Awaken Your Inner Power! by Robert Morgen

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Awaken Your

Inner Power!

A Simple Path to Personal Mastery

Robert Morgen

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ii Awaken Your Inner Power

Mystic Wolf Media

Copyright © 2011 by Robert Morgen.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopy, or any information storage or
retrieval system, without written permission of the author.

ISBN 13: 978-0-9790400-7-8
ISBN 10: 0-9790400-7-8

Library of Congress Control Number: 2010929526

Author photo by Anya Yankelevich

Printed in the USA

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About the Author

Robert Morgen experienced a near-death kundalini

awakening in 1992 and spent over a decade discovering what
happened and how to adapt to the changes in his life.

He’s the author of “Awaken Your inner Power!” and

The Spiritual Entrepreneur”.

He’s a Reiki Master who holds a Black Belt in

Hoshinjutsu and a Deputy Black Belt in Combat Hapkido.

He’s the founder of The Inner Power Online

Community, the Inner Power Meditation Meetup Group,
host of The Inner Power Radio Show and creator of 4 CDs on
meditation and energy work.

You can download over an hour of free Guided

Meditation MP3’s at his website.

The Inner Power Podcast

Robert Morgen produces a FREE Podcast in which you

may download many of the exercises from this book as

guided meditations.

You may access this Podcast, The Inner Power Online

Community, The Inner Power Radio Show and see Robert's

workshop and seminar schedule at the Inner Power Blog


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For Anya, for standing by me when it didn’t make any sense.

For Jake for being so much fun.

For my sister Karen, for all the years of wondering what was

wrong with me.

For Andy for being so cool.

For Jeff, Lynda, Jan, Doug Bueckert and Jen Brown-Cutrell

because good friends are nice to have and when you can list

them all that easily then you should.

For Glenn Morris for making things make sense, even when it

hurt (a lot


An unexpected side effect to writing a book has been the

interesting people who've looked me up after reading it.

Thanks to Scott Malone, Robert Weiland, Tom Lux, Brad

Feaster, Brian Earnest and all the others who've come along to

lend a hand and offer support.

A special thanks to Margie Casados! Margie did a great job

helping me get my radio show and some other projects going.

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Table of Contents


WHO are You? ....................................................................... vii

What is Inner Power? ............................................................. 1

In a Perfect World ................................................................... 9

Creating Your World ............................................................. 16

Closer to Bliss ....................................................................... 30

Intro to Meditation ................................................................. 64

Basic Exercises ..................................................................... 74

Feeling and Seeing Energy .................................................. 92

Finding your ‘Inner Gods’ .................................................... 97

Complete Self Acceptance ................................................. 105

The Chakras ........................................................................ 108

Healing ................................................................................. 134

Opening the Chakras .......................................................... 144

Damo’s Cave ....................................................................... 150

Travels in the Void .............................................................. 154

Becoming Your True Self ................................................... 157

Living in Abundance ........................................................... 180

Death and Reincarnation .................................................... 189

Becoming who we’re Supposed to Be .............................. 193

Setting Boundaries for the Universe ................................. 199

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1% for Inner Peace .............................................................. 203

How to Achieve Inner Peace .............................................. 206

Epilogue: The Beginning .................................................... 211

Resource List for Inner Power ........................................... 213

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WHO are You?

Inner Power is the combination of your basic energy and what you

can do with that energy to accomplish your goals in life. The more

energy you can generate, the more energy you have available to focus on

your goals.

Of course it’s not just about having more energy, but rather it’s

about using the energy you have more effectively. I’ve laid this book out

in a simple progression of concepts and exercises that would’ve helped

me immensely when I started meditation and energy work.

I occasionally use the phrase 'when your Inner Power awakens'

and I mean it exactly that way. Human beings have a pool of dormant

energy that lies at the base of the spine. Known as Kundalini in Sanskrit,

this energy is blocked by the stress, mental inflexibility and poor

physical fitness of the average person but with a little training and a lot

of practice anyone can access this pool of energy. I'm going to refer to

the Kundalini as Inner Power or energy from this point on. When your

Inner Power awakens it travels up the spine and sends a blast of energy

throughout your system and this event can alter the way you look at the

Universe and everything in it.

This awakening will cause you to deal with every aspect of your

life, and how many people do you know who do all they can to avoid just

that? My experience has shown that you can take the time to cleanse and

balance your life on your own terms, or this energy awakening will force

you to do it. Your physical/mental/spiritual self is like an onion. You can

peel it back, clean it up and balance it one layer at a time or this energy

cleansing will do it all at once, like smashing the onion with a

sledgehammer. The exercises and principles in this book are all designed

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to help you make gradual, incremental changes to your life rather than a

shocking spiritual awakening that completely changes who you think you


The Universe functions, in many ways, like a vast computer.

Like any computer it gives you what you ask for, or what you’ve

programmed it for, rather than what you want. Many of the principles in

this book will help you take control of that programming. Like many

programs, yours can run automatically once you know how the system

works and what you want to accomplish.

The Human Energy System is a fascinating piece of bio-

technology and we’re fortunate to live in a time when science and

spirituality are becoming sister sciences. Scientists have now proven

beyond a doubt that everything in the universe is connected and we as

observers/participators have much more control over our lives than we

ever believed possible.

The concepts in the first part of the book will help you get your

head around what this means to you on a personal level. After that we

move into meditation and energy work. This section will help you

develop and increase your energy levels, primarily by showing you how

to get out of your own way.

The meditation exercises will help you learn to see and feel

energy as well as move it around in your body and even in other people.

The goal with meditation is to help you reduce the internal and external

resistance to your energy by reducing stress and toxicity. The less

resistance you have the more energy you can use. Take your time with

the meditation exercises. Some of these took me years to learn on my

own and I’ve included links to some free Guided Meditation MP3’s of

some of these exercises that you can download and share with friends.

The Chakra chapter introduces some of the energy vortexes on

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your body. Chakra, an ancient Sanskrit word for wheel, refers to an

interface for aspects of your energy, personality and emotions. When

working with the chakras we can take much more control over our lives

while healing deep mental and emotional trauma and even wounds from

past lives. I’ve included enough about chakras to get you started, but this

chapter isn’t meant to be a comprehensive training course. I’ve included

references to some good books for further study.

The Healing chapter that follows will help you balance your

energy and clear more energy blocks. I’ve included instructions for Reiki

and contrary to popular belief you DO NOT need to be ‘attuned’ to Reiki

in order to use it. I’ve proven this repeatedly with my own students and

in classes and seminars. The attunements give you a jump start but if you

use it consistently your body will attune itself. The Reiki exercises here

will help you cleanse and balance your body and energy fields.

The latter part of the book includes more concepts and lessons

I’ve learned the hard way. We’re all a collection of thoughts, feelings

and emotions that may have piled up for years without any cleansing or

direction. Learning to take control of those thoughts, feelings and

especially emotions can give you much more control over your life.

Much of the bio-technology in this book is based in Eastern

sources because that’s what survived the religious purges of the Dark

Ages. I’ve tried to minimize the Eastern terminology as much as possible

but in some cases there are no Western words for the concepts.

While much of what I cover in this book could be called

‘spiritual’ in the sense of ‘dealing with the spirit’ I want to make a point

that this is a bio-technology. This means it’s a technology that’s available

to everyone with a biology, regardless of religion or spiritual path. The

concepts and exercises here can be used by anyone who wants to develop

a better mind/body/spirit connection and done properly will enhance any

spiritual path.

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You’ll notice that I repeat some of the concepts throughout the

book because some of these concepts are extremely important and can’t

be stressed enough. I also repeat some concepts because the human mind

can’t store a new concept the first time it’s encountered. Frequently I’ll

mention a concept and say a few words about it and then get into it more

deeply later on.

As your energy awakens you’ll see that we tend to come back to

the same concepts repeatedly. Usually this happens in a spiral. You’ll

learn something and later you’ll come back to that subject at a higher

level and learn more about it. I’ve used that idea in the layout of this


I stress safety in this manual and made it a point to provide

several exercises and principles that can make your journey significantly

safer. One side effect of intense meditation and energy work can be

extreme changes to your perceptions. These changes can affect all

aspects of your life. This type of training should definitely be considered

a ‘warrior path’ and it’s not at all what many people think of when you

mention meditation. Like any warrior path this one requires discipline,

dedication and the courage to face your most dangerous opponent head

on. Those who think of meditation as a fluffy, New Age version of sitting

and staring at the wall are in for a shock.

When you embark on this path I assure you that you will be

afraid, confused, hurt, depressed and angry, but I also promise that if you

pay attention to the principles and do the exercises in this book you'll

have all the tools you need to handle those moments. I'm not a guru or an

expert or any type of 'Master', I'm just a guy who has screwed all of this

stuff up for long enough that I can now share some things that will help

and maybe give you some examples of what not to do.

No book can be everything to everyone, but I’m confident that if

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you approach this one with an open mind and a willingness to go

somewhere new you'll find that this book can take you there… and you’ll

probably be someone new when you get there.

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Chapter 1

What is Inner Power?

Think of the human body as a piece of electrical wire. Our body

has a measurable field of bioelectrical energy that flows through it. This

energy is in everything that we see, feel, experience or imagine.

There is a difference, however, between energy and Power. You

can be extremely energetic and go, go, go all the time and still not get

anything done. Hence my definition of

Power is ‘The ability to use what you

have to accomplish your goals’. The

more energy you can generate, the

more energy you have to focus on your


At the same time it’s not just

about having more energy, but rather

about using the energy you have more

effectively. In order to use your energy most effectively you have to

reduce the amount of resistance that has to be overcome. When we look

at a piece of electrical wire we see that it has a rating that allows

electricians to know how much energy it can carry and how much

resistance is on the line.

When we look at our body we can see a lot of ways we add

resistance to our energy. The food we eat, the environmental toxins we

come in contact with and especially our emotions can add resistance to

It’s not about

having more

energy, but using

the energy you

have more


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our energy leaving us drained and powerless. There are many paths to

increasing your Inner Power and the methods and tools in this book are

by no means the only way.

I’ve used what I’ve learned from studying the Eastern

methodologies primarily because those methodologies survived the

religious persecution suffered by Western energy workers over the last

couple of thousand years. I’ve tried as much as possible to replace the

Eastern terminology, but in some cases there is no good Western


Take your time with the concepts and exercises that follow. I’ve

laid them out in a progression that would have helped me greatly in my

own studies in the hopes that it can trim some years or trials off your


Programming Your System

The Universe works like a huge computer, and like a computer it

will give you exactly what you program it to give, rather than what you

think you want. Learning to take control of that programming can allow

you to put much of your growth process on autopilot, rather than trying

to think about every piece of information that comes to you each


The human brain processes billions of pieces of information per

second. Even if you wanted to you couldn’t focus on each bit of

information you process. Your brain handles this information overload

by using various filters or triggers that are your basic programming for

how you handle certain situations or events.

Many of these filters can be adjusted, deleted or reprogrammed

to help you get the results you want from your life. The principles,

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concepts and exercises in this book will help you take control of that


Some Keys to the Program

I’m going to get into much more detail as we go along, but for

right now I’m going to give you some simple keys to how your

programming works. Jack Canfield points out that “The Universe is like

a giant lock. If you have the key, the lock has to open”.

Belief – Your beliefs are some of your most basic and powerful

programming. Your subconscious can’t manifest what you don’t believe.

A good example might be a person living in poverty who wants to be

rich, but who also hates ‘rich people’ and uses words like ‘Eat the Rich’.

Your subconscious will never let you become that which you despise, so

as long as you believe that rich people are bad, you’ll always be poor.

Emotion – Your body is your interface between the ‘real’ world

and the Universe. One of our primary problems is that our physical

language, a primitive version of English in my case, is not what the

Universe speaks. The Universe speaks emotion, and that’s how we

communicate directly with it. The Universe doesn’t bring you what you

ask for; it brings you what you feel. Learning to use the language of

emotion allows you to get better results more quickly.

Contrast – You have to know what you want in order to get it. I

came to a shocking realization a few years ago that I always get what I

ask (feel) for. However, I was consistently asking and feeling for what I

didn’t want because I didn’t have good control over my programming.

Whenever you experience an event you can look at that event and break

it into what you want and what you don’t. Many people get wrapped up

in the feeling of what they don’t want and therefore send out a message

‘bring this’ to the Universe.

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Doubt – You can ask for anything you want, but if you doubt

your ability to get it then you block the manifestation of it. This is both a

pain in the butt and a safety. How often, through bad programming, do

we ask for things that are bad for us? Once you decide what you want,

decide that it’s good for you and that you should have it, all you have to

do is know that it’s on the way and allow it to come. The feeling of

doubt is also the feeling of NOT having what you want.

I’ll cover these keys in more detail later on in the book. For now

just keep them in mind.

The Human Energy System

Energy, also called chi, ki or prana in various cultures, flows

through long channels called meridians. From the meridians your energy

flows into all the parts of your body. This electrical energy can be

measured with modern medical equipment and influenced by healing

modalities such as qi qong (chi kung), acupuncture and Reiki as well as

martial modalities such as Dim Mak.

There are energy centers on your body called chakras. Chakra is

a Sanskrit word for ‘wheel’ and these energy centers correlate to the

physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of your being. Working with

your chakras can directly affect your energy and the various parts of your

life. I get into a better description of the chakras in a later chapter.

Your energy can be affected by many things including diet,

exercise, environment and stress. Your energy can be felt with the bare

hand and seen with the naked eye. With training and practice you can

have a large amount of control over the energy in your body and even

affect the energy in other people.

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There are a few simple things to remember when it comes to

energy work;

Energy follows thought – Energy will go to whatever you are

thinking about. This is one of the reasons I stress keeping a positive

attitude and having faith. Energy will go wherever you send it and the

more intentional you can be the better your results will be.

Think about where you send your energy. How much of your

energy goes either into the past or into the future? A lot of people spend

their time thinking about what they wish they had done differently in the

past or thinking about what they would like to do in the future.

How much of your energy is spent thinking about what you

don’t want? It’s important to know what you want and what you don’t,

hence the concept of contrast. Many of us however, fall into patterns of

focusing on what we don’t want when presented with contrast. Your

subconscious only sees what you focus on and tries to bring that into

reality; it doesn’t know the difference between ‘want’ and ‘don’t want’.

What you focus on is what you get.

Energy flows like water – Energy always takes the path of least

resistance. The energy pathways or meridians, in our body can become

blocked or stagnated. When that happens your energy is impeded in the

same way that a dam impedes a river, with the same type of results.

When your energy backs up behind a block what develops is a

pool of stagnant energy. Depending on where it blocks this can manifest

in mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health problems. Energy

blocks can have an extreme effect on your entire being, which is why I’m

giving you exercises on how to keep your energy moving and release

these blocks.

There are a lot of ways to release energy blocks. Exercise is one

of the best but it has to be something you love. If you love to dance and

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hate the gym then an hour of dancing will do more for you than 2 hours

in the gym. Exercise, to be effective, has to be a part of your lifestyle,

which is why so many people buy gym memberships that never get used.

Exercise you love can relieve stress, get your lymph moving and

increase the amount of energy you have available. Yoga and Qi Qong are

forms of exercise which help energize and cleanse your meridians

slowly. Acupuncture, Chiropractic and Reiki can do wonders for helping

to cleanse them more rapidly as part of an overall health plan.

Exercise can also do wonders to help your body eliminate

toxins, both organic and environmental. In the modern world it’s

impossible to avoid the toxins in our food and environment and a

healthy, active body will more efficiently eliminate them from your


Energy doesn’t flow through tight muscles - Just as energy

can block up in your meridians, it can be blocked by tight muscles.

Stretching and flexibility are about more than being able to kick high.

When a muscle is tight it can’t move and you have to relax it

before you can do anything with it. The more loose and relaxed you can

be the faster and more easily you’ll be able to move.

There’s 2 ways to have more energy, make more or use less

For now think of your energy levels as you would a bank account. If you

have $100 worth of energy budgeted throughout your day then the more

efficient you can be the more you’ll have left over at the end of the day.

If you start off by spending part of your energy thinking about

the past, and then blow some more thinking about what you don’t want,

and then spend another chunk daydreaming about the future or your

fantasy world then how much is left for the present?

Don’t misunderstand me and think that it’s never ok to

remember the past, think about the future or indulge your imagination.

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My point is simply to do those things in a more mindful and purposeful

way. Invest rather than splurge.

Energy flows best through a happy body – One reason I stress

guided meditation exercises like The Secret Smile is because these

exercises let you take more control over the movement and feel of your

energy. The goal of The Secret Smile is to make you feel relaxed,

competent, happy and sexy; which is opposite of how many of us feel

throughout the day.

If you can develop a lifestyle of being happy and relaxed then

many of the common energy blocks will be avoided and your energy will

flow easily and unencumbered.

Using Your Energy

We’ll get into a lot of different tools and ways to develop and

use chi, but here’s an example.

My best friend is a former street cop for a small town in

Colorado. He began experimenting with people while he was on duty and

discovered that when he opened up and sent loving, green energy straight

out from his heart chakra it drastically cut down on the number of

conflicts he had with the people he dealt with.

An interesting side effect of this technique is that it keeps you

focused in a compassionate stance while dealing with conflict, rather

than mirroring the anger and frustration of the person you are dealing

with. It also keeps you more relaxed and in tune with people, allowing

you that split second of warning when it’s needed. Play with this. If you

have a training buddy then practice sending energy out this way and see

what you can both feel.

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Energy is all around you and a part of everything you do. The

more you learn about it and how to use it the more you’ll be able to relax

and allow your will to direct the course of your life. That’s Inner Power.

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Chapter 2

In a Perfect World

If you’re like a lot of people, you have a list of things that you’d

change about your life, if you only had the ability. Well, you do have the

ability right now to take charge of your life and turn every moment of

every day into a miraculous journey beyond anything you've ever

dreamed of, all you need is a shift in perspective. It's ok if you don't

believe me. Come along and prove it for yourself.

Here's the key. Reality as you

know it is the result of everything

you've done up until now. Your

reality is the sum of every moment of

your life, so if you want to change the

reality of your life then you have to

take control of those moments.

"Holy Crap!" you might

think. "You mean that I have to be

constantly aware of every single thing

that happens all the time?"

Fortunately it's easier than

that. You can put this process on

autopilot just by integrating a few simple principles.

How often have you heard someone say “In a perfect world I’d

be ______.”? Insert whatever you want; rich, smart, male, female, etc ad

Your reality is the

sum of every

moment of your

life, so if you want

to change the

reality of your life

then you have to

take control of

those moments.

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One of my big realizations is that we do live in a Perfect World

in this moment. Whenever I bring that up I get a plethora of

imperfections that people are currently experiencing. War, rape,

violence, taxes, planned obsolescence, Blues Traveler, HMO’s and so on.

We see what we look for. Those who look for strife and conflict

will find it, as will those who look for love and beauty. For those seeking

love and beauty and who have an open mind and heart, I have some

exercises and meditations that can help you along.

Recognizing Perfection

The universe, right now in this moment, is absolutely perfect. It

existed in perfection for billions of years before our earliest ancestor

crawled out of the primordial ooze.

It will exist, in perfection, for untold eons after our last

descendant fades into memory. I’m sure there are those who’d clean up

the Asteroid Belt or get rid of that red spot on Jupiter. I’m sure there are

a couple of galaxies hanging crookedly in the cosmic distance and folks

who would straighten them the way you’d adjust a picture on the wall.

Here’s a curve ball for you;

If the Universe is perfect then everything in it is also perfect. If

everything in the universe is perfect then YOU at this moment, are

absolutely perfect!

Everything about YOU, every pimple or blob of fat or unwanted

hair, is exactly as it’s meant to be in this exact moment! You are a living

example of the perfection of the Universe. All you have to do is accept

that as fact and it will be so.

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Part of the Process

Many people believe in reincarnation. My experience shows me

that we’re here to learn specific lessons and there are simply too many

lessons for any one lifetime. Each life we live is an incremental process

as we learn, develop and grow into who we’re supposed to become.

Along the way we’re learning lessons in harsh conditions and in

pleasant conditions. The area between comfort and effectiveness is called

growth, and we each have different comfort zones and growth lessons.

Everything that happens in this universe is part of someone’s growth


That’s not meant to demean anyone’s suffering or victimization.

The horrible events that occur daily give rise to some of our greatest

discoveries, our most heroic deeds and our most inspiring examples of

compassion and teamwork.

For every outrage there is an inspiration. Every negative feeling

is a call to action and a chance to get involved at some level and you can

get involved in any way you are guided. Often these feelings are moving

us towards the realizations that we came here, in this life, to learn.

Meditation, self-awareness and a willingness to listen to your

internal voices are the keys here. You’re limited only by your willingness

to go inside and seek your own answers.

Learning to take control of your attitudes, feelings, thoughts and

actions can allow you to feel the perfection in every moment. Every

breath brings a lesson in how to live in higher awareness. ‘Awakening’ is

simply adapting your perceptions to see the perfection in each event.

I didn't say the positive in each event. Positive/negative,

good/bad and right/wrong are all subjective qualifiers that we place on a

moment or event. It's a way to classify something that happens. Simply

see the moment from the perspective of acceptance without any

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judgment or classification.

When you judge, you’re restricting your perceptions of the

event. Mars for example, isn't good or bad. It's only big or small when

we compare it to something else, like Jupiter or your left foot. Take away

the judgment and you'll see that Mars simply IS.

With a little training and a lot of practice anyone can learn to

live in a perfect moment, a moment that simply IS. Once you’ve

experienced that perfect moment then you can start to string those

moments together to create your perfect life.

Looking for Answers

An interesting aspect of being human is that we constantly

search for answers. Why are we here? What’s it all about? Where do we

go when we die?

You’ll find there’s no shortage of religions, philosophies and

political organizations willing to supply the answers. In fact, throughout

our entire lives we’re constantly indoctrinated into one system of

answers or another. One of the things I notice is that most of the systems

that provide answers tend to require you to accept the external answers

provided rather than going into yourself and looking for your own


My feeling is that there are over 6 billion people on this planet

and there seems to be a different correct answer for each of us. With that

in mind I’m not going to write about ‘truth’ in this book. We each have

to find our own. I’m simply going to expound on some of the things that

I’ve learned and been shown and let you make up your own truth.

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Acceptance and Growth

97% of the people in this world operate in the comfort zone. 3% of

the people in this world operate in the effective zone. The difference

between comfort and effectiveness is called growth, and growth is

uncomfortable. – Krish Dhanam

For many of us growth comes with experience, and frequently

our experience tends to be labeled either ‘good’ or ‘bad’. You don't have

to like, condone or agree with any events you experience, you just have

to accept them as they are at that moment and realize those events are

exactly perfect.

"Sure" you might respond. "So a Chinese soldier is beating and

raping a Tibetan Buddhist nun. What a wonderful perfection."

We’re here to learn lessons that develop us into who we’re

meant to be. I'm not condoning rape, brutality, Chinese soldiers or

Buddhist nuns when I say that every event is a lesson, as is your response

to that event.

You can grab the soldiers AK-47 and send him back to Start and

hope he wants to learn something else in his next life. You can wait until

he leaves and do what you can for the nun, try to find help or take photos

for your Pulitzer and ALL of those will be the right answer depending on

what you’re here to learn.

Maybe the soldier and the nun both volunteered to come back to

this life and live this moment just so you could be outraged, take up the

pen and enlighten the world on the struggles of the Tibetan people.

Maybe the nun volunteered to live this moment because it's a turning

point in the soldier's life and he's going to change and spend the rest of

his life helping people.

You can’t see the ultimate cause and effect of what’s happening.

All you can do is have faith, do the best you can in any situation and

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realize that every moment is a perfect lesson in itself.

It Just Doesn’t Matter

Once you’re comfortable with the Perfection of the Universe

then you’ll realize you’re completely free. Since you ARE perfect you

can follow your voices in any direction that you’re led.

There will be for awhile yet, those who need to come back to

this plane of existence and learn the lessons of poverty, hunger and war.

You can't do anything about that, although you can step up and do your

best to eradicate those issues. If you are led in that direction then by all

means embrace your lessons and empower yourself in every way

possible. Maybe you feel called to be a relief worker or a soldier or a

tyrant or a martyr. Go for it.

Some of us are here to learn the lessons of peace, love, self

worth, loving one’s self and embracing the infinite abundance of the

universe. “Know thyself” as Socrates said, and you’ll be able to figure

out your purpose. In fact, knowing oneself is what the journey is about.

Good and Evil

The more I'm shown about concepts like Good and Evil, the

more strongly I believe they don't exist the way we think. Rather, what

we have is Freedom and Restriction.

Many of us see Freedom as the ability to, as Anthony Robbins

says, "Go where I want, when I want, with whomever I want and do

whatever I want for as long as I want". However, with Freedom we have

responsibility and the realization that even when we are totally free we

are still subject to certain Natural Laws.

You’re free to jump off a building but be aware that the Law of

Gravity comes into play and you are going to hit the ground.

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You’re free to treat others badly, but be aware that the Law of

Reciprocity comes into play and the Universe returns exactly what you

send out.

You’re free to live your life with a negative attitude, but be

aware that the Law of Attraction comes into play and you’ll attract

exactly what you think and feel.

So the idea of BALANCE becomes important. You have a great

degree of Freedom, but also a responsibility to yourself and those around

you. With the above Universal Laws in mind the question becomes

"When I exercise my freedoms am I creating more freedom for myself

and others, or more restriction?" How you answer that question

determines how the people around see you, but not how you see yourself.

My suggestion is that you spend some time looking at the events in your

life from the perspective of freedom or restriction, love or fear.

To experience true growth always requires one to get out of ‘the

comfort zone’, but discomfort isn’t the same as pain and suffering. Your

ability to accept your situation exactly as it is, in this moment, can be the

deciding factor between growth and misery.

Learning to integrate these concepts into your life on a moment

to moment basis can help you put much of what you want to create on

autopilot. This is about changing your programming for how you feel

about everything that happens to you. When you can feel better about all

of your experiences you have the ability to prevent the manifestation of

the ‘bad’ energy that many people feel all the time. Learning to feel

Perfection on a moment to moment basis allows you to make that

Perfection part of your reality. You won’t have to think about it, you can

just DO it.

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16 Awaken Your Inner Power

Chapter 3

Creating Your World

I believe each of us has the ability to create the world we live in and

change it as we see fit. I base that belief on my personal experience as

well as a growing volume of modern scientific evidence.

I believe we create our world for 2 simple reasons;

1. If I’m not creating my world and my reality then who is?

People frequently give the answer “God”, and I never argue with

that. I do point out that when you look to an external source for

creation and validation you are giving away all of your power

and ability. I’ve seen nothing at all in the Bible to make me think

I’m wrong and quite a handful of references that make me think

I’m right.

2. If I’m NOT creating my world, then I don’t have the ability to

change it!

Reason #2, more than anything else, is why I subscribe to this belief.

If I’m creating my world then I have the ultimate responsibility for it and

I can change it and adapt it as I wish.

No matter how you feel about responsibility, in order to create your

world you are going to have to accept 100% of the responsibility for

everything you create. There go all your excuses! You can't blame the

system, the dog, the car, the judge or the weather. Who cares if the sun

was in your eyes?

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Until you can accept 100% responsibility for everything that you do

then you are always, always, always going to be giving away your

power to anyone else who wants to take that responsibility away from


We live in a world where we have far more power than we think. We

have the ability to take 100% of the control over what happens to us and

it’s all built into the system. No matter what you are unhappy about, you

have the power to change it and make it better. Before you can do that

however, you have to take responsibility for it.

Acknowledging that you created your life is the first step. If you

don't admit to yourself that you created whatever situation you want to

change then you are never going to be able to give yourself the power to

rearrange it the way you want it to be. You are going to have to say "I

created this debt, this lousy job, this miserable lifestyle or this depressing

day. This came about through my actions and the decisions and choices

that I made. It wasn't the government, the system, my parents, my spouse

or my school teachers fault. I take complete responsibility for my life

from this moment on."

Have you ever heard that thoughts have power? There are several

ways that you can begin to use the power of thought and harness that


Concept – Energy Follows Thought

Your energy flows directly to whatever you think about. Later

on I've shown exercises for how you can project your energy and move it

around your body. This is not pseudo-science or New Age fluffiness.

This is scientific fact and all you have to do is experiment with it and

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18 Awaken Your Inner Power

you'll probably be able to do it. Most people can learn it in just a few


Another scientific fact is that you and the Universe are made of

exactly the same energy. The only differences are perceptual. You

perceive your Self to be separate from the Universe, so therefore you are.

As you begin working with your ego and taking more control over your

life you'll find there is a radical shift in perception in which the blocks

and separations between you and the Universe begin to disappear.

For a long time much of this process has been kept in the realms

of the esoteric and mystical. Teachers have doled out the information

piecemeal over a long period of time partly as a safety measure for their

students. We're fortunate that we live in a time when pretty much all of

this information is available. All you have to do is find a source you like

and start to use the information, with the caveat that the less you know

about what you’re getting into the more drastic the changes you’ll

experience may be.

So with that thought; you have $100 in your energetic bank

account from Chapter 2 and you are doing just fine as you get ready to go

to work and head out the driveway. You get out on the street and

someone cuts you off and you get mad and BANG! There goes $10 out

of your bank.

You just sent part of your energy to that person! If you stay mad

at them you are sending a constant stream of energy and the energy in

your account just keeps draining.

How much time do you spend thinking about events in your

childhood that angered or frightened you? How much time do you spend

mentally arguing with or telling off someone at work? How much time

do you spend worrying about other aspects of your life; that court date or

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those bills? What you think about and feel about is what you create

simply because you are sending the energy for it to manifest!

You've heard that you can't

create something out of nothing. When

you send energy to something you are

in fact, creating it! You are providing

the building blocks for the

manifestation of that which you think


If you send all your energy to

the things that make you angry, or into your past or into your worries,

what do you have left over to use to create CHANGE?

Empowering Your Life

We use the word empower a lot. Personal Empowerment is all

about finding the power to make the changes in your life. I believe you

already have all the power you need, the question at this point is how to

use that power.

This book is about how to make changes in your life and you

wouldn't have started reading it if you didn't have something you wanted

to change. I want to emphasize that you have all the power you need to

begin making that change right now.

All too often we want to put off making changes. We want to

wait until we’re in better shape, or have more money or more time. You

have everything you need right now! This is a key point.

You already


all the power you

need, and no one

can ever take it

away from you!

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20 Awaken Your Inner Power

Giving Yourself Permission

You are the ultimate authority on your life. You must be if you

are going to take responsibility for it. Therefore the first step to making

change is to give yourself permission to make that change.

Many of us are operating under old vows we've taken in this life

or another. A vow is a good tool. It's a way to give energy to your intent

and a great tool to help you manifest whatever change you needed at the

time you took the vow. Maybe you took a vow of poverty, or a vow of

celibacy (shudder). It's possible for a vow from another life to still affect

you in this one. All you have to do is give yourself permission to do

something different.

It’s not that you shouldn't take a vow seriously. I'm saying that a

vow is a good tool and when you're done using the tool it's ok to put it

down and pick up another one. Just because you started building a house

with a hammer doesn't meant you have to use the hammer all the time.

Sometimes you need a saw, a shovel or a beer when you are building a

house. Use the right tool at the right time.

Giving Yourself Permission is a tool that lets you break out of

subconscious ruts and start over. It's like shaking up the Etch-A-Sketch

in your subconscious. YOU can do anything that you want to do, or

accomplish anything you want to accomplish as long as you let yourself

do it.

Pick something small and give it a try. Grab an index card and


"I give myself permission to forgive every person who makes me angry


Or maybe;

"I give myself permission to receive every good thing that comes my

way today."

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It doesn't matter what you give yourself permission for. It only

matters that you start doing it. Giving Yourself Permission is also a tool

for erasing the doubt that blocks our manifestation. In the sections on

Abundance and Law of Attraction I'll get into much more detail about

this as we'll be using it a lot more. For now, just get started with it.

In Western culture we are taught that we need someone's

permission for almost anything. You need a license to drive, a permit to

hold a parade or add on to your house. You even need permission to

marry the person you love and there are laws that restrict your choices!

YOU are your own ultimate authority. YOU have the power to

change, manage, create and develop your life in any direction you wish.

YOU have the power to take the ultimate responsibility for your actions,

thoughts, desires and dreams and no one can take that away from you

unless you let them.

Punishment and Rewards

Many of us grew up in a restrictive religion using the carrot and

stick method. We’re told we must do this or that and believe this or that

otherwise we face eternal damnation.

WHY would any person, if given a choice, choose to live in that

sort of a system? Most people are never given the choice! They are

indoctrinated into it from birth and it becomes the only system they

know. When you are constantly told something by people you trust and

you have it drummed into you repeatedly of course you are going to

believe it. One of the most amazing tools that humans can use for good

or ill is the concept of belief.

I'm NOT against Christianity, or Islam, or Zoroastrianism or

Corn Tortillaism or any other ism. For some people the ism's are great

tools and exactly what is needed at that point.

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22 Awaken Your Inner Power

There are other people, and you may be one of them, who are

trying to break out of that restrictive paradigm. I spent the best part of a

decade struggling with this after I realized there were other ways and

other paths I could take.

One of the advantages to connecting to the Universe and

creating your life is that you get feedback. You'll know fairly quickly

whether what you are doing is working and then you can continue

developing your Self in the ways that work best.

When you start giving yourself permission to delete and remove

old vows one of the first things that pops up is the thought 'If I do this is

God going to be angry with me? Am I going to get punished or

blackballed or struck by lightning?'


If we're going to talk about punishment we have to get into the

subject of sin, otherwise what are we getting punished for? It's a bit like

the Income Tax in the US. There is no Law (let me repeat that!) there is

no Law that says you have to pay income tax. This is relatively easy to

prove and a slight bit of research on your part will turn up a ton of

information on the 16


Amendment and the creation of the Federal

Reserve. However, if you don't pay your taxes the IRS will take

everything you own and put you in prison (welcome to the Land of the


The concept of sin is a bit like that; except you create your own

prison and you judge and convict yourself.

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You can find the word 'sin' used in various contexts going back

nearly 10,000 years. My early research on sin was experiential, but a bit

of academic research turns up the word in Hinduism where sin or pāpa is

used to describe actions that create

negative karma.

Most forms of the word have

to do with guilt. The word translated

from Greek versions of the Christian

Bible to mean 'sin' means 'to miss the

mark or target'.

If you sin you are without the

grace of God, or you've missed your

goal of not sinning. Various religions have interesting lists of sins in

order to free their converts from having to think too much about this.

The Universe brings what you focus on and it doesn’t

understand words, so when you think of sin and you have a feeling either

good or bad, the result of that feeling is what you get. That’s why it’s

impossible to stamp out sin, abortion, guns, politicians or anything else

you focus on. You get what you focus on so if you’re going to focus on a

sin make sure it’s one you enjoy!

A key concept in many religions is salvation. You need the

priests/middle men in order to be saved and without them you’ll burn in

eternal damnation. This was a big controversy in the early days of

Christianity. Documents from Jesus’ time (as opposed to the modern

Bible which was created hundreds of years later) show He taught “The

Kingdom of Heaven is within you” and you are responsible for your own




what you

focus on so if

you’re going to

focus on a sin

make sure it’s one

you enjoy!

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24 Awaken Your Inner Power

Creating Your World (the way you want it)

“It’s all YOU, only you” – Esther Hicks

When you take responsibility for creating your world you may

think you have to give up the ability to go to the outside sources when

times get hard. When times get bad you realize YOU have created the

trials you’re going through. It would be so nice at that point to stop and

pray to some outside authority for help.

So many people stick with religion because it answers all the

questions and gives firm guidelines. In hard times you can wrap religion

around you like a warm blanket on a winter night and be comforted.

Everything in the Universe IS you. When we say it’s ALL you

we mean it exactly that way. The Universe is filled with unlimited energy

and you can allow that energy to flow into your physical self simply by

willing it to be so.

If you’re having a tough time remember that all the energy

you’ll ever need is available and you can just ask for it. Our physical

form gives us limits we have to overcome and can make us feel cut off

from the larger energy of the Universe. It may sound contradictory after

some of my rants on religion, but there is a form of higher energy you

can connect with. The route is inside you rather than ‘out there’.

The Universal Laws

We are subject to number of Laws until we develop the internal

power to break them (Google Milarepa). Many of us are familiar with

these Laws in a general sense. We're taught about the Law of Gravity in

school, for instance. As Dr. Michael Beckwith says in the movie 'The


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"I don't care if you're a good person or a bad person. If you fall off a

building, you're gonna hit the ground."

There are other Laws you may be familiar with that you haven't

seen put into this same perspective. I can assure you that these Laws are

even more influential on your life than gravity.

The Law of Reciprocity – "What Goes Around, Comes Around". In his

book 'Shadow Strategies of an American Ninja Master' Dr. Glenn Morris

lists about 20 different versions of this Law from almost every major

religion and philosophical path. When you integrate the fact that you will

receive exactly what you give you have a much greater degree of control

over your life.

In his excellent book 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' Robert Kiyosaki

points out that you have to give that which you want to receive. If you

want money then you have to give money. If you want more time then

give freely of your own. The moment you say "I can't afford to give

because I don't have enough" you are restricting yourself and cutting

yourself off from the same flow of energy you are looking for. This leads

us right into the next Law.

The Law of Attraction – The short version is that what you think about,

and more importantly, what you feel, is what you are going to get. You

have the ability to attract anything that you want if you take conscious

control of the process and develop the ability to control what you are

thinking and feeling.

Unfortunately most people spend a lot of time thinking about

what they don't want and feeling things that they don't want to feel, and

then wondering why they keep getting more of that.

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26 Awaken Your Inner Power

In the 2006 movie 'The Secret' Bob Proctor says it this way; "I

don't care if you're thinking 'get out of debt' or 'get into debt', if you're

thinking about debt that's what you're going to get".

I’ve been shocked by the way people hate this movie, although

I’ve only seen the version with Esther Hicks and I realize that some of

that hatred may be political. Some of the controversy also comes from

some of the people from the movie selling their programs giving you ‘the

missing parts’ of The Secret.

Remember that the Universe is you! You are creating this as you

go and you can open up to unlimited streams of wellbeing if you have a

few simple rules. Jack Canfield points out that the Universe is like a lock

and all you need is the right combination.

Here are the parts of The Law of Attraction. You can complicate

this as much as you want beyond this;

1. Know what you want – contrast exists to show you the

difference between what you want and what you don’t.

2. Ask for what you want, be specific but also leave room to

get more than you asked for – You can say “I want more

money” and the Universe will bring it to you; you’ll find a

penny on the sidewalk. If you want $10,000 then ask for it,

but leave yourself open to get more.

3. Believe you can have it! – This may be the most important

part of the combination. How often do we ask for things we

know we can’t get only to say “This stuff doesn’t work!”?

You have to take the time to build up your belief patterns.

Start small and take little victories on a consistent basis.

4. Be open to receiving – I see so many people who give all the

time but can’t allow themselves to receive. We’ve been cut

off from using this part of the combination by beliefs like

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“It’s better to give than receive”. When you open to

receiving you are allowing others to give and it’s equally as

important to be able to receive as to give.

a. Part of what you receive will be the how that makes

your desire possible. Be open to receiving this

guidance and then make a commitment to following


b. You can be wide open to 'receiving' but

simultaneously block your manifestation with

doubt. Those feelings of doubt are telling you that

you have something to think about or resolve

concerning whatever you are asking for. Take the

time to explore your doubts and you'll probably find

some programming that you can change or delete.

You must be 100% sure that what you want is on

the way otherwise you are blocking it.

5. Get into alignment with what you want – You must take

steps to achieve what you want. You can put out the

intention to be the world’s greatest actress, but if you don’t

take acting classes or get a sex change then it’s never going

to happen, no matter how much you apply all the other keys.

Once you receive the how from step 4 you can get on with

getting into alignment.

6. Be Grateful – Once you put the above parts of the

combination into play then just know that what you asked

for is already on the way. The key here is to hold that

emotion of gratitude consistently until after what you want


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28 Awaken Your Inner Power

The Safety is built into the System



consistent might be the single most important word I

use in this manual. You can know what you want and put it out there, but

if it doesn’t show up quickly enough then you change your want and ask

for something else.

The Universe starts lining up this new want and since you’ve

stopped focusing on the old one it stops bringing it to you. Gregg Braden

points out that the Universe is like a computer. It doesn’t give you what

you want; it gives you what you ask for. Just like a computer what you

want takes time to get here and it may not show up in the form you


Like a computer, the Universe also gives you an ‘Are you sure

you really want this?” window, called time. If you hold what you’re

asking for in your focus then the Universe has its clarification and can

bring it. This is to prevent you from having random thoughts and having

those random thoughts manifest instantly.

You have to be consistent with what you want and the more

steps you can take to get into alignment with what you want the more

feedback you are sending the Universe.


Belief plays a huge part in manifestation. You cannot manifest

something that you don’t believe you should have; your subconscious

won’t let it happen. For example, if you hate rich people, your

subconscious will never let you win the lottery or have a lot of money.

You simply cannot become that which you despise at a soul level.

You have to believe in what you ask for and believe that you can

have it and deserve it. There is a safety built into at this level also. Many

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times we ask for the right thing at the wrong time and we know this

subconsciously, hence the non-manifesting.


Each of us has a spark of Divinity within. It's that spark that we

are trying to fan into a larger flame and eventually into a bonfire, or at

least a burning bush. There are a lot of names for that spark including

God, the Goddess, Holy Guardian Angel and the Great Spirit.

At the universal level it's all the same thing! It's that little bit of

Divine Energy that propels us through the myriad lifetimes that we spend

trying to learn why we came here when all the time the answers are right

there within us, just waiting for us to knock on the door and ask.

Most of us have been influenced in one way or another by the

Big 3 religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) all of which share a

common root and all of which have been perverted to teach people to

look externally for their answers. I'm not against these religions, or any

others for that matter, but those of us who were heavily indoctrinated into

them usually have to spend quite some time just cleaning that stuff out in

order to get on with finding the real divinity that exists within us rather

than worshipping the power structures that have been created externally.

The route to your Divinity can only be internal. Looking

externally for your Divinity is like going to your next door neighbor and

asking if they’ve seen your liver lying around anywhere. There are a lot

of routes to your specific Divinity and all of them will teach you

something so take time and explore.

At a spiritual level this book is about helping people learn to

connect to that internal Divinity, the God-Force that we all have within

that we simply need to learn to listen to.

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30 Awaken Your Inner Power

Chapter 4

Closer to Bliss

bliss (bl s)
1. Extreme happiness; ecstasy.
2. The ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy.
Phrasal Verb:
bliss out Slang
To go into a state of ecstasy.
[Middle English blisse, from Old English bliss, from bl ths, from bl the,
joyful; see blithe.]

Bliss is a concept that people bring up during my classes and

presentations. Not necessarily because I’m a good speaker, but because

they want to know more about it.

In the metaphysical arena we tend to throw around words like

bliss and enlightenment, yet these concepts tend to be ill-defined and

abstract more often than not.

Take the above example which I found at OK, “The ecstasy of salvation” sounds

good, sign me up. Oh yeah and give me a side order of “Extreme

happiness” also, ‘cause if a little bliss is good then twice as much is

better, right?

My personal definition that I like to use is simpler and easier to


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”The ability to live each moment with a sense of gratitude and tranquility

and enter into a state in which you’re always happy and bad things

never, ever happen to you.”

Does that sound silly and improbable? I don’t think so. With just

a few subtle shifts in our consciousness it becomes easily attainable. If I

haven’t lost you by this point the come along and I’ll see if I can explain

it in a way that makes sense.

Step 1 - Dealing with the dualities

Yin/Yang, Light/Dark and Male/Female tend to be relatively

stable as far as abstracts go and we all have those energies in some

combination. The combinations vary with each of us, which is why living

here is so interesting.

Other dualities are less solid and much more subjective, such as

Good and Evil or even Good and Bad. These tend to be much more

judgmental and subjective. One person might look at an event and think

“Wow, that’s great!” while another may look at the same event and think

“Man, this really sucks!”

Step 2 - Becoming less judgmental

Events in and of themselves are rarely good or bad. Rather it’s

our judgmental position that assigns the value to it. I remember lying

face down in the ocean, completely paralyzed. I was holding my breath

and wondering if I was ever going to get another and thinking “Man, this

really sucks!” Yet I look back and see that event as a pivotal point in my

life and realize I learned much more from it than the obvious “Don’t dive

into shallow water” (Apparently most people already knew that. I must

have missed a memo).

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32 Awaken Your Inner Power

Often the events that happen to us are much less extreme. How

many times have you gotten stuck behind an annoyingly slow driver only

to discover the Highway Patrol speed trap up ahead?

Events are simply events. It’s the way we respond to them that

make them good or bad, positive or

negative. Learning to look for the good

side effect or positive lesson in

everything that happens is a major step

to developing a sense of tranquility.

The good side of this

moment's events may not be

immediately obvious. Sometimes it's

only years later that events make sense

and we're able to see them in

perspective. Once again I have to

mention the concept of Faith. Living a

period of tragedy is hard no matter who

you are or how well trained and

experienced in these mystery schools.

The ability to step outside of your judgment of the situation is a very

important skill and it doesn't come easy for most people.

Step 3 - Developing a positive attitude

Once you cease judging each event as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ you can

begin to look for the positive lessons. From that moment on you’ll be

moving with more positive energy and drawing more positive energy to

yourself. This will have an immediate effect on your life.

The good side of

this moment's

events may not be



Sometimes it's

only years later

that events make

sense and we're

able to see them

in perspective.

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Here’s an exercise for you;

Smile. (For you grumpy buggers out there, that’s when the corners of

your mouth turn upwards, possibly even revealing the teeth and part of

the gums. It also affects and tightens the muscles of the cheeks and

studies have shown that the mere act of smiling releases chemicals into

the brain that make you feel better and happier.)

Feel the energy within you change as you smile, making it easier

to continue doing so. Now use that smile on the next 10 people you meet.

This is a meditation exercise and it’s homework so let go of your normal

daily worries and stresses and give an honest, sincere smile to the next 10

people you meet.

Can you feel the energy between you and the person you’re

smiling at? Does it feel good, bad, mistrustful? What does that tell you

about the person you’re smiling at (or about the way you’re smiling)? Do

this exercise with regularity as it really can help build your awareness of

the energy, as well as brighten the world a bit.

Few feelings are more powerful than looking around and

thinking “This is really Great! My life has never been this good before.”

It’s OK if that sentence is not exactly true, but as you consistently think it

to yourself or even better, say it to your friends, you’ll find that life really

is getting better. The universe will agree with anything you tell it, so if

you constantly reaffirm how good your life is you might be surprised to

find that it really is improving a bit each day.

Step 4 - The Joy of Gratitude

Now that you feel good, be thankful. If you don’t feel good then

you should also be thankful as the feelings of dis-ease are really warning

signs that we need to make some changes. How many people have

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34 Awaken Your Inner Power

thought “I’d change if I just had a sign”, while the signs for change were

all around them and they just didn’t understand?

It can be really difficult to be thankful and express gratitude

when life deals you pain and heartache, but learning to look beyond the

judgmental reactions and find the positive lessons will allow you to smile

(or at least grimace) through the pain and see that the events had a

different meaning.

Our lives aren’t made up of days or years, but rather a collection

of individual moments. It’s how we approach each moment that

determines whether we can, at the end, judge our lives as having been

‘good’ or ‘bad’. In the meantime, smile and be happy. In this moment.

Keeping a Journal

In Path Notes of an American Ninja Master, Dr. Glenn Morris states

that you’re going to be making extreme changes to your life and

therefore should keep a journal. Two decades later, as I look back on all

that's happened and the places I’ve been, I realize that as usual, he’s

exactly right. I didn’t keep a journal however, so when I urge you to

begin keeping one right now it’s through my own bad example. Someday

when you try to write a book to explain how you got to be the way you

are (or at least the way you’ll be then), you’ll wish you had. You’ll see

many instances where I learned the hard way rather than just following

the advice of someone who’s already been where I’m trying to go.

Another reason to keep a journal is because our thoughts are

energy! When someone ticks us off we tend to walk around with that

energy for awhile before it finally clears. Depending upon the strength of

the emotions you've experienced, that energy will build up in your

muscles as well as your brain.

Journaling can be a good way to release stress. Just because you

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journal something doesn't mean that you can't immediately shred it, by

the way.

Journaling can also open up your creative process and help

develop a flow of information. When I work with writers I advise them

to journal for exactly this reason. When we write we are opening up to a

flow of energy and often we'll have an idea that floats around in our

heads for awhile before we write it down. Once it's written down the

mind can release the thought and let new stuff flow in.

Write about what you want, what you love and what you'd like

to see happen. Writing something down is an act of creation that goes

beyond merely thinking it. Thinking about something creates it at a small

level, writing it down adds more energy and creates it at a larger level.

Acting on it adds even more energy and helps to ensure that it manifests

in your life.

Creating your Personal Catalog of Experiences

I was at a Reiki Share where a young man was clearly experiencing

some awakening energy. As we talked about his experiences he’d start to

describe them and stop slightly embarrassed, and say “Well, this may just

be bullshit, but this is what I felt…”

After about the third or fourth time I stopped him and said “Look, if

you experienced it that makes it real. Nobody has the right to say you

didn’t. There IS NO external validation for a lot of this stuff! It’s all

about learning to feel things and then trust your feelings.”

Many of these exercises and concepts are about helping you access

and learn to use your internal energies, recognize what’s going on and

understand what’s happening to you. You are the only person who can

decide what you’re feeling and categorize it properly. This is about

building your own personal catalog of experiences.

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36 Awaken Your Inner Power

What makes teaching subtle energy difficult (and so easy for the

charlatan) is that the energies are

subtle. Often it takes a long time to

feel your connection to the energy

and understand that connection. I

did the Microcosmic Orbit for over

2 years before I felt the connection

and began to figure it out. I can tell

you what something feels like for

me, but I can’t tell you what it

should feel like for you.

That’s why I repeatedly

stress keeping a positive attitude

and playing rather than working,

with this stuff. It’s the only way to

discover what it feels like.

You have been surrounded

by amazing and miraculous

energies your entire life, but may

not have recognized the energy for

what it was because you had

nothing to compare it to. I'll be

writing extensively later on about

feeling and seeing energy and you'll

have a lot of exercises that will help you build up your catalog.

This is something that you will be doing for the rest of your life

and you'll be amazed at how much attention you'll be able to give a pine

cone or a flower or to your mate while making love. Once you begin to

If you have an

awareness of

karma what you

really have is a

form of balance.

It's a tool to help

you with your

moment to


awareness of how

you're treating

yourself and


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develop your inner catalog then you'll never be bored again as there is

always something new to discover or experience.


We hear a lot about Karma. This is good karma, you have bad

karma. People think karma is the result of your last life coming back to

bite you in this one. I only partially agree. I also think we make our own

karma as we go and have to deal with it during this life.

Karma is simply the result of our actions. If you frequently use

anger as a tool you have to expect to be put in positions where anger is

necessary. You create that circle and then perpetuate it. In part it goes

back to the Laws of Reciprocity and Attraction and in part it has to do

with our subconscious.

Awakening your Inner Power breaks the wheel of karma in that

it forces you to examine yourself in such detail that you’ll have to clean

up your messes, even those carried over from past lives. I don’t see Inner

Power as some karmic ‘get out of hell free’ card. Rather it’s like a huge

mirror that doesn’t lie to you and won’t let you lie to yourself.

As you cleanse and balance your chakras you’ll have the

opportunity to look at yourself and your life very closely. Make the time

to do this on your on and begin the process yourself rather than having it

dumped on you all at once. It’s part of the self-awareness training that

you’ll be doing for the rest of your life.

As you develop the level of self-awareness that allows you be in

constant control of your actions you’ll be able to move your karma in

positive directions. To use the earlier example of anger, by showing more

compassion to angry people you’ll be given more compassion on those

occasions you slip off the wagon and become angry yourself.

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38 Awaken Your Inner Power

If you have an awareness of karma what you really have is a

form of balance. It's a tool to help you with your moment to moment

awareness of how you're treating yourself and others.

Karma gets a little deeper on a subconscious level and it builds

up an energy that you have to address and balance out.

The Transition to Awakening

There are things you can do to make this entire process easier. You’ll

see these mentioned repeatedly primarily because they work. Inner

Power doesn’t have to be a huge, dramatic, life altering shock to your

system. The following concepts can make it much easier.

Have Faith

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole

staircase. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Faith is important in awakening Inner Power because you have to

surrender your egoic sense of control and be willing to go where you’re

sent. You have to believe that you’re doing the right thing. You can have

faith in a limitless number of Gods both modern and ancient or you can

make up your own. They’re all just symbols of the eternal energy of

creation and you can personify them to your hearts content, just as long

as you truly have faith.

Personally I don’t bother with any of the common deities. I think we

humans have such a small viewpoint that we wouldn’t recognize a real

god if we got into bed with it. For me it’s enough to feel the “universal

energy” of creation that I can feel within and just believe in that. Inner

Divinity is what is important and learning to interface with it and trust it

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is what having faith is all about.

To have faith you have to believe that the energy is intelligent and

directed, otherwise why would it matter if you had faith in it or not? I do

believe that, but that’s as far as I’ve bothered to think about it, because

beyond that it doesn’t matter. It’s enough to accept it at a soul level and

trust it.

Jack Canfield gives a great example of faith in 'The Secret' when

he points out that when you drive at night your headlights only shine a

couple hundred feet out in front of you. "…and you can make it all the

way from California to New York, driving through the dark, 'cause all

you have to see is the next 200 feet".

So take that first step. Listen to your inner voices and just go and

trust that everything else will be revealed to you.

Keeping a Positive Attitude

On this path you’ll experience emotions, feelings and in some cases

pain. Sometimes it’ll only make sense years later when you look back

and realize what was happening. In many cases awakening your Inner

Power is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without having any

kind of picture to go by.

No matter what happens, or where you feel drawn to go, a positive

attitude will make the whole thing easier. I try to look at everything as a

test, and that works for my personality. Each individual moment I have

choices that I can make. I can be enlightened or ignorant, loving or

afraid, loud or quiet and it depends on my willingness to listen to the

inner voices that we all have. The inner voices are an amazing asset to

keeping you on the right path and helping you become the person you

came here to be.

This is where you want to remember the Universal Laws as well.

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40 Awaken Your Inner Power

Remember that what you send out is what you are going to get. What

you think about and feel is what you are going to attract. Take the time

right now to develop these skills and put them into practice in your life.

Many people have grown up with the attitude that they have to

work hard and suffer for every lesson life gives them. If you have this

attitude then you can change it! You have the ability right now to start

redirecting your life so it flows smoothly, just by changing your attitudes

about the things that go on around you.

You don't have to agree with or like everything that you see, but

awakening is about your perceptions of everything that happens to you.

If you can perceive an event as positive you can learn a lesson from it

and integrate it into your life.

Developing Your Self-Awareness

“Asking good questions is half of learning.”

Muhammad - Essential Sufism

Inner Power begins with the process of learning exactly who you are,

with all your warts, wonders and blemishes. Once you’ve done that and

become completely at ease with your self-acceptance you can promptly

just forget all of it and disappear into the ether. Literally.

Your self is like a blanket you cover up with or a jacket you put on.

Spend some time becoming comfortable with yourself and you’ll begin

to see that you can put it on and take it off at will. It’s just an external

way to identify which self is yours. Once you get beyond that and see

that you don’t really exist, then you can really start having fun with this


Developing your self-awareness is a multi-faceted exercise that

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encompasses all parts of your being. No matter how good you become at

it there will always be new layers to uncover and new things to learn.

At the elementary levels of this book we’ll look at your physical self,

your mental self and your spiritual self and see how you can integrate

them into your total being.

Building Energy

There are 2 ways to have more energy. You can make more, or

you can use less.

A lot of this book is about learning to take control of your

energy and by extension, your life. I want to reinforce some principles

that will help you literally direct more energy into the creation of your


1. Energy follows thought – Most people are usually thinking

about what they've done in the past or what they want to do in

the future. In the process they are sending a huge part of their

energy away from them and away from the present. Remember

that the past is gone and the future may not get here. THIS

BREATH is the one that counts, right now. Stay focused, right


2. Following the breath – I once spent a lifetime lying paralyzed

face down in the ocean. Every time a wave hit it turned my face

up out of the water and I took a deep breath and held it and

waited to see if I was going to get another. One of the big

realizations that came to me right then is that this breath is

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42 Awaken Your Inner Power

literally the only one that matters. It's what you do right now in

the space of this breath that makes the difference.

3. Decrease the resistance to your energy – You'll be shocked at

how much energy you're blocking. The food you eat, the lack of

exercise, the mental inflexibility and the unwillingness to

surrender to the process all create resistance. MSG is a neuro-

toxin which means it decreases brain function. Yoga and

physical fitness help cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Keeping

an open mind and learning to relax and surrender to the

awakening process will allow more energy to flow through your


4. Increase the amount of energy you have to work with –

Meditation is the single greatest tool you can use to take control

of your life. When you learn to take control of your mind and

your thoughts you can take control of your life, literally.

5. Take control of your finances – This may sound like a weird

topic for a meditation book, but a vast amount of the stress and

fear generated in the world today is based around money. Take

control of your finances and you will have greater control over

your life. Dave Ramsey, Suze Orman and Robert Kiyosaki all

have great tools to help you learn more about budgets and

business. We’ll get into this more in an upcoming chapter.

Yoga, Martial Arts and Physical Fitness

You don’t have to be in excellent physical condition to awaken your

Inner Power, but it helps. Your body is what you live in while you’re

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here. I’m always amazed by the people who insist on having a nice house

or a big, fancy car, yet ignore the one vehicle they can’t live without.

I always advise people to get into a good yoga practice for several


1. Our bodies store memories, feelings and stresses within our muscles

and organs. Yoga helps release those in a relaxed, gradual manner,

rather than all at once through a chakra-ic cleansing.

2. When you breathe properly during the yoga positions (asanas) you’re

massaging your internal organs as well as stretching your muscles.

This provides an immediate health benefit as well as helping to

release stored toxins and feelings.

3. Yoga lubricates and relaxes the spine, allows you to move more easily

and freely and adds a much better quality of life. A relaxed healthy

spine is also a better conduit for chi.

4. “Energy doesn’t flow through tight muscles” (you’ll hear that over and

over again). The relaxing effects of a good yoga practice help

prevent muscle tightness that can impede your energy flow.

Some forms of the martial arts such as Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Tai Jutsu and

Hoshinjutsu help build remarkable energy awareness and strength. They

also help you become more confident and comfortable in your

surroundings. In my Hoshin classes we used the martial arts as a test to

see how your energy work is progressing, rather than as a violent sport.

A regular physical fitness regimen will help your heart, lungs

and muscles work more efficiently. You'll feel better intellectually and

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44 Awaken Your Inner Power

emotionally as well as physically. As your self-awareness and meditation

skills increase you’ll begin moving in a constant state of light meditation.

A regular fitness plan helps develop your moving meditation skills in

addition to making you more fit.

Part of life is dealing with stress, and if we repress it we build up

stress knots in our organs and muscles. Many of these knots will connect

to a specific energy or memory and when they’re released you may find

yourself having to deal with that problem or memory again. You can do

that gradually, like peeling away the layers of an onion. You can also do

it all at once when your Inner Power awakens, like smashing the onion

with a big sledgehammer. Fortunately we get to choose how to do it.

If you have to wear this meatsuit then you may as well feel good

while you're here. Energy flows more easily through a healthy and

relaxed body. If you're tense and out of shape and feeling badly then

you're just adding more levels of resistance and making things harder on

yourself. If you have stress knots and tight muscles they are adding a

level of unnecessary PAIN into your spiritual practice because those

stress knots and tight muscles are going to block your energy.

In the 80's the saying "No Pain, No Gain" was popular around

the gym and it's funny how many other areas of our lives that mindset

tends to creep into. The gym saying is true within that context, but it

refers to a specific type of pain that is beneficial for the muscle growth

process. In most other areas of your life, however, pain is a sign that you

are doing something wrong and your body is going to take some action to

alleviate that pain.

Massage, Reiki and Acupuncture

When the stress knots begin to release out of your system you

may find it necessary to have some bodywork done. I’m a huge fan of

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massage, reiki and acupuncture as well as chiropractic.

Stress knots are energy. When that energy releases it has to

manifest in some way and sometimes it helps to have it massaged out, or

to have an acupuncturist go through and balance your energy manually.

You’ll often experience emotional releases like crying or laughing during

these treatments. It’s just the energy releasing and draining out of your


Reiki is a form of channeling universal energy. It can be

extremely powerful for healing at all levels and it’s an amazing aid to

Inner Power as it helps open up and cleanse the chakras. You’ll find

directions for how to perform a basic Reiki treatment on yourself in a

later chapter.

The Interconnectivity of Everything

A truly amazing experience is the feeling of having your self

disappear and of connecting to everything else. To call it a defining

moment in a person’s life doesn’t do it justice as it literally changes the

way you look at and react with everyone and everything around you.

When you can feel everything at an energetic level you realize

that thoughts, words and actions have their own energy.

This is much more than just feeling the universe; it’s the literal

act of becoming the universe and realizing that the universe is you. It’s

why people who’ve done it have no fear of death. They’ve experienced

the reality of the (im)permanence of the universe.

The Law of Reciprocity

When you can feel the total interconnectedness of everything old

sayings like “What goes around, comes around” take on a whole new

meaning. We call it The Law of Reciprocity. What you send out will be

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46 Awaken Your Inner Power

returned to you, so if you send out negative, harmful thoughts or actions

guess what you get back?

It becomes a constant reminder to pay attention to your thoughts

and actions. The energy you put out is the energy that comes back to you,

so if you want to be treated with love and compassion you have to start

by treating others with love and compassion.

Using Affirmations

One of the most powerful tools in the universe is one you can

begin using immediately! Affirmations are simple, you can do them

anywhere and they don’t cost anything.

When you use an affirmation you are literally making something

firm or real for yourself. The subconscious mind (the Id) can’t discern

between what’s real and what isn’t, so when you make a positive

affirmation like “I deserve LOVE” the subconscious is there in the

background going “Yeah, we do, so where the hell is it. Let’s make that

happen right now.”

The simple way to use affirmations is to identify some part of

your life where you feel a lack, and create the affirmation to convert that

lack to abundance.

I’m not going to bother giving you a list of affirmations as you

know yourself much better than I do. Instead I’m going to leave a blank

place here and as one of your first exercises you can identify 10 areas of

your life that you’d like to improve and create your own affirmation for

each. Go ahead and write in the book. It’s ok.

I’d like to improve;____________________________________

I deserve/am worthy of_______________________________

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I’d like to improve;____________________________________

I deserve/am worthy of_______________________________

I’d like to improve;____________________________________

I deserve/am worthy of_______________________________

I’d like to improve;____________________________________

I deserve/am worthy of_______________________________

I’d like to improve;____________________________________

I deserve/am worthy of_______________________________

I’d like to improve;____________________________________

I deserve/am worthy of_______________________________

I’d like to improve;____________________________________

I deserve/am worthy of_______________________________

I’d like to improve;___________________________________

I deserve/am worthy of_______________________________

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48 Awaken Your Inner Power

I’d like to improve;___________________________________

I deserve/am worthy of_______________________________

Several times a day you should take a few moments and repeat these

affirmations to yourself until you’ve

created your abundance in these areas.

Then come up with some new ones

and start all over again.

Avoiding negativity

"Is it possible to have knowledge

and yet learn to be free from fear?"

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Just as positive affirmations

can bring you abundance, negative

affirmations can take it away. Once

again the subconscious mind will

create whatever you tell it. When you

say things like “I can’t do this, it’s too

hard, I’m not good enough”, or some

other wussification the subconscious is

right there in the background going

“Yeah you loser, what were you thinking to even try?” It’s just as

important to break your old negative habits as it is to replace them with

new positive habits.

Once again we see the Law of Attraction at work. What you

Slow words such

as "I can't afford

it" insure that you

are right and that

you really can't

afford it.

Fast words such

as "How can I

afford it?" open

you up to the


abundance of the

Universe and

help you to find a

way to manifest

what you want.

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think about and feel is what you create and manifest.


'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' Robert Kiyosaki talks about using "fast

words and slow words". Slow words such as "I can't afford it" insure that

you are right and that you really can't afford it. Fast words such as "How

can I afford it?" open you up to the unlimited abundance of the Universe

and help you to find a way to manifest what you want.

Inner Power and Enlightenment

We always hear about the “Enlightened Master”. I find that to be

extremely amusing since enlightenment doesn’t really exist in and of


Enlightenment only exists as a relative term. There's complete

ignorance and lack of awareness on one end of the scale, and

Enlightenment on the other. Neither exists independently, but rather as a

moment to moment reaction to what's going on around us. Is true

enlightenment simply recognizing the connections we all have to one

another and really treating others as we'd want to be treated, loving

others as we should love ourselves?

Awakening your Inner Power or spending a decade in a cave on

a mountain doesn't necessarily make one enlightened. Spending every

moment in the moment and responding to the same divine spark in others

that we also have within us possibly does.

Enlightenment cannot exist without ignorance. At the same time

you can't spend your life identifying ignorance just to make yourself feel

enlightened. There will always be things that are perceived as bad or

negative. Those things are not only necessary, but a part of a greater

perfection that exists throughout the Universe.

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50 Awaken Your Inner Power

Dealing with Attachments

You’ll hear a lot about attachments as you begin working with

the Meditation. Part of the process is to divest yourself of your

attachments so let’s take a look at what that means. Attachments are, in

my perception, primarily ideas about yourself and others that you hold

on to. So don’t feel like you have to get rid of the wife or the family pet

or sell your favorite putter.

Attachments are part of your ego. Sometimes they may be a part

of your learned ego, the super-ego. That’s the person you have been

taught to be. Other attachments may be a part of your subconscious or Id.

You can even have attachments that are holdovers from past lives! (A

note here, the Social Security Administration will NOT accept how

screwed up you were in a past life as justification for putting you on a

disability pension in this one - just trust me on this.)

As you get deeper into your self-awareness process you’ll

occasionally find these attachments and have to deal with them. Maybe

one of your attachments is to the thought that you should be an Executive

in your company by now, so you feel lessened or diminished because you

aren’t. Maybe you don’t fit Hollywood’s idea of the ideal weight and you

continually feel lessened by your “weight problem”. You could become

attached to the idea that once you become slim then everything will be ok

in your life.

Unfortunately there’s not much I can tell you that will help with

this. If you've paid attention to what I wrote earlier about giving yourself

permission then you'll have a big tool to help you. As part of your

process you have to develop the self-awareness to find your attachments

and deal with them. This is a different process for everyone.

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The Siddhis

“Those who dance are often thought insane by those who can’t hear

the music” - George Carlin

'Siddhi' is an ancient Sanskrit word that means magic. One of the

funny (and sometimes annoying) side effects to Inner Power is that you

can develop abilities others don’t have and probably don’t believe in as

the average Westerner doesn’t have much first-hand experience with this


Some of the siddhis will be physical, such as vastly improved

health and better balance. In my case I’ve had huge improvements in my

eyesight and my hearing. My balance also improved immensely, partly

as a side effect of the release of stress knots and muscle tightness.

Other siddhis may touch on the spiritual or psychic realms.

Many Meditation adepts report an increase in psychic abilities and the

tendency to just know things (usually seen by non-adepts as being a

smart-ass). In some cases you may find that you channel spirit guides (or

ancient wisdom, or whatever you want to call it).

One of the first things that a good meditation teacher should tell

a student about the siddhis is; “DON’T TALK ABOUT IT!”

Rule #1 – You don’t talk about Inner Power.

Rule #2 – You don’t talk about Inner Power.

The reason is simple. As you get deeper into your self-

awareness and deeper into the awareness of your interconnectivity,

you’re going to see, feel and experience things most people don't. If you

talk about it people will think you’re seeing and hearing things that they

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52 Awaken Your Inner Power

don’t and of course, that's true. The usual response is to give you mind

altering drugs and electro-shock therapy to make you ‘normal’ again.

Having said that, most of us tend to talk about it anyway.

Usually, by the time you know enough about it to really talk about it then

you have such a strange energy and probably dress weirdly enough that

most of the ‘normal’ people don’t really see you.

One of the amazing things about the internet is the ability to

form online communities, and this has been a major boon for meditation

practitioners. From 1992 until 2002 I never talked to another human

who’d experienced the things I was going through. Now, thanks to the

internet, it’s possible to get onto a discussion group and ask questions

and talk about experiences and just lurk and learn. I’ve listed several

good groups (including mine) in the Resource Section at the end of the


Take some time and play with the siddhis, but don't be distracted

by them. A simple way I explain my view of these little magics is that

each of them has its own frequency and you'll be able to tune in to some

more easily than others.

You may be able to see energy and interact with it visually, in

which case I'd recommend some good books on Symbology and an

extremely open mind. A lot of things have meanings other than what

we've come to commonly accept and you definitely want to know what

you are playing with.

You may be able to feel energy and interact with it that way.

Spend a LOT of time just playing with it and seeing how different things

feel. Go for walks and get into a meditative state while walking and pay

attention to the different energies all around you. I like walking around

the mall because there are so many colors and feelings and different

types of energy. The mall can be a bit overwhelming at first and if it is

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then start in your backyard and just open up your awareness and see what

you feel.

You may be able to occasionally tell what others are thinking or

feeling. You may be able to channel wisdom from the Universe. You

may develop abilities with divination, telepathy or any number of other

things most people won't believe. If this world is an illusion then

EVERYTHING is equally unreal. It just becomes a question of opening

up to that particular frequency.

Remember what I said about distractions. The siddhis can be fun

toys, great tools or an ego trip that can totally derail your development.

Have fun with this and don't be afraid of it. Stay positive and humble.

Energy Attacks and Defense

Some recent cartoons have given rise to the ‘chi ball’ and now

people talk about this as if it were real, and even worse, spend a lot of

effort trying to protect themselves from it.

There are some real energy attacks and ways to defend against

them, however. One of the things I teach in my Hoshin classes is how to

use energy as a tool and send it into various chakras and pressure points.

It’s not the sort of thing that should be learned from a book or a video.

It’s also not something you really need to worry about as the average

person can’t muster enough concentrated energy to still their own mind,

so why worry that they might still your heart?

When I was visiting the San Francisco Bujinkan dojo with Glenn

Morris and Doug Beuckert I once saw Master Dale Seago, a high level

Ninjutsu practitioner; knock an attacker’s leg out from under him using a

secret sword technique. As the attacker ran in, Master Seago directed a

burst of chi into his opponent’s leg and the leg just stopped working!

What made this really interesting is that the attacker was about 10 feet

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54 Awaken Your Inner Power

away and Master Seago never physically touched him. If developing

these sorts of abilities interests you then check out Paul Dong's book

"Empty Force" and Dr. Mantak Chia's "Tan Tien Chi Kung". I've

included both books in the Resource

section at the back of this book.

There are also some very

simple and safe ways to steal an

opponent’s energy and strength.

Anyone who can use these techniques

will be able to do so against anyone

who doesn’t have a high degree of

awareness, so guess what your best

defense is. That’s right, awareness! The

other good thing is that by the time a

person develops that much energy

they’ve usually found so many ways to

use it more productively that you really

don’t have to worry about being attacked by them.

The best defense that I can think of, and yes this sounds hokey,

is to be completely open and at One. If you have to defend yourself, let

your self blend into the rest of the universe. If you are nothing there is

nothing to defend. If you are actively creating your life you have the

ability to avoid this issue entirely. If you have the ability to connect to

and become the Universe you have an unlimited number of options.

Remember, if you are spending your life in a defensive posture

then you have some definite issues with fear that need to be worked

through. Keep reading.

The vast majority

of the people in

the world can't

concentrate well

enough to still

their own mind,

much less


attack you with

their energy.

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3 Reasons Not to Worry about Energy Attacks

1. The Law of Reciprocity

The Law of Reciprocity is very simple and easy. What you send

out is what you get back. What goes around comes around. As ye sow, so

shall ye reap. And on and on. This is obviously not a new concept.

Everything is made of energy. Our thoughts, dreams desires and

actions all carry their own energy and we get to decide on a moment to

moment basis whether that energy is positive and based in Love or

negative and based in Fear. Every form of energy is based on one of


Attacking someone with energy is a Fear-based action. Using

energy as a tool for someone’s benefit is a Love-based action. Most

people who have the ability to use energy in either fashion will also have

enough of an understanding of how energy works to avoid sending out

the negative, Fear-based energy. Notice I said most people.

2. Most of our energy doesn’t get lost to ‘attacks’, we give it

away unconsciously to those around us.

There are those who unconsciously draw energy from the people

around them. The vast majority of the unconscious Energy Sucker

Zombies are usually untrained and are simply the normal people we run

into every day.

In his excellent book The Celestine Prophecy James Redfield

points out that many people use a variety of tactics to draw energy from

the people around them and often these tactics are learned in childhood

and are completely unconscious.

Have you ever run into an otherwise wonderful person who

constantly bemoans their fate? Everything they do is a chore and the

world tends to be very heavy. Whenever you meet they talk about how

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56 Awaken Your Inner Power

bad things are going and how much pain/despair/trouble/heartache/etc.

they are experiencing. Do you ever want to just bitch-slap this otherwise

wonderful person and tell them to Cowboy Up? (I’m coming to the

conclusion that the Compassionate Bitch-Slap may be a useful tool for

some folks)

These folks have been taught that when they begin their litany of

problems other people will go “Oh you poor thing!” and send them some

energy. Throughout the years it’s become the norm for them to use their

problems to draw energy from the people around them and they probably

truly don’t realize that they are Energy Suckers.

Did you ever see someone who tends to be aggressive and

pushy, and usually slightly angry? These folks have learned to use

intimidation to draw energy. It’s a different tactic, but still gets the same

effect. How many other tactics do the people around you use to draw


Rather than being attacked by “Psychic Vampires”, we’re

constantly besieged by the legions of Energy Sucker Zombies that we

come in contact with every day. So how do you defend against them? By

tapping into an unlimited source of energy that we all have access to. By

the end of this section you should be able to use this energy easily.

3. Most people don’t have the ability to attack you

The vast majority of the people in the world can't concentrate

well enough to still their own mind, much less purposefully attack you

with their energy. Statistically you have a better chance of

simultaneously being struck by lightning, hit by a bus and winning the

lottery than you do of being purposefully attacked. While there are, in

some of the esoteric martial arts, energy techniques that can be used

against an attacker, the simple fact is by the time a person can use their

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energy well enough to accomplish such a response (to a physical attack),

they’ve found far too many good and positive ways to use that energy.

Protecting Yourself from Energy Drain

There’s 2 ways to have more energy. You can make more, or

you can use less. Let’s look at how to use less.

Think of your body’s energy system as a piece of electrical

cable. It is in fact a conduit in much the same way. A piece of electrical

cable can carry a certain amount of energy and has a certain amount of

Resistance. If you lower the Resistance in the cable then the cable can

carry much more energy. When you lower the Resistance in your body

you instantly have more energy to use for other purposes.

3 Ways to Lower Your Own Resistance

1. Relax your muscles

This sounds simple, and it is. Relaxing your muscles allows your

energy to flow unimpeded. How often have you heard the comment that

“Energy doesn’t flow through tight muscles”? One of the side effects of a

good Yoga practice is that it relaxes and loosens your muscles. A good

meditation practice also helps you develop better posture in which your

body is supported by your skeleton rather than being held up by your

muscles. Certain Martial Arts such as Tai Chi, Hoshinjutsu and Taijutsu

can be extremely helpful in loosening up the muscles and joints and

allowing you to move more freely.

2. Cleanse your body and mind of stress

Most of the above exercises will also help with this. Stress is a

Fear-based reaction to external/internal stimuli. Learning to identify the

stress in our life requires a certain amount of introspection and self-

awareness. With practice one can learn to identify negative stresses and

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58 Awaken Your Inner Power

learn to channel that energy in positive ways. That’s why I say “nothing

bad should ever happen to you” once you learn to walk this path. Events

are simply events and it’s the external value that we place on those

events that causes us to see them as “good” or “bad”. Those external

values also create the stress that goes with the event.

3. Conserving your energy

Whenever someone gives you a sob story and you say “Oh you

poor thing!” you’ve just given away part of your energy. It’s important at

this point to look at the difference between ‘Compassion’ and ‘Enabling

behavior’ as these two often get confused.

Compassion is the art of being Empathetic (NOT Sympathetic!)

for the plight of another. It doesn’t mean you should do whatever it takes

to make that person feel better, but rather you should do whatever is in

that persons best interest, which may not make them feel better at all in

the short term.

Enabling behavior is what happens when someone whines a

little and you say “Oh you poor thing!”, which gives them positive

reinforcement to continue whining. Your energy is a tool and you should

make a point of using it on behalf of others (go back and see the Law of

Reciprocity), but you also have to be aware of those who’d just drain it in

order to continue on with their “Poor Me” attitudes.

The same goes for anger. Whenever you are angry you are

sending that person part of your daily allotment of energy. To say one

should never get angry is unrealistic, but to say that one should never let

anger take control is not.

Tapping into an Unlimited Pool of Energy

There’s an unlimited pool of energy everyone can tap into very

easily. It’s simply the energy (NOT the emotion) of Love. The English

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word ‘Love’ has both an Energy and an Emotion. It’s commonly referred

to by the emotion. It’s just like the difference between orgasm and

ejaculation for men. (Side note: Hey guys, did you know that you CAN

have an orgasm without ejaculation? Read Mantak Chia’s “The Multi-

Orgasmic Man” for some interesting and really fun experiments with


You don’t have to love someone emotionally to send them the

energy of love just like a man can have an orgasm without an ejaculation.

Most people don’t realize it because without some deep thought or some

real training they just never know to try to separate the two.

The energy of Love has been referred to for thousands of years

as chi, ki and prana. It’s the primal energy that connects everything we

do, see, feel, hear, taste or think of. It’s why such sayings as “thoughts

have energy” and “Energy follows thought” are true and taught in so

many different cultures.

Sensing Intention

A mystical aspect of the martial arts is the ability to feel another

person’s intention. Sensing intention allows you to be in instant control

of a potentially violent encounter, and it's one of the ways we use the

martial arts to test our energy work and meditation skills in my classes.

I’m including it in this book because sensing intention is all

about awareness and being in the moment. It’s easy to learn and can

bring new depth to the non-violence of your life as it can make you safer

and more confident.

A Simple Explanation of Intention

When a person intends to hit you, that intention carries with it a

very subtle vibration. Since most people are unaware of this they put off

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60 Awaken Your Inner Power

a variety of these subtle vibrations constantly. Have you ever come home

to an angry spouse and felt the entire house vibrate with the angry

energy? This is exactly the same.

When a person tries to hit you they put off a vibration you can

feel, even with your eyes closed. With training a person can distinguish

between the intent to strike and the strike itself as there are subtle

differences in the feel of the energy vibrations emanating from the


In Hoshinjutsu we have a student stand with their eyes closed

and then, very slowly, send a punch towards their face with the full

intention to make contact. Almost invariably the student will feel the

difference in the subtle energies that surround them and their body,

seemingly of its own accord, will dodge out of the way. It's fun to see the

look of shock on someone's face when they realize what happened and

what they felt.

Another exercise is to have a student stand with his back to you,

then you walk slowly (and silently) toward them. The student is to raise a

hand when they feel you coming up behind them. You can vary this by

thinking angry thoughts and happy thoughts and watch the distance at

which you become noticed by the student.

The purpose of teaching a student to feel intention is to empower

them in situations most people find daunting. When you know another

person has ill intentions towards you, you are in control. Depending on

the situation you can leave, you can seek a diplomatic solution or you

can wait till the future attackers back is turned and hit him with a chair.

While some of these solutions are better than others (Chair Fu

should always be the absolute last resort) what's important here is that

because of your heightened awareness you weren't taken by surprise

when someone attacked you.

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For an interesting illustration of using intention and feeling the

difference between the intent to strike and the actual strike read Chapter

6 of Dr. Glenn Morris' book Pathnotes of an American Ninja Master in

which he talks about his experience with the Bujinkan Sword Test.

Using Intention in Your Life

Just as you can sense intention when it comes from other people,

you can also project your intention out into the world. Intention is the act

of giving a form to what you want to achieve or acquire. It's projecting

the energy of attraction in order to bring about a desired result.

There are a lot of ways to project your intention. If you are a

Wiccan and you want to project your intention you may cast a spell and

light a candle. A Christian might pray for it. Maybe you write it down

and affirm it, or sit and meditate on it, or sing songs about it or write

stories about it or any of a million other ways you can project your

thoughts and give them physical form.

The key here is that you take some form of action. You can sit in

a cave and intend to make a million dollars all you want to, but unless

you are projecting your intention and doing something that brings you

into alignment with that intention nothing is going to happen.

Take some time here and play with this. Dr. Wayne Dyer has a

wonderful CD set called 'The Power of Intention', I'm a big fan of Esther

and Jerry Hicks' Abraham books and even some of the tools in financial

books such as Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad can be extremely


A key point to intention is that you must be able to believe you

can get whatever it is you want to attract. Most people have to take some

time and start small and work up to the big stuff in order to learn to have

faith in the process. Once you do that then you can sit in a cave and

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62 Awaken Your Inner Power

manifest a million dollars, but not before.

The Downside of Inner Power

It’s not all about cool abilities, increased physical strength and

better health, unfortunately. Inner Power can have a downside for the

seeker who doesn’t pay attention and follow some simple rules.

Some of the siddhis, especially those in the psychic realms, can

cause paranoia, depression and even worse in the unprepared and

unknowing. I firmly believe that many of the folks in our culture who

suffer from schizophrenia, epilepsy, depression and paranoia are victims

not only of unbalanced Inner Power, but of a society that doesn’t

recognize it and has no reality into which Inner Power fits.

Other side effects that can be annoying (besides insanity)

include an increased sexual attraction by the opposite, and even the same,

sex. Inner Power is, by definition, sexual energy. It’s the primordial

energy from which we were all created and once you start boosting it, it

can be pretty easy for the opposite sex to feel attracted to it.

As you balance your chakras (which can be quite a process)

you’ll possibly go through periods that can only be described as a form

of spiritual superiority as you’re experiencing events and deities that the

average person no longer gets to interact with.

Giving Away Your Stuff

One of the things to remember when your Inner Power awakens

is you’ll probably go through some extremely life altering periods. Some

teachers advise their students not to make any major changes for at least

6 months after the Inner Power rises. Don’t buy, sell or give away

anything and don’t dump all of your stuff and decide to follow a spiritual

path. That’s not bad advice, although I go a bit differently with it.

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My advice (coming from someone who had a particularly hard

time in this period, but I also didn’t know anyone else who’d been

through it) is to embrace the insanity and roll with it. Give away all your

stuff, wear funny clothes and ride the shakti-coaster til the gods all get

together and throw you off it. Go where the energy takes you and talk to

whomever it leads you to. Don't be afraid of the process. Explain to your

loved ones that you are going to take some time and 'find yourself' and

then get on with it.

Fortunately today there are relatively easy ways to communicate

with others who may be experiencing something similar to you, so you

can take time out from lying under a Volkswagen talking to god and go

into the library and use the internet. It gives you a bit more freedom to


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64 Awaken Your Inner Power

Chapter 5

Introduction to Meditation

Meditation is how you learn to connect to your Inner Divinity. In

the beginning you may have to really focus and concentrate to be able to

hear the Divine Voice within you. As you continue to meditate and

cleanse and balance you'll find the voice gets louder (and more insistent)

and much easier to follow.

This section is all about doing your meditations. The meditations

here range from very basic to

relatively advanced. You may feel

you’ve progressed beyond some of

this, but my advice is to take some

time and go back through the

basics. One of the benefits of

teaching meditation is that I’m

constantly running through these

basic exercises as I teach them to

others, and I can’t tell you how

helpful that can be. I remember the

time before I began teaching when I hardly ever sat through a Brain

Scrub session, but when I began teaching it and sitting through the

sessions with my students I found going back to the basics allowed me to

get even deeper into the more advanced exercises.

We have some great tools to help with these including some free

audio and video lessons. See my website at for

You may feel

you’ve progressed

beyond some of

this, but my advice

is to take some time

and go back

through the basics.

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more details.

Establishing a Daily Practice

"No man ever became wise by chance".

It’s important to establish a daily practice and stick to it, especially

in the beginning. This doesn’t mean dedicating 12 hours a day to

meditation, it just means creating a space in your home where you can

take a few minutes and meditate and do the exercises.

Start with the basic exercises and devote 10-20 minutes a day as you

develop your physical and mental abilities. Many people overload

themselves and expect too much too soon, then get discouraged if they

don’t see the results they think they should.

In this section are some exercises, ranging from the very basic to the

moderately advanced. Do them in that order, simply because we all have

the temptation to jump in over our heads (which can also be a good

thing) and overload ourselves.

Getting Started

Set aside a corner in one of your rooms. You can stock it with

whatever accoutrement you wish. Have cushions, candles, incense and a

small CD player for music or guided meditation CD’s. Use whatever

tools and accessories you want, as there’s no right or wrong at this point.

Once you’ve created your sacred space all you have to do is use

it. Set aside a few minutes each day and begin working through the

meditation exercises. Don’t worry about how long you meditate, just get

into the habit of doing it. The effects of meditation are cumulative, so 5

minutes a day everyday is better than 35 minutes once a week.

Eventually you won’t need any accessories and you can clear

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66 Awaken Your Inner Power

your mind and meditate anywhere, at any time, but for now don’t worry

about that, just create a pleasant, sacred atmosphere and get started.

On Expectation

When we begin meditation we often feel that we should be able

to do certain things within a certain time frame. We expect to be able to

clear our minds and access our deeper abilities. We expect to be able to

sit for an hour and meditate, or to see auras, or feel other people’s chi. If

it doesn’t happen quickly we become disappointed and confused. I can’t

tell you how important it is to break free of these expectations.

When we let go of expectations and learn to relax in the moment

and just BE, we are making progress of the most important kind. In the

West we tend to be goal oriented and need to see quick results, but

frequently the cumulative effects of meditation aren’t noticeable until

much later. Meditation is about this moment, about BEing totally in this

moment, rather than about who you’ll be when you’ve become a good


The important thing with a regular practice is to just do it. The

effects are cumulative and one day you’ll look back and see that all those

short meditation sessions really added up.

Meditation Positions

There are several ways to meditate and depending on your goals

you may sit in various positions, stand in various positions or even move

and walk around.

Seated Meditation

Sit on a cushion, zafu or a pillow with your spine straight. Don’t

worry about specific positions such as the full lotus or half lotus, just

cross your legs comfortably and let your knees relax.

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The purpose of sitting on the cushion is to keep your hips higher

than your knees, which helps take the pressure off the muscles that run

up through your hips. Keep the spine erect, shoulders back, neck straight

and let your hands relax in your lap. Some methods require certain hand

positions or mudras, but for now just let your hands relax in a

comfortable position in your lap.

In this position your skeletal system should be supporting your body,

allowing your muscles to relax completely.

It’ll take awhile to get used to sitting this way, so just relax and grow

into it.

Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Close your eyes

and look up towards your third eye (the chakra in your forehead right

between your eyes).

Sitting in a Chair

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a human pretzel

to meditate. Grab a straight-backed chair and sit toward the front of it

with your genitals out over the front edge. Keep your feet comfortably

flat on the floor, your hips tucked and your spine straight. Let your hands

rest in your lap. Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Close your

eyes and look up towards your third eye.


Seiza is the kneeling position used in many of the Zen temples.

You can use this position if you wish, but most people find it extremely

uncomfortable for more than a few minutes.

Standing Stake

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68 Awaken Your Inner Power

When we get into the Chakra exercises we’ll be doing some

standing meditations using the “Standing Stake” (also known as the

Mountain) pose from Chi Kung (Qi Qong).

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, your arms hanging

loosely at your sides. Flex your knees slightly. Tuck your hips under

slightly and feel your lower spine straighten. Relax your ankles, then

your calves, then your thighs, then your buttocks. Let that sense of

relaxation flow up your back and across your shoulders and up your neck

and out through the top of your head.

As usual, touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Close

your eyes and look up towards your third eye.


As you become more adept at meditation you’ll be able to do it

while moving. In fact, you’ll get to a point where you’re in a constant

state of light meditation once you learn to access the energy and open up

to it. You may already be practicing some of the more formalized forms

of moving meditation such as Chi Kung, Tai Chi or yoga.

Anything can be a form of moving meditation, including martial

arts, dancing or just playing. What makes it a meditation is your state of

mindfulness and your awareness of the moment.

Keeping the Tongue Up

You’ll frequently hear about keeping your tongue on the roof of

your mouth. It’s extremely important to remember because when you

keep your tongue up you’re completing the energy circuit between the

Governing and Conception Meridians. Failure to do this can cause

energy overloads and create some very interesting medical conditions

you’d be better off not experiencing. The doubtful among you can read

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Dr. Glenn Morris’ experiences with this in Pathnotes of an American

Ninja Master.

The basic position for these exercises is to touch your tongue to

the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Keep your jaw

relaxed and your teeth slightly apart.

Your tongue should always be in this position, especially when

you begin meditating constantly during your daily life.

Color and Sound

Everything is vibration, even color and sound. As you begin

these meditation exercises you may find it helpful to choose some light,

relaxing music that isn’t distracting. Music can have many different

effects on us and as you get deeper into the meditations then you’ll be

able to really enhance your practice with different types of music. There

are a lot of subliminal programs out there that can help reprogram some

of your subconscious issues.

Color can have varying effects. Each chakra has a color

associated with it, so you can use color to get in touch with your chakras

(more on this in the chakra chapters) or you can just relax and look at the

colors that appear in your third eye.

The Healer’s Manual by Ted Andrews has some great exercises

for using colors and sounds. As you build your sensitivity you’ll be able

to use and adapt your environment more easily for the energy that you



(This exercise is available online as a FREE Guided Meditation. Check

the website at for download locations)

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70 Awaken Your Inner Power

Breathing is the most important part of meditation and Inner

power. Learning to breathe properly not only helps develop your

awareness, it also has numerous health benefits.

From our birth until death we breathe more or less continually,

yet for the most part we do it without any awareness of our breath and its

effects on us, and believe it or not most people in the western world do it


Breathe in through your nose and draw your breath down into

the area just below your navel, allowing your stomach to expand as you

breathe (Baby Breath) and filling your lungs entirely with each breath

before exhaling through your nose.

Take a moment and feel your breath. Pay attention to the air as it

flows in through your nostrils and down into your lungs. Don’t think

about anything or do anything other than just breathe.

1. Are you taking a relatively shallow breath and just filling the upper

lobes of your lungs?

2. Does your stomach move out as you breathe?

3. Do you feel the bones of your ribcage expanding and opening with

each breath?

For most people the answer to 1 is YES and the answers to 2 and

3 are NO so let's expand the exercise.

Draw your breath down to a point about 2 inches below your

navel (the body’s center of gravity). When you do you’ll feel your

stomach expand and push out in front of you. Most westerners keep their

stomach pulled in and their chest out, so if you do you’ll have to relax

your abdomen. Just take a moment and be aware of your breath as it

flows down into your center.

As you inhale and draw your breath down, let your ribcage

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expand. You’ll feel your floating ribs at the bottom of your ribcage

spread and move, and you may get a few pops out of your spine also. Just

take a few moments and breathe this way. Don’t think or let your mind

wander, just breathe.

If you’ve never meditated before then congratulations, you just

did! It’s exactly that simple.

There are many benefits to proper breathing. The extra oxygen

in your system means your heart doesn’t have to beat as fast, which

lowers your pulse and your blood pressure. Drawing the breath down

into your center also helps to massage your internal organs, providing

more oxygen to them as well as helping to release the accumulated stress

and toxins that build up there. The long term health benefits have been

proven for thousands of years.

Breathing is by far the most important meditation exercise,

although it sounds so simple. Paying attention to the breath is the

beginning of opening up your awareness, so take some time to practice

this, as it’s the foundation for everything that comes next. If you have to

dedicate your meditation time to breathwork for awhile then that’s good,

as we all proceed at our own pace.

I once read a translation of some of Jesus’ teachings from the

original Aramaic (the language he spoke, although he apparently wasn’t

literate) and it was very interesting to me that in Aramaic they used the

same word for wind, breath and spirit. Those with a Chi Kung

background might find it interesting to take another look at the New

Testament and insert the word breath every time you see the word spirit.

Full Body Awareness

(This exercise is available online as a FREE Guided Meditation. Check

the website at for download locations)

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72 Awaken Your Inner Power

Once you’re comfortable working with your breath it’s time to

bring in the rest of the body. Continue breathing as I’ve outlined above.

In addition to feeling your breath flow and your stomach and ribs

expand, I want you to feel the energy that flows into your body with each

breath. For me it feels like a very light feeling. It may feel different for

you so take some time and open up and feel the energy.

When you draw in the energy can you feel it pooling at your

center of gravity just below your belly button? As you breathe just let

that pool of energy expand throughout your body. Can you feel it flowing

down through your legs and up your back and down your arms? Take

some time and practice feeling that energy pool expand through your

whole body. Later we’ll expand it out even further, but for now just let it


This exercise should help you to feel rejuvenated and refreshed

as you’re drawing energy from an infinite pool. Do this exercise

whenever you’re depressed or down, and eventually as you progress

you’ll learn to do it all the time. It’s a habit you have to grow into.

Awareness and Intention

EVERYTHING is about Awareness and Intention. Now that

you’ve begun to build an awareness of the energy, called Chi, Ki or

Prana in some circles, you’ll be able to do things with it and move it

around in your (and other peoples) body.

We move energy with Intention, and this is a very important

fact. EVERYTHING is energy! Our thoughts, our actions, our beliefs

and everything we see, feel, hear, think and do is energy. Intention is

what we do with that energy.

We are all connected in a vast energy pool that encompasses

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everything that is, was and will be. It doesn’t matter whether a person

believes in it or can feel it; they still have the ability to affect it. How

many times have you seen a person with a negative attitude who

continually draws more negative reactions to himself? He’s broadcasting

his intentions through his attitudes with the result that he becomes a

human crap magnet, drawing in all the negative feelings and emotions

and experiences.

The other side of this is the continually positive person who

always approaches everything from a positive attitude. This doesn’t

mean everything always goes the way he wants it, but if you watch you’ll

see that even the bad times provide fuel for his growth and he tries to

take every bad experience as a lesson to help improve himself.

Just as our thoughts can influence Chi subconsciously, so can

they move it around in our body's. Energy follows thought, so when you

think about moving energy then it will go where you send it. The

important thing here is to stay out of its way. Energy moves in a spiral

and at its own speed, so don’t try to micro-manage it, just let it flow.

Do the Full Body Awareness exercise again, and this time feel

the energy go where you send it. You can also play with this a bit. Send

it down to your feet, now bring it back to your center and this time just

send it down to your left foot, now your right. Now send it up to your

head, and down to your left elbow.

The next time you’re stuck in traffic, or impatiently waiting in

line at the Motor Vehicles Office, just relax and start to play with this.

Isn’t this a neat toy?

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74 Awaken Your Inner Power

Chapter 6

Basic Exercises

Now that you’ve begun to develop the ability to move energy

around in your body there are some

things you can do with it. The

following exercises range from pretty

simple to pretty complicated, but as

you develop your abilities you’ll

eventually find you can do them all at

once and effortlessly. It can take

anywhere from a few weeks to a few

years to develop this ability, so

remember what I said about


Eventually you'll be able to

remember how to do these exercises

by memory, and after that you’ll get to

the point where you just do them

without having to think about them. In the beginning it may be helpful to

have a partner read the exercises to you or you can order the MP3 Instant

Meditation Course that goes with this book at


Eventually you'll

be able to

remember how to

do these

exercises by

memory, and after

that you’ll get to

the point where

you just do them

without having to

think about them.

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Grounding will always be an important skill, no matter how

advanced you become, so take the time to learn this now and to be able

to do it effortlessly.

Stand in the “Standing Stake” pose described above. Go through

the Breathing and Full Body Awareness exercises. Visualize roots

growing from your feet down through the core of the earth, just like a

tree. In later meditations you can add some variety by seeing the roots

flow down to a large crystal at the earth’s core. Depending on the effect

you want you can vary the crystals and access different energies, but

that's obviously beyond the scope of the exercise at this point.

As you inhale feel the energy of the earth being drawn up

through your roots and up through your body and out through the top of

your head.

On your exhale, let that energy drop back down through your

body and feel all the accumulated stress of your life flow out with it and

back down through your roots and into the earth. Feel your muscles relax

as the stress flows out. For best effect do 9 repetitions of this exercise. A

repetition is 1 breath cycle, or inhale and exhale. If you wish you can do

more sets (groups of repetitions) as needed.

Grounding is a good way to release all your stresses, fears,

angers and feelings of inadequacy. Repeat this exercise for awhile, as

many times as necessary to clean yourself out.

There’s nothing wrong (and a lot of benefit) to stopping at this

point and just doing the exercises I’ve gone over up to this point until

they become completely effortless. Whenever you feel yourself

becoming stressed or angry learn to take a moment and ground yourself

and let those feelings just flow out.

Progressive Relaxation

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Progressive Relaxation is easy to do and you can do it anywhere

and anytime.

Assume your meditation position of choice (I like the half-lotus

on a zafu) and go through all the exercises I’ve covered up to this point.

Just take a moment and feel the relaxed energy you should have after

grounding and releasing your stress.

Feel the energy that flows up through your roots and into your

feet. Make fists with your feet by curling your toes in as far as you can

until it hurts, then relax. Let that relaxed feeling flow from your toes

back over your feet and feel them relax.

As you inhale draw that relaxed feeling up over your ankles and

feel them relax completely. On the exhale let any residual stress flow

back out and down through the earth.

On your next inhale draw that relaxed feeling back up over your

calves, letting them relax after walking all day.

Draw that relaxed energy up over your thighs with the next

inhale. They’re the biggest muscles in the body, so let them relax and rest


As you inhale feel that relaxed feeling flow up over your hips

and buttocks. Feel the stress bleed away. We store a lot of stress here, so

take a moment and let this area relax.

Draw that relaxed feeling up over your stomach and lower back.

Feel the muscles in your back relax and feel your stomach move with

your inhale.

Bring the energy up over your chest and the middle of your

back. Feel your heart area expand with the relaxed energy and feel all the

accumulated stress in between your shoulder blades release and flow out

and back down with your exhale.

Draw the feeling of relaxation up over your shoulders and neck.

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Feel any residual tension flow out with your exhale.

Let that relaxed energy flow up and over your head. Let the

muscles of your face and those at the base of your skull relax.

Just sit here and feel this relaxed body you have. Remember this

feeling as it's how you should feel all the time. Tense muscles store

energy, which means your energy isn’t flowing through you, but rather

sticking in certain places in your body.

When your muscles are relaxed your energy flows unimpeded

and is continually renewed, leaving you feeling much lighter and more


The Brain Scrub

The Brain Scrub is designed to help you overcome the “monkey

mind” which leaps and bounces around from subject to subject in an

uncontrolled manner. After mastering this exercise you’ll be able to

instantly clear and calm your mind in any situation, allowing you to

focus completely on any subject.

First hit the meditation position of choice. Take a moment to

relax and let your breathing soften.

As you inhale focus on the number 1. Hold your focus and


On the next inhale focus on the number 2 and so on until you get

to 10.

The purpose here is to focus entirely on the numbers and not

allow any other thoughts to intrude.

DO NOT beat yourself up with this exercise! Our minds are

constantly at work and the untrained mind will bounce from thought to

thought continually (monkey mind) and even during this exercise you’ll

have other thoughts arise.

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78 Awaken Your Inner Power

The key is not to attach to any of those thoughts. When other

thoughts arise just let them evaporate like a wisp of smoke, passing

unheeded through your consciousness and on out of your head.

Your goal is to count from 1 to 10 without attaching to any

intruding thoughts, and if you do find yourself thinking of anything other

than your target number then go back to one and start over.

This exercise is invaluable for learning to control your mind, and

even seasoned meditators will find it useful to go back and practice


Drawing Energy

During various exercises we’ll be drawing in energy through our

chakras, into our organs and even through the entire area of our skin.

Drawing energy into yourself is fairly easy to do and simply requires a

heightened sense of self-awareness to feel.

To begin drawing energy take a moment and focus on your

breathing. Feel your breath as it flows in through your nostrils and down

to your Dan Tien, the area two finger-widths below your belly button.

Feel the chi as it flows in with your breath down to your Dan Tien. Take

a few breaths and let the energy build up and spread through your body.

Now, as silly as it sounds, imagine a nose or an opening that

covers your heart chakra, just over your sternum. Remember what it feels

like when you draw the chi in through your nostrils? As you inhale let

the ‘nose’ over your heart chakra ‘inhale’ chi directly into your heart. It

may take awhile to really feel this, so don’t be worried if it doesn’t seem

to come easily. As you exhale let any stress or unhappiness in your heart

chakra flow down through your legs and deep into the earth.

Practice ‘inhaling’ energy this way. As you get comfortable

with it you’ll be able to draw chi into yourself in many different ways.

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Below are some sample exercises that you can experiment with. You’ll

probably come up with some others on your own as the possibilities here

are literally endless.

Chakra Breathing– We’ll get deeper into this in the Chakra Chapters, but

you can draw energy into any of your chakras at any time just like we did

for the heart chakra.

Energizing your organs– This can be a lot of fun and really help

strengthen your immune system and improve your overall health. It’s

also an exercise in using intention to send energy where you want it to


Take a moment and relax as we did above. On your inhale draw

chi into your Liver. Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly where your

liver is, you don’t have to. Just intend for relaxing, healing energy to

flow into your liver as you inhale, and then draw it in. On your exhale let

the stresses and built up energies flow out of your liver and down into the

earth. Can you feel the lightness and relaxation? The next time you find

yourself becoming angry do this exercise.

You can run chi into any of your organs exactly the same way.

The infusion of energy will help cleanse your organs and release bound

stresses and memories. You may find yourself having some unexpected

emotional releases as that energy has to go somewhere once it’s released.

Relaxing Stress Knots out of your muscles– Whenever you feel a stress

knot building up in your muscles just draw energy directly into the knot

on the inhale and let the stress flow down into the earth on your exhale.

As an exercise in awareness you can take some time and just choose a

body part at random and draw energy into it.

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Improve your eyesight and hearing– I’ve personally experienced some

radical healing in both my eyesight and hearing by drawing more chi into

my eyes and ears. At an age when my eyes should be getting worse I

have gotten to the point where I only wear my glasses when I’m working

on the computer or watching a movie.

Drawing energy from trees, rocks and plants– Sit with your back to a

tree or better yet face it and wrap your arms around it. Relax and spend a

few moments practicing feeling your own energy. Expand your

awareness to the tree. Can you feel the rough bark against your skin and

hear the rustle of wind in the leaves and branches. Can you smell it? Can

you feel the energy from it? Create a circuit with the tree. As you inhale

feel the energy from the tree flow into you. As you exhale let your

energy flow into the tree. Let your friends who haven’t experienced this

laugh at you for being a ‘tree hugger’. Experiment with this with other

plants as well as rocks and crystals. Do they all feel the same? Can you

tell the difference between tree species based on the feel of their energy?

Can you differentiate between different crystals based on their energy?

You could keep yourself occupied indefinitely in the backyard with this


Drawing energy is something that you can do at any time, any

place. As you get better at it and more comfortable with it you’ll also be

able to develop more control over your emotions and your physical

responses by using variations on the exercises above. Don’t be afraid to

play with this and experiment with the healing energies as this is all

about building up your personal catalog of feelings and experiences.

The Secret Smile

The Secret Smile is one of Dr. Glenn Morris’ exercises and he

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wrote about it in his book Pathnotes of an American Ninja Master. Those

of us who teach his martial art form, Hoshinjutsu, also teach this

regularly in our classes. This is a fairly easy exercise and I can’t

recommend it strongly enough. Energy flows better through a relaxed

and happy body and you should get in the habit of making this a regular

part of your practice.

Hit the meditation position of choice. Take some time to do the

grounding exercise and relax your breathing. Put a smile on your face

and keep it there.

To start the Secret Smile first clench your toes as tightly as

possible, until it begins to hurt. Relax them and feel the feeling that

follows a kind of relaxed, happy, glad not to be tightly clenched feeling.

On your inhale pull that feeling up across your feet, then up your ankles

and up along your calves. On your inhales feel it rise up across your

knees, then over your thighs and across your hips. Feel the muscles relax

as you do this. Draw the feeling up your spine and up over your head and

down to the point where your tongue touches the roof of your mouth just

behind your front teeth. Mix the relaxed feeling with the saliva in your

mouth, swallow it down and feel it drop down through your body

relaxing it as it goes.

Think about a time when you did something well. It can be any

event you wish, but think of a time when you did something really right

and everyone knew it. Take out the event and just keep the feeling of it.

Take that feeling down to your toes and on your inhales pull that feeling

up across your feet, then up your ankles and up along your calves. Feel it

rise up across your knees, then over your thighs and across your hips.

Draw the feeling up your spine and up over your head and down to the

point where your tongue touches the roof of your mouth just behind your

front teeth. Mix the good, competent feeling with the saliva in your

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mouth, swallow it down and feel it drop down through your body

charging it with the good feeling it as it goes. Let it mix with the first.

Think about a time when you laughed, a good deep belly laugh

that you couldn’t control or stop. Now take out the reason for the

laughter, but keep the feeling of it. Take that laughing feeling down to

your toes and on your inhales pull that laughter up across your feet, then

up your ankles and up along your calves. Feel it rise up across your

knees, then over your thighs and across your hips. Draw the feeling up

your spine and up over your head and down to the point where your

tongue touches the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Mix

the happy, laughing feeling with the saliva in your mouth, swallow it

down and feel it drop down through your body feeling your body

laughing it as it goes. Let it mix with the others.

Think about a time when you were in love, truly, completely,

100%, head over heels, swept off your feet in love. Take out the person

or people. Take that feeling down to your toes and on your inhales pull it

up across your feet, then up your ankles and up along your calves. Feel it

rise up across your knees, then over your thighs and across your hips.

Draw the feeling up your spine and up over your head and down to the

point where your tongue touches the roof of your mouth just behind your

front teeth. Mix the loving feeling with the saliva in your mouth, swallow

it down and feel it drop down through your body charging it with

complete, unconditional love. Let it mix with the others.

Think about the best orgasm you ever had. Take out the person

or people and just keep the feeling of the orgasm. Take that feeling down

to your toes and on your inhales pull that feeling up across your feet, then

up your ankles and up along your calves. Feel it rise up across your

knees, then over your thighs and across your hips. Draw the feeling up

your spine and up over your head and down to the point where your

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tongue touches the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Mix

the feeling with the saliva in your mouth, swallow it down and feel it

drop down through your body charging it with the good feeling it as it

goes. Let it mix with the others.

Feel the combination of the energies now and feel the combined

energies swirling around down at your feet. Take the feelings down to

your toes and on your inhales pull that feeling up across your feet, then

up your ankles and up along your calves. Feel it rise up across your

knees, then over your thighs and across your hips. Feel the happy,

relaxed, loving, competent, sexual energy as it flows up your spine and

up over your head and down to the point where your tongue touches the

roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Mix the combined

feelings with the saliva in your mouth, swallow it down and feel it drop

down through your body and then let it flow up again to the top of your

head, and then drop down to your feet.

Play with this awhile, run it as often as you can. This is how you

should feel all the time, relaxed, happy, loved and sexy. As you get better

at this you’ll be able to run it continuously.

The Microcosmic Orbit

In his excellent book Awaken Healing Energy through the Tao;

Mantak Chia goes into great detail on the Microcosmic Orbit. We teach it

in Hoshinjutsu also. Use this exercise to get started, but get his book and

get deeper into it.

The purpose with this deceptively simple exercise is to begin

drawing your chi up your spine and back down the front of your body.

When you do this you energize your entire body and your internal

organs, increasing your health and building up your ability to move more

and more energy. All we’re doing at this basic level is drawing the

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energy up from the perineum up the spine to the top of the head and then

letting it fall back down the front of our body to the perineum again. Be

sure to keep your tongue up to connect the meridians.

Basic Practice

Sitting in a chair or on a cushion, go through the grounding and

the Secret Smile. As you inhale clench the PC muscle in your perineum

(kegels) and let the energy flow up your spine to the top of your head.

Let it flow over the top of your head and drop down the front of your

body to your perineum on the exhale.

As you inhale contract your PC muscles and your sphincter and

feel the rush of energy up your spine. This part can take a bit of practice.

Begin by only doing a few contractions at a time and then building up the

number of contractions as you practice.

At the most basic level that’s all there is to it. As you begin to

play with this and experiment then you can try running the orbit between

various chakras also.

If you feel like you’re building up too much heat in your head

(headaches, drowsiness, hot forehead) then you can reverse the flow and

just run the orbit backwards.

Get into the habit of running the orbit all the time. This gets

easier as you become more comfortable, learn to stay out of the way of

the energy and just let it flow.

Intermediate Practice

The next stage is called the Macrocosmic Orbit and it includes

your arms and legs. You should be to the point where you can run the

basic orbit at any time, even while at work and during the day as you go

about your life. Going from the Microcosmic Orbit to the Macrocosmic

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Orbit is simple because by now you’ve figured out the hard parts and just

need to expand your orbit.

Draw earth energy up the front of your legs as far as the first

chakra, then up your spine on the inhale while doing your sphincter

contractions. After you pull the energy over the top of your head let it

drop back down the front of your body to the perineum and down the

back of your legs into the earth. Seen from the side this looks like a

figure 8 with an open bottom.

As you draw up the front of your legs also pull energy up the

back of your arms to the midpoint of your back between your shoulder

blades. At this point it combines with the energy coming up your spine

and then rises up over your head. It can take some practice to coordinate

your breathing with drawing the energy up your arms and legs. It’s

perfectly fine if you practice these separately and just draw up your legs

for awhile before adding in your arms.

On the exhale let your energy drop down the front of your body.

When it reaches your heart chakra let it split and let the energy run down

the front of your arms as well as the front of your body. Let it flow out

your fingers and down to the earth. Let the energy flowing down the

front of your body go through the perineum and then down the back of

your legs, into the earth.

It may take awhile to build your coordination so don’t get

discouraged. This is a good exercise for clearing stagnant energy out of

your arms and legs and energizing your entire body. Keep at it til you can

get out of the way of the process and just let it flow all the time. You’ll

reach a point where you can stop trying to do it and just let it happen.

Skin Breathing

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86 Awaken Your Inner Power

Skin Breathing is an excellent full body awareness exercise that

also helps strengthen your bones, among other things. It’s out of the

“Marrow Washing and Tendon Changing” school of Chi Kung.

To begin, first take a moment to do the grounding exercise and

progressive relaxation exercises. Pay attention to your breathing. On the

inhale draw energy into your body as described in the ‘Drawing Energy’

section, except that instead of drawing chi into a specific organ or muscle

we’re going to draw it in through the entire surface area of our skin.

This is a relatively advanced exercise. If you have trouble

feeling the surface of your skin over your entire body all at once just take

a more manageable chunk such as your head or hands to start with.

As you inhale feel the chi flow in through your skin and deep

into your bones. On your exhale feel any stresses or problems flow down

through your arms and legs and deep into the earth. Practice this until

you can feel the energy flowing into every square inch of skin over your

entire body.

Exercises to Open the Meridians

My buddy Brian Earnest sent me these exercises to use in my

Hoshinjutsu class, and I really liked them a lot.

Tao Yin (Taoist Yoga)

By Brian Earnest

Tao-Yin exercises help your internal life force, or Chi, circulate

more freely, for the purpose of refreshing, attuning, adjusting and

regenerating your personal energy. All the Tao-Yin movements are based

on ancient spiritual development. Taoist Yoga floor postures stretch the

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difficult-to-reach psoas muscle, calm the mind, open energy channels,

and relieve stress.

An important aspect of Tao-Yin is that it has alternating phases

of activity and relaxation. During the relaxation phase you will learn to

feel and gently guide the Chi flow to specific areas of your body. You

will learn to absorb the nutrition from the air and the surrounding energy

so you can open each cell to the fresh vitality of the universal force. This

practice will help you relieve any energy stagnancy.

Most Tao Yin (or Do-In in Japanese) or Meridian exercises are

directly or indirectly related to energizing the flow of electromagnetic

currents through the meridians, and in that sense it is not necessary to put

special emphasis on exercises for the meridians alone. However, we can

use certain exercises especially for the purposes of extending the

meridians to activate and release energy flow from any stagnation which

may be caused by improper diet, improper posture, or various unnatural

daily activities.


There are 12 major meridians for the circulation of Qi on each

side of the body in the “traditional meridian system.” These 12 meridians

are grouped into 6 Yin/Yang pairs in relation to basic life functions.

In addition to the 12 major meridians, in traditional Chinese

Medicine, there are 8 extra meridians which are special pathways for the

Qi travel. The Conception Vessel and the Governor Vessel are

exceptional among the extra meridians in that they also have independent

functions and points which are located on the center line in the front and

along the back of the body’s centerline (independent points are

acupuncture points which belong to one meridian. All the regular

meridians have independent points, but most of the extra meridians do

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not. Meridians without independent points share points which belong to

other meridians). The most exceptional feature of these 2 meridians is

that they regulate the flow of energy in all of the regular meridians. The

Conception and Governor Vessels are said to respectively serve as

reservoirs of Qi for the Yin/Yang meridians.

Open CV (Conception Vessel)

While bending back, holding behind bottom.

The lines of tension produced along the center line of the abdomen are

the Conception Vessel. This is the flow of Qi which regulates all the Yin

meridians. The conception vessel is a meridian running along the center

line on the front of the body which has at least 24 main independent

points beginning at the perineum and ending right in the middle of the

lower jaw.

Open GV (Governing Vessel)

Bend forward holding behind bottom at top of thighs.

The line of tension which forms down the center of your back is

the Governor vessel. The Governor vessel has at least 28 main

independent points and begins at the tip of the tailbone and goes up and

around the crown of the head to the end up at the midpoint of the upper

jaw. The tension along the Governor vessel is felt most strongly when

you inhale.

There are 12 major meridians which can be divided into 6 pairs

according to Yin (quiet energies) and Yang (active energies).

For best results; during these 6 Meridian exercises we should

hold the postures at their extreme extended point for the duration of at

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least two breath cycles. This serves for the extension of the meridians as

well as the acceleration of energy flow, resulting in the release of

stagnation and disorders along the meridians and muscles.

1. Lung/Large Intestine “A” (bend over, look to the heels, push hands

over head and up)

2. Stomach / Spleen “B” (Lean back from Seiza)

3. Heart / Small Intestine “C” (Pull forehead towards the floor and try

to touch Toes while holding them with the hands and opening the “Gau”

groin, feet and heels pressing together)

4. Bladder / Kidney “D” (Legs stretched out heels touching, bend

forward and reach)

5. Heart Constrictor (Governor) / Triple Heater Meridians “E” (Sit

in ¼ or ½ Lotus position and cross arms one over the other so hands are

cupping over opposite knees, bend over and touch forehead to center at

crease of arm)

6. Gallbladder / Liver “F” (Both Legs are stretched/extended out to

either side. Spread out as far as comfortable. Keep knees straight so that

backs of legs touch the floor. Reach up and then out to either side and

lean to one side and then the other).

Important Points:

The real purpose of these Six Basic Meridian Exercises is not to

attain the flexibility of a gymnast or ballerina. The most important goal is

to find the best position in which you can feel the resistance or a tingling

sensation coming from the line of tension forming along the meridians.

The main objective here is to get a feeling for what it really is

like to relax by releasing Qi and allowing tension to dissipate. Start out

doing only two reps for each exercise and one or two complete breath

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cycles while in each posture. Increase the reps and breath cycles over

time. Use slow and deliberate breath patterns. Always keep your

attention on your breathing and be sensitive to how your body is

responding to each exercise.

Just relax after completion. Relax for a while on your back with

your eyes closed in an “X” position (the kind of position we got into

when lying in the snow to make snow angels, also called the “Corpse”

position in Yoga. Keep the eyes closed and feel for any bodily

sensations. Become entirely detached from the external world. When you

do this, your mind will begin to tune in to any internal events of your

body. You may begin feeling various sensations like tingling or buzzing

in the ears, eyes or along the course of the meridians which can be

regarded as “Energy Flow.” These sensations, instead of issuing from

conscious awareness, have their origins in the inner workings of your


These meridian exercises should not be viewed merely as a way

of stretching and limbering muscles and joints. Stretching in this context

does not refer just o lengthening or pulling something apart, but is rather

an act of extending or expanding which liberates the energy lying latent

within you. These exercises would serve as a form of physical expression

to release, through the act of stretching, those things which you have

been holding inside. These exercises are an opportunity to get in touch

with your body and give expression to your inner being through


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Bibliography for Tao Yin:

Zen Imagery Exercises, Meridian exercises for wholesome living

By Shizuto Masunaga

The Book of Do In

By Michio Kushi

The Book of Shiatsu

By Paul Lundbreg

Attune your Body with Dao-In

By Master Hua-Ching Ni

Other Exercises to Open and Balance Your Meridians

A couple of other exercises that you can look up are ‘The 8

Pieces of Brocade’ and ‘The 5 Tibetans’. A Google search will turn up

videos and a variety of websites with these exercises. I do both and can

recommend them highly.

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92 Awaken Your Inner Power

Chapter 7

Feeling and Seeing Energy

If you’ve been doing the exercises I’ve described by now you’ve

probably had some interesting experiences with feeling your own internal

energy and drawing energy into your body. Now we’re going to work

with feeling external energy. As you progress you’ll not only be able to

feel your own energy, but the energy of the people and things around


The following exercises will help you feel your aura, the external

energy field that surrounds everything. Everything on the planet is made

up of various particles held together by energy, and you can feel and

even manipulate that energy with practice.

Exercise 1 – Building an Energy Ball

Rub your hands together briskly as if trying to warm them on a cold

day. Doing this increases the sensitivity.

Hold your hands in front of you about 6 inches apart. Now move

them away from each other until they are about 8-12 inches apart, and

then move them back to 2-3 inches apart, just like a fisherman describing

the sizes of the fish he caught. As you continue doing this can you feel a

ball or energy building up between your hands? It feels like a thickness

in the air between your hands, or a pressure between them.

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Play with this exercise a bit. See how big you can make the energy

ball. Is one hand more sensitive than the other? Can you turn your hands

over and do it with the backs of your hands?

Exercise 2 – Waving the Energy

Hold your left hand upright in front of you with your palm facing to

the right. Wave your right fingertips slowly up and down in front of your

left hand, but without touching it. Can you feel the motion of your right

hand across the surface of your left palm? Switch hands and do it again.

Does it feel different with the other hand? Is one hand more sensitive?

Exercise 3 – Feeling the Aura

Hold your hands out in front of you at arms length, palms in. Now

move your awareness down to your palms and slowly move your palms

in towards your body. Remember the way it felt when you made the

energy ball between your palms? Can you feel the same sort of thickness

or pressure as your palms move in towards your body?

With a partner, practice moving your hands slowly towards them.

Can you feel their aura? Can your partner feel your hands as you move

towards them?

Have your partner stand about 12-15 feet away. Walk slowly

towards them. Can you sense their aura as you walk up to them? Can

they feel you? As you get deeper into this you’ll be able to play with

intention and emotions also, but for now just concentrate on feeling the


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Here's a game you can play

with this;

Have your partner stand a

few feet away and think angry

thoughts. Can you feel a difference in

their energy? How about when they

think happy thoughts?

Some people have no trouble

at all with this while others aren’t as

empathic and take awhile to learn to

feel it. As usual this is all about

building up your own personal

catalog and learning how things feel.

Chakra Diagnosis

Have your partner stand upright but relaxed. Stand with both your

hands held above their head. Slowly bring your hands down until you can

feel the thickness or pressure of their crown chakra. This can vary on

everyone. How far above their head did you feel it?

Move your hands down to their 3


eye with one hand in front of

their forehead and one hand behind their head. Move your hands out and

slowly back towards them until you can sense the energy of their chakra.

Did you feel a difference between the front and back? Did you sense the

front and back at different distances, was one of them noticeably further

out than the other? Did it feel like your hands were pushed out away

from the chakra?

When you learn

about the chakras

what you sense

can be extremely

useful for learning

about who you’re

dealing with and

give you insights

into their

personalities and

their possible


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Do this again at the Throat Chakra, then at the Heart Chakra, Solar

Plexus, and Dan Tien. Don’t touch them physically; just feel the energy

of their chakras.

For the Root Chakra let your hands go down to just above your

partners knees and feel the energy over that entire area.

This exercise can be a lot of fun, especially as you learn more about

the Chakra system and what it means when you can feel the energy. It’s

extremely easy to do and anyone with a basic level of awareness can do

it fairly quickly as it’s just feeling energy.

With practice you can build up the sensitivity to be able to sense

another person's chakras without going through the whole diagnosis.

When you build up the sensitivity you may even be able to use your own

chakras as antennae to feel other people’s chakras. It sounds weird, but it

can be extremely amusing to sit in public (bookstores are good for this)

and feel the people that walk by.

When you learn about the chakras what you sense can be extremely

useful for learning about who you’re dealing with and give you insights

into their personalities and their possible actions/reactions. This can be

somewhat akin to magic as these abilities are not only misunderstood,

but scoffed at and disbelieved by most of western society.

Seeing the Aura

Just as you can feel energy, a lot of people can also see it. Seeing the

aura doesn’t seem to be something everyone can do and those who do

seem to have wildly varying abilities. I’ve known healers who could look

at you and say things like “Oh you’re blocking some energy here” just

because of what they see in your aura while others can just barely see it.

Personally I’m more of an empath and while I can feel energy from

across the room I don’t see it that well. This is something that you can

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play with and if you can do it then it’s just another cool tool in the


Seeing the aura is a matter of taking your eyes slightly out of focus.

If you’ve ever been able to see those holographic picture-in-a-picture

things you shouldn’t have any trouble seeing auras as you do exactly the

same thing with your eyes. The first time I was at a seminar and this

topic came up I had no luck whatsoever with seeing the auras of the

others in the seminar. That night I went over to the bookstore and

grabbed a bunch of the holograph picture books and sat there til I could

relax my eyes and see them. The next day when I went back for the rest

of the seminar I didn’t have any trouble at all seeing the auras of the

other attendees.

Have your training partner stand in front of a light-colored wall in a

dimly lit room. Have your partner hold one finger in front of their face

about 6 inches out from their chin. Now focus your eyes on their finger,

not their face. Have them remove their finger but keep looking at the

same spot, you’ll have to relax your eyes a bit to do this. Using that

same relaxed vision, if you look at them you should be able to see what

looks like a little line that runs all around them a couple of inches out

from their body. The next layer out is even more faint and may have

colors associated with it. The different meanings of the colors vary

widely depending on who you’re talking to. My advice in this area is to

open up your awareness and see for yourself which colors seem to be

associated most often with which types of people and their behaviors.

Play with this a bit. Does their aura change when they think

happy thoughts? Sad thoughts? Angry thoughts?

Some people can see auras instantly and others have to work at

it. Don’t be too put out if it takes awhile.

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Chapter 8

Finding your ‘Inner Gods’

I like the idea of Gods but personally don’t put much effort or work

into worshiping any I’ve heard of so far. I frequently see the word

Namaste tossed around (“the Divine in me recognizes and honors the

Divine in you”) and I really like that

even though I don’t use it much.

Most of the Great Teachers

(Christ, Buddha, Mohammed,

Krishna, etc.) have been adamant that

the Divine or Holy Spirit lives within

each of us and that we can all access it

without the need for priests, popes,

clerics, pastors, televangelists or other

middle men. This goes along with the

commonly heard “Everything you

need is already inside you” attitude

I’ve learned to believe in.

Some people feel the need to

personify their deities and even have

different deities for different actions, causes, days of the week, etc.

Hence the vast pantheons in some of the religions, I think that’s great

also. Your mind can bring reality to any thought or concept, so if you

Your mind can
bring to reality

any thought or

concept, so if you

want to worship

Our Lady of the

Dirty Laundry

then by all means

feel free and

don’t ever let

anyone tell you

she isn’t real.

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98 Awaken Your Inner Power

want to worship Our Lady of the Dirty Laundry then by all means feel

free and don’t ever let anyone tell you she isn’t real. I personally really

enjoy some of the ‘honoring the sacred feminine’ rituals. I tend to argue

that some of the strictures placed on women in the larger religions go

back to men who are afraid of their feminine energies and represents an

imbalance in their basic dualities.

You should see your inner deities from any viewpoint you wish, in

other words. Feel free to ritualize, sanctify, idolize and worship them in

any way you see fit as it’s extremely important to have FAITH when

you’re on the Meditation road. It doesn’t matter what you choose to have

faith in, just as long as you’re able to relax and listen to the inner voices

and trust that they are taking you in the directions in which you’re

supposed to go.

You should identify with the happy, positive and beautiful aspects of

your inner deities and always strive to remember and honor them in

every moment of your life. Your inner deities are part of the same energy

that everyone else’s inner deities are made of, so by honoring yourself

you should also be honoring them and vice versa.

Spirituality and Religion

One of the big conflicts that I see people having is between

Spirituality and Religion. The two are neither identical nor mutually


The simplest way to say it is that Religion is external (outside of

you) and Spirituality is internal. That’s a bit too simple.

In Western Culture we’re taught to look to external sources for

almost everything. We’re indoctrinated into the belief that we must have

someone else’s permission for anything we want to do. This includes our

relationship with God.

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This external focus is one of our biggest problems, in my

opinion. When we have to go outside of ourselves for everything we lose

our autonomy and independence. It also makes it easy for us to look at

someone or something else and say “This is YOUR fault”. The ability to

point the blame somewhere else can be a pretty big draw for some

people. How many people do you know right now who are unhappy with

their lives? How many of them can point to someone else and say “They

ruined my life!”?

If God is external you have the ability to take NO

RESPONSIBILITY at all for your own life. Whenever something bad

happens it must be “God’s Will”. After all, you were trying your best and

living right, saying your prayers and eating your veggies and all that,

right? The source of your problem must be ‘out there’.

There is a lot of Power in externalizing God. When God is ‘out

there’ it only stands to reason that there must be certain people who are

better at communicating with Him or understanding Him. These middle

men always come with their own price, and hey, they’ve got mortgages

and kids in school also, so of course they should get paid for their time.

We now have huge industries built around the middle men. I don’t want

to seem like I’m denigrating the middle men. In fact, I consider religion

to be extremely important and I really don’t believe that our world would

function without it.

The Purpose of Religion

When I talk about religion I’m not referring to Christianity,

Islam or any of the other ‘isms’. I’m referring to the study of and

subscription to a broad form of spiritual belief held in consensus among

any particular group. Anything can be a religion if you approach it

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100 Awaken Your Inner Power

religiously, even if you and your friends decide to worship linoleum.

Religion in this broader sense has 3 purposes.

1. It gives us a cultural basis for our morals and our laws. In every

country on Earth the major laws come straight from the

dominant religion. Don’t take my word for it, do some research.

2. It provides answers to questions we can’t otherwise answer. For

a long time religion was the only place to turn if you wanted an

explanation for where we came from and why the crops grow

and just what is that big yellow ball in the sky anyway?

3. It gives us an outlet for dealing with death and loss. This sounds

simple but it should never be underestimated. No one escapes

dealing with death, and having a solid set of guidelines and

beliefs can be extremely comforting.

This external v. internal problem is just exacerbated when we

begin to reach for and learn about our own spirituality. Many of us have

been indoctrinated from birth to believe God is ‘out there’ or ‘up there’.

The conflicts begin to arise when we have the feeling that God is ‘in


The concept that God is within us changes everything. And it

causes a lot of problems.

Going Within

Spirituality, or the study and search for one’s spiritual essence

(my definition), pretty much has to be a solitary pursuit in the beginning.

This doesn’t mean you can’t share beliefs, rituals, chalices or bodily

fluids in the name of a deity or spiritual path. It just means that at the

most basic level you are dealing with your spirit. The only way to do that

is to go within and start getting to know your Self. This can be an

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extremely long, complicated and even dangerous journey. It’s pretty

much guaranteed to kill you, so you may as well get comfortable with


We have a lot of great tools in our modern world. Meditation,

yoga, Ayurveda, art, dance and pretty

much any other form of personal

expression can be a spiritual tool if

used properly. Building one’s Self-

Awareness and learning to use

Intention and the Universal Laws

also become major stepping stones.

As you begin to open up

your spiritual toolbox you’ll begin to

see that everything you need is

already inside you. As you begin developing your awareness it becomes

easier to see where your culture ends and where you begin. In the

beginning we are all products of our culture and we exist as a series of

reactions to the various stimuli around us. That’s why we see so many

people who are so influenced by peer pressure, or political pressure or

religious pressure.

I define the average person as someone with little or no true Self

Awareness. I’m not knocking average people, because at certain levels

you’ll begin to see they are us anyway, but that’s further on. Right now

I’m just laying some groundwork, which we’ll do away with later on.

When I talk about the ‘average person’ what I’m really referring to is an

Ego. The Ego is a combination of our conscious self (the Super-Ego) and

our subconscious self (the Id). My definition of the Ego is “That which

defines us and separates us from all the other Egos out there and provides

The Ego is a

combination of

our conscious self
(the Super-Ego)

and our

subconscious self

(the Id)

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102 Awaken Your Inner Power

us with a framework for our reactions and responses to external and

internal stimuli”.

The Ego is developed as we grow up. How many of us have

knee-jerk responses to various words? How do you feel when I say Birth

Control or Gun Control? These are learned responses that have been

trained into our Id. In most cases we no longer make a conscious

decision when those words come up, but we react automatically.

The Id can be trained to respond in any way we wish. Most of

the training we give it tends to be undirected, or at least not really

consciously directed. For example, the Id has no concept of reality. To

the Id your imagination and the world you see through your eyes are one

and the same! Therefore, when you give yourself a lot of negative

reinforcement like “I’m broke and I don’t have any money” that is

exactly what the Id believes, whether you are a billionaire like Donald

Trump or a dozenaire like me. That’s why I write and teach so much

about keeping a positive attitude, because what you reinforce is what you


Some of the Id’s programming has evolved in humans for

hundreds of thousands of years. The ‘Fight or Flight’ response, for

instance. Fight or Flight developed as a survival mechanism back in the

days when we didn’t want to wait around to see if the Saber-toothed tiger

was really hungry or just out for a casual stroll. It’s a deeply ingrained

response and everyone has it in one form or another. Whether we run or

choose to stand and fight depends on the way we’ve been programmed.

The Id can be an amazing tool on your quest for Self Mastery. It

will create whatever you tell it to! One of the first steps in getting to

know your Self is to look at the things you tell your Id. What are you

training it to do? What do you think about, dream of, wish for, fear, love

or desire? How many of those things enhance the journey you think you

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Robert Morgen 103

are on? How many of those things create conflict and confusion? That’s

why learning to look inward and live consciously is so important, and

why it creates such huge perceptual shifts!

Perception = Reality




reality? Is anything real? How can different

people experience exactly the same event and have different reactions

such as pain and pleasure or fear and excitement? You can put two

people in the same seat on a roller coaster and one of them may love

every minute of it and the other might throw up from fear. Why is that?

Didn’t they both just experience the same event? Apparently not!

Our reality is simply our view of the world around us filtered

through our perceptions. Some of this is biological. Our body puts out

certain chemicals that cause certain reactions at a physiological level that

may be beyond our conscious control. That’s just a scientific fact.

However, modern science, as well as very ancient science, has repeatedly

proven we can change our programming for just about any physiological

reaction. It’s just a matter of training our Id and changing our


Creating Your Reality

The Super-Ego is your tool for training the Id. What you think

and do on a conscious level filters directly down to your subconscious. If

you consistently take a positive viewpoint you will gradually train your

Id to react in a positive manner. How many times have you met someone

who always looked at the bad side of any situation? Did it seem like that

person is having a good life? Were they fun to be around?

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104 Awaken Your Inner Power

That was a loaded question, because if you’ve been programmed

to be either sadistic or masochistic you might enjoy that person a lot. It

all depends on your perception!

We all have the ability to consciously change the way we look at

and interact with the world around us. Tools like affirmations, hypnosis

and Neuro-Linguistic Programming allow us to directly interface with

our Id and take charge of our programming. Some of these tools can be

very fast and some of them can take awhile and there are arguments and

benefits for both.

I like to point out that making small, incremental changes tends

to be easier because it disrupts your life a lot less. The changes tend to be

more sustainable since you are making a lifestyle change rather than just

changing an aspect of yourself. For instance, you can win the lottery and

instantly change an aspect of yourself, but statistics show the vast

majority of lottery winners are broke again within a very short time.

Statistics also show many self-made millionaires went through a process

of learning about money management and financial education that

allowed them to create an entirely new reality, but in a much more

incremental fashion.

What it all comes down to is that it’s ok to feel good about

taking things slow and making small changes, even though that tends to

not be The American Way.

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Chapter 9

Complete Self Acceptance

One of the most important parts of Personal Mastery is Self

Acceptance. This is much more than the usual self esteem issues we hear

about, although that’s a part of it.

Self Acceptance is about accepting yourself completely, exactly as

you are RIGHT NOW. For most of us this isn’t as easy as it should be.

We’ve been taught that we have to achieve certain things or be certain

things, and we shouldn’t feel satisfied with who we are until we’ve done


In reality we’re NEVER finished as there will hopefully always be

more to learn and new ways to grow. So when, exactly, are we supposed

to feel good about ourselves?

Popular culture would have you believe all you need to feel good

about yourself is the right car, or the right clothes, or the right beer. In

fact many of our culture’s self-esteem problems are intentionally created

by the media and the businesses that advertise there. How often have you

seen an ad and thought “I really need to update my style”, or “I really

need a new car”? Do you really? Hey, maybe sometimes we do. I have to

admit my habit of wearing sweatpants, t-shirts and sandals wouldn’t go

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106 Awaken Your Inner Power

over well when making advertising sales calls for the videos or books,

and I do in fact, really need a good car.

As usual the question in our

society is ‘how much do we really

need’? The difference here is the

word need versus the word want.

We’re taught we need certain

things to feel good about

ourselves, and that’s the key issue.

I don’t care if you buy a new

Mercedes 3 times a week if that’s

what you want to do and you can

afford it.

However, if you feel like you

need to buy or do anything in

order to feel good about yourself

that’s an issue that needs to be


Self Acceptance is about

FREEDOM. It’s the freedom to be

happy with who you are and not

be a slave to the needs we’re taught to believe in. It’s the freedom to look

at yourself in the mirror and love and accept the person you see looking

back and the freedom to be happy to be in your own skin.

True self acceptance is one of the transformational moments in our

lives. It doesn’t mean there aren’t things you’d like to change, or have

new directions you’d like to grow. It means you’ve accepted yourself,

with all your warts and ugly spots, and now you can start moving in the

positive directions needed for your life.

In reality we’re

NEVER finished

as there will

hopefully always be

more to learn and

new ways to grow.

So when, exactly,

are we supposed to

feel good about


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It’s also the key to having the freedom to accept others exactly as

they are. The most important person you can love is yourself. Have you

ever seen someone who gives up their entire lives to help others, yet

destroys their own health and welfare in the process? Everything is

connected and One, which means anything you can see, feel or imagine

is a part of you also, with all the balances that apply.

For instance, a person who only takes care of himself, with no regard

for others, is no less imbalanced than someone who devotes his entire life

to care for others at the expense of himself. The key here, once again, is

the word NEED. It’s all about the motivation that drives them.

Some of those so intent on self-sacrifice are driven by need. They

need to help others to make up for their own inadequacies, or to make up

for the bad things they feel they’ve done, or whatever other reasons drive

them. Yet if they truly accepted themselves then would they feel the need

to sacrifice themselves in order to help others? Wouldn’t they see helping

others as an extension of helping themselves, rather than as a way to

make themselves feel better about who they are?

A balanced person sees helping others as a normal, compassionate

thing to do, rather than as something to do to make up for their own lack

in some area. It’s the Law of Reciprocity again, by helping others we

help ourselves, by encouraging others to grow we also grow in the

process. By accepting ourselves exactly as we are, we can also accept

others exactly as they are, and that’s the beginning of unity.

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108 Awaken Your Inner Power

Chapter 10

The Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means ‘wheel’ and it refers to the

spinning energy centers on our body. A chakra isn’t really a physical part

of our body although with practice you can feel them pretty easily.

These energy centers affect the way our body functions on all

planes as well as store memories and feelings. There is some pretty

persuasive evidence that we can even store ‘left-over’ feelings and

memories from former lives. Occasionally these hold-overs can have

adverse effects on our current lives.

When your Inner Power awakens you’ll go through a period of

chakra cleansing and balancing. This period can (as in my case) last for

years, although that obviously varies from person to person. This

cleansing is part of what many Meditation teachers refer to when they

say that the Meditation “breaks the wheel of Karma”.

Many volumes have been written on the study of chakras and

I’m not going to try to recreate that here. Rather than an exhaustive study

I’m going to give you enough to get you started and to begin exploring

your chakra system.

Those of you who wish to get deeper into the study of chakras

(and it’s pretty fundamental) are advised to find a copy of Cyndi Dale’s

excellent book New Chakra Healing.

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When most people mention chakras they're talking about the

seven primary chakras that run up a person’s center line. These seven

primary chakras affect our lives on many different levels and a clear

understanding of them and what they do is extremely helpful on your

quest for self-awareness.

The Japanese based martial

arts usually have only 5 chakras; Earth,

Water, Fire, Wind and the Void. The

Void encompasses the top three

chakras seen in other systems. In order

to avoid too much confusion I’ve

avoided giving all the names from all

the various languages usually

associated with chakras.

The chakras have both a front

side and a back side. Each side deals

with different aspects of your life. The simple charts below will give you

some specifics about it. Most of the information in the charts came from

New Chakra Healing and deal with the front side of the chakra.

As the energy starts rising through the chakra you'll experience a

huge range of side effects and experiences. Any time an energy block is

encountered extra energy is going to be applied to help break up the

block. This means you can experience extremes in any aspect of your

life. One of the lessons that I learned the hard way is that the energy will

keep pumping into that block and the issue can continue to get more

extreme until you develop your awareness of it and balance it out.

This process will never end, by the way. Don't think of it as

something that you're going to work through once and then be done with.

You will always be bouncing back and forth through your chakras and

This process will

never end, by the

way. Don't think

of it as something

that you're going

to work through

once and then be

done with.

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110 Awaken Your Inner Power

balancing and fine tuning them, so get used to working with them and

take the time to learn about them.




The First Chakra is also known as the Root or Earth Chakra.

Location Perineum,


Color Red
Key Word



Images of a snake, dragon
or “holy fire”.

Source Of

Passion; raw, primal
feelings, rage, terror, joy,
survival energy

Seat of

The will to live


Root of addictions,
compulsions, sexual
dysfunction, nervous
disorders, money, career
and finance issues


Roots, family values,
heritage. Programming
affecting basic needs such
as sex, money, love, food,
air, housing, etc.

Physical Communication

physical/emotional needs
through aches and pains,
physical awareness, touch,
smell, vibration

Energy Type

Meditation, raw earth

In the meditation position of choice; first ground and then do the

Secret Smile.

Let your awareness drop down to your perineum. As you inhale

feel the energy flow in through your perineum and up your spine. Watch

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the phosphenes behind your eyes as when you do this they tend to turn


Associated with the large intestine, feet and legs, the 1



is your foundation. In this chakra you'll deal with security, stability,

money, housing, and other basic survival needs.

Imbalances in this chakra can result in angry, violent, fear-based

reactions. Often this is the hallmark of those who are insecure and unsure

of their place in the world. The trap for the unaware is the fact that so

much of our pop culture is targeted directly towards this chakra. This is

not a coincidence; insecure people make good consumers and are willing

to pay for solutions.

As with the other chakras, working with the Muladhara is an

incremental process. As you balance this chakra you'll find the other

chakras become more supported and easier to balance. This creates the

'Chakra Shuffle' in which you'll find your energy bouncing back and

forth between your chakras as the fine tuning process begins. Learn to be

aware of where your energy is, chakra-wise, and you'll be able to respond

to and eventually take control of the creation of your life.

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112 Awaken Your Inner Power




The Second or Water Chakra is the center for our feelings and



Abdomen, small intestine

Color Orange
Key Word

Feeling, Creativity


Water elements and

Source Of

Female power, feelings,
creative energy, birth and
gestation activity for babies,
ideas, projects, etc.

Seat of

Female identity, awareness
of feelings


Appendix disorders, kidney
problems (childhood
issues), issues from stored
stuck or unexpressed
emotions, PMS, ovarian
disorders, creative blocks


Feelings of self and others

Physical Communication

Expressing feelings through
the appropriate physical
medium such as laughing,
crying, screaming, etc.

Energy Type

Chi energy

In the meditation position of choice; first ground and then do the

Secret Smile.

Let your awareness drop down to the area about 2 inches below

your beltline (the Hara or dan tien). As you inhale feel the energy flow in

through your hara and up your spine. Watch the phosphenes behind your

eyes as when you do this they tend to turn orange.

Working with the 2


chakra can often bring about extremes in

sexuality which can be difficult to handle. Some spiritual teachers advise

abstinence and there are probably some cases (such as prison) where I'd

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agree, but generally I see abstinence as an easily avoidable perversion.

It's possible to experience extremes in sexual sensitivity, excessive desire

or a lack thereof, spontaneous orgasms and even extreme sexual

reactions to various stimuli you'd not ordinarily be affected by.

When you are balancing out your light and dark or Yin and

Yang energies you can also develop fetishes or sexual inclinations that

would seem unusual when compared to the things that used to attract

you. Ride this out, so to speak, and feel free to experiment within any

consensual relationship that appeals to you.

If you are in a steady relationship you'd better be able to

communicate with your partner about all of this. This energy tends to

balance out and shift and you should always maintain your awareness

and communications.


In all seriousness, there are advantages to periods of abstinence

while working through the meditation process. I was single for much of

the process because I had an instinctive realization that I was simply too

screwed up to get involved with anyone I really cared about. Once of my

first questions when I met Dr. Glenn Morris was "How do you handle all

of these changes and all of this energy while maintaining a good

relationship?" His instant answer of "Apparently not very well!" was

only half joking.

These days there is a lot more support and information available

and you really don't have to reinvent the wheel the way Glenn and I did.

Be sure to take advantage of the various forums and discussion groups.

Depending upon your energy practices there are times when

you'll want to recycle that sexual energy and use it for other things.

Those practices go beyond the scope of this book but spend some time

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114 Awaken Your Inner Power

digging through a list of Dr. Mantak Chia's books and you'll see a

number of extremely good references.




The Third or Fire Chakra is the power center and is where we

store our judgments, opinions and beliefs about the world and ourselves.

Location Solar


Color Yellow
Key Word



Air elements, birds

Source Of

Masculine power,
intellectual understanding of
the physical/worldly

Seat of

Male identity, self esteem,
directed will

Problems Digestive,


disorders, weight problems

Contains Opinions,



Physical Communication

Intellectual understandings
at the ‘gut’ level

Energy Type

Mental, intellectual

In the meditation position of choice; first ground and do the

Secret Smile.

Let your awareness drop down to your Solar Plexus. As you

inhale feel the energy flow in through your solar plexus and up your

spine. Watch the phosphenes behind your eyes as when you do this they

tend to turn yellow.

Your Power Chakra is the seat of your ability to project your

energy and manifest your desires. It's one of the areas so many people

have trouble with. Self esteem issues, the tendency to be judgmental and

strong opinions and beliefs are all centered here.

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Chakra is balanced we can call up the secure,

loving, relaxed energy of the first two chakras and project it out into the

Universe as a helpful energy for those who need it. When it's unbalanced

we fall into dogma and strong belief as a way to try to maintain power in

a world that overwhelms us.




Chakra also helps regulate the flow of energy into the

other chakras. Maintaining a healthy balance allows us to have more

power to work on all the other aspects of our lives. Digestive disorders

and weight gain can be signs of an unbalanced power center and the

concept of 'comfort food' begins to make more sense.




The Heart or Wind Chakra is the melting pot for the divine

energy coming down from the crown and the earth energy coming up

from the root.

Location Heart,


Color Green
Key Word

Love, healing

Descriptors Earth



Source Of

Healing energy, dreams,
innermost desires

Seat of

Compassion, relationships


Circulatory disorders, blood
pressure problems, sleep
disorders, relationship


The ability to relate

Physical Communication

physical/emotional needs
through pain, heart pangs,

Energy Type

Astral (connects to dream
world and astral plane)

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116 Awaken Your Inner Power

In the meditation position of choice; first ground and do the

Secret Smile.

Let your awareness drop down to your heart. As you inhale feel

the energy flow in through your heart and up your spine. Watch the

phosphenes behind your eyes as when you do this they tend to turn


The heart chakra is where we begin to combine the energy

flowing down from the Universe and up from the Earth. The ancient

Greeks thought the body was controlled from the heart and the brain was

just a useless mass up in your head. They may have been more correct

than modern science gives them credit for.

A balanced heart chakra allows you to give freely and in doing

so it helps to activate the Universal Laws of Attraction and Reciprocity.

It also allows one to use the Energy of Love. I go into this in greater

detail later in the book, but the Energy of Love is different from the

emotion of love and learning to tap into this source gives you literally

unlimited energy and resources.

Don't take my word for it. Robert Kiyosaki points out in his

books that "The more I help others, the more money I make." And this

becomes a recurring theme in many marketing manuals and business

books as well.

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Robert Morgen 117




The Throat or 5


Chakra is our communication center. We express

what we see, think, feel, desire and detest.

Location Throat
Color Blue
Key Word


Descriptors Etheric



Source Of


Seat of

Wisdom, responsibility


Inability to say ‘no’ or
‘yes’, any disorders
relating to the throat or


The ability to define
ourselves in the world

Physical Communication

Language, sounding,
singing, toning

Energy Type

Etheric (emotional
energy charged with
spiritual awareness)

In the meditation position of choice; first ground and do the

Secret Smile.

Let your awareness drop down to your throat. As you inhale feel

the energy flow in through your throat and up your spine. Watch the

phosphenes behind your eyes as when you do this they tend to turn blue.




Chakra governs higher communication, speaking,

hearing and more importantly, listening. All energy is vibration, so

chanting, singing, reading aloud and speaking are some of the ways you

project your intent through this chakra.

The throat chakra is your connection to the physical world

around you as it lets you relate and communicate with others. Those with

deficient energy in the throat chakra can have a hard time expressing

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118 Awaken Your Inner Power

themselves; have a fear of speaking and show throat, mouth and thyroid


Those with too much energy can have a hard time listening and

have hearing problems and talk excessively.

Neck and shoulder stretches are good for this chakra and help to

release the energy blocks.




The “3


Eye” or 6


Chakra is our inner/outer visual center.

Location Forehead
Color Purple
Key Word


Descriptors Spiritualized


saints, spirits, gurus

Source Of


Seat of

Visions, visioning


Adolescent issues, eye
problems, glandular
problems, growth or
development issues,
problems planning for the


Self image and means of
shaping/correcting ones
view of self and the world

Physical Communication

Uses ability to see, draw or
project images to

Energy Type

Cerebral (draws energy
from the brain and 7



In the meditation position of choice; first ground and do the

Secret Smile.

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Let your awareness go to your third eye. As you inhale feel the

energy flow in through your third eye and up through your crown and out

the top of your head. Watch the phosphenes behind your eyes as when

you do this they tend to turn purple.

Intuition, the ability to just 'know' something is an interesting

ability that can be developed as you work with this chakra. The 3


Eye is

also a channel for projecting energy and as you continue with the

meditation exercises in this book you should be able to begin developing

that ability. I teach this in my martial arts classes and show how one can

project love and compassion and still use it to help you have a balanced

response to an attacker (a side advantage here is that if you are projecting

love then you are NOT responding through fear or anger). It's pretty easy

to learn and I give details later on.





Eye is balanced it's easier to move into a

meditative state and it's easier to ignore distractions. The increased

intuition can save your life, your marriage or both when used properly.

So far it hasn't been very good for Lottery numbers but I never buy a

ticket either, so I have to say that it really hasn't been properly tested.

As you get better at projecting your energy you'll find that it

does aid in manifesting. Just remember to manifest what you want, rather

than what you don't.

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120 Awaken Your Inner Power




The Crown or 7


Chakra is the “psychic center” for higher knowing

and it receives the spiritual energies and guidance necessary to activate

our purpose.


Crown of the head

Color White/clear
Key Word



Spirits, God forms, angels,

Source Of

Divine awareness

Seat of

Our oneness with all


Cancers, bone disorders,
schizophrenia, depression,
ungrounded-ness, lack of

Contains The

receptive means for

understanding our path and

Physical Communication

Describes physical needs
through our thoughts

Energy Type

Ketheric, a form of spiritual
energy from beyond earths

In the meditation position of choice; first ground and do the

Secret Smile.

Let your awareness go to your crown chakra. As you inhale feel

the energy flow in through your crown and back down to your heart.

Watch the phosphenes behind your eyes as when you do this they tend to

turn white.

Now start over and run the energy through each chakra at a time

in order. You can do this for as long as you like. I like to do it while

driving on long trips.

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In many old paintings of Christ you'll see the halo effect which

denotes a deeper connection to God and the spiritual realms. Once your

Crown Chakra opens you can feel the energy at the top of your head. It

feels a bit like wearing a very light hat. You may also go through a

period of intense itching, tingling or a crawling feeling around the top of

your head as the chakra is opening.

Too much energy in the crown can manifest as being overly

intellectual. I like to combine that with the energy of the 2


Chakra and

be a 'Sexual Intellectual' (a fucking know-it-all).

Too little energy can manifest as apathy or indifference, spiritual

skepticism and materialism. It's not uncommon to give away all your

stuff when you hit this point as you begin to see that all 'things' are just

impermanent doodads and for awhile personal objects may feel like a lot

to drag around. As Jimmy Buffet says "It might come as quite a shock,

but you can't really own that rock."

I encourage people to go along with the give-away-all-your-stuff

mentality and ride it out. You don't need that crap anyway. Realize,

however, as you begin to see your true place and mission in this life you

may have to buy some of that stuff again. That's ok because if you've

balanced out your chakras you shouldn't have any problem manifesting

exactly what you need to get the job done.

It's important to understand your journey through the chakras is

going to be a continual process for the rest of your life. So what? It's like

breathing, just another thing that's happening in your system. How well

this works for you depends on your ability to surrender to the process and

go where you're supposed to go.

I tend to use the example of a pyramid when I teach about the

chakras. The broader and more solid your base the higher you can build

it. You may find that your energy jumps around seemingly at random

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122 Awaken Your Inner Power

when your chakras are balancing. The next section of this book outlines a

number of exercises to help cleanse and balance your chakras. I've

included a Reiki Chakra Balance and I encourage everyone to spend

some time on that. I've also included some other energy work to help you

manage your practice and hopefully avoid some of the nastier side effects

that can come from working with your chakras.

Side Effects

Speaking of side effects, most of the side effects that will be

experienced during energy work are based around the chakras. Taking

the time to do the work and balance your chakras will help you avoid

some of these and give you the tools to manage others. Remember what I

said at the beginning of the book; side effects are simply symptoms of

your energy work and they are neither good nor bad. There may be some

side effects that you can use in your life and in your practice and there

may be side effects that exist merely to help get you onto the right path.

Understanding your chakra system will help you identify what

would appear to be random pain and recognize that a new stress knot or

energy block is forming in your system. The more you understand about

your chakras the better you'll be able to identify the things you are doing

right in your practice and the easier it'll be to keep everything balanced

and functioning.

Your physical body is the vehicle that lets your spirit interact

with the world around you. Chakras are the diagnostic tools that help you

maintain the energy balance in your meatsuit and keep it working


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Other Chakras

You’ll notice I keep referring to the 7 primary chakras. We have

other chakras in our palms and the soles of our feet as well as throughout

our organs and the rest of our body. We even have chakras outside our

body, below our feet and above our heads. You’ll notice I didn’t even get

into the back side of the chakras in the chart above.

In all we have 32 chakras which act in various ways and have

various effects on our spiritual, physical, mental and emotional selves. A

smart, curious person could spend a lot of time just researching the

various possibilities of the chakras and how they affect us.

I strongly advise anyone who wants a real understanding of

themselves to devote some time to this.

Chakras Balance Each Other

It’s important to remember that the chakras balance each other.

The Root chakra and the Crown chakra will both be affected when you

work with either one of them as will the 2


chakra and the 3


eye and so


As you begin doing the following exercises you’ll see that

working with the chakras can have a synergistic effect. As you begin

cleansing and clearing the root chakra you’ll also be activating the crown

on a lesser level. When you follow this up with the chakra balancing

exercises I’ve put into the next chapters then you’ll find that even though

you’re working with one certain chakra, the energy in all of the others is

also affected.

Pay attention to what you see on the phosphenes behind your

eyes as well as what you feel and experience emotionally. Your success

when working with your chakras depends on your level of self awareness

and your willingness to listen to and trust yourself.

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124 Awaken Your Inner Power

As you balance, cleanse and open up your primary chakras

you’ll also, by extension, be opening up all the lesser chakras throughout

your body. This process will continue for the rest of your life, so don’t

feel like you have to be in a hurry to get it done.


It’s imperative that you’ve developed the ability to have a

positive outlook before you start working with the chakras. As you begin

the cleansing process you’re going to experience old, repressed emotions

and memories. If you haven’t learned to remain positive and release the

energy then you can possibly get yourself into a lot of trouble here. This

is where the support groups and internet discussion groups can really

help. You are NOT alone with this stuff, no matter how it feels


Drawing Energy into the Chakras

There are some very simple exercises you can do for your

chakras. As you get used to using the ones below you may discover

variations and experiments you can do with them also. In the meditation

chapters I went over how to ‘draw energy’ into yourself. This works very

well as a chakra strengthening exercise.

In the meditation position of choice (even moving), go through

the grounding and relaxation meditations. Begin the Drawing Energy

meditation but rather than begin at the heart chakra begin at the Root or

first chakra.

As you inhale draw the energy in through the chakra. Don’t try

to control the wheel or do anything with it, just let it spin as you energize

it. Draw energy into it on the inhale and send energy back out of it on the


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You may feel a variety of things with this exercise. You might

feel the spinning of the chakras, or just a light area at the chakra as the

energy flows in and out..

Continue this exercise up through the rest of the chakras. Don't be

distracted or even concerned with the images that come up relating to the

chakras. We'll deal with those later in another exercise. Right now just let

the energy flow and practice drawing it into your chakras and learn what

that feels like.

Hugging the Tree

Stand in the ‘mountain’ or ‘standing stake’ pose described

earlier with your hands held about 8-12 inches out in front of your first


As you inhale feel the Earth energy rise up through your legs

and fill your body, overflowing down your arms and out through your

hands into the chakra. Let the energy continue to flow into the chakra as

you exhale.

After a few minutes let your hands rise gently until they’re in

front of the second chakra. As you practice this you’ll develop the ability

to just feel when you should move your hands to the next chakra.

Continue this with each chakra. For the crown chakra hold your

hands straight up at arm's length above your head. Turn your palms

inward and just let the energy flow where it needs to go.


You can do this using Earth energy as I just described. You can

also use Universal energy and let it flow downward through your head

until it fills your entire body and spills down your arms.

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126 Awaken Your Inner Power

For the especially fun-loving you can combine this with the

Yin/Yang meditation shown later in the book and combine both energies

while visualizing the Yin/Yang symbol.

Releasing Old Energies

Our chakras store memories and emotions as do our organs and

muscles. Hopefully by now you’ve begun a steady yoga (or other moving

meditative practice) and started cleaning some of that out manually. You

should also be able to ground yourself properly and move your energy


As you pull energy into your chakras you’ll occasionally come

across memories or an emotion that’s painful. In many cases it’s good to

take a moment and study the energy and see if there are any lessons to be

learned from it, and then just let it go. Just release the energy and let it

flow down into the earth like any other stress. If it seems to stick and

develop a stress knot find a good massage therapist, Reiki healer or

acupuncturist (preferably all 3) to help manually release it.

You’ll find you have a tendency to laugh or cry much more

easily. This is also one of the ways the energy releases itself. I used to

spend hours just driving through the mountains (and sometimes still do)

just crying and laughing as this energy worked itself out.

If you’re married or involved with someone who isn’t following

the same path then it’s imperative to have good lines of communication

during this process also.

A Special Note for Those in Relationships

You’re involved in a process that changes the way your energy

flows, and the frequencies with which it flows. As your energy becomes

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stronger the energy levels of your mate will also begin to increase, just

by the constant contact with you.

What you do to yourself can easily affect those you’re close to,

so don’t be surprised if your mate also begins to experience some clean

outs. This can frequently happen after or during sex as this is all sexual

energy and when you begin to crank it up then it can easily affect others.

Fortunately, I was aware of this fairly early on as I’ve had issues

with several girlfriends who’ve experienced emotional cleanouts while

having sex. If you’re not really well attuned to your own process it can

be really disheartening when the object of your affections bursts into

tears after making love.

As usual communication is the key. You’ll probably also begin

to gravitate more towards sexual partners who are involved in

metaphysics and energy work, or at least open to it. It can take a long

time for a non-energy worker to get used to your energy and intensity.

If you’re fortunate enough to be in a relationship with someone

who can handle your energy the practice of Tantra can open up some fun

new areas of study. “The Big Red Book” can bring you and your partner

hours of practice and exploration.

This is another area where the discussion groups can be

extremely helpful.

Seeking Help

You may stumble across a repressed emotion or memory that

requires some professional help and counseling to cope with. If that

happens take your therapist a copy of this book in the hopes it’ll help

them understand the process that you’re involved with and why you’re

delving into these areas. If you can't afford to take them a copy then

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128 Awaken Your Inner Power

email me with their name and address and I will send your therapist a

free copy.

It’s important to remember that you are NOT alone with this

process. There are some good resources available today in the form of

support and discussion groups that can really help with your process.

Take advantage of them and don’t be afraid to get on and talk about

what’s going on with your practice. I can’t tell you how many times

someone has made some offhand comment that unlocked doors for me.

I spent a decade completely alone, just stumbling through this. I

see people today that effortlessly flow through things that took me years

to work out, simply because there are so many easily available resources


Dealing with Fear

Learning to deal with your fears is a vital part of this process and

not to be taken lightly. As you can see from what I’ve written so far there

are some very real dangers for the careless and un-aware.

In the early chapters of this book I addressed “Keeping a

Positive Attitude” and “Having Faith”. I can’t stress the importance of

these concepts enough at this point. When you break all your emotions

down you’ll see that they all stem from either LOVE or FEAR. On a

moment to moment basis you have the ability to choose which of these

you’ll react from. Choose wisely.

Fear is much more than just the mindkiller. When you react from

fear you are reacting with a completely Id based response. It’s why I

stress the necessity for a good martial arts regimen. Not to allow you to

fight well, but to build your confidence and give you the ability to keep

from fighting and remain calm in desperate situations.

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Much of what you’re learning in this book will stretch your

comfort zones physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Fools do

indeed rush in where Angels fear to tread. If you haven’t developed the

ability to calm your mind and your energy, as well as create a body and

spirit that resonates with a loving, happy, compassionate energy, you are

setting yourself up for a trip through a paranoid, hellish, vitriolic


To be afraid of your own energy is to be afraid of dealing with

the most basic part of your self. To be afraid of another’s energy is to

fear the reflection of yourself.

Exercises like the Secret Smile and the Inner Smile can be a

good defense against fear, as can good training and lots of practice. It’s

completely natural to get in over our heads and become afraid

sometimes. When that happens then remember there really is an infinite

pool of loving, relaxed energy you can tap into at any time.

I’ve also seen some otherwise excellent Chi Kung practitioners

who caution against being “open” with your energy. Some of the reasons

I’ve seen for this include the possibility of being attacked and also the

fact that when your energy is open then you are “leaking” energy away

from your body.

My usual response is “So what?” I’m not leaking it, I’m giving it

away as it comes from a literally limitless pool. I don’t have to hoard it

or hide it. I’m so utterly unconcerned about being attacked I won’t even

bother to address that, other than to point out that living in an armored

existence also limits you.


are times when it’s good to pull your energy in and in

effect disappear, but those applications are usually used in combat and

intelligence gathering and aren’t really useful here. Those applications

are also NOT based in fear, but are purposeful.

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130 Awaken Your Inner Power

There are dangers involved with energy work, just as there are

dangers involved in any other facet of life. Training and self awareness

are how to deal with those dangers. The best thing I can tell you here is

that love and compassion are the best armor that you can have. Does that

always work? Of course not, but neither does anything else.

Chakra Cleansing Meditation

This is IMPORTANT so pay attention!

When you start working with the chakras you are directing

energy and intention into some parts of your life you've possibly been

avoiding. It's very possible to have memories, childhood traumas and

even past life or subconscious traumas that are buried so deeply in your

system you may not even know they exist.

When you start cleansing your system you WILL have to face

and deal with these issues. This tends to be the #1 reason why some

people are scared off of energy work. During the cleansing and rewiring

process you are going to have emotions, thoughts, feelings and traumas

boil up out of your system and you are going to have to address them and

then let them go. In my experience this rarely happens when you aren't

open to it, such as when you are at work or out on a date. If you've taken

the time to work on your intention and awareness you should be able to

handle all of this with very little problem.

When I was going through this process I had memories come up

and realized that there were things in my childhood that I was angry

about that I didn't even consciously remember. With very little effort or

reflection I was able to release those old angers and hurts and just let

them go. I had other instances where I had to get a massage, acupuncture

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or a Reiki treatment to break up the energy and move it out. I still

frequently have uncontrollable laughter happen when getting a massage

or acupuncture. Let it flow. Once you get cleaned out it can be relatively

easy and enjoyable to maintain your newer, cleaner self.

I developed the flowing exercise in the hopes it would give some

people a little more control over this process. It's a fairly advanced

exercise, but with a little practice it shouldn't be too hard.

Part 1

Start in the meditation position of choice and go through the

grounding and Secret Smile exercises. These are available on the CD Set

that I offer and the guided meditations make it much easier to get started.

After the Secret Smile choose one chakra to work on. Don't put a

lot of thought into which one to choose, just let your intuition be your

guide. Relax and feel the energy flowing into the chakra. Don't try to

draw more energy into the chakra or do anything special, just let your

awareness rest in your chakra and see what's there.

Pay attention to the colors and other visions behind your eyelids

but don't try to direct them. Simply be aware of what IS.

This should be very easy if you've been doing the exercises

covered so far. Here is where it gets a little tougher. As you've noticed,

the challenge has been to overcome the 'monkey mind' and learn to

ignore the distracting thoughts that arise whenever you try to clear your

mind. As we go into step 2 of this exercise we're going to allow thoughts

to come through so we can see them. The big challenge here is to be able

to see the thoughts and images, but NOT to be distracted by them and

start thinking about them. This may take a lot of work

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132 Awaken Your Inner Power

Part 2

After you've had a few minutes to relax into Part 1 and calmed

and cleared your mind it'll be time to start working with the chakra.

Focus on the chakra with which you are working and begin to let more

energy flow into it as you inhale just as we did in the 'Drawing Energy

into Your Chakras' exercise. Don't put a lot of effort into this or beat

yourself up with it. Just open up and 'inhale' the energy into your chakra

as you inhale. As you exhale let all the stress, emotions and pent up

energy flow out of the chakra and down into the earth.

Give yourself permission to cleanse and balance your chakra and

to let go of old, negative energy. Say this to yourself as you begin the

exercise. This is important because it not only defines your intent, it also

removes some subconscious blocks to working with the chakra.

Here is the hard part. As you breathe energy in and stress out

pay attention to the thoughts that are passing through your mind. You'll

have occasional thoughts that are not related to the chakra you are

working on such as 'this is a dumb exercise' or 'my butt hurts from sitting

here'. Ignore those, especially the one about this being a dumb exercise

and try to pay attention to the thoughts that would seem to be related to

the chakra you are working with. In the beginning this can be a little bit

like juggling cats because you are combining several different exercises

into one very powerful and relatively advanced workout.

You may find and identify a variety of different energy blocks

by doing this. Depending on which chakra you are working with you

may have childhood issues or angers that arise. You may find karmic

debts that have to be repaid and apologies that have to be made. You may

have emotional outbursts of laughing or crying as energy releases and

flows out of your system.

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Robert Morgen 133

When a memory or a trauma arises simply acknowledge it and

let it go.

Don't feel like you have to spend a lot of time on each chakra. In

my opinion it's better to spend 5 or 10 minutes at a time on each chakra.

Remember what I say about this being an incremental process! This isn't

about blowing yourself open, it's about making safe, steady progress that

gets results without turning you into an epileptic. Spend a few minutes in

Part 2 and then finish off with the Secret Smile again. For an added boost

you can do the 'Reiki Energy Balance' exercise described in the next


Safety Note

It IS possible to have old, forgotten or even subconscious mental

and emotional traumas arise when working with the chakras. Remember

that you started this exercise and if it gets to be too much to handle then

you can stop it and go back into the Secret Smile.

The Secret Smile is the way for you to regain control of your

system if you start feeling overwhelmed. This is a simple exercise, but

it's very powerful and effective and you can spend some time doing it

and regain control of your emotions and energy.

Cleansing and balancing the chakras is about healing, and

humans have the capacity to store an immense amount of pain within our

bodies. The more relaxed, happy, healthy and comfortable your body is

the easier it is to cleanse and maintain it.

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134 Awaken Your Inner Power

Chapter 11


Reiki is an extremely useful tool for cleansing and balancing the

chakras. I’ve used it for years and found innumerable benefits to it.

Basic Reiki

This is a very simplified primer on basic Reiki. It’s not a

certification course. It's intended as a basic lesson to help you start

channeling the energy.

Clearing up some Reiki Myths

There are a few old myths and misunderstandings about Reiki

that I’ll address.

The Attunement Process

One of the major myths in Reiki is that you must be attuned to

Reiki by a ‘master’ to be able to use it. I’ve proven repeatedly in my own

classes that this is NOT true and the average person has the ability to use

Reiki instantly.

The attunements make the connection to the energy stronger and

cause a rapid cleansing of the body and the chakras, but this will happen

gradually over time if you just keep using Reiki. Reiki is out there and

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available to everyone. You don’t need anyone’s permission or

certificates to be able to use it to heal yourself, friends and family.

The Energy Exchange Myth

A former Grandmaster of Reiki instituted the concept of energy

exchange to validate charging

extraordinarily high fees for master

level attunements. Her position was

that people wouldn’t value something

offered freely and I tend to agree with


However, if you remember

the Law of Reciprocity I mentioned at

the beginning of the book, you’ll also

realize that merely by giving healing

energy to another person you’re

making the world a better place. No

exchange is necessary. You get back what you send out.

I have no qualms with a professional healer charging for

services; just don’t mislead anyone in the process.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese phrase which means “Universal Energy”. Its

history is enshrouded in myth, legend and parable, but the simple fact is,

it works. Reiki is simply the process of channeling Universal Energy

through oneself and into someone (or something) else. The vast range of

uses for Reiki range from healing oneself to opening and balancing the

Chakras and even charging objects and food with the energy.

The energy will

go wherever it’s

needed and do

whatever is

required of it.

You don’t have to

send it anywhere

in particular or try

to control it.

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136 Awaken Your Inner Power

Getting Started

Reiki is safe and simple to use. To get started sit or lie down in a

comfortable position. Put on the music of your choice and relax. Place

your hands over your face with your palms over your eyes. Touch your

tongue to the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue just behind

your front teeth.

As you inhale open up and feel the energy flow down through

the top of your head and down to your heart chakra, feel it flow out along

your arms and out through your hands and into your face. At the simplest

level that’s ALL you have to do. The energy will go wherever it’s needed

and do whatever is required of it. You don’t have to send it anywhere in

particular or try to control it.

Getting Deeper

Reiki flows through you simply by your intent. You just have to

intend to open up to it and you’ll find it readily available. You may feel

many different things while giving yourself a Reiki treatment. Your

hands or the part of your body covered by your hands may get hot, cold

or tingly. Some people feel it very easily and others take awhile to open

up to it. The simplest explanation I’ve found is to think of what the

emotion Love feels like, and then just relax and let it flow.

Everyone should study Reiki. I think that Reiki and money

management should be required courses in public school! Any energy

worker, massage therapist, healer, martial artist or metaphysician can

greatly benefit from Reiki, and there are many FREE Reiki classes and

sources of training available, as many of us try to make it as easily

accessible as possible to anyone who wants it.

I hope this simple exercise helps some of you who’ve been

interested in Reiki, but just haven’t made the leap into studying it yet.

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Chakra Balancing

Here’s a simple exercise anyone can do using Reiki. It’s simple and

easy and you can do it even if you haven’t been attuned to Reiki. It

requires a basic knowledge of channeling Reiki energy, the positions of

the 7 primary chakras and a willingness to spend some time making

someone else feel good. Everything else is optional.

Setting the tone

I like to create a nice atmosphere when doing Reiki. I usually

light up some nice incense and for music I usually use Nik Tyndall’s

Reiki-Healing Hands CD as it’s also designed to help open the heart


Getting Started

Lie down in a comfortable position and put a pillow under your

knees to help take the strain off your lower back.

Place one hand over your crown and the other over your 1


chakra. Relax and open up to the energy and let it flow down through the

top of your head, through your heart chakra and out through your hands.

Spent several minutes here, or until you feel like it’s time to change.

Next move one hand up to your 2


Chakra and the other down to your

third eye. Spend as much time as you need here, and then move one hand

down to your Throat Chakra and the other up to your Solar Plexus


Spend as much time as you need here, and then move both hands

to your Heart Chakra. After you finish here just switch your hands

around to your chakras at random (including the Heart Chakra) and

continue tuning them up for as long as you desire.

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138 Awaken Your Inner Power

Getting Deeper

These exercises can obviously be enhanced by using the Reiki

Symbols and by having the Attunements, but neither is really necessary.

Over time your body will attune itself if you keep running the energy.

These exercises can also be enhanced by regularly practicing

‘The 5 Tibetans’ exercises, as they help tune and rejuvenate your


There are so many things that can be done, both with Reiki and

your Chakra System, and the point of this exercise is to help you balance

your energy and feel better. It’s also about building up your own catalog

of experience, as it’s pretty hard for any teacher to tell you what a certain

exercise should feel like when you do it. I can tell you how it feels to me

when I do it, but it may feel different to you when you do it yourself, so

play with it and see how it feels.

This is also about learning to trust yourself and your own feelings and

the only way to do that is play with your energy and have fun with it.


I've already written about several healing methods in the chakra

section. I'm going to write more about this because some of us take more

healing than others. When I went through the awakening I needed a lot of

work in this area and I remember how damaged I felt during the process.

I think the entire process was a lot harder and longer than it had

to be because I just didn't have very many resources to work with. I'm

also one of those guys who tend to crawl off into the rocks like a

wounded grizzly rather than getting out and looking for help.

Another factor during my process was the fact that I grew up

with a very bad money consciousness and I simply couldn't afford to go

take the seminars and learn from the healers, even if I'd known they

existed. One of the reasons I'm writing books now is because I've learned

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a lot that can be passed on and hopefully help others avoid some of the

mistakes I made.

Making Mistakes

I think it's especially appropriate to put this section under

'Healing'. I tend to be a fairly active guy and mistakes usually hurt. It’s

important to remember however, that making mistakes is one of the ways

that we learn.

Making mistakes also helps us learn to deal more effectively

with our ego. Think about that for a moment. How often do we come up

with wildly interesting excuses, oh sorry, reasons, for the utterly stupid

things we do? I once ran out across the beach and got distracted by a hot

girl in a string bikini and dove into shallow water and broke my neck!

That is Darwinism in Action. We all screw up and we all do stupid

things. So why is it so hard to admit that? Think about it.

We also live in a culture that begins teaching us from an early

age that it’s bad to make mistakes. I’m not saying it’s ok to not pay

attention to what you are doing. If you’re sky diving or ice climbing or

scuba diving you probably only get one mistake, so make it spectacular.

However, it’s very easy to get so caught up in trying to not make a

mistake that we often don’t take action in the first place! Robert Kiyosaki

wrote a great book called “Before You Quit Your Job” in which he gives

some great insights on why it’s important to make mistakes.

The reason that I put this into a chapter on healing is because we

frequently block our access to healing energies by creating inner

conflicts within ourselves over the mistakes or learning opportunities we

make. If your ego won’t allow you to admit to other people that you had

a temporary case of the dumb-ass then you are going to be putting a lot

of energy into making excuses. The Sun Was In My Eyes, It Was Windy,

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The Dog, Cat, Baby, Horse, Chickens, Aliens, Angels, Demons,

Government, He, She, They, It Did It, Insert your favorite excuse here

_____________________, etc. ad bloody nauseum. Every time you

make an excuse you are creating a little stress knot in your muscles

somewhere. That little stress knot is just something else you’re going to

have to clean out again later. It’s like spitting your Copenhagen on the

floor of the mobile home instead of using the NASCAR Commemorative

spittoon you got for Father’s Day.

Life, Pain and Understanding

“Life is pain, Princess. Anyone who says differently is selling

something” – the Princess Bride

PAIN is unavoidable, SUFFERING is not. If you’ve spent any

time at all living in a human body then you’ve discovered it gets issued

to you with an amazing variety of aches and pains starting with birth. We

welcome a newborn young man into western culture by pulling him out a

warm, comfortable, hopefully loving environment, smacking him on the

bottom and then chopping a third of his penis off. Then we wonder why

guys spend the rest of their lives trying to get back in! Holy Crap! Then

there is public school, college, the military and the job world to look

forward to, not to mention dating. It’s amazing to me that the modern

American male is as well adjusted as he is. It also explains why football

is a more popular spectator sport than women’s gymnastics. Guys would

prefer watching overpaid, hulking brutes roll each other around in the

mud rather than watch beautiful, athletic, highly dedicated young women

demonstrate the utterly amazing things that can be done with a human

body because men have been so mentally battered and sexually confused

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by the process of just being alive! It can take a huge amount of

intentional effort to overcome this sexual disorientation.

I’m not being totally tongue-in-cheek here. The world we live in

can inflict a lot of subconscious damage that really requires some

specific work to repair. This is exacerbated by the fact that many of us

aren’t even aware we’ve been damaged. When you grow up with a pre-

existing condition then that condition becomes normal. Normal doesn’t

mean right or correct, by the way. It simply means that enough people

accept the same aberration as an everyday part of their lives. If 51% of

the people wore chickens as hats then the Chicken Hat would become

normal. What the hell, we can use the eggs.

Giving Yourself Permission to Heal

You can give yourself an excellent head start on your healing

process simply by giving yourself permission to heal. I realize this

sounds simple to the point of stupidity, yet many people subconsciously

block their body/mind/spirit’s natural ability to heal for a lot of different

reasons. Some people have been so brainwashed by modern medicine

that they believe they need pills for any kind of healing. Others may have

guilt or low self-esteem and may believe they don’t deserve healing or


A lot of people simply aren’t aware they can start the healing

process themselves by simply asking for healing and then being willing

to receive it. This is a Big Deal. It’s important, hence the capital letters in

Big Deal. I was going to use italics again but I thought that this point was

worth going a little further for.

You can ASK for healing. You can use prayer, meditation,

energy work or spells to make your intention known to the

Universe/God/Goddess/Great Spirit etc. Then you have to be WILLING

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to be healed. You have to get rid of any mental/spiritual/physical

attachments you may have to your ailment. This doesn’t mean you have

to mentally dissect yourself to inspect and observe all of your

attachments. It just means you have to be willing to release them and let

go of whatever effect, or affect, you get from those attachments. You

must be willing to ACCEPT or RECEIVE your healing and recognize

you're making a small yet important life/lifestyle change and you're

going to be doing some things differently from now on.

You must also put yourself into ALIGNMENT with your

healing. You can’t ask for healing for a body that's chronically weak and

overweight and then sit on the couch eating bon bons and watching

Judge Judy and expect it to manifest all on its own. Turn off the One-

Eyed Plastic God, get your fat butt up and go for a walk! TAKE

ACTION to get what you want. MOVE ENERGY in some way or form

(“Objects in motion tend to stay in motion" – Isaac Newton).

GIVING YOURSELF PERMISSION to heal is an important

part of this process. We're taught from birth that we must look to some

external source for everything in our lives. You have to ask your parents,

your teachers, your government, your God or some other authority for

whatever it is you want. However, if everything is ONE then you ARE a

God or a Goddess. YOU then have the ultimate authority in your life and

YOU can create a life in which YOU can give your Self whatever

permissions it requires to accomplish what you came here for. Meditate

on that until it makes sense.

BE THANKFUL for your healing. Give thanks to the Universe

and your Self/Deities and do that every day for the rest of your

unnaturally long life. Living in gratitude can not only speed your healing,

it can empower you to remember that EVERY moment of your life

brings something you can be thankful for.

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These healing concepts are going to become more and more

important the more you work with your chakras. As you begin cleansing

and balancing your chakras you're also going to be cleansing and

balancing the corresponding areas of your life. It’s a process that will last

the rest of your life and if you can consistently dedicate 5 or 10 minutes a

day to the process then you’ll find that your abilities will increase


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Chapter 12

Opening the Chakras

By this point (if you’ve been doing the exercises) you should be

in the process of opening and balancing your chakras in a very gentle and

safe manner. The following exercises should be done one chakra at a

time in the beginning. For the first few weeks do the chakras one per

night. Do the Grounding and Secret

Smile exercises first as you really

want a happy, relaxed body for this.

Give it a few weeks and then

practice opening the first four, Root

through Heart. Take your time with


Doing it this way helps cool

the energy as you work up through

the chakras. You do not want a blast

of hot energy rocketing up your spine into the base of your brain. You

could go faster and get more dramatic results, but remember everything

balances between the dualities. The more dramatic your experience on

one end of the scale the more dramatic the aftershock will be on the other

polarity. The goal is slow steady progress that doesn’t turn your life

upside down rather than a sudden eruption of energy up your spine. The

sudden eruption stories all sound cool when the survivor tells them years

You could go

faster and get more

dramatic results,

but remember

everything balances

between the


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later at parties, but there’s a long process in between, so take it slow and


The simple secret to opening the chakras is the lotus flower. It

has a root, a stem and the flower itself. Each Chakra also represents the

flower and each chakra has a certain number of petals which correspond

to the wavelength of the energy.

First Chakra

After Grounding and the Secret Smile, relax and let your senses

fall down to your first chakra. Visualize the first chakra as a red lotus

flower with 4 petals. Allow the face of the flower to turn slowly and

gently until it faces directly up your spine.

Allow the earth energy to flow through the four petalled lotus

and gently up your spine, changing colors as it goes through the other

chakras and out through the top of your head. Gently squeeze your

sphincter and PC muscles on the inhale.

Do this for about 20-30 minutes and then give yourself the Reiki

energy balance as described earlier. Don’t skip this step as it helps to

equalize all your chakras to your growing energy levels.

Second Chakra

After Grounding and the Secret Smile, relax and let your senses

fall down to your second chakra. Visualize the second chakra as an

orange lotus flower with six petals. Allow the face of the flower to turn

slowly and gently until it faces directly up your spine.

Allow the earth energy to flow through the six petalled lotus and

gently up your spine, changing colors as it goes through the other

chakras and out through the top of your head. Gently squeeze your

sphincter and PC muscles on the inhale.

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146 Awaken Your Inner Power

Do this for about 20-30 minutes and then give yourself the Reiki

energy balance as described earlier. Don’t skip this step as it helps to

equalize all your chakras to your growing energy levels.

Third Chakra

After Grounding and the Secret Smile, relax and let

your senses fall down to your third chakra. Visualize the third chakra as a

yellow lotus flower with ten petals. Allow the face of the flower to turn

slowly and gently until it faces directly up your spine.

Allow the earth energy to flow through the ten petalled lotus and

gently up your spine, changing colors as it goes through the other

chakras and out through the top of your head. Gently squeeze your

sphincter and PC muscles on the inhale. Do this for about 20-30 minutes

and then give yourself the Reiki energy balance as described earlier.

Don’t skip this step as it helps to equalize all your chakras to your

growing energy levels.

Fourth Chakra

After Grounding and the Secret Smile, relax and let

your senses go to your fourth chakra. Visualize the fourth chakra as a

green lotus flower with twelve petals. Allow the face of the flower to

turn slowly and gently until it faces directly up your spine.

Allow the earth energy to flow through the twelve petalled lotus

and gently up your spine, changing colors as it goes through the other

chakras and out through the top of your head. Gently squeeze your

sphincter and PC muscles on the inhale.

Do this for about 20-30 minutes and then give yourself the Reiki

energy balance as described earlier. Don’t skip this step as it helps to

equalize all your chakras to your growing energy levels.

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Fifth Chakra

After Grounding and the Secret Smile, relax and let

your senses go to your fifth chakra. Visualize the fifth chakra as a blue

lotus flower with sixteen petals. Allow the face of the flower to turn

slowly and gently until it faces directly up your spine.

Allow the earth energy to flow through the sixteen petalled lotus

and gently up your spine, changing colors as it goes through the other

chakras and out through the top of your head. Gently squeeze your

sphincter and PC muscles on the inhale. Do this for about 20-30 minutes

and then give yourself the Reiki energy balance as described earlier.

Don’t skip this step as it helps to equalize all your chakras to your

growing energy levels.

Sixth Chakra

After Grounding and the Secret Smile, relax and let

your senses go to your sixth chakra. Visualize the sixth chakra as an

indigo lotus flower with two petals. Allow the face of the flower to turn

slowly and gently until it faces directly up your spine.

Allow the earth energy to flow through the double petalled lotus

and up through your crown and out to the universe. Gently squeeze your

sphincter and PC muscles on the inhale. Do this for about 20-30 minutes

and then give yourself the Reiki energy balance as described earlier.

Don’t skip this step as it helps to equalize all your chakras to your

growing energy levels.

Seventh Chakra

After Grounding and the Secret Smile, relax and let your senses

go to your seventh chakra. Visualize the seventh chakra as a violet lotus

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148 Awaken Your Inner Power

flower with a thousand petals. Allow the face of the flower to turn slowly

and gently until it faces directly up your spine.

Allow the earth energy to flow through the thousand petalled

lotus and up into the universe. Gently squeeze your sphincter and PC

muscles on the inhale.

Do this for about 20-30 minutes and then give yourself the Reiki

energy balance as described earlier. Don’t skip this step as it helps to

equalize all your chakras to your growing energy levels.

The Lesser Kan and Li

After a few weeks of practicing one chakra at a time you can try

the following exercise. By now you should be in the habit of Grounding

and doing the Secret Smile. Remember the sphincter squeezes also.

The Lesser Kan and Li is a practice that combines the energy of

your lower chakras. At this point I'm not going to be giving as much

detail. If you're doing the practices I've shown so far then you won't need

more detail and if you aren't doing the practices more detail won't help.

There comes a point where you have to chart your own course

and this is it. You'll notice some places from here on where I give

reference to how to do a skill or a technique, but without any directions.

That's because the reference itself should be enough to get you started

and you'll have to find the specific tools that work for you.

Things can get crazy here and they can also get dangerous.

Remember that while you might be on your own as far as the process

goes, there are other people who are experiencing the same things. Don't

be shy about getting online on the discussion boards and asking


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First Week

Practice drawing the energy up through the first two chakras.

Visualize the lotus flower growing up out of the mud, firmly rooted, its

orange six petalled face rising towards the sun. See the energy flow up

through the orange lotus and change colors as it flows through the other

chakras and out the crown and into the universe. Be sure to balance your

chakras afterwards.

Second Week

Practice drawing the energy up through the first three chakras.

Visualize the lotus flower rowing up out of the mud, firmly rooted, with

a stem holding its yellow ten petalled face, rising towards the sun. See

the energy flow up through the yellow lotus and change colors as it flows

through the other chakras and out the crown and into the universe.

Third Week

Practice drawing the energy up through the first four chakras.

Visualize the lotus flower rowing up out of the mud, firmly rooted, with

a stem holding its green twelve petalled face, rising towards the sun. See

the energy flow up through the green lotus and change colors as it flows

through the other chakras and out the crown and into the universe.

By this point you should be developing the depth and experience

to chart your own course with completing the cycle through the other

chakras. If the path isn’t obvious by now then start over and take your

time. No one is on a schedule here and this is not something to rush into.

At this point you’ll probably go through a period of feeling very

spiritually superior. Let it go to your head and then get over it.

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Chapter 13

Damo’s Cave

Damo’s Cave is an ancient Shamanic Journey in which the

seeker travels internally. Damo is also known as the Bodhidharma or

Daruma, depending on which version of the tales you read. Damo was

the Hindu monk who traveled to

China and taught the Shaolin Monks

Kung Fu. It’s a fun legend that may

even be true. It’s an interesting and

fun exercise that can teach you a lot

about yourself. It’s a great

meditation for learning to visualize

and fantasize, both of which are

important skills for creating the

world you want to live in.

This works better as a

guided meditation as it allows you

to concentrate on the imagery rather than trying to remember what comes

next. You can either have someone read this to you or you can order the

CD Set that accompanies this book.

Hit the meditation position of choice and do the Grounding and

Secret Smile exercises. By now you should be able to do those pretty

effortlessly. Feel your body becoming lighter and filled with relaxed,

happy energy.

It’s a great

meditation for

learning to visualize

and fantasize, both

of which are

important skills for

creating the world

you want to live in.

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With your eyes closed and looking up into the third eye, see

yourself floating in a calm sea. Try to make this as realistic as possible.

Can you feel the warm water supporting you and smell the salt air?

In the distance is an island. You don’t have to swim for it, all

you have to do is relax and let the island come to you as you ride the

ocean’s currents toward it. As you get to the shore you can see the bright,

sandy beach and a forest of palm trees up the side of a huge volcanic

mountain. A trail leads from the beach up through the trees and up the

side of the mountain.

As you walk across the sand you can feel yourself drawing

energy from the ground up through your feet. You become stronger and

more confident as you begin to walk up the trail through the trees.

Off to the left you can see the abandoned ruins of an old temple

and a graveyard. There are also a couple of pools nearby. You go around

these and continue up the trail. The climb becomes steeper and harder as

you go and you feel yourself getting tired. You lean against the trees and

rocks and discover that you can draw energy in through your hands, and

this revitalizes you and gives you the strength to keep climbing.

Ahead of you the trail forks and you see that one fork leads

around to a large cave. There’s a guardian at the entrance of the cave

who wears a long cloak and a cowl that masks its identity. You get closer

to the cave and the guardian motions for you to enter. You can feel a

strong sense of acceptance and the guardian bows to you, making you

feel a bit like a king or a queen.

Inside the cave is a long, downward spiraling tunnel. The walls

glow with a slight phosphorescence that allows you to see as you

descend. The tunnel opens out into a large cavern with a faint glow of hot

lava far back towards the rear. On your left is a podium upon which rests

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a large leather bound book. On the cover in gold letters is written “All

Knowledge Is Power! Seeking Truth, First Look Ye Here.”

Behind the podium is a room with a huge array of computers and

electronics. There are three very comfortable looking captain’s chairs in

the room and a young man and woman working there. They don’t see

you yet.

To the right is a great stairway with five wide steps of different

colors. At each step is a door.

The first step is red and the door is massive. You can see past it

into a desert with a large stone city in the distance.

The second step is orange and the door is built like double Dutch

doors. Beyond this door you can see a small stream that leads down to a

huge lake or an ocean. In the distance is a ship coming in to the harbor.

The third step is yellow with an intricately carved door. Beyond

is a city that’s both ancient and modern and which shelters a wide variety

of people, including some who look like elves. You can hear the faint

tinkle of glassware and laughter if you listen.

The next step is green and opens out onto a bright blue,

cloudless sky. You can see a bird floating gracefully on the updrafts


The last step is tilted and spirals off into the distance fading

through shades of violet and white. It seems to penetrate through the rock

of the cave in the far distance.

In the center of the cave are your living quarters. You see a

series of rooms that house your bedroom, bath, a personal dojo and

instructor, stables, laboratory, machine shops, gear lockers, gardens, a

library and a kitchen.

In one room you find a hidden doorway and in another is a

trapdoor under the rug. You don’t explore either at this time as they are

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both dark. In a room towards the back of the cave is an animal that seems

to regard you as its master.

My cave was bare when I first got into it, but it’s gradually taken

on a very Oriental/Native American look as I’ve explored it and begun to

furnish it more to my liking.

This is your space and you can do anything you like with it.

Explore through the doors, interact with the people and animals. Open up

the book and see what’s in it. You’ll find the gear lockers fully stocked

with climbing gear, scuba gear, etc. As I’ve begun to trim down my

possessions and build up my connections to the universal energy I’ve

found I need less gear for my explorations so I’m turning that space into

a hydroponics greenhouse.

Get as real as you possibly can with this exercise. Try to smell

the fragrances and feel the wind on your skin. Get as wild and crazy as

you want to also. This is your space and anything goes.

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Chapter 14

Travels in the Void

When you look up into your third eye and clear your mind

completely you can enter a space that goes beyond the normal mundane

world. The Void is a place

completely outside of space and

time where anything can, and often

does, happen.

Eventually you’ll run into

something malignant while

traveling in the void. You can look

at these beings as anything you want. You can see them as spirits,

demons, aliens and representatives of human evil. The important thing to

remember at this point is that, while frightening, they don’t have any

corporeal form.

You are more powerful than anything you’ll run into in the

Void. Some of these critters feed off of fear, so when you give it to them

they like it and they’ll come back for more. You can avoid most of the

beasties in the Void simply by not showing fear. Occasionally one may

decide to test you and when that happens there are a couple of different

strategies you can use.

You are more
powerful than


you’ll run

into in the Void.

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Medicine shields and spears

If you go for the Native American style you can easily make a

Medicine Shield and a Medicine Spear. These don’t have to be full-sized

as they are just symbolic. Make a hoop using a green sapling or tree

branch, attach a piece of rawhide, buckskin, rabbit hide, etc. and then

paint it with your own personal symbols. You can consecrate it if you

desire by smudging it with a bit of sage and some sweetgrass and then

offering it for service to whatever directions or deities appeal to you.

Hang it on the wall.

A Medicine Spear can be as simple as a stick that you consecrate

and use to symbolize a spear. Hang it with the shield.

When you’re in the void and something wants a taste you can

just summon these and they’ll appear in your hands. I don’t advise

carrying them with you as it strikes a very defensive posture.

Armor of Light

Another defensive tactic is to see yourself armored in strong

bright light. Once again this can be summoned, so you don’t have to go

around feeling like you’re on the defensive.

Just Eat It

If you don’t want to bother with either of those you can just

swallow the beast, literally. It’s only energy so just inhale it and get on

with your trip.

Disappear into the Void

Another thing to remember is you can just disappear and merge

with the void. If you are nothing then there is nothing to attack in other

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156 Awaken Your Inner Power

words. There is a lot more to this than originally comes to mind. Think

about it for awhile.


Another tactic that works for me when I run into something that

would ordinarily be considered a nightmare; Love. Just relax and send it

all the unconditional love you can. Remember that some experiences or

beings will show up to test you so keep the Universal Laws in mind and

treat them the way you'd want to be treated.

These tactics all sound pretty weird, especially if you’ve never

been in the Void, but really they’re just confidence builders. If you have

enough confidence you really don’t have to worry about using them. If

something bothers you and you have the confidence you can just wave it

away and it’ll go. I only included this section because people

occasionally ask about what to do if they are attacked.

I haven't given very specific directions in this chapter because at

this point you shouldn't need them. The Void is an amplification of

whatever you bring to it, everything there is YOU. It's a good place to

practice being compassionate to the things that scare us.

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Chapter 15

Becoming Your True Self

Awakening your Inner Power is a fairly simple process. People

do it all the time without even meaning to, just in the course of their

lives. The hard part of awakening doesn’t have anything to do with

connecting the energy; it’s about living with the person who has

awakened the energy and BE-ing

that person.

Many people experience

dramatic changes in their

personalities and lifestyles after an

awakening. Sometimes this is

caused by the changes that come

from cleansing and balancing the

chakras. As all the accumulated

stresses and memories dissipate

and are dealt with the seeker finds

that things that used to be

earthshakingly important just don’t

matter anymore.

The brain and nervous system go through a rewiring process as

the body becomes used to running higher energies. Frequently the person

in the midst of this rewiring process will experience shudders, called

kriyas, which run through their muscles.

The hard part of

awakening doesn’t

have anything to do

with connecting the

energy; it’s about

living with the

person who has

awakened the

energy and BE-

ing that person.

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158 Awaken Your Inner Power

During this process the seeker often begins to see their life and

their purpose much differently. This, combined with the process of

letting go of attachments and dropping the ego-based masks we’re all

taught to wear can cause some pretty radical changes in a person’s


On the other hand some people just hit the awakening like a

speed bump and don’t seem to make the same extreme changes to their

life. Sometimes the answer is simply that they were already living their

intended life and the dramatic changes just weren’t necessary.

I stress the positive attitude and doing exercises like the Secret

Smile because this can be a pretty rough time, especially for those who

tend to be negatively oriented. Don’t be afraid to get onto the discussion

groups and talk about this either. Most likely there will be someone else

on there going through the same thing but doesn’t recognize it.

“BE” in the Moment

An interesting aspect of Inner Power is its inherent chicken/egg

quality. Did our lives change because our Inner Power awakened or did

our Inner Power awaken because we changed our lives?

Many people pursue meditation, healing, martial arts and other

pathways to personal mastery because they sense the need for change in

themselves. They know they need to become more, so they begin the

process of becoming.

Many people have the expectation that something will happen

suddenly and they’ll immediately just be the person they want to be. That

seems to be one of the misleading expectations about Inner power; that

they’ll have this amazing experience and just suddenly be enlightened.

For the most part it just doesn’t work that way, unfortunately. I

remember making the comment to Dr. Glenn Morris when I first met him

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that “rather than becoming Enlightened, Inner Power makes me aware on

a moment to moment basis just how Un-enlightened I really am”. Such a

simple lesson that took so long to sink in.

This moment, right now, is the only one that really exists. The

last moment has faded into some abstract, subjective past that only exists

in our individual memories, and the next moment is part of a future that

may never arrive. This breath, right now, is the only real breath, as the

last one is gone and the next one isn’t guaranteed. I once spent several

minutes face down in the ocean, paralyzed and unable to move. Each

time a wave hit me and turned my face up out of the water I took as big a

breath as I could get and then held it, wondering if I was ever going to

get another. Some of us need harsher lessons than others apparently. ☺

So the question becomes “What am I doing right now?” “Am I

living the way I want to live right now, and if not what can I do to make

that happen?”

Most of us have at least a vague idea of who we think we want

to be when we awaken to our true selves. Here’s your Wakeup Call then.

Start BE-ing that person right now! If you want to be like a Buddha then

BE like a Buddha. If you see enlightenment as being nicer to others and

treating them the way you want to be treated and loving them as you love

yourself then do it, right now.

Balancing the Dualities

Many of our issues with duality go back to our very basic nature,

not our good/bad, male/female or light/dark side, but even deeper to the

Id and Super-Ego. It’s extremely easy to see these as the basis for all of

the others with the battle being between the untrained, instinctive Id and

the overly intellectual Super-Ego and the need for balance.

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I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that all of this started with some

old shaman sitting around the campfire trying to put it into terms that his

people could understand.

“Look at it this way” he might have told them, “On this side you

have Order and Law and Creation, let’s call that side God, and over here

you have chaos and disorder and acting intuitively on your baser

instincts, let’s call that side Satan…”

Balancing the Masculine/Feminine

The Battle of the Sexes has raged for hundreds of years and in

my opinion it’s really beginning to screw up the planet. We all have a

masculine and a feminine side, and apparently most of us are severely

unbalanced towards one or the other.

Some of the heinous acts of our major religions are designed to

keep the feminine energies in check. Inner Power is by definition, sexual

energy. Everything that lives is created through a sexual act of some sort

and it’s that very energy we seek to elevate and awaken. Pick almost any

major religion or path and you’ll see some sort of sexual dysfunction

displayed as celibacy, clitorectomies, or the domination of men or


What you’re seeing in many cases is the level of individual

discomfort with their own internal energies, a non-acceptance of that part

of themselves manifested in some sort of external sexual inequity. I

won’t argue that there are times when abstinence can be used to

strengthen a spiritual journey, just like any other form of fasting. I will

point out that it’s also frequently used as an escape that can leave the

practitioner in a severely unbalanced state. Having occasionally

experienced periods of abstinence for a variety of reasons (primarily by

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using my personality as a means of birth control) I can definitely say it

leaves one unbalanced and reactionary.

I believe the human body was intended to operate with a certain

balance of male/female energies and these energies are meant to balance

one another just as in any of the other dualities. I also believe it’s

possible to draw these energies from the world around us without the

need for an actual sexual partner; I’m just not very good at it.

“The Big Red Book” officially known as Sexual Secrets

(Douglas and Slinger) goes into a lot of detail on the various sexual

energies and it’s a lot of fun to read also. As with some of Mantak Chia’s

books on sexual techniques I can’t recommend it strongly enough. I think

the world would probably be a much better place if it was issued to

everyone and we were tested on it regularly.

Balancing the Light and Dark

Integrating my dark side was a fairly torturous process for me,

partly because I made it harder than it had to be. Apparently I do that a


One of the problems at the time was my inability to get out of

my own way and I continually tried to micro-manage the process rather

than giving in to it and going where it wanted to take me. Part of that

was from my own misconceptions about the light and dark and my

reactions to them.

Many of us spend a long time trying to suppress the various

elements of our light and dark sides partially because we're taught to

believe light is good and dark is evil, as if the 2 extremes didn't exist in

all of us.

For example, a lot of healers tend to shy away from their dark

side. When it does manifest it's usually in some context that the healer

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may be shocked by or ashamed of. Thereafter the healer may have a

negative connotation with the dark side of their being. Sometimes these

connotations can come from events that happen when we're small

children or even be hold-overs from past lives.

It's important to find examples of the dark and light that can be

manifested positively and enjoyably as everything has to balance. It’s

unnatural for us to always be one or the other. Music, dance, theatre,

movies, martial arts and sexuality are some of the ways you can find

positive examples of both the dark and the light. In reality you can find

positive examples anywhere, those are just some that I personally enjoy.

This is where the self awareness part of Inner Power comes in.

You have to know yourself well enough to become comfortable with all

the aspects of your personality, and to find creative ways to balance your

proclivities. If you spend all day giving Reiki treatments and listening to

soothing new age music take some time in the evening and pop in a

suitably dark movie or some nice dark music on the stereo. If you choose

music as your balancing catalyst then turn off the lights, close your eyes

and do some moving meditation and ecstatic dancing. You might be

surprised at what you’re able to clean out of your system this way.

What’s important here is to learn to be comfortable with your

dualities, and then get beyond them. This can be a journey of self

discovery that can take you places you didn’t know you could go.

Dealing with Negativity

Once you start to become comfortable with your dualities you

can begin to associate with the positive (good for you) light and dark

traits and abilities.

Keeping a positive mindset is extremely important as you’re

pushing your comfort levels to new extremes. We usually lump

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negativity into the ‘Dark’ category, but having a negative attitude isn’t a

positive dark trait. ☺

Remember that this is all about developing your own personal

mastery. When you give in to negative feelings and emotions then you

are giving away your personal power.

Yin/Yang Exercise

Here’s an exercise I’ve been playing with. I won’t say that I

invented it because when it comes to meditation there really is nothing

new. It’s all been done before. I can say however, I didn’t learn this from

any external source; it’s just something that came to me.

Pick the meditation position you prefer and take a moment to

ground yourself. You do this by letting your energetic roots grow down

into the earth and feel the earth energy flow up into you on the inhale, all

the way up over your head.

As you exhale release all your stress and tension and let it flow

back down into the earth to be recycled. Feel your muscles relax as this

stress bleeds out of your body and feel your connection to the earth

increase as you draw in each breath. Do this as long as necessary to

become relaxed and feel a good connection to the energy.

Now as you inhale, feel the dark earth energy flow up the back

side of your body, while simultaneously opening up and feeling the light

universal energy flow down through the crown of your head and down

the front of your body.

As you exhale see the 2 bands of energy swirl through you and

into a yin/yang symbol that encompasses you. Continue at this level til

you can do that with one breath comfortably.

The next step is to let loose of your perceptions and become the

yin/yang symbol. Feel yourself expand beyond your usual physical

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boundaries with the light and dark energies swirling through you in

perfect balance. If the energy wants to continue spiraling let it.

Now begin to expand yourself, feeling the connectivity to the

light/dark energy in everything around you. It’s all the same energy and

the parts of it that are in you are also the parts of you that are in it. Feel

your energy expand til it fills (feels) the room, now let it expand to fill

your house, your city, your state. Continue expanding out through the

solar system, then the universe.

This is the energy that’s all around us all the time. We’re as

much a part of it as it’s a part of us, and in reality there’s no difference

between it and us. We/it encompass everything and we’re/it’s the basic

building blocks for everything that ever was or is.

It’s the proper balance of the light/dark, masculine/feminine,

good/bad and positive/negative that holds everything together. “For

every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction” is not just a good

idea, it’s the law.

Feel the connections to the universe within and without. Feel the

swirl of the galaxies within you and visualize them as tiny yin/yangs all

swirling together inside a larger yin/yang which is also just another swirl

and realize (make REAL) that the dualities don’t really exist, they are

just perceptions of the same reality.

Choose one of the swirling yin/yangs at random and let yourself

fall into it. This should be easy since (sense?) your connection to

everything also gives you unlimited abilities. As you fall into this

swirling galaxy you can see it’s made up of billions of swirling little

solar systems all made up of little yin/yangs. Choose one at random and

flow into it. See the little yin/yangs rotating around a larger one in the

center. Choose one of these at random and flow down to it. When you

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look more closely at it you can see it's also made up of billions of

swirling, individual yin/yangs. Choose one of these and flow into it.

Feel yourself settling down on the yin/yang and relaxing into a

meditation position. Everything is smooth and safe and relaxed.

Without letting go of your connection to the universe, can you

open your eyes and feel the light/dark energies swirling all around you?

Did you come back down to the same room and body and mindset that

you left? Does it matter?

Play with this as there are infinite possibilities and energies to


Dealing with the Ego

We spend a lot of time dealing with self awareness and self

consciousness and self esteem, so who exactly is this self and why does it

matter? Webster’s defines the Ego as “the self, especially as contrasted

with another self or the world”

The Super-ego is defined as “one of the three divisions of the

psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is only partly conscious, represents

internalization of parental conscience and the rules of society, and

functions to reward and punish through a system of moral attitudes,

conscience, and a sense of guilt”

The Id is defined as “one of the three divisions of the psyche in

psychoanalytic theory that is completely unconscious and is the source of

psychic energy derived from instinctual needs and drives”

Great, just when I was feeling better, now I discover I’ve got a

divided consciousness. So what does it all mean exactly?

When Webster’s mentions “the three divisions of the psyche in

psychoanalytic theory” what they're talking about is the Conscious self or

Super-ego, and the Subconscious self or Id, and the Ego, which is a

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combination of both. So in short, our ego is that which defines us and

separates us from all the other egos out there and provides us with the

framework for our reactions and responses to external and internal

stimuli. It’s both who we’ve learned

to be and who we always were

combined into who we think we are


One of the challenges

many of us face is learning to

release the programming in our

super-ego and let the natural

expression of our id have more

control. We seek to access more of

our subconscious abilities and break

free of the restraints that tie us down, to bypass the mental/emotional

boundaries and experience the oneness of the universe and everything in

it…you get the picture.

One of the problems many of us have is we are programmed

from birth to believe various things, depending on the culture we grew up

in. I grew up in a staunch Methodist community that firmly believed in

an omniscient God and the miracles of the Bible while simultaneously

scoffing at the metaphysical and supernatural. I learned early NOT to

point out the similarities and when I was older I went through a fairly

lengthy process of deciding which parts of the programming were useful

and which could be discarded. Religion is just the easiest example, but

there are many others.

We spend our lives learning how to be the people we become.

We learn various mores and norms according to the society we live in.

We spend a lot of

time dealing with

self awareness and

self consciousness

and self esteem, so

who exactly is this


and why does it


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Since most of us are already outside what’s ‘normal’ for our societies I

probably don’t have to spend much time with this.

Some of this programming is useful and it lets us move through

and function within our society. Some of it is useless and exists merely to

keep us in line with whichever religious, economic, political, social order

that happens to dominate at the moment. Some of it is destructive and

designed specifically to prevent you from accessing your subconscious

energies, preventing you from really thinking on your own and

developing your Self in the directions you think it should go.

In contrast the Id (or maybe just my Id) tends to be untrained to

function in society and has very little worry about what’s ‘normal’ or

even polite. It’s like a big, tough 6 year old kid. Just because something

is an instinctive reaction doesn’t necessarily mean it’s correct within the

social context. When I see someone abuse an animal or a child my first

response is to do to the abuser exactly whatever they are doing to the

victim. I’m very Old Testament that way sometimes, but is that the

correct response according to the laws we live under? Is it the correct

response according to the laws of compassion and reciprocity?

Sometimes a thoughtful solution can be better for everyone.

Rising above the Id is just as important as overcoming the

Super-ego. Many of us have very unbalanced responses that are based in

the Id rather than the Super-ego. Did you ever meet someone who tended

to be very paranoid and reacted with violence as a first solution? In many

cases the ‘warrior’ mentality is very Id based, as is the ‘nurturer’ and the


The Super-ego and the Id

So what is the correct balance? The challenge is to develop

enough internal and external awareness to be able to go through and keep

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or discard the programming as we see fit. We have to thoughtfully,

purposefully think about what’s important and how we should react to

the various stimuli that bombard us constantly.

There are a few guidelines you can go by that will help the

process. Most religions are liberally sprinkled with these and if you apply

them they’ll help act as a filter between the Id and Superego. I’ve seen

about 20 different translations of “Do unto others as you’d have them do

unto you”, for instance. Personally I try to keep in mind there are only

two ways to respond to any given moment, through LOVE or through

FEAR. On a moment by moment basis I always try to be aware of my

responses and see which of those is dominant. Hopefully someday I’ll be

good at it.

The Super-ego and the Id will always be the defining factors of

your ego, but fortunately your Ego is also the defining factor of the

Super-ego and the Id. Through study and meditation you begin the

process of shaping the Id and Super-ego and therefore the Ego, creating a

single balanced entity, much like the Yin/Yang.

Ego Triggers

We all have ego triggers.

An ego trigger is any word, phrase, thought or feeling that

causes an unintentional, unthinking response within us. Some easy words

to use for examples are Abortion, Gun Control, Animal Rights, Human

Rights, the Environment, Child Abuse and Summer Camp. If none of

these words elicited a response in you you are probably a rare human


I used some politically oriented words, but you can address them

more specifically. How about hypocrite, chauvinist, moron, dipshit, idiot,

fat or slut?

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Our culture tends to purposefully build in these ego triggers

because when you're susceptible to them you are more easily controlled.

Using an ego trigger elicits a definite response and if that response is

beyond your control you are being used rather than making a rational


Learn to be aware of the feelings created by the words used

around you. The goal here is not to do away with the feelings caused by

ego triggers, but rather to develop a level of awareness that allows you to

remain in control of yourself. Often ego triggers will instantly elicit

anger, or fear or shame. Examine that and see if you can discover why.

Working with your ego triggers can be a very long process but

also a relatively easy one to start. Just pay attention to words, thoughts,

feelings or concepts that make you angry or uncomfortable. Look at the

trigger and see why it elicits a response. When possible look and see if

that response can be changed to include love and compassion. When you

begin working through your triggers you may find you are no longer as

easily manipulated by preachers, politicians, your parents, spouse,

coworkers, etc. You may also find it becomes much easier to find real

solutions to the issues that caused the trigger in the first place.

Ego Trigger Exercise

Make a list of words that elicit feelings within you. Take a few

minutes and go through the Breathing and Secret Smile exercises.

Pick a word from the list and meditate on it. Just keep the word

in your mind and pay attention to thoughts, memories or feelings that

arise in your mind around the word.

Give yourself permission to heal any issues that may arise and to

forgive anyone who has ever inflicted this word upon you. Forgive

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yourself for any actions, deeds or words you used in conjunction with the

ego trigger.

Allow any emotions that need to come forth as you release your

attachment to the word. You may laugh or cry, scream or shout, jump up

and down or dance or anything else you need to do to get the feelings out

of your system. If you feel you need professional help with counseling,

massage or healing then by all means get it. If you start feeling

overwhelmed remember to use the Secret Smile to pull yourself out of

the stresses.

Once you’ve begun to release the stresses from the ego trigger

you can begin to look at compassionate and loving ways to respond to

that trigger from now on. It’s almost impossible to get rid of every ego

trigger you may have, but you can definitely replace the negative effects

with something more positive.

Dropping our Masks

In a sense it’s like we’re each wearing a mask. We each have a

set of pre-programmed responses to just about any external/internal

stimuli and it’s these programmed responses that make it so easy to

occasionally bend and twist entire societies. These masks are the external

personalities we show others, and believe it or not, other people rarely

see us as we see ourselves.

Beyond that, the masks we wear are also programmed with our

memories and likes/dislikes at a personal level. They’re an amalgam of

everything we’ve done, both good and bad, as well as our views of

ourselves. It’s also possible to have an entire series of masks you wear at

different times and places. Do you act differently around certain people,

or in certain places? Are those actions the result of self-awareness on

your part or simply pre-programmed responses that you do


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One of the things that happen with Meditation is that all the

masks are stripped away. Suddenly you’re left with a completely blank

slate and it’s up to you to decide what should be there. It’s one of the

reasons why some people have such radical changes to their personality

after an awakening.

A lot of people also hide behind their masks and it can be

extremely frightening when those masks no longer hide them from

themselves. It’s one of the reasons I’m constantly prattling on about

intention and awareness and having a positive attitude.

The good news is that you don’t have to experience an

awakening to begin the process of dropping the masks. As you get deeper

into the self-awareness process you’ll begin to question some of the

things you do and the reasons you do them. As you expand your

awareness you’ll be able to have different views of your own actions as


The simplest way to begin stripping these masks away is to look

at your responses to external/internal stimuli. Do you respond primarily

from the Super-ego (conscious) or the Id (subconscious) parts of your

ego? How’s that working out for you? Are there times when you’d like to

respond more consciously and other times when you feel like your

intellect gets in the way?

As you journey through your own self-awareness you’ll find

that you can begin changing your responses, and therefore changing your


Dealing with Anger

"When you are offended at any man's fault, turn to yourself and
study your own failings. Then you will forget your anger."

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172 Awaken Your Inner Power

As humans we have to deal with anger on a fairly constant basis.

Some of us tend to be a little quicker to anger than others, but in general

anger is one of the daily trials we all have to work towards overcoming.

Dealing with anger brings us to some of the core principles of

Inner power, namely awareness. It’s very easy to become stressed and

lose our tempers. It’s incredibly hard at first to deal with some of the

unfairness of life without getting angry and upset, but that’s exactly what

you have to learn to do. This was (and still is) a very long journey for me

and I’m still being tested fairly regularly with no reason to believe the

tests will ever stop.

For example I was recently filling out my financial aid

paperwork to go back to college and take some classes. In the process I

discovered the IRS had apparently lost every one of my tax returns since

1999. Only a few months ago this would have sent me into a rage (and a

righteous one too!) yet this time I tried to remember I was supposed to be

handling this properly. During the entire ordeal (about 20 hours worth of

phone calls, wrong instructions and outright ineptitude from the

bureaucracy), I tried to remember to make things as pleasant as possible

for the person on the other end of the conversation. While I probably

could have handled it better, I still showed a marked improvement over

how things would have been even a few years ago.

Like any other real change in our lives, dealing with anger is an

incremental process. It’s all about winning the little victory right now

rather than worrying about winning the war on anger. As humans we’ll

probably never eradicate anger, but we can develop better strategies for

dealing with it.

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Identifying the Causes

Here are a couple of examples of things that make me angry. We

all have a list like this, and my advice here is to write it out and then

write out the solutions for it.

Cause #1 - I’ve found I’m most likely to get angry when I feel

like I’m running late or short of time.

Solution – If it turns out I’m running out of time, for whatever

reason, I try to call ahead and make other arrangements for my

appointments. While this necessity can still make me unhappy, it’s at

least a positive step and keeps me from being any ruder than I can help to

the people waiting on me.

Cause #2 – I have a very low Stupidity Tolerance. I find

incompetence and ineptitude to be one of the most amazingly rude things

imaginable and a symbol of a business owner’s lack of respect for their


Solution – Lighten up, Old Man! We’ve all been new on the job

or thrown out to the wolves without proper training. Take a minute and

try to view things from the stupid-ees point of view and it may turn out

that the situation isn’t really anyone’s ‘fault’. Try to see the humor in it

and see if it can all be turned into a joke.

Another tactic that I use in general and I have pretty good results

with is to view everything as a test. This works well for my personality

type and may not work at all for others, but give this a try and see. Try

the ‘Sacred Space’ test and let me know how it works for you.

To do the “Sacred Space’ test first you have to understand that

you can’t change the world, but you can change the area directly around

you, your bubble of influence.

The test is to always have a bubble of happy sacred space around

you, no matter what’s going on. As your awareness increases you may

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find this easier to do. You are a living, breathing sacred space generator

and everyone who comes in contact with you enters your area of sacred

space and therefore should pass out the other side of it feeling better than

when they went in to it.

The challenge with this is to feel that way about everyone, no

matter how they’ve treated you, or how stupid, rude inept or downright

mean they act. We all have the ability to be total jerks. Just as we’ve

accidentally shown our bad sides to others, then others will show their

bad sides to us. It’s entirely possible the one bad moment you witness

from your adversary may be the only bad moment that person has ever

shown. Judging them as a perpetual jerk may be as utterly unfair as the

times when others judged you as a perpetual asshole.

When you bring the jerk into your bubble of sacred space your

goal is to make their day better. Get beyond your own ego and the

attitudes of “How dare they treat ME that way” and see if you can help

break them out of their bad mood. Look at it like a game. Have fun with


Does this always work? Of course not. Sometimes the other

person is still going to be a jerk, and sometimes in the case of a

potentially violent situation this tactic may still not be enough to avoid

the confrontation. As I often point out in my martial arts classes “You

may still find it necessary to bend, fold and spindle an attacker, but at

least this method keeps you from doing it in anger or hatred”.

Another thing to remember about anger is that the usual

response to it is more anger. What’s the first thing you feel when

someone becomes angry with you? If you’re like most of us you also

begin to get angry. It develops into a circle and keeps growing until it

either spills over or sanity prevails.

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Remember with anger that it’s just like love. Someone can give

you all of it that they want to, but it’s up to you to accept it. Like the old

example the monks use; if someone offers you a cup of tea and you

refuse it then whose tea is it? It still belongs to them. If someone offers

you anger and you refuse it then whose anger is it?

The next time you feel yourself becoming angry try this:

Begin your belly breathing drawing your breath deep into your

hara. Let your muscles relax and let any tension flow out and down into

the earth. As you inhale feel the earth energy flow up into you until it

fills your entire body. On your exhales continue to let stress and tension

flow out.

Begin drawing chi in through your liver. Don’t worry if you

don’t know where your liver is, just

open up and intend for the energy

to flow into it and you’ll eventually

be able to feel your liver as you do

this. Experiment and play with this.

If your concentration is good if

nothing else it may take your mind

off whatever you’re angry about.

Remember that the Law of Reciprocity applies here also so if

you send out anger then you’ll receive anger in return.


Since none of us are perfect it’s important to remember about

forgiveness. When someone ticks you off the first thing to remember

once you cool down is to forgive them for whatever they did to make you

angry. This is extremely important because until you do this you’re still

carrying the seeds of that anger around with you. Take a moment to

Of course, you

also have to

remember to forgive



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forgive them for whatever moronic, utterly imbecilic action they

committed, and then forget about it.

Of course, you also have to remember to forgive yourself. Most

of us get just as annoyed with ourselves for losing control and giving in

to the anger as we do at the person who inspired it. This is one more area

where keeping a positive attitude can be helpful.

Take a moment to critique the incident without assigning blame

to either party. Look at the lessons learned and see what you could have

done better and then forgive everyone involved and get on with your life.

Righteous Anger

Looking at the world today makes you think there are times

when we should be angry. Human Rights abuses, starvation, injustice,

etc. When you start getting mad about those things where do you stop? It

might sound perfectly reasonable if you say “I’m only going to be

righteously angry about the worst injustices and then stamp them out”. If

you’re amazingly effective (more so than anyone has ever been) you’ll

single handedly make the world a better place. However, you’ll reach a

point where you’ve cleaned up the entire planet and you begin to vent

your righteous anger on some guy who spits on the sidewalk because

that’s the worst thing that’s left.

Of course no matter how angry you get you can never stamp out

injustice or abuse. Those things are part of our basic nature and you can’t

be angry about our basic nature, you can only accept it. Once you accept

it you can get beyond it.

Even righteous anger is subject to the Law of Reciprocity. You

may feel justified at being angry at the person who screwed up, but we

all screw up occasionally. Personally I’d prefer to give compassion rather

than anger (and I eventually hope to get good at it). When you react out

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of compassion at least you don’t have to worry about anger degenerating

into hate.

Using Compassion in Everyday Life

Compassion is simply the way we feel towards others. In any

given moment we have two ways to respond to whatever happens. We

can respond through fear, or we can respond through love. It’s exactly

that simple. The goal is to develop our awareness until we can decide in

an instant which way we want to respond.

This is one of the areas I have to constantly struggle with. I try

to remember on a moment to moment basis that it should be a pleasure

for another person to interact with me because I should always be

relating to them from a loving and compassionate viewpoint. Of course

this is the point where the little devil on my shoulder points out that the

best thing for some people is a good swift kick in the ass.

So how do you temper compassion and mercy with reality? In

my martial art classes I always teach the non-lethal, non-damaging

techniques first. The point is not to hurt the person who attacks you, for

instance, but merely to redirect them and get the point across to them that

you’re someone who shouldn’t be attacked in the first place. Of course if

you get to the point of physical violence odds are you’ve screwed up at

the other levels.

The next time you’re in a ‘discussion’ with someone who wants

to be argumentative try this;

Slow your breathing and remember to breathe down into your

hara. Relax your muscles and let all the tension drain out, then allow the

grounding earth energy to flow up from your feet and let your entire

body fill up with it, letting it overflow down into your arms and hands.

Keep your mind as clear as possible, send your awareness down

to your heart chakra and draw energy into it. Feel it relax and expand as

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it energizes and let your awareness expand outwards carrying with it a

solid green wave of compassion. You can visualize this by seeing a

bright green bar of light extend out from your chest to the chest of the

person you’re talking to. If you want you can let that green light expand

until you are both inside a huge circle of compassion.

Experiment with this. You can also play with other colors and

try various colors in different situations. As with anything else the more

you use it the better you’ll be at it.

Spiritual Integration

"Soul development should take precedence over all things."

Edgar Cayce

Are we spiritual beings having an earthly experience or are we

earthly beings having a spiritual experience? Who said we have to be one

or the other? Are the two mutually exclusive?

The thing that’s most interesting to me about the Inner Power

process is that I’m much closer to my true spiritual self now than ever

before. It’s astounding to me to be able to feel past my physical body and

connect to something larger and more ancient. As usual this is part of a

larger process and it’s one that’s continually ongoing as I learn more and

loosen up more.

Developing our spirituality is what it’s about for most of us,

although for a long time I never thought about exactly what that means.

If we look at the overall picture and get beyond the shortness of lifespan

for our physical beings we can see the longevity of our spirit. I like the

idea that we come back over and over and learn lessons at the soul level.

From that perspective the life we live has far reaching consequences for

the hard headed as I can think of several parts of this life I wouldn’t want

to have to repeat just to get the proper remedial training.

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The process of integrating yourself spiritually, mentally and

physically can be a very long process. It requires a lot of self awareness

and it’s probably a different process for everybody. As usual many of us

in Western society are at a disadvantage because we expect to see instant


There isn’t much that I can tell you beyond that as you’ll have to

just put the time into it and do the work.

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180 Awaken Your Inner Power

Chapter 16

Living in Abundance

"Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have
drawn them there.
What you choose to do with them is up to you."
- Richard Bach

“Poverty is God’s way of saying ‘you’re a failure’”
Anonymous (an ancient Greek philosopher)

The natural attitude of the awakened, balanced, sentient being is

one of abundance and plenty. When you have the ability to connect to the

universe at its core and become one

with it there just isn’t room for the

attitudes of deprivation or poverty.

The universe isn’t deprived or

impoverished. It’s huge; it’s full of

fantastic, wondrous, amazing

creations we as humans aren’t big

enough to understand. We as

spiritual beings, however, have the

ability to interact with it and connect to it and take part in it.

For the seeker who lives with constant self-awareness,

deprivation and lack are symptoms of imbalance. That’s not to say that

those who suffer poverty are unenlightened, just that some forms of

poverty are symptoms of imbalance.

When I talk about

poverty I mean the



, rather than

the lack of stuff or


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I should clarify a few things at this point. If you want to be a

monk and shave your head and be celibate and not own anything that’s a

choice, and terms like lack and poverty don’t apply. If you decide to get

rid of everything you own and live free of the attachments and wander

the Earth as a spiritual being in human form that’s also a choice.

When I talk about poverty I mean the impoverished mindset,

rather than the lack of stuff or money. It’s this impoverished mindset that

makes people poor and keeps them there.

Another good point is that often people may have some hold-

over from a past life, such as a vow of poverty they still live up to. That’s

where your self-awareness comes in and allows you to get past it and

begin living the life of abundance.

When I was a kid growing up in the foothills of North Carolina

we hardly ever had money. We usually raised a garden and kept animals

for the freezer. In the summer mom would can the vegetables from the

garden so we’d have something for the winter. While my parents would

worry about money, they always made sure my sister and I had shoes and

decent clothes to wear to school. It never occurred to us that we didn’t

live in a time of abundance. Even when times were hard we had

everything we needed. The times when we felt a lack of money were

times when we wanted some external luxury. Of course growing up the

way I did also ‘programmed’ some attitudes into me. The section that

comes next is a posting I made on the Inner Power Discussion Group

about that and the process I was going through at the time.

Lessons about Money

I've been going through an interesting growth period lately that I

thought I'd share, as some of the lessons were pretty profound (at least

for me).

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I've written before about my Awakening and the joys and

tribulations since, and I've also mentioned that it's an ongoing process

which, as far as I can tell, doesn't really end til you shuffle off this mortal

coil. Then you get to come back and start over.

The last couple of years or so have been a really interesting

period, partly through the guidance and help from both Dr. Glenn Morris

and Susan Carlson, and it's interesting how much progress I've made and

how far I still have to go.

I've recently come to an interesting new period in my life, thanks

mostly to my other half, Anya. Living with her (and my step-son Jake)

has opened up new areas and forced me to deal with things I was always

able to avoid before. When you're a modern day gypsy bouncing around

in an old RV it's really easy to have a casual attitude about living in our

society, but settling down really brings on the new challenges. Most of

what I'm learning now is probably old hat to those of you who've led

stable, settled down lives, but it's a hell of an adventure for me, even at

my age.

The primary things I'm dealing with lately are financial. I've

always been able to make money, but in the last few months I've come to

realize that I've always had bad attitudes about it, and I see the same

attitudes reflected over and over from the people around me. It was a big

shock for me to realize how much my attitudes were limiting me. It was

shocking because most of what I do is about rising above limitations and

creating my own realities, and then realizing how badly I was doing in

this other area.

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Susan Carlson mentioned to me several times last year that I

could learn a lot from Stuart Wilde's books, and I finally got around to

reading The Trick to Money is Having Some. I have to admit she was

exactly right!

I followed that up with Rich

Dad, Poor Dad and what I learned

there was just as shocking, so in the

hopes that some of you learn easier

than I do I'll pass on some new

revelations (apparently only new to

me, but what the hell).

I grew up in the foothills of

North Carolina as a poor country boy and most of the time money was a

tool we just didn't have. Our "reality" was that we had to struggle just to

have enough to survive. While the concept of abundance was nothing

new to us, we saw our abundance in what we could grow and make

rather than what we could buy, and while those skills are definitely

valuable, it's a very limiting attitude to have.

So within my 'reality' money wasn't really a tool that was very

prominent in my toolbox, even though it was consistently one of the

factors that prevented me from doing the things I needed to do.

Many of my attitudes came from the fact that I'm just not

interested in money for its own sake. I'm pretty unimpressed by the

people I've met who's primary characteristic seems to be that they have

lots of money.

It’s also easy to develop bad attitudes when we see the evils

done in the name of money, so for a long time my reality remained that I

was working to have 'enough to survive'.

Money is a fact of

life in our modern

world. It's a tool

too many of us are

taught to ignore or


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184 Awaken Your Inner Power

Another interesting factor is that many of us in western society

are taught to believe we don’t deserve a lot of money. We're taught to

want it, but not to believe we deserve it, which only seems like a paradox

til you think about how our consumer culture is driven by desire and

want, rather than need.

I finally realized I have to expand my reality and shake off the

bad attitudes. Money is a fact of life in our modern world. It's a tool too

many of us are taught to ignore and misuse, and just because many of the

world's ills and evils are conceived to get it doesn't mean we should

ignore the fact that many of the modern world’s good things are caused

by it also. The fact that I can write this article and instantly send it out to

hundreds of people all over the world is just one example.

I expect the next few months to be a very interesting and

rewarding period as I learn more about this 'new' tool and how to

effectively use it. Many of the healers and new agers I know also have

similar attitudes to those I always had, so I thought I'd bring this up here.

I'm sure that many of you may have some interesting feedback.

The period since I wrote that posting has indeed been very

interesting as I learn more about living with the attitude of abundance. If

you haven’t done so I strongly urge you to read Stuart Wilde’s The Trick

to Money is Having Some and Robert Kyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

Kiyosaki wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad as a manual for his board game

Cash Flow 101. I’ve been playing Cash Flow 101 pretty steadily for a

couple of years and even running a weekly game at a local bookstore.

Cash Flow 101 is a great way to learn more about using money as a tool

and for developing a new money consciousness. I really can’t

recommend it enough. If you live in the Denver area then by all means

come out and play with us.

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Balancing Money and Spirituality

I'm running into a lot of deeply spiritual people who are having

an extremely bad time balancing spirituality and money. There are some

points I want to make here;

1. Money is a form of energy – Like any other form of energy

money is completely inert. It's how you use the energy that

decides whether your ultimate result is good or bad.

2. We live in an unlimited, abundant and constantly expanding

universe – it is not only possible, but proper, that you should

partake of the unlimited abundance of the universe and do so in

the sure knowledge that you are not taking anything away from

anyone else in doing so.

3. We create our own realities – Through our thoughts, speech and

actions we create our own realities on a moment to moment

basis. This means you have the ability to create an abundant

reality and you have the ability right now to allow that reality to

come into place. If those around you are creating a lack-based

reality then by your very success you can establish the

credibility to be able to help them break out of the lack-based

consciousness that entraps them.

4. It's OK to be rich and use your wealth and resources to help

others – Face it; you could get a lot more done if you weren't

spending so much of your life trading time for money. I could go

on and on with reasons and rationalizations for how you could

positively influence the people around you by being financially

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186 Awaken Your Inner Power

successful and philanthropic, but I think you probably get the


Some of the best and most helpful resources I've found for

balancing wealth and spirituality have come from the Teachings of

Abraham and Esther Hicks. To say I'm a huge fan of these

revolutionary teachings would be a massive understatement.

So many spiritually oriented people have trouble balancing

money and spirituality because we've been indoctrinated into being

poor for a very long time. Depending on the level of indoctrination

you've been subjected to these teachings can require some major

work and attitude shifts.

If you don't control your finances, you do not control your life

in this modern culture. I can't stress this enough. You can choose to

live in Voluntary Simplicity and grow all of your own food and

make all of your own clothes and so on. I really dig that type of

lifestyle and I've got the chickens in the backyard to prove it. But the

fact remains that money is a form of energy and you simply cannot

be One with the Universe while cutting yourself off from the

abundance and wealth that surrounds you.

Money as Energy

I know what you're thinking right now. I don't have to be

psychic. I've been around thousands of spiritual people for a very long

time. I've also been around an equal number of business people and I

know what the attitudes are.

You're thinking "Money is not important and I don't care about

money". You've been TAUGHT to think that way!

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Money is ENERGY! It's a representation of the common

agreement of value in this culture and when you cut yourself off from it

you disempower yourself.

This is NOT accidental! When the spiritual leaders were

convinced to disempower themselves the flock the spiritual leaders were

supposed to be protecting was left completely defenseless.

The moment you cut yourself off from abundance and energy

from the Universe you cut yourself off from your SOURCE.

Money is a tool. We're not talking about greed here, we're

talking about having the tools you need to get your message out, to help

the people you need to help and get the job done. It seems that many

people who focus on their spirituality also believe that in order to be

spiritual one must live in abject poverty.

I disagree.

In an infinite Universe there must exist both Infinite Abundance

and Infinite Lack. This manual is about learning to tap into Infinite

Abundance through personal development and financial education.

The Haves and Have Not's;

In the late 90’s Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor under the

Clinton Administration, made the comment that “2 tracks are emerging,

the fast track and the slow track, and the absence of gradations in


As the gap between the Haves and Have Not's continues to

widen it's become apparent to me that one must make a conscious choice

about which of these they want to be. I've noticed we tend to create a

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paradox for ourselves when it comes to money and financial education.

This paradox tends to spill over into every other part of our lives.

The Paradox;

We must be materially successful (to a certain point at least) in

order to accomplish our goals. But in many people's opinion successful

people (rich, wealthy, affluent, etc.) tend to have bad morals and be

spiritually unhealthy.

This paradox creates a certain push-pull effect on our financial

lives. For many people money still tends to be the deciding factor in

almost every part of their lives. How often do we forego training and

charitable opportunities because we feel we "can't afford" to spend the

money? How often would we like to do more to help with the various

social issues that concern us, but feel we are already at the limit of what

we can afford to give? How many good things are NOT being

accomplished because good people can't muster the resources to bring

them to fruition?

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Chapter 17

Death and Reincarnation

"You're going to die a horrible death, remember. It's all good
training, and you'll enjoy it more if you keep the facts in mind.
Take your dying with some seriousness, however. Laughing on the
way to your execution is not generally understood by less advanced
life forms, and they'll call you crazy."
- Richard Bach

“I offer thanks to those before me,
that’s all I’ve got to say.
Maybe you squandered big bucks in your lifetime,
and now I’ve got to pay.
Then again it feels like some sort of inspiration,
to let the next life off the hook.
She’ll say ‘Look what I had to overcome from my last life; I think
I’ll write a book.’”
- The Indigo Girls

One of the perennial questions when it comes to spirituality is

“Where do we go when we die?” All the major religions have ways of

dealing with this. In fact that’s one of the purposes of religion.

An interesting side effect that I’ve seen in the handful of people

I’ve met who’ve awakened their Inner Power seems to be a complete

lack of fear concerning death as well as a firm belief in reincarnation.

This isn’t reincarnation in the sense that the exact same person we are

now will return to live again. It’s more a recognition that the soul is

immortal and we come back here on a quest for further development on a

larger level.

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Of all the philosophies I’ve seen so far, Tibetan Buddhism

seems to make the most sense. The idea that we come back to achieve

and learn certain things during our limited human lifetime is the only

idea that’s ever made sense to me


Some of this is borne out

through the study of the chakras

and their ability to hold onto

memories and contracts from past

lives. There’s a mounting pile of

evidence from hypnotic past life

regressions that’s hard to ignore

without some deeply ingrained

programming that lets you argue against it. I find the usual “It’s not true

because God said so in the Bible” argument to be exceptionally weak to

the point of becoming boring. Apparently a lot of things aren’t

mentioned in the Bible, which doesn’t negate it as a historical and

spiritual document and a lot of fun to read and debate.

The feeling I’ve developed over the past few years, and it’s just

that, my feeling, is we as a spiritual beings have certain things we need to

learn. We come here (Earth) over and over until we’ve finally learned

enough to move on to whatever the next level of existence may be. It’s

like an eternal cosmic video game where you have to keep going back to

the beginning of each level and doing it over until you learn how to beat

it. (Who said XBox was useless? ☺)

My feeling is that before our re-birth we devise a plan and leave

ourselves clues about where we’re supposed to go and what we’re

supposed to learn. It makes perfect sense to me that this plan could also

include who our parents are and the part of the world we’ll be born into

It’s more a

recognition that the

soul is immortal and

we come back here

on a quest for

further development

on a larger level.

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as the lessons there can be extremely strong. At that point it’s up to us to

develop the awareness to follow the clues and learn to listen to our inner

voices. It’s as good a reason as any for why humans can feel so out of

place and looking for something ‘more’ from their lives.

I’ve occasionally talked to some of the Buddhists who seem to

echo that theory almost exactly. I find that interesting since I’m not

devoted to any of the isms.


Occult Tibet J.H. Brennan points out that “According to

Tibetan doctrines there are six possible “realms” into which you could be

born, each one the result of your particular karmic trace. These are, in

reverse order of comfort, the Hell Realm, the Hungry Ghost Realm, the

Animal Realm, the Human Realm, the Demi-God Realm, and the God


As he points out, it’s hard to tell whether the ancient Tibetans

were referring to other planes of existence, or whether all the realms co-

exist here on Earth. It’s fun to debate it in either direction.

Contracts from Past Lives?

An interesting idea in chakra studies is that apparently we can

carry over firmly held beliefs, both positive and negative, from past lives.

In effect we’re still honoring a contract we made in a past life. In some

cases the past programming is held in the chakras and causes the victim

to continuously act out whatever the contract may have been.

Given the fact the chakras can store information about every

aspect of our lives it stands to reason these contracts could be anything

from a vow of poverty to a reluctance to eat green beans.

As you get deeper into your chakra studies and begin to learn

more about yourself keep this in mind. There may be areas in your life

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that require you to put some real effort into sorting out and it could be

caused in part by these past life vows.

I think a lot of the attitudes about money can be attributed to

past life vows of poverty. So many people in the metaphysical circles

have bad attitudes about money and seem to be constantly working

through it.

Many of those who travel in the metaphysical circles today were

probably healers, priests and shamans in past lives and still have the

memories of the tribe taking care of them. Today the average healer or

shaman has to have a day job and do their life’s work after hours, yet

they remember, at a soul level, the times when money and material

possessions weren’t necessary. Sometimes it’s hard to break out of that.

With that in mind it’s no surprise so many of us have problems

in thinking positively about money. We especially seem to have

problems anytime we’re mixing money and spirituality. Often we feel we

shouldn’t be charging money for anything related to our spiritual

teachings and pathways.

At the same time, we no longer live in a world where the ‘tribe’

takes care of us, so it becomes necessary to have a way to defray

expenses, especially when so many of us tend to travel to other cities and

teach seminars and workshops.

Just something to think about.

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Chapter 18

Becoming who We’re Supposed to Be

Our place in the world

It’s not unusual for humans to spend a lot of time wondering

why we’re here and where is here and what does it all mean? It’s part of

our natural curiosity of life but it’s also part of a deeper drive to follow

the plan we made for ourselves

before our re-birth.

One of the great

advantages with energy work is that

once the chakras begin the process

of cleansing and balancing it’s

possible to get a much clearer view

of life’s purpose.

In my personal experience,

one of the important effects of my

awakening was that I was finally

able to figure out why I’m here and

begin putting my life into some sort

of perspective. Some people are

fortunate and don’t have to deal

with this. I’ve met people who seemed to always know exactly why they

were here and what they were supposed to do with this lifetime in order

to develop their souls for the next level.

As usual,


is the

key to learning

about our true


My awareness was

one of negativities

though, as I

couldn’t see the

possibilities, only




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My path was much different. I spent decades wandering around

learning different skills and having a wide variety of experiences. For a

long time I felt like I was on the outside of our society looking in, trying

to figure out why I couldn’t just settle down and get a good job and raise

a family the way we’re taught we should. For over a decade after I

experienced the awakening I literally felt driven to go places and learn a

strange group of skills. It was only after I met other people who’d also

had awakenings and began learning from them that I was able to open up

my awareness and see the bigger picture.

As I look back on it now I can see I was always doing exactly

what I was supposed to be doing and all of a sudden I’ve arrived at a

point where I have enough grey hair to be taken seriously, enough

experience to back it up and a unique skill-set to bring it all together and

make it work. Once I figured out that I should just have a little faith and

go where I’m supposed to go and do what I’m supposed to do, all the

stress and angst about my ‘place in society’ just went away and I was

able to really make some progress internally.

As usual, awareness is the key to learning about our true selves.

I stumbled around in the dark for a long time, driven by something that I

was unaware of, but fortunate in the fact that I went where I was led

nonetheless. My awareness was one of negativities though, as I couldn’t

see the possibilities, only the im-possibilities. For instance, I knew I

couldn’t settle down and raise a family, but couldn’t understand why. I

knew I wanted to go to college and learn, but couldn’t see the point to

pursuing the usual career paths.

Once I began to expand my awareness (starting with the breath,

like usual) I was able to see a larger picture and have it make sense. It’s a

little like standing too close to a painting. It’s out of focus and just a

jumble of colors, but as you move back slightly and expand your

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awareness the colors transform into shapes. Expand your awareness and

little more and the shapes come together as a painting. Expand it a little

more and the painting is hanging on a wall, and the wall is in a museum,

and so on. You can do this as a meditation and keep ‘moving back’ and

expanding your awareness until your awareness isn’t of the painting at

all, but of the entire universe.

Now apply that same exercise to your own life. You can learn to

pull back and expand your awareness of yourself and everything around

you. If you’ve followed the exercises I’ve outlined so far you should be

well on your way to making this happen.

Inner Power and Ecology

“One thing we know, which the white man may one day discover -

our God is the same God. You may think now that you own Him as

you wish to own our land; but you cannot. He is the God of man; and

his compassion is equal for the red man and the white. This earth is

precious to him and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on its

Creator. The whites too shall pass; perhaps sooner than all the other

tribes. Continue to contaminate your bed and you will one night

suffocate in your own wastes.”

From the Letter of Chief Seathl (Seattle) to the President of the

United States, Franklin Pierce, 1854

Once the energy begins to awaken many people develop a much

closer affinity to the environment and environmental causes. As we

become more aware of our deeper connections to the world around us it

makes it hard to ignore how rapidly that world is being raped and

plundered by those whose only connection is to their wallet.

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Working with Shakti, chakras and chi is to work with the

energies that surround us and that we’re created from. In my case I was

so attuned to those energies for a very long time that I had an extremely

hard time living in the city. I had problems with this until I learned how

to cleanse my energy and metabolize the bad energy that’s so prevalent

in most ‘developed’ areas. The realization that energy is just energy

made this much easier.

A lot of people today are beginning to look towards Native

American spirituality, Celtic and Tibetan shamanism and other paths that

tend to have a closer connection to the energies and elements. There are

some really good resources out there and the internet has made finding

them so much easier.

Mother Earth Spirituality and The Rainbow Tribe, both by Ed

McGaa, can be extremely helpful when you’re trying to put some of your

new energy into an ecological perspective.

It’s hard to ignore the utter malignancy of Western Culture. It’s

also important to realize that many of the benefits to the modern spiritual

seeker (the internet, easily available books and music, etc.) are also side

effects of that culture. The challenge is to find ways to keep the benefits

while creating a more sustainable lifestyle.

Us and Them

Once you open up your awareness you may begin to develop an

“Us” and “Them” complex. It’s important to remember that they are also

a part of the natural order and they’re even vital to our success.

Every human has the ability to awaken their Inner Power and

become their true selves. It’s funny that those who do are so few and far

between. Even though everyone could do it, most people simply aren’t

meant to at this time. That’s one reason I don’t spend a lot of time trying

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to convince the skeptical about Inner Power. I know it’s real because I’ve

experienced it firsthand. It doesn’t bother me at all if others don’t believe

me. I’d rather put my time into empowering those who are looking for it.

The ‘normal’ people are just being normal and you have to love

them because of that, rather than in spite of it. So many of the issues that

plague our unenlightened society could be solved easily through

meditation and intentional living. Hopefully as the numbers of those who

live intentionally increase, it’ll become easier for ‘them’ to find the path

and get onto it. Even though there are differences in perceptions of the

world and life in general, there’s really no such thing as ‘better’ or


Breaking out of Judgementalism

Any time you make a distinction between you and anyone else

then you are also separating yourself from them. We are all ONE at a

very literal level and what you see reflected back at you from across the

room is still YOU. If you make a judgment on any one else you are

literally judging that part of your Self.

It’s like looking into a mirror. When you look into a mirror and

see a blemish or an aspect of yourself you don’t like you’ll make a

judgment. “I’m fat” or “My hair won’t do what I want it to” or “All my

teef fell out overnight and thith ith really gonna thcrew up the speeth I

have to give today and I’m gonna look thupid”. When we have a

negative reaction to an aspect of our self it’s just an indication that we

still have to spend some time on our self acceptance.


mirror effect also applies to other people. We respond

negatively to those aspects of other people we don’t like in ourselves. If

you’ve ever met someone you instantly disliked go back and think about

that encounter and see what caused it. This doesn’t mean you have to

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198 Awaken Your Inner Power

spend a lot of time with those people or have them as houseguests. Just

take some time and see if you can recognize those same qualities about

yourself that annoy you in others and see if there might be a way to

approach them from a position of love and compassion.

Our culture isn’t helping us with this either. If you don’t put

some thought and intention into your life it’s very easy to be entrapped in

some of the political bickering that goes on. How often have you heard a

liberal say “All conservatives are stupid and unrealistic” or vice versa.

Remember what I said earlier about ego triggers? Glenn Morris used to

talk about the ego and say “You control it or IT controls you”.

Take some time and work through this. Whenever you see

someone who causes a judgmental thought just remember that person is a

catalyst for you. They are a reminder that you are divine and within your

divinity there must be infinite variation and diversity. Everyone we meet

is a guru or a teacher.

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Chapter 19

Setting Boundaries for the Universe

"Time exists in order that everything doesn't happen all at once…and

space exists so that it doesn't all happen to you." — Susan Sontag

When you awaken your Inner Power and start to get balanced

out you're going to discover you have unlimited energy as well as the

ability to tap into the unlimited creativity of the Universe.

It's important to remember that you literally have all the time in

the world to get things done. After

my first book came out it seems like

the floodgates of the Universe

opened up and I was deluged with

ideas and concepts. It wasn't

unusual to awaken at 3 am and work

until midnight during these periods.

My wife calls them 'the 3 o'clock downloads' and I'd wake up with a

concept and so much energy that I literally couldn't stay in bed. Some of

these concepts were so big and mind blowing that I know they didn't

come from this human brain I'm carrying around; I'm just not that smart.

Therefore I knew it must have been something from the Universe that I

was supposed to be working on.

If you haven't experienced this or something like it then you

probably will. It can be an exciting and rewarding time as well as a strain

on your physicality, family life and career.

You can ask for

anything you want,

so ask for a



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200 Awaken Your Inner Power

Remember that time is not linear the way most people think of it

and remember that just because you're given an amazing idea doesn't

mean you're supposed to jump on that idea right now. These were lessons

I learned the hard way so pay attention.

During this period I had concepts such as 'The Spiritual

Entrepreneur' that were so big that it was clear I was supposed to pursue

them. However, I was already up to my neck in a publishing business, a

full-time job and a wonderful family life so something had to give. That

something ended up being me, and by extension, everything else.

It's easy to fall into the trap of being too close to what you're

working on, especially when those projects come with a massive blast of

energy. After about 3 years of 20 hour days I had gotten to a point where

I was just burning out physically, however.

Some of my friends and assistants who were with me during this

period have given me some valuable feedback that I'm going to pass on

to you in hopes it helps you avoid the same mistakes.

Tom Lux and Margie D. were both helping me on various

projects. Margie was doing a spectacular job pulling together The

Spiritual Entrepreneur Radio Show and some other jobs. Tom was

helping me set up classes and workshops at local healing clinics. Both of

them ran into the same problem. As Tom puts it; "You were just moving

so fast that we couldn't keep up with you. By the time we realized what

needed to be done you were already two projects ahead and still picking

up speed".

Here are some of the lessons in a nutshell;

• You can ask for anything you want, so ask for a plan!


I got all of this stuff downloaded at once and it

was like being shown a picture of a house and

being told "Build that, here's everything you

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Robert Morgen 201

need", but not given the blueprints or

instructions. Being a visual guy I started

building the walls and the roof first because

that's what I could see, but you actually have to

start with the foundation.


If the instructions aren't clear go back and ask

for more. Remember all of this stuff is coming

from YOU, so be easy on yourself. Don't fall

into this mystical trap that we're supposed to

work hard and sacrifice. What we're supposed

to do is get things done!


Put your plan on a vision board and keep

looking at it. Learn to write a business plan and

make a written plan for what you're doing. The

more solid you make your plan the easier it will

be to put new ideas in the proper perspective.

• Just because you are given a project doesn't mean you

have to drop everything and work on that project right



Time is a human concept; therefore the project

you get may not be something you're supposed

to work on right now. Say "Thank you" to the

Universe and put it into your plan for next year

or whenever.


Sometimes you'll download something that you

simply don't have the experience to do yet. Put

it in your plan along with a list of the

experience, help or tools that you'll need for it.

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202 Awaken Your Inner Power

• You can control when and where you get your



I finally told my 'guides' to just shut the hell up!

If you want to talk to me then send it in a more

easily understandable manner and at a time

when I'm not cuddling with my wife. Then I

took a year off and got re-grounded. When I

came back to work everything started to line up

much more easily and I didn't feel like I had to

do it all this afternoon.

The lesson here is that you have all the time, resources and ideas

that you'll ever need. You also have the ability to manage those resources

simply by using your intention.

Most likely you'll be given projects that force you out of your

comfort zone and force you to grow. Listen to your inner voices and take

the time to read the books, attend the seminars or take the classes in order

to learn what you need to bring the project to completion.

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Chapter 20

1% for Inner Peace

The One Percent for Inner Peace Campaign is an annual

meditation on the Summer Solstice.

The goal is to have 1% of the planet meditating on Inner Peace

all at the same time. This is not a protest against violence, but rather a

joint meditation where we all just relax and let ourselves feel our own

Inner Peace.

For those who don’t know how to meditate or who just want to

join in I’ll have a free Guided Meditation in which I show how to clear

and calm the mind. Then we’ll go into an Inner Peace Meditation.

Inner Peace exists in each of us regardless of any external

factors. Learning to find and feel that Inner Peace is easy and anyone can

do it with a little bit of training and an appropriate amount of practice. As

more people develop and begin to move in Inner Peace then outer peace

will take care of itself.

Campaign Goals

The goals are simple:

1. Introduce more people to meditation and the feeling of Inner Peace

A. The 100th Monkey - This is the idea that when a certain

number of people learn how to do something a tipping point will be

reached and everyone else will be able to do it as well. There is a

significant amount of evidence for this.

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204 Awaken Your Inner Power

B. The 4 Minute Mile – For years it was believed that it was

impossible to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. In 1954 Roger Bannister

broke the 4 Minute Mile and within months several more people had also

run sub 4 minute miles. The point

here is that as long as everyone

knows it can’t be done then it

won’t be. Once enough people

change a belief then what we

knew to be impossible becomes


2. Provide a FREE interface for

those who don’t know how to

meditate and want to learn

A. I’ll be broadcasting

my Inner Peace Meditation on my

Inner Power Radio Show. I’m

also going to prerecord the meditation and post it on blogs and podcasts

around the internet. Contact me using the form below if you’d like to

host one of these recordings on your podcast, blog or radio show.

Get Involved!

Here are some things you can do to help;

* HOST a 1% for Inner Peace party – invite friends over and

listen to the online meditation and meditate together. Group meditations

can be VERY powerful.

* Add a link to your website or blog

Inner Peace exists in

each of us

regardless of any

external factors.

Learning to find and

feel that Inner Peace

is easy and anyone

can do it with a little

bit of training and an

appropriate amount

of practice.

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Robert Morgen 205

* Add this article to your website or blog (please keep all the

links intact and write a short introduction to the article.

* Have a contest! – See who can invite the most people to the

event (or make up your own contest that gets people to meditate). I’ll

make a free digital download of my Easy Meditation Course available to

anyone who wants to use this idea. Just send me the winners email

address and I’ll send them their 5 1/2 hours of Guided Meditation

Exercises. Use the form below to register your contest.

* Print off and distribute the 1% for Inner Peace flyers and

cards around your neighborhood. Look for bulletin boards at coffee

shops, organic grocery stores, metaphysical bookstores, etc.

* Take a moment and send an email to everyone on your

email list asking them to forward it on

* Make a Tweet

* Make a Facebook Share

* Invite your friends to stay updated at the 1% for Inner Peace

Facebook Page

* Send a Care2 Network Message to everyone in your

network alerting them to this free event

* Stumble It! –

* Digg It! –

* Mixx It! –

Please take 5 minutes and help get the word out! Go to to stay updated on the latest details.

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206 Awaken Your Inner Power

Chapter 21

How to Achieve Inner Peace

"You must be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma


‘Inner Peace’ is a concept you hear about in certain circles. In

this chapter I’m going to go over some of the ways we cut ourselves off

from Inner Peace and how to reconnect to that feeling.

It’s Already There!

The first point I want to make is that you already HAVE Inner

Peace, everyone does! The problem is that our human body, the

interface between this world and the Universe, tends to provide us with a

lot of distractions. The simplest way to find your own Inner Peace is to

learn to let go of the distractions.

Energy exists in two ways – On and Off. Esther Hicks

continually states “There is only a stream of wellbeing” and I agree. It’s

like light; there isn’t a natural force called Dark. Darkness is simply the

absence of light. When you allow light to shine you have illumination,

when you block it you have shadow or less illumination. Energy works

the same way. When you allow it, it flows. When you block it, it stops.

The distractions that block Inner Peace are simply blocks to your

energy. Some of these blocks may be mental or emotional, some physical

and some may even be spiritual. For the most part getting rid of these

blocks can be very easy. With a little bit of training and a lot of practice

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Robert Morgen 207

just about anyone can release their energy blocks and find deeper levels

of Inner Peace.

Releasing energy blocks can be a very gradual process for some

people and fairly explosive for others. This is why I caution people who

are new to meditation or energy

work. Energy blocks are energy,

and energy can’t be created or

destroyed. When you release those

blocks from your system that

energy has to go somewhere and it

may manifest as anger, pain, joy,

happiness or any other emotion.

Ask any massage therapist,

acupuncturist or healer and they’ll

regale you with stories of clients

who had uncontrollable fits of laughter or bouts of inconsolable crying

during healing session. In many cases the client had no idea why they

were having this emotional outburst, simply that the feeling came on so

strongly and they couldn’t resist it.

The release of an energy block can affect every part of your life

and in many cases has provided the catalyst for people to make life

altering steps in jobs, home life, relationships or just about any other part

of life. Fortunately there is a safety mechanism built in to our bodies.

Generally it takes some consistent effort to release these blocks and when

you make that effort through meditation then frequently you’ll have the

guidance to manage the effects of the energy release.

With a little bit of


and a lot of


just about

anyone can release

their energy blocks

and find deeper

levels of Inner


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208 Awaken Your Inner Power

Some Common Distractions that Block Our Energy

Here are a few of the common distractions that can block our

energy and after the list I’ll talk about what they all have in common.

Anything can be a distraction if you let it. I’ve seen people distracted in

some fairly interesting ways by their very quest to awaken their energy.

TIME – If there is ever a distraction that seems to affect humans

on a universal level it’s this abstract concept of Time. How much of the

stress that you feel on any given day is caused by your scheduling or lack

thereof? Too much control of your schedule can be as stressful as too


ANGER – There are times when Anger is probably the

appropriate emotion, if for no other reason than to get your attention.

How often do you get angry (or frustrated, or annoyed or whatever you

want to call it) at someone and walk around for hours with that anger still

seething? You are sending that person part of your energy as long as you

are angry with them. As long as you hold on to the anger then your body

will have higher levels of tension or stress. Remember energy doesn’t

flow through tight muscles.

ENVY – Have you ever looked at another person or their

possessions and thought “Why do they have a __________ (Insert object

here) like that and I don’t? What did they do, or what did I NOT do that

let them get to have that thing?”

It really doesn’t matter what that thing is. You could put any

word there; body, girlfriend, boyfriend, car house, snorkel, Albuquerque,

zombie and it would still signify your feelings of inadequacy or loss.

This is a big energy block for most people and it’s also one of the tools

that gets used against us the most by advertising, politicians and the


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Robert Morgen 209

EGO TRIGGERS – An Ego Trigger is a strong, unthinking,

automatic reaction you have to anything. For instance, if I say gun

control, birth control, liberal or conservative it’s very likely you could

feel your energy shift around with each word or phrase. Some people can

become extremely angry or agitated simply by mentioning various

words. That strong reaction is an energy block. It’s part of an ‘Us or

Them’ mindset that once again becomes a tool for anyone who wants to

use it.

What Most Energy Blocks Have In Common

I can sum this up very easily in one word. It’s FEAR. In fact, I

challenge you to find one single energy block or distraction that is not

caused by fear. Learning to let go of our fears is a major step on the path

to Inner Peace.

In many cases our fears exist for a good reason, to keep us from

doing something stupid or getting out of control, but it’s also possible for

fears to be planted from seeds and cultivated, usually to be harvested on

Election Day.

Clearing Energy Blocks

I can give you an overview, but be aware this is a subject you

can study for the rest of your life and still not learn it all. Volumes have

been written about this and some of them were mine.

Some energy blocks can be released simply through intention.

Get into a light meditative state and simply say to yourself “I’m releasing

anything I don’t need and anything holding me back”. If you’ve built up

any energy sensitivity through your meditation practice you’ll feel your

energy shift when you do this.

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210 Awaken Your Inner Power

Forgiveness is another powerful tool and once again, in

meditation, you can just say (and you have to mean it!) “I forgive

everyone who has ever wronged me, made me angry, hurt me or hurt my

feelings, _____________ (add your own here). I also forgive myself for

all the wrongs I’ve committed or the people I’ve hurt.” Don’t forget that

last part. Self Forgiveness is a very big deal. You may have the urge to

contact people and apologize after doing this meditation. Go with it. I

went through this process a few times and was shocked that I had felt bad

for years over some things the people I thought I hurt didn’t even


It can take awhile for some of the concepts I’ve written about

here to feel like they are working so don’t be discouraged if you don’t

experience much instant gratification. If you’re looking for McPeace

(with a side order of Enlightenment) you’re in the wrong place.

Remember you have a built in safety mechanism to assure that what you

ask for is really what you want, so be consistent and you’ll find yourself

well on the way to achieving your own Inner Peace.

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Chapter 22

Epilogue: The Beginning

“Sattvic knowledge sees the one indestructible Being in all beings,
the unity underlying the multiplicity of creation. Rajaistic knowledge
sees all things and creatures as separate and distinct. Tamasic
knowledge, lacking any sense of perspective, sees one small part and
mistakes it for the whole.”

- Bhagavad Gita
Excerpted from The Bhagavad Gita, translated by Eknath Easwaran

Awakening your Inner Power is not a metaphor or a catch

phrase. Every human has a pool of energy that can be accessed and the

journey to awakening can be long and fraught with peril and joy.

It's up to you whether your journey is frightening or joyous. If

you've read through the book without doing the exercises most likely you

ran into some principles and subjects that just didn't make a lot of sense

or seemed outlandish and 'new agey'. If you take the time and work

through the exercises you'll be able to develop your own connections to

the power of the Universe. Since you've done the exercises you'll know

that power is part of you anyway and all you've done is learn to let go of

your resistance to it.

So where do you go from here? The answer to that is completely

up to you. The journey to personal mastery is an unending saga in which

we each play the starring role.

As your self-awareness grows and deepens and you become

comfortable with the abilities you develop you may find your life going

in directions you never imagined. That’s certainly been the case with me.

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212 Awaken Your Inner Power

If you remember some of the basic principles from this book at

the very least you’ll enjoy life and see it as a grand adventure, rather than

just something to survive as best you can.

If you've taken the time to do the exercises then you will no

doubt have had some

interesting experiences of your

own. Hopefully by this point

you have taken control of your

internal programming or are in

the process. So much of this

process can be put on autopilot

and even though it may take

years to learn, what else are

you going to be doing anyway?

Feel free to follow the

links in the back of the book

and check out the Discussion Groups and resources I host. Most of the

resources are free and the whole purpose is to give people a place to ask

questions and talk about their experiences.

If you liked this book get on there and tell me so. If you didn’t

like it or didn’t understand it feel free to get on there and let me know

that also. In later editions I’ll include some questions from readers.

Please visit my blog at and leave comments and

ask questions.

In the meantime, have fun with your life; it’s the best one you

have at the moment.

If you remember some

of the basic principles

from this book at the

very least you’ll enjoy

life and see it as a

grand adventure,

rather than just

something to survive as

best you can.

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Robert Morgen 213

Resource List for Inner Power

(These are some of the books I use on a regular basis)


The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False
Gregg Braden

The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief
Gregg Braden

Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer: The Hidden Power of Beauty,
Blessings, Wisdom, and Hurt
Gregg Braden

Ask & It Is Given
Jerry Hicks and Esther Hicks

The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing
Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks

Pathnotes of an American Ninja Master
Dr. Glenn Morris

Shadow Strategies of an American Ninja Master
Dr. Glenn Morris

Martial Arts Madness
Dr. Glenn Morris

New Chakra Healing
Cyndi Dale

Sexual Secrets (“The Big Red Book”)
Nik Douglas & Penny Slinger

Mother Earth Spirituality
Ed McGaa

The Trick to Money is Having Some
Stuart Wilde

Relaxing into Your Being
B.K. Frantzis

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214 Awaken Your Inner Power

The Way of the Shaman
Michael Harner

Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao
Mantak Chia

Iron Shirt Chi Kung 1
Mantak Chia

The Healers Manual
Ted Andrews

Inner power
John Selby

Occult Tibet
J.M. Brennan

Empty Force: The Power of Chi for Self-Defense and Energy Healing
Paul Dong and Thomas Raffill

Tan Tien Chi Kung: Foundational Exercises for Empty Force and
Perineum Power
Mantak Chia


The Inner Power Blog

Inner Power
Online Community

Mantak Chia’s Universal Tao Website

1% for Inner Peace Discussion Group

The Inner Power Radio Show

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Robert Morgen 215

Books and CDs from Mystic Wolf Media

Item Price


Awaken Your Inner Power



The Spiritual Entrepreneur



Easy Meditation Course (Includes all 4



Easy Introduction to Meditation CD



Advanced Meditation Exercises CD



Timed Meditation Music Tracks CD



Opening the Chakras CD




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Robert Morgen

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Mystic Wolf Media, Inc.

11661 W. 14



Lakewood, CO 80401

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samples of the CDs visit our website.

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216 Awaken Your Inner Power

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