S L Danielson Love by Numbers

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Love by the Numbers by S.L. Danielson

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Love by the Numbers by S.L. Danielson

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Love by the Numbers by S.L. Danielson

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Love by the Numbers

S.L. Danielson

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Love by the Numbers by S.L. Danielson

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Love by the Numbers


S. L. Danielson

Copyright, 2011 S. L. Danielson. All rights reserved. No part of this
book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of
the publishers, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages
in a review to be published in a newspaper, magazine or journal.

First printing

All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to
real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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Love by the Numbers by S.L. Danielson

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To my math teachers in high school, I wish I’d had a tutor like Scott!

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I would like to thank the following for their help and advice in the
creation of this book:

Dustin S.

Barry C.

James B.

And of course…my loving husband and parents.

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Chapter One

Seventeen-year-old Scott Williams glanced up at the clock; it was
almost 2 o‘clock and he sat in his fifth period class—Advanced
Algebra. It had been a long day already, and this class just would
not end. He adjusted his six foot three inch frame in his very
uncomfortable wooden chair. The classroom was deadly silent as
the teacher, Mrs. Maureen O‘Reilly, wrote out instructions for
tomorrow‘s class.

Suddenly, there was the interjection of another sound in the room.
Senior Jared Adamson impatiently tapped his pencil on his desk.
His brown eyes kept close watch of the time as well. He repeatedly
swept away his curly blond hair; it kept falling onto his tan face.
Jared began tapping his foot in time with the pencil. This irritated
Mrs. O‘Reilly to no end. She was a wafer-thin, blue-suited, tightly-
bunned, spectacled warden, well known for being one of the
toughest disciplinarians in school. Scott speculated, along with
other classmates, that if she would wind her black hair any tighter,
would it make her dull green eyes pop out?

As the clock ticked away, Jared showed his growing displeasure. He
sighed audibly, rolled his eyes, and slumped deep into his chair. A
few classmates grinned, including Scott. Scott had watched Jared
from the start of the semester two months ago. He‘d been instantly
smitten with the school celebrity. Scott had seen Jared‘s picture in
the trophy case along the main hallway. Now, seeing him in person
and getting to be his classmate piqued his curiosity. For the past
two months, he‘d watched Jared come in, usually a couple minutes
late. Most of the class would snicker in amusement. He‘d always
have some scantily clad girl or muscle-bound guy by his side.

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Today was no different. Jared had come in bookended by two
blonde cheerleaders. All he had to do was flash his glowing smile at
them and they followed him everywhere. Scott was jealous of his
popularity. He wished for one moment he could be as popular as
Jared, and get away with what he did. An excellent example was the
pencil symphony being performed at the moment. Jared‘s
surrounding classmates smiled and egged him on, Scott included.
However, Mrs. O‘Reilly was not amused in the slightest and turned
around quickly. She crossed her arms violently against her flat
chest and shot a piercing glare at Jared.

―Mr. Adamson, sit up!‖ she barked.

Jared groaned and sat up a little. It wasn‘t quite enough to satisfy
the warden, however. She uncrossed her arms, marched quickly
over to his desk, and rapped a twelve inch wooden ruler on his
desk. The sound reverberated throughout the room, visibly rattling
some of the students, including Jared.

―Sit UP!‖ she demanded with a yell.

Jared pushed up his five foot eleven inch one hundred seventy
pound frame straighter. He adjusted his white sweater and blue
jeans. He looked into her green eyes with a look that asked, ‘Is this

The teacher recoiled and smiled slightly. ―Thank you Mr. Adamson.‖
She turned sharply on her heel and strode toward the front of the
room. ―Class, I have your last tests over here. Mr. Williams, would
you please pass them out?‖

Scott dutifully rose from his seat and adjusted his outfit of black
cargo shorts, black tee, and a dark olive shirt, took the papers and
distributed them in his usual methodical manner.

When Scott passed by, Jared tried to catch a glimpse of his
classmate‘s face but Scott‘s head was always down, always hidden.

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Jared‘s attention was diverted when he saw the oversized brilliant
red ―F‖ at the top of his page. He growled and rolled his eyes, a
move which did not go unnoticed by the teacher.

―Good job class. Most of you did very well. Those of you who didn‘t,
I need to speak with after class. Class dismissed. See you

Scott usually lagged behind, giving himself time to gather his
things. He watched Jared slowly shuffle over to the teacher, facing
her. She shook her bony finger at him.

―Mr. Adamson, you are failing this course. The semester began over
two months ago! I suggest you forget next spring‘s baseball season
and get more serious about your studies.‖

Jared‘s eyes grew wide, but his tone remained irritated. ―The
homework is too hard! No one but the real brains can even pass
your tests. Ain‘t there another way?‖

Mrs. O‘Reilly curled her lip and raised her brow. ―First of all, the
correct word is isn‘t, Mr. Adamson. English should be another focus
of yours, I see.‖ She looked at Scott out of the corner and offered a
crafty grin. ―I think you could benefit greatly by getting a tutor.‖

Jared laughed aloud, but he was the only one who found it
amusing. His posture stiffened. ―A tutor? Me? Come on! How would
that look for me to have a freakin‘ tutor?‖

Mrs. O‘Reilly scowled and gritted her teeth. ―You‘re not the first ‘hot
jock‘ in this school to have a tutor, young man! It‘s your only
chance, Mr. Adamson. I‘ve informed your parents of your difficulty.
If improvement isn‘t seen very soon, you cannot be on the team
next spring.‖

At the sound of Jared‘ groan, Scott looked up briefly. He noted the
eye roll, and he saw the other teen run his hands through his curly

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hair in frustration. The teacher noticed as well and looked
extremely satisfied.

Jared shifted his feet, before finally meeting the teacher‘s eye.

―Fine. Whatever. Just who would this tutor be anyway?‖ he asked
in an exasperated tone.

The teacher grinned and looked over at the class assistant. ―Mr.
Williams, would you be willing to tutor this young man? You‘re my
best pupil.‖

Scott shyly grinned at the compliment. He‘d watched Jared from the
day school began and had been dying to talk to him or spend any
amount of time with the hot blond. He glanced at Jared for a
moment and lightly shrugged. ―Uh, yeah. Sure,‖ he said quietly.

Mrs. O‘Reilly bowed her head in thanks.

―Thank you, Mr. Williams. Well, I suggest you two get going and
become better acquainted. You both have much work ahead.‖ She
gathered her books and left the room swiftly.

―Whatever man, this is fucked up. That bitch! Me having a tutor,
holy shit,‖ Jared grumbled to himself as he plowed past Scott.

―Uh, wait a minute, Jared? Wait up!‖ Scott sighed, gathered his
books and walked out into the hallway. He heard Jared call after

―Hey, Williams!‖

Scott turned around. His thick wavy brown hair pelted him in the
face. His light blue eyes looked right into Jared‘s brown ones. Jared
approached and peered up into Scott‘s large face.

―I‘m sorry, man. What‘s your name?‖

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Scott grinned slightly and put his hand on the back of his neck;
something he always did when he was nervous. ―Oh, it‘s cool. My
name is Scott. Dude, I think you‘re the only one who knows my first
name. You‘re not really pissed off about this tutor thing, are you?‖

Jared chuckled and clapped the teen on his shoulder. ―No… it‘s not
your fault. We both got drafted into this. Where did you want to

Scott curled his lip in thought. ―I guess my house would be good.
My parents are decent about most everything.‖

―Awesome. When can we start?‖

―I guess tonight‘s okay. My Mom usually makes dinner for a small
army. I grade your papers. I know what areas you‘re weak in
already.‖ Scott noted.

―Okay. The warden ordered some tough assignments. I guess I‘ll
ride home with you. Who picks you up from this prison?‖

Scott bowed his head and replied in an ashamed tone. ‖I uh, I take
the bus.‖

Jared smiled nervously and replied in a chipper tone. ―Wow, no ride
except the kiddy cab? Man that sucks. Oh well, no problem. I‘ll take
your bus home with you.‖

Scott ran his hand nervously through his hair. He stepped back a
bit from the handsome teen. ―Sure you won‘t get laughed at?‖

Jared tried to capture the boy‘s gaze to reassure him. ―It‘ll be cool. I
can build up my fan base with the urchins.‖ He glanced at the clock
over Scott‘s shoulder. ―Oh shit! Look at the time! I‘ll miss economics
class! I gotta go. I‘ll meet you in the bus yard at three, okay?‖


―It‘s Scott, right?‖

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―See you, Scott!‖ Jared turned on his sneakered heel and bolted
down the hallway to his class, dodging the growing throng of
teenagers in his way.

Scott lagged behind for a moment, watching the young man dash
off. He turned on his heel and headed towards his next class,
looking over his shoulder one last time to catch a glimpse of the
very handsome Jared as he ran down the hall.

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Chapter Two

They met in the bus yard as planned.

―You get permission?‖ Scott asked.

―Right here.‖ Jared held up a pass card. ―Let‘s ride.‖

They walked to the number four bus together. Scott usually sat
alone at the very front of the bus, right behind the driver. He leaned
over to tell her that Jared would be getting off at his stop today and
possibly tomorrow.

She looked over at Jared. ―You have your pass card?‖

He handed it to her and she smiled. ―Good job. Take a seat, boys.‖

Scott was about to sit down in his usual spot, but Jared motioned
him towards the back.

―All the cool kids sit in the back. Come on.‖ Jared chose a seat near
the back and they sat together. Scott felt his pulse race; he just
hoped Jared didn‘t notice.

About fifteen minutes later, the bus stopped at the entrance to
Scott‘s subdivision, The Pines. They gathered their backpacks and
exited the bus. Jared even waved goodbye to the other students.

―Hey, Jared, go Lancers!‖

Jared shone his winning smile and replied, ―Thanks! Just wait ‗til
spring! We‘ll get them next season for sure!‖

Scott watched in pure admiration and seething jealousy. In all the
time he‘d ridden the bus, no one had spoken to him at all.

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They began their trek to Scott‘s house. The day was chilly, but
tolerable. It was about fifty-five degrees and still sunny out. Neither
wore a jacket. When the wind struck, they both quickened their

―I thought it was gonna be warmer today!‖ Jared lamented.

Scott nodded. ―So did I, but I‘ve got enough insulation to survive for
years.‖ Before Jared could reply, Scott announced their arrival.
―Here we go, #17 Birchwood Court.‖

It was a lovely ranch home, all on one level. The house was all clay
red brick on the exterior; the front door complemented by two white
pillars that flanked it on either side. The windows were all quite
large, echoing the house‘s 1950s‘ construction. The mullions on the
living room pane were on a diagonal, creating a diamond pattern.
The landscaping was lush and impeccably cared for. Most of the
flowers and trees were becoming bare and dormant, but the pine
trees still had their show on. A few of the chrysanthemums still had
some of their yellow color to them.

Jared raised a brow. ―Whoa, you have a nice crib, man!‖

Scott blushed. ―Thanks. My dad‘s been pretty successful at his new
job. We moved here about ten years ago from Springfield. This
house is about twice as big as that old dump.‖

The teens continued onward and stopped at the base of the
property. There was a substantial hill in the front yard and a long,
horseshoe-shaped asphalt driveway.

―Ready for a hike?‖ Scott jested.

Jared grinned. ―This is a bitch of a hill! Must be a real blast in the
wintertime getting outta this driveway. Damn, with how cold it‘s
getting, that‘s gotta be hitting us soon.‖

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Scott rolled his eyes and laughed to himself. ―Ya know my Dad
drives Mom insane with the way he drives up the hill at top speed
just to make it. She‘s always been the safe one. She's overly
cautious, very mothering.‖

―It just means she cares about her little boy. She and I are cool
though. I can tell her just about anything. Are your folks like that?‖

Scott nodded. ―Yeah, my old man and I get along great, and my
Mom‘s the best cook. How about your old man?‖

Jared fell silent for a moment. Scott swore he saw Jared‘s fists
clench for a moment. ―Oh, we don‘t see him much, luckily. Come
on, let‘s get inside, it‘s cold out here!‖

The teens hiked their way up to the decorative glass front door.
Scott unlocked it and the two stepped inside. He glanced over at the
woman humming to herself at the kitchen counter. It was his
mother, forty-four-year-old Margaret Williams. She was in her
favorite spot, the kitchen. Scott cleared his throat and got her

―Hello?‖ She straightened her blue dress, stopped working on her
homemade dinner, and turned her attention to the two young men.

―Hi, honey. Who‘s this?‖

―Mom, this is Jared Adamson, I‘m going to be tutoring him in math.
Jared, this is my mom.‖

Jared extended his right hand. ―Nice to meet you, Mrs. Williams.
You have a great looking house here.‖

Margaret smiled and tucked her chin-length brown hair behind her
ear. She wiped her pale, slender hands on her floral apron and took
Jared‘s hand to return the gesture. ―Thank you, Jared. We have
been fortunate. Oh, if you get tired from studying, the hot tub is
ready to go.‖

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Jared‘s mouth gaped with excitement. ―You have a hot tub? How
sick! Can I see it?‖

Margaret looked at her son and they shared an amused smile. ―Of
course, Jared. Go on out and look. It‘s next to the pool.‖

Jared ran over to the patio doors that were along the same wall as
the kitchen. He quickly opened them and ran outside, Scott
following behind him.

―How freakin‘ cool to have a hot tub and a pool! Hey, I have a stupid
question, how does the hot tub get all bubbly?‖

Scott shook his head in disbelief and calmly walked over to the
pump house and flipped the switch for the device. ―This is the
pump. Watch it pour out of the jets.‖

Jared eyed the water closely and watched the jets as they came to
life. His eyes widened and he looked back at Scott. ―Duh! I‘m such a
dumbshit! Guess that fits in with the whole dumb blond jock thing

Scott fell silent for a moment, amazed that Jared would even say
something like that. He stammered out a reply.

―W…what did you say? Are you kidding me?‖

Jared craned his neck to look up at Scott‘s befuddled expression.
―You are one of the most… you‘ve gotta be pulling my leg or
something. Who told you that you‘re just a dumb blond jock?‖

Jared‘s eyes seemed to moisten for a moment, but he blinked it
away. His posture stiffened and he backed away from the pool and
his host. ―Nothin‘. No one, all right? Just let it go. Hey, do you have
anything to eat? I‘m starvin‘.‖

Scott tore his gaze from the flustered blond, noticing the intense
look in his brown eyes. ―Uh, yeah, my Mom‘s started dinner
already. Looks like she‘s making chicken and dumplings.‖

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―Any soda or snacks around?‖ Jared asked tartly.

―Yeah, we have that too. Come on, let‘s go inside.‖

Scott waved his arm in front of Jared, and followed behind him. His
eyes perused the young man‘s body and finally settled on his crown
of golden, curly hair. The sunlight caught the highlights in the
ringlets. It almost seemed to form a halo around Jared‘s head.

They walked into the kitchen together and shut the patio doors
again. Margaret looked up from her cooking and smiled at the

―I thought you two might be coming in for a snack. I put out some
sodas and cookies on the table.‖

Scott smiled widely. His mom was always the best. She would do
anything for anyone, but especially her family. She could whip up a
torte and bring it to a sick friend or bake a cake whenever Scott
brought home any little award from school.

Jared grinned as well. ―Thanks, Mrs. Williams! My mom never gets
me snacks anymore.‖

Scott‘s curiosity piqued a bit. ―Why not? Because you‘re an

Jared shook his head. ―No. It‘s a long, tragic story. I won‘t bore you
with it.‖ He looked over at the table and quickly eyed the platter of
cookies. ―Are those chocolate kisses in the cookies?‖

Margaret smiled. ―They sure are. Dig in, hon. We have a while yet
before dinner.‖

Jared‘s smiled quickly faded as he selected a cookie from the plate.

―Oh, I don‘t think I‘ll be staying for dinner. My Dad wants me back
home tonight by the time he comes home. Dunno why.‖

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Scott and his Mom shot a concerned look at one another. ―Is it a
special occasion at your house?‖ Margaret asked.

Jared took a bite out of a cookie and savored it for a moment. He
finally answered. ―No. He just wants me home when he is.‖ He
looked at his hostess. ―These are great, Mrs. Williams. Did you
make these?‖

―Yes, I did. Take some home with you or I‘ll have Scott bring some
with him for school lunch tomorrow.‖

Scott rolled his eyes. ―We don‘t have the same lunch period, Mom.
This isn‘t like grade school. Besides, I usually eat alone.‖

―Oh. Well, take some home anyway and put them in your own
lunch. That way you can have something sweet while you‘re at
school, to push you through your day.‖

Jared looked at his hostess and genuinely smiled at her. She
noticed and smiled back.

Scott stared quizzically. ―Hey, dude. Quit hitting on my Mom. She‘s
very taken.‖

Jared shot a very worried look at his classmate, as if he‘d
committed a crime.

Margaret simply laughed. ―Oh, Scottie, good heavens. What an
imagination you have.‖

Jared‘s shoulders lowered from his ears. ―Yeah, a very good

They all three laughed it off. Scott glanced at the clock in the
corner. ―Hey, it‘s almost 3:45. Do you wanna get started? Does your
Mom even know you‘re here?‖

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Jared shook his head. ―Nope, she doesn‘t know. I lost my cell phone
weeks ago. She just usually assumes I‘m at school this late. I guess
I‘ll call her.‖

Margaret turned her head in their direction and she motioned for
Jared to come over. ―Come on, I‘ll show you where the phone is.
You must always let your mother know where you are, Jared.
Mothers worry. Come on, this way.‖ Jared nodded and followed her.

Margaret escorted him to her husband‘s office to use the phone
privately. A few minutes later, Jared emerged. His mood had
changed from sullen to ecstatic.

―Guess what, guys! I can stay for dinner, if the invitation is still

Margaret smiled at the young lad. ―Of course it is! How late can you
stay with us?‖

―Just until my homework is done. She just said to call her with
directions. She wants to meet both of you.‖

―Well, that‘ll be fine with me. Scott, why don‘t you go escort your
guest to your room so you can get more comfortable? This kitchen
is my domain.‖

Scott stood up and grabbed his glass of soda.

―Will do, Mom. Later. Come on, Jared.‖

―Later, Mrs. W. Thanks.‖

―Anytime, Jared.‖

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Chapter Three

Both teens settled into Scott‘s room and put their sodas on the
nightstand. Scott snatched his math book and quickly flopped
himself down on the bed. Jared looked around the room and was
very impressed with all of the academic awards his classmate had
won. He recited them aloud.

―Honor roll for four years running, Spelling Bee champ, Principals‘
Honor Society….‖

Scott blushed as he fingered his books and barely acknowledged
the student. ―Yeah, it‘s pretty obvious I‘m a geek,‖ Scott admitted.

Jared smiled and continued admiring the plethora of awards.

―All mine are athletic; I‘ve been playing baseball and soccer since I
was five. Ever played any sports?‖

Scott shook his head. ―Nope, I was always too big and clumsy. I like
watching baseball though.‖

Jared brightened. ―Wicked, we have something in common.‖ He
smiled at the teen.

Scott smiled back at his classmate. ―Yeah, I guess we do, Jared.‖

Jared paced the room, fingering the academic trophies that littered
the desk. It was obvious that Scott couldn‘t use that desk as it was
intended, there were too many awards.

―Do you like any other sports, or anything?‖

Scott curled his lip in thought. ―I like chess and computers. I can
fix almost anything. I‘ve always been very good with my hands and
mechanical stuff.‖

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Jared appeared impressed. ―Shit, man. I couldn‘t fix a loose screw.
I‘m all sports but I love my tunes. You?‖

Scott sighed and reluctantly looked up from the book. ―I like old
stuff: 70‘s mostly, like AC/DC and Led Zeppelin.‖

Jared displayed his pearly teeth. ―Yeah? I like Nickelback and
Rihanna, but I can dance to about anything. Girls love a man who

Scott frowned. He bowed his head again and mumbled. ―I wouldn‘t
know, I‘ve never danced before.‖

Jared gasped. ―Not ever? With anyone?‖

Scott cast him a studious look. He thought hard, conjuring a
memory. ―Wait a minute. I think I was four when I danced with my
mom at a wedding.‖

Jared walked closer. ―I dance a lot, especially the bump-n-grind
motions, if ya know what I mean? Gets the girls all hot and burns
some serious calories.‖

Scott scowled as he jealously eyed his classmate‘s perfect physique.

―Well, I don‘t do much of that as you can tell. I don‘t even know
what the hell bump-n-grind is!‖ Scott grabbed his large stomach
and shook it making sure Jared noticed. Both teens fell silent.
Jared paused for a moment. He wet his lips and sat down on the
bed next to his new friend.

―Dude, not to be like extra nosey, but have you ever been checked
out by a doctor?‖

Scott groaned and hid his face. ―Not since I got my last booster shot
at twelve. I‘m too embarrassed to let him see what a cow I‘ve

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―Man, I felt the same way! There was no way a doc was getting near
me! But now….‖

―Yeah, but look at you! You‘re thin. I‘m not! Jared, stop this. Let‘s
just get back to our math, okay? As I recall, aren‘t you in danger of
being on probation without my help?‖ Scott growled back.

Jared quietly joined Scott on the bed and picked up his math book.

―Sure, let‘s just work.‖

The two worked solely on mathematics for the rest of the afternoon.

At 5:30, Mr. Martin Williams came home from work. He was a tall
man at six foot four inches but he was of a slight build. Most of his
hair had receded, but what remained was brown and wavy. His
clear blue eyes peered out from behind his thick glasses at his wife
of twenty-two years.

―Hello, honey!‖ He walked up to Margaret and kissed her hello.

―Hi, honey! How was your day?‖

―Not bad at all, opened a new account today worth quite a bit!‖

―Good job, dear! Oh, dinner‘s almost ready; you want to go tell the

―Boys?‖ he asked in a puzzled manner.

―Yes, Scott brought a friend home!‖

Martin raised an eyebrow. ―Well, there‘s hope yet, huh?‖ He walked
back to Scott‘s room and stood in the doorway. ―Hey buddy!‖

Scott glanced up at his father. ―Hey, Dad. How was your day?‖

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―Oh, not too bad. Who‘s this?‖

―This is Jared Adamson; I‘m tutoring him in Advanced Algebra.‖
Martin held out his hand. ―Jared, pleasure to meet you.‖

―You too! Your son is a huge help to me. I know I couldn‘t pass
without his help.‖

Martin smiled at Scott. ―That‘s our Scott, smart as a whip! Dinner
will be ready soon boys, best get washed up.‖

Scott closed his book and rolled up to his feet. ―We‘re coming.‖

Dinner progressed in its usual fashion for the Williams. They said
grace at the table, a noticeably foreign concept to Jared. Still, he
mouthed the words too and played along. The family was tightly
knit, as was obvious from their dinner table discussions.

―What‘d you do today, Dad?‖ Scott asked.

―Well, son, I just opened up an account with that new factory across

Scott smiled. ―The one that does everything environmentally green?
I love that green stuff, we so need to do something!‖

―Yes we do, dear.‖ Margaret chimed in.

Jared sat back and tried to be as polite as possible. ―Could you pass
me the rolls, Mrs. W?‖

―Of course, hon. Here you go.‖

―So, what do they make at this factory?‖ Scott queried.

―All kinds of things for the cosmetics industry. Lotions, soaps, you
name it. It‘s all done with recycled bottles and purified ingredients.‖

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―That‘s so cool!‖ Jared interjected. ―I think all these companies now
ought to look into recycling as a highly viable alternative to
whatever ridiculous outdated dogma they have been following.‖
Scott was outright impressed with Jared‘s observations and
comments, as was Martin.

―What do you recommend, Jared?‖ he asked.

―Well, have zero landfill return as a goal, go green with everything,
and recycle all that you can, make the containers themselves
recyclable. Definitely make the centers more numerous so that
households can be responsible for their own waste. Educate

―That is definitely a goal of ours and theirs. I think everyone will
have to go green and quickly,‖ Martin noted.

―It certainly is a concern for us all,‖ Margaret added. ―Scott, you
finished with dinner already?‖

―Yeah, I‘m kinda anxious to get back to work.‖

―Well, why don‘t you two run along then? When is your mom
coming by, Jared?‖

―In an hour. Long enough to do the inevitable corrections to my
homework. Come on, Scott.‖

The two returned to the bedroom to finalize their homework.

Scott checked and re-checked Jared‘s work. The blond teen
watched his tutor closely in anticipation. Finally, after a few bated
breath minutes, Scott returned the verdict.

―Not bad at all, you only missed four.‖

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Jared beamed. ―Really? Only four? Damn, I‘m used to missing like
fourteen! You must be helping. You‘re a good tutor, Scott.‖

Scott blushed. He was unaccustomed to compliments. ―Thanks,
Jared. I can‘t take all the credit though; it‘s your mind learning all
of this. Good job!‖


Silence passed between the two for a moment.

―Hey, I‘m sorry I pissed you off before with the whole weight thing
and dancing.‖

Scott sighed. ―I should apologize. I flew off the handle, I‘m sorry. It
really pisses me off that I‘m overweight. I dunno what I can do
about it. Seems everything I try just fails. Well, just don‘t expect me
to be out in the hot tub shirtless anytime soon.‖

―Speaking of that, when can we go in? I haven‘t ever been in a hot

―Well, bring your trunks tomorrow and we‘ll go in after we study.‖

―Before we study… we gotta chill right after school.‖

Scott cocked a brow. ―Hmmm, ok, I suppose you have a point. That
way you can get all your wildness out before you and I tackle the
serious shit, like this math!‖

―Yeah, man! That sounds wicked to me.‖ Jared grinned and very
spontaneously side-hugged his tutor.

Scott stiffened, uncertain at all of what to do. He felt his classmate‘s
warm, tan body up against his and it both excited and confused
him. Jared‘s hair had bounced onto his pale face and landed in his
mouth. Scott tried not to spit it out. He patted Jared‘s arm and
backed away.

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―Okay, okay. We‘re good, bud, we‘re good. Hey, your mom should be
here soon, shouldn‘t she?‖

―Yeah… she will be.‖

As if on cue, Martin stuck his head around the corner and
announced that a car had just pulled up in the driveway. It was
Mrs. Adamson. Margaret greeted her.

Louise Adamson was five foot nine, a bone-thin woman. Her brown
eyes appeared tired and her curly blonde locks were a little askew.
Margaret shook her hand warmly. Louise genuinely smiled back
and the two exchanged phone numbers. Martin greeted her as well.

Mrs. Adamson looked at her teenage son and smiled. ―Ready to go

Jared shrugged. ―Not really, but like I have a choice? Is Mr.
Personality home?‖

Louise tried to shush her son. ―Watch it, Jared. Please. Come on.
Let‘s just go home. Say goodbye to your hosts.‖

Jared smirked. ―See ya in the morning, Scott. Good night Mrs. W,
Mr. W. Have a good one!‖

Margaret smiled cautiously. ―Good night, Jared! Nice to meet you,

―Likewise, Margaret...‖

Scott watched his classmate leave. After they‘d disappeared from
view, Margaret walked up behind her son.

―Wonder what‘s up with that? He didn‘t seem to want to go home.‖

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―Oh, I think he and his old man have issues....‖

―Well, I‘ll tell you one thing, you‘d make a cute couple!‖

Scott spun around and shot her a look. ―Mom! Please, he‘s not even

―How do you know? Did you ask him?‖

―He was talking about girls! Besides, whoever heard of a gay jock in
high school? Wouldn‘t he be outed instantly? Even if he were, what
would he be doing with a fat slob like me?‖

Margaret played with her son‘s hair. ―Don‘t call yourself that! He‘d
be lucky to have you as either a friend or a boyfriend, or both. I
know you wanted to find someone before graduation; you‘re almost

Scott sighed. ―I know I am. Well, if it happens it happens. But I
definitely don‘t think Jared is gay.‖

―Never know unless you ask. Don‘t assume. He may be closeted.‖
Scott bowed his head. ―Why would he want me anyway? I‘m a
completely hideous turnoff. No guys have approached me at all. ‖

Margaret reached for her son and hugged him. ―Scotty….‖

Scott was near tears as he turned to look down into his mother‘s
eyes. ―Is it me? Is it my size that scares everyone? Is it that I‘m
smart? Or just because I‘m fat? No one even talks to me!‖

―Do you talk first?‖


Margaret pursed her lips. ―Audibly?‖

―No. I mumble,‖ he admitted.

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―Honey, you‘re a senior in high school. I want you to start
socializing more. You need a boyfriend!‖

―Oh yeah, that‘s real easy, I‘ll just announce ―I‘m gay and looking‖
over the loudspeaker to everyone.‖

Margaret narrowed her eyes. ―Very funny. Who knows, this tutoring
thing might work out.‖

―Yeah, the superstar and the outcast. Likely pairing. I think your
gay-dar is off, Mom.‖

―Well, you just never know do you? Come on, go finish your

―Thanks, Mom.‖ He side-hugged her and headed back down the

Martin ran into Scott on the way back to his room. ―Hey, buddy.‖

―Hi, Dad.‖

―That Jared seems real nice, is he gay too?‖

Scott let out an exasperated sigh. ―I don‘t know! It‘s not something I
usually ask.‖

Martin nudged his son‘s large arm. ―Gotta go on a date sometime,

―Holy crap, are you and Mom conspiring together again?‖

Martin grinned. ―Aren‘t we always? Watch the language, by the way.
We love you, we want you to find a great guy!‖

―When I find one, you‘ll meet him, trust me.‖

―Atta boy. Back to the books?‖

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―Yeah, have some history to finish. The medieval period. Maybe gays
were accepted back then.‖

Martin glanced at his watch. ―Better get a move on, it‘s pretty late.‖

―I am. Later, Dad.‖

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Chapter Four

The next day the duo returned to Scott‘s house. Jared nearly ran to
the backyard to check the water temperature in the tub. He looked
up when Scott joined him.

―Awesome! I brought my trunks, just as you suggested. I think I‘ll
go put them on. Oh, will you be joining me?‖

Scott fell silent and bowed his head. His long locks swept in front of
his pale face. ―I don‘t think you want a baby whale in there with
you. I‘ll just sit on the side. Maybe put my feet in.‖

Jared‘s eyes trained themselves on his tutor. He walked over and
reached for Scott‘s arm. ―Dude, don‘t say things like that about
yourself, you‘ll grow to believe them forever. Trust me, I know.‖
Scott aimed his gaze into Jared‘s warm brown eyes. They were such
kind eyes, dark and beautiful. His eyelashes were a light brown and
quite long for a male.

Scott grimaced slightly. ―If you promise not to laugh, I‘ll get in with

Jared nodded. ―I won‘t laugh. I swear on my mother‘s life. Hell, I
swear on my own life!‖

Scott cracked a smile and whacked Jared lightly on the left arm.
The teen jumped back, either surprised or offended, Scott couldn‘t
decipher which. His entire mood had changed from jovial to
guarded. He cradled the shoulder that had been just so slightly
struck. He looked carefully at his classmate.

―Shit, don‘t hit that arm, it‘s sore… tough gym class yesterday.‖

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Scott‘s eyes widened and he attempted to approach his friend, but
Jared backed away. ―Dude, I‘m sorry! I didn‘t mean to hit you that
hard. Guess I don‘t know my own strength. Are you okay?‖

Jared examined his arm and nodded slightly. ―Just don‘t do that
again. I have to save that arm. It‘s my pitching arm.‖

―Here, let me help, since I‘m the ass who hit you.‖ Scott held out his
hand and laid his chubby palm on the arm and massaged it with
his fat fingers.

Jared smiled right away. ―Thanks, that feels a lot better.‖

Scott caught his friend‘s gaze. ―I didn‘t mean to do that, I swear. I‘m
glad you told me.‖

Jared lightly grinned. ―Come on, let‘s forget about this drama and
get in that tub!‖

Both teens went inside; Jared to the bathroom, Scott to his
bedroom. Being uncomfortable with his body, Scott put a robe on
over his trunks to delay his exposure too soon. He took a deep
breath and opened the door. The teens met up again in the hallway
and Jared groused at the robe.

―I thought you changed.‖

―I did, underneath. Gotta hide the fat while I still can. I thought you
were changing?‖

―Naw, had to piss!‖

Scott laughed. ―Well, go on and get into yours!‖

―Be right out.‖ Jared grabbed his backpack and closed the
bathroom door. A moment later, he surfaced wearing his trunks.
They definitely caught one‘s attention. The background was a bold

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electric blue and there were large yellow flowers strewn about on
the fabric. Jared‘s tan skin was augmented by the colors in the

―Well, what do you think? Too conservative?‖

Scott laughed. ―Uh, if that‘s conservative, then what I‘m wearing is
totally lame. Come on, we don‘t have much time.‖

The two went out to the tub. Jared jumped right in and turned to
face Scott. ―Okay, your turn.‖

Scott sighed and grasped the sides of his large, ankle-length heavy
terry robe. ―Are you sure you can handle seeing this pasty white
skin? I might blind you.‖

Jared scowled. ―Stop it! Now just get your ass in here. I swore I
wouldn‘t make fun of you. Come on, the water‘s awesome!‖

Scott eyed the tub. It did look quite inviting. He shut his eyes and
let out a deep breath. ―Fine.‖

Jared watched as the cornflower-blue terry fabric cleared away and
revealed Scott‘s pasty white skin and bulging stomach. His swim
trunks were a very plain black pair that fell to mid-thigh.
―Disgusted yet?‖

Jared frowned. ―Knock it off. Come on in.‖

Scott climbed to the edge and lowered his legs into the bubbling
water. ―I always get in slowly, a piece at a time.‖

Jared rubbed his pointy chin. ―I always just jump in, get it over
with! Come on.‖

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The two sat around for about an hour and chatted about school and
life. Mrs. Williams came home and called them inside to get to work.
They whined, but got out of the tub, dried off, and went inside.

The duo continued their get-togethers several times a week all
during the quarter. With Scott‘s assistance and Jared‘s steadfast
attitude, they finished their work quicker every time. More and
more of their conversations focused on other topics besides
mathematics or school.

On one chilly afternoon about three weeks later, the teens were
huddled in Scott‘s room after they‘d finished their assignments.

―Damn, that last question was a tough one! I didn‘t think I‘d ever
get it.‖ Jared lamented.

Scott grinned and nudged his friend‘s arm. ―I told you already. You
can do anything you want to. You have the brains. Whoever said
you are a blond idiot is an idiot themselves.‖

Jared grew quiet for a moment.

Scott cast a worried look. ―I‘m sorry, did I say something wrong?‖

Jared tossed his hair back and put on his best poker face. ―No,
man. It‘s cool. You‘re right though, they‘re an idiot.‖

Scott reached for his friend‘s shoulders, but Jared moved away.

―Dude, let‘s listen to some music.‖ Jared hopped up off the bed and
turned on the radio. The song ―Mercy‖ by Duffy was playing.

―Excellent! I love this song! Such an awesome 60‘s influence, like
Smashmouth.‖ Jared began gyrating to the music and lip-syncing
the words.

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Scott eyed his classmate‘s movements. He noted how Jared moved
with the grace of a swan; his muscular body was very flexible and
toned. He didn‘t miss a single beat. Scott sat back on the bed and
watched. The blond noticed this and held out his hand for Scott to

―Come on, I‘ll show you what real dancing is. Join me.‖

Scott looked at Jared‘s tan hand oddly. He started to outstretch his
arm at first but withdrew it quickly. ―I don‘t know how to. Besides,
it‘d be like Santa dancing.‖

Jared groaned and grasped his friend‘s large, pale hand anyway
and began pulling him off the bed. ―Knock it off. Just move your
body to the beat. Follow my lead and just watch what I do.‖

Scott rolled his eyes and played along. It was always difficult saying
‗no‘ to this charismatic young man. The two danced together. Scott
watched Jared enviously as the blonde shook his taut and tan
body. Scott didn‘t try to mimic the moves; he was far too self-
conscious. He begrudgingly pulled away and lay down on the bed

Jared stopped too and followed. ―Hey, why‘d you stop? You were
doing great!‖

―Yeah, for a lardass!‖ Scott snorted.

Jared groaned. ―What‘d I tell ya about that berating yourself crap?‖

Scott let out a deep sigh and met the teens‘ brown eyes. ―Will you
get off my case? Just let me be a spectator.‖

The blond stopped dancing and got serious for a moment. ―Let me
set you up with our team doctor. He‘ll check you over and maybe
you and I can work out together.‖

Scott scoffed. ―Are you nuts? I‘d kill myself lifting those weights!‖

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―He‘ll start you slowly. Just get looked at.‖

Scott heard the intensity in Jared‘s voice. ―Why do you even care?‖

Jared sat back. ―Because I‘m sick of you callin‘ yourself a lardass
when there‘s someone who can help you! Gonna do it or not?‖

Scott groaned. ―Okay, I‘ll do it. Just to shut you up. Will it at least
be private?‖

Jared smiled widely. ―Yes! It‘ll be after school, no one else around. I

Their eyes met for a moment, blue to brown. A trepid moment
passed as the music played in the background. It was a slow song,
―Time of My Life‖ by David Cook.

Jared swallowed and turned his attention back to the dancing.
―Well, now that that drama is done, it‘s back to the dance floor for

Scott swallowed hard and sat back against his mountain of pillows.
―I‘ll just be your audience.‖

Jared winked at his friend. ―I love an audience. Let me know if I
inspire you to join me again. Let‘s get something dance-worthy on
here. Here we go, Rihanna.‖ Jared put the CD into the player and
selected the song ―Umbrella‖. He danced in place and lip-synced the
lyrics to Scott.

Scott enjoyed the private show very much but he didn‘t dare tell
Jared that. He was having a difficult enough time trying not to
salivate openly. He could feel his pants bulging already and had to
hide it by crossing his legs tightly. Jared finished with a bow. Scott
applauded and the two grinned at each other coyly. ―Thank you
very much, I‘m here all week folks!‖ Jared recited in his best Elvis-
impersonation voice.

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Scott wanted to hug the teen at that moment, yet his shyness held
him back. He reached out with his arm instead and ‗high-fived‘ his

Jared rubbed his stomach. ―Hey, when‘s dinner? I‘m starving.‖

―It should be soon. I think she‘s making salmon. Do you like fish?‖

―Yeah I do. I love shrimp, crab, and orange roughy.‖

―Is seafood your favorite type of food?‖

Jared shrugged. ―Mostly I guess. I do like Italian a lot too, especially
lasagna. Hey, maybe we ought to go to Little Italy sometime.‖

Scott withdrew. ―They‘re kind of expensive aren‘t they?‖

Jared rolled his eyes. ―What does it matter if the food is bitchin‘? I
think we ought to go there sometime, the five of us.‖

Scott looked puzzled. ―The five of us? Wouldn‘t it be six? Your father
would come too, wouldn‘t he?‖

Jared scoffed and burst into laughter. ―Get real. My father doesn‘t
go anywhere he doesn‘t want to, and I know he wouldn‘t bother
with spending time with your family. He barely spends time with me
and my mother.‖

Scott‘s eyes grew wide with surprise. He was finally hearing more
about Jared‘s mysterious family.

―You‘re very lucky, Scott. You have parents who love you and accept
you for who you are. I‘ll never have that.‖

Jared walked out of the room towards the kitchen, but Scott
stopped him.

―Wait a minute; I thought you said your mother was cool. I‘ve met
her. She seemed to care.‖

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Jared stood back a bit. ―She‘s a great woman. Practically freakin‘
raised me herself. Wish she would‘ve. A broken home would be
better than the shit I live with.‖

Scott stroked his friend‘s arm gently. ―What‘s really going down at
your house, man?‖

Jared‘s eyes glazed over for a moment. ―Forget it, let‘s just go eat.‖
Jared swerved away from Scott‘s hand and continued to the
kitchen. Scott peered around the corner and saw his friend chatting
with his mother like nothing had happened. Scott‘s mind raced, but
he didn‘t want to pressure him for the answers. He‘d be patient.

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Chapter Five

The holidays rolled around very quickly that year. Jared had been
to the house nearly every day since their pairing by Mrs. O‘Reilly
just a few weeks prior. Thanksgiving at the Williams‘ had two extra
guests: Louise and Jared.

Scott had actually dressed up a bit. He wore jeans, but paired it
with a new shirt. It was powder blue, and made of polyester. Jared
liked it very much and smiled when he saw his friend.

―Wow, great shirt man! Where‘d you get that?‖

―My mom got it for me. I wanted to dress up this year.‖

Jared nodded. ―Good choice. It really makes your eyes stand out.‖
Scott blushed. ―Thanks! Uh, I like your shirt too.‖

Jared picked at the maize-colored button down shirt and grinned
slightly. ―Oh, thanks. I‘ve had this a while. Some past Christmas
present, wasn‘t it, Mom?‖

Louise looked over her shoulder. ―Yes, I think it was, from your
Uncle Charlie, I believe.‖

Scott nodded. ―Looks good with your hair.‖

Jared smiled sweetly. ―Thanks, man.‖

There was a quick, awkward moment between the two. Scott
wondered if he‘d just hit on his friend. He backed away and stuffed
his pale hands into his pockets.

―Sure, dude. Hey, Mom cooks a feast, wanna play some Star Wars
while we‘re waiting?‖

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Margaret overheard and shot the two a look. ―Not too long you two,
dinner is in an hour!‖

―Ok, Mom. Let‘s go, man.‖

Jared and Scott chatted while they played video games. After a few
rounds of Jedi warfare, Jared grew serious.

―My hands ache. Gimme a minute.‖

―Sure, take your time.‖

Jared looked up at his friend and met his eyes. ―Scott, why are you
so nice to me? To everyone?‖

Scott laughed in bewilderment. He tried to read his friend‘s
expression, but found it beyond his interpretation.

―Do you want me to start being an ass to you?‖

Jared looked up in surprise, or was it amusement? Scott put his
controller down and focused on the teen.

―Oh hell no. I guess I‘m just not used to nice people.‖

Scott cocked his head to the side and reached out for Jared‘s face.
He lightly brushed his friend‘s tan cheek, but quickly withdrew out
of embarrassment.

―Your mom seems nice.‖

Jared sighed. ―It‘s tough to find decent people who aren‘t blood
relations. It‘s only the three of us in that little hut. Not many places
to hide. I so wish it was only two. I wish he‘d fucking disappear
forever.‖ Jared‘s voice fell to a whisper as he looked off to look out
the window.

Scott wet his lips. ―It‘s really bad?‖

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Jared nodded. ―Yeah, especially when my Dad decides to come
home. I wish he wouldn‘t. All he does is cause misery for both Mom
and I when he‘s there.‖

Scott felt strong pangs of pity and put his hands on Jared‘s arms.
They exchanged looks for a moment.

―Jared, do you trust me?‖

Jared looked back at his friend. His brown eyes were moist again.
Scott reached for his face, but Jared pulled away a bit.

―I want to, I totally want to. But I‘ve only known you for three

―We‘ve been together nearly every single day! Look, if you can‘t tell
me yet, I understand. No drama.‖

Jared smiled weakly. ―Thank you. I‘ll tell you in time, I‘ve gotta tell
someone. It gnaws at me like a rat in a sewer. Damn, Scott, haven‘t
you ever wondered?‖

―Wondered what?‖

―Why I‘m over here all the time and I‘ve never once asked you over?‖

Scott smoothed his hand down Jared‘s sleeve. ―Well, I just thought
it was my family‘s charming company and my mom‘s cooking that
couldn‘t keep you away from us.‖

A tear escaped from Jared‘s eye. He tried to brush it away before
Scott noticed, but Scott saw it anyway. ―No, it‘s not that. Well, not
just that. You have great parents, Scott. Don‘t take them for
granted. Everything can fuck up just like that.‖ Jared snapped his
fingers loudly.

Scott tilted his head and scooted so close that Jared was almost in
his lap. He secretly wanted to run his fingers through the curly

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golden locks and soothe his friend‘s frustrations. He opted instead
for massaging his friend‘s shoulders.

―Come on, turn around. I‘ll give you a shoulder rub you‘ll never

Jared willingly turned around and sat as close as he could to his

Scott placed his large, strong hands on Jared‘s muscular shoulders
and began his therapy. After a few moments, Jared tilted his head
back, his hair nearly caught in Scott‘s fat fingers.

―Uhhh, that feels so good. You have such great hands, Scott. I
wanna tell you, tell you everything….‖

―Then come on, I‘m your friend, aren‘t I? I think of you as my best
friend! I‘ve never had a best friend before. I know. That‘s pretty
damn pathetic.‖

―Scott, stop it. You‘re my best friend too! All the others are mere
pretenders and psycho baseball groupies. They make me wanna

―Then tell me.‖

Jared sat quietly and finally peered into Scott‘s blue eyes. They
seemed to shimmer with the light pouring in from the window. Scott
felt his pulse pick up in tempo, just being this close to Jared. He
silently vowed to be there no matter what. Jared hesitated again
and bowed his head.

―I can‘t. I‘m sorry. Not yet. I will though, I promise you. Just, please,
keep being my friend, no matter what?‖

Scott opened his arms and hugged the teen warmly for nearly a full
minute. ―No matter what, Jared. I promise you.‖

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They held on for a few moments. Scott could smell the fragrant
blond locks near his nose. He didn‘t want to inhale the strands, so
he simply savored the fragrance that presented itself. Holding Jared
was quite another sensation. His tense, muscular body felt very
solid under his clothes. Scott wanted to smooth his hands all over
his friend‘s back, but was petrified of any possible recourse. In the
midst of this want to-be feel-up session, Margaret called back.

―Boys! Dinner‘s ready!‖

Scott pulled his face away so as not to deafen Jared.

―Be right there, Mom!‖ He swallowed in order to remoisten his very
dry mouth and turned his attention back to Jared. He looked into
his friend‘s eyes and smoothed his arms. ―Are you okay now? Can
you eat?‖

Jared nodded and smiled.

―I‘ll be okay, thanks, Scott. You‘re a very good guy. Don‘t become an

―Thanks. You‘re a good guy too. Come on, let‘s go eat, I‘m starving!‖
Scott stood up and took Jared‘s hand to help him to his feet. They
straightened out their clothing and walked side-by-side to the
dining room.

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Chapter Six

December 1st—the day of a pop quiz in class. Mrs. O‘Reilly was so
happy to test the class‘s knowledge, especially her favorite flunky,
Jared. Admittedly, there had been improvement. Jared‘s class
participation was up and the wisecracks had subsided. His
surrounding classmates didn‘t make it an easy transition, but they
finally gave in at his request.

Scott had watched Jared‘s progress from his station up front. He‘d
watch his friend carefully during class and anxiously waited to
grade his paper. The tutoring had helped. In one month‘s time,
Jared‘s failing grade had risen to a C+.

After class was always fun. Sometimes Jared would be besieged by
his jock buddies and leave Scott in the cold. Occasionally, Scott
would leave first due to some errand he had to run before class.
Usually, though, the two would leave together.

The only other party who was privy to their close friendship was the
team physician, Dr. Barry Foster. Scott sought him out at Jared‘s
pleading that he be examined medically. He finally did so in early
December, while there was a break in any sports action.

Scott walked up to the door and hesitated at first, but remembered
his promise. He finally turned the knob and walked in.

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―Can I help you?‖ The young woman at the desk asked politely.

―Yes, I‘m here to see Dr Foster. I‘m Scott Williams.‖

The young woman named Hannah smiled widely. ―Oh yes! We‘ve
been expecting you. Right this way.‖ She got up from her station
and after handing him generic forms and taking down his height
and weight, she led Scott back to the exam room. He took a seat on
the table. Hannah glanced at her watch.

―He should be right in, he‘s usually very prompt.‖

Scott smiled in appreciation. ―Thank you.‖

―You‘re welcome.‖ Hannah turned and closed the door behind her.
Scott looked around the room. It was very sterile, as all of these
rooms were, and a bit chilly. His eyes perused the various posters
on the wall. They were all sports-injury related in some way, mainly
focusing on the joints and spine. Scott took interest in the graphic
of the knee and hopped off the table to go examine it closer. There
was a knock at the door as Dr. Foster walked in.

―Scott, nice to meet you.‖

―Doctor. I need a general checkup.‖ The physician peered over his
half-frame glasses at the overweight teen.

―Yes, I would agree there. Have a seat, Scott.‖ The time passed
quickly as the Doctor checked his blood pressure, pulse, general
condition, but most of the conversation was about his weight. After
forty-five minutes, Scott was finally finished. He left with four pieces
of information on nutrition, diabetes, heart disease and obesity to
take with him. His father‘s insurance covered the visit, so he was
free to go.

Jared had waited in the locker room. Scott walked in and gave him
a full report.

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―Well, what‘d he say?‖

―He told me to lose forty pounds and to work on my diet. He also
wants blood work done, and to see me back in two weeks. He thinks
I may be a candidate for diabetes if I don‘t lose the weight soon.‖

Jared gasped. ―Well, we won‘t let that happen. That‘s a horrible
condition. Come on, it‘s late, we can work out at the gym if you‘d

Scott gave it some thought. ―How about we go eat first? I‘m

Jared sighed. ―Fine, as long as it‘s something healthy. We‘ll use that
new nutrition guide he gave you.‖

―Sounds good to me. Let‘s book.‖

The two teens walked out into the chilly air to Scott‘s car. His dad
usually didn‘t let him drive, but because he‘d be later today, he
allowed it. They took off into the darkness in search of a healthy

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Chapter Seven

As the year passed, the boys‘ friendship grew very strong. Just as
theirs had flourished, so had their mothers‘ friendship. Louise was
invited over several times for dinner and when she was able to, she

For Christmas that year, Margaret invited Jared and Louise to their
family table. They both happily accepted. There was no mention of
Mr. Adamson at all. Both kept very tight-lipped about him as much
as possible.

The mothers and teens exchanged gifts. Scott bought Jared a gift
card to buy music for his player. Jared bought Scott a new video
game. Louise bought some perfume for Margaret and a wallet for
Martin. They sat around the holiday table and gave thanks for the
wonderful company. Jared and Scott sat by the gas fireplace,
huddled together and chatted about people at school.

―Who‘s that girl I see you with all the time?‖ asked Scott.

―Oh, that‘s Kylie. She‘s a cheerleader and she‘s on the pep squad.
She‘s a trip.‖

―Have you guys been dating long?‖

―Oh, well, we‘re not really dating. She‘s more of a date buddy if ya
wanna call it that. What about you? I never see you with anyone.‖

Scott frowned. ―I guess I just exude something that keeps girls away
from me.‖

Jared brushed his arm. ―Oh well, maybe someday, maybe in

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―Hey, let‘s go check out that new video game you got me.‖

―Cool, I‘ll show ya where the secret levels are, I‘ve played it a lot

―Wicked, man. Let‘s go.‖

Wintertime brought not only the holidays, but lots of snow. There
was one storm in early January that dumped seven inches of snow
and kept both teens out of school for two entire days. They were
elated and couldn‘t wait to play in the snow. Scott, after a long
argument won his parents‘ permission to braved the semi-cleared
roads to pick up his friend. It was only two miles away and Martin
would ride along. Jared stood waiting out in front.

―Whoa… thanks man, you‘re a lifesaver! Hey, Mr. W! I didn‘t think it
was a good idea for you to drive out here, but I‘m very happy you
did! Mom went into work, I was pretty much alone.‖

Scott smiled briefly. ―It was well worth the risk. Come on, let‘s go
find the best hill to sled down.‖

Jared grinned widely, climbed into the back seat, shut the door and
pointed forward. ―Mush!‖

They arrived back at Scott‘s house and spent the next three hours
just playing in the snow. They both admitted to feeling like children
again. They could hear the screams and shouts of the other snow-
bound neighborhood brats, carried on the stillness of the outdoors.
The snow had calmed all other noises except the children.

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Scott and Jared built a colony of snowmen, with river rocks they
pilfered from the planting beds buttons and eyes. They made the
mouths out of small bits of mulch that weren‘t frozen solid to the
ground. There was also the inevitable snowball fight. It started out
innocently enough, as such things always do. Jared balled up some
snow and tossed it lightly in Scott‘s direction. It struck him right in
the arm.

―Ah! I see how ya are. Gotta keep that throwing arm in good shape,
huh? Well, two can play that game, bud!‖ Scott reciprocated rather

Jared grinned at his friend. ―Come on, Mr. Math whiz of the year,
let‘s see how perfectly round you can make those snowballs! Make
sure Mrs. O‘Reilly grades ‗em first!‖

Scott put his hands on his hips and stood stick-straight. ―I accept
your challenge, Mr. Next-to-be–math-whiz. Better watch your butt!‖
They laughed at the same time and quickly got to work building
their fortresses and stocking them with snowballs.

Jared started things off with a lob at Scott, which missed.

―Ha! Close one!‖ Scott teased.

Another snowball whizzed by him and passed within inches.

―Almost!‖ Jared announced.

―Oh yeah? We‘ll just see!‖ Scott chucked a large snowball in Jared‘s
direction and it landed right on his hip, exploding into a powdery
display. ―Ha! Gotcha!‖

Jared licked his lips. ―You‘re gonna get it now, buddy!‖ He threw
two at once and one smacked Scott right in the stomach as he
peered over his fortress.‖

―Oof! Nice arm!‖

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It was a loud battle; some of the neighborhood kids heard it and ran
over to watch and cheer on their favorite. In the end, Jared was the

Scott conceded defeat graciously. The crowd had cleared away and
they trudged indoors. Scott looked over one last time and reached
for Jared‘s hand.

―Good fight. That was a lot of fun!‖

―Yes it was, thank you for giving me a happy winter memory for
once.‖ Jared threw his arms around his friend and hugged him

Scott held on for as long as Jared wanted; he wouldn‘t pull away
first. They finally separated and saw their faces were very close.
Jared leaned in and rubbed his nose against Scott‘s.

―An Eskimo kiss?‖

Jared shrugged. ―Eh, ya looked cold. Your nose is bright red, man.
Come on, let‘s go get something hot to drink. I‘m sure your mom
has harvested some apples for cider by now or something.‖ The two
went inside. They walked side-by-side, almost hand-in-hand.

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Chapter Eight

Winter‘s fury was in full force. February had been an especially
difficult month for both teens. There was the sweetheart dance, and
the reminder that Scott was once again alone on Valentine‘s Day.
Jared introduced his date for the dance to Scott, the very thin
cheerleader named Kylie that Scott had seen and heard about.

―Nice to meet you, Scott.‖ Her nasally voice sent shivers down
Scott‘s spine, but he restrained his face as best he could.


Jared looked down at the young blonde. She batted her mascara-
thickened eyelashes at him and snuggled even closer.

―Aren‘t you going to the dance too?‖

Scott shook his head. ―No. No date, again. I guess I‘m not anyone‘s

Jared put a warm hand on his friend‘s shoulder. ―Don‘t worry dude,
you‘ll do just fine. These dances are just for the girls anyway. It‘s an
excuse to get their parents to shell out a lot of money on them.‖

Kylie jabbed Jared in the side and huffed dramatically. ―Whatever!
My Mom said my dress only cost $150. That‘s a freakin‘ bargain!‖
Scott and Jared exchanged a look.

―Only. My suit cost half that. But I‘m not getting my hair or nails
done like you are.‖

Kylie flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder. ―Well, gotta
look my best next to the hottest guy in school! You are such a cutie,
Jared. All the other girls are dying of jealousy!‖ Kylie eyed Jared‘s

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lips as she tried her best into tempting him to kiss her. He
restrained, but gave in to a slight peck.

Scott shifted his feet and looked away. ―Uh look, I gotta go. You two
have fun now.‖

Kylie didn‘t even look in Scott‘s direction. ―Oh we will. See ya,

Jared pulled away for a moment. ―See ya later, man. I‘ll call ya

―Oh. Well, have fun at the dance.‖

―I‘m not a big fan of these dances but li‘l blondie here is.‖

Kylie poked his side again. ―Jared Adamson! Don‘t call me li‘l
blondie, you smartass. Gotta go, come on.‖

Jared looked down at the girl‘s face but couldn‘t pull away from
Scott‘s. ―Hey, don‘t worry, there‘s always prom!‖

Scott rolled his eyes. ―Yeah, I‘m sure I‘ll find the right one in three
months time. See ya later.‖ He slowly walked away, and tried not to
look over his shoulder too much.

He rode the bus home alone that night. His dad wasn‘t home yet, so
he spoke to his mom.

―What is it, Scotty?‖

―Another year, another empty Valentine‘s Day. I miss the days when
it was required to give them out, like in grade school. All the girls
would give me at least two each! They loved my hair I guess.‖
Margaret twisted her lip. ―I still think you have your boyfriend right
in front of your face.‖

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Scott groaned and rolled his eyes. ―Mom, knock it off. Jared isn‘t
gay! I just met his girlfriend. He‘s going to that dance with her.
She‘s one of the prettiest girls in school! I just stood there looking
like an ass, and hiding my overwhelming jealousy. Especially when
he kissed her.‖

―He kissed her? What kind of kiss?‖

―I dunno, just a kiss. Like this.‖ He demonstrated on his hand.
Margaret chortled. ―That‘s hardly a kiss. That‘s something you say
hello to Grandma Peterson with. Too bad, you two aren‘t going
together. He‘d look very handsome on your arm, for sure. You‘d
wear that navy suit and fluff up your hair. Wear a boutonnière….‖


―I‘m sure Jared would look wonderfully handsome! I‘d take your
picture together and—―

―Mom! Stop conjuring these little scenarios. It just isn‘t real! Jared
is right now posing for a picture with Little Miss Mascara. They‘re
probably making out on the dance floor as we speak.‖

―I don‘t know, could be a cover. Some guys date girls just to
appease their families. I‘m glad you don‘t. You know who you are,
and we love you for it, don‘t ever fool yourself. Okay, enough
daydreams. However, I do know there‘s at least one major thing he
and Louise are covering up.‖

Scott agreed there. ―I know you‘re right on that one. I wish I knew
what it was, if I could help in some way. I guess if I could, he
would‘ve asked me to by now.‖

Margaret raised her hand. ―Not necessarily, my dear. Oftentimes it‘s
the ones that need the most help that never ever ask for it.‖

Scott cast her a studious look as he considered the statement. ―I
guess I‘ll just keep asking then. Maybe eventually, he‘ll break down

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and tell me everything. He wanted to tell me last Thanksgiving, but
he couldn‘t.‖

Margaret raised a brow. ―Huh, that‘s funny. Louise said the same
thing to me. I know there‘s something going on in that house. It‘s
too screwy. No remodeling project sounds like what they‘re talking,
or rather not talking, about.‖

―I agree.‖ Scott looked down at his watch. It was just after 6 o‘clock.
―Hey, since Dad‘s out of town and we‘re alone tonight, why don‘t we
just hang together, do something mother-son?‖

Margaret very dramatically put her hand to her forehead and
pretended to pass out.

Scott narrowed his eyes and playfully crossed his arms. ―Hysterical,

Margaret smiled and hugged her son. ―What‘d you have in mind?‖

―Well, the restaurants are packed for sure. Why not just grab a
burger here and then go to the mall or something? I need some new
clothes, these are feeling looser.‖

―Sounds good to me! Let‘s get some dinner. You want fries with

―Yeah, curly fries. Like Jared‘s hair.‖

Scott smiled at just the thought of his friend, but it quickly faded.

―Your time will come, my dear.‖

―I know. Come on, let‘s eat.‖

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Chapter 9

Springtime managed to fight its way through the cold, bleak winter
at last. It was finally March, and the warmer weather arrived just in
time for the start of baseball season.

Jared was once again the darling of the team. His curly blond hair
barely remained tucked under his black hat. His uniform had a
bright #14 emblazoned on the front, just under the team logo of a
medieval knight. Scott had always known he knew a school
celebrity. Any student walking down the hallway to look in the
trophy case would see Jared‘s face right away. He was a school
hero, and Scott felt like the little dog that would sometimes tag
along or be fed scraps from the table.

There were a few times when Scott would attend a baseball game to
see his friend in action.

―Hey bud! Glad you could make it!‖

Scott smiled. ―I‘ve never been to any of the games here before, so I
figured, what the hell?‖

Jared nodded. ―Cool, man.‖ He saw his coach waved him over their
way. ―Gotta run. Wish me luck!‖


Scott returned to the bleachers and sat down. He watched with
both wonderment and interest at everything Jared did. Every
movement and action the blond executed served only to deepen his
desires. If someone asked him what the score was, he had no idea.
His eyes were on his friend.

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Some of Jared‘s teammates huddled together and wondered whom
the ―big fat guy‖ was that was watching. Jared overheard and
marched over their way.

―Hey! That‘s my friend up there, my math tutor, remember? I
wouldn‘t even be here if it weren‘t for his help.‖ The other players
snickered even more. The catcher, a handsome young man named
Brett, started the teasing.

―You have a crush on him or something? You two are together an
awful lot!‖

Jared glared at the teen. ―I think you would be too if you had a lot
of trouble in math! Back off guys, he‘s my friend. Come on, we‘re up
next.‖ Jared looked over his shoulder and waved to Scott in the

Scott shyly waved back.

Scott had made progress with his weight loss efforts. He‘d lost
twenty pounds so far. Jared didn‘t notice right away because of the
bulky clothing that Scott always wore to the gym. Scott wanted it to
be a surprise for that summer.

April was a good month. The weather warmed up more and so did
the baseball season. Jared‘s team was in third place overall. Jared
called Scott his good luck charm. The luck continued in math class
too. Mrs. O‘Reilly had put together a lengthy exam to test each
student‘s progress so far. Scott aced it, of course. Jared got his
highest grade ever, a B. When the tests were being graded, Scott
finished grading Jared‘s paper and nearly stood up to exalt the
great achievement aloud. He wanted to run over and hug Jared in

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congratulations. Of course, this was all in Scott‘s head. He‘d never
do anything that bold.

May finally came. Mother‘s day was wonderful at the Williams‘
household. Scott put on his best suit for his mother. ―Mom, you‘re
the best, and I wanna thank you for everything.‖

Margaret choked back tears and hugged her son tightly. ―Oh, my
Scotty! You‘re the best kid ever! I love you so much.‖

Scott held back tears too, as they embraced. ―I love you too, Mom.
You‘ve been such a lifesaver to me. I know I‘m going off to college
soon, but trust me, I‘ll always need you.‖

Margaret burst into tears of joy and kissed her son‘s cheek. Martin
joined them in a group hug.

Jared called later that day and relayed what his Mother‘s Day was
like. He and Louise had gone out to her favorite bistro for lunch. He
said that they‘d had a long, good conversation about things. He
didn‘t really elaborate, continuing the long-hidden mystery between

Scott sat back at his computer and went invisible on his messenger.
He had given it some thought, and he knew he had to confront
Jared about the tremendous mystery that plagued his friend's life.

He minimized the window and looked carefully at his wallpaper
photo, a very large, centered head shot of Jared. He stared at the
photo for a moment and looked as deeply as he could into the
pixilated brown eyes on the screen. He tapped out an offline
message to Jared:

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―You don‘t look happy, Jared. What‘s this mystery you keep hiding
from me? Don‘t you trust me? I trust you with my life! You‘re so
damn perfect on the outside, but I think you‘re all screwed up on
the inside. It doesn‘t matter though. Every girl, heck, even guys
want you! What is going on in your world?‖

Scott hit return and sent the message off. He closed messenger and
once again looked at the photo. He reached toward the screen and
traced his finger along Jared‘s chiseled jaw line.

―You‘re so beautiful. I wish you were gay, so I could call you mine.‖
Scott leaned forward and pressed his lips against the screen, not
even realizing what he‘d done until he‘d done it. He quickly reached
for some alcohol wipes and cleaned off the screen before anyone
else could see what he‘d done. He looked over his shoulder one last
time, and shut off the computer for the night.

The next day, Jared asked him about the message.

―Hey man, what was up with that message?‖

―Oh, I guess I was feeling kinda weird. Ignore it.‖

―I don‘t wanna ignore it. You typed it for some reason.‖

Scott bristled. ―Just forget it! It was stupid. You‘ll tell me whenever
you figure out what the fuck you want and if you choose to trust

Jared backed away. ―Sorry man.‖

―So am I.‖

Scott backed up and took off down the hallway.

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Their birthdays arrived within days of each other. Both turned
eighteen; now they were able to vote and do other things Scott had
only dreamt about. They were both the guests of honor at a joint
party for one another. which was held at Scott‘s parents‘ house.
They had a wonderful time. Margaret couldn‘t believe her little boy
was now an adult. Louise bought her son an MP3 player and some
new clothes. Scott received a couple new video games and some
new clothes as well.

It was the end of their senior year, and prom season. Every girl,
especially Kylie, had been salivating after Jared and following him
around like a pack of hungry wolves. He seemed to love all of the
attention. He‘d put his arm on their shoulders and posed for
pictures with them. All of the cheerleaders would blow him kisses in
the hallway; he‘d simply smile and keep walking.

Scott became increasingly jealous of all the attention his friend
received. It never ceased to amaze him how the sports stars were
the celebrities and the academic stars were still outcasts. Scott saw
a poster for the dance in the hallway.

―Hey, Jared, who are you taking to the prom? It‘s the last dance of
your high school career.‖

Jared bowed his head. ―Actually, I‘m not going. I don‘t have anyone
to go with.‖

Scott scoffed. ―No one to go with? What‘s wrong, can‘t decide? What
happened to Kylie? Look at all the girls that practically throw
themselves at your feet! I‘m sure one of them, if not all, would love
to be your date!‖

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Jared heard the tone of jealousy in Scott‘s voice. He looked up into
his friend‘s eyes and tried to hold his gaze, but the teen looked
away. ―You‘re jealous? Aren‘t you?‖

Scott nodded. ―You have it all, but you don‘t seem to want any of it.
What‘s wrong with this picture? I‘m the big fat loser slob geek that
no one even looks at. What do I have?‖

Jared pulled his friend over to the side and looked deep into his
blue eyes. ―You listen to me. You have a family that loves you, you
have a brain that runs circles around everyone else‘s, and you have
a true heart.‖

Scott looked at Jared compassionately. ―What is it, Jared? What‘s
really wrong? Dammit! Why the fuck won‘t you tell me?‖

The teen‘s brown eyes watered up for a moment, but Jared
haughtily brushed it away. ―I‘ll tell you this weekend. Let‘s go
swimming at your place.‖

Scott shook his head in agreement, not taking his eyes off his
friend. ―Finally! I was going to invite you anyway, not that you need
an invitation. I think my mom‘s about ready to adopt you.‖

Jared clenched his fist and held it to his mouth. He fought tears. ―I
almost wish she could.‖

Scott was surprised. ―What?‖

Jared waved his friend away. ―Never mind. I‘ll see you later. Just
know that my life is so fucked up it‘s scary. Your message was dead

Scott pursed his lips.

Jared glanced at his watch. ―Later, Scott.‖ Jared walked away
quickly to the men‘s room.

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Scott stood and watched for a moment. He wondered what
revelation might be brought to life that weekend.

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Chapter Ten

The weekend finally arrived. It was the second full weekend of June;
a week since Scott had turned eighteen. He could remember the
party anytime he wanted now; he‘d received a set of inflatable sport
balls as a gift from his parents. Scott woke up early to check the
pool chemicals and eat early so he could dive in as soon as he

Margaret watched her son buzz around the kitchen. ―Jared coming
over again today, dear?‖

―Yes, that‘s cool isn‘t it? After a while I just assumed it was.‖

―Oh, honey, don‘t worry. We love Jared! He‘s a very sweet young
man who‘s well mannered and is nice to you. That‘s what counts in
a mother‘s code of ethics. Oh, are you going to wear those new
trunks you bought?‖

―Yes, but shhh, it‘s a surprise. I haven‘t let Jared see me in the gym
or the locker room. I wanted to see his reaction to the twenty
pounds I‘ve lost. Oh look! Here he is.‖

Jared got out of his mother‘s car and waved goodbye to her. He
walked in and hugged Scott and Margaret hello.

―How are you today, Jared?‖ Margaret asked in her usual chipper

―I‘m pretty good, Mrs. W. How are you?‖

―Oh, I‘m fine, thank you. Have you eaten today?‖

―Yeah, my mom and I just came from breakfast. I‘ve got about a half
hour yet until I can swim.‖

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Scott jumped in. ―Hey, let‘s check out that new level you showed me
last week.‖

Jared grinned widely. ―Let‘s go.‖

The two walked into the study and started the game. Jared
appeared to be a little too into the game. He seemed a bit
overzealous in fact when it came to the attack scenarios. Scott had
to stop him for a moment.

―Dude, stop! You‘ll break the controller!‖

Jared finally stopped and dropped the controller. Without a word,
he glanced at the clock. He got up suddenly and bolted for the pool.
Scott quickly got up and followed.

―I‘ll meet you out there,‖ Jared said over his shoulder.

―Fine, I have to go change. See you in five.‖


The last sound Scott heard was the patio door opening quickly and
being closed a bit loud. Five minutes later, Scott came out from
around the corner and looked at his Mom curiously.

―What the hell was that?‖

―I don‘t know, dear. It‘s clear something‘s bothering him. Go help

―I will, Mom.‖

Scott walked out to the pool and saw Jared sitting on the far side in
the shallow end.


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The teen was a bit surprised, and appeared to be wiping his eyes.
Scott walked closer to his friend. ―Hey, I have something to show

Jared raised an eyebrow. ―Oh? What might that be?‖

―Turn around, and I‘ll tell you when to look.‖

Jared obeyed and turned around.

Scott stripped off his blue robe to reveal his new trunks; a long
knee-grazing pair of lime green swim shorts. They sat a bit closer to
his body with the weight loss. He climbed into the pool alongside
his friend. ―Okay, you can look now.‖

Jared turned and grinned widely when he saw the bright lime
shorts. ―Wicked man! How much weight did you lose? They are so
bright! Good job! I told you it‘d all be worth it. Didn‘t I?‖

Scott nodded. ―I lost twenty whole pounds! You were so right. I wish
now I hadn‘t waited so long. I only hope I don‘t gain any of it back.‖

―I won‘t let you. You‘re on the right path now, time to stay there.‖
Scott belly-laughed. ―Are you gonna be my drill sergeant all summer
long? Make sure I work out?‖

Jared eyed his friend closely. ―If that‘s what it takes.‖

A stare passed between the two and they smiled at each other.
Jared reached out with trepidation for a hug. Scott took the bait
and hugged his friend warmly. They separated after a long
moment. Scott had to get at the root cause of Jared‘s mystery. He‗d
sensed Jared‘s tension and had seen the teen‘s tears. He reached
for his friend‘s tan arm.

―Jared, please. Tell me what‘s really going on. We‘ve known each
other for months now, surely you trust me. I trust you! I need to
know what‘s going on. You‘re so evasive.‖

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Jared bowed his head for a moment and turned his back to Scott.
He sighed loudly and looked into Scott‘s sincere face. ―Okay, okay.
See the bruises?‖

Scott‘s blue eyes focused on the two large bruises that were near
Jared‘s spine. Scott reached out to touch them with his finger, but
Jared pulled away.

―Don‘t. Please. They hurt a lot.‖

Scott turned Jared to face him. ―Who did this to you? You have to
tell me.‖

―I can‘t… it‘ll just keep happening. Nothing will ever change for me.‖

―You don‘t know that if you don‘t tell me. We can help you! Jared…
it‘s your father, isn‘t it?‖

The curly-haired lad looked away and shut his eyes. He finally
nodded. ―I fuckin‘ hate him so much. I‘ve told him to his face I hate

Scott gasped. He reached out and tried to hold his friend, but Jared
pulled away.

―Stay away. Don‘t get involved, Scott. He‘s pure evil. He‘ll come after
you too, and your family!‖

―I‘ll kick his ass if he comes near my family!‖ Scott boasted
valiantly. ―Why does he beat you up? Is he hooked on alcohol?

Jared shook his head. ―I‘ve said too much already. It won‘t help
anyway. We‘re screwed. Look, I came here to swim and forget. Can
we just get on with it? I just wanted to have a quick swim over here
before graduation tonight, alright?‖ Jared pushed himself away
from the shallow end and quickly swam to the opposite end of the

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Scott tried to catch up, but stayed back. They hung out together for
only two hours before Jared requested a ride home.

The ride was silent. Jared wordlessly left the car and ran into his
house. Scott drove home, upset and confused.

Margaret questioned Scott upon his return. ―What is it, honey? You
two were awfully quiet.‖

―I know. He has a lot on his mind. An awful lot.‖

―I guess so, what‘s with those nasty bruises on his back. How‘d he
get those?‖

Scott took a deep breath. He could reveal the terrible secret, or keep
it hidden a bit longer. He didn‘t want to rat out his friend, so he
decided on a cover story. ―Baseball. Some hitter got a little
overzealous and batted a couple into his back. He‘ll be alright.‖

Margaret curled her lip. ―Baseball, huh? I thought the season was
long since over. Besides, you‘d think they‘d be round, not oblong
like that. Almost looks like a fist.‖

Scott stumbled. ―Uh… maybe it was football, I don‘t remember.‖

Margaret frowned. ―Hmmm, one would think they‘d remember
something like that. They look painful.‖

Scott shut his eyes and turned away from his mother. ―Can we
please just drop it? I can‘t tell you about it… I swore I wouldn‘t.‖


―No. He‘s my best friend, Mom! He‘s my only friend, ever! I‘m even
close to telling him I‘m gay, that‘s how much I trust him. Don‘t
make me rat him out.‖

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Margaret sighed. ―Okay, but just for now. If I see Louise, I‘m asking.
This charade needs to end! Go get ready for dinner and then get in
that cap and gown!‖

―I will. Where‘s Dad?‖

―His flight landed a half hour ago, he should be here soon. Oh! Here
he is!‖ Martin wearily walked inside. Scott embraced his father
warmly, and kissed his cheek. A very surprised Martin held his son
close and patted his back.

―Thank you son! That‘s quite a welcome home! What‘s all this

―I‘m just really glad you‘re my dad. Come on, I‘ll take your luggage.‖

Martin shrugged as he walked past his wife and kissed her hello.

Graduation night went off without a hitch. Jared silently accepted
his diploma to the cheers of his fans. Scott, in full honors gold
tassels, etc., accepted his to the cheers of his parents. Jared looked
back and smiled at him.

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Chapter Eleven

The next day Jared was back over at the Williams‘ house. He
seemed to be in a far better mood.

Scott greeted him at the door, and hugged him once again.

―I was worried about you last night, you bolted from the graduation
party. Did anything happen?‖

Jared looked perplexed. ―What? Oh no. Nothing at all. It was a nice,
quiet night. Ready to go swimming? I really liked those new trunks
of yours!‖

Scott grinned, happy with the complement, but concerned with the
sudden change in attitude.

―Thanks, I picked them out myself. For once, I had to get a smaller
size. Now I‘m down to extra-large.‖

―I think I need a new pair myself. I‘ve lost a little weight myself
lately. These are a bit loose.‖ Jared held out the side about an inch
and a half.

Scott noticed how visible the teen‘s ribs had become. ―Holy shit!
Have you been eating at all? You‘re so thin! I didn‘t get to notice
yesterday, you kept swimming away from me.‖

Jared noticed a tinge of hurt in his friend‘s voice and hugged him. ―I
won‘t do that again, I promise. Let‘s play a game in the pool, do you
have a net?‖

Scott brightened. ―Yeah, we have those sports balls too. I love

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―Awesome! Let‘s get in and start playing. Hey, where are your

―Oh, they went out to Sunday brunch. They love doing that.‖

―When will they be back?‖

Scott glanced at his watch. ―Oh, not for a couple hours yet. They
really take their time.‖

Jared smiled warmly at his friend. ―Good. More time to play. Just
the two of us.‖

Scott noted a playful glint in Jared‘s eyes. It was good to see it

They both hurried inside and changed into their trunks. The day
heated up in a hurry; it was 83 degrees at 11 am. Scott slathered
on his SPF 30 waterproof sunscreen and hopped into the pool.
Jared had already jumped in, anxious to drown his sorrows.

Scott swam over and tapped his friend‘s shoulder. ―You appear to
be in a far better mood today. You have that mischievous look in
your eyes once again.‖

Jared smiled at his friend; their faces were mere inches away. ―I am
much better, thank you. You care so much, Scott. You actually give
a shit about me. You always ask me how I am and you even
actually notice when something‘s wrong. I didn‘t think many guys
had that kind of intuition.‖

Scott blushed in embarrassment. ―Thank you. I… gotta be honest. I
didn‘t know what to expect when we were paired together. You‘re a
school celebrity, and I‘m just a wallflower at best. So, you know I
care. Do you trust me enough now to tell me the true story of what
the hell‘s going on?‖

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Jared swallowed hard and forced a laugh. ―Okay, here goes. It all
has to do with my father, Douglas Adamson, the asshole.‖

Scott laid his fat hand on Jared‘s sculpted shoulder. ―Does he hit
you a lot?‖

Jared bowed his head for a moment. ―Hit, yell, throw things, hits
my mom, slaps me, and punches. You name it.‖

Scott was flabbergasted! ―Holy shit! Have the police been called?‖
Jared looked away but Scott pulled the teen‘s shoulders around to
face his blue eyes.

―Jared, please tell me. Have they been called?‖

―Oh yeah, a couple of times. But I‘m eighteen I‘m and an adult now.
The most they‘ve done is throw him in jail for a night, he posts bail
and it happens all over again. He has those damn cops in his back
pocket. Look, as long as I keep doing well in baseball, he won‘t kill
me.‖ Jared‘s brown eyes filled with water again.

Scott noticed and took the teen‘s hand.

Jared smiled at his friend and continued. ―I might as well tell you
everything while we‘re talking. I fuckin‘ hate baseball! I‘ve had it!
The guys are lewd and crass, the girls throw themselves at me… I
don‘t even want them! I don‘t even like those girls!‖

Scott‘s eyes grew wide. ―You don‘t?‖

―No.‖ Jared looked into Scott‘s eyes. ―Scott, I need to ask you
something, personal.‖


―My teammates think you are too….‖

―That I‘m what… do you mean…?‖

―A guy who likes guys? I mean, it‘d be terrific if you were too….‖

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―Too? What? Y-You‘re…‖

―Yes! I‘m gay! Surprised?‖

―Blown away! To answer your question, yeah I‘m gay too! Holy cow!
What about all those girls who swarm around you? What about

―I like them a lot, but not like that. We‘re all just friends. I think
some of them are trying to convert me. Especially Kylie.‖

―So that dance date was a friendship only thing? Damn! What about
your teammates, do they know?‖

―Only one guy and he'll graduate next year, luckily. I‘m sick of him
being on the team with me. He‘s a lousy player anyway!‖

―Which one?‖

―Brett, the catcher. We dated for a little while. He‘s a complete dick,
very controlling. Nice first boyfriend.‖

Scott scooted closer. ―You didn‘t sleep together, did you?‖

―No, I fought him off like crazy, but I couldn‘t do it. It has to be
someone I love.‖

―Wow, holy crap! You‘re gay! I seriously never ever would‘ve
guessed. My mom did, when you met her.‖


―Yeah! I said there was no way. I thought you were making the
moves on her!‖

Jared laughed. ―What‘d she say?‖

―She said we‘d make a cute couple. To answer your question… your
friends are right. I‘m gay too.‖

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Jared smiled brightly and looked into Scott‘s eyes. They were so
close, their breathing synchronized. ―I hoped so from the beginning.
Do you think we would make a cute couple?‖

―I think so. I‘ve never dated anyone in my life.‖

Jared‘s eyes grew wide. ―No one? Ever? Never even been kissed?‖

Scott frowned and rolled his eyes. ―Well, now how the hell could I
have been kissed without a date first?‖

Jared laughed and splashed some water on Scott‘s arm. ―Doofus!
Duh! It can happen outside of a date ya know.‖

―Really?‖ Scott queried innocently.

―Yes, really.‖ Jared‘s brown eyes gleamed, as he looked his best
friend in the eye.

Scott was usually so shy, but right now, he held his head up and
looked back confidently.

Jared stopped right in front of Scott and hugged him. He could
smell the rose conditioner that radiated from the teen‘s hair. He
smoothed his fingers over the pale, chubby, beardless face. Jared
pulled back and wetted his rosy lips.

―Want me to show you?‖

―You mean, kissing? Now? In the pool?‖

―What better place? There‘s no one else around. It‘s calm and
sunny. I‘m about as horny as a toad right now….‖

Scott smiled but backed away out of nervousness. ―Uh, dude. We‘re
not gonna do that in the pool, in full view, are we?‖

―Do what? Fuck? Blow job? Scott, please. Gimme some credit for
keeping my hormones in check this long around you.‖

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Scott scoffed. ―I guess I just don‘t see what you see.‖

Jared softly grasped Scott‘s face and moved in to kiss Scott‘s round,
full lips. ―Oh, you will. Come on. Close your eyes. You‘re supposed
to when you kiss someone.‖


Jared paused. ―I don‘t know. It‘s just part of the rules. Shut those
amazing eyes of yours. I swear to you, this won‘t hurt a bit.‖

―Scout‘s honor?‖ Scott nervously jibed.

―Scout‘s honor. Remember our Eskimo kiss? Move a bit further
south.‖ Jared put his arms around Scott‘s neck and crossed his
fingers. He playfully kissed Scott‘s nose at first and then his cheeks.

Scott was obedient and kept his eyes shut the entire time. ―So,
when do you actually….‖

Jared covered Scott‘s open mouth with his. They breathed in deeply
and pressed their chests together in the water. With Jared
coaching, Scott tilted his head to the side so they‘d match up even
more perfectly. He felt his nerves melt away the longer their lips
met. They finally pulled away, some saliva still on each teen‘s

Jared licked it away and winked at Scott. ―Well? What‘d you

Scott wiped his mouth off and smiled. He pulled Jared closer. ―Do
you always kiss like that? That… moist?‖

Jared grinned and hugged his friend. ―Oh, it gets way wetter than
that my friend. I‘d be happy to show you when you‘re ready for

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Scott smiled devilishly. ―I‘ll definitely let you know when I‘m ready
for more of that. Damn, you are one hot guy. I got an erection the
day I saw you, but I couldn‘t admit it.‖

―You did? Really?‖ Jared asked.

―Oh yeah! Come on, sitting in class that close to you, a being able to
gawk at you from my desk. That desk hid me perfectly. That was too
awesome. Mrs. O‘Reilly didn‘t suspect a thing, the old crow.‖

Jared laughed and kissed Scott again. The kiss was softer and drier
this time, but his hands intertwined in Scott‘s mass of wet, wavy

―When were you attracted to me?‖ Scott asked.

―I‘d say, the day we were first in class. I walked in and saw you at
the front desk. Your hair really got my attention. I wish I could‘ve
seen your eyes and your lips more, though. You really are a good-
looking guy!‖

Scott smiled and with a rush of passion mixed with adrenaline, ran
his hands over Jared‘s chest. ―I think you‘re incredible, Jared. Slop
me some more of those wet kisses.‖

Jared grinned widely. They swam back to the shallow end and sat
down on the integrated seat. ―We should probably be in the hot tub,
I feel like I could ya know...‖

Scott nodded. ―I know what you mean; I think I already did a little
bit. I came the first day I saw you, Jared.‖

They kissed again a few more times and leaned back to talk more.
Scott smoothed his hand over his friend‘s arm. ―I always kind of
thought you lost a dare or a bet or something. Usually guys like you
made fun of me, ignored me, sneered at me, and tried to push me or
get into a fight with me or something. I had no idea that people
could act any differently.‖

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Jared tilted Scott‘s face down to his gaze and held his arms. ―Scott,
I swear to you, I lost no bet. No one dared me. What I feel for you is
one hundred percent genuine friendship and nothing less. You‘re
funny, nice, and smart as a whip. I never ever would‘ve passed that
math class if it weren‘t for you. That old warden did me a huge

Scott let out a breath and relaxed. ―I‘ve been called nasty names all
my life by other boys and even some girls.‖

―I never have, have I?‖

The blue-eyed boy shook his head. ―No, I took over that job.‖

Jared smiled and tried to cheer up his friend. ―No one will make fun
of you anymore, you‘ve dropped twenty pounds so far. You can kick
their asses!‖

Scott smiled and shyly put his hands at his sides. ―See, it‘s like
you‘re my cheerleader.‖

Jared winked at him. ―Want to know a secret? That‘s what I wanted
to do.‖

―For real?‖

―Yes, but ‗ol daddy woulda beat the crap outta me if I did. In
addition, being gay doesn‘t help at all. I don‘t even want to play
baseball anymore… at least not for four more years.‖

―Can‘t you stop when you‘re in college?‖

―Nope, it would void the scholarship. How the hell else could I get
into that school?‖

―Go to school out of state. Maybe he won‘t visit?‖

Jared looked away. ―Oh he will. I‘ll never be free of him until he‘s
dead. Besides, I‘d miss my best friend too much.‖

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Scott smiled. ―I‘d miss you too. We made a deep connection. I came
out to you!‖ He inched closer to the teen, taking in his very
attractive exterior. His wet blond hair was matted down on his tan
neck; his brown eyes glistened with the sunny day. Scott could
smell just a hint of the cologne his friend always wore. He found
himself becoming more and more attracted to the teen by the
moment. ―Were there any others you dated?‖

Jared took in the sight of his friend within inches of his face and
loved it. He stroked the teen‘s thick, wavy hair and brushed his
large arm. ―Just Brett. I‘m still a virgin.‖

Scott was surprised, yet pleased. ―Wow… I thought I was the last
virgin at school. How about that.‖ Scott let his sentence float away
on the water, as he got lost in Jared‘s eyes. They put their arms
around each other and Jared put his hand on Scott‘s neck to
position his face to kiss him. They moved their faces in and kissed
even more. The kisses were moist, and grew even more so. Scott
hugged his friend, being careful to avoid the bruises. Jared ran his
fingers through his friend‘s thick tumult of hair and lingered there
for a moment. He could smell the teen‘s aftershave mixed with the
aroma of chlorine in the water.

―You smell so good, Scott. Even with the chemicals here. Your hair
is intoxicating.‖ Scott felt their legs intertwine as Jared‘s tan leg
slipped under his hefty, hairy one. Their faces were separated by
mere millimeters and their eyes locked. They began running their
hands over each other‘s bodies, taking in each other‘s skin
sensations and smells.

Jared began fingering at Scott‘s waistband. ―Let me see you, all of
you. I want to see your full weight loss.‖

Scott smiled but had to pull away. ―You can see the weight loss with
them on. I-I think we need to stop; I need some water…,‖ Scott

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uttered in a happy tone. ―I think we need to cool off a bit. I‘ll go get
us some water.‖

Jared reluctantly let go of the brunette as he left for a few moments.

Scott looked out the kitchen window and kept a close eye on his
friend. He wondered if they were they just friends now or something
much deeper?

A few moments later, Scott opened the patio door again and stopped
dead in his tracks.

―Jared! My goodness!‖

Jared looked over his shoulder and smiled. He‘d laid himself out on
his stomach, but minus the swim trunks. ―Your kisses made me
hot. I had to shed the only thing I had.‖

Scott kept looking Jared up and down and took in the nude figure
before him. Jared changed to lying on his side. He stroked his chest
and licked his lips. ―I‘m not making you uncomfortable am I?‖

Scott swallowed hard and forced a laugh. He unconsciously grabbed
his crotch and tried to keep from making a wet scene. ―Shit, are you
kidding me? Look at you. You‘re a Greek god! I only wish I could
look like you. Maybe someday. Uh, aren‘t you a bit afraid someone
will see?‖

Jared stood up and walked over to his friend. He reached out for
the water cup and drank it down. He quickly replaced the cup on
the tray. ―Who cares? All they‘ll see are two awesome-looking guys
kissing. If anything it‘ll get the kids talking.‖

Scott smiled and tried to refrain from looking down too much. He
wanted badly to lean in and cover the lean body with kisses. Scott
gulped down his water and set the tray down on the nearby table.
He held Jared close, trying not to give in to his overwhelming urge
to take the teen right there.

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―Damn, you feel so good. Very smooth skin. Where was I? Oh, yeah.
Jared, are we more than just friends now? I mean… what are we?‖

Jared took his friend‘s hand and kissed it again. ―I know what I
want us to be. Scott, would you go out with me?‖

The teen was shocked. ―Y-You want to date me? I‘m shocked and
flattered but I‘m not handsome enough to be seen with you outside
this house.‖

―Yes you are!‖

―Get real, Jared. I need more work.‖

―Then let me help you, please. I owe you for saving my ass from
Mrs. O‘Reilly.‖

I’d save that ass from anything. Scott saw how sincere the teen was
and he felt moved. Still, he was skeptical. ―I know these feelings
between us are real. Trust me, I want to explore them. I want to say
‗yes‘ more than anything. Trust me. But please, only once I look a
little better, okay?‖

Jared smiled. ―Okay.‖ He brushed Scott‘s wavy hair from his eyes.
―You know, beauty is only skin deep. Your truest beauty is on the
inside. You‘re a good man, Scott. I wish more people would look for
that instead of just the outside.‖

Scott smiled shyly. ―But some of us have a really hot outside. Like

The blond grinned back at his friend. ―Thank you. You‘ll have a hot
outside too, yours is just in your transition.‖

Scott‘s fears still plagued him. ―Tell me, truthfully. You wouldn‘t
have asked me if I were still really big, would you?‖

―Yes I would!‖ Jared rebuked.

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―Come on….‖

The blond rolled his eyes and grasped his friend‘s hands. ―Scott, I
care about you. I want to go out with you and have you by my side.
I swear on a stack of bibles I‘m being honest!‖

Scott hugged his friend. ―Sorry. Damn this low self-esteem curse.
Losing a little weight has helped though.‖

―I‘ll still help you every step of the way.‖

Scott brushed his fingers along Jared‘s tan arms and held him
close. ―You‘re a beautiful soul, Jared Adamson.‖

―Thank you, Scott Williams. Hey, ya wanna do something daring?‖

Scott hesitated. He knew how wild and crazy Jared could be. ―What
did you want to do?‖

Jared slid back into the pool. He beckoned to Scott. ―Join me, it‘s so
invigorating! Just to swim and not be inhibited by anything. Come
on. Let‘s keep kissing; you‘re getting quite adept at that.‖

Scott looked around like a jittery cat. He finally looked into Jared‘s
eyes and couldn‘t deny that he wanted the young man. He finally
waded into the pool and slowly pulled off his trunks as well. They
joined Jared‘s on the side. He covered himself underwater and tried
to acclimate to the new sensation. ―This feels so weird. It‘s like a
really huge bath tub, but no bubbles.‖

Jared grinned at the sight of his nude friend and took his hand.
―You look terrific, trust me. Do you like bubble baths? My mom
sure does.‖

―I do like them, they calm me as well. My mom gets me those little
oil beads; my skin is kind of dry.‖

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Jared signaled for Scott to shush as he swam inside his friend‘s
large arms. ―Those lips are best used for something else at the

Scott smiled and held Jared softly. Their lips met repeatedly.
Jared‘s hands canvassed Scott‘s back and arms, but stayed away
from anywhere else. Scott returned the respect, despite his desire.
They turned away from the doors and entwined their legs together
as they had before and continued kissing.

Suddenly, there was another voice at the poolside.

―Scott Garrett Williams, get out of the pool right now!‖

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Chapter Twelve

Scott and Jared froze mid-kiss. Martin stood at the edge of the pool
with his arms crossed tightly. Scott tried to meet his father‘s gaze.

―Get out of the pool, Scott. Right now!‖

Both teens reached over and quickly grabbed their swim trunks,
sliding them on while in the water. Scott climbed out and faced his

Jared‘s face was pale as a sheet. ―Please don‘t hurt him, Mr.
Williams! It was my fault and suggestion. Don‘t blame your son for
my mistake!‖

Martin sported a puzzled look. He put his hand on his son‘s arm

―I would never hurt my son, Jared. I just wanted to warn him that
I‘d shocked the pool with chlorine and didn‘t want him or you to be
injured by it.‖

Jared bowed his head in embarrassment. ―Oh. Well, thank you. We
were going to get out soon anyway.‖

Scott walked over and helped his friend out of the pool.

Jared had a difficult time meeting Martin‘s eyes.

―What‘s really going on in your life, Jared?‖

Scott held back his dad. ―Dad, please. I already know what‘s going
on. Jared, do you mind if I tell him?‖

The teen shrugged and ran his hands through his blond hair. ―I
guess we can‘t hide the truth anymore from anyone. I‘ll tell him. Mr.

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W, I‘ve been hiding a terrible secret. It all has to do with my father
and alcohol.‖ Jared suddenly rubbed his arms as if he were cold.

Scott encircled him in his large, pale arms. ―Is that better?‖

Jared nodded. ―Yes. Just talking about it gives me a chill down my
spine. He‘s such an asshole! Oh, sorry for the language, Mr. W.‖

Martin shook his head. ―Hey, if the shoe fits. How long has he been
doing these hideous things to you? Is your mother involved too?‖

Scott held Jared tighter as he took a breath.

―I have a hard time talking about it. Scott saw what he did to me
last time, the bruises near my spine. Those were from his fists!‖

Martin hugged Jared. He‘d grown to love the teen as a surrogate
son. ―We won‘t let him get away with it. There must be something
we can do!‖

Jared shrugged. ―I dunno what. He has the police in his back
pocket and my mother too. He‘s hit her also. Not nearly as much as
me though.‖

―He doesn‘t hit you because you‘re gay, does he?‖ Scott interjected.

―No, he doesn‘t even know that. Why do you think I‘m with the little
ditsy girls at school? That‘s what he wants me to date. Sorry, I like
guys, not girls!‖ Jared caught his breath and finally calmed a bit.

He glanced up at Martin. ―Hey, do you mind, what time is it?‖
Martin looked at his watch. ―It‘s, just past 1. Have you two ever
eaten yet?‖

Jared gasped loudly and his body entire body shook.

Scott had never seen him so petrified! ―Jared, what is it?‖

―Shit! My dad‘s gonna kill me! I have to call him by 1 o'clock today
or he‘ll get extremely pissed off. I need to call him immediately!‖

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Martin opened the door for them. ―Here, use the kitchen phone.
Hey, calm down. Maybe today‘s a good day for him.‖

Martin left the two teens alone and walked back to the bedroom.

Jared scoffed. ―You guys don‘t know him like I do; he‘ll be furious.
I‘d better dial, or the fucking prick of the century will be all furious
with his little goldilocks boy.‖

Jared called his father who, as predicted, was livid. The teen was
able to negotiate staying until 2 o'clock, since it was after 1 o'clock

―That was a close one.‖ Scott noted.

Jared nodded, holding back tears. ―He was furious. Cusses like a
damn sailor at me and my mom. I‘m glad my mom is divorcing him.
He isn‘t making it easy though; he‘s been dragging it out for over a
year now.‖

Scott grew outwardly concerned. They were much closer than mere
classmates were. He put his pale hand on the blonds‘ face and
kissed him quickly.

―Jared, please, if things get too violent, call me. I‘ll have you stay
here with us. We need to tell my parents everything. Come on, my
Dad wants to help, so does my Mom!‖

Jared wagged his head. ―No, please don‘t tell them anything more.
They can‘t help me. He‘d only come after them too.‖

Scott took his friend‘s hands. ―They care about you and they can
help you; just give them a chance! Please Jared… you‘re very dear
to all of us.‖

Jared hugged Scott tightly. ―Thank you, Scott, for being my

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Scott kissed him softly. ―I‘ll never let anyone hurt you on my

The teens quickly ate lunch and huddled close together until Mr.
Adamson came to pick Jared up. Scott walked out with Jared to the
car. He caught a view of his father at last.

Douglas ―Doug‖ Adamson was a large man, about six foot two and
three hundred pounds. He had brown, straggly hair with a full
beard. He looked very unkempt and dirty. The teens gave each other
a concerned glance. Doug pulled up and leaned on the horn.

―Get your ass out here, Jared!‖

―I gotta go. He‘s very angry.‖

Scott pleaded with his friend. ―Don‘t go, please. We‘ll talk to him,
my parents can help, they‘ll talk….‖

―There‘s no talking to him, trust me.‖

A flash of light caught the teen‘s eyes as they saw Doug take a
sizeable swig from his flask.

Jared groaned. ―Shit. He‘s buzzed already.‖

―Don‘t go with him.‖

―I have to, I‘ll be ok, I just need to go.‖


―I‘d kiss you goodbye, but I can‘t. I‘ll message you later.‖

―Please be careful.‖

―I will. I feel braver today, because of you.‖

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Doug‘s patience had worn thin. ―Jared, get your fat blond ass in
this car right now! So help me boy….‖

Jared rolled his eyes and walked over to the car. It was a pure rust
bucket. The muffler hung from the back end. ―I‘m here, I‘m here.
Let‘s go.‖ Scott watched as Jared climbed into the car and slammed
the door shut. They peeled out of the driveway.

Scott waited up for a long time, with his instant message indicator
on full volume. It was 11 pm and still nothing from Jared. He‘d
been frantic all evening. Finally, at 11:15, Scott lay down, but was
too tense to relax. His parents had gone to bed an hour ago. He
kept playing the last conversation over and over in his mind. Scott
felt physically sick with worry and got up to get an antacid. He lay
back down and finally fell asleep.

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Chapter Thirteen

11:30 at night, the phone rang. It awoke everyone, especially Scott,
who cursed himself for catnapping. Margaret ran to the kitchen and
answered the phone quickly.

―Hello? Well, yes of course! Why? What‘s happened?‖

Margaret took notes as she listened intently to the caller. She finally
hung up.

Scott had heard the conversation from around the corner. ―Mom,
who was it?‖

―It was Louise, she‘s bringing Jared over.‖

Scott felt his stomach tighten immediately. ―Something‘s happened.
I just know it!‖

―Scott, you know something‘s going on over there, don‘t you?‖

Scott‘s mind went into overdrive. He recalled vividly the memories of
Jared‘s earlier discussion regarding his father. He remembered the
way that he pulled away so quickly from the driveway, yelling at his
son. Scott remembered vowing to be Jared‘s protector against the
evil man; and that if he would be needed, he would be there for

―I knew it… I knew it!‖ Scott recounted.

Margaret approached her son and took his arm. ―What is it Scott?‖
She looked into his worried blue eyes. She could tell something was
horribly wrong.

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Scott finally caved and told her everything. ―Mom, his dad is an
alcoholic and hits him and his mom all the time! He was furious
with Jared earlier for not calling at 1!‖

Margaret was frantic. ―Should we call the police?‖

Scott wagged his head. ―It won‘t help much, even if Jared pressed
charges. The most they do is put him in jail for the night. Mrs.
Adamson tried to get a restraining order but the cops didn‘t believe
her. Most of the time he‘s out on bail the next morning. Things will
be okay for a long while; but then one little slip and it‘s back to
beating them!‖

Martin came out from the hallway and around the corner into the
kitchen. ―Margaret, Scott, what‘s all the ruckus? It‘s nearly

Margaret walked over to her husband and took his hand. ―Dear,
we‘re having a guest for a while, it‘s Jared.‖

Martin and Scott exchanged a look.

Scott replied to his mother‘s question in an anguished tone. ―I was
gonna tell you this afternoon. Both of you. Dad, you already heard
it, from Jared‘s own lips. Mom, Jared‘s dad beats him up! Louise
even gets hit, but he takes the brunt of it.‖ The teen fought his
tears, but they won out. He felt immense guilt and partial
responsibility. ―I should have known! He told me how pissed his
father was; I vowed to protect him. This is my fault!‖

Margaret saw her son crying and held him close. She kissed his
hair and soothed his back.

Martin also came over and comforted his son.

Margaret whispered in his ear. ―Shhh, honey, you couldn‘t have
gone home with him; you‘d have been in danger too. You are here
for him now; that‘s what counts.‖

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Scott raised his head and dried his face; his mother kissed him
again. ―Thanks Mom.‖

Martin heard a car pull up. ―Our guest is here.‖

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Chapter Fourteen

Louise pulled up, with Jared in the front seat. He didn‘t try to open
the door. All three of the Williams‘ walked outside and squinted in
the dim moonlight. Scott‘s eyes finally adjusted and he saw the
teen‘s condition and gasped aloud. Martin was astounded. ―That
bastard! How could he do that?‖

Margaret felt her maternal instinct kick in. ―That poor boy! Poor

Scott was beside himself; he hurried to the car and saw his dad
unload two suitcases from the trunk.

―I‘ve got this, son. Try to bring him inside to your room.‖

Margaret got a hold of her emotions and approached the flustered
mother. ―Louise, my goodness! Has he been to the hospital?‖

Louise glanced into her eyes. ―We just came from there. I‘ll brief you
on everything, if I can think straight!‖

Margaret ushered her inside quickly. Martin had the luggage out of
the trunk and carried it up the walkway. It was finally just Scott
and Jared.

Scott approached the car quickly and felt as if his heart would
pound out of his chest. He tried not to let the severity of the wounds
get to him emotionally. His clothes had caught the drops of spilled
blood, which had ruined the shirt. Tears welled in his eyes as he
saw the blood beneath the bandages.

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―Jared! This is my fault; I couldn‘t protect you like I wanted to….‖
Scott couldn‘t camouflage his emotions; more tears escaped.

Jared reached up with his good arm and brushed his friend‘s face
gently. ―This wasn‘t your fault, Scott. He‘s the asshole. Hate him
and not yourself. Please, let‘s just go inside.‖

―Of course, come on. I‘m carrying you.‖

Scott wiped his eyes and kissed his friend‘s bandaged forehead.
Jared held his arms out for a long hug after which Scott carefully
plucked the blond from the passenger seat. He was extra cautious
that neither of them hit their heads. Once they‘d cleared the car, he
lifted the teen off the ground and into his strong arms. He kissed
the matted blond hair on the teen‘s forehead again.

―Carrying me over the threshold?‖ Jared joked.

Scott kissed him. ―In my dreams I do.‖

Jared wrapped his arms tighter around his friend as he was carried
inside. Scott didn‘t care who was watching; Jared was the only one
who mattered at that moment. He proudly brought the injured
young man inside and to his room.

In the kitchen, Louise laid out her escape plan to Margaret and

―Can you please keep him for a few days while I get all this
straightened out?‖

Margaret held her friend‘s hand and looked into her brown eyes.
―Absolutely, Louise; we love Jared like our own son.‖

Louise hugged her friend. ―Thank you! You are such wonderful
people. I‘ll call you when I have my apartment set up.‖

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Louise walked back to Scott‘s room and saw her son lying on the
bed. She hugged him gingerly and kissed him. ―I love you, Jared. I
love you too, Scott. You‘re a marvelous young man. Thank you for
taking care of my son.‖

Scott smiled at her. ―I‘d do anything for him, Mrs. Adamson. He‘s
my best friend.‖

Louise kissed her son. ―I‘ll be at the Best Eastern hotel across the
highway. I gave the number to Margaret. You‘ll be safe here, I know
you will.‖

Jared looked into his mother‘s face. ―What about you? Will you be

―For tonight I will. He‘s in jail and he‘s staying there. This is his
fourth offense and I know they won‘t let him go. I have proof of it
now! That bastard won‘t get away with this anymore! I love you
sweetie. I know Scott will take excellent care of you.‖ Louise said
goodbye once more to the rest of the family, gathered her things and
left for the hotel.

Scott sat up and surveyed the damage. Jared had been beaten
pretty badly. The area above his left eye was bloodied and bruised.
His tan face was beet red from the visible slap marks. His muscular
arms had gauze wrapped around the deep scratches left by strong
fingernails. There were also grip marks and several small bruises.

Jared saw his friend‘s eyes and caught his attention. His brown
eyes welled up as he saw Scott‘s concerned face.

―I tried to fight him off. I thought I could. I hate him so much Scott.
I fucking hate him!‖ They embraced and wept together for a few

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Scott pulled back and asked a basic question. ―How could he do
this? How?‖

―He‘s evil, Scott. I call him my devil.‖

Margaret walked back to the room and knocked on the door. ―Boys?
Sorry to interrupt. You both need your rest, it‘s nearly 1 am!‖

Scott spoke up. ―I‘ll take care of him. He‘s my best friend in the

Jared smiled and brushed Scott‘s moist face. ―You have a wonderful
son, Mrs. Williams. I call him an angel.‖

Margaret smiled with pride. ―He‘s a wonderful son. I couldn‘t have
ever asked for a better one.‖

Martin came over and stood in the doorway. ―I wish I‘d known about
this, Jared. I wish we could do more for you.‖

Jared smiled. ―Thanks, Mr. W. I… don‘t think there‘s anything
anyone can do. Mom is doing what she can with the divorce and the
restraining order. He just keeps coming back, like a cockroach!‖

Scott chimed in. ―This is why you reacted like you did in the pool.‖

Jared nodded. ―I‘m used to seeing a father hit his son. I really
thought things were going to get ugly there for a moment.‖

Scott glanced up at his Dad. ―I know we shocked you, Dad. Sorry
about that.‖

Martin shrugged. ―Oh, that‘s okay, son. I know how things are when
you‘re young and wild.‖

Margaret had a curious look on her face. ―What happened earlier? I
was in the bedroom for a long while when we got home.‖

Martin smiled at his son. ―Nothing to worry about, dear. Scott was
having some trouble with the filter. We got it all figured out.‖ He

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covertly winked at the teens. They coyly smiled. ―Come on, it‘s time
to hit the sack. Work tomorrow. Good night, son. Night, Jared.‖ He
hugged them both and left the room.

Margaret smiled at the duo. ―Good night, honey. You two will be
alright in here?‖

Scott looked over at his friend. ―We‘ll be fine. We‘re both

―Good night, my son. Love you. Love you too, Jared.‖ She kissed
them both goodnight and departed.

Scott readied for bed and pulled back the covers on his side. He
removed Jared‘s shoes and covered him with the bright blue afghan
he had made himself three years ago. He climbed into bed himself,
kissed the teen‘s lips softly, lay down beside him, and fell asleep.

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Chapter Fifteen

Scott awoke at 10 AM and ate quickly. He wanted to get back to his
friend. Jared slept all morning and into the early afternoon. When
he did awake, Scott was right there. The teen held his hand and
softly wept, dismayed by what had happened. Jared opened his
good eye and smoothed the young man‘s face.

―Shhh. Hey, I‘ll be okay.‖

Scott had a determined tone to his voice. ―My heart almost stopped
when I saw what he did to you! That dick! I want to kill him myself!‖

Jared smiled at his friend‘s resolve. ―One thing hanging around
your family has taught me is about God. God will deal with him.
He‘ll drink himself to death someday. I know it. Hey, guess what, he
knows. I told him.‖

Scott‘s ears perked up. ―He knows about us? What we did?‖

Jared held Scott‘s hand and looked deeply into his eyes. ―Why do
you think the beating was worse this time? He said it‘s not normal
for a man to love another man.‖

Scott didn‘t catch the reference right away. Jared watched as his
friend slowly picked apart the sentence and figured it out. Scott
gasped in excitement. ―Y…You love me?‖

―Yes! I love you, Scott! I knew it a while ago. I was just seeing where
things went with us. I hope you feel the same way.‖

Scott cut him off with a kiss. ―I love you too! I was so scared of what
I was feeling! Jared….‖

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They hugged as closely as possible. Jared put his hand in Scott‘s
hair and massaged the soft locks. Scott rubbed Jared‘s back as they
held on, savoring the moment. He was deeply concerned about his

―You‘re eighteen now. Can you move out?‖

―I am. I‘ll live with just Mom until I go off to school. I‘m so glad I‘m
here with you and your folks.‖

―I am too. Hey, are you hungry?‖

―Yeah, but something light.‖ He tried getting up but Scott stopped

―Don‘t get up. This is going to be breakfast in bed.‖

Jared smiled widely and brushed the teen‘s arm. ―You‘re amazing,
Scott. No wonder I love you.‖

Scott got a very shy look on his face. He leaned forward and replied
to his friend, ―Thank you. The feeling is very mutual.‖ They kissed a
few times. ―What can I get you to eat?‖

―Cereal is fine, Cheerios if you have them.‖

―Cheerios it is.‖

Scott went to prepare the meal. He came back and joined Jared in
bed. The duo chatted while Jared ate.

A while later, Margaret came in to change Jared‘s dressings. Scott
insisted he wanted to know how to care for the wounds as well, so
he had Margaret show him. They decided to tell Scott‘s parents the
news, since they accepted their son.

―Mom? We need to tell you something.‖

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―Okay, what is it?‖

―Well, you know I‘m gay. Dad knows I am also. Well, Jared‘s gay

Margaret gasped. ―I knew it! I called that one all along, didn‘t I?‖

Scott grinned. ―That you did, Mom. Well, yesterday, when you two
got home, Dad saw us in the pool. We were kissing. A lot. Jared and
I are in love.‖

Margaret smiled widely and hugged her son and Jared as tightly as
she could. ―That‘s wonderful! I couldn‘t think of a better couple!
Jared, you are a fabulous young man and you treat my son with
love and respect. For that I thank you.‖

―You‘re welcome, Mrs. W. I can‘t imagine where I‘d be without him.‖

They all three hugged and continued with their day. Martin went off
to work while Margaret did the cleaning. Scott stayed by Jared‘s
side and kept him company.

The recovery went well and after four days, Jared called his mother
to come and pick him up. Louise took him to her new apartment.

For the moment, all was calm. Louise was in the process of
finalizing the divorce proceedings against Douglas. She would be a
free woman in about six months. The drama was over, for the

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Chapter Sixteen

June was almost finished. Scott and Jared had redefined their
relationship as boyfriends. They spent an inordinate amount of time
together, just as before. Hours and hours were spent emailing and
instant messaging on a daily basis. The duo couldn‘t spend more
than twelve hours apart without communicating in some fashion.
Then of course, there were the actual dates they went on: a picnic
in the park, the movies, even the arcade. Finally, Scott got the
chance to see where Jared laid his head at night at his and his
Mom‘s apartment. Luckily, it was only five miles away from where
Scott lived and easily driven. He‘d pick Jared up and they‘d go for
long walks in the woods and steal away to kiss. Louise invited Scott
and his parents over for dinner many a time, partially to
compensate for all the dinners they‘d fed her son.

July 4th came and they lit fireworks at Scott‘s house. The summer
was going very smoothly. The weather heated up, as did their
relationship. Short kissing sessions turned into longer ones. The
pool was the only place they‘d even attempt it, or the hot tub. Scott
confided to his mother he was very nervous about having sex and
didn‘t want to piss Jared off by refusing him, though he admitted it
was getting harder and harder to say ―no‖.

This was a pivotal time for both teens, for it was time to decide
where to go to college. Both had applied to the same one, just in
case. After waiting almost half the summer, they heard back from
their colleges. They had both been accepted to the same one,
Washington College.

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They‘d fallen deeply in love. Scott wanted to symbolize their strong
relationship by asking Jared to go steady with him. He knew it was
an old-fashioned notion but he considered it a very romantic one.
He had it all planned out. He wrote out a speech and revised it at
least seven times. He asked his parents to help him buy a pair of
silver commitment rings from a jeweler. They were touched by this
act and purchased them as their acceptance of their son‘s

The scene was set. It was summertime again. By autumn, there
would be one less family member in the house. It would be a
bittersweet goodbye. He wanted to make this summer count. He‘d
chosen a hot August day to answer his burning question.

The party was in full swing. Scott, Jared, and Scott‘s parents were
the only guests. Louise couldn‘t attend. She had to work. The party
was a BBQ, with hot dogs, chicken, and bratwurst. All four had a
great time just sitting and talking, laughing, swapping stories. Scott
had pre-arranged with his parents the time he wanted to ask Jared.
That time had arrived. As if on cue, his mother cleared the table
and she motioned to Martin to go inside for a few minutes. They
watched covertly from the kitchen window.

Jared noticed their absence right away. ―Hey, where‘d your parents

―I asked them for a few minutes alone with you.‖

The blond smiled and took the teen‘s hand. ―Oh? What trick do you
have up your sleeve?‖

Scott felt a little nervous, his shy side coming to the fore. He took a
large gulp of soda first to wet his throat. Taking a deep breath, he

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looked into Jared‘s chocolate brown eyes. He felt much more at

―Jared, I love you with all my heart. I didn‘t think I could love
anyone like this. I know that God has brought us together by fate
and we‘re meant to be. You‘re the most important person in my life!
What I‘m asking is… will you go steady with me? We‘ll agree to be
only with each other?‖ Scott reached for a small flocked navy velvet
box he‘d hidden on the picnic bench. He opened it and presented
the sterling silver rings.

Jared gasped aloud and his eyes welled with water. Scott‘s blue
eyes looked hopefully into Jared‘s teary brown ones. The blond took
his boyfriend‘s hands and kissed them softly. He broke into sobs,
which confused Scott a bit, but Scott hugged him anyway.

―Shhh. Hey, what is it?‖ he queried.

Jared finally calmed enough to talk. ―I… I don‘t want to hurt you,
but I can‘t go steady with you.‖

Scott was aghast! ―What? Why can‘t you? Jared, if you ever loved
me, there has to be a reason!‖

Jared caught his breath and tried to look into Scott‘s eyes. ―I‘m
sorry, I just can‘t… I don‘t think I can commit to you like that.‖
Scott‘s facial expression turned from one of concern to deep hurt in
a split second. He broke into tears and violently pulled his hands
away from Jared.

―I see,‖ Scott said icily. He closed the navy box and whisked it away
from the table.

Jared became frantic when he saw how upset Scott had become.
―I‘m sorry Scott! I‘m so sorry!‖

Scott pounded his fist on the table, which startled them both.
―You‘re sorry? That‘s your only line? I don‘t believe this! Am I not

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fucking good enough? Is it because we haven‘t slept together yet?
You won‘t commit huh? I bet I know why! You won‘t admit it but I
know why! It has to be my fat ass, or something!‖ Scott stood up
violently, which shook the table. ―I should‘ve known better than to
give my heart away to a damn jock! You‘re no different than all the
other asinine jocks I‘ve met, they‘re all jerks!‖

―Scotty, please! I wish I could explain!‖

―You can‘t even tell me why? Fuck this! I‘m so going inside. Don‘t
call me!‖ Scott took off running towards the patio doors.

Jared tried to follow. ―Scott! Scott! Wait!‖

Scott didn‘t even raise his head; he merely barked at the teen over
his shoulder. ―Get out!‖

With a last ditch effort, Jared repeated he was sorry one last time.
Scott didn‘t even look at him. He simply ran inside, locked the door
and shut the blinds.

Margaret and Martin looked at each other, perplexed by what had
just happened. Martin walked out and saw that Jared had broken
into sobs.

―Scott, please! Let me try to explain! Please!‖

Scott had run down the hall and locked himself in his room. Martin
was furious. He berated Jared.

―How dare you hurt my son after all that he‘s done for you? I think
it‘s high time you leave, Jared. Go home and you think about what
you‘ve done to him! Until then, you are not to come here. Do you
understand me?‖

Jared saw his angry expression and was very afraid. ―I… I‘m sorry
sir… please tell him I‘m sorry!‖

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Margaret came to the door and shooed her husband away. ―Martin,
please go see if Scott needs anything.‖ Martin snorted and walked
away to tend to his son.

Jared tried to appeal to Margaret‘s compassion. ―Mrs. W I swear to

She held up her hand. ―Jared, it isn‘t us you need to explain
anything to, it‘s Scott. You broke his heart, honey. I hope you had a
damn good reason.‖

Jared grabbed his stomach and fell to his knees. ―I… don‘t know
why I did it… I don‘t! Omigod, I think I‘m going to puke…‖

Margaret quickly retrieved an antacid for the teen and some water.
She laid her hand on his shoulder. ―Honey, please think about
what you did and how you can fix it. Until then, we can‘t let you see
him. I‘m sorry.‖

Jared looked up sorrowfully. ―I‘m sorry too, more than you‘ll ever

Margaret dried the teen‘s face and helped him stand up. Come on,
I‘ll drive you home.‖ Margaret helped the teen to the van.

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Chapter Seventeen

After three hours, Scott was hungry again so he came out of his
room. His usually mussed hair was damp, his eyes were bloodshot,
his face beet red.

His Mom ran up to him and kissed him. ―Oh Scotty! My poor baby!‖
Scott held onto her as tightly as he could.

Martin came up behind them and put his arms around his son.
―Whatever happened, we‘ll get you through this son.‖

―Thanks guys. Hey, do we have any more tissues? I went through
two boxes.‖

―Yeah, I‘ll get them.‖ Martin offered.

―Are you hungry at all, honey?‖

―Yeah, but my stomach‘s in knots. Maybe just some jelly toast.‖

―Coming right up. Sit right here dear. Have some water.‖

―Yeah, I‘m sure I‘m dehydrated by now.‖

Martin returned with the tissues. ―Here are two more boxes. It
might help to discuss it.‖

Scott sported a pained look on his face. ―Maybe later on. I‘m still in
shock, okay?‖

―Fine dear. Whenever you‘re ready, your father and I are here for

―Thanks guys, you‘re the best.‖ Scott yawned twice. ―I‘m so tired
and all achy too.‖

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Martin wanted to do more. ―Here, let me help you.‖ He rubbed the
teen‘s shoulders for him.

―Thanks Dad.‖

Margaret had an idea. ―Let‘s get you a nice bath drawn, huh? I‘ll
bet you fall asleep two seconds after that.‖

Scott smiled lightly, but he knew his mom had some knee issues.
―Thanks Mom, but don‘t push yourself.‖

Margaret smiled. ―Oh honey, I‘ll be just fine. Give me five minutes
and you‘ll be all set. Oh, did you want bubbles?‖

Scott though it over. ―Yes, lots of them. I need to improve my mood.‖

―Okay, I‘ll let you know when it‘s ready, sweetie.‖ She kissed his
cheek and went to prepare the bath water.

Scott went to his room to change. He returned to the bathroom with
his cornflower blue robe on. He felt odd shedding his robe with his
mother in the room. The last time his mother had bathed him he
was a young child of about five. Scott pushed the imagery out of his
mind. What mattered was he was hurting and he needed all the love
he could muster. Scott graciously accepted his mother‘s help.

Margaret kindly turned around while Scott sank into the suds-filled
bath. He felt the warm water surround him and felt better already.
Scott let his mom baby him. He even allowed her to wash his
beloved hair.

―You know the weird part in all this?‖

―What is it, sweetie?‖

―Before this happened, I wanted to ask you if I could invite Jared
over for a sleepover. He‘s a virgin too. I‘d hoped he and I could‘ve

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been together before going off to college.‖ His eyes welled as he
thought of the rejection he‘d just suffered. ―I don‘t even know if he
even is my boyfriend anymore!‖

Margaret shushed her son and hugged him around his wet
shoulders. ―He still loves you, you know it and I know it. You just
need to remind him. Be persistent, find out why he really said what
he did.‖

Scott nodded. ―I will, I will. Thanks, Mom. I think it‘s time to rinse
out this hair.‖

Margaret grinned and pulled out the handheld sprayer from its
holder. ―Hold still and shut your eyes.‖

Scott‘s bath finished shortly and his mother held up a towel in front
of him to slip into. Scott redressed in his teal pajamas. He lay down
in his bed, both of his parents kissed him goodnight. He fell
soundly asleep a minute later.

He awoke the next morning and saw three emails from Jared in his
account, all with the subject line, ―I‘m sorry!‖ He opened them, but
saw they were empty.

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Chapter Eighteen

Saturday came and there were many errands to run. Scott rode
along in their Dodge Caravan just to get out of the house for a
while. They ran into a teenage friend of his mother‘s named
Mercutio, or ―Merc‖ as he was called.

Margaret introduced her son to him. Merc made the comment that
he looked like he‘d just lost his best friend. Scott‘s eyes welled up
immediately and he ran to the car. Margaret pursed her lips and
looked at the young man with a scowl.

―He just did, yesterday.‖

Merc bowed his head. He walked her out to the car and saw Scott
trying to collect himself again in the front seat. ―Scott? I‘m so sorry.
I tend to talk first and ask stupid questions later.‖

Scott finished wiping his face and looked into the other teen‘s
brown eyes. ―It‘s okay, it‘s just all very fresh. Like an open wound.‖

―Listen, we‘re having a party tonight. Why not come over and meet
some new people?‖

Margaret perked up at this. ―It‘d be good for you to get out, honey.‖

Scott shook his head. ―No thank you. I don‘t think I could take
anymore rejection right now.‖

Merc put his hand on the teen‘s shoulder. ―It‘s cool. No worries

Margaret offered an alternative. ―Why not come over to our house
next weekend? We‘ll BBQ.‖

―That‘d be great! Thanks, Mrs. Williams.‖

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Scott shuddered at the thought of another BBQ. He was still reeling
from the last one. His heart was in shreds; he wanted Jared back.
Merc said his farewells and wished the teen luck. Margaret climbed
in and started up the van and they headed home.

The weekend was passing quickly. Saturday passed without either
teen contacting the other. Sunday rolled around. Scott went off to
church with his parents, hoping he‘d feel better. He prayed for God
to give him clarity as to the reason why things had happened.

When he and his parents arrived back home, he glanced at the
clock; it was noon. Scott opened up to his parents over lunch and
told them everything that had happened. He knew how deeply Jared
loved him; he just needed reminding. At 2 o‘clock, he went to his
computer and messaged the teen. Jared called him 10 minutes
later. They agreed to talk and met up in the park.

Scott held back tears as he saw the young man he considered the
love of his life. He took in Jared‘s drastically different appearance.
His usually well-kept blond hair caught the breeze and whipped
into his tan face; his jeans appeared ripped and stained, his
sleeveless black tee had a faded red dragon on it along with several

Jared‘s posture and demeanor were that of a very different person,
someone Scott didn‘t recognize anymore. Where was the bright,
charismatic teen he‘d tutored in algebra? Where were the fun
afternoons of lip-syncing, dancing, telling stories? It all seemed as if
it were eons ago.

Scott wiped two tears from his eyes and continued his journey
towards the blond. It was awkward at first but they inched ever
closer to each other. Finally, they were close enough to each other
to speak. They staked out a picnic table and sat on the top. Several
moments of silence passed before Jared cleared his throat and
started the conversation.

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―Hi. Thanks for meeting me.‖

―I had to come. I need to know what I did wrong.‖

Jared curled his lip. ―What you did? Scott you did absolutely
nothing wrong.‖

―Well, I must have done something. You rejected my offer of going

Jared‘s stature slumped and his eyes welled up.

Scott softened his tone upon seeing this reaction. ―Please tell me
what happened.‖

Jared sniffed and spoke while crying. ―I didn‘t want to! Dammit! I
swear to you, I didn‘t want to say no and hurt you!‖ Jared buried
his face in his hands.

Scott felt a surge of compassion and faced the teen. He laid his
hands on Jared‘s tan arms. ―Then tell me why. If you still love me at
all, tell me.‖ Jared put his hands over Scott‘s and smiled. He craned
his neck down and kissed the hand. ―Please tell me the real reason
why you did what you did. We can‘t move forward without knowing
the truth behind it! Please Jared, I love you more than life! You owe
me that much.‖

Jared was in tears as he lay down on the picnic table to catch his
breath and collect his thoughts. At last, the truth came spilling out.
He looked up into Scott‘s bloodshot eyes. ―I wanted to spare you my
life. I‘m the son of a wretched abuser! I don‘t want to go in the AAA
league draft right out of college and be apart from you for months at
a time. I fell in love with you long before that night that my father
beat me to a pulp. You nursed me back to health and it made our
bond tighter. ―


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The upset teen caught his breath and continued. ―I wanted to spare
you from me and from whatever horrible things my hideous
bloodline will make me do. I don‘t want you to go through what
hideous things my mother and I have endured. It‘s all because of
alcohol. My father does it because his father did it… how could I
fight it? I can‘t allow you to be harmed!‖ Jared reached up for
Scott‘s moist face. ―Angels like you shouldn‘t be hurt. But I did it
anyway, I….‖ Jared sobbed uncontrollably.

Scott picked him up and held him tightly until the teen calmed
enough to speak again.

―Scotty… do you understand at all? I didn‘t want to break your
heart but I couldn‘t let you be with a wretched failure of a family
like mine!‖ He fell forward.

Scott caught him in a bear hug and held onto him very tightly. He
kissed the teen‘s curly blonde hair and ran his fingers through it.
He whispered into his ears. ―Shhh. It‘s okay. I swear to you! We‘ll
fight that asshole together. I‘ll help you every way I can. I love you
and my parents love you!‖

Jared gathered himself and drew back to speak again. ―You… you
still want to be with me? After everything, I did and said? ―Your
father wanted to rip my fucking head off. I don‘t blame him….‖

―That‘s because you hurt me. He‘s a protective dad. Let him help
you too! Yes, you hurt me. I cried for three hours when you rejected
me. Nevertheless, I still adore you. You‘ve been my best friend and
my boyfriend. You‘ve helped me and loved me. How else could we
be? If you don‘t want to be together romantically, can we at least
stay best friends?‖

Jared smiled widely. ―You want me back? Holy crap, I swore you‘d
stay pissed at me forever! I love you! Thank God you took me back!‖
They hugged again. The duo kissed a few times and held on.

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―I‘ll never let you go.‖ Scott replied wistfully.

Jared stroked the teen‘s pasty face and placed a sweet kiss on his
rosy lips. ―Can you ever forgive me?‖

―I already have. However, more of those kisses will help me along.‖

Jared grinned and held Scott closer. ―I love you.‖

―I love you too, very much.‖ They hugged as tightly as possible.
Scott‘s fingers rummaged through Jared‘s golden ringlets. They
began kissing and were soon necking.

Jared wrapped his legs around Scott‘s midsection and began
smoothing his hands over his boyfriend‘s derriere. They both
grinned and shared a look.

Scott glanced over his shoulder and grabbed Jared‘s tight body into
his large hands. He ran his hands all up and down the teen‘s
backside. ―I‘ve wanted you, for so long. Since I saw you for the first
time,‖ Scott whispered into Jared‘s ear.

The blond grinned widely. ―I‘ve wanted you too, ever since we were
naked in the pool together. I was well on my way, if you know what
I mean.‖

Scott nodded. ―Oh yeah, I know what you mean. I want to be with
you, at last. I know I‘ve been apprehensive, but the timing couldn‘t
be more impeccable! My parents are going out of town this
weekend; did you want to spend it with me, alone?‖

Jared nearly leapt forward into Scott‘s arms. ―Are you kidding? It‘s
perfect, baby. Just perfect! I need to go home and clean up a bit.
Come to dinner with me tonight, we‘ll make it unforgettable!‖

―I couldn‘t imagine anything better.‖

Jared kissed Scott passionately. ―You will honey, later tonight.‖

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Chapter Nineteen

Jared arrived three hours later with flowers, along with some pink
bath beads. He‘d donned a carefully selected ensemble of brown
trousers and a vertically striped shirt with alternating shades of

―Good evening Mr. and Mrs. W. How are you this evening?‖

―We‘re just fine, Jared. How are you?‖

―I‘m wonderful. I hope Scott likes roses.‖

Margaret squealed with envy as she saw the bouquet. It was a
lavish arrangement of white and red long-stem roses,
complemented by greenery and baby‘s breath, all in a red vase.

―Jared, those are gorgeous! He‘s going to love them.‖

Margaret took the vase and carefully placed it on the counter where
Scott could see it.

Jared smiled and faced both of them. ―Ma‘am, sir, I want to
apologize for ever hurting your son. He means the world to me and I
pray we will always be together.‖

Margaret and Martin shared a look and smiled. ―We pray for that
too, Jared. We know you‘re sorry and we accept.‖ They both hugged
the teen to cement the apology.

Scott came out from around the corner dressed quite nicely. His
hair was lush and full. His ensemble was that of black trousers, a
white and gray pinstriped shirt, black shoes, and a huge grin on his

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Jared saw him and opened his arms up as wide as he could. They
shared a warm embrace and a long, wet kiss together.

―You look incredible, baby! Here, these are for you.‖ Jared pointed
towards the roses, which made Scott‘s eyes light up.

―Thank you, Jared! They‘re beautiful! You look awesome too. I love
those colors on you.‖

―Thank you.‖

They joined hands for a moment and just took in the sight of each
other. Martin cleared his throat to break up the silence.

―Uh, hadn‘t you two better get going? It‘s going to be crowded.‖
Scott tore himself away from Jared just long enough to acknowledge
his father. ―Yeah, okay, Dad. We‘re hurrying.‖ He turned to Jared
and brushed his arm. ‗Ready to go eat?‘

Jared nodded. They both knew what awaited them when they

Dinner wasn‘t just a meal this time, it was an experience. They had
gone to Little Italy--their favorite place. Since they were under
twenty-one, they toasted their relationship with sparkling grape
juice. The strolling violinist stopped by their table and treated the
two to a romantic rendition of ―Isn‘t it Romantic?‖ They ordered the
same dish of ravioli with Romano cheese on top. The two were
careful not to stuff themselves. They expected to burn the calories
off later that night.

Two hours after their date began; they arrived back at Scott‘s
house. They could barely keep their hands off each other. Even
though they were alone, the young men hurried to Scott‘s bedroom,
shut, and locked the door. They spoke briefly in-between kisses.

―I weighed in again this morning.‖ Scott said quickly.

―Oh? How much have you lost?‖

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―I‘ve lost a total of thirty pounds.‖

―That‘s wonderful! I knew you could do it, Scott.‖

―I couldn‘t have done it without your love, Jared.‖

―You can do anything you put your mind to Scott. I was merely your

―You can be my cheerleader anytime.‖ They grinned and continued
kissing. They lay down on Scott‘s bed and rolled to their sides. Scott
held Jared close and ran his hand over the man‘s backside. He no
longer felt inhibited at all. He wanted Jared, badly. Scott cupped
Jared‘s derriere and massaged it. Jared moaned into Scott‘s ear,
and suckled the lobe for a moment.

They kissed almost continuously and moved from lips to necks.
Scott created a hickey the size of a quarter on Jared‘s tan neck.
Their sweat began building beneath their pores. Scott began to
unbutton his shirt, but Jared stopped him.

―I‘ll take care of that for you.‖ Jared stripped his shoes and socks
first and un-tucked his shirt from his pants.

Scott proceeded to unbutton it for him, but with a romantic twist.
Following the un-doing of each button, he kissed the newly exposed
skin. He undid the shirt slowly and once finished with all the
buttons, ran his tongue up Jared‘s naked chest. Jared grinned
happily. ―Takin‘ a taste of me?‖

Scott nodded. ―You ain‘t seen nothing yet.‖ He massaged Jared‘s
pectoral muscles and suckled his nipples with his lips. He even ever
so slightly nipped at them with his teeth. Jared cried out a bit. They
kissed again.

―Your turn, time to undress you.‖ Jared undid Scott‘s shirt in the
same sensual manner that Jared‘s had been removed. Jared went a
bit further though, he unbuckled Scott‘s belt and unzipped his

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trousers. He was delighted that he was greeted by the sight of no

―I couldn‘t keep them dry anymore. Too much heat,‖ Scott

Jared ran his fingers throughout Scott‘s chest hair and down his
chest, and finally between his legs. He leaned in and ran his tongue
right above the penis, while taking hold of the growing testicles in
his hand.

Scott yelped; Jared‘s hands were a bit chilled. ―Cool hands. You
need to be heated up.‖

Jared sat up and straddled himself over Scott‘s midsection. Scott
unbuckled Jared‘s belt and received the same surprise of having
gone ―commando‖. Jared quickly shed the trousers and tossed them
on the floor. Scott arched his back and shed his as well, leaving
them both naked.

Scott pulled Jared to him. ―I want you….‖

Jared grinned and French-kissed his boyfriend. ―I‘ve wanted you
forever. Let‘s make love, Scott.‖

They stood up for a moment while Scott pulled back the bedding.
Jared lay down first, and moved to his right side. Scott joined him
on the bed. The lighting was dim in the room, perfect. Scott
smoothed his large hands down Jared‘s back, feeling the tan,
supple derriere. He smiled widely and kissed the blond for a
moment. Jared kissed his way down Scott‘s front, noting how much
of the paunch was missing. He could clearly see his boyfriend‘s
erection growing, even in the dim light. Jared kissed Scott as
soundly and as closely as he could.

―I love you.‖ Jared repeated.

―I love you too.‖ Scott echoed.

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Their bodies were warm and scented with the remnants of cologne
mingled with sweat. Jared held Scott‘s shoulders and sniffed his
neck and hair. He could smell the rose conditioner that was Scott‘s
favorite. Jared smiled and looked into his boyfriend‘s eyes.

―You‘re so handsome, Scott.‖

Scott smiled and traced his finger along Jared‘s mouth. ―You are
incredibly hot.‖

They smiled widely and shared a long, open-lipped kiss. Both felt
their passions rise. Scott rose up on his knees and straddled
Jared‘s nude body. He leaned over and ran his tongue along the
hairless chest with his lips. He followed it up with tracing his finger
gently down the skin, and down between the legs. He gently
grabbed Jared‘s genitals and squeezed them. Scott grinned and
winked at his boyfriend. The next thing Jared felt was Scott‘s lips
around his seven inch cock. Jared cried out in sheer joy. He
reached for the pillow behind him.

―Omigod baby! That feels so fucking amazing!‖

Scott stopped for a moment and looked up. ―I knew you‘d like

Jared didn‘t want him to stop long. ―Don‘t stop!‖

Scott grinned and continued. He ran his tongue over the swollen
penis and sampled some of Jared‘s pre-cum. He left it on his lips for
moment, and leaned forward to share it with its owner. They
French-kissed to both get a taste. Scott‘s forehead dripped with
sweat, dropping cool liquid onto Jared‘s hot body. Jared too was
sweat-covered. His body glistened in the dim lighting. Scott threw
off the cover from them. He continued the suckling of Jared until
just a minute later when both men had cum. Jared‘s fluid had
squirted Scott squarely on the chest. Scott‘s fluid had successfully
landed just below Jared‘s bellybutton.

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Scott climbed down and laid on his back, gasping for air. He smiled
widely as Jared took his hand.

―That was incredible! Where‘d you learn that?‖

Scott looked over at his lover. ―I have my sources.‖ They kissed
again and reached for towels to clean up.

After a few minutes, Scott lay back down next to Jared and they
held hands. Jared turned on his side and ran his hand down Scott‘s
chest. He cupped the man‘s genitalia gently. Jared sat up and knelt
beside his lover. Jared bowed his head and swallowed Scott‘s eight
inch cock into his mouth. Scott cried out and gasped for air. He
watched Jared‘s golden curls bob back and forth. He also reached
for the pillow behind him and squeezed the corners. It wasn‘t
enough. He reached even further back for the headboard and
grabbed hold. Jared‘s suckling was much tighter. Smaller lips Scott
guessed. It didn‘t matter, all that mattered was they were together.
Sweat began building up again on Scott‘s chest. Jared‘s beaded
body began dripping its cool water onto Scott‘s legs. He rubbed it
into Scott‘s legs with his hands. Finally, after several minutes, both
men came again.

Both young men were quite sated for the moment. Jared retrieved
the cover, straddled over and lay atop Scott, and held him close.
Scott loved feeling Jared‘s nude, sweaty body pressed against his
for the first time. The pair kissed again very slowly. They could taste
the residue of each other in their lips. It made them want more and
more. Jared cupped Scott‘s round face and looked deeply into his

―Scott, have you ever heard of frottage?‖

Scott shook his head. ―You mean the painting technique?‖

Jared laughed and kissed Scott‘s chest. ―Oh, Scotty, it‘s a sexual
position. It‘s the two men facing each other and ‗rubbing‘ their

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cocks against one another‘s until both cum. There‘s no penetration

Scott‘s interest was piqued. He didn‘t want to try penetration yet;
this would be a great option. ―Give me a few minutes; I think I need
some water. They each grabbed a bath towel and wrapped them
around their hips. Both walked out to the kitchen and got
themselves a cup of water. Their thirst satisfied, they returned to
the bedroom.

Scott paused briefly and lit three candles that were on his
nightstand. He approached Jared and held him close. ―These
candles are for our history, our present, and our future.‖

Jared kissed his boyfriend‘s lips and held him close. ―I‘m just so
glad we have that future again.‖

―It would‘ve taken a lot more than that to ever break us up. Hey, I‘m
in love with you. You truly complete me.‖

―I‘m in love with you, too. You‘re my soul mate.‖

They embraced and stripped away their towels again. They lay
down again on the moist sheets.

―Ready for frottage?‖ Jared asked.

―Lead the way, Jared.‖

The blond smiled and took that as his cue. He rose up on his knees
to lie atop Scott completely. He separated his legs a bit and let them
fall to the sides. His erection grew with each kiss he and Scott

―Stick out your tongue a bit, baby.‖

Scott obliged. Jared covered his mouth over the tongue and they
held on for an extremely long French kiss. Jared continued
‗rubbing‘ against Scott; they could feel the heat between them grow.

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Beads of sweat dripped down Scott‘s forehead. Jared‘s chest was
soaked and shiny. Scott ran his fingers over the smooth skin and
moaned in happiness. It was long, slow, and incredibly sensual.
They would stop at times and simply take in the sight of each other.
Finally, after a half-hour, both had cum at the same moment. They
rolled over and looked at the clock. It was 1 o'clock in the morning.
Both were quite tired.

Scott wanted to firm up their plans for when they were finished.

―Hey, do you want to sleep now and take a bath together in the

Jared sported a studious look. ―We‘ll clean up in the morning. I
want to hold you while you‘re all naked and sweaty. We‘ll stick
together,‖ Jared said with a devilish grin.

Scott smiled and kissed his lover. ―I love you, Jared.‖

―I love you too, Scott. More than anything. Good night, baby.‖

―Good night.‖

They drifted off to sleep together wrapped in their lover‘s embrace.

At 9 o‘clock, the two awoke just as happy as they had been when
they fell asleep.

Jared kissed Scott good morning. ―Hi, Scott. Sleep well?‖

Scott stroked Jared‘s hair. ―Very well, and you?‖

―That was the best night‘s sleep I have had in ages!‖ The duo
hugged for a long moment savoring this wonderful morning. After a
half hour, they rose from bed and readied for their bath. Scott
excused himself for a moment to use the bathroom. When he
returned, Jared stopped him.

―Scott, I have a question I want to ask you.‖

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―Sure, what is it?‖

Jared took Scott‘s pale hands in his and kissed them softly. He
looked into the ocean-blue eyes that had entranced him since they‘d
met. ―Scott, will you go steady with me? Promise not to be with
anyone else?‖

Scott gasped and smiled widely. ―Are you kidding? Of course I will!‖
He replied enthusiastically. They slipped the silver rings onto each
other‘s fingers and embraced warmly. They spent the rest of the day
together, both in and out of bed.

When Martin and Margaret arrived back home, they all celebrated
with sparkling grape juice and a fancy dinner out. Louise was
ecstatic. She hugged both teens when she came to pick Jared up
that evening. The future was theirs—it finally all added up.

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About the Author:

S. L. Danielson has penned such hits as ―Love by the Numbers‖,
―For the Heart of Phillip‖, ―Lust in London‖ and ―My Fair Vampire‖
(all available at Amazon.com and Silver Publishing).

She has been writing since a very young age. Inspiration included
sci-fi and drama. In her teens she delved into alternative works and
found the genre stuck. When she‘s not writing, she spends her time
working in business, working on her graduate degree, or spending
time with her husband, cats, and family.

Connect with her online:

Blog: http://ladyauthorsld.blogspot.com/

Email: ladyauthorsld@gmail.com


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