Love in the Time of Demons Thirteenth Century Approaches to the Capacity for Love in Fallen Angels Medievalists net

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2 '

Love in the Time of

Demons: Thirteenth-

Century Approaches to the

Capacity for Love in Fallen


July 2, 2013 By

Love in the Time of Demons: Thirteenth-
Century Approaches to the Capacity for
Love in Fallen Angels

By Juanita Feros Ruys

Mirabilia, Vol. 15 (2012)

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2, Issue 21)

This issue looks at Point Rosee,

The Battle of the Bastards,…

remedies for infertility, and

Anglo-Saxon Motte and
Bailey Castle for Sale

This Anglo-Saxon motte and

bailey is located on a…

smallholding in the village of

Can you move in
armour? An Experiment
in Mythbusting

In this video we have recreated

the deeds of the famous knigh…

Jean le Maingre, known as

The Herbal Cures of Hildegard von
Bingen – was she right?










background image

Abstract: Demons in the Middle Ages
were primarily known as creatures that
feel only envy, anger, and
malicious glee. But there remained an
undercurrent in both scholastic thought
and monastic tales that also understood
demons as creatures once capable−and
perhaps still so−of love. This paper
examines the capacity for love and
friendship attributed to demons in the
thirteenth century. It shows how love
could be seen as the motivating emotion
in their original fall from Heaven, and
explores the role love is subsequently
thought to have played in both their
relationships with each other and their
amatory and sexual relationships with

Devils that glare at passers-by from
church facades or leer maliciously at
unfortunate sinners in medieval artworks
and manuscript illuminations constitute
the familiar faces of medieval demons.
From the miracle tales of medieval
monastic culture to high medieval
scholastic explorations of the nature of
the supernatural world and its

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2 Issue 20)

This issue looks at the hit

musical Hamilton, medieval…

expressions of same-sex love in

Travel Tips for the
Medieval Pilgrim

William Wey, a 15th century

pilgrim, gives his travel tips for…

those going to medieval

Book Review: Assassin’s
Creed: Trial by Fire

By Danièle Cybulskie Assassin’s

Creed: Trial by Fire, a…

compilation of the first five

Medieval Cooking Tips

From boiling vegetables to

smelly pots, here are 10…

medieval cooking tips from the

Christine the

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I read the story of Christine the…

Astonishing for the first time (in

Medieval Mysteries:

Miscellanies and Mix Tapes

By Danièle Cybulskie In thinking this week about the
medieval mysteries we’ll never solve, it struck me that
one of the most fun questions that I – and everyone else
who loves medieval books – ponder is why the particular
stories in them are put together the way they are. Most
medieval manuscripts that aren’t […]

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2, Issue 21)

This issue looks at Point Rosee,

The Battle of the Bastards,…

remedies for infertility, and

Anglo-Saxon Motte and
Bailey Castle for Sale

This Anglo-Saxon motte and

bailey is located on a…

smallholding in the village of

Can you move in
armour? An Experiment
in Mythbusting

In this video we have recreated

the deeds of the famous knigh…

Jean le Maingre, known as

The Herbal Cures of Hildegard von
Bingen – was she right?











background image

inhabitants, demons are overwhelmingly
characterized as irascible and
volent beings, fuelled solely by envy,
wrath, and hatred. Yet there remains a
line of thought−albeit tenuous−running
through these genres that remembers
demons otherwise: as beings possessed
of both a facility and a desire for that
finest of emotions, love. This article
explores the capacity for love attributed
by thirteenth-century writers to demons
in the time before their fall from Heaven,
while they were still angels, following
their fall as a cohort united in a single
aim of persecution and misery, and in
their troubled relations with humans.

Buy this issue for $3.99

Thinkers in the twelfth century had
explored the boundlessness of love that
existed between God and the human soul
in the dawning of mystic theology, the
nature of desire in the flowering of both
hetero- and homosexual erotic Latin
verse, and the power of friendship

amicitia) between men (and even, in

Heloise’s case, between men and
women), particularly within monastic
contexts. Yet when it comes to

How to Cheat on a
Virginity Test

During the Middle Ages a

woman’s virginity was highly…

prized. A lady was expected not

The Fantastical
Shoemaker and the
Head of Death

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I came across one of those…

great medieval stories that is

The Poetry of Trauma:
On the Crécy Dead

By Danièle Cybulskie Time and

again, I’ve heard medieval…

knights referred to as “killing

The Medieval Magazine:
Jeanne de Valois
(Volume 2 Issue 18)

From a French queen to the

descendent of a Scottish king,…

this issue covers a lot of ground.

Exhibit: Shakespeare In
Ten Acts at the British

This year marks the 400th

anniversary of the death of…

William Shakespeare (1564-

The Medieval Magazine (Volume 2
Issue 19)

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2 Issue 20)

This issue looks at the hit

musical Hamilton, medieval…

expressions of same-sex love in

Travel Tips for the
Medieval Pilgrim

William Wey, a 15th century

pilgrim, gives his travel tips for…

those going to medieval

Book Review: Assassin’s
Creed: Trial by Fire

By Danièle Cybulskie Assassin’s

Creed: Trial by Fire, a…

compilation of the first five

Medieval Cooking Tips

From boiling vegetables to

smelly pots, here are 10…

medieval cooking tips from the

Christine the

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I read the story of Christine the…

Astonishing for the first time (in

Medieval Mysteries:

Miscellanies and Mix Tapes

By Danièle Cybulskie In thinking this week about the
medieval mysteries we’ll never solve, it struck me that
one of the most fun questions that I – and everyone else
who loves medieval books – ponder is why the particular
stories in them are put together the way they are. Most
medieval manuscripts that aren’t […]

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2, Issue 21)

This issue looks at Point Rosee,

The Battle of the Bastards,…

remedies for infertility, and

Anglo-Saxon Motte and
Bailey Castle for Sale

This Anglo-Saxon motte and

bailey is located on a…

smallholding in the village of

Can you move in
armour? An Experiment
in Mythbusting

In this video we have recreated

the deeds of the famous knigh…

Jean le Maingre, known as

The Herbal Cures of Hildegard von
Bingen – was she right?












background image

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2, Issue 21)

This issue looks at Point Rosee,

conceptualizing demonic love in the
thirteenth century, these ideas take a
r turn, and thinkers find the obverse
to the unbounded, ineffable, invigorating
love of the twelfth century.

Click here to read this article


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The Herbal Cures of Hildegard von
Bingen – was she right?

Which Of The Seven
Kingdoms Do You
Belong To?

Take this quiz and find out

where you’d live in Westeros……

unless you’re part of the Night’s

Epistolae: Letters of
Medieval Women

Like a lot of historians, I’m

hugely interested in reading…

primary sources – the words of

The Ideal Medieval
Hospital: St. John of

Let’s take five minutes to look at

what may be the most famous…

hospital of the Middle Ages: The

The Medieval Magazine:
Crime in the Middle
Ages (Volume 2 Issue

This week we take a look at

crime in the Middle Ages,…

offering five accounts of murder

Where You Should Live –
a Medieval Guide

A civilized and intelligent man

should choose, in the city as…

well as the country, the place

The Medieval Way of

Cooking Octopus

‘This is a vile fish of no value; therefore cook it the way
you want.’ ~ Liber de Coquina, a 14th century cookbook.

Swan you say? Medieval Feasting!

How to Cheat on a
Virginity Test

During the Middle Ages a

woman’s virginity was highly…

prized. A lady was expected not

The Fantastical
Shoemaker and the
Head of Death

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I came across one of those…

great medieval stories that is

The Poetry of Trauma:
On the Crécy Dead

By Danièle Cybulskie Time and

again, I’ve heard medieval…

knights referred to as “killing

The Medieval Magazine:
Jeanne de Valois
(Volume 2 Issue 18)

From a French queen to the

descendent of a Scottish king,…

this issue covers a lot of ground.

Exhibit: Shakespeare In
Ten Acts at the British

This year marks the 400th

anniversary of the death of…

William Shakespeare (1564-

The Medieval Magazine (Volume 2
Issue 19)

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2 Issue 20)

This issue looks at the hit

musical Hamilton, medieval…

expressions of same-sex love in

Travel Tips for the
Medieval Pilgrim

William Wey, a 15th century

pilgrim, gives his travel tips for…

those going to medieval

Book Review: Assassin’s
Creed: Trial by Fire

By Danièle Cybulskie Assassin’s

Creed: Trial by Fire, a…

compilation of the first five

Medieval Cooking Tips

From boiling vegetables to

smelly pots, here are 10…

medieval cooking tips from the

Christine the

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I read the story of Christine the…

Astonishing for the first time (in

Medieval Mysteries:

Miscellanies and Mix Tapes

By Danièle Cybulskie In thinking this week about the
medieval mysteries we’ll never solve, it struck me that
one of the most fun questions that I – and everyone else
who loves medieval books – ponder is why the particular
stories in them are put together the way they are. Most
medieval manuscripts that aren’t […]

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2, Issue 21)

This issue looks at Point Rosee,

The Battle of the Bastards,…

remedies for infertility, and

Anglo-Saxon Motte and
Bailey Castle for Sale

This Anglo-Saxon motte and

bailey is located on a…

smallholding in the village of

Can you move in
armour? An Experiment
in Mythbusting

In this video we have recreated

the deeds of the famous knigh…

Jean le Maingre, known as

The Herbal Cures of Hildegard von
Bingen – was she right?













background image

The Battle of the Bastards,…

remedies for infertility, and

Anglo-Saxon Motte and
Bailey Castle for Sale

This Anglo-Saxon motte and

bailey is located on a…

smallholding in the village of

Can you move in
armour? An Experiment
in Mythbusting

In this video we have recreated

the deeds of the famous knigh…

Jean le Maingre, known as

Four medieval sites
added to UNESCO’s
World Heritage List

Medieval sites in Europe, Asia

and the Pacific have been add…

to the World Heritage List this

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Medieval Warfare
Magazine – Volume 6

Medieval Mysteries:

Miscellanies and Mix Tapes

By Danièle Cybulskie In thinking this week about the
medieval mysteries we’ll never solve, it struck me that
one of the most fun questions that I – and everyone else
who loves medieval books – ponder is why the particular
stories in them are put together the way they are. Most
medieval manuscripts that aren’t… [Continue Reading]

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Classic Version

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Which Of The Seven
Kingdoms Do You
Belong To?

Take this quiz and find out

where you’d live in Westeros……

unless you’re part of the Night’s

Epistolae: Letters of
edieval Women

Like a lot of historians, I’m

hugely interested in reading…

primary sources – the words of

The Ideal Medieval
Hospital: St. John of

Let’s take five minutes to look at

what may be the most famous…

hospital of the Middle Ages: The

The Medieval Magazine:
Crime in the Middle
Ages (Volume 2 Issue

This week we take a look at

crime in the Middle Ages,…

offering five accounts of murder

Where You Should Live –
a Medieval Guide

A civilized and intelligent man

should choose, in the city as…

well as the country, the place

The Medieval Way of

Cooking Octopus

‘This is a vile fish of no value; therefore cook it the way
you want.’ ~ Liber de Coquina, a 14th century cookbook.

Swan you say? Medieval Feasting!

How to Cheat on a
Virginity Test

During the Middle Ages a

woman’s virginity was highly…

prized. A lady was expected not

The Fantastical
Shoemaker and the
Head of Death

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I came across one of those…

great medieval stories that is

The Poetry of Trauma:
On the Crécy Dead

By Danièle Cybulskie Time and

again, I’ve heard medieval…

knights referred to as “killing

The Medieval Magazine:
Jeanne de Valois
(Volume 2 Issue 18)

From a French queen to the

descendent of a Scottish king,…

this issue covers a lot of ground.

Exhibit: Shakespeare In
Ten Acts at the British

This year marks the 400th

anniversary of the death of…

William Shakespeare (1564-

The Medieval Magazine (Volume 2
Issue 19)

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2 Issue 20)

This issue looks at the hit

musical Hamilton, medieval…

expressions of same-sex love in

Travel Tips for the
Medieval Pilgrim

William Wey, a 15th century

pilgrim, gives his travel tips for…

those going to medieval

Book Review: Assassin’s
Creed: Trial by Fire

By Danièle Cybulskie Assassin’s

Creed: Trial by Fire, a…

compilation of the first five

Medieval Cooking Tips

From boiling vegetables to

smelly pots, here are 10…

medieval cooking tips from the

Christine the

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I read the story of Christine the…

Astonishing for the first time (in

Medieval Mysteries:

Miscellanies and Mix Tapes

By Danièle Cybulskie In thinking this week about the
medieval mysteries we’ll never solve, it struck me that
one of the most fun questions that I – and everyone else
who loves medieval books – ponder is why the particular
stories in them are put together the way they are. Most
medieval manuscripts t
hat aren’t […]

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2, Issue 21)

This issue looks at Point Rosee,

The Battle of the Bastards,…

remedies for infertility, and

Anglo-Saxon Motte and
Bailey Castle for Sale

This Anglo-Saxon motte and

bailey is located on a…

smallholding in the village of

Can you move in
armour? An Experiment
in Mythbusting

In this video we have recreated

the deeds of the famous knigh…

Jean le Maingre, known as

The Herbal Cures of Hildegard von
Bingen – was she right?














background image

Issue 3

This summer you can read

about the so-called ‘Last War o…

Antiquity’. The theme of the

Call for Papers: Medieval
Studies on Television

For the 27th Annual Conference

of the Mid-Atlantic Popular &…

American Culture Association,

Constructing Imaginary
Cities in Fifteenth-
Century Illumination

In the course of the fourteenth

and fifteenth centuries the…

Trojan legend was one of the

The Black Prince at War:
the anatomy of a

These were highly complex,

organized, and focused…

operations rather than

Crusaders, Pilgrims, and
Relics – Bearers of the
Cross: Material Religion
in the Crusading World

The Museum of the Order of St.

John is hosting a series of…

events and talks to promote

A haunch for Hrothgar

Naomi Sykes takes a taste of

venison amid the Feast Halls o…

Anglo-Saxon England

The Varangian Legend:

Mediterranean Castle for Sale

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Classic Version

Powered by

Which Of The Seven
Kingdoms Do You
Belong To?

Take this quiz and find out

where you’d live in Westeros……

unless you’re part of the Night’s

Epistolae: Letters of
edieval Women

Like a lot of historians, I’m

hugely interested in reading…

primary sources – the words of

The Ideal Medieval
Hospital: St. John of

Let’s take five minutes to look at

what may be the most famous…

hospital of the Middle Ages: The

The Medieval Magazine:
Crime in the Middle
Ages (Volume 2 Issue

This week we take a look at

crime in the Middle Ages,…

offering five accounts of murder

Where You Should Live –
a Medieval Guide

A civilized and intelligent man

should choose, in the city as…

well as the country, the place

The Medieval Way of

Cooking Octopus

‘This is a vile fish of no value; therefore cook it the way
you want.’ ~ Liber de Coquina, a 14th century cookbook.

Swan you say? Medieval Feasting!

How to Cheat on a
Virginity Test

During the Middle Ages a

woman’s virginity was highly…

prized. A lady was expected not

The Fantastical
Shoemaker and the
Head of Death

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I came across one of those…

great medieval stories that is

The Poetry of Trauma:
On the Crécy Dead

By Danièle Cybulskie Time and

again, I’ve heard medieval…

knights referred to as “killing

The Medieval Magazine:
Jeanne de Valois
(Volume 2 Issue 18)

From a French queen to the

descendent of a Scottish king,…

this issue covers a lot of ground.

Exhibit: Shakespeare In
Ten Acts at the British

This year marks the 400th

anniversary of the death of…

William Shakespeare (1564-

The Medieval Magazine (Volume 2
Issue 19)

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2 Issue 20)

This issue looks at the hit

musical Hamilton, medieval…

expressions of same-sex love in

Travel Tips for the
Medieval Pilgrim

William Wey, a 15th century

pilgrim, gives his travel tips for…

those going to medieval

Book Review: Assassin’s
Creed: Trial by Fire

By Danièle Cybulskie Assassin’s

Creed: Trial by Fire, a…

compilation of the first five

Medieval Cooking Tips

From boiling vegetables to

smelly pots, here are 10…

medieval cooking tips from the

Christine the

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I read the story of Christine the…

Astonishing for the first time (in

Medieval Mysteries:

Miscellanies and Mix Tapes

By Danièle Cybulskie In thinking this week about the
medieval mysteries we’ll never solve, it struck me that
one of the most fun questions that I – and everyone else
who loves medieval books – ponder is why the particular
stories in them are put together the way they are. Most
medieval manuscripts t
hat aren’t […]

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2, Issue 21)

This issue looks at Point Rosee,

The Battle of the Bastards,…

remedies for infertility, and

Anglo-Saxon Motte and
Bailey Castle for Sale

This Anglo-Saxon motte and

bailey is located on a…

smallholding in the village of

Can you move in
armour? An Experiment
in Mythbusting

In this video we have recreated

the deeds of the famous knigh…

Jean le Maingre, known as

The Herbal Cures of Hildegard von
Bingen – was she right?















background image

Testimony from the Old
Norse sources

In the eleventh century there

existed, within the great army …

the Byzantine empire, a

Tea and Other
Decoctions for
‘Nourishing Life’ in
Medieval China

Professor Benn examines one

significant way in which tea, a…

relatively new beverage in Tang-

Art as data: Studying
corpses by drawing

This paper addresses the

potentials of treating art as dat…

drawing examples from my

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

Soldiers of Christ: The
Knights Hospitaller and
the Knights Templar in
medieval Ireland

In an Irish context, the Knights

Negotiating the Sacred:

Byzantium, Venice and the

True Cross in Late Medieval


Dr. Klein’s lecture about art, faith and politics in late
medieval Venice.

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Classic Version

Powered by

Which Of The Seven
Kingdoms Do You
Belong To?

Take this quiz and find out

where you’d live in Westeros……

unless you’re part of the Night’s

Epistolae: Letters of
edieval Women

Like a lot of historians, I’m

hugely interested in reading…

primary sources – the words of

The Ideal Medieval
Hospital: St. John of

Let’s take five minutes to look at

what may be the most famous…

hospital of the Middle Ages: The

The Medieval Magazine:
Crime in the Middle
Ages (Volume 2 Issue

This week we take a look at

crime in the Middle Ages,…

offering five accounts of murder

Where You Should Live –
a Medieval Guide

A civilized and intelligent man

should choose, in the city as…

well as the country, the place

The Medieval Way of

Cooking Octopus

‘This is a vile fish of no value; therefore cook it the way
you want.’ ~ Liber de Coquina, a 14th century cookbook.

Swan you say? Medieval Feasting!

How to Cheat on a
Virginity Test

During the Middle Ages a

woman’s virginity was highly…

prized. A lady was expected not

The Fantastical
Shoemaker and the
Head of Death

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I came across one of those…

great medieval stories that is

The Poetry of Trauma:
On the Crécy Dead

By Danièle Cybulskie Time and

again, I’ve heard medieval…

knights referred to as “killing

The Medieval Magazine:
Jeanne de Valois
(Volume 2 Issue 18)

From a French queen to the

descendent of a Scottish king,…

this issue covers a lot of ground.

Exhibit: Shakespeare In
Ten Acts at the British

This year marks the 400th

anniversary of the death of…

William Shakespeare (1564-

The Medieval Magazine (Volume 2
Issue 19)

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2 Issue 20)

This issue looks at the hit

musical Hamilton, medieval…

expressions of same-sex love in

Travel Tips for the
Medieval Pilgrim

William Wey, a 15th century

pilgrim, gives his travel tips for…

those going to medieval

Book Review: Assassin’s
Creed: Trial by Fire

By Danièle Cybulskie Assassin’s

Creed: Trial by Fire, a…

compilation of the first five

Medieval Cooking Tips

From boiling vegetables to

smelly pots, here are 10…

medieval cooking tips from the

Christine the

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I read the story of Christine the…

Astonishing for the first time (in

Medieval Mysteries:

Miscellanies and Mix Tapes

By Danièle Cybulskie In thinking this week about the
medieval mysteries we’ll never solve, it struck me that
one of the most fun questions that I – and everyone else
who loves medieval books – ponder is why the particular
stories in them are put together the way they are. Most
medieval manuscripts t
hat aren’t […]

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2, Issue 21)

This issue looks at Point Rosee,

The Battle of the Bastards,…

remedies for infertility, and

Anglo-Saxon Motte and
Bailey Castle for Sale

This Anglo-Saxon motte and

bailey is located on a…

smallholding in the village of

Can you move in
armour? An Experiment
in Mythbusting

In this video we have recreated

the deeds of the famous knigh…

Jean le Maingre, known as

The Herbal Cures of Hildegard von
Bingen – was she right?
















background image

Hospitaller and the Knights…

Templar were the most

Isabella of France: The
Rebel Queen

Read an excerpt from the new

book by Kathryn Warner

Movie Review: Pope
Joan – Medieval Legend
Comes to Life Onscreen

Released in 2009, also under its

German title, ,Die Päpstin,, ,Pop…

Joan’ recounts the medieval

Friendship, Betrayal,
War: “Soldier of God”
Movie Review

A Templar and a Muslim; their

strange friendship is the…

premise of this week’s movie

Making the Medieval
Relevant: Crossing
Interdisciplinary Studies
on Disease and

A summary of a paper given by

Professor Christina Lee at the…

University of Nottingham’s

Execution and Escape:
Medieval History and
the National Curriculum

The final talk in Sesson #1041,

Engaging the Public with the…

Medieval World, looked at what

Making the Castle a

The World’s Worst Fantasy Film:
In the Name of the King

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Classic Version

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Which Of The Seven
Kingdoms Do You
Belong To?

Take this quiz and find out

where you’d live in Westeros……

unless you’re part of the Night’s

Epistolae: Letters of
edieval Women

Like a lot of historians, I’m

hugely interested in reading…

primary sources – the words of

The Ideal Medieval
Hospital: St. John of

Let’s take five minutes to look at

what may be the most famous…

hospital of the Middle Ages: The

The Medieval Magazine:
Crime in the Middle
Ages (Volume 2 Issue

This week we take a look at

crime in the Middle Ages,…

offering five accounts of murder

Where You Should Live –
a Medieval Guide

A civilized and intelligent man

should choose, in the city as…

well as the country, the place

The Medieval Way of

Cooking Octopus

‘This is a vile fish of no value; therefore cook it the way
you want.’ ~ Liber de Coquina, a 14th century cookbook.

Swan you say? Medieval Feasting!

How to Cheat on a
Virginity Test

During the Middle Ages a

woman’s virginity was highly…

prized. A lady was expected not

The Fantastical
Shoemaker and the
Head of Death

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I came across one of those…

great medieval stories that is

The Poetry of Trauma:
On the Crécy Dead

By Danièle Cybulskie Time and

again, I’ve heard medieval…

knights referred to as “killing

The Medieval Magazine:
Jeanne de Valois
(Volume 2 Issue 18)

From a French queen to the

descendent of a Scottish king,…

this issue covers a lot of ground.

Exhibit: Shakespeare In
Ten Acts at the British

This year marks the 400th

anniversary of the death of…

William Shakespeare (1564-

The Medieval Magazine (Volume 2
Issue 19)

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2 Issue 20)

This issue looks at the hit

musical Hamilton, medieval…

expressions of same-sex love in

Travel Tips for the
Medieval Pilgrim

William Wey, a 15th century

pilgrim, gives his travel tips for…

those going to medieval

Book Review: Assassin’s
Creed: Trial by Fire

By Danièle Cybulskie Assassin’s

Creed: Trial by Fire, a…

compilation of the first five

Medieval Cooking Tips

From boiling vegetables to

smelly pots, here are 10…

medieval cooking tips from the

Christine the

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I read the story of Christine the…

Astonishing for the first time (in

Medieval Mysteries:

Miscellanies and Mix Tapes

By Danièle Cybulskie In thinking this week about the
medieval mysteries we’ll never solve, it struck me that
one of the most fun questions that I – and everyone else
who loves medieval books – ponder is why the particular
stories in them are put together the way they are. Most
medieval manuscripts t
hat aren’t […]

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2, Issue 21)

This issue looks at Point Rosee,

The Battle of the Bastards,…

remedies for infertility, and

Anglo-Saxon Motte and
Bailey Castle for Sale

This Anglo-Saxon motte and

bailey is located on a…

smallholding in the village of

Can you move in
armour? An Experiment
in Mythbusting

In this video we have recreated

the deeds of the famous knigh…

Jean le Maingre, known as

The Herbal Cures of Hildegard von
Bingen – was she right?

















background image

Home: Creating an
Immersive Medieval
World Using Live
Costumed Interpreters

How does the use of unscripted,

adaptive, historical…

interpretation boost the tourist

‘But Where are the
Dungeons?’: How to
Engage the Public at the
Tower of London

A talk about how historical sites,

like the Tower of London…

engage the public. How to

Kindred of the Sea –
Young Adult Fiction
series about the Vikings

These three novels in the series

Kindred of the Sea, by C.J.…

Adrien, are aimed at a young

Daughter of Destiny, by
Nicole Evelina

Before queenship and Camelot,

Guinevere was a priestess of…

Avalon. She loved another

The Last Kingdom: An
Interview with Bernard

What I find most compelling is

The Experience of Growing

Up in Medieval Society

This session (#508) was one of several at Leeds devoted
to exploring childhood in the Middle Ages. Our presenters
talked about the stereotypes of adolescence, and what
the coroner’s rolls revealed about the deaths (and lives)
of medieval children.

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Which Of The Seven
Kingdoms Do You
Belong To?

Take this quiz and find out

where you’d live in Westeros……

unless you’re part of the Night’s

Epistolae: Letters of
edieval Women

Like a lot of historians, I’m

hugely interested in reading…

primary sources – the words of

The Ideal Medieval
Hospital: St. John of

Let’s take five minutes to look at

what may be the most famous…

hospital of the Middle Ages: The

The Medieval Magazine:
Crime in the Middle
Ages (Volume 2 Issue

This week we take a look at

crime in the Middle Ages,…

offering five accounts of murder

Where You Should Live –
a Medieval Guide

A civilized and intelligent man

should choose, in the city as…

well as the country, the place

The Medieval Way of

Cooking Octopus

‘This is a vile fish of no value; therefore cook it the way
you want.’ ~ Liber de Coquina, a 14th century cookbook.

Swan you say? Medieval Feasting!

How to Cheat on a
Virginity Test

During the Middle Ages a

woman’s virginity was highly…

prized. A lady was expected not

The Fantastical
Shoemaker and the
Head of Death

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I came across one of those…

great medieval stories that is

The Poetry of Trauma:
On the Crécy Dead

By Danièle Cybulskie Time and

again, I’ve heard medieval…

knights referred to as “killing

The Medieval Magazine:
Jeanne de Valois
(Volume 2 Issue 18)

From a French queen to the

descendent of a Scottish king,…

this issue covers a lot of ground.

Exhibit: Shakespeare In
Ten Acts at the British

This year marks the 400th

anniversary of the death of…

William Shakespeare (1564-

The Medieval Magazine (Volume 2
Issue 19)

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2 Issue 20)

This issue looks at the hit

musical Hamilton, medieval…

expressions of same-sex love in

Travel Tips for the
Medieval Pilgrim

William Wey, a 15th century

pilgrim, gives his travel tips for…

those going to medieval

Book Review: Assassin’s
Creed: Trial by Fire

By Danièle Cybulskie Assassin’s

Creed: Trial by Fire, a…

compilation of the first five

Medieval Cooking Tips

From boiling vegetables to

smelly pots, here are 10…

medieval cooking tips from the

Christine the

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I read the story of Christine the…

Astonishing for the first time (in

Medieval Mysteries:

Miscellanies and Mix Tapes

By Danièle Cybulskie In thinking this week about the
medieval mysteries we’ll never solve, it struck me that
one of the most fun questions that I – and everyone else
who loves medieval books – ponder is why the particular
stories in them are put together the way they are. Most
medieval manuscripts t
hat aren’t […]

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2, Issue 21)

This issue looks at Point Rosee,

The Battle of the Bastards,…

remedies for infertility, and

Anglo-Saxon Motte and
Bailey Castle for Sale

This Anglo-Saxon motte and

bailey is located on a…

smallholding in the village of

Can you move in
armour? An Experiment
in Mythbusting

In this video we have recreated

the deeds of the famous knigh…

Jean le Maingre, known as

The Herbal Cures of Hildegard von
Bingen – was she right?


















background image

the struggle to create a countr…

which became England, a

Teaching Historical
Theory through Video

The potential of video games for

teaching history is receiving…

increasing recognition.

Minecraft and the
Middle Ages

It is one of the most popular

video games ever created.…

Moreover, educators are finding

Using LEGO to teach the
Middle Ages

Here are a few ideas that

teachers can use to teach the…

Middle Ages with LEGO

Gareth Hinds’ Beowulf

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Which Of The Seven
Kingdoms Do You
Belong To?

Take this quiz and find out

where you’d live in Westeros……

unless you’re part of the Night’s

Epistolae: Letters of
edieval Women

Like a lot of historians, I’m

hugely interested in reading…

primary sources – the words of

The Ideal Medieval
Hospital: St. John of

Let’s take five minutes to look at

what may be the most famous…

hospital of the Middle Ages: The

The Medieval Magazine:
Crime in the Middle
Ages (Volume 2 Issue

This week we take a look at

crime in the Middle Ages,…

offering five accounts of murder

Where You Should Live –
a Medieval Guide

A civilized and intelligent man

should choose, in the city as…

well as the country, the place

The Medieval Way of

Cooking Octopus

‘This is a vile fish of no value; therefore cook it the way
you want.’ ~ Liber de Coquina, a 14th century cookbook.

Swan you say? Medieval Feasting!

How to Cheat on a
Virginity Test

During the Middle Ages a

woman’s virginity was highly…

prized. A lady was expected not

The Fantastical
Shoemaker and the
Head of Death

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I came across one of those…

great medieval stories that is

The Poetry of Trauma:
On the Crécy Dead

By Danièle Cybulskie Time and

again, I’ve heard medieval…

knights referred to as “killing

The Medieval Magazine:
Jeanne de Valois
(Volume 2 Issue 18)

From a French queen to the

descendent of a Scottish king,…

this issue covers a lot of ground.

Exhibit: Shakespeare In
Ten Acts at the British

This year marks the 400th

anniversary of the death of…

William Shakespeare (1564-

The Medieval Magazine (Volume 2
Issue 19)

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2 Issue 20)

This issue looks at the hit

musical Hamilton, medieval…

expressions of same-sex love in

Travel Tips for the
Medieval Pilgrim

William Wey, a 15th century

pilgrim, gives his travel tips for…

those going to medieval

Book Review: Assassin’s
Creed: Trial by Fire

By Danièle Cybulskie Assassin’s

Creed: Trial by Fire, a…

compilation of the first five

Medieval Cooking Tips

From boiling vegetables to

smelly pots, here are 10…

medieval cooking tips from the

Christine the

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I read the story of Christine the…

Astonishing for the first time (in

Medieval Mysteries:

Miscellanies and Mix Tapes

By Danièle Cybulskie In thinking this week about the
medieval mysteries we’ll never solve, it struck me that
one of the most fun questions that I – and everyone else
who loves medieval books – ponder is why the particular
stories in them are put together the way they are. Most
medieval manuscripts t
hat aren’t […]

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2, Issue 21)

This issue looks at Point Rosee,

The Battle of the Bastards,…

remedies for infertility, and

Anglo-Saxon Motte and
Bailey Castle for Sale

This Anglo-Saxon motte and

bailey is located on a…

smallholding in the village of

Can you move in
armour? An Experiment
in Mythbusting

In this video we have recreated

the deeds of the famous knigh…

Jean le Maingre, known as

The Herbal Cures of Hildegard von
Bingen – was she right?



















background image

Previous Section


Next Section


Classic Version

Powered by

Which Of The Seven
Kingdoms Do You
Belong To?

Take this quiz and find out

where you’d live in Westeros……

unless you’re part of the Night’s

Epistolae: Letters of
edieval Women

Like a lot of historians, I’m

hugely interested in reading…

primary sources – the words of

The Ideal Medieval
Hospital: St. John of

Let’s take five minutes to look at

what may be the most famous…

hospital of the Middle Ages: The

The Medieval Magazine:
Crime in the Middle
Ages (Volume 2 Issue

This week we take a look at

crime in the Middle Ages,…

offering five accounts of murder

Where You Should Live –
a Medieval Guide

A civilized and intelligent man

should choose, in the city as…

well as the country, the place

The Medieval Way of

Cooking Octopus

‘This is a vile fish of no value; therefore cook it the way
you want.’ ~ Liber de Coquina, a 14th century cookbook.

Swan you say? Medieval Feasting!

How to Cheat on a
Virginity Test

During the Middle Ages a

woman’s virginity was highly…

prized. A lady was expected not

The Fantastical
Shoemaker and the
Head of Death

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I came across one of those…

great medieval stories that is

The Poetry of Trauma:
On the Crécy Dead

By Danièle Cybulskie Time and

again, I’ve heard medieval…

knights referred to as “killing

The Medieval Magazine:
Jeanne de Valois
(Volume 2 Issue 18)

From a French queen to the

descendent of a Scottish king,…

this issue covers a lot of ground.

Exhibit: Shakespeare In
Ten Acts at the British

This year marks the 400th

anniversary of the death of…

William Shakespeare (1564-

The Medieval Magazine (Volume 2
Issue 19)

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2 Issue 20)

This issue looks at the hit

musical Hamilton, medieval…

expressions of same-sex love in

Travel Tips for the
Medieval Pilgrim

William Wey, a 15th century

pilgrim, gives his travel tips for…

those going to medieval

Book Review: Assassin’s
Creed: Trial by Fire

By Danièle Cybulskie Assassin’s

Creed: Trial by Fire, a…

compilation of the first five

Medieval Cooking Tips

From boiling vegetables to

smelly pots, here are 10…

medieval cooking tips from the

Christine the

By Danièle Cybulskie This week,

I read the story of Christine the…

Astonishing for the first time (in

Medieval Mysteries:

Miscellanies and Mix Tapes

By Danièle Cybulskie In thinking this week about the
medieval mysteries we’ll never solve, it struck me that
one of the most fun questions that I – and everyone else
who loves medieval books – ponder is why the particular
stories in them are put together the way they are. Most
medieval manuscripts t
hat aren’t […]

Did Medieval People
Believe in King Arthur?

By Danièle Cybulskie If you’ve

ever had your doubts that King…

Arthur was a real, living,

Becoming a Prince:
Prince Arthur’s early life
and his training to be

Within a month of his birth on 20

September 1486, Prince Arthur…

was separated from his family

The Medieval Magazine
(Volume 2, Issue 21)

This issue looks at Point Rosee,

The Battle of the Bastards,…

remedies for infertility, and

Anglo-Saxon Motte and
Bailey Castle for Sale

This Anglo-Saxon motte and

bailey is located on a…

smallholding in the village of

Can you move in
armour? An Experiment
in Mythbusting

In this video we have recreated

the deeds of the famous knigh…

Jean le Maingre, known as

The Herbal Cures of Hildegard von
Bingen – was she right?





















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