Blue Hour The Story of Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen

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“Jacob also asked me if I thought of him as a boyfriend.” I felt Bella’s muscles

tense but continued, “I told him yes after thoroughly explaining my relationship with him

previously.” Bella closed her eyes and nodded again.

“I see.”

“It’s bad isn’t it?” I groaned.

“Truthfully?” Bella opened one eye. “Yes, it is bad.”

“I’m so lost,” I moaned at her, “does it mean because of my half-human side, I

can be with a werewolf?” I frowned at my odd question.

“Uh,” Bella thought for a couple of seconds, “that’s a tough call.”

“Tell me about it.”

The unlikely relationship concerning a Cullen and a werewolf starts all over

again. But for Renesmee, it’s even harder. As well as living as the first half-human half-

vampire in the Cullen household, Renesmee is told that she has no choice; she and

Jacob are compelled to be together. But does her half-human side allow this dubious

relationship to be ok?

And when Renesmee is endangered, the Cullens and Jacob are forced into action.

However, this predator might be all too familiar for Jacob...



1. Memory

2. Alpha

3. Blackened

4. Obsessive

5. Imprint

6. Speculation

7. First Impressions

8. Big Bad Wolf

9. Broken Promise


“My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and

known too late! Prodigious birth of love it is to me that I must love a loathed



William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet,


I watched him prepare to die for me. He wouldn’t fight for his own

protection, we both knew that. His back curved athletically and he let out a growl so
fearsome there was no trace of a doubt that he was ready for this fight. His dark, soulful
eyes searched for his opponent. I knew he was willing them out. He was a sucker for
fighting, he loved it. It brought on a whole new side of him – I wasn’t sure if I was
entirely happy with that part of him but there was no cutting it out. It was a given, a part
I’d never ever get rid of. And at this moment, he was ready, ready to unleash that part
of him with wild excitement.

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What would happen if that part did fail? What would become of me if he were

defeated? Lifeless and cold, like the rest of us, finally? Ice froze my heart, closing it up
so I could barely breathe. If I was left without him, would I be able to survive? Alone.

That would be a part of me I wasn’t ready to give up.
And so I stepped forward to unite with him, side by side.


The moonlight was hazy behind the heavy, rolling clouds. They were

threateningly dark as they pulled themselves lazily across the sky. The forest was a
deep green in the fading light. To anyone else this place would look sinister, almost
dangerous. But to me, it was my garden. For only a mile or so away was my tiny stone
cottage. Ok, it wasn’t my cottage; it was Bella and Edward’s. But as their daughter, the
small building was my home as well.

Jacob’s gleeful bark interrupted my thoughts. I returned back out of my

memories, realizing quickly that I was in the middle of a race. Not just any race though,
a race against a huge, shaggy, insanely fast werewolf, and I was loosing.

My legs were stretched out athletically as I sprinted after him. I heard jagged

barks again; he was laughing at me. I noticed the large tree that was quickly coming
toward me. I leapt up onto it, keeping silent as I stood motionless on the branch. He
turned around, confused, and whimpered. I resisted laughing but a smile still crept onto
my face. He barked, his eyes searching. His nose fell to the floor as he tried to sniff me

I threw myself at him, laughing and he barked loudly.
“Gotcha!” I cried, my hands sinking into his shaggy fur. I cuddled him, my legs

curling around his body. He straightened up to his enormous height and ran. My hair
blew behind me as the wind whipped past us wildly. “Ja-Ja-Jacob!” I gasped in the wind
and he slowed. I fell off his back dramatically and he barked in amusement. Then he

I lay still on the mossy earth until the heat radiated onto me. He was back in his

human form.

“Surely you’re used to speed by now, Renesmee?” Jacob teased me, using my

full name as if it were a swear word. I swatted at him, jumping back on my feet. He was
wearing his tattered jeans, barefoot, his chest glinting faintly in the moonlight.

“Shut up.” I brushed down my arms, the leaves and twigs gently falling to the

ground. Jacob glanced up at the darkened sky and frowned, grabbing my waist quickly
so he was fireman-lifting me home.

My gold locket that Bella had given me for Christmas when I was a lot younger,

hung visibly in front of my face as I was towed upside down. The gold shone faintly, the
French inscription just about readable. I had altered the locket slightly, as well as a
picture of Edward, Bella and I inside, it had a small picture of Jacob and I. It wasn’t a
serious photo, we both had our tongues out and his large arms were around my torso. I
smiled as I remembered the photo. This was a strange sensation; smiling upside down.
As if he had heard my thoughts Jacob hefted me higher as he walked back to the

Edward was stood by our cottage door, his eyes on us. Jacob put me down

quickly, his muscles tensing instinctively. I rolled my eyes and hugged him all the same.

“See you tomorrow, Ness.” He said with a grin, his eyes flashing up to Edward.

He was as still as a stone statue. I broke away from Jacob and turned to my father.

“See, I’m back in one piece.” I said sarcastically and he frowned at me.
“Stop it Renesmee.” He wasn’t angry, I knew it. I noticed Jacob had

disappeared. This was normal. It was routine. I would spend a couple of hours a day

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racing and playing with Jacob in the woods then he would return me home, vanishing
quickly afterwards. And all the while, Edward would wait for me patiently.

He led me indoors, where Bella was slumped across the table. Her head

snapped up to see me. I was overwhelmed by her brilliant smile.

“Have fun?” Bella was still anxious about my days with Jacob; she of all people

knew what a young werewolf was like. However, she was a little better at faking

“As always.” I answered with a smile, my feet burning as they ached. I wandered

toward my bedroom and turned to them both. Their eyes were on me, identically
creased as they smiled gently.

“Night.” They said simultaneously.
“Goodnight.” I closed my bedroom door and fell into bed, fully clothed. As my

eyes started to waver, I felt a familiar burning sensation in my throat. I needed to hunt
soon. I’ll go in a few days, I thought, perhaps on my own. And as I thought about my
new adventure, my eyes were devoured in darkness.

The gentle sun was barely visible through the darkened clouds of Forks. I woke

slowly. My rumpled clothes were stiff around my body and I scrambled out of bed to get
changed. If Alice saw me now…

The wardrobe flung open at my haste and I pulled out a fresh t-shirt and jeans.

They’ll do, I thought as I tugged them on. I wasn’t sure what my plans for the day were.
Would I see Jacob again? Of course, I remembered with a smile, not a day has passed
without our daily meetings.

I then shivered as I remembered the icy looks Edward could never mask when I

return home. No matter how nonchalant his posture could be, his eyes never lied. They
would harden, the warm liquid frozen, and stare Jacob down. Of course, Jacob was
never disheartened. He would return the fierce glare gladly. These two would never be
best friends.

Even though, back when I was younger, Jacob and Edward seemed to get

along. I was their thing in common. It was me who brought them together. Yet now, I am
the thing that seems to pull them apart. I groaned as I slammed my wardrobe close. No
matter how hard Bella and I would try, these two were opposites. Like bringing a candle
into the sea and expecting it to still burn in a flame; impossible. The water would always
douse the flame.

I wandered out of the cottage, a little upset to find it empty. Perhaps they were at

the Cullen’s house. I picked up a jog. My speed and power were almost equal to a
vampire’s. Almost. I still had a heart, a heart that beat quicker than any other human.
And a temperature higher than any human. I was far from a vampire in some ways.

But I still had half the strength, half the speed and almost all the predator

instincts. I had the power to snarl, growl and fight like a vampire. In some ways, I was
worse. At this, I grinned. I had all of the general hormones of a teenage girl along with
the feisty fierce side of an unstoppable immortal child. Of course, I didn’t go on mad
killing sprees. I was much more civilised than the infamous immortal children. The ones
that nearly stopped my existence.

I stopped at this. I imagined what would have happened that day, the day the

Volturi were summoned to destroy me. They were told that the Cullen’s had an immortal
child within their coven. They were told to get rid of me instantly. I was a danger, a
threat, violent and fearless.

Alice saw them coming before they did. We assembled an army of covens

against them; almost as if to fight them. The memories weren’t too clear. I was kept
shaded. But I remember the crouched postures of our covens, the all too fake
casualness that we tried to put across. How Carlisle tried to simply explain what I was.

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Not just an immortal child, I was human too. The Volturi weren’t easily convinced. They
were prepared to fight for domination, even as they were outnumbered.

Then the memories in that clearing start to fade. Bella’s tearful goodbye as she

swung me onto Jacob’s wolf back. I fitted easily in the dip between his shoulder blades.
Jacob was tense, I had felt it ripple through this muscles, deep under his fur. Even in
his wolf form, he was able to cry as Bella said goodbye. The tears as large as snooker
balls rolled down his snout. It made my throat choke as I thought of them. And then, the
goodbye between him and Edward. The words Edward used, Jacob, his son.

To bring a candle to water and expect it to burn? Maybe if the candle was

powerful, forceful and never ever defeated.

Most of the Cullens were home, Carlisle at work and Alice off on her leisurely

Porsche ride with Jasper. Edward and Bella were holding hands in the lounge, strewn
across the sofa. Emmett was shooting them glares, embarrassment in this intimate
situation sure on his face.

“Good morning.” I greeted them as I waltzed in. My parents’ faces lit up

automatically at me. Every time I'd always receive a smile.

“Morning, Ness.” Emmett nodded in my direction, his voice low and gruff. I sat

down on his knees, only to his amusement. His large arms curled around my waist and
he pretended to push me off. I didn’t move though.

“What are your plans for the day?” He asked me.
“I have no idea,” I answered with a sigh, “what about you?”
“Rosalie and I are visiting the Denali coven later on,” Emmett pulled a face; “she

wants to catch up with Tanya.”

“Why so?” I poked his frown and he furrowed his eyebrows.
“It’ll be all girl talk, I don’t do girl talk.”
“Then don’t go.” I told him simply, confused that he hadn’t thought of this option

almost straight away.

“And stay with your loved up parents?” He pointed at them furiously. “No

thanks.” Edward shot him an infuriated look but I laughed.

“True.” Then Emmett traced the faintly dark circles underneath my eyes. His

fingers were rough on my smooth skin.

“Looks like you need a hunting date.” At this comment, Bella’s head snapped

towards me.

“She does?” Bella darted over and looked me in the eye. I had her brown eyes

but they still darkened at the sign of thirst. Carlisle thought they might slightly dilute to
golden amber as I carried on hunting but so far, the brown had stuck. “Why didn’t you

“I didn’t know,” I mumbled. She was crowding me now. Her fingers pushed

Emmett’s away.

“You didn’t know? Oh Renesmee,” she said my name with undoubted pride, as

always, “would you like to go now?” I pulled a face. Hunting wasn’t my favourite hobby
and I tried to put it off till I really got thirsty. Then it was easier to give into my predator

“No.” I answered flatly, trying to force her away with my eyes. Bella bit her lip

and sighed, turning back to Edward. He nodded, as if to agree with me, and beckoned
her back into his arms.

“She’ll be fine for a few days.” His eyes flickered over to me again. He knew my

reasons easily. Unlike Bella, I wasn’t an exception to his mind-reading.

“Let us know, won’t you Renesmee?” Bella asked anxiously. I nodded with a

bored expression. Emmett laughed.

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“Are you seeing wolf boy today?” He asked me. It was noticeable when Edward

tensed up. Most of the Cullens had got used to Jacob, only a few still found it hard.
Edward had his many reasons. After his vicious dislike towards Jacob because of Bella,
it was hard for him to forgive and forget. Likewise for Jacob.

And even after everything, Rosalie was another on the anti-Jacob bandwagon.

Jacob had done too many blonde jokes, too many snide remarks. Rosalie wasn’t the
forgiving type anyway. It was a bit much to ask her to forgive a werewolf, her immortal

“Yes, of course.” I answered automatically. Edward’s eyes froze over but Bella

snuggled into his iron chest and they liquidized pretty quickly.

“Racing, is that all you guys do? I mean, what can you talk about to a dog?”

Emmett frowned in thought but I laughed musically.

“He’s mostly just Jacob,” I referred to his human form, “and racing can get pretty


“He wins though, right?”
“No, not all the time.” I grinned smugly. Emmett’s eyes widened but he smiled.
“Ah,” he patted my shoulder gruffly, “good for you Ness.” I let my fingers

absentmindedly stroke the locket that hung around my neck. Bella’s eyes wandered
over it too and she smiled faintly.

We sat in the lounge for a while, speaking every so often. Emmett was bouncing

me lightly on his knees till I turned around and flicked his ear. This began a new level of
rough-housing. I kept myself well distanced, even as Emmett tried to take me down.
Bella’s sharp intakes of breath just added to the excitement but Edward’s stare was
disapproving. Emmett had no limits to his strength.

Eventually I cried mercy and Emmett strolled off with a satisfied smirk. He was

probably off to find Rosalie. I looked over to my parents. Edward was grinning at Bella,
who looked as if she was concentrating very hard. I instantly knew what she was doing.
She was practising pushing out her mental shield so Edward could see inside her mind.
On a daily basis, Bella would practice using her power, out of smugness perhaps. She
and Edward would experiment every so often on her limits and how far her shield would

I took this opportunity to disappear and hopefully find Jacob in the forest. He still

lived in La Push but tended to camp out in the woods around the cottage. Not too close,
obviously, but he was still there. Sometimes Seth Clearwater, part of the La Push
werewolf pack, would visit and stay. The forests here were a good place to get away
from the pack. Leah Clearwater – the first female werewolf - very rarely visited; she was
very anti-Cullen. If she did happen to be on our turf, it’d be to pick on Jacob or chase
Seth home. He tended to ignore her pack orders.

I found myself in the usual wolf spot. Jacob wasn’t there, nor Seth. I looked

around hopelessly then stared up into the sky. He’d be coming soon. So I sat down on
the muddy earth and waited.

Jacob arrived in his wolf form. He had run here, his windblown fur was a tell tale

sign. He flashed me a wide toothy grin as he spotted me. I didn’t feel the slightest bit of
fear as he bounded over to me, long legs striding out.

“Hello,” I patted his head but he nudged me. “Are you up for a race?”

Surprisingly, Jacob slowly shook his head before disappearing. He returned only a
couple of seconds later.

“No, not today.” His voice was cool, calm. I eyed him sceptically as he flopped

onto the floor beside me. “Can’t we just talk?”

“Sick of getting beaten by me?” I teased, still cynical. He rolled his big brown


“Yes,” he muttered sarcastically, “that’s just the reason.”

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“Oh, well I suppose I see your point.” I grinned widely. Jacob fingered the woven

bracelet that was around my ivory wrist. It was the Quileute version of a promise ring.

“You still wear this?” He pressed the frayed edges. “It’s getting a little worn.” I let

my hand twist the bracelet around my wrist.

“Yeah, I like it.” I told him. Jacob looked up at me with a small smile. “It looks

authentic with a bit of scruffiness to it.”

“I guess,” Jacob’s eyes never left my face, “I could always fix you up with a new


“No!” I pulled my wrist away from his hand. “This is mine.”
“Ok, ok!” He laughed, the throaty sound swirling around my ears. His eyes left

my face for a second or so. I then laid a hand on his wrist, where a rugged frayed
bracelet circled. It had started out as bright scarlet and orange fabric but now looked
more earthy brown.

“You still wear this?” I teased, tugging at it gently.
“You made it for me.” Jacob said defensively, twirling it. I laughed.
“Yeah, years ago. I was only tiny.”
“I know,” Jacob sighed, eyeing me casually. I knew he was thinking of my fast

growing rate. I squirmed uncomfortably. Did he wish I was younger again?

I lay back on the ground, a frown on my lips. Jacob pushed me gently. “What’s

up? What did I say?”

“Nothing.” I sighed.
“Nessie,” he nudged me again but I didn’t answer, “Nessie. Nessie. Nessie.”
“What?” I cried.
“Ha,” he grinned wolfishly, “I prefer you angry then moody.” His words were

tainted with boyish chuckles.

“Well you’re about to get a mixture of both if you’re not careful.” I warned him, a

finger pointed to his face. He laughed again, his bright brown eyes sparkling.

“Don’t I always?” He bravely tugged at one of my cheeks with his finger and

thumb. I grabbed his chunky wrists and bared my teeth, an effortless snarl seething
through them. He reacted quickly, his posture upright as he stood, towering over me;
just as I had planned. After a moment of tense silence, Jacob sat back down warily.

“I knew that would work,” I said with a grin, interrupting the stillness of our

tongues. He then returned my smile gladly.

“Don’t do that,” he warned me, “it frightens the life out of me.”
“What would you do if I attacked you?” I lay back down again, my back pressed

against the earth. He lay beside me, propped up on one elbow.

“I don’t know really, I-“
“Would you fight back?” I questioned hastily.
“I don’t kn-“
“Would you try and kick my butt werewolf style?” I laughed as I said it. Jacob

raised an eyebrow and pushed me softly.

“Making fun won’t get you places,” he told me with a wink.
“You of all people know.” His frown was disapproving but I flashed him a smile. I

then sat up, wrapping my arms around my legs. “I don’t think I could ever fight you.”

“You’d lose.” Jacob pointed out with a shrug.
“No, it’s not that.” I snapped. “I just, well, it’s you.”
“Yes, congratulations on that detective work.”
“No! You know what I mean.” I shoved him but he barely flinched.
“Do I?” His voice was serious now, his expression well matched. I took a breath

before answering,

“You’re like my brother,” I saw his shoulders sag subtly, “you’ve always been

there. Fighting you would be wrong.” Jacob’s hands touched mine.

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“Who says we’re fighting anyway?” His usually husky voice was soft and gentle.

It made me do a double-take to realise it was him. His brown eyes swirled, drawing me
in. And then, he seemed to snap out of it. As if he had realised something was wrong.
He stood up abruptly and motioned for me to stay put. I obeyed and waited for him to

Jacob did so quickly, in his wolf form again. His russet coat glinted, even when

the sun was hidden, as he paced forward. A quick nod of his huge head was all I
needed to start running. We were racing again, as we always would. Always, my
brother and I. My wolf and I.

The next day, I woke up with a burning throat. I was thirsty, thirstier than I had

expected. A fire seemed to emerge hungrily in my mouth as I became more conscious
of myself. It was early, too early for me to get up I suppose. But then, this thirst, it was
unbearable. I couldn’t sleep with this furnace in my throat.

I heard nothing in the cottage; Bella and Edward might still be out. Without the

need to sleep, they seemed to pass their time impressively. So I quickly flung on some
clothes and slipped out my bedroom window. The sun was barely visible behind the
ever present clouds, even in this hour.

I jogged around for a while, trying to pick up an attractive scent. I was still a little

tired and my dislike for hunting added to the drowsiness. But then, I smelt something. I
quickly calculated the scent. It wasn’t human; it was a deer or an Elk. I tried to forget
my weariness and followed the scent closely.

Soon enough, I was running with startling speed toward the Elk. I hid behind a

tree swiftly before he even noticed movement. His ears pricked but he didn’t lift his
head from grazing silently. The elk stood alone, just as I was. A shudder of thirst rippled
through me and I took a graceful leap upon the animal.

“Renesmee.” A low voice murmured through the forest. I had landed on the large

elk but my head whipped around to see where it had come from. There was a figure
leaning on a tree trunk, his lips curled gently into a smile. Edward. I shook my head and
sank my teeth into the elk’s neck.

I felt him watch me and grew angry. There was amused laugh. When the elk

was drained, I snatched a glance at Edward. His amber eyes were watching me
amusingly. He wasn’t thirsty; there wasn’t a glimmer of darkness in his pupils. I stood
up abruptly.

“Yes?” My voice was musical as it rang through the air.
“Why didn’t you tell your mother you were going hunting?” He kept his own voice

steady but I noticed a hint of anxiety in his posture.

“I was going with Jacob.” I answered simply. Edward looked around to find the

russet wolf with a raised eyebrow; he didn’t believe me. “He must have gone off
somewhere.” I lied again quickly but Edward’s lips smiled once more as the inhumanly
huge wolf stood beside him. “Oh.” My shoulders sagged and I walked beside my father.

I didn’t like walking so slow so I picked the pace up slightly. Both wolf and

vampire followed effortlessly along with my speed. “Jacob,” I growled slightly, “why did
you have to turn me in?” His grin was lopsided as he whimpered.

“He was worried about where you were.” Edward translated, not ever out of

breath as he sprinted. Even so, he couldn’t help but say the words with spite.

“Well he should have known I am very capable.” I hissed slightly, turning my

head to Jacob again. His dark eyes followed the ground.

“You know he can’t help but worry.” Edward muttered irritably. We leapt across

the river, well Edward and I did but Jacob wallowed through in true doggy style. We
reached the house quickly. “Now you’ve got to answer to your mother.” Edward said
with a hint of smugness. I huffed at him and strolled casually into the Cullen’s white

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house. Bella was sat on the sofa, her vexed eyes staring into space. But they locked
onto me as soon as I walked through the door. She stood up angrily.

“Renesmee!” Her beautiful voice thundered.
“Mother.” I bowed my head slightly.
“Oh don’t be stupid, lift your head.” Her hand cupped my chin and slowly lifted

my head. I looked at her straight in the eye as she studied the colour of mine. “Why
didn’t you tell me you wanted to hunt?”

“Because you were busy.” I answered. Edward and Bella huffed simultaneously.

They didn’t believe me. Edward looked at me knowingly. He knew what the real reason
was and if I lied, he’d tell Bella anyway. “Ok, ok. I just wanted to hunt on my own for

“But we never hunt alone. It’s dangerous. What would happen if you picked up a

human scent?” Bella demanded. I cringed. Her magnificent face was questioning me.

“I didn’t think. I’m sorry.” She threw her arms around me and embraced me.
“It’s okay, just never ever do it again.”
“I promise.” I felt Edward’s eyes scanning my thoughts and felt immediately

uncomfortable. “Would you stop reading my mind?” My eyes swirled to meet his. He

“Sorry.” Bella let go of me and glared at Jacob, who was dripping with water.
“And you!” Her long finger pointed at him. He whimpered. “You should always be

with her.” Then, Bella placed her hand on Jacob’s wet, whirly fur. “Promise me you will
be in future.” Jacob growled.

“He promises, though he’s a little upset with himself anyway.” Edward translated.

I looked at the russet wolf. His darkened eyes were watching Bella intently. I
remembered my mother’s dazed human memories. The memories of when Jacob fell
insanely in love with her. The hurt and pain he went through. His need and want to
imprint on someone. I wondered if he ever would. Edward’s eyes flickered toward me
panicked. Then he noticed my awareness of him and looked swiftly away. “Don’t you
need to go do something now Jacob?” Edward’s voice was steady as Jacob
whimpered, blatantly confused. Edward suddenly gave him a knowing look, a look I
couldn’t decipher. Jacob’s wolf expression twisted as he walked slowly out of the
house, not even pausing at the door.

“Uh?” I questioned Edward but he ignored me irritably. The familiar impatience

began to grow inside me. Stupid vampire anger issues. Alice danced into the room,
Jasper following her with his eyes full with compassion.

“Nessie!” She smiled widely at me. I grinned half-heartedly back. Alice frowned

slightly. “Bella?” Bella blinked at her and Alice titled her head in confusion, so Bella took
her hand. They glided toward the stairs, vanishing up them quickly. I looked at Jasper,
my hands still clenched. Why had they sent Jacob away? Why did Edward look at me
with anxious eyes? Why had Alice decided that she needed to talk to Bella when she
noticed my expression?

“Nessie,” he started. I growled viciously, annoyed at their secrecy, and sprinted

out of the door. I looked back at the house and saw Bella and Alice through the window.
Bella had her face in her hands and Alice had one arm slung across her shoulders. I
snarled even more and raced further. I picked up the scent I was looking for. The warm
familiar smell that they had sent away.

I found Jacob before I realised how far I had run. He was in his human-form,

wearing just some tattered jeans.

“Nessie.” He greeted me worriedly, searching for more of my family. I grinned at


“I’m sorry about Edward.” I groaned slightly. Jacob returned my playful smile.

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“Oh don’t worry. I’m as hard as nails right?” I couldn’t help myself but to place a

hand on his bare chest.

“Sure, hard as nails.” I let a smile creep onto my face and he mimicked it. Then

he noticed my other fist, still clenched. A shiver ran through my body as he stretched
my fingers out. He heard me gasp and let go immediately.

“What?” My voice demanded. I stared down at his hands, which were clenched

into fists by his waist.

“I’m sorry.” Jacob had the word guilty smothered on his mature face. I took a

step back and shook my head. He opened his mouth to try and repair the
awkwardness, “I can’t, I shouldn’t,” but I took off as quickly as possible to my cottage. I
wasn’t going to sit and act dumb when people were keeping secrets from me.

Edward was there, his head in his hands just like Bella. I took another careful

step before he looked up at me.

“How did you get here?” I asked quickly.
“It got a bit lonely back at the house. Bella and Alice are still deep in

conversation and I’m not allowed to contribute.”

“About what?” I demanded, knowing it must be about Jacob. He dodged the

question with a jagged expression.

“I don’t…know.” He replied slowly. I knew I wasn’t going to get an answer out of

him so continued with another conversation.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to growl at you.” Edward smiled and let out one laugh.
“Its okay, your mother has done worse.”
“I don’t want to know.” I pulled a face and he put my hand to his cheek. My

supernatural power was to show memories through the ability of touch. When I was
younger, I was only able to show my thoughts. However, with much training from
Zafrina – a vampire from another ‘vegetarian’ coven, I was now able to read other
people’s memories. Though I wished I could see their current thoughts.

I saw flickering pictures in his mind: Rosalie and Emmett kissing passionately

when we overcame the Volturi, Jasper and Alice reuniting when Bella and she returned
from Italy, Esme and Carlisle gazing at each other, in tune with one another…no
secrets. And then, I saw the memories stronger than ever before; Edward first kissing
Bella, climbing through her window, playing her lullaby. I shuddered as I saw Edward
thundering through the ballet studio, saving Bella from James.

“I envy you.” I dropped my hand from his face and sighed. “The way you are so

in tune with each other; you were always there for her.”

Edward chuckled.
“Your mother was a danger magnet; I had to always be there for her! You would

never imagine her clumsiness.”

“It’s weird to think of her that way.” I grinned at him.
“What way?”
“Human.” I answered.
“You are half human yourself, Renesmee.” Edward reminded me softly.
“I know, but I’ve always felt more… vampire-ish.” I looked up into his amber

eyes. “More like you.”

“You’ve never been more like your mother, Renesmee.” He rested his head on

mine. “But you do have my temper sometimes.” We laughed gently together.

“I feel like I have no human instincts.” I confessed guiltily. I felt him rest his cold

hand on my chest.

“You have a beating heart Renesmee. You have blood running through your

veins.” I felt the strain in his voice, the little tiny vampire urge of thirst and he removed
his hand. “You have a human scent.”

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“I kill animals, I drink their blood, I snarl, I have supernatural powers, I run

insanely fast,” I let the words tumble out of my mouth.

“Renesmee, you have to remember what you are.” His voice was barely audible.

“Your mother was human when...” he faded.

“I know.” I stood up abruptly. Edward’s eyes were somewhere else and I went to

open the door.

“Maybe you should apologise for running away and growling at Jasper?”

Edward’s voice mentioned quietly. I looked down at him. His expression was slightly
wary but reassuring. “Bella would appreciate it if she knew you weren’t off on another
runaway spree like usual.” I nodded slowly, remembering the times that I had gone a
little angry and ran away through the forest. Carlisle based these mood swings on my
mixed species. I had the hormones of a human girl and the power, strength and
unnatural abilities of a vampire. “Go now,” Edward whispered. I let go of the door
handle and jogged back to the Cullen’s house to make amends.

Bella was pacing in the kitchen when I found her. She looked at me gladly but

remained silent.

“Renesmee.” Alice’s voice called me. She stood behind me quietly.
“You’ve got to learn to stop being so like Edward.” A hint of teasing smothered

her words. I let myself smile and turned to her.

“I can’t help it.”
“Yes you can.” Alice said, “Though it doesn’t help that Bella can go a little wild

every now and then.” She smiled a dazzling smile and took my hand. “Are you feeling
ok?” I knew she was asking if I wanted to hunt again.

“I’m fine, thanks.” I felt Bella sigh with relief. She obviously was against me

hunting today.

“Good. I guess being half-human has its benefits.” Her smile was untouched.

Jasper appeared silently in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe.

“Alice,” he cautioned.
“What? Nessie knows I’m kidding.” She said light-heartedly, checking my

expression for anger. I kept a straight face, only letting a curve shape the corner of my
lip into a guilty smile. Jasper stared at me then entwined his fingers with Alice’s. He
looked at her knowingly, not a flicker of expression on his face.

“Where’s Carlisle?” I asked Alice.
“He went out of town, he’ll be back tonight. Why?” I was hoping that he could

give me some anger management?

“I just wondered where he went. Did he take Esme?”
“She’s re-decorating.” Alice’s eyes flickered toward Bella. Bella suppressed a

laugh but couldn’t help but grin madly. Emmett’s booming laugh thundered through the

“She was browsing headboards the other day.” The huge vampire stood beside

Jasper. “Apparently hers was broken somehow.” Another rumble of laughter escaped
his chest.

“Emmett, shut your mouth before I do.” Bella threatened teasingly. Emmett rolled

up his sleeves comically and beckoned her forward.

“Bring it little sister.” Bella raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.
“Do not tempt me. I’d kick your ass any day.” I let a smile creep onto my face

and felt all my anger toward Bella and Edward drain away. Bella curled a hair behind
her ear and her maroon eyes glimmered. She was eighteen still, never changing,
immortal. It took a while to understand I was only five years younger than her physically
and mentally. I was only a few years or so old in theory.

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I looked down at myself, my pale – not quite white – skin shone and my fingers

were perfectly shaped. My legs were pretty long, hidden under some tight denim jeans.
Bella jokingly said I had inherited Alice’s sense of style. This, obviously, wasn’t possible
since I wasn’t technically related to Alice. Or anybody in the Cullen family beside Bella
and Edward for that matter. However, the bond between all of the Cullen’s was as
strong as real relatives. Besides Jasper of course.

I found Jasper oddly fascinating with his power to alter people’s moods and he

found me scarily fascinating because of my half-immortality, but my obvious sanity.
Alice moaned; her sixth sense had wavered. An elongated shadow cast over the door.
Jacob. Jasper noticed my eyes light up and creased his forehead into a subtle frown. I
ignored noticing this and bounded to the door before Jacob could knock.

“How many times do I have to say, don’t knock?” I teased him playfully. I noticed

the sky was darkening and clouds were rolling in. Jacob stood warily on the porch. I
tensed as I realised he wasn’t grinning. “Jacob?” The tall teenager looked at me quickly
then pushed past.

“Bella?” He called in his low voice. I felt hurt as I closed the door. Jacob never

ignored me.

“Oh long time no see.” Bella’s voice was sarcastic. Jacob didn’t flinch and took

her hand.

“Bella, I know you might not want to speak about this,” his voice lowered, “but

we’ve got to. It’s really getting to me.” Enough with the secrets already!

“Jacob,” I started, ready for a rant. Bella waved her hand sharply at me.
“Not now Renesmee. We’ll go out Jacob.” Jacob clasped Bella’s hand and they

ran gracefully out of the door. Jacob was fighting back the shudders of phasing. I stared
hopelessly at the empty doorframe.

Alice convinced me to watch the TV but I just stared blankly at the screen as if it

wasn’t even on. She tempted me with a game of chess but I scowled. She even tried to
give me a make-over but I pushed her aside. It wasn’t long till impatience got the better
of me and I wandered home.

I walked into the cottage to find Bella, packing. She was crazily stuffing clothing

into a small bag. My clothes.

“What are you doing?” I demanded. She looked at me warningly. Edward stood

beside her, his face contorted into an unreadable expression.

“We’re leaving.” He answered, strained.
“What?” I half-screeched.
“We’re leaving.” Bella repeated, forcefully.
“Where’s Jacob?” I heard Bella quietly snarl at his name and felt completely


“Jacob’s not here.” Edward said, his eyes quickly flickering to Bella. “We’re

leaving to somewhere like Alaska.”

“Somewhere far from Forks.” Bella muttered. I felt my thoughts go crazy in my

head, why were we leaving? And when? Why was Bella acting like a physco?

“She’s not acting like a physco.” Edward frowned at me, his voice sounding too

mature to even pronounce ‘physco’. I growled discreetly. How would he like it if I
suddenly burst into his head and answered all of his questions, splashing his thoughts
across the place like there’s no tomorrow? “I wouldn’t like that very much.” His voice
was half-mocking. I gritted my teeth and feared for my sanity. This was crazy. I so
needed those anger-management lessons. I watched Bella cram more of my
possessions in this bag.

“STOP!” I shouted suddenly. My parents flinched at my volume and their

eyes flashed up to mine. “Will you both please give me some freakin’ answers?” I felt
my arms tremble. “I have had it with this secrecy, all this hush about Jacob and

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whatever. And now, oh now you’re really pushing the boat out with this sudden moving
situation. I can’t even begin to explain how irritating you two are rapidly becoming-“
Edward was suddenly at my side, holding my wrists.

“Renesmee, calm down.” His golden eyes bore into mine and I tried to

tear myself away but he wouldn’t let me. “I apologise for all of this secrecy but you
cannot know. Not yet.” I stamped my foot like a spoilt brat and Bella raised an eyebrow
at me.

“Did you seriously just stamp your foot?” She cut herself off and burst into

laughter; more laughter than ever imaginable. I looked at Edward for answers.

“She once did that, Jacob said the same thing.” His tone was dull. He

tried to forget the nice memories Bella had with Jacob; it tensed him up.

“Oh,” I held my breath, counted to ten then exhaled. Edward’s grip on my

wrists loosened. Bella’s laughter ceased and she stopped packing. Taking my hand, I
felt her calm herself down.

“I want to leave Forks Renesmee.” Her tone was serious, too serious.
“What about Jacob?” I said his name like it was taboo. Edward sighed.
“He’s not coming,” Bella explained, “he can’t come with us.” A tear

pricked the corner of my eye. At least my half-human instincts allowed me to cry, unlike
these frozen people before me. Edward flinched at my thoughts then turned to Bella.

They stared at each other silently as I stood, frozen in thought. I remembered all

the times Bella had been wary about me and Jacob spending time together. All the
meetings the Cullens held without me. The times Jacob would worry about when I had
to be home. Even when I was younger, I could remember Edward’s anxious face
watching over me and Jacob as we played outside.

“I don’t think we can do this.” He said his words slowly. They threw me

back into reality. Bella grabbed his hands.

“We have to.” I stared at her, determined to figure her words out. There

had to be a reason for their apprehensive feelings toward Jacob. I thought they had
sorted their differences way back?

“We might have to, but we can’t. You know Jacob won’t leave Renesmee.

It’s impossible to imagine the ways he would think of to be with her again. You’ll crush
him. No, you’ll anger him so much Bella, it could get really dangerous. Whatever you
are thinking, leaving Jacob behind is not an option.”

I huffed. Stupid Bella had the advantage of not being able to have her mind read

unless she allowed Edward to. Obviously she was keeping her mind closed off for this
one. How convenient.

“Edward,” Bella became more pleading, “I can’t have this. What about

Emily?” Edward tensed.

“Who says that’s going to happen, Bella?”
“Sam; the ‘reasonable and calm’ Alpha.” Bella stated.
“Jacob is the Alpha of his own pack.” I said quietly and Edward snatched

a quick look at me.

“She’s right, Jacob is the rightful Alpha; he cannot be ordered and nor will

he be influenced by Sam. He has,” Edward forced, “control.”

“Rightful Alpha!“ she scoffed, “if only he wasn’t-“ Bella again stopped

herself. Man she had too much control. If only she would let one word slip, then maybe
I could get a grasp on what was going on.

“No.” Edward ordered. “No.”
“Why did this happen? What did I do wrong?” Bella yelped. “My

Renesmee!” My blood boiled. Did they forget I was here or something?

“No we haven’t.” Edward answered me coolly.
“Oh good, cause it’s getting frustrating.” I said irritably.

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“Bella and I need to talk, my dear.”
I sighed at his obvious intentions. That’s it, talk about me. “Yes about you. This

is important. Go to Alice.” Ha! Alice my ass, I was going to Jacob for answers. I walked
out of the door, knowing that Edward blatantly knew Alice was not my reason for

I ran at a stupid speed to get to where Jacob usually sleeps. I found Seth and

stopped dead in my tracks. He was in his wolf form. His huge paws were stretched out
and his sandy, whirled fur was ruffled by the wind.

“Seth, where is Jacob?” Seth’s ears pricked and he looked up sleepily. At once,

realizing who I was, he scrambled to his clumsy feet and whimpered. His nose tasted
the air and his honey eyes creased as he searched for Jacob’s thoughts. His heavy
shoulders, muscled and large, sagged. Jacob was obviously still in his human form and
not contactable through wolf-thoughts. “That’s ok Seth, just let him know I’m looking for
him.” My feet began to wander through the forest and, though the darkness was
overpowering now, I didn’t stop myself. I knew Emily’s torn and scarred face and I knew
the reason behind it; Sam. But what did it have to do with Jacob? And what did it have
to do with me?

The stars beckoned me further into the forest and my eyes began to tire. I felt

my arms go limp and my feet dragging along the muddy earth. I couldn’t return home,
all this sudden secrecy was killing me. I thought back to when I was younger, growing
stupendously, from walking without wobbling to talking without stopping. I was able to
clamber agilely onto Bella’s back and she’d run crazily into the forest, reminding me of
when she first had done this with Edward. She told me to close my eyes from her own
experience. I had felt safe, holding her so tight that if she were human, she would have
choked. I was able to bury my head deep into her silky hair and smile to myself. My
mother was superhuman and she was the coolest.

I remember those horrifying first few hunts with Edward and Alice. Bella refused

to let me watch her when I was little. I shuddered now as I recalled the fear I had felt for
Edward as he pounced silently onto an elk. The wonder that was painted across my
face caused Alice to dazzle me further with her smile. She lightly leapt onto another elk
and told me to look away as they drained them. My first couple of goes weren’t
completely successful as my human instincts, fear for the animal itself, tended to bother
me mid-air. The elk usually escaped and I was left feeling awfully hungry and stupid.
Edward didn’t let me have another go and I sat happily on the sofa, slurping at my own
personal blood-shake.

I flinched as a cool breeze pushed past me. My eyes drooped suddenly and I

lost all strength to stand up. I saw the trees fade from my vision as my eyelids closed.
Man I was tired. I felt the ground as I hit it and whimpered. But the pain was short-lived
as I slept deeply.

The darkened creature prowled toward me, grinning a sly smile. I backed off a

few footsteps but he circled me anyway. I noticed more shadows a while off behind him.
They stood silently, backs arched, hackles up. The eyes of this black creature lured me
in, wildly bright blue yet dark and deceiving. I froze at their hypnotizing ability and more
of his shiny moist teeth showed through his lips.

“That’s it Renesmee, just relax. “ Oh how sweet his husky voice sounded in the

silence. I stepped toward him sub-consciously. He was pleased by this and spoke
again, “You don’t have to worry. I won’t harm you.” I smiled gently at him. His large
paws strode toward me and I felt him stroke his warm shoulder against my waist. As he
stood close, I took in the size of him. His head just reached above mine and his legs
were sturdy and long. On his back feet, he would rival Jacob. I stared into his
mysterious eyes once more. “You don’t have to be what you are Renesmee. You don’t
have to be cold and frozen.” My blood raced through my veins; he sensed this with a

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twitch of his wet black nose. “I can save you.” His offer rang through my head. My hand
burrowed into his long silken fur and he made a content growling sound in the base of
his chest.

“How?” My voice sounded so soprano beside his. His face turned to mine as he

stopped in front of me.

“Be like me Renesmee. We can be warm and we can be free.” I bit my lip. “We

can be free from secrets.” The creature urged and I felt a stab as he mentioned secrets.
“We share everything, we’re a family. Families don’t have secrets.” He flashed a grin at
me, ever so quickly.

“Mine do.” The words slipped out quietly and I threw my hand over my mouth.
“They don’t have to be. You can be with me, never worried, never curious. I

promise to protect you; I swear my life will be forever yours.” He suddenly whined and I
felt a surge of sympathy for this unknown creature. The moon unexpectedly appeared
from behind the clouds – a full moon. The creature rose to his feet (standing taller than
Jacob) and howled. The silver moon outlined his shape, slender yet muscled, strong.
His howl, piercing the air, droned on as I stared in awe. His face met mine swiftly and
he smiled. “Be like us Renesmee.” It now sounded more like a demand and not an
offer. The other creatures howled, standing on their back feet. I took a step back as out
of nowhere, a wolf thundered into the black creature. The wolf snarled viciously and
bared his teeth. The black creature was not dazed by this sudden attack and growled
back. The wolf suddenly threw his paws down either side of the dark animal and began
to take a deathly swipe at his neck. The moon shone on his russet coat; the colour so

“Jacob, don’t!” I screeched, the sound deafening.
Cold hands were smothering, gripping, pinching every inch of my skin as my

eyes suddenly shot open. Several pairs of wide amber eyes glared down at me in
shock and I bolted upright, away from their grasp. Edward, Alice, Rosalie and Jasper
stared at me in stricken silence. I looked helplessly around and inhaled the air. The
room was cold.

My hands tugged self-consciously at the hem of my t-shirt, my every movement

carefully scrutinized. My eyes looked at Edward and his face was panicked. I forced a
small smile to reassure him and in a blink, he was before me, embracing my tiny frame.

“Renesmee!” his voice flooded with relief and everybody relaxed slightly. “I’ve

never been so worried about you!” I smiled more, noticing how he added ‘about you’
instead of leaving it just as ‘never been so worried’ because of Bella’s old antics. Alice
strode forwards gracefully.

“We thought you were dead.” She grinned. Edward frowned angrily at her and

squeezed my hand.

“Well sorry to disappoint you.” My response made Rosalie smile strikingly at me

and I felt my heart stutter, like it always did because of her outrageous beauty.
“Where’s Bella?” Edward’s lips tightened.

“She got a little too worried and ran off into the forest.”
“She’s got a temper lately hasn’t she?” Alice mentioned light-heartedly. Edward

sighed but smiled slightly.

“With good reason, seeing her daughter lying stranded in the dark forest doesn’t

make you all sunshine and rainbows.” Rosalie said before she left the room. I realised
we were crammed into my bedroom and suddenly felt self-conscious of the clothes that
were strewn across the carpet.

“Well,” Edward grinned at my thoughts, “we’ll leave you to it for a bit.” His cold

hand touched mine gently and a shiver tingled my body. His eyes were deep and
meaningful, searing through my own, right into my brain. “Don’t go out alone again
when you feel like passing out.” I smirked, poking him.

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“I’ll let you know if I do.”
It must have been only ten minutes after the vampire cavalry left my bedroom

did I find myself lying on my cushioned bed. My eyes were tired after the long slumber
and I snorted at my sudden laziness. The moon shone outside my window, only a half
moon. The wilted trees pattered their fingers on the glass, the wind swaying them to
and fro, to and fro, to and fro. The sound of fingers, scraping along the glass, hit me
before I realised who it was. Emmett. He grinned crazily from outside my window and
lifted it open without even unlocking it from the inside.

“Hey niece, it’s nice to see you’re alive.” His low voice was mocking.
“I just knew you wouldn’t be able to live if I were dead myself.” I cried

dramatically which sent him into snorts of laughter. The wind leapt through the window
and swirled around my room. I shivered violently and clutched my blankets. “Shut the
window you idiot.” He waggled his fingers at me and shut the window noisily, running
wildly away. My eyelids drooped and my head lolled back on the pillow. The nightmares
thrashed about in my head again as I surrendered to sleep.

My alarm beeped noisily on my bedside table and I threw a hand out to turn it

off. It silenced before I touched the button and I sleepily opened my eyes to see what
had happened. Bella stood over me, a smile on her face.

“Good morning,” her voice softened my tense mood after being woken up, “are

you ready for some breakfast?” She wrinkled her nose as she walked away without my
reply and bought back some toast. She knew I barely ate human food so I took the
pieces cautiously. “What is that look for?”

“What’s with the toast?” I stared at it, the butter oozing greasily across the

bread. Her lips curved into another smile.

“Just thought you might be hungry.” I frowned slightly, noting she used hungry

not thirsty. I wasn’t either of them to be quite honest but I nibbled the edge to make her
happy. Bella watched me contently then raised an eyebrow. “You’re not hungry in the
slightest are you?” I shook my head. “Why didn’t you just say so?” She took the pieces
off me swiftly and threw them out of my open window. Bella rose and left my room
again so I rolled lazily out of bed to follow her. Edward was leaning on the wall, his
chest bare. I looked at him curiously and he flashed a grin at me. His white perfect
teeth gleamed from behind his flawlessly shaped lips.

“Morning.” His voice was calm, soft like marshmallows. His hand found its way

around Bella’s waist and he tugged her closer to him. She giggled but didn’t resist. I
groaned quietly and went to have a shower.

“Edward!” Bella protested. I turned the water on full and undressed quickly. The

water was steaming hot and I stepped in it gladly. With two frozen vampires in the
house, things could get pretty chilly. My pale skin flushed under the sudden heat but I
washed myself thoroughly, letting my muscles revive and awaken.

I strolled back to my room, wrapped in a towel. My bouncy hair was still dry after

some careful positioning under the showerhead. I mused over some skinny jeans or
some white trousers. I found it hard to concentrate as I changed, my shirt buttons were
wobbly and wonky, my belt flapping and my socks odd. I sighed and quickly amended
my outfit.

The mist hung heavy and low outside my window and as I folded my other

clothes up, my eyes noticed a dark shadow flit rapidly past it. I stared for a second and
then returned to folding. Again, another one, darting quickly before I could see it
properly. I frowned, thinking maybe Alice was here. My head stretched out of the open
window but my focused eyes saw nothing. Not even with half the focus of vampire-
vision. I smirked at myself.

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“Would you like to go and see Carlisle and Esme? They are both home now.”

Bella’s voice trilled from my door. I turned around to see her, my arms still resting on my

“Sure, why not?”
Bella, Edward and I raced childishly to the house, Edward zooming ahead, Bella

close behind and me just further behind. Without being fully immortal, my speed wasn’t
as good as theirs. And Bella still had faint traits of her super-power and speed from
being a newborn. Her eyes glowed a faint maroon as she laughed at Edward who
waved from the house before we got there.

“Show off.” I muttered as my legs began to tire. My heart raced as we stopped at

the door, Edward gliding in with a smile.

“Carlisle! Esme!” He cried in greeting at them. Carlisle stood with his wide,

professional smile painted across his face. I held my breath at his perfection, still not
quite able to digest it.

“Edward.” They embraced and so did Bella and Esme.
“We hope you have been behaving.” Esme’s voice poured out like treacle. She

opened her arms to me and I hugged her gently.

“Of course.” I answered as innocently as possible. Bella fought back a frown but

her forehead creased ever so slightly. Carlisle noticed this and threw a look at me. I
flashed my eyes away quickly, knowing he would ask me about it later.

“Carlisle and I were just thinking,” Esme spoke on, “when was the last time we

had Charlie round?” I sighed. I missed Charlie. He was an ordinary man and still not
entirely comfortable with his daughter being immortal. Charlie visited fewer now,
spending a lot of his time with Sue, Seth and Leah Clearwater’s mother. She knew all
too well about mythical children, Seth and Leah being shape-shifters themselves.

“I’m sure he misses me.” Alice mused, remembering the times Charlie was

relieved to see her save Bella from adolescence.

“I doubt it; he is far too interested in Seth’s mother.” Bella retorted. Esme’s eyes

studied her face. “Besides I have called him.” Bella amended. I watched her frown
again and Edward took her hand gently. She squeezed it, letting her fingertips caress
the curve between his thumb and index finger.

“He probably misses Renesmee, Bella.” Carlisle mentioned gently.
“We can’t force him to visit, if he’s uncomfortable with what we are.” Bella replied

with a hint of force. I noticed Edward’s long fingers gently rub circles on the back of her
hand. Her shoulders relaxed.

“Bella will invite Charlie over when she wants to see him.” He confirmed softly.

Carlisle nodded and Esme sighed, regretting bringing up the topic in the first place.

“What happens if I want to see him?” I asked quietly. Bella turned around to look

at me, her eyes pleading.

“You could call him yourself, Nessie.” Edward suggested.
“No.” Bella whispered to him. He looked at her, confused. I did too. “Could we

talk about something else?” I opened my mouth to protest but she smiled gently at me,
“I’ll call Charlie for you later on ok?” I nodded and Edward beamed.

“Well, I better be off to work. See you guys later.” Carlisle waved and strolled out

of the door in his crisp white coat.

“Goodbye dear.” Esme said, leaving the room. I sat on the piano stool and let my

fingers play some basic chords. Edward watched me in interest. He was a master piano
player and had composed some beautiful pieces of music. His cool body appeared
silently on the stool beside me and played a soft tune on the higher keys whilst I tapped
the low chords. A smile crept gently onto his face as he watched my fingers press the

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Bella watched us intently, her body tight like she was trying to stop herself from

saying something. Edward flashed her his dazzling smile and she immediately
loosened. We played for a while; the soft gentle composition flowing effortlessly from
our fingers. I let my other hand play beside his and his icy skin smoothed past mine. My
shoulder leant on his and I felt at ease. I grinned at myself; my fingers looked superior
playing the notes. Then I looked at his, gliding across the ivory keys with no force. His
eyes darted to meet mine and he grinned back, his perfect teeth gleaming.

Soon Edward’s fingers started to flop and I let my hands retreat back into my lap

so just his tune rang about the house. It sounded vulnerable without my low chords. He
slowed to a stop and touched my hand with a loving smile. I looked deep into his eyes,
the butterscotch colour swirled back at me, knowingly. I love you I thought hard. He
smiled more and gripped my fingers. I’m so lucky to be your daughter. My eyes
squeezed shut as I thought this so solidly; nearly everybody could hear it bursting out of
my brain. He then put my fingers to his cheek and closed his eyes. I stretched out my
power so I could read his thoughts. Stay safe. His amber eyes opened to meet mine
and I let my fingers fall from his face slowly. I nodded and swiftly got up from the stool
and kissed Bella gently on the cheek. Her eyes glistened as she smiled widely. I
wandered to the door, touching the door knob. My head turned and I met their gaze.

“I won’t be long.” My words stung the long silence. Bella looked at Edward, who

nodded at me shrewdly.


Piercing blue eyes surrendered mine as I stared into them, hypnotized. They

watched mine from the shadows. I saw a lean figure suddenly ripple insanely until it
was larger, furrier, wilder.

“Wait,” I stammered. But the wolf walked forward with his grin.
“Renesmee,” his voice curled around my ears delicately. “You came back.” He

sounded almost hopeful. I put a hand out to rest on his head.

“I need to know more.” I said quietly, sitting beside the huge wolf. He sat beside

me, his tail spreading behind him. I studied his huge paws, furry yet lethal. His claws
gripped the earth suddenly but he noticed I was watching them, and they loosened. The
wolf sighed.

“Renesmee, I am not here to discourage you from your family.” He sounded

sincere. “You just,” he paused, “deserve more. I can give you more. I’ll be by your side
for every moment you wish me to. If you need me, I’ll appear. I’ll fight off enemies,” the
wolf snarled to demonstrate. I flinched. He had sounded so fierce, frightening. “I’ll
protect the ones you wish to live beside,” another growl, “but what’s more I’ll protect
you from everything possible. You won’t have to live in fear of what’s coming next.
Never.” I thought for a moment. There was always the possibility of the Volturi returning
for me. They wanted me. They wanted Bella. They wanted Alice. They wanted Edward.
They were going to come back. I opened my mouth and then out of nowhere the russet
colour flashed before my eyes. This wolf was snapping his jaws at the black creature,
who snarled loudly back. They got themselves in a fight and the russet wolf lunged,
teeth bared at the other’s throat. I screamed,

“Jacob, no!”

Jacob ran alongside me, his long pink tongue lolling wolfishly out the side of his

mouth. I laughed out loud, the sound bouncing off the trees. He looked at me and
grinned. His teeth glinted at me. We ran for miles through the forest, his sturdy legs
pounding on the earth like a machine. My muscles screamed for me to stop, my
vampire power now running low. But I felt the adrenaline pulsing wildly through my

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thriving heart and just sucked in more of the rushing air like I was about to die. Jacob
watched me, warily this time but I stuck my tongue out at him and pushed further. His
whine was whipped away by the wind as he sped ahead of me, his dog like sprint
kicking up mud.

“Hey! Foul play!” I protested. He barked, laughing probably, and skidded

childishly to a halt. My legs sighed as I slowed to a walk beside him and ruffled his fur
like he was my very own pet. His eyes met mine and I lost myself for a couple of
seconds. He whined again, more vocal this time. I sank to my knees and he lay beside
me contently. “Jacob,” I held my breath for a second. Jacob’s eyes met mine again but I
looked away. “Have you ever had nightmares?” My words were barely audible and he
stared back at me then hung his head. I took that as a very shameful yes. Jacob then
cocked his head to the side, questioning. “Yes.” I answered, knowing he had asked me
the same question. His wet nose nuzzled my skin, though his fur was burning hot.
“Have they ever repeated themselves?” The wolf whined softly and frowned as much
as a dog possibly could. I rolled my eyes at him. “Just answer my question.” He huffed
into the grass and then nodded his heavy head. “Were they really scary?” Again,
Jacob’s eyes flashed to mine worriedly but then seeing my annoyed expression, he
shook his head. I put my hand out to him and he looked anxiously at it. “Please?” Jacob
rested his head in my hands and I concentrated hard to look into his mind. I found the
nightmare before I realised I was searching.

A pack of cold, white people in dark cloaks were moving swiftly across an open

clearing towards Jacob. He snarled. I noticed a smaller figure behind him with curly
brown hair. It was me. I stood with my teeth bared, with Bella and Edward alongside
me. Edward stepped forward to stand beside Jacob and they snarled simultaneously.
Bella pulled my hand but I stepped forward, further forward than Edward and Jacob. I
growled so viciously that I didn’t realise it was me.

Then, my lean body lunged for one of the figures. My snarl was audible from far

away and Jacob growled in pain. He leapt forward to get to me but the cloaked people
surrounded me and I was outnumbered. Edward, Bella and Jacob bared their teeth
more and ran toward me. The cloaked figures fought them off without moving, and
Edward and Jacob lay stunned on the ground. A younger smaller figure stepped out of
the circle I was trapped in, her angelic smile making me shiver. Bella glared at her as
the figure smiled harder. But Bella was unhurt and she lunged, like me, into the circle.
Edward and Jacob scrambled on the floor, both wincing furiously in pain as the figure
looked at them with smugness. I saw Bella vanish before my eyes and I too felt like I
was about to disappear. A distinct howling pierced the air and then my vision went

My hands whipped from underneath Jacob’s chin and it thudded on the ground. I

stared at him horrified. His eyes looked at me sadly.

“Jacob, how the hell could you dream that up?” He barked at me and ran off. I

knew he was only going to phase so stayed put on the ground. Jacob returned in his
human form quickly, his bare muscled chest prominent.

“I didn’t dream it up Nessie.” His voice was harsh. I stared at him hurt. “What

sort of freak do you take me for?” We both heard his words twice and burst out
laughing. I stopped before him, gazing at him. He met my eyes and held my hands. His
palms were boiling hot but I didn’t flinch.

“I don’t think you’re a freak, Jacob.” My words came out solidly. Jacob’s teeth

gleamed as he grinned.

“Same goes to you.” His long fingers tightened around my hands.
“I like you a lot Jacob, you know that?” My voice wavered. Jacob digested my

sentence before replying.

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“Yes I do.” Another grin warmed me. “I like you a lot too Nessie, half-leech and

everything.” A laugh grumbled down in his chest and I smiled.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you, Jacob.” His name made my heart swell

and I suddenly became aware of what I was feeling. My pulse quickened as he pulled
me closer, letting my head rest on his burning chest. His heart was beating hard too.

“I’ll never leave.” Jacob finally murmured. I looked up to his face, which was

looking down at mine. We met each other’s gaze and smiled childishly. I snuggled
closer and his arms wrapped around my torso.

“Do you promise?”
“Do you promise not to leave me?” His voice was questioning and my heart

jumped jaggedly into my throat. He felt my muscles tense and let out a sigh, resting his
chin on my head. “Forget that. It’s difficult being…what you are.”

“I’ll never leave you Jacob.” I finally decided. I never would. No matter what

Bella or Edward or anyone asked me to do. I don’t care if the Volturi came looking for
me. I’m staying here.

“You don’t have to say that.” Jacob frowned. “Your family tends to travel.” He

chuckled half-heartedly. “I just don’t think I could bear it if you left.” Again, his grip
around me tightened. I remembered Edward’s warning to Bella. You know Jacob won’t
leave Renesmee. It’s impossible to imagine the ways he would think of to be with her
again. Whatever you are thinking, leaving Jacob behind is not an option.
My hands
curled around his locked palms.

“I don’t know what I’d do if you left me.” My voice cracked. No Jacob would be

like having no heart. I paused mid-thought. I’d be a true vampire. Jacob growled loudly,
so loudly I jumped and tore away from him instinctively. I didn’t realise how far I had got
away from him until my back hit a tree trunk, twenty metres away. He sat with narrowed
angry eyes.

“I’ll never leave you Renesmee.” Jacob said forcefully. He raced over to me,

leaning his arm above me on the tree. He was towering over me and my pulse
quickened again. His eyes bore into mine. “Don’t ever think I will.”

“I never thought for one mo-“ A force, such a hard force, came crushing down on

my lips. Jacob’s. I wound my arms as far up his shoulders as I could reach and pulled
myself closer to him. My eyes closed and I couldn’t get over his temperature, scorching
down on me. His face pressed closer to mine hungrily, as if his wolf instincts were
taking over him. Jacob’s large hands wound around my waist and then he pulled his
lips away reluctantly. I gasped breathlessly and stared up at in him in shock. Did we
really just do that? My shaking hand touched my lips and he took a step back,
bewildered at himself. I exhaled unevenly and turned shyly away from him

“Renesmee, I’m sorry.” His voice was low. I turned back to him. His eyes were

fixed on the ground and his hands gripped his jeans angrily. “I didn’t mean to.”

“Come away with me.” I suddenly said. His eyes flashed up to mine.
“What?” Jacob exclaimed. “Are you out of your mind?”
“No.” I closed my eyes. “I want you to run away with me.”
“Renesmee,” he laughed shakily, “you don’t believe how tempting that death

sentence sounds but I’m going to have to say no.” My heart thumped and seemed to
tear slightly. I winced, my eyes still shut. His hands unwound themselves from around
my waist and held mine. “You understand right?”

“Mm-hmm.” I whimpered, biting my lip to stop the tears. The impulse to just get

away was too great, too delicious that it hurt to think it was only just a stupid dream. I
broke my hands away from his and turned to leave.

“Renesmee,” Jacob murmured. It reminded me of the soft voice he had

whispered whilst I had rested my head contently on his chest, only a few minutes ago.
Before the wild, aggressive, stupid stupid kiss. Kiss? Was it really a kiss? My teeth sank

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further into my lip, the tears brimming, tainted with a little anger. Surely it was more of
an attack. Not a first kiss. A first kiss should be gentle, tentative, cautious. These words
did not fit the previous mauling I had just endured. Gentle, I thought. I laughed silently
without humour. Cautious. A first kiss.

I ran. I knew he wouldn’t follow me. He understood me too well.

“Are we safe, Alice?” I heard Bella ask as I went to open the cottage door. The

tears that were streaming down my face were slowly stopping and my edgy rasps

“I don’t see any life-threatening trouble.” Alice replied, her voice thick with


“Is Renesmee safe?” Bella asked more urgently. Alice moaned as she tried to


“It’s hard!” She protested. “I can barely see her!” Bella laughed at Alice’s whines.
“Look harder.” Edward’s cold voice cut through the air.
“I am.” She retorted sharply. Silence overcame the cottage and I inhaled deeply.

Alice whipped her head around when I entered. Edward looked up at me, his face
instantly softening.

“Renesmee.” He breathed with a dazzling smile. Alice looked at me curiously,

causing Edward to do so too. I tried to erase my thoughts as hard as I could. He didn’t
change his expression to anything shocking and I smiled, pleased with my efforts. I
walked into the bathroom and took a look at myself in the mirror. My cheeks were pink
and darker tear stains were faintly recognizable. I turned the tap on and threw the cold
water on my face. My mouth gasped for air as I repeated this harshly several times. My
top was dripping wet by the end and I quickly darted into my room to get another dry
one. I had got my top pulled half-way off, my arms in the air, when I noticed someone
enter the room.

“Oh, sorry.” Alice apologized but didn’t leave. I couldn’t see but I imagined she

had turned around. I yanked my top off and noticed she was facing my closed door. “I
need to speak with you.” Her voice wasn’t too dark so I opened my wardrobe casually,
searching for another t-shirt. Alice appeared in front of me and pulled a green shirt out,
thrusting it to my chest. I put it on silently and looked up at her,

“What about?” She rolled her eyes.
“Your hazy future.” Her voice sounded exasperated at the inability to see. “I think

you’ll spend too much time with Jacob.” Her golden eyes darted to mine. I pulled a face
at her,

“Why is everyone saying that?” I looked down to do my buttons up. She flopped

nimbly and gracefully onto my single bed and closed her eyes, her hands over her face.

“You don’t know how frustrating this is, Nessie. I’ve walked on this Earth for

years and years and never had I had a problem with my visions. Now,” she paused,
“now Bella has come into the equation, well at first it was difficult but I tuned into her.
It’s so hard to tune into you. When Bella was having you, you made me stop seeing at
all.” Alice sighed, a long intake of breath. “I used to sit outside with Jacob, no matter
how much he smelt, so my sight would come back. Neither of us enjoyed it but it made
me feel less…useless.” I contemplated this and felt extremely sympathetic for her.

“I’m really sorry Alice.”
“Both of you together,” she continued, “makes me not see either of you at all.

Well I couldn’t see Jacob in the first place, but I hoped that I was slowly getting on your
wave length. Can’t you just spend less time with him? Help me out here.”

“I don’t know what it is, we just have this friendship.” Alice snorted suddenly and

I frowned at her. She pulled a face at me and grinned,


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“Yes.” I said sharply. Alice didn’t remove her smug grin and I became childishly


“Oh come on Ness, Edward and Bella might not know but I do.” She whispered.

“He’s so into you.” I pushed her hard, so hard she very nearly fell off the bed, which
sent her off into fits of giggles. I frowned. “I’m…sorry…“ she gasped, “but…your…face!”
She mimicked a comical version of my angry face and I couldn’t help but laugh. Edward
opened the door and raised an eyebrow. I whipped my head around to look at him.

“Are you ok?” His rhetorical question amused Alice. She let out another burst of

sniggers. Her legs kicked crazily in the air and she clutched her stomach. I shoved her
again and this time she came off the bed. But her amazing reflexes cause her to stand
up a second before she was about to crash on the wooden floor.

“We’re fine.” She replied with a small grin. Edward raised both his eyebrows at

her then closed the door. Alice turned to me, taking my wrists gently. “Just be careful
with him, ok?” I looked at her, deep into her eyes, trying to decode her words.

“I can’t see it Renesmee, but I just have this feeling. You’re going to have to be

careful around those werewolves.”

“Shape-shifters.” I corrected her. She let go of my wrists with a small smile.
“Whatever he is.” Alice’s eyes were slowly, very slowly turning a darker shade.

She hadn’t hunted for ages. She spent all of her time with Jasper, making sure he was
ok, keeping the balance right. “Just promise me.”

“Ok. I’ll be careful.” It was an odd promise to make, when I knew Alice had the

power to see the future. Well not mine at this moment of time. She walked out of my
room silently, her feet barely touching the ground.

Bella and Alice seemed very pleased with my efforts to reduce the amount of

time I spent with Jacob. Alice knew I had taken her advice on board. I found it easier to
be away from him after the awkward memory that still hung heavily in my mind. I saw
him a couple of times, far away in the distance, through my window at night. He
watched over me for a while but hadn’t recently. If he had, he’d been watching whilst I
was asleep. I didn’t feel any hurt or pain when I realised his shadow wasn’t lurking in
the trees whilst I lay in bed. I felt half-relieved. I felt more part of my family.

Alice was a lot calmer about her sight, less worried about my time with Jacob

and the shape-shifters. However, she and Jasper still had private conversations that
were weirdly obviously about me.

I sat down in the Cullen’s lounge, my legs stretched across the sofa

dramatically. Emmett came in and used his baby finger to move my legs so he could fit

“What are you watching Ness?” He stared at the screen. It was a girlie soap-

drama and he groaned. “This has been on for centuries!” I threw the remote at him and
he caught it agilely. Any normal person and it would have smacked them in the head.
As if he knew what I had insinuated to do, he grinned and waggled the remote at me. I
shoved my foot hard into his thigh but the huge decades-old teenager just rumbled his
trademark laugh, batting my feet away. I stood up quickly, so quickly my head fumbled
to get it’s bearings for a second, and strutted to the door. “Where are you going Ness?”
Emmett asked.

“To see some people.”
“What friends do you have?” I looked at him with the most angered eyes and for

a second I saw one tiny flicker of fear. It satisfied me to the end of the world. However, I
didn’t answer him; I just turned on my heel swiftly and walked out into the cold, moist

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My heart began to ache, as if to tell me to stop, as I raced to find him. My sense

of smell was burning with his scent, pulling me wildly to him. My legs pumped into the
ground like a turbine, down, down, down. I flicked my brunette hair out of my eyes and
it lashed into the fierce wind behind me. I saw his eyes between the bushes, my eyes
focussing obsessively onto him. I stopped almost at once and realised he was
crouching so I wouldn’t see him. My heart, pumping dramatically, seemed to crack
slightly. Either he was hiding because he didn’t want to see me or he was…scared. My
breath came out in gasps and I sounded vulnerable. Surely this would convince
anybody I haven’t come to eat them? His low stance stretched out tall, his wolf tail
springing out.

The bark of the tree he now stood against complimented his coloured fur

beautifully. His dark, glowering face just invited me in more, which it shouldn’t. I
concluded I shouldn’t move. He looked as if he was now going to eat me. I reasoned
this in my head and realised I actually didn’t care if he did. Then his eyes softened and
he disappeared from sight. I didn’t panic, he was phasing. My mind seemed to tune into
his actions quickly now as he walked out to be only a few feet away from me.

“You are an awful person.” Jacob told me, a grin begging to paint his face.
“I’m sorry.” My smile was too strong to be held back. His large hand gripped my

forearm and I gasped. His temperature was boiling. I had been so accustomed to the
cold, what with all the immortals around. “But you never came to see me.”

“I did, every night.” His voice was firm and I knew not to question it. Another

large hand gripped my other forearm. I knew he was beginning to make my previous
anger surrender. He needn’t have worried; I was crumbling at his feet inside.

“You liar.” I tempted his calm presence. Another awful grin overwhelmed me as I

felt him tighten his already half-bone-crushing grip.

“I’m not lying.” He said through gritted teeth, his gaze looking over me. I stared

up like a young child; it delighted me to see him angry. No matter how dangerous this
shape-shifter could be, teasing him was just too delicious. Then, his eyes fixed on me
and I screamed. I saw piercing, icy blue eyes glaring at me. His teeth glistened with
saliva and looked far too sharp for any creature. His grip was still like iron on my arms
so I just closed my eyes and screamed some more. But behind the blackness of my
eyelids, the darkened wolf was prowling teasingly toward me. My scream slowly
seemed to translate into something crazy in my head; a howl. “Renesmee!” Jacob’s
voice tore through me and my eyes flashed open. My scream suddenly silenced. The
dark wolf had vanished and Jacob’s stricken face was staring down at me.

I realised I was jolting backward and forward. Jacob was shaking me crazily and

I twisted my wrists around so I could just about fit my hands around his chunky wrists.
Having done this, I put all of my strength into releasing his hold on me and he
continued to stare at me like I was a cannibal, escaping from prison.

No words seemed to want to come out of my mouth so we stood in a painful

silence for a few minutes. Jacob then took the first shot, “What the hell?” My eyes
looked down and my heart tightened. I couldn’t tell him his face was transforming into
my nightmares. Thank God this wasn’t Edward. If he saw my thoughts, he’d lock me
up. My breathing was irregular. I concentrated hard on evening it out, my forehead
creasing. His burning hand touched mine and I looked up at him. “Renesmee, what was
that?” My mouth fell open and I felt sick.

“I,” I searched foolishly for words, thinking of what people normally say if this

happened. But this never happens to people, so I wished myself good luck on screwing
this all up. His perplexed eyes made my heart churn reluctantly. “I felt sick.” My words
sounded pathetic, more pathetic than having pathetic written a hundred times. His
bushy eyebrows furrowed at me, questioning. I tried to telepathically tell him that it was

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too frightening, too twisted for words. My attempts were unsuccessful as he sighed at

“Jesus, Renesmee, why do you have to freak me out all the time? One minute

you run away from me kissing you, the next you cut yourself out of my life, and now
when you decide to reunite with me you scream your head off.”

“Thanks for the ever-so-intellectual summary Jacob. I think I’ll buy you a pen

and notepad for your birthday. I find your thoughts so valuable.” I retorted. He clasped
my hand and laughed.

“Gee, that’s what I’ve always wanted.” His grin stunned me briefly. His stare was

looking over me again; maybe it was just because it hurt his neck looking down at me…
I was never too sure. “It’s nice to know you’ve inherited your mother’s wit.” We smiled.
It was nice registering my defensive sarcasm as a talent.

“Best to keep the talented genes going.” I told him. I heard his laugh build and

then it flowed out of his mouth effortlessly. I soon realised my body was pressed against
his, our hands clasped tightly. We were bound together. I felt his need for an
explanation about my outburst but I thought better of telling him. I knew the craze it
would cause; my whole family, picking at my brain like pigeons, attempting to decode
my madness. Maybe I was just simply mad. I think I had all the right to be.

I heard his head beating. Mine was faster than his. I smiled and sighed

contently; it was satisfying to know something of me was working harder, maybe even
better, than his.

“What are you grinning at?” Jacob asked me. I looked up at him.
“My heartbeat; it’s faster than yours.”
“And that’s pleasing, how?” Another brief frown invaded his serene face, but it

wasn’t too confused.

“You wouldn’t understand.” I pulled myself slowly away from him and patted his

chest like I was patting a dog.

“That’s true.” He grinned at himself. I let my heart quicken at this sudden

happiness. His chocolate eyes fixed onto me, transfixing me. “This was nice.” I could
just about begin to imagine the words of his that were dying to burst out. “I like being
with you.” My mind told me where this was leading too. Another freak-out was highly
possible so I tried to close the conversation in more of a friend vocabulary.

“This was nice, I agree.” My hands broke away from his. A sudden cool breeze

seemed to swarm over my body. “I’ll…see you around?” The hint was lamely obvious
and he seemed to be disappointed. I pretended to not notice, to be a suit of armour and
ignore his feelings even though they seemed to be painted on a huge billboard behind
him. It was like he was carrying around one of those signs that usually say ‘Golf Sale’.
He chuckled at me.

“Yeah, I suppose I’ll…’see you around’.” He turned and left. I felt a wave of relief

flood me, it was better that he walked away. I turned like he had and jogged back


Alice frowned at me accusingly the next morning. My obvious reunion with

Jacob was affecting my future. I smiled at myself. Bella sat with her palms on the table.
Our kitchen seemed crowded, what with Alice and Jasper in the doorway. Jasper was
watching me as discreetly as possible. However I knew his antics, I used to watch him
obsessively when I was younger. His displacement intrigued me; how he disconnected
himself ever so slightly, no matter how strong his family bonds were. He was still
frightened of me.

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“I’m going to go out on the weekend.” Bella announced. We all knew this as her

way of inviting us to go hunt with her. Her satisfaction of running fast never failed.

“I’ll come,” came Jasper’s smooth reply. Alice then nodded, her reaction to

Jasper’s almost compulsive, yet a reflex. Bella looked at me and I mused for a moment.
I hoped to go out somehow with Jacob. I felt relaxed to think this; Edward wasn’t about.
Bella didn’t seem concerned about the colour of my eyes, so didn’t press the matter. I
took this as an acceptance of a refusal.

“No thanks.” Her nod was only a flicker of movement but we all saw it.
“Carlisle will probably come.” Alice noted, her fingers flexing. “He hasn’t hunted

in weeks.” I shivered at the word. Carlisle and Esme just didn’t seem capable of
hunting; not in my head.

“Ok. We’ll do the border; we haven’t gone there in a while.” They began to

discuss where to hunt and what to hunt. Alice told them that a large herd of elk would
be settling in a certain meadow at noon on Saturday.

“Perfect.” Jasper said lightly, “I’m not in the mood for something too difficult.” His

face was practically contradicting himself. Everybody knew Jasper was very capable.
Nothing was difficult for him. Alice knew this all too well and smiled at him, as if he was
being sarcastic.

“Will Edward be going?” I asked.
“Oh, why not?”
“He only hunted a couple of days ago.” Alice told me simply, but her eyes

glanced at me for a second too long. I started questioning her silently.

“He’ll look after you.” Bella’s soft voice surprised me. I half-expected her to now

read off pages of rules but she remained quiet. Jasper scoffed at this and I felt my head
whip around to glare at him. He just looked at me superiorly, his lips pursed. I took a
sharp intake of breath and looked away, fighting the angry mist that was falling in my
head. Bella stole a glance at me and smiled comfortingly. “Not that you need looking
after.” Her amendment was a little too late but still made me feel that tiny bit better. I
sighed, my eyes rolling almost noisily in my head. I knew Jasper could sense my
aggravation with him. I hoped it scared him. Just to inflict this a little more, I clenched
my fists visible and took a deathly glare toward him. Satisfyingly, I saw him flinch ever
so slightly.

Jasper was probably the most able fighter in our family. Though Edward came a

close second, since he had the advantage of knowing what his opponents’ game plans
were. However, Jasper knew perfectly well the dangers of immortal children, though I
wasn’t truly one. With my half-mortality, the rest of the Cullen’s weren’t worried about
me. Jasper, on the other hand, kept his distance, no matter what my mood was. He had
seen these wild newborns twist into a new life of rage and crazed mass-murders. No
matter how convince the rest of my family were, Jasper was tentative about the solid
decision that I wasn’t dangerous.

Alice was watching Jasper intently and was curious about his suddenly tensed

muscles. His eyes were cast downward, his jaw locked. I lifted my chin pleasurably and

“I’m going out now.” I expected Alice to look at me but she didn’t. Bella just

nodded with a smile, so I walked out pretty pleased.

I bumped into Edward on the way just before the river. He grinned at me and we

stopped to talk.

“Hello there.” His voice came out silken.
“Just off out. Bella, Jasper and Alice are discussing hunting this weekend.”

Edward raised his eyebrows.

“Really?” His tone was oddly surprised.

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“They were taking Carlisle and Esme.” I swallowed again at the same thought of

harmless Esme…

“Oh,” Edward nodded at himself. I loved the way he seemed so casual around

me. Even Bella was never this carefree when I was about. Edward was like my best
friend. “I guess that makes more sense.” He murmured. I didn’t question him. We tried
our hardest to respect each other’s privacy. I knew mine was more exploited for
obvious reasons but I forgave him for that…sometimes. Edward lifted his head and
then flashed me another breath-taking smile. “Anyway,” he said lightly, “I was just on my
way over.”

“Where were you?” I asked casually.
“Carlisle wanted to talk to me.” I imagined Edward and him sat around the large

table that we used for a prop. It was more of a conference table than a dining table.
Carlisle’s beauty even in my imagination took me by surprise.

“Oh.” I just nodded as if I understood and gave him a smile. “Yes, well I’ll be off.”
“See you later Nessie.” He touched my arm, giving me immediate goose-bumps.

“Be careful right?” The words weren’t concerned, nor were they controlling. They were
just reflexive for him, instinctive. So many times did he tell Bella to be careful, be safe.
Now it was my turn.

“Sure thing.” I mused, turning to run away. He was gone before I registered his

movement. His speed still amazed me.

Jacob grinned at me childishly when I found him. I saw his little bag stuffed with

spare jeans and necessities. They were running low. He would return to La Push soon.

“Hey there!” Jacob’s voice was cheerful.
“Hey,” I found myself standing close to him. “How are you?”
“I’m good,” he entwined his own fingers together and stretched, “how was your

night’s sleep?” I shifted uncomfortably. My sleep wasn’t dreamless. It was rather
restless. “Oh.” His arm wrapped around my waist and we hugged. He squeezed a little
too tight and I faked being suffocated.

“Jacob,” I pressed, as he didn’t let go. “You’re actually killing me.” Again, he

didn’t release me. “For God sakes, I didn’t know we were on those kind of terms.” I
laughed. I felt his breath in my ear as he laughed too, his arms loosening slightly.

“I like seeing you in the morning.”
“You like seeing me anytime Jacob, so that doesn’t surprise me too much.” I

raised an eyebrow at him.

“That’s true.” He confessed, “But it’s nice for you to see me when I wake up.”
“If you’re trying to hint, I’m not lying next to you in the dirt.”
“Oh damn,” Jacob chuckled, “thought my early morning smoothness was going

to win you over.”

“Never in a million years.”
“Sheesh, how long are you living for?” He asked me sarcastically. I swatted at

his chest – bare yet again. He acted hurt but let a smile soak his face. “Oh,” his hand
found mine, “I didn’t get to ask you the other day,”

“Yesterday.” I corrected him, panicking because of our close contact.
“Yesterday,” he smiled, “why did you suddenly want to see me again?” I pressed

my lips closed tightly and felt my stomach tie into knots. I wished for him to contradict
his own question but he didn’t. My heart stuttered, not over his appearance, but over
the fact that I was slowly sinking into a pit. A pit that was evidently not going to spit me
back out. Jacob was…falling in love with me. And I…well I wasn’t not sure if I was. His
hand clasped mine tighter. “Answer me Renesmee, it’s been bugging me.” His head
found the curve of my shoulder joining my neck, and rested there. His breath was hot
and lips were inches away from my skin. His arms were now back around my waist and
I felt smaller every minute.

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“I-I-I just did.” I stammered. Jacob laughed, his breath hotter.
“Liar.” His statement was true. I suddenly became aware that we were not alone.

Jacob didn’t, however, and continued to embed me into him. I felt myself tense as a
cold breeze wafted over me. Frowning, I realised why this was, and it wasn’t because
of Jacob, because he was cooking me.

“Renesmee.” The low murmur confirmed my expectations. I jerked myself away

from Jacob instinctively and his eyes widened. Edward stood in the darkness of the
trees, his posture not entirely safe. I sized him up, watching his shoulders. Jacob
sighed loudly. Edward rolled his eyes at Jacob’s thoughts and stepped out closer to me.
“Come, now.” This was an order. I obeyed willingly; Jacob was burning me.

“Give her a break.” Jacob said, quite forcefully. Oh great.
“Excuse me?” Swiftly, Edward pushed me behind him and I saw Jacob digest

this movement. His jaw locked.

“I said, give her a break. She’s not a kid anymore.” Oh Jacob, you’re digging

yourself into a hole here.

“She is a child.” The word ‘child’ didn’t bother me, since I knew it was true. Even

though my family annoyed me with their stupid secrets about me, I didn’t get angry
because they labelled me a child.

“She’s old enough to look after herself.” Keep digging Jacob, that’s just


“That’s different.” Edward’s chest shuddered slightly. He had swallowed a snarl

reluctantly. “She’s my daughter.” Jacob rolled his eyes.

“Then you should give her some space. Your family are far too dependent on

each other.” Jacob, you are a dead man now. Edward didn’t bother trying to stop this
hiss that escaped his lips. I shivered.

“Funny, wolves are pack animals.” He noted.
“Yeah but we give each other space.” Jacob spat. “You need to learn to that with

Nessie.” Edward’s muscles coiled, like a spring ready to just launch. I knew what was
running through his mind right now; anybody who understood Edward could guess. He
was imagining the different ways Jacob would stretch, the sounds he’d create when he
hit a tree and the ways he could rip. I shuddered.

“I look out for her,” Edward said darkly, “unlike you.”
“When have I not been there for her?”
“Try, when she passed out in the forest?” This caught Jacob short. He didn’t

know too much about this. But his tongue didn’t cease for long.

“So where were you then, Daddy?” He jeered. Jacob was a nice boy; I thought

of the speech I would say at his funeral, a little protective and maybe too confident for
his own good.
Edward growled.

“For god sake.” I snarled at them both, walking to stand in between them.
“Get out of the way, Renesmee,” Edward warned through gritted teeth. This

obviously meant get out of the way and let me rip this dog to pieces.

“Move, Ness.” Move so I can finally challenge your father.
“Bite me!” I hissed at them both. “I am not moving so if you want to rip each

other to little shreds, you’ll have to get through me first.” Their postures straightened a
centimetre and I smiled slightly. “Good. Now will you two just calm down for god-”

“Doesn’t he annoy you Nessie? Doesn’t it bother you having someone check up

on you all the time?” Jacob interrupted. I was not going to tolerate interruptions from
either of them, so I unleashed a powerful snarl on him. He stepped back warily. Edward
smirked but I glared at him.

“Shut up both of you. You guys are ludicrous! You’ll be the death of me.” I

sighed, turning to Jacob. “No, I like being looked after. It’s annoying when I don’t know
what’s going on but knowing I always have someone there, it’s nice.” I turned to

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Edward. “Will you stop looking at my friend like you’re about to eat him?” Edward rolled
his eyes but softened them ever so slightly.

“Nessie, stop being the peace-maker, I’ve waited for this.” Jacob leaned forward,

causing Edward to mirror this. I looked helplessly at them both, growling, baring teeth,
hating each other to the absolute depths of Hell. Fine, don’t co-operate. I sucked in a
deep breath. They asked for it.

My scream was deafening. Jacob nearly fell over backwards and even Edward

winced. I let the sound flow out of my mouth till my lungs screeched themselves for air.
The silence pleased me when I did breathe in again. It was short-lived though.

“Jesus, Nessie.” Jacob commented. Does he ever shut up? Edward laughed at

my thoughts.

“No.” He smiled. Jacob frowned at us both.
“Um, no telepathic conversations please.” I raised an eyebrow at him and he

ducked his head. Then he looked up. “Is that how you get your way? Screaming?”

“No.” I retorted. “It’s the only way to get a livid vampire and an arrogant shape-

shifter to shut up for one minute.”

“Oh.” Jacob accepted this better than I had hoped. Edward remained quiet.
“Now for the love of all that’s holy, would you two let me speak for a few


“Make it quick.” Jacob answered me rapidly. Jesus! Shut the hell up! Another

smirk slinked onto Edward’s face.

“Ok. Jacob, I’m going to tell you straight. You should know my bond with my

family.” Jacob swallowed, remembering Bella memories. “And Edward, Jacob is not
going to stop seeing me. Neither am I going to stop seeing him. We’re best friends.” I
exaggerated the words for Edward’s benefit but realised how much this sounded like a
rejection toward Jacob. Damn it. I continued anyway. “I don’t care if you hate each
other, immortal enemies whatever, if you’re going to continue like this, I will eat you
both.” I looked at them separately with fierce eyes. “And I am serious.” Jacob didn’t
even snigger. My eyes were obviously very convincing.

“I’m sorry Renesmee.” Edward said sincerely. I smiled at him. One down. Jacob

shifted uncomfortably but mumbled,

“Sorry Ness.”
“Thank you.” I told them. “Now, Jacob, go. I’m going home.” Jacob looked at me,

hurt. “Oh for god sake, put the puppy eyes away. I’m coming back later, jeez.” My
patience with this giant dog was wearing thin and Edward could sense it. He took my
wrist and pulled me gently away. Jacob bit his lip, fighting back another argument.

Edward and I ran home together, but he stopped short of the cottage.
“I’m really sorry Renesmee. I know the relationship between you and Jacob.” He

told me. “I shouldn’t get so annoyed with him but,” he remembered my earlier thoughts
briefly, “you understand.” I grinned.

“I know he can get annoying, but he is important to me.” I took his hand, the cold

barely bothering me. “You both are. Obviously, in different ways,” I frowned at myself,
“you in the father way, Jacob in the…” Edward watched me but I couldn’t find the
words. Half-boyfriend-ish way? Rejected-awkward-best-friend way? Neither of them
sounded right. Edward read this in my mind, staring deep into my eyes.

“I understand.” He kissed my forehead. “He has some right to be so infatuated

with you.” Woah… “You’ve got Bella’s beauty.”

“Ha, thanks.” I began to walk to the cottage. Edward walked silently beside me

then he spoke before we got to the door.

“I won’t tell Bella if you don’t.”
“I promise.” I paused. “And don’t tell Alice. I’d prefer to stay alive right now.” He


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“Sure, I would too.”

The next day was a little less tense. Bella and Alice were rounding up people to

go hunting. She reminded me several times to not go too far from Forks. I promised her
not to go too far. Bella also reminded Edward that I was not to go too far from Forks. He
promised her he would make sure I didn’t go too far.

“Right,” Bella said triumphantly, clearly happy with our promises. “We better be

off.” I realised how dark her eyes were becoming and she practically bounded out of the
door when Alice and Jasper arrived with Carlisle and Esme in tow. Edward laughed
affectionately at her.

“Crackers, she is.” He mused.
“You could say that,” I giggled, “most would just say she’s a little eccentric.”

Edward closed the door behind them and turned his head over his shoulder to grin at
me. I studied his eyes; golden brown. Warm and inviting; just like a predator’s should.
His teeth flashed at me when he smiled, sharp, strong and fatal. My blood rushed a
little quicker around my body. Did this ever bother him? My heart racing? Full of
pounding blood? Suddenly, I remembered Edward could read my thoughts and felt like
a total idiot. Edward didn’t turn back to me, nor did he comment. Phew. Maybe, just
maybe, he wasn’t paying attention to me. Unlikely, I thought to myself, I was his second

“What are you doing today?” He asked me casually, his back still prominently

facing me. I heard him swallow and tried so hard to erase my previous curiosity.

“Jacob and I are going out for a bite to eat.” Good choice of words Renesmee,

especially with a vampire - who, by the way, had just thought about your racing blood
-in front of you. Another swallow from him; was it the venom? “Uh,” I stuttered, “later on.
I’m not too hungry though so I might just go into town with him.”

“Mm,” Edward forced out.
“What about you?” I stared at his back.
“Errands for Emmett.” His reply was blunt.
“What, warnings to the bears?” I tried to joke. Edward still didn’t turn to me. It

was aggravating me, and upsetting me.

“Mm,” he muttered, not even trying to laugh. I sighed, realizing I could make this

up so I better just leave, before he ate me.

“Ok, well see you later.” I shut the door quickly and sprinted as fast as I could to

where I hoped to find Jacob.

Seth and Leah were there, in their human form, arguing about something. It

wasn’t too tense there so I carried on walking over to them. Leah wrinkled her nose first
and frowned slightly when she saw me.

“Hey Nessie!” Seth grinned enthusiastically.
“Hey Seth,” I waved quickly, “have you seen Jacob?”
“Like you didn’t know,” Leah said under her breath. I glared at her and then

returned to smiling at Seth.

“Uh,” he thought hard, “I think he’s gone back to Billy. Ran out of boxers I

suppose.” Leah looked at me.

“He’ll be back soon.” She said coldly, especially for such a hot-headed person. I

smiled at her sarcastically.

“I might just go over there myself.”
“No!” Seth protested and then caught his breath again. “I don’t think Sam’s quite

ready for you to come over.” I rolled my eyes.

“It’s not as if I’m dangerous.” Leah snorted.
“We know.” I shot her a fiercer glare.

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“Girls, stop it.” Seth whined. “I’ll go find him for you if you want?” His offer was

too pleading; he obviously wanted to get away from his snobbish, self-absorbed sister. I
granted him that.

“Thanks, Seth. I’ll be by the river.” I was not going to wait around here.
“I’ll come. Mum wants me anyway.” Leah said with a sigh. Seth groaned quietly

but they ran together out of my sight.

I sat by the quiet river, staring into the murky water aimlessly. I let my fingers

trail in the ice cold liquid, the ripples slapping gently at my hand. The wind was softly
blowing through my hair, chilling my ears and my cheeks. I closed my eyes and sighed
quietly. Jacob wouldn’t be long, I thought, so better make the most of the silence. As if
by magic, Jacob’s heat caught my attention. He stood beside me, towering, and

“Hey.” I scrambled to my feet and wiped my hand on my trousers.
“Oh hi.” Jacob found my attempts to look casual amusing and let his grin hang

on his lips.

“Seth told me you wanted me?” He laughed at himself.
“Um,” I stuttered, “yeah.” I lifted my head to meet his eyes. They were warm,

friendly, inviting. “Let’s go out somewhere. I’m tired of just hanging around in this
forest.” Jacob scoffed,

“You’ve only been here for a year or so.”
I frowned at him but grabbed his hand.
“Come on.”
“Where are we going?” Jacob asked as I tried my hardest to drag him. I rolled

my eyes.

“Let’s just go.”
“Seattle? Port Angeles?”
“Anywhere for god sake Jacob!”
“What about the movies? I hear they have a new film out.” Jacob offered

enthusiastically, walking by my side, our fingers linked.

We walked out to his car, a VW Rabbit (built by himself), and he opened the

door for me. I jeered at him and got in roughly. He shut the door and walked to get in.
His heaters were on ever so slightly but I was flushing already so I turned every one of
them off.

“Not breaking a sweat already, are you?” Jacob mocked, opening a window. His

large hands flexed around the wheel and he pulled away.

“Shut up, you’re like a freakin’ cooker.”
“Oh and what, your family are blast chillers?” His eyebrow was raised. I scowled

at him.

“Be quiet Jacob, I don’t want to have to kill you.” He chuckled at me.
“Gosh our first date and she’s already planning my murder.” He sniggered to

himself. My muscles tightened; date? I tried to slouch in the seat but I was too
panicked. He better not try any moves on me. Oh yes wait, we’re going to the movies.
What else would a boy do? I shook my head at myself. Idiot. I looked at Jacob quickly.
His posture was lazy; only one hand on the wheel now, the other leant on the open
window. He looked at me and I blushed. “Is it still hot in here?” He asked genuinely. I

“Mmm-hmm.” Jacob shook his head at himself as if I was ridiculous and leaned

over to open my window. His hand wiggled on the wheel and we swerved slightly.
“Jesus, Jacob!” I leapt to steady his hand but he was already focused again. His mouth
opened wide as he laughed at me.

“A bit edgy are we?”

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“Well I’m not going to sit back and relax when we cross three lanes in the space

of two seconds.” I retorted harshly back at him, only causing him to grin more.

“You should.” His eyes were on me now. “Trust me.” I folded my arms and

frowned at him.

“Not as a driver.” He shrugged.
“I’ll get over it.”
“Good, wouldn’t want you to suffer would I?”
“No, definitely not.”
“It’d just be the death of me.”
“Absolutely.” He then flashed me his teeth in a wild grin. “Plus I can’t cross three

lanes, there’s only two.” I pulled a face, slouching down in my seat.

We reached Port Angeles cinema quickly, the Rabbit just about roaring at

seventy. Jacob was very smug about his handy-work and revved it as we pulled into a
parking spot. I rolled my eyes at him but he didn’t notice. I saw him walk round to open
my door so I swung it open myself harshly, nearly denting the van next to us. He
scoffed at me but attempted to hold my hand whilst we walked. I granted him this.

“What are we watching anyway?” I asked. He grinned,
“I hope you don’t get scared easily.” I stuck my tongue out at him,
“Yeah terrified.” He bought the tickets quickly but I saw the title; ‘Darkened

Moon’. He wouldn’t, would he?

Jacob got us the seats at the back, the cinema wasn’t too full. My stomach was

churning already. His hand was burning my skin as he tugged me down to my seat. I
clutched the box of popcorn he had bought with a shaky hand. His grin was wide and

“Pass us the popcorn, Ness.” He reached over for it and I passed it to him

silently. Stuffing the popcorn in his mouth, I watched him crossly. Why would he do
this? A sick joke? “You’re looking a little pale already.” He noted curiously. I frowned at

“Are you kidding?” I snapped.
“No.” His face was instantly hurt.
“Well I’m feeling fine. Maybe my vampire side is just growing.” I told him,

flashing my teeth. The couple in front of us looked back surprised but we just smiled at
them. They nodded with a fake smile and turned back around.

“Nessie, keep it down.” Jacob whispered. “Don’t want people being freaked do

we?” I scowled harder.

“Bite me.”
He laughed.
“I might,” his wink was too flirtatious, “so don’t tempt me.”
“You’re a dog. You’re taught not to bite.” I retorted, which made him laugh


“Just you watch.” He leaned forward and I instantly pushed him so hard back, he

nearly fell onto the other seat. “Ok, steady.” Jacob’s voice wavered but the lights
lowered and he gripped my hand. “Here we go!” I squeezed his hand harder and he
smiled. “Don’t be nervous.” He mouthed. He wanted it to come across as don’t be
nervous about the film
but he was so obviously telling me not to be nervous about him.
I smiled back.

The film wasn’t as sickening as I thought it would be. It was about werewolves

but they were barely shown on screen. I only shuddered when they howled. Jacob let
his arm find its way so it slung around my shoulder. I snuggled closer to him, forgetting
everything for just a few minutes. His heat radiated crazily but I didn’t notice too much.

Near the end of the film, the werewolves were finally discovered and came

galloping onto the screen. Jacob held his breath but his eyes stared in awe. I scoffed at

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him quietly. Trust him to think of himself as some powerful, scary being. One, large,
hairy black wolf came onto the screen right at the end. It howled piercingly and lunged
at the young victim; a teenage girl. She screamed frantically as it swiped at her throat.
The film ended with a close-up of the wolf’s eyes. They were blue; a bright, vivid,
power-crazed blue.

I felt my mouth open to scream myself but Jacob took a sharp intake of breath at

the wolf’s eyes. I whipped my head around to study his expression. He was still slightly
in awe but a little taken-aback. He looked at me.

“Are you ok?” He mouthed.
“Yeah,” I said, my breath stuttering, “I think so.” The lights were brought up and I

saw that I was clutching Jacob’s t-shirt. I let go immediately and he grinned at me.

“Come on, let’s go.” I nodded breathlessly and we walked out as the credits


I was thankful to slouch into the seats of Jacob’s Rabbit. Jacob was silent,

obviously regretting the choice of film. He opened his window again and I let out a sigh.

“That was…um,” I wavered.
“Horrible.” Jacob admitted with an amused exhale. “Sorry about that.” I smiled at

him and saw that his eyes were apologetic.

“That’s ok.” I replied. “I still liked being with you.” Jacob’s expression was so

gleeful he looked slightly drugged.

“Really?” His usually husky voice was squeaky. He realised this and cleared his

throat, attempting to grasp that last bit of manly status.

“Yeah,” I smiled more at his immaturity, “no matter how awful your film choices

are.” Jacob flexed his fingers on the wheel, smug. “I’ll choose next time.” His eyebrow
raised but he kept looking at the road.

“So there’ll be a next time?” His hands tightened on the wheel. I opened my

window and leant my head out.

Jacob parked in the same spot outside the edge of the forest but kept the engine

running. I looked at him. “Aren’t you coming?” I asked. He frowned at himself.

“No.” He pushed out. “I have to get back to La Push.” He revved the car

involuntarily. I got out and leant through the window.

“I’ll see you soon though, right?” Jacob kept his eyes ahead and smiled.
“Yeah,” he cleared his throat, “sure.” I straightened up, a slight crease on my

forehead. Jacob flashed me the quickest smile before gently pulling away. I sighed at
him. He could be so frustrating sometimes.

I walked into the forest with my breath held. I knew some sort of ambush was

waiting for me. I nearly screamed when the pale figure of Rosalie darted in front of me.
Her beautiful eyes glowered.

“Renesmee, did you just spend the day with a dog?” She spat. I frowned at her

and bit my lip to stop myself from yelling.

“No; I spent my day with Jacob.” She bared her teeth for a second as I said his

name. “I don’t know why that is such a problem.” Rosalie’s face stared at me,

“You know how I feel about the Quileute tribe.” She stated.
You know that those people saved our family.” I retorted. “If it weren’t for Seth,

Bella might be dead.”

“Edward was capable.” Rosalie growled.
“Sure, Edward was capable, but you know he would have been in trouble

without the wolves. You fought alongside them!”

“I did that for us.”

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“Exactly, and so did they. Without them, I might not be here.” I knew this would

hurt. Rosalie was surprised at my intelligent hatred and took a step back.

“You shouldn’t spend time with them. They are dangerous.”
“Jacob would never do anything to me. Did he do anything to Bella?” The

question hung for a while before Rosalie replied,

“That was different.”
“How?” I asked loudly.
“He loved Bella,” Rosalie said, clearly disgusted.
“He loves me!” I shouted, pushing past her cold body. Edward was in front of me

rapidly, his hands around my wrists. His face was not angry, nor worried. I was

“Renesmee,” he started but I growled.
“Tell her to back off Jacob.” My voice wasn’t my own. It was too angry. Edward

looked at Rosalie. I heard her run off and buried my head into my father’s chest. “Why
is it so forbidden?”

“Nothing is forbidden,” Edward muttered, “but what exactly are you so angry


“I just want to spend time with my friend.”
“Well, if what you shouted was true, Jacob doesn’t want to be friends.”
I want to be friends.” I told him furiously. “Jacob can love me, I don’t care.”
“I doubt that very much.” Edward sounded slightly worried and a little angered


“I don’t love him.” I felt my stomach tighten.
“Ok,” Edward sighed, “ok.” He let me sob quietly into his frozen body, his arms

loose around my back. He was humming our little tune we had played on the piano not
so long ago.

Edward walked me back home and I flopped onto my bed, exhausted. I hated

feeling this confusion. I just wanted to be friends with Jacob, right? I groaned. Why did
this have to be so hard? I closed my eyes in exasperation

“Renesmee?” There was a knock at my door.
“What?” I moaned quietly. I opened one eye to see Alice’s head through the

crack of my open door.

“Are you alright?” She flew in, her arms around me immediately.
“What does it look like?” I grumbled.
“You don’t look good, if I’m going to be honest.”
“Gee, thanks.” She laughed but her face was serious.
“What’s all this upset, Renesmee? You’ve suddenly gone into a real depression.”

She thought hard. “I didn’t see this coming.”

“You don’t see me, remember?” I groaned softly. She let her hand curve around

mine in a sisterly way and sighed.

“I wish I could; I hate seeing you like this. You’re worse than Bella.” She smiled

to herself. I watched her eyes fill with memories. I frowned slightly; why did everyone
think of Bella and not me? “Just talk to me Ness.” Alice’s soft voice oozed into my ears

“You’ll get angry.” I accused.
“I won’t.”
“You will, even I can see that.”
“I promise.” I took a deep breath. I hadn’t expected this.
“I’m just confused.”
“About what?” Alice’s query was almost immediate.
“Jacob.” I huffed his name reluctantly.
“Ah,” Alice’s grip tensed, “keep going. I’m not angry, see?”

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“Well I think he…he loves me.” I forced the words out. Alice noticed this and her

grip loosened. “I don’t know if it’s just because of me, or if I remind him of Bella or

“Renesmee!” Alice exclaimed. “How dare you think a boy loves you because of

your mum!” I cringed. Her voice lowered, “Jacob loves you for you!” she pressed. I

“How do you know?”
“I just do.” Her statement was obviously not going to extend. “Is that all you’re

worried about?”

“No.” I answered bleakly. Her eyes studied my face curiously.
“Tell me.” Her voice was barely a whisper.
“I don’t know if,” I closed my eyes, waiting for the queasy stomach to awaken, “if

I love him back.” Alice let a gasp escape her lips.

“Oh,” she replied, clearly wordless, “oh.”
“See? It’s awful.” I complained. Alice looked at me and…she smiled.
“You’ll find out.” Her expression was dazzling. “I promise; if it’s meant to be.” I


If,” I pressed this word, “if it’s meant to be.” Alice sighed again, her smile

beginning to fade. Like the amazement of a rainbow.

“You are so…un-optimistic.” She said crossly, her arched eyebrows pulling

together. I bit down on my lip and looked away. She was right. Here I was, nothing to
loose, so why was I so afraid? Why was I so intent on keeping my guard up? Where
was the curiosity in me? Alice’s eyes flickered from my eyes to my hands. They were

I felt utterly idiotic. My life had nothing bad in it so why was I so unwilling on

taking a risk? It wouldn’t hurt, would it? I closed my eyes again. Jacob’s face appeared
behind my eyelids and I groaned quietly. He watched me silently, as if he was mentally
asking the same questions. Why won’t you give me a chance? Because you love Bella
and not me. I felt a crystal tear fall from one eye and Alice’s hand was immediately
wiping it away. “Don’t cry.” She murmured, holding my head to her chest. She cradled
me and I wept uselessly.

I spent a while in Alice’s arms; tears falling carelessly from my eyes. Jacob was

slowly fading from my head, his questions ringing quietly in my head. Why won’t you
give me a chance?
I remembered the way his mouth had curved so enthusiastically into
a smile when I promised him another day together, the way I noticed his heart beat race
when we touched, the way he was so urgent when he kissed me; taking the moment for
all it was worth. Alice’s cold hands started to pull my head away and I realised my tears
were stopping. She had noticed and now was examining my face. “How come you can
still look utterly beautiful, even after crying like a baby?” I smiled half-heartedly at her,
squeezing her hand in gratitude.

“I have amazingly gorgeous descendants.” I pointed out and she laughed.
“Of course.” She stood up and let go of my hand reluctantly. “You know,” she

paused, walking to the door swiftly, “I’m always here. No matter how anti-Jacob I may
seem, I never want you to feel like you can’t talk to me.” Her voice was thick with regret.
I felt my throat tighten; she felt bad. She thought she had pushed me away.

“Thank you Alice.” I coated my words with true appreciation and she smiled

before leaving the room. I clutched my pillow and sighed, staring out of my window. I
imagined Jacob’s huge shadow casting itself over my floor. He would stand with an
accusing look on his face, secretly pleased that he mattered so much to me. I smiled at
myself. He was such a boy sometimes.


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Edward agreed to walk with me that day, the sun hidden behind the rolling


“Storm’s brewing.” He murmured, gazing up into the bleak sky. “Maybe we might

play ball.” I kicked at the dirt as we walked and he looked at me, curiously. “So, what’s
bothering you?”

“Do you want to kill Jacob Black?” I asked, casually. Edward’s eyes widened in

shock and then softened as he laughed.

“I have wanted to.” He mused. “But not at the moment, no.”
Not at the moment,” I repeated frostily, “that means you might want to in the

future.” He grinned at himself.

“You never know.”
“It’s not funny.” I frowned at him but his smile didn’t disappear. “I don’t like

having to choose.”

“You don’t have to choose.” Edward frowned, confused. “What makes you think

you do?” I scoffed at him loudly.

“You nearly ripped him to pieces the last time you met each other.”
“Oh, that.”
“Yes, that.” I snapped. His eyes fixed onto me apologetically.
“I apologized for that.” He reminded me. “I don’t know what else I can do.”
“You can stop doing it.”
“Well, that can’t be written in stone. You see, Jacob Black is a very irritating

creature…” he started. I groaned loudly.

“So are you, frequently.”
“So does that make you want to kill me?” Edward asked, teasingly. I glared at

him, not willing to let him overcome my anger with soft humour.

“You never know.” I quoted him, crossly. He chuckled to himself.
“Well I have the advantage of knowing the exact time you decide to.” He tapped

his head and I turned away, moodily. His cold hand was on my shoulder, turning me
around. “Nessie, what is the matter? One minute you’re ok, the next minute I get
nothing but the,” he laughed at himself quietly, “the cold shoulder.” I raised an eyebrow
at him. He stared into my eyes, trying to see my brain working but I let my mind run
blank. He sighed, “Are you going to answer me?”

“No.” I said harshly, walking again. Edward’s long pace strode slightly ahead of

me. I found this hugely irritating. Could he be a little less superior at everything?

“No.” His cool voice answered. I growled through my teeth at him but he didn’t

react. He was obviously getting used to this. “You are absurd sometimes.” He suddenly
whipped out. I felt like he had thrown me into a tree and whirled around to face him.

“Excuse me?”
“We do nothing but be here for you,” Edward told me crossly, “and yet you still

don’t seem to want to communicate at all with us.” I noticed he had used plural. Was
Bella in this too? Surprisingly, he didn’t answer this thought.

“I have a lot on my mind right now, Edward.” I said.
“And I don’t?” He accused coldly. I flinched, wordless. “You need to start thinking

of your family for a change. The world doesn’t revolve around Jacob Black,” he paused,
his eyes worryingly angry, “nor does it revolve around you.” My father strode off
furiously, growling at himself. I stared at my feet, my mouth open. I felt horrible. Ugh, I
felt utterly crap. I looked after him and closed my eyes. I sank to the floor and cried,
again. This made me feel a whole lot worse so another truck-load of tears plummeted
down my cold cheeks. Great.

I spent a few days locked inside my bedroom, wallowing in self-pity, uselessly.

Edward’s harsh confrontation had hit me hard and I was attempting to build myself back

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up. I didn’t want to cause more confusion and anger in people. I had to stay away. Bella
tried several times to burst down my door and talk to me but I screamed every time I
heard anybody attempt to touch the doorknob. Jacob stood outside my window for
three hours but I lay down underneath the duvet so I couldn’t see his pained

Alice also tried to enter my room, ignoring my screaming when she did step in.

But she couldn’t even smother me to shut me up so left pretty quickly. I was isolating
myself, trying to stop from confusing myself more. I knew this wasn’t doing any good
but I couldn’t think of what else to do.

I lay in bed, thinking of when I would need to go and eat. I heard a thump on my

window and groaned. If this was Emmett, I was going to be smashing his face in.

“Renesmee, this is stupid now, open the god damn window.” Jacob’s

husky voice demanded from outside. I groaned even more. Facing him now was going
to be hard, so I buried my face further. “Renesmee, I will smash your window.” His
threat didn’t bother me. “I’m pulling back my fist.” He warned. I peeked out of my duvet
to see he was telling the truth. His fist, clenched and chunky, was drawn back to his
shoulder. “Ok, you asked for it.” Suddenly, I heard the glass shatter. Shards of it flew
over to my bed, skimming my face. I yelped and bolted upright. Jacob’s smile was
impossible to resist as he stood by my broken window. “Told you, didn’t I?”

“Jesus, Jacob. You’re replacing that.” I told him sharply, brushing off the glass

from my bed. I didn’t let my eyes meet his; my heart weakened just at the mere thought
of him now. But at this moment, I had to be strong and fierce. No impossibly like-able
wolf-boy was going to sway my mood.

“Yeah sure.” Jacob clambered through my window, the shards of glass cutting

his hands.

“Edward’s going to kill you, you know.” I threatened. My hands were shaking and

my skin was tingling at the heat.

“I know.” He grinned, sitting on my bed as if it were his. “I’ll handle it, but at least

I got you talking again.” I rolled my eyes but he continued. “I thought you were just
being dramatic at first but Edward was worried you were starving yourself.” His eyes
flickered to mine warily.

“I was, sort of.” I bit my lip. “I was being stupid, wasn’t I?” The voice in my head

laughed at my weakened fierceness and I scowled. I had suddenly broken my
aggressive stance and Jacob was already beginning to look less worried.

“That depends on what reason you’re planning to use.” Jacob raised an


“How does ‘scared of ruining everybody else’s lives’ sound?” I moaned

pathetically. He scoffed.

“Oh, damnit.” I sighed. “What am I going to do?”
“How about telling the truth?” The simplicity in his voice was effortless.
“I don’t want to.” I whispered like a child. Jacob ducked his head to try and meet

my eyes, which were cast downward. I dragged my fingers across the surface of my

“I won’t replace your window…” Jacob trailed off suggestively, an ironically wolf-

y smile on his lips. I met his eyes and felt my cheeks attempt to blush. “What’s the

“You.” I admitted after a while. Jacob didn’t seem too bothered about this and

persisted casually.

“What about me, in particular?”

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“Us.” I murmured. His expression wasn’t perplexed and he stretched his arms. I

wasn’t going to mess his head with my thousand other pathetic paranoid worries. He
just had to deal with this one.

“Am I going to have to pick this out of you one word at a time?” He asked. I

nodded, causing him to laugh. “Ok, fine. What about us?” I sighed.

“Renesmee, c’mon, help me out here.” Jacob said exasperated.
“I-“ I stuttered, “I don’t know what to do…about us.” I added.
“I didn’t think we had much to do.” He frowned at himself, noticing the small cuts

had healed on his hands. He sounded so confused, so unaware of the pain I was

“Jacob,” I felt the sympathy accidentally flow out of my mouth, “this is hard;

being half-vampire,” I paused again, “and having a werewolf love you.” Jacob’s face
flickered up to mine, expressionless. However, his eyes weren’t so good at acting. They
tightened painfully and a faint flicker of rejection was just about visible.

“Don’t you want me to?” His question was blank.
“No!” I cried. “That’s not what I meant. It’s just trying to make water stay still on

a slope. It’s,”

“Impossible.” He finished, the pain now tainting his beautiful face. I stroked his


“I don’t want it to be.” I told him softly. “I want to be with you.” I felt the sunken

feeling in my stomach lift slightly. It was nice to say it out loud; no matter how
impossible it was going to be. His eyes met mine quickly, his hand holding the one I
had placed on his cheek. The heat burned.

“You do?”
“My family,” I reminded him, “found it difficult for Bella to be friends with you.”
“We sorted our differences.” Jacob pressed.
“You were up for killing my father the other day.” I pointed out and he smiled.
“We were just joking…around…” his voice trailed off. He knew I wasn’t fooled.
“Jacob, it’s killing me. I want to be part of my family. I’ve always felt that tiny bit

separate, being human. I’m in danger. My heart is pulsing right in front of them.” I
shuddered and he winced. “Then, I’m putting myself in more danger, letting myself fall
for a werewolf.” Jacob winced more.

“I promise not to hurt you.” He wavered.
“Jacob, you’re still new to this. Edward constantly tells me,” Jacob rolled his

eyes, “how dangerous you could be, just by accident. He doesn’t want me to get hurt. It
frightens me.”

“I frighten you?” Jacob sounded strangled. I felt like dying.
“I constantly live in danger, Jacob.” I tried to make my voice stern but his

expression was breaking my heart. The heart he wasn’t crazed by. My blood pulsed
around my body. The blood that he didn’t crave for. My face was set into stone. The
face he could rip to pieces in seconds. “I put myself into stupid situations.”

“Renesmee, just say it.” He barked. I jumped at his tone and noticed his face

was suddenly blazing. “You don’t have to give me this crap about your dangerous life.”

“Jacob!” I gasped at him but his hand threw mine away from his face. I gasped

again because it felt like he had broken my bones; most likely had. Jacob stood up
abruptly, looking even taller than usual.

“If you don’t want to be with me then just say it!” He roared, throwing his arms

out. He caught some statues on my dresser and they smashed under his force.

“What? Are you insane?!” I stood up to him and bellowed back. “How dare you!”
Edward swung open the door and was at my side, tugging me back immediately.

That’s when I realised I had launched onto Jacob and had his t-shirt in my fists, my

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teeth bared, my voice coming out in a growl. “You dare think that I don’t care about
you!” I snarled. Jacob stood bone still, his body frozen from shock.

“Come on, Renesmee,” Edward calmly murmured to me as he detached my

body from Jacob’s. I let him do so but carried on growling.

“You are more idiotic than I thought. I asked you to run away with me! Surely

that shows some sort of love?” Edward didn’t react to this and carried on tugging me so
I was soon stood behind him.

And that’s when it began. Edward’s body was already in the position to pounce,

his lip curled as he snarled. Jacob didn’t take long to recognize this and his chest
began to shudder.

“You need to sort yourself out Jacob Black.” Edward’s voice ripped out. Jacob

stayed silent, his body shuddering.

“Edward,” I began, trying to control my anger myself, “don’t fight him.” I

wondered where the cavalry was.

“They’re out buying you things,” Edward answered, “we didn’t know what to do.”

He turned his head and smiled. I couldn’t believe it was the same face that suddenly let
out a low growl. I grabbed his arm.

“Don’t.” Edward looked at me, his eyes fierce.
“Why not?” His voice was dark and menacing. He knew why not better than I did

but still his back arched and his teeth kept appearing from beneath his lips. I ignored
the sudden fear that rippled through my body and glared at Jacob, who was still fighting
against phasing.

“He’s not worth it.”
Jacob looked at me and glared back.
“You’re scared I’ll win.” He stated. Edward and I growled together. Jacob’s face

was smirking at me. The cocky over-confident werewolf was slowly appearing.

“Don’t flatter yourself.” I warned him, stepping closer, letting go of Edward. “I

want you to get out of here and leave me alone.” Jacob’s smirk slowly faded.

“I don’t want to see you,” I said in a low voice, “ever again.” Jacob then smirked


“You know you can’t do that; you’ve tried.”
“I can do it now.” I said. Jacob blinked, removing his smirk. He put his hand to

my face.

“Don’t do this.” He pleaded. Edward straightened up and laughed once without


“Look at our dog, begging.” He said, his voice unfamiliar. “Nice trick Renesmee.”

I closed my eyes as Jacob’s hot hand stroked my cheek.

“Please.” For a second, my heart raced and pleaded with me too. But I let my

head rule over this time. I was a vampire. He was a werewolf.

“No,” I removed his hand slowly. “we can’t do this.”
“We can.” Jacob persisted, tugging at my hands, the one he had pushed away

earlier was searing in pain. I pushed him away gently.

“No.” I told him. He didn’t try again. His body was swinging out of my window

before I could blink. Edward was behind me, hugging me.

“It’s ok, Renesmee.” I turned around to face him.
“I’m not happy with you either.”
“What?” He asked, surprised.
“You make it that much harder,” I groaned, “to do this.” Edward looked up, rolling

his eyes, and sighed.

“You know,” he said reluctantly, “this won’t last. You can’t stay apart.” I gazed at


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“What?” I was in disbelief. “Why?” Edward’s eyes met mine and I saw the

unwilling in them. He was trying to protect me, like a father would. Burning curiosity and
scepticism overwhelmed me. Was this the same Edward who was all up for killing
Jacob a minute ago? And now he’s confessing that I can’t stay apart from him? Who’s
side is he on?

“You might want to sit down.” I did, shakily, and Edward sat beside me, his face

in his hands. I stared at him. “You,” Edward paused, “before you were born, Jacob told
Bella what could happen for a…shape-shifter.” Another sigh. “Imprinting.” I nodded,
knowing what this was. Bella had told me a while back. “Jacob seemed so…intent on
imprinting on Bella. That’s who he loved.” I took Edward’s hand. “But imprinting isn’t
intentional. It doesn’t always happen to shape-shifters. You don’t choose who you
imprint on. Jacob wasn’t imprinting on Bella,” he said this with the smallest hint of
satisfaction, “and he thought it would never happen. Then…” I saw him hesitate; his
face was lifted from his hands but creased…as if he was in pain, “you were born.” I was
watching him so intently I didn’t realise what was coming. “Jacob saw you and he just
knew. Renesmee,” Edward took both my hands and stared into my eyes, “Jacob
imprinted on you.” I stared back, frozen. He wasn’t joking; his face was pained. I closed
my eyes.

“What?” I whispered shakily.
“Jacob imprinted on you.” Edward repeated reluctantly.
“Imprint,” I repeated unsteadily, “on me?”
“He can’t go a day without you, Renesmee. He’s utterly devoted to you.” Edward

sighed, frowning. “He’s very protective over you. He’ll die for you.” I realised what this
meant. If ever the Volturi decided to come back, Jacob would stand between us…and
die for me. I winced. The bubbling anger toward him vanished.

“No.” I murmured. “He can’t die for me.” Edward clutched my hands harder. I

cringed in pain. Yes, confirmation that Jacob had broken my hand. Edward let go and
started examining my hand.

“Let’s go see Carlisle, he’ll sort this out.” He murmured, gently stroking my

injured hand. I nodded wordlessly.

Carlisle gently placed my hand in a protective brace.
“Just take it easy.” He smiled. “No fighting werewolves ok?” I nodded, still pretty

speechless. Edward stood in the corner, frowning, his stance unmoving. Carlisle softly
patted my hand and I jumped off the counter. “Edward?” Edward blinked and stared at
Carlisle. They exchanged thoughts and Edward nodded. I walked out slowly and found
Rosalie and Bella out-stretched on the sofa. They were talking in quiet low voices.
Rosalie’s head snapped up when I walked in.

“Renesmee.” Bella looked at me.
“I think I’ve got some talking to do.” I muttered, walking outside. Bella didn’t try

and stop me but I heard Rosalie snarl.

“Those good for nothing jackasses, those selfish egotistical-“ I slammed the door

before she could insult Jacob further.

I wandered slowly to where I could usually find Jacob. He was lying

against a tree, his eyes closed and his face pressed into a frown. His hands were
clenched and scarred. I then noticed many of the trees were severely dented.

“Jacob?” I whispered and his eyes flew open. He didn’t move though.
“I thought you didn’t want to see me again.” He closed his eyes again. I walked

over to him and sank to the floor by his knees.

“I have to. I found out,” I swallowed, “something.”
“Oh,” Jacob swallowed too, his Adam’s apple bobbing, “what like?” His voice


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“Edward told me about the imprinting.”
Jacob trembled.
“Oh yeah?”
“He told me how you imprinted…on me.” I watched his expression change. The

frown was less potent on his face.

“He said he wasn’t going to tell you yet.” He murmured. “Bella didn’t want him

to.” He laughed once without humour. “She hated me for it.”

“You don’t control it.” Jacob sighed.
“I wish.” He then turned to me, his eyes now open. “But if I’m honest, I’m glad I

imprinted on you.” He grinned that trademark smile and I returned it. I sat closer to him,
the temperature rising every second.

He laughed.
“So,” I paused in thought, “what does it mean?”
“What does what mean?”
“Oh, well it means I’m your slave.” His teeth flashed as he smiled again, putting

his hands out as if I was about to put handcuffs on him.

“I don’t want you to be my slave.” I frowned, pushing his hands down.
“Oh good, cause I’m not running around after you all the time.”
I laughed, shoving him with my good hand. He eyed my other hand and cringed.

“But I promise not to break your hand again.”

“Good cause it hurt.”
“I am superhuman.”
“Don’t I know it?” I said, rolling my eyes. He laughed, the sound coming deep

from his chest. “Anyway, what are the good points of me being your imprint-ee?”

“Well,” Jacob drew a breath, “it means I am crazily in love with you forever.” I

raised an eyebrow but he continued. “It means I am willing to do anything for you and
I’m your eternal protector. Sound good?” Jacob waggled both eyebrows at me.

“Not too shabby.” I mused.
“Mm, indeed.”
“Ok, so the bad things?”
“Oh, well, it means you won’t ever be able to shake me off.”
“I can’t anyway.” I pointed out and he grinned.
“It means I have to see you every day otherwise I go incredibly insane. I think.

That’s how the tale goes anyhow…” Jacob thought for a moment.

“What about the time we didn’t see each other?” I asked him curiously. The huge

teenager blushed, the colour beautiful against his skin tone.

“You didn’t see me but I saw you; every night,” he confessed, “through your


“Oh I see.” I wasn’t surprised. “That reminds me!” I exclaimed. “Does the

imprinting include replacing windows?”

“No, but I’ll sort that.” Jacob frowned. I grinned at him and he pulled me closer.

“There’s something wrong with you.” He said quietly.

“Oh thanks.” I groaned.
“No.” He laughed into my hair. “You should be freaking out. I expected you to

lash out at me. Heck, you locked yourself away when I kissed you. But now when I
confess my eternal slavery and devotion to you, you act completely nonchalant.” He

“Yeah well, I come from a very different family.” I reminded him.

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“Mmm,” he contemplated, “I guess that’s one way of putting it.” He grinned

teasingly. I sighed contently and rested my head on his chest. Our hands entwined – as
much as my broken one could – and I closed my eyes. I heard him snort gently out of
my nose. “You reek, Nessie.”

“So do you, dog-breath.”
He laughed throatily, his cheek now pressed against my hair. We sat in satisfied

silence, our eyes shut and our hands tightly clasping one another. We were bound.

I could barely hear Alice running beside me as we tracked two mountain lions.

We flitted through the trees, my muscles burning, silently.

“Nearly there. Ohh-weeee!” Alice cried as she leapt onto the slower mountain

lion. It growled at her and swung its heavy paws to her face. She remained unhurt and
wrestled it nimbly to the ground, finishing the job in record time.

I raced further, on the tail of the fastest lion. He roared at me but I threw myself

on to his back. His cry was more strangled this time as I threw him up against a tree
trunk, full of anger. Like his mate, he swung his paws out to me, growling, and I was
careful not to get hit. I pressed against his body with my hands, the broken one now
without a brace. Carlisle was impressed with my healing rate and I was equally glad to
be without the heavy plastic guard around my wrist.

I ducked into the lion’s fur, his heat radiating over my body. I suddenly saw his

fur materialize into black before my eyes. I looked up and the face looking down at me
was a wolf’s…with big blue eyes.

“Look at you, Renesmee. Killing animals like a predator.” He mocked, half

ashamed of me. I growled. “Your thirst for my blood is uncontrollable isn’t it? You’re in
frenzy. You have no control.” He let out a snarl which slowly turned into a roar. The lion
was back in front of me and swung his giant paw to scratch my face. I cried out in pain
and threw my head into his fur. I was getting this over and done with.

When I lifted my head up, I saw Alice was holding the lion to the ground. She

smiled at me and I wiped my mouth.

“Mind elsewhere?” She asked innocently. I smiled sarcastically at her and leapt

off the limp lion.

“Let’s go.”
“Wait, you’re eyes are still pretty dark. There’s some elk just east from here.”
“No.” I told her determinedly. “I’ve had enough for today.”
“Ok...” Alice mumbled.
We sprinted home quietly, Alice watching me.
“Stop looking at me.” I said to her, staring back. She giggled.
“Sorry.” Alice’s house came into view as we leapt over the river. Edward met us

by the door, a smile faint on his lips.

“Good outing?” He asked. Alice nodded and waltzed past him inside. She was

most likely going to see Jasper. I stood by Edward and he frowned, puzzled. “Did you
hunt at all?”

“Yeah,” I frowned back, “why?”
“Your eyes; they’re so dark.” Edward’s cold hands cupped my face as he studied

my eyes. This was also giving him the key to my mind. “Did you have a little trouble
hunting?” He then asked with a gentle smile, stroking my scratches.

“I was…” I shuddered at the memory, “distracted.” Edward’s smile was quickly

replaced with a frown.

“Are,” he stuttered after a while, “are you thinking of anything?”

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“I was thinking about hunting…with the lion.” I replied, confused. His eyes bore

into mine but his face was focused. His hands suddenly disappeared from my face as
he leapt back, angry. “What?”

“I-I couldn’t see.” Edward whispered. “It all went black but I could hear,” he

paused, feared. I stared back at him. Had he not seen what I had?

“What did you hear?”
“A howl.” He replied. My stomach tightened. So he had heard it. I swallowed.
“I’ve been having nightmares.” I confessed. He was in front of me again.
“What of?” His voice was hasty.
“I don’t know.” He rolled his eyes. “No, not like I don’t know, know. I just can’t

describe what…he is.”

He?” Edward pressed.
“The wolf.”
Wolf?” He repeated in disbelief. He then became very worried. “Was it Jacob?”
“No. He’s a proper werewolf, black fur, piercing,” my voice broke, “burning blue

eyes and he keeps talking to me.” I realised how insane I sounded.

“He…what does he say?”
“Not much,” I suddenly felt violated and didn’t want to say what he said. I had to

lie. Something unfamiliar inside me was fighting to keep my secret. It was for the best,
something told me. “He just howls.”

“Is that it?” I nodded and Edward sighed.
“This is just madness.” He mumbled to himself and then he caught my eyes. “I’m

going to talk to Carlisle, if that’s ok?” I smiled, thankful he had asked for my permission.
Another thing I liked about Edward.

“Sure. Let’s decipher this thing.” I sounded oddly upbeat; Edward obviously

noticed this with a raise of one eyebrow. He turned swiftly and strolled inside.

I sat on the porch, my eyes closed and my fingers pressed against my temple.

The darkened wolf wasn’t returning at my command. I frowned and concentrated hard.

“Come on.” I moaned. But the chilling eyes did not venture through my mind, no

matter how hard I tried to remember him. I felt a wave of cold rush beside me.

“Are you okay?” Alice asked.
“No.” I said with my eyes still closed.
“Oh,” she said softly, “what are you thinking about?”
“Has Edward spoken to you?” I asked, ignoring her question. She sighed.
“That, then.” I replied with a sigh in my own voice. Alice’s cold hand brushed my

fingers and I shivered.

“Sorry,” she withdrew her hand, “must be odd going from freezing cold to

burning hot, eh?” I nodded; her theory mirrored my stance between Edward and Jacob.
It was hard. It wasn’t as if they were fighting for love, since Edward was my father. He
was just so protective of me and that seemed to irritate Jacob to the end of the world. I
suddenly realised. Jacob thought Edward was trying to do his job. “Are you listening to

“No.” I confessed sheepishly, my eyes opening. Alice rolled her eyes but smiled,

the gesture making my skin tingle. Did she have to be so beautiful?

“I said that Edward also told me about Jacob’s near death.” I scoffed.
“Near death.” I quoted, a smile tainting my lips. “I guess you could say that.”
“Oh,” Alice frowned, her bottom lip jutting out perfectly, “I thought he was just

being a little arrogant.”

“Oh he is but it’s true even so.” Alice raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment. She

then let her hand draw circles on her legs.

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“He’s a little frustrated.” She then laughed at herself. “No, he’s crazed out of his


“Why?” I closed my eyes again, half-wishing for the wolf to return. It felt odd, to

wish for the thing that petrified me to my very soul.

“He doesn’t like to have his talent…undermined.” Alice said carefully. “He was

like this when he first met Bella. Obsessive, you could say.”

“Oh god, he obsesses too much already.” I cringed. Alice laughed musically.
“He won’t be crazed over you, its fine. He couldn’t decode Bella but that doesn’t

matter now. You, on the other hand, do.” I sighed heavily. Alice’s eyes locked onto mine
and she groaned slightly, looking away again. I blinked at her. “Edward mentioned a
wolf?” I winced.

“I don’t believe you.” Alice stated confidently, her jaw locked and her tongue

pushing out against her teeth visibly. I looked at her incredulously.

“Excuse me?” She raised both eyebrows at me, her eyes searing into mine


“You didn’t tell him everything.” I looked away, a deep-set frown imprinted onto

my face. I ground my teeth then spat out,

“I did.”
“Liar.” Her voice was low and accusing. Terribly irritating. I whirled around to face

her and she smiled smugly.

“What are you accusing me of?”
“Edward knows you’re lying too.” Her smile was untouched. “He’s not as stupid

as we like to think.”

“You’re both stupid because I’m not lying.” I felt my face wince because I was in

fact lying…and I didn’t know why. That thought spurred an urge to tell Alice everything. I
let that urge overwhelm itself and my mouth opened, “Ok,” Alice’s smile grew, “I didn’t
tell him everything.”

“Why not? That’s a bit stupid, if you ask me.”
“Well I didn’t ask you so shut up.” I told her sharply. Alice didn’t react.
“Go on then,” She pressed irritably after a few seconds of silence.
“I’ve been having nightmares for a while now,” I inhaled deeply, Alice’s sweet

scent filling my nose, “of the same wolf. But he’s not a real wolf like Jacob, he’s even
bigger, black with blue eyes and he’s always there when there’s a full moon in my
dream.” I swallowed. “I never see him human but he can still talk to me like he is. His
voice,” I sighed, “it’s beautiful, hypnotizing even so I just have to listen to him.”

“What does he say?” Alice asked gently, her eyes blazing with curiosity and

slight anger.

“He tells me…” I stuttered, “I don’t have to be like this,” I gestured to myself,

“that I can be…”

“Be what?” Her question was impatient.
“Like him, he wants me to be like him. He tells me he’ll forever protect me and

the ones I love.” I shuddered when I remembered him promising this, growling so

“My God,” Alice half-whispered, her face stricken, “is he a real werewolf?”
“I don’t know,” I frowned, “I never ask.”
“Does he do anything to you?” Her interviewing continued. I felt my eyebrows

furrow and I cringed in pain as I remembered the large russet wolf lunging out to protect

“He talks a lot and circles me. But it never lasts long…” her eyes questioned me

further. “Jacob’s wolf side always comes in to attack him and I always…” something
caught my throat and I couldn’t continue. I remembered.

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“You what? Always what?” Her voice pressed hastily.
“I always scream…I tell Jacob to stop.” Alice didn’t seem too distracted by this,

though her pupils increased in size as she began to feel shocked. The more information
she got out of me, the more she could go about getting rid of him.

“Does he only come when you dream?” I winced at her question and shook my

head. Her freezing hands took mine and I squeezed it gladly.

“I saw him the other day when I was with Jacob. I had accused him of lying and

he got a bit angry, meeting my eyes and suddenly his face just transformed into him.
His eyes,” I shuddered again, “were just eerily blue and I screamed. I closed my eyes
hard to get rid of him but then the wolf was just prowling toward me in my head,
grinning. Then I felt Jacob by me and he vanished.”

“Is that the only time?”
“No. Today I saw him; he took place of the lion.”
“What did he say?” Alice squeaked, her voice leaking her fear.
“He told me I was uncontrollable,” I gulped, “he said I was in a frenzy, I was a

predator.” I collapsed into Alice’s chest and felt tears fall from my eyes.

“Oh Renesmee its ok.”
“It’s not! I’m a freak.” Alice laughed at me ever so gently.
“We all are.”
I sat silently in the Cullen’s lounge whilst Alice repeated what I had told her.

Bella wrapped her arms around me and murmured comforting things in my ear but I
remained frozen. Edward frowned, his fists clenching, as Alice began to talk about how
I never let Jacob attack the wolf. Carlisle looked at me worriedly but didn’t say anything.
I knew the questions were about to come because Alice’s panicked but musical voice
was trailing. Edward turned to me, his expression pained. I looked back at him,
expressionless. Bella’s arms tightened around me and I rested my head sadly on her

“Renesmee?” Carlisle’s calm voice struck the silence. I met his stare and he

took this as an answer. “When did you first see it?”

“A while ago.” I whispered. Carlisle frowned but continued in the same neutral


“And what happened in that first sighting?”
“I was asleep,” my voice was dwindling, “when I passed out in the forest, and he

came to me and told me I don’t have to worry; that he wasn’t going to hurt me. He told
me,” I swallowed, “that I didn’t have to be frozen anymore. I could just be like him.”
Edward growled and my eyes darted to him. His eyes were closed, dark creases on his
perfect face clearly painting a picture of pain, and his fists were in balls.

“What did you say to him, Renesmee?” Carlisle caught my attention again but

my eyes never left Edward.

“I didn’t. The only thing I remember saying was…shouting at Jacob.” Bella felt

me shudder and embraced me harder. Edward’s face was terrifying and I was fearful
for when he opened his eyes.

“Let’s not ask anymore questions,” Bella glared at them all, “Renesmee can’t

handle it.” I was too frightened to object. I felt the darkness venture into my mind and I

“What?” Edward demanded. He then cringed violently as his ability to see inside

my mind was impaired. Alice understood this completely,

“He can’t see. The wolf is back.”
“Get it out!” squeaked Bella. The wolf prowled toward me, his usual sly grin

absent from his face. I saw dark deep gashes on his body and gasped again.

“What happened?” I asked out loud. Bella let go of me and stared in horror.
“She’s talking to it!” Her voice was frightened. The wolf whined at me.

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“Another wolf decided to challenge me,” he confessed, “you should see him.”
“What?” I yelped. The wolf’s teeth flashed at me and I realised they were tainted

with…blood. “Jacob!” The wolf frowned.

“The russet wolf? No; it was another, gangly one, sandy coloured, very…naive.”

The grin returned and I shivered.

“Seth?” My voice was barely a whisper. I heard Edward’s voice command to

someone…far away,

“Emmett, go find Seth now.” The wolf was a foot away from me now and I


“You know them?” He asked, incredulous curiosity faint in his voice.
“Yes! How dare you hurt him!” I growled at the wolf.
“Oh don’t worry, he is alive…just.” He laughed.
“You vile, sickened creature!” I yelled. “I’ll rip you to pieces!” He cut me off,
“Fine, I’ll leave them be. I’ll leave you, I promise not to upset you again.” And

with that simple statement, the wolf vanished and my mind was suddenly filled with my
usual thoughts. I gasped for air and Edward was clutching my shoulders.

“He’s gone,” he informed everyone, “I can see again.” His golden eyes held

mine. “Are you ok?” The anger was not hidden on his face. His skin was oddly creased
as his scowl hardened.

“Find Seth, now.” I demanded, slightly breathless. Edward smiled ever so

slightly, his eyes still tight with pain.

“It’s ok, I sent Emmett.”
“Good.” My breath was back and I didn’t feel fear at all. I realised, with the hint of

happiness, that the wolf was serious. He was leaving. He had left. I told him to stay
away from the boys and he had. “He’s gone.” I announced, a small smile falling onto
my lips.

“What?” Bella asked, scooting closer to me.
“I told him to go and he has.” I couldn’t stop the smugness taint my words.
“Are you sure?” Edward asked with a disbelieving frown on his face. I jutted my

chin out.

“He’s never done this before so yes, I’m sure.” Bella’s eyes widened and she

smiled. Edward’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket and as quick as a flash, he had it
held up to his ear.

“Emmett?” His face suddenly became worried – too worried. “Where is he?” I

jumped to my feet.

“What?” I demanded to know. Edward didn’t answer me and spoke so quickly I

couldn’t pick out anything coherent. He snapped the phone shut.

“It’s Seth,” he explained darkly, “he’s been attacked.” I felt a lump in my throat.
“He’s ok, right?” I asked warily but Edward nodded and the lump vanished.
“He’s healing fast and is walking on all fours,” Rosalie hissed at this and walked

out, “he’ll be fine.” Edward smiled. I did too, then a huge yawn overcame me.

“You need to sleep.” Bella told me softly and we walked – well sprinted really –


I collapsed gratefully onto my bed. My eyes were about to close when I noticed

my window was fixed. The shining new glass was steamed up and written on it was
told you I’d fix it’. I smiled and sighed contently, closing my eyes.

The wolf didn’t return in my dreams, as I had half-anticipated. Seth visited our

cottage a couple of days after, bounding in with his beaming smile on his face. He
refused to explain the attack but he did say it was a strange dark wolf, twice the size of

“I was petrified of him,” he paused and looked at me, “but I’m ok now.” He added

lightly. His arms were bare and held out for us all to see. He pointed at one arm. “He

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got me here and here…oh and here.” His skin was untouched and he smiled smugly. I
threw my arms around the gangly teenager and breathed a sigh. His skin was hot too,
not as hot as Jacob’s but still burning my skin hot.

“I’m so glad you’re ok.” Seth grinned, flushed slightly, and beat his fist once on

his chest.

“Werewolf, right?” I laughed easily with him. “I better go anyway.” He sighed.

“Leah’s going to give me a mouthful now.” I rubbed his shoulder sympathetically.

“She still anti-vampire?” Seth looked at me with a small frown, his eyes full of


“They all are. It’s difficult to get away from it all.” He sighed again then replaced

his frown with a grin. “Anyway, better go and get a beating.” The tanned teenager
bounded out of the cottage and ran swiftly out of sight.

Jacob quickly appeared in the doorway, his skin dripping wet, his hair ruffled and

covered in beads of water. He grinned and shook his hair.

“Jacob!” I protested, glad Bella and Edward had gone out together. Jacob

laughed but remained outside, his nose wrinkling slightly. “What did you do?”

“Went for a swim,” he said triumphantly, “because it’s so refreshing.” I smiled.
“Well now you’re soaking wet and we’re supposed to be going out.” I raised an

eyebrow at him. He contemplated this for a while then grinned impishly.

“I’ll dry off on the way.” I gestured at his bare chest and persisted,
“Jacob, I am not going out with a half-naked boy.” He laughed at me, rolling his


“We’re going back to La Push first, stupid.” He ruffled my hair and pulled me

outside. I shut the door hurriedly. “Up for a jog?” He asked rhetorically, since he was
already sprinting ahead of me.

“No.” I told him, attempting to catch up. He slowed suddenly, throwing me agilely

onto his back. I protested but clung to his sopping wet chest.

We travelled at an insane speed, whipping past the Cullen’s house and the

driveway. We were alongside the road to La Push in no time. I laughed in disbelief. He
was right, he was drying off and his heat was radiating onto me as we ran. Jacob
slowed when we reached his house.

I could see it was empty before I walked in and Jacob casually led me to his

untidy room. I eyed his un-made bed, with clothes, some torn, strewn across it. “Have
you ever heard of cleaning, Jacob?”

“Yes.” He said, facing his wardrobe. “I just don’t believe in it.” I sighed at him and

started picking up his clothing. He was dressed in seconds, new jeans and a sandy-
coloured t-shirt. His hot breath tickled my neck as he whirled me around and smiled.
“Stop cleaning my room Nessie, you’re not my mum.”

“Thank God for that.” I told him, trying to resist laughing.
Jacob pulled me downstairs and outside again to his red Rabbit. I got in, Jacob

learning that he needn’t open the door for me again, and opened the window before we
even set off.

“Am I that hot?” Jacob asked, laughter rising from his throat.
“No, you’re a little hot-headed.” I retorted, grinning even so. “So where are we

off to now?” Jacob pulled the car into reverse, not answering me. “Not the movies?” I
groaned and he smiled.

“No, not the movies.”
“So where?” I eyed him suspiciously as we pulled out onto the road. We weren’t

heading toward Seattle or Port Angeles. A red checked blanket caught my eye, neatly
folded on the back seat. I raised my eyebrows at Jacob, who looked ahead but his
cheeks became a little pinker.

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“I thought,” he cleared his throat, “I might take you for a picnic.” He flashed his

teeth, “I hope you’re hungry.” I suddenly felt uncomfortable and attempted to sound

“Sure, but if you’re hungry I have no chance of eating even a crumb.” He

laughed again, the sound becoming so familiar to me.

“That’s true.” He mused, drumming his fingers on the wheel.
“Where are we…picnic-ing then?” I asked him, leaning my arm out of the


“On the beach.”
“We could have walked.” I noted, automatically suspicious again. Jacob frowned

ever so slightly.

“A little further out than usual.” He said offhandedly. I nodded as if I understood.
“Right.” I then eyed him up again. “I hope you’re not meaning far out like the

sea?” His bellowing laughter vibrated the shell of the car.

“Of course not! That would ruin the sandwiches Sue made.”
“Clearwater?” I said in disbelief.
“Sure,” Jacob said, confused by my scepticism, “only that lady knows how to fill

a werewolf.” He grinned. I smiled with confusion thick in my brain. Sue Clearwater was
a little like her daughter; anti-vampire. She didn’t like the fact Seth enjoyed hanging out
with me and Bella. She hated the fact that Jacob loved me. Of course she knew this
before me. I frowned slightly and Jacob looked at me for a minute. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah,” I beamed a fake smile, “I’m great.”
“Oh, you look a little,” Jacob’s eyes returned to the road and he slowed the

Rabbit down, turning down a little road. He didn’t finish his sentence.

We weren’t close to the beach so I remained still when Jacob got out of the car.

“Come on!” He called playfully, the picnic basket slung over his arm.

“I thought we were going to the beach?” I said, reluctantly getting out of the car.
“We are, Strawberry Bay.” Jacob grinned, pulling my hand.
“Well, we’re nowhere near the beach.” I squinted, vaguely seeing the sea very

far out.

“It’s not far,” Jacob said as we walked away from his car, “it won’t take long to

get there.”

“Why aren’t we driving then?”
“Because there are hardly any roads going to the bay,” Jacob half-laughed at my

caution, “there’s so much woodland around.” I noticed this as we wandered into the
dark shadows of many huge trees.

“Oh,” I muttered.
Jacob eventually got impatient with the human speed so I challenged him to a


“But the food,” he began to protest.
“Well what else are you insinuating then?” I asked him.
“Just get on my back.” He said casually with a grin.
“What? Oh not again,” I began to moan but he had slung me quickly onto his

back and I just sighed onto his neck. I felt him shiver and smiled.

Jacob lurched forward into a loping sprint through the woodland. I let the wind

scrape at my hair, snuggling closer into Jacob’s hot neck. His grip on my legs tightened
and I saw him beam.

We reached the beach quickly. It was half-empty and absolutely beautiful under

the shimmering sun. Jacob smiled as he let me down onto the ground and I wobbled.

“Woah,” Jacob steadied me, his easy grin still visible, “steady there.” I pushed

him away gently, determined to find my own balance. He laughed at my stubbornness
and swung the picnic basket as we walked further out to the sea.

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“I hope you’re not going to get sandy sandwiches.” I told him, eyeing the golden

sand underneath our feet. Jacob laughed and then settled on a spot close to a bunch of
trees. I sat down with a sigh and removed my shoes. “This place is beautiful. How
come nobody comes here?”

“They do,” Jacob said, unpacking the feast, “sometimes. It’s not as big as the

other beach.”

“This is bigger!” I said.
“Not size wise, just popularity wise.” I watched him carefully unfold the blanket

and place the food on it. Sandwiches, king-sized bags of crisps, tomatoes, cucumber,
hot dogs, burgers, chicken wings, a litre of Pepsi, Angel Slices, cupcakes and a large
sponge cake.

“Woah,” I murmured quietly, “that’s a feast and a half.”
“Yeah,” Jacob grinned, picking up a hotdog quickly and wolfing it down, “my

appetite is larger than most.” I gingerly picked up a slice of cucumber and nibbled on it.
He watched me carefully and I swallowed. The taste wasn’t too bad, something I could
handle, but human food wasn’t my favourite. Jacob picked up another hotdog, then a
burger, then licked his lips. I laughed at him, picking up another slice of cucumber.
“Come on,” he said, “you’ve got to eat something more than that.” I smiled weakly and
chose to open a bag of salted crisps. I felt his chocolate eyes watch me and crunched
on the crisps, wincing ever so slightly. He seemed satisfied and returned to cramming
more food into his ever-lasting stomach.

I tore off my coat and lay back in the sun, sweltering in Jacob and the sun’s heat

combined. I closed my eyes and we sat in silence. I then opened one eye to find that
Jacob was lying down to, head propped up on one arm, eyes watching me closely.

“For God sake Jacob, I’m not going anywhere.” I moaned, closing my eyes

again. “You don’t have to personally supervise me.” He chuckled.

“Sorry, you’re just really pretty.” I felt my cheeks flush but tried to remain


“Thank you.” I didn’t hear him move away and pulled a face. “That doesn’t mean

I still appreciate you staring at me.” I sat up slowly, my eyes opening and raised my
eyebrow. “Aren’t you still hungry?” Jacob smiled.

“I prefer looking at you.”
“Figures.” I muttered. He pretended not to hear and took my hand.
“Renesmee, what do you want to do…with us?” I sighed; this day was just going

to be ruined. I lay back down and frowned,

“Oh Jacob, not now please.”
“No,” Jacob persisted a little urgently, “I need to know.”
“What do you want to know then? Question me till your heart’s content.” He

gripped my hand tighter and rested his head by mine.

“Ok,” he paused, thinking hard, “do you find me attractive?” I laughed out loud.
“Trust you to ask me something like that.”
“Just answer, please.” He didn’t laugh or sound amused. I pursed my lips and

then answered,

“Yes.” I could practically hear his smile burst out onto his face.
“Right,” he attempted to sound casual, “do you want me to be your boyfriend?” I

frowned hard. “Oh, I don’t like that expression.” Jacob muttered.

“I’m sorry, it’s just; I’ve known you since I was born.” I told him gently, refusing to

open my eyes and see his face. “You were like a brother to me.” I heard him sigh but
continued. “When I was younger, I never thought of you that way.”

“I didn’t either.”
“Good, I wouldn’t like it very much if I knew you thought of me as your

boyfriend.” I half-laughed.

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“You know what I mean.” Jacob groaned. “Carry on wounding my ego then.” I

slapped his arm gently.

“It hasn’t even been that long since I thought of you like that.”
“Only a year and a half to be exact.” Jacob said, almost regrettably.
“See and you’re already falling in love with me. I’m still so young! It’s just

because of my freaky DNA that I’ve grown fifteen years ahead.”

“Will you ever…stop aging?” He asked warily.
“We’re not sure really but I haven’t made much progress recently. I’ll think I’ll

stop when I’m around seventeen, eighteen, just like Edward and Bella.” I shuddered.
“To think of me getting stuck at thirty or something.”

“Thirty’s not old! “ Jacob cried, amused. “I’m nearly there, physically.”
“Jacob, that’s different, you have dog in you.” I told him. “Do you want an answer

to your question?” There was an awkward pause and I knew Jacob had forgotten what
he’d asked me. “If I wanted you to be my boyfriend, idiot.” I reminded him and he

“I know. I was just testing you.” I smiled sarcastically at him and he gestured for

me to continue. “So you think I’m more of a brother?” He mused. “I don’t think a brother
should kiss you like I did…”

“No, that’s just gross Jacob.” I cringed. “I don’t think of you as a brother much


“Good, I don’t want to be getting all incest on you.” He teased then he paused.

“So what do you think of me then?” Jacob’s voice suddenly turned serious.

“Well,” I started, “obviously I like you a little more than a brother or a friend.” I

sighed. “There are just so many complications.”

“I’m not asking if it’ll happen. I’m asking if you want it to happen.” I opened my

eyes at him and stared at his face.

“Fine.” I snapped, suddenly self-conscious. “I would like it to happen.” I felt


“Oh good-o.” Jacob grinned smugly. “So why can’t we just carry on like it then?”
“Because half of my family still has you on their death list, that’s why.” I

reminded him and he winced.

“Oh yeah…”
“Jacob, this is an unlikely relationship. It’s like a cat and a…”
“Dog?” Jacob laughed. I smiled quickly.
“I’m forcing immortal enemies together.”
“No you’re not.”
“Jacob, don’t you remember who I am?”
“You’re Renesmee.” He answered, dumbly. His grin was still occupying his face.

I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply.

“I’m a vampire, Jacob. You are a werewolf.” His grin vanished and he frowned

deeply. “Edward still hates you. Rosalie,” Jacob growled at her name, “despises you to
the depths of Hell. Sam doesn’t know I’m over here and if he did, he’d rip you to pieces.
I’m crossing the boundaries.”

“You’re half human, you’re allowed to.” Jacob whined.
“I’m a Cullen. You aren’t.”
“Gee, that took some detective work.” Jacob growled and I frowned at him.
“I’m trying to make you see this from my perspective.”
“Don’t you want to see things from my perspective?” He asked and I was caught

short. “This loving you isn’t the easiest thing in the world, Renesmee. You think the
complications are all for you and they’re not. Like you said, Sam will kill me for bringing
you over here. Your family still aren’t entirely convinced that they shouldn’t kill me and
well, your father…” Jacob sighed, “it’s not as if he’ll happily give me a blessing.”

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Another sigh escaped his lips depressingly. “I’m breaking all the rules and I’m not even
enjoying it that much.” A frown invaded his face and I felt suddenly sympathetic. I felt
horrible for making him do this. I clutched his back and pulled him closer to me, so his
face was inches from mine. His eyes closed, his frown still apparent.

“You don’t enjoy this?” I asked before pressing my lips lightly on his. His hand

found my waist and rested there. It wasn’t aggressive – thankfully – and I enjoyed the
moment of power I had over him. I let one hand delve through his hair and the other
traced his impressive muscles on his arms. When I pulled back softly, Jacob sighed.

“I enjoyed that,” he whispered with a grin, “very much so.”
“I thought so,” I smiled back.
“So did we ever get a conclusion out of this?” Jacob asked as I rested my head

on his chest. The golden sand squirmed underneath us and the sea sang from far

“I would like you to be my boyfriend,” I listed, “my family might kill you and you

mustn’t ever tell Sam I was here.” He grinned into my hair.

“Right.” We sat quietly for a moment then his hot breath tickled my hair as he

spoke again, “Oh can I ask you a question?”

“You haven’t left me with much choice there, Jacob.” I replied.
“Can I kiss you again?” Without letting me answer, he squirmed down to meet

my face and his lips were lightly on mine. Again, it wasn’t a wild kiss and I preferred it
that way. It wasn’t leaving me gasping for air either, which was another good point. He
released me after a while and I realised that he was quite a good kisser when he wasn’t

“Yes you can.” I murmured, a giggle twirling through my words.


Jacob and I found ourselves lying on the beach for most of the day, the sun had

just about set. Jacob seemed to be asleep; contented snores leaking out of his mouth. I
smiled gently and my eyes adjusted to the lack of light. I stared with wonder at the sky.
It was a beautiful mixture of different shades of blue. I looked around me and
everything seemed to glint in the blue light. It was stunning, beautiful and most
definitely breathtaking.

I sat up to look out to the far away sea and Jacob stirred.
“Look at it,” I breathed, “it’s beautiful.” Jacob sat up slowly, groaning groggily. He

then looked out to the sky and smiled.

“The time of innocence.” He kissed my cheek gently.
“What?” I asked, my eyes not leaving the sea.
“Oh, a little history I remember. This is the time the flowers smell their sweetest,”

he inhaled me deeply and smiled, kissing my neck once, “indeed, sweet.” I smiled at
him and sighed,

“How do you know that?”
“Just knowledge,” Jacob said smugly, “I do pay attention at school.” My heart

lurched. I hadn’t been to school yet, though my physical appearance called for it. I’m
not sure I ever would, Edward was thinking of being my personal tutor.

“Is that so?” I mused, the thought of Jacob doing Maths when in his free time

he’s fighting off dangers and saving my life causing me to giggle. “So what’s the actual
name for this time of day? Isn’t it just dusk?” I wondered.

“The blue hour.” Jacob announced.

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“The blue hour,” I repeated slowly, “the time of innocence.” Jacob kissed me

again. I rolled my eyes. “Well Jacob you’re not acting very innocent.” Jacob looked at
me and made his eyes go all puppy-fied. I groaned and pushed him. “That’s not fair;
you’re going all dog-eyed on me.”

“Sorry, it’s a side effect, what with the wolf in me.” He said casually, as if he was

talking about the side effects of a normal headache. I rolled my eyes again at him but
he just grinned. I got to my feet reluctantly, my muscles protesting after the hours of
lying down. The wind gently brushed my cheeks and I inhaled deeply. The smell of the
sea tickled my nostrils.

“I better go home; I dread to think what’s awaiting me.” Jacob unwillingly stood

up beside me and took my hand.

“Stay with me.” His voice was serious.
“Jacob!” I scoffed, “I was planning to stay alive y’know.”
“Oh yeah,” Jacob suppressed a grin, “I forgot about that. Maybe you shouldn’t

then.” His hand, hot, was still protectively wrapped around mine.

“Are you going to drive me home or do I have to show off my running skills?” I

asked, watching the smile grow on Jacob’s face. His tanned skin glowed an unfamiliar
colour in the blue light.

“The second option is so tempting but I was hoping to get home before the end

of the week.” I slapped his chest hard but he didn’t flinch.

“Shut up and take me home.” I tried to scowl but his brilliantly humorous

expression prevented this. In a few seconds, we had the blanket folded up back in the
picnic basket and I was settled comfortably on Jacob’s back.

We reached his red car, sitting like a loner, quickly. I threw the basket in the back

as Jacob revved the engine. This time I didn’t open the window and enjoyed the heat
whilst I could. Jacob noticed this with a raised eyebrow as he pulled away.

As soon as we entered Forks, I saw a silver Volvo driving insanely behind us. I

groaned and Jacob’s grip on the steering wheel tightened. The Volvo followed our tail,
the engine growling, until we reached the Cullen’s driveway. This was where Jacob
pulled up and I got of the car reluctantly.

“Are you going back to La Push?” I asked, trying to ignore the Volvo that had

gone snarling down the driveway.

“Yes, I feel a little bad, camping out here all the time and leaving Billy alone.”

Jacob explained from inside his car, his eyes wandering down the drive. He had an
angry expression lingering on his face and I sighed,

“I’ll fight my battles alone then.” I went to close the door but Jacob pushed it

back open and leaned out.

“I’ll be here when you need me.” I noticed he had used when and not if. We

were both certain I was going to get told. I nodded at him and shut the door. Jacob
pulled away extra fast and I wandered down the drive reluctantly. I expected Edward to
ambush me right there but I reached the Cullen’s house unharmed. I inhaled and
decided to go straight home. I ran quickly past the half-glass house and leapt across
the river, breathing hard. I wasn’t sure if I could hear someone running behind me; my
heart was pounding in my ears.

I slammed into the cottage door and rushed in. It was empty. I ran to my room

and closed the door. As I turned around, I gasped loudly. Edward was standing over
me, expressionless. Oh crap.

I wavered at the door, my legs crumbling slowly beneath me. Edward’s golden

eyes were fierce and bore into mine. I cringed when his mouth opened,

“Did you have a good day?” The words were slurred as he tried to swallow a

growl. I smiled slightly,

“Yes thank you.” A burst of confidence ran through me, thrilling my heart.

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“Did you ever think of your family worrying sick about you?”
“No, actually, I didn’t.” I answered casually, trying to move past him, but

Edward’s stone body blocked me.

“Well I think you should have. You don’t realise how hugely worrying it is when

your future suddenly disappears and we can’t do anything about it.” I sighed,

“So I spent the day at La Push, who cares?”
“You shouldn’t be there Renesmee, we’re not allowed.” Edward growled. I

winced, remembering the famous invisible boundary line.

“How come Jacob can come here then?”
“That’s entirely different, he comes here as your protection,” Edward spat the

word as if it tasted bad in his mouth, “you just go to be leisurely.”

“Oh my gosh, not leisurely!” I gasped in mock horror. “What is the world coming

to?” Edward slammed his hand down on the door, blocking me further and I jumped.
His lip curled but he restrained himself from snarling at me. His eyes were scarily dark
and un-readable as he glowered down at me.

“Renesmee, you have got to stop prancing around like everything is ok. You are

half vampire.”

“Really?” I went for the sarcastic card again. He sighed crossly,
“Stop being stupid.”
“Sorry, family traits die hard.” A growl slipped through his lips and I raised my

eyebrow at him. “Not going to bite me are you?” I knew I was pushing him too far. His
face showed me this as it froze. “Really, Edward, I know you wouldn’t do anything.”
Edward leaned back, removing his hand from my now-dented door.

“Sorry,” he started, “I didn’t mean to get so angry.”
“That’s ok, you don’t scare me.” I said lightly. I moved out of the way so he could

get out of my room. He was about to close the door when I called out, “Oh and you’re
so replacing my door.” His chuckle was barely audible as he walked out. I sighed in
relief. I didn’t think he was going to be so easy to annoy. Yet I was thankful that my
father was civilized enough to apologise for scaring me.

I sat down on my bed and frowned. What was it with this breaking my stuff? First

Jacob smashes my window now Edward’s denting my door. Whatever next? Bella snap
my bed in two? I laughed at this.

I got up and sat back down at my vanity table – a present from Rosalie. I began

to reluctantly brush my tangled brown hair. It was hard keeping up appearances when
your family looked so perfect…constantly. My hair seemed to protest silently as I pulled
the brush through it. I squirmed in pain as I caught a large tangle. “Stupid fast running,”
I muttered.

There was a knock at my injured door. “Come in!” I called out. Bella stepped in

and eyed my door curiously. She then looked at me for answers. “Oh, ask Edward.
Stupid fool decided to break my door.” I said. She frowned briefly then sat on my bed.

“He told me he got a little angry with you. I came to see if you were ok.”
“Oh, I’m on top of the world.” I smiled.
“So, you spent the day with Jacob?” Bella asked, stroking my blanket. I winced

as I caught another tangle.

“Yeah, we had a picnic.”
“Did he demonstrate his talent of eating inhumanely?” Bella chuckled.
“Of course.” I grinned back through my mirror.
“What else did you guys do?”
“We spent all day at the beach, it was lovely.”
“All day?” She eyed me suspiciously but I answered truthfully,

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“Yeah, crazy I know. We just got talking then Jacob fell asleep so I just lay there

for ages. When he woke up, you should have seen the sky. It was beautiful.” My smile
lingered as I remembered the beautiful scene, Jacob at my side.

“Cool,” Bella murmured, “what did you talk about?” I paused momentarily.
“Oh, urm,” I half-panicked, “just things.”
“Like what?” She pressed, her eyes staring at me.
“Well if I’m going to be entirely honest,” I grinned, “he asked me if I was attracted

to him.” Bella stopped stroking my blanket.

“What did you say?” She was curious but not like a normal mother should. A

normal mother would be giggling, blushing even a little vicariously, as she reminisced
about her old childhood sweethearts as her daughter relived hers.

“I told him the truth.” I answered.
“Which was?”
I turned around to face her, putting my brush down. My hair seemed to like this.
“Why do you want to know?”
Bella smiled,
“A mother can’t know these things?”
“You just seem interested for the wrong reasons. You might tell Edward.” I sat

beside her and she smiled comfortingly, holding my hand.

“I won’t tell Edward. I promise.”
“I told him yes,” I whispered, as if Edward was right there. Bella nodded. “He

also asked me if I thought of him as a boyfriend.” I felt Bella’s muscles tense but
continued, “I told him yes after thoroughly explaining my relationship with him
previously.” Bella closed her eyes and nodded again.

“I see.”
“It’s bad isn’t it?” I groaned.
“Truthfully?” Bella opened one eye. “Yes, it is bad.”
“Oh man,” I sighed, “I can’t get anything right. Hell, I can’t even figure out what

species I want to be. Am I human, am I vampire?” Bella suddenly laughed loudly. I
studied her expression which was full of humour. “It’s not funny!” I protested. She
silenced her laughs but remained smiling.

“Sorry,” she said, breathless. I frowned at her disapprovingly but her smile made

her more radiant - if that was possible.

“I’m so lost,” I moaned at her, “does it mean because of my half-human side, I

can be with a werewolf?” I frowned at my odd question.

“Uh,” Bella thought for a couple of seconds, “that’s a tough call.”
“Tell me about it.” I rolled my eyes and watched the confusion flicker over her

face. Her eyes seemed to crease in concentration.

“Well, I was with a vampire – whose life revolves around killing people – whilst I

was human. I guess being with a werewolf shouldn’t be as bad.” She then winced, “I
know what happened to Emily, but you have the reflexes and the strength of a vampire.
You should put up a good fight.” A grin pleasured her lips and I beamed back, almost
feeling high again.

“You think?” My voice squeaked. This was a wonderful theory, absolutely


“But don’t you dare,” her demand came out as a growl, “tell Alice or Edward that

I helped you with this.” Her long white finger pointed at me. “It was your theory.” I
grinned and nodded.

“Sure, my theory.” Bella smiled back and stood up.
“I think you need to sleep.” Her face was suddenly maternal. I had to blink to

realise it was her. “You’re starting to look like me when I’m hungry.” Bella pulled a
mock-horror face and I laughed.

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“Ok, ok, I take your point.” She left me to get changed into my pyjamas.
I closed my wardrobe after hanging up my clothes and turned around. A warm

body was stood right behind me and I had to take a double take. “Jacob, for god sake,
what is your problem?” He flashed me his teeth in a grin and took my hand, pulling me
to the bed. “Bella is just outside,” I warned him, trying to suppress a smile; “she could
seriously hurt you if you decide to harass me.”

“I won’t,” Jacob held my gaze with his gorgeous chocolate eyes, “I promise.” I let

him pull me to my bed and we sat down together.

“So what do you want?” I asked, my hand still in his. He bit his lip and looked

down at his knees. “Uh, Jacob,” I waved a hand in his face and his head snapped up,
“I’m up here.”

“Oh, right,” Jacob’s low voice came out in a staggered stutter.
“What’s up?”
“I heard it.” His grin was exploding on his face, almost too wide. I pretended to

act innocent,

“Heard what, exactly?”
“Your theory.”
I blushed, my face pink and his hand traced my cheekbones. His sudden

intimacy made me shiver. “I like it a lot.”

“Oh,” it was now my turn to stutter, “good.”
“Will you…test your theory?” His face held mine and I giggled at his attempt to

act nonchalant. I raised an eyebrow then and contemplated for a moment.

“I might…” I trailed off with a smile, “but then…” His lips were quickly on mine.

His hot breath tickled and his hands sizzled my skin. He began to pull me closer but I
detached myself slowly. “Ok, fine, I’ll test it out.” Jacob’s wolf-like smile sent thrills
through my body. He leaned back from me and wrinkled his nose again.

“I have a feeling I better make a run for it.” He quickly kissed me again on the

cheek and was out of sight, my window slamming after he had opened it.

Alice danced in, her permanent smile apparent on her face. She examined mine

– which was attempting not to flush – and seemed to automatically flick her head
toward the window. I tried to ignore this and waited for her to say something.

“Shopping. Soon. Me. You.” She ordered simply. I nodded and then flashed her

a brilliant smile and she laughed. “Yes, of course we’ll be taking my Porsche.” Her
mimicked smile was staggeringly beautiful. Was I ever going to get used to my family’s
amazing beauty?

“No.” Edward answered, slinking in behind Alice, his eyes on me. I noticed the

sly grin on his face and relaxed.

“Oh damnit,” I frowned, “it’s not pleasant you know, being dazzled by your own

family.” Alice beamed.

“I’m dazzling you?” She asked smugly. I nodded reluctantly and she squealed.

“Oh, pleasure, much.” I laughed at her and she danced out gracefully. Edward stood
hesitantly by the door, instinctively masking the dent.

“Did you come to say something?” I prompted, tugging back my covers and

snuggling inside. He smiled,

“I’ve come to apologise.”
“Hmm, I should think so. My door wasn’t best pleased.” I said, lying down. His

smile broadened slightly and he turned to my door,

“I’m terribly sorry door.” I nodded,
“She forgives you.” Edward turned back to me, his amber eyes liquid and soft. I

felt even more relaxed. He had no sense of anger, anxiety or aggressiveness about
him. I took this as a rarity and wallowed in it.

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“I’m sorry too, Renesmee. I acted very inexcusably.” He looked down, breaking

my vision from his eyes. I found this disheartening and yearned for him to look back up
to me. I felt safer when he could see me and I could see him. “Sometimes I think,” he
laughed at himself, “I’m the worst father in the world.”

“That’s not true.” I mumbled, disheartened further. His eyes locked onto mine

again, to my gladness.

“Really, Renesmee, I’m far too aggressive around you.”
“Well you have good reasons to. I’m not the perfectly behaved angel am I?”
“No,” he grinned, “definitely not.”
“See?” Edward’s perfect teeth gleamed, even though in near darkness, as he


“Thank you,” his voice was utterly humble, “I promise never to do that again.” I

felt my head hit the pillow and he was suddenly standing over me. His cool hand
brushed my hair out of my face and he placed a fatherly kiss on my forehead. I closed
my eyes contently, feeling the most protected I had ever felt. Edward was the best
father in the world, I thought smugly, and he was mine. “Thank you.” He said again,
obviously hearing this. I grinned,

“That’s a pleasure.”
“Now sleep, my dear daughter,” I felt him turn to move and tugged at his arm

hastily. I opened my eyes and he looked down at me anxiously. “What is it?”

“Don’t leave,” I took a deep breath, “I feel really safe right now.” Edward seemed

to magic a chair from out of thin air and sat beside me. “I don’t worry about nightmares
anymore.” I told him and he nodded.

“Good.” I let go of his arm and relaxed. “Has he ever returned?” Edward’s voice

seemed faraway. I must have been drifting off.

“No,” I murmured back, “I think he really meant it.”
“If he ever does,” I heard the slight anger in his voice, “I’ll be here to protect


“I don’t think you’re the only one on that wagon.” I said with a proud smile.

Edward’s eyes tightened faintly. I decided to close my eyes and felt Edward tuck the
blanket higher around my neck. I squirmed and heard him chuckle quietly. I felt my legs
numb as slowly, my body began to surrender to sleeping.

My eyes took a while to adjust to the soft light in the room when I woke up. My

alarm clock told me it was nine o’clock. I squirmed out of my duvet to sit up and saw
Edward, sitting in the same place as he had last night.

“Edward!” I scolded as his golden eyes watched me, slightly anxious. “What are

you doing?” He smiled gently,

“Keeping the big bad wolf away.” His grin was infectious and I smiled back.
“You idiot,” I said, “I had the best sleep ever.” I stretched my legs and arms and

his smile continued to radiate from his face.

“That’s good to know.” He flexed his white fingers and stood up.
“Where’s Bella?”
“Oh,” he hesitated and immediately I began to panic. His tawny eyes narrowed

as he studied my alarm. “She’s talking to Jacob.” My heart didn’t pound any less. I
gripped the duvet and stared back at him, his face unhelpfully blank. I then realised he
had used talking and not eating. This was a little more reassuring but my pulse didn’t
stop racing. A brief smile flashed across Edward’s face. “No, she’s not eating Jacob.
Don’t you have any faith in any of us Renesmee?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t you start with me. You were tempted by that thought recently.” Edward

held his hands up,

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“Guilty, I’ll confess. At least I had a good reason.” I scoffed at him and his face

flickered another grin at me. This grin was oddly like Jacob’s. Reading this, Edward
scowled comically. “I hope not.”

“Sorry.” I said. His smile wasn’t absent for long and his hand reached out for


“Come on then, would you like to go see your boyfriend?” His voice cracked on

the last word and I saw the reluctance in his voice. I felt utterly sympathetic for him. I
took his hand and let him pull me gently out of my bed. “Now I know how Charlie felt,”
Edward muttered, his eyes flickering to mine.

“No thanks,” I then told him, causing surprise to invade his face, “I want to talk to

the rest of the cavalry about something.” His eyes questioned me and he tugged me
further. I looked down at my pyjamas and he, knowingly, left the room to let me change.

Edward’s eyes creased as he smiled at me when I bounded out at him. I pulled

a face and made my hands into claws,

“You are…utterly terrifying.” He told me wryly, his eyes rolling. I slapped his

chest hard and he rolled his eyes again. “Ouch.” I pulled him impatiently and we raced
out the cottage, like racehorses out of the stalls. As we ran, Edward’s head inclined my
way. “What do you want to hold a meeting for?” He asked. I restrained a smile,

“You’ll find out.” I winked and pushed myself further.
When we reached the Cullen’s house, Edward tried to ask me again. “Wait and

see!” I laughed at him and pushed open the door. Alice had obviously seen the need for
a meeting coming and had everybody seated, even Bella. I looked at her but her smile
at me was serene.

“Will you be long?” Emmett asked. Rosalie clipped him around the ear and he

protested loudly.

“No,” I said, barely audible above the unnecessary noise Emmett was making, “I

promise.” Edward sat down and I stood at the end of the table.

“Out with it then,” Alice winked. I cleared my throat and began talking, a small

smile on my lips,

“Whilst I was out with Jacob,” Rosalie pulled a face, “he mentioned his

education. It got me thinking. He went to school and, no offence Edward, but I don’t
think I’ll like being tutored from home. I want to make friends. I want to live the human
side of life just for a bit.” I paused, taking in their shocked expressions, “I want to go to
school.” Esme smiled,

“That’s a wonderful idea.”
“Are you crazy?” Rosalie hissed.
“Oh, can I pick your school outfits?” Alice squealed and Edward shoved her. Her

grin didn’t falter. Jasper looked at me thoughtfully and I looked back, equally thoughtful.

“What school?” Bella asked, her face a little less aghast now. Carlisle’s eyes

were bright and staring at me, a smile on his lips.

“Forks, of course.” He said for me. “Wherever else?”
“But we went there.” Emmett said, confused. Rosalie rolled her eyes but then

looked at me, her face full of wonder.

“We can’t exactly say Bella and Edward have had a child. She looks far too old.”

Her voice was a little calmer this time.

“She can be a long lost cousin of some sort.” Bella thought hard. Edward smiled

at her,

“Of who?”
“You.” Bella announced brightly. “You look most like her.”
“No way,” Edward frowned, “you are too similar.”

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“No,” Alice interrupted, “if she were Bella’s cousin, she would stay with Charlie

wouldn’t she? She has to be related to Edward.”

“I am.” I said with a wry smile.
“Edward’s cousin,” Esme laughed, “our family keeps growing.”
“I thought she started out as your niece?” Emmett asked with a grin. Bella shot

him a sudden dark look and he removed his grin. I remembered; I was first introduced
to Charlie as Edward’s niece.

“Can we really do this?” Jasper suddenly asked. I flinched at his icy voice but

Carlisle’s warm expression didn’t fade.

“Of course,” he said calmly, “an education would be good for Renesmee.”
“It’ll be nice for her to make new friends.” Edward said, his voice a little rougher.

I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t start,” Bella touched his arm. He gazed back at her and silenced.
“So, where do I sign up?” I asked, clapping my hands once. Carlisle smiled

proudly, his brilliantly white teeth shining.

“I’ll get you in. I think,” he frowned in concentration, “they will be coming back

from a term holiday. You’ll fit right in.” Alice jumped up and grinned widely.

“Come on then Nessie, you only have three days left. We have to sort out your

wardrobe.” Bella suppressed a laugh and watched me, her eyes creasing. Carlisle
rolled his eyes affectionately.

“So I’m guessing she gets in then?” Rosalie asked Alice, her usual scowl back.

Alice nodded,

“Of course, niece of the best doctor in Forks definitely deserves a place.” Alice

took my hand and swept us out of the room.

I lay down on my bed, sighs rolling off my tongue uncontrollably. Alice glared

back at me, her fingers sifting nimbly through my wardrobe. I sat up and slapped my
hands lazily onto my legs.

“Haven’t we done yet? I’ve got my outfit now.” Alice’s glare hardened.
“I’m just checking.” I flopped back down again so I was unable to see another icy

look shoot at me. Alice then slammed the wardrobe doors closed and sighed, “See?
Didn’t take long.” She then concentrated hard. I sat up at her sudden silence, expecting
her to have stalked out.

“What are you doing?” Her eyes opened and she smiled,
“I want to know people’s reactions to you.”
“Alice!” I protested, tempted to push her out of my room.
“What?” She asked innocently but a tiny frown curved her lips downward, “I can’t

see anything anyway. I can only see the school but nothing about you.” I smiled smugly
and stood up. “I’m going, I’m going!” She cried, walking briskly out of my room.

I looked in my wardrobe to see she had separated one outfit from the other

millions of clothes I had. I pulled it out, interested. She had picked a snow white shirt
teamed up with an icy blue sweater. Then, Alice had chosen some brilliant white skinny
jeans. I hung it back up, pretty impressed, and stooped low to see she had separated a
pair of white fabric pumps. I nodded in satisfaction and closed the wardrobe door.

First Impressions

Nerves got the better of me the night before my first day at school. Edward had

spent the days I had left to teach me perfect handwriting, basic multiplications and
basic science facts. Having a half-vampire brain, I was able to pick these up very
quickly and had now realised I had a talent of writing. Bella watched me, impressed, as
I packed my bag before I got into my bed. Alice – of course – had picked out a
fashionable white leather handbag, big enough for an A4 folder to fit in.

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“Ok, night my girl.” Bella said softly into my ear as I sunk into bed. Her cool hand

brushed the hair off my forehead and she placed a soft kiss there. I smiled,

“Night mom.” She vanished before me, walking quickly to the door. Edward

stood at the doorway and I flashed him a grin. He smiled warmly back and closed the
door behind him and Bella.

I was just drifting off when I heard a huge slam. I bolted upright, petrified, my

heart racing crazily. A sudden gust of hot air hit me in the face and I rolled my eyes.

“Jacob, do you insist on giving me a heart attack?” I asked the huge figure that

stood in the darkness. I practically heard him smile and his weight suddenly made my
bed creak as he sat down.

“I didn’t mean to slam the window,” he confessed, still in the dark, “but there’s a

bit of a wind out there.”

“You’re just still unaware of your inhumane strength.” I prodded him and he

laughed quietly. I reached over and turned my lamp on. The soft glow illuminated his
brilliantly tanned torso and I stared at him for half a second.

“Mmm,” he agreed, “that could be it.” His eyes met mine and I felt the usual

tingle tickle my body. His hot hand found mine and I flinched ever so slightly at the
temperature. I knew my own temperature ran at a 100ºF but Jacob’s, only a degree or
so higher, always shocked my skin. “Are you nervous?” His grin was temptingly

Jacob had been over the moon ever since I told him I had decided to go to

school. He didn’t like the idea of me moping around the forests when he had to
graduate. I told him that I certainly don’t mope about. I could picture his wolf-y grin as
he confessed to me he didn’t want any boy drooling over me. I smiled now.

“Yeah,” I told him, “petrified.”
“You’ll do just fine. Did fortune girl tell you how it’s going to go?” Jacob asked,

still unable to use my family’s real names. I groaned at this but, as per usual, he didn’t
correct himself.

“No, she can’t see me very well can she?” He nodded.
“Oh yeah, you’re the freaky one, right?” I pushed him, my palm pressing the

gigantic muscles on his forearm. Jacob raised an eyebrow at my meek efforts but I
pulled a face back. “I’m actually quite excited for you.”

“Oh really? Is that why you have a mad grin permanently stuck on your face?” I

laughed and his grin just widened.

“It just be nice to have…” his voice trailed off in thought,
“To have a normal girlfriend?” I teased. His eyes flickered to mine shyly. A frown

made his eyebrows furrow.

“What grade are you going in?” I laughed out loud at his question and his naïve

expression. He frowned harder at me so I answered quickly, hoping for his expression
to soften.

“I’m going it at ninth grade, a freshman.” I smiled proudly and his hand squeezed


“Will you be ok?”
“What, with the work?” I asked him. His worried face made me anxious and

frustrated at the same time. Did he think I wasn’t capable or something?

“Well…yeah.” His expression suddenly turned sheepish and I felt a little less

irritated. However, the tiniest bit of anger couldn’t be held back in my voice.

“I’m perfectly capable, Jacob.” His eyes darted away from mine. “Don’t you think

I can do it?” Another of his boiling hot hands gripped mine and his eyes became puppy-
like. I tried to look away but they held me tightly.

“It’s not that Nessie! Not that at all! I just don’t want you to feel pressurized.

School, scarily enough, should be sort of fun.”

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I smiled; the last bit of irritation fading away.
“I promise I’ll be ok.” I squeezed his hand, forcing cold air between them. My

palms were becoming sticky. Jacob then caught sight of my alarm clock and his
eyebrows shot up.

“Crap!” His hands let go of mine abruptly and my heart stuttered. “You better get

some sleep, Ness.” I grinned then.

“I was about to until you decided to sneak in.” I raised an eyebrow and watched

his cheeks flush that little bit pinker. I took hold of one of his hands and pulled him
toward me. My colder lips hit his first but his weren’t too far behind. One hand pressed
my face closer through my hair and the other clenched my other hand. His hot breath
smothered my face but I closed my eyes contently.

Jacob, as usual, got more aggressive as time passed, his lips beginning to force

harder against mine. I then let go of his hand and pulled slowly backwards. His eyes
were still closed as he leant forward, motionless. I smiled, smug. “Goodnight then.” I
attempted to snuggle down as far as I could in my bed and closed my eyes, the smug
smile still apparent on my face. Jacob was still for another minute then slowly got up. I
could feel his breath on my forehead as he planted a soft kiss on my pink lips.

I opened my eyes, hoping to catch his expression, but I saw a large figure hop

out of my window. The frame slammed back down and I saw the glint of his white teeth
as he grinned back through the glass.

A cold sensation rushed through my arm as I was jolted forward and backward.
“Renesmee! Get up!” Bella called. I groggily groaned back at her, refusing to

move. In one swift movement, she had carefully dragged me out of bed and stood me
up. I stared at her, unable to scowl so early in the morning. “I’m not having you late on
the first day of school,” she winked, “I was always on time.”

“Uh, geek?” I pointed out but she laughed.
“I was definitely not a geek.” She gently pushed me to my bedroom door. “Go

have a shower and then get changed.”

“Yes ma’am.” I rolled my eyes and strolled casually into the bathroom. Out of the

corner of my eye, I saw Bella rush over to Edward and kiss him.

After showering, I pulled my chosen outfit off their hangers and tugged them on.

My skin looked ivory against the cool colours. I examined myself carefully in the mirror.
My hair was in ringlets, dark against my pale appearance. My eyes looked especially
dark, even pretty. Alice laughed from behind me and I jumped.

“Yes, you look gorgeous.”
“You think?” I asked, hopefully. She nodded, impressed with herself.
“A true Cullen.”
“You think they’ll like me?” Alice’s smile was plenty reassuring.
“I can’t promise you, but I can judge for myself. A Cullen is always loved.” I

grinned and slung the handbag onto my arm.

Edward’s eyes widened as he saw me.
“You’ve never looked older.” He said.
“That’s such a parent thing to say,” Alice muttered, strolling beside me.
“Who’s taking her?” Bella asked, looking up at Edward. He opened his mouth

but Alice cut him off quickly,

I am. My Porsche hasn’t been for a spin in a while.” I stared at her. The

Porsche? I was being chauffeured in a Porsche on my first day of school?

“You’ll make an impression, all right.” Edward told me. I nodded slowly but Alice

had her hand wrapped tight around my arm.

“Let’s go!” Bella rushed forward and hugged me.
“Good luck, Ness.” I swallowed and smiled at her.

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“You’ll be wonderful,” Edward reassured me, “Alice will make sure of that.” Alice

laughed and pulled me out of the house.

“Good luck again!” Bella called before Alice slammed the door.
When we reached the Cullen’s garage, Alice gave my appearance a last check-

over. I posed extravagantly at her, causing her to show all her teeth in a wide laugh. I
hopped into her brilliantly yellow Porsche, my pulse thumping faster than normal. She
revved the engine excitedly and pulled out quickly. I was amazed at the speed she
drove at, winding down the drive as if it were a race track. Looking in the mirror, I
caught sight of the rest of the Cullens waving. I waved out of the window back and
Emmett laughed loudly.

I saw Forks High School sooner than later, Alice’s daredevil driving was never

going to allow me to be late, and my heartbeat quickened again. A crowd of people, no,
everybody stared at my transport and Alice smiled smugly. The clouds rolled over the
sky darkly so she peeked her head out whilst parking.

“Do you think any of the seniors will remember me?”
“I doubt they would forget the ‘amazing Cullens’.” I laughed shakily. My hands

fumbled at the door and Alice pulled me back in.

“Good luck today Ness, I’ll be nearby if you need me.” She passed me a small

silver cell. Boastingly, she revved the engine once more as I stepped out. A crowd was
beginning to form around us. They stared at me in wonder and I smiled at them all,
hoping that I was able to dazzle some. This might have been the case, since their stare
continued to lock onto me. Alice tore away, the Porsche growling.

I was left standing there, Edward’s hand-drawn map in my shaky hands. One

tall, lanky, tanned boy stepped forward and showed me a beautiful smile. His blonde
hair was medium-length and swept across his forehead.

“Hello, I’m Jackson.” He put a hand out for me to shake, which I did nervously.
“I’m Renesmee, Renesmee Cullen.” He nodded,
“I guessed. My brothers were seniors with the rest.”
I sighed. Of course everybody knew them. How could Alice be so arrogant to

wonder? “Would you like a personal buddy?” His voice wrapped around me and
seemed to sound appealing.

“Yes please. Edward drew this,” I showed him the map, “but I think I’ll look stupid

with it.”

“Of course not,” Jackson pointed to some younger kids, younger than me (in

theory of course) who were walking around, eyes glued to maps. I laughed,

“But I’m supposed to be a freshman.” Jackson began walking so I walked beside


“Everybody has to start somewhere,” he shrugged. I considered this and smiled.

This wasn’t half bad.

As we strolled through school, people stared and stared. Some even dared to

point. Jackson laughed coolly, “It seems everybody knows you.”

“Uh,” I gazed back at everyone, “it seems that way.”
“You’re a famous Cullen, Renesmee,” Jackson smiled superiorly, “how can

people not stare?” I dropped my gaze to the floor. Jackson noticed this and cleared his
throat. “So, what have you got first?” I didn’t bother getting my timetable out, I had
memorized it.

“Biology.” I cringed; Edward had told me not many people seemed to like the


“Room 24?” Jackson asked, a perfectly shaped eyebrow raised. I nodded and

his answering grin nearly took me by surprise. “Me too! At least you’ll know someone.”

“Who else is there?” I asked eagerly. New friends were my top priority.

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“Oh my best buds CJ, Kia and Lily.” He told me airily. “Though watch out for Kia;

she’s a little eccentric.” I laughed; no one could be more eccentric than Alice. He looked
at me oddly but I unleashed a Cullen smile on him. The confusion vanished from his
face and we reached the Science block.

Jackson swung open the door and I heard a high-pitched squeal. A flurry of red

hair suddenly swallowed my new found friend, along with the squeals. Thin, pale arms
curled around Jackson’s shoulders and he laughed, letting his hands carefully rest on
her hips. I stood back warily.

“Jackson! Argh, Jackson!” The high voice spluttered. The girl pulled away and I

saw her face. It was very pixie like, her nose pointed and her dark chocolate eyes thin.
“I can’t believe we’re freshmen!” Jackson let go of the girl and smiled.

“Yes Kia, I know.” His voice was oddly sarcastic and he rolled his eyes, winking

at me afterward. I smiled sheepishly.

“Who’s your friend?” Kia asked, eyeing me. She stood on her tiptoes and her

hands were on her hips. Jackson gestured quickly to me,

“This is Renesmee,” Kia’s eyebrow rose, “she’s a new girl here.” Jackson

pushed me gently toward a row of desks. A very tanned boy with short scruffy hair had
his head in his hands and sat next to caramel-skinned girl with long, long blonde
straight hair. Her green eyes were fixed onto me but her hand waved. Kia skipped
beside Jackson, who was intent on getting me sat down.

“Who’s this?” The girl asked.
“Renesmee,” Kia answered, almost scornfully, “Jackson’s new friend.”
“Hey,” the girl greeted me in her soft voice, “I’m Lily.”
“Hey.” I said with a small smile. She patted a stool next to her and I hopped onto

it. Lily extended her long arm and shoved the tanned boy next to her. He groaned and
looked up with the same green eyes. Lily rolled hers and grinned at me,

“This doofus is my brother, CJ.” CJ waved and then sunk his head back down on

the desk. “He went out late last night.” Lily explained, laughing. I nodded, pulling out my
pencil case. I worried about the equipment I had as I looked at the biro Lily had
entwined in her fingers. It seemed I had too much.

Jackson sat on the other side of CJ, his blue eyes glued onto me. Kia was sat

beside him, attempting to get his attention. I grinned to myself. “So,” Lily gazed out of
the window, “when did you move here?” I struggled for an answer but she didn’t seem
to notice.

“I’ve been home-schooled up until now,” I finally blurted out. Her eyebrows rose

but she didn’t look at me.

“So how come they’ve decided to enrol you now?”
“So I can stop being a loner, perhaps?” I laughed. She did too, the sound so

carefree. It felt great to hear it.

The door swung open and a tall, brisk old man stalked into the room. I realised

then that the classroom was packed out with other students.

“Good morning class, bright and early.” The old man greeted us, his eyes not

meeting any of ours. “Right, hand out the new books will you, Mr Drayton?” He pointed
to a boy who sat at the front. He scrambled to his feet and picked up a pile of yellow
books. I felt Jackson’s eyes fall away from my face when ‘Mr Drayton’ threw the books
at us. I caught mine agilely, Kia’s eyes widening at my skill. Lily giggled, hiding her face
with her hair. “What’s so funny Miss Clarkson?” Lily lifted her head abruptly, her face
like stone,

“Nothing Mr Jenks.” I remembered this, Mr Jenks.
“Good, now everybody name your books.” Mr Jenks logged onto his computer

and put his briefcase down by his desk. I mentally prepared myself for the lesson.

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Biology seemed to pass quickly. I looked down at my book. It was filled with my

curly handwriting and a surge of pride overwhelmed me. Mr Jenks was surprisingly
thorough with his lessons and I had every one of his notes written down. Lily looked at
my book, a mixture of bemusement and amazement on her face.

“What?” I whispered to her when she laughed quietly to herself.
“Renesmee, how much have you written?” I looked down at my work.
“Uh,” I mumbled and she smiled.
“You must have written everything that jerk has said.” I blushed and she laughed

again, softly. CJ groaned quietly, rubbing his blood-shot eyes. Jackson shoved him in
the shoulder and CJ raised his book to smack him around the head. I flinched; who
knew humans were so violent? Lily groaned, “They’ll never grow up.” I smiled and
looked at the clock. It was only about twenty seconds till the bell so I stuffed my book
and pencil case back into my bag. Lily watched me amusingly and I had stood up by
the time the bell rung loudly.

“What have you got next?” Jackson asked me eagerly, flicking his hair out of his

eyes. I thought for a moment,

“History,” he was about to ask where so I answered with a grin, “room sixteen.”

His eyebrows pulled together as he frowned,

“Oh, I have Geography.” Lily’s arm found its way through mine,
“Great! I have History with you.” I felt a wave of relief wash over me; I wasn’t

quite ready to face school alone. She pulled me out of the room as soon as Mr Jenks

“Dismissed.” The corridors were madly crowded again but Lily roughly pushed

everyone out of the way. Her smell suddenly washed over me. I fought hard to forget
about it. I heard Kia call after her but she rolled her eyes then met mine.

“You do not realise how long that girl has been bugging me.”
“What, you don’t like her?” I let my other hand press my bag closer to my body

as more people shoved past me. Lily let out a long sigh as Kia rushed to her side.

“Wait up, Lily.” She said sharply, glaring across at me. I let my eyes tell her to

back off. She flinched and I felt a tingle of satisfaction run through me. Kia pulled Lily’s
arm so Lily’s ear was by her lips but I heard every word, “You’re not ditching me are
you?” Lily scowled,

“For God sake, Kia.” She roughly straightened back up and grinned at me. We

reached room sixteen quickly and Kia let Lily through first. I went to walk after her but
Kia had slipped in with another icy stare.

Before I knew it, it was lunch. I stared, panicked, at the long cafeteria room. It

was buzzing with conversation and…food. I had luckily got all my current lessons with
Lily and she had been telling me the rules of school.

“And never, ever admit to liking some geeky subject like Trig. Ugh, that’s social


I smiled,
“Sure, though I’ll doubt I’ll like it.”
“So, you’re a Cullen?” Lily pulled me down on a long white table, currently

occupied by CJ – who still had red puffy eyes.

“Yeah,” I glanced at her brother who hadn’t noticed our arrival. He must have

had a bad night. If only I could touch him and find out…

“Woah, I didn’t realise. I mean, of course now I totally see.” Lily’s eyes glinted in

the light of the cafeteria.

“Ha,” I looked shyly down at the table, “you knew them?”
“Oh, Jackson’s brothers knew of your cousins. I’m good friends with his

brothers.” Lily unpacked a sandwich out of her bag and I winced slightly. “So are you

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actually related to one of them? I know about the whole adoption thing.” I cringed; this
was going to be a creative day. I must remember my story and then I vaguely recalled
Alice telling me a story plot I could use.

“I’m actually related to Edward. We found each other only recently and my foster

parents are going away for a year or so on work business. Edward was more than
happy to let me live with him.” I smiled, perfectly said.

“Wow. That was some lucky find,” she said between bites, “where did you come


“Helena, Montana.”
“Cool, I think my parents vacationed there vaguely.” Lily contemplated this for a

moment, her sandwich mulling around in her mouth. I took this little time to remember
the rest of my story. I knew the geographical side of Helena – it bordered North Dakota
and Idaho, it homed the Banff Springs Hotel...

Jackson, followed by Kia and another tall girl with a short black bob, waltzed into

the cafeteria. His face lit up when he saw me, which made me feel slightly smug.

“Renesmee!” He called, strutting over. A flash of annoyance darted across Kia’s

face; her small features looking slightly evil. She followed him nevertheless, walking
daintily on her tiptoes. Jackson slammed his bag down on the chair next to me with his
grin still apparent on his face. “I’ll just get some food.” I watched him stalk off and Kia
glared harshly at me. Lily sighed as the smaller girl sat next to her.

“Ugh,” Kia groaned, “Miss Ellington is still the grumpy old cow she always was.”
“What did you expect?” The black-bob-haired girl said, her accent heavily

Southern. I noted this in my head. She reached across the table and tapped CJ. He
looked blearily at her then suddenly burst out a grin.

“Hey Frankie,” he said enthusiastically, “how was your day?”
“Terrible. I do not like school.”
“Aw, c’mon, we are Freshmans now.” Frankie took out an apple from her bag

and bit it neatly.

“That hardly makes any difference, CJ.” Kia spat, sipping from her water bottle.

Lily glared at her,

“Shut up Kia.” There was a clatter of plastic hitting the table and I saw Jackson’s

tray bounce beside me. His eager grin was predictable; his blue eyes alight as he
looked at me.

“Pizza?” He offered me a piece but I cringed, leaning away.
“Uh no thanks.” Lily looked at me oddly,
“Don’t you like pizza?” Kia and Frankie spluttered and Kia coughed,
“Freak.” Lily’s glare was heart-breaking and Kia looked ultimately surprised.
“I’m allergic to a lot of things,” I told them embarrassingly, “I tend to eat at home

more than anything.” I was glad when the blonde decided this was a fair enough
answer. They all sat in momentary silence as they ate. I felt oddly excluded and
fumbled around with my hands. Kia shot me deathly glances every now and then but I
greeted all of them with the same innocent smile. This annoyed her a lot.

“What have you got last?” Jackson asked, pushing his tray aside. I blinked as I


“Oh, god,” he groaned, “not with Miss Phillips?” I nodded, confused. Jackson’s

eyes rolled. “She’s awful.” I turned to Lily, who looked utterly sympathetic,

“Sorry Renesmee, I’ve got English Lit.” I panicked; could I manage a lesson

alone? I looked helplessly around at the table at the unsuspecting faces. Only one
showed promise.

“I’ve got Spanish,” Frankie said, somewhat regrettably. I considered her; she

didn’t seem too dependent on Kia nor any other boy on the table besides CJ. I think we

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were able of getting along. “I’ll walk you there. Don’t want you getting lost do we?” Kia
rolled her eyes,

“Where have you moved from?” Her high-pitched voice was tainted with anger

so I kept mine very innocent and calm.

“Helena, Montana.”
“So how are you here and why are you a Cullen?” Her questions were spat at

me as if they tasted bad. I saw her wince in pain as Lily stamped on her foot.

“What?” Kia blinked her small eyes, “What did I say?”
Jackson sighed, almost smiling,
“You are an idiot.”
Kia grinned obviously glad of his attention. She twirled her red hair around her

finger and blushed.

“Shut up.” Her eyes momentarily met mine. “So, are you going to answer?”
“Oh,” I blinked, “I’m Edward’s cousin. We only recently found each other.”
“So who were you living with beforehand?”
“My foster parents.” I answered slowly, confused at her stupid question. She

rolled her eyes as if I had missed something childishly obvious. I racked my brain and
came up with nothing. Was she simply just going to be annoyed with everything I say?

“Well duh, we all know Edward’s family died.”
“Kia, for the love of God!” Lily protested angrily. “Do you have any respect?” Kia,

again, played the innocent card but this time did not make Jackson react. He simply
ignored her.

“My foster parents are going away on business work for a while. I’m living with

Edward now.” I explained, my teeth clenched.

“With all of the Cullens? I hear Bella’s there too.” Frankie paused as she saw my

eyes flicker at the mention of Bella.

“Yes with all of the Cullens.” I answered, fighting back the annoyance. Was

everybody this nosey?

The bell suddenly sprang to life and I jumped.
“Come on,” Frankie eyed me up, “let’s go.” Kia looked suspiciously at Frankie,

who turned away from her swiftly. The small girl huffed stubbornly and linked arms with
Lily. Lily protested quietly. I watched everybody in the cafeteria slowly rise and leave. It
was amazing, just like sheep. CJ followed us slowly; his eyes close to the ground. I was
going to have to get used to this nocturnal being.

“I’ll meet you in the car park?” Jackson said suddenly, as we reached a corridor I

hadn’t been in.

“Uh, yeah sure.”
“Who’s picking you up? Edward?” Lily’s eyes flashed with excitement. I studied

her carefully, smiling,

“He might well do, or Alice will.”
“Ah!” She squealed, “Edward!” I laughed. She obviously didn’t realise it was my

dad she fantasized about. Jackson grinned sheepishly at me then turned to go. “Can I
say hello to him?”

“Uh, sure.” I giggled. Lily’s grin widened and she embraced me. This close to

her, I could smell her again. She smelt better than anything I have ever hunted. It was
sweet, not uncontrollably tempting but certainly appetizing. I shook this out of my head.
I was a human today. She pulled away and I could even hear her heart racing; another
temptation just calling out to me.

“I’ll see you later.” She dashed away to catch up with Jackson, who playfully

laughed at her. Frankie tugged at my arm and pulled me down another corridor.

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“That girl is hilarious,” she said quietly. I smiled but then Frankie’s unfamiliar

eyes locked onto mine. “Woah, your eyes…” she trailed off. I felt like turning away
hurriedly but forced myself to keep eye contact.

“What?” My voice was pretty steady.
“They’ve gone quite dark. Are you feeling ok?” Frankie’s voice, on the other

hand, was slightly ragged. I flashed her an emergency dazzle smile which seemed to
daze her for a second.

“Really? How odd,” I pretended to think for a moment, “I’m feeling just fine.”
“Maybe it was…the...” Frankie stuttered, her eyes gazing at me. I smiled in my

head; this Cullen smile was going to be very handy.

“Are we at the language rooms yet?” I asked brightly. I noticed the correct room

and walked in.

“Um, yeah.” Frankie said behind me, her voice still dazed.
Miss Phillips was a short, stout, stupid woman. She wore the worst clothes in the

world – Alice would actually throttle me if I dare browsed these clothes. Her hair was
like straggly wet thread and hung limply in a ponytail. Her face was worn, wrinkles
beginning to set deeply by her dark eyes.

When she spoke, her crooked teeth would startle me. Her accent was rough and

unsteady and I heard a lot of the students speak a lot better than her. Frankie was one
of them.

“Qué página del libro querría usted que nosotros estudiar, Señorita Phillips?”

she asked fluently, her heavy Southern accent non-existent. I translated this quickly in
my head. What pages in the book would you like us to study, Miss Phillips? Miss
Phillips looked at her gladly; the other students barely participated.

“Llame veinte a veinte seis por favor, Francesca.” Page twenty to twenty four

please, Francesca, she answered, her teeth bewildering me further. Frankie turned to
page to the correct one and I scanned it quickly. We were studying accommodation and
hotels. I smiled, ready to show off my Spanish skills. Without my amazing vampire
descendents, I would have never been able to talk Spanish in the slightest. Thank the
lord for Edward Cullen.

“Perdone, nos querrían que Señorita Phillips, pero usted trabajemos solo o con

un socio?” Excuse me, Miss Phillips, but would you like us to work alone or with a
Frankie stared at me. Yeah, take that.

“Cualquier usted encuentra más fácil. ..Miss Cullen.” Whatever you find easiest,

Miss Cullen. Some students gasped at my second name, obviously unaware of my
presence. A lot of the class stared.

“Another Cullen? Haven’t they all graduated?”
“Dr Cullen has adopted again?”
“She looks oddly like Edward.” The whispers were quiet but I heard them easily.

Every person, it seemed, was fascinated with me.

“She’s not as pale as the others. She doesn’t have the same eye colour either.” I

heard a boy mention. I grinned, wondering if I should say that was because of my half-
species. This, I had to fight back. Frankie was still looking at me, her eyes intent.

“Have I got something on my face?” I asked innocently, forcing down a laugh.

She shook her head and focussed on the work. I smiled happily; I was a Cullen. Oh
yes, take that.

Frankie stalked out of the classroom with me following her happily. We had been

asked to do some pair work and Frankie did not like the fact Miss Phillips asked me to
demonstrate a conversation. Thankfully, Lily crashed into me only a couple of minutes
after I had left the classroom.

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“Come on!” Her blue eyes were spilling fireworks. Her hand took mine and she

pulled me through the crowds of people.

“Lily!” I protested, getting squished between hot bodies. Smells were smacking

me in the face and my heartbeat was racing. I had to keep concentrating on where I
was going.

“Don’t loose me Renesmee!” came Lily’s giggly reply, wafting through the halls.
We finally got to some doors which led us outside, to the car park. I noticed the

silver Volvo immediately, especially since it was crowded quickly by girls my age and
older. Lily whirled around, her blonde hair like a helicopter. “Is that Edward?” she asked
in a low voice. I nodded, suppressing a sigh. “Oh my gosh, come on, he’s waiting to
pick you up!” I felt my arm jolt as Lily began to tow me quickly to the Volvo. “Excuse
me!” she yelled at people who were crowding the Volvo. “Cullen coming through.” The
crowd began staring at me now. My heart raced again. The driver’s window rolled down
and Edward, wearing dark black sunglasses, looked out with a smug grin. He had
noticed the clouds, no sun in sight, and now was making this ten times more
embarrassing for me.

“Come on Nessie, jump in.” He called and all the girls squealed. Lily hugged me

roughly, her own squeals slipping out of her lips.

“Call me!” She thrust a crumpled piece of paper in my hand and then pushed me

toward the passenger door. I opened it and glared at Edward, who laughed. Somebody
caught my eye as I went to get in. Jackson was eyeing the car, his eyebrows raised. CJ
was stood beside him, his tired eyes barely open. Beside CJ, Frankie and Kia stood
with their mouths slightly open.

“Renesmee,” Edward muttered, “come on.” I got in quickly and slammed the

door. He revved the engine and pulled away, scattering the crowd. “So how was your
first day?”

“Better until you showed up,” I answered coolly. Edward’s laugh easily glided out

of his mouth.

“Oh come on, I just had to see if everybody still adored me.”
“You are absurd,” I muttered.
“Anyway, who was the blonde girl?”
“Oh that’s Lily,” I looked out of the window, the road whipping past us, “she’s

really nice.”

“Mmm,” Edward agreed, “who’s the blonde boy at the back?” I stared at him.
“Oh you were running through his mind quite a bit.” Edward turned his head to

meet my eyes. His expression was sly and almost amused.

“Oh, ur,” I turned away quickly, only to his more amusement, “that’s Jackson.” I

clutched my hands together and realised we were almost home. “You drive faster than
Alice in her Porsche,” I told him disapprovingly. Edward flashed a smile at me.

“My car handles it better.”
“Better than a Porsche?” I scoffed and he grinned.
“My car is very reliable and sophisticated.”
“I’ll give you that.” He turned swiftly down the drive and raced crazily to the

Cullen’s astonishing house. I threw open the door as soon as he braked and tore off my
seatbelt. “Are they all waiting for me?”

“Yes,” Edward grinned, at my side immediately.
All of them?”
“Yes.” His grin widened and I sighed, walking into the house.
Alice was the first to pounce.
“Nessie!” she cried eagerly, clutching my shoulders. “How did it go?”

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“You would not believe the time she has spent trying to see you.” Rosalie

muttered, her eyes flickering away from mine.

“Alice,” I accused her curtly. Alice just beamed and sat me down quickly. Edward

walked swiftly to Bella’s side, who was staring at me proudly.

“How was it?” she asked. I looked up at her with a smile,
“It was great. I met a lot of new friends.” Alice gripped my arm.
“Who? Tell me!” Jasper sat beside her and touched her leg gently.
“Let her talk Alice.”
“Sorry,” she murmured to him. He smiled at her and she snuggled into his chest.
“Uh,” I looked away, “I got on really well with my lessons. Nearly all of them I

have friends in.”

“That’s good. So who are your friends?” Bella asked.
“There’s CJ, Francesca, Jackson and Lily, who might be falling in love with

Edward.” I added frowningly. Bella laughed musically,

“Oh is that so?” She eyed Edward who held his hands up guiltily. “I told you not

to go pick her up but you said she had asked you.”

“No, he just wanted to check on his ongoing fan club.” I retorted. Alice burst into

a fit of giggles and Rosalie pursed her lips.

“Did they all remember us?” Emmett asked, his huge build crammed into an


“Stupid question.” I muttered to him. He grinned at my expression and Alice

patted my leg.

“At least we gave you a head start.”
“No, you gave me some girls who are crazily infatuated with my so called

cousin, who in fact is my dad.” Alice laughed but I scowled at my lap. Saying it out loud
was terribly embarrassing. What if they were only making friends with me because I
was a Cullen? I thought about this; but then Lily took interest in me before asking me
for my second name.

“I’m sure your friends are great people,” Edward said, looking at me knowingly. I

nodded, pulling a face.

“How were the lessons?” Bella asked, her eyes concerned, “the work wasn’t too

hard was it?” I scoffed,

“Per-lease I got it all in a second.” Edward smiled smugly at Bella, as if to say ‘I

told you so’. “I even got every note written down in my book.”

“That’s impressive.”
“Did you expect any less?” I teased before stretching out. “God, it takes it out of

you though.”

“Why don’t you go back home and unpack your bag?” Bella suggested and I


“Sounds good.” I turned to leave then looked back at Edward, “Oh, and before I

forget to mention, please don’t ever take me or pick me up from school.” Edward
laughed and the sound rang in my head amusingly as I shut the door.

The cottage was peaceful and quiet. I threw my bag on the floor and got

changed into some sweats. My window was open, the slight wind blowing my curtains
gently. I shut it, my expression confused. Had Bella opened it? My room was oddly
warm as well, especially since the window had been opened… Then I slowly turned
around and smiled slightly. Bending down to see underneath my bed, I could feel the
heat escalate. “Jacob?” I heard his breath slip out of his mouth as he chuckled quietly. I
dangerously put my hand into the blind darkness and tugged at his chunky arm. “How
the hell have you slotted yourself underneath my bed?” Jacob wriggled out, wearing the
usual jeans.

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“I’m not sure really,” his bewildered tone amused me, “I just wanted to surprise


“Well you didn’t shut the window and my room was stupidly hot. How was I not

supposed to realise?” His grin was sheepish.

“I guess I’m not the best hide-and-seek player.”
“That’s not true; you’d be a good sniffer dog.” I teased, tapping his nose with my

finger. He took my hand and laughed,

“You need to watch yourself with those dog jokes,” he pulled me to his chest;

“it’s not exactly like your perfect yourself.” I pursed my lips,

“I don’t agree.”
“Me neither.”
I laughed, his tanned skin mesmerizing my eyes. He pushed back my hair out of

my face and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I sat him down on my bed and he cradled
me. “How was school?”

“It was ok.”
“Meet any nice people?”
“Ugh, you sound like my mom.” I growled. Jacob laughed,
“Sorry, I’m just curious.”
“Yeah I met a couple of nice people.”
“Any boyfriends?”
“Ok, now you’re definitely sounding like my mom.” I looked up into his eyes,

which were staring intently down at me. “Plus, you’re my boyfriend.”

“Hm,” Jacob grinned, “you still up for that?” I rested my head on his perfect


“Of course, you idiot. Are you always this paranoid?”
“It’s just hard to believe,” he murmured, “someone loving a…dog.”
“Jacob!” I cried, frowning. He leant back in surprise as I glowered at him. “For

God sake, you’re so stupid.”

“I’m sorry?”
“Would you stop trying to make me confess my love for you all over again?”
“Sorry,” he grinned, “it’s just great to hear.”
“Ugh, typical.” I growled. Jacob’s long arms pulled me closer to him, the heat

burning. I closed my eyes, the frown remaining on my lips. Jacob’s slow breathing was
in rhythm with my heart and I let the frown slip away.

We sat silently and motionless for a while until I heard a low noise. It seemed to

be singing. My eyes wandered up to Jacob’s face and saw his lips moving. He was
singing. Very gently and quietly, so quiet I’m sure he didn’t mean for me to hear. He
might have thought I had fallen asleep. I closed my eyes until the low humming

I slowly straightened my back and kissed him on the cheek. His warm hands

held my face as I let my lips linger for a moment inches away from him. My body was
sculpted to the curves of his and I sat comfortably let my head loll onto his shoulder.
Then, his hands entwined with mine and I smiled instinctively.

“Have you had any nightmares lately?” His husky voice slowly tore at the

silence. I shook my head.

“What about you?”
“That’s doesn’t matter.” Jacob looked away, his muscles tensing. I lifted my head

and attempted to meet his gaze. The stabbing in my heart hurt; why was he having

“Yes it does.” I argued. His eyes, desperate, met mine and I swallowed, “tell


“Forget it Nessie, you are all that matters to me.”

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“Don’t use that on me,” I groaned. He laughed once without any amusement and

I huffed, angrily. “Just tell me Jacob.”

“No,” he detached himself from me and the cold suddenly washed over me. I

shivered but my eyes narrowed crossly.

“Why do you do this?” Jacob looked at me accusingly as my question hit him.
“Every time I ask to know something, you just rip yourself away from me and go

into a sulk. It gets so frustrating.” I crossed my arms and pretended to shoot daggers at
him using my eyes. He rolled his eyes, turning away. His large frame looked out of
place in my room but the soft light illuminated his outline amazingly. I tried to not let this
distract me. “It’s not fair,” I mumbled after the awkward silence.

“Life isn’t fair, you should know that.” Jacob told me, quietly angry. “Aren’t I

allowed to keep something from someone?” I knew he was referring to sharing the
pack’s mind. I understood invasion of privacy well, what with Edward being my father.

“Why me?” He flinched as I asked this, his well-developed muscles quivering.
“Some things you shouldn’t know.” His answer was point blank, blunt, almost

final. But I would not be beaten by this over-grown teenager with a fierce growl.

“But what if I want to know? Oh wait, no, I don’t have a choice,” I slapped my

forehead mockingly, “how could I forget that minor detail?” I stood up next to him,
dwarfed. My voice, however, carried a lot of aggression so I knew I could even out the
argument a little.

As much as I hated fighting with Jacob, something inside me refused to back

down. Jacob’s empty stare was killing me.

“Renesmee,” his voice was softer now, “I don’t want to argue with you.”
“Then just tell me!” I cried, exasperated. I tilted my head upwards to meet his

stare again but his dark eyes were looking through the window.

“Ok fine, yes, I do keep having them. There, you happy?” Jacob turned away

from me angrily.

I realised why he didn’t want to tell me. Jacob was afraid of being vulnerable. He

had already been weakened by his uncontrollable emotions and he wasn’t going to be
any less of a hero now.

I blinked and saw Jacob had vanished. His figure was darting away in the forest,

his elongated stride covering the ground impressively. I swung my head out of the
window and went to call him back but my voice caught. He wants to be alone, I thought
as I shut the window.

“Come on; let’s be human for a bit.” I said wittily to myself. Flopping onto my bed

once again, I pulled out the silver cell Alice had given me and found the small piece of
paper that Lily had given me. I typed the number in nervously and held the phone to my

“Hello?” Lily’s voice bubbled out.
“Hey, it’s Renesmee.” I sank back onto my pillow and closed my eyes.
“Oh hey! Oh, you called!” Lily cried happily.
“Yeah,” I laughed gently, “I guess I have.”
“You sound unhappy, what’s up?” I heard her scuffle around and sighed,
“You’ve known me for a day and you already know me too well.” Lily’s laugh was

flawless as it simmered out of my phone.

“So, are you going to tell me? Is it Edward?” Her pitch rose as she said his name

and I frowned at my ceiling.

“What is it then? I promise not to tell anyone. We’re best friends right?” I smiled

half-heartedly and turned over on my bed, away from the window that seemed to
dominate my bedroom now.

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“Ok, well I keep arguing with my friend Jacob.”
“We’re really close,” I said desperately, “but he keeps annoying me and I just

can’t stop fighting with him.”

“What’s really close?” Lily laughed after a long pause. “Is he your boyfriend


“Um, maybe?” Her laugh rang around my head again.
“Renesmee! Is he hot?” It was my turn to laugh then as I felt the colour flood my


“Yes, extremely; you would not believe how much.”
“Oh my god! Can I meet him? I promise not to steal, just ogle.”
“Sure,” I grinned, “if I make up with him.”
“Oh yeah you said you argued. What was it over?” I thought hard; I shouldn’t

spill mine and Jacob’s secrets.

“I can’t even remember, just something stupid he wouldn’t tell me.”
“Then just apologise and tell him how amazing he looks,” Lily said brightly, “guys

love a little bit of ego-boosting.” I could even hear her grin as I pushed my hair out of
my face.

“Ok, I’ll try.”
“Let me know how it goes tomorrow, ok?” Again, I heard Lily bash things about.

It sounded like perfume bottles and metal…jewellery perhaps?

“What, go now?”
“Of course!” Her voice made me sound like a child. “What do you have to


“My life,” I muttered quietly.
“Renesmee?” I chewed at my lip nervously,
“What are you doing?” I stared around my room slowly; what was she on about?
“Ur, talking to you in my room?”
“Why?” Her voice turned serious and I panicked. Did she not want me talking to

her? I bit my lip harder and frowned,

“Why not?”
“You need to go talk to your boyfriend!” I bolted upright and nearly dropped the

cell. My hand tightened around it instinctively and I rubbed my forehead, my eyes
wandering over the window. A flicker of colour rushed past it and I stared harder, Lily’s
voice fading. The colour flashed past again as my eyes squinted to refocus.
“Renesmee? Renesmee are you there?”

“Uh, yeah,” I mumbled, as Lily’s voice seemed to reappear, “sorry.” I shook my

head and turned away from the window. As soon as my back was turned, I heard a
huge bang on the glass. Lily shrieked before I did, causing me to almost drop the cell.

“Renesmee what the hell is that? Did you just break down a door?” I turned

around to see the glinting of some white teeth and the chocolate eyes of a very familiar
and apologetic person.

“No,” I surprised myself by laughing carelessly, “that’s Jacob banging on my

window.” Lily’s end was in stunned silence as I realised the fact that I had actually been
honest. Jacob tried to open the window but I waved my arms and shook my head. His
face was confused and hurt but I smiled.

“Jesus,” Lily eventually muttered, “he beat you to it then?”
“I’m afraid so,” another laugh tinted my words, “I better go see what he wants.”

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“Don’t forget,” Lily practically shouted, “I want to meet him! Mention my name!

How we’re friends! How I wan-“ I cut her off and threw the cell onto my bed. Jacob was
waiting patiently at my window, his grin increasing when I took another step. I slowly,
teasingly, opened the window and leant on the frame.

“What do you want, Jacob?”
“You.” He grinned, pulling me out to kiss me. I let him kiss me for a second then

pulled back with a frown,

“You’re not getting away with that episode of sulking with me.” I told him sternly

and he pulled a face,

“Well if you would have let me kiss you longer, I would have gotten rid of that

memory pretty quickly.” I laughed gently, the wind catching my hair. His warm hand
rested beside mine on the window frame and I felt the wood ache underneath his

“Just tell me what you want Jacob.” I watched his expression change, from

surprise at my abruptness, to realization at my gentle face, to embarrassment about the
silence and then finally to a shy smile. I watched affectionately as he began to

“I’m really sorry for just vanishing. I didn’t know what to do, I don’t want to worry

you; it upsets me if I do. I promised you happiness and if I make you sad then it’s all my
fault and I-“I leant out and put a finger to his soft lips,

“Ssh,” his lips quivered underneath my touch, “ok I forgive you.” He kissed my

fingertip and grinned,

“Thanks. I know I’m an idiot.”
“Good.” I smiled, removing my hand from his face. “As long as you know.” Jacob

gripped the frame for a second, his smile unmoving. The wood splintered and I
protested, “Jacob! That’ll be my third window if you’re not careful!”

“What? You’ve already got a new door,” he pointed to my door and raised an


“How did you know about that?” I enquired a little too quickly. He frowned for a

second but then winked,

“I saw Bella replacing it earlier. She wasn’t happy about the fact I was trying to

wake you up before school.”

“Jacob, you plank.” I rolled my eyes and smiled back.
“Oh,” Jacob leant back, holding himself by the frame, “who were you on the

phone to?” I felt my cheeks turn pink and he watched them, amused. His eyes were
wide and twinkling devilishly, questioning me.

“That was my friend Lily.”
“Why are you so embarrassed to say that?” He pulled himself forward so his

face was inches from mine. The hot air he brought with him hit me in the face.

“Uh,” I spluttered, “I was just talking to her about you.” Jacob’s hands flexed and

he grinned widely,

“Oh really?”
“Yes, she wants to meet you.”
“Oh? Are you creating a fan club for me?”
“No!” I cried, my cheeks burning uncontrollably. Jacob’s laughed irritated me,

since he was laughing at my embarrassment. “Ugh Jacob!” I went to shut the window
but he pushed it up. I didn’t even attempt to fight back; I was no way near that strong.

“Sorry! Sorry!” He leaned in, one arm still keeping the window open and kissed

me on my cheek. “Goodnight Ness.” And then, he was gone and the window slammed
shut loudly. I jumped back, removing my hands from the wooden frame immediately. I
then laughed at my shock and pulled the curtains shut. It was weird to do so but I
wasn’t going to let Jacob creep up on me anymore.

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I was sat surrounded by my schoolwork when Bella cautiously stepped in. She

teetered at the doorway and eyed my work.

“What are you doing? You should be asleep!”
“What?” I glanced at my alarm clock; midnight. Crap. “Oh, that.” I threw my work

into my bag and hopped into my bed, already dressed in my pyjamas. Bella rolled her
eyes but grinned as she closed the door.

“Night Renesmee.”
“Night Bella.” I closed my eyes as the darkness swept across my room. I

wondered if Bella would mind if I ever called her mom. Well, of course she would. She
did that one time I had. When I was younger, she didn’t mind but now, she said it made
her feel old. Somehow I felt more comfortable calling her Bella. Everybody called her
Bella. Edward called Esme…Esme. I sighed. If people came round, would they find it
weird? Then I groaned. I’m Edward’s cousin, remember stupid? This was going to take
some remembering.

Big Bad Wolf

Alice drove me silently to school the next morning, the sound of her

purring Porsche lulling me back to sleep. The clouds had blanketed the sky and
very light rain was gently tapping on everybody’s shoulders and heads. The
Porsche curled swiftly around the corners at Alice’s insane speed and braked
quietly in the car park.

“Wake up, Nessie.” Alice poked me once in the shoulder. Her stony

finger probably left a bruise and I groaned.

“Ugh, ok, ok.” I opened my eyes blearily and looked out of the black

windows. We had drawn a crowd again but this time Lily was at the front, waving.

“Renesmee! Renesmee!” She called and I undid my seatbelt slowly.
“Do you want me to pick you up later?” Alice asked, revving her car. Her

dainty hands rested on the black leather steering wheel, looking as white as virgin

“Whatever. Just please don’t let Edward come near this school again.” I

frowned and she laughed.

“I’ll try.” I stepped out of the car into the sea of smiles. Alice drove away

the second I closed the passenger door and a lot of the boys stared after her.

“Renesmee!” Lily called once again, her arm now linked with mine. “So,

what happened?” I rolled my eyes; she was referring to my apology to Jacob last
night. I hadn’t apologized myself but Jacob had.

“He came to say sorry,” I said indifferently. Lily poked me.

“That was it.” I caught sight of Jackson, who was being stalked by Kia

again. Her hair was turning frizzier by the minute in the light rain. This amused

“Shut up, that so wasn’t the end of the story. No guy would bang on your

window, apologise then run off.” Lily’s voice faded as Jackson met my gaze,
which had flickered over to him after much examination of Kia’s wild hair. He
waved his lanky arm and I smiled, raising my hand to wave back. “Renesmee!”
Lily sighed. “You are so unresponsive sometimes.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled as we walked toward Jackson, “I’ll tell you at lunch


“Oh I’ll get it out of you before then,” Lily said in a low voice before crying

out, “Jackson!”

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“Hey,” he said in a velvet voice, mainly to me. I flinched under the

intensity of his gaze; his blue eyes penetrated mine. “I see you’ve created a
crowd once again, Renesmee.” He noted with a smile. I nodded and rolled my

“Do you think people will ever stop caring about you?” Kia said, the

bitchy-ness just pouring out of her mouth. Lily scowled at her.

“Well they did with you didn’t they?” she retorted. Kia’s eyes widened

and she looked away, embarrassed.

“So,” Jackson said, trying to amend the awkward situation. We could

both feel the tension and hatred radiating from Kia and Lily. It was nearly as
overpowering as…Jacob’s temperature. “What did you do last night?” I saw the
sparkles that quickly appeared in his ocean blue eyes as he looked at me. This
made my stomach churn, half flattered and half apprehensive.

“Um,” I muttered, trying to create a normal sounding scenario to lie


“She got attacked by her boyfriend.” Lily laughed. Jackson’s eyes

widened and suddenly his expression became less friendly toward me, the
sparkles faltering.

“Not attacked,” I began to say whilst I shot a quick fierce look at Lily. She

stood, oblivious to the trauma she was quietly creating, with a huge grin on her
pink lips.

“He banged on her window, nearly gave us both a heart attack, just to

apologise to her.” she continued. Kia turned back to us, her expression faintly
interested. I knew why this was; the mention of me having a boyfriend meant
Jackson and I not becoming anything. This was also running through Jackson’s

“You have a boyfriend?” Kia asked, a little more brightly than the

question needed to be. I frowned and bit my lip, my eyes not leaving
Jackson’s face,

“Sort of,” Jackson’s face twisted for a second but he then retained his

cool mask. I felt my chest tighten as I realised his eye sparkles weren’t returning.

“Oh come on! That’s not what you said last night!” Lily pushed me gently

and laughed, her mouth opening widely. I tried to scowl at her but she wouldn’t
meet my gaze.

“What did you say last night?” Kia asked, again more interested than

needed. The morning bell rung loudly and Jackson stalked off before we had
even noticed. I detached myself from Lily and rushed after him. Kia’s scowl was
predictable as I felt it bore into my back.

“Jackson!” I called but the tall boy didn’t turn. “Jackson, wait up!” I tried

to jog at a normal pace but I stretched out further to reach him quicker. The rain
was heavier now and it left crystal droplets teetering on his hair.

“What?” Jackson said with his eyes cast downward. The harsh tone he

was trying to create in his voice faltered and all I heard was a sad disappointed
boy. I touched his arm gently,

“Why did you storm off like that?” Like yesterday, people gazed at me

and then stared at Jackson incredulously. My hand, painted with raindrops, was
still resting on his arm. This caused even wider eyes.

“I didn’t storm off. Only girls storm off.” I smiled slightly as his

desperately shy tone.

“Ok fine, walk off then.” I sneakily tucked my arm so it was curled around

his and tugged him closer. “Tell me.” Luckily, his eyes met mine for a second so I

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unleashed a Cullen smile on him. The colour flushed to his cheeks so I expected
an answer.

“I didn’t realise you had a,” he swallowed, “a boyfriend.”
“Oh,” I bit my lip and felt my stomach churn, “yeah sort of.”
“Sort of?” he eyed me. How to answer this one… yeah sort of cause, the

thing is, my boyfriend is half a wolf? Sort of cause my boyfriend is stupidly
superhuman and immortal? Sort of because Jacob is insanely huge and gigantic
that he can’t actually be called a ‘boy’?

“Uh, he can be a little distant sometimes.” Ha, Jacob distant!
“Where’s he from?”
“La Push.” He nodded.
“Ah,” I tugged at his arm.
“It doesn’t change anything between us though, right?” Jackson’s eyes

flickered toward mine again and I saw surprise swirl around in them. I stared into
the blue abyss and pleaded with him silently.

“Why should it?” came his bright reply. I felt my stomach lighten at his

tone. “We’re friends, right?” I grinned widely.

“Right.” We walked further in silence but I noticed the very faint sparkles

firing distantly in his eyes.

I reached Spanish and saw Frankie, her head resting on her desk. She

looked up as I scraped by chair back to sit down.

“Hey Frankie.” I grinned but she groaned and lay her head back down.

“What’s up?” I frowned and she moved slightly so one eye was peeking out at

“Me and CJ are fighting.”
“Oh,” I pulled out my Spanish book and pencil case. She sighed,
“He thinks I’m cheating on him.” I examined the half-empty classroom,

waiting for the rest to arrive. So Frankie and CJ are together? Interesting.

“And are you?”
“Sort of.” I kept my eyes away from Frankie’s so she wouldn’t see the

disgust in them.

“Who with?” I asked as airily as I could.

“This guy,” Frankie moaned, “I met him last summer and he’s back in

town again visiting his family.”

“How old is he?”
“He’s a senior.”
“A senior?” I couldn’t help but sound surprised. Jeez, she was setting her

standards high. Well, who am I to judge?

“Don’t sound so surprised.” Frankie growled.
“Sorry,” I opened my book slowly and read my Spanish notes, “I just

didn’t realise.”

“He’s really gorgeous but he’s not as nice as CJ.” I rolled my eyes as

she made it sound like a life-threatening drama.

“Then just stay with CJ.” I told her, heavy impatience in my voice.
“But he’s so good-looking!” She cried into her arm. I frowned at her.
“Why should that matter?” I asked her sharply. “You’ll break CJ’s heart.”
“You barely know him.” She retorted, equally bitter.
“So? I’m not stupid.” The Spanish teacher waltzed in and Frankie sat up

properly. Her eyes were shooting daggers at me but I remained quiet. I was not
going to listen to some stupid teenage drama. She should try living life as me. I
am anything but stupid.

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Lily walked me to the car park at the end of the day. The rain had

persisted throughout the afternoon but it was slowly dying. Nobody seemed to
notice; the drizzly weather was usual here in Forks. I scanned the car park for a
bright yellow Porsche, or a crowd, but found nothing.

“Who’s picking you up today?” Lily asked, equally confused.
“Alice, I thought.” I frowned, looking around again. Then I heard the roar

of a motorbike and a couple of people began to point. I followed their gaze and
saw a black motorbike turning into the car park. My heart raced; was that…?

“Who is that?” Lily asked, incredulous. No. No way. The figure on the

motorbike was insanely tall and muscled. I knew who it was before he took his
helmet off. “Oh. My. God.” Lily’s mouth dropped open as Jacob grinned at me.
“Who is that?” she repeated. Jacob waved and rolled his bike over to us.

“Oh,” I said brightly, “that’s Jacob.” Lily’s head whipped around to see


What?” She cried. Kia raced up to us.
“Check out the hottie!” She squealed. Kia then realised Lily was staring

at me and frowned. “What’s the matter with her?”

“Nessie!” Jacob’s familiar voice called. He was now walking a few feet

away from us and I watched amusingly as Lily and Kia took in his full height. “I
hope you don’t mind me picking you up.” Jacob’s grin was infectious and I
beamed back.

“Course not. Don’t you have school?”
“Study period.” He answered vaguely and then turned to my friends.

“Oh, sorry, I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Jacob.” Kia and Lily stared at him.

“That’s Lily and Kia.” I replied for them. Jacob laughed and I looked

around the car park to find nearly everybody’s eyes on him. Including Jackson’s.
He had been walking out to say goodbye to me but had stopped in his tracks.

“Do you girls have a ride home?” Jacob asked. Lily and Kia managed to

nod then Lily grinned,

“Yes thank you.”
“Oh good, cause I only have one spare helmet.” He passed me one.
“Renesmee?” I heard Jackson call. I froze and Jacob frowned.

“Renesmee!” He called again and Jacob put his arm around my waist. Oh that’s
it, make it harder for me why don’t you?

“Who’s that?” He murmured in my ear but I didn’t reply to him.
“Hey Jackson,” I was able to mutter as Jackson ran over to me. He

attempted to ignore Jacob’s presence.

“I was just wondering what you were up to on the weekend?” Jacob’s

grip on my waist tightened. Remember not to crush me, wolf-boy, I thought hard.

“Oh great, do you want to go to Seattle with us?” Jackson gestured to

Kia and Lily. Lily smiled slightly.

“Oh, that would be…ur.”
“Just let me know.” Lily cut in, acknowledging my troubled expression.

“You have my number, right?”

“Yeah.” Jacob’s heat was burning my skin as his other hand held my free

one. Jackson noticed this and I saw him tense up.

“Cool, well yeah let Lily know ok?” Jackson said brightly, an angry glare

quickly shot at Jacob, whose grip on me tightened. Oh crap, don’t do that
Jackson, this hurts a little. Lily took Jackson’s hand and slowly pulled him away.

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“See you tomorrow!” She called. Surprisingly, I felt myself breakaway

from Jacob’s iron grip and reach out for Jackson. Lily detached herself quickly
and stepped back.

“Jackson,” I started in a quiet voice. He looked hopefully at me, a grin

faint on his lips. “I’d love to come.” His eyes, unwillingly, flickered to Jacob and I
moaned silently. “Don’t be scared of him.”

“Scared?” Jackson startled me with a beam. “Who’s scared of the big

bad wolf?” I raised an eyebrow. Uh, did he know how bang on he was? And, oh,
how scared he really should be? I felt the temperature rise and seconds later;
Jacob’s arm was around my waist again. Jackson eyed him but then retained his
smile. “Later, Renesmee.” Jackson took Lily’s hand casually and they walked
away. To be her usual sheep-following self, Kia wandered in front of us to reach
Lily and Jackson but couldn’t help but gaze up at Jacob.

“Can I help you?” he asked her, an eyebrow raised.
“Uh, no.” Kia spluttered before hurrying off. Jacob’s low chuckle tickled

my ear as we walked to his bike. I waited for an enquiry on Jackson but he simply

“It’s weird having all these people staring at me.”
“This is what it’s like for me every morning.”
“You’ve only been here two days.” Jacob reminded me as he pulled on

his helmet. I rolled my eyes, tugging mine on. Jacob jumped on the bike, pulling
me with him. I held his waist tightly as he revved the engine, causing a crowd to
reappear. The tyres screeched as he pulled away quickly and raced down the

I flicked my helmet open and shouted,
“Edward’s going to kill you!” I heard Jacob laugh loudly.
“He always is.”
“Did you tell him about this?” I yelled.
“Nope! I told Bella!” I groaned and flipped my helmet back down.
Jacob’s bike roared down the roads till he got to my driveway. I threw off

my helmet and warily got off the bike. I felt like I had done when Bella had first
taken me running. Jacob pulled off his helmet and grinned at me. “Ok, see you
later.” He kissed me gently and then got back on his bike.

“Uh Jacob?”
“Yeah?” He revved the engine with a wink.
“Aw, c’mon Nessie.” He pulled a face.
“I don’t want you dying.” Jacob laughed loudly but tugged on his helmet

anyway. “Thank you.” I told him but he had driven away.

Alice was stood, pouting, by the Cullen’s garage. I walked up to her

warily but she didn’t scowl at me.

“I wanted to take her out for another spin.” She whimpered, stroking the

Porsche’s bonnet. Oh good, it wasn’t about my motorbike antics. I sat down
gently onto the Porsche.

“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” she smiled, “Jasper will only let me go out in it for

proper reasons. We can’t be drawing attention right now.”

“Oh?” I hinted for her to continue.
“We should have moved on by now. We should be at another school. It’s

so risky for us to take you to school but we’ll wait around.”

“Oh,” I mumbled, “because you don’t…age.” She grinned,
“Nope, loser.”

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“Shut up.” I snapped. Nobody was sure when I was going to stop

growing…or if I was at all. My growth patterns were slowing down and I was
nearly at the same speed as a normal human being. Alice patted the Porsche’s
bonnet then strolled to the house. I followed her quickly.

“Did you have much homework today?” She asked breezily, pushing

open the door.

“Not really.”
“Oh good. Just ask if you need any help ok?” I nodded as she waltzed

into the kitchen. Her head suddenly appeared around the door. “Oh and,” she
grinned widely, “I won’t tell Edward about your biking session today.” I gaped at
her, causing her grin to excel. “I’m not going to let him kill Jacob and have to stare
at your depressed face forever.” I began to scowl at her but she just winked and

“Afternoon.” Bella called, dancing through the door. I turned around

quickly to see her.

“How was school?”
“Oh, uh, good.” Bella ran her fingers through my windblown hair and I

rolled my eyes. “How was your day?”

“The usual, thanks. In fact, I went out with Jacob.”
“You what?” I gawked at her and she smiled.
“We are friends you know.” She continued to untangle my hair. “I’m not

going to let you have him all to yourself.”

“Didn’t he have school?”
“Course not.” Bella’s smile became devilish. “He’d easily ditch that for

me.” I swatted at her gently and she laughed.

“What about Edward?”
“Well you know Edward, as protective as ever, even though I could

probably kick Jacob’s butt.” Bella stood back and examined me, before re-
arranging my hair again. “But he was cool about it.”

“How can he be scared for your safety? Besides Emmett, you probably

one of the strongest here.” I reminded her but she pursed her lips.

“I’m the most inexperienced. Who knows what kind of tantrum I could

pull?” She sighed. I nodded in agreement.

“He has a point.”
“As much as we all hate to admit it.” I smiled half-heartedly and she

stood back. “Anyway, I spoke to Jacob and just smoothed things over. Things
have been a little awkward lately and I wasn’t expecting Edward to apologize.”
Bella’s eyes narrowed for a second but then she smiled, the creases on her
forehead gone. “He was really happy. I guess it was nice to hang out with him
again, though it was weird.”

“Where did you go?”
“Did you expect me, a vampire, to go out of Forks with a werewolf?”

Bella accused, wide-eyed. I shrugged and she rolled her eyes. “Renesmee, be
serious here. We just went for a good stroll around the forest and then he went to
go say hi to Charlie. Couldn’t stand the smell for much longer.” She laughed.

“You saw Charlie?” I asked quickly and she frowned,
“Yes but not for long.” Her tone was dismissive.
“Did you say hi for me? Can I visit soon?” She made a disapproving

noise in the back of her throat. My hands were gripping her arms, my knuckles an
even paler shade than usual.

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“Look, Renesmee, you know I love Charlie to pieces,” she peeled off my

hands gently, ”and I’d love to be able to visit him, cook him meals like I used to.
It’s different now. Charlie is a normal human being and I don’t want him being
messed up with our sorts.”

You were a normal human being when you met Edward.” I pointed out

sneeringly and she contemplated this.

“That was different. I’m in a different kind of love with Edward.”
“Charlie’s family to you…” I said upsettingly, “and to me.”
“I know, don’t make me feel bad. It’s best for him. He can’t handle this

immortal business so that’s why you can’t always visit him.”

“But he can handle the Clearwaters.” I snapped, breaking our eye

contact. Bella’s muscles tensed and she closed her eyes. Yes, exactly.

“Sue Clearwater is a normal human. Seth and Leah can be human.”
“And we can’t,” I heard my voice break and winced. I hated to think she

could hear my vulnerability.

“Renesmee can,” said a velvet voice. Edward. I looked up and saw his

arms curled comfortingly around Bella’s small frame. His eyes were burning
amber and searing into hers. His head was inclined towards hers as he held her

“Edward,” Bella murmured, her eyes that had shot open closed again.
“Don’t stop her, Bella. She’s more human than any of us.” His beautiful

eyes flashed to me and caused my heart to stop for a second. Jesus, would you
ever have thought you would be star struck by your father? Ugh, I know. His
mouth slowly opened in a smile. “She can handle it. What would she do? Eat
him?” A low laugh escaped with his words but Bella tensed for a second.

“Shut up Edward, don’t give her ideas.” She scolded but he chuckled


“I think Renesmee has better taste than that.” Bella slapped his arm and

he played innocent. “Hey!” His arms wrestled her torso and she laughed, her
hands gripping his.

“Uh, excuse me?” I waved in their faces. “No sick play-fighting when

daughter is apparent.”

“Oh, sorry.” Bella grinned and I rolled my eyes.
“You’ve got to stop doing that. You’re my parents…it’s just weird.”

Edward laughed,

“Sorry Ness.” He rested his head on Bella’s shoulder. “She’s already

handling school.” He pointed out. “No casualties there. So can she go?” His voice
was calm and gentle and Bella was won over.

“Fine. Just don’t blame me if something happens.”
“It won’t!” I groaned loudly and Bella eyed me.
“I hope so.”
“Don’t you trust me? I’m not fully vamp-ed like you!” I scowled. Edward

laughed loudly, even under the fierce glare I was attempting to scare him with.

“She’s got a point.” He said, chuckling still. I stuck my chin in the air and


“Like always.”
Edward laughed again, muffling the effortless sound by hiding his head

in Bella’s hair. I rolled my eyes disapprovingly and sashayed away. I heard Bella’s
giggles quickly. I imagined Edward was wrestling again but there was a sudden
hiss and I whirled around. The sound was vicious and dangerous.

Bella was pinning Edward on the ground and his face was aggressive,

frightening almost. “Bella! Edward!” I cried but Bella’s eyes met mine playfully.

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Edward took this distraction as an advantage and threw her underneath him and
she protested.

“Aw, Nessie! You broke my focus!” She complained.
“Cut it out guys,” I moaned, “it’s just weird.” Edward winked and growled

jokingly. I sighed, “Idiot.” Bella’s growl was more real but Edward laughed.

“She’s harmless.”
I nodded as if I was interested but Bella had vanished from underneath

his cold body and was grappling him on his back, her teeth inches away from his
neck. I flinched as they gleamed viciously but she just kissed him and grinned.

“Always wanted to do that.”
“Nice work.” Came Alice’s voice and I groaned, turning to her.
“Not you too!” Alice looked at me innocently and frowned,
“What? She’s just perfected my trademark manoeuvre.” She gestured to

Bella, who was still perched on Edward’s back even though he had stood up. I
growled at them and stalked out, only to their amusement.

Broken Promise

“Lily, my parents are driving me insane!” I complained down the phone.

Lily laughed,

“I know what you mean. It really creeps me out if my parents even go as

far as kissing.” I frowned. She had no idea how my parents acted. “Is that what
your parents do?”

“Um, yeah.” I smiled at myself at the blatant lie. No, they wrestle on the

floor and pretend to bite each other’s neck. Perfectly normal romantic parent
stuff, y’know?

“How was your motorbike ride?” Her voice brightened and I scowled at

the memory.

“He shouldn’t have shown up like that. I cause a scene as much at it is.”
“Come on, Renesmee, it was so cute that he picked you up! Why are

you so angry with him all the time?” There was a pause until Lily laughed.
“Exactly. You’re just an angry girl.”

“It just caused this awkward thing with Jackson.”
“Well he doesn’t know that does he?” Lily argued on Jacob’s behalf. I

heard her clatter about in her room some more and the faint conversation on her
television. “Jackson is not for you anyway Renesmee so don’t go thinking that.”
My heart lurched as her brisk tone hit me.

“You heard me.” Lily sounded oddly Alice-like. “I know he likes you but


“What are you talking about? I don’t like Jackson.” I interrupted quickly.

The creases in my forehead hardened as I frowned.

“I should hope not.”
“How do you know he’s not right for me…hypothetically?”
“Been there, done that, got a photo strip. He’s bad news.” Bad news?

Normal human Jackson?

“Well if you must know, Jacob is –“ I caught myself. Better not spring the

werewolf secret on an innocent person.

“Is?” Lily probed.
“Jacob is bad news too. He’s not the best behaved.” I amended rapidly,

my tongue wrapping around the words as they flowed out of my mouth. How easy
it was to lie.

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“Oh no!” Lily cried sarcastically. “I didn’t mean behaviour. I meant

material, boyfriend material. Jackson is just not right ok?”

“You don’t need to convince me Lily, I have Jacob right?” And there was

no getting rid of him.

“You sure do.” Lily’s tone was now smug and triumphant, even when she

changed the subject. “Can I meet him again?”

“Who? Jacob?”
“Oh,” I thought hard.
“I’ll be good.” She whimpered.
“I’ll ask him.”
“Don’t say I asked to meet him again!” she squealed quickly. I laughed,
“I hope you’re not crushing on my boyfriend.”
“Nope.” Lily said boldly. “But every male in your circle is absolutely

insanely gorgeous.” I cringed, knowing that she was now fantasizing about my
father. Quick, change her mind to anyone else.

“You should meet the rest of the Cullens.”
“I want to!” Lily cried desperately. “Please!” I squirmed on my bed and

tugged at a curl that was hanging limply on my shoulder.

“That might be a little more difficult than said.” I swallowed. They might

want to eat you. “As much as you might think, meeting new people isn’t their

“Oh, no worries.” Lily surprised me with her coolness. “Just let me know.

Oh, and you’re coming out with us aren’t you?” I squirmed more and pulled the
curl harder.

“I’ll get back to you on that.” I muttered, Jacob running wolfishly through

my mind, his heavy panting loud in my ears. Lily’s sigh was quiet but apparent as
she spoke,

“This isn’t about Jackson is it?”
“No.” I retorted sharply.
“Good.” Lily murmured something inaudible and then continued loudly,

“Please come; don’t leave me alone with Kia and Frankie!” I heard the
desperation in her voice and rolled my eyes, the phone heavy in my hand now.

“I’ll get back to you.” I repeated strongly.
“Renesmee!” Lily began to complain but I cut her off quickly, unable to sit

through more convincing whilst Jacob was playing on my mind.

“I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later.” I stopped the call quickly and lay back

on my bed with a heavy sigh. Lily’s convincing was rattling around in my head. I
really wanted to go to Seattle but…Jacob; Jacob would want me with him. How
long could he stand to be without me? Would just a simple phone call every now
and then be enough?

“Just ask him.” Edward murmured from my door. I whipped my head up

to meet his gaze and his golden eyes smouldered.

“Stop doing that.” I frowned at him, throwing the phone onto my bedside


“Sorry.” He grinned as he stepped closer. His eyes never left my face,

protective and concerned. I looked away quickly; my own eyes felt powerless
against his. “But you should ask him. Nobody but a werewolf knows how
imprinting works.” I felt the creases on my forehead become more prominent.

“I don’t want to. I don’t want him to tell me I can’t be without him.”
“You’re without him now.” Edward pointed out quietly, scanning my room.

My shoulders hunched as I leant my head in my hands.

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“I guess. But not for long.”
“Not for long?”
“He’ll be here soon. I just know it.” My disapproving tone was harsher

than I had meant and I saw Edward focus hard onto me.

“Are you ok?”
“Sure, I’m fine.”
“You look tired.”
“I do?” I rubbed my eyes and blinked furiously.
“Yes. Why don’t you take a quick power nap? Bella and I are going to

look for a new car.” Edward pursed his lips and looked away from me.

“New car?” I asked curiously. Edward rolled his tawny eyes and grinned

almost wolfishly. I smiled at the irony.

“You’d think with Bella’s new and improved instincts she’d see a tree

going to demolish her beautiful,” his voice became saddened, “gorgeous, newly
painted car.” My laugh was uncontrollable and Edward watched me, half amused.

“Bella crashed her car? When?” My questions were riddled with giggles

and he shrugged.

“Yesterday, she decided to go off road.” His voice was comically pained

and I rolled my eyes.

“Danger magnet.”
“Always will be. You know when you’re a danger magnet when you cut

yourself with safety scissors.” Edward told me brightly. I frowned for a second,
Bella couldn’t cut herself now. Then I smiled.

“She’s lucky she’s immortal now. She was a dangerous human.”

Edward’s eyes tightened ever so slightly but he continued to smile.

“Sleep now, my girl.” He squeezed my hand and I nodded. “I’ll wake you

up when we are home.”

When Edward and Bella left, I tore off my clothes and swapped them

eagerly for some comfy loose sweats to nap in. I curled up in a thin blanket on my
bed and closed my eyes. My eyelids heavily rested shut and my hands clasped
the corners of my blanket.

My body trembled as I slept and suddenly I had thrown myself into

another nightmare. I gasped into the blackened unfamiliar surroundings,
searching for life. I heard a jagged howl and my whole body shuddered. My heart
lurched out of my chest as the silhouette of a huge, dark wolf crawled toward me
in an intimidating manner.

“Stop.” I ordered shakily before the husky voice could hypnotize my

mind. The creature obeyed silently, his haunting eyes cast downward so I couldn’t
see them. “Do not come closer.” As powerful as my words could have been, I felt
shivers tingle my spine. The wolf slowly lifted his head and the ice blue eyes
locked me into place. His long mouth opened but I lifted a trembling hand at him.
“No. Don’t speak.” The creature seemed to grin but continued to stand unmoving
silently. “You promised.” Hurt clogged my throat. “You promised not to come back
to me.”

“I promised not to upset you, Renesmee.” His beautiful voice bound me so I

couldn’t move. “I will not upset you.” His voice, as frightening as it may seem, was

“You’re upsetting me now!” I wailed. “Get out!” His eyes flashed and I panicked.
“You cannot order me Renesmee. I’m not just a figment of your imagination.”
“Promise you’ll go away.” My voice was quiet, broken and vulnerable. I pointed

at him and did my best to scowl fiercely. “Promise you’ll never get into my head again.”
His teeth, pointed and white, glinted as he smiled in the darkness.

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“I promise not to get in your head again…unless it’s on your terms.”
“That will never happen.” I told him, my teeth clenching. The wolf nodded slowly

but a mocking grin was visible on his snout.

“I’ll see you soon, Renesmee.” He turned and ran off, his paws heavily thudding

onto the soil.

My heart was thudding as I woke, my hands clutching my bed sheets. My wide

eyes searched my room for somebody, anybody. Jacob hadn’t come yet, I checked the

“Jacob? Edward? Bella?” I whispered desperately but it was silent. “Jacob!” I

called out louder. My voice was strained and croaky after my disturbed sleep but loud
enough that a few minutes later, a shadow appeared by my window.

Jacob’s dark chocolate eyes were overwhelmed with concern as I opened the

window for him.

“Ness? What’s the matter?” His voice trembled and I could see faint shuddering

ripple across his chest. Bare, again.

“I-I-I’m fine.”
“Liar.” He told me, his voice now steady and more mocking. Jacob placed his

two large hot hands on my forearms and stared me right in the eye. “What’s the
matter?” He repeated.

“I,” I paused, his eyes forcing me to be out with it, “I had a nightmare.” His grip

tightened shockingly on my arms and I cringed. Jacob realised his strength and
removed his hands completely.

“What?” His face was stricken but his tone was furious, not at me, at my intruder.


“Just now. I took a power nap, Edward said I looked tired,” Jacob’s teeth

clenched visibly and I shot him an angry look and continued, “and he suddenly came

“You said he promised to go away.” Jacob said through his gritted teeth, his

hands in angry fists. I watched them warily and nodded.

“I know. But he just manipulated me.”
“Is he coming back?”
“Not unless I want him to, he said.”
“Filthy-“Jacob cut himself off. Filthy werewolf? My eyes shot up to his and he

looked away, seething with anger. “Did he tell you anything? He’s not fighting anyone is
he?” I shook my head silently and he sighed. “Jesus, what is this thing?”

“You know I don’t know that. He’s just a wolf.” I muttered and he growled.
“Do we tell,” his voice suddenly became strained, “your family?”
“No.” I ordered quickly and he flinched. “No we do not.”
“You sure? Not even Bella?” Jacob’s eyes didn’t meet mine as he asked this.
“No.” I repeated sharply and he shrugged.
“Fine,” he said. I gripped one of his hands, easing it out of its fist.
“Please,” I said gently, “please no.” His eyes reluctantly met mine, the darkened

auburn faintly flickering with horror and fury. They softened slightly when our eye
contact made our hearts race.

“Ok.” He murmured, irritation not lost in his voice. “I have to tell Seth. We need

to be on guard.”

“Jacob,” I began to beg. I didn’t want anybody to know. Things were just about

normal and this black dog wasn’t about to ruin it for me.

“Renesmee, it’s not just for your good, it’s for ours too.” Jacob said firmly. I

frowned but didn’t continue to complain. His hands removed themselves from mine and
he stepped toward my window. “I’ll see you later?” I nodded, my teeth chewing hard
into my lip. Jacob nimbly leapt out of the window he had quickly opened and the glass

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buzzed as he slammed it shut behind him. Unlike I had anticipated, he didn’t turn back
to smile at me reassuringly. His long lean figure sprinted out quickly, shuddering. Before
I knew it, shreds of his jeans were flying back at my window.

I lay on my bed quietly, my eyes straining to not stare longingly at my window.
“Nessie?” Edward’s velvet voice slithered through the air comfortingly. I looked

up slowly and his face turned concerned immediately. “Are you ok?”

“Just sleepy.” I murmured, forcing a casual smile. I erased the thoughts in my

mind immediately as I saw the first signs of Edward examining me. His eyes narrowed
but he smiled too.

“Oh good. Would you like to come see Bella’s new car?”
“Would I?” I said happily, leaping out of bed and grabbing his cold hand.
“Oh gosh, that’s quite a reception.” Edward said with an eyebrow raised but I

just grinned at him as he led me outside.

Bella was frowning at the silver vehicle that was parked outside the garage.

Alice, too, was scowling, more in envy and annoyance over the new hype than
disapproval. The car was beautiful, curved to perfection. The windows were tinted
harshly black and looked sleek against the shockingly shiny silver paint. Edward looked
at me with a smug grin.

“Like it?”
“It’s gorgeous.” I breathed, hurrying over to stroke it. Emmett was carefully

letting his hand brush across the bonnet and Jasper was gazing at the interior.

“Try telling Bella that.” Edward muttered, nodding in her direction. She looked at

us with critical eyes and frowned harder.

“She doesn’t like it?” I asked quietly.
“She wants her truck back.” Edward rolled his eyes and let his hand float across

the car.

“Ah,” I nodded, fighting back a grin. Alice crossed her arms and scowled at

Edward. “Why’s Alice so mad?”

“Her Porsche isn’t at the top of the pecking order now.” He explained with a

smile. Alice hissed at him and pouted.

“Bella!” I called. “Isn’t it gorgeous?” Bella made a disgusted noise and pouted. I

frowned. “Oh come on, it’s beautiful.”

“My Porsche is nicer,” Alice whispered sorrowfully, “it’s yellow.”
“Alice, come on.” I raised an eyebrow at her and she smiled ever so slightly.
“I guess it’s kind of pretty.”
“Have it.” Bella hissed. “I want my truck.”
“You broke your other one.” Alice said innocently. “Now shut up and let’s drive it.”
“No,” Bella said moodily, gripping the silver keys in her hand, “I’m not driving it.”

Suddenly, Alice stood before me, the shiny keys dangling from her hand.

“Fine, I will.”
“Alice.” Edward frowned at her but Alice grinned ingenuously and hopped into

the car. The roar of the engine made me jump as Alice revved it experimentally. Bella
stared at her, her eyes noticeably glittering.

“Bella, get in.” I told her bluntly and she scowled at me.
“I want my truck.”
“This is your car Bella!” I pointed at it. “For God sake, get in it.” Jasper and

Emmett stood back and admired it from a distance as Alice revved the engine some

“Toyota Hybrid?” Emmett asked Jasper.
“Toyota FT-HS Hybrid.” Jasper replied, impressed. Bella reluctantly got in as

Alice slid into the passenger seat. Edward’s eyes lit up wildly as Bella revved the
engine herself. Gravel from the driveway burst out from every direction as the tyres

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rolled effortlessly away. Bella’s grin was visible even through the darkened windows.
“She likes it really.” I told Edward. He was staring after them in awe.

“I know.” He said proudly. “I do too.” We watched the silver car glide away and I

could only imagine where the needle was pointing to on the speedometer. I stared up
absent-mindedly into the sky, which was a misty blue accented with beautiful white
stars. Edward’s eyes lingered onto my face and his cold hand quickly brushed across
my arm. “It’s getting late. Have you packed your bag?”

“Yes.” I answered automatically. Edward chuckled once at the speed of my

response and then I felt him inspect the darkness in my eyes.

“When did you last hunt?”
“I don’t know.” I confessed, my throat dry and suddenly aching as he mentioned


“Would you like to go quickly now?” His voice was quiet and low and I nodded.
“Please. Just something for tomorrow.” He nodded in agreement. I needed to

make sure my thirst was kept at bay when I spent all day jostled by sweet smelling
bodies and listening to heavy hearts pounding at school.

Edward and I slipped away soundlessly and crept into the forest, my back

automatically leaning forward. Edward couldn’t help but chuckle at my immediate
hostility but I shot him a dark look. I couldn’t be humoured now.

“Straight up North; a pack of deer.” He murmured and I flew forward, the air

whipping at my face and my muscles gasping in surprise. “Steady, Renesmee.” I heard
his voice flutter through the wind as he caught up with me.

“Why?” I asked quickly, my breath catching.
“They’ll hear you.” Edward reminded me. I wasn’t totally silent when I ran so I

steadied and immediately picked up a scent. I tracked it carefully, hearing Edward jog
casually behind me. I couldn’t remember the colour of his eyes so I wasn’t sure if he
was just not thirsty or letting me go first.

The small pack of deer was noticeable from a distance as they stood quietly,

grazing on the short cropped grass. I launched almost instantly onto the closest deer,
which splayed his legs out jaggedly when I landed on him. Edward lightly sprang on
another one and the two others leaped away. The deer underneath me struggled but I
forced my hands deep into its muscles and it seemed to sigh in defeat. I paused in
surprise and I faintly saw Edward’s head incline in my direction.

“Renesmee?” His voice was barely audible but I ignored him as I searched the

deer’s eyes for some sort of fight, urge or stubbornness about my actions. There was
nothing but defeat. No panic or fear. Just anticipation. I lowered my head, Edward’s
silhouette out of my sight, and heard the waiting blood racing around the deer’s veins.
Naturally this would have made it that more enjoyable but this time I reluctantly drained
the animal.

Edward was by my side as soon as I lifted my head. “Are you ok?”
“Yes.” I blinked hard and tried not to look at the lifeless animal beneath me.

“Let’s get some more.” Edward nodded, checking my dark eyes. I raced away and he
automatically followed me. I knew the other deer weren’t far away.

We jogged causally back, my mind flickering with pictures of the expecting yet

oddly calm deer. “How odd.” Edward mused at my memories.

“Stop that.” I snapped instinctively but he didn’t flinch.
“You very rarely get an animal that does that.” I watched the calculation

expression waver on his face. It stayed there till we got to the cottage. I opened the
door for us and wandered through to my room. “Get your bag sorted.” Edward’s casual
voice came through my door.

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“Done.” I told him, my eyes flickering toward my school bag limply leaning

against my wall. Hunting had taken a lot out of me, I thought as I looked out of my
window. The sky was now a charcoal black with rolling grey clouds. I sighed, closing my
curtains brusquely. I wasn’t expecting Jacob tonight.

Edward popped his head around my door when I slowly crawled into bed. My

sweats were hugging my legs contentedly and I sighed in comfort.

“Goodnight.” His amber eyes glinted vaguely in the darkness. I gripped my duvet

and mumbled quietly,


Alice’s cool hands gently pushed my hair off my face in the morning, as my

radio began to hum into life.

“Nessie,” her voice whispered softly, “wake up.”
“Wha-“ I groaned sleepily as my eyes blinked excessively. Alice laughed quietly

and pulled me swiftly out of bed. She held my outfit in front of my face and I blindly took
it and got changed in the bathroom.

“Nessie?” Alice knocked on the door.
“What?” I asked, my voice muffled as I tugged my top on.
“Your phone was buzzing a lot this morning.” Her voice was curious yet anxious.

I tugged a brush through my hair jaggedly.

“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” I heard her throw and catch my phone idly, “two people really want to get

hold of you.” I smiled at myself and swung open the door, snatching my phone nimbly in
the process. Alice’s eyes flashed at my speed but she grinned angelically. “Who are
they Ness?”

“Don’t you know?” I raised an eyebrow, imagining her becoming a wild detective,

searching my phonebook.

“Nope.” Her grin widened triumphantly. “I was good, you see.”
“Oh,” I was pleasantly surprised to her amusement, “impressive.” I flicked open

my phone to see four missed calls; three off Lily and one off Jackson. I snapped it shut,
my eyes flashing up to Alice’s face. She was quietly curious, her face questioning. “No
one interesting.” I tucked my phone in my jeans pocket. “I’ll be ready in five.”

“Seconds? I’m counting.” She winked as I dashed away, grabbing my school

bag and a jacket. “Four. Three. Two.” I darted in front of her, standing quietly at the front
door. “One.” Alice said with a smile, jogging out the door.

We got the garage quickly, Alice not even breaking a sweat. She let the

automatic door buzz as it opened, the faded light bouncing impressively off her
Porsche’s yellow paint.

“Where’s Bella?” I asked as we slid into the car. Alice revved the engine and


“At our house.” As she reversed, she nodded toward the incredible house and I

saw Bella waving at the door.

“Oh, I see.” I scrutinized the sky carefully as Alice sped away. The clouds were

prowling, dark and misty.

“So are you going to be calling those people back?” Alice’s hands caressed the

leather steering wheel, looking as white as virgin snow against the black interior.

“No.” I told her quickly, a smirk slowly growing on my face. Her eyebrows rose

but she said nothing. “I’ll see them in a minute.” I explained, for her benefit. She nodded
as she curved the Porsche into my school car park. I saw Lily leaning casually against
an empty bench, her eyes scanning for me. They lit up as soon as Alice’s car caught
her attention.

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“See you.” Alice pushed the Porsche to top speed out of the car park as soon as

I had jumped out.

“Hey!” Lily hugged me tightly and I noticed the tiny goose-bumps raise

involuntarily on her arms. She didn’t notice.

“Hey.” I noticed the tall, gangly boy stride towards us before Lily did. His eyes

met mine almost immediately and I felt a tight feeling in my chest. I looked away and
the pain faded.

“Morning girls.” Jackson said coolly, his voice slick in the air. Lily nodded in his

direction, her blazing eyes on me. I smiled.

“How are you?” His question was directed at me; Lily remained quiet.
“Good, you?”
“Same, thank you.” His large hands gripped his jeans pocket as his stance

shifted toward me. I anticipated a flurry of red hair to overcome us and soon after my
worries, the squeaky voice screeched affectionately at Jackson.

“Morning, morning, morning!” Kia let herself fall into Jackson, who caught her

instinctively. The rose colour that painted her cheeks was predictable.

“Woah, steady.” His fingers gripped her arms and I had to look away. Then,

surprisingly, I felt Kia grip my shoulder.

“I have some news,” she told the group, pulling me back round to face her,

“Renesmee here is not going to be the new kid for long.” Kia looked at me smugly but I
wasn’t at all disappointed.

“Really?” Lily asked, interested.
“Yeah,” Kia continued triumphantly, “his name is Andrew.”
“How do you know about him?” Jackson’s eyes were on Kia and she met them


“It’s all the gossip on the social networks,” she babbled, “don’t you guys ever go


“Oh,” Kia’s face fell for a second, “losers.” She folded her arms and Jackson

laughed, pushing his hair back out of his face.

“So when he is coming?”
“Today?” Lily frowned, twirling her hair, “why didn’t he come when Renesmee


“Hey, how would I know?” Kia linked arms with Jackson and pulled him away.

Jackson pulled a face discreetly at me but I shrugged.

“How exciting,” Lily murmured to me, “a new boy.” I nodded as we ambled to


There was no sign of Andrew till lunch. Kia was keeping Lily fully updated, happy

that Lily was even listening. Jackson pulled a face every time the new boy was
mentioned, amusing me.

We sat around our usual table at lunch, Kia picking at her chicken wrap, her

eyes scanning for Andrew. CJ and Francesca were sat on the far end, debating quietly.
CJ’s eyes were, again, droopy as he spoke.

Kia threw her wrap down irritably. Then, she let out a gasp and pointed eagerly

at the cafeteria door. A tall, very tall in fact, muscled teenager strode in, his face buried
in a hooded sweatshirt, the sleeves cut off. I gawped. His muscles were impressive,

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rivalling Jacob’s in fact. Yet, he bowed his head low as he walked in so we couldn’t get
a glimpse of his face.

“Kia, stop pointing.” Jackson hissed, his back facing the new boy. Kia obeyed

quietly. I watched Lily and her stare at the boy, who happened to walk dumbly over to
our table.

“Excuse me,” the boy said in a gravelly accent, “could you give me a hand?” I

shivered at his voice.

“Sure!” Lily exclaimed, pulling him down in the spare seat beside her. The boy

glanced up at Jackson and I, his deep indigo eyes freezing me for a second. They were
gorgeous. “What do you need help with?”

“Everything,” he confessed, “I’m so lost. I was home-schooled and now my

parents throw me into high school.” Lily’s eyes flickered to me in surprise. How

“Funny,” Jackson said slowly, “that’s just how Renesmee here landed in this

school.” The boy focused on me with a grin.

“Awesome. We’re in the same boat then.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” I smiled.
“Oh,” the boy leant back in his chair, “I’m Andrew by the way.”
“We know.” Kia gabbled quickly. Andrew looked at her curiously, the hood still

casting shadows across his face. “You’re all over the social networks.”

“I see.” Andrew sat normally again. “I hate those things.”
“Me too.” Kia lied smoothly, causing Lily to splutter. They exchanged deathly

glares to my amusement. Andrew then caught my attention.

“How long have you been here then?”
“Since Monday.” I told him. He was pleasantly surprised by this.
“Wow, you’ve settled in pretty well then.”
“Of course,” Jackson interrupted, “we took her in straight away.” My heart

stuttered as Jackson casually slung an arm around my shoulder. Andrew assessed his
action carefully but I was watching Kia, who stared at me with blazing eyes. “I’m sure
you’ll fit in too.”

“I’m counting on it.” Andrew answered coolly. The tension between them was

rising. I watched them both suspiciously.

“Sure you will,” Lily bubbled, “you can stick with us if you like.”
“That would be nice, thank you.” Andrew smiled at her. She offered him her plate

of fries and he gladly took a handful. I was completely aware that Jackson’s arm was
still cuddling my shoulders. I wasn’t sure what to do, should I shrug it off or snuggle
closer? Kia’s eyes were warning me.

“Who’s up for some fruit?” I said, standing up abruptly, Jackson’s arm falling

away. His face twisted and he stood up with me.

“I’ll come.” Anybody but you.
“Sure.” We wandered quietly to the table serving up some odd looking fruit. I

stared at it uncomfortably.

“You didn’t really want any did you?” Jackson accused with a laugh. I scowled at

him, picking up a bruised apple just to prove him wrong. He laughed more, juggling two
oranges. The temptation to throw my apple in his face was hard to resist. “So, what do
you think?”

“About what?” I asked dryly, scrutinizing a banana.
“The new kid,” he said, “how do you rate him?”
“Rate him?” I quoted, disgusted. “Why would I rate him?”
“You know what I mean.” Jackson put the two oranges back, as I did with the

banana I had been inspecting. My apple was still heavy in my other palm though,
daring me to eat it.

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“Fine.” I said quickly, flashing my lunch card at the cafeteria staff. She nodded.

“He seems ok.”

“Ok? Come on Ness, give me the dirt.” Jackson nudged me as I began to walk

back to the table.

“Uh, Jackson, stop acting like a girl.” I bit harshly into the apple, squirming

mentally. His smile was sickeningly smug as he watched me swallow. “And stop
watching me eat like it’s a friggin’ game show.” He looked away quickly.

I sat down heavily, the apple sour in my mouth. Lily watched me carefully.
“We were just asking Andrew if he wants to come out with us on the weekend.”
“I’m thinking we should make it a camping trip,” Kia mumbled.
“Camping?” Andrew repeated slowly. Kia flashed him a smile.
“Yeah, why not? Get to know each other a bit better.”
“I’ll have to get back to you on that…” I watched Andrew grow anxious and

mentally made a note to ask him why.

“Camping sounds awesome.” Jackson agreed eagerly. “Up for it Renesmee?” I

chucked the rest of my apple at him with a sly grin and nodded.

Jackson looked down at the apple core in his lap.
“Why is that impressive?” Kia snapped, her red hair bouncing on her shoulders


“I hardly ever see this girl eat,” Jackson eyed me up, throwing the core in the

nearby bin. I bared my teeth at him and he laughed. Kia made a disgusted noise in her

“Anyway,” Lily cleared her throat, “camping. Everybody in?” Andrew locked his

jaw but nodded, as did I.

“Great.” Jackson beamed. Yes, great.

Alice’s Porsche never failed to disappoint the waiting pupils who were

conveniently scanning the car park at the end of the day. Andrew, who was walking
beside me, raised his eyebrows and grinned. He had pulled back his hood, revealing
his manly rugged face and short black hair.

“That’s a nice car,” he said, clearly impressed, “who’s is that?”
“Mine.” I said brightly. Andrew turned his head toward me with a shocked


“Are you serious?”
“You’re not messing with me?”
“Nope.” I laughed at him. “See you around.” I walked briskly to the car, Alice

pushing open the door for me. I swung my bag in and waved at Lily, who had stood
next to Andrew. His indigo eyes were watching me intently. I ducked my head in and
slammed the door. Alice sped away, wrinkling her nose.

“Ugh, ugh,” she muttered.
“Has Jacob seen you at all today?” Alice looked at me closely.
“No. Why should he?” I met her gaze evenly.
“Oh,” Alice frowned.
“Why?” I watched her face contort again in disgust but she then smiled.
“Nothing.” She pressed the accelerator pedal down further, the Porsche

suddenly darting forward down the street. I watched her for a while but she showed no
unusual signs. Her dainty finger pressed her stereo, pumping it up loudly. We were

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already at the driveway to the Cullen’s house; the Porsche’s speedometer almost
bubbling as Alice pressed the pedal so it touched the floor.

“Alice!” I protested as she wildly drove down the spindly drive, trees flitting past

like ghosts. She looked at me innocently, letting her foot ease off. The Porsche
hummed as it slowed to a stop outside the garage. I went to open the door and realised
she hadn’t moved. “Aren’t you coming?” I asked, curiously, as I swung open the
passenger door.

“Jasper is taking me shopping.” She announced with a grin, her eyes flickering

past me. I turned to see Jasper stood a few feet away, a cautious smile on his face.

“Oh, well,” I got out slowly, “have fun.” I flashed them both a smile and walked to

the cottage.

As soon as I swung open the front door, Edward was there, wrinkling his nose.
“Oh, hey.” I rolled back on the heels of my feet. He gently took my school bag off

me, a smile on his face. That was usual.

“How was school?” His eyes were scrutinizing me in an odd way. That was not

usual. I self-consciously looked down at myself but found nothing out of place.

“The usual. Oh, but we have a new boy.” Edward stopped and turned to me. I

continued slowly, “he’s really nice, a little odd looking, I must admit.”

“Odd-looking?” Edward’s posture softened, his eyes liquidising.
“Yeah,” I admitted, “really funny eyes; bright navy.”
“Bright navy? Like, azure, cobalt?”
“I’m guessing you’re reeling off posh words for blue, right?” I accused, rolling my

eyes. He shrugged with a grin.

“Navy isn’t too good a word to describe blue.” He explained. “Navy sounds plain,

boring and even a little dull.”

“Definitely not dull,” I told him, a picture of Andrew’s eyes flickering into my head.

They were burning, not in a scary way, just so curious, so inquisitive.

Suddenly, my mobile started to ring and I sighed. I answered it. Lily. “Hey Lily,” I

said. Edward put my bag down in my room and faded away.

“Nessie!” She yelped loudly.
“What?” I sank onto my bed slowly, my eyes closing.
“Andrew.” She stated simply. I sighed at her as I rubbed my forehead.
“How did I know?”
“He is gorgeous. I mean, besides Jacob, but it’s not as if I have a shot with him.”

I raised my eyebrows but she laughed down the phone. “Not because of his amazing
looks, because of you.”

“And he’ll be coming camping with us! Camping!” Her cries of delight were far

from fake.

“Yes Lily, I was there.” I said dully. I heard her huff down the phone.
“Ok, ok, I’ll leave you be.” She said quietly, bubbles of excitement still apparent

in her voice. “Tomorrow though!” she yelped.

“We’re going tomorrow if it’s camping silly.” Lily said as if I were completely

stupid. “After school, we’ll go home, get sorted then meet up. I’ll grab a lift off
someone…” she trailed off suggestively. I couldn’t use Edward as an offer; he hasn’t
aged a bit since he was last at school. It’d be too risky. I’d use…Jacob.

“I’m sure Jacob would give us a lift.” I said uneasily.
“I will?” Jacob asked, his arm holding up my window. I jumped and scowled at

him quickly. He grinned wolfishly, his legs agilely jumping through the window frame,
the wood creaking.

“On his bike?”

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“He has a car.” I reminded Lily, thinking of the little Rabbit tucked away in La

Push. He could probably run faster but that’s not really a thing I want to be sharing with

“Oh cool. Just give me a ring after school.” And with that, Lily rung off. I kept the

scowl on my face as I placed the phone on my bedside table. Jacob was casually
leaning against my wall, his muscular arms folded across his broad bare chest. The
cotton sweats he was wearing were faintly dusted with mud, his big feet dark as they
poked through the end. I looked him up and down for a while until he chuckled lowly.

“What are you doing?” He asked with a bushy eyebrow raised. The muscles in

his arms flexed as he unfolded them. His dark chocolate eyes swirled gently as I let
mine wander on his chest. The perfect carvings would never cease to amaze me.

Jacob cleared his throat, making my eyes flash to his face. I scowled again but

he laughed. “Stop checking me out.” He accused playfully, a disapproving look on his
face. He took a step forward, his arms wide but I folded mine and pursed my lips. “Aw,
Ness.” His low voice protested but I stuck my chin out.

“You can’t just burst into my room like that.” I said stiffly. Jacob cleared his throat

again, jaggedly this time.

“I didn’t burst in your room. I quietly crept in through your window.”
“Creeping or not, you’ve got to stop doing it.”
He grinned, the flash of his white teeth startling me. In the dim light, his features

were darker and rugged. For a second, he looked a little like Andrew. But then his
cheeky grin reminded me that he wasn’t. At all. I shook my head with a gentler frown
and found his arms around my torso.

“Are you up for a run?” His hot breath tickled my ear as he whispered. His face

was buried in my brunette hair, his skin tone beautiful against it. I smiled and sighed,

“I think Bella’s giving Emmett a rematch.”
“Another one?” I said, leaning back so I could study his face. It wasn’t surprising

for him to find talk of vampires uncomfortable; I never held it against him. But today, he
light mention of Emmett was casual and easy. Jacob nodded with a wink.

“He says her newborn strength must have worn off by now.” He laughed, the

sound music to my ears. However, I remained scrutinizing him. He stared back,
curiously. “What? Do I have something on my face?” He buried his head in his hands
self-consciously. I laughed, pulling his hands away, the heat making my heart flutter.

“No,” my eyes lingered on his hands, “it’s nothing.” I pulled him up heavily, his

muscles boasting as I did so. I watched them impressively, my fingers tracing the great
bands of power. He grinned.

“Oh,” Jacob cocked his head to the side, his fingers quickly brushing my cheek,

“what am I giving you a lift for tomorrow?”

“Well,” I held his hands in mine and pulled a face, “I’m sort of…going camping.” I

watched his expression contort. Shock. Worry. “Jacob, it’s not as if I’m going to share a
cave with a bear.” His fingers tensed painfully around mine. “Ow.” I peeled them off
difficultly. Jacob sighed,

“Jeez Ness, why camping?”
“Cause that’s what normal people do.” I said in a patronizing tone. He rolled his

eyes but I held his hands again. “Only with a couple of friends.”

“Uh, parent alert. You’re supposed to be my boyfriend, not my father.” I reminded

him sternly. Jacob bared his teeth at me momentarily then grinned.

“I’m just curious,” I felt his fingers tense slightly, “curious, that’s all.”
“Curious?” I quoted, humour faint in my voice.
“Yes.” He frowned. “Curious.”

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“Well then, for curiosity’s sake, yes there are two boys.” I cringed as his hands

formed their own mould around mine, air-tight. “Jeez,” I pulled away harshly, “stop
crippling my hands Jacob!”

“Sorry,” Jacob’s expression was sheepish, “I just don’t like the fact…the boy


“Jacob,” I said quietly, letting his name roll satisfyingly off my tongue, “I’m not

going to run off with them. I’m sure you’ll be nearby.” I smiled and he mirrored it exactly.

“You can count on it.” Then he paused, “if that’s ok?”
“Sure.” I kissed him quickly on the cheek and rushed out of my window, the wind

whipping at my face. “Catch me if you can!” I called back to my room; a large silhouette
crouched in my window. His gruff laugh was audible, even as I ran.


The large booms of laughter were ricocheting throughout the forest as we ran.

Jacob was jogging beside me, his eyes wild as he ran. He always got a thrill, I thought
with a smile. As we slowed, I heard the splintering cracks of tree trunks and saw
several wobble drunkenly. Emmett.

Jacob’s muscles flinched as we walked closer, hand in hand now. His eyes were

warily scanning the scene till he focused right before us. Sure enough, we could see
the flitting silhouette of a large stocky vampire, boasting his inhuman strength. There
were sighs of irritation after he snarled smugly. Jacob’s hand squeezed mine, his chest
faintly rippling at the sound.

Another ear-splitting crack and a tree fell not so far from us. Jacob leapt to the

side, pulling me with him.

“Jesus!” He muttered with his arm now locked around my waist. I rolled my eyes,

striding forward.

“Emmett!” I called out irritably. The cracks stopped and so did the snarls.

Emmett had heard me. I pushed through the heavy ferns and saw the small clearing.
Emmett was wearing a plaid shirt, the sleeves rolled up, and baggy jeans. His golden
eyes fixed onto me as I stood still. Alice, Rosalie and Jasper were sat quietly on a rock,
their eyes on me too. Alice grinned and waved me over. Rosalie’s jaw locked as she
saw Jacob behind me. Instinctive, I thought calmly, reflexive.

“Ah Nessie,” Emmett thundered with a smile, “come to see your mother’s ass

get kicked?”

“Emmett.” Rosalie warned, her eyes narrowed. He flinched but remained

grinning madly. I shrugged,

“I doubt it.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at his shocked expression. The slabs of

muscle coated on his arms tensed as he folded them.

“I am going to beat her,” he told me with an eyebrow raised, “no question.”
“Ok,” I said with my hands up, “if you’re sure.” I sat down next to Alice, Jacob

following nervously. I knew he was eyeing Emmett up. “Where is Bella anyway?” I
asked. Alice closed her eyes for a brief second then her eyes lit up.

“Three, two…one.”
“Ready?” called out Bella. Jacob’s head snapped up and he focused on Bella,

who was emerging through the shrubbery. Her flowing brown hair was billowing out
from behind her, her ivory skin beautiful in the shadows. She looked beautiful, even
wearing jeans and a cotton sweater. Edward followed her, his face bright with
anticipation. Emmett flexed his muscles and laughed,

“Bring it.” His voice was steady, taunting. Edward smiled at me, nodding his

head politely to Jacob. The over-grown tanned teenager ignored him, his eyes on Bella.
She turned to him and waved, the warmth of her smile almost radiating over to us.

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“I can’t guarantee you’ll leave without injury.” Bella winked at us, her voice

directed to Emmett. He scoffed loudly at her and leant on a large boulder.

“Come on then, little sister.” He growled experimentally. Jacob tensed beside me

and I laid a hand on his arm. Edward flitted over to us, standing casually beside me.

“This’ll be entertaining.” He whispered to me. I leaned over to Alice.
“Do you know-“
“I can’t say.” Alice said blankly but her eyes sparkled.
Bella leant on the opposite side of the rock and rolled up her sleeves. Emmett

snarled again, looking fierce this time. I shivered until Bella suddenly growled back. The
sound ripped out of her throat until she laughed musically. Jacob cringed but he smiled

“Ready?” Bella asked once more. Emmett laid a hand out, his elbow resting on

the rock. Bella clasped it, her dainty hand dwarfed by his.

“Ready.” Their eyes wandered over to Jasper, who had suddenly appeared

beside them.

“Three,” Jasper counted steadily, eyeing them both up, “two…” Emmett’s face

tensed as he flexed his fingers. “One.” Jasper’s voice was even. Bella growled with a
wink. “Wrestle!” He flew back to his position beside Alice.

Emmett’s muscles were protruding out of his arm impressively as he fought

against Bella. Her hand was clasping his easily, her face grinning. Her amber eyes
glowed with excitement. The stockier vampire growled, angry now. Their hands didn’t
move; the strength now equally balanced.

Jacob crouched forward, his muscles rippling ever so slightly. The hand I had

been resting on his arm now gripped his skin. He looked up at me, his face contorting
slightly. I shook my head and he relaxed.

“Come on,” Emmett muttered impatiently, “come on.”
“Breaking a sweat?” Bella teased. The rock creaked underneath them as

Emmett seemed to push a little more power out. Bella’s hand wavered, to his
satisfaction, but then remained its equal position. He cussed loudly, his arm now

Edward’s hands went into fists as he watched excitedly.
“Come on Bella,” he murmured. Bella snarled playfully, her arm now pushing

harder against Emmett. He wavered, more than Bella had, and cussed again.

Then, with a thunderous thud, Emmett’s hand smashed into the rock. He let out

a furious growl, his teeth bared. Bella didn’t react; she just laughed sweetly. She flexed
her fingers and examined them. Emmett kicked the rock, causing it to split further.

“Em, come on,” Rosalie was at his side, “she’s still new.”
“Hardly!” He hissed at her, throwing the broken rock at the trees. Bella ducked in

time and laughed harder. Edward stared at Emmett angrily but his brother was having a
tantrum. I watched, amusingly. “This isn’t fair!” Emmett gazed at his arms, the muscle
clearly massive. Rosalie caressed one arm and kissed him lightly.

“Em,” she murmured. He calmed slightly.
“Sorry bro,” Bella said lightly, “looks like I win again.” Emmett pulled a scary face

at her, humorously this time.

“You wait. You wait till you’re a century old and then I’ll give you a rematch.”
“That’ll be interesting.” Alice said with a smirk. Emmett stared at her for

encouragement but she shrugged. “I’m not going to peek!”

Jasper wound his arm around Alice and they wandered away silently. Emmett

and Rosalie followed, Emmett’s eyes on Bella.

“I’m warning you!” He said in a mock-villain voice. I laughed until I noticed

Jacob. He was leant back against the rock we were watching from, his face creased.

“Jake?” I said. He opened his eyes quickly, straightening up.

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“Yeah Bells?” He asked Bella, who was muttering excitedly to Edward. Then,

Jacob’s eyes slowly wandered over to me. My stomach flipped momentarily. Did he just
mistake me for Bella? I frowned and turned away, striding over to my parents.

“Well done Bella,” I said with a grin, “that was very entertaining.”
“I know,” she couldn’t hide the smugness that poured out of her mouth, “wasn’t

it?” Edward laughed,

“It sure was.” He let his fingers weave around hers. “Uh, Renesmee?” Edward’s

eyes lingered over my shoulder. Jacob. I turned my head to see him. The teenager was
leant against the rock again, his chest taut, his eyes closed. “Maybe you should take
him home?”

“Maybe he can take himself home.” I said quietly. Bella’s eyes flashed in

surprise. “But maybe,” I said slowly, carefully, “maybe I’ll escort him home.” Edward
nodded and I walked quietly over to Jacob.

He sighed as soon as I stood next to him. I touched his arm and he opened one


“Come to take me home?” He asked sceptically. He felt patronized, it radiated

off him like his heat. I rolled my eyes and put a hand out. Jacob stared at it for a long
while. I sighed but lingered.

Eventually, he pulled himself up, his hand in mine. We strolled home. His eyes

stayed cast downward until I leant my head on his shoulder. His arms wound around
me as he picked me up swiftly, without a word. My heart was beating its usual rhythm
but I was tired somehow. At this thought, I stared up at the sky. Blue. Dark, dark blue.
Cloudy, murky, blue. I let my eyes drift close, fully aware that Jacob’s grip was
increasing as he picked up the pace.

“Go to sleep honey,” he cooed quietly, “that’s it.” I wanted to tell him to be quiet

but I felt no energy.

As we jogged home, Jacob plainly refusing to sprint whilst I was drifting to sleep

in his arms, I heard footsteps behind us. They were light, barely audible, but my ears
picked them up. Edward and Bella were following us. Not purposely, I conclude, they
were just going home. Even so, Jacob’s iron grip grew tighter. My head lolled on his
shoulder lazily, the footsteps fading.

“I’ll get the door,” came Jacob’s irritated voice as I flopped in his arm. There was

a creak as the door was pushed open. “I said I’d get it.” His hot breath smothered me
as he spoke hastily.

“It’s fine.” Edward muttered coolly.
“Put her in bed.” Bella ordered quietly, their footsteps louder on the wooden


“Don’t you think I’m going to?” Jacob growled. “I’m not going to drop her on the

floor and go home.”

Bella’s irritated sigh made Jacob’s arms reflexively tighten further around my

torso. I groaned sleepily as I felt Jacob push open my bedroom door.

“Careful.” Bella murmured, following us. Jacob growled very quietly, lowering me

gently onto my bed.

“I am always careful.” He reminded her, a sharp edge to his voice. She took in

an intake of breath.

“I know,” she muttered, her voice fading, “I know.” The door closed and I thought

I was alone. I turned over in my bed, pulling the duvet out from underneath me. A large
pair of hands tucked it around my body.

“Goodnight honey,” Jacob whispered into my ear. His lips were at my cheek,

kissing it softly. I didn’t answer but I pursed my lips, awaiting another kiss. He laughed
quietly and gave in, kissing me again.

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I slept almost dreamlessly, only a few flickers of bright blue flashes interrupting

my black canvas.

The soft humming of the radio woke me up slowly. The voices weren’t coherent

but the mumble of them still made my eyes blink furiously against the light.

“Nessie? Nessie honey?”
“Jacob?” I asked, shock in my voice.
“Yes,” he chuckled lowly, only the shape of his head visible. My vision blurred as

I blinked harder to refocus. “Sadly, I am here.”

“Why?” I shifted in my bed so I could see him, crouched beside me.
“I couldn’t be bothered to go home.” He answered simply, his face expectant of

more questions. I smiled at this.

“What about the pack? What about Billy?”
“They’re fine. I did go for a bit, just for a run. I told Seth to tell Billy where I am.”

He let his hand pull at mine. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes.” I answered quietly, my thumb caressing the skin between his thumb and

forefinger. Jacob’s eyes bore into mine; my heart stuttering involuntarily. He chuckled,
as if he had heard it, and kissed me lightly.

“I better go.” He rose slowly and leapt through my window. I closed my eyes and

smiled. Then, I heard a knock on the glass. He had misted up the window and written

I love you :)

I smiled, nodding. Jacob bounded away wolfishly.
“Renesmee?” Bella called. I scrambled out of bed and whisked into some

clothes. Bella glided into the room, a smile on her ivory face. “Oh, you’re awake.”

“Yes, I, ur,” I stuttered, waving aimlessly to my bed.
“Woke up to your alarm?” Bella suggested with a grin. I nodded silently as I

slipped on a jacket. “I hope its ok,” she sighed, “Edward’s taking you to school today.”
She laughed at my moody expression. “Sorry! Sorry!”

“Why?” I groaned, swinging open my bedroom door and walking out. Edward

stood quietly in the kitchen. His eyes were on me in a non-casual manner.

“Bella needs to patch things up with Emmett,” a brief grin invaded his face, “and

Alice is hunting with Jasper.”

“Carlisle? Esme? Rosalie?” I challenged them both. Edward pulled a face.
“You really hate me that much?”
“You just cause unnecessary attention, that’s all.” I picked up my school bag,

brushing my curls out of my face.

“Oh,” Edward contemplated this, “me or my car?”
“Both.” I replied glumly. He pursed his lips in thought for a moment.
“Will it cause that much of a stir if I came in Bella’s car?”
“You were waiting for an excuse!” Bella laughed loudly. Edward shot her a

humiliated look.

“No,” he tried to amend the victimized situation he was in, “no I-“
“Whatever, just don’t get out of the car in any way.” I ordered simply, my arms

folded. Edward nodded and jangled Bella’s keys. “See you later.”

Bella waved at us before we sprinted to the garage. Her car sat magnificently in

the shaded light and my spirits lifted. Though drawing a crowd was becoming irritating,
pulling up at school in this would be rather amazing. Edward laughed at me as he got
in; reading my thoughts, again.

“It’s hard not to,” he explained, “You are very amusing to listen to.”

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“It won’t be too amusing when I hit you.” I reminded him with a smile. He

laughed harder, the throaty sound filling the car.

“Sure thing, Nessie.” He revved the engine with a noticeable grin before pulling

out. I instinctively braced myself for a speedy journey. And I was glad I did.

Edward seemed to make the car leap out of its own body work as we raced

down the road. His long fingers embraced the steering wheel comfortably and he swiftly
turned corners as if we were trundling along at twenty miles per hour. I watched the
speedometer anxiously but he rolled his eyes at me. “Surely you’ve got used to Alice’s

“She has her limits.”
“Really?” Edward raised an eyebrow, pushing the car forward even further. We

were hitting around a hundred miles per hour now. School was in sight.

“Edward!” I yelled as we sped up to a hundred and ten. He let his foot off the

accelerator slightly with a smile.

“Yes?” He asked politely. As he inclined his head toward me, he pushed the

pedal down a little. I scowled.

“Just don’t make a scene.” I muttered angrily as he swerved into the car park.

The crowd flocked as soon as we stopped. I swung open the car door, slamming it hard
behind me. As if to irritate me further, Edward revved the engine. I turned and bared my
teeth at him. Through the tinted glass, I saw him laugh.

Lily dashed over, her eyes alight.
“New car?” She asked excitedly.
“Unfortunately.” I muttered and she frowned.
“You’re so weird.” My eyes flickered past her and saw Andrew. He was

wandering over, wearing the same hooded sweatshirt that hid his face. “Can you wait
for tonight?” Lily asked me.

“Well,” I started slowly but she didn’t let me continue.
“I can’t!”
“Really? You keep that well hidden.” My sarcasm didn’t reach her as I’d liked;

she just rolled her eyes.

Andrew caught up with us then, his hands hidden in his jeans pockets.
“Hey,” he greeted us in his low voice, “how is everyone this morning?”
“I’m just great.” Lily’s smile was far too happy and I noticed Andrew warily step

slightly away from her. He pulled back his hood, revealing those piercing eyes from
within the shadows. He looked at me.

“I’m…good.” I answered jaggedly, my breath catching as those eyes followed my


“You’re still up for tonight aren’t you?” Lily’s hand gripped Andrew’s muscled


“Yes,” Andrew seemed unwilling to answer, “I am.”
“Do you need a lift? I’m grabbing one with Renesmee but I’m sure-“
“I think Andrew is capable of sorting out his own lifts.” I interrupted hastily. Jacob

would not appreciate a boy in his car. Andrew registered this as a hostile answer and
watched me closely.

“Yes, she’s right,” he answered slowly, “I’ll get myself there.”
“Just the woods outside of the school grounds, we’ll meet there.” Lily pointed

them out as the bell rang with her words. “Ok?”

“Yes.” I took her hand and pulled her to class.
Andrew didn’t stop his curious actions throughout the day. I seemed to always

catch him watching me. I wasn’t sure what to feel, scared or flattered. I tried to ignore
him but his eyes wouldn’t let up. They wouldn’t stop.

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Lily made sure we were all aware of the camping tonight, where, what time, who

with. Kia was overwhelmed by the fact she was sharing a lift with Jackson and his
mother. When asked, Andrew just repeated that he’d find his own way there. Again, Lily
tried to offer him a lift but I had to cut her off. Her eyes angrily questioned me but I
refused to give Andrew the chance. He’d die.

“What is your problem with him?” Lily asked me when the bell rang after lunch.
“Nothing.” I told her, exasperated. She eyed me curiously, not convinced.
“Come on Ness, you’re lying. You’re so eager to refuse him a lift.”
“I-I,” I began loudly but then regained a normal tone, “I don’t think Jacob would

appreciate me filling his car with people he doesn’t know.”

“Oh,” Lily paused for a minute, “oh!” She then winked. “Boys,” she stated. Then

she gave me a quick hug. “See you in the car park.”

I wandered off to my class, which I had without any of my close friends. I

listened intently to the teacher until I started thinking about camping with Jacob. I
thought of what we would do. Eat, well Jacob would, there’d be no question about that.
Then, we’d lie down, watch the stars and talk. Talk for hours until I got tired. Then Jacob
would wrap his arms around me, enclosing me in a little cave and I would sleep. His
warm body would keep me safe as I slept long through the night. He’d sleep too but not
for as long, he’d be too worried about me. He’d worry that the nightmare might come
back to me. It wouldn’t though, I was sure of that. My nightmare had made me a real
promise this time; he wouldn’t break it.

I kept thinking about our imaginary camping trip all class until the bell rang. Lily

met with me outside the room door.

“Come on!” She yanked me out of the building, almost sprinting into the car


Bella’s car purred as it sat waiting for me. I pretended not to notice but the horn

sounded and my head reflexively jerked towards the noise. “You’d better go,” Lily said
as she scanned the place for the other campers. “I’ll see you around six?”

“Sure.” She passed me a little scrap of paper. Her address was printed on it with

her scribbled hand-writing.

“Here you go. Call me if you get lost.” She hugged me quickly then raced off,

obviously spotting Jackson or Kia.

I walked over to the car, folding the piece of paper numerous times before

tucking it into my pocket. I was surprised to find Bella sat in the driver’s seat.

“Hello.” She grinned. I strapped myself in.
“Hello.” Bella seemed to be a more careful driver, even in this speed machine.

She pulled out slowly and sighed as the car silently glided down the roads. She was
probably missing the hearty growl of her truck. I couldn’t help but notice her nose
wrinkle when I moved; just as Alice’s did the other day. I watched her closely but she
didn’t look at me properly.

Her sleek car rumbled gently as we pulled into the drive. The winding roads

were easy for her Toyota, it effortlessly drifted around the corners. Bella’s hands were
barely on wheel, she was gazing quietly out of the tinted windows. “Are you ok?” I
asked warily. Her amber eyes suddenly flashed to mine but a comfortable smile was on
her face.

“Of course, why shouldn’t I?” Her voice was plain, just normal. Nothing out of

place. It made me feel guilty; I had doubted her.

“Do I smell or something?” I asked suddenly. Her returning laughter was loud,

easily cancelling out the steady purr of her car. I flinched.

“Re-re-re,” she spluttered, clutching her stomach, “Renesmee, why would you

say that? Of course you don’t.”

“You, I, just, oh.”

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We pulled up into the garage, the Toyota Hybrid easily fitting into its space. I got

out quickly and swung my bag across my back. Without taking a backwards glance to
Bella, I took off to the river. With only one step for a run-up, I leapt over the river easily.
Bella’s laugh was even audible as I kept jogging; she never forgot the thrill of jumping

Edward was at the cottage, his face composed. But he couldn’t stop himself

from reacting when I came over. Despite the smile, I watched his nose, wrinkling.

“Oh for god sake,” I muttered moodily. His eyes scrutinized me innocently. Then

he took a look into my head and understood.

“Oh,” Edward’s face fell slightly but he continued a weak smile, “that.”
“What is it all about?” I dropped my bag lazily and he pulled a face.
“Uh well,” he contemplated, “well,”
“Stop saying ‘well’.” I growled. He took a wary step back, obviously bracing

himself for an outburst.

“You’ve smelt of Jacob a lot lately.” Edward finally said, his eyes flickered behind

me to where Bella was stood.

“I have?” I smelt myself but Jacob’s woodsy scent wasn’t apparent on my

clothes. “That’s odd.” I hadn’t been seeing Jacob more…oh perhaps I have. Edward
was watching me, keeping up with my thoughts. But I never saw Jacob at school. That
was when my family most reacted to my smell, when I was in the car. But they say I
smell like Jacob, a werewolf. It couldn’t be something at school; they must just smell it
better in the enclosed space of a car.

Edward nodded as if to agree with me, though his eyes weren’t totally

convinced. I felt Bella’s presence behind me still, her breath held. I turned around to her
and smiled,

“Its ok, I’m fine.” At this, she gladly exhaled.
“Sorry,” she apologized, “its hard when I don’t know what’s going on in your

head.” Her eyes flashed to Edward, who waved and grinned.

“It’s fine, I know how that feels.” We smiled identically, her amber eyes creasing

just like mine do. “Anyway, I have to go get ready. Does anyone know where Alice is?”
My parents’ eyes widened and they grinned.

Alice bounded into the cottage shortly after, waltzing straight into my room

where I was surrounded by a heap of clothes. She sighed but a smile was apparent on
her pixie face.

“Right, camping,” she seemed to be a little disapproving but continued, “you

don’t want to dress up too much.” A sigh let me know she was disappointed that
dressing up was not an option tonight. “Casual but nice,” she muttered as she flicked
through the strewn clothes. “Ah.” Alice pulled out a green long sleeved t-shirt, tight
fitting. I pursed my lips but took it out of her hands.

It didn’t take her long to pick me out some trousers and I changed quickly. She

also gave me a hooded sweatshirt that was Edward’s. “You don’t want pyjamas; just
throw this on over your outfit to sleep in.” The sweatshirt was distinctly scented of
Edward, that smell that drew you in. I folded it up with a sigh and squished it into the
small bag I was taking. “Who’s taking you anyway?” Alice asked, zipping up my bag.

“Oh,” she looked at me oddly, “is he camping out too?”
“No, of course not.” I frowned. “It’s just a bunch of school friends.”
“He’s ok to leave you in the woods for a night?”
“Yes,” I confirmed irritably. Alice couldn’t help but let her eyebrows raise a couple

of centre metres.

“Oh, ok.”

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I threw the bag over my shoulder and hugged my parents.
“Be good,” Bella told me, worry thick in her voice.
“It’s just camping.” I repeated. They were both wracked with anxiety.
“I know, it’s just,” she stuttered and I frowned.
“Bella, I’ll be fine.” There was a heavy knocking on the door and Edward tensed.

It was Jacob.

“Renesmee?” Jacob made a deal of saying my full name. “Are you ready?” I was

annoyed that he couldn’t even open the door but didn’t comment.

“Yes,” I called, “be right there.” I swung open the door. He was clothed fully for

the first time in a while. His grin was heart-stopping and I paused for a second.
Edward’s jaw locked noisily and I composed myself. “Let’s go.”

We jogged gently to the car, which was bravely parked outside the Cullen’s

house. Jacob opened the door for me as I passed him a little note; Lily’s address. He
read it carefully, nodding. I sat down quietly in the Rabbit, winding down the window
immediately. Jacob grinned and he pulled away.

Lily was stood outside her house, clutching what looked like a rolled up tent and

a bag packed for a week long holiday. She waved wildly as we pulled up. Jacob flexed
his hands on the steering wheel and winked at me.

“Hey guys!” Her voice was high and squeaky. I braced myself before opening

the car door so she could slip into the back seat. She practically threw herself into the
defenceless Rabbit, her cheeks flushed. Her eyes flashed over to Jacob, who had
thankfully let his own eyes wander elsewhere. “Thank you so much Jacob for picking
me up.” Her voice was full of giddy warmth and he looked back at her with a smile. It
was another one of those breath-taking grins and even I had to pause before I could
close the car door properly.

“It’s a pleasure,” Jacob told her as he started up the car, “where are we off to

now?” Lily eagerly directed him to the woods just by the school. The Rabbit chugged
along contently, Jacob revving it every so often. The heat made me swelter; I leant out
of the open window. The sky was nearly black already, the clouds progressing lazily
across the sky.

Jacob pulled up just outside the school. He offered to walk us up the track to the

woods, obviously against letting me walk by myself. Lily walked beside me, her eyes
alight. She had to stop herself from squealing when Jacob let his hand clasp mine as
we continued past the school. Jacob smiled to himself.

“This is it.” Lily told us triumphantly, the opening to the woods visible to me even

in the dark. Jacob eyed it warily and squeezed my hand, pulling me closer to him. Lily
cleared her throat and turned away.

“Be good,” Jacob told me with a smile, “I’ll be here when you need me.”
“Ok,” I pushed myself onto my tiptoes, just about reaching his lips. It was a short

and sweet kiss. I squeezed his hand once before letting go.

I reached Lily and she eagerly linked arms with me.
“He is so cute to you!” She giggled childishly. I rolled my eyes but nodded.
“I guess so.” She snatched a quick look over her shoulder.
“He’s still there, watching us.” I copied her, just to see Jacob stood there

motionless. His hands were deep in his pockets but his eyes were alert, watching us.
“Did he not want you to come?”

“No, he was fine. It’s not as if he’s my father.” I told her with a grin.
We continued on through the woods. I found it easy to scramble through the

foliage but I had to constantly wait for Lily to amble quietly behind me.

“Here we go,” Lily said with a grateful sigh, “just here.” We had reached a

clearing with a tiny bonfire lit in the middle. Jackson and Kia were slumped on a log,
watching the flames lick at the air. “Guys, we’re here!” Lily called, jogging over to them.

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Her tent and bag weighed her down so her movements were jagged and clumsy. I
easily glided past her to find Jackson presenting me with a brilliant smile.

“You made it!” His tone was upbeat. Lily dropped her possessions quickly beside

the fire and looked quickly at Kia. She was scowling at both of us, unhappy that we had
broken her private time with Jackson. “Let’s get your tent sorted.” Jackson offered,
taking Lily’s tent in his arms.

Kia, Lily and I watched him quietly as he assembled it quickly. He was very

skilful; he must camp out a lot.

“Is Andrew coming?” Lily asked. Kia sighed, now staring blankly into the fire.
“He said he was coming, didn’t he?” She snapped.
“Alright,” Lily scowled at her, “I was only asking.” I shuffled uncomfortably on the

log. The tension of the two girls was swarming around me.

Jackson was bent over the tent, double-checking it again. I focused on him,

watching his long fingers tug at the rope. Then, a rustle broke the gentle silence. I
immediately focused onto the noise instead. It was coming from my right, from where
Lily and I had entered through. A dark silhouette broke through the tree branches. Their
movements were easy, powerful and silent. Only the snaps of the branches gave them

“Andrew?” Lily asked warily. The silhouette moved towards us. I saw his dark

features on his rugged face before anyone else. It was Andrew, wearing his usual grey
hoody and tattered jeans.

“That’s me.” His voice was gruffer than I remembered. I frowned, how odd.
“Oh you came!” The excited blonde jumped up and threw herself at him. He

caught her quickly with an uncomfortable laugh, holding her at arms length. His
expression was mixed; only I could notice this. He was looking at her with wary eyes
but he knew she wasn’t the dangerous one. It looked as if he was worrying…about
himself. “Didn’t you bring a tent?”

“Sleeping under the stars,” Andrew let go of her, “that’s the best way to camp.”
“Unless it rains,” Lily pointed out with a laugh. He laughed with her, the sound

throaty and mature. It was nearly identical to Jacob’s.

“Hello Renesmee.” He wandered over to the campfire.
“Evening,” I smiled. His answering smile was dazzling. And I knew a dazzling

smile when I saw one.

“It’s a nice one isn’t it?”
“Yes.” I answered quietly, still a little dazed from his smile. He sat down next to

me, the log aching underneath his weight. It rolled slightly, making me wobble. He
gripped the wood to steady us, only to splinter the log violently. Andrew’s eyes flashed
in panic and he quickly stood up. I watched him quietly, attentively.

“Who wants marshmallows?” Lily produced a candy pink plastic bag full of the

fluffy sweets. My stomach churned at the sight of them. I kindly refused when she
offered the bag to me. Andrew took a handful, roasting two of them over the fire and
scoffing the rest throughout the waiting periods.

Jackson sat beside me, his shoulder touching mine gently. He continued to offer

me a sweet but I shook my head every time. Kia was slowly becoming more agitated
with me.

“It’s so dark without the moon.” Lily mentioned dreamily, her eyes cast upwards.

Andrew swallowed, sitting on the mossy earth now.

“It’s nicer without the moon.” He said quietly.
“You think?” Lily continued, “I love the moon.” My eyes never left Andrew’s dark

face. His face contorted into an unknown series of expressions. “Without the moon,”
Lily’s soft voice lulled, “the stars are lonely.”

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“That’s a load of crap,” Kia scoffed angrily. Lily and I ignored her bluntly, only

Jackson reacted.

“Kia!” He warned. She pouted,
“The stars can’t get lonely. They’re not people.”
“You don’t have to be so harsh about it.”
“Guys,” I said quietly, “come on.”
We found ourselves stargazing for ages, even when the sky was partially

covered in grey clouds. Andrew was fidgety throughout the night. I found him
fascinating yet unnerving to watch. He constantly watched the dull glimmer of the moon
as it hid behind the never ending sea of clouds. “Andrew,” I finally said, “are you ok?”
He propped himself up on his elbow and grinned at me.

“Of course,” his voice was calm, “why shouldn’t I?”
“Oh nothing.”
Beside me, Jackson’s shoulder seemed to slump. He was falling asleep. I

prodded him gently, causing him to groan and yawn.

“I think I might call it a night. Sorry to be a party pooper.” He told me. I smiled,
“You’re not a party pooper. It’s pretty late.” I then turned to Kia. Her head was

bowed as she leant against the log. She was already asleep. “Kia’s already given up.” I

“I’ll put her in our tent.” Jackson slowly stood up. “Night guys.”
“Goodnight Jackson.” Lily purred as she lay on the ground. Jackson bent down

and scooped Kia up clumsily in his gangly arms. She didn’t stir as he carried her to their
tent and ducked inside. He zipped up the tent quickly after laying her down.

“He didn’t last long.” Andrew commented amusingly. I sighed,
“It is late.”
“Not too late, I stay up this late all the time.”
“Well you’re not Jackson, are you?” I pushed scornfully. Andrew winked, his

eyes still vividly bright in the gloomy darkness. My own eyes wandered up the sky
again. The clouds were moving a little quicker now, nearly unveiling the moon.

“The moon’s going to come out.” Lily breathed, noticing it too. Andrew’s body


“Looks like it’s a full moon,” I muttered.
“Awesome,” she smiled, “even more pretty.” I scrambled off the log to lie beside

her. Her fingertips touched mine as I got comfy on the muddy earth. As I felt the dirt
beneath me, I remembered how I had told Jacob I would never lie in the mud next to
him. I smiled. “Here it co-“

“I’ve got to go.” Andrew almost growled, sprinting off quickly. Lily rigidly sat up,

her lost eyes following him. He had vanished, almost into thin air.

“Where did he go?” Lily asked, her voice sad.
“I don’t know,” I was intent on finding out, “that was really strange.” Lily yawned

beside me and stretched.

“We could go find him.”
“No,” I told her sternly, watching her eyes droop, “you’re shattered. Go to sleep.”
“Go, Lily, I’ll be in the tent in a few minutes.” Lily got up lazily, her body clumsy

like a puppet’s. She stared down at me.

“You’re not going to look for him are you, without me?”
“No.” I assured her, my eyes forcing her away. “Go, Lily.” She obeyed with

another tired yawn. I watched her amble into the tent, zipping it up nearly all the way.

“Night Renesmee.” Her small voice breathed.
“Goodnight Lily.” I said, standing up. The campfire was burning out, the light

dimmer than I had expected. But then suddenly, the clearing was bright. The moon had

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finally appeared. It was a full moon, a dazzling white. I frowned, scanning the
surroundings. Where had Andrew gone? “Jacob?” I whispered.

The smile was almost impossible to stop when the russet wolf trotted toward me.

He had come almost instantly. “That was fast.” I told him, stroking his fur. His eyes
questioned me; did you expect any less? “Did you see a boy on your way over?” I
asked but he shook his huge head. “We need to go searching, Jacob, something’s not
right.” I glanced up at the moon that was staring back down at us. Why had Andrew just
vanished? I wished he would return; I had questions.

Jacob’s hackles rose on his neck, a low growl building in his throat. I stepped

back warily. “What? What is it Jacob?” Jacob rose to his full height and turned his back
on me. I stayed rooted to the spot as he moved backward. His suddenly angry posture
wasn’t toward me, it was against me. He was protecting me from something. “Jacob!” I
cried in desperation. “Jacob what is it?” Jacob turned his head, his teeth bared, but his
eyes were oddly warm as if to reassure me. Then he turned back to the blackness of
the woods. A feral growl ripped out his mouth, making shivers ripple uncontrollably
through my body. Jacob took a step forward, the growl ongoing. Whatever it was, Jacob
was warning it off.

Suddenly, I felt the urge to stand beside Jacob. I felt the need to stand beside

him and fight whatever it was alongside him. So I did. I stepped forward, my back
curving into a hunting crouch. Jacob put a leg out to prevent me to go any further but
my lips curled back from my teeth. Then Jacob took a step in front of me, forcing me to
turn around. When I did, I noticed the two tiny tents. If this was going to be a fight, I
thought, people might get hurt. I closed my eyes and calmed myself.

However, Jacob didn’t. He remained in an aggressive posture, slow quiet

rumbles deep in his chest. “Jacob,” I said softly, “Jacob its ok.” He swung his head
around and shook it. His eyes spoke out to me; it’s not safe. He growled again,
stepping forward into the darkness.

A deep, heavy growl answered him. My stomach flipped and my throat caught.

Something was definitely out there. “Jacob,” I stuttered, “Jacob what is it?” My hands
shook, my body seemed to go into a panicked frenzy. Jacob’s growls accelerated. But
the answer was identical to the last, deep, heavy, dark.

I fell to the floor in a wild panic, my knees completely giving way. The last reply

was definitely closer. Whatever it was was moving toward us. “Jacob.” I simply
whispered. Another growl from the darkness; it had moved away again. But Jacob
wasn’t defeated. He suddenly flew away from me. I wanted to scream after him but I
remembered the helpless people behind me, sleeping innocently. So I ran, ran as fast
as I could after him.

Jacob sprinted quite a way away from where we had first stood but the low

sound that was aggressively replying to him was still in the distance. Jacob was
chasing it. And I was chasing Jacob. And perhaps, the thing was chasing me. “Jacob!” I
yelped, close to the wolf now. He stopped, digging his paws into the mud. He turned to
me, furious and panicked. Go back, his eyes seemed to plead. But I refused. “No.” He
howled, making me flinch. To my horror, another howl followed. Closer again.

Jacob didn’t hold back for me, the growl he let loose was ferocious. It was wild,

horrifying and it made me fall to the ground again. I couldn’t cope. The Jacob I loved
was terrifying me. And then, another howl erupted from the darkness; even closer.
“Jacob,” I whispered tearfully. “Jacob, save me.” It was all I could seem to muster. The
wolf shuddered violently as the other thing howled, the sound continuous, closer and
closer every second. There was a rustle of leaves, metres away from us, and a flicker
of light. Blue light? “Please,” I sobbed, “please go.”

The growl from the distance stopped abruptly. Jacob’s jaw was locked as he

sniffed the air. Then his expression turned into confusion, he wasn’t sure how but it had

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gone. Jacob whined unexpectedly and nuzzled his large head into my whole body. “Oh
Jacob,” I let the uncontrollable tears flow as I hid my head in his shaggy auburn fur.

He let me cry for a while until he pulled himself away and pressed his nose onto

my cheek before darting away. Jacob returned in his usual human form and wrapped
me tightly in his arms.

“Renesmee,” he murmured, “I have no idea what that was but it’s gone now.” He

stroked my hair. “I’ll protect you Renesmee, always and forever.”


I returned shakily to the campsite, Jacob’s hot hand in mine. “Will you be ok?”
“Yeah,” my voice broke, “I just need to sleep.” I stopped at mine and Lily’s tent.

“Jacob,” I turned to him, “what was that?”

“I don’t know,” Jacob frowned angrily. “Something was there, I was so sure.

Then it just vanished, as if it had never existed. But I had heard it! Something was there
and it was going to fight me. I could sense its presence straightaway. I don’t know why
but I could follow it so easily. And then, it disappeared off the face of the earth.” He
sighed irately. “I had this feeling,” his hands clenched into fists, “it was going to take you
away from me.”

“I don’t know,” Jacob’s face tightened, “it was so strong and I got so angry. I

wanted to kill whatever it was.” I placed a hand on his arm.

“It’s fine now.”
“Yeah,” Jacob murmured, obviously not convinced. “I’m going to stick around. I’ll

be wandering so if you need me.”

“Ok, thanks.” Jacob’s lips crushed down onto mine before I could say goodnight.

His fury made our kiss electrifying. I pulled away after a while, in need of oxygen.

“I love you Renesmee, so god damn much.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t,” I breathed quietly, “it’s me who gets you into trouble like


“I hate to disagree with you but nothing will ever stop me loving you.” He turned

and ran away, leaving me in the darkness. I crawled silently into the tent and collapsed
beside Lily. Almost as soon as my head hit the makeshift pillow Lily had created out of
her clothes, I fell asleep.

Lily gently shook me.
“Renesmee, Renesmee wake up.” I opened my eyes to find her long blonde hair

dangling over me. Her green eyes were blurry as I blinked. “Ah, good, you’re awake.”

“Yes, that’s me.”
“Oh Lily!” I threw myself at her, hugging her.
“Woah, Renesmee!” She struggled under my hold. “Uh, Renesmee?” I let go


“What was that about?” She asked warily, eyeing me. Well, this unknown being

came in the night so Jacob had to transform into a werewolf and fight it off and we were
all in danger of dying until it suddenly vanished. So really, I woke up gladly to find we
were all still alive, unharmed and your minds are still unpolluted with dangerous
mythical creatures.

“I just had a rough night sleep,” I lied quietly, “and then had a nightmare.”
“Oh, are you alright now?”

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“Yeah thanks.”
“Well come on,” she tugged me out of the tent, “we’re all packed up beside our

tent. I thought I should wake you up earlier but Jackson said you looked too peaceful so
we left you until now.” I stumbled out of the tent behind her. The sun was faint but still
gleaming in the sky. I panicked but my skin barely glimmered. Only someone inspecting
me closely would notice the minute diamonds sparkling on my arms and face.

“Oh,” I stood beside Lily, “thanks.”
“It’s ok. Just grab your stuff; Jackson’s just going to collapse the tent with all my

stuff in it, wrap it up and I’ll just carry it that way.” She told me, her eyes casually
scanning me. I flattened my windblown hair and picked up my bag that was sat,
untouched, in the tent. “Good. Oh, do you know where Andrew went?”

“No.” I couldn’t help the tremors that erupted through my body. Something about

Andrew’s disappearance unnerved me.

“How odd. I’ll have to call him sometime.”
“Come on girls, let’s get moving!” Jackson called cheerily, his tent slung over his

shoulder in a bag. Kia followed him sleepily, her red hair wild.

“Let’s go home,” her voice was groggy, “I need a shower.” The lanky teenager

pulled our tent down and rolled it up for Lily to carry. Kia yawned loudly, her arms
clasping a sleeping bag. Jackson put an arm around her shoulders and they slowly
made their way, alongside Lily and I, to the clearing’s entrance.

The sun oozed out of the clouds still as we made our way down to the school. A

dark blue car was parked, the engine running, just outside the school gates. The driver
waved at Jackson, who led Kia toward the car.

“See you guys,” Kia mumbled.
“See you on Monday!” Jackson’s farewell was cheery and bright. We waved at

them, the redhead slowly crawling into the back seat.

“So who’s picking you up?” Lily asked, suddenly sitting down on the grassy

verge we were walking down.

“Jacob, I hope.” I shivered as I remembered the last time I had seen the

reassuring teenager.

“Oh ok.”
“Do you need a ride home?” I asked her.
“No,” she stood up and pointed to a silver car pulling up, “there’s my mom. I’ll

see you around.” Lily hugged me, her powdery smell overflowing my nostrils. I watched
her dart down to the car, which seemed to drive off as soon as she sat down. A sigh
escaped my lips as I sat down lazily on the grass. I didn’t feel like going home right

The nightmare of the previous night flashed dramatically in my head. I couldn’t

even believe it had happened; it was far too horrifying. The dark unknown creature that
had stalked Jacob and me didn’t seem to register as real. But the all too real growls of
Jacob and the thing sounded in my mind. It had happened.

I remembered my panicked state when I had cowered behind Jacob when the

growls increased in volume. And how I thought all the thing wanted was…me. Perhaps
it still did. A tremor shook my body as I registered this. The thing, the thing that seemed
to flash a blue light. Was it blue? Perhaps my wildly panicked mind had imagined it.

I had sobbed behind Jacob, pleading with the unknown thing to leave. And it

had. But to think, what would have happened if it revealed itself? Jacob would surely
fight it. How would I live if Jacob was defeated? If the thing slaughtered him right in
front of me?

“Nessie?” Jacob’s voice jolted me out of my ludicrous thoughts. I turned around

to find him crouching beside me, his face clearly worried. “Are you ok?” I threw myself

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at him and sobbed. “Hey,” Jacob stroked my brunette hair sympathetically, “hey you,
ssh, it’s ok.”

“No,” I gargled between sobs, “no it’s not ok.” I grabbed his muscular arms and

pulled my head up to face him. “Jacob, that thing is out to get me. I know it!”

“Renesmee, hey, it’s ok.”
“No!” My cry was strangled as I forced him to listen to me. “No, it’s not!”
“Calm down Nessie,” Jacob restrained me as he felt my body shake.
“Jacob it’s out to kill me! It was bound to happen and you are not going to die for

me!” Tears were wildly pouring down my hot face and Jacob tried to wipe the waterfall

“What are you talking about?” His calm voice wobbled. “Renesmee, you’re fine,

I’m fine and it’s all ok.”

“Blue!” I suddenly screamed, my whole body shaking uncontrollably. Jacob’s

face was a picture of horror. “Blue eyes!” My voice was shuddering as I shrieked,
standing up now.

“Renesmee!” Jacob stood up and grabbed me. “Renesmee ssh!” He pulled my

head into his warm chest and I stopped screaming. Only the tears continued.

“Blue,” I whispered shakily, “blue, blue, blue.”
“What are you talking about?” He repeated worriedly.
“Blue eyes Jacob; I saw a blue flash when that thing came to us. It’s that

creature in my head. He had blue eyes.”

“I didn’t see anything Renesmee. I think you’re in shock.”
“No I’m not in shock! I’m trying to expla-“
“I’m taking you home.” Jacob threw me into his arms.
“No Ja-“
“You need to be with your family. They’ll calm you down better than I can.” He

continued his quiet mutterings as we ran wildly home, keeping far from the main road.

The tears and shaking had stopped completely when Jacob let me down onto

the ground just outside the Cullen’s house. Edward was by the door, his face stricken
as he caught sight of me.

“Renesmee!” He darted over, his arms shielding me as he hugged me close but

I wanted to turn to Jacob; I needed to explain. Now Edward’s arms were restricting me.
“Renesmee,” his voice was lower now, “stay with me.” I struggled further even so.

“Let her go.” Bella said quietly, appearing behind Edward. I saw her panicked

eyes watching me and they tore at my heartstrings. Edward let go of me quickly.

“Jacob,” I whirled around but he had vanished, “I need to…explain.”
“No. No you don’t.” My father said calmly, no loss of authority in his voice.
“I do.” I turned back to my parents, their snowy white faces braced for an

outburst. “You don’t know.”

“I do.” Edward assured me. “I’ve seen everything. Come on, let’s go home.”
My parents led me to the cottage quietly, their stone arms wrapping around my

back. They let me calm myself in my bedroom, making no attempt to communicate with
me. Until eventually, Bella slipped into my room.

“Honey,” her voice was gentle, “are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m alright now.” She sat beside me, the bed barely noticing her weight.
“Good. I’m so sorry about what happened.”
“Why are you sorry?” I asked her with a tiny smile. “You didn’t cause it.”
“I know. I don’t know what it was. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you from it.”
“Bella,” I held her hand, “I didn’t expect you to fly over like Superwoman. Jacob

protected me; I’m alive aren’t I?”

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“I guess.” Bella still looked guilty, even when her fingers traced the lines of my

face. “You look so tired Renesmee.”

“I am.” I suddenly realised how tired I actually was.
“Why don’t you sleep?”
“It’s morning,” I reminded her.
“Why does that matter? It’s Saturday.”
“I guess so.” I yawned. Bella smiled and drew the duvet back for me. I climbed

into bed fully clothed and shut my eyes, feeling Bella’s granite hands stroke my face.
Her cool skin soothed me into a dreamless sleep that felt like it could last forever.
Finally, I felt some peace.

Book II




1. Does she think I’m stalking her? Oh great.

2. Three is definitely a crowd

3. The very meaning of female dog


A whole wave of protection seemed to knock me sideways. I never realised how

defensive I could feel over her. Somehow this new predator increased this feeling. In
the split second, I felt like I could rip them apart.

Even as such a close relationship, unlikely I would admit, I felt so aggressive. If

it were someone so close to you, threatening another you felt you owed the world,
would you step up and fight? Would you defend the other with all of your heart?

Would I be able to find it in my soul to step down and be able to hold both sides

of my life?

I then felt utterly ashamed of my sudden rage and stood in silence. The others

argued around me but their voices seemed to blur for a few moments. Would I fight my
own brothers?

And then he explained the plan and it felt like I might just have to. Fight my own

kind for my enemy? It all seemed very backwards.

1. Does she think I’m stalking her? Oh great.

My huge paws thundered onto the ground even as I strolled through the forest. I

was contemplating visiting Renesmee again, even though she was probably still
asleep. I took a deep, heavy breath as I sat down on my hindquarters. I was being
obsessive, I knew that, but the consistent pull to see her was unbearable.

Jake? Seth Clearwater. He had just phased; his voice bright in my head.
What do you want Seth? My reply was irritated. I couldn’t help it; I was trying to

weigh up the pros and cons of being OCD over a girl.

Are you in Forks? Sam’s looking for you. Seth was pacing around on the

reservation. He wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He half wanted to be ordered
around by someone, he was a little lost without an Alpha. But his choice between Sam
and I was still undecided for the sandy wolf. Jake? Jake, did you hear me?

Yeah I heard you. Why is Sam looking for me? As a rightful Alpha, I didn’t need

to follow anybody’s orders. Sam and I kept apart a lot of the time; the running tension

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was too high. He wasn’t pleased with the fact I had imprinted on one of our immortal
enemies. Yet he knew it was uncontrollable so he tried his hardest to be open-minded.

I don’t know, he’s not letting on. He’s not phased yet. He’s with Emily, talking

about you.

Talking about me? An involuntary angry shudder rippled through my body. Why?
I don’t know Jake, I really don’t. I just thought I should give you a heads up.
Thanks Seth.
Why give
him a heads up? I growled as a new furious voice entered my head.

Leah Clearwater, the very definition of angry, annoying girl. I felt Seth grow irritated with
his sister and tried to be calm for his sake.

What has this got to do with you, Leah?
Oh it just so happens that you’re in my head.
Her sarcastic tone made me flinch


Well, wouldn’t be the first time would it?
Guys don’t-
I heard Seth whine quietly.
Oh you caught me! Yes Jacob I dream about you constantly, in fact I’ve got a

life-size cut out of you in my bedroom. Shame you’ve imprinted on a baby bloodsucker,
she’s really ruined my chances.
I let out a furious growl at Leah’s infuriated remark.

You’re lucky I’m in Forks; I’d be eating you alive right now.
Jake don-
Oh wouldn’t that be entertaining?
Yes, it would, Leah, now go home and paint your claws.
You know, that might be a good idea. That way it gives me time to daydream

about my one and only love; Jacob Black. Leah disappeared then, obviously phasing
back to her human form. Seth idled quietly, waiting for me to explode but I regained my
calm solitary state.

Sorry Seth.
It’s okay; I’d happily fight her with you. I’ll see you around.
Seth phased back

too, leaving me alone. I stood up, pawing the muddy earth thoughtfully.

There was a sharp tug in my mind, another pull towards Renesmee. I tried to

fight it, test my own strength, but my heart ached. I had to learn to control my emotions
over her. She was only young, why burden her with all this confusion?

I remembered hastily how she had grown at a frightening rate; no matter how

old she appeared to be, she was only a few years in theory. The love that I was dazed
by regularly completely ruled my life and it was sort of disturbing to think of it that way. I
had no other way of being. She was the ruler of my life and she had no idea.

I closed my eyes as I remembered when she approached me not long ago,

confessing how she knew about the imprinting. She was pretty upbeat about it. She
knew nothing; she didn’t understand the life-long tie I had now fastened around us.
Wherever she went, I had to go too. My love for her was limitless.

It frightened me, suddenly, when a new thought plucked at me. What would

happen if she were to go? The Cullens moved around a lot. She would have to leave
to, me in tow. I would have to leave La Push, my father, the pack. But what if the
Cullen’s refused my existence? What if they banished me? Surely it ridiculed their
family, to have a werewolf bound to them? They really were a freak show, I thought with
a chuckle. First they become ‘vegetarians’, shunning the real lifestyle of a true vampire,
and then they have a werewolf as a pet.

Jeez. Life was so much easier when myths were just the scrawled stories in

tattered books your grandfather collected. They were just the spooky stories you
listened to around bonfires. But they never meant anything. They were just
entertainment I guess. You’d scoff at someone if they told you they were a werewolf in

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their spare time, that they protected the town against the vampires that lived only a
short distance away. You’d send them to some sort of asylum.

I was the only real odd one in this whole scenario, I decided. Not only was I a

werewolf, which was enough to scare anyone, but I was in love with a vampire. No, not
just love. I was physically bound to her. Jeez Jacob, you are the freak of vampire and
werewolf world. That’s some title you got yourself.

I opened my eyes with a sigh. Thinking deeply never did me any favours. I was

an act-on-impulse person. And the impulse I was going to act on now was to visit
Renesmee…again. I bounded through the forests of Forks, knowing the exact way to
her tiny cottage. Hopefully her parents wouldn’t be there. I wrinkled my snout in anxiety.
I couldn’t be doing with another showdown with Edward. He was on the end of his
tether with me. One step further and I was going to really loose my patience with him.

And Bella. My heart sunk at her name. I still loved her, maybe not as strong as I

had done, but it hurt even so to be around her. I had promised to fight for her as long as
her heart was beating. Now she was simply frozen yet stupidly beautiful. Perhaps not
as beautiful as she was, no, she was cold now, too perfect. I liked the old clumsy blush-
at-everything Bella. Nothing stays the same I guess.

I phased quickly a few metres away from the cottage, pulling on a pair of sweats

that I had tied to my right leg as a wolf. I don’t think Renesmee would appreciate it too
much if she found me watching her naked.

I clambered quietly through the tiny window in Renesmee’s bedroom. Her sweet,

floral scent was over-whelming in the small room. It made my heart beat faster than
usual. My eyes focused onto her instinctively. She was turning slowly in her sleep,
tucked up neatly in her bed. Her tiny hands gripped the duvet but her face was perfectly
serene. She had been sleeping for a day now; it was difficult to leave her asleep.

I sat with the utmost care on her bed. My weight made the bed creak and she

turned over again. Her chocolate brown hair was splayed across her pillow, beautiful
against her pale skin. Even asleep, she made my pulse race.

Stop it. I had to get a grip on myself. Despite the unchangeable feelings I had

toward Renesmee, I had to try and control the overwhelming thoughts I had over her.
She was only a child still. I shook my head fiercely, trying my hardest not to rattle the

“Jacob,” she murmured, her eyes still closed. Was she sleep-talking about me?

Ha! Me! I felt like jumping around crazily but one hasty move and something would
break; stupid werewolf strength. “Quit watching me sleep Jacob.” Crap.

“Sorry.” I smiled as she opened one coffee coloured eye. Her expression was

disapproving, as if I was a puppy who had made an accident in the house.

“How long have I been asleep for?” She slowly sat up, her face dazed. I couldn’t

help but grin further as I noticed her eye my bare chest impressively.

“About a day. That’s pretty impressive.” I told her. I had visited her around six

times already. The tight leash she involuntarily had on me still tugged even as she had
lain asleep. She reasoned with my answer then yawned.

“How long have you been here for?”
“Oh you just caught me.” I reassured her, my hand reaching out to touch hers.

Her ever beautiful smile appeared on her face as her dainty hand lay in mine. My heart
swelled, just like it always would. It was second nature to me now.

“Really?” She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. “And how many times have

you climbed through my now damaged window whilst I’ve been asleep?” Her eyes
wandered over to the window. The wooden frame was clearly splintering from my
regular visits. The dents in the wood practically cried out how many times I had
ventured into her bedroom in the past twenty four hours.

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I sheepishly turned away from her, only to make her laugh that musical laugh.

“Jeez, am I that interesting to watch?” She asked, giggling still. I closed my eyes and

“Don’t kid yourself.”
“Oh,” she mockingly adopted a serious tone, “I won’t.”
“Anyway, sleepy-head, are you feeling up for a run?” I turned back to her. Her

dark eyes blinked once as she smiled again.

“Is that all you think about?”
“No.” I said truthfully. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
“Come on,” I pulled her up out of bed, “let’s go.”
“Jacob!” She protested as I lifted her out of her window. Her objections

continued as I jogged away from her cottage, her light body in my arms. She struggled
to break free but it was useless, my arms were like iron bars against hers. “You are
impossible.” She pouted.

“Well,” I shrugged with a grin, “you could say so I guess.”
“Yes, I will say so.” Renesmee folded her arms, elbowing me purposely in the

process. I raised an eyebrow at her but she kept her consistent pout on her face.

“All right, all right, I’ll put you down.” I lowered her to the ground and in a second,

she was in front of me standing swiftly.

“Aha,” a huge smile broke out on her face, “fooled you!” In an instant, I saw her

brunette hair bouncing as she ran ahead of me.

The overgrown forest was no problem for me. Even as a human, my speed and

skill was no match for her. I raced past her, waving as I did so. Sucker! I couldn’t help
but laugh at her fiercely determined expression as she pushed herself further, levelling
the playing field. Her footsteps were lighter than mine. She then swerved away from
me, only to come thundering back into my body. The blow was hard, especially for a
frail girl like her, and made me veer to the left.

Renesmee laughed as she overtook me. How the hell did she manage to not

hurt herself? In a slight panic, I raced to get beside her again, just to catch a glimpse of
her surely dented arm. But as soon as I pressed forward, she winked and leapt onto a
tree. Another one of her stupid vampire tricks. I stopped running immediately and
frowned up on her.

“Come down, Ness.”
“Make me.” She stuck her pink tongue out, teetering on the edge of the branch. I

was wracked with worry as she dangled one foot.

“Nessie,” I pressed. She switched feet quickly, making me catch my breath as

she momentarily flew in the air.

“Who says I play fair?” The young girl asked with a grin as she leaned forward.

Now only one foot was supporting her whole weight; one slip and she was gone. I tried
to jump on the tree but it wobbled as soon as I touched it. If I attempted to reach her,
the tree would break.

“Nessie, come down.” I repeated. She laughed at my anxiety, obviously amused,

her eyes twinkling. The stupid power her gorgeous brown eyes had over me.

Renesmee faked a fall suddenly, causing me to leap and try to catch her. But as

my arm and leg pressed against the tree, it snapped. I realised this as soon as realised
Renesmee was still stood on the branch. Her eyes flashed with momentary panic until
she leapt gracefully into the air. Her arms were wide as she came tumbling to the
ground. It was if she were diving off a cliff, her eyes were closed and her expression
blank. But then, a smile crept onto her face a second before I caught her heavily.

My breath came out rapidly as I let her down on the ground reluctantly.

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“I knew you would catch me.” Her voice was light and amused. There was a

thunderous crash as half of the tree fell to the floor.

“What else was I going to do? Let you tumble to your death?” I accused

disapprovingly. She had no idea how this imprinting worked.

“You could have,” she grinned, “just to test me.”
“I might just do that next time.” I brushed her off, the leaves twirling to the

ground. Renesmee just laughed again, the sound vibrating off the tree trunks.

“No you won’t.”
“No, you’re right, I won’t. I’m not stupid.”
“That’s debateable.” She retorted with a glint in her eye. Absentmindedly, she

flicked her brown hair back, the thick curls flying momentarily. Her eyes locked onto me,
holding me to the spot. “Cut it out!” Renesmee protested, pushing me away.

“What?” I asked startled.
“You’ve got to stop staring at me. It’s making me feel self-conscious!” Her voice

shot up a few octaves but still managed to sound perfect. “I mean I know you like me
and all but,” like? Understatement there Nessie, “it’s just weird for me to catch you
gawping at my face.”

I flushed immediately, irritated with myself because of the stab of hurt that was

chipping away at me. I tried to put on my over-used Alpha face but I knew I hadn’t
accomplished that very well when I saw guilt flash in Renesmee’s eyes. “I-I, ur, Jacob?
I, hm, well, I didn’t-“ I barely took notice, I turned my head away from her, embarrassed.
Jacob you are an idiot. A creepy, stalking, almost perverted, werewolf idiot. “No, Jake,”
she laid a hand on my shoulder, “I’m sorry if that came across the wrong way.”

“No.” I let out a growl after hearing my voice shake. “Renesmee, I’m sorry.”
“This is silly!” She rolled her eyes, creeping onto her tiptoes so she could cup my

face with her hand. I stuttered uncontrollably and she grinned. “This is stupid!” Her eyes
creased just like Bella’s, the smile almost identical. “Why does this get so personal?”

“I-I, ur,” I sighed again, “I don’t know.” I confessed. Renesmee’s face flashed in

sudden anger. At who, I did not know, but I panicked anyway.

“This shouldn’t happen,” she removed her hand from my face quickly; “this

shouldn’t be so hurtful for you.”

“Me?” I asked her incredulously. My voice involuntarily roared at her and she

stood back. My stomach churned as I realised she was feeling guilty. She felt she was
doing wrong against me. “Nessie you’ve got it all wron-“

“No, I’m sorry. I just don’t get it. I don’t understand the limits, the boundaries this

imprinting has.” She babbled on upsettingly. She was starting to panic herself, guilt just
smothering her words like fresh oozing honey. But it was not sweet to taste. “I don’t
know what it makes you feel like. I don’t know what it makes you do. I feel so stupid
and naïve but I have no idea what you’re going through. None.” I curled my arms
around her waist, pulling her close to my body. She felt safe there. I liked it.

“Nessie,” I pushed her hair out of her face slowly, “stop panicking please.” She

took a few staggered breaths, her hands carefully resting on my chest. I bet she could
feel my heart, fluttering like a girl’s. I started to feel embarrassed but she looked up at
me with her dark eyes and confidence ran through me like electric. “Our relationship is
different from anyone else’s. I don’t have total control of my feelings for you. But I don’t
mind that. I like being devoted to you. You’re a nice devote-ee.” I winked at her.

“I’m sorry if I’m too intense sometimes; I’m still getting used to this imprinting

stuff myself. There I was, a few years back, wishing I could imprint on someone. I didn’t
know it was this hard.”

“Do you,” she paused, biting her lip thoughtfully; “do you ever wish you didn’t

imprint ever?” I felt a burst of rage but contained it. How dare she think so low of

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herself! There was no convincing the girl. I swallowed and she translated this into me
figuring out a lie. I let my eyes do the persuading.

“No.” I simply told her. She couldn’t argue. The truth was just blaring sirens in

her face; he’s honest! He’s honest!

“Oh,” Renesmee looked away childishly. I half felt the urge to direct her own

question back to her but I imagined the tension it would cause. What would happen if
she gave an answer that would just crush me? Highly possible. So it’d be a stupid idea.

“What about you?” Oh crap Jacob, why’d you do that?
I watched her intensely. She bit her lip again, the skin breaking. I closed my

eyes for a short second then opened them to find her with a perplexed expression. My
racing heart thumped erratically. She was thinking far too hard for my liking. And in a
bizarre moment of madness, I wished I was Edward; just to see in her mind.

“I,” Renesmee’s voice broke my crazy thoughts, “I don’t know.” My heart

continued to beat my chest up wildly. Any harder and it’d pound her right in the face.

“You don’t…know?” I squeaked. She smiled ever so slightly, her hands pressed

harder against my chest.

“It’s nice to have your utter devotion – as you call it – but then what I would give

for us just to have a normal relationship.” Her hands slid down to where mine rested on
her hips. “Don’t you? No immortal strings? Just a relationship?” I contemplated this for
a second. No immortal strings? Well then what would it be? “So carefree.”

“I guess that’s one way of looking at it.” I muttered. She stood on her tiptoes, her

face inches from mine. I felt the urge to kiss her, unbearably controlling my whole body.
My hands found themselves on her face, gripping it tightly.

“Imprinted or not,” I told her, my lips brushing hers, “I love you far too much for

your own good.”

My heart raced even more and I began to panic that there was definitely a good

chance it would smack her in the face. She smiled as if she heard its irregular beat. My
eyes wavered as her scent floated closer as she seemed to shuffle even further
forward, her nose brushing against mine.

“Jacob, I-I-I,” Renesmee stuttered, “I love you,”
A trigger seemed to be released in my self-control unit and I grabbed her, kissing

her. She nearly fell into my arms but I secured her quickly. Her tiny hands traced my
chest and I quivered, causing her to giggle and pull away from me slightly. I let my
hands stroke the delicate curve of her back and she wound her arms as much as she
could around my neck. “Jacob,” she started again, “where the hell is your self-control?
These regular attacks aren’t healthy.” She pouted disapprovingly and I laughed

“I lost that way back.” I rested my head on her shoulder but she unhappily pulled

away. I then tried to entwine our fingers but she didn’t curl hers around mine like usual.
And then she told me something I didn’t want to hear,

“I best go.”
“No!” I protested, my voice fluttering through some higher octaves. She laughed

again, her dark eyes sparkling.

“Come on, I’ve been sleeping for like a day. I’m sure my friends are missing me.”
“Not as much as I will.” I tried to pull her closer again but somehow, she fought

against me and won. I felt the air rush between us; it was horrible.

“Jacob, I’m sure you’ll cope.” I frowned as if to disagree but she continued. “Lily

is desperate for me to hook her and Andrew up.”

I was disgruntled by the fact that fire slid down my back as soon as she

mentioned that boy. I was sure it was just a jealousy thing but if she said the other one,
Jackson I think, I would never be so angry. Andrew, I thought again. The fire burnt my
spine. “You’ll manage.” Renesmee interrupted my thoughts by kissing my cheek lightly

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before racing away so fast I barely registered her movement. I growled at myself,
running my dark hands through my matted hair.

“Idiot.” I grumbled, wandering back into the bushes.

I shook my head and wandered into the darkened shrubbery of the forest. I tore

off my trousers and phased quickly. I braced myself for a horde of werewolf thoughts
but only one trickled through. Seth Clearwater was wandering outside his house,
lonesome. He was barely attempting to hide himself in the shadows and this angered
me. If he was spotted, he’d be in big trouble, seeing as he was stupidly huge and
definitely not passable for a stray dog.

Seth, what are you doing? I demanded angrily. He jumped at my voice and slid

into the shadows.

Sorry, my mind is elsewhere. I felt him wander into the shade of his house’s

shadow. His movements were slower than usual and I immediately became suspicious.
His thoughts came running through my head. He was thinking how alone he was. I
looked harder; why did he feel this way? Stop it. He suddenly growled. I didn’t tolerate
his tone and snarled back.

Comes with the job Seth.
He protested bluntly. Please. Then I found it. Leah had imprinted.
Oh. The images of a tall, fair-skinned boy flickered into my mind. He was a nice

boy, intelligent and witty. Leah had passed him on the La Push beach and they had hit it
off immediately. But now, she was spending time with him instead of Seth, her usual
buddy. Seth saw him as a stupid sister stealer. Seth, it’ll be ok. She’ll never leave you;
you’re family.

It doesn’t matter. Seth growled, stalking into the darker shadows. It’s none of

your business Jake.

I can’t help the fact you’re in my head. I retorted fiercely. He flinched and

another thought came storming into my head. Seth wanted to imprint. Now. No. I simply
told him but he growled.

Go. Away.
Seth, it’s not what you think it is.
Basically everyone in the pack has imprinted Jake, it’s about time I do to. I

mean, Leah! The freak of the pack, she’s imprinted before me!

Seth! I gasped. Yes, Leah was admittedly the freak of the pack. She was the first

female werewolf we had come across and we weren’t sure what applied to her and
what didn’t. She found it the hardest, not only did she have to be the only girl, her
private thoughts – most of them about Sam Uley, her old Alpha – were splayed out for
us to see. It was an incredibly difficult lifestyle for her.

My thoughts ran into Seth’s and he sighed in agreement.
I know. That was horrible for me to think.
It’s ok. Just don’t go wasting your time searching for someone to imprint on. It’s

no piece of cake.

I thrust my long legs out as I sprinted out of the forest. I would make it to La

Push before he could even decide where to go.

I was right; Seth was still pacing outside his house but in his human form. He

had to be; I had given him an order. He had his hands stuffed into his trouser pockets. I
phased quickly, throwing on my sweats.

“Seth.” I emerged from the shadows. He looked up at me blankly, his foot kicking

at the earth. “Seth, listen.” He pulled a face and turned away from me. I laid a dark
hand on his shoulder, his muscles flinching. “I know it’s going to be difficult.” Seth made
a dark growling noise and turned back to me.

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Difficult?” He clenched his teeth together. “Basically the whole pack has

imprinted now. I thought maybe Leah wouldn’t…she’d always have me as her brother.”

“Leah gets enough stick being a girl, you think it’d help her if she didn’t imprint?”

I asked him quietly. He flinched again, knowing the truth in my question. I hated to stick
up for Leah but it was true; Leah had the worst time being a female. “Seth, you’re no
different to anyone else in the pack because you haven’t imprinted. Consider yourself
lucky! It’s not a walk in the park, I tell you.”

“You love Renesmee,” he said slowly, “I bet it’s lovely for you.”
“Lovely?” I scoffed. “She’s a handful.” Seth’s eyes, which were cast downward,

flickered up to mine in surprise. “She picks and chooses when she wants to like me and
when she doesn’t.”

“Are you serious? She loves you Jake.”
“That’s debateable.” I quoted her. Seth grinned quickly and swallowed.
“I’d like to fit in better you know. I’m still pretty new to this.”
“Seth, you fit in better than anyone I could ever know. Heck, you were best

buddies with the Cullens before any of us!” I reminded him with a smile. He nodded
slowly. “You fought alongside them with true comradeship. You’re one of the bravest
werewolves I’ve ever come across.” Seth flushed - the pink childish against his coffee
coloured skin but quickly regained a sullen expression.

“It’s not fair,” he then whined, “everyone’s going to call me the baby.”
“Seth, please don’t get hung up on this.” I patted his shoulder but he pulled away

moodily. “I’m not joking when I say it’s hard.” He turned his back on me and muttered,

“What would you know?” His voice was mostly irritated.
“Look Seth,” I put an arm around his now muscled shoulders, “forget this stupid

stuff. It’s not important.” He shrugged my arm off.

“Important Of course it’s important!”
“You’ll find her.”
“But what happens if I don’t like her beforehand? What happens if she has a

boyfriend already? What happens if Leah doesn’t like her?”

“Stop it!” I growled. “Remember who you’re asking here. I’ve imprinted on a

Cullen, for Christ sake!” Seth suddenly looked sheepish and bit his lip.

“I guess.”
“Yes, exactly. Now grow up Seth and stop being paranoid.” I pushed him

towards his house. “Go home and make friends with Leah’s new guy.” Seth nodded and
slowly ambled to his house. I turned away, hoping to stretch my legs, and jumped into
the foliage.

I phased as I threw myself into the bushes. I felt a sigh of relief as I strode out,

sprinting wildly. At first, being in my werewolf form never appealed much to me. But
times had grown harder and this was my getaway. I had been able to submerge myself
and not feel anything. It made me flinch when I thought back to those days. When life
was so hard that I preferred being a freaky dog to a normal boy.

Jacob? Sam came into my head. I was shocked at his presence. As rightful

Alpha of my own pack, Sam was only allowed to see the thoughts I gave him access to.
The same rules applied the other way round.

Hey. I replied. Sam was somewhere on the Rez. I wasn’t sure where, but he was

high up. On a cliff perhaps?

I think we need to talk.
We are now.
Face to face.
He told me shortly.
What is it? I’m on my way to Forks, just tell me now.
. Sam gave in irritably. I thought I better warn you. The pack think there’s a

new werewolf around.

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What? I stopped short, my paws skidding into the mud. One from your pack?
No. Whoever they are, they’re not from La Push. And they’re not just a shape-

shifter; I think they’re an actual werewolf. The whole sha-bam.

How did you find out? What’s telling you that they are? I asked hastily. The only

thing I could think of was Renesmee’s safety.

Just instinct, it’s hard to describe. He said vaguely. Whatever it is though, it’s not

going to take too kindly to your little vampire coven. Sam referred to the Cullens with
clear distaste. Don’t get yourself hurt.

Get myself hurt? I retorted. Did he not think I could take care of myself? I pawed

angrily at the ground.

I’m just trying to look out for you Jacob.
Well don’t.
Jacob, don’t act like a child. This is serious.
Sam sighed at me. It made my

hackles rise on my back.

Well, what does this werewolf want? Is it on a killing spree or something? I

asked, calming myself.

No, no sign of any attacks on the humans. He told me with relief. Wait…

humans? He was about to continue when I interrupted hastily.

What do you mean ‘humans’? Sam hesitated. He was pacing silently, alone.
There’s been an attempt of an attack on a Nomad coven. I felt the ripple of

discomfort of Sam as he referred to the vampires again. None of them were killed but
whatever it is, it sure don’t like the vampires. The Nomads have spread the word to
some close by covens and said it was just like one of us but something was different
about it. No one will tell us what exactly they said.
My whole body shuddered with
anger. It was discomforting, however, to feel hatred to one of my own kind and feel
protective over…vampires.

How did it get round to you?
Sam replied simply. How did Seth know? What sort of connection would

he have with any other vampire covens? I shook my head in confusion.

How the hell did Seth come across that sort of news?
We don’t know. He won’t tell us. He just said he needed to warn us. We need to

be on alert, Jacob; I won’t have any murders here again.

You got it Sam. And then he faded. He had phased back; probably gone back to


2. Three is definitely a crowd

I made my way quickly back to Renesmee’s cottage, forgetting entirely that she

wasn’t home. I sprinted to the building, smacking hard into a cold stone body when I
found I couldn’t stop in time.

“What the-“ demanded the statue. I jumped backwards, my hackles rose. The

body turned around and eyed me sceptically. It was the blond Cullen. His amber eyes
glinted in the light as they watched me in distaste. I couldn’t help the low growl that was
rumbling deep in my throat. I saw him tense and begin to turn aggressively toward me
till the tinier Cullen appeared between us; Alice.

“Guys!” She demanded in her soprano voice. The blond straightened up

immediately at her sharp tone and clasped her hand. I tried to tone down the growling
that was still occurring in my throat. She studied me but didn’t comment.

Alice was the only Cullen, besides Edward, I knew by first name. She was ok, I

suppose, as far as being a vampire goes. “Jasper, let’s go.” They dashed away quickly
and I did the same, only to phase.

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Bella met me at the door with a raised eyebrow. I tugged my trousers on

properly and looked up at her, meeting her suspicious glare.

“What just happened?”
“Nothing.” I told her brusquely, pushing past her into the cottage. “Is Nessie


Bella sighed. “No she’s not; she’s with her school friends.” I stopped, about to

burst into Renesmee’s bedroom.

“Oh. Right. Yeah.” I turned quickly to run out of the cottage but Bella appeared in

front of me.

“Jacob? Jake, what’s up?”
I locked my jaw and stared behind her.
“Let me past please, Bella.”
“No,” she laid a hand on my chest and I quivered at her freezing temperature,

“what’s up?” I felt my teeth grind together and tried to push past her. Usually, it would
have been easy. She’d flop to the side like paper but now, now she was a vampire and
she was as hard as stone. She locked her jaw too, bracing herself for another shove.

“Bella,” I started but she sighed.
“Jeez, Jake, would you just spit it out?”
I rolled my eyes. “Have you heard any…news from your family?” I asked

reluctantly. Bella shook her head, her eyes focused intensely on my face. I swallowed.
“There’s been an attempted attack on a Nomad coven.” Bella’s face twisted and I knew
she was thinking of the Volturi – the largest coven of the vampire world. They were the
very enemies of my existence. “No.” I continued to look past her now. “A werewolf
attack. There were no deaths but there’s a werewolf out there.”

“From your pack?”
“No.” I confirmed warily. “It’s not from La Push; no one knows where it’s from

and what it wants. I’d tell your…family.” I told her. She nodded once and flitted out of
the door like a panicked bird. I clenched my fists; it unnerved me that I wasn’t with
Renesmee. I closed my eyes and focused in on her. She was…on La Push beach?
Without thinking, I bounded out of the cottage, ripping uncontrollably into my wolf form.
My jeans were torn and the remains flitted in the air. Crap.

I stopped off at my house, only to find Billy sitting quietly in the lounge. He

looked up once at me, stark naked, and turned away quickly. I ran upstairs and threw
on a pair of sweats, dashing back downstairs again.

“Son?” Billy called nervously, just as I was about to run out of the door. I stopped

sharply and turned to him. “Is everything all right?” His dark eyes watched me warily. I
looked out of the door hopelessly then closed it.

“No,” I sank down into a low crouch, “it’s a werewolf.”
“What?” Billy demanded fiercely.
“A werewolf!” I repeated angrily. “It tried to attack a vampire coven and failed. It’s

out there, dad, it’s out there hunting. We don’t know where it’s from or what it wants.” I
thrust my hands down on the floor, the wood cracking. “Sam told me earlier. We need
to be alert and ready.”

“Son?” He asked a little tentative now. “Could you stop breaking the floorboards

please?” I stood up quickly.

“Go now, go wherever you need to be.” He knew exactly where I was headed

and I nodded, throwing open the door and racing out.

I felt the tug of Renesmee’s scent as I got closer to the beach. The wind picked

it up easily, letting it overflow in my nostrils. My eyes scanned the beach hastily, finding
her almost instantly.

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She was sprawled out on the beach, the sun burning down on her. From here, I

could just about see her skin sparkling but only because I was aware of this side effect.
Her brown hair was splayed like a splatter of auburn paint on the sand. Beside her was
her blonde friend, Lily. She was looking for someone, her arms cuddling her legs

I sprinted down to the beach, slowing to a jog when Lily noticed me. She

furiously shoved Renesmee, who sat up and looked at me. Her expression tugged at
my heartstrings; she looked a little cross.

“He’s here for you again.” I heard Lily tell her.
“I told him I’d be with you guys all day.” Renesmee sighed, scrambling to her

feet. Well, she didn’t scramble, she almost floated. She strode towards me and only
then did I realise what she was wearing. Her flat stomach was visible as she wore a
bikini top and some low shorts. I swallowed. She looked beautiful, even with the ever
growing angry expression. “Jacob,” she began crossly when we reached each other.

“Renesmee,” I lifted my eyes to her face, “I need to talk to you.” I tugged at her

hand but she pulled away.

“One day, Jake, one afternoon, just give me one afternoon!” She protested,

gesturing back to Lily. I felt a stab in my chest at her anger.

“It’s important.” I tried to pull her away again but she fought back.
“Well you can tell me later.” Then, her brown eyes scanned my face warily. She

was second-guessing the importance of the matter. I tried to convince her silently to
come with me. “Fine,” Renesmee sighed, “come sit with us.” That’ll have to do.

I followed her silently. At least I was with her, I could protect her now.
“Hello Jacob,” Lily eyed my torso. I tensed and my eyes flitted towards

Renesmee. She had noticed Lily’s admiration but almost looked…smug.

“Hey.” I greeted her.
“Are you spending the day with us?” Lily asked. I sat down beside Renesmee in

the golden sand and nodded. “Well don’t worry,” she assured me with an unstoppable
grin, “you won’t be the only boy for too long.”

“Oh?” I asked, attempting to look interested. I couldn’t help but admire

Renesmee. She was simply…stunning.

“Yeah, Andrew is supposed to be arriving around now.” The slide of fire I didn’t

expect rolled down my back. Renesmee laid a hand on my arm, confused. I couldn’t
explain; I barely knew why myself. The mentioning of his name, it just sent a spark off in
me. I bowed my head, letting Renesmee’s fingertips draw circles on my back. “Oh
look!” Lily’s voice rang with excitement. “Here he is!”

I snapped my head up, every muscle suddenly burning. I followed Lily’s arm as

she pointed to a dark figure loping onto the sand. Even in the sweltering heat, he wore
a darkened hoody and jeans. I eyed him curiously but he walked with a bowed head.

“Here’s your chance.” Renesmee muttered. For a mere second, I thought she

meant me. What did she expect me to do? Then I realised she was obviously egging on

Andrew’s head suddenly lifted as he grew closer and his weirdly blue eyes

scanned the beach frantically. His face was very mature; he looked a lot older than
Renesmee. Lily waved as he strolled over, his hands deep in his pockets.

“Hey!” The blonde bubbled. He looked up at her and smiled, his teeth wickedly

white. I flinched.

“Hey Lily, hello Renesmee.” He nodded in her direction and then let his eyes rest

on me. They flashed in confusion for a second.

“Oh this is Jacob.” Renesmee introduced me. I nodded once, turning back away

from him.

“I’m Andrew.” He said to my back.

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“So Andrew, would you like an ice cream?” Lily asked, pulling him to sit down.

He made a low sound.

“No thanks.” His voice was guarded. I closed my eyes as Renesmee continued

to trace circles on my back. “Any of you surf?”

“No way,” Renesmee replied. Her voice was equally guarded.
“I would love to learn!” came Lily’s exuberant squeak.
“Maybe next time I’ll teach you.” Andrew sat beside her, coming into my view

again. “Do you surf Jacob?” Renesmee let her arms drape around me and laughed,

“He’s the best at everything, I doubt surfing is any trouble for him.”
“Ah,” Andrew said bluntly. He was attempting to get my attention but I kept my

eyes cast downward. He was making me uncomfortable and I sure didn’t like it. The
only thing keeping me content was the feel of Renesmee stroking my arms.

“We’ll have to plan a surfing day!” Lily exclaimed. “You’ll come won’t you

Jacob?” I lifted my head to her, only to find Andrew’s eyes on Renesmee. I tensed
tightly, causing Renesmee to stop stroking me. No, I thought, carry on; it keeps me
calm. “Jacob?”

“Oh,” I kept my eyes on Andrew, “it depends when it is.”
“Ok sure.” Lily’s voice seemed to fade when Andrew met my angry glare. I saw

his body tense identically to mine. He was big, broad shoulders were definitely hidden
under that hoody.

“God I’m baking here.” Andrew said, his eyes on me still. As if to prove my

earlier judgements right, he lifted his hoody off to present us with his muscled bare
chest. It sent ripples of fury through my body. Lily’s eyes didn’t seem to know the
meaning of subtle as they gazed at him. “You don’t mind…?” Andrew asked, mostly at
Renesmee. I turned to her slightly and she shook her head. I felt smug as I saw her
turn subtly away from him. She wasn’t interested in his protruding muscles. Ha, take

Her fingertips traced my arms and I sighed.
“Come walk with me,” she whispered gently in my ear. I rose to my feet at the

same time as her and we strode away towards the sea. Renesmee was barefoot; she
had left her shoes back with Lily. I was too, only because I had lost my shoes whilst
running. I entwined my fingers with hers and her shoulder chafed against my arm. “Is
everything ok?” She asked softly, gazing out at the sea.

“I’m not entirely sure.” I confessed quietly. Her dainty face turned to mine.
“What’s the matter Jacob?”
I contemplated on which story I would leak. Somehow, the werewolf on the loose

story was unnecessary. I would keep Renesmee safe so she didn’t need to know.

“That boy,” I began, “he just unnerves me.”
“You’re not the only one.” Renesmee’s reply was quiet and shady.
“Does he just set you on edge?” I turned back to Andrew. He was stretched out

on the sand, letting Lily marvel silently at him. It sickened me. “Doesn’t he just make
you writhe? He’s vile.”

“No not quite. He’s not vile, he’s just…different.”
“Different!” I scoffed. “That boy has something wrong with him. Look at him,

beefed up and all-“ I stopped walking. Renesmee looked at me silently and I pulled a

“You’re one to talk.” She confirmed softly.
“But that’s for a reason. I bet he’s all about the protein shakes and days at the

gym. He’s not a nice looking guy Ness.”

“Jacob, chill out. You sound like, like, like I’m in love with him!” She laughed. I

flinched but grinned anyhow.

“Sorry. I don’t like having competition.”

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“You don’t have any competition.” She reminded me with a smile, standing on

her tip-toes.

“Not Mr Muscles over there?”
“What about Mr Muscles over here?” Her grin was dazzling as she pinched my

thick arms. I heard my heart thump like a girl’s and rolled my eyes, embarrassed. Did I
have to be so feminine? “I’ll admit, he is a little chunky,” she turned to look at him, “but
I’ve seen far better.” I beamed at her when she met my gaze again. “I know someone
who could totally kick his butt...”

“Werewolf style.” We confirmed in unison, laughing childishly afterwards.
I glanced over her shoulder and noticed Lily, scrambling to her feet, cell phone

pressed to her ear.

“Mom? What is it? I told you I’d be at the beach! What do you mean I’m lying?”

Her squeaky voice rang in my ears. Renesmee had heard her too, even from this
distance, and swung around to watch her. Lily was desperately scrabbling for her t-shirt
and shoes, attempting to look the slightest bit casual in front of Andrew. He was
watching her with a tiny grin. “Ok, ok! I’m coming now, look, I’m walking!”

Renesmee and I power-walked back over to her and she sighed. “I’m sorry, I

have to go,” her voice was muffled as she tugged on her t-shirt; “my mom’s throwing a
fit. She’s seen all my homework and is practically dying.” Her eyes solemnly flickered to
mine and then Renesmee’s. Renesmee nodded and pulled her into a hug.

“I’ll talk to him.” She whispered into Lily’s ear. Lily squeezed her tighter then

darted away, her feet sinking clumsily in the sand. She was pretty, I suppose, a bit
stereotypically blonde but somehow very intriguing. My eyes wandered back to
Renesmee and my stomach churned; we were left with Andrew.

He made no sign of departing, stretching out on the sand with a content groan. I

locked my jaw and sat down a few feet away from him, letting Renesmee sit in between

“This is just lovely.” Andrew murmured, opening one eye to watch Renesmee. I

felt a growl rumble low in my throat and tried my hardest to contain it. Something about
this boy set me on edge.

“I know,” Renesmee stretched out, her spine curving gymnastically, “it’s so nice.”

She placed her hand in mine. I sighed but didn’t lie back in the sand; I had to keep an
eye on Andrew. “It’s a shame Lily had to go, isn’t it?” She asked him. He remained
silent but nodded slowly, almost patronizingly. “She’s like the life of the party.”

“Don’t offer her on a plate to me, Renesmee,” Andrew said her name with relish,

“I know what you are doing.” He sat up, his eyes running up her body. My chest tensed
massively, my arms shaking slightly. Renesmee’s grip on my hand tightened as if she
knew what I was fighting against.

“What do you mean?” She asked innocently, her palm remaining tightly pressed

against mine in our clasp.

Andrew sighed. “I’m not interested in her.” I ground my teeth and he looked up to

me, his eyes burning. My stomach flipped when suddenly, he winked. The growl in my
throat was protesting.

“That’s a shame.” Renesmee’s eyes were closed in relaxation. She didn’t notice

the silent stand-off that was about to go down over her. Andrew did not look back at
Renesmee; he was finding tormenting me a lot more amusing.

“She’s not my type,” he ran his tongue over his teeth, “I quite like dark haired

girls.” Again, the growl built daringly in my throat.

“What does that matter?” She asked exasperatedly.
“People have their preferences.” I said coldly. He flashed his teeth in a smirk.
“Exactly, I like them fair-skinned, brunette, funny, interesting…”

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I leapt up, a growl ripping out of my chest furiously. Renesmee glided to her feet

abruptly and threw her arm across my chest to restrain me. Andrew rose with a laugh.
“Touched a nerve?” He taunted. Another quieter growl slipped through my lips and my
chest shuddered. Suddenly, Andrew’s eyes flashed in panic as he registered my
shaking. But it wasn’t just plain panic; it was a knowing fear, as if he…knew.

“Andrew,” Renesmee’s voice was low, “don’t.” I swallowed heavily, my chest still

rippling. My eyes closed in concentration and my hands balled into tight fists. I would
not loose my temper. I would not loose my temper. I would not loose my temp-

“Someone a little…protective?” Andrew pushed his luck. In no time, I had

pushed Renesmee to the side and my fist swung at his face. Surprisingly, Andrew
caught hold of my fist but didn’t seem to have enough strength to push it back. So we
stood, bodies trembling, my fist enclosed by his.

“BOYS!” Renesmee shouted, pushing in between us. Andrew’s eyes flashed

again. He was surprised at her strength to get where she was standing. I turned away,
breathing heavily. I felt the fire tumble down my back furiously, wild like a caged animal.
It was pushing against my spine, my skin, defiant that I was going to explode. Not here,
I thought, not here Jacob. “For God sake Andrew, did you not hear me?”

“Does he have like friggin’ anger issues?” He cried, stifling a snigger. The fire

was cascading now.

“You could say so.” Renesmee sighed, irritated at him. “That’s why I said, don’t

push it.”

“What’s he going to do, kill me? Right here on the beach? Just for saying I like

brunettes?” Andrew scoffed. I shuddered again, the fire beginning to implode. I knew it
was nearly impossible to control myself now; I had to get away. I opened my eyes just
to see the cliffs. I would be able to sprint there in no time.

“Andrew,” she cautioned, “stop it.”
“He’s an over-sized kid, barely older than me I suppose.” Andrew continued. “He

can throw a punch but is that it? I’ve suffered worse.”

“Stop. It.”
“Fine!” His voice was low, rumbling furiously. I turned back to him and saw his

cold blue eyes blazing like the fire in my body. Without his hoody on, I saw his own
body tremble. Not as much as mine, of course, since he wasn’t a stupid mythical
creature. But he was truly raging. Andrew swiped his hoody and threw it on, flipping the
hood up. “I’ll see you around, Renesmee.” He locked his jaw as his glare caught mine
and darted away, his large legs powering him over the sand effortlessly.

“Jacob.” Renesmee turned to me, placing her hands on my rippling chest. I

stared into her eyes and the fire froze. Without knowing it, she doused the rising
temperature I had built up. I was calm. She looked back at me, loosing herself for a
minute. Then suddenly…”What the hell?!” She threw her arms up in anger. “What was

“He was pushing me, Ness.” I said slowly.
Pushing you? Jacob, he was describing his interests.”
“He was describing you!” I retorted loudly. She paused in panic. Her face fell, her

eyes swirling obsessively.

“No…” she murmured uncertainly.
“Yes.” I confirmed, less loudly this time. “He knew what he was doing Ness; he

was staring right at me. He winked for God sake!” Renesmee faked mock horror,
slapping her hands to her cheeks. I rolled my eyes but she giggled.

“Look at you,” she twirled her hands around my wrists, “getting all protective

over me.”

“I’m sorry.” I hung my head. I had over-reacted. Like the stupid, giant, furious,

uncontrollable jealous werewolf I was.

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“No, it’s ok. I guess I can see it from your perspective now.”
“Now just imagine that you knew you were going to explode into a million pieces

then re-arrange yourself into a giant dog.”

“Hmm,” she pretended to contemplate this, “interesting way of putting it. Is that

what it’s really like? Exploding?”

“Sort of,” I pulled her closer to my chest, “you suddenly turn into this ball of fire

and then, hey! You’re a wolf.”

“Does it hurt?”
“You get used to it.” I shrugged.
“So it did hurt?” Renesmee pressed. I closed my eyes, the soft tickle of her hair

soothing against my skin. The sun was beating down on my back, slowly seeping into
my spine so nearly all of me was warm.

“When you first phased?”
I sighed heavily, my lips pressing onto her head. “Yes it did.” I found that my

voice wavered, the general huskiness fading like smoke into the air. Renesmee’s
breathing slowed as she pushed her head into the small space between my torso and
my arm. “It hurt like hell but I was just in so much denial about what I was. I was angry
and torn. I don’t know what was worse, the physical or emotional pain.” I swallowed
deeply; feared memories seeming to invade me in the form of saliva. “It’s not like that
now,” I tried to lighten my tone of voice, “it’s as easy as pulling on a pair of trousers.”

To my joy, Renesmee laughed gently, her breath tickling my skin like the

brushing of petals. “Even easier when I’m angry.” I muttered deep into her hair but she

“God, I would never make it as a werewolf. I get far too angry far too easily.” She

grinned up at me, her teeth glinting. I laughed.

“That’s true.” Her hands found mine and she pulled away from my chest.
“You are amazing Jacob Black.” She whispered but to her disappointment, I

frowned. Her perplexed expression made me frown more.

“I am not.” I almost growled. “I am nothing but bad for you Nessie.”
“Oh no,” she pushed away, shaking her head, “no, you’re not starting this again.”
“What, the little thing that might be called telling the truth?”
Renesmee’s dark brown eyes flashed in annoyance and she scowled.
“You can ruin a moment so easily.” She spat, snatching her hands away from

mine. I felt a scratch across my chest as she did so.

“You overreact.” I told her as calmly as possible. Wrong move. She made a

growling noise, the sound low and angry, but her hands shook. Even as dainty and slim
as she was, when she stood like this, she was truly terrifying, even to me. “Ness,”

“Sorry.” She stuttered, her hands in fists now. “You irritate me so much!”
“Oh I do?” Stop it. “By telling the truth?”
“Stop it.” She warned, her eyes striking like lightning again. “I will not have you

paint yourself as the terrible woeful creature Jacob, it’s not fair anymore.”

“Not fair?”
“Yes! It’s me who’s ruining your life, getting you mixed in with your enemies,

throwing you into a regime of saving my life.” I felt my chest ripple. NO! I yelled at
myself. She angered me when she thought herself as the bad one, and my anger
automatically translated into phasing. But I would not phase in anger toward her. No.
That would never end well.

I closed my eyes and breathed in heavily. I heard her do the same and my eyes

flew open. She stood, her arms hugging her torso, teeth sunk into her bottom lip, knees

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“Nessie,” I stroked her arm, “come on let’s not do this twice today.” She opened

her eyes and smiled weakly.

“We are a right pair aren’t we?”
“You could say that again.” I slung my arm around her shoulder and led her off

the beach.

We walked slowly, our feet moving in time, sinking gradually in the golden sand.
“Why did you come here anyway?” Renesmee suddenly asked. I panicked. One

story, I reminded myself, she only needed to know one story.

“I told you, I saw you with Andrew so I thought it was best for me to join the

gang.” I looked away from her but I felt her eyes pull me back.

“Ok,” she muttered doubtfully, “are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure.” I met her curious gaze and grinned. But she didn’t grin

back, her eyes were faintly unsure. She had seen my smile and wasn’t fully satisfied, it
wasn’t full of love and joy like usual. It was a smile to keep her away, to reassure her as
much as possible in this time of unknown circumstances. She knew that sort of smile all
too well.

“Ok, if you say so.”
I paused when we got to my house, looking faintly up at the window. Billy was

watching us, his face hard. Renesmee looked at him too, her body tensing.

“I should go,” she turned but I pulled her back.
“No. It’s fine.”
“I’m not allowed.” She pressed, her teeth grinding together.
“Under my rules you are.”
“You didn’t come up with the treaty!” She hissed, her eyes panicked as they

flickered between me and my father’s disapproving stance in the window.

“I am Alpha, I do my own treaty.”
“Not with me,” Renesmee tugged away fiercely, breaking my grasp, “I’ll see you

later Jake.” She paused with a sigh, probably wanting to kiss me, but then continued to
walk away. I looked back at Billy, angrily, and his eyes flashed in panic.

I marched through the door, slamming it unintentionally. Billy sat quietly in his

wheelchair, watching me.

“Thank you very much for that.” I growled, throwing myself into a chair. The legs

creaked under the force.

“For what, son?” His blunt question infuriated me.
“You know what.” I retorted, folding my chunky arms moodily. He sighed, putting

his hands gently in his lap.

“I didn’t do anything, I didn’t make her leave.”
“You know full well she doesn’t want to upset any of our tribe,” my voice blazed,

“she doesn’t want to break the treaty.”

“You are Alpha, Jacob.” He reminded me coolly but I slammed my fist down on

the table, leaving yet another indentation on the soft wood.

“So don’t stare her down like she’s a disease!” Billy’s eyes were on my fist and

he sighed again,

“I have full respect for Dr Carlisle Cullen, especially for when he treated you, but

nothing will change the general dislike I have toward them, Jacob, it’s in my blood.”

“And it’s in mine! But I found a way around it.”
“You imprinted Jacob,” to my surprise Billy’s voice rose, “you have no control. I

do.” His eyes bore into mine, flickering with remnants of defiance and furious loyalty. I
watched his expression contort, his deep set wrinkles burrowing further into his dark
skin as he frowned. With a heavy sigh, his hands gripped the wheels of his wheelchair
and he leaned forward to push himself away from me but I stood up, putting out a hand
to stop him.

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“Dad,” I began in the softest tone I could muster but his almost wary expression

wasn’t convinced and he pushed away my hand easily. Our contact burned, my
temperature scorching his skin and his harsh push making goose-bumps rise on my
arms. My chest swelled with reject. I heard the door creak as he swung it open,
wheeling himself out. Wherever he was going, he wasn’t telling me.

I fell back into my chair again, my head flopping onto my hands that were spread

out on the table. As I sat silently, I realised how easy it was for Sam, to have lashed out
at Emily without thinking. A shudder chilled my body as I thought of her mauled face,
lopsided and sorrowful. And yet, she still found it in her heart to devour him in
overflowing love. They were meant for each other, no one could doubt that.

She looked past his uncontrollable anger, his alien being. She didn’t see the

werewolf he had involuntarily become, she saw Sam Uley, the boy she would always
love. She didn’t see the ever present regret Sam laid out for Leah. If she did, she
looked past it with ease. Emily loved the boy inside the wolf.

Just like I loved the girl inside the stone body.
My hands balled into fists. It may be imprinted in us, I thought harshly, but

overlooking differences was easy if you put your mind to it. My heart beat for only one
and that only one was supposed to be my enemy.

No, she was supposed to be not only my enemy…but my enemy’s enemy. She

wasn’t supposed to be existing. Well half of her anyway.

But we all look past that. Just like Emily, we see the girl inside, no attachments,

just the girl. My fists loosened. We saw the beautiful, intelligent girl. No matter what she
was, she was a girl. A girl we loved. And she was a girl. Half anyway. And that’s what
kept her alive, that’s what kept her safe for now.

For now. I shuddered.
Flashing images of a ruthless werewolf blinded my mind.
For now.
He tore through the armies of stone bodies, ripping them effortlessly.
For now.
He swiped at the werewolves, knocking them out of his path.
For now.
He stopped at me and grinned, lifting a heavy paw, claws glinting.
For now.
He swung.
He struck.
I bled.
I growled.
I fought.

I jumped out of my seat and sprinted out of the door, racing for the shadows. I

reached the woods that led up towards the cliffs in seconds, phasing as soon as I was
hidden. As soon as my presence was known in his mind, Sam tried to talk to me.

It’s back. He told me, his voice hard. It’s attacked another coven.
I ran up to the cliffs, my muscles tensing. Casualties? I asked.
Two out of three. It’s strong Jacob; it’s no match for the weaker ones.
Why did it attack them? Did they start first?
No, it came out of the blue apparently. Seemed to examine them first before

devouring them. Sam informed.

Devouring them? I choked. It didn’t just attack them?
He paused, almost nervously.
Where is it now?

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We’re not sure, it’s near Washington I think but we don’t know if it’ll skim us. It’s

a long shot but we’re hoping it will.

And if it does? I asked worriedly. Sam took a while to respond. I couldn’t see

what replies he was coming up with; he wasn’t allowing me any access to his mind.

We stand up to it. He then answered firmly.
Have you told the Cullens?
I was hoping you could do that.
He paused again. I don’t think I could be as…

sincere as you can be.

Sure. Just keep me posted, Sam. Does the pack know?
Of course they know, they see everything right?
As Sam’s pack, they could see

into his mind with ease.

Oh right. Seth too?
No. For once, Seth doesn’t know about the other attacks. Or not that I know of,

he hasn’t spoken about any. I haven’t seen him around in a while. If you see him before

Yeah, sure. And then Sam disappeared.
I paced the cliffs silently, the sea roaring at its feet. I was keeping in the shade,

cautious not to be seen.

This news scared me. The werewolf was making its way to Washington. What

happens if it made its way to Forks? La Push? Would there be a stand off? Would it
run? Then, I felt a jab. Something called for me to return home. I stood up and raced
out of the bushes, leaping into my human form. As I ran, I pulled on my trousers that
flapped around my leg.

When I reached my home, I realised with confusion that it was empty. Billy

hadn’t returned from wherever he had gone. None of the pack was here, not even Sam.
With a sigh, I closed the door and walked into the kitchen. The indentation I left in the
table glared at me with the same anger I had expressed.

“Gonna have to replace that,” I muttered to myself, taking a seat at the table. My

arms folded on the wood and I rested my head, my eyes begging to close. And,
surprisingly, amongst the mixture of fear, panic, orders and loyalty that spun in my
head, I found myself drifting to sleep.

3. The very meaning of female dog

A hand lay gingerly on my shoulder. The temperature was cold, but I was so

dizzy I barely flinched. The hand remained there for a while, silently. It was annoying
me. But I didn’t find the strength to shake it off. It would just have to stay there.

“Jacob?” The voice was a beautiful ringing in my ears. I opened one eye to see

those two beautiful browns staring back at me. She grinned, putting a finger to her lips
to signal for me to be quiet. “Ssh, I’m not supposed to be here, remember?” I nodded,
looking around me. “Billy’s not here,” Renesmee confirmed quietly, “I checked.”

“Where is he?” My voice was groggy.
“Clearwater’s I think.” She answered with a frown. “I just came to see how you

were. I’m sorry for having to dash off, I just felt so uncomfortable.”

“It’s ok.”
“I heard you fighting though,” she trailed off with a sigh. Her hand slid from down

my shoulder to my wrist and she played with my bracelet.

“Oh that’s just…that’s just normal.” I cleared my throat but her sad eyes flickered

up to mine solemnly.

“I don’t want to be the reason you fight with Billy. I’ll keep my distance from La

Push from now on, ok?” She tried to flash me a smile but it was weak.

“You’re allowed.” I reminded her.

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“No,” she patted my wrist, “I am a Cullen.” She then smiled properly. “It’s fine.

I’m not bothered. It’s not as if I’m one for tanning, am I?” Her laugh was sweet as it
floated through my muggy house.

“I’m sorry,” I murmured, “I don’t like having to block you off from places.”
“Hey, comes with the job.” Renesmee’s smile was short-lived as she then

clutched my hand. “Jacob, I’m going to ask you something now, and I want you to
answer truthfully ok?” I nodded but she pressed further. “Promise?”

“Promise.” I lifted a hand in a Scout-like salute but she didn’t grin.
Her intake of breath was jagged.
“Is something coming to get me?”
I tensed automatically, my heart momentarily stopping then regaining its furious

beat. Her chocolate eyes burned into mine, forcing the truth out of me piece by piece.
Every second I kept quiet, the more fearful I would make her. So I winced but nodded.
She tried to regain calm but her hands began to shake slightly. “How do you know?”
Her breath trembled.

“Sam, he’s warned me.” I answered in a low voice. Her hand gripped mine


“What is it?” Her voice wavered.
“We don’t know.”
“Do you know what it wants?”
I clenched my jaw, shaking my head.
“We barely know anything,” I said, defeat heavy in my tone, “I don’t even know if

it’s specifically after you Ness, but it’s attacking vampires across the country.”
Renesmee took a sharp intake of breath again.

“Is it,” coming this way?” She asked nervously.
“Sam says its making its way to Washington but it might skim us.”
“But it might not…” her breath trembled again. I felt my stomach churn to see

her so frightened. She was trying to put on a brave face to reassure me but I saw right
through her.

“Renesmee it’s going to be ok. The whole pack is on alert. We’re patrolling,

everything. I’m going to go tell your parents. They’ll be on it then too.” I desperately
listed the safety precautions we were taking but nothing erased the fact that Renesmee
was in danger. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” I promised her.

“Jacob,” she sighed.
“No, I promise you.”
“I don’t want you dying for me Jacob.” Renesmee said sternly.
“You don’t have control over that.”
“What do I have control over?” She rolled her eyes. I breathed in slowly,

studying her face.

“You don’t need to worry, Ness,”
“Yes I do.” Renesmee told me slowly. “I have all the right to worry.”
“Don’t,” I winced, “please.”
“You don’t have control over that.” She quoted quietly.
I stood up, throwing her hands out of mine.
“This thing isn’t going to get to you.” I growled, staring out of the window. It was

lucky I did; Billy was making his way home, Seth Clearwater pushing his wheelchair.
“Oh crap!” I whipped around but Renesmee had disappeared. She had seen him as
soon as I did. Clever girl.

Billy caught my eye as he came through the door. His blank face was a dark

contrast to the bright grin Seth flashed me.

“Hey, Seth.” I muttered, sitting down again.

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“This belongs to you I think.” He laughed, pushing Billy into the kitchen. I half-

heartedly laughed back but Billy’s void stare shushed me instantly. Seth’s expression
then wobbled into a worried frown. “Sam’s meeting with us all on the cliffs,” he told me,
“he wants you there…if you can.” I nodded. Billy’s eyes showed a flicker of expression
as they flashed up to mine. I looked past to him to Seth, who continued with
instructions. “Paul and Embry are on their way now. Everyone’s coming as they are.”

“Let’s go then.” My voice was gruff as I almost pushed Seth out of the front door.
We walked in a silence for a while, taking our route over the beach again. Seth

scuffed his feet; his hands were buried deep in his tattered jeans pockets.

“I’m scared.” Seth murmured and stopped walking. I stopped too and turned

around to face him.

“I’m scared.” His voice seemed to tremble as it slipped into his younger teenage


I sighed.
“Seth, its fine.”
“I’ve never fought one of us before.” His mutters were quiet and heart-

wrenching. I tried to keep Alpha like and pulled at his arm. He pulled a torn face but
walked beside me.

“This…thing…” I started, “we’ll easily overcome it Seth. We fought off a whole

horde of bloodthirsty newborns.” He flinched. “You fought one all on your own! You’re a
hero. You have nothing to worry about.”

Seth breathed a long heavy sigh.
“This is different, Jacob.” He balled his hands into fists. “This is one of us.”
“It’s not.” I reminded him sternly. “It isn’t from our pack.”
“It’s still a werewolf isn’t it?” Seth retorted hastily. I swallowed and picked up the

pace as we reached the earthy track up to the cliffs. Seth followed, silent now.

We reached the top of the shadowy cliffs quickly. Sam was stood, his arms

folded across his bare protruding chest, and his face blank. Paul, Jared, Brady, Collin,
Quil and Embry sat on the floor, identically. They looked like dolls or Action Men; faces
hard like plastic.

“Jacob.” Sam nodded at me. “Seth.”
Seth scrambled to sit next to Embry, his eyes searching for his sister. He then

looked up to Sam. “It’s up to her.” Sam told him absently. I stood rigidly, my arms folding
like Sam’s. His eyes flickered up to mine, his forehead creasing as he took hold of this
eye contact. “You know why we are here.” He spoke loudly, as if to address everyone.

“Let’s wait for Leah.” I said in a low voice. Right on cue, Leah stalked through

the shrubbery with a scowl.

“You don’t know how much I really don’t want to do this.” She spat, sitting down

heavily next to her brother. Seth put his hand out and she gripped it, her scowl faltering.

“You know why we are here.” Sam repeated, pressingly.
“Sam, just tell us what you want us to do.” I pushed. He ground his teeth but


“We need to be on full alert; this thing is making its way to La Push.”
“It’s only attacking leeches.” Leah hissed. “Why should we care?” I felt my

muscles ripple and I growled her, only to have her growl back fiercely.

“Jacob. Leah.” Sam warned. We silenced, only my muscles continued to ripple.

“We have vampires in our area, Leah, who’s saying this thing won’t get a little hungry
and take a stop next door, maybe on one helpless human?”

“Leah’s right though Sam,” Jared intervened, “the thing has passed many towns

on its way and seems to only have attacked vampires.”

“Only certain vampires,” Seth whispered. We all froze.

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“What?” I demanded. The young boy looked up at me, pained.
“It has only been attacking certain vampires. Anything but small females are

harmed.” I felt my gut churn, my heart beating wildly.

“Vampires all the same.” Jared argued, clearly unaware of what Seth was


Sam sighed irritably.
“You’re not seriously asking us to protect them again are you?” Leah demanded,

incredulous. I felt another deep growl build in my chest.

“The Cullens did a lot for us, Leah, as we did for them.”
“So we’re even!” Leah stood up quickly, throwing her arms in the air as she

exclaimed, “Why do we need to carry on protecting them?”

“They aren’t all vampires.” Seth pointed out quietly but Leah threw a dirty look in

his direction, scoffing as she did so.

“He’s right, Leah,” Sam said in an even tone, “Renesmee is also a priority.”
“Is she hell!” Leah growled. “She’s Jacob’s priority but she certainly isn’t mine!”
I stood up, my whole body shuddering now. A feral roar broke out of my throat

like a lion out of a dented circus cage. Leah rippled too as she stood only feet away
from me.

“Jacob.” Sam insisted but I continued to shudder. Paul shot up, standing next to

Leah, blocking her path with a chunky arm. I felt a stab of surprise when I realised he
wasn’t joining the fight.

“Guys,” Paul muttered, “don’t fight.”
“Can we get back to the point please?” complained Embry, his head in his

hands. I breathed in slowly and stepped away from Leah, who made a small growling
sound in the back of her throat before sitting down again.

“Exactly,” Sam eyed me warily, “Jacob is our brother and so Renesmee is our


“She is not my sister.” Leah stated bluntly. I took a deep breath and Sam nodded

at me in appreciation.

“Leah,” Seth whined, poking her with his elbow. She flinched and looked away

from her brother, defiantly.

“We are a pack.”
“No we’re not,” she insisted, “Jacob has taken on his own pack.”
“You said you were with him.” Paul pointed out, almost irritably. Leah scoffed but

had no comeback, to Paul’s satisfaction. “You said you were leaving our pack and
staying with Jacob,” he continued smugly, “so therefore Jacob is more a brother to you
than anyone else.”

I watched Leah closely. Her eyes blazed in fury but seemed to well up slightly,

tears daring to brim her eyelids. She clenched her hands and threw her head down so
we couldn’t see her face.

“He’s right, Leah.” Sam said quietly. “You left my pack for his.”
“For obvious reasons,” Embry whispered. Sam winced noticeably, his Alpha

mask slipping. Leah looked up at him, her lips set into a scowl again.

“There’s no denying it, Leah,” Seth murmured to her, “we agreed to Jacob being

our Alpha.”

“I might as well,” Leah stood up roughly, tears spilling now, “join that werewolf’s

pack for all I care!” She darted away, her hair billowing behind her like dark fire. Seth
stared after her silently, his face falling.

“What a drama queen.” Quil scoffed.
“She needs to sort herself out.” Brady muttered to Collin, who nodded and

pursed his thin lips.

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“She’s so melodramatic.” Jared chimed in, shaking his head. Only Sam, Seth

and I stood silently, looking at where Leah had disappeared. It seemed only us realised
the hurt feelings Leah was feeling. Only we three had experienced something heart-

“She’s probably going to go see her new lover boy and cry on his shoulder.”

Embry noted.

“Good luck to him.” Paul laughed. Seth stood up, his sad eyes on me.
“I have to go,” he said quietly. Sam and I nodded at him and he rushed off in the

direction of where his sister had gone. Sam looked at me and I swallowed, ruffling my
scruffy hair.

“Meeting dismissed.” Sam announced lowly.
“Is that it? We have no plan!” Jared insisted, standing up abruptly. He had

definitely grown, I thought as I inspected him. His muscles were thick bands around his
arms, tensing as he folded his arms. He was almost as tall as Sam now, his head about
an inch or so smaller. I bit my gum to stop from smiling; I was still the tallest by far.

“We have a plan, all right.” Paul said threateningly
“We tear the freak to pieces.” Quil announced with a gruff laugh. I flinched as I

remembered the old Quil, the old Embry. They would never speak of tearing someone
to pieces. They’d never sound so brutal in their low, mature voices. They’d never look
so fatal with their chunky arms and carved torsos.

“He’s a werewolf.” Sam interrupted.
“So we know exactly how to do it,” Paul told him, “we know our strengths and


Jared and Embry howled comically, lifting their hands high like claws and

snapping at Paul. He growled back, laughing. Brady chased Collin menacingly, their
childish sniggers yet to mature as they grew into adult werewolves. I watched them,
silently, until I felt Sam’s eyes boring into me again.

“You have to tell the Cullens.” He said quietly. I nodded and turned away,

sprinting back to Forks.

I reached the Cullens’ impressive house quickly and their sickly potent smell

trickled into my nose. I tensed instinctively. I really didn’t want to do this.

“Jacob?” Someone called me. It was a high, soprano voice; a girl’s voice. It

wasn’t the one I hoped for. Alice revealed herself out of the trees, her golden eyes
scrutinizing me. I held my breath as she walked toward me slowly, stopping a few feet
away for safety measures. “Are you looking for Ness?”

“No,” the scent of her drowned my nostrils as I spoke, “I was actually hoping I

could speak to you and your family.” Alice’s eyes widened.

“Excuse me?” She couldn’t hide the surprise in her voice, it rang loud and clear.

I swallowed, balling my hands into fists again. She noticed this and warily stood back,
her eyes still staring into mine incredulously.

“I need to speak with you and your family.”
“Oh, well,” she stuttered, her hands frantically skimming through her hair, “I’m

sure they’ll be delighted to see you.”

I scoffed, as did she. “We both know that’s not true,” she confessed, almost

guiltily. Apart Renesmee and Bella, she was the one other vampire I seemed to bear
spending time with. Short time, of course. “Do you mind if I warn them first?”

“I’m sure they can smell me but go ahead.” I gestured for her to continue and

she smiled, momentarily dazing me, and darted up into her house.

I stood uncomfortably, searching the dark forest for any more Cullens to come

jumping out at me. I don’t think I could cope if that blonde bumped into me. We sure
didn’t get along. Not even with Renesmee around.

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Thankfully, Alice returned in a flash.
“Go ahead,” she called from the door, “we’re all ready.”
I winced, the smell overpowering me as I walked through the front door. My

muscles naturally tensed as I saw them, sat silently around their table. They were sat
as if I were calling a business meeting. Alice appeared in her seat beside the blonde
male, who held her hand with a small smile.

“Jacob,” Carlisle greeted me with a smile, “nice to see you.” I knew he was being

genuine but nevertheless, I couldn’t help feeling awkward. I scanned the table and met
Bella’s gaze. She was frozen as she clutched Edward’s hand, who was knowingly
staring right at me too. I could feel him rummaging in my brain, finding the news I was
unhappily about to share.

“I’m not going to be long,” I started, “I know this isn’t the nicest of situations but I

have to tell you something.” I saw Edward freeze, his face stricken but continued warily.
“The La Push pack has heard news of recent attacks on Nomads across the country.”
The woman beside Carlisle pulled a sad face. “We found out from a source that the
attacker is in fact a werewolf.”

I felt a stab of pain as I watched Bella’s face contort in agony. The blonde girl

hissed and my muscles rippled slightly.

“Rosalie,” Carlisle warned.
“The werewolf isn’t like us; it’s not just a shape-shifter. And it’s making its way

through Washington.”

“Towards Forks?” Edward asked, his voice icy. I ignored his question, since I

didn’t have a proper answer.

“I’ve come here to warn you.” I told him.
“What is your pack doing about it?” Bella asked squeakily.
“We’re on full alert,” I informed her, ignoring Rosalie’s second hiss; “we intend to

protect everyone.”

“Thank you Jacob,” Carlisle rose from his seat, “you may leave now if that is all.”

I felt a small tug; come on Jake, you’ve said what Sam asked you to, just get out of
But I ignored it.

“No,” I continued, “I also want to say that the werewolf did successfully murder a

coven and has only lost one fight or so.” Bella’s face froze again. “This thing is serious
about what it wants.” I swallowed again. “It also,” I paused, “it…it’s leaving small girls.”

“What?” Bella demanded.
“Small female vampires,” I repeated shakily, “it seems to attack everything else

but them.”

“Why?” she whispered, her hands shaking. Edward murmured something

inaudible to me into her hair, his arms wrapping around her. I switched my gaze to
something else, anything else.

“Is that all?” Carlisle prompted politely. I nodded and he gestured to the door.

“Thank you Jacob.”

I walked stiffly out of the door, hearing the hushed murmur of their discussion as

I left. I let out a long sigh as I walked at a slow pace through the forest. This news was
worrying and unnervingly unknown. Nobody knew what was attracting the werewolf
here. However we knew it was only attacking certain vampires. I shuddered;
Renesmee’s perfect face is my mind. The werewolf would leave her unharmed, but
would it leave her alone? Would it fight me?

I picked up my pace, letting my feet jog. I hadn’t run as a human for a while so I

decided to run home. I contemplated going for a swim since the sun was shining behind
a thin layer of clouds, warming up the sea probably. It seemed to direct itself away from
Forks, leaving them enclosed in a blanket of muggy mist. I sighed again. Renesmee

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didn’t deserve to be cooped up in that closed atmosphere. It was such a contrast to her

Then a thought hit me. She would be destined to leave Forks soon. As soon as

school is over, she and her family would move on to a new destination. Perhaps she
would start school again; she looked too young to walk around as an adult. But what
would I do? To leave La Push again would be heart-wrenching for some. Billy, for
instance, would be crushed. He wouldn’t be left alone though, I reminded myself lightly,
Sue Clearwater was always pottering around him like he was her treasured leek she
was growing.

Seth’s name popped into my head, bringing a wave of concern with it. Seth

would have to stay with Sam’s pack, as would Leah. Quil and Embry would hate to see
me leave, I thought heavily, but they wouldn’t put up a fight to rejoin Sam’s pack. I
wouldn’t allow them to follow me, though I doubt Leah would choose to. Seth would
probably try.

“Jacob?” An unfamiliar voice threw my thoughts to one side. I realised I was in

sunny La Push, jogging lightly up to my house. To my surprise, I saw Leah perched
nervously on my porch, her eyes watching me. The voice was hers. It was so nervous I
hadn’t thought for one second of the fiery independent girl.

“Uh,” I paused, “hey?”
She patted the wood next to her, biting her lip.
“I’ve um, well basically…” Leah stuttered frantically before coming to a complete


“Don’t give yourself brain damage, Leah,” I teased uneasily, “spit it out.”
She laughed, the sound unknown. “I’ve come here to apologise but you went out

so I,” she bit her lip again, “I waited till you got home otherwise I wouldn’t of got the guts
to do it again.”

I grinned. “I see.”
“I guess I’m having a hard time at the moment.”
“Seth?” I questioned and she nodded with a frown. This expression was more

familiar yet the smile seemed to sit so easy on Leah’s face. She was somewhat
beautiful when she was cheerful.

“He can’t get over this imprinting thing.” She groaned. “I know he’s the only one

left now but that kid has got to stop being so self-centred. He’s my brother, I’m not
going to pack up and leave him.”

“Well tell him that then.” I muttered and she rolled her eyes.
“You think I haven’t tried? He won’t listen.” Leah threw her head into her hands

with a sigh. “If only Brady hadn’t imprinted.” I nodded, remembering how Brady and
Collin had imprinted around the same time on two sisters in their school. It was fairly
recent, only a month or so ago. Seth was a little put off by it but he had still had Leah

We all knew it was unusual for so many of us to imprint. Jared reckoned I had

set off a trend. Billy just said it was a coincidence but Sam was very thoughtful about
the matter. He had tried to trace back into his family tree, back to the tribes of centuries
ago. Not all of them had imprinted, in fact, barely any of them did. The amount of
werewolves imprinting increased as time as went on. It was only logical now, I guessed,
that nearly everybody imprinted in this modern day.

Leah rubbed her eyes, blinking, and stood up slowly. She ran her fingers

through her dark hair, exhaling heavily. I stood up beside her, my broad shoulder next
to her face. She glanced up at me, her eyes flickering with anxiety still, and half-
heartedly grinned.

“Are you,” I looked down and stuffed my hands in my trouser pockets, “going to

talk to him?”

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She nodded, her lips pursing. “Yeah I’ve got to I suppose,” she then pulled a

face, “I guess I need to see Oliver soon too.”

“Oliver?” I enquired as she began to walk away. She turned her head over her

shoulder with a blank expression.

“My boyfriend,” she almost said it with quotation marks, “Oliver.”
“Oh, I see.” I swallowed and she nodded, biting her lip.
“I’m sure Seth will tell you how this goes.” She waved awkwardly as she walked,

not looking back at me. I sighed, sitting back down.

The sun was glowing down on the beach, tanning the sunbathers that lay lazily

down on the beach, no worries, carefree. I exhaled again, rubbing my face as I sat.
They lay with their eyes closed, smiles permanently on their faces as they relaxed.
Lucky idiots.

I rose to my feet again, only to find Billy had wheeled himself behind me. His

foot nudged the back of my leg accidentally and I whirled around, my eyes wide.

“Sorry,” he put his hands out defensively, “I didn’t mean to scare you.” His face

showed a flash of fear as I towered over him unintentionally.

“That’s ok,” I said with a frown. Did he have to look so scared of me?
“I heard that Leah imprinted,” he noted, “good news hey?”
I nodded unsurely. “In some ways.”
“Another one,” he laughed, “poor Seth, the last one.”
“Last but not least,” I quoted with a humourless chuckle. Billy looked at me

deeply and I felt rooted to the spot by his fatherly stare.

“I’m,” he fumbled with his hands, “I’m sorry I was so…blunt earlier.”
I cleared my throat, nodding. “Ok.”
“It’s just so...built into me. This anger, this barrier between them, I cannot force

myself to like her.”

“Just accept us Dad,” I sighed, “that’s all I want.”
Billy nodded, exhaling slowly. “Ok.” He wheeled himself backwards through the

open door. “Any more word on the attacker?” I noticed he said it like a human murderer.

“No,” I growled, “not yet.”
“Jacob,” Billy placed a hand on my arm, “don’t hurt yourself.” I blinked, staring

down at his hand.

“What do you mean?”
“Don’t put yourself in danger unnecessarily.”
I then understood. Don’t protect Renesmee if the thing comes to get you.
“Dad,” I swiped my arm away from him, “that is not an option.”
“Jacob.” He warned threateningly. “I don’t want to loose you. Your sisters don’t

want to loose you.”

“Who says they will?” I demanded. He flinched as my voice rose and I

immediately felt a stab of guilt.

“This thing is dangerous, Jacob.” It was my turn to flinch then as Billy’s voice

grew rougher. “I don’t want to loose you and there’s every possibility I will.”

“I,” I threw my hands up in despair, “I…” I couldn’t finish my sentence as I threw

myself out of the house, swinging the door so hard it nearly came off its hinges.

“Jacob. Jacob!” Billy roared at me but I felt the hot, angry tears burn my cheeks

as they escaped my eyes. I would not turn and look at him when I was crying. Not now.

I stalked into the shadows, hoping not to bump into one of Sam’s pack, or one of

mine for that matter. I growled as soon as I saw a silhouette hiding where I was heading
but it didn’t bound out to me like Seth or someone would. They just stood, leant solidly
against the tree that I was still walking towards, with more anger now.

I wasn’t sure if I should call out to them, just in case it was a stranger. Then I

noticed the outfit. A hoody with the hood up. No. Not now.

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“Oh,” the dark gruff voice sounded as his head inclined my way, “hello Jacob.”

No, I growled in my head, not now!

“Andrew,” I swallowed the hatred in my voice but my anger was still radiating off

me. I was impressed by my self control, noticing how little my muscles were rippling. “I
didn’t realise you…hung out here.”

He laughed huskily. “I hang out everywhere,” he gestured grandly, “the world’s

my oyster.”

“Ok…” I found myself striding less purposefully now as I reached him. His bright

eyes surprised me, as they always did.

“Travelling is my favourite hobby; I’ve already been all across America.” Andrew

gestured again. “Very recently too,” he laughed, as if I’d missed some private joke.

“That’s interesting.” I listened intently, curious about the mysterious, infuriating

boy. “On your own or with family?”

“Oh I,” he grinned wickedly, “I don’t keep in contact with my family anymore.

Mum is a useless drug addict and father, well, god knows where he is. And my sister…”
he then paused, a cloudy frown invading his face angrily, “let’s just say she definitely
doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore.” His swift glance toward me unnerved
my whole body, the blue far too blue for an eye colour. Maybe he wore contacts? What
a poof. “I like to travel a lot,” he continued, “I don’t really enrol in school but I’ve decided
to settle down here. The people around here are nice.”

“Are you without any family then, just on your own?” I asked, oddly curious


“Without the cavalry,” Andrew announced with another grin, “its better that way.”
“In some ways,” I noted gruffly, “but still, you’re pretty young to be on your own.”
Andrew laughed lowly, “Some would think that.” He turned his back on me,

bowing his head.

“Where do you stay then?”
“I camp a lot,” he answered, “I’m not old enough for a house, am I?” His

question was sarcastic, he was patronizing me. My recent anger built back up again.

“I guess not,” I cleared my throat. Then suddenly, Andrew pulled back his hood,

turning back to me. His hair was longer and thicker. And the more I looked, the more I
noticed he had grown. He was more muscular, taller and definitely darker skinned.
Now, his eyes contrasted even more against his skin tone. He walked up to me, his
head reaching my chin.

“I’m on my own here, Jake,” he used my name as if I were an old friend, “I could

really do with a hand.” I stepped away, incredulously. What gave him the go ahead to
ask me for favours? “None of the guys around here particularly like me, you wouldn’t
happen to know any of the lads around La Push?”

“Of course,” I answered with a frown, “I’m best friends with a lot of them.”
“Great!” His teeth flashed brightly as he smiled. “Let’s get me introduced.”

Andrew took hold of my arm, his large hands reaching all the way around, and pulled
me out of the shadows.

“I don’t think now is a good time,” I said roughly, walking slowly behind him but

he whirled around.

“Now or never.” He winked, striding forwards again.
Something inside of me wanted to know more about this boy that set me on

edge and so I introduced him to a couple of the pack. Paul was immediately put off by
the look of him, his cold handshake a tell-tale sign.

“And this,” I gestured, “is Sam Uley.”
“Andrew.” Andrew grinned, shaking hands with Sam. Sam’s eyes were blazing,

with what emotion, I couldn’t figure out. His handshake was as cold as Paul’s, short,
blunt, unfriendly. Maybe it was a mistake to even remotely communicate with this boy I

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detested. “Wow you guys are definitely big,” Andrew half laughed, “where do you work

“Here and there.” Paul answered blankly, folding his arms. Andrew nodded

whilst he scanned the huge boys that surrounded him. There was an awkward silence
and it seemed that none of the pack was interested in making friends. They had all had
the same reaction I had towards him. He just put us on an edge.

Andrew’s vivid eyes flashed as he blinked.
“Well thank you Jacob for introducing me but I must dash.” And then suddenly,

Andrew blinked again and his eyes turned a dark, expressionless black. It was only for
a second, perhaps even shorter, but the blue had definitely disappeared. I quickly
shifted my gaze onto Sam who had surely noticed, since his posture hardened even
further and his eyes continued to blaze. His nostrils flared and I could see him
breathing heavily. “See you guys around.” Andrew’s eyes had returned to their usual,
odd blue. He whirled around without his usual smirk and sprinted down to the beach,
vanishing quickly.

“Did you guys see that?” Paul hissed. Sam didn’t move; he was frozen in a state

of anger it seemed. “Sam?” Paul turned to his Alpha worriedly. “Hey, Sam?” However,
the man didn’t answer him; instead he turned to me and lowly growled my name.

We walked away from Paul, leaving him staring after us.
“What is it?” I asked hastily.
“There’s something wrong with that boy you bought.” Sam’s voice was barely

audible as it growled at me darkly.

“You’re telling me,” I scoffed, “he’s unnerved me from the start. God knows why I

decided to even talk to him, we just met in the forest by accident and he just didn’t
seem to take a hint.”

“No Jacob, something serious.” Sam’s eyes were still blazing and I could read

them now. Anger. No, wait. Fear.

“What do you mean?” I gripped his muscled arms tightly.
“He’s something,” Sam struggled for words, “he’s not human. It’s sending off

alarms all over my body. My instinct was to just kill him right there, right then.”

“What?” I demanded. I had definitely not taken a shine to Andrew but never

would I think of killing him. Unless…

“I don’t know Jacob; somehow all my werewolf instincts just simply took over.”
“You didn’t shake; nothing seemed to look wrong with you!” I protested,


“No, not physically. Well I wanted to phase, more than ever, he was dangerous

to me. I just wanted to rip him apart!” Sam’s voice was angered and it worried me. I had
never seen him act so angrily and so I took a step back. “He can’t be here, Jacob,
everything in my body is telling me he should not be here. He’s a threat.”

“He’s at Forks High!” I stopped, frozen. “He’s friends with Renesmee…”
“No. She can’t be friends with him, Jacob.”
Something told me that Andrew was definitely a threat since usually, Sam

wouldn’t voice any sort of protection over Renesmee as an individual. As pack leader,
he would instruct a protection order if needs be, but never would he single himself out
and inform me what wasn’t safe for her. “I’m going to…” Sam shook his head, frowning
deeply, “I need to go home.” He darted away.

I stood, silently, fear almost thrilling every nerve in my body. Usually, a fight

would excite me, it would awaken my whole body like a whole gallon of caffeine. But
now, it simply worried me. All I could think of was Renesmee. I sank to the floor, my
head in my hands. I hated the fact she had so many threats fighting against her. First
the werewolf then Andrew?

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I froze. They couldn’t have some sort of connection could they? I leapt to my

feet, my heart beating twice its usual rhythm. My whole body seemed to run into
overdrive as panic rose like wildfire throughout my system.

Book III




1. Help


I stared into my hunter’s eyes, those familiar looking eyes, forcing me down onto the
dirty floor. I knew them well. I had seen them in such a normal environment for weeks.
Now though, they were swirling with hostility but his expression was almost curved into
a smirk. My stomach twisted; he thought this was a game. He thought it was funny. I
was just his chew toy now. And as I watched him stride closer, chills froze my spine.

I tried to convince myself to stand up to him, as if I would with anyone else. But

as I considered this, I realised to die was easier. Right now, I was going to die and
solve so many problems, so much pain and tension, right?

But the hurt of so many I had caused seemed to be washed away when I

remembered the love my life had entailed. Somehow, my duty to be loved was far more
important than my petty death. To break a heart in this way would be almost as horrific
as watching them die, just as I was about to.
He was only steps away from me. To die would be to break hearts; I forced
myself to keep in mind. So I closed my eyes and wished for the only one who
could save me, because he had to come; we were bound.

1. Help

help defenceless hunted search nothing fear stand protection where lost

question me eyes dreams curiosity madness nightmares sweat pant panic growl
creature floor dark falling waiting scream snarl teeth cold black striding circling
death love family left friends community ripped missing posters police normal
nature myths abnormal books stories films horror murder growl bark familiar
contrast similar reflection relationship him save calling bound tug unbreakable
forbidden allowed duty forget confidence stand snarl ignore run away find.





1. You know that feeling when you want to rip someone apart?


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I hunted ruthlessly. Come on Jacob. My nose fell to the floor as I tried to find

that perfectly sweet scent but nothing seemed to smell remotely like it. I could smell
was us, the pack, the heated woodsy smell. God damnit! I let out a furious growl, my
nose lifting from the ground for half a second. Red mist was in front of my eyes now. I
couldn’t be without that insistent pull, the tug that so commonly tore me away from my
usual routine. Were would I be without it? The tug that seemed to also act as an
anchor, weighting me down on earth, keeping me stable?

The red mist intensified even though I had already exploded out of fury, out

of fear.

My point of gravity was wavering. It was lost.

1. You know that feeling when you want to rip someone apart?

I sprinted home, the wind smacking hard into my chest as I run against it. Billy

greeted me quietly as I burst through our front door.

“Son?” He questioned as I panted in the doorway. “Is everything all right?”
Billy’s eyes swirled with worry and he wheeled himself closer to me.
“Sam’s at home, Jake, what’s the matter?”
“I need to see Sam,” I gasped through pants, throwing myself out of the door

again and running madly to Sam’s house.

I banged heavily on their door, ashamed of my rudeness when Emily opened it


“Hello Jacob.” She eyed me warily, gesturing me to come inside.
“I need to speak to Sam.” I kept my eyes away from her face. Nothing would

ever stop the sharp pang everyone felt when they saw her lopsided features. But only
the pack knew why those lines looked so like claw scratches, dragging the skin down

Emily’s face hardened. “He’s not really expecting anyone…” she trailed off.
“I need to speak to him.” I repeated forcefully.
“There’s something wrong with him,” she whispered, “Jacob, there’s something

terribly wrong. He’s lying in bed, sweating, panting, almost having a fit.”

I barged past her and flew upstairs, only to find Sam fitting Emily’s worried

description. He was jolting around in his bed, his face writhing in pain and beads of
sweat rolling off his forehead.

“Jacob!” He grunted, his eyes blazing still. He clutched at his stomach.
“Sam.” I hurried to his side, my hands restraining him down onto the mattress.

His fitting continued for a while and he bared his teeth, grunting and moaning. Then
suddenly, his grunts became growls and his chest rippled uncontrollably. “No! No Sam,
no!” I roared, afraid to let go but also afraid in case he phased right there and then.
Sam’s eyes flashed in anger as he snarled back at me, words beyond him now.

“Sam?” Emily’s timid voice came from the doorway and I noticed her, cowering

in fear.

“Emily! Go get my father, get someone!” I instructed her loudly and she dashed

away. Sam growled more, fighting against me, his fit increasing. “Don’t you dare.” I
threatened, pushing him back into the mattress again.

“Let go of me!” He roared, his eyes burning like fire. They weren’t his eyes, they

were unknown, wild and aggressive.

“No!” I yelled back, “Sam, don’t do this!” But he didn’t give up; he jolted madly,

his muscles rippling still.

background image

“I need to phase!” Some sort of human tone tainted his voice as he shouted at

me and I listened. “I need to phase now Jacob! Let go!” And so I did. I threw myself
against the far wall and watched in fear as he leapt out of his bed and exploded into a
wolf. His head hit the ceiling and his arms clawed at the air.

“Sam,” I panted but he didn’t look at me, instead, he flew into the window,

shards of glass flying everywhere. I ran after him, only to find he had landed outside
and was running into the darkness of the forests. Thankfully, the light was beginning to
fade and La Push was quiet.

I stood by the broken window silently. My eyes searched for movement but Sam

was out of sight. I couldn’t hear him either.

“Jacob?” Emily was beside me in a second. “Where has he gone? Is he hurt?

What happened?”

“He phased,” I said quietly, “and just…” I inhaled, shaking my head, “threw

himself out of the window, desperate to go somewhere.”

“Why did you let him phase?” She demanded tearfully.
“He asked me to,” I whispered in reply, “he pleaded with me.” I turned to her and

took hold of her wrists. “I’m going to find him, I’m going to phase.”

“Your father is on his way.” Emily murmured.
“Tell him where I’ve gone. Stay here Emily, don’t go looking for Sam.” I

squeezed her wrists before running down the stairs and outside, heading straight for
the shadows.

I leapt into my wolf-form as naturally as ever, searching wildly for Sam’s

thoughts. No one.

Until... someone. A being, searching for another. It wasn’t Sam; it was an

unknown creature. And then it hit me. The werewolf.

I skidded into the dirt, almost smacking into a tree. I had been running in the

complete opposite direction of Forks, hoping to find Sam, but now the werewolf was
close enough to be in my thoughts. I had to get to Renesmee. I just had to.

I turned around, kicking up earth and grass, and ran. It wouldn’t take me long to

get there but every second was passing slowly. Every second was a second without
Renesmee. Every second was a chance for him to get to her. I growled.

Forks was in my sights now, the cheerful sign just about visible through the

trees. I veered to the left to get to the Cullen’s house and then past that to Renesmee’s
cottage. My pace quickened even further as I flashed past the great white house.
However, even at my insane speed, I had seen the bodies of the vampires, watching
me in fear. They would know something’s wrong. Edward must know by now.

I reached Renesmee’s cottage and without thinking, barged into it, heading

straight for her bedroom. To my horror, it was empty. Unless she was at the Cullen’s
house. Yes, that’s it, I convinced myself, she was there. I darted back, uncontrollable
panic taking over.

I forced myself to phase before I burst in on them but it was difficult, I was too

emotional. I eventually managed to get back into my human form, pulling on the sweats
I had hidden behind a tree not far away from the house. I swung open the door to find
the whole cavalry staring at me, stricken with fear.

“It’s here, isn’t it?” Carlisle asked. I nodded.
“Renesmee!” Bella suddenly gasped. I then realised that Renesmee wasn’t

apparent. She wasn’t here.

“Where is she?” I demanded.
“She went out with friends!” Bella sobbed. “I don’t know where!”
“Emmett, Rosalie, Carlisle you search the back. Alice, Jasper and Esme, you go

up to the school and check the forest around there. Bella, Jacob and I will search the

background image

“No,” Bella whispered, “the clearing.” I could see the recognition in her eyes. The

clearing. When she had first met the Nomads. The fight between the Newborns. The
Volturi. We were always screwed over in that clearing. Edward took her hand

“Come on Bella, we have to go.” His eyes flickered over to me. My chest was

heaving with every breath and my heart was pumping jaggedly.

Bella’s face contorted in pain as she let Edward pull her out of the house, the

rest of us in tow. The other Cullens vanished in a blur, shouting out orders to each
other. I scrambled behind a bush and let myself phase, hoping my rage wouldn’t cause
too much of a problem. As I revealed myself, I saw Bella’s eyes widen at me.

“Are you sure you should phase?” Her breath trembled.
“If the werewolf should meet us,” Edward explained, “we would have a better

chance if Jacob was in his werewolf form too.”

I whined and nuzzled Bella’s arm, hoping she would loosen her icy stature

towards me. Thankfully, she smiled timidly at me. “Come on,” Edward ordered, “we
have to go now.” We darted to the clearing, our bodies moving in swift movements. We
were blurs to everything else, just a splash of colour.

I concentrated hard as I ran, searching for thoughts. Seth had phased. So had

Paul and Embry. They were questioning me frantically but I couldn’t answer. Sam was
nowhere to be heard; either he had phased or…

Then a dark smudge seemed to smear across my thoughts. The werewolf. I let

out a growl, startling Edward and Bella. His thoughts were harder to read but he was
close. Very close.

“Jacob?” Bella asked. I looked up, realising we had reached the clearing. The

wide open space lay lazily, awaiting the commotion to begin. It angered me. Again, the
smudge blotted into my head. I closed my eyes, concentrating hard.

Who are you? I demanded in my head. The smudge seemed to freeze. Who are


You know me. The smudge answered in a dark, husky voice. Another

encounter. It laughed. I roared, causing Edward to push Bella behind him protectively.
He eyed me warily but I kept my nose to the floor.

What do you want?
We have a lot in common for our wants.
The werewolf jeered.
If you think you’re so tough, I growled loudly, come and fight me!
You sure you want that?
It scoffed.
Scared? I seemed to regain my usual cockiness. I felt the old Jacob Black, the

one I knew Bella and Renesmee hated, the one that aggravated Edward, emerge from
inside of me. The lust for a fight overtook my whole body as I felt the red mist cloud up
my mind.

Look up Jacob. The werewolf ordered with a smirk.
“Edward!” Bella gasped, relief flooding her voice. I did as the werewolf said,

seeing a slim figure standing in the clearing. Her billowing auburn hair swirled around
her pale body. My heart stopped. Renesmee.

I saw the flickering bodies of Edward and Bella dash over to her but Renesmee

lifted a hand, silently ordering them to stop. Her parents obeyed with confusion. Her
brown eyes fixed onto me and she seemed to mouth something at me but I couldn’t

Document Outline


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