Charlie Richards Trill to me Sweetly (A Paranormal’s Love # 1)

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Into the paranormal world: A man’s idea of good and bad

can be put to the test at the most unexpected moments.

Maelgwn, leader of a clutch of gargoyles in Durango,

Colorado, only planned to be in Stone Ridge a few days to
help a fellow gargoyle’s mate through laying their first egg.
His plan to leave changes when he scents his mate in the
hospital. He discovers his mate is Bobby Truman, a human
who has no idea the paranormal world exists, even though a
number of his friends are shifters. Maelgwn begins the
arduous process of watching and waiting, searching for that
perfect opportunity to make contact with his mate.

Bobby Truman is tired of his boyfriend, Seth’s, abusive

friends, especially when Seth doesn’t do anything about
their antics. The broken nose, compliments of Seth’s buddy
Grant, is the final straw. When he’s attacked by muggers and
rescued by a mysterious stranger in the dark, Bobby hopes
it’s the opportunity he needs to make a clean break from
Seth. Even if it doesn’t work out with Maelgwn, maybe
Bobby can keep his new love interest’s attention long
enough to prove to Seth they are really done.

Bobby thinks it’s odd that Maelgwn won’t come into the

light, always meeting him after dark, but he’s nowhere near
prepared for the truth when it finally comes out.

Can Maelgwn convince Bobby that the things that go

bump in the night aren’t always bad and to take his place at
Maelgwn’s side in a paranormal world? Even when that
means uprooting his life and moving?

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Trill To Me Sweetly

Copyright © 2013 Charlie Richards

ISBN: 978-1-77111-450-9

Cover art by Scott Carpenter

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
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Published by eXtasy Books

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Trill To Me Sweetly

A Paranormal’s Love: Book One


Charlie Richards

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To all those that love gargoyle stories as much as I do…

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Chapter One

obby was in too deep, and he knew it. Unfortunately,
he wasn’t certain how to extricate himself from the

mess his life had become. He thought about running away,
but where would he go? His job was here. Bobby truly loved
Colin City and didn’t want to leave.

Plus, his friends were here. Not that Bobby wanted to

involve any of them in his problems. The only one who
might have been able to help was his ex-lover Lyle, but he
didn’t talk to him anymore. The nice detective had been
kidnapped and fallen in love with his male nurse after
getting rescued. Didn’t that just beat all? Bobby was happy
for him, sort of.

Glancing at his watch, Bobby bit back a sigh. Great. If he

didn’t hurry, he’d be late getting home, which meant Seth
would be pissed. As if he wouldn’t already be mad when
Forest showed up and told Seth all about Bobby meeting
another man at the coffee shop. While Bobby had been
talking to his friend, Cornelius, he’d seen Forest leave the
pub across the street. It would be way too much to hope that
Seth’s buddy hadn’t noticed Bobby. Really, who lounged on
an outdoor patio in Colorado during the dead of winter?
Yeah, that would be the thick necked goon.

Bobby closed his laptop and shoved it into his bag. He

downed the last of his coffee and stood. When he rubbed a
hand over his face, Bobby only felt a twinge from his nose.
At least the broken nose was almost healed. God, just the


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memory of Seth’s friend’s fist hitting his face was enough to
make him cringe. Sure, Seth had a possessive streak a mile
wide and always kept an eye on him, but at least Bobby
didn’t have to worry about getting hit by the man.

It was Seth’s asshole buddies that liked to smack him on

the back too hard or punch him in the arm too hard—all
under the guise of friendly scuffling. When Grant had hit
him in the face, he’d claimed he’d been aiming for Bobby’s
shoulder. Seth had punched him out anyway. Bobby wasn’t
certain why that hadn’t made him feel any better. Maybe
because it didn’t relieve the ache in his nose?

Or it could be the feeling of helplessness Seth’s actions

caused in Bobby. Seth had his friends keep an eye on Bobby
while he was at work. And when Seth wasn’t at work, he
was constantly dropping by Bobby’s home or dropping by
Bobby’s work. Bobby never felt alone anymore, but he was
still isolated.

Bobby hated it and wanted out.
He paused, a shiver working up his spine. The hairs on

the back of his neck stood on end. Bobby glanced behind
him surreptitiously, then quickly returned his focus straight
ahead and picked up his pace. Okay, so maybe he shouldn’t
have stayed quite so late at the coffee shop.

Someone was following him. Someone he didn’t

recognize. In fact, two someones. Two someones who looked
like muggers, with their dark hoodies and chains jangling
from their jeans. Maybe it was stereotyping, but Bobby still
debated his options—cut into an alleyway or start running.
Both sucked.

When he felt the hand drop on his shoulder, Bobby

squealed and did both. He yanked away from whoever the
hell had touched him and started sprinting down the alley
on his left. Bobby just knew if he could make it to the end, he
could turn left, then right, and make it to a main road with

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Sadly, at five foot seven he was short, which meant his

legs were short, and the thugs caught up with him. A hand
grabbed his sweatshirt, yanking him nearly off his feet. He
gasped, losing his breath, but managed to regain his balance.
That is, until whoever held him shoved him sideways into
the wall.

He almost dropped his laptop case and scrambled to hang

onto it. Bobby had to wrap both arms around it to hold the
old, heavy thing, causing him to scrape his knuckles on the
building’s stone walls.

“Now, why’d you have to go and run, dude?” one of his

pursuers asked. “That only makes my buddy excited.”

The other guy chortled, and it took everything in Bobby

to turn around and face them. “Please, leave me alone,” he
whispered, his gaze darting back and forth between the two
men. He clutched his laptop case to his chest like a shield.

“Awe, we ain’t gonna hurt ya,” said the first man again,

obviously the duo’s speaker. “As long as you give us what
we want,” he added in a sultry tone that sent a shiver down
Bobby’s spine.

“What-what do you want?” Bobby whispered, his gaze

skittering between them.

“Your laptop,” replied the first.
It almost drowned out the second guy’s answer. “Your


Bobby paled. “No,” he denied.
“Awe, don’t be that way, baby,” the first guy said, leering.

“We’ll make it good for you.”

Bobby didn’t have anywhere to go when both guys

moved in on him. He whimpered, cringing as the first guy’s
bad, beer-soaked breath wafted across his face. Crying out in
dismay, Bobby shifted sideways when the second guy
grabbed his belt. It didn’t take a genius to realize what

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would come next.

He started to shake his head, and his body trembled

violently. The first guy’s fingers pinched his jaw and turned
his head as he pressed his mouth over Bobby’s and forced
his tongue into his mouth.

Before Bobby could figure out how to get out of this, an

inhuman roar echoed through the alley. Both men jerked, the
first lifting his head though he kept his hands on Bobby’s
face. The second guy released his unbuckled belt and
snarled, “What the fuck was that?”

“No fucking idea,” the first man replied, his tone a cross

between worried and angry, probably at the interruption.

“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?”
The question, spoken slowly, menacingly, in a deep gruff

voice, actually vibrated Bobby’s balls. That could be the only
reason Bobby could think of that would explain why his
dick started perking up under these circumstances. At least
asshole mugger number one released his jaw and both
stepped away from him to face the interloper.

Bobby knew he should take advantage of their

distraction, so he sucked in a breath and sprinted toward the
mouth of the alley. He didn’t make it two steps before thug
number two grabbed him and slammed him against a wall.
Pain shot through his head as it scraped against the rough

Another roar echoed through the alley. Instead of making

his head ring, Bobby felt almost…well…reassured. He
pressed a hand to his temple and felt the blood oozing from
his skin. Instead of focusing on that, he couldn’t help but
notice the way the man who cast the massive shadow and
spoke in the deep sexy voice slammed the head of one of the
muggers against the wall.

He shouted a warning when he spotted the second man

charge toward the shadow that signified his hero, a glimmer

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of moonlight glinting off the knife of a switchblade clutched
in the attacker’s hand.

The big shadow swept a long leg out and knocked the

guy off his feet. The first mugger had regained his feet and
charged. Bobby’s hero swung out an arm and nailed the guy
with his cloak. It must have been made of a stiff material,
because the thug bounced backward into the wall. This time,
his head hit it with a resounding crack and he slumped on
the ground.

Bobby watched his helper’s silhouette rise to his full

height as he backhanded the second charging mugger. Like
his buddy, when the man went down, he didn’t get back up.
Bobby’s jaw dropped when his savior finally stood still and
he could take in the guy’s actual proportions. Sure, the
shadows obscured quite a bit, but the man must have been
at least seven feet tall, and his broad shoulders, holy shit!

“Are you all right?” the guy queried.
“Yeah,” Bobby whispered, unable to stop his gaze from

sweeping over the heavily cloaked, shadowed figure.
“Thank you.”

“Your laptop,” the man said, kneeling on the ground and

grasping a black, square object. “Here.”

Instead of moving toward him, the man slid the bag

across the concrete toward Bobby. His aim was true, and the
bag stopped a foot in front him. “Thank you,” he said again,
grabbing it and pulling it close.

“You’re welcome,” came the guy’s deep voice. “You can

go. I’ll call the police and deal with these thugs.”

Bobby’s fists tightened on the handle, but he didn’t move

from his spot. For some reason, he desperately wanted to see
the face of his hero. He just knew it would be as sexy as his
deep voice implied. Instead, he asked, “Is there something I
can do to repay you for your kindness?”

For a long moment, the man remained quiet. Bobby

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almost didn’t think he’d respond, but then the stranger said,
“Have dinner with me.”

He knew his brows lifted, and he couldn’t keep in his

surprised gasp. He licked his lips and struggled to formulate
an answer. Would it be cheating to accept a thank-you
dinner from a guy who saved him from…well, probably a
mugging and rape?

Bobby decided Seth would probably see it that way. This

was the perfect opportunity to move on. If this big man
made his interest known, surely Seth would leave him alone,

“Never mind,” the man said, refocusing Bobby’s

attention. The man moved, his shadow turning, drawing

“No, wait, please,” Bobby cried, heading toward him.
Bobby obeyed the command in the other man’s tone and

came to a standstill. “Please, wait,” Bobby pleaded. He
didn’t know if the guy could see his expression, but he tried
to implore with his look anyway. “I’ll have dinner with you,
just…” he licked his lips and shook his head.

“Just what?”
“I-I’m currently seeing someone. I’ve been working up

the courage to break up with him, but…I haven’t done it yet.
I…” Shit, why is this so hard? “I don’t want you to think I’m a
cheater,” Bobby blurted. “Because I’m not. I need a couple
days to tell him it’s over.”

“I see,” the guy replied quietly. “I can understand that.

When did you have in mind?”

Bobby swallowed hard, wracking his brain. Seth worked

tonight and tomorrow. He could take the cowards way out
and tell him over the phone. That’d be best, right? Faster,
easier, safer…then Bobby could see his sexy-sounding savior
in the next day or so. “How about Tuesday night? Does that

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work for you?”

The guy looked to have tilted his head. Bobby heard him

swallow. “I’ll force myself to wait, though it will be

Grinning, Bobby felt a wash of pleasure at the man’s

admission. “Okay. Where?” He tried not to sound too eager,
though he wasn’t certain how successful he was.

“On the outskirts of town, on the corner of eighth and

main is a park. Will you meet me there? I’ll have a picnic
and a fire waiting.”

Bobby thought it a bit cold for an outside meal, but he

wouldn’t miss this chance for anything. “Okay,” he said
slowly. “I can do that. What time?”

“Seven o’clock. Is that too late for you?” the man asked.
Smiling, Bobby shook his head. Excitement coursed

through him at the prospect of his date. “That’s fine. I’ll be

“I look forward to it.”
He couldn’t stop his grin. “Me, too,” he murmured.

Bobby took one step away before turning back to the man.
“What’s your name?”

The shadow shifted, and Bobby imagined a smile curving

the shadowed lips of his sexy date. “Maelgwn. I’ll see you
night after next, Bobby.”

Bobby watched Maelgwn slip down the alleyway, his big

frame sliding silently into the night as he rolled the name
around his lips. He thought it was sexy and exotic. As he
started toward home, laptop case clutched close to his chest,
it occurred to him that he didn’t actually remember telling
Maelgwn his name.

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Chapter Two

rom the rooftop two houses down, Maelgwn watched
Bobby unlock the outer door of his apartment complex

and disappear inside. He stretched his wings and leaped,
taking to the air. Catching a current, he floated to the roof of
the building across from his mate’s home.

Maelgwn spotted Bobby cross his kitchen and set his

laptop case on the dining room table. His mate returned to
the kitchen and pulled a beer from the fridge. He hadn’t
even made it out of the room before his phone rang. He
didn’t miss the way Bobby glared at his cell before picking it
up and answering. After a roll of his eyes, Bobby took a swig
of his beer and headed out of the kitchen and into the living
room…and out of sight.

Swallowing hard, Maelgwn grabbed the ledge with his

hands, the cement cracking under the strength of his claws’
hold, to keep himself from leaping across the hundred yards
separating him from Bobby. Maelgwn desperately wanted to
crash through the doors and yank the offending machinery
out of his mate’s hand. Biding his time, being patient in
wooing his human mate, was killing him.

He’d been watching Bobby for over a week and a half,

trying to figure out how to get close to him. Finally, finally,
Maelgwn had managed it. It sure wasn’t the way he’d
wanted to, rescuing him from muggers, but he’d take any
way to interact with Bobby that he could get, especially since


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the biggest issue was Maelgwn couldn’t really let Bobby see
him. If Bobby knew he was a gargoyle—with wings, claws,
stone by day and thick leather hide by night—his little
human would go running for the hills.

Heaving a sigh, Maelgwn accepted that his mate was in

and alone for the night. He turned, spread his wings, and
launched into the night sky. He really wanted a steak, and
he knew just the place to get one.

Maelgwn winged his way to the outskirts of Stone Ridge.

The flight only took him a few minutes and he dropped into
a small clearing behind a mother-in-law cottage several
hundred yards away from a larger residence. He didn’t
know who the humans were that lived in the big house, but
he’d spent plenty of time with the men in the cottage.

He knocked on the sliding door at the back of the house,

well hidden in the trees. Gustav Hermance, Gus to his
friends, appeared quickly, pulling the blinds aside to peer
outside. The big rhino shifter grinned, showing off straight
white teeth in his pale face. The bald Caucasian looked like a
body builder, but as a shifter, his bulk was all natural.

Gus slid the door open and beckoned him in out of the

cold. Tucking his wings around him like a cloak, Maelgwn
stepped into the decent-sized studio cottage. “Thanks,” he
said, glancing down to make certain he wasn’t tracking mud
or snow in on his clawed feet. A careful wipe on the mat
assured him of his cleanliness.

Looking around the room, he spotted Tible, Gus’s

gargoyle mate, standing at the stove. Tible looked over his
slender gray shoulder and smiled at him. “Welcome,
Maelgwn. You want a steak?”

“I’d love one, thanks,” he replied, moving around the

small, round table to lean against the counter. “Is there
anything I can do to help?” he asked, trying not to be
embarrassed about the way his stomach growled at the

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smells of the cooking meat.

Gus shook his head. “Naw. The potatoes are in the oven.

The steaks are cooking on the burners.” He looked at
Maelgwn and grinned. “Unless you wanna grab some
veggies from the freezer,” he teased.

Maelgwn snorted. “Yeah, right.”
Gus laughed, and Tible snickered.
As a massive, seven-foot-one-inch gargoyle, Maelgwn

was primarily a meat eater. He didn’t mind a potato or two,
but anything green really didn’t appeal. That’s not to say he
wouldn’t eat it if a host put it in front of him, it just meant he
wouldn’t willingly add it to a menu.

Gus slapped him on the shoulder and laughed. “That’s

what I thought.”

Ten minutes later, Tible handed Maelgwn a plate with a

twenty-four ounce steak and a large baked potato. “Here ya
go, Mal,” Tible said, grinning. “Enjoy.”

Smirking, Maelgwn took it and sat. Very few would have

the gall to give him a nickname. He was chieftain of his
clutch, and checked in with his second-in-command, Tobias,
at least once every evening. During the day, Maelgwn
roosted, turning to stone in a tree near Declan McIntire’s
home. The alpha wolf shifter had offered him sanctuary
while he tried to figure out how to woo his human mate.
Finally, finally he’d been able to make contact with Bobby.
He couldn’t contain his excitement.

“I talked to Bobby today,” he blurted out after

swallowing a juicy bite of rare steak, no longer able to hold
in the news.

Tible dropped his fork in shock. Gus’s brows shot up.

“Wow,” Gus said. “That’s…that’s…”

“How did it happen?” Tible cut in, gripping Gus’s hand.

“Are you both…okay?”

Maelgwn set his fork down and studied his half-eaten

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food. When he looked at the other two men, he took in the
way Gus stroked Tible’s long white hair absently. He’d seen
the big man do it often, almost as a soothing mechanism. In
return, Tible flashed a loving look toward his mate.

Their relationship was what Maelgwn wanted.

Unfortunately, Bobby was human and didn’t know creatures
like him existed. Though Gus and Tible were friends with
Maelgwn’s mate, Bobby didn’t know they were a rhino
shifter and a gargoyle. Bobby thought they were human, just
like him.

“He was being mugged,” Maelgwn admitted, hating the

memory of fear on his mate’s face and his blood scenting the
air. “While walking home from a cyber café. It was dark in
the alley, so I pulled the muggers deeper into the shadows
and stopped them. Bobby could only see my silhouette.”

After a moment, Tible asked, “Did he seem…afraid of

you? Or-or grateful?” He leaned forward, gray eyes wide.
“What else happened?”

Maelgwn smiled at his next thought. “Oh, no, he was

definitely grateful. I asked him to dinner and he agreed.”

“You’re taking him to dinner?” Gus asked slowly. “How

will that work?”

Grimacing, he replied, “We’re meeting at a park pavilion

on the outskirts of town. I’m hoping you’ll help me set it up.
I’ll need a fire and candles and do either of you know what
kind of food Bobby likes?”

Tible nibbled his lip and frowned. “Let me give that some

thought.” He cocked his head. “Why the park? Won’t it be

Maelgwn shrugged, his wings rustling where they rested

over his shoulders. “Cold, yes, but it can’t be helped. I need
to stay in the dark,” he said sadly. “I can’t allow him to see
me, yet.” he said the words softly, lowering his gaze to the
table as his brow ridges creased. “If he gets to know me,

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maybe…” He licked his lips. “Maybe he won’t think I’m a

Gods above, just that thought nearly tore him apart.

Would his mate ever accept him? It was never easy when a
human had to be brought in by any paranormal, but for a
gargoyle, it was even harder, because they didn’t get a
human form until after their mate accepted them. He’d need
to be fucked and claimed by Bobby in order to go through a
molt, a transition that would allow him to turn human
instead of stone by day. It was a gargoyle’s safety
mechanism so they could care for their mate once bonded.

A light touch to his hand grabbed Maelgwn’s attention.

He looked over to find Tible’s slender fingers resting on his
own. Lifting his head to meet the smaller gargoyle’s gaze,
Maelgwn saw the look of determination on his face. “We’ll
do everything we can to help you. We told you that already.
We’ll find a way to make him understand,” Tible vowed,
reminding Maelgwn of their promise to return a kindness
when he had helped Tible and Gus go through birthing a
gargoyle egg.

Maelgwn flipped his hand and squeezed Tible’s fingers

lightly before letting go. “I appreciate that.”

“When is your date?” Gus asked.
“Day after tomorrow,” he told them.
“What about his boyfriend?” Tible asked, concern

creeping into his tone. “Bobby isn’t one to cheat, and even if
he was, his boyfriend Seth is horribly possessive. Doing
something like this could really cause problems for Bobby.”

Remembering their conversation, Maelgwn couldn’t stop

his grin. “He mentioned that, and said he planned to break
up with Seth.” Pleasure swept through him. He prayed that
meant Bobby felt the pull to be with him, if he were willing
to leave his current beau to be with him.

Maelgwn hung onto that thought as he and his friends

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made plans for his date.

His wings tucked tight around him to keep from

knocking the candles over or snagging on the checkered
tablecloth, Maelgwn reached over and finished setting the
table. He placed Bobby’s food on the hot plate to keep warm,
then turned and checked that the fire had sufficiently

Maelgwn stood before the warm blaze and brought a mug

of coffee to his lips. Bobby should be there any minute, and
he prayed to Fate and whatever gods deemed to listen that
this didn’t backfire in any way.

The sweep of headlights over the dark park lawn had him

lifting a wing to shield his face. Maelgwn turned and
hurried from the pavilion, instantly missing the fire’s
warmth. His deep blue, leathery hide was thick, but
Colorado winters were cold. His wings around him offered a
welcome barrier between his body and the chilly air.

Bobby’s tentative call reminded him exactly why he was

there. Making certain one of the pavilion’s large, round,
stone pillars was between himself and his mate, he called,
“I’m here, Bobby. Please, have a seat.”

“Where are you?” the young human asked.
The crunch of sneakers on snow allowed Maelgwn to

monitor his mate’s approach. “I’m here,” he said again. “I
put your plate in the warming bag. Please, sit by the fire and
enjoy it.”

He heard the rustle of clothing, telling him Bobby sat.

Maelgwn spread his wings and leaped. Catching hold of an
overhead beam, he dug in his claws and crawled up the
inside wall. Maelgwn settled on the beams above the
fireplace, enjoying the rising heat while using the twisting
shadows to keep him hidden. Here, he could watch and

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converse with his mate, without worrying that his features
would be made out.

“Oh, wow,” Bobby exclaimed, lifting the lid from the

plate. “I love chicken parmesan. How did you know?”

Maelgwn smiled, pleased that his mate was happy with

the choice. “Tible told me,” he admitted.

Bobby’s head tipped back, his brows creased in a frown.

“Are you sitting in the rafters?”

“I am,” Maelgwn responded.
“Aren’t you dining with me?” Bobby asked, clearly


Maelgwn sighed. “I don’t think that’d be a good idea yet,

Bobby. Perhaps, when we get to know each other better.”

Bobby took a sip of the wine in front of him. To

Maelgwn’s relief, his mate hummed with pleasure upon
tasting the vintage. “Nice.” He picked up his fork and took a
bite of the fettuccine alfredo first, then the chicken. As he
chewed, a pleased but thoughtful look crossed his
expression. Once he’d swallowed, Bobby asked, “Why won’t
you eat with me?”

Maelgwn struggled with how to answer that question. He

didn’t want to start his relationship with outright lies, but
what could he say? “I’m—I’m worried you’ll reject my suit
out of hand if you see me first,” he finally admitted. With his
wings wrapped tightly around him, his toe claws dug into
the beam under his butt, and his tail wrapped around his
shins, he’d never felt more scared to hear his mate’s next

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Chapter Three

lowly, Bobby put down his fork. The food truly was
delicious. Maelgwn said he knew Tible, who Bobby

considered a good friend along with his husband, Gus, and
Maelgwn had obviously done his homework. Chicken
parmesan, fettuccine alfredo, and grilled asparagus had to
be three of his all-time favorite foods.

When he’d walked into the pavilion and saw the roaring

fire and the romantic candlelit table, Bobby hadn’t really
known what to think at seeing only one place setting. He
knew someone was here, because his headlights had
illuminated a massive figure. To find himself dining alone
was extremely disconcerting.

What was even weirder was the fact that his date sat

fifteen feet above his head, cloaked in darkness, and
wouldn’t let Bobby see him. Sadly, it kinda hurt, too.
Maelgwn must think he looked hideous to be this worried.

“You think I’ll judge you because of your looks?” Bobby

asked quietly.

“It’s nothing against you, Bobby,” Maelgwn answered,

his deep voice soft, carrying through the place. “I’m
not…I’m not like normal people.” He sounded almost sad.

Bobby straightened, trying to understand that admission.

He couldn’t. “What does that mean?”

He looked up, trying to peer through the shadows.

Maelgwn had his back to the wall and seemed to be sitting


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comfortably on the beam to the left of the fireplace. How he
got up there with his trench coat, Bobby had no idea.

“Bobby, please, just…” His date sighed.
Obviously, the guy felt pretty adamant about this. It was

a pity, since the man’s voice sounded like liquid sex. Just
hearing his deep, throaty purr had Bobby’s dick filling.
Maybe he could go about this another way.

“So, how did you meet Tible and Gus?” he asked, picking

up his fork. He took another bite of the delicious alfredo and
tipped his head back to watch Maelgwn adjust his position.
It was odd. The way the shadows and firelight moved
around him, Maelgwn’s fingers, which he’d rested on his
knees, looked almost dark blue with very pointed black
nails. Bobby dismissed it, deciding Maelgwn must be
African American.

His date’s answer refocused Bobby’s attention. “Tible had

some health questions that I was able to help clear up for

“Oh, are you a doctor?” Bobby asked, perking up.
“Ah…not a traditional doctor,” Maelgwn responded

slowly. “I assist more in the realm of…holistic medicine.
Teaching a person how to keep his body healthy naturally.”

Bobby nodded slowly, taking another bite of asparagus.

No matter how odd he found this date to be, the food and
wine was excellent and he had no intention of letting it go to
waste. Plus, he didn’t actually feel threatened in any way. In
fact, he felt safer now than he did over at Seth’s condo while
amongst all his friends. Huh.

“So, are you a vegan or something? Big into herbal

remedies and stuff?” he asked curiously. He really just
wanted to hear Maelgwn talk. He couldn’t get over how hot
he found the guy’s voice.

A low chuckled echoed through the rafters, then, “No.

Definitely not vegan. I love meat and have joined Gus and

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Tible for steaks on many occasions.”

Bobby smiled. Maelgwn’s deep laughter was an

incredibly sexy sound. He really wanted to reach down and
adjust himself, but was too afraid the guy would see from
his vantage point. On the other hand, maybe if Maelgwn
knew he turned Bobby on, he’d be more willing to actually
come down and join him.

Reaching down, Bobby palmed his dick and shifted in his

seat. He hissed at the pleasure that tightened his balls. It’d
been a while since he’d been this turned on and all they’d
done was talk.

“Bobby,” Maelgwn said, letting out a groan of his own.

“Gods above, you smell good.”

His eyes widened and his gaze snapped to the form above

him as he shifted restlessly on the beam. “You can smell me
from up there?” Bobby didn’t think his cologne was that

“Yes, I can smell you,” his date replied. “I so wish I could

help you with that.”

The comment was made so low Bobby wasn’t certain if

Maelgwn had meant for him to hear it or not. He licked his
lips. He knew it was kinda slutty to offer to put out on a first
date, but fuck a duck, Bobby really wanted to know what it
felt like to have Maelgwn’s hands on him. If how he
responded to the man’s voice was any indication, his touch
would be mind-blowing.

Licking his lips, Bobby took a fortifying sip of wine, then

put the glass down and said, “I’d like it very much if you
helped me out.”

An audible hiss sounded from above. Maelgwn’s dark

form crawled across the beam with surprising agility. The
shadows deepened, until the guy just looked like one big,
dark shadow. Maelgwn’s cloak billowed out like wings as he
jumped from one beam to another. Once his date was

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directly overhead, Maelgwn peered down at him.

Bobby saw the reflection of the firelight on his eyes, and

for a second the flames illuminated his face and Bobby
thought he saw a large square jaw and white fangs. He
frowned, and Maelgwn shifted, once more hiding his face in

“Look toward the fire and close your eyes, Bobby,”

Maelgwn ordered softly.

Cocking his head, Bobby mentally debated his options.

He’d be putting a lot of trust in a man he really didn’t know.
On the other hand, Maelgwn did a lot of work researching
his likes and dislikes, and if there was something wrong
with the guy, surely Gus or Tible would have warned him
away, right?

“We can just forget anything was said, if you’d like.”
The deeply rumbled offer jerked Bobby out of his

thoughts. “No,” Bobby responded quickly.

“Okay,” Maelgwn murmured. “I’ll back off.”
Bobby shook his head. “No, I mean I want your touch.

Your voice makes me hard as a rock and…and I want to
know if your hands will feel as good as I think they will.”

Mortified by his outburst, Bobby felt heat creep up his

neck and he hoped his blush wasn’t very visible in the
firelight. “Please,” he pleaded. “Do…whatever it is you were
going to do.” As he spoke, Bobby bowed his head and closed
his eyes, his body nearly vibrating with tension.

A few seconds later, Bobby heard a soft thud, telling him

Maelgwn had actually dropped to the ground behind him.
He imagined he could feel the man’s presence warming his
back. Maelgwn rested large hands on Bobby’s shoulders,
then Bobby felt breath against his ear as the guy whispered,
“Just relax, Bobby. I would never let any harm befall you.”

“I—I believe you,” Bobby murmured, surprised that he

did, in fact, trust this man.

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“Will you let me make you feel good, Bobby?” Mealgwn

crooned, his large hands massaging Bobby’s shoulders,
releasing knots of tension he hadn’t even known were there.

Bobby groaned softly. “Oh, god, that’s good.” One of

Maelgwn’s hands moved over his shoulder and gripped his
coat’s zipper. He hissed in pleasure when his coat opened
and Maelgwn scraped a thumb over his beaded nipple
through the shirt he wore.

“Like that, do you?” Mealgwn murmured.
“Oh, yes,” Bobby whispered.
“Mmm, I can’t wait for the chance to explore your tight

body, little one,” Maelgwn continued, nuzzling his neck. His
second hand moved to cup Bobby’s dick, gently squeezing
his rock hard cock, making him moan and rest his head on
Maelgwn’s shoulder. It was then he realized the guy must
have been kneeling behind him.

Maelgwn placed his palm on Bobby’s chest, urging him to

lean against him. The man’s hand nearly spanned his entire
chest, reminding him of exactly how large this guy was.
Trusting in the strange pull he felt, Bobby gave in and rested
his weight on Maelgwn. He placed one hand on his thigh
and the other on Maelgwn’s forearm. The firm, hard skin
under his palm surprised him and he ran his hand over
Maelgwn’s arm, noticing it felt almost leathery.

“Maelgwn?” he asked hesitantly.
“Shh, little one, everything is fine. Let me take care of

you,” Maelgwn murmured right before he sucked one of
Bobby’s earlobes into his mouth.

Groaning at the shivers spreading through his body,

Bobby obeyed. Even the scrape of slightly sharper than
normal teeth hardly penetrated his fog of lust when
Maelgwn opened his jeans and palmed his throbbing
erection. As Maelgwn stroked him, Bobby dismissed the
notion just as quickly.

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He gave himself over to Maelgwn’s ministrations, letting

the pleasure flood his body, setting his nerve endings on fire.
The man’s hot breath on his neck, ear, and cheek had the fine
hairs there standing on end, sending pleasant chills down
his spine. The hand on his chest moved down to his balls,
palming the sensitive orbs, then tugging and rolling them

Bobby moaned in bliss. “Oh my god, Mal. More, please


“Anything for you, my mate,” Maelgwn’s voice came out

thick with lust. “You are so beautiful in your need. One day
soon, I will bury my dick in your ass so deep you’ll always
know who you belong to.”

The possessive words—instead of alarming Bobby—

caused his breathing to hitch and his asshole to flutter. His
dick thickened even further and a dollop of pre-cum oozed
from his slit. His lips parted slightly, soft pants escaping
him, Bobby shivered.

Maelgwn must have noticed his response, for his hot

breath coasted over Bobby’s flushed skin as he murmured,
“You like the sound of that, don’t you, Bobby? You’d be
willing to let me bend you over this table and take you,
wouldn’t you?”

“Oh,” Bobby gasped out. “I-I—”
The man must not have really expected an answer, for he

chuckled, the deep sound sexy as hell as it vibrated through
Bobby’s back. “Are you ready to come, my mate?” Maelgwn
asked, his hand picking up speed on Bobby’s prick.

Bobby whimpered, his hips jerking.
Something a little sharp scraped gently across his over-

sensitized glans, shooting unbelievable pleasure down his
stalk. “Yes, please,” he begged, moaning.

“Come for me, Bobby. Let me see your pleasure.”
Bobby’s body bucked. His balls pulled tight. Cum burst

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from his cock in thick ropes. He keened, his back bowing as
ecstasy swamped his system, lighting up every nerve
ending. Maelgwn continued to stroke him gently,
heightening his orgasm for a moment, then he moved his
hand to Bobby’s chest and petted him gently, easing him
down from the most intense orgasm he could ever
remember, and that from just a hand job!

When he could figure out how to untangle his tongue,

Bobby uttered, “Your touch is…amazing.” That sounded
completely inadequate, but his scrambled mind couldn’t
think of the words to describe the heady feelings swamping
his sated body. Nuzzling his forehead into the crook of
Maelgwn’s neck, he murmured, “Can I return the favor?”

A rumble that sounded suspiciously like a purr vibrated

through Maelgwn’s chest. A rough palm cupped Bobby’s
jaw and tilted his head. Firm lips pressed against his own,
and Bobby quickly opened to the man’s questing tongue.

He welcomed the appendage—one more long and slender

than he’d think for a guy this size—into his mouth and
sucked gently on it before tangling it with his own. When he
delved his tongue into Maelgwn’s mouth, eager to taste the
other man, for just a second, he thought he felt long, sharp

Then Maelgwn growled and ravished his mouth, taking

control of the kiss. The lip-lock turned dominating,
possessive, almost frenzied. With a groan, Maelgwn broke
the kiss and turned Bobby’s head to face forward again. He
tucked his face against Bobby’s neck and nibbled the damp
skin where Bobby’s neck met shoulder.

He let out a sigh and tilted his head, giving his new lover

more access. Lifting a hand, Bobby threaded his fingers
through Maelgwn’s thick hair and stroked his scalp softly.
He didn’t find the end, so figured the man’s hair had to be at
least beyond his shoulders.

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“Can I see you again?”
Bobby smiled at Maelgwn’s whispered question,

exceedingly pleased the sexy sounding and tasting man
wanted to see him again. “Yeah. I’d like that.”

“You work as an electrician, right? Are you available for

dinner tomorrow?”

Nodding, Bobby replied, “Yes. Where would you like to


For just a second, Maelgwn hesitated. “Here again?” he

finally asked.

“Will I get to see you?”
Again, Maelgwn paused before answering. “Is what I

look like so important to you?”

Bobby opened his mouth, then snapped it shut. Am I really

that superficial? He wanted to cringe when he realized that he
could definitely be labeled as shallow. All his past exes were
good looking men. Maybe that was why they were self-
centered assholes.

“No,” Bobby quickly answered when he felt the tension in

the cords of Maelgwn’s neck increase. “If you’re self-
conscious, I can wait until you’re ready.”

The man’s voice was liquid sex, his hands were rough yet

gentle, and he kissed like a fucking dream. If the guy was
really as nice as he seemed, Maelgwn could be as plain as
the day was long and Bobby wouldn’t care.

“I’d just like you to get to know me first,” Maelgwn


Bobby nodded. His date had said that before. Smiling, his

eyes still closed, Bobby tilted his head toward Maelgwn and,
grinning, tugged the thick lock he still fingered. “How long
is your hair and what color is it?”

At that Maelgwn actually chuckled. “It’s black and almost

reaches my ass.”

Humming his approval, Bobby murmured, “I can’t wait

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to see that. So sexy.”

“I’m glad you think so,” Maelgwn replied. He kissed

Bobby’s lips lightly one more time, then slowly drew away.
“You’d better head home, sweet Bobby. The fire’s dying and
it’s getting cold.”

Bobby nodded, already missing the warmth generated by

Maelgwn’s body. “You’re probably right. Tomorrow?”

“Same place and time,” Maelgwn promised.
An odd whooshing sound reached Bobby’s ears and he

couldn’t help frowning as he tried to discern what it was.

“Off you go, Bobby,” Maelgwn said, his voice once more

coming from the rafters. “Before I change my mind, carry
you deep into the forest, and ravish you all night long.”

Bobby snickered, surprised when his dick tried to rise to

the occasion at the mental imagery. He had to blink several
times before his eyes focused. A glance up showed shadows
and darkness and Maelgwn’s large form perched on a beam.
How the big guy scrambled up so fast was beyond Bobby.
He wondered if Maelgwn was a gymnast when he was
younger or something. As he rose, Bobby remembered how
he’d taken out those muggers and decided maybe Maelgwn
was a ninja. He had to hide a smirk at that thought.

Lifting his head toward his lover’s dark form, he blew a

kiss at him. Maelgwn’s deep chuckle reached his ears. Bobby
turned, pulled his coat closed around him, and headed
toward his car. His lips curved into what he knew was a
goofy grin and he didn’t care in the least.

Bobby’s happiness stayed with him all the way

home…until he neared his apartment building and spotted
Seth standing on the front steps. It didn’t take a genius to
figure out why the man was there. Seth hadn’t been happy
when Bobby had called him yesterday, cancelled their date,
and told him they were through.

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In fact, Seth had been enraged. He’d yelled through the

phone line about how Bobby was his, and Seth wasn’t letting
him go, and how Bobby would never find someone better.
Bobby had ended up having to hang up on him. Then, after
Seth’s fifth return call, Bobby had shut off his phone for the

Not wanting to deal with his ex’s shenanigans, Bobby

kept driving. He toyed with the idea of stopping at a coffee
shop, then decided he’d swing by Gus and Tible’s home. A
glance at his dash told him it wasn’t too late, especially since
Tible was a night owl.

His mind made up, Bobby drove the forty-five minutes to

the outskirts of Stone Ridge and his friend’s home. Bobby
parked his car and hustled up the walk, hunching his
shoulders in his coat. He really should have worn his
heavier winter coat, but he’d liked the way the jacket
matched with his slacks. Stupid, really.

Shaking his head at himself, Bobby knocked on the door.
A moment later, he heard Tible’s melodious tenor call out,

“It’s open. Come on in!”

Bobby grinned, gripped the knob, and turned it. Pushing

the door open, Bobby swept his gaze over the studio-style
cottage as he strode into the place. He opened his mouth, all
prepared to give his friend crap for not checking who was at
least at the door before calling out.

His words died in his throat, and all that came out was a

strangled cry of alarm. Standing in the kitchen
was…something. It looked vaguely humanoid, with leathery
gray skin, black wings, and long white hair. When the
creature looked up, drawn by the noise Bobby made, its
mouth opened, looking just as surprised to see him as Bobby
was to see it.

The move also revealed a square jaw and—Oh, god!—a

mouthful of pointed teeth and long, white canines. Bobby’s

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hand tightened on the doorknob. His brain screamed at him
to run, but he couldn’t get his feet to move.

Another squeak managed to escape his throat.
“Oh, Bobby. Please breathe. I wasn’t expecting you. I

thought it’d be Cornelius.”

It took a good fifteen seconds for Bobby’s brain to process

the fact that the creature at the counter was speaking. And
breathing really did sound like a good idea, but then
the…thing…stepped out from behind the counter and
started toward him, its hands lifting toward him.

A cry of dismay finally escaped Bobby as he took in the

black claws instead of fingernails, the long sinewy tail, the
loincloth, and below that, legs that ended in talons. Those
long, deadly looking claws clicked on the hardwood floor.

Black spots appeared across Bobby’s vision. His hand

finally released the doorknob, but it was only so it could fall
uselessly to his side. Bobby felt his eyes roll into the back of
his head as his vision went dark. He felt his body crumple,
but could do nothing to stop it as darkness swamped him,
and he just knew he was going to die.

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Chapter Four

aelgwn hummed happily. The night couldn’t have
gone better, as far as he was concerned. Bobby had

enjoyed the meal and his company. The realization that just
his voice turned Bobby on came as a welcome shock. And
finally getting to touch his mate, to pleasure him, Maelgwn
felt ecstatic. Even the hard ache in his dick, which he’d
pointedly ignored while pleasing Bobby, couldn’t diminish
how great he felt.

He put out the fire and packed everything back into the

two baskets he’d used to bring it. His mind was logging
through possible food choices for tomorrow night when his
cell phone rang.

He pulled it from a holder clipped to one of the leather

straps crisscrossing his chest, smiling when he saw it was
Tible. The young gargoyle was such a gossip and probably
wanted the scoop on how his date with Bobby went.

Grinning, instead of a traditional greeting, Maelgwn told

Tible, “I couldn’t have asked for it to go any better. Bobby
enjoyed the food and definitely feels the mate-pull. And
that’s all you’re getting out of me.”

“Oh, Maelgwn, I hope I didn’t ruin everything,” Tible

said, clearly distraught. “I was making dinner and Gus was
in the shower. How was I to know it wasn’t Cornelius? I
didn’t mean for him to see me in gargoyle form…”

“Whoa, whoa, Tible. Slow down,” Maelgwn hollered into


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the phone, trying to get the upset man’s attention. “You’re
not making any sense. Who saw you in gargoyle form?”

“Bobby!” Tible nearly screamed.
“What? How?” Maelgwn shook his head. That wasn’t

important. “Where is he now? Did he run away?”

“He passed out. We laid him on the bed,” Tible told him.
That gave Maelgwn some measure of relief. At least,

Bobby wasn’t running around in a panic somewhere. “I’m
on my way,” he told Tible.

Before he could disconnect the line, he heard Tible ask,

“Are you sure that’s wise? Maybe I can play this off?”

“No,” Maelgwn stated. “It’s time.” He’d already

connected with Bobby, knew his mate felt the pull, and
Bobby had said it didn’t matter what Maelgwn looked like.
He had to believe that.

Tucking his phone back into its case, Maelgwn grabbed

his bags and leaped into the air. His mind whirled with
possible outcomes, from Bobby happily accepting Maelgwn
to Bobby running away to Bobby rejecting him. Unable to
predict the future, he focused on the outcome he wanted, the
one where he and his mate lived happily ever after. Wasn’t
that what every mated couple wanted?

He dropped to the ground outside Gus’s back door. The

shifter was waiting and immediately opened the door.
“Sorry about this,” Gus muttered, lines of worry creasing his

“It’ll work out,” Maelgwn stated quietly, hoping his

words were true with all his heart.

Maelgwn crossed to the bed, hiding the irked feeling at

seeing his mate sleeping in another’s bed, even if it was a
mated pair that had no interest in him. Leaning over Bobby,
Maelgwn reached down and touched his throat, feeling the
pulse beating strongly. Tension in his chest eased that his
mate just slept. It wasn’t that he hadn’t believed his friends,

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but there was something to be said for seeing is believing.

“Ah, my sweet mate,” Maelgwn murmured, brushing the

backs of his fingers over his lover’s cheek. “You have so
much to learn. I hope you have as open a mind as you
claim.” Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.

Bobby moaned in his sleep, shifting restlessly. His eyelids

fluttered. Maelgwn stepped away, realizing his mate was
waking. Seeing his foreign visage upon waking wasn’t what
Bobby needed. He needed words, an explanation, so he’d get

Moving away from his mate, he looked from a now

human Tible to a pensive Gus, then noticed a concerned
looking Cornelius standing behind the kitchen counter. He
remembered Tible saying he’d thought it was the small
rhino shifter at the door, which is why he hadn’t checked
before letting Bobby in.

“Tea?” Cornelius offered, holding up a mug.
With a sigh, Maelgwn nodded. Crossing to the counter,

he took the mug. “You’ll need to start the explanations,
Tible,” he said, holding onto his calm by a bare thread.
Maelgwn desperately needed everything to work out, for
Bobby to accept the truth of the world—that humans were
not alone.

He heard Bobby whimper and fought the urge to go to

him, knowing that could very well make it worse. However,
he did remember how much Bobby liked his voice. Settling
on the couch, the back of the furniture almost hiding him
from Bobby’s view should he wake, Maelgwn ignored the
others in the room. After taking a deep breath and a
fortifying sip of the bitter tea, which he noticed was laced
with whiskey, he started talking.

“I need you to wake up now, Bobby,” he murmured.

“There are so many things I have to tell you, things you need
to know. You asked why I wouldn’t let you see my face. I’m

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ready to trust you now, Bobby. I have faith that we can get
through this.”

“Gods above, your voice is giving me a boner,” Cornelius


The rhino shifter’s statement cut into Maelgwn’s soft

rambling. He wasn’t sure how to respond to that, making
him pause on his next thought. Turning his head, Maelgwn
glanced over his shoulder at the shifter, who shrugged
unabashedly and adjusted himself.

“Maelgwn?” Bobby murmured, his voice rough.
“I’m here,” Maelgwn answered, bowing his head, praying

to whatever gods cared to listen that his idea wasn’t about to
bite him in the ass.

“What happened? Where are you?” Bobby asked.
“You passed out, little one,” he replied. “Do you

remember that?”

He heard cloth rustle, and Maelgwn assumed Bobby was

rising. He clenched his clawed fingers into fists, wishing it
could be him who helped his mate into a sitting position.


“I remember walking into Tible’s house, but he wasn’t

there. I saw a creature of some sort,” Bobby murmured,
“I…Oh, shit. I’ve seen that before. Your Halloween costume.
You dressed up as that, um, whatever, for Halloween, didn’t
you? Why were you wearing it now? You scared the shit out
of me!” Each word Bobby spoke rose in volume until he
practically yelled, clearly pissed at Tible.

“Gargoyle,” Maelgwn said. “What you saw is a


“What?” Bobby asked. “What are you doing over there?”
Maelgwn turned his head just a smidge, wanting to see

Bobby’s expression. “Don’t sweep it under the carpet, Tible,”
he ordered gruffly.

“Mal, your skin. It looks blue,” Bobby whispered.

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Maelgwn resisted the urge to turn away, instead, keeping

his profile visible to his mate. “I told you I’m not like others,
Bobby,” he murmured.

Bobby licked his lips, his gaze sweeping over the faces of

the other men in the room. “What the hell is going on?” The
way Bobby whispered the question, his voice full of
trepidation, didn’t really reassure Maelgwn.

Deciding to rip it off like a band aid, Maelgwn cut to the

chase, “Bobby, I am a gargoyle. So is Tible. We are real. We
keep our existence a secret because most humans don’t want
to believe in us and wouldn’t understand that we mean
them no harm.” He kept his tone soft, gentle, fighting the
urge to pace.

Suddenly, Bobby grinned. “You guys are just pulling my

leg. Are you getting ready for a comic con or something? Is
that why you’re preparing costumes?”

Tible caught Maelgwn’s gaze. He nodded when the

smaller gargoyle lifted a brow in question. “This could really
freak him out,” Tible warned, taking a few steps away from
the bed.

“We’ll all be here for him,” Gus reminded.
Cornelius nodded.
“What are you guys talking about?” Bobby asked,

frustration filling his tone.

“Just watch Tible,” Maelgwn urged.
Bobby gave Maelgwn a confused glance, then looked

toward Tible. Wasting no time, Tible initiated his change.
His skin darkened, thickening to form a leathery gray hide.
His jaw squared, canines extended, and ears became
pointed. Claws sprouted from his fingers and his legs
thinned at the bottom as his feet changed into talons.

“How-how-how…” Bobby seemed to be stuck on that one

word as he scrambled backward on the bed. His beautiful
green eyes appeared huge in his pale face. He eventually hit

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the headboard and could go no further. “M-m-maelgwn?”

The fact that Bobby called for him in his fear filled

Maelgwn with a fresh surge of hope. Slowly, he rose,
keeping his wings tucked close over his shoulders. “Bobby,
none of us would ever hurt you. These are your friends. You
know that.” Finally, he turned just his head so Bobby could
see him fully.

“Oh my god!” Bobby squeaked.
Maelgwn didn’t think his lover’s eyes could get any

larger. Then he realized Bobby’s chest was rising and falling
incredibly fast. “Bobby, slow your breathing down. Take
deep breaths,” he ordered soothingly.

To his surprise, Bobby responded. He blinked a few

times, then his eyes riveted to Maelgwn’s as he visually
inhaled through his nose, his chest expanding, Bobby licked
his lips, catching Maelgwn’s attention. He really wanted to
feel those lips under his again.

Taking a chance, Maelgwn started around the sofa. With

his gaze fixed on Bobby’s, he murmured, “Do you remember
in the park when we spoke? When you wanted me to join
you for supper? You said you didn’t care what I looked
like.” He moved slowly toward his mate, praying he could
keep his sweet human calm.

“Maelgwn,” Bobby whispered, his gaze finally flickering

across his face. “How is this possible? How is any of this

“It just is, my mate,” Maelgwn murmured, heartened

when Bobby actually lifted a hand toward his face. He
carefully positioned his wings against his back, allowing him
to ease onto the bed. Leaning closer, Maelgwn pressed his
cheek against Bobby’s lifted palm. He sighed as pleasure
mixed with need coursed through his body at the first touch
of his mate, however innocent.

He fought back a shiver, but wasn’t completely

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successful. Having Bobby touch him felt too good. My mate

is touching me!

The way Bobby whispered his name broke Maelgwn out

of his awed state. He turned his head, careful not to break
contact, and murmured, “Yes, Bobby?”

“Your skin, it feels…thick?”
Maelgwn found Bobby’s gaze was fixed at where his

hand gently caressed his cheek, an expression of wonder
etched on his face. “Bobby, my sweet, I’m a gargoyle. My
hide is thicker than a human’s, tougher, but still just as
sensitive to the touch of a lover,” he murmured.

“A lo—”
To Maelgwn’s disappointment, Bobby jerked his hand


“You’re taken?” Bobby frowned, his gaze sliding to his

lap as he shook his head. “Of course, you’re taken. You’re
big, and sexy, and kind. You save strangers from muggers
and your voice is…”

Much to Maelgwn’s disappointment, Bobby cut off the

rest of that thought.

He twisted his hands together in his lap. “Not straight

though.” Realizing he said that out loud, Bobby’s cheeks
blossomed into a bright red. He finally lifted his gaze and
muttered, “Sorry. I didn’t mean any offense.”

Maelgwn reached out and gently took Bobby’s hand.

Mindful of his claws, he gently scraped his thumb over the
sensitive pads of Bobby’s palm to gain his attention. Bobby
gasped, shivered even, and jerked his head up to look at

“Bobby,” Maelgwn whispered. “You are my lover. You are

the only man I wish to touch, the only one I want to touch

“But I’m…” Bobby frowned. “And you’re…” He waved

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his free hand in the air wildly.

Licking his lips, Maelgwn eyed his mate closely as he

leaned close. Bobby just watched him, his eyes a little wider
than normal, a little darker green, but he didn’t move away.
Maelgwn pressed his nose into the crook of Bobby’s neck,
using pressure to get his mate to tilt his jaw. Pleasure
flooded him at how quickly Bobby acquiesced.

He nibbled lightly on the exposed tendons, gratified at the

gasp and body shudder his little human made. “You have a
problem with interspecies matings, my sweet human?” He
purred the words against Bobby’s damp flesh, knowing how
much pleasure the vibrations and warm air could cause a

Bobby whimpered, bringing his hands up to Maelgwn’s

shoulders and clutching tightly. He could hear Bobby
panting, then the man whispered, “Why aren’t I afraid of

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Chapter Five

obby whispered the question more because he thought
he should than because he felt any actual interest in the

answer. With how good Maelgwn’s large, rough hands felt
holding his own, not to mention the amazing sensations
caused by how he nipped Bobby’s neck with his teeth—holy
shit those are huge canines!
—and Bobby didn’t really want to
think about anything.

Maelgwn answered anyway. “Because you’re drawn to

me,” he crooned deeply against his neck. “You feel our
connection just as I do. The Fates brought us together.”

He didn’t understand most of that, but the feeling of

being drawn to this…gargoyle. Yeah, that he understood.
Hell, Maelgwn could call himself whatever he wanted,
because Bobby desired to feel his touch, craved the
creature’s touch even—which he’d figure out later—and he
wanted to trace every ridge of blue muscle—holy shit, he’s
—that he could find.

Letting out a sigh, Bobby forced his eyes open. When did I

close them? To his surprise, he realized they were alone in the
cottage. “Where did everyone go?”

Maelgwn eased back, and Bobby wanted to kick himself

for saying something. His question caused the big guy to
move away and glance around. He turned back and his thin
lips turned up into a smile, softening the firm lines of his
square jaw. “They knew we needed some time alone.”


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“Alone?” Bobby whispered. He could think of all kinds of

things he wanted to do alone with Maelgwn, starting with
exploring every inch of that sexy blue body.

“We have much to discuss.”
Discussion is the last thing on my mind. Ever since Bobby

had woken to the deep tones of his lover’s voice, he’d been
hard, almost desperate. Maybe that was how one of
Maelgwn’s kind coerced a human into…well, sex? Except,
Bobby didn’t feel coerced. All he felt was…need.

“I want to touch you,” Bobby blurted out. His face heated,

but it didn’t stop him from reaching up and gently tracing
the firm line of Maelgwn’s square jaw. When he reached the
thin lips that he’d tasted once before and desperately wanted
to taste again, Maelgwn gently nipped his finger, sending a
fresh wave of desire through him. Goosebumps erupted on
his arms. Bobby couldn’t remember the last time he’d been
this hard.

“You can touch me anywhere you want, my sweet mate,”

Maelgwn crooned.

Bobby figured he’d need to learn why Maelgwn kept

calling him his mate, too—after all, he didn’t sound
Australian—but he’d worry about that later. He took in the
large creature leaning over him, his dark blue skin, his long
black hair, his dark gray eyes, and the firm jaw displaying
long canines. Looking away from the pointy teeth, he
paused. Good god, are those wings? Crazy!

Maelgwn had broad shoulders and thick muscles. He

wore some kind of leather loincloth which just added to his
sexy appeal and showed off heavily muscled legs. In fact, the
gargoyle’s thighs were as thick around as Bobby’s waist!
And his abs, oh, so yummy!

Other than, well, the wings of course, the blue skin, claws

and long canines peeking over his bottom lip, Maelgwn
would pass for human. An incredibly big human, but still…

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“You keep looking at me like that, and I won’t be held

responsible for my actions,” Maelgwn growled gruffly.

Bobby jerked his gaze back to Maelgwn’s face. He gasped

at the heat and lust darkening the gargoyle’s gray eyes,
making them look like the sky before a storm. “Maybe,” he
paused and licked his lips, fighting past the sudden dryness
in his throat. “Maybe I don’t want you to behave,” he

Maelgwn growled again, the sound deep and sexy.

Bobby’s prick oozed, and he just knew a visible spot was
forming on his slacks.

“There is much I need to explain,” Maelgwn insisted,

though he did grip the nape of Bobby’s neck with one hand.
It was so big that he was able to scrape the claw of his thumb
along the top of Bobby’s lips. And Bobby didn’t know why
he found that so fucking hot, but he did, and he couldn’t
stop the visible shiver.

“Talking’s overrated. You said your kind can have inter-

species relations, and I really, really want to feel you.” Bobby
chanced a look at Maelgwn’s crotch. “Oh, sweetie,” he
muttered. “I want to ride what you’re packing so bad.” God,
he sounded like a slut, but he ached even worse.

Bobby was a size queen, always had been, and if the

bulge filling out the loincloth was any indication, Maelgwn
was hung like a fucking ox! His hole tightened in
anticipation. When Maelgwn didn’t say anything, Bobby
returned his gaze to the gargoyle’s face. His expression of
tortured lust was enough to make Bobby act.

Moving slowly, giving Maelgwn plenty of time to

refuse—after all, Bobby didn’t want to force himself on an
unwilling man, no matter what the hidden erection might
imply—Bobby climbed onto his knees, swung his leg over
Maelgwn’s thighs, and settled onto the big gargoyle’s lap.
Maelgwn immediately moved his hands to Bobby’s hips,

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holding him steady.

Taking that as approval, Bobby rocked his hips. He hissed

softly at the pleasure-pain caused by the pressure on his

“Bobby,” Maelgwn snarled heatedly.
Ignoring the warning in the big guy’s voice, Bobby rocked

his hips again, then reached a hand between them and
worked his pants open. Once his dick sprang free, he
grabbed for the ties at Maelgwn’s hip, hoping that was how
to open the loincloth hiding the dick he desperately wanted
to see and touch.

“God, damn it,” Bobby muttered, realizing somehow he’d

gotten a knot in the leather strips. Glaring, he realized
Maelgwn was looking at him with an expression that was a
cross between lust and amusement. “Open your fucking
loincloth, Maelgwn,” Bobby snapped.

Evidently, his tone had just a little bit too much challenge

in it. Maelgwn’s lip curled, showing off his impressive
canine. His brow ridges furrowed and a low growl rumbled
from him. Bobby suddenly found himself lifted from
Maelgwn’s lap and into the air. He let out an undignified

Then Maelgwn was moving, away from the bed, around

the couch, and to the thick rug in front of the low-burning
fire. He laid Bobby down and then towered over him, his
gaze traveling over him.

“You look so fuckable like that, Bobby,” Maelgwn

rumbled as he untangled the mess Bobby had made of his
loincloth ties. “Is this what you want?” He pulled the
loincloth off and dropped it on the floor, freeing his erection.

Looking up at the massive gargoyle staring down at him,

Bobby figured he should have felt afraid. Maelgwn was
seven feet of heavy muscles, sharp claws, and feral
masculinity. His wings, now that they were spread, had to

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reach at least eighteen feet.

But it was Maelgwn’s dick that caused Bobby to pant

heavily, and not from fear. Renewed lust and desire coursed
through him in equal measure. His dick oozed another drop
of pre-cum, sliding down his glans, sending sparks of
pleasure up his stalk. His big lover sported an erection
probably ten inches in length with a hefty girth. His foreskin
was pulled halfway clear of the cap, showing off a hint of a
wide slit and a glans gleaming with pre-cum.

“Oh my god,” Bobby whispered, licking his lips. He

reached down and squeezed the base of his throbbing cock
to keep from coming at the sight of it. His anus fluttered and
he moaned. Never had he wanted something in his ass so
badly. “Please, fuck me.”

Maelgwn dropped to his knees and grabbed Bobby’s

pants. Bobby lifted his hips, helping Maelgwn strip him as
he yanked his shirt over his head. Once he lay naked,
Maelgwn let out a long, low growl. He skimmed his palms
up Bobby’s inner thighs, the tips of his claws scraping ever
so lightly.

Bobby moaned at the sensations. His dick jerked. His balls

pulled tight. When he went to reach for his erection,
desperate for friction, Maelgwn grabbed his wrist and
tugged his hand over his head. His second hand quickly
joined the first, Maelgwn holding both his wrists in one big

Why do I feel so safe with a huge gargoyle leaning over me?
It made no sense to Bobby, but that didn’t stop him from

wanting more. He bucked his hips, hoping to get friction
against his dick. He mewled in frustration when he met with
nothing but air.

“Please,” Bobby begged. “I’m so close.”
“I can’t fuck you yet, my mate,” Maelgwn murmured. “I

wouldn’t be able to resist claiming you, and I won’t do that

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until I explain what it means.”

Well, that was probably good, since Bobby was more than

a little confused by everything going on, and not just the fact
that gargoyles were real. Bobby didn’t understand why he
wanted Maelgwn so badly. His reactions made no sense, but
even realizing that didn’t alleviate the burning need coiling
through Bobby’s body.

“I need to come,” Bobby moaned, his body twitching as

his head rolled restlessly from side to side. He couldn’t
remember ever feeling this worked up.

“I will please you, my mate,” Maelgwn promised,

running a hand down his ribs to his groin. “Then we’ll talk.”

“Yeah, okay.” He’d agree to whatever Maelgwn said if it

meant he’d get to come.

Anything to get that hand moving ever closer to his groin

wrapped around his dick. He almost cried out with need
when, instead, Maelgwn grabbed his own shaft. But then
Maelgwn lowered his hips and pressed his massive erection
against Bobby’s shorter, more slender one. Bobby’s eyes
nearly bugged out of his head as he watched Maelgwn grip
his foreskin and tug it over both their dick’s heads.

He’d heard of docking before, but never done it. First,

he’d have to have found an uncircumcised lover, and
second, he’d have needed to trust the man. Neither of those
things had ever happened.

It felt like silk moved over his glans, massaging and

squeezing. Unable to fight the scream building in his throat,
Bobby roared at the wild sensations shooting from his cap
down his dick to his balls as Maelgwn rutted slowly against
him. The warm flesh over his cap and the bumping of the
other man’s cock head against his own combined with their
flowing pre-cum to create the most intense sensations.

Panting heavily, Bobby gripped Maelgwn’s shoulders. He

felt the hard muscles under his hold bunch and release

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beneath his fingers. His body shuddered. His thigh muscles
trembled as he rocked his hips up once, twice. Bobby’s balls
pulled tight to his body and a tingle started at the base of his
spine, heralding his imminent orgasm.

Maelgwn leaned down and nipped at his neck. It was the

last straw. His body bowed, his legs twitched, and he
screamed as his release washed over him. Bobby shivered
and jerked. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as his
cum flooded Maelgwn’s foreskin, forcing the warm liquid to
ooze over their heads and down their shafts.

Bobby mewled incoherently at the odd sensations that he

never wanted to end. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he
heard Maelgwn grunt and felt him stiffen. More warm seed,
this time not his own, flowed between them. Another fact hit
home, even if Bobby had found an uncircumcised partner,
he never would have done this with them. It was too
intimate and required to much trust in a partner. What about

The sharp prick of Maelgwn’s canines sinking into his

neck forced a shocked gasp from Bobby’s mouth. Almost
instantly, the pain morphed into pleasure, and a second
orgasm bowled unexpectedly through him. Once more,
Bobby found himself floating on waves of heady
endorphins. His balls turned inside out a second time and he
found himself flooding the small space between them once

When Bobby finally regained his ability to think, he

became aware of two things. First, Maelgwn gently licked
where he’d bitten him and it felt really, really nice, while he
stroked Bobby’s torso and hips, gently bringing him down
from the most intense couple orgasms he’d ever
experienced—and that was without penetration or a hand
on his dick. The second thing that registered was the
soothing humming that seemed to vibrate through

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Maelgwn’s chest, almost like purring. He found it relaxing,
soothing—and wasn’t that the strangest fucking thing?

“Hmm,” he hummed. “What is that?”
Maelgwn rubbed his cheek against Bobby’s. “Trilling,” he

murmured. “Mates find it soothing, so I’ve been told.”

“What’s trilling? What’s a mate, and why do you keep

calling me that?” Bobby asked sleepily. Damn, he felt wiped
after that dual orgasm.

“Let me get a cloth to clean us up, then we really have

things to discuss,” Maelgwn said, his gaze sliding away
from Bobby’s.

“Okay,” Bobby murmured, suddenly experiencing

tension he probably should have been feeling the entire time.

He watched as Maelgwn rose, surprisingly graceful for

such a large man. Bobby frowned, realizing Maelgwn wasn’t
a man. He was a gargoyle. Though he was sexy-as-sin, he
was still a gargoyle. I mean, my god, he has a fucking tail! Just
what did Maelgwn want with a scrawny human like him,

Maelgwn returned with a warm cloth. When Bobby

reached for it, Maelgwn grabbed his hand lightly and
pushed it away. “Let me,” Maelgwn insisted.

Bobby nibbled his bottom lip for a second, then nodded.

Needing to think about something other than the fact that
very sharp claws were near his genitals—and why that
bothered him now but didn’t during the heat of sex, he
didn’t know—Bobby asked, “So, you’re a gargoyle. Do you
turn into stone during the day?”

“Yes,” Maelgwn answered without pausing in his actions.

He glanced up at Bobby and smiled, but it looked a little
forced. “That’s one of the things we need to talk about.”

Bobby nodded.
After a pause, Maelgwn added, “Once we’re bonded, I’ll

be able to turn human like Tible does for Gus.”

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“B-bonded?” Bobby swallowed hard. “What does that


Maelgwn sucked in a deep breath, then let it out through

his nose, clearly agitated. The ridges of bone on his forehead
that seemed a lot like eyebrows drew down. “Do you want
me to build up to the important stuff or do you prefer the
tear it off like a band aid technique?”

“This is going to be life changing, isn’t it?” he asked, then

wanted to smack himself upside the head. Of course, it’d be
life changing. He’d just learned that gargoyles actually

Maelgwn nodded anyway. “Yeah. Yeah, it is.”
“Uh, rip it off, I guess,” Bobby replied.
Maelgwn nodded again. “Okay. The short of it is this. A

gargoyle lives for a couple millennia. We’re all male. We
hatch from eggs. We turn to stone during the day and turn
flesh and blood at night. Our entire lives, we search for our
mate, who is the other half of our soul, designed by Fate
herself. You are my mate.”

Halfway through Maelgwn’s speech, Bobby knew his jaw

had dropped. First off, a couple millennia? Really? And they
came from eggs? Holy shit!
Okay, there was something else he
needed to focus on first. “I’m your mate? How is that
possible? I’m human.”

“And Gus is a rhino shifter. It doesn’t matter. Our mate is

not restricted to our species. It doesn’t matter that you’re
human. We know our mate on scent, and you’re mine,” he
stated earnestly.

“Wait a minute,” Bobby murmured, waving a hand to

stop him. “Gus is a what?

“A shifter,” Mealgwn repeated. He grimaced. “Sorry, I

shouldn’t muddle things. Yes, shape-shifters are real as well.
We’ll discuss that another time. I have more to tell you about
gargoyles, first.”

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Bobby nodded and grabbed his pants, suddenly needing

to be covered. Maelgwn took his cue from him and wrapped
his loincloth back around him. “Come, please,” Maelgwn
urged, holding out a hand.

Taking it, Bobby allowed the massive man to lead him to

the couch. After Bobby sat, Maelgwn dropped between his
knees, facing him. “You said tell you everything, but there is
so much. Some I won’t remember. But the important facts
are these.” He swallowed hard and frowned, as if
cataloguing his thoughts. Then he looked Bobby in the eye
and said, “I have been alive for nearly five centuries.”

Bobby gasped, shocked, but Maelgwn continued.
“In that time, I’ve earned the right to lead my own clutch

of gargoyles. We live in a massive manor in the forest near
Durango, Colorado. As my mate, I need you with me. I can’t
move my clutch here, so I need you to go there.”

“Holy shit,” Bobby muttered. “You want me to up and

move after knowing you a couple days?” He shook his head.
So many questions. “And what of this bonding thing you
spoke of? What the hell is that?”

His breathing sped up, and spots danced before his eyes.
“Hey, breathe, sweet mate. Come on, breathe,” Maelgwn


Seconds later, Maelgwn pulled Bobby into his arms, held

him tight, and did that funky purring thing again. The
airways that seemed to be clamped tight immediately
opened, allowing Bobby to suck in a much-needed breath of

Oh, that sounds nice.
“God that’s amazing,” he muttered. “Why does that feel

so nice?” Almost without thought, Bobby started rubbing his
cheek against Maelgwn’s chest. The leathery abrasiveness
felt really…good, actually. Relaxing.

“Because one mate can naturally soothe another,”

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Maelgwn told him. “It’s in our nature to desire to please our
mate. Keep them safe. Happy. Healthy.” Mealgwn cupped
Bobby’s jaw, his claws brushing lightly over the corners of
his lips. “Well satisfied.”

Bobby sighed, letting his eyelids slide to half-mast. “I

think I love your touch,” he whispered absently.

Maelgwn looked exceedingly pleased by that utterance.
“What else do you need to tell me?” he asked. Now that

he was relaxed and comfortable, maybe he could hear the
rest of this information and not freak out.

Tilting his head, Maelgwn stared down at Bobby. “I’m not

sure you’re ready,” he admitted.

“You’d better tell me,” Bobby murmured. He shrugged

and gave his lover—oh, god, my lover is a gargoyle—a wan
smile. “Otherwise I’ll just stew about it. I’ve got a pretty
active imagination. Don’t want me to think up something
too horrible, do you?”

“No, little one. I don’t,” he murmured.
Maelgwn rested his forehead against Bobby’s. “There is

only one more big thing, my sweet,” he murmured.

Bobby could tell by the serious expression on Maelgwn’s

face that this was something huge. As if being a creature
other than human wasn’t huge enough! “What?” Bobby
asked warily.

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Chapter Six

aelgwn sucked in a breath, praying what he said next
didn’t send his mate running for the hills. Bobby

seemed to be taking everything really, really well, so far.
Praying that didn’t change, Maelgwn whispered, “Gargoyles
can make males pregnant. If we have sex without proper
precautions, you could bear a child.”

First, Bobby’s eyes widened, then narrowed. “You’re

shitting me,” he said, clearly disbelieving. “That’s the most
ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I thought I’d been handling
things pretty well, why would you say something as
ridiculous as—”

“It’s true,” Gus interrupted.
So focused on his mate, Maelgwn didn’t know when Gus

and Tible had returned, but never had he been happier to
see the huge shifter. They sure could use a dose of calm right

Bobby frowned. “What? What are you talking about?”
Gus and Tible strode into the living room and settled on

an easy chair, Tible on Gus’s lap. “You remember I was in
the hospital a couple weeks ago?” Gus asked.

Bobby nodded.
“I didn’t really have my appendix out,” he explained. “I

was giving birth to mine and Tible’s son.”

Maelgwn watched a look pass between the mated pair,

one of love and peace and comfort. A spike of jealousy hit


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Maelgwn and he had to look away. He so desperately
wanted that with his mate. He’d been searching for his one-
and-only for almost five hundred years. He had to make
Bobby understand.

Returning his gaze to Bobby, Maelgwn cupped his

human’s jaw and drew his mate’s focus back to him. “Have
you ever thought about having kids?” he asked gently.

“Well, sure,” Bobby replied, his brows creasing. “Who

hasn’t?” He shrugged. “But I’m gay, so it wasn’t like I really
thought it was an option for me.”

Maelgwn nodded. “And now the opportunity has been

opened to you, but you would carry the child,” he explained.
“Or an egg,” he amended quickly.

“An egg?” Bobby muttered.
“Would seeing help you believe?” Tible asked quietly.
Maelgwn knew how closely Gus and Tible guarded the

secret of their gargoyle son, so he found it incredibly sweet
that they’d offer to share like this.

“Um, okay,” Bobby responded, drawing the word out,

still obviously dubious.

Tible went to a cabinet in the corner. At first glance, the

piece of furniture would pass as an old fashioned
phonograph cabinet, but the inside was insulated and
climate controlled. Opening the lid, Tible pulled out an
oblong object with swarthy green, bumpy skin. He grabbed
a blanket and wrapped it around the bottom half.

He brought it over and sat on the couch on Bobby’s other

side. “Gus bore my son,” Tible murmured, holding the egg
close. “He’ll hatch in about two and a half months, so we
still have some time to choose a name,” he said, smiling
fondly as he stroked his fingertips over the egg’s shell.

“Inside is a gargoyle?” Bobby asked, carefully tracing the

skin of the egg. “Oh, it’s warm!” he cried, clearly surprised.

Tible nodded. “Yeah.” He glanced toward Gus, giving the

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shifter a smile, then refocused on Bobby. “We keep him in an
incubator with a steady temperature of seventy-three. It’s
not so important to keep the temperature steady as it is to
keep bacteria out,” he explained.

Bobby reached out tentatively. “So, if I mate with

Maelgwn, I’ll have one of these?”

Maelgwn couldn’t keep from touching Bobby any longer.

He grasped his lover’s other hand and answered, “It’s an
option we would discuss, but I’d never force you to bare my
children, Bobby. We have plenty of time to decide if we ever
want kids.” He wanted to make it clear that this wasn’t a

Over the centuries, his people had learned that it was easy

to remove the threat of unwanted pregnancy. Although,
their people loved little ones, they knew how to make
certain mates were ready. All Maelgwn had to do was
include at least two tablespoons of cinnamon in his diet
every day. That meant several pieces of cinnamon toast
every time he woke from roost. He’d been doing that since
discovering his mate over a week ago.

For a long moment, they sat in silence. Bobby stroked his

hand over Tible and Gus’s egg, the expression on his face
one of wonder and awe.

Finally, Bobby licked his lips and refocused on Maelgwn.

“I feel really safe with you, and you say that’s because of this
mate-pull thing,” he murmured.

Maelgwn nodded, wondering where Bobby was going

with this.

“You’re awfully big, no offense,” he tacked on, almost

cringing. “What if you hurt me? Or one of your, um, clan-
people hurt me?”

The very idea that one of his gargoyles would hurt Bobby

was ludicrous, but he couldn’t tell his mate that. He hadn’t
missed the shiners on his lover’s eyes or the bandage on his

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nose when he’d first started watching over him. If his mate’s
scent hadn’t told Maelgwn exactly how important this was
to Bobby, the way he clenched his hands and the tension in
his neck would have done it.

Carefully cupping Bobby’s jaw, Maelgwn stared deep into

his lover’s green eyes. “There will be times, as chieftain of
my clutch that I’ll do things you won’t understand or
perhaps won’t agree with. This I promise you, Bobby,” he
said. “I will never raise my hand to you. Ever. And if anyone
else were ever to do so,” his tone turned steely, “I would
make them regret it.”

Bobby looked at him for a long moment, his eyes roving

over his face, perhaps reading the promises in his eyes.
Licking his lips, Bobby nodded once. “Okay, I’ll do it. How
does the ceremony work?”

Maelgwn blinked, trying to make sense of what had just

happened. His mate had agreed to be his? He started to grin.
“Wait, what ceremony?”

His brows creasing, Bobby said, “Didn’t you say

something about a bonding ceremony?”

“Oh.” Understanding dawned. Maelgwn smiled. “No, it’s

not a ceremony.” From the corner of his eye, he spotted Tible
and Gus exchange a feral look. No guessing what they were
thinking about. “When a gargoyle bonds with his mate, it’s
done during sex.”

His mate’s mouth formed the prettiest oh of surprise.
He let his hand slide to Bobby’s neck and rubbed the

man’s pulse point, pleased by the way he shivered at the
touch. Maelgwn leaned close to the mouth he wanted to kiss
again until his breath fanned Bobby’s lips. Scraping the
pulse point lightly with one claw, he murmured, “To bond
with you, I will bite you, really bite you,” letting Bobby know
it would be different than the small nips he’d given him
before, “right here, Bobby, giving you the most intense

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pleasure of your life.”

Bobby shivered again. Maelgwn caught the change in his

scent, telling him how turned on Bobby was. His own dick
began to fill. He’d loved docking his mate’s prick with his
own, the connection and pleasure it created, but he couldn’t
wait to feel the man’s ass around him.

“We should go back to your place, my sweet mate,”

Maelgwn urged. “There are only a few hours until dawn,
and I’ll need you to claim me as well.”

Straightening, Bobby cocked his head. “I have to claim

you, too?” He swallowed hard. “And, and, b-bite you?”

Maelgwn paused. He should have realized ingesting

blood would be problematic to a human. He struggled to
think of how to smooth this over.

“O-okay,” Bobby mused. He tipped his head to the side

and frowned at Maelgwn. “Your, um, your hide is…well…”
He caressed Maelgwn’s bare shoulder, giving him goose
bumps. “I’m not sure I can bite through your skin,” he said

Relief flooded Maelgwn. That problem, he could work

with. Mealgwn smiled. “Don’t worry, my sweet. It’s a simple
matter for me to cut my neck a smidge to give you access,”
he assured.

“You’d cut yourself for me?” Bobby squeaked.
Maelgwn chuckled. “I’d do anything for you,” he

responded immediately.

On that note, Maelgwn pulled his mate into his lap and

wrapped his arms around Bobby. He captured his sweet
human’s lips, nibbling lightly on the plump bottom lip first,
before diving in to taste his mate. His cock swelled beneath
his loincloth. He could feel the hood of his cock pulling
away from his glans as need for this human coursed through
his veins.

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Easing the kiss to an end, Maelgwn murmured against

Bobby’s lips, “We should really go to your apartment. Leave
your porch door open and I’ll let myself in.”

To his shock, the blood drained from Bobby’s face and he

actually began to shake in his arms. The acrid scent of fear
poured off his sweet human.

“Hey, hey,” Maelgwn purred, trilling on instinct and

rubbing his cheek against Bobby’s, desperately trying to
soothe his mate. “We don’t have to do it tonight if you don’t
want to,” he said, hating the words even as they passed his
lips. Now that Bobby knew what he was and seemed ready
to accept him, Maelgwn didn’t want to spend another
minute without him. But he would, if that’s what Bobby

Bobby shook his head, then buried his face against

Maelgwn’s neck, clinging to him. “Don’t wanna go back
there alone.”

The hoarsely whispered words were difficult to make out,

even with Maelgwn’s heightened hearing. He glanced
toward Gus and Tible. Gus’s brows were drawn in worry.
Tible frowned, his eyes narrowed.

What the hell is going on?
“Tell me why you’re so scared, little one,” Maelgwn

urged. “What can I do to help you calm down?” Rubbing his
cheek along the top of his mate’s head, he continued to trill
while marking him with his scent. If Bobby were another
gargoyle, or even some other paranormal creature, being
marked by a mate would ease him. Since Bobby was human,
Maelgwn wasn’t certain if it’d affect him the same way, but
since he seemed to enjoy his trilling so much, Maelgwn

Less than a moment later, Bobby’s trembling stopped.

“I’m sorry,” Bobby whispered, still hiding his face against

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Smoothing his hands down Bobby’s spine, Maelgwn

nuzzled his lover. “Tell me what upset you so much, Bobby.
Whatever it is, I won’t do it again,” he promised, praying
he’d be able to keep it.

“Not you,” Bobby managed. “Can’t go home now. Seth

was there.”

“What?” Maelgwn growled, his wings flexing

instinctively. “When?”

Bobby shook his head.
It suddenly dawned on Maelgwn that he’d never actually

learned why Bobby had come here instead of going home.
He’d assumed it was because he wanted to check up on
Maelgwn, but what if that wasn’t the case?

“Was Seth at your apartment building when you tried to

go home from our date, Bobby?” Maelgwn asked pointedly.

Bobby nodded. “God, I feel like such a wuss,” he


“Hey, you’re not a wuss,” Gus immediately denied. “Seth

is an asshole.”

“It’s not Seth, either, really,” was Bobby’s surprising


Needing more information, Maelgwn cupped the nape of

his mate’s neck in one hand and his jaw in the other. He
urged his mate to meet his gaze. His heart nearly stopped at
the look in his mate’s eyes—shame.

“Ah, my sweet,” he murmured, giving up on looking his

mate in the eye in favor of reassurance, he tucked Bobby’s
head under his chin and held him close. “Please tell me what
has you so worked up. What’s the matter?”

“Seth has friends,” Bobby whispered. “They’re abusive.

Seth never stopped them unless they marked me in a visible
location. It was Grant who broke my nose, not Seth.”

Maelgwn fought down a wave of rage at learning what

his mate had been through. Even though he desperately

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wanted to hunt Seth and his friends down, he knew that
wasn’t what his mate needed. Instead, he sucked in a deep
breath and said, “I have a friend. We’ll call him. He’ll give us
a room.” He prayed the wolf alpha, Declan McIntire,
wouldn’t make a liar out of him. “We’ll go there and finish
our bonding.”

He tipped Bobby’s head back and sipped several butterfly

kisses from the man’s lips before forcing a smile and
murmuring, “We will please each other greatly and after
we’re done, I will keep you safe,” he vowed. “Tomorrow,
we’ll go, together, to your apartment and pack. Then we’ll
go to my clutch’s home near Durango, Colorado where
you’ll not have to worry about Seth’s friends anymore.”

Bobby tilted his head and looked up at him. “Really?” He

suddenly frowned and shook his head. “Damn it, I sound
like a fucking pussy,” he snarled.

“No,” Tible said, crossing to him. “You sound like

someone who’s been abused.”

To Maelgwn’s surprise, Bobby leaped from his lap and

exploded. “It’s my fault because I stayed with him. I
accepted his stupid explanations and platitudes,” he railed,
arms flailing.

“Hey, easy,” Maelgwn ordered again, pulling his mate

tight against him. “You won’t have to worry about him
anymore, and once we get to my clutch, I’m not the only one
who’d lay down his life to keep you safe,” he said sincerely.

Bobby’s eyes opened so wide, they dominated his face.

“You’d lay down your life for me? Why would you do
that?” Before Maelgwn could answer, Bobby smacked his
chest. “Don’t you talk about dying. No dying!”

Maelgwn grabbed Bobby’s hands, holding them to his

chest. “Right. That goes for you, too,” he murmured. “No
dying. We have a long life to live together.”

“Do you really live thousands of years?” Bobby

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whispered the question, his tone awed.

“Gargoyles do, yes,” Maelgwn confirmed. “And since

you’re my mate, once we bond, your life will extend to
match mine.” He frowned, worried he’d lose his mate once
he revealed the next bit. Knowing he couldn’t hide such
important information from Bobby, he added, “If something
should happen to you, I’d die and the same with you should
something happen to me. We’d go mad with longing or die
of heartache or—”

“I get it,” Bobby interrupted. “We can’t live without each


“Right,” Maelgwn said solemnly.
Bobby looked toward Tible and Gus. “Are you two


Gus grinned. “Yep,” he said, obviously pleased. He

pulled Tible, who still held the egg, onto his lap and kissed
his neck. “Tible’s all mine.”

Tible grinned over his shoulder at Gus. “And you’re all


“I’m gonna call Declan, while you chat,” Maelgwn said.

Although he didn’t want to, Maelgwn shifted out from
under Bobby and headed toward the window. He pulled his
cell from his shoulder strap and called the alpha wolf.

“Declan here.” Declan’s lilted voice came through the


“Hello, Declan. This is Maelgwn.”
“Maelgwn, how’s the hunt goin’?”
“Pretty well,” he told him, “but I need a favor.”
“Of course,” Declan responded. “I owe ye for helpin’ me

pack members. Anythin’ in me power.”

Although Maelgwn had never really considered aiding

Tible and Gus worthy of holding a boon over Declan, he
wasn’t going to contradict the alpha wolf. It wasn’t worth
the fight and would insult the shifter. No paranormal

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enjoyed being indebted to another, and if Maelgwn could
leave Declan’s mind at ease by asking for private space for
him and his mate for the night, then he’d do it.

“My mate accepts me, but we need privacy for the night

to complete our bonding,” he stated bluntly, seeing no
reason to beat around the bush. “Can I fly us over?”

“Aye, that’d be grand,” Declan replied, his mirth easily

discernible. “Come on over.”

“Thanks.” Maelgwn hung up and turned back to his

mate. He smiled when Bobby immediately blushed and
focused on the floor. Stalking close, he murmured, “What
are you thinking about, my sweet?”

“Um…” Bobby deferred.
“Just telling him all about how wonderful a mate’s bite

can feel,” Tible answered, grinning. He bounced up off the
couch and moved back toward the egg cabinet before Bobby
could pinch him. Laughing, Tible quipped, “Well, I was!”

Seeing how this could get out of hand very quickly,

Maelgwn wrapped his arms around his mate and pulled
him close. “We’ll be staying the rest of the evening at Declan
McIntire’s,” Maelgwn said. “Do you want me to fly us over

“Fly us?” Bobby whispered.
Maelgwn grinned and flexed his wings, drawing attention

to his leathery appendages.

“What about my car?” his mate asked, eying him


Shrugging, Maelgwn started leading his mate toward the

back. “We’ll pick it up tomorrow,” he said. “Let’s get going.”
He leaned close and whispered, “I’m eager to feel your
sweet cock in my ass.”

Bobby’s jaw dropped. “Really?” he murmured.
Maelgwn shrugged. He’d never bottomed before, he was

chieftain of his clutch after all, but he’d known that one day,

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if his mate turned out to be a male, he’d have to. Now was
the time. Besides, he’d seen how much pleasure his
bedmates received from his cock in their asses and wanted
to experience that. He just happened to want to feel it with
his mate, so he’d waited until he’d found him.

“Fly? Really?” Bobby whispered.
“Yep,” Maelgwn said, eagerness and need filling him.

Soon, I’ll be bonded.

“Go,” Gus urged. “Your car will be fine here. We’ll see

you in the morning. Then we’ll go to your place and start
packing,” he teased.

Bobby glared, but didn’t respond as Maelgwn helped him

into his coat.

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Chapter Seven

obby let out an undignified yelp as they took to the air.
He’d been warned, but still he hid his face against

Maelgwn’s peck. The big gargoyle’s arms were wrapped
tightly around him, holding him to his chest. It felt good and
scary all at the same time. Kinda like everything that had
happened in the last couple hours. So much had changed in
his life, and all at once!

“Don’t think too hard about it, little one,” Maelgwn said,

his deep voice carrying over the whistling of the wind. “Just
enjoy what I have to offer.”

Bobby swallowed hard, then nodded, his face rubbing

against Maelgwn’s warm hide, who trilled so nicely in
response. Sweet heavens, I sure like that sound. I’d give up

anything to keep this sexy beast doing that.

Realizing how true that thought was, Bobby knew he was

hooked. He wanted this creature, this gargoyle, and he was
willing to do or give up anything to get it. It didn’t miss his
attention that Bobby really was getting the better end of the
deal. He’d have to figure out how to make certain Maelgwn
never regretted pursuing him.

The flight took much less time than driving over in a car

would have, and soon Maelgwn landed lightly before
Declan’s front porch. Bobby had met the man once, in
passing, at his friend’s Halloween party. He’d had no idea,
at the time, that he was being introduced to the leader of the


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local wolf shifter pack.

The big guy didn’t look all that different now as he

opened the front door and greeted them, minus the green
body paint and brown wig, of course. The big African
American’s head was shaved bald, giving him a dominant

“Good evenin’, Maelgwn, Bobby. Good to see ye both

again,” Declan greeted.

“Thank you for having us,” Maelgwn replied, reaching

out and gripping the man’s hand in a firm shake. “We’ll try
not to disturb your routine by our presence.”

Declan nodded, amusement shining in his dark eyes.

“Aye, I’m certain ye will try. We’ve placed clean sheets on
the bed in the basement room. It’ll be more…effective at
keeping any escaped noise to a minimum,” he finished, a
slow grin curving his lips as he winked. “Follow me.”

Bobby felt blood rush to his face, and he just knew he’d

turned beat red. He didn’t know what embarrassed him
more. The fact that Declan knew exactly what they’d be
doing down there, or that he planned for them to be loud.

“Relax,” Maelgwn murmured, ushering him forward to

follow Declan. “Most paranormal creatures are anything but
shy when it comes to nature’s urges and finding a mate.”

“Good to know,” Bobby muttered.
Declan opened a door, revealing a wide set of stairs. “At

the bottom, turn left. The door on the left is open, so ye can’t
miss it.”

Maelgwn nodded, then grabbed Bobby’s hand and

headed down the stairs. Bobby followed without question,
only glancing around a moment when they reached the
bottom, too keyed up to notice much.

Bobby found himself led into a small bedroom with no

windows. A queen-size bed dominated the space with a

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nightstand on its left. A tube of lube rested prominently on
it. “I’m glad someone plans ahead,” Bobby muttered.

“Me, too,” Maelgwn responded. He tugged him forward

and Bobby went willingly into the huge gargoyle’s arms. “I
don’t think we should let his gift go to waste. Do you?”

“No,” Bobby murmured, his body coming to life as

Maelgwn gently stroked down his spine to the crack of his
ass. The way he scraped one claw along it, making him feel
it even through layers of clothing, sent blood flooding to his
groin. “Definitely not.”

“Glad you feel that way,” Maelgwn growled.
Maelgwn slipped the hand that’d been tickling the base of

his spine down farther and cupped his ass. He easily lifted
Bobby into his arms, bringing him up his body. Bobby
wrapped his legs around Maelgwn’s waist and with one arm
wrapped around his gargoyle’s neck, he used the other to
trace the alien contours of his face.

“So different,” he murmured.
“Does that bother you?” Mealgwn’s asked softly.
Bobby smiled and shook his head, wanting to reassure the

big man that the fact that his lover was different didn’t
bother him. In fact, it kinda made him feel special. “No.
You’re incredibly handsome, kind, sweet, thoughtful. You
must have worked hard to prepare a meal for me that you
were certain I’d like,” he whispered. “How could I not find
you attractive?”

Instead of answering, Maelgwn closed the distance

between their mouths and took his lips in a deep kiss. Bobby
clung to his lover as Maelgwn plundered his mouth. A
whole body shiver took him as the gargoyle used his longer,
more flexible tongue to wrap around his and stroke it

Moaning, Bobby’s grip tightened around the leather

straps over Maelgwn’s shoulders. He rocked his hips

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forward, desperately needing pressure on his dick. Maelgwn
growled into his mouth, and the vibrations seemed to travel
through his entire body to his already engorged shaft.

It didn’t register that they’d moved until Bobby felt his

back pressed into the bed. Maelgwn settled between his legs,
and although his big body blanketed him completely, Bobby
felt cherished instead of suffocated.

When they finally came up for air, Bobby’s heart pounded

in his chest, his breath came in short gasps, and blood
swelled his dick. “Please,” he hissed. “Please take me. I need
you to fill me.”

Bobby thought the growl that rolled through Maelgwn’s

chest at his admission was sexier than fuck. Just the idea that
this man wanted him so badly turned him on even more. As
soon as Maelgwn lifted his weight so he could reach for the
ties holding on his loincloth, Bobby grappled with the
button and zipper of his slacks.

By the time he got them open and looked back up,

Maelgwn had shoved his loincloth off the bed and lay on his
side, naked, watching him. He held the lube in one hand and
rubbed three fingers of his other hand together, warming a
large dollop of the slick.

“Get naked,” Maelgwn ordered. “I’m big, so I plan to

suck you off while I stretch you. It’ll make it more

“Yeah, okay,” Bobby responded, more than happy to get

behind, or rather under, that idea.

He stripped off his clothes and lay on his back. Looking

up at his lover, the heat of Maelgwn’s gaze sent a shiver of
need through him and he hissed as his dick oozed a bead of
pre-cum. His noise turned into a whimper when Maelgwn
lapped the flat of his tongue across his glans, scooping up
the bead.

“So pretty, the noises you make,” Maelgwn murmured

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against the head of his shaft. “Can’t wait to taste your cum.”

Without saying more, Maelgwn swallowed him to the

root. Wet heat surrounded Bobby’s dick and he groaned as
his back bowed. “My god!” he shouted hoarsely when
Maelgwn drew up his length, sucking hard. He couldn’t
stop the whines and grunts spilling from his throat as he
gave in to his body’s urge to thrust his hips.

Maelgwn took everything, letting him rock. When a third

thick digit speared him, he finally felt the stretch. “Oh,” he
whispered. His brows furrowed at the burn, then
something—Maelgwn’s talon maybe?—rubbed gently across
his prostate, sending a shock of pleasure through him so
intense his abs clenched and he bolted upright with a shout.

“Easy, mate,” Maelgwn crooned.
“Holy shit,” Bobby gasped. “That’s amazing.”
Maelgwn chuckled. “Good to know. You ready for a

fourth finger?”

Taking in his lover’s concerned gaze, Bobby saw his

underlying worry. He reached down and traced the firm
brow ridge that was in place of the gargoyle’s eyebrow. “I’m
ready. Make me yours.” His heart tightened at his words,
making his breath hitch in his chest. This man—gargoyle—
wanted to be devoted to him. Bobby didn’t know what he’d
done to deserve such a kind male, but he’d take it.

Maelgwn stared at him for a heartbeat, and Bobby could

see his dark eyes searching his expression. Bobby splayed
his legs wider and rocked his hips, his hard dick bobbing in
front of him, more than willing to express his need with his
body since Maelgwn seemed to need reassurance.

Gently, Maelgwn pulled his fingers from Bobby, causing

him to hiss and whine at the sudden feeling of emptiness. It
didn’t last long. Maelgwn gripped one of Bobby’s ass-cheeks
in one palm, planted his other near Bobby’s head as he
leaned over him, and pushed.

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Bobby gasped, not from the size, but from the unfamiliar

feeling of a hot, slick, naked cock filling him up. “Oh, Mal,”
he whispered, moaning. His lover paused, his dick buried
balls deep, the hairless orbs rubbing against Bobby and
creating interesting sensations on his skin.

“You doing okay?”
Maelgwn’s growled words were filled with such strained

control that Bobby’s nipples beaded at the sound. “God,
yesss,” Bobby hissed. He clung to his waiting lover with one
hand, his legs wrapped tightly around Maelgwn’s broad
hips. Bobby buried his other hand in the gargoyle’s thick
dark hair and tugged, pulling his lover’s face down for a

Sucking on Maelgwn’s tongue, Bobby rocked his hips and

clenched his chute, trying to tell him without words what he
wanted. Maelgwn moaned into his mouth and started to

His lover’s big dick rubbing over Bobby’s prostate sent

spikes of pleasure-pain sparking along his nerve endings. It
was his turn to groan, the sounds swallowed by Maelgwn
ravishing his mouth as well as his body. Maelgwn somehow
managed to insinuate a hand between them and flicked his
beaded nipple lightly with the tip of a claw.

Bobby’s entire body felt like it was on fire. His cock

leaked and flexed. His balls pulled impossibly tighter. “G-
gonna…” he stuttered. Before he could complete his
thought, his body tensed, then convulsed as his orgasm
swamped his senses, making his body tingle from his toes to
his ears.

“Maelgwn!” Bobby screamed.
Still floating in bliss, he hummed at the feeling of

Maelgwn sinking into him once, twice more. Then a sharp
stab of pain shot through his shoulder, followed by pleasure
so intense his shaft filled and shot again. Black spots flashed

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across Bobby’s vision as he came again.

Bobby didn’t know how long he floated on the most

wonderful waves of ecstasy he’d ever experienced, but
finally, he became aware of Maelgwn’s hands caressing his
skin, his jaw nuzzling Bobby’s head, and the way he was
held in Maelgwn’s strong arms like he was the most
precious gift.

He hummed contentedly and nuzzled Maelgwn back.

Forcing his eyes open—he didn’t remember closing them,
either—Bobby smiled at his lover. “Amazing,” he whispered
hoarsely. “Tible was so right.”

Maelgwn chuckled, a clearly pleased, smug even, smile

curving his lips. “Glad I didn’t disappoint.”

“You could never,” Bobby replied, some instinct knowing

he spoke the truth.

Cupping the nape of Bobby’s neck, Maelgwn brought

their mouths together for a soft meeting of lips. “You ready
for round two?” he asked, the words muffled, because
Maelgwn never completely broke contact.

Bobby felt the hard spike of Maelgwn’s penis rubbing

against his thigh. “How can you be hard again already?” he
asked, disbelieving.

“Gargoyles have a high sex drive,” Maelgwn stated,


Cupping Bobby’s dick, Maelgwn massaged gently. To

Bobby’s shock, his dick started to fill. “Oh,” he gasped.
Panting softly, Bobby watched in amazement as Maelgwn
worked a thumb around the head of his cut cap, then gently
dipped his nail into his slit.

“Ah!” Bobby couldn’t hold back his grunts and groans.

Pre-cum oozed from him and Maelgwn spread it around his
glans. “So good,” he panted, shivers wracking him as his
balls rolled in their sacks. “Stop or I’m gonna come again,”
he admitted, reeling at the sensations Maelgwn pulled from

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him so easily.

“As much as I’d love to see that, I want this,” he gave

Bobby’s dick a soft squeeze to emphasize his point, “buried
in my ass.”

Bobby moaned, biting his lip, hard, to keep from coming

just from his lover’s words. He couldn’t remember the last
time he’d topped, had never really missed it either, but right
now, he was so hot to bury his dick in this man—gargoyle—
he worried he’d blow before getting all the way in him.

“Better hurry,” he panted.
Maelgwn didn’t waste time. He grabbed the lube, poured

a dollop on his finger, and reached between his legs. Bobby
stared, transfixed, as Maelgwn sank first one finger, then a
second into his ass.

He whimpered and gripped the base of his dick as he got

to his knees so he had a better view. Maelgwn’s long sinewy
tail was wrapped around one of his thick legs, out of the
way, and he had two dark blue fingers moving in and out of
his black hole.

“Oh god that’s so fucking sexy. I wanna explore every

inch of your ass, but I’m afraid if I touch you I’ll blow.”

“Next time,” Maelgwn grunted. “Need you to claim me.

Then we can explore each other for as long as we want.”

“Yeah, yeah. Okay,” Bobby replied. He licked his lips as

he swept his gaze over Maelgwn, taking in all the hard lines
and thick muscles. His fingers twitched. Yum!

“Now. Take me now, mate.”
Maelgwn’s strained voice pulled Bobby out of his

thoughts of everything he wanted to do to him. He stared at
his lover, amazed anew at the strong creature sprawled
across the bed like a pagan sacrifice—and with the black
wings, dark blue skin, heavy square jaw, and claws on
fingers and toes, pagan didn’t seem to be too far off.

“Bobby?” Maelgwn murmured, concern tingeing his

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Bobby knee-walked around the bed and crawled between

Maelgwn’s spread legs. He rested his palms on Maelgwn’s
thighs, noting how the muscles rippled under his touch,
pleased that he created such a response in him. His gaze
swept up to Maelgwn’s face, and for just a second,
something other than lust or desire shown in the gargoyle’s

Running his hands up and down Maelgwn’s thighs, he

murmured, “Hey, Mal. What’s wrong?”

Maelgwn shook his head once, and Bobby wasn’t certain

he’d get more than that. Then, he said gruffly, “Just nervous.
I’ve never bottomed. Wanted to wait for my mate.” His dark
skin flushed with his admission, telling Bobby better than
any words what this meant to the gargoyle.

Licking his lips, Bobby silently vowed to make this as

good as possible for him. “This isn’t really the best position
for your first time. Maybe you should roll over,” he

The intensity of Maelgwn’s scowl was clarified when he

said, “No. Want to see you. Fuck me now. Please.”

Bobby nodded, deciding this big sexy man should never

have to beg anything from him. Holding his dick in one
hand, he guided it to Maelgwn’s stretched hole. His other
hand rested on Maelgwn’s hip. With little pressure, the head
of his dick breached the ring of muscle.

He tried to go slow, but as his naked cock slid into the

warm vise of Maelgwn’s channel, his control slipped. Bobby
pulled back once and thrust in harder, faster, burying
himself balls deep in the sexy beast below him.

Somehow, he managed to regain enough control to stop.

He opened eyes he hadn’t realized he’d closed and gazed
down at his lover. Instead of pain, like he would have

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expected, he saw the greatest look of wonder and pleasure.

Maelgwn reached up and stroked his hand through

Bobby’s hair. “Mine.”

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Chapter Eight

aressing the silky strands of Bobby’s hair absently,
Maelgwn admired the fine lines of his human lover’s

face. The pleasure he felt at being connected to his mate
overrode the uncomfortable burn and the odd sensation of
feeling stuffed.

“Move, baby,” Maelgwn whispered, wanting to feel

Bobby’s shaft moving inside him. “Fuck me good.”

Bobby moaned, the sound oh-so-sweet to Maelgwn’s ears.

Fortunately, Bobby also obeyed. Tingles exploded along the
walls of Maelgwn’s chute. Bobby adjusted the angle of his
thrust, nailing his prostate on the next move. Maelgwn
groaned as sparks of pleasure shot through his system like
mini lightning bolts along his nerve endings.

“Never imagined it would feel like this,” he grunted, his

hips bucking up into each of Bobby’s strokes. His body
chased more of those delicious feelings. He nearly came out
of his skin when Bobby gave him a lascivious grin, reached
between them to fist his cock, and worked his foreskin back
and forth over his glans. “Bobby!” he practically howled.
Fire coursed through his blood stream, making him feel as if
his whole body was going to spontaneously combust.

“Yeah,” Bobby muttered through clenched teeth. “You

gonna come for me, big man? You gonna paint our chests?”

Bobby slammed into Maelgwn’s prostate twice more, and

to his shock, he did just that. He felt nearly blind-sided by an


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orgasm almost as intense as the one before when he’d been
buried inside his mate. His body convulsed as his testicles
forced spurt after spurt of seed out of his pulsing shaft.

His body clamped down rhythmically on Bobby’s

invading member, coaxing his mate to come with him.
Bobby moaned and tensed above him, his warm seed filling
Maelgwn’s channel. Maelgwn had just enough presence of
mind to lift a claw to his chest and slice himself open just
over his heart. With his other hand, he cupped Bobby’s head
and urged him to the wound.

“Drink,” he murmured breathlessly.
Bobby seemed to hesitate for just a second, then Maelgwn

felt his mate’s tongue lap at the oozing gash. As soon as
Bobby swallowed, Maelgwn felt their bond strengthen,
binding them for eternity. “Bobby,” he whispered. Peace and
contentment flooded him, feeling even better than the
orgasm that had rocked his system a few seconds ago. “My

Bobby lifted his head and smiled at him. “Does that make

you mine?”

Although mirth lifted the corners of Bobby’s lips, it didn’t

quite reach his eyes. Maelgwn lifted his head and licked the
sweat off his mate’s jaw before placing light sucking kisses
along the tendons of his neck. The bitter tang of worry and
fear hit his sensitive tongue.

He wrapped his arms around Bobby, then his wings, the

movement pulling his mate’s softened prick from his chute.
Ignoring the slight discomfort, Maelgwn nuzzled his mate to
his chest and rubbed his jaw against Bobby’s. He loved the
way their scents combined.

“Oh, yes, Bobby. I am yours. Never will I want another in

my arms, in my life, or in my bed. You’re it for me, little one.
Your happiness means everything to me.” He cupped
Bobby’s jaw and lifted the man’s head, so their eyes could

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meet. Unshed tears made his mate’s beautiful green eyes
glisten, but this time he could easily scent the happiness
causing them. “You’re stuck with me, mate, and I’ll do
everything in my power to make it worth your while,” he

He knew what a big step accepting a paranormal’s love

could be. Bobby had yet to learn about all the creatures out
there, and he’d be right by his side to help him along the
way. As chieftain of his clutch, Maelgwn’s mate would hold
certain responsibilities. He prayed the strong backbone his
mate’s actions occasionally hinted at would continue to
develop during the changes ahead.

“Okay,” Bobby whispered.
Maelgwn smiled. “Okay.” He pressed a soft kiss to

Bobby’s lips, then said, “Let’s get some sleep. We’ve only a
few hours left until dawn, then there will be much to do.”

Bobby didn’t comment, and as Maelgwn listened, he

realized exhaustion had claimed his little mate. Arms and
wings securely around Bobby, Maelgwn dozed, content in
the knowledge he held his future in his arms.

A spike of pain shooting from the nape of his neck down

his spine jerked Maelgwn from sleep, pulling a gasp from
his throat. His back bowed, jostling Bobby. He ground his
teeth together to keep from crying out. Maelgwn knew what
was happening, had even been told about the pain of it. That
didn’t make it any easier to control his reaction to the fire
coursing through his veins.

Bobby blinked open his eyes and stared at him blearily for

a second. Then his eyes widened, perhaps because he saw
the strain on Maelgwn’s features. He rested a hand on
Maelgwn’s chest and—oddly enough—his mate’s touch
soothed the fire burning through him slightly.

“Are you okay?” Bobby asked, worry in his tone and

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Maelgwn forced his head to nod. Taking hope from his

mate’s contact, he wrapped his arms around Bobby and
pulled, causing his human to sprawl across his chest and
groin. Blessed relief! His body still tingled strangely, but at
least it didn’t hurt so much. How come no one told me that a

mate’s touch soothes?

He tucked his face against Bobby’s neck and sighed, not

bothering to fight the shivers racking his body. He knew the
feeling would pass. “I’m going through molt,” he whispered
hoarsely. “It’ll pass.”

“Molt?” Bobby muttered.
To Maelgwn’s gratefulness, his mate didn’t try to move.

“It’s what we call it when a gargoyle’s body changes into
human form for the first time. It only happens once the
mating process is complete.”

“Oh, right,” Bobby replied. After a couple seconds, he

nuzzled Maelgwn’s neck and asked, “Does it take long?”

The spiking jolt to his shoulder blades caused Maelgwn to

hiss, “Shit.” He could feel the slide of his leather wings along
the fabric of the sheets as they retracted into his back. Goose
bumps pimpled his skin when it changed from leathery hide
to regular skin. Last to feel the sting of conversion was his
face, hands, and feet. It felt like someone trying to rip his
nails from their beds while breaking his jawbone, and tears
squeezed from the corners of his eyes.

“Arg!” Maelgwn collapsed onto the bed, breathing


“Mal? Mal?” Bobby cried.
Exhausted, he whispered, “I’m fine.” He cracked open an

eyelid and managed a slight smile. “Just gotta catch my

Bobby’s whispered word and wide eyes concerned

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Maelgwn. “I look that bad?” he teased, trying to make light
of the situation. He probably should have done a better job
warning his mate.

“No, no, you…my god! You look totally, well, fucking

hot,” Bobby finished rather lamely, his gaze sweeping down
Maelgwn’s still-broad chest. “I mean, not that you didn’t
look good before, but…damn!”

His lover stared with obvious appreciation as he sat up

and straddled Maelgwn’s chest. He liked it very much how
Bobby slid his hands over his firm peck muscles. His nipples
beaded to hard points and his shaft began to throb,
banishing any remaining tingles of pain and replacing it
with warm shivers of lust.

Grabbing his lover, Maelgwn rolled them. He settled

between Bobby’s legs, grabbed both their shafts in one hand
and rubbed. Feeling how hard Bobby already was stoked
Maelgwn’s ego like nothing ever could. It pleased him
knowing how much his mate wanted him.

“Dock me,” Bobby muttered, his hands clutching

Maelgwn’s shoulders. “Please, dock me. Never felt anything
like that and wanna feel it again.”

Maelgwn grinned, inordinately happy that he’d given his

mate something no one else ever had. Lifting his hips
slightly, he shifted his cock so he could stretch his foreskin
over both their heads. His grunt of pleasure matched
Bobby’s sensual moan as their glans bumped. The soft folds
caught their pre-cum, combining their fluids, accentuating
the slide of cock head on cock head.

“Bobby,” he growled, hot spikes of awareness shooting

through his system. “Gonna come for me, mate?” He
pumped their shafts, knowing how dangerously close he
was to losing his own seed.

“So close,” Bobby murmured, his hips bucking.
“Yeah,” Maelgwn grunted. He leaned down and wrapped

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his teeth around his mate’s shoulder. With blunt human
teeth, he bit down, hard. Bobby shuddered beneath him,
cried out, and came, oozing warm cum over his sensitized

Seeing no need to wait, Maelgwn gave in to his own

body’s need. Tensing, his seed pulsed from his balls, up his
stalk, and flooded the space between them. His whole body
shivered at the sensation of combined cum against his glans
and stalk.

“Awe, fucking hell,” he grunted.
Nothing felt better than his mate coming all over him.
It was a good two minutes before Maelgwn managed to

control himself enough to lever up and flop to the side of the
bed. “Fuck, you make me feel good,” he muttered.

Bobby snickered. “Ditto.”
Maelgwn turned his head and smiled at Bobby. “We

should really get going. The sooner we pack up your stuff,
the sooner we can get you moved. I’ve been away from my
clutch for longer than I’d planned.”

“What were you doing out here?” Bobby asked softly,

reaching for the box of tissues on the nightstand.

Taking it from him, Maelgwn cleaned them up as he

answered. “I came out a couple weeks ago to help Gus
deliver his baby,” he said. “I scented you in the hospital.” He
frowned remembering why Bobby had been there.
Inspecting his lover’s face, he was pleased to find that the
black eyes had all but disappeared. He touched the nearly
perfect flesh around one eye. “A benefit of bonding with a
paranormal is accelerated healing,” he murmured. “Not as
fast as mine, but still pretty quick.” Leaning over, he kissed
the skin he’d just touched. “So pretty.”

“Men don’t generally appreciate being called pretty,”

Bobby said dryly.

Smirking, Maelgwn quirked an eyebrow. “And how do

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you feel about it?”

After a second’s hesitation, he said, “Only from you.”
“Good.” Maelgwn pecked a kiss to Bobby’s lips. “So, I

want to find a mirror. I don’t consider myself vain, but I am
curious,” he admitted.

Bobby laughed. “Oh, you’ll still attract attention,” he said.

“But in a good way.”

Chuckling, Maelgwn got to his feet then pulled his mate

up after him. He bent at the waist and captured Bobby’s lips
in a deep kiss. He savored his mate’s masculine flavor,
pulling his tongue into his mouth and sucking lightly. When
Bobby sagged against him, clinging oh-so-nicely, Maelgwn
gently ended the kiss. “Your attention is the only thing I care

“You got it,” Bobby gasped.
“Good.” He wrapped his loincloth around his waist,

taking stock of his body as he did. Dark bronze skin covered
him, and the hair falling over his shoulder was still black. It
was definitely odd not to feel his wings warming his
shoulders, but figured he’d get used to it. Standing in front
of the small mirror behind the door, Maelgwn ran a finger
over his black eyebrows, then bared his teeth to look at the
blunt bones.

“Huh, not bad,” he stated. He’d be the first to admit that

he didn’t really understand human’s idea of aesthetically
pleasing features. For gargoyles, attraction was based on
scent, not looks.

Bobby wrapped his arms around Maelgwn’s waist and

pressed his cheek to his back, at about shoulder blade level.
Even in human form, Maelgwn still stood six and a half feet
tall. “I think you’re amazing,” he murmured.

Maelgwn smiled, turned in his mate’s arms, and wrapped

him up. “I hope you feel that way after living with me for a
while,” he said ruefully.

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“You a bit set in your ways?” he asked, grinning.
“After almost five hundred years, you would be, too,” he


Bobby snorted. “I’ll try to keep that in mind.”
Maelgwn led the way out of the room, the linoleum cold

under his bare feet, reminding him that he’d have to ask
Declan for clothes. He’d freeze his ass off as a human in
Colorado’s winter.

He inhaled deeply and flicked out his tongue, his stomach

reminding him that eating dinner had been skipped in lew
of calming his mate, then claiming him. The scents of bacon,
eggs, and hash brown casserole with cheese and ham
tantalized his senses.

“That smells fantastic,” Maelgwn complimented, leading

the way into the dining room.

Over the bar separating the room from the kitchen, Lark

grinned at him from where he placed bacon on a paper
towel covered plate to cool. “I remember feeding Gus and
Tible for a while. You all eat a lot!” He pointed his fork at
Bobby and winked. “Better remember that.”

Bobby nodded, his expression amused. “Good tip.”

After breakfast, Declan scrounged up a pair of jeans, t-

shirt, sweatshirt, socks, and boots in Maelgwn’s size. “It’s a
good thing me wolves come in so many different sizes,”
Declan said, handing him the bundle of clothes and Bobby
the boots.

“Thanks,” Maelgwn said. “Need ‘em back?”
“Nay,” Declan replied with a wave of his hand.
Maelgwn dressed and, after dropping his daughter, Sara,

at school, Declan drove them to Gus’s so they could pick up
Bobby’s car. Before they were even out of the car, both Tible
and Gus came out of the house and waved. When Maelgwn
opened the SUV’s door and slid out, Gus called, “Can you

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all come in for a cup of coffee? We’d like to speak with you.”

Declan turned off the engine and followed the group into

the small studio cottage, practically filling the living room to
capacity. Tible grinned at him. “Good look, Maelgwn,” he

“Thank you,” he responded, taking a seat and the offered

cup of coffee. He held out an arm and wrapped it around
Bobby when he sat next to him, pressing him against his
side. He glanced between Tible and Gus. “What’s up, guys?”

Gus sat on the edge of the couch, his hands folded

together between his knees. The big rhino shifter looked
from Declan to his mate. Tible smiled encouragingly at Gus,
then turned toward the wolf alpha and said, “You’ve been
so very kind to us both, and we’re honored to be allowed to
live in your territory.”

“Ye’re good men,” Declan said. He smiled as if

understanding something. “Ye’re always welcome in me

Gus seemed to release the breath he’d been holding, and

said, “Thank you, Alpha. I wouldn’t have survived without
you and Lark’s help.”

Declan nodded.
“Tible and I, we’d like permission to join your clutch,

Maelgwn,” Gus said, focusing on Maelgwn. “As we grow
nearer to when our egg hatches, we want little Vaclar to
grow up in an environment among his own kind. Where
he’ll feel welcome and…”

When Gus hesitated and glanced at Tible, his mate

finished the thought. “Not different. My parents were great,
don’t get me wrong, but they didn’t know anything about

Maelgwn nodded. Although he was surprised by their

request, since they’d never even hinted at these desires
before, he was more than happy to grant their request. He

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looked at Declan. “I have no desire to cause ill will between
your pack and my clutch by absconding with two of your
members,” he said, smiling. “If you don’t have a problem
with it, I’m more than happy to welcome them.”

Declan chuckled. “I have no complaints. Both Tible and

Gus are fine men. I feel honored to have had the opportunity
to know ye both,” he said, directing the comment at the pair.
“I wish ye all the best with parenthood and expect ye to visit
so I can meet the little tyke.”

Gus grinned, the stress lines that had bracketed his eyes

disappearing. “Thank you. Both of you.”

Declan nodded, drained his cup of coffee, and stood. “I

should be off. Let me know if ye want me to round up a
dozen guys to help move furniture.”

“Thank you, Alpha,” Gus immediately replied. “We’d

appreciate that.”

“It will be done,” Declan promised. He paused at the door

and said over his shoulder, “I’m sure there will be plenty of
guys wishin’ to give ye a grand send off.”

After Declan left, Maelgwn and Bobby quickly followed.

“Thanks for watching my car,” Bobby said, heading toward

Tible laid a hand on his shoulder, stopping his progress.

“You holding up okay?”

“You know, I’m really good,” Bobby replied, smiling. “It’s

a lot to take in, but…” He shrugged. “I mean, Mal’s
dedicated, kind, devoted, and I’ll never have to worry about
abuse or cheating.” A bubbly laugh escaped him. “Who
gives a shit that he’s another species. He’s exactly what I
wanted in a man.”

Chuckling, Tible nodded. “I’m really glad you figured

that out. Fate knows what she’s doing. We just have to give
her choice a chance.”

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Chapter Nine

How’d you learn to drive a car?” Bobby asked.

Maelgwn chuckled. “I’ve been alive for centuries, little

one. I’ve watched technology change from horses to steam
engines to motor cars. We manage to stay in the background
because we use that technology to our advantage. You’d be
surprised at what Raymond, our resident computer hacker,
can do.”

“Impressive,” Bobby said, completely truthful. He knew

his way around a computer just enough to use email, the
internet, and the programs required to do his job. “Oh, shit,”
he muttered, the thought of his job alarming him.

“What’s wrong?”
“I forgot to call in this morning,” Bobby said. Then

another thought struck him. “I guess that doesn’t matter,
huh? Since I’m quitting?” He frowned. “Will I be able to
work in Durango? I don’t like the idea of sitting around
doing nothing,” he declared.

Maelgwn glanced toward him, a brow lifted in question.

“You’re welcome to find work, Bobby. You’re my mate, not
a prisoner.”

Bobby was just starting to feel relieved when Maelgwn


“I will have to assign bodyguards if you find something

that requires you to leave our estate, but don’t worry, they’ll
be discreet.”

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The hairs on the back of his neck tingled with discomfort.

“Bodyguards? Why?”

His tone must have conveyed his concern, because

Maelgwn didn’t answer until he was stopped at a red light.
He turned to Bobby and gently cupped his jaw, forcing him
to meet his gaze. “I strive to keep our people at peace, and
right now we are. But there is a vampire coven south of us in
New Mexico that is experiencing some inner-coven turmoil.
The bodyguards are for your safety, not to control you.
You’re everything to me. Keeping you safe is my number
one priority.”

As Bobby listened to Maelgwn’s reasons, understanding

dawned. The paranormal world wasn’t any safer than the
human one, but at least now, he had someone who’d always
watch his back. He turned his head and pressed a kiss to
Maelgwn’s palm. “Okay. Thank you for explaining.”

Maelgwn nodded. “All you ever need to do is ask.”
The honk of a car horn brought them out of their private

moment. Maelgwn grinned, took the time to butterfly kiss
Bobby’s lips, then pulled away and got the car moving
again. Bobby pointed out where to park and they headed
toward the building lobby.

Stepping inside, Bobby paused. Seth stood in front of the

elevator, his arms crossed over his chest. Maelgwn wrapped
an arm around Bobby’s shoulders. Leaning down a bit, he
whispered, “Relax, Bobby. He can’t bother you anymore.”

Bobby felt kind of bad. Seth, when they were alone,

hadn’t been a bad guy. He’d been sweet, kind, attentive, and
even the sex had been enjoyable—nothing compared to
making love with Maelgwn—but still good. It was when
Seth was with his friends, trying to impress those bastards,
that things went downhill fast.

Too bad Seth’s buddy, Forest, strode out of an elevator.

“His apartment’s empty,” Forest said to Seth.

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Bobby’s temper flared and he stalked toward the pair.

Maelgwn at his back gave him the strength to confront them.
“You were in my apartment?” he snapped, catching both
men’s attention. He lifted a hand and pointed at the two of
them. “Neither of you have a key. What the hell do you
think you’re doing?”

Forest actually rolled his eyes, but at least Seth looked

acceptably sheepish. “We didn’t break in,” Seth muttered.
“He just knocked. I stayed down here so you wouldn’t know
I was here. You won’t return my calls.”

Bobby placed his hands on his hips and shook his head.

He actually felt a small measure of compassion for the man.
“I’m not returning your calls because we’re not dating
anymore,” he said.

“But why?” Seth actually whined.
Frowning, Bobby replied, “This—” he pointed at the two

men again—”is exactly why. This behavior. You watch me
like a hawk, don’t want to give me my own life, and you let
your friends treat me like crap. I don’t deserve that. No one
deserves that.”

Seth looked first shocked, then confused, and finally

crestfallen. He’d started to nod and turn away when Forest
snarled, “You cheating little faggot. Is this your new man?
Were you bending over for him and decided he was a better

Bobby felt the blood drain from his face. He opened his

mouth, but no sound came out. Shock rocked his system
upon hearing Forest’s accusations.

Maelgwn had no such problem and growled angrily. He

pulled Bobby against him. “You bastard. If we weren’t in the
middle of a lobby I’d smash your face in for that,” he
snarled. He glared at Seth. “This is exactly why he left you.
He didn’t date me until after he’d let you know ya’ll were
over. You should be defending Bobby, not me. If either of

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you ever come near Bobby again, I will make you very
sorry.” As he spoke, his voice dropped lower and lower,
until finally he growled, “Leave, now.”

Bobby tried not to react outwardly, but the rumbling of

Maelgwn’s voice actually turned him on. It was…not what
he expected. What surprised Bobby even more was Seth’s
quiet, “I’m sorry,” then he grabbed the back of Forest’s neck
and steered the man from the building.

“Wow,” Bobby whispered. “Why did I find that sexy?”
The look of anger melted from Maelgwn’s face. He leaned

down and whispered, “It’s a paranormal thing. Come on.”

Accepting that at face value, Bobby allowed Maelgwn to

lead him into the elevator. When Maelgwn pressed the
button for the fourth floor, he asked, “How do you know
what floor I’m on?”

Maelgwn actually seemed to flush, his dark mocha skin

deepening further. “Uh, I’ve been watching you for a couple
weeks, Bobby.”

“You have?” Surprise flooded him and his brows shot up.
Shrugging, Maelgwn stepped out of the elevator. “I told

you I scented you a couple weeks ago at the hospital. After
that, I couldn’t just leave,” he explained.

Bobby gripped his bicep and squeezed. “I’m glad you


It took five days, eight wolves, and one huge good-bye

celebration for Bobby to find himself driving south. Gus and
Tible drove an old beat-up pick-up truck in front of him, and
Maelgwn had flown ahead the evening before to make
certain all arrangements had been made for their arrival.

The kind words and well wishes he’d received from

people he now knew were shifters still blew Bobby’s mind.
He had far more friends than he realized, and his heart felt
full with the knowledge that he now drove to face a new

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He carried a walkie-talkie, which allowed him to speak

with Gus and Tible when need be. Bobby looked forward to
arriving in less than an hour, but feared the huge changes
taking place in his life. To keep from panicking, Bobby sang
along with the radio at the top of his lungs and thought of
nothing but the road signs and following the truck in front
of him.

Time flew and soon, in front of him, Gus’s truck slowed

and turned onto a wide gravel driveway. After a couple
minutes driving through tall pines, a mansion-like structure
appeared. Three stories, a wide veranda, several porches,
and a light brown façade gave it a regal look without being

Bobby parked his car and gripped the steering wheel

tightly. He concentrated on keeping his breathing deep and
regular. The fact that he’d turned his life upside-down to be
with a man—gargoyle—was finally sinking in, causing his
heart to race and spots to dance before his eyes.

A tap on his window jerked Bobby from the abyss his

mind had been sucked into. He looked over and saw Tible
giving him a look of concern. Letting out a breath slowly
through slightly parted lips, Bobby opened his door and
climbed out. He gave Tible a wan smile.

“Are you okay?” Tible whispered the question.
That’s when Bobby realized they weren’t alone in the

courtyard. His gaze roved over the people—er, gargoyles
that were collected on the sweeping front veranda. There
were almost three dozen gathered, about twenty-five
percent appeared human, but Bobby didn’t know how to tell
if that was just a form some of the mated gargoyles took for

They were all different shapes and sizes, from thickly

muscled, squat five foot ten gargoyles to slender, toned

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gargoyles. Some even had their wings attached to their arms
and torsos instead of growing from their back. All looked at
him with curiosity.

As one, they parted, and Maelgwn strode through their

ranks. Looking at him amongst his own kind, Bobby decided
he really was the most magnificent of the group. He screwed
up his courage—bolstered by Maelgwn’s smile—and walked
toward his lover, vowing to not embarrass him.

Maelgwn held out his right hand, palm up. Bobby didn’t

even hesitate to take it, returning his gargoyle’s smile. It
didn’t escape his awareness that he was putting a whole hell
of a lot of faith in a man—creature—he hardly knew, but
every instinct he had screamed that he was safe. Which
should have been odd, since Bobby hadn’t felt that with
Seth’s friends, but there it was.

Maelgwn tugged on Bobby’s hand, and he went willingly

into Maelgwn’s embrace. With one arm wrapped around
Bobby’s shoulders, Maelgwn turned toward his clutch-
members and said, “This is Bobby Truman, my mate. Treat
him with the same respect as you do me.” He paused, and
Bobby realized there must be an implied threat in there
somewhere, for all the gargoyles and humans dropped their
gaze for several seconds.

“I’m sure you’ll all get a chance to meet him, just try not

to overwhelm him, hmm?” Maelgwn continued, this time
warmth and affection filling his tone. “I know I can count on
you all to make Bobby feel welcome as he adjusts to us and
our way of life.” He turned to a gargoyle with a dark gold
hide who stood several inches shorter than Maelgwn but
was just as broad. “Grab Bobby’s bags, would you, Sapian?”
After Sapian nodded, Maelgwn looked down at Bobby.
“Would you like a tour? Then maybe we’ll swing by the
kitchen and get you something to eat or drink?”

“I’m not hungry, but I’d love a tour…um, after a trip to

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the bathroom?” Bobby muttered.

Maelgwn grinned. “You got it. Come on.”
He led the way into the house, his arm securely around

Bobby’s shoulders. Once they were away from prying eyes,
Maelgwn paused and swept Bobby into his arms and
captured his lips. “Missed you,” Maelgwn murmured
against Bobby’s mouth.

His need to pee forgotten, Bobby sagged against his lover,

kissing him back with equal heat. “Only been twelve hours,”
he managed to say between kisses. Bobby could admit, even
if just to himself, that he felt the same. He’d missed
Maelgwn, too.

“Too long,” Maelgwn responded.
Seconds later, Bobby found himself lifted into Maelgwn’s

arms with his back pressed against the wall. He wrapped his
legs around his lover’s waist and buried his fingers in
Maelgwn’s thick, dark hair. He was just about ready to give
in to his need to hump against Maelgwn’s wonderfully hard
abs when a throat clearing sounded loudly nearby.

Maelgwn eased the kiss to an end, then turned his head to

glare at the gargoyle who’d interrupted. “What?” he

“My apologies, Maelgwn,” the man said, dropping his

gaze in deference. “There is a vampire here to see you.”

“A vampire? Anyone we know?” Maelgwn asked,

concern lacing his tone.

A pained look crossed the gargoyle’s face. “Damune.”

The name was delivered with a curl of the guy’s top lip.

“Damn it,” Maelgwn snarled. “Can’t get one damn day,”

he added under his breath. To the gargoyle he said, “Put
him in the green room. He can wait there until I’ve settled
my mate.” When the guy opened his mouth as if to argue,
Maelgwn growled, “He can wait, Tobias. Bobby is more

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“Yes, Chieftain,” Tobias immediately responded. “I’ll

have Einan join me.”

“Good idea. See you shortly.” Once Tobias had

disappeared around a corner, Maelgwn gently lowered
Bobby to the floor. He gave him a pained smile. “Sorry,
sweet. Duty calls.”

Bobby nodded. “Who’s Damune?” he asked curious.
“He’s a vampire enforcer in the coven two hours south of

here. He’s one of three vampires vying for the right to lead
the coven since their leader’s health has been declining for
the last couple years. He thinks he’s being discreet about it,
but he’s not,” Maelgwn said bitterly.

As they walked, Bobby tried to pay attention to the twists

and turns but soon found himself hopelessly turned around.
“You don’t want him to lead?” he asked absently, glancing
over his shoulder. Didn’t I see that painting once already?

“He wouldn’t be my first choice.” Maelgwn shook his

head. “He’s a cruel man who’s never satisfied. If he gains
power, I can see us fighting off advances on our territory.
That’s not what we need to keep our existence a secret.”

Bobby refocused on Maelgwn. His lover wouldn’t let him

get lost. They arrived at a suite of rooms done in masculine
greens and blues. Bobby looked around, impressed with the
subtle lines of quality in the furniture. He did a double take
and looked again. “Um, Maelgwn? Where’s your bed?”

Maelgwn chuckled. “Before you, I turned into stone

during the day and stayed up all night,” he gently reminded
Bobby. “I never needed one before.”

Bobby nodded, frowning. “Am I…Are you not…” He

nibbled his lip, trying to figure out how to ask where
Maelgwn expected him to sleep.

His lover wrapped an arm and wing around him, pulling

him against his chest. “Relax. I’ve a bed on order. It’s
supposed to be here tomorrow. I’m sorry, we’ll have to

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make due with a nest of pillows and blankets tonight,”
Maelgwn said, pointing a claw at a large mound of colorful
throws and pillows in front of a fire. A tray of chocolate
covered strawberries and champagne, both on ice, rested on
a small table nearby.

“Are you going to be long? I don’t want to enjoy those

treats by myself.” Bobby kept his tone teasing, but in truth,
he really didn’t want to be by himself in this new, strange
place quite yet.

Maelgwn pressed a kiss to his temple. “I’ll try to keep this

meeting brief, so I can get back to you as quickly as possible.
Sapian will be here with the bags shortly. I’ll have him give
you a tour of the common rooms, so you can start getting the
lay of the land, then I’ll catch up with you. How’s that

Bobby knew his lover was trying to help ease him into his

life, and he appreciated it. “Thanks. I’ll be around, and
believe it or not, I do feel pretty safe here.”

“Good. See you in a bit,” Maelgwn said, kissing him one

more time before pulling away and leaving.

Bobby swept his gaze over the room again and spotted

the bathroom through an open doorway. He made his way
there and cleaned up, finishing by splashing water on his
face, letting the warm water soothe him.

When he left the bathroom, he wandered over to a

window and admired the moonlit view of a courtyard and
garden. At the moment, several inches of snow covered
everything, making the trees and shrubs appear to shimmer.

The sound of a throat clearing made Bobby spin and face

the doorway. He found the broad-shouldered, gold skinned
gargoyle Maelgwn had referred to as Sapian standing just
inside the room. He held Bobby’s suitcase in one hand, his
backpack over a shoulder, and his laptop case in his second

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He grinned, showing off a mouthful of sharp teeth.

“Where do you want them?”

Bobby pulled his gaze away from Sapian’s canines and

realized the gargoyle’s brown eyes twinkled with mirth.

“The bags. Where do you want them?”
“Oh.” Geez, this guy must think I’m an idiot. “Yeah, sorry.

Long drive. Kinda fried my brain,” he said, waving a hand
toward his head. He hoped his depreciating grin appeared
acceptably convincing. “Um, just…” He looked around the
room. “I have no idea,” he admitted. “How about the
corner? I’ll ask Mal where he wants me to…well, put it.”

The guy eyed him for a second, lifting a bony brow ridge

as he did so. Bobby barely managed to keep from fidgeting
like a kid caught somewhere he shouldn’t. Instead, he held
Sapian’s gaze and waited.

The guy smiled again, his shoulders relaxing. The

moment of tension passed, just like that. Sapian strode
toward the corner Bobby indicated, saying over his
shoulder, “A gargoyle doesn’t actually accumulate a lot of
shit, since half our life we’re sleeping stone. It’s not until
after we find our mates that we start collecting things.” He
paused, put down Bobby’s stuff with more care than Bobby
would have thought. Turning back to him, Sapian pointed at
the dressers, “Most of these drawers are probably empty.
I’m sure Maelgwn wouldn’t have a problem with you
checking them out.”

Bobby nodded, considering his words. Cocking his head,

he said, “Okay, I get the not bothering to collect clothes.
Maelgwn explained that only certain form-fitting pieces
turned to stone with them, like the loincloth. But why
wouldn’t they start accumulating other things until after
they mate?”

Now that the bag was off his shoulder, Sapian wrapped

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his white wings around himself and headed toward the
door. “Mementoes of outings with our mate, gifts for our
mate, gifts from our mate.” He paused and grinned. “Mates
are kind of important to us,” he said, winking.

Sapian’s easy-going manner put him at ease. “I see. Good

to know.”

“You ready to see your new home, Bobby?”
“Yes, I am.”

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Chapter Ten

aelgwn prowled through the estate, more than a little
irritated at having been pulled away from his mate on

their first night there. “Fucking vampire,” he muttered
under his breath. Upon reaching the room, Maelgwn took a
moment to take a few slow, deep breathes. He had no
intention of allowing Damune to see how riled he was. He
didn’t want to give the vampire any leverage to use against

Once in control of himself, Maelgwn opened the door and

headed into the green room, known as that for the pale
green walls and green floral furniture. Maelgwn thought the
space looked hideous, but since it was mainly used by the
women for game night, he never bothered to voice his
opinion. Besides, it was fun to stick people he didn’t like in
there and see them squirm in response to the garish décor.

Damune lounged on a love seat, staring coldly at Tobias,

who stood in front of the fireplace opposite him. Einan was
to the left of the doorway, guarding the room. Two more
vampires stood behind the sofa Damune sat on, looking
distinctly uncomfortable. Although their gazes roved
around the room, Maelgwn suspected it had more to do with
a desire to avoid looking at the large stenciled flowers on the
walls rather than doing their job and watching Damune’s

Damune slowly stood. Tobias paused in whatever he’d


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been saying, probably a platitude that Maelgwn would be
there soon, and inclined his head to his leader. Maelgwn
returned the gesture, then focused on Damune.

“Greetings, Damune,” he stated formally. “To what do I

owe the pleasure of this visit?”

Damune’s lip curled slightly. “I’ve come to warn you to

stay out of my coven’s territory. I’ve seen gargoyles at the
bakery in Farmington. I will not stand for further
infringements by your kind,” he snarled.

The lack of respect from Damune pissed Maelgwn off. He

grinned, showing off his pointy teeth. “You dare come into
my home, where you have been welcomed as a guest, and
threaten me?” He took a step forward and spread his wings.
“Your uncouth behavior is either a pathetic attempt at a
show of strength, or a sign of your stupidity, Damune. Can
you tell which one I’m leaning toward?” he sneered.

Hissing, Damune showed off his fangs. “Be careful what

you say to me, gargoyle,” Damune warned. “I’m next in line
for coven leader.”

“Then you should know the wisdom of keeping the peace

with your neighbors,” Maelgwn stated, unimpressed.

Damune scoffed. “My coven is more powerful than your

clutch. If I so decided, I could easily have you all destroyed.”

Maelgwn growled and flexed his claws. “You’ve worn

out your welcome, Damune. Get out.” He stepped to the left
and pointed toward the doorway.

The foolish vampire curled his lip and headed past

Maelgwn. His two bodyguards followed closely, but not
closely enough. Maelgwn grabbed Damune’s arm, spun him
around, and slammed him face first into the wall. He
pressed the claws of one hand against Damune’s throat
while laying his other arm across his back to keep him in

Snarls and thuds sounded behind him, and out of the

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corner of his eye, Maelgwn watched his beta and enforcer
subdue the other two vampires. Maelgwn leaned close to
Damune and whispered, “And if I ever hear you threaten
anyone in my clutch again, I will hunt you down and tear
out your fangs. Do I make myself clear?”

Damune, his eyes glowing red in anger, tried to turn his

head and snap at him. Maelgwn dug his claws into
Damune’s neck, the faint scent of iron hitting his senses as he
drew blood.

“Do I?” Maelgwn growled.
“Yesss,” Damune hissed, the word sounding like it was

pulled from his throat forcefully, which Maelgwn knew it

Maelgwn released the pressure on Damune’s back as he

moved his hand around to his shoulder. He grabbed and
shoved him toward the door, not giving the vampire time to
retaliate. Maelgwn didn’t have to look to know his gargoyles
were close behind with the other two vampires. Together,
they forcefully removed the three from his home.

Shoving them out the door, the group stumbled past a

couple gargoyles still on the veranda chatting. The two men
stopped talking upon seeing the commotion, but by the
gleam in Damune’s eye, Maelgwn knew the damage was
done. The pair on the veranda had been talking about
Maelgwn’s newly acquired mate.

Knowing he could do nothing now, Maelgwn watched in

silence as the three vampires climbed into their vehicle. The
little smirk Damune gave him through the window as they
drove away sent a cold jolt through Maelgwn.

Once they were out of sight, Maelgwn turned to Tobias

and snapped, “Report this incident to the Vampire Council. I
want Damune investigated.”

“You think they will?” Tobias asked, though he’d already

started back into the house.

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Maelgwn followed. “They’d better,” he snarled. “If he

comes near my mate, I will kill him.”

Maelgwn turned and spotted a pale-faced Bobby in the

rec room they were passing. He didn’t like the lines of worry
bracketing his lover’s mouth and he really didn’t like the
fear he scented.

“I’ll see what I can do,” Tobias murmured, then turned

and walked away.

Maelgwn headed toward Bobby, catching a nod from

Sapian out of the corner of his eye before the other man
disappeared from the room. Wrapping his arms around
Bobby, Maelgwn pulled him close. Bobby instantly sank into
his embrace, wrapping his own arms around Maelgwn’s
waist and resting his cheek on his chest.

“You remember the unrest I told you about?” Maelgwn


Bobby nodded.
“It seems Damune is under the impression that he’s next

in line. He’s threatened my clutch, and you by extension,” he
admitted, refusing to sugar coat anything. His mate needed
knowledge so he could be aware of possible danger.

When Bobby didn’t respond, Maelgwn cupped his jaw

and angled his head back so he could look him in the eyes.
“You okay?”

Shrugging, Bobby murmured, “Sure. I’m just not sure

what to say to that, ya know?”

Maelgwn could understand that. “You’ve been through a

lot today. You ready to relax? We could enjoy the
champagne and strawberries upstairs.”

That made Bobby smile, which eased a knot of tension

that had formed in Maelgwn’s chest. He’d keep his mate safe
and happy, even if he had to kill every vampire in Damune’s
coven, he silently vowed.

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Knowing he couldn’t do anything about it right then,

Maelgwn put the matter out of his mind. He planned to
concentrate on his mate this evening. “Enough talk of that,”
he murmured, leading Bobby through the house and
upstairs to their suite of rooms. “Let’s relax, hmm?”

“Sounds good to me,” Bobby replied, giving him a smile.
Maelgwn led him into the bedroom, and immediately

spotted Bobby’s bags in the corner. “Did you get a chance to
unpack at all?”

Bobby shook his head. “I wasn’t sure where I should put

my stuff,” he admitted.

“Ah. You’re welcome to make yourself at home, little one.

I have a couple trench coats and hats for if I have to go out
amongst humans at night, but that’s about it,” he said. “I
guess I’ll have to get real clothes now that I can become
human when I wish,” he mused.

He led Bobby to the pile of blankets and pillows. While

his mate made himself comfortable, Maelgwn opened the
champagne and poured them both a glass. Settling next to
Bobby, he handed one to him and said, “To us and new

Bobby hesitated only a second before saying, “To equals

in partnership.”

Maelgwn grinned. “I like that.”
After taking a sip of the bubbly liquid, Mealgwn reached

behind him and grabbed the plate of chocolate covered
strawberries. “I hope you like these. I couldn’t remember.”

Grinning, Bobby grabbed one as he said, “Who doesn’t

like chocolate covered strawberries?”

He laughed as he watched Bobby take a bite and hum

happily. The sound went straight to his dick, reminding him
it’d been nearly twenty-four hours since he’d made love to
his mate.

Before he could reach for Bobby, his lover commented, “I

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noticed only a few women in your clutch, and since all of
them looked human, I made a comment to Sapian about it.”
Bobby cocked his head as his brows drew together. “Why
are all gargoyles male?”

Maelgwn’s brow ridges shot up. “I’ve no idea why.

Maybe the gargoyle gene is linked to the Y chromosome in
some way. We’ve never really tried to find out,” he
admitted. Why wonder about what was and couldn’t be

“So, do men ever give birth to girls? Or is it always an

egg?” Bobby asked, grabbing another strawberry.

Maelgwn picked a berry of his own. “I’ve never heard of a

male giving birth to anything other than an egg.” He
realized that even though he’d explained that pregnancy
was a possibility for his mate, he hadn’t really gone in depth
about it.

“The appendix is converted by your bond with me into a

womb of sorts, and that’s where the egg forms,” he said,
then bit into the strawberry, enjoying the sweetness mixed
with bitter chocolate. Bobby sipped his champagne,
watching him. He smiled and continued. “Once the egg is
ready, you will lay it.”

“Lay it? Like a chicken with an egg?” Bobby murmured.

“How the hell would a guy…oh!”

He grimaced at the look of shock on Bobby’s face. “Yeah,

not a real comfortable thought,” he acknowledged. “You
pass it through the rectum.”

“Ouch, and Gus went through that?”
Maelgwn nodded. “Some men decide it’s worth it to have

children with their mates.” The corner of his lip curved and
he said, “If I could be the one to carry a child, I would, but
since you’re human, you can’t very well impregnate me.”

“So you do want kids someday,” Bobby said,

understanding Maelgwn’s implication.

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“Yeah,” Maelgwn admitted. “Yeah, I do.” He took

Bobby’s hand and squeezed. “Don’t think I’ll rush you into a
decision or anything, though,” he reassured. “But if
someday you want a child, too, I’d be honored to have one
with you.”

Bobby set his empty champagne glass on the floor and

climbed onto his lap, facing him. Maelgwn grunted when
Bobby’s dick bumped against his own. His lover rocked
them together.

“It’s an interesting prospect,” Bobby murmured, grinding

against him. “I promise I’ll give it some thought, but…can I
have a couple years just with you? Does that make me

Maelgwn moaned, his foreskin sliding over his glans as

pre-cum leaked from his throbbing cock. “Take all the time
you want,” he gasped. “You’re all I need to be happy. A
child would just be a bonus.”

“Mmm,” Bobby hummed. “Good.”
Deciding they’d done enough talking for the evening,

Maelgwn rolled his mate under him and proceeded to show
him exactly how happy he was that Bobby had arrived.

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Chapter Eleven

obby walked out of the office building feeling pleased
with how the interview had gone. It had taken three

weeks to finally start to feel settled at the gargoyle estate,
and finding a job was the final piece. He loved that his mate
was so attentive and wanted him happy, and even though
Bobby knew Maelgwn would prefer him safe at home, his
gargoyle had encouraged him to go after what he wanted.

The fact that it had taken several weeks to finally make it

to an interview had more to do with wanting to find the
right local position rather than anything his lover had said
or done. Bobby didn’t mind being patient. It gave him time
to learn about Maelgwn, his clutch, and Bobby’s place in it—
which he found a pleasant experience. Everyone was
friendly, open, and welcoming. Once he understood the
mechanics of paranormal politics, he’d even be included in
decision making. That thought scared him a bit, and right
now, he was happy to just sit, watch, and listen.

The added time also gave Maelgwn peace of mind

regarding the threats of a certain vampire. They hadn’t seen
or heard from Damune since the day Bobby had arrived, but
Bobby knew his safety was never far from his mate’s mind.

Gus, Tible, and Sapian were waiting outside, just where

Bobby had left them. “How about some supper before we
head home?” Bobby asked, his stomach growling.

“Won’t Maelgwn be waiting?” Tible teased, giving him a


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Bobby laughed. He had to admit he and his mate had

been living in each other’s back pockets for the last several
weeks. “I’ll shoot him a text,” Bobby said, heading across the
street to the Pub and Grub. “He’s supposed to be in a
meeting with a vampire from another coven right now
anyway,” he said quietly. He grinned slyly and added,
“That’s why I set up the interview for around this time.”

The other men chuckled, which had been Bobby’s goal.

They settled at a table in the diner and seconds later, a gum
smacking young woman, who couldn’t have been more than
seventeen in Bobby’s estimate, appeared with menus.

“Watcha all want to drink?” she asked, pen poised over a

pad of paper.

Bobby requested an iced tea, Gus and Tible both ordered

lemonade, though Gus had peach flavoring added to his,
and Sapian requested coffee.

Bobby knew there were only a handful of gargoyles that

could work as day guards for him, so appreciated that he got
along so well with the mated gargoyle. Sapian stood six foot
six in gargoyle form and six foot two in human form. His
dark gold gargoyle hide lightened to a nice tanned tone. In
either form, Sapian had shoulder length light brown hair
that he normally pulled into a ponytail. Bobby thought the
best thing about the guy was his sense of humor, and he had
no trouble giving him crap.

After the waitress left, Bobby grimaced at Sapian. “I don’t

know how you drink that stuff all the time. I’d be bouncing
off the walls if I tried that. And the way you doctor it up
with so much milk and sugar? What’s the point?”

Sapian chuckled, taking his ribbing good-naturedly. “I

don’t mind the taste of coffee, but I like the combination of
flavors better. All those awesome creamers give me the
opportunity to sample different tastes.” He shrugged.

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“Variety is the spice of life and all that.”

Gus punched him in the shoulder, probably with

carefully controlled force, knowing how cautious the rhino
shifter normally was. “Don’t let Missy here you say that,” he
said, referring to Sapian’s human wife.

Snorting, Sapian shoved Gus back. “Yeah, like anything

could be better than the love of a mate.” He looked
pointedly at Tible.

Following his gaze, Gus stared at his own mate. Almost

immediately, his smile turned sappy, the love shining clearly
from his gaze. “Yeah.”

Bobby snickered quietly. After several weeks with

Maelgwn, he knew exactly how Gus and Tible felt. Bobby
had fallen in love with his big gargoyle mate. Not that he’d
told the man, yet. He was waiting for the right moment, and
even with all the hours spent together, the time just never
seemed to be right.

The waitress returned with their drinks, and they placed

orders for double cheeseburgers and fries, with the
exception of Bobby, who decided on a club sandwich. One
thing he’d learned over the last month was these
paranormals loved meat, potatoes, and had the metabolism
to handle them in huge amounts. Bobby would be jealous,
except he’d actually done the vegetarian thing for months at
a time and not felt like he was missing out. The look on
Maelgwn’s face when he’d learned that had been priceless.

They’d been eating sausage and pancakes for, well, Bobby

had considered it dinner. Maelgwn had tried to load Bobby’s
plate with eight sausage links, and Bobby had kept pushing
them over to Maelgwn’s plate. Finally, Maelgwn growled
and snapped, “You need more protein.”

Bobby had rolled his eyes and held up his glass of milk.

“Eight grams of protein per cup, boyo. I’m getting plenty.”
At Maelgwn’s dubious look, Bobby snickered. “Relax, I

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know how to get protein without eating tons of meat. I’m
not much of a beef and pork fan. When the mood strikes I
can go vegetarian for months at a time. Milk, eggs, and soy
are perfectly acceptable alternatives and very healthy.” He
paused to chew a bite of pancake, then added, “Gotta keep
my boyish figure.”

Finally Bobby had looked at Maelgwn and winked while

taking a sip of his drink. Maelgwn’s gaping mouth, pale
face, and abject horror filling his dark eyes caused Bobby to

“Vegetarian?” Maelgwn had whispered, clearly stricken.
That one whispered word made Bobby laugh even

harder, and eventually, the milk he’d been trying to swallow
had dribbled from his nose. Grabbing a napkin, Bobby had
cleaned up, still snickering despite his stinging sinuses.

“It’s not that bad,” he said once he finally gained enough

control to speak.

“No meat,” Maelgwn had grumbled. “Blasphemy.”
Thinking about his mate, combined with watching the

interaction between Tible and Gus, made a pang of
loneliness hit Bobby. Maybe he shouldn’t have suggested
going out to eat.

Evidently reading his expression, Sapian reached over

and squeezed his shoulder. “You get used to being
separated, but it’s never real comfortable,” he admitted.

Bobby nodded, struggling with the odd ache in his chest.

Wanting to hear his lover’s voice, at least, he rose from the
table. “I’m gonna take a leak and give Mal a ring while we
wait for the food.”

Sapian glanced toward the hall where the bathrooms

were, then glanced around at the other patrons. Bobby knew
that look. His friend had turned into bodyguard mode and
was assessing his need to go with him.

“Relax,” he said, rising from his chair. “I won’t be more

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than ten minutes,” he promised.

Nodding, Sapian told him, “You better not be or I’m

coming after you.”

Laughing, Bobby nodded. There was no doubt in his

mind that Sapian would do just that. His hands already
working open his belt, Bobby bumped the men’s room door
open with his shoulder. He stood in front of a urinal and
took care of business for a moment, then after he washed his
hands, Bobby pulled out his phone and hit one on speed

“Hey, sweet,” Maelgwn crooned, answering on the first

ring. “You on your way home to me?”

Bobby grinned, warmth flooding him as the deep strands

of his lover’s voice wrapped around him. “We stopped for a
bite to eat at Pub and Grub. It’s across the street from the
building I interviewed in. I was hungry and figured you’d
need a little more time with that vam—um, Adalric,” he
finished, catching himself at the last minute.

“Ah, and yet you called me anyway. I miss you, too,

Bobby,” Maelgwn said, easily reading the reason behind the

“Yeah, I—”
“It’s about fucking time you left that damn estate,” a man

behind him said angrily. “Hang up the phone, Bobby.”

Bobby spun around at the vaguely familiar voice.

“Forest?” He took a step back, but ran into the wall. “What
are you doing here?”

“I said hang up the fucking phone,” Forest ordered,

grabbing the device from Bobby’s fist. Forest lifted it to his
own mouth and taunted, “Not here to help your boy toy
now.” He then chucked it into a sink and grabbed Bobby’s

He heard his lover’s roar through the line, the noise

silenced by the door closing behind him as Forest dragged

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him out of the men’s room and down the hall toward the
back door. Bobby twisted his arm, trying to dislodge Forest’s
hold, but the man’s grip remained clamped like a vice
around his forearm. He just knew he’d end up with
bruises…if he managed to get away.

The back door slammed shut behind them. A glance over

his shoulder told Bobby the door didn’t have a handle on
this side, so even if he managed to get away now, he’d have
to run all the way around the building to get back to Sapian.
How much time had passed since he’d left the table? Five
minutes? Seven? Why the hell couldn’t he get his vocal cords
to work? Screaming would have been a fantastic idea, even if
it did make him seem like a girl. Forest was bigger, stronger,
and meaner than Bobby.

Seeing the two men waiting with a car behind the

building finally got his voice to work. “Oh, shit,” he
squeaked. Grant was behind the wheel of the idling vehicle.
Mark pulled the back door open and watched Forest drag
Bobby toward the car.

“Seth won’t talk to us anymore,” Forest muttered darkly.

“So you’re going to go fix it.”

Bobby finally got his body to function and balked with all

his might. No way did he want to get into that car. “Just how
the hell do you expect me to do that?” he asked, trying to
buy time.

“Tell him you were wrong. That we weren’t the reason

you left,” Forest said. “Tell him you’re a cheating whore
who doesn’t deserve him. Tell him whatever the fuck you
want. Now get in the car,” Forest ordered harshly, trying to
drag him forward again.

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” Bobby snapped.

With a grunt, Bobby twisted violently. This time he
managed to pull his arm free. Unfortunately, Mark had
caught onto his friend’s trouble, and now blocked his escape

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down the alley toward the street. Bobby looked left and
right, frantically searching for escape.

“Then we’ll beat you bloody as payment for losing us a

friend,” Grant snarled, getting out of the car.

The three converged on him, forcing Bobby back several

steps. His back hit the wall, the rough stone scratching his
palms and elbows. He shivered as the cold finally registered.
It was probably asinine to think of it now, but Bobby really
wanted his coat.

“Now, now, humans,” said a man who stepped from the

shadows to Bobby’s left. “As fun as watching you beat the
shit out of Maelgwn’s mate would be, I need him whole and
healthy. At least, for now.”

“Who the hell are you?” Grant asked, glaring at the


The man eased from the shadows, a cold smile on his

hard features. “I’m Damune,” he replied, twisting his lips
into a cruel curve as he eyed Bobby.

“Double shit,” Bobby muttered. Damune might say he

wanted him alive, but Bobby just knew alive with Damune
would be worse than alive and beaten by Seth’s friends.

Damune chuckled coldly. “So you’ve heard of me,” he

said, fixing his gaze on Bobby. “I’m flattered.”

Forest, the hotheaded idiot that he was, stepped forward,

his posture cocky. “Just get the hell out of here, buddy. Your
interference isn’t wanted.”

Bobby noted the brass knuckles Forest had donned.

“Forest, don’t,” Bobby warned, not that Forest listened.

He watched with dread as Forest strode in a way he

probably thought was menacing toward Damune but looked
more young punk. The dark haired vampire grinned, his
eyes lighting with pleasure. Perhaps at the thought of a
fight? Damune’s dark eyes began to glow red, and Bobby
realized he wasn’t the only one who gasped.

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“Freak,” Forest snapped right before he swung his metal

knuckles at Damune.

With inhuman speed, Damune stepped left and avoided

the swing. He grabbed Forest’s wrist in one arm and with
the other, executed an uppercut to the extended limb.
Forest’s bone snapped sickeningly and he screamed as his
arm bent the wrong way. Damune gripped Forest’s upper
arm and snapped his head forward. Blood flowed from
Forest’s neck as Damune drank messily, tearing flesh more
than drinking. Forest’s screams increased in pitch.

When Damune released Forest, the human crumpled to

the ground. Damune brought an arm up and slowly swiped
the back of his hand across his mouth, smearing blood across
his face. “Mmm, O positive. Tasty. Any of you A-B negative?
It’s my favorite.”

That seemed to break Grant and Mark out of their

shocked states, for Grant yelled, “Get him!” Mark screamed
and rushed with Grant toward the vampire, whose laugh
sounded disturbingly gleeful.

Bobby nearly jumped out of his skin when someone else

latched onto his arm. “Let’s get out of here!” Seth hissed.

The idea that he’d ever be happy to see his ex-boyfriend

again never before entered his mind, but at that moment, he
was. Seth tugged, and Bobby went willingly. Yelling,
screaming, and even roaring—although that could have
been the sound of Bobby’s blood rushing in his ears—
erupted behind him.

Seth led the way down the alley toward the street and a

vehicle Bobby recognized as the man’s truck. Once reaching
it, Seth tossed his bat into it and climbed in. Bobby didn’t
hesitate to join him.

“What the hell was that?” Seth snapped as he put the

truck in gear and gunned it.

“A vampire.”

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“Right,” Seth muttered, taking a corner on two wheels.
Bobby grabbed onto the oh shit handle and hung on for

dear life. What the hell Seth was doing in the area crossed
his mind, but the thump of something hitting the bed of the
truck distracted him. Craning his neck, he looked out the
rear window. His heart thudded wildly in his chest.
Somehow, Damune had caught up with them.

“Hang on!” Seth called before swerving wildly.
Bobby’s shoulder slammed into the passenger window,

sending spikes of pain through his arm. Spots danced
behind his eyes, and he really wished he’d remembered to
put on his seatbelt.

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Chapter Twelve

aelgwn threw his head back and roared, the sound
equal parts anger and anguish. He had just enough

self-control to keep from smashing his phone in his grip.
Tobias and Adalric joined him in the hallway.

“Maelgwn?” Tobias called. “What is it?”
“Bobby’s been taken,” he snapped, the words leaving a

bitter taste in his mouth. Striding toward the door, he almost
ignored Tobias’s question.

“What? How?”
“I don’t know. He called from Pub and Grub.” He yanked

the front door open and stalked onto the veranda. “Call
Sapian. He’d better be injured or so help me he will be when
I get done with him,” he snarled.

“I’ll come with you,” Adalric offered, pulling his trench

coat on over slender shoulders. “If this has anything to do
with Damune, you’ll need me.”

Einan appeared next to Maelgwn, a nod from the gray-

hided gargoyle telling him he’d follow wherever his leader
led. Mealgwn assessed the vampire’s lean form. Humans
would call it a runner’s build, and Adalric would need every
bit of speed he possessed to keep up with a flying gargoyle.
“If you can keep up.”

With those words, Maelgwn bent his knees then leaped

into the air. He spread his wings and flapped, angling them
to propel him forward as well as up. His heightened hearing


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caught Adalric’s muttered, “Bloody gargoyles.”

Then he was winging his way over trees, careful to keep

parallel with the road that would take him into town. A look
right showed him Einan’s reassuring presence. He glanced
down and behind him and was surprised to see Adalric’s
speeding form. The fucker was fast. Yes, he and Einan were
pulling away from the vampire, but with the coven leader’s
enhanced night-vision, he’d have no trouble following them
at least a mile out.

What would have been a thirty-minute drive was a ten-

minute flight. Maelgwn weaved and bobbed, his wings
pumping and twisting as he avoided street lamps and kept
close to shadows.

He landed on the roof of the Pub and Grub and looked

down at the chaos below him. “Holy shit,” he growled.

Sapian, Tible, and Gus fought back to back against a ring

of at least a dozen vampires. He saw several bodies
sprawled broken and bleeding along one side of the alley,
and for a split second, his heart seemed to stop in his chest.
Then he realized none of them were Bobby.

Wasting no more time gaping, Maelgwn leaped off the

building. His wings tucked against his back, his full weight
landed on the two vampires he’d targeted, driving them into
the concrete. A slash from each hand sliced open their
throats. There was a possibility they’d live, but for now they
were incapacitated.

Einan took out the vampire next to him. Three vampires

broke off from the main mass and advanced on them.
Maelgwn settled most his weight on his back leg and when a
pair charged at him, he turned and swung his wing out. The
edge caught the torso of one vampire, slicing into his chest.

The vampire hissed and leaped back, his red eyes flashing

as he pressed both hands—currently sporting impressive
claws instead of nails—against the gaping wound. The

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second attacker, a nimble female, took that opportunity to
dive forward and sweep a leg under him, trying to knock
Maelgwn off his feet.

If he hadn’t had wings, the move might have worked.

Maelgwn flapped once and floated over her leg. Shifting his
wing position, he launched in mid-air at her and took her
down. The fact that the vampire was a woman didn’t matter
to Mealgwn. He had a mate to find and she was in his way,
clearly intending harm. He grabbed her head and with a
quick twist and a pop, she lay still.

When he looked up, Sapian was five feet away facing off

against two vampires. He was about to help when another
woman launched herself at him, distracting him. He lifted an
arm and blocked her slashing strike, gaining a nice gash in
the thick hide of his forearm for his trouble.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Adalric streak up the

alley, grab one of the vampires attacking Einan, pick him up
and toss him at the three going after Gus and Tible. That
caught every vampire’s attention and several hissed at him.

Adalric hissed right back, showing off his own fangs. His

blood-red eyes conveying his power—Maelgwn had heard
once that the darker red a vampire’s eyes, the older and
more powerful they were. Adalric certainly confirmed that
theory. “I am Adalric Bachmeier, Leader of Esson Coven and
Emissary of the Vampire Council. You will cease this
behavior at once. No war is sanctioned here.”

A broad-shouldered, behemoth of a vampire shoved past

several others and faced off against Adalric. “Who’s gonna
make us?”

The smile on Adalric’s face appeared almost reptilian.

“With the aid of these honorable gargoyles, it’d be easy to
subdue you. However, since you asked so nicely…” Adalric
looked over his shoulder and from the darkness strode half a
dozen men Maelgwn didn’t know. He gave Adalric a

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questioning look. The vampire smirked at him and lifted one
shoulder in a shrug. “You didn’t really think I’d go
anywhere without my own backup, did you?”

Grunting, Maelgwn ignored whatever else was going on

in favor of asking Sapian, “Where’s Bobby? Is he hiding

Sapian held one arm against his chest and lines around

his eyes and mouth told of the pain he was in. Almost
cringing, Sapian answered, “I don’t know, Maelgwn. He ran
off just as the fighting started with some human.”

“He went off with Seth,” Tible said, stepping up next to

Sapian. “I recognize one of those humans.” He shuddered as
he pointed at the crumpled forms not too far away. “Those
were Seth’s friends. Damune killed them, then took off after

Maelgwn growled low in his throat, anger and fear

coursing through him. He jogged several paces down the
alley then inhaled deeply. It was faint, but there—the scent
of his mate mingled with others. Sucking in a deep breath
through his nose, it took a second to calm down enough to
shift to human form, but he got it done.

“You gonna run down the street like that?” Adalric asked


Growling, he glared at the vampire. Adalric just smirked.

Rolling his eyes, Maelgwn dismissed the vampire and
started moving. Opening his mouth, he let the air caress his
tongue. A gargoyle’s sense of smell combined with tasting
the air on his tongue, allowed him to track his mate, even
when he was in a vehicle.

Running down the street, Maelgwn wished he could be in

gargoyle form, but a massive winged creature swooping
down the road wasn’t conducive to keeping his clutch
hidden and safe. He knew his people and Adalric’s vampires
would have their hands full keeping this battle quiet as it

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He rounded a bend in the road and paused, suddenly

grateful he’d remained responsible. If he hadn’t, he might
have missed the broken twigs and underbrush, as well as the
snapped branches and tire tracks in the grass. He’d have
wasted valuable time heading the wrong way.

The screech of bending metal sent Maelgwn sprinting

through the town park. The tire tracks in the snow and mud
were easy to follow, as were the sounds of breaking glass
and shouting voices.

“Bobby!” he hollered. His anxiety got the better of him

and he returned to gargoyle form. Under the cover of
darkness and trees, he didn’t worry about maintaining
control. The only thing that mattered was saving his mate.

Bobby’s fearful call spurred Maelgwn faster. He finally

caught sight of a truck, the front end crumpled against a
tree. It appeared to have hit with such force that the rear end
spun around, pinning the passenger side against a second
tree. Bobby was trapped inside the cab.

One vampire was standing in the bed, attempting to peel

the hood off the cab. A second vampire held a broken door
handle in one hand and swung it at the rolled up window of
the cab. The glass broke, eliciting shouts from Bobby and
Seth. The vampire grabbed Seth and yanked him through
the broken window.

Adalric streaked past Maelgwn and attacked the man

holding Seth, yanking the human free of the other vampire’s
grip. Seth whimpered and cringed away from Adalric, who
sported red eyes and extended claws. That didn’t stop
Adalric from keeping himself between Seth and the other
vampire. With a quick side step, a hook-kick to knock the
vampire sideways, a strong grip on his head, and a twist to
his neck, Adalric ended the vampire’s life.

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Damune strode from the trees, a maniacal smile curving

his lips. “Hello, Maelgwn. I’m so pleased you’re able to join
us.” With a flick of his fingers, the vampire still on the truck
leaped down.

A glance over his shoulder at Einan—who like a perfect

enforcer had never left his side—had the gargoyle attacking
the second vampire. Maelgwn prowled toward Damune. His
claws flexed in anticipation of shredding the creature.

“You’ve gone too far this time, vampire,” he snarled. “I

will kill you for your crimes.”

“Crimes?” Damune cackled. “I’ve committed no crime. I

saved your lover from vengeful humans. When he ran, I
tried to catch him, so I could return him to you.”

“Bobby, babe,” Maelgwn called without allowing his gaze

to flicker from Damune. “Is that true?”

“From a certain point of view.” Bobby’s admission caused

a snarl to erupt from Maelgwn’s throat.

“But he also attacked and killed an unsuspecting human,

Forest, and revealed vampires to two others. I don’t know
what happened to Grant and Mark,” Bobby told him.

The images of three dead humans, one he recognized as

Forest, flashed through his mind. He growled, showing off
pointed teeth. “Damune, I place you under arrest for going
feral, and attacking and killing unsuspecting humans. Will
you come quietly?”

Damune, hands on his hips, tossed his head back and

laughed. “You don’t have the authority to do that,” he

“But I do,” Adalric growled. His tone turned frigid as he

narrowed red eyes on Damune. “What Maelgwn said and
add in instructing vampires to start an unapproved war and
the crime of actions that could put the safety of all
paranormals at stake.”

Damune glared at Adalric for several seconds, and

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something in his eyes must have alerted him to the truth of
his words. He hissed in anger, then leaped toward Maelgwn,
his red eyes blazing with hatred, and his claws extended.

Maelgwn met him mid-leap. Larger and heavier, he easily

slammed the other man to the ground. Damune rolled
sideways. Maelgwn lunged after him. Grabbing the twisting
vampire’s shoulders, Maelgwn roared as he tossed Damune
to the side. His enemy slammed into a tree trunk, then the

Damune’s head lifted and he hissed at Maelgwn. Seconds

later, the vampire was on his feet again and charged toward
him. Changing tactics, Maelgwn opened his arms and
accepted the attack. Damune hit him full force. He flapped
his wings and dug his toe claws into the ground to stay

Pain sliced through his lower back as Damune sank his

elongated nails in. Before Damune could wrap his jaws
around Maelgwn’s throat and bite, he twisted his torso as if
he were going to dip a dance partner. Damune stumbled

Maelgwn grabbed Damune’s head in both hands and

twisted. The sick sound of popping tendons and cracking
bones sounded through the clearing as Maelgwn snapped
Damune’s neck.

Damune’s eyes widened, his jaw sagged open, then the

red faded from his irises. Releasing the vampire, Maelgwn
allowed the dead to crumple to the ground. Damune lay

Ignoring his own pain, Maelgwn turned and strode

toward the crippled truck. He looked at Einan and noted the
dead vampire at his feet. A glance toward Adalric showed
the vampire was still trying to get Seth to relax. Reaching the
truck, Maelgwn saw why Bobby hadn’t come out. The
passenger door had crumpled, pinning his lover in the cab.

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“Ah, sweet,” he crooned. He tucked his wings around

him and climbed behind the wheel. “Just hang on. We’ll
have you out of here in no time.”

Bobby smiled up at him. His pupils were wide, tears

stained his cheeks, and his nose was red. “Are you okay?”

“Just fine,” Maelgwn promised, touched that even though

Bobby was pinned in a truck, he still worried about him.

“Don’t leave me,” Bobby whispered, reaching for him

with his near hand.

Maelgwn noticed the right hand was tucked against his

chest, making him worry about breaks or sprains. Ignoring
those thoughts for now, Maelgwn nodded. “Relax, little one.
I’m not going anywhere.” To confirm that, he slid closer on
the bench seat and wrapped his arms around his lover.
“You’re safe now.”

“Get away from him, freak!”
Seth’s screams jarred them both from their cuddling.

Bobby lifted a hand. “No, Seth, wait. These are the good
guys,” he said. “These guys are our friends.”

Seth actually wielded a bat. Where the hell he’d gotten it,

Maelgwn didn’t know. Adalric had his hands lifted in front
of him, a gesture of peace. Seth glanced between Adalric,
who murmured reassuring platitudes and Bobby tucked in
Maelgwn’s arms. “Friends?” he whispered, his body
weaving almost drunkenly. The human was clearly in shock.

Bobby nodded. “Yeah. Friends. The good guys. We’re safe


Seth’s head bobbed as he nodded jerkily. “Okay.” Then

his eyes rolled back into his head and the human dropped.

Adalric caught him before he hit the ground.

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Chapter Thirteen

eaning heavily on one crutch, Bobby used his free hand
to push open the door. It had taken him a while, but he’d

figured out how to maneuver on the wooden support.
Maelgwn and Perseus, the clutch’s doctor, had reminded
him that since he was mated to a gargoyle, the healing time
would only be a matter of weeks instead of months.
Unfortunately, that also meant more intensive physical
therapy to get the faster healing muscles in shape properly.
At least the mild sprain to his wrist already felt good as new.

Bobby stopped a few steps inside the room, letting the

door swing almost closed behind him. He looked around, at
first pleased to see the bed empty and made, then he noted
the figure huddled on the window seat, a throw blanket
wrapped tightly around him. Sighing, Bobby eyed his ex-
boyfriend sadly. The man wasn’t taking the changes in his
reality well.

“Hey, Seth,” he called, purposefully cheerful. “Is there

anything to see out that window?” Bobby hobbled forward,
pasting a smile on his face.

Seth turned to look at him, his eyes widening slightly.

Immediately the bigger man leaped up. “Bobby! Hey! Let
me help you. Are you okay? They wouldn’t let me see you!
Did they hurt you? How do we get out of here?”

Waving away Seth’s attempts to help, Bobby took the

offered seat Seth had vacated next to the window. He looked


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to his side and admired the snow-covered fir trees. The
icicles hanging from their branches reflected the afternoon
sun, making them appear to shimmer. Bobby understood
why Seth would sit and stare. A person could get lost in the
beauty and forget about their problems.

Except Bobby couldn’t do that right now. He was here to

help. Turning to Seth, he tried to remember Seth’s flood of
questions. “I’m doing okay, all things considered. When the
truck hit the tree, the door bent in and pinned my knee. The
force stretched a couple ligaments and tendons in my knee,
and there’ll be some physical therapy involved, but it’ll
heal,” he told him, downplaying the injury a bit.

Seth gasped. “Shit. I’m so sorry. I should have been more


Bobby’s brows shot up. It was the first time Seth had

apologized for anything without prompting. And it wasn’t
even his fault. Bobby was quick to tell him that. “Stop, stop.
It’s not your fault. You did everything you could to help. It’s
that damn Damune’s fault. Fucker,” he added under his

“The v-vampire?” Seth whispered, his voice cracking.
Nodding, Bobby murmured, “Yeah. Damune was a

vampire. But he’s dead now, so he can’t bother any of us
anymore.” He paused for just a second, then added, “I’m
sorry about your friends, Seth. I might not have liked them,
but I never wanted them dead.” He grimaced, knowing how
inadequate that sounded.

Seth settled on the corner of his bed, let his head loll on

his shoulders and closed his eyes. “I knew them since grade-
school. They never understood why I liked men instead of
women, but they seemed accepting of it.” He shook his
head. “Until you.” Lifting his head, he opened his eyes and
gave Bobby a sad look. “I guess, they couldn’t handle it after
all. I’d never brought dates around them before. There’d

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never been anyone important enough.” He paused and
sighed, his gaze sliding to the scene beyond the window and
whispered, “I should have stopped their asshole antics. Then
maybe—then maybe I wouldn’t have lost you.”

Bobby didn’t know what to say to that. He had no way of

knowing if he would have left Seth for Maelgwn even if the
man had forced his friends to treat him better. To Bobby, it
was a moot point.

Instead, he asked, “So, what were you doing in town


Seth grimaced. “The guys came to my condo a few nights

after I stopped talking to them. When I wouldn’t let them in,
they started calling through the door how they’d bring you
back to me, since that seemed to be why I refused to see
them.” He dropped his head into his hand and groaned. “I
didn’t want them hurting you. I came to warn you they were
coming, but I got there too late. Fuck, this is all my fault.”

Bobby touched his knee lightly. “None of this was your

fault. They made their own choices. It’s not like you forced
Forest or Grant or Mark to attack Damune.” Seth didn’t
appear to believe him. Realizing a subject change was
needed, Bobby bit back a frustrated sigh and said, “I
understand you won’t leave your room. You can, you know.
You’re safe here.”

“Safe,” Seth scoffed. “How can you say that? With

these…these creatures around us? They’re monsters. They
drink blood and fly and turn into statues. Don’t you want to

Damn, Seth really is taking this hard. Bobby knew Adalric

had visited Seth at least twice, but his ex refused to speak to
the vampire. “They’re not monsters, Seth,” Bobby stated
firmly. “They’re just different. A different race. And just like
humans, there are bad ones and good ones. I’d appreciate it
if you didn’t speak that way about them.”

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Seth’s eyes widened. “Oh, shit. I’m doing the same thing

to them that my friends did to you, aren’t I?”

“Well, yeah,” Bobby said hesitantly. He hoped that

realization was a step in the right direction on the road to
acceptance for Seth. Getting up on his good leg, Bobby
positioned the crutch under his arm. “Look. Give them a
chance. They’re good people and might surprise you. I know
they won’t let you leave just yet, but you’re still in shock
over…” he paused and waved his free hand in the air
between them. “Learning about them can be very traumatic
and confusing. Trust me. I know.”

Seth didn’t respond, but Bobby imagined he could feel his

gaze as he hobbled toward the door. When he reached for it,
Seth finally broke the silence. “Did they force you to move
down here?”

Bobby looked over his shoulder at Seth and smiled. “No. I

came of my own free will. And even with this injury,” he
continued, nodding toward his bum knee, “it’s still the best
decision I’ve ever made.”

Seth’s jaw fell open, and it took a couple tries for the man

to say, “You’re in love with one of them, aren’t you?”

He hadn’t intended to rub it in Seth’s face, but he

certainly wasn’t going to deny it either. Bobby nodded. “Yes.
I’m in love with Maelgwn. The big gargoyle that helped save
us last night.”

“I met him, didn’t I?” Seth murmured the question,

looking to be deep in thought.

Bobby nodded. “Yeah.” The ache in his leg reminded

Bobby that he needed to elevate his leg. “Look, I gotta go lie
down, but…think about what I said. Go out and talk to them
with an open mind. You might be surprised at the new
friends you’ll make.”

After Seth nodded, Bobby turned, pulled open the door,

and limped from the room. He really hoped Seth would take

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his advice seriously. He knew the man was hurting, losing
his boyfriend, grade-school friends, and at the moment, his
freedom, all in a row. His world was in upheaval, but Bobby
knew Seth was strong. He’d get over it. There wasn’t much
he could do for the man, especially since Maelgwn knew
Seth was his ex and his possessive mate…was standing right
outside the door.

How much had he overheard?
Maelgwn had a surprised look on his face, which slowly

morphed into a shit-eating grin. “You love me?”

That answered that question.
It sure wasn’t how Bobby had intended to tell his lover,

but now that the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, he
wasn’t going to deny it. He rolled his eyes and knocked his
shoulder against the big guy’s abdomen. “Don’t look so
smug. Of course, I love you, ya big oaf.”

“Good,” Maelgwn growled, the smile disappearing.
Bobby let out a squeak when Maelgwn swept him up in

his arms. Always considerate, Maelgwn was mindful of
Bobby’s injured knee and wrapped one arm under his
thighs, instead. The other was wrapped snuggly around his
shoulders and cradled Bobby to his chest.

Maelgwn nuzzled the top of Bobby’s head as he started

moving through the house. “I love you, too, sweet. I love
you, too,” he murmured.

Bobby grinned and leaned his head back, accepting a

deep kiss from Maelgwn, which almost instantly had his
cock tenting his sweatpants. Regaining a little self-control,
Bobby murmured against Maelgwn’s lips, “Is now a good
time to make sure Sapian isn’t in too much trouble? If I have
to still have a bodyguard, I’d really like it to be him.”

Maelgwn groaned as he laid Bobby on their new bed and

followed him down. “Damn it. I’m hard as a rock. From the
way you smell, you are, too, and you’re asking about

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Sapian?” Maelgwn glared. “That is so wrong.”

Bobby snickered. “I know I’ll get what I want when

you’re like this.”

His lover’s expression sobered slightly, though a smile

did play at the corners of his firm lips. “Leading me around
by my dick already, mate?”

Dropping his hand to Maelgwn’s loincloth covered groin,

Bobby gave said dick a nice firm squeeze. “Only in the most
pleasurable of ways, my love.”

“Fuck, I like the sound and feel of that,” Maelgwn

snarled, tearing the fabric off so Bobby had unrestricted

He took advantage and cupped Maelgwn’s balls, rolling

the sensitive orbs in their soft hide sacks. Groaning,
Maelgwn used careful claws to shred the t-shirt and sweats
from Bobby’s body. Bobby squeezed Maelgwn’s testicles just
hard enough to get his attention. Maelgwn grunted and
focused on Bobby’s face. “I liked those clothes,” Bobby

Maelgwn grinned. “I’ll get you more, better sweats.”
Bobby nodded and jacked his lover’s shaft twice. “And


Growling, Maelgwn inserted himself between Bobby’s

legs and snarled. “Fuck, don’t say another man’s name when
your hand is on my cock. I don’t like it.” Then he muttered,
almost grudgingly, “Sapian isn’t in trouble.”

Laughing, Bobby wrapped his good leg around

Maelgwn’s waist and both arms around his neck. He rocked
their bodies together and, knowing what his lover needed to
hear, murmured, “I’m only yours Maelgwn. All yours. Love

“Good, because this is mine,” Maelgwn grunted. He

reached between them and fingered Bobby’s hole.

Bobby grinned when Mealgwn discovered the large butt

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plug he’d inserted earlier. Moaning, Maelgwn whispered
throatily, “So fucking sexy. Love that you’re ready for me.”

Maelgwn slowly pulled the plug halfway out then let go,

letting it slide back into Bobby’s clenching ass, hitting his
prostate in the process. It was Bobby’s turn to moan, his
back bowing in pleasure. “Mal,” he muttered. “Need you,

To Bobby’s pleasure, Maelgwn wasted no more time. He

gently pulled out the plug and replaced the toy with his
long, thick cock. Bobby moaned at the sensation of his lover
moving inside him, taking up residence in his body. Being
possessed by Maelgwn felt like coming home.

As Maelgwn began a steady pace of thrust and retreat,

pegging Bobby’s hot spot every couple strokes, Bobby’s
body heated from the inside out. Maelgwn wrapped one
arm under his back, resting most of his weight on his elbow.
The other hand toyed with Bobby’s nipples, sending sparks
of pleasure across his chest and down to his groin. His balls
pulled tight. His chute clenched. His spine tingled. Bobby
knew he was going to come without his shaft even being
touched, and it was divine.

The teeth piercing his shoulder were the final straw,

throwing him over the edge and into bliss. His channel
clenched on Maelgwn’s dick, as though trying to keep his
lover’s thrusting erection buried deep inside him. The warm
rush of seed in his ass told him his gargoyle had come, as
well as the way Maelgwn shuddered, growled, and jerked
above him.

Bobby knew he sported a silly, sated grin, but couldn’t

care less. He loved being filled by Maelgwn, being held by
Maelgwn, hell, even being bitten by the gargoyle. His lover
hadn’t exaggerated when he said he wanted to please Bobby.

Sliding his fingers through Maelgwn’s long, dark hair, he

sighed upon feeling Maelgwn’s tongue lick the wound on

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his neck. He knew the gargoyle’s saliva would close it.
Maelgwn lifted his head and captured Bobby’s mouth in a
deep kiss, their tongues twining hungrily, the faint taste of
copper on his tongue.

Instead of being disgusted, Bobby found he wanted more.

He wanted everything his gargoyle could give him, for as
long as Fate would allow it. Overwhelmed by his love,
Bobby broke the kiss and dropped his head back on the
pillow. His dick was still hard and as he shifted his hips, he
hummed at the discovery that so was his lover.

Opening his eyes, Bobby smiled up at Maelgwn.
Maelgwn eyed him for several seconds, then leaned down

and scraped his sharp canines across the sensitive skin
behind Bobby’s ear. Bobby whimpered, making it hard to
sort out Maelgwn’s words when the gargoyle asked, “Did I
put that sweet, goofy smile on your face?”

It was probably meant to tease, but Bobby answered

anyway. “Yeah, yeah you did.” He tightened his arms
around his lover. “My gargoyle. My home.”

Shifting so their gazes met, Bobby saw a sappy grin on

Maelgwn’s face that probably matched his own. Maelgwn
nodded. “As you are mine. Thank you for making your
home with me.”

“As cheesy as it sounds, there’s nowhere else I’d rather

be,” Bobby told him.

The dick in his ass twitched and Bobby smirked. “Now

why don’t you fuck me through the mattress, my mate?”

A feral growl vibrated through Maelgwn’s chest. “With


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About the Author

Charlie lives on a mini ranchette in Utah with her husband
and furry, four-legged children. She started writing fantasy
when she was eight, and after stumbling onto her first erotic
romance at age nineteen, she realized her true calling. She
now focuses on writing erotic romance, normally of the
paranormal variety, with heroes and heroines of all kinds.
You can often find her curled up with her laptop and a cup
of tea or glass of wine, creating her next adventure. Charlie
enjoys exploring the mountains on horseback, 4-wheeler, or
motorcycle. Her favorite exercise is jumping lessons with her
Arabian gelding Apache or her Thoroughbred mare Repo.
And she can’t get enough of sexy highlanders with their kilts
and swords. Right now, she and her muse are working with
dedication on her Wolves of Stone Ridge series and Kontra’s
Menagerie series.

She can be reached at
Or visit her at


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