Talia Carmichael Prentiss Opposites Attract(1)

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A Totally Bound Publication

Opposites Attract

ISBN # 9781781848463

©Copyright Talia Carmichael 2013

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright November 2013

Edited by Rebecca Douglas

Totally Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination

and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or

places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,

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the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound

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proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs

and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator

of the artwork.

Published in 2013 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road,

Lincoln, LN6 3QN


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This

story has a heat rating of Totally Burning and a Sexometer of 1.

This story contains 98 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book

containing 8 pages.

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Talia Carmichael

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Book Three in the Prentiss Series

Drake throws HC for a loop, but he’s going to teach the aggravating man he is everything HC needs…

HC Wagner has clashed with Drake—the foreman for MGR Ranch— right from their very

first meeting. HC enjoys flirting with—and teasing—the stuffy cowboy. It’s just too bad

Drake is so damn sexy…and straight. But when Drake becomes exceptionally friendly and

rather openly inviting, HC is scared as to what this might mean, sending him on a trail of

discovery to find out exactly who the real Drake Finley is.

Meanwhile Drake is fascinated by the conundrum that is HC Wagner—the smart-mouthed,

tattooed, Harley-riding chef. He enjoys surprising the man who seems so set on aggravating

him. One kiss to shut HC up starts the beginnings of one rollercoaster ride he never thought

he would find himself on. After Drake has a taste of the stubborn chef, he finds himself with

an unquenchable desire to teach him that not only do opposites attract, they can thrive…as

long as they work on it together.

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To my family, who have believed in me from the very beginning. Thanks for your support.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following

wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Harley: Harley-Davidson Inc

Stetson: John B. Stetson Company

iPad: Apple, Inc

Google: Google Inc

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Chapter One

“As usual, your mouth is what got you into trouble,” HC Wagner said to himself,

grinning widely.

His mouth tended to get him into sticky situations, but then again, many of them

turned out to be fun. This time wasn’t one of the fun times. He sobered and stared at the
closed door of the ranch house. HC didn’t want to do what he knew he must, but he
wouldn’t shirk on it. He rolled his shoulders and took a deep breath, then lifted his hand and
knocked. He made it hard and loud, just to aggravate the occupant of the house. HC knew he
had to apologise, but he didn’t have to make it nice and could add this to the count he was
keeping of ways to piss off the man inside. The door was yanked open and the man in the
doorway looked at him and immediately scowled.

Hmmm…a new record for his scowling at me. HC slid his hands into the pockets of his

jeans and rocked back on his heels, smiling widely.

“Stop pounding on my door like you live here.” Drake Finley, MGR Ranch foreman,

used that calm, level-headed tone that set HC’s teeth on edge.

“If I lived here, I wouldn’t have to knock, I’d have a key.” HC blinked slowly and

exaggeratedly. “Unless you’re asking me to move in. In that case. This is so…sudden.”

Drake’s frown deepened. “You’re such a…”
HC’s smile widened as Drake trailed off. Score one for HC. Drake didn’t like to swear

and it was fun to see how far he could push him. It was a goal of his to make the cowboy
curse. It was perverse but, from their first meeting, Drake had seemed to hate HC on sight.
Since that was the tone set, HC followed his lead and whenever he was around Drake—he
went out of his way to aggravate him. Drake rubbed his fingers through his hair. At the
gesture, HC’s breath caught.

Why does he have to be so attractive? HC studied the cowboy. His short, slightly curly,

auburn hair always had a carelessly messy look that gave Drake a sexy, tousled appearance
many would pay to achieve. His hair framed a tanned, classically handsome face and his
green eyes seemed not to miss anything. It was his face that had captured HC’s attention

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when he’d first seen Drake a little over a year ago. Drake, with his unfathomable expression,
was a puzzle HC really wanted to figure out. It was baffling, since Drake wasn’t even his
type. HC preferred men who were shorter and leaner, but HC and Drake were the same
height and although Drake was lanky, it was all muscle from working hard on the ranch. HC
also preferred people he was interested in to like him and enjoy his company, instead of
running in the other direction whenever they saw him.

“Come on, you know you want to say it,” he taunted.
“You have enough of a potty mouth for us both.” Although his tone was again calm,

Drake’s gruff voice reminded HC of one confrontation when Drake had got in his face.

HC went hard at the thought. Drake’s eyes had flashed and his nostrils had flared. The

emotion Drake had shown—instead of that cold exterior he normally presented to HC—was
even more intoxicating. Drake had almost sworn, calling him a ‘dang ass’. In HC’s view,
‘dang ass’ didn’t really count as swearing.

HC still couldn’t decide which version of Drake he preferred—calm or showing

irritation. He looked at Drake’s mouth then decided maybe it didn’t matter which. Those
firm but soft-looking lips fascinated him and HC had imagined many times how Drake
would taste. In the next moment, HC snapped out of it, knowing it would never happen—it
was stupid to torture himself over wanting a man who couldn’t stand the sight of him and
who wasn’t even gay. From a distance he’d seen Drake often enough with a woman who was
obviously important to him. HC had never met her but the rest of his family had and they all
sang her praises. Yeah he knew her name, but he’d be damned if he’d even think it.

You’re being irrational. Hating a woman who has what you want. Drake doesn’t even like you.

HC pulled his hands out of his pockets and crossed his arms over his chest.

Drake lowered his gaze and HC knew he was looking at the tattoos that ran from his

elbow up and under his sleeves. HC resisted the usual temptation to tell Drake there was
much more to explore under his clothing, or something else that would annoy Drake.

Damn you, Blayne, for making me promise to not antagonise Drake.
Blayne Dalton his brother knew him too well. After Drake and his confrontation, Blayne

had got a promise out of HC to be ‘kinder and gentler’ with Drake than he’d been since
they’d moved here. Is that what you’re doing? Seems to me you’re going out of your way to push
Drake to be the one to strike first.
That oh-so-reasonable voice in his head sounded a lot like his

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other brother Thomas Ward. And the voice was right. If Drake lost his cool first, as per his
get out clause, HC was free to return to form—gleefully pissing off Drake at every
opportunity he got.

“Is there a reason you’re standing at my door on a Friday night”—Drake looked

pointedly at his watch—“at six-eighteen?”

HC rolled his eyes. “Exact time. Do you have some place you need to be?” HC clenched

his fist, wondering if he had a date with her.

“Maybe.” Drake gazed at HC’s bulging arms and shook his head. “Why are you being

kinder and gentler?”

HC narrowed his eyes. “Blayne told you.”
“Morgan,” Drake said, referring to Morgan Ralston, the owner of the ranch and

Blayne’s partner. “He tried to tell me the same thing Blayne told you. They don’t know how
our dynamic works. As if we could be ‘kinder and gentler’ to each other.” Drake shuddered
then winked.

HC’s breath caught at the playful expression on Drake’s face—it only made him more

attractive. HC cleared his throat. “A sense of humour—who would have thought you had
one? And our dynamic works. Do you even know what saying that means?”

“I can laugh. You’re just a pain in the ass.” Drake scowled. “Calling me dumb is a good

way to piss me off.”

“I didn’t call you dumb. Seems like anything I do pisses you off.” HC replayed what

he’d said, wondering where he’d called him dumb. Then it dawned on him. “I was referring
to how your using ‘dynamic works’, as in something you and I have that links us.” He leaned
closer. “Under all that growly rudeness, you’re running from me like your butt is on fire. It’s
all just a front. You find me amusing. Admit it.”

“Not everything you do pisses me off.” Drake snorted. “Growly and rude—another

insult. I’ll have you know that I’m kinder and gentler.” Drake chuckled. “Dang stupid thing
to ask someone. What the hell does that mean anyway? Am I supposed to knit you some
booties or a blanket or something? Maybe brush your hair.” Drake looked at him. “That
unruly mane of yours could use a good brushing. Maybe I’ll take the brush I use on my horse
to it.”

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“No clue what kinder and gentler is but hey, I was willing to give it shot. At least until

you acted like an idiot. Then all bets were off. I like booties, they are warm and so are
blankets. I tend to feel cold easily.” HC lifted the strands at the ends of his shoulder-length
blond hair. He’d pulled it back into a ponytail and knew good and well it was combed. “If
you ever come near me with a brush you use on your horse, you’ll regret it.”

“And that is it. Now I can tell Morgan I tried for this crap they wanted, but you broke

it.” Drake grinned.

“Uh-uh…threatening me with a horse brush is breaking it.”
“Humph. That’s a compliment. I take good care of my horse,” Drake countered.
“I do too. And because I do, I wouldn’t use their things on anyone else but them.” HC

shrugged. “Even someone as annoying as you are.”

“Wait, you don’t have a horse.”
“Yes, I don’t have a horse, I have two of them. Both Arabians—the female is grey and

the male is bay coloured.” HC enjoyed the shocked expression that came over Drake’s face.

“Why have I never seen these supposed horses?” Drake crossed his arms over his chest.
HC almost chuckled at how affronted and disgruntled he sounded. “You make them

sound imaginary. Ren and Bes will be very offended. I haven’t brought them here yet.”

“Waiting to decide if you were actually going to stay before you brought them.” Drake

studied him. “It’s a good thing you all did move for your dad, but if you want to leave to live
your own life you should. He wouldn’t want you to stay here for him.”

HC stiffened. Drake was too insightful. He’d nailed it on the head as to why he hadn’t

brought his horses. Even his family hadn’t figured out why—they just accepted his excuses.

“How do you know what we did was for him?” HC demanded.
“I like to watch people—”
“They call that stalking.” HC raised an eyebrow.
“Hush. Don’t distract me. You’re good at doing that.” Drake glared, then continued,

“As I was saying. I like to watch people and from what I have observed of you and your
brothers with your dad, you all love him very much. Came here to give him a reason to want
to live again after losing his partner as he did.” Drake shook his head. “That must have been

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“It was. Life happens. Shit goes down and you move on.” HC blanked his face. He

refused to get into it—it was not something he would discuss with anyone.

“You’re like a rhinoceros. All tough on the outside.” Drake’s expression seemed soft.
“You did not just call me a rhino.” HC shook his head. “They are big grey things that

have this huge horn in the middle of their head.”

“Yep, I did. You’re a big fellow.” Drake leaned against the doorframe. “When you wear

grey it’s a good colour on you. As for the horn”—he reached up and smoothed his finger
down HC’s nose—“you have an interesting schnoz.”

HC crossed his eyes and watched as Drake touched his nose. The callouses on his finger

rubbed along HC’s nose, and he stifled a shiver. The sensation made HC’s knees weak. What
the hell is going on?
In the next moment, what Drake had said registered. HC jerked back,

“First, calling me a rhino is not acceptable. Then telling me I have a big nose when I

know I don’t is downright rude.” He took a step closer to him. “I should break your nose and
see how ‘interesting’”—he made quotes with his fingers—“that seems to you when you look
at it each day. A good reminder that calling a man a rhino is a bad idea.”

Drake moved forward too. “I wonder if there is an animal that combines a rhino with a

porcupine. That’s you. All tough and quills to protect you but a core inside that isn’t that

“My hearing must be faulty.” HC put his fingers in his ears and swished them around.

“You did not just call me a mix of a rhino and porcupine.”

“That’s it. You’ve invented a new species—a rhinopine. Let’s tell the world.” Drake’s

tone was teasing.

HC narrowed his eyes then opened his mouth. He closed it, not even sure what to say.

He growled then pivoted on his heels.

“Fucker. Calling me a rhinopine. What the hell is that?” He waved his hand in the air

then stopped, turning to face Drake. “Are you drunk? Or maybe on drugs?”

“Didn’t have a beer yet. Takes a lot to get me drunk.” Drake grimaced. “Drugs aren’t

good for you.” He smiled. “I’m about to have a beer, do you want to come in and join me?”

“Are you sure you want to have a beer with a rhinopine?” HC asked, walking back

towards him.

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“See, you admit it. That’s you.” Drake chuckled. “It fits you perfectly. We’re really

going to have to talk about your language. Swearing so much isn’t needed.”

HC blinked at the change of subject. “You’re giving me a headache.”
“’Bout time I did. You do it to me often enough. You’re an aggravating man, HC.

What’s HC stand for anyway?”

“If I tell you I’ll have to quill you.” HC grinned.
“Really, quill? That’s so lame.” Drake shook his head.
“You’re the one who called me a rhinopine. I could have said I’d horn you. But

somehow that sounds a little dirty. As in horn dog, like I would hump your leg or
something.” HC wiggled his eyebrows.

“Don’t say things you don’t mean.”
It sounded like a warning and made HC pause and stare at Drake. His expression

changed from teasing to the usual unfathomable calm that drove HC crazy.

“What’s wrong with you?” He moved closer and sniffed him. “You don’t smell like

alcohol.” He grabbed the sides of Drake’s face and studied his green eyes. “Your eyes don’t
seem glazed.” He studied the rest of his face. “There’s something different about you. I don’t
like it. Where’s the Drake Finley I’ve come to enjoy loathing?”

“Lying is another bad trait.” Drake placed his hands over HC’s against his face. “We

both know that loathe is far from what you feel for me.”

HC’s eyes widened and he jerked away. Drake caught his hands, before moving his

grip up to his forearms to keep him in place—HC paused at the firmness. HC knew he could
break free, but it would probably take a blow, which he figured Drake would return, to get
himself loose. That would make his brothers, dad and Morgan mad and cause a whole lot of

“Let me go,” HC said in a low tone.
He held on to his temper. The way Drake was acting was throwing him off-kilter. HC

didn’t like it at all. He was the one who was used to unsettling people. He was damn good at
it and enjoyed it too.

“For now.” Drake slid his hands down his arms.

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HC went very still, not letting the shiver overcome him as Drake’s calloused fingers

made his skin break out in goosebumps. Drake’s smile widened. The arrogance made HC
grit his teeth. Drake finally removed his touch and HC breathed out.

“You never did say why you came to see me.” Drake stepped back. “Fill me in over a


“I owe you an apology for mistaking that you sent back the books my editor sent that I

have to sign for my book signing.” HC turned and walked away. “I changed my mind, I
don’t want a beer.”

“What about the apology?” Drake called.
“You heard it,” HC returned.
“That wasn’t an apology.”
“So you say, but to me that was.” HC strolled to the steps then descended.
“You still need to come back to sign them.” Drake’s footsteps were heavy on the porch,

sounding louder as he reached him. “Maybe you’ll be in the mood for a beer then. Or
perhaps you’ll run away again.”

HC stiffened, stopping on the middle step and looking over his shoulder. Drake was

leaning against one of the pillars at the top of the steps.

“I don’t run from anything.”
“Sure seems like you’re running to me.” Drake chuckled. “Who’d a thunk HC Wagner

would let a little thing like chemistry make him turn tail and run like his ass was on fire.”

“Fuck you.” HC looked away and resumed his descent. Clenching his fist, HC knew

there was no way Drake was serious with his statement. Drake was just messing with his
head to unsettle him. At the bottom, he lifted his hand up and showed Drake his middle
finger as he continued across the yard towards the main ranch house.

“We really need to work on your language. We’ll need to find something to keep your

mouth busy.” Drake chuckled. “That should be fun.”

HC clenched his fists, resisting going back and actually decking him. Drake’s laughter

followed him until he could no longer hear it through the night. The ten minute walk from
Drake’s to the main ranch house did nothing to calm him. HC went up the steps to the back
porch of the ranch house then inside. He was glad not to see anyone there. With the way he

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was feeling, he’d say something he’d regret. He went into Blayne’s office and, seeing his
laptop where he’d left it earlier, HC opened it and booted it up.

HC sat on the couch and slumped against the cushions. As he waited for the laptop to

start, he glanced out of the bay window behind the desk into the dark, towards Drake’s. He
couldn’t see the house from here but could imagine him having that beer and laughing about
messing with his head. HC focused on the screen and typed in his password. When it loaded
he opened the internet and typed ‘rhinoceros’ and ‘porcupine’ into the search engine. He
leant back and stared at the side images that came up.

“I’m not a rhinopine,” he muttered.
“A what?”
HC looked up, startled as he hadn’t heard Blayne enter the room. Blayne sat next to him

on the couch and glanced at the screen then at him. HC automatically reached to pet Blayne’s
dog then scratched the cat who had followed Blayne in. The animals were called Pri—short
for Prima—and Don, short for Donna, respectively. Dwayne, Morgan’s dog, came in and
paused briefly by HC for his own petting then went to lay down by the desk in the area set
up for him and the other animals.

“Did you give Daddy hell today, Prima and Donna?” HC asked, glancing sideways at

Blayne and waiting for his usual comment.

“Don’t call them that. Their names are Pri and Don.” Blayne glared at HC.
“That isn’t their whole name. It’s the shortened ones,” HC pointed out.
Although Blayne hadn’t planned on it, one of the names Morgan liked to tease him

with—Prima Donna—had stuck as his pets’ names. Being the siblings they were, HC as well
as Thomas loved to needle Blayne with the full name of his dog and cat every chance they

“Semantics. Never mind their names.” Blayne gestured to the computer screen. “Why

are you looking at a rhino and a porcupine?” Blayne’s brow furrowed.

“This is your fault.”
“That’s why you’re looking at that.” He gestured again to the screen and smiled,

obviously amused. “I’d like to see how I was responsible for something like that.”

“You know what”—HC set the laptop down before he stood and glared at Blayne—“it

is your fault. Kinder and gentler my ass.”

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“Ah…so you saw Drake.” Blayne chuckled. “Be nice, HC.”
“I’m always nice.”
“Like a rhinoceros charging.” Blayne snorted.
“What the hell is with everyone calling me a rhino?” HC moved away from the couch

and paced before him. “First, Drake calls me a rhino then a porcupine. Then he claimed I was
a rhinopine—”

Blayne interrupted, “There is no such thing.”
“I know that.” HC glared at him. “He’s trying to be funny and it so is not.” He paced

again muttering, “He’s trying to drive me crazy. Yeah that’s it.”

“I’d say he doesn’t have far to drive.”
“Stop interrupting me,” HC warned.
“Okay.” Blayne motioned. “Go ahead and wear a groove in the floor and mutter all you


“Hah…hah.” HC crossed his arms over his chest. “He even threatened to brush my hair

with the brush he uses for his horse.”

“He did what? Sacrilege.” Blayne waved regally. “Off with his head.”
“See, I knew you would see my side of things.”
“He shouldn’t use the horse brush on your hair—that is a disservice to the horse.”

Blayne widened his eyes.

“Asshole.” HC laughed.
“Yeah, it’s a gift.” Blayne winked then pursed his lips before speaking, “He did offer to

brush your hair. He wants you.”

“What? Why? How could you even know that?” HC lowered his arms.
“One, he gave you a pet name.” Blayne held up his hand and ticked off his points.

“Two, he wants to brush your hair. Although I would have a serious talk with him about
using a proper brush. You know how untangling hair can be pain in the ass.” Blayne shook
his head. “Buy a brush so you can use it together. It’ll be similar to Morgan and his
fascination with my braid.” Blayne leered.

“Ewwww…I don’t need to know about yours and Morgan’s freaky sex things.” HC

rubbed his forehead then lowered his hand. “No way Drake wants me. The man is as straight
as they come.”

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“Maybe. Morgan won’t tell me and Gibson is strangely mum about it too,” Blayne said

referring to Morgan’s brother, one of their best friends. “But it doesn’t matter either way if he
wants you. You want him.”

“I d—”
“Don’t deny it. The way you’ve acted since you met him. The swearing as much as you

have been. Those of us who know you, know that’s not you. You do it to irritate Drake.”
Blayne cocked his head to the side. “Instead of irritation, why don’t you try something
kinder and gentler.” Blayne smirked. “Like maybe talking with Drake without doing
something to antagonise him. The two of you should just fuck and get it over with. It would
calm stuff down around here from you two crazies acting so weird.”

“I’m not the one who is weird. Drake is. He was acting all—” HC realised what Drake

had been doing.

“Acting what?”
HC eyes narrowed then he smiled wide. “Kinder and gentler.”
“The way you’re saying it in that growl and the grin that says you are about to get into

a whole lot of mischief gives me chills.” Blayne sat forward. “Do I, Thomas and Paxton need
to have bail money ready?”

HC shook his head before rubbing his hands together then did a slight hop.
“It’ll be all good.” HC smirked and turned. “You wanted kinder and gentler and that’s

what I’ll be with Drake.” He lifted his fist. “Right upside the head. Fucker trying to use
reverse psychology on me and act like I do to throw me off.” HC looked back and pointed at
Blayne. “Yeah, this is your fault. Fuck kinder and gentler.”

“Such language.” Blayne studied him. “Drake is right.”
“Huh…about what?”
“I can see the resemblance to a rhinopine. After all, you do look good in grey.”
HC glared. “What, you’ve been talking to him?”
“Nope. But I’m sure gonna talk to Thomas and Paxton. This is too funny not to share.”

He chuckled. “Rhinopine. That is so you and classic.”

“Sure, Cactus.”
“I’m not a cactus. Morgan thinks he’s funny with that name.” Blayne scowled. “You

don’t get to call me that.”

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“Then don’t call me a rhinopine,” HC countered then shook his head. “What is it with

these cowboys and weird names?”

“You forgot the ‘pet’ part. I think it’s just here in Prentiss, or maybe this ranch. It seems

to be their way of showing that they care.”

“Drake cares to drive me batty.”
“Again. Not a long drive,” Blayne retorted.
“Shut up.” HC headed for the door.
“Why are you running, HC? Admit you want him then go after him and see what

happens,” Blayne said.

“I’m not running. You’re the second person to tell me that in a short time. You know me

better than that, I don’t run.” HC stopped before the open door.

“True. You retreat then plan your attack.” Blayne sighed. “I almost feel sorry for Drake.

Almost. Go get him, brother.” Blayne laughed then said, “Rhinopine in full effect. Are you
going to pin him to the ground with your quills?”

“Screw you.” HC turned in the doorway, almost running into Morgan as he did so.
“Another colourful exchange between the two of you. What’d Blayne do this time?”

Morgan asked.

“Hey, why do you always assume it’s me?” Blayne asked.
“Because it usually is,” Morgan answered immediately.
“He knows you well.” HC laughed.
“You wanna sleep on the couch, Morgan?” Blayne asked sweetly.
“Only if you join me,” Morgan replied, smiling.
“God, you two need to get a room.” HC walked around Morgan. “I don’t need to be

hearing all this lovey-dovey crap.”

“What’s wrong with your brother, Cactus? He usually teases us,” Morgan said.
“Rhinopine.” Blayne started to laugh.
“Drake is driving him daffy.”
“Quack, quack,” Morgan retorted.
“Hah hah. Funny. Not.” HC turned and walked backwards. “Why don’t you two join a

comedy club? Wait…they wouldn’t want you and your tired jokes.”

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“I like your jokes.” Blayne rested against Morgan.
“He’s right, Cactus, your jokes are lame.” Morgan slung his arm over Blayne’s


“Humph. See I was trying to be supportive and you”—Blayne poked Morgan in the

side then grinned at HC—“threw me under the rhinopine.”

“What the hell is a rhinopine?” Morgan frowned.
“Drake’s pet name for HC. A mix of rhinoceros and porcupine.”
Morgan studied HC then nodded. “Yeah, I can see that. Is that why HC wears so much


“I happen to like grey.” HC threw up his hands. “You don’t even question that Drake

has a pet name for me. I wonder why that is.”

“He calls me Boss to irritate me.” Morgan shrugged. “So I figure he calls you rhinopine

for the same reason.”

Disappointment filled HC as he thought of what Morgan had said. He was right, Drake

was just being an irritating ass and there was nothing to the name. Anger filled him as he
imagined Drake thinking it was funny.

“Your fault, Blayne.” HC pointed then turned and walked away.
“What’s your fault, Cactus?” Morgan asked.
“Nothing. Drake just drove HC crazy, that’s all.”
“That’s a short drive,” Morgan replied.
“I hate you both,” HC called back. “Kinder and gentler my ass.”
“Why is his ass kinder and gentler?” Morgan sounded amused.
“He’s trying something new.” Blayne laughed.
HC crossed the living room, ignoring them until he couldn’t hear them anymore.

Moments later he entered the hall and went quickly through the foyer, his thoughts on his
earlier interaction with Drake. He realised what Morgan had said was true and Drake was
using reverse psychology on him to throw him off his usual game. Well, Drake was going to
learn that messing with HC was not a good thing. He entered the kitchen and stopped as he
saw Abby, the housekeeper. She glanced up from where she had been making tea and
grinned at him. HC winked. He and Abby had become friends and they shared the kitchens

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in a companionable way…well, as long as he kept out of her way when it was her night to
cook and she out of his when it was his turn.

“How are you doing, Rhinopine?” She laughed.
HC glared. “How the hell did you even know about that?”
“Blayne is a good texter.” She held up her cell, showing him the screen. “Even gave a


HC stared at the images he’d been looking at and scowled. He saw the names of who

Blayne had sent the text to and saw his dad, brother and Morgan, as well as Windsor—their
dad’s new partner. He heard a beep then pulled out his phone to see the text had been sent to
him too.

“He’s your brother.” Abby chuckled. “You really should rethink wearing grey.”
“I like grey.” HC went around the island then to the hall.
“And you’re cute in it too.” Abby laughed.
HC ignored her, going down the hall to his suite of rooms. He opened the door before

entering his apartment then turned on the dimmer and set the lights on low. Inside, he
bypassed the living room and headed to the bedroom. He opened his closet and stared at his
clothing. He did indeed have a lot of grey.

“I do look good in it,” HC muttered as he returned to the living room and dropped onto

the couch, slumping down. “Irritating, headstrong, pain in the ass man.” He crossed his legs,
hearing the buckles on his knee-high boots clink. In hindsight, he was madder at himself for
reacting the way he had with Drake. In the semi-darkened room, HC decided to avoid Drake
until he had his head on straight.

* * * *

The familiar view of the rolling green hills of MGR Ranch around him filled Drake with

a sense of peace. There was nothing like riding his horse and enjoying the silence. Suddenly,
a loud roaring noise broke the quite. Drake grinned at the sound. Since he was riding near
the GTPM Stables—the breeding business—he figured HC was heading that way. He
imagined the man driving the Harley was still thinking of ways to avoid him. It had been

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eight days since their little interaction and HC was still running. HC thought he was being
subtle with the way he happened to have somewhere else to be whenever Drake was around.
Drake knew that avoidance strategy, since he had used the same one for over year. Ever since
he’d met HC.

“Not the usual scowl when you hear HC on his bike,” Morgan said, riding beside him.
“Yep.” Drake didn’t say anything further. If Morgan had something to say, he would.
“Don’t hurt.” Morgan looked at him pointedly.
“You know me better than that, I wouldn’t hurt him.” Drake clenched his hand on the

reins then the next moment, the horse shifted uneasily. He relaxed his hold and his horse
settled. “Is there anything else?”

“I know that you won’t. I meant, don’t you get hurt.” Morgan’s firm words resonated

between them. “I’ve never seen you act like you have been with HC. You’re already invested
in him.”

He looked at Morgan, surprised at his words. “Well dang it. Why didn’t you tell me

before? I thought he was a pissant as well as irritating and couldn’t decide what I wanted to
do with him. I had no clue I actually—” He paused not sure how to say it.

“I understand. I had the same issue with Blayne. One moment I wanted to deck him

and the next…well, you know.” Morgan chuckled. “I still feel that way sometimes.”

“HC is nothing like Blayne. Blayne is a—”
“Prima Donna. Yeah, my Cactus is high-maintenance. But he’s worth it.” Morgan rode

for a while beside him, not saying anything further.

Drake wondered when HC would stop running.
“Did Blayne run from you too?”
“Run? Cactus didn’t run at all. But HC isn’t running.” Morgan laughed. “Drake, you’d

better be prepared for when he finally stops trying to come up with excuses to deny what he
wants. He’ll be a rhinopine in full effect.”

Shocked, Drake snapped. “Don’t call him that. That’s ours.” Drake lowered his tone and

clenched his fists, then looked at Morgan.

He didn’t know how Morgan had heard about the name, but he didn’t like him using it.

Morgan’s expression was surprised, but then he nodded. Drake relaxed as he nodded in

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“It might not be as easy to get the others to stop using it. His brothers like to mess with


Drake frowned—HC had seemed to take offence to the description, yet he was telling


“Why’d he tell them then?”
“From what Blayne said, he was actually ranting about you and let it slip.” Morgan

paused then spoke again, “I might have something to do with HC avoiding you.” He reined
in his horse.

Drake waited to hear what happened.
Morgan quickly explained, “I mentioned that you call me Boss to irritate me. Then

thought you were calling HC a rhinopine for the same reason.”

“Why’d you tell him that? From what you said earlier, you knew better.” Drake was


“His brothers aren’t the only one who likes to mess with him.” Morgan winked.
Drake shook his head. “Blayne is rubbing off on you.”
“All the time.” Morgan laughed.
Studying his friend, Drake marvelled at how much he had changed, in many ways, for

the better. Morgan wasn’t as closed off and he was happier.

“I’m not going to touch that one.”
“Leave the touching for HC.” Morgan started to ride again and Drake joined him. “As

his brother-in-law, I really should threaten you or something.”

“But you won’t.”
“Nah…I’m going to leave that to his brothers and Paxton.” Morgan laughed. “Good


Drake remembered what he’d heard from Morgan and Windsor about how the men

had acted when they’d first been getting involved with their family. He’d dismissed it as
their exaggerating. He and Morgan focused back on work and didn’t again mention HC.

Although they didn’t discuss HC again for the rest of the day, Drake’s thoughts kept

drifting to him. Later in the day, when he was at home and had finished settling his horse in
the personal stables close to his house, Drake strode outside then paused. He inhaled deeply,

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the scents of the ranch filling his nose. A woof came and he glanced to the left. Drake smiled
as the dog ran up to him then pressed against his leg.

“You finally found your way home. Did you have fun with Dwayne, Pri and Don?”

Drake asked Sandy, his Bernese Mountain Dog.

She woofed again and sat. Drake wondered how much trouble Sandy had got into with

Pri, Don and Dwayne—Morgan’s dog. They had spent the day with Blayne so he imagined
they’d been spoilt and had run free around the house.

“At least you had fun. Do you plan to come work with me tomorrow or be lazy again?”

Although he asked, Drake already knew where she would go. Blayne might claim he was not
fond of dogs, but they flocked to him. Both Drake and Morgan had lost their doggy
companions who usually worked with them to Blayne.

He continued on his way to his house, quickly going up the steps. Moments later, he

was inside and in the kitchen grabbing a beer from the fridge. He took off the cap and lifted it
to take a drink. The doorbell interrupted him and he lowered the beer, holding the neck
between two fingers. Curious, he went to the front door and looked through the peephole.
When he saw who it was, his cock immediately started to harden.

“I’ll be damned.” He looked at Sandy. “We have company.” Drake cleared the grin that

involuntarily came over his face before he opened the door.

He met the light green eyes before studying the rest of the features of the man who

could drive Drake to want to irritate him—as well as kiss him senseless. As usual, his first
thought was Viking biker. Blond, shoulder-length hair with a slight curl fell in casual
disarray around a face carved with planes and angles. HC’s face reminded Drake of an angel
but his expression of insolence and the devilish twinkle in his eyes contradicted his look. He
was all in black. His T-shirt stretched across a barrel chest—tattoos covered both arms from
his elbow then disappeared below his shirtsleeves—while his jeans fit his thighs just right.

Knee-high boots with silver buckles completed his look. Both his clothing and

expression portrayed he was trouble, that he knew it and wholeheartedly embraced it. The
man was too handsome and drew Drake in. It was a baffling experience, since he’d been
single for so long and the man before him was in no way his type. HC was wild and
untamed when Drake preferred the calmer, steady type. Looking at him, Drake already knew

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it was too late for him to walk away. Now it was just a matter of convincing the stubborn
chef to give them a chance.

“I need to sign my books.” HC’s bassy voice and the slight cadence that hinted at his

Irish heritage made Drake think of things he shouldn’t, and he went fully hard.

HC lifted his head, almost challengingly. Drake stifled a laugh of delight. There was just

something about HC that pushed all Drake’s buttons and it seemed he did the same to HC. It
was going to be interesting to see what HC did next.

“Beer.” Drake held out the drink he held.
HC frowned before accepting it. Drake deliberately made sure their fingers touched as

he passed it to him. HC narrowed his eyes and took the bottle. Sandy barked and went over
to HC and Drake watched, surprised, as the usually standoffish dog wagged her tail eagerly.

“Sorry, I don’t have any treats for you.” HC squatted and petted Sandy. “I see you

survived Blayne trying to bathe you and the others. You can come hide in the kitchen next
time he gets that idea in his head.” HC chuckled. Sandy wiggled and tried to lick him. She
placed her front legs on his knees, woofing. HC pressed his face into her fur, whispering
something Drake couldn’t hear.

Drake hadn’t known HC had spent much time with his dog. Sandy liked HC and she

usually didn’t take to many people. HC stood and Sandy went back into the house,
disappearing from view.

“Come on in.” Drake moved back and held the door open wider.
“Said the spider to the fly.” HC smirked.
“I’d say tamer to the rhinopine.” Drake stared at him.
HC stepped inside and stood close to him. “The tamer would best be warned that it

isn’t good to play with hard or pointy things.”

“I could say so many things about that, but I’m gonna resist.” Drake chuckled.
HC narrowed his eyes again as he moved closer. Drake inhaled his scent and as usual,

HC smelt like vanilla. Why does he always smell like vanilla?

“Resistance is good, but giving in is better.” HC’s tone was low.
The intensity of his voice and expression made Drake’s breath catch and his body

thrum with anticipation. He stilled, waiting for HC to follow through on the promise in his

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Chapter Two

“Where are the books?” HC moved past, brushing against Drake.
At the slight contact, thoughts of laying HC down and having him filled Drake’s mind.

HC watched him with an unreadable look on his face as he waited. Drake clenched and
unclenched his fist then pointed towards the hall before walking past HC and leading the
way down the hall. HC walked beside him and Drake resisted looking at him. The clomp of
HC’s boots hitting the wooden floors as he walked sounded beside him, and Drake prayed
for control. With barely any words, HC had him on edge. He stopped before the open door of
his home office. HC passed him and went in while Drake paused in the doorway.

“Damn, I thought Paxton was exaggerating about how many boxes there are.” HC ran

his hand through his hair.

“Oh, there are a lot of them.” Drake walked to the door across the hallway then opened


HC glanced at him curiously before joining him. He looked into the spare bedroom and

his eyes widened.

“Your publisher must have faith you’re gonna sell a whole lot of books.” Drake studied

the stacks of boxes—piled four high—filling the room.

“My editor seems to think so too. I think he’s wrong. But he’s stubborn and believes

they will sell. He wants the books pre-signed for the places I won’t be going to on my tour as
well as for the stores I am going to. That way they have them in stock after the signing. The
books need to be done and sent off in time for the book launch. I already did the ones at
Paxton’s. Took me almost a week.” HC sighed. “I thought I could get the ones you have here
done in a day or two. Now I see that it’s going to take longer than that. It’s a good thing I
started getting the signing done at Paxton’s early. One more week, then they come for them.”
HC looked at him. “I don’t want to disturb you.”

Too late. Drake studied him and noticed he seemed off somehow.
“I’ll ask Morgan for some space in one of the spare rooms and have the books moved


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“That’s silly. Just come here and sign them.” Drake crossed his arms over his chest.
“I spent most of each day and some nights at Paxton’s while he worked.”
“You can do the same thing here. I’ll give you a key.”
“Why would you do that?” HC stared. “Aren’t you afraid with me being riffraff that I

would wreck your place?”

“Carting all those books to Morgan’s would take time and manpower when it makes

sense to just leave them where they are and you sign them here. You can use my office. If I’m
home when you’re here and you need help carting boxes from the spare room, I can help
with that.” Drake thought of something. “Each time you finished signing a box of books,
what did you do with it?”

“Shifted them around the room. It was a pain in the ass, but I didn’t want to take up too

much space at Paxton’s.” HC glanced at the boxes then back to the office across the hall. “I’m
taking up way too much space at your place. I really can move them to the main house. I’ll
get Thomas, Blayne and Paxton to help me.”

“They stay here. No arguments.” Drake held up his hand as HC opened his mouth

again. “I would have kept all the books here, but I wasn’t sure if it would be okay to keep
them on the part of my back porch that is covered. And you weren’t around for me to check
with when they delivered them. If you want, we can check it out and once you sign the
books, you can shift them out to the porch so you can keep track of what’s signed and not
without it being a pain.”

“If it’s anything like Thomas’ back porch or as large, that would have been fine. It

would’ve saved you from blocking up your office and spare room. But I’ll check it out.” HC
nodded, still looking uncomfortable.

Drake retraced his steps to the foyer then turned left towards the kitchen. He heard HC

behind him and led the way to the porch. Sandy was lying by the windows and lifted her
head but settled again.

“Wow…this is nice.”
“You sound like you expected a cave or something.” Drake looked around the porch.

The chocolate brown and orange colours of the room gave it a comfortable, welcoming feel.
The oversized couches, chairs and other furnishing also gave this feeling. There was a
mounted large-screen television and stereo system with speakers hidden in the walls and

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ceiling. He spent time here often and enjoyed relaxing, watching out of the bay windows all
around the room. The view from them showcased the forest close to his house.

“Technically, I call this a man cave.” HC looked around. “A man cave built in a

sunroom. Watching this view all day would make signing all those books more bearable.”
HC strode towards the door leading to the rest of the back porch that was uncovered then
looked through the glass door. “Partially covered and uncovered.” He turned and studied
the windows. “With all these windows, what about privacy?”

Drake pressed the control on the wall closest to him. The shades lowered over the

windows as well as the door.

“You thought of everything.” HC looked around the room again. “This is similar to the

set up at Thomas’ place. He uses it as a man cave too, but also as his studio. Says the light he
gets is fantastic.” HC put his hands in his pockets. “Moving the books out here after signing
them would be fine.”

“Good.” Drake studied him. “Is there a reason you seem so uncomfortable?”
“Just thinking of the book signing.” HC shrugged. “And the amount of boxes here. At

least there won’t be so many people actually at the signing.”

“You sound happy about that. Don’t you want to sell your books?”
“Yeah I do, but the idea of signing…” HC didn’t finish his statement, instead he said,

“I’ll start signing so I can get out of your way. I won’t stay too late.”

He left before Drake could reply. Drake frowned, wondering what he hadn’t said. If he

took a leap, he’d think HC didn’t like crowds, but that didn’t fit with what he’d seen of HC—
he was friendly and open with the people who worked on the ranch. He’d seen him many
times at the bunkhouse teasing and laughing. HC was also potty-mouthed, but that seemed
to be his way.

Drake returned to the kitchen and grabbed another beer. He set it on the counter then

pulled the hamburger and bag of fries he’d planned to have for dinner out of the freezer.
Drake took out another patty then fixed the grill top of his stove and waited for it to heat. He
plugged in the deep fryer and left that to heat too then set out Sandy’s food then called her
for it. Drake drank his beer as he worked to prepare his dinner. As he did, he listened for the
man down the hall, in his office signing his books. He didn’t hear him and if he hadn’t felt
that awareness he did whenever HC was around, he wouldn’t have known he was there.

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Finally, when his meal was cooked he put the burger on a bun, then fries with a pickle

beside it on the plate before putting it on a tray and fixing the other burger. He placed the
other toppings in small individual bowls, then put the various condiments on the tray too.
Drake grabbed a few more beers and, seeing the tray was full, he got a plastic bag to put
them in that. He held the bag and balanced the tray then headed for the office. As he went
down the hall, he heard HC whistling a tune he didn’t recognise. When he went into the
office, HC looked up at him, then at the tray and bag he held.

“Didn’t know if you had dinner yet. Since I was making something for myself, I made

some for you too.” Drake noticed HC had shifted some boxes and the couch and centre table
were clear. He went over and tried to figure out how he’d put everything down.

“Here, let me do that.” HC took the tray then placed it on the table. He sat then quickly

emptied the tray and placed the toppings, condiments and other things between the plates on
the table.

Drake sat beside him and pulled out the beers, setting them before them. He opened

two, putting one before each plate. He crumpled the bag and gestured to the things between

“I wasn’t sure what you liked or didn’t like on your burger.”
“I usually prefer my onions sautéed but this is good too. Also, love tomatoes. Can’t

stand lettuce. I like mushroom, but I see you don’t have that.” HC glanced at him. “Thanks
for dinner.”

“You’re welcome. Next time I’ll know what topping to put on your burger.” Drake

fixed his burger, putting everything in the bowls on top then dressing it with condiments. He
looked sideways at HC as he prepared his. “I put the mushrooms in the burger.”

“You made the burgers?”
“Yep. I prefer to do that than get the store-bought stuff. I get the good sirloin meat to

put the patty together. Then put in some seasoning and mushrooms in the meat before I
freeze them. After a long day, I don’t always want to cook so I grab a bag of fries and cook
the burger and there’s dinner. It is quick and easy when I want to grab something to eat.”

“Sounds like you take your burgers seriously. I don’t like the store-bought stuff either.

For many things. I make a lot of my own foods when I can.” HC grinned. “Maybe it’s the
cook in me.”

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HC looked at him, surprise plain on his face.
“Don’t look so shocked. I was curious about who you were when you came here. And

to paraphrase what Abby likes to say, I can goggle with the best of them. You’re a very
sought after chef who left it all behind to become a ranch cook.” Drake smiled. “Because you
cared about your dad. That’s admirable.”

HC snorted. “Don’t romanticise it like it was some big feat.” He shrugged. “I did it for

me, too. I was tired of where I was anyway. It was time for something new. I love being here
on the ranch.”

“Don’t you miss cooking the fabulous foods you are known for?” Drake took a bite of

his burger.

“Why would I? I still make them.”
“You do?” Drake lowered the burger.
“Yep. Just offset it with something people here are used to so they give it a try. Enticing

people to eat my food is a major rush. I love putting my spin on things.” HC bit into his
burger then chewed before he spoke again. “And feeding the people who work on the ranch
is like working in a top rated restaurant. You have picky and demanding eaters no matter the
setting. The only thing different is that as the chef here on the ranch I don’t throw a tantrum
like I might when someone refuses to eat my food.” HC laughed. “If I feel the need to be
‘chef’ and be able to throw a hissy fit about someone who didn’t like what I made, I have
more than enough places here in Prentiss as well as the other neighbouring cities that would
welcome me into their kitchens to cook. Hell, many places in Texas as well as adjoining
states. After all, I am so well-renowned and sought after.” He smirked then winked.

“And modest too.” Drake continued to eat his food.
“When it comes to my creating food, I don’t have any modesty. I take pride in what I

do. I don’t know much, but I know food.” HC shrugged. “It’s one of the first things I ever
actually felt comfortable and successful at.” He took another bite of his burger.

Drake was tempted to push, but he decided not to. “Do you usually throw a hissy fit

when people don’t like your food? I thought I was special, that you only hissyed for me.”

HC choked briefly then coughed to clear his throat. “Warn a guy before you talk crazy.”

He barked out a laugh. “There is no such word as ‘hissyed’. And I’ve never hissyed in my

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life, I was joking about the tantrum. If you don’t like what I make then that’s your choice.
Everyone’s palate is different. Although to not like my food is silly. My food sinfully tempts
the taste buds. I love sin, so I take particular joy in making food to make people come back
often to sin.”

Drake choked on the French fry he was eating. There’s a lot of sin I could think of and food

isn’t even at the top of the list. HC pounded him on the back and Drake’s eyes watered.

“Are you okay?” HC’s tone held suppressed laughter.
“Yeah.” Drake took a sip of beer then spoke. “So, you make sinful food?”
“Yeah. Something as simple as a sugar cookie can be sin for some people. It’s all

according to what tempts your taste buds.” HC sipped his beer then lowered it. “What
tempts you?”

You, laid out on the couch, naked and ready for me. Drake saw the daring expression on

HC’s face and knew he was waiting for him to say something. He also figured that if he did,
they would be rolling around fighting for dominance as they fucked wildly. If that was all he
wanted, he’d have HC flat on his back, kissing him until they both couldn’t breathe within
seconds. Since it wasn’t, he didn’t say what he wanted to.

“Almonds. I love foods with almonds.”
“I’ll make sure to remember that.” HC’s expression remained daring, and was now


“Good.” He glanced at HC’s plate. “Don’t you like French fries?”
“You said earlier ‘bag of fries’. I don’t do those.” HC grimaced. “Next time let me know

when you’re making burgers beforehand and I’ll make you some of my homemade ones.
After having them, you’ll never eat store-bought fries again.”

“Really? Then you’ll have to keep me supplied if you’re going to ruin store fries for


“I can do one better. I can give you the recipe.” HC wiped his hands on a napkin then

reached to the side table and picked up a book. He pushed the bowls and condiments out of
the way then placed it on the table.

Drake looked at the cover, its background a beautiful landscape. In the centre,

prominently displayed, was a table set with a decadent looking meal complete with dessert.

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Sitting at the table were two men—obviously a couple. He silently read the words—
Connections: Base, then HC’s name.

“A cookbook? Even the book doesn’t have your full name.”
“Yes. Were you expecting something else? And HC is the name I use.”
“I thought it might be a fiction or non-fiction book, something like your dad—Adam—

wrote,” he said, referring to HC’s father who had died. Drake’s attention kept going back to
the image on the book. “I’m really curious as to what your full name is. What does HC stand

“I don’t share my name with most folks. So you will have to keep being really curious. I

couldn’t do either of those kinds of writings justice. I wrote what I know—food.” HC
finished his burger. “It sounds like you read some of Adam’s books.”

“Yeah, I did.” He gestured, not looking away from the cover of the book. “I like to read

and your dad is one of my favourite authors.”

“I saw that you had a lot of books but didn’t check the titles,” HC said.
“I met Adam a few times.”
“You did?”
Drake focused on HC. “Yes, at a few book signings and some readings. At each he was

very swamped with people, but he took a moment with each person there. It felt like he
really saw you and was grateful to you for buying his book, as well as even coming to see
him. He even remembered my name and mentioned he was glad to see me again at another
of his events. That was so great that he did.”

“That was Adam. He was”—HC cleared his throat—“the most open man I ever knew.

He and Dad are the base of us.” HC tapped the cover.

“Is that what the title is about?”
“Yes. Each book is about all of us.”
Drake’s eyes widened. “Each book. How many did you write?”
“There are five in the collection I named Connections. They will be released during a

five-month period, starting in about two weeks. Each is about my family and the Connections,
then the name of each of our books. In each are my brothers’, Paxton, Adam and Windsor’s
favourite recipes, my insights into them, and how we are as a family. This one”—he touched

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the cover of the book—“is about Adam and Paxton, as well as Windsor. Thus it’s called Base.
Blayne’s is Beginning. Thomas’ is Centre. Gibson’s is Piece. And mine is Completion.”

Drake was impressed at the meaning of the books and the passion in his voice. “That

sounds like a bestseller to me.”

HC grimaced.
“Why don’t you want it to sell?” Drake asked.
“I want it to, but the idea of the crowds for the signings makes me cringe. I hate


Drake was surprised.
“From your expression, I see you think I of all people couldn’t hate crowds.” HC leant

back against the couch. “Well I do. I don’t even know how my editor got me to agree to a
tour and appearances for one week for each on the week of the book release.”

“He must be some quick talker. I can’t see anyone talking you into anything.”
“Jonas—that’s my editor—is a friend and he knows me too well. And yes, he is a slick

little fast-talking bastard and even with him being such a good friend I’d tell him to stick it.
But there is something about Jonas that makes you agree to shit without knowing it.” HC
blew out a breath. “I’ll have a launch for the first of the collection here in Prentiss at Masters
Pages. Then each of the others will be in different cities but the last stop for each at the end of
each week of tours, I will have a signing at Masters Pages, too.”

“Jonas sounds like a character.” Drake wondered if there was anything going on

between HC and his editor. “Masters Pages is a good place to start and end each tour.
Sounds like you’ll be really busy for the next five months.”

“Yeah.” He drew in a breath. “I can do it. Just have to picture the crowd naked.”
Drake laughed.
“Hey, that’s what people say when you do public speaking.”
“They do, but I always thought that was a bad idea. Some of the people you see in the

audience, I wouldn’t ever want to picture naked. I’d want to put on more clothing instead.”

HC chuckled. “True. Then I’ll think of someone I want to picture naked and keep that

in mind.”

“That’d be better. It’s a good thing you’ll be sitting or the crowd would think you’re

happy to see them.” He delivered the line with a straight face.

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“Lame. You, Blayne and Morgan need to go to the lame joke club.” HC shook his head.
“Yeah that was bad. Sounded better in my head.” Drake ate the last of his fries then

wiped his fingers off. He rose and started to clean up. HC stood and helped. In a
companionable silence, they took everything back to the kitchen.

Setting his things down, Drake gestured to the sink. “Put it there. I’ll wash up and put it


“Sit. You fed me so I’ll clean.” HC went to the sink and turned on the water. “Where’s


“Last time I looked, she was sleeping by the windows in the sunroom. That’s her

favourite napping spot.” Drake sat at the kitchen island and noticed the book on the counter.
“Why’d you bring this?”

HC looked over his shoulder. “Because your hands were full so you couldn’t bring your

book yourself.”

“Wait, this is mine?”
“Yes.” HC frowned. “Why’d you think I gave it to you?”
“You said you could give me the recipe but mentioned nothing of a book.”
“The recipe is in the book.” HC returned his attention to washing the dishes.
Drake smiled, surprised that HC was being so nice and giving. He stared at the cover

again, captured by the beauty. “This cover looks like someone took a photograph, but I could
swear it’s hand drawn.”

“It is hand drawn. Thomas drew and designed the cover. He made the covers for all the

books.” HC laughed. “He’s never done such a thing before, but Jonas strikes again. He’s even
convinced Blayne to build a site especially for the books and such. Blayne and I will control it
outside of the publisher’s influence. I’m having a member section where I post tips and
recipes as the mood strikes me. Another thing Jonas convinced me to do. Damn convincing

Drake chuckled as he flipped open the book. He noticed the book was autographed.

Drake— You should do as I do every day to get a happy start for my day. Do two irritations of

Drake daily and you’ll have a wonderful day. Yours in aggravation— HC.

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He laughed. “This is so perfect. Snarky ass.” He glanced up then saw HC had finished

and was standing on the other side of the island.

“I thought it would fit.” HC placed his palms down on the counter. “I hope snarky ass

isn’t going to be another name you use. The other one is going to stick.”

“Rhinopine is my name for you. Don’t worry, I’ll talk with the others about not calling

you that.” Drake closed the book.

“Yours.” HC licked his lips then cleared his throat before he spoke again. “Good luck

with that. You might be able to convince some of them, but Blayne and Thomas are

“Me too.”
“Not like my brothers.” HC straightened. “Well, I better get back to it so I don’t keep

you from going to bed.”

“You won’t.” He stood and retrieved a key on a key ring from the drawer. “Here, so

you can come and go as you need to.”

“Are you sure you want to give me a key to your house?” HC eyed the key. “I could

just wait until you’re around.”

“With all the books you have to sign, you need to come whenever you can. You did say

they’re coming for them in a week.”

“Yeah.” HC flexed his hand. “I get hand cramps and have to take a break when I do.”
“Anyone would have hand cramps.” Drake looked at the book. “This is only your first

book. Does your editor plan to send you so many books to sign for each one?”

“Nope. I already talked to him about his overzealousness.” HC bared his teeth. “That

time he didn’t get to pull his hoodoo convincing act on me. It’ll be more manageable.”

“If you need to, you can put the books here.”
“What have you done with Drake, you pod person?” HC scowled. “Stop being so

weird. You’re freaking me out. Be the surly, rude Drake.” HC walked away.

Drake watched him as he went to the kitchen door. “Rhinopine is back.”
“I’m not a rhinopine,” HC retorted and raised his hand, lifting a middle finger, before

he went out of view.

“At least you didn’t curse. That’s a good first step,” Drake yelled.

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“Fuck you,” HC returned just as loud. “You’re the one who drives me to swear. Next,

you’ll make me drink. You’re driving me crazy.”

“That’s a short drive.” Drake chuckled. He really needed to work on HC’s language.
“Why does everyone keep saying that? I’ll have you know I am quite

sane…sometimes,” HC called out. “It’s everyone else’s fault. I’m the innocent bystander.”

“Innocent.” Drake laughed. He went to the door and looked down the hall. HC was

leaning against the doorjamb of the office with his arms crossed over his chest. “That’s a big
fat lie.”

“It’s a ginormous lie.” He spread his hands wide. “But I delivered it so well that it was


“Humph, to someone who doesn’t know you maybe,” Drake said.
“You don’t know me, Drake.” HC stepped through the doorway and out of sight.
“Not yet. But I will.” Drake lifted his voice.
“Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes knowing someone can be disappointing,”

HC replied.

Drake frowned, wondering what he could mean by that. Thoughtful, he went back into

the kitchen and stood before the book. HC seemed so opposite to him but he was also
shattering his assumptions. HC was turning out to be complex, with layers he hadn’t even
thought were there. Drake traced his name on the book, looking forward to unravelling the
layers that were HC.

* * * *

HC held the key for Drake’s place then looked at the door. He was still baffled that

Drake had trusted him enough to give him a key to his house. Unlocking the door then
pushing it open, he picked up the bags and his backpack, which he’d set on the porch earlier,
then stepped inside. HC closed the door and stood in the foyer listening to the silence. The
house seemed empty without Drake to fill it. HC shook off the fanciful thought and went
towards the kitchen. Placing his backpack on the stool by the island, he then unpacked the
bag—taking the items that needed to be kept refrigerated away and left the rest on the
counter. Afterwards, he took the backpack with him down the hall to the office. He entered

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and glanced around, surprised there weren’t any boxes. HC went to check the spare room
but spotted the paper pinned to the door. Retrieving it, he read the note.

Enjoy the view while you sign. —Drake.

“He didn’t.” HC went back down the hall through the kitchen then out of the door to

the sunroom.

He stared at the pile of boxes in one corner of the room. Then to where Drake had

obviously set up a place for him to sign. There was a box of books next to the couch and the
centre table before it had a perfect view out of the windows or for the TV. HC went closer
and saw there was a large penholder filled with pens of all colours and sizes, the remote
controls for the TV and what he assumed was the stereo were also on the table. He looked
between the boxes and the area set aside for him and whispered, “Thoughtful bastard.” HC
grinned. “I really am prickly like a porcupine. I really should be grateful.”

He put his backpack on the couch then sat down, getting himself ready. He pulled out

the pens he’d brought then pushed them back in the bag and reached for one that Drake had
left him. He studied it and pain filled him as he saw Adam’s name. He recognised the design
as one on the last set of pens his dad—Paxton—had made for the final signing Adam had
done before he’d died. Thomas had made a special design for each of Adam’s books and he’d
had pens made for him to use and give away at every event. They hadn’t known at the time
the reason his daddy had stopped touring was because he was sick. Paxton and Adam had
kept that from them until it was too late.

HC recalled Drake saying he’d met him a few times. Slowly, he picked up each pen and

separated them, seeing that Drake had almost all the pens that correlated to each of Adam’s
books. HC blinked, eyes burning as he viewed each of them. He ran his finger down the pens
and made a mental note to find the promo items he had of Adam’s. He hadn’t looked at them
in a long time.

HC set the pens aside then chose another, by another author. Drake seemed to go to

places he could collect pens from authors. HC opened the box of books and started to sign.
Throughout the morning, he took breaks to relieve his hand cramps and changed positions of
where he sat. Sitting on the floor, HC signed another book then glanced at the clock—it was

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almost twelve-thirty—then at the pile of books. Five more and he’d be done with the box,
then he’d break for lunch. He reached for the book and started signing. The sound of the
door opening made him look to his right.

HC licked his lips as Drake strode in from the back porch entrance. There was

something about how Drake walked with such confidence that made him sexy. Drake took
off his dark grey Stetson and ran his fingers through his hair. His short-sleeved button-down
blue chambray shirt showed off his muscular arms and was un-tucked over his black jeans.
As he walked, his boots resonated against the hard wood floor. The clothing was a variation
of Drake’s typical daily wear. Each time HC saw him he imagined what was under his shirt.
Did he wear an A-shirt under his clothing or was he bare-chested? He’d seen some of the
men take off their outer shirt as they worked but had never been around Drake enough to get
an answer to what he wore.

Drake stopped just before him. “How’re things going?”
“Did you come home to check on me? Want to make sure I didn’t wreck your place?”

HC set the book aside then reached for another.

“I see the rhinopine is awake and ornery.” Drake grinned. “And to answer your

question, I came by to make sure you found everything okay.” Drake looked around then at
him. “I’m glad you made yourself at home.”

“I didn’t search your house,” HC defended. Although I was curious and wanted to know

more about you.

“You’re so dang prickly today.” Drake studied him. “Did you eat anything at all today?

You should at least have snacks with your drink there.”

“I am. Let me try to answer you again.” HC rubbed his hand over the back of his neck.

“I had some snacks I brought with me.”

“You can help yourself to anything in the kitchen,” Drake offered. “Well, I better get


“Have you eaten lunch yet?” HC didn’t want him to go.
“No, I’ll grab something from the bunkhouse on the way back out,” Drake said.
“By now there won’t be much or probably anything there.” HC rose and said firmly,

“I’ll make you a sandwich.”

“I don’t want you going to any trouble.”

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“I was going to make one for myself. It’s just as easy to make two,” HC said. “Take a

seat and I’ll be right back.”

“I can help.”
“You’ve been working in the hot sun all morning. Take a damn seat,” HC growled.
“Yeah. I happen to work in the sun every day.” Drake’s lips twitched. “Are you trying

to be caring?”

“For the love of God. Sit your fucking ass down.” HC turned and walked towards the

open door that led to the kitchen.

“Language,” Drake called.
“I was fine until you came in,” HC retorted.
Drake chuckled.
HC smiled and asked, “Do you want a beer?”
“Nah. Later, after I get off work. I’ll take some iced tea if there’s any left.”
HC heard a sound and wondered what it was. He retrieved a glass and filled it with

iced tea then went to give it to Drake. He stopped in the doorway and watched as Drake
moved some of the boxes filled with books he’d already signed. They had been surrounding
the couch but Drake had put them by the wall closer to the doors to the back porch.

“Didn’t I tell you to sit? You don’t need to come home for lunch and be working here

too. Why are you carting boxes?” HC placed the iced tea on the centre table where he had
been sitting.

“Just giving you some space. Aren’t you making me a sandwich?” Drake got another

box and piled it with the others. “I don’t see any food. I’m hungry. Hurry up.”

“You’re just saying that to get rid of me.”
“Yep. Now shoo and get me some food. Now.” Drake grinned.
HC rolled his eyes and went back to the kitchen to make the sandwiches. He put them

together quickly and placed them on a tray then grabbed a bag of chips he’d brought before
taking them back to the sunroom. Drake was sitting on the couch drinking his tea. He
lowered the glass and twirled the pen he had in his hand.

“I didn’t realise your dad’s pens were in with this set. Are you okay?”

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HC paused briefly at the concern in his tone. He closed the distance to the couch, placed

the tray down, and gave him the plate before he replied, “I’m fine.” He gestured to the pens.
“I set them aside for you. They are collector items.”

“You can have them.” Drake pushed them towards him. “I know each was made by

Adam’s son. He talked about it at all of his signings with such pride. At the time I didn’t
know it was Thomas.”

“Why would you give them to me?” HC stared.
“You should have them. It’s right you have them.” Drake lifted his sandwich.
“You keep them. I have them all already. We each kept one from each batch made. Also

we have a family version that is made just for us.” HC swallowed. “We commemorated each
book and each win of Paxton’s, or certain accomplishments of the rest of us. It’s a tradition
that Adam insisted on.” HC tried to shut out the feeling of loss swamping him for his daddy.

“It’s okay to feel the loss”—Drake touched his knee—“if you need to talk, I’m a good


“I don’t need to talk,” HC snapped and pulled away from his touch.
Drake’s expression said he didn’t believe him. “You’ve made some progress with the

signing of your books.”

HC was grateful for the change of subject. He looked at the pile still left to sign then at

Drake. “Is it me, or do those boxes seem like they are multiplying? Making little box babies
filled with books.”

“It’s you.” Drake laughed. “I can see you have less. Although it will take a bit of time to

get through them.”

“Yeah, it will.” HC took a bite of his sandwich.
“You’ll get through it.” Drake did the same and his eyes widened. “What is this? This

doesn’t taste anything like the cold cuts I have in my fridge.”

“I figured after the bagged French fries, you probably went for the regular cold cuts in

those packs. Buying from the deli counter is always better.”

“I’ve bought from the deli counter and it doesn’t taste like this.” He took another big


“It’s the cold cuts and the roll. I made it and then I put a little of this and that on it.” HC

shrugged. “Told you my food is a sin.”

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“You’re trying to make me choke again. But this time it won’t work.” Drake snorted.
“Darn. Foiled again.” HC chuckled. “Wait until you see what I have planned for


“You’re making me dinner too?” Drake wiggled his eyebrows. “Keep feeding me and

you’ll never get rid of me.”

If only that was true. HC stilled as he realised what he had thought. He didn’t want

Drake. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if the man was straight or not. Didn’t really even know how
he felt about Drake. That’s a lie. He stifled a sigh. He did desire Drake, but didn’t know if it
was a good idea. He didn’t know how to read Drake and what he would expect. Sex would
be fine if Drake was agreeable, but anything else HC didn’t do.

“I know how to get rid of unwanted things.” HC bared his teeth.
“Nice conversation then, Rhinopine.” Drake sighed. “We’ll work on that prickly nature

too. I’ll figure you out.”

“Good luck with that.” He snorted. “I’m a conundrum.”
“Did you say ‘dum dum’?” Drake tsked. “You really shouldn’t talk about yourself that


HC barked out a laugh, shaking his head. “I’ll give you that one. That was funny and

smart assed.”

“I have my moments.” Drake made a mark in the air. “Score one for Drake.” He studied

HC. “I agree you’re puzzle. And I love puzzles.”

HC stiffened, feeling as if that was a warning. Drake’s expression was the same calm

one he usually wore.

“This is really good.” Drake chewed then said, “It’s been an interesting day…”
HC listened and commented as Drake told him about what had happened in his day so

far. The time passed quickly and HC enjoyed himself, taking and trading quips with Drake.
He looked at his watch.

“I’ve gotta get back to work. I should be home about six or so. Just telling you in case

you need to time for whatever you’re making.” Drake rose.

“It’s simple so it’s fine.” HC stood, picking up their plates. “Although to go back to our

earlier conversation, I’m not making you dinner. I’m making dinner and if you happen to be
here to get some, that’s fine.”

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“Did you plan enough for me?”
“Yes bu—”
“Then you’re making me dinner.” Drake grinned. “That’s so kinder and gentler of you.”
Drake grinned and yanked HC against him, then kissed him. HC stiffened before

shaking as desire coursed through him. Drake’s firm body fitted his perfectly and
everywhere they touched felt on fire. Drake licked the seam of his lips and when HC opened,
Drake stroked his tongue inside his mouth, deepening the kiss. HC moaned, enjoying the
sensation of Drake’s tongue playing on his. He tangled his tongue with Drake’s and they
battled for dominance. HC growled, frustrated, as he couldn’t hold him with the plates in his
hands. Drake abruptly pulled away and stepped back. HC took a step towards him then
caught himself.

“Told you we’d find something else to keep that mouth busy.” Drake picked up his hat

and put it on, pulling it low then pivoted and strode away.

The arrogant swagger showed off his ass in his jeans. HC ached to cup and fondle that


“If you kiss me like that every time, I swear I’m gonna be doing a whole lot of cursing,”

HC called after him.

Drake paused by the door to the back porch and looked over his shoulder. “You don’t

need to swear for me to kiss you.” He winked then left.

HC stared at the closed the door. “I’ll be a fucking rhinopine. He’s gay.” HC smirked.

“And interested. Whoa boy, I’m so going to get laid.”

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Chapter Three

HC stirred the sautéing onions and mushrooms and glanced at the wall clock by the

kitchen doorway. The rest of the day after the lunch he’d shared with Drake had dragged—
he hadn’t been able to get his mind off the kiss. He could swear his lips still tingled from the
press of Drake’s against his. He lowered the flame under the frying pan then, hearing the
door, he turned towards the sunroom. HC moved to the island and waited. Moments later,
Drake strode in. HC gripped the counter and resisted going around to meet him and kiss him
senseless. He had more control than that—he’d at least let the man eat first. Drake smiled
wide when he saw him and a warm feeling filled HC. He frowned, pushing it away. He
needed to focus on sex. He wasn’t looking for any commitment, just a little fun they both
could enjoy. They’d have a little dinner then he’d jump Drake.

“Sorry I’m a little later than planned. Whatever you’re cooking smells real good.” Drake

inhaled. “Let me get cleaned up.”

Drake continued through the kitchen to the hall. Disappointment that he didn’t at least

kiss him filled HC. He quashed it, feeling silly for even caring. It was one kiss and there’d
been no emotion involved. His cock hardened as he thought of Drake naked and ready for
him. HC turned and finished the food.

“I’ll set the table.”
HC glanced up, startled—he hadn’t heard Drake return. Drake smiled at him gently

then retrieved the plates and took them to the table by the window, which looked out into
the side yard. HC noticed he set the plates beside each other. He grinned, already plotting
how quickly he could hurry along then get to the good stuff. He put the food on a platter
then took it to the table. They worked around each other like they had been doing it for a
long time.

“How was the rest of your day?” HC asked as he got out some beers.
“Good. We moved some cattle to the south pasture.” Drake chuckled. “Morgan fell into

one of the rivers trying to get a calf—boy, was he pissed. When we came back, Blayne had
heard and teased him mercilessly.”

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“I wonder how he heard.” HC looked at him pointedly as he placed the beers on the

table and sat.

“Texting is your friend.” Drake sat beside him and shrugged. “I snapped a photo for

him too. He was saying he’s gonna make it his new screen saver.”

“Morgan’s going to try to talk him out of it. Knowing Blayne, he’s going to enjoy being

convinced.” HC shook his head. “He has no shame.”

Neither do I. Are you done eating yet? He looked at Drake’s plate and frowned, since he

hadn’t eaten any of his food yet.

“He doesn’t when it comes to Morgan.” Drake touched his arm. “I spoke with Blayne,

Thomas, Gibson, Paxton and Windsor about rhinopine today.”

“Huh.” HC stared at his sun-darkened hand and imagined it moving all along his body.
“I told them not to call you that.” Drake squeezed his arm. “They all agreed.”
“They what?” HC dragged his attention to Drake’s face. “I don’t believe it. Blayne and

Thomas might have agreed, but we’ll see if they actually do it.”

“They’ll do it.” Drake sounded sure.
“What’d you say to them?”
“Nothing special, just asked them not to. They did act strange as we talked. Watched

me weirdly. Like I was an interesting specimen they hadn’t seen before.” Drake finally lifted
a fork with some food on it. “Your brothers are strange.”

“Like that’s anything new.” HC studied Drake’s lips as he slid the fork between them.
Drake made a deep, rumbling sound in his throat. HC lifted his gaze and gripped the

edge of the table at the look of pleasure on his face. His cock up against his zipper was so
sensitive, he felt he would come in his pants.

“God, this is like sin.” Drake took another bite and made the same sound. “What did

you do to this steak?”

“A little of this and that,” he said distractedly, watching Drake continue eating.
HC ate absently, his attention on Drake. He knew they talked, but had no clue about

what, or if he made sense. The noises Drake made should be illegal. Or his mouth as it made
those sound should be pressed against his cock, where HC would definitely come from the
vibration alone.

“I’ll clean up. You go on in to the living room and relax.” Drake stood.

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HC glanced at his plate, surprised to find it empty. Drake took the plate and HC could

only watch him move away. Finally, he snapped out of his befuddlement and rose. He went
to the kitchen door and crossed the foyer before going into the living room. He sat on the
couch and willed his body to calm down. Although he couldn’t hear Drake he was very
aware that he was close by. HC strained to hear his footsteps as he approached. He glanced
at the digital clock by the television and saw the time tick away, slow and steady. Finally, he
heard the boot falls he was waiting for. His waning erection filled and HC stared at the
doorway. He frowned when Drake didn’t appear. HC heard a door open and wondered
where Drake was going.

“HC?” Drake called.
He stood and went to the foyer. He didn’t see him but saw the open front door. HC

went to it and spotted Drake waiting for him on the porch, his backpack over one shoulder.

“Come, let me walk you home.”
“Yeah, home.”
“Why am I going home?” HC frowned.
“You’ve signed enough books today. Give your hand a rest.” Drake gestured. “Let’s get

you home. You can come back tomorrow to do more.”

HC was confused. What had happened since lunch and their kiss for Drake to be

kicking him out? He refused to ask. Anger welled inside him and he stepped outside,
holding out his hand.

“I don’t need to be walked home. Give me my backpack.”
“You don’t need to be, but I’m going to.” Drake grabbed his hand and pulled HC

towards him.

HC resisted, not moving from where he stood. “I don’t like games.”
“What games?” Drake frowned, looking baffled.
HC opened his mouth to ask him if he was messing with him, but he changed his mind

and tugged the door closed. He pulled his hand from Drake’s then headed down the steps. If
Drake wanted to follow him carrying his backpack, he could do what he wanted. HC was
going back to his house and he’d forget the kiss ever happened. He heard Drake following
him down the stairs. HC strode rapidly across the yard.

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“Slow down, HC.” Drake grabbed his hand.
HC stopped, staring at their hands. Drake slid his fingers between HC’s as HC looked

up at Drake. His light green eyes were shrouded by the brim of his hat. HC used his free
hand to push back the hat so he could see his eyes. Drake’s gaze was steady—he didn’t seem
to be messing with him.

“You’re confusing me.”
“’Bout time. You sure the heck confused me a long time ago.” Drake chuckled. “This

biker chef with a potty mouth. My rhinopine.”

“Calling me that won’t make me less inclined to not curse.” HC thought about swearing

then grinned and opened his mouth.

“If you curse I’ll turn you over my knee,” Drake warned.
HC gaped, narrowing his eyes. “I’d like to see you try.” He smirked. “Then again, a

little ass slap can be fun in the right circumstances.”

Drake’s gaze heated. “Really? I’ll keep that in mind.” He started to lead him towards

the main house. “Let’s get you home.”

“Home. Really?” HC went with him.
“Yes. Is there a reason you seem like you don’t want to go home? Then again you seem

to be rushing to get there. Slow down, HC.” Drake held his hand and reduced their speed.

HC matched his pace and Drake smiled at him. He frowned, not even sure what to tell

him about how he felt about Drake taking him home. He’d had plans to be in bed with him
by now. But no, they were on the way back to the main house. HC decided not to say
anything and just walked with him—Drake didn’t speak again either. When they came into
view of the building, HC glanced at his watch and noted the walk that usually took him ten
minutes had taken double that time. He glanced at Drake and there was an expression of
calm and contentment on his face. HC bit back a curse. Drake had no reason to look so
relaxed, not when he was so on edge and ready to drag Drake off so he could have him.

At the base of the stairs, Drake released his hand then took off the backpack and held it

out to him. HC reached for it, holding the strap. Drake held on and grabbed him with his
other hand, pulling HC into him. He let him and opened eagerly for Drake’s kiss—it was
hungry and claiming and HC pressed against him, letting go of backpack strap. It dropped
with a thump on the ground. HC yanked Drake close, sliding his hands along his waist then

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down the firm globes of his butt. He cupped his ass and yanked him tight against his body.
HC swallowed Drake’s grunt, before he sucked on his tongue. Yes. That ass is better than I

Drake moved away and HC let him step back. He lifted his hand and ran his finger over

HC’s lips. HC nipped at his finger.

“Rhinopine.” The word was like a caress, then Drake chuckled and pushed his finger

against his lips.

HC sucked his finger, swirling his tongue around the pad of Drake’s thumb. He

hollowed his mouth and met Drake’s gaze. HC let him see the need filling him. Maybe for
some reason, Drake didn’t want them to have sex in his house. HC was fine with that—they
could use his bed. Drake slowly pulled his thumb away.

“See you tomorrow.” Drake turned and strode away.
Sandy woofed then raced past HC and towards her owner. Drake waited for the dog to

catch up then they continued on.

HC stared, unable to believe he was just walking away. “Tease!” he yelled.
“It’s only teasing if you don’t put out. I do. But in my time, not yours,” Drake called


“Bastard.” HC picked up his backpack.
“He really brings out an interesting side to you, HC.”
HC turned and winced when he saw Paxton—who had spoken—standing on the porch

along with his brothers, Windsor, Gibson and Morgan. The expression on Thomas and
Blayne’s face promised they would be poking and prodding to find out what was going on.
After HC’s denial to Blayne, they weren’t going to let him get away without an explanation.

“I’d say he does.” Blayne leaned over the rail. “What would you call that side,


“Hmmmmm…let me think on that.” Thomas put his finger to his lip and tapped it, then

snapped his fingers. “I’ve got it, Blayne. It’s brings a whole new meaning to kinder and

Thomas and Blayne snickered while Morgan, Gibson and Windsor chuckled.
“Boys.” Paxton’s lips twitched, but he didn’t laugh.
“Laugh it up, buttheads.” HC flipped them off.

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“Are you a butthead?” Thomas looked at Blayne.
“Yep. Damn Skippy.” Blayne nodded vigorously. “And a proud one.”
“Me too.” Thomas grinned. “I’d say that tall, tattooed man who is supposedly our

brother is too.” Thomas widened his eyes. “I’d also say he is a frustrated one at that. Drake
has him going.”

“He sure does.” Blayne waved his hand. “What happened to ‘I don’t want him’, HC?”
“Seems like that went out the window with his kinder and gentler.” Thomas pursed his

lips. “I’m surprised you didn’t go caveman and cart him off to your lair.”

HC swung his backpack onto one shoulder then went up the steps. “Shut up.”
“Yes, Cro-Magnon.” Thomas saluted him.
“That’s not a good name. I prefer—” Blayne paused.
HC stopped behind them and waited for them to say rhinopine.
“Goober.” Blayne stressed the word. “That has a nice ring to it.”
“Why didn’t you call me rhinopine?” HC was surprised he hadn’t taken the


“They agreed not to,” Paxton answered.
“When did that ever stop them?” HC poked Blayne and Thomas in the shoulder.
They turned to face him, the two of them leaning against each other and singing

“Goober” over and over again.

“I swear, Paxton, I don’t know where you got those two.” HC moved closer to Paxton.

“I’m your favourite, right?”

“You’re all my favourite.” Paxton wagged his finger at him. “No trying to shift

attention from what happened just now.” Paxton glanced at Windsor. “I thought he and
Drake hated each other. Did I miss that too?”

HC knew Paxton was referring to Windsor being attracted to him. Paxton hadn’t had a

clue he had been till Windsor had let him know. It was typical Paxton.

“If you did, I did too.” Windsor looked at HC. “Although I knew there were sparks, I

didn’t think anything would come of it. Or that it had even progressed.”

“Is this payback for us giving you a hard time when you started dating Paxton?” HC

glared at Windsor.

“Would I do that?” He lifted an eyebrow.

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“You would,” HC and the men on the porch said all at once.
Windsor laughed. They all joined him.
“So, HC, what’s up with you and Drake?” Gibson asked.
“Isn’t it obvious from how HC almost sucked out his tonsils?” Blayne asked.
“Or how he almost climbed him like he was a tree. Or did this—” Thomas humped the


“Paxton…ummm…I thought Thomas was the quiet one,” Windsor said.
“Humph. He usually is. But get him around these two, especially when they’re giving

each other shit, and he’s as crazy as them.” Paxton rested against Windsor. “They grow on

“Like a fungus.” HC’s words were echoed by his brothers.
Windsor laughed then said, “So, what movie will we be watching for the weekly family

movie night?”

The debate on whose turn it was to pick started between Blayne and Thomas. HC

mouthed “thank you” to Windsor, who inclined his head. HC leaned against the rail and let
the discussion flow around him. He looked towards where Drake had gone back to his
house. The man was baffling and aggravating—a combination that would drive him crazy.
HC grinned, looking forward to seeing what Drake would do next. Drake thought he would
set the rules but HC was good at breaking them.

* * * *

HC looked towards the glass doors at the waiting crowds and gulped. The sidewalk

outside Masters Pages was packed, and the store wasn’t even open for another half an hour.
When he’d arrived earlier, he’d been relieved to see not so many people waiting but slowly it
had turned to dread as that changed and people started to arrive.

“The people are still coming,” someone with a happy male voice said.
“I hate you, Jonas.” HC clenched his fists. “Remind me to kick your ass after this.”
“You’ll be fine.” Jonas Cohen, his editor, laughed and patted his shoulder. “I have

reinforcements coming to help you.”

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“What? Who? T—” HC jumped up from the table when he saw Paxton and his brothers.

“You came.”

“That’s a stupid thing to say.” Blayne smacked him upside the head.
“Like we would be anywhere else.” Thomas did the same thing.
“Don’t give him a concussion before his book signing,” Paxton warned.
HC was so happy to see them, he didn’t even retaliate. “You didn’t say you were


“And you didn’t even ask if we were,” Paxton pointed out.
HC saw the look in his eyes and lowered his head. “I didn’t want to bother anyone. You

all have work. I—”

“Don’t make us hit you again,” Thomas and Blayne said together.
“Work isn’t as important as you. As our family.” Paxton put his hand behind his head.


HC nodded, knowing it was true.
“We’re going to talk, HC,” Paxton warned.
HC inclined his head in agreement. He already knew what it would be about. His

thinking he was a bother. It had been a long time since he’d slipped into the old habit he’d
had when he’d first been adopted by Paxton and Adam—he couldn’t even pinpoint what
had made him start to do it again.

“Good.” He squeezed the back of his head. “For each part of your tour, one of us will be

going with you.”

“Say yes, Paxton.”
HC cleared his throat. “Yes, Dad.”
Paxton’s face softened as he called him Dad. He didn’t call him that often, but Paxton

knew that HC loved him. He looked at his brothers. Loved them all.

“Thanks. I—”
“I really want to break your nose.” Blayne lifted his fist.
“I want beat him until he gets some sense that, in this case, thanking us is an insult.”

Thomas cracked his knuckles.

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“Boys, no violence.” Paxton released the back of HC’s head then patted each of them on

the shoulder. “Now do it, Thomas.”

HC looked at Thomas curiously. Thomas pulled out a wrapped, long oblong box from

the pocket of his light jean jacket. He held it out to HC. HC took it and looked at the box
wondering what it was. He ripped off the paper and his breath caught as he saw the box with
a design on it—it was a hand drawn miniature depiction of his cover, made especially for
this occasion. He looked at his dad and brothers, his eyes burning.

“Don’t get all weepy. You have books to sign.” Blayne’s voice was gruff and HC could

tell he was trying not to cry.

Thomas averted his face and HC knew that meant he was too. Thomas hated for any of

them to see him cry.

“Your daddy would have been proud of you, HC.” Paxton blinked, his eyes glassy and

a huge smile of his face. “It’s fitting we restart the tradition with this moment.”

HC nodded, unable to speak. He opened the box and stared at the pens inside. As per

their tradition, there were ten of the family version of the design. He’d use them to sign and
when he was done, he’d give them to the people who he saw as his family. Their family
wasn’t large, so he’d have a few left over. The sound of squeaking wheels made HC look up.
His eyes widened as he saw the man pushing the dolly filled with boxes of what HC knew
were pens made for the occasion.

HC bit his lip, wanting to go and kiss him. After their first kiss, Drake had been

tempting him. When he’d been in his house signing the books, Drake had come by each day
for lunch and they’d enjoyed it before he went back to work. Each time he’d kissed him,
leaving HC horny and unable to wait until dinner. Dinners had been further moments of
temptation, where they’d shared a wonderful meal, chatting, then inevitably Drake had
walked him home, kissed him at the bottom of the stairs to the main house, then left. That
was the frustrating part—the man had stuck to his ‘in his own time’ for the past two weeks.
Kisses and nothing else. Drake placed the dolly by the table and came over to him. He looked
at the crowd then at HC.

“Looks like you’re going to sell some books.”

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“A whole lot,” HC said, staring at his lips.
Drake’s smug smile seemed to hint he knew what he was thinking. HC narrowed his

eyes. As HC stepped closer, Drake’s eyes widened. HC grabbed him and kissed him. He
made it deep and hard. Drake sagged against him and HC held him, enjoying his taste. He
pulled away then rubbed his finger over Drake’s lips.

“Now I’m ready for my signing.” HC winked.
“Troublemaker.” Drake chuckled.
“Always.” HC turned and noticed that Paxton, Jonas and his brothers had been busy.

They had removed the plain pens he’d ordered then spread out, on the table, the other pens
Thomas had designed for readers to take away. Leigh, the owner of the bookstore stopped by
the table and looked at him. HC nodded. Leigh went to open the doors. HC took his seat and
looked at his family who were standing to his left. Windsor, Gibson and Morgan hurried in
and joined Paxton and his brothers. They each gave him a gesture of encouragement.

“You remember that conversation we had about what to do when you are nervous?”

Drake whispered.

“Yeah. And if I recall, you said it was a bad idea to picture the crowd naked, since some

people, you don’t want the idea of them being naked in your head.”

“Yep.” Drake leaned close to his ear. “Picture me.”
HC inhaled then looked at him over his shoulder. Drake winked and straightened

before moving away to join the others. HC followed him with his gaze. The bell over the
door jingled as it opened, the voices of the crowd joining in. HC placed the box with his pens
behind the stack of books then opened the box, taking one out, ready to sign. He glanced at
Drake one last time and imagined how he looked naked. HC faced the first reader and

* * * *

Hours later, HC walked away from the main house, leaving the others still partying

about his first successful book signing. It had gone better than he’d thought and he’d sold
many books. Although he still hated the crowds, he hoped he had given those who turned
out a good experience. He realised what Adam had felt when he’d signed books for people

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who had taken the time to come out to see him, for readers who bought his books. The
appreciation for each and every one of them had filled HC. Each reader had found something
in his book that resonated with them.

As he walked towards Drake’s, his thoughts shifted. Drake had stayed for the signing

and helped out along with the rest of the men to get more books, pens and even schmoozed
readers as they waited in the long line. They all had made sure HC was supplied with
something to drink and had met his needs before he’d even known he had them. To be on
the other end of the attention—as they had given Adam at his signings—HC had a new
appreciation for the help they provided. Drake had been the most surprising and his words
to him had filled HC all day.

“Picture me.”
He’d done that all right. Now he couldn’t get it out of his mind. The closer he got to

Drake’s, the more the words played in his mind. Drake had left the party earlier after telling
him to have a good trip on his week-long tour. HC had watched him go and wondered if
Drake really thought he would just leave it like that. He crossed Drake’s yard then went up
the steps. The house was dark, but he didn’t care. HC stopped before his door and although
he still had a key, he pressed the bell. He slid his hands into his pockets and waited. The door
opened and Drake stood framed in the darkened doorway. Sandy was sitting beside him.
Drake’s short, slightly curly auburn hair looked even more tousled—like he’d been asleep.
His green eyes, in his classically handsome, tanned face, looked confused.

“HC, wha—?”
“Don’t even say ‘what are you doing here?’ Because you know good and well why I am


“If you’d let me speak, that wasn’t what I was going to say.” Drake leaned against the

doorjamb and looked at Sandy. “Back to bed.” The dog went into the house.

“What were you going to say?” HC studied his short-sleeved pyjama top and his

bottoms before looking at his bare feet.

Drake focused on him. “What took you so long?”
HC snapped his head up at his words.
“Sure took you long enough to get away from the party.” Drake stepped back.
HC followed him. “What happened to ‘in your time’?”

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“This is it.” Drake continued to move back.
“No teasing me.” HC closed the door and locked it behind him then matched Drake

step for step.

“Teasing can be good in certain cases.” Drake lowered his lids and licked his lips. “This

ain’t one of them.”

Drake rushed him and HC met him. They grunted as they came together. HC kissed

him, grabbing his ass. Drake grinded against him then hissed as their cloth-clad dicks rubbed
against each other. HC hitched him higher and Drake wrapped his legs around him then HC
started across the dark foyer towards the hall. He didn’t release him from their kiss.

HC grunted as they hit a wall at the head of the hallway then kept going down the hall.

He knew where Drake’s bedroom was, although he’d never been inside. He pulled away
from the kiss to make sure he wasn’t going to walk into anything else—he wanted Drake in
bed and a trip to the ER would derail that. Drake kissed along his jaw and down his neck,
rocking urgently. HC groaned at the feel of him along his hard shaft. He moved his head
back to give Drake access as he nibbled on his neck then bit down. HC jerked and held his
ass, squeezing it hard.

Drake.” HC was grateful when he saw the open door to his bedroom.
There was light spilling out and he headed for it, walking quickly. Drake continued to

lick, nibble and bite under his neck. Drake moved his face to his ear.

“You’re moving too slow, Rhinopine.”
“Calling me that won’t make me move faster.” HC growled at him then laughed. “You

get a thrill out of calling me that.”

“Yep, and as soon as you get us to bed, I’ll give you more of a thrill.” Drake’s promise

was delivered in a deeper voice.

HC quickened his pace and hit the doorjamb, grunting as his shoulder connected with

it. He ignored the slight pain and entered the room. In a glance, he took in the bedroom that
had the same comfortable, welcoming feel that was throughout the house. He went to the
king size bed and set Drake on his feet beside it. HC reached for Drake’s pyjama top and
pulled hard. The buttons gave, pinging as they hit the hardwood floor.

“You’re going to buy me another pyjama set.” Drake sounded amused.

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“You’re the one who said to be quick.” HC pushed off the top and stared at Drake’s

lightly haired chest. HC slid his hands down the muscular panes. Drake shuddered, moaning
at his touch. HC scraped his nails along his skin, digging in over his stomach. Drake’s
muscles rippled as he moved under his touch. HC pushed his hands into the waistband of
Drake’s pyjama bottoms and took them off him. He dropped them to floor, his gaze
automatically going to Drake’s bare cock. He reached to touch the hardened shaft.

Drake stopped his hand before he could. HC growled.
“Stop that noise. Humans don’t growl like that.”
“I do and I’m human,” HC said. “Let me touch.”
“If you do, I’ll come.” Drake lifted his hand and kissed his knuckles. “I want to come

with you in me.”

HC’s cock throbbed at the thought of being buried deep inside Drake. He pulled

Drake’s hand to his mouth and kissed his knuckles. Then he released him and stepped back
to take off his clothing. Drake pushed away his hands and divested him of his shirt before
going to work on his jeans. Then he looked at his boots.

“How the hell do I get the boots off?” Drake frowned. “And please tell me I don’t need

to undo all those buckles.”

“There’s a zipper in the inner leg.”
Drake dropped to his knees then found the zippers and started to lower them. HC

looked down and locked his legs at the sight of Drake naked in front of him. Drake made
quick work of unzipping his boots then HC lifted his feet, one at a time, and Drake took them
off before standing. Drake touched his stomach and HC inhaled.

Drake ran his fingers through the hair surrounding his erection. “I’ll suck you off later.

We’ll keep the boots on.”

HC went even harder at the idea of that. “Only if you’re the one wearing them when

you do.” Drake’s erection bobbed and the tip glistened.

HC crowded him back to the bed then pushed him down and followed, kissing him.

Drake opened up and widened his legs before wrapping them around HC. HC rocked
against him, moaning at the feel of bare skin against him. He moved Drake until he was at
the head of the bed with his head on the pillow and fought the rising need to come.

HC pulled back. “Lube and protection.”

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“There.” Drake gestured.
HC saw the items on the nightstand. “Sure of me coming by, huh?”
“I gave you the right incentive.” Drake licked along his collarbone.
HC reached for the items with a shaking hand, desire filling him. He got them before

lifting his head to give Drake better access. Drake took the offer and increased his caress. HC
shook at each swipe of his tongue, bite of his teeth and exhalation on his skin. Soon he
couldn’t take anymore. He sat back and pushed Drake’s legs from around him before coating
his fingers. He quickly got Drake ready then himself. HC threw the tube on the bed
afterwards he lined up at Drake’s entrance. He stared at Drake lying below him and pushed
into him. Drake accepted him into his body, clenching around him tightly.

“Drake.” HC shook, moaning.
“HC,” Drake replied and shuddered. He shifted his legs so that he was holding HC.


HC thrust quick and fast into his body. Drake moved countering HC’s piston-like

motions. He wanted to take his time but was powerless against the needs of his body.

“Give it to me.” Drake dug his fingers into HC’s shoulders.
“Take it all.” HC increased his pace.
Drake mumbled, his words so fast that HC couldn’t understand what he’d said. But the

sentiment was plain. Drake was as lost as he was in the throes of passion. HC felt the
tightness in the base of his belly and his sac went taut. It was too soon yet he couldn’t stop
striving towards the release riding him. Drake moved his hands down HC’s shoulders then
up to his neck, gripping it hard. HC moaned and shook as he came.

“Yessss…Drake.” HC lowered his head as he ploughed into him.
Drake held him, groaning in return. “HC…pleassss…e,” he whimpered.
HC continued to thrust inside him, feeling Drake’s erect cock between their bodies.

Drake arched and grunted at the friction of their bodies against his sensitive shaft. HC

thrust into him and Drake enjoyed each slide of his cock. He clenched then groaned as HC
moved shuddering as he continued to come. Drake felt him harden again before HC pulled
out then quickly donned another condom and more lube. In anticipation of HC filling him

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again Drake clenched then released. Moments later HC came back over him then slid in
deep. Drake rocked, taking him in. HC moved fast and urgently.

Drake moved into each of his motions, tightening with each downward movement. HC

hissed and pressed kisses along the side of Drake’s face. Drake turned and met his lips,
kissing him deeply. His shaft rubbed against their bellies and he whimpered as HC settled on
him more firmly. Drake arched, gasping as HC pounded into him, setting off a sensation of
need. The slick wetness of his own cock coated his stomach and he grunted as he came. He
shuddered and felt HC shake as he came again.

“HC.” Drake kissed him gently.
HC opened up, sucking his tongue then gentled his motions, prolonging their release.

Slowly Drake calmed then pulled back, staring into HC’s sweat-slickened face. He was
breathing harshly, but a pleased grin was on his face.

“Don’t think this means you had your way,” Drake warned.
“Of course not.” HC kissed him briefly. “It’s all in your time.”
“That’s right, buddy.” Drake stretched lazily. “If you want, I’ll take you to the airport


“I’d like that.” HC pulled out.
Drake missed being filled by him. HC disposed of the condom then settled on his body.
“Now I can take my time.” HC’s smile widened and a devilish twinkle entered his gaze.
“Already?” Drake shook his head. “There is no way you can go again.”
“Now, Drake, you’ll learn issuing a challenge like that to me is a bad idea.” HC kissed

him then whispered against his lips, “Or a pleasurable one, depending on the circumstance.”

Drake moaned and sank into his kiss.

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Chapter Four

Drake groaned and stretched before rolling over. His body twinged and he smiled

remembering the night before. HC had not only gone a second and third round, he’d built
the pleasure with long, extended foreplay. They had ended up with a fourth, tired sexual
bout before falling asleep. He recalled he’d pulled the sheets over them as HC snored. Drake
reached out then frowned as he felt cool sheets. He opened his eyes, turned his head and
realised he was in bed alone. Drake sat up, looking around the room. There was no one else
there. He glanced at the bedside clock and spotted his cell lying on a note on top of the clock
instead. Drake picked up his cell and the note.

It was weird waking up to see Sandy watching me. I fed her. I got another ride to airport. You

looked exhausted. :) —HC.

Drake snorted. Yeah, he was tired. At least HC could sleep on the plane—he had to

get up to work. Drake swung his legs off the side of the bed. He stood, stretched and winced
knowing he was going to have a problem riding today. But it had been so worth it. His cell
buzzed and vibrated in his hand. Drake unlocked it and looked at the message.

You should be up by now and getting ready for work. I left you something that you can make

for dinner and feed your guests. Enjoy. I’m texting you so you know that you can text, call or email
me if you want to. Just choose your form of communication. I’ll see you in a week. —HC

Drake grinned and replied.

I like all the forms of communication. Make sure that at your signings you picture me. :) —


He chuckled and headed to the bathroom. The cell made the sound of an incoming

message. He read it.

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Bastard. I had a boner the whole time for my signing. That’s why I couldn’t even get up to take

pictures. People probably thought I was strange taking all the pictures sitting. —HC

Drake laughed loudly and went to get ready for work.

* * * *

Later, when his day was finished and he was getting his horses settled for the night,

Drake was still grinning. HC and he had texted back and forth all day. It has been fun and
had kept him chuckling at the most inopportune times. Sandy followed him as he did his
chores then when he was done he headed for the entrance.

“Yeah?” Drake heard Blayne calling him from outside the stables.
He went out and spotted Blayne as well as Morgan. Morgan shook his head and rolled

his eyes. Drake was curious as to what the men were doing here.

“Come on.” Blayne headed towards Drake’s house. Sandy ran behind him and Blayne

was speaking to the dog, but he couldn’t hear what he was saying.

Drake noticed he had a messenger bag slung over his shoulder. “What’s going on?” he

asked Morgan.

“HC and Blayne plotting.” Morgan chuckled. “It’s best to just go along.”
Drake’s curiosity got the best of him and he followed Blayne. Morgan walked beside

him and they went to the house and to where Blayne, with Sandy sitting by his side, waited
by Drake’s front door. Blayne was impatiently tapping his foot. He had his cell in his hand
and looked to be texting. Drake opened the door and entered.

“Do you all want a beer?”
“We’re not going to be here that long,” Blayne said. “HC said the sunroom is off the


Drake didn’t answer, since Blayne had already headed to the kitchen. He looked at

Morgan again. Morgan shrugged and Drake could see he was trying not to laugh. Drake
followed Blayne, who was sitting on the same couch HC had used to sign his books. Drake

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missed him, although it had only been a day. Sandy lay by the windows and watched them.
Drake frowned at the laptop that Blayne had out before him on the centre table. Blayne was
muttering too low for him to hear as he was typing. From experience, Drake knew better
than to go near Blayne when he was like that. He gestured to Morgan and they went back to
the kitchen. Drake got each of them a beer, handing Morgan one for Blayne.

“You’re the host, you should give it to him,” Morgan said holding it out to him.
“Hell no.” Drake lifted his bottle and took a long drink.
“Wimp. He won’t actually bite your head off. He just gets a little pissy when he’s

working on something,” Morgan grumbled. “HC better appreciate that I’ll have to calm
Blayne down. He’s been waiting for weeks for that laptop.”

Morgan left. Drake frowned, not sure what he was referring to. He heard the murmur

of voices from the other room.

Then Blayne yelled, “Don’t try to pacify me. HC is lucky I love his ornery ass. Fucker

is going to pay for an even better one!” Blayne laughed and it wasn’t a good sound.

Drake went to look into the sunroom to see what was happening. Morgan was sitting

on the arm of the couch by Blayne, who was typing on the laptop.

“Drake get your ass ou—” He glanced up. “Oh, there you are. Come type a password


Drake went to him cautiously. “Why?”
“For fuck’s sake, just type one in that you can remember.” Blayne took a drink of his


Drake opened his mouth to ask again. Blayne’s glare stopped him. Drake wasn’t afraid

of him, but he knew Blayne well enough that the look warned him that going along would be
better. He sat by Blayne then typed a password. Blayne moved the laptop closer to him then
started typing again. Drake leant back and watched, not understanding what he was doing.
Shortly, the screen filled with icons and other things Drake didn’t find familiar. He rose to go
to the kitchen. He went to the fridge and took out the steaks HC had left marinating. He now
realised what HC’d meant in his first text about feeding his guests. Drake turned on his
stovetop grill and waited for it to heat. While he did, he popped some potatoes in the
microwave to cook. As he worked on the meal, he could hear Morgan and Blayne talking but
not what they were saying. When he put the steak on the grill, it sizzled and smelt amazing.

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“You’re feeding us,” Blayne spoke behind him.
Drake heart raced—he hadn’t heard him come in. He turned to Blayne. “HC left it for

us. At least, that’s what I think he did.”

“Fucker. Always planning things and manoeuvring people.” Blayne scowled.
“You and your brother really have bad language.” He hadn’t noticed Blayne swearing

so much before.

“HC sometimes brings it out in me, as well as a lot of folks. It’s fun when he does it to

Thomas. That is entertaining.” Blayne snorted. “On the other hand, he does swear
occasionally. He does it more around you because at first he knew it irritated you and you
didn’t like him. But I think he actually gets a thrill out of your reaction for other reasons.”
Blayne lifted his hand. “And no, I don’t want to discuss my brother’s sex life.” Blayne glared.
“Add a vegetable to the meal. Knowing HC, he left something, since he knows how you
don’t like them.”

“How does he know that?” Drake frowned.
“He observes.” Blayne shook his head. “He seems like he doesn’t pay attention or

care. But you’d be surprised how much he sees when you think he isn’t paying attention.”
Blayne went back towards the sunroom.

“I thought you weren’t going to be here that long.” Drake went back to the fridge.
“If there’s dinner, we’ll be here,” Blayne replied before going out of view.
Drake chuckled as he opened the fridge door. He took out the other container and

opened it. When he saw the three-bean salad, his mouth watered. He’s had it for the first
time when HC had arrived and was hooked on it—it was one of a few veggies he would
willingly eat.

“Manipulative bastard.” Drake chuckled.
He laughed and put it back for when the rest of the food was ready, then checked the


“Drake, come here.”
Drake finished what he was doing first then went to see what Blayne wanted.
“It’s all ready for you. Before I go, I’ll give you a basic run through of how to do what.

You’ll come by the office tomorrow at three and I’ll give you some lessons on how to use it.
You will do that until I am satisfied.” Blayne rose from the couch then gestured to the laptop.

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“Cactus, shouldn’t you ask his boss—namely me—if it is okay for him to stop work to

do that?” Morgan stood.

“You’ll go along with what I say.” Blayne gave him a sultry look.
Morgan’s expression changed and his eyes heated. “Cactus.”
Blayne laughed and went towards the kitchen. Morgan followed. Drake stared after


“They really need to get a room.”
He gaped as HC spoke. Drake went to the couch and glanced at the laptop. HC smiled

at him from the screen. Drake instantly went hard. HC looked so good—his hair was slightly
damp as if he had recently come out of the shower.

“HC.” Drake sat, stunned.
“The wonders of modern technology. Gotta love video conferencing.” HC laughed. “I

noticed that the monstrosity you call a computer is so old that it should have been shot long
ago. I asked Blayne to give you the laptop he’d ordered. I knew it was coming in today.” HC
leant back and behind him, Drake could see he was in a hotel room. “Email, text or calls are
good, but seeing you is better.” HC wiggled his eyebrows.

“You did all this to see me.” Drake shook his head. “You are one weird man.”
“I know.” HC winked. “Did you work hard today?”
“I did.” Drake was still shocked at what HC had done. He figured HC had somehow

convinced Blayne to let him use the laptop temporarily while he was away.

“Hmmm…you need to work on your communication,” HC teased.
“It’s just new to me talking to you this way.” Drake laughed. “I can’t believe Blayne

would give up using his laptop for me.” Drake knew Blayne loved gadgets and was always
buying some new one or the other. “What did you do to convince him?”

“Used my brotherly wiles.” HC grinned widely. “And promised to get him a new one

that’s even better that the one you’re using.”

“Why would you get him another? He’s just lending me this one,” Drake said.
“To replace the one you are using. You’re not borrowing the laptop. It’s yours.” HC

said it so matter-of-factly, it took a moment for it to register with Drake.

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“Wait…what? No I can’t accept a laptop from Blayne.” Drake eyed the laptop in

question. Although he didn’t know much about gadgets, he figured it had all the bells and
whistles, since Blayne had bought it.

“Of course you can’t accept a laptop from Blayne.” HC looked at him.
Drake was glad he was agreeing with him.
“You’re accepting it from me.” HC shook his head. “We look like we also need to

work on your hearing. Hey, is Morgan close by so he can give you an ear swirly for me?” HC
smiled wickedly.

“Why would you try to give me a laptop?” Drake was baffled. “And no ear swirly.”

He glared at HC.

“Because I wanted to see you to talk with you.” HC shrugged. “You can talk on the

phone, email or text but people can hide things when you don’t see them.” HC leant forward
looking at him intently.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Imagining giving you an ear swirly.” HC grinned.
“No swirly.” Drake wondered why he would say what he did about hiding things.

“I’m still not accepting the laptop. I’m not accepting something unless I pay for it. You can
have it when you get back.”

HC didn’t reply for a long moment. “You have on too many clothes. Strip.”
Drake blinked at the change of subject and his erection got even harder. Then he

narrowed his eyes. “I’m not stripping. What are you planning? For us to have some video sex
or something like that? Is that why you wanted me to have the laptop?” he demanded.

“Nope, that wasn’t the reason. Just wanted to see you.” HC nibbled on his lip then

glared at him. “I was thinking about you and before I knew it I was calling Blayne about the
laptop. He gave me hell about giving it up then teased me mercilessly. It’s all your fault.” HC
leant back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “The least you could do is show
some appreciation for that.”

“And you want me to do that by being naked.” Drake grinned. HC wasn’t saying it,

but he could tell he missed him. “Isn’t it a form of prostitution to pay someone for sex? Even
if payment is with goods instead of cash, and the sex would be virtual?”

“I don’t pay for sex. Besides you’d give it to me for free.” HC leered.

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“I would.” Drake chuckled. “But not over this video thing.”
“I’ll convince you to get naked and have virtual sex.” HC ran his hand over his chest.

“We’ll see you change your tune when you see me naked.”

HC,” Paxton called somewhere off screen.
“You are not talking about sex with your dad there.” Drake couldn’t see him but

heard Paxton.

“And I’m here too.” Windsor laughed loudly.
“Oh my God. I’m never going to live this down.” Drake groaned and put his head

between his hands.

“You guys didn’t knock,” HC said.
HC was looking off to his left.
“You left the door to the connecting room open,” Paxton retorted. “I don’t need to

know about your sex life.”

“And I won’t tell you about it, Paxton. Unless I have some question like when I was a

teenager.” HC focused on Drake. “When we were growing up, we learnt quickly asking
Adam about sex would result in his threatening to kill whoever was touching his babies.
Even up to when he passed, he wanted to believe we were pure.” HC snorted. “Paxton on
the other hand, when you asked, got this nice shade of red but answered your questions.”
HC glanced to his left again. “Right, Paxton?”

“Yes. Damn boys liked to make me blush.” Paxton sighed. “If only I could have pulled

off the threatening to kill people like Adam, it could have saved me from those sex talks.
Thank God you boys are old enough that I don’t have to go through that again.”

“Wait, I might still have questions,” HC teased.
“Google it,” Paxton said.
Windsor started laughing again. Drake looked up as Morgan and Blayne came back

into the room.

“Or ask Windsor,” Paxton said.
Windsor choked then sputtered, “What…why?”
“You’re in this with me now, buddy.” Paxton chortled. “Love me, love my kids. That

includes putting up with the craziness. This includes when they ask sex questions even if
they are grown.”

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“I’ll kill anyone who touches their pure bodies,” Windsor said, deadpan.
“Morgan, you heard that,” Blayne said, “no nookie for you.”
“Windsor could try, but he’d fail to keep me away from you,” Morgan growled.
Windsor and Paxton came on the screen behind HC. Windsor’s amusement as well as

Paxton’s was plain to see.

They all exchanged greetings. The sound of a knock on the door made HC stand.
“That’s Jonas. I’ll be back in a sec.”
He went off the screen. Moments later, Drake heard the door open and the murmur of

voices in the background.

Paxton leaned closer and said softly, “Just a warning, Drake. HC gets his generosity

from Adam and I. So he won’t take kindly if you turn down a gift from him. If you are really
not willing to take something, you have to use irrefutable logic on why you won’t, or he’s
going to argue the point or find a way to out manoeuvre you. So before you know it, you’ll
take whatever it is.” Paxton smiled. “HC should have been a lawyer, he has a way with
words.” Paxton looked sideways at Windsor. “Like someone else I know.”

“Gag me with a spoon.” Blayne made retching noises.
They all laughed. Drake leaned closer to the screen and asked, “Why did he say that

people hide things when you can’t see them?”

“That’s my fault.” Paxton looked sad and remorseful. Windsor moved closer and

rested his hand on Paxton’s shoulder. “But that’s HC’s story to tell.”

Drake looked at Blayne and saw he had the same expression as Paxton. Morgan was

rubbing his back and Drake figured he knew what HC had meant. Suddenly, he heard HC

“What the hell do you mean you have a party for me to go to? I just spent all day

signing. I want to relax. Don’t use that expression on me. I’m not going.” HC cursed
colourfully then gritted out, “Fine. Give me an hour.”

When HC came back on the screen he was frowning. He leaned by the screen and his

focus was on Drake. “I have this thing I have to go to.” HC’s scowl deepened then he glared
at Morgan and Blayne then his dad and Windsor. “Don’t you all have someplace other than
here to be?”

They laughed and the men on the screen moved away.

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Blayne teased, “Don’t short out the laptop.”
Morgan dragged him away towards the kitchen.
When everyone had gone, HC sat again and stared at Drake. Drake wished that he

were here now.

“Make sure Blayne shows you how the video conferencing works. I’ll call you back

later and see if I can’t convince you to get naked.” HC grinned.

“I’ll make sure he does, but you’re not getting me naked on video chat. No sex via

video chat. Not happening.”

“Your mouth is saying no, but I bet you’re hard just thinking of it.” HC smirked.

“We’ll see if you can resist later.”

“You’re so bad.” Drake chuckled.
“And good at it.” HC winked. “Besides, I went to all this trouble to see you.”
“Because you missed me.” Drake grinned. “Imagine not long ago, you’d have been

glad to get away from me.”

“I was never glad to not see you, or to get away from you.” HC glared. “Although I

wondered at times if I would find something to knock you upside the head.”

“Ah…Rhinopine, you say the sweetest things.” Drake ran his finger along HC’s image

on the screen.

“There you go again calling me Rhinopine.” HC’s tone was soft. “Later you’ll also be

more vocal and tell me about your day.”

“I miss you too,” Drake said softly.
HC’s expression went through changes so quickly, Drake couldn’t get a read on him

before his face was impassive.

HC grunted. “Later.”
The way he’d said it was like a caress and promise. Drake smiled wider. “Later.”
The screen went blank. Drake leant back against the couch and grinned. HC was

turning out to be a surprise. That HC had set it up so he could see him to talk was something
Drake wouldn’t have expected, and he couldn’t wait for their next video chat.

Drake rose and went into the kitchen to join Morgan and Blayne. Blayne stared at him

then leaned against the counter.

“So what are your intentions towards my brother?”

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“Cactus.” Morgan’s tone held a warning.
“What? I want to know. Or I could call Thomas too, and then we could both gang up

on him. I’m the nice one.” Blayne bared his teeth. “If you fuck with my brother I will rip out
your throat.” Blayne smoothed his hand over his shirt then grinned. “Now, let’s eat.”

Drake stared at him then looked to Morgan. “He’s the nice one?”
“Nice is a relative term. Goes according to what you think is nice.” Morgan shrugged.
Drake stared at him and Blayne in disbelief then he started to laugh—they were all


Blayne watched him balefully then shook his head. “He’s lost it, Morgan. See, I told

you HC would drive him loony.”

“He’s laughing that you are loony.” Morgan stared at him. “Drake’s sane enough.”
Drake gasped and leaned against the stool laughing as the men bickered back and

forth about if he was sane or not.

* * * *

Later as he got into bed, Drake chuckled, thinking about dinner. The teasing had

continued through the meal and Blayne walking him through how to use the laptop to video
conference. Blayne’s promise when he’d left that he would have Drake knowing how to use
the laptop completely had Drake very afraid of the lessons Blayne wanted to give him. Drake
looked at the laptop resting on the bed beside him. Hell, he was already so attached to the
damn thing that he’d brought it to bed with him. Although HC’d said he would call him
again, Drake figured he’d be stuck schmoozing at whatever party he’d had to go to. Drake’s
cell beeped and he picked it up to read the text. He smiled, put down his cell then opened the
laptop. Eagerly, he waited for it to start up then carried out the steps Blayne had told him to.
Soon, he was signing into the chat. HC’s image came on the screen.

“Blayne taught you well.” HC smiled. “You look like you’re in bed.”
“I am. So do you.” Drake saw the headboard behind HC.
“Yeah.” HC lowered his lids. “And naked too. Are you naked, Drake?”
“No.” Drake rubbed his hand over his bare chest. “Only my top, and that is all that’s

getting nude.” Drake licked his lips. “Are you really naked?”

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“See for yourself.” HC moved the laptop.
Drake gulped as he showed him his nude body. He moaned at the sight of HC’s naked

cock, already erect. HC brought the laptop up so he could see his face again.

“Naughty, naughty.” Drake blew out a breath. “No sex.”
Drake frowned—he hadn’t expected HC to give in so easily. Disappointed, he stared

at HC.

“How was your day?” HC asked.
“It was fine. Had some cattle we chased down.” Drake’s eyes narrowed and he

studied HC.

“Tell me about it.”
“So I can jerk off to your voice.” HC moaned.
“You are not jerking off.” Drake scowled. “I said no sex.”
“And that’s fine for you.” HC groaned. “But for me, I’m rubbing the head of my cock

while you talk. I’m hoping to seduce you to do the same.” HC showed him his teeth. “Now

“I have more control than that. You’re not seducing me to get naked over video chat.”

Drake shifted, giving his cock space in his pyjama bottoms.

“Okay.” HC growled. “Talk.”
Drake started to talk and watched HC’s face as he jerked off.

* * * *

Drake pulled put his cell when it beeped. He opened the text from HC.

Are you ready to get naked yet? —HC

Drake stifled a moan. Since HC had been gone, they had texted during the day then at

night had spent hours on video chat. HC was always naked and fondling himself or jerking

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off when they talked, trying to get Drake to take off his clothing. Drake had held firm and not
done so. He wrote him back.

You’ll be back tomorrow. I’ll be ready to get naked then. When you are here in person. —Drake

The reply came back immediately.

Spoilsport. Naked video chatting is the way to go. I’ll try to get you that way tonight on our

video chat. As well as hold you to naked tomorrow. Have a great day. —HC

You too. —Drake

He put away his cell and strode across the yard to join Morgan at the corral. He stood

beside him and they watched Thomas work with the horse they’d recently bought. It was
wild, but Thomas was wooing it into taking a saddle. He had a way with horses.

“HC is coming home tomorrow,” Morgan stated.
“Yep. His flight gets in at three o’clock.” Drake put his hand on the rail. “I’m going to

take off early to pick him up.”

“I’m heading to the south pasture to check the fencing,” Drake said.
“See you later.”
Drake nodded then went to get his horse. Riding fence to check for weakness and

breaks would get his mind off how many hours it was until he could actually see HC in
person. Part of his plan for tomorrow was to kiss him senseless then fuck him until they both
couldn’t breathe.

“Need to stop thinking about that, Drake,” he spoke aloud. After retrieving his horse

that he’d ridden over early to the main house stables, Drake headed out to the south pasture.

He spent the day checking fences and later, when Drake rode into the yard of his

house, tiredness filled him. It had been a long day in the saddle with too much of his own
thoughts. HC kept filling his mind and whenever Drake thought of the man he got hard,
which made it uncomfortable to ride. Drake got off Nefertiti, his horse, then led him into the

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stables. He went to put the chestnut Arabian he’d been riding for that day away, but stopped
at a stall with an unfamiliar horse. The grey Arabian shook its mane and stared at him. It
neighed, as if demanding acknowledgement. Drake held the reins of Nefertiti then touched
the head of the grey horse. Another neigh made him glance up and he saw another
unfamiliar horse put its head over the door of a stall. This horse was also an Arabian, but bay
coloured. It made the sound again and Drake took that as his cue to pet it also.

He touched the horse then looked back at the grey one. They were both beautiful

animals. He wondered why Morgan hadn’t mentioned he’d bought some new horses and
wanted Drake to board them in his personal stables. Drake frowned. The main stables
weren’t full so he couldn’t think of a reason why Morgan had brought the horses here. He
gave each of the two horses one last pet before going to take care of his own horse. Once he’d
finished with Nefertiti, he checked on the grey and bay to see if they were settled for the
night. They were, which meant Morgan or someone had taken care of them.

Drake headed towards the house, intending to call Morgan. He frowned when he didn’t

spot Sandy coming to meet him like she usually did. He figured he’d tell Morgan to let
Blayne know to send her home. Drake ran up the steps then walked to the door. He opened it
and went in, but stopped when he smelt something delicious. Since he hadn’t left anything
cooking he wasn’t sure who could possibly be in his house. He didn’t turn on the lights. The
kitchen was empty and dark, except for the light coming in the windows from the waning
sun. There was a crock pot on the counter and the wonderful scent seemed to be coming
from it. Since he didn’t own a crock pot, he had no clue what it was doing there except
making him hungry. A sound from the sunroom distracted him, and he walked to the
doorway. He stopped, staring at the back of the man who stood facing away from him
gazing out of the windows. Sandy was sitting beside him. Another type of hunger filled

“HC,” Drake whispered.
HC turned and smiled. “Took you long enough to get home.”
“But you were supposed to come in tomorrow.”
“I left right after my signing to come home.” HC put his hands into the pockets of his

dark blue sweats. “I wanted to see you in person.”

“I missed you, too,” Drake said.

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“You sure aren’t acting like it,” HC grumbled. “You’re still across the room.”
Drake rushed towards HC. HC came forward and they met in the middle of the room.

Drake grabbed HC, pulled him against him and kissed him hungrily. HC opened wide and
met his kiss with equal urgency. They battled for dominance then Drake felt HC give, going
limp against him. Drake groaned when he gave him control. He ran his hands over HC’s
chest and pulled away from their kiss briefly to yank his T-shirt off before kissing him again.
He pushed at HC’s sweats, taking his underwear with it as he got HC out of the garment. HC
moved back slightly and Drake felt him tugging on his clothing. They had to stop kissing so
they could undress each other then came together again. Drake moaned as his bare skin
touched HC’s. HC’s groan vibrated in their kiss.

As if by unconscious agreement, they went to their knees. Drake slid into HC’s lap and

rocked against his erection pressed between them. HC met his motions with his own. Their
symphony of moans rose as they moved together. HC gripped Drake’s hips and wrenched
his lips away from Drake.

“Wait. I want you in me.” HC pushed him then reached under the centre table by the

couch. He held up the lube and condoms.

“I know that wasn’t there before.” Drake lifted an eyebrow. “Planning ahead, I see.”
“I had some time when I got back. Made dinner for after. But now I want you in me.

Now. “

Only too happy to oblige, Drake took the lube and condoms. He pushed HC back and

he lay down chuckling.

“I thought I’d have to convince you.”
“You’ve been teasing me for a week,” Drake muttered as he got HC ready to take him.

“Jerking off every time we video chatted.”

“I invited you to join me.” HC paused then gasped and widened his legs. “But you

were the one who didn’t want to be adventurous.”

“Hush.” Drake kissed him hard then sat back, smoothing the protection onto his cock.

He lifted HC’s legs then lined up and pushed into his welcoming body. HC hissed, tightened
around his cock then relaxed. Drake slid in until he was fully seated. He watched HC’s face
and revelled in being inside him.

“Are you gonna move?” HC squeezed his inner muscles, making Drake shudder.

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Drake thrust hard and fast, making HC laugh breathlessly. HC enjoyed the slide of

Drake’s shaft inside him and rocked to meet each motion. Through slightly unfocused eyes,
HC stared at Drake as he pumped into him. There was a line between his eyebrows as he
concentrated. HC could almost imagine what he was thinking—Drake was setting out to
drive him as crazy as HC had driven him. HC chuckled as he recalled the first night when
he’d said he was jerking off. Drake’s expression had been priceless. The widened eyes and
increased breathing had shown he wanted him. It had made HC redouble his efforts to make
Drake give in and have video sex with him. But Drake had been stubborn and held out. He’d
done the same each night they had chatted—not given in, but watched hungrily as HC jerked

What Drake didn’t realise was that his resistance and the way he watched him had

made HC even hornier. HC frowned. All he’d been able to think of when he’d been gone for
his signing tour was Drake and their one night together. That the man had so thoroughly
filled his thoughts in such a short time was baffling.

“Focus on me. Get whatever you are thinking out of your mind. Focus.” Drake

punctured each word with a thrust.

HC moaned, grabbing his ass and pulling him against him. He met Drake’s lips and

kissed him. Drake’s scent of sweat, man and the smells of the ranch filled HC’s senses—he
loved how Drake smelt. HC clenched as Drake pumped in and out of him. Drake slowly
gentled their kiss then lifted his head, muttering words HC couldn’t understand as he moved
faster and faster. HC slid his hand between them and grabbed his cock, tugging it in time
with Drake’s thrusts. Drake braced himself on his hands and pushed into him, looking down.
Knowing Drake was watching him touch his erection, HC ran his finger over the head then
pushed into the hole and hissed. Drake grunted and continued to move. HC shifted his hand
to hold his shaft and kept tugging in time with his thrust. He rocked in between Drake’s
thrusts and his hold on his cock. His sac went tight and he gritted his teeth, fighting off the
need to come.

“Don’t hold back.” Drake’s tone was harsh. “Come now.”
HC moaned as he came, shaking under the force of his release. Drake’s long groan filled

the air as he too gave over to his pleasure, shaking as he came. Holding him, HC enjoyed

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each sound and movement then Drake collapsed against him. He kissed the side of Drake’s
face. Drake turned his head and met HC’s lips, kissing him gently. He hummed then sighed,
relaxing on HC. HC kneaded his ass and smiled.

Drake lifted his head and glared playfully. “That smirk is nothing but trouble.”
“Yep.” HC laughed. “That was a hell of a welcome home.”
“If you had come tomorrow, I planned to make it nicer. Feed you, relax then jump you

and cart you off to bed.” Drake frowned. “You messed up my plan.”

“I could always leave and come back tomorrow,” HC teased.
“You’re not going anywhere,” Drake growled.

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Chapter Five

HC stifled a shiver at the possessiveness in his tone. “Then stop your bellyaching. You

can do whatever you had planned tomorrow still.” HC glanced backwards. “I think we
scared Sandy.”

“She knows when clothes start flying to make herself scarce.”
HC frowned. “You’ve had other men here?”
“Man and woman.” Drake yawned. “Only one of each.”
“Oh.” HC felt jealously claw at him. He pushed it away, frowning. He didn’t have a

claim on Drake.

“No need to get all stiff.” Drake ran his hand across his forehead, smoothing the lines

there. “I used to love them. Things happened and we don’t feel that way about each other
anymore.” Drake shrugged. “We’re still friendly. I’ll introduce you.”

HC didn’t reply—he didn’t know how he felt about meeting Drake’s exes. Drake slid

out of him and HC immediately missed him being part of him.

Drake stood and held out his hand. “Come on, I need to shower.”
HC took his hand and let him help him up. “Is that an invitation to join you?”
“Like you need that.” Drake kissed him. “Let’s get wet then we can eat. Then take a

walk around the yard.”

“I like two out of the three things. I don’t plan to put any clothes on until tomorrow.”

HC squeezed Drake’s ass. “And neither are you.” He slapped him on the butt. “Move it,

“Bossy chef,” Drake said fondly.
He slid his arm around HC’s waist and started to lead him towards the doorway to the

kitchen. HC placed his arm over Drake’s shoulder.

“Another nickname. At least it’s better than the other.”
“Oh no, that isn’t a nickname. Rhinopine is a term of affection.”
“Humph, some endearment. You really need to work on coming up with something

better than that.” HC smiled as he remembered. “Oh yeah, I owe you something.”

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HC kissed him. When Drake sagged against him, HC ran his finger along his ear. Drake

turned his head, moaning. HC put his finger in his ear and swirled then released Drake,
turned and ran.

“You ass!” Drake yelled, running after him.
HC laughed and increased his speed. He made it across the kitchen and into the hall to

the steps. Drake grabbed him and yanked him back against him. HC struggled to get free,
but Drake held firm.

“We’re going to work on things that are acceptable after sex.” Drake growled in his ear.

“Ear swirly isn’t on the list.”

HC turned his head and looked at him. Drake’s green eyes twinkled with amusement.
“How about more sex?” HC whispered.
Drake’s gaze heated. “Definitely on the list.” His voice was husky. “Shower. Now.”
As Drake impatiently manhandled him up the steps, HC grinned. Yeah, coming home

early had been a good thing.

* * * *

HC slid the egg on the bread then placed it on the island in front of the stool before

starting to whip up his own eggs.

“Where did you go?” Drake’s sleep-rough growl came behind him.
HC turned and saw him in the kitchen doorway, rubbing his eyes.
“You’re so cute.” HC stared.
Drake lowered his hand and narrowed his eyes. “Cute is not a word to describe a man.”
Drake stalked towards him. HC’s shaft hardened. He waited and when Drake was in

front of him, he leant forward, meeting his kiss. Whew, can he kiss. God I want to take him
upstairs and fuck him.

Drake slowly released him from the kiss then tweaked HC’s nose. “Another to the list

of after sex things that is acceptable. Is waking up together. It’s called the morning cuddle
followed by the bonking.”

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“You have such a way with words. Bonking. God, I have to remember to tell Blayne and

Thomas that one.” HC laughed. “I’d love to do both, but I have to work.”

“Me too, but we have time.” Drake looked out at the still darkened early morning.
“Usually I would have a later start, but I’ve been away and want to check if Abby needs

me,” HC said. “Have a seat and eat.”

“You do know Abby was dancing a jig every day you were gone. She kept cackling that

her kitchen was free of that damn Irish man.” Drake sat before the sandwich HC had made.

“I know. She took a video of it and sent it to me every day.” HC smirked. “Abby loves

me and I her. That’s her way of showing me she does. By now, she knows I’m back and is
expecting me early so we can go over the plans for the meals for the week.”

Drake took a bite of his sandwich, chewed then swallowed before he replied, “That

sounds like Abby.”

“Yep.” HC poured Drake coffee then got some for himself. He placed the cups down

then grabbed his egg from the pan and finished making his sandwich. He took his plate and
sat next to Drake. They ate, not saying anything else. Once they were done, HC looked
sideways at Drake.

“I’m heading back to the main house. But I need to show you something first.” HC

looked at Drake’s bare chest then his pyjama bottoms. “Go put on something.”

Drake nodded and rose, leaving to do as he’d asked. HC quickly cleaned up and when

he heard Drake returning, he met him in the hallway. He led the way outside then to the
stables. Inside, HC paused before the two stalls side by side.

“I forgot to call Morgan about the horses.” Drake petted the two horses.
“They are my horses. Drake meet Renenutet—Ren for short”—he gestured to the grey

then to the bay—“and Bes. Bes and Ren, meet Drake.” HC looked at Drake and smiled
widely. “He’s the one who will be giving you room and board now that you are living here.”

Drake studied him then looked at the horses before returning his attention to HC. “So

you decided to stay permanently.”

“I always was staying. Just wanted to make sure that I had a place my horses would be

well cared for.”

“And they wouldn’t be with Paxton or Thomas, or possibly even at the main house?”

Drake tilted his head to the side.

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HC smiled wider and Drake’s eyes narrowed. Yeah, you better get that look. HC stifled a

laugh, knowing that he was about to bamboozle Drake and he wouldn’t even know what hit

“They would. But since you pointed out you couldn’t accept the laptop without paying

for it”—HC motioned to his horses—“this is payment for that, since you’re keeping it.”

“But I’m not,” Drake protested.
“Really?” HC feigned shock. “But Blayne said you loved using it and were picking it up

so well. That you even started to customise it to your needs.” HC touched his arm. “For me
to take it back now, I’ll have to undo all that.” He sighed. “That’s so much work.” Then he
went in for the kill. “Besides, if you don’t take it, where would I board my horses? I planned
for your boarding them as a quid pro quo for your accepting the laptop. As well as this.” HC
pulled out what he had in the deep pocket of his sweats and held it towards Drake.

Drake took it then frowned. “An e-reader.”
“Yep. I left the iPad on your desk in your office.”
Drake lifted his head and glared. “An iPad too. Oh my God you are trying to make me

take all this for looking after your horses.” Drake ran his fingers through his hair. “We both
know good and well you can take them to your dad, Thomas or Morgan. Any one of them
would board and take care of them for you.”

“I didn’t plan for you to take care of them. I can do that myself.” HC grinned wider.

“But if you want too, then I have some other things so our quid pro quo can be fair.”

Drake stared at him and opened his mouth then closed it. He opened it again. “You—”
HC’s cell beeped and he took it out looking at it. He smiled at the text then looked at

Drake. “Gotta go, Abby is calling.” HC showed Drake the text.

Get your lazy, Irish ass out of bed.

Drake laughed after reading the message.
HC turned on his heel and headed for the door before Drake remembered he was trying

to come up with an argument about not taking the things he’d given him. Since he’d already
planned to bring his horses back with him for this trip, he’d worked it into a plan. It’d been a

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stroke of genius that he’d decided to use that to get Drake to keep the laptop and a few
others things he got him.

“HC, I’m coming with you.” Drake came behind him.
HC started to plan his arguments as they headed towards the main house. Going down

the path, Drake brushed his fingers along HC then grabbed his hand. HC looked at their
hands—it was strange seeing them together. He stopped and Drake did too.

“Umm…nothing.” HC tugged on his hand to get them moving again.
Drake started walking and they were silent for a little bit.
“You really can’t justify giving me all those gadgets for supposed room and board for

your horses. T—”

“So you’re kicking my poor horses out,” HC pointed out.
“No, I’m not. But—”
“Maybe you don’t want them here, since I’ll have to come by.” HC pouted. “There goes

my reason to come by.”

“You don’t need a reason to come by,” Drake protested. “You can come by whenever

you want.”

HC turned his head to hide his smile. “Thanks. Then it is all settled. You keep the things

I got you, and provide room and board to my horses.”

HC looked back at Drake. When he saw his expression, he bit his lip so as not to laugh.

He could tell he was trying to figure out a way to get him to change his mind. HC squeezed
his hand then pushed his shoulder into his.

“Besides, when I come by I’ll feed you.” HC grinned.
“What is the quid pro quo for that?” Drake grumbled.
“Sex, of course.”
Drake choked then started to laugh. “Again with bartering for sex. That is not needed at

all.” Drake stared at him. “You put out easy.” He laughed.

“Maybe it’s just for you I do,” HC returned. “I’ll feed you anyway. You’ll need your


“Admit it, you just like to feed people.” Drake stared at him. “You’re a nurturer.”
“Insult.” HC gasped and pushed his shoulder and let go of his hand. “Take that back.”

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“No. It’s true.” Drake chortled. “You are.”
HC fumed and stamped towards the main house. Drake caught up then grabbed his

hand, holding it as they went, his soft laughing infuriating HC. When they came into view of
the house, Drake led him to the base of the stairs and turned him to him. He kissed him
gently and HC softened, returning the kiss.

They parted and HC slid his face by his ear. “There’s a new desktop computer coming

today so we’re getting rid of the monstrosity you call a computer in your office.”

“What that—?”
Quid pro quo.” HC nuzzled his ear. “We already decided that it falls under that.”
Drake opened his mouth then closed it. He turned and walked away, muttering. HC

watched him and chuckled. Hearing footsteps, HC glanced at the top of the porch. Morgan
and Blayne stood there.

“What’s wrong with Drake?” Morgan asked.
“Bamboozled by HC.” Blayne laughed.
“How could you possibly know that?” Morgan retorted.
“I recognise the walk. The slumped shoulders as you wonder what the hell just

happened. Then the muttering and thinking of ways to outsmart him or conk him over the
head.” Blayne chuckled. “It’s a matter of what mood you are in.”

“I didn’t do anything.” HC went up to join them on the porch.
“HC!” Drake yelled.
He looked at Drake. Drake stood on the path with his hand on his hips.
“Your dad is right. You should be a lawyer,” Drake called.
Since he’d heard that before, HC laughed loudly. Drake turned and went out of view.
“He did something,” Blayne said.
“Yes.” Morgan kissed Blayne then slapped HC on the shoulder. “Don’t break my


“I’m just having fun with him,” HC said.
He was—Drake was fun to be around and he enjoyed making him a little nuts. Also, he

just like being with him. HC frowned as he thought about that. He had to be careful to not let
Drake get too close. Absently he murmured something to Blayne and Morgan then went
inside. Soon he was in the kitchen and was glad Abby wasn’t there yet. HC sat at the island

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and put his hand under his chin. He might have bamboozled Drake, but the damn man was
making HC act out of character. He’d never bought so many things at once for anyone he’d
dated. He needed to take a step back from Drake before he got in too deep. With his mind
made up, HC rose and went to start preparing breakfast for the rest of the ranch hands.

* * * *

So much for distance. HC reclined on the couch in the sunroom waiting for Drake. He’d

promised to cook for him and he kept his word. Also, he had to check on his horses. As he
made each excuse, HC shook his head at himself. He’d not planned to come but when his
work day was coming to an end he’d eagerly left to come here. After getting to Drake’s, he’d
checked out the new desktop computer and found it was even better than Blayne had
promised. It was just waiting for Drake to set up his password and customise. Dinner was
ready and waiting for them to eat. HC looked at the clock and knew Drake, barring anything
coming up, should be home any minute. He heard the sunroom entrance from the back porch
open then looked over. Drake strode in, his lazy gait making HC’s heart pound. Drake
stopped before him and held out his hand. HC took it and let him pull him up out of the
chair. Drake kissed him briefly.

“You wanna go for a ride?”
“Yes,” HC replied, his cock hard and ready for him.
Drake held his hand and pulled him behind him. HC frowned as Drake went to where

he came in.

“You want to do it outside.”
Drake stopped and stared then his lips twitched. “Not that kind of ride. Horses. Go for

a ride on horses. I saddled Ren for you.” Drake continued to the door. “I Googled the names
of both your horses. One has something to do with food and other is related to nurturing—
Renenutet is the Egyptian goddess of nourishment and the harvest, while Bes is an Egyptian
deity known as a protector of households. They both fit you—the chef and nurturer.”

“Again with the nurturer.” HC scowled.
“They also have the same temperament as you. Demanding.” Drake laughed as they

went outside.

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HC harrumphed and Drake continued chuckling. They went down the porch and HC

spotted the horses. He went to Ren and patted her side. In moments they were riding onto
the trail at the back of Drake’s house. The calm he usually got when riding filled him. Paxton
had taught him the love of horses. Until that moment, HC hadn’t realised how much he
missed being on horseback.

“You look like you know what you’re doing in a saddle.” Drake spoke from bedside

him on his own horse.

“Of course I do. Paxton taught all of us to ride.” HC grinned. “Adam taught us to do all

the dangerous tricks that would drive Paxton’s hair to go grey.” He laughed.

“Paxton’s hair isn’t grey.”
“Not for our lack of trying.” HC recalled the good times, but quickly his thoughts

turned to the bad.

“What caused that expression?”
“Oh…nothing. Just thinking.” HC shrugged. “While I was away, Paxton and I had a

talk about some things.” HC sighed. “I have a tendency to backslide into trying to not put
anyone out and forget that asking someone for something or help isn’t an imposition.”

“Why is that?”
HC bit his lip the blurted out, “I was homeless when Paxton found me in the stable

where he worked. I was looking for somewhere to sleep and was in the stall with his horse.
Boy, was he livid.”

“He thought you were going to steal his horse?”
“Nope. He was mad I was there and could be hurt. His horse usually didn’t let anyone

but Paxton near him. “I didn’t know that. I just talked to the horse and asked it to let me
share its stall with him. When I told Paxton that, he had such a strange look on his face. It
wasn’t until years later I learnt why.” HC shuddered. “The last person who tried to get near
his horse got a nasty kick and had to be hospitalised. He’d been trying to get the horse used
to people. It had been abused and its trust was hard to get.” HC paused. “Similar to myself.
Took forever once Paxton took me home for me to trust him or Adam.” HC scowled. “Then
they pulled what they did before Adam died.”

“What happened?” Drake asked.

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“They hid that Adam was sick.” HC remembered sensing something was wrong and

their assurances everything was fine. He’d ignored his instincts and hadn’t been able to say a
proper goodbye to Adam. “It’s amazing how someone can sound so strong, like nothing is
wrong, when you speak with them. That was Adam. His voice always so robust that he
seemed to be larger than life, even though he was wasting away to a husk of what he used to
be.” HC blinked, refusing to let the tears fall.

“Ahh…that explains why you wanted to see me when we talked.” Drake’s voice was


HC nodded sheepishly. He hadn’t thought of it until after he had said it to Drake.
“That’s fine. I like seeing you too. That way, I can see if you are alright.” Drake’s quiet

words made him look at him.

“You are a confounding man. What are you trying to do to me, Drake?”
“Gain your trust.”
Of all the things he could have said, that frightened HC the most. He didn’t know if he

could possibly do that. They continued their ride before going back to the house. HC fed
Drake then they went to bed and enjoyed making up lost time from being away from each
other. Drake hugged him from behind and HC snuggled into him and stared out of the

Need to keep my wits about him. This is temporary. We are too different.

* * * *

HC glared out of the window at another stop on his tour. The third book of his

cookbook series had been released and, like the others, it was already selling well. The first
two were already on the all the bestsellers lists and the third was heading there. At least,
that’s what his editor said. Although he liked that his books and recipes were giving people
wonderful food to make memories with their families, he missed his. Yes, one of his family
travelled with him on each week long tour, but he still missed the rest of them. He’d got so
used to seeing them all daily. Although it was only a week for each book, the week always
seemed so long.

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Admit it, you miss Drake. HC closed his eyes. Yes—he did miss the infuriating man. Since

the first tour, they had spent as much time as they could together. He was practically living
in Drake’s house. Whenever he went on tour, they texted and video chatted. Drake still
hadn’t given in and had video sex with him, but HC kept trying. He smiled, thinking of last
night when he’d thought he almost had him. Drake had held out though. Again. Three
months of being with him and HC still wondered what Drake was doing with him. He said
he wanted his trust, but that was hard to give.

HC went to the chair and looked at the bag with Drake’s present. It had become his

tradition to buy Drake something on his book tours and use quid pro quo to get him to take it.
He loved the baffled look Drake got when he did. HC chuckled. The knock on the door
caught his attention. HC went to it and looked through the peephole. Seeing Blayne and
Jonas, he opened the door.

“Let’s get this signing done,” HC said.
“You leaving right after, as usual?” Jonas asked.
“Yes, I’m going home. I’ll meet you at Masters Pages for the last day of the signing.”

HC closed the hotel door behind him.

The men fell into step beside him. HC’s body thrummed at the thought of seeing Drake

later that day.

* * * *

HC got out of the vehicle and waved at Blayne as he left, heading towards the main

house. He turned hefting his bag then went up the steps. HC took out the key and opened
the door to Drake’s. He entered then stopped when he heard the sound of female laughter. It
didn’t sound like someone he knew. He debated whether he should come back later. Drake
came into the hall.

“Why are you standing there? Come on in.” Drake walked over to him and took his

bag, kissing him briefly before he placed the bag on the floor.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t still have your key much less be using it. You have company. How’d

you know I was here?”

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“Keep the key.” Drake took it and put it in HC’s pocket then pulled him towards the

living room. “Not company. Friends—my exes—the ones I mentioned to you before, came by
to meet you. Blayne texted me that you were on your way. I asked him to let me know.”
Drake glared at him playfully. “Since you don’t usually tell me when you are coming back

“Whoa. Exes.” HC dug in his feet and refused to move. “I don’t want to meet your exes.

I just got home and I’m grumpy.”

“You’re always ornery.”
“I said grumpy.” HC pushed at his shoulder. “And I don’t like people right now.”
“Stop lying.” Drake laughed. “You’re just saying that because you’re afraid to meet


HC stiffened. “Afraid. I’m not afraid.” He jerked away from Drake and strode towards

the living room. He paused in the doorway and in a glance took in the gorgeous woman and
handsome man. “So you’re the exes.”

They looked at him—the man studied him face impassively, the woman smiled and


“Keri and Jamison, this is HC.”
“What does HC stand for?” the man asked.
“Something that I won’t tell you,” HC replied.
The man lips twitched then he laughed.
“Blunt.” The woman voice was melodious.
“Yep.” HC walked in and sat on a chair facing the two. Drake sat on the arm of the

chair, resting his hand on his shoulder.

“He ambushed you with us,” Keri stated.
“Typical Drake.” Jamison’s tone was fond.
HC clenched his fist, wanting to smash his face in for that tone. Drake put his hand over

his and squeezed.

“I did.” Drake stared at HC. “I wanted him to meet you, but he was acting resistant.”
“Resistance to Drake is futile,” the two of them said together then laughed.
HC joined them—he’d come to learn it was. Drake was easy-going but got things he

wanted done. He relaxed and watched the two across from him.

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“I’ll feed you if you tell me some tips for dealing with him.” He jerked his thumb to


“Wait, that isn’t why they came.” Drake rose. “They weren’t planning to stay.”
Keri and Jamison looked at each other then him.
“I could eat.” Keri pushed back her curly black hair from her face.
“Drake has been raving about your food.” Jamison lifted his wine and smiled. “So let’s


Since he’d left Drake’s fridge stocked with food—including dates on when each was

for—while he was gone, he knew exactly what was for dinner today. It would be enough for
them. He rose and gestured to the others to follow. They ignored Drake’s protests. HC
started getting the food ready while the others sat at the island. They chatted as he prepared
their meal and the conversation continued as they ate. He was surprised that he’d enjoyed
meeting Keri and Jamison. When they were ready to leave, he stood at the door with Drake.

“I’ll drop them off and be right back,” Drake said.
A woof caught his attention before Sandy came into the room.
“I was wondering where you were hiding,” HC said. His eyes widened as he saw the

puppy come running behind her then a kitten. “Drake, when did you get a puppy and cat?”

“I didn’t. They’re for you. The puppy is an Irish Setter and the kitten is a Maine Coon. I

was thinking you can call them Rhino and Pine.” Drake laughed as he backed towards the

HC narrowed his eyes. “You did not buy me a puppy and a kitten.”
Quid pro quo,” Drake said innocently.
“Uh-huh. How does this fit?”
“This fits for whatever you bought me.” Drake moved steadily away.
“Who said I bought you anything?” HC asked, although he had.
“I know you well enough to know you have.” Drake snorted. “You won’t turn them

away from a loving home. They even like you.”

HC looked down at the puppy that was pulling on his shoe string and the kitten

kneading his leg. He lifted his head and glared at Drake. “Yeah, they like me alright. Why an
Irish Setter and a Maine Coon?”

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“The setter is active like you are. The Maine Coon is a gentle giant. They’re both male.”

Drake turned and headed down the steps. “Get to know them.”

“I’m not accepting the puppy or kitten,” HC called.
Quid pro quo,” Drake returned, laughing again.
HC growled. He knew Drake had a point, but damned if he would let him bamboozle

him. Drake got in his vehicle and drove away. HC looked at the animals and, seeing them
headed for the door, he scooped them up. He looked at the setter then the coon. They woofed
and meowed. Frowning, HC headed out of the door and closed it when Sandy joined him.
He went rapidly down the path to the main house then to the office entrance and quickly
inside, heading to Blayne’s office. He yelled, “Stop that. I need your keys.”

Blayne and Morgan jumped and jerked apart. Morgan glared and Blayne lifted his

middle finger at HC. He looked at what HC held and eyes widened.

“Keys.” He looked around and seeing them hanging on the wall by the door he said,

“Never mind.” He shifted his hold on the puppy, snagged the keys and went back out of the

“Morgan, why does HC have a puppy and kitten?” Blayne asked behind him.
“No clue.” Morgan almost managed to sound innocent.
“Liar. What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything, Cactus.”
Blayne snorted then Morgan laughed.
“Drake asked, so I gave him the name of where I got Prima and Donna.”
“Pri and Don. You should know their names by now,” Blayne said.
HC went down the hall, absently hearing them bicker. He went outside and to Blayne’s

SUV, pressing the clicker to disarm it then he opened it. He placed the puppy and kitten on
the floor of passenger seat and Sandy jumped up onto the seat. HC got in then started the
car. In moments, he was driving down the road towards his destination. Shortly, he parked
and after grabbing the animals, he got out. Sandy matched his pace as he went up the steps.
He kicked the door, since his hands were full. The sound of footsteps came and the door
opened. Staring at the man there, HC glared then held out the puppy and kitten.

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“He bought me these. Told me to call them Rhino and Pine. I will absolutely not call

them that and if any of you do I will knock your teeth in.” HC took a breath then shoved the
animals at the man. “He is courting me. What the hell do I do with that?”

Windsor took the animals, stared at HC then turned. “Paxton, it’s for you.”
“I’m not here for Dad.” HC knew Windsor got upset when he called Paxton Dad. He

frowned when he thought of that then glared at Windsor. “I’m here to speak with my papa.”
He grinned at Windsor. “And that’s you, buddy.”

“Paxton!” Windsor yelled. “Your son just called me ‘papa’. You’d better come here


Paxton came from the living room and he was chuckling. “HC, stop messing with


“I’m not messing with Papa. He is with you now so he needs a name to be called when

we’re upset and serious. He can’t be what Daddy was, so Papa.” HC moved closer to
Windsor. “So, Papa, what do I do about Drake courting me?”

“Court him back,” Windsor said and pushed the kitten and puppy back at him.
HC took them and kissed them before putting them down. He closed the door and

Sandy went to Lonnie—Paxton’s dog—and sat beside him.

“You’re not helping me.”
“What else do you want me to say?” Windsor glared at HC then looked at Paxton.

“What does he want me to say?”

“Let me give you some pointers in dealing with HC.” Paxton joined Windsor then

looked at HC. “Son, how do you feel about Drake courting you?”

HC stopped, having not even thought about that. He smiled then said. “It’s sweet,

strange and”—HC frowned—“weirding me out.”

“Oh my God, that is the same thing Blayne said when he figured out what Morgan was

doing.” Paxton laughed.

“He did?” HC shook his head. “He’s always been a weird one.”
“But you just said the same thing,” Windsor said.
“Yeah. But when I say it, I’m unique.” HC titled his head to the side. “Papa, what do I


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“Co—” Windsor stopped as Paxton gripped his arm then whispered something in his

ear. Windsor shook his head. “My saying that is the same thing, so why does it matter if I
do?” Paxton whispered something else in Windsor’s ear. “Okay, fine.” Windsor sighed then
glared at HC. “What do you want to do about Drake courting you, HC?”

HC smiled wide at him. “Court him back.”
“For the love of God, I just said that.” Windsor rubbed his finger along the bridge of his

nose. “You’re giving me a headache.”

“When HC comes you, you have to ask questions to get him to the point you want him

to go to. Blayne, you just tell him.” Paxton patted Windsor on the shoulder. “Don’t worry,
you’ll get it when you are around them enough.”

“What about Thomas?” Windsor glared at HC. “Does he need questions too?”
“Nope. When Thomas comes, he’ll already have the question and answers. He just

needs a sounding board. Listen but don’t interrupt,” Paxton advised.

“Exactly.” HC clapped his hands. “Now how do I court him?”
“You’ve already been doing that. Feeding him, buying him things and just spending

time,” Windsor said.

“Papa, you’re not helping me,” HC replied cheerfully.
“You know, calling me that is weirding me out.” Windsor glared.
“Get used to it,” HC retorted. “I’m, going to tell Thomas and Blayne too.”
“Oh God…please shoot me now.” Windsor groaned and went back to the living room.
HC followed him. “But, Papa, I need help.”
Windsor dropped onto the couch and HC sat by him. Paxton came in and he sat on the

centre table before them.

Paxton looked at Windsor. “As—”
“I got this one, Pax.” Windsor turned to face HC. “What can you do that will show him

more than anything else that you are courting him?”

HC eyes widened and he leant back, not sure what to do.
“I think you stumped him with that one,” Paxton said softly. “Good job.”
“Thanks.” Windsor sounded smug.
HC didn’t reply—his mind filled with what he should do. He rose. “I need to think.

Please take the puppy, kitten and Sandy back to Drake’s for me.”

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“What? HC where are you going?” Windsor asked.
“As he said, to think.” Paxton studied him then stood and hugged him. “Don’t think

too long. Drake won’t understand you leaving like this.”

“I need to.” HC was torn, but the need to go filled him.
“I’ll take care of the pets and tell Drake.”
“Thanks, Dad.” HC hugged him tightly.
Paxton returned it then stood back. HC glared at Windsor until he stood then HC

embraced him too then left. Outside, he breathed deeply then went to the SUV. He drove
back to the main house before parking. HC saw Blayne and Thomas waiting on the porch. He
lifted his hand and they returned the wave. HC got on his bike and turned it on. With the
rumble under him, HC sighed. He took off and drove towards the road leading off the main
ranch. HC saw the familiar truck coming in the opposite direction. He passed Drake but
didn’t slow to say anything. He needed to think before he saw him again.

Drake frowned as he saw HC speeding past him. He almost turned his truck around to

follow him but with how fast he was going, he wouldn’t be able to catch him. He wondered
what had him tearing off the ranch like that. Drake drove to his house and pulled into the
yard by the steps beside the vehicle there. He got out and looked at Paxton and Windsor
standing on the porch.

“Sorry,” Windsor said as he passed him, going to the truck.
Drake was confused as to what he was apologising for. He went up the steps, and that

was when he spotted Sandy laying on the porch with the puppy and kitten cuddled up with
her. He focused on Paxton.

“HC will be back, Drake,” Paxton said.
The way Paxton had said it made Drake uneasy. “What do you mean? He went for a

ride and will be right back.”

“Maybe.” Paxton stared then shook his head. “Before we adopted HC, he was so used

to being alone. There are times when he has to think something really important through and
to do so he leaves.”

“What do you mean leaves?” Drake clenched his fists.
“Goes for a ride to clear his head. Sometimes it can be a few hours, or days or weeks.”

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“Weeks.” Drake shook his head. “Are you kidding me? Weeks. He just up and left for

possibly weeks. And you all let him.”

“We used to try to stop him, but when we did he would shut down. Then he’d go

anyway and not contact any of us,” Paxton said. “So we learnt it’s best to let him leave.”
Paxton nodded decisively. “If it is something he is thinking of that affects you, he won’t be in
contact until he has it sorted out in his mind. He is thinking on something concerning you, so
you won’t hear from him. One of us will let you know when we hear from him. He’ll be back
and you’ll be ready to for him.”

Paxton walked past him. Drake stared after him, stupefied at what he’d said. Hell—he

hadn’t even said anything all that much. Why would HC just get up and leave? Drake didn’t
believe he would. He remembered HC had texted and video chatted with him when he’d
gone away before. Drake shook off his unease and decided to wait for his text and video chat
to ask HC what the hell was going on.

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Chapter Six

“HC called,” Paxton spoke behind him. “I took care of your horse so you don’t have to

when you go home.”

Drake stiffened then picked up another fork of hay. He didn’t reply and just kept

working until he heard Paxton leave. Drake upended the fork and put the tines to the
ground. Two weeks without a word from HC and he still couldn’t understand why he’d just
left. The first night, he’d waited for the text that said to sign into chat. When it didn’t come,
he justified that HC was probably tired by the time he stopped. The next day he kept
checking his phone for texts from him…nothing. By the end of the first day, he was mad as
hell. It had been at the end of the day when Blayne had called to tell him HC had contacted
him. That was how it had been for two weeks. HC had contacted Paxton, Thomas, Blayne or
Windsor at some point or other, but never him. That alone sent him a clear message.

Tired, Drake quickly finished his chores. He exited the barn and glanced at the main

house. He was hungry, but not in the mood for company or to see the questioning looks of
the rest of the people there. Drake instead went towards his house. He frowned when Sandy
didn’t join him. Seemed she too had left him today. He walked down the path and when he
finally saw his darkened house, he wondered what he had to eat. Maybe he’d do as he had
been lately and go to bed without eating. He went up to the door.

He stiffened as the man he longed to hear spoke to his left. Drake turned and glared at

HC. He came from the side of the house, stepping into the moonlight. Damn him for looking so

“What are you doing here?”
“To see you.” HC frowned. “Why do you sound so—?”
“Cold.” Drake clenched his fist. “You fucking left for two weeks and come back now

and ask me why I sound as I do.”

“Drake, you swore.” HC’s eyes widened.

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“Fuck you.” Drake unlocked his door, went in then slammed it behind him, locking it

before striding across the floor.

The door opened behind him. Drake stopped and glared over his shoulder.
“I need to change the locks.”
“Why are you so mad?” HC also slammed the door and came towards him.
“You left, HC,” he stated the obvious.
“And I came back.” HC frowned. “Didn’t Paxton tell you that I left?”
“He did.”
“And that I would be back when I sorted things out.”
“Yes.” Drake closed the distance between them. “But no one just leaves for two weeks

with no contact then comes back like nothing happened.”

“Something did happen. I had an epiphany.”
“Good for you. Go tell the people you’ve contacted since you have been gone.” Drake

turned away.

“I can’t, it’s about you,” HC said. “Drake, look at me.”
At the urgency in his tone, Drake looked at him. HC’s expression made Drake’s breath

catch and his heart race. HC stepped closer then lowered his head. He inhaled deeply then
met Drake’s gaze. The depth of emotion in his eyes made Drake’s pulse pound.

“I love you, Drake.” HC blew out a breath. “And I want to court you and be with you.

God, you’re all I can think about.” HC held up his fist and shook it at him. “I let you in and I
fucking don’t know when it happened.”

“Swearing at me while declaring you love me. You sure know how to woo a guy.”

Drake stared at him, stunned.

“Your reply should be returning the words.”
“You were gone two weeks without a word, HC.”
“And that made you stop loving me?” HC crossed his arms over his chest and glared.

“Some love that is.”

“I didn’t say that.” Drake matched his stance and returned the glare. “If we are going to

be partners, you can’t just leave and not contact me. Even if you’re thinking of something
that is about me.” Drake shook his head. “That, I cannot accept. If you don’t want to talk to
me, fine. But at least text me daily so I can know you are okay.”

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“I can do that. I’ll tell you where I am, too.” HC bit his lip. “But promise you won’t

come where I am, no matter how long I am gone.”

“I will only not come after you if you leave for any other reason than we are fighting. If

you leave no matter the reason you will still tell me where you are. For a fight, I will give you
twenty-four hours to get your ass home or I’m coming after you.” Drake shrugged. “Those
are my terms.”

“Okay”—HC tapped his foot—“get on with it, already.”
“You’re not going to make me say it how you want me to.” Drake lowered his arms

then stepped towards him. HC put his arms to his side and Drake closed the distance
between them. He stared at this complex, ornery and difficult man knowing he would never
be able to walk away. “I love you, HC.”

“Harvey Clifford.” HC smirked. “That’s what my initials stand for. And if you ever say

it to anyone else, or use it, I will make you regret it.”

Drake warmed at the trust HC was showing in him. To tell Drake his name, HC was

saying in not so many words that he had belief in them.

“I’ll say it with your full name just this once. I love you, Harvey Clifford.” Drake

frowned. “I just can’t picture you by your full name. You’ll always be HC to me.” Drake
wiggled his eyebrows. “Or Rhinopine.”

“Humph, again with the rhinopine.” HC looked around. “Where are my pets anyway?”
“You mean Rhino and Pine?” Drake smirked. “At the main house with Blayne.”
“We are not calling them that,” HC stated firmly.
Drake didn’t mention that everyone already had.
HC threw himself into his arms and Drake caught him. HC hugged him fiercely.
“I love you,” he whispered. “You will forgive me.”
“I still didn’t hear an apology.”
“Do you need an ear swirly to clear your hearing?” HC held up his finger.
Drake grabbed it and laughed, hugging then kissing him. HC chuckled and rested

against him, moaning.

HC pulled back and sighed. “I really want you, but I’m so tired. I haven’t slept well

since I left.”

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Drake studied him and saw the exhaustion he spoke of. “Think of that next time you

want to leave. Come on.”

He led HC upstairs to his bedroom then into the adjacent shower. Drake gently took

care of HC, undressing him then himself and getting them both in the shower. Drake cleaned
him off, washing along his broad shoulders then chest to his stomach and paying attention to
every part of him. Drake gave himself a quick wash then got them both out. He quickly
towel-dried HC as he swayed, his eyes closed. After rubbing himself down, Drake threw the
towel into the laundry basket then led HC to the bedroom. He urged him to the bed and HC
lay down and reached for him, pulling Drake down beside him. HC snuggled into him and
in moments was asleep. Drake studied the face of the man he loved and held him, slowly
going to sleep himself.

* * * *

Drake woke and, feeling the body next to his, he turned his head and stared at HC. He

moved to lie on his side, watching HC sleep. He was so damn glad HC had come back and
that Drake had got his point across to him. His leaving wasn’t the biggest issue, it was his not
telling him where he was. HC blinked and looked at him bleary eyed. A sleepy smile curled
his lips.

“Hey, there.”
“Hey, you.” Drake kissed him then pulled back.
He didn’t like the shadows under HC’s eyes at all. “You’re staying home and resting


“I planned on it.” HC stretched. “I’m not coming out of my room after I get to the main


“And you said I don’t hear well.” Drake reached over and gave him an ear swirly. “I

said home. Your home is here with me.”

HC went stiff and stared at him. “Here? But I can’t just live with you.”
“Why not?” Drake grinned and took a page from HC’s book of when he tried to get

people to do as he wanted—used logic. “Except when working at the main house or bunk
house, aren’t you here all the other times, anyway?”

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“Yes, b—”
“Don’t you buy groceries and make food here?”
“I do, ho—”
“Aren’t you tired of living out of a bag when you bring clothing back and forth from the

main house?”

HC glared then replied. “I am, b—”
“What about your horses? Shouldn’t they have a stable home? Or Rhino and Pine as

well as Sandy? The back and forth is wearing on them—so unsettled.” Drake pouted then
looked at him through his lashes. “Or maybe it’s that you don’t want to be around me so
much? But wait…you’re already around me, often.” Drake held back a grin at the
disgruntled look on HC’s face.

“Damn, you’re good.” HC shook his head. “I’ve created a monster.”
“I learn quickly.” Drake waggled his eyebrows. “And here is the enticement. Living

here with me gets you all the nookie you can handle.”

“I get that anyway. I love the morning cuddle and bonking especially.” HC slid closer

to him. “So you’ve forgive me for leaving to think?”

“I was more mad and hurt that you just left. I don’t get it, but I can accept it. As long as

you do as we discussed yesterday.” Drake put his hand on HC’s hip.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” HC ran his finger down Drake’s nose. “I never want to

hurt you.”

“That’s a good sentiment, but it’s not possible. We all hurt each other and don’t always

know we do.” Drake pulled him closer. “Let’s just promise to try to not hurt each other. If we
find we have hurt the other then we correct it. After we have amazing make up sex.”

“That we can do.” HC leered. “So where’s my make up sex?”
“What? You’re the one who has to make up.” Drake swatted him on the hip then lay

back on the bed and wiggled. “Get on with it. And make it good. I’m hard to impress.”

“You have to go to work soon, so what I have planned as amazing cannot be done in

that short time.” HC pressed his lips by his ear. “It’ll take hours and involve lots of
screaming until you are hoarse.”

Drake gulped and cleared his throat. “Then at least give me the ‘a’ in the amaze to get

me through the day. Later you can do the rest.”

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HC’s laugh was wicked. Drake wondered if it was a good idea to do this now. HC put

his hands on Drake’s arm then lifted Drake’s over his head. HC rose to his knees then did the
same with the other.

“Hold on to the rail and don’t let go. You do and I stop.”
Drake nodded, unable to speak. HC moved and pushed Drake’s legs apart then settled

on his knees between them. Drake shifted his legs and looked down at HC. His head was
lowered and he was breathing deeply.

“Are you smelling me?” Drake was surprised at the sound of his hoarse voice.
“You always smell so good.”
“You smell like vanilla.” Drake licked his lips. “I’ve wondered, why do you always

smell like vanilla?”

“Must be my lotion.” HC shrugged. “I like how it smelt so got it. Reminds me of home.”
Drake made mental note to find things with vanilla. HC leaned closer, inhaling deeply.

Drake’s cock lengthened and he moaned as the eroticism of what HC was doing hit him. HC
put his nose against his groin and nuzzled, inhaling again. Drake rocked, groaning as his
cock rubbed the underside of HC’s jaw. Drake gripped the rails of the headboard and hoped
he would be able to hold on until HC was inside him.

HC moved his face, enjoying the feel of Drake’s cock against his skin. His erection

hardened even more. His mouth watered and he wanted to taste Drake, but he didn’t want to
rush it. Instead, he continued his journey up Drake’s body, smelling him. He revelled in the
different scents on Drake’s skin. On his side, the scent was more spicy while by his nipple it
was sweeter. By the time he made his way to Drake’s chin, HC was rock hard.

“So good,” he murmured against his jaw.
Drake gulped and the motion vibrated against his lips. HC licked the skin and Drake

shuddered. HC moved upward onto Drake’s cheek then his nose and continued his
exploration. Drake watched him out of slightly glazed eyes. HC kissed beside each then
moved to his hair and inhaled.

“HC.” Drake’s throatiness and need in his tone drove HC over the edge of need.
HC sat back and reached for the lube and condoms they kept in the nightstand. He

quickly readied Drake. Drake moaned and rocked, opening up to him. HC donned the

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condom then lay over Drake. He lifted him before thrusting forward, sliding deep into his

“Yes,” Drake hissed.
The tightness around his cock made HC shake as he moved faster and faster. Each time

he took Drake, it was better than the last. Drake moved beneath him, countering HC’s
thrusts. Drake’s cock was pinned between them and leaking pre-cum. HC pressed more
firmly against him, rubbing against the hardened flesh of Drake’s shaft. Drake opened his
mouth and puffed out breaths. HC widened his legs and snapped his hips quicker into him.

“Drake, I love you,” HC said then repeated it with each thrust.
Drake whimpered. He grabbed HC’s hair and pulled him down to kiss him. HC opened

and Drake stroked his tongue into his mouth. HC suckled his tongue and pumped into
Drake quicker. He grunted as his sac went tight then he came. Drake’s moans echoed in their
kiss as he spurted, coating their bellies with his seed. HC slowed, kissing Drake leisurely. He
moved and rested his face in the crook of Drake’s neck. HC tried to remember to breathe.

“Love you, HC,” Drake murmured and kissed the side of his face.
“Hmmmm…ditto.” HC yawned, tiredness filling him.
“I would love to stay here and sleep with you, but I need to get up.” Drake’s soft words

rumbled against his chest. “We’re moving some cattle in the west pasture.”

HC rolled off Drake and threw his arm over his eyes. He felt the bed shift as Drake

stood. HC listened absently as Drake got ready. He heard the shower come on and Drake
singing softly, too low for him to hear the words. HC smiled and slid into a semi-sleep.

A soft brush of lips on his own made him come fully awake. He blinked and looked at


“See you later, Rhinopine.”
“Too early in the morning for me to be that.” HC smiled and touched his cheek. “Have

a great day.”

“You too. Rest today.” Drake kissed him briefly then rose.
HC rolled over and snuggled into the pillows. The sound of Drake heading towards the

door reached him and it comforted him.

This feels like home. “Guess I’ll be moving in.”
“I’ll get your things from the main house,” Drake said.

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“I need to get some of my things from the kitchen.” HC turned over and looked at

Drake, framed in the bedroom doorway. “They’re meant for me to use in my home. Our

Drake’s smile lit his entire face. “We’ll get your things later. Together.”
“Together,” HC promised.
Drake turned and left whistling. HC imagined that he would have to get used to living

with him. They would clash over things but it was going to be fun. Melding their lives
together would be an interesting mesh of their personalities. He was up for doing that and
having many years together.

“But we’re going to have to work on him calling me Rhinopine.” HC lay back content

with his decision.

* * * *

HC signed the book then handed it back with a broad grin. The reader clutched the

book and went to the check out. The doors to the bookstore Masters Pages were closed and
that was the last book he’d have to sign on his tour. HC leant back, enjoying the sense of
accomplishment. He’d done it five books in five months and a week-long tour for each. He
picked up the penholder with the design commemorating his last book and opened it,
looking at the nine pens that rested there. He looked at the one pen he held and smiled.

“You still have a book to sign,” someone with a familiar voice said from behind him.
“I already did earlier.” HC looked over his shoulder at Drake and saw him holding one

of his books. “And I know I gave it to you. You don’t have to buy another. I’ll give you as
many as you want.”

“I want to buy it. Add to your bestseller status.” Drake held out the book. “Sign it.”
“I can’t believe that all of the books are on multiple bestseller lists.” HC took the book

and opened it. “Didn’t you leave earlier to make sure thing were set up for your party?”

“My party?” Drake leaned against the table when he stood. “The party is for you. A

send off to a successful book tour and great books.”

“You’re the one who decided we needed to have a party.” HC signed the book and


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“You should commemorate the occasion.” Drake pushed his shoulder. “Besides, I made

the suggestion. You’re the one who planned all the food along with all your chef friends who
came in for your signing.” Drake shuddered. “Without you there to run interference, I’ve
been afraid to go into my own kitchen for days. They are so territorial.” Drake poked his
arm. “When I left to come back here Abby was threatening to scalp the one with the deep red
colour Mohawk, tattoos and piercings. He’s a brave man. All he does is laugh when she does,
and keeps goading her.”

“That’s Maddox and he’s like that. Nothing fazes him and he is an exceptional chef.”

HC laughed. “He’ll grow on Abby. I hope you don’t mind Maddox staying with us a little
while. We’ve only been living together for about two months or so.” HC turned and pressed
against Drake. “Jonas thought the environment of the ranch would help Maddox get his own
cookbook done.”

“No problem.” Drake put his hand around HC’s waist. “His apartment is off the

sunroom so he has his privacy and we have ours.”

“Good.” HC nodded. “Jonas will be coming by a lot to check on him. So be warned it

might get loud. At least on Jonas’ part, since Maddox doesn’t raise his voice. It’s when
Maddox lowers it you have to worry.”

“I’ve liked meeting your friends. You have some interesting characters.” Drake kissed

his briefly. “Now let’s get home before your friends wreck my house.”

“Technically, since we’re together, they’re our friends.” HC lifted his messenger bag,

put the pen he signed with in the holder then slid it into the bag before he slung it over his
shoulder. He held out the book to Drake.

Drake took it, opened it then read what he had signed. “To Drake, the man who has my

heart although he insists on calling me Rhinopine. Here’s to many years of adventures and
moments to remember. Love HC.”

Drake looked at him and the expression on his face made HC ache to take him

somewhere and strip him naked.

“You should have just signed it Rhinopine.” Drake closed the book and pointed it

towards him. “Admit it—you love that I call you that.”

Since he was not about to admit such a thing, HC walked away. The sound of Drake’s

footsteps as he came after him filled him. HC thought about something then looked at Drake.

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“Remind me I need to talk with Jonas.”
“Okay.” Drake placed his hand on his waists and led him out of the bookstore.

* * * *

“Drake!” HC yelled.
“Rhinopine,” Drake muttered, recognising the tone. He looked at Sandy, Rhi and Pi—

they had decided to shorten the names—who were lying under the window. “Wanna bet he
is going to blame me for something.”

Drake loved the closeness that had developed between them. HC strode into the

sunroom and over to him. He put his hands on his hips and glared down at Drake. Drake
grinned, waiting to see what was wrong—being with HC was never dull.

“This is your fault.”
“Sure it is, dear.” Drake widened his eyes. He looked at their pets and winked. They

woofed and meowed as if agreeing with him. Drake focused back on HC.

“Don’t use that tone on me. And no trying to get our pets on your side,” HC warned.

“I’m not crazy. This time it is your fault.”

“Fine.” Drake sat up and placed his hands on the back of HC’s legs. “At least tell me

what I supposedly did. I’m innocent, by the way.”

“How can you already claim innocence when you don’t even know what you did?” HC

crossed his arms over his chest.

“With you, isn’t it best to get that out there?” Drake smiled.
“Don’t smile at me.” HC ran his finger down his face. “I’m not doing another book

signing tour.”

“What?” Drake frowned. “Why would you? Your last cook book only released a month


“It did, but stupid me wanted to add another.” HC tweaked his nose. “That’s why it’s

your fault.”

“How is it my fault you decided to write another cookbook?” Drake shook his head.

“This time you really have gone—”

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“I’m doing it for you, asshole.” HC scowled. “Decided to call it Connections: Opposites.

Now Jonas is trying to convince me to do another week-long tour for it. I hate crowds.” HC
yanked Drake’s ear. “Your fault. This is so your fault.”

Drake was stunned and speechless. He stared at HC, not really hearing him as he

ranted about it being Drake’s fault. A soft sensation filled him and Drake rose. He cupped
HC’s cheeks. He stopped speaking and stared at Drake with confusion on his face.

“I love you too, Rhinopine.” Drake chuckled.
“Humph, still with that name.” HC leaned against him. “Although I don’t like the pet

name, I love hearing you say you love me.”

“And?” Drake hugged him, squeezing.
“What?” HC tried to look innocent. “I’m very lovable.”
“Yeah, you are. A lovable rhinopine. Prickly, irritating and all your faults are mine to

love.” Drake rolled his eyes. “I need my head checked.”

“You might.” HC winked. “But I love you anyway.”
Drake’s heart raced as it always did when HC said the words.
“Although it’s still your fault,” HC said.
“I’ll take the blame this time.” Drake studied him. “You do know Jonas is going to have

his way and you’re gonna do the tour. So just give in.”

“No.” HC jutted his chin out.
“Yes,” Jonas interjected coming into the room. “Drake is right, I will have my way. It’s

the Cohen charm.”

“HC,” Drake said sharply.
HC glared at him. “It’s your fault and his fault. You make me curse.” HC kissed him

briefly. He turned to Jonas. “I’m not doing any tour. I’ll do the book and that is it.” HC
pushed past Jonas and went back into the house.

Jonas followed him, arguing. Drake went behind them slowly. He heard HC swearing

at Jonas and him returning it. Drake laughed. HC’s title for the cookbook about him was very
apt. They were opposites but they fitted each other. They were proof that opposites attract.

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Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

Impressions: One Good Man

Talia Carmichael


Chapter One

Gabriel ‘Gabe’ Simmons had turned into the parking area of Vaughn Choppers and was

making the left to the employees’ spaces when a wonderful specimen before him caught his
attention. The gate slid closed behind him as he pulled into his space, parking quickly then
getting out of his black Chevy Avalanche LTZ. Gabe closed his door before striding over to
the vehicle in the space two spots over from his. He placed his hand on the side of the
Plymouth Barracuda, touching the battered paint of the car. From the way it looked, he knew
it was a 1971. He circled the car, peering inside, and saw the interior was fully restored. Gabe
wanted to hear how that engine sounded.

As far as Gabe knew, he was the only one in the shop currently with a car restoration

project. None of the men he worked with had mentioned they’d bought a car to restore so he
didn’t think it was any of theirs. All the men in the shop loved anything on wheels—they all
had various vehicles they worked on when they weren’t busy building choppers. He stood
back, looking at the battered exterior, and shook his head.

“Whoever owns you needs to get your outside to look as good as your inside seems to

be.” He turned then strode to the shop door that led to the office instead of to the garage as
he usually did.

Since it was so early, they weren’t open for customers yet so he opened the door with

his key. Once inside, he locked the door behind him. Although he knew the shop would be
filled with workers, Gabe couldn’t hear them in the soundproofed office. Gabe bypassed the
counter where the part-time receptionist usually sat and made his way to the side hall,

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heading to the offices. He moved past his and headed towards the one farther down the hall.
He turned into the open office door.

“Hey, boss, who does the Plymouth Barracuda be…” Gabe trailed off as he realised his

boss wasn’t alone.

Kincaid ‘King’ Vaughn didn’t stop kissing his partner Alistair James with a hungry

demand. Used to them, as well as how they got when apart, Gabe sat in a chair averting his
gaze as he waited. He figured Ash would ask King to leave early and he would. Gabe needed
to find out from King if there was anything he needed him to do. He was grateful that Ash
was back from his trip out of town—Kincaid got growly and out of sorts when he wasn’t

“What did you say, Gabe?” Kincaid’s tone was deeper than usual.
Gabe focused back on the two men. Ash was leaning on the low filing cabinet behind

the desk, a familiar smirk on his face, while Kincaid sat in his chair behind the desk.

“It’s good to have you back, Ash. I didn’t see your Escalade in the lot,” Gabe said.
“Arnold dropped me off,” Ash replied then gestured between Kincaid and Gabe. “How

many times did you have to oil him?” He pointed at Kincaid.

Gabe knew Arnold was Ash’s head of security and his bodyguard when he travelled.

This trip had been three weeks longer than any Ash had taken before.

“Twice since you left. We were about to give him an oiling again today if he kept being

an asshole. The men will be relieved you’re back.” Gabe laughed.

Oiling was their way at the garage to let a person know they needed to chill. The oil

was sprayed on someone when they were acting nuts about a custom job or something else—
basically, when they got unbearable to deal with.

“Well I’m not going anywhere any time in the foreseeable future, so they should love

that.” Ash stood and placed his hand on the back of Kincaid’s neck. “You always act like
such a growly bear when I’m gone.”

“I miss you.” Kincaid shrugged, placing his hand over Ash’s.
“Come home with me.” It was a demand.
Kincaid rose. “See you tomorrow.”
They headed for the door. Gabe followed them outside.
“Damn, I need to take care of the car.” Kincaid stopped, looking towards the car.

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“Whose is it?” Gabe moved beside it, running his hand down the side.
“Stop ogling the car. It’s not yours,” Kincaid teased.
They all knew he loved cars, and they knew he loved to rip them apart before putting

them back together even more. Before he’d got into motorcycles, he’d worked in a classic car
restoration shop.

“It’s sweet inside, from what I can see.” He gave Kincaid his puppy dog look.
“Fine, go and take a look.” Kincaid laughed then threw him the keys.
Gabe caught them and was inside it in moments. He touched the seats, noting the

interior was indeed as good as it had looked from the outside. He inserted the key and
turned on the engine. It started with a nice, throaty growl. Gabe revved it then frowned,
popping the hood and getting out.

“Something’s off.”
“What? Mace did the engine restoration himself, but took it to Howard’s to have it

checked over, since it was his first time doing it. He’s been working on the car piece by piece.
Today is supposed to be the last step with the outer body painting,” Kincaid said.

“Who’s Mace?” Gabe opened the hood and started looking around the engine, trying to

place what was off.

“A friend of ours. He’s the head of the department that Aidan works for at the

University of Hollisville. What wrong with the car? I can’t believe Howard’s would do a
shoddy job,” Kincaid said.

When Kincaid mentioned Mace’s job, Gabe remembered having heard of him although

he had never met him. Gabe didn’t believe such slipshod work could have been done by
Howard’s either. He’d worked with Michael Howard before—he was the owner of Howard’s
Garage and Restoration, which was less than ten minutes away, located on the same side of
Teylan Street.

Gabe shook his head. “Howard’s didn’t do this and if Michael knew, the vehicle would

not have left his shop. I’ll call him and check to see what was done.”

“I’ll check with him myself when I take the car in to be painted,” Kincaid stated.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Gabe looked at him questioningly, then at Ash

who was standing a few paces behind him.

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Kincaid turned to Ash. “Mace had an early meeting at the university so I volunteered to

drop off his car to be painted. He’s been waiting for a slot at Howard’s for a while.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Gabe offered.
Kincaid glanced at him then nodded. “They’re expecting it when they open at seven

thirty. Mace changed his mind, wants it to be dark blue, and accented with silver. I’m
supposed to take it to Mace’s house later today—”

“Just write down his address and I’ll drop it off.” Gabe focused back on the engine.
“Okay, I’ll put it on your desk. Give me a moment, Ash.” Kincaid’s footsteps were loud

as he walked away.

Gabe checked the carburettor and wires in the car. He couldn’t see what was wrong but

he knew he had heard it. He looked over the engine, frowning and trying to place the sound
he’d heard.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you, I’m thinking of buying a classic car. Can you help me

with choosing one and helping restore it?” Ash spoke behind him.

Gabe straightened from beneath the hood. “Sure, we have the equipment here, since

Kincaid lets us work on our restoration projects in our spare time. The men will want to help
too. I have contacts to get parts or I could ask Michael. What kind do you want?”

“I don’t let you yahoos do anything. You all are car and bike crazy. Hell, anything on

wheels crazy. My poor self just goes along with whatever you do,” Kincaid returned,

“Yeah right. Says the man who took years to build that thing.” Gabe pointed to

Kincaid’s bike.

“I only go for the best. Like this man here who, although he is high-maintenance, is

worth it.” Kincaid smirked.

Ash crossed his arms over his chest and glared. “Is that so? I’m high maintenance. The

rude idiot is not calling me names.”

“It was a term of endearment,” Kincaid protested.
“We’ll talk about what I’m looking for another day,” Ash stated.
“Okay. The restoration will have to be between the bike projects we have to work on.”
“That’s fine”—Ash shrugged—“I’m not in a rush.”

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“Okay. The men will have a good time working on it with me.” Gabe grinned,

remembering how over a year ago they had put their decals on Ash’s vehicle.

Since then, they had done the same to all his vehicles. Although Ash had bitched about

the first time, he’d actually brought in all his vehicles so they could put their marks on them.

Ash and Kincaid went to his bike. Gabe went to the driver’s side of the Barracuda and

slid into the seat. The sound of Kincaid’s motorcycle filled the air then faded as he left. Gabe
turned on the car and listened.

“Hey, Gabe, you didn’t mention you bought a Barracuda. It looks good, but, man, this

exterior needs work,” Raphael ‘Spider’ Kent said from where he stood by the open door.

Gabe nodded, still listening to the engine as he got out. “Rev the engine for me.”
Gabe went back to the hood. He gestured over it and Spider revved the engine. In that

second, he figured out what was wrong. After closing the hood, Gabe joined Spider by the

“Did you and Joker finish up your custom job last night?”
“Yep, and it looks good too.” Spider smiled.
“I didn’t see that you all had anything else lined up. You and he can strip this down

and paint it. I’ll be right back, after I have a talk with Michael.” Gabe turned then walked
back to the gate, before exiting through the smaller walk-through gate.

Glancing back, he smiled as he spotted all the men who worked in the shop outside,

around the ‘Cuda. Although he’d told Joker and Spider to do it, he expected the rest would
have a hand in working on the car. They had all just finished a big order for a really
demanding client who was very particular. Kincaid and he had discussed it, and after this,
they would not be working with the man again. For them the money didn’t matter—it was
the ability to create that was important and the man would not budge and let them do what
they did best. They didn’t work that way, and usually anyone who worked with Vaughn
Choppers knew that. Kincaid had accepted the commission as a favour for Ash—Gabe
figured once they were finished bonking each other’s brains out, Kincaid would tell him
what had happened.

Gabe went onto the sidewalk and strode down the street. This early in the morning,

Teylan Street was deserted and, like them, Howard’s would not be open yet. Although
Gabriel knew from having worked there that Michael and the men who worked for him

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would be in already. Gabe approached the entrance that was similar to their shop and he
studied the man who had just opened the walk-in gate.

“We’re not open,” the man snapped.
Gabe didn’t reply to the rudeness. “Please tell Michael Gabe is here to see him.”
“He won’t see you.” The man closed the door in his face.
Gabe shook his head then took out his cell and pressed a button.
“Gabe, are you finally ready to come back to work for me and leave that reprobate?”

Michael’s voice was warm and welcoming.

“Are you ready to admit you can’t do without me?”
“I say that all the time. Yet you turn me down each and every damn time. If I wasn’t a

more secure man, I would believe you didn’t love me anymore.” Michael laughed.

Gabe joined him. It was a familiar tease between them. Kincaid and Michael enjoyed

bickering, joking that King had stolen him away from Michael’s. In all honesty, Michael
knew the reason he had left was because he had become bored and wanted more of a

“What can I do for you, Gabe?”
“I’m outside. There was one of your employees entering and he refused to tell you I

was here. He’s very rude.” Gabe grimaced.

“What? Describe him to me,” Michael demanded.
Gabe did.
Michael sighed. “He’s new and I don’t think he’ll last.”
Gabe thought of the Barracuda. “Did he by chance do a check-over of a 1971 ‘Cuda that

belongs to a man named Mace?”

“He did.” The gate opened and Michael stood before him, pressing the button on his

cell. “I’ve been out of town and Yancy was supposed to be checking over his work. What’s
wrong with it?”

“I’ll tell you, but I’m not bringing the car back here to be fixed. And the paint

appointment you can cancel too.” Gabe grinned.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, you let the men loose on it.” Michael shook his head, his blue eyes

crinkling at the corner. “I swear if King ever decides to do car restoration, I’ll be out of

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“Hell, you brought your Camaro for us to restore for you.” Gabe followed him across

the lot. He noted that Michael’s limp was more pronounced than usual. Gabe didn’t
comment, knowing it would make him cranky if he asked. Instead, he slowed his stride and
Michael unconsciously matched his pace.

“And Yancy left to go work with you on it. When he returned I was glad King hadn’t

stolen him too.” Michael slid his hands into his back pockets.

“You’re lucky. It was a close thing.”
“See! I’m never letting him near King again. Damn man trying to steal my best

employees.” Michael glanced at him slyly. “How’s Spider doing?”

“He’s not coming to work for you, Michael,” he repeated as he always did when

Michael asked about the man. “You’d do better to ask him out.”

“Oh God, could you just imagine. We’d kill each other.” Michael laughed.
Gabe shrugged, knowing he was correct. The two of them argued a lot.
“So tell me already what he did,” Michael stated.
Gabe started to explain while they entered the garage. The men he had worked with in

the past interrupted them, and the man who had been so rude looked surprised to see him.
Gabe gestured to the men that he would be with them in a moment and pulled Michael to the

“Don’t fire…” He inclined his head towards the man.
“Shawn. And if he didn’t check out the ‘Cuda as our client paid him to then he deserves

to be fired.” Michael glared, not looking pleased.

“This Mace did a good job of fixing the engine, from what I can tell. For someone

checking over what he did it’s an easy miss if you’re not paying attention,” Gabe said.

“Hmmm…that genius touch of yours with cars at work.” Michael looked contemplative

then said, “Okay I won’t fire him, but I’ll send him to you to be trained further. I hired him
because he reminds me of you. He has this thing he does with cars. Shawn doesn’t usually
mess up, but his attitude is not working with the others in the shop.”

“And you want to send him to us why?”
Michael smiled, trying to look innocent.

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“You expect Joker will straighten him out. Oh boy, I almost feel sorry for Shawn.” Gabe

laughed then nodded. “Fine, send him over. I just bought a 1978 Ford Mustang and I’ll show
him on that what to do.”

“And I’ll send you some others so you can show him on those too. Let’s say about six

months and then you send him back. Make sure you get on him to keep track of his hours so
I can pay him correctly. He stays long hours and doesn’t tell me”—Michael patted him on the
shoulder—“like someone else I know who used to work for me. Also, tell King hands off.
Shawn is coming back to work for me.”

Gabe shrugged. “That’s between you and him. I’m not getting involved.”
“So tell me what you found then we’ll go tell Shawn the news,” Michael stated.
Gabe followed him to the office.

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About the Author

Talia Carmichael is a romantic who believes that family, no matter if it is by blood or

those you choose as family, is integral to who you are. She is an author who writes

sexy stories in a variety of genres. She believes in creating stories that encompass all

that falling in love or lust entails, from the highs of that first blush of attraction to the

lows of not knowing if you can make your coming together as a couple work, and

then finally to the acceptance of the reality of making a life together. It’s all about the


Among her books you’ll find contemporary, futuristic, fantasy, and paranormal

settings with M/M themes that will have a happily-ever-after. Her books are

passionate, intense, and real…to fill the craving.



Talia loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and

author biography at



Also by Talia Carmichael

Impressions: Reckless Behaviour

Impressions: A Tender Roughness

Impressions: Opposing Rhythms

Impressions: One Good Man

Prentiss: Ralston’s Way

Prentiss: Long Hard Ride

The Right Choice: After the Fall

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Intentions

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Alliance

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Totally Bound Publishing

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