home maid the perkins maid

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Home Maid

Sara Dunbar

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Home Maid

Written by Sara Dunbar

Published by Sara Dunbar at Smashwords

Copyright 2011, Sara Dunbar

All rights reserved.

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This story contains mature subject matter and is not intended for anyone under the age of 18.

This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All rights reserved. Except for use in

any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or part in any form by any

electronic or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Any

similarities between characters in this book and any person, living or dead, are purely

coincidental and unintended.

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I stopped and looked at my reflection in the mirror above the bar in the butler’s pantry.

My little maid’s cap had slid down again, so I set down the feather duster and adjusted it, moving

one of the hair pins a little closer to the middle to try to keep it in place. The silly thing was

always such a nuisance!

Once I had it positioned properly I took a moment to look myself over. One of the

reasons I always had problems with the cap was because my thick, blond hair was pulled up into

such a tight bun that it made it hard for the hair pins to really take hold. Personally, I preferred

my hair down, but that was one of the rules for the job.

I checked my makeup to make sure it looked alright. Couldn’t have myself looking like a

tramp! That was another one of the rules: makeup had to be minimal and tasteful. As far as not

looking like a tramp, well the uniform made that rather difficult!

I ran my hands down across the front of my little French maid’s uniform, across my

generous 38DD breasts and my firm, flat belly. With my hands at my side, the tips of my fingers

extended just slightly below the hem of my skirt. I turned slightly so I could see the shape of my

ass, and as I took it all in I smiled. I was only 22, and here I was wearing this cute little maid’s

uniform and getting paid an obscene amount of money just to keep this place tidy. What a gig!

I turned back to the mirror and looked into my own blue eyes reflected there, and I could

hardly believe my luck. I had started working for this maid service during my Junior year of

college. My roommate turned me on to it and told me she was making great money. The thought

of having to clean someone else’s house didn’t turn me on, but then neither did my tuition

payments! Besides, I finally convinced myself, it beat the hell out of being a stripper!

I had been working for the Perkins family for two years now, and they had always made

me feel very much like a part of the family. I mean, I didn’t have meals with them or celebrate

holidays with them, but they were respectful and not condescending like some families I had

heard about. Mr. Perkins had even given me a cute little car for a graduation present after I

graduated from college. He said he’d done the same for each of his kids, and it seemed right. Of

course, who was I to say no?

The Perkins family consisted of the dad, Henry, and his wife Maria. They had two sons

who were both off at college somewhere in the east, and they only came home on the holidays.

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That meant I had this great big house to take care of and only two people who were hardly ever

here to mess it up. Like I said, what a gig!

Mrs. Perkins was a buyer for a big clothing chain, so she was always travelling from one

city to another. It seemed like the only times I ever saw her was like every other weekend and the

holidays. Mr. Perkins had developed some kind of software and then sold the company for like a

billion dollars, so he really didn’t work much. I mean, he had lots of hobbies and stuff, but he

didn’t really have a real job.

About a year ago the Perkins’ offered to let me move into the guest house, rent free!

Again, who was I to say no? They already paid me more than I could have gotten with any job I

would have landed with my Fine Arts Degree, and then they went and gave me a free place to

live on top of that. What a life!

I stood there in front of the mirror thinking about all of this and how I had come to be

here, and naturally I just smiled. I mean, what girl wouldn’t love my life?

I turned away from the mirror and went back to my dusting. The house was a little over

5000 square feet with five bedrooms, five baths, two family rooms, a study, and a library. That

was a lot of dusting! Even so, like I said, there was hardly ever anyone here to mess things up, so

the biggest part of my job was the dusting and a little laundry every few days.

I made my way into the library and started dusting the desk and a couple of reading

chairs and a table of magazines. I was pretty much lost in a daydream, as usual, trying to figure

out what I was going to do for the weekend. I finished dusting in the library and left to make my

way to the study. As I walked out into the hall, lost in my own thoughts, I ran headlong into Mr.

Perkins and his glass of bourbon on ice.

“Oh dear heavens,” he exclaimed. “Are you all right?”

Mr. Perkins was a big man, I mean, not fat big, but tall big. He stood over six feet tall and

had the same build he had sculpted as a college quarterback. I mean, he was solid, so I just

literally bounced off of him and fell backwards on my ass! Of course, his drink managed to spill

all over the front of my uniform before I ended up on the floor, but other than that I guess I was


I looked up at his large, brown, puppy dog eyes and just smiled. “Yes, I’m fine; I just

wasn’t watching where I was going!”

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“Nonsense, Jessica,” he said as he bent over and offered me a hand. “I was reading the

paper as I was walking and didn’t pay attention to where I was going. It was entirely my fault!”

I took his hand and he literally lifted me up on my feet with a single tug. I had always

thought that he had kept in pretty good shape for a man in his fifties, but I had no idea he was so

strong! His hair had started to turn mostly grey, but at least he still had a full head of it. Most

guys his age were bald and round, but Mr. Perkins most definitely did not fit that stereotype!

“Thank you,” I offered as I stood there in front of him, the front of my uniform soaking

wet and reeking of alcohol. I looked up into Mr. Perkins’ eyes and I noticed that they were not

looking back into mine. No, his eyes were looking down my now-soaked cleavage and taking in

the sight of my nipples pushing through the fabric of my uniform. What can I say? An ice cube

or two between the tits can really make your nipples hard!

I looked down at the front of my uniform and then used my hands to smooth out the front

of it, feeling the wet stickiness of the bourbon on my fingers. “I guess I better head back to the

guest house and take a quick shower!” I looked back up at Mr. Perkins, and he somehow

managed to break himself away from my breasts and looked me in the eyes.

“No, please, come up to the master suite and have a shower there! My wife has plenty of

clothes that she never wears, and you’ll be doing the laundry anyway.” He took a step back and

motioned towards the stairway at the end of the hall. “Besides, it’s nearly 5:00 anyway, so why

don’t you make yourself comfortable and then come join me for dinner?”

Did I mention that the Perkins’ had a personal chef who lived in another guest house?

The chef always came in and prepared the meals and left them in the oven for whenever anyone

came home to eat. I knew she had already left for the day, and the smell of the roast she had

cooked had been filling the house all afternoon. The best part was that she also came in early the

next morning to clean up the dishes, so I didn’t have to do it. In fact, the kitchen was off limits

for me, and that suited me just fine!

I smiled at Mr. Perkins and then nodded my head. “Okay, thank you so much! I’ll just be

a moment,” I said as I started to make my way past him to the stairway.

“Take your time, my dear. I’ll start setting out the dishes and getting the meal on the


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I got halfway up the stairs and when I reached the landing to turn and make my way up

the other half, I saw Mr. Perkins still standing there, watching me. I thought it was a bit odd at

first, but I just shrugged it off and didn’t give it another thought.

I walked into the luxurious master suite with its giant king size bed and the large stuffed

pillows. When they called this room a suite, they weren’t kidding! This bedroom was so

enormous it had a sofa, a bar, a sitting room, and two chairs. Of course, the sliding doors led to a

patio that looked out over the ocean. Sometimes after I made the bed and tidied up in here I

would go out on the patio and just enjoy the view.

I took a left inside the doorway and walked into the walk-in closet. There were dozens of

outfits here that I had never seen Mrs. Perkins wear. I just grabbed the first conservative pant suit

I could find and took it out and laid it on the bed.

Next I walked into the bathroom and started removing my wet uniform. I have to admit it

was kind of exciting to feel the cold wet material pull away from my skin. I looked at myself in

the giant mirror and was not surprised to see how big my nipples were! I took off my bra and

panties and smiled at my reflection as I took my hair down.

I ran my hand across my tits ever so softly just so I could feel the sensation of my fingers

on my nipples. They have always been so sensitive, and I think I giggled a little at the excitement

of being here in the master bath getting ready to take a shower.

I went to the glassed in shower stall and turned the water on really hot. It only took a

minute for the water to get hot and I stepped in and let it run all over my body. The water felt so

good running down between my big, soft tits and down across my firm belly and then between

my thighs.

I followed the stream of water with my left hand while I used my right to tweak my

nipples. My fingers felt so warm because of the water, but they weren’t nearly as hot as my

pussy once I put them inside of me. Boy, my nipples were really hard now! I was getting myself

all worked up when I heard a noise outside the bathroom.

“Is everything okay in there?”

Mr. Perkins! Oh shit, he was right outside the door! Was I moaning? I couldn’t

remember! “Um, uh, yes sir, everything’s fine,” I stammered.

“Excellent! I have a surprise for you once you finish in there!”

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I was so stunned I didn’t know what to say. I quickly turned off the water and reached for

the thick, plush towel hanging by the stall. Thank god there was a thick terrycloth robe hanging

on the back of the door, because it hadn’t occurred to me to bring any clothes into the bathroom

with me!

I finished drying and looked at my shocked expression in the mirror. My nipples were

still hard, and my eyes were almost as big as my aereolas! At least the robe was thick enough to

conceal my nipples! It wasn’t much longer than my uniform skirt, but it would do the job.

I put on the robe and slowly opened the door, peaking through the slight crack to survey

the bedroom. The first thing I saw was the foot of the bed, and I noticed that the pantsuit I had

laid out was gone!

“Ah, there you are! Come on out my dear, there’s no reason to be concerned!” Mr.

Perkins’ voice sounded reassuring, but oddly I didn’t feel so reassured as I stepped through the

doorway and into the room.

Mr. Perkins was standing near the head of the bed with a rather lewd smile on his face.

His eyes caught mine briefly before he turned towards the bed and lifted somethin up, saying “I

hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of picking out something different for you to wear.”

He turned back towards me holding up a very sheer black babydoll teddy. I could feel a

blush rising on my cheeks! “Mr. Perkins!” I said to him. “That hardly seems appropriate for


I watched his smile fade away as he glanced down at the nightie. His left eyebrow rose

slightly as he looked back up at me. “I thought perhaps we could have dinner later, and please,

do call me Henry!”

I hesitated for just a moment before I untied the sash of the robe and let it fall open in

front. I stepped towards him with a smile on my face as I pulled the robe back and off of my

shoulders, letting it fall to the floor behind me.

As I moved closer, I saw Henry shift his gaze from my eyes down to my tits. Typical, I

thought, but I really didn’t care. My pussy was wet and I hadn’t been with a man in months. I

stopped right in front of him and reached out with my right hand, running my fingers along the

length of his hardening cock. “Henry! I don’t think we need to bother with that little nightie.”

He dropped the nightie on the floor at his feet and I lowered myself to my knees, still

caressing his cock through the front of his trousers. I smiled up at him as I used both hands to

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unbuckle his belt. His eyes were still locked on my tits as I pulled his cock free and his pants fell

down around his ankles.

I put my mouth right in front of his cock and licked the tip with my tongue. I heard Henry

exhale deeply, not realizing he had been holding his breath as I pulled his pants down! I tilted my

head back so that I could lick the bottom of his shaft. I looked up at him and smiled, and this

time he looked me in the eyes. That was all I needed to get me to keep going!

With our eyes still locked, I opened my mouth and took the head of his cock past my

warm lips. Henry closed his eyes and lifted his head back with his face towards the ceiling. I

slowly took the entire length of his cock into my mouth. It wasn’t anything enormous, but as I

felt his pubes tickle my nose, I figured it would get the job done.

As I slid his cock out of my mouth I heard him moan and his legs started to wobble. I

took hold of his left hand and pulled him towards the bed. He sat down on the edge and leaned

back on his elbows, watching me closely as I removed his shoes and then his pants.

I lowered my mouth back down around his cock and started to bob my head up and

down, sliding my tongue from side to side along the bottom of his cock. Henry moaned and lay

back on the bed with his eyes closed.

I ran my hands along his hips as I kept sucking his cock, using just my lips and my

tongue to keep him fully aroused. Within a few minutes he was starting to thrust his cock deeper

into my mouth, no longer content to just lay there and let me do the work.

I abruptly stopped and let his wet cock flop out of my mouth and onto his stomach. He

raised his head up off the bed with a surprised look on his face as I stood up beside the bed. My

legs brushed against his thigh as I stood before him.

I brought my left hand up to pinch my nipple while my right hand wandered down to my

pussy. Henry folded his hands behind his head and smiled as he watched me stand in front of

him playing with myself.

His cock started to twitch on his belly and I watched as it started to rise up on it’s own as

if it was beckoning me. I figured it needed a little more attention, so I leaned over and took it into

my left hand.

Henry smiled and stared at my breasts as they swung forward over his cock. I stepped

forward until my knees touched the edge of the bed. I then lifted my left leg and placed it on the

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bed alongside his hip. With my hand still on his cock I placed my right knee on the bed so that I

was straddling him.

Henry pulled his hands out from behind his head and reached for my tits. I leaned

forward, placing my weight on my right hand which I rested on the bed next to his head. As his

hands grabbed my breasts I used my left hand to guide his throbbing cock into my dripping wet

cunt. I felt his cock slide all the way into my pussy as he laid his head back and moaned,

squeezing my tits harder as he started to pump his cock into my pussy.

I smiled down at him as I leaned into his firm hands, enjoying the way he squeezed my

nipples between his fingers. His thrusting started to slow so I took over and started bouncing up

and down on his cock. I loved the feel of his shaft sliding in and out of my pussy. It wasn’t the

biggest cock I’d ever had, but he certainly knew how to use it! I could feel it rubbing against my

G-spot as I leaned forward.

I moved my hands to his chest and leaned forward on them. I started bouncing faster as I

felt my orgasm getting closer, and suddenly Henry started thrusting his cock into me again.

Before I knew it I was cumming and my whole body went limp as I collapsed on his chest.

I lay there for a moment trying to catch my breath, and I could feel his cock still

twitching inside my soaked pussy. I rose up and smiled at him and said, “Would you like to try

something different?”

He winked at me as he smiled and said, “Yes, I think I would!”

I reluctantly slid off his body and was so surprised to see that his shaft was still rock

hard! I had heard that older guys usually had a problem keeping it hard for very long, but then

again, he probably had some help of the pharmaceutical kind. Who was I to look a gift horse in

the mouth? Hmm, speaking of mouth!

As my legs slid down onto the floor, I bent over his cock once more and took it into my

mouth. I could taste the wetness from my pussy and I loved it! For some reason, I have always

enjoyed the taste of my own juices on a man’s penis. It has often made me wonder if another

girl’s pussy would taste the same, but that was for another time. For now, all I needed to satisfy

me was standing straight up in my mouth.

After I had thoroughly cleaned his member, I stood up in front of Mr. Perkins, my hard

nipples still pointing towards him. He smiled at me, unable to take his eyes off my tits, as he

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stood up in front of me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me passionately, his tongue

snaking into my mouth and wrestling with my own tongue.

Then suddenly he grabbed my arms and stepped around behind me. I could feel his hard

member pressing against my butt cheek as he whispered into my ear, “Bend over.”

I took a step towards the bed and placed both of my knees on the top corner. I then leaned

forward so that I was on my hands and knees on the bed, with me kneeling in front of Henry and

his throbbing penis. I felt his hands run along my butt and up to the middle of my back. I could

also feel that stiff meat pole pressing against my inner thigh! He left one hand on my back, but

the other slid around in front of me and reached for my clit. His fingers found the little guy and

started rubbing vigorously.

My pussy was still wet, so his fingers had plenty of lubrication as he moved them so

quickly back and forth over my clit. I started to feel another orgasm coming on, and I’m sure

Henry knew that by the way my body was jerking. He never let up, but instead kept rubbing side

to side and then up and down across my clit. When he started rubbing more closely around the

tip of my clitoris and then pushed two of his fingers all the way up inside of me, I just lost it!

I pushed back against him and let out a loud, and I mean very loud, moan as I felt my

entire body taken over by a warm glow. My arms collapsed underneath me, and I lay there with

my head on the bed and my butt sticking up in the arm. I could almost hear Mr. Perkins smile!

His still wet hand moved away from my cunt and his other hand moved back to my hip. I

felt him move in closer as he guided his cock back into my thoroughly soaked pussy. He started

it in nice and slow, letting it gradually glide all the way to the back of my pussy. I released a

long, slow moan as I felt him taking me all the way, and I could not help smiling.

Once his member was buried all the way inside me, he pulled it out just as slow, and I

loved the rush of excitement that started coursing through my body. Then, with both hands on

my hips, he suddenly thrust his cock all the way in with one quick motion, and before I knew it

he was pounding me hard and fast from behind. I swear I thought he was going to tear right

through me, but it felt so damned good!

I rose back up on my hands and started pushing back to meet his thrusts. Mr. Perkins kept

pushing and pushing, and I was quite amazed at how he was able to keep going for so long. I felt

him leaning into me as he reached around with one of his hands to fondle my nipple. AS I said

before, my nipples have always been very sensitive, and they certainly appreciated the attention!

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I pushed back harder as he continued thrusting, and I could hear him beginning to moan. His

voice gradually started rising and his thrusting became more urgent until he finally exploded

deep inside of me.

Henry slipped out of me and moved around to collapse on the bed beside me. I saw that

he had a very big, satisfied smile on his face. He looked up at me still on my knees and said,

“Was it good for you?”

I fell onto my stomach laughing. “Seriously? That’s original!”

He laughed along with me as he turned on his side facing me. Then his faced turned quite

serious as he said, “I do hope this won’t be a matter of discomfort for us. I love my wife, but

with her gone on so many long trips, I just sometimes need a means of relieving some pressure. I

hope you understand.”

I smiled back at him and answered, “You don’t have to worry. I had a good time, and I’m

not looking for this to become something else. I do understand, and if you find you need to

relieve some pressure, then I’m your girl!”

“Indeed you are!” He leaned towards me and kissed my shoulder, and as he did I rolled

over onto my back. Henry moved in closer, and with his right arm propping him up, he let his

left hand slide down across my belly and in between my legs. “My goodness!” he said with a

smile. “You’re still quite wet!”

I laughed and moved my left hand over between his legs and said, “My goodness, you’re

still quite hard!”

We both laughed as he rose up and moved over on top of me. I lifted my feet up to the

edge of the bed just as he leaned into me, sliding his cock all the way in with a single thrust. “Oh

my god!” I blurted out.

He kept thrusting into me as he leaned on his left arm. His right hand moved up to cup

my breast as he leaned over me and took my nipple into his mouth. Did I mention how sensitive

my nipples are? He started flicking his tongue back and forth over my nipple, and it just drove

me wild! I started bucking and thrusting and I grabbed his butt cheeks and tried to pull his entire

body inside of me. Before I knew it I was screaming from another orgasm and he was moaning

as he exploded once again.

Henry collapsed on top of my body; the sweat from his chest combined with the sweat on

mine giving me an extra charge as I felt his chest hairs slide across my nipples. I twitched one

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last time, the walls of my pussy squeezing his cock of every last drop. We were both breathing

deeply, completely spent.

After a few moments, Henry rose up and looked into my face. He started to say

something, but I cut him off. “Don’t say it! Yes, it was good for me!” We both laughed again as

he slowly lifted himself up off of me. He stood there in front of me, that stay-hard cock of his

finally starting to droop. Without saying a word he dropped to his knees and buried his face in

my snatch! All I could hear were these crude slurping sounds, which at first made me want to

giggle. Then he started getting serious and began to move his tongue back and forth along my

clit, and giggling was the farthest thing from my mind!

I could feel him move his fingers up along the sides of my pussy, and as he continued to

flick his tongue back and forth, he slid a couple of fingers up inside of me. He started moving his

fingers in and out, pressing up against my spot, and his tongue kept moving faster and faster. His

tongue started moving in circles, making loops around my clit, and then he would suddenly go

back and forth across the clit, with his fingers still thrusting in and out. I could feel another

climax coming on, and I grabbed the sheets with both hands, gritting my teeth as I screamed out

in pleasure once more.

I found myself gasping for breath, and it seemed like the whole room was spinning. I

could see Mr. Perkins standing by the side of the bed again, but I couldn’t lift my head to look at

him. Slowly, I began to feel like I was coming back around, and I smiled up at him and said, “So

am I getting paid overtime for this?”

Mr. Perkins smiled and laughed. “Oh yes, my dear, and I think you’ll be receiving a nice

little bonus as well.” He turned and started to walk into the bathroom. I rose up on my elbows to

watch him as he stopped and turned back to look at me. “By the way, please remember to change

the sheets before you go!” I must have had a shocked look on my face, because then he smiled

and winked. “Come and join me in the shower,” he said as he held his hand out to me.

I bounced up off the bed and went over to take his hand. “I still don’t have anything to

wear, you know.”

“You can take the outfit you had selected earlier. I’ll have it dry cleaned when you bring

it back tomorrow.” He opened the shower door for me and turned on the water. Satisfied that the

water was warm enough, he stepped back and held the door open for me. “After you,” he said as

he extended his hand and bowed slightly.

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I smiled at him and stepped into the shower, halting directly under the oversized shower

head. I closed my eyes and held my face up to the stream of water, feeling the warm water

cascade down over my entire body. Henry stepped into the shower behind me and wrapped his

arms around me. I leaned my head back against his chest as his hands slid up to my breasts. He

cupped both of them as his finger and thumb started tweaking my nipples. I started feeling weak

as his fingers played with my tits, and then I heard him say, “You know, I may need you to work

overtime tomorrow night as well!”

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck as the warm water ran down my

back and between my butt cheeks. “I think I can manage that!” I said as I smiled up at him.

His eyes met mine as he leaned in and pressed his cheek against my own and whispered,

“Don’t worry; I’ll help you make the bed!”

Document Outline


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