’t even sure
how long he had been running. It could have been days. It could have
been weeks. He had lost track of time somewhere along the way.

Now, he just wanted one last look at Kane, and then Fallon’s

coven could do whatever they wanted to him. Samuel no longer cared.
His heart didn’t beat in his chest anymore. It had shattered at his feet
when he heard Fallon’s words of love toward Kane. He was positive
that Kane was going to return the words even if he had interrupted the
two men.

Why would Kane want him when he could have the alpha of a


Hell, no one wanted him.
His father had banished him from the coven he was born into. His

brother took great delight in torturing him. Kane had rejected him,
after stealing Samuel’s heart and soul. And now, Fallon had ordered
Samuel out of his territory, so obviously he wasn’t fit to join Fallon’s

As exhaustion ate away at Samuel’s senses, his mind wandered to

thoughts of Kane. He hadn’t meant to bond with the man. Hell, he
didn’t even know it was possible for two men to bond to each other.
He had been raised to believe that bonding only happened between
men and women. He had thought he was safe in being with Kane.

He should have at least been safe being with a human. According

to his father, vampires could not bond with humans. Samuel felt the
bond on his side but he didn’t know if Kane did, and after the man’s
reaction to his return, he seriously doubted Kane felt a thing. Maybe
the bond was one sided because Samuel was a vampire. Kane
probably wouldn’t even be affected if Samuel died as other
bondmates were. He should have stayed away from Kane and never
given in to his desire for the man. It had been a colossal mistake.

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Now, he was stuck with no way out of his predicament. Kane didn’t
want him, and Samuel would never want anyone else. He was
doomed to a life lived alone.

Just once, Samuel wished that someone would want him for more

than a little while. Was that too much to ask? He snorted at the
direction his thoughts had taken. What did it matter? Now that he was
bonded to Kane, it wouldn’t matter if he did find someone that wanted
him forever. He wouldn’t want them back.

He only wanted Kane.
Samuel shivered again and then pulled his thin jacket closer

around him. It might be soaked through, but it felt almost warm. He
knew that he was reaching the end of his endurance if the wet material
clinging to his skin was bringing him comfort.

Samuel didn’t want to go out huddled under a bridge, frozen for

all time. He might not be much of a fighter, but he wanted his life to
end differently. And he knew just how to accomplish that.

Samuel struggled to his feet and shuffled out from under the

bridge. He figured his plan was basically suicidal, but he could take
care of two goals at the very same time. He could see Kane one last
time and end things before he died a cold and lonely death under a

He had an ounce of pride left, but just an ounce. He didn’t want to

go out shivering from the cold or starve to death because feeding from
anyone except Kane made his stomach clench in rebellion. And he
didn’t want to go out alone. He wanted his death to mean something,
even if it was as idiotic as challenging the alpha of another coven.
Maybe he’d become a legend…for losers.

As tired as he was, it took Samuel awhile to make it to Kane’s bar.

By the time he reached the mostly empty parking lot, he was
shivering so much that his teeth chattered together. He stood up as
straight as he could and smoothed his clothes, and then pushed a hand
through his dirty hair.

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He looked like shit, and he knew it. If he didn’t present some sort

of challenge, Fallon’s coven wouldn’t fight him, and he needed them
to fight him. Hell, maybe his father would finally be proud of him
when he heard of his death.

Samuel drew in several deep breaths, almost choking on the cold

air, and then slowly walked toward the door. His mind narrowed to a
single-minded purpose—to see Kane one last time. That’s all that
mattered. Not even his impending death was more important.

Samuel could hear the voices and laughter inside the bar go silent

as he pushed the door open and stepped inside. His vision was a little
blurry as he stood in the doorway and scanned the interior of the
room, but he had no trouble spotting the tall, muscular men inside.

None of them were Kane.
Samuel’s heart sank as the men in the bar started toward him and

he realized that he wasn’t going to get his wish. He was never going
to see Kane again. He was going to die before then.

So be it.
Samuel tried to transform into his vampiric form before the first

man reached him, but he was just too damn tired. He struck out at the
man with his fist instead. He heard a grunt when his fist connected
with the man’s face, but all he felt was a numbness that seemed to fill
every fiber of his body.

When more men approached him, Samuel swung out with his fists

again and again. He knew some of his punches landed but not as
many as he would have liked. More than once he missed and
stumbled forward only to catch himself and start swinging again.

When he was suddenly grabbed and pushed down to the floor, his

arms pinned behind him, Samuel knew in some distant part of his
mind that he should be feeling pain. He just didn’t. He just felt an
overwhelming relief that it was all finally going to be over.

He closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

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Samuel squeezed his eyes tighter when he heard Kane’s deep

voice. Maybe this was what he had been looking for all of the time.
He just hadn’t expected death to bring him his fondest wish. If he had
known, he would have walked into the sun days ago.

“Samuel, baby, open your eyes.”
Samuel didn’t want to. He wanted to stay in the dream haze in his

mind, the one where there was concern and affection in Kane’s voice.
Samuel ignored the voice ordering him to open his eyes and
concentrated on the one in his head, the one he knew was a figment of
his imagination.

After awhile, the bothersome voice faded away. The constant cold

that seemed to have surrounded Samuel for so long that he forgot
what warmth was faded away as well. Samuel opened his eyes,
positive that he was dead.

When he saw Kane leaning over the top of him, Samuel knew he

was dead. A small burst of laughter burst past his lips as he gazed up
at Kane. That was the only explanation he could come up with to
justify the tears he could see in Kane’s hazel eyes.

He had died.
“Hey, baby,” Kane whispered as he stroked the wet hair back

from Samuel’s face. “Where have you been? We’ve been looking for
you everywhere.”

Samuel frowned. “Why?”
A smile curved the corners of Kane’s mouth. “You ran before we

could talk.”

Samuel’s frown deepened as his confusion did. If he was dead,

why was Kane talking like this? “What does it matter?” he asked.
“I’m dead.”

Kane’s eyebrows shot up as he chuckled. “Baby, you’re not


“Yes, I am.” Samuel was positive of it. “You wouldn’t be talking

to me if I wasn’t dead.”

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Samuel began to have his doubts about his death when he saw

Kane’s features tighten in anger. His dream man shouldn’t be getting
angry with him. That wasn’t the way this was supposed to go—unless
he was in hell.

Had he been that bad?
Samuel was too tired to cry. Besides, what would it accomplish if

he did? It wouldn’t get his father’s approval or keep his brother from
torturing him. It certainly wouldn’t keep Fallon’s coven from
attacking him.

And he already knew that Kane didn’t want him.
No one tried to stop Samuel when he pushed himself to his feet.

He swayed for a moment and reached out to grab a barstool to steady
himself. When he looked around the room, several men were staring
back at him, all with anger on their faces.

The last face he saw was Kane’s as the man stood up in front of

him. Kane didn’t look any less angry than anyone else. Samuel
couldn’t keep his hysterical laughter locked behind his lips. His life
had sucked, and apparently, so did his death.

He just couldn’t catch a break.
Samuel pushed Kane’s angry face from his mind and turned his

attention to the largest man in the room. “Aren’t you going to kill

“Is that what you want, Samuel?”
Samuel shrugged. What did he care?
“Why did you come back here after I ordered you not to?”
Samuel’s eyes flickered to Kane for a moment and then went back

to Fallon. “Does it matter? I’ve invaded your territory without your
permission and after you ordered me out. By our laws, you have the
right to kill me.”

Was he going to be tortured for all eternity? Why didn’t Fallon

and his coven just get it over with? If he wasn’t dead now, was he
going to be tortured until he begged for death? He was already close
to doing that.

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“Did your father send you here, Samuel?” Fallon asked.
“Does he know you’re here?”
“I doubt it.”
“I see.”
Well, what in the hell was that supposed to mean? “Look, are you

going to kill me or not?”

“No.” Fallon rubbed his chin as he stared intently at Samuel like

he could see right down into Samuel’s soul. “I don’t believe I will.”

“Fine.” Samuel turned and stumbled toward the door. If Fallon

and his coven weren’t going to kill him, Samuel knew who would.

“I don’t believe I said you could go, Samuel.”
Samuel stopped at the door and leaned his head against the hard

wood as he waited for Fallon to say something more. Samuel didn’t
say a word because he really had nothing to say.

“Since you’ve seen fit to disobey my orders, you will have to be


Well, that was more like it.
Samuel turned, eager for his misery to be over. When two of

Fallon’s men stepped forward and grabbed his arms, Samuel didn’t
fight them. He couldn’t. The last of his strength had drained out of
him and he could barely walk.

He heard Fallon murmuring to Kane as he was escorted past the

guy, but he couldn’t hear the words that were spoken. And he didn’t
want to look to see if Kane was staring at him. Watching the anger on
Kane’s face a moment ago was enough for him. He seriously doubted
that he would ever see anything else.

The tenderness and pleasure that had lit up Kane’s face the one

night they had spent together would forever be burned into his
memory, but he knew it wasn’t real. None of it had been real.

And that was maybe the biggest reason Samuel was ready to end

everything. The things he thought he had seen in Kane’s hazel eyes
were just in his imagination. Kane had shown his true colors when

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Samuel had returned and tried to talk to the guy, to explain why he
had run off, and Kane had dismissed him like he didn’t matter.

That seemed to be the story of his life.
When Samuel was pulled into a small room with a single bed in

the corner, he didn’t argue. He didn’t fight. He just stumbled over to
the wall and slid down to the floor, pulling his knees up to his chest.

When the two men walked out of the room and shut the door

behind them, Samuel dropped his head against his knees and closed
his eyes, waiting for sleep, or death, to take him. He wasn’t particular.

* * * *

Samuel didn’t know how long he had been sitting there when he

heard the door open and shut. It could have been minutes or hours. He
was too tired to lift his head to see who it was. And he really didn’t

“I’ve brought you some food, Samuel.”
Samuel shuddered when he recognized Kane’s voice. He didn’t

want to see Kane, not anymore. “I’m not hungry,” he whispered. And
he wasn’t. He had stopped being hungry ages ago.

“You need to eat, Samuel.”
He didn’t need shit, but he wasn’t about to argue with Kane about

that. Samuel just shook his head and buried his face deeper into his

Samuel heard the floorboards creak and knew that Kane was

squatting down in front of him. He could practically feel the warmth
radiating off of the man. He so wanted to dive into that warmth and
let it surround him, but that wasn’t to be.

“Damn it, Samuel!” Kane snapped. “I’ve had enough of this. You

will eat if I have to force feed you myself.”

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Samuel was surprised when he actually felt a sliver of amusement

flicker through him. His head swam when he lifted it to stare up at
Kane. “Fuck you.”

“Not until you’ve had a bath,” Kane replied. “You stink.”
When Samuel tried to roll his eyes, his entire head rolled to one


“I doubt you have the strength to get it up anyway.” Kane pushed

himself to his feet and walked to a door on the far side of the room,
one that Samuel hadn’t seen before.

When Kane opened the door and walked inside, Samuel saw a

sink and a toilet and realized that it was a bathroom. A moment later
he heard water come on and knew that there was a shower inside the
bathroom as well.

Kane walked out of the bathroom and straight toward Samuel.

There was a determination in Kane’s eyes that sent apprehension
racing through Samuel. He could see that the man was planning on
getting his way.

When Kane reached for him, Samuel tried to struggle away,

batting at Kane’s hands. In his weakened state, he couldn’t even fight
off a human. Before he knew it, he was standing in the shower
without a stitch of clothing on his body.

Samuel felt tears mingle with the hot water as it cascaded down

his face. Kane was being gentle as he scrubbed Samuel’s body clean,
but it still felt wrong. And Samuel didn’t understand why Kane was
even doing what he was doing.

Maybe Fallon wanted a clean body to torture.
When Kane’s hands moved over his ass, shame flooded Samuel as

his cock filled. Apparently, Kane had been wrong. He could get it up.
Samuel just prayed that Kane didn’t notice it, and if he did, that the
man ignored it.

Once Samuel had been scrubbed from one end to the other, Kane

pulled him out of the shower and dried him off. Once Samuel was

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dry, Kane pushed him down onto the toilet seat and proceeded to dry
his hair.

Samuel didn’t give a single note of protest when Kane brushed out

his hair or lathered up his face and shaved him. But he did start
watching Kane. At first, he wanted to know what kind of game Kane
was playing. And then he was curious as to what Kane was thinking
because nothing showed on his face.

When Kane grabbed his hand and drew him to his feet, Samuel

followed the man back into the bedroom. He felt a little bereft when
Kane left him standing naked in the middle of the room and walked
out the door.

Before Samuel could decide what he was going to do, Kane was

back with a cotton shirt, a pair of sweatpants, and some socks. He
helped Samuel get dressed and then pushed him down onto the bed,
pulling the blankets up to his waist.

Silence continued to hang in the air as Kane grabbed the tray he

had brought in earlier and sat down on the side of the bed. Kane held
a glass of red liquid out in front of Samuel’s face. Samuel could smell
the blood inside the glass, and despite his desolation, his stomach
rumbled at the succulent scent.

Kane held the glass of blood up to Samuel’s lips and tilted it

forward. Samuel could either drink or get drenched. When Kane’s
eyebrow arched, Samuel swallowed until every drop was gone.

Kane set the glass on the tray and grabbed a napkin. He wiped

Samuel’s mouth and then grabbed the tray, standing to his feet.
Samuel watched Kane stare down at him. When Kane’s lips pressed
together and thinned, Samuel turned his head away, not wanting to
see the man’s anger.

“Go to sleep, Samuel,” Kane ordered. “I’ll be back in a few hours

with some more blood.”

Samuel waited until he heard the door close behind Kane before

he gave into the tears prickling his eyes. Samuel rolled to his side and
shoved his hand into his mouth to keep his sobs to himself, but they

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were so rough and hard that they racked his body until exhaustion
finally took over and pulled him away from his sorrow.

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Chapter 5

Kane set the breakfast tray down on the small sideboard in the

hallway and slumped back against the wall. He could hear Samuel’s
muffled sobs through the door, and they tore at Kane’s heart. No one
should feel that much misery, especially not his Samuel.

Kane knew he had contributed to it. He just didn’t know how.

When Samuel had disappeared, Kane had felt like his heart had been
torn out of his chest. It hadn’t started beating again until Samuel
walked back through the front door of his bar.

But the Samuel that had returned to him was not the same one that

had left. His Samuel had been sweet, shy, and so eager to please that
it made Kane’s teeth ache. The Samuel in the room behind him was
filled with so much misery and heartache that Kane wondered how
the man could stand it.

Only by locking his emotions away behind a mask of fury had

Kane been able to deal with the man without railing at him for giving
up. Because that was exactly what Samuel had done—given up. Kane
could see it in his eyes. Samuel fully expected to die when he came
back to the bar and started a fight with Fallon’s men.

And Kane would be damned before he let that happen.
He pushed away from the wall and grabbed the breakfast tray,

carrying it down the hallway to the kitchen. He dropped the dishes off
in the sink and then walked to the main room of the bar where Fallon
was sitting in his usual booth.

Kane scooted into the booth and stared across the table at the

coven leader. “Tell me how to get through to Samuel.”

Fallon arched his eyebrow.

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Kane rolled his eyes. “Just tell me what I need to know, Fallon.”
“Why is it so important to you?” Fallon asked. “The boy is in my

territory, even after I told him to leave. He started a fight with my
coven. By our laws, I have not only the right to punish him, but the
right to kill him if I feel the need.”

Kane growled and clenched his fists. “You’re not going to touch a

hair on Samuel’s head.”

Fallon leaned forward, looking more menacing than Kane had

ever seen him. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t rip Samuel’s
head off and deliver it to his father.”

“Because he’s mine!”
Kane blinked and sat back in his seat. He hadn’t expected to say

that. He hadn’t expected to feel it. But he had and he did. Samuel was
his and had been from the first moment he had spotted the man inside
his bar.

And Kane would even fight the alpha of a vampire coven to keep


“He’s mine, and I am not giving him up.”
“He’s a vampire, Kane,” Fallon said. “That will never change.”
Kane’s upper lip curled back. “So, I’ll stock up on some


“Think carefully about your decision, Kane. Once you decide to

accept Samuel, there will be no turning back. He will be yours
forever. You won’t be able to change your mind if things get tough.
Denying Samuel once you accept him could kill him.”

Kane swallowed hard. “Why?”
Kane’s skin prickled when Fallon just stared at him. It was like

the man was trying to see into his soul to see if he was worth all of the
effort to explain things to him, or whether he should just kill Samuel
and get it over with. Finally, Fallon sighed and leaned back in his
seat, draping one of his arms along the back of the bench.

“All right, Kane, I’ll tell you. I suspect that you bonded with

Samuel when you had sex with him. If that is true, then being

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separated from you is worse than any pain that I could ever even
conceive of torturing Samuel with.”

“What do you mean bonded?” And why did that thought send his

heart racing?

“When a vampire finds the one meant for him, a bond forms

between him and his bondmate. We never know when we will meet
our bondmate. There is no indication, no scent, or telltale sign that
tells us we’ve met our other half. We don’t know until we sleep with
them and the bond forms.”

“So, that’s why you guys are such complete sluts.” Kane


Fallon’s lips twisted into a half smile. “Probably. I’d like to say

that we are all looking for our bondmate and fucking anything that
moves in the hopes that we will meet him or her, but truthfully, my
coven is full of a bunch of horny fuckers. They just like to fuck
everything and anything. The search for a bondmate has nothing to do
with it.”

Kane’s amusement slid away as he thought about what this bond

thing meant for him and Samuel. If what Fallon was saying was true,
then why had Samuel left him in the first place? Didn’t this bond
mean they were meant to be together?

“If we’re bonded, then why did Samuel leave?”
“I can’t answer that, but I suspect he was afraid.” Fallon’s hand

waved back toward the front door as if it meant something. “He’s
been gone for nearly two weeks, and you can see the condition he was
in when he came back. If you accept him, and allow him to believe in
your bond only to turn him away, I have no doubt that Samuel will
slowly deteriorate until he eventually walks into the sun and kills

Kane gaped. “The bond is that strong?”
“The bond is everything!”
Wow, this was some heavy shit, but Kane wanted Samuel more

than he had ever wanted anything, even his own bar. And he was

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willing to do whatever it took to keep the man. He just needed to
know what that entailed.

“So, tell me what I need to know, Fallon. How do I keep


“It’s simple, Kane, you have to accept him, fangs and all.”
“I do accept him.”
Fallon’s eyebrow arched. “Do you?”
“Yes,” Kane said without hesitation. The whole blood drinking

thing was a little strange, but so the fuck what? Kane was probably
just as strange as Samuel was in his own way. That wasn’t going to
stop him from keeping the man.

“Then why are you down here instead of upstairs with your man?”
Kane’s mouth dropped open, but nothing came out. He hadn’t

been expecting that. He thought he would have to argue with Fallon
and convince the man to see reason. He never expected Fallon to cave
so easily.

“What are you going to do about Samuel being in your territory?”

Kane would really hate to have to sell his bar and move, but he would
if that’s what it took to have Samuel in his life.

“I can’t have a vampire from another coven in my territory.

Samuel”—Fallon pointed his finger at Kane—“and you will both
have to join my coven.”

Kane’s eyes narrowed. “What exactly does that mean?”
“As a member of my coven, you are protected from other covens.

If they fuck with you, they fuck with me, and I don’t take kindly to
it.” Fallon suddenly grinned, and it was so cold that it sent a shiver of
apprehension down Kane’s spine. “The vampires that killed your
brother learned the hard way that I don’t have my reputation as a
badass for nothing.”

Kane didn’t really want to know what Fallon meant by that

statement, although he was pretty sure he already did. But still, he
chuckled as Fallon’s use of the word badass. It sounded strange
coming out of the big man’s mouth. “What else?”

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“You’ll have to swear fidelity to me as the alpha of the coven.

When in my presence, I am in charge.”

“Yeah, about that…” Kane grimaced. “I don’t do so well with

authority figures. It’s one of the reasons I own my own bar. I don’t
like having to answer to others.”

Fallon chuckled. “It’s really not that bad. There will be certain

situations when I have to be in charge like when another alpha is in
the vicinity, but other than that, do whatever the hell you want. I don’t
much care.” Fallon’s finger tapped the table. “What I do care about is
being disrespected, and through all of our dealings, that has never
been a problem.”

“Okay, but what will it mean to Samuel?”
“Pretty much the same thing except I expect a little more respect

out of him as he is a true vampire and understands the rules better
than you do.”

“What about the other men in your coven?” Kane asked as he

glanced at the others lounging around the bar. “How will they accept

Fallon shrugged. “That’s the great thing about being the alpha. I

don’t have to ask.”

“So.” Kane looked back at Fallon, not quite believing he was

going to do what he was about to do. “How do I join your coven?”

“It’s simple really,” Fallon replied without missing a beat. “Every

coven member has to be present, but we can just do it in the middle of
the dance floor. It’s big enough. You have to be naked to show your
willingness not to hide anything from your coven.”

Kane swallowed hard. “Naked?”
“Yep. When I approach you, you have to drop to your knees as a

show of respect and then basically blow me to show everyone you
give me your fidelity.” Fallon’s massive shoulders moved as he
shrugged. “Then you’re in.”

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Kane’s mouth dropped open. There was no way in hell he was

going to give Fallon a blow job, room full of people or not. “Is that
the only way to join your coven?”

Fallon waved his hand dismissively. “It’s nothing for you to worry

about really. Samuel will have to do the same thing. It’s kind of

Kane couldn’t stop the growl that slid from his mouth, no matter

how much he tried to keep it locked behind his lips. There was no
way in hell he was letting Samuel give anyone a blow job except him.
Kane saw only one way out of this.

“Would you be interested in buying a bar?”
Fallon’s eyebrows shot up, an expression of surprise on the man’s

face like Kane had never seen. “Why would I want to buy a bar?”

“Because mine just came up for sale.”
If anything, Fallon looked confused. “And why would you be

selling your bar? I thought this place was your baby.”

Kane dug his fingernails into the table top as anger and jealousy

rolled through him. “Samuel is my baby. This is just four walls and a
roof. And I will not allow Samuel to get anywhere close to your

Fallon just stared at Kane for several tension-filled moments,

slack jawed. And then he tossed his head back and deep, rich laughter
filled the room. Kane gritted his teeth. He was not as amused by the
situation as Fallon was.

“I like you, Kane,” Fallon said when his laughter faded away. “I

really do.”

“I like you, too, Fallon, just not like that.” Fallon was an attractive

man on every level. He just wasn’t Samuel. And Kane wanted to be
perfectly clear about that. He wasn’t interested in anyone but Samuel.

“Kane, do you swear you will respect my word as alpha of this

coven and keep our secret?”

Kane frowned, wondering where this line of questioning was

coming from. “Yes.”

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“Fine, then you’re in.” Fallon chuckled. “Welcome to my coven.”
“But what…what about the whole blow job thing?”
Fallon’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “Well, I’ve never been

one to turn down a blow job if you’re insistent upon it, but it’s not
required to join the coven.”

“Then why did you—”
“Because you’re too easy to fuck with. You expected some

elaborate ritual to take place when there isn’t one.” Fallon leaned
forward, resting his arms on the table. “Kane, we’re vampires. We’re
primitive, feral, and vicious. We hunt, feed, fuck, and play. We don’t
do elaborate rituals, and anyone that tries to convince you that we do
likes to hear his lips flap.”

Kane stared at Fallon for a moment and then slumped back in his

seat, a small chuckle falling from his lips. “You are such a fucking

Fallon grinned. “That’s alpha asshole to you.”

* * * *

Kane held the tray with Samuel’s lunch in one hand and opened

the door to the room where Samuel was staying with the other. He
knew Samuel needed peace and quiet to recover, but just as soon as
he could, he was moving Samuel into his bedroom—permanently.

When he stepped into the room, Kane’s eyes instantly went to the

bed, searching for Samuel. Kane’s heart lurched when he saw nothing
except rumpled blankets. “Samuel?”

A movement by the window caught his attention. Kane turned and

saw Samuel sitting on the bench seat built into the window. He had a
blanket wrapped around his shoulders, and he was just sitting there
staring at Kane.

“I brought you some lunch.” Kane nodded to the tray in his hand

as he shut the door and then walked across the room. He glanced
around, looking for something to set the tray down on. When Samuel

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moved his legs, Kane bit his lip to hide his smile and set the tray
down on the bench seat by Samuel’s legs.

“Toby made a big batch of chicken noodle soup for you,” Kane

said as he grabbed a chair and pulled it over, sitting down. He nodded
his head down to the glass of fresh blood Fallon had provided for him.
“Drink that and then we’ll move on to the soup.”

Samuel just stared at him. Kane rolled his eyes and grabbed the

glass, grimacing as he held it up to Samuel’s mouth. It wasn’t that he
was disgusted by watching Samuel drinking blood, because he wasn’t.
In the years he had owned the bar, he had seen worse. He just didn’t
really think drinking blood out of a glass was the way it was supposed
to be done.

But what did he know? It wasn’t like he was an expert at feeding a

starving vampire. Fallon said Samuel needed blood so Kane fed
Samuel blood. He just couldn’t help but wonder if Samuel realized it
was his blood. He still had the Band-Aid on his arm from where
Fallon had drawn the blood.

Once Samuel was done drinking, Kane sat the glass down on the

tray and reached for the bowl of soup and a spoon. “If you can keep
this down, we’ll move you up to toast for dinner.”

Kane wondered what Samuel was thinking as he fed him the soup,

spoonful by spoonful. No emotion showed on Samuel’s face, but his
moss-green eyes never looked away from Kane’s face, not even when
he was eating.

“I’ve talked with Fallon and he—” Kane paused when Samuel

reared back and turned his head away, staring out the window again.

Samuel’s head slowly turned, but he seemed to be looking off to a

spot just past Kane’s shoulders, like he couldn’t meet Kane’s eyes.
“Why are you doing this?” Samuel asked in a very quiet voice that
was so at odds with his usual deep whiskey tone that Kane could only
stare at him in shock.

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When Kane didn’t answer, Samuel turned his head away and went

back to staring out the window. Kane sighed. While Fallon had
explained the basics of joining the coven and what it would mean if
he kept Samuel, he didn’t explain how Kane was supposed to keep

And Kane still didn’t have a clue.
He set the bowl and spoon back down on the tray and then

grabbed the tray. Once he had set it down on the floor and out of the
way, Kane sat down on the bench seat next to Samuel and leaned
back against the wall. It was a good thing that the bench seat was built
into the wall like a box. It gave both him and Samuel something to
lean against.

“Talk to me, Samuel.” As much as he wanted to demand answers

for Samuel’s behavior, Kane kept quiet after that. Samuel needed to
learn to trust him, and he could only do that on his own.

“Is Fallon going to kill me?” Samuel asked after awhile, using the

same low soft voice he had used before.

“No, he’s not. In fact, Fallon is allowing us to join his coven.”
That seemed to get a reaction out of Samuel. His eyes were huge

on his face when his head snapped around. “Us?”

Kane smirked. “Yes, Samuel, us. You and me. Together.”
Samuel’s eyebrows drew together as if the man couldn’t conceive

of the idea. “Why?”

“I offered to sell him the bar, but he didn’t want it. Joining his

coven was our only other choice. From what I’ve gathered together,
joining your father’s coven isn’t an option. And, at least this way, we
can stay here and Fallon and his coven will protect us.”

“Why would you sell your bar?” Samuel asked, his voice getting a

little stronger and a little deeper. “You said this bar was your life.”

Kane smiled at Samuel, wondering when the man would catch on.

Samuel seemed so clueless that it was almost a crime. “It would seem
I found something else that is more important to me than my bar.”

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“Fallon?” Samuel’s face paled as he croaked out the man’s name

like it was a bad taste catching in his throat.

“Then what?”
Kane shook his head and then leaned forward to stroke a single

finger down the side of Samuel’s face. “You, Samuel.”

Samuel’s eyebrows shot up. “Me?”
“Yes, Samuel,” Kane breathed on a whisper as he leaned toward

the man. “You.”

Kane knew it was only because Samuel was so stunned that he

was able to press their lips together. He had no doubt, in Samuel’s
confused state, he would have struggled otherwise. Sighing, Samuel
opened to him, and Kane swept his tongue inside.

Samuel moved closer, melding to Kane’s body. Kane pulled the

man tightly into his arms and nibbled along Samuel’s bottom lip.
Their lips parted, only for a brief moment, to allow precious air into
their heaving lungs.

Tears shone in Samuel’s eyes.
Kane smiled as he nuzzled at the younger man before tenderly

stroking sweat-dampened hair back from Samuel’s sweet face. He
cradled the back of Samuel’s head in one hand, bringing their mouths
back together. His tongue licked purposefully at Samuel’s upper lip
and was once again granted entry to the warm wet cavern.

“Fallon told me what you are, Samuel,” Kane whispered against

the man’s lips. “I’m still keeping you.”

He felt Samuel’s inhale against his mouth as the man pulled back

from him. “But you said…”

“I said what, baby?”
Pain darkened Samuel’s moss-green eyes. “You looked at me like

I was something unnatural, a freak.”

Kane sighed. He couldn’t deny Samuel’s words, but he could

explain them. “Baby, I’m human, and in the human world I have

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grown up in, people don’t turn into vampires or drink blood unless it’s
a special effect from Hollywood. It just doesn’t happen.”

Kane chuckled. “If you think my reaction to you was severe, you

should have seen my face when Fallon ordered one of his men to do a
full transformation. I thought I was going to shit myself.”

“Then…then you don’t think I’m a freak?”
Kane knew he needed to choose his words carefully. Samuel was

strung so tight that the least little thing could set him off. “I don’t
think you’re a freak, Samuel. I think you’re different. And that’s not
necessarily a bad thing. But since you know more about your world
than I do, you’re going to have to teach me as we go along. I don’t
want to do anything that might get us in trouble.”

Samuel cocked his head to one side, regarding Kane with

confusion marring his brow. “You’re serious.”

“I don’t say things I don’t mean, Samuel.”
“Then why did you slam the door in my face when I came back to

the bar?”

“You left within minutes of us having what I thought was mind-

blowing sex. You barely said two words to me, Samuel, just got
dressed and ran. It was like you couldn’t seem to get away from me
fast enough.” Kane shrugged. “I felt used, and I was angry.”

Samuel nibbled on his lip, his eyes darting away to stare out the

window. “I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I just—” Samuel’s
eyes dropped down to his hands as he started twisting his fingers
together. “Things happened and—”

“I know what happened, Samuel. Fallon explained the bond to


There was a pensive shimmer in the shadow of Samuel’s eyes

when he looked up. “Are you mad?”

“I would have preferred if you had explained it to me, but no, I’m

not mad.” Kane reached over and traced a line over Samuel’s lower
lip with his thumb. “I had planned on keeping you anyway.”

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Chapter 6

Samuel grunted as he stretched his arms over his head and

wiggled his toes. He felt better than he had in forever. He had started
gaining back the weight he had lost and had been on solid food for
several days. The bruises on his skin had even faded. He was almost
back to normal. He’d be able to go out and feed on his own any day.

And best of all, Kane was curled up next to him.
In Samuel’s mind, it didn’t get much better than this. He was still

a little uncertain of where his life was headed, but he was pretty sure
Kane would be next to him for whatever came their way.

The man had barely left his side in the last few days.
If Kane wasn’t shoving food and blood down Samuel’s throat, he

was making Samuel sleep, but he was always cuddled up right next to
Samuel when he woke up. It made giving in to the stubborn man
pretty damn easy.

Samuel turned on his side and scooted closer to Kane. He didn’t

have far to go. Samuel had discovered that Kane was a cuddler. If
Samuel didn’t sleep pressed up against him, Kane chased him across
the bed in his sleep. Samuel had kind of gotten used to having Kane
plastered to his side.

Samuel trailed his fingers over Kane’s face, laughing softly to

himself when Kane wrinkled his nose and tried to brush him away. He
loved waking up before Kane when he had time to just lay there and
stare at the man.

It was a marvel to Samuel that Kane was even in the bed with

him, let alone accepting of Samuel’s more feral nature. During his

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recovery over the last few days, they had spent a lot of time talking,
both about their pasts and the future they hoped to have.

On one hand, Samuel wanted to hear every single word that came

out of Kane’s mouth. On the other hand, he was terrified that he was
going to lose what he had with Kane. It just seemed all too perfect,
and nothing in Samuel’s life had ever gone perfectly before.

The other shoe would drop soon enough. Samuel just hoped that

Kane would still be around when the dust settled. But he wouldn’t
blame the guy if he ran for the hills. Not every man was ready to hear
that his lover could shift into a creature of myth and needed to drink
blood to survive, or the crap that came with that life.

The whole bond thing that they had going on between them was

something totally different. Samuel felt it. How could he not? Being
away from Kane, even in separate rooms, was almost excruciating.
Just touching Kane’s skin brought Samuel more pleasure than sex he
had ever had with anyone else.

Samuel wasn’t sure that Kane felt the same. He knew that Kane

liked him and might even care for him on some level. He just wasn’t
sure that Kane felt the same pull that Samuel did. And he was too
afraid to ask.

“You’re thinking too hard.”
Samuel jerked, unaware that Kane was awake until the man

spoke. He chuckled lightly, feeling his face flush at his reaction. “I
was thinking about you.”

“Well, I suppose that’s okay, then.” Kane’s eyes slowly cracked

open. The man let out a small groan as he stretched and then moved
closer to Samuel, his hands splaying out over Samuel’s chest. “So,
what were you thinking about me?”

Samuel smirked. “I was thinking about how gorgeous you are.”
Kane’s dark eyebrow arched over his forehead. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” Samuel bit his lip when Kane’s hands began to move

over his chest, lightly stroking his skin. Damn, had anything ever felt
so good? Samuel clenched his jaw when Kane’s fingers found his

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nipples, and he quickly found out that yes, there were other things that
felt just as good or even better. “Kane.”

“Yeah, baby?”
Samuel frowned as he looked down at Kane. There was way too

much amusement in Kane’s voice when Samuel felt like he was
coming apart at the seams. It wasn’t fair. “I’m all healed now, Kane.”

Kane’s eyes flickered up. “Are you?”
“I am.” Kane had refused to take anything between them any

further than kisses and some heavy petting until Samuel was healed.
Samuel hadn’t even been able to talk Kane into a blow job. He was
feeling desperate.

“Are you sure you can handle it?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Samuel panted.
“What if I was to do this?” Kane asked right before he bit down

on one of Samuel’s nipples.

Samuel groaned and arched into the air as a combination of pain

and pleasure flooded his body. “Oh yeah!”

“Do you think you can handle this?”
Samuel’s eyes fluttered closed as Kane’s teeth scraped over his

erect nipple, and then the man began to nibble and suck on the stiff
little bud. Samuel’s skin tingled, ached. His nipple firmed instantly
under Kane’s soft caress.

The mere touch of Kane’s fingers sent a warming shiver through

Samuel. The brush of Kane’s thigh against Samuel’s hip sent a jolt
through him. He wrapped his arms around Kane’s shoulders and
pulled the smaller man on top of him.

“Kane!” Samuel cried out hoarsely when the man’s lower body

settled between his legs and he felt Kane’s hard cock press against
his. The hard weight of Kane’s body on his was driving Samuel
insane. This was one of the few times that he was glad he was such a
big man. He could cradle Kane between his thighs and hold the man
to him.

“You’re driving me crazy, Kane.”

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Kane’s chuckle was evil but sexy as hell. Kane’s breath was warm

and moist against Samuel’s face, and his heart raced. “Yeah?” Kane
whispered against Samuel’s chest, creating a tingling in the pit of
Samuel’s stomach.

Samuel bit his lip to stifle the outcry of delight when Kane started

kissing a path farther down his body. Kane’s hands seared a path
down Samuel’s abdomen and onto his thighs. Samuel eagerly
surrendered to Kane’s masterful seduction, giving himself freely to
whatever the man wanted to do to him.

Samuel grabbed Kane’s hand and guided it down between his

spread legs to his tight little bud. He didn’t take his hand away until
he felt a light pressure from the tip of Kane’s finger against his
quivering hole.

“Is this what you want, baby?”
“Please.” Samuel so wasn’t above begging at the moment. He

could feel Kane’s fingers pressing against him just light enough to
make his pulse pound but not hard enough to push inside of his aching
entrance. “Please, sir.”

“Ah, now, that’s what I wanted to hear.”
Samuel cried out and arched up as Kane’s fingers sank into his

ass. His breath stuttered in his throat, a desperate cry lodged just
behind his lips. He could barely breathe as the burn in his ass
morphed into pleasure that brought spots to his eyes.

When Kane’s fingers brushed over his sweet spot, Samuel hissed

and pushed back against the man’s fingers. His fingers dug into the
blanket on either side of his body as he sought more of Kane’s touch.

“Pull your legs up, Samuel.”
Samuel pulled his legs up to his chest as fast as he could and

grabbed them with his hands. He didn’t care that he was basically on
display. He just knew that Kane was thrusting his fingers in and out of
his ass and soon, those fingers would be replaced by Kane’s massive

Hell, Kane could take pictures if that’s what he wanted.

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Samuel just didn’t care.
“So pretty,” Kane said as he stroked his free hand down Samuel’s

thigh to the juncture of his thighs.

Samuel groaned and strained when Kane started massaging his

balls, almost losing his hold on his legs. An anxious whine fell from
his lips. He pushed out, grinding into the thrusts to take Kane’s
fingers deeper.

“Yes,” he said around a broken moan when Kane pulled his

fingers free and finally lined his cock up to Samuel’s hole.

Kane thrust forward, slowly pushing his way in, stretching

Samuel’s inner walls. He rocked forward and back, moving deeper
into Samuel’s body. Each thrust stretched Samuel’s inner walls.

Kane pumped his cock slowly in and out, taunting Samuel with

what he wanted. Samuel had no leverage of his own beyond the bed
beneath him and Kane above him. He felt wanton as Kane both took
and gave what they needed so desperately.

Samuel’s arms encircled Kane’s neck, pulling his head down.

Their mouths crashed together again, hungrier and more desperate
than before, muffling the sounds of their pleasure.

Kane blanketed Samuel from thigh to chest with his body. Samuel

loved the heavy weight of Kane’s body on his and the rigid length of
the man’s shaft buried deep inside his body as Kane fucked him
slowly and steadily.

Kane skimmed his lips along the line of Samuel’s jaw. “Are you

mine, Samuel?” he whispered into Samuel’s ear.

“Yes,” Samuel whispered in a broken moan
“No one else can have you, Samuel. Only me.”
Kane’s effortless thrusting picked up as his length pounded in and

out of Samuel’s ass, moving harder, faster, and deeper. Samuel
moaned as the long thick cock that seemed to fill him so perfectly
brushed across his prostate with every thrust of Kane’s hips.

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Samuel tossed his head back, moaning long and loud as Kane’s

angle altered and Samuel’s sweet spot was struck again and again. His
throbbing cock bobbed with each thrust of Kane’s hips, the cool air
sweeping around its heat, teasing Samuel even further.

Samuel’s shattered wail of completion echoed around the room as

he sprayed white ropes of cum all over Kane’s abdomen. He could
feel Kane still pounding inside him as his release covered Kane and
his own stomach and thighs.

Samuel heard Kane’s deep, pleasured groan, and then liquid heat

filled his body as Kane came inside him. Kane thrust a few more
times, his body shuddering, before pulling away and easing them onto
their sides.

Samuel’s heart warmed at the concern he could see shining in

Kane’s eyes as the man gathered him against his body, cradling him
as though he were fragile and precious, when in fact, he was bigger
than Kane. Samuel smiled when Kane bent to kiss his temple and then
tucked his head under Kane’s chin.

“Was that what you were thinking about, baby?”
Samuel chuckled ruefully. “That works.”
“Unfortunately, so do we, and since you are well enough to get

fucked, you’re well enough to be out on the floor tonight.”

Samuel jumped when Kane smacked his ass. He tilted his head

back and frowned up at the man. This was not his idea of post-sex
cuddling. “What did you do that for?”

“You need to get up. We have about an hour to grab a shower, get

dressed, and then get our asses downstairs before the doors open.”
Kane pressed a quick kiss to the side of Samuel’s head and then rolled
to the edge of the bed. “Fallon and the boys are supposed to be back
tonight, and you still have to swear fidelity to him.”

Samuel groaned as he scooted to the side of the bed and sat up. He

didn’t want to get up and go to work. He wanted to stay in bed and
cuddle with Kane.

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“This sucks.” He was not amused by Kane’s chuckle. He stuck his

tongue out at the man and then got up and walked to the bathroom. A
very undignified yelp fell from Samuel’s lips when his ass was
grabbed from behind.

“Don’t stick that tongue out unless you plan to use it, Samuel.”
Samuel’s jaw dropped as shock rolled through him. “We just had

sex. How can you possibly—” Samuel snapped his mouth closed
when he felt Kane’s stiff dick nudge him in the ass. “Never mind.”

“Stamina has never been a problem for me, baby.” Kane chuckled

and followed Samuel into the shower. “Even if I am human.”

Samuel rolled his eyes and turned to press his back against the

shower stall. He snaked his arms around Kane’s neck and pulled the
man up against his body. He planted a quick kiss on Kane’s lips and
then reached for the soap.

“Are you ever going to feed from me, Samuel?”
Samuel dropped the soap as shock rolled through him. “What?”
“You heard me,” Kane replied.
“But…” Samuel licked his lips as he stared down at Kane. His

eyes flickered to the pulse beating rapidly in Kane’s throat. Feeding
was one thing they hadn’t discussed even though Kane brought him a
glass of blood on several occasions. Samuel had kind of figured they
were pretending it just didn’t happen.

When Kane turned to look at him, Samuel saw deep determination

in the man’s eyes. But he also saw a hint of fear. Samuel’s heart sank.
“I can keep drinking from a glass or go out before work and─”

Samuel yelped as he was suddenly shoved back against the

shower wall. Through everything that had happened between them, he
had never seen Kane look so angry, or be so violent.

Damn! He knew he should have kept his mouth shut.
“Kane, I’m sor—”
“You will not be going out to feed off anyone else,” Kane

snapped, his hazel eyes darkening with fury. “You won’t be feeding
off of anyone except me. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

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Samuel gulped. “Yes, sir.”
“I mean it, Samuel. If you don’t want to feed from me, then I can

continue to donate in a cup.”

Samuel’s jaw dropped. He knew the blood he had been drinking

had tasted extra sweet, but he hadn’t wanted to rock the boat by
asking where it came from. “You’ve been donating blood for me?”

Kane’s eyebrows furrowed over his forehead. “Of course I have.

You don’t need to be feeding off of anyone else. It’s my right to feed

Elation unlike anything he had ever felt flooded Samuel, making

his knees weak. He grabbed Kane and held him close, burying his
face in Kane’s throat. “Since you never brought it up, I thought it
disgusted you,” he whispered against Kane’s wet skin. “I didn’t want
to make you upset or—”

“Baby, I’m not disgusted.”
Samuel reluctantly lifted his head when Kane grabbed his face

and pulled it up. No matter what Kane said, Samuel didn’t see how
the man couldn’t be disgusted. Kane was human. Samuel was not.

“Feeding is part of who you are, Samuel, and I told you that I

accepted you, fangs and all. And I do.”

Samuel was getting confused. “Then why didn’t you—” Okay, he

wasn’t sure he wanted to know why Kane had never said anything.
The answer could destroy him.

“I was waiting for you to say something, Samuel.”
Samuel ducked his head when he felt it fill with heat.
“Do you not want to feed from me, Samuel?”
The words were asked so hesitantly that Samuel’s head snapped

up and he stared down at Kane in wonder. “I can think of very few
things I want more.”

Kane’s hazel eyes began to smolder. Samuel felt the man’s cock

harden and brush against his thigh. His breath caught in his throat

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when realization dawned on him. Kane was aroused by the idea of
feeding him.

All of a sudden, Samuel felt like he couldn’t breathe. His body

was flooded with arousal by the idea of feeding from Kane as the man
fucked him. He had never fed during sex before. He fed for
sustenance, nothing more. But the idea of feeding with Kane
becoming sexual in nature suddenly felt like this was how it was
supposed to be.

“Kane,” Samuel groaned, his eyes dropping to the soft thud in the

man’s neck.

Kane smirked. “I know what you need, baby.”
It was too much for Samuel as Kane’s hand snaked between their

water-slick bodies and enveloped his straining cock and pumped hard.
Samuel’s groan turned deep and needy. Kane gave his thickening
flesh a couple of long strokes, and then Samuel felt Kane’s cock brush
against his own as Kane enveloped them both.

He clutched at Kane’s shoulders and moaned. Kane pulled

Samuel’s mouth down with fingers wrapped around the line of his
jaw. He brushed his lips over Samuel’s. “Feed from me, Samuel.”

An anxious whine fell from Samuel’s lips as he threaded his

fingers into Kane’s hair and tilted his head back. Samuel gathered
Kane against his body, cradling him as though he were precious
because to Samuel, he was.

Kane was everything.
He stroked his hand over Kane’s wet hair and down his soft cheek

to lay his palm against the pulse at the base of Kane’s throat. He
leaned in and nuzzled Kane’s neck, licking and nipping. He inhaled
lustily, bringing that intoxicating scent into his lungs.

Nothing smelled as good as Kane.
His mouth brushed the line of Kane’s throat. He felt his fangs

drop down as his hunger rose, the need to take what was his surging
through him. Kane’s hoarse cry filled the room as Samuel’s fangs
pierced his flesh. He felt liquid heat splash against his thigh and knew

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Kane had come from the simple bite. It was a heady feeling knowing
that taking what he needed to survive brought the man he loved

Samuel fastened his mouth to the twin pinpricks and sucked. His

mouth watered at the rich, coppery favor that splashed across his
tongue. Samuel sucked, drinking greedily. In response, Kane tilted his
head back, offering more of his throat to Samuel.

Kane’s fingers whispered through Samuel’s hair, softly stroking

as Samuel sucked, drinking greedily. His other fingers never wavered
from stroking Samuel’s cock. Samuel’s hoarse cry filled the room as
the blood being willingly offered to him mingled with the pleasure of
Kane’s hand on his hard cock. Sparks of desire flashed through his
vision as he came. His cum spurted over Kane’s hand even as his
body sagged against the man.

When he had taken enough blood, Samuel stroked his tongue over

Kane’s soft skin, closing the tiny pinpricks his fangs had left. His
mouth brushed the line of Kane’s jaw before he lifted his head and
stared down into Kane’s hazel eyes.

“Thank you.”
A secretive smile softened Kane’s lips. “How often do you need

to feed?”

“I’m good for a few days.”
One corner of Kane’s mouth tilted up in a small smirk. “Too bad.”
“It really doesn’t bother you?” Samuel had to be sure.
Kane glanced down between their bodies where Samuel could still

feel the heat from their combined releases warming his skin. “No, I
don’t think bother is quite the word I would use. Mind-blowing
works, though.” Kane lifted his eyes, desire and amusement openly
displayed in their hazel depths. “Maybe next time we can try this in
bed. I’d love to have my cock deep in your ass while your fangs were
in my throat.”

Samuel groaned at the visual image and slumped back against the

shower wall. “Kane,” he whimpered as his cock started to fill again.

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The mere idea of Kane’s cock in his ass as he fed from the man was
enough to make Samuel consider begging.

“Let me know when you’re hungry again.”
“I’m hungry now,” Samuel protested.
Kane’s easy chuckle filled the small shower stall. “I mean hungry

for blood, baby, not my cock in your ass.”

Samuel pushed out his lower lip, pouting.
Kane laughed again and swatted Samuel’s thigh. “Clean up, baby.

We need to get to work. Fallon and his boys will be here tonight, and
that means all hands on deck.”

Samuel could think of so many things he’d rather be doing than

watching the bar, most of them involving Kane and a flat surface. But,
he knew how important the bar was to Kane and if Kane said they
needed to get ready for work, then they needed to get ready for work.

Maybe he could jump Kane after work?
After a shower, Samuel was sitting on the side of the bed pulling

on his boots when he heard a hard knock at the door. He quickly
finished getting dressed and then walked into the living room to
answer the door.

“Oh, hey, Samuel, is Kane around?” Toby asked, standing on his

tiptoes to look past Samuel.

Samuel glanced toward the bedroom. “He’s getting dressed,”

Samuel said as he looked back at Toby. The man seemed really
agitated. He was bouncing from foot to foot, wringing his hands

“Is there something I can help you with, Toby?”
“One of Fallon’s guys is downstairs. He wants to talk to Kane.”
“Okay, we’ll be right down.”
“Just hurry,” Toby said. “I don’t think this guy is used to being

kept waiting.”

Samuel shut the door and started for the bedroom to tell Kane they

had company. Kane walked out before he could reach the doorway.

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He was fully dressed but still tucking his shirt into the waistband of
his pants.

“Toby says one of Fallon’s guys is downstairs. He wants to talk to


Samuel shrugged. “Toby seemed really wigged out.”
Kane nodded. “He always gets that way when Fallon and his guys

show up.”

Samuel shook his head. “No, I don’t think that was it. Toby was

like really freaked out.”

“Hmm.” Kane looked pensive, his eyebrows drawing together as

he frowned.

And that worried Samuel.
He had been too sick to swear fidelity to Fallon before the man

left. Maybe this was where the other shoe dropped. Maybe Fallon was
going to refuse Samuel entry into his coven. With Kane already being
accepted, Samuel would be separated from him, not allowed to enter
Fallon’s territory even to see his bondmate.

He’d die.
“What?” Samuel’s head snapped up, and he looked at Kane,

shocked at the strong tone of Kane’s voice. Kane hadn’t snapped at
Samuel in like…forever.

“Baby, calm down.”
Samuel couldn’t help but lean into the hand that Kane placed

against the side of his cheek. Any contact with the man brought him
pleasure and reassurance.

“You’re broadcasting your feelings all over the place, Samuel.

You need to take a deep breath and calm down. I won’t let anything
happen to you. I promise.”

“Enough, Samuel,” Kane said as he pressed his finger against

Samuel’s lips. “Let’s just go downstairs as see what this guy wants. I

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was expecting Fallon and his guys tonight, remember? I am sure he is
just here to make sure that everything is ready for them.”

Samuel’s shoulders slumped. Kane was right, and he knew it. He

was buying trouble when there may not be any.

Kane smirked and patted Samuel’s face. “You just let me take

care of this, baby.”

That was a lot easier said than done. Kane really had no idea how

things were done in the vampire world. Even if he was the dominant
one in their relationship, Samuel was still responsible for Kane’s
behavior because Kane was a human living in the vampire world.

And Samuel was terrified of losing Kane.
If Kane insulted the wrong man, it could be seen as a challenge. If

he broke a vampire law, it could be seen as a challenge. If he didn’t
bend to Fallon’s will, it could be seen as a challenge. Hell, if he spoke
out of turn, it could be seen as a challenge.

And all challenges were to the death.
As dominant as Kane was in their relationship, he would never

win a challenge. Only Samuel could do that, and he had doubts about
that, not because he wasn’t strong enough but because he wasn’t a

But for Kane, he could become anything.

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Chapter 7

Kane recognized Ranz the second he stepped onto the main floor.

While the man’s posture seemed casual enough as he leaned against
the bar and watched Kane’s employees get ready for the bar opening,
Kane could see the predator in the man’s eyes as he scanned

“Ranz, you wanted to see me?”
The man straightened, pushing away from the bar. “Fallon needs

your help.”

“Of course,” Kane answered without hesitation, “whatever he


Ranz cocked an eyebrow. “Just like that?”
“I believe I am an official member of his”—Kane glanced quickly

around the bar, noting the interest his conversation was getting from
his employees—“gang,” he finished. “I can do no other than offer my
assistance if he asks for it.”

Ranz’s head snapped back and a look of utter disbelief unhinged

the man’s jaw. “Seriously, dude?”

“As long as it does not harm Samuel, I can think of nothing I

wouldn’t do for the man. Fallon has proven to be someone I respect
and admire. He understands my relationship with Samuel and accepts
it. He also has assured me that he will do everything in his power to
give Samuel and me a safe place to be together. That holds a lot of
weight for me.”

“Huh.” Ranz scratched the top of his head. “I wasn’t real sure

about you when Fallon talked to us about you joining our…uh…gang,
you being hu—not being a biker and all. But, maybe I was wrong.”

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Kane smiled. This whole human and vampire thing would take a

little while to get used to, and it seemed not only he had to do that.
“What does Fallon need?”

“Is there somewhere that we can talk privately?”
“My office is just down the hallway.” Kane pointed the way and

then started in that direction, grabbing on to Samuel’s hand to take the
man with him.

“Uh, dude, Samuel can’t come.”
“Excuse me?” Kane growled as he turned to pin his eyes on Ranz.
“It’s nothing personal, Kane. I swear. Samuel just hasn’t been

accepted into the gang yet, and what I have to say is for gang
members’ ears only.”

“Then we have a problem because I don’t go anywhere without


“Kane, really,” Samuel said as he tugged on his hand, trying to

pull it away from Kane’s. Kane just tightened his grip. “It’s okay.
This is how things are done. I’m not a member of Fallon’s gang. Until
I am accepted, there are certain things that can’t be shared with me. I
understand and it’s okay.”

“No.” Kane wasn’t budging. He crossed his arms over his chest

and just stared at Ranz until the man sighed deeply, his shoulders

“Fine, he can come.” Ranz shook his fingers at Samuel. “But if a

word of what I have to say leaks out, I’ll know who to come looking
for. And believe me when I tell you that you won’t like it if I have to
come looking for you.”

Kane’s left eyebrow lifted a fraction at the threat he could hear in

Ranz’s voice. That would never do, not where Samuel was concerned.
“Touch a hair on Samuel’s head and you will find just exactly how
feral this human can be.”

“Kane, no!” Samuel whispered quickly, grabbing at Kane’s arm.

“You can’t say that. It can be seen as a challenge.”

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There was such worry and fear in Samuel’s voice that Kane

couldn’t help but look at his lover. “Baby, you need to calm down.
Ranz and I are just feeling each other out. I’m sure that he
understands exactly where I am coming from.” Kane raised his eyes
to look at the big biker. “Doesn’t he?”

Ranz chuckled. “I hear you, man.”
“Good.” Kane grabbed Samuel’s hand and pulled him down the

hallway toward his office. Once inside, he walked around behind his
desk and sat down. Kane was a little surprised when Samuel walked
behind him and just stood there behind his chair, his hands coming
down to rest on Kane’s shoulders as if the man was guarding him.

It was sweet.
Kane might not be a vampire, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t seen

his share of action. He hadn’t always owned a bar. There had been a
time in his past when he had run with a rougher crowd. He had done
things he would much rather forget. But at least the things he had
done had given him the experience he needed to live in Samuel’s

It also gave him an appreciation for a sweet man like Samuel.
Kane reached back and settled his hand over one of Samuel’s,

giving it a little reassuring squeeze. He didn’t know if it came from
the bond he had with Samuel or what, but he could feel Samuel’s
panic like it was his own.

Kane concentrated on sending peace and calm to Samuel, hoping

that the bond went both ways. Samuel slowly started to relax, and his
emotions became less chaotic—right up until Ranz closed the office
door and turned to look at them with a wary expression.

“What’s wrong, Ranz?” Kane asked.
“Fallon was attacked.”
“What?” Kane shouted as he jumped to his feet. “Is he okay?”
“He is for the moment. He’ll need a few days to recover, but he

should be up and around in no time.”

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Kane’s brows pulled together in an angry frown. “Who attacked


“We don’t know. Fallon was out by himself. He does that

occasionally. We don’t like it, but we accept it.” Ranz shrugged. “I
guess sometimes he needs to get away from all of the responsibilities
of being an alpha.”

“Was he in our territory?”
“Yes, and that’s what has us worried. Vampires aren’t supposed to

cross territory lines without the alpha’s permission, and these guys
definitely did not have Fallon’s permission. As far as we can tell, this
was a totally unprovoked attack.”

“How bad is Fallon?”
Ranz’s slight snarl was enough to tell Kane how bad off Fallon

was before the man even opened his mouth. “It’s bad, man. Whoever
attacked Fallon was definitely vampire, and they weren’t trying to
challenge him. They were out to kill him.”

“Where is he now?”
Ranz’s eyes slid to Samuel. “Um…”
Kane clenched his hands. “Look, jackass, I’m not trying to find

out where he is so that we can betray him. I just want to know if we
need to bring him here instead of letting him recover in some roadside
motel. The rooms upstairs are a lot more hospitable than a by-the-
hour dive.”

Ranz’s eyes snapped back to Kane. “He’s safe, but I’d feel a lot

better if we could bring him here. He’s not as protected as I would
like right now.”

“Fine, then bring him here. I’ll make sure there are rooms

available for you all upstairs. Does Fallon need a doctor?”

Ranz snorted. “And just where are we going to find a doctor that

wouldn’t flip when he was called in to treat a vampire that needed
more blood than the average human has in his entire body?”

Kane’s eyebrows shot up. “More blood than the average human

has in his entire body?”

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Ranz chuckled as he nodded.
“Man, we are so going to need a bigger fridge.”
Ranz’s head cocked to one side, his confusion showing in the pull

of his eyebrows down over his face. “A bigger fridge?”

“You guys drink a lot of blood.”
“Yeah.” Ranz still sounded confused.
“I knew you all liked your meat very raw, but I never knew it was

because you drink blood. I just assumed you were weird, which you
are.” Kane shrugged. “When I get word that you all are coming in, I
send Toby down to the local market to buy a shit load of raw meat,
and you usually eat every damn last thing I buy. If you are staying
here indefinitely, then my current fridge won’t hold all of the raw
meat and blood I need to feed you guys.”

“Okay, I guess that makes sense.”
“With Samuel here, I will need to purchase a bigger fridge

anyway. As much as I don’t like it, he can’t always feed from me. I
need a place to store bagged blood for him.”

Ranz’s eyebrows shot up as his eyes flickered to Samuel. “You let

Samuel feed from you?”

“Of course I did. He belongs to me and it’s my duty to see to his

needs, all of them.”

“I’ve never heard of a vampire feeding from someone he is

bonded with. I didn’t even know it was possible.”

Kane chuckled. “Don’t knock it until you try it. It can be pretty


“Yeah, I don’t think so, dude.” Ranz shook his head rapidly. “I

have no intention of bonding with anyone. I prefer to get my blood
from the source, but not the same source I fuck.”

Kane smiled and gazed back at Samuel as he remembered the

pleasure that had ripped through his body when Samuel fed from him.
Just jerking off, it had been the most intense orgasm he had ever
experienced, and he couldn’t wait to experience it again. “You have
no idea what you’re missing out on.”

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Kane’s grin grew even bigger when Samuel’s face flushed.
“I’ll take your word for it.” Ranz reached into his back pocket and

pulled out his wallet. He started counting out several hundred dollar
bills before setting them on the desk before Kane. “This should cover
the cost of the fridge.”

“No.” Kane shook his head. “I don’t need your money.”
Ranz rolled his eyes. “Dude, just take it. Fallon would have a shit

fit if he knew you were buying a fridge just to accommodate us.
Besides, Samuel will be part of the coven just as soon as he swears
fidelity to Fallon. And then this will be a coven fridge.”

Kane chuckled again, already going through his list of contacts in

his mind, trying to figure out who to call for a wholesale supplier of
raw meat and bagged blood. He was pretty sure that he had just added
steaks to his bar menu. It would be the only way to hide the reasons
why he was buying so much raw meat.

He didn’t have a clue how to hide the bagged blood.
“Go get Fallon and bring him back here. I’ll make sure the rooms

upstairs are ready by the time you get back. And I’ll send someone
out to get some raw meat for you all. It might take me a little while to
get the blood.”

“Dude, you almost sound like the alpha.”
“Well, I’m not,” Kane quickly said. He wanted no part of being

responsible for Fallon’s coven. “I just know what needs to be done.”

As far as Kane was concerned, the only person he wanted to be

responsible for was Samuel, and he was definitely the man’s alpha.
Samuel screamed to have someone take over his life and keep him
safe, and Kane was just the human for that job.

“Samuel, I want you to stay downstairs and man the door like

normal,” Kane said as he turned to speak to his lover. “Toby will give
you any assistance you need. I’m going to head upstairs and get
rooms ready for Fallon and his boys.”

“Yes, sir.”

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Kane leaned up and kissed Samuel and then patted his ass. “Go

on, baby. Go help Toby get the bar ready for tonight. I’ll come join
you when I’m done with what I need to do.” Kane smiled as he
watched Samuel walk out of the room like he had just been given a
direct order from his alpha that only he could follow.

“How do you do that?”
Kane frowned, turning to look at Ranz in confusion. “Do what?”
“Control him like that?” Ranz waved his hand toward the door

Samuel had just walked through. “He’s a vampire. We are some of
the most volatile creatures out there and yet he practically purrs when
you give him an order. And you’re not even an alpha.”

“I’m his alpha.”
It was as simple as that for Kane. Granted, he hadn’t known that

that the whole alpha thing was even possible before meeting Samuel
and Fallon and the other vampires. He hadn’t even known what an
alpha was. But he knew what he was, and he was dominant. He
always had been. And now, he knew that it meant he was Samuel’s

“Dude, Samuel can’t have two alphas.”
Kane smirked because he knew that Ranz couldn’t even conceive

of the idea of a vampire being submissive. The man had so much
testosterone swimming through his body that he was practically
drowning in it.

“He can have two alphas, and Fallon knows this. I suspect that

Samuel does, too.”

Ranz scratched the side of his head. “Just how does that work

then? What if Fallon gives Samuel an order that you disagree with?
Whose orders does Samuel follow?”

“And you really think Fallon is going to agree with that if Samuel

joins his coven?”

“I would hope that Fallon would never give Samuel an order that

would go against my orders or put him in danger. That is my main

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concern. Samuel is a big man, but he is in no way a fighter. I don’t
think he would ever go after a person unless someone he cares about
is in danger.”

“Meaning you?”
“Meaning me.” Kane smirked for a moment and then became

more solemn. “I know you don’t understand it but Samuel is the type
of man that needs direction. He wants someone to love, and that will
love him in return, protect him even from your violent world.”

“And you believe that you are that man?”
“I know I am.”
Ranz shook his head as if he didn’t believe a word of what Kane

was saying, or at least he couldn’t understand it. “Whatever floats
your boat, dude. Just make sure you really know what you are doing if
you ever go against Fallon. He’s a dangerous man when crossed.”

Kane gave Ranz a hard, cold-eyed smile. “So am I.”

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Chapter 8

Samuel was anxious. His gaze continuously went from the door he

was manning to the stairs at the beginning of the hallway that led to
Kane’s office. He hadn’t seen Kane since he had walked out of the
office, and that worried him. He didn’t know if he had missed Kane
going upstairs or if the man was still in his office.

And he didn’t know if Kane was unharmed.
He knew he wasn’t supposed to know what Ranz came to talk to

Kane about. With the way that Kane had challenged Ranz, Samuel
was worried the two men might have started fighting.

Ranz had looked unharmed when he walked down the hallway,

certainly not like someone that had just been in a fight. But Ranz was
a predator. He could end Kane’s existence with the swipe of one claw.

And Samuel hadn’t seen Kane at all.
His anxiety was growing with each passing second. He was trying

to do as Kane had instructed and man the door, but it was getting
harder to stay where he was as the minutes ticked by and there was no
sign of Kane. If Samuel didn’t see him pretty soon, he’d say to hell
with Kane’s orders and go find the man.

No matter how much his stomach clenched at the idea of

disobeying Kane.

Samuel knew he’d be the laughing stock of the coven if anyone

discovered how much disobeying Kane upset him. Vampires were
supposed to be the predators of the world, the ones at the top of the
food chain.

They were not supposed to be submissive.

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And yet, Samuel had never been happier than he was when he

gave up control to Kane. Maybe that was something he would need to
talk to Fallon about once the man recovered. Fallon seemed like
someone that was well versed in the world, both the human world and
the vampire world. He might have insight into why Samuel was so
comfortable giving Kane dominance over him.

Hell, Samuel craved it.
It wasn’t just his need to let Kane dominate him that Samuel

hungered for. He needed to make sure that Kane was happy, and Kane
seemed to be happy when he dominated Samuel. He seemed to
especially love it when Samuel called him sir, which Samuel had no
trouble doing. It just seemed like the way to address the man.

Samuel checked the IDs of three more people before he couldn’t

stand it anymore. He waved at Toby and waited for the man to reach
him. “Have you seen Kane?”

“Yeah, he’s upstairs.”
“Is he okay?”
Toby shrugged. “I guess. I mean, he seems a little stressed out, but

Kane kind of gets that way sometimes, especially when stuff with the
bar gets to him. He really needs an assistant, man, someone to take
care of all of the little shit. He doesn’t relax enough, you know?”

Samuel closed his eyes for a moment as relief filled him. Toby

didn’t seem in the least bit concerned, so maybe Samuel was seeing
danger where there wasn’t any. He knew his smile was a little wobbly
when he opened his eyes and saw Toby looking at him strangely.

“I’m just worried about him,” Samuel said by way of explanation.

“He works too hard.”

That answer seemed to satisfy Toby. He nodded and waved his

hand back toward the bar. “I need to get back behind the bar. Is there
anything else you need?”

“No, I’m good. I just wanted to make sure Kane was okay.”
“It’s cool, man.” Toby turned and started to walk away, but

paused and glanced back over his shoulder. “It’s good that you’re

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here, Samuel. Kane needs someone that worries about him. God
knows I’m tired of doing it, and it’s a full-time job.”

Samuel smiled, a real one this time. “I have no problem taking

over the job. I think I’m uniquely qualified for it. I’m crazy about

Toby chuckled. “Go for it. Just don’t come running to me with

tears in your eyes when Kane drives you insane, because it will
happen. The man doesn’t like to listen to anyone except himself.”

Samuel smiled to himself because he knew just how accurate

Toby’s words were. He knew that Kane had given his fidelity to
Fallon, but he suspected there would come a day when the two men
butted heads. They were both too stubborn to be agreeable with each
other forever.

“Hey, Toby,” Samuel called out as the man started to walk away,

“can you get one of the other guys to relieve me pretty soon. I’d like
to go check on Kane in person.”

Toby waved his hand in the air but didn’t bother looking back.

Samuel assumed that the gesture meant that Toby had heard him and
would do as he asked. Samuel just hoped it was soon. As much as
Toby’s words relieved him, he wouldn’t feel totally better until he
saw Kane with his own eyes.

Samuel turned back to the door, ready to take the next person’s

ID, but fear lodged in his throat instead, stealing Samuel’s very ability
to move, let alone breathe.

“Hello, Sammy.”
Samuel’s heart hammered in his chest as he stared up into the

cold, calculating eyes of his brother. “What are you doing here,
Jared?” Samuel was shocked that his voice sounded somewhat normal
when he was quaking with fear inside.

“I’ve come to enjoy this wonderful bar of yours.” Jared’s dark

green eyes lifted to survey the bar. A small smirk began to cross his
lips, growing with every second. “This looks like just the place me
and my friends like to hang out. Isn’t that right, boys?”

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Samuel’s eyes widened when he glanced behind Jared to see

several of his brother’s friends standing right behind Jared. Samuel
shuddered as he remembered exactly what had happened to him the
last time he saw his brother and his pals. He had barely walked away.

“You can’t be here,” Samuel said quickly, praying that his voice

didn’t start to shake as much as his insides were.

“It’s a public bar, little brother. You can’t keep us out.”
“No, but I can.”
Samuel’s head snapped around. Kane was standing a few feet

away, his arms crossed over his chest. The challenge on Kane’s face
made Samuel’s heart sink. He knew his lover had no idea how big the
shit storm that he had just unleashed was going to be. Jared hated
being contradicted, and he hated it even more when the person
disagreeing with him was human.

“This is a private establishment, not a public one. And it belongs

to me. I get to say who comes and who goes.” Kane smirked. “And I
say you go.”

Samuel’s pounding heart climbed into his throat when Jared

walked over to stand in front of Kane. He could just see the bloodshed

“You can’t keep us out,” Jared snapped. “Human.”
“This isn’t your territory, which means that you are in the wrong

place to be throwing your weight around, buddy. Fallon won’t like the
fact that you’ve come into his territory and are threatening his coven

The look that came over Jared’s face could only be described as

fully evil. Samuel had always known that his older brother had a
violent, perverse streak in him. He just hadn’t realized until this very
moment how evil his brother actually was.

The signs were all there. Jared’s aura had been gray their entire

lives, but over time, it had started to darken. Now, it was just as black
as their father’s. The pure joy Jared seemed to take in torturing
Samuel should have been a clue, too. Samuel just hadn’t wanted to

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see it. He didn’t want to acknowledge how malicious his entire family
had become.

“Oh.” Jared grinned, his white canines flashing in the low bar

light. “My boys and I took care of that little problem earlier. In
fact”—Jared slammed a hand into Kane’s chest, causing him to
stumble back several steps—“you should probably address me as
alpha now that Fallon is dead. And just so you know, I don’t allow
humans in my coven, and since you’ll have to leave my territory, I’m
confiscating your bar.”

Kane’s eyebrows shot up in what was clearly shock, and then he

began to laugh so loud that several people turned to stare at him.
Samuel knew this wasn’t going to be good. He gestured to Toby to
help him get the innocent humans out of the way and hopefully out
the back door.

He knew that Toby wouldn’t understand why the humans needed

to go beyond avoiding injured patrons, but at least he’d do it without
question. Toby knew a bar fight was coming just as much as Samuel

Samuel started to pass his brother to help Toby when he was

suddenly grabbed by his collar and slammed into a nearby wall.
Samuel grunted as his nose smashed into the wall. He felt blood start
trickling down his face and hoped his nose wasn’t broken.

But that was the least of his worries.
Samuel cringed when he heard Kane snarl, and then all he heard

were the sounds of fists hitting flesh. By the time he stood back up
and shook off the daze from slamming into the wall, the fight was
well under way.

Samuel desperately searched the throng of fighters, looking for

Kane. He spotted him on the far side of the room in the middle of a
struggle with Jared. Samuel had been beaten by his brother enough
times to know Jared was just playing with Kane. He hadn’t even
extended his claws yet. Once he did, Kane would have no chance at

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Samuel started pushing his way through people, dodging the

occasional fist or body that flew in his direction as he tried to make
his way to Kane’s side. He was glad to see that Fallon’s men had
joined the fight. Kane just might have a chance of surviving this fight
with them there.

Samuel reached Kane and his brother just as Kane got in a lucky

shot, splitting Jared’s lip. Samuel could see the rage come over
Jared’s face like a curtain dropping. Jared snarled and his claws came
out. He raised his hand in the air, no doubt intending to rip through
Kane’s soft flesh and kill him with one blow.

Samuel jumped between the two men before the blow could land,

shoving Kane back as hard as he could. He knew Kane had been
missed when he heard the man swearing as he crashed into a table.

He, however, hadn’t been so lucky. Cold seemed flow through

Samuel’s body as he grabbed his stomach and tried to stanch the flow
of blood gushing from the claw marks Jared had ripped in his

Oh man, Kane was going to be so pissed.
Jared stared at Samuel for a moment. Samuel almost thought he

saw a shimmer of regret on his brother’s face before an angry growl
filled the air and Jared turned his gaze on Kane.

“You’re going to die for that, human,” Jared barked out.
Samuel grabbed at his brother as the man lunged toward Kane. He

was fast enough to keep Jared off of Kane but not fast enough to keep
one of Jared’s clawed hands from raking across Kane’s chest.

Samuel saw red. His mind slipped free of the submissive bonds he

had always functioned under, even when faced with the threats from
his father and brother. All he could see was the threat to his
bondmate. And he didn’t care that that threat came from his very own

Jared had to die.
Samuel shifted his hands into razor sharp claws. His fangs

dropped down. He tipped his head back and let out a howl that made

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the windows shake so hard that glass shattered all over the floor. He
could hear the careful whispers around him as the room fell silent. He
just didn’t care.

Someone was threatening his bondmate.
Jared stiffened and then slowly turned to look at him. “Sammy?”
“You tried to hurt my bondmate.” Samuel growled. “Now, you’re

going to die.”

The feral animal inside of Samuel that Jared had unleashed

reveled in the fear he could see take hold of the man. Samuel could
smell Jared’s terror in the air. It was the putrid scent of a man that
knew he faced his own execution.

“Now, look, Sammy,” Jared started, raising his hands in the air

like that would stop Samuel. Nothing would.

Jared was going to die.
“Look, I didn’t know he was your bondmate, Sammy.”
“You’re lying,” Samuel snapped.
“No, seriously, Sammy. I didn’t even know that two men could

bond. I never would have attacked him if I had known. You have to
believe that.”

“I told you that I had found my bondmate when I came home.”
“I thought you were just trying to get out of your punishment for

leaving the coven. I never thought you were telling the truth.”

Samuel’s eyes narrowed, and he took a threatening step toward

Jared. “My punishment for leaving the coven?” He snarled. “I never
left, Jared. I was kicked out of the coven because I wouldn’t fuck any
female that twitched her tail at me.”

“It was an order from your alpha!”
“It was wrong!”
“You betrayed your alpha and everything your coven stands for.”
“Then it’s a good thing Samuel is joining my coven, now isn’t it?”
Samuel felt some of his anger leave him when he heard the loud,

rough voice coming from behind him. He turned to see Fallon
standing there, his arms crossed over his chest like Kane often did.

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Maybe the gesture was an alpha challenge thing?
“Fallon,” Samuel said in surprise. He could see that the man’s

face was a little pale and his lips were pinched, but other than that, he
didn’t look like he was on death’s door. He looked like an alpha in
complete control of his territory.

“He can’t join your coven!” Jared snapped, gaining Samuel’s

attention once again. “I’ll kill him before I let him join your coven.”

Samuel always knew that his brother hated him. He just didn’t

know how much until he turned and saw Jared holding Kane in front
of him, his claws wrapped around Kane’s throat. Samuel started
growling deep in his throat, all sense of reason leaving him. Only the
hand that clamped down on the back of his neck kept him from
attacking his brother.

“Your life is already forfeit for attacking me, Jared Harden,”

Fallon said as he stepped up beside Samuel. “How you die is up to
you. It can be slow and painful if you cause one drop of my coven
member’s blood to be spilled. Or, it can be quick and painless if you
let Kane go.”

Jared’s lips curled up as if he was disgusted by Fallon’s words.

“You really accepted a human into your coven?”

“I did.”
“That’s sickening. Humans are revolting, nasty creatures. They

are cattle, meant to feed us. How could you dilute your bloodline like

Jared wasn’t saying anything that Samuel hadn’t heard a thousand

times from his own father. It came as no surprise to him that his
brother felt the very same way. He was a carbon copy of Terence

“Well, considering that Samuel’s chances of getting pregnant with

Kane’s child are pretty slim, I would say that the question is
pointless.” Fallon cast Samuel a quick glance, smirking. “Although,
they certainly seem to try hard enough to get Samuel knocked up.”

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Samuel wanted to roll his eyes at Fallon. He really did. The

chances of him getting pregnant from Kane didn’t even exist. He
didn’t have the right plumbing. But the gesture would have taken his
eyes off of Jared, and that just wasn’t happening. He needed to watch
carefully because the first chance he got, he was going to kill his

No one harmed Kane.
No one!
“If I let the human go, Samuel has to agree to come back to our

coven with me.”

“Done,” Samuel answered immediately.
“Samuel, no!” Kane croaked, wincing when Jared tightened his


Samuel started to growl as he watched Kane’s face turn red. “Let

Kane go, unharmed, and I’ll go wherever you want.”

“Samuel!” Fallon snapped. “You will let me handle this.”
Samuel could see the sick glee in his brother’s face. Jared wasn’t

going to let Kane go no matter what Fallon said. He’d kill Kane
before anyone could reach him. He was facing a room full of angry
coven members, and yet he thought he had the upper hand. Samuel
had to do something to get Kane out of Jared’s grasp.

Samuel prayed that Fallon understood what he was saying when

he turned to face the larger man. Kane’s life had to come before his
own, and Fallon needed to understand that. He knew what his brother
was capable of. Fallon did not.

“You’re not my alpha yet, Fallon. Until you are, I don’t take

orders from you.”

One of Fallon’s dark eyebrows arched as if he had never had

anyone speak to him in such a manner. Samuel grimaced. He
probably was never going to be accepted into Fallon’s coven now. As
long as Kane survived, he didn’t care.

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“Very well, Samuel,” Fallon said. “While I believe that this is a

bad decision, it is still your decision to make. How do you want to
play this?”

Samuel glanced over at Kane and Jared, swallowing hard at the

anger in Kane’s face. His bondmate was pissed. But he was still alive.
“I’ll take Kane’s place and then you have to let Jared take me out of

“Is this truly what you want, Samuel?” The words were spoken so

low that Samuel almost missed them.

He shook his head as he turned back to Fallon. “It’s what I have to

do, Alpha. I can’t let Jared hurt Kane.”

The seconds seemed to turn into years as Fallon stared down at

him. The man’s gaze was so intent that Samuel vaguely wondered if
Fallon could see right down into his soul. Finally, Fallon leaned closer
to Samuel, a mere breath away.

“I will keep Kane safe until you return, Samuel,” Fallon said so

softly that Samuel knew only he had heard the words.

He felt tears spring to his eyes because he knew once he returned

to his father’s coven, he’d never return. “Thank you, Alpha.”

“Right here and right now, do you swear fidelity to me and mine

of your own free will, Samuel Harden?”

Samuel blinked. He had no idea why the alpha was asking him

that now, considering he was about to return to his father’s coven, but
he nodded anyway. “Yes, sir.”

Samuel inhaled sharply when he felt the bonds between him and

his birth coven snap as if someone had broken them in half. The
sudden lack of connection to a coven almost took Samuel to his
knees. Just when he thought he couldn’t stand the aching loneliness a
second longer, he felt a large hand land on his shoulder.

A glowing warmth unlike anything he had ever felt suddenly

filled Samuel from head to toe. It was so overwhelming that Samuel
cried out softly. The bond he felt suddenly connecting him to Fallon

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and his new coven was nothing like the thin bond he had felt with his
former coven. It was warm and welcoming, not cold and disgusting.

Fallon smiled and patted his shoulder. “Then go, Samuel, and

know that you will be back with us soon enough. I will not abandon

Samuel knew something fundamental had changed when he could

do nothing except what Fallon had ordered him to do. He had always
been under the impression that the accepting of a coven member was
a huge elaborate ritual. It always had been in his birth coven. How
Fallon could accept him with a few simple words bewildered Samuel.

But a new purpose filled Samuel as he turned to face Kane and his

brother. He suddenly knew that if Fallon said he would be back soon,
he would be. While he didn’t look forward to the separation from
Kane, he knew it wouldn’t last forever.

Samuel started taking slow, measured steps toward Jared. He

didn’t want to spook Jared in any way. One flick of his wrist and
Jared could end Samuel’s reason for existing. When he was just a step
away from Jared, Samuel stopped.

“How do you want to do this?”
“Make them get back,” Jared said, gesturing with his chin to the

group of men standing behind Fallon. “And I want a path cleared to
the door.”

Samuel didn’t even have to look to know that it was being done.

He could hear the footsteps of Fallon’s coven as they all moved to the
sides of the room. “Now what?”

“Shift back.”
Samuel drew in a deep breath and tried to suppress the violent

creature inside of him. It wasn’t easy when his bondmate was in
danger. He wanted to maim and kill, to destroy the threat to Kane.
Only by sheer will was Samuel able to make the creature retreat and
shift fully back into his human form.

“Step over here but keep your hands where I can see them.”

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Samuel raised his hands into the air and slowly stepped over to his

brother. He felt the moment Jared released Kane like a jarring in his
chest. Jared pushed Kane, and he stumbled forward. Fallon caught
him before he could hit the floor, pushing Kane behind him.

Before Samuel could even take a breath of relief, he felt Jared’s

claws dig into his flesh as the man wrapped them around his throat.
One wrong move and Jared would rip his throat out. Samuel had seen
the man do it before. It was like his signature move or something. He
truly enjoyed ripping people’s throats out and listening to them gurgle
as they slowly drowned in their own blood.

“Now, you let us walk right on out of here,” Jared said as he

started forcing Samuel forward. “If anyone makes a move, Samuel

Fallon stepped back, taking Kane with him. Samuel could see

Kane struggling against the hold Fallon had on him out of the corner
of his eye. He wished he could be given just a moment with Kane, to
either tell him good-bye or tell him he would be back soon. He wasn’t
sure which yet. But he did want one last word with his lover.

Samuel blanched when Jared’s grip tightened painfully.
“Not a word, Sammy. You’ve caused enough trouble.”
He had caused enough trouble? Since when? He wasn’t the one

that had attacked Fallon or come into the man’s territory uninvited.
He had left the coven when ordered to. He hadn’t done shit. And he
was being blamed for this situation?

Jared really was the carbon copy of their father. Neither man

could take responsibility for their actions. They always blamed other
people, the coven members, or even each other. They never
understood that their despicable actions were the ones that got them
into trouble time and time again.

Samuel heard Kane start shouting as he was pushed through the

front door, and prayed that Fallon told the truth when he said he
would look after Kane until Samuel returned. Kane wasn’t going to

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accept this easily. He was going to be pissed beyond words. Samuel
hoped that Fallon took that into consideration when dealing with

Or his bondmate was going to be in a shitload of trouble.

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Chapter 9

The second the door shut behind Jared and Samuel, and he was

released, Kane swung his fist and planted it right in Fallon’s face. His
hand throbbed like he had smashed it into a brick wall, and he cradled
it to his chest.

But at least Fallon’s lip was bleeding. That brought Kane some

measure of satisfaction. Right up until the man just raised his eyes and
stared at him as he wiped the blood from his lips. And then Kane’s
bravado left him as fast as it had taken over.

His shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry, Fallon. I shouldn’t have done


“No, you shouldn’t have,” Fallon replied. “But I understand why

you did.”

Kane pushed his hand through his hair, feeling the need to pull on

it but stopping himself before that could happen. Samuel liked his
hair. “We have to get him back, Fallon. I can’t—I can’t—” Kane
didn’t know how to describe what he was feeling. He just knew he
couldn’t be without Samuel. He’d curl up in a ball and die.

“I know, Kane.”
“How can you know?” Kane snapped as he pulled away from the

hand that Fallon had settled on his shoulder. “You don’t have a
bondmate. You don’t understand the bond between Samuel and me or
what it feels like knowing he’s probably walking to his death.”

Kane was so angry he could spit. He had been helpless as he

watched Jared walk Samuel out of the building. He knew what
Samuel was going home to face. He had seen the bruises on his lover

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when he came back, the ones Samuel tried to hide from him and
pretend came from sleeping under a bridge.

Bridges didn’t leave handprint-shaped bruises.
Kane had hoped that Samuel would eventually open up and talk to

him about it. There just hadn’t been enough time to build that level of
trust. And now, maybe there never would be.

“I know how strong the bond between bondmates is, but I also

know that Samuel is not walking to his death. He is a member of my
coven, and that means he falls under my protection. I can enter his
father’s territory and demand his return.”

Kane snorted. Fallon’s protection hadn’t been very good so far.
“What Jared failed to realize is that I, as Samuel’s alpha, have the

perfect right to retrieve my kidnapped coven member, and that’s
exactly what Samuel became the second Jared walked him out that
front door.”

Kane wished he could be more excited about Fallon’s words, but

he couldn’t. There was just one huge flaw in Fallon’s plan. “Samuel
isn’t a member of your coven, remember? There hasn’t been time for
you to accept his pledge of fidelity.”

Kane’s eyebrow arched at the mischievous grin that pulled up the

corners of Fallon’s lips. “What do you think we were whispering

Kane’s eyes widened as the implication of Fallon’s words hit him

like a sledge hammer. “He pledged fidelity to you?”

“He did, and I accepted him into my coven. As a human, you

wouldn’t know what to look for when that bond is formed, but the rest
of the coven does. They felt the connection when Samuel became one
of us, and each and every one of them is ready to go fight for their
coven brother.”

Kane’s eyes moved around the room, touching on each member of

Fallon’s coven. He could see the barely repressed anger raging
through them. They were all ready to go and fight for Samuel. The
coven bond between them demanded it.

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Kane’s eyes finally fell on Fallon again. “You can really do this?”
“I can.” Fallon winced as he grabbed his ribs. “Well, maybe not

me personally. I can be there to demand my coven member be
returned to me, but I doubt I can fight just yet. I need a few more
hours before I’m well enough to do that.”

Kane gulped. “Samuel doesn’t have a few more hours.”
“I know, Kane, believe me. I’ve been hearing rumors about

Terrence Harden’s coven for a long time. I think I have a pretty good
idea what Samuel is walking into.”

“And you just let him go?” Kane snapped. “How could you do


“Because that’s what Samuel wanted. His main concern was you,

his bondmate. And it was better to get you away from Jared than let
him hurt you. If something happens to you, we lose both of you.
Samuel can handle himself until we rescue him. You can’t.”

Kane suddenly sat down in the nearest chair and buried his head

in his hands. For the first time since discovering Samuel’s world he
wondered if he was the right man for his lover. He was going to end
up getting Samuel killed for sure, and all because he was human.

“Kane, look at me.”
Kane lowered his hands. His eyebrows shot up when he saw

Fallon squatting on the floor in front of him. Besides the fact that the
man was almost as tall as he was when he squatted, it seemed wrong
for Fallon to be squatting before anyone.

“Stand up,” Kane snapped. “You look ridiculous.”
Fallon chuckled and stood, reaching for a chair, which he pulled

over. He sat down and faced Kane, looking pensive and almost as
worried as Kane felt. Kane didn’t think anyone was as worried as he

“Don’t start having second thoughts about Samuel.”
Kane reared back in his chair, shocked that Fallon knew what he

was thinking. Could the guy read minds or something?

“No, I can’t read minds.”

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“Then how—”
“It was written all over your face.”
Kane’s shoulders dropped in relief. He liked Fallon, but he really

didn’t want the man delving into his mind. That was just a little too

“Do you remember when we talked about the bond between you

and Samuel?”

“Yes,” Kane said, not sure where the larger man was going with


“Do you remember what I said?”
Kane nodded. He didn’t think he would ever forget. It had

changed his life.

“I warned you that once you decided to accept Samuel that there

would be no turning back. Samuel is yours forever. He will die
without you. You can’t change your mind now that things are tough.”

“I’m just worried that I won’t be enough. I can’t fight one of you.

I’m human.”

“That’s true. That’s why you let the rest of your coven members

fight for you. But you can’t give up on Samuel. He needs you right
now more than he ever has.”

“I can’t spend the rest of my life letting you guys fight my battles,

Fallon. That’s just wrong.” Kane had never backed down from a fight
in his life. Of course, he had never faced a fight like this one either.

Fallon stared at Kane for a moment and then chuckled. “I’m not

sure you understand exactly what a coven is, Kane.”

“Fine, then explain it to me.” Kane wasn’t sure what this all had to

do with getting Samuel back, but Fallon was apparently going
somewhere with this strange conversation.

“Coven does for coven.”
“When you heard that I was injured, you instantly took charge,

made sure I had a safe place to go, and that my coven members had a

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safe place to go. You went about arranging food for us and

“You were hurt, Fallon,” Kane protested because he knew he

hadn’t done that much. “What else was I supposed to do? Leave you
in some rat-hole motel?”

“Hopefully not.” Fallon chuckled. “But that’s what coven

members do for each other. You provided what you could, which in
your case was a safe place for me to recover.”

Kane grimaced as he remembered the fight that had just taken

place in the bar. “I guess it wasn’t so safe after all.”

“That’s beside the point, Kane. You saw a need within the coven,

and you tried to fill that need. It will be the same for the other
members of this coven. You are not capable of fighting a vampire and
walking away from it alive. There is a need there that your fellow
coven members will fill by fighting in your stead.”

Kane rubbed the bridge of his nose when Fallon’s words started to

make sense to him. “Okay, so let me see if I understand this right,” he
said as he dropped his hand down to his side. “When there is a need in
the coven, no matter what it is, other coven members try and fill it.”

Kane thought about it for a moment and realized that that actually

made some sort of weird kind of sense. It was like belonging to one
large, very close-knit family, only one that drank blood. He frowned
as he looked out at the other members of the coven.

“Fine, I get it, but if any of you all have a need for dick, I’m not

filling it.” There were lines that Kane wasn’t willing to cross, even for
coven members. As submissive as Samuel was, Kane had no doubts
that the man would hang him by his balls if he did.

Several of the coven members chuckled. Fallon just grinned.

“While it’s okay for stuff like that to happen between coven mates,
somehow I don’t think Samuel would agree to it.”

“Right? He’d rip my dick off and feed it to me.”
“I’m not sure if I’d say that…”

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“Are you kidding me?” Kane snapped. “Did you see how enraged

he was when Jared threatened me?”

“Yes, and I do have to say that I was surprised by it. I didn’t know

Samuel had it in him.”

“Oh believe me, he does. Samuel may like being submissive to

me, but I have no doubt that he will kill anyone that tries to harm me.”
Kane blinked in surprise when another thought hit him. “I actually
feel sorry for Jared. Once Samuel gets his hands on his brother, there
aren’t going to be too many pieces left.”

“Don’t feel too sorry for him, Kane,” Ranz said from where he

stood over by the bar. “Jared brought this on himself. Not only did he
attack the alpha of another coven, but he kidnapped a member of
another coven. That’s a death sentence any way you look at it.”

Kane’s jaw dropped. “You guys are serious.” His eyes snapped to

Fallon. “You’re really going to kill Jared.”

“What did you think we were going to do?”
“I don’t know.” Kane shrugged. “Smack him around a little or


“No, Kane.” Fallon sat forward, leaning his elbows on his knees.

“Unfortunately, this is the world that you now live in. A challenge
like this is punishable by death. And Jared knew it when he attacked
me. He was born into this world, don’t forget.”

“I suppose.” Kane felt the strands of his hair catch on his fingers

as he pushed his hand through them. He tugged until they gave way
and then moved his hand down to rub the back of his neck. “I guess I
just never thought about it, you know?”

“That’s why being accepted into a coven is taken so seriously,

Kane,” Fallon said. “There are rules that we have to live by or there
would chaos in the streets.”

“Can you imagine what it would be like for the humans if we

didn’t have these rules?” Ranz asked. “They are there to protect the
humans as much as to protect us.”

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“But I don’t even know what the rules are. What if I fuck up and

break one of them? Are you going to kill me, too?” For the first time
since joining Fallon’s coven, Kane was afraid for his safety.

“No,” Fallon said. “You’ll learn the rules soon enough. Most of

them are pretty basic, but so are we. Don’t challenge me, listen to
what I say, and don’t fuck with members of another coven. Other than
that, just remember that I’m in charge.”

“Oh yeah, that’s great.” Kane snickered. “I’ve already yelled at

you how many times in the last twenty minutes?”

Fallon chuckled. “I don’t take it personally from you. You have a

very strong personality, and you weren’t raised coven. I doubt you’ll
ever be truly submissive to me, even if I have to demand it on
occasion.” Fallon waved his hand toward the other men in the room.
“Now, if one of them talked to me the way you do, we’d be stepping
outside so the blood didn’t mess up your pretty little bar.”

Kane stared, slack-jawed. “Um, thanks?”
“Just remember what I said and we’ll get along fine.”
“Right, you’re the boss.”
“Only when I have to be, otherwise, do whatever the hell you

want. As long as you don’t break coven laws, what the fuck do I

“Samuel’s still mine though, right?” Kane just had to be sure.
“Yes, Kane, I am your alpha but Samuel is still yours, and

answers to the both of us.”

Kane jumped when someone slammed their hand down on the bar.

He turned to see Ranz staring at him like he had two heads. “What?”

“That’s what you were trying to tell me earlier, wasn’t it?”
Kane frowned. “What was?” He had no idea what Ranz was

talking about. He usually didn’t. The man was odd.

“Fallon is alpha over both of you but you’re alpha over Samuel.”
“My question is still whose orders does Samuel follow?”

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“And my answer is still the same,” Kane replied. “Mine. Samuel

belongs to me.”

“And if your orders differ from Fallon’s?”
“They won’t. Beyond coven rules, Fallon doesn’t seem to care

what Samuel does, which puts him under my authority. When it
comes to coven rules, Fallon will be top…er…vampire. He knows
more than I do. And when it comes to Samuel’s safety, we’re pretty
much on the same page. So, I don’t see it being a problem.”

“Well said, Kane,” Fallon said as he stood and then pushed his

chair in. “Now, would you like to join us while we go retrieve my
kidnapped coven member?”

“Hell, yes!” Kane snapped as he jumped to his feet.
“Just remember that this is one of those times when you have to

do exactly what I say. Any misstep on your part could lose Samuel to
us forever. We have to play this by coven rules. Understood?”

Kane swallowed hard and nodded, fear for Samuel’s safety

spiking through him at an alarming rate. “I understand. I just want
Samuel to come home. I don’t care how it happens or who makes it
happen. I just want it to happen, and the sooner, the better.”

“We’ll bring him home, Kane,” Fallon said. “Never doubt that.”

The rest of the men in the room nodded, adding their support for
Fallon’s words. “Samuel is one of us now, and that means we will
fight to the death to bring him home, every last damn one of us.”

Cold anger created a stony mask on Fallon’s face. “There’s a

reason we’re called the Outlaw Warriors, Kane. We follow our own
code of conduct, and that code means we have no mercy for our
enemies. Those that harm us learn the hard way why we’re not to be
fucked with.”

Kane’s eyes widened, and he was suddenly really glad that he had

joined Fallon’s coven rather than someone else’s. It might be the only
way he and Samuel would survive.

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Chapter 10

Samuel squinted through his one good eye when he heard the door

to his room open. The other one was swollen shut, compliments of his
brother’s fist being repeatedly slammed into his face. The bastard had
taken great delight in smacking him around the entire trip back to
their coven.

For some reason, he wasn’t surprised at all to see the scowl on his

father’s face as the man stared down at him. Samuel absently
wondered if his father actually knew how to do anything but scowl?
He certainly couldn’t remember the man ever smiling.

“So, you’re back.”
Samuel snorted.
“You were told never to come back, Samuel.”
“It wasn’t my choice,” Samuel snapped, anger beginning to

tighten his voice. “I would have been more than happy to never see
this place again.”

“Are you prepared to do your duty to this coven?”
“Nope.” Samuel took great delight in saying that one word,

especially when a shroud of red fell over his father’s face. “I’m
bonded now. I couldn’t get it up for one of your little bitches even if I
wanted to. And I don’t.”

Terrence Harden’s face was marked with loathing as he looked

Samuel up and down. “Your brother told me about this man you
believe you’ve bonded with, and it’s bullshit. Never, in all of the
years that I have been alpha of this coven, have two men bonded. It’s
just not possible.”

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Samuel burst out laughing. “I’d bet there are a lot more men in

this coven that have male bondmates out there than you think but they
haven’t been able to claim their bondmates because of your rules.” He
narrowed his eyes at his father, finally seeing the man as he truly
was—a power-hungry monster. “Why do you think there are so many
unmated males in your coven when all of these women are

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Terrence snapped. “We have a large

portion of unmated males because we’ve had so many people join the

“Bullshit!” Samuel could see the surprise on his father’s face right

before the man smacked him across the face. He licked the blood
from the corner of his lip and turned to look at his father again.
“Don’t like hearing the truth, Terrence?”

“Don’t talk to your alpha like that.”
Samuel snickered because he was starting to see his father’s

bluster as just that—bluster. Sure, the man could be cruel when he
wanted to be, and he often wanted to be, but it usually came when he
wasn’t getting his own way. Terrence Harden was like a two-year-old
denied a toy.

“You’re not my alpha.” Those words brought Samuel so much

pleasure that he actually smiled. “Go ahead, feel for the coven bond.
Try and find it.”

Terrence’s brow flickered with unease.
“You can’t find it, can you?” Samuel snorted. “That’s because it’s

not there. I no longer belong to your coven.”

“What have you done, Samuel?” The words were whispered,

almost as if Terrence was afraid to say them louder.

“Afraid, Alpha Harden?” Hysterical laughter built up in Samuel’s

face because he could see that his father was indeed afraid. Hell, the
man looked terrified. “You should be. Jared kidnapped me from
Fallon’s coven after attacking Fallon in his own territory. And then he

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tried to take over Fallon’s coven, threatening my bondmate, who is a
member of Fallon’s coven.”

Samuel didn’t see himself as a cruel person, but the sight of the

blood draining from his father’s face was so satisfying that the
laughter he had been holding back suddenly broke free and filled the

“Fallon is coming for me, Alpha Harden, and for Jared. He won’t

stop until he has his justice.”

Laughter followed Terrence as he spun around and stormed out of

the room. Only when the door slammed shut did Samuel’s laughter
fade away. “Well, that was anticlimactic,” Samuel said to himself. He
had expected more out of his father, a beating at the very least.
Instead, his father had seemed totally freaked out.

Maybe he should have talked back to the man years ago.
Samuel looked around his old bedroom and wondered why he

didn’t feel more heartbroken that he no longer belonged here. There
were a few items remaining in his room, but nothing he was attached
to. He had taken the important stuff to Camden’s apartment when he
left the first time. Everything that remained could rot as far as Samuel
was concerned.

Hell, the whole coven could rot.
Well, maybe not all of them, but a good portion of them. Samuel

could only think of a handful of coven members that he actually liked,
Camden being the main one. Camden had been Samuel’s best friend
for years, and he was the one regret that Samuel had in leaving.

They had been forced through fear of Alpha Harden to hide their

friendship since they were teenagers. Samuel’s father didn’t want him
associating with Camden, who was the stereotypical gay man that
close-minded people thought of when they imagined what a gay man
looked like.

Camden was flighty, fidgety, and funnier than hell. His favorite

color was pink, and he wore it as often as he possibly could—in his
clothing choices, his lipstick, and his fingernail polish. He danced

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when there was no music, sang show tunes, and lived to pin pictures
of hot guys to his bedroom walls.

The only reason he was allowed to stay in the coven was as an

example of what the males should not be like. Camden knew it. He
just didn’t care. He was who he was, and he refused to be anything
else—not even to save himself.

Samuel hated to leave Camden here to fend for himself, but he

wasn’t even sure Fallon would accept the man into his coven.
Camden was too abrasive for many people, and too weird for the rest
of the population.

And Samuel adored him.
If he could figure out a way to take Camden with him when he

left, he would. But first, he had to figure out how to escape from the
room he was in before his father or brother came back.

Samuel first tried the windows, but they were nailed shut. He

wasn’t surprised there. His father had nailed his windows shut on
more than one occasion. Only when he was being good and following
orders was he allowed to take the nails out so he could open the

The closet wouldn’t do him any good because…well, it was a

closet. It led nowhere. That left the door leading out of his bedroom
and into the hallway. Samuel was positive that it would be guarded.
His father wouldn’t want him to escape, which was exactly what
Samuel was trying to do.

Samuel leaned back against the window and tried to figure out

how else he could get out of his room. If he broke the window, he
would have just seconds to get through it before the guard came in.

Of course, he could buy himself a few more seconds if he scooted

the bed in front of the door, but coven soldiers would still follow him
when he left. He might not have enough of a lead to get back to
Fallon’s territory.

That didn’t leave him a lot of choices.

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Samuel walked over to the door and sniffed at the crack between

the door and the frame. When he didn’t immediately smell anyone, he
sniffed again, deeper this time. Maybe there wasn’t a guard outside
his room. He couldn’t smell anyone.

Samuel grabbed the door handle and slowly turned it. He pulled

the door open just enough to see through the crack. The hallway
seemed vacant, but Samuel knew appearances could be deceiving.
Alpha Harden now knew Samuel wasn’t a member of his coven. If
Samuel tried to escape and got caught, his father could use that
against Fallon.

Samuel heard someone coming down the hallway. He quickly

shut the door and then raced back over to his bed, lying back on the
mattress just as the door opened and his father walked in.

Samuel tried to look casual as he lounged on the bed, arching an

eyebrow as he watched his father approach the bottom of the bed.
“Something you want to say, Alpha Harden?”

“You will denounce your affiliation with Fallon’s coven,”

Terrence began. “You will swear fidelity to this coven again, and then
you will do your duty as a member of this coven.”

“No, I won’t.”
“You will!” Terrence shouted.
“Nope.” Samuel knew there was something wrong with the

enjoyment he derived from watching his father’s face turn red as the
man sputtered and growled. He just didn’t care. “And since you’re not
my alpha, you can’t make me.”

“Yes, I can.”
Samuel sat up when his father walked back to the door and pulled

it open. He knew he was in a shitload of trouble when four of his
father’s strongest and most loyal soldiers walked in. He had seen
these men in action, and nothing they did was good.

“Take him,” Terrence said simply.
When the four men approached the bed, Samuel scrambled back

against the headboard. He started striking out at the first man that

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reached for him, but before he knew it, he had been flipped onto his
stomach and his hands were tied behind his back.

When Samuel was jerked to his feet and dragged in front of his

father, the smugness on the man’s face pissed him off. He spat at his
father. The hand that cracked into the side of his face was no surprise,
but it had been worth it just to see the shock on his father’s face.

That image stayed with Samuel as he was dragged out of his

bedroom and down the hallway to another room. A slight movement
on the stairs caught his attention, and he turned just as he was pulled
by to see Camden crouching next to the wall.

Camden nodded at him, but there was no time for them to talk, or

for Samuel to warn Camden to get away. Samuel was forced into a
room at the end of the hallway. As soon as he saw what was in the
room, he started to struggle, despite his hands being tied behind his

“No!” Samuel shouted as he was held between the four men,

forced to stay right where he was while several of the unmated
females in the coven walked toward them. “Don’t do this,” Samuel
begged. He wasn’t here willingly, and he wanted nothing to do with
these women.

Stephanie, the woman Samuel had rebuffed before leaving his

father’s coven, smiled maliciously as she started to cut Samuel’s shirt
off with a knife. “Your father promised that the first one of us to get
pregnant would be elevated to alpha mother.”

“So, let my brother fuck you.”
Samuel’s eyebrows shot up when every single woman there


“Your brother may be a great fighter, but he couldn’t fuck a hole

in the wall.” Stephanie laughed. “Even if he could get it up, he
wouldn’t be able to impregnate a fish. His little swimmers are all

Samuel’s mouth dropped as it suddenly dawned on him why his

father was forcing him to fuck all of the unmated females in the

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coven. His brother was infertile. And Terrence Harden needed a blood
heir if he intended to retain control of the coven.

Anger raged through Samuel as he realized just how his father

intended to use him. He could see the glazed sheen in the eyes of the
females stripping his clothes from his body and knew that they were
all in heat. The ropes on the bed were another big clue.

“You really don’t want to do this,” Samuel warned.
“Oh, yes, we do,” Stephanie said. “I have every intention of being

the next alpha mother, and I don’t particularly care who I have to fuck
to do it.”

“Have you tried sleeping with my father?” That seemed like the

easy answer to Samuel, especially since it was so important to his
father to get a blood heir.

“Every Thursday night for the last two years,” Stephanie said as

she ripped away the last of Samuel’s pants. “Barbara has Friday
nights. Candice is Saturdays, and so on. We’ve all slept with your
father, but you’ll notice, not a single one of us is pregnant.”

“You won’t get pregnant from me either.” Samuel was positive of


“Your sperm is good, great in fact. Your father had it tested. It’s

very strong. And I know you can get it up. The girls and I will help
with that. We’ve drawn straws to see who gets you first.” Stephanie
grinned again, and it sent a cold chill down Samuel’s spine. “I won.”

Samuel felt the ropes tying his wrists behind his back give way

and started struggling again, trying to get away. As much as he fully
believed that these women didn’t have a chance in hell of making him
hard, he didn’t want them touching him.

Something smacked Samuel hard on the back of the head. It was

enough to make his head swim. Samuel tried to grab the back of his
head, but his arms were grabbed. He was forced down onto the bed on
his back, and his arms and legs tied down to the bed. By the time the
spots stopped floating around in his vision, Stephanie was naked and
straddling his thighs. The guards that had tied him down were gone,

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but the other women circled the bed like vultures, waiting for their

“Now, let’s see about getting you ready,” Stephanie said as she

reached for Samuel’s cock.

Samuel’s stomach rolled when he felt the woman’s cold fingers

wrap around him. The more the woman touched him, the more
Samuel’s stomach rebelled. Finally, unable to do anything else,
Samuel turned his head and threw up.

“That’s disgusting,” Stephanie screamed and jumped off the bed.

Samuel would have laughed at her outrage, but he was too busy
gagging. “Gods, he’s still soft, too.”

Samuel spit out the last of the crap in his mouth and turned to grin

at Stephanie. He had always hated the woman and wouldn’t have
fucked her even if he liked women. She was just as conniving as his
father. They were the perfect pair.

“I told you that you wouldn’t get pregnant from me, Stephanie.

I’m bonded. No one except my bondmate can get me hard.”

Stephanie screeched and stormed out of the room. The other

women just stood there and stared at Samuel, horror filling their eyes.

“You’re bonded?” one of them finally asked.
“Yes,” Samuel answered simply. “And my father knows it, too.”
“Then why did he send us in here?”
Everyone knew that someone who was bonded could no longer

have sexual relations with other people. Bonded women couldn’t get
pregnant from anyone except their bondmate. Bonded men, on the
other hand, could only get hard for their bondmate. Both sexes could
still be fucked, but they wouldn’t enjoy it. Pleasure only came from
the touch of a bondmate.

“Because he refuses to accept my bonding.”
“How are we going to be alpha mother now?” another woman


“I suggest you start looking for a new alpha.”

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One by one, the women filed out of the room, their shoulders

slumping as if they had been dealt a harsh blow. Samuel didn’t care.
They had tried to force him to have sex. That was rape. Each and
every one of them could go to hell as far as he was concerned.

The second the door closed behind the last woman, Samuel started

struggling against the ropes tying him down to the bed. When that
didn’t do anything but cause his wrists to bleed, he extended his claws
and tried to cut at the rope with the sharp edges.

“You get into more trouble than anyone I have ever met.”
Samuel’s heart slammed into his throat when he heard someone

speaking by the door. He hadn’t even heard the door open. His eyes
snapped to the door. Only when he spotted Camden’s curly head did
he breathe a sigh of relief.

“Get these fucking ropes off of me,” Samuel snapped. He hated

being restrained, especially when so many people seemed to have it
out for him.

Camden shut the door and set something on the floor next to it

before walking forward. He grabbed a knife off of the nightstand and
started cutting at the ropes restraining Samuel. As soon as one hand
was free, Samuel sat up and untied the other one, and then each of his

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and then looked up at

Camden. “It probably wasn’t real smart of you to come in here. If my
father catches you, he’ll turn you over to the guards.”

Camden shrugged as he turned and walked back over to the door

to grab whatever he had set down there a few minutes earlier.
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”

Samuel’s heart sank. His father often threatened to turn Camden

over to the guards if he misbehaved. Samuel didn’t know that his
father had actually gone through with the threat.

“We need to get out of here, Camden.”

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“Yes, I’m not leaving you here this time. I didn’t want to leave

you behind last time, but I had no choice. I had planned to come back
for you once I found us a safe place, but there just wasn’t time.”

Camden’s shoulders slumped. “I thought you had left me behind,”

he whispered in response. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

“No, Camden.” Samuel stood up and walked over to squeeze his

friend’s shoulder. “I would never leave you behind. I just needed to
find a safe place for us to go, and then I was planning on coming back
for you.”

“And did you?” Camden turned his head to look at Samuel. “Did

you find us a safe place to go?”

Samuel smirked. “I’m not sure I’d exactly say it was safe, but

you’ll love it. Every member of the coven is male and has muscles as
far as the eye can see, and all encased in tight denim and leather.”

Camden’s eyes widened. “We’re going to heaven?”
“No, a biker bar.”
“Ooh, even better.”
Samuel chuckled. He knew the idea would appeal to Camden. The

man liked nothing more than to drool over leather-clad muscled men,
and every damn one of Fallon’s coven fit that description perfectly.

“I need to find something to wear,” Samuel said as he looked

down at the torn and tattered remains of his clothes, “and then we
need to get the hell out of here before my father comes back, ’cause
he’s going to be pissed.”

“Ask and ye shall receive, my friend.”
Samuel frowned in confusion until Camden reached into his

backpack and pulled out a pair of jeans and a shirt. “Got any shoes in
that bag of yours?” Samuel asked as he grabbed the clothes and
started pulling them on.

Camden grinned and pulled out a huge pair of tennis shoes, setting

them on the bed beside Samuel.

“What else do you have in that bag?”

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“A couple changes of clothes, my laptop, a photo of my parents,

my makeup bag and hair supplies.” Camden shrugged nonchalantly.
“You know, the usual stuff I take with me when I go anywhere.”

“We won’t be coming back, Camden,” Samuel said as he bent

over to pull the shoes onto his feet. He smiled. They were a perfect fit.
He should have known. Camden never went anywhere unprepared.

“I know. There’s a few things at my apartment I wouldn’t mind

getting, but if we can’t, I can live without them.”

“Yeah, well, my stuff is still at your apartment, so a trip in that

direction wouldn’t be a bad idea. I still need to get my stuff.”

“Cool,” Camden said as he swung his backpack up onto his


“But, we’ll have to be quick, Camden. Once we leave here and my

father discovers that I’m gone, he won’t be far behind us.”

Camden rolled his eyes and waved to the large bed set against the

far wall. “Then let’s make it harder for him to discover you missing.
You’re a big boy. Push that damn thing over in front of the door.”

Samuel huffed and then did as Camden directed. If he wasn’t so

short, the man would make a good alpha. He liked to order people
around and fully expected them to do exactly as he said. He just
didn’t have the sadistic streak in him like Samuel’s father and brother.

Camden couldn’t hurt a fly.
Samuel frowned once he had pushed the bed into place and turned

to look at Camden. “How did you get in here anyway?”

Camden snorted, his hand flapping aimlessly in the air. “When the

girls came out, they were all upset. They latched onto the guys your
father had guarding the room. The last I saw, the guards were being
dragged down the hallway by the girls.”

Samuel chuckled because he didn’t think being attacked by a

female vampire in heat could happen to a nicer group of guys. By the
time the females were done with them, they wouldn’t be able to guard
a kitty litter box. Female vampires in heat were vicious, another
reason Samuel was glad he was bonded to a man.

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“Window?” Samuel arched an eyebrow and pointed.
Camden grimaced and patted his spiked hair. “This better not

mess up my hair. It took me an hour to get ready today.”

“Just an hour?” Samuel mused as he pried the window open.

Luckily, his father hadn’t thought to nail this one shut. “That may be a
new record for you, Camden.”

“Bite me!” Camden snapped. “I was in hurry to save your ass.”
“I’ll treat you to a manicure when we get back to the bar?”
Camden sighed deeply as if he was heavily put upon by rescuing

Samuel, but Samuel could see the yearning in the man’s blue eyes.
Camden was a sucker for a manicure. “Okay, fine, but it had better be
a deluxe manicure or the deal is off.”

Samuel grinned. “I promise, Camden, now get the hell out the


He held Camden’s backpack as the man climbed through the

window and carefully lowered himself to the ground level. Once
Camden was ready, Samuel dropped his backpack down to him and
then climbed out the window after his friend.

Once on the ground, Samuel and Camden took off through the

trees behind his father’s house. The place was a couple of miles
outside of town, so they had a little ways to go before they reached
Camden’s apartment. Hopefully, they would be able to put some
ground between them and Terrence Harden before the man discovered
them missing.

If not, they were screwed.

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Chapter 11

“Do you see anything?” Kane whispered to Fallon as he crouched

beside the man in the bushes outside Alpha Harden’s house. He hated
the waiting. He knew that Samuel was inside the building, suffering
god knew what, and it was killing him to sit and wait as the place was
staked out by Fallon’s men.

He wanted to just run inside and demand the return of his man.
“Quiet, Kane!” Fallon snapped.
Kane rolled his eyes. He had heard that like twenty times since

leaving the bar earlier. He was getting damn tired of it. If someone
would explain to him what in the hell they were waiting on, he might
be able to keep his mouth shut.

“Fallon—” The rest of Kane’s words were strangled beneath the

hand that suddenly wrapped around his throat. He quickly grabbed at
the fingers slowly cutting off his air.

Fallon’s eyes seemed to almost glow as he leaned so close that

their noses almost touched. “I said to be quiet, Kane.” Fallon growled
in a deep rough voice that wasn’t quite human. “If you can’t follow
that simple order, then we have a problem.”

“Sorry,” Kane choked out.
Fallon sighed, and some of the fierceness faded from his face.

“Look, I know you’re worried about Samuel. We all are. But if we go
in without checking the place out first, one or more of us can get hurt.
Samuel could even get hurt. Do you want that?”

“Then you need to do as I say. This is not my first time doing

something like this.”

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Kane could see that. Each man with them seemed to know exactly

what to do without Fallon saying a word, and that was freaky as hell.
Kane nodded and crouched back down, turning to watch the house
with renewed interest.

The waiting was killing him, but Fallon seemed to know what he

was doing and Kane needed to trust in that. While he might have
some experience raising hell, he really didn’t know that much about
the vampire world. And he didn’t want to get anyone hurt, especially

“Fallon,” Ranz said as he hurried over and squatted down next to

Fallon, “we got movement around the back of the house.”

“What kind of movement?” Fallon asked.
Ranz grinned, which Kane found totally inappropriate considering

the circumstances. “Samuel and some little blond guy snuck out a
second-floor window and ran for the woods.”

“Samu—” Kane shouted as he jumped to his feet. He was

instantly grabbed and pulled back down to the ground, grunting when
the unforgiving earth made close contact with his knees.

“Knock it the fuck off.” Fallon growled. “Or I’ll have you

escorted back to the bar.”

Kane blinked in shock and pressed his lips together. From the

stern look on Fallon’s face, Kane had no doubt whatsoever that the
man would do exactly what he said. Fallon stared at him for another
moment and then turned back to Ranz.

“Who’s following them?”
“Zus is on their tail. He’ll call as soon as they get far enough away

from the house, and let us know which direction they are headed.”

Fallon’s eyes cut to Kane for a moment and then flickered back to

Ranz. “How did Samuel look?”

“Surprisingly unharmed.”
Kane blew out a sigh of relief. Samuel was unharmed and out of

his father’s house. That was something. But Kane wouldn’t feel better

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until he could see Samuel with his own two eyes and make sure that
the man was unharmed.

“Which direction did they head off to?”
“They went west,” Ranz replied.
“Okay, I want you to stay here and watch the house. If anyone

comes out, you call me and let me know. I want to be prepared in case
they go after Samuel.” Fallon waved his hand at the others. “The rest
of you come with me.”

Kane stayed where he was, almost whimpering with his need to

go after Samuel. He didn’t know if the rest of you included him.

Fallon rolled his eyes. “Yes, Kane, that means you, too.”
Kane grinned as he jumped to his feet and started following Fallon

back into the woods. The coven’s motorcycles were hidden a few
hundred yards back in the woods. Kane had driven his truck as he
didn’t have a motorcycle, although he was pretty sure he’d be getting
one soon. It seemed to be a coven kind of thing.

When they reached the shadowy street where they had left the

bikes and truck, Kane quickly climbed into his truck and waited for
Fallon to get going. Once they were on the road, he drove as fast as he
could without hitting anyone. He had no idea where they were
headed. He just knew that Samuel was out there somewhere running
for his life.

Fallon suddenly cut his bike to the side of the road and pulled out

his cell phone. Kane’s heart hammered in his chest as he watched the
guy talking on it. He couldn’t hear what was being said, but he knew
it was about Samuel.

Fallon started to close his phone when it rang again. The man

lifted it back to his ear for a moment and talked. When he finally put
his phone away, Kane was squeezing the steering wheel so tightly that
he could hear it creak beneath his hands.

Fallon use the kickstand on his bike and then climbed off before

walking back to Kane’s window. “Zus called. Samuel and whoever he

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is with were seen heading into an apartment building not far from

“And the other phone call?” Kane was afraid he already knew.
“Samuel’s father knows he’s gone, and he’s pissed.”
Kane’s heart slammed into his throat. “We have to get to Samuel.”
“That’s the plan,” Fallon said before walking back to his bike and

climbing on. He kicked up the kickstand and started driving down the
road again. About ten minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of
an older-style pale-brick apartment building.

Fallon pulled into one of the empty parking spots and pointed to

the one next to him. Kane parked his truck where Fallon directed and
then climbed out of the vehicle. He walked right over to Fallon and
then turned to look up at the building.

“Do we know which apartment Samuel went into?”
Fallon glanced at Zus as he walked up. “Which apartment?”
“Third floor corner apartment in the front left side,” Zus replied.
Kane’s eyes instantly cut to the apartment Zus had indicated. He

could see lights on through the single curtained window, but nothing
seemed to move inside. He wanted to run upstairs and pound on the
door until it opened, and then demand to see Samuel.

He knew he couldn’t. Kane turned to Fallon for direction. If the

man had done this sort of thing before, he’d know what to do. “What

“Zus, Tuvia, Murrin, keep a lookout. If anyone shows up, let me

know, but do not engage the enemy. Kane and I will go upstairs and
make sure that Samuel is safe. I’ll call down when we’re ready to go.”
Fallon shook his fingers at each of the men standing there. “Don’t let
your guard down for one second. Terrence Harden is as evil as he is
insane. He’d think nothing of killing each and every one of you just
because you’re breathing.”

Kane was a little shocked that Fallon seemed to know so much

about Samuel’s father. He knew that Fallon had mentioned the man
before, but he didn’t know that they knew each other. He couldn’t

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help but wonder just how well the two men knew each other. He was
beginning to suspect that they had a history together, and not a good

“You will let me go in first,” Fallon said as they reached the third

floor. He said it in such a way that there was no arguing room. It was
an order from the alpha, plain and simple.

Still, Kane couldn’t help but frown as he leaned against the wall

next to the door leading to the apartment where he hoped Samuel was
hiding. Fallon knocked, and Kane’s heart started pounding faster in
his chest.

If they were knocking on the wrong door, Kane was going to


“Yes?” asked a high-pitched voice through the door.
“My name is Fallon. I’m looking for—”
The door swung open and Samuel stood there, as white as a sheet.
Fallon smirked. “Samuel.”
Fallon’s grin was easygoing and welcoming, not like it had been

moments before. “I told you I would come for you.”

Samuel’s shoulders slumped like the weight of the world had just

been taken off of them. “You did, and I thank you, but where is—”

Fallon’s eyes cut to Kane. “Is that who you’re looking for?”
“Hey, baby,” Kane whispered softly when Samuel’s eyes landed

on him. They widened for just a moment, the tears filling their moss-
green depths giving them a vibrant sheen. And then Samuel let out a
little cry and threw himself into Kane’s waiting arms.

As small as he was compared to Samuel’s larger body, they must

have looked a little ridiculous. Kane just didn’t care. He cradled
Samuel to him, tucking the man’s face into his neck as he ran his
hands up and down Samuel’s back.

“Missed you, baby.”
“Oh god, Kane,” Samuel murmured against his neck, “I was so

scared that I would never get to see you again.”

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“I’d never let that happen,” Kane replied. “You belong to me,


“Yeah.” Samuel’s massive shoulders rose and fell as he drew in a

deep breath of air. It seemed to be a cleansing breath, one Samuel had
been waiting to take for so long that he ached from it.

“Are you ready to go home, baby?”
“Yeah, but—” Samuel lifted his head and glanced back toward the

apartment. “I can’t leave without Camden.”

“Camden?” Kane growled, his arms tightening around Samuel.

Who in the hell was Camden, and why was he so important to

“I told you about Camden. He’s been my best friend since like


“No.” Kane shook his head. “I must have missed that.”
“Oh.” Samuel’s face flushed and his eyes rolled away. “I guess I

was just kind of caught up in what was going on and all. Camden’s
great. He helped me get away from my father this morning. He had a
bag packed and ready to go. He even had clothes for me”—Samuel
lifted up one of his shoes—“and shoes. He’s always—”

“Samuel,” Kane said. “Just introduce me to him. We need to go.”
Kane’s eyebrows slowly climbed up his face with the quickness in

which Samuel spun away and darted into the apartment. He didn’t
know a man that big could move that damn fast. Maybe it was a
vampire thing.

Kane started into the apartment after Samuel, frowning at Fallon

when he saw the man grinning as he stood next to the doorframe.
“Oh, shut up!”

Fallon’s grin turned into a full chuckle as he held up his hand. “I

didn’t say a thing.”

“But if I did say something…”

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Kane knew that Fallon was having a good laugh at his expense,

but considering that the alpha had found Samuel for him, Kane could
forgive anything. He just shook his head and moved into the

Samuel stood at the far side of the room near the dining room,

rapidly waving his hands in the air as he talked to another man, a
much shorter man with spiked blond hair…and pink fingernails…and
pink lipstick…and a pink short-sleeve cotton shirt tucked into faded
denim jeans. Kane swallowed hard when he saw the pink flip-flops
gracing the man’s pink-painted-toenailed feet.

Wow, that was a whole lot of pink.
This was Samuel’s best friend?
“Kane, this is Camden.”
It was.
Kane plastered a smile on his face and walked over to shake

Camden’s hand. His eyebrows shot right back up his forehead when
Camden held his hand like a woman, and like he expected Kane to
kiss it.

Kane’s eyes shot to Samuel, whose eyes were darting back and

forth between Kane and Camden as he chewed on his lower lip. Kane
mentally shrugged. If Camden was Samuel’s best friend, he knew
he’d have to get used to the guy.

Kane smiled and planted a small kiss on the top of Camden’s

hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, Camden. Samuel tells me that you
are his best friend.” Kane knew he had shocked both Samuel and
Camden when both men just stood there and stared at him. “Is there a

“No, no, of course not,” Camden said quickly. “Samuel just said

that you all came from a bar and well…” Camden frowned. “To be
honest, I was expecting someone a little less…uh…chivalrous.”

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“Ah, honey, you’ve been hanging out at the wrong bars.” Kane

grinned and turned to look at Samuel. “Baby, your mouth is hanging

Samuel’s face flushed again as he snapped his mouth closed. He

looked as embarrassed as hell, and it was totally adorable.

“Kane,” Fallon said from the doorway, “we need to go.”
Kane nodded. “Do you two have everything you need? We won’t

be coming back.”

Samuel ran over and grabbed a pillowcase full of stuff sitting on

the floor by the couch. Camden grabbed his backpack. Both men
walked over toward the door. Camden glanced around the apartment
and then nodded his head.

“I’m ready.”
“Me, too,” Samuel added in. “This is everything I hid here at

Camden’s when I left my father’s coven the first time. I could care
less about anything else.”

They all started toward the door only to be stopped by Fallon as

he filled the doorframe. Fallon nodded his head toward Camden. “Is
he coming with us?”

“He has to, Fallon,” Samuel said. “He’s my best friend. I can’t

leave him behind.”

Fallon looked Camden up and down and then slowly shook his

head as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing. Kane knew
how the alpha felt. Camden was something else.

“Do you know who I am?” Fallon asked Camden.
“Do you wish to join my coven?”
Camden swallowed hard. “Yes.”
“Do you swear fidelity to me and mine of your own free will,

Camden…uh…what is your last name?”

“Baker, Camden Baker.”
“Do you swear fidelity to me and mine of your own free will,

Camden Baker?”

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“I do.”
Fallon nodded. “Then welcome to my coven.”
Kane frowned when Camden and Samuel both visibly shuddered.

He knew something profound happened when a vampire swore
fidelity and was accepted into a coven, but damned if he knew what it
was. He’d have to ask Samuel about it later.

“Stay close, boys,” Fallon said as he led the way out of Camden’s

apartment. “Terrence Harden is in the area, and he’s looking for

“Then we’ll give him some.” Kane had no intention of letting

Terrence Harden get his grimy little hands on Samuel again. And if
that meant fighting the man, well then—he’d buy a really big gun.

“Just stay close,” Fallon said. “We’ve dealt with assholes like this

before. We know what we’re doing.”

“Fallon, I have to tell you. I respect you a lot, but I don’t think

you play by the same rules as Terence Harden.”

Fallon’s grin grew malicious, and once again Kane found himself

feeling sorry for his enemy.

“Who said I played by the rules?”

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Chapter 12

Samuel felt as un-vampire-like as he possibly could. The other

members of his coven, including Camden and Kane, were ready for a
fight. Samuel could see it in their furtive glances as they walked out
of the apartment building and in the tensing of their muscles.

They seemed almost eager for the coming confrontation.
Samuel, on the other hand, was terrified out of his mind. He knew

what his father and brother were capable of, and he was scared that no
one would come out of this fight alive. He was especially scared for

He adored his human bondmate, but the fact was, Kane was still

human. He might be smart, dominant, and surly when he wanted to
be. But he would always be human, and that meant he didn’t have a
chance in hell of winning a fight with a vampire.

“Fallon, what if—” Samuel blinked and stared as his new alpha

held up his hand and slowly scanned the parking lot. Samuel
swallowed past the lump in his throat and glanced over the cement
parking lot just as Fallon was doing.

There was something in the air, something thick and cloying. It

was almost as if the very air itself was holding its breath in

A sudden loud howl filled the air.
Samuel jerked and swung around, quickly looking for the owner

of that enraged noise. He’d heard enough when he was growing up to
instantly recognize it now. And it sent chills down his spine.

“He’s here,” Samuel whispered.

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“Yes,” Fallon replied. “But we were expecting him, so his

appearance should be no surprise.”

“No, not really.” Samuel grimaced as his stomach clenched. “I

just wish we had been able to get away before he showed up. I really
do not want to fight my father or brother.”

“Relax, Samuel. You won’t be fighting them. I will.”
Fallon is nuts!
“You do realize that my father won’t play fair, right?”
“I believe we discussed this upstairs.”
“No, you don’t get it, Fallon. He won’t play fair at all. If he thinks

for one second that he is going to lose, he’ll pull out every
underhanded trick he can think of to insure his victory.” Samuel
glanced out over the empty parking lot, thankful that it was just barely
dawn and most humans were still in bed asleep. “And he won’t be
coming alone.”

Fallon grinned. “I’m counting on it.”
Oh, yeah, the man was certifiable. There was absolutely no doubt

in Samuel’s mind. Anyone that seemed to look forward to a fight the
way Fallon and his men were had to be nuts.

“What about Kane?” Samuel asked.
“Kane and Camden are yours to protect.”
Samuel bit his lip and glanced away when he heard a high-pitched

screech from beside him. He liked Fallon a lot. The man was helping
him obtain his dream of living free and having Kane as his bondmate.
He did not want to watch as Fallon was handed his head on a platter.

Camden was furious.
He was like a spitting cat that had been dunked in a pool of water.

He hissed at Fallon, obviously shocking the man if the swift lifting of
his eyebrows was anything to go by. Samuel groaned when Camden’s
finger came out.

That was all he needed.
“What do you mean I’m Samuel’s to protect?” Camden snapped

as he practically jumped to get into Fallon’s face. “I’m perfectly

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capable of protecting myself, thank you very much. I do not need a
fucking babysitter.”

Samuel glanced down when he felt a hand on his arm. He looked

at Kane, smirking when the man’s eyes widened and he backed away
from the ensuing conflict.

“That’s your best friend?”
“Yeah.” Samuel frowned. “What of it?”
Camden might be a little…odd. But he had stood by Samuel

through everything that had ever happened to him. Just because he
was different didn’t mean that Samuel was going to turn his back on
his best friend.

“He’s just as crazy as Fallon is.”
Okay, that wasn’t so bad. Mostly because Samuel knew that

Camden was crazy. “He’s Camden.”

Kane’s eyebrows shot up as he turned to look at Samuel. “And

that’s supposed to explain why he’s practically climbing Fallon?
Doesn’t he realize who Fallon is?”

Samuel had the strong urge to palm his face as he turned to see

that Camden was indeed trying to climb Fallon. And Fallon, the poor
man, didn’t know whether to swat Camden away or yell at him for
being disrespectful.

“He knows,” Samuel said. “He just doesn’t care.”
Samuel started to head for the pair, mostly to keep Camden alive

because it looked like Fallon was about to lose his temper, or his
mind. Before he could reach them, Ranz walked over and plucked
Camden right off of Fallon’s chest.

Samuel didn’t know what was discussed between the three men,

but a moment later, Ranz had Camden draped over his shoulder as he
walked away with the man. When Ranz snapped something out to
Camden and then popped him on the ass, Samuel started to sputter
with laughter. He had never seen anyone be able to shut Camden up
quite so effectively, or so quickly.

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“That was—” Samuel shook his head. “I’m not sure exactly what

that was.”

“I know exactly what that was.” Kane snickered. “It was Ranz

dominating Camden and showing him who’s in charge.”

“But Camden isn’t—”
“—in charge,” Kane finished for him.
“No, I was going to say that Camden isn’t like me.”
“Baby, there’s no one like you. You’re special.”
Samuel felt his flush at Kane’s words. It didn’t help that Kane

chuckled and rubbed his hand over the side of Samuel’s burning face.
Samuel ducked his head, embarrassed that he blushed so easily. Kane
must think he was a goober.

“I think you’re adorable.”
Samuel’s head snapped, but his jaw dropped. “How did you—”
Kane simply tapped his temple with his finger.
Right…the bond.
Samuel just hadn’t known that it would give Kane the ability to

know what he was thinking or feeling. Damn, that was going to be
weird. Samuel could have the oddest thoughts at the most
inappropriate times.

Pretty soon, Kane was going to think he was nuts.
“Heads up, baby.” Kane’s stiff body posture alerted Samuel to

danger before his words did. “Company is here.”

Samuel squelched the soft cry of denial that tried to work its way

out of his throat and stepped in front of Kane, putting himself between
his bondmate and the upcoming danger. Even if his alpha hadn’t
given him a direct order, he would have protected Kane.

That was his job, his duty, and one he took very seriously. Any

other time, Kane could dominate him and make him beg for the
slightest touch. Right now, he was the strong one, and Samuel knew

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If his father or brother thought they were going to hurt Kane or

use him as a tool to get Samuel’s cooperation, they didn’t understand
the mate bond. Samuel was fully prepared to die to protect Kane.

He just hoped it didn’t come to that.
“Stay behind me, Kane.”
“How about I stay beside you instead?” Kane suggested as he

stepped up beside Samuel. “I know you are the stronger one when it
comes to a fight between vampires, Samuel, but I am still your
bondmate, human or not. I will not cower behind you.”

“I never—” Samuel saw Kane’s jaw clench and blew out a big

breath. “Fine, beside me then, but if I tell you to get out of the way,
please do so. I don’t want you to get caught in the middle of the

“I’ll consider it.”
Samuel heard Kane chuckle when he rolled his eyes, and he was

glad that Kane wasn’t upset with him. The men glaring at him from
across the parking lot, however, were pissed, and Samuel didn’t need
to be related to them to know that.

Every single one of them was in partial shift, claws and fangs

already out as if they eagerly awaited the coming battle. Samuel hated
it that the men in his father’s coven, the men under the madman’s
control, anticipated violence so much.

It was sick.
“I have no quarrel with you, Alpha,” Terrence Harden called out.

“I have only come for what is mine.”

“I, however, do have a quarrel with you, Alpha Harden,” Fallon

replied. “Or should I say, with your son, Jared.” Fallon’s eyes cut to
the man standing beside Terrence Harden. “I demand his life as is my
right for his unprovoked attack upon me and my coven members.”

“Return Samuel to me and we’ll discuss it.”
Samuel gulped when Fallon’s dark eyes turned toward him. He

didn’t think Fallon would go through with his father’s suggestion, but
he didn’t know the man that well. Fallon was known far and wide as

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an alpha not to be messed with. Samuel was terrified that Fallon
would get tired of the trouble Samuel’s family caused and just wipe
his hands of the whole situation.

“No, I don’t think so.” Fallon slowly shook his head as he turned

back to face Samuel’s father. “Samuel belongs to me now, and I’m
not really in the mood to give him up.”

“He is mine!” Terrence’s face turning red and mottled as he

shouted. “You will return him to me.”

“So I can breed the next heir to your little empire, Father?”

Samuel asked as he stepped forward. He grimaced when Kane
stepped up right beside him, but he knew until the actual fighting
started, Kane wouldn’t leave his side. And strangely enough, that
made Samuel feel calmer and more in control.

Kane would never desert him.
“I don’t belong to you anymore, Alpha Harden. I am part of

Fallon’s coven now, and there is nothing you can do to change that.”
Samuel turned his head just enough to see Kane standing fiercely
beside him. “I’m bonded now, Alpha Harden. Even if I could produce
an ounce of desire for one of your coven bitches, which I can’t, I
would never dishonor my bondmate in that manner.”

Kane sent him a little grin before growling at the man across the

cement from them.

“You need to leave, Alpha Harden,” Samuel said as he faced his

father again. “You will receive no children from me. Find your sperm
donor somewhere else.”

Samuel saw his father’s face darken and knew the man was about

to threaten him again, but before he could, Jared stepped forward and
pointed at Camden, who stood next to Ranz. “He belongs to us.”

Samuel snickered. “The hell he does. He’s part of Fallon’s coven


“No!” Jared snapped. “He’s mine, and I will not release him.”
Samuel’s jaw unhinged as the anger in Jared’s word suddenly

took on meaning. “You sanctimonious bastard!” he shouted as his

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eyes snapped between Jared and Camden. “No wonder Father can’t
get you to knock up any of his bitches. You can only get it up for

Now, it all made sense—Jared’s inability to get any of the coven

females pregnant, Camden’s deep loathing of Jared, and the anger
Jared always felt toward Samuel. Jared was jealous of the friendship
between Samuel and Camden. He wanted Camden for himself.

“No wonder Camden hates you so much,” Samuel said, watching

his brother’s face turn red with rage. “He loathes you, and you can’t
stand that, can you? You want him, and he wants nothing to do with

Another thought suddenly smacked Samuel upside the head as

Jared growled and looked at their father. This whole situation really
had nothing to do with him. It was all about Camden. “He made you a
deal, didn’t he?”

Jared’s lips thinned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“So, Father didn’t promise you Camden if you forced me to

return?” Samuel knew he was right when his father suddenly stiffened
as if his secret was out and he didn’t know how his coven would take
the news.

“I did no such thing!” Terrence shouted.
“Didn’t you?” Samuel knew better. And he knew that Camden

was the key to winning this battle. Jared wanted Camden more than
he wanted to be next in line for alpha. Samuel could see it in Jared’s

He bumped shoulders with Kane and then walked over to stand

next to Camden. His best friend was shaking, his eyes downcast as if
he was ashamed that his dark secret had been revealed to the world.
Samuel couldn’t allow that. Camden had never done anything he
needed to be ashamed of.

But there were a lot of people that needed to be ashamed of the

way they had treated Camden, Samuel included. He had known that

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things were hard for Camden living in his father’s coven. Until now,
though, he hadn’t known how hard.

“Camden is part of Fallon’s coven now, and if I am not

mistaken”—Samuel’s eyes cut to the large man standing protectively
beside Camden, partially shielding the smaller man with his body—
“someone has already laid claim to Camden.”

“No!” Jared roared as he raced across the parking lot, heading

right for Camden and Samuel. But Samuel was expecting such a
move, and he was prepared for it. He extended his claws and swung
out at his brother as the man tried to run past him to get to Camden.

At the same time, he pushed Camden away. As his sharp claws

sank into his brother’s side, Samuel heard Camden cry out. A loud
growl filled the air, and Samuel didn’t think it came from his brother.
He turned just in time to see Ranz move out of striking distance,
Camden slung over his shoulder.

Knowing that Camden was being protected by Ranz and that Kane

was protected by Fallon, Samuel turned his attention back to his
brother. Jared was holding his side, blood seeping from between his
fingers. Samuel hadn’t delivered a death blow, but it would certainly
slow his brother down.

“Camden is no longer yours to abuse, Jared. I am no longer yours

to abuse. We do not belong to you or Father’s coven anymore. You
can leave now and go home to heal, or I can kill you before you bleed
to death. The choice is yours.”

“He’s mine,” Jared panted heavily as he whined. “Father promised

him to me.”

“Camden belongs to Camden. Father had no right to promise you

anything where Camden is concerned.”

“He is mine!”
Samuel could see the shock drain the blood from Jared’s face he

grabbed the man around the throat and lifted him up until Jared had to
stand on his tiptoes or choke to death. “He is not yours. He will never
be yours.”

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“He’s my bondmate.”
“The hell I am!” someone behind Samuel shouted.
Samuel swung around to see Camden struggling in Ranz’s arms. It

was all the larger vampire could do to hold onto Camden. Samuel
almost laughed at the exasperated grimace on Ranz’s face. The man
had no idea what he was in for as he tried to contain Camden.

No one contained Camden.
Ranz finally rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around Camden’s

waist and then carried him within feet of Jared and Samuel. He didn’t
look like he had any intention of letting Camden go any further, but
he seemed to understand the need Camden had to state his case.

Camden glared up at Ranz and then turned his attention back

toward Jared, wagging a finger at him. “I am not your bondmate, and
even if I was, I’d kill myself before I willingly let you touch me.”

“You are my bondmate, and I claim you in front of all of these


“If I was your bondmate, jackass, the bond would have formed

between us the first time you forced yourself on me. But it didn’t and
you know it. It didn’t form when you attacked me the first time or the
last time or the hundreds of times in between. There is no bond.”

“There is a bond!” Jared shouted right back.
Samuel could see where this argument was going, and it was

headed there fast. He reached over and yanked Camden out of Ranz’s
arms. Before the larger vampire could even curl a lip at him, Samuel
shoved Camden into Fallon’s arms.

“Kill him.”
A dark chestnut eyebrow arched. “Excuse me?”
Samuel saw Camden’s eyes nearly bug out of his head. He turned

his body just enough that he couldn’t be seen by anyone except
Camden and Fallon, and then slowly winked at the two men.

“Kill him,” Samuel said. “If what Jared said about the bond

between them is true then by killing Camden, you’ll get rid of Jared

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and the issues with my father’s coven. It would solve all of our

“I thought Camden was your friend,” Fallon replied.
“He is, but the vampire world is a cold and violent one. If I have

any chance of living free with my bondmate, every obstacle must be
removed.” Samuel shrugged carelessly. “I’d rather not see anything
happen to Camden, but getting rid of Jared is more important.”

Samuel had to wonder if Camden had seen him wink when tears

sprang to Camden’s eyes and the man began to struggle in Fallon’s
arms. “You can’t do this to me!”

“Fallon is your alpha,” Samuel said. “He can do anything he

wants to you.”

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Chapter 13

Kane couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Samuel was not only

in support of killing his best friend just to get rid of his brother, he
was suggesting it. For a moment, Kane wondered if he had ever really
known Samuel.

And it was then that he knew this was all an elaborate scene being

played out for Jared and Terrence Harden. Samuel would rather die
than betray his friend. Kane stepped over to stand next to Samuel and
nudged his chin toward Camden.

“If you’re too squeamish, Alpha, I’ll do it. I have no connection to


Fallon’s lips twitched. “Too squeamish?” His hand moved faster

than Kane could blink and wrapped around Camden’s throat. One
long razor sharp nail edged along the soft skin of Camden’s throat. “I
have never been squeamish about anything in my life.”

Kane nodded his head slightly forward. “Then kill him.”
“You can’t kill him,” Jared shouted as he hurried forward. Before

he could take more than a few steps, he was surrounded by Fallon’s
coven members. “He’s my bondmate.”

Fallon’s grin was evil and sent chills down Kane’s back. He

hoped that look was never aimed in his direction. “Then by killing
Camden, I will be ridding myself of you as well.”

Kane gulped when a thin line of blood appeared on Camden’s

throat. Was Fallon really going to kill Camden? Kane darted a quick
look at Samuel, but when his lover didn’t seem concerned, Kane tried
not to be as well.

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He winced when Fallon cut another thin red line across Camden’s

throat. If this was all for pretend, Camden was going to be pissed.

“No!” Jared shouted as he struggled to get past Fallon’s coven

members. “You can’t.”

“Don’t want to die, Jared?” Fallon laughed menacingly. “Maybe

you should have thought of that before you attacked me and tried to
take over my coven. It’s my right to take justice.”

“Fine, then take your justice. Just don’t kill Camden.”
Kane blinked in confusion. Was he missing something here? If

Jared was saying that he and Camden were bonded, then killing Jared
would kill Camden just as much as killing Camden would kill Jared.

“Give me one good reason I shouldn’t get rid of both of you,”

Fallon demanded. “It would solve my problems a lot easier than
letting either of you live.”

Jared’s shoulders dropped. “He’s not my bondmate. If you kill

him, I will not die.”

“Ah,” Fallon said. “Then maybe I should just kill him to get rid of

him. Someone who wears so much pink shouldn’t be allowed to live.”

“Hey!” Camden snapped.
“Shut up, Camden.” Jared growled. “You’re going to get both of

us killed.”

Kane bit his lip to keep from laughing when Camden stuck his

tongue out at Jared. Even with his life hanging in the balance, the
little guy wouldn’t take shit off of everyone. Kane was pretty sure he
was going to like Camden…if he could just get him to tone down the

Jared ignored Camden and looked at Fallon. “Don’t kill him.

Please. I’ll willingly submit to whatever you want to do to me if you
just let Camden go.”

Even Kane was shocked by that statement. He thought Jared was

as cold-blooded as his father, but maybe he was wrong, at least where

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Camden was concerned. The man seemed to really care about

Who knew a black soul could be redeemed?
Kane’s head snapped back and forth between Jared and Fallon

like a tennis ball on a court. Jared was pleading with his eyes for
Fallon to let Camden go. Fallon seemed to be trying to figure out if
Jared was being truthful or not. Neither man was moving.

“All right,” Fallon said as he slowly released the hold he had on

Camden’s throat. “If you willingly submit to my punishment, I will
release Camden and allow him to live.”

Jared swallowed hard and nodded. “I will.”
“No! I will not allow this!”
Kane saw Samuel tense as he swung around to see Terrence

Harden running toward them. Strangely enough, not a single vampire
that had accompanied the man jumped in to stop the alpha, even
knowing he was running straight for danger.

That was telling.
When Samuel started to jump forward, presumably to stop his

father, Kane stepped in front of him. As angry as Samuel was, he
would never be able to live with himself if he killed his own father.
Samuel just didn’t have it in him to be violent like that. The guilt
would eat away at him until it destroyed him.

“Kane, don’t—No!”
Kane caught Samuel as the man’s legs gave out and he slumped

toward the ground. Once he had Samuel cradled in his arms, Kane
turned to see what had brought tears to his lover’s eyes. And once he
got a good look, he wished that he hadn’t.

Apparently, Terrence Harden had tried to attack Camden, not

Fallon as Kane thought. Jared had stepped in and stopped the alpha by
ripping his throat out, but it would obviously cost Jared his life. No
one could survive the bleeding wounds Jared had in his chest and

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“Baby,” Kane said softly as he turned back to Samuel, “you need

to say good-bye to your brother, let his last moments be good ones.”

Kane hated the idea of Samuel being anywhere close to Jared, but

Samuel would never forgive himself if his brother died alone. Jared
might be an evil monster, but he had saved Camden’s life at the
expense of his own.

Kane kept his arm wrapped around Samuel’s waist as the man

stepped over to where his brother lay on the ground. As much as it he
didn’t like it, he didn’t protest when Samuel knelt on the ground next
to Jared and grabbed his free hand.

Kane just made sure he stood right behind Samuel in case he had

to jerk the man away from Jared. He wouldn’t put it past Jared to use
his last few seconds on earth to try and take Samuel with him.

“Why, Jared?” Samuel whispered.
“He was going to hurt Camden.” Jared’s eyes flickered to

Camden. “I couldn’t let that happen.”

Kane blinked. He was confused. By his own words, Jared had

admitted that he had hurt Camden on numerous occasions. Why
would he give up his life to save Camden? Jared was obsessed with
Camden, but Kane seriously doubted that he really cared about

Kane saw a flicker in Jared’s eyes as he looked up at Samuel. It

was all of the warning he needed. He grabbed Samuel by his arms and
yanked his lover back, not caring in the least that they both fell back
on the hard cement, or that Samuel was spitting mad.

“Kane, wha–”
“You can’t have him!” Jared snarled as he rolled to his stomach

and started clawing across the cement toward Samuel. “He’s mine!”

“Dude, you have lost your mind!” Samuel scrambled to his feet

and backed up, right into Kane.

“He’s mine!” Jared snarled again.

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“No, he’s not!” Samuel shouted as he took another step back.

“Camden belongs to himself. You can’t force him to accept you just
because you’re obsessed with him.”

“He’s mine!”
“Oh, I give up.” Samuel tossed his hands in the air and turned to

look at Camden, Ranz, and Fallon. “He’s never going to get over his
obsession with Camden. Do what you want with him.”

Kane cursed under his breath when Samuel grabbed his wrist and

started pulling him away. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go with
Samuel, but the guy didn’t know his own strength. Kane felt like his
arm was being pulled out of its socket.

“Samuel!” Kane yanked hard on his arm. “Samuel, stop, damn it!”
Samuel spun around but didn’t let go of Kane’s arm. “What?”
Kane simply dropped his eyes to the tight grip Samuel had on his


“Oh god, Kane.” Samuel’s grip instantly loosened and fell away.

Samuel pushed his hand through his hair, never taking his eyes off of
Kane’s wrist like he expected bruises to appear at any moment. “I’m
so sorry. I didn’t mean it.”

“I know that, Samuel.” When Kane started to step toward Samuel,

the man jumped back a step. Kane stopped and frowned, planting his
hands on his hips as a sliver of agitation slid into him. He didn’t like
Samuel backing away from him. “Samuel!”

“Maybe you should just cut your losses while you’re ahead. My

family seems to be not only violent but totally fucking insane.”
Samuel slowly shook his head and took another step back from Kane.
“You need to run while you can.”

“Not going to happen, baby.” Kane was somewhat amused by

Samuel’s attempt to save him but not enough to let the man get away
from him. He pointed to the spot right in front of him. “Come here,

“Kane, I—”

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Kane could hear the heartache in Samuel’s voice and wanted

desperately to comfort the strong man. Only Samuel could
accomplish that, though. He had to come willingly to Kane or they
didn’t have a chance in hell of making things work. Samuel needed to
know deep down in his soul that what they had together was worth
fighting anything.

“Samuel,” he said on a low rumble. There was absolute authority

in his voice.

Samuel’s large eyes moved over Kane’s face as if looking for

something. Kane didn’t know what it was or if he found it, but after a
moment, Samuel stumbled forward into Kane’s arms.

The tightness in Kane’s chest released when he wrapped his arms

around Samuel. His grasp tightened around Samuel like steel bands.
“I told you that I accepted you, Samuel, fangs and all,” he spoke
gently, but with a clear reprimand in his voice. “That includes your
crazy-ass family.”

Samuel’s moss-green eyes flickered away from Kane’s. “I’m

afraid, Kane,” he whispered on a soft breath. “What if I become as
crazy as my father or brother?”

“Is that what has you so scared, Samuel?” Kane’s hand slid to the

nape of Samuel’s neck. “Baby, I don’t care if you’re crazy. I don’t
care if you have fangs or drink blood or transform into some creature
out of a Hollywood movie or even hang upside down from the rafters.
You belong to me, and I’m keeping you.”

Samuel stared at Kane, his green eyes flashing like pale emeralds.


Kane leaned up to brush his lips across Samuel’s. “Fangs and all,

baby.” His thumb feathered over the curved line of Samuel’s chiseled
jawline. “Promise.”

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Chapter 14

Samuel chuckled as he watched Camden’s hips sway back and

forth as the man chased Ranz across the bar. He didn’t know what
Ranz had said to the man, but Camden was in full regal queeny mode.
He was going to rip Ranz’s balls off and paint them pink before
giving them back.

Samuel had settled into his new role in the coven just fine. He

listened to Fallon when he needed to, and to Kane all of the time.
He’d made friends with the other coven members and even enjoyed
spending time with them.

Camden was having a little more trouble settling in.
Samuel loved having his best friend in the coven. Not having to

hide his friendship with the man from everyone was a huge plus in
Fallon’s court. The man seemed mystified by Camden, but he usually
just shook his head and chuckled.

Ranz ran for his life every time Camden walked into the room,

much to the amusement of just about everyone. Samuel still hadn’t
been able to figure out what exactly was going on between the two
men, and Camden wasn’t talking.

Camden wasn’t talking about what had happened to him in their

birth coven either. He had gone behind closed doors and told Fallon,
but not a word had been said to anyone else. Fallon said that if
Camden wanted everyone to know, he’d say something.

It drove Samuel crazy.
So did the knowledge that Jared had survived his injuries.

Everyone had been so sure that he would die from the wounds

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Terrence Harden had given him that Fallon had released Jared to his
men to go home and die in peace.

Except he hadn’t died.
Last Samuel heard, Jared was weak but recovering. Samuel didn’t

know what that meant for his future or Camden’s, but he knew that
whatever happened, Fallon and his coven would be there to protect
them both.

And that was enough.
Now, if he could just get Kane to understand that he wasn’t strong

enough to fight a vampire, he’d be pretty damn happy. Fallon and
Kane got into arguments every time Samuel turned around. He was
beginning to suspect that the two men enjoyed sparring.

Samuel’s head snapped up even as he cringed. He’d know that

deep bellow anywhere. It usually meant he was in some sort of
trouble. Samuel quickly scanned the bar, looking for the owner of that

Kane was nowhere in sight.
Samuel gestured to Toby, indicating that the man needed to take

his place manning the door, and then he went searching for Kane.
After searching the entire bar floor, the stock room, and the kitchen
area, Samuel walked down the hallway toward Kane’s office.

He was sweating bullets by the time he knocked on the door,

wondering what he had done to get himself into trouble this time.
Kane adored him and Samuel was fully aware of it, but that didn’t
mean that the man didn’t set down the rules when he needed to. Kane
liked being in control, and Samuel liked him being in control. It
worked well for both of them.

Unless Samuel broke a rule.
“Come in.”
The words were clipped as if Kane was barely holding on to his

anger. Samuel drew in a deep breath and pushed the office door open.

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His eyes immediately sought Kane and found him standing by the
window behind his desk.

“You called for me?”
“Shut the door, Samuel.”
Samuel’s breath escaped in a long, slow hiss as he shut the door

and turned back to face Kane. He racked his brain but couldn’t think
of a thing that he had done that would have brought such a dark
glower to Kane’s face.

“What day is it, Samuel?”
Samuel frowned. “Thursday.”
“And when did you last feed?”
Samuel’s head snapped back as his frown deepened.


“Was it Monday?”
“Yes, we—” A blush blossomed across Samuel’s face as he

remembered exactly what they had been doing when he had fed last.
Kane hadn’t been kidding when he said he accepted Samuel fangs and
all. Hell, he damn near demanded that he be allowed to fuck Samuel
while Samuel was feeding.

“So, you haven’t fed in three days? Is that what I’m hearing?”
“Well, yes, but—”
“But what?” Kane asked as he walked around the edge of his


Samuel suddenly knew what prey felt like. He was being hunted,

and he knew it. He could see it in the burning heat darkening Kane’s
hazel eyes. Samuel found it hard to breath. The air itself seemed to be
electrified, crackling with deep burning lust.

“Do you have an explanation for your behavior?” Kane’s thumb

feathered over the curved line of Samuel’s jaw.

“No, sir.” His words came out strangled sounding and husky.

Samuel’s mouth went dry, his lips parched. The tip of his tongue
nervously moistened his full lower lip.

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Kane’s hand moved to Samuel’s hair, and he fingered the

dishwater blond curls as if he couldn’t help himself. Samuel felt the
impact of Kane’s gaze burning into him, branding him as his.
Samuel’s body clenched in hard, hot need.

Warm, moist lips ghosted along the curve of his neck. “Then you

need to be punished, don’t you, Samuel.”

It wasn’t a question.
“Yes, sir.”
“Assume the position, Samuel.”
Samuel’s nerve endings sizzled as he quickly shed his clothes—

leaving the boots on—and draped himself across Kane’s desk, ass in
the air and hands over his head. The quiet calm he was trying to
convey was shattered when he felt Kane’s finger feather up between
his ass cheeks.

“Such a beautiful ass,” Kane mused. “It’s a shame that I have to

mark it up, Samuel.”

Samuel almost snorted in disbelief. The only thing that turned

Kane on more than Samuel biting him was seeing his handprint on
Samuel’s ass. The first smack was almost a surprise. The second
made Samuel moan and go up on his tiptoes.

“That’s it,” Kane mumbled as if speaking to himself. One big

hand rubbed the rounded globes of Samuel’s ass. A finger traced his
crease, up and down, then back again. “Stick that ass out for me.”

Samuel spread his legs further apart and pushed his ass up higher

in the air. He could hear Kane’s breathing increase just before another
swat landed on his ass. Kane might not have been a vampire, but he
wasn’t weak either. With each spanking, Samuel’s ass began to burn
and ache.

A hard shudder wracked Samuel’s body when Kane pushed two

fingers quickly inside his ass. Kane pumped them in and out as he
continued to land smack after smack on Samuel’s ass cheeks with his
other hand.

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Samuel pushed back, grinding into the thrusts to take Kane’s

fingers deeper. He cried out as Kane’s angle altered and his sweet
spot was struck again and again.

“You like that, don’t you, baby?”
Samuel tossed his head back, moaning long and loud. He didn’t

need to put his pleasure into words. He knew Kane could read every
movement he made, every soft moan that fell from his lips. Kane
seemed to know what Samuel wanted, needed, before Samuel even
said anything.

“Are you hungry, baby?”
Samuel wasn’t sure how to answer that considering that he wanted

blood but not as much as he wanted to feel Kane’s cock pound into
his ass. So he went with two simple words guaranteed to get him what
he wanted.

“Please, sir.”
With a deep growl, Kane pulled his fingers free. Samuel bit his lip

when he felt the spongy head of Kane’s cock press against his hole
and then the man slowly pushed in until the fat head of his dick
popped inside. Kane fucked Samuel slowly and steadily. He blanketed
Samuel with his body as his cock drove deep and then withdrew, only
to thrust in again.

Bracing one arm next to Samuel’s shoulder, Kane leaned over to

bite into the soft skin where Samuel’s neck and shoulder met, leaving
a trail of red teeth marks. His bite wouldn’t break skin, but he was
claiming Samuel just as assuredly as if he had marked him with his
own fangs.

“It’s time, baby.” Kane thrust his wrist in front of Samuel’s face.
Samuel groaned and licked across the golden skin. Kane’s unique

taste blasted across his tongue, saturating his cells. He licked his lips
and shuddered. Samuel lifted Kane’s wrist to his mouth and bit down.
He heard Kane cry out behind him as the man’s sweet, coppery blood
flooded his mouth.

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When he had taken enough, he released Kane’s mouth and licked

the blood from his lips. At the same time, Kane’s hand snaked around
Samuel’s body and enveloped his straining cock, pumping hard.

“Are you mine, Samuel?”
“Yes,” he cried out. “Please!”
Samuel’s eyes rolled back and he shouted out Kane’s name as he

came hard. His cum shot out and covered Kane’s hand. Samuel’s own
stomach and thighs were covered as well, and even the desk below
him. Samuel couldn’t bring himself to care, not when Kane’s thrusts
were becoming rough and erratic as he sought his own release.

Samuel sighed with happiness when he heard Kane’s deep roar

and then liquid heat filled his ass. Kane collapsed over the top of him,
blanketing Samuel from neck to thigh. Samuel loved the heavy weight
of Kane’s body covering his own and the feeling of Kane’s hard
length buried inside his ass. He could stay like that forever.

After a moment, Kane brushed Samuel’s hair from his face with

gentle fingers and tucked it behind his ear. “Are you okay, baby?”

Samuel grinned but didn’t lift his head off of the cool wooden

desk surface. “Never better.”

“I was a little rough with you.”
Samuel rolled his eyes. “I’m a vampire, Kane. You could beat me

with a brick and I’d still be okay.”

“I still shouldn’t have been so rough with you.”
“Kane.” Samuel adored Kane. Samuel was bigger, stronger, and a

whole hell of a lot quicker, but still, Kane worried about him. Samuel
smiled and turned his head just enough to see Kane’s face. “I love
you, too.”

Kane chuckled. “Okay, baby. I get it. I probably won’t stop

worrying, but I’ll try not to let it get too bad.”

“Just remember that I can pretty much take anything you can dish

out. I’m a lot stronger than I look.” Just to prove his point, Samuel
grabbed Kane’s legs and stood, carrying the man on his back as he

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walked around the desk and headed to the small bathroom off to one
side of the room.

“What?” Samuel asked as he blinked innocently at Kane over his


Kane chuckled again, this time adding a small shake of his head.

“I love you, too, Samuel, fangs and all.”



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Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots

is two or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first
sight, soul Mates, true love, and happy endings.

Stormy lives in the great Northwest region of the USA, with her

gorgeous husband and soul Mate, six very active teenagers, two
boxer/collie puppies, one old biddy cat, and one fish.

You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand

and a puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy man
for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from readers. You
can find her website at

For all titles by Stormy Glenn, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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