Classic BT Journal Vol 19

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ports of breed specimen happened,
they brought new vigor to the na-
tional improvement, I want to em-
phasize some dogs that were im-
ported in the last 14 or 16 years , and
that left in their descendants a stamp
that meant a great advance. Surely ,
there is many specimens out of this
brief review, but I will mention those
who to my point of view achieved a
major impact in the improvement:
* Sibthorpe Squire (Seqouiah Eistedd-
ford the Druid X Panda Girl). Imported
by Mr Mauricio Avayu. Probably this is
the first Bull Terrier imported directly
from England coming to Chile. In this
occasion Mr. Avayu visited John and
Gaye Barch in England, from
the Sequohia Kennel, so they could help
him choose a good dog for him to buy.
Thanks to them, Mr Mauricio Avayu
was able to obtain Sibthorpe Squire,
whose name was "Mongrel". His grand-
parents had a line breeding from
Seqouiah The Bajar to whom out-
standing paragraphs were devoted to
him on the bull the book “ The Bull
Terrier Today “ by David Harris. Fi-
nally, Mongle contributed characteristics
like: proportionality in the structure,
bone, substance and expression
* Lubjan Rock and Stone (Sandawana
Tommy Hotspur of Kingstonia X Prins-
burg Model Ballerina of Lubjan). This
dog, came to Chile from Spain thanks to
Andreu Martinez owner of the Lord
Bull's Kennel, who was his previous
owner. The merits and awards of having
Rock come to Chile were striking: Su-
preme Bull Terrier 2001, South African
Champion, Spanish Champion, interna-
tional and Champion OF Champion of
Europa 2002. During his stay in Chile
not only Rock brought together fanatics
delighted, and impress by his exception-
ally quality, but also managed to shine
in the dog exhibitions as well as closing
several championships as Champion of
Chile, Great Champion of Chile, Uru-
guayan, Champion Colombian and

The Bull Terrier in the southernmost corner of the World

















Chile,s border is the southern part on
Magellan's strait, in the northern part
on the most arid desert of the world,
in the eastern part on the mountain
chain of the Andes and to the west of
the Pacific Ocean. These impressive
natural barriers, manage to enclose
neither to frighten the effort and te-
nacity of the people of this austral
land. Normally, this country is de-
scribed as “a long and narrow strip of
land " that is located to the south end
west of South America. His capital is
the city of Santiago of Chile and a
population possesses of more than 17
million people. In our country the
canine activity has been ruled by
the Kennel Club of
Chile (

).This is is a

private corporation founded on Valpa-
raiso on May 31, 1935, which has as
it,s mission promote and disclose
everything related to the raising,
promoting and care of pedigree dogs in
our country. In order to fulfill its
mission, the Kennel Club of Chile
supports the only canine genealogical
official record of the country,
where pure breed dogs get registered,
and from time to time they organize
canine exhibitions, where the dogs
raised in the country are eveluated for
quality and beauty, in addition the
future stud dogs are selected. In its
international relations, the Kennel
Club of Chile is affiliated, as federated
member, of the Federation Cinológica
Internacional (FCI), with headquar-
ters in Belgium, which administers the
Club genealogical records for more
than sixty countries in the world, and
that recognizes only one official Club
per country. Today, the Kennel Club
of Chile is under the tutelage of its
president Mrs. Isabel Vasquez.
The Bull Terrier breed has been pre-
sent in Chile for a short time, the Bull
Terrier's first litter born in Chile was
registered by the Kennel Club of Chile
in January 09, 1989, which means
that, in Chile we have only had regis-
tered dogs for no more than 21 years.
Without a doubt a very recent his-

tory if we have in mind that on Eng-
land, since 1887, the first Bull Terrier
Club was founded (information ob-
tained of Maurizzio Marcheti's Book),
or that the Yorkshire Bull Terrier
Club was founded in August, 1946.
Surely, previous to its first born litter
in 1989, there existed some specimens
that entered the country, but of them
no information is available, since there
is not notes of it in the books of
the Kennel Club of Chile.
In relation to the Bull Terriers, our
country traditionally has developed
looking at our most nearby
neighbors , perhaps because they are
our most closest example, and proba-
bly because for many years ago in-
stantaneous communication did not
exist. Today in Chile, thanks to the
advances in the telecommunications
and the Internet, we can know what
happens with the dogs in countries as
distant as England, South Africa,
France, etc., it is for this reason that
we have a more universal included
look, about the Bull Terrier. The pres-
ence and influence the breeding places
like Brazil, Argentina and Peru were
present in pedigrees of our dogs, since
these three countries are the principal
base of Bull Terrier in Chile.
Some information to highlight the
importance of these countries, is that
in the development of the breed in
Chile is that the first imported speci-
men was A Jet Cavalier of Romany
Storm born 13/12/1981, he came from
Brazil (Breeder: Sergio Buck Pereira)
from the owner of the Kennel Hooli-
gan's, Mr Ricardo Basta.
The first litter registered in the Kennel
Club of Chile was in January 09, 1989,
with a total of 6 puppies. The father
was Jet Cavalier Of Romany
Strom CBKC 1313 (Brazil) ,and the
mother Ann Dees Gabriella AKC
119497 (USA). The breeder of this
litter, who was registered under the
affix of "Hooligans", and in some part
pioneer of the breed in Chile was Mr
Ricardo Basta.
Eventually, some important im-

S p o n s o r e d b y : G l o b a l R e a c h B u l l T e r r i e r s

Quote by John Roodt

“We recently completed
the 702 Walk The Talk.
We noticed not many Bull
Terriers take part and
when they do , some of
them really battle. For
most of them a 5 km walk
seems to be the absolute
limit. Are we not exercis-
ing our dogs enough or is
it a case of Breeders
wanting to put to much
weight on our Bullies in
their quest for substance


August 2010

Volume 19

Inside this issue:

Gull Terrier


James Hinks




Pg 1 Continued


Editor: John Roodt

Design by: Ina

[This is in Spanish English and trust you accept the sentence context and possible spelling errors. We are
publishing it word for word as send in by Marcos Fonseca

Continue on page 4

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70lbs and sometimes more.
They have extremely smooth harsh
thick coats. It is said that it can be al-
most twice as thick as the modern day
show Bull Terriers and that it can come
in aid in certain sporting events that
they take part in. Unfortunately this
happens to be dog fighting which is
an accepted norm in Pakistan and In-
Unfortunately, just like some of the
Bull Terrier population, a few Pakistani
Gull Terrs are born deaf and can have
skin allergies.
The present day Gull Terr in India
makes us believe there is more highly
trained instinct of hunt
in the Bull-Terrier than the mere slap-
dash pluck that we associate him with.

The Gull Terr is a true relic of the past,
a left over from the working Hinks, pit
type of Bull Terriers that was brought
over by the British for work, also as
pets and for showing in the Indian sub
This very impressive true working old
tyme Hinks Bull Terrier type is very
much alive, well and thriving in Paki-
stan today. It is said that they are
highly valued for there guarding
and fighting abilities with the best dogs
coming from the Kohat Region well
known for producing great Gull Terr's

and they are also renowned for making
excellent personal protection dogs.
Always alert and a night mare for
strangers or any intruder on ones prop-
erty, being highly protective
of his master and family and being eas-
ily trainable but best suited for experi-

enced owners like all strong dogs should
Being a muscular, well-boned and agile,
Bull Terrier type the Gull Terr can be a
confrontational breed with other dogs
and would love nothing more than a
good fight and fight they can. Still be-
ing pitted today with each other in
Pakistan and India. Just some of the
blood sports left over from the days off
the British Colonial Era that is still be-
ing practised in Pakistan and India to-

There is no doubt that Gull Ter-
riers are one of the most popular
breeds in India today. His dare-
devil looks appeal to al lot of
people in India. He is easy to
keep clean, stands the climate
well, and in fact not only ex-
ists but thrives on the extremi-
ties of the Indian climate. It is
surprising that he is so popular,
not only with the Europeans out
East, but with a large percentage
of Indians , which percentage is
increasing yearly.

It is side that there are three types of
Gull Terriers in and around Pakistan
today and all of them have there own
jobs to do.
The most priced and sort after type is
the pure Gull Terr.
The pure lines always have erect ears
and the height
can rage from 19" to 24" and from 45-

The Gull Terrier in India

A quote from Suzie in the United Kingdom:
“As much as very close mating's can bring out the very best virtues from both dogs it can also
bring out the worst faults and the worst health & temperament problems, so many people do

a close mate but do not do every health test available on both dog and bitch so at some point
in the offspring's lives these problems will show themselves or be passed on to there

Anyone doing a very close mate would hopefully for both dog and bitch do every test
available and look at what is behind them as far back as they can (health & temperament) and

only attempt the mate if they are 100% certain that all well with both.
I don't agree with close relative mates unless you really understand breeding genetics and

test, test and test first, but that is just my opinion.”

Page 2

Volume 19

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Lethal AcroDermatitus (LAD)

by Malcolm Dupris

lar, and slanting; the chest wide and deep, with ribs well
BACK--The back short and muscular, but not out of pro-

portion to the general contour of the
LEGS--The fore-legs should be per-
fectly straight, with well-developed
muscles; not out at shoulder, but set on
the racing lines, and very strong at the
pastern joints. The hind-legs are long
and, in proportion to the fore-legs, mus-
cular, with good strong, straight hocks,
well let down near the ground.
FEET--The feet more resemble those of
a cat than a hare.

COLOUR--Should be white.
COAT--Short, close, and stiff to the touch, with a fine
TAIL--Short in proportion to the size of the dog, set on
very low down, thick where it joins the body, and tapering
to a fine point. It should be carried at an angle of about 45
degrees, without curl, and never over the back.
HEIGHT AT SHOULDERS--From 12 to 18 inches.
WEIGHT--From 15 lb. to 50 lb.

GENERAL APPEARANCE--The general appearance of
the Bull-terrier is that of a symmetrical animal, the em-
bodiment of agility, grace, elegance, and determination.
HEAD--The head should be long, flat,
and wide between the ears, tapering to
the nose, without cheek muscles. There
should be a slight indentation down the
face, without a stop between the eyes.
The jaws should be long and very power-
ful, with a large black nose and open nos-
trils. Eyes small and very black, almond
shape preferred. The lips should meet as
tightly as possible, without a fold. The
teeth should be regular in shape, and
should meet exactly; any deviation, such
as pigjaw, or being underhung, is a great fault.
EARS--The ears, when cropped, should be done scientifi-
cally and according to fashion. Cropped dogs cannot win
a prize at shows held under Kennel Club rules, if born
after March 31st, 1895. When not cropped, it should be a
semi-erect ear, but others do not disqualify.
NECK--The neck should be long and slightly arched,
nicely set into the shoulders tapering to the head without
any loose skin, as found in the Bulldog.
SHOULDERS--The shoulders should be strong, muscu-

growth rate is severely retarded. The
puppies should be examined closely for
inflammation and infection of the area
around the paws, the foot pads and the
skin over the elbows and hips. There is
a progressively worsening inflammation
of the skin in this area. There have also
been reports of aggressiveness by the
affected pup towards its litter mates, to
the point of having to separate the pups
from each other.
A veterinarian must be consulted if
this disease is suspected in any of the
pups. There are other diseases that
have the same clinical signs as LAD,
and only by having a veterinarian doing
the required tests can a proper diagnosis
be made.

LAD is a disease that has been investi-
gated only in the last ten years. It is
not a common disease, but where it does
appear its end result is death of the
puppy or dog.
LAD is a genetically inherited disease
that is a result of the inability of the
puppy to absorb, or metabolize, zinc, a
needed mineral. Some breeds are able to
undergo zinc supplementation to their
diets and are successful in reversing the
disease. Unfortunately, Bull Terriers do
not seem to respond to zinc treatments,
and are euthanized usually before they
are seven months old. There have been
cases where owners have nursed their
charges to prolong their lives, but the
puppies/dogs eventually succumb to

terminal pneumonia, not living beyond
fifteen months of age.
There are a number of symptoms
(clinical signs) that will warn a breeder
that the puppy is in danger. The
breeder here is the one in the best posi-
tion to note these symptoms since the
onset of this disease occurs when the
puppy is about 4 to 6 weeks of age. The
breeder will need to note that the small-
est puppy will be at greatest risk, it will
show little pigmentation to its skin be-
ing a light pinkish colour. The other
puppies, as well, will need to be ob-
served closely for problems in nursing
from the mother. There will be diffi-
culty in digesting food as the puppies go
from nursing to more solid food, and the

The James Hinks Old Style Bull Terrier in the 1800’s. The Club Standard then

read as follows:

Page 3

Volume 19

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The Bull Terrier in the southernmost corner of the World Continued from Pg 1

Champion Latin-American Champion. Without a
doubt is and it will always be a memorable dog,
which we will remember many years, not only the
breed lovers in Chile, but also in South America.
Talking about Rock , in these days the first ever
specialized of Bull Terriers in Colombia is being
organized and one of the prizes will be named, the
"Lubjan Rock and Stone Trophy".
* Vikingo de Lord Bull, (Lubjan Rock and stone X
Centuria Black Satin) is a Spanish dog that did not
come to Chile, but to Argentina. Lucky and thanks
to some breeders who did the effort to travel to
Argentina, and managed to leave very valuable
puppies in Chile. Vikingo's best stamp in Chile gets
reflected in the most outstanding of his sons, and
without doubts, the best breeded Bull Terrier na-
tionally being in the last 4 years: Multi Ch / BISS
Onasis Bonami. Vikingo, is a dog that left an im-
portant fingerprint in South America and Chile. It
brought with him typical features like: very full
heads, strong bones and a lot of substance.
* Bellators Backstroker, (Dajan Double Act White
Sandawana x Dajamani Valnico of Bellators) Im-
ported for Chile from South Africa from the Tron-
coso Family. His nickname is "Joe" , he came to
Chile thanks to the management of Mr Nico Du
Preez, who tursted in the project raised
by the Troncoso Family. That is how finally he
gets encouraged to a good specimen like Joe depart,
we are sure that he will leave an important finger-
print in his lineage. In Joe's pedigree we can high-
light that, the mother of Joe was Dajamani Valnico
Of Bellators , She won the " Supreme Bull Terrier
2005"; his mother's grandfather Dajan Skies The
Limit At Sandawana, was A " Supreme Bull Ter-
rier 2004 " and to his paternal grandmother Dajan
Class Act Of winning Game point of " Regent Tro-
phy and Ormandy Jug ".
The development and popularity of this breed has
increased considerably in the last years, this way it
is demonstrated by the statistics facilitated by the
Kennel Club of Chile:
Year / Registered Puppies
1989 / 006 - 1990 / 001 - 1991 / 003 - 1992 / 005 -
1993 / 000 - 1994 / 007 - 1995 / 003 - 1996 / 004 -
1997 / 016 - 1998 / 016 - 1999 / 013 - 2000 / 072 -
2001 / 061 - 2002 / 116 - 2003 / 136 - 2004 / 221 -
2005 / 230 - 2006 / 300 - 2007 / 226 - 2008 / 327 -

2009 / 274 - 2010(first day April) / 061
In these 21 years of records of the Bull Terrier in the
Kennel Club of Chile, there have been registered
(2.098) births of Bull Terrier's specimens and only 6
miniature Bull Terrier.
In Chile, the Bull Terrier's owners and fanatics are
habitual entertainers of the canine exhibitions organ-
ized by the Kennel Club of Chile. The breed, in the
last three or four years, is one with the most assis-
tance to the exhibitions and between 5 or 6 more
popular in the show ring, it is very frequent to see
many specimens as much in the show ring and out of
it, existing a pleasing environment of friendship and
cooperation between the assistants.
From this past four years I want to highlight a
specimen that demonstrated potential both in the
show ring and as a stud dog, being able for us to call
him, the best of the best", with this I want to refer
to BISS / Multi Ch Onasis Bonami (Vikingo de Lord
Bull X Canquimera de Courage). This tricolor Speci-
men initiated his participation in the show dogs on
2005 achieving, from this date, the titles of:
Better young specimen of the breed year 2005 /
Better young specimen of the race year 2006 / Better
specimen of the breed year 2006 / Better specimen of
the breed year 2007 / Better specimen of the breed
year 2008 / Opposite Sex of the specialized 2nd of the
breed 2008 / BISS the specialized 3rd of the breed
2009. In addition, it possesses titles like: young
Champion of Chile / Champion of Chile / Great
Champion of Chile / Champion of Argentine / Inter-
national Champion / Champion Latin-American /
winning of SICALAM 2009.

Undoubtedly, his quality as a stud remains reflected
its puppies:

· Ch. Muñeca Brava de Chilcan (Ch. ONA-


· Ch. Mamba Canis Major (Ch ONASIS


· Ch. Rex Canis Major (Ch ONASIS


· Ch. Jazmin Gargola Bull (Ch ONASIS


· Ch. Camelia Gargola Bull (Ch ONASIS



· Ch. Leonidas Gargola Bull (Ch ONA-


According to the show the statistics of the Kennel
Club of Chile, the popularity of the breed had an
explosive growth in the last 6 years, this increase
of the quantity of available specimens was not
concordant with the quality of same, lucky this
situation in the last two or three years has been
modified. Now a days it is possible to see in the
canine shows, specimens of a superior quality to
the ones that we saw a few years ago and this
quality has been achieved to stay in time... " I
believe that we are going on the right direction ".
This thanks to the effort of some breeders who
have reached good stud dogs for the national fe-
males, and to the conduct of some breeders who
have understand the importance to study the
breed standard, and to be able to project it in the
future litters, seeking to improve our specimens.
(This is how today is not strange at all, to know
that some bull terriers raised in Chile, are being
show successfully in other countries. This situation
approximately 5 years ago, only was a part of an
illusion that many we kept in mind, today it is a
reality. Personally it is a pleasure to be a part of
this group, (the last of my dogs "Coloso gargola
Bull" was sent to Mexico TO THE "Kennel
Leonos"), that thanks to the serious research, and
professional work. Showing the world that the
Bull Terrier in Chile exists, that we possess good
specimens and that the Bull Terrier also " barks in
Spanish ".
To finish I would like to render thanks personally
to Ms Isabel Vasquez ( president of the Kennel
Club of Chile) for the help and provided informa-
tion . I also want to thank my wife Roxana
E. Medina and my daughter Maria Belen Fonseca,
for their patience and understanding my pas-
sion for “Bull Terriers". Of equal form to extend
my gratefulness to the Classic Bull Terrier Maga-
zine, for the space given ourselves to show, which
happens in this end of the planet.


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