The Long Ball – Aria Cole

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

First Epilogue
Second Epilogue
Third Epilogue
Fourth Epilogue
Fifth Epilogue
First Two Chapter’s From Rock Hard by Kat Austen
Bonus Book: Bending Bethany
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
About the Author
Also by Aria Cole

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Copyright © 2016 by Aria Cole

Cover Design: Sybil at PopKitty Reviews

Editing: Aquila Editing

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written
permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is
entirely coincidental.

Created with Vellum

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To Sybil,

Thank you for always helping me nail it. I would be naked without you.

All my love,


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he star player with a troubled past…

Cash Greenwood escaped a difficult past by becoming a star baseball player. Now,

one of the major league’s rare double threats, all his effort is thrown into the sport.

He's never had any interest in women, until he meets the one woman who wants

nothing to do with him.

he daughter of baseball royalty…

Delilah Gray’s life revolves around numbers, research, and data. She has no time

for anything messy like emotions or relationships. Especially not when they come

in the sexy guise of a baseball player. She's seen first-hand the devastation caused

by dating a man obsessed with the sport, and that's one risk she's not willing to


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he is one curveball he never saw coming…

But this is one pitch Cash is determined to hit out of the park. Sexual tensions run

high and feelings start to develop, but will Delilah ever see that they could have a

solid future together? Determined to make her his, she may just prove to be the

hardest game of Cash’s life.

ARNING: The Long Ball features an obsessed jock with six-pack abs in tight

pants determined to get his girl. If syrupy sweet romance and fiery passions appeal

to you, then hold onto your panties because this one may just hit them out of the


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always get asked the question, what's the best part about playing baseball? How

do you explain the feeling of flying? People associate flying with freedom, so that’s

an easy answer, but it’s so much more than that. Flying makes it seem like nothing

matters; the world just slips away and the only feeling that remains is the euphoria

from spreading your wings.

When I’m on the mound and waiting for that ball to whip by and connect with my

bat, I’m the ruler of my universe. I’m in control. I’m in the driver’s seat. A stadium

packed with sixty-thousand fans, watching, waiting. Normally loud, boisterous, full

of gumption and occasionally way too much testosterone, but suddenly they are all

silent, waiting with bated breath—waiting on me. And that anticipation…oh, that

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anticipation is sweeter than anything else.

My heart races, exhilarates, then explodes. I feel my body both bunch with nerves

and stand tall in pride as that ball comes and connects with the bat, now an

extension of myself.

The fans yell in abandon.

They see it, the long ball…

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top being a whiny bitch, Greenwood! Bottoms up!”

My best friend and resident troublemaker of the team smacked me on the back. His

boisterous laugh and booming voice took up all the space around him. I loved many

things about the man, but the thing I loved the most was that in his presence, I

became invisible. Since the age of 16 I’ve been recognizable. Once you were a star

athlete with a future and the hope of winning a championship, you became a

commodity, something shiny. And being simultaneously a slugger and a pitcher

was a combination so rare that those with it, like myself, were priceless.

It hadn’t taken me long to learn that being invisible keeps you safe.

“We have to meet that analytics chick in an hour. I don’t want to reek of alcohol.

Coach will kick our asses.” I didn’t like to drink. Most days I couldn’t even stomach

the smell of it, but for the sake of keeping up appearances I usually nursed a glass

in my hand and always offered to be the designated driver so no one suspected

anything. Rod was really good about covering for me when needed, chugging back

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the drinks people often bought for me, acting like the cocky best friend he was.

“It’s still technically the off-season. Another one won’t hurt.”

“Another always hurts, particularly in the form of a hangover the next morning,” I


“You sound like a dodgy old fuck. Where’s the guy who used to party with me all

night long? I want him back.”

I chuckled, thinking about all the times we’d been in trouble. I prided myself on

how well I blended into the crowd and let him take the attention. Rodriguez and I

had been buddies since our rookie year. We’d grown up together on this team, cut

our teeth on the ins and outs of playing professional ball, but as time passed I found

that faking it seemed to exhaust me more and more each day. I was tired of it all,

and the only thing that still made me feel something was the game. Everything else

was endless noise that passed by with no true meaning or intention. I felt like I was

walking in a blur, just waiting for time to pass.

“I’m not twenty-one anymore. Coach said any more stunts like that one you pulled

at warm-ups and we’re both benched. And you, motherfucker, are not getting me

benched.” The idea of sitting out a game was unbearable. Rod and I were thick as

thieves, and Coach knew that if anyone could reel him in, it would be me. But what

the coach didn’t know was that the idea of losing baseball in any way was like a

noose around my neck, tightening until all the oxygen was ripped from me.

“You're my wingman, buddy, and ya gotta admit, spiking the water cooler was

pretty genius.”

“And landed us in a shit load of trouble. Frankly, I’m just too old for this shit

anymore. Let the rookies have at it. We had our fun.”

“You make thirty sound like a death sentence. Not for me. When I turn the big 3-0

next year I’m going big. I want my feet in the sand with a drink in my hand and a

pussy on each arm. Fuck it, a limo full of pussy. I am gonna get more ass that night

than a toilet seat.”

“Yeah, I bet you do.” I’d never liked how Rodriguez embraced the cliché ball player

persona. He played ball hard—out on the field he was a beast. But he partied even

harder, a revolving door of girls after every game. I was always up for a few drinks,

but the groupies that surrounded Rodriguez always made my stomach turn. It was

so obvious they wanted him for his status and money—his staggering salary was

very appealing to bunt bunnies. I had absolutely zero interest in them.

All the women around ball players didn’t have much to offer, and my life was so

messed up that I doubt any woman wanted anything to do with it when she found

out. The only kind that would stay would be one that would hope for a staggering

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payday at the end. I had enough people standing by with their hand out, so I wasn’t

interested in a woman who wanted that, too. Besides, I only had a few more years to

play this game, and I wasn’t going to squander them for some chick. These women

didn’t care about the men. They cared about the limos, the big ticket items the ball

players paid for, and the thousand-dollar dinners. Rodriguez made hundreds of

millions, just like so many of my buddies, and just like the other ball players, he

had no issue living like a king. But that lifestyle didn’t interest me in the least.

This life wasn’t for everyone, I wasn’t even sure it was for me sometimes. I rarely

liked to go out, and the women did nothing for me. I lived and breathed the game,

so much so that I couldn’t imagine what else I would be doing if it wasn’t this. I had

one single focus and that was to win the World Series. I had been playing ball for

eleven years with the MLB, and that was the only thing that eluded me. I was

known as the best player in the entire league and yet I didn’t have that World Series

title under my belt. My years left playing ball were dwindling—a ball player was

gettin’ some age by thirty—but it was the one dream I hadn’t yet attained.

“Let’s head over, man. Don’t want to piss off Coach.”

Rod slammed his shot glass down on the counter, his eyes shining with excitement.

“Wanna place bets on how fast I can get up the analytic girl’s skirt?”

“You haven’t even seen her yet.” We walked out the doors of the corner bar,

afternoon light heating my skin as we walked the short block to the stadium. Today

we had a meeting with what would be the new official star analytics firm for the

club, before opening day tomorrow. I’d been waiting months for this day, the time

between playoffs and opening season always left a pit of dread in my stomach. If I

could play twelve months of the year I would.

We pushed through the stadium doors and made our way down the dim hallway,

headed for the conference room next to the locker room. I nodded at Coach when

we walked in and greeted a few of the other guys as the entire team settled on

benches around the center of the room.

“I don’t want to take up much of your time, so I’ll cut right to the chase.” Coach

looked around the room. “A few of you have been fucking off, so we need focus if

we’re going to have a good season. I don’t expect miracles, but I do expect you to

listen. No more antics. Stay focused. I expect each of you to improve your averages

by the end of the season. “

“Like it or not, stats are down, guys. We need all heads in the game if we’re gonna

improve and have a shot at going all the way this year. Delilah Grey from Lionsgate

Analytics is here to help us do that. She’ll be with us—every game, every day—all

season. She’ll be sending me the stats throughout the game, and I want you guys

tuned in to your averages. Push yourselves every night.” He glanced around the

room, pausing for a moment on Rod. “And please treat Delilah with respect. She

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knows we need some help, but she doesn't need to know you’re all a bunch of

animals.” God, I loved Coach. So steady and calm. He was the reason this team was

great. Without him we’d all be a bunch of animals on the field.

Coach swung open the locker room door and in walked a fucking vision.

I noticed the heels first. Sexy stilettos with leather cutouts that made me want to

get down on my knees and slip them off her feet one at a time. My eyes devoured

her creamy, toned calves, and not even the conservative pencil skirt could hide the

full curves of her hips.

“Jesus,” Rod said under his breath.

I nudged him, for the first time in my life irritated by his overt appreciation of a

woman. Looking at Delilah, the hairs on my arms stood to attention. As did

something else. Damn, she was stunning, I’d never seen a woman so radiant in my

entire life. She had dark silky hair cascading down her back in loose curls, so damn

soft-looking that my hand itched to brush up against them. I, Cash Greenwood, for

the first time in my life, had a desire to brush up against a woman’s hair.

“Hey guys, I’m Delilah Grey.” She nodded, her spine rigid as she leafed through a

handful of papers in her arms. “If you could pass these around, I’ll tell you a little

about me, then we can chat individually.”

“Individually?” Rod chimed, his horny grin sending anger racing through my


“Yes, that’s how I prefer to work. Deal with each player’s specific issues before we

bring the whole team together.”

“I’ve only got one issue.” Rod shifted in his seat, his hand brushing over his crotch.

My nostrils flared. Why was he such a dick? At that moment I hated my best friend

so much I wanted to pound his face into the ground. The thought made me feel

ashamed and idiotic. I knew Rod, he was a joker, more talk than action on most

days, but the fact that he was being crass to this woman upset me beyond all

reason. I didn’t have an explanation, but I did not enjoy the idea of Rod looking at

her like she was a piece of meat. Not one bit.

Delilah’s deep chocolate eyes narrowed in a flare of anger for a moment before she

turned back to her paperwork. If one paid close attention to her, as I was doing, one

could see the patch of red forming on the back of her neck. “I started Lionsgate

Analytics nearly three years ago. I want you to be the best players, on and off the

field, and excelling in this world isn’t just about home runs and fly balls. It’s also

about measuring speed, distance, velocity.” Her eyes flicked over the team again.

“I’ll be hanging out at all the games, laptop open and watching just how consistent

everyone is, and hopefully it won’t take us long to get an average. Anyone have

questions for me?”

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“Yeah, got plans tonight, sweetheart?” That was Rod, and I nearly shoved my fist in

his gut for that one. I watched as Delilah’s jaw ticked. She was tough, I could tell. I

liked that. I liked that she wouldn’t take anything sitting down. I had had enough of

women taking things sitting down, so the fighter in me was drawn to the fire in


“Let me make one other thing clear: if anyone calls me sweetheart, toots, doll,

baby, or any other demeaning term of endearment again, I can’t promise you won’t

feel my high heel in your balls. I don’t play well with men who act like animals.

We’re here for one thing and one thing only—to get this team in shape to win this

year. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t make an ass out of yourself in the process. Have I

made myself clear?”

Fire blazed through my veins when she spun and exited the very door she’d come

from. Well damn, after thirty years I finally found a woman who could make me

take notice, make me want to chase. And not only chase, but tie her up and hold her

against me, bind her to me in every way possible.

“Well, glad that went well.” Coach pushed a hand through his graying hair. “Cash,

you go first.”

I followed her out of the room and into the smaller suite next door. When I entered

she was already seated at the small desk, a few papers spread out before her, arms

crossed over her chest as she waited. I licked my lips when I saw her. God, she was

something else, all hard and edgy but yet so soft and delicate at the same time. She

was wearing a crisp, white, button-down shirt under her blazer, and although she

wasn’t showing any skin, I knew that the pretty packaging was nothing compared

to the delectable gift of her flesh. She had her shirt buttoned almost to her chin,

but that only made me want to pop those buttons with my teeth and peel the fabric

off her body, exploring every inch of her with my tongue as I went.

I shook my head to clear the images of her naked body displayed before me, a

wonderland waiting for me to enter, and I sat down, rather uncomfortably, in the

seat across from her.

“Cash Greenwood?” She held up a sheet of paper, my black-and-white team photo

printed across the top.

“That’s me.” I crossed my arms, relaxing back into my chair as I watched her with

an interested eye.

“Why do you think Coach asked me to sit down with you?”

“Because he asked everyone to?”

Her eyes flickered at my smart reply. She sucked in a quick breath, her chest

heaving with the movement and stretching the fabric across her round, sexy tits. I

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wondered if she was wearing a push-up bra, but then figured there was no way tits

that beautiful could be a slight of hand.

“Because you’re the pitcher. The pitcher tends to be the natural-born leader, and

according to these stats…” She glanced down at the sheet of paper. “You’re the

star hitter, too. You have any idea how rare your talent is?” She arched an eyebrow.

“So is there anything you want to start with, beyond a smart-ass remark?”

A deep grin pulled at my cheeks as I held her eyes, letting the silence stretch

between us until she started squirming in her chair. I made her nervous. I bit down

on my bottom lip as my eyes flicked up and down her body before I finally spoke.

“Maybe I was hoping you could teach me a thing or two.”

Why the fuck did I just do that?

I wanted to kick my own ass. I sounded like a waste-of-space asshole jock, one who

thinks he can do whatever and act however just because he plays baseball. Like

some instinct kicked in, I’d wanted to protect myself, and acting like a dick meant

that no one would try to penetrate the shell I had set into place so very long ago.

Delilah’s cheeks flamed, the crimson crawling right up her neck and making me

wish I could see what the rest of her looked like when she blushed. I liked the idea

of her being flushed red based on something I’d said. I wondered if her nipples were

the same shade as her petal-pink lips, and what the weight of her heavy tits in my

hands would feel like. Jesus, I sounded like Rod, because this kind of thinking sure

as hell wasn’t me.

“You may be used to girls fawning all over you, pulling up their skirts with one

cocky grin, but save your breath, hot shot. I’m not that girl, and I never will be.

Now, if you’re done with the eye-fucking, can we get on to business?”

Her reply swept the air from my lungs. She certainly wasn’t that girl, and that’s

exactly why she’d caught my interest. She wasn’t impressed by any of the talent on

this team, including mine, but I’m a man who likes a challenge. And Delilah Grey

was one hell of a challenge.

“To answer your question, no, there isn’t anything I want to say to you. I’m not the

guy who should be in this seat.”

“And who do you think is?”

“Coach called you in after Rodriguez fucked up. Look, he’s my best friend, I’m not

going to bullshit you. He isn’t a bad guy. He means well. He just likes to have fun.

Every team needs that guy, and Rod is that guy. He keeps spirits up. I know you’re

here because Coach thinks the partying has slowed us down, and I think it’s a great

idea. Get the guys focused on their stats, challenging themselves and bettering

their game. I think it’s a good plan, but don’t be too hard on Rod. His heart’s in the

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game. That’s the part that counts.” Sometimes he drinks too much, and that

affects his game. I didn’t want to share that with her, but it was obvious that’s what

was going on. Rod’s drinking was out of hand, but at least he showed up to practice

and never lost his temper. He wasn’t an angry drunk, and that at least was

something in my book.

Delilah leaned back in her chair, eyes burning up the space between us before she

swept her long dark hair over one shoulder. It fell down past the full swell of her

breast, and the only thing I could think of was getting a look at all those dark

tresses against the creamy flesh of her naked body.

“So if you don’t think you need me, why are you here then?”

“Because you interest me.” I was unable to keep the wide grin from my face.

A wry smile cut across her full lips. Fuck, I wanted to bite those lips. I wanted to

trace her curves under my palms and push my hands in her hair, kiss her so fucking

hard that when we’d finish we’d both be gasping for air. “Well, I’ve got news for

you, Cash Greenwood. I hate ball players. You couldn’t pay me to date one. You’re

all the same, and I have no desire to get swept up in your bullshit. I’m here to help

the team out, and I guarantee I’ll be gone just as soon as my job is done. Just

between you and me, I refused this job three times, but your coach begged me, so

here I am.”

“Christ, you’re beautiful when you’re angry.” I couldn’t believe I’d just said that.

I’d wanted to say something witty, but all I could think about was how her beauty

took my breath away, so I’d said it. I’d called her beautiful.

Her mouth opened and closed, shock lacing the features of her pretty face. “Excuse


“I said you’re beautiful when you’re angry. I didn’t know a person could be, I

usually just think of pinched faces and ruddy cheeks, but the way your nose crinkles


“Okay, stop.” She stood from her chair, sending it sliding on the floor behind her.

Her eyes were wild, the fire burning bright behind her irises, her chest heaving with

exasperated pants before she put a hand on one hip and pointed to the door with

her other hand. “It’s been a pleasure, Greenwood. Send the next caveman in, if you


“Caveman?” I stood, hands planted on the desk in front of me as I leaned across

the table, shortening the distance between us. “I can’t speak for the rest of the

guys, but I’m definitely not a caveman. Give me a little time and you might even

find I surprise you.” The fact that she lumped me in with all men bothered me. I

didn’t want her thinking that I was one of these assholes who used women like they

were nothing, then disregarded them.

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“Doubt it.”

“I don’t.” I paused, eyes riveted on her pretty deep brown ones. The air hung heavy

with a heady mix of arousal and irritation.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Greenwood.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“I’m not.”

“Ya know, for a girl who hates baseball players so much, I find it odd you’re

spending the next few months living and breathing it.”

Her jaw worked back and forth at my words, her eyes falling to my cocky grin, then

back to my eyes. “Yeah, well, it’s complicated.”

I waited, hoping she’d elaborate. I was desperate to find out why she had such a

chip on her shoulder. Hell, I was desperate to spend more time with her, period.

“Enjoy the rest of your night, Ms. Grey.” I winked when I pushed off the table, her

frown deepening as her thighs shifted back and forth beneath that sexy power suit.

I left the room with two thoughts running through my head: what would it look like

if she was wearing nothing but those heels, and how would they feel digging in my


an, Grey has a stick up her ass,” Rod commented as we left the clubhouse

nearly three hours later. Apparently Delilah had lain into him, not that he

didn’t deserve it.

“I think it’s hot.” And I did. I was used to these women who would do anything I

said whenever I said it. This one, though, was a hard ass. I liked the embers that

burned in her, the inferno under the librarian get-up and cold stance. This girl was

a fighter.

“What?! Fuck that, I don’t like working for my dinner.”

I shook my head, shoving my hands in my pockets and fishing out my keys. Rod

and I had driven together because we lived in the same high-rise.

“Since when have you ever liked the idea of any woman?” he scoffed as we

approached my car.

“Just because I don’t eat up the chicks that fall all over you doesn’t make me blind.

It makes me selective. I don’t want a Big Mac when I could have a filet mignon.”

“Pussy is pussy. No one is looking at the mantle when they’re poking a fire. You’re

a Timberwolf, man. Enjoy the spoils.” Rod humped the air in a juvenile gesture.

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Some days I’m shocked that he’s my best friend.

“Delilah wasn’t wrong when she called you a caveman.” I shook my head.

“Caveman? Fuck, she’s a barracuda. I’m a great guy! Do you know anyone who

doesn’t think I’m the life of the party?”

“Aside from every woman you’ve ever met?”

“No, people that really know me.”

“People don’t really know you, man. You put so much noise out there—”

“Hey, whose side are you on here?” Rod cut me an irritated look.

“I’m not taking sides. Just not feelin’ the young, drunk, dumb, and full of cum vibe

anymore.” That statement wasn’t fair. Rod had been there for me whenever I

needed him, no questions asked. He had his faults, but the man was loyal, and I

knew that if I needed him for anything he would be there. But just like everyone

else, he had his own demons.

“Oh, look at your holier-than-thou ass. Spare me, Cash. Spare me.”

I shook my head as we pulled out of the parking garage, heading for our building,

where I could thankfully drop his ass off and enjoy my last night alone for a long

time. After this it was all double headers and late nights for me.

“Wanna order pizza tonight?”

“Nah, I’m gonna get some rest.” I pushed a hand through my hair, my thoughts

still on Delilah Grey and her long dark hair. Would it be inappropriate to invite her

to my place for a one-on-one session? Because I really fucking wanted to. I didn’t

know what had gotten into me, but as soon as I saw her, I’d tucked my balls right

into her purse. Now I just had to figure out how to get her to give me the time of


No one had ever made me feel the things she’d made me feel down deep in my gut

when she’d walked into the room. I’d wanted to haul her off over my shoulder and

steal her back to my place. Sure, I had caveman tendencies, but I did a pretty good

job at keeping them to myself. Until now. Until her.

“Maybe Gina is around tonight.” Rod pulled out his phone and tapped out a text to

his long-standing on-again-off-again fuck-buddy. Gina was a good girl. She really

liked him, I could tell, and Rod liked her, too. He may want to deny it, but Rod had

found the one. I just hoped he could get his shit together before she walked away.

“You should be good to her, man. Take her out or something.”

“Nah.” He shook his head adamantly. “Gina’s too good for me. I’d never tie her

down with my bullshit.” Rod’s demons held him in place. He was so scared to let a

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woman in that he just pushed away every girl he could possibly care for. He didn’t

think he deserved someone kind or decent. If he didn’t stop, he was going to push

the only girl that he cared about right out the door.

“Maybe cut the bullshit. She likes you. I don’t know why she likes you, but she


“I'm too busy to be tied down.” He was typing again. The dumb fool wanted to be

tied down, but his past just kept him running away instead of toward something.

We had a similar past, except mine kept me closed off, and his kept him too open

but never invested. “Sweet, Gina’s coming over in an hour. If you hear screams,

don’t be alarmed.”

I shook my head, finding my best friend completely fucking hopeless, and yet still

he managed to make me smile.

“And that’s why you’re a caveman.”

Rod rolled his eyes as I pulled the car into my reserved parking space.

“At least this caveman gets laid once in awhile.”

“Once in awhile? I’m surprised your dick hasn’t fallen off from overuse. How you

don’t have a fucking STD is beyond me. I hope you wrap that dick up before you use


“Not this dick, man. I’ve got some serious endurance. And yes, asshole, I always

wrap up little Rod. Big Daddy takes care of his little man.” Rod grabbed his cock,

grinning like a moron as we stepped into the elevator.

“Jesus, what the fuck does Gina see in you? You are a fucking moron. You are

twenty-nine and just gave your junk a nickname. Tell her I say hi and she should

dump your ass.” I punched the button for the penthouse.

He paused for a minute as the elevator whirred up eighteen floors. “Join us if you

get bored. Loads of pizza, and Gina says you’re sweet, not like the other buffoons on

the team, so you’re welcome anytime. Just don’t touch her, man. She is off limits.”

I laughed at the vehemence in his voice, Rod may have wanted to deny it, but Gina

had him by the balls.

“Thanks, man. I think I’m in for the night, though. Leftovers and a baseball game.”

“You know, you really should find yourself a girl, Greenwood. Someone to go home

to at night instead of spending all that time alone. Or better yet, a hot piece of ass

that will come on over and just fuck your brains out.”

I nodded, turning his words over in my head. I did want that. I wanted a good

woman and kids running around under my feet. But I didn’t want what I’d had as a

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kid. No way did I want that for any kid of mine. “Thanks for the advice, caveman.”

He nodded, the doors sliding open once we’d come to a stop. “Later, bro.”

“Later,” I called as the doors whirred closed. Never had I been so thankful to be

alone in my life. I realized, though, that I longed for her company. I’d be more than

happy to spend time with Delilah Grey any day of the week.

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o I fisted her ass in both my hands, slammed her against my front door, and

right there in the hallway, man, her hands go for my di—”

“Hey, boys,” I chimed in just before one of the players went into a graphic story

about his latest sexual conquest.

“Ms. Grey.” The players’ eyes roamed up and down my body, sending a painful

shiver through me. Baseball players are douchebags. I never thought I’d find myself

here, behind the scenes and working with these rowdy, testosterone-injected jocks.

But the coach was an old family friend and I couldn’t exactly say no, and for a

former ball player he was a decent guy—married since he was twenty-one to a wife

he adored—he kept his nose clean and was never known for any destructive

behavior. I only wished that the other ball players in my life were like him.

“Prepared to play the best game of your lives tonight?” I stopped, nailing them

with my eyes so they knew I meant business.

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“Sure thing, hot stuff.” The player winked. I groaned inwardly just as my eyes

landed on a soft, sympathetic gaze caressing mine.

“Show the woman some respect, asshole.” Cash socked him in the shoulder, then

turned. His eyes nailed mine, and I felt my lungs empty like rapidly deflating

balloons. I still didn’t know how I managed to keep my wits about me yesterday.

Then last night while in bed, his dancing dark brown eyes and his cocky mouth ran

through my head, the image so vivid that for a few moments I thought I could reach

out and touch him.

The things Cash Greenwood made me feel didn’t at all sit well with me. He was

arrogant, conceited, and without a doubt a total manwhore, just like all the other

players on the team. I remembered the headlines when his buddy Rodriguez had

been caught getting lucky with a fan in the locker room a few years ago. That was a

shitstorm, and so was he. And considering they say like attracts like, I was pretty

sure Cash enjoyed the same excesses. He was just lucky that his escapades were yet

to be caught on camera.

“Mornin’.” Cash’s body pressed up against mine, his fingers trailing across the

skin at my wrist like a kiss. His kiss. What would Cash’s kisses feel like? I could just

imagine my fingers tracking along that rugged jawline, his broad palms splayed

across my back when he pressed his lips to mine. I quickly snapped out of my


“All right, Ms. Grey?” Cash breathed against my neck and sent an explosion of

flames through every last nerve ending I possessed. His breath was warm and

tempting, almost intoxicating in its allure.

“I’m fine, thank you.” I swallowed, taking a single step back and averting my eyes

from his. “And good morning, Mr. Greenwood.”

“Enjoy the game?” His lips hovered just inches from mine, close enough to send

waves of arousal pounding through my blood.

“I told you, I don’t like—”

“I know, I know, but I’m hoping I can change your mind about that.”

“Doubt it. I’ve spent too many hours of my life in the dugout. I know what to

expect, and it’s not for me.”

“Spent a lot of time in the dugout, huh?” He tipped his head to the side, narrowing

his eyes as he worked over my words.

“Grew up in one.”

He arched an eyebrow. “So…you must have someone in the family who played


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“Maybe.” I grinned, turning on my heel and retreating down the long hall that led

to the field. I hadn’t meant to reveal that bit of information about growing up in a

ball field, but that doesn't mean I had to reveal anything else. I never told anyone

about my childhood. The chaos that surrounded it was already too much for me to

bear. I wasn’t interested in rehashing any of it.

“Delilah!” Cash called, but I kept walking, pretending I couldn’t hear. Don’t let him

see you sweat, because if you turn around right now he’s going to see the cheesy

smile on your traitorous face. I turned the corner, stepping up into the rows of seats

and taking my place next to the dugout. I didn’t like to be right in there with them,

interrupting their flow, but I did like to be close throughout the game to get a sense

of the players, learn their habits under pressure, and make a note of how they held

themselves when cameras were on and thousands of pairs of eyes were watching

their every move.

I watched as the players filtered out onto the field one by one, tossing balls and

swinging bats as they warmed up. I may not have liked the jocks under those

uniforms, but something about a ball field made me feel more at home than

anything else ever had. The smell of the popcorn, the glare of the stadium lights,

the sound of cleats on dusty bags as players rounded bases. I had a love-hate

relationship with this game, I had been introduced to it at an early age and since

then it had been a constant in my life. Dad had hauled me and my little sister to the

ball field every time he played a home game in the summer. We’d bring our toys,

books, anything we could think of to keep us busy as he played. I looked at the

bench, then at the field, and happy memories as a little girl flooded me. Then, just

like I had been hit by a hammer, the pain catapulted into my heart and mind. I

quickly remembered why ball players were men that I needed to stay far away from.

“Jesus, where’s Cash?” Coach hollered just as Cash came around the corner and

jogged out onto the field, his walk-up song, “Greenlight” by Pitbull, pounding

through the speakers. Red light, green light, give me everything you got, red light,

green light…

Dammit, why did he have to be so tall and broad and…sexy?

I averted my eyes to my phone, tapping out a text to meet a girlfriend for drinks

later. I’d have to keep my mind preoccupied if I was going to spend every day of the

next nine months watching him play.

Any hot players you can hook me up with? Tori replied.

I groaned.

Why did it seem like the universe was conspiring against me?

Ball players suck, Tori. ;)

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I waited for her answer, my eyes lifting and catching Cash’s gaze on mine. What the

hell? Why was he looking at me? A crooked grin turned his lips before he brushed

his thumb across his lower lip.

His really full lower lip.

I frowned, turning back to my phone to find Tori had replied.

Gimme names. I’ll Google them and tell you which ones are bangable.

I choked down a laugh before typing out. I’m working! You’re being a distraction!

Isn’t that what you wanted, a distraction? Came her quick reply.

Yes, but I don’t think of these guys like that. I have a job to do. I waited, ready to

shove the phone in my bag and ignore her altogether.

Then why aren’t you doing it instead of texting me? ;)

I sent her the middle finger emoji, then dropped the phone into my bag and turned

my eyes back to the players. Cash was waiting near the dugout, swinging a bat as he

waited for his turn at bat. His gaze swung across the crowd, settling on mine


He stared intently, as if he wanted to speak to me without words, before he finally

tipped his helmet and stood straight. He was well over six feet, the uniform

hanging perfectly on his body, in just the right way to hint at the taut muscles

beneath. I shifted in my seat, feeling an unfamiliar throbbing between my thighs.

I’d never been turned on by a guy in uniform before. What the hell was going on

with me? Was this some sort of premature midlife crisis? I’d vowed over and over

again to never even look at a baseball player. Like breaking a bad habit, I’d trained

my mind to divert whenever I saw an attractive one, but it wasn’t working this

time. Cash was on my mind all the time.

“Damn you, Cash Greenwood,” I said out loud, knowing he wouldn't be able to

make out my words from all the way across the field. I had to stay professional,

keep my wits about me. Don’t let him get under your skin, Delilah.

Cash grinned at me one last time before turning his attention to the pitcher and

slamming a wild home run right out of the ball park. My eyes widened at the sheer

force of his batting abilities. No wonder he was on the radar of every single team in

Major League Baseball. The man was a monster, a force to be reckoned with. This

was going to be a long day. Him, his pitching and catching, and me, tamping down

my urge to rip his clothes off.

I knew sitting here for the next three hours would be torture. Because every time I

glanced up, my eyes somehow found his, like we were in the middle of a magnetic

field. I hated that magnetic field. It was complete and utter bullshit.

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early four hours later, when I’d finally packed up my laptop and headed out of

the stands and down into the inside of the stadium, I took the long, dark back

hallway to the employee parking area. I hadn’t spoken to any of the players after

the game. I’d promised Coach the stats by morning, so there was no chance I could

stop and get that drink with Tori.

I dug through the oversized bag on my shoulder, pulling out my phone to text her,

when I ran smack into a wall of a body. “Jesus, I’m sorry.”

“If you wanted to touch me, Grey, you could have just asked.” Cash. Dammit.

“Hardly.” I narrowed my eyes. I knew there was no logical reason for my distaste

toward him, but my history with ball players and my attraction to him made me

insane. It was a lethal combination of hate and lust. Besides, I had no patience for

arrogance, and it came off of him in waves. Sexy waves of bulging muscle, rich eyes,

and the face of a rugged angel. Why did he have to be so damn attractive?

“In a hurry? Let's get a drink.”

“No can do, Greenwood. I’ve got stats to run tonight.”

“Sounds fun. I’ll bring pizza.”

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. “No, I need to focus. You are the last thing I

want in my life.”

“Or exactly the thing you didn’t know you needed.”

“Are you always so…”

“Charming?” His lips twitched up in a smile.

“I was going to say irritating.” His grin turned wider then, and I swear to God, my

ovaries just exploded while my heart skipped a beat.

“I’ll warn you, I don’t have any plans of giving up anytime soon.” His presence ate

up all the oxygen between us. It had to be a hundred degrees in this hallway. I

placed a hand to my neck, my mind racing with the effect he had. I wondered if I

looked like how I felt, desperate, needy, and a little confused. That combination

was one that caused anger to simmer within me. I just wanted to get away, but

something was keeping me at a standstill.

“Why not? I’ve made it clear you and I are never happening.”

“Because you’re the only woman who’s ever made me interested enough to try

before. That makes you and me a sure thing.”

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“What?” I laughed. “That’s some twisted logic, Cash.”

“See, I made you laugh. You need more people in your life who make you laugh.”

“How on earth would you know what I need more of in my life?”

“I can see it in your eyes—focused, driven, a little lonely.” His thumb slid down the

line of my neck. Just the faintest of touches, sending a wildfire blazing through my


“You’re wrong on one of those three.”

“Yeah,” He leaned a little closer, his soapy, post-shower skin like a powerful punch

to my girl parts. “I guess you weren’t so focused earlier.”

His thumb danced across the curve of my jaw. I clenched my fists, vibrating with

some sort of heady arousal I’d never felt before. “Good night, Greenwood.”

“Cash. Call me Cash! I liked hearing the sound of my name on the sweetest lips I’ve

ever seen,” he called, but I was already halfway down the hall, the sound of my

heels echoing through my ears. “Good night, Delilah!” I heard his soft chuckle,

turning only once as I pushed through the doors to chance a final glance his way.

He was still standing there, hands on hips, and the most amused smile I’d ever

seen on his sexy lips.

I had never really been a fan of my name. It always seemed bland and rather boring,

so why had it felt like fireworks blasting off in my stomach when he did it?

Damn that arrogant son of a bitch and his pretty smile.

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ornin’, Delilah.” I grinned, enjoying the way her lips twitched when I passed

her the hot cup of coffee.

“You got that for me?” She crooked one eyebrow. Damn, she was beautiful. My

stomach flipped wildly with just that one look. I didn't know what she was doing to

me, but I definitely wanted her, and I had never wanted another before her.

“Just for you.”

Delilah glanced around the meeting room, her eyes making contact with a few of

the other players that were watching our exchange. “Thank you.”

She took the coffee cautiously, pursing her lips just slightly as she took her first sip.

“My pleasure.” My gaze lingered, eyes traveling across her gorgeous face, the way

her mouth lifted in a smirk, the way her eyes danced like she had so much to say

she could barely contain it.

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But contain it she did. Delilah was the most reserved woman I’d ever met, but that

just made me want to know more about her. I’d gone to bed last night with Delilah

on my mind, and although I was amused by her constant rebuffs, I’d decided to take

things up a notch. Delilah was special, I knew it down in my bones, and I was going

to show her that she needed to give me a shot. I was determined to do anything to

win this girl, absolutely anything. I’d have to dig deep for it given that I spent my

days around a group of macho jocks. Of course, I could be a little rough around the

edges, but I had a feeling all of our edges would fit just fine when it finally

happened. I just had to show her.

“Let’s go out to dinner sometime.” I lowered my voice, holding her captive with my

gaze. Her eyes were so captivating, I was transported. I couldn’t believe that just

staring into her eyes would make me so damn happy. I felt like a fool, but this was

so new to me. My whole life I’d never thought that I would meet a girl like her, yet

here she was looking at me, piercing me, making me feel things in all the dark

places in my soul. I’d been drowning for thirty years, baseball my only lifeline, and

now here was this stunning woman who made me want things, things I probably

didn’t have any business wanting, but I fucking wanted them. And I wanted them

with her.

She sucked in a breath, setting the coffee on the table next to her before she shook

her head. “You don’t take no for an answer, do you?”

“No isn’t my thing, I prefer positive thinking. You know, when first you don’t

succeed, dust yourself off and try again.”

She chuckled before running a hand through her hair. She’d worn it down today.

Goddamn, she’d worn it down and it curled over one shoulder and caressed all her

soft curves. My mouth watered, actually watered, begging to get a taste.

Fuck, I wanted to be against a wall, tasting her with my tongue, hearing her moans

crash down on my ears.

“You’re cute, Cash, I’ll give you that. But that’s it. Dating a ball player isn’t my

thing. Let’s just say I have an aversion to them.”

“I don’t believe that for a second,” I said.

“Well, I’m telling you, it’s true.”

“I know you keep saying you hate ball players, but I think there is something else.

You didn’t have to take this job, Delilah.”

She frowned, her eyes narrowing on me, swirling with fire and passion and

everything that made my dick pound so fucking hard behind my zipper I thought I

might lose my fucking mind. “Baseball players are ignorant pigs, but they lead the

industry in analytics, so here I am.”

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“You’re sweet when you get all fired up.”

“Cash!” She huffed, turning back to the coffee at the table and thrusting it at me.

“If accepting this coffee means we have to be friends, you can have it back.”

I laughed, following her out the doors and into the hallway, away from all the guys.

“What is your favorite type of food?”

“What? No, Cash. I mean it. I think you’re disgusting, and I promise there will

never be one thing between us.”

I turned, my gaze focused on hers. “Then why does your breathing pick up

whenever I come in the room? And why couldn’t you keep your eyes off me during

the game? Lie to yourself all you want, Delilah.” I leaned in, twisting a soft lock of

hair through my fingers. “But you can’t lie to me. You feel it, too.”

She paused, her jaw tight as her labored pants grew even more frantic. “You’re

infuriating, Cash Greenwood. And don’t forget, if you piss me off I can fudge your

numbers.” She crossed her arms adorably, but it only served to push her gorgeous

tits up even higher, drawing attention to the fact that she was full of curves and

heaven-sent for a man like me. God, I had never seen anything so beautiful.

“But you won’t.”

She shook her head, and I swear I was waiting for her to stomp her foot with fury.

“You’d never compromise the job, because despite everything you say, you love

being here.” My mouth twisted in a smile as she puffed out a breath of air.

“Fine. You’re right. But believe me, if I were an asshole it’s the first thing I would

do, Greenwood.”

“Bullshit.” I caught her chin between my fingers. “You’re too good for that, and

that’s why I find you so damn irresistible. Beautiful beyond reason and stronger

than I ever could have imagined. And that, my sweet Delilah, is why you are

something I want in my universe. I’m a man who appreciates perfection, and you

are perfect.”

I spun and walked back into the room, sliding out a chair before dropping down into

it to take a sip of my own coffee. Her eyes were still on me, shocked as she watched

my every move. I smiled sweetly at her, loving the hell out of this game we were

playing. But eventually she would be mine. I was one of the best players in Major

League Baseball, and it wasn’t just because I was gifted. It was because when I set

my mind on a goal, I kept at it until I achieved it. And Delilah was worth more than

any other goal I had ever had in my entire life.

Delilah shook her head, finally breaking my gaze and turning her attention to the

players filtering into the room to prepare for the analytics meeting.

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Delilah had only been here less than a few days and already the energy in the locker

room was different. The guys a little more respectful, all except Rod, of course, and

Coach seemed to be digging all the new stats that Delilah could provide after every


She was brilliant, she was pretty, she was sexy, and she was fierce. I tapped my

fingers on the desk as Delilah cleared her voice and started the meeting.

“Numbers were good last night. Great job, you guys. We can talk individually about

a few things each of you should work on, but so far the numbers look even better

than last year. Carlos, you threw 96 on that pitch last night. That was stellar.”

The team clapped before Delilah continued. “And that home run was your best yet,

Miller.” She turned to another teammate and gave him a wide smile. What the

fuck? I’d hit four homers during the game—where were my stats? I shifted in my

seat, clearing my throat before Delilah’s eyes glanced to me, then away again, her

eyes shifting down to her laptop as she rattled off a few more numbers and

congratulated the team members.

“Unless Coach has any questions, I think we’re done, then.”

“I’ve got a question,” I spoke up.

Delilah’s eyes didn’t meet my gaze. Damn, she was baiting me. She hadn’t wanted

to draw attention to us, so she was avoiding my ass altogether. But I was the star

pitcher. I needed my stats if I was going to have any idea how I’d played. I’d felt

strong, powerful, smooth, and efficient, but the numbers helped confirm that in

my head.

“What’s up, Cash?” Coach chimed in when he saw Delilah wasn’t answering.

“Well, considering I pitched four innings last night, I’d like to know my stats.”

Delilah narrowed her eyes, sending daggers at me before she made a few clicks on

her laptop, then twisted it around for me to see. “Your numbers are down.”

“What? How is that possible? I pitched a great game.”

She shrugged, spinning the laptop to her again. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t been on

top of it last night. My mind rattled with anxiety as I wondered if turning 30 also

meant my career was headed down the toilet. A lot of guys didn’t make it to forty in

this business, I knew that, but I’d hoped with constant and focused practice I could

beat the odds, at least for a while. If I was looking at retirement anytime soon, I

might lose my mind.

“It’s normal for players to take a few games to get into the swing of things and see

the numbers they were seeing end of last season.”

I frowned deeper, taking another long drink of my coffee, my muscles bunched and

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tensed as I thought I needed to get into the bullpen and throw a few more balls a

few more hours every day. I knew pitchers were the first to show signs of age,

shoulder injuries the most common problem, but damn if I was going to let that

happen to me.

Suddenly feeling like I couldn’t be in the room any longer, I stood, scraping the

chair loudly across the floor before leaving the room, the door closing with a

resounding thump.

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walked down the long corridor, my heels echoing on the cement floors as I headed

for the coach’s office to leave the reports I’d printed for the players’ stats. The

repetitive thud thud thud of a baseball hitting workout pads took me back to a time

when I was so much younger, so much more impressionable, so much more out of

control than I was now.

I paused when I reached the semi-soundproof room, my eyes widening when I

realized Cash was the one throwing balls on repeat. The meeting had ended an hour

and a half ago—had he been here the whole time, practicing until he blew his arm

out for tonight’s game? I frowned, leaning against the door as I watched him. He

was determined, hell-bent on getting his arm stronger, and focused like I’d never

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seen in all my years of watching this sport. His arm wound up, and with the force of

an oncoming truck, he launched the little white ball across the room. Thwack!

I sighed, my eyes taking in the lean lines of his chiseled body. He was hands-down

the hottest guy on the team, and his ass in a pair of baseball pants was one of the

biggest distractions I faced on this job. If I wasn’t gritting my teeth when he cast

me that sexy, one-sided smile, I was squirming in my seat checking him out from


It was like an uncontrollable primal impulse. If Cash was in the room, my body was

on high alert.

Cash finally paused, working his arm back and forth and rubbing at it with a wince.

“Shit,” I murmured before opening the door and letting myself in. “Don’t wear

your arm out, Cash.”

His eyes flashed up with surprise, his face softening for a minute when he saw me.

He shook his head. “I don’t do second best, and your numbers from last night

indicate that, so I’m going to work like hell until my pitch is what it was last year.”

I paused the thoughts rushing through my brain as, for once, I saw the thing that

he really cared about, the thing that lit fire in his eyes and made him more

determined than ever. I respected that in him.

“You’ll get there.”

He shook his head again, still rubbing at his shoulder as he looked down at his feet.

“If I don’t have baseball, I don’t have anything. I have to get there or it’s the

beginning of the end for me.”

“Cash…” My heart bled for him. I walked behind him and rubbed at the tight knot

forming in his shoulder. “Don't be so hard on yourself.”

He didn’t say anything, but his muscles began to relax as I kneaded at the tight

tissue. I licked my lips, sucking in a breath of air for the first time since I’d stepped

into his presence. I caught a whiff of his woodsy scent, soap, and the pure mix of

him, and it left me dizzy with arousal.

“You’re going to have to see the massage therapist for this arm before the game.” I

used both my hands to work at his shoulder and down his bicep.

Good lord, his arms were so massive. The way the fabric pulled across the expanse

of his strong shoulders was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. An unbidden fantasy

slipped into my thoughts—me, wearing his jersey and not another stitch of


Oh my God, where had that come from? I didn’t do this, didn’t fraternize with

players, didn’t mix business with pleasure. God, I didn’t date ball players! For that

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matter, I didn’t even date, as sad and pathetic as that was. My hands dropped

instantly, all the old triggers bubbling up and making me want to run from the

room, and from Cash, as quickly as humanly possible.

“Thanks for the pep talk.” Cash turned then, his eyes leveling with mine as silence

stretched between us.

“Thank you for the coffee this morning.” I finally interrupted the silence. “It was

nice of you.”

“I can be a pretty nice guy. I wish you’d give me a chance to show you.”

A small grin lifted my mouth before I shook my head. “Persistent must be your

middle name.”

“Delilah,” His hands were at my shoulders, his body pushing both of us against the

padded walls of the workout room. “I promise, whoever gave you the bad

impression of ball players, I’m not them.” His nose snaked along my neck and sent

shivers coursing in molten waves through my veins.

I slammed my eyes closed, sucking in vital breaths of oxygen even though he was

too close, he was right here, his lips inches away from being pressed against mine.

“I want to taste those pretty lips.” Cash’s voice ate up the air between us. My mind

raged, my stomach flipped, fire burned from my toes all the way to my head. “And

that look on your face tells me you need kissing, and I know I’m the only man to do


My hands slipped up his chest, the hard ridges of muscle sending tingles like

fireworks through my fingers. I didn’t know what this was, but it felt like waves of

energy coming off him, melding with mine, syncing together and bonding us

inexplicably. I was drunk on Cash Greenwood, just like every other girl who sat in

those bleachers or watched him play a game on TV.

I couldn’t deal with those other girls.

This life wasn’t for me. I was sure of that, at least.

“Cash, we’re not going to happen. Thank you for the coffee, I hope your shoulder

starts feeling better, but please don’t make this harder than it has to be.”

“What’s hard about it, Delilah? You’re the first woman I’ve ever seen in my life who

makes me feel things a man feels for a woman. Fuck your stereotypes and look at

me, not the game. I’ve never fucked a baseball groupie. My head’s in the game and

that’s it. I’ve never loved anything more than I love baseball, but damn, you make

me want to love you. Delilah, you walk into a room and you’re all I see. In that

stadium of 60,000 people, it’s you I see. When I close my eyes at night, it’s your

face I dream of.” His thumb trailed across my lower lip, causing it to tremble and

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me to melt under his touch. “And I know you see me, too.”

I sucked in desperate breaths, willing my brain to work, willing my body to run, to

scream, to kiss, to anything. Anything. Move, Delilah. Tell him to stop touching

you, Delilah.

But I couldn’t. I was rooted in place.

“You’re not ready, but you’ll get there. We make sense, Delilah. You just need to

stop denying it and see it for what it really is.”

I shook my head, fighting angry tears that had climbed up the back of my throat. I

knew he was right. I knew I’d built a wall around my heart. It was all out of

protection. I didn’t want to be scared and alone again.

“You’re wrong, Cash. You couldn't be more wrong.” I dropped my palms from his

chest and turned for the door, the lie tainting my lips like poison.

curled up on the couch, wearing snowflake PJs and a tank top, with a blanket

wrapped around my legs as I watched the game that night. I usually liked to be

present. I’d found that chatting with the coach during the game often helped him

make decisions about who to put in next, especially when I had the ability to run

stats on the other team, but I could work from home almost as easily. I was

determined and dedicated, but Cash had thrown me a curveball this afternoon.

His hands on my skin…his breath whispering across my neck were like a ghost

haunting my memories. I pressed a hand to my chest, the memory so powerful a

wild shiver raced through me. In all the teams I’d done consulting with, never had I

had this issue, but I’d also never worked with a baseball team before, either. Maybe

that was my problem. Maybe I should have steered clear knowing it was a trigger of


Or maybe it was just Cash Greenwood.

I sighed, watching the seventh inning. Pitbull’s Greenlight blasted through the

stadium and pumped up the crowd as Cash walked to home plate. Conflicting

emotions steamrolled through my mind as I watched him. He was thoughtful,

smart, so incredibly sexy it was dangerous, and quite possibly the most talented

human being I’d ever known. And that said a lot given I’d met a lot of talented

players over the years.

Cash bent his knees, his eyes intent on the pitcher before the ball flew to home

plate and Cash swung, a crack splitting the cool night air as the ball went high. I

watched riveted as he launched for first base, his eyes on the ball as it sliced

through the outfield, finally landing just out of reach of the outfielder on the other


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He’d gotten to second.

Good, okay. He didn’t look too bad, his shoulder didn’t seem to bother him at all. I

didn’t know it’d light a fire under him when I’d told him his numbers were down,

but he’d surprised the hell out of me with his focus, to the point that it concerned

me. Practice was a fine balance between honing your skills and overdoing it.

Fatigued muscles didn’t play good baseball, but Cash seemed okay.

I watched as another batter took the plate, a shortstop whom I hadn’t had much

interaction with yet, but he hit a grounder to right field, and Cash launched off the

bag again, headed for third. His eyes were focused as his legs powered him across

the field, carrying him to third while the batter landed on first.

One more hit and Cash was home. Another point to break ahead in this game.

They’d been tied since the third inning, and it was beginning to feel like this game

would go into overtime, until Cash had batted anyway.

Rodriguez stepped up to the plate before the other team waved their pitcher in and

replaced him with another. Their star pitcher. Shit.

I tapped out a quick text to the manager of the team, knowing he’d be the only one

to see my text since Coach was always so focused on what was happening on the


Jones throws a killer curveball. Tell Rodriguez to move about two inches away

from the plate and he’ll shatter it.

I was relieved when the manager’s text shot back a second later. Thanks.

I was doubly relieved when I caught a signal from one of the guys on the bench,

catching Rodriguez’s eyes and flashing him the sign for curveball. Rodriguez

nodded, took half a step back from the plate, then assumed the position. All eyes

were on him. With two outs he had to nail this one if we were going to pull ahead.

I watched Cash, his body fluid and strong like the well-honed machine he was.

Never in my life had I been so turned on, and I couldn't even bring myself to care

anymore. Sitting in front of this TV watching the game, I felt safer, more protected,

more willing to indulge my teen-girl fantasies of shagging the hottest player on the

team. I couldn’t bring myself to flirt with him in the flesh, but right here on my

couch, fantasies were running wild.

The pitcher wound up his arm, eyes flashing as he released the ball, and just like I’d

predicted, that ball curved deeply to the left before approaching home plate.

Rodriguez’s body tensed, his fists white as he clutched the bat. He powered through

his swing and sent the ball flying far out into left field, way beyond Cash, far

beyond their outfielder, until it ricocheted right off the wall of the outfield,

bouncing onto the turf as Cash and Miller launched from their bases. Like a well-

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oiled machine, each player rounded the field while the outfielder finally grabbed

the ball and launched it to the pitcher, hoping to get it home before Cash could


I shrieked, jumping up in my small living room and clapping just as Cash’s foot

landed on home. Safe.

Suddenly I was sad that I wasn’t there in person to celebrate with the team. The

energy of the crowd pulsed through you, energizing you and raising the stakes of

the game. I loved being at the field more than I’d even realized.

I sat back down on the couch when the team high-fived Cash in the dugout, a broad

smile lighting his face. He was devastatingly handsome. He laughed with the guys

and nodded his head as he cheered the other players on when it was their turn. I

was completely enamored with him, and I hated every minute.

I hated that he was, in fact, sweet. He’d pulled at my heartstrings earlier today

when he’d touched me, because that sent my body into a danger zone. It terrified

me, all the painful memories of my past coming to the surface as my heart and my

head fought for dominance.

Cash made me crazy, but I was beginning to find myself addicted to that feeling

down low in my stomach.

The truth was, I’d never felt this way about anyone, either. I’d always been a pro at

turning off my feelings and ruling with my head, statistics and numbers filling the

empty spaces most people packed with love and sex and money.

Watching Cash play was equal parts maddening and thrilling, and part of me

thought if I had to watch anyone play baseball for the rest of my life, I’d choose


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shoved a hand through my damp hair, a bag of my favorite noodle takeout in

hand. It was late, the game had ended less than an hour ago, and all I could think

about doing was seeing her, talking about the game with her, just talking to her.

“Hello?” The door swung open, and her pretty lips dropped into an O.


“Cash, what are you—”

“I brought food.” I lifted the bag in my hand. “From the noodle shop next to my


A stubborn grin lifted her features, and I thought right then and there I was done

for. I was cracking her tough shell and that thought alone nearly killed me in the

best way.

“I like noodles.” She opened the door wider. “You’re spoiling me. When someone

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else turns your head and you finally give up on me, I’m going to miss the gestures.”

“Well, obviously you don’t know me well enough yet.” I stepped into her living

room, my eyes holding hers. “Because I don’t give up.”

Her eyes held mine for a long beat before she slowly nodded. “I’m learning that.”

She snagged the bag from my hands and turned, and for the first time my eyes cast

down her curvy body. She wore the cutest goddamn pair of snowflake pajamas I’d

ever seen, made all the more endearing by the fact that it wasn’t even winter. The

thin straps of her tank top begged for my teeth and made me want to peel the

clothing off her body one inch at a time and track my tongue up and down all her

luscious curves.

She reached the kitchen and turned, pulling plates from the cupboard before

opening up the brown bag. She leaned over, pulling forks from a drawer, the deep

vee of her cleavage making my cock throb painfully behind the zipper of my jeans.

I’d never so blatantly checked out a woman before—I had respect for the female

population—but there was something about Delilah that turned me into a raging

caveman myself.

I licked my lips, wondering what her nipples would taste like on my tongue, the

faint outline of those little tight buds peeking through the cotton and causing my

brain to flood with a thousand fantasies, all starring her.

“Did you watch the game?” I took a plate from her hand as she gestured for me to

sit on the couch with her. She must have been snuggled up in blankets all night,

working from the couch with her laptop. I see a long spreadsheet of numbers filling

the screen.

“Of course.” She took a bite of her noodles, then moaned. “These are the best

noodles I’ve everrrrr had.” My dick jumped at the soft noise escaping her pretty

lips. How I longed to make her moan like that as my tongue roamed her luscious

body. What was it about this girl that made me so damn crazy?

Because she’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.

I sighed, averting my eyes to the TV, where she had ESPN playing on low volume,

updates from all the MLB games scrolling along the bottom feed.

Christ, she watched the sports channel, too. Could she be anymore perfect?

“You’ve been working all night?”

“Mhmm.” She hummed as she ate.

“You know you could probably take some of that advice you dished out early about

pushing yourself too hard.”

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“No, it’s totally different for me.” She shook her head and twirled her fork in the

pile of noodles.


“Definitely.” She narrowed her eyes for a moment, but I saw the amused grin

tipping her lips. “How did you find out where I live, anyway?”

I shrugged. “A determined man has his ways.”

“So you’re a stalker?”

“Only if you like being stalked, baby. I can be anything you want me to be.”

“You’re impossible.” She turned up the volume on the TV, attempting to cut off

this conversation.

I turned it right back down on her. “Coach gave me your phone number, I did a

reverse lookup and got lucky. Did you know you’re listed for any stranger to see


“Aren’t we all?”

“Yeah, but that’s dangerous for a single woman. Maybe you should get a dog or


“Seems like I’ve got my own right now.”

I laughed at her insinuation that I was a dog. That was so far from the truth. If only

she knew.

“So what brings you by, other than the noodles? Thank you, by the way.”

“I just wanted to see if you were okay. After earlier…I just wanted to say…well.” I

shoved a hand through my hair. “I’m not sure what I wanted to say except that I

missed you at the game. You know, I had a hard time concentrating when I didn’t

see you. So I wanted to see you and make sure you were okay. And feed you. I’m

afraid you don’t eat.”

The chuckle that echoed around the space was like a siren song to my battered

heart. “I eat plenty, but the noodles are delicious. If it weren’t for them, I would

have kicked you out already by now.”

“I believe it. You’re a tiger, Delilah.”

She paused, her eyes glazing with some inexplicable emotion before she turned

back to the TV, taking another bite from her plate.

“What was that? What did I say?”

“I just…” She pursed her lips as she thought. “I don’t talk about myself much, so

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this is hard for me, but you’ve got to understand something, Cash. You’re sweet,

you really are—”

“And handsome.”

She giggled. “Yeah, a little. But this still isn’t going to happen between us. And I

have a feeling the only reason you want me is because I’m the only girl who doesn’t

fall all over you when you walk into a room.”

“That’s not true for a second.” I set my plate down and inched across the couch to

her. “Your smile drives me insane, the way your lips curve up just right here…” I

dusted my thumb across the corner of her mouth. “It undoes me. The way your eyes

light up when you’re passionate about something, which is pretty much everything


“Cash?” My name whispers past her delicate lips.

“Yeah, baby.”

“You have to stop touching me.”

I dropped my hand instantly, eyes narrowing. Her gaze caught mine before she

shrank away. “You don’t know what you’re getting into.”

“Tell me then.”

“No, no, let’s just keep this professional.”

“I don’t know if I can do that.”

“Why, Cash? I’m just a girl. There’s nothing special about me. I’m nerdy and quiet

and way too cerebral. I live alone and I like it. Relationships just aren’t for me.”

I shook my head, listening to her explain but not believing a damn word of it. “You

should see yourself the way I see you.”

Her eyes widened as her chest rose and fell with her breaths. “And how’s that?”

“Intoxicating. Dizzying. Completely fucking incredible in every way.”

“You’re crazy and delusional.”

I shook my head, a smile pulling at my lips as I watched her in the dim light of the

living room. “Or maybe I’m drunk on you.”

She set her plate down, glancing at the clock on the screen before swallowing and

turning back to me. “Cash…you don’t understand what I’ve been through. I’ve

been around ball players my entire life. I remember my dad coming home from

practice reeking of booze and women, and starting fights with my mom. It was

horrible. One night I hid in my closet, all the stuffed animals I owned piled on top

of me. I was convinced they’d keep me safe… The things my parents said to each

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other, no person should ever say to anyone they love. I’m not even sure they loved

each other. It looked a whole lot more like hate to me. My mother would just sit

there on the floor afterwards, crying or medicating herself to sleep, and my father

would storm out, going out to look for more baseball groupies who would do

whatever he said and never talk back or question him.” The thought of her as a

little girl, all alone and scared, ripped my heart out. No wonder she had such an

aversion to ball players, it made perfect sense.

“You didn’t deserve that, Delilah.” I caught her hand in mine, heart aching for the

little girl she’d been and for all the pain she still carried on her shoulders. I’d do

anything to fix it for her. She deserved a life filled with love and happiness, and I

wanted to be the man to give it to her. I loved baseball, but at some point that world

would fade away. Delilah was forever. What we could have together would last an

eternity. She was just too stubborn to see it, but I’d crack her shell. I already had.

“The baseball life isn’t for me, Cash. I’ll never be a woman who can be a ball

player’s wife—all the women, the partying, the late nights. I like boring,

predictable, and stable. Those are the things that matter to me. So what if you give

me a few butterflies—”

“I give you butterflies?” I teased.

“You give me a case of wild butterflies. So many butterflies I think I might be sick,

so you see, you really make me sick to my stomach, which isn’t a good thing,” she

finished, a satisfied smile on her gorgeous face.

“You know what I call that?” I leaned a little closer, soaking up her sexy scent as I

whispered at her neck. “Chemistry. Anticipation. Desire.”

Delilah’s pulse quickened at her neck, her body shifting as ragged little breaths

parted her pouty little lips. “I’m a stubborn girl, Cash.”

“I guarantee I’m a more determined man.”

I could wait Delilah out. I was working the long game.

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half a dozen games later, I sat in a quiet hotel room running statistics for the

game we’d lost tonight. The team was better—the analytics I’d run before had

proven it—but it didn’t make the loss any less crushing. A few of the guys on the

team were spending time in the hotel VIP bar drinking off their loss and preparing

to face the same team tomorrow. The Timberwolves could do it. I knew they could.

There was so much talent on this team, but we had to get the strategy straight, and

that took a lot of time and a lot of analyzing, which was why I was plopped here in

pajamas working at nearly midnight.

Cash and I hadn’t spoken much since he’d come to my place with takeout, a move

that had shocked the hell out of me, but made me feel good just the same. If

anything, it was nice to have a friend, even if getting involved with him wasn’t on

my radar. I’d done my best all week to avoid his eyes, focusing instead on the game,

and working hours and hours into the night just for the distraction.

The instant I shut my eyes, I found Cash lurking in my head, begging me to try just

a taste. I didn’t want a taste, dammit, and if anything, this job was proving why I

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didn’t have time for it. I knew I could be an asset to this team, helping Coach make

decisions based on the numbers we ran of all the teams in the Major League. I just

had to stay focused. This was a big contract, and anything less than a stellar job

would be a dent in the reputation of my company. I’d finally started making enough

to hire a few statistics majors fresh out of college, and they were now stationed at a

few clubs around the country. We were making a good name for ourselves, as long

as we continued our hot streak.

I had a feeling the Timberwolves could win the pennant this year, and if I analyzed

their performances right, maybe even the World Series.

I stood up to pour another glass of cheap wine from the mini-bar when a soft knock

came from the door. My eyes shot up, wondering who on earth would be knocking

at this hour. Probably one of the drunk team members. Coach had told them to go

light tonight, but losing a game hurt, and a lot of them liked to drown their

frustration in booze.

I cracked the door, ever cautious because being on the wrong side of a drunk ball

player was never my idea of a good time, when I saw Cash’s dark eyes peering back

at me.

“What’s wrong?” I swung the door wide, and he stepped in.

He shook his head, only gazing at me. I could see the disappointment lacing his

features. He was more upset at the loss than the rest of the guys. His dedication

and complete disappointment over this loss were a testament to just how much he

loved this game, and how much he expected of himself. I had no doubt he gave two

hundred percent every game, but sometimes even that wasn’t enough. “I don’t

know what happened.”

“Cash…” I sighed, closing the door behind him and heading back to the mini-bar.

“Bad games happen, that’s all. Road games are never easy.”

I turned when he didn’t answer and saw his eyes burning up the space between us

with something I couldn't quite place.

“Really fucking glad you’re here, Delilah.” He moved toward me, his hands at my

jawline before his lips were pressed to mine. I opened up, and our tongues tangled

together as fire burned its way up from my toes and down through my torso to land

in a delicious wave of arousal between my thighs.

I pushed my hands into his hair as his palms cupped my ass cheeks, then he

hoisted me in his strong arms and pushed us both against the wall. His body

between my thighs was rock solid and heated with all the emotion pulsing through

his system. “I don’t know what the hell you’re doing to me.”

I didn’t answer, only attacking his lips with more fevered thrusts, my hips rocking

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against him as I sought any kind of friction to relieve the ache he’d created. One of

his palms trailed up under the silk of my cami, his fingers dancing across my skin

and leaving a white-hot blaze in their path.

I knew he’d tried to express respect for me this past week by steering clear.

Apparently he’d recognized that I needed it, but if anything, the separation had

only fueled the obsession.

We kissed for long minutes, hands and breath washing across skin and sending my

system into lust-filled overload.

“I think you were put here to drive me insane.” He hummed, his tongue tracing up

the line of my neck as his hands pushed at the straps of my cami.

“We’re all wrong for each other.”

“I don’t think so.”

“I can’t stand you,” I gasped when his hand slid between my thighs and pressed at

my damp pussy through the fabric of my shorts. “But I can’t stand to be away from

you, either.”

He groaned. “Christ, me neither, beautiful. I’ve been waiting for those words.”

“Cash…” I moaned as his thumb swirled, pressing and massaging at the hardened

bud that would send me into a state of bliss.

“Fuck, I need you.” His thumb sped up, and my thighs began to tighten and quiver

around his hips. “It kills me to see you walking around in those fuck-me heels, that

tight skirt that shows off every curve you have. All I can think about is getting

under it, tasting your sweet cunt until you scream.” His lips caressed my ear. “I

don’t like other people seeing what’s mine, Delilah.”

My breathing picked up, and my head fell back against the wall, and just when his

touch felt like too much, like I might explode from the inside out, waves of frantic

pleasure careened through my body. Moans fell past my lips before I tried to clamp

down on my teeth to suppress them.

“Let them hear you, sweetheart. I want every goddamn man in this hotel to know

you’re off limits. You are mine, only mine, from now until forever. I want you in the

worst way, your scent, your touch, your smile, your everything. I want your face to

be the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see in the morning. I want to

mark you, and I want you to mark me. This is it, Delilah. This is our forever. ”

“But Cash…”

“I want you, Delilah, I want everything you have to give, and I’ll get it.”

“No, but—”

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“Shhh,” he hissed before plunging his tongue past my lips, tasting me like he was

starved for every last drop. Both of his hands circled my neck, his thumbs caressing

the sensitive skin beneath my ears as he kissed me. God, I loved how he held my

head when we kissed. I hated that I loved every minute of it. Hated that it was him

who turned me on. Hated that I was falling for a ball player. But falling for Cash

Greenwood was what I was doing. I was falling fast and hard, and in my heart I

knew there was nothing I could do about it. It was a hunger that was insatiable and

a passion that burned hotter than fire.

But deep down that little girl was too scared, too weak to take a chance. My parents

broke me somehow, and as much as I wanted Cash, as much as I was falling for

him, that little girl was screaming for me to stop.

“Cash?” I finally whispered when I’d taken a breath, our lungs gasping for air we

didn't have. He pressed his forehead to mine, his heart thrumming frantically

against mine as we paused in the darkened room and soaked up the passion-fueled

mess we’d found ourselves in. “We can’t do this.”

Cash didn’t reply, his fingertips hovering across my skin before he finally placed

his lips to mine in one last kiss. His hands dropped from my skin, and he took two

steps back, lowering my feet to the floor.

He pushed a hand through his tousled hair, his eyes squeezed shut while he

scrubbed a palm over his face. He was fucked up, not from booze, not even from

me, from this game.

“I’m sorry,” I offered lamely, thinking this hadn’t been the right time, but his

tongue down my throat hadn’t exactly been foreseen either.

“Why? Why fight this? I know you feel it, Grey. I know that every fiber of your being

wants me as much as I want you. We are perfect for each other, and I have a hard

time believing that the first woman I want isn’t the one.”

My eyes widened at his words, my heart kicking into high gear. His eyes were on me

now, waiting for my reply.

“Because…I…” I had no words. Cash left me at a loss for words, and suddenly the

ones I’d been saying in my head seemed all wrong. “My past, it’s just…I have


His eyes narrowed. “That’s bullshit. We all have triggers. My whole life, something

was missing. Thirty damn years and something was off. I thought it was my rocky

childhood, my single-minded love of the game, but it wasn’t. It was you, Delilah.

My whole damn life I was searching for you. I know you want me. I can see it in your

eyes, the way your gaze follows me across the room.”

“I never meant to send mixed signals…” I trailed off, knowing my words were zero

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consolation. I was a girl with a ton of emotional triggers—well-founded, if you

asked me—but that didn’t mean I could just shake them off in favor of giving him

what he wanted. In fact, that was the last thing that was going to happen. “I also

have a job today. Getting involved with one of you—”

“I’m not just one of those guys. I’m not a fucking manwhore that sleeps with

everything. I’ve never slept with a woman, Delilah. I’m a goddamn virgin.” His

anger was rising, his cheeks reddening as he became more animated.

“Don’t bullshit me, Cash. A thirty-year-old star pitcher, hitter, and virgin? I don’t

buy it.”

His eyes cast down, his lip caught between his teeth, and he turned, waltzing

straight out of my room, not sparing me a single glance back. With one resounding

bang of the heavy door, he was gone and I was alone, wondering what in the hell I’d

done to find myself here.

I touched my lips, still tingling from his kiss, feeling bruised from his lips pressed

to mine. Sweet God, that kiss had been otherworldly. And how could I ever kiss

anyone else again? No one could live up to Cash.

My situation felt impossible, so I turned back to the bar, poured my glass of wine,

then went back to the bed and my laptop. I took a sip and thought about returning

to the numbers tonight, but my focus wasn’t there. Cash had shattered it. Cash’s

lips had shattered me.

I sighed, slamming my laptop closed and reclining back in the bed. I flicked on

ESPN to get the latest game highlights, but pitifully, the only topic of conversation

was the Timberwolves and their uncharacteristic and blatantly bad loss. I nearly

flicked off when one announcer spoke up, pausing on a clip of Rodriguez stumbling

the first time he went up to bat. They were speculating he was drunk and perhaps

that contributed to the lost game. He’d had a few strikeouts and had missed more

than a few catches that he should have caught.

My heart fell between my feet.

Fucking Rodriguez.

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jogged out onto the field the next morning, my muscles threaded with adrenaline.

Delilah had consumed all my thoughts last night—the memory of her curves under

my hands, her full pouty lips, and those eyes that tore through my chest and saw

deep into my soul. Her pull was magnetic, and I had no idea how I was going to

convince her to let me in. I don’t know when it happened, but somewhere along the

line, home went from being a place to being with Delilah. I ached for her in ways I

didn’t think were possible. I don’t know at what point baseball was no longer the

most important thing in my life. Delilah was.

I shoved my hat down over my forehead, meeting a few guys hovering around the

pitcher's mound, one new guy suited up in a practice uniform in their midst.

What the hell was this?

I hadn't been informed of a mid-season transfer, I didn't even know Coach had

eyes on anyone.

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As I drew closer, my eyes honed in on the shapely calves, a small waist…and I was

sure I’d seen that curvy ass before.


“Check out the new teammate, Greenwood,” Rod called, punching me on the


“What are you doing?” I ignored him and focused my attention on Delilah.

Her eyes shot up to me, her lips curved into a small grin. “Guys asked me to throw a

few balls. You know I can’t run in a skirt.”

“Well, no shit.” I shook my head, enjoying the playful lilt in her voice. “Let’s see

what you got, Grey.”

All the guys laughed, a few jogging off into their positions, more standing at the

sidelines to watch the show. And little did I know what a show it was going to be.

“Scoot over, Greenwood.” Delilah bumped her hip against me.

“Sure you’re not gonna need a few pointers? A few warm-up throws?” I teased,

enjoying every minute.

Delilah turned, planting her hands on her hips. The way the fine white threads

pulled across her generous tits made my stomach churn with desire. She was so

gorgeous, and the fact that the warm-up jersey fit her just right, the fabric tucked

into her waist and pulling across every sexy curve she had, made me insane.

I wanted my hands on her now.

I needed to feel her again.

“Somethin’ on your mind, Greenwood?”

“Just thinking how much better you’d look wrapped in my jersey.”

Her eyes flared before she pushed me off the pitching mound. “In your dreams,


“Every night.” I winked, enjoying her huffy attitude, wondering what she’d do if I

said to hell with everything and pulled her in for a kiss right now.

But I couldn't do that, because I didn’t trust myself to let her go.

“Watch and learn.” Delilah smiled sweetly before turning, loosening her muscles

as she made eye contact with Rod at home plate.

“Here we go,” I said, just as she wound her arm back, wrist twisting just the

slightest. The ball released, spinning as if in slow motion before slowing as it

reached Rod. He swung low and missed it all together. “Holy shit.”

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“That’s what I thought.” Delilah smiled, and my dick pounded angrily in my pants.

She was fucking good. How did she know how to throw a ball like that?

Delilah had severely understated her baseball experience, not only was she

comfortable off the field, but the girl could kill it on the field, too.

Rod threw the ball back to her, and she caught it effortlessly in her glove.

I frowned. “Where’d you learn how to throw a ball like that?”

“Why? Want a few lessons?” Delilah cooed, then did a quick wind up and threw a

fastball at Rod. This time he landed it squarely and drove the ball to left field.

“And here I was expecting you to throw like a girl.” I knew that would rile her up.

“You’re a chauvinistic bastard.”

“And you’re beautiful when you’re angry.” I stepped closer, my body drawn to hers

like a magnet.

“You’re…” She shoved her hands onto her hips again in her cute little defensive

stance. “You’re infuriating, Cash Greenwood.”

Delilah walked off the mound, not even flinching when a ball whirred past her

head, which was still covered in that cute little Timberwolves ball cap.

“You don't take well to compliments, do you?”

She didn't answer, just kept walking off the field and deep into the dark hall

leading to the locker room.

“Your ass looks great in those pants.” I followed her down the hallway.

Still she walked, her speed picking up.

“But the jersey would look better with my last name on it.”

She entered the locker room and slammed the door behind her. Christ, I loved her


I entered behind her. “And I want those legs wrapped around me.”

Delilah turned, tearing the ball cap off her head, long dark curls falling around her

shoulders. “Listen here—”

I didn’t give her a chance to speak. I crossed the distance between us, and my hands

threaded through her hair, lips pressed against hers as we slammed into a row of

old metal lockers. Delilah’s hand curled around my neck, her leg hitched at my

waist as I pushed my tongue past her lips. Her fucking taste drove white-hot need

through to my balls, every nerve aching and strung tight waiting for release.

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“I can’t keep my hands off you.”

She didn't answer, only pressed her lips to mine in a bruising kiss, her fingers

pulling at the fine threads of my hair peeking out under my ball cap. My hands on

her thighs, my thumbs digging into the flesh beneath the rough fabric of the

warm-up pants. I’d been waiting for this, for her, I just hadn’t known it.

I’d seen my parents ruined by addiction, so I’d steered far clear of anything that

could mess with my head, including love. But this wasn’t love yet was it? How could

it be?

But how could it not be?

I shook my head, inhaling a breath of her intoxicating scent.

“I can smell how much you want me,” I growled, and a small moan fell past her

lips. Her head thrown back against the locker, she clutched at my biceps hard

enough I was sure there would be bruises tomorrow. I didn’t give a fuck. I wanted

her marks all over me. Since she already consumed my thoughts, why not wear her

badge on my body?

My mind roared at me to claim her, shove inside her and fuck until we were both

exhausted and desperate for more. I was sure of one thing: having Delilah Grey

once wouldn’t be enough. The idea of losing myself in her every day sent unfamiliar

waves of contentment rolling through my body.

“I want to sink inside you right here, right now,” I whispered, trailing my nose

down the long line of her neck. Her hips arched, my cock making contact with the

hot seam of her pussy through our clothing and making my mind hazy with crazed

lust. I nipped at the soft flesh of her neck. “I want to leave my mark on you.”

“I don't know why I keep subjecting myself to you,” she finally responded, her lips

covering mine in quick kisses.

“Because you can’t help yourself?” My hands danced across her body, skimming

the swell of her beautiful tits. “I want you addicted to my touch.”

“I don’t get addicted to anything, or anyone.”

“Not until now, you haven’t.” I kneaded the flesh of her breast beneath the shirt as

I ran my cotton-covered cock between her thighs. “I can’t stop thinking about you.

You’re like a drug, Delilah.”

“Hey! Greenwood, where’d ya disappear to, man?!” Rod burst through the doors,

and like I’d burned her, Delilah dropped from my body, turning back to the locker

she’d been digging in.

I shook my head, eyes darting from her to Rod. “Comin’, bro.”

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Rod’s eyes narrowed at Delilah’s ass propped in the air as she was bent, digging

through her bag.

“Hey, eyes up, fucker.”

Rod’s face split into a grin. “Gotcha, man.”

He backed out of the doors, making an obscene gesture with his hands the entire

way. I flipped him off before the door swung closed.

“You should go.” Delilah turned, her clothes clutched to her chest and hiding her

beautiful self from me.

“I don’t want to.” I advanced on her, catching her chin in my fingers.

“But you should.” She pulled away from my grip, eyes averting to the floor. “I’m

gonna get changed, so…”

I huffed, my cock desperate to find itself between her thighs again. Images of her

naked swirled in my head, and I knew I’d have to leave ASAP if I had any hope of

reining myself in.

“I’ll catch you after practice? Maybe we could grab something to eat.”

“Maybe.” She bit down on her bottom lip, and I knew then it wouldn’t happen.

There was still something holding her back, despite her body screaming yes,

despite the way she shivered and moaned when I touched her.

“I’ll be waiting, Delilah. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be waiting.” I trailed my

thumb across the bow of her top lip, watching as her eyes fell closed and her cheeks

burned crimson. Before she could respond, I turned, heading for the swinging

doors. “Later, Grey.”

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ost of the guys are gone by now,” I uttered to Tori, one of my closest friends.

I’d managed to grab her an extra ticket to tonight’s game, which the

Timberwolves had won. “You’ll get to meet a few of them, though.”

“What about that one who keeps shoving his tongue down your throat?” Tori’s eyes

sparkled back at me just as the door swung open and Rod walked out of the locker

room. His hair was still damp from his shower, his skin a warm cocoa, with the

darkest eyelashes I’d ever seen on a man. He was gorgeous, his jawline strong,

cheekbones high. I could see why preteen girls taped posters of him on their walls,

but he was so cocky, so shameless. He wasn’t anyone I could ever date. Alarm bells

rang loud and clear when he was in the room.

“Hey, Grey.”


“I’m Tori Fountain.” My sweet, overly friendly friend burst between us, hand thrust

out. “I’m Delilah’s bestie. Can we get a selfie?”

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I rolled my eyes, but Rodriguez swung an arm around Tori, tucking her in close

under his arm as she fumbled for her phone. “I can take the picture if you want.”

“No, I want a selfie.” Tori puckered her lips. Her blush deepened, her eyes glazing

just a little when Rodriguez sent her a panty-melting half-grin.

I nearly threw up in my mouth.

Tori grinned wildly as they posed for the photo.

“They’re a pair.” Cash’s voice warmed my insides.

I sucked in a breath, trying to rid my mind of all the intoxicating thoughts that

buzzed when he was around. “I shouldn’t have brought her back here.”

“Probably not your smartest move,” Cash said.

I shot him a glare, crossing my arms.

“Great game tonight, guys,” Tori crooned, eyes dancing from Cash to Rodriguez.

“Sure it woulda been better if we would have had this arm.” Cash’s hand curled

around my bicep and sent a current of arousal straight between my thighs. “Didn’t

know you had it in you, champ.”

“Of course she does. She’s like baseball royalty.” Tori grinned, and I sighed,

thinking I didn’t want to get into that conversation now, or ever.

“Royalty?” I caught Cash’s arched eyebrow.

“Her dad, her granddad, even her godfather. It’s, like, a dynasty,” Tori sputtered on

to my horror. She always got too chatty when she was nervous, but why did it have

to be about me this particular time?

“She’s been drinking, don’t listen to her.” I grumbled, digging in my purse for my

phone so I could pretend I had an urgent reason to get the hell out of there.

“You guys wanna do dinner tonight? I could eat a fucking pig,” Rodriguez belted.

“That sounds great!” Tori replied, and I tensed.

“Are you sure? Didn’t you say you had something to do tonight?” I shot Tori a

serious glance.

“No, not till later. Plus, I’m starving.” She grinned, glancing over at Rodriguez.

“I can get us reservations,” Cash interjected, pulling out his phone.

“No, you guys go on—”

“Call that Brazilian place, Greenwood.”

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“I’ve got reservations for four at a Japanese steakhouse.” Cash swiped his thumb,

then smiled and pocketed his phone. “They’ve got a floating floor—fish swim right

under your table.”

“Sounds great. Whaddya say, ladies?” Rodriguez held out his hand, flashing Tori

another one of his trademark grins, making her swoon. I nearly died of

embarrassment. I didn’t want to go to this dinner for two reasons, one, the

hormonal display of crazy happening in front of me sounded like the worst way to

spend my night, and two, Cash's palm at my back, pushing me ahead of him down

the hallway proved I couldn’t control myself with him. It was taking everything in

me to not stop in my tracks, turn around, and beg him to kiss me.

My heart thudded hopelessly in my chest as Cash and I followed Tori and Rodriguez

through the parking garage.

I didn’t know what I’d gotten myself into, but it was proving to be the start of an

interesting night for sure.

wenty minutes later, after a heart-dropping and dangerous ride through the city,

we arrived to a trendy new restaurant on the other side of town. A valet opened the

door of Rodriguez’s Spider and we all filed out.

Cash’s palm hovering at my waist protectively sent butterflies scurrying in my

stomach. I couldn’t deny that I loved his touch on me, but every smart brain cell in

my head was telling me that he was all wrong. It took a special kind of woman to

love a star athlete, one who could handle millions of other woman ogling their

man, and that woman wasn’t me.

“This is great, isn’t it?” Cash pulled me closer to him as we stepped through the

doors. A dim, blue-lit space opened up around us. And the floor. The floor was one

long pool of crystal blue, all kinds of fish in a rainbow of colors swimming beneath

the clear glass.

“This is incredible.” I stepped in, feeling instantly underdressed, even though I was

already in business attire for work.

“Great call, man.” Rodriguez patted Cash on the shoulder as we were seated at an

intimate table for four in a far corner. I glanced around, noticing most of the tables

around us were occupied by couples on dates. We were all out of place here. The

guys were still fresh from showers, and while they looked handsome in dark jeans

and slim-cut button-downs, most of the men here were wearing suits and ties.

I mustered a smile when Cash pulled out my chair. He was going to get all the

wrong ideas from this, and I was going to fall a little deeper under his spell. I should

have bailed and grabbed a taxi home, eaten takeout, and caught the replays on

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ESPN. I had no business having an intimate dinner with Cash fucking Greenwood,

star Major League pitcher.

“Relax, Grey.” Cash draped an arm across my shoulder, sliding his thumb around

the base of my neck. My eyes shuttered closed, my heart hammering uncontrollably

as I thought of us here, together. His hands on me. I sucked in a fortifying breath,

which sent a blast of his spicy soap straight to my head.

“Something to drink?” the waiter asked. I nodded, my brain foggy at the proximity

of Cash. Why couldn’t I control myself around him? Why was he doing this to me?

“You doin’ okay?” Cash’s breath washed across my neck, the hair feathering across

my skin with his words.

“I’m okay,” I finally responded. I hoped he could hear over the hammering of my


“You look beautiful.” Cash trailed a fingertip across my collarbone, visible just

above the frilly neckline of my blouse.

I struggled to control my voice. “Thank you.”

“We should have them take a picture of us!” Tori called, jumping up and flagging

down a waiter. I smiled genuinely when Cash tucked me in closer to his body as we

posed. The flash nearly blinded me, but I prayed the picture was a good one. I knew

I’d cherish it, because despite everything between Cash and me, he’d had an impact

on me, this entire team had. While Rodriguez could be cocky and mouthy

sometimes, that was the biggest problem they had. Nothing beyond healthy

competition and positivity radiated from this team, and they deserved to go all the

way to the World Series.

“So, what got you into baseball?” Tori asked sweetly.

“It’s the only thing we had in Cuba. Every night I was out at the corner ball field,

playing with the old guys. My dad didn’t have much time, he worked too much, but

there were always guys at the field. My momma always knew where to find me.”

Rodriguez tapped his forehead, emotion warm in his dark eyes.

“Kinda the same for me, too,” Cash chimed in. “My dad wasn’t around a lot. In

fact, baseball was about all we had to talk about. I remember getting three home

runs on my little league team one day. He was so proud of me. I was only eight, but I

swear, that look drove me forward.”

My hand instinctively went to his thigh under the table. I wasn’t thinking, only

knew that he was revealing something special about himself, and acknowledging it

felt like the only thing I could do.

Cash turned to me, eyes burning up mine. “What about you? What brought you to

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the ball field?”

“I feel like I’ve never had a choice.” I answered, unfiltered, then regretted it. “I

mean, family or work, I keep finding myself in a baseball diamond, no matter what

I do.” I tried to laugh off the comment, but it fell on silent ears. I’d said more about

myself than I’d ever intended to. Tori knew my entire history, but it’d taken her

years for me to open up and tell her all the details.

“You were born to be on a ball field.” Cash fingered a wisp of my hair, sending the

edges tickling along my skin. A cool chill raced through me, and I shifted,

distracted by the arousal dampening my thighs.

“I don’t know about born to be on a ball field, but there is something about it that

feels like home. I swear I didn’t think I’d ever take a job with a baseball team. I’d

done every single other sport, but I couldn’t pass this one up for some reason…” I

trailed off, smiling up at the waiter as he set glasses of water on the table.

“I wanna hear more about this baseball royalty thing. I want names, Grey,”

Rodriguez shot across the table.

“No way,” I laughed.

“Delilah doesn’t tell anyone. I didn’t even know who her dad was for years! That

bitch left me hanging!” Tori giggled.

“It’s true.” I looked at Cash. “I don’t tell a soul.”

“I’ll get it out of you.”

“You think so?” I crooked a grin at him.

“I know so,” he promised, sending molten lava through my veins.

“What makes you so confident?” I shot back.

“I’ve got a lot of talents, Ms. Grey.” A shudder raced through my system at his


For some reason I believed him.

Cash slipped a thumb under the neckline of my shirt, causing my breath to stick in

my throat.

I had a feeling I was going to discover just what those talents were.

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ornin’, beautiful.”

“Oh my god, this again?” Delilah rolled her pretty eyes. Dinner had gone amazing

last night, and while she’d opened up a little, I could still tell she was holding back

on me. This girl was making me work for it, that was for sure, but there was

something down deep that pulled at my insides whenever she was around.

“What ya up to?” I landed in the bleacher seat next to her.

“What’s your best guess, Greenwood?”

The way her mouth curled up at the corner made my dick ache. “I was gonna guess

you came to check out ball players.”

“Because it’s my job.” She shot me a sideways glance. “And you’re being


“Wouldn’t know what else to do with my time.” I shrugged, crossing my arms and

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ankles before propping my legs up on the seat in front of me.

“There’s got to be a million other things you can do besides bother me.”

“You wound my heart!” I clutched at my chest.

“I bet.” Her eyes narrowed, but her smile deepened. I loved that look on her face

because I was the one who had put it there, and I damn sure planned to put a few

more there.

“I’ve got nothing better to do with my time than watch a few players practice with

the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”

Delilah’s eyes widened before her gaze turned back to the field. She held a pencil in

her hand, tapping the eraser against her knee as she fidgeted.

“Everything about you draws me in, Delilah.” I stroked my fingertips up the line of

her thigh, watching a visible shudder roll through her system as she shifted in her

seat. “What happened last night, I want it to happen again.” I reached her waist,

trailing a fingertip across the waistband of her pants before darting beneath the


She licked her perky lips, her mouth parting just slightly with soft breaths. I

glanced around the field, thankful as fuck she’d chosen this dark little corner to

watch warm-ups from. We were so far out of anyone’s line of sight, we virtually

had the stadium to ourselves.

“I want to taste this pretty pussy,” I whispered as I drew a deft fingertip over the

crotch of her panties. Her back arched in the stadium seat, the fabric of her shirt

pulling across her tits and making me so fucking horny I thought I might die

Unable to hold back a minute more, I lunged across the seat, caging her in my arms

and ducking to taste her lips. I worked the delicate little bud of her clit through her

panties while my tongue darted into her mouth, swirling and tasting the decadent

flavors. One of her arms wrapped around my neck as her leg hitched around my

hip, her body ebbing and flowing against me like a wild wave.

“Christ, you’re responsive.” My palm trailed up her torso, pushing under her shirt

and gripping at the flesh of one full tit. Soft whimpers escaped her throat when I

slipped a thumb inside the lacy little bra and fingered her taut nipple. “You’re the

sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she whispered through agonized pants.

“We can’t keep our hands off each other. We were stupid to think it wouldn’t

happen,” I nipped at the plump flesh of her bottom lip.

“I’m going to tell myself whatever I have to in the morning to forget this even

happened.” Her eyes flared before she pulled my head down to hers, pressing ours

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lips together in a bruising kiss.

“Tell yourself whatever you have to, but right now you’re mine. I know for a fact

that the security cameras are only on during games. We’re safe here, baby.”

“Oh my god,” she breathed when I yanked the pants and panties from her waist,

giving me enough room to angle between her thighs.

“This is fucking beautiful.” I pushed her thighs apart, my gaze falling on her

glistening pink pussy as every corded muscle in my body bunched and pulled, my

cock flexing and wanting nothing more than to sink in and fuck her until neither of

us could see straight.

My eyes connected with hers in that moment, and before she could even open her

pretty lips, I grinned and dove in, trailing my tongue up and down her slit, then

swirling at her pussy. Delilah’s hands clutched at my hair, my scalp burning with

the pull of her grasp, and my dick pounding with every fucking heartbeat.

“Sweeter than honey, baby.” I sucked the bud of her clit into my mouth and drew in

long pulls, enjoying every ounce of her body gyrating underneath mine.

Delilah's free hand trailed her body, turning me on with every stroke, when I laced

our fingers together. Both of our palms molded the flesh of her breast, forcing our

fingertips to pinch at the dark little nipples before I flicked my tongue, then danced

one long finger at her entrance.

“I can’t wait to bury myself inside this body, but not here. I want you all to myself

the first time. An entire night. Maybe even the whole weekend.” I kneaded her

gorgeous tit again before sliding my finger into her hot, wet body, feeling her

spasm around my fingers, I hooked and worked my tongue at her clit before her

thighs clenched around my shoulders, passion-fueled moans burning past her lips

with her orgasm.

“You are my favorite thing first thing in the morning.” I grinned, making a point of

wiping her pussy off my face, then sliding my thumb between my lips and licking it


“Cash, oh my god.” She attempted to cover her face before I caught her hands,

pushing them around my neck before kissing the frown off her face.

“Don’t hide yourself from me, not ever. Got that, Delilah?”

“You’re crazy, Cash Greenwood.”

“Only for you.” I winked at her as I pulled her pants up her legs, rearranging her

panties and putting her back together.

“I can’t believe you did that.”

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“We. We did that.” I sat back in my seat, catching her hand in mine as I did. “And

get used to it, Delilah. I’ve been fucking starved for you, and this barely even

scratched the surface.”

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y heart drummed frantic beats in my ears as his words echoed on repeat. What

was he thinking? What was I thinking?

As if my surroundings were suddenly coming into focus for the first time, I glanced

around at the players tossing balls on the field, a few others swinging bats as they

warmed up their muscles.

“Cash…” I shook my head, suddenly feeling a wave of fear wash through me. I

knew where this led, no point in taking it any further. A groupie tomorrow, another

one the next day, my heart left bleeding out in the dirt. No way was that life for me.

“Oh, no you don’t. I know that look on your face.” Cash stood, placing a delicate

kiss on my knuckles before backing away. “I’m leaving before you say something

I’m gonna regret hearing. We both know that whatever you say today isn’t going to

make a damn bit of difference tomorrow when we see each other.” He hummed

against my ear and sent shockwaves through my body. “Have a great day, Ms.


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I swallowed, pushing a hand through my hair. My mind reeled as he walked away.

He’d stopped me before I could even get a word out. He knew me so well already,

knew that my irrational fears would get the better of me and my defense

mechanisms would do their best to send him packing. But that hadn’t happened.

He’d cut me off, and somewhere deep down inside, I liked it. He’d stopped my

stupid emotional trigger in its tracks and left me thinking maybe what we had was

different from anything I’d ever known. I only had to give it a chance.

I sighed, throwing my bag over my shoulder. I needed a hot shower to shake Cash’s

talented tongue and those incredibly long fingers from my mind. I sped down the

long hallway, turning the corner just as I ran into a wall of a body.

A body that reeked of whiskey.

“Hey, why the rush?” Rodriguez’s hands came around my shoulders. He was clearly

unsteady on his feet.

“What are you thinking? I’m disappointed in you, Rodriguez. You’re not gonna get

your stats up if you’re more concerned with partying. Go home and get some rest.”

I pulled away from him, taking a step back and right into Cash’s broad chest.

“What’s up, Rod?”

“Just seein’ where your girl is off to. I don’t think she likes me very much.”

Rodriguez glanced from Cash to me.

“I think she’s right. You need to go sleep this one off. I’ll stop by later for pizza and

we can talk about the game.” Cash clapped his teammate on the shoulder.

“Nah, man. Don’t need your help.” Rodriguez shrugged Cash off.

“Like hell you don’t. If you don’t sober up, Coach is going to bench you the rest of

the season and force you into rehab, man. You know that.”

“Fuck off.”

“He’s right. You’re off your game; the numbers show it,” I offered, not wanting to

push too much but knowing Rodriguez had too much talent to drink it away. Just

like someone else I knew.

“Here, let me get you home.” Cash clasped a hand around Rodriguez’s shoulder,

shot me one last long look, and led him down the long hallway.

The depth of Cash’s compassion astounded me. I’d never met anyone like him,

much less a ball player. They were usually so self-involved they couldn’t see

beyond their own ego, but Cash put everyone first. Even me.

I sighed, watching them leave, glad that Rodriguez had a friend like Cash to help

him when he was down. We could all use someone like that in our lives.

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ater that night, long after the game and the little run-in with Rodriguez, I turned

the corner in the hotel, thinking I should do some packing if I had any chance of

making the early flight in the morning, and I heard a voice murmuring low.

I frowned, stalling when I turned the corner to find Cash leaning against the wall

near my room, speaking into his phone. I hadn’t seen him since our tryst in the

bleachers this morning, but now he looked upset. Really upset. His brow was

furrowed, and a deep frown marred his normally relaxed face.

I almost turned to leave, trying to avoid betraying his privacy, then thought better,

frowning as I moved closer, my hotel key already out and ready to swipe.

Cash’s eyes rolled up my body as soon as I was close, his darkened irises landing on

mine and swimming with something painful. His look swept the breath from my

lungs, and I knew instantly I couldn’t leave him, because whatever that phone call

was about, it wasn’t good.

Cash murmured something else before promising to do what he could, then

hanging up the phone.

“Are you okay?”

Cash froze, no words falling from his lips before I dropped my bag on the floor, not

even sure what I was doing beyond comforting him the only way I knew how. I

wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and his arms encircled me, and we held

each other. He held me so tightly for long minutes, I thought he might crush the air

from my lungs, but it was the best hug I’d ever received.

Warmth rolled in waves from him to me, and before I knew what was happening,

Cash’s hands were crawling up my skin, his lips tracing mine, and his tongue

pressed at the seam of my mouth. I opened, and our tongues tangled intimately, my

brain blurring with images of earlier images of him, images of us, together.

Without words he lifted me into his arms, taking my keycard in one hand and

swiping it at the door before it buzzed and we crashed into my hotel room. He

dropped me on my feet, and without thinking, with all the pent-up energy from the

orgasm earlier and the memory of his hands and his lips on me, I pulled my top

over my head and stood in the middle of the floor in my pants and a bra.

Cash’s eyes narrowed, and he pulled his own shirt over his head, then pushed his

hands through my hair, and we both fell down onto the fluffy bed. “I need us


“Yes, yes,” I gasped against his lips, my hands tugging his hair, the scent of him

surrounding me and sending my mind hazy with lust. Cash’s lips kissed across my

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collarbone, then he drew his tongue over the flesh of my breasts, pushing the

straps down my arms. With frantic movements, he shoved my pants and panties

down my legs, grazing his fingertips across my bare pussy before nestling his hips

between my thighs. The hot, thick ridge of his cock pressed against my clit and sent

me arching up on the bed, desperate for more of him now.

I didn’t know what we were doing, I didn’t know what I was thinking, because this

was certainly not the place I expected to be tonight, but I was sick and tired of

denying whatever this was between us. In the far reaches of my mind, I thought

maybe this would satisfy the itch. Maybe we could do this tonight, then wake up

tomorrow satisfied, the banter and sexual tension no longer pulsing uncontrollably

between us.

“You make me crazy, Delilah.” He hooked a hand behind my head and brought his

lips to mine, kissing me until I was breathless, bruising my lips until only the

memory of him remained. Cash pulled the waistband of his workout pants down his

thighs, and suddenly his cock was right there, pressed against me, sliding along the

slit of my pussy, sending me into another world with frenzied need.

“I don’t want a single thing separating me from you.” Cash’s words made my

stomach flutter. I’d never felt so wanted on such a primal level. His hands clutched

at my hips as he lined his cock up with my entrance, his eyes searing into me, dark

with lust and barely contained need. “You drive me fucking insane, but I can’t stop

thinking about you.” In the next breath he was pushing into me, my body

stretching around him as he caressed every inch of skin he could reach.

“I...” I sighed, struggling for words. “I've never been with anyone Cash... Only

you.” Shallow breaths punctuated my words as every slow centimeter of him filled

me. I arched, digging my nails into his back as his lips melded with mine. I was his,

the touch of his lips and the press of his fingers on my body confirmed it. The pinch

and burn of his cock stretching my insides, his body breaching mine for the first

time, everything about him left me breathless and craving more.

He kissed me in measured strokes as his dick delved deeper inside my body. “We're

each other's first, and each other's last.”

Cash was made for me, our bodies meeting and reacting like chemicals, the reaction

too explosive to ignore, burning up the space between us and creating something

new and irrevocably bonded.

There would be no going back for us.

Cash’s hips sped up, his rhythm matching mine as we tangled on the sheets, sweat

and sex scenting the air while his hands crawled over my body, owning every inch

of me as if he was leaving a brand on my skin. “Christ, you don't know what it does

to me to know I've the only man that's been here.”

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My heart thrummed in my chest at his words. I knew them to be true, this night

would make us more desperate for each other.

“I want you now,” I moaned as his hands clutched my hips and he drove me to the


“I want every day with you, Delilah. We’re nowhere near done yet.” He pulled me

from the bed, lifting me in his arms and pushing me up against the cool glass of the

French doors that led to a balcony.

Hitching my legs over his hips, he slid his cock deep into my body, every cell

screaming for more, harder, faster, now. “I’m going to fuck you until you can’t

think straight, Delilah. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t form a word with that

pretty, sassy mouth of yours.”

I pushed my hands through his hair, then attached my lips to his, loving every

combustible moment of his skin against mine.

“I can take care of you, Delilah.” He accented my name with a ragged thrust. “I can

give you everything.”

Tears burned behind my eyelids as I clutched at the threads of his hair, one of his

hands sliding down between us and swirling at my clit. “I want your cum all over

my dick.”

I gnashed my teeth as his thumb sped up and the sensations overtook my body.

“Cum, gorgeous.”

My muscles tensed as release crashed through me. My toes curled and my breaths

heaved as waves of pleasure seared every nerve.

“You and me, Delilah, we’re forever.” Cash’s lips caught mine as he plunged his

tongue between them and fucked me as his body shuddered and slowed, his release

emptying into me in powerful waves. He wrapped his arms around my body, his

head falling on my shoulder as he sucked in the flesh at the curve of my neck. “You

taste like heaven.”

I was unable to form words, my body overwhelmed by his touch, my mind raging

with his all-consuming attention. Everything he did and said was right. He was


But no one was perfect.

Something had to mess this up. I didn’t believe in fairy tales, and Cash Greenwood

was not my Prince Charming, no matter how much he tried to be.

“You’re thinking again, Grey,” Cash murmured against the shell of my ear, sending

a shiver through me.

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“It’s a curse.” I smiled ruefully, then placed a quick kiss on his chin.

“You’re my curse.” The slow drag of Cash’s cock as he pulled out of me sent

leftover sensations pulsing through me. “But it just so happens I love being

wrapped up in you.”

“You’re a charmer, Cash Greenwood.” I rolled my eyes.

“Only for you, Delilah. Only for you.”

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woke up later that night, untangling myself from the beautiful girl I’d fallen into

bed with in an act of quiet desperation last night. Delilah’s silky hair spread out on

the pillow around her, the sheet slipping off her body to reveal her sweet curves,

she was a slice of Heaven.

Just looking at her now made my stomach twist with desire to protect her, and

make her happy. I remembered reading somewhere that we were all in search of

someone whose demons play well with ours, but in my case Delilah cast out my

demons. Everything that haunted me and had me running from my life, she dulled.

With her by my side, none of it mattered anymore. The only thing that mattered

was her. My whole life I was searching for the light, and in Delilah I finally found

blinding peace.

I loved the way she twisted her lips in a cocky grin when something was on her

mind, I loved teasing her and listening to her laugh. I loved her hands touching me;

it felt like silk caressing my skin. I loved making love to her. I loved seeing the way

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we fit perfectly when we made love, until I lost the concept of where she began and

I ended. It wasn’t me and her anymore, it was us.

I loved everything about her.

Which is what made this next part so complicated.

I snagged my phone off the table, then headed for the balcony, stepping outside in

the cool air to clear my head. I had to do something about the phone call I’d

received earlier. Falling into bed with Delilah wasn’t exactly dealing with it. I typed

a few terms into the search bar, looking for ideas on how best to help the situation.

It wasn’t a new one, I’d been getting calls just like this for years, I was just sick of

never finding a resolution to all the pain that seemed to follow me.

“Everything okay?” Delilah’s angelic voice whispered. There she was, stepping

onto the balcony to join me.

“Mmm, I’m perfect.” I sat down and pulled her into my lap. With the sheet

wrapped around her body, I wanted to unwrap her, kiss every inch of her skin and

make love to her all over again. “You smell like me.” I loved that. I loved that her

scent was now mixed with mine, like I had marked her. In some weird way, I was

proud. I was proud that this amazing woman with so much passion, strength, and

beauty would let me in. She welcomed me into her warmth and I was determined to

show her, for the rest of my life, just how much I worshiped her. She would never

again be lonely, scared, or want for anything. I would let her know just how much

she meant to me. Every breath I took would be for her, every action, every thought

for her and her alone.

Delilah’s smile deepened as her eyes closed and she nestled into my neck. Stray

strands of her hair danced on the breeze and curled around my face. Christ, how I

loved having her in my arms.

“What are you doing out here?” Delilah asked.

I sighed, hesitant to unload all of my baggage on her at once. “Got a phone call

from home. My dad needs some help.”

“Is he okay?” The concern bleeding from her eyes cracked open my heart.

“He’s okay right now, but I guess he’s having some issues…” I paused, unsure of

how to say the next part.

“You can tell me, no judgement.” She smiled softly before pressing a kiss to my


“My dad is an alcoholic.” I thrust a hand through my hair. “I’ve been sending him

money, more than enough to cover his bills, but apparently he’s not paying them.

He’s behind on the mortgage. I knew I should have just paid it off, but he insisted

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he didn’t want my money. God knows what he’s been doing with the money every

month, but one of his buddies gave me a call and said he’s been hanging out at the

local casino,” I finished, feeling a little lighter for having shared it with someone.

“I’m so sorry.” Delilah pushed a piece of hair off my forehead. I was so glad she was

here. Going back to my room alone last night had felt like a nightmare. I wanted to

lose myself in her, forget about all the tough stuff and just be us together.

“I don’t know what to do. The old man is so stubborn. It’s like he almost resents it

when I offer to help.”

“Has he ever gone to an AA meeting? Maybe that could help…”

“Nah, he refuses. People like him don’t need community support, he likes to say. I

don’t get it, but what I know for sure is this isn’t the right path. I haven’t even been

to see him in over a year, says he’s too busy for company.”

“Cash…that’s terrible.”

“I’m used to it. He’s been this way most my life. That’s even the reason I started

playing baseball. It was his favorite sport. The only time we ever spent time

together was in front of the TV watching the game. I thought if I played, he’d hang

out with me more, be proud of me, and for a while he was, at least I think so, but

the older he got, the more he started drinking, the less he cared. Then baseball

became my escape, suddenly it was something that was mine, and I didn’t want

him to have anything to do with it. Thank God for practice six nights a week—it

kept me out of that house where he was drinking himself to death.”

“What does your mom think?”

I looked up at the spray of silver stars in the sky and closed my eyes. “She died

when I was fifteen. A massive heart attack. He’s been worse since.”

Without words, Delilah wrapped her arms around my neck, holding on tightly as

my hands trailed around her back. I sucked in a deep breath, memories of little

league and home runs and hotdogs flooding my memories. Dad hadn’t always been

there, sometimes too drunk to even wake up in time, but Mom had always gone.

She’d sit in the bleachers every game those first few years, cheering me on, until

life had gotten the best of her. My mother was such a gentle and beautiful woman. I

missed her. I missed the sound of her voice, the way she always smelled like fresh-

cut violets, I even missed how she would scold me. I just missed her.

I’d raised myself after she died. My father had never really been a dad, but my

mom, she always made sure that I did the right thing, pushing me to succeed in

life. When she died I could have gone in so many directions, but to honor her

memory, I did the right things. I never wanted my mother to be ashamed of me. I

hoped that, wherever she was, she was smiling down on me and proud of the man

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she raised me to become.

“How can we help your dad?” Delilah asked a few minutes later.

“Well, I'm gonna call the bank in the morning and get his payments straightened

out. I’ll probably just pay off the damn house. I’m so sick of dealing with this. And

then I don’t have to worry about sending him checks that he’s spending God knows

where. But he won’t go to rehab, Delilah, I know him…”

“Maybe he could talk to an addiction specialist. Send one to his house, even just to

get a read on his situation.”

I nodded, her words sinking in. “That’s a good idea, I don’t even think he’d let me

in the house if I went.”

“You send him a check every month, but he won’t talk to you?”

I shook my head, feeling the sting of what seemed an impossible situation.

“Sometimes it’s easier to say nothing, I guess.”

“I know what you mean.” Her eyes turned away, her fingers twisting together

before she continued. “My dad played ball for a lot of years. My entire life was spent

on the ball field, and it seemed like he didn’t want anything to do with us unless we

were talking about baseball. He let the life get the best of him.” Delilah peered up

at me. “My dad spent the offseason drunk, running around on my mom. I think he

figured life wasn’t worth it if he wasn’t playing baseball.” Her beautiful lips turned

down sadly, and I wanted to kiss that sadness right off her face. “There were always

guys over at the house all hours of the night, I even caught him stumbling and

drunk with a groupie one night. It was bad. I swore I’d never subject myself to that

once I was old enough to leave. I swore I wouldn’t find myself in my mom’s

position, trying to tame a wild animal. He shouldn’t have had a family. He didn’t

know how to love them enough.”

I traced circles on her wrist, wishing more than anything I could find a way to take

away her pain. It all made so much sense now, the chip on her shoulder, her

aversion to ball players. She wasn’t kidding when she said she had triggers, it was

clear the scars from her past were deep. “You didn’t deserve that. Delilah.”

She pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear, looking everywhere but at me.

“Hey,” I caught her chin between my fingers. “I mean it, and I can promise you I’m

not that guy.”

“They all say that.” Her grin twisted ruefully.

“But they don’t all mean it.”

Delilah nodded, her eyes following mine before I wrapped her in my arms again,

pulling her against my body and kissing her. “Let’s forget about that right now. I’ve

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got you here, and I want to take advantage.”

Delilah giggled when I lifted her in my arms, standing from the chair and carrying

her back into the bedroom. “I have to say, I kind of like you taking advantage of


“Good, I need to do it a lot more.” I swallowed her giggle with my kiss, and just like

that, I was lost in her again.

We all have an addiction, and Delilah was mine.

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s the summer heat faded to a cool fall, the Timberwolves burned up the

scoreboard, landing themselves at the top of their league. They’d won game after

game for weeks, and if they maintained this pace, if I could continue to analyze the

figures and get the right players in the right position at the right time, we could win

the pennant, then go on to the World Series.

Navy blanketed the sky when I finally packed up my laptop, picking my way down

the stands to head back home after another game. The stadium was empty, the

quiet oddly comforting long after the lights were switched off. I hit the turf and

turned the corner into the hallway that lead to the underbelly of the stadium when I

ran a rock-hard body.

“Coach said you hadn’t left yet.” Cash’s hands held my face and kissed me long and

slow, butterflies battering up my throat as I wrapped my arms around his neck and

pulled him closer to me.

“Come with me,” he breathed, snagging my hand with his.

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“Bossy, huh, Greenwood?” I teased, but followed him anyway.

“I am, when I know what I want.”

“And that is?” I baited him.

Cash stopped when we reached the turf behind the pitcher's mound. Caressing my

face, he was kissing me again, fingertips working into my hair as our mouths

connected. I slid my hands between us, working the button of his baseball pants

open, then peeling the metal teeth of the zipper apart one by one.

“What are you doing, Delilah?” His ravaged voice caressed my ears.

“I want to drive you crazy.” I dropped to my knees, slipping my hand in his pants

and pulling his cock free. Thick and rock hard, I wrapped my fist around the base,

watching it jerk with the cool air and my touch. Adrenaline fueled my desire at the

thought of getting caught.

“You already drive me crazy,” Cash’s hips worked back and forth impulsively.

“Then hold on, Greenwood.” I grinned up at him before trailing my tongue up the

beautiful curve of his thick cock. Swirling along the ridge at his tip, he sucked in a

violent breath before his hands twined into my hair, holding me still.

Fisting my hand around his girth, I sucked my cheeks and pressed the tip of his

cock to the back of my throat, swallowing and enjoying the smooth groove of his

searing hot erection. I then pressed a hand between his legs, cupping his heavy sac

in my hand. Cash’s legs shook, his hands gripping at my temples as the sharp angle

of his jaw hardened with barely held control.

“I can't take your lips on me, sweetheart. It’s too much.” Heat radiated from his

touch, making me feel warm and safe and so loved. “I want to see you.” He slipped

out of my mouth and pushed me into the grass, his fingers already thumbing the

buttons through their holes on my shirt, pushing the fabric off my shoulders.

I suddenly felt so vulnerable. “What if there’s someone here still?”

“They can’t even see us out here, baby. All the lights are off. They’d have to

stumble over us to even notice.” His hands pulling down my pants in the next


ool air caressed my skin sending shudders through my body as his knuckles

brushed against me. Cash’s fingers slid down my pants and swirled arousal at the

burning bud of my clit. I arched, pushing my fingers through the strands of his hair

when his lips attached at my throat and sucked. Desire surged through me, tingling

and burning up my skin and making me feel a thousand different feelings in one


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“I’m useless when your hands are on me.”

One of his fingers plunged into my body, the invasion erotic as nerves burned up

with exquisite fire.

“That means I’m doing my job, then.” His fingers pushed in and out of my pussy,

his thumb swirling in fierce circles at my clit. Soft moans charged past my lips as all

the sensations flooding through me became too intense. My legs shook and my

fingernails crushed his shirt as I rode the rhythm of his hand, chasing a wave of

pleasure and coming ever closer to the crest.

Cash moved down my body, his nose tracing the indentation of my navel before

hovering over the bare skin of my pussy. He inhaled sharply, eyes burning as the

peered back at me before sliding his tongue between my thighs. With his fingers

pressing into my body, his tongue running flat against my clit, my nerves hummed

with fire until he drew a swift orgasm out of me. My chest heaving, I came down

from a high like I’d never experienced before, his hands roaming up my skin and

kissing my lips before I could even recover.

“I used to think baseball was the only thing I loved.” Cash caught my lips with his,

my arousal climbing higher with the taste of me on him. “But now it’s you. I don’t

want anything between us.” His cock pushed past my entrance, my body pulsing

with every nerve he touched.

“I haven’t been with anyone, just you, Cash.” I moaned when he seated himself

inside me, his hands clutching at my hips and holding me in place, his knees

digging into the turf as he pumped, his cock driving me to the jagged edge. Cash

hooked my knees around his biceps and pushed me further into the grass, every

inch of my skin buzzing with lust as his lips trailed down my neck, his mouth

sucking at my collarbone. One hand slipped between us and he was thumbing my

clit again.

“Come on my cock, Delilah. Soak me.”

My teeth clamped down as his thumb sped up, his cock angled and hitting a bundle

of nerves I didn’t even know existed. My nails dug into the flesh of his back, his

thumbs gripping my hips so firmly I thought he might leave bruises. His marks.

Delicious coils of lust unfurled in my belly at the thought. I wanted to be his, I loved

the thought of wearing a piece of him on me. My heart battered my rib cage wildly

as his tongue traced down my neck, between the flesh of my breasts, swirling at my

cleavage and catching a nipple between his teeth.

His dark eyes shimmered up at me, his hips sped up and he angled the base of his

cock at just the right angle to grate perfectly across my clit.

I sucked in frantic gulps of air, his body hard and damp with sex as he sucked on my

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nipple, jagged thrusts driving me over the edge. A tornado of lust spun through my

head as his thighs held him firmly, his cock jerking with waves of release. I could

show him what my words couldn’t say. He could feel it in those moments pulsing

between us.

“So fucking beautiful. Everything about you,” he murmured, his lips working

against my skin. “You make everything better.”

I hummed, trailing my fingertips across his shoulder before he leaned against me,

caging me in his arms and making me feel more loved and protected than I ever

had. I didn't know these feelings could exist, I’d spent so much of my life

protecting myself, building walls and keeping men out, that I hadn’t stopped to

think that maybe someone else could do a better job.

“Let’s go back to my place.” Cash threaded our fingers together and traced my

knuckles with kisses.

“I should go home...” I trailed off, not ready to leave him yet. If ever.

“No fucking way, babe. My home is yours now.”

“You’re insane, Cash,” I giggled, though warmth coated my stomach at his words.

“Really fucking insane...for you.” He placed a kiss on my lips, pulling my pants

back up my legs. “Get used to it.”

It may have been dark in that field, but I swear I saw his eyes sparkle with those

words. And I believed him. For the first time in so long, I gave myself up to fate,

followed my heart, and believed him.

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o play-offs!” Rod held a shot in the air, a small group to guys toasting around

the hotel bar. They’d won the last regular season game tonight, solidifying

their spot as lead champs, with only play-offs to come. I’d honed the stats and

finally felt like the team was working like a well-oiled machine. We also had a

better handle on the other teams in the league, which was good, because top of the

American League was the Blue Jackets, the team that’d crashed us four games in a


Cash slipped a hand around my waist, smiling deeply as the guys took their shots.

Cash wasn’t drinking. I think the situation with his dad had thrown him off for a

while. I knew he’d ended up paying off his father’s house just like he’d said he

wanted to do, but he hadn’t heard from his dad since. My heart ached for him. I

could see the pain haunting his eyes. He wanted a relationship with his dad, but

right now they were on two different levels.

One night Cash had wondered out loud if his dad even watched his games. I’d told

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him I was sure he did, but in reality, I didn’t know, because I couldn’t fathom a

parent so out of tune that they wouldn’t even care to. Cash was a gift on the field, a

star in the league. I know I couldn't keep my eyes off him when he played. My heart

hurt for Cash, because his past was so similar to my own. I understood his pain

probably better than any other. A father who wasn’t a dad was the worst kind of

abandonment. The love of a parent was supposed to be so absolute, that bond was

the strongest to forge us and yet for us, it was incredibly broken.

“Can we get your autograph?!” A group of giggling college girls sped up to Cash in

the hotel bar, thrusting out notepads and pens.

“Sure.” Cash’s lip twitched up in that flirty way as he looked at me and then pulled

me to him, as if claiming me in public. I liked the feeling that he was telling all

these women that I belonged to him and they didn’t stand a chance. I swear I

watched the girls almost melt in front of me. One even gave me a glare, but I

beamed, happy and content to be wrapped in his strong arms. I untangled myself

from him and backed away a few steps, letting them have their moment with Cash,

before the last girl, with fire in her eyes, pulled down the neck of her shirt and

pointed at her breast.

“Could you sign here?”

My mouth dropped open and my heart sank. These ball players were hounded by

beautiful women. How could anyone resist? They were younger, more beautiful,

wilder than me, I’m sure.

My stomach twisted painfully as I watched Cash take the pen from her hands. My

eyes shuttered closed as I imagined him signing her chest, her eyes doing that flirty

thing, his hands on her skin, her legs around his waist. Suddenly reality crashed

down all around me and the wreckage was unbearable. Cash Greenwood could have

any woman on the planet. Why would he be satisfied with Delilah Grey?

I’d walk in on them fucking in the locker room and my heart would shatter into a

thousand pieces at my feet.

What was I thinking?

He was a ball player.

I had to leave.

Without thinking, I sped away, punching at the elevator and willing the doors to

open before Cash could pull himself from the group of girls. The elevator doors

opened, and I turned just in time to watch them closing on Cash’s confused eyes.

Pain twisted in my gut as the elevator whirred up seventeen floors until I was safe

and alone and in my own room again.

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I fell onto the bed, my heart thundering as tears swelled in my eyes. Just as I was

about to unleash and sob uncontrollably, thinking I was repeating the very same

mistakes my mother had, a pounding echoed through the room.


“Go away, Cash!”

“Open this door!”

“Cash!” I screamed back, tears in my eyes. I didn’t know who I was angrier with,

him for not leaving me to lick my wounds, or myself for pushing him away.

“I’m not leaving until the door is open, and you know what happens if I don’t make

that flight home tonight. No play-offs tomorrow. We’ll both be camped out here

until I’m a starved and useless pile of nothing on the floor waiting for you,


I slid the chain across the door, then cracked it an inch. “I just need some time.”

“That’s bullshit. We both know what you want, and I’m damn sure it isn’t you up

here crying in bed.”

“I told you, I have a lot of triggers. This is wrong. We’re wrong. I know we’ve been

saying that all along, but tonight just reminded me—”

“Tonight? What the fuck happened tonight? Let me in and tell me what’s going on

in that head of yours.”

I shook my head as more tears welled in my eyes.

“Delilah.” His serious tone pulled me from my breakdown. I locked eyes with his,

and the way they bled compassion nearly unchained my heart completely. I

swallowed, taking a deep breath and thinking I was in uncharted waters here. I

opened the door and allowed him in.

“Now what the fuck was that about?” He entered the space, seeming to fill it up

with his intoxicating energy.

“I just…I have issues with…stuff.”

“I gathered.” He crossed his arms, tipping his head to the side as he waited.

“My dad played Major League.” Cash’s eyes widened with the revelation. “For

nearly three decades… My dad was Will Branch. The Will Branch.”

“Jesus, Delilah. I knew your dad played, but…” He trailed off. “Over 2000 RBIs Will


I nodded sadly, always hating this part. The wide-eyed, in shock, baseball royalty

part. My dad had the leading number of RBIs in the entire league, and had

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maintained that record up until recently. Someone I knew was inching closer to

that mark.

“Well I’m glad you told me, but it still doesn’t make a damn bit of sense why you

ran out on me.”

“My dad cheated, Cash. My mom stayed with him for years while he slept around

on her. He even picked me up from school once with a groupie in the front seat. I

was twelve.” That memory still cut deep. “He drank too much, he did a lot of coke,

and he liked women. I’m just too afraid to repeat that, Cash. That’s why I can’t be

with you. That’s why every nerve in my body may be screaming yes, but my brain is

telling me to stay as far the hell away as possible.”

“Christ, Delilah.” Cash circled me in his arms, drawing me close and forcing me to

melt into him. “I’m not him. You know me. Up until now I’ve never even looked

twice at a woman. Baseball is the only thing I loved, not booze, or drugs, or

groupies. You’ve been with me all season. You know me better than anyone. I

didn’t sign that girl’s chest, I signed a napkin. I would never disrespect or risk

losing you. Don’t you know by now that you are everything to me? When I’m with

you, Delilah, it’s like I’m home. When I look at you, I feel privileged that someone

so beautiful and so smart would want to be with me.

“Loving you is everything, Delilah. You once told me that I wanted you because you

played hard to get. But you, baby, you don’t play hard to get, you play hard to

forget. I am yours. I was yours yesterday. I am yours today. And it won’t matter if

you want me or not, sweetheart, because I will be yours tomorrow and for every

other day that I take a breath. You are it, the missing piece, my perfect half.

Without you, I am nothing, I have nothing.”

“I… Cash…”

“I know, baby.” He gently stroked my hair with his strong hands. “But you’ve gotta

try, for me, for us.”

Stray tears dripped onto his shirt, soaking into the fibers and leaving me breathless

with all the emotions swelling within me.

“I’m sorry I ran away. I never should have done that. I just saw those girls, and all I

could think about was my dad…”

“I know, baby. But I don’t like you running from me. I need you running to me,

then we’ve got a shot. I want to see you, and I want you to see me. I see all your bad

and good parts, and I want it all. I love it all. I am a greedy man, sweetheart, I want

every single inch of your heart, mind, body and soul.” He placed a kiss on my


“I hate when you’re so wise,” I sniffed, wiping at a tear.

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“I know you do.” He laughed. “We okay?”

I nodded, releasing him from my grasp and sitting on the bed. “We’ve got to be at

the airport in an hour.”

“So let’s get you packed.” He paused when I didn’t respond. “Hey.” He tipped my

chin up and placed a kiss on my lips. “I know this is hard for you, but we’ll take it

one day at a time. I can give up anything you need to make you more comfortable.

We’ll ease into this, okay? Time is what builds trust, and I got it in spades. I’ll be by

your side, or under you, but better yet on top or behind you.” Cash whistled as he

checked out my ass.

“You’re kind of incredible, Cash Greenwood.”

“So I’ve been told.” He winked.

“You really didn’t sign her boob?”

Cash burst into a laugh. “Nah, never signed a boob, though I’ve been asked a few

times. I wouldn’t mind signing yours, though.” He caught me in an embrace.

“Maybe tattoo my name right here.” He placed a kiss right above my boob.

“Not a chance, Greenwood.”

“What? You don’t want to wear my mark?” His finger trailed across my chest to

tease at the nipple peeking through my shirt.

“Maybe somewhere…a little lower.”

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onday morning before Delilah was even out of bed, my bed, I was pounding out

miles on the treadmill downstairs. She’d stayed with me all weekend after we had

gotten in from our long flight, and this week was the start of play-offs. We watched

games together, dissected plays and players, fucked like we would lose our minds if

we didn’t—and I was pretty sure I would—and spent every waking moment


I had to be at the field by one today, but I couldn’t miss a day on the treadmill, so

I’d pecked Delilah on the cheek, left her a note on the coffee pot because I knew

that would be her first stop in the morning, as was watching ESPN highlights while

I worked out.

Jogging on the treadmill got adrenaline coursing through my veins as I worked over

the game in my head. I liked to visualize victory, imagining the plays and all the

different possibilities. Just as I bumped up the incline, my phone rang in my gym

bag on the floor.

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I narrowed my eyes, wondering who in the hell would call this early. It wasn’t even

seven a.m., but I stopped to pick it up, anyway. Maybe it was Delilah telling me to

save my post-workout shower for her. I would be into that. I was into anything with


I answered on the third ring, prepared to hear her voice, but a stranger spoke.

“Cash Greenwood?”

“This is he.”

“I’m a nurse at Jacksonville General. Is Leonard Greenwood your father?”

A pit of dread formed in my stomach. “Yes.”

“There’s been an incident. The doctor would like to speak with you. Do you mind if I

put him on?”

By the time I’d hung up the call five minutes later, my chest ached, I felt out of

breath, and I was booking the first flight I could find to Florida.

I rubbed at the ache emanating from my chest as I rode the elevator up to my

apartment. I opened the door and went right for my room where Delilah still slept

soundly. With a gentle kiss, I woke her up, dreading telling her I would have to

leave her.

“Delilah, baby?” She roused, smiling when she spied me. “I’ve got to go to

Jacksonville. It’s my dad.”

“What?” She shot up, instantly awake. “What’s wrong?”

“Alcohol poisoning. Someone found him passed out in the front yard of his house.

I’ve got to go. I’m so sorry.”

“No, don’t be. I can come with you. Just give me five minutes to throw some stuff in

a bag.”

“No, Delilah, the team needs you. Play-offs start in a few days and I don’t know if

I’ll be back.”

“Cash, you have to be back.” Her eyes rounded. I knew I did. I was under contract to

play, unless I had an injury.

“I know. I’m going to do my best, but I’ve got to get down there and help him. And

you’ve got a job to do here. Do your best for the team while I’m away. I need you

here so I can take care of stuff there.”

Delilah frowned, her eyes burning into me. She wrapped me in a hug and I held her

like that for long minutes, not caring that the car was probably just pulling up

outside to take me to the airport.

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I fucking hated leaving her. Now of all times, just when we were good, just when

play-offs were starting, just when life was seeming to finally work out for me.

“Call me every night, okay?”

“I won’t be gone a minute longer than I have to,” I reassured her, kissing her

slowly, trying my best to leave my imprint on her lips.

“I love you, Cash.”

My heart thundered at her words. “I love you so damn much, Delilah.”

We rested our foreheads together, sharing the last few stolen moments before we’d

have to be a country apart. “Watch out for Rod for me, ‘kay? He acts tough, but he

really isn’t.”

“We’ll be fine here. Go help your dad.”

I stood, wishing she was coming with me. “You’ve got the keys right? Stay here. I’ll

feel better knowing you’re at my place.”

“Sure thing, boss.” She smiled, trying to lighten my mood. I grinned, pulling her in

for one last long kiss. “See you soon?”

“It won’t be too long, baby. I can’t spend too many nights without you in my

arms,” I said, leaving her all alone in my bedroom, all alone in my apartment, all

alone while I went to deal with old baggage. All I really wanted to do was stay there

with her and create happy new memories to drown out all the darkness from our


he car service pulled up outside Jacksonville General later that day. I threw my

bag over my shoulder, then walked in, anxious for details on my father’s condition.

“Leonard Greenwood?” The woman behind the desk typed into her computer.

“Looks like you missed him by a few hours. He checked himself out this morning.”

“What? I was just on the phone with his doctor. I thought they were keeping him.”

“Well, this doesn’t give me details, but if that’s the case, he may have left against

doctor’s wishes. It’s not uncommon.”

“Christ, that old bastard,” I grit, spinning and heading back out where I’d come

from, hailing the driver that was just about to pull away. “1525 Casnovia, please.”

“Change of plans?” the driver inquired with a nod.

“Something like that,” I murmured as the car took off again, headed for my

childhood home. The one I hadn’t stepped inside of in over a year.

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So much for leaving the past in the past. I was about to confront it head-on, and I

had no idea what I might find.

“You need me to hang around?” the driver asked a few minutes later as he pulled

up to the curb of my father’s house. I looked at the ill-maintained lawn, weeds

growing everywhere, my father's old Ford parked in the driveway.

“Nah, thanks, though.” I handed him an extra tip before getting out, my feet heavy

with dread. This place felt oppressive. I’d felt it as a kid, and it still weighed on me


My father had pretty much locked himself up in that place after my mom passed,

and if I had to guess, I’d bet he checked himself out of the hospital to go have a


I knocked once on the front door, hoping for a quick resolution so I could get on the

next plane back home. After all, I had a girl and play-offs to think about.

“What?” my father’s haggard voice called as the door swung open. “You gotta be

shittin’ me.”

“Hey, Dad.”

“You can turn right around the way you came from. Go back to that fancy life you

got and mind your own business. Thought I told the hospital not to call.”

“You were unconscious, Dad. They had to call someone.”

“I'm fine.” He shifted his arm, and I noticed for the first time the small amber

bottle. He’d stopped at the liquor store on the way home. Not even noon and he was

already wasted.

“I’m just here to help. Anything you need, you know I’ll do what I can.”

“Don’t want your help.”


“Listen, boy, I don’t know what brought you all the way down here, but I sure as

hell know it wasn’t me, considering you ain’t been down here in a year.”

“You can’t even be bothered to pick up the phone!” I cried, feeling like I was twelve

and we were having a row again. This was exactly why I hadn’t come back. “I knew

it was gonna be like this.”

“What? You expect me to be grateful you came to play the hero, sit by my bedside

and feed me soup?” My father shook his head. “You know things ain’t been normal

between us since your momma died. I made peace with it a long time ago. Can’t

turn back time, son.”

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“I never asked you for anything, you know. Not a damn thing,” I grit between my


“Like hell you didn’t!”

“Like what?” I challenged him as his hazy eyes swam back at me.

“You asked for more than I could give.” He shook his head.

“Love? A father? That’s all I recall ever wanting from you.”

My father shook his head, rubbing at his forehead wearily, then swiped the keys

from the counter and pushed past me onto the porch.

“Where ya going? What do you need? I’ll go to the store for you.”

“Not going to the store. Get out of my way.”

I thought fast and pulled the keys from his hands, sending him spinning before he

righted himself on the porch and leveled me with his gaze. “Give me my keys back,


“I can’t. You’ve got no business driving. You almost killed yourself last night, and

you may do it again if you get into that truck.”

“Bullshit! What do you know? You’re never here, bailed on me the first chance you


The old man swiped the keys from my hands, shoving me into a porch beam as he

did. I shook my head, following him when he reached his truck. I caught the door

just as he was about to slam it, wrenching it open and doing my best to wrangle the

keys from him. The old man slammed the door on my hand instead.

“Fuck!” I swore, feeling the muscles in my hand swell instantly. My catching hand.

Jesus Christ this was bad, and he was so wasted he didn’t even register that he’d

done it. “Don’t fucking do it, old man.” I pulled the door open just as the truck

roared to life. My father’s eyes held mine for a long moment before he stomped on

the clutch and threw the shifter into gear, backing out and leveling me with the

driver side door as he did.

My head slammed against the concrete, and then everything faded to black.

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he first night Cash didn’t call, I knew something was wrong.

The next morning, I woke up terrified. I had a feeling down deep inside that things

in Jacksonville had gone horribly wrong, and it drove me insane waiting to hear

from him. I walked the hallways with him on my mind, flicked through old baseball

replays to try to distract myself, even did my best to keep my head in the statistics

and try to make some projections, but it felt odd having Cash gone.

It just wasn’t like him not to call. I hadn’t wanted to be that girl that rings up her

guy’s phone in the middle of the night just to make sure the damn phone was

working, but I really wanted to hear from him. I really wanted to hear the smooth

buttery tone of his voice. I wanted to hear that deep chuckle that radiated straight

between my legs.

I wanted him to tell me not to worry, because that was something else I wasn’t good

at—not worrying. That’s why I had a head for numbers. They were solid, no

variables, work hard, see immediate results. It was comforting, but having Cash

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gone threw me off my game.

It was also driving Coach insane that he was gone. The entire team relied on Cash to

be their leader, like a team captain, he guided the team. Everyone, especially Rod,

was lost without him.

By the time the sun set on the evening of his second night gone, and after a few

unanswered phone calls, I was on my laptop booking a flight to Jacksonville. I’d

managed to get my hands on the player records and had scrounged up an old

address that may have been his father’s, or so I hoped, before I boarded my flight.

Now, immediately upon arrival, I was taxiing down the runway thinking I had to do

what I could to get Cash safe and home and ready for the play-offs. I called the

number listed in his emergency file, hoping his father would pick up, or that

someone would tell me what was going on, but after six rings I was convinced no

one was home and I was just wasting my time even being down here.

As I was about to hang up, the phone picked up and I heard a grunt.

“Uh, hello? Len Greenwood?”

“Who is it?”

“My name is Delilah. I’m a friend of your son’s. I’ve been trying to get a hold of


“He’s in the hospital.” The phone went dead.


The hospital?

I choked on my sob, my stomach rolling with cold fear.

“We have to go to the hospital.” Tears rained down my cheeks as the taxi driver

nodded, changing lanes and turning to go back the way we’d come.

“Everything all right, ma’am?”

“No, no, I was a fool to let him go alone. Maybe I could have helped, and now he’s

in the hospital and no one even knew!” I babbled on, my heart aching with every


By the time I looked up a minute later, we were pulling up to the hospital entrance,

and I was tossing twenties at the driver as I ran into the hospital.

“Cash Greenwood. Please tell me Cash Greenwood is here.”

“Oh, Cash?” The first floor receptionist’s smile brightened. “He’s on the third

floor. Let me just get his room number…” Her voice faded behind me as I punched

the button on the elevator, cursing it for taking so long.

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I waited, twisting my hands together as the elevator rose, bursting through the

doors once it finally come to a stop on the third floor. Without even thinking to

stop and ask at the nurse's station, I sped down the hallway, looking in every room,

glancing at the dry-erase boards with patients’ names on them. A few giggles came

from down the hallway as a nurse exited a room. That was probably Cash’s room.

Only he could send grown women into a tittering teen-girl mess.

“Cash?” I ducked in, sighing when my eyes landed on him. He was lying back in

bed, his hand wrapped in white gauze, a boot on his ankle. “Oh my God, what


“Delilah?” Cash asked, eyes wide as if he didn’t believe I was really there. “Jesus,

the hospital has been trying to call you ever since I woke up, but there was no


“I was on a plane. I saw the missed calls, but didn’t recognize them. And woke up?

What do you mean woke up? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just a sprained wrist, and a pretty bad bone bruise on my ankle. And I

have a bump on my head.”

“God, what did you do?” I went to the bed, wrapping him in my arms and sobbing.

“My dad…” Cash’s voice was laced with pain. “My dad hit me with his truck. I was

trying to stop him from leaving. He was drunk,”

“Oh God, Cash. I knew I should have come. How are you feeling? When can you

leave? And what about play-offs?”

“I’m gonna miss a few games, but the doctor thinks I might be able to play in two

weeks. I’m hoping, anyway.”

“Two to four I said. Are you the lovely Delilah he’s been going on about?”

I turned to find a doctor in the room. “Yes, that’s me.”

“Glad you’re here. He has been out of his mind asking for you. We’re releasing him

soon, I know he wants to hop on a plane and get back, but he’s going to need your


“Anything, just tell me what to do.”

“I’ll have the nurse go over his discharge papers with you, but it was a near miss.

He hit his head. We were worried about a concussion for a while there, but he’s out

of the danger zone.”

I listened as the doctor began talking to Cash, warnings about resting a lot the next

few weeks. I’d almost lost him before we’d even had a chance to start; we’d nearly

lost it all.

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“Mr. Greenwood?” A nurse popped her head in, interrupting my thoughts. “You’ve

got a guest. Okay if I let him in?” I shrank from her arched eyebrow. “You’re a

popular man, Mr. Greenwood.”

“Sure, thanks, Mrs. McCarty.” Cash’s eyes grew round.

“Thanks for seeing me, son.” I turned to find the old man whose voice I recognized

from the phone call.

“You landed me here, I’ve got nothing to say to you.” Cash’s gaze was hard,


“Well, I’ve got a few things to say to you. I resented you, Cash. When you left, lived

all those big dreams you had, I didn’t handle it well.”

I shrank back against the wall, wishing I could disappear, wondering if I should

interrupt them to excuse myself. This was a conversation that needed to happen, I

just didn’t want to witness it.

“I haven’t been a father to you.” Cash’s dad advanced farther into the room, his

body slow and hunched with age and drink. He reeked of alcohol—he really was a

barely functioning alcoholic. “I’m real sorry I couldn’t keep it together after your

mom was gone. I think she was the glue our family needed, and without her…I just

let you go, son.” I heard the tears echo in the old man’s throat when he finally

reached the bed. “I’m real sorry, Cash. I thought by staying away I was keeping you

safe. I can’t hurt you if I’m not around you.”

Cash’s eyes roamed up and down the old man’s face, pain slicing his features. His

eyes looked like those of a little lost boy who’d been hurt one too many times.

“I’m gonna stop drinking, son. I’m done.” Cash’s father paused, then turned and

caught my eye. “I see the love for you in this woman’s face, you know I’ve lived my

whole life never realizing just what it was that made life worth living.” He nodded,

then turned back to his son. “It’s love, boy. Love for your family and the love of a

good woman.”

Cash’s fingers were twitching against the white sheet as he lay battered in the

hospital bed, hit by the very man who was supposed to spend his life protecting

him. I didn’t know if Cage would have the courage to forgive him and move on, and

I wouldn’t judge him if he didn't, but I knew his empathy was deep.

“I’m checking into the detox facility they have downstairs. Nurse McCarty here was

telling me all about it.” The old man nodded at the nurse who had reappeared at the

door behind him.

“Told him we can get him in tonight,” Mrs. McCarty confirmed.

“I’m not asking for miracles, son. But I know I’ve done wrong by you, and I want to

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start doing right.”

My heart almost shattered when I saw Cash’s face turn up in the smallest of smiles.

“That’s all I want, Dad. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

“I love you, boy.” Cash’s dad leaned down, wrapping Cash in a weak hug and

patting his back. I watched as Cash’s eyes swam with some sense of emotional

healing. He’d been waiting his whole adult life for this moment, and he deserved it.

I backed away, preparing to give them some privacy, but Cash stopped me. “Dad,

I’d like you to meet Delilah.”

“Hi.” I smiled, feeling the heat of being caught burn up my cheeks.

“Hope you’re gonna put a ring on that, son.”

My mouth dropped open, and Cash started chuckling. “Have plans to, sir.”

“After baseball season?”


“Wait a minute!” I shrieked. “You’re gonna ask me to marry you before the end of

this season?”

“Well, now you’ve ruined the surprise.”

“Cash! That’s a few weeks away!”

“I know, I was wondering how I was gonna wait that long, too.”

I laughed, shaking my head as happy tears streamed down my cheeks.

Cash pulled me into his lap, one hand in my hair as his lips touched mine. “There’s

no crying in baseball, Ms. Grey.”

e flew back home on a red-eye, Cash was anxious to get into rehab since he still

hoped to finish out the season. Play-offs were just starting, and while he’d

definitely be missing the next few weeks’ worth of games, he was hoping to play at

least the last few, as long as the team got that far.

Depending on how the series went, he only had a handful of weeks to get back into

playing shape before the Timberwolves would get their chance to play against the

other leading team in the World Series.

“This boot pisses me off. Shouldn’t I be walking on it to speed recovery?”

“Um, no. Not according to the doctor, you shouldn’t.”

Cash sat on my couch, baseball game on TV while he munched on sunflower seeds.

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“Maybe I should get a second opinion.” He tossed a few more seeds into his mouth.

“The doctor said you’ll be fine, but you have to rest it.” I lifted his leg gently,

propping it under a pillow to keep it elevated.

“I can’t stay cooped up like this, Delilah. You know, he could have taken away my

career. I try not to think about it, just stay focused on getting better and be thankful

that it wasn’t worse, but it’s not easy.”

“I know, baby.” I frowned, thinking how hard this must be on him emotionally. His

dad and him had had the healing conversation in the hospital, but Cash had years

of built-up bitterness to shed. “Keep in mind that wasn’t really him, though. That

was the alcohol.”

“But it was him,” Cash insisted. “That’s the only father I’ve known, someone

drunk and angry and dangerous.”

“I know it’s hard, but just remember he’s trying. That’s the best you can hope for,

and trying is more than a lot of people manage. It’s been a week, he’s been calling

regularly. This might be the thing that turns him around, Cash. Truly.”

“I keep thinking that. It feels too good to be true, though.” He pushed a hand

through his hair. “I’ve been waiting my whole life for him to change. What’s

different now?”

“He almost lost his son,” I reminded him. Cash’s eyes peered up at me, swirling

with emotion. Sitting on this couch had gotten him thinking a lot, and I wasn’t sure

that was the best thing. Cash was a guy who liked action, he liked to be doing

something. Just sitting all day wasn’t enough for him.

“Take me with you.” Cash’s tugged me down against his body. I wished I could keep

him with me at all times. Him flying off to Florida by himself had caused this all in

the first place. I knew it was silly to think that I could have changed the outcome in

any way, but the fear that had clutched at my heart when I’d learned he was in the

hospital had been like another side of hell. I never wanted to live through that


I wrapped my legs around his on instinct. “I’m pretty sure this doesn’t fall under

doctor’s orders.”

“I’m not good at following orders.” Cash’s lips brushed against my neck. I

smoothed my hands through his hair as he captured my lips in a soft kiss. “Take

me to the ball field with you today.”

“Cash!” I huffed, pulling away from his deceptive kiss. “Stop trying to blackmail

me into giving in. You’ve got a checkup next week. Don’t rush it, or you might

regret it.”

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“I’m going crazy sitting on this couch all day!” Cash locked my fingers in his and

pulled me back against his lips. “The only bright spot is the fuck-hot nurse I lucked

out with.”

I grinned against his lips, succumbing to his touch when his hands raked down my

waist and fisted at the cheeks of my ass. “You’re not being a very good patient.”

“Give me a chance to try better. I may have a bum leg, but I’m pretty talented with

my fingers.” Cash slipped a palm down the waistband of my pants and under my

underwear. My heart hummed with love for him, his touch, everything about him.

“I’ve got to get to work, Cash Greenwood. Coach doesn’t like when I’m late.”

“Well, I don’t like when you leave.” Cash gripped my ass cheeks harder, dragging

his teeth across my bottom lip and convincing me that being late didn’t sound so

bad right now.

“The field is weird without you there,” I pouted, my heart falling when I thought of

how much I’d grown used to him around every day. Sure, he was staying at my place

while he rehabilitated, but I was at the stadium five or six hours every day without

him. The job felt a little hollower without him around goading me. “I think Rod said

he’d stopped by and hang out with you today.”

“He’s not as pretty as you are,” Cash teased sliding a finger under the elastic of my

panties. “Plus, all he talks about is Gina now. I’m glad he’s found someone, but I

think he handed over his balls to her.”

“Cash!” I swatted at his arm, erupting into giggles.

“Call in and stay with me today.” He wrapped a palm around my neck and pulled

me in for another, deeper kiss. Our tongues swirled together, his fingers dancing

across my skin, and the only thing in my head was that I wanted to pull off my

pants and slide down onto him right there, window and work be damned.

“Rod will be here any minute, he doesn’t have to be in to practice until later.” I

pulled away slowly, rubbing my body along every hard, solid inch of him.

A low groan escaped from Cash’s lips as he watched me, his beautiful eyes dark

with sexual tension. I turned, breaking eye contact and sliding my laptop bag over

my shoulder.

“At least a goodbye kiss?”

I paused, pursing my lips at him. “If I come back over there, I won’t leave.”

“That’s what I’m planning on.” His eyes did that sparkling thing I loved. He tossed

one arm over his head as he stared up at me, the taut muscle pulling at his T-shirt.

Stubble covered his jawline, and I almost found myself locking the door, crawling

back to him, and ignoring Rod when he showed up in favor of lying naked on this

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couch all day with my strong, handsome ball player.

“See you later, playboy.” I blew him a kiss, scurrying out the door before he could

use his devilish hands and convincing words on me again.

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hink we’ve got time for a quickie?” Cash’s arms snaked down my waist, hands

crawling up my thighs and pushing up the hem of my dress. His cold fingers

dusted under the elastic of my panties, sending a flurry of excitement skidding

through my veins.

“We definitely don’t have time,” I murmured, eyes glancing down the long, dark

hallway we’d ducked into. “The guys are already warming up.”

“They can wait while I make you cum.” His fingertips glanced across the hot seam

of my pussy.

“Cash…” I mumbled before his lips crashed against mine, our tongues burrowing

together. “You should go.”

He pulled away, his intense eyes burning with desire. “You should cum.”

I tucked my bottom lip between my teeth as his fingers swirled over my clit, one

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long finger sinking deep inside me. The cold wall at my back sent lightning bolts of

frenzied lust through my nerves, my thighs shaking when Cash sucked the flesh of

my neck between his lips. Razors sliced through my muscles with every

overwhelming pulse of my release. Fingernails clutching into the stark white

baseball jersey that hung at his shoulders, I shuddered. “Oh my God, Cashhhh.”

His fingertips slowed, and he removed his hand from beneath my dress and licked

off each of his fingers. “Getting you off in public just became my new favorite


“I don’t know if I should be worried or thankful.”

“Mm, very thankful.” His thumb dragged down my lips, the taste of me on his skin

spurring new shockwaves of arousal through me. “Let’s say we skip the game…”

“The World Series?” I giggled, curling a hand around his neck and pulling him in

for a kiss. “Not on my watch. Go get ’em, Greenwood.”

Cash gave me a cocky half-grin and stole one more kiss. Then, our hands locked,

pulled us down the hallway and out into the vibrant stadium lights. The rumble of

the crowd, like a living breathing thing, pulsed in the rows of seats above us. As we

reached the edge of the field, Cash pulled me out into the dirt with him, giving a big

wave to the crowd.

My heart pounded wildly as the crowd cheered, the opening lines of Greenlight

pouring out of the speakers for their favorite golden boy.

Cash had come a long way to get to here. From getting wheeled out of the hospital a

month ago, through hours of rehab and days of intense practices, he was sprinting

and pitching better than he ever had, and I didn’t even think that was possible.

Cash was ready for this. He was born for this moment.

He turned to me, eyes sparkling with amusement as he brought my hand to his lips

and placed a kiss across my knuckles. I beamed back, happiness pouring through

my veins with every look he gave me.

“I love you, Delilah Grey,” Cash murmured against my neck then dropped to one

knee in the dirt. My mouth dropped open as my hands trembled.

“I can’t believe you,” I breathed, shock settling in when he reached into the pocket

of his pants and revealed a dainty leather box. “Cash…”

“I know something good when it smacks me in the face, and nothing has affected

me quite like you have, Delilah. I want to be the man who puts a smile on your face

every day.” He pulled the sparkling canary diamond from its pillow and slid it onto

my finger. “Will you be my wife?”

I swallowed the lump in my throat, the crowd screaming and clapping around us,

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the smell of the dirt and the turf curling my insides, and him, Cash Greenwood

asking me to marry him at the final game of the World Series.

It all felt so fast, and it all felt so perfect.


Tears streamed down my cheeks when he shot from his knee and wrapped me in

his arms, lifting me in his embrace and swinging me in a slow circle. “You’re my

entire world.”

Cash pulled away, placing another sweet kiss across my knuckles, the stadium

lights refracting the large cushion diamond that occupied my ring finger. “Now

everyone knows you’re mine.”

I grinned, wrapping my arms around his neck and whispering, “You’re infuriating,

Cash Greenwood. But it just so happens I like being yours.”

With our hands locked, Cash escorted me to my seat behind the dugout, the people

around my seat beaming with love-drunk eyes at Cash’s little display. He was their

golden boy, and now they loved him even more, I’m sure.

Cash had a way with people, the charm oozing out of him and drawing everyone

into his energy.

I settled into my seat, pushing up my laptop as the game unfolded. Cash went up to

bat in the third inning, and the stadium played Crazy in Love by Beyoncé for his

walk-up song. I laughed out loud, watching Cash grin and send me a wave, then

crouch down into his batting position. The first pitch landed outside the box, but

the second Cash swung, following through with more power than I’d ever seen him

use, and launching the ball to far right field, the ball clearing the fence and

disappearing into the crowd.

Cash ran the bases, sending two more of his teammates to home plate in the

process. The crowd jumped to their feet in a standing ovation. Two-five,

Timberwolves were ahead.

I waited on the edge of my seat as the next few innings passed. Cash hadn’t pitched

yet, I knew Coach was saving his arm for the last few innings, if needed. At the

bottom of the seventh, Rodriguez went out to bat, smashing another home run into

the stands and running the bases with a cocky grin on his face.

I’d gotten to know Rod a lot over the past few weeks. He’d made a point of stopping

over at Cash’s almost every day, bringing dinner, talking baseball, spotting him

while he lifted weights. When I’d first met Rod, he was all arrogant machismo, but

getting to know him better had shown me a more tender side. And I was shocked to

learn that he was still seeing Gina fairly often. It made me think he had a soft spot

for her, despite the fact that he still talked about other women like a cut of meat.

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But something told me Gina was different for him, and that only made me even

more curious to finally meet her.

In the eighth inning, the other team had closed the gap. With a score of 6-7, we

were too close for comfort to losing the game, so just as expected, Coach sent Cash

onto the field. Greenlight pumped through the speakers as Cash jogged to the

pitcher’s mound, his arms swinging when he got there. I watched silently, and as if

the entire stadium had frozen, Cash threw his first pitch. A curveball that went

wide before sliding back in, and it did its job. The batter swung and missed. Cash

threw two more, and the batter swung and missed every time. I cheered and

jumped on my feet when Cash struck out every batter they threw at him, until it

was time for the Timberwolves to bat again.

I watched as Cage sat on the bench, the live feed on the jumbotron zeroing in on his

angular face, hat pulled low over his eyes as he watched the field intensely. I wished

his dad could be here to see him, but I had no doubt he was watching it on TV from

his place in the inpatient facility. Cash and his father were working at mending

their relationship, and even when Cash was busy in rehab getting his body where it

needed to be, his dad called most days of the week just to chat.

I knew Cash was the happiest he’d ever been, his life finally feeling more balanced.

The situation with his dad was something that had weighed on him even when he’d

insisted it hadn’t. The love was on his face, and right now he was intensely focused

on the game because he loved it. He loved everything about it. He lived and

breathed this sport, and when he wasn’t playing it, he lived and breathed me.

I glanced down at the sparkling diamond, thinking how nice it would be to run

down to the beach and have a small wedding once his dad was finished with his

first ninety days. He was already like night and day from the first time I’d met him.

I’d even talked to Cash’s dad on the phone a few times, and I knew he’d really

turned a corner, and hurting Cash, threatening the very thing Cash loved the most,

had shaken him from the drunken stupor he’d been living in.

He was confident he’d stay clean this time, and just the way he said it, just the way

he was so open and repentant, made me believe it was true. Cash and his dad

taught me that miracles can happen, people do change, and love is all that matters

at the end of the day—love for family, love for one another, love for the game.

Cheers from the crowd interrupted my thoughts as Rodriguez trotted to home

plate. His walk-up song, Black Betty, made me roll my eyes, but I was cheering

wildly a moment later when he drove a ball to center, sending a teammate to home

plate and landing on first himself. Cash followed him up to bat, and as the crowd

went wild, the pitcher threw him a slider that any player could have missed, but

Cash connected with. Sending a long ball into the outfield, Rod scored and Cash

landed on third.

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I twisted my hands together, realizing this was the last chance we had to pull

ahead. With zero outs, another teammate went to bat and sent a drive to left field,

whirring past Cash’s head before dropping to the ground. Cash ran for home,

sliding in just a moment before the catcher landed the ball in his glove. The ump

called safe and the crowd cheered.

Just as the catcher threw the ball back to the pitcher, Rod stole third, causing the

crowd to roar. With one more inning to pitch, I started packing up the stuff in my

bag and preparing to run down to the dugout and launch myself into Cash’s arms as

soon as he was done.

He jogged out into the field, a smile bright on his face before he seemed to land on

something unexpectedly, his ankle twisting and a grimace of pain lacing his face.

He recovered swiftly, and thankfully most of the crowd hadn’t noticed, but I had.

Something had happened. And I knew him. He wouldn’t say anything and get

through these last few pitches. He wanted to give the crowd what they wanted, and

what they wanted was their star pitcher throwing the last inning.

I chewed on my bottom lip, frozen as Cash reached the pitcher's mound, his feet

shifting back and forth as he was trying to work out the pain that seemed to be

there. The catcher shot symbols between his legs and Cash made a few movements

with his hat to indicate what kind of ball he was throwing. Cash was going with a

breaking ball, something that would drop as it grew closer to the batter, causing

them to swing lower than necessary and miss.

The catcher shot a few more symbols to Cash, telling him to go with a floater, but

Cash and I had studied this batter, knew what he swung at, knew what faked him

out. The breaking ball was the way to go. Launch it fast and watch it drop as it

reached home plate.

I shifted in my seat, waiting impatiently as Cash finally looked away, his arm

swinging back, the deft twitch of his wrist told me exactly what he was going to do.

The batter watched the fastball coming at him, seemingly aimed for his head,

before he stepped back and dropped to the ground, thinking he was narrowly

avoiding a ball meant for his head, when at the last minute it dropped and slid

through the safety zone.

First ball.

I cheered, thinking Cash knew exactly what he was doing and what we’d spent the

time studying. Cash knew his analytics about as well as I did at this point. All those

late nights spent watching ESPN and talking about the players were paying off right


I grinned when Cash threw another ball, this time curving it far left. Then he threw

the third ball, and the batter connected with it, sending it bouncing out to

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shortstop where it was caught and thrown to first to give them their first out.

Cash threw to four more players, only one of them scoring, when another batter

trotted to home plate. Cash walked a circle around the pitching mound, loosening

his shoulders, favoring his left ankle a little more every step.

Shit, he was hurt. Maybe I should tell Coach to pull him, but if I knew Cash, he

wouldn’t do it. He’d been prepping all season for this game and there was no way

he would let a bruised ankle stop him from pitching.

I swallowed the lump in my throat when Cash threw another fastball, his gaze

intense and his jaw clenched tight. He was in pain, I could see it on his face. He was

pitching the best game of his life and he was suffering through it. Another

curveball, and with only one more strike out, the crowd held their breath as Cash

wound up for what we were all hoping was the final throw of the game. He twisted

back, launching the ball as his leg twisted, the grimace on his face upon release all I

needed to see. Without watching what came next, I launched out of my seat and

made my way down the bleachers to run into the dugout.

The crowd was cheering, but I only had eyes for Cash.

He’d struck the batter out. The Timberwolves had won the World Series.

Players swarmed the field and were celebrating, Cash was enveloped in the fold of

white-uniformed bodies as confetti and balloons released into the air. Camera

crews flooded the field, microphones thrust in players’ faces. I still couldn’t see

him through the swarm of people.

I had to see him.

Weaving through the sea of players and reporters, I came to the pitching mound,

finally catching sight of his tall form in the sea of white.

“Cash!” I called, sprinting the distance between us, until his arm snaked around

me and pulling me into a hug.

“We did it.”

“You did good, baby.” I kissed him on the lips. “How’s your ankle?”

Cash’s gaze darkened, though the smile was still imprinted on his face. “Little

tender.” He shook his head. “But we won the fucking World Series!”

He laughed, pulling the ball cap from his head and throwing it up into the air. I’d

never seen Cash Greenwood more alive. I don’t know what I’d been thinking

avoiding him just because he was a ball player, because we lived for this game. I

lived and breathed the ball field, knew my way around the sport as well as any of

these guys, and it made me feel alive, too. I was wrong to deny it, wrong to judge

the sport based on the bad experiences I’d had with my father.

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Instead of denying my love for this sport, and one very special ball player in it, I

should have embraced it.

Now I was.

I’d found myself again when I’d found Cash.

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can’t wait to peel this off you later.” I hooked a finger in the very low neckline

of Delilah’s dress and pulled the fabric down to give me more of a view of her

beautiful tits.

“Hands off, handsome.” Delilah swatted my hand away, and my dick throbbed


“Listen, wife…” I pulled her against my body, grinding my cock against all that

pretty lace and sucking her bottom lip between my teeth. “You made me wait a year

to marry you, I want to enjoy the spoils.”

“You’re an arrogant bastard, Cash Greenwood,” she purred, her teeth latching onto

my ear and tugging. I dipped my hands below the soft curve of her ass, fisting at her

pretty cheeks and anxious as hell to finally be alone with her.

“I’m your arrogant bastard.”

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“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Delilah ran a hand down the front of my pants,

making contact with my dick.

“Naughty Mrs. Greenwood.” I dragged a thumb across the hard outline of her

nipple through the pure white wedding dress she wore.

“Mm, I really like the sound of that.”

“Which part? The naughty or taking my last name?” I growled. I liked her having

my last name a hell of a lot.

“Both.” I gripped her hips, prepared to lift up that dress and show her just how

naughty we could be, when I heard a soft shuffle from behind me.

“Congratulations, son.” My dad held out a hand.

I detached myself from Delilah, circling her with one arm as I replied, “Thanks,


“I know you’ve got big plans, I just wanted to say thank you for letting me be here. I

can't tell you how much it means to me.” Dad looked from me to Delilah. “I know

you’ll take care of my boy.” His eyes looked watery when he turned back to me.

“And you damn sure better take care of her, or you’ll have to answer to me.”

“Got it.” I nodded, recognizing that he was using humor to divert from the emotion

threading his voice. Delilah and I had both had a tough time with our fathers, and

sadly hers had passed away before she had a chance to heal, but for that reason

she’d pushed me to mend fences, and in all honesty, it hadn’t been hard since he’d

stopped drinking. He’d been sober for more than year now, and we were both so

much better because of it.

“I know we’ve been through a lot, son. I’ll spend all the rest of my days with

regrets. I’m not sure if I ever told you this, but I’m proud of you, Cash.” He

smacked me on the shoulder.

He’d never told me that before. And in some small way I figured it was for the best.

He’d withheld his approval and lit a fire under my ass to gain it. “I wouldn’t be the

man I am today without you, Dad.”

He pulled me in for a hug, and as Delilah swept away tears as she looked on, my

heart felt fuller than I’d ever known possible. She’d saved me from myself, her

support and love the two priceless gifts I’d been waiting a lifetime for. I was sure

life couldn’t get any better.

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clutched at his palm, my feet giving way to sand as Cash pulled me through the

dark. “How much farther?”

“Shh, good things come to those who wait.”

Wasn’t that the truth?

We hit the flat ground, my feet shuffling through the blond crystals with less

difficulty when Cash spun me, covering my eyes with his palm. “Ready for your


“Born ready, Cash Greenwood.”

“Happy anniversary, Delilah.” Cash removed his hand, pulling me around the

corner of an embankment of rocks jutting out onto the beach. A billowing white

tent sat perched high on the shoreline, rolling dunes and sea grass surrounding it,

the interior lit with dozens of candles emitting a soft yellow glow.

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“This is magical.” I stepped forward in awe, my fingertips tracing the wisps of

white dancing on the beach breeze. “I can’t believe you did all of this.”

“The guys told me the second anniversary is big.” Cash pulled me inside the tent

filled with mounds of pillows, a large bed piled high with fluffy white linens that

looked softer than a cloud.

“You are incredible. I’m the luckiest woman on earth.” I wrapped my arms around

his neck and kissed along his steel-carved and stubbled jawline. “I love you so


“I love you a thousand times more, baby. Don’t ever doubt that.”

“Never, Cash Greenwood.” I hummed when he lifted me in his arms, laying me

across the bed and pushing his hands up my shirt.

“You taste better than anything I’ve ever put in my mouth. You’re the air I breathe,

Delilah.” He worked his hands up my torso, lighting fire across my skin. His nose

trailed across my collarbone, his hands reaching for my wrists and stretching my

arms above my head. “Sooner I get inside you, the happier we’ll both be.”

His hands tracked up my skin, my thighs shifting as arousal pulsed through my

veins. Every day of the last year had been like walking through a dream. If it was

possible, Cash was even more thoughtful and attentive than I’d ever even realized.

“I’d spend every day on my knees in the sand with you, Mrs. Greenwood,” he

confided, trailing his lips across my abdomen until his hands were shoving up the

hem of my skirt. His nose brushed over the seam of my pussy, and a fevered shiver

coursed through me.

My fingers threaded in his hair as his teeth caught the elastic of my panties and he

pulled them down my legs. “Even sweeter than sweet tea.”

I moaned when his tongue trailed up my pussy, caressing the nerves and sending

me shaking with mad, wild, desperate lust. I groaned when I heard the sound of his

zipper lowering, his arms catching behind my knees as he sucked the bud of my clit

and sent stars exploding into my vision. I pulsed and quaked, feeling like every

heady current of pleasure running through my body would never end. Before I’d

even come down from my first orgasm, Cash was pushing into me, his hard, heavy

cock pushing past every ragged nerve I possessed, prolonging my climax.

“Oh my God, I love you,” I groaned when he leaned down, sucking my nipple

through the fabric of my bra, his teeth nipping and teasing at the heated flesh.

“You were made for me, Delilah. Every inch of this body was made to be pleased by

me, that smart mouth of yours made to turn me on and drive me infuckingsane.

Everything about you makes me crazy and I can’t get enough.” He angled his hips

and punctuated his words with the heavy thrusts. I clutched at his shoulders when

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he pushed me to the very edge, his thumb swirling between us, making me scream

with raw pleasure.

“You’re everything I never wanted, Cash Greenwood, and the best decision I ever

made.” I caught his lip between my teeth, tugging hard enough to cause a growl to

escape from his full lips.

“Jesus, Delilah.” His grip tightened at my hips as he shuddered, the muscles in his

body tense as he came deep inside me. “I love when you’re covered in sweat, sex

and me.” Cash pulled his cock from me, swiping at the fluid that leaked out

between my thighs as he did. Swirling the glistening arousal over my stomach, he

grinned, shoving one finger into my mouth and forcing me to suck.

“Everything about you surprises me.” He lay next to me, hands covering my warm

skin and making endorphins charge through my system at full speed.

“Didn’t I mention I had a surprise, too?” My stomach flipped. I hadn’t planned to

tell him until tomorrow night over a candlelit dinner, but now seemed perfect.

“You surprise me every day.” He trailed a fingertip around my navel. “You didn’t

need to get me anything.”

“It’s something for both of us.” I bit down on my lip, glancing from his hand

holding my stomach, then back to his eyes. His gaze flickered, landing on his hand

as emotion flooded his irises and he looked back to me.

“You’re not…? Are we having a baby?” Unable to form words, I nodded, choking on

a lump of happy tears. “Oh my God, baby.” He gathered me in his arms, raining

kisses on my cheeks as he held me, rocking us both back and forth. Then I felt a few

drops of moisture on my cheeks. Tears trickled down Cash’s beautiful face. My

strong, handsome, beautiful man was crying because he was so overjoyed to be a

father. Cash was going to be a dad.

“I just found out this morning. I didn’t know how I was going to keep it from you.

We’re pregnant, Cash.”

“I didn’t think my life could get any better, Delilah. Marrying you two years ago

made me the happiest man alive, but you making me a daddy….” He shook his

head, his grin brilliant. “Look, you’ve turned me into a sap.”

“You always were a sap, Greenwood, but your secret is safe with me,” I teased,

running my fingers through his hair as he pushed me back down into the pillows

and covered his lips with mine.

Cash had walked into my life and turned it completely upside down. He was exactly

what I needed.

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elilah!” I called at the top of my lungs.

“What?!” My beautiful wife came around the corner, our daughter bouncing

joyously on her hip.

“Did you see that? Think you can do it again, Cade?” I cooed to my three-year-old

son. His toothy smile undid my heart. “Here we go.” I tossed the soft ball to my boy

and watched as he caught it in both chubby hands.

Delilah whooped, and Daphne’s pigtails glinted in the bright sunlight as she


“Good job, man!” I swung Cade into my arms and joined his mom and sister at the

corner of the house. “Think we got a ball player, Mama.”

“Well, he’s got it in his genes.” Delilah placed a kiss on his cheek.

“I think this little lady is gonna have a head for numbers. We could work on

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creating a whole team, whaddya say?” I grinned, stealing a kiss from Delilah.

“We’ve got a ways to go,” she laughed.

“Three down.” I winked, rubbing at the small bump already rounding her belly.

“Grandpa!” Cade squirmed out of my arms and dropped to his feet in the grass,

barreling full-speed across the lawn to my father. He grinned, bending down and

wrapping my son in a hug.

“Hey, Dad!”

“Hey, kids!” he called, waving at Delilah and reaching deep into his pocket and

pulling out a silver dollar for Cade.

“Woah!” His eyes were wide as my father explained how precious the coin was. I

think I heard something about pirates, which was just like my dad, spinning tall

tales for amusement.

We’d moved to Florida a few years ago, after I’d been transferred to a new team. I’d

pictured spending my entire career with the Timberwolves at one time, but being

transferred to the Sea Rays felt like a blessing after Delilah and I had started giving

my dad the grand babies he’d been wanting so badly.

He’d been clean and sober for a few years now, and while his health had taken a toll

on him over the years, he was still a spry old guy who kept up with my little ones

just fine.

I grinned at Delilah, pulling her into me as we watched our little boy playing, our

sweet little girl crushed between us and the next one only months away.

Life was perfect. Life wouldn’t get any better.

I’d once lived and breathed for the game, but as soon as Delilah Grey had walked

into my life she’d shown me every important detail I’d been missing. Delilah gave

me love, and with her love she breathed life into me.

Life was made up of a series of moments, and every one of them with her was more

beautiful than the last.

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hat’s him? Number eight, right?” I squealed, bopping up and down in my seat

as I clutched at Cash’s arm.

Cash chuckled next to me, his eyes darting from the field, then back to me. “That’s

number 18. He’s warming up in the bullpen.” Cash nodded, directing my attention

across the field to my son, rookie pitcher in the Major League.

Just like his daddy.

I burrowed into Cash’s arm, enjoying the warmth of his body curled around me,

even after all these years. Our lives had changed a lot over the years, the salt and

pepper in his stubble and at his temples proving that men did age very well. I got a

little older, but Cash was still able to make me feel like a teenage girl with a crush

on the most handsome boy in school. I never thought it was possible, but as time

went by, I loved Cash even more. Every day I woke up happy that my life had turned

out the way it had.

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Cash had retired from the major league just in time to coach Cade’s little league

career. We’d soon realized that our son had a natural talent for the game, not that it

was surprising. The kid was practically born with a mitt on his hand, and his swing

was out of this world.

He’d already smashed the highest record at the farm club he’d played with, and it

hadn’t taken them long to call him up to play with the team.

“He’s coming!” I clutched Cash’s knee as our twenty-three year old son walked out

into the field. Youngest rookie with the highest average to ever step foot in the

MLB, the sports media was already buzzing, saying that he was bound to be a star.

e looks good.” Cash nodded, watching Cade as he walked to the pitcher’s

mound, loosening his arm with wide circles. “He’s got this.” Cash was so

proud of Cade, not just because he played baseball but because Cash knew he raised

a good, strong boy who knew that he had a father he could turn to and depend on.

Cash had been a fantastic father. All the pain we had in our childhoods was

nonexistent in our children’s lives.

I smiled, love burning so deep as I watched the man I love cheer on the son he loved

so dearly. This was a full circle moment, and one that was a thread through

generations of our lives. Baseball had played a role in my grandfather’s life, my

father’s, mine and Cash’s, and now Cade’s.

“Delilah, he’s pitching.” Cash’s voice was laced with so much pride.

I stopped instantly, eyes on my boy as he pulled his arm back and released a fastball

the likes of which I hadn’t seen in a long time.

Nearly eight years, to be exact.

“That had to be 101 at least, right?” Cash said next to me.

I laughed, shaking my head and thinking how in his element he was.

How perfect we were, still after all these years, right here with our asses parked in

stadium seats.

This game had defined both of our lives and given us so much back.

Seeing Cash on the ballfield made my heart swell with an eternity of love.

This was where he was meant to be, and with him was where I was meant to be.

Maybe it’s true we don’t know what we have until we lose it, but I hadn’t known

what I was missing until I’d found it. Cash had broken down my walls without me

even knowing it and then built them back up with so much love that I felt invincible

and finally strong. And twenty years later, with just one kiss, I still knew I was the

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ruler of his whole universe, because he ruled mine.

“It’s a strike!” Cash shot up in the air, clapping like the proud ball dad he was.

I shook my head, grin turning up my cheeks as I stood next to my husband,

clapping like a madwoman for my son, rookie MLB star and baseball royalty, Cade


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locked my fingers through Delilah’s, pulling her a little closer.

I needed her now. I needed her every day, but for some reason today was especially

hard. Today I was doing something no man ever liked to think about.

Today I was giving away my baby girl.

I knew that she’d found a good man who would love her the way I loved her mother,

and if he didn’t…well then her daddy would have to buy a shotgun.

“Cade just got here. He brought Lily again. I think she’s the one.” Delilah grinned

as she approached me, waiting still as a statue at the back of the church. “He has to

fly back out tonight. He’s got a game tomorrow, but I’m so glad he could make it.”

Cade was killing it in the MLB. Five years in and he claimed the title of star pitcher

for his team. He was now a free agent and demanded a high price tag for it. He’d

broken salary records, too. The boy had a gift, much more than I ever did, though

commentators liked to draw similarities.

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I wrapped my arms around Delilah’s waist, pulling her in closer for a moment. Our

foreheads connecting, I closed my eyes and inhaled a breath of her comforting

scent. Honey, lavender, pure sweetness, Delilah. “I can’t believe this day is here.”

“They grew up so fast.” Delilah rested her hands on my cheeks, guiding my gaze to

meet hers. “You look handsome today, father of the bride.” She pressed up on her

tiptoes, leaving a heartfelt kiss on my lips.

“I’m the luckiest man alive. Thank you my love. Thank you for spending your days

with me, thank you for loving me. You know I have looked at you in a million

different ways over the years and I have loved you with each and every look. You

walk into a room and you still take my breath away. Thank you for making my life

so full, and God bless you for doing the heavy lifting and giving me our beautiful

children,” I uttered, feeling like my heart was the fullest it’d ever been.

I knew if the new groom loved my darling little girl half as much as I loved her

mother, she would be a happy woman forever.

“I love you, Cash. And if you ruin my makeup on my daughter’s wedding day, I will

murder you in your sleep.”

“Is it too late for me to tell them I do not give this woman’s hand?”

Delilah laughed. I was sure there wasn’t a sound sweeter. That laugh had gotten me

through a lot over a lifetime.

When I’d torn a rotator cuff and had to sit out a season, she’d been the only nurse

I’d wanted.

When I’d watched her comfort our children late at night when they had a fever or

growing pains, I’d known she was the right choice.

When my dad had passed at the age of ninety-two, she’d been there, holding me

while tears burned behind my eyelids, knowing never again would I hear him call

me son.

“We should have had more boys.” I scrubbed at my face, willing the tears to stay


“You’ve only got to do this once.” Delilah smiled softly, her fingertips

straightening my bow tie.

“Once is all I’m gonna live through,” I said, just as the doors to the small room

opened and my daughter slipped out of the room, eyes meeting mine instantly.


“Daphne.” I held an arm out to tuck her into my body. “You look beautiful,

sweetheart.” I kissed the crown of head through the puffy white veil. A few tears

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finally slipped down my cheeks as I thought about walking her down the aisle in the

next few moments.

Delilah caught my eye, swiping her thumb across my cheek and chasing away my

salty tear tracks. “I love you,” she mouthed softly.

My heart tore through my chest. Pulling them closer, I thanked the stars I’d been

blessed with so much in my life.

“My beautiful family. You’re my everything.”


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y music was an extension of my soul—the tone of it a reflection of my mood.

But the heart of it was him. It always had been, and I guessed it always would be.

I was playing to a sold-out audience at one of the large theaters in Los Angeles, but

at the last minute, I had changed my line-up of songs for the night. Instead of the

softer fare of nocturnes and lullabies I’d planned on, I’d exchanged Chopin’s and

Mozart’s most eloquent pieces for Tchaikovsky’s and Beethoven’s most

heartbreaking composures. I couldn’t play light songs when my heart felt heavy. I

couldn’t give the audience beautiful pieces when my world felt forlorn.

I couldn’t play his song to an audience who wouldn’t understand.

The last few haunting chords of Medtner’s “Night Wind Sonata” were echoing

through the auditorium when I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise. Chills

spilled down my spine, puddling in my feet as I focused on hitting the last notes.

The crowd’s applause exploded through the room as the final note reverberated

around me. Usually I slid from the bench a few moments later, took a bow, and

whisked off the stage. Tonight I felt glued to the bench, my fingers stuck to the


That strange sensation abated just enough so that I could move again, though just

barely. Pulling my shaking hands off of the keys, I forced myself to rise from the

bench. The audience was still applauding, starting to rise to their feet as I

attempted the same.

I’d been playing to crowds since I was six—I’d been performing to sold-out crowds

around the country for the past few years—but never had I felt like this before.

Trying to collect myself as I moved to the front of the stage, I concentrated on

holding my composure when I’d never felt less composed. Shaking hands, wobbly

legs, pit in my stomach, shivers down my spine . . . I’d experienced this kind of

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sensation before, but never in this kind of context.

I’d felt it the first time I looked at him and he looked back. The first time he’d

reached for my hand and tied his fingers through mine. The first time he’d kissed

me, that time after piano practice. I’d felt it a million other times, but I’d only felt

it with him.

As I took my bow—the pitch of the applause increasing as I did so—I just noticed a

figure drifting out of one of the rows and moving up the aisle toward the back of the

theatre. It was a man’s frame moving in an achingly familiar way.

By the time I’d lifted out of my bow to see the crowd again, he was gone. A

conjuring of my imagination. The ghost that followed me wherever I went.

As I left the stage, I reminded myself he was gone.


“Men suck. It’s official. If a girl like you can’t keep a guy, there is literally no hope

for me.” My friend, Sydney, shook her head and took a drink of her margarita.

“Just to confirm, you know for sure that he was cheating on you?” Our friend Jessie

twisted on the stool to look at me straight on.

Exhaling, I pulled my phone from my clutch and scrolled through a few messages

until I found the one I’d been sent a few days ago from a number I didn’t recognize.

I refused to look at the picture, but I made sure Jessie and Sydney got a good look.

Jessie’s eyes narrowed. “Two-timing, sorry bastard.”

Sydney winced like the image was grotesque. “Dude, if that’s what he looks like

beneath that fancy composer’s tuxedo, let that violin-playing hussy have his pasty,

blubbery ass.”

“He’s all hers,” I said, tucking my phone back away.

“Hans was crazy about you though. I don’t get it. Why the sudden change of

heart?” Jessie pulled the olive from her martini and popped it into her mouth.

“Oh, please, it didn’t have anything to do with his heart. He was thinking with his

dick when he fell into bed with Tits McGee there,” Sydney chimed in, which worked

for me. I wasn’t eager to hash out my most recent failed relationship with anyone,

my two good friends included.

Hans and I had been dating on and off for a couple of years. He was the conductor

for the world-renowned Los Angeles symphony, twenty years my senior, and had a

golden reputation in the upper circle. My parents had been thrilled when they

found out I was seeing Hans Vandenberg, visions of musical-prodigy offspring

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dancing through their heads.

No doubt they’d been devastated when I told them we’d split. They probably would

blame me for ruining it even if I showed them the photo I’d been sent of him asleep

and naked in bed with some other woman. They always seemed to prefer the ones

who treated me like crap over the only one who’d ever treated me the way a person

who claimed to love someone should.

“I bet you’re relieved you didn’t let him finally wear you down, right, Elodie?”

Sydney had to nudge me to bring me back to the present. “Way to hold out on a guy

for two years. You made his true colors come through.”

“His true colors being pasty with a splattering of really unattractive body hair,”

Jessie muttered.

“Truthfully, I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. Hans and I were never good

together. He or I should have called things off months ago.” I shrugged like that

was that, because it was.

Other than looking good on paper, Hans and I had never made sense. I’d never once

looked at him and felt my stomach drop, and I knew all he’d seen when he looked

at me was a young girl he was hoping to add to his rumored lengthy list of bed


That was part of the reason I’d held out for so long—I didn’t want be one of a

hundred others, or even one of a few. I wanted to be the one of one. The one he’d

waited for. I wanted to be someone’s The One.

“Okay, so I’ve got a brilliant plan for Operation Over Hans VanPastyAss.” Sydney

tipped back what was left of her drink, lifting her finger at the bartender. “We’re

going to get good and mildly drunk, then we’re going to go see My Mortal Affliction

from the front row, baby”—Sydney pulled a trio of tickets from her purse, fanning

them in my face—“we’re going to get on our knees and worship that god of a lead

singer of theirs, probably flash him a few dozen times, then we’re going to make

out with some really fine specimens before we allow our heads to hit the pillow


My eyebrows came together as I studied the concert tickets. I’d agreed to meet my

friends for a drink after my earlier performance, but I hadn’t planned on anything

else after this. As it was, I was already checking the time, hardly able to wait to

crawl into my bed and put an end to this day.

From the friends’ texts I’d had to field who were just finding out about Hans’s and

my split, to avoiding my parents’ incessant calls encouraging me to work things

out, to the concert where I’d felt haunted by a ghost during the last few minutes, I

was ready to put this day to bed.

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“I’ve got early practice tomorrow,” I said.

Jessie lifted her finger at me. “You’ve always got early practice. That’s no longer an

excuse to dodge life.”

I blinked, offended. “I’m not dodging life.”

“Correction, you dodge the fun parts of life.”

My mouth fell open a little as I looked at Sydney to back me up, but all she did was

lift her hands and keep her lips sealed. I wanted to defend myself, but they were

right. Other than the endless hours I spent playing piano, my life wasn’t very

exciting. Outside of these two dragging me out for the occasional good time, my

social calendar was pathetic.

I had no idea who this My Mortal Addiction was, what kind of music they played, or

if I’d even like it, but having my friends call me out stirred something inside me.

They were right. I’d spent enough time waiting for my life to really get started.

Enough time feeling like an empty shell.

“Well?” I finished the last of my wine and slid off of my stool. “Ready when you



Wilde Fire

Educating Emma

Love Child


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When Bethany Howard meets international soccer star Jenson Abbot at a bar one

night she never expects it will change her life forever. University classes and late

nights spent studying fill her hours, but Jenson is determined to show her what

she's been missing. She thinks it's only a one night stand, but Bethany is anything

but a fling to Jenson. He's been waiting for someone to make him feel the way she

does, her sharp tongue and delicious curves undoing him from the beginning.

Jenson is hellbent on proving he is the man for her, the only man that can make her

eyes light up when she laughs and her body sing beneath his hands. But can Jenson

convince Bethany that there's more to him than meets the eye? Or will his flirty

grin and dogged persistence put her off men forever? Jenson is determined to find

out, because he's got one last play tucked in his pocket, The Panty Play.

Warning: Bending Bethany is a whirlwind week of syrupy sweetness with the nerdy

girl next door and the MVP soccer star she can't quite shake. Be prepared to be

wooed all over again!

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ome on, Bethy, you never do anything fun! It’s nose stuck in a book all the

time for you.” My sister pouted as she tore through what was at least a dozen

slutty dresses in her closet. “This one would look perfect on you.”

I narrowed my eyes, taking in the short, black, glittery number. “That is not a

dress, it’s a shirt. Everyone will see your bits and pieces. You don’t actually wear

that in public, do you?” My eyes widened as I looked at the flimsy material. That

so-called dress was long enough to fall just barely under my behind. If I moved,

people would see everything. “I’m not wearing that.”

“Does that mean you’ll go?” Her eyes lit with a mischievous sparkle.

I sighed, frowning as I fingered a glittery red dress she’d tossed on the bed. “Yes,

but you’d better find something longer. I’m not looking like a call girl.”

“You’re such a prude. A little cock never hurt anyone,” my wayward sister teased.

“I swear, I don’t even know how we’re related.”

“Believe me, I think that all the time.” She buzzed out of the wardrobe, heading to

the bathroom. “Now, what are we going to do with your hair?”

She pulled curling irons and flat irons and a thousand products out of a basket.

“Can you give me some supermodel curls?” I’d never wielded a curling iron in my

life, but my sister’s glam make-up and perfectly wind-blown waves always made

me yearn for just one night of glam.

“Yes! Mermaid ringlets would be gorgeous. Maybe we can even add a little color! Let

me do some highlights!” she squealed, and I groaned.

“No highlights.” I shook my head firmly. “I’ve never colored my hair. Why would I

start now?”

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“Because tonight you’re a new you. Try something else on for a while. Hair is only

temporary.” She shrugged, and I huffed, checking out the streaks of magenta

coursing through her dark locks.

I nibbled on my bottom lip, glancing down at the sensible Chucks on my feet, the

cross body I wore nearly every day, then back to one of her fancy clutches on the


“Can I carry that?” My eyes gleamed as I finally felt excitement pulse to life inside


“My McQueen?!” She stuck out her bottom lip and narrowed her eyes at me. “Swear

on everything you hold dear to love it and cradle it like your firstborn child?”

I laughed outright. Taylor had always been fashion-obsessed, but I had no idea she

felt that strongly. “I promise. And you’re off your rocker. I think you should know


“Shut up, little sis.” She popped a kiss on my forehead, using the endearment

she’d been using since we were little. We were only a year and a half apart. I for one

didn’t see much of a distinction, besides, to most outsiders my maturity probably

far outweighed hers.

“One night only, then tomorrow morning it’s back to the books. I have to pass that

midterm or I’m screwed for the rest of the class.” I felt the anxiety coiling in my

stomach again.

“I know, I know, if you don’t pass it, then what have you been working for all these

years,” she mimicked. It was the excuse I often used.

“Well, I’m just saying. I’m not staying out late, and don’t ask me to do shots.”

“No shots? Boo!”

I grinned and shook my head at her boundless enthusiasm. “No shots. Now, what

dress am I wearing?”

wo hours later and I found myself at the bar, a line of shots spread out before the

two of us.

“Bottoms up, little sis.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” I voiced my dismay before lifting a lemon drop shot

to my mouth.

“To a wild night! And maybe a little sausage for both of us.” She winked before

throwing the shot back, leaving me giggling uncontrollably, and choking down my


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“Next!” Taylor called, slamming her glass down and lifting the second she’d

ordered for each of us.

“‘I’m not even done with this one!” I swallowed a sip, the sour confection rushing

down my throat.

“Come on, big girl panties up. Let’s do this.” She tipped the shot glass to my lips,

and I swallowed the remainder of the liquid. I slid the empty glass across the bar

and lifted the other. “YOLO.”

“For a big sister, you sure are a bad influence,” I grunted before gathering courage

in my stomach and taking the other shot in one long gulp.

“Sisters?” someone said from behind me. “Another round on me!”

“What, no—” I turned to find a handsome guy, hair still wet from a shower, and

bold dark eyes eating up the space between him and us.

“Why, thank you.” My sister cooed while leaning forward to give him a very

generous view of her cleavage.

“Ah, here we go.” I knew that look. She’d found her plaything for the night.

“I’m Luc, wanna dance?” His gaze honed in on my sister’s breasts.

“Taylor Howard and I would love to,” she flirted shamelessly, lifting her hand out

to his. He placed a kiss on it, and the cheesiness of the move almost made my

stomach turn.

“Go, dance, be merry. I’ll be here.” I waved her off, turning back to the lemon drop

the bartender had just placed in front of me. “Thanks for the drink!”

Taylor and Mystery Boy had already disappeared into the quickly thickening crowd.

“He does that a lot. You may want to warn her,” a voice rumbled from over my

shoulder. I sighed, thinking if barhopping meant fending off creepy men all night, I

would be retiring much earlier than even I expected.

“She’s fine. She does it all the time.” I waved off his concerns, not even bothering

to match a voice with a face.

“I’m Jenson.”

A hand thrust out in my peripheral vision and I paused, thinking I didn’t even want

to shake it. Who knows where it had been, who it had been in. The guys who hung

around these places were definitely not my type.

“Well, Jenson, this isn’t really my scene, if you don’t mind.” I spun on my bar

stool, finally catching a glimpse of the stranger.

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Damp locks of hair fell over his forehead in a charming, just showered way. Dark

stubble decorated a sharp jawline, his cheekbones high and his eyes the most

astounding shade of ice blue I’d ever seen.

“You were saying?” His smile turned up, and I knew I’d been caught.

“I-I don’t even remember. I think the drinks are getting to my head already.”

“Drunk off a few lemon drops? You don’t get out much, do you?”

I shot him a sarcastic glance before catching sight of the drink in his hand. “Only a

beer? Seems a little weak, don’t you think? I would have thought whiskey, bourbon,

something a little manlier.” I didn’t know this guy, what did I have to lose? The

point of tonight was to be someone different, and well, brazen was definitely


This wasn’t my scene, he wasn’t my type, why not engage in a little banter before I

returned home for the night?

“Been a long day, and I’ve got another long one tomorrow. Taking it easy tonight.”

His eyes sparkled when he talked. I didn’t even know that was possible.

“So what do you do, Jenson?” I asked when he settled on the stool next to me.

“Ah, I work in athletics. You said this isn’t much of your scene. Mind if I ask what


I chanced a glance at him, my lips turning up in a traitorous smile when I caught

sight of his expectant look. “The library, I suppose. Or the science department. I’m

a Biology major.”

“Oh, a college girl?”

“You can drop the slutty college girl fantasies right now. I’m definitely not one of

those,” I blurted, then kicked myself for my candor.

His deep chuckle sent shivers down my spine.

“Caught me.” He lifted up his hands in mock arrest.

“I knew it. I could see it all over your lascivious face,” I teased, sipping my lemon

drop again.

“Lascivious?!” His bellow turned a few heads. Was I actually being funny? This was

a new turn of events. I wasn’t the funny one, that was Taylor. “You wound me.”

“I bet,” I laughed, finally feeling a little more loosened up. I didn’t know if it was

the shot, the atmosphere, him, or that intoxicating laugh.

“Your flirting leaves much to be desired.” He leaned in as he whispered


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“What? No, I wasn’t flirting.”

“Sure you were. Isn’t that why you’re here? Flirting isn’t a sin. It’s connecting with

someone for a few brief moments in a way that makes you feel good, no harm in

that.” He shrugged and pulled away, taking a draw of his beer as he watched me. As

if he really enjoyed our conversation. I’d never connected with a man like this

before, held his rapt attention. Well, this will be short lived, won’t it?

“You’re very philosophical for…what did you say you did again? Athletics?” I

cocked an eyebrow.

“I travel a lot, gives me time to read.”

His reply took me by surprise. I hadn’t expected him to be a reader. A young, fit

football coach maybe, but not a man who read books. I mean, he was a dumb jock,


“What’s the last book you read?”

“Quizzing me now?” His grin lifted playfully. “I didn’t come here to learn.” He

leaned across the energized space between us, his eyes lowering a fraction. “Dance

with me.”

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he pounding music pulsed through my veins as my arms wrapped around her

nipped-in waist, her ass grinding against my hungry cock as we danced.

She had me in a delirium.

I wish I could blame it on the alcohol pulsing through my veins, but I’d just had one

beer. I’d been telling her the truth earlier. It’d been a fuck of a long day, and

tomorrow would be just as long. I was normally responsible, liked to play by the

rules for the most part, but this girl—Bethany, she’d murmured it in my ear in a

sexy huff—was intoxicating me.

I pushed my hands up and down her body as we danced, feeling the heat climb

between us in a way I’d never felt before. Like a volcano waiting to explode, we were

all hands and sweat and music, my lips trailing across the crook of her neck, my

tongue flicking out to bring her sweet taste into my system.

“Bethany,” I murmured against her ear as we danced.

Her back arched as my hands danced just across her rib cage, hovering under the

heavy swell of her breasts in that too-low V-neck, which gave me an epic view of

her cleavage.

“Mmm?” she hummed, and I could hear the alcohol in her voice. Or was she drunk

on me, like I was on her?

I wasn’t sure, so I spun her in my arms, surprising even me, and took her face in my

hands. I searched her eyes as she watched me, gleaming with excitement and


“Come back to my place,” I whispered softly. I looked at the delicate bow of her top

lip, then plunged my tongue between her lips. She stretched up onto her toes, and

my arms locked around her back instantly, caging her against my body, afraid to let

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go for even a second in case she might disappear as quickly as she’d appeared.

“Okay,” she said when our lips finally parted.

Without waiting a second longer, I snagged her hand in mine and starting leading

her off to the door.

“Wait! My sister!” She halted, stopping me in my tracks.

My eyes searched the room for the slightly taller brunette I’d seen her talking to

earlier. I caught sight of her and Luc in a corner, tongues shoved down each other’s

throats, her leg hitched up around his waist.

“I think they’re just fine.” I pointed them out to her.

“Damn.” Her nose wrinkled up adorably, her hand tightening in my grasp. I’d

never dated much before now, always weary of who I could trust with my level of

fame in the sports world, but something about this girl excited me, deep down

really excited me in a way I’d never felt before.

“I’ll text him to make sure she gets home okay. He’s an idiot, but she’s safe with

him,” I offered, hoping to quell her anxiety.

“And I’m supposed to trust you?” She looked up at me quizzically.

“You’re going home with me, aren’t you?” I lowered my voice an octave and

snagged her earlobe with my teeth.

“You’re making me second guess myself,” she said, but her words softer, her will a

little more relaxed. I slid a hand down her back and over the cheek of her ass,

cupping it gently.

“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” I reminded her gently,

meaning every word of it.

She cocked her head, her eyes turning up at me, mischief sparkling in her eyes.

“For some reason…I believe you.” Her face split into a grin. She tightened my hand

in hers, then released it and we turned, walking out of the building and into the

humid night air.

“We don’t need a cab?” she asked when we walked past the taxi stand.

“I live close, just a few blocks.”


I walked with my hand at the base of her back, just like the gentleman I was taught

to be. I wanted her in front, walking in line or ahead of me so I could keep an eye on

her at all times. If she so much as tripped, I wanted to be there to catch her fall.

“It’s here.”

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We stopped, and her eyes turned up to the luxury high-rise shooting into the

Manhattan skyline.

“You live here?”

“Mmhmm.” I wove my fingers through hers again as I nodded at the doorman

when we stepped in.

“Mr. Abbot,” the on-staff concierge greeted me politely.

“Hot stuff around here?” she breathed next to me as the elevator doors opened and

I swept her in.

“Full of opinions, aren’t you?” My hands found her skin and were trailing up her

thigh, the other capturing her neck as I held her still in a forceful kiss. My tongue

plunged between her lips while her hands climbed up my shoulders and danced

across my back.

I hoisted her in my arms, our lips never breaking contact as the elevator rose up

each floor. Backing her against the wall, I rubbed my rock-hard cock against the

crevice of her thighs, hearing the soft moans and mewls that escaped her throat

like a reverent prayer.

“Christ, I want these off you.” I gripped the edge of her panties and pulled, hearing

the elastic stretch and give. I yanked again until I heard the fabric rip, shoving the

scrap of fabric in my pocket while her body shuddered with pleasure as all the

nerves of her body came alive under my touch.


The elevator came to a slow halt and the doors slid open. A gentleman cleared his

throat behind us, reminding me instantly that we were not alone.

I slid Bethany down my hips, her tiny little feet landing on the floor in her too-high

heels. “Sorry,” I mumbled when we passed the elderly gentleman I knew to be my

neighbor down the hall.

“I'm not sorry in the slightest,” I whispered to her when he was out of earshot.

“You’re a deviant,” she giggled, her hand still locked in mine as we walked down

the hall to my door.

“Only with you apparently,” I commented, not at all kidding. I flashed the

electronic key in front of the scanner and stepped inside my apartment.

Without even turning on the light, my hands went to her body like I was a man


She turned in my arms, her pants wracking her small curvy frame. She was all but

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crawling up me to attach her lips to mine again.

“Jesus, you’re so beautiful,” I mumbled between decadent kisses, my hands

gripping her lush skin.

“Take me,” she insisted, her sweet little hips jerking against my own.

“Bethany,” I called, my hands caressing the skin at her neckline, trying to slow her

down. I knew how much alcohol was in her system, and I didn’t want her to regret

this in the morning, regret us.

“No, right now. I want you. I don’t want to think about anything else but you inside


Her words nearly undid me, so shocking coming from her otherwise calm, collected

personality. I could see that beneath all the make-up and curls and sequins, she

was out of her element. Spontaneity was not something that came naturally for


“I want you to be sure,” I mumbled against her lips, backing against the wall to

hold the weight of both of us.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything.” Her words urged me on as I smoothed her

ass cheeks beneath the glittery dress.

“Jesus, woman,” I groaned.

“I’m taking you now, and then again, and then maybe again after that.”

“Yes, I’m yours, Jenson.” She gasped my name, and like a flame to alcohol, my

passion exploded, my hands fisting at the fabric of her dress as I pulled it above her


Her hair cascaded around her shoulders in wild disarray, and I thrust my hands into

it instantly, tangling, and twisting in the soft chocolate locks as I kissed her silly.

Staggering on passion-fueled steps, I carried her across the room to land on my

leather couch, the cool hide making her yelp and arch off the couch and closer into

my arms. I took the opportunity to lick at the swell of one of her breasts, flesh

pushed up over the white lace of her bra.

Her hands locked around my head as my teeth caught the fabric, and I pulled, her

breast and the sweet engorged nipple released into the cool air of my apartment.

“That’s it. You’re so sexy when you’re turned on,” I whispered and plucked at the

nipple with my teeth before rolling it around on my tongue.

She moaned and bucked, her hand grasping at her breast through the bra as I tasted

the other. “Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

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“No, I-I dunno,” she murmured incoherently, lust hazing her brain.

“How about I tell you what I want?” I pulled a bra strap down one shoulder and

traced the tan line with my tongue. “I want your thighs open wide for me.” I

pushed her thighs apart. “I want to feast on your cunt. I want to taste you on my

tongue for the next week.” I ran my nose along her exposed mound. “And then I

want to fuck you so hard we both forget our names,” I finished, my fingers sliding

between the velvety heat of her pussy lips.

“Jenson!” She clutched at the cushions of my couch.

“Yeah, baby?” I grinned, knowing I had her at a disadvantage with my fingers

buried deep inside her. There was no turning back now.

“Please, I want to feel you.”

“Want to feel what? Say it.” I forced the dirty words from her mouth, the idea of

corrupting her innocence and naiveté turned me on even more.

“Your penis. I want your penis buried inside me,” she begged in a rush, and my

cock flexed painfully in my pants. I smiled at how she wouldn’t say “cock.”

I palmed my dick, trying to relieve some of the pressure, trying to prolong some of

the sweet agony. I slid my finger to the hilt deep inside of her, then added another,

slowly stretching her, knowing she’d need to be prepared for me.

“You’re going to feel so good,” I whispered, nipping at the flesh of her neck,

teasing the little marks with my tongue to caress the bite away. “So fucking good I

don’t even think I’ll be able to think straight.”

I traced my tongue across the line of her thigh, then inhaled the sweet smell of her

delicious pussy. Tightening my hands at her knees, I buried my head between her

thighs and tasted the sweet arousal pooling between her legs. “Goddamn, you don’t

know what you do to me.”

I caught the passionate flare of her eyes before I figure-eighted my tongue at the

tight bud of her clit. “I want all of you tonight. Don’t hold back on me, baby,” I

crooned, then pushed my tongue through the aroused flesh of her pussy lips and

lapping at her core.

“I-I’m going to cum.” Her legs tensed and tightened around my ears as I grabbed

her ass cheeks in my palms and pulled her to me, feasting on her body, just like I’d


“Not yet, baby. I want your sweet pussy to cum all over my cock.” I removed my

mouth from her sensual body and crawled up her form, taking her face in my palms

and thrusting my tongue between her lips. She moaned, her hands pushing

through my hair while I pulled the zip on my jeans, releasing my burning cock from

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my pants as we kissed, desperate to get inside her.

“Hurry,” she begged. “I promise I’m clean.”

“I am too, baby. I’ve gone without for so long, and even before then I always used

protection.” I grasped my dick in my palm and eased it between her juicy pussy

lips. “But with you, I want to feel every raw inch of you. I’ll use a condom if you ask

me to, but I really want you bare, sweetheart.”

She moaned and writhed, nodding vigorously as she wrapped her tiny fist around

my cock and slid my length up and down her slit, coating me in her juices, paying

close attention to rolling the tip over that hungry little bud of hers.

“Jenson,” she breathed as her hips jerked.

It was all the confirmation I needed. I slid past the tight flesh of her pussy,

relishing the feel of her tight muscles flexing and warming my cock. Her soft pants

and moans, the way her hand shot into her hair and mussed it around her shoulders

while she begged for more, she drove me wild.

“You feel so damn good. God, I could stay buried in you forever.”

Her eyes shot open, riveted on where we were locked together.

“If that’s how you look with my cock deep inside your hungry pussy, I may never let

you leave.” I pulled her up my body, forcing her to lock lips with me as I pushed the

rest of the way inside her. My hips flexed, mimicking the thrust of my tongue

between her supple raspberry lips.

“I’ve never felt anything like this.” I jerked, and her inner walls clenched and

tightened around my member. “So sweet, so tight, so responsive,” I muttered, my

tongue devouring the inside of her mouth. I was determined to walk around in her

scent for the next week.

“This is incredible. You feel incredible.” Her words melded together as her hips

started to pitch wildly, her thighs tightening around my waist as I clutched at her

ass cheeks.

“Fuck, so beautiful.” I plunged my hand between us, rolling my thumb over the

sensitive bud of her slit as her nails clutched at the muscles of my back and a

guttural howl gasped from her lips.

My own release followed moments later, spurred on by her insatiable bucking, and

both of our bodies fell, limp and sticky against the couch. Our chests inflated

feverishly as we gasped up the oxygen between us.

“Oh my God,” she whispered, running a hand through her wild locks of cocoa hair.

“Yeah,” was the only reply I could manage.

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“Should we do that again?” Her chest was still heaving with pants.

“My thoughts exactly.” I dove between her legs, anxious to get my fill of her again.

But this time in my bed. I needed this girl in my bed.

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woke the next morning with a faint pounding in the back of my head. Scrubbing at

my face, I glanced down to find myself twisted in the sheets. I sighed and stretched,

feeling sore in a wide, new array of places. Right then, as I trailed my fingers tracing

circles in the softness of the fabric, the fog lifted and my less than moral actions

from last night combusted in my memory. I slowly turned to see the handsome

stranger from last night soundly asleep beside me. Well, at least I didn’t have rose-

tinted glasses. The man was definitely what Taylor would call “fine.” He had a

perfectly chiseled face, muscles that were rock hard and well sculpted, and big

hands. Their size matched up with another large member on his divine body...

I tore the sheet off me and sat up in bed, startled to find I was wearing nothing but

my birthday suit. Here I was in all my naked glory. I looked around for my clothing.

To my horror, I saw my dress was on the floor in multiple pieces. Jenson had

apparently shredded it. In a frantic panic, I found a large New England Red Bulls

jersey and tossed it over my head. I couldn’t wear just this jersey, even though it

was longer than that flimsy fabric I was wearing last night.

I just needed to get out of there. I quickly went to the bathroom to make sure I

didn’t look like a morning after nightmare. I found a new toothbrush tucked in a


I finished my teeth and ran a brush through my hair, thinking it looked especially

wild this morning. I grabbed a lock and pulled it across my nose, taking a whiff and

expecting to find the scent of stale cigarette smoke.

Instead, I was hit with a wave of heady arousal.

Notes of leather and spice filled my nostrils. Ice-blue eyes. A reckless mop of dark


Oh God.

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“What did I do?” I squeaked before tracing my lips with my fingertips, feeling

slightly bruised from too much kissing. I didn't think I'd had that much to drink,

but apparently the shots and the music and everything about him had gone to my

head. Snapshots of last night flooded me. I didn't do things like this, impersonal

sex was never on my agenda, what was I thinking?


I ran out of there like a bat out of hell, with nothing on but a soccer jersey.

Damn. Shit. Fuck.

hen I got home, I saw Taylor sitting at the breakfast nook with a cup of coffee

in her hand and a smug smile on her face.

“So, you look like you had a fun night. I am digging the new dress. It may be a bit

shorter than the previous apparel you were donning.”

“I was a little drunk last night, I guess,” I offered lamely.

“I would say so considering you didn’t get home till two minutes ago.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t remember what you did last night, Little Miss

Responsible.” Her eyes grew wide when I didn’t reply. “Oh my God! This is rich!

You just had your first one-night stand and you don’t even remember it!” she

squealed, jumping up and down and clapping her hands like a poor excuse for a


“Taylor!” I sent her the angriest frown I could muster. “It’s not funny.”

“Well…little sis of mine…are you sore, ya know,” her eyes darted down, “down


My eyes widened in horror, and I stopped to actually consider her question. I shifted

my thighs back and forth, trying to ignore the aching abdominals and bruised

glutes to focus on my vagina.

“Oh God.” I moved a hand over my mouth, a definite unfamiliar pinch from

somewhere down deep inside.

“You did!” she shrieked again, making me cover both of my ears.

“Shut up! The neighbors will hear,” I seethed. “Now what do I do? I’ve never done

this before. What’s the protocol?”

“What do you mean?” She turned her head in confusion.

“Well, I mean, will I never see him again? I feel like such a whore.” I suddenly had

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the urge to shower away the shame. Did I regret last night with Jenson? No, I guess

I couldn’t if I wasn’t even quite clear on it yet, but that didn’t stop the guilt of the

one-night stand from eating at me. “I don’t know how you do this all the time.”

“Hey, hooker. Not all the time.”

“Did you give him your number?”

“Um…I don’t really remember.”

“You’re a classy one. First night out and you get yourself in this kind of trouble,”

she teased.

“Well, what about you? Where did you end up last night?” I countered.

“Right here, thank you very much. I was home earlier than normal.”

“Oh?” I knew there was more coming. There was always more coming with my


“And Luc.” I heard the smile in her sing-song reply.

“You brought him back to our place? Now he knows where we live!”

“Hey! I got Luc’s number. I’m a pro, remember?”

I growled, unable to form any other intelligent reply. I stalked out of the room and

slammed the door behind me.

I returned to my room and pulled out my customary uniform of leggings and an

oversized tee before jumping in the shower to wash away last night’s shame. After

soaping up and rinsing off, I headed back for my room, spotting the clutch I’d used

last night. I rifled through the contents, hoping it would jog my memory.

My phone, wallet—cards all still intact—ChapStick, keys, and a folded note.

A note?

I flipped it over in my hands and read the chicken scratch.


His phone number.

“Damn,” I said. This required I make a move. I didn’t have time for more, no time

for dating. I had to keep my head in the game if I was going to graduate with


I shoved the note back into the clutch, burying it where I wouldn’t have to be

reminded of him. I stretched, falling back on the pillows and burrowing into the

warmth of my blankets. My eyelids felt like they were weighted down with lead, the

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drinks from last night still pulsing through my bloodstream as a hangover took

hold. I covered my head with a pillow and succumbed to sweet sleep, the only

escape from him.

“Bethany!” My sister’s scream shattered the precious cloud of sleep I’d been

floating in the last few hours. I launched out of bed and down the hallway, my heart

slamming against my rib cage expecting to find god knows what when I finally

reached the living room.

“So, Jenson, anything you want to say to the fans after last night’s winning triple?”

I froze, a familiar face splashed across the television screen.

“Yeah, actually. Thanks so much to everyone for supporting me. Your signs and

cards and messages mean so much.” Jenson paused as my heart thundered in

romantic beats. “And to the special girl I met last night…I’ve got something of

yours I’d like to return. Call me.”

I nearly crumpled to the floor as a wave of sheer embarrassment flamed my cheeks.

“Well, this just got interesting,” Taylor commented from across the room.

Mother. Fucking. Fuck.

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t may have been a dick move, but I was desperate to get her attention. I knew she

wouldn’t call. I knew when I had woken up and found her missing that the

likelihood of her picking up the phone to call me was slim to none.

When I’d woke and saw her missing, I’d wanted nothing more than to find her. So

I’d put on my sneakers and jogged down the street, aiming for the park, which is

where I’d ran into that up and coming sports reporter. I’d seen him at a few games,

and when his eyes had caught sight of me he’d jogged right up, phone held up and

already recording.

The impromptu video interview was already hot fodder on the cable news networks

by the time I’d returned from my jog. Even if she didn’t catch it on television, it

would surely go viral on social media over the next few days.

Flashbacks of last night bombarded my brain. Kissing her against the front door,

bending her over my kitchen counter. I’d seen that wild, uninhibited look in her

eyes and damned if I didn’t want to see it again and again. By the time the sun rose

on the Manhattan skyline, I knew I needed her.

I wanted more time with this girl. I loved when she’d ribbed me. Loved to be the

butt of her jokes and the one to put that giant smile on her face.

Memories of last night flashed through my mind.

I was lucky to have even been out last night as I often preferred to keep to myself,

but after the big win yesterday, the guys had convinced me to celebrate. I’d

promised one beer, and I’d held my limit, but once my eyes had landed on the dark-

haired girl with the bashful smile across the room, I’d known the night was over for


I wasn’t like Luc, interested in picking up girls, and getting rip-roaring drunk. I was

happy sitting next to her at the bar, soaking up the glow about her, deflecting her

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barbs like a champ.

And it wasn’t often I had a mic shoved in my face—I avoided them if at all possible

—but when the reporter had caught me on my jog in Central Park this morning and

asked me a million questions about the game-crushing win last night, there was

only one thought on my mind.


Like a robot, I’d sputtered out my message. His eyes had widened when I finished,

so what could I do then but offer a rakish half grin?

I was already front-page gold for the tabloids anyway. Let them chew on this one

for a while. Only difference was, the others were fantastical stories, public relations

spins if I took a friend out to a gala, but this, this was something.

I grinned when I thought of the little present I had tucked away in the pocket of my

athletic bag.

Her panties.

And you can bet I would have kept them if I could have gotten away with it, but

instead of stewing and waiting for her to find that damn note, I pulled the trigger

and ran with the best play available. The Panty Play.

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e has my panties, Taylor!” I shrieked, nearly splitting my own eardrums.

“Okay, okay, I see you’re upset. I know this isn’t common for you, so I want you to

know, as your big sister, I’m here for you.” She placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Now calm the fuck down.”

I scrunched up my nose at her in disdain. “Easy for you to say. You didn’t screw a

pro soccer player and have him announce that he has your panties all over national


“I know, you’ve always been the lucky bitch,” she grunted, and I swung a pillow at

her head. “So obviously you have to go talk to him.”

“What? No, he can keep the panties. I just hate that he announced it all over TV.

And the fact that he lied—you know he told me he worked in the Athletics


“Well, he kinda does.” Taylor shrugged unhelpfully.

“Stop defending him!” I swung my other pillow at her head.

“Okay, okay,” she giggled, then curled up with the pillow I’d just tossed at her.

“Seriously…was he good?”


“I’m not kidding. Do you want to see him again? It’s a valid question. I mean,

obviously, he wants to see you.” She popped a Cheeto in her mouth and crunched

obnoxiously. “And what if you left more than just your panties? Maybe you left a

credit card or something? Did you check? I think you should call him.”

“Taylor, you know you’re not of much help.”

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“Hey, just because you don’t like my opinion doesn’t make it unhelpful. I happen

to think Jenson Abbott, star player of the New England Red Bulls, might be good for


I arched an eyebrow at her.

“I Googled him.” She shrugged and popped another Cheeto in her mouth.

“Great. I’ve got a sex-on-a-stick soccer player mentioning me in interviews, and

you’re practically pushing me into bed with him. I don’t know why I still live with


“Because you’re broke and you can’t afford rent anywhere else,” she offered


I huffed, narrowing my eyes at her. “Get out of my room. Leave the Cheetos.” She

snagged one last cheesy bite, then waved as she sauntered out of the room, closing

the door and leaving me some much needed privacy as she went.

I picked up Jenson’s note, having tucked it safely in my nightstand. Flipping over

the bleached white paper in my hands, I traced his slanted handwriting with my

finger. I sighed and picked up my phone.

I punched in the few numbers, then felt butterflies climbing up my esophagus as it



“Jenson? Uh, hi. It’s me, I mean, it’s Bethany.” I pushed a hand through my hair

and tried to refrain from audibly sighing. I was no good at this stuff.

“Bethany! I’m glad you called.” His voice warmed instantly, sending lava charging

through my delicate veins.

“I, uh, got your message.”

“Ah, right,” he chuckled, and I almost lost my mind. “Sorry about that. I just

needed a way to get your attention.”

“Well, you’ve got it,” I replied, then kicked myself for being too curt. Despite my

best defenses, I liked him. That revelation surprised me more than anything else.

“Let me take you to dinner tonight.”

“No, no I can’t. I have an early class.”

“Oh, okay, early dinner? Come on, I know you have to eat.”

I paused, working a response over in my head. “You said you have something.

Maybe you could bring it by? I really don’t have time for new friendships or

anything right now. I’m sorry, Jenson. I know you’re busy, too.”

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“Not too busy to take the prettiest girl in the world out to dinner.”

“You’re sweet,” I laughed, thinking he was persistent if anything. “But I really

don’t have time. Believe me, I’m sparing us both a lot of energy.”

“I don’t agree with that, but I’m happy to stop by.”

“Great, perfect.” I rattled off my address. “So I’ll see you in a bit then?”

“See ya soon, Bethany.”

I hung up the phone, his words echoing in my head. His sweet voice turned my

stomach to melted chocolate. Was he always so charming, so flirty, so perfect? His

indulgent chuckle flamed my cheeks with embarrassment. This man was driving

me absolutely insane and I’d only known him for less than 24 hours.

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hustled up the steps to her apartment, the bouquet of lilies overflowing in my

arms. I knocked at the door.

“Bethany!” I heard her sister call as she opened the door. “Lover boy’s here!”

“Taylor!” I heard her quiet whisper just as her beautiful face came around the


“Evenin’.” I grinned, holding the flowers out to her.

“Jenson.” She took the bouquet from my hands and pressed it to her nose. “You’re

so sweet, thank you.”

“And of course,” I shoved a hand into my pocket, pulling out the thin scraps of

fabric that were her panties, “these.”

Her cheeks flamed with the prettiest shade of strawberry, and I wanted to pull her

into my arms and kiss up and down her cheeks. I wasn’t one for romance and

flowers, but this girl made me want to do all of that and so much more.

“Thank you for bringing them by.”

“I was just happy you called.”

Her smile turned up at the corners, and she hid her face behind the flowers.

“Can I take you to dinner now? I know you haven't eaten yet, the top knot and

leggings tell me you’ve been studying all day. Time for a break?” I pulled her hand

to mine and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles.

“No, Jenson. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.” Her eyes warmed with

empathy. “You’re sweet, but I really am too busy for anything new right now, and I

can only imagine how busy you are. I mean, you mentioned the travel, but that’s a

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lot of travel. Why didn’t you tell me you played soccer?”

“It’s not something I like to announce to people. On the rare occasion I’m not

recognized, it’s nice to enjoy the anonymity for a while. As for time—the season’s

almost over. I spend my days working out in the off-season. It’s boring, really.”

She grinned again. “Thank you for the flowers, Jenson, and ya know,” she lifted the

panties in her palm, “my undergarments.” The crimson on her neck climbed

higher. She was so damn sweet.

“Okay, okay. I can pick up a hint,” I smiled, letting her win this one. “Thank you

again for a great night last night.” I placed a kiss on her forehead. “Until next


“Next time? Jenson—”

“Night, Bethany!” I called, jogging backwards down the street, my eyes riveted on

her the entire time. No way was I letting a girl this special get away that easily.

I had way more up my sleeve for Bethany, until she’d have no choice but to go out

to dinner with me. And more.

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spent the remainder of the night researching a paper on molecular biology. These

papers were killing me with back-to-back deadlines, but I guess those were the

consequences when you took 24 credits a semester. I was determined to get this

work down and out into the real world so I could start earning an income and

paying off those staggering student loans.

I woke the following morning, showered, dressed, and bounded down the stairs to

head to the coffee shop to get some writing done on the paper.

I opened the door in the bright morning light and was shocked to find another,

even larger bouquet of flowers on my stoop. It was a beautiful arrangement of

roses, daisies, and lilies.

“What the?” I furrowed my forehead as I picked up the card.

Will you have dinner with me?:) J

I shook my head, stuffing the card into the pocket of my bag. I went back to the

kitchen, dug up a vase, and placed the bouquet in my room. I couldn't walk into this

room without thinking of him now, and I’m sure that’s exactly what he was hoping


Giving them one last inhale, I pulled my bag over my shoulders and headed out the

door again.

“You found my flowers?” Jenson jogged up next to me with a sly grin on his face as

soon as I’d hit the sidewalk.

“What are you doing here? It’s 7 a.m.! Are you stalking me?” I laughed as I

continued to walk.

“I figured if I catch you early enough, you wouldn’t make other plans. Eat with me

today. Any meal. Croissants? I know a great bakery. Lunch more your style? We can

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do that, too.”

“Jenson.” My smile faded when I finally reached the coffee shop and realized he

wasn’t going to give up any time soon unless I was direct with him. “You have to

stop. You’re wasting your time. Honestly.”

“That’s not the answer I was hoping for, and the day started off so well. You’re

making me get a workout here.”

“Well, I know we had one night—”

“One great night, right?” His charming grin seared a hole through my heart.

“One great night. Fine. But I meant it when I said—”

“Yeah, I know. You’ve got a full plate. I think you just need a little bending.”

I laughed at his boy-next-door way. “Bending?”

“In soccer when you bend the ball, you give it a little extra twist with the inside of

your foot to angle the ball into the net. Like a curve ball. But it’s hard. Not everyone

gets it right. You have to caress the ball just right. It’s a talent, and it just so

happens I’m an expert at it.”

I couldn’t even contain my laughter then. “I see you don’t need me to stroke your


The grin split his face, the sun glinting off his golden skin like it’d been painted

with a master’s brush.

“Just stating facts.” He shrugged and pushed a hand through his hair as sweat

dampened his taut skin.

I shook my head with a smile. “You very well may be the most impossible man I’ve

ever met.”

“Oh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, baby.” He winked, then jogged backwards, giving

me a small wave before he turned and ran off around the corner.

What was he doing?

What was I doing?

Every other girl I went to class with would kill for just one glance from Jenson

Abbot. His rugged good looks and body built for sin made every American girl’s

knees turn to jelly.

He turned my knees to jelly, too. That’s what had gotten me into this mess.

I was too focused for his advances, too driven to be settled. I had too much to

accomplish and not nearly enough time to do it in. No way could I press pause for

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Jenson Abbott.

Let him find one of the other girls willing to give everything up for his pretty smile

and golden body. That girl wasn’t me.

I turned and stepped through the doors of my favorite coffee shop, the familiar

scent filling my nostrils and easing my anxiety.

I plopped down in my chair and opened up my screen, prepared to pound out a few

hundred words before I even ordered my morning coffee.

The cursor stared back at me, blinking, taunting.


I opened Google instead and typed in two words: Jenson Abbott.

I had soccer on my mind.

managed to avoid Jenson for almost two full days.

I’d woken up Tuesday morning to a sweet little package tied with ribbon on my

doorstep. My eyes darted up and down the sidewalks in search of his tall, broad


I’d opened the gift minutes later to find expensive Swiss chocolate shaped like

different types of undergarments—white chocolate shaped as thongs, bikini

panties in decadent dark chocolate, and cute boy panties with adorable sugar

designs in mouthwatering milk chocolate.

Thought I owed you a pair. J

I rolled my eyes but smiled deeply, stuffing chocolate high-cut panties into my

mouth. I let the flavors of indulgence roll in my mouth, and closed my eyes at the

sinful taste, then left for class.

By the time I returned home that night, there was another note tucked into the

door jamb.

Two tickets to the MLS Cup play-off final, the very one he was playing in this

coming Friday. My eyes widened in shock. I didn’t know how much play-off tickets

cost, but it was way too much, that was for sure.

Taylor had squealed and clapped her hands behind me when she’d spied the tickets.

“We’re going!” she’d announced and darted off into her room. “What should I

wear? Would a mini-skirt be too flashy for a soccer game? I want to look so good

Luc can’t even focus on that damn ball.”

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“We can’t go.” I burst her bubble.

“What, are you crazy? These are play-off tickets!”

“I’m not accepting his gift. It’s too much.”

“Who cares? He gets them for free. It just means he wants you cheering him on

during the game. It’s sweet if you think about it.”

“It’s not sweet. He’s just trying to woo me. That guy has girls falling at his feet,

why is he chasing me so hard?” I plopped onto her bed.

“Bethy, why wouldn't he want you? I mean, the glasses are a little nerdy, but some

guys are into that. You have a gorgeous body. I wish I had your tits.” She plumped

her own over her tank top and frowned. “You got all the good genes and you don’t

even use them.”

“You’re ridiculous,” I huffed.

“Well, even if you don’t go, I’m going.” She quickly snapped the extra ticket out of

my hands and shoved it down her bra, giving me a triumphant look.

“Taylor,” I groaned. “You know it’s your fault I’m in this mess in the first place.”

“Me? How?!”

“You dragged me out Saturday night. I’m still behind on my paper.”

“Oh, forget the paper. You’ll get it done, we all know that. The day you miss a

deadline is the day hell freezes over. Now, what are you going to wear to the game?”

“I told you, I’m not going.”

“Yeah, right. No hot-blooded woman would pass up the chance to watch Jenson

and Luc running around that field sweaty and sexy. Drop the act and get used to the

idea that we have plans on Friday.”

With that, she spun out of the room.

I sighed, resigned to my ridiculously stubborn sister, who seemed to be on the same

team as the ridiculously stubborn man pursuing me.

I lifted my phone and hovered over his phone number. I still hadn’t saved it to my

contacts. I’d had no intentions of ever using it again.

“Hello?” He answered on the first ring.

“Thank you for the tickets, Jenson, but they’re too much.”

“Great, you’re coming, then?” The cheery tone of his voice made me feel like an

epic asshole.

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“Um, yeah, I guess.”

“Great! Ready for dinner now?”

“No!” I laughed at his dependable persistence.

“Okay, until next time, Bethany.” I heard his grin on the line.


“Sleep well, beautiful.”

“Jenson!” I called, but he’d already hung up the phone.

Damn him.

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woke the following morning with the plan to beat all plans. One of the guys had

told me about a gift he’d given his fiancée for their anniversary, and because I was

enjoying keeping Bethany on her toes, I thought it was the perfect idea.

I walked to her house after my work out later the following afternoon, gift in hand,

more determined than ever to get the girl to share a meal with me. Just a few hours

of her time was all I was asking. Just enough to see if this thing between us was as

real and true as I had a feeling it was. I’d never been much for dating, too focused

on my career and the sport to take time out for a relationship, until I’d wrapped

Bethany in my arms on that dance floor. Not only did her laugh send anxious

butterflies battering around my stomach, but she was sensual, funny, sexy, and

smart. I couldn’t get enough of her.

I knocked twice on the door, waiting on the top step.

“Jenson,” she half groaned when she greeted me.

I smiled brightly, unwilling to be outdone, and thrust the bouquet at her. “Up for


“It’s going to look like a funeral parlor in here!” she giggled.

“One helluva funeral parlor then.” I winked at her mischievously when she took

the bouquet, now close enough to see the detail.

“Jenson!” she squeaked, her cheeks flaming red. “Are these panties?”

I laughed at her coy embarrassment before taking another step closer to her. “One

dozen of them. I only hope I’m the one who gets to see you model them,” I

whispered in her ear. A shiver ran through her body as her breathing hitched a

moment. She was affected, I could see the physical reactions all over her body.

“I can’t believe you did this.” She fingered the delicate laced edge of one pair of

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dark red panties, twisted up in a thousand folds to look like a rose.

“Share a dinner with me?”

“You are persistent, aren’t you?” She grinned, then stepped aside. “Come in.”

“Finally, entering the sacred lair.” I stopped as I passed her. “I’ve missed you.”

The kiss I placed on her forehead surprised her, ocean-blue eyes widening in shock.

“Don’t get your hopes up. I don’t have time for dinner, but I’ll get changed and we

can run out to a deli. Or takeout maybe.”

“I’ll take it.” I grinned and winked as I stepped into her apartment.

“Just give me a minute to change. I’ll be right down and we can leave.” She smiled

sweetly, eyes glancing from me, back to the bouquet of panties, then back to me.

“Love seeing that smile.” I traced the elegant curve of her lips with my thumb. Her

pupils dilated, and her thighs shifted. She cleared her throat and pulled away.

“I’ll be right back.”

She ran up the stairs, her leggings hugging her sweet little ass as she went. I hoped

at some point I’d get it in my hands again, get her under my body to kiss and claim

and take care of, but she needed time, and that I would give her. I understood a

woman with drive and motivation. I’d been raised with a working mother myself. I

loved strong, independent woman who knew what they wanted, and maybe gave

me a bit of a hard time while they were doing it. Challenges excited me. I was a

competitive man.

Bethany sped back down the stairs minutes later, panty bouquet decidedly absent

from her hands.

“You look beautiful,” I said when she reached me, a light floral dress swishing

around her creamy thighs.

“Thank you,” she replied, a little shy in accepting my compliment.

“What are you in the mood for?” I looped her arm with mine when we set off down

the sidewalk.

“There’s a hot dog stand around the corner. It’s so good.” Her excitement for the

kid’s meal took me by surprise.

“I finally get to take you out to eat, and you want hot dogs?!”

She laughed at me then, her giggle sprouting wings in my heart. “I told you I didn’t

have much time. And I promise you, best hot dogs ever.”

“Okay, you win, you win.”

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“We can eat them in the park.” She looked up at me, as if in compromise.

“Can we sit? I’d like to actually have a proper meal with you.” Without thinking. I

reached for her hand, locking it in mine. She froze for a minute, not responding,

her eyes glancing down at our locked hands.

“Jenson.” She pulled her hand from mine. “Why are you doing this? Why are we

here? What do you even see in me?” Her questions threw me for a total loop.

“What do you mean, why am I doing this?” I stopped us in our tracks and turned to

cup her chin gently. “We’re doing this because I like you, Bethany. Because I’ve

already had you in my bed once and I can’t stop thinking about it. Your skin under

my hands, my lips across your body, the taste of you, the feel of you…I want more.”

My eyes burned into hers, and I hoped she would see I meant it. No lies here. I

wasn’t one of those asshole players on the team who banged every groupie in sight.

I’d stayed away from that on purpose, realizing that someday, when I did find the

right one, I wanted something special still between us.

“Jenson, you’ve either got to be the most romantic man I’ve ever met, or the best

liar on the planet.”

“Your words wound me.” I covered my heart teasingly. “Look, I don’t want to push

you into anything you’re not ready for, but I’m here waiting. Okay? That’s all you

need to know. I’ll be waiting.” I placed a kiss on her lips, knowing I was taking a

risk, but I was surprised when she kissed me back, tentatively at first, then pulled

away slowly.

“Thank you for saying those things. I really do like you, but if I’m being honest, I

don’t think my schedule is going to lighten up anytime soon.” Her eyes burned

with emotion, and I sensed she was telling the truth. She did like me, she just really

didn’t have the time for anyone else right now.

“Well, the offer still stands. And whenever you’re hungry, I’d love it if you could

call me for a meal. We can be friends in the meantime.”

“The meantime?” A smile split her face.

“Until you realize how much you can’t resist me again and attack me like a rabid

animal for sex.”

She choked on her laugh, covering her mouth as she giggled.

“That just became my favorite noise,” I laughed, wrapping an arm around her

shoulders and placing a kiss on her forehead. “Now let’s eat. You’ve kept me

starving waiting on you to share a meal with me.”

We ordered our dogs—mustard only on mine, ketchup only on hers.

“I have a feeling we’re total opposites,” she teased when he’d passed us our

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dressed hot dogs.

“Well, I happen to believe opposites attract,” I responded, locking her hand in

mine again. We turned and headed the few short yards to Central Park. We ate in

silence, watching joggers and families with fluffy fancy dogs play as we finished our

poor excuse for a dinner.

When she was done eating, Bethany laid back on the picnic table we'd been perched

on, her hair splayed around her as she looked up at the sky.

“You're so beautiful.” I danced my fingers down the underside of one arm watching

a chill erupt across her skin. “Your skin is like silk under my fingers.”

Without saying anything, her eyes fluttered closed, her thighs shifting as she

soaked in my compliments. “I'd take you right here if you'd let me, in front of

everyone to see.” I dusted my fingers at her upper thigh, registering her breathing

picking up.

“You're dirty, Jenson.” She mused as a smile turned her pretty lips.

“You like it.” I glanced around, thankful we'd chosen a table tucked into a private

corner of the park. My fingers inched further up her thigh, landing at the delicate

crevice of her leg and her soft, sweet center.

“Mm...” she husked as her hips shifted back and forth.

“Did you miss my fingers on you? In you?” My fingers drifted across the delicate

mound of her pussy, only her cotton shorts separating me from the promised land.

I twisted and caged her in beneath me under one deft arm, my fingertips never

leaving their place, dragging up and down the seam of her shorts. I lifted the hem

of her t-shirt and dragged my nose across the flesh at her waistband, my tongue

darting out for just a taste. “I can smell how much you want me, Bethany.”

The words had fallen from my tongue without thought, and as if she'd lost herself

in a cloud of lust, her hips bucked and brought my fingers to land at the perfect

little bud of her clit. “Should I send you home with an orgasm?”

Her eyes darted open, as if she'd suddenly just become aware that there were

others around.

“No one's watching, you're safe.” I dragged my teeth down the shell of her ear on

that last word. “Show me how much you missed my hands, Bethany. I want to hear

those sweet moans again.”

My fingers sped up their assault on the little cotton-covered nub, her hips rocking

as her fingertips dug into the wood of the tabletop. “I've missed your body so

much. Every night I close my eyes and I see you, I wake up in the morning and

you're the first thing on my mind.” I urged her on with my words. “That's it, let it

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Her eyes slammed shut and small pants fell over her lips as the muscles in her

thighs bunched and shook. Her chest heaved, and her hands gripped at my elbows

as her release pummeled through her. “Jenson...”

“Mmm, so beautiful sweetheart.” I kissed my way up her body, catching her cheeks

in both hands and kissing up the line of her neck.

“I-I can't believe we just did that.” She stumbled for words before she twisted out

from beneath me, running her hands through her hair as her eyes cast around the

immediate area.

“I'm so glad we just did that.” I tossed her a cocky grin.

“I hate to say it, but I should head back. I’ve got to finish some research tonight.

Paper due at the end of the week,” she said, a frown marring her lovely face.

“Mm, okay, Bethany.” I recognized now running was her defensive mechanism.

Whenever things got a little too intimate, she bolted. I was beginning to know her

better than myself at this point. “Thank you for sharing a dinner with me.” I locked

her hand in mine after we’d thrown away our wrappers and started heading back to

her apartment, her legs heavy and sated from the orgasm I'd just given her.

“Thank you for being so concerned about my diet,” she laughed, and it made my

damn heart sing. It felt like I was thawing her. Her words may say one thing,

pushing me away and constantly reminding me that she was too busy for this, for

us, but her physical reactions told me something entirely different. They gave me


“Until next time?” I grinned when we stopped on her step.

Her eyes cast down at our feet, and she nodded. “Until next time, Jenson.”

We stood silently, long beats passing between us. “I really want to kiss you,” I

uttered, saying the only thing running through my mind.

She glanced up, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. “Jenson—”

“But I won’t, not until you’re begging me for it.” My eyes gleamed, and I settled for

a soft kiss across the apple of her cheek. “Next time.”

“Good night, Jenson,” she called, her sweet voice haunting me the entire walk

home to my lonely apartment.

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he following night, my phone lit up with an incoming call. I paused the movie I’d

just started and darted into my room, surprised to find Jenson’s number on the

screen. A smile flashed on my face when I answered. I’d come to look forward to his

daily nagging.


“Hey babe, what’s shakin’?”

A giggle erupted from my throat at his answer.

“Not a lot,” I said when I’d composed myself. “I just started an awful documentary

I have to watch for class. It’s torture.”

“Need a friend to be tortured with?”

“You want to come watch with me? I’m telling you, no one should have to be

subjected to this stuff.”

“Sure, I’ll come snuggle on the couch and watch bad TV with you. No need to twist

my arm, Bethany.”

I burst out laughing again, finding I was actually looking forward to spending some

time with him.

“I’ll pop some popcorn.”

“Well now, that’s starting to sound suspiciously like a date.”

“I can assure you, it’s definitely not,” I laughed.

“Well, either way, it sounds like a good time. I’ll be there in ten?”

“Perfect.” I hung up, my cheeks still turned up in an impossible grin. Damn if

Jenson wasn’t getting to me, his charm and sense of humor, the dogged

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persistence, and, oh yeah, the incredible good looks and the reminder of his hands

on my skin.

I sighed, turning to my closet and wondering if I should change. For the first time, I

actually cared what I was wearing now that he was coming over.

I rifled through a few hangers before deciding I didn’t want to try too hard or

encourage him—he didn’t need anything in that respect. I pulled on a tank top and

a pair of casual shorts.

Simple, sporty, comfortable. What did he expect? It was after 9 p.m. on a

weeknight, and I had an early class.

This was not a date.

Not at all.

But then why did my stomach feel like it was humming with energy at the prospect

of sitting next to him on the couch?

I ran a brush through my hair for good measure, then rushed out to the kitchen,

pulling microwave popcorn from the cupboard and popping it in the microwave.

Just as the timer went off, the doorbell rang.

“Showtime,” I murmured, wondering what in the hell I was thinking inviting him

over to watch this stupid documentary with me. He would probably want to bail

within thirty minutes.

“Hi.” I swung the door open, plastering on my most casual smile.

“Evenin’.” He planted a gentlemanly kiss on the apple of my cheek. “You look


“Stop, you’re embarrassing me.”

“Don’t be. A beautiful woman deserves to be told so.” His words dusted across the

shell of my ear, sending a shiver coursing through me. My eyes fluttered closed as I

enjoyed the sensations washing through me. I’d never felt this way before. Never in

my entire life could someone turn my stomach upside down with just a few words.

“Jenson?” I sang, not even sure what was on my lips.

“Don’t say anything, Bethany.” The pad of his thumb traced the line from my

temple down to my cheek. “I’m a patient man.”

I sucked in a breath, not even sure what to say.

“Hope you like red wine.” He lifted the bottle in his hand.

I smiled, thankful he’d changed the subject. “Yes.”

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I waved him in, his heavy footfalls trailing behind me. I wondered if he was

checking me out, the shorts I’d pulled on suddenly feeling too tight too short, too

revealing for his hungry eyes.

“Popcorn and wine are definitely a date,” he said teasingly when we reached the

kitchen, the scent of the buttery kernels in the air.

“I don’t know what kind of dates you’re used to…” I trailed off.

“I don’t date,” he stated simply.

“What?” I spun, shock no doubt clear on my face.

“Too busy. Never met anyone who seemed worth it.” His icy blues blazed into me,

pregnant with unspoken words.

I paused, finally breaking eye contact and reaching for two wine glasses. Jenson

opened the bottle, pouring us each a half a glass while I dumped the popcorn into a


“Ready to learn about the discovery of penicillin?”

“Penicillin?!” His face twisted adorably.

“Told you it was boring. Maybe we can fast-forward a few parts.”

“No, no, I’m in. More couch time is a good thing, no fast-forwarding allowed.”

“Look at you, Mr. Responsible.” I smiled as we walked into the living room.

I hit play on the documentary as we settled on the couch. The opening scenes

started, and my stomach swam. I was oddly aware of every sensation as I sat next to

him, so close, just inches apart.

I cut a glance out of the corner of my eye to find him watching me, one hand resting

on his thigh. Golden hair dusted his wrist, and I wondered what it would feel like

beneath my fingertips. I wondered how it would feel to wrap my legs around his

waist again.

I’d been so damn drunk the last time we’d done that, it felt like a lifetime ago, the

snippets of our passion hazy in my mind.

The scene changed, flashing across the scene. Outside, the sun had completely set,

and the room was now awash in total darkness, save the screen.

This felt more like a date than ever. My heartbeat kicked up a notch as I shifted in

my seat, crossing my legs and angling toward him.

I picked at my nails and shifted a glance at him. His sweet blue eyes held mine,

crinkling up in a smile as we caught each other looking.

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Awkward giggles erupted between us, and I’d never even felt this much like a

teenager, not even when I was a one.

“Pay attention,” he mock-scolded. My grin deepened for a moment, and I shifted

closer to him.

“You’re so strict with the rules,” I joked, then turned back to the screen, only

noticing out of the corner of my eye that he’d shifted, too. Closer.

“I think about that night all the time.” His words hung in the air between us.

My heart nearly fell to the floor as I swallowed, thinking what I could possibly say to

that. Me, too?

“How you felt beneath me.” He shifted closer. “How you tasted.” Two long

fingertips danced across my shoulder, and I was suddenly very sure that he was not

watching the movie. “I can’t stop thinking about having you again.”

I licked my lips, suddenly aware of every nerve in my body tingling and burning

with his words.

“Tell me why I shouldn’t kiss you right now.” He tipped my chin to his. “Give me

one good reason and I won’t.” His eyes trained on me, searching my face.

I felt arousal pooling between my legs and dampening my panties, the need for his

body against mine so strong and powerful I didn’t have any kind of sense to turn

away. Without thinking, I lunged across the couch at him, my hands dove in his

hair, my thighs wrapped around his waist just like I’d been dreaming of.

I ground my core against his pelvis, the steely press of his erection grinding against

my center and relieving the ache only just briefly.

His tongue lashed inside my mouth. His hands trailed up my skin, spanning the

expanse of my back, wrapping my hair around one fist and tilting my head away

from him. His lips hovered at my skin, dusting across the curve of my neck, his

tongue laving up the line of my throat before his teeth nipped across the horizontal

line of my collarbone.

Small whimpers escaped my throat as he covered my body in his touch.

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you, of this,” I confessed.

His hands landed at my waist and tightened.

“I’m trying to do the right thing,” I murmured as I rocked my hips, my words lost

in the air as I moaned between pants.

“Fuck the right thing, Bethany. You’re all I want,” he growled, his hand gripping

my hair tighter. His tongue crawled across my jawline, then he smashed my lips

against his in a punishing kiss. Our tongues tangled, and we kissed so hard I was

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sure my lips would be bruised in the morning. This was what I’d been missing in my

drink-fueled haze—these moments, the feel of his lips, the bite of his teeth, the

press of his thumbs at my hips.

“I wake up every morning, and I’m thinking of you. I want to put you to bed at

night,” his hands cupped my ass cheeks, grinding me against his erection, “and

wake up to you every single morning.”

“I’m pretty sure I met the most beautiful man on earth at work today.” My sister

crashed through the front door.

“Taylor!” I shrieked and shot back to my corner of the couch.

“What’s wrong?!” My sister spun, an umbrella in her hands, ready to use it as a

club. Her eyes must have adjusted to the darkness because she cocked her head and

said, “Jenson?”

“Hey, Taylor.” He waved at her jovially.

“Oh…” My sister’s grin split her face. “Date night?”

“Oh my God.” I pressed my forehead into my hands.

“She still won’t agree to a date. I’m working on her, though.”

“She can be a total prude.”


She shrugged and dropped the umbrella and purse from her shoulder. “Anyone

want pizza?”

“No!” I replied just as Jenson said, “Yes.”

“Perfect, pineapple and bacon okay?”

“This night couldn't get any worse,” I groaned as she shuffled through drawers in

the kitchen.

Jenson laughed next to me. “She’s entertaining at least.”

“You’re being generous,” I countered, finally settling down after being interrupted,

inching my way closer to him again.

“Well, on the bright side, we made out for so long the movie is half over.” He

winked at me.

I couldn’t help my cheesy grin at that.

This night had turned out to be so much more than I’d ever imagined.

And I’d kissed Jenson. I’d given in to him, and letting go of the control for once had

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pushed another forkful of chicken breast into my mouth, trying to power up on

complex carbs and lean protein before the game.

This was the big one. The MLS Cup play-off final game was what we’d been working

all season for. Every other one had led up to this one. I was in good shape. I was in a

good head space. Yes, I’d had Bethany on my brain 23.5 hours a day, but other than

that, I was ready.

I pushed from the table, clearing my plate, and dropping it in the sink, then headed

for the clubhouse, where most of the other guys were hanging out.

As long as Bethany and Taylor were still coming, they’d have the best seats in the

stadium so I could keep an eye on her, maybe even sneak a wink or two.

“Am I gonna see Taylor tonight?” Luc jogged up to me in the back hall.

“Hope so,” I responded as we walked.

“Damn, she has me on fire.” My Italian teammate whistled as he made an

hourglass shape with his hands.

“Good genes,” I murmured, relieved to finally get into the locker room with a

handful of the other guys. Now was downtime, going over runs and strategy. This

was the part I loved most, the butterflies in your gut just before you ran out onto

the field.

Soccer had been the only thing in my life to give me that. That is, until her.

Bethany was the first woman who’d ever come close to enthralling me more than

the game. It had always been my only obsession, but Bethany is presenting a

challenge in those stakes.

“Maybe we can take the girls out tonight after we win.” Luc smacked me on the

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I grinned. “Maybe next time, man. Got something special planned for Bethany


His eyebrows rose in surprise. He’d never seen me this interested in a girl in the

few years we’d been playing together.

Coach came in then, slapping backs and getting everyone stoked to play. My mind

zoned out from the chaos of the locker room as I thought about her.

I hoped she’d come.

All I had was faith that Bethany would feel the pull to me like I did her.

I didn’t know what I would do if she wasn’t planted in that chair waiting for me

when I jogged out on the field.

I couldn't even go there.

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aylor and I were escorted to our seats and shocked to find we were so close to the

pitch. Taylor was over the moon to have a first class shot of Luc’s ass the whole

game, and when he’d peeled his shirt off and wiped his face with it at halftime, I

think she’d almost fainted on the spot.

Jenson had been the perfect flirty charmer throughout, casting me sideways

glances, a few winks, and even blew me a kiss after he’d scored his first goal.

There were three more coming, so he’d blown me a lot of kisses.

With only 20 seconds left in the game Luc, Jenson, and another teammate had

powered down the field on a breakaway and landed the last and final goal,

cementing their title as MLS Cup champs.

I’d clapped uproariously, so excited for Jenson. All the hard work and hours of

practice time he put in had paid off in a big way. The crowd paused and shuffled

around as Jenson’s team lingered on the field, the PA announcing all the players

and their positions, before naming an MVP.

They’d saved the best for last. I shouldn’t have been surprised.

The announcer passed Jenson the mic after he’d congratulated him, asking for a

few words. After thanking the fans and his teammates, saying he couldn’t score a

single goal without their persistent support, his eyes turned to me, and my

stomach dropped.

“Oh no.” I covered my mouth, my cheeks flaming. “He’s going to—”

“And to the very special girl from the other night.” Jenson’s eyes sparkled as he

spoke, that cocky grin that took my breath away lifting one side of his face. “I

found her. She even came to watch me play,” he boasted endearingly. “Seat 22.”

The overhead camera panned the crowd, then found my scarlet face. Taylor sat

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beside me with a big goofy grin and waved enthusiastically.

“There’s something for you under your seat, Bethany.”

His words froze my hammering heart.

“Look under your seat. Everyone is watching,” Taylor grunted out of the corner of

her mouth through a smile.

I bent, dreading every single second of having thousands of pairs of eyes trained on

me all thanks to him and his damn dogged persistence.

Didn’t he know he’d already won me? I’d never stood a chance long term against

his beautiful smile and sweetness.

My hands felt around until they landed on a box.

Lifting it into my lap, I saw the small white rectangle was wrapped in a neon pink

and glitter bow.

This wasn’t looking good.

“Open it.” His sexy tenor rumbled through the crowd, and it was actually a wonder

every woman in that place didn’t melt into a hormonal puddle.

I pulled the ribbon, letting it fall, and lifted the lid slowly.

Please don’t be panties. Please don’t be panties.

“Chocolates.” I smiled brightly, relief pulsing through my system.

“What's this?” My sister lifted the corner of the tissue paper nestled beneath the

chocolates. “Oh my God.” She covered her giggle.

My eyes shot down to inspect them closer.

Nestled beneath the decadent little chocolates was a pair of panties.

“Those are edible panties.” Taylor burst out into a full belly laugh.

She was right, and I was mortified.

“The man does gifts well, you gotta give him that.”

“There’s a note, too.” I lifted it and read.

Dinner. Just you and me, tonight. Say yes. J

A smile turned up my lips when I finished.

I knew what my answer would be. I knew what it would always be.

“What do you say, Bethany?” he asked over the sound system.

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The crowd was cheering by now, chanting our names as I sat riveted, my eyes

locked with his.

Damn if all his grand gestures hadn’t worn me down. His charm, his words, and his

gentle spirit rocking my world.

I had a thousand and one reasons to tell him no, but none of them were good.

“Yes,” I whispered. I finally jumped out of my seat and did the one thing I’d been

itching to do the entire game.

I ran to him.

All the way across the field I sprinted until he dropped the mic at his feet and

opened his arms, hoisting me up to his waist and taking my lips in a long kiss.

Every person in that stadium erupted in cheers, rising to their feet, while—as I was

told later—the monitor zoomed in on our passionate lip lock and sent hearts

floating around our heads on the giant screen.



The very best day of my life.

I had a feeling there would be so many more great days coming with Jenson around.

lad you said yes to dinner?” Jenson locked his hand in mine and pulled it over

his bare chest, out bodies still heaving from orgasms as we lay in his bed hours


“You haven't fed me yet.” I laughed, then turned over, my hair falling over my

shoulder and across his body while my eyes devoured his dark skin. “I'm feeling a

little abused,” I wiggled, “in the best ways.”

Jenson shoved a hand through my hair and pulled me to him in a possessive kiss.

“I'll feed you something alright.” He murmured and caused me to nearly burst out

in laughter.

“I'm not sure if you're charming or corny.”

“Both.” He planted a kiss on my forehead. “I'm glad you're back. I can die a happy

man if I can go to bed with you in my arms every night and bury myself between

your sweet thighs every morning.”

“Such a charmer.” I teased before straddling his waist, his hands clutching at my

hips as I pushed his impressive erection between my legs again.

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“Why Bethany, you look almost insatiable.” He arched his hips and pulled me down

to him in another kiss just as he slid his cock deep into my body. His mouth caught

the errant moans falling out of my throat as his hands roamed my skin, lighting

every nerve on fire.

“I'm glad you didn't stop.”

“Mm, stop what?” He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, his eyes focused on the

place our bodies connected.

“Hounding me for that date.” I grinned and rocked against him, enjoying every

long, thick inch of him buried inside me.

“Hounding?!” His barrel laugh sent vibrations rolling through my clit.

“I think I was starved for you Jenson Abbot, and I didn't even know it.” I grinned,

covering his gorgeous smile in another kiss.

“So that means you'll stay?”

“Mm, I'll stay tonight.”

“And tomorrow?”

“You're a tough negotiator.” I grinned, my palms planted on his broad chest. “But

I'll stay tomorrow too.”

“Exactly what I like to hear.” His hands fisted in my hair and pulled me to him, his

teeth attacking my throat and soothing away the little nips with gentle laps of his

tongue. “Now I just have to convince you into forever.”

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powered down the makeshift field, pretending to run as fast as my feet could

carry me as I raced my pint-sized opponent.

“Run, baby, run!” Bethany cheered from the sidelines for me.

Or was it for him?

It was hard telling these days. She was wrapped around the other guy’s finger.

Just as I was about to call my timeout because this game wasn’t going my way,

Brock lifted his little foot and kicked with all his might, landing a goal squarely

between the goal posts.

“Yay! That’s my boy!” Bethany ran out into the lawn and scooped the little guy in

her arms, showering him with kisses. “You’re going to be a soccer star just like

Daddy someday, huh?”

I stood watching her hold my boy, all three years old and three squirmy feet of him.

He was long and lean. I could already tell he was taking after me.

I smiled widely as I approached, circling Bethany and Brock with both of my arms

and planting a kiss at the curve of her neck.

“You look beautiful.”

“Stop.” That same familiar blush creeped up her cheeks.

“Five years married and this little guy later and I can still make you blush.” I spread

a palm around her protruding belly.

“You never cease to amaze me, that’s for sure.” Bethany covered my hand with

hers while she held our son in her other arm.

Just then Brock started squirming. “Let’s play again!”

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Bethany set him down, and he powered off across the lawn, kicking the soccer ball

as he went. He was all boy that was for sure.

“What about Juliette?” My wife looked up, her eyes sparkling with love and


“I love Juliette.” I grinned, feeling my heart grow wider and deeper for the little

person I hadn’t even met yet. If she was anything like her mom, she would be a

beautiful, smart, independent little thing.

The very first moment I’d met Bethany, she’d given me a gift, and I hadn’t even

known it. She’d taught me what passion was, what striving for love was, instead of

always striving for the game.

I’d been thrilled when all the studying had finally paid off, and she’d graduated

with honors to move on to get her sports medicine degree. She’d been assisting the

team these last few years, and it’d been a dream having my little family travel with

me, cheering me on from the sidelines. But now with the little princess on the way

and the little guy in school, I wanted roots. I wanted to settle down.

I wanted the hectic schedule to end so I could focus on what matters most: my


“I see that faraway look in your eyes, Jenson Abbott. Don’t even think about it.”

She tapped me on the chin and planted a kiss there. “Over my dead body you’re

retiring. We’ll make this work. We can hire a tutor for Brock, and you know Taylor

loves tagging along for away games to play nanny.”

“It doesn’t help when she and Luc are sneaking off every damn time I look

around,” I grunted.

“You sound like an old man.” Bethany wrapped her arms around my waist and

pulled me close. “You’re not ready to retire. You love soccer.”

“The only thing I love more is you and our family.”

“And you’re lucky enough to have us both.” She pressed up on her tiptoes and took

my lips in a long, sweet kiss.

It’d taken me a while to bend Bethany, but once she’d come around, there’d been

no looking back for us.

From the start, she’d stolen my heart, and she’d owned every beat of it ever since.


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First, I have to thank my ever so loving and patient husband. You truly are my HEA,

babe. <3

Thank you to Aria's Assassins for keeping my fire burning. I am forever grateful for

your love and cheerleading!

I can't thank the ArdentProse team enough. You ladies make my life so much easier

and I love you for it!

To my ladies...the ladies that love to get lost in books about true and last lasting

love... THANK YOU!!! Writing books you love is what keeps me going. You are my

rock stars!

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Bending Bethany

Chasing Charlie

Taking Tessa

Document Outline


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