Making Money Formulas

The ONLY Guide that Gives you the
Step-by-Step Formula to Making
Money Online!
By: Edward Holmes
Edition: 2.2.0
Looking to make some money? Alright this is the guide that ll show you how to do it. For
legal reasons however, I can t guarantee that you ll make money with this guide. We provide
the formulas, but you have to put them into good use, and be creative and take the wealth of
knowledge in this guide and make it really your own.
All revenue in this guide is claimed by me, the author and originator of the following methods.
Be advised that, just because it worked for me, does not guarantee it will work for you.
But if you follow my directions, and really understand the philosophies that I try to emphasize
in this guide, then you can be successful at making money online.
Remember the methods in this e-book are ones that worked for me. However, I do not
suggest copying the methods verbatim, as many people will read this e-book. Though copying
them verbatim may net you some nice profits, you will NOT be maximizing your time.
Finally, I try to be as honest and straightforward in this guide as possible, and if you feel you
have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. It may take some time to get to your
email (as I m quite busy) but I WILL get to it!
Now, let s make some money!
Hello everyone. My name is Ed Holmes and I m the author of this fine piece of writing you have
before you. No doubt many of you are wondering who I am, what I ve done, and what I hope
to impart to you. Well it s simple I m an internet marketing entrepreneur. I m not ULTRA-rich
but I have had success. I ve made over 2 million dollars on the internet in the past two years
using some of the very same tactics you will find below, and I VERY MUCH hope to impart to my
readers that making money on the internet is not only possible, it s EASY (depending on what
your definition of  easy is).
Some Philosophical Thoughts
Let me first make two confessions to you before we get started. First, I didn t start making
1000s per week right off the bat. It takes time, it takes experience. Second it takes much less
time and much less experience than you think. Instead of worrying about how much time and
how much experience, I find it much more productive to get down to work now, in the present,
What I Expect From My Readers
A part of a marketer s job is to know his audience and/or clients. Being a marketer, I take pride
in this skill. So let me tell you what I think about you; yes, you my readers. Firstly, I think you
are LIGHT years ahead of the millions of sheep walking this earth today, humping a 9-to-5 job
because they are afraid of doing one of the hardest human actions around thinking.
Second, I think many of you (over 90 percent) take ADVANTAGE of this fact, that you have
already made the first step, and think to yourself,  look I m doing the extra work, why aren t I
getting rich already?
Finally, I think some of you (around 20%) will take this e-book for what it is an honest guide to
helping people understand my ideas and my methods on making money online and actually
put SOME OF IT INTO ACTION. You have already taken the first step by purchasing this e-book.
How many more are you willing to take with me? The road is weathered and dangerous, but
the destination is well-worth our struggles.
The 80/20 is Real
One more piece of advice: don t worry about making mistakes. There s something a lot of
businesspeople and marketers like to call the 80/20 rule. This rule states that 80% of your
income will come from 20% of your efforts. What I mean is: don t get frustrated that one of
your ventures didn t work out so hot because the next venture (that you haven t started yet)
might be the one to 10x your initial investment and blow everything else away.
Final Thoughts
OK those are some of the principles I live and work by, each and every day. And by doing so
I ve been able to not only support my family, but send my kid brother to college, have a
shitload of fun, waste a whole lot of money, and invest in a lot of business ventures along the
If you want to start making money and live a more financially free and active life, it s quite
simple. Just follow the one  secret to making money online, which really is not all that secret,
and is actually quite elementary&
Optional Tools to
Make Things Easier
Social Explosion System
A lot of my methods use this tool. Basically a  swiss-army knife tool for social media
marketing, which I love. Focus mainly on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. Terrific beginning
tool if you re getting into Social Media Marketing.
50% off code here (it s an affiliates coupon but anyone can use it)  YOUFIRST
Fiverr marketing tool that cannot be beat. Only one of it s kind in terms of Fiverr. It s a must
have if you re trying to outnumber and outmuscle your Fiverr competition.
Click here for the website.
50% off code  MAKEMONEY
Blackbox VPS
If you re running one or more of these tools, I highly suggest you get a VPS to a) stay
anonymous, b) to keep things organized, c) to have your tools running 24/7 without taxing your
main computer. Blackbox VPS is a leading VPS provider for the IM community.
Use coupon code SOCIALEXPLOSION for a 20% discount EACH MONTH.
The Secret to Making
Breaking the Secret Down
The secret to making money on the internet is simple, and it applies to any business, anywhere
in the world. But in internet-land, we have special terms that we use, when talking about the
In any business, you need customers. And you also need something to sell them. If you don t
have customers, you have no one to sell to. I don t care HOW GREAT YOUR
PRODUCT/SCHEME/METHOD is, nobody is listening. On the other hand, if you don t have a
good product, your customers are going to ignore you. Sure you might make a sale here and
there, but to maximize profit, you need to package your product in the right way.
Therefore, the secret to making money is&
Maximize your customers, optimize your product, pretty up your package.
Or in internet jargon&
Maximize TRAFFIC, get as TARGETED PRODUCT possible, and introduce the two in an
It s that simple. Nobody on the internet makes money (decent money)
in any other way but this.
Mindblowing isn t it? Why am I emphasizing (or reminding) you of this basic but all-important
facet of money-making? Because many of us forget that this is the ultimate goal, each and
everyday. Because many of us get all caught up in the little details of our traffic source, or our
offer, or our method, or a million other things, we forget that in order to actually make money,
we need to have these 3 basic factors, or we are doomed to fail. Again, in order of importance:
1) Traffic
2) Offer
3) Method
So let s take each step at a time. First let s deal with traffic.
Traffic is #1
The Importance of Traffic
There are many ways (millions to billions) of ways to get traffic. Don t pigeonhole yourself
into any single one. I always try to have an open mind about traffic. Many people say  listen,
I m going to focus on Facebook for my traffic. And that s what they do. But they don t realize
that you can leverage your Facebook traffic EASILY into Twitter traffic, or website traffic.
Also don t get picky about your traffic. Focus on volume first, then you can start weeding
people out. It makes me laugh when I hear noobies asking about my traffic, and then go  but
is it quality ? Some traffic is better than no traffic, friends.
Popular Sources of Traffic
SEO (high rankings)
Emails (list)
PPC (campaign, keywords)
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Fiverr, Craigslist, Youtube, Yahoo Answers, etc)
Now these are just SOME sources of traffic, and believe me, this is definitely not a
comprehensive list. But it s a good starting point especially if you re a low-level, mid-level
marketer making less than 150k/yearly. Why? Because yes there are more unique ways of
getting traffic, but because they are not PROVEN, you ll most likely need to do some
experimentation, and possibly have some investment money (I m not even talking about
hundreds of thousands here, I m saying even a couple thousand saved up). My focus was
always to get a steady income that I could play around with FIRST, before making riskier moves.
OK I made a Facebook Account,
Where s the Traffic???
Just by experimenting with these traffic-gathering sources, though they may be proven, does
NOT guarantee you traffic. In essence, all these sources ARE THE SAME. They all involve a
bunch of people looking for& something. The question is, can you provide it? Sometimes,
what they re looking for is a picture. Or an answer to a question. Or a funny video of someone
getting kicked in the balls. Whatever! Start with one source, and begin working out how you
plan on getting traffic. Do it now even before reading my methods below. Why? Because I
want you to approach this with an open-mind. Though the chances are slim (haha) you might
just be creative enough to think of a decent method of your own. Give yourself just ONE
minute to really think about the source that you are most comfortable with and try to figure
out how to get the most out of it.
What I mean is, all these traffic methods WORK. The only issue is, will it work for you?
In this guide we re going to focus pretty much on social media traffic (ie. Facebook, twitter,
Yahoo! Answers and Fiverr). I find that these outlets are the EASIEST ways to gain traffic.
The Rest of this Guide
The rest of the guide will be organized like this: I ll dissect each of the social networking sites,
the reasons why I use that social network to obtain traffic, the advantages/disadvantages. I ll
also include ways to monetize and ways to maximize your profits once you get started.
These are real methods, some of which I still currently use to supplement my income.
What we haven t touched upon yet is how to pick an offer. This is a crucial part of the
process without a good offer, we won t be able to maximize our earnings. However, I don t
really recommend new marketers to worry too much about picking an offer. I ll go into some
basics below for those of you that both new marketers and old vets should find, if not
groundbreaking, helpful and correct.
Picking an Offer
It s Somewhat of a Crapshoot
OK picking an offer is never going to be an exact science. But I do watch out for certain basic
factors whenever picking an offer. Now remember, this step is VERY important however, I
recommend that you just pick one that looks good to you and run with it. Don t nitpick, and
definitely don t switch your offer (and therefore, your whole campaign) for a silly change of
heart. I mean, if you pick an offer, try and stick with it because you really don t know how it s
going to turn out until you send traffic to it.
Here s what I look for when picking an offer:
1) Is the offer proven?
2) Is the LP professional-looking and eye-catching?
3) Is the offer targeted towards a specific demographic?
Affiliate Managers
These are the three top issues I deal with when I m picking an offer. And usually, I trust the
advice of my affiliate manager who I ve been working with for several years now. I send him
loads of traffic, and he makes good money off of me. So he keeps me updated with all the
hottest offers, the best performing offers, and even some methods he picks up here and there!
But what if you re not a proven affiliate with years of income behind you? Well no worries.
The key is finding a really good affiliate manager to start with. He or she will be interested in
getting you up and running. Most affiliate managers just want to collect their commissions and
won t help you out if they don t think you re going anywhere. Obviously, we all start
somewhere, and these (foolish) AMs have forgotten that.
In any case, I suggest this affiliate network to get started with. You can email me directly and
I ll give you my personal AM who is very active and actually quite honest with me, which I value
over everything (even though I take some lower payouts). Best thing is he works with me to
hide and convert some of my less  white-hat traffic.
How to Make an Offer  Work
OK let s start with a real-life example. I ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars selling
credit reports to homeowners. On the surface, how does  credit reports relate to
homeowners? Well, naturally, if someone is buying or refinancing, they need to know their
credit right? But right away would you think credit report = homeowners?
Your job is to get creative. That s MY job too. You can make a decent living copying other
people s methods. But EVEN THEN, you re going to have to switch some things up! There are
millions of CPA offers out there. Find one that does WELL (don t pick any of those shitty offers
with absolutely no traffic  not worth your time). Ask your Affiliate Manager (AM) which offers
are hot these days, and find a NEW twist on it. A lot of the times, the hot offers are left
AMBIGUOUS for this reason so that people can find new twists to promote them.
It s really quite as simple as that. Obtain traffic, and introduce that traffic to your product/offer.
And once you ve done that, you are already on your way to daily income.
How We Do It
Why does it always feel like everyone else is banking and making money, while you re wasting
day after day toiling away, with no results?
I think out of 90% of the people I speak to regarding making money online are unsuccessful
because they focus on making everything perfect and pretty when making everything perfect
and pretty is NOT THE POINT. The point is simple: to introduce your traffic to your product.
This is the main priority, and many people lose sight of that fact. Once you begin to lose sight
of this fact, take care to check yourself and bring yourself back to reality without putting
traffic-to-offer you will never make a single dime!
I remind myself constantly to focus most of my attentions on the important things. Again and
again, I evaluate and ask myself: what did I do to increase my traffic today? What did I do to
better my method today?
So let s take a look at what some other people are doing to effectively put traffic to CPA offer,
without making it perfect or pretty. Remember these are just examples, and you can choose
to copy them if you feel like though please put a twist on the methods if you really want to
get them to work. I purposely picked somewhat outdated methods to avoid stepping on other
people s toes.
Example 1: Fiverr Money-Makers
Well, how much do you think you can possibly make off selling Twitter followers, Facebook fans
and YouTube views on Fiverr? Some people that I ve worked in the industry have boasted up
to $250,000 YEARLY on Fiverr sales, across several accounts. Most of this revenue is
automated. People are buying things every single day. It s just a matter of how big a piece of
the pie you want to receive. Set up shop, build, and they will come.
Some geniuses have jumped on the Fiverr bandwagon early, have taken time to understand the
POINT of internet marketing. It doesn t have to be pretty and sophisticated. Fiverr has internet
marketing/social media buyer traffic, so give the people what they want! Fast, affordable and
Example 2: Setting Up a Website
One friend of mine set up a website to sell his Facebook Fans and Twitter Followers. The
website looks professional and clean, though it isn t sophisticated nor fancy. He focuses on
speedy delivery and got his traffic through internet marketing forums and blogs. He asked a
bunch of social media experts on these forums and blogs to talk about his software, for a
nominal fee. This website makes over $90,000 in yearly PROFIT.
Final Words on Examples
So you see, all that matters is getting traffic and combining it with your offer. In this case, the
 offer is Facebook fans, Twitter followers, etc. The traffic can vary one of our friends uses
Fiverr, one of our friends uses forums/blog combination. The traffic source matters little, as
long as there is enough of it. The offer matters little, and depends solely on what sort of traffic
you can muster. The essence is in getting both and combining the two in a fast, clean and
automated way.
Remember: the importance of traffic cannot be understated. Traffic is the most important
thing, and it is the driving force behind everything internet marketing. Once you get the
traffic, take the plunge! Hurry up and blast them with the offer before your leads go to waste.
Most importantly, if you re a bit of a perfectionist like me, stop yourself from trying to make
everything perfect and pretty. The most important thing is making the two join up as soon as
Now& it s your turn. Let s focus first on getting that traffic.
How You Do It
My plan is to walk you through the first couple steps of building a money-making campaign. So
I m going to go through each step as if were my own campaign.
Picking a Traffic Source:
We re going to deal with the following traffic sources in this guide:
a. Twitter
b. Facebook
c. Fiverr
d. Youtube
e. Websites/SEO
Picking an Offer:
Here s an offer that was pretty popular on my network a few months back (just to show you
what a successful offer can look like).
Analyzing the Offer
Let s take a moment to look at the offer we ve chosen, and try to see what target demographic
we should be looking for. Remember, getting automated, high-volume traffic is important, but
that doesn t mean we shouldn t ignore important factors such as targeting the right type of
traffic. What I mean by focus on volume-traffic FIRST is that, likely, when starting out, you
don t want to focus on the finer details, as that detracts from the main focus, which is getting
that source of traffic down. Once you get it down (and automated) then focus on targeted
Our offer is for a Starbucks gift card. I chose this offer because I m familiar with Starbucks,
since I go there from time to time myself. I m also familiar with its marketing campaign. You
can tell a lot about a company s key demographic just by looking at it s (non-internet)
marketing campaign. The reason is because they have marketers on their staff doing a whole
bunch of research and surveys on who their key customers/clients are, which age group, race
group, income group is most likely to buy their products, etc.
My local Starbucks plays  artsy music, has young kids working as baristas, and really try to give
off a contemporary vibe. Looking at the customers, I have a bunch of people watching youtube
clips on their Macbooks, pretending that their doing work and trying to look cool. They also
glance up from their  work every couple minutes to see who just came in through the door.
Finally, I think there are a lot of wannabe writers (I can tell this by their apparel, facial hair, and
their loud conversation about their writing).
Therefore, I m going to right-off-the-bat guess that our key demographic is the 25-45 ages,
primarily Caucasian, and middle-class to wealthy income groups (how else can they afford the
overpriced coffee?).
So let s confirm what we just deduced via looking at the marketing campaign and real-life
clientele of the Starbucks brand by looking at the Quantcast stats to back us up.
Indeed, we weren t too far off. What more we can infer from the QC stats is that our key
demographic includes females, rather than males, and a good number of college grads.
Now, we have the basic, most important facts, which for the most part, is all we really need.
Ages: 25-44
Sex: Female predominantly
Race: Caucasian predominantly
Income bracket: $50k+/year
Getting the bigger picture? We re going to keep in mind these stats while we go about our
methods, but we won t let them dictate the entire process. They, for now, are to act as a guide
for our actions, not as a set-in-stone blueprint.
Now that we have our offer, let s move on to the methods.
The Facts
Twitter is a social networking service that allows users to  tweet (short microblogs) and share
their tweets with over 300 million users across the world.
What We ve Established
Ages: 25-44
Sex: Female predominantly
Race: Caucasian predominantly
Income bracket: $50k+/year
Offer: Starbucks Free Gift Card
Why Twitter?
When I first heard about Twitter way back in 2008, I thought that it was going to be a flash-in-
the-pan, that Facebook was always going to reign supreme. Boy was I wrong (this is why I don t
invest much in tech stocks LOL). Twitter is monster, and it s a monster that s here to stay.
Twitter is one of the most popular social networking platforms out there, and by extension, a
great way to get massive amount of traffic for us internet marketers!
So how do we begin? Well there is myriad ways of utilizing the millions of twitter users and
turning them into profits. But by far the best and fastest way is to create twitter accounts and
obtain real followers on those accounts. Remember not to get too picky. Twitter is definitely a
Quantity over Quality thing the more people you have following you, the more people who
are going to see your tweets! And the more compelling and interesting your tweets are, the
more people who are going to share your tweet with others!
Setting up an account:
For this method/traffic source, you want to set up an account that will draw a high number of
followers. You don t want to just set up any account and start randomly following people, and
providing absolutely no incentive or reason for them to follow you back. What I used to do is
assume the character of a popular television show, movie, or celebrity, and tweet as if you
were them. In this case, let s pick Carrie Bradshaw (from the television show Sex in the City)
because it fits right in with our demographic (female, 25-44, Caucasian, $50k+ per year income).
You want to set up an account that will draw followers, remember and especially those that
will fit in with your demographic, as well as be enticed by your offer! Be as creative as you can
get, but don t ever forget that the main idea is to get your traffic up.
Include a nice picture of Carrie (yes I am a male and I have watched this show, so sue me T.T).
Now it s time to start setting your  personality on Twitter. I ve seen many people go adopt
quotes from the actual person that they re imitating and post them as tweets. But I rather
create my own material. Comment on your day, or popular news items, making sure to use the
right hashtags, etc, as if you were (in this case) CARRIE BRADSHAW. This will endear any Sex in
the City fans to you, especially if you can inject humor and character into your tweets.
How to Get Followers:
Getting followers equals getting traffic. Because once you have the right number of followers,
you can throw in some  monetization tweets, sandwiched in between your funny, memorable,
or creative tweets from the fake Carrie Bradshaw! But how do we get thousands of followers in
the first place?
Well, that s the hard part, but I m going to show you exactly what I do! Firstly, you re going to
want to advertise your twitter account, and you can do so by following people within your
target demographic.
I would very much recommend purchasing a software called  Social Explosion System to make
this step much easier. This program allows you to get targeted Twitter followers, automatically,
just by setting it up and letting it run on your computer.
What it does is it runs 24/7 on your computer, auto-following people, who then, in turn, follow
you back!
This is an absolute must for any social media marketer, novice to expert.
You can check out their website here. Here s a coupon code for 50% off that still works, but
probably not for long. Coupon code: YOUFIRST
Monetizing is simple. Remember the concept of introducing your traffic to your offer. Now it s
time to do it in as clever a way as possible, but do it fast, and do it regularly. Worry about
making that first couple bucks of income, THEN start to tweak. Don t try and preplan
everything, make everything perfect, because a) you probably can t predict what s going to
happen (few can) and b) there are always little surprises that will come your way.
My tip: if you come close to breaking even, the method is
What I would do with my fake Carrie Twitter account is I d sandwich between all my  real and
 funny tweets a simple  Oh guys at Starbucks, TODAY only, $50 gift cards for me and my
followers! Check it out here: [LINK]
This will get blasted to all your followers, and if you have enough, you ll make a couple bucks.
Now in terms of how OFTEN you should blast your offer, this varies from account to account. If
you have a really POPULAR Twitter account, I d say once a day even is doable. By popular, of
course, I mean an account that people really like. If you have a pretty crappy account (that
people don t interact with much, or that you don t update much) don t do it too often,
otherwise you ll lose what followers you have, or might even lose the account.
This criteria goes for your OFFER as well! If you have a new offer, that people haven t seen,
that looks really professional, and you have a good spin on it, you can blast often, and plus
you ll be REALLY profitable with it! I was one of the first few who really did massive Twitter
marketing with the popular $500 Visa Gift Card offer and made a killing off it, only because I got
on QUICKLY, and I really went hard on it.
So try this out, and I recommend doing this not just one account at a time, but with several, just
to spread out your eggs.
The Facts
Facebook is a social media platform that allows users to interact in countless ways, via chat,
pictures,  tagging , games and more. Facebook is by far the #1 social media networking site and
continues to be a goldmine for internet marketers, despite FB s crackdown on unwanted and
commercial spam.
What We ve Established
Ages: 25-44
Sex: Female predominantly
Race: Caucasian predominantly
Income bracket: $50k+/year
Offer: Starbucks Free Gift Card
Why Facebook?
It s quite unlikely you haven t heard the phenomenon called Facebook by now, and it s also
rather unlikely that you aren t sick of hearing all the superlatives about it. Everyone plus his
coworker s grandma knows about Facebook, and frankly it s driving me a bit nuts. However,
we as internet marketers must swallow the pill with Facebook because it still is and will
continue to be a HUGE traffic goldmine.
So why Facebook? Throughout the years, FB s team has fought a very staunch battle against
spam, but the smart marketers will always find loopholes (like good lawyers) and will exploit
those loopholes while they exist, while continuously looking for new ways to milk the cow. And
even though FB continuously fights spam with the best of them, we as marketers can t help but
continue to fight back, especially as long as the money is as good and as lucrative as it is now.
Setting up:
In this method, we re going to set up a Fan Page. Yes yes, many of you may already know how
to do this, or have tried it already unsuccessfully but almost ALL of you haven t tried MY little
twist, yet!
We re going to set up a fanpage that is going to be quite unique, in that we will only deal with
NEW social phenomenon.
Now being one of the few first bandwagoners on any hot trend is difficult. What you need to
be doing is scouring a) the entertainment blogs, b) the commercials, c) the actual  product-
creators themselves to jump on quickly.
I created a  Discount Double Check fan page way before it got huge with all the Aaron Rodgers
commercials (State Farm) and BANKED off insurance and football offers! The key to knowing
which trend will get hot is CLEARLY not an exact science, and I have had 9 failures to every 1
success. But the key is to go through those 9 failures, and to know that 1 WILL be a success.
Perhaps it was the one you least expected, as in many of my cases!
Anyway, here we go:
Set up a fanpage around a burgeoning trend. DO NOT set up a fan page on an already HOT
trend that has more than a dozen fanpages ALREADY dedicated to it. You will NOT get enough
cheap traffic this way.
In this case, for our Starbucks offer, let s create fanpages around NEW drinks.
This is where knowing your offer or product comes in VERY handy. Say Starbucks comes out
with what they call a  mocha frocha choka cappuccino au lait drink.
We want to hop on this quickly with the fanpage title  I <3 mocha frocha choka cappucuino au
lait all day ### . What you will get is a bunch of people who have had the drink join up
PERFECT for our offer, no?
Again, make the fanpage professional looking and absolutely free of spam. You ABSOLUTELY
need CONTENT there before the blasts of your offer!!!! Do not ignore this.
How to get Likes/Fans:
Getting Likes and Fans is the tough part, again. Getting traffic will ALWAYS be the tough part.
There are a couple ways we can go about this.
First, advertise your fanpage on blogs and forums RELATED to your offer/fanpage. Since we re
doing a Starbucks related fanpage, a quick search on Google of  starbucks coffee or  coffee
lovers will bring up many forums and blogs for you to advertise your fanpage.
Make sure to use the  blogs and  discussion tabs on your Google search to find the more
interactive venues to leave your fanpage link.
Second, I ve had great success with the Social Explosion System software that I ve mentioned
previously. This software will also help you steadily increase the number of fans to your
fanpage. Now you won t get thousands overnight, but by having it run, I ve gotten thousands in
a couple week, no problem.
Third, I recommend buying your targeted followers from REPUTABLE buyers. There s one guy I
work with extensively, and he s quite known within the industry.
Click here to buy 500 USA Targeted Facebook Fans for just $55!
Or click here to really get started! 1000 Facebook Fans for $67!
Once you get going on the fans, you can start blasting your targeted offers. But remember to
be wise about it.
Monetizing will simply be the same as the Twitter formula. Focus on your CONTENT and
making it look good and professional. Only if your content is worthy will people tolerate being
spammed! If they look at your fanpage and say,  oh boy, this is just another one of those
useless fanpages that will keep annoying me about fake offers then you ll lose both your fans
and your fanpage in a heartbeat. Be aggressive, but be smart about it as well.
Final Thoughts
Again, remember if your method almost breaks even, at least, then your method is workable,
and you can start tweaking to make it profitable. Revenue is more important than profit when
you re starting out. Facebook is hard vs. spam so try and keep your content as kosher as
possible. I also like using proxies with all my different Facebook accounts. If you already have a
Facebook personal account and you re creating one separately for marketing purposes (which I
highly recommend) I suggest you use private proxies, which you can obtain from a reputable
source, like this guy.
Aim for a couple thousand fans. When I work on my campaigns with Facebook I think in terms
of 1000 fans = what sort of profit? So, if I have 1000 targeted fans, I expect around a 20% click
through rate (CTR, or how many people actually click on it), and a 5% conversion rate (or CR,
which is how many people fill out the offer). That calculates to about 10 Conversions every
1000 Fans. The more fans, the better!
The Facts
Fiverr is a relatively new internet phenomenon (established in 2010) that allows people to
contract out services for no more or less than $5 each  gig .
What We ve Established
Ages: 25-44
Sex: Female predominantly
Race: Caucasian predominantly
Income bracket: $50k+/year
Offer: Starbucks Free Gift Card
Why Fiverr?
Fiverr is a relatively new phenomenon. If you aren t familiar with Fiverr yet, the premise is this:
every gig on the site costs exactly $5. It s like a 99 cents store, except nowadays, since 99 cents
doesn t buy you anything, so they ve raised the price to 5 bucks. And they put the whole thing
on the internet. So anything you want done for you, whether it is a promotional video done by
some hipster looking guy in a baby diaper, to some Facebook likes to your fanpage, this is the
place to go.
So the reason why Fiverr is so important to us is if you can set up some gigs, get them popular
enough, get enough daily buys, and automate the whole thing, we re looking at $50-$300 a day
fully automated. Now this depends on how good you are with outsourcing and system-building,
but I can tell you at some point, I was doing $500 a day just on Fiverr alone! Fully automated of
Setting up:
The beauty of Fiverr is that it s still in it s early stages, and hasn t really figured out what it
wants to do with internet marketers yet. Of course, internet marketing is such a huge part of
why that website runs and became popular. So they ll never really do away with the whole
thing. However, this allows us to swoop in relatively early and reap the benefits.
So in order to get set up with Fiverr, again you need the traffic and you need the product.
Let s start with the product.
Since we re already setting up Facebook and Twitter accounts (and later Youtube) we can start
with the good old  Facebook Fans and Twitter Followers product, which is popular and Fiverr,
but by no means saturated yet.
So set up a free account, and put up a nice gig. The important thing is making your gig look and
sound unique from all the rest. Why should anyone buy your $5 gig over everyone elses?
In terms of actually getting the product, you can outsource this to cheaper sellers, or if you
want to cut out the middleman altogether, let s go back to Social Explosion System, which is
practically an all-in-one social media marketing tool (also good for Youtube which we ll touch
on later).
For Fiverr Marketing, there s no better tool than Gigsterrbot. This is the #1 software (practically
the ONLY all-inclusive software) for Fiverr. Simplifies the WHOLE THING. It s an absolute must
have for novices to experts alike.
Click here to find more information on that.
How to get Gigs:
Getting gigs on Fiverr is simple. Firstly, for ANYONE looking to make automated money on
Fiverr I MUST recommend this software. It s really a MUST have in terms of Fiverr marketing.
Gigsterrbot basically creates accounts, creates gigs, posts gigs, sends out messages, and
organizes EVERYTHING for you. Honestly, I was doing everything by hand which I had two
virtual assistants, full-time, but now I just need one VA handling this software, part-time!
Anyway, if you re looking to make any serious money on Fiverr you ve got to have this.
The key with this software is to outnumber and outpromote your competitors. So by having
dozens of gigs in the same niche, I can basically push everyone out of the way.
Now remember you can do this with ANY product or service you want to sell on Fiverr, be it
testimonials, Fans/Views/Followers, web design, SEO. Push the limits of what this guide
suggests, and go out and experiment!
Buy Gigsterrbot for HALF OFF, limited time  Click here and use the coupon code
 MAKEMONEY  set up especially for my ebook buyers.
Monetizing Fiverr is simple. Get your product in order, organize your customer service, and
start selling your gigs for $5! You want to do some quick calculations of course. Figure out how
much it costs to create your product, deliver your product, and organize everything (whether
you have any incidental expenses along the way, like a virtual assistant or two). Then see how
many products you need to sell per gig to break even, or to make your desired product. Then
scale it up with Gigsterrbot!
The Facts
Youtube is a user-oriented video upload site that ranks in the top 5 in terms of Alexa rank.
What We ve Established
Ages: 25-44
Sex: Female predominantly
Race: Caucasian predominantly
Income bracket: $50k+/year
Offer: Starbucks Free Gift Card
Why Youtube?
For many people, Youtube is a goldmine for hilarious videos, music, and how-to tips and guides.
But so few internet marketers utilize Youtube to the fullest for marketing purposes and I just
can t figure out why. Perhaps it s because they think Youtube is  difficult but really, it s not
much more  difficult (everything requires some thinking and some effort of course before it
begins to pay off) than the methods above. We just need to keep things as kosher and as
stealth as possible.
Setting up:
Think of Youtube in the same vein as your Facebook fanpage. If you haven t read the Facebook
section, the goal of getting viewers to your video is to first provide some sort of useful content.
People don t want to watch some 30 second video of images spliced together for nothing.
There MUST be some sort of incentive!
Therefore, developing the right sort of video is going to be key. It doesn t need to be
groundbreaking, side-splitting funny, or really in-depth and serious for it to get popular. You
just need to provide people with what they want!
I like indie rock, and a lot of indie rock artists are getting popular (since music itself is getting
popular on Youtube). So what I do is I take a popular new indie rock (or for that matter, semi-
popular pop song, whatever has a lot of views) and I take the time to create a lyric video for it.
Then I direct people in the description to something related. Now I wouldn t use the Starbucks
offer for this particular method because it s hard to get the two related. But a Netflix offer, or a
Columbia House Music Offer, or even a ringtone offer (though I think this method is pretty
much dead) might do the trick!
I won t reveal my exact method for Youtube, but I ll drop a hint here and there. My method
involves movie trailers! Yes movie trailers are very much sought after and watched by movie
fanatics, and can be a real source of quick views if you can get them up quickly enough.
I combine this with a terrific movie WEBSITE (not an offer) that I own.
Youtube alone makes me $200/day with under 4 hours of work.
How to get views:
I recommend this tool for getting views:
Social Explosion System
Then there is a more complicated and FREE way to getting
I can t take credit for this method, but this e-book tells you EVERYTHING you need to know
about Youtube Marketing.
Monetizing with Youtube can be lucrative, but it can also be somewhat tricky. It s hard to
predict which of your videos will really go viral. What helps is if you have a good channel, which
means that you ll see an increase in subscribers. It s good to theme your channel/account
towards one overarching concept. By reading the e-book I mention above, you ll learn how to
get Youtube Sponsored accounts quickly, and start monetizing your views via ads right away.
There are a lot of ways, but I d say Youtube is the most traffic-based method out of all of the
methods I ll mention here. Without a high number of views, it ll be somewhat difficult to get
your money s worth, unless you DO have a unique method, which takes time and experience,
but is certainly possible (like I said, I do $200 per day with this).
The Facts
Websites, found via Google Search, are some of the most lucrative, automated, and long-lasting
methods of making money online. While the risks are high, the payouts are enticing, as
websites with traffic allow the webmaster freedom to do what he likes, with little caution or
What We ve Established
Ages: 25-44
Sex: Female predominantly
Race: Caucasian predominantly
Income bracket: $50k+/year
Offer: Starbucks Free Gift Card
Why Websites:
Creating, branding and driving traffic to websites can be one of the harder and more time-
consuming methods. And they can also be the most lucrative and long-lasting ventures you
ever undertake.
I don t recommend really beginning on a serious website UNTIL you have some income coming
in from one of the previously mentioned methods.
The reason why I say this is because it can possibly take 3-6 months (unless you hit a jackpot
keyword which is always possible) before you start seeing respectable income from your
website. Some (most) internet marketers who are starting out especially are not in the position
to wait that long before getting set up. Of course, if you re already making decent money, this
might be the way to go just be warned that setting up a website is often NOT as easy as many
of our colleagues like to profess. We ll run down the most important steps below.
Setting up:
If you don t know how to setup a website using Wordpress, I m releasing a step-by-step guide
from step 0 to making over 1000/day profit in a couple weeks.
But for now I m going to assume you already know how to build your website, and have
monetized it in some way, shape or form.
Getting Traffic:
Getting traffic to your website CAN be a time-consuming affair. At least, if you choose the SEO
I ve come up with an SEO campaign that finally has proven to get results, time and time again.
You can check it out here.
Other than SEO however, which typically takes 3 to 6 months of work to show any results, there
are several other methods in getting traffic to your website.
For one, you can always send your social media traffic (also through Social Explosion System) to
gain visitors.
I d also highly suggest doing some blogging, and some blog commenting and forum posting to
obtain visitors as well.
Remember, all these methods aren t meant to be used  in a bubble . Mix and match them; a
multi-pronged approach is often the best approach.
If you do go the SEO route, make sure you re ready for at least a 2 month commitment to this
project. If you re making more than $50/day and would like to invest in a bigger, more lucrative
project, SEO is the way to go.
If you re going to go with an SEO company the one I ve had the most success with
hands down is Backlink Fuel. We re constantly working with these guys and giving
them our websites to rank in the top-3 spots, and they deliver, time and time
again (though separate, we work with them extensively for all of our work). Trust
us you WILL see REAL results that others will NEVER get you.
When ordering from these guys ALWAYS get the RankFuser PLATINUM
PACKAGE. That s the big boy stuff that will rank you quickly. Don t bother with
ANY OTHER PACKAGE TRUST ME. You ll see your site rocket up to the top-3
with this package.
One of the things I like to do is to create a  fake Landing Page that talks about your offer in
more detail. THEN direct people to your offer, or simply iframe the email submit. The
advertiser will like your traffic because it is related and does convert, while you ll still pick up
the commissions without having to funnel everyone to the offer s (sometimes) crappy landing
What I mean is create a website solely dedicated to your offer! Many people fail to do this
and fail to realize how effective this is.
So for example:
Domain name (example)
Design  Make the design a simple blog, perhaps in Starbucks colors.
Content  A simple couple pages (4-5) to make the site look very professional and legitimate. A
good copywriter comes in handy here.
Message  You want to convey that this particular website is as legitimate and official as
What the method entails then is to drive  free starbucks coffee traffic to your website and
have the fill out the offer. You can funnel your social media traffic AND your SEO traffic to this
landing page.
The reason why creating a whole other landing page (despite already having the offer s LP)
works so well is that you can INCREASE conversion rate by your message on your website. Not
only that, you can start building your OWN list!
Sign up for GetResponse here if you don t have an account. Remember, building a list is
something EVERYONE should do, right away. You re wasting time and money without building
a list, because your list is YOURS and it ll be your bank for a long long time :D.
Then go through the steps and put an email signup widget on your blog. Make the  thank you
page your offer!
So that after the user signs up for your email list, he or she will be redirected to the landing
SECRET: Not so secret, but most of the time, having the user JOIN your email list is MORE
lucrative (eventually) than having them fill out the offer!!!
Motivational Words
Remember, a bad plan executed today is better than a good plan executed tomorrow.
Just get started on your next step as soon as possible.
Figure out why you re stalling and eliminate the reasons.
Focus on little steps.
Make each little step the center of your focus when you re working and block out all other
The secret to making money on the internet is to put traffic to the offer.
Get the traffic.
Send them the offer.
Stop stalling and blast the offer!
Experiment with different methods until you start making even a little bit of money. Then
spend your money on getting more traffic for that method. Spend your time on improving your
method or delivery.
Once you have your method, outsource, outsource, outsource.
are too lazy even to steal a terrific money making method!!!
Final Thoughts
Focus on just one method at a time. And start today. If you take one method and really just
focus on improving, innovating and expanding upon that one method, you WILL make money.
This much I know. It s not easy, and it will take experimentation. By following the steps I
outline here, you will have a terrific start, but you won t get rich. Getting rich will take some
creativity but definitely not as much as you think. If you are active enough to have purchased,
downloaded and read this e-book to this point, you are active and smart enough to take one of
the above methods and truly make it your own. This much I know because I believe in the
power and the will of people who are hungry enough to bend the world to his or her will.
Remember I m always looking to meet new people, because you never know when someone
is going to present you with a fantastic opportunity. Don t be afraid to reach out to me, or to
others, with your ideas, with your plans and schemes. As internet marketers, we must band
together and work in tandem for us to truly become successful. One man can plan the building,
but it takes several to build one. So reach out to me and I ll definitely reach out back to you.
Contact Me
At some point, you may need some advice.
I ve set up an email specifically for any questions related to internet marketing, this guide, and
making money online.
Hit me up at to speak with me directly!
I ll try and answer each and every question to the best of my knowledge.
And if you ever have a great idea (traffic + product = $$$) that you d like to JV on, hit me up as
Godspeed, fellow marketers!
Edward Holmes
1.0.0  Version test-released
1.1.0  Grammatical errors fixed
2.0.0  Fiverr Section Added
2.1.0  New Pictures
2.2.0  Fixed typos, added information


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