How to please your man using Fellatio! 1

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Fellatio: A 14 Lesson Tutorial


Let's talk about the "basic penis." I regard oral sex as the highest form of
expression of love that can be exchanged between two people. Hopefully this
information will help you to break down any barriers which you might have that
would prevent you from expressing your love in this way and from receiving a
reciprocation from your male companion.

First things first. LOOK at the cock. I do not mean a cursory glance not a hurried,
surreptitious examination. Take enough time that you convince your companion
that some kind of treat is in store for him provided he will allow you to do with him,
and particularly with his cock, exactly what you want.

Place him flat on his back on your bed, in a well lighted room. Take his cock in
your hand and LOOK at it. He probably will not have the will power to stay soft, but
then again you are worshipping his very essence. Few men can stay soft under
these circumstances, when it is apparent that the person LOOKING at his cock is

When you first start to touch him, his cock will become hard and be in a state
where your examination will be meaningful. Wouldn't it be nice if going to the
doctor for an examination was as enriching?

The cock must be hard if you are to be able to note the important parts-those parts
sensitive to stimulation by your lips and tongue.

The first thing you will note is whether or not he is circumcised. Circumcision is not
universally practiced: there are advantages and disadvantages to penises in both
conditions from the standpoint of providing oral caresses that bring the highest
kind of delight to your man.

Next take a close look at the shaft of the penis itself. There is a bulbous part of the
organ near the outer end, slightly larger in diameter than the shaft, which is often
called the head. Technically this is the glans penis (comes from the Latin glans
which means acorn. Look at it closely; does kind of look like an acorn doesn't it?)

The outside perimeter of the glans penis is the corona. This joins the head to the
shaft. This is the most sensitive spot on the penis. It is toward this ridge that you
will direct most of your attention when you are giving head. Follow this ridge
around to the underside of the penis. You know that I like to call it the underbelly. I
am particularly fond of the underbelly!

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You will notice a point of juncture where the two ends of this irregular circle come
together. If your partner is not circumcised, this will also be the point where the
foreskin is attached. This tiny area is easily the most sensitive spot on his entire
body, and it is possible to bring your partner to climax simply by gently tapping the
tip of your tongue directly on it. Spend time caressing the glans and those areas
immediately surrounding it.

Beneath the glans is the shaft of the penis. The shaft does not have many nerve
endings and does not, therefore, provide a man with any high degree of
stimulation when caressed either manually or with your tongue to the exclusion of
the glans penis itself. It always amazes me to note the number of confirmed
cocksuckers who believe that sucking up and down on the shaft will get the guy
off. That's not it folks! If it works it is because the back of your throat is playing
tricks on his glans penis. Your throat is giving head to his head!

Beneath the shaft are the testicles (balls, jewels, call them what you like, but let's
not ignore their significance). The testicles are extremely sensitive to pain and are
not usually considered subject to erotic stimulation to any particular degree. Not
true! You can add a high degree of pleasure for him by paying the right kind of
attention to the balls!

Now lets go back to the shaft of the matter. The opening in the tip of the glans
penis is the meatus. Here is where the cum spurts. (I could have said semen is
ejaculated but I did not want to sound too professional).

There are other parts of a man's body which respond with alacrity to oral

Many men are particularly sensitive around the nipples. The first time I kissed my
partner's nipples he shot before I had the chance to even get near his cock. While
I have not been able to duplicate this in the laboratory setting (he hates to go near
the lab with me) my partner still gets extremely turned on by my lingual nipple

So LOOK at your partner's penis. Study it. Learn its areas of special sensitivity
completely and be ready to apply your knowledge to his body with your tongue and
with your lips when you bend your loving head over his cock. There is nothing that
you can do which more clearly shows your love for him than the worship you can
provide his cock!


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