The role of p53 in human cancer

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Journal of Neuro-Oncology 51: 231–243, 2001.
© 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

The role of p53 in human cancer

David Malkin
Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Key words: p53, tumor suppressor gene, apoptosis, growth arrest, DNA repair


In the two decades since its original discovery, p53 has found a singularly prominent place in our understanding
of human cancer. Although the biochemistry of p53 has been worked out in some detail, our knowledge of the
biologic consequences of p53 dysfunction is still quite rudimentary. Over the next several years, it will be important
to determine how best to harness the complex properties of p53’s ability to induce cellular growth arrest and cell
death to generate novel, effective approaches to cancer therapy. Furthermore, a clearer appreciation of the direct
interaction of epigenetic factors with p53 will lead to development of strategies to inhibit tumour initiation and
progression. The next decade promises to offer exciting opportunities to apply our vast knowledge of this intriguing
tumor suppressor to clinical advantage.

With over 13,000 published manuscripts to its name,
the p53 tumor suppressor gene and its correspond-
ing protein have become the most intensely studied
molecules in cancer research since their original dis-
covery in 1979 [1,2]. p53 has received the monikers
‘guardian of the genome’ and ‘gatekeeper of the cell’
for its role in preventing the accumulation of genetic
alterations through the regulation of critical check-
points in response to distinct exogenous stresses. The
p53 protein is a transcription factor that is stabilized and
activated in response to a number of stimuli including
exposure of cells to DNA damaging agents, hypoxia,
growth factors, or activated oncogenes. Activation of
p53 allows it to function as a tumor suppressor through
a number of growth controlling endpoints. The most
widely studied downstream effects of p53 activation
include growth arrest and apoptosis, although senes-
cence, differentiation, and anti-angiogenesis have also
been implicated in p53 activation. This review will
discuss the biology and biochemistry of p53 and the
molecular pathway that it controls in the context of
human neoplasia. The reader is also referred to numer-
ous extensive review articles and web sites that focus
on specific aspects of this intriguing gene [3–18]. The
eventual elucidation of the physiology of p53 will be
critical to our understanding of the complex nature of
human cancer.

p53 tumor suppressor gene structure

Alterations of the p53 tumour suppressor gene or
its encoded protein are the most frequently observed
somatic genetic events in human cancer [18]. Germline
p53 alterations are found in the majority of fami-
lies with Li–Fraumeni syndrome (LFS), an autoso-
mal dominantly inherited disorder characterized by
the occurrence of early-onset breast cancer, sarcomas
and other neoplasms (see below) [19–22]. The human
p53 gene, located on chromosome 17p13, encodes
a 53 kDa nuclear phosphoprotein. The nucleotide
sequence predicts 393 amino acids that encode five
conserved domains [23] that are essential for nor-
mal p53 growth-suppressing functions and encom-
pass the most frequently mutated codons [24,25].
Through cross-species comparisons of the amino
acid sequences of p53 proteins, these conserved
domains have been shown to encompass residues
13–23, 117–142, 171–181, 234–250, and 270–286 [17]
(Figure 1).

The human p53 protein has been divided structurally

and functionally into four domains. The first 42 amino
acids at the N-terminus constitute the transcriptional
activation domain. This region interacts with the basal
transcriptional machinery of a cell in positively regulat-
ing expression of other growth regulatory genes [26].

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Figure 1. Basic structure of the p53 protein. It encodes 393 amino acids. Five highly conserved domains (I–V) are represented by the
hatched boxes, and confer distinct functions as described in the text. Interactions of other molecules with p53 are critical to the regulation
of p53 function.

p53 transcriptional activation is negatively regulated by
the adenovirus E1B-55 kDa protein, the large T antigen
of SV40 polyomavirus and the E6 protein of human
papillomavirus, and the human Mdm2 protein, all of
which bind to the N-terminus of p53 [27].

The sequence-specific DNA binding domain of p53

is found between amino acids 102 and 292, and rec-
ognizes and binds to consensus target sequences. The
DNA-binding domain harbors four of the five highly
conserved regions, and it is also within this domain that
80–90% of p53 mutations have been identified [28].

The p53 protein forms a tetramer in solution; the

C-terminus of the protein is responsible for the for-
mation of this structure. The oligomerization domain
is contained within amino acids 323–356. Adjacent to
the oligomerization domain is a region (amino acids
363–393) referred to as a transcriptional regulatory
domain that regulates sequence specific DNA binding
and a DNA damage recognition domain [29]. Three
nuclear localization signals are scattered throughout
the C-terminal region of p53 [30]. Disruption of any
of these regions commonly leads to inactivation of p53
function and malignant transformation of a cell.

p53 function

In normal mammalian cells, p53 is expressed at
extremely low levels because the protein is rapidly
degraded following synthesis, exhibiting a half-life of
20–30 min [31]. p53 is targeted for degradation by a
proteosome complex following ubiquitination. Mdm2
participates in the regulation of the stability of p53 by
helping to mediate this degradation. Mdm2 can interact
with p53 in undamaged cells and target it for ubiquitin-
mediated degradation [32]. Mdm2 also binds to the

p53 protein and inhibits the ability of p53 to act as a
transcription factor. Mdm2 binds to the N-terminus of
p53, within the transactivation domain where p53, as a
transcription factor, contacts other components of the
basal transcriptional machinery. The binding of Mdm2
inhibits normal function of this region of p53, reduc-
ing the ability of p53 to activate gene expression [33].
The promoter of the mdm2 gene contains a p53 bind-
ing site and is transcribed in a p53-dependent manner
[34]. This has led to a model in which p53 up-regulates
the Mdm2 protein, therefore providing a negative reg-
ulatory feedback loop for p53 activity. The control that
Mdm2 exerts over p53 is essential for normal develop-
ment. This has been demonstrated by embryonic lethal-
ity in Mdm2-deficient mice that can be rescued by the
simultaneous deletion of p53 [35] (see Mouse Models

Numerous cellular functions have been attributed to

p53 and have been extensively reviewed in the litera-
ture [17,36]. p53 acts either as a DNA-binding depen-
dent transcriptional activator or as a DNA-binding
independent repressor of several downstream targets
involved in cell growth, differentiation and prolifera-
tion. DNA damaging agents such as

γ -radiation and

certain chemotherapeutic drugs, including adriamycin
and cisplatin, cause rapid nuclear accumulation of
wild-type p53. Hypoxia, changes in pH, nucleo-
side pool depletion, antioxidants, cold shock, heat
shock, and other stresses induce p53 accumulation
(Figure 2). Whatever the upstream stimulus, activation
of p53 can induce cell cycle arrest at G


/S or G




p53 structural analyses [37–40] demonstrate several

conserved amino acid residues that form actual contacts
with the DNA helix. This cooperative binding greatly
facilitates interactions with p53 response elements.

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Figure 2. Numerous factors activate p53 to initiate a biochemical cascade that ultimately leads to cell growth arrest and/or apoptosis.
Both DNA damaging and non-DNA damaging agents can induce p53 (see text for details). The mechanisms of many of these modes of
p53 induction are poorly understand and the focus of intense investigation.

Abrogation of p53 function most frequently occurs
through inactivating mutations of amino acid residues
that alter p53’s structural or functional integrity leading
to genomic instability that increases the degree of can-
cer susceptibility. Coincident mutations in p53 and the
retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (RB1) cooperate in
the transformation of certain cell types in mice [41,42].
p53 inactivation also occurs via protein–protein inter-
actions (e.g. Mdm2-p53 or WT1-p53), intracellular
co-expression of viral oncoproteins (e.g. SV40-Tag or
HPV-E6), or nuclear exclusion of p53 protein by short-
lived anchor proteins [43,44].

The change in p53 levels result for the most part from

post-translational modifications of the p53 polypep-
tide [45]. Following DNA damage, p53 is stabi-
lized and activated. The events that occur upstream
of p53 have only recently begun to be elucidated.
Some of the advances in the field of p53 activation
have been extensively reviewed elsewhere [17,36].
Phosphorylation of p53 in response to DNA dam-
age appears to be one important mechanism by which
its activation is modulated. p53 is phosphorylated at
several serine residues within its amino- and carboxy-
terminal domains, and many of these phosphorylations

are inducible in the presence of DNA damage. For
example, phosphorylation of serines 15, 20, 37, and
392, among others, is induced by various forms of
DNA damage including XRT and UV (ultraviolet) light
[46]. Many protein kinases, some of which have been
shown to be involved in the detection, signaling and/or
repair of DNA damage, can phosphorylate p53 in vitro
and/or in vivo including ATM kinase, ATM-related
kinase (ATR), checkpoint kinases (Chk1 and Chk2),
DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), and casein
kinase II (ckII). Phosphorylation of either serine 15 or
20 can reduce the ability of Mdm2 to negatively reg-
ulate p53. Thus, p53 stability in response to certain
DNA damaging agents is believed to occur, at least
in part, by phosphorylation of p53 at serine 15 and/or
20, thereby disrupting the Mdm2/p53 complex, and
increasing the half-life and transcriptional activation
properties of p53.

p53 activation may also occur through acetyla-

tion. For example, CBP/p300, a protein related to the
retinoblastoma susceptibility protein RB1, is able to
acetylate p53 at lysines 373 and 382 in vitro, and the
acetylation of these residues has been found to activate
p53 sequence-specific DNA binding [47].

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p53 and apoptosis

p53 can also respond to cellular stress by signal-
ing a complex cellular physiologic pathway to induce
programmed cell death. Programmed cell death, also
known as apoptosis, is a process of cell suicide that
occurs through characteristic morphologic changes.
These include cell shrinkage, nuclear condensation,
DNA fragmentation, and plasma membrane blebbing
[48]. These morphologic changes result from the activ-
ity of intracellular cysteine proteases called caspases
[49]. Although the mechanisms by which p53 ini-
tiates apoptosis remain to be fully elucidated, sev-
eral transcriptional targets of p53 have been identified
that mechanistically link p53 to caspase activation and
apoptosis (Figure 3).

Apoptosis and growth arrest are conferred via






cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor p21


, or as

a component of a spindle checkpoint [50] that ensures
maintenance of diploidy during mitosis [51]. p21


in turn induces cell cycle arrest through its ability to
bind to several G


cyclins, cyclin dependent kinases

and PCNA [52], thereby blocking DNA replication.
In addition, p53 can induce apoptosis through tran-
scriptional activation of death genes such as Bax, a
pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 protein family,

Figure 3. Fundamental pathway for p53 function. The biochem-
ical interactions responsible for these properties are discussed
more fully in the text.

as well as by transcription-independent mechanisms
[53–63]. Cell cycle arrest and apoptosis appear to be
differentially regulated functions, with uncoupling
between the two dependent on the degree of DNA
damage, presence of growth factors, cell type and
specific p53 mutant forms. Even within the same
cell type, the cellular environment can dictate life or
death. For example, DNA damage causes lympho-
cytes to undergo cell cycle arrest in the presence of
interleukin-3, but in its absence, the same DNA dam-
age causes p53-dependent apoptosis [64]. The deletion
of p21 can cause cells that would otherwise undergo
p53-dependent cell cycle arrest to undergo apoptosis
instead, underscoring the major role of genetic back-
ground in determining these cellular responses [65].

The first p53 target gene identified to encode a can-

didate effector of p53-mediated apoptosis was bax, a
pro-apoptotic protein that is a member of the Bcl-2
family of proteins. The ratio of Bax : Bcl-2 appears to
be important in determining whether cells live or die.
Essentially Bax activation induces apoptosis whereas
Bcl-2 expression is associated with cell survival. Bax
and Bcl-2 control apoptosis at the level of mitochon-
drial cytochrome c release; Bax promotes its release
whereas Bcl-2 blocks the release of cytochrome c
from the mitochondria [66]. Once released from the
mitochondria, cytosolic cytochrome c (in concert with
APAF1) appears to medidate the activation of initia-
tor caspase 9, which triggers a caspase cascade lead-
ing to apoptosis [67]. The relative contribution of Bax
to p53-mediated apoptosis appears to be cell type
dependent. Thus, Bax is not required for radiation
induced, p53-dependent apoptosis in thymocytes [68],
but Bax-deficient fibroblasts appear to be compromised
in DNA-damage induced apoptosis [69].

Cell surface death receptors can also transmit rapid

apoptotic signals initiated by the binding of death lig-
ands. Transcription of the death receptor Fas is induced
by p53 through a p53-response element. This induc-
tion has been shown to contribute to cell death by
chemotherapeutic agents, but as in the case of Bax, the
role of Fas transactivation in p53-mediated apoptosis
appears to be cell type and signal-dependent. Follow-
ing DNA damage, p53 can also stimulate the expression
of another death receptor, KILLER/DR5 [70]. When
Fas or KILLER/DR5 binds to the extracellular signal-
ing molecules Fas ligand or TRAIL respectively, they
initiate signaling cascades that result in the activation
of caspases, leading to apoptosis.

Other genes that are induced in response to p53

may also be involved in apoptosis. IGF-BP3 binds

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insulin-like growth factor-I and prevents it from initi-
ating anti-apoptotic signals [71]. The overexpression
of PAG608, a protein that localizes to the nucleolus,
leads to morphologic changes characteristic of apopto-
sis [72]. Finally, a group of PIGs (p53-induced genes)
were recently identified that appear to increase cellular
oxidation. When oxidation was blocked, p53-mediated
apoptosis was inhibited, suggesting that p53 may acti-
vate apoptosis via cellular oxidation [73].

Inherited p53 mutations, the Li–Fraumeni
syndrome and its variant phenotypes

In 1969, an inherited cancer predisposition syndrome
was reported by Li and Fraumeni on the basis of char-
acterization of four families in which at least two cases
of sarcoma occurred in early life [19,20]. Other can-
cers noted at an increased frequency in these fami-
lies included premenopausal breast cancer, leukemia
and other sarcomas. Based on prospective analysis of
these and other families, the ‘classic’ syndrome was
subsequently defined as a proband with sarcoma diag-
nosed under age 45 years, with a first-degree relative
with any cancer under 45 years, plus another first or
second-degree relative with either any cancer under 45
years or a sarcoma at any age [74,75]. In addition to
sarcomas and premenopausal breast cancer, an excess
of brain tumors, leukemias, and adrenocortical carci-
nomas were noted [75] (Figure 4). As more families

Figure 4. ‘Classic’ Li–Fraumeni syndrome pedigree. Circles –
females; Squares – males; Shaded – diagnosed with cancer;
slash – deceased; LU – lung cancer; BR – breast cancer; LK –
leukemia; BB – bilateral breast cancer; STS – soft tissue sarcoma;
RMS – rhabdomyosarcoma; OS – osteosarcoma; CNS – brain

have been ascertained, the list of possible or probable
component tumors has been expanded to include gas-
tric cancer, lymphoma, and possibly early onset lung
cancer, choroid plexus carcinoma and colorectal cancer
[76–78]. Birch and colleagues described several fam-
ilies that did not conform to the criteria of the classic
LFS, and they termed these LFS-Like (LFS-L) [79].
The LFS-L families were defined on the basis of a
proband with any childhood cancer or sarcoma, brain
tumor or adrenocortical carcinoma diagnosed under 45
years of age with one first- or second-degree relative
with a typical LFS cancer diagnosed at any age, plus
a first- or second-degree relative in the same parental
lineage with any cancer diagnosed under the age of 60
years. In addition to the wide spectrum of tumor types
observed in LFS, Hisada and colleagues have shown
that gene carriers are at significant risk of developing
multiple synchronous or metachronous non-therapy
induced neoplasms [80]. In particular, the overall rel-
ative risk of occurrence of a second cancer was 5.3
(95% CI

= 2.8–7.8), with a cumulative probability of

second cancer occurrence of 57%. Given the high mor-
tality rate for affected members of LFS families, it was
not possible to obtain DNA from extended pedigrees
to carry out linkage analysis.

In 1990, Malkin and colleagues took a candidate

gene approach to determine the underlying genetic
lesion in LFS [81]. Based on earlier observations that
somatic mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene
were observed in greater than 50% of sporadic human
cancers [82], and that p53 transgenic mice carrying
mutant p53 alleles developed a wide spectrum of malig-
nancies [83], these investigators elected to examine
this gene in constitutional DNA of LFS kindreds.
Although heterozygous point mutations were initially
detected in 5 of 5 families, numerous subsequent stud-
ies by these and other investigators have shown that
only 60% to 80% of ‘classic’ LFS families harbor
detectable germline p53 mutations [85–87], while the
majority of LFS-L families do not have detectable p53
mutations in the coding regions of the gene [79,88].
A number of possible explanations have been pro-
posed to explain the lack of p53 alterations in some
‘classic’ LFS families and in most LFS-L kindreds.
Lesions within introns or the regulatory regions of
the gene have recently been suggested, although their
functional significance is unclear [89]. The types and
position of germ line p53 mutations closely reflect
those observed in sporadic tumors, and the majority
of reported mutations are missense mutations within
the conserved domains of the gene. Although it was

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originally observed that mutations in LFS occurred in
a tight cluster within exon 7 [81], subsequent studies
have confirmed that in fact, mutations occur through-
out the gene – though primarily confined to highly con-
served regions.

Several groups have examined the role of other tumor

suppressor genes associated with cancer syndromes
associated with occurrence of multiple tumors. To date,
these studies have been non-informative for germline
alterations of PTEN, p16


, and p19


. Other genes

involved in p53-mediated cellular growth regulatory
pathways, either effectors, targets or binding partners
of p53, have been postulated to be involved in tumor
predisposition in LFS and LFS-L families with no
detectable germline p53 alterations. Although muta-
tions of downstream targets of p53 have yet to be iden-
tified in these families, a recent intriguing observation
of heterozygous germline mutations in the checkpoint
kinase hCHK2 in one LFS family and one LFS-L fam-
ily suggests an alternative mechanism for functional
p53 inactivation in LFS [90]. This gene is the human
homolog of the yeast Cds1 and Rad53 G2 checkpoint
kinases that are involved in preventing cellular entry
into mitosis in response to DNA damage [91]. Although
the checkpoint kinase pathway genes may be impli-
cated in cancer predisposition in this setting, the rele-
vance of these observations has recently been brought
into question with the detection of functionally neu-
tral polymorphisms in homologous fragments of genes
related to hCHK2 in LFS families lacking germline p53
mutations [92]. The search then continues for expla-
nations of the genetic predisposition to cancer in these

p53-deficient mice were generated by Donehower

and colleagues in 1992, and subsequently by other
groups [93–95] (see below). These mice have a strik-
ing propensity to develop a wide spectrum of cancer at
extremely early age (

<9 months), with a relative preva-

lence of lymphomas. Interestingly, p53-heterozygous
mice, harboring one wild-type and one deficient allele,
also have a high incidence of cancer, although the
tumors develop at a much slower rate [96]. Further-
more, in a pattern similar to the human LFS, these mice
have a higher incidence of sarcoma development. Mul-
tiple primary tumors occur as well, again mimicking
the human LFS phenotype. Although p53 behaves as a
classic tumor suppressor gene, less than 50% of tumors
from p53-heterozygous mice and LFS patients have
evidence of loss of heterozygosity [96,97]. It remains
unclear in these patients how the retained wild-type p53

allele is functionally inactivated en route to malignant
transformation of the cell.

A number of studies have analysed groups of patients

with tumors characteristic of LFS, yet lacking char-
acteristic family histories of cancer, for germline
p53 mutations. Such mutations have been identi-
fied in approximately 50% to 80% of children with
adrenocortical carcinoma [98,99], 10% of children
with osteosarcoma [100], and 10% of children with
rhabdomyosarcoma [101,102]. The age of onset of
tumors in the latter group of patients is strikingly lower
(average age approximately 22 months) than in RMS
patients with intact germline p53 [101]. These obser-
vations suggest a possible difference in the biologic
nature of malignant transformation of cells where p53
is altered as an early in contrast to a late event. One third
of children with sarcomas plus either multiple primary
tumors, or a family history of cancer have germline p53
mutations. However, although breast cancer is a princi-
pal component of LFS, only 1% to 2% of women with
familial, early-onset, or bilateral breast cancer harbor
germline p53 mutations [103,104].

Presymptomatic molecular testing for p53 germline

mutations in members of Li–Fraumeni kindreds has
been met with significant controversy. Because of
the variable expressivity, the diverse tumor spectrum,
and lack of clear clinical surveillance, preventative
or treatment recommendations, it is unclear how to
manage the detection of a p53 mutant carrier. Fur-
thermore, the concept of predictive genetic testing
of a child for a disease which may (or may not)
occur in young adulthood poses significant chal-
lenges to our perception of the ethics of disclosure
of genetic test results, where the potential benefi-
ciary of these results may wish to uphold the right
to ‘not know.’ In an attempt to address these issues,
guidelines for testing have been established by both
the American Society of Human Genetics in a state-
ment and the American Society of Clinical Oncology
[105,106]. These guidelines form a useful founda-
tion on which to build practical testing parameters as
better defined genotype : phenotype correlations are

More than 80% of p53 mutations (somatic or

germline) are missense and occur in the core DNA-
binding domain. Residues 175, 245, 248, 273 and
282 are the most frequently altered codons. Recently,
rare mutations in the nuclear localization signal
and tetramerization domain have been documented
and functionally characterized. Alterations that would

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affect splicing events and lead to disruptions of the gene
product have also been reported.

Given this clinical heterogeneity, it is important to

establish how different p53 mutations predispose to the
formation of specific tumours. In vitro analysis of func-
tional activity of p53 alterations [107,108] reveals that
not all are associated with inhibition of growth arrest,
apoptosis, transcriptional activation, or an increased
cancer risk. In humans, the limited organ or target cell
specificity of p53 mutations [109] may be due to vary-
ing genetic backgrounds, acquisition of unique subse-
quent gene alterations in target tissues, or the influence
of epigenetic or environmental factors. Because it is
difficult to study in vivo factors that may influence p53
function in humans, the development of a mouse carry-
ing specific p53 mutations on a homogeneous genetic
background offers significant advantages. A model that
reflects the human p53 mutant genotype may provide a
formidable tool with which to study the role of natural
somatic and germline p53 mutations in carcinogenesis,
and could lead to the development of novel treatment

Tumour development in mice with
germline p53

Transgenic animals carrying distinct deregulated onco-
genes develop tumours that appear to be limited to cer-
tain cell types. To better study p53 in vivo, mice have
been created that either lack functional p53 [93] or
express dominant-negative mutant alleles that inhibit
wt-p53 function [83].

p53 transgenic mice carry transgenes that encode for

proteins differing from wt-p53 either by an




Pro or



> Val substitution [83]. The transgenes

are under transcriptional control of the endogenous pro-
moter and the mice also carry two wt-p53 alleles. The
transgene is expressed in a wide range of tissue, yet
tumours (primarily osteosarcomas, lymphomas, and
lung adenocarcinomas) occur in only 20% of the mice,
suggesting intrinsic tissue-specific differences.

Homologous recombination has also been used in

mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells to derive ‘null’
p53 alleles [93–95]. Two separate models result from
the replacement of exons 2–6 with a neo



[94,95]. The third comprises insertion of a polII
promoter-driven neo


cassette into exon 5, as well as

a deletion of 350 nucleotides of intron 4 and 106
nucleotides of exon 5 [93]. None of the p53



express detectable intact or truncated mRNA or pro-
tein. The null p53 allele has been established in the
germline of chimeric mice with either a mixed or inbred

× 129/Sv) [93,95], pure 129/Sv, or 129/O1a

backgrounds. In all mice, spontaneous development
of different tumour types, predominantly lymphomas
and sarcomas, occurred in

>75% before 6 months of

age. Multiple tumours were noted in

∼30% of tumour-

bearing p53


mice. Tumour formation, primarily sar-

comas, is delayed in heterozygotes [96]; however, 50%
develop tumors by 18 months of age. The spectrum of
tumours in p53


mice resembles the LFS phenotype

more closely than the spectrum in p53



The tumourigenic activity of the


Val transgene is

influenced by the presence or absence of wt-p53. Mice
carrying the transgene were crossed with p53



[110]. The transgene accelerated tumor formation in


, but not p53


mice, suggesting that this loss-

of-function mutation had a dominant-negative effect
with respect to tumour incidence and cell growth rates.
Although the tumour spectrum was similar in trans-
genic and p53


mice, the transgenics showed a higher

predilection to lung adenocarcinomas. Recently, it has
been suggested that reduction of p53 dosage in p53


mice itself can promote cancer formation [96].

p53-deficient mice are more sensitive to the effects

of certain carcinogenic agents than p53-wild-type mice
and the types of cancers that develop are predicted
by the agent used. p53-deficient and p53-Tg mice
exposed to sub-lethal doses of

γ -irradiation develop

tumours, usually sarcomas, earlier than untreated ani-
mals [111,112]. This susceptibility is associated with
a 2-fold increase in accumulation of radiation-induced
dsDNA breaks compared to that seen in p53



mals. These studies confirm that p53 prevents accu-
mulation of cells sustaining radiation- or chemically
induced DNA damage. Given the important role of
p53 in cell cycle control, a p53-deficient state would
be expected to deregulate differentiation and develop-
ment and yield aberrant morphogenesis and embry-
onic lethality. In fact, the teratogen/DNA-damaging
carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene [113] and the anticonvul-
sant/teratogenic drug phenytoin [114], induce a 2-4X
increase in in utero fetal death, teratogenicity and post-
partum lethality in pregnant p53


mice, further sup-

porting the embryoprotective role of p53.

The cumulative data from these studies indicate

that loss or alterations of p53 may accelerate prior
tumour predisposition, that the rate and spectrum of
development of some cancers may be strain-dependent

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or influenced by modifier genes, and that normal mouse
development is possible even in the absence of p53.
Studies of p53


mice have proven valuable, yet

tumourigenesis in this model reflects the complete
absence of gene function, a phenomenon that is not
generally observed in humans. Although the tumour
spectrum in current p53-altered mice is highly variable,
none spontaneously mimic the human germline pheno-
type in its predominance of sarcomas and breast cancer,
nor the high frequency of carcinomas associated with
sporadic missense p53 mutations. Even the transgenic


Val and


Pro mutations are not reported in human

cancers. Although these phenotypic differences could
be species-dependent, one could postulate that creating
specific p53 missense mutations could provide a more
realistic model of p53-dependent carcinogenesis.

p53 gene therapy

The introduction of wild-type p53-expressing plasmids
into tumor cells can induce over-expression of recom-
binant wild-type p53 protein and drive cells into either
growth arrest or apoptosis [115,116]. Numerous studies
have examined the effects of exogenous p53 gene trans-
fer using an adenoviral vector on a variety of cancer cell
lines, both in vitro and in vivo. The use of Ad5CMV-p53
gene therapy in vitro has resulted in a cytotoxic effect
in cell lines of many different cancer types that harbor
either mutant or deleted p53 [117,118]. The effect of
p53 gene therapy on ‘normal’ cells has been more con-
troversial. While a number of groups have reported that
both normal human fibroblasts and mammary epithelial
cells have been spared from the cytotoxic effects of this
treatment [119], other fibroblast strains have exhibited
a significant decrease in survival following p53 gene
therapy [120].

p53 may enhance the cytotoxicity induced by ion-

izing radiation and some chemotherapeutic agents.
Therefore, the use of p53 gene therapy in combina-
tion with these therapeutic agents has been studied
in head and neck, colon and esophageal cancer cell
lines, as well as others, with additional cytotoxicity
being consistently observed. p53 gene therapy has also
been used in cancer xenograft models in combination
with either radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Most of
the reported data demonstrate significant tumor growth
inhibition or regression following intratumoral injec-
tion of Ad5CMV-p53 combined with either radiation
or chemotherapy [121]. Due to significant cytotoxic
effects of Ad5CMV-p53 gene therapy on cancer cells

both in vitro and in vivo, clinical trials have been limited
in a number of tumor types [122]. While the clinical
benefit has been limited to date, no major side effects
have been noted, and Phase II and Phase III clinical
trials are currently in progress.

One of the major obstacles of in vivo gene therapy is

the difficulty in specifically targeting transgene expres-
sion to the tumor cells. Recently, a number of target-
ing strategies have been reported, including the use of
‘oncolytic viruses’ such as ONYX-015. This tumor tar-
geting virus is an adenovirus that is missing only the
gene encoding the E1B 55kDa protein, a protein that
binds to and inhibits p53-activated transcription, and
is essential for viral replication [123]. The rationale
behind the use of this virus is that in cells with wild-
type p53, replication of ONYX-15 would be inhibited
because p53 would remain active. However, in cells
deficient in p53, the virus would be able to replicate,
lyse the host cell, and proceed to infect and replicate
in adjacent cells also lacking wild-type p53. The virus
has had some success in clinical trials, and it may, in
fact, be more widely applicable than originally antici-
pated [124]. It appears as though the virus is active not
only in tumor cells with mutant p53, but also in tumor
cells with wild-type p53, which most likely have other
defects in the p53 pathway [125].

The p53 family

Most genes occur in families and, until recently, p53
was thought to be an exception to this pattern. However,
two new members of the p53 family have now been
identified [126–131]. p73 is a putative tumour suppres-
sor with considerable structural and functional homol-
ogy to p53. The structure of p73 resembles that of p53
in all three principle functional domains with a remark-
able 63% similarity in the DNA-binding region [126].
Like p53, p73 is able to induce apoptosis by activating



[132]. One difference between p53 and p73

was thought to be p53’s unique ability to be induced
in the presence of DNA damage. This, however, has
been challenged as recent evidence has demonstrated
that p73 is a target of the non-receptor tyrosine kinase
c-Abl in response to DNA damaging agents such as ion-
ising radiation and cisplatin [133,134]. p73 is mapped
to chromosome 1p36, a region frequently deleted in
a variety of human tumours [135–137]. This led to
the belief that p73 could be a tumour suppressor
that plays a role in the pathogenesis of these malig-
nancies. However, several studies have documented

background image


only rare mutations in a variety of human cancers

p51, also known as Ket, p40, p63 and p73L, more

closely resembles p73 than p53. Like p73 and p53, p51
has a transactivation, DNA-binding and oligomerisa-
tion domain and is able to induce growth arrest and
apoptosis in a manner similar to p53 [129]. p51 maps
to chromosome 3q27-28, a region frequently deleted in
bladder cancers but amplified in some cervical, ovar-
ian and lung cancers [127–130]. Like p73, mutations
in p51 appear to be rare [129]

The physiologic role of p73 also remains unknown.

p73 is expressed in a variety of tissues including thy-
mus, prostate, heart, liver, skeletal muscle and pancreas
[130]. The two transcripts first discovered, p73

α and


β, have been found to have DNA-binding capacity

in vitro [140] and are able to interact with themselves
and each other. Both transcripts can activate transcrip-
tion from p53-responsive promoters and induce apop-
tosis when overexpressed. Recently, it has been found
that p73 is a target of c-Abl in response to DNA damage
[133,134]. This introduces another parallel with p53.
However, there is increasing evidence that p73 serves
a different physiologic role than p53. While MDM2
binds to p73, it does not degrade it as it does p53 [141].
p73 is also immune to inactivation by viral oncopro-
teins such as the SV40 T antigen, the adenovirus E1B
55 K protein and the human papillomavirus E6 pro-
tein [139]. Knockout mice may provide the clues as to
the true function of p73. Deletion of p73 causes severe
developmental disorders in mice while p53 null mice
develop normally but have an increased risk of devel-
oping tumours [142]. It seems that p73 may in fact be
a developmental gene.

New light has been shed on the physiologic role of

p51 by the work of Celli et al. [144]. In a study of
26 families with EEC (ectrodactyly, ectodermal dys-
plasia, cleft lip) syndrome, linkage analysis had led
the authors to a region of chromosome 3q27 that con-
tained the p51 gene (denoted as p63 by the authors).
In a mutation analysis examining exons 5–14, nine of
the 26 individuals were found to harbour heterozygous
p51 mutations. Interestingly, all of the missense muta-
tions were in the DNA-binding domain of p73 and most
occurred at the exact amino acids corresponding to the
three ‘hot spot’ amino acids in p53. The mutations were
found to act in dominant manner creating a phenotype
similar to that of knockout mice with symptoms such
as sparse hair, dry skin, glandular dysplasia, oligodon-
tia and limb abnormalities. Also, it is suggested that
cleft lip in humans is the equivalent of the dysplastic

maxilla and mandible seen in the knockout mice. How-
ever, as with the knockout mice, EEC patients do not
have increased risk of developing cancer. The findings
of the authors are consistent with previous studies that
suggest that p51 is an important gene in development.


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Hematology/Oncology, Room 9402, University Wing, The Hospital
for Sick Children, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5G 1X8; Tel.: (416) 813-5977; Fax.: (416) 813-5327; E-mail:


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