Love On Purpose Revolution Larry Michel

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Love On Purpose Revolution: Larry Michel

[Intro Music]

Orna Walters: Hi. I'm Orna Walters.

Matthew Walters: Hi. I'm Matthew Walters.

Orna: We are your hosts for the Love On Purpose Revolution.

Matthew: Our goal is to bust the myth that love is supposed to happen by accident.

Orna: We have brought together top experts to guide you through the process of
creating love on purpose.

Matthew: Today we are so thrilled to have Larry Michel with us. Larry Michel brings a
completely unique and eye-opening understanding to relationship conflicts, opportunities,
and love. He's the founder of the School of Genetic Energetics, and a Master Energetic
Relationship Professional.

Larry is a breakthrough relationship coach, trainer, speaker, entrepreneur, producer, and
author. As a partner at, he's created the system that instantly delivers
an understanding of the impact and expanse of our genetic energetics, now scientifically
referred to as The Third Dimension to Relationships.

Orna: Larry is also the host of "The Larry Love Show." We are so excited to have him
share with you his wisdom tonight. Hi Larry.

Larry Michel: Hi. Thank you for having me on this wonderful show. I am so excited
about what you two are doing, and the incredible speakers that you've massed together to
break the myth about the accident of love. It's exciting. It's very exciting.

Orna: Yeah. You know we're all brought up to believe that anything that we want we
should work at it, and be purposeful and intentional about it, except love, right?
Somehow we're sold this myth from a very young age that love is supposed to happen by
accident. It's really something personal for us, because I know it didn't happen on
accident for us.

Our relationship has been very intentional and purposeful in our coming together, and our
being together, and our staying together. I know what you do Larry is so unique, it gives
such a unique perspective into how couples and even people who are meeting for the first
time can sort of have a peek into what their compatibility is. I think it's so special what
you do. I'm so excited to have you share with us all of these amazing tips and tools, and
how people can really gain this insight for themselves.

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Larry: Well I'm excited to share, too. This is for me... It's relatively... In the history of
my life it's relatively a new journey because I was introduced to this technology only five
years ago. When I found out about it, it was...

At first I was reluctant. I was in disbelief. In fact, I didn't want to believe it, and I came
from a world of psychology and sociology, but also product development. My interest in
the product had the owner, Frank Seifert founder of MatchMatrix say, "Do you want to
come work with me?" and I said, "Only if I get to really throw big rocks at your window.
I get to call your baby ugly." All those kind of things that product developers do so they
can believe in things. He said, "Go for it."

And I did. I aggressively tried to break this system for well over a year. 1,000 or more
interviews with couples, and finally I went, "Holy cannoli! I've got to be part of this. This
is too transformational. This has explained just about every situation that I couldn't
explain in every relationship that I've ever had." I'm not just talking romance. But I am
talking when we get right down to it, love of self. So it's huge.

Matthew: That's really exciting. So tell us a little bit about this third dimension to

Larry: Oh, you cued me up. OK. Great. So I'm going to do this with an analogy. Let's
think of a relationship as a three-legged stool, OK? So if most people when they go into
relationships, whether it's romance, or it's a friendship, or it's business, or whatever it is,
they make their relationship decisions based on two things. In fact, we all do this until
this new technology came out.

We base it on physical and mental attributes. So this is what it looks like. I meet someone
because they've been introduced to me, and I'm a single man and I'm looking for love. I
see this woman and I go, "Wow. Oh my gosh she's beautiful. She's everything I've always
wanted. She's got the right color hair. She's the right height and shape. Look at her eyes,
they're just brilliant, and wonderful. Her smile... she's engaging. OK. She meets the
criteria for physical, OK?"

Or for some other people it could be a different situation. I meet someone, and I see them,
and they've got all this, and I ask them a couple questions, and they say, "You know
what? I live in Australia." I'm going, "Oh no. I'm in San Diego." Physically I like what I
see but it's not going to work. That's like geographically undesirable. It just wasn't going
to happen.

So there's the physical attributes, and we all make decisions based on that. If we're a
sports team we make decisions that way. If we're in the office, you'd be surprised. But
physically we're looking at health and vivaciousness. It's a major decision maker.

The second one, and the one that we use even more often is mental. Who is this person?
It's nurturing. Who's this person become? What do they believe in? What do they like to
do? What are they passionate about? How do they address their friends and how do they
communicate? What are they interested in in their life?

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These are all things that we develop over time, that we've learned to be either through our
experiences from childhood or our experiences through adulthood, but it's our decisions
about who we are. It's just these two elements that everybody makes their relationship
decisions based on.

Now they say, "Yes. OK. I'm in love." But what are you really in love with? You're in
love with maybe what you thought you wanted, or you're in love with experience of
maybe sharing like desires, and beliefs, and passions. You get into a relationship.

So once you're in this relationship now things start going and it's wonderful for a while
and all of a sudden... Remember I said three-legged stool? This is only two of three legs.
Orna and Matthew, if you're just on two legs of a three-legged stool, what are you doing?

Matthew: You're falling over.

Larry: Yeah, very likely. You're certainly working very hard to balance. Right?

Orna: Exactly. You're working very hard to not fall over. That's what I was going to say.

Larry: Yes. Both answers are correct. The bottom line... The reality is there's a point
where you do fall over, and you get up, and as soon as you fall over you go, "Whoa!
What the heck happened to me?" You look for answers. When we start looking for
answers we go," Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to talk to you that way. Oh I'm just stressed
because of this business situation." Or, "I was playing basketball and my leg hurts and
I'm just... Sorry."

You look for every excuse to explain what knocked you over sideways. Sometimes it is a
basketball accident. But for most of the time people go into this and they think, "OK.
We've got to figure it out." They make a quick shift and then they go back and they're
balancing on two legs again. It's not too long before, bam, they're over on their side
again. They get up this time and they go, "Whoa. What was that? How did that happen?"

This time now they decide they're going to buy a book on how to communicate better
with each other. Or they're going to buy a book on how to be better lovers. Or they're
going to listen to a CD, or a subliminal about how they can show up better in their lives.
Or they're going to go see a counselor or a professional to help them with this situation
that they have not been able to identify or find a solution to.

All this time they're still working on two legs. Well there's a third leg. We call it the third
dimension of relationships. It's not because it's in any particular order of importance, but
because it is one of three important ingredients, and that is the energetic dimension to

Every human being is born with very specific energetic patterns. Those patterns either are
in alignment with another person or they're discordant. They fight the other person. This
is energetic. You can't see them. It's below the conscious level and it's at our core. I call it
genetic energetics because it's like your blood type, it just doesn't change.

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What we've been able to do is identify some very specific elements that we can talk
about, we can tell you about, and we can tell you exactly what kind of conditions arise
because of these differences or similarities, and what you can do about them. We have
broken it down into four lifestyle traits, into something really powerful that no one's been
able to talk about before or predict before, which is attractions and chemistry. I can every
time tell you what's going to happen chemistry-wise with any person that comes into your
life. Now imagine that one alone.

Orna: Wow. I mean that's a really powerful statement, right? To be able to know ahead
of time, well is this going to work or is this not going to work? Are we doomed from the
start or are we not? Are we blessed from the start?

Larry: Well look at yourself, Orna and Matthew. You both have... I've done your report.
I've looked at it. We have this thing called the relationship report that tells us the different
lifestyle traits. I've looked at you two and you both have true attractions, which is
wonderful. It means you're picker is accurate, right?

Matthew: That's great.

Larry: You found someone, both of you found someone that is a wonderful fit. Look at
what your life has become as a result of that. Now we can go deeper though, and I say
that because I know what your lifestyle traits are. Do you want me to just jump in and
talk about what those are real quickly?

Matthew: Well before we get that, why don't we just go a little bit further into what this
energetic thing is, because I know there's people out there because I'm one of them that...
like you said, you're throwing rocks at this thing saying, "How does it work? How does it
work?" So let's give those big brains of ours just a little more information about what this
energetic dimension is and sort of how it was determined.

Larry: Where'd it come from? Good question. It's was my question too, so I thank you
for asking. About 30 years ago a gentleman by the name of Dick Nelson, he was Frank
Seifert's original partner. Dick, at the end of four divorces asked a very important
question, "Why do I keep doing the same thing over and over again? Why am I not
learning? I'm not that stupid."

He was actually a very smart man. He was a scientist, an engineer, and he started to apply
his intelligence and research into trying to figure out what is going on. He studied most of
the esoteric sciences. He looked at numerology, astrology, he looked at enneagrams, he
looked at quantum physics, he looked at everything he could possibly find and eventually
he thought... He started to see what he believed was the answer to his solution.

I've got to tell you I think there are people in our history, great discoverers in our history
that they go to sleep at night, they wake up in the morning, and they have the answer, and
they expand on it. In Dick Nelson's case I'm sure that he channeled a lot of this

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From my viewpoint I go, "OK. What's that all about?" It doesn't really matter to me after
spending a year trying to fix... To find out if it was true or not and finding it absolutely
accurate every time. But what he did is he came up with a matrix of information. That
information he found was giving him some really consistent reports about different traits
that were showing up in people's lives.

He wanted to figure out how can I take someone and give them what they need to know
about themselves energetically? That's they way he looked at it. He said, "This has got to
be energetic. It's not something that we create in our head. It's not something physical like
our... The four fingers on our hands, or our height, or the color of our hair." By the way,
the color of hair changes, right? Blood type doesn't.

He went, "How do I do this?" He started playing around with different solutions and
discovered that a birth date, I know it sounds crazy, but a birth date was the way into this
matrix. That's why when I first heard about it I went, "No. you've got to be kidding? Is
this astrology?" The answer that I got from Frank Seifert is, "No it's not." I said, "What is
it?" I got the answer that it was very similar to what I just gave you, and I said, "I just
need to go test it."

That's where I put my years of professional scientific research together and went after a
solution. A couple years ago, the same question came from a group of scientist who said
“Can we do a research project on what you're doing?” We said absolutely.

By the way, to which they responded, are you serious, we asked everybody in the
relationship business if we can study their different formulas and everyone says no. We
are saying yes, we want you to. They did, they did a big research project on it over a year
and now it's probably two scientific journals with a third on its way.

Orna: That is fascinating, I think you know it's true, our big conscious brain sorts of
wants to understand, well OK, energetic, some third dimensional relationship, what does
that really mean and I love that we know the doorway, right. So, the doorway is the birth
date, but why don't you give an overview to everybody listening like what does it entail?

I know we started talking about true attractions, we started jumping in there. Why don't
you give an overview once you see that doorway with the birth date, what is the
understanding that people want to see?

Larry: OK, thank you. What happens when we get a birth date, we look at two
birthdates always because, by yourself energetically it doesn't really matter what you are.
You're going to be happy. You're not going to collide with yourself. It's when you get in
relationship with someone and primarily and physical present with someone, proximity
that the real energetic impact happened.

We looked at four primary lifestyle traits – communication, activity level, finances and
sex. For each one of this lifestyle trait there are two versions. For example, with
communication, a person is either logical talking style or they are emotional talking style.
On logical talking style, when I say something, I'm going to pick the word that absolutely
means what I want to convey.

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In fact I'll probably not say anything until I'm sure I got the right word or I'm going to
feel uneasy. When someone talks to me, I take them literally. An emotional talking style
person by the way is no less intelligent or passionate or loving or emotional than the
other. It's just what we call the emotional talking style. This person emotes. When they
have something to say or communicate, it's really more free flowing of emotion. I'll give
you an example, Orna, your emotional talking style, I'm logical...

Orna: Absolutely.


Larry: Yes you are, and I love that about you, but we couldn't live together. Here's why,
let's say that the two of us were in a relationship together and one of firm Larry's and
we're having an argument. It's not our first one, but we're having this argument and it
escalates and finally you go "Larry, I've had it, we're done, we're through, this is over,
finished." I looked at you, I hear what you say. I kind of tucked my tail and I sadly walk
down the hallway into the bedroom. I grab a suitcase and I start to pack. In about five
minutes later, I'm almost totally packed, you come down and you go, "Honey, what are
you doing?"

I say to you, "You said it's over. We're through." You go, "Oh my God, I love you. I don't
want to be over. I just want to stop fighting, the argument. That's what I want over." So
subtle, right? But how many times in our lives with people do we care about do we have
this kind of misunderstanding? When someone says to us and we completely miss the
meaning. Everyone had that experience. Now, let me take a step further.

You and I are living together and I come home and I'm exhausted. I sit down on the sofa
and you go, "Come on. Let's do something." I'm tired. I'm just worn out. I don't even
know why. I sit there thinking, you know what, I didn't get my workout today. I didn't
drink my coffee. That must be it. It's not it. What's happening is when two people have
two different communication styles and they are living together or even working close
together, one of them takes an energetic hit.

Sometimes both of them do. So, if you've ever been in a situation where you felt like
around an energy vampire. I mean if I ask a thousand people to raise their hands and say,
"Has anyone experience that?" Every hand goes up.

Orna: Oh, absolutely.

Larry: I can tell you it's because of different communication style. Imagine now, you are
a parent and you are in a relationship. You have your children and you find out two of
your children have a different communication style and they you and one of them has the
same. One of them is so easy to communicate with and the other one just wear you down.

You don't know why and because of that for whatever reason, you are not quite as close
to those two as you are the one that's the same communication style as you. How tragic.

Orna: Oh, oh. Wow. Are you saying are we doomed that way?

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Larry: No, we are not doomed at all. What we are doomed is in our ignorance. What we
are doing here is waking people up to the fact that both communication styles. Every
human being on this planet is a beautiful person. We need to know what they are so we
can embrace them for what they are. Because what happens now, let's say that comes
back into our apartment when you and I are together. I'm worn down and you are
thinking, you know what? You are just a bum.

You just don't ever want to get up and do anything. I'm sitting there going I'm just tired. I
don't mean them to make things worst here. No, but then the phone rings. It's my buddy
Matthew. Matthew goes, "Hey, you want to go play pool?" Matthew, by the way, is a
logical talking style. I listen to him and I talked to him and I go, "Sure. Sounds great."
You go, wait, wait. You just want to sit on the sofa. You didn't even want to watch the
movie and now you are ready to play pool with your best friend?

Now, would there be any kind of resentment there?

Orna: I mean, it would certainly be awkward, absolutely.

Larry: Yeah. So, what happens in that situation is everything in many situations where
the communication styles don't match, or other lifestyle traits I'll talk about in a few
seconds, is that we start to either blame ourselves or feel guilty or there's some level of
resentment because we don't understand where this is coming from.

If this technology does one thing and the most important thing that it does is help people
get present because most of us are living with some form of resentment or blame or guilt
related to the relationships that we are in or have been in.

What we need to do is get rid of that totally so that we can honor, acknowledge,
appreciate and love those people that are in our lives. We need to be present. If we don't
know what's going on, then we create stories, and we all know those stories are total

Orna: So, like let's say there's some people on the call listening right now and they're
thinking, oh my gosh, I can so relate to this. Obviously, we have two different
communication styles. Can you give these people that are really relating to what you're
saying right now on communication, can you give them some practical tip what they can
do right now that would make things better?

Larry: To begin with, just starting with becoming aware of what you are allows you to
appreciate your partner and you get to appreciate differences as well as similarities. But
as far as actual physical things you can do, I'll give you an example.

I had a couple come to me who they both had retired, actually they retired from their
previous businesses and they decided they were going to go into business together. They
were both going to work from home. They had a big office in their home and they're both
working in the same office.

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I did a report on them and I saw that they had different communication styles and I went,
"So, where are your desks?" They go, "We've got them back to back" where they're
facing each other. I went, "How's that working?" It was kind of quiet for a while and I
went, "OK, I really don't need to know anymore. Do you have another room in your
house?" They said yes. So, one of you is now going to go and put your office in the other

It's a simple solution but what they were doing was wearing each other down.
Energetically they were not as creative, they were not as enthusiastic, they were not as
passionate, and they did not communicate as well not just with themselves, but even the
people they were doing business with. When they moved just into different spaces so that
they could work independently, that resolved everything.

Now, is it still possible for them to have some communication differences. Sure it is. But,
now they know that there's an energetic drain that they can avoid getting into.

Another thing that happens when people have different communication styles is they
usually don't have the same friends and they also don't share the same sense of humor.

Let's say friends. A lot of partners give up, one or the other gives up their friends for their
partner especially when they don't share the same communication style.

One couple I interviewed that I talked to about this, and this is during this period when
I'm trying to prove this thing wrong, so I'm asking questions and the person goes, "Oh, I
love my partner's friends." I went, "OK, well that sounds like I'm proving it wrong."
Then, I asked him a little bit deeper question and I went, "Are you very close to any of
your partner's friends?" "Well, actually no, not really." "Do you ever get together with
them outside of parties where it's a group thing?" "Oh, definitely not."

What I found out is that sometimes we accommodate because we appreciate our partner
and their friends, but we give up our friends to be with our partner's friends and there's no

The advice, make sure you've got close friends. Make sure you have people you can get
together with, where you can go out and recharge your batteries so when you come back
to your significant other, or someone who's important in your life, that you're nice and
strong again. You want to be so you're as whole and vivacious and colorful as you were
when you first met.

Does that make sense?

Matthew: It's such great advice, Larry. We talk a lot about how in a relationship we like
to create a win/win. We don't like compromise because compromise is that thing that
creates and builds resentment. I think this is just what you're talking about, all the subtle
ways that we make compromises in relationships because we think we have to do that in
order to make it work.

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Larry: Here's another one, another lifestyle trait. That was communication style.
Another lifestyle trait is called activity level. There's two kinds. There's a moderate active
person and there's a super active person.

Now, the three of us on the phone, we're all moderate active. We run our lives at a certain
pace and we have the ability to take breaks.

Now, there is a kind of person that energetically is called super active. This person
processes information really fast. They don't take breaks. This is a really interesting
situation because every time I talk to someone who is super active, now mind you, if I'm
not that person, I have to ask a lot of questions to be able to feel into what they are. I got
a hint from one person, actually from Frank, he said, "You know what? They often have
to stop themselves from finishing sentences. I went, "OK, I'm going to ask that question."

Every time I ask someone who's super active, I go, "Do you find you have to kind of stop
yourself from finishing a person's sentence?" And, whether it's on the phone or I'm in
front of them, they all go, "Oh, my God, all the time. In fact, I hate that about myself."

Can you hear that? This is what they say, "I don't like that about myself." This is a person
who energetically, genetically is very quick and they're not liking a characteristic that is
them. How damaging is that?

So, I turn around and say, "No, no, no, please don't say that. You are super active and you
are very quick and you pick up stuff fast and you do have a tendency to finish people's
sentences, you always will. Don't dislike it. Embrace it. Love it. It's who you are. It
doesn't mean you have to finish their sentences, but at least don't feel bad about it."

Orna: Right. Yeah, and you know, when you're talking about love, of course, we must
embrace all the parts of us in order to have that love reflected back to us through the eyes
of our beloved, right? I really think this is so interesting because if you can say based on
this energetic model we can identify those things when we are sort of judging ourselves
and not liking ourselves. It's so important to embrace the good, the bad and the ugly,
right? Like we all want unconditional love, well we have to give it to ourselves first.

Larry: Yeah, I would say embrace the good, the good and the great.

Matthew: I love that.

Orna: Oh, I like that.

Larry: Intention, negative intention is what creates the ugly, but this is not intentional.
This challenges that we all experience in our relationships when were misaligned with
someone. This aren't intentional, we don't set out to hurt someone. I'm working with a
couple right now, where they're both emotional talking style and she's super active and
he's moderate active.

She is as fast as they come, she is extremely, I mean she blows me away. When we talk
in conversation, I got to go, wow and I really have to be energized for this person. The

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challenge with her husband is she feels like he doesn't listen. Well, she whip off
something and asked the question and he doesn't respond quickly and what she tells
herself is he's not listening or he's righteous.

He doesn't, he's got his opinion and won't share with anybody else. What his doing is he's
taking his much time as it need to be able to give a really quality answer, but it's not fast
enough for her. Just being aware of this difference, hopefully, we'll make a big difference
with the relationship because she sees him differently than she has been seeing him. She's
been looking hard at him like she looks at herself.

She looks in the mirror, I'm quick, I'm fast. I give good answers, I know what I know
when I know it, and it's quick and it's immediate. Boy, isn't everybody that way. Of
course with our significant others, more than anything we want them to be like us. Which
is why our recipes for relationship is find someone that you're as closely aligned
energetically as you possibly can.

Not that the relationship can't work the other way, because I worked with lots of people
that are not totally aligned and they love each other and we support that. But if you're in
the new relationship, or business relationship, or you're hiring a coach, or someone, find
someone you're energetically aligned with because you are going to take away a major
part of the challenges that you would be experiencing.

Orna: This then is a great way for people who are dating now who are looking for a
relationship to really sort of take that compatibility question mark out of the equation
because they can know ahead of time that some of this energetic matches are in place,

Larry: Oh, absolutely. We look at the dating industry, there's a hundred million single
people now in the United States. The dating industry has only got to three percent of
them. I think about that, you hear about all this dating site,, eHarmony. There
are all telling you about how many millions of people that they have signed up. But the
reality is they're not very successful. They're good at enrolling people, they're great
marketers. There's a need, a hope there. A hundred million single people, there's a need
but they are not doing a very good job. They only get three percent. Why is that? Because
they, excuse the expression, they suck at getting people together in relationships.


Larry: They can't predict why. They used questionnaires and what do those
questionnaires do? They tell you about who someone is. That's the mental part. I'm not
saying those are unimportant by the way. When I say three legs, the stool are three
dimensions in a relationship. I don't think any one of them can be ignored. You've got to
be attracted to someone physically. You've got to be attracted to someone mentally and
you've got to be attracted to them energetically.

If you leave any one of them out, you are shorting yourself. The dating sites are great at
the mental and physical part but they leave out the energetic one and relationships

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consistently don't work. It's a revolving door industry. No one stays in a dating site longer
than 40 days. Do you realize that?

Orna: I actually do realize that. I mean I know when I was single and I was doing online
dating. I found it incredibly frustrating. I'm a Gemini. I like different things on different
days of the week. I don't like those questionnaires that ask me about my favorite
whatever. Because if you ask me, you know today is Tuesday, you can ask me what my
favorite movie is and I might give you a different answer by Friday.


Larry: That's great. You are right and that's certainly one of the challenges. It's great
marketing. There's lot of great marketing going on.

Matthew: There's two other dimensions here. Let's get into the financial because I think
that's one that causes a lot of problem in relationship.

Larry: That's an interesting statement that you just made. Because before I learned about
match matrix and energetic compatibility, I would believe that statistic out there that says
most relationships, most marriages, break up because of finances. I'm going to tell you
that is not true. I don't think there's a single relationship out there that breaks up because
of finance. Not a single one. I think they break up because of other reasons and finances
are the scapegoat.

Orna: That's really interesting.

Larry: How someone managers money. OK, here's the situation. We have a huge stock
market crash. Someone has themselves leverage. They've lost $300,000. The husband and
wife are not energetically aligned so they are already dealing with issues. The wife looks
at the husband and goes, "I've had it with you. You took all the risk with our money. I'm
out of here." If she loved him, if she was connected to him energetically, that would not
have been the way that turned out.

It would have been my God, how can you make those mistakes? I'm committed to you. I
love you. Let's figure out how to not do this again. She would not abandon the
relationship. Not in a million years.

Orna: Oh, I think that's so powerful for people to hear because it's so true. The finances
and that being, the thing maybe that's they are actually the fight code is about. We always
say in the coaching world right. The fight is never about what the fight really started.
There's something really underneath that. There's something underneath.

Larry: You're right on and that's the case with money. There are two different financial
styles, lifestyle traits. One is called conservative and one is called non-conservative. They
do pose some challenges. But, if you're aware of what they are, they can be handled.
They're not impossible. They're not insurmountable.

The difference, the conservative financial logic person is aware of money all the time.
This is a person who really doesn't need to keep a check register. They know how much

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money they have or don't have. In fact, they're so aware of money that sometimes it gets
in the way of their ability to create it because they're too focused on it.

Like you've heard this story where if you say to your children, "Don't drop the milk,"
what do they do? They drop the milk. They're focused on not dropping the milk so they
drop it.

Orna: Right, it's that self-fulfilling prophecy.

Larry: Right, right. So, the conservative financial logic person is just very aware of
money all the time. Now, that doesn't mean they're going to be rich. It doesn't mean
they're going to be poor. It just means that however much money they have they pretty
much know it. If they have a bill to pay, they know it. They pretty much know how much
those bills are and what they're coming to, they're just aware of it.

Now, the non-conservative financial logic person is very different. If they haven't been
trained to handle money and they have plenty of it, they're going to spend it and they
have no idea how much they've spent. This is the person who has a thousand pairs of
shoes in their closet and garage or the guy who's been collecting memorabilia until he
doesn't have any money left and the people who overdraw their checkbook.

My limit test usually when I talk to people, if they're non-conservative financial logic, I
say, "Do you need to keep a check register?" They go, "Oh, my God, yes because if I
don't, I'm going to overdraw my account." Now, the conservative financial logic person
goes, "Well, I keep one, but, you know, no big deal."

Now, here's the interesting thing. Non-conservative financial logic person, because
they're not focused on money like the conservative person is, they have this wonderful
ability to manifest and draw money towards them. There's no obstacle. Money comes to
them. You can ask people that are non-conservative financial logic, "Has money ever
been a challenge?" Most of the time they'll tell you, "No, money usually shows up when I
need it." Or, "Yeah, I just had these great deals come together."

I mean, there's a lot for us to appreciate about that whole ability to not get in the way of
what we're trying to manifest and bring into our lives.

But, there are differences in understanding and being aware of them is, again, the key.

Orna: Well, I know one of the things that we found real interesting when you run a
report that both Matthew and I are non-conservative financial type, and I know it's
written there in the report it says this kind of person is sort of built to be an entrepreneur.
We thought that was funny because obviously we are entrepreneurs and we're together in
our business.

Larry: It's true. If you look at, you know, I would love to do a study, but it seems to me
when I talk to people who are entrepreneurs that are non-conservative, they usually are
pretty successful. They make things happen. The conservative financial logic person has
worked a lot harder to get to where they are. It's fascinating in that respect.

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Orna: So, can we move onto the, I know we could talk about this stuff for hours.

Larry: Yeah, let's move to the next one.

Orna: Yeah, the fourth one which I know is..

Larry: It's a biggie. The fourth one is sexual response type. There's two different kinds
of sexual response types. There is a mental emotional sexual response type and there's

Now, the first question I usually get from people is "Well, are all the women mental
emotional and are all guys physical?" The answer is no. There is no difference. There is
an equal number of men and women that carry either one of those traits.

Here's what it looks like. The mental emotional sexual response type person has all of
their sexual energy on the surface. It's there all the time. In fact, it's so there that people
can see it and feel it.

Women who are mental emotional sexual response type, if you put them in a business
environment, they'll be the ones, especially if they're very attractive, but even if not,
they'll be the ones that will dress down. They will look at unattractive as possible. They'll
put on suits, they'll pull their hair back, they won't wear makeup, they won't put on
lipstick. They'll do whatever they can to not let their sexuality show.

The reason why is because they discovered, and it wasn't easy, they discovered that
whenever they showed interest in a man, and all they had to be when I say interest I mean
just like in an inquiry state, like "Who are you?" Or, "What do you do?" Or, "Where do
you come from?" They weren't interested in romance. They were just interested.

When they showed interest, that sexual energy came across and the men thought they
were hitting on them or that they were teasing them or they were playing with them. Then
they would respond by going, "Well, do you want to go get a drink?" The woman would
go, "What? What? Wait a second. I just want to know who you are."

They start to cover it up. The challenge is they can let their clothes get dirty and their hair
be a mess and their sexual energy is still on the surface. That's the mental emotional
sexual response type person.

When it comes to intimacy in the bedroom, they love the foreplay of lighting candles and
the music and the story and talking and communicating. That feeling of love is really
important to them. Now, that doesn't mean they can't get in the back seat of the car and
do a quickie, OK? It doesn't because the can and the do. But, if that's all they had a
chance to do all the time, the relationship would be over. They love romance, quality

I don't want to get on the subject of romance because that will take us down another
two-hour pipeline.

Matthew: Sure, sure.

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Larry: So, they love kind of the prelude to sexual intimacy.

Now, the physical sexual response type person is just that. They're very physical. This
one is tougher for me to describe only because I'm mental emotional sexual response
type. So, my ability to describe it is based on all the people I've interviewed.

The one statement that seems to always click is I say to them is you need someone who
can put the key in the lock, turn it, open the door and let your sexuality out. Almost every
physical sexual response type person I've ever talked to goes, "Oh, that's so true."

What it is, is they have a reserve of energy. They have energy reserved for the active sex.
They hold it inside and it stays inside until a like partner can open that door and let that
energy out. When it doesn't get a chance to escape then oftentimes, they start to compress
and you can watch the relationship shift slowly and then faster and faster. Oftentimes, it's
because of that different sexual response type.

Another example of a situation, I was in a party and these are people that I just met.
There were three women there and they were talking about their very unfortunate friend,
Gina, whose husband recently cheated on her. How dare he cheat on her and they were
just used... A horrible man because he cheated. I listened to that and I said, "What do you
really know about this person?" "Well, he cheated?" I went, "Do you think there is a
reason why he did that?"

"It doesn't matter." I'm here to tell you... By the way, I don't condone cheating. I don't
condone dishonesty in any way. But when something like that traumatic happens,
especially in a relationship that's been going on for a long period of time, I ask the
question, “What’s really is happening?” It turns out they had two different sexual
response type. He was not satisfied sexually in the relationship for a long, long period of
time and neither was she.

When they got right down to it and realize that, they were able to part not as enemies but
as friends because they acknowledge that difference and they knew they needed
something else. That's huge. There's so many relationships that have fallen apart and the
ex's are still carrying around all the pain and suffering of the past marriage. They are
trying to get into new relationship.

Look at what you are doing with your event. You have love on purpose revolution. There
are thousands of people that are coming to listen to you. Are they relationship material? If
they are carrying with them any of the things from the past that they don't understand, if
they have stories wrapped around them, then they must, this isn't like please do, they
must find out energetically what was going on. It will free them.

It will totally free them. It will free them from all the constraints that allow them now to
show up full and complete and healthy and loving for their next partner. Otherwise, they
have no chance.

Matthew: Yeah, it's so important to just understand who you are and what you require.
Whether that's energetic, whether that's mental, whether that's physical attraction,

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whatever it is. I think what you are saying, really, at the root of this, knowledge of self is
really power when it comes to relationship.

Larry: It is critical. One of the things that we've discovered that's real fun is that we get
a lot of people to go, “OK. I know what I am energetically. Now, what do I do now? Can
you just find me the person? Can you tell me what birth dates I should look for?” For


Larry: For any single person, there are like 67,000 options within a billion people. The
answer to that is no, but I can tell them that when they realize what they are and they
accept these characteristics, it is uncanny but it happens, people start showing up. I did
not have hardly anyone in my life that I was ever energetically aligned to until I began to
understand this system. I've met more people that I'm almost identical energetic
compatibility with than I could even imagine. Where did they come from? They were
probably around all the time but I wasn't attracting them because I wasn't even clear
about who and what I am.

Matthew: I think as well once you know who and what you are, you can relax into it.
You can stop sort of fighting it. Stop sort of trying to change to fit what you think is
going on outside of you. We always call it twisting into a pretzel to receive love, right?
“What shape can I take to make me appealing to this other person?”

Once we really get ourselves and know ourselves then we can relax into that. Then I
think it's one level of attracting it but it's another level to seeing what's already in front of

Larry: Right Well, let's get right down to it. If you want love in your life, what has to be
there first?

Matthew: Love of self.

Larry: You got to love yourself. This is not I should love myself. I'm a good person.
These are not stories. This is a level of consciousness that says I love who I am. I love
what I am. I look in the mirror and my heart is pumping and it's full of love. When you
are in that place, and even though you may have made mistakes, you may have been
guilty of one thing or another, you may have gotten angry the night before or 10 minutes
ago when you can look at yourself and go, “I love me.” Then you are in a place where
love is going to come into your life.

Real love, not fantasy, not something that you made up, not some story about, “We
should be together for the rest of our lives.”, We are talking about present. Now, in this
moment, truly experiencing love.

Orna: That is so powerful and I think it is going to be one of the golden nuggets from
this conversation with you because I think for years now, Matthew, I've been saying
about embracing the good, the bad and the ugly. I think we are now going to switch to

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yours which is embracing the good, the good and the great because none of us can hold
up to a perfection model. We always like to say, “You are perfectly imperfect.”

Each one of us as a human being is so powerful and that is potential for love. That key
that fits in that lock is self-love. That the only way to really have love, real honest to
goodness true heart's desire love is to start with self.

Larry: Absolutely. Some of us have additional challenges getting there. It's so
interesting you said the word perfection because in addition to these four lifestyle traits
and attractions (which I am going to talk about in a second, because it is important), there
are four we called “Modifiers” that are personality characteristics. People either have
none of, or they may have multiples. One of them is the perfectionist which Matthew,
you know well…

Matthew: Yes I do.

Larry: The perfectionist modifier is really an interesting one. It is one, if you get in a
relationship with someone who is a perfectionist. I know both Frank and I said this to
you, Orna, is that, “Oh, you got a great catch because there's no way he's going to let you
go.” You are going to have to like do the worst possible things possible for him to let you
go, because he's not about to be unsuccessful in anything, unless there's no way he can't

Orna: I love that because I don't want him to let me go, and I’m not letting him go.


Larry: You got this guy for a while dear. Perfectionist is one of the modifiers. My
partner has three modifiers and one of them is called achiever. Another one is
manipulator, another is controller. I have to tell you by the way, all these terms that we
are using, they are not perfect. We had to give names to these so we could have a place to
start from for the purpose of describing them.

Mind you, we are trying to give a name to an energetic quality. When someone hears
manipulator, they go, “Ooo, that's terrible.” Well, a manipulator is like an orchestra
leader. This is the person that is really capable of enrolling them and motivating people to
take action. It's a really quite beautiful person. Between male and female, there are a little
bit difference. The female manipulator is a woman that can compete easily in a man's

A matter of fact, they are usually very strong, very powerful women and they have little
tolerance for people that don't do what they say. Imagine this situation. A woman with a
manipulator modifier is wooed by a gentleman. He is on the chase. When he is on the
chase, he is doing everything. He is aggressive. He is powerful. He's like after. Finally, he
wins! He conquers the woman and she's loving that feeling of being conquered.

Then, what did he do? He got settled in to what he is and she's going, "What happened to
that guy? Where did he go? I am looking around, I don't see that powerful man. What the

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heck happened here?" She is severely disappointed. At that point, if the man can't really
be a strong man in her life, she will turn that relationship off like flipping the light switch.
If she is in a relationship with someone who's got the perfectionist modifier like Matthew,
and I have it too.

We'll be sitting there going, "Whoa, what happened? You love me last night. I was just
being loving and soft and cuddly." She's going, "I'm done with you."

Orna: Ouch.

Larry: Yeah, it is in the grand demographics of energetics. We find more women that
are 40 and 50 and 60 years old that have said to us, "You know what? I am just not
relationship material. I don't want one anymore. I'm fine with me." They've totally given
up on having relationship because they can't find someone that meets them. That is their
belief. It's not true, but that is the belief they are holding on to. That is their story.

That story is backed up by this energetic challenge that comes up. If you are a woman
with a manipulator modifier, you want a strong man. There are ways to identify that
using Match Matrix.

Now my partner, again, she has a manipulator modifier, she has a controller modifier
which means when he wants something a certain way, she wants is a certain way.

I'll tell you what happens. All of these modifiers are characteristics that energetically
exist in the relationship, or for the individual. When they're in a relationship where
they're not well aligned, these characteristics rear up. They really stand up to be noticed
and they enforce themselves, influence themselves on the relationship.

When the couple is well aligned, they really are kind of in the background.

But even with that, I can tell you as a perfectionist modifier, I'm just a sap. I love, love.
Hug? I'll hug, and I'll hug, and I'll hug and I'll hug more. So my sweetheart, she is a body
worker and she teaches. She's got this achiever modifier. An achiever modifier, this
person can redirect all their energy to a task. They get focused on the task, they get it
done. They are on tap. They don't stop until they're finished. You want to hire these
people, by the way. If you're hiring a personal assistant or someone that's going to work
for you that you want to make sure things get done, find someone with an achiever

So, back to my sweetheart. If I'm at the door and she's already in her head, she's already
in her class, she's already working on this project and I'm at the door waiting for a hug
and a long embrace and she goes, "Honey, I gotta go." After a while, if I didn't know
what was going on, I'd be sitting there going, "Man, you really don't love me much, do
you?" Or, "You don't love me anymore."

It would be just incomprehensible for me to understand why this person can't stop and
give me a hug. If I asked her to explain it, she'd just say, "Well, I've got to take care of
this project." My response would be, "What, the project is more important than me?"

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Can you see where that takes us? What a horrible set up.

Orna: I'm sure everybody can relate to that scenario, right?

Larry: Everyone.

Orna: I have a question for you then out of these modifiers that you've talked about
here. So, you talked about the perfectionist, the achiever, the manipulator, the controller.
Does everybody have some kind of modifier?

Larry: No. Some people have none. Some people have multiple. You, Orna, don't have
any. What we say about that is what you see is what you get. No matter what kind of
stress you're under, no matter how happy or sad or challenged you are, you're going to
show up just like you are and it's consistent.

Where, for Matthew with the perfectionist modifier, if he's really challenged or stressed,
that modifier is going to rear itself up and the influences of it, the effects of it are going to
start to have impact.

For example, you guys have to write copy. I know Frank and I both have the perfectionist
modifier. When we go to write copy, there's a point where I've just got to say, Stop, we're
done, It was good. It was good 30 renditions ago. In fact, it was better 30 renditions ago."
Do you know what I mean?

Orna: Right.

Larry: So, these are just all very important things to understand, to be aware of. It's
about awareness more than anything else. We need to wake up. We need to wake up to
who we are, to what we desire, what we are passionate about, what we are asking for. I
mean this is a lot of what's going to be communicated in your shows about the things that
men need and the things that women need. That we need to wake up energetically to what
we are and if we are not waking up to that, it's just a crap shoot. Basically, I will be in

Orna: Yeah and I love what you are saying here because really, what you've been
showing and explaining here is how these energetic predispositions of who we really are
affect our behavior and how that shows up in relationship. I think that is the most
powerful thing. I really want to make sure we cover this. I think we could talk all night as
we said earlier and I think what people are always talking about is attraction. Can we go
back to these ideas of attractions?

Larry: Sure.

Orna: You call these true attractions earlier and I just want to make sure that people
have this understanding.

Larry: OK. This is a big one. There are true attractions and there are false attractions.
You've heard that old adage that men are attracted to women like their mother and
women are attracted to men like their father? It's true. The difference is that it doesn't

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even matter whether you knew your parents or not. We interview people that go out with
adopted and I'll go, "Well, do you know your birth parents? Your birth mother if it's men,
your birth mother's birth date or if its women, your birth father's birth date that we look
for the opposite parents birth date."

We asked them if they can find out, great. If they don't then we ask a few more questions.
But here is what happens, you too have true attractions. When you met each other, I can
assure you there was plenty of chemistry. In fact, there is plenty of chemistry today even


Orna: Yup.

Larry: I mean that chemistry and it's not going away. There are scientists out there that
are saying that dopamine level and all these different hormone levels are all elevated at
the beginning of relationship. That is chemistry and over time, it dissipates. I am going to
tell you right now. It's not true. It's absolutely not true. You know how I know that?
Because you could have been in a relationship with someone you were totally attracted to
and let's say you have false attractions or you are attracted to someone that is not the right
person for you.

Specifically, a different communication style. Let's say you were in a relationship with
this person and you go through a divorce and it's a horrible divorce and you hate the
person. Then you run into him five years later and you still dislike him. You despise him.
You haven't been able to shake it off. You see him and all of a sudden, you go, "Oh my
God, I'm attracted to him. What's wrong with me?" That inner characteristic, that
energetic pattern that causes you to have chemistry with that person is going to be there

What really happens over two or three years or six months when people have false
attractions or they are mismatched is that chemistry is a beginning that was fault. It is
now... It's taken over by all the other issue. I would challenge any of the scientists that
have come up with this crazy theory to go back and look at these couples not over two or
three months or three years but over six years or seven years or eight years.

Look at it then and then look at all the other issues and the accommodation that happen.
There's the real answer. Chemistry is powerful. We all have it. We all love it. If you go to
a dating site, most women say give me chemistry or forget about it. But if you talk to
women that have false attractions and say, "How good are you at picking men?" They'll
go, "Oh my God, I suck at it. I'm terrible. I always pick the wrong guys. When I get all
excited about a guy, my girlfriends go, run the other way." [laughs]

You know what? There's lot of people that can identify with that. Almost everybody with
false attraction knows that they have done a poor job at picking their partner. They picked
someone that they are totally attracted to and then they discover they can hardly
communicate with them. They are exhausted. They don't enjoy the same sense of humor.

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I mean they are killing each other by the fact that they are misfiring on what they think is

They start the whole back. They don't have the same friends. It starts to permeate all parts
of their relationship. Even if they are sexually aligned. Even if they are aligned
financially. Even if they aligned in their activity level. This difference in communication
style can be extremely challenging.

Orna: Well, so really this is sort of like the umbrella energy, right?

Larry: Yes. Now, I can tell you that again, my partner has false attraction. It is
important for me to understand this. Oh my God, I would not be in this relationship
without it. If I didn't understand it, there's no way that we would have survived like we
survived the day and we're completely aligned energetically.

She has false attractions. I have true attractions. I knew from the first time I saw her, I
went, “Oh my gosh. This is a cool lady. I really want to spend more time with her.” I
knew shortly after spending time together that I want to spend a lot more time with her. I
had told her how I was emotionally feeling that early in the relationship. She would look
at me and say, “How


. I don't feel any of that.”

Because she wasn't feeling the same chemistry I was feeling. Where we connected was
much deeper. This is the salvation, for anybody with false attractions because they are all
out there asking, “Oh my God, my prick is broken. What do I do about it?” The salvation
is find someone you are energetically aligned with because that alignment, the power of
having the same communication style where we can truly trust the person, surrender to a
person. How important is that?

I tell you trust is far more important that chemistry and to be able to trust and love and
honor someone to connect with him deeply, to feel like they are your soul mate and they,
by all means, they probably are. To have that feeling goes way beyond chemistry. It's
lovely and it's beautiful.

Orna: So powerful and I just really want to thank you. I mean you've gone over so much
great stuff about this whole third dimension to relationship. I know most people listening,
this is the first time that they have heard anything about this. So I want to make sure
people know where to find out more just about you, and I'll just give out your site one
more time it's

I also want to let everybody know where they can get more right now in a very special
offer, such a generous offer that Larry's put together just for the Love on Purpose
revolution. This offer is not available anywhere else, you can't get it at
As a matter of fact you can only get it through us, and only for the...

Larry: In fact I'm probably never going to do this one again. It's like I'm going "Oh no!"
People are going "Where are you going to get the time?" But I'm going to make the time.

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Orna: Well that's one thing I know you've been super generous there's really special
stuff here. Let me tell everybody what they're getting. What you're going to get are two
match matrix relationship reports, so these are the in depth reports between you and
another person going through all the energetic alignments or misalignments and it gives
you so much information. If you're aligned and it gives you so much information if you're
misaligned and helpful tools whether it's a match or not a match in those arenas. It's
absolutely fabulous.

Then really where Larry's time is going is he's also adding in a laser coaching session
directly with him. So, you can work on your relationship misalignments if they're there in
the report, you can work on how you can maneuver through those reports. He's an expert
in this arena. You get all of that for only $97. It's an amazing opportunity because the
retail value is $215. The value to your relationship is priceless.

The only place that you can get this offer is by going to

Larry: Wow! I'm excited

Matthew: Yeah this is really exciting, so tell us a little bit more about... In those
relationship reports they're going to know all of these different energetics, that we talked
about, communication activity, sex and financial. They'll know the modifiers, they'll
know their attractions.

Larry: Well, I sent you a report and between the two of you it's about 12 to 14 pages
long. So it gives a lot of suggestions and recommendations. I could spend hours more
talking about how each of these different life style traits have an impact on different
things. When I do session work, and I do work with the people all over the world and it's
very exciting because a session usually..

I'll get together with someone who's been working on something for months and months,
sometimes years and we're done 60 minutes. It clears pretty quickly because it just gets it
right out on the table. What there is is just a lot of different variations, and the impacts.
There's a really a good way to understand most of the challenges we have in our life and
where they come from.

Now, needless to say, we also have nurturing and how we grew up, but our genetic
makeup has an influence on all those things that also happened as we were growing up. I
could do a whole another show on kids, which is my greatest passion. I have three kids
and I can tell you that this information, these relationship reports, use one on a lover or
romance, use them on your family.

That's probably the most important place that I think that we make big mistakes as adults
is we don't allow our children to be what they are. To know what our children are
energetically can be the most valuable gift that you give yourself and your child. I mean I
have hours of stories I could tell you about that that makes me just crazy passionate about
what I just said.

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Orna: Well, I love that. So, basically you're saying these two match matrix relationship
reports can be with anybody. It can be with a mom and her two children, you know, run
two reports. It can be with a person and their boss, a person and their neighbor, a person
and their lover, a person they just started dating. So, it could be anybody, right?

Larry: Yes, anybody you're in relationship with. Anybody that you have to spend time
with that you care about that you're going to be in close proximity or working with, it is
so valuable to know this. It's such a small investment.

I can tell you I'm still together with this incredible woman in my life because of what I
know about match matrix because if I didn't know it, I would have just gone nuts not
understanding some of the things that I needed to understand. They're minute, tiny. But,
I'm a perfectionist. So, I would have driven myself crazy. As it is, I'm sane.

Matthew: That's great. You probably would have gone, "Why didn't that work, she was
perfect." Now you can make it.

Larry: I am like one of the greatest, I mean, I grew up being a storyteller. So, I'm a story
buster now. But, I was such a great storyteller that I got myself in unbelievable trouble.
Getting to the present is so important to me because it was such a huge struggle to get

Matthew: That's so great. So once again, that web address for everybody to check out
this offer is Larry, we're just so grateful for
your time. We're so grateful to have you here. It's been a really great time talking with

Orna: Thanks for sharing with us...

Larry: Thank you so much.

Orna: ...about how people can make...

Larry: Oops, sorry.

Orna: I just wanted to say you gave a great way about how people can create love on
purpose by utilizing MatchMatrix. Again, that special offer is only for Love on Purpose
Revolution participants just like you. If you're listening now, you can go to and for only $97.00 you're going to get two
MatchMatrix relationship reports, that's for two different people, and a laser coaching
session directly with Larry Michel.

So Larry, thank you so much. We've been so blessed to have you as part of the Love on
Purpose Revolution.

Larry: Thank you both. Thank you for putting this together. I'm really honored.

[Outro music]


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