My last chapter
The balcony... it's just there and the voices are closing in, coming closer and closer.
I know its crazy but I don't hesitate to run and jump. I'm falling slowly, my heart is leaping up
my throat, threatening to choke me before I've even hit the ground and died. The pavement
is clear and the image of my blood being spalttered on it is in my mind. My hair waves in the
breeze, I don't regret jumping, its better to die fast then be tortured and have to betray the
ones I love. I loved her.
I loved her with every bone in my body and I treasured her as if she was the most precious
thing in the world. She was the most precious thing to me. I'd die to see her, so die I shall.
The voices are louder, above me, the problem for them is they can't get me. I'm almost
gone, a few more precious seconds and I'll be out like a light. So I'll take those few seconds
and feel my heart thump against my chest, I'll remember her beautiful brown eyes and those
will be the last things I'll think of.
I'll see her in heaven, or wherever the hell it is I end up. If I'm with her then I die a happy
man. If I get to see our baby boy then it will be the best thing in the world.
More yelling, demanding to get to me, demanding to squeeze it out of me. My darling sister
can't get my money now, its all gone, thrown away in a fire, burned to crisp. She doesn't
have a reason to go after me anymore but I don't care.
I really don't care anymore.
The first thing to hit the ground is my face, coursing pain to fill my body. My face hurts so
badly that I want to scream, I feel my scream try to crawl up my throat but it doesn't get out.
"He's jumped!" Sara (my little sister) yells. "We'll never get it! Call the ambulance!
Too late...
It's all dark now, really dark and cold. The darkness begins to clear a little bit every second, I
search for my way out, I didn't kill myself to just float into darkness for the rest of eternity. I
want to see them! I need to see them. I keep seaching... but I know that this is God's way of
punishing me. I'm stuck in the darkness... forever.