Good Enough to Lick Christina Stoke

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Good Enough to Lick, science fiction erotica

By Christina Stoke

copyrighted © 2011 Christina Stoke

ISBN# 978-1-4661-7740-6

*This erotic short story formally called, Callis.


An escaped prisoner and a woman. He has

nothing to lose. He sees want he wants and he takes it. No
one can stop him. Least of all her. Possession, ravishment,
lust, and love, fill this deeply dominating story of a man
taking a woman, and making her his.

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Chapter One

When Callis saw her, the first woman he'd seen in four
years, he wanted to bellow his laughter aloud. So loud that
God in his angry heaven would sit up and take notice. That
rapacious God, which had dealt his life so severe at every
turn, appeared suddenly to have turned suspiciously
generous. His eyelids lowered into slits, hooding his brown
eyes, as he wondered what price God would extract for this

Her flesh smelled sweet and young, and he knew she would
taste as good. She was simply drop-dead exquisite, and
not in a slimy sophisticated way. A feminine mouth, soft
pearly eyes, breasts that were rounded and shaping her
vest in an enticing eye-catching way.

This one was a woman. Purely feminine to his male. Small,
yet willowy curving body parts all over. She had a handful of
an ass, tight and round. Her hips were there, something to
grab onto. All packaged in creamy white skin, fluffy
shoulder length tawny hair, and hazel eyes that were vivid in
blues and greens.

She also had a man. Or he had her. Tall man, rough looking
man with tired eyes. That man of hers would have a cruel
streak a mile deep, Callis thought. Then, he used his

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muscular wrists to rattle the heavy chains he was restrained
under and his woman glanced at him for the first time.

Her gaze reacted instantly, returning again to check and
make sure she liked what she saw.

He knew he was a hard man to look at. To gauge. Although,
his chicky was not investigating him for intellectual
stimulation. She was rechecking his attractiveness to her.
Six-foot tall, two hundred twenty pounds of tough male
muscle. Turned her head.

Oh yeah . . . there was interest there. Here. Together. Both
sides. What a vicious trick God played on him, to send him
something this beautiful owned by another guy. Owned
being the appropriate word. His baby chicky didn’t like the
guy. Too rough . . . perverted by the looks of him. Hmmm,
Christ, she smelled good enough to lick.

“That big bad-assed bald guy over there is named, Callis,
chained in that cage. He's a prisoner, and everyone here is
ordered to stay at least five feet from his cage,” Captain
Rith stated to the group of people gathered in the transport

Candy looked at the prisoner again, who had brown
bedroom eyes and lips that were immorally full for a man,
but strikingly masculine. He was a body builder, a
welterweight, a man of physical endurance. Strong.

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Powerful. Hard.

“Getting your eyes full?” Bonner rasped into her ear as his
large hand clamped over the back of her neck with a heavy
and possessive squeeze. Candy winced, but didn't move.
Trying to shake it off would have brought unwanted
repercussions, so she endured. No choice really. She
licked her lips, lowering her gaze downward, not moving

The tongue Bonner used to wet her ear was hot and
invasive as he crowded his hip against hers, letting her
know he was hard. Cock stiff in his pants. Waiting. Soon.
Always soon. Too soon . . . too fast . . . too hard.

The others left the cargo bay to find their compartments, but
Bonner held her back. He forced her head upward and she
could see that he wanted sex. Now. His eyes dripped with
it. He wouldn't be denied. Candy glanced at Callis over
Bonner’s shoulder, suddenly knowing she didn't want Callis
to see this. But that was Bonner’s point . . . that was
Bonner’s need.

“Not here,” she tried foolishly, even as Bonner shoved her
downward onto her knees. He grabbed her shirt as she
lowered, tugging it upward over her breasts. Baring them.
Right there in front of Callis, behind them. Still, Callis
probably couldn't see, because she knelt in front of
Bonner’s legs. But of course then Bonner grabbed her hair

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like a leash, tugging her around on her knees. Crawling.
Then, Callis could see.

Bonner’s cock was hot. Thin and hot. It smelled of sweat
and piss. She'd always been grateful for the thinnest of it.
As he pressed it to her lips, he pushed his body forward,
bending over her head to grab the edge of her skirt from
behind. He pulled her skirt up, revealing her panties.
Buttocks bent over to take his cock, jamming into her mouth
as he held the back of her head. Then, her panties were
suddenly ripped. She gasped around Bonner’s cock in
heedless refusal. Naked buttocks beneath Callis’s gaze.

Tears filled her eyes as she tried not to gag, and take
Bonner’s cock as fast as he wanted her too. Bonner called
this love. Hot. Fast. Sex, waiting to be caught by anyone
passing by.

Watched by Callis. Bonner called this love. Then, Bonner
ejaculated into her throat, holding the head of his cock
against her thorax as her mouth filled with hot meat. She
tried to swallow. But it dribbled.

“Shit you are good, Candy baby,” Bonner gasped, as she
panted over him with her naked buttocks lifted to Callis
behind her. Prisoner. Rough. Tough. Looking at her.
Gauging her from behind.

Voices sounded and Bonner pushed her away, zipping up

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his pants. She didn't move, bent on her hands and knees,
looking at the floor. The voices sounded closer, and then
abruptly the sound of chains rattled harshly behind her. Her
body jerked as if waking up at the sound Callis made with
his chains, and she lifted her upper body to pull her shirt
down over her breasts as she knelt in front of Callis with her
back to him.

“Get up, it’s the Captain,” Bonner ordered harshly. Now he

Candy came to her feet. Wobbly legs with her head bowed.
She wiped Bonner’s cum off her mouth and chin with the
back of her hand. Nowhere to go. Bonner would have
caught her.

She heard Callis rattling his chains behind her. More. More.

“Shut up, you prick!” Bonner yelled.

The pounding of the chains was a snapping sound. Callis
was tugging on his chains with a steady pounding beat.
Louder. Faster. Forcing her too . . .

“Quit looking at the guy!” Bonner shouted as he grabbed
her wrist and hauled her from the room.

“Good enough to lick,” Callis whispered.

Callis thought about sugar Candy all night and the next day

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as the ship took off, propelling its way into space. Him to
some prisoner’s colony, the others. Who knew? Out world
mining or farming colonies or to the teaming new world of
Syprus in the Velxion Galaxy. Long time to think and wait.
Dream. Hope. No, he wouldn't call it hope. Fuck things up, if
you called it hope.

They said he was dangerous. A killer. Probably, they were
right. Four years ago.

He would still kill if he had to, but he didn’t enjoy it anymore.
Took his home, killed his parents. He’d had to kill then.
Fight a war. Then in prison, he’d had to kill again. He didn’t
like getting fucked up the ass. Who could help killing then?
But space was wide open. Lots of hope.

Places to hide, where no one would find him.

“Good enough to lick,” Callis whispered. He might have to
kill again.

“Shut up with that fucking whispering, Callis! You’re just a
fucking bastard. Going to fucking jail!” Tracker shouted at
him, whacking the cage with his heavy metal prod. Damn
dirty mercenary, Callis thought, raising his head to look at
Tracker. “Sixty bouillons you're going to get me, Callis. So,
shut the fuck up or I will put a plug in your mouth and hood
you!” Tracker . . . tall, dark, too young, spat a wad of thick
phlegm at his bare feet, while his wrists were chained over

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his head. Fuck, he hated chains. Disliked Tracker taking
him back to prison for money or drugs. A new prison this
time, the kind a man didn't escape from. Tracker was a
nervous sort, probably a needle plunger. Easy pickings,
once he was loose. Callis didn't let Tracker’s tirade bother
him, for the first time in four years he had something to think

Freedom and Candy.

Callis could just tilt his head enough with his wrists chained
above his head to look down at the saliva ball. Sport was
sport, and he rarely acknowledged pain anymore.
Somehow, he looked forward to it with a perverse,
prisoner’s mentality. The pain driving through his brain,
pumping his adrenalin. Caged animals did it for pleasure.

“I know you like it in the ass, Tracker,” Callis rasped, barely
audible. “Bet you like it stuffed in your mouth too?”

“Bastard!” Tracker exclaimed.

The words incited Tracker as he intended, and the
prisoners prod Tracker carried thrust through the open bars
of the cage and straight into his gut. The sharp pang of air
that escaped his lips pissed him off as he ate the pain with
greed. Pumping his wieldy muscles into tough hard
expansion. Then, the prod jabbed his left kidney, slicing
pain deep, and slashing his wrists against the chains

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holding him. The muscles he used, the reaction and the
violent recoil of his body snapped a link in the chain holding
his wrists.

Tracker turned away, leaving the cargo bay, laughing like a
manic. He never saw it. Callis closed his eyes. “Good
enough to lick,” he rasped in a whisper.

Ten minutes later Callis heard the footsteps on the metal
rungs of the cargo bay floor.

Small . . . sixty kilos . . . boots . . . hesitant . . . smelled like
cigarettes and licorice. Breathing was excited . . . nervous.
Callis could smell fear, but curiosity. One of the kids. There
were two. A boy barely a teenager . . . scraggly with spiked
hair. Then there was a little girl. Seven years’ old, maybe.
Cute. He liked cute. He'd seen them earlier, standing
beside their non-kid inclined academic parents.

Callis kept his eyes closed, concentrating on the wrist and
shoulder he'd just dislodged.

Neat trick. Made him fucking Houdini.

“Captain Rith, says you are a Compass, a Scenter,



Raze. You must be one bad-assed mother. How’d you get
three like that? I only got one. Seeker. What a wimp-assed
ability. Shit, all that makes me is curious. What the hell can
you do with that? Nothing, I say. You kill anybody? I bet a lot.
Captain Rith, says you are an extreme expert at painless

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combat and the pressure point kill. Damn, I’d like to learn
that shit!”

Kid sure could talk,

Callis thought as he sucked

in a deep tight breath, and then he applied pressure to his
other wrist.

“Names, Smoker. It’s cuz I smoke all the time. Nothing like
a good cig.” More pressure and the bone and socket

“You smoke? Nothing else to do. They used to call me cig
man.” Then the socket gave on his left wrist, just as he
snapped the right wrist back into place.

“Hey, what’s that sound? They got you electrified?”

Callis opened his eyes, looking at the skinny kid slouched
against a cargo crate with an unlit cigarette dangling from
his lips. “Got a smoke,” Callis rasped.

Smoker peered at him. Leery. Judging. Gauging. Curiosity
overwhelming. “Yeah, but it’s against the rules to light it up
on the ship.”

“Fuck the rules.”

The kid liked that immensely. Smoker straightened,
throwing his skinny shoulders back.

“Yeah, fuck the rules!”

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Still, he was wary as he approached knowing he would
have to put his hand through the cage. The kid’s dirty
fingernails, chewed on the end, thrust through one square
opening on the cage. The movement was forced. Just a
teen, just a half man, trying to show his balls. Poor kid,
Callis thought, right before he dropped his arms, wrists
freed of the chains, even now dangling over the sweaty
gleam on his bald head. Then within the same split second
motion, he snapped his left wrist back into place, right
beneath Smoker’s yawing gaze.

Everything would have been cool. Caught Smoker by
complete surprise, and he was just taking the advantage, to
grab the kid, when . . .


The metal sides of the ship ripped apart in gaping sheets
around Callis. The screech of disintegrating metal was like
two knives jabbed in each ear. The entire cargo bay
upended and he snatched the kid’s forearm in a death grip
as the ship appeared to explode in a typhoon of metal.

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Chapter Two


, little girl!” Candy screamed as she shoved the little

blond girl through the hatchway and out of the Rec-room
chamber that was no longer a room behind them. The
suction pop of massive amounts of metal disintegrating
was deafening, as the air hissed with the physical force of a
class ten hurricane, and then it sucked the little girl right
back through the entryway.

“Bonner, help!” Candy screamed as she clutched the metal
edge of the hatchway, while her other hand frantically
reached out for the girl.


Small fingers clutched in a

vise grip around her hand.

Don’t let go! Don’t let go,


screamed frantically in her mind.

She and the little girl dangled in the open air with only her
fingers gripped on the edge of the hatchway to keep them
from flying away. One more suction pop like the last one
and they'd be flung out into the atmosphere like specks of
dust. The suction of the pressurized air leaving through the
hatchway from the once air-tight ship bulged Candy’s eyes
as she looked into the inner companionway at Bonner. Fate
had him already through the hatchway when the ship ripped
apart. Now, he held onto a bar railing in the companionway.

“Help us!” she screamed, at his bugged-out gaze. Her

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fingers were slipping on the hatch.

“Bonner!” she cried, watching him look at her in terror, but
he stayed rooted to the spot. Oh God, they were going to
die and Bonner was going to watch them.

“You fucking coward!” she screamed with tears flinging
from her eyes, propelled by the sharp hissing air around
them. “I hate you! I hate you!” she screamed as she felt her
hand slipping through the little girl's fingers. “No!


Candy shrieked. “Hold on, darling! Please hold on!”

Then suddenly, what was left of the ship upended again and
the motion flung her and the little girl right through the
hatchway. Candy threw her arms around the girl as they
landed on the ceiling that was now in the position of the

A terrible grating sound blared through the companionway
and Candy saw two metal cabinets, three-foot wide ceiling
to floor, rip away from the wall and come tumbling toward
them. She screamed and turned her body, shoving the girl
away from her and through the next entryway. If they could
just make it to the other side, the protruding edges of the
inner hatchway should stop the cabinets. The little girl made
it as Candy screamed at Bonner to help them, but he was
already running away.

Then, she would have made it too. Did make it. But one of

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the cabinets upended enough to fall straight through the
hatchway. It sounded like a warp train falling on top of her
as she screamed, flinging her arms over her head, certain
she was going to die. But then miraculously one of the
cabinet doors flipped open as the cabinet fell on top of her.
It left a pocket! A lifesaving pocket no bigger than a large-
sized box as the cabinet fell over her, but not on her.

She couldn't stop screaming and she didn't know how long
it took for her to realize she wasn't dead, crushed, or even
injured very badly. But she was pinned beneath the cabinet
with no escape. She frantically looked down the
companionway for the girl, but her gaze landed on Bonner,
who was on his knees just beyond the next inner hatchway.

“Where is she?” she cried.

Bonner shook his head as though shaking off a punch to
the jaw and Candy’s breath seized.

“She ran that way. Got away,” Bonner rasped, pointing
clumsily over his shoulder.

“Oh God,” Candy sobbed in relief, then the cabinet above
her groaned and she froze. “Get me out of here,” she
hissed, turning her panicked gaze back to Bonner.

“All right, baby,” he huffed as he stood, dusting off his hands
and pants. “I’m coming,” he rasped, but then he didn't
move, just his eyes moved, looking over the area where

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she was pinned. “Damn, we must have crashed? We must
have hit bottom, right?” Candy wanted to scream at him to
get her out from underneath the cabinet that kept groaning
and shifting above her. The cabinet that might crush her at
any second!

“Damn, if we haven’t hit bottom yet, we're in trouble,”
Bonner muttered still not moving.

Then, she realized what he was saying, something had hit
them or the ship had hit something, but had they actually
crashed yet? Had they hit bottom? And, Bonner wasn’t
going to help her.


Candy’s gaze darted down the companionway,

the opposite direction of where Bonner stood.


She slapped her hands over her ears. “Bonner, help me,”
she screamed. Oh God no! Candy could see the metal
walls down the companionway were splitting. “Bonner!
Please! Please, I’m begging you!” she cried, turning her
gaze back to Bonner. But he was gone. “No!” She sobbed
above the screeching that was growing louder, while she
beat on the cabinet door with her fists.

“Let me out of here! Someone, help me! Get me out of
here!” She was going to die there. In another few seconds
the rivets all along the metal walls were going to pop, and
then the cabinet would shift, and its door would give, and . .

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. “Help me!”

“Anytime, sugar Candy.”

Candy gasped at the tenor whisper as her eyelids popped


Brown eyes, dark and intense, looked back at

her. He was so close. Kneeling at the base of the cabinet,
she could smell him. Sweat and man, he smelled of sweat
and man. A dry sob left her lungs as the screech of rivets
ripping apart continued to sound louder.

“Help her, Mr. Callis!”

It was a little girl’s helpless screech. Candy couldn't see
her, but she knew the little blond girl had gone for help.
Callis! Would he help her? Would he? She looked back at
Callis. Sweat dripped down his handsome, tough, angular
face. He was motionless. Waiting for something.

Judging. Her worth? What did he want?

She gazed at him helplessly reading nothing, yet everything
in his gaze. Hard man. Prisoner tough. Not compassionate.
“Please,” she gasped, and then she sobbed unable to look
away from him.

“Good enough to lick,” he whispered.

His full and wickedly attractive lips pulled upward into a
sneer, showing his sturdy white teeth. Even the popping of

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the rivets, sounding like the continuous report of a high
caliber pistol, ceased to exist as she stared at him. He was
power and salvation with his weighty muscles defined in
sweat beneath his gray, ratty tank top.

Arousal swift and furious blanketed her, coming out of
nowhere with stunning force. She gasped at the onslaught,
while she felt the runaway lust mold her features and
suffused her gaze.


Survival. Primitive needs. Her body using the only

power it held over a male. Lust.

Elemental and raw pouring from her to him. She could smell
her arousal, hot and wet, like a vapor.

“Yeah, sugar Candy,” Callis rasped with his nostrils flaring
as his thick powerful fingers gripped the edge of the
cabinet. His muscles tensed and shaped into solid etched
mounds. Humps of sinew over his shoulders, tightly arched
piles ballooning his biceps and his chest rose like a
powerful ram. Hope flared in her breasts and pierced the
tips of her nipples. He could do this! He could lift it! The
cabinet groaned and her pussy ached unbearably as the
edge lifted.




lifting it. Impossible! The strength . . .

His gaze never left hers. Strained irises so brown they were

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ebony vacuums. Then his arched lips, full and sensuous,
curved into a tense, wicked smile, right before he shouted
like a growling animal.


The shock of his command, knifed through her senses.


course move.

She scuttled like an insect from beneath the

cabinet and the ricocheting bangs of the rivets busting
loose blared back into her hearing. She screamed at the
sudden acknowledgment of the sound again as she
cowered on her hands and knees shuddering.

Callis used his forearm like a hook and hooked it under
Candy’s waist. He was already in motion, sprinting from the
splintering section of the companionway with sweet Candy
slung over his forearm, it was like dangling a couple of suits
picked up from the Servo cleaners. Damn, he didn't think
the big bang had happened yet.

When it hit, it made the war he'd been in look like a tea
party. Seven hundred tons hitting solid ground at hundreds
of miles per hour. The skid must have etched a linear crater
for fifty miles. The fucking pilot was Houdini. Callis had to
give him that. That miracle worker pilot brought them in with
the nose up. It killed his ass, when they hit the solid granite
wall, but the dude deserved a medal.

Both ends of the ship were gone. The middle section was
the only piece that survived. It was enough. He was alive.
He glanced at Candy, just savoring the view. She was in

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shock, leaning against the companionway wall, next to the
communications hub he stood in. God was making up for
lost time on his nasty soul, leaving this hub intact, he
thought with a sneer as he smashed the S.O.S. beacon
with his fists.

Sugar Candy’s exotically shaped eyelids widened at that
with the slate gray in her irises gathering blue along the
edges in returning awareness. Not that his sweet meat
knew what he was smashing. It was just the sound that
caught her attention. But then, her gaze settled on the six-
inch long, wickedly curved knife he held in his right hand
and the Max-Pistol shoved into the waistband of his prison
issue gray dungarees. The first alarm of emotion crossed
her fine-boned features, wiping away the last of her lost and
stunned look.

Damn, the short flared skirt she wore was messing with his
concentration as he vividly remembered it flung up over her
hips and baring her lush and fuckable ass. Had she found
panties to replace the ones ripped off?


Callis licked

the flat edge of his knife slowly as he leered at her. He got a
lust kick watching her tits heave with anxiousness beneath
the cropped tight white cotton tee shirt she wore. Perky tits.
Firm, but fat. A little dolly bellybutton exposed above the low
slung waistband of her skirt. Chicky’s never wore such sexy
duds the last time he was in the real world. He liked to lick
on belly buttons.

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“Are they dead?” The cutesy little girl named Lucy asked
her brother Smoker for the fiftieth time. Smoker held the
little girl slung on his tilted hip, like a rag doll as she clung
with her small arms around his neck. Smoker glared at the
floor and ignored her, like all the times she has asked

“Mr. Callis?” Lucy asked, with a child’s desperate whine,
before she popped her thumb back into her mouth and
gazed at him with accusing saucer blue eyes.

Shit, like it was his fault. “Yeah, dead, kid,” he rasped. He
liked to keep his voice low so people had to strain to hear.
“Everybody that wasn’t in the middle,” he finished, even as
Lucy screeched softly and buried her face into her brother’s

“Well, I’m not fucking dead! Candy baby, come here.
Damn, baby, it's good to see you alive!”

Callis didn't look up at Bonner, Candy’s man. He'd known
the fucker was lurking around.

Just five of them alive. But Candy hadn't known Bonner was
alive. He heard her small gasp as he touched the
directional display on the battery operated, universal GPA.
Because he was a Compass, he could fix his position
anywhere in the universe. He was a Compass and a pilot. It
was a good combination. Only lacked one thing to pilot a

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ship. He didn't raise his head and look up. A Devout.

“Time to choose, sugar Candy,” Callis whispered under his


Candy threw Callis a quick glance and backed up a couple
steps along the wall as Bonner approached her. Callis
wasn’t paying any attention. “Stay away from me,” she
hissed at Bonner.

But Bonner, of course, kept coming until he had a hold of
her arm, painfully.

“Give us a kiss, baby,” Bonner said, in an, “I'm the he-man
and you’re my screw woman,” type of voice.

Candy screwed up her courage, darting glances at Callis.
She didn't want to be near Bonner ever again. Of course
she never had. “It’s over, Bonner. Finished! We are
stranded here.” She tried that last bit hoping to distract him.

Bonner tugged her roughly forward, grabbing the back of
her head tight as his upper lip curled with anger and his
head lowered. He was staking his claim. Candy pushed on
his chest and struggled in his grasp as his lips smeared
over her lips with hard and painful intent. It made her sick.
His wet lips forcing her to kiss him. She mewled denial low
in her throat, but when his tongue pushed between her lips

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and teeth she nearly gagged.

“God damn it, you bit me!” Bonner bellowed, and then
suddenly he slapped her across the cheek.

Candy yelped with stunned pain, clutching her injured cheek
in one hand. Bonner had never hit her before. She’d always
known he could. Would. But this was the first time he ever
had. Lucy was bawling, because of the scene and Smoker
was glaring. Callis had his back turned. Callis wasn’t
moving. Callis!

Bonner grabbed her arm and started to pull her toward the
back of the companionway. She stumbled, but he hauled
her along behind him. At first she didn't understand, but
then she saw the side chamber and she realized Bonner’s

“No!” she cried her voice so tight she could barely get the
word out as she struggled against Bonner’s forward

He was going to fuck her.

He was going to claim

her. Rape her! Candy looked desperately back at Callis,
and he stood there staring at her. His full lips formed a

She tried to see.


Bonner shoved her into the small side chamber and she
just managed to scratch Bonner’s cheek, when his hand
flew through the air and he slapped her again. Stars burst

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flew through the air and he slapped her again. Stars burst
behind her eyelids as she cried out. Then, Bonner shoved
her belly down over a table that was fastened in the center
of the room. Callis!

She screamed, but no sound came to life through her tight

Callis checked the direction of the survival pod. Every
planet had one somewhere on the surface, charted planets
or uncharted ones. Then, he smashed the screen with the
handle of his knife. Why didn’t she call his name? His jaw
clenched. “Fuck this,” he hissed.

His sugar Candy was about to get butt raped when he
plowed into Bonner, and he shoved the asshat against the
wall, holding the edge of his knife pressed against
Bonner’s throat. Ass fucking was his own wet dream and
Candy’s sweet bare ass was bent over and splayed for it.
He wasn’t against forcing a woman, particularly. His cock
was hard at just the sight. Four years without pussy. No
time now. He intended to use force. Oh yeah.

“Choose!” he hissed tightly, looking over his shoulder at
Candy as sweat dripped down his cheek and he tightened
his grip on Bonner’s throat to keep him quiet.

Callis saw the slender curves of Candy’s back heave and
the supple globes of her nude buttocks quiver. Then, she
gained wobbly support on her elbows and looked back

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over her shoulder at him, with her purple lace panties
hanging down around her knees. Now this was a moment.
Hell, this is what a man stayed alive for in a hellhole prison
under impossible odds. The minuscule hope he would ever
see a woman like this again, anywhere but in his dreams. It
was the only thing that rated. Besides staying alive that is.

“Neither!” Candy exclaimed with her lips curling like a
hissing kitten.

Surprising him.


“Wrong answer,” his voice grated.

Callis swung Bonner around, swiftly drawing his right hand
backward. “Don’t kill him!” Candy screeched, just as he
turned the knife blade inward away from a lethal kill and he
punched Bonner in the jaw instead.

Whimp assed dude. One punch knocked him out. Callis let
him fall to the deck. “


are coming with me, sugar

Candy,” he stated, low.

“Where?” she asked, scowling at him, trying to be angry as
she pulled her dark purple panties up under her short skirt.

“Anywhere,” he whispered, crossing his forearms over his

She tugged her top down, to the top of her belly button,
glaring at him with a sumptuous, yet mutinous bottom lip.

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“Okay, we will go with you,” she said, tossing her tawny hair
back into wild array with one hand.


, not we,” he sneered.

Candy’s mouth opened and closed like a guppy. “The k-
kids,” she stuttered.

“Live or die right here,” he rasped harshly. “Choose.”

“Y-You can’t mean!”

He turned, striding to the companionway. Toward the kids.
At least Smoker had been smart enough to stay out of this

“You can’t,” Candy cried. Then, he felt her hand tugging on
his shoulders, but he kept going. “Wait,” she yelled. Then,
he stopped. “W-What do you want from me?” she asked.

He turned his head to look down on her. “Everything,” he

“Hey, did you kill that dude?” Smoker asked, his voice shrill
and excited as he started to walk toward them with Lucy in
his arms.

Callis lifted his knife. Candy gasped. He laid his tongue on
the base and he licked it to the tip, looking at Candy with an
evil glint in his gaze.

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“What are we going to do now?” Smoker continued talking
in his nonstop way.

Callis turned his gaze slowly back to Smoker and Lucy with
a sneer on his lips. “No! Wait.

I will go!” Candy exclaimed, grabbing for his knife hand and

“Better to kill them now. Mercy,” Callis hissed under his
breath, right before Smoker reached them.

“No,” Candy exclaimed with a tight and angry sound.

“No, what?” Smoker asked, searching in his vest pockets
with the hand not holding Lucy for a crumbled pack of
cigarettes. “Want one?” he added.

“No, you are not going with us,” Callis rasped, snatching the
whole pack of cigarettes from Smoker. “Thanks, kid.”

After that Callis heard Candy doing some fast talking as he
walked away and went searching for anything useful. She
gave Smoker some crap about how they were going to
look things over, but they would be back. Too bad about the
kids. They would die slow. But kids were not in his

Still, he thought he'd it made, everything was just the way he

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wanted it, when his ears picked up the furtive noises from
the other side of the chamber. He turned and saw Candy
and the kids darting down the companionway. Hell, there
was no place to go. He followed, but he didn't hurry.

“Quick, get inside and jam the bar!” Candy exclaimed to the

Shit. Callis stopped at the other end of the companionway
glaring at Candy. Fuck, he’d blow the place up. But Candy
didn't go into the side compartment as the hatch banged
shut. She just stood there leaning up on her toes, riveted
like a bunny rabbit caught in a spotlight. Eyeing him.

Damn. She was challenging him. Scared shitless, but
challenging him still. What the fuck was up with this? Then
suddenly she turned and ran, just as he heard the kids on
the other side of the hatch jam the bar.

He laughed once. Surprising the complete hell out of
himself. Then, it burst from his chest and throat again in a
full rolling laugh he couldn't contain. Did not want to. It had
been ten years since he'd freaking laughed. “Chase is on,”
he chuckled.

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Chapter Three

Candy knew Callis didn't take her seriously. But she took
herself seriously. Her plan had a lot of holes in it. But it was
the only one she had. She would flee straight, then come
back around in a wide circle and get in behind Callis and
somehow with surprise on her side, knock him out and tie
him up. They needed Callis. It was the awful truth. She
probably had one chance in fifty of doing it, but she had to

Candy squeezed the length of pipe she'd found between
her hands. She was going to clobber Callis with this pipe.
The pipe felt good and heavy. Cold steel on her palms.
Somehow when it was her life that was getting pounded,
abused, or when the attempt was made to physically rape
her, it had never mattered as much as those kids. Smoker
and Lucy deserved a chance long before she or Callis did.
Another thing Callis didn't know, that she was light on her

Callis could smell her. He bet he could scent her five miles
easy, but she was just around the corner, waiting for him to
step through a hatched-sized hole torn in an inner wall of
the ship.

Phenomenal, being able to scent someone that far. It meant

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something. Usually, he could only scent people a couple
miles, and then with his Compass ability he could target
exactly where they were. Candy didn't know that he was a
Scenter too. Surprise!

He slouched through the rented hole in a low crouch,
stunned a second later when he heard the woof of air come
from behind him. He turned too late of course, but he saw
the flash of metal and he knew his head was the target.


Fuck! She hadn’t hit him. She'd turned the pipe at the last
second. “Damn it, Callis, I could have killed you!” she
screeched. “Just take the kids! Please!”

Candy couldn’t do


he realized as he was plowing into her mid-section. “Oh h

h h!” she screamed when his shoulder hit her belly and the
impact took them both down to the deck. Her on bottom,
him on top. He broke his fall with his forearms, keeping his
weight from crushing her. That pipe wouldn’t have killed
him, but Candy probably didn’t know that.

The first thing he noticed was that her top was gone and
she was wearing only a bra and her skirt. A white bra,
dipped deep into the cleavage of her breasts. The bra
helped lift the two mounds of her tits together like twin white
pillows when he knocked the pipe out of her hand, and then
he grabbed her wrists, pulling them over her head. Clever.
That is why he'd scented her around the corner, she'd used

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her shirt as a decoy.

“I spared your life! You owe me,” Candy cried, struggling
beneath him. She was energetically trying to get her knee in
any position to ram his groin, while he was swiftly taping her
wrists together using a roll of wide gray industrial tape he'd
found earlier. “Willing is better, Callis,” Candy panted.
“Can’t you see that? Forced is not good!” She was trying a
new angle. He smirked as he tore off a six-inch piece of
tape, while he straddled sugar Candy’s bare belly. “Who
said anything about force?” he asked in a sly rasp.

“This is force, Callis,” she cried as he lowered the tape
toward her mouth. “Next time I will kill you! Next time m-m-

Ah, peace and quiet, he thought, right before he whispered.
“Good enough to lick.”


The planet was a garbage heap. There were plenty of those
nowadays with trillions of people populating the universe.
Water was going to be hard to find. It looked dry as hell. A
junkyard desert. Food, now that was easy. They'd infested
the planet with insects to eat away the organic garbage.
Metals too . . . he saw. Hell, metal eating bugs would not be
pleasant. But with all the junk and garbage it would have
been impossible to find the survival pod’s locations were

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he not a Compass. The survival pod would have a rescue
ship that could be used to get off the planet. He could pilot
a ship, but he needed a person with Devout abilities to go
anywhere beside to the place the autopilot on the ship was
locked into. He looked at Candy. He could smell her


But he had plans first. Plans that weren’t going to wait a
minute longer, his cock told him.

Callis was going to rape her. Candy could see it in his
combative brown eyes. One more time, like Bonner had
been doing to her forever. What difference could it make?
Still, she couldn't stop the whimpering that scraped her
throat with denial as Callis pulled her into the remains of an
old family-sized hover car. One curved side of the round-
shaped vehicle was gone, but the soft stropped-leather
couch seats were still intact. She struggled against Callis’
hand gripping her wrists as he tugged her into the remains
of the hover vehicle shaped like a grotto.

By the pressure he used on her wrists alone, he swung her
around as he hooked his heel under both her ankles and he
flopped her bodily, onto her back, on the couch. The force
of her body landing raised dust from the cushions in a haze
around them. Callis appeared as a hulking shape in the
dust as he crouched over her, lifting her wrists up over her
head. There was a small pole above her head left from a
missing armrest and he hooked her taped wrists over this,

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then he sat back on his heels looking down at her.

She couldn't contain her need to struggle against the loss of
freedom, even though it was useless as she thrashed
against her restraints. Her body seesawed beneath Callis
as angry and fearful mewls twisted from her throat, until
Callis was forced to straddle her thighs and pressure them
into stillness. Her breasts billowed from the struggle and
labored breathing through just her nose. The ponderous
lurching of her barely clad breasts drew Callis’ gaze and
she realized the dust was settling and she could see him
more clearly now. She could see the embers of lust glowing
in his deep brown eyes and she could see the droplet of
sweat on his curved upper lip.

See too much. Too close.

Then, she saw the knife in his hand as he brought it
forward. Curved. Sharp. Glinting. Her gaze was riveted to it
as he slid the tip up her belly. The touch of cold steel made
her flesh jump and quiver as he slid the tip of the knife up
the center of her rib cage. She shed a powerless moan,
mumbled beneath the tape, and then when Callis hooked
the center of her bra with the blade, she groaned harshly in
relief. He wasn’t going to cut her.

She watched him lift the sharp blade, pulling the lace up
along its edge. The fragile lace sliced open easily and the
separated cups fell to each side, baring her uplifted breasts

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to his slow moving and thorough gaze. Horribly, her nipple
tips perked, drawing upward into small rosy tea colored
balls. She thrashed her wrists against the tape, bouncing
her chubby little aroused nipples at Callis. The desperate
need to cover herself itched down her body and the
impotent fact that she couldn't, made her moan.

Callis approved . . . transfixed, in a hard angled way as
though he could gaze at her swaying bare breasts for hours
with a hunter’s smirk on his full lips. He looked up from her
breasts, staring at her wild-eyed gaze, and then slowly he
set his knife aside, without taking his gaze off her. His
brown eyes, the set of his lips, the angle of his face told her
this was not going to be a mere ravage fucking. This was
going to be more than that. And it was the near
understanding of what that was that made her whimper and
clench her eyes shut.

Then suddenly things happened in fast motion as Callis
gripped her hips, tugging down her skirt, then her panties.
She flayed her head in denial as she clenched her thighs
together as tightly as she could, while Callis unsnapped her
high-heeled boots and pulled both of those off too.


Exposed! Bound.

She struggled between his unyielding thighs, until her
panting aided by the tape over her mouth nearly made her
pass out. Then, she lay limply with her breasts rising and

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falling in jerky hitches of breath. Her vision was unfocused
as she watched Callis stand at her feet. It was then she felt
more than she saw as he used his boot-clad feet to kick her
ankles apart, pressuring the inner edges of her ankles with
the outer edges of his boots, until he had her legs
separated at an impossibly wide angle.

She moaned helplessly. She could feel her pussy lips
separated and gaping open as the cooler air washed over
the laid bare entrance of her vagina and the thrusting tuft of
her exposed clitoris. Her inner thighs quivered with the
fierce need to close her thighs and shield her sex from such
exposure. Wetness tingled and cooled in all the aching and
shivering recesses of her sex and she lay bound and
exposed with the knowledge that the liquid of her senseless
arousal was bared and wet for Callis to see.

How could she be aroused?

No, she was frightened and

crawling with dread at being raped this way. How could she
be aroused? With tears in her eyes, she looked up at Callis
and it seemed that he had been waiting for her to do just
that because as soon as she did, he stripped off his tank
top revealing the tight, weight-lifting sculpture of his torso in
graphic masculine detail.

Then, his hands went to his pants and he paused, looking
down at her, sweeping her imprisoned nudity with his
intensely furrowed gaze, right before he tugged his pants
down and his cock sprang free. His lips curled into a

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confident and lustful smirk as her gaze lowered despite her
efforts not to.

Callis’s penis was not long, maybe six inches, but she'd
had never seen a cock so thick and broad around. The
width even tested Callis’ grip as he curled his fingers
around it, pressing the rigid column downward, until the slit
in the engorged reddish-purple head was pointed at her
face. Candy gasped beneath the tape, the helmeted heat of
Callis’ cock had to be as big as her small fist and a trickle
of white cum oozed from the slit. No woman could take that
width! But her sex thought differently as the inner walls in
her vagina set a pace with a continually throbbing ache and
the edges of the entrance swelled and curled open as
though begging to be fucked.

She could feel the welling droplets of her arousal, seeping
down through the crack of her ass, as she moaned in wild
denial. Yet even she could smell her arousal, which smelled
like lilies’ drenched in musk because of the perfume body
wash she wore. Callis smelled it too, as he stroked his
cock once . . . twice, then he stepped forward and he came
down on his knees which straddled either side of her belly.
He crouched down further, until his buttocks rested on his
calves, and his heavy testicles rolled over her belly button,
and his cock, which he stroked, was poised over her
breasts. She was completely surprised that he'd not raped
her yet as the warm flesh of his balls nestled into her belly
and she forgot to close her legs now that she had the

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freedom to do so.

“Good enough to eat,” Callis rasped, bringing forward the
free hand that wasn't stroking his cock to close around the
pliant hill of her right breast. His fingers burned her soft
plump flesh as they squeezed her breast forcing the nipple
upward like a sharp peak rising from the circle of his
fingers. She moaned, feeling sensations she shouldn't be
feeling as her hips undulated and her back arched lightly.

Then, Callis brought the cum-soaked head of his penis to
the tightly aroused ball of her nipple tip and he grated the
slit right over the ball, trailing his cum over the surface. She
heaved at the shock of arousal that splashed through her as
he smeared the thrusting protrusion of her nipple, and then
the aureole with his hot cum.

“Been without a woman for over four years, sugar Candy,”
Callis rasped, as his lips stretched back over his teeth and
he groaned low in his throat, stroking his cock faster now. “If
we live or die here, right now, and until I'm through, I'm
going to take you like a man should take a woman.”

Callis bent forward pressing his lips against her ear, while
furrowing his hand fisting his cock between her breasts.
“Like an animal,” he grated into her ear, making her
whimper in denial. “I'm going to fuck you like an animal,
Candy, in your mouth, in your cunt, but especially in your fat

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Candy squealed beneath the tape restricting her voice, left
with only shaking her head frantically. “Yes, Candy,” Callis
hissed against her ear.


Callis looked down at Candy.

Supple. Soft. Hot flesh. Woman sweet and fuckable. Hard
cock in his hand. Pumping tight. He only had one desire.
One burning, consuming desire.


Sweet. Hot. Juicy. Cumming all over his face. Yeah, that’s
what a man thought about when forced to be celibate. That
and his woman’s submission to him and only him.

He had to admit sugar Candy was one beautiful babe. The
smell of her alone could make him cum. But he had infinite
control. It wouldn’t happen until he allowed it . . . and his
cumming wasn’t the pleasure he was ultimately seeking.
There were better things. A man could jack himself off in a
minute flat. Bliss for twenty-seconds . . . then gone. Or a
man could eat for hours and live on the hum of pleasure
thrashing through his body. He liked the way Candy’s body
shook beneath his. It was more than fear.

He savored his balls cradled in her soft belly and his cum-
soaked cock nestled between her tits. And then slowly he
began to lick her. Just like a cat would. An animal leaving
his mark, tasting his prey. But this was sexual, as he
gripped her hair, using it to tug her head back and arch her
throat to him. This was one of the most vulnerable places
on a human and Candy felt it.

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She was forced to bare her tender throat to him as he laid
the flat of his tongue down on the satin soft flesh and he
licked the column with long slow laps, as she quivered
beneath him.

He could feel her Adam's apple jumping along the surface
of his tongue with every lap.

Damn, she tasted good, but he knew there were places on
her that tasted better, wet hot sticky places. But first he was
going to lick every inch of her, just like an animal—or a man
marking his woman. Either way, he loved it as he licked
over her collar bone, then he began working on her right
armpit. Sweet there. Sensitive. He licked up her arms
taking his time making sure to straddle her in such a way
that his balls laid and stroked over her face, with every shift
in position he made.

The smell of him that way had to drown her senses. By the
time he reached her fingers and started licking each one,
while making sure to suck each digit into his mouth, with a
slow sucking tongue, Candy was moaning. But then her
moaning was not that of refusal but whimpers and mewls of
building arousal. Despite her determination not to be
aroused, he was sure. She had no hope. All he cared about
was her pleasure . . . that and maybe fucking her in the ass,
because it was so dirty. When it came to sex, Candy was
going to drip all over him anytime he looked at her with the
intent to have sex with her.

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He'd not gotten it, until the second year in the dark hole
they'd imprisoned him in. A place where thinking was the
only thing that kept a man alive. That’s where he'd finally
figured it out—if a man really wanted a woman, he gave her
pleasure and that's where he received his ultimate pleasure
from. Show them what pleasure was—never backing down,
even if they got timid or scared. Making them your slut,
naughty and dirty, doing all those primitive things their
bodies’ craved to do, but their minds rebelled against.
Each barrier knocked down to get to their animal instincts
beneath, freeing the more intense expansion of their
pleasure. That was how Candy was going to submit to him.
He was going to bring her to climax as many times as it
took, until she begged him for his cum.

And she would beg.

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Chapter Four

By the time Callis licked Candy’s breasts, rib cage, belly . .
. bypassing her pussy, and then tongued each leg, turned
her over and licked her back, his sugar Candy was writhing
like a slutty lap dancer beneath him. The pretense that he
was forcing her left by the time he was sucking each of her
toes, so that now her flesh shivered and jumped with the
anticipation of where he was going next.

Her ass.

It was a sweet sugar ass that undulated and squirmed
trying to draw his attention quicker.

He had a feeling that one of the most sensitive places on
Candy’s body was her ass. He’d bet another year in prison
that it was her biggest pleasure point and her most hidden
secret. It certainly was his pleasure to make love to her ass.
He liked it dirty, hot, and sweaty. Hours of it.

And in the end that's how he first got her to climax, and he
never touched her pussy. Just her sassy fat ass.

He played with it. Using his hands as well, while he licked
every curve. He squeezed the plump cheeks in his hands
and nibbled the under curves. Squeeze, release again.
Candy wriggled and swayed her butt like only an eager and

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aroused woman can do. Trying to entice her male with her
supple assets. Squeezing and release. Pull the crack open
to his gaze.

“Mm-m-m,” Candy moaned

“You like that, baby?” he rasped. “I’m going to lick your dirty
little asshole.” And, he wasn’t even going to have to bring
her up on her knees. He began licking the sexy hot crack of
her ass and Candy crawled up on her knees, all on her own.


Yum. He licked deep, making her squeal.

Candy was senselessly aroused. It was wild and
consuming, as Callis’ big hands groped and fondled her
buttocks, lifting, kneading, squeezing. Holding the crease
open widely as his tongue lapped deeply above and below
the rosebud of her anus. The sensations took her prisoner.

There was no control as she swayed her ass like the best
stripper in the show shaking her goods.

Her thighs shuddered and her pussy was so hot, it felt like it
was a cauldron. Callis lifted her buttocks more, opening her
wider, and then the tip of his tongued tickled on the flesh
between her vagina and her rosebud. She screamed,
coming up, braced on her toes. Then, Callis’ tongued prod
her rosebud, entering it.


She couldn’t breathe as her whole body

quaked. Oh God-Oh God-Oh God! Callis’ tongue withdrew,

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quaked. Oh God-Oh God-Oh God! Callis’ tongue withdrew,
and then thrust forward again. She screamed as pleasure
tortured her body. Callis used his big hands to grip her
buttocks tight, then he began pulling her body forward and
pushing it away using the fast back and forth motion of her
body to fuck her rosebud with his tongue.


Her climax was fast and furious, colliding over her body like
an erupting volcano or the biting and forceful winds of a
hurricane. She screamed and convulsed riding the wave
with pitching tremors as Callis continued to fuck her ass
liberally and hard with his tongue, while her climax went on
and on . . .

Callis rolled over onto his back and wiped his mouth. He'd
made Candy cum hard twice by fucking her ass with his
tongue. He reached for the back pack he'd loaded with
potentially useful things from the remnants of the ship. He
kept one of his hands stroking Candy’s buttocks softly in
circles as she knelt, still quivering with her ass in the air.
She would come out of the passion rift shortly and start
worrying over embarrassment and other useless mental
crap. He had to get back to her before then, but he had
time for a drink. He opened the flap on the back pack and
dug for the bottle of brandy he'd found unbroken.

Brandy? Shit! No one, could really call him a brandy
drinker, he mused popping the top as he gazed down on

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his hard cock poised like a straight, but probably stumpy
flagpole between his thighs. He wasn't classy enough for
brandy. Not that he drank much.

He tilted his head back filling his mouth with brandy, then
swishing it around before he spat it out. Then, he took
another drink. The bite felt good down the back of his
throat. Hell, if he died this second, he would die a happy
man. Now, he was going to take himself into ecstasy.

“Come on, sweet baby,” he said rolling toward Candy to lift
her taped wrists off the pole, then he reached under her
belly and he pulled and turned her, until she was nestled
into his side.

Her eyes were closed and her breathing was still
breathless as he reached down and took hold of one corner
of the tape covering her mouth. She gasped of course,
when he tugged it off, with her eyes opening wide. But he
didn't give her much time to think or react, he just pressed
the lip of the brandy bottle to her mouth, and he whispered,
“Drink.” Candy coughed and sputtered, but he made her
drink three nice sized swallows, before he set the bottle
aside, and then he rasped, “Kick your legs up in the air,
sweet baby. Show me that hot wet cunt of yours.”

He knew Candy was dazed on the love-glowing aftermath
of two rocking climaxes. She was riding that plateau where
everything was right with the world and he looked like a

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Don Juan hunk to her. Yeah, that was cool, but he wanted it
after the plateau too. So, he wasn’t surprised, when his
sugar baby complied, by lifting her shapely legs high and
throwing them open at a wide angle. Damn. Sweet. Sweet!

He had to move quickly though, because he could see it
was dawning on her why the heck she was doing this. The
prize would be to get her to cuddle against him willingly . . .
when he was finished.

Tender white meat. Succulent and hot. He lapped like a
prime male animal would, readying his bitch to mate.
Pushing hard with his shoulders he stretched Candy’s
thighs back, opening her up. Damn, he loved pussy.
Candy’s fingers dragged over his bald head as she arched
back screaming his fucking name in passion. In wild

Go d .

He nearly shook as he drew her clit

between his lips and he scrubbed the underside of it with
his tongue.

“Callis! Oh-hh-hh God!


Oh yeah, baby, he ground his face deeper, and his hot
sugar candy humped his face with no barriers in place like
the free sexual woman she was. He’d taken her over the
top into abandon.

She’d do anything for him. Right now.

This minute.

This is

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when a man respected a woman.

When she went from his lady to his slut. But only for him.

He plucked his fingertips over the sweet meat of Candy’s
jutting and swollen clit. His tongue yielding to his fingertips
twisting her passion-plump clit, interspersed with fingers
rapid flicking, while he used another finger to circle Candy’s
hot little asshole. Then in a signature move he'd make his
and Candy’s, he thrust his tongue deep into her vagina, at
the same moment he fucked her sweet asshole with his

Candy clamped her thighs over his ears as she screamed
and he plumbed her ass and vagina good, in and out. No
respite. He fucked her deep and hard.




When she climaxed, he kept her going over three minutes
at least. She was one hot babe, a loving, beautiful, and a
wildly passionate woman in his hands. Oh yeah, a couple
more times and she’d be begging him for his cum.



baby,” Candy implored. God all she wanted

was Callis’ cock and his cum!

She wanted his cum all over her, smeared from her lips to
her toes. She wanted it squirting hot, hard, and thick down
her throat, filling her mouth, dribbling down her chin. She
wanted it in her ass oozing out, or deep in her cunt with his
cock thrusting there and pushing his hot sticky cum out the

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cock thrusting there and pushing his hot sticky cum out the
sides. “Fuck me,” she cried, pleading. “Give me your hot
cum, baby. Let me have your cock! Oh-hh


, Callis!”


She didn't care. She felt like a slut. She wanted to be

a slut. Callis’ cum slut. But it was different than degrading. It
was hot, sexy, and wildly arousing, because Callis only
gave her pleasure. Time after time. She couldn’t
understand it, barely believe it, and she could only live it
because he gave her no respite from the pleasures he
reaped over her. His control was phenomenal and his
passion was raw, dirty, and intensely erotic. He had no
embarrassments. He had no dislikes. There was nothing he
wouldn’t do to her . . . to her body. Except, give her his cum
and his cock.

Her bound wrists hindered her need to touch him. To stroke
him. But he knew that.

Somehow, he knew it all as she arched her back and
undulated her hips like the wild movements of a Hula
dancer. Trying to entice him. “Fuck me, baby. Fuck me
hard! You want to fuck my mouth? Shove your cock back
deep in my throat? Cum on my tits? Callis, please!” Callis
grabbed her ass with both hands as she lay on her back
with her arms stretched over her head. He squeezed both
of her buttocks as he pulled her to him with her legs on
either side of him as he crouched resting on his heels. The
wide head of his cock fitted to the opening of her needy
vagina. She completely forgot how big it was, and her fear

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of it. “Oh


, baby,


,” she coaxed as she rolled her

hips, and she dug her heels into his tight buttocks.

“You want my cum, sugar slut?”

“Yes!” she gasped

“Are you going to be naughty for me, Candy?”

“Yes, baby,


” she mewled.

“You want to be my sweet slut?”

“Oh God, Callis, yes! Just for you!”

“Ah, sweetness,” Callis raised his hips, pushing the head of
his cock, just a fraction of an inch into her vagina.

“Oh hh hh.” The sensation was rapture, fizzling all the nerve
endings deep inside her as his cockhead stretched her
vagina beyond normal resistance. The rimmed edge
scraped against her intensely sensitive and aroused tissue.

“Callis,” she gasped, with her gaze locking onto his and she
could see his control faltering for the first time. “Fuck me,
baby,” she urged, using her heels on his buttocks to raise
her hips, trying to impale herself further onto his thick cock.

Her pushing gained another inch of cock, prying her vagina
impossibly wide. “Oh-hh-hh,” she cried, feeling the pleasure

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gush through her sex, centered on the tight clench of her
vagina over the head of Callis’ cock.

She heard Callis groan over the roaring in her ears. “Fuck
me, fuck me,” she begged, as he held her there, throbbing
on the head of his cock. Oh God-Oh God!

“Where do you want my cum?” he asked, in a deeply
strained rasp.

Candy’s gaze focused and unfocused, skittering over
Callis’ sweat-lined face. The answer seemed monumental.
As though if she gave the wrong answer, he wouldn't give
her his cum.

Impossibly overwhelming, she couldn't make a choice. Her
overpowering desire wanted him everywhere. She'd never
been so crazily aroused. “Anything,” she whimpered.
“Anything, Callis.”

“Yeah.” One side of his lip curled upward. “Pussy, mouth,

“Ooo!” Candy screamed as Callis suddenly thrust his cock
inside her without warning.

Driving forward, pushing all her tight barriers away.


Callis’ sight blinded for a second as intense pleasure

raked his body, ramming straight through his cock. He was

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big, but he’d never had a cunt hole as tight as sugar
Candy’s gripping his cock. He strained with his sweat-slick
shoulder muscles tensing tightly. His buttocks cut into hard
rocks of tension as he fought down the urge to fuck hard,
fast, and wild. Soon.


He knew then, Candy’s ass couldn’t take him. Not yet. He
would work on it. Damn, that left him pussy or mouth.


His chest heaved and his belly sucked inward.

Candy’s red lips glistened with her mouth opened wide and
her tongue undulating, with come-hither motion.

He knew it then. Right where he wanted to be. Kissing her
hard. Fucking her deep.


He swung his hips and grunted at the intense pleasure-
racking grip of Candy’s cunt over his cock. “Callis,” she
panted, and then she screamed passionately as he drove
his cock deep into her again.

“Ah hh,” The groan was torn from his belly as his balls
slapped against Candy’s ass. Then, he fell forward over
her, balancing his body on his knees as Candy’s legs
clamped his waist and his cock thrust the last inch to the
base. They moaned as one. He could feel Candy’s clit
thrusting against his lower abdomen, because her cunt lips
were spread so wide by the thickness of his cock.

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He reached forward, balancing on one hand and ripped the
tape between Candy’s wrists.

“I’m going to fuck you now, baby. Hold on.”

“Yes, Callis,” she cried as she reached her arms around his
shoulders, pulling her upper body to his chest. Titties hot
and sweaty, plastered his chest while he slung his arm over
her shoulder and down her back, until he clamped his hand
over her butt, pulling her tightly to his body, holding her

“Now, I’m going to fuck you like a slut,” he grated. “Love

“Yes, fuck me,” she cried, then his tongue was deep in her
mouth and his hips were swinging swiftly, rocking her soft
bouncing curves against him. He lifted her body upward
with each forceful thrust. “Callis! Callis!” she cried hugging
him tight, taking his plunging tongue deep into her mouth.

He had played too long with her. He’d played too deep. He
couldn't hold back. She felt so damn good. He plunged his
cock rapidly, taking it to the hilt each time as she met him,
driving her hips upward using her heels. Fucking him as he
fucked her. Staying with him as they balled like two
uninhibited unrestrained animals.

Sweat sprayed off them with each belly to breast slapping

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of their bodies. His cum coiled in his balls and burned up
the shaft of his cock with a white-hot bite. The pleasure
shook him to his knees, making him groan as Candy bit
into his shoulder and he felt the impact of her climax
strangle his ejaculating cock.

“Callis!” Candy cried, and he held her to him, as they both
came together like an explosion.

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Chapter Five

“You give me your devotion?”

Candy laid straddling Callis with her bent arms resting on
his chest and her chin propped on her hands, as she
looked down on him. His big hands cupped her buttocks,
fondling gently.

She blinked at him.

“That’s what this is about?” She hesitated. “You’re a
Compass too aren’t you, Callis? I knew you were a
Scenter, but to be a Compass too.” Candy bit her bottom
lip, easing her eyes to Callis’ mouth, instead of his intense
gaze. “That is why you broke the navigation screens. I
remember seeing you doing it.”

“A Raze too,” he rasped lowly.

Her eyes widened. “Three?”

And a Raze too,

she thought

to herself. Razes were controlled fighters, natural predators.
They had phenomenal command of their bodies, but they
could be crazed. She glanced at Callis’ dark brown eyes.
He was not crazed. But three? Three at once was highly

And now he had her devotion. She couldn't deny it. It was

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not something a person could fool themselves about. He
owned a piece of her now. Her emotions. Her needs. Her
desires. “But my Devout abilities are very weak,” she said.
“I never use them. I could never channel anyone as strong
as you.”

Callis tilted his gaze at her with his eyelids narrowing
slightly as though he studied her. “A woman with as much
passion as you have can handle me, sugar baby.” Candy
blushed. She felt it heating her cheeks, making them pink
beneath his weighty gaze.

She'd never acted like such a completely abandoned slut in
her life. And the wincing fact was, she enjoyed it. Craved to
do it again. With Callis. Only Callis. He owned a piece of
her now.


“Get some sleep,” he whispered with his rasping tenor
voice. He stroked her cheek with his finger. “We leave in a
couple of hours. I work best at night in the dark.” Yes, she
imagined he would . . . like a night predator. But she
couldn't sleep, even as overwhelmingly sexually sated as
she was, her thoughts would not leave her alone. They
prickled and nagged at her. Those kids. But she laid her
cheek down on Callis’ chest and sighed.

Lying as quietly as she could, thinking. They needed Callis.
But he needed her. Was she strong enough?

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He was strong. So strong. Why had he taken her as he
had? Climax after climax. Making love to her. Giving
pleasure. She still hadn't been certain in the end that he
would take his own.

He was extraordinary. But why? He seemed like such a
hard and rough man . . . and he was, but .

. .

Candy snuggled closer to Callis’ chest. He dominated her,
but she didn't want to be anywhere else. He made love to
her. Deep, passionate, and giving love. What did a man
like Callis need? His freedom of course. That he couldn't
just snatch easily or bowl over with his forceful personality.
She knew this planet would have a survival pod and that
pod would have a rescue ship. Now, she knew Callis
planned to meld her Devote abilities and his Compass
abilities to guide that ship. To freedom. To his freedom.
Was that all he wanted her for? To channel his Compass
abilities and guide the ship? If that was the case, she could
lose him soon. Never have him. Never see him again. He
could leave her anywhere, once he had his freedom. She
supposed that she expected him to do that really.

She would never have this chance again. This moment.
She wanted to show him something. Give him something. It
was her heart. She knew it. Foolish, foolish soft loving

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A heart that she'd never known she possessed. The plan
was as slow in the making as her sleeplessness was. She
felt it was a credit to their new relationship that Callis could
fall asleep with her so easily. It left him vulnerable and she
appreciated that. But then again, he knew he had a large
piece of her, and he was right. She could only come up with
one possibility to change his mind. It was a flimsy idea and
it was purely selfish on her part, because she really wanted
to do it. But maybe, just maybe, she could capture a piece
of Callis.

Candy lifted her head slowly and looked down at Callis’
sleeping face.

The tape would not

hold him,

she thought.

She needed something stronger. One piece of luck though,
he slept with his hands pillowed beneath his head and his
arms bent. Lucky, not too far to go, she thought turning her
gaze slightly to eye the straps on the pack that he'd brought
along with them. They would be strong enough, she thought,
but she would have to be very careful and move slowly.

Candy gazed down at the curve of Callis’ full lips, thinking
what it would be like to kiss him for as long as she wanted,
uninhibited. That thought sent a purr of pleasure quivering in
her belly. She knew what else he liked. What he desired.
She wanted it too. It's what turned her on the most. She’d
never let the secret out though. There was no one she'd
trusted enough with it before. She'd done it a few times
willingly in the past, but each time she'd struggled and
succeeded to hold back her wild response. But of course,

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no man had ever licked her ass before and fucked the
rosebud of her anus with his tongue.

Callis woke up with a jerk, knowing he'd screwed up . . .
badly. Prisoner. Chained.

Captured. But in the next second, his senses told him
something was not right with that fucked up lousy scenario.
Wary. Cagey. Trained as a fighter, he'd not opened his
eyes. Instincts. Wait and see. Gauge. Adjust. His wrists
were tied above his head with what felt like two inch wide
straps. Tight. Solid. They wouldn't move. His feet were free.
Mistake that.

The Tracker would have known that, but he was dead.
Bonner man? Come to claim his chick? It was dark out. He
could tell that beneath his eyelids. Sugar Candy was right
beside him.

He could smell her sex. Smell her hard nipples.



nipples? Tight thrusting nipples, condensed a milky scent
right at the tips. Would his sugar baby have jutting nipples if
she were afraid? Possibly. He waited only with the patience
a prisoner can earn. Breathing deep. Feigning sleep.

He felt Candy move beside him. Then he felt parts of her
soft naked flesh brush against him. A full breast against his
ribs and a tender belly against his side. He didn't sense
anyone else there with them. The jutting spoke of a nipple

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dragging up his chest. Shit, he tensed. The feel
overpowering him for a split second.

“I think you are awake,” Candy whispered, with her sweet
humid breath washing over his lips.

Seduction? He had to admit his mind was blown away, if
this was the plan. But then Candy’s lips touched his and he
knew by their taste that his woman had intentions. The tip of
her tongue licked his bottom lip slowly.

“Mmm, I love your lips, baby,” Candy’s voice purred. “I want
to make love to them and your cock.” His lips were moving,
being seduced. He allowed it as his belly shivered slightly.

He’d been chained and tied a lot of times in his life, but . . .
“Mmm, ever had a woman’s mouth make hot wild love to
your cock, Callis?” Candy hummed huskily.


He quit worrying about how he got in this position

and succumbed to the pleasure of Candy’s tongue plunging
in his mouth like she was fucking it. He could have taken
her down in seconds with just his legs. She was in the right
position for a leg lock. Death or release. The pain alone
would have forced her to pick releasing him.

Candy’s tongue deep-throated him as her fingers caressed
over his bald head and her naked breasts rolled against his
chest. Looked like he was a prisoner to love, he thought
wryly as he turned his head slightly to be kissed more

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passionately than he could have believed, by one hot babe.


Candy did not stop kissing Callis’ lips and tonguing his
mouth, until they both were hot from the friction. In her mind
she thought of it like having passionate sex with his mouth.
And she put everything she had into it. Then she wasn't
satisfied until she made him groan. It was an uncontrolled
deep sound, slight, and heard just barely beneath her own
insuppressible moaning.

The sound of Callis’ fractious groan freed her from her
concerns. Would he be furious? Would he hate her?

She moved, stroking his cock as she leaned over it gazing
at it with intense craving that made her mouth water. She
knew it would stretch her lips to the limits and stuff her with
its incredibly wide width. The thought thrilled her, just like it
felt in her pussy. Just imagining the thick pole in her ass
made her quiver.

“You'll never get me off that way, sugar Candy. If that’s what
you are after,” Callis said.

She just smiled, glancing up at him to see that he'd finally
opened his dark brown eyes. Her wild and thorough kissing
had aroused him. His gaze spoke of it and his cock was
filled tight and stiff with it.

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“Mmm, I just want to make love to your cock,” she
whispered. “Make love to you.” Her hand stroked, feeling
the oven hotness of cock meat in her hand. She saw Callis’
rigid belly tense as she lowered her head.

“Go for it, baby,” he rasped, trying to sound unaffected, she
was sure.

But she thought that just the fact he was not fighting being
tied up, spoke a lot. Then her tongue touched the shaft and
the blood engorged heat of Callis' cock seared the surface.

“Ammm,” she hummed, laying her tongue flat with lots of
saliva to coat the shaft, while her hand milked the base,
steadily pumping. She tilted her head to and fro, liberally
wetting every inch of the column, until wetness dribbled over
Callis’ balls. Then her hand used the slurpy wetness to take
over from her tongue as she jacked on his cock with a slick
tight motion, repeating from the head to base, head to

“Mmm, you taste so good, baby,” she purred lovingly,
darting her tongue out to lick the slit, which her fisting hand
bounced up to her tongue during each rapid draw. She
heard Callis hiss a breath and her enthralled gaze caught
his controlled intense one. Right then, she slowed her
stroking and pursed her lips, looking at him as she brought
the head of his cock to her lips to kiss it.

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“Candy,” he rasped, with his chest heaving slightly and his
wrists straining the bounds holding them over his head.

“I love your cock, baby,” she purred, with her lips against the
tip. Just then, a small pool of hot cum oozed from the slit
smearing over her lips. “Mmm,” she moaned. It was hot and
sticky against her tender lips. Her eyelids dipped lowered
in pleasure, then raised again as she looked at Callis,
using her lips to spread his cum over the head.

Callis stared. Trying not to flinch. Locking his knees.
Seduction my ass, this



Cock love. Cock worship. Cock seduction. Heart twisting
emotion that could crack a man. His eyes squinted
involuntarily as Candy sucked the head of his dick between
her lips. Into a mouth too small for his width, until it stretched
her cum-soaked red lips around the circumference.



He didn't care what it was. This woman could

suck cock! Suddenly, Candy suctioned his cock rapidly
over – over– over, as her lips slid down the shaft.

“Ah shit,”

he cussed, as he gritted his teeth. Damn, sugar

baby was going to kill him. But he still fought cumming. He
never would, until he willed it. He didn't care how much
unconditional and openly free, passionate love Candy plied
over his cock, he wasn't going to give in.

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“Ah hh hh,” he groaned harshly as pleasure ripped through
his body and Candy’s tight sucking mouth reached the
base of his cock. Impossible . . . and the width was like
being encircled in a white knuckled fist. Then, she really
went to town holding him there and sucking like a wild

“Candy!” He thrashed against the restraints holding his
wrists, while her head bobbed over his cock and her mouth
fucked him nasty. He groaned with his muscles bulging and
straining with the effort he used to fight back cumming.


Why, he wondered in the midst of blind and gutting

passion? Why did he hold back?

Why did Candy affect him this way, when no other woman
had? It was the way she did it.

Making love, not just simple trashy fucking. He'd taken a
piece of her before, but now she was giving up everything
she had freely. Loving on him like a woman that cared
deeply. Smart. Sexy and smart. It was working.

“Ah!” he groaned. Damn right it was working.

Candy deep throated Callis’ beautiful hot cock one last
time, drawing on it as hard as she could manage. From the
base all the way to the tip. Then she let the bulbous head
pop out of her mouth, while she took up an even stroking
with her hand. Her saliva coated the surface making the

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overly thick, pulsating shaft, slippery as she stroked. She
was so turned on her pussy throbbed, flushing open,
leaking juices that wet her inner thighs. But it wasn't pussy
fucking that turned her mind so hot. It was the thought of
Callis’ wicked tongue in her ass that made her cream.

Slowly, she crawled over Callis’ prone body as he glared at
her with his combative and aroused stare. She could tell
being restrained was testing him.

“You want a deep hot pussy fuck, Candy?” he rasped,
licking his full lips. “You want a hard cock to use? I won’t
cum.” He squinted. “Go for it. Fuck yourself, baby.” Candy
merely smiled as she lifted the head of his cock, while she
squatted over it, kneeling on her knees. She could only go
by feel as she relaxed her aroused body as much as she
was able and spread her thighs, opening herself up. Then
she fitted the cum-soaked head of Callis’ cock to the love-
knot of her anus and she gasped at just the erotic touch. Oh
yes– yes–yes!

“N o ,”

Callis growled sharply. “Damn it, you will hurt

yourself!” Panting in arousal, Candy raised her gaze to
Callis with her breasts heaving and her belly quivering. She
pushed down on the head of his cock, but it only moved a
fraction of an inch.

“Damn it, no Candy!” he exclaimed.


His eyes were


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“I can take you,” she moaned. “I want you there so bad!”

“Fucking your ass?” he rasped.

“Yes,” she panted, pushing her love knot against the head.
She needed more pressure-

“I’d love to


your ass dirty.”

Candy blinked trying to raise her gaze to Callis, but not
managing as each poke of his penis against her anus
rushed shivers into her thighs. Oh God, it felt so good. And
Callis’ words just clawed pleasure through her body.

“Let me loose.”

Candy quivered like percussions through her body as her
gaze lifted to Callis. “I want to do this! I want your cock in my

“Candy,” he exclaimed sharply, raising her gaze to him
again. “I


cum in your ass,” he rasped.

“Yes, baby,” she panted. “You promise . . .



she whimpered.

“Fuck, I won’t be able to stop myself,” he half rasped, half
growled. “It’s my thing, Candy.

My nasty turn on."

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“Oh hh,” Candy moaned, using her hand on the shaft of
Callis’ cock to rub the head over her super sensitive,
puckering anus. She could feel sticky cum that leaked out
the slit, wetting her anus.



“Candy! Candy, listen to me,” Callis urged.

She pressed down sliding her knees outward and Callis’
cockhead pressed inside her sphincter.

“Ah hh” Callis groaned. “Wait, baby, wait. Oh fuck!” he
exclaimed with his whole body tense. The pleasure was so
intense that sweat streaked his body. He wanted it bad. But
more than that, deeper. He was afraid he would split Candy
wide if it wasn't done right. “


,” he hissed.

“Please let me do it!”

Candy stopped with a half an inch of his oozing cock-head
in her puckered ass.


His muscles nearly snapped at

the pleasure.


promise?” she gasped.

“Yes,” he hissed. “I promise you, Candy.” He forced his
eyelids open to look into Candy’s feverish hazel eyes. “I
promise you again, baby. You have my word.” Shit, he’d just
given up the ship, but his passionate babe was quivering
from her head to her pretty toes in lust for him.

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Begging him, willingly and passionately to fuck her ass.

“The kids?” Candy whispered.

“Yeah,” he grated out flatly. “We can leave them somewhere
safe,” he admitted, grudgingly for a man with the tip of his
cock-head kissing heaven.

“Callis,” she whispered, with gratitude shining.



are staying with me,” he rasped. “And Bonner man

will have to make out on his own.”

“Callis!” Candy exclaimed, at the same moment she
dropped down on his chest and took his face in her hands.

“This doesn’t mean shit,” he advised her looking at her lips
lowering over his.

Oh God.

Ass, sweet and tight. Lubed with his tongue.

Quivering fat butt cheeks. Spread wide. His lady crying
passionately. Bucking against him. The ringing and slow
pop of sphincter muscles yielding.


. . . tight so tight. The slow in and out thrust working

the muscles open wider and wider. Fingers buried in pussy.
Rubbing clit.

Oh yeah, Candy, move on me. Move on me!

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God, and she loved it up the ass. Cumming over and over,
before he really got to fucking her ass hard. Pulling her up
rough. Dragging her. Filling her ass. Slapping her fat ass

Making them jiggle. Hot cum shooting deep.

Candy screaming in pleasure. Fat hard cock up the ass.
His beautiful baby owned him now.



enough to lick . . .” he rasped.

The End.

Read an exciting preview of, Princess Concubine by
Christina Stoke and exciting sci fi

erotic romance.

Five clicks later, Prey paused outside the entrance to his
quarters on board the Bengar first command ship called,
Rager. He understood the Kimaree women thought Bengar
men to be offensive looking beasts. At least this is what his
ambassador had stated as the reason for the breakdown in
negotiations. It was the reason he and all the Bengar
warriors he commanded were posted threateningly over the
Kimaree province on the planet Ishtar.

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Some beneath his command thought this engagement was
just another war over mineral rights. The planet Ishtar did
contain substantial quantities of the compound used to
generate their ships warp drive capabilities. However, that
was an inconsequential reason for his purpose here.

In his way of thinking, there were only two who would ever
decipher the true reasons. Himself for its invention and his
ambassador for its implementation. Even though his first
intentions of peaceful means had failed, he still intended to
gain his final goal.

It was ironic or perhaps brilliant . . . that he could hide his
true goal. A goal that should be obvious to both worlds that
were involved, yet would never be, because of who he was.
What he was. A Bengar warrior. No one would think above
the reason that he was here to conquer. When instead he
was here to meld.

Would the Kimaree concubine behind the doors find him
abhorrent? Would she hide her disgust in the belief she
was saving her race? Would it matter? He'd not demanded
willing. He'd just demanded her. He had never seen her
before and he'd only seen virtual images of two Kimaree
women. He had not found them completely distasteful . . .
simply different.

He was procrastinating and he knew it, however, what he
did next was crucial. So crucial because it involved the

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continuation of his race. Slavery or companionship? That
was what he must decide in the next several moments. Or
perhaps a combination of both. He needed this princess-
concubine willing . . . or to at least appear to be willing. He
needed to display what charms he could find in her
favorably, so that other Bengar males might . . .

Hiss . . .

The retractor door before Prey slid open suddenly and he
saw the lithe-fingered hand poised in motion that had
opened it.


Shybell Lee thought. He was perfectly male,

perfectly muscled with a smoothly bald head that was
uniquely arousing, and he carried the full lips of a sensual
male. She was astounded once again at the sight of a full-
grown Bengar male. She'd been told, been led to believe,
Bengar males were frightful-looking beasts. The stories
she'd been told were of brawny misshapen statures,
looking more like beasts than males. Toughly hewed
muscle? Yes.

Misshapen? No.

This one was as arousing as the other, Tigar . . . only this
one was much more so!

Especially with his amber eyes surrounded by a rim of
sapphire in each iris. She could not say she liked the marks

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sapphire in each iris. She could not say she liked the marks
upon his rugged angular face. A male’s hard powerful face.
Yet the markings made him no less appealing to her

She purred. Instinctively, she sensed his abundance of
masculine aura, drawing her immediately ... irrevocably.
Why the lie? This male was heady ... He was intoxicating
beyond her understanding. Why had the men of the council
of Ishtar mourned her? Why had they reacted as if she were
being sent to the stone mountain of the dead? Why had she
spent agonizing hours preparing herself mentally for the
horror, so she would not react abhorred in front of he who
was her new master?

It was maddening and crazy to comprehend because this
fate she would gladly embrace!

There was only one conclusion she could come to in this
astounding moment and that was that no Kimaree women
had ever seen Bengar males first, or this mistake would not
have been made!

If indeed it was a mistake?

Shybell knew this one before her. She knew by his armor,
his stature . . . his entrance into what must be his quarters.
This one was called, Prey Hunter. He was her master now.

Slowly she drew her long, gold-painted fingernails in a

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languid gesture up over her sleekly round hips, stretching
her back, arching it in a feminine and feline way as she
hummed approvingly low in her throat. The Bengar’s
reaction was beyond Kimaree male.

He scented her.

Purely masculine to her feminine.


he was rough and so

potent. She flipped her silky hair back over one shoulder in
a slinky gesture of her head as she posed, licking her
pulsating lips.

That pulsation was a reaction from her female hormones,
being drawn into a tingling awareness by his fiercely
masculine presence.

“Where do you go?” Prey Hunter demanded. His voice was
a rumbling bass tone that slithered tantalizingly up her
spine. Shybell arched her body more, then she turned with
a slow and hip undulating movement to sway back into the
room with a laughing murmur.

“To find you ... perhaps,” Shybell replied huskily, peeking
over her shoulder at him through the bangs of her sable
hair. She paused before a pile of big fluffy pillows she had
arranged on the end of his circular bed. Still peeking at him,
she lay down amidst the pillows, posing for him. Her short
top was red silk, her panties a bit of scarlet lace, and the
bells on her toes tinkled. She rotated her bottom upward in
a mating gesture, while she sprawled on her side.

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“To find what was promised ... perhaps,” she purred

Prey Hunter was angered and it heightened her awareness
of his maleness to excitement.

Because he was also engaged . . . aroused against his will
perhaps. Anger and passion, what a heady mixture. She
could do nothing less than appreciate it, because her
hormones were also engaged, and her will was theirs.
Perhaps later, when her hormones no longer held her so
enthralled, then she would learn to be frightened of his girth,
of his height. Of the way his shoulders and chest expanded
as he entered the room. Of the graven planes of his face
shadowed with ebony tattoos. A strip of tightly spaced alien
lettering across his forehead and under each eye making
the amber color of his eyes more startling and predatory.
She was his prey as he circled her . . . and she stretched
sensuously and enticingly amid the pillows.

He came at her from behind, his armor gone, his massive
chest bared. This she only knew because she could feel it
as he pressed her forward into the plump pillows, laying his
large and callused warrior’s hand on her squirming behind.

“Mmm,” she purred, raising her bottom upward into his
broad palm, arching her back and stretching her arms over
her head. “Touch me, warrior,” she hummed.

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“Do you even know which one I am?” he growled. “Do you
even care?”

Good Enough to Lick, published by Allure Books,

copyrighted 2011 © Christina Stoke

ISBN# 978-1-4661-7740-6

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
reproduction or utilization of this

work in whole or in part in

any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means,
now known

or hereafter invented, including xerography,

photocopying and recording, or in any information


or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written
permission of the publisher, Allure

Books. This is a work

of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are
either the product

of the author’s imagination or are used

fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons,


or dead, business establishments, events or locales is
entirely coincidental.

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Table of Contents

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five


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Notto R Thelle Buddhism and Christianity in Japan From Conflict to Dialogue, 1854 1899, 1987
Christie Agatha Morderstwo to nic trudnego
Money and Happiness A Guide to Living the Good Life
To Kill A Mockingbird Good Analysis of the Novel

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