How to Emergency Evac AW

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Team Members

October 2009

How to…

Follow Emergency Evacuation Procedures

What you need to know

The senior person on duty must take charge during any evacuation.

Evacuation may be ordered in the event of a suspected terrorist attack, bomb threat or fire.

In the rare event of an evacuation, access to your unit may be denied for long periods of time while
the incident is dealt with by the emergency services.

Our units are provided with a grab bag in which is kept the items you will need to help safeguard
you and your team during the evacuation period.

How we do it…

Follow the instructions in the team member how
to react in the event of a serious threat for terrorist
attack or fire.

Before leaving the unit, collect the grab bag along
with the units current roster.

Follow the instructions laid out in the evacuation
procedure contained in the grab bag.

Check the whereabouts of all team members,
any customers or visitors and ensure they follow
your instructions.

You are responsible for…

• Liaising with the people in authority

as the unit senior person on duty.

• Your own safety as well as the safety

of customers and colleagues.

• Taking charge, and following the evacuation


• Being alert and aware at all times.

Your challenge…

• Find out what items should be kept in the

grab bag, and how and when to use them.

• Find out where the nearest public

telephones are.

• Ask your buddy how often the grab bag

contents should be checked.

• Find out where the unit primary and

secondary assembly points are.

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