A Trip to the Grocery Store by Manyafandom

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A Trip to the Grocery Store by Manyafandom

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


Post Eclipse. Bella needs to relieve some unresolved sexual tension and takes a trip to the grocery
store to remedy it. Rated M for smutty goodness.

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Chapter 1.


Staring at the empty shelves in the pantry, I saw that Charlie had eaten everything except a half

empty sleeve of Saltines and the packages of Kool-Aid.

Sighing, I went to the fridge to assess the damage there. “Fuck,” I muttered to myself.

The fridge was just as bare as the pantry. A pitcher of water, mustard and the box of baking soda
were its only contents. Knowing that the freezer only held ice cubes and fish from Charlie‟s weekly

trips, I skipped it and sat down at the table heavily.

Well, I guess that’s what I get for leaving him to fend for himself for three weeks.

I had been spending almost all my time at the Cullen‟s for the past three weeks, going over
wedding plans with Alice. Getting to know my soon to be family and trying to be alone with


Ughh… Alone time, yeah right!

Being alone with Edward was next to impossible at his house. His family was always around, never
leaving us be. The devil herself, Alice, felt the need to go over every little detail of our upcoming

nuptials, thereby hogging all of my time.

While I had been gone, Charlie had emptied the kitchen of all of the food.

A smirk crossed my lips as the next thought came into my mind.

I guess this means a trip to the grocery store is in order.

Yes, the grocery store! That is a wonderful idea, Bella!

The necessary trips to the grocery store had become somewhat of a highlight to my household

duties. Getting up, I went upstairs to get ready for the trip to the Safeway.

Putting my ID and debit card into my back pocket I went to my bedside table drawer. Retrieving
my little helper from the drawer, I unbuttoned my jeans and slid it down to where I wanted it.

Buttoning back up, I placed the remote in my front pocket for easy access.

My little helper had become a life saver over the last year and a half. Silver, sleek and wireless.

The bullet vibrator had become my very best friend.

It had started as a way to release tension. The same tension brought on by my incredibly sexy

vampire boyfriend turned fiancé.

Edward was incredible. But he drove me crazy. Crazy with need. His strict no touching policy left

me with mountains of unresolved sexual tension.

I mean, seriously, what does a girl gotta do to get felt up?

Always the gentleman, Edward had yet to venture lower than my collarbone. It was frustratingly

wonderful what we did do. But I was in need of more.

A lot more.

Not wanting to push his limits or self control, I let him set the boundaries. Boundaries that I was

desperate to cross.

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My response to his simple chaste kisses was overwhelming. Causing me to lose all control and
attack him. It was rough on both of us to say the least.

Normally I would relieve the tension in bed at night or in the shower. But Edward was always
around. Always. So fingering myself in the bed we shared at night, was a definite no go. And with

his super vampire hearing, I couldn‟t let the removable shower head help me out either.

So I had come up with a way to work on my restraint and self-control, while relieving the sexual

frustration that had built up. The grocery store.

Ordering the little shiny toy online had been one of my best ideas ever. Using it during my two
weekly trips to the Safeway became the perfect solution to my problem.

Because I was in public, I had to appear and act normal. Act like I wasn‟t getting off, while walking
down the cereal aisle.

At first it had been… difficult to act normal. Now I was a pro.

Ready now, my dirty little secret firmly in place, I grabbed my keys and made my way to the sleek

black Mercedes.

Hopping in, I started The Beast, as I called it, and drove towards the Safeway.

Yes, I am so in need of this!

On my way to the Safeway I complied two mental lists. One for all the food and supplies we

needed for the house. The second a list of images and scenarios I would use while shopping.

Pulling into the parking lot, I stared at the boring beige building. Heat was already pooled between

my thighs. I could smell my arousal through my pants.

Like Pavlov‟s dogs, the very thought of the grocery store made me wet. Getting out of the

monstrosity of a car, I mentally kicked myself for not changing out of my favorite pair of panties.


They were boy shorts, royal blue with white piping. I would have to wash them when I got home to

avoid staining them.

Grabbing a shopping cart from the corral, I slipped my hand into my front pocket. Turning on the
bullet to the lowest setting it started to vibrate silently and gently.

No need to blow my load right off. Don’t want this to be a singular experience.

The sensation made my nipples harden.

Shit, calm down, Bella! Do you want to give yourself away?

Pushing the cart towards the produce section, I noticed that the store was fairly empty.

Score! I can be a little bit louder than usual.

I picked out some apples and oranges, and placed them in the cart. All while thinking of Edward

licking and kissing my collarbone. Placing light kisses along my shoulders.

I could actually draw that from memory, as we had just done that this morning. Everything from

here on out would purely be from my imagination.

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God, I want more. Two months. Two little months and he will finally give it to you.

Hopefully! He better not back out! Vampire or not, I will maim him if he does.

Standing in front of the bananas, my mind instantly thought of a certain part of the male anatomy.

In theory I knew what a dick looked like. In practicality I‟d never actually seen one in person.

An image of Edward‟s literally rock hard cock popped into my head. I didn‟t know how big he was,

given I had not had the opportunity to feel it. That was a definite no-no for our boundaries.

I imagined he was big. Very big and thick. I mean, he had to be. Everything else on him was
perfect, so why wouldn‟t that particular part be? Visions of my tiny hand grasping it, pumping him,

swam through my head.

I let out a small moan and threw the bananas in the cart. The bullet was doing its job perfectly.

Guh… So close already.

Checking various vegetables for ripeness was followed by depositing them in my cart. In my head I
was swirling my fingertip around the head of Edward‟s cock. Spreading the small amount of fluid

gathered there around his tip.

Looking down, I realized that I was doing the same motion to the cucumber in my hand. I dropped

it immediately. Blushing, I looked around to see if anyone had seen me.

God, Bella, get a grip.

I was, ha!

Not funny!

Luckily no one had seen me. I let out a sigh and moved on to the less provocative bagged salad

section, always ever aware of the vibrator at my center bringing me pleasure.

Finishing up in the produce section, I moved onto the canned vegetable aisle. I put part of my

brain on auto-pilot and negotiated down the aisle with ease.

The other part of my brain was now imagining my tongue replacing my fingertip, swirling it around

the head. A low throaty moan from Edward urging me on.

Taking him into my mouth. His ice cold cock filling it. Sucking gently, lapping my tongue along his

length. Large hands in my hair, guiding me.

Increasing my pace, his moans were no longer quiet. „Bella‟, „love‟ and surprisingly the occasional

„fuck‟ coming from Edward‟s lips.

His hips thrusting into my mouth, hands grasping my head harder. I could tell he was close. So

was I.

Biting hard along his length he hissed and buried himself in my mouth, cumming. This thought of

him cumming in my mouth sent me flying over the edge.

Spasms raced through my body. My skin burning with pleasure. The intense feeling of my orgasm

filling me up.

Leaning lightly against the shelves, I took deep breaths riding out my orgasm. Trying not to moan


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In my head I was swallowing all Edward had given me, licking him clean. Enjoying his sweet taste.

The bullet was still stimulating me. Drawing out my orgasm. Little aftershocks making me tremble.

After coming back down I was flushed, probably looking like I was sick.

As often as I had done this over the last 18 months, I still got flushed each time I came.

Fuck, probably shouldn’t have waited three weeks.

So much for working on your restraint and self-control.

Standing up straight, I pushed the cart to the end of the aisle. My breathing was still labored.

Mike Newton passed by me. He stopped when he saw me and took in my appearance.

Shit, Newton!

It had to be obvious, even to clueless Mike, that I was aroused. He came up to me, putting his

hand on my arm.

I stared at his hand on my arm, inwardly cringing.

“Bella, you ok?” Mike asked, all concerned and cocking his head to the side.

Shit, shit, shit! He probably thinks it’s him that got me all hot and bothered. Yeah right, as if!

Looking up at him, I breathed out. “Yeah, fine, it‟s just a little warm in here,” I answered and

hoped my voice was not betraying me.

He looked down at my chest, spying my hard nipples through my thin shirt. The state of my nipples

sadly contradicted my previous statement. A smile appeared on Mike‟s mouth.

Ewww… Gross. Get away, perv boy!

Leering at me now, he asked, “Are you sure you‟re ok? Do you need any help?”

God no, go away!

It’s never gonna happen, loser.

“No, I‟m fine, thanks. I gotta finish up quickly. I have a date with Edward tonight,” I answered with
disdain in my voice that he didn‟t catch. Always a little slow on the uptake he was. “You know we

are engaged, right? Have you gotten your invitation yet?”

The smile instantly fell from his face.

Take that, sucker.

“Yeah, I got it last week,” he hissed out.

“Well, gotta run, Mike. See you at the wedding,” I called to him as I hastily pushed the cart to the

next aisle.

What a way to kill my buzz, Mike. Thanks!

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I made my way up and down the aisles, gathering what I needed. I ignored the vibration from my
little helper. Or I tried to ignore the sensations from the bullet.

Finally, at the frozen food section, I smiled in anticipation. My favorite part of the trip. The cold air
from the freezers always reminded me of Edwards‟s skin and breath.

Reaching into my pocket I turned my little helper up two levels. You could hear the bullet now, but
the hum from the coolers masked the otherwise audible noise.

Hehe, get ready for the main event, folks!

Again putting part of my mind on auto-pilot, I slowly started down the aisle. I wanted to prolong

the experience.

I let my mind wandered to thoughts of Edward. This time, though, I would be on the receiving end.

Cool hands caressed my tits through my bra. Cold marble lips kissed my warm soft ones. His
tongue wanted entrance into my mouth. I granted his request. His tongue was like ice as it

brushed against mine, making me shiver both in my fantasy and in reality.

Our tongues dueled. Fought for control.

His won.

He licked at my teeth in victory.

Hands became bolder. My bra was unhooked and fell away. Hard fingers were brushing lightly
against my nipples as his mouth left mine. Kissing along my jaw.

Fuck, this was gonna be good. No, awesome!

I was wet again. Very wet. The smell would be obvious to anyone in a five foot radius of me.

Luckily this part of the store was empty.

Continuing down the aisles, I got back to my daydream. One of Edwards‟s hands left my breast and
trailed down between my thighs, cupping my heat through my panties. Feeling the moisture
gathered there.

Fingers tugged on the elastic, pulling the panties down my legs. A single digit traced my slit and

found my bundle of nerves. The finger flicked it.

A moan escaped my lips. I bit my lip to keep from moaning again. It was a hard bite.

Edward lightly nipped at my neck. One hand was still on my tit, his fingers twisting and pulling my


The other hand was rubbing me back and forth. Two fingers gently entered me and pushed all the

way into me. His thumb started playing with my clit.

“Fuck, Bella, you‟re so wet for me,” he murmured into my neck, his lips dragging along the

sensitive skin there.

I was close again. Walking that thin precipice. Ready to fall off. Begging to fall off the edge.

His marble lips left my neck. I whimpered at the loss in my mind. Moving away from me slightly,

he knelt down in front of me. Cold hands grasped my thighs. He spread my legs to give him room.

Leaning in, he inhaled my arousal. His nose brushed my clit. This made my hips buck into his face.

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He looked up at me and our eyes connected. His tongue darted out and he flicked my clit with the
tip of his icy tongue. My hips bucked forward again. His hands grabbed my thighs to keep me still.

He started lapping at my entrance, tasting the moisture there.

“Love… Damn… you taste so fucking good,” he said into my core. The cool breathe against my

overwhelming heat made me shiver.

“Please, more, please,” I begged him. This I said out loud as well as in my mind.

Spreading my lower lips with cold fingers, he plunged his tongue in. Fucking me with it.

It was almost too much.


I turned the bullet up another level.

I shifted my thighs, causing it to press further against me. I could feel the vibration all the way

down my thighs.

Marble hard lips took my clit between them, sucking at it lightly. Fingers replaced his tongue.
Thrusting into me. Fucking me. His fingers curled and pressing into my g-spot. Razor sharp teeth

gently nipped at the bundle of nerves between his lips.

It was enough. More than enough.

I spiraled out. My body shook. Stars burst in my field of vision. My knees went impossibly weak.


I grabbed the handles on the cart to keep myself from falling over. My breaths were sharp,

panting. Definitely panting.

When I finally started to feel myself come back to earth, I leaned over the cart. I couldn‟t help but

palm my mound, pressing against the bullet. The increase in pressure made me cum again.

Thankfully I was already leaning over the cart or I would have surely been on the ground by this


My second orgasm violently rocked through me. It set my whole body on fire. Liquid lava flowed

through my veins.

God… damn… Fuck… me. God!

I quickly turned the bullet off. The vibration was becoming almost painful now against my over-
stimulated flesh. My panties were sopping, and I was nearly soaked through my jeans. I needed to

get out of here. Right NOW!

Hurry, Bella, someone could smell you!

Running down the aisles I threw random items in the cart. I tried to compose myself as best I

could and bring my breathing back into normal range. I prayed I wasn‟t too flushed.

By the time I got to the check out, I was back to normal. Well, as normal as someone who came

three times in the Safeway, could be.

I made polite conversation with the cashier and silently begged her to go faster.

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Finally I was all checked out. I practically ran to the car and loaded it quickly. The instant the
engine started, I set the air conditioning to the highest setting, trying to cool myself down.

Shit, I must never wait that long in between again!

It certainly had been an experience, that‟s for sure. But not one I wanted to repeat. In that instant

I could feel my little helper slip a little. The wetness was making the whole area much too slick.

I was wound up tight after the last mad dash through the store. I needed another release.

I slipped the remote out of my pocket and turned it on again. The sensation instantly felt good

against my swollen center.

One more for the road.

Driving out of the parking lot, I drove towards home. I valiantly tried to concentrate on traffic and
the vibrations between my thighs at the same time. When I finally pulled into my driveway I was

halfway to my orgasm. I popped the trunk and got out of the car.

Going around to the trunk I lifted a few of the bags to take into the house. I gasped when I turned

towards the house.

Edward was at my side in a heartbeat.

Where the hell did he come from?

He smiled my favorite crooked smile. He paused and the smile fell from his face. His head tilted to
the side in question.

Shit! I’m either in big trouble or about to get a very long lecture.

I blushed. Of course he could hear the bullet. Smell my wetness. See that my eyes were dilated. Of

course he would be able to tell.

Damn his vampire senses!

“Bella? Is there something you‟d like to tell me about?” he asked gently, his velvet voice caressing


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Chapter 2.


I was frustrated.

It was something that I was unfamiliar with. I had only experienced it once before in all my 107
years, at my inability to hear Bella‟s mind; something that still frustrated me. But that was not the

frustration I was feeling now.

I was sexually frustrated.

That’s the fucking understatement of the century.

So fucking sexually frustrated that I was insane with my need for her; I was nearing my breaking
point. Two more months and I could have her, but not in the way I truly wanted. For that I would

have to wait for her „renovations‟ to be complete, as she called it.

Fucking renovations! Can’t come fucking soon enough.

Ha! That’s what this is all about, cumming.

Fuck her, I needed to fuck her. It wouldn‟t be gentle or sweet. It would be rough and very hard. I
had waited 107 years; I suppose two more months wouldn‟t be too bad.

She had no idea of the effect she had on me. One look from her, and I wanted to throw her down
on my piano and fuck her seven ways to Sunday. Fuck her till she couldn‟t see straight and then
fuck her some more. Bend her like a pretzel and have my wicked way with her.

For the love of all things holy, Edward, stop thinking about it! You are just going to get a hard on

Yeah, especially since I can’t do anything about it.

But I couldn‟t have Bella like I wanted her. She was too fragile, too breakable in her current human
state. Since I had finally given in to her request for us to be intimate before I turned her, it was all
I could think about.

My perpetual 17 year old hormones were in overdrive. I was in a state of constant arousal, and
there was nothing I could do about it. Always surrounded by my family or Bella I was never alone.
When I wasn‟t with Bella, I was with my family and their vampire hearing. So even if wanted to

take things into my own hands so to speak, I couldn‟t.

The one time I had indulged myself in all my 107 years, Emmett had heard me and teased me
relentlessly for months. Not wanting to go through that again, I was abstaining from jacking off at

home. And I couldn‟t very well do it around Bella.

NO orgasm is worth Emmett’s teasing.

So here I was, hornier than all get out, and no way to release the pressure. It didn‟t help that I
heard my siblings and parents go at it like fucking porn stars every night. Didn‟t they have any

respect for the man not getting any action?

Also not helping was the 90 years of seeing sex played out in the minds of every passerby. I had a

vivid imagination, but, with everything I had seen, I didn‟t need one.

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Leaving Bella at her house earlier, I had gone home to the solace of my piano. She said that there
were some things she needed to do and that she would see me later. I already missed her terribly,

and it had only been 3 hours.

So here I sat at my piano, trying to work off some of the pent up frustration I was feeling. Not
helping was Jasper, who kept sending lust vibes at me from where he sat in the living room,

thinking dirty things about Alice.

Having had enough, I grabbed one of Esme‟s vases and threw it at him. Smashing into a million
pieces as it hit the back of his head. Completely unphased he continued to play his video game,

while picturing Alice going down on him.

“Jesus, Jasper! Stop… Please!” I pleaded as I spun around to confront him.

Shrugging his shoulders, he said, “Don‟t know what you‟re talking about, Eddie,” with a smirk on

his face.

Fucking great! Now he is calling me Eddie too.

Sick of their shit, I needed to get away. Fuck it; I was going to Bella‟s. I didn‟t care if she had shit
to do. I needed to be near her. Growling, I stormed out of the house.

Running, yeah, that will help a little.

As I ran to Bella‟s, I let my mind wander to all the things I wanted to do to her. There was a lot.
We hadn‟t done a lot, mostly just kissing. Never having ventured lower than her collarbone, I had

no idea what she actually felt like.

God, I wanted to feel her, all of her. But I didn‟t trust my self-control. Not the eating her bit, but
the taking her and fucking her senseless part. My bloodlust for her was far overshadowed now by
my lust for her body.

Not helping, Edward, stop thinking about fucking her.

My dick was rock hard. Well, it was always rock hard, but now I had a hard on. Not that that was
unusual lately. It seemed like I was always sporting wood nowadays. Luckily Bella never noticed, or

at least I didn‟t think she did.

The situation was out of hand. We had to do something or we both would spontaneously combust.
I knew she was feeling frustrated at my lack of progress. She wanted to go further, but she never
pushed me. She let me set the boundaries, and I desperately wanted to break them.

Her car was pulling into her driveway as I came to the edge of the woods surrounding her house.
Immediately I could tell that something was off. Even through the armor of the car I could tell that
her breathing was labored and heartbeat erratic. Also, there was something else I was hearing, a

buzzing of some sort.

Is she hurt? If someone fucking hurt her, I will fucking kill them.

Sitting in her car, it seemed as if she was trying to gather herself. I fought the urge to go rip the
car door off to see what was wrong. The trunk popped open and Bella got out of the car on shaky

legs. She didn‟t seem to be in immediate danger, though. Good.

Starting towards her slowly, I assessed her appearance, trying to put together what was wrong. I
didn‟t smell any blood on her; I only smelled the cloying odor of food. But I could also smell…

Wait… Is that what I think it is?

Holy fucking hell! She reeks of cum. Like she was fucking bathing in it.

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Was she cheating on me? Getting it from someone else? Newton?

No, it was her juices I smelled; the light floral scent was there. Why was she so wet? Looking at
her again, she was flushed, breathing hard, limbs slightly trembling, eyes dilated and drowning in
cum. I could see it staining the crotch of her jeans.

What the hell is going on? Why does she look like she is turned on?

The buzzing that I heard earlier seemed to be coming from her. It was a mechanical noise, not the
electrical hum I thought it was at first. A light bulb went on over my head as I placed where I had

heard the buzzing before.

No fucking way… She wouldn’t… Would she? In public?

A vibrator, the buzzing noise was a vibrator. Not knowing what type it was, except that it definitely
was one. I recognized the noise from the toys I heard Emmett and Rosalie use. They had a variety
of sex toys that they used in a variety of ways. I wanted to wash my brain out with bleach every
time they thought about it, which was a lot.

So Bella has a dirty, little secret. I kinda like - no love - that.

Naughty, naughty, kinky Bella. Who would have thought?

I could understand why she was using one. Lord knows I wasn‟t giving her what she needed in that
area. Not that I didn‟t want to, because I did, so much. I could give it to her, but I didn‟t want to
hurt her. That was what scared me the most. Sick of having this argument with myself again, I

focused on Bella.

Should I tease her? She has to know that I would know. Vampire senses and all.

No, play it cool. Try to find out more.

Walking right up next to her, she had yet to notice me. Turning towards me, she gasped at my
sudden appearance. Smiling my crooked smile, I looked down at her. Playing it off like I didn‟t

know exactly what she had been and was still doing.

She just stared at me wide eyed. This made me pause, and the smile fell from my lips. Again

playing it coy, I tilted my head to the side in question.

The blush that came to her cheeks was the reddest I had ever seen it. My dick grew even harder. If

I could blush, I would be just as red as her. Thankfully she hadn‟t noticed my obvious erection.

Fuck, she has no idea what her blush does to me.

When she didn‟t say anything, I asked, using my smoothest voice possible. “Bella, is there

something you‟d like to tell me about?”

“Ahh… Umm… Ahh… No?” she stuttered, becoming even more flustered.

Turning back to the truck, she lifted out grocery bags in hopes that I would drop it. Not likely.
Grabbing all the bags, I went to the front door, waiting for her. I knew that this was an important

turning point in our physical relationship. That what would happen next, might break us or help us.

Please, let it be something to relieve all this sexual frustration. Please.

Standing there, staring at the open trunk, Bella‟s face betrayed the emotions she was feeling. A
million different ones passed over her face, finally landing on a look of determination and

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embarrassment. Closing the truck door hard, she walked towards the door with the vibrator still

Her eyes met mine, lust and resolve in them. Swallowing hard, I could only stare back at her. What
was she thinking? What did she have planned?

Whatever it is, I’m game! Fucking hell, I’ll give her whatever she wants.

Unlocking the door, she made her way to the kitchen. I was helpless to do anything but follow her.

Setting the groceries down on the table, I turned towards her, silently urging her to continue.

Ignoring me, she slipped her hand into her pocket. The buzzing ceased. She proceeded to put away
the food, still not looking at or acknowledging me. My eyes never left her as if willing her to say

something first.

Fuck this shit! Just say something, jackass.

Like what? I know you just got off. Want to help me get off?

Maybe she‟s not as innocent or as innocent minded as I thought. Maybe she wanted me just as
much as I wanted her. There still was the whole hurting her thing. I loved her too much to do that.

So we were at an impasse, but maybe not…

A plan started to form in my head, a way to please us both without me hurting her.

You are a fucking brilliant bastard, Edward!

Thank you, this is one of my better plans.

I allowed the plan to fully form in my head as she finished putting the groceries away. Still smelling
her arousal was doing nothing to calm my raging hormones. I needed to act soon or I was going to

take her right here in the kitchen, up against the fucking refrigerator.

Finally finished she turned to look at me, her eyes pleading with me to say something. Wanting to

play this out casually, I would take it slow, not betraying my eagerness to put my plan into action.

Be direct, but calm!

Got it!

Clearing my throat, I said “So, Bella, want to tell me about what is in your jeans?”

“A vibrator. A bullet to be exact, it helps me get off,” She answered, shrugging her shoulders and

completely calm.

Never expecting her to be so blunt and honest, I was a little taken aback. My mind reeled, trying to

come up with a response.

Running a fingertip along the table top doodling, I tried to appear nonplussed by her previous

statement. “What were you using it for at the grocery store?” I asked curious.

She crossed her arms over her chest in a defensive stance. “To make myself cum,” she answered

with a „duh‟ tone to her voice.

My eyebrows furrowed at her reply and the fact that I realized I had been doodling breasts on the

table top with my finger.

You really need to get laid or get off, Edward. You are becoming depraved.

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“Yes, I get that, but why the grocery store? Why not in your room or the bathroom?”

Letting out a sigh, she came to stand in front of me between my legs. I could feel her warmth. She
put a finger under my chin and tilted it up to look at her. A blush crept up her cheeks and she


“Because, Edward, you are always with me. When I am supposed to use it? When we are laying in
bed together at night? I don‟t think so. And as for the bathroom, you would be able to hear me.
I‟m already embarrassed by my human moments as it is. I don‟t need you hear me do that as
well,” she said softly, her eyes pleading with me to understand.

Fuck, did she really think that I wouldn’t want to watch or listen to her cum?

I would kill… Well, not kill, but something close to be able to do that.

“Okay, I get that, but what about the grocery store? If it embarrasses you so much to do it while

I‟m around, why do it out in public like that?”

“I was trying to work on my self-control,” she answered matter-of-factly. “If I‟m out in public, I
don‟t want anyone to know that I am doing that. So I have to act normal. It‟s like when you kiss
me and I just can‟t control myself. I wanted to work on that. Try to make it not so hard for you.

Maybe we could move a little further, if I could keep myself in check.”

She did this for me? Huh, that doesn’t make sense?

“Bella, I don‟t understand. You make yourself orgasm in the grocery store, so you won‟t attack me?
But you won‟t let me make you cum. Am I not enough for you? Is what we do not enough for you?

I thought you wanted to wait? Because if you don‟t…” I trailed off.

Please, say yes, please, say you want more; all part of the plan.

Kissing my forehead, she said into my skin. “Edward, I do want to wait, but that doesn‟t mean I

don‟t want you or to do more things with you. I don‟t want to push you.”

Sweet fucking Jesus!! This is it. My plan will work.

“Bella, I want those things too. I want to go further with you, trust me, I do. It kills me not to be
able too. I have an idea, though. Do you want to hear it?” I asked all innocently while jumping up

and down on the inside.

Looking at me with curiosity and skepticism in her voice, she answered me, “Edward, what are you


Stay calm, don’t scare her.

“Well, you have your little toy there, and I wouldn‟t mind watching you use it. Maybe I could help a

little too. Nothing too much, but I would enjoy it.”

“You want to watch me masturbate with a vibrator?” she asked, complete shock in her voice.



“Because it would bring me great pleasure to watch you receive pleasure.”

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“Okay, then.”

“What? Really?” I asked, the shock in my voice now.


Score! This is going to be so good. But I have to set some ground rules.

Before I could even reply, she said, “So how do you want to do this?”

Eager are we? Fuck!

“Well, your toy has a remote, yes?” She nodded. “I would like to be in charge of the remote. If I
can‟t touch you, I want to control your pleasure. Also, I will tell you to do certain things and you

must do them, no questions asked.” She nodded in agreement.

“What will you be doing while I‟m doing this?”

“I will be taking matters into my own hands.”

“Ahh,” she said, understanding in her voice. “I do have a few requests of my own, though.”

“Yes?” I replied quizzically.

What else could she want? We are both getting off, what more could there be?

“If you are not going to be touching me, I want you to be on the bed with me…” I nodded in


“And…?” I asked, wanting her to continue.

“I want you to say things to me, sexual things, dirty things, naughty things.” Her eyebrow arched

as she said the last part.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! She wants you to talk dirty to her. Fuck yes!!

Trying to not let on my excitement over this last request, I said, “I think I could do that, if you

really want me too.”

“Oh, I do, trust me,” she said, bobbing her head up and down a sexy smirk on her lips. “So when

do you want to try this?”

“Umm… When is Charlie getting home?”

Please, say never!

“Not for hours and hours,” she purred out.

Fucking awesome! I feel like I could explode at any minute. I really need this, right now!

“Now would be good, very good.” My voice finally betrayed my eagerness. “Please, I feel like I

have so much sexual frustration built up, I am going to erupt like Vesuvius.”

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“Me too, baby, me too,” she purred again, this time into my ear. The feeling of her hot breath on
my cool skin was too much for me.

Shit! I finally get to see Bella naked. This is the best day ever.

“Race you,” I said, jumping up and heading towards her bedroom.

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Chapter 3.


“Race you,” he said, and then he was gone.

I could not believe that the conversation we just shared, had actually happened. Completely
shocked I stood in the kitchen, replaying it in my head. I couldn‟t believe I had been so bold and

open with him. Well, he was going to be my husband soon. I might as well lay it all on him now.

Hehe… Lay.

Wait, is he serious, though? Are we actually going to do this?

The thought of Edward manhandling himself, put those questions to rest. I felt the heat begin to

pool in my lower stomach again.

Hell yes, we are going to do this.

I will finally be able to see Edward completely naked. Best. Day. Ever!

I had to shake my head to clear it of the image of a very naked Edward sprawled on my bed as I
made my way as quickly as my human legs would allow to my bedroom. The anticipation of what

was about to happen was already flowing through my body.


As I raced upstairs to her bedroom, I thought of all the possibilities the next few hours could bring.
I pushed her bedroom door open and entered. I tried not to fidget with expectation as I stood in

the middle of the small room.

Could I do this? Could I actually be in a room with her naked and not touch her? I didn‟t know, but

I sure as hell wanted to find out. This was good. It would work on our boundaries and self-control.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Edward. You just want to see her naked.

Well… yeah, but if it helps with the control, then bonus.

If this went well, maybe I would be able to go through with her request to make love to her before
I turned her. It was something I had been dreading since making the promise to her. It wasn‟t that

I didn‟t want to, I just didn‟t want to harm her.

I heard her come up behind me into the room. She still smelled of her cum, but there was a fresh
wave of arousal coming off of her as well. The thought of her excitement over doing this got me

hard all over again.

Steady, Edward. Slow. Take it slow.

Turning to face her, I breathed in deeply, tasting the air. Reveling in the flavor of Bella and sex.
Best damn taste ever. My hands went to cup her face. Thumbs running along her cheeks, the heat

of her blush warmed the pads of my thumbs.

Leaning in, I kissed her soft, dark pink lips gently, letting her know through my kiss that I loved
her. That this was about more then getting off. It was about sharing ourselves, sharing our love for

one another.

But the getting off part is important too.

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I stepped back and her hands went to the hem of my t-shirt, lifting it up, revealing my toned
stomach. Getting the idea, I lifted my arms above my head as she took it all the way off. My shirt

hit the floor beside us.

Good start. Remember, go fucking slowly. Slow and steady wins the race. And gets us off.

I wanted to return the favor and my hands started to unbutton her blouse. My lips working from
her jaw to the sensitive spot behind her ear, leaving little kisses along the way. She shivered under
my lips, and a part of me knew it wasn‟t because of my chilled temperature. When I was done

unbuttoning her shirt, she shrugged her shoulders and let it fall to the floor to join my shirt.

I leaned back and took her in, as she did the same to me. Her nipples were already hard and

sticking out through the lace of her bra.

God. Is this angel really mine?

“You are so beautiful,” I said as my eyes locked on hers.

“You‟ve got that wrong; you are the beautiful one,” she breathed.

This was not a discussion I wanted to have with her at this moment, and I let it go. There were so
many other things we could be doing, that didn‟t involve talking. She shucked off her shoes, and I

followed her lead by doing the same. We were both breathing heavy by now.

We faced each other, clad only in our jeans. I didn‟t want to be presumptuous and take of her

jeans for her, so I moved to unbutton my own. They fell to my ankles and I kicked them away.

I had gone commando, and my erection stood proudly out in full view for her to see. Her eye went

wide at my length. I could see her mentally thinking that I might not fit when the time came.

That’s right, baby, I’m huge. Don’t be afraid, it’s gonna make you feel so good.

Reaching into her pocket, she mutely handed me the remote, careful not to touch my skin. Slowly
she unbuttoned her jeans, then lowered the zipper, her eyes on me, taking in my reaction to her

newly exposed flesh. My cock twitched, causing her to giggle.

The plastic remote felt light and fragile in my strong hands. My ice cold skin already tingled in
anticipation of using it. I couldn‟t resist and pressed a button. The low buzz I‟d heard earlier,

started again.

Bella titled her head back and let out a low throaty moan. “Mmm… Edward.”

My name coming from her mouth like that, made me grow even harder. I didn‟t want to rush

things, so I turned the toy off. She lifted her head to look at me and pouted her lips.

“All in good time, my love. Patience,” I reminded her.

She stuck her tongue out at me and she hooked her fingers into the waistband of her jeans.
Bending forward slightly, she gave me a killer view of her breasts as she wiggled out of her tight


Bella kicked them off and stood up straight, her eyes meeting mine again. The raw lust and arousal

I saw in her eyes, nearly caused me to lose it and cum then and there.

Edward, you need to calm down if this going to work.

I know, but I need to fucking look at her.

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She undid her bra next, letting it fall to the floor. Bella looked at me mischievously as her hands
started to roam up her body into her hair.

Fuck! Who knew Bella could be a sex kitten?

She was almost completely exposed to me now. My eyes made a slow trip down her body and back

up again to her face.

Perfect, she was perfect. I had never had any doubt, but to actually see it with my own eyes?

Killer. Blushing at my searing gaze, she ducked her head.

“Bella, you are so fucking perfect,” I whispered out.

She looked up at me, her eyes wide at my use of a swear word. She gasped lightly as her mouth
formed an „o‟. Her blush increased and spread down her body. I stepped closer and put my frozen

fingers to her lips.

I had to touch her. I couldn't not touch her. Standing there in only her blue boy shorts, she was a
fucking vision. Taking slow even breaths, that I didn‟t need, to calm myself, I brushed my hand

down her body from her lips to the elastic of her panties.

My fingers dipped inside her waistband. Moving down to her lower lips I felt the wetness pooled
between her thighs. Plucking the toy from between her lips, I examined the tiny silver object in

awe. Bringing it to my own lips, I licked it, tasting her.

“Fucking delicious.”

Venom polled in my mouth at the taste of her. It was time for me to take charge, time to begin this
little game. I didn‟t think I could last much longer as drops of venom were already leaking from the

slit in my cock.

“Turn around,” I said in a deep, husky voice.

Arching an eyebrow at me, she complied. The view of her ass in the little boy shorts was amazing.

My cock twitched again. I grabbed it lightly, pumping slowly.

“Take your panties off slowly. Bending over as you do it, please,” I commanded.

Bella looked at me over her shoulder and complied. Her thumbs hooked in the waistband, and she
bent forward, slowly lowering them to the ground. Her ass in the air, begging me to smack it.

Swollen lips just asking to be fucked. Wetness glistening off her thighs.

Ahh, fuck. This may be too much. I may not be able to not touch her, have her.

“Bella, you are too fucking sexy for your own damn good,” I hissed out.

She looked at me from between her legs and smirked as she saw me handling myself. Raising an

eyebrow, I smirked back at her in return. I was silently asking if she liked what she saw.

You like what you see, baby?

“Get on the bed. On your hands and knees,” I commanded again.

Taking the toy from me, she went over to the bed. She positioned herself on all fours, her ass

faced towards me.

Fuck! Edward, you can do this.

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Ughh… I just want to plow into her. God, look at that sight.

Sitting down at the foot of the bed Indian style, I released my dick. Grabbing her hips, I moved her
to where she was slightly sideways to me, giving me a better view of her face, tits and swollen
pussy at the same time.

She looked at me in question, waiting for my next move. I lightly smacked her ass and this made
her tits bounce. She bit her lip and tried to suppress a moan.

“No, Bella. Let it out. Let me hear you.”

Hitting her ass again, this time a squeak escaped her lips. My hand went to my dick again and

started pumping harder now. I was already close to my orgasm.

“Touch yourself, baby. Finger your pussy for me,” I said with as much control as I could muster.

While she moaned at my words, she did just as I asked. Her hand rubbed over her mound before
slipping her fingers between her lips, pumping slowly in and out. Head hanging down, she breathed

heavily, small moans escaping from her lips.

“Do you like that, Bella? Do you like finger fucking yourself?”

Nodding her head, she looked at me as I handled myself in the same rhythm as her fingers. I could
tell she was close. Her heartbeat, pulse, constriction of muscles and the smell of her juices let me


“Add another finger, love. Play with your clit with your thumb,” I ordered. “Make yourself cum for


“I‟m… Ughh… So… fucking… Close… Hmm… Edward,” she groaned.

“I know, Bella. Me too, love, me too.”

She added another finger and her thumb flicked at her clit. She moaned loudly now. The force of

her fingers was making her whole body rock. Causing her tits to sway back and forth.

It was the most erotically, fucking, sexy thing I had ever seen.

Fuck. I can’t wait till it’s me instead of her fingers doing this.

“Fuck, Bella, you are so fucking hot right now. I want to fuck you so badly. Fuck you till you cum

on my dick and scream out my name,” I moaned.

“Edward, I want you to fuck me too. I want your cock in me so much,” she whimpered out between

thrusts of her own hand.

Fuck! I love it when she talks dirty.

I almost did what she asked right then. As tempting as it was, though, I knew we needed to wait. I
knew that I wanted our first time to be out of love and not the lust that was taking us over right

now. I knew that I would lose control and hurt her if I took her now.

To keep myself from fucking her senseless I stroked my cock harder. Cupping my balls, I squeezed

them, bringing my release closer.

“Cum for me, baby, I‟m so close. I want us to cum together,” I growled out.

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The hand on my dick was going lightening fast now. I was so fucking close. I needed something,
some little thing to push me over. Taking my hand from my boys, I smacked her ass again.

It was just what she needed and she started to cum. Her body started jerking and the walls of her
pussy clamped around her fingers as she furiously continued to fuck herself.

“Eddddwwaarrrdd, fffuuuccckkk!” she screamed out at the top of her lungs.

The sight of Bella cumming, screaming out my name as she did it, was what I needed. Venomous
spunk flew from my cock as I came. It was the best feeling ever. My whole body seized up, then
relaxed as a wave of euphoria coursed through me. I had only ever had one orgasm before and
this one knocked that one out of the ballpark.

Fuck, that was awesome! We have to do this again and again and again. I may never let her get
dressed again.

Our breathing was ragged as we both came back to earth. Bella collapsed onto the bed. Her face
pressed into the mattress, her fingers still in her pussy. Crawling over to her, I collapsed on my

side next to her. My hand ran up and down her back.

She has never looked lovelier then she does right now.

“I love you, Bella, with everything that I have,” I whispered.

“Love you too, Edward. Thank you for doing this,” she replied.

Is she really thanking me? It should be me fucking bowing down at her feet for doing this.

“You‟ve got that wrong, baby. I should be thanking you, worshipping you.”

Snorting at my last comment, she swatted at me with her hand. She removed the hand still inside
of her and went to wipe her cum on the sheets. I couldn‟t let her do this and grabbed her hand,
bringing the wet fingers to my mouth. I sucked her cum and juices off of them, careful not to touch

her with my razor sharp teeth.

“Mmmm, Edward, that feels so good,” she moaned breathlessly.

I simply nodded in return and continued to suck and lick her fingers. It was like drinking sweet
ambrosia. The flavor was so close to that of her blood. Or at least the part of her blood that sang to

me. I would need to taste her again.

Pulling her fingers from my mouth with a loud pop, I smiled my crooked smile at her. She smiled
back with the biggest smile I had ever seen and leaned forward to kiss me, tasting herself on my


“Mmmm, I‟m yummy,” she giggled.

I had to laugh at that.

God, she has no fucking idea what she does to me.

“Yes, you are, baby. I can‟t wait to taste you again.”

“Really? When will this tasting happen?” she laughed, a smirk on her gorgeous face.

“Ummm… How about now?”

“Well, I think I can do that,” Bella replied.

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“Okay then. Lay on your back.”

Bella did as she was told and rolled over to the middle of the bed. She propped herself up slightly

on the pillows. She grabbed the bullet that we didn‟t use and waved in front of my face.

“We didn‟t get to use this. I would like to use it this time,” she grinned.

Nodding, I sat up and went back to my position at the end of the bed. She was laid out in all of her

amazing glory for me to see.

“Spread your legs and bend your knees,” I instructed.

She complied, and her spread legs made her lower lips open. Her pussy was wet and glistening for
me. Leaning forward, I inhaled her scent. The flowery smell of her arousal seeped into my lungs

and made me instantly hard again.

Sitting back up, I grabbed the remote, turning it on to the lowest setting.

“Bella, slowly move the bullet down your body, stopping at your nipples.”

Doing as I had asked, she took the bullet, circling her nipples with it when she got to them. She

moaned lowly at the vibration against her nipples.

“Does that feel good, baby?” I asked.

“Yes, so good,” she quivered.

“Press harder against them.” My voice was firm, but still gentle.

As she did this, I turned it up a level, causing her to squeal at the increase in sensation. I saw the
gush of liquid escape her pussy and seep onto the quilt. My hand went to my cock again. My thumb

started swirling the head, spreading the pre-cum around it.

I alternated between the low and medium settings and watched as she played with her nipples,

moving back and forth between the two.

I wish that was my tongue. I just want to lick all of her body.

“Bella, you are too fucking sexy. I want to lick you nipples with my cold tongue. Do you want that,

baby?” She could only nod in reply, already too far gone to speak.

“Think that it‟s my tongue swirling around you nipples right now,” I said.

Nodding again, she let out a moan. I growled at her.

“Enough. Move down to your pussy. Put it on your clit.”

Her back arched off the bed as she placed the vibrating bullet to her clit. I turned it up another
level, making her scream out in pleasure. My cock jumped at her scream. Abandoning the head of
my cock, I started to pump myself. I was already on edge.

“You like that, don‟t you? You like what I am doing to you,” I growled again.

When she didn‟t respond, I turned the toy off.

Her head snapped up and she glared at me, yelling, “What the fuck, Edward?”

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“You did not answer me and needed to be punished,” I stated.

She could only gasp at me.

“Answer me, Bella. Do you like what I am doing to you?” I asked firmly.

“Yes, Edward, so fucking much. Please, I need it, please,” she begged.

“Okay, but first I need you to take your other hand and play with your nipples. Can you do that for

me?” I asked again.

“Yes, anything. Just turn it fucking back on!” she yelled and brought her hand to her tit, pinching


“Good girl, now swirl the bullet around your clit,” I instructed her.

She nodded and did so as I turned the toy back on to medium. Going back and forth, the silver toy
vibrated against her swollen clit. I switched between medium and high as she pressed it harder

into her nub.

“Is this better than the grocery store?” I growled.

“Yes, hell yes. So much better,” she moaned.

I don’t think I can last much fucking longer.

Fuck it! I need to taste her. I can do this.

Launching myself between her legs, I pushed her hand to the side. My tongue licked up her wet slit
to her clit, flicking at it. Her hips bucked up at the new sensation and pushed my face into her

pussy. Her juices covered my lips and jaw. The toy lay forgotten on the bed.

I never want to leave from this spot ever. The Volturi could come and kill me now. This is fucking


“Edward, fuck, that feels so good,” Bella moaned.

“Bella, you taste amazing. I can‟t get enough of you,” I groaned into her core.

I moved my body so I could lay beside her. My mouth never left her clit.

“Grab me, Bella. Pump my cock,” I commanded.

A tiny hand took over for me where I‟d left off. Soft skin encased my cock and began moving up

and down slowly.

“Harder, baby, faster. Fucking grab me!” I shouted at her.

She did, her warm hand going up and down my length, a thumb swirling the tip. It was the best

feeling ever.


“God, Bella that feels so fucking good! I can‟t wait till it‟s your pussy wrapped around my cock.” My

voice was stilted; the overwhelming pleasure coursing through me.

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Taking her clit between my marble lips, I nibbled gently. Two fingers found there way to her core
slowly and thrust in and out.

The cold sensation of my fingers and lips sent her spiraling into her orgasm. Walls quivered around
my fingers as her whole body trembled. Wetness gushed from her core and I lapped it all up.

“Fuck… Edward… I‟m… coming,” she panted out.

She increased the pressure and speed of her hand on my dick as she pumped me furiously. I could

feel my release close and I moved away from her. I didn‟t wanting my venom anywhere near her.

“Fuck!” I yelled as I came again.

The world dissolved around me, leaving only Bella and me. The feeling of our love coursed through
me, and I knew that I could do it now. I could be with her and not hurt her. My control was intact.

I had never lost it. Our boundaries had been broken and none were left behind.

Well, I guess my plan worked. Fucking best day ever!

Bella was sweaty and breathing heavily as she rode out her orgasm. Moving up and over her, I
brushed a damp tendril of hair from her face. I watched as she came back down, all the while

kissing her lips as I gently caressed her face.

“I love you,” she purred at me.

“Love you more,” I crooned back.

A giggle escaped her lips. I couldn‟t help but to return it. Love and euphoria surrounded us,

enveloped us. Pressing my forehead to hers, I grabbed the toy.

I showed it to her and said, “I don‟t think you will be needing this anymore.” Then I proceeded to

crush it in my fist.

“Edward!” she yelled at me. “I might have needed that for later!”

“I don‟t think so, love. Only I will be pleasuring you from now on,” I said and grinned.

“Really? Do you think you can?” she smiled widely at me.

“Did you learn nothing from all this? I am in control. I won‟t ever harm you, love,” I replied.

“Good, because we need to do this lots and lots more. Oh, and I love it when you say „fuck‟.” She

covered her mouth with her hand and giggled.

“Really?” I laughed back at her. “Well, I think I can fucking manage that.”


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