Progress The Original Sleep Humper Love Story by 107vyearvoldvvirgin

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Progress: The Origional Sleep

Humper Love Story

by 107vyearvoldvvirgin

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1...........................................................................................................................................1

Chapter 2...................................................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 3.......................................................................................................................................9

Chapter 4..................................................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 5................................................................................................................................... 20

Chapter 6.....................................................................................................................................27

Chapter 7..................................................................................................................................... 31

Chapter 8...................................................................................................................................38

Chapter 9....................................................................................................................................48

Chapter 10...................................................................................................................................57

Chapter 11..................................................................................................................................... 63

Chapter 12...................................................................................................................................74

Chapter 13................................................................................................................................... 79

Chapter 14.................................................................................................................................. 88

Chapter 15...................................................................................................................................93

Chapter 16..................................................................................................................................100

Chapter 17..................................................................................................................................108

Chapter 18.................................................................................................................................... 117

Chapter 19.................................................................................................................................... 121

Chapter 20............................................................................................................................... 132

Chapter 21..................................................................................................................................142

Chapter 22................................................................................................................................ 149

Chapter 23............................................................................................................................... 158

Chapter 24.................................................................................................................................165

Chapter 25..................................................................................................................................181

Chapter 26................................................................................................................................188

Chapter 27.................................................................................................................................195

Chapter 28............................................................................................................................. 202

Chapter 29.................................................................................................................................218

Chapter 30.............................................................................................................................225

Chapter 31............................................................................................................................... 232

Chapter 32 -Epilogue.......................................................................................................238

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Chapter 1


Waking up to that sound every morning was enough to make a girl go completely insane. I rolled

over and pressed my pillow firmly over my ears, willing the disturbing noises to die down. Opening
one eye slightly, I checked the time on the clock: seven forty five.

It would be over in ten minutes if I could just wait it out.
A loud crash could be heard above the pounding and moaning sounds and I sat straight up in the

bed before I grabbed a shoe off of the floor and flung it at my closed door.

"Seriously! If you're going to have sex in the kitchen before work, the least you can do is not break

my damn dishes!" I flopped back down in the bed and pulled the covers over my head until I heard the
commotion stop.

Every morning, like clockwork.
My roommate Rosalie and her bumbling boyfriend Emmett would have some sort of weird loud sex

in a corner, or open space, of our apartment. My other roommate Alice and I had learned to wait until
after eight to emerge so that we wouldn't have any more unfortunate incidences like the one last

I would never be able to watch Some Like it Hot ever again after walking in to see Rose bent over

the couch dressed as Marilyn Monroe, her white dress hiked up over her head, and Emmett…

"Happy place, happy place, happy place…" I muttered as I got up to brush my teeth. I had learned

to shower before bed now, too. Getting into the tub after their morning shower sex session was always
a crapshoot. You never knew what you'd find in there.

I cracked the door and poked my nose out. "Put on your clothes, skanks. I'm walking into the


When did our apartment become such a danger zone?
Walking stealthily into the kitchen I threw my hands up in defeat. "Emmett! How many times have

I told you that boxer briefs don't count as clothes around here. For godsake, man. I have been looking
at your frank and beans for ten years now. Its time to put them away."

Rose slipped back into the kitchen and sat on Emmett's lap as he finished his toaster strudel. She

was nuzzled up into his neck as he bit into the middle of the pastry. "Why the hell is it always still
frozen in the middle?" he yelled before shoving the entire thing into his mouth.

I poured my orange juice and sighed. "You two really are disgusting. It smells like cornflakes, or

cheerios or some shit in here. Like sex and ass. Not exactly what I want to wake up to in the morning
before I face my day of whiners and complainers."

Rose turned to look at me and shook her head before pointing to Emmett. "Don't bite the hand that

feeds you, dumbass." Emmett just smiled a cocky grin at me in agreement.

Emmett and I worked together. More accurately, we both worked for his father's company, which in

Emmett's mind meant that I worked for him.

All of us went to High School together after I transferred to Forks High my Junior year. Alice had

taken an instant liking to me and we had become fast friends. She would always say that she had


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known that she would find a friend like me one day, and I thought that maybe she was right. I had
moved from Phoenix and didn't really have any friends at all there, so having an instant friend in Alice
had been really nice.

Alice was dating Jasper, of course. They were kind of a package deal; not that I minded because

Jasper was hot to look at and a real sweetheart. I loved him to pieces.

But with Jasper came Emmett, who I had initially hated with every fiber of my being because he

was such an ass to me in gym class.

I am coordinately challenged, and the first time the gym teacher made me play volleyball, I

accidentally hit Rosalie in the back of the head. She and Emmett weren't dating at the time, but they
had apparently been screwing for a while, and he felt protective of her, so he had charged me like he
was going to rip me in half.

Rose had gotten to me first and after she pulled a clump of my hair out, we became quick


It had been hard at first to work my way in with all of them. It seems that they had been a group of

five before that summer, and their fifth had been sent away by his parents. They didn't speak of him
much, but every once in a while I would hear a story about the elusive 'E' that they all loved so deeply.
His departure had crushed all of them in one way or another.

By the time our summer before senior year hit, I was their fifth and I liked having that kind of

camaraderie. Especially in a small town like Forks. And especially when your father was the chief of
police. Having Charlie Swan as your dad could really cramp your social life, if you let it.

All five of us had headed to State for college. Alice could have gone to the arts school farther away,

but she couldn't bear to be away from Jasper, so she took design at State. Emmett took Business classes
with Rose, and minored in Physical Fitness so that he could be a trainer on the weekends. Rose
minored in auto mechanics, which Emmett thought was pretty hot. Jasper ended up getting his degree
in Romantic languages and then decided at the last minute to become a masseur.

I, on the other hand, went into Psychology.
I'm what Charlie refers to as a 'problem solver'. He nicknamed me Lucy after the Peanuts character

because I would listen to people's problems and give advice; and I was good at it. It became
overwhelming when I realized that I was giving free sessions in college to dorm mates who just
'wanted to talk'. They'd end up lying on my lap on the couch and pouring their hearts out, and I'd listen
and comfort them. After a few months I got wise and started making them bring me payment of sorts:
chocolate, drinks, or bootleg copies of movies.

It was all honestly exchanged.
After I graduated I decided not to pursue being a Psychologist because I couldn't handle listening to

people whine all day, when they had no intention of putting my advice to work for them. It seemed
frivolous just to be a body to bounce words off of for a hundred dollars an hour. And my tender heart
couldn't handle molestation cases; so I opted for Psych Lite: Human Resources at McCarty Publishing.

I worked with books and proofreaders all day. I handled insurance paperwork, new hire orientation,

birthday cakes and noise complaints. Not a bad gig, in my opinion. McCarty was one of the only
offices hiring when we moved to Seattle after graduation. Emmett was in immediately, and after I
struggled to find a job for two months, he put in a good word for me.

I was hired just like that.
Alice ended up opening her own clothing boutique downtown. Jasper worked at a pricey Day Salon

and plastic surgery center. And Rose had taken both of her degrees and gotten a job at an auto parts
supplier. Turns out guys who like cars also like girls who have boobs.

She sold a lot of chrome last summer.
Which brings me back to where we all were now.


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So, yeah. Making fun of Emmett's junk may not have been the best move right before heading out

to the office.

"Sorry, Emmalemadingdong. I meant no harm. I guess I got spoiled over the last week in Florida. I

didn't have to hear hot monkey sex every day and I got a little used to it." I smirked at him as I finished
my juice and rinsed the cup.

Emmett stood up and stretched, his underwear riding lower on his massive and chiseled frame. I

tried not to stare, but the underwear had dipped just a wee bit too low and I was getting an unexpected
peep show. He ran his hands through his short dark curls and then over his face. Smiling broadly at me,
his dark brown eyes twinkling, he winked. "You don't look like you really mind all that much, Bees."

Rose cocked an eyebrow in my direction and I blinked my eyes, shaking my head back and forth.

"You're like my brother, Em. Get a frackin' life."

I pushed past Rose's almost six foot frame and watched her long blond hair sway as she moved out

of my way. Her blue eyes snapped to Alice's door as it opened slowly and she and Jasper emerged.

God only knows what the two of them had been doing in there, but the smell of incense was filling

the hallway and I covered my mouth to keep from gagging. Alice was hyper and high strung, but Jasper
was the exact opposite. He was working on bringing her stress levels down and she had confided in me
that they had taken to doing Zen poses and tantric sex to try and eliminate her excess energy.

Now the apartment smelled like ass, sex and a bong shop.
And I was still the only one not getting laid.
This was exactly how I pictured my first day back from vacation. Exactly.

By the time I got to work, all I could think about was how much I wished I were still on vacation.

Visiting my mom Renee and her husband Phil had been really relaxing. Renee was all up in my
business about my love life, or lack thereof, but otherwise it had been a nice trip.

I unlocked my office door and reached across my desk to turn on my lamp as I heard Emmett

walking by and exclaiming, "That's so messed up! Those knob polishing critics have no sense of taste!"
I hung my head in defeat. That man was a walking HR issue.

When we were at work, I tended to avoid Emmett so that there wasn't any gossip about our

friendship. When we were home, though, I would wrestle with him like he was a brother. It was a fine
line to walk, but we'd made it work for almost two years now.

I booted up my computer and checked my inbox, biting my lip at the amount of email I had

acquired in five days' time. After an hour of shuffling and sorting, I had a throbbing headache and
needed a caffeine fix. Pronto.

I slid back from my desk and grabbed my favorite coffee mug before I headed down the hall to the

break room. I passed by the head of HR's office where Randall was sitting at his desk and talking
animatedly to a head of hair I had never seen before. My curiosity got the best of me and I kept looking
over my shoulder as I walked to try and get a look at the new guy.

Within seconds I was on my knees on the floor, looking up at Mike Newton grinning sheepishly at


"Bella, are you all right?" he laughed as he extended his hand to help me up. I looked down at the

ground and my heart sank as I saw that I had effectively broken my favorite mug.

I stood up and hung my head in mock sadness. "I broke my mug, dammit." I looked back up at

Mike as he continued to chortle. "I didn't break your face, did I?" I asked him while taking his cheeks
in my hands. I knew that my head had come into direct contact with his nose and I needed to cover my
ass before he filed Workman's Comp.

"I'm fine," he assured me as he bent over to grab the remains of my cup. He handed them back to

me and smiled. "Just another day in the life of the graceful Bella Swan, eh?"


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I nodded and said I was sorry for ramming him with my head, then continued into the break room

to steal somebody else's mug. I searched the top shelves with my fingertips until I found one to use.
Filling my cup to capacity with sweetener and creamer, I sipped at the top before I tried to concentrate
on walking back to my office, all the while watching the creamy liquid crashing from side to side and
knowing deep down in my heart that I would never make it without a spill.

"Isabella," Randall's deep voice boomed from the hallway outside of his office. Startled, I turned

towards the sound of it and tripped on the carpet, sloshing the burning hot liquid in my stolen Snoopy
cup directly onto the front of my flimsy white shirt.

"Ow…I burnt my tits," I complained louder than I had meant to. There was a sharp intake of breath

and I looked up into the disapproving eyes of my boss…and the most beautiful deep pools of mossy
green irises I had ever seen.

The burning on my boobs was nothing compared to the new burn that was flaming up quickly

through my cheeks as I pulled the sticky coffee laden fabric from my chest.

Beautiful eyed man looked at me with concern.
I gave up trying to find any dignity in the situation and sighed, extending my hand to the new


"Isabella, this is Edward. He starts today and I've already given him a tour." Randall said tightly.
That's an old dude's name. This fine specimen of man in front of me deserved something elegant

and exotic…like Fellatio.

He extended his hand to my own and there was a jolt of electricity that ran down my arm and

straight into my panties.

It was apparent then that I was going to have a problem with the new guy.
Because, I wouldn't have hired him.
I would have put a collar on him and tied him to my bedpost.
"Hello," he spoke like velvet and my eyes instinctively closed at the notes that rolled off of his

tongue. I shivered as I released his hand and felt my nipples tighten as I tried my best to smile back

Oh shit. I think I peed my pants. What the hell?
I shifted a bit and groaned internally.
Nope, not pee.
The new guy had just caused a rain shower in my panties. And all he did was say hello.
"Hi," I choked out as reality came rushing back towards me. I panicked and tore my eyes away

from the chiseled jaw and full lips of the man-who-I would-some-day-bear-children-for and sputtered,
"Randall…I really should go home and change. I'm so sorry." I glanced back up at this Edward of My
Dreams and stuttered, "Nice to meet you."

Rushing back quickly into my office, I grabbed my purse and turned off the light as I made a mad

dash to the parking lot.

I was going to have to quit my job.


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Chapter 2


I didn't go back to work that day at all. I couldn't concentrate and every time I blinked, the Sex

God's eyes were there behind my lids. It was unnerving. I had never been so attracted to a man in my
entire life.

Alice arrived home first and found me curled up on the couch with an ice pack on my chest. She

rushed over and sat next to me in concern.

"Are you all right?" She asked in such a high-pitched voice that I winced and grit my teeth to keep

my eyes from popping out of my head.

"No," I moaned with distress. "I have to quit my job, Lice."
She slapped the back of my head and muttered, "You know I hate that nickname."
Back in High School, Alice had been known for her long black hair; it was kind of her trademark.

But Senior year she was babysitting for a family in town and the kids ended up having lice. She had to
cut off thirteen inches and it just never grew back so she had worn the same short flipped hair cut since
that day.

Alice stepped up to the refrigerator and pulled out two bottles of cider. She handed me one as she

resettled into her spot. Grasping the top, I twisted it off and took a swig.

Staring blankly at the floor I repeated, "I seriously have to quit."
I chucked the bottle top across the room and watched it bounce. "They hired a new guy at work and

I want to kidnap him and put him in a box under my bed. Give him lotion and tell him 'it puts the lotion
on the skin'. Like, crazy horny for this guy right off the bat. His eyes do Jedi mind tricks to Vicki-Vag
already and I just know that I'm going to screw this up and lose my job."

"He can't be that hot," she retorted as she raised one eyebrow.
I turned towards her and crossed my heart with my fingers. "You know me, Alice. I don't do this

shit. I don't do love at first sight…or any sight. I don't pine and fawn over men. I'm every guy's little
sister. One of the dudes, ya know? But this guy?" I ran my fingers over the condensation running down
the bottle's neck and shook my head. "This guy makes my vagina want to run away to his apartment
because the little bitch knows that he'll treat her better."

Rose walked through the door then and stopped halfway into the living room as she surveyed the

scene. Her eyes narrowed and she sat down right where she had been standing. Alice went to speak but
Rose put a hand up and stopped her.

"Number one: Emmett called and said he wants to go to dinner tonight and get some drinks. He

says he has some big surprise for all of us. So we need to be ready by seven." She took a deep breath
and continued, "Two: you smell like stale coffee and aspercreme. I don't think I really want to know
why. Three: I am incredibly interested in why you bailed out of work at nine this morning after being
on vacation for a week." Her eyes snapped up and bore into mine. "Don't screw this up, Bella. Emmett
and his family need employees that they can count on."

I rolled my eyes and flung myself back onto the couch. "I had to leave, Rose. I came face to face

with an Incubus today. And I had no qualms about letting him do me and then kill me." I sat back up.
"None. At. All."

Rose's eyes grew wide as saucers and she looked confused. "You're not attracted to anyone, Bells.

Not since I've known you…" She looked between my face and Alice's and whispered, "I'm scared. Is


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the world coming to an end?"

I threw one of the decorative pillows from the couch at her head and finished off the cider. "I'm

staying home tonight, guys. I've got to do some thinking and get my head clear. I need a plan of action
so that I can maintain a level head at work. I need my job and I'm not gonna let this…living sexual
fantasy of mine…ruin what I've worked so hard for."

Alice pouted her lip. "Please come with us?"
I shook my head no and got up from the couch. "There's a new episode of Intervention on. And a

new episode of The Hills. And I got an alert earlier today that one of my favorite authors updated her
story on Fanfiction." I bit my lip and nodded my head as I made my decision. "Definitely staying home
tonight to get my shit together."

I excused myself and locked my bedroom door behind me before I spread myself across my worn

purple comforter.

I needed a distraction.
Grinning deviously, I changed clothes and put on my boy short panties and a mid drift tank top that

I didn't even know I had…odd. It would work, though. Jacking with Emmett always made my day

"What time is Ems supposed to be here?" I called through the door
"In five minutes, give or take," was Rose's reply.
I cued up my iPod and plugged in my ear buds. Cranking the volume, I walked into the kitchen and

started rifling through the freezer.

Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Rose and Alice would be busy until Emmett was actually already in the apartment, so I knew they

wouldn't see what I was up to.

I wanna kiss you
But if I do then I might miss you babe
It's complicated and stupid
I felt the familiar thud of the apartment door slamming as it resonated through the floor and I turned

quickly to where Emmett was standing, lifting the slip of a shirt that I was wearing, revealing the
stickers I had placed on my breasts.

"How ya like these apples?" I yelled at him, throwing my head back as I laughed. "You gonna put

your pants on in the morning now, ass monkey?"

There was the briefest of moments where I saw Emmett's face twitch before he stepped slightly to

the right and revealed the tall lanky form of my wet dreams and worst nightmares.

The Incubus blinked at my shiny red apple covered nipples and his mouth made a small 'o' right

before I blacked out.

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
"She'll be fine, guys. You know how she gets when she gets scared. She like those fainting sheep

you see on tv…it's her flight reflex." Alice's voice was carrying over the music in my ears.

Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
I yanked the buds from my ears and squeezed my eyes shut, praying that when I opened them the

Beautiful Man would have been a hallucination.


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I peeked one eye open and saw his shock of dark hair leaning over the kitchen bar, his face twisted

in slight concern and major curiosity. Emmett was looking at me like I was retarded and he dropped a
hand to help me stand up. I accepted and stood against the fridge, covering my exposed stomach. My
legs turned inwards as I tried to make myself as small as possible.

Rose took Edward by the shoulders and hugged him tightly. "I can't believe you're here!" She


I looked back and forth between the two of them in confusion. My eyes settled on Alice and I

motioned for her to come to my side. She moved sprightly and got on her tip toes for me to whisper in
her ear, "How does Rose know my Incubus?"

Alice's eyes almost popped out of her head and her hand flew to her chest. "Our 'E' is your…sex on

fire guy?"

The fifth.
This was the beloved E from high school and he had returned like the Prodigal Son to claim his

rightful spot and rid me of my virtue.

Edward. Was. E.
What the focknuts?
I backed away from the kitchen and made it to my room before anyone else noticed I had left. I

heard Jasper arrive and there were more celebratory hellos. I changed into my sweatpants and extra
grande white t-shirt before I crawled underneath my covers.

And hoped to die.
I heard a soft knock on my door and the knob jiggled back and forth as soft voices spoke in hushed

tones. There was the sound of metal on metal and then a light 'click' before my bedroom door opened.

Within seconds there were two bodies in my bed, pressed against each side. I pulled the covers

higher and whined, "Can't you guys just let me die in peace?"

Jasper gently moved my fingers from the blanket and pulled it down to reveal my humiliated

expression. Alice ran a hand softly over my hair and tsked.

"Ah, darlin'. How were we supposed to know that Edward was your mystery man? None of us even

knew he had moved to Seattle. Apparently," she snuggled in closer to me and wrapped her arms across
my shoulders, "E's dad called Em's dad and he pulled some strings to get him hired. Emmett didn't even
know until this morning after you left."

I nodded dumbly and fought the urge to cry.
Jasper reached out and pulled me to sitting. Positioning himself behind me, he began to rub small

circles over my back and shoulders. "C'mon, peaches. Why not laugh it off and chalk it up to another
humiliating adventure in BellaLand?"

"It's different," I whispered into my chest. J rested his chin on my shoulder and looked to Alice for

explanation. She retold the story quickly and by the time she was done, Jasper was sitting in front of
me with a wry expression on his face.

"I never would have put two and two together, but I bet that if Edward had stayed in Forks you

guys would have gotten together and ended up like us," he said as he pulled Alice into his lap. "From
what I remember, you're exactly his type."

"Not helpful, Yoda." I snickered as I fell back into my pillow.
Rose flicked the bedroom lights on and off while she stood in the threshold of the door.
"We're headed out, guys. If you want to come with…then come on." She leaned against the door

and cocked her head. "Why are you wigging out? That's not the first time my boyfriend has seen your
yayas. We've been skinny dipping since Senior year. Plus," she looked down and grasped both of her
chesticles in her hands, "it's not like yours are better than mine." She snorted a laugh as she looked


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back at me cowering on the bed.

"Really, Bees. It's not a big deal. And Edward is cool. I bet he'll never bring it up again, so we'll

consider this his welcome back…er…orientation or some shit like that." She smiled and snapped her

Jasper waved her into the room and Rose perched on the edge of my bed curiously.
"Edward is the guy, Ro. He's. THE. Guy." Alice was trying to get the point across but Rose still

looked confused. "He's the one B was chasing down the rabbit hole this morning."

Understanding dawned on Rosalie's flawless features and she pressed red tipped nails to her lips.

"Fuuu.." She looked at me and stopped herself. "Functionally illiterate," she finished. "You want to
hump E?"

I buried my face into my covers again.
She looked thoughtful. "You've got better taste then I thought, Lou."
My head snapped up and I growled, "Only Charlie calls me Lou. And right now my dad is the last

image I need in my sick and perverted mind."

"Either way, I didn't know you were holding out for Top Shelf peen. Good on you," she smiled.
"We work together, idiot. I burnt my tits…and told him. I have dirty fantasies about his damn

VOICE. And now…oh gahd…he's seen my apple covered nips and panties. Damn, damn, damn Dr.
Kevorkian for not being around when I needed him most."

I curled up on the bed a prayed for a hell mouth to open.


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Chapter 3


"Bella, what's the BFD? I've never seen you so worked up before. Put your clothes on and we'll go

get drinks. Be as normal as you can be and get to know the guy. Who knows? Maybe he'll give you a
pickle tickle…" Alice was shaking with laughter as she finished.

I glowered at her. "I never said I was actually going to let him into my pants, David the Gnome. I

said I wanted him there…" I sat back up in defeat. "You guys know how picky I am about shoes…and
those only go on my feet!"

Rose groaned and stood from the edge of the bed. "You're nervous. He makes you nervous. Know

how I know? Because you only quote movies when you're nervous."

I shook my head and waved my hand dismissively in her direction. "I'm horny, not nervous. BIG


Jasper grasped my wrists and tried to pull me off of the bed. I went limp and tried to make my body

as heavy as possible by becoming dead weight. It was no use since Jasper was a being sent straight
from Mt. Olympus with the strength of a mythical god.

"You're not staying here to wallow," he told me as my body slid off of the covers and hit the floor

with a thud.

I finally started to fight against him and I pushed my feet against his hands on my wrists as I yelled

at him. "I am not going anywhere! I'm staying here to watch mindless television and get myself off
with the Record Breaker!"

Rose looked appalled. "You call your vibrator the Record Breaker?"
I stopped struggling and looked up at her like she was stupid. "Yeah, so? We have contests to see if

we can break the last record for…time. Shut up, okay? Leave me alone and let me deal with my
fekking traitor vag all by myself!"

There was a noise from the doorway and we all turned at once to see Emmett standing there with

his palms up in question. "You know we can hear you, right?"

"Kill me, please," I whispered to Jasper.
Emmett grinned a cocky grin at me. "I think you should come…" he snickered, "OUT with us."
I wrestled my hands from J's grasp and pulled myself onto my knees before I flipped Emmett off.
Emmett made a head jerk into the living room and told everyone else to go out and visit with

Edward while he talked to me. I crawled back up onto my bed and laid face down on my pillow with
my butt in the air. Em smacked it as he settled onto the pillow next to me.

"You're so totally into this guy and he's said, what, one whole word to you?"
"I know," I groaned into my pillow. I turned my head to face him and sighed. "That's why I'm being

such a spaz. I mean, have you ever seen me be such a spaz? Ever?"

He shook his head in amusement.
"Look at that. Lil' Bella Swan finally wants some man meat." He laughed loudly and I pressed my

hand into his face to shut him up.

"I hate you," I whispered.
He pulled me to his chest and squeezed. "Nah. You don't have it in you to hate, Bees. But you do

have it in you to stop being one of the guys and start acting like a girl so you can get some." He looked
down at my mouth drawn into a frown. "How can a Psych major be so blind to their own issues?"

I sat up and drew my knees to my chest, resting my cheeks on them. "Most psych majors go into it


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so that they can figure out what's wrong with themselves. I know what my hang ups are, dickweed.
We've discussed this, so move along to a new subject."

I looked over at my alarm clock and turned back to face Emmett. "Sorry I flashed my apples at you

and your friend. I was just trying to embarrass you into putting your pants on around the breakfast
table. Now I've embarrassed myself so much that I won't be able to come out of my office at work for a

Emmett leaned in and lowered his voice. "I'm not saying this, if you know what I'm saying…but I

am pretty sure that Edward didn't mind the view, if you know what I'm saying."

I reached a hand out and ran my palm over Emmett's cheek. "You are so pretty, Emmett. That must

be how you function on a daily basis, because your communication skills are for shit."

He leaned over and kissed me noisily on the cheek before he bellowed, "Put some damn clothes on

and let's go. I'm starving!"


What the hell is going on in this madhouse?
I watched three of my old friends emerge from Sybil's room and waved awkwardly. They gave

knowing glances to each other before sitting down on the couch and floor to surround me.

"So, yeah. That's our best friend Bella. She came to Forks about two weeks after you…left. She's

like a little sister to the guys, and a brother to us girls…" Alice was rubbing her temples as she tried to
find the words. "She…" Her words faltered and she looked at Jasper for help.

He drummed his fingers on his chin before stating, "She's great. Awesome, actually. But I think

hanging out with us for the past decade has desensitized her to being a…normal…girl?" He looked at
Rose for agreement and she nodded.

Rose puckered her lips and blinked. "She has no problem with being around guys. Until you," she


I ran my fingers along my jaw and scratched. "So, should I leave? I don't want this to get weird."

Laughter exploded from all three as they looked at me.

"It's past weird, E. Just act like nothing happened and she can live in denial. She'll end up treating

you like one of the guys and eventually it will all blow over. It's her nature." Alice smiled at Jasper as
he murmured that she was right.

Rose was staring at me without blinking. "I can't believe you're back," she said with a soft smile.
Alice patted my knee and smiled up into my eyes. "I had a feeling you'd be back," she said matter-


I shrugged and looked away. "Don't make this awkward, guys. It's been a long time and I'm sure

some things have changed," I looked back at the three of them and smiled halfway. "It's great to see
you all again, though. I missed the hell outta you when I was gone."

"Save your stories for dinner, E. We all want to catch up on where you've been," Jasper drawled. I

nodded and sat back stiffly against the enormous amount of decorative pillows on the couch.

That never made sense to me. Why did girls always buy a thousand pillows to put on top of a piece

of furniture that was made out of…pillows?

I heard Emmett re- enter the room and he rolled his eyes as he spoke to Rose. "I gave her three

minutes, or I told her I was stripping her naked and forcing her into the car." He grinned mischievously
and winked at me.

I don't even know this girl.


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And from what I could tell by her crazy ass tendencies, I probably wanted to steer clear of her.
Less than three minutes later, Isabella emerged from her room dressed in tight, dark jeans and a

fitted low cut blue tank top, scurrying to put on heels and clutching her tiny hooded sweatshirt. She ran
a hand to her face and moved her bangs across her forehead before she tucked them behind her ear. She
looked up pensively and furrowed her brows.

"What?" She asked defensively.
The other four were staring at her like she had just shape shifted or something.
"You look hot, Bella." Alice's high voice squeaked with appreciation.
Bella made a sour face and then walked with a purpose over to me. Extending her hand she sighed,

"Sorry about the awkward morning and late night peep show. I wish I could say that those two
instances were flukes, but I actually function at a high level of embarrassment on a daily basis." She
grasped my hand and squeezed as she finished, "I can't promise it will ever get better, so here's my one
and only apology for embarrassing you ever again for as long as we know each other."

My brain faltered a bit at her touch and as I squeezed her hand back a look of recognition colored

her eyes when a pulse of electricity ran between us. I suddenly felt nauseous and pulled my hand away

I bit the inside of my lip and nodded as I got off the couch. "No harm, no foul. And I'm glad to see

that your chest didn't get second degree burn on it this morning." I glanced quickly at everyone else.
"Can we go now?"

We arrived at the Attic Alehouse in Madison and were seated. I made sure to put distance between

Bella and myself so that I wouldn't feel so…uncomfortable. She was kind of fascinating, and pretty.
And a pretty fascinating girl was not what I was interested in at the present time.

She looked distracted the entire time we were ordering and I almost told her to stop fidgeting

because it was making the rest of the table nervous as hell. Emmett's hand flashed out and covered hers
to make her stop tearing at her napkin and he leaned in to tell her something that made her throw her
head back in a fit of laughter.

Shit. This girl was definitely dangerous for me.
"Okay, fill us in on your past ten years," Alice was chirping next to me.
I shook my head and leaned back, taking a sip of my beer. "I'd rather hear about what you guys

have been up to."

There was a beat of silence before I gave in.
"Ummm, let's see. I guess," I was trying to think of where to start. "Junior year I went to Alaska.

Graduated high school and then went to college up there to major in English." I cleared my throat and
stretched my neck from side to side, letting the bones pop and crack. I took another swig of beer and
said, "Then I spent the last four years as an ARMY medic."

"No shit!" Jasper was leaning forward, impressed.
Emmett pounded his fist on the table and roared, "Did you kill anybody?"
I peeled the label off of my beer and shook my head. "That's not…ummm…I don't really like

talking about my time in service." My eyes flicked up and I saw Bella eyeing me curiously. "What
about you guys? I can't believe you're still together after all this time," I said as I patted Alice's hand.

And so began the firestorm that was Mary Alice Brandon. She effectively recounted the past ten

years in glorious detail, not missing one single thing that she thought I would like to hear about.

We ate our meal with comfortable conversation from everyone but Bella. She had a strange look on

her face and I saw her concentrating on her phone more than once instead of interacting with us. She
would glance up every once in a while and look at me like I was a Science Project.

Eventually I excused myself to go to the bathroom and as I was washing up I took a hard look in

the mirror. My hair had grown out and I just stopped cutting it since I had been made to wear it so short


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for four years. And I hadn't been shaving either, until I got the job at McCarty's. Which felt good
considering I had to shave every single day when I was in the military. At least I looked different on the

I splashed some water on my face and walked out to the bar. Bella was leaning over the counter top

and ordering another Strongbow as I started to pass.

"Hey," she called as she grabbed her bottle from the bartender. I stopped and turned slowly to look

at her. Her deep brown eyes were big and soft as she stepped closer. "You don't smile much, huh?"

I must have looked confused.
She patted me on the shoulder and started to walk away. Turning around towards me she continued

to walk backwards as she called, "It's a shame. Your dad probably spent a pretty penny on those fangs
of yours." She winked and turned to walk back to the table.

That was probably her flirting; making fun of me in some way. She really was like a kindergartener

on a playground. I needed to remind myself to not take her near any sandboxes so she wouldn't crush
some poor kid's castle.

She was a twenty six year old kindergartener who was my HR director at work.
I sat back down as everyone at the table was paying for their checks. Emmett looked up and waved

the ticket at me and smiled, "My treat." He turned towards Bella as she was searching for her wallet
and grabbed her ticket too.

"What the Funt?" Bella looked up too late to see Emmett waking briskly towards the waitress and

handing her all three tickets.

I leaned over to Alice and whispered,"What are those unintelligible phrases your friend keeps

yelling out?"

Alice buzzed with laughter and grabbed onto Jasper's arm for support. "Oh, damn. She's been doing

that for so long…I don't even notice it anymore. She makes us do it too." She waved her hand at Bella
and called, "Can you explain to our new arrival your rule about the F bomb?"

Bella looked irritated and pushed off of her chair to stand next to Alice so that I could hear her


Looking me in the eye she said, "I have three rules: Don't sleep around, don't use drugs and don't

drop the F Bomb."

"Why?" I asked, bemused.
"Well, I figure I should keep some sense of morality in the year 2009." She lowered herself until

she was resting on her calves and bouncing on her knees; her eyes now level with that if the tabletop.
"Plus, anybody can use the f word. How many people do you know that can restrain themselves and
create alternative words?" She smiled widely as Alice chuckled. "Its kind of a game for us now…I try
to see if these guys can stop themselves and think quickly enough to replace it. I mean, we work at a
publishing company and are surrounded by wordsmiths every day. It's more fun to be creative with that
kind of shit."

I leaned on my elbow and frowned. "Okay…but you say 'shit' and 'damn', right?"
She nodded.
"So, what's the difference?"
Bella pulled herself back up to standing so that I was now eye level with her bra cups. Leaning

forward she whispered, "Damn is an oldie but a goodie and it gets the point across. But shit…when
said correctly…when the 't' is hit just right, can make a girl's lady parts tingle."

I pulled one corner of my mouth up into a smile and shook my head, "That's a lie."
She grinned and patted my shoulder,"Yeah, it is. But I got you to smile."


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Chapter 4


Working with Edward hadn't been as hard as I anticipated. I just gave him the same wide berth that

I afforded to Emmett.

I had pulled his employment record and he seemed pretty legit. Turns out his last name was Cullen,

he graduated High School and College with Honors, and he was Honorably Discharged from the
ARMY. I checked to see if there was anything about his exit evaluation, and all I saw was that he

Being out for six days had really made it hard to catch up and I found myself skipping lunches for

the rest of the week to compensate for my absence. This inevitably ended with me getting 'lack of food
migraines' and I filled the food void with coffee and BC powder. I can usually take that stuff like a
champ, but one of the copy clerks, Angela Webber, stopped by my office unexpectedly and I choked on
the powder, sending a big white cloud out of my nose and mouth which made her panic.

Then I had to explain that I wasn't doing cocaine at my desk when Randall came in to see the white

powder spewed across the wooden desk top.

Finally, Friday had arrived and as I took my third headache powder of the day, I prayed I would

swallow it without someone walking by and making me choke. I rubbed my temples and tried to focus
my eyes when I heard Emmett walking down the hallway with Edward, laughing heartily about
something he had read.

Emmett turned his head only a fraction of an inch as he passed by my door, but his hands moved

faster than his feet and he gave me the finger before he rounded the corner.

I loved that asscan.
Edward had been walking just a pace behind Emmett, and I saw his eyes slide sideways and flick

forward again when he saw that my head was up and I was looking.

I would have been mad, but those eyes had been the fuel behind my daily sessions with the Record

Breaker since he started on Monday. I needed to retire that sucker, anyways. No way was I going to
beat sixty five seconds.

That shit needed to be recorded in Guinness.
I needed to face the facts: Edward Cullen was like every other guy on God's Green Earth. He didn't

want me. He would never want me. I could never make him want me. So I just needed to get the hell
over it already and jump on the Platonic Train. After all, he was The Fifth.

And now I was The Sixth.
I researched some Insurance companies to re-quote our policies and suddenly I realized that it was

three o'clock. There was a light knock at my door and I looked up to see the Adonis himself standing
nervously in the hallway.

"Isabella?" He asked from his safe distance. "Do you have a second to discuss my 401 K

enrollment?" He looked apologetic. "Randall is in a management meeting, or else I would have asked

Of course he would have.
I waved him in and rolled my chair to a low file cabinet to get his paperwork. Retrieving his forms,

I sat back up to see him staring intently at my legs. Embarrassment flew all over me as I realized that
my skirt had pulled up unnaturally high from the way I was sitting and Edward was now getting a first
row view of the top of my thigh highs.


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I rolled back to the desk quickly and slapped the forms on my desk, catching his attention.
"Your enrollment," I began as he listened with more intensity than needed. I went over the forms,

the match percentages, and I watched as he filled out his forms in a toe curling perfect script.
Swallowing thickly, I took his paperwork back and gave him a halfhearted smile that I knew he
wouldn't return.

"Anything else I can help you with, Mr. Cullen?"
He looked down for a second and then back up, his eyes a deeper shade of green than they were

when came in. His voice dropped a little lower than normal and he leaned across my desk tentatively. "I
know that," he clasped his hands and took a breath. "I know that you are really close with all of my
friends, but…I just don't think it's a good idea for you and me to be…"

I folded my arms and waited. "Be what, exactly?"
"I just don't think we should be friends. Close friends, if that makes any sense. I'm not sure that I

would be a good friend for you." His eyes looked up now and burned straight into my soul.

I chuckled. "That's going to be a little hard, Edward. If you're going to be hanging out with all of

the people I love most on this damn planet." I bit my lip and closed my eyes tightly. "You haven't even
really tried to get to know me, you know. How do you know what kind of friends we'll be if we never
even hang out?"

"It would just be safer if we didn't…"
I handed him his paper work and nodded my head. "Got it. That's your enrollment. Keep a copy for

your records." I turned back to my computer, turning away from him in dismissal.

"Why the fink would I need to put on something else to go to Wal Mart?" I yelled from my room as

I flipped through my iTunes on my laptop. I looked down at my sweats in confusion.

"Because you look like a hobo," Emmett called back.
"Your mom is a hobo," I retorted.
"BOTH of your moms!" Emmett bellowed.
Oh. Snap.
I jumped out of my computer chair and ran full force into the living room, jumping over the top of

the couch and landing directly in his lap. I dug my fingers into his side, making him fold over in

"Sue was not my mom, E-tard!" I gritted between my teeth as he rolled me off of the couch onto my


"Geeshush, Bees. Take a pill, or another one other than the ones you already take. I know Sue

wasn't your mom. It's just funny to see you get all riled up." He sat back with amusement in his eyes.
"How's your little bro, by the way?"

I kicked his shin. "Jake is not my brother either. Charlie let him stay after Sue passed. We're not

related, dicksleeve."

He nodded and helped me to my feet. "You should change clothes. We're not going to Wallyworld.

We're headed to a piano bar tonight."

I snickered,"Since when are you so cultured?"
Rose walked in, putting a chandelier earring into her ear. "Since we heard there was going to be a

guest player tonight that's supposed to be amazing." She smoothed her short black strapless dress over
her thighs and Emmett whistled in appreciation.

Alice appeared at the doorway in one of her designs, a canary yellow sundress that fell perfectly at

her calves. I glanced at Emmett and realized that he was wearing grey pants and a black dress shirt.
Jasper emerged seconds later looking hot as hell in black pants and a light blue shirt.

"Are your parents coming to take pictures of you before your Prom, guys?" I chided them.


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Alice pulled a dress from behind her back. "I figured you didn't have anything presentable, so I

brought this from the boutique."

I held my hands out and shook them side-to-side to say no. Rose grabbed my arms and forced me

into my bedroom and Jasper was behind her with Emmett and Alice in a moment's time. Somehow,
Rose got my hands above my head and Jasper got my shirt off, while Emmett yanked my pants off at
the same time that Alice stood on the bed and slid the sapphire blue dress over my head.

Rose rolled her eyes, "Why is it always a team effort to get you dressed and out of this fawking


I laughed, "Good one, Ro! That's going in the book." Alice sat me on the bed and pulled my hair

into a ponytail as Rose shoved shoes on my feet. I resisted as hard as I could when they attempted
make up, but they somehow got blush and gloss on my lips before I could free myself.

I stood up, breathless. "You are so lucky I shaved my legs!" I screamed at them as I grabbed my


We arrived at Martin's Off of Madison at close to ten o' clock. As we walked in I could hear the

most beautiful melody being played from across the bar. Rosalie smiled broadly and put her arm
through mine and Alice did the same on the other side. We maneuvered towards the piano area and my
feet stopped completely as I saw why we had come to Martin's tonight.

Edward Cullen was sitting behind the piano, looking like he needed to be serviced from under his

piano bench by one very willing Bella Swan.

I watched his face as it was masked in concentration, but I focused on his long fingers moving

swiftly across the keys.

Excuse me? Could you do what you're doing to those keys inside of my pants?
I yanked my arms from both of their grasps and stomped to the bar to order a stiff drink. He didn't

want me here, but they couldn't have known that. It's not like I had told them about our confrontation
that afternoon.

I ordered three red headed sluts and took them all in rapid succession before sitting my ass down on

a bar stool. I had no intention of rejoining my friends until it was time to go home.

Emmett cleared his throat as he stepped up next to me. "What the hell is your deal, schizoid? I

thought you wanted to take a ride on E's banana boat?" He leaned on the bar and looked me in the eyes.

"It's not going to happen and I don't want to talk about it or bring you into it. Are you planning on

staying with Rose tonight?" He nodded. I held out my hand, "I want to stay at your place, then. Keys.

He hesitated and then reached into his pocket to give me the small silver key. I shooed him away

and pulled out my iPhone to distract myself by killing island villagers with one of my apps.

I didn't even notice when the music had stopped until I heard a male voice say, "Hey there."
Without even looking up from my phone I dropped my voice and said, "I have a dick."
There was a moment of hesitation before I felt the body move away.
"Oh, shit. You did not just do that." Edward's voice made me snap my head up. He was standing

less than a foot away from me, getting water from the bartender. I shrugged and looked back down at
my phone, shifting away from him.

He stepped closer and I closed my eyes as his scent hit my nose. Turning to look at him, I placed

my phone on the counter. "You sounded good." I said honestly.

"Thanks," he murmured. He took a drink of his water and shook his head. "Maybe you could cut

back on telling guys you have a dick? I'd hate for it to get back to my dad that I'm hanging out with a

I gave him a dirty look and called the bartender over to get another drink. "We aren't hanging out,

number one. Number two, what do you care about what your dad thinks?"


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He leaned against the bar and looked down at my dress. "The illustrious Carlisle Cullen has a

reputation to maintain, I'm afraid."

I turned too quickly to look at him and spilled my drink all over my hand. He grabbed some

napkins and cocked an eyebrow.

"Your dad is Carlisle Cullen? The Carlisle Cullen?" He shrugged and nodded. "Wow. I didn't realize

you were the son of Seattle's most esteemed Psychologist. I'll bet growing up at your house was a total

He bit his lip and looked away.
"Why didn't you follow in your dad's footsteps? Not a fan of being inside of people's minds and

hearing their innermost thoughts?"

His eyes flicked back up and he stated curtly, "I'm not of the opinion that people with issues should

help others with theirs."

My breath left my body in a woosh as I stared at him in disgust. I grabbed a twenty out of my purse

and threw it on the bar before I yanked my purse off of the stool next to me and walked out the front
door of the bar, not looking back at Edward or my friends.

Who the hell did he think he was? Having your own issues to deal with would not stop someone

from doing their job well.

It never hindered me.
I looked up and down the sidewalk, determining which direction Emmett's apartment was in. It was

much closer to go to his place instead of mine and I was glad I had gotten him to give me the key.

I walked a few blocks before I realized it was the wrong direction. So I crossed over, passing a

group of undergrads. Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't pay attention to any of them, even after they
changed their direction and turned to follow me.

Anger and rage were flooding my ears as I chastised myself for ever thinking that Edward could be

a good guy. Or good for me. For ever wanting him in the first place.

In five days' time he had become the worst thing that had ever happened to me.
I hit the street that Emmett lived off of and stopped under a streetlamp to search my purse for the

wayward key.

There was a slight shuffling sound from behind me and I turned quickly to face the undergrads from

earlier. They were muttering things to each other and each one was completely drunk. The leader of the
group, or so it appeared, took a step forward.

"Hey, sexy. Need help getting tucked in?" He sneered while his friends guffawed behind him.
Panic overtook my body and I tried to think quickly back to any type of defense classes I had been

made to take in school. I could only remember to punch a predator in the nose.

That's a shark, you moron!
I gritted my teeth and took a step forward, clutching the tiny key in between my middle and fourth

fingers. Charlie always said you could stab somebody in the eye that way.

"Leave me alone," I wheezed out.
He took a step closer and I just stared as he approached.
The sound of a horn honking and tires screaming across the pavement ripped me out of my panic

and I was momentarily blinded as headlights spun around the road and rested on the group of men who
now stood motionless.

The passenger door was shoved open and Edward screamed, "Get in the car, Bella!"
I followed his directions and dove in, grasping the seatbelt as I slammed the door shut. He peeled

away from the curb and slammed his foot on the gas.

I stared at him as the car raced past streetlight after streetlight. The yellow glow bounced and

disappeared across his face, his eyes black with rage and his jaw grinding in anger.


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Abruptly, he pulled the car over and threw it in to park. He gripped the steering wheel and pressed

his forehead into the horn. After a second he looked up and asked, "Are you okay?" His tone was biting
and angry.

"Yes," I whispered.
"I can't believe you left by yourself. Never leave by yourself."
I didn't respond as I watched him calm himself down. My head was spinning and felt dizzy, a faint

buzzing ran through my brain and my ears were burning hot.

Edward's eyes finally slid over to me and he jumped, startling me. "Your nose is bleeding," he said

as he reached into his glove compartment for a napkin.

I flipped the vanity mirror down and looked as a river of blood rolled out of my right nostril. I

grabbed the napkin from him and shoved it against the hole. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I tilted my
head back, but the blood was rushing so fast I started choking. I yanked my head forward again and
suddenly blood started pouring out of my second nostril.

I looked up in a panic and Edward handed me another napkin as he threw the car into drive,

weaving across traffic at top speed. "You're not supposed to bleed from both nostrils Bella. Something's
wrong, you need to go to the ER."

I nodded as I pressed my face into my knees. "I faint," I croaked out between gulps of blood down

my throat.

Within what felt like two minutes, we pulled up to the hospital and Edward carried me in as I lost


I awoke on one of those massively uncomfortable ER beds that I had become so familiar with over

the years. The paper under my ass crunched and I tried to sit up until a cool hand pressed my forehead
back down.

"They aren't done with you," Edward's voice spoke lowly. I turned to see his face and it looked

strained as he sat with his arms folded, watching the tv without sound. I looked down a ways and saw
that my legs had been covered since I was wearing a dress.

Good. The last thing I wanted was to flash him my super sexy granny panties.
A doctor appeared in the doorway and clapped his folder shut. "You're awake!" he chirped as he

sidled up next to my head. "Got a coupla questions for you, Miss Swan."

I nodded, "Go ahead. Ask away."
He sat on a stool and rolled over to me. "First, I'm Dr. Levi. Now that we have that out of the

way…do you have a bleeding disorder?

"Do you bruise easily?"
"Have you been taking any nasal drops or any medication out of the ordinary?"
"No, I only take two prescriptions a day. And headache medicine," I told him.
His head perked up. "What kind and how much?"
"I dunno," I replied, feeling foolish. "Birth control, Paxil. BC powder? Four a day? Maybe six?"
Edward's head fell back against the wall and he groaned.
Dr. Levi patted my arm. "Those are blood thinners when used too much, child. Lay off. Mr. Cullen

told me about the incident that preceded the bleed, and it looks like your blood pressure spiked,
bursting a capillary, and your new blood thinners made it impossible to clot."

He grabbed a package and opened it. "I'm going to try and pack your nose so that we can make sure

you won't bleed tonight."

"Shut the front door!" I yelled at him as I scrambled to sit up. "That's a…tampon, dude!" I looked at


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him in dismay. "You aren't really going to stuff my nose with a tampon, are you?"

He chuckled and said yes. "It's a balloon and we'll pump it up until it fits." He placed the object in

my nose and tried to blow it up so that it would stay. He cocked his head to the side and tried to shove
it up further.

"Damn!" I yelled as my eye teared up.
Dr. Levi stood back and crossed his arms. "Your nose is too small. You just look ridiculous."

Edward's low chuckle came from my right and I closed my eyes in embarrassment.

The nasal tampon was removed and the doctor sighed. "Any more bleeding tonight and you need to

come right back. If you make it through the night, set up an appointment to get cauterized."

I didn't speak a word as the doctor finished up and released me to go home. Edward and I walked

back to his car in silence and I laughed a little when he unlocked the door.

"I got saved by a guy in a shiny silver Volvo. Ah, hell…"
He ushered me in and drove out of the parking lot.
"Thanks," I said softly. He only nodded in response.
"This is dumb, but can you take me to Emmett's? I want to stay there tonight."
Edward snorted, "No. Why would I take you back to the place you were almost assaulted and leave

you alone?"

I leaned my head back and sighed. "Because I need a good night's sleep without having to hear Em

and Rose do the bone dance all night."

I heard his neck crack and he breathed deeply. "I'll take you, but I'll stay in Jasper's room."
I looked over at him in confusion. "You totally don't have to stay with me. I'm sure your apartment

would be just fine for you to sleep in."

He laughed lightly. "I don't sleep. And I live with Carlisle and Esme."
For the love of ….
"You live with your parents?" I asked incredulously.
He glanced at me and smirked. "Awesome, right?"
We parked at Emmett's and went to his apartment. I unlocked the door and turned on the lights,

laughing to myself at how disgusting the place was. That's why they slept at our apartment all the time;
it was filthy.

I walked directly into Emmett's room and scrounged through his drawers for a t shirt. Edward stood

awkwardly at the door and watched as I hunted. I stood up and blinked before I remembered that Jasper
probably had more fitting apparel.

Within ten minutes we were both comfortably clothed in pajama pants and t shirts. I scoured the

pantry and fridge, pulling out a couple of beers and some corn chips. Plopping them on the coffee table,
I settled into the couch and turned on the television.

Without looking up I called, "Stop being awkward CC. You can sit next to me. I won't bite you."
He sat gracefully on the opposite end of the couch and spread his legs out. "What does CC stand

for?" He asked warily.

I shoved a chip in my mouth and slid my eyes over to him. "You're Complicated, Cullen."
He chuckled and grabbed his beer, relaxing as we watched a rerun of Arrested Development.
After the second episode closed I heard his breathing change and I looked over to see him sleeping.
Doesn't sleep, huh?
I turned off the television and grabbed a throw blanket. Leaning over him, I pulled his long legs

onto the couch and placed a pillow under his head. I was sitting on the edge of the couch, propping his
head up onto the pillow before putting the blanket across him, when he sighed and reached his hand out
to grasp my thigh.

His eyes were closed and he was breathing in a steady deep rhythm, but his hands were moving up


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and down my thigh with purpose.

I sat frozen as I watched him roll closer to me, while a small groan escaped his lips. I watched his

face as it relaxed and then tensed before he turned onto his stomach. His hand was still working my
thigh and for a second I thought that maybe I could take advantage of the situation and move it around
for him…as long as he was into it, ya know…

But all of my ill intentions went to the wayside as I watched his hips start tiny undulations against

the couch. It didn't take long, but I couldn't rip my eyes away. He tensed up and grasped my thigh as his
face buried into the pillow and he bit down. Hard.

Then the deep sleep breathing returned and he released his grasp on my thigh.
And now it all made sense:
Of three things I was completely sure.
First, I had fallen in love with Edward Cullen that night.
Second, there was a part of me, and I wasn't sure how dominant it was, that wanted to have sex with


And third, the man that I wanted to give myself to was a pillow biting sofa humper who lived at

home with his Mama.


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Chapter 5


I left a note.
After spending a sleepless night in Emmett's bed, I got up at dawn and left a note, along with

Emmett's key, on the table.

I couldn't face him after that.
And I most certainly wasn't going to be the one to clean his jizz off of the couch.
The cab dropped me off at my apartment and I crawled into my bed, trying against all hope to gain

an hour of sleep. When it wouldn't come, I went and cooked. Within thirty minutes the entire apartment
was awake and staring dumbly at me as I finished the last of the eggs.

"Eat up, "I said breathlessly as I wiped my hands.
Jasper cocked his head to the side and ran his fingers through his soft blond waves. "Are those my


I looked down and verified that they were.
Alice eyed me with concern. "What happened, Bees?"
"Nothing," I lied as I sipped my coffee. "Eat, dammit."
All four got their plates in silence. After sitting at the table, Emmett finally broke it. "Why did you

just cook an entire IHOP's worth of food if nothing happened?" He shoved a piece of bacon in his
mouth and leaned back to look at me.

I rubbed my palm over my eyes and walked into the living room.
Rose slid back from the table and sat next to me on the couch. "Did you…" I shook my head no.

She looked back at Emmett and waved for him to come over. He pressed his food between two pieces
of bread and brought the sandwich over.

"Edward got upset after you left angry at him, so he left to find you. Emmett told him where you

were headed…he called us from the ER and told us you were okay. Then he texted to say he was
staying at the guy's place with you." I nodded my head and sipped my coffee.

I took a deep breath and asked, "Why did he leave Forks?"
There was a moment of silence before Alice and Jasper were sitting on the floor in front of me.

They all looked at Rose and she closed her eyes before she spoke.

"Did you sleep…near him?"
I shook my head no.
"Did you see him sleeping?"
I only looked at her as a response.
"He didn't get better, then," Alice sighed.
"Somebody," I sputtered, "Somebody had better clue me in before I punch all of you in your faces."
"I didn't know," Rose began. She cleared her throat. "I had a friend at a school in Port Angeles who

had a crush on E during our sophomore year. She was a senior, but E…back in the day…was
something else, B. He was fun and witty and so full of life. He was a very sought after guy. So I asked
him to take this girl out and they dated for a few months before she asked him to go to her senior prom
with her."

Jasper grabbed a hold of one of my feet and started applying pressure points.
"Anyway, they went to prom together. I went with them as a date for one of her friends, and we had

plans to spend the night at her house afterwards. She took E up to her bedroom sometime after two, I


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think. He was tired and she, I was told, wanted to take their relationship to another level. So, they were
sleeping in the bed, but the girl was trying to gather the nerve to make her move…" She looked at
Emmett and he patted her knee.

"Apparently, Edward was, ya know, messing with her, so she decided to take matters into her own

hands and she went down on him. When she was done, she sat up and realized that he was asleep, but
reacting to what had just happened. She got furious and started screaming at him. He woke up confused
and asked her what had happened. She just…got embarrassed because she had given him head and not
only was he asleep, he had no memory of it happening."

Emmett ran his hands through his hair and then twisted them in his lap. "She threatened to tell

everyone, right in front of Rose. So, in the long run the Cullen's paid the girl to be quiet and sent their
son off to Alaska to go through some sort of treatment program that Dr. Cullen's friend had there. I
mean, could you imagine being that prestigious, and having someone threaten to tell the whole world
that your kid had some sort of sexual disorder?"

Jasper looked up confused, "Was there an actual diagnosis?"
Alice shook her head. "There's no real diagnosis. He's what we affectionately call a 'sleep humper'."
I rolled my eyes at her and stood up. "There is a diagnosis, morons. Its called parasomnia…or

sexsomnia if it's more advanced." I shook my head in sadness. "He's scared shitless, you guys.
Whatever the treatment was, it didn't work. He probably thinks he's going to hurt someone…"

I shuffled off to my room and shut my door before I turned on my computer.
I needed more research.

I kept my distance over the next couple of weeks. I tried to learn more about his 'issue' and knowing

that he was fallible made it easier for me to not just focus on how much I wanted him.

Before, I had wanted to make a sign that said, "Your Face Here" and hold it in between my legs.
Now I just wanted to give him a damn hug.
Edward kept his distance as well, but that was normal. He would nod cordially in the hallway or

hold a door for me if he happened to be there. But other than that, we hadn't spoken…really spoken…
since the ER. It was weird but I missed him even though he wasn't mine to miss.

As luck would have it, there was a sudden streak of sunny afternoons towards the end of July. I

made it a point to eat outside on those days, and it made my head clearer. Made me feel better.

Until Edward asked to join me one day.


Things had been awkward since that night at the piano bar. I had woken up to a note and an empty


I had a headache, a sour mouth and a couch cushion sticky with spooge. It was a pretty normal

occurrence since I'd been back. And even more frequent since I met Bella.

For a couple of weeks, we just acted like acquaintances. We merely passed by each other in the

hallways, but just being near her made me feel tense. She was easily the prettiest girl I had been close
to in years and it scared me that I was reacting and regressing the way I seemed to be.

She was magnetic.
So, I had tried my best to stay away from her, even outside of work by offering to meet the group

out instead of at her place. I sat far away from her and only interacted when necessary. It was safer for
both of us. But somehow, the distance made me more intrigued and I finally came to the conclusion
that being away from her just wasn't going to work.


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I had seen her leave on Monday afternoon with her lemonade, apple and a book under her arm. She

walked across the lot and back behind the building where there was a huge hill of grass and replanted
trees. Small yellow and blue weeds were scattered everywhere and it almost looked like a meadow.

If you stood back and closed one eye while cocking your head to the side.
She went there the next day too. And again I followed her to see what she did when she wasn't

putting on a show for everyone. She looked content and happy just to read and be by herself. And she
stayed that way until some random person found a spot on the hill too. Then she looked uneasy.

Wednesday she grabbed her book and headed out and I followed a few minutes later. She was deep

into her book as I walked over to her and once I was in front of her and blocking the sunlight she
looked up at me with a tense look on her face before she recognized me.

I waved my Coke at her. "Can I join you?"
She hesitated and then nodded as she put her bookmark in the pages of her novel.
I opened my bag of chips and looked over her feet. "Lovely Bones? Isn't it a little cliché for you to

work here and read at lunch?"

Her face went serious as she replied, "Didn't Emmett tell you? Cliché is my middle name. My mom

thought it sounded French."

I choked on my Coke and she giggled as I wiped the liquid off of my shirt. "Thanks," I muttered.
We sat in silence for a few minutes watching the clouds roll over our heads. The wind blew through

her hair and her scent hit me. It was a beautiful mix of fruit and flowers and girl.

It made my mouth water.
"Why do you eat alone?" I asked her.
She smiled wryly. "Being in HR pretty much makes me a social pariah. Nobody wants me to know

his or her personal business…but I do." She picked at the grass and snorted.

"So you opt to eat alone, or read?"
Bella looked up and bit her lip. "I make jewelry too, sometimes." She looked away towards the

building. "I like to make pretty things."

Her words sounded sad and I leaned back to get a better look at her face. Her long sleeved shirt was

rolled up and as she pulled at some more grass, I noticed something I'd never seen before. Without
thinking, I reached my hand out and took hold of hers, turning her wrist over.

"What's that?" I asked as I leaned in closer.
Her face burned bright red as she pulled her shirt back down over her wrist and wrapped her arms

around her knees. "Childhood scar. No big deal."

It looked like it had been painful at one point; a thick crescent scar inside of her soft wrist. It was

shiny like a burn.

I wasn't buying it.
"What's your story, Swan?"
She turned her head and gave me a dirty look. "Who says I have a story? I lived in Phoenix. Moved

in with Charlie Junior year. College. McCarty's."

"Your dad is Chief Swan?"
She rolled her eyes and pointed to her face, "Don't tell me you can't see the unfortunate

resemblance, CC."

I took that as her way of ending the conversation.
The next day was the same: limited conversation, but an easy silence. I was getting less queasy

around her and was starting to feel comfortable.

By Friday, I decided I was just going to make her talk. She had no problem around anyone else, so

it must have been due to my telling her that we couldn't be friends. Today I would take that statement


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I sat beside her and opened my sandwich as she closed her book and gave me a tentative smile.
"You said on Wednesday that you know everybody's business here. Is that true?"
She looked up with big eyes and chuckled. "More than I should, I think."
I took a bite and thought. "You're pretty much the backbone of this company, then."
Her laugh exploded and she threw her head back. "More like the seedy underbelly, dude. I know

everybody's secrets." Her eyes flicked to me again and I saw something behind them that made me

"Do you reveal secrets?" I asked lowly.
She pulled her knees to her chest and placed her cheek on them, staring at me. "It depends on who

it is. My loyalty is very subjective."

I cocked an eyebrow. "Where do I fall in your categories? Do you have loyalty to me to keep my


She didn't even blink, her answer came out so fast. "Yes."
I looked away and scowled into the sun.
"I'm a plethora of information waiting to be tapped," she said, her voice pulling my face back to

hers. She stood up and grabbed her things. "Feel free to ask me anything about anybody, CC. I'll let you
know who you can and can't trust around here."

"I'll keep that in mind."
She started to walk away and turned abruptly with a devilish grin on her face. Moving her hair from

her face she chuckled and pointed at me. "If Peter and Charlotte from Collections bring their daughter
into the office…don't accept candy from her."

"Why?" I called to her, as she kept moving backward.
She laughed, "You'll see."
I made it back to my desk early that day and sure enough, Peter's daughter Rachel was running

through the hallways. I heard her stopping at desks and offering candy, but there was a resounding no
from each and every person.

Suddenly, a girl of about six appeared at my desk. "Hi!" she exclaimed and I turned swiftly to look

down at the top of her red curly haired head.

"Hi," I smiled back at her.
"Wants some skittles?" She asked loudly.
'Umm, no thanks," I answered as Bella had suggested.
The little girl pouted her bottom lip out and then opened her hand to reveal sweaty skittles clasped

in her palm. "Sure?" She pressed.

I shook my head no and then watched in horror as she stuck that same hand down her pants before

she walked to the next desk.

God bless Bella Swan.
I emailed her immediately to let her know what had happened. Her response was prompt:
-B: Like I said. Let me know if you want to know anything else. We don't track emails here.
I thought quickly and looked over at the group of desks to my left.
-E: Lauren
I hit send.
-B: Connect to your iTunes. Click on my account. Password: emmettsuckshisthumb
Answers will be Artist/Album/Song…
I tried to restrain my laughter at her password and did as she said before I resent the email with

Lauren's name.

-B: Paramore/ Riot/ Misery Business
I got it. "Once a whore you're nothing more"


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Not a fan of Lauren Mallory.
-E: Jessica
- B: 3Oh!3/Want/Don't Trust Me
I snickered as I got the gist. "Don't trust a ho, never trust a ho. Can't trust a ho 'cause the ho won't

trust me."

-E: Angela
-B: Rick Springfield/ Working Class Dog/ Jessie's Girl
Ah, so Angela was taken.
-E: Lucky guy
-B: Very : )
-E: Mike Newton
-B: Offspring/ Americana/ Pretty Fly for a White Guy
It seemed that Bella really did get along better with guys.
-E: Heidi
I looked over my shoulder towards the receptionist desk and saw Heidi smiling and leaning forward

to talk to the back up receptionist Gianna.

The ding of a new message made me turn my head.
-B: Add Gianna
Katy Perry/ One of the Boys/ I Kissed a Girl
Holy hell. This woman knew everything.
I sat for a second and ran my fingers through my hair as my leg bounced up and down with anxiety.
I held my breath and typed.
-E: Bella Swan
Ten full minutes passed as I continued to stare at the screen. Finally an email came through and I

realized that my hands were shaking as I clicked it to open.

-B: Ivoryline/ We Both Know
Album: There Came A Lion

Saturday morning I met Emmett at the gym. I needed answers and we needed to be alone.
"Hey!" Emmett roared across the equipment and I scratched my head in embarrassment.
We started out doing squats and lunges. Then we moved to abs and finally we went to do weights.
After thirty minutes of mindless chatter and Emmett's grunting, I gave in. "Can we talk?" I asked as

I was spotting him.

He groaned and set the bar back into place. Sitting up with a sigh he smirked. "Lemme guess? You

wanna talk about Bees?"

"Yeah," I said as I sat on the mat.
"I figured. Listen, you should really talk to her yourself…"
I held up a hand, "I tried. "
"Fine. I'll tell you what I can." He looked back expectantly.
"Why Bees as a nickname?"
He guffawed. "Her parents called her the Bees Knees. Then in school people caught on and called

her Bees Bites for her," he made a gesture to his chest.

High school was so good for one's self esteem.
"Okay. What's the deal with her wrist?"
He looked pensive and then dropped to the floor in front of me. "Childhood trauma? I guess that's


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how she describes it. She'd tell you better, though. What we can gather is that she had a neighbor,
Victoria, who lived next door her whole life. Starting in first grade, Victoria started bullying Bella. She
told her that she was ugly all the time. That everybody hated her. It lasted through her sophomore year.
Bella was pretty beat down and believed that she was ugly and unlovable. So, one day after school,
Victoria's boyfriend James cornered Bella and was talking all this trash, all up in her face. Victoria saw
them together and freaked. She started beating Bella up and when Bella went to fight back…James bit
her, dude. Bit clear through to the bone. That's when her mom sent her here."

"That's disgusting," I grit through my teeth.
"Yeah, well the physical scar is nothing compared to the inner one. Bella actually to this day thinks

that she's a circus freak. That's why, when Rose beat her up the first week of school…B just let her. She
had no defense, no reason to stand up for herself. After we got to know her, we realized that she needed

I squinted my eyes in confusion.
Emmett hung his head and sighed. "Do you really think that Jasper and I sleep over there every

night because it's convenient?"

I shrugged.
"Pay attention the next time you're there. She doesn't look in mirrors. Doesn't go out anywhere

unless it's with us, and even then we have to physically dress her and pull her out the door. Alice picks
out her clothes and Rose makes sure that she's social, but it's only with us. We're her protectors,
Edward. Always have been."

"She's good with guys at work," I offered.
"Yeah, if she surrounds herself with guys she can feel safe. But she can also feel that they aren't

attracted to her, like she's one of the guys and ugly. No one cares if a guy friend is ugly if you're a dude,
right?" I stared at him and blinked. "Defense mechanism. Along with her damn word vomit, her second

"How can she not know she's beautiful?" I asked. "And what happens when you guys get married

and move out?"

Emmett smiled. "That's where you come in, I think."
"Care to explain?"
"It seems that you are Bella's complimentary piece. You are the only guy I've ever seen that makes

her…want to be wanted. She's open with you and…shit, she's horny for your dong, dude. Bella's
always reasoned that in order to have sex a guy would have to look at her face, and she thinks she's too
ugly for that."

I processed what he said and cleared my throat. "So where do I fit into your plan?"
"There's no plan, man. You're just the guy. The one she's been waiting for. And I'm pretty sure you

know it's the same for you, if you'd let your past shit go. You're both pissing in the same pasture. You're
her other piece. Like Rose and me. Or Lice and J."

I laughed sourly.
"Think about it. Who else would put up with Rose's bitch tendencies? Or be able to be on the

receiving end of one of her punches? Not you…" He snickered as he pointed to my chest. "I know how
to work her up and bring her back down. Same for Alice. If you met Jasper without her he would seem
like a zombie, he's so chill. But Alice brings out a spark in him. And he brings her down a notch or
two." He scratched his chin," Actually, I need to check on that. I think he's slipping her tranquilizers…"

"And Bella and I are on the opposite spectrum of crazy, so that works?"
He patted my leg. "She can make you laugh, E...and maybe help you. Then you can stop feeling

guilty or ashamed and live your life. And maybe if she hears from you that she's not a freak, she'll


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"Let me get this straight. A girl with some type of body dysmorphia should be getting together with

a guy who has some type of sexual disorder?"

It actually, in some sick way, made sense.
He wiped his brow and leaned back in his elbows. "Yeah, plus she already knows about your 'thing'.

And she's not running away from you. I think it makes her more interested; her soft heart likes to help
people even when she's screwed up inside."

Aw, hell and piss and damn. She liked to make things pretty.
"That's why she ran out of the bar. I alluded to the fact that she shouldn't help people if she had


"Harsh, asshole," Emmett scowled.
"I could hurt her," I told him truthfully.
He stood up and offered me a hand. "I don't think you could."


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Chapter 6


"Oh for the love of Betty White, why doesn't this damn printer ever work for me?" I whined as I

bent over for yet another paper jam. I reached my hand behind the manual tray and grasped a hold of
the paper, trying in vain to pull. Finally grasping with both hands, I yanked as hard as I could. This
inevitably sent me flying into the hallway, and directly into the chest of my human blow up doll,

There was an audible 'oof' as I hit his chest and for a second I could have sworn I hit a wall. He was

like damn concrete.

Hmmm…was more than his chest like concrete?
Ugh. I'm disgusting.
He caught me before I fell and pulled me upright, a grim smile lurking around the edge of his lips

as he righted me. I held up the crumpled paper as my face burned bright red, waving it at him as

"I think one day I'll take it out back and beat it with a baseball bat," I pointed at the copier and

attempted to joke.

He bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. "It probably deserves it for throwing you around like


I stared at him in shock. Dropping my voice, I leaned into his shoulder. "CC…did you just tell...a


He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm taking Improv on the weekends."
My eyes bugged out. "Really?"
He snorted and turned me around back towards the copy room. "No, not really. But I do have a

sense of humor, Bella."

"Clearly," I snickered. "That was two in a row. I don't think my heart can handle much more today,

Cullen. Maybe you could ease me into it."

Or just ease into me…
He bent over the copier and cleared the remainder of the jam, while I stared openly at his ass. I was

like that bitch Demi Moore in Disclosure.

"Here," he snapped the lid down and waved his hand across the top. "Good to go."
"Thanks," I smiled a little at him and then moved to finish my copies. He stood behind me for what

felt like a few minutes and finally I turned around to see what he was doing. Turns out he was doing
nothing, just standing still as stone.

I made a face. "Do you need to use this?"
He shook his head no.
"Okay. Then…why are you standing behind me staring at me like you want to bite my jugular?"
He ran a hand through his hair and pushed off of the wall to stand next to me. "Emmett invited me

over tonight for a game night? I was wondering if you were going to be there."

Well hello, sailor.
I shrugged and did a motorboat with my lips. "Its Friday, where else would I be? And when you say

Emmett invited you over, I assume it's at my place anyway, right?"

He grinned sheepishly and ran his hand through his hair again. I reached out a hand and pulled his


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arm back down.

"You'll get premature baldness if you don't stop that shit," I said pointedly.
His eyes got big and he stuck his hands in his pockets. Which was sexier. Ah, hell. He could pick

his nose and I'd still be all, "Can I see your package?"

Edward swallowed loudly and looked past me and then back again. "Will you be there?"
"Yeah. Like I said five seconds ago, CC."
"Okay," he smiled and tapped the top of the copier one more time. "See you then." And then he

walked his fine ass away.

I looked around in confusion. Then I pinched my leg, which made my eyes water. I had proven I

was awake but what the hell had just happened?

"Why is Emmett hunched over tiny scraps of paper?" I asked suspiciously.
Rose uncorked a bottle of wine. "We're playing charades, and he's writing out the movies."
"Emmett! You had better not do anything stupid with those things," I warned him.
He turned and poked his lower lip out. "How could you? Accusing me of foul play already…"
There was a knock at the door and Jasper got up to answer. Edward was standing in the entryway

with two brown paper bags. Jasper grabbed one and ushered him in and I waved slightly as I set the
sandwiches out on the table. They both walked up to the bar and deposited the bags before Rose started
pulling a six-pack of beer out of one.

Jasper smiled a bit and winked at me as he dipped his hand into the other bag and emerged with a

sixer of Strongbow. I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion.

"You didn't have to get that, Edward. I'm sorry if they made you buy it, I'm content with…"
Jasper shook his hand at me and held his finger to his lips.
Edward looked embarrassed. "I figured I'd pick up what you liked," he said shyly as he folded the

bags and placed them under the sink.

I needed a neck brace for this man's mood swings.
We ate and drank while having ridiculous conversation before Emmett finally pulled his dirty

baseball cap out. It was full of tiny folded pieces of paper and he jiggled the hat around to mix them up.
Smiling devilishly, he waved the smelly hat in front of my face.

"You first?"
I didn't like where this was going. "Are we doing teams?" I asked and narrowed my eyes at him. He

nodded. "Who's my team mate?" He cocked his head at Edward and bit back a laugh.

Something was up.
I reached my hand in to the hat and went deep to get what I hoped was a good one. Unfolding the

paper, I went white and then my entire body caught on fire. I swear even my toes were sweating.

In Emmett's horrible palsy like handwriting was: Striptease
I looked around in a panic, but everyone was staring at me expressionless. I refolded the paper and

stood up to face Edward.

He was just another guy friend, right?
I made the 'movie' sign with my hand doing a crank next to my ear.
"Movie," Edward stated.
I nodded and then held up one finger.
"One word."
Then two fingers.
"Two syllables."
Squeezing my eyes shut I took a deep breath.
Then I just took off all of my clothes. No warning. Shirt. Pants. Done.


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Standing in the middle of the room I looked at Edward and held out my hands, palms up, waiting

for his guess.

He stared back at me in stunned silence. I looked down and took inventory.
Oh. Blue lace bra and thong. Oops. It had been the only thing clean since I didn't ever wear them.
I looked over at my friends and they were staring too.
I crossed my arms and tapped my foot, pointing to my wrist. Jasper blinked and shook his head to

clear it. Looking down at his watch he creaked out, "Thirty seconds."

Edward was chewing the inside of his lip furiously and staring at my nether regions. I figured he

needed another clue so I put my thumbs into the sides of my panties and started to drop them when
Emmett started yelling.

'Stop! Oh, god…Lou. Shit." He was crumpled over in laughter and Jasper was rubbing his forehead

while convulsing.

"What?" I yelled and put my hands on my hips.
Emmett shoved the baseball cap at me and I reached in for another paper.
Another: Striptease.
The next was the same.
I grabbed my clothes and yanked them back on before I jumped on top of Emmett and put him in a

choke hold. "You prick licker! Did you seriously take the time to write out fifty pieces of paper with
Striptease on it?" He gasped out a yes as I continued to assault him with playful punches.

"You are the worst friend ever," I laughed as he turned me on my back. Jasper grabbed my wrists

and Emmett grabbed my feet as Rose and Alice began to dig their fingers into my sides and armpits
repeatedly. I was screaming and trying to get loose, but also laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. I
finally broke free and rolled over, looking up at Edward as he stared at all of us in wonder.

A sad look passed over his eyes and he got up to get another beer from the kitchen before walking

out onto the balcony. I looked at my friends in concern.

"Is he okay?"
They looked like they didn't know either.
"I'll check on him," I said before grabbing a cider and slipping through the sliding glass doors. He

was leaning over the balcony and picking at his beer label.

I walked up next to him and copied his stance. "What's wrong, E?"
He turned to look at me and pulled one side of his mouth up into a crooked grin. "I like E better

than CC."

I turned around to face him and placed my forearms on the balcony. "Are you mad about my

boobs? Because I don't have any real modesty any more…with these guys nothing is sacred. I didn't
even think about you being offended."

He snorted a laugh and took a sip of his beer. "I can honestly say that your boobs do not offend me,

Bella." He smirked at me and then looked away again. "I went away for a long time and I really missed
those guys. I see how you are together and it just reminds me of how much time I lost, that's all. Hell, if
I would have been able to stay, I'd probably be living with Emmett and Jasper and immune to your
nudity too."

I chuckled, "You still could…do all of those things. I mean I'm sure the guys would like for you to

move in. And as for my nudity…" I looked down and bit my lip. When I looked up his eyes were
trained on my mouth.

So I sat on the ground.
He followed suit.
Suddenly, I was very self-conscious. I pulled my knees up and let my hair fall into my face to make


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a curtain. I felt his hand in my hair as he brushed it aside and tucked it behind my ear.

"You don't have to hide from me."
I looked up at him, puzzled.
He took a sip and looked up into the sky. "I know, Bella."
I ground my teeth together and swore under my breath. Martha Faker. Emmett was dead to me.
"Good, then that makes two of us."
His eyes flicked to mine and he licked his lips. "You think you're ugly?"
I sat up straighter. "You hump in your sleep?"
Silence stretched before us like an open road. I listened to the cars passing below and the sirens in

the distance. I could smell the oppressing wet and warmth that precedes a rainstorm and suddenly I
wished it were raining. Then maybe I'd have an excuse to go inside.

"So…are we gonna sit around and tell our secrets now? I tell you about my self loathing and you

tell me about your penchant for Ethan Allen?" I asked halfheartedly.

He just shook his head and looked into my eyes.
"Okay. Then what do you want, Edward?"
He coughed out a laugh. "I want to ask you out on a date."


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Chapter 7


"Hey Dad? Do you have a second?" I stood outside of my father's study on Saturday morning,

waiting to see if he would invite me in. Ever since I was sent away, things had been distant between us
and I think it was because in his mind, he thought I blamed him for having to go away.

He was wrong.
He looked up and smiled, closing his book and waving me in. I sat down across from him in his

guest chair and smiled slightly to let him know it wasn't a pressing mental issue I was bringing before

At least, it wasn't my pressing mental issue.
My father was a stud, if I say so myself. He was tall like me, but fair. Where I had dark hair that

almost looked like it had a copper tone to it, he had platinum blond hair. His eyes were light blue and
mine were green. I had his nose and smile, but that's about where the similarities stopped. I was
definitely my mother's child.

Carlisle leaned back in his chair and gave me his signature side eye and smirk. "Have fun last

night?" He was asking like he was one of my friends waiting for me to divulge details about the hot
piece of ass I had scored.

I chuckled and grabbed a hold of his glass heart paperweight. Turning it my hands I smiled. "I did

actually. That's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to see if you could give me some
advice…pro bono." I looked up to see his reaction.

He laughed loudly and slid back from his desk, taking the seat next to me to make the meeting less

official. "Talk," he commanded.

"Okay. Here's the deal. You know I've been hanging out with the old gang form Forks." He nodded.

"Well, it seems that Alice and Rose have a room mate with an…image issue. And I was wondering how
one would break a person of that?"

He leaned back and folded his hands before pressing both pointer fingers together and applying

them to his lips. "Does she have a back history of any kind?"

I repeated what Emmett had told me and then waited patiently for him to process.
He let out a short laugh and leaned forward. "The past trauma would need to be dealt with, if it

hasn't already been addressed. But from what I can gather, she's not a danger to herself, right? No
cutting, or excessive plucking? No addiction to plastic surgery?"

"And she's not ugly, right?"
I sighed and looked away. "Not in the least."
Carlisle reached his hand out to my knee and squeezed. "Then it sounds like she just needs

someone to tell her that she's beautiful. Someone she'll believe. A good man should do the trick." He let
go of my knee and winked.


"We were trying this new position, B, and my orgasm was so intense," Alice took a deep breath and

placed her hand over her heart. "It was so intense that I think I sprained my toes."

I looked down in wonder at her second toe on her left foot. She wiggled her toes and all but that one


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moved. I looked back up in mock horror.

"That's disturbing and strangely intriguing. What the hell were you two capuchin's doing?"
Alice twitched her nose and then walked over to the couch where I was. '"Sit on the floor," she said

sweetly. I moved to the rug. "Get on your knees," she requested. I did as I was told.

Alice lay down in front of me and scooted closer until her butt was up on my lap. She pulled both

legs into her chest and then planted both feet firmly on my breasts. She grabbed my arms and pulled me
forward until I was almost balanced on her heels.

Emmett walked out of the shower and did a double take. "Hey! I thought you were gonna save the

kinky shit for your date with the Humpinator tonight?"

I got startled and moved too fast to look at him, which sent me tottering against Alice's tiny twig

legs. She couldn't hold on and I went tumbling to the floor.

"Awww, damn, Emstein! I bruised my elbow. Now I'm gonna look like the Tin Man all night!" I

rubbed the sore spot on my elbow and winced. That was just perfect for my first date with the most
beautiful man on earth.

Emmett snorted and grabbed a banana, making a lewd gesture with it before peeling it and shoving

the whole thing in his mouth. He gagged and I nodded.

"See? Now you know how Rose feels!"
He pulled his mouth up into a sarcastic grin. "She's got more to work with than that, and you know

it," he said around the mass of white in his mouth.

Yeah, I knew it. Emmett's peen had made many a late night appearance in our apartment.
He sauntered back into the room, dropping his towel just a second before he got completely out of

view. Alice burst into a fit of giggles and rolled side to side on the rug. I swatted playfully at her legs
and told her to shut up.

"Don't encourage that idiot, Al."
She pulled herself together and sat back up, pulling her legs into yoga pose. Rubbing her hurt toe,

she winced. "Are you nervous?"

I slumped back against the couch and nodded.
"Do you think he'll try to get into your open and willing lady parts?"
I grabbed a pillow and hit her on the head with it. "Why in the hell would he want to get into my

lady parts?"

Alice rolled her eyes and pulled me to her, laying my head down in her lap so that she could run her

fingers through my hair. I propped my head up on the pillow and stared up at her porcelain face. She
closed her eyes and breathed deeply, as her fingers ran through my long strands over and over again.

She opened her eyes lazily and smiled down at me. "He's going to kiss you tonight."
I snorted. "Uh, okay, Zoltar. If I wish to be big can I get a job at a toy agency and dance on the

piano at FAO Schwartz?"

She slapped my forehead to shut me up. "You'll see. Lots of lips tonight. Better put some chapstik

on those." She popped her finger on my bottom lip.

I sat still for a moment and looked up with worry. "You don't think he'll want to…you know,

tonight, do you?"

She leaned back and cocked her head to the side. "I think it will happen, but not tonight. Are you


I sat up and groaned, pushing my hair away from my face. "Is it gonna hurt?"
Rose's laugh could be heard loudly from the kitchen. "Bella, sweetie. You're twenty six years old.

You took ballet and gymnastics when you were younger and you use your vibrator on a more than
regular, if not unhealthy basis. I doubt you have anything left to break through." She sipped her coffee
as she headed back to her room.


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Alice narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "It hurt my first time. It didn't for Rose. It's different

for everybody. I wouldn't worry, though. I think that with E's history, he wouldn't be all rough with

Running my hands over my face I muttered, "If he does it while he's awake…"
I heard soft footsteps enter the room and I smelled Jasper's cologne. He sat lightly next to me and

pulled me to his side where I curled into him. Alice relayed our little conversation and he sighed before
grabbing my chin and pulling my face to look up at him.

"Stop worrying so much. It will work out how it's supposed to work out."
I stared into his light eyes and smiled. "What's it like to be so hot, J?"
He didn't blink. "You tell me."
Pushing away from him in disgust, I gathered myself into a ball and rolled over on my side.


Why was I so nervous? I'd never been this nervous in my entire life.
I rode the elevator to Bella's floor and took a calming breath before I walked into the entryway. I

counted each step that was in time with my heartbeats and twenty heartbeatsteps later, I was at her

Loud music was blasting and I figured she wouldn't hear me knock, so I opened the door slowly.
Quit acting so friendly.
Don't nod don't laugh all nicely.
Don't think you'll up-end me.
"Hello?" I called into the abyss of music.
Don't sigh, don't sip your iced-tea.
And don't say, "It's been a while..."
And don't flash that stupid smile.
There was no sign of anyone.
Don't ask me how I've been.
I walked timidly towards Bella's room where the music was pouring at max capacity. There, amidst

the loud OK GO guitar riffs, I could hear voices.

Alice and Rose, I was sure. But were Emmett and Jasper in there too?
I thought for a second and then tried the doorknob. The door opened a fraction and I saw through

the small view afforded to me a group effort to get Bella dressed. She was lying on the bed with her
eyes closed and clutching to the comforter as all four attempted some portion of her dressing.

I was enthralled because Emmett had described it, but I'd never seen it first hand. The guys were

shoving clothes on her as Alice was attempting to brush her hair and Rose was straddling her hips,
applying make up. It was mind blowing to be honest. I'd never seen anything like it.

After a couple of minutes they had completed their mission and Bella lay on her bed completely

clothed, coifed and with perfect make up.

Rose stood up and wiped her hands on her pants. She walked to each of the other group and gave

them fist bumps. "Best one yet, guys!" She yelled above the music. Jasper reached over and turned the
music down.

"Stand up, heifer. Let us bask in the glow of our masterpiece."
Bella finally let go of the comforter and stood up, looking away from them at the wall, like she was

in pain.

"God, you're gorgeous," Alice said.


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"I already paid you my rent portion, TinyTim. No need for all of that bullshit." Bella frowned and

looked down at the low cut black blouse, tight blue jeans and black peep toe heels that she had been
dressed in. She sighed and reached for her purse. "What time is he supposed to be here?"

Alice giggled. "He's already here, dumbass."
I looked around in a panic and ran back into the kitchen, trying to look casual. The group all walked

out and gave me knowing looks. Emmett hooked his thumb to Bella's door and raised his eyebrows.

Yeah. I finally got it. She was definitely a handful for them.
Rose looked irritated. "She's getting into her head space, E. She'll be out in a minute."
They stood staring at me in amusement.
After a minute, I heard the distinct clack of Bella's shoes and she turned the corner, looking beyond

beautiful. I had to give it to them, they had done a magnificent job. She was…more put together…but
absolutely one hundred percent Bella Swan.

I smiled as she lifted her head and made eye contact with me. I stepped forward and handed her

what I had brought. Her eyes grew wide at the wild sunflower that I had bought for her. The flower's
head was huge, and the petals were bright orange while the stem was a dark violet purple. It was
beautiful and it made no sense.

It reminded me of her, so I got it.
She allowed a smile to cross her face and she blushed, thanking me softly as she walked past me

and got a vase for it. After adding water and securing the flower she turned shyly back towards me. "I
have to get my hoodie," she said as she headed back to her room.

Alice's hand shot out and she yelled, "No! No damn hoodies, you emo wannabe. You have that

outfit on and it's perfect. No tainting it."

Bella looked pensive and ran her hand across her wrist, pleading with her eyes. I felt bad for her so

I walked over and pulled her arm, guiding her into her bedroom. I shut the door and sat her on the bed.
"Are you embarrassed by that?" I asked and pointed to her scar. She looked away and nodded.

I sat next to her and rolled up my sleeve.
"Wear this, then. There's no need to cover up all the time." I pulled my leather cuff off and placed it

on her wrist, adjusting the fit until it was snug. She looked down in wonder and then lifted her eyes to
look into mine.

"Thank you," she whispered. I nodded and patted her knee. Standing up, I extended my hand. "You

look beautiful. And that cuff suits you, by the way." Her face got serious and she took my hand to

"Let's go," she said with more conviction than she had.
We emerged from her room and everyone was in the exact spot that they had been when we left.

Emmett and Rose's eyes landed on the bracelet and Rose started to say something but I moved my hand
to tell her to drop it. She nodded and settled into Emmett's chest.

"Are you going to give us a talk about the birds and the bees? Take a picture? Give us gas money?"

Bella was chiding them as we walked out the door.

As the door was shutting I heard Jasper yell, "Be safe!"
We rode the elevator and walked to the parking lot in silence. As we neared the car, I hit the unlock

button and pulled the door open for her. She looked shocked and blushed a little as she maneuvered
herself into the seat.

I smiled a bit at being so chivalrous. Esme would be so proud.
More silence ensued in the car and I handed her my iPod as I pulled onto the street. She flipped

through the artists and hit play, placing the unit back into my cup holder. The cab of the Volvo filled
with a familiar bass riff and I smiled a bit to myself as King of Leon's Sex on Fire began to play.

This was definitely going to be an interesting night.


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We arrived at the Italian restaurant and Bella was still quiet as we were seated. I pulled out her chair

and she blushed brighter as she sat down. The waitress handed us our menus and Bella burst into

"What?" I asked.
"Ummm, that girl?" She pointed to the waitress walking away. "She pretty much took her tits out

and handed them to you as an appetizer, dude."

"What? No she didn't. You're being ridiculous."
Her eyes widened and she put a hand down her shirt and pretended to hand her boob to me. "Like it

was an offering to a volcano god, CC. It must suck to be so pretty." She slumped back down and
poured over her menu choices.

I pursed my lips and leaned back in my chair. "You'd know how that is, right?"
Her eyes went dead and she held my gaze, trying to bore a hole in my brain. Flicking them away in

annoyance, she returned to looking at her menu.

The waitress returned and I pointed to Bella to order first. She shoved the menu at the waitress.


"Ravioli," she said in a huff.
I bit back a smile. "Do you want some wine?"
She grabbed her napkin and unfolded it, making it snap. "No thanks. I think I should be as sober as

possible for this evening." She gave the waitress a sarcastic smile.

I shook my head in defeat and ordered the same. "And two cokes," I said, never taking my eyes off

of Bella.

She was picking at her nails and looking just downright angry.
"So, this isn't awkward in the least. Thanks for that, by the way." I said as I took a drink of my

water and put the glass back down.

Bella blanched and looked down, adjusting herself in her chair. "Why Italian?" She asked and

looked up through her lashes.

"Why not?" I shrugged.
Bella looked lost in thought. "I mean, have you ever noticed that there really isn't a good restaurant

for a date? Mexican is out of the question, for obvious reasons. Corn chips smell like dog feet. Salsa
smells like hot B.O. And beans? Forget about it.

"Then there's Chinese. So you eat a ton of rice and salt, get bloated and uncomfortable, and then

you look like a fat ass an hour later when you're hungry again.

"Can't do burgers and fries because it makes you look like a member of the Celebrity Fit Club.

Wings are a disaster. Greek? Eat lamb on the first date? Pass.

"And then there is this lovely Italian restaurant you have chosen tonight. Full of salt and pasta,

everything covered in oil and garlic, solidifying that there will be no kiss at the end of the night." She
finished her rant and ran her finger across the rim of the water glass.

I swallowed loudly and leaned across the table. "Were you counting on a kiss?"
"New subject."
"Okay. Tell me about you. Anything. Go." I settled more comfortably in my chair and rolled my

sleeves up above my elbows. Bella's eyes were watching my every move and she shifted a little in her
seat when she realized that I noticed.

I don't think I had ever felt this wanted before in my life. It was an incredible turn on, to be honest.
Giving up her silent treatment, Bella thought for a second. "My mom Renee left Charlie when she

was pregnant with me. She said that having me tied her to Charlie for the rest of her life and she
couldn't settle for living in Forks and dying on 'nothingness'."

"That must have been hard," I said softly.


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She shrugged. "I didn't have to do the packing. It was just me and my placenta."
"I meant for your dad. And for you growing up."
Her jaw tightened and she tensed.
"Anyway, we stayed in Phoenix and Renee met Phil and got remarried. Charlie started dating Sue

and then they got hitched, giving me an instant little brother, Jake. Then Sue died. Phil decided to try
and go pro," she looked up and made a face," Did I forget to mention he played baseball?" I nodded.
"Oh, he plays baseball. So, Phil decided to go pro and he and Renee moved to Florida so I came to
Forks. I think you know the rest, right?"

"It's a little Swiss cheesy, but I think I get the gist." I chided her as the waitress set our food down.
She looked up in genuine interest and asked, "Why don't you talk about your time in service?"
I cracked my neck and put my fork back down. "Honesty tonight, huh?" She put ravioli in her

mouth and didn't answer. "I decided to be a medic because they aren't infantry. But we carry guns just
like everyone else in combat. It was my job to save lives and protect the lives I was saving. But it
doesn't always end up the way you planned for it to." I raised my eyebrows to see if she understood.

"So, you've killed people."
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Looking back up at her I nodded once.
"And you're ashamed because your job was to save people."
"Wow. That's kind of what soldiers are made for, Edward. If you were a wild animal and were

protecting the sick, you would kill. It's survival instinct." She smiled a bit then and sat up straighter.

"You don't care that I've killed someone?" I asked.
"No. Its what you had to do to survive." Her hand crept up slowly across the tabletop and rested on

mine. "What I do care about is how that whole situation affected your…condition, as it were."

My fork hit the plate with a loud clatter and she jumped back, yanking her hand away.
Looking embarrassed she leaned in to apologize. "I'm sorry. I did some research on it and I saw that

your 'thing' could be aggravated by stress or other stimuli. I wasn't sure what your stimuli are exactly."

I pushed my plate away and sat back. "Really? Are we having this conversation here?"
She bit her tongue and pulled a strand of hair across her upper lip, curling it up to her nose, creating

a mustache of sorts.

I snickered and pointed at her. "Now I see the resemblance to Charlie."
Her face turned sallow and she reached down for her purse. "I'd like to go, please."
"Why?" I asked too loudly.
She pursed her lips. "Because we're not getting anywhere and you won't answer my questions."
"Fine," I relented. "The combat did have a small affect on me, but not as much as you probably


She stared back at me.
"It's you, okay? You're my stimuli. Happy?"
"You're making that up, Edward."
"Ah, calling me by my name now, are you? And why would I lie about that? I was fine until I saw

you at work. And then more of you at your apartment. And then you were all aloof and doing exactly
what I said by keeping your distance and it made it worse."

She bit her lip and looked down. "There's nothing stimulating about me for you to get all worked up


I leaned forward until I was almost across the table. "Are you kidding me? You're ridiculously

smart. Ridiculously funny. Ridiculously beautiful and you don't even see it. And you can't figure out
why I would dream about you in that way?"

Her big eyes blinked at me under the dim light. "Then you need to become desensitized to me."


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I sat back down heavily and let my head roll back in exasperation. "Go ahead. Let me hear your


She pulled her chair closer to me and her eyes rested on the table. "Lets say that you wanted to eat

me." I choked and coughed as she looked up in disgust. "Not eat me, Chester. Like eat me like I'm
food. If I smelled like steak and you wanted to gnaw on a limb every time you saw me, I'd be dead."

"I'm not following you," I said, suddenly feeling tired.
"Well, if you ate a buffet before you came and saw me, you wouldn't be hungry and you wouldn't

eat me. Then you could spend more time around me and you wouldn't be so tempted by the smell of
steak because it would be an everyday smell that didn't make your mouth water."

"And what exactly are you suggesting?" I asked lowly. 'You want me to whack off before I see


She giggled and met my eye line. "Maybe, if that works. Or you could just spend more time with

me until I don't cause a reaction in your pants."

"Sorry," I sighed. "You're probably always gonna do that."
"Okay. So we can start slow and see if something works." She slid her hand up again and took a

hold of one of mine. ""How's this?" she asked.

I looked down and squeezed her hand tighter. "Nice," I said softly.
"See? Hand holding. No big deal. We'll start there."
"I have a question for you, Bella."
She looked up and nodded.
"Why me? Why are you the way you are towards every other man on the planet, but I could

actually hurt you unintentionally, and without warning or knowledge, and you don't shy away."

She smiled softly and ran her thumb over my knuckles. "You're kind of damaged. It makes you

more human, if you know what I mean. At first I just thought you were sent here from the devil to
make my life a living hell through sexual fantasy," she smirked. "But you're real and, I don't know. You
just don't scare me." Her eyes searched mine. "I'm not scared of you."

I ran my hand across her cheek and sighed. "You should be, though."
"You won't hurt me. Like I said, I've looked up stuff. And I think there might be a way to test things

out to see…" She looked away and closed her eyes.

I pulled her face back to mine and held it cupped in my palm. "See what?"
Taking a deep breath she opened her eyes and blurted, "I think you should spend the night."


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Chapter 8


He said no.
That Fother Mucker looked me in the eyes and said, "No."
"Take me back to my apartment, please." I stood up and grabbed my purse as I walked hastily to the

door. I waited outside, chastising myself for being so open and forward. Edward came through the
doors into the heavy night air, looking pissed. He grabbed my arm, turning me into him. His jaw was
clenching and his eyes were dark as he struggled for words. Taking a deep breath he walked me
backwards until I was pressed against the building.

He bent his face towards mine and said, "Be still." His hands cupped both of my cheeks and in one

swift motion his lips were pressed to mine. My body melted against his as I dropped my purse to wrap
my arms around his back and moved them upwards into his silky hair.

His lips, soft and firm, moved in a fluid rhythm against my own and his hands held my face

perfectly still. I sighed when he moved back a fraction to take a breath and he took that as an invitation
to move in deeper, slipping his tongue through my parted lips. He was running it over my own and then
across my bottom lip like he already knew me; knew what I needed.

Breathing heavily, he broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to mine.
"Don't ever try to fool yourself into thinking that I don't want to spend the night, Bella. I am a man,

after all." His yes sought mine for understanding. "I just can't."

I nodded, feeling dazed, disoriented and massively turned on.
He kissed my forehead lightly and then bent down to pick up my purse before he took me by the

hand and led us back to the car. The only time he let go was when he got in and buckled his seatbelt.
But then his hand was instantly back on mine as soon as he was settled.

He held it the whole way home.
When we pulled up in front of my building he released my hand. "I think it would be best if I went

home." He smiled lightly and hit the button to unlock my door. I looked at him through the tingly haze
over my eyes and could only manage a nod.

"Do you have plans for tomorrow?"
It took a full minute for the question to register and I breathed, "I'm helping Alice at her store.

Inventory and tagging."

I sounded like a zombie…
"Okay. Then I'll see you Monday," He undid my seat belt, signaling that it was time for me to leave.
He watched me as I entered the building and waited until he saw me board the elevator. I waved

slightly at him and he drove away. I leaned against the elevator wall for support, trying to get my legs
to stop shaking. My head was clearing a little on the ride up and I rubbed my forehead, trying to figure
out how the hell such an awkward and horrible date had ended with the most perfect kiss I had ever

I reached into my purse for the apartment keys and my hands were shaking so badly that I dropped

them. Four times.

Walking in, I saw my friends and roommates gathered around the kitchen table, playing strip poker.

I was unfazed as I walked past them and went straight into my bedroom. I locked the door and then
pushed my computer chair underneath the handle to ensure they wouldn't break in. Emmett would just
kick the door down if he wanted to, but I think they knew I needed some time.


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I pulled my clothes off and redressed in some shorts and a t shirt. I needed to remind Alice to never

make me wear those jeans again. They were a yeast infection waiting to happen.

I turned off the lights and crawled under my covers as I placed my earbuds in and hit shuffle on my

iPod. My dreams had a lengthy soundtrack that night.


"Hello?" I tried to focus on the name that had registered on my caller id, but my eyes were coated

in a sleep haze.

"Hey, E. I was calling to see if you wanted to meet up for a run?" Jasper's smooth voice filled my

ears and I relaxed back into my pillow. I rolled to the side and caught a glimpse of the time.

"When?" I croaked out.
"Meet me in forty five. We'll run and then get coffee."
I agreed and flipped my phone closed, laying my arm across my eyes in frustration. Kissing Bella

last night had not helped to alleviate my situation at all. In fact, physical contact with her made it
worse. Whatever nocturnal activities I had performed last night had been aggressive.

My dick felt sprained.
I sat up and looked around to make sure nothing was broken or ripped and then I pulled back my

comforter and shook my head. "Sorry, man," I said to my sore member.

I met with Jasper down town and he looked excited to see me. "How far?"" He asked with a sparkle

in his eyes.

I laughed wickedly," Don't underestimate my time in PT, Jasper. I can do this blindfolded and

carrying a rucksack made of Emmett."

He made an impressed face and then slapped my back before he darted off in front of me.
It felt good to run. It was easy to be comfortable with Jasper and I rather enjoyed the limited

conversation as we matched pace with each other. After two miles he slowed to a jog and bent at the
waist, hands on his knees, grinning. "I need coffee," he gasped out.

"Okay, where to?" I asked as I stretched my legs.
He looked at me like I had lost my mind. "We live in Seattle, dude. Star. Bucks."
We got our coffees and sat outside, enjoying the early morning as it turned and became warmer.
Jasper was drumming his fingers along his cup and looking at me with curiosity. "How'd it go?"
I picked at the brown ring on the outside of the cup. "Awkward. Filled with Bella's verbal diarrhea

and paranoia." I snickered as I looked back up at him.

"Did you kiss her?"
I nodded and sipped my coffee, looking across the street. "Yep. There was a kiss."
Jasper leaned forward and put his drink down. "So, how'd that work out?'
With a wry smile I shrugged. "My dick hurts," I laughed.
He suppressed a laugh and covered his mouth to keep coffee from spilling out of it. We sat in

comfortable silence for a few more minutes and when we were done, Jasper went back in and ordered
three more drinks.

"Come on. Let's go check on the girls," he said as he led the way across the street. We crossed over

a few more blocks and stopped in front of a brightly decorated storefront. It screamed 'girl' and we
could hear music blaring from inside. Jasper leaned in and chuckled.

"Chinese water torture for Bella. Listen."
How come every time you come around
My London London Bridge wanna go down like


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"They're trying to get her to talk about last night," he said, cocking an eyebrow in my direction.
London London London, wanna go down like
London London London, we goin' down like
"It's worse than Guantanamo," I mused.
We leaned in closer to the window to take in the full scene. Bella was sitting on the floor, legs

crossed and pulled up to her chest. She had her sweater on and the hood was pulled completely over her
head as her hands pressed to her ears and she shook her head back and forth ferociously. A pile of
clothes and a tag gun sat to her right.

What was amazing to watch, though, were Alice and Rose. Rose was standing just off to the left of

Bella, shaking her ass and dropping low, while Alice stood behind her. Alice was smacking Rose's
backside and they were laughing hysterically as Bella continued to hold out on details.

The two of them dissolved into laughter and fell on the floor, rolling onto their backs and wiping

tears from their eyes. Bella saw her chance and crawled over to the iHome, flipping the music and
standing up proudly. She tore her hoodie off and raised her arms triumphantly as a new song roared into
the little space.

It seems so obvious
Theres something up with us
I swear I feel it
From across the room.
The other two looked at each other and shook their heads in disapproval.
So can I ask you this?
Not to be forward, miss,
But I think I'll kill myself
If I never know...
"Oh, shit. They're gonna rip her arms off. Watch. We have a no Hoobastank rule…" Jasper clucked

his tongue and grimaced.

What do I have to do
To get inside of you?
I turned in confusion. "If it's a rule, why is it on one of their iPods?"
Cuz I love the way you move,
When I'm inside of you.
His eyebrows raised and he nodded. "Very observant, young one."
We turned back to look just as Rose and Alice descended upon Bella. She folded into the floor and

played dead. It was hilarious and silly. Its how I wished she acted around me.

Jasper asked me to bang on the glass to get Alice to open the door and they all three sat up and

stared through the window with scared looks on their faces. When Alice recognized Jasper, she twirled
to the door and opened it with a flourish.

"Gentleman! To what do we owe the honor?" Her eyes were twinkling as we walked into the

boutique. "Starbucks!" She screamed and looked at the cups. "Extra espresso shots…two. Thanks!"

Jasper shook his head and mouthed, 'Decaf'. Apparently he was friends with barista and she

mislabeled Alice's coffee on a regular basis.

As a favor to all humanity.
Rose and Bella stepped forward to accept their drinks and Bella gave me a small smile as she

turned back to her pile of clothes.

The music was turned down and Rose went about checking inventory, sliding her eyes at me and

making the okay sign with her fingers. I shrugged my shoulders and ran a hand through my hair before
I walked over to where Bella was sitting.


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"Need help?" I asked.
She looked up in surprise. "Sure. You can make the tags and I'll do the tagging."
We sat for a while, just working on Alice's clothes. "Hey, ummm…" I put the tags down and turned

to face her. She looked up timidly. "Would you like to go out Friday night?"

Her fingers faltered on the tag gun and it fell into her lap, stabbing her leg. She screamed and pulled

it out of her skin, squeezing her eyes shut as a small river of blood appeared. I took my shirt off and
wrapped it around her leg, tying it in a knot and securing it.

She looked up at me in question. "Thanks. That's better than a band aid, I think."
I laughed and leaned forward to grab another handful of tags when I heard her gasp. I sat back up,


She lifted her hand to my back and ran it over the area in between my shoulder blades. "When did

you get that?" she asked.

"My tattoo? In Basic. There's not much to do in the barracks, and there are a lot of tattoo parlors

and guys with money to burn outside of the base. I only got the one, though. I had friends who looked
like Travis Barker after they got out. Went ape shit with the ink." I looked back over my shoulder as she
continued to rub soft circles across the symbol.

A look of recognition clouded her face and she pulled her sleeve back to reveal the cuff I had given

her to wear. She looked from one to the other and then cocked her head to the side. "Is there a meaning
behind the lion thingy?" She pointed to the crest on the cuff.

"Cullen family crest. I got it to remind me of where I came from. And where I wanted to be again

some day. And I wanted to have a piece of my family with me wherever I went."

"Well shit, E. Could you have picked a less panty dropping place to put it? I mean, damn, dude.

That's the sexiest thing I've ever…" her voice trailed off as her cheeks burned bright red. Her eyes
flicked to the cuff and she flipped her wrist over. "This is a family thing. I should give it back."

I placed my hand on hers. "Keep it. For now," I smiled and moved my hand away.
"Yes," she said suddenly.
"Yes, what?"
She shook her head and sighed. "Yes, I'd like to go out on Friday."

Work had been amazingly easy to get back in to. Bella had a way about her when she was there.

She had a distinct separation from her personal life and it made things much less awkward than I had
expected. I did find myself wanting to ask her to eat lunch with me, but it had been raining for days and
I knew how she felt about tainting other people's images at work with her presence.

On Thursday, I realized how bad my affections for her were becoming. Emmett and I were

returning from lunch and taking our mandatory walk by Bella's office when we heard hysterical
laughter coming from her doorway. As we turned the corner, Emmett stopped cold and looked at her
with concern.

Tyler and Mike were standing at her side, all three laughing at something on her computer.
An English accent was repeating over and over, "Alan? Alan? Alan?"
Bella was wiping tears from her face as she tried to speak. "Oh god. Why is it so much funnier

because he's British?" she choked out, red faced. The two guys at her side were laughing too, but I saw
Tyler step a little closer and just blatantly look down her shirt.

I would have punched him, but we were at work.
She looked up through her laughter and waved us in. "Guys, come here." She patted Mike and

Tyler's arms. "Thanks. I needed that today." The two men smiled and walked out of her office, their
heads filled with obvious hope and possibility.

Emmett and I approached her desk and she clicked the video again. "It's this FunnyorDie video with


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a prairie dog yelling," she shook her head and wiped her eyes. "Whatever, just watch it."

The video started and sure enough there was a voice over to some shot of a prairie dog barking.

Every time his little body would jerk from barking, a voice with an English accent would yell, "Alan!"

Emmett let out a loudly inappropriate laugh and I couldn't help my reaction to it as well. It was

hilarious and I bent forward a little bit, laying my hand on Bella's shoulder as I did. She looked up with
a glint in her eyes. "I don't think I've ever heard you belly laugh before, CC" Her lips twisted into a
grin. "It's really cute."

Emmett clapped a hand on her back and said, "Thanks for the laugh, Bees, Now we gotta scram

before rumors start flying," he winked and then peeked his head cautiously out her door. The coast
must have been clear because he slipped out quickly and waved his hand at me to follow. I waved and
slipped out behind him.

Friday I was in the middle of proofreading a chapter when I heard Bella's voice at the group of

desks to my left. She was leaning sweetly towards Lauren and holding her hand out. Lauren was
smiling an openly fake smile as she placed an object in Bella's hand. Bella thanked her and smiled, but
as she turned towards me she rolled her eyes and smirked.

I watched her walk into the kitchen, so I got up to check my mail. She walked through the mail

room and stopped, looking behind her and then at me. "Weren't you just," she pointed to my desk.

I nodded and leaned against the counter top. "I thought you hated Lauren?"
She gave me a look that said I was dense. "I hate her guts but it won't stop me from using her for a

quarter." She tapped the Coke can and then her head. "I'm cunning like that."

"Noted," I replied. I grabbed my mail and went to walk past her. As I did I lowered my voice and

said, "I'll pick you up at seven."

I don't think she took another breath before I was out the door.


"What do you mean, no?" I asked in a panic. My friends stood in my bedroom, arms crossed and

not budging. "But you always help me get out the door. Why not tonight?"

Jasper wrapped his arm around Alice and pulled her back to his chest. "Because, darlin'. Edward

asked us to let you dress yourself tonight and we promised him we would. And we keep our promises."
His smile widened as he pulled Alice out the door and down the hall.

Rose pulled me into a hug before backing out of the room with her hands held up in defense.
Emmett ruffled my hair. "You can DO it!" He yelled as he walked out and shut my door behind


Looking around my room I became overwhelmed. "Umm, okay. Alice puts jeans here…" I walked

to the closet and looked at the rows of perfectly hung clothing. I closed my eyes and grabbed a hanger,
throwing it on my bed. I stepped back and put a hand over my eyes before reaching for another hanger
where the shirts were.

Looking at what I had thrown on my mattress I shrugged. It would work.
At seven I heard Edward in the living room and slipped on my flats. I grabbed my purse and walked

out without so much as a glance in a mirror. Alice's face lit up when I walked out and she clapped her
hands in glee.

"Jeebus, Stuart Little. Calm down. Its not like I sewed a dress out of curtains or anything. White

tank, blue jeans, ponytail. Its not rocket science." I smiled at Edward and he grinned back.

He nodded towards the door. "Ready?"
I patted Emmett's head as I passed. "Later."


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We walked to his car and he opened the door for me again.
"Your mom's name is Esme, right?" He nodded and leaned against the car door. "E-s-m-e? I just

need to get her name right so I can send her a thank you card for raising you to be such a gentleman." I
winked and pulled the door shut.

We pulled up to a park and I glanced around at the nearly empty lot. Edward got out and popped the

trunk, revealing a picnic basket and blanket. He waved me towards him and I followed as he led the
way into park, stopping at a clearing that had a barbeque pit and pavilion. He threw the blanket down
and brushed his hands off before sitting down.

I sat timidly towards the edge of the blanket and he opened the basket to pull out a bottle of wine,

some sandwiches, fruit and some cookies. Spreading it out in front of us, he uncorked the wine and
filled our cups.

"Impressive," I said as I tapped my cup to his.
"I figured we had more talking to do, so a movie was out of the question. And you seem to hate any

restaurant…anywhere. So I hope sandwiches are okay."

I blushed and nodded my head. "They're great." I took a bite and chewed slowly. "What do you

want to cover tonight? Any topic. I'm open."

I wanted to take it back as soon as I said it.
He leaned forward and brushed my hair from my face. "Okay. Hard questions first. What do you

hate about your face? I mean, you don't look like Eric Stoltz in Mask or anything. I can't figure it out."

I dropped my sandwich and chugged my cup of wine. "Refill," I asked as I swallowed the last of it.

He filled the cup and I took another drink before leaning back on my elbows. "I…" Embarrassment
flooded my face as I tried to put my issue into words. I sat back up and took a breath. "My eyes are
kinda big, but far apart at the same time."

"They're actually very beautiful And the color is astonishingly…unique. Like coffee."
I looked down and cleared my throat. "My nose does this thing at the end…it slopes or something. I

hate it."

"It's actually quite perfect. I bet Jasper would tell you that ladies at his spa pay big bucks for that


Closing my eyes, I whispered. "I hate my teeth. They're like rabbit teeth or something. The front

two are…big." I pursed my lips together and looked up to see Edward's face only inches from mine.

He shook his head. "Next."
"Umm," I couldn't think with him that close. "My lips are not proportionate. Like the bottom one is

huge and the top one is…" My words were cut off as Edward leaned in to kiss me, slower this time. His
hand trailed from my face down my neck and I shivered.

He leaned back. "I think your lips are great," he grinned crookedly. Leaning farther back he

chuckled, "In fact, I think Emmett would categorize those as DSLs."

I burst into laughter and lay down on the blanket. "You are so smooth, CC. How could anyone

resist your flowery prose?"

Pushing the basket out of the way, he rolled over next to me. "What do you have to say about my


I stopped breathing and looked up into the sky. "You're perfect. Every inch of you."
And there were specific inches I wanted to explore.
"Really? My eyes aren't too close together? My nose too straight? My teeth too fang-like?"
"No," I sighed.
"Yeah, that's how I feel about you too." He rested his head on his hand and smiled.
He rolled over on his back and we looked up into the sky that was starting to darken.
"Why do you have a rule about spending the night?" I asked quietly.


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He cleared his throat and spoke up into the night air. "Here's the thing. I knew that something was

wrong with me way before the incident with Leah."

"Ahh," I interrupted. "The twat has a name."
He frowned. "Such an ugly word from such a beautiful mouth." He put his head back down.

"Anyway, Esme knew something was wrong too because I was always washing my sheets. They started
getting holes in them before they were a year old. I think we both figured it was some sort of repetitive
wet dream phase, but after the prom thing, I had to talk to my dad. He figured out what was wrong and
called his friend Dr. Denali in Alaska to get me help. I think they were both worried that the next time I
would just go at it with some poor girl in her sleep and then she'd accuse me of rape."

"Oh," was all I could say.
"I went to Alaska and stupidly got into another relationship. It was with Dr. Denali's daughter,

though. I thought maybe if she knew about the problem, she would be more understanding. But after a
year of refusing to sleep over, she walked away. I understood her frustration but I couldn't risk
something happening while I was asleep and unaware."

I rolled onto my side and watched his face as he talked. "So you've had girlfriends?"
He rolled his eyes. "Yes, Bella."
"Okay, so you did the treatment and then what?"
"I went to college and tried to focus on school. I tried to date there too, but college girls are kind of

only about one thing. College guys too, but not ones who just had to be sent to Alaska for a…problem.
I actually had a girlfriend for six months, but she got tired of my leaving every night, too. Same for the
girl I tried to date while in the military. I figured that being deployed all the time would help that
situation, but it made it worse."

I bit on my tongue and held my breath. "So, were you able to be intimate with them?"
He turned and looked at me, his face scrunching up in embarrassment. "My issue is with overuse,

not an inability to use it. Anyway, to answer your question, yes. I tried to have a normal relationship in
that way with two if them. It was infrequent at best. Which is why the anger would come when it was
over and I'd leave."

I nodded and rolled back over. "You never tried to stay to see what would happen? Did you ever

notice that if you did…certain things…you didn't do your thing that night? Or the frequency of it while
you were being active, as it were. You just succumbed to the thought that you couldn't?"

He was quiet and I sat up to look at his face. It was pensive as he chewed his lip. "No. I never took

any of that into account."

I sighed and looked out into the dimming skyline.
"What about you?" His question floated up into the stars and I groaned internally at opening that

can of worms.

"It's a little hard for someone like me," I began. "Its not like I haven't done anything. There were

some guys in college willing to jump on a grenade for their friends so that they could hook up our
friends. Rose and Alice were obviously taken, so if we went out in a group and another single girl was
there, she'd get the guy and his wingman would attempt to take me into a dark corner. Which, of
course, I'm okay with dark corners."

Edward sat up and huffed. "You think you're a grenade?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Lets get one thing straight, Bella Swan. I don't date ugly chicks."
I snickered. "Then I have a few friends I can hook you up with."
He moved swiftly and turned me on my back, pressing against me so that I was pinned. "I'm going

to get you to say that you're beautiful. In six months, you will have said it."

I snorted. "Dude, you make me say I'm beautiful and I'll let you have sex with me while the lights


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are on."

He ran his nose from the front of my chin to my ear and made a noise that sounded painful. Sitting

up he cracked his neck and looked back over. "Does that mean that you have or haven't actually…"

Placing my hands over my eyes, I spoke through my fingers. "What's your definition?"
"Really?" His voice echoed across the grass.
"It wasn't due to lack of trying on my part. I asked three different guy friends to help me out. But, it

just wasn't right, ya know? One guy got freaked out because I put a pillow over my face. The other one
LIKED the pillow on my face. And the last one told me he loved me so I kicked him in the nuts and
punched him in the nose."

"So, no?"
I sat up and looked at him. "Like I said it depends on your perception. If it goes in does that count?"
He shook his head and raked his fingers through his hair.
"Does that freak you out?" I asked.
He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. "You understand that my thing could…take that from you.

In my sleep. And it wouldn't be romantic or sweet or filled with daisies. It would be me and you.
Period." His eyes flicked to me. "And I wouldn't remember a second of it."

I chewed my lip and looked away. "I think I can get you to wake up, though. If it started to happen?

I mean, I have a theory that if you just had a girl who knew and was aware and could work with you.
Be patient, you know? Take the time to look at what could help you…not do that. You could probably
have less frequent episodes."

He reached a hand out to me and scooted me closer. "And you think you're the girl?"
I looked up and blinked. "I could try."
He placed his chin on my head and made a low humming sound.
I ran my fingers across his knuckles and closed my eyes, trying to pretend that I could be what he


I looked up.
"Do you want me to spend the night?"
I nodded and he did the same. "We'll try it. But if you get hurt I will never forgive myself."
We packed up and headed back to the apartment. My nerves were fraying with each passing second

and I kept reminding myself of the plan I had. I had done the appropriate reading and had bought the
items I needed. I could try this. I could.

We walked from the elevator to the door of my apartment and he opened the door for me. Our

friends were waiting patiently, watching a movie. They hadn't been going out as much since this stuff
started. They were like a group of worried parents.

I excused myself and changed into my pajamas. I took a deep breath and set out what I needed

before walking back into the living room where Edward was drinking a beer. He looked up and read
my shirt, his face twisting in confusion.

"It smells like updog in here," he read. Looking at me he raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's


"Nothing. What's up with you?" All five of us answered in unison before dissolving into laughter.
Rose threw a chip at him and warned, "You need to watch The Office if you're gonna get anywhere

with this one." She smiled up at me in amusement.

I grabbed a cider and walked into the living room to sit at Edward's feet. "It's not my fault that Jim

is written so well."

Emmett made a face. "He's not even attractive. I don't get it at all."
"Maybe its not about looks, douche cap. He's smart, like really smart. John attended Brown, in case


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you weren't schooled on that little fact. Plus he's tall and sensitive. Has a crooked smile. Oh! And he's
funny as hell. A sense of humor can go a long way. Like, straight to a lady's tingly bits." I took a sip of
my drink and leaned against Edward's legs.

"Better learn some jokes, E," Jasper chuckled.
We stayed up watching the rest of the movie and talking some more before everyone headed to their

bedrooms. Edward sat on the couch as I got up to throw my bottle away. "Ready?" I asked, my voice
cracking and belying my confidence.

He looked like he wasn't.
"Tell you what. I'm headed in. You're invited, so…" I walked into the room and pulled my covers

back. I checked my emails and then turned off my light before crawling under the sheets. I waited,
listening to the distinct rhythm that my heart was making. I anxiously worried my fingers over my
comforter as I listened for his footsteps.

Finally, he made tentative steps towards my room and I breathed a sigh of relief. I heard him place

his wallet and keys on my dresser and then take of his jeans and shirt. I tried desperately not let a pool
form on the sheets as I imagined him stripped. But it was no use as soon as he crawled into the bed
with me.

I shouldn't have worn shorts. Dammit, that was going to be obvious.
He rolled towards me and placed an arm across my chest, pulling me closer. He kissed my cheek

and then settled his face into my hair. I felt his chest rise and fall against my back and just having him
in my bed was making me want to straddle the couch and say that my legs itched.

It was torture.
I fell asleep thinking about how many ways I wished I could have him.
Somewhere in the night, I was jerked awake and panic hit me until my memory came flooding

back. I tensed and stiffened as I felt Edward's hands move into my shirt. Eyes wide, I tried to focus on
my room and remember where I had put what I needed. But his hands were in my shirt dammit. And I
wanted them there.

He pressed closer to me and I gasped. He had clearly not been secured in his boxers, because he

was full and throbbing between my thighs, pressed up against my most sensitive of spots. He moaned
and shifted, pressing against me harder and I closed my eyes at how good it felt. It didn't help that I was
a fapping waterfall down there and he had something to work with.

His embrace tightened and I suddenly realized what he had been talking about. If I had no idea

about his nocturnal activities, I would think I was being assaulted. As it were, though, I was enjoying
this very much. I felt a little guilty, but that went by the wayside as he started to thrust slowly over and
over again in between my thighs, his head hitting my wet sofie shorts over and over again.

And then…
Glorious angels and doves flying out of his boxers.
His hands were pulling and kneading my breasts and he was moving deftly in between my thighs

and instinctively I squeezed my thighs together as my body tensed and all of the tension and heat that
had been building up for two months wracked my body. I buried my face in my pillow as I came and
ran my fingers behind my head into his hair as he moaned my name and shuddered.

I tried to catch my breath as I felt him empty onto my legs. He stilled a moment later and I gathered

myself back together. Removing his hand from my shirt, I scooted to the edge of the bed and pushed
off. I cleaned up in the bathroom and wet a wash cloth with warm water.

As I re-entered the room, he was sitting straight up in the bed. His face looked terrified and he froze

when he saw me. I crawled onto the bed and handed him the washcloth. "Thought you'd need that," I

"I'm sorry," he said sadly.


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I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled. "I'm not. You've got the Record Breaker beat any day,

CC. That was the best orgasm I've had in years."

He looked up in disbelief. 'What?"
"Yeah. I think you should sleep over more often," I told him matter-of-factly.


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Chapter 9


"Are you ready to try again?" I asked from the computer chair. Edward was sitting in the middle of

my bed, reading a Maxim and his head snapped up as I finished my sentence. He looked tense and
gripped the magazine so tight one of the pages tore.

"It's okay to say no, if you want to. I mean, this is mostly for your benefit anyway," I lied as I

turned back to my screen.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.
I wanted him to stay. Especially after the mind blowing humping I had received last time.
It had been two whole weeks since I had experienced my first ride on the Cullen Express. We had

been out on four more dates, each ending with a make out session that created a pool in my panties that
Michael Phelps could have swam in. But each night since then, he went home. I even offered to let him
hump my couch, but he didn't want to.

Guess he's not an Ikea guy.
He threw the magazine on the floor and stretched out across my comforter, face down. "I don't

know," he said into the mattress.

I clicked my computer off and climbed onto the bed with him, rubbing his back and shoulders. "I

said you don't have to, OC."

His head popped up and he looked at me quizzically. "Why 'OC' now?"
I snickered. "Because you're Orgasmic, Cullen."
He rolled his eyes and flipped over so that he was lying on his back. "You just want me to get you

off again," he smirked.

I nodded. "Hey, just being honest here. If we aren't going to do the real thing, I could at least use

your assets to my advantage, right?"

He sighed and closed his eyes. I could see his mind turning and the little gerbil in there was getting

a run for his money…Edward was so conflicted all the time.

I just wanted him to touch my tits.
I curled into his side and ran my hands through his hair, watching the silky strands envelope my

fingers before they reappeared. His breathing slowed and for a second I though that maybe he had
fallen asleep. Which I would have been okay with…once I got his clothes off.

Horny? Table of one?
After a few minutes, he turned to face me and he nodded. "Okay. But you have to stop me if I do

anything aggressive. Promise?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Do we need to set boundaries here? I mean, what are you and aren't you

allowed to do to me? Can you hump me and give me mind blowing o's? Or does that have to end? I
figure if you're being too rough I can get you to stop. But, where do you want me to draw the line?"

He sat up and looked very serious. "You stop me if I hurt you. Or if I try to…ummm…"
I swallowed hard. "You want me to stop you if you try to stick it in?"
He nodded abruptly. "I don't want the first time to be that way. For either of us."
"Deal," I said as I extended my hand. I rolled off of the bed and opened my drawers to pull out my

pajamas, deliberating on the safety of shorts versus pants. To hell with it, shorts would give me more
access to pleasure town.

Grabbing my tank top and shorts, I turned to go to the bathroom to change, but stopped short when


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I saw Edward lying on my bed. In only his boxers.

Boxers and a smile…sorry.
"I didn't even hear you get undressed!" I told him, awed by his quickness.
He smiled crookedly and pulled back the covers, sliding in so gracefully that I had to press my

knees together.

Easy, girl.
I ran to the bathroom, changed, brushed my teeth and washed my face in less than three minutes.
"G'night, everybody!" I yelled loudly as I ran back to my room and shut the door, locking it

securely behind me. I leaned against the frame, trying to give Edward my most seductive pose, when
my knee locked and gave out, causing me slide to the floor and make a crash landing on my ass.

He chuckled at the incident and I stood up quickly to brush it off. I walked over to the lamp and

flipped the switch to off before I removed my necessary items from my desk drawer and placed them
within arms reach. Taking a deep breath, I slid into the covers with him.

He was lying perfectly still, so I moved over and put my head on his chest and one leg over his

thigh. "Is this okay?" I whispered when I felt him tense. His hand reached out and brushed my cheek
before he confirmed that it was. I listened to the rapid beating of his heart as I tried to be as still as
possible against his smooth skin, wondering if what I was doing was really okay or not.

His arms wrapped me against his chest and he whispered goodnight before we both fell into a

comfortable sleep.

I knew it was coming and I should have been prepared for it, but this time we weren't spooning. I

was turned towards him and somehow he had maneuvered himself to face me, while my leg was still
hitched over his thigh…now hip. So when the initial groping began, I didn't realize just how close he
actually was to Vicki-vag.

His hand was sliding up my side again, and found its target once my boob was in his hand. He was

making small sounds of pleasure as he gripped and kneaded, pulling my nipples taught and then going
back again.

Another minute couldn't hurt, right?
I tried to move my leg, but he shifted his hips into me and I saw stars behind my eyelids as I

realized that those damn boxers of his did nothing to contain his anaconda when it was ready to strike. I
mean, he was right there. I had enough sense to know that if he moved any closer, I would owe him an
apology, but his hands felt amazing across my skin and I blacked out for a minute, relishing in the
feeling of the most exquisite man on the planet playing with my tits in the middle of the night.

Then he shifted, and…
Ladies and gentleman, we have penetration.
"Shit," I muttered as I tried to back up. My body was working against me, but I knew that he would

be pissed if he found out.

"Edward," I half whispered.
Hey, at least I could tell him that I tried.
Just let him stick it in a little more.
Shut up, whore.
I reached my hand behind me and grabbed the first item I could get my fingers around. I whipped

the fly swatter at his arm, but it seemed to make more sound than impact. I tried three more times, but it
was useless.

Fly swatter equals fail.
He was moving now and I couldn't concentrate because if I just moved my hips back towards him,

he'd be completely in and then…

"Dammit," I practically yelled as I threw the fly swatter to the floor and grabbed the next item. His


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vice grip was so strong that I could barely get my arm back far enough before I pulled the trigger.

"Holy shitballs!" He screamed after I sprayed him in the face with the water bottle. I took the

opportunity to back up and I pressed my spine against the headboard as he rolled off of the bed and
landed on the floor with an audible thud.

He looked up from the floor and wiped his face. "Did you just spray me in the face with water?"
I nodded, hoping he could see me enough to understand because I couldn't speak.
"You fegging sprayed me like you would spray a cat on the couch?" His voice was louder now and

within seconds I heard the heavy footsteps of Emmett and Jasper outside my door. Emmett kicked the
door open with one foot and I screamed as he flipped on the light. He was holding a massive baseball
bat and Jasper was holding a paring knife.

"What the hell, Bees? We thought you were getting attacked in here." Emmett looked frantically

around the room until his eyes landed on Edward wrapped in the comforter on the floor. "Tell us next
time Humpward is sleeping over so we won't be on alert to your screams," he strangled out as his chest

Jasper was looking around wide-eyed, his face tight with sleep. He scratched his head and turned

back around to leave.

"J? What were you going to achieve with a paring knife?" I yelled after him.
"I was going to stab him in the eye, idiot!" He yelled back before he slammed Alice's door.
Emmett dropped the bat to his side and cocked an eyebrow at Edward. Without words, he

communicated something in guy code that made Edward wave his hand at him in dismissal.

The door was shut as Emmett left, but it stayed slightly ajar now that it had been broken down. I

was actually okay with it, since it meant an easy escape if something else happened. Edward continued
to sit on the floor, dragging his hands through his hair repeatedly, muttering something inaudible under
his breath.

"Hey, its okay. Come back to bed." I said, my voice small in the middle of the now empty room.
His eyes had grown cold and he shook his head no.
"You said fegging," I told him lamely. "I'm rubbing off on you."
Bad choice of words.
He stood up slowly and took a deep breath. "I'm leaving."
'No!" I yelled and then clapped my hands over my mouth in embarrassment. "Please stay. I'm sorry;

I won't spray you in the face again. I swear, just…don't leave." I don't know why I was pleading, but I

He looked at me over his shoulder and I bit my lip at how beautiful he looked: bare chested, tattoo

blazing, eyes all smoldering.

Why did I stop him again?
Oh, right. His Jiminy Cricket was louder than his Jimmy.
"What did I do?" He asked as he turned slowly.
I shook my hands at him. "No, it was completely my fault, Edward. I made a poor decision in my

nightclothes, that's all. I didn't realize that these shorts were so…loose around the thighs."

Pfft, yeah I did.
I just should have worn underwear too, that's all.
He blinked slowly and turned away from me as he looked down his shorts. He groaned and cursed

under his breath. "How far?" He asked quietly.

"Eh, just against the nub, that's all. No big deal. You didn't get farther than the pillow loving guy, if

it makes you feel any better." I crossed my arms across my chest in an attempt to stop myself from
jumping on him and dragging him back to the bed. "This is part of it, E. Working through it. I'm here
and not making you feel bad about it. That's all you. So if you don't mind, I'd like you to lie back down


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so that I can get a good night's sleep."

I patted the mattress and watched his shoulders slump as he walked over and turned off the light

again. I jumped up quickly and threw my shorts off, grasping in my top drawer for a pair of panties.
Boy short panties kind of killed two birds with one stone, right? I yanked them on and crawled back
under the covers, turning my back to him as he turned his back to me.

I wanted to cry.
There was a moment of hesitation before he rolled over and wrapped his arm across my chest,

sighing into my hair. His fingers traced my arm down to my hand and he intertwined his digits with
mine before he pulled me closer to his chest.

"I'm not sorry that you're staying." I said before I turned over to face him in the darkness. I ran my

fingers through his hair and kissed the tip of his nose. Electricity filled the air as he leaned down and
kissed my lips softly, causing me to tremble with need.

Maybe if I gave him some release it would make it easier.
I pressed against his chest and pulled his face closer to mine as I made the kiss more aggressive. He

started to pull back, but I held firm. He rolled slightly until he was on top of me and I gasped at the
weight of him on my chest and against my thigh.

We'd been dating for around a month now, right? That was longer than one of Britney's marriages.

And longer than a Paris Hilton engagement.

I slipped my hands down his chest and then across his back as he continued to kiss me feverishly,

grinding his hips against my leg. I found the top of his boxers and, in an Emmett worthy wrestling
move, I tugged on his boxers and rolled him on his back all at once.

The boxers slid off quickly and I kissed my way down his stomach before he started to rationalize

what was happening. In a moment of bravery, I licked him from base to tip before taking him in my

His hands were at my head instantly. "Stop," he groaned.
I pulled my lips over the head and whispered, "Why?"
As I suspected, he had no answer, so I continued. I'd given a bj or two in the dark in my day, so I

was aware of the technique. What I wasn't prepared for was the size of the current member I had to
work with.

My fingers gripped his inner thighs and I ran my tongue flatly across the underside, causing him to

flinch and his hips to thrust involuntarily. Wrapping my lips around my teeth, I went back down and
hoovered on the way back up, just like Rose taught me.

E's legs twitched and his hands were in my hair as he breathed heavily through his nose. I knew he

was about to come and I braced my hand against his balls, squeezing lightly as he spilled into my
mouth, a low moan erupting from his lips as he did. I breathed through my nose until he was done and
then swallowed and crawled back up to the pillow.

"Let's see if that worked," I whispered against his chest as I rested my cheek against him.
"If it didn't, I'm going to need to be hospitalized, Bella. You're going to kill me." He muttered

against my head.

I looked up and chuckled, "I guess Emmett was right in his description of my lips?"
I pushed up to try and see his face in the darkness. He found my chin and pulled my face to his for a

kiss before settling into the pillow to sleep.

"Yes, he was correct."
He didn't hump me again that night.


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Best bj ever…from a girl who's never been laid.
I know more happened than what she revealed, and it just made being with her all that much harder.

I didn't want to hurt her just because I couldn't stop my body from working on it's own after I closed up
shop for the night.

I had no plans of spending the night with her again any time soon.
Then Emmett told me her birthday was coming up, and I felt terrible for not even knowing what

day she was born. I wanted to do something nice for her, so I asked our friends what I should do. They
unanimously told me to do nothing.

Presents made Bella violent.
Tough shit. I was going to give her a birthday present, dammit. And she'd take it and like it.
After a week, I had found my gift. The timing couldn't have been more perfect, and being that

Carlisle was my dad, I got a hook up that gave me exactly what I needed. She was either going to kiss
me or punch me in the face. I'd prefer the kiss.

Alice called to tell me that she was buying a cake for Bella and that I should be at the apartment no

later than seven. It would be short, unpleasant, and over by seven thirty.

I dressed and grabbed her present before driving over to her place. As I exited the elevator, I could

already hear the music blasting from her place. She was clearly not interested in celebrating and was
letting the entire building know it. 30 Seconds to Mars was echoing out from underneath the door and I
could hear every word. She was going to get a noise complaint and get evicted if she couldn't grow up

Run away, run away, I'll attack Run away, run away, go chase yourself
Walking in I saw her door slightly ajar since it hadn't been fixed. I pushed it open and made my

way in to see her laying on her bed face down and a pillow over her head. I crossed over to her stereo
and turned the music off. She sat up abruptly and her eyes grew huge as she focused on me.

"I think they get it, Bella. All they wanted to do was give you a cake; there aren't even any presents

from them. The least you could do is be appreciative of the fact that they love you enough to want to
celebrate your being alive."

She flopped back down on the bed and groaned. "I hate my birthday, Edward. My birth is the

reason my mom left my dad."

I barked out a laugh. "Dumbest excuse ever for not wanting a birthday cake. Get up and be nice.

Maybe there will be something in it for you later," I finished, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to standing, then directed her to the kitchen. Alice had emerged

from her room, looking irritated. Rose and Emmett looked like they had taken advantage of the noise
and had gotten in a quickie. Jasper walked in with candles, handing them to Alice in exasperation.

"I had a two and a seven," Alice started. "But I figure we'll celebrate your age of maturity." She

leaned back and all that was there was the seven.

Bella burst out laughing and folded at the waist as she tried to catch her breath. Standing up again

she wiped her face. "You guys are the best, you know that? Putting up with my crazy ass shit that I
throw around all the time. Yet, here you all stand. You look pissed, but you're here, aren't you?"

They nodded and she scrunched her face up as she blew out her candles. "What kind is it?" She


Emmett burst into laughter. "Since you didn't really want it, we got Jasper's favorite this year. You

won't eat it anyway, might as well let us enjoy your ass-ishness."

She patted him on the back gave him a hug before she gave each of the others an embrace. "Thanks

for not getting presents, too."


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I coughed a bit and she looked up suspiciously. I pulled the envelope out of my pocket and waved it

at her. "All me. No one else would even touch buying you something."

Her face grew red and she balled her fists up as she started towards me. I put a hand out and pressed

it against her forehead, stopping her advance. Chuckling, I handed her the envelope.

"Damn, woman. Just open it and stop your bitching," Emmett bellowed around a mouth full of


She gave up her fight and opened the manila envelope. "Dammit to hell! See?" She held up her

finger as evidence of a nasty paper cut. "Birthday cards and all that...cut your tongue, give you glue
poisoning, rip your finger open..."

She sucked on the blood tinged digit and then finished opening the card. After which, she fainted.


"Does that ever get better?" Edward was asking from above my face. Jasper muttered no as he

shoved more cake in his mouth. Alice snapped a picture and laughed devilishly as the polaroid
appeared and she stuck it on the fridge.

"Are you okay?" Edward asked through his laughter.
I nodded and then looked back down at the items I now held in my hand. "Holy crow! Dude, how

did you get front row seats for Dane Cook?"

He extended his hand to me and lifted me to standing. "I have my ways," was his reply.
"Ugh, I...can't, ummm..."
He looked back at me with his eyebrows raised, circling his hand in the air. "Yes?"
"Thank you." I said quickly.
"Nicely said, Swan. You are welcome. Now get dressed; it starts in an hour," he said with a twinkle

in his eye.

I ran full force into my room and scrounged around for something to wear that was appropriate.
Emmett and Jasper were giving him props and Alice was laughing at the fact that I had accepted a

gift. Rose knocked on my door and stood in the frame with a smirk on her face. "You found the right
guy, finally, huh? He kind of gets you."

I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded. "Yep."
"Good. It's about time." She smiled and walked out to get some ice cream.

We arrived at Key Arena and it was packed. Of course it was packed.
Damn, I loved me some Dane...
"How did you know?" I asked as we settled into our seats.
A crooked grin crossed Edward's lips and he handed me my drink. "You've been dropping some not

so subtle hints about how much you adore funny men. So here. Happy birthday."

I bit back a smile as my cheeks blazed bright red.
The show was hysterical and I couldn't take my eyes off of the stage as Dane gestured broadly and

yelled his jokes into his mic. I had to teach Edward how to properly SuFi, and caught him choking on
his beer a couple of times during one or two of Mr. Cook's more lewd commentaries. But the best part
of the night? Watching Edward completely loosen up and have a good time. And his laugh was
amazing; it made my stomach flutter like I had eaten a live cricket, or something equally as jittery.

I was officially in love.
When it was over, I reached out and grabbed his face, giving him a noisy kiss on the cheek. He just

grinned and took my hand as we walked back to the car. When we reached the door, I turned to face


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him and asked quickly, "Its my birthday. Will you spend the night?"

There was a moment of hesitation before he sighed. "I guess I could."
I smiled widely as I got in and fastened my seat belt. Within thirty minutes we were back at the

apartment, and I unlocked the door in haste, throwing the door open and walking straight to my
bedroom. Everyone was out at a bar tonight; they had started to get used to my being out with Edward,
and they didn't wait around to see if I got home safely anymore. I was probably safer with Edward than
I was alone with myself.

At least Edward could drive me to the ER if I broke my leg. If I was by myself, I would have to go

all SAW and cut the thing off to get out the door.

Turning on the small lamp on my desk, I threw a blue scarf over the top to dim the lighting to

almost nil. I turned in circles, trying to clean up some clothes and debris from my comforter and looked
up suddenly to see Edward leaning against my door, looking amused. He had a small smile playing
around his lips as he folded his arms across his chest. Looking around he cocked an eyebrow.

"No water bottle, I see."
I waved my hands, "No, I said no water bottles and I meant it."
He chuckled and stepped into the room, taking off his shoes and placing them under the bed. He sat

lightly on the mattress and leaned back on his elbows. "Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked.

I said no and walked over to the door, shutting it and securing it with a wash cloth to close the gap

in between the frame and door. I turned back and bit my lip in hesitation before I decided that I didn't
care anymore. I walked straight over and straddled that man.

Yes. I. Did.
"What the hell, Bella?" He laughed as I pushed him back on the bed. I leaned over and kissed him

tentatively, before I ran my hands underneath his shirt, letting my fingers trace over his soft skin and
taught muscles. He tensed at first, but eventually his hands found their way to my ass and he pushed
my heat against him more fully. A strangled moan escaped his lips and I kissed down his chin and neck,
my fingers steadily unbuttoning his shirt.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a whisper.
"You know the answer to that, E."
"I'm not doing this with you tonight, Bella. It's too soon." He sounded like he didn't even believe


I nodded and pulled his shirt open. "Then we'll wait." I pulled his sleeves off and pressed my chest

to his. He rocked against me and rolled us over so that I was underneath him. His eyes were dark with
want as he ran his hand across my face. I leaned up for another kiss and he accepted, his hands moving
skillfully to my shirt and upwards underneath my bra.

Holy hell, that man had magic hands.
Edward pushed me up farther on the bed and pulled my shirt off. A low guttural growl rumbled

from inside of his chest and I shivered at the sound. His eyes traveled to my breasts and he stared
openly as the shiver made my nipples harden. His hands moved slowly to my back and my bra was
unhooked in a matter of seconds. I watched his face as he pulled the lace away slowly, taking me in.
His hands traveled firmly across my peaks, stopping when his thumb made contact and I shifted
underneath him.

I watched his eyes as he looked up into mine and made a decision. He bent to kiss and suckle each,

his breath hot and heavy across my skin. I ran my hands across his scalp and over his shoulders, urging
him on with low moans and sighs as he lavished my chest with his lips and tongue.

Was it possible to get off from just having your nips sucked? Maybe with Edward. Yeah, probably.
He crawled back up to my face, kissing my chin and back to the sensitive flesh behind my ear. "You

are gorgeous, Bella," he whispered.


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I closed my eyes tightly and wrapped my arms more securely around him. "Okay," I responded.
He pulled back and shook his head from side to side. I pressed my hips up into him in frustration.

He stayed completely still and I gave in. "Thank you."

He smiled a bit, appeased for the moment. I was dragging my fingers across his chest and lower,

playing along the edges of his jeans. I slipped my fingers into the waist band and sucked in a deep
breath as I made contact with his smooth erection. He pulled back quickly and my hands moved out.
His mouth traveled down my chest and across my stomach, tasting, testing every inch of me. As he
reached the top of my pants he looked up and locked eyes with me.

Never dropping my gaze, he popped the top button and drew the zipper down with aching slowness.

He kissed across the top of my panties and I silently thanked Alice for buying me the lace thong I had
inadvertently grabbed in my haste to get out the door. He ran his nose over my hip bone and then
nipped it lightly with his teeth, causing my hips to buck towards his face. Wrapping his fingers around
my jeans, he pulled them off and crawled back onto the bed, hovering over me.

I licked my lips nervously and waited for him to let me know how far this could go. Slowly, I crept

my hands up to his zipper and placed my hand against his straining bulge. His eyes closed and he
breathed out before leaning in to kiss me again, his hips shifting into my palm, edging me on. So I took
off his pants. I had to.

When we were down to only our underwear, he sat back on his knees and pulled back the

comforter. We both slid underneath the covers and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me against
his chest. Skin to skin. Flesh against smooth flesh. He was kissing me softly, tongues moving in a slow
synchronicity that only made me want him more. I was pressing against him as hard as my body would
allow me to, needing some sort of contact with him. Anything.

Edward's lips left mine and he pressed his chin against my scalp. "Is this enough? For tonight?" He

asked as his hand ran a line up and down from my hip bone to my ribs.

Damn, of course not. But I was lucky that he did any of that...
"For now," I whispered half-heartedly.
Once he was asleep, I was grabbing the Record Breaker and hitting the bathroom for a few minutes.
It took longer for him to fall asleep, but his breathing leveled out and I relaxed, falling into fitful

dreams of Edward's hands and lips and tongue. His hands were everywhere, and I couldn't get enough
of him.

My sleep was cut short in the early morning hours again when I realized that the dream Edward was

in my bed with me...and he was rolling down my panties. I was guessing that his 'condition' was a lot
like sleepwalking, so it shouldn't have surprised me that he would have the ability to disrobe if
necessary. And when he got them low enough, I couldn't concentrate on anything for shit, much less try
to figure out how to help him. Because his hand was in between my thighs and I was too selfish to stop

I rolled away, tentatively, onto my back, but that only gave him more access and he shifted towards

me, pressed fully against my side. Then he laid his leg across my own and I was pinned.

With legs wide open...
Damn, Creed.
He was hard and moving against my hip as his hand slid between my folds and dipped lower until

he had two fingers buried deep inside of me. I couldn't help the sound that came out of me, and I was
half hoping he would wake up and we could finish this while he was awake. But he was good at this,
even in his sleep...His fingers were working their magic and his thumb was circling my aroused nerves
and I was pushing my hands against the headboard in an attempt to gain some control. It was no use, of
course, when he added a third finger and curled them forward.

Because I fell apart then. Loudly.


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"Holy...Edward...fuuu..." stopped myself and bit my lip as my body jerked and exploded.
Suddenly, and without warning, he was on top of me. His engorged erection was pressing against

my pulsing heat as the last of my orgasm worked its way through my body. His head was heavy on my
chest and I froze when I felt him shift and remove his own boxers.

Thirty seconds. May day. May day!
I didn't want to. I knew I shouldn't have, but it was what he wanted and I kept my promises. Even

amidst the afterglow of an incredible game of finger pool. I snatched my hand out to my dresser and
cursed under my breath as I held the object in the air and squeezed the trigger.

The sound of the air horn was much louder than I anticipated and not only did Edward scream and

fall off the bed...again, I too startled and fell off the other side, both of us landing with a thud. At least I
took the comforter with me. Edward was on the ground, boxers wrapped around his knees, fully
aroused. I was naked, my panties dangling from one foot and my worn purple comforter tangled in
between my thighs.

I'd have to wash that later.
I peeked over the mattress to see Edward sitting wide eyed, rubbing his ear, trying to get his hearing

back. I had ringing in mine too, so it was no surprise that we didn't hear the cavalry before they burst
into the room.

All four.
Emmett burst through the door and the others followed suit, eyes frantic as they took in the

embarrassing scene around my bed. I had never witnessed Edward move as fast as he did when they
flipped the lights. His boxers were back on in a millisecond. Rose saw, though. And I swear she gave
me a look that said she was impressed.

"That's IT!" Emmett was rubbing his face in frustration. "If you two are going to continue to do

your 'treatment' on the weekends..." He looked over at me and grimaced. "An air horn, Bees?

I covered my face and rocked back and forth, wishing to just die. Again.
Jasper walked out and came back within seconds. "You two are evicted."
Our heads snapped up and I panicked. "What? Guys it was twice...I hear your shit all the time


Emmett cut me off. "Just on the weekends that you're trying to get over your issues, idjit." He

nodded to Jasper who walked over to where I was laying in my pile on the floor.

He produced a small silver key and sighed. "Weekends only, got it?"
I opened my palm sadly as he deposited their apartment key into my hand.
Looks like we were moving in together.


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Chapter 10


We needed to have sex.
That was what it all boiled down to; but I was finding it hard to give in and just do it for the sake of

being able to sleep in the same bed with her. Its not that I didn't want to, that should be obvious to
anyone. I mean my libido was out of control to the point that I was giving her pleasure while I was
unconscious because even my subconscious wanted a piece.

I wanted it to be right: Right timing. Right situation. Right place. But could J and Em's apartment,

in all of its filthy glory, be that place?

I sighed and opened the lid on the piano in our great room and ran my fingers swiftly across the

keys, trying to unleash my pent up frustration, both mental and sexual, through melody. I closed my
eyes and thought of Bella. She was so interesting, and unaware of her affect on people. She was sweet
and sarcastic, beautiful and immature, but the consummate professional at work. She was an anomaly.

I found a melody and went with it, changing tempo and keys on a whim, trying to find the right

notes to depict how I was feeling. In my head, the notes flowed around me in vivid color. I tired to
reach for the yellows, but my fingers kept pulling for grays and blues, so I followed where my fingers
led. After twenty minutes I let my hands rest on a high note and opened my eyes to see my mother
watching me wistfully from the hallway. I grinned slightly as I closed the piano lid and moved back on
the bench.

Esme glided into the room effortlessly, sitting beside me on the bench with a knowing look on her

face. I slid a look at her porcelain face and emerald green eyes, her long auburn hair swaying gently as
she leaned forward. "What's her name?" She asked.

I shrugged and looked at her like she was crazy. "I have no idea what you're talking about…" I

attempted to lie.

She snorted lightly and popped the back of my head. "You may have been gone for a while,

Edward, but you're still my son. I know you better than you know yourself, so…what is her name?"

"Bella," I sighed.
She raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. "Do I get to meet this Bella?"
I nodded, "Eventually. We need to get some things out in the open first."
"Ahhh, is she aware of your…" she nodded towards my crotch and I cringed.
"C'mon, mom. It's severely uncomfortable for you to reference my junk. But yes. Thanks." I bit my

tongue as I suppressed my smile.

She lifted a hand to my hair and ruffled the strands before she grabbed my chin and made me look

her in the eyes. "You haven't played once since you've been home. And what you just composed with
your eyes closed, and without effort, was gorgeous. She's good for you, son. Work out whatever you
have to, because she clearly makes you happy."

I leaned forward and gave her a soft peck on the cheek. "Okay, mom."
She stood and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pressing her cheek against mine as she

hugged me. "I'm giving you four weeks to bring her over. Otherwise, I'm hiring a private investigator
and I'll find her myself."

I would have laughed. But my mom was crazy enough to do it.

"Hey, E." Emmett's voice called to me from the break room. I looked up in confusion and turned


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around to find him. He was leaning out of the door and waving me towards the room, so I obliged and
walked over.

"What's up?" I asked as I looked around the room.
Emmett pulled me against the wall and whispered, "Mike Farfeg-Newton is in Bee's office. I think

he's going to try and ask her out or something, because he looks way more creepy and jittery than
usual. Seems that since you've been giving her the ol' humpin's she's giving off an 'o' glow that's
making the guys go into heat around here."

I stifled back a laugh. "So? She'll just say no, right?"
He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. "I think that she is under the impression

that no guys around here think she's attractive, and if Mike actually succeeds in asking her, she would
figure out that they see her as a sexual object. She might freak out."

"You need to give her more credit, Em. She might surprise you and actually be able to handle

herself on her own. I mean, the woman sprayed me in the face with a water bottle and blasted my ear
with an air horn. She's tougher than you guys think she is." I gave him a pointed look. "She'll never be
able to get over this shit until you guys give her some space to grow…up. She's stuck in Little Sister
Land. And she'll always depend on you if you let her."

Emmett crossed his arms and scowled. "What the hell would you know about it, E? You've been

here for three months. We've had her back for ten damn years, dude. She needs us."

I shook my head and patted his arm. "Actually, I think you need her. She makes you feel…

necessary. I'm not trying to step on any toes…at all. I love all of you and I wouldn't want to hurt anyone
by saying this, but what would you do if I got an apartment and had her move in with me?"

His eyes narrowed and he set his jaw. "What are you getting at?"
I laughed. "Dude. You guys have been taking care of her for so long that you don't know what to do

with yourselves when she's not there. She bonds you to each other."

I think that it took all of thirty seconds for the realization to set in that I was right. I'd been watching

it from afar for a while now, but I wanted a relationship with this woman. We had gotten her to dress
herself, go out in public and be seen naked in limited light. Huge strides from where we started, as far
as I was concerned. And the key to Emmett's apartment was only going to take us one step closer to
getting where we needed to be.

Emmett took a step towards me and I stood my ground. He pointed a finger in my face and asked

lowly, "Do you love her?"

I pushed his finger out of the way and cocked my head to the side. "Probably. But I don't want to

make that statement out loud to anyone else before she hears it from me first. And we have shit to work
on before I can say that for sure. Hell, she may not love me. She's a pretty horny chick…she might be
in it for that."

Emmett's hand swatted out and hit me upside the head. "She does. Trust me when I say that. So

don't…" His eyes blinked hard. "Just take care of her."

I rubbed the spot on my head and grinned. "Obviously."
He turned abruptly and started to walk away before he stopped and pivoted in my direction again.

"If you do stay at my place this weekend…wash the sheets. I'm just sayin'." With a laugh he went back
to his office.

I thought over the conversation that just happened and I was proud of myself. I really wanted this to

work out. I wanted Bella Swan. Period.

I made my way down the hall to her office and I stood quietly outside of her door, listening as Mike

Newton hemmed and hawed over absolutely nothing. After a few more minutes of mindless shit
shooting, he gathered his balls and courage and asked, "Are you free this weekend?"


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You could have heard a pin drop, the room grew so quiet. In a soft voice Bella answered, "Actually

I'm not. My boyfriend and I are moving into our new apartment."

I had to press my hand to my mouth and run down the hall so that my laughter couldn't be heard by

either of them.

I knew she had it in her.


Had I been sucked into some alternate vortex or some shit? What the hell was going on around

here? A girl gets a few good orgasms and suddenly the wolves come a runnin', apparently.

Not only had the awkward meet and greet with Mike happened, but Tyler and Eric had dropped

little hints that they wanted to 'get to know me better' too. It was weird and it pissed me off. I was off

And I liked it.
I unlocked the door to the boy's apartment Saturday afternoon and groaned. This was going to be a

disgusting task, but if E and I were going to shack up for a couple of days each week, I was at least
going to make the place presentable. I threw the key on the counter and went straight for the cleaning
supplies. Yanking my hair up into a ponytail and rolling up my sleeves, I went to work.

I almost vomited when I lifted the toilet seat. And then almost blew chunks when I pulled back the

shower curtain. But the worst, by far, was Emmett's crunchy sheets.

I threw those suckers in the trash.
I was finishing up the kitchen and mopping the floor, listening to the radio at a highly unreasonable

level when Edward arrived. I giggled as he walked through the door at exactly the right time. It was
like he was entering the apartment to his own geedee theme song.

I know your type
You're daddy's little girl
Just take a bite
He grinned as he walked through the door, looking shy and sexy as hell.
Let me shake up your world
'Cause just one night couldn't be so wrong
I'm gonna make you lose control
He smiled wider as he looked around and surveyed how much cleaner our 'new place' was since the

last time he had been there.

She was so shy
Till I drove her wild
I make them good girls go bad
Thanks Cobra Starship. Now I needed a shower. Not that I didn't need one to begin with since I was

stinky and sweaty and covered in God knows what kind of Emmett and Jasper DNA.

Edward turned the volume down and sat his overnight bag on the couch. I pulled my cleaning

gloves off and chuckled. "Did you have to explain to your mom why you were leaving with an
overnight bag?"

He frowned and nodded. "You are invited to dinner two weeks from now. Or else." His face was

totally serious.

"Dammit, Focker! You're gonna make me go through all of that Meet the Parents bullshit? The

uncomfortable conversation and lingering glances at my ring finger? I don't think you understand the
ramifications of meeting your parents, dude. This could go downhill really fast."


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Edward took a deep breath and held his hands up like he had no choice. "If you don't come, my

mom will hunt you down and find you herself. And that's not a threat, it's a promise." His eyes were
wide and unblinking as he delivered the message.

"Oh," I whispered. "I'll keep a lookout for the horse head in my bed…thanks."
Numb, I put the cleaning supplies down and told him I was going to jump in the shower. It was

almost dinnertime and I had planned on cooking for us, since I hadn't prepared a meal for him before. I
wanted to show him one of my skills, something that I was good at.

As the warm water beat down on my head, I relaxed and let the grossness of the past few hours

wash away. I washed my hair and body slowly, relishing in the feel of the water on my skin.

I was going to meet somebody's parents. Ugh. Really? Could this get any worse?
Hi, I'm Bella. I'm letting your son hump me in his sleep so that I can get laid one day. Can you pass

the peas?

I stood under the shower head for just a few more minutes, trying to decide how I was going to get

out of this. I was deep in thought about different ways I could say that I had explosive diarrhea, when I
heard the bathroom door open.

"Uh, CC? If you have to pee you need to wait. I'm only going to be in here for another minute and I

don't think we're at the peeing in front of each other stage yet."

His head peeked around the curtain and he appraised me from head to toe. I flamed bright red and

wiped the water off of my face. There was too much light in here.

Without so much as a word, he pulled the curtain back and stepped in with me, butt funkung naked.
Oh, sweet Donkey Kong.
I backed up against the shower wall and stared. I couldn't help it. This man was the epitome of

perfection and this was the absolute first time I had ever seen him completely naked. My eyes were all
over the place and I was like a fly over a picnic table. Looking at his chest, then arms, then stomach…
gonna lick those abs later…down to his man muscle. And it was more glorious in the light, much to my
happiness and dismay.

He was perfect.
"W-what are you doing, Cullen?"
He grinned a crooked smile. "You know the answer to that, Bella."
I shook my head and bit my lip. "Not sure I want our first time to be awkward, slippery, clumsy

shower sex. Can't we move this into the bedroom?"

He put both of his hands flat against the shower wall on each side of my head. "I'm not having sex

with you, love. But, it would seem that every time I'm with you, and we kiss, or touch or have any sort
of contact, I try to weasel my way into your pajamas. So I figured, if we went ahead and got the
sexual…tension…as it were, out if the way, then maybe we would have better luck getting through the

"Uh-huh. Okay." It was all I could manage to say at that moment.
He bent his head to kiss me and the torrent of water splashed off of his head and across my face,

leaving me breathless. He pressed his body against mine and I was once again shocked at the pulse of
electricity that ran between us when he touched me. Oh, and how big his wang was. I was shocked by
that too.

"Do you need to wash?" I asked against his lips.
His eyes crinkled as he smiled, his eyelashes coated in fat water drops, making them stand out even

more against his beautiful eyes. "I took a shower before I came over, but if you want to…"

Hell yeah I wanted to soap him up.
Gah, why were these lights so damn bright in here?
I moved to get the soap and washcloth and he moved just a fraction of an inch to let me grab it. I


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lathered up the cloth and set to work, washing his chest and arms, moving lower across his torso and
then…lower. I stopped and turned him around, washing across his back and staring lustfully at the
marking on his back. He probably had no idea how hot that made me. I should tell him one day.

After rinsing his back, perfect ass and toned legs off, I turned him back around.
He pointed down and arched an eyebrow. "You missed a spot," he whispered.
Damn he was being direct tonight.
Without a word, I pulled his face to mine, kissing him with every ounce of wanting I had in my

body. Running my soapy fingers down his stomach again, I gasped as I came into contact with his hard
on. His face twitched slightly as I acclimated my hand to his size and squeezed.

Now this I was not as familiar with, but I'd sure as hell give it the old college try with Edward

hottestpieceofassonearth Cullen.

He let out a soft moan as I ran my hand up his length and back down. Pressing his lips against

mine, he pushed me up against the shower wall again. His hands were gently massaging my breasts and
rolling my nipples in between his thumb and forefinger. I instinctively arched my back into him, as I let
his name escape my lips.

His left hand trailed lower as I continued to pump him languidly, and when he reached the apex in

between my thighs, I shuddered. My eyes flew open and I was astonished to see that his green orbs
were trained on mine. He spread me open and ran his fingers along the slick opening and he hissed,
"Oh my god, Bella…"

My breath caught as he rubbed his thumb over my bundle of nerves and then two fingers into me,

causing my hips to thrust. I squeezed him harder in my palm and he pressed into me forcefully, making
his thrusting fingers go deeper.

I really wanted to do this right, but there was a haze over my eyes as he continued his ministrations

and I rocked against his hand, shivering with each new thrust. My head rolled back against the wall and
I was breathing heavily as I lost all inhibition and began to pump him faster. He returned the favor and
within a minute my mouth dropped open and I wrapped my free hand around his neck, into the hair at
the nape, buckling myself against the waves of release that were raging through me. I didn't realize that
he had finished too until he removed his hand from me and unclenched my fingers from around his

I opened my eyes slowly as I tried to catch my breath and he was smiling. "I didn't get to see that

the first couple of times," he whispered against my lips. "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever

I crushed my lips into his and pulled him closer. "That was so hot," I giggled as feeling started to

return to my legs.

We rinsed and then got out and dressed in our nightclothes. I made dinner, as I had planned. He

seemed to enjoy the lasagna and I blushed at his praise. I mean, it was good, don't get me wrong. I don't
mess around with that Prego shit.

After we ate, we settled onto the couch to watch a movie, but we ended up talking more and

eventually turned the television off all together. We were finally getting to know each other, and it was
more than what made us broken. It was more than what we wanted from each other. It was about
finding out who this magnificent person in front of me was. What made him who he was. What made
him tick. Laugh. Throw up. All of it, I wanted to know every last detail.

I yawned and looked at the clock, blinking when I realized it was after two a.m.
"Ready for bed?" I asked timidly. He stood up confidently and extended his hand.
"No air horns. No water bottles. Just us, right?"
I smiled and squeezed his hand. It was just us.
And he didn't hump me that night.


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Chapter 11


I asked for an extension. Esme couldn't actually hunt me down, she seemed too nice and womanly

for that kind of behavior. So I asked E to beg for an extension of two more weeks. Maybe I could
become more refined in four weeks' time, but two was just pushing it.

That, of course, gave us three full weekends together, and I'm sure she was wise as to where he was

during those days and nights. That wouldn't be awkward in the least when we finally met. You know
that old joke, "Ever wonder if your mom kissed you goodnight after giving your dad head?" I just
hoped she didn't try to kiss me, or else I would feel very dirty about our 'therapy' sessions.

The three weeks we had were the turning point for us, as far as I was concerned. We spent all of our

free time together. We were an actual couple and I was fully aware that I was falling deeper in love
with him every single day. He was making me feel wanted and like I wasn't a freak show. Edward made
me feel less ugly, I guess. He kept looking at me like I was the only ray of light in the Poltergeist
tunnel; like he couldn't see anything but me. And frighteningly, I felt the same way.

It was overwhelming how much I craved his affection. How much I physically missed his presence

when we were apart. I was starting to think it was becoming a problem, to be honest. I didn't want him
to think I was going to boil his bunny…

The night before the dreaded Cullen family Bella Roast, Rose had suggested that we have a girl's

night. My being away on the weekends was hindering our togetherness time, and she and Alice wanted
to hang out. The guys would stay at our…I mean, Emmett and J's apartment. Just visualizing E sleeping
on that couch made me want to stab those pillows out of jealousy.

Rose was setting out pizza and Alice was throwing movies around as I came out of my room.
"Are we drinking?" I asked as I secured my hair into a ponytail.
Alice shook her head. "No. We want girl talk, and if we start drinking there will be blacked out

pieces of stories and embellishments. So, suck it up and be sober, Swan."

I grabbed a piece of pizza and chewed. "Do they miss you, Al?"
"Who?" She asked as she looked up from a dvd.
"The Lilliputians."
Rose cackled behind me and slapped my ass. "Yeah, I've missed you and your broken filter. Now

come and sit down. We have some catching up to do."

We all gathered our food and drinks and sat on the living room floor. This was clearly a night to

catch up…with me. I hadn't been home much and was gone on the weekends, so they weren't as in on
my current 'happenings' as they would care to be.

"Spill," Alice said. And as far as I knew, that was all that Alice was going to say.
I was expected to tell them everything, as women usually do. Down to the hair or lack thereof

around his 'trunk' and the size of his peen. And I was suspecting that they were expecting me to give
exact inches. Like I measured it.

Okay. I did.
I swallowed my bite and rolled my eyes. "We're making progress."
I looked up and both of them were chewing silently, eyes wide, waiting for me to continue. I threw

my pizza on the plate and huffed.

"What do you want to know? If he's run off with my hymen yet? Because he hasn't. Not that I

haven't waved my goods in his face on more than one flacking occasion. He's just really weirdly


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conscious of how we do this. I think he feels like it will change everything, like I'll be a different
person or something."

Alice smiled softly. "I think he's aware that once you do it you can never go back."
Rose nodded. "It's not a decision to enter into lightly. It can change everything. Maybe better,

maybe worse. But either way, it will be gone."

I puffed air into my cheeks and slumped against the couch. "We do pretty much everything else,


Rose's eyebrows almost hit the ceiling. I jerked forward and put my hands out. "No! Pretty much, I

said. There are a few avenues that have not been ventured down."

She looked satisfied that my ass was still a virgin too.
Alice snickered. "So you're pretty much a virgin whore?"
At that we all burst out laughing, because I guess I was. But could one be considered a whore if all

of her sexcapades were with the same man? I'd have to look that up…Google or Wiki that shit or
something. I needed to know where I ranked.

Rose asked, "Has any of this been helping you? I mean I understand that E's problem is a little more

advanced to deal with, ya know. Since you can't sleep in the bed with him without wearing a full body

Alice choked on her coke and it went flying everywhere as Rose rolled over on the floor with

laughter, holding her side.

"Truly funny, teabaggers. Like I said, it's getting better. After the air horn incident," that only made

them laugh harder, "We tried doing other things to help get through the night. Like now I know that a
hand job equals one night of humpless sleep. And a good bj will afford me two or three, depending on
how good I work it." I smiled and bit into another slice.

"Oh, no. Are you serious? So, are you doing all of the work, or what?" Rose was sitting up now,

looking at me like I was a hooker on the corner waiting for my next john.

"Bitch, please. That man has cliterrific piano fingers and his mouth is…ugh. Plus add the tongue

and all of those together will make a girl fall off of a couch." I looked away as I felt the blood rush to
my cheeks.

Dammit. I didn't want that one to slip out.
"WHAT?" They both asked in unison.
"Nothing. I made it up. I'm crazy like that, making perfectly believable shit up because you guys

are giving me hell about my damn sex life and pissing me off until I can't even think straight…"

Rose cut off my rant. "You. Fell. While he was all up in your," she made a hand motion to her


"Dammit! Yes, okay? He had me all worked up and befuddled and…I don't know. It's that damn

couch. Bad things happen on that thing."

Alice was trying her hardest to breathe, but she had turned red and was beginning to turn blue

before she finally gasped for air from her silent laughter. That's when I knew that I was in deep shit…
when you couldn't hear Alice laugh anymore, it was about a subject that would haunt you for the rest of
your life.

I hung my head, mortified. "Guys, it's not funny. Okay, it is…but could you imagine how

embarrassed I was when I totally vag'd his face?"

"Whoa! What the hell is vag'ing someone's face? I've heard of squirting…or pissing…or queefing.

But to vag? Is that on Urbandictionary?" Alice was screeching with wide eyes at me.

I wasn't getting out of this one that was for sure.
"Fine!" I screamed and slapped my hands on the floor. "We were naked and getting our nightly

sleep rituals done. I was on the couch and E was…ya know…in my biz. So, he's really working it and I


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can't see straight or form words and I'm all cross eyed." They had suddenly turned very quiet. "I'm at
the end of the couch…the armrest, okay. My head is kinda dangling off because every time he does
this…sucking thing…I, like, push away from him because it's so damn intense. Apparently I had
pushed away from him a few times too many and right as he's working me to the end, I clench my
knees around his ears and fall off of the couch."

Silence and wide eyes.
"I landed. On. His. Face."
Dead silence.
"I thought Vicki broke his nose."
Rose's lips twitched as she bit back her laughter. "What did he say?"
"Oh, Jeebus, Rose. After I untangled my lady bits off of his face, he kinda yelled something along

the lines of 'funky buttlovin'! I don't know. It's from that geedee kid movie, Rookie of the Year. He's
trying the F Bomb logic, too…" I trailed off.

Nothing in the world is louder than the hyena like laughter of two women making fun of another

one. I think that in this instance it reached a new decibel that would need to be recorded for scientific
purposes. They had officially pushed their laughter level to eleven. I knew I was the butt of the joke,
but as they continued to roll across the floor, howling with laughter, I had to admit that it was
ridiculously funny.

As the hysteria died down, Rose shook her head and caught her breath. "He must really love you if

he stuck around after that."

I kind of blushed and looked away.
"Has he said it yet?" Alice inquired, suddenly serious.
I shook my head no.
"But you love him?"
I closed my eyes and nodded yes.
"That's about right, I think. It's usually around three months that people say it," Alice said


Rose leaned back on her elbows. "And so the delusional Uggo fell in love with the conflicted


I launched myself at her and dug my fingers into her side as she screamed and writhed with

laughter. "Shut up, Rose!"

She rolled me off of her and sat on my hips, pinning me to the floor. Catching her breath again, she

locked eyes with me. "Has he changed your perception of yourself, yet?"

I wrestled my wrists out of her grip and put my hands over my face. "He makes me feel good

enough to be with, I guess."

"Not good enough." Damn Alice.
"Does he tell you that you're beautiful? Does he make you feel like you're more than just a leg to

hump?" Rose was inches from my face and pulling my fingers back so that I would look at her.

Slowly I opened my eyes and set my jaw. "Every damn day."
She rolled off of me and stood up. "Good. Maybe some day you'll believe it. You're both putting all

of this work into each other. I would hate for either one of you to miss out on what you have to offer
the other."


"How is it that we are talking about this?" I asked as I threw my cards down.


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J and Em looked back at me blankly. "Man, it's no big deal. We just want to know if you're being

properly taken care of." Emmett was trying his best to keep a straight face, but he was too much of an
ass to hold it for long.

"Can I ask you something, though, Em? I can't ask Bella. Why is she on birth control if she's not, ya

know…" I felt terrible asking him, but I figured he would know.

"Eh, she's on the four times a year period pill. Season-blahblahblah…lucky bastard. She had cysts

or something rupture back in high school. Really common thing amongst the poonany population. Its
no big deal, but Rose said the bc keeps them from forming or getting too big."

I took that information in and processed it.
"I wish Ro would use that. She has that irritating ring thing that I always think is gonna lodge itself

around my Johnson. And I shiver every time I hear that little purple hour glass chime to tell her to take
it out and let the crimson wave flow."

Jasper nodded in agreement.
It was nearing midnight and I was exhausted. And I missed Bella. Being in the apartment without

her was odd. I kept thinking about wrapping her in my arms and burying my face into her fruity
smelling hair. And then I snuck a glance at the couch and had to stifle a laugh. Which I'm glad I did
because I couldn't imagine how mortified Bella would be if anyone ever found out about that incident.

Emmett's phone beeped with a message and he got a pervy look on his face as he sucked on his

cigar and flipped his phone open. "Picture message from my Ro-ho." He garbled.

A sly smile settled into the corners of his mouth and then he looked concerned. He pulled the phone

closer and turned it away from the light and then back again. "What the ffff…fick?"

Jasper and I walked behind him and leaned into see the picture on his phone. I recognized what it

was immediately and bit my hand before I burst out laughing.

"Is that Rose?"
Emmett nodded.
"Is that a tattoo?"
He sat still and didn't move.
"Holy shitbob, Em! Your girl got a tramp stamp of a monkey humping a coconut!" I almost fell to

the floor with laughter. I had no idea that Rose was that big of a Dane Cook fan.

"Get your coats. We're going down there," Emmett grunted as he reached for his keys. He was

texting Rose furiously to find out what parlor she was at. He drove like a bat out of hell and I swear we
were at the parlor in less than ten minutes. He jumped out of the Jeep and stalked inside where Rose
was holding Alice's hand while she finished up.

Jasper's mouth dropped open and he ran inside to see what Alice was getting inked onto her hip

bone. I looked through the glass and saw Bella sitting idly by in a chair, watching the scene unfold.
Walking through the door, I cringed at the Emmett scolding Rose.

"Why? Why the hell would you get a tat of a monkey humping a coconut? Above your ass?" He

was almost whining now and I sat next to Bella, both of us clearly amused.

"Oh, please. I can do whatever I want to this kick ass body of mine, beefhunk. And I chose this one

because it has three of my favorite things: A Dane reference, screwing and my Monkey Man." She
threw her arms around his neck and kissed him brashly.

He seemed okay with it after that.
"What's Alice getting?" I asked Bella. She smiled and pursed her lips.
"She's getting this little fairy with a crystal ball on her hip bone. Its actually really cute, so I'll be

surprised if J has any problems with it." Bella laughed lightly and continued to flip through the tattoo
magazine. I kissed her on the cheek and nuzzled her neck.

"Do I have to stay with these asstards?" I whispered.


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She snorted. "I guess so. Unless you want to sleep at your place."
I sat back and rolled my eyes. "You're so irritating sometimes, you know that?"
She nodded yes. "Yeah. I've been told that once or twice in my life."
I went to wrap my arm around her shoulders and she ducked, jumping off of the seat. "I'm going to

see how the Tink tat is coming along," she said and sauntered over to Alice.

After Alice finished up we went and got coffee and pie before heading our separate ways. I kissed

Bella lightly and she grinned before pinching my ass.

"I guess you'll be by to pick me up at eleven for the Cullen brunch?"
I affirmed it. "It will be fine. I promise," I said as I kissed her on the forehead one more time.
If she could get through the lunch without her word vomit making an appearance.


We arrived at the Cullen's house by eleven thirty. I guessed that brunch was rich people lingo for

'I'm too lazy to get up for breakfast, but too hungry and impatient to wait for lunch'.

I would just eat a granola bar if I was that hungry. Not invent a whole different meal.
We parked in front of Edward's house and he kissed my hand. "Don't be intimidated, okay? They're

really excited to meet you and you'll fit right in. Just be yourself," I cocked an eyebrow at him and he
winced." Be yourself with more thought behind your words?"

I rolled my eyes. There it was. Bella's sarcastic verbal diarrhea was going to creep up and make an

appearance at some point.

Edward opened my door and I got out, smoothing my dress over my legs and sighing as I toppled a

bit on my heels. I needed to be graceful. I needed to not fall down. I needed to not…speak.

As we entered the front door, the warmth of the house hit me and enveloped me. It smelled of

cinnamon and vanilla; so homey and welcoming. I instantly felt at ease. The rooms were bright and big
and the decorations were understated but classy; they were very obviously placed by a knowing hand.

Edward squeezed my hand as he led me into the kitchen to meet his parents. I instantly knew that

the auburn haired Marlene Dietrich-esque Hollywood starlet that was behind the stove was Esme. She
screamed beauty. This had to be the womb from whence the perfection that was Edward had been born.

She turned suddenly and her smile lit up her whole face and even the room and round it. She was


"Hey, mom. This is Bella. Bella, this is my mother Esme." He pulled me in front of her and her eyes

were so soft and welcoming that I didn't feel nervous at all. I wanted to give her a hug for having sex
27 years ago.

She extended her hand and clasped mine, pulling me into a warm embrace. "Finally. I am so glad

that I am finally getting the opportunity to meet you!" Her voice was soft and sweet and I kind of
melted into her hug; it was an immediate response.

"I'm glad to meet you, too. Edward speaks so highly of you," I said as I pulled away.
She smirked and snapped a kitchen towel at him. "Yeah, I'll bet he does. He gets his smooth skills

from his dad," she chuckled as she turned back to the stove. "Please, make yourself comfortable.
Carlisle will be in momentarily. He's finishing up some work…as usual."

There was a teasing tone to her voice that I liked. Esme was kind of fun already.
"I'll take Bella on a tour of the house, if that's okay," Edward called to her. She nodded and shooed

him away so that she could finish cooking.

We walked through the dark paneled hallways and he stopped every few feet to show me a piece of

art or relic that was hanging on the walls. He showed me the great room where his piano sat, and I had


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an incredibly dirty fantasy run through my head of us having sex on it. Or against it. Hell, just near it…
I could just press my foot against it, that would be good enough.

We maneuvered up the staircase and he looked shy as he stepped in front of a thick wooden door.

"Yeah, ummm. This is my room," he said as he opened the door.

"Shit, CC."
He looked at me with alarm.
"No!" I laughed. "Its beautiful. It's really nice, like…not 'guy' nice. And not 'mom decorated' nice.

It's…you. All over the place."

It was minimally decorated, but the colors were earthy and the furniture was dark and rich in color.

His bed was huge and looked so comfortable I wanted to take a nap right then and there, but that would
have been rude as hell. So I resisted.

He had stacks and stacks of music and movies piled on one side of the room and I whistled with

appreciation. "No way you had those in your barracks," I teased as I pointed to the collection.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned against the bed. "That's what an iPod is for, dear."
"Ugh. No. No dear. No hun. No honey. You can call me that…thing you say? Love. You can call me

Love or Baby, but that other bullshit sounds like we're old farts. Soooo…no."

Edward reached out his hand and pulled me to his chest, running his hands up and down my arms.

"Thanks for doing this. It will be over soon and we can go, okay?" I replied with a tiny kiss.

An intercom crackled and Esme's sweet voice blasted into the room announcing that they were

ready to eat. I took a deep breath and grabbed Edward's hand. "Let's do this so we can go home and
take a nap," I whispered and pulled him down the hallway.

As we made our way into the dining room, I was feeling good about myself. And then, there at the

head of the table was the Greek God Apollo. God of light and sun, truth and prophecy, medicine and
healing… Edward's dad was one hot bitch.

I swallowed my tongue.
Carlisle looked up from his seat and smiled a giant toothy grin in our direction, before getting out

of his seat and meeting us halfway. "You must be Bella. It is wonderful to meet you. Edward's been
talking about you non stop," he chided as he patted E on his back.

Esme laid the last of the food on the table and called, "Are we ready to eat?"
We all sat in our respective chairs and I had to admit that Edward was as laid back and well

rounded as he was because his family was that way. The conversation was easy and Esme told funny
stories about Edward as a kid, though that's where the stories ended because he went away after that. I
understood now why Esme had kept Edward's secret; she was a lioness looking out for her cub. It must
have crushed her to have him sent away.

Carlisle was pleasant as well, but I kept getting a strange feeling that every time I spoke or moved,

he was doing a mental health evaluation on me. I was wondering at which point during the meal he
would pull out the Rorschach tests to find out if I saw demons or penises in the blots.

I was uber proud of myself for being on my best behavior. But, at some point between the omelet

and the mimosa, I became a little too comfortable. Carlisle was talking about something mundane and
useless, like getting his oil changed and I don't know what came over me. I just blurted it out.

"That's why Renee doesn't have a car. My mom always said 'If it has tires or testicles, it's gonna

give you trouble'."

The silence was deafening and Edward looked at me with shock. And then it turned into a look that

said, 'I knew that was going to happen'.

I turned red faced towards Esme to apologize for my language when she nodded her head and

smiled. "No truer words have ever been spoken. I take it that I'll get along very well with your mother,"
she laughed as she sent me a wink across the table.


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Bomb diffused. God bless Esme coolestmomintheuniverse Cullen.
We didn't stay much longer after that, and I said a very heartfelt goodbye to Esme. Hell, she made

me want to be a lady. She made it look…good.

I stood in the foyer with Carlisle and had to look away before his beauty blinded my retinas and

rendered me useless at work. He graciously thanked me for satiating Esme's curiosity, and as Edward
went to get our coats, Carlisle took my hand to say goodbye. I think it was then that he noticed
Edward's cuff bracelet. I was sure he had probably seen it earlier, but his face had a funny look on it
afterwards and I blushed, feeling awkward as I stepped outside and waited for E to say his goodbyes.

I saw the two of them in a suddenly tense discussion and my stomach dropped. Nausea filled my

body and I felt like I was going to throw up.

This couldn't be happening, could it? Had I been delusional?
How could I have thought I was good enough for him?
This was where his family said I wasn't.


'Why are you so quiet?" I asked. Bella was slumped in her seat, head against the window, eyes


"Tired," was her only reply.
Not good.
We parked and Bella jumped out of the car quickly, speed walking her way to Emmett's apartment.

It was empty today for the express reason that she and I wanted some time alone. It looked like that
time wasn't going to be pleasant.

She threw the door open, turned on her iHome and walked into Em's bathroom. Boys Like Girls

came on at a deafening level and I turned it down as I walked by. Standing outside of the bathroom
door, I leaned against it and called," What's wrong?"

"Nothing," was her shaky reply.
"Are you crying?" I asked through the door.
I heard a sob escape her lips and she called back, "Yes. I am a girl, you know. I have a period too,

by the way. And a uterus."

"Why are you crying, love? Talk to me…"
The door to the bathroom opened and she stood in front of me looking so small and sad. "Your

family is perfect, CC. You're clearly too good for me. You shouldn't taint your DNA with my face. I
saw how your dad was looking at me, like he couldn't believe that you would settle," her voice broke as
she pointed at her chest, "for someone like me. He was looking at this," she held up her wrist and
pulled off the leather bracelet, "like I wasn't worthy to wear it."

She dropped the cuff into my hand and pushed past me into the living room.
"Oh…my…god. Are you serious right now? Have you gone completely delusional?" I stormed into

the room after her. "He asked me about the cuff, Bella. He wanted to know…dammit! God, why are
you like this?

"I told my dad about your past. He pulled me aside to tell me that there was no reason I should have

to convince such a beautiful woman that she is just that…beautiful. He said he couldn't believe how
gorgeous you are, and how much you can't see it. He asked me about this cuff because he saw you
wearing it and he knew that I would never take it off and give it to someone unless I really cared about
her. So he asked me flat out if I was in love with you. THAT is what we were talking about, Sybil!"

She turned slowly and faced me with a quivering chin. "What did you tell him?"


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"Ah, hell. Of course I said yes. I wouldn't be here if I didn't love you…I'd have walked out weeks

ago when I felt like I was putting you in danger. But I stayed because I thought that there was some
small chance that you could change and I could change and we could be good for each other." I rubbed
my eyes and shrugged. "But you're still not good enough, right?" I looked up and sighed.

"I'm the one who can't do this, Bella. Not you."
I turned to walk out and heard her crumple to the floor. She was curled up against the fridge,

shaking uncontrollably.

I walked over and sat next to her as she cried. "Why can't you just see? Just say it, Bella."
She wiped her eyes with her hands and choked out breaths. "I can't say it or see it, Edward."
"Say it!" I yelled at her.
Her head snapped up and she yelled back, "I'll say it when you say that you deserve to be loved and

that you deserve to have a normal happy life!"

"I deserve YOU, Bella." I lowered my voice and set my jaw.
She laughed as her shoulders heaved. "And I'm not ugly."
It was close enough.
I pulled her to me and kissed her. Hard. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself

closer until she was sitting on my lap. Her hair was a tangled mess in between my fingers and I sunk
them deeper into her shiny locks as I forced her face closer to mine.

She made a sound of pain and I jerked back. "Did I hurt you?" I asked.
She shook her head and laughed sadly. "No. It's dumb…I shouldn't have done it, but Rose was there

and Alice was there and," she rubbed a spot on her right shoulder.

I sat back a bit and pulled her top away form her neck, looking for what I knew was there. The area

was dressed and covered. From the tattoo she had gotten the night before.

"What is it?" I asked her.
She slumped against my chest and clutched to my shirt. "I don't want to show you. I shouldn't have

done it. It was stupid. And now you'll think I'm stupid too."

I held her back at arms length and silently removed her dress. I pulled her against my chest and ran

my hand along the dressing, easing it back and exposing the half dollar sized symbol that blazed black
against her porcelain skin.

"Wow," I breathed softly.
"I'm sorry," she said into my chest.
"Why would you ever be sorry, love? That's the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me."

I ran my fingers gently along the small dark oval replica of my own tattoo. "Why, though. Why this?" I
asked into her hair.

She sighed and sniffled. "Because, Edward. Now matter how this ends, you've changed me. You've

marked my heart, so I wanted a…symbol of you… on the outside too. It will always remind me of
where I came from and where I want to be. And I'll always have a piece of you with me."

My fingers lingered over the tattoo and something deep inside of me whispered, 'Mine'.


He thinks I am a damn stalker.
I really hadn't meant it in any other way than what I said, honestly. When Rose suggested we go as

a girl 'bonding experience' I had thought maybe I would be like Phoebe on FRIENDS and get a dot and
then tell everyone it's what earth looked like from heaven or something equally as ridiculous as that.

But when we walked in, I knew immediately that if I was going to do something to my body


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forever, I wanted it to be meaningful. And Edward's tattoo was the most meaningful thing I could think
of. His reasoning behind it was my own and it seemed clear to me at the time. Now I just wished I had
gotten a drunk frog or something.

His hand was trailing softly over the raised flesh and I cowered into his chest, hoping that he

wouldn't just walk out the door because he finally realized that I was undeniably bat shit crazy.

I was afraid to look up and for a moment I wondered if I would just pass out from the panic I was

feeling. I didn't want him to leave, but I would understand if he did. I wouldn't blame him one bit.

"Did you mean it?" I whispered against his shirt. "When you told your dad that you loved me, did

you mean it?"

His embrace tightened around me and he lowered his lips to my ear. "Absolutely," was his reply.
"Show me," I said softly.
It's too late baby, there's no turning around
I've got my hands in my pocket and my head in a cloud
He knew. He understood exactly what I meant. There was no turning back after this and no matter

how this ended; I would always have this moment. I would always know it had been him and no one

Cause you caught me off guard
Now I'm running and screaming
With a small nod against my temple, he gathered me into his arms and carried me slowly to

Emmett's room and turned on the lights.

I feel like a hero and you are my heroine
Placing me on my feet, he held me close to his chest. I felt a tremor run through his body as his

hands slid down my spine, fingers tracing each vertebrae as he took his time to prepare himself.

I won't try to philosophize
I'll just take a deep breath and I'll look in your eyes
Slowly, he moved back and bent his head to kiss me. "I love you too, Edward," I said when he

broke away. He smiled softly and ran his hand down my neck before he rested his palm on my
shoulder. Turning me around, he brushed my hair aside and kissed my neck, down to my shoulder
blade. His lips left a light trail across my hot skin and I shivered with anticipation.

This is how I feel
And it's so surreal
Fingers moving swiftly, he unclasped my bra and let it fall to the floor. With my eyes closed, I

listened as he disrobed behind me before resting both hands on my waist and moving me closer to the

"Up," were his only instructions. I followed and crawled up onto the comforter, laying my head

down on the pillows as I watched him reach for Emmett's nightstand.

"Edward?" I called softly as he grabbed a foil package. "You've never done this without one of

those, right?" He nodded.

I knew it had been a while since he had done this, and I also knew that he had been tested for STDs

on a regular basis in the military. To me, if he was going to be my first, I wanted to be his first at
something too.

And I didn't want there to be anything between us this time. Just us.
"Can I be your first?" The question sounded small and wrong in the tiny room. His eyes flicked

back and forth between me and the package and he laid it back down, shutting the drawer.

My eyes never left him as he crawled across the bed towards me. He settled himself over my body

and whispered, "Are you sure?"

As my heart beat furiously inside my chest I told him yes. Edward pressed against me, kissing me


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sweetly as his hands freely roamed across my nipples and rib cage. They were soft and firm, and he
knew what he was doing as they dipped lower. Slipping both hands into the sides of my panties, he
rolled them off. And then he pulled his boxers off too and settled in between my thighs.

His breathing was staggered as he ran his hand from my thigh and up higher until his fingers were

immersed within my slick walls. I cried out as he moved them in and out slowly, testing and preparing
me for him. A slight smile played across his lips as he applied more pressure to the engorged nerves
that made my legs twitch.

I tried to read between the lines
I tried to look in your eyes
I want a simple explanation
For what I'm feeling inside
Instinctively, I grasped a hold of the pillow above my head and started to pull it down. His hand

was out in a flash as he leaned forward and threw it on the floor. His arms were braced on each side of
my head and he stared right into my eyes as he positioned himself against my entrance.

"You promised. Lights on, remember?"
Why the hell did I promise something so stupid?
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
My cheeks flamed red but I knew he was right. He took both of my hands and placed them around

his neck as he bent to kiss me again. Nudging himself closer, he reached between us and placed himself
at the exact spot he needed to be in. With a small thrust, he began to enter me and my hands tightened
around his neck with each advancing inch.

Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
He held himself off of me as he watched my face for any sign of pain or discomfort. "Okay?" He

whispered as I tensed underneath him.

So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder
I didn't even realize that I wasn't breathing until that moment. I let out my breath slowly and

assured him that I was fine. He took my word for it and continued to fill me slowly, waiting as I
adjusted myself against him. My eyes flew open when he was completely buried in me and I blinked
back the small tears that had formed.

It did hurt, that's not a lie. And I'm sure it had more to do with what he had to offer in comparison to

the pillow guy. Or my vibrator for that matter. But the tears were there because it was done.

I was his.
He didn't move and I focused on his face as he flexed his jaw and closed his eyes. "Bella," he half


Instinct took over and I shifted my hips against him, breathing heavily at the contact. He cursed and

gripped my hip with his hand, halting my movements. "Too fast," he choked out. "Give me a second."

I couldn't wait any longer. My hand caressed his face and I smiled up at him through half lidded

eyes. Wrapping my legs around his hips, I shifted closer. His eyes snapped open and he tightened his
grip on my hip as he returned his lips to mine.

There really is no way to describe the momentous pleasure that I experienced as he pulled out

slightly and thrust back into me. My hands were buried in his hair and his lips were on mine, or my
neck, or my breasts as he repeated it over again, finding his rhythm as I moved with him. My legs


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tightened around him of their own accord and we both made pleasure sounds as I took him in deeper.

His arms were shaking as he looked between us and watched our joining and separating with each

calculated movement. A look of happiness crossed his face as he met my eyes with his. He was
murmuring soft words of flattery and I didn't make him stop. I returned them, telling him how gorgeous
he was and how much I wanted him, loved him.

He finally rested all of his weight on me and closed the small distance that we had between us,

causing his thrusting to speed up slightly. His hands were on my face and in my hair as he took me
completely and I called his name over and over until I felt him tense and he gripped my legs, crying out
my name…my name…as his orgasm rocked through both of us. I breathed heavily in his ear as his
hand dipped between us and he applied pressure to my nerves and sent me reeling into my own,
clenching around him as he finished.

"Edward...," I managed out as my body went rigid against his and he held me underneath him as I


His mouth was slack as I pulsed around his shaft and he held still, choking out my name. But

always looking into my eyes. Never looking away from my face.

My face.
And it didn't bother me at all.


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Chapter 12


I wish that I could say that once we had sex, Edward stopped humping me during the night. But I

wouldn't know because once we opened those gates…also known as my legs… it was on.

Like Donkey Kong's schlong.
I talked with Alice and Rose about it and they both agreed that the first year or so afterward, its all

you think about. Some sort of weird peen lust that makes you crazy. You can't focus or do anything, and
its all you want. I wasn't arguing with them on that one.

For days, all I thought about was him, his hands, his mouth…every inch of him on me or inside of

me. And his smell made me want to turn into a wild animal. It's like he was in my veins…like a drug.
And I needed him all the time.

I didn't even feel the same. Not about myself. Or our relationship. I felt strong and loved and

satisfied. And I wondered if other people noticed a difference in me as well. I paid closer attention to
the way people were looking at me, gauging if they were noticing me walk or talk different.

Because I felt so different, I decided to do some more changes. The next week I went back to my

apartment with some boxes from work and set about cleaning out my room. I cranked the radio and
began tossing things into the boxes, getting rid of what I didn't want or need anymore. Rose and Alice
looked on in amusement as I tore more drawers apart.

"What have you done?" Emmett was yelling into the phone.
My ears perked up and I poked my head through the door to see him on his cell.
"Seriously, E. I know you must lay good pipe, dude. But come on! She's flipping out in there!"
I threw some more stuff in my boxes as he continued to berate my boyfriend. By now, Al and Ro

had set up lawn chairs in the hallway and were sharing a bowl of popcorn as they stared at the disaster I
was making.

"You know those sweatpants with the holes? And the big ass shirt that goes with them? Yeah? Ya

do? Gone. GONE!" Emmett was holding the cell away from his face to get his point across. "No, she's
keeping the short panties…"

I threw more stuff in the hallway.
"Now she's trashing her comforter! What the hell did you do to her?"
I paused and took a breath before I threw the last item on top of the huge pile I had made. A

collective, "NO!" was being yelled by everyone and Alice was howling with laughter.

Emmett slapped his fist to his head and bellowed, "She just threw away her vibrator, bro. There's no

way…" He listened for a second and then turned to look at me. "E says to keep that."

I smiled widely and grabbed it off of the pile, putting it back in the drawer.
Emmett walked into my room and looked around in disbelief. Breathing heavily and wiping sweat

from my face, I reached over and gave him a hug around his chest. "Damn, Em. You weren't this
concerned when he took your couch's virginity." I pinched his ass and jumped back, laughing at his

His mouth was set in a grim line and he shook his head from side to side, trying to find something

to say.

"Can you get the bag that I have in my trunk and bring it up for me?" I asked sweetly.
He snatched my keys and returned a minute later. I ripped open the bag and unfurled my new white

down comforter, laying it perfectly across my mattress. I smiled in satisfaction and then launched


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myself on to it.

Progress. One step at a time.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair as I listened to Eric tell me about his latest issue with Stefan,

his desk mate.

"He comes in at eight, okay? And then he makes this weird onion broth that he heats up and then

lets cool on the desk for half an hour. Then he drinks it for breakfast as he takes his garlic supplements
and iron pills. By nine I am so nauseous, I can't even function. But the best is after lunch. He runs for
thirty minutes and then takes a nap in his car before he changes. So he SWEATS out the garlic and
onion and vitamins but he doesn't shower so its everywhere, Bella!" Eric was scratching the top of his
hand so fervently I was sure he would make himself bleed.

I looked past his head to the glass in the middle of my door and saw Edward standing off to the

side, talking to Emmett. He glanced back at me and I held up a finger to tell him I'd be right there.

"Eric, I really can't tell an employee that he smells like funky Ramen. It's just not…legal. I can ask

him to not drink his stuff at his desk, and I can send out a reminder email about etiquette and personal
hygiene, if it makes you feel more comfortable."

Looking exasperated, he got up from his seat. I motioned for him to lean back down towards me.
"You could always bring in a potted plant…something that smells like pine. Or get an air freshener

and sit it right at the line where both of your desks connect. That's not against policy," I finished as I
gave him a wink.

He looked relieved and thanked me as he opened the door to leave, allowing Edward to pass by as

he came in to my office.

"Mr. Cullen? Can I help you?" I asked as professionally as I could.
He smiled a wide toothy grin and shut the door behind him. Sauntering forward with his hands in

his pockets and a smoldering look in his eyes, he stared at me. My breath caught and I locked my eyes
onto his lips, dazed as he spoke.

"I'm throwing a Halloween party and was wondering what the office etiquette is for inviting


"Depends," I almost whispered. "Who do you want to invite?"
He sat in the guest chair and leaned across my desk so that anyone walking by would think we were

in a serious HR related discussion. But his hand covered my own and his fingers trailed over the tips of
mine, making them twitch.

Wanna suck on one?
"Well, I'd like to invite a few of the people that I work around, in my desk cluster. And I'd like to

invite Emmett and his Amazon girlfriend. And her roommate and boyfriend…but they aren't
coworkers." His eyes were twinkling as he dropped his voice. "But if I invite those people, I don't know
how my HR director would react."

"Hmmm," I replied, seeing the dilemma. "It would be awkward when the rest of the party sees her

sucking face with you all night. And it would be highly embarrassing for both of you when her hands
inevitably end up in your pants on the dance floor." I leaned back in my chair, pretending to think.

"I guess you'll either have to not invite anyone and just have your way with your girlfriend in your

big empty house, alone…" I smiled suggestively. "Or she'll have to wear a mask." I pouted my lip.

"You'd look cute as Batman," he chided.
"Whatever, studpants. Just invite everyone and we'll just pretend to be friends." I nodded my head

and waited as he did the same. He smiled that panty slicking half smile and got up to leave.

"Oh!" I called and he turned back to face me. "If you invite the Skank Brigade, and any of them try


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to touch you, I will stab them with Jasper's paring knife."

His eyes bugged out and he laughed loudly as he opened the door to leave.
What the hell was he laughing for? I was dead serious.


We were all sitting in the living room of Bella's apartment, attempting to watch a movie. But

between the death glares I was getting from Emmett and the incessant droning of Alice in regards to
planning…not asking to plan…planning the Halloween party, I couldn't concentrate.

Finally fed up, I paused the movie and turned towards Emmett while putting my palm over Alice's

mouth. "What's up, Em?" I asked with irritation.

Bella and Rose were huddled around the laptop looking at costumes and I heard them go quiet.
Emmett didn't even blink. "I don't think this party is a good idea, E. Bella's changed…she's

noticeably different to people. Especially at work. And with the way you two give off heat and
pheromones, people at work are bound to find out and talk. And then you guys will lose your jobs. I
haven't said anything to my dad, but if he finds out, I'll be jobless too."

"Ugh, dammit Em! How in the funkin hell am I different?" Bella yelled as she stomped into the

living room.

Emmett looked at her like she was crazy. "You're different, Bees. You walk different, you don't fall

down anymore, you dress yourself and put on make up. You look…like you got laid." His eyes slid to
me. "All the time."

I threw my hands in the air and groaned. "I can't win, then. Can I? You tell me that you want her to

be more self sufficient, you want her to find someone, you want her to be happy. And now that she is,
you hate it."

Rose perched on the end of the couch and Alice curled up next to her. They looked between

Emmett and I with fascination. Bella stood to the side of me with her arms crossed and her foot

"I understand the work part of it, Emmett. Don't doubt for a second how grateful I am to your father

for giving me a job. But I'm an adult, and I can handle Bella at work versus Bella here." I pointed my
finger at the floor. "I'm not dumb enough to get us found out by throwing a party for coworkers. The
truth is that I thought it would be fun and that we could hang out with more than just the six of us."

I grabbed Bella's hand and pulled her forward. "And Bella needs to take her next step. They need to

stop seeing her as a 'social pariah' and see her for who she really is." I smiled down at her and winked.
"Give us more credit, okay?"

Rose and Alice smiled at each other and made small sighs. "You said 'us' Edward. You totally love

each other!" Alice was squealing and I rolled my eyes at her enthusiasm.

Emmett seemed to diffuse for a second. Things were much easier when Jasper was there. He had

such a knack for calming people down.

Emmett didn't even look away from my face. He snapped his fingers and pointed at Bella. "Quick.

What costume were you just looking at?"

Bella answered immediately, "It was a bee costume."
"Slutty bee!" Rose corrected her.
Emmett nodded. "Last year? She would have been the bee girl from the Blind Melon video."
Rose and Alice both got off of the couch and wrapped their arms around Bella. Rose spoke first,

"Emmett. Our little girl is growing up."

I snickered and Bella's face blushed bright red. Shaking, she turned to me and asked me to go wait


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in her room. Then she asked the girls if she could be alone with Emmett. I stood by the door and

"Emmett, come here." She pulled him on the couch and laid her head on his shoulder. "You are my

very best friend. In the whole world, you know that. Right?"

Emmett looked unsure. She rolled her eyes and slapped the back of his head. "Who else knows that

you still suck your thumb in your sleep, eh?"

His face broke out into a grin and he put her in a headlock. She squealed and rolled towards him

until her foot was on his shoulder and she broke free. "See? You even taught me self defense," she
gasped out.

He chuckled deeply and she sat back down on the couch, draping her legs across his thighs. She

pointed towards her room and winked as she saw me looking. "This doesn't change us, Em. I've always
wanted what you and Rose have. You've been my guardian for so long, and I owe you guys so much.
But you're not being replaced, Douche Wrapper. If anything, I'll need you to kick his ass when he gets
out of line," she snickered and looked at me again.

He looked thoughtful and then sighed. "Just don't change you, okay? We love you for who you are

and always have been. You're the biggest pain in our asses, but we've gotten used to it. I am glad that
you're gaining confidence, alright? And that he's making you walk straight from the constant banging
you're receiving." Bella giggled and bit her cheek. "Just don't lose you in your change, okay?" She sat
up and gave him a hug and a noisy kiss on the cheek.

"Glad we had this talk," she smiled as she got off of the couch. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going

to go have sex with Edward in my room. G'night!"

Bella crossed the floor to her bedroom and closed the door behind her. She shook her head and

placed her fingers to her lips as she locked the door that had been fixed. The apartment was still rather
quiet and Bella had a wicked smile on her face as she sat in the middle of the bed and pulled me on to it
with her.

"Can you fake an orgasm?" She asked while trying to hold a straight face.
I leaned back. "Like a guy porn star?"
She nodded.
"Okay," she got out between her quiet laughter. "Follow my lead." She crawled closer to the wall

and hit it with her hand. "Oh, god…yes. YES!" she was screaming.

I stared at her wide-eyed and she rolled her eyes at me. "Harder!" she moaned…quite believably.
I was kinda getting turned on…
"Oh, EDWARD!" She was yelling louder now and I didn't know if I could pull off the Oscar worthy

performance she was giving.

Until she pinched my leg and I yelled, "Oh!"
She made a face and shook her head, as she bounced on the bed, making it creak. So I got into it.
"Oh…oh…oh, baby…" I said in my best Seventies Porn Star impression. "Oh…yeah…"
Bella was almost doubled over in laughter by that point and we heard Emmett at the door before he

even started banging on it.

"That's beyond disturbing!" He was yelling from the door.
I bit back my laughter as I walked over and opened the door to reveal Bella moaning against the

wall. "Yeah, daddy!" She yelled and dissolved into laughter when Emmett could finally see the entire

He looked irritated but relieved at the same time. He nodded and winked. "Okay. You got me. I'm

out of Dad mode now. But, dude," he looked at me and smirked, "you don't really sound like that when
you…" he thrust his hips at me and Bella burst out laughing.


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"No!" I said incredulously.
Bella walked over to him and gave him a hug. "See? I'm still a pain in your ass. Always will be, big


He ruffled her hair and then extended a fist to me. We bumped knuckles and he looked satisfied. He

pointed two fingers to his eyes and then to mine. "I'm watching you, Focker."

Bella shut the door and leaned against it, looking at me with a strange look in her eyes. After a

second she walked over to me and pulled me in for a kiss. Moving her face back, she smiled.

"Who knew you were one of those hot funny guys that I love so much?"


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Chapter 13


"Edward?" Esme's voice floated down the hallway into the kitchen as I was finishing my Golden

Grahams. I heard her tiny feet shuffling along the wood floors and looked up as she padded her way
past the oven. She had her brows furrowed and her lips puckered as she leaned over the granite island.

I turned my cereal bowl up to finish the milk when I heard her ask, "Are you being safe?"
I swear on everything that was right and holy, my mother said that. And milk spurt out of my nose

because of it. Choking, I grabbed a napkin and wiped my nose while trying to catch a breath.

"Please tell me you are inquiring about my seat belt use, Mom." I gagged.
She rolled her eyes and moved gracefully into the chair next to me. Laying a soft hand on my arm

she shook her head. "I'm not stupid. You're old enough to make these decisions, of course. And I really
like Bella…" she stopped and cocked her head. "It is Bella, right?"

"Oh…what…I don't even know what…" I sputtered as I wiped the residual milk from my shirt. I

looked up into my mother's beautiful jade eyes and laughed nervously. "Yes. It's Bella. Damn, you're a
nosy woman, you know that?" I chided her as I got up from the table to put my bowl in the dishwasher.

She pressed her hands together and nodded. "I know. It's one of my many, many charms, son. I just

want to know if you're being careful…with everything."

I turned back to her, sighing as I leaned against the counter. "Yes. Safe. Anything else?"
She rubbed her eyes and looked down. "Nope."
I chuckled at her obvious discomfort. "Can I ask what brought this awkward interrogation on?"
She pulled a foot under her leg and leaned on the table, supporting her head on her hand. Smiling

broadly she laughed. "Your sheets have been clean for the past two weeks."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and grimaced. "These are the joys of living at home, I suppose."

Sighing deeply, I reached for a granola bar and an apple. "I'm going to work, now. Let's…never have
this conversation again, okay?"

She grinned and shrugged. "We'll see."
I drove to work pondering on how much Bella was like Esme. It was endearing and frightening at

the same time. They could both be crazy in a Hand that Rocks the Cradle sort of way, I was sure of it.
But maybe together, the craziness would cause some sort of black hole…like Superman and Bizarro
Superman. They could create a wormhole of craziness…

I made my way to my desk, nodding at my coworkers as I passed. McCarty's encouraged workers

to dress up for Halloween, and I was amused at the choices that people had made. It was obvious that
the costumes had been chosen specifically for the work place and I was chuckling at the thought of how
much restraint someone like Lauren had to exercise in her decision to wear a froufrou Cinderella

Deep down inside, she probably just wanted to wear a thong, tail and heels and say she was a cat or


I sat down and started up my computer when I heard a loud groan from the break room. Looking up

I saw Emmett shaking his head from side to side and rubbing his hands over his face. He walked over
to my desk and leaned against it, crossing his arms.

"Nice" I commented as I made a hand gesture to his outfit.
He looked down and nodded. "Wyatt Erp. Tombstone." Then he looked back at me and winced. "Do

me a favor," he said in a whisper. "Stay clear of Bees today. You two are…" he bit the inside of his


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cheek and muttered something under his breath. "Same brain." He clapped his palm on my shoulder
hard. "Not gonna be able to keep this quiet if you two have the same brain waves."

I snorted and turned in my chair. "I didn't even talk to her about this," I said as I straightened my tie.
He chewed on his pinky nail and raised his eyebrows. "I know. That's why it's so damn freaky." He

pushed off of my desk and walked away shaking his head.


"Emmett! Why are you being so weird?" I asked as I filled my coffee mug. He was blocking the

doorway and had a gunslinger stance. I smirked, "Its not High Noon, padnah."

He crossed his arms and didn't budge. "Just stay in your office today. Don't draw attention to

yourself and no one will say anything about the terrifying coincidence."

I put my hand to his forehead and frowned. "Are you sick? Do you need some Theraflu?"
He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to my office. "Sit. And stay." He commanded before he

walked out.

I shrugged his strange behavior off and turned to my Outlook to check my mail. I smiled and

giggled as an email from Edward came through.

~E: Emmett is trying to get us to stay away from each other today. Do you know why?
I thought and couldn't figure it out.
~B: Nope. He was dropped a few times as a baby, though. Maybe he's just now feeling the effects?
I sipped my coffee and leaned back in my chair, waiting for his reply.
~E: Maybe it's our costumes? Is he afraid I'll attack you at your desk?
I blew on my drink and looked down in dismay.
~B: Hardly. This is not a sexy costume in the least.
~E: Mine, either.
I picked at my nails and bit my lip.
~B: Walk by.
I waited, holding my breath. I knew he was in the hallway before I even heard his long strides. The

air buzzed when he was near me. I peeked my head over my monitor and waited to catch a glimpse of
him. I was perched at the end of my chair and had my head raised when he walked by slowly, turning
slightly as he got to my door.

I fell out of my chair.
"Shit, CC," I giggled as I pulled myself to my knees. "We can't be seen anywhere near each other


His eyes were wide and then his lips pulled tight, trying to stop the laugh that was about to explode

from them. He looked from his outfit to mine and shook his head. I stood up and straightened my
cardigan and smoothed down my skirt.

I sighed and pressed a finger to my temple. "I didn't know you actually took Rose's advice and

watched…You should meet me in the ladies bathroom on the first floor in ten minutes. I am pretty sure
you are the epitome of my dream man at this moment." I cracked my knuckles and pressed my knees

Edward was dressed in a simple white shirt, black tie and black pants. But he had three black dots

cut out of poster board taped across the left side of his chest. He was Three Hole Punch Jim from The
Office Halloween episode.

Jimward. Ugh…I was in trouble. So was Vicki.


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And Fugit to hell, I was dressed as Pam damn Beasley.
Yeah. Sex was to be had in these outfits. Can you say 'sexual fantasy'?
His eyes twinkled and he made a small salute as he walked the opposite direction towards the


I would be taking the stairs.
The first floor bathroom was a single unit and actually had a lock. And a toilet lid. I didn't know if it

was used for this sort of thing on a regular basis, but I was willing to give it a whirl at this exact
moment. Because this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Walking slowly down the hallway, I looked over my shoulder repeatedly until I made it to the door.

I knocked timidly and waited. There was a shuffling and a flush before the door opened and Edward's
pale face appeared. I scrunched my nose and leaned back.

"You didn't just go in there, did you?" I whispered loudly.
He gave me a look that said I was a moron and he pulled me inside of the room into the dim

lighting. "If it wasn't you, don't you think it would have been obvious if I just walked out without
flushing? You don't know much about this sneaking around business, do you?' He asked as he sat on the
lid, cocking an eyebrow in my direction, a slight grin playing across his lips.

"You should be glad I don't have that much experience, CC. It should make you feel manly," I

teased him as I hiked my skirt up slightly to straddle his leg. His fingers played lightly along the
sensitive skin of my thigh and my breath hitched at the feel of him. He kissed softly behind my ear and
ran his hand higher, causing me to squirm against his leg and make panting noises.

"Easy," he whispered. "You have to be quiet."
Well too damn bad, Jimward. I want to scream and brag about those fingers of yours.
Miney mine all mines.
And Vicki's.
I pushed my breasts up towards his face and bit my lip against the moan that was building from his

piano work in my nether regions. "Ungh, CC. That feels so good," I whispered into his hair.

He pushed me back gently and pulled off his pants. "You're going to leave a spot," he chuckled as

he moved me back to where I had been before. My wet heat pressed against his leg…and that's about
the time where things started to go wrong.

In hindsight, it probably happened a lot like this:
My lady juices made my stance a little unsteady, and I slipped a bit. When I tried to catch myself I

hit Edward in the face with my forehead. He let go of my arms to grab his face and I fell backwards,
ripping my skirt and grabbing his tie to right myself.

This made him fall off of the toilet with his pants around his knees.
By the end of it, we were both on the disgusting bathroom floor. E was obviously worse off what

with the bloody nose and bruised knees. But how was I going to explain the ripped skirt?

I stayed right where I was on the bathroom floor and turned my head a fraction of an inch to look at

Edward. "Right," I sighed. "Are you okay?"

He squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his hands into the bridge of his nose. "Ahl bhee find," he

said in a sad nasal tone.

I couldn't help the bitter chuckle that rose from my lips and shook my entire body. My shoulders

were shaking and I curled into a ball as I pulled myself to sitting. Tears were streaming down my face
as I looked down and gazed upon the man who held every last bit of fantasy my little mind could ever
conjure up. And five minutes in the bathroom with me had given him a bloody nose and blue balls.

He was totally gonna hump his mattress tonight.

The next couple of days before his Halloween party, E stayed pretty busy and we didn't see each


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other very much outside of work. And of course, during work hours we stayed apart. It was getting
much harder for me to keep my affections for him a secret. Part of me just wanted to go to my boss and
lay it out on the line.

It would be terrible for Edward, though.
I hadn't realized how hard it was for ex military to get a job after they got out. The job market was

just awful at the moment, and it didn't matter if you had defended our country or not. Jobs were slim to
none and I wouldn't want to jeopardize his position at McCarty's.

I'd quit before I let that happen.
The night of his party, our apartment was buzzing with anticipation. Alice had gone over to the

Cullen's earlier in the day to set everything up, and I had stayed away because I didn't want to break
anything or get in the way. Plus, I didn't want to hang around his house and then have to retreat back to
my apartment, only to return later and make my big fake entrance. So I stayed at the apartment and
helped everyone else get ready.

We were going to take cabs so that no one would be handcuffed to the DD oath all night. So starting

at seven we began drinking a little. Well, I drank a little. Emmett got plastered before I could even
assist him with putting on his loincloth. Maybe it was a junk guard?

"Emmett, just sit on the bed and let me get you dressed," I hissed through my teeth as I tried to

shove his shin guards up.

He laughed and ran his hands over his chest. "Look how the tables have turned, Bees! You're

dressing ME!"

"Haha," I grumbled. "Sit up."
He teetered as he sat up and I smacked his cheek. "Sober up, dick tip. You work with these people.

And they work for your dad. I'm already going to have half of them in my office on Monday to discuss
their dirty thoughts about you after they see you in this get up. Eat something before you leave this
apartment and try not to puke before you even get there."

His face broke in to a wide grin and he looked down at his abs, flexing them and then waggling his

eyebrows. "The Skankettes are gonna eat this shit up," he slurred.

'Rose!" I yelled into the hallway. She appeared at the door looking perfect and ethereal in her long

white Roman dress. I looked between the two of them and groaned. "You know The 300 came out in
2006, right?" She nodded and secured her bracelet.

Emmett gripped my cheeks and pinched. "But look how hot we are!"
I shoved him back on the bed and handed Rose his red cape. "All yours," I told her as I walked to

Alice's room.

"Lice? Are you and J in need of assistance?"
I heard giggling and then she called softly, "I think we're good."
The door opened and I burst out laughing. Alice waddled out rubbing her fake belly and scrunched

her nose up into a smile. Jasper followed behind her and I fell on the floor, hoping not to pee.

"Oh, holy fonkers, you two! Alice," I was wheezing out as I tried to sit back up, "You look exactly

like Juno!" She laughed and nodded as she adjusted her long brown wig that had been pulled into a
ponytail. She pulled her green hoodie over the stretched orange striped tshirt. I reached out and yanked
her little skirt down over her jeans and chuckled.

My eyes landed on Jasper's short gold running shorts and I shook my head in disbelief. He adjusted

his sweatbands and stretched out his maroon tshirt before shooting me a shit eating grin.

"Damn, J. You are the most perfect Paulie Bleeker I have ever seen."
I finally composed myself and stood up as I caught my breath. "Do you have your tic tacs?" I asked

him and he nodded, reaching into his sock and shaking the container at me.

I wiped my tears from my face and nodded. "Good, then you're all ready to head out. The cab is


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outside, so get the hell outta here." I shoved my thumb at the door and jerked my head in that direction.
"I'll see you all there in a bit."

I continued to chuckle as I walked into my bedroom and pulled out my costume. What sucked

about tonight was that getting ready for a Halloween party required me to look at myself in the mirror
for an extended amount of time. But if I focused on each portion of my face separately, I would be fine.
It was just when I looked at all of them together that I got anxious.

I took all of the items that Rose had insisted that I buy and I laid them out on my desk. I had set up

Alice's make up mirror in there and I took a deep breath as I began. I concentrated on the fake
eyelashes and took painstaking amounts of time to put them on, checking and rechecking the
instructions. I passed on the eyeliner because that shit comes with years of practice. I read Alice's
instructions to a T and then pushed away from the make up mirror to grab my hair items.

Focusing intently, I swept my bangs across my forehead and pinned them behind my ear. I curled

the ends of my hair and ran my fingers through them to loosen the tightness and create waves. I affixed
the headband behind my ears and pulled some strands loose on the sides.

We had looked at a few costumes, and Rose had insisted that I either be a lamb or a bumblebee.

Given the fact that the lamb costume was pretty much a fleece bra and panties with a ruffle on it, I went
with the bee. It was definitely the slutty bee that she had referred to the night that Em and I had our
heart to heart. But I put my Bella twist on it and added some layers, making it less…whore-ish.

I had a racer back tank that I added under the strapless tube top. Under the skirt I added some frilly

lace can-can short panties and then a layer of crinoline. Under that, I added some striped thigh high
socks and lastly I stepped into my Chucks. All in all, I was cute. And I could live with cute.

Cute wouldn't get me groped next to E's piano. Unless E was groping…then bring it on, sucker.
I grabbed my wings and purse, and then dialed the cab company to come and get me. After calling

and getting an estimated pick up time of ten minutes, I called E.

"Hey beautiful," he purred into the phone and I snickered.
"Are you drunk already? Because I was hoping to make up for the bathroom incident tonight."
He laughed lowly. "No, I'm not. And yes, you will. Esme said to thank you for the last two weeks of

clean sheets, and I would hate to disappoint her when she gets back from vacation if she sees that
things have changed."

"Stop it! I just put these panties on!" I whined as I pictured him naked and doing ungodly things to

me. I pulled on my black hoodie and startled when I heard a knock on the door.

That was fast. And the cabby didn't usually knock.
"Okay, Sex Machine. I'm on my way. Don't go falling asleep and humping your piano bench before

I get there," I chided him as I opened the door.

"Holy Mother of…Jake! What the hell are you doing here?" I screamed into the hallway. I hung up

the phone and watched warily as he loped into my apartment.

"Nice to see you too, Bella." He retorted, taking a seat on the couch and stretching his legs out.
I looked at the door and then at him in confusion. Waving the phone at him I scowled. "Ever hear of

calling first? I repeat, what the hell are you doing here?"

He rolled his eyes and reached his hand into his jeans to retrieve a key. "We got your truck fixed, so

you can stop using Rose's car. Charlie sent me to deliver it to you."

I slammed the door and grit my teeth. "And how are you supposed to get back tonight?"
His long tan frame stretched out even more as he shoved his hand through his faux hawk. His

Quileute heritage was unmistakable, and now that he was about seven feet tall, it was overbearing. He
smirked and looked at me like I already knew that answer.

"No!" I screamed and stomped my foot, sending my layers fluttering against my thighs. He quirked

a brow at me and watched everything bounce. "If you stay here, and Emmett comes back with Rose,


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then there won't be enough room in this apartment for us non-giants! Plus…" I scowled," I wasn't
planning on staying here tonight."

He sucked at his teeth and snorted. "Obviously. Whoever you were promising sex to when I

knocked on your door is probably waiting for you."

"Fuuuuuuu," I whined as I hit my head against the door.
Jake paused before finishing, "uuuck."
"What do you want, Jacob?" I asked acidly as I turned and leaned against the door.
He scratched his chin and nodded at my costume. "Take me with you. I'll stay on the couch tonight

and we'll go to Forks later tomorrow so you can see your dad…this year."

"You have no costume," I replied haughtily.
He looked towards the rooms.
"Dammit, fine. Let me see if Emmett left any of the last year's costumes here." I stomped in and

threw Rose's closet doors open. Shuffling through her hangers I searched in vain for the outfit I was
looking for. Shoving my hand as far back into the abyss as it would go, my fingers came into contact
with the fur and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I threw the costume at his head and looked at the clock. "Two minutes or I leave your ass."

"God bless, you are a hostile bitch, B." Jake scratched at the costume and I punched his arm in


We walked up to the front door of Edward's house and I turned around to face him. "You know that

we are not related. I think you're a perv ever since you taped me undressing when you were fifteen."

"We're not related," he reminded me pointedly.
"Exactly. So I owe you nothing. Charlie kept you around, not me. So, you split from me here and

meet back up at the end of the night. At least these girls are older than fourteen, you Chester," I
muttered as I adjusted my socks.

"Hey! Emily was legal. Seventeen is legal, Bella."
I flipped him off. "You were twenty two, perv."
I grasped the doorknob and walked in, veering left and losing him in the dim light. My hostility

towards him had grown as he had hit puberty. And when I found pictures of me in his room, crumpled
and creased with thumbprints, I had disowned him right then and there. I never told Charlie, but it
disgusted me to no end that he would have whack sessions to my face.

My face of all faces.
I scoured the living room and relaxed when I saw Edward leaning against the wall talking to a very

inebriated Emmett. The lights were dancing and Alice had decorations in every corner that screamed
Halloween. Bats and coffins, mummies and vampires. Pumpkins were scattered everywhere and smoke
machines were whirring out of the corners. A dance floor had been cleared and a sound system with
giant speakers had been set up off to the side.

Alice didn't play games when it came to hosting.
I practically ran to Edward when I was within two feet of him.
He smiled a mile wide and went to pull me in to an embrace before the reality of our surroundings

hit him and he clenched his fists, putting them by his side. "Sorry I'm late," I yelled into his ear. I
pointed at the tall furry frame moving above the crowd. "Complication."

He looked confused and I blinked my eyes shut. "Jake! My dad sent him to take me home

tomorrow." He shrugged and mouthed, 'Who?'

"The guy in the Big Bad Wolf costume? My 'brother'," I reminded him using finger quotes.


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He pouted his lip. "No sleepover?" I shook my head sadly.
Emmett was looking behind him and he swayed. "Jake is here?"
I shook my head and walked to the bar to get a drink. I felt Edward come up beside me and he

leaned in. "You look hot," he yelled into my ear.

I leaned back and took in his retro baseball uniform. "Pretty sexy yourself."
He laughed and pointed at his eye. "I thought it fit the black eye. Plus I get to say, 'There's no crying

in baseball' all night. Pretty much only to Emmett, but he laughs every damn time because he's so lit.'

We both stepped off to the side and watched everyone from work bouncing and gyrating to the

music pumping through the speakers. The Skanks did not disappoint and I rolled my eyes at their
obvious attempts at looking like streetwalkers. As I watched Lauren and Jessica dry hump each other
on the floor, I felt the bile in my throat rise. Jake was on the prowl and had caught his targets in his

As he maneuvered his way to the girls, I stifled a laugh. Walking over to the stereo, I flipped

through E's iPod and landed on the song I wanted. As the last notes of the previous song faded out, I
pressed play and then laughed at my little stunt.

Lock eyes from across the room
Down my drink while the rhythms boom
Take your hands, skip the names
No need here for the silly games
Walking straight past Edward without even glancing up at him, I climbed the staircase and walked

down the hallway to his room.

This really never happens you can take my word
I won't apologize
That's just absurd
I was almost crying with laughter as I hit his door and heard the chorus hit the words I had been

waiting for.

Mainly your fault for the way that you dance
And now I jizz in my pants
I sat on his bed and dangled my feet off the side, nursing my drink as I relaxed for the first time in

the past hour.

The music filtered loudly into the room as Edward poked his head in. His eyes landed on me sitting

on his bed and he broke into a smile. "Being antisocial?" He asked as he shut the door behind him.

I tipped my cider at him and nodded. "I can't believe he showed up. Now I can't stay and I have to

leave all day tomorrow. I feel like we haven't been alone in forever," I sighed as I took another drink.

He launched himself onto the bed and bounced, sending me flailing backwards, I held my drink

above my head and sighed with relief when I realized that I hadn't spilled it on his comforter.

That was probably worth more than my entire salary.
He gently took the bottle and placed it on his nightstand. "We're alone now," he said sincerely. I

rolled towards him and flung my shoes off towards the wall as I curled into his chest. His fingers
ghosted softly across my lips and I sighed, feeling happy to be so close to him. Finally. It was like I had
finally found air.

I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled as I looked into his eyes. He was magnificent and I

didn't deserve him. But I had him.

His breath was warm against my cheek as he kissed it softly. "I've missed you," he whispered

against the corner of my mouth. I turned and caught his lips with mine and pressed my fingers into the
back of his neck, holding firmly as I slipped my tongue in between his lips.

He sucked my bottom lip and nipped at the skin before turning me on my back and moving on top


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of me. I adjusted myself underneath him and returned my hands to his hair as I continued to kiss him
deeply. He smelled minty and clean, but there was an undertone of vodka on his breath and I tasted it
on his tongue, thinking that it made him all that sweeter.

My hands were traveling down the front of his baseball shirt, releasing his buttons as his hands

were rolling down my ridiculous striped socks. As I freed his chest, I dipped my head and left wet
kisses across the hard planes of his pecs, letting my tongue linger for a second over his tiny nipples. He
laughed lightly as he pulled back to remove his shirt.

Shirtless, he pressed into me and trailed his hands lower, dipping beneath the mass amount of layers

I had added to the costume. Amusement danced in his eyes as he realized how much wrapping he had
to get through. He tugged on the panties and then gripped the crinoline, tossing them both to the floor.
The little bee costume came off over my head and he leaned back once more to pull the tank off.

"You're like the most complicated Christmas present in history," he joked as he kissed his way

across my neck and collarbones. "But worth every damn second of anticipation," he breathed against
my pebbled peaks. I bit my lip and closed my eyes as he caught one in between his teeth and then
sucked lazily.

I made quick work of ridding him of his pants and then rolled him onto his back. Crawling up his

thighs, I kissed his hips and ran my tongue across the tip of his erection, smiling at him as he shifted in
pleasure. His hands gripped me under my arms and he pulled me flush against him as his hands sunk
into my hair, forcing our kiss to last longer than was humanly possible without air.

His other hand trailed across my hips and upwards until his fingertips ghosted over the side of my

breasts, making me writhe against him and moan. He gripped my waist with inhuman strength and
rolled us off of the bed. Standing me on my feet, he walked us slowly towards his full-length mirror
attached to the wall. He placed both of my hands on either side of the mirror and kissed my shoulder,
watching me from the reflection.

Sliding his hand down the front of my stomach, he dipped it in between my thighs and ran his

fingers over the sensitive flesh, causing me to buck backwards into him. He pushed my feet apart and
then whispered, "Look, Bella."

My eyes fluttered open and I watched his face from the mirror. He slid into me quickly while my

head snapped back against his chest and I gasped as he settled deeply inside of me. He wrapped one
arm across my waist and pulled me deeper. His other hand slid across my nipples and palmed my

"You are so beautiful," he groaned out as he moved deeply and thrust hard against me. "Look,

Bella. Look at how beautiful you are." My mouth was open and I gasped for air as he continued to
pulse into me. Focusing my eyes I looked and blushed at what I saw.

My eyes, half lidded, were doe like. My lips, swollen and pink from his kisses looked full and like

pillows. My hair was bouncing in shiny ringlets across my chest and there was a rosy hue to my cheeks
and skin that was incredibly pleasant. I looked sexy.

And like I was having sex.
His eyes were staring holes into me as my lids fluttered and I refocused back on his face. "See?" He

breathed heavily against my skin as his hands gripped my breasts and traveled down my stomach. "So
beautiful," he murmured, thrusting faster and making me press my palms harder into the wall.

I arced back into his chest and turned my lips into his jaw, kissing him and moaning against his

skin. "I love you," he grunted as he gripped my waist tighter. I shut my eyes and tried to gather words
and breath to speak.

His fingers were working diligently between my legs and I felt my knees go weak as I braced my

arms against the wall. "I love you so much," I whimpered out as I fell apart in his arms. My body went
limp as he held me up, kissing my neck and pressing his teeth into my flesh as he braced his other arm


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against the wall and thrust forcefully a few times before collapsing on the floor and taking me with

We landed with a thump, limbs entangled, skin sticky with sweat. Laughter erupted from both of us

as we gasped for air and reached for one another. I curled into his side and wrapped my arm across his
chest and we lay that way in our afterglow for a few minutes until the noise from downstairs became
louder and we both looked up towards the door in a panic.

There was a slamming sound as the door shut again and we both stared at each other wide eyed.
"Oh…oh, god. Shit, CC! Who was that?" I yelled as I jumped up to retrieve my clothes. "Why

didn't you lock the door?" I screeched as I shoved my shorts back on.

His eyes were wide too and he was pulling at his hair. "I thought I did. Maybe not, though. Dammit.


He pulled his pants back on and scrambled to find his shirt. He threw me my shoes and I attempted

to put my outfit back together as well as I could remember. I tapped my leg in frustration. "If it was one
of our friends we're okay. But…ugh. If it was Lauren or Tyler…I can't even imagine what this will
mean for," my words were cut short as Edward pressed is lips firmly against mine.

"We are together, Bella. You and me. We'll figure it out."
I nodded and cringed as he opened the door and peered into the hallway. He made a weird growling

sound and stepped back as Jake entered the room, clapping his hands sarcastically.

"You," he snarled at Edward, "must be Bella's Sex Machine." His eyes locked with mine and I

blinked back the tears forming behind my lids. He extended his hand to E and chuckled.

Looking back at me, Jake smirked. "I'm sure Charlie will want him to come tomorrow, too. No

worries," he looked back at Edward, "there's plenty of room in the truck."

I trembled against the bed and tried to stay upright.
"Oh! Nice tattoo, by the way. I'm sure he'll want to see that too." He winked and stepped back into

the hall.

Edward stared after him and then turned slowly, looking alarmed as I slumped to the floor. "What's

wrong?" He asked as he moved to sit beside me.

I looked up into his gorgeous eyes and blubbered, "You have to meet Charlie, now. He's going to

cut your dick off, E. And I like your dick."

I collapsed on the floor and cried.


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Chapter 14


"Thanks for doing this," I whispered to Rose as we all filed out into our separate cars. She gave me

a tight smile and patted my back as she shot death rays at the back of Jake's head. Her fingers twitched
and I could tell that she was trying very hard not to snatch the spiky outcroppings on his head and drag
him back inside to shoot a staple gun at his face.

"Are you kidding? This is going to be the most fun that Em and I have had in a long time, Bees.

Jake alone in the Jeep with us for the next three hours? Glorious." She wrapped her arms around me
and squeezed. "Prep E for his face to face with Chief Swan. And maybe give him a hand job to relax
him or something. We'll see you on the ferry," she finished as she kissed my temple.

I nodded and twitched my nose as I watched Jake lumber into the back of the Jeep and turn to look

back at me. He snickered and rolled his eyes as he settled into the seat and stared openly down Rose's
shirt as she cleared the front seat before sitting down.

"Disgusting," I muttered as I turned towards Edward's Volvo.
Alice and Jasper were settling into the backseat and I was glad that they were coming. Jasper was

an excellent addition to the calming process, but my Dad pretty much worshipped the very ground that
Mary Alice Brandon walked on. He had told me year after year that he loved that girl, and I think that
he secretly thought he could date her and it would be legit. Kind of weird, but his affections for her
would come in handy today.

Edward had the heat blasting and he walked around the car to open my door, his face tense as he

waited for me to climb in. I stopped short of the door and looked up into his eyes to reassure him. "He's
going to love you," I said lowly. His eyes flicked away from my face and then back again and I knew
he was looking at Jake. I shook my head and leaned up on my tiptoes to kiss him. "Just ignore that
skag. It's what I do."

His half smile appeared and he boldly pulled me in for a more meaningful kiss, pulling back and

smirking as he watched Jake's reaction. "It'll be fine," he told me before smacking my ass loudly and
motioning for me to get into the car.

Alice and Jasper pretty much passed out in the backseat as we hit the interstate. Edward slid his

fingers into mine and sighed. I squeezed back and leaned my head against the seat, willing my anxiety
down. This was the first time I was bringing a guy home. And I didn't know if Charlie thought that I
was still a virgin…but didn't most dads live in that weird denial about their little girls?

All I could think was that as soon as he saw E he would immediately know where his hands had

been and what his mouth had done to me and he would pull his gun on him…and then claim it had
been self defense on his property.

As we neared the first ferry, Edward and I were talking in hushed tones about what he should and

shouldn't mention to Charlie.

Baseball? Check.
His time in service? Hell to the double check.
Carlisle and Esme? Of course.
His being shipped off for his uncontrollable humping? Not so much.
I figured that if I could remind Charlie of how respected the Cullen's were, and E could dazzle him

with combat stories, then we would have nothing to worry about. I would cook, he would shoot the shit
with the guys, Alice would charm him and Rose would lure Jake into the woods and kill him all Blair


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Witch style.

Whose teeth are these?
I have no idea!
Who has the map?!?!?
And then, you know, snot and tears and shit. Whatevs.
By the time we had endured the ferries and winding Forks roads that led to Charlie's front door, I

was a nervous wreck. I drank an entire bottle of Pepto and chewed through a whole roll of Tums.
Doesn't that make you constipated?

I gave Edward a swift kiss on the cheek and then called softly to Alice and Jasper that we had

arrived. We exited the car and waited as Em and Rose met us on the lawn. We all stared up at the two-
story house and took deep breaths.

Jake made a sound of annoyance and pushed past me. I stuck my foot out and watched with

satisfaction as he lost his footing and face planted on the gravel driveway. "Watch it, Aqualung," I
mumbled as I stepped over him, pulling Edward behind me.

I threw the front door open like I owned the place and yelled into the heated entryway. "Charlie?

We're here!"

I yanked E behind me and walked purposefully into the kitchen, feeling emboldened as I listened to

the fleet of feet trailing in my wake. Charlie was sitting at the kitchen table drinking what appeared to
be his third Vitamin R of the ever-present six-pack that was in the middle of the table. He turned and
stood up from his chair quickly, slamming my chest into his as he engulfed me in a bear hug.

"Lucy Lou!" He yelled into my ear.
"Mheytharlie," I answered into his shirt and laughter rumbled through his chest as he pulled me

away and looked me over. A strange look passed over his face and he turned me to the side and then
back again. He looked thoughtful and then turned me completely one hundred and eighty degrees.

He scratched his mustache and pulled his brows together. "Did you cut your hair?" he asked. I

shook my head no. He shrugged. "You look different but I can't put my finger on it."

My eyes fluttered and for a second I thought I would pass out, but God bless Alice. "Charlie!" She

screamed and ran up to jump into his arms. "It is so good to see you, handsome!" She said sweetly as
she wrapped her arms around his neck.

I teetered a bit and Edward pressed his hand firmly into my lower back to steady me. Jasper, Rose

and Emmett all lined up next to greet Charlie, but he maintained his grip on Alice as he said hello to
each of them. Jasper looked amused and Alice gave him a wink as she snuggled her head into the crook
of my dad's neck. Rose and Emmett stifled a laugh as Charlie smiled and squeezed her tighter.

"Dad," I said in what I hoped was not a shaky voice at all. I grabbed Edward's hand and pulled him

forward. "Do you remember Edward Cullen?"

A look of recognition passed over Charlie's face and he lowered Alice to the ground. "Cullen?" He

asked thoughtfully as he looked E up and down. His eyes looked up into the ceiling before he clapped
his hands together and smiled. "Carlisle and Esme's son! Welcome home, soldier!" He gripped
Edward's hand in a vice grip and E's eyes bugged out as he returned the greeting.

"Thank you, Sir," he responded like a gentleman.
Charlie widened his stance and crossed his arms. "How was your study abroad?"
Edward didn't even flinch. "Educational."
Charlie nodded and then leaned forward, "Heard you were a medic. What unit did you deploy


Edward smiled and crossed him arms too, copying Charlie's stance. "I was with the Rangers, Sir."
I heard Jake kick the doorframe and mutter, "Dammit to hell," before he stomped back out the front


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Charlie's entire demeanor changed and he whistled lowly. "Well, that's damn impressive son."
My eyes shot over to my friends and they all smiled. Emmett snuck a thumbs up at me and Jasper


I think Charlie was more in love with Edward than I was.
I reached out and tentatively grasped a hold of Edward's hand. Charlie raised an eyebrow at the

gesture and tore his eyes away to look at my face. I bit my lip and swallowed hard. "Dad, I wanted to
bring Edward to meet you. He's my…" I looked up and my breath hitched as I looked up into Edward's
deep green eyes, "boyfriend. And I wanted you to meet him because he's," I looked back at my dad and
sighed, "important."

All air left the room and I swear I saw the entire left side of the room shift one foot over and take a

step to the side, waiting for the aftershocks. Charlie stood still for a moment and then laughed loudly,
slapping his hand on his knee.

"Oh, thank God."
I looked up at him wondering if he had been doing whippets before we got there.
"What?" I asked loudly.
He was running his hands over his face and chuckling. "I was starting to worry about you, Lou."
Alice turned to look at me and revelation dawned in her eyes before she buried her face into J's

chest as she shook with laughter.

"Explain," I ordered them.
Charlie sat down heavily in his chair and leaned back, relaxed. "I was starting to think that you

were into chicks, Isabella."

"Hell," I muttered under my breath. "This isn't awkward in the least." I turned and walked out of the

kitchen and up to my old bedroom, locking myself inside. I listened through the floorboards as the
conversation commenced and all of my friends visited with my dad. I curled up on the twin size bed
and reached underneath it to pull out my old picture albums and yearbooks.

Turning on my back, I flipped through them and reminisced over the pictures of all of us from High

School. We looked so young and unaware, but what I noticed more now was how sad the others looked.
And how haunted my eyes were in our Junior year pictures. I closed my eyes and conjured up
memories of my first year in Forks.

Rose had been so angry. Alice had been so needy. Emmett seemed out to prove something and

Jasper seemed lost.

And then it hit me.
It was because of Edward.
Rose, in hindsight, blamed herself for what happened. I assumed that she felt responsible for it

because she was the one that asked him to go out with Leah in the first place.

Which made Emmett feel more protective of her when she started to lash out.
Alice must have looked to Edward as some sort of protection or big brother entity of sorts.
Which made Jasper feel like he needed to be her emotional rock.
And the guys just leaned on each other because they were all the other had.
Until me. And then I was just a screwed up mess and I somehow filled all of those voids in some

small way for each of them.

I gripped the pages of my album tightly as I breathed out an unsteady breath. Edward and I had

been linked from day one and I never even knew it.

There was a sound at my window and I shot up from the bed in a panic. I stared wide-eyed out of

the glass and smiled as I recognized Edward's form leaning out of the huge oak tree outside of the pane.
He waved and pointed at the latch. I rolled off and opened the window, laughing softly as he launched


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himself into my tiny room.

He smirked and shook off his pea coat. "Emmett told me where to find you. He was right…that was


I laughed and closed my eyes as the memories of my friends sneaking in through that very window

flooded my mind. "Emmett was always the best at it. He can climb like a bear and swing like a
monkey," I chuckled as I closed the window.

"Hmm, I wish I could have been here to have that as a memory too. Swinging into a hot girl's

bedroom from a tree in the middle of the night?" His eyes softened and he leaned in and kissed me
softly. "Just one more regret, I guess," he whispered.

I smacked his ass and pointed my finger at his face. "No regrets, E. Ever."
He gripped my hips and pushed me onto the bed. I giggled as he kissed the tip of my nose and then

sat up to survey the room. He looked over the décor and items that had been left over the years that
spoke volumes about my past. His eyes landed on a picture on my desk and his eyes grew wide. He
looked from the picture to me and back again.

I jumped up and snatched the frame, sticking it up my shirt.
He threw me on the bed and dug his fingers into my thighs as I squirmed and squealed. "Let me

see!" He laughed as he reached underneath my shirt and pulled the frame from my death grip.

He stifled a laugh and then lost it, falling over and rolling across the bed in hysterics.
There was another knock on my window and Emmett was pressing his face against the pane. I

sighed in defeat and opened the window, shaking my head as my friends all filed in one by one. They
filled the tiny space and looked on in concern as E continued to shake uncontrollably with laughter.

I shrugged and threw my hands up in defeat. Hanging my head I said matter-of-factly, "He found

the picture of me at that Punky Brewster look alike contest that Renee made me go to."

We ate and visited with Charlie. I cooked the fish he had in the freezer, prepping it with that nasty

ass fish fry from the Res that he loved so much. It was comfortable and easy with all of my friends
there, and Jake didn't stick around, so that was a bonus. He claimed that he had plans with his friends
Quil and Embry, but I was sure he was headed out to a titty bar.

On a Sunday? Shameful.
As we ate, Edward kept his hand on me at all times. The comfort I found in his touch was

overwhelming and I was more than grateful for it. And I finally realized how amazing the support from
my friends was. They would do anything for me and the feeling was mutual.

I would fight to the death for any of them.
Stand in front of an army of bloodsuckers and fight back to back with them.
Stand in their defense if they were on trial and use any power that I possibly had to protect them

from any harm.

We were an impenetrable force and I pitied anyone that would try to break that.
Like Jake.
Or Leah.
Or James and Victoria.
There was a reason my vag was named Vicki. Victoria was the biggest pussy I knew. It seemed only


I pulled myself from my reverie and smiled.
We finished eating and Edward helped me wash the dishes as everyone else gathered their things to

leave. I heard them all giving heartfelt goodbyes to Charlie before I heard Alice flit back into the

"We're headed back with Ro and Em, sweets." She smiled devilishly at me and winked. "Are you


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coming home?" she whispered. I looked up at E in question and he just looked back at her and shook
his head no. "Didn't think so," she nodded as she blew me a kiss.

Oh, yes. This man was definitely getting road head on the way home.
I hip checked him and giggled as he did it back, sending me skittering across the floor. "Jeebus,

Zeus. Dial your superpowers down, why don'tcha?" I scolded him as I righted myself and handed him
the wet plate.

He raised an eyebrow and waved the plate at my face. "Emmett's right. You're getting less clumsy."

I rolled my eyes as he leaned into my ear and whispered, "You're welcome." I swatted at his arm and
turned to walk into the living room.

"Charlie?" I called and watched his head pop up before he tore his eyes away from the television.

"We're headed out." He smiled and patted his knees. I sat delicately on one and he pulled me into hug.

"Be careful, Bees Knees. I'm happy for you, and I like him…so far. Just protect that heart of yours,

okay?" I nodded as he kissed my head. "Now, let me go scare the bejeezus out of him before you go."
He shoved me off of his lap and grabbed his shotgun before sauntering into the kitchen. "Mr. Cullen!"
he bellowed as he cocked the gun.

I heard a plate hit the floor and Edward yelled, "Holy shit!"
And that's how I knew he was accepted by Charlie Swan. My dad didn't pull his gun on just



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Chapter 15


"My father is in love with you," she whispered into my ear as we left Forks and passed the wooden

sign. I blinked and stared at her wide eyed and swallowed audibly as I looked back out the windshield.

He pulled a gun on me. A damn shotgun. I almost pissed myself.
And then I had flashbacks from Iraq.
Her hand was moving slowly up and down my thigh and I wasn't paying attention due to the fact

that I just had the ever-loving shit scared out of me. But suddenly I felt her fingers pressing against my
zipper and she had my full attention.

I looked down and back up, and then over to her and back out the windshield. Shifting in my seat I

blinked and stuttered, "What are you doing?"

Her soft lips were pressed against my ear and she breathed heavily against my skin. "I'm repaying

you for being so dazzling."

Her lips left a soft trail of kisses down my face and across my neck as her fingers unzipped my

pants and snaked inside. I jumped a little at the contact and the car swerved. " Bella. You don't have

Her head had moved into my lap and I gasped as she undid the top button of my fly and reached her

hand in with precision and pulled my now rock hard erection out of my pants.

Oh god, oh god, oh god. I'm getting Road Head.
Road. Head.
"Baby, seriously," I mumbled half heartedly as she maneuvered herself over the console. Her lips

were so close I could feel them and then her tongue flicked out and I slammed on the brakes before
refocusing and hitting the gas.

She giggled and whispered, "Careful, CC."
I clenched my jaw and tried to focus on the road as she slid her tongue slowly across the head and

nipped with her teeth. "Dammit," I muttered as my leg twitched and I hit the gas again. The car was
already warm, but now there was condensation forming on the windows from the sudden spike in body

I knew we were about two miles out from the ferry, and if I didn't pull over I would have to pay for

the admission with her lips wrapped around my dick. A shuddered breath escaped my lips and I
whimpered as she moved even closer and pulled me in deeper. "Cheese and Rice," I choked out as I
pulled the Volvo over quickly and threw it into park.

My hands were immediately in her hair as she worked her way up and down in a steady rhythm.

How the hell had I found a girl who liked to give bjs so much? There were little humming sounds
coming out of her mouth and I couldn't help the encouraging moans that were coming out of mine as
well, or the way my hips reacted to her when she gripped my balls.

I think I said something, I am sure of it. There were words coming out of my mouth, but they

disappeared into the air as I struggled to focus. And then I just pushed my head back into the headrest
and braced my feet against the floorboards because I needed something to ground myself to when the
explosions of sound and light filled the cab.

The groan that burst forth from my lips must have sounded better than my porn star impression


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because when she was finished, she sat back up and raised her eyebrows. "That good, huh?" She asked
coyly and I just shook my head, pressing my hands against my face to get words out.

After I pulled my pants back up I pressed her body into mine for an intense kiss. Without moving

away I whispered, "You're staying with me for the whole week."

And she did.
I wanted to drive her to work, but we both knew that it would draw too much attention. So we

drove separately and then arrived back at my place at the same time each night, giddy and excited to
spend another evening together. She would cook dinner and we would talk or just watch television. But
it was never anything that we had to do. It was our timing and we were alone. Together.

We would discuss our pasts, to the point that we both felt comfortable talking about it. She would

ask me each night if I needed her to do anything to help me sleep and I would in turn tell her that she
was beautiful. Because she was. And in some small way, I felt like we were both getting what we
needed from each other, but also gaining by giving.

She was slowly but surely becoming my entire life. And I didn't want to let her go. Ever.
As Friday got closer, she asked if we could have our friends over to watch a movie and eat. So we

all hung out at my house and drank, played cards, talked and watched a movie. At least, the others
watched a movie. I took Bella upstairs and we got naked.

The house was big enough that we didn't have to worry about paper-thin walls.
As the Saturday morning sun began to rise through my windows, I pulled my comforter higher

against my eyes and rolled over onto my side, intent on getting more sleep. All of the extra curricular
activities that we had been partaking in were starting to make me miss sleep. And not from
unconsciously humping her in the middle if the night.

There was a light rain hitting the window and I focused on the steady pulse of it on the glass,

willing myself back to REM. I was right on the verge of re-entering Dream Land when Emmett's voice
crackled through the house speaker.

"Good morning, Prince Charming," he cooed sweetly. And then I heard chanting.
Da da da de da da da
Da da da de da da da
"WAKE UP!" he screamed into the speaker.
What the hell? Did Em join GWAR?
I heard double bass.
Screaming guitars.
And then I felt my naked ass hit the floor.
"Come on, Grace!" Alice yelled into the speaker as the music took a turn towards punk.
Rolling over in pain, I pulled myself to standing and surveyed my room. I was alone and the music

was pumping through the entire house's speaker system. I yanked on a pair of pajama bottoms and
shoved my hands through my hair as I followed the sound to where the music was originating.

You won't find me in the same spot believe me
I could never stop, my life's turned upside down
Turning into the kitchen I saw all five them making breakfast while dancing around the kitchen. As

the music pumped faster, I saw Emmett drumming some eggbeaters against the fridge. Jasper was
bouncing his head and cutting some fruit while Alice jumped around the island with her head swaying
side to side as she threw her hands in the air.

Don't forget yourselves we've made up our minds
We signed 3, 4, 5 on the dotted lines
Rose and Bella were at the stove. Bella was beating some eggs while Rose buttered toast, but as the


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song hit a lull and some clapping started, all three girls dropped what they were doing and clapped in
unison, laughing and swaying to the crazy music pumping through the air.

You're right and I was wrong
This town will be the downfall of us all
Emmett and Jasper were playing their air instruments and they all bounced in unison before the beat

slowed down and the guys sang along at the top of their lungs.

This town will be the downfall of us all.
Double bass drums.
And screaming.
Happy damn Saturday.
Bella looked up and smiled broadly before she pulled me into the kitchen as a slower Muse song

began to surround us.

"Emmett's Breakfast Mix," she laughed as she kissed my cheek and pinched my ass. "It's a great

way to start the day," she laughed as she leaped away to Rose's open arms.

My life
You electrify my life
Lets conspire to re-ignite
All the souls that would die just to feel alive
They waltzed across the floor and twirled.
Happiest damn weekend wake up ever.
But I'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away
Bella turned and winked at me as Jasper stepped in and spun her away into the living room.
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms
"Good morning, Seximus Maximus," Alice laughed as she laid the food on the table.
I rolled my eyes and sat at the head of the table. Emmett plopped a plate full of eggs and bacon in

front of me and grinned as he snaked a piece and shoved it in his mouth. "Had to check it for poison,"
he said with innocent eyes.

Rose walked into the living room and came back dragging J and Bella, maneuvering them to their

respective chairs. I chuckled as they sat and looked between the two of them with amusement.

"Both of you have haystacks on your head," I chided as I shoveled some eggs into my mouth.
Both shrugged and nodded because they knew. Bella sat on one leg and I looked over to admire her

limb dangling from the chair, barely covered by the hem of my ARMY t-shirt that she had thrown on
haphazardly on her way down the stairs. I knew she wasn't wearing a bra and suddenly I wanted
everyone out of the house.

Damn, this was getting to be a bit of an obsession.
Rose sat plates down and then everyone was at the table eating and smiling. I looked around and

smirked. This was the way it should have been all along. I wondered if they ever thought about all six
of us getting a place together. This could be an everyday occurrence, and I wouldn't mind it one damn

"Thanks for the wake up call," I snickered as I poured some orange juice.
Bella flicked a piece of scrambled egg at me. "We couldn't let you Sleeping Beauty on us."
Alice nodded. "You have to milk the cow," and then she fell apart into a fit of giggles.


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"Oh, Fievel Mousekewitz. You should not have gone there!" Bella was snorting as she threw some

eggs in Alice's direction and suddenly we were in a full-fledged food fight.

I guess I didn't miss much of my High School years with these guys after all.

"I'm going to shower," Bella announced after our friends had headed home.
Alice had work to do at the store and Jasper was picking up a half day at the spa. Rose and Em

were taking advantage of the empty space. And that left Bella and I alone in the house for the last day
before my parents returned.

I sat at the piano and sighed. There was nothing more that I wanted at this moment than for this to

be how things were with us. It may have seemed like we were moving fast, but I wanted to go to sleep
and wake up to Bella every day and night. If I reached out to fondle something in the darkness, I
wanted it to be her and not some cold mattress.

I rested my fingers on the keys and closed my eyes as I lit them across the ivories, finding a note

here or there that seemed to emote what I was feeling. I was concentrating and letting my fingers talk to
me. Today I found the yellows and greens in my melody and I followed them into the sunshine pitches
of my music, and away from the blues and grays of the night.

I pictured green pastures and sunflowers, bright and lovely against the ever-widening expanse of

blue that stretched above. Light clouds and swaying trees took form from my notes. Small blue flowers
and white daisies popped up in the grass. And Bella, beautiful as ever, stretched out in the grass dressed
in a white sundress, her hair fluttering in the breeze, eyes closed against the warmth of the sun's rays.

This was where she sent me. It was where I always wanted to be with her.
The smell of her strawberry shampoo wafted into my consciousness and I smiled lightly as my

fingers reacted to the olfactory with melody. Her body smelled of soft flowers, almost imperceptible
until your face was buried into her neck or her thighs. She smelled heavenly and my music reflected it
as I continued to move with emotions that were coursing through my veins.

The strongest of which was arousal.
Without thought, I continued to play what I felt until I sensed her in the room with me. I opened my

eyes and my fingers stopped in mid air as I saw her leaning against the entryway, a brush in one hand,
and wearing only a long t-shirt.

"That was beautiful," she whispered. I shook my head and grimaced.
She walked slowly over to my bench and perched on the edge, facing me. Her skin was fresh and

clean, emitting a soft pink glow from being scrubbed. I leaned into her and closed my eyes as I
breathed her in. She was perfect and I wanted all of her.

Her tiny hand rested on my thigh and she looked up at me from her thick lashes, smiling slightly as

she moved in closer to my face. "Will you play it again?" she asked breathlessly. I sat stunned for a
second and then nodded blankly as I closed my eyes and tried to find the notes.

I noticed her shifting off of the bench, but I still felt the electricity that bounced off of her, so I

continued to play as she asked. I cracked my neck and reached for the higher notes, moving my foot
against the pump and breathing deeply. As soft as a butterfly, I felt something move against my leg and
my eyes flew open to see Bella under the piano.

She was smiling a Cheshire Cat smile as she ran her nails softly over my knees. "Keep playing,"

she instructed.

I bit my lip and my breathing went shallow as I felt her moving closer. Her hands were moving

higher and she ran them along my upper thigh and across my arousal, causing me to flinch and miss a
few notes.

"Concentrate," she chided me.


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I held my breath and started again as I felt her move closer to my knees. Her arms rested along my

thighs and I looked down into her sparkling brown eyes to see a devious smile playing across her lips.
She sighed as her hands moved softly against the tented material and she looked at me with glassy orbs.

Quietly she said, "The first time I saw you playing, all I wanted to do was crawl under your bench

and take you in my mouth as you played." My breath hitched as I watched her face blush and she
looked away, burying her face in her arms.

"Look at me," I told her softly. I pulled my hands from the keys and ran them along her wet hair.

"Don't look away from me, Bella."

Her eyes flicked back up to me from in front of the bench and she raised her head, sighing as she

set her jaw.

"Play," was all she said.
And I did.
For her.
Her movements were slow and calculated, but as I continued to play, she pulled my pants lower and

positioned her mouth over me. "So, this was my fantasy," she said as her tongue flicked out, "What's

I sat still for a moment as she had her way with me and I continued to play as she requested, though

my fingers hit many sour notes in the process. After a minute of her working her mouth over me, I
pulled my fingers from the keys and cupped her face.

"You. On my piano." I told her truthfully.
Her eyes glossed over and she smiled.
I reached towards her and pulled her to standing in front of me as I nuzzled her breasts with my

face. My left hand reached out and closed the lid as my right ran up her shirt. I trailed soft tips against
her smooth skin and watched as her eyes closed in response. My fingers trailed lower and rolled off her
panties, throwing them across the floor without a second thought.

I stood and gripped her hips, raising her and placing her along the smooth wooden face of the lid,

balancing her feet on the bench as I leaned in to kiss her mouth. I was so hard that it hurt and I pressed
against her for some relief, only aggravating the situation in the process. I stifled a moan against her
lips as her slick folds rubbed slightly against the head of my hard on.

I wanted inside of her.
Something primal inside of me clicked and I ripped her shirt from her body, pressing her back

forcefully into the piano as I shimmied my way out of my pants. She was moving against me, legs
wrapped around my waist, pressing harder and writhing, begging for entry.

I gripped her thighs and pushed them as far apart as I could, planting her feet along the lid. I

pressed into her, relishing in the feel of her hot wanting against me. My fingers couldn't resist dipping
into her and feeling along her slick walls, curling into her to make her moan and cry out.

Her head was rolled back and her arms were planted firmly against the top of my piano and I

stepped back for a second to take her in.

"You're more exquisite than I could have ever imagined," I bit out through my clenched teeth to try

and stop from finishing before we even started.

Her back was arched towards me, breasts thrust forward, legs wide open. Her hair spilling in waves

across her back and shoulders. And her eyes, half lidded, filled with desire… lips parted, begging for it.
For me.

"God," I moaned. "I want a picture of this," I laughed as I leaned over her once again.
"I want you," was all that she said. And I obliged.
It was primal and needy, not soft and sweet. I had the overwhelming need to be wrapped up in her,


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feel the inside of her, move as one. And I thrust into her, claiming her against my beloved piano.
Having her as I had only dreamed.

Her arms braced against the wood and she bit her lip as she squealed against my thrusts. I wrapped

her legs around my waist and leaned into her. "We're alone. Let go, love," I instructed.

And with that she became overtly vocal, panting and moaning louder than I had ever heard her

before. Which only intensified the need I felt growing in me as I grasped her breasts and pinched her
nipples, pulling them taught and gripping them tightly as I pulsed into her in a rough and steady

My head dipped and I took her hardened peaks in my mouth as I fought for control over the lust

that was threatening to consume me. I leaned into her face and kissed along her exposed throat and chin
as I breathed unevenly against her porcelain skin.

"So perfect. You fit…me…so…" I lost my words as her arms wrapped around my shoulders and

she pulled me deeper, moving against me and meeting each of my desperate movements with her own.
Her cries and moans were intensified and no words were spoken from her lips, but I could hear her
pleasure as it built.

"Edward," she groaned out as I gripped her waist and pumped forcefully into her, releasing all of

my want and need in each stroke. My heart was beating at an uncontrollable rate; I felt the
lightheadedness that preceded my release and I bit my lip, hoping to hold off until she was ready.

But she moved her face back a fraction from me and a look of need crossed her eyes as she

whispered, "I want to feel you," and that was all it took for me to shudder and explode against and
inside of her. She gripped my shoulders and dug her fingers into my back as her legs tightened around
my hips and she let out a loud and throaty moan while her muscles clenched and pulsed around me.

We both cried out into the empty room, pulling towards each other, trying to get closer as we


I scooped her up in my arms and sat heavily on the bench, still buried inside of her as she rocked

against me a few more times, panting and straining against my body. Our breathing was ragged and I
tightened my grip on her as she slumped against my chest, gasping for air and grasping at my hair as
the last of her orgasm ripped through her. My hands were holding tightly to her sides and my heart was
beating rapidly against her chest as we both sucked in lungs full of air.

"Was that how you pictured it?" she asked against my shoulder and I shook my head in disbelief.
"It was better," I admitted.
A satisfied purr erupted from her lips and she nestled her head into the crook of my neck. "For me

too," was all she said.


Jonathan Taylor Thomas, that was some hot ass sexin'.
Note to self: Ask Charlie for a piano for Christmas. He doesn't have to know its being used as a sex


We finally disentangled ourselves and made our way to his room to just relish and bask in the

afterglow. We kissed and held each other, loving without words. Just us.

And it was perfect.
Until the garage door opened.
"Holy hell!" He whispered furtively and looked up in alarm. "They're back early."
I felt like a fifteen year old who was about to get caught boning her boyfriend in her parent's house.
"What do I do?" I yelped as I jumped doff of the bed and looked around in fear.


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He looked from side to side and then leaped from the bed and grabbed all of my stuff. "Closet," was

all he could get out.

"Are you serious?" I seethed as he shoved my belongings at me and turned me towards his walk in.
All he did was nod and I grumbled under my breath about him being a pansy ass mama's boy. I

grabbed my shit and hit the closet, delving as far back as I could into the OCD Mecca of his long
sleeved, short sleeved, khaki versus jeans void known as his closet. I curled up into a ball in the back,
my head pressed against the wall and feet curled under me just in case his parents were smart enough to
open the damn door.

I could hear him frantically making the bed and shuffling around. There were footsteps and warm

voices floating down the hallway and then I heard Esme as clear as day in the room. She greeted him
and asked how the weekend went. He responded half-heartedly that it was okay. I heard her moving
around softly as she gathered some items and then said she was headed to do laundry.

And then as clear as day, Esme said, "I'll distract your father for the next twenty minutes while you

sneak Bella out of your closet. But hurry, he'll be suspicious if I keep him in his office for too long."

What. The. Foooooooooooook?
I held my breath and waited as I heard his door click closed again and then a sliver of light

appeared as he opened the closet door and searched the dark depths for me. His hand was rubbing the
back of his neck furiously and he was licking his lips like he was in the MarthaFeking desert or
something. He waved his hand towards himself, beckoning me to come out and I followed, unsure of
what to do.

I stepped back out into the light and looked at the dazed expression on E's face.
"What the hell, CC?" I whispered furtively.
He looked back at me with wide eyes and he shook his head. "She's crazy. She must have crazy

radar or something."

I narrowed my eyes and slapped his arm. "Like gaydar, but for crazies? She found me because I

emit craziness?"

He shook his head and pressed his fingers to his lips. "No, she's just plain insane. But she likes you,

so be glad and grab your shit. We have five minutes."

It was official. Edward Cullen needed to move out of his Mama's house.


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Chapter 16


"The closet?"
Alice was looking at me like I had just invented my own language. Like I was Mork from Ork.
Nanu Nanu.
I closed my eyes in irritation. "Yes, Hoggle. The closet. Now take your shot and zip your lips. I

don't want to talk about it anymore." I slammed the shot glasses down on the counter and filled them all
with Patron.

Waving my glass at the crowd assembled before me I barked, "Shoot."
We all took our shot in unison and I turned quickly to throw my glass in the sink, relishing in the

sound of it shattering in the bowl. Turning back I secured my ponytail and did a curtsy. "Thank you."

Jasper's mouth was pursing and twitching and finally he spat, "He shoved you in his closet, all R.

Kelly style and shit?"

I nodded once and gave him a thumbs up. "Affirmative, Sir."
Emmett was scratching his head as he leaned into Rose's back. "So, let me wrap my brain around

this. You got your freak on, went upstairs to hang... and when his parental units showed up, he shoved
you in the closet?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed as I slammed my hands down on the counter. "I was like those bastard children

from Flowers in the Attic!"

Alice leaned across the hard surface and looked thoughtful. "No, 'Hey, put on your clothes and we'll

act like we're watching a DVD?' Or, 'We were just headed out to lunch, mom?' Even him just shoving
only your shit into the closet and keeping you outside would have been better than shoving every last
trace of you in there."

I took a deep breath and nodded in agreement. Pointing at my face I shrugged. "Uggo strikes

again." I turned sadly in the direction of my room before I called out, "I'm ignoring his calls, so if he
tries to get through any of you, please tell him that my plumbing is under construction until further

There was murmuring going on as I left and I just didn't want to deal with it anymore. I took a long

hot shower and went over it in my head. The week had been amazing and as close to perfect as I had
ever experienced. During the week it was just us and it was so comfortable and right, it seemed. There
were nights where we just kissed and slept, and even on those nights he wasn't trying any tactical
maneuvers in the midst of his REM.

Then Friday we had driven to my apartment to get some weekend clothes and I parked my truck

there, knowing that I wouldn't be coming back until Sunday and finding no use whatsoever in having
that hulking rusted beast out in front of the perfectly manicured lawn of the Cullen's mini mansion. I
rode back with E and then everyone else followed.

It was a blast and we had fun being in the same house and for a second I wondered if that was

something that we could do: All get a place together. It would be nights of asinine juvenile play and
mornings would be as fun as our Breakfast Club had been. We would all be together and we would all
be with our…other halves.

But my other half had either decided I wasn't worthy to be seen that way…or he had the mentality

of a twelve year old because he had been shipped off and had never learned to acclimate to home life
with parents again. As an educated woman, I knew that the latter was probably the most logical


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As a woman who just got screwed against a piano, it was heart breaking.
I had watched Edward around his parents during our brunch. He was much more comfortable with

his mom, but he also kind of feared her like she was going to tie live crows to his shirt and tape him
running around to reenact a scene from The Birds. I didn't think Esme was crazy at all. I thought she
was cool as hell; and the fact that she wanted me out of that damn closet only proved it. So it had to lie
on Carlisle's perception of him.

Perhaps Carlisle felt responsible for his son being sent away. Like he should have known, as a

Psychologist, that something was wrong. Whatever it was, it didn't directly involve me, but it did have
a lot to do with Edward proving something to his dad. Making him proud and never messing up.

There it was. Edward was so afraid to cause his dad any more embarrassment.
I was pretty sure that Carlisle knew that E had been staying with me on the weekends. And it would

have been obvious to anyone that he wouldn't have stayed in that house by himself for that long. In my
mind, any parent would have assumed that their adult son who was dating, and who had finally become
sexually active enough to keep clean sheets, would have his girlfriend there.

But not E. He must have thought that it would appear inappropriate. Like he was being


Huh. Not so much when we were disrespecting the piano, though.
I wonder if he wiped that down afterwards…?
I turned off the shower and wrapped my hair in a towel, suddenly feeling very alone and very tired.

Sleep could not come fast enough.

I managed to avoid him all day Sunday and all day Monday. Thankfully, I was in charge of

orientation for new hires on Mondays which kept me occupied most of the day. But then that asshole
'Tuesday' had to show up and I ended up in the kitchen with Edward before I had even poured my first
cup of coffee.

"Bella," Edward was whispering.
And doing a shitty job of it, if I say so myself.
He was standing at the fridge in the break room with the door open and looking in like he had lost

his snack pack. I shook my head and ground my teeth together as I finished pouring my coffee.
Throwing the stirrer into the trash I turned to leave and I heard him breathe out in agitation.

"What, so I get the silent treatment now?" His voice was laced with anger and I tensed before

turning around.

"One: I invented the Silent Treatment and use it on a regular basis at Master Level. Two: Learn how

to whisper, not whisper-yell if you want to talk to me in public," I gave him a pointed look. "And three:
Closet." With that I turned on my heels and strode back to my office angrily.

It took only moments for him to appear at my office door. "May I talk to you?" He asked in a

strained voice.

Dammit to Hasselhoff. It would be obvious if I were to say no, as I was the HR rep. But saying yes

would invite all kinds of personal things into my work life that I had tried desperately to avoid.

His eyes flicked over his shoulder and I saw Emmett walking past him, giving him a disappointed

look before muttering, "Closet." Edward dropped his head in despair and my heart clenched, the pain
running through my chest and into my spine, causing me to physically slump forward. I motioned for
him to come in and he looked relieved.

Sitting across from me he set his jaw. "You're not speaking to me?"
I shook my head no.


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"So, what does this mean? Are you…done? I made a mistake, okay?" His voice was tight and his

face looked strained. "I panicked and wasn't thinking straight. Everything happened fast as hell, and the
only thing I could think to do was protect you from being found."

I just stared at him, emotionless.
"Is this over?" His question came out so small that I closed my eyes and bit my lip to stop from


"No," I responded. "I'm not dumb enough to walk away from…us. I'm pissed and I'm hurt. And it's

really hard to tell you all of these things because I already don't deserve you. But when you stuffed me
in between your Lucky's and your Abercrombie I felt lower than scum, Edward. Do you get that?"

His head snapped up and he narrowed his eyes. "I don't like that."
"Don't like what?" I asked with exasperation.
"I don't like when you call me Edward. You only say it when you come…or when you're upset. And

my dick is starting to get conflicted feelings about hearing it from your mouth." He leaned forward
only slightly, but his demeanor had changed and now I was the one in trouble. "So choose when you
want to say it and keep it that way."

We sat in silence for a minute. Finally, I broke the quiet, "What were you protecting me from by

putting me in your closet?"

He pinched his nose blinked hard. "I don't know. Disapproval? Disappointed faces? The third

degree from my mother." He laughed tightly, "I was saving you from having to spend time with my
parents." His eyes looked sad as he pulled at his hair. "Do you know how much it sucks to be this old
and still live at home?"

I shook my head no.
"And we have to hide at work. We have no privacy, no place…" his voice trailed off as he looked

down. "Last week was how I want it to be, Bella." His soft green eyes looked up into mine, testing the
waters for his next words. "Always."

"Hot!" I screamed as my coffee mug tipped completely over in my lap, scalding Vicki and making

me jump out of my seat.

Edward was up in a flash, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me towards the kitchen. He wet

some paper towels and stuffed them with ice. "Here, try this," he said softly, handing them over as he
grabbed more towels and patted my clothes down. I pressed the ice packs to my thighs as Edward was
crouched in front of me, wiping off my shoes.

Jessica and Lauren walked by and their eyes grew wide and then the snickering began.
That was just perfect.


I said 'always' and she burnt her vag.
That was exactly how I thought that was going to end.
I sat in my car at lunch, listening to music and trying to relax. I had wanted to go and eat with

Emmett but he had plans with his dad. I thought maybe he was still upset at me but Emmett wasn't mad
at me about Saturday; he just said he was keeping out of it.

"But I need advice," I had begged and he shook his head no.
"Emmett, I need to get out on my own. Everyone enjoys being together, so is there a possibility of

maybe the six of us finding a place? I'm serious, man. I don't want to be away from her anymore. And
we all just make sense." I sounded like I was whining.


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His eyes twinkled and he patted my shoulder. "Maybe not the six of us. But we could talk to J about

you moving in with him?"

I stared back with confusion.
Emmett laughed loudly and shook my shoulders. "I'm proposing to Rose, E. We're going to be

looking for places of our own soon, so it would be the four of you. And then us."

"No way!" I pulled him into a hug and patted his back exactly three times before backing up.

"That's amazing, dude! When? Do you have a ring? Does she know?" He waved a hand at me to stop.

"Thanksgiving. Yes, I have a bad ass fat diamond ring that will make her owe me bj's for years to

come. And she does not know."

I smirked. "Does Bella know?"
He blanched and looked down. "No. I haven't told her. I'm afraid she'll think we're leaving her or


I sucked in through my teeth and grimaced. "You should probably tell her or else she's going to be

Bitchabella about the entire thing. She's your best friend, Em. She'll be crushed if you don't tell her."

We discussed his options and it seemed that he really didn't have any. He would have to tell her

soon. So he had decided to bring her over that evening to show her the ring and so that J and I could
talk about me moving in.

But now I was sitting in my Volvo, watching the torrents of rain pour against the windshield. I

wasn't sure how long I had been staring into the gray rivulets running in hectic directions across the
glass. But I was pulled back into reality when I heard a whining sound and then a loud slam of a car
door. Peering through the rain I could see Bella's small form moving away from her big rusted truck as
she made her way to the sidewalk.

It must have not started again.
I jumped out of the car and yelled after her. If she needed a ride to get food I could take her. But she

wasn't listening and I ran towards her, reaching the sidewalk in seconds. I yelled louder as I tried to
catch up to her, but she had her rain jacket hood up and she was looking down at her hands. As I got a
foot away from her, I saw it happen.

She wasn't looking at the ground or where she was going and she got too close to the curb. Being

Bella, she lost her footing and slipped, hitting a puddle and then completely falling off of the sidewalk.
She was halfway in the street when an SUV roared through the lot faster than it should have been

A surge of adrenaline hit me and I made it to her in what felt like two steps. I gripped her arms and

pulled her back onto the sidewalk as the car veered past us, going forty miles an hour right over the
spot where she had been just milliseconds before. She teetered a bit and then yanked her earbuds out,
her eyes wide and full of shock.

"CC?" She asked, dazed.
There was the sound of a car being forcefully thrown into park and doors being slammed as the

passengers came tearing towards us.I heard Tyler's voice as he came running to where we stood. "Oh,
god…Bella? Are you okay? I didn't even see you!"

She nodded slightly and cringed as Jessica, Mike, Lauren and Eric all ran up at the same time. I

maintained my grip on her arms as she shook, telling them that she was okay.

Without thinking, I moved my face into her ear and whispered, "Are you really okay?" She barely

whispered yes as I moved away from her face to see the crowd that was surrounding us.

I blinked at them all, then looked back down at Bella and slammed her into my chest, wrapping my

arms around her in a tight embrace. Kissing her head and then her cheek softly, I turned her towards my
car and walked her over, helping her into the heated cab.

"Where were you going?" I asked her as I wiped the rain from my face.


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Her eyes looked glazed and she chuckled. "Crazy. Wanna come?"
"Be serious, Bella. You could have been hurt. Are you okay?" She nodded.
"You need to change your clothes," I told her. It wasn't a question or an option.
She closed her eyes and her head rolled back against the seat. "I need a new job, CC. You just

kissed me in front of half of your coworkers. Don't think it will go unnoticed."

I swallowed thickly and pulled out of the lot. She wasn't looking at anything really, and I was

starting to wonder if she was going to go into shock.

"Why were you in your car listening to Debussy?" She asked without looking at me. I turned the

volume down on the radio and struggled for an answer. I couldn't tell her it was to clear my head of
being the World's Worst Mattress Humping Boyfriend (which I did Monday night, thankyouverymuch)
or because I was contemplating on just telling Mr. McCarty that I loved Bella. Or that I was going to
ask Jasper to move in with him...into the apartment I already shared with Bella on the weekends. So
what came out of my mouth just solidified my douche-tasticness.

"You know Debussy?"
I actually heard her eyes rolling from the passenger seat. "I'm not from East Podunk, thanks. I know

Claire de Lune when I hear it."

We drove to her apartment and she stole away into her room to find dry clothes as I scrounged

around in the kitchen to put together a small lunch before we had to head back out to work. It was quite
obvious that someone that loved to cook lived there. The fridge was stocked and the pantry had a ton of
food. Which is probably why I opted for some Ramen.

"Are you alright with noodles?" I asked as I walked into her room, holding the package in my hand.

My fists clenched around the wrapper and crushed the dry noodles as my eyes took in the sight before
me. Bella had her back turned to me as she was pulling out a new shirt and she had angry blue and
yellow bruises all over her back. "Ohmygod," I breathed out in shock.

"What?" She asked as she found a shirt and unfolded it.
"Your back is bruised. All of it." My mouth was suddenly dry and I felt like a piece of shit. "Did I

do that?"

She shrugged and turned back around as she pulled her shirt on. "I told you early on that I bruise

easily, CC. I said it right in front of you and Dr. Levi before he shoved that tampon up my nose." She
smirked as she turned back around to me. Dropping her pants, she pointed at her legs.

"Kitchen counter," she pointed to her hip. "Living room table," she put a finger to her calf. Her

brow furrowed and she turned to look at the back of her thighs. "Hell, I don't even know where those
came from. The toilet?" She laughed and pulled her pants back up. "Don't even get the idea in your
head that we're not having sex on your piano again, E. That would just be a crime against poonanity."


I was not surprised in the least when I returned to work and was immediately called into Benjamin

McCarty's office. Whatever Hellmouth Vortex I had opened was really playing a mean game of Screw
Bella today.

"Mr. McCarty?" I called as I opened his office door slightly. Ben looked up from the files on his

desk with complete seriousness. He waved me in and signed off on a few more papers as I closed the
door behind me and took a seat in front of his desk.

"Do I look pissed?" He whispered.
"Good, then people will think I'm yelling at you." He lifted his head and grinned, his dimples


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popping on his cheeks as he leaned back in his chair. I stifled a laugh as I watched him glance out of
the office window and then get up and walk swiftly to it and shut the blinds. "Ooooh," he laughed. "I'll
bet they think you're getting fired." He chortled again as he sat back on his chair.

I leaned back more comfortably and smiled. Ben was handsome. Actually, Ben was frickin' hot...he

was exactly the older version of Emmett. Big and broad, but his hair was gray instead of almost black.
His eyes belied his age, though. They twinkled like a twenty year old.

He spun a pen in his fingers and cocked an eyebrow at me. "Are you alright after your almost death

in the parking lot?"

I nodded yes.
"Are you dating Edward?"
I coughed and choked on my own spit. "Jeez, Ben. Graceful segue." I crossed my arms and huffed.

"If I am does that mean you're going to fire me? Or Edward?"

His laugh boomed and echoed through the room and I wanted to duck just in case it took on

physical form and hit me in the back of the head.

"No, Bella. Charlie called me to brag about your boyfriend. He was so glad you're straight, B, I

gotta tell ya. I was just waiting for one of you to crack. I didn't tell Emmy that I know either, so he's not
aware of my knowledge. I don't have a problem with it as long as it doesn't interfere with your work. I
mean, hell, Bees Knees... Lauren and Tyler; Jessica and Mike. Plus, the two receptionists are a thing..."
his eyes clouded over and a smile lifted up on one side of his mouth.

"Focus Daddy M," I called to him lowly. He blinked and shook his head before adjusting in his


"I know it happens, and I'm really happy for both of you. You've done well keeping it low until now

and I'm sure you'll get some rumors thrown around about you. Just keep it separate from home, like
you do with Emmett." He smiled widely and twirled his pen again. "Plus, we had to get this out in the
open before the wedding, right?"

"I knew it!" I squealed and then composed myself. "Oh, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank

you for that little knowledge bomb. I am going to have so much fun with this."

Ben shook his head and sighed. "You and my son have the most twisted relationship on the planet.

God help you both," he said as he sat his pen down and leaned forward. "Can you at least try to muster
a tear when you walk out? I don't want people knowing how much I love you. I have to maintain a
professional image around here, young lady."

I pinched my leg and let my eyes well up. He nodded in approval and told me to go back to my


Emmett came by before I left and asked if I could come by the apartment to talk. Then he called on

the way over and asked if I could get some groceries. Lucky for me, the Rusted Beast actually started
this time and I was able to get to the store and his apartment without having to call AAA. I really
missed Rose's car.I grabbed the three bags of groceries and made my way to the boy's apartment. I
shifted the bags over and clicked the knob, kicking the door open with my foot.

And sweet Michael Bolton's curly mullet...Edward was standing at the kitchen counter holding an

engagement ring.


It was all a blur. One second I was talking to Emmett and J about the proposal and possible new

living arrangements, and the next second Bella was standing in the doorway dropping bags and her
hands were pressed against her face.


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"Oh, oh, oh!" She squealed and ran over to me. "Yes, Edward! Yes! I'll marry you!" And then she

flung her arms around me and squeaked.

Emmett and Jasper looked alarmed and I stood there, frozen like stone.
Emmett cleared his throat and mumbled,"Bees. You have it all wrong."
Her head lifted slowly and I looked down as her face crumpled. "But, but..." she stuttered and I still

stood there like a life sized replica of a marble moron.

Suddenly her shoulders started shaking and she pushed me away as she laughed hysterically. "Oh, guys are so damn easy to mess with." She walked over to the door and grabbed the bags
before placing them on the table. She pulled out a six pack and waved her hand at us to take one.
Retrieving a hot pink bottle from another bag she twisted the lid off and held it up for a toast. "To Em
and Ro. May you have many Amazon babies and a house big enough for all of you."

Emmett blinked and then grabbed the ring from my rigid fingers. "How did you know?"
Bella waved her hand at him in dismissal. "You've been really protective lately and kinda jittery. It's

been obvious," she told him and smirked. "Plus, your dad told me today when I was called into his
office to get the official McCarty blessing to date E."

Emmett snorted and took a long sip of his beer. "Shoulda known. You have that man wrapped

around your pinky."

"Please, mooseknuckle. I don't use my wily charms with your dad...ever. He just happens to love

me like the daughter he should have had instead of you."

Jasper sidled up next to her and threw an arm across her shoulders. "I think Edward is still in shock,

sugar. Maybe you could slap his face?" Jasper looked from her to me and then back again. I shook my
head and snorted, making a face and then sitting down in a chair at the kitchen table. Bella followed
and then Em and J were there too.

"Hey, E...I was just messing with you. Don't get freaked out, okay? I don't even believe in marriage,

so you kinda dodged a bullet with that one as far as being with me is concerned. I just couldn't pass up
the chance to mess with Em over here." She smiled and took another sip of her drink.

Jasper grabbed it from her hand and looked at the label. "Hard pink lemonade?"
She rolled her eyes and snatched it back. "They were out of my cider and I was not about to walk

out of the store with another brand called Woodchuck Cider. I have standards, ya know."

I finally got the blood to stop rushing in my ears and blinked furiously to focus my eyes. I wasn't

sure what had just happened, but Bella saying yes isn't what freaked me out.

I was freaked out because I wanted it. It felt right when she said it.
And now I found out that she'd never want it. Ever.
She leaned into me with concern, running her fingers gently through my hair. I looked up and

smiled half-heartedly. "Ben gave us his blessing?" She nodded and ran her finger down my ear and
across my chin, causing me to close my eyes and shiver.

"Thank god," Emmett mumbled as he set the ring on the table. Bella picked it up and studied it. "It

is perfect for Rose. Good job...she'll love it." She turned the box back and forth and watched the facets
catch the light as a small smile crept across her face. Suddenly she looked alarmed.

"What does that mean about the apartments?"
Jasper and Emmett looked at me and I stared back. Bella looked between all three of us and cocked

her head to the side. I glanced quickly at her and then away, not sure how to approach the subject.

So Jasper did. "Well, we were just discussing that. I mean, I stay with Alice almost every night as it

is, so I could move in and help with the rent. And..." his voice cut off as he turned to me.

I cleared my throat and looked down. "I came to ask Jasper if I could move in with him, but it

seems natural that Emmett and Rose will probably want to take this apartment since its a two bedroom.
And you guys have a three bedroom. One would be empty. And I..." I couldn't even finish my sentence.


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She blushed and lowered her voice. "Are you asking to move in with me? Er, us?"
There was nothing but silence.
Bella took a deep breath and leaned forward onto the table. "I don't think Charlie would agree with

us living together. But if J shacks up with Alice, then you would technically have your own room,

All three of us looked at her in disbelief.
"I guess," I said lamely. She looked thoughtful and took another drink.
"Can you give me the holiday to think about it? I just need some time to get used to the idea;

displace myself from it while I'm in Forks for Thanksgiving. And think of a way to tell Charlie.
Oh...hell, dude. You haven't even met Renee yet." Her eyes widened and she grimaced. "You might
want to meet her before you make any rash decisions about moving in."

I could do that. I could give her a week.
"Yeah, take as long as you need."


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Chapter 17


"Why did you say you needed time?"
Alice was looking at me with concern from her perch on my bed. I swiveled in my computer chair

and struggled to find an answer to that question. I had been going over and over the entire conversation
in my mind for the past week and my reaction didn't even really make sense to myself.

I guess wishing for something and actually getting it are two completely different things.
"I guess, I just…it's complicated. I have thought about that very conversation for months now and

in each fantasy or scenario I can dream up, I always say 'yes'. The reality of it is that we haven't been
together for that long. What if he finds out that he's too good for me? What if moving in makes him
realize what a mistake it is to be with me?" I pressed my palms together to get my hands to stop

"My parents aren't exactly the textbook example for successful relationships. And I need space

sometimes, right? If he's here and has nowhere to go, what will happen when we fight? Will he have to
sleep on the couch or in the bathtub? I'm sure as hell not giving up my bed…"

Alice sighed and folded her legs underneath her as she propped herself up on her arm. "Each one of

those is a valid concern, B. But, the biggest 'what if' is…what if you miss out on the greatest thing that
could ever happen to you?"

I had no response.
"What if you just allowed yourself to be…loved? You have no idea how fantastic you are, or what

you have to offer. Those dipshits back in Phoenix really pulled some sort of crazy Criss Angel
Mindfreak shit on your brain…"

"Criss Angel is the devil," I reminded her.
She scooted to the end of the bed and reached for my hands, taking them softly into her own.

"Think hard about this one. Yes, it is a HUGE decision. But you need to start seeing things how they
really are; not through your twisted Uggobella glasses."

I nodded my head and pulled her into a hug. "What would I do without you, Thumbelina?"
She giggled and pulled back from me. "Probably curl up into a ball and never shower, or wear good

clothes, or learn how to use a flat iron…" Alice giggled and sat back down on the edge of the bed. "Has
he been acting differently since you asked him for time? I mean, I've noticed he hasn't been over as
much; and so has Rose, frankly. Which sucks, because its already so damn hard to keep my mouth shut
about her ring, but now I have to go and act like I don't know why E has suddenly become scarce
around here."

It was true. He had been more distant lately, but I chalked it up to him giving me space to think.

Outside of work I had seen him maybe three times. And only one of those times did he end up naked. It
had been a struggle to get him out of his skivvies, too. But when I asked him what was wrong he had
smiled and said that everything was fine.

I wasn't buying it.
"He's coming over tonight," I told her with false enthusiasm. "I'm leaving for Forks tomorrow

morning so I asked him to come over and spend some time with me before I go."

Alice's face looked sad as she pulled herself to standing. "Then maybe you should talk to him


I snorted and shook my head. "I have no plans to have a conversation with him tonight…unless it is


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one of us screaming the other's name."

Edward arrived less than an hour later and we ate a quick dinner with our friends before I just

pulled him into my room forcefully. He looked around the room and sighed, running his hands through
his hair before sitting down in the computer chair.

I sat on the bed and patted the comforter. "CC, why are you being all shifty?"
He raised his eyebrows and laughed. "I'm not."
"Liar. Are you mad about the moving in thing?"
He shook his head no and looked away.
"Liar. You are almost as bad a liar as I am, E. You should probably work on your poker face if you

do move in here. Especially if you plan on maintaining at least your undies during Strip Poker Night."

He smirked and turned from side to side in the chair.
"I'm not going to see you for a few days. Please come over here." I patted the bed again and

watched as he gave in and sat on the edge of the bed. "Please, E? I don't want tonight to be weird…"
Edward's head dipped a little and I ran my fingers across the back of his neck, trailing upwards until
they were gently massaging his scalp. He sighed contentedly and I smiled a little knowing that I could
get that reaction from him.

Leaning closer to him, I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, taking in his scent.
I wanted to bottle that up and call it 'Liquid Sex'. I could make a killing at Macy's.
His head moved closer to me and I pressed my forehead against his temple. As soon as his face was

even close to mine, I felt my heart rate pick up and my breathing deepened. His very presence caused a
physical reaction in me. Why would I not want that all of the time?

"Kiss me?" I whispered.
There was a slight hesitation before he turned his face towards me and placed his lips gently against

mine. Keeping one hand in his hair, I ran the other softly against his cheek as I inched closer. His arm
was lightly wrapped around my waist and he pulled me slightly closer as I opened my lips and ran my
tongue along his lower lip. I could feel his body reacting to me, but his head was pulling him in another

Breaking the kiss I pulled his face away and looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry if I'm hurting you. I

promise it's not intentional. This is all so new to me…" I bit my lip and looked down, releasing his face
as my gaze shifted.

And then his palm was cupping my cheek and he was kissing me deeply while he pressed me down

against the comforter. Trailing his fingers over my face and down my neck, he moved extra slowly
towards my breasts and I stopped breathing as his thumb brushed over my nipple. A loud sigh escaped
my lips and he smiled slightly against my mouth as he ran his hand back up and over it again.

I shifted underneath him as my body reacted to his touch. He probably had no idea how much I

craved him physically and if he ever knew, he could use it against me as much as he wanted. Moving
under him again, I pulled him on top of me, wanting to feel as much of him as possible tonight.


It did hurt. It hurt every part of me, but try as hard as I might, Bella on a bed was not something that

I could deny.

She needed to learn a lesson, though. And one that would make her think long and heard about her

decision while she was away from me for Thanksgiving.

I pushed my knee in between her thighs and she instinctively pressed her legs around it, moaning at

the contact. Lacing my fingers through hers, I raised both of her hands above her head and pressed


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them into the mattress. Her kisses were needy and hot and she was rolling her hips into me and
thrusting her chest against mine.

Taunting me. Willing me on.
My mouth worked down her neck as my hands moved up her shirt and I knew it would be hard to

do what I had to do next, but it was for both of us. I pulled her shirt off and kissed between her breasts
and across her stomach as my fingers settled onto her waistband and popped her top button. I dragged
her jeans down her legs and crawled back up her body. Her hands were reaching for my zipper and I
had a fleeting thought to just let her do it, but I would never have the strength if I did.

Moving away slightly I pressed her hands back against her mattress. "Stay," I instructed and her

eyes widened at my tone.

I removed her bra and discarded it before licking a hot trail across each breast.
She tasted so sweet; I almost forgot what I was doing.
Bracing myself, I ran my left hand down her stomach and into the top of her panties.
She was so warm and wet that I couldn't concentrate.
I moved my fingers slowly across her entrance and danced them deftly upwards and around,

causing her to shudder.

Good. She needed to need it.
Looking up at her, I slid two fingers in and ran my thumb over her center. Her hips bucked and I

struggled to not pull down my pants right then. I closed my eyes and kissed her neck as I plunged in
again and circled my thumb. A thin pink hue was lighting up her skin and I ached with the strain in my
pants, wanting to bury myself deep inside of her and make her call out my name.

But I resisted.
I continued to maneuver my fingers in and out as she pressed herself more forcefully into my hand.

I felt her legs start to shake and watched as her abdomen tightened and right when her breathing
became staggered, I pulled my fingers out of her panties and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"I should go," I said stoically as I stood up and reached for my jacket.
"What the hell?" She screeched from the bed.
I suppressed my smile and turned back to her with wide-eyed innocence. "I have to go home. It's

late and I don't want my parents to worry."

Her whole body was tense and she had her legs almost crossed in anger at the loss of her orgasm.

"You don't have a curfew," she spat as her chest heaved.

I shook my head and sighed. "I know, but it's really rude to leave my parents worrying all night

about whether or not I'm coming home. So, I should go and let you get some rest. I'll see you after

"Like hell you will! You'd better get back over here, dammit."
I'd never seen her so angry and it was actually kind of funny to see her so worked up. She definitely

thought she was tougher than she actually was.

"I can't. I have to go home, love."
She looked like she was searching for words but there were none good enough to throw at me. So

she set her jaw and moved up higher on the bed before she rolled her panties completely off and
reached into her nightstand drawer.

"Don't you touch that vibrator," I warned her and she rolled her eyes at me as she pulled it out.
"Go," she said as she clicked the button on low.
Shit. I hadn't counted on her having another source of release. And a quick one at that.
Dropping my coat, I swiped my hand at it and she held it out of my reach. She wasn't laughing but I

could see the amusement in her eyes as she realized that whatever game I was playing she now had the
upper hand in.


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I shook my head and moved quickly on top of her, wresting it out of her grasp. "I'm taking this with

me," I said with a smirk.

She flopped back onto the bed in irritation. "You are a geedee sadist, dude."
Actually Bella, right now I am a stupid horny masochist.
"Gotta go," I said as I rolled off of the bed.
"Good god, Cullen! Get back here. I'll give you whatever you want, okay? Just…give me back the

Record Breaker." She looked defeated and I almost felt bad. Almost.

I held it in my hand and waved it at her. "Whatever I want? Like what?" I asked as I crawled up on

the bed next to her and ran it across her stomach on low.

She tensed and moaned as it moved lower. "My truck."
"No thanks," I said with a shrug as I positioned myself in between her legs.
"M-m-m-my iPod," she stuttered out as I moved it lower and kissed the inside of her thigh.
"Hmmm, very generous. But no," I whispered as I kissed higher up her thigh.
"I have a collection of Cube People that you might like," she whined out lowly as I pressed my lips

against her soft skin and moved RB lower. Her hips bucked and her legs shook as I ran my tongue over

"Maybe…no, that's not what I want." I told her as I increased the speed and nipped with my teeth.
"Oh, shit. Okay…god…ummm…uh," she wasn't forming thoughts anymore as I pressed RB up

against her swollen nerves and lowered the speed again. "Okay!" She shouted and leaned up, pleading
with her eyes.

"Okay what?" I asked, my voice cocky now that I knew I had won.
"Okay you can move in just stop being such a…oh god…such a tease…" her words choked up as I

hit the volume to high and her hands grasped onto her sheets as her body went rigid and jerked.

"T-t-t-tony!" She screamed and I looked up in confusion as she whimpered and pushed away from


"That was fast," I said, impressed. "But why the hell did you scream out 'Tony'?"
She was gasping for breath and curled up by the headboard. "You said not to call you Edward, so I

figured I'd use your middle name. Ahh, Anthony seemed too long so I used," she breathed in deeply as
she pressed a hand to her chest, "Tony."

"No, that will not work at all, love. I actually love it when you say my name." I told her softly as I

climbed up higher on the bed. "I want to hear you say it all the time."

She nodded and ran her hands through my hair. "Always," she whispered as I placed my lips onto


She definitely moaned 'Edward' that night. Three times.
And I was moving in. I couldn't decide how I was going to approach my parents with that, but I

knew I needed to let Em get the proposal out first. Then it wouldn't be something to hide. I was just
glad that Bella had 'consented' to the idea last night so that I only had another day to hold it in.


"I am so excited for you, Ro!" I exclaimed into the phone as she called to let me know that Emmett

had proposed. "How did he do it?"

Rose recounted how Emmett was all pale and sweaty around the dinner table before they ate and

when the families were asked to say what they were grateful for, he said 'Rose' and then dropped to one
knee. Apparently he moved so fast that he took his plate with him, but he continued with the proposal
with mashed potatoes and gravy hanging off of his shirt.


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She said it was perfect.
I laughed as I packed up the dinner leftovers and rearranged Charlie's fridge.
"Yeah, I'll be heading back tomorrow morning. I can only take Forks in small doses and day three is

about when it starts stinking like fish in here. Literally. Charlie has a stock of fish in this kitchen that
makes a girl want to take a bath to make sure its not her…"

Rose told me to be safe on my drive back and I assure her that I could handle the Beast on the mean

streets of Forks. We hung up and I wiped down the counters one more time before heading up to the
bathroom for a shower.

Dinner hadn't been horrible. Charlie mostly wanted to talk about Edward, probably to ensure that I

was still dating a damn man with a penis and shit. So I went into benign details to satisfy his curiosity,
which I also knew drove Jake crazy. He looked irritated the entire time we were eating and as soon as
the meal was over he stomped upstairs to his room. Charlie went into the station to do some reports and
I cleaned up his kitchen that I had destroyed with actual cooking, instead of microwaving.

Starting the hot water, I stripped and stood in front of the mirror. Taking a deep breath I looked up

into my reflection and sighed. While my perception of myself hadn't really changed, there were these
odd moments lately where I would walk past a mirror or store window and I would catch sight of my

And I liked what I saw.
It was a small realization here and there. My hair looked good. Or the rosy blush that I loathed so

much would stand out against my pale complexion and I would think it was…pretty. And there was
something different in my eyes too.

I closed my eyes and saw Edward behind my lids. Biting my lip I stepped into the shower and

groaned inwardly as I smelled the ham and onions washing off of my skin. I mentally went through the
leftovers and tried to think of ways to prepare meals for Charlie with them. A pea and ham soup.
Stuffing shoved in some pork chops. And…I couldn't think of any thing I could do with that canned
cranberry jelly that my father loved so much.

Faintly, I heard a weird bumping and rustling that sounded like it was coming from within the

walls. I looked out of the shower curtain and saw nothing amiss, so I finished up and wrapped my hair
before throwing my robe on and dashing to my old room in hopes of avoiding Jake.

He had been so quiet since dinner that part of me though maybe he had snuck off to go visit friends

on the Res. I opened my laptop and turned on my iTunes as I disrobed and lotioned my legs. Pulling on
my panties and a tank top, I sat down at the old desk and opened my emails before I went to bed.

I heard the shuffling sound again and frowned, looking around the room. I would need to tell

Charlie that he had mice or something. I had heard it the last time I stayed, when my truck broke down,
but it hadn't been as loud. I wondered why he hadn't taken care of it by now and made a mental note to
leave the number of an exterminator for him before I left.

My phone vibrated and I smiled as I flipped it open. "Hey, E"

"I'm sorry you have to work today, I was hoping I could spend some more time with you before I

head back," I said as Charlie strapped on his gun. I threw the remainder of breakfast into the trash and
gave him a small smile.

"Sorry, Lou. Paul called in sick. Guess his wife can't cook eggs and he got food poisoning from the

deviled ones yesterday." I nodded in understanding and gave him a hug.

"Hey, you really need to call exterminator," I mentioned as he reached for his keys.
"For what?"
I turned and gave him a curious look. "I've been hearing mice upstairs the past two times I've


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stayed. They're getting louder," I told him.

He laughed and shook his head. "Jake hasn't said anything and his bedroom is right next to yours.

I'll ask, but I think it's probably just the house settling." He kissed me lightly on the cheek and told me
to call him when I got home to let him know I was okay.

I went back upstairs and started repacking my overnight bag. Making sure that everything was back

in place, I slung my bag over my shoulder and stepped into the hallway. Immediately Jake appeared
and stepped in front of me.

"See ya, Bells." He said with a hint of snark in his voice.
"Later, Jake. Be good to Charlie and try not to get arrested," I said as I dodged around him to get

down the stairs. I walked out into the frigid Washington weather and made my way to the truck.
Throwing my bag in the passenger seat I lifted myself into the driver's side and put the key in the

There was no sound.
"Ahhh, what the? This piece of shit…is ffff-fundamentally flawed!" I sighed and rolled my eyes as I

got back out of the cab and let myself back into the house.

Sitting heavily on the couch, I called Edward. "Hey, my truck broke down again. I hate to ask, but

can you come get me?"

He chuckled and relayed my plight to what sounded like Emmett and Rose. "We're on our way.

Rose said she'll take a look at it for you and maybe we can get it back here to get it properly taken care
of." He paused. "Rose says that means she's going to torch it and have a bonfire." I laughed as he said
lowly, "We'll make S'mores."

I got goose bumps on my arms as I hung up and I looked up to see Jake leaning against the door to

the kitchen. "I thought you were outta here," he said.

I waved my hand in irritation at the front door. "Truck broke down again. I swear this is the last

time I bring that thing to Forks. It breaks down every fraggin' time I come down here in it. Rose will let
me borrow hers for the next visit." I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv.

"Why wouldn't your lame ass boyfriend bring you?"
I looked up and scowled. "Maybe he would, if he's available. I'm not codependent, Jake. You'd

know what that was like if you dated girls outside of High School."

His fist clenched and his eyes narrowed. "At least those girls know what its like to have a proper

lay. You seem to still be a bitch, which could only mean that you aren't getting it correctly or nearly

"Wow, Jake. Big words from such an itty bitty…man." I deadpanned back as I glanced at his zipper.
His eyes flashed with anger and he pushed off of the door and stormed back up into his room.
The next three hours could not go by fast enough.
At some point I fell asleep on the couch and awoke when I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket.

"'Lo?" I asked groggily.

"We're here, but wanted to pick up lunch. Should we get anything for Charlie?" Edward's velvet

voice floated through the phone and I smiled.

"Just come here and eat these leftovers before they turn slimy," I laughed. "Charlie's at work

anyway. And he has a twenty four pack of his beer, so he's set for tonight."

I heard them pull up the gravel drive and I sighed with relief. Holding the door open for them I

ushered all three inside and gave each a hug. I told Rose and Em congratulations and snatched Rose's
hand up to see the glittering diamond that was shooting sparks of light off of her finger. She blushed
and giggled and I smiled at how happy she looked.

Emmett looked like he just found out he had the biggest dick in the world and he was getting a

trophy for it.


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I leaned into Edward and yawned. "Sorry, I'm really tired. I don't sleep well when I'm here," I


Emmett laughed and shook his head. "Go take a nap, then. I'll settle in and make four ham

sandwiches. For me."

Rose rolled her eyes and agreed that I should go lie down and that she would eat and then take a

look at the truck for me.

"Its one o'clock in the afternoon. I think I'll be okay," I lied. They all gave me a look and smirked.
"You are a terrible liar." Edward pulled me towards the stairs and took me up to my old room. "Let

us know if you need us?" He called down and Emmett snorted a response.

"Where's Jake," Edward asked suspiciously.
"Beating down the gates of Hell for all I care," I mumbled as I crawled into the little bed. "I think

he left to go meet his friends. I don't really know and I really don't give a flying rat's ass where he is as
long as he's not in my face."

He nodded and shrugged his soft brown leather jacket off, placing it on the back of the desk chair.

He pulled out his phone and asked, "Want me to set an alarm?"

I agreed that thirty minutes would be sufficient and he climbed into the bed with me, wrapping me

in his warmth and security. It was so right, so perfect, and I was glad I had told him to move in.

We fell into a sound sleep and when the alarm went off we both groaned. I turned over and nestled

into his chest, gripping him more tightly. He hummed happily and wrapped his arms around my back,
pulling me closer. I nuzzled my face into his neck and he made a throaty moan, causing me to press
into him harder.

"CC, are you horny?" I whispered as I pressed my hips into his and he pressed back.
"Pretty much always," he chuckled deeply.
I leaned up and placed a kiss on his jaw. "I've never had a boy in my bedroom before," I said slyly.

He looked down at me and raised his eyebrows. I nodded and grinned as I moved closer to his face to
kiss him.

"Thankfully, thirty minutes napping does not give people heinous breath." He laughed and nipped

gently at my lip.

I snaked my hand down the front of his pants and he let out a soft groan.
"I need you, Edward," I said breathily, stressing his name as I ran my hand up his length.
His fingers were instantly in my shirt and gripping my sides as I ran my thumb over his slit. He

breathed out sharply and pulled me tighter against him. My hands were frantically pulling at his belt
and pants, as he yanked my shirt off of my head. He grabbed his hem and lifted his shirt off and I
shimmied out of my pants before I slammed back into him.

It didn't even occur to me how bright it was outside and how much light there was in the room.
"Those look itchy," I said as I pointed to his boxers. "We should get those off ASAP."
He gave me a crooked smile and watched as I rolled them off and then hooked my thumbs into my

panties. Edward bit the inside of his cheek and raised one eyebrow as he muttered, "That's really sexy."

I gave him a wink and pulled them off. Reaching around my back I gripped my bra band and he

leaned forward. "I want to do that," he told me huskily.

Turning me around, he released the clasp and I pulled the bra off as he kissed my neck and

shoulder, licking across the soft skin and placing both hands firmly against my breasts, kneading and
circling as I gasped and pressed against him. He pulled my face back towards his and moved his hands
lower, pushing my knees apart. His kisses were hungry and full of lust as he pressed his hardness into
my spine and I whimpered as he made contact with my entrance and a grunt escaped his lips.

"So wet, always for me…" he whispered into my ear and I simply nodded because it was the damn

truth. I couldn't deny the effect he had in my pants.


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He created a poonany tsunami.
I tensed and pushed against him as he pulled me up farther against his chest and slid into me from

underneath. He leaned back a bit into the headboard and moved my legs to each side of his. Locking
his arm across my chest, he pressed my back against him as he began to move and I bit my lip against
the sounds that were threatening to escape me.

In one fluid movement, he pushed forward and I was on my elbows and knees as he wrapped his

body around mine.

I buried my face in the mattress and let the moan that I was holding in resonate through the fabric

of the comforter. The depth that the position created was driving me towards my release and I couldn't
hold back the sounds that were coming from me with each thrust from his pelvis.

I could feel his breath coming in labored spurts against my back as he began to shake and he

tightened his grip on my hips. I threw my head back and panted out his name as I came undone while
he continued. His pulses quickened and he let out a growling sound as he pressed his teeth into my
shoulder and came.

We collapsed against the comforter and I rolled over to face him with wide eyes. "Oh my god,

Edward. We should do that here more often," I laughed as I tried to catch my breath.

He smirked and leaned forward to give me a kiss when I heard the mice again. Edward's head

snapped up and his eyes narrowed as he looked towards the closet.

"Mice," I said and he shook his head no
I sat up and grabbed for my clothes. He threw his pants on and shoved his shirt over his head before

moving quickly to the closet door. He flung the double doors wide and peered into the dark walk in.

"Is there a light in here?" he asked angrily.
"No. It's been broken for as long as long as I can remember."
He moved stealthily into the back of the closet and I heard a strangled string of swear words escape

from his mouth and then the sound of mice. Suddenly he wasn't in the closet anymore and I stood up in
a panic.

"You're a disgusting piece of shit!" I heard him scream.
"Edward!" I yelled as I heard yelling and a crash from the adjoining room. I flung my bedroom

door open to see Jake being thrown from his room into the stairwell by Edward…as he stepped out of
Jake's door.

"You were right about him, Bella. He had a crawl space…to watch you!" He yelled as raced down

the stairs after Jake.

My feet wouldn't move. I felt like I was encased in concrete and bile rose in my throat as the reality

of what Edward had just said hit me. My hands started shaking violently and I gasped for air as the
anxiety hit me like a wave of never ending terror.

I heard a commotion in the kitchen and my feet came back to life, thrusting me forward until I was

at the bottom of the stairs and watching Edward and Jake face off. Jake had ripped the microwave out
of the wall and was holding it above his head to throw when the back door flew open and Emmett
stared at the scene before him in disbelief.

"Do it," Edward growled and Jake wavered a bit.
"Move, Emmett!" Edward's tone held a warning and Emmett immediately stepped to the side.
Jake made a move to throw the appliance and I watched, unable to tear my eyes away, as Edward

ducked and lunged for Jake's legs, sweeping them from underneath his body. The microwave slid
towards me and I jumped out of the way as it skittered across the floor.

"Get off!" Jake kicked and screamed.
Edward turned to check on me and make sure I hadn't been hit which resulted in Jake breaking free

and making it past Emmett into the backyard, but Edward was too fast for him and he was right on his


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tail in a matter of seconds. Emmett stayed where he was and I ran to his side as I watched Jake turn
abruptly and try to land a punch to Edward's face. E dodged it and Jake lost his footing, almost falling
and then regaining his balance.

He swung again and screamed, but Edward ducked and Jake missed him, sending him reeling as E

stood back up and pulled him into a head lock and slammed his elbow into the back of Jake's head.
Jake instantly went limp and Edward dropped him to the ground, standing over him and clenching his
fists, trying to regain control.

I just had sex with Jean Claude Van Dayum.
"That's nucking futs!" Emmett whispered and I just nodded, dazed.
Rose came running from the front yard and was yelling into her phone, "Police...and an ambulance.


I watched as E turned slowly and acknowledged us all standing behind him. The fury in his eyes

made me cringe and I fell to my knees as the thoughts of Jake watching me in my room took form in
my head.

Rose ran over and wrapped her arms around me, trying to still my shaking. "You were missing a

fuse so I went to the store to get a replacement," she said into my ear. I nodded and started to cry.

"Jake." I choked out.
He had sabotaged my car twice now to keep me in Forks for a longer amount of time. What was I

going to tell Charlie?


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Chapter 18


Breathe, Bella. Breathe.
Had I been made to describe the scene in front of me at that moment, I may not have been able to

properly put it into words. The entire thing was surreal and I had a thought that maybe I was sleeping
or that I had made the entire thing up. It couldn't be real, this situation.

It just couldn't.
Rose had retrieved our coats from upstairs and we sat on the back steps as we waited for Charlie

and the police to show up. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that he would be at the house
first and I needed to think of a way to get to him before he started thinking the worst of Edward. But
how exactly do you look at your forty nine year old father and tell him that your stepbrother was
watching you have sex with your boyfriend on your old high school bed, and that he had possibly been
doing it for over a year now?

Not watching sex. Just watching me.
Edward had pulled me in between his knees and he had his arms wrapped around me as I sat in

stunned silence. I had cried at first, but then a numbness settled into my bones and I sat quietly against
him, staring at Jake's limp body.

Under Emmett's ass.
Emmett had decided that he would stake claim of Jake's lifeless form, and he planted his ass right

on Jake's back to ensure that the pervert wouldn't go anywhere if he woke up from the insta-coma that
he had been hand delivered by Edward. So now I sat silently watching Emmett adjust himself over and
over against Jake's back as he complained that Jake's spine was 'pokey'.

Rose had retreated back into the house and I heard her rustling around at the top of the stairs where

the bedrooms were. I vaguely wondered what she could have been doing up there for the past ten

Edward held me tightly and kept whispering that he was sorry in my ear. I couldn't really figure out

what he was sorry for. For busting Jake and bringing the situation to light? For kicking Jake's ass? For
losing his cool?

For being part of the wreckage that demolished Charlie's beloved microwave?
I heard a groan and Edward's arms tightened around me once again protectively. I watched,

terrified, as Jake began to come to and he shifted weakly under Emmett's weight. Em looked down at
him and smirked, shaking his head as Jake tried in vain to sit up a little bit.

"Fat chance, Fido," Emmett chided him and then punched him square in the back of the head,

watching joyfully as Jake's head fell back into the grass. Emmett looked at us and made an irritated
face. "What's up with this peniswrinkle? He should know to stay down."

It was right about that time that I heard the cruiser pull into the driveway and Charlie's shoes in the

hall. "Bella!" He called as he turned into the kitchen. "What the ever loving hell happened to my
microwave?" He yelled forcefully as he looked at the broken appliance on the floor.

"I'll buy you a new one," I tried to yell to him, but my voice barely reached the air above my head.
Edward stood suddenly and stepped to the side of me as Charlie came barreling through the door

and the other police cars showed up. He pulled me to my feet and we both faced my father, watching
sadly as he took in the current state of his 'son'.

His face contorted from shock to disbelief and finally settled on rage. "What did you do?" he yelled


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at Edward and Emmett. I felt E tense as he tried to come up with a good explanation of events. I knew
that he wouldn't be able to get it out and I braced myself to deliver the news when I heard Rose come
running down the stairs.

"Chief! I hate to make you look at these, but you need to know what happened." She shoved a tape

at Edward and gave him a look that said to take it and keep it. She handed a stack of pictures and a
couple of videotapes to Charlie and we all watched as he flipped through the fist few. A heart-
wrenching cry came from his chest as he finally tore his eyes away and looked up at me and then to

Rose took the evidence back and put a hand on his shoulder. "Edward heard Jake in the walls and

followed him through a crawl space in Bella's closet. He has pictures and videos upstairs, chief. These
are only a few. Clearly he's been doing this for a while now, according the large collection that he has."
She stopped and her eyes flicked to me as she frowned. "They aren't all of Bella, sir. He has…multiple

Something broke inside of me then and I snatched my hand out for the pictures in Rose's fists.

Edward tried to pull me back and Charlie stepped in between us, but I shifted and grasped the pictures
before anyone could touch me. I stared down, horrified, at pictures of me. Naked or in various states of
undress. Sleeping. In the shower.

They spanned at least a few years, and while I doubted that he had the crawl space for that entire

time, he had cameras and other means of recording set up in specific places to get what he wanted. My
chin trembled and I bit back my tears, unwilling to shed a single one in the presence of that monster,
but then I heard him shift underneath Emmett again and I completely lost my damn mind.

"You sick son of a bitch!" I screamed at him as my fists crumpled the pictures in my hands. I ripped

my arms away from Edward and shoved Charlie back as I closed the space in between my predator and
me. I stood over him, breathing in halted breaths as I pictured him sneaking behind doors and watching

Oh shit, I need to throw up.
Jake shifted slightly and looked up at me from the grass. His face held no remorse and his eyes

were dead and lifeless as he made eye contact with me. My brain was screaming and my body was
dying from the knowledge that I had just been given and my entire will crumbled. I bent at the waist
and punched him in the face, not even feeling the sting as my hand made contact with the bone.

"You are dead to me, you disgusting…dog," I spat at him as I turned and ran into the house, looking

for escape.

I didn't exactly hear what happened next, but what I could gather was that Emmett pulled Jake to

his feet to stand in front of Charlie. I heard Charlie screaming and carrying on, and I couldn't bring
myself to listen anymore. I wanted to curl up in a ball and never wake up. I wanted to just disappear
into the walls and never have to worry about another person looking at me again for the rest of my life.

Rose hurried in to the living room and wrapped her arms around me. "I think Charlie got in a

couple of good rib cracking punches before the other police showed up," she whispered into my ear.
"Emmett didn't even hold Jake's arms…"

I nodded silently and bit my lip to keep from screaming.
I could hear the other police show up and the clearest thing I could hear Charlie say was, "He's not

waiting for an ambulance. Put him in the back of the car, Harry." Then he told Jared to go up to Jake's
room and recover the rest of the items that Rose had told him about.

Charlie had Edward checked by the EMTs and then called inside that I needed to have my hand

looked at but I refused. I wanted the pain. Wanted to remember how good it felt to punch him. How
much he deserved it.

Jared came down with a box of items, looking upset. "Chief," he called softly. "He has a book?


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With names and…stats or something."

Charlie's jaw clenched and he slammed his fists against the wall. "Just take it to the station, Jared.

Get it out of here. All of it."

I curled even farther into the couch as I heard Charlie stepping slowly towards me. "Bella baby, talk

to me. What happened?" He asked as he sat on the coffee table and placed a hand on my leg. I started to
shake and as I looked up at my father, the realization of what he had just saw hit me and I let out an
ungodly wail. The guys came running and Charlie held his hand up towards them to stop their

"Don't cry," Charlie whispered and I sat up violently, pressing my hands into my face and crying


"He…he…oh, god, dad! He," my eyes were blurry with tears as I looked at his face. "He makes me

feel disgusting!"

He nodded and leaned forward again and I pushed his hand away. "You have no idea, do you?" I

asked him as I struggled for breath. "Do you have any idea how much I hate myself? How much I wish
I had never been born? All I do is screw everything up and make people unhappy. I'm worthless." I
heard Edward make a move towards me and I jumped to my feet.

"Do you know that while I lived in Phoenix I had a neighbor named Victoria…of course you know

that. But did you know that she told me every single day that you didn't want me? She said," I wheezed
and gasped for breath," She said that Renee left you because she knew you didn't want me. That I was
too ugly to love and that's why you never brought me back to Forks for vacations. She said you would
take me to California over the summer so that you could hide me away from all of the people you

"I was reminded every single day of my life for ten years that I was the reason that you and Renee

were divorced. And that I was the reason Renee was so unhappy…and that she didn't want me either? I
heard those words from her mouth and they were repeated so much that it became the truth. And when
mom sent me here, I was sure that you didn't want me then because you didn't want to have me around,
that I reminded you of mom and that you were ashamed of me. And you had a new family by then.

"So all I tried to do here was make you proud. And I kept my mouth shut, dad. When Sue was sick,

I helped out because I needed you to love me. So I didn't tell you when I found the tape of me
undressing in Jake's room when he was fifteen. Or my school pictures that he had in his room that he
would…" I couldn't say it.

"I thought you would be even more ashamed of me, so I just left it alone. I didn't say anything

because you were so torn up over Sue dying and I didn't want to give you more pain. But, dammit, dad!
Do you know how it feels to hate yourself for just…existing…and then find out that someone who is
supposed to be family…has been taking what little privacy and security that you had…and using it to
pleasure himself?

"Now, not only am I the reason for your horrible existence, but now I'm ashamed and disgusted

with myself because he was using me and I have nothing left. Nothing."

I looked up at the ceiling and let out a sob that wracked my body so violently that Edward had to

hold me still.

"Why?" I cried into his chest.
Edward pulled me closer and patted my head as he swayed me from side to side. I felt Charlie's

hand on my shoulder and he gently pulled me away from Edward and held me against him.

"Dammit, Bella. Why didn't you ever tell me about this? Not one of those things that you said is

true. None of it. Its so far from the truth that is scares me, Lou. How could you think that I didn't want

I sagged into his embrace and tried to breathe.


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"Baby girl, why would you…?" He cleared his voice and sat me back on the couch, cupping my

chin in his palm. "I have always wanted you. It about near killed me when Renee left and took you. She
left because she was unhappy with Forks. With me. Our life. Not you...We went to California over the
summers because you were used to sunshine and dry weather. And I was proud to have you with me
every single time. You are my pride and joy, Bella. You are the best thing I've ever done. I look at you
and my heart is so proud of your humor and personality, your compassion and how caring you've
always been. All of it makes me proud.

"And, god…how could you not think that you're beautiful? I never said it because I thought you

knew. I didn't know that this is what had happened to you, you know. Your mom just told me there was
fighting at school...that you were being picked on, and I was so happy to have you, even if it was only
for two years." His eyes were clouded with sadness as my crying slowed and I listened to his words.

"You'll be lonely now," I whispered to him.
He took a deep breath and placed his hands on his knees. "But Jacob will be off the streets. I have

no idea how extensive this goes and I don't want to, frankly. I blame myself for not seeing it or
knowing it was going on in my own home."

"Its not your fault, Charlie," I assured him.
He smiled sadly and nodded. "Its not yours either."
I closed my eyes and laughed sadly. "I'm sorry that you had to see that. And for this," I said as I

made a motion towards the room.

Edward sat gently on the couch next to me. Rose scooted closer and Emmett sat down next to

Charlie on the table.

"Bees, you couldn't be farther from the truth with your perception." Emmett was looking at me with

pain on his face.

Rose grasped my hand and squeezed. "Today, Bella. Leave it here. Its not the truth and it never was.

Look at your dad. He loves you and it's so apparent to all of us that we never thought to reassure you of
it." She pressed her forehead against my cheek and I squeezed my eyes shut.

Edward slipped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek. He tapped my temple and

whispered, "We have to fix this."

Charlie nodded and patted my knee. "You have a good man here, Bees Knees. You should listen to

him. Listen to me. Listen to your friends. None of this, ever, was your fault." I nodded my head and
opened my eyes to see Charlie looking at me sternly.

"What Jake did was reprehensible and he will pay for it. But don't let him steal your worth. Don't

ever let anyone steal that because you're not worthless. I think you can look around this room and see
for yourself just how much you're loved." He pointed at his chest. "Needed," he patted Emmett's
shoulder. "Cared for," he smiled at Rose. "And wanted," he said as his eyes slid over to Edward.

"He loves you," Charlie chuckled and Edward nodded.
I looked up and took a deep breath. "He's moving in," I blurted out.
Charlie sat back, looking just the tiniest bit shocked. He shook his head and raised his eyebrows.

"The hell he is," he replied.

I looked up in disbelief and turned to look at Edward who looked rejected.
Charlie leaned forward towards us and clucked his tongue. "He's not moving in until he replaces

my microwave."


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Chapter 19


I left Charlie's house in Rose's car about ten minutes after he demanded a microwave. To hell with

the fact that I didn't actually break it. This damn microwave was like some sort of dowry for Bella, and
I would have bought him a microwave that diddled his balls if it meant that he was cool with me
moving in with his beautiful, broken daughter.

She had tried so hard to help me out with whatever mental obstruction I had, and I hadn't even

realized the extent of what she had gone through. Of how deep her pain reached and how it colored
everything that she saw in her life. How much it had festered until it had burrowed itself so deep that
she couldn't get rid of it.

But she would. I would make sure of it.
Charlie's face lit up when I came through the door with his prize. We set it up as Bella retrieved her

things from her room upstairs with Rose, who was making sure that they stayed clear of Jacob's room. I
was astounded, to tell the truth. I had never seen such devotion and loyalty and it made me proud to be
amongst this group of people. And it made me ache inside to know that I could have had it all along.

Alaska had been the loneliest period of my life. Even with Tanya.
We left the Rusted Beast behind, and I had to convince Rose that it really was a bad idea to pour

gasoline on it and watch it blaze. She looked like she didn't believe me until Charlie assured us that he
would have the truck taken to the junkyard. It was a reminder of Jake for him too and he looked a little
saddened but relieved to have it gone.

We rode back across the ferries and to the apartment in almost complete silence. I had pulled Bella's

head into my lap and turned her face into my stomach as I ran my fingers through her hair. She didn't
really look at any of us for the entire ride and it pissed me off to no end that she would feel even the
slightest bit of guilt or embarrassment for that asshole's actions.

As we made our way into their apartment, I adjusted the tape in my back pocket that Rose had

given me. I struggled to not take it out and break it into a thousand pieces because I needed to see it.
There was just something in me that needed to see it.

Because, apparently, I was now in possession of my first home sex tape.
I got Bella settled into her room and she changed into her pajamas slowly, taking in the day's

events. I listened as Rose and Emmett spoke in hushed tones to Alice and Jasper, filling them in on the
situation. There was a moment of silence before I heard Alice speaking so quickly and at such a high
pitch that I was sure I wasn't, as a human, supposed to actually hear it. Jasper, always the coolest head
of us all, tried to calm Alice down and after a few minutes she finally seemed to hear him enough to

"Will you be okay tonight? I can stay," I told Bella as she rifled through her overnight bag for her

face wash.

In a small voice she asked, "Do you want to stay?"
I smiled tightly and nodded. "I would move in tonight, if I could."
She straightened back up and tightened her grip on the bottle. "Have you actually thought about

this, E? I mean…it's kinda permanent. Your name is on the lease and then you are here. Always."

I simply nodded.
"Where do you want to stay?"
Her question seemed so obvious and innocent, but this could go from bad to worse if I said the


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wrong thing.

I gulped and looked her in the eyes. "Well, where do you want me to stay? There's an extra

bedroom. It really is your decision." I was giving her the option to tell me that it was too soon, that she
still wanted space. But the egotistical bastard inside of me, the one that pulled her out of the way of a
moving car, the same one that almost ripped Jake's throat out, wanted her to say it.

I wanted her to say that she wanted me here. With her.
Bella took a deep breath and bit her bottom lip as she decided. Her big brown eyes opened and she

smiled shyly. "I want you here. Alice and I will talk about the third bedroom…I'm sure we'll come up
with something adequate to use it for."

"Aww, man. This is the kind of dumb ass corporate shit I'm talking about, E. Why the hell do we

have to go to see a motivational speaker? We schlep books all day, how motivated do you have to be?"
Emmett was as close to whining as I had ever heard him and I snickered a bit.

I kicked my foot behind me and made contact with his ass. "You know that Bella had to plan this,

right? And, by the way? Your dad runs this company, so all of this 'dumb ass corporate shit' has to go
through him first."

He shrugged his shoulders and pressed the button for the elevator to take us down to the conference

room. We heard voices in the hallway and I groaned out loud just as Emmett swore under his breath,

Jessica and Lauren were making their way towards the elevator and their steps quickened as they

saw us waiting. Lauren was trying her best to walk seductively in her big ass heels and I zoned out for a
second with a daydream of her toppling out of them…and out of one of the windows.

"Awww, you didn't have to wait for us," Jessica's voice shattered my thoughts.
Emmett's mouth twisted up and he snorted. "We don't have much of a choice when only one

elevator is working." I turned away from them and faced the elevator door as I shoved my hands in my
pockets and bit my tongue to stop from laughing at the looks of aggravation that had settled on both of
their faces.

We filed into the elevator together and I busied myself with my phone as we descended. Once on

the correct floor, we allowed the girls to exit first, fully expecting them to continue on. But they waited
for us and I started to get annoyed. This wasn't damn High School, for Pete's sake.

Walk your own ass to class.
We all wandered into the conference room and Emmett walked directly to the back corner, claiming

his seat. I joined him and, much to my dismay, Jessica planted herself right next to me. I shifted away
from her and leaned in to have a conversation with Emmett when I saw something from my periphery.

Mike Newton was looking at me like he wanted to cut my nuts off and wear them as a necklace.
I looked at Emmett and he stifled a laugh as he nodded his head towards Jessica, who was staring at

me like I was Zach damn Efron. Groaning internally, I hung my head and planted my elbows on the
desk, propping my chin on my hands and giving Mike a look that said I was not interested in whatever
his booty call was offering.

It really was the strangest thing, but I could smell Bella before she even made it through the door

and suddenly my entire body was on alert, like I was on fire. She entered the room looking disoriented
as she scanned the heads in the class. She looked over all of the empty seats and then her gaze shifted
to our side of the room and she smirked. Cocking an eyebrow at Jessica, she bit back a smile and sat in
the farthest corner away from us, at the front of the room.

It was Thursday, and I just had to get through to Saturday. Because Saturday was the day that I was

moving in with my girlfriend.

Bella had been only a little more withdrawn than she normally was, so I took it as a good sign that


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the talk with Charlie had made an impression on her psyche. Of course, the altercation with Jake had
heightened my already frayed nerves and I ended up giving Bella's pajama shorts a run for their money
that night. Not that she minded, really.

Suck on that, Record Breaker.
It had been harder than I anticipated telling my parents that we were moving in together. Carlisle

looked a little apprehensive but I assured him that Bella and I were fully aware of my 'condition' and
that we had been working on making sure that nothing went too far, and that she didn't get hurt.

My mom, on the other hand…
Esme had been ecstatic and was hugging me tightly as she told me how happy she was that I had

finally met someone that I wanted to take the 'next step' with. I wanted to tell her that moving in was
not the same translation as, 'We're giving you grandbabies!' but she didn't seem to know the difference
anyway. Esme was always a romantic at heart.

"We've only met her once, son."
I looked back at Carlisle and nodded. "Yes, sir. But if I'm not living here it won't be as awkward to

bring her over, will it?"

Esme flitted her hand at him and sighed. "We'll see her when we help bring his things over."
Oh, shit…how embarrassing was it going to be to have my parents helping me to move in with


As if on cue to my thoughts, Bella stood up and addressed the room confidently, introducing the

speaker and then taking her seat again, her head bent over her notebook in concentration.

I had to stop the rush of blood to my dick as I thought about how hot it would be to take her against

that dry erase board that the speaker, Renata was writing chicken scratch all over. I especially needed to
tame the anaconda with Jessica sitting so close. She might take it as an invitation of some sort.

Emmett slid a sheet of paper towards me, like we were in a high school bio lab, passing notes.
'Are you ready?'
I snatched his pen and wrote: 'Of course.'
He smirked and wrote: 'Pansy.'
The rest of the seminar went on that way as the speaker droned on and on about how all of the

company's employees and management needed to work together to create beautiful music. According
to her, playing separate songs at the same time sounded like a train wreck and the only way to maintain
the symphony was to play in harmony.

I wanted to take a nap.
As Renata moved to the question portion, I felt Emmett perk up. His fingers were flexing in

excitement as he lifted his hand for a question. Renata acknowledged him and he cleared his throat.

"Can one person play more than one instrument at a time?"
Renata looked perplexed, "Can you expand on that question, Mr. McCarty?"
He smiled and shifted to look at me. "Like, can you play the piano and the flute at the same time?

Or would you need someone else to play your flute for you?"

The speaker crossed her arms and laughed. "You don't have enough hands to play both of those


Emmett nodded and smiled as he kicked me under the table. "Oh, I guess you're right. You would

totally need someone else to blow on your flute if your hands were busy tickling the ivories."

I scowled at him and kicked him back. "You're going to hell, you know that?"
He nodded and chuckled as he made eye contact with Bella and stuck his tongue in his cheek.
Holy shitcans. Bella had told them about the piano sex.
My eyes flicked towards her only momentarily, but I could tell from where I was sitting that she

had turned an alarming shade of red. She leaned back over her paper and scribbled furiously.


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I leaned into him and hissed, "You know you have to take her home tonight. She's going to punch in

the face."

Renata finished up the Q&A and then leaned back against the table she had behind her. "Now, I

want to go around the room and have each of you tell us what instrument you are, and why." She
looked pensively at Emmett and called on him first.

"Bass drum," he replied quickly.
Renata shifted her foot over and asked, "Bass drum on a drum kit? Or the big one you strap to your

chest and beat with sticks?"

He bit his fist and gathered his composure. "The second one."
She turned to me and I said, "The piano."
Renata smiled and cocked her head to the side. "The biggest instrument. The leader, right? Also, the

most melodic. Nice choice." She smiled and called on Jessica.

"The flute," she said and then slowly turned to look at me.
Oh, please. Kill me now.
My hand flew up to my mouth and I gagged a little.
Lauren was called and she replied something ridiculous like the harp. I thought she was more like

the wind chimes; ceaseless and noisy with no real melody.

Mike clearly thought his symphony was attached to the Foo Fighters, because he said he would be

an electric guitar. Moron.

Tyler said he wanted to be a piano too and Renata told him we already had one and to pick another

instrument. So he chose tuba. Probably because he couldn't think of another instrument on the spot.

And so she went around the room. By the time she got to the front of the room we had an obo, a

sax, a cello…clearly someone was overcompensating for his johnson.

She looked like she was done until her eyes landed on Bella. "Isabella? Would you care to say

which instrument you are?"

Bella didn't even look up from her paper as she responded, "The cowbell."
A laugh rippled through the seats and Renata leaned towards her. "Really? Why?"
Bella looked up with a stone serious face and said, "Because you can always use a little more



"Moving day!" Alice was squealing as she poured coffee into the machine. I yawned and propped

myself against the counter as I waited for my caffeine fix.

Edward had said that his parents were coming over to help move him in and I didn't really know

how I felt about that. Clearly, none of his fancy, overpriced, previously humped furniture would fit in
any of the rooms. So he was essentially moving his clothes and personal items in. To my room.

Jasper had been bringing boxes in all week and so he was almost completely transitioned. Rose was

taking everything in her bedroom, but the rest of the furniture was mine and Alice's so once Jasper's
bed arrived, all of her stuff could go and then it would just be a matter of shifting my clothes over in
my drawers. And closet. And the bathroom cabinet.

Which would make it final. I would officially be living with my boyfriend.
When did I become an adult?
So I put my hands up
They're playing my song,
And the butterflies fly away


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"Ugh, Alice? Do you have to play that Hannah Montana shit this early in the morning?" Emmett

was shuffling into the living room in an unusually cranky mood.

Noddin' my head like yea
Movin my hips like yea
Alice was bouncing around and dancing as she sang along, pulling me into her and swinging me

around as I tried in vain to reach for my coffee mug.

I got my hands up,
They're playin my song
I know im gonna be ok
Jasper peeked his head around the corner and rolled his eyes. "Nice send off, darlin'. Now they'll

never come back for a visit."

Rose pushed a box into the living room and stopped to turn the song off. "Please just put on some

Linkin Park so that we can actually get motivated, Lice. Damn."

A quick breakfast of Trix and Fruity Pebbles were had, as well as enough coffee to get us across the

country with Forrest on his run. And then we all scattered to get things done.

I focused on the task at hand and helped Rose box up the rest of her clothes and toiletries. Em and J

were coming in and out to move the disassembled furniture into the moving truck that had been rented
the night before. As Rose's room became more vacant I started to feel a bit of panic creep into my

Alice was unpacking the last of J's things and I was carrying more of Rose's boxes to the door when

I heard unfamiliar voices in the hallway. There was a knock and I opened the door to Edward…and
both of his parents.

Could their timing have been worse? I was going to mutilate Rose's corpse after I finished kicking

her ass.

I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Why did she have the Jay Z/ Linkin Park Hybrid Theory cd on her iPod?
Hit me
Yes, please hit me. Kill me and bury my body because I have just died of embarrassment.
Rose meandered out of her room and looked up to see me holding the door as Edward and his

parents stared back at me blankly, listening to Jay Z discuss his lack of problems with ho's.

She rushed over and turned the music down and then flipped the iPod to The Police.
Oh, yes. Sting would definitely make this situation better.
"Mr. and Mrs. Cullen!" She called brightly as she hurried to the door and pulled them in for a hug.

"It's so good to see you. Do you need help bringing anything in?"

I sparked back to life and smiled timidly. "Yeah, umm, do you need help with anything?"
Esme stepped forward and gave me a hug. "There are a few small boxes that I'm sure we can

handle, but I think the men will have to do the majority of the work." She winked and grabbed my
hand. "It's a shame to be a lady and so fragile."

She pulled me down the hallway with Rose and we rode down to the Volvo and Audi that were

parked in the loading section. I looked into the cars and the reality of Edward moving in hit me full
force and I started laughing like a maniac.

"Oh, wow. That's a lot more stuff than I thought he had. I mean, I saw his room and all…" my

words fell out of my lips and I wanted to shove them back in and swallow them.

Esme chuckled. "Yes, I know. He had some storage from moving back that hadn't been unloaded

yet, so here it is." She turned demurely and smiled. "You don't have to be embarrassed about anything,
Bella. I only knew you were there because I could smell your shampoo. Edward was clearly worried
about Carlisle disapproving…but he has no leg to stand on." Her face broke into the biggest smile. "I


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used to hide under Carlisle's bed."

I think I fell in love with Esme, too.
Rose cackled and grabbed a couple of boxes before she walked back inside. Edward and Carlisle

were coming through the door and I set my boxes down for a second to greet Edward with a kiss. And
then I just grabbed a hold of his hot ass dad and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Sorry I didn't do that earlier. It was…weird, with the angry ho music and whatnot." I grabbed my

boxes and smiled at Edward as Esme and I headed back inside.

Edward needed to accept the fact that incidences like this were going to happen on a more than

regular basis if he stayed with me. Me and my word vomit were kind of a package deal.

Carlisle seemed to loosen up a bit as we unloaded E's things into the extra bedroom. Rose finally

had everything out and Emmett was walking around trying to decipher if anything was being left
behind. Then all of the men made one last trip downstairs to bring up the last items.

I was working diligently on making more room in the closet and in my dressers when I heard Esme

call for me. I turned and she was leaning in from the door to ask if I needed any help.

"I'm just trying to free up space," I told her as I got up from my crouching position. Clearly I got up

too fast because I lost my footing and fell against my nightstand, causing it to jostle and tip before it
righted with a loud thud.

Followed by a low vibration.
"Holy hell," I muttered as I kicked the nightstand again hoping to stop the buzzing to no avail.
Esme's eyes grew wide and a chuckle bubbled up from her lips until it turned into a full on howl of

laughter. Her cheeks were bright red and she had her face buried in her hands as she shook her head
back and forth. While she had her face covered I opened the drawer and reached in blindly to turn off
the vibrator.

"Es? What are you laughing at?" Carlisle stepped into the room followed by Edward and then

everybody else just gathered around.

Because that is exactly how much my life sucks.
Esme was trying to regain her composure and I was frozen with my hand in the drawer, grasping at

the vibrator and trying to turn it over inconspicuously to reach the off button. All of the unwanted
pressure and attention just made me more nervous and I ended up dropping the damn thing.

Could it have turned to high on is own like that?
Rose and Emmett looked completely entertained by the scene before them and Alice was back to

her damn silent laughter. Jasper seemed like he wanted to come help me but his face said that I was
pretty screwed and had no way out.

Esme was wiping the tears off of her face and trying to get words out but every time she opened her

mouth she choked up and laughed louder.

Carlisle and Edward were staring at me with wide-eyed astonishment. That was about the time that

I decided I was already screwed so I shrugged and smirked, pulling my hand completely out of the
drawer and clicking the vibrator off.

"Does anyone want lunch?"

The Cullen's left after the pizza arrived. Esme yanked me in to the tightest hug I'd ever received and

when she pulled back her eyes were mischievous. "Call me. We'll have coffee," she said before she
gave Edward a hug and kiss.

Carlisle hugged me and Edward before laying his hand gently on Esme's lower back and directing

her out of the apartment. She wasn't even freaking out…I was impressed.

Eh, it's not like he hadn't left before. For ten geedee years.
When they were finally gone the entire apartment burst into laughter. Emmett was slapping his knee


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and rocking back and forth as he bellowed, "That could not have gone worse. You gave them one hell
of a Swan orientation, Champ. The only thing worse that could have happened was if you had one of
those Captain Condom pamphlets from the clinic announcing that 'AIDS is no joke, wrap it before you
poke'." He laughed and then shook his head, "No,no. The Record Breaker was definitely worse.

"If you're all done being complete douches and douchettes…" I said as I flopped on the couch, "I'm

aware that I do not make a good first impression. Or in this case: second. At least now your family
knows what they're in for, right CC?"

Edward looked up, amused. "Trial by fire, that's for sure."
Emmett and Rose stood up and looked around one more time before they decided that it was time to

head out. Rose looked a little misty eyed and I blinked back the tears that were pricking mine. She
pulled Alice and I into a girl hug and kissed us both on our heads. "Love you guys," she whispered and
we told her the same.

She released us and wiped her face as she turned to the boys. "Take care of them, or else I will

come over here and personally remove all four testicles. Got it?"

Edward's eyes popped and Jasper just waved his hand at Rose in dismissal. Emmett gave J a man

hug and then pulled Edward into one as well. He turned his attention to Alice and picked her up to
squeeze her before putting her down. He turned to me lastly and shoved me into his chest.

"Be good, Bees." He said softly and I nodded in response, not trusting my voice to work.
"Thank you, Emmy."
He looked down and smirked. "For what?"
I gripped his arms harder and swallowed the lump in my throat. "For taking care of me for so long."

I leaned over to look at Rose and added, "You too, Ro."

Emmett looked sad for a second before his mouth turned up into a grin. "Don't get all emotional

and girly, Lou. We'll be by on the weekends to have sex in the kitchen."

I released him and giggled. "Well, I think it only appropriate that you guys should have some theme

music as you abandon us. So," I walked over to the radio and plugged my iPod in, "this is dedicated to

You can dress me up in diamonds
You can dress me up in dirt
You can throw me like a line-man
I like it better when it hurts
"Ugh, no! Bees, what the hell?" Emmett was shoving his hands against his ears.
You make me wanna la la
in the kitchen on the floor
I'll be a french maid
Where I'll meet you at the door
Rose gave me the bird and then smiled. "C'mon, Em. It doesn't matter how hard you press your

hands into your ears, that damn song is gonna eat a hole in your brain."

I feel safe with you
I can be myself tonight
Alice and I were singing at top volume now, with our hands to our chests and our eyes closed.
It's alright, with you
Cuz you hold, my secrets tight
As the chorus hit we danced around the two of them and gave them a proper send off. One that

would have Emmett humming Ashlee Simpson for at least the next 12 hours.

You make me wanna la la, la la la, la la, la la la la la la la la la


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You make me wanna la la, la la la
Rose smacked both Alice and I on the ass and then dragged Emmett out by his elbow. And then it

was just us. I sighed and turned to look at my new home. It looked like a man cave had exploded and I
grew instantly nostalgic at the loss of our lady house. Alice seemed to be thinking the same thing
because she was standing in the middle of the living room, looking confused.

"This will not do, no sirs." She picked up a box and walked it into the empty bedroom.
Edward smirked and reached for my hand, pulling me onto the couch. "So what did you decide to

make the third bedroom into?"

I clasped my hands together and leaned forward. "That, my love, is The Doghouse."
Jasper's head snapped up from the pile of DVDs that he was sorting. "What are you talking about?"
Alice reentered the room and I told her to explain. "Oh! Well, its obvious that at some point one of

you is going to piss one of us off. So, in order to maintain the integrity of our couch cushions," she
smirked at Edward," Jasper's bed is going in there so that you have a place to sleep."

"That hardly seems fair." Edward was shaking his head vehemently. "We split the rent four ways, so

why would we have to sleep in there more than you guys would?"

Alice laughed like that was the funniest thing he had ever said. "Oh, Edward. You have so much to

learn…" And she turned to walk back into the extra room.

I patted Edward's knee and stood. "I made some more room in my drawers for you." He smiled

widely and pushed off of the couch.

"Then let's make this official and mingle our underwear."
By dinnertime we had pretty much found a place for everything. It was decided that all family

pictures would stay in the open living space so that the judgmental eyes of our parents didn't become a
constant cockblock.

I placed the last hanger in the closet and then closed the double doors with a soft click that signaled

that it had really happened. We were cohabitating. Is that a word?

"We are going to make a chore list," I told Edward as I moved to sit next to him on the bed.
He shrugged and pulled me close. "I'll take bathrooms and dishes."
I sat straight up and looked around in astonishment. I made a big to do of pinching my arm and then

I put a hand to his forehead. "Did I imagine that? Please tell me I didn't black out and have a cleaning
related fantasy…"

He pulled me back down and told me I was an idiot before he kissed my forehead. Alice and Jasper

came by to let us know that they were going to see a movie and that they would be gone for a while.
Then she winked and wiggled her eyebrows as Jasper called, "Bowchickabowwow…"

I listened as the door closed behind them and sighed. Edward ran a hand across my cheek and

looked at me in concern. "Are you okay?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. It's just the first time that the group has split. Even in college the guys

were always over. It will be weird not seeing Emmett half naked at the breakfast table or Rose's ass
bent over the couch. Or the two of them spoon feeding each other…Now that I think about it, it really
was time for those two nymphos to get a place." I laughed loudly as I finished.

I looked up into Edward's eyes and a jolt of electricity made my heart leap and my arms break out

in goose bumps. He cocked his head to the side and breathed deeply. "They'll be around more than you
realize, B. In fact, once Rose finds out about The Doghouse, I'm sure Em will be sent here at least once
a week."

We took showers and I made some turkey wraps for us to eat. After watching our fill of Who's line

Is It Anyways, we ended up making out on the couch. Edward was stretched completely across me,
burying me into the pillows as he kissed me slowly and pressed his hips into mine.

I pushed him back a little and ran my hand through his hair. "Let's go to…our room. Make this


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official?" A smile lit up his entire face and he kissed me softly once more before getting up and slinging
me over his shoulder. I squealed and kicked against him as he crossed the threshold and plopped me
down on the comforter.

Scooting up into the middle of the bed, I watched as he rid himself of those very unnecessary

pajama bottoms. I stared for a second, taking in his lean form and taught muscles. Biting my lip I
blinked a couple if times before looking up into his eyes.

Yep. I had made a really good decision.
He crawled across the comforter like a lion in heat and I suddenly felt like he was going to pounce

on me; which he did. I fell back against the pillows with a giggle and he nuzzled my neck with his nose
as he held himself over me.

"These are in the way," he said in a low tone. I obliged and rid myself of the pants and tank top. He

smirked and pushed the clothes off of the bed and onto the floor. "Much better."

He nestled his knees in between my thighs and parted them as he settled on top of me, his kisses

still slow and burning. It was like we both knew that we suddenly had all the time in the world. There
was no time limit. Nowhere to go.

He sucked slightly on my bottom lip and I moaned, causing him to move down and nip at my neck

and shoulders. I ran my hands along the smooth planes of his back and shifted my hips into him,
pushing his erection up against my entrance.

He let out a soft gasp and pressed against me only slightly before he resumed kissing me across my

chest and running his hands along my ribcage. "I am so happy right now," he murmured against my left
nipple before he ran his tongue across it quickly.

"Me too," I choked out as I pushed against him again.
He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "So eager, love. Can't you just enjoy this?"
"Yes," I said and rolled my hips again.
Edward moved his face back to mine and planted his elbows next to my head, his hands cradling it

at my temples. "I love you, Bella." He whispered and I smiled before telling him the same.

"Can you do something for me?" He asked.
I panicked a little and the first thing that popped into my head was that he wanted to spank me or

flog me or some shit. Then I had the fleeting thought that he wanted to give it to me in my 'exit only'.
So I tensed up a bit and pushed my head farther into the pillows as I continued down the list of things
he might want.

"What?" I asked shakily.
He kissed the tip of my nose and ran his thumbs across my forehead. "Will you just tell me…say…

that you know you are beautiful."

I closed my eyes and held my breath. He kissed my jaw and pushed up against me again and I

jerked at the contact, needing more. He was kissing along my face, across my jaw and over my nose in
a slow succession and I kept my eyes closed as I just relished in the feel of him on me. His skin, his
lips, his scent…all of it overwhelmed me.

I whined a little as he adjusted himself closer and then stilled. "How about I say that I know you

think I'm beautiful?"

"Nope," he chuckled as his hands ran down my thighs and parted them wider.
"C'mon, E. You can't use your military interrogation tactics on me every time we want to get busy.

Is this what they taught you in there?" I shifted again and bit my lip as the head of his erection grazed
my wetness.

Which was a hell of a lot, by the way.
Edward didn't stop his torrent of kisses as he replied, "Oh no. We played Britney Spears from

helicopters to get confessions. You are definitely getting a better turn than those guys."


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His hand slid up my thigh and trailed inward as I sucked in a sharp breath. "You can have it when

you say it," he chided me.

Then he flicked me.
"Ohgod…" I jerked and gasped for breath, "Did you just flick my 'little man in the boat'?"
He looked up and arched his eyebrow, "Maybe."
"Damn, CC. Please? Now you have me begging. See what I've been reduced to?"
He ran his fingers over and around where the burning ache was boiling hot and I sighed in

frustration. I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his length and he groaned as he tried to
move away.

"Look. Even this guy knows you're being an ass. He's knocking on the golden gates of Poon City

and you want me to say a secret password?" I squeezed lightly and moved my hand upward.

He nodded and pulled one of my nipples between his teeth as I continued to hedge. "Three words,

love. Three words and you get what you want."

I grasped his hair in frustration. "Listen, Double Oh Peen. This is the last time you use your

fabulous package to get me to agree to shit, okay? It's not fair." His eyes twinkled as he dipped his hand
and flicked me again.

"Oh, shit. Okay. Okay." He looked up expectantly and I sighed. "Can we start with pretty? I'm

pretty. I. Am. Pretty." I saw my reflection in the beautiful green of his eyes, and then behind that I saw
his love and adoration.

"We'll start there," he whispered as he brought his lips to mine again and pushed his way inside of

me. Finally.

I wrapped my legs around him greedily and pushed against him roughly. "You're so frustrating,

Edward," I whispered against his skin as he made a quick thrust in and then almost pulled completely

My body instantly wanted him back inside and I bucked my hips at him to bring him in again. His

hands gripped me under my ass and he lifted my hips into him as he moved. My eyes rolled or
something because I couldn't see anything as he slipped in and out at a maddeningly slow speed.

"Edward," I called out as he pumped into me languidly, his thrusts long and slow. His lips were on

mine instantly and I shoved my tongue into his mouth, tasting him and feeling him everywhere.
"More," I moaned into his mouth and he made a low growl before he moved the position of his knees
so that my legs were over his forearms.

He sat back and angled his body above me, making each sensation feel ten times as heightened as

before. I was practically screaming as he increased his pace, his own moans and breathing making me
hotter. I grasped onto his knees and pushed against him forcefully.

"Ugh…god, B…" he strained out and I whimpered loudly at the friction being created. It spread

from my abdomen and down further, the heat expanding and then centralizing as I tensed and reached
for him, yanking him down onto me and in deeper as I cried out as the most intense orgasm I had ever
experienced ripped through me.

You know that sound that porn stars make. Like, "Aaaah," but the inflection goes up at the end

when they're being drilled into? Yeah. That was the sound I made. And I meant it.

I wasn't even aware that I was still making sounds as I felt Edward's arms tighten around me and he

came forcefully, gasping into my hair.

He looked up at me as I continued to babble and kissed me on my neck where my pulse was


I kept my legs around his hips and didn't release them as he settled onto me, breathing heavily and


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running his finger over my eyebrows. "Bella?"

I let my eyes open and he was looking at me with slight concern. "Huh?"
He scooted closer and I bit my lip as he moved inside of me further.
"You were chanting 'no' or something. I just wanted to make sure you're okay."
I laughed and shook my head. "I was not saying 'no' I was making incoherent noises. You would

know if I was saying no."

He looked satisfied as he rolled us over and settled me on his chest.
I sighed contentedly and then sat up quickly. "I have something for you," I said as I rolled to the

end of the bed and reached for a small package on my desk. I turned and handed it to him with a smile.

He sat up a bit and looked like he thought it was a joke or something.
"Oh, Jeebus, CC. It's not like I got you a cock ring. Just open it."
He frowned slightly and removed the bow and lid. His eyes lit up and he chuckled as he pulled his

apartment key out of the box and held it in between his fingers.

I climbed back towards him and gave him another kiss. Sitting back a little, I ran my hand through

his hair and whispered. "Welcome home."


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Chapter 20


"Why do you set your alarm so early?" I asked groggily as Bella hit snooze for the tenth time since

five forty five.

"Because, maybe one day I will actually get up that early and be productive. It appears today is not

that day." She turned into me and snuggled up against my chest, wiggling her leg in between my thighs.
I nestled my chin on her head and she pulled the covers up to her nose.

"Did you know that I used to think that if you breathed in another person's air that they breathed out

of their nose…like under a blanket or something…that you would die because it wasn't oxygen?"

I chuckled and pulled her close to me as I yawned. "You're so silly. You won't die."
She nodded and pulled the blanket down. "I would right now because of your morning breath. Do I

still have eyebrows after you breathed that dragon fire on me?"

I dug my fingers into her thighs and listened to her squeal with laughter. It was definitely the best

way to wake up: Bella in our bed, in my arms, making stupid comments and laughing.

"Fine! Stop!" She yelled as she tried to catch a breath. "I have to get ready. My boyfriend is driving

me to work today." She got off of the bed and gave me a sly look. "We're having a secret affair and its
about to go public."

I sat up and pretended to be angry. "Who is this guy? I'll kill him…"
She giggled and gave me a quick kiss before she headed to shower. I got up and shuffled into the

kitchen to start the coffee. I heard Alice and Jasper behind their door and there was a lot of, how do I
put this gently…moaning…going on. This was probably the main reason for the radio in the kitchen
and I took complete advantage of it as I turned on the local Top Hits station, the voices of the morning
DJs blocking out the noises quite nicely.

I waited until the coffee was finished and I made myself a cup and then made one for Bella. Slowly,

I carried them into the bedroom and set them on the dresser. Bella was done with the shower and stood
next to the bed lotioning her legs in only her panties. Not even a damn bra, just panties. It caught me
off guard a little and I stood still just staring at her.

She was oblivious for a minute before she looked up in alarm. "What are you doing?"
I raised my hands as if to say I didn't know. "Do you always get dressed in here? With lotion? In

your panties…only?"

She made a face that said I was an idiot as she closed the lid on the bottle. "Yes, CC. That's what a

bedroom is for."

I walked over behind her and kissed her neck, running my hands across the front of her chest and

lightly grasping her breasts. "Hmmm," I sighed. "It may he a little…hard…to get out the door in the
mornings, then."

"That's what she said. And you'll need to reel that beast in, mister. We have to get going so that we

miss the majority of the Parking lot Parade. If we leave on time, we'll beat over half of the office there
and no one will be the wiser."

I ground my hard on into her back and let my hands run lower across her belly. "We're breaking all

of the rules now, anyway. Why not just say, wuddafux and let it happen?"

She sighed and pressed back into me as she thought about it. "We'll see how today goes, okay?" I

nodded and ran my fingers along the lace of the top of her panties.

"Dammit! Now I have to change these, E. Thanks." She turned and pushed me back a bit, her


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mouth pulling into a smirk as she looked at my tented pants. "And you still haven't showered. What are
you going to do about that?"

In one quick movement I grabbed her and ran into the bathroom, setting her down in the shower.

She looked panicked and tried to get out but I held her in with one hand while the other started the
water. And then I turned it on and drenched her. She was shocked, and then irritated before her face
settled on amused. I jumped in with her and yanked her panties off.

"You said you had to change those any way, right?"
She rolled her eyes and soaped up a washcloth as I reached for my toothbrush and brushed my teeth

under the spray. She began washing my back and I quickly turned around and snatched the washcloth
from her as I pushed her back under the spray and kissed her hard. I finished washing as fast as I could,
then I spun her around and showed her exactly what I was going to do with that morning wood I was

We weren't even late getting to work.
I parked the car in the farthest corner of the lot and leaned across the seat to give Bella one last kiss

before we parted ways. She pressed her lips to mine softly and then again with force before she slipped
her tongue into my mouth for a fleeting second. She moved back and gave a coy smile. "Have a good
day, Mr. Cullen."

She got out of the car without letting me open her door like I wanted to. I watched her get about ten

feet away and pushed the irritation of this situation out of my mind. I grabbed my gloves and shoved
them on as I got out of the car and followed behind her at a distance.


They saw us.
I told him that we needed to leave by a certain time to avoid being seen by Lauren and Jessica. Or

Mike and Tyler. Hell, even Eric or Angela. They carpooled together, so it was impossible to avoid their
stares as I got halfway through the parking lot, looking freshly screwed, with Edward following less
than ten feet behind me.

Ben had wanted us to keep this low profile while in the office but it looked like everything was out

in the open now. These people weren't stupid. I was going to have to have another meeting with Daddy
M that was for sure.

Lauren's mouth was turned up into a sadistic smile and Jessica was looking from me to Edward

with wide eyes like she couldn't believe that the rumors she had been spreading were true. Mike and
Tyler looked a bit sad, if I was to be honest. And Angela kind of looked happy for us, but she was a
nice girl anyway.

I slowed my steps as I got closer to their group that was surrounding the front door. I sighed in

resignation and turned towards Edward as he closed the distance between us. He looked unsure of what
to do so he kind of just stood next to me awkwardly as we faced the Skanks. Edward's eyes flicked
from me to them and then to the door. I shrugged and he reached his hand out, grasping mine and
smiling widely as he pulled me under his arm.

Mike spoke first. "Hey Bella. Edward. I didn't know you guys were…together."
Lauren snorted, "Yeah right. That was the worst secret since Clay Aiken announced he was gay. Big


I smirked and looked at them, realizing just how high school the situation was. "Whether you knew

it or not, it's still not something that affects our work. Like, you screwing Tyler. Or Jessica giving it up
to Mike on the weekends. So, why don't we all go about our own business?"


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Jessica sputtered and turned swiftly to Mike. "Did you tell her?"
He shook his head no and flinched away as she swatted at him.
I wrapped my arm around Edward's waist and chuckled. "Trust me when I say that no one had to

tell me anything. There were no HR meetings about your sex life, Jessica. I'm just really observant.
Kind of like you, right Lauren?"

I looked up at Edward and he was smiling crookedly, enjoying this being out in the open. And how

uncomfortable everyone else was.

"This doesn't change anything, okay? Mike, Tyler, Eric? I'm still doing Fantasy Football. Don't you

dare get all weird on me. Angela? We've always been cool, right?" She smiled sweetly and nodded.
"We'll get coffee or grab some lunch, sound good?" She nodded more emphatically and I smiled. "As
for you two," I spoke to Lauren and Jessica, "let's just keep our distance like always. But if I hear
anything about this past this door, it will become an HR issue. Got it?" They nodded once, eyes big and

With that I gripped Edward's side and excused us as we walked between them and through the

doors. He released me as we waited for the elevators and I tried to will down the red heat that was
flaming up on my face and ears. I stared right at the door, wondering how bad this could actually get.
The door pinged and Edward ushered me in, and as the doors closed, he pushed me forcefully against
the wall and kissed me. His hands slid up my side and wound their way into my hair.

Stepping back he caught his breath. "That was the hottest thing ever, Bella. I'm really…impressed?

No. Proud. I'm really proud of you. That was a big step."

I pressed my fingers shakily across my lips and ran my tongue quickly over them to give them

moisture. "Thanks," I chuckled. "Just keep that thought when we get called in to see Ben."

When the elevator doors opened I walked out and went left as he went right. We didn't even

acknowledge the other as we entered the office.

I was at my desk for less than an hour when I got an email to meet with Ben. He was an amazing

man, and I did not in any way want to take advantage of the kindness he had shown me, but Edward
was…the rest of my life. And if being with him meant giving up all of this, then I would find another
way to make a living. I gathered my resolve and walked to Ben's office, stopping dead in my tracks as I
saw Edward and Emmett waiting to go in too.

Edward looked at me apologetically but Emmett just rolled his eyes and smirked. We were called in

and Ben was sitting at the round conference table in the far corner by the window. He waved us all over
and I made sure to sit in between him and Emmett, giving distance to myself and Edward for the
moment. Emmett leaned back on the chair and rocked back and forth on the legs, waiting. Edward sat
respectfully with his hands on the table, and I had my fingers shoved against my lips so that my teeth
could get better access to their chewing.

Ben leaned forward across the table and looked at each of us. "Good morning," he said.
We all replied.
"You got busted, eh?" His mouth was twitching with the urge to smile and I looked up at Edward

before replying yes.

"Hmm, well that puts us in a bit of a predicament, doesn't it?" Ben was twirling his pen again and

my heart started to beat furiously as I swallowed the acid that was rising in my throat. "I mean no one
here even knows that Bella and Emmett have been friends for so long. I know that there are rumors
about Em and Ed knowing each other from way back, but we've kind of kept Bella hidden away,
haven't we?"

Emmett scratched his head and chuckled. "Yeah, like a hunchback."
I swatted his arm and resumed chewing my lip.
Ben turned to look at me squarely and his face softened. "Charlie called, Bees. I," his eyes were


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tightened just a bit in the corners and his pity made me cringe. "I had no idea, Bella. You just came in
here last week like nothing happened. You act like nothing happens to you, like you're unflappable. But
after he told me what you'd been through and how you had been feeling…"

"Ben," I cut him off. "What happens outside of this office has no bearing on how I conduct


He nodded and looked at Edward before turning his attention back to me. "I think that I've

attributed to your problem a bit and I'm sorry. As far as business goes, I can keep my affections for you,
Edward and even Em out of it. But I should never have made you feel like you didn't even exist in our
lives. You've had a lot of stuff happen over the past couple of weeks, Bella."

I shifted in my chair and crossed my arms defensively. "Does this have to do with my confrontation

with the Skank Brigade in the lot? Because I need a ride to work, Daddy M. Edward lives with me, it
just makes sense. And they have no reason to say anything because they are doing the same thing!"

Emmett finally sat all four legs on the floor and he cleared his throat. "Can I interject?"
We sat in silence.
"Ooookaaay. Well, I think Dad is right, Lou. You established that Edward is your boyfriend this

morning. It felt good, right?" He leaned closer to me and I snorted.

"Yeah, telling those bitches to suck it was pretty much the best part of my day so far."
Ben laughed and twirled his pen again. "So, let's get you out in the open with Emmett too. Screw it.

It's not like you two are going to start a Jello Wrestling club in the break room at lunch."

Emmett guffawed and shook his hand. "We would never start Jello wrestling in December…"
I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip. "Did someone say something about this morning, Ben? I

wasn't out of line. Are you reprimanding me or...?"

He shook his head and leaned back. "Jane told me what happened."
"Jane wasn't even there," Edward said softly.
We all looked at him and huffed at the same time, "Jane is everywhere."
Edward's eyes flicked between the three of us and he blinked rapidly. "What do you mean?" I saw

his Adam's apple bob and I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips.

"Ben's secretary Jane is practically invisible, but she hears and sees everything. It's a little creepy, to

be honest." I shrugged as I turned back to Emmett.

"Anyway, I think that you should start being more social here with Emmett and Edward. No one

should be made to feel like they are a …what did you say she calls herself? A pariah? No one in this
room is ashamed of you. So, go to lunch with Emmett. Go hang out at the desks and be social."

I made a face. "Who said I wanted to go to lunch with this Neanderthal?"
Emmett kissed his bicep and wiggled his eyebrow. "You know you wanna."
"Oh, god…puh-lease. What good will any of this do, Ben? I'm fine. I've been fine and I'll be fine. I

don't want any of this extra attention or pity. I just want to act like nothing happened!" I was trying not
to raise my voice but it was no use.

"Sorry. I'm taking claim of you and our friendship. Gonna shout it from the rooftops and sing 'If I

Were a Rich Man." Everyone will be so jealous," Emmett said in a valley girl voice. "You'll start
coming to lunch with me and Edward, and maybe that Yorkie dude."

"Ha!Now, wait. This might be a problem. I'll ride to and from work with E and eat lunch with him

before I go home and cook us dinner? That's a little overkill, no offense. Why can't we just be…
normal?" I turned and looked at all of them, pleading. "Just let me handle what's going on and I
promise I will let any of you know if I need help. I'm in a good place, I swear. I'm not so fragile that I'm
going to break, okay?"

There was a moment where all three looked at each other and seemed to have a conversation with

their eyes.


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"Fine," Ben conceded. "Just know that it's on the table. If you need time, if you need us, anything at

all…just ask."

When we got home from work, Alice was already starting dinner. I smiled tiredly at her and went to

change into my sweats. Edward stayed out in the living room area with Jasper while I curled up on my
bed and closed my eyes, enjoying the solitude for a moment before I heard a small knock on the door.

"Come in," I called and sat up in the middle of the bed. Alice poked her head in and smiled brightly

before she entered and shut the door. "Hey, Edward said you had a weird day at work?"

I laughed and flopped back down. "My whole life is weird right now. I just want to act like nothing

shitty happened in Forks. I want to act like my relationship with Charlie has always been good. I want
to pretend like living with Edward doesn't freak me out and that not having Em and Rose here doesn't
scare the shit out of me. I just want to…pretend."

Alice snickered. "You always pretend, Bella. You've been pretending since I've known you."
I gave her a dirty look and sat up again. I fiddled with the leather cuff that Edward had given me

and sighed. "It's just a lot of changes happening at once and I'm overwhelmed, I think."

She nodded and grasped my hand in her two tiny ones. "If we never changed we would still look

like those sad, angry, very poorly dressed kids from Forks. I have videos if you want to run down
Memory Lane screaming in horror."

My head shot up and I nodded emphatically. "Actually, I really want to see those. Will you let me?"
"I'll cut you a deal. You can have the videos if you come with Rose and I to J's spa for some

treatments. You need a massage and your toes are disgusting, if I'm being honest. Maybe get those
eyebrows waxed?" I stared at her in horror. "Oh! You are totally getting your hoohah waxed too."

"Damn, Smeagol. Do I need to travel from Mordor to Mount Doom in order to obtain your

'precious'? Never mind if that's what it takes. I don't need a bare beaver, if that's the cost."

She quirked a brow at me and smiled. "Edward's on some of those videos."
"Fine. Vicki's going bald."

"I can't believe I am doing this shit," I muttered as the three of us exited the car and walked towards

Jasper's spa.

Rose wrapped her arm across my shoulders and squeezed. "Be a girl, Bees. Feel the pain."
Alice had finally handed the tapes over and after Edward had fallen asleep, I snuck into the living

room to watch some of them. They weren't exactly in order, but Alice had labeled some of them and I
had immediately gone to the ones that were made before I moved to Forks.

I stayed up until three am watching the group from when they were seven all the way up until

Edward went away at seventeen. I sat enamored as I watched the five of them grow up right before my
eyes on the television. What struck me was how little had changed, and yet these people were
completely different than the ones I now knew.

The older videos were of Slip 'N Slides and kids eating watermelon slices. Or Emmett and Edward

shoving their faces into the camera and burping or making mouth farts. Alice was so damn tiny I didn't
even know she was in most of the videos because you couldn't see her, but you could hear her. Her
voice apparently never dropped an octave as she matured. She was so cute with her long black hair and
frilly bathing suits. And Rose was beautiful even at that age, a stunning woman in a little girl's body.
Jasper was a bit aloof but Alice, even then, pulled at him and made him play.

What I smiled at the most was how happy they all were. Each video revealed just a little more about

their pasts, especially Edward's. He was a clown and his relationship with Emmett screamed 'trouble'.
They just looked like they did things after dark that would catch the woods on fire; a sort of innocent


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mischief that had somehow dampened behind E's eyes, but not entirely from Em's.

As the videos progressed, so did the children on the screen. I giggled at one tape that was of Alice's

birthday party where they were playing some kissing game. She was turning nine and wanted to kiss
Jasper so bad it was written all over her face. So she kept manipulating the game to land on Jasper, but
he got freaked out and ran away crying. She chased after him and a few minutes later, Rose grabbed the
camera and found them in the hallway. Alice was sitting in J's torso and was pushing his head into the
floor while she kissed him and he cried.

I didn't know she had it in her.
As I watched them grow older I noticed Rose's affections towards Emmett weren't as noticeable as I

would have thought. No. She apparently, had a crush on Edward. The way she threw herself
unabashedly at him made me cringe for her when he would look at her and laugh. He often looked
confused by her advances, actually. Emmett did everything in his power to get her attention, though. He
would poke her, or wrestle with her, throw stuff at her. But she'd just blow him off. It was amazing.

And then I got to the summer where everything must have changed. It was an obvious difference

when I put the next tape into the old VCR. The movie started and I was immediately drawn to the small
group of teenagers in the McCarty basement, celebrating Emmett's birthday. Em was huge, and it
looked like he had grown three feet in the time span of the last video. Rose was fuller and more curvy,
her chest had exploded and Emmett couldn't stop staring at it. I wondered if that was the year he
discovered porn.

Alice had grown only a small bit, but Jasper was starting to look like the laid back stud that I knew

now. But Edward. Edward had grown over a foot and his lean frame was lanky, but confident. His hair
was in its usual disarray, but it looked perfect at the same time. In this video he was talking about
something related to school and his voice had obtained its velvet quality that I now knew by heart. He
was funny and endearing, and everyone looked at him like he had hung the moon and created sliced
bread right in front of them.

His energy was magnetic.
The childish boy that I had watched in the other videos grabbing frogs and making farts under his

armpit had turned into an elegant almost-man right in front of my eyes. And all of the others, every
single one, had the most spectacular twinkle in their eyes as they commented into the camera. I wanted
to be there with them watching Edward dazzle with his charm and humor. I wanted to watch how their
lives had progressed and made them who they were today.

And in some way, I guess I now had.
The last tape with Edward on it was of them about a week before the ill-fated prom. Alice had

brought the camera to the mall with her as she helped Edward pick out his tuxedo. She filmed him
walking out of the dressing room like James Bond and making comments about 'Octopussy', which
actually made me love him more. He was laughing maniacally as Emmett stepped out of a dressing
room in a light blue tux and was asking, "What? This is awesome, man!"

Then a look of panic hit Em as two female voices were heard to the side of the camera and Rose

stepped into the frame, chiding Emmett on his choice. And a thin brunette girl, just slightly taller than
me, with thick straight hair like Winnie Cooper, stepped up to Edward and gave him a kiss.

My heart clenched and my breath stopped as I stared at him brush her hair from her face and smile

before she grabbed Rose and turned to walk past the camera, saying goodbye to Alice as she passed.

And now the twat had a face.
If there were really some kind of Bill and Ted time machine, I would have teleported right at that

second and pulled Edward aside, punched Leah in the face, breaking her nose, and leaving her to bleed
to death. I hated her for what she had done. She had erased that spark from Edward, and I didn't know


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if he would ever fully get it back.

The tape ended and I knew that it would be the last one with him in it. The rest were of us, in the

basement or at a football game. But the mood and tone in the following videos were sadder, emptier
than the previous ones I had seen.

Because that bitch didn't just steal Edward's spark. She poured water on every flame that any of my

friends had carried. They were thrown first into adulthood. Their inner light had faded so much by the
time I came into the picture, it was heart wrenching. I sighed a little, happy that I got to experience that.
But saddened at the same time to see those people I didn't really know.

The knowledge that I had gained about Edward made me infinitely happy. There were so many

small things that I never would have known. Like his obsession with the movie Short Circuit. He had a
robo-crush on Johnny 5. And his love affair with Alyssa Milano. At one point he had told Jasper that he
thought brunettes were 'so hot' and the look of rejection on Rose's face had almost been laughable.

And now I knew what I wanted to do for Edward for Christmas.
I was thinking about how to execute my present as we were escorted into the spa and handed robes.

This was definitely not my cup of tea, but I missed the hell out of Rose, so I came along. We stripped
down and went to wait in the quiet and dimly lit waiting area that was filled with the sound of Zen
music and little rock waterfalls. We were all given glasses of water with cucumber in them and I
resisted the urge to put my pinky up when I took a sip.

"How's living alone with Em?" Alice asked with a hint of humor in her voice.
Rose groaned and shook her head. "Who knew it would be so different? He's a slob, not like I didn't

know that already, but now Bella's not there to clean up."

I chuckled and took a sip of my drink.
"But mostly, I realized that we've been part of a group for so long that we don't really know what to

talk about with just the two of us. It's a huge change and I guess we need to work on being a couple? I
never thought we'd have to do that." She shook her head and sighed again.

Alice giggled and stretched her toes. "It will be the same for each of us when our time comes. By

this time next year we'll all be living apart."

I spit my drink out and blubbered, "What?"
Alice smiled apologetically. "I just know that Jasper's going to propose this spring. And once our

lease is up, we'll be finding a place of our own, too."

"Well, fine! Screw you guys too. It's not like I had delusions of us living in some retirement home

together like the Golden Girls or anything. Leave. Abandon me. " I slumped in my seat and pouted.

Alice chuckled and kicked my leg. "Don't worry. Your proposal won't be far behind."
I looked up in astonishment, trying to find words to speak, but I never got the chance because we

were called in for our massages.

I could barely relax during mine as my mind reeled from Alice's cryptic words. More times than not

she was right. I would never bet against her.

The small dark haired masseur who was working on my shoulders tskd. "Oh…damn woman! You

have more knots in your back than a porn star's weave." I snickered and he laughed as he pressed into a
knot next to my shoulder blade.

He moved farther down my back and sighed. "I'm sorry, but do you do some sort of industrial

work? Are you a logger? Because this is just ridiculous, honeybear."

I whimpered as he pushed into a tense knot. "My friends made me come. I don't even do this shit," I

groaned as he applied more pressure.

He made an 'mm-hmm' sound as he added more oil. "Are you here with those two other beautiful

bitches I saw in the waiting room? The Amazon and the woodland fairy?" I nodded and he giggled. "I
thought I had walked in on a storybook convention, what with you looking so close to Snow White."


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He finished up by doing pressure points on my feet and then he clapped his hands together. "You're

all done, Miss Bella." He helped me sit up and I took a deep, relaxed breath. He smiled brightly and
pressed his card into my palm. "Tell that sexpot friend of yours, Jasper, that I said 'helloooo'." He
giggled again before he walked out the door.

"Thanks, Alistair!" I called after him, hoping that he heard me.
I met back up with Alice and Rose as we got our toes done, and they both insisted that I get my

eyebrows waxed. So I obliged given the fact that I was so relaxed that I wouldn't have been able to
fight them off if I even wanted to.

Finally, we were led to the area for the vag waxing and I grabbed Alice's hand, begging her not to

make me do it. Rose told me to man up and stop being a pussy. Which made me laugh because, well,
we were there for that…

According to the spa website, they didn't pass judgment based on what you have, or how hairy you

were…but they made sure to ask that you bathe properly first. Which led me to wonder how many
women went to work out and then mowed the lawn, after not showering to begin with, and then thought
to themselves, "I'm a go get my cooter waxed!"

We were called in simultaneously and signed our forms, after which they offered each of us a shot

of vodka. I asked for two.

My aesthetician, Irina, escorted me into the room and patted the table. It looked like a damn gyno

table and I groaned, finally realizing what I had gotten myself into.

Irina was a tall Russian woman who looked like she ate nails for breakfast. It did not encourage me

to think that she would be attending to my Vicki. She instructed me to lay down with the soles of my
feet touching.

Kind of like a frog when it's being dissected?
She surveyed my situation and told me that they used a type of wax that cooled quickly and then

they peeled it back a little at a time in order to remove everything… So, instead of one or two little
jerks, she was going to painfully rip out tiny sections five or six times. Per strip.

Damn you, Mary Alice Brandon.
I braced myself for the first strip and she asked me to hold my skin taut. It was no easy feat, being

that I was sweating like I was on vacation in the seventh realm of Hades, but I tried my hardest. She
began applying the wax and pulled a little bit and the first part came out. Five unholy rips later, she was
done with the first flegging strip.

I won't lie: it was painful. Like a hundred little fire ants biting at my crotch.
Over the next hour, she continued on this way. It got really hot in the room as time wore on and I

started to worry about Irina being down there and so close to my situation. I could hear Alice yelling in
the next room, or laughing uncontrollably. Her waxer was really doing a number on her and it was
almost entertaining to hear the progress. Almost.

Irina had begun chatting away like we were friends at a tea party: Asking questions about my work,

telling me about her schooling. We talked a little about how nasty the women were who came in to get
waxed. She told me that they were obligated to work on them, regardless of their hygiene, and that
made me want to puke.

I asked, "Has anyone ever peed on your table?"
She stopped for a second, thought about it and said, "No…I guess I didn't even think of that as a

possibility." She looked pretty disturbed for a few minutes after that.

She worked diligently on all of my lady areas, both sensitive and even more sensitive, because,

honestly? There wasn't one part of my vag that wasn't opposed to having hair ripped out a millimeter at
a damn time.

There were tears and I jumped off of the table more than once at her unyielding assault to my lady


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I figure it had been, like, three hours, so I must have been close to being done. So I asked and she

laughed so hard I thought she would pass out. Turns out that there's the initial wax. The second pass.
And then the tweezers.

Holy shit in frocking hell.
She was a quarter of an inch above my Vicki and I was sweating profusely, beyond pissed at the

torture I had been bribed into. I kept repeating, "CC's Christmas. CC's Christmas."

Fara ra ra ra…ra ra ra ra
At some point I think I blacked out but she shook me and told me to roll over. "Why?" I asked


"For your crack."
"No way, dude! What the hell, Alice? No. No, can we just skip that? It's not necessary…" She

pushed my face down into the table and I made a sad whining sound as she proceeded to complete the

I was sweating more than I ever thought possible by this point and I started to notice that something

stunk. Was it my ass? My pits?

I had my nose in my pits so I knew it wasn't that. I mean, Dove deodorant is the shit, right?
I suddenly realized that the smell was coming from the table. I mentioned to Irina that I was starting

to get hot and she replied that everyone sweats on the table.

Oh, goody. So apparently the chair absorbed all of the heinous smells of those unhygienic gym rats

who didn't bathe first?

"I'm done," she announced as she pulled put some baby wipes to get the wax off. She instructed me

to take a look before I headed out to change back into my clothes. She left the room and I faced the 5'
mirror to gaze upon the reddest, angriest looking vagina on the planet. There was wax stuck in and
around every crevice. There was wax stuck to my ass. And there were angry red bumps
EVERYWHERE. I tried to clean up but the pain of any sort of contact kept me from getting everything
off. I pulled on the robe and it immediately stuck to the wax debris.

I was on fire.
After avoiding eye contact with Alice and Rose in the locker room, I pulled my clothes on. The pain

from clothing contact on the skin was enough to take my breath away. It was like sunburn on my most
private of areas, but there was no aloe relief to be found.

As we walked out I started laughing uncontrollably. We are all walking like we had been riding

horses…for weeks.

Rose pulled up in front of the apartment and I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'd say thanks,

but I'm not talking to either one of you right now," I told her as I delicately maneuvered out of the car.
As soon as I made it inside, I went straight for the bathtub.

I filled up the tub and went to lay in it when tears sprang to my eyes.
There was a solar flare on my vag.
I sat in the tub catching my breath, willing the heat to go down. Edward knocked softly on the door.
"Bella? Are you okay?"
I whined a little,"Yeah."
He walked in and cocked his head to the side. "How did it go?"
I pouted and pointed to the water. He leaned over to glance down at the mess that used to be my

baby maker and he winced. "Red, huh? Super red?"

I nodded and leaned back in the tub. "Well, the original Vicki was a redhead. I may have to have a

hoohah hiatus, E. This sucker hurts like a mofo."

He looked concerned and ran a hand over my hair. "Alice doesn't seem to be as bad off…"


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I opened one eye and nodded. "Waxing is not for pussies."
He laughed loudly and then stopped, leaning his head towards the door. "Is your phone ringing?"

He opened the door and grabbed my purse, checking the caller ID. "It's Renee."

"Give it to me," I tried to snatch it from his hands and he flipped it open instead.
I heard Renee's excited voice shriek through the phone and Edward smiled broadly. "It's nice to talk

to you, too."

Aww, damn and hell and piss. Shit. I had made it a point to not let them talk on the phone yet.
I hated only hearing one side. "Speaker," I whispered and he turned away from me, standing next to

the sink with a big ass grin on his face.

"Oh, yes. I do."
"Mmm, hmm."
"Twenty seven."
"Oh, ummm, six foot four."
"McCarty's, with Bella…yes, scandalous." His nose scrunched up and he stifled a laugh.
"Oh, really? Are you sure?"
I tried to get up out of the tub but I slipped and fell back in, which made him laugh even harder.
"Absolutely. I'd love to. Great. Did you want to talk to…oh, okay. I'll tell her. You too Renee. Buh-

bye." He flipped the phone closed with a smug look on his face.

"What. The. Hell." I glared at him from the tub, even more pissed at Alice now for my immobility.
Edward laughed and put my phone on the sink. "I've been invited to Florida for Christmas."


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Chapter 21


There were only a couple more days until Bella and I were headed out to Florida to spend

Christmas with Renee. I wasn't nervous, per se. I was more curious about Renee because of how Bella
reacted to any mention of her whatsoever. Bella tended to look like an irritated parent or concerned
mother whenever Renee became the topic of conversation.

I had dropped Bella off after work and then went out to the store to purchase a few extra travel

necessities. I grabbed a couple of things for Renee and Phil as well because I didn't want to be the
asshole that came to Christmas without any gifts. And that made me think of the gift that I got for
Bella, which made me smile but almost made me feel uneasy. I knew she hated gifts of any kind and I
could imagine that being forced to open gifts under the tree when she was younger would have been a
sight to see. My guess was that she shoved them all under her bed and locked the door, telling Renee
she'd come out when the unwrapping was done.

Shuffling the bags over, I walked into the apartment and stopped dead. Bella and Alice were in

these tiny shorts and tanks tops, even though it was twenty degrees outside. And they were…rubbing
oil on each other. I blinked and stepped back out the door and then came back in again.

"Is Emmett here? Did he somehow talk you into making a porn? Or a girl on girl wrestling video?"

I asked in alarm as I set the bags down. That's when I saw Jasper walking out of his room with another
bottle of oil. In only his boxers.

"Seriously. Did I walk in to some kind of three-way ritual that you guys didn't tell me about?" I was

close to panic as I watched Alice rubbing Bella's shoulders.

Bella looked up and rolled her eyes. "Strip down to your skivvies. We're doing a train."
"What the hell? Are you shitting me? I am not…running a train on you and Alice…" I sputtered out

as I stomped into the living room.

Jasper looked up in disgust. "A massage train, genius. We do it every once in a while when things

have been overtly stressful. You are just sick, dude. Sick." He shook his head and muttered, "Run a
train on Alice, my ass."

Jasper straightened up and handed me the bottle of oil in his hands. "I sit behind Bees, who is

behind you. You are behind Alice. Get it? We usually form a circle and give back rubs, perv. We just
don't have enough people now. So don't get handsy with my lady and you won't get hurt, got it?"

I snickered and nodded, finally understanding the concept. In the bedroom, I disrobed before

heading back into the living room to ask Bella to use the oil. She smiled happily and went about adding
it to my shoulders and lower back, humming softly and pressing her fingertips lightly against my skin,
like butterflies. She finished and kissed my cheek before she looked at the clock.

"We have twenty minutes and then we have to quit."
Alice and Jasper nodded. Alice must have seen me looking confused because she explained, "The

Soup comes on tonight. Joel McHale is a sacred entity in this apartment."

Bella and Alice exchanged glances and smirked as they got into place on the floor. I got in between

the girls and Jasper got behind Bella, sticking his legs out to the sides of hers, so we all followed suit.
Which pretty much meant that my junk was pressed into Alice's ass and Bella's Vicki was telling stories
to my ass crack. And all of that meant that Jasper's Lil' J was whispering sweet nothings to Bella's 'exit

Bella leaned in and kissed me in the sensitive spot behind my ear and whispered, "Ten minutes this


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way and then we turn and you get to rub me down."

Seriously? Did she not realize the close quarters I had with Alice at this moment?
Jasper had turned on some whale sounds or some crazy shit and we all massaged each others backs.

I was trying really hard to be gentle to Alice, but the sensations of Bella on my back were driving me
crazy and I could barely pay attention. I had to concentrate just to keep the moans in my mouth. Alice
flinched more than once when I put too much pressure on one of her nerves.

"Sorry," I managed out as Bella's hands trailed across my rib cage. She was cheating. That wasn't a

massage point.

Finally, ten minutes was up and I breathed a sigh of relief. I turned to face Bella's back and pressed

myself as close to her as possible, feeling smug when a small squeak emerged from her lips. I started at
her neck, working the small lines down her throat, and then trailed my hands lower across her
shoulders and past her shoulder blades. I let my fingers linger near the sensitive skin under her arm and
she squirmed against me as she stifled a laugh. In one quick move I reached around and grabbed her
boobs and then put my hands back onto her lower back.

Alice's hand smacked me in the back of the head and I yelped. "This isn't a game of Titty Grab,


At that, Bella just lost her cool and started laughing hysterically, putting an end to everything.

Jasper's face was irritated but humored as he got up and went to pull out bowls in the kitchen. He and
Alice popped popcorn while Bella and I pulled out the extra blankets. As the show was beginning,
Alice handed us a bowl of popcorn. I looked down into the bowl and handed it back to her. "There's
something weird in there," I said as I shoved it at her.

Bella smacked my arm and snatched the bowl back. "My popcorn has Rasinettes in it. Alice's has

peanut M&Ms. Jasper eats Kettle corn."

Jasper nodded. "I had a bad experience at the movies with that shit. One of those damn Raisinettes

went rogue and when the lights came on and we got up to leave, I realized it was in my crotch and it
had melted all over the inside of my pants." We all laughed at the mental picture. "Yeah, it was really
funny. It looked like I shit myself, dude!"

Bella shoved a handful of popcorn in her mouth and almost choked as she laughed loudly. "That's

still not as bad as Emmett and why he won't eat blueberry pie."

Alice made a groan of disgust and threw popcorn at Bella to tell her to shut up.
"What's that story?" I asked as I grabbed a handful of Bella's PMS concoction.
"He won't eat blueberry pie because of Lard Ass." Her face was turning red with the attempt at

restraint from bursting out laughing.

Alice dropped her bowl on the floor and huffed. "We are not going through that story. Let's just say,

Emmett wanted to reenact the scene and ended up making himself so sick he had to stay in his dorm for
three days and miss classes."

Bella was gasping with laughter and shaking against me as she nodded. "It was so funny, but mostly

disgusting. " She was wiping tears from her face and biting back more laughter.

Jasper made a snorting sound and leaned forward. "Hey, E. Ask Bees here why she doesn't do long

distance road trips."

Bella's head snapped up and her eyes got big; all laughter faded from her face. "No, J. C'mon…I'll

have to take a sleeping pill."

Alice threw her hands in the air and shook her head. Jasper sat back smugly, looking to me. "Why

don't you do road trips?" I asked her.

She hung her head and sighed before she made a big show of having a full body shiver. "Because

Large Marge is still out there somewhere."

The entire room erupted in laughter and Bella got irritated so she left and went to our room. After I


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finally caught my breath, I went after her. "Hey, it was all in good fun," I said softly as I shut the door
behind me. She nodded from the desk, her back still to me.

I walked over to where she was and placed my hands on her shoulders as they tensed. "What's

wrong?" I asked.

She turned and had a puzzled look on her face. "You got a letter from Alaska today? I got it from

the mail pile." She handed me the small card and I stopped breathing for a second as I sat on the
comforter. I turned the card over and over in my hands, knowing what it was. Bella was looking at me
for some sort of explanation, but I didn't know what to say. Or how to say it. So I just didn't say

"Your parents are going to Alaska for Christmas, right?"
She already knew the answer to that. They had been taking the Alaska trip over Christmas since I

was sent to live there. She already knew that my parents must have forwarded my mail to the
apartment. Or had given my address directly to Tanya. I stared at the envelope and Bella made a sound
of irritation before she jumped up and grabbed it from my hands. She turned her back to me and started
to open the card, so I grabbed her by the waist and pushed her onto the bed. She was laughing and
squealing as I tried to get the card from her.

"Bella, it's a federal offense to open someone else's mail," I told her as I tried to get it from her

death grip.

"It's from your old girlfriend isn't it?" She gasped as she laughed and writhed underneath me.
I lay on top of her and pressed her arms above her head, pinning them with one hand as I attempted

to grab the card from her fingers. A look of panic passed over her face and she started to breathe

"Stop," she said softly.
I rolled my eyes and tried to free the paper. She wheezed and then in a high pitch voice she

screamed. "I said no."

"Then give it to me," I instructed her.
"Nonunnnono. Stop!" She kicked against me and thrashed under my grasp. "Let my arms go,


I instantly jumped up and backed away from her.
She sat up and threw the card on the floor, shaking and pressing her hands together to get them to

settle. Her jaw was tense and her teeth were grinding as her chest heaved. Lifting her eyes only slightly
towards me she whispered, "I don't like having my hands pinned by you. Don't do that." She looked up
at me with something new in her eyes and it kind of scared me.

I took a breath and swallowed. "That's fine Bella, but you called me James."
"No, I didn't. I called you Edward." She wasn't looking at me as she tried to control her breathing.
I stood still as stone as a wave of different emotions ran through my body. Fear because she had

thought I could hurt her. Disgust at the thought of her seeing me that way. Confusion as to what really
happened to her with James.

Doubt crept in there, too.
Maybe I didn't want to know.
She gained a bit of composure and then walked out to go to the bathroom. I waited for ten minutes,

sitting on the bed, running my fingers over the dents and creases that had appeared on the card and
envelope. I heard her unsteady footsteps in the hallway and then watched as she walked through the
door, calm and looking tired.

"What did you do in there?" I asked lowly as she looked around the room slowly.
"I took an Ativan for the panic attack." Her eyes met mine and she blinked.
"Why the hell…" I closed my eyes and lay back on the bed. "Bella, are you ever going to tell me


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everything? What happened with James?"

She crawled up on the bed next to me and patted my chest. "Are you ever going to tell me about

Daughter Denali?"

I sat up and made a big show of pulling out the Christmas card from Tanya. She had, as usual,

included a recent picture of herself and it fluttered to the comforter as I cracked the card. Bella's eyes
took longer to focus but a look of sadness crossed her face as she took in Tanya's physical beauty.
"Wow," was all she said in a small voice.

I cleared my throat. "Edward, I heard you weren't coming to Christmas this year. So sorry that you

couldn't make it. My father tells me that you'll be visiting your girlfriend's parents instead?
Congratulations, you deserve it. Tell that lovely woman of yours that she is a lucky one
. Sincerely,
" I showed her the card. "I don't have secrets from you."

Bella laughed and flicked the picture at me. "All of that bullshit and she still sent a picture of

herself that was seventy five percent tits in the frame"

"She's a nice girl and a friend of the family, Bella."
"Yeah, who clearly remembers how vagtastic you were when you stole her v-card." She looked at

me and shook her head. "She's a succubus, isn't she?" she muttered under her breath. "Did you guys
hook up over the years, on break, when you were in Alaska? Over Christmas?"

Bile rose to my throat and I swore under my breath. "Does it matter?"
There was just silence.
"I guess I have my answer. And I guess you do have secrets after all," she whispered as she pulled

back the covers and settled into her pillow.

I turned and looked at her, my face serious. "What happened with James, Bella?"
She laughed sadly. "What do you want to know, Edward?"
I waited patiently as she gathered her thoughts.
"What do you want to learn tonight? That the first guy to ever tell me that I was beautiful did it

while he had my arms pinned above my head and his hand down my pants? And when his girlfriend
showed up, I told her what happened and he told her I liked it? And then he let her beat me up while he
bit me…leaving a scar to remind me?" She looked me in the eye without emotion. "Is that what you
want to know?"

I just sat and looked at her for the longest time. She didn't cry. She didn't scream. She didn't move

at all, really. She had gone back to pretending it didn't happen.

"You never told Renee." It wasn't a question. The answer was obvious even before she shook her

head no.

"Not about that part. She knew who it was, so she thought I was getting picked on at school and

then they brought it to work. I wasn't supposed to be at the ballet studio that late. Victoria worked there
too, but we always worked opposite shifts. So when James showed up that night, I thought he mixed up
our days. I let him in because I'm an idiot. But I talked to him because..." her voice sounded tired, "I
was lonely."

I stretched out in front of her and took one of her hands in mine, needing to let her know I was here.

She didn't even look up.

"James had never been the one to do the majority of the bullying, so I wasn't scared of him. I was

like Dawn damn Wiener or something. So stupid."

'I'm not scared of you. You don't scare me.'
I winced as her words ran through my mind.
She sighed. "Do you really want to hear all of this? I mean, it's been such a long time…"
I nodded for her to continue so she did.
"Anyway, he came inside and I told him that Victoria wasn't there, but he didn't seem to mind. We


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chatted for a while...maybe an hour? He was nice and charming and then he offered me his hand. To
kiss mine? I don't know, that part is a blur. He was telling me that I was pretty and beautiful and that he
had always thought so. And part of me wanted him to say those things because then Victoria would
finally be the one getting hurt instead of me." She took another deep breath and tried to focus her eyes

"He had my hand and then...he was pushing me against a wall. He had both of my arms above my

head and then his other hand was..." She lost focus for a moment. "He was touching me, trying to kiss
me. But when he got his hand in my pants, I don't even know what happened because I was dizzy and
couldn't breathe. And then...ummm...well anyway. Victoria actually showed up because they had
planned to meet there. She walked in and saw me with my pants open with James up on me and she
just freaked. I told her what James had done and he said," her voice got quiet. "He told her that I liked
it; said he'd gotten me off before she showed up. And she attacked me, like, punching and
kicking...pansy girl fight shit. So," she chuckled a bit, "I started doing girl slaps at her head and pulling
her nappy ass red hair. And that's when James pinned me again to let Victoria have her way with me
and he bit my wrist to get me to stop fighting back."

I was listening intently as she recounted the story, running her soft knuckles across my lips as she

spoke. "Who found you?"

"Ah, I think that they thought I had been left for dead. But I had just passed out instead. When I

came to, I called my mom and she brought the police. And an ambulance and fire truck. Renee always
was one for the dramatics." She let out a short laugh. "I told them it was some kids from school but
never pressed charges. I just wanted to get the hell outta there. That's when she shipped me to Forks.
And now look where I am," she said with a soft smile, finally looking at me.

"Yeah, look at that," I whispered.
She rolled onto her back and pressed her hands to her eyes. "Sorry for opening your mail. Are you

gonna call the popo now?"

She wasn't going to talk about this any more tonight, and I wasn't going to push her. Not right now.
I sighed and smiled a little. "Nah, I think you're okay this once." I crawled under the covers with

her and pressed a kiss to her chin. "You're stronger than you give yourself credit for, do you know that?
You've survived something horrible and you're still…you." She snickered and rubbed her eyes some

Feeling the need to give her my secret too, I pressed my forehead against her cheek and whispered,


She looked confused and turned her head to me. "I was with Tanya twice after we broke up." She

looked sad and nodded before she put her head back down. "Worst sex of my life," I sighed.

She sat straight up and cackled out a laugh. "How could sex with that girl be bad? I mean, her tits

are like, watermelons. And her hair is all blondishly red...whatevs. Her lips are all 'let me suck your
balls' and, and...and her tits, E! Really? Impossible." She was shaking her head back and forth in

I sat up and looked her in the eye. "In retrospect it had to be. It was the worst because it

wasn'" She rolled her eyes and looked away. "You're everything I never knew I needed, Bella.
You and me? We're just...right together. So, that's why. I never had feelings for her that were even a
tenth of what I feel for you."

She looked back up as her breath hitched and her chin trembled a bit. She cleared her throat and

looked down at her hands. "You know it's not fair that you get to say all of the perfect stuff and I get to
talk about ball sacs at the dinner table." A wry smile crossed her face. "Actually, I guess that does make
us perfect for each other."

I made a mental note to email Dr. Denali before we left for Florida. I had a lingering thought that he


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could shed some light on Bella's situation and how to work with her on it. There was no way I was
approaching my father with this information; he'd have her on his couch in a red hot second. I had a
feeling that a lot of her past behavior, sexual and non sexual, modest and immodest, aggressive and
subservient were all probably related to these events. And I hoped that Dr. Denali could help me find a
way to help her approach things differently. To see herself as valuable.

She took a deep breath and pulled her knees up to her chin. "Do you hate me?"
I must have looked deranged because I was pretty sure my face actually screwed up into a Picasso.

"No, never. Why would I hate you over something that someone else did to hurt you? I just want you
to...get it. We'll get there, Bella. I promise you. We will."

She nodded at me hazily and then patted my knee. "Did you want to do our gift exchange tonight? I

don't want to give you yours in Florida, if that's okay."

That was where the wall went back up. She wouldn't get back into the discussion if I tried to drag it

out of her; she was so stubborn. But I figured we had laid enough out on the table for one night, and
there were plenty of nights ahead of us to figure this out. Tonight, at this moment, I just wanted to see
her smile again.

Leaning over her knees, I gave her a kiss and said yes. She retrieved my boxes from in the back of

the closet and I got her box from my sock drawer. She grabbed the laptop and placed it in the middle of
the bed as I climbed back on. I put her box next to her knee and she pushed my boxes towards me. I
looked between the two of us and shrugged.

"You first," I told her.
There was no fighting, no angry music and upset Bella. She simply tore the paper off and opened

the lid.

"Oh, wow. What the hell is this?" She asked as she pulled the links out of the box.
I chuckled and reached out for it, turning it right side up. "It's an Italian charm bracelet. Each one of

these little links are plaques that have custom ordered designs on them. All of them remind me of you."

Her brows furrowed as she looked at each one. "An apple?"
"For your apple nips."
She burst into laughter and nodded. "Okay. The bee?" I gave her a look that said she was dense.
"You. Bees. Bee costume. Geez, Bella."
"Oh, right. The baseball?"
"Because there's no crying in baseball." She rolled her eyes. "You loved that costume," I chided her.
"I loved getting it off of you," she joked. "Do I even need to ask about the piano?"
I bit my cheek and shook my head no. "You don't have to ask about the one with the cowbell either.

I got them to do one with Dane Cook on it and one with an ER door."

She stopped and looked up at me.
"Sorry, I couldn't commission a nasal tampon," I joked as she burst into giggles. "And they didn't

have one for Striptease, either."

She smiled brightly and pointed to the last one. "What's with the clear heart?"
"Oh, that's mine." I waited to see if she knew what I meant and when her cheeks flooded red and

she bit her lip I was sure that she did.

"Thank you," she said as she leaned in to give me a kiss. I held her there longer than I should have,

but I didn't want to let her go. "You next," she whispered against my lips. We sat back and she started
up the laptop as I reached for the boxes. "Big one first," she instructed.

I opened the first gift and pulled out a blue t shirt. "Oh, godinheaven, Bella, How did you know?" I

asked through my chokes of laughter. The shirt had a picture of Johnny 5 on it and read: Johnny 5 is
Alive! "That was my favorite movie..."

"I know," she said softly. "Mine was Howard the Duck…just for future reference," She smirked as


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she turned the laptop towards me. On the screen was a video titled: Remember?

I looked at her for a second before she pressed play. Set to music was a thirty minute montage of

videos from my childhood up until I left for Alaska. Video shots of Emmett and I hosing the girls down
with the Slip n' Slide sprinkler. Or spinning Jasper around until he couldn't stand up any more. There
were videos of birthdays and summers at the pool. Cannonballs, belly flops, back flips and snippets of
the gang in Emmett's basement or at school games. There wasn't a frame that didn't depict utter and
pure childish joy.

In between the songs were little sound bites from everyone. Alice was telling a story about how I

had walked her home from school one day because she was afraid of her neighbor's pit bull...which was
inside of a fence. Emmett and Jasper were recounting a time when we took Ben's car and picked the
girls up to go play night tag at the park. Rose told a story about us playing doctor or some shit and I just
laughed because it probably happened, though I couldn't remember it.

The music in the background wasn't overbearing as scenes were seamed together in chronological

order. I could hear the stupid conversations, the jokes, the horrible singing; all of it. By the time the last
frame rolled I had a huge grin on my face and my heart was sore.

Bella looked pleased and asked, "Did you like it? I saw them and I just wanted you...all of us, to

remember who we...were. You were so happy, Edward. It was your those videos, your eyes
were on fire, they were so bright. And you were fun as hell, dude. I wish we had hung out when we
were younger. Forks might have burnt down." She giggled and closed the laptop as she ejected the disc.
"That other box is all of the videos transferred to DVD for you so you can watch all of them whenever
you want. I only had them edit a few scenes, otherwise they are intact."

I pulled the lid off and looked at the set of DVDs in front of me.
My past.
And then I looked up and smiled.
At my future.


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Chapter 22


"Oh, CC. Don't look so perturbed. You know that was funny." I ruffled his hair as we located our

seats on the plane for the trip to Florida. His lips were pursed as he loaded our carry-ons above our
heads and he shook his perfect head from side to side.

"No. Not funny," he said pointedly.
I sighed in irritation and pulled my iPod out of my purse as he set up his laptop. Alice had thought

it would be funny to leave Edward's Christmas present for him in his bag. As he was adding his
toothbrush to the bag this morning, he came across the hand painted wooden sign that read, "Welcome
to the Doghouse" with explicit instructions that it was to be hung on the third bedroom door before
New Year's.

Personally, I almost peed my pants. I guess that's where our humor differed…
"Damn, I didn't realize you were such a sensitive little bitch, E. I'll be more careful with my jokes

so as not to disturb your frail psyche," I muttered sarcastically. "You are going to just be unicorns and
chocolate for the next six hours, huh?"

He fought against the smile that was forming on his lips and looked away to stop from laughing.
I smirked at my new ability to elicit a smile from him and plugged my ear buds into the unit. After

we were in the air, I settled into my seat and turned on some music, jotting down random things in my
notebook. It helped to keep my focus off of the turbulence…not that there was any. I just needed to not
think about it at all.

I saw Edward from my periphery and I looked up to see him staring at me like I was the most

entertaining thing in the world. "What?" I asked with more force than necessary.

He pulled a bud from my ear and made a motion with his head. "That kid over there says he knows

the words to the song you're listening to. Because he can hear it from where he's sitting."

"Oh," I said sheepishly as I turned the volume down. Gently, he took the iPod from my grip and

touched the screen. He looked at the song and nodded in recognition.

"DoubleDrive? Hmm, you continue to surprise me. I saw them in concert," He handed me back the

unit and I made a 'pfft' sound.

"Sure. Five bucks says you don't know one song."
He cocked an eyebrow and pulled the other bud out of my ear before leaning into my cheek and

singing softly:

"One step I make an imprint
Two steps it's a commitment
Three steps I'm not done yet"
"Okay, you win," I hissed at him as I pushed him away. "Of course you would know the flemming

words to Imprint. And of course you sing like…I dunno. Like vocal sex." I crossed my arms to get my
nipples to calm the hell down. Stupid whores.

He gave me that crooked smile again and I groaned. Grabbing a sheet of paper, I handed it to him

with a pen. "Draw a horse," I instructed him.

"What?" He asked quizzically.
"Just do it, CC."
He shrugged and set about drawing a perfect representation of Black Beauty. He handed it back to

me and I glared at him. "I will find one thing you suck at, Edward Cullen. If it kills me."


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Long flights bite the big one, but being next to E on the plane, with no way to get busy, was just

plain torture. 'Want to play Squares?' he asked. 'TicTacToe?' 'Hangman?' And all I wanted to do was
play Dick in a Box, Suck My Toes and Hung Man.

Damn Vicki and her constant urges.
When we de-boarded in Florida, Edward looked around in confusion. "It's like, seventy degrees


My hand flew to my mouth and I feigned being shocked. "Holy shitsticks, Encyclopedia Brown!

Your deduction skills are for the record books today. Now roll up your sleeves and relish in the warmth
for the next two days." He gave me a dirty look and then grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in for
a kiss as we waited for our baggage on the carousel.

"You're cranky when you fly. Or nervous for me to meet Renee. Which one is it?" he asked as he bit

my earlobe lightly.

I sucked in a breath and squeaked, "Renee. It is totally Renee. I'm sorry…"
We checked in at the hotel only briefly enough to drop off our bags and then we were back in the

car to meet Renee and Phil for dinner.

As he pulled the rental car up in front of my mom's house, I did a mental prep. Renee would surely

be on her best behavior, right? I mean, she had invited him into her lair; the least she could do was be
polite before she decapitated him. Or poisoned him.

"Hey, E? Umm, don't worry about Renee or Phil. I really do love them, they're just from a

different…tree, or some shit. You know what I mean. My mom is where I get my crazy from. So,
there's my public service announcement." I gripped his hand and smiled. "Now, give me one last kiss
before you go running back to Seattle and move into The Doghouse with your pretty little sign."

He looked at me as seriously as I had ever seen him before he leaned forward and stole my breath

with a kiss. "I'm not running if you're not," he said softly. I nodded and we got out of the car to walk to
the door. As we stood at the threshold, I turned quickly and snapped my fingers. "Oh! One last thing…
my mom can't cook and she's obsessed with Paula Dean."


So…the food would be horrible and swimming in butter?
I tried to wrap my brain around that when the front door opened and Renee stepped out onto the

porch, squealing and clapping her hands childishly. "Bellabee!" She pulled Bella into a hug so
forcefully that B actually lost her footing and scraped her knee; not that Renee even noticed.

Renee was a MILF. Not that I wanted to…ya know. But she was. The quintessential Couger if ever

I saw one. As weird as it was, she really looked a whole lot like Courtney Cox, with shorter hair. And
the color was a bit lighter. The resemblance to Bella was minimal at best, but they had the same eyes. It
was definitely the eyes; they looked devious.

"Ren-mom. This is Edward," Bella said in a small shy voice. I extended my hand and smiled my

brightest smile. Renee looked me over once and then wiggled her eyebrows at Bella before she pulled
me into a hug too. And then she grabbed my ass with both hands.

"Jeebus, ma. Could you wait to palm his ass until he actually gets past the door?"
"Of course not," Renee laughed as she took my hand. "Phil! They're here. And he's a Hottie


I looked at Bella in surprise and she just nodded in an 'I told you so' sort of way. I released my hand

from Renee's as we stopped in the living room, and I placed it into Bella's as Phil walked in from the
kitchen. I did a double-take as he got closer. That man looked strikingly familiar, making my brain


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work over time to put the puzzle together.

He smiled and extended his hand to me before grabbing Bella and giving her a hug and kiss on the

cheek. "You look beautiful, Bella," he said like a proud father.

"Whatever, Phil," Bella answered back before I squeezed her hand roughly and she choked out, "I

mean, thank you." She yanked her hand from my grip and rubbed her fingers.

Renee and Phil looked at her like she had just birthed an alien baby and eaten it in front of them.
"Ah, Edward's not a fan of my self deprecation," Bella muttered as they turned to look at me.
"Tim McGraw," I said out loud and all three blinked at me in confusion. I cleared my throat and

shifted my feet. "Sorry, Phil. I just realized that you look like him. A lot."

Bella stifled a laugh as I blinked and looked down at her. "This is going to be fun," she said under

her breath.

We made ourselves comfortable in the living room as Renee was making a racket in the kitchen.

Phil was watching Field of Dreams and Bella sighed in disgust. "He watches this damn movie once a

Phil shifted in his recliner and gave Bella a knowing look. "Your mom wants you to add the star

topper to the tree."

She nodded once and moved over to the skinny tree in the corner that was decorated in what looked

to be wooden blocks and figures. I walked over next to her and examined the pieces. "What are these?"
I asked in a whisper.

Bella snorted and pulled an ornament off of the tree. "It looks like Renee wanted to do a Country

Christmas theme this year. But she was too lazy to paint the ornaments."

Renee appeared at the door, wiping her hands and watching Bella place the star at the top of the

tree. "C'mon, baby girl. Let's go have a lady moment." Renee extended her hand and Bella's shoulders
shook with laughter.

"Be back in a sec, E. Mom's gonna show me how to use a condom," she laughed as Renee all but

dragged her back to a bedroom.

I turned slowly back to Phil and cleared my throat. "So Bella tells me that you played ball?"
Phil barely looked at me and grunted, "Did."
Clearly this man wanted to be left alone with Costner and his ghosts.
After a few minutes Bella and Renee reappeared and they both looked embarrassed. Which

automatically made me feel embarrassed too because they had to have been talking about my
excursions to Vickitown. I just hoped she left out the unavoidable leg humping; that was a conversation
I didn't want Bella to have to participate in with her parents.

"Care for some egg nog?" Renee was smiling demurely and I jumped off of the couch to follow her.
"That sounds great," I said and mentally kicked myself for sounding all Peter Brady with my

prepubescent voice squeaks. She just chuckled and led the way into the kitchen before she filled a large
glass with nog and handed it over.

"Don't worry, I got it from the store," she said as she smirked. "I'm sure Bella gave you some kind

of warning. I didn't make it so it's safe."

I thanked her and took a long swig from the glass. It was thick and had a bit of metallic aftertaste,

but I wanted to be polite so I finished it. "It's good either way."

She looked pleased and stuck her head out of the kitchen door. "The turducken is almost done. We'll

eat in less than five." She grabbed my glass and filled it again. "Drink some more. It will only go to
waste after today."

I nodded and accepted the glass before asking,"What's a turducken?"
Renee grinned and pulled out a Paula Dean cookbook. "It's a turkey that is stuffed with a duck, and


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the duck has a chicken inside of it."

I stared at the cookbook page in confusion. "That's a lot of meat," I said in awe.
I looked up to see Renee staring at my crotch. "I'll bet it is," she said in a voice that made my balls

retract and hide.

Inappropriate, Renee.
I rubbed my face with my palm and placed my glass on the counter, thanking her for the drink as I

turned to walk back into the living room, but I was suddenly feeling unsteady.

What the hell? I'd been roofied. I was sure of it.
I tried to focus as I turned back to Renee. She was giggling and rinsing my cup. "It has corn

whiskey in it. I should have told you not to chug it. My bad."

Why was Bella's mom talking like a twelve year old from 1992?
And what was the proof of the whiskey? 125?
"What kind of whiskey is that?" I asked, unable to stop sounding impressed as my brain began to

get fuzzy and my vision became blurry.

"Ah, Phil makes it."
Holy shitrocks. I had just chugged sixteen ounces of egg nog tainted with fletching moonshine. I

pressed my hand to my head and shook it back and forth. I looked up to see that Renee was bent over
into the oven. She moved her head slightly to look at me and asked if I could grab the birds for her.

I walked slowly over to her and took the potholders. I grabbed the turducken from the oven and

lifted it to set on the countertop. Suddenly, a searing flame ripped through my right hand and I
screamed like a little girl. Right before I dropped the food on the floor.

The potholder was worn out in one spot and my hand never stood a chance.
Bella stuck her head through the door, eyes wide with concern. Upon looking at the food on the

floor, she burst into loud raucous laughter. "You dropped the Tother Muckin turducken!"

I tried to speak, but I couldn't. My brain was hot lava.
"Um, Ashton? Demi? What are you going to do about the food?" Bella was still giggling.
Renee's brows were furrowed in concentration before she shrugged. "We'll remove the turkey. I

guess we'll have the ducken."

Bella cocked her head to the side and bit her lip. "You okay, E?" I nodded and squeezed my eyes

shut before Bella stomped in and snatched the container of eggnog off of the counter. "Oh, Renee. Did
you spike the nog?" Her voice was scolding in tone and Renee waved her hand towards Bella in

"Sorry, baby. You need to sit down or else you're going to have a headache for three days." She led

me to the table and sat me in my chair. "Stay here. I'll go get the First Aid kit for your hand."

"This is an awful first impression," I slurred and she grimaced.
"Welcome to my world."
Within fifteen minutes there was food on the table and I had never been so happy to see so much

food coated in butter. I needed forty rolls and a tub of butter. Then I would be okay. A little.

Bella watched me, not hiding her amusement as I shoveled food unceremoniously into my mouth.

She was talking to Renee and Phil about work and I just kept quiet. Then Phil started talking about
playing WOW online and my ears perked up.

"Phil, c'mon. World of Warcraft? Haven't you seen the movie Hard Candy? You should rent it and

heed the warning. Cyber murders, Phil. Cyber murders." Bella pointed her fork at him for emphasis as
Phil rolled his eyes.

My head was still cloudy as I gulped down my water around a mouth of mashed potatoes. "Hard

Candy still isn't as bad as Teeth. Nothing is scarier to a man than vagina dentata." I heard my voice like
it was coming out of a tin can.


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There was a moment of silence before Renee leaned forward and asked, "What exactly is vagina


I licked my finger and shrugged as my lids blinked slowly. "It's a Vicki with teeth."
Bella dropped her fork and a pea shot out of her mouth. She coughed and slammed her napkin to

her face as she gasped for breath. "Oh, no. Oh, Edward…" She was crying from laughing so hard. "I
can't believe you just said that."

I glanced at Renee and Phil, my face turning red as I tried to apologize. Bella grabbed my hand

under the table and sat up straighter to lean in and give me a kiss. "You just experienced what my life is
like on a daily basis," she snickered as she shoved a roll on her mouth, smiling around her mouthful.

Florida had turned me into Bella Swan. And I hated this alternate universe.

"You need to lie down, E. Drink this first and then lie down for a bit. I'll come get you when its

time to leave." Bella set a small glass of water on the bedside table and dropped two alka seltzers into
the water. As the water became fizzy, she handed me two Tylenol and made a motion that I needed to
take it all at once. I obliged and felt the liquid hit the contents of my stomach as I groaned

I lay back down and surveyed my surroundings. The guest room was covered in Paula Dean

memorabilia. The woman was staring at me from every corner and every surface of the room. Clearly
Renee liked to head out to see Paula at any and every event, and she got autographs at each one. This
made me wonder at which point Paula was going to issue a restraining order.

Bella made a pout and patted my chest. "I knew she would do something. I didn't think she was

gonna go all Kathy Bates on your ass to keep you here." She looked at my feet. "I'll make sure she
doesn't come in to break your ankles."

I made a grunting sound as I curled into a fetal position. "We're not staying here tonight, are we?"

My words were coming out thick and slow as she chuckled.

"No, I'll check on you in a bit and if I can get you out of the door, we are going straight back to the


"Thank you, baby," I whispered as I patted her hand. "Your mom tried to poison me."
She nodded. "I figured it would have been salmonella, but she opted for the moonshine. I'm really

sorry." Bella bent down gently and planted a kiss on my temple before she got up and turned off the
lights. "No one goes in this room, got it?" She yelled as she shut the door with a click. My eyes were
heavy as I tried to keep them open, but after they adjusted themselves to the darkness, all I could see
were Paula's eyes staring at me so I squeezed them shut again and prayed that I wouldn't hump Renee's


I slumped down onto the couch and glared at my mom. "Why? Why the hell would you make him

comatose in the first fifteen minutes?"

She giggled and flipped through her magazine. "I wanted to see if he was a fun drunk. But I forgot

that Phil has a higher tolerance for that lighter fluid, so I didn't take into account Edward's inability to
keep up."

I took a deep breath and counted to ten. "Well, he got you gifts and since he's incapacitated, I guess

I'll give them to you instead." I handed them each their gift and they both looked surprised. "Yeah,
makes you feel shitty for your shenanigans, huh?"

Phil unwrapped his and pulled out a large hardback book entitled: Baseball: An Illustrated History.


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He smiled slightly and opened it, his eyes scanning the pages as his demeanor instantly changed. "This
was very thoughtful," he said, sounding pleased.

Renee looked guilty as she opened hers and she bit her lip as she pulled out a small heart shaped

silver jewelry box with a sapphire embedded in the lid. "Your birthstone," she said and smiled wistfully
at me.

"I know. Too bad you knocked his ass out because I'm sure he would have liked to have seen how

much you enjoyed those gifts."

I eventually got Edward up and out to the car. He was gracious, thanking Renee for dinner through

his stupor. She smiled and hugged him, refraining from rubbing his ass cheeks again before we left. He
sat down heavily in the car and closed his eyes again.

"Will we see you tomorrow?" My mom asked as I stated the car.
"I have to see how he is. So, I'll call you. Just actually answer your phone this time, okay?" She

nodded and gave a small wave as she went back into the house.

As I suspected, Edward slept for the majority of Christmas Day. I felt bad for him, and I felt bad for

my mom. Had she been just an ounce more mature she would be seeing me on Christmas Day with my
sober, hot as hell boyfriend, being perfect and charming as usual. As it were, I was sitting in the hotel
room watching television and trying not to gag at the smell of the liquor seeping out of E's pores.

I slept on the couch because I was afraid that with his inhibitions being so low, and with being

stressed, he could have been a little aggressive in his nighttime activities. So, in all, this trip was
exactly how I thought it would turn out. I woke Edward up every hour to make him drink some water,
or attempt some crackers. He looked terrible and I wanted to make it all better; I just didn't know how.

As the day set into night, I ordered some room service and went to check on Edward again. He

opened his eyes and sighed sadly. "Merry Christmas," he croaked out.

"Hey, I think this is great. Me and you? A hotel? That means real food, right?"
He made a painful sound and pulled the covers up to his chin again.
"Sorry, food is a bad subject. Maybe you should take a shower? It might make you feel better?"
He said okay and rolled out of the bed slowly. "Phil should sell that shit to NASA. I'm pretty sure

it's a type of rocket fuel that he made."

I rubbed his back and led him into the shower so that I could start the water. He looked in the mirror

and frowned before grabbing his toothbrush and scrubbing ferociously. "My tongue is a Chia Pet," he
lamented after he spit. I turned him around and pulled his shirt over his head and then helped him out
of his pants.

I kissed him right over his heart and turned him towards the shower. "You'll feel better, I promise."
He took his time and while he was in there, I ate my food, being careful to throw it away before he

saw or smelled it. But it was the best bacon cheeseburger I had ever eaten. Too bad he missed out on
that one.

He came out of the bedroom dressed in a fresh pair of pajama bottoms, walking slowly. He looked

better, and smelled better, that was for damn sure. So that night I let him lay his head on my lap while
we watched Christmas movies and I took care of him. I made him feel better. And that made me
immensely happy.

The best Christmas present ever.

"I'm headed to say goodbye to Renee and Phil. Do you want to come?" I asked, already knowing

the answer. Edward was feeling a hundred percent better, but I didn't blame him for not wanting to go
over there again. He was checking his emails rather intently when he turned and winced at me, telling
me with his face that he'd rather stay at the hotel.


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So I left by myself and explained to Renee and Phil that it was their own damn fault that they saw

so little of us during the trip. "You really missed out on a chance to get to know him, mom. He's…
everything. And you barely got two words out of him. Sober." I shook my head and pulled her in for a
hug. "Be good," I whispered, once again feeling more like the parent in our relationship.

I hugged Phil and squeezed him tightly. "Edward says to contact NASA and see if you can sell your

rocket fuel for big bucks. Said you'd be a millionaire." Phil laughed and nodded his head as I waved
goodbye and headed back to the hotel, texting E that I was on my way.

As I walked in to the hotel room, I smelled something amazing and rounded the corner into the

living area. Edward had set up a table with two dinners and glasses. A bottle of wine sat in an ice
bucket and I looked at him suspiciously. "What is all of this?"

He smiled and pulled out a chair. "I wanted to thank you for taking care of me yesterday. And not

letting me die."

I sat and surveyed the spread. "Nice. Lots of carbs, huh? Are you still feeling shitty?"
He shook his head no and uncorked the wine, only pouring a glass for me. I didn't even ask; I knew

he was having water.

We ate our steaks and potatoes, along with the bread and the most amazing sautéed spinach I had

ever tasted. Eating Renee's food once would make anyone appreciate something cooked correctly. We
talked a little about the trip, the flight back and potential plans for New Year's Eve.

I was finally going to have my first New Year's Eve date. Can you say lame? Correction, 'formerly

known as lame'.

Edward wheeled the food cart out into the hallway and moved the table and chairs to the corner

while I jumped into the shower. I threw my hair up in a ponytail, washed quickly, and went over any
spots that needed a quick shave. Because I had every intention of having sex with him while we were in

I stepped out and dried off before putting on a robe and heading back to where Edward was sitting

on the couch. I took my hair out of the rubber band and let it fall across my shoulders as I curled up
next to him. He pulled me close and wrapped his arm around me as we watched television.

Just watched television.
Hello? I am naked under here.
So I snuggled in closer, resting my hand on his thigh. Really high on his thigh. He shifted a little

and I moved it higher. "Bella," he said softly. I looked up with big puppy dog eyes. He just shook his
head and laced his fingers through mine, moving them lower on his leg. So I inched up closer to his
face. Pressing myself against his side. He bit back a smile and continued to watch TV.

I straddled him.
"Damn, Bees. Aggressive tonight?" There was a hint of humor in his voice as he pursed his lips in


"Uh, yeah? What's the deal, E? I'm naked under here. We're in a hotel. I would say that equals some

sexin'." I pressed into him for a kiss and ground into his lap. He kissed me back but his lips were curled
back into a smile.

He pulled away from my face and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Ah, sweet Isabella Swan.

Always wanting me to screw your brains out."

I shrugged and looked confused.
He leaned into me and brushed his lips softly across mine, so softly I almost didn't feel them at all.

"But I don't want to."

I sat back like I had been lit on fire. His grip on my waist tightened and he stood to his feet,

wrapping my legs around his hips. "I want to try something else," he whispered against my neck and I
shivered. "Do you trust me?"


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My breathing sped up and I licked my lips. "In theory, yes."
He walked towards the bedroom and grabbed the bucket with the wine in it. Closing the door

behind us, he placed me gently in the middle of the bed. I watched him close the curtain almost
completely, until the only light in the room was a small sliver of moon light.

Edward placed the wine bucket on the bedside table and then took off his clothes. Which made me

totally confused because he just said he didn't want to have sex with me. He crawled up on the bed and
hovered over me. "We know how to have sex, Bella. But you need to know that it's more than that. So
let me show you." His hands moved slowly into the robe and pulled it open, exposing me under his
heavy gaze.

I sat up and let the robe fall away while Edward raised me to sitting and sat behind me in the

middle of the bed. Pulling me softly into his chest he hummed happily while his hand traveled slowly
down my arm until his fingers found my wrist. Raising it to his lips, he kissed it softly. He shifted back
a slight bit and I jerked when something cold hit my sensitive skin around my wrist.

Edward was holding an ice cube against my skin and moving it slowly up my arm, following the

trail of ice cold with is mouth, reheating the skin and licking a trail of fire in its wake. "You're skin is so
soft," he murmured and I closed my eyes at his words.

He shifted me forward and then propped my back up on the pillows as he moved above me. He had

the ice cube in his mouth and he leaned in to kiss me, his tongue darting out slowly to roll over mine,
the contrast of his cold to my hot was an amazing feeling in my mouth and I kissed him deeper until I
felt the last of the ice cube slide in between my lips.

He bent his head quickly and pulled my nipple into his mouth and I made a soft moan as it

immediately pebbled in his lips. He reached for another cube and trailed it across my collar bones,
following the trail of water with his lips again before he dipped the cube across both breasts in a
straight line. The ice was back in his mouth as he kissed and sucked on both nips, making them as hard
as humanly possible.

"You taste like flowers," he whispered against the moist skin of my abdomen.
He was moving lower and I fought the urge to jump up and take him, because he was clearly trying

to give me something more than just sex.

"Does that feel good?" He asked as he parted my knees. I had no answer. "Bella, talk to me," He

kissed my knee and ran his fingers lightly across my thighs. "What are you thinking?"

I blurted it out, "I'm thinking I want to sit on your face." Nice. Classy.
He tsked and sighed before he grabbed two more cubes. Placing them against my ankles, he moved

them in a slow progression up the inside of my thighs and then across my hips. "That feels amazing," I
said softly. His hands moved steadily back up my sides and I flinched at the cold contrast of his
fingertips against the warmth afforded me by his palms.

"Goose bumps," he chuckled as he ran his lips over my sides and back down across my pelvis.
Another ice cube was sucked into his mouth as he ran it across my stomach and lower. Kissing the

now smooth mound in between my thighs, he flicked his cold tongue across the opening and I
squeaked. "Do that again?" I asked. So he did and my breath left my body in a short whoosh.

His mouth moved lower and his tongue ran slow circles against and around my entrance.

"Edward…that feels so good," I breathed as his hands traveled higher and ran softly over my hips and
sides. He removed his lips and kissed his way back up my stomach until we were face to face. We
kissed slowly and deeply, his fingers barely ghosting over my cheeks and neck.

I raised my hand to his chin, cupping it and settling my fingers into his soft hair. Both hands moved

to his shoulders and then across his back and up his sides; the same route his had taken, but with only
warmth. Our bodies were pressed fully against each other, but no one moved to join the other. We just


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His skin was like silk under my fingertips and I kissed his shoulders as I pulled him down on top of

me, to feel his weight; his solidity. "You're incredible," I said as his lips traveled over my cheek and
against my temple.

"And you are amazing," he whispered into my ear as we explored soft planes and spaces that

usually went untouched when the goal was just to have sex. Just a race for pleasure; to get off. This was

My body was screaming to have him inside of me, but my heart wanted this right now. He was

loving me. I heard his breathing become shallow as he lifted himself slightly off of me and sat up,
pulling me into his lap. He wrapped both arms around my back, pressing me against him tightly as I
gripped his shoulders, gasping at the contact as I brushed against him.

I ran my fingers down his back and moaned as his hands followed suit, finding rest at the base of

my spine and applying pressure so that I was flush with his shaft. Without thought, I moved against
him, sliding slowly up and back, eliciting a deep throated growl when I made the move again. His
hands gripped my hips lightly and he sunk himself deeply inside of me, causing both of us to moan at
the feeling of finally being together.

Edward pulled lightly on my hair and my head fell back so that we were looking into each others

eyes. I lifted my hips and sunk back down in a slow but steady rhythm as I stared into his amazing
green eyes. "You're so perfect," I said with absolute sincerity as I focused on the feeling of him inside
of me.

His hand moved up to my neck and he met my lips with his, whispering against them as he thrust

back in long slow strides. The intimacy of the vicinity of our bodies was electric, and with each small
movement I lost a little more control until I was gripping his shoulders and whimpering at my
impending release. I just needed one thing, one movement from him and I would fall over the edge. So
I brought his hand to my face and kissed his palm before placing it gently on my breast. His thumb was
making small circles across my nipple and when he pinched it between his fingers, I felt my legs twitch
and I threw my head back as I quivered and shook in his arms.

"That's my favorite part," he said as his jaw tensed and he gripped my waist, wrapping both arms

around me to ground me as he sped his thrusting only slightly to reach his own release. And I felt him,
all of him, in that moment. Each taught muscle in his back flexed, and his arms twitched as his legs
moved sporadically underneath me. But what I felt the most were his pulses, deep inside of me, as he
finished and lavished my jaw and throat with kisses.

It was then that I wished I didn't have my three rules.
Because I really wanted to moan a throaty F bomb as he laid me on my back and pulled out.
And I really wanted a cigarette.
Because that man had just loved the hell outta me.


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Chapter 23


"How did the cube sexin' go?" Emmett was leaned over quite conspicuously into my ear as I

opened a couple of beers. Everyone else was in the living room hanging out and he had followed me
into the kitchen to ask me that ridiculous question. I shoved his beer into his chest and shook my head,
mumbling for him to shut up.

"Not good? I told you that the popsicles work better, E. Popsicles can go places…"
"Oh, god. Seriously? Don't talk about…Rose and…popsicles. That's just wrong. To answer your

question, though, it was amazing…as sex usually is with Bella. Not that I really want to talk about it
with you since you seem to fluctuate from being my sex advice friend to her older brother that wants to
castrate me in about t minus twelve seconds." I gave him a confused shake of the head as I took a sip of
the beer.

He drank and nodded his head before letting out a gnarly burp. "So she doesn't know that you got

that idea from me?" I whispered no. "I guess that means she also doesn't know that you contacted your
ex-girlfriend's dad for sex advice, either?" He raised his eyebrows and looked into the living room.

"No. And I would appreciate it if you would never mention that to her. Dr. Denali said that, from

what he can tell from my description, Bella uses sex as affection. Or reward. Or to feel empowered
through sexuality? I just needed a way to slow it down and let her know that it's more than that." My
eyes begged him to understand. "I know that you're not a hundred percent schooled on her back history,
but trust me when I say that a lot of her…actions in the past…have been a result of some hard things
that she faced before Forks."

A sad look passed over his eyes and his shoulders slumped forward. "I just want her to be happy,

you know? She deserves to be happy."

I took a deep breath and gave him a pat him on the shoulder. "She is. And she will be."
Emmett grinned again and snickered, "I heard Renee knocked your ass out with the 'shine."
My stomach churned and I glared at him. "Not a topic for tonight. I still haven't regenerated my

stomach lining."

"Hey, Ennis and Jack? Can you come down off of Brokeback and hang out with us tonight?" Bella

was calling to us from the living room.

Rose and Alice were lying on the carpet with Bella and Jasper was flipping through movie

channels. "Nothing. Why do we pay eighty dollars for movie channels that show nothing?" Jasper was

"I have Scene It in the bedroom closet. We could play since we haven't played it in a while." Bella

got off up from the floor and padded to our room. I had just sat down when I heard her yelp.
"Owwww," was followed by a confused, "Uh, Edward? Can you come here?"

The group cackled and ooohed as I walked out. "You guys sound like the audience for Saved By the

Bell," I chided as I left the room. Bella was standing in between the double doors of the closet with a
bewildered expression on her face.

She held out a tape to me and waved it. "What's this? It fell on my head from the top shelf."
I blanked. I was sure I had put that somewhere safer, in a more secure place. I looked at her face

and then back at the tape at least five times. "It's the tape that Rose gave me when Jake was being

The look that passed over her features made my heart lurch and I silently cursed myself for not


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getting rid of it sooner. "I'm sorry. I thought you might need it for evidence, but I didn't want to ask
you," I tried to explain as I sat on the bed. Her posture was hostile as she turned the video over in her

"Did you watch it?" She asked lowly.
I only nodded.
"And? Is it awful?" Her eyes searched mine and I felt nauseous under her gaze.
She took a deep breath and blinked her eyes. "I want to see it."
"No, I don't think you do, Bella. You should probably just hand it over to Jared and enter it as

evidence. There's no reason for you to watch it." I got up and reached over to take the tape and she
snatched it up and away from me.

"Get the VCR."
It was a command and my fingers twitched as I calmed myself down. She was pushing me, but I

knew that she was in a delicate frame of mind, so I chose not to exert my strength against her.

Plus, I really didn't want to sleep in the Doghouse.
I resigned myself to the fact that she wasn't planning on backing down and I retrieved the VCR

from the hall closet. Ignoring the curious glances from everyone in the living room, I shut the bedroom
door behind me and set about hooking up the antiqued beast to the bedroom television. When I was
sure it was working correctly, I motioned for her to hand me the tape. She was apprehensive for a
moment before laying it stoically in my hands, and I fed it to the machine.

She sat lightly next to me on the bed as I asked one last time, "Are you sure?" She only nodded a

short nod once to let me know it was okay. I pressed play and a pop and click was heard before the hum
of the tape filled the small space. I braced myself on the mattress and sat my hand lightly on her thigh
as the scene started.

It was us, of course, on her bed. There wasn't much sound because of the angle of the camera,

which had been pointed between the upper slats of the doors, where they didn't meet the ceiling in
about a two inch space.

But, there on the screen, was the two of us. Bella took in a sharp breath as she watched herself

undress and take off my clothes. But what she leaned forward for was when we got to the part where I
took off her bra and pulled her to my chest. Her cheeks flamed crimson as she watched us pressed so
intimately together; her legs open and her body arched into me before I thrust us forward on the bed.

Her leg shook and I felt her fist tighten on the comforter while the tape continued. She watched,

eyes completely open and unblinking for the next ten minutes. She took everything in and strained to
hear the muted sounds that were coming through the speakers. "I didn't know we were so loud," she
commented, still not looking at me.

The screen finally went to black and I waited with bated breath to get her full reaction. I wasn't sure

if I wanted her to get upset; to yell about the injustice that she surely felt. At the invasion of privacy.
But I knew I wanted her to feel something instead of blocking it out and pretending it didn't happen. I
didn't want her to break, but a part of me felt like she needed to face it head on.

Instead, she looked up at my face and gripped my shirt to pull me into a kiss. "We should make

porn," was her reaction.

"What the…" I gasped out as she shoved her tongue into my mouth. I pushed her slightly back and

looked into her eyes. "That's not normal, Bella."

She gave me a dirty look and got up to eject the tape. "So? I never said I was normal."
There was a sudden knock on the door and Jasper's voice pushed its way through the small crack in

the doorjamb as he pleaded, "Please come out here so that we can play that damn game. Emmett is
threatening Belly Button Hitlers unless you get out here…now."


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She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. The tape was clasped between her fingers and she shoved it

back at my face. "I'm not going to the trial. I already told Charlie that I would sign a statement and
maybe do a tape for the court, but I'm not going. I'll ask him if they need this and if they don't I'll
dispose of it." She nodded her head once and put the tape back on the shelf as she grabbed the game.

"Come on, Cullen. Let's go play a game and pretend like everything's okay." She extended a hand

and I glanced at it warily.

Pretend. Always pretending.
I took her fingers in my hand and brought them to my lips, unsure of what I should do. "It is okay,

Bella. No pretending to it."

There was another sound in the hallway and we heard Alice screaming and laughing. "Please! He's

serious and you know that shit makes me gag," she was pleading through the door.

Bella giggled softly. "Senior year, Emmett discovered that the inside of his belly button smelled

like, well, ass. He kept putting his finger in there and saying, 'sniff it…it's so gross.' Of course, that
made all of us not want to smell it. So he would chase us around and hold us down, then press his
finger right below our nose here," she pointed to her top lip, "like Hitler's mustache. But the smell
wouldn't go away for days. Hence, Belly Button Hitlers. He really is just disgusting."

I scrunched up my face and rolled my eyes. "Maybe I'm glad I wasn't here for that."
I looked at her face one last time and she pulled her lips back in a fake smile. "Let's go play with

our friends."


I have often wondered if there was a doctor out there that would perform a 'life-ectomy' where they

could go in and just remove pieces of memory completely so that you would have no recollection of the
shitty things that you had experienced.

I also wondered if they could take my brain out and put it into Heidi Klum's body.
I mean, my personality and her looks? Men would be dead in the streets.
The morning after we watched the tape, I just wanted forget about it. And the best way I knew how

to erase things from my mind was with Edward. Specifically, I needed to be naked with Edward. I had
no other thoughts about my life when we were together in that way. It was like, for that small space of
time, I was something and someone else. I was sexy and desireable, wanted and adored, needed and
able to give him as much pleasure as he gave to me. In his arms, in our bed…I was who I had always
wanted to be.

He pinned me close to his chest as he called my name through his climax, his husky voice filling

my ears and soothing me to a great degree. I gasped for breath against his cheek, clutching to him for
comfort and trying to make it last as long as I could. My heart beat frantically in my chest as I rocked
against him only slightly before shifting off to roll over and lay my head on his stomach, tracing small
circles across his pale flesh and watching goose bumps appear and disappear in their wake.

"Edward?" I asked against his skin. "What's your favorite memory?'
He shifted a bit and rested his hand on my head, his fingers stroking my hair lovingly as he thought.

"From which time? Childhood? School? The military?"

I shrugged. "All of them."
"Hmm," his voice rumbled and echoed through his stomach, "I guess my favorite memory from

childhood would be our first trip to our summer house. I just explored the woods a lot." He shifted
towards me and scooted down until he was facing me. "In school, it would have to be…" he blinked as
he thought," Oh, it would have to be our talent show in fifth grade. Emmett and Jasper and I did the


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shtick from Top Gun. It was terrible and cheesy, but we had so much fun."

I snickered, "Hell, I had no idea you guys were so lame."
He pursed his lips and pressed his hand to my face to shut me up. "As for the military? Basic, with

as hard as it was…was really fun. You know, everybody is on the same playing field at the beginning.
We all looked like idiots and thought we were tough shit until we were shown how wrong we were. But
I made some friends and we would play stupid jokes and pranks on each other." He laughed at a
memory and grinned.

"I had this one guy, Marcus, that I shared a bunk with. He went into the shower one day and came

back out in a towel and his fist was all tight." He held up his hand to show me. "He walks up to another
guy and says, 'Guess what's in my hand?' and the guy leans over to look." Edward started shaking with
repressed laughter. "Marcus opens his hand and," he looked at me and bit his lip, "All of this hair pops
up out of his palm and the other guy screams because Marcus has a fistful of pubes. And then Marcus
drops his towel and starts shaking his newly shaven ass…I don't know. It was funny at the time. Now it
just sounds like a bunch of naked guys hanging out together in a bath house." His voice got quiet as he
trailed off.

"College?" I asked.
There was a beat before he answered, "I have no favorite memories from Alaska."
"Recent?" I asked softly. He slipped a finger under my chin and pulled my face up to look at him.
"My best memory in the past six months was walking into this apartment and seeing you, in your

panties and sticker covered nipples…and knowing that my life would never be the same." He smiled
and I leaned up to catch his lower lip between my teeth.

"Sweet talker," I whispered.
He nuzzled his forehead into mine. "How about you?"
I stiffened a bit and then sighed. "I have no good memories before Forks. So, probably skinny

dipping after Senior prom. I didn't go to the dance, but we all hung out afterwards and it was the first
time I felt, I don't know, free? Like I was my own person, I guess."

"Okay. College?" His voice was soft as he asked.
"Huh. Well, there was a stretch of time where Rose and Emmett took a break. She went kind of

crazy and we attended a lot of parties and ragers during that time frame. She was unhinged, and she
took me along for the ride. When Alice and J broke up in college, it was 'sad city' with chick flicks and
Haagen Dazs. But Rose was out to prove how amazing she was to Emmett and vowed to make him
come crawling back to her. Which, he did, of course." I chewed my lip and thought about it.

"Oh, that would have to be spilling my coffee on my tits and creaming my pants when the new guy

started at the office," I giggled as I snuggled into his chest. "Honestly, E? What did you think the first
time you saw me?"

He ran a hand over my shoulder and up towards my neck. "I thought, 'Dammit. I'm in deep shit now

because this girl is gorgeous and I can't touch her. For more reasons than one.' And then I resolved
myself to ignoring you."

I nodded while he chuckled. "Your first thoughts of me?"
My breath stopped for a second before I pulled him closer. "There were weird thoughts about, I

don't know…bondage? Boxes under my bed and lotion? I…can't really recall."

He laughed loudly and kissed the top of my head. "God, I love you, Bella."
My eyes clasped shut as I focused on his words before I wrapped my arms around his neck and

pulled his face to my chest. "Nowhere near as much as I love you," I whispered into his hair.

We got dressed and I gathered my things for the evening. Alice was standing in the living room

with the television cranked and staring with her head cocked to one side as she watched a video on


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VH1. "Bella? Am I getting old or is Shakira sorely mistaken in thinking that this is a good video?"

I walked up behind her and stared at the screen as She Wolf played. "No. She is mistaken." I

slapped her ass before grabbing a box and placing items in it. "Are you guys coming with me or do you
have too much work at the boutique?"

Alice smiled and gave a small twirl. "Like we'd ever miss this, Bees. It's a highlight of the year. I

am sure that Felix can handle the small rush for New Year dresses that may come in today."

Jasper emerged from the bathroom and yawned before grabbing a cup of coffee. "What time are we

supposed to be at the hospital?" He asked as he took his first sip. His body instantly relaxed and his
eyes brightened.

Edward walked into the kitchen and looked confused. "Who's going to the hospital?"
"All of us," Alice replied. "Emmett and Rose are going to meet us here and we'll all ride over


I packed more items into the box. "Be there no later than five, please, guys. I don't like interrupting

dinner and getting everyone off schedule." I looked up and caught Edward's eye. "We go every year. I
get these, "I said holding up my prizes, "from local businesses and Lice's shop. Rose does some
swindling, too. We go up on the thirtieth to visit and hand out the little gifts. Are you coming?"

He shrugged and grabbed a coffee cup. "Sure. I'll ride with you, if that's okay."
"Perfect. Be ready by four thirty." I smiled to myself. He had no idea what he was getting himself



We parked at the hospital and I helped unload a few of the boxes while attempting to be valiant. It

proved difficult because Bella was so used to doing things her way and being stubborn as hell. So I
carried in three of the boxes while she carried in two, even though I could have fit all five in my arms.

"Why won't you tell me where we're going?" I asked as she pressed the elevator button for the

correct floor.

She gave me a sidelong glance and whispered, "Did you notice that we're at the Children's


"That's because we're visiting…kids, CC. Shocker!" She opened her mouth wide and bugged her

eyes out like she had been scared. The elevator door opened and she led the way, saying hello to the
nurses and picking up our badges before we made our way into a large room with tables.

I glanced around as we set our boxes down. "Are we in the cancer ward?"
She smiled softly and nodded. "My cousin Riley got lymphoma when he was fifteen. We'd visit him

a lot and I enjoyed the other kid's company too. So after he passed I just didn't want to give that up. I
get little donations here and there for toys or stickers, snacks or whatever, and come out to visit. There
may not be that many participating this year, though. The head nurse said that a lot of the kids are too
sick to participate."

My face felt frozen as I stared at her while she spoke. It was like a sort of haze had been lifted off

of my eyes and I was seeing the whole Bella Swan in front of me. No self deprecation, no pretense, no
sarcasm. Just a person who wanted to give, even if she felt she had so little to offer.

"I want to play checkers!" Emmett was roaring down the hallway and Bella sighed with


"He absofockinglutely loves this. I don't know if it's because he's in his element," she snickered, "or

because he just loves kids. It would be a shame for that man not to have children, in my opinion."


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I wondered if Bella wanted kids one day.
Emmett tackled me and sent me skidding across the floor as he howled with laughter. Rose

followed behind him and then Alice and Jasper. They set about unpacking the boxes as well until all of
the items were laid out on display. Alice disappeared and came back with a tray of cookies and a nurse
brought in some drinks before Rose turned on some music.

Like a party.
I stood around awkwardly because I didn't know what we were supposed to do. And because kids

made me nervous.

There was some racket and the sound of multiple voices in the corridor before about eight kids

were wheeled in or walked into the room. They were all pale and dressed in hospital gowns, but their
eyes were bright and mischievous as they surveyed their surroundings. Bella stepped up to each one of
them and took their hand, introducing herself and becoming more acquainted with each child. She
pointed to the table of cookies and snacks and there was a mad rush as the kids fought for line

All of the rest of the group members milled about and talked to the kids. Eventually, Emmett got

one boy in a chair for a game of checkers. They arm wrestled to see who would get what color and he
lost on purpose, much to the delight of the young man he was playing against. I marveled at the sight of
a big bear of a man like Emmett enjoying his time with a tween.

Alice and Rose had a few of the girls at a table for make up and some girly plastic jewelry that had

been donated. They were squealing and laughing while my friends applied make up and played with
them, talking animatedly about their time in the hospital.

Jasper was off to one side of the room with a couple of younger teenage boys and I walked over to

where they were standing because I felt like I should do something, and at least Jasper would be there
while I crashed and burned to make me feel less tense about it. The boys had knit hats pulled low
across their foreheads and the contrast of their hats and hospital gowns made the moment seem really

Jasper gave me a lazy grin as I wandered over to the small group. "Edward. Come meet Seth and

Garrett. They're both fourteen, and are pro skateboarders."

Garrett snorted and rubbed his toe against the linoleum. "Pro my ass. I can't even keep balance right


Seth shrugged and agreed. "Yeah, it sucks monkey nuts not being able to get out of here and into a


Jasper's grin grew a mile wide. "You know, Edward over here used to skateboard. Not as well as

you two, though. Actually, he was kind of crap at it."

"Oh, you are one to talk, man. I remember quite clearly that I was not the one who went down hill

into a scum pond." I retaliated.

The boys were looking on in amusement as we went back and forth. Emmett hurried over and stuck

his head between us. "What are you two morons arguing about?"

Bella was next to me less than thirty seconds later with a small girl on her hip. She looked

concerned until Jasper gave her a wink.

J crossed his arms and stood firm. "We were just talking about how absolutely weak E's board skills

were back in the day."

"That was on a Wednesday, by the way," Seth quipped. I looked over and cocked an eyebrow as I

smirked in recognition of the joke.

Emmett snorted and clapped both of us on the backs. "I seem to remember that you both blew ass

when it came to that."

Alice and Rose meandered over to see what the ruckus was about as we launched into specific


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examples of how the others sucked worse than we did. They both leaned against the wall next to Seth
and Garrett while we argued. And Bella stood back a few feet looking on in wonder.

"Emmett. Really? You got a concussion, dude. You puked hot dogs so I hardly think you're a fair

judge." I reminded him

"Oh, come on, Ed! You got a concussion from stair surfing on my mattress. I don't think you can be

all high and mighty either," Emmett retorted.

Alice wrapped her arms around Jasper's waist and squeezed. "You just love to start this…eh…shite,

don't you?" She looked at Bella and made a motion towards the three of us. "These three went through
an incredibly awkward year of Jackass obsession. And none of them came out unscathed."

Jasper immediately pointed to his forehead above his eyebrow, while Emmett rolled up his sleeve to

point at his elbow and I lifted my shirt to point at the scar on my hip. All three of us burst into laughter
as the memories came flooding back. We talked to Seth and Garrett for well over another hour about
the idiotic things we used to do in Forks. By the time Bella came to round us up, we were all crying
with laughter with the younger boys.

"We have to go now, guys. I don't want to keep you from your dinner." She gave us all a bright

smile and looked pleased as she walked over to the tables to pack up. We all exchanged emails with the
teens and I felt good about the day. It made me want to do this more often than once a year.

"What do you need help with?" I asked Bella while she cleaned off the table. She instructed me to

disperse the remainder of the treats and gifts before all of the kids left. The last child cleared the door
and I turned back to see Bella leaning against the table that had held the food. She was chewing her lip
and grinning.

"You're kind of terrible with kids," she chided me. "I think I have found the one thing that you suck


"What? I thought I did great. Those guys loved us and I even got their email addresses. I think we'll

come up here again in a few weeks to see them." I pulled her into a tight hug and she stiffened.

"Don't get too attached, that's my only advice, okay? These kids don't exactly have tomorrow

promised to them." She looked sad when she pulled away from my embrace. I watched her make her
way over to Rose and Alice, gathering them into a small huddle as she explained something to them.
Alice looked up at Bella with concern before Rose leaned in again and asked what looked to be 'are you
sure?' Bella nodded and Rose pulled her in for a hug while Alice clapped her hands and did a weird sort
of jig.

Bella walked back over to me, her face flushed and cheeks burning bright red. There was a sort of

excitement behind her eyes that wasn't there when she had walked away. "What was that about?" I
asked in concern.

She ran her fingers through her hair and folded the box tops over to secure them. "Oh, uh…the girls

and I will be meeting you guys at the hotel for Ben's party tomorrow night. We have some stuff to take
care of and Alice is doing our dresses and make up. You should go early to check in, though."

"What 'stuff' do you have to take care of? It's a party, Bella."
She smiled and bit her lip, looking up at me through dark lashes. "It's also a night of new



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Chapter 24


I grunted and rolled over into my pillow.
"Hey, wake up." Edward's voice was whispering sweetly into my ear and I resisted the urge to give

him the finger.

"Nooooo," I moaned against my pillow and pulled the covers higher.
"But I made you breakfast," he singsonged.
Damn, I must still be asleep.
"Funny joke, CC. You don't cook." I finally cracked one eye open to see him smiling down at me

and waving at my face. He rubbed my back a little before yanking the comforter down completely and
off of my form. I was immediately assaulted by the frigid air and screeched as I sat up and reached for
the covers again.

He chuckled and pointed at the tray on his side of the bed. I rolled my head forward and stretched

before giving him a wary glance. "Eggos? I don't think that counts as 'cooking'." I even gave him finger
quotes. He loathes those.

He reached across me and placed the tray on my lap. "It was Eggos or Pop Tarts."
"Ah, well I am glad for the Eggos, then. Because I've seen the way you burn Pop Tarts." Pinching

his cheeks, I sat up straighter. I pressed the two waffles together with the syrup in between and bit into
the sandwich I had created. Syrup erupted from the edges and shot across my fingers and down my
chin. "Mhankyu," I garbled around the mess in my mouth.

"Sexy," he smirked. Edward got off of the bed and patted my leg. "When you're done being a

kindergartner, get up and come into the bathroom."

I chewed slower, becoming more suspicious as the minutes passed. There was nothing amiss in the

room. I didn't hear Alice or Jasper anywhere in the apartment. In fact, there were no other sounds
except Edward's soft footfalls while he walked back and forth between the kitchen and bathroom.
Resigning myself to whatever unavoidable doom was awaiting me, I slid off of the bed and sat the plate
on my dresser.

Edward was perched on the toilet lid next to the bath holding a towel and smiling. The tub was

filled and bubbles were overflowing from the fiberglass basin. "What's your angle, Cullen?" I looked
him over and then back towards the tub. "Did you kill my cat?"

"You don't have a cat."
"Right. So what the hell are you doing?"
He stood up and wrapped his arms around me to pull me into a hug. "Why does there have to be an

ulterior motive? I just drew us a bath. Now strip and be grateful." His hands gripped my shorts and
yanked them down unceremoniously.

I raised my shirt over my head and turned towards the tub. Edward dropped his pants and crawled

in before me, motioning for me to join him and running his hands silently across the bubbles. My
fingers fumbled for a rubber band on the counter to throw my hair up on top of my head. I put my feet
in and the water was warm against my skin as I slid into the tub and settled against Edward's chest and
let my head rest on his shoulder.

"Relaxed?" He asked against my temple and I let out a satisfied sigh and nodded. "Good." His

fingers trailed up and down my arms and across my shoulders and neck, causing my body to loosen up


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even more from his touch.

"What are you girls doing today?" He whispered into my ear.
I snickered. "That would be filed under 'Business", surname 'Nunya'. You need to learn some

patience. You'll know soon enough."

He hmmm'd and continued to run his fingers across my skin, sticking only to the safe zones. I

shifted against him and wiggled my ass into his lap. "Did you want to give Vicki a wake up call too?" I
asked innocently.

"No, I just want to sit in the bath with you if that's okay." His fingers never stopped their circuit and

I frowned.

"Your mouth is saying something completely different than what your massive boner is telling my


He sighed and pulled me closer to his chest. "I'll deal with that when I need to. But for now, let's

just relax, okay?"

I chewed my lip and pouted. What was the point of getting naked if we weren't getting busy?
He pushed me forward a bit and grabbed the loofah to add body wash to. With gentle precision he

washed my arms and back, letting his fingers massage the sore knots that had twisted by my shoulders
and at the base of my spine. I closed my eyes and groaned in appreciation, rocking back against him
and snaking my hand around to touch him.

His fingers shot out lightning fast to stop the progression of my digits up his length. "Bella. Try to

behave, please. This is just a bath, that's all. I want to help you relax and just spend some time with
you." His mouth was close enough to my ear to cause goose bumps to arise along my chest and arms
before they took control of my nipples.

"Would you like me to wash your hair?" His gentle voice pulled my face upwards to him, the feel

of his fingers across my scalp causing me to close my eyes again.

"No. Alice wants dirty second day hair or something ridiculous like that. Girl shit is stupid." My

voice barely carried into the steam because I had become so comfortable.

We sat in silence, the only sound being the gentle drip of the faucet that dripped no matter how tight

you turned the knob. I focused on his breathing, the movement of the water and his skin against mine.
It was bliss.

"Why did you want to take a bath?" I asked in a whisper, being careful not to disturb the peaceful

nature of the moment.

His chest vibrated with his answer, "Because I love you."
"Hmm, your peenor loves me too, ya know. Can't I show you both some love?" I peeked up at him


He shook his head no and pressed my face back down.
"But I need you," I said with a whine noticing the heat in my lower abdomen quickly becoming a

heavy discomfort.

His answer was sharp and made me flinch. "You don't need me to have sex with you Bella. You

want to."

I stiffened and sat up to turn and look at him. "Fine. I want to have sex with you."
He stood firm. "And I just want to take a bath with you without it ending in a sexual favor. You

don't have to award yourself to me for me to know that you love me. And it should be the same for
you." His hand ghosted across my eyebrows as he spoke and I instinctively closed my eyes. "Does that
make sense?"

He angled my body so that I was facing him and my legs were in between his. With calculated


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restraint, he leaned into me and gave me a soft kiss. My hands instinctively sought out his neck and I
pulled myself closer, straddling him. He stopped and sighed, reaching behind his neck to unclasp my
fingers. "And sometimes, I just want to kiss you." His eyes were soft and trying to convey something
that I couldn't grasp yet.

But I would try. I would try to understand what he needed me to be. And I would start today.
We finished our bath and got dressed. He packed our overnight back and I concentrated on putting

the finishing touches on the jewelry I had made for the girls to match our dresses. I gathered up the
beads and my purse, checking one last time to make sure I had everything that I needed. Feeling
satisfied that I was sufficiently prepared; I gave Edward a kiss and told him I would see him at the

I was glad for the distraction, in all honesty. It's not that I felt rejected that he didn't want to have

sex with me. It just felt like something was off. I felt anxious and uneasy which was not how I wanted
to start my day. There was a lot to accomplish today and I needed to have my head in the right place in
order to survive.

I gave myself a pep talk upon turning into the parking lot and parked the car in front of Zafrina's.

The shop was ten feet away. If I could make it ten feet then the next five hours would be a breeze.

Zaf opened her shop door with a huge smile. "It's about time, Isabella. Your friends have been

waiting quite impatiently for your arrival."

When I had arrived at Zafrina's, Rose and Alice were waiting. Rose saw the apprehension on my

face and immediately moved to comfort me. "You'll be fine. Don't be nervous, Bella. Remember what
it's for, okay?" I nodded dumbly and squeezed her hand until we were called back and Alice wished us

Afterwards, I felt numb.
"Godblessitallto... Dammit, Alice. What the hell did you do to me?" I was staring into the full

length mirror at the boutique in total disbelief. I turned to the left and then to the right and then faced
forward again. "I can't do this. This is stupid and it was a stupid idea and I was stupid to suggest this." I
stepped back from the mirror and pressed my hands together with worry.

Alice stepped lightly over to me and cocked her head to the side. "What? There's nothing wrong

with you. You look beautiful."

I threw my hands in the air and yelled, "I know! I'm damn near gorgeous in this get up, you

mogwai. I have no flancing clue what I'm supposed to do with myself now."

Rose snorted from across the room. "Suck it up, sweetcheeks. You've got some hearts to break


"I don't want to break a heart tonight, Ro. I want to fix one." I closed my eyes and took a deep

breath to talk myself down from the overwhelming panic that I was feeling. This wasn't me. This wasn't
what I had expected. And I didn't know if I could do it.

I had wanted my change to be complete. Instead I just looked like a damn idiot.


I hadn't meant to snap at her like I did in the bath, but she was just so damn pushy. She was quickly

making me realize that I had a worse temper than I had initially thought I did. And I was starting to
doubt myself with being able to hold my ground and stay strong in order for me to show her that our
relationship was more than just the physical.

Jasper, Emmett and I all met up for lunch before checking into the hotel. We spent some time in the


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indoor pool after we worked out a bit and then we all headed back up to our floor and watched a movie
in Jasper and Alice's suite. I hadn't realized how much I needed one on one time with them. Even living
with Jasper wasn't the same as hanging out with him.

"What do you think the girls are doing that's so secretive?" Emmett asked.
Jasper looked as confused as I did. "Jasper, Alice tells you everything. You couldn't get her to


"Nope. When she has a secret with one of the girls she's like Fort Knox. Be thankful, bro. She kept

Rose's engagement a secret, right?" Jasper was giving a critical look at Emmett, who agreed. "Do you
know that every night until you proposed she would stand outside of Rose's room and whisper, 'Emmett
has an engagement ring for you' and then she'd run away and crawl up in our bed? She said it made her
feel like she had told someone and still maintained your secret. So, no. She didn't say one thing before
she left at the ass crack of dawn this morning."

Ben's party was set to begin at seven for cocktails. He had rented out the third floor event space at

the W so that we would be close to the New Year's Eve fireworks show. I wondered how many people
would remain sober enough to enjoy it.

We parted ways around six to start getting ready. I took a chance and called Bella to see what time

they were going to arrive. She answered the phone with an acidic tone.

"Hey, E. What's up?"
"Hey to you, too, sunbeam. What's wrong?" I asked with the phone pressed close to my ear to hear

over the music and talking in the background of her phone.

She sighed. "Nothing, Things are just turning out differently than I expected for tonight. First, Rose

yelled at me because I told her that I though Emmett should be able to have his red velvet armadillo
cake at the rehearsal dinner. She said, "you would think that was a good idea" like I was so gauche for
even thinking that it was funny."

I could picture her huddled in the corner of Alice's shop as she talked and I felt bad for her.
"And Alice just, I don't know. Whatever. We'll be there no later than eight." There was a loud

banging sound and she barked, "Stop already, Chuckie. I'm coming out." Turning her voice back to the
phone she sounded like she was going to cry. "Alice is making me come out of the dressing room now.
She's like a demonic doll. I have to go."

Whatever they were doing, it did not sound like Bella was enjoying it. I hoped it wouldn't sour her

mood for the evening because I wanted to have a good time with everyone tonight.

I shoved the suite key into my pocket and took a last look around. The fat sunflowers that I had

bought on the way in were in a vase on the end table. They were exactly like the one I had brought to
her on our first date and I hoped that she liked the bunch that the florist had picked out.

Jasper and Emmett met me in the hallway and we rode the elevator to the third floor. It was seven

thirty by the time we walked into the open space that the party was being held in. The lights were low
and a DJ was playing music. Against the far walls was a cluster of tables that hosted casino games. A
full bar and buffet were on the other side of the room and a dance floor had been constructed in the
middle of the tables.

Ben had outdone himself.
Tables that sat ten were set up and we found our seats with our names on the place cards by empty

wine glasses. I surveyed the other names at the table and was surprised to see my parent's would be
attending. Along with Dr. Denali.

Shit. That couldn't be good.
There was one more empty seat and I strained to see if there was a place card there as well.
"Emmett. Did you know my parents were coming? With Tanya's dad?" I pointed to the place cards

and his jaw dropped.


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"No. But you should probably warn him that any conversations regarding you, Bella and Vicki are

off limits."

He was right. I had contacted him in the strictest of confidence, and I hoped that he could keep that

information a secret. The last thing I needed Bella to know was that I had told him about her problem
and that he had suggested all of the 'intimate moments' that I was having with her. She'd flip her shit, I
was sure of it.

I felt a soft hand on my back and smelled vanilla before I even turned completely around to give

my mom a hug. "You look handsome," she sang into my ear as I picked her up a bit off of her feet. I set
her back down and shook hands with my father before turning to Dr. Denali.

"It's nice to see you," I told him with a sincere smile. "But why are you here? And are you alone?"
Carlisle laughed with embarrassment.
"No, I didn't mean it that way. I just didn't know you were coming into town." My brain was reeling

as I tried to crawl out of the hole I had dug with my words.

"I have business in town. Your parents were kind enough to invite me to this party and another later

in the evening. And yes, I am alone." Dr. Denali answered with a twinkle in his eye.

I gave my dad a smirk. "Party hopping? You're bound to be in the papers tomorrow."
I introduced my friends and we ordered drinks from the bar. I walked back to my seat and had just

pulled out my chair when I heard Jasper mutter, "Holy fff…shit." He was staring wide eyed at the door
and Emmett and I both turned at the same time to see what he was staring at. What we saw made us
both drop our jaws.

"Oh, wow," was all that Emmett could muster.
My brain worked over time and the only thing that I could come up with was, "Uuuuugh…"
At the threshold of the door stood our girlfriends, but it wasn't the group of women that we had

parted ways with this morning. No, indeed it was not. These three women were goddesses and I noticed
that all three of us had taken a protective stance as we watched them enter the room.

Rose was wearing a thin strapped silver dress that ruffled right at the middle of her calf. The top

was cut low enough that her boobs were oozing out the top and just enough of them were covered to
conceal her nipples. She was wearing these heels that could only be described in words that Bella did
not let us use. But I had a feeling that she would be wearing them later and digging them into Emmett's
ass. What had made us stare, though, was the fact that her blond hair that hung down to her waist had
been cut into an angled bob right above her shoulders, and she had a thick fringe of long, straight bangs
across her forehead that skimmed her eyelashes. And the effect made her look like a runway model.

Jasper was vibrating with energy as he took Alice in. She had cut her hair just a bit shorter, but it

was angled differently toward her face and she had a thick chunk of a layer sweeping across her eyes.
In the layers were platinum and what looked to be cherry red streaks. Her dress was a funky little black
number that had tatters of cloth hanging off of it asymmetrically and was tied with a crushed red velvet
ribbon at her waist. Her shoes were six inches high and red. making her legs look a million miles long;
no small feat for a woman that was just less than five feet tall.

Bella stood frozen at the door behind them with her coat clutched around her for protection. Esme

stepped towards me and prompted me, "Maybe she'll feel more comfortable if you bring her to the

I would have. I should have. But my feet were glued to the floor, making it impossible to move. I

watched Bella scan the room and when her eyes landed on me she seemed to calm down a little. I
managed to move enough to wave my hand towards her, beckoning her forward. She looked pensive
for a split second before she removed her coat and handed it off to the clerk.

The entire world stopped on its axis. It may have even started turning in the opposite direction.
My girl had always been beautiful. But tonight she was spectacular


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Her ice blue dress was strapless and dipped at her décolletage to create the most tantalizing

cleavage she had shown to date. A tiny white ribbon cinched her waist right above sheer tiers of what
looked to be crinoline. She was slender and delicate and explicitly female tonight. I did a double take as
she turned to hand off her coat and realized that almost a foot of her hair was gone. Her long tresses
that usually swept towards her hips had been cut to right above her bra line. Thick layers of curls
bounced down her back and it was parted on the side and pinned behind her ears and away from her

Away from her face.
I finally took a breath when she started to move towards our table. We must have looked like lust

filled mad men because all three girls slowed their gait when they got about a foot away from us. They
looked between each other in obvious confusion before maneuvering closer to their seats.

Emmett hastily took hold of Rose and kissed her hard. "What the hell? I mean…dammit., Rose.

You look so flaming hot that I want to take you upstairs. Right now. Let's go." I swore I saw him lick
the side of her face. She gave him an amused smile and kissed him again before sitting in her seat.

Jasper grasped Alice's hand so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He leaned into her ear and

whispered something that must have been more than suggestive because she blushed just a little before
her eyes flicked towards the door and then back to her seat. "We should at least stay for an hour," she
told him tenderly. He looked like he was in pain from being so close to her and yet not permitted to turn
her into a pretzel with his crazy tantric sex positions.

Bella smiled shyly and gave my parents each a tentative hug before I reached my hand out for hers

and pulled her a few feet away from the table. She blinked up at me nervously and licked her lips,
waiting for my reaction. "I want to eat you alive," I whispered furtively in her ear. She swayed a bit and
pressed her hands against my chest. "You look…indescribable."

Bella grinned and shook her head. "No, CC, there are words. I look dazzling. Or beautiful. Hell, I'll

even take gorgeous from you tonight." She winked and leaned in for a kiss.

She had said that she was beautiful.
"Why, though? This wasn't for me, right? Did the girls make you do it?" I ran my hand through her

hair and watched the curls separate and bounce. "You know I think you're remarkable either way."

A sad looked passed over her face and she bit her lip. "No, I asked them yesterday because it was

time. I donated to Locks of Love and so did Rose. See, we had said that we were going to do it last year
for a couple of the girls at the hospital. Jennifer was Rose's little girl and Nessa, I mean Vanessa, was
mine. We had promised them that we would donate in their honor by Valentine's Day. But they both
passed away before we could do it.

"After Nessa was gone, I couldn't bring myself to follow through with it. It hurt too much and,

well…you know that it's kind of my security blanket. My shield of sorts." She ran her thumb across my
bottom lip and smiled, "But I don't need that anymore."

I searched her eyes to make sure she was telling the truth. They were clear and bright as she

finished, "The day you told me that you loved me you said that you deserved me. But that's not true,
Edward. You deserve a better me, so that's what I want to be for you; a better version of me. And it
starts tonight."

I closed my eyes and pulled her to my chest, running my hands gradually down her back until they

rested at the base of her spine. "It's always been you, Bella," I whispered against her hair.


Oh, thank god.


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I had thought for the briefest moment as we entered the room that Edward was going to think I was

ridiculous. I wasn't doing this all for him, but he had been the catalyst, that

was for sure. I felt uncomfortable and nervous because I was putting myself farther out in public

than I had ever been in my entire life. Dressed like this, without my hair to curtain me from looks and
stares, I was inviting people to look. And I had nowhere to hide.

Though, if I was being completely honest, I really did look nice. Nice enough to have gotten a few

catcalls on the street from deranged looking lunatics with liquor in paper bags. Still…catcalls

I smoothed my sweaty palms over my dress as Edward pulled my chair out for me. Looking up I

caught Esme's eye and she winked at me, like we had some inside joke that no one else knew about.
And I guess we did in some way. This may have been very close to how her relationship with Carlisle
had started and I wanted to ask her one day exactly how parallel our lives ran.

Edward cleared his throat and waved his hand to the nice looking older gentleman seated next to

Carlisle. He was tall and broad, with light receding hair and very soft eyes. "Bella, this is Dr. Denali.
He's in town for business and my parents invited him." There was a slight strain to his voice and I
wondered why he was feeling so shaken by Denali's appearance tonight.

"Please, call me William. Or Liam, as my wife insists. She thinks it makes me sound cooler than I

really am." He chuckled a bit. I smiled back at him, thankful for his self-deprecation. I was in good
company tonight.

Rose and Alice were keeping hawk eyes on me and I gave them both looks that I hoped told them to

cut it the hell out. I was perched precariously on the edge of something that I couldn't describe, and the
thread that was holding me back was frayed at the ends. I didn't need their constant observations of me
to make that thread snap and send me falling over whatever precipice I had a hold of.

Any easy flow of conversation finally settled over the table after we had all consumed a drink and

had eaten from the buffet. Liam was charming and his rapport with Carlisle was endearing. Edward's
father was lighthearted and funny, a side of him that I had honestly never seen before. I now understood
that Esme loved him for more than just his panty dropping good looks. I mean, there was more to life
than being incredibly good looking.

Said the girl dating Edward faceofagreekgod Cullen.
"Ed, let's go lose some hard earned money, yeah?" Emmett was asking with a glint in his eye. I

looked over at Edward and smiled to let him know I would be okay without him. Rose and Alice were
headed over too, but I was hoping to have some time alone with the good doctor. My wish came true
when Esme spotted Ben and Emmett's mom, Claire. She snatched Carlisle's hand and dragged him to
the Craps table, leaving me with Liam. And a half full Long Island Iced Tea.

I shifted in my seat before gathering my courage and getting up to sit next to him. "It's really nice to

finally meet you," I said with sincerity. "I've heard a lot about you and your family. Edward speaks of
you often." I flinched and blushed a little at how falsely formal I sounded, so I took a quick drink to
settle my nerves.

He looked a little surprised and gave me a tight smile. "I'm glad he speaks optimistically of his time

in Alaska. I know those years were hard on him, but he seems very happy now." His eyes flitted in
Edward's direction and I turned to see him enjoying himself with the others at the Roulette table. He
threw his hands in the air with excitement and Emmett popped him on the back of the head, resulting in
an eruption of laughter from the group.

I turned back to Liam and nodded. "They make him really happy, you know. He missed so many


Liam placed a gentle hand on mine and shook his head reflectively. "No, you make him happy. I've

never seen him so bright and full of…life. Not even my daughter could get him to sparkle like that." He


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moved his hand and took a sip of his brandy.

My heart leaped and I looked away, feeling foolish that we were having this conversation. But I

pressed anyway. "Do you," I slid my eyes to his face again, "think that he'll ever…get better? Does he
have the ability to fully recover? Or will I have to brace myself every night in anticipation of him…"
My words broke off when I saw Liam looking at me quizzically.

"Edward has had the ability to stop this all along, Bella. There's a simple solution to his banditing,

but he just refuses to take medication. It's as easy as taking a Valium or Lorazepam, but he sees it as a
sign of weakness." He was staring intently at my face as the reality of his words set in.

"Lorazapam? You mean, he could just take an Ativan and he wouldn't…bandit? What does that

mean?" A bandit made me think of the Hamburglar or a raccoon.

"It's just what his condition is referred to as sometimes. He feels a certain level of guilt for what

happened years ago…"his voice trailed off and he put his hand to his mouth. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't
be talking out of confidentiality like this and I'm usually much more discreet. But you've both come to
me about the other and," he closed his mouth with a snap.

I froze, my mouth open and unmoving as I held onto the table for support.
"What a whore!" I heard Alice yelling as she made a beeline to our table. Jasper was following

behind her with a distraught look on his face. She stopped right in front to my chair and clenched her
fists. "That girl just grabbed J's junk!" She turned abruptly to point at someone and smacked Jasper in
the face instead. "Oh, sorry!" She cried out as he took a step back from the impact. Liam looked on in
concern as I threw back the last of my drink.

"Thank you for, Dr. Denali. I have to go help my friends exert some vengeance." I gave

him my most believable smile and grasped Alice's hand. "Do you need a Willa Ford?" She nodded and
Jasper shook his head no.

"Bella, seriously. Don't do it…"
I held up my hand to silence him, my liquid courage settling into my veins. I needed a distraction

any way. And a Willa Ford would work as a mind eraser for the moment. "Which one?" I asked and
Alice turned to squint into the crowd.

"See the girl with the dishwater blond hair that's ratted? The one with the obvious Bump It?" She

was pointing to the dance floor and I finally caught a glimpse of the offender. "Green dress, silver

I nodded and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Making an unsteady line towards the DJ booth, I

walked past Emmett and tapped him on the shoulder, making a head jerk towards the floor. He was up
immediately and I saw Rose roll her eyes and step away from the table. At the DJ booth I requested the
song and then maneuvered into the crowd right next to the Peen Pincher.

Emmett was by my side in a matter of seconds with a smirk on his face. I hooked a thumb at the

Green Dress Slut and he gave me a thumbs up. The music turned to our song and I tried to suppress my
glee, but it was no use. This shit was so fun to do.

Oh, I, I, I
I wanna be bad with you baby
Emmett grabbed my arm and pulled me roughly to his torso. I could feel the laughter bubbling up

from his chest and I gave him a smirk. He released my arm and swung me outwards while my other
hand was extended and I twirled directly towards the Bump It Queen and smacked her in the head.
Emmett twirled me back in just as she turned to give me a dirty look. Emmett mouthed 'sorry' and
made a motion with his hand like I had been drinking too much. She rolled her eyes and turned back

I wanna be bad
You make bad look so good


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I got things on my mind
I never thought I would
I shimmied gracelessly against his legs and then turned my back to his chest and 'slipped' so that he

could catch me. This ended up with me kicking said Junk Pirate in the ass.

She turned furiously and I looked apologetic before turning back towards Emmett and giving him a

wink. The words that prompted Rose's arrival were pumping over the speakers:

Should I boy
Tell me what I got is what ya want
Tell Tell me do I, I turn you on
I don't want no one judging me
She bit her tongue and rolled her eyes in annoyance as she handed me a glass of wine. I thanked her

and took it before 'tripping' and sending it flying onto the girl's back. She screeched and turned around
to glare at me while I feigned apology.

"I'm so clumsy. My bad," I said channeling Renee.
She started to move off of the dance floor and Emmett guffawed loudly as he jostled me from

behind and I landed backwards onto him, kicking my shoe off in the process. It landed square on her
ass and she started to rush me before Alice appeared in front of her while Rose retrieved my shoe.

I'm losing all my cool
I'm about to break the rules
I, I wanna be bad
"Back off, skank. And keep your hands to yourself," came Alice's warning.
I hadn't seen Alice this mad since college and it was just as funny this time around. I patted her on

the back and gave the girl the finger before moving off of the floor and walking over to the bar to get
another drink.

Ben sidled up next to me and chuckled. "You two are going to be doing that same crazy shit until

you're ninety, aren't you?"

I grabbed my drink and gave him a smile. "We're a family, Ben. You can't mess with us."
He slid a knowing look at my face. "You look beautiful, by the way."
I drank from my glass and nodded. "I know, right? What the hell?"
He shook his head and laughed again before pushing off of the bar and mingling amongst his


I felt Edward behind me and turned to face him. He looked confused and slightly concerned. "What

in the name of Zeus was that?"

"That is a Willa Ford, love. Or 'Skank Anthem 2001'. Whichever you prefer. It's the one time my

clumsiness is an asset."

At around ten o'clock, the Cullens and Dr. Denali gathered their things to leave. More guests were

arriving and leaving at a steady rate. And some people from the second floor were meandering through
as well either from being too drunk to notice, or because Ben's party was so much better than theirs.

I gave Carlisle a tentative hug, kicking myself for acting so childish in front of him and possibly

embarrassing Edward in the process. But Carlisle hugged me back tightly and whispered into my ear,
"You're a lot of fun, Bella. Thank you for getting him to smile again." My heart burst into a thousand
points of light and I choked up a bit as I pulled back to look at his face.

"He makes me really happy, you know. And he just wants to make you proud." I stared deeply into

his eyes and watched him take in what I had said.

He nodded and released me. "I've never had a day go by that I wasn't proud of him."
"You should tell him," I whispered before squeezing his hand and letting go. I turned towards Esme


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and threw my arms around her fiercely. "Let's have a coffee date next weekend?"

Her face lit up and she grinned from ear to ear before accepting. I gave a sincere goodbye to Liam

and thanked him for the information he had given me. He looked like he had done something wrong
but I assured him that I wouldn't rat him out. He didn't seem like he believed me.

As Edward stood just outside of the door to the party to say his goodbyes, I excused myself to go to

the restroom. I grasped my purse securely to my body and quietly maneuvered into the handicap stall. I
pressed my back to the cool tile wall and closed my eyes, trying very hard to get my head to stop
swimming. My attempt at becoming another person for Edward wasn't without hurdles, it seemed.

I was still me and I wasn't sure how the old me and the new me would collide. And I was unsure

whether or not the old me could ever really go away. I was still willing to go to ridiculous lengths to
protect my friends. To do stupid things with them and for them. Which made me wonder if the new
Bella should do those things as well.

Did it make me less refined?
Could I let my past go and move on? Would it haunt me forever? Could Edward and I actually work

out? Because neither of us was doing everything that we could to get better. I knew in my heart that I
would have to confront everything head on, but my basic instinct was to hide and deny.

And Edward wouldn't take medication because he saw it as a weakness.
Did that make me weak in his eyes?
My legs shook with the thought and I bent over at the waist to breathe. I wouldn't cry. Not tonight.

It would ruin my façade.

I heard the door to the bathroom open and music from the party filtered in as voices bounced off of

the stalls and ceiling. There was hysterical laughing followed by garbled whispers and I tried to
squeeze the sound out of my ears until I heard something that made my head snap up.

"What are the chances?" A low female voice asked with derision.
"You're not even a hundred percent sure it's him," A higher voice slurred.
"You're right, Bree. How stupid of me to think it was him. Since it LOOKS like him and he's

standing outside talking to people who look exactly like the other guy's parents. You're right, I'm an
idiot." The water started running and I stepped closer to the stall door to see if I could see through the
tiny space in the crack that was afforded to me.

My breath stopped and I didn't even know it had happened until I started to get dizzy and spots

appeared on my line of vision.

The voice of the one called Bree raised to an ungodly octave. "Well it was your idea to come up

here and see if this party was better. Let's just leave if you're gonna be a complete bitch about it."

A nasty laugh escaped the other's mouth. "Hell no. This could be fun. Maybe I'll get him to take me

upstairs and grope me again so I can get another twenty thousand out of his family."

"You're demented and twisted in the brain," Bree spat before walking out the door. "I'm going back

to the second floor."

Red haze.
A strangled cry escaped my lips as I fumbled for the lock on the door. I was unsteady, but clear

enough to know what I was doing. I'd played this part for Rose before and I could do it for Edward.
Making my way tentatively to the mirror, I stood next to her and washed my hands in silence. Glancing
up for a fraction of a second, I confirmed that the face reflected from the other mirror was the same one
from the video I had seen.

Either God loved me.


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Or the devil was tempting me.
Either way I was taking the bait.
My hands were shaking and my lips trembled as I gathered my courage. "Do I know you?" I asked


She looked at me with distaste before she snorted lightly. "No."
I leaned against the counter and faced her head on. "Yeah, I think I do. Leah? From Port Angeles?"
She looked closer at me and took in my full appearance. "I'm Leah but I have no idea who the hell

you are. Sweetie."

I extended my hand and smiled. "Isabella."
She shook my hand with irritation.
I leaned forward and lowered my voice. "I see that you spent your 'hush money' on a new set of tits.

Nice investment."

She stepped back like she'd been bitten by a snake. "Who…what…what are you talking about?

Who do you think you are?"

I chuckled and placed my purse under my arm. "Apparently I'm your worst nightmare."
"Screw you. You have no idea about…"
"Oh, but I do, Leah. I do. I know exactly what happened. I know what type of person you are. And I

know the damage that you caused."

She pushed me towards the sink and yanked the door open, escaping into the hallway.
Over my dead body.
I flung the door open and yelled at the top of my lungs, "Leah!"
She stumbled a bit as her name reverberated down the corridor. My eyes scanned ahead and saw

Edward flinch before his eyes landed on her. Rose was next to him and Emmett was leaning against the
wall as well. Rose ran inside and emerged seconds later with Alice and Jasper.

Music filtered in a steady beat from the party.
What's wrong with me?
Why do I feel like this?
I'm going crazy now
Edward began to move quickly down the hall and I held my hand up to signal him to stop. He

looked conflicted, but slowed when he saw my face.

All my life, on my head,
don't wanna think about it
Feels like I'm going insane
"Leah," I called again and watched her turn slowly on her heels to face me. "What's wrong? I

thought you wanted to go back upstairs with Edward and get more money. Doesn't that make you a
hooker? Or do you prefer Lady of the Night?"

It's a thief in the night to come and grab you
It can creep up inside you and consume you
She pivoted her body back towards me and I stood my ground. She was everything that was wrong

with our lives.

At this moment she was everyone that had ever hurt us.
Everyone that had ever wronged us.
Everything that I hated.
A disease of the mind it can control you
It's too close for comfort


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"C'mon, Roxanne. You don't have to turn on the red light. Just ask him right now for some more

money." I sneered at her as I dropped my purse to the ground.

Your mind's in disturbia,
Its like the darkness is light
"Shut up, you ugly bitch!" She screamed at me and I flinched but held firm.
am I scaring you tonight
I laughed and pointed to my chest. "I'm ugly? You have a Kate Gosselin hair cut. And your

hairdresser lied when he said it looked good. He was probably covering his ass for his mistake."

Her hand flew to the asymmetrical hair cut on top of her head and she stared daggers at me. "Oh, I

get it. You're…with him? So, I guess you like getting groped in the night? Does it make you feel pretty
to get touched in the dark?"

My hands clenched and I felt my shoulders begin to shake. Edward began to walk towards me again

as I let out a maniacal laugh. "Yeah, it does. Along with his nine inch cock. That makes me feel pretty
too." Emmett threw his hands to his face and shook with laughter.

"Of course, I understand why you'd feel so bad about yourself, Leah. If I had to be paid off…twenty

thousand dollars…because I had given the world's worst and most forgettable blow job, I'd probably be
bitter too."

She let out a harpy scream and ran full force at me. I stood firm and when she got close enough, I

quickly darted to the side and put my foot out to trip her. She landed and slid a few feet, her orange
dress ripping at the top and her strap popping off.

Edward walked another foot and I told him to stop. "Did it make you feel good? To ruin a life?

Multiple lives?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"I didn't ruin anything. He…he…just. Shit! He made me think he wanted me and then when I gave

him what he wanted he didn't even know…" her breath was coming in angry gasps as she looked at
Edward. "You knew what you were doing."

Edward's face turned to stone and his eyes flashed with hatred. "Yeah, of course I knew what I was

doing, Leah. Since I'd EVER been in bed with another girl. I knew that you were going to try to get in
my pants that night and I thought, 'I'll just sleep through it. Maybe she won't notice'."

He shook his head and walked forward another foot. "The fact of the matter is that you didn't care

about me, or else you wouldn't have completely lost it and threatened to ruin my father's career."

She snorted. "Does anyone care about anybody at sixteen?"
He looked sad and nodded. "Yeah. I did."
She was standing in between the two of us now and she looked like a deer trapped in headlights.

Rose and the others stepped closer and she looked them over before recognition hit her. "Rosalie?
Really? Oh my god…of course you're here. You were in love with him all those years ago…of course
you'd still be here with him."

Emmett looked at Rose and then to Leah. "Actually, whorangutang, she's with me."


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Leah's eyes grew wide and she stepped back a little towards me.
"Emmett and Rose got together after you screwed up Edward's life and had him shipped off. It's

probably the best thing that came out of that situation to be honest. But you still owe them an apology.
In fact, you owe everyone an apology."

She scrunched her face and flipped me off. "Right, because I care?"
"You are a heartless bitch, Leah. I'll bet you've never actually been loved in your life." Her eyes

narrowed and I saw her mouth twitch.

"Oh, wait. You have been in love, huh? What happened? You weren't good enough? He found

someone else?" Her fists balled up and she seethed. "Oooh, there it is. Not good enough for him and he
left you for, who? Best friend? Sister? Cousin?"

She wailed a high-pitched scream and ran towards me once again, but this time I waited for her and

crouched low, catching her at the waist and rolling with her halfway down the hall. I heard my dress rip
and I looked down quickly to make sure my boobs were still covered.

I straddled her and held her hands above her head as flashes of Victoria and James rolled past my

eyes. I blinked and leaned into her face. "Cousin?"

She crumbled then and her shoulders heaved with her tears. Bitter words fell from her lips and she

wrestled against me until I got off of her and stood up. "Was that before Edward?" She sat up and
wiped her face with her arm. Looking furious she spat out a yes.

"Bet that made you feel good about yourself." I glanced at Edward and shook my head. "I knew

there was more to it, E." I tried to steady my breath to no avail.

"Your cousin took away your boyfriend and so you took away the lives of seven people for ten

years. Do you know the damage, Leah? Edward's been paying penance for his 'transgression' for a
decade now. My best friends…who were your friends once…lost their innocence. Their joy. And the
Cullens? Oh, you have no idea. Esme without her son for ten years? Carlisle thinking that he did
something wrong? All because of a bitter little bitch who was embarrassed and uncaring enough to let
her ego get in the way."

My head felt heavy and I swayed a bit. "You'll never apologize. And you'll never be a better person

in the long run." I stepped towards her and she scrambled to her feet. "But you'll never forget now that
you know." She swung at me again and I flung my arm out to stop her attack. Her arm hit mine with
excessive force and I bit back the tears as our bones collided. The bruise that would follow that impact
would be immediate and deep.

Edward had made it almost completely to me and the others weren't far behind. A crowd had

formed farther down the hall and I hoped that Ben wasn't in the sea of people that had gathered.

I rubbed my arm and took a step back. "You are so lucky that I'm not going to hit you back.

Because as of tonight, I'm a different person." I turned to face Edward and then closed my eyes and
shook my head before I let out a short laugh. "No I'm not." I gave him an apologetic look before I
muttered, "Fuckit," and turned swiftly, landing a punch in her throat.

She staggered back and grabbed her neck, gasping for air. Edward looked shocked before I waved

my hand at him. "The pillow guy survived and she will too. And with those air bags on her chest she's
sure to bounce." I raised my voice as I walked away, "Plus, if she calls the cops she's stupid. She threw
the first punches."

I started walking towards the party again and swayed the weight of everything that had just

happened crashing down on me unexpectedly. Edward was there to catch me as I fell and he turned me
into his chest, raising me and wrapping my legs around his waist.

Emmett ran a hand over my back and he went to speak but stopped. I raised my head and smiled

weakly. "Yes, Embred. You taught me that move."

He looked pleased and pulled Rose closer to his side as we made our way past the crowd of


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onlookers and on to the elevator. The six of us rode up in stunned silence and I continued to cling to
Edward's neck while he fished for the room key. He spoke softly to the others and told them that he
would call them shortly, but that he and I needed to talk. I cringed as he said the words, but it was the
undeniable truth.

We entered the dark room and he never lessened his grip on me while he walked us into the

bedroom and turned on the bedside lamp. I felt his arms twitch and his chest rumbled when he
whispered, "Bella." I tightened my grip around his neck, afraid of what he was going to say.

"Bella," he spoke more forcefully and I whimpered before raising my head to look into his eyes.

But what I saw there wasn't anger or disappointment. Nope. No, ma'am. His eyes were almost black
with want and need, his posture tensed with arousal. His lips parted only slightly as his eyes dropped to
stare at mine.

"Edward?" I breathed before he crushed his lips to mine and tightened his grip against me. I locked

my ankles behind his waist and pressed myself into him vigorously, hoping that this move of his wasn't
a fluke. My hands found purchase in his hair and I writhed against him as he kissed me harder, his
tongue sweeping through my lips and across my own with passion.

My body trembled against his as he removed his shoes and tripped, causing him to topple forward

and land on top of me on the bed. I ground against him forcefully and moaned when I felt him, full and
throbbing against my thigh. I whined with need and shifted under him.

He stood back only a fraction and removed his shirt and pants, dropping his boxers and shoving his

socks of in one swift move.

"You're so fast," I whispered, still awed by how quickly he could undress.
He cocked an eyebrow and looked down at my dress. "It's destroyed," he mused.
"I owe Alice for it anyway," I whispered right before he gripped the side and ripped the bodice off

of me.

"Oh, for the love of god, CC," I grunted while he ripped it all the way down the seam and flung it

across the room. His hands pressed firmly up my thighs and he grasped my silky shorts in his fist and
yanked them off next. I gasped when they rolled over my ankles and disappeared onto the floor.

"I want you," he said with a shaky voice before his hands found the clasp to my bra and he ripped

that from my body as well. "You have no idea how much I want you right now," he growled against my

My body twitched and I breathed out heavily, "But not as a reward, right? Just because you want

me. For me. Alone."

His head lifted slowly and he nodded. "Yes, just you for you." His hands slid in between us and he

gripped my hips roughly, pulling me towards the edge of the bed almost violently. I bit my lip and held
my breath, looking at his face for a sign of what was to come. "No one has ever loved me like you do,"
he said quietly.

I held my breath and waited. He lifted his eyes to my face and he slid his hands up my sides to my

breasts, capturing my nipples in between his finger and thumb, pulling them tight until I gasped from
the painful pleasure of it. "And I love you," his words swept across my skin like fire and I shook harder
under his gaze.

My body was tensed and ready to explode when he finally slid his hands back down to my thighs

and ran them lower until he was rubbing circles with both thumbs over my lips and in between. I
shuddered and whined, pushing against him to relieve the tension. He was breathing raggedly when his
hands moved back up my thighs and he pushed them farther apart.

In one swift move, he was buried inside of me and I gripped the sheets from the force. He was still

standing at the edge of the bed and he pulled my hips towards him aggressively before he began to
move. But I wanted him deeper and Alice's words flitted through my brain before I pulled my knees to


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my chest and planted my feet on his pecs.

He looked surprised for a second until the feeling and depth that the move created was realized and

he let out a low growling sound from his throat.

I pulled his arms down forcefully, just like she showed me and I balanced myself against his torso

before pushing back and then forward again roughly. "Oh shit," I whimpered. He moved again

and again I angled myself against him with force. My breath hitched with each demanding thrust

and I pushed back, welcoming the degree of pleasure tinged with pain that was coursing through my

His moans were coming faster and deeper as he increased his thrust and pulled my body closer to

him. It as rough and needy and I wanted it. Because he wanted me.

His hands moved swiftly up my thighs back towards him and he wrapped his fingers around my

knees and pressed his palms into them to provide more pressure. My hands flew above my head and I
gripped the blanket while meeting him move for move.

I looked into his eyes and they were clouded with something primal which made my stomach

clench and I closed my eyes and called his name in rapid succession. "Oh, god. Please, Edward.
Please…" I begged him and braced my legs against him with each forceful movement that he made. He
licked his lips and moaned my name before running one hand between us and pressing his thumb
ruthlessly into my cluster of oversensitive nerves.

I bucked against him and swore under my breath as heat flushed my chest and then rapidly shot

through my belly and down further until it had no place to go other than to burst out of me in a fiery red
explosion. "Ugh…" I squeaked. "My. Godddd." The words rolled out of my mouth as my entire body
went rigid and I gripped the comforter harder. "Ohmygodedward, ohmygod." I repeated it over and
over, eyes closed as my legs shook and my body quivered below him.

His movements became shorter and shallower before I opened my eyes to see his face twist in pure

elation when he had finally reached his point of release. His stomach tensed and his knees buckled
against the side of the bed and I threw my legs to his sides to allow him to press fully down on me. He
pulled me closer into him while he rumbled against my mouth, "I love you. Bella, I love you."' I caught
his lips with my own and pressed my fingers into his spine to keep him close while he throbbed
powerfully inside of me.

After he had fully wilted against my chest, I looked down and let out a laugh. He raised his head

slowly and looked down at my feet. "What are you laughing at?"

I pointed at my left foot and sniggered. "I totally just sprained my toe." He looked concerned but I

took his face in my hands and kissed him deeply. Falling back onto the bed heavily I sighed. "And I
think you broke my hymen."

He let out a low chuckle before rolling onto the bed next to me. "You're impossible."
I shrugged. "What are ya gonna do about it?"
He ran a hand over my shoulder and turned my face towards his. "I'm planning on keeping you


There was a boisterous bang on our suite door and we heard Emmett yelling. "When you two get

done in there, meet us at the pool. I got special permission to use it." There was a pause before he
yelled, "Skinny dipping, suckas!"

I sat up excitedly and clasped my hands together. "I want to go. Can we go?"
He sat up and pulled me to his chest before running his fingers through my hair. "Sure, why

wouldn't we?"

I leaned into his chest and took a deep breath. "Well, I think we have some stuff to talk about, E.

But tonight, I want this. Us. Our friends. And we can talk tomorrow."

His eyes held a certain uneasiness while he held my gaze. I smiled gently and ran my fingers along


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his jaw. "It's nothing life changing. Just, a lot happened tonight that we should deal with. I have stuff to
deal with. And so do you. So we should talk."

He still looked unsure and I snickered. "It's nothing life altering. I'm not going to ask you to marry

me or tell you that I'm pregnant. So, stop looking so anxious." A strange look passed over his face and
he pulled me tighter.

"Okay. We talk tomorrow. Tonight? Fireworks and skinny dipping. But no more ass kicking." He

kissed my forehead and held me close.


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Chapter 25

The W Seattle does not have a pool in RL. It does in my story so just go with it.


We waited for the fire works outside, hovering against the side of the building in the cold and bitter

night air. I held Bella against me to warm her and she shivered so hard I thought she would break in
half. The first explosion went off right at midnight and Bella turned up to me tentatively for a kiss.
"You're my first New Year's Eve kiss," she whispered and I smiled before pulling her to me and kissing
her until we both needed air.

The view that we had of the lights was astonishing and I snuck a look at Bella's face more than

once to see her reaction. She was like a little kid, completely in awe of the beauty of the show, which
made me feel like a kid again. My eyes were starting to see things like I had when I lived in Forks. And
while my life for many years had caused me to be jaded, being here, now, made me different.

Music filtered through the crack in the door from the pool and I swayed a bit with her in my arms.

She had protected me tonight. Actually, she had stood up for all of us if you counted the Willa Ford that
she executed so gracelessly for Alice and Jasper. She had stood up for my family, for Rose and Emmett,
for us. It was the single bravest thing I had watched her do.

And it really turned me on.
Nuns on buses.
Pop fly balls.
Naked Army Rangers standing around a body of water getting clean for the first time in two


There. Boner diverted.
"C-c-c-colllld-d-d," Bella chattered against my chest. We moved closer to the door so that she could

feel some of the warmer air, but she just wouldn't warm up. So I pulled her inside and held her behind
the door with me until the show was over.

Emmett boomed, "C'mon, Asshoholic's. Get naked!" He shoved past us and dragged Rose behind

him. Alice and Jasper slid past us and we locked the door to make sure we wouldn't have any uninvited
party guests. Everyone had changed into more comfortable and warm clothing and I glanced around to
see how we were supposed to execute the 'outside' naked part.

Bella must have seen the look on my face because she snorted. "What?" I asked.
She took my hand and led me to the ledge of the pool, smiling coyly. And then she pushed my ass

in. I hit the water with a noisy splash before resurfacing, my clothes completely soaked and my ego
slightly bruised. "What the hell am I supposed to wear back to the room, genius?" I mumbled in

She pointed to a bag, "I brought you more clothes, thanks. You looked a little skeeved about being

naked in front of us so I figured I would help you out." She smiled sweetly and batted her lashes…right
before Jasper plowed into her and they both flew into the water.

Everyone else but Alice all jumped in and completely immersed themselves in the warm water. She

waded in gently and walked out until her shoulders we just above the water line. And just like that,
clothes were being discarded and thrown over the edge of the pool in soggy clumps. The lights were
low enough that I wouldn't be looking down at my feet and have to worry about coming across any
uninvited trouser snakes. .

I swam out to the deep end and then down to the bottom before pushing off of the grate and


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breaking the top of the water at a high speed. "Remember when we used to throw pennies in the pool to
have something to dive for?" I yelled across the water.

Emmett and Jasper both nodded. Rose ran her fingers through her now short hair and chewed her

lip. "Didn't you guys get kicked out for doing that at the public pool?"

I agreed as I swam back. "Yeah, but only because Em kept trying to throw the pennies in while

other kids were swimming and he would hit them in the head. On purpose."

He cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "That lifeguard was hot. And if the only way I could get her to

touch me was by throwing me out, then so be it."

Bella swam up next to me and wrapped her arms around my chest. I was immediately in sensory

overload: Soft skin and warm water, chlorine and strawberries, my massive hard on…all of these things
I would remember from this night.

She pulled at me a little and we swam out towards the deep end while the other couples floated

farther apart from each other.

"Watch," Bella whispered as she swam up next to me in the dim light. "This is J and Lice's song."
Do you remember when we were just kids,
and cardboard boxes took us miles from what we would miss?
I looked over at the two of them and as the song began they floated towards the edge of the pool,

Alice with her back to the wall and Jasper pressed against her while the words filtered through the open

School yard conversations taken to heart,
and laughter took the place of everything we knew we were not.
The looks on their faces pulled at my core.
Soul mates.
I want to break every clock.
the hands of time could never move again.
We could stay in this moment for the rest of our lives.
Bella was watching them wistfully as she held on to the edge of the pool.
I want to be your last first kiss
that you'll ever have.
She smiled a bit and nodded her head towards Emmett and Rose. They were in a similar position

against the farther wall.

Amazing how life turns out,
the way that it does.
We end up hurting the worst,
the only ones we really love.
"They tried to steal the song as theirs, but you can't do that shit, ya know? It's not kosher." She

shook her head and pushed away a bit back into the water.

I want to be your last first love
Lying here beside me with eyes and arms open wide,
I watched her face as she looked at the others. She looked like she felt left out for some reason so I

extended my hand out for hers and pulled her close to me. Gently, I held her by the waist and cupped
her cheek with my other hand. Her eyes were dark and bothered, like she had a thousand things in her
head that she couldn't or wouldn't put into words yet. Catching her lower lip in between mine, I kissed
her and hoped that I could ease her psyche a small bit.

I want to be your last first kiss
for all time.
She shivered against me and blushed before dropping her face towards the water.


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"Well, what song did Emmett choose if he couldn't have that one?" I whispered against her neck.
"Umm, I'm pretty sure they settled on Barbie Girl by that band Aqua?"
I cackled too loudly. "That's a lie."
She shook her head and swam towards the others. "Emmett, don't you love that song Barbie Girl?

You said it reminded you of Rose, right?"

Rose snickered, "Yeah. I love leaving that legacy."
"Like you'd choose a better song, Bees." Emmett swam towards her and dunked her under the

water. Bella surfaced, sputtering and wiping water from her face.

"Actually, I would." She kept treading water as she smiled sweetly. "I'm partial to Chumbawumba's

Tubthumper for you two."

Rose and Emmett both descended on her and started wrestling under water. In theory it seemed

innocent enough, but at some point I realized that in order to participate I was going to have my
anaconda next to Emmett's banana boat, and if J got his junk involved it would be an all out sausage
fest. And since I am not a fan of meat sword fights, I went after Alice.

"No!" both Bella and Rose screamed as Alice shrieked while she tried to get away. I caught her and

put her under before Bella was on my back and Rose was yanking Alice back to surface.

Alice's face was vicious when she finally caught her breath. "E?" she gasped, "Did you not notice

that I wasn't going underwater at all this entire time?" I looked back at her in confusion. "See, I went
and got my hair bleached today. Do you know what that means? That means my hair, if immersed in
chlorinated water... will turn GREEN!" Her little fists were pummeling me and I couldn't help but have
hysterics at the thought of Alice having red and green hair.

Like a psychotic Christmas nymph.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry," I chuckled. I looked around and put my hands up in surrender. At that point

all bets were off and body parts were just flying until I wasn't sure who was who anymore. When I had
finally escaped, I promised to take Alice to get it fixed as soon as I could.

"You'll pay for it, too, Scissorhands," she threatened.
Bella looked at the group of us and shook her head. "This has got to be the world's most effed up

New Year's Eve in history," she mused.


There is a moment before the sun rises, when you haven't slept and you're just waiting for the sky to

lighten, right in between morning dawn and the break of a new day. In that moment, things that are
muddled become clear because your brain is so fried from lack of sleep that you become sensible and
wise. And you also kind of feel like throwing up.

It was in that moment, as I watched the sun begin to peek through the curtains and I listened to

Edward's heavy breathing next to me that I wondered just what the ever-loving hell I was doing. My
eyes slid over to him and looked at his beautiful face sleeping peacefully next to me and I cringed.
Physically cringed.

The thoughts in my head were overwhelming and I needed to get them in order if we were going to

be able to talk. I mean, as far as that was concerned, how was I supposed to segue into, "Hey. Your
doctor told me out of confidentiality that you won't take medication to stop humping me in the middle
of the night even though the prescription isn't that big of a deal but you have a weird pride issue about

Maybe I could do it while taking my Paxil.
I could just nonchalantly pull out my pill bottle while I reminded him that taking medication was


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not a sign of weakness. It was a courageous step towards rectifying his situation.

Or maybe I could crush an Ativan and sprinkle it into his o.j.
Feeling fidgety, I got out of the bed as quietly as I could, grabbed my phone and made my way to

the bathroom. Passing by the vase of sunflowers I smiled a little thinking that Edward was incredibly
sweet considering his temper and all that he'd been through. I guessed that was like saying that I had a
good sense of humor, 'all things considered'.

The light in the tiny bathroom burned my eyes while I waited for the water to heat up in the shower

and I squeezed them shut to stop the piercing burn into my sensitive chlorine seared retinas. It was still
incredibly early for anyone to be awake on New Year's Day. Only people who hadn't gone to sleep
would be awake, which was the category that I clearly fell into. I sent a quick text to the girls and slid
under the scalding water. The hotter the better, as far as I was concerned. I needed to cleanse the
craziness of last night from my bones. Hell, the craziness of the past six months.

Maybe my entire life.
Heaviness settled over my body as I went through the way things had changed over the past few

months. It wasn't that I was happy before Edward, my life just wasn't…complicated. I may have lived
in a never ending cycle of denial and emotional paralysis, but I wasn't being made to face my demons
head on like I had to with him. And I couldn't figure out which situation I liked better.

My phone beeped and I stuck my wet hand out of the curtain to flip it open. Rose was in. I waited

another minute and Alice's reply came through as well. I texted them both back to meet me in thirty
minutes and I finished up my shower, pushing everything to the back of my mind like I had always
done. It was just habit.

After changing quickly and leaving a note, I made my way downstairs and out onto the sidewalk.

Starbucks would be open this early, so I walked over and ordered before finding a seat on the couch
and waiting for my friends. They arrived about ten minutes after me, looking much less chipper than I
had hoped. In fact, Alice was looking at me like she wanted to sit on my neck and steal my soul.

"Nice hat," I told her as she sat down. She glared at me and a shiver ran down my spine. That girl

could be downright evil without sleep and caffeine. "Jeebus, M.A.D. Cat, calm your face down. Your
fix is coming." I shifted away from her and settled more firmly into the cushion to wait for Rose to
walk over with their orders.

Finally the extra four espresso shots in the form of a latte arrived and Alice stopped staring a hole

into my face. She sipped a few times and sighed contentedly. After a moment her eyes opened again
and the calm that had settled there unnerved me. No one should need cocoa beans that much.

"Why have we been summoned at such a flepping early hour after only being in our suites for,

what? Three minutes?" Rose leaned back into the seat in exhaustion.

"I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry. I just needed talk to you." I shrugged a bit and blinked back

tears. "I don't know what I'm doing anymore, you guys." I looked back up and smiled through a sob. "I
think I've lost my mind. I mean, I beat the shit out of someone last night. Well, not technically, but I
may have dented her larynx. Then we went back to our room and practiced one of J's tantric sex moves,
where I definitely sprained my toe, and afterwards we went skinny dipping like nothing happened."

Alice perked up and looked down at my foot, a sly smile creeping into the corners of her mouth.

"Awesome," she breathed.

"Am I delusional? Is this actually going to work out?" Rose scooted closer to me and I shook my

head before gaining my composure. "I found out that all he has to do to be normal is take a damn pill.
Can you believe that? And I have one! If he wants, I can be his prescription drug pusher." A tear rolled
down my cheek and I wiped it away in frustration. "How do I ask him to do that if he doesn't want to
do it on his own?" My eyes were searching for answers that they didn't seem to have.

"Well, what could you offer in return? If he made the decision to take medication, what would you


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do about your situation?" Alice's eyes were wide and unblinking when she asked.

My head hit the couch cushion with a loud thud. "Haven't I done enough?" I asked quietly.
Rose leaned over and patted my knee. "Not if you're still running from your own shadows, Bella."

Her soft hand encircled mine and she squeezed. "What could you do to help you get over this…finally?
All of it, not just a step here or there."

The answer was right in front of me, but I somehow felt like that would be a bigger step than what I

was asking him to do.

And maybe I was unwilling as he was. Maybe I had some pride inside me after all.

I stepped through the suite door nearly an hour later, still unsure of what to do. Surprisingly, the

lights were on and when the door closed with a loud thud, Edward came barreling out of the bedroom.

"Oh, dammit, Bella! Where have you been? I've been freaking out for the last half hour." His eyes

were huge and his hair was standing up in crazy directions, causing him to look like Gene Wilder. And
now I have that scary ass scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in my head.

There's no earthly way of knowing…which direction we are going…there's no knowing where

we're rolling…or which way the river's flowing…

I pointed to the folded paper next to the bed. "I left a note." Holding up the bag with a muffin and

his coffee I smiled shyly. "I met the girls for coffee and got you breakfast."

His stance softened and he groaned. "Sorry. I just feel…protective of you and it makes me nervous

to have you wander off like that." I nodded in understanding and handed him his breakfast. "Thank
you," he said softly, his eyes riddled with guilt.

"You're welcome. And I apologize for my phone being off. I wasn't thinking." I don't know why I

felt like I was being scolded, but I did. Just geedee ridiculous.

He ate his breakfast in silence, sitting on the couch in front of the television. The sound was so low

that I knew he couldn't actually hear it, but my tongue was tied and I didn't know how to get out what I
needed to say. I kept looking up at him and opening my mouth, but air would seep out and I'd clamp
my jaw shut in frustration.

When he had finally finished I told him to take a shower and he obliged. The atmosphere in the

suite was stressful and a part of me wished that I hadn't left. This conversation would have been easier
with a more contented environment. I listened to him get into the shower and got up in resignation,
knowing that there was no way around it. I needed to do this.

I ran away from everything in my life.
I would not run away from Edward Cullen.
Stripping out of my layers, I crawled back under the covers in my underwear and t-shirt, waiting for

him to finish. And I resisted the urge to jump into the shower with him to screw him and forget about it
all. Rose was right: it couldn't be my answer to everything.

But, hadn't she seen his peniosaurus rex? It could take down and entire colony of ptwatodactyls.

Mine being the queen of said colony.

I sighed and pressed my face into his pillow, smelling his hair and scent all over the fabric. My

stomach fluttered and my heart skipped a beat, taking my breath away. And in that instant I knew that I
could never live without him.

I had to do this.
For us.
He emerged moments later wrapped in only a towel, his wet hair handing limply over his eyes and

water drops cascading slowly down his neck and forehead. I took a sharp breath and bit my tongue


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from groaning at his perfection. He grinned crookedly while he took in my form under the covers,
debating on his next move.. He shook his head from side to side and eliminated the majority of the
water before he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Come here," I whispered and pulled back the blanket. He dropped the towel and crawled in next to

me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me closely to his chest. My eyes instinctively closed and
I breathed him in, savoring the bouquet of his porcelain skin.

He hummed contentedly when I trailed my hand over his collar bone and back up towards his chin.

His skin was soft and pure beneath my fingertips, causing a torrent of moisture between my legs. Just
his mere presence called to my body and I fought against it this time. There was more that needed to be

"E?" I whispered alongside the skin on his neck, "can we talk now?"
He sighed and turned into me, his obvious arousal pressing against my stomach and causing me to

bite my lip from the torment. "You want to talk?" He asked huskily.

Oh, please. Of course not. I wanted to have sex with him in a thousand different positions that

would make zoo monkeys blush.

And they threw their own feces.
"I do," I lied unconvincingly. His right hand trailed across my breast and lower until his fingers

danced along the edge of my panties and inside the top of the band. I sucked in a breath and pressed my
legs together. "You're the devil," I breathed when his hand slipped lower. He chuckled darkly and
pressed his palm flat against my folds and ran back and forth until I was pushing back against him
without thought. "Stop, CC. Please. We need to talk," I said without conviction, but he slowed

When his fingers had ceased their movements, I relaxed and opened my eyes to look at his face. His

eyes were questioning and I shuddered, trying to find the words I needed. I pressed my hips into him,
just to feel him against me while I gathered my courage. His lips parted and he smiled lightly, " What is
it, beautiful? Your eyes are anxious."

I swallowed and squeezed my eyes shut before I sat up and pulled my knees up to my chin,

encircling my arms around my knees. He leaned up on one elbow and cradled his head in his hand,
waiting patiently. I laughed nervously and licked my lips before I found my words. "Umm, how," my
eyes darted around the room," did you feel about seeing Leah last night?"

He stiffened and sat up a little. "At first? Shocked, I guess. Then pissed when she accused me of

leading her on. Then worried about you…until I saw that you held your own so well against her."

I took a deep breath and pressed. "Did you feel relieved at all? What I mean is, now that you know

what a skank ball she became, how do you feel?"

A look of resentment clouded his eyes and he huffed, "I guess… I'm not sure what you're getting

at." He sat straight up and searched my eyes for understanding.

"Do you still feel guilty?" I asked quietly.
The silence that followed my words made my hands sweat and my heart beat a thousand times

louder than I had ever experienced. His jaw clenched and he ground his teeth together as he gathered
his feelings. Suddenly, his hand shot out and he sent the hotel room phone flying onto the floor. "What
are you getting at, Bella?" His voice was low and venomous, but I held my position even as the acid
rose in my throat.

"Can you forgive…yourself?" I whispered, undaunted by his display. "Now that you know what

kind of person she is, can you stop paying your dues to someone who doesn't deserve your sympathy?"

I watched his shoulders tense and his fists clenched as he looked away.
"Edward, if we're going to do this…you and I, you have to be willing to let it go."
He snorted in disgust. "Look who's talking."


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I blinked and looked down, letting out a shuddering breath. "I know I'm a hypocrite. But I'm

prepared to work on it. Are you?" Lifting my eyes a fraction, I found his trained on me belligerently.
"Did Denali ever tell you of other ways to deal with this?"

Anger flashed behind his darkening eyes. "Like what?" He ground out.
"Like medicine?'
His eyes slammed shut and his hands ripped violently through his hair. "Why are you doing this,


I swallowed hard and rose up on my knees to face him. Timidly, I removed my shirt and pulled off

my underwear. His eyes focused on my movements while I pulled the comforter back and settled
myself into his lap. I pressed my forehead against his and felt his hands settle tentatively on my hips.
"Because I want this," I spoke softly. My hands lifted slowly to his hair and across his scalp, down his
neck and caressed his shoulders tenderly. "It's worth it, right?"

A wracking cry bubbled up from his chest and he settled his cheek against my breast, listening to

my heartbeat. "Think of how much easier it would be…we wouldn't have to worry about anything
happening. No limitations. Is that worth letting your pride go? Releasing yourself from being the
monster you've made yourself out to be?"

I shifted slightly against him and ran my fingertips underneath his jaw. "You're not at fault, so

please stop persecuting yourself for…nothing." His hands gripped my waist tighter, his head nodding
only slightly against me. "You're everything to me, Edward. I didn't think you could be, but I was
wrong. I have a ton of shit wrong with my brain, but you only have one thing to get past. You've said
that even being a soldier didn't faze you."

He lifted his head to look at me and I searched his face for some kind of understanding. He needed

to hear me like I had heard him. "Don't let an eighteen year old girl ruin your life if you want to have a
future." The words coming out of my mouth were directed at me too, and I would tell him what I
planned to do. But I needed him to concede first. He had to do it.

"Will you at least try?" I held his face in my hands, unwilling to let him go.
His face was blank and unreadable, making me lose my resolve a little more as each second passed.

"I'll try," his answer was barely audible.

"You try. You call Denali, or see someone here and we'll get farther, I promise." I kissed his cheek

softly and moved my lips lower towards his jaw line.

"So, I do this and…let's say my problem goes away." Edward's hands were trailing upwards across

my ribs at an achingly slow pace. "What about you?"

Leaning back to face him at eye level I ran my fingertips over his cheekbones in slow circles. "You

take this step, CC…and I'll face my demons head on."

His brow furrowed and he brushed my hair off of my shoulder. "What does that entail?"
My heart stopped beating for a second before the words rolled from my lips, lifeless and dead, "I'm

going to Phoenix."


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Chapter 26


I realize how big of a step this is for you and I commend you on taking it. I have called in a

prescription for Ativan at your pharmacy instead of Valium because there is no need to make you
dependant on a medication that you do not need to take on a regular basis.

The prescription is to be used on days when you feel stressed or angry. You've already expressed

that you know when you've had a day that will cause you to have an occurrence, so please be mindful
of your frame of mind before choosing whether or not to take it. This should help to reduce the number
of episodes that you have and may eliminate them all together, as we have seen in other cases.

If you feel that the prescription is not enough and you would like to pursue a medication for daily

use, just contact me and we can discuss your needs.

Please keep me updated on your progress.
I stared at the computer screen as I read the email, unblinking and unfeeling.
That was a lie. I felt angry and agitated. While I had agreed to talk to Denali about the medication, I

hadn't actually thought ahead far enough to when he would send me a script. Because now it was real
and not just a thought. Now I actually had to take medication and that made me feel…powerless.

I hated feeling powerless.
In my phone consultation with Denali, I had discussed Bella's request with him and divulged that I

felt like I was doing it for her, but against my own desires.

"It has to be for you, Edward. You can't do this completely for her, though it is a valiant move on

your part. Do you not want to get past this?" Denali's voice held no condemnation because he truly

"Of course I do, but the incidences are so few and far between that I really don't think it's a problem

anymore." My voice cracked a little and belied my confidence.

"I'll give you my honest opinion, Eddie. Bella, from what I can gather, felt that she was helping you

in the beginning by letting you exert your issue on her. She thought that it could be the only way to help
you, am I correct?" I agreed. "Given her history of misplaced sexuality, she was actually letting you
exploit her body and she thought that perhaps if she gave you that part of her it would heal you. Now
that she knows that you can control this yourself very easily, she may feel used."

And there it was. I was no better than James or Jake. I was an asshole.
"I hadn't thought of that," I told him, feeling slightly ashamed.
Denali sighed and I heard him shift in his chair. "We are all guilty of holding on to that one last

thing, son. That one instance in our past that we feel defines how terrible we really are; our own little
secret demon that we keep in our pocket. No matter how large or small, we carry it around with us like
a badge of some sort, just to remind us of our humanity and how easily we fail. But, when given the
chance to let it go and move on, we should take it. Especially if we have someone that's worth the
sacrifice of letting it go."

I had no response.
"You've carried it for so long that it's a part of you, Edward. I know that initially you rejected the

idea of medication because you didn't want it to interfere with your time in the military, but you're past
that now. And if you can even try to see if what I've offered will work, and it makes things better, is it


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not worth it?"

And it was. She was. We were worth it.
Suddenly, my email pinged and I saw my pop up in the lower right corner register a new email from


~B: Say no.
I looked up just in time to see Emmett bounding towards my desk with a big stupid grin on his face.

"E, bro. You have to come with us..."

"Uh, no?" I answered quickly, feeling foolish because I didn't even know what he was suggesting.
He skidded to a halt next to my desk and held out his hands in question. "What the hell do you

mean, 'no'? I didn't even finish…" He snuck a glance at my screen and nodded his head in disgust. "She
got to you first. Don't listen to her, dude. It'll be fun and there's a bigger group of us this time."

I looked at him for more explanation.
"A bunch of us are going to camp out and do a paintball expedition thingy in the woods. It's the shit

and I think you'd have fun, you know, since you're all 'I'm with the Rangers'."

I scratched my chin in confusion. "Why would Bella want me to say no?"
He rolled his eyes and yanked on my arm. "C'mon. She'll tell you her sad little story and you can

laugh at her and then sign up with us." He pulled me towards Bella's office and when we reached her
door she chucked a pen at Emmett's head.

"I told you to leave him alone," she hissed in anger.
"He's a big boy; I think he can hold his own. He was in the Army for god sakes." Emmett sat down

in the visitor chair with a huff. He waved his hand towards her and said, "Go. Tell him your sob story
so we can move on."

She shifted forward in her chair and laced her fingers together. "In college…" I snickered. 'What?"

She asked with annoyance.

"Nothing. It's just every time you start a story it's either 'Senior year' or 'In college' and I just expect

you to bust out with, 'this one time…at band camp…'"

Her eyes narrowed and she tsked. "Really, Edward? You're ridiculous. Anyway," she continued,

"when we were twenty, is that better? When we were twenty we went to this paintball place in the
woods or whatever and I thought it would be fun. So we all got dressed up in camo and had our gear
and extra paint balls." She looked to Emmett for confirmation and he rolled his eyes.

"Emmett put me on a team with Alice and a few guys from his dorm. The ref whistled for the game

to start and Alice just walked out into the middle of the course with her arms above her head to
surrender because she didn't want to be there in the first place and figured that if she gave up she could
go read her Cosmo in the car. The little whorchie.

"So, the guys on my team are all running out onto the field and shooting and getting shot at,

dropping like flies because Grape Ape over here knows how to shoot better than Charlie. I decided that
I was going to protect the fort because Bella and running aren't the best of friends. I hadn't noticed that
my entire team was gone and that the field was really quiet until I heard something, like a twig snap.

"I looked over my shoulder and there's Em, standing only two feet from me," she was cut off by

Emmett's loud snorting.

"No way, Bees. Two feet? Regulation is like, eight, or something." He smirked.
"Exactly! You were two damn feet away from me and I dropped my weapon because that's the

geedee sign of surrender, and what did you do?" She was red in the face by this point and I looked to
Emmett for explanation.

He shrugged and grimaced, "I didn't know you dropped your damn gun, okay?"
She slammed her hands on the desk and laughed, "Ha! The hell you didn't. I dropped my gun. And.

He. Shot. Me." She crossed her arms as she finished.


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"Yeah, well…" Emmett was trying to come up with something to say in his defense but he had


"What's the big deal? Isn't that the object of the game?" I was still confused.
Bella nodded her head sarcastically. "It most certainly is."
Emmett leaned towards me and snickered, "She was crying and shit, right? So, I'm leading her off

of the field doing my victory dance and she's wheezing and crying, snot running down her face. I'm all,
'Don't cry because you lost. It makes you look like a pusswuss', but she keeps making these god awful
sounds and as we round the corner to go inside the main building she starts screaming at me." He
finally looked over at Bella with an almost apologetic look.

"Of course I screamed at you, Retarculous. " Her mouth pulled into a grim line and she made a,'huh'

sound before meeting my eyes with hers. "He shot me, CC…In my fricking neck." She pointed to the
front of her neck and nodded. "Yeah, you heard me. My damn neck. At a range of two feet. And then
he's telling everyone that I'm crying because I'm some pansy ass sad sack loser, when in reality he
almost killed me and made me get a tracheotomy!"

Emmett sighed in irritation, "Let it go, dude."
"Not a chance in hell. Do you know what a paintball to the neck looks like afterwards? Huh?" She

looked at me and I shook my head no. "It scabs up and turns all kinds of shitty blue and purple colors
before it heals and looks like a fothermuckin' HICKEY! An eight inch hickey on the front of my
already translucent neck skin!"

I flinched as Emmett started to howl with laughter. 'She had to wear turtlenecks for almost a

month," he was gasping as he slapped his knees with his hands and rocked back and forth. "Funny as

She gave him the finger and sat back in her chair. "So, if you want to go play with a cheater who

might cause you to have your Adam's apple replaced, be my guest. But don't say I didn't warn you."

"Whatever. He can handle his own," Emmett said as he clapped a hand on my shoulder and

squeezed. "You let me know. I'm getting Crowley, Newtonians and Yorkiedog to come too." He got up
and walked out, still laughing.

I leaned across Bella's desk and reached out to squeeze her hand. "Paintballs can do a lot of

damage…and I know how to aim for his nards. How about I go just so that I can get in a good shot in
for you and ensure his sterility in the future?"

She grinned a mile wide, "That'll work."


Dammit. This was going to be hard.
I sighed as I turned the corner to Ben's office and waved slightly at Jane's window. She sat behind a

two way mirror in a small office off to the side of Ben, but she always saw me; always knew when I
was coming. The only sound of her acknowledgement was in the form of a soft buzz that let me
through his door. She gave me the heebie-jeebies.

Ben was standing at his window with his hands in his pockets, surveying the parking lot. "Bella, did

you know that Jessica gives head in the parking lot at lunch? That Mike Newton bastard is an idiot. I'm
not sure if I should send out a corporate memo to announce that fellatio is not allowed on the property
during work hours."

"But you'd be okay if she did it after five?" I asked.
He shrugged. "I go home at four thirty so five sounds good." He turned and smiled broadly and

motioned me forward. "What did you need to meet me for?" His eyes were soft and caring, instantly


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making me feel at ease.

I took a deep breath and sat down. "Well, you know how you told me a few weeks ago that if I

needed some time off you would let me have it? To take care of my…stuff? I know I said that I didn't
need it but it turns out that I'm a big filthy liar." I gave him a weak smile. "I need some time off, Ben."

He nodded and sat forward across the table to place his hands comfortingly on top of mine. "It

really was only a matter of time, sweetheart. Of course you can have time. How long do you need?"

Swallowing loudly I shrugged. "Two weeks?"
"Are you leaving?"
"Yes," I responded in a whisper.
His posture turned protective. "Where are you going?"
His hands tightened on mine and I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "Why…the…hell would

you go to Arizona, Bella? What are you trying to prove and who are you proving it to?" His eyes were
so filled with concern that I felt torn in half by my decision.

"I need to face it and move on, Ben. I can't live with these skeletons in my closet anymore and if I

go to Phoenix maybe it won't seem so big and bad. Sometimes memories are exaggerated in our heads
and the truth or reality of them is far less…traumatic then what we remember."

He gripped my wrist lightly and pushed my sleeve up my arm. He unclasped Edward's cuff and ran

his thumb over my scar. "Does this look exaggerated?" His voice was soft but firm.

I pulled my hand back and rubbed the raised scar. "No. Which is why I have to go. And I'd

appreciate it if you didn't tell Charlie. You only know the story because of Emmett, and what you know
isn't everything. Only Edward knows that." My eyes flicked up to him and back down. "But what you
should know is that I owe it to myself to move on. And I owe it to Edward if I can ever hope to have a
future with him that resembles anything close to normal."

"Normal is overrated," he chided softly.
"Don't I know it," I laughed. "I'm not going to confront anyone, if that's what you're worried about.

It's simply my next step and I have to do it. Please understand."

He bobbed his head up and down a few times thoughtfully. "Will Edward need time off as well?"
I reached across the table to retrieve the cuff and shook my head no. "I need to do this one on my

own, I think. And we don't need to draw any more attention to our relationship around here as far as I'm
concerned. I've talked with Alice and I think she and Jasper might come with me for support, so I won't
be alone."

His eyes were disapproving and his lips pursed. "You should take Edward, Bella."
"I know. But what I should do and what I'm going to do rarely ever are the same thing."

"Hey, CC. Guess what?" I asked breathlessly as I bounded into our bedroom. He looked up from

the computer and raised his eyebrows in question. I did I little butt shake and waved my cell phone at
his face. "I'm going to get coffee with your moms tomorrow."

"Why?" He looked a little panicked.
I sauntered over to him and dropped gracelessly onto his lap, causing the chair to tilt slightly under

our weight. He gripped me tightly across the ribs and rolled his eyes at my maneuver. "Oh, I think
Esme wants to tell me all of your dirty little secrets and show me pictures of you peeing in the bathtub.
Maybe she wants to offer me her wedding dress," I giggled.

His face grew serious and he tightened his grip. "If she did, would you take it?"
I stilled and looked at him sideways. "Uh, no. Why would I take Esme's dress? It was a joke, dude.

I'm not interested in matrimony, so don't start looking at me like I'm a ball and chain, 'kay?"

He bit his lip pensively and picked me up to place me on the bed. "So, what you're saying is that if I


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asked you right now to marry me, you would say no?"

I squirmed underneath him and made a face. "Of course I'd say no. Why are you asking me that?"
"Because I need to know where you think this is going."
"It's going…forward. I dunno, Edward. Shit. Why the serious face?" I sat up and scooted back to

the headboard.

He crawled up the bed, feral and panther like again and I suddenly felt like prey. "Hmmm. I think

that's another thing I'll have to change your mind about," he whispered before hovering above me.

"Why would you ever want to marry a crack pot like me?" I asked as I stared at his lips.
He smirked, "Because no one else on this planet could handle you." His face dipped towards mine

and I instinctively raised my face to his. I felt his nose run an icy trail across my chin and up my jaw
line to my ear. "And," he whispered, "I'm pretty sure you were made exclusively for me."

"See, there you go again. Saying perfect things and making me want to jump your bones." My

fingers trailed across his back and I shivered.

"Yeah, I'm good like that," he joked, his breath warm against my neck. "You'll consider it someday,


"No," I whispered.
"Why not?" He sat up quickly in agitation.
"First, it's not our damn turn, CC."
Edward's face twisted in confusion. "What the hell does that mean? Not our turn? It can be our turn

any time we please, Bella."

I pushed him away and rolled onto my side. "J's going to ask Alice around Valentine's Day."
"So, it's not our turn. Emmett and Rose, then Alice and Jasper." I sat up and crossed my arms


He grinned a bit and leaned back towards me, "So you're saying that we get a turn?"
"Ugh, you and your riddles. That's not what I meant. And why are you so up on the marriage thing

anyway? I thought men as a species were commitment-phobes. I had to find the one guy who wants to
brand me with a diamond ring? Why don't I just wear a t-shirt with your face on it and an arrow
pointing to my head that says, 'Mine'. Same result."

"No, it's not. And you do need to think about it, Bella. If you don't see this moving forward then

what are we doing here?"

"Dating. Living together. Proceeding in a progressive movement towards another month? Why does

it have to end in a wedding all the time. Look at Goldie and Kurt. Or Susan and Tim. They're all
content and Common Law." I sunk my spine against the headboard.

This was stupid and it was starting to piss me off.
"No, that's not good enough. I want forever. Call me a pussy, but that's what I want from you." His

face was stern and his eyes were unyielding. "This doesn't happen often, B." He placed his hand over
my heart and I felt the pulse of electricity from his fingertips when his skin touched mine.

"You want a wedding and a house with a picket fence? Kids and a puppy? A shiny silver Volvo mini

van and soccer games?" My words sounded far away and I watched him nod yes.

"What do you want?" He questioned me.
I knew the words were true because they shot out of my mouth faster than I could think and

process. "I don't want to live without you."

"Then don't," he whispered.
"I don't like diamonds," I told him, dazed.
"Noted. No diamonds."
"I don't want a Volvo." I admitted.


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"Okay. No Volvo mini van." He crawled above me again and cocked an eyebrow.
"And no picket fence, Tom Sawyer." My hands found their way to his neck and I stared at his lips

as they formed that crooked smile of his. "Oh, and I want a pool."

"Pool," he whispered against my lips. "Done." His soft mouth pressed against mine and all fear that

I had of being with him forever flew out the window. Eternity with this man wasn't long enough as far
as I was concerned. I would need at least a thousand years after infinity to love him enough.

"Damn, you get horny when I talk 'domestic', huh?" He groaned yes into my mouth and ran his

tongue across my bottom lip. So I egged him on. "Bake sales. Casseroles. PTA meetings."

"I like your foreplay," he chuckled, yanking on my pajama bottoms. "Keep going."
"Ummm, okay," I tried to concentrate as he kissed his way across my stomach and up my ribs.

"Cross stitch. Book clubs."

"Mmmhmm," he rumbled against the sensitive skin under my breast.
"Laundry day." His hands moved higher and he pressed his palms over my nipples causing my

breath to hitch.

I gulped a bit and gasped when he pinched my sensitive buds. "Ah, uh…oh, dusting and


"Sexy," he chuckled.
"Car washes?" He pressed his lips against mine again and I sighed, melting against him, molding

my body to his. "Aprons and pot holders," I whispered seductively. "Blenders and toasters."

"You should get naked," he said with urgency and began pulling off his own clothes.
Yeah, like I would argue with that.
Seconds later I was straddling him and kissing his neck, my hands running over his pale skin hotly.

"You want to call me Bella Cullen?"

His mouth dropped open and he gripped my hips roughly, maneuvering himself inside of me in one

swift movement. I jerked a bit and squeaked. "Wow, no hyphen, then?"

"No," he growled and raised me up slightly before pushing me back down against him. I bent over

and kissed him roughly, planting my palms on his chest and pushing harder against his thrusts.
Throwing my head back, I sat up and moved my hands to his thighs, watching his eyes take me in.
"Shit, Bella. You feel so good," he moaned and wrapped his fingers around my ribs, his thumbs digging
into my torso.

His breathing was becoming staggered so I increased my pace, taking him in with a steady rhythm.

"Are you close?" I breathed out in between moans.

"What?" His eyes widened.
"Are you close?" I asked again, squeezing and contracting my muscles around him.
"Y-yes," he grunted. I bit my lip and smiled coyly before moving off of him completely. "What the

fffff…" he yelped and I shrugged.

"Tit for tat, CC. You stole my orgasm once, now it's my turn."
His face twisted in obvious pain and I nodded in sympathy. "I want a hyphen."
"Fine! Hyphenate the hell out of, I don't care." He moved so quickly I only saw a blur of fair skin

and copper tinted hair before he had me pinned on my back and was pushing his way back inside of
me. "That was evil," he chided me and I nodded knowingly. "Now we have to start over and that will
take at least ten more minutes," he tsked.

"Like that's a bad thing," my words were stilted by his movements. His eyes were dark and

twinkling above me and I surrendered to the feel of him, taking over all of my senses.

"You are so beautiful," he murmured against my mouth.
"You make me feel beautiful," I whispered back honestly.
His legs twitched and his breathing picked up again and I opened my eyes wide to watch his face as


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he came, shuddering above me, face flushed, gasping for air. "I'm sorry," he said with a disappointed
look in his eyes when he stilled above me.

I laughed lightly. "Let's be honest, Edward. Guys come every time. Girls don't, it's not the end of

the world."

He shook his head, "Not acceptable." He moved to lie next to me and ran his fingers where he had

just been inside if me. With slow precision, his fingers worked their way across my overheated flesh
and inside, making me writhe against him and whimper. His lips were pressed against my temple and I
instinctively grasped onto his arm for support while he continued. Within minutes, my back arched and
my thighs instinctively closed around his hand. He kissed me hotly on the mouth through my orgasm
and I jerked against him, riding it out and clutching to him for dear life.

I took a deep breath and rolled on my side to face him, pulling his hand into my own and lacing my

fingers through his. We were nose to nose and I struggled to get my heart to slow while I faced him.
Another turning point, in more ways than one had occurred tonight.

And each new step with Edward was worth it.


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Chapter 27


"Does this look okay?" I stepped out of the closet and did a slight turn to let Alice see.
"Since when do you care about looking like a lady?" She had a coy smile on her lips and giggled

when I rolled my eyes.

"Since I have to have tea with the Queen. Come on, Lice. Does it match or not? I don't want Esme

to know that I'm completely dysfunctional yet."

Edward ducked his head into the door and whistled. "You'll be more dressed up than she will be."

He winked and went back into the living room.

Groaning, I yanked off the sweater and started digging inside of my closet again for something less

'formal' to wear to a damn coffee shop. I slipped on a black long sleeved shirt and a cable knit sweater
or jacket thing that Rose made me buy from Old Navy. "What's this called again?" I asked as I tied the

"A cardi-coat. It's a cardigan and a coat."
"It's a sweater for god sakes, why do they have to make everything so flaming complicated?"

Looking around frantically, I located the leather cuff and keys to Alice's car. "Thanks for letting me
borrow your car." She turned her cheek and I gave her a kiss, "You're the best, Cindy Lou Who."

The keys rattled in my hand as I headed for the door. "Love you, wish me luck. Say a little prayer

that I don't mention anything about Dicky and Vicki or their threesomes with RB." Edward grunted in
agreement and pulled me to his chest to hug and kiss me goodbye.

When I finally made it to the coffee shop, I took a deep breath and plastered a smile on my face.

Esme was waiting at a table just inside the door and her face lit up like a thousand Christmas trees
when she saw me. It made me feel…welcome. She put me at ease a lot like Jasper did when I was
feeling anxious. She waved me over to the table and stood to embrace me, squeezing me so tight I
thought that my head would pop from the pressure.

We ordered and sat down to face each other and suddenly I didn't feel at ease anymore. I had no

clue what I was supposed to talk to her about and she was just smiling at me from across the table like
my discomfort was the funniest thing she had ever seen. Of course, she had seen me dancing at New
Year's, so, in theory, that was probably the funniest thing she had ever seen.

I cleared my throat and tapped my cup with my nails, unexpectedly feeling very warm in the cardi-

coat that I was scratching at. "So, how are you?" I asked.

What the hell? Am I Madonna? When did I get a British accent?
Esme's smile widened even more until I could see her fillings. "Things are good, thank you.

Carlisle is really busy with work, but it's been that way for over thirty years of marriage, so it's nothing
new. I'm keeping busy with charity work." She sipped her coffee and sighed. "How are you?" Her eyes
held something further and I got the impression that Esme knew more about me than I had originally

"I'm good. We're good. Edward's doing really well at work and things are good at home. We're

having a lot of fun, all of us. It's been nice to finally have everyone together and hanging out in a
group. I think that Edward's leaving was really hard on the kids from Forks…" I clamped my mouth
shut to stop my rambling and looked down. "I'm sorry, I know it had to be hard for you too. I couldn't
imagine." My eyes met hers and they softened.

Heat flashed over my chest and my immediate reaction was to remove the sweater that was


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constricting me like a forty-foot boa.

Esme's eyes crinkled, "I love those kids and always have. They were my saving grace when we first

got to Washington; they filled a certain…void…for me. And I can tell that you have a very special
relationship with Ben and Claire's son." I nodded a little, feeling self-conscious. "I had an 'Emmett'
when I was younger." She laughed and threw her head back at the memory. "Edward is actually named
after him. Edward Masen was my very, very best friend growing up in Chicago. When he found
Elizabeth we would do things as couples together and he got on with Carlisle very well. Much like I see
you two with Emmett and Rosalie."

I leaned on the tabletop, intrigued. "So, where are they now? Are they still in Chicago?"
"Technically," she whispered. "They both passed in an accident before Edward was born. Carlisle

didn't have a problem with us naming our first born after him; we felt it would be a nice way to honor
our friend."

"Wow, that's really kind and very sweet. I'm afraid I could never name a baby after Emmett…his

name is just weird." She burst out laughing as I finished and I smiled at her reaction.

"You're good for Edward, Bella and you should never doubt that. Anyone that can make him laugh

like you do has to be good for his soul. It was always the same for Carlisle and I. He was so damn
studious all the time and focused on his career and schooling. But Masen, Liz and I would drag him out
and make him be social. He's a lot of fun when he wants to be."

"How did you handle fending off the banshees while you two dated?" I was starting to see more

similarities between us than I ever thought possible.

"Ahh, yes, my husband is pretty sexy now but back in his younger years I felt like I was constantly

beating women away from him. Of course, Masen and Liz helped too. We really were a force to be
reckoned with." A devious look crossed her face. "He never knew what hit him when we got introduced
freshman year."

For the next hour we discussed the Cullen's dating history, Carlisle's proposal and their wedding.

We talked about how hard it was to conceive Edward and then she revealed that the reason they left
Chicago was because they lost a baby after him and she had a nervous breakdown. "So, we moved to
Forks because I wanted to live in a small town and away from the city in order to raise Edward and
focus on him. I guess I ended up putting too much effort into him, though because he seems to think
I'm an overbearing crazy woman. I don't mind as long as he knows how much I love him."

Now it all made sense.
"Is that why you held out on mentioning his 'problem' before the Leah incident?" She shrugged and

nodded yes. I straightened up a bit and reached over to squeeze her hand. "I think you're the best mom
he could ever ask for."

Esme's hand squeezed mine back. "Thank you, Bella. Now, if you don't mind, can I ask you a few


My heart flew to my throat and I pulled my hand away to grasp my cup tightly again. "Sure, we're

being open today. Go ahead."

"When did you get the Cullen Crest tattooed on your shoulder?"


Bella walked through the door after coffee with my mom looking half dazed. "How did it go?" I

asked her.

"Good. Great. Awesome. Your mom is awesome. We talked about you and your family. And she

called me out on having your tatt on my back since I forgot to cover it at the party." Her eyes were wide


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as saucers.

A short laugh escaped my mouth. "So?"
Bella's eyes focused on mine and her mouth opened only slightly before closing again. After a

moment she said, "And now she wants to know when I can go with her to get hers done."

I pulled her into my chest and shook my head in disbelief. "That's my mom. Hey, at least she likes


Alice and Rose came through the front door moments later, talking loudly about wedding plans. "I

am not designing a red wedding dress for you, Rose. I have my standards."

Rose blew her bangs from her eyes and scoffed, "You'll design whatever my pocket book wills you

to, Willow. If I want you and Bella to be in white, and I'm in a polka dot and tie-dyed sundress, then
that's what it will be. And you'll smile all the way to the bank." She stuck her tongue out at Bella when
they passed by. "Oh! Bees, before I forget. It turns out that my company has this incentive program or
some shit where they get cars in to drive for a few months, almost like leasing or something. I'd never
heard of it before…"

My face screwed up into a grin. "Wait, you mean you cut your hair and look hot as hell so now

they're letting you test drive cars?"

She ran her fingers through her locks and winced, "Apparently. Anyway, I just wanted to see if you

wanted to use the car they gave me?"

"What kind of car is it?" Bella asked.
"A bright yellow Porsche," Rose snorted.
"Oh, no ma'am!" Alice was screeching. "You hand those keys to me and Bella can drive my car.

The yellow Porsche is my dream car!" Her little hands were planted on her hips and she swung her
head from side to side in anger. Rose looked between Alice and Bella and raised her eyebrows.

"I could give a flying rat's ass crack. Give her the keys and she can drive the yellow bullet to

Arizona for all that it matters to me." Bella waved her hands in irritation at the keys.

Rose sighed and held the Porsche keys above Alice's open palm. "You are the Navigator," she joked

as she released them.

"How are all four of us supposed to fit in that thing to get to Phoenix?" I asked in confusion. A

strange quiet settled over the room and the two other girls were looking at Bella for explanation. She
stiffened a bit and made a low keening noise before she yanked on my arm and pulled me into the

"I wanted to talk with you about this tonight, but now is as good a time as any, I guess." She sat on

the middle of the bed and shoved her boots off with her feet. "I talked with Ben and he's agreed to let
me have two weeks off. One week in Arizona, and one week for recovery, or downtime. I plan on
leaving next Friday…"

"Wait. That's when we're having our paintball weekend."
"Right. I don't want you to miss out on that, CC. You really should go and have a good time with

the guys and Alice will drive Jasper and me to Phoenix for a few days while I go and visit my old house
and the High School to get rid of the goblins and ghouls that reside in my brain. That's really all I
intend to do, so I don't think that you would need to come if you have something planned that's more
fun." She bit her lip and looked away as she finished.

"No, I'd rather be with you. You were there for me with Leah," I reached for her hand and she


"And you beat the ever-loving piss out of Jake. Which make us even."
This wasn't a scoreboard or a tally sheet. We weren't doing IOU's and evens.
"Why do you really not want me there?" My voice was low and controlled when I turned my body

to face hers on the comforter.


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"Because I want to do something on my own and this has nothing to do with you, really." Her eyes

lingered at the desk chair as she fought the urge to look at me.

I jumped up and pulled the desk drawer open and snatched my new bottle of pills out. "Like this

wasn't any of your business?"

Her eyes locked with mine and she stuttered, "I didn't know you had those."
"Because I haven't needed one yet. But, dammit, after this I might. Look me in the eyes and say you

don't want me there." I knelt in front of her and placed my hands on her thighs with a rough grip.

"Of course I want you there. But I don't want to need you there, if that makes any sense at all."
It did and I understood to an extent. I had already told her that she didn't need me, but the truth is

that we both needed each other and this was not the time to try and make a point. I wanted to be there
with her while she took this last step. I was taking the next step for her and she was returning the favor.
The least we could do was be there for the other when it all came crashing down.

"Fine," I conceded. "You go without me and when you figure out that you need me or want me

there, you call and I will be there faster than you can blink, got it?"

She sat back, stunned. "Really? You'd let me go?"
I nodded and stood back up. "Yeah, if that's what it takes."
"Wha-what? That's very unlike you, Edward. You don't give up that easily at anything. Why are you

so quick to give in this time?" She took a hold of the bottle of Ativan and shook it. "Are you sure you
didn't already take one of these?"

I took them back gently and set them in the drawer again. "Positive. Look, this relationship can't be

about making the other person do things, and I know I'm guiltier of that than you are. Especially with
moving in, which I'm almost sorry about, but not really."

She pursed her lips and chuckled.
"So, when you decide that you want to let me in to that part of your advancement, you'll let me

know. This has to be about you. That's what Denali told me about those," I motioned towards the pills.
"And I decided that it was for me, because I want to make you happy. And if you get to stop being a
martyr then that makes me happy." I leaned down again and took her face in between my hands. "You
make me happy."

Her eyes were round and bright between my palms. "You make me happy too." Her face leaned

towards mine and I pressed my lips against hers with the slightest pressure. She sighed and pressed into
me harder, opening her lips to me and inviting my tongue inside.

Which made me feel just the slightest bit bad for lying to her.


The week flew by like a weird Benny Hill episode in fast forward. Work came and went each day

and every night just drew me closer and closer to Phoenix. Edward was incredibly supportive and
helped me pack my bags on Thursday night for the trip, never once making me feel bad about my
decision to go without him. Emmett and Rose came over that evening as well and the six of us had
dinner before we left for the big road trip.

"Check out these guns," Emmett bragged about the artillery lying on the dining room table.
"Those look like machine guns, Emburger. What the hell do you need machine paintball guns for?"

I looked from the weapons to his face and groaned. "You're actually going to decapitate Mike Newton,
aren't you? You should at least warn Jessica first so that she can give him a final b.j. before he bites the
big one."

"They're Project Salvo Tactical guns. Officially licensed by the Army and used in their paintball


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league. At a hundred and fifty a pop these babies are gonna shoot holes in all three of those suckers
before they even get out on the field." Emmett's eyes were twinkling and hungry for battle.

"Whoa. Put your gun boner away, dude. You are disturbed. Plus, it's January in Washington. You'll

probably freeze to death or the guns will be blocks of ice before you can even get a shot off." I patted
his shoulder and walked back into the bedroom to check for last minute items.

Rose followed me in and leaned against the door. "Explain again why you're driving twenty hours

instead of flying three?"

I sifted through a few books on my bookshelf and let my fingers linger on my battered copy of

Wuthering Heights. "Umm, Alice said that I have to get over my Large Marge fear of long distance
road trips, so I might as well do it all in one weekend and come back completely shattered so that I can
be rebuilt into a bigger, stronger and more deadly version of myself. Plus, if we really are going in the
Porsche, it will be more like a sixteen hour trip instead."

"And you plan on just going to a few places and then coming back, right? You're not going to do

something incredibly stupid and we'll be forced to fly your body back for burial?" Her arms were
crossed and she looked agitated.

So I lied.
Shoving my book into my laptop bag I answered, "Yes, Rose. That's all I plan on doing there."
The look on her face said she didn't believe me.
After Emmett and Rose had gone home, I crawled up into the bed, feeling like a huge bundle of

frayed nerves. Edward crawled in next to me and pulled me close, enveloping me in his scent and
warmth. "You'll be fine," he whispered his encouragement into my ear. And because he was Edward, I
believed him.

Four a.m. is a little bitch and she had a horrible case of PMS on Friday morning. It took three alarm

snoozes and Alice threatening to roll me out the door in a carpet for me to finally, begrudgingly, get my
happy ass out of bed. Jasper had gone ahead and made our coffee, and an extra thermos' worth to get us
on the highway. He waited patiently downstairs in the car while it heated up and we gathered the last of
our things to put into the trunk. Which was in the front, so it was more like our baggage was in the

Porsches confused me.
Given that the car was small, we had to pack pretty light and Alice was giddy with the thought of a

new shopping spree once we reached Phoenix. I just hoped my ass didn't fall asleep in the back seat
since it looked like I wouldn't be stretching out across two bucket seats very comfortably with a huge
arm rest in between them. Unless we folded the head rests down and I curled up into a fetal position.
Which sounded pretty damn tempting at the moment.

Edward walked me out to the awaiting car and gave me a slight smile. "Call me when you get there,

I want to make sure you're safe." I agreed and wrapped my arms around him one last time before
crawling into the backseat, preparing myself for what was ahead of me.

"I love you," I called to him before Jasper closed the door. Edward stood outside and watched us

pull away and I felt like I was leaving my heart behind with him in the snow. Resigning myself to what
I planned to do, I let my head fall back against the headrest and closed my eyes again, hoping for a
little more sleep.

Alice stepped on the gas and let out an excited squeal, "Whooo!" The radio came on full blast and

my head snapped forward with such velocity that I hit my forehead on the back of J's seat.

Her face is a map of the world
Is a map of the world
You can see she's a beautiful girl
She's a beautiful girl


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"Stop," I managed to groan but the sound system was phenomenal.
And everything around her is a silver pool of light
The people who surround her feel the benefit of it
It makes you calm
She holds you captivated in her palm
"Oh, Jeebus. Kill me now." I tried to reach the dashboard and she slapped my hand away.
Suddenly I see
This is what I wanna be
Suddenly I see
Why the hell it means so much to me
"I will burn your closet down, Anne Hathaway!"
She seemed to finally hear me and lowered the music with a snort of irritation. "Gah, you are just

going to be Skittles and sunshine for this trip, huh? Don't forget that this was your idea, Bellybean."

Jasper cackled, "That's the worst attempt at a new nickname yet, sugar. Just focus on driving and

let's see if we can get there in one piece and without any speeding tickets."

He extended his hand to hers and I watched with a bit of jealousy as they wrapped their fingers

around the others and held hands across the seats.

I should have brought Edward.
My eyes closed and I rested my head against my arm, chastising myself for being so stubborn. He

should have come. We should have flown. I shouldn't be going at all.

I slept and dreamed of Edward. He was just out of reach, shining brilliantly under the sun, shirtless

and sex personified. There was nothing more that I wanted than to run to him, but something was
holding me back. I looked around to find what was hindering me from advancing towards him and my
eyes landed on a figure just outside of my periphery. My head snapped sideways to see who was
holding me and I screamed as James came in to view, his blonde hair pulled back into a greasy
ponytail, his old black leather jacket still just a size too large for his frame.

He leaned in closer to me and sniffed my hair, a low snarling sound ripping through his lips.
I screamed for Edward and reached my arms to him, but he was so far away. So very far away. And

I was alone with James.

"Holy shit!" I screamed and my eyes flew open, the nightmare fading before my eyes as I gasped

for breath. Alice turned to me in concern from the passenger seat. Jasper was driving now and I blinked
my eyes at the bright daylight that was streaming into the windows.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly and I nodded, rubbing my sweaty hands on my pants to dry them

off. "You were having a nightmare?"

"Yes," I breathed out and swallowed thickly.
"Yeah, that's what it sounded like." Her face held concern that I didn't deserve. "Of course, I think

the nightmare came after a good dream." Her lips pulled up into a grin and Jasper clucked his tongue in

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked in confusion.
"She means, you must have started your nightmare after the dream where you told Edward you

needed his 'beautiful' cock." Jasper's eyes flicked to me in the rearview and I groaned in
embarrassment. "No worries, at least you're not on a road trip with Charlie," he joked.

Seven hours had passed and I was relieved that we only had about eleven more to go. I was going

to drive the last stretch, and was instantly glad that I had gotten a little bit of rest. Even if the sleep
involved premonitions of James and what was to come.

I knew it was my fault. I had lied to everyone and said that I only planned on seeing places that

haunted me. But the truth was that I had Googled James and Victoria. Which meant that I knew where


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they were, where they lived and where they worked. And I did plan on paying them a visit at some
point while we were there.

Alice and I played road games and after the twentieth license plate was turned into a 'fun' phrase, I

wanted to rip my hair out. She even made us lift our feet when we crossed state lines. At least she didn't
play I Spy. I probably would have done a Vulcan Death Grip on her to make her pass out.

Finally, Jasper relinquished the wheel and I drove us into the last stretch that led us into Phoenix.

Focusing on the road helped to clear my mind of the nerves that were threatening to overtake me. At
least, it did until we reached the Phoenix city limits.

Cold, clammy tendrils of fear and doubt crept into my bones and I gripped the wheel harder to stop

my hands from shaking. Alice and Jasper were both asleep and I struggled to keep my stomach from
rolling in response to just being in the general vicinity of my old home.

I pulled the car into the Wyndham and called softly for my two friends to wake up so that we could

check in. My head felt heavy with lack of sleep and anxiety, causing me to shake a little while I signed
for my room. We rode up to our suites and I told them good night before I swiped my key card and
entered my room.

It was spacious, beautiful, clean and…empty. My shoulders slumped a little while I rolled my bag

next to the bed. I stretched out across the chic blue and brown comforter and pulled my phone from my
pocket. I blinked back tears and swallowed the lump in my throat before I hit 'send'. Edward picked up
on the second ring.

"Hey," he said softly and my heart ripped in half at the sound of his voice.
"Hey," I called back to him in a trembling tone. "We're here. We made it safely."
"Good, I was worried about you," his response came through the phone almost inaudibly.
I squeezed my eyes shut and laughed sadly before I admitted, "I was wrong, E. I need you."
He sighed and I heard him shift a little as he pressed the phone closer to his ear. "I know, baby."
I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest to stop the gaping hole from growing any wider. "Would

you be able to come? Or are you already too far out with the boys?"

There was a knock at my suite door and I muttered under my breath, "Hold on. I think Alice needs

something." Without even turning on the lights, I opened the door to face Alice.

What I saw made my knees tremble and my heart stop beating.
Because Edward was there instead.


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Chapter 28


I leaned down again and took her face in between my hands. "You make me happy."
Her eyes were round and bright between my palms. "You make me happy too." Her face leaned

towards mine and I pressed my lips against hers with the slightest pressure. She sighed and pressed into
me harder, opening her lips to me and inviting my tongue inside.

Which made me feel just the slightest bit bad for lying to her.
We went to work like everything was okay, and to Bella it was. But there was no way I could let her

go to Phoenix without me, and I needed to set my plan in motion before it was too late. She was so
stubborn and so set in her ways, trying to prove something all the time. But the only person she was
failing was herself.

On Tuesday I asked to meet with Ben. He fit me in at two and I waited patiently outside of his

office while I felt Jane's eyes boring into my head from her two-way mirror. She was making me
anxious and jittery, and for some reason I was starting to get a headache from the situation. Finally, I
heard a soft buzz and I walked into Ben's office. He was sitting behind his huge desk with a knowing
smile on his face.

"Edward, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
I sat across from him and gave him a slight smile. "I needed to ask you…"
He cut me off and waved his hand. "Go to Phoenix, Edward. I would think less of you if you


The shock must have registered on my face because he chuckled and leaned back more comfortably

in his chair. "If there's one thing I know, son, it's Isabella Swan and her pigheaded ways. She knows
that she needs you, but she has a hard time admitting it. I want her to be safe and while I recognize that
Jasper can kill a man with his massage methods, maybe you could be there as back up."

"How do you do that?" I asked him with awe. "How do you just make things better all of the time

for us?"

Ben's smile deepened, "We all have our super powers, right?" I shrugged in agreement. "Does Em

know that you're going or is he still under the impression that hypothermia is on the horizon?"

"I haven't told him, "I admitted.
Ben laughed loudly and slapped his hands on his desk. "Good. Don't tell him and let it be a surprise.

Then take a picture of his face with your camera phone for me, okay?"

The next few days were filled with secret plans and sneaking around. Emmett was so damn excited

about the new paintball guns that I almost felt bad for him, but Bella was more important and I could
always make it up to him another time. During a warmer season. When we wouldn't die from freezing
to death in a tent together. As far as I knew, Emmett didn't want to spoon with me in the night.

One of the benefits of being a sleep humper, in my opinion.
Getting the room numbers at the Wyndham was much easier than I anticipated. Alice kind of rattled

them off nonchalantly over dinner and then slid a smile my way before changing the subject. Her
intuition was unnerving and yet I was incredibly thankful for her inability to keep her mouth shut. It
reminded me of how she was when we were in school; she and I were like family.

And so the week went with Bella packing and making plans, all the while looking more and more

frightened as Friday approached. I wanted to tell her that I was going to be there to ease her mind, but I
needed to stick to my plan. I had told her that as soon as she needed me I would be there, not five hours


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later. Right at that moment when she admitted that she needed me, I would be there.

Friday morning she procrastinated until the last minute to get out of the door, grunting and huffing

around the apartment in a sour mood. And all the while looking like she was just on the verge of tears.
What solidified my decision to go was the look on her face when Alice pulled away from the building;
she looked like her heart was broken.

It was no easy feat getting two plane tickets for Emmett and me. And he kept on and on about those

damned guns. I think he wanted to have sex with one, in all honesty. Or at least make out with it for a

He arrived at the apartment at noon, fully packed and loaded with gear. I stared into the back of the

Jeep and looked back at him in disbelief. "You're joking, right?"

He snorted, "No. Combat is not a joke, E. You should know that better than anyone."
Popping the back open, I yanked a tarp made of synthetic leaves out of the mass of useless items he

had brought along. "Were you really going to hide under this and shoot people? That's…cheating or
something, dude. Nobody else will have this equipment and shit. And you'll be all Rambo, which isn't
really fair because everyone else is at a major disadvantage."

Oh. My. God. Why was I arguing with him? We weren't actually going.
"You know what, bring it. Bring all of it…just…wait here and I'll get my bag." I shook my head in

irritation and cracked my neck from side to side. Within minutes I had everything that I needed and was
back at the car. "Hey, can I drive? You look tired." I gave him my most concerned face.

He immediately looked at his reflection in the window and pulled at the skin under his eye with his

pointer finger. "Rose was riding my junk all night, trying to get her fill before I left for a couple of
days." He grinned wickedly, "She'll be worse off than me, though. She has to work today. And she's
walking sideways with a limp."

Groaning, I extended my hand for the keys and he handed them over. I was glad because if he

hadn't, I was going to have to make him go in the Volvo and that would have raised all kinds of
questions. Not to mention I would have to transfer his campsite-fort-artillery to my trunk. No thanks.

Emmett settled into the passenger seat and set the GPS for the route we were to take to Longbranch.

I chewed my lip nervously and merged onto the highway, counting the number of breaths I was taking.
Within minutes I heard the deep settled sleep and snoring that I had been praying for. "Thank god," I
muttered and turned the Jeep towards the airport.

We arrived an hour and a half early for the flight, as was my plan. What I hadn't planned on was

Emmett being a complete and total douche hat and showing his ass so blatantly when we got there. I'm
not sure if it was the sound of the airplanes, or sudden stillness of the car, but he jerked awake in the
parking lot, looking like an irritable grizzly bear when his eyes finally adjusted to the dim

"Hey," he warned in a low growl. "What the fookarolly…dude, E. Where the hell are we?" He

craned his neck and looked over his shoulder and then back at me. I held up my phone and grimaced
before I took his picture and shoved it back into my jacket pocket. "Did you just take my picture?"

I nodded and pressed my back against the driver's door. "Your dad wanted to see your face when

you realized that we were going to Phoenix." I grabbed the phone again and opened it in time to take a
picture of his face right before he started screaming.

"No! No, no, no, no. Damn you, no! You can't do this, man. This is some form of kidnapping or

something, I'm sure of it, it has to be. Abduction. You're a crazy ass serial killer, that's what I'm going to
tell them when we get out of this car. You're like the new Ted Bundy and you coerced me with your
normal looks and quiet demeanor. Then you took me to the airport against my will." He smirked,
"You're going to jail."

I groaned and pressed my forehead to the steering wheel. "Listen, you know as well as I do that we


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should be in Arizona with her right now." I lifted my head and pleaded with my eyes. "She needs us."

That's all it took.
"She needs us?" His demeanor was much calmer now and he took a deep breath as the realization

of the situation sank in. He punched the glove compartment with force. "She's going to do something
stupid, isn't she? Dammit, Bella." He whispered the last part and shook his head with disappointment.

"She doesn't delete her cookies," I confided in him. "She found them, Em. She's going to at least

'see' them, but I'm not sure how much farther she'll go. I couldn't call her out on it because she's so
fragile right now. Don't get me wrong about it; I was pissed when I saw it and I almost broke the
laptop, but that would have been obvious." I sighed, "I would have told you earlier but you were like a
little kid with your new toys. Plus, you can't keep a secret for shit."

"I'm calling Rose."
"No, not until Bella calls. Rose can't keep a secret either." I was begging.
He looked confused. "What if stubborn Bella doesn't call to say she needs you? What then?"
I deflated against the seat and looked out of the windshield. "Then we shadow her until she does

something stupid, where we can step in. But she will call. I saw her face when she left and there's no
doubt in my mind that she'll call."

He grinned widely and agreed. "We're going to Phoenix to be stalkers and kick some ass. Awesome.

See? This is so much more fun than paintball."

We gathered our bags and I tried my hardest to get him to leave the gear behind but he refused.

"They won't let you take those guns with you," I reminded him.

He rolled his eyes. "I can pack them without the tanks, moronadon." His hand flew up and popped

me on the back of the head. "And I'm bringing the tarp."

Which is how that idiot got us apprehended at the X-Ray portion of airport security.
"What do you mean, 'this looks suspicious'?" Emmett scoffed at the security guard. "They're Army

issued but they shoot paintballs. I don't even have the tanks! They won't work at all without the tanks
and I'm leaving them in baggage. Jeez, you guys are uptight."

After forty-five minutes of detainment, we were released and allowed to present our boarding

passes. Emmett scratched his face in exasperation and sulked when we were told to take a seat and wait
to board. "For real, man. I have to call Ro or she'll kill me. I'll call her when we land, that's what I'm
offering." He looked stressed and I found it funny how much of a hold Rose had over this beast of a

Like I could talk.
We both slept for the short flight and then checked in at the Wyndham on the same floor as Bella,

and only two doors down. Which is when the waiting started. It's not that I'm an overly impatient man,
I just have…structure. The military allowed me to gain the structure that I always strived for and
craved. It hadn't left me since then. So, being out of my element and on alert was literally killing me

She didn't call from the road and she didn't text me to say she was okay. We had landed a little after

five and had checked in by six thirty. If my calculations were correct, they would be checking in around
midnight; and each passing minute seemed to take an eternity. It was like time was passing and I was
staying the same age, in the same moment.

It blew a fat one.
Emmett was no better than I was. I asked him, with more than a little bit of warning to my voice, to

not leave the room after ten. He was like a caged animal. That was, until he figured out how to buy
porn and charge it to the room. On my godforsaken credit card.

"Dear god, man. How many pornos can they make about secretaries and CEO's? And why do you

think desk sex is so hot?" I asked from the bed, talking to him from under my arm that was thrown


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haphazardly across my eyes. "It's so played out."

He gave a short snort. "Probably because it's the hottest sex ever. Especially at night when the

cleaning crew is gone and Rose is propped up on the desk, at just the right height…"

"That's it." I propelled myself off of the bed and walked past where he was perched like a horny

statue on the couch. I was not about to watch porn with Emmett and then have to endure the aftermath.

I risked it and went down to the vending machines. I could have ordered room service or taken

something from the mini fridge, but I wanted to get out of the room and clear my head. It was close to
midnight and I hoped that whatever aggressive whack session Em had would be over in the next few
minutes and would be enough to put him into a come-coma and I could sneak back in and wait.

Instead, I heard footsteps pass by the room I was in and the distinct chime of Alice's laughter.

Followed by Bella's voice, exhausted and beaten down from the near twenty-hour drive. I listened as
they made their way to the rooms and craned to hear both doors close. When I was satisfied that they
were out of the hallway, I stepped out and headed back to the room.

And that's when my phone rang.
"Hey," I said softly and listened to her breath hitch.
"Hey," she called back in a trembling tone. "We're here. We made it safely."
"Good, I was worried about you," I was trying to keep my voice low so that it didn't echo down the

hallway. But I was right outside of her door and it didn't occur to me before then how hard it would be
to have her so close and not let her know I was there.

She sobbed a bit and I heard her breathe unsteadily. "I was wrong, E. I need you."
My heart missed a beat and I leaned against the wall for a moment to clear my head. "I know,

baby," I said back softly.

I heard her shift and imagined her pulling herself up into her defensive pose, knees tucked under

her chin, arms holding her together. "Would you be able to come? Or are you already too far out with
the boys?" Her voice was sad and needy.

I took the last few steps to her door and knocked softly. She huffed and muttered, "Hold on. I think

Alice needs something." And then she opened the door and her eyes focused on my face, her mouth
trembling and her knees seeming to give way. She blinked hard one time and then shut the door in my

I knocked on the door again and I heard her press her face to the peephole. "I'm hallucinating, aren't

I?" She called through it. I just shook my head no and waited for her to open it again.

She stood on the threshold, looking small and pale, almost dazed. "You're here." Her words were

matter of fact and her body swayed a bit before I reached out to steady her.

"I told you I'd be here as soon as you needed me," I reminded her, gently pulling her to my chest.
She all but went limp in my arms, clutching to my t-shirt and breathing erratically. "I don't know

whether to be mad and call you a stalker…or take you to bed and thank you properly."

I chuckled a bit, "Why don't we just go inside and get some rest?"
Her face, streaked with tears and filled with emotion, turned up to mine. "God, you have no idea

how much I love you, Edward." The words were enough, but the passion in her eyes would be my
undoing. I lifted her into my arms and walked us inside the room, letting the door shut loudly behind
me as I crossed the floor to the bed and laid her down on the comforter.

"Are your pajamas in there?" I pointed to the rolling bag and she nodded.
"Do you have a room?" She sat up a bit on her elbows, looking confused.
"I was in…Emmett's room. He's watching porn so I went to get a Snickers and you showed up." I

pulled her pajama pants and t-shirt from the small bag.

I heard her shift quickly to edge of the bed and she sat wringing her hands. "Emmett's here? Why?"


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Turning gradually, I squared my shoulders and took a deep breath. "Because you came here to

confront James and Victoria, Bella. We couldn't let you do that alone." It was dangerous being around
her; I couldn't help but tell the truth, even if it was to my detriment.

Her eyes narrowed and then grew impossibly wide. "You are a stalker! You looked at my laptop,

didn't you?"

I handed her the nightclothes and settled onto the floor on my knees in front of her. "You don't

exactly make it hard, love. You never clear your history or cookies. And you kept getting red and shifty
when I would walk in. You are a textbook case of suspicious if I ever saw one." My hand reached up
and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear before I let my fingers trail across her cheek and down to her

"That's not cool at all, Edward. You can't go around snooping through my stuff all the time and

trying to tail me when I go places. It's an issue of privacy." She was on the verge of being mad, but she
looked more exhausted than anything else.

"If it's any consolation, I felt really bad before I did it. It made me feel like an untrusting psycho

boyfriend, but then I saw that you had found them and I wasn't sorry anymore."

"I could have done this by myself." Her voice was much less forceful this time.
"That's the problem, baby. You couldn't do this by yourself and you shouldn't have tried to anyway.

You could have seriously gotten hurt and then what would I do? I'd have to track them down and kill
them both."

"Were you mad?" Her voice, tiny and shocked, delivered the question without feeling.
"Yeah, at first. I was furious, if you want the truth. But yelling at you and telling you that you can't

do something would only end with one of us sleeping in the Doghouse and you leaving to do
something stupid anyway."

"Are you medicated?" Her voice held no condemnation, just pure interest.
"As of this moment, yes."
Her hands slid up my shoulders and towards my neck, her cold fingers cradling my chin. I looked

up into her eyes and she stared deeply into mine. "I'm sorry I made you worry so much that you had to
do that. It wasn't fair and I know how you feel about those…"

My lips found hers in the midst of her sentence and I wrapped my arms around her, settling my

chest firmly against her. A small moan escaped her lips and I ran my hands higher into her hair, holding
her head firmly in my hands to keep her here. Here with me. Where she needed to be. And where I
needed her to be.

She broke the kiss slowly and kept her eyes down, almost ashamed. "I'm sorry I'm so dense

sometimes." Her face lifted back to mine hesitantly and she bit her lip. "Will you just stay and hold

I shut my eyes for a moment and strained against a forming grin. "You're learning," I said before re-

opening them. The comprehension of her request dawned slowly on her face, causing her features to
tighten and then relax with hope and happiness.

"I am learning." There was a pause as she ran her fingers across my eyebrows. "We're learning."
We changed and settled into the bed, wrapped in an embrace with tangled limbs and fingers

entwined. And we held on to each other until the morning, knowing that the next step was ahead, but
enjoying the moment for what it was. Our improvement. Together.


I had just finished blow-drying my hair when I heard a knock on the suite door. Edward moved to


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open it and I followed behind him, not the least bit surprised that it was Alice. She barely even blinked
before she said hello to Edward and walked inside. Like it was no big deal that he was there. Like she
new he was coming.

"We want breakfast," she chirped and sat on the couch with her legs pulled underneath her.
I looked to Edward for agreement and he nodded. "Okay, we'll leave in about fifteen if that's okay. I

can go get Emmett if you want me to so that you can finish getting ready." I turned toward Edward
again and extended my hand for his room key. Alice stayed on the couch, her eyes still glued to the
television when I left.

Slipping out the door, I walked two doors down and swiped my card to let myself into the suite.

Immediately I was assaulted with a visual that I had become accustomed to, but never seemed to have
grasped. I stopped in the doorway and stared for a second before shaking my head and walking back
down the hall to our room.

Alice looked up when I entered and I saw that she was now joined on our couch by Jasper. "Is

Emmett coming?" She asked sweetly.

"No," I replied too quickly. Her little eyebrows pulled together in question and I waved my and at

her. "Just…he's not coming."

"Why not?" Edward had appeared in the living room, holding his shoes in his hand.
I groaned and hung my head. "Newsies is on. He's in the room doing the choreography to Seize the

Day. And that means that he's going to walk around all day talking with a horrible Brooklyn accent and
talking about 'Papes'. We should just go…"

Edward's face was completely blank as if he didn't believe me. Until Jasper jumped up and headed

for the door. "Where are you going?" Edward asked.

"Um, to watch the movie." Jasper smiled lightly and walked out singing softly, "Ain't it a fine life?

Carryin' the banner through it all."

Alice sighed and pushed off of the couch. "Well, I guess it's just us then. When is Rose's flight

coming in?"

My head snapped in Edward's direction. "Why the hell is Rose coming?"
He just grinned. "Like she would let all of us be here for this but not be involved. Damn, Bees. You

should know that better than I would."

He was right. Rose would want to be here for what was about to happen and I was worried that the

others didn't realize what I led them into.

After being seated at Marston's and placing our orders, Alice spared no time getting to the heart of

my trip to Phoenix. "What are your plans? Where are we going first? For how long? How many places?
When are we going back?"

Edward's eyes widened in surprise at the amount of questions that had burst from her mouth in less

than ten seconds. It didn't faze me one bit. But I wasn't sure how much of my plan I was willing to
divulge. Looking up into Edward's face I knew I had to be honest.

"I want to go to my old neighborhood and see the house. We can do that tomorrow I guess. Umm,

Monday I'd like to see the High School. Maybe ask for a visitor's pass and walk the halls a bit?" I tore
at my napkin with tensed fingers.

"And the ballet studio? Do you plan on going there?" Alice's expression was a knowing one.
"Well, that's tricky, Lice. You see, it turns out that," My eyes flicked to Edward again and I just spit

it out, "Victoria still works there."

Alice shook her head and threw her hands in the air. "I knew it! You Google Bitch, you totally went

cyber-dick and got their information so that you could do something stupid while we were here. What
was your plan, B?"

Stuttering and blazing red, I looked down at the table. "My plan hadn't really formed past the


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moment I just nonchalantly walked in and told her that she was a skank banger cum dumpster who
deserved that ho humper, James. Ah, after that my plan really goes to shit and I just run away as fast as
I can and hope that she doesn't catch me."

The silence was deafening as the two of them sat completely still, staring at me with unblinking

eyes and mouths hanging open. I looked between the two of them for some sort of reaction, but it was
as if they had been turned into statues. Waving my hands at their faces, I whispered, "Hello? Anyone?"

"So many loopholes to your plan," Alice mumbled and I noticed that she had finally closed her

eyes. "You," her mouth snapped shut as her eyes flew open, "can't run. You'd fall and give yourself a
concussion before she even got to you. And what kind of plan is that? To go in and call her some names
and then run away? Where's the retribution in that? And what about James? We can do so much better,
sugar tits. Rose and I will be there with you when it goes down." She grinned devilishly. "We'll do a

Rose arrived at the airport later that evening where she was met by both Emmett and Jasper who

did their awful Jack and David impressions the entire ride back to the hotel. She was unimpressed to
say the least. What she was most unimpressed about was my lack of forethought to the trip and that she
was the last to know. After she bitched me out for half an hour, we hugged and she told me that she
would get with Alice to concoct a plan that would be worth the journey.

The thought of that both thrilled and frightened me at the same time.
Sunday we went to my old house and I asked that Edward just come with me instead of everyone. I

was unsure of what my reaction would be and if I ended up having a complete breakdown it would be
him that I would want there the most. He could probably hold me down through some intense

It actually wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. Standing outside of my old house was quite

liberating, in all honesty. The horrible images associated with the dwelling didn't surface when I stood
and looked at it in the daylight. Victoria's old house was empty and up for sale, which made me more
relaxed because I knew that she wasn't there.

In fact, all reminders of Victoria were erased in the Phoenix sun while we stood holding hands in

the short driveway. No one was home so I took the opportunity to walk around the sides and into the
backyard. It had barely changed after all of the years that had passed, but somehow, being there wasn't
as soul searing as I had anticipated.

A deep breath passed through my lungs and I turned my face towards the sun as I bit my lip and

squeezed my eyes shut. Edward pulled me to his side and kissed my forehead. "Okay?" It was all he
had to ask. The reality of it was that I was okay. It was remarkable.

Step one was complete.
Monday we made our way to my old High School, which proved to be slightly more difficult for

me after all. Jasper had come with us while the others stayed behind and pulled reconnaissance
missions to set up the impending confrontation with the people that had damaged me the most.

We sat in the parking lot for a good fifteen minutes while I quivered and cried, shaking my head

back and forth to rid my mind of the pictures and memories that were flooding back at a rapid pace.
Edward held onto my hand the entire time that I rocked back and forth, and Jasper's calm voice soothed
me, reminding me that I didn't have to do this now.

"We can always come back," he reminded me.
But it needed to be now. If I was ever going to do it, I had to do it now.
The fear that threatened to take me under seemed to stall while that epiphany formed in my head.

My breathing slowed back to normal and I collected myself enough to walk into the front office and
ask for a tour. We made up an excuse that we were moving into town and we needed to see what the


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schools were like. The attendant looked us all over once and then shrugged like she thought we looked
seventeen and could pass for seniors. Jasper snickered and ran his fingers through his hair one time,
puffing his chest out and wagging his eyebrows at us to convey that he would take that as a

Waves of anxiety rolled through me while I clutched Edward's hand in a death grip. We were shown

the lockers, the lunchroom, a biology lab and music room, and finally the old gym. I had expected to
fall apart completely there since that was where the majority of the harassment had taken place.
Instead, I saw scrawny kids running around and playing volleyball or basketball. The looks on their
faces said that they thought they knew everything and were indifferent to their surroundings.

Teenagers thought they had it all figured out.
Maybe they did.
After a few more minutes of watching the games I squeezed Edward's hand and gave Jasper a small

wink and smile to let him know that I was okay. It was my signal that we could leave. I had faced this
and won.

Step two was complete.
Now, step three on the other hand…step three was its own beast and by the time we returned to the

hotel, Emmett and Rose's suite had been turned into a War Room. I mean, there were plans laid out on
huge sheets of paper from a flip chart. Each person would play a part and by the time Alice and Emmett
finished their 'presentation' of the plan, I was speechless.

These assholes were crazy.
"There is no way in hell that this will work," I stated, dazed and disoriented as I perused the plans

again. "We aren't in a sitcom, people. Shit like this doesn't happen in real life and there's no second
takes or studio audience. We do this and we could go to jail."

Emmett's laughter exploded from his chest, and I jumped at the sincerity of the sound as it burst

into the room. "Since when does our shit not work? We've done something very similar, if you
remember, in college when that guy was stalking Alice. And remember that time we did that thing
when Rose was seeing that douchebag with the bowl cut? That was classic." He looked at Rose quickly
and cursed under his breath, "Dammit."

"Vlad?" Rose screeched. "You did something to Vladimir? What did you do?"
We all stared back at her in silence until Jasper leaned forward and patted her on the hand. "You

should probably just let that one go. What you don't know…won't be used in a court of law on the
witness stand."

Like I said. Crazy assholes.
And I loved them all more than words could express.
The plan was set to take place on Tuesday night, which meant that we spent that entire day

perfecting the plan and learning our parts. It would be tricky if we could pull it off, but the thought of
executing it perfectly gave me hard nipples. I was scared but I was in. I had done things like this for
each of my friends before and apparently they were taking this opportunity to pay back the favor.

Time seemed to speed up until it was six o' clock and I found myself drying my hair in the

bathroom and popping a pill to calm my nerves. From the steady demeanor that Edward was exhibiting,
I would have bet that he had taken one as well. He dressed in a black t-shirt and dark jeans, as well as
dark shoes, a black leather jacket and a baseball cap.

"Damn, you're sexy," I commented while give him an appreciative look.
He removed the cap and ran his fingers through his hair pensively. "Are you sure you want to go

through with this?" His question was so obvious, as was the answer. Of course I didn't want to. I had to.

With a short nod, I walked over to where he was sitting on the bed and stood between his legs to

run my fingers through his unruly tresses. "You'll be there. Hell, everyone will be there."


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His hand found mine and he pulled it to his mouth, brushing my knuckles over his lips over and

over. "I'll be there the entire time, I promise." His eyes were troubled and it stirred a bit of panic in my
chest that was immediately quelled by the medication trying to work its way through my veins.

Slowly, he dropped my hand from his lips and slipped his fingers inside of the towel that I had

wrapped around my chest. There was a look on his face that I couldn't pinpoint at first, but ultimately I
realized that he thought that whatever transpired tonight would be another turning point. He thought he
could lose me.

"You'll never lose me," I promised him, savoring the touches that he was granting me at the

moment. His only response was a low grunt so I wrapped my fingers under his chin and lifted his face
to mine. "I'm yours, Edward. There's no way that after all of…this…we could ever walk away. I need
you like air. Like blood. What we've done in this short time is amazing and I could never, ever picture
my life without you from here."

Gripping his jacket and sliding it off of his shoulders, I pressed my face to his neck and kissed his

pulse point softly, nipping at it with my teeth. "I'll never leave you."

His shirt came off effortlessly.
"I won't let anyone take you away from me," he responded in a whisper against my collar bone.
"Never," I breathed against his temple when he pulled my towel open and let it drop to the floor.
"You're my entire life," his words rushed across my skin and I whimpered at the intensity of them.
How he got completely naked, I will never know because I had my eyes trained on his face with

such intensity that all time stopped. This was us, this moment. We were never going to be able to turn
back after tonight.

I pressed him lightly onto his back and told him that he was my everything. Skin against skin, we

declared ourselves to each other; saying with and without words what we felt. Soft lips on aroused
flesh, speaking words that we had yet to say. I shuddered against him and raised his hands to my own,
twining our fingers together while I kissed him feverishly.

"Take me," I spoke with urgency that he heard in my voice. With a slight movement he sat up and

wrapped his arms around my body, pressing it against his and standing to walk the few feet to the
bathroom and sitting me on the counter. I pressed my head against the mirror and shivered at the
darkening of his eyes.

Edward's hands moved from my ankles to inner thighs in one swift movement, pressing them as far

apart as they would go. I braced my feet against the counter and held on when he pulled me forward
just a little bit more. His face dipped towards mine, his lips seeking and tongue moving insistently
against my own.

"I need…" his mouth stilled against mine.
"Say it, Edward. You can say that you need me; I want you to." My hands ran all over his neck and

shoulders, across his back and around again, seeking contact with his skin in any way I could get it. "I
need to feel you inside of me," I admitted without shame. "Please."

His only response was a moan and a slight nod of his head. "I need it too," his voice caught as he

slid into me, claiming me again. My back arched and I thrust my chest forward, feeling my head slide
against the glass. His lips found mine again, inviting me in, taunting me to take his bottom lip between
my teeth and pull.

My fingers sought out his arms and I held onto them as we moved together, his thrusts long and

even, hitting me in places that I hadn't felt before. I fought to keep my eyes open, to watch him, to see
his face masked in concentration. His tongue flicked out against swollen pink lips and I let out an
embarrassingly loud moan at the sight. Edward's eyes focused on my face and a slight smile crept
across his lips before they lowered and they found my aching breasts.

Instinctively, I pressed harder into him and he reacted by biting the sensitive bud roughly. "Sorry,"


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he whispered and I panted for him to do it again. I watched his face take in my request and he did it
again, causing me to cry out and cling to him tighter.

I wanted him, every part of him. I had to have him mark me, claim me as his so that there was no

doubt whatsoever after tonight that we were in this together. My hips jerked forward and I angled them
upwards, causing him to grunt with satisfaction. His hands pressed against my inner thighs again,
spreading them impossibly wide, and causing my body to react sharply against each driving movement
into my core.

His arm snaked around my back and he yanked me closer to him, driving into me with such

intensity that my arms flew around his neck and my fingers pressed painfully into his skin. My head
lolled back again against the mirror, bouncing against it with each of his movements, matching the
sound of his hips hitting against my thighs over and over.

With the force that he was exerting, I couldn't kiss him, so I settled for pressing my face against his,

my lips next to his ear while I whispered and groaned. I needed him. I wanted him. I was his and he
was mine.

His mouth opened hotly against my shoulder and I tensed underneath him when I felt his tongue

flick out against my skin. His chin grazed across my neck and I lost myself in the moment, listening to
his breathing, and my loud vocal agreements with everything that he was doing, because he was doing
it right. Even the tight grip he had on my hips was right. So I closed my eyes and allowed myself to
experience with total abandon.

I'm yours.
I'm yours.
I'm yours.
Suddenly, he pulled my legs to his hips and wrapped them around, quickening his thrusts and

grasping me impossibly tight against him. His hands moved up my back and his fingers wrapped
around my hair at the same time that he pulled and my head snapped back to face him. His release was
only moments away and I crushed my lips against his, begging him to come. And when he did, I did
too, our bodies clenching around the other and my screams echoing off of the bathroom walls.

"I love you, I want you, I need you," I chanted against his lips while we both clung to the last ebbs

of simultaneous orgasms.

He jerked forward once more and repeated what I was saying, his voice scratchy and deep from his

peak of pleasure. My body became liquid under him and my head fell back against the mirror once
more as I gasped for breath. I couldn't slow my heart rate at all and I vaguely wondered if I could have
a heart attack at twenty-seven years old from intense sex.

Probably with Edward, yeah.
His eyes were filled with something new when he lifted his head from my chest. I watched his hand

come up gradually and rest against my sternum, directly over my heart. His fingertips pressed softly
against the pulse, his lips pulling back in a smile filled with wonder. "I do that to you?"

"All the time," I managed out.
Slowly, his eyes lifted from his hand on my chest to my face, taking in the red splotches on my

cheeks and puffy lips, slack mouth and dazed eyes. It was when he reached my eyes that it happened;
the connection that we had became complete and I felt his gaze blister my soul. He kept staring while
the tears began to flow from my eyes slowly.

We both felt it.

Alice appeared at the door to our suite at exactly seven thirty. "Come on, we have to get you into

your get-up so that we can get out of here." She waved a bag at me and shook her make-up box in my


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face. Reluctantly I kissed Edward before he escaped to the other suite.

I had no idea any more why I was doing this and going ahead with this asinine plan. But the

giddiness that was spreading across Alice's face reignited my fire and I started to mentally prepare
myself for the night ahead. It was the last thing that was essential for me to do in Phoenix.


I walked over to J's suite and knocked. He let me in immediately and my instant response to the

sight before me elicited a groan. While Jasper and I would be shadowing the girls for the evening and
were required to wear darker clothing, Emmett was on stake out. And he had taken it to the extreme.

"How the piss are you supposed to get out of this building in that?" I complained loudly.
Emmett, a huge man of over six foot four and almost…what? Three hundred pounds? Two fifty,

given that he had no body fat? He was a monster of a man and at this exact moment in time he was
wearing black pants and shoes, a black turtle neck, black make up under his eyes and a black ski mask.

Seriously inconspicuous.
"I'm taking the back exit, ass bag. I'm not that dumb." He snorted and sat back against the couch


"You're seriously creeping me the fuggout, dude. Didn't you ever see that movie The Strangers with

the kids that wear masks? That's you right now. You are what nightmares and defense classes are made

Rose appeared a few minutes later and I suddenly felt like the entire plan was a bad idea. She was

in the smallest red dress I had ever seen and I was legitimately surprised that I couldn't see her ass
cheeks when she sat down. Her blond hair was pinned under a short brunette wig and her make up was
theater worthy.

She looked like a hooker.
I sat back and took the scene in. Jasper was dressed similarly to me, but if I turned my head to right,

there was a hooker and a mugger on the couch.

How did they do this shit year after year?
It took another thirty minutes for Alice to walk back through the door. Her black dress was just as

revealing as the one that Rose wore, and she had on the most realistic looking blond wig I had ever
seen. It was cut into a V that landed at the middle of her back and she had barrettes in the front like it
was real hair and looked like part of the 'style'.

I panicked at the thought of what Bella would look like.
Minutes later there was a knock at the door and my fears became reality.
My Bella… my sweet, purely untainted, naturally beautiful Bella shuffled into the room in a skin

tight blue dress and heels. Her make up was dramatic, but the most startling thing was the long, red
curly wig that sat atop her head. The long curls swayed against her waist when she moved and she
looked uncomfortable as hell in the get up.

Alice had explained that the only way to be unrecognizable at first would be for each of them to

assume a new 'identity' for the bar. My eyes flicked from one girl to the next and it dawned on my
suddenly. "You look like a damn coven of witches."

Alice rolled her eyes. "Of course we do. That's what WoE stands for, genius. Witches of Eastwick.

A coven of hot sexy bitches that lure a man, specifically one who thinks he holds the power, into their
clutches and then removes his dignity in a most painful way."

"Like your succubus," Bella responded dryly.
Jasper placed a cool hand on my arm and squeezed. "We've got them covered, man. Plus, you're a


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death machine and I'm sure if it gets out of hand you can flip your switch and go completely insane, all
Road House style."

Emmett made a noise and did a cross over his heart. "Rest in peace, Swayze."
I took one last look at the hot mess that was in front of me and gave up. "Let's go before I change

my mind."

Char's Has the Blues was about four miles from the hotel and that was long enough for me to

conclude that this had indeed become a horrible idea. The bar was unassuming enough, set back off of
the road and covered in white lights. The interior was as dank as I had imagined it to be. The girls
drove ahead of us in the Porsche and Jasper had followed in the rental car, making sure to arrive and
park exactly three minutes after they had gotten there.

We walked in as detached as we could muster, ordered beers and then blended into the back of the

bar to watch the scene unfold.

The A Team had gone and done their research very well. Every night at this bar there was a

different live band that performed. And tonight that band was made up of a guitarist named James. The
band was just he and a singer named Laurent, but James was the target this evening. The band was a
bluesy kind of two piece that seriously needed some percussion, and their name made me roll my eyes
and suck my beer down faster than I had wanted to.

Newborn Moon took the stage at exactly nine p.m. and the girls were front and center for the

performance. Rose and Alice clearly took the slutty leads and were dancing against Bella like she was
the salami in a Subway sandwich. She looked down and giggled a lot while they pressed against her
and swayed to the less than melodic music that the duo on stage was cranking out.

James was exactly as I had imagined him to be; his blonde hair was on the long side and curled

under his ears in a strange way that made me think of Cobain, but way less cool. He wore a filthy
looking black leather jacket with chains hanging off of the side, and once the girls started to really get
into their parts, he took the jacket off and revealed a stained white v-neck Hanes.

The attempt at laid back and uncaring grungy rocker guy was almost laughable.
But his face was what turned my stomach. At some point someone probably thought he was

attractive, but he looked haggard now. And his eyes were as black as night, filled with hidden perverse

I slid my eyes over to Jasper when James leaned towards the crowd and yelled something at the

girls before rocking his pelvis back and forth behind his guitar…like he was Keith damn Richards.

James' eyes never left the witches for the next hour of the set. His posture was a hunter after his

prey and the girls were his intended quarry for the evening, just like Alice said they would be. After his
set was completed he made a beeline for the girls, and just the sight of him touching any of them made
me want to break my beer bottle and stab him in the neck.

Jasper tensed and I swore I heard him snarl when James placed a hand on Alice's hip. It was a really

good thing that Emmett was on security because the three of us wouldn't have let the man get of that
bar alive. Whatever the girls were saying was apparently exactly what James wanted to hear because he
called for a round of shots and then slapped money down on the bar, motioning for the Coven to follow

I pinched the bridge of my nose and breathed noisily, trying to calm my nerves. Jasper tapped my

arm and I looked up to see Bella lagging behind, looking taut as a tight rope. Her eyes flicked to mine
and she mouthed 'studio' before following the other girls to the parking lot.

Just like Alice said.


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The instinct to run was so intense that I almost passed out. When we left the bar and climbed into

the car, James had followed and asked to ride with us. Rose finally got him to admit that he had a car
and then she whispered that he didn't need to get caught without a ride and he agreed. We followed him
out of the parking lot and towards my old ballet studio in silence.

I craned my neck back to watch for the trailing lights of our knights in their shit-tastic old Ford that

they had rented from a terrible little car place just last night. When I finally saw their lights a few cars
back, I breathed a sigh of relief. "They're here," I mumbled.

Alice popped her head up to the front seat and warbled, "Run to the light, Carol Anne!"
I reached a hand out and flicked her on the forehead. "Not now, Ewok. Be serious. I'm about to


She slumped back into the seat and snorted. "You used to have fun with this in college."
I bit my lip and dug my nails into my palm. "I never had to face the guy who sexually assaulted me

and beat me up…when we were in college," I ground out between my teeth.

Her small hand reached up and patted my shoulder. "Sorry, you're right. This is serious."
We reached the studio within fifteen minutes and I strained my eyes into the dark to make out the

SUV that Emmett was holed up in about a block away. He was there. The guys were behind us. We
were going to be okay.

James got out and unlocked the building, heading in before us to turn on a few lights. Rose pressed

her hand to my thigh and smiled dementedly. "Let's go take his balls."

We entered the front door and the force of emotions that ran through me was unexpected. Flashes of

the attack and my life for those years before made me stagger a bit, which clearly made James think
that I was drunk. He hadn't touched me once and the girls made it a point to redirect him whenever he
tried to. Had he touched me it would have been my undoing.

I heard a radio turn on and almost burst into hysterical laughter.
That idiot was not playing…
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord
I've been waiting for this moment, all my life, oh lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord
Rose smirked and covered her mouth to stifle her laugh and play it off as a cough. Alice was much

better at this than either of us were and she twirled a bit before clasping her hands together and
announcing that it was her "favorite song ever."

Well, if you told me you were drowning
I would not lend a hand
I've seen your face before my friend
But I don't know if you know who I am
Knowing that he was still as smarmy and stupid as he had been all of those years ago made what

was about to happen so much easier.

Well, I was there and I saw what you did
I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off the grin, I know where you've been
Its all been a pack of lies
James walked to the back and returned with a bottle of vodka. We all pretended to fawn all over his

'generosity' and Alice faked her shot like a pro, feigning intoxication better than any actress I had ever
seen on the big screen.

James ran a finger over her shoulder and smirked, "You're really hot." He looked at Rose and I


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leaning against each other on the worn wooden floors, our faces reflected in a hall of mirrors. "You
too." His eyes raked over each inch of our bodies and I bit my tongue to keep from screaming.

"Do you have a girlfriend, James?" Rose's voice was sultry and laced with sexual innuendo.
James looked from Alice's neck to Rose's boobs. "Does it matter?" He snipped.
We all made eye contact and shrugged. "No," was Alice's answer.
He took a few more shots and I relaxed a little more when I saw his eyes become redder and hazy.

His red orbs landed on my legs and he licked his lips. "You look like you used to dance," he called to
me. I shook my head no and looked down in a fake blush. "You're the quiet one, huh?" I looked back
up and gave him a tentative smile. "Not in a few minutes…you won't be quiet then." He tipped the
bottle towards me and winked.

Rose pressed her hand firmly against my chest to stop me from convulsing.
"So, we were thinking that it would be incredibly sexy," Rose ran her fingers through my hair and

sighed, "if you got undressed." James' eyes narrowed and he grunted. "But, the three of us think that it
would be even sexier for you to get into something fun. Do you have anything here?" Her eyes roamed
across the shelves and landed on the item she wanted. Her hand raised and she pointed. "That."

"Oh, god…yes," Alice said with a shuddering breath. She looked up sweetly into the monster's face

and breathed, "Please?"

He never even knew what hit him. He jumped up and grabbed it, throwing his clothes off in a trail

while he went to change in the back room. "Now," Rose whispered and I ran to get his phone from his
pants. We had about ten minutes for everything to go down just as planned. So I grabbed his phone and
ran out the front door, flipping the face open and waving it towards the cars where the guys were

Not Emmett. No, that planet sized dick tarp was under just that… a tarp on the ground. He hadn't

been under there when we first arrived, but I heard him rustling beneath the material and I hissed, "Stop
moving!" Flipping through James' phone I hit the ICE contacts and my heart thudded wildly while I
typed a text to Victoria, inviting her to join us.

Racing back inside, I threw his phone across the floor and breathed easier when it skidded just

passed his pants right before he re-entered the room. Bare chested. And clad in only a tutu.

A big, pink, stick-straight-out-Swan-Lake-style frilly ass tutu.
And I couldn't even see his dick.
He posed a bit when he saw us staring and Alice pretended to be really turned on, rubbing her hands

across her thighs and sucking in air through her teeth. "It's hotter than I imagined," she lied like a

"Yeah?" He asked and ran his hand down his chest.
The next few minutes flashed by in a blur. I had left the door unlocked and Jasper burst through it

with a Polaroid camera, taking a shot of James in his new outfit. Edward was behind him with his
camera phone pointed straight at James and shaking his head. "This goes viral in two minutes," he

James screamed in fury and tried to reach for Alice, but she was too quick for him, ducking and

propelling herself across the waxed floor to Jasper's feet. He continued to pop off pictures and Alice
caught them as they fell from the mouth of the camera.

Rose pulled her phone out, too, and started to record. "Back up evidence," she answered his

unasked question. His face twisted in anger and he started to lunge when a look of fear crossed his
features and he covered his balls, eyes wide facing towards the front door.

Victoria tore through the door at an impressive speed, screaming her head off as she took in the

scene and her eyes landed on James. "What is this?" Her harpy voice made my hands go clammy and I
nudged my way closer to Edward.


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Rose turned her phone to Victoria. "Oh, this? James over here was about to show us his signature

move. What did you call it? A Cavalier peen-…no, no. It was a Poisson, right? But you said it was a
Puss-on? Yeah, that's right."

Victoria's face contorted in rage and pain flashed behind her eyes as she shook violently. "You no

good bastard. At my work? You were going to screw her at my job?"

"No!" Alice's little body popped up and she smiled. "He was trying to screw all three of us."
Victoria let out a sound that was like a feline in heat or in an alley getting its ear bitten off. She

threw herself at James and began pummeling him when she got there. "You're in a tutu! What the hell
were you thinking?" She screamed and he grabbed at her arms to stop her assault.

"You like being in a tutu, right? James?" My voice landed heavily in the air and Victoria spun

around, searching my face.

"What did you say?" She seethed.
I stepped forward, emboldened by the turn of events. "I said: He. Liked. It."
They both stared at me dumbly for a second until I ripped my wig off and snatched at the pins in

my hair. As the crinkled locks fell to my shoulders, I raked my fingers from beginning to end and threw
the wig across the floor.

"I know you," James growled.
I nodded and pulled my cuff off, handing it to Edward and stepping closer to the two of them.

"Yeah, I know you too, you son of a bitch." I waved my arm at them and recognition hit in a flash.

Victoria stepped forward and I had to remember to breathe. "Why are you here? And why the hell

are you doing this?" She asked.

Rose laughed and then shook her head. "Really? You make someone's life miserable for years and

then beat the shit out of her after your boyfriend assaults her, and you want an explanation of tonight's

"She was just jealous of you," James said and took a step back from Victoria.
"Shut up!" She screamed and turned to kick at him.
"It's true! You hated the way guys looked at her, how your mom treated her. You were so jealous it

was pathetic," he spat and laughed drunkenly.

She shook her head and pulled at her hair. "So what? You were…perfect. Perfect little girl next

door, perfect in school, perfect at everything. Everyone loved you…except your dad." Her eyes
snapped up to me and she snarled.

"Pathetic," I agreed. "My father loves me more than anyone in your entire life has ever loved you,

you sad little whore. And I know you have to be a whore because no woman would be satisfied with
that fun sized Butterfinger over there." I pointed at James.

They both stilled and stared at me, filling with rage more and more with each passing second. Out

of my periphery I saw Edward pass his phone off to Alice and take a step in my direction.

All at once, they both took a run at me and time slowed down before my very eyes. Rose

intercepted Victoria and she grabbed a hold of the thick mass of red curls, the force of it pulling the
skank off of her feet and into the air before she landed with a thud on the wooden floor. Rose straddled
her and Jasper took another picture as Rose's ass cheeks came into view.

Edward pushed me to the side and landed a forearm to James' chest knocking the wind out of him.

But before he could hit the ground, Edward spun him around and pulled his arm up at an unnatural
angle. The clicking sound that followed made me wince and the howl of pain that escaped James' lips
caused me to cringe. "Settle down, pansy. You might be able to pop it back in if it's not broken,"
Edward hissed.

There was yelling and screaming bouncing off of the mirrored walls. It was a lot of screaming,

actually. And then I heard a pop and a hiss before I felt something fly past my face and ruffle my hair. I


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spun around as I heard Alice scream with joy. Rose had yanked Victoria up and was holding her
towards the door, the same with Edward and James. And we all faced Emmett, fully clothed in black
and a ski mask, wielding those brilliantly camouflaged paintball guns.

That looked like machine guns.
"Everybody down!" He screamed and I snapped my head back to Rose. She looked concerned and

shook her head. This wasn't part of the plan.

We dropped to the floor slowly and there was a deafening torrent of shots that popped off above our

heads. He was laughing maniacally and I groaned when it clicked: he just wanted to be part of the

He stopped shooting and chuckled lowly. "Did you get your say?" He asked in my direction.
I stood up and turned back towards them, feeling no sympathy whatsoever for the sounds of

anguish pouring from them. "Not yet. Tonight, Victoria, you know how it feels. To be the ugly one. And
to realize that you're unloved," I yelled towards her. And then I turned to James, "Now you know what
it's like to be broken. And to have someone say that you liked it. Which, you'll continue to remember
because if you make one move to come after me, this shit goes on YouTube." Edward yanked on his
arm again and I snickered. "You don't mean anything to me anymore." I motioned for my friends to
follow behind me out the front door. Victoria made one last attempt to get at me and Rose smacked her
in the face.

She pointed to Edward and whispered, "He knows eight different ways to kill you with his pinky."

Victoria finally looked scared and fell to her knees.

We started to make our way outside and Emmett stepped into the studio a few feet closer, hooting

again under that creepy ass mask. With a howl of laughter, he let the paintballs fly, landing more than
one to James and his exposed body parts under his tutu as the twisted psycho rolled and tried to save
his balls from being hit.

Then just for fun, he stepped closer and shot one at Victoria's neck.
And it was not at the regulation distance of eight feet.


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Chapter 29


We got the hell outta Dodge.
Its not that we were afraid that they would call the cops, we just didn't want to risk it. I did wonder

how Victoria was going to clean up paintball residue on the ceiling, or how she would explain the entire
thing to her boss. And I wondered if she took James to the hospital, but the only reason I would ever
think about that was because by the time Emmett was done with him, he was completely naked.

That's right, Emmett took that damn tutu like he was scalping someone and bringing his prize back

with him. We obviously made him put that in the car for Alice and J to drive back with.

Along with the paintball guns.
The rest of us packed the following morning and went to buy one-way tickets back to Seattle. I was

more than happy that I didn't have to sit in the tin can for twenty hours with Alice and her love of all
things bubblegum pop.

And I had Edward.
I had him.
When we finally boarded the plane, I slumped down with exhaustion in my seat, thankful for a

cushion for my ass. Those hooker heels made my butt cheeks hurt and my calves felt like they had lead
pipes in them. Or maybe that was the hot sexin' I got before putting the shoes on? Either way, my body
hurt. And both were worth it.

Edward put his hand into mine while we took off and as I watched Phoenix disappear underneath

us, I breathed a sigh of relief. I had conquered what I needed to so that I could move on.

"What now?" He asked and kissed my knuckles.
I shrugged, at a loss for what to say. "What now? I guess we…live. We take one day at a time."
He nodded with understanding. "And how do you feel?"
We hadn't really talked about everything that had happened the night before and I sure as hell didn't

want to start on the plane. I just decided to be honest.

"I feel okay. I'm not going to be instantly healed, you know that. It just makes facing it easier now

that I know the truth." Victoria had tormented me out of jealousy and James had come after me because
I was attractive to other people, I just didn't know it. But he also saw me as weak and was convinced
that he could do whatever he wanted to and I wouldn't stand up for myself. At that time, he was correct.

But now I was the Sixth.
I had a family made up of friends that loved me enough to fight with me and in my defense. And I

had their Fifth, who was my First. I smiled a bit at the thought.

"What are you smiling about?" He whispered with a twinkle in his eye.
"I was just thinking about having the next week off to do things that I want to do, and not needing

to bum rides to work from my sexy coworker who, "I leaned in close to his ear like I was sharing a
secret, "has this ridiculously big dick. But, don't tell him I said that. It might make things a little

He squeezed my hand and groaned in amusement. "You'll be the death of me, Bella Swan."
Wednesday and Thursday we just rested. Alice and Jasper took their time driving back and making

it into a bit of a road trip to see the sights. Which meant that Edward and I had the apartment to
ourselves. It was just so easy to go back to normal when we were back in ordinary surroundings. Like
nothing had happened.


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Like it was a dream.
What I wanted to do was to let my friends know exactly how much I loved them and appreciated

them, so I made a mental list of things that I could do to show my appreciation. I would have to do
them while they were at work or preoccupied in order for it to be a surprise, because their nosy ass
tendencies made surprises hard to carry out.

The person I wanted to start with was Edward, and since we were alone for a few days, it seemed

like the perfect time. I asked Emmett to take him to the gym early on Friday and to keep him out until
almost dinner. I didn't have much to give, but I would give what I could. Because that's what he had
given to me.

When he came through the door at six o'clock, I was nervous. I'd checked with Jasper on a few

things and was feeling slightly confident that I could pull this off. And if I couldn't I guessed that I
could always just give him a hummer and call it a night.

The smell of dinner must have hit his nose immediately, because he dropped his gym bag in the

entry way and followed the aroma into the kitchen. It reminded me of those old cartoons where the
smell clouds would turn into hands and then stick two fingers up the person's nose and drag them to the
food. "What are you cooking?" He asked when he finally came to a stand still.

I turned from the stove and smiled a little, smoothing my green t-shirt down so that it covered the

top of my jeans. "Esme said your favorite meal was chicken enchiladas and she gave me the recipe so I
thought I'd fix it for you tonight." My cheeks began burning red at the confession of calling his mom
for his favorite childhood meal. But the reaction on his face made any and all embarrassment worth it.

"I haven't had that in forever," he murmured.
I motioned for him to sit and then served up the plates along with some homemade Sangria. He

looked from the pitcher to the plate to my face. There was a small moment where he looked like he was
thinking and then he put his fork down and pushed back a bit from the table. "Did you do something
that's going to make me have to sleep alone tonight?" His eyes were narrowed and he looked at me

"Flucking hell, CC. Can't your girlfriend cook you a damn dinner? Why do you think I've done

something? And do you really think I would try to make it up to you with chicken and goat cheese?" I
sat back in exasperation. "Goat cheese apologies…"

There was a full two minutes of silence as we did nothing but stare at the other.
I can't stand silence and will talk just to hear my own voice, so of course I was the one to speak


"I just wanted to thank you for Phoenix. I can't really do anything else to show my appreciation, but

I can cook a kick ass meal that will make you have to take a cold shower from the foodgasm you're
about to receive. And I have something else for you, but if you're going to be all Inspector Suspicious
then I'll just nix the whole stupid thing." My foot was swinging from my chair and hitting the table leg
in a steady rhythm.

Edward finally relaxed a little and sat forward towards his plate again. "You can't blame me, can

you? It's not like this is regular behavior around here."

I sighed and placed my napkin on the table. "But it could be if you'd stop being such an assplug.

You're making me feel weird about it."

He apologized and we both began to eat in silence. There was a steady clank of metal against plates

while I cut into my food and tried not to throw it at his head. I heard Edward make a small noise and
looked up to see his eyes flutter before he squeezed them shut and muttered,

It was almost erotic watching him eat my food like that…scratch that. I would watch him masticate

any day of the week and use it to get off, what with the sounds that were coming out of his mouth and


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the way he was gripping his fork like he was about to unload in his jeans.

Vicki was agitated.
I didn't realize that I had stopped eating and was holding my fork in mid air while I stared at him


"You didn't make those noises when your mom fed you, did you?" I questioned him. "Because that's

kind of Bates Motel-y if that's the case."

He swallowed his bite and chuckled. "This is my mom's recipe, but it's not her cooking. It's…

incredible…you didn't have to do this; but I'm glad you did." He grinned again and shoved another
forkful in his mouth.

When we were both done, I cleared the table and instructed him to wait in the living room until I

called him. I went into the bedroom and set everything up, changed into my shorts and tank top, and
then called him in. As he walked through the door, his eyes widened and he stopped cold.

"What's this?"
I patted the bed and motioned for him to come over. "It's a massage. No strings attached. No sexual

favors. Just me giving you a massage, because I think you need one and deserve it."

Light bulb above his head…there it was.
"I-I, Bella you really don't have to do this. I was there for you because I wanted to be and because I

wanted you to be safe." He looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Just strip and lie down, CC." I rolled my eyes and moved to light the candles on the nightstand and

pressed play on the iPod to start the classical music compilation I had made for him. He moved
reluctantly but finally undressed and planted himself face first on the sheet I had draped over the

"Comfy?" I asked in a whisper. He just nodded slightly and turned his face to me. The oil in my

hands was getting warmer as I held it, so I put some in my palms and rubbed them together. I straddled
his butt and settled onto the back of his hips after which he made a low sound that could have been a
moan, but it was muffled.

The music in the room filtered through the speakers softly and the candlelight flickered against his

skin, causing him to look almost ghostly in the dim light. I listened to his breathing as I ran my fingers
slowly from the base of his skull to the top of his spine in small circles. Jasper had suggested using that
method, tight circles, to relax him and work over his tensed nerves. Especially over his neck since he
cracked it all the damn time.

Concentrating on each patch of skin that I was working over, my fingers pressed against his pale

shoulders and across to his arms. It was incredibly intimate and I was vaguely proud of myself for the
effort. His sides were soft and sensitive under my oiled fingertips and he flinched a little, causing me to
giggle at his girly reaction.

When I had reached the base of his spine, I shifted back on my haunches and pulled his boxers

down only slightly to press my thumbs into the muscles there. His breathing picked up a bit and I
shook my head, knowing that it was harder than he thought it was not to jump his bones when he made
sounds like that. So I concentrated on his thighs and down his calves until I pressed pressure points to
his feet.

The candles had burnt almost completely down and my hands were tired, but I was swollen with

pride at myself. Satisfied that I had done that for him with no ill intentions.

Because I could love him in more ways than one.
Sliding up on the bed beside him I kissed his cheek and laid my head on my elbow to face him. His

lovely green eyes opened and he smiled lazily. "Thank you," he said. I whispered that he was welcome
and then proceeded to run my fingers through his hair until we both fell asleep.


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Jasper and Alice were back at the apartment early Sunday evening and while Alice was in the

shower I pulled him aside. We sat on the couch with the television turned low just in case Alice came in
earlier than we expected.

I clasped his hand in mine and took a deep breath. "J? Are you gonna make an honest woman out of

Alice any time soon?"

He looked at me like I had five heads and sixteen tits. "You know I'm planning on proposing to her,

Bees. Why are you asking me this?"

I patted his hand and nodded my head. "She's pinpointed Valentine's Day as the day you're going to

do it. I think you should switch plans on her and catch her off guard."

"Really? Is that so? Tell me…why would she even know that I was planning on it?" His eyebrow

was cocked and he was smirking.

I threw my hand up and make the Scout sign. "She told me before you did, dude. Swear. I would

spit swear with you, but ever since that time Emmett hocked a loogie in my hand I've been really
grossed out about it…" He seemed to be satisfied with that answer. I just decided to dive right in. "I
made reservations for you guys next Thursday night at Crush. I think you should do it then. That's just
my opinion, though. You can go and just have a brain melting meal if you want, but I just wanted to let
you know that the opportunity is there if you decide to use it."

His slow smile spread wide and he placed a gentle hand on my knee. "You're the best friend, Bella."
Scratching my head, I laughed. "You need to work on your grammar. That sentence made no


"No, it made total sense. Can I tell you something that I've always wanted to tell you, but didn't

think you were ready to hear yet?" My head bobbed minutely. "Bella, you've thought for the past…
however long…that we were all broken after E left. And we were because he was the link for all of us
when we were younger, our best friend. He was the one who made us laugh, the one who we all looked
forward to hanging out with. He was a protector of sorts, too. And while you believe that when he went
away we all lost that…you were wrong."

I couldn't understand what he was saying.
He lifted a hand to my cheek and smiled. "You filled all of those holes, Bella. Never, ever believe

differently. You've been who we needed, just as much as we've been who you needed all this time.
Regardless of what you think, you're stronger than you know. And always have been."

I flicked my eyes away from him because it was starting to hurt my heart.
"Hey," his voice pulled me back. "You take that compliment, you hear me?" I nodded. "Good. Now,

I'm off to go make plans to lock Alice to my leg with a ball and chain next week. And thank you." He
leaned forward and kissed my cheek before he walked back to their room.

Someday I would fully believe him.

Monday I took the opportunity to let myself in to Rose and Ems apartment. I spent the entire day

cleaning and then made them dinner and left it on warm in the oven.

"Emmett," I warned into the cell phone as I left his apartment. "You bring your giant ass home right

after work and feed our woman, you hear me?"

His voice was laced with questions. "What the hell are you talking about?"
I locked his door behind me and pressed the phone to my shoulder. "I came over and made you

guys dinner, so make sure you both come home and eat it. It's on Warm and if you forget it you may
have to find a new apartment because yours will have burnt down."

I flipped the phone shut and sighed with satisfaction. I had left them a heartfelt letter, too. Just so

they didn't think I was some kind of cleaning-dinner-cooking psycho.

He was going to be so happy to have dinner.


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And clean sheets.
And to have the tutu hanging above the computer in their office.
Edward arrived home shortly after I did and he looked tired. "How was work?" I asked with a

chiding tone.

"Oh, work was…work was busier than usual." He shrugged and set his coat down. "Mike, Tyler and

Eric still went paintballing without us and all of them have walking pneumonia, so we are short

He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms across my chest, pulling my back to him in a strong

embrace. He kissed the top of my head; his arms tightening and causing me make a small mewling
sound. "I missed you," I confessed.

"You did?" He mumbled into my hair, my skin erupting in goose bumps and my nipples trying their

hardest to cut glass. I turned into him and reached up on my tiptoes to give him a kiss. His hands trailed
lower across my back and he cupped my ass to raise me higher. I smiled against his lips and affirmed it.

Pulling back slightly, I winked. "I'm hanging out with Esme tomorrow. Are you nervous?"
"Nah," He replied, walking us toward the bedroom. "You guys behave when you're together." I

snickered at his words…because there would be absolutely no behaving tomorrow.

"You should just stay with her and I'll meet you for dinner at their house," he said, with his hands

running up my sides and catching the hem of my shirt. "I want to talk to my Dad anyway."

"Uh-huh," I sighed into his mouth.


"Ready to go?" Emmett took one of my pens off of my desk and nonchalantly threw it over his

shoulder, where it landed with a thunk against Stefan's desk. We heard him jump and squeak in his
chair and Emmett snickered at the sound.

I made a notation on the page I was working on and nodded before turning off my monitor and

reaching for my coat. We were meeting Ben for lunch, but obviously we had to be incognito about the
whole thing, so we were driving separately to the restaurant. When we arrived, Ben was already seated
and looking very important in his booth at the back of the restaurant.

Like Tony Soprano.
"Gentlemen," he addressed us as we took our seats. Finally, his big goofy smile broke out and he

slid his eyes over to Emmett. "So, are there stories from Phoenix?" Emmett leaned back cockily and
raised his eyebrows. Ben looked to me, "Thanks for those pictures of his tantrum, Eddie. I laughed for
an hour when you sent them."

Emmett mumbled under his breath about 'serial killers' and 'abduction'. We spent the next thirty

minutes filling Ben in on our trip and the resulting debauchery that followed. He listened intently while
I filled in the gaps from the WoE that Emmett didn't know because he was camped outside under his
tarp. When Emmett got to the part where he ran in and started firing, Ben choked on a noodle and had
to receive the Heimlich.

"You are not right in the head, son. Where did I go wrong?" He mused. We laughed over the

situation a little more until the conversation turned to Bella and how she had handled everything. "How
is she?" Ben asked, looking as protective as I'd ever seen him.

I swallowed thickly and looked him in the eye. "She's been having nightmares since we got back,

but I think she's doing much better than any of us anticipated." Emmett agreed. "Honestly Ben? I think
she's turned out to be the strongest one of us all."

Ben's mouth turned up into a grin and he drummed his fingers on the table top with a proud look in


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his eyes. "I always knew she would be. She's been a fighter since I've known her, and she's ferociously
protective of those that she loves. It was about damn time she stood up for herself."

"Well, she did. She stood her ground and faced it head on. I'm sure the tutu helped her feel a little

more in control of the situation, though." Emmett roared with laughter and hit the table with his hand.
"Ah, the tutu…I love that tutu."

Ben asked for the check and we waited as he signed the bill. "So…Edward?" Ben was asking, his

eyes still watching his hand sign the ticket. "Are you going to ask her?"

My water glass slid a bit out of my fingers and I scrambled to catch it before it hit the table. It hit

the surface with less force than it would have, but water still splashed up a little in my face, eliciting an
even louder laugh from both of them. I wiped the liquid from my eyes before answering.

"I'm asking my father for her ring tonight, actually."
Emmett didn't look the slightest bit shocked.
Neither did Ben.
"Have you spoken to Charlie?" Ben chuckled as he closed the check holder and placed it on the

edge of the table. I shook my head no and he sighed with irritation. "Chuck's not a bad guy, Ed. I know
he pulled a gun on you, but it was all in good fun." Ben reached into his coat pocket and flipped his
phone open. Seconds later he pressed the phone closer to his ear, "Chuck! Yeah, you too. Hey, listen…
you know that Cullen kid that lives with your daughter? Yeah, he's alright I guess." His eyes crinkled in
a smile and he sat back more comfortably in his chair. "Do you think you'd like him as a Son-in-Law?"

My hands clenched the water glass so tightly that I thought I could crack it. Emmett raised his

eyebrows and pulled it from my fingers just in case. There was so much silence on this end of the
conversation that I started to think that Charlie was on a full rant about how much he hated me and
thought that she could do better.

Ben leaned forward and only offered an "Oh, sure," or a "Yeah, I agree." My nerves were fraying

by the second and I vaguely wondered if I should grab a pill so that I wouldn't explode into a thousand
pieces before he got off of the phone. Ben's laughter hit me like a left hook from Tyson, pulling me out
of my head and back into the present.

He asked Charlie to hang on and then pressed his hand over the receiver. "He wants four cows and

twelve goats as dowry. Then he'll think about it and let you know what else he needs." I stared at him in
stunned silence. Ben laughed heartily and pushed the phone towards me. "He said that you didn't have
to come to Forks if you want to ask…he'll settle for a phone call. No better time than the present,
right?" He offered the phone to me again and I bit the inside of my cheek until I swore I could taste

Emmett gripped my shoulder hard and squeezed, "You love her, dude. Why wait?"

Arriving at my parent's house after work, I noticed another car in the driveway that I didn't

recognize. I had hoped that we would be eating alone and not have any company so that I could get my
father to talk about my interest in getting Nana's ring for Bella. It was a nice black Mercedes, so I
assumed that it was probably one of Dad's associates and resolved myself to having to wait to talk with
him at another time.

The house was warm and inviting as always, but today something felt different. I stilled in the foyer

and cocked an ear towards the kitchen where the sound of laughing and music could be heard. Curious,
I made my way towards that portion of the house and was overcome with happiness when I saw the
source of the laughter.

Bella and Esme were cooking dinner and dancing round the kitchen like best friends.
Or mother and daughter.
I cleared my throat noisily and they both looked up with shocked looks on their faces before


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crumbling into fits of laughter. My mom came around the island and gave me a hug before excusing
herself to go get Carlisle. Bella caught my eye and gave me a wink while she finished chopping

"Who else is here?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her and squeezing her until she squealed.
"What? No one." She turned and gave me a dirty look. "Are you drunk? Seeing pink bunnies and


I pointed towards the door. "If no one else is here, then whose shiny Mercedes is that in the


Her face was expressionless for a second before she blushed bright red and started to stutter. "You-

you're-um, you're…Esme…mom. Dammit. Okay," She took a steadying breath. "I asked Esme to come
with me to look at cars. I wanted a used Honda or something economical, but she started eyeing that
beast and was saying shit about it being a tank and that I'd be safe and that she would hate for me to die
in a fiery car crash before I could give her grandbabies…and I caved." Her eyes were huge and I swear
I saw one twitch. "It's mine."

"You got your own car?" I ran my hands along the outside of her arms and she nodded minutely.
"Yay, independence, right?" She joked and raised her hands slightly like a cheerleader. Which was

when I noticed the bandage on her wrist.

"Did you get hurt?" I asked her, suddenly very worried. She flinched and dropped her arm to her

side. Backing away from me, she pressed against the kitchen counter and realized that she was trapped.

"Esme…you gotta understand, E. I just wanted to get some coffee…maybe a bagel? Ask her how

she got so lady like and what kinda stuff you liked as a kid. Regular bullshit that ladies do…not that I
know what that is, but I was hoping to find out today…" Her voice faltered as I stepped closer to her
and pressed against her chest.

I reached a hand down to her wrist slowly and brought up to her eye level. She grinned sheepishly

and shrugged. "Hey, the good news is that you can have your cuff back. I bet you missed it, huh?" She
was asking as I began to unwrap her dressing.

"Oh, whoa…" I looked at her face and she blushed scarlet. "You're not supposed to keep it wrapped

like that, Bella." She nodded, still waiting for my full reaction.

Finally she took a shaky breath and ran her finger across the raised skin. "Just another step, CC.

That's all. I've hidden it for so long and been ashamed, but I don't want to be. This scar? It's a part of
me and my history, but I also overcome it every day." Her eyes welled with small unshed tears. "I want
it to be a symbol of conquering, not being conquered."

I grinned at her and pulled her delicate wrist closer to my face to look more closely at the design.

They had tattooed tiny almost imperceptible blue butterflies at the thinnest point of the scar. As the scar
grew in width, so did the size of the butterflies. It looked like they were being freed and spiraling up
towards the front of her wrist. And words were written over and below the curve of the bite mark in
carefully inked cursive, in the same flow and pattern as the butterflies: Whatever our souls are made of,
his and mine are the same.

"Bronte?" I asked softly and she nodded, biting her lip as I inspected her new addition to her

flawless skin.

"Wuthering Heights is my favorite," her little voice explained.
"It's beautiful," I told her and brought her wrist to my lips to kiss it. My eyes rose to meet hers and I

smiled. "Just like you."

"Yeah," she replied. We stared at each other like that for a few minutes, not feeling the need to say

anything more. We heard my mother in the hallway and Bella grimaced, "Don't ask your mom about
her tat. She wants it to be a surprise for Carlisle tonight."


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Chapter 30


I stared across the dinner table at my mother, unable to concentrate on anything other than the

thought that somewhere under her Chanel, she was sporting some new ink. And my father was going to
flip his shit. My eyes unfocused on the basket of rolls in the middle of the table and I tried in vain to
figure out why she had decided to go through with it.

And would my dad blame Bella's influence?
Bella cleared her throat and squeezed my knee. I jerked my head up and blinked, trying to focus on

the conversation at hand. It was trivial, like conversations with my parents usually were. It was a shame
really. So much had happened that I wanted them to be aware of, but the dinner table seemed an
unlikely place to start and finish that conversation. I was a little worried about my father's reaction to
what I was about to tell him.

But he needed to know about our progress.
When dinner was complete, I offered to help Bella in the kitchen with the dishes and she chuckled

under her breath. I guess she laughed because my parents had a world-class dishwasher. It didn't matter
to me. I liked doing things like that at my parent's house. Especially with her. It was just so…normal.

We piled the dishes into the sink and she began to rinse them off silently while I loaded them into

the washer. "What is it?" I whispered loudly.

Her face screwed up in obvious amusement. "What are you referring to?"
She knew. She just wanted me to come out and beg for it.
"Mom's tattoo? My dad is gonna freak, I'm pretty sure. In fact, I know he will and I want to make

sure that whatever she got won't make him even more angry and get me written out of his Will."

She rolled her eyes and snorted. "Why would he be mad about it? She totally got it for him. It's a

pirate, but it has Carlisle's face. She brought a picture." I froze in horror. "It's above her ass and it says,
"Carlisle's Booty."

My heart stopped beating. Oh, shit. I'm going into cardiac arrest
Bella looked concerned and reached a hand out for the plate I was about to drop. "Oh, please,

Edward. Do you really think I'm that irresponsible? Thanks for the confidence, asswad. I wouldn't let
her do that shit." She shook her head and muttered under her breath. "We picked out an infinity heart.
It's just black and it's on her back, in the center like yours, but a little higher. She said that when she
sleeps, she has her back to your dad's chest and that it would line up exactly with his heart."

I took a staggered breath and wiped my hands over my face before shoving them through my hair.

"You are so…not funny, Bella Swan. You almost made me have a seizure, woman!"

Esme floated into the kitchen and stopped behind Bella to wrap her arms around her back and lay

her head on her shoulder. Looking up at me with a sweet look on her face, she smiled. "I love this girl,"
my mother spoke to me and winked before letting Bella go. "Your father said he'd be in his study if you
needed to talk to him."

I looked between the two of them and nodded. "I do, actually." Bella's face seemed a little alarmed

so I bent to kiss her forehead assuring her that it was fine. "Man stuff," I explained with a grin.

Making my way down the hall to my father's study, I ran through what I needed to say and what I

wanted to say. I was hoping that they were the same thing. His office door was ajar and soft lamplight
spilled into the darkened hallway where it landed across my feet with an inviting glow. "Dad?" I called


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and he responded for me to come in.

He was sitting on the couch, a book open in his lap and a small smile on his lips. "You needed to

talk to me?" He asked with a knowing tone.

I let out a short laugh, suddenly nervous. "Yes, Sir. Actually I have something to tell you. And then

I have something to ask you. Which do you want first?"

He cocked his head and looked thoughtful. "Does one precede the other?" I shook my head no.

"Then tell me first. We can always handle questions later."

I sat next to him and stretched my legs out, resting my head on the back of the couch. With a sigh I

turned towards him, "We went to Phoenix to deal with some of Bella's issues." He snapped his book
shut, his attention suddenly fully trained on me. "Yeah, Dad, listen. I know it may sound stupid…but
we're working through our stuff together. I wanted to get all of this out in the open so that I have no
secrets from you; so I don't feel like I'm letting you down all of the time."

His face fell and he started to speak but I held up my hand to stop him. "Bella's come a long way, if

you haven't noticed. I told you about the incident with her stepbrother, and you should know that there
is a tape. And we watched it together. It may have to be used in court and I'm not sure if she's planning
to testify, but if it gets out, you should know."

I swallowed my pride and pushed through. "So, because of that, she has begun to mend her

relationship with her father, and to accept that he has never blamed her for anything. She's becoming
more independent, and I've gotten her to say that she's beautiful, and to take pride in herself a little.
But, I know it's not all me. It's us. It's just…I don't know, Dad. She's…" My voice trailed off and I

"At Ben's party, there was an incident. Umm, Leah was there." My father's eyes grew wide with

questions. "Yeah, it was very strange, but it happened. Bella…Dad, Bella faced her down and told her
everything that we could never say. She stood up for our entire family…especially you. And she did all
of that after Denali apparently let it slip that I should be taking meds for my Sexsomnia."

"That shouldn't have happened," Carlisle's eyes clouded over in dismay.
I patted his knee. "I'm glad it did, Dad. She made me take a look at what he never could. I kept

thinking that the disorder defined me in some way; it made me different, and that I had to dwell on it,
loathe myself for it. Like there was no way that I could ever have a normal life, that I deserved the
stigma and pain because it was…me. It. WAS. Me. But, the truth is that I could have taken control of it
and forgiven myself for something that was not my fault and an accident."

He sat back on the couch and propped his head on his hand, enthralled.
"Knowing that Leah was such a terrible person made letting go of my guilt for her that much easier.

So, I told Bella that I would get Denali to write me a script. And he did. And I'm taking it when
needed." I held his gaze and he nodded. "You should know that too, in case something comes up about
it somewhere.

"In exchange for my meds, and to get me stop being a sleep humper, Bella said that she'd go to

Phoenix and face the people that attacked her." Carlisle sounded like he had stopped breathing. "I
followed her. Well, technically, I got there first. But she admitted that she couldn't do it alone. That's a
huge frecking step, Dad."

He shot forward, a laugh erupting from his lips. "What did you say? Frecking?"
"Oh, yeah. Bella likes to make us use fake cusswords. Sorry, I should have warned you about my

new vocabulary." I laughed too and felt the mood shift slightly. "Anyway, she said she needed me and
we all had her back when she did what she needed to do. She faced her old house, her old school and
the site of her attack. But, that's the part I need to tell you about the most." I had a sick feeling in my
stomach about his imminent reaction.

With a deep breath, I let it out. "Our friends from Forks are…insane. Like, clinically. Possibly. But


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they…we…work as a team. A family." I explained the elaborate plan and execution, fully expecting
him to yell at me angrily or berate me for my childish behavior, but he just listened intently. And then
he howled with laughter when I described Emmett and the paintball guns, his snatching of the tutu and
how we all bailed the next morning. When I was done, I sat back and just looked at him for reaction. "I
know I've let you down and I'm sorry if you're disappointed…"

"Edward," my father's voice cut me off sharply. "I have never, not one day of your life, been

anything less than proud of you. I wish I had known that you've been feeling this way for so long, but
since you seem to be in the midst of something life defining, I will tell you now. You are nothing short
of perfect in my eyes. You've made great decisions…and yes, I'm including Bella in that statement. I'll
be honest by saying that I was worried about you two at first." He laced his fingers together and
pressed them to his lips.

"But the steps that you've taken together, for the other, with each other…I'm nothing short of

impressed. I've never seen two people work so hard for the other." He smirked, "Unless you count me
and your mom. But, look at where we are now, right?" There was a moment of silence while I soaked
in his words. "I think that you two are perfect for each other. And I have noticed her advancement, by
the way. She's a lovely girl and she loves you…intensely. She's also good with your mom, and that can't
be bad for the future, right?"

"That leads to the question, actually." I ran my hands through my hair nervously again. "But first,

thank you. For clearing up my misconception. I've hated thinking that I was a disgrace and that I had
caused you any embarrassment. It killed me." I took a deep breath, relishing in the feeling of breathing
easy for the first time in years. "I love you, Dad."

He pulled me into a hard man embrace. "I love you, Son."
After a second, we pulled back awkwardly. I cleared my throat and delved straight into my

question. "I love her. Bella, I mean. And, Dad? I want to marry her." He didn't look surprised. "I've
come to ask for Nana's ring. If you'll let me."

He grinned and nodded. "The engagement ring?"
I shook my hand no. "No, not that one. I was wondering if I might have the blue diamond? Bella

has requested no diamonds, but I can't have her walking around with a sapphire or something. So, I
wanted the blue diamond and I'll just fail to mention that it's not a semi-precious stone."

Carlisle ran his hands over his face as he groaned. "That's good, Son. Start the relationship off with

a lie. That's perfect."

"She's stubborn, Dad. You have no idea how stubborn. I have to trick her into stuff all the time."
I watched him process that. "She is so much like your mother. God bless, Edward. You have a hard

road ahead of you." He winked and crossed the room to open the wall safe. He shifted a few things
over, opened a box to verify the contents and then nodded in satisfaction. "I believe it suits her more
than a regular diamond, anyway." He handed it over with pride.

I opened the box and smiled. He was right.
"One last thing, Edward." I looked up at him from my perch on the couch. "Since you seem to keep

things from her…I assume she doesn't know about your inheritance?"

"Of course not."
He smirked. "Thought so. She seems like the kind of girl that will be pissed when she realizes that

you're unbelievably well off."

When we arrived at the apartment, Bella looked concerned. We stepped up to door and she leaned

her head towards it listening intently. "Shh, do you hear…crying?" She whispered. I strained to hear
and I could only make out faint noises.

She unlocked the door and threw it open, "Alice? Lice? J? What the hell is going on?" She made a


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beeline for their room and we heard the wailing get louder. Suddenly the door was wrenched open and
Alice stepped out into the hallway, eyes wide and hair disheveled.

"We're fine!" She said too forcefully. There was a loud sound from the bedroom and she winced.

"It's fine."

Bella started to move past her, not believing her. "No!" Alice threw herself in front of the door and


"Mary Alice, you let me by. Jasper sounds like he's dying in there." Bella tried to move her over.
"I bent it!" Alice screamed. We both stood frozen, staring at her in horror. "It was a penircus act

gone wrong. He has ice on it, just let it go. Please?"

I instantly placed my hand over my zipper. "Bent it? Bent? Like bent…in half?" I couldn't

comprehend what she was saying.

Alice looked exasperated. "He'll be fine. I just…ugh. He will be fine, right?"
Bella shook her head, unsure. "I dunno, Lice. I haven't heard sounds like that since Em accidentally

stuck it in the wrong hole that one time and Rose threatened to cut his junk off and mail it to Africa."

We asked once more if they needed anything and Alice assured us it was a no. As we settled in to

the bed, Bella sighed with worry. "I sure hope his dick heals by Thursday. How much would it suck to
propose with a bruised, crooked cock?"

I nestled my face into her hair and nodded. "Yep, that would be a terrible proposal."
Bella traced lazy lines up and down my arm as she was deep in thought. "CC? Do you miss your


"I do." I hadn't realized just how much I missed it until I had played a little after my talk with my


"Me too," she sighed.
I poked her side and she squealed. "I bet you do."
"Not like that, pervo. I meant I miss hearing you play and how happy it makes you. You look so

content when you're deep into the music. I just wish we had room for it so you could play whenever
you want." She rolled towards me and planted a kiss on my nose. "Our next place will be big enough
and we'll bring it with us."


Alice and Jasper had finally headed to Crush for their dinner Thursday night, and we had Emmett

bring Rose over to have dinner with us while we waited for the inevitable announcement call. Emmett
was rifling through the fridge hunting for more food while we started the movie. I vaguely wondered if
he had broken any eggs in his foraging.

"What's this?" he asked and held up a long foil wrapped item.
I looked up and squinted to remember. "That's the last breakfast sausage," I called back.
Emmett guffawed. "That sounds like the name of some sort of epic movie." He dropped his voice to

sound like the MoviePhone guy. "The Last Breakfast Sausage…"

Edward snorted, "Starring Jack Black and Liam Neeson…" They both laughed at their little joke

and bumped fists.

I raised an eyebrow. "Funny, E. You're getting better, thanks to those Improv classes."
He flicked a bottle cap at me and smirked. "You're just worried that I'll be funnier than you one

day," he chided.

I snorted loudly. "Never gonna happen, buddy. It takes years to perfect this kind of sarcasm and

self-deprecation. If you started now you'd still never catch up."


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Rose agreed. "You may have been funny…a little, back in the day. But, Bella's got you beat by a


Emmett pursed his lips. "We'll work on it, E. I'll bring you up to speed and some day people will

think you're the funnier of the two and that Bees is just trying too hard to keep up with you."

We settled into the couches and started the movie. After a few minutes, I looked around and smiled

wistfully. "I miss this," I said with honesty. Rose smiled sadly and nodded her head while Emmett

"We should do this more often then." Edward pulled me closer to his chest while he spoke. "Just

because we live on different streets doesn't mean we can't hang out like this anymore."

Rose took a sip of her wine and sighed. "After tonight, everything will be different. The Tantric

Twins will want to find their own apartment and then all of us will have our own places." Her eyes got
sad. "It'll be like a bunch of divorced couples trying to get custody of their kids. Thanksgiving at your
place. Christmas at ours."

She was right. When did we grow up? The reality of adulthood hung heavily across the living room

as we all pretended to watch the movie.

At around nine, the call we had been waiting for came through. Alice called my cell and I flipped it

open so that we could hear her on speakerphone. We all gathered around the phone in the kitchen so
that Alice could be heard by all of us. Not that it would have been a problem hearing her. Our deaf
neighbor downstairs probably deciphered her 'canine only' pitch reverberating through the building.

"Hey, Alice...Have a nice dinner?" I asked with a giggle, trying my best to sound nonchalant.
"Ah! Bees! Is everybody else there too? Em? Ro? Edward?" Her voice shook the walls with the

force of her squeals.

"Yes, we're here…" Rose chuckled and leaned closer to the phone.
Emmett pulled her back, "You might want to back up in case it shatters and explodes. That phone

could cause damage to your face."

Alice yelled, "They're all there! " Faintly, Jasper could be heard muttering something in the

background. "Oh, okay." She pressed her face back into the phone. "Jasper proposed over dinner!"

We all clapped and called our congratulations to them. "That's great, you two…Congratulations!

Make your way home and we'll have some Proposal Cake." I elbowed Edward and winked while I
mouthed, 'watch this'.

There was pure static on the other end of the phone. Eventually Alice's voice came through in a low,

menacing tone. "You knew? Before I did?"

We all laughed loudly at catching her off guard. "C'mon, just be happy. We couldn't let you go

around planning Valentine's Day as your proposal day. Jasper needed to surprise you, oh mighty Oda

Jasper made another noise in the background and Alice's icy tone turned condescending. "Well, bet

you can't guess what happens next."

Emmett's brow furrowed and Edward leaned closer to the phone. "What are you talking about?"

Edward asked.

She laughed a little and then clucked her tongue. "We're not coming home tonight."
"So, J got a hotel room or something for you?" Rose was pressing.
There was a shuffle and suddenly Jasper's voice filled the room. He had Alice's phone on speaker

now, too. "We're headed to the airport."

"We're going to Vegas."
We all looked at each other in shock. I hadn't even thought of Vegas as a possibility for them.
"No you're not," I stated matter-of-factly.


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"We are." Jasper seemed only slightly remorseful.
Rose snatched the phone off of the table and started yelling, "Mary Alice Brandon, you get your ass

back here immediately. You have been planning that Cinderella princess wedding since you were seven
years old. How in the hell can you even think for a second that you'd be happy with Vegas?"

Emmett piped up, "Lice, listen. Are you…knocked up or something? Why the rush to go tonight?"
"Oh, I don't know," Alice mused. "Maybe because I've been waiting TWENTY YEARS for this man

to put a ring on my finger and I want it. NOW."

Edward pushed his hands through his hair and across his jaw, looking pensive. "You didn't answer

the question. Are you pregolas or not?"

"No!" Both Alice and Jasper yelled and we all jumped a little.
I pulled the phone back from Rose, the heat of my body turning my entire frame bright red. With

intentional restraint, I dropped my voice to an alarming degree of control. "Listen here, Riki Tiki Tavi.
You have twenty minutes to get your munchkin ass back to this apartment or I will be forced to hunt
you down and detain you with zip ties and tranq your ass to get you back on a flight. Your mother
would be so angry with you…"

She cut me off mid sentence. "She knows. We called our families first, thankyouverymuch. Since

J's fam moved back to Texas and my parents went back to Mississippi, it's just too much trouble for
everyone to plan and meet and get fitted, be involved…we have their blessing, why not yours?"

The others looked at me for explanation. "B-because," I tried to find the words. "Because…dammit,

Alice! If I don't get to be in your wedding I will disown you. I want to be there for this and you're going
to be all selfish and go off and do it alone? Why? Don't you want us there?"

She sighed a little. "We do want you there. But, we want this too. You are all more than welcome to

come; I didn't mean to make it sound like we were excluding you. This just really is the best way. And
why wait, right? Think of how easy it will be: We show up, let Liza Minelli marry us and voila! Done

Edward groaned. "Those will be pictures to show the grandkids. Gammy and Pappy got married by

a Tranny."

"I think it's perfect." My head snapped up and I blinked hard at Rose.
"What?" Edward and I asked in unison.
She looked at Emmett and nodded. "Think about it. We just go. No wedding planning bullshit. No

sixteen cousins from New York and ninety-three aunts from Tennessee. I hate every damn minute of
planning this thing and I want to be there for Alice and Jasper. We should go…And get married there

Emmett looked a little taken aback. "Really?" She just nodded and pulled him in for a forceful kiss.

He slapped her ass and winked, "You got it. Vegas it is."

"You're insane. No! Don't…listen, can't you take the night to think about it? There's no rush. And

I'm going to be a superbitch if I don't get to be in your weddings!" I slammed my hand on the table and
gritted my teeth. "I am so pissed at you right now."

"Then come with us." Emmett shrugged. "We'll have a triple wedding."
I snorted. "I deserve better than a Vegas wedding. Edward and I are not getting married in Vegas.

Not that I want a full-blown throw down, but Charlie will walk me down the aisle. And Renee will be
there in her full crazy-ass-cougar-drunken glory. Esme and Carlisle...they all need to be there. I am not
going to settle for…Sin City. I deserve better. You deserve better."

Edward's face twitched a bit and he leaned forward. "Bella, were you just talking about us getting


"Awesome! We'll have a triple wedding and then come back and get a house together," Emmett


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rambled excitedly.

"Whoa, Emlette. You slow your roll, dude. I…what do you mean? Get a house? All six of us?" I

was sure I had lost my damn mind and was having hallucinations from my padded room.

Rose smiled broadly and I heard Alice and Jasper chattering in agreement.
"You're all insane! Holy shit…I am the sanest one here. How did that happen?" I looked around at

all of them in disbelief.

Edward took a step towards me tentatively. "Bella, are you saying that you'll marry me?"
My heart leapt and I felt my stomach tighten at his words. A hush settled over the room and even

Alice was speechless. I looked up into his beautiful face, taking in his perfect features, his luscious lips
and liquid jade eyes. There was a flash in my mind of our future together: A wedding, a honeymoon,
our own place with the piano.

Edward holding a little boy that looked just like him; our son.
Alice's voice from the spa flitted through my mind, "Yours won't be far behind."
She wasn't kidding.
My eyes fluttered a bit and I swayed, but held myself up as I breathed in a ragged breath. "What did

you say?" I croaked out.

Edward swallowed noisily and asked again, "Did you just say that you would marry me?"
I laughed softly, never dropping my gaze. "I guess that depends, Edward. Did you just propose?"


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Chapter 31


Edward swallowed noisily and asked again, "Did you just say that you would marry me?"
I laughed softly, never dropping my gaze. "I guess that depends, Edward. Did you just propose?"
"I-I…I want to. I wanted to…I mean I have the ring. This isn't how I pictured it…" His face fell a

little as he looked around the room.

His head whirled around to where I was standing, eyes wide and posture tensed. "Huh?"
"Yes. I'll marry you. And I mean it this time, no joking or messing around. I will marry you." The

room was still coated in silence.

"Oh, ummm, okay? Do you want your ring?" He looked around again like he didn't know what to


I shrugged nonchalantly. "Sure. That would be the next step, right?"
He paused and then walked quickly into the bedroom. I heard shuffling and some boxes being

moved around in the closet. Emmett and Rose just stared at me with glassy eyed gazes. Alice and
Jasper didn't make a sound either as we waited for Edward to reappear. He finally turned the corner into
the kitchen with a black velvet box in his hand.

Edward sighed and shook his head. "I guess, umm." He blinked and strode towards me with a

purpose. In front of our friends, he dropped to one knee. "I'm sorry that it wasn't somewhere big and
nice and with flowers and shit, but I guess that's me and you, right?" I nodded and he took a deep
breath. "Bella, I think that you're perfect for me. We just fit. Like Em said, you're my other piece. I had
no idea I was even looking for you until you showed up and now…" He smiled a little, "I can't imagine
you not being here with me. Would you be my wife?"

I snorted. "Yes, like I said five minutes ago, CC. I will marry your sleep humping ass."
Emmett laughed loudly and Rose did a lame 'Woo!' sound. Alice and Jasper yelled their

congratulations through the phone and Edward opened the box to reveal a beautiful antique sapphire
and diamond three stone ring. My hand flew to my mouth and I reached tentatively towards it, "Do I
just take it? Or…"

He chuckled and stood, removing it from the box and taking my hand lightly. Placing it on my ring

finger he took a lung full of air. "It was my Nana's. My dad said it suited you, and I think he's right."

Reaching out to hug him, I felt the new weight of the ring on my finger and I choked up a little. "I

love you Edward. Let's go to Vegas with our friends."

We flew out less than three hours later. Edward made reservations at the Bellagio while the others

packed. We had our plane tickets and room reservations, as well as a chapel picked out before we left.

It was surreal.
I wanted it, I really did. Edward had explained that he had spoken with Charlie and received his

blessing. Along with Ben and Emmett's. And Carlisle.

He told me about their talk and I felt so proud of him for getting everything out in the open like

that. It needed to be said and I was glad that he got to say what he had been feeling for so long. He was
healing. And so was I.

And now we were headed to Vegas to get hitched by James Brown at Cupid's Chapel.
We checked in at the Bellagio and I was beyond exhausted. Our suite was gorgeous and I vaguely


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wondered how he could afford such a nice room, but I was too tired to ask any questions. Or to
properly celebrate our engagement with extensive orgasms and nakedness.

Before we drifted off, I turned to Edward and asked quietly, "If you could have had your way, how

would you have proposed?"

I felt his mouth turn up into a smile against my temple. "I was thinking that I'd write you a piece on

the piano, play it for you and have you turn the pages for me. Have the ring tucked away on the last

"I love it." I sighed. "But what happened was just more…us." I giggled softly. "I do want a

wedding, though. We can talk in the morning, but…would you be opposed to us getting married here…
just for us? We wouldn't have to tell anyone. And when we get back we can just say we got engaged
and then we can actually have a small ceremony in the summer?"

He pulled me tighter and hummed softly in agreement. "I would like that very much, Secret Wife."
Morning came way too damn fast given that we had landed and checked in at an ungodly hour. But

we essentially had a day to execute our triple wedding, and that included getting a wedding license,
dresses, tuxes and other wedding related bullshit that Alice knew way too much about.

I sat on the floor while Alice tried on her thousandth dress. "It's Vegas, Alice. You don't care about

getting married by James Brown to the tune of Living in America, but you can't choose a fremming
dress? C'mon. This is just for us; this day is ours. You'll have your dream dress when you head to
Mississippi for your 'other' ceremony."

All of us had decided that we wanted to go through with small ceremonies at a later date that would

include our families. Edward had offered to fly our families out, but in all honesty? I couldn't let Renee
and Esme meet in Vegas. We'd never see them again.

They would burn the city down with their Cougar prowess.
And why was E suddenly throwing money around like he had it?
We finally settled on a few generic white dresses that fit, thankfully. All of us signed for our

wedding licenses, and then headed over to the chapel to firm up plans for Saturday. The coordinator
asked about flowers and I laughed while randomly pointing to a white one.

It was a single rose, for god sakes. Like I cared. When we were done, all six of us walked out into

the bright sunlight, raising our hands to our eyes to shield them from the offensive light. Seattle had
turned us into night walkers; or the kids from The Others.

"What now?" Emmett asked, scratching his head.
Jasper smiled, "Bachelor party?"
"Oh, no," I opposed. "I am not going out to hang out with these two while they throw cash at

danglin' wangs. Let's just go out and drink, celebrate, be...together. Isn't that what this weekend is

They all nodded and agreed, big stupid ass smiles on all of their faces.
It was ridiculous.
So we finished up our shopping and then hit the Strip. And I will be the first to admit that it was the

most fun we had ever had. Especially Emmett's drunken episodes with the Las Vegas Mounted Police.
Emmett was deathly afraid of horses for some reason and every time one crossed his path he screamed
like a little girl.

It was awesome.
I made him walk around the block three times to scream at the same one before he realized we kept

circling the same hotel.

While dancing had never been a strong skill of mine, I had fun for the first time in that type of

atmosphere. I didn't care about anything or anyone other than us. I writhed gracelessly against Edward
and spun idiotically with Alice, and Tangoed with Jasper.


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Honestly the best time of my life. And I was so glad that I had decided to come.
Edward never left my side, never dropped my hand from his as we walked. He held me proudly and

I didn't feel the slightest bit self-conscious. He was proud to be seen with me. So proud to be seen with
me that he wanted to be seen with me every day for the rest of his life.

Our life together.
"I'm glad you came," Rose whispered in my ear as we headed back to our hotel room. I hugged her

tightly, drunk off of my ass.

"I love you, you know that. I couldn't let you do this without me." She grinned and ran her hand

over my head while I slurred. "Plus, I couldn't be the only one without the same Anniversary date."

She laughed and hugged me closer. "You are doing so well with everything, Bees. I'm so happy for

you. And proud of you." She pushed me back at arm's length. "I can't believe how damn proud I am of
you. Like I raised your demented ass."

"You did," I chided her. "God knows Renee didn't have a hand in this…"
"Ready?" Edward asked softly from a few feet away.
Surprisingly enough, I was.


Screw tradition. That was primarily the theme of the Vegas weekend.
So we slept in the same bed the night before the wedding. We ate breakfast and took our shower

together. She didn't let me have my way with her in the tub, though. That was clearly something that
she wanted to save for our wedding night.

That's not to say that we didn't reenact our first night in Em and J's apartment. We totally did that.
But after that we parted ways. The girls were sent to get ready with Alice, while the men gathered

like cavemen hunters in Emmett's room. With the understanding that he was not to watch porn before
the ceremony.

Jasper shook a plastic bag at Emmett and laughed lowly. They looked devious and I instantly

became suspicious. "What's that?" I asked.

Emmett looked too innocent. "Wedding favors. You'll love 'em."
I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "You know what? I don't wanna know."
We dressed in our tuxes and went downstairs to get into our limo to take us down the street to the

chapel. The girls had arrived a few minutes before and were waiting in the bridal room. I had to laugh
at the sheer idiocy of this moment.

Sitting in the side room, all three of us looked at each other and burst out laughing. "I don't think it

could have been better if Alice had actually planned it," Jasper mused.

We were called to take our pictures with 'James Brown' and I felt more than a little foolish until

Emmett and Jasper started really getting into it, dancing around and striking poses. I couldn't stop
myself from joining in and after twenty minutes, I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard. We went
back into our room for the girls to take their pictures and from the squealing and carrying on that we
could hear, it sounded like they had just as much fun as we did.

The coordinator lined us up at the front of the chapel, all three of us facing the chapel doors. 'James'

obviously couldn't walk all three girls down the aisle, so he took his spot at the altar, queuing the music
to begin so that our brides could enter.

They all three lined up and walked down the aisle together, arms linked and walking at the same

pace. They almost reminded me of the opening sequence from The Monkees, but I didn't have another
thought in my head once Bella came completely into view.


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My heart…there aren't words to describe the crazy emotions that pumped through my body at that

moment. Regardless of whether or not she would some day consider this our wedding day, it was.
Seeing them enter that room was infinitely better than watching them cross the floor at the New Year's

Then, they had been walking towards us only slightly changed outwardly.
Today we would make them our wives.
I never took my eyes off of her face as she made her way down the short aisle. At the altar, all three

girls leaned in and kissed cheeks, handing the others off to their men. Bella's eyes glowed bright from
the inside, like her soul was happy.

"Hi," she whispered. I grasped her hand and smiled like an idiot.
Her dress wasn't long, and I looked over to see the other girls' dresses. They were similar, all

landing either at the knee or calf. What my mother would call 'tea dresses' or something. Garden
dresses? I had no idea, but they were all beautiful, little white dresses and shoes, single roses clasped in
their palms, hair down and little veils pinned in the back.

I chanced a look at Em and J and they had the same look on their faces. We were a screwed up

bunch, but we were together in our dysfunction. This was quite possibly the most perfect way for us to
solidify that bond.

I gazed back down at Bella and she had small tears welling in her eyes as 'James' began to scream

our nuptials. We simply repeated what he told us to, in unison. All of the men spoke at once and all of
the women spoke together at their turns.

And when Bella placed the thin white gold band that she had bought for me on my finger, I knew. I

just knew that it was right. We were who we needed to be. At the exact moment and time that we
needed to be there. For each other. With the others. Where we should have been from the beginning.

When we were instructed to kiss our brides, I grabbed her like my life depended on it, kissing her in

a very un-chapel way. She sighed against me, fisting my hair and trying to all but crawl inside of my
tux jacket. Flashes from the photographer were popping off at lightening speed, and I couldn't help but
think that this was the picture I wanted a copy of the most: Our first moment as one.

For a lifetime.
And then those assholes that I called my best friends pulled cans out of their pockets and started

laughing maniacally. Bella and I looked over just in time to see Alice and Rose grab cans too.

And all four blared airhorns into the air for celebration.
'James' howled and danced his way back down the aisle and we all followed suit, coming together

once more outside for more group pictures. We did get pictures alone, but Mr. Brown popped his head
in more than once and I had the distinct feeling that at least one of those pictures included Bella rolling
her eyes, giving dirty looks or shooting him the bird.

Like I said. Perfect.
We split apart from the group once we arrived at the hotel. It was a bittersweet moment for Bella,

parting from them to go back to our room. As my wife.

I held my hand out to her and she accepted, blushing and biting her lip, suddenly looking every bit

the virginal bride. But, ya know, not a virgin. Because I totally saw to that months ago.

She seemed tense or anxious on the ride up and I wrapped my arms around her to stop her

fidgeting. I felt her relax and she laughed softly. "Will you always be able to do that?"

I nodded against her head, "I hope so."
At the threshold, I picked her up and walked her into the room. "Mrs. Swan hyphen Cullen," I joked

with her. She rolled her eyes and kissed me softly.

Running a finger down the slope of my nose she shook her head in amusement. "Silly, Edward. The


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'Swan' is silent."

I set her on her feet and she looked around nervously. Grabbing a small bag she held up her hand

and extended a finger. "Give me just a second, okay?"

"How about a lifetime of seconds?"
She chuckled. "Perfect words, CC. Always with the perfect words."
I unbuttoned my jacket and poured a drink as she was in the bathroom for a few minutes. Thoughts

of Bella, of the past nine months, our relationship and how far we had come filled my mind and I
smirked a little in satisfaction. I heard the bathroom door open and her little feet padding across the
floor. I took one last look, mentally taking a picture of the view before I turned towards her.

She stood, pensive and twirling her fingers through her hair, in a white satin negligee. "I feel

stupid," she confessed.

"You look beautiful," I whispered.
She smiled wistfully, "Thank you. I just…I've never been in lingerie before and I feel kind of…


I set my glass down and shook my head. "You shouldn't, Mrs. Cullen. I'd like to think that you'll

wear these more often in the future." I crossed to her slowly, taking in her small frame surrounded by
white satin and lace, the way her pale skin was illuminated from the inside. Her pink cheeks and scarlet
lips. The way her hair hung just a fraction across her shoulder, her hands yanking on free strands.

"Be still," I whispered. She looked up with big brown eyes as I placed my hands on her cheeks.

With a slight smile playing across her lips, she dropped her eyes and looked back up at me through
dark lashes. A smile broke out across my face and I pulled her lips to mine.

It was much better than the first kiss.
Her hands reached into the tuxedo jacket, pushing it just enough to move it off of my shoulders. I

let the coat fall from my arms, never breaking our kiss. Nimble fingers worked the shirt buttons and
yanked the tie free. Walking her back towards the bed, I shed myself of the remainder of my clothes.
She stopped just short of the bed and stilled. Her eyes were trained on me and they dropped lower, her
little eyebrow quirking as she spoke.

"That Vicki is one lucky little bitch to have that for eternity."
I rolled my eyes and laughed at her candor. "I'd say Vicki's a pretty good prize, too."
Slowly, as though time didn't exist for us, I closed the small distance between our bodies. She

sighed and made a small whimpering sound when my fingers found contact with her skin. "I love you,
Edward Anthony Cullen."

Pressing my lips lightly against her neck I whispered, "I love you too, Isabella Marie 'Cliché'


Laughter erupted from her lips and she seemed to relax. Slinking backwards slightly onto the bed,

she pulled my face to hers and I crawled on top of her. Tonight, I would make love to her as my wife.

My fingers trailed up her calves while we kissed; tongues moving slowly over the other. Small

sighs and moans of satisfaction disappearing into our mouths. Fingertips traveled over satin thighs and
higher, causing her to gasp and shift underneath me.

As my hands moved higher, I worked my mouth lower, across her jaw, down her neck and across

her collarbone. Bella said no words, but her sounds and the movement of her body told me when she
approved of whatever I was doing. And she really approved of my mouth on her nipples.

Tracing the hardened buds through the satin with my tongue and nipping with my teeth, I hardened

even further at her soft cries. I felt her hands in my hair, their favorite place to rest, as she pressed my
face against the material again to repeat the maneuver. So I did, until she sounded like she would come
before I even laid a full hand on her.

"I love the sounds you make," I chuckled and kissed down the valley between her breasts.


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"Mmm-hmm," she replied.
Moving the hem of her nightgown higher, I ran my palms over her hips and pushed the material

over them to give me better access. Small kisses placed across her belly, tongue circling her belly
button eliciting a small giggle, and lower. Blowing cool air across the apex of her thighs, she shivered
and panted my name.

Taking my time, I bent my head forward and kissed her inner thigh reverently. She shifted and

tightened her grip in my hair. And I tasted her, salty and sweet, Bella…on my tongue, pressing my teeth
against her and wanting her even more when she cried out my name. So I gave her more pleasure with
fingers, and pressing my thumb into the spot that made her fall apart each and every time.

Because I knew what she needed.
Her thighs clenched against my ears and I worked her over the edge again, unable to hold back my

own sounds of satisfaction that erupted from me when she clenched around my fingers and jerked
upwards from the force. Her legs fell open and she gasped for breath, calling my name in a sweet
breathy voice that almost made me take her like an animal.

But not tonight.
Tonight she was to be worshipped.
She was shaking and breathing rapidly as I crawled my way back above her and hovered over her

face. I kissed her softly, turned on even more by the fact that she didn't hesitate to offer her tongue to
me and taste herself there. I felt her shift slightly underneath me before I felt her soft fingers wrap
around my dick and guide it into her.

"Will it always feel like this?" She asked softly when she had settled around me.
I raised my eyes to hers and nodded. "Always, Bella."
With gentle precision, I moved within her and back out almost completely, watching her face from

only inches away. And she looked back into my eyes, her hands gripping my neck as she called my
name, eyes trained on mine. No shame. No self-consciousness. Fully abandoned to the moment.

I hooked my elbows under her knees and shifted her legs higher, laying her ankles on my shoulders,

to fill her deeper. Feel her take me in further, all of me. All of her. As one.

Her face tensed and she gripped my arms tightly, my name falling from her lips in rapid succession

while she tried to move faster against me to achieve her orgasm. "Baby, please," she begged quietly and
I gave in, speeding up and thrusting only slightly harder until her head pressed forcefully into the
mattress and she clenched around me, screaming my name and pulling me closer to her to pant against
my lips.

The feel of her around me, the sight of her beneath me, just the sheer intensity of the moment

caused me to come, kissing her fiercely as I finished inside of her. Claiming her this time as my wife.
And I did it slowly, like it should have always been.

As I hoped it would always be.
Because I needed her as much as she needed me. And I would spend the rest of our lives letting her

know just that.


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Chapter 32 -Epilogue


~Six months later~
I rolled onto my side and reached for Bella as she groaned in irritation. "Seriously?" She croaked.

"Remind me again why we chose the bedroom closest to the kitchen?"

I chuckled at her and pried my eyes open. "I'll take care of it," I mumbled before throwing the

blankets off with a huff. I hated having to leave the warmth of my bed so soon to deal with this shit.
Grabbing the gun from behind the headboard, I opened the bedroom door just wide enough to fit the
nose through the crack and aim.

Water shot out in a forceful trajectory towards the kitchen followed by a crash as Rose and Emmett

scrambled away from the spray. "Damn it, E!" Emmett was roaring and then I heard his heavy footsteps
racing towards the bedroom. Slamming the door shut and locking it behind me, I folded over in

"They'll learn one day," Bella called without conviction.
I shook my head in amusement, "No, they won't." Emmett pounded on the door and I smirked at

Bella before opening it and spraying him in the face with the Super Soaker. "God sakes, man! Put some
pants on!"

Bella rose from the bed a few minutes later, throwing her hair into a knot on the top of her head and

shoving her feet into a pair of fuzzy blue slippers. Once again, the sight of my wife in only my old
Army t-shirt had me mesmerized and I fought the urge to throw her over my shoulder and ravage her in
the shower.

And I only fought that urge because she was going to make pancakes.
Damn, I loved that woman's pancakes.
I showered quickly and meandered into the kitchen where music was playing and all of the wives

were busy dancing around and cooking breakfast.

Chasing patterns Across a personal map

Making pictures Where the lines overlap

Rose leaned towards Bella and whispered something into her ear that caused her to throw her head

back in a fit of laughter.

No one is as lucky as us We're not at the end but But we already won
Alice bounced in front of the coffee maker, begging it to brew faster.
No no, no one Is as lucky as us
I stood back and watched, taking in the scene and feeling content with how things had turned out.
I'm not used to it

But I can learn There's nothing to it I've never been happier

Emmett and Jasper finally joined me in the hallway and we watched the girls prepare food, looking

as full of life as we had ever seen them.

No one is as lucky as us
"Figgin' A, Edward. I love Pancake Day." Emmett slapped a big hand on my back and Jasper


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cackled when I toppled forward a bit from the excessive force. The girls heard the ruckus and turned in
our direction, grins spreading across all of their faces.

But the biggest grin was on Bella's. We really had never been happier.
We all sat around the table and Alice took her usual spot on Jasper's lap. It wasn't anything new; we

had gotten used to them being fused together every waking moment. Her shaky little caffeinated hands
were dribbling syrup all over his face and he looked like he could not care less. At least they had
clothes on. We needed to work on that with Emmett a little more.

After breakfast, the women went to take their showers before work, and I took the opportunity to

take another one with Bella before we left.

Get over it. We're married.
Grabbing a couple of apples and granola bars, we made our way to the garage. "Who's driving

today?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

Emmett rolled his eyes. "You have the most environmentally friendly car, E."
Bella snickered, "You are so annoying since you decided to 'Go green', Emron."
But I drove anyway, because I wanted to. Now that we all lived together it seemed only right to

carpool to and from work. I got to spend extra time with my wife and my best friend, and we got to piss
everyone off at work when we walked in together every day.

The last six months had been so eventful that it almost felt surreal to look back at. When we

returned from Vegas, we announced the engagement to the families. Charlie knew that it was coming,
but Renee had no idea. And when Bella called to give her the news, Renee cried with happiness and
then apologized for almost killing me in Florida. Phil just grunted in the background. My parents were
more than thrilled, and when I took Bella to see them and give them the news in person, my mother
almost tackled her with a hug that should have resulted in cracking bones, but Bella just laughed and
hugged her back just as tightly.

Which is how everything kind of blew up in my face.
My mom had snatched Bella's hand up and screamed, "Nana's blue diamonds!"
Clearly my father had not told her about my request for the ring. Whether it was because she

couldn't keep a secret, or because he had been preoccupied that night with her tattoo…I would never

My dad hung his head in defeat and then gave me a look that said he couldn't be held responsible

for her actions. Bella's face screwed up in confusion and then her features registered what I could only
describe as rage before she looked down at her hand and then back at my face. "Blue…diamonds? Oh,
CC…we talked about this. I said no diamonds. Did you think that you could pull a fast one on me

I grimaced and shoved my hands in my pockets. My Dad leaned forward and muttered, "Now

would be a good time to get everything out in the open."

My Mom took an apologetic step back. "Edward, have you not told her?"
Bella made a menacing step towards me and I spat it out, "I gave you that one because I knew you

wouldn't want Nana's eight carat diamond engagement ring. And I didn't say they were blue diamonds
so you wouldn't freak out. I also kind of…purposely…omitted the fact that," I looked at my Mom for
help, but she just shook her head. "MyNanaleftmeaninheritanceandI'mincrediblywelloff."

"Come again?" Bella asked softly, eyes wide with disbelief.
So I repeated it.
And she fainted.
Esme ran over in concern and I waved her away. "She's like a fainting sheep, Mom. She'll wake up

in a minute."

And when she did, she grabbed a book off of the end table and hurled it at my head, yelling about


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"trust issues so early on in our marriage." Which did not go unnoticed by my parents. And that's how
we broke the news about Vegas.

So, all in all, exactly the opposite of what I wanted to happen. But after we explained the whole

thing to my parents, and promised an intimate ceremony in August, they stopped being upset. In fact,
they were thrilled and we offered to let them watch the online video that the chapel had posted so that
they could see it for themselves. I had never seen my parents laugh so hard, or look so touched by

They were proud of us.
And when we left their house, Bella simply told me that I was buying her a house.
With a pool.
For all six of us, since I could 'obviously afford it'.
So, I did. And now we were a week away from our other 'wedding'. And from the Apocolypse that

was sure to occur when Esme and Renee came face to face. We had already attended Em and Rose's
small ceremony in Ben's backyard in June. And we had flown to Mississippi to stand with Alice and
Jasper at theirs in the old plantation house that Alice's family still owned in July. Both ceremonies were
intimate and sweet, unique in their own way, and perfect for each couple. Ours would be the same.

We would have a small gathering of friends at the park where she and I had our first picnic. It

seemed fitting to come full circle with our relationship in the place where everything started. That
picnic was where we first opened up…fully. Where we decided to give 'us' a try. And where I may have
begun to fall in love with her, though I didn't know it at the time. It would be there, at twilight, just as it
had been over a year earlier that she and I would take our vows before our family members.

But, though all of those things had happened, or were about to happen, the one incident that I was

the proudest of was Bella taking the witness stand at Jake's trial. It had been a struggle that morning to
get up the nerve to go, and once we had entered the courthouse, she almost passed out. But right before
she was called, a look of determination crossed her face and she set her jaw, ready to fight. My heart
ached for her when she took the stand and said her oath, looking small and pale in her little suit jacket
and with her hair pulled back away from her face. But it burst with pride when she recounted the story
to the jury and then lifted her little hand, her Bronte quote in full view and my ring shining on her
finger…and pointed directly at Jake to identify him for the prosecutor.

She looked like a huge weight had been lifted off of her and she was…free.
I parked at McCarty's and Emmett lurched from the car, muttering about PDA while I leaned in to

give Bella one last kiss before work. Bella flipped him the bird and gave me a sensual kiss that made
me groan with frustration. She rolled her eyes. "Really, CC? You just got some, like, thirty minutes ago.
How can you possibly be like that again?"

I grinned at her and shrugged, "My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. Not mention

she's got skills..." She placed a hand on my face to shut me up and clucked her tongue at me before we
headed inside.

As the afternoon was winding down, I heard my email ding and saw the pop up in my lower right

corner of the screen appear. Bella.

~B: Heads' up. Skittles crotch is here today.
I muffled my laughter with my hand and sent her a reply.
~E: Noted. Thanks for the heads' up.
A few minutes passed and another came through.
~B: We just hired a new guy to replace Stefan.
I looked up to see if I could catch a glimpse of him, but saw no one.
~E: How is he?


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I was not surprised in the least when her response came through.
~B: Jason Mraz/ Mr. A-Z/ Geek in the Pink
Moments later the new guy was following behind Randall to see his new desk. Small and slender,

he had long unkempt sandy blond hair that fell into his eyes, thick glasses and a bright pink polo shirt.

I loved the hell outta my wife.
After a moment, I opened the email again and typed two words.
~E: Edward Cullen
There was barely a moment of waiting before her answer came through.
~B: Paramore/ Brand New Eyes/ All I Wanted


We headed home after work, the car filled with stories from the day and Emmett's incessant

laughter about the new guy and how easy he was going to be to break. I laid my head against the seat in
the car and looked over at Edward as he drove us home. However it was that we had gotten here, I
wouldn't have changed a moment of it.

My life, what little life I had before him, had changed so drastically because of his love. Because of

our love for each other. Would we ever be normal? Probably not. But as Ben had said, normal was
overrated. Screw normal. I wanted this.

It had been months since he had experienced an episode, and I was so proud of him for becoming

more aware of the signs of when one was going to occur. And when it had happened last time, I hadn't
even minded, because I knew that he was going to have moments like that. Just as I would at some

He held me through my nightmares. And I let him hump me into oblivion if he needed to.
The joys of marrying a sleep humper.
I had been foolish in the beginning to think that I needed such drastic measures as a water bottle or

air horn to make him stop his episodes. It really was as easy as shaking him awake and calling his name
loudly into his ear. He wasn't like a sleepwalker; he wouldn't get violent, according to Denali. He
would just be redirected and wake up.

Which is how I had gotten him to wake up last time, but I had let him begin to make love to me

first. And when I shook him awake and called his name, he had opened his eyes to me as I lay
underneath him, my legs wrapped around him and hands in his hair. Realization hit him and he jerked
away like he was upset, but I held him firm and asked him not to stop. Because I needed him and
wanted him as much right then as I did at any other time. And he had loved me with eyes open, in the
dark, between whispers of love and adoration, acceptance and healing.

Because we would always be working towards getting better.
And we would always be a work in progress.


Document Outline


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