Prawniczy język angielski 2011 2012

Mateusz Popiel
Prawniczy język angielski 2011/2012
Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Baran
Legal English #1 (27.02.12.)
·ð Combination of verbs   law
o Adopt a law/ law is past/ the law s enacted/ law may be amended/ adopted by parliament/ law may be abolished
o Adopted/ passed/ enacted/ amended/ abolished
·ð Majority
o Simple majority  Polish parliament adopted law by simple majority. It may be 40% only.
o Absolute majority > 50% + 1
o Qualified majority > 3/5. Presidential veto  3/5 to override it
·ð Prawo przewiduje  the law provides for
o provides for + noun
o provides that
o article 17 provides for privileges
o The law provides that
o The law provides for
o As provided for article 12  jak przewidziano w artykule 12
·ð Act  end of the acts: Gun Free School Act
o Never use for polish law the term  act  better would be the statue for&
żð Statute on something
żð Statute law  prawo stanowione
o Act  british act, american act and when there s a name of the act before it
·ð When + past participle
o Po uchwaleniu ustawy okazała się ona bardzo dobra  after adopted this law it was found very successful
o The when adopted, was found to be very successful
o After examine this object was founded > The object when examined was found to be the gun in which somebody
was killed.
o Te przedmioty, gdy zostawi się je poza zasięgiem wpływu warunków atmosferycznych [& ]  These objects, when
left be off the influence off the [& ]
o Sprawa po zbadaniu okazała się prostsza  The case when analyzed was found to be simpler [& ]
o The document when carefully be analyzed was found to be false
·ð Niezależnie od  irrespective of/ regardless of
o After 30 years of functioning of [& ] he was in position of the ruler
o The autonomous possessor who occupies the piece of land for the period longer than 30 years regardless of
whether he is in good faith or bad faith [& ]
o To draft a statute of some cultural society
o The resolutions were passed for simple majority regardless of the number of individuals comes to the meeting.
·ð W zależnoÅ›ci od [& ]  depending on [& ]
o This subsidies should be awarded depending on their income
o That subsidies that were awarded varied depending on their income/ the number of children they have
·ð Award
o You suffered damage because the other party breach the contract.
o You sue somebody for damages
o The court would award damages to you
o They are awarded substuties/ subsidies
Mateusz Popiel
o Statute of claims  pozew
o The petition  pozew
o A motion  wniosek
·ð DÅ‚ugość życia w Å›redniowieczu wahaÅ‚a siÄ™ od 40, do 50 lat w zależnoÅ›ci od stulecia  The life expectancy was short  it
varied from 40 to 50 years depending on specific century.
·ð Question of contrast
o Unlike
żð British law is more friendly to little business  Unlike Polish law British law is more friendly to little
żð The British, in contrast the polish law, provides for less impairments (przeszkody)
o The law of 1992 as the law/ opposed to law of 1998
żð The British law as opposed to polish law < akward
o Unlike the British law polish law provides for
·ð Pod warunkiem - provided that/ on condition
o Someone may arrive at the position of the owner provided that he occupies and control for 30 years (zasiedzenie)
·ð Question of difference
o Verb  to differ
o The statute of 1992 differs from that in 1996 in that the lecture is more friendly to small business
·ð Causal links  zwiÄ…zek przyczynowy
o Causal lexus
o It was caused by [& ]
o Cost = koszt > < caused = powód
o Was caused be urgent need
o The prompt adoption of law was due to urgent need
o The urgent need caused the prompt adoption of law
o The urgent need result in the prompt adoption of law/ The urgent need brought about the prompt adoption of law
o Something was caused/ brought about by/ resulted in/ led to/ was responsible for
o Something was responsible for something
żð The fact that Mary was late
żð Her being late caused our late start of meeting
o Okoliczność, że  the fact that
o Okolicznośc, że pan Kowalski został zaatakowany spowodowała, że podjął obronę koniceczną  The fact that Mr
Kowalski was attacked was resulted in his lawful defence (self defence)
o I d like to emphasize the fact that
o Może uzyskać tytuł do nieruchomości niezaleznie od tego, czy był w dobrej wierze  He may arrive at the position of
the owner irrespective of whether he was in good faith or in bad faith
o They were awarded damages depending on loss they suffer
o Damages  odszkodowanie > < Damage  szkoda
o He suffered damage and he demanded damages
o Was caused by/ was brought by/ it due to the damage that he suffered
·ð Someone is blamed for something
o Blamed for
o He s accused of something (very formal) > < Blamed (it s not that serious)
o The blamed is late for that
o Blame for being dishonest
o Blame is late for somebody 
o Chciałbym podnieść zarzut  I would (obciążony jest zarzutem) like to rise an objection against something
o Resort to  uciec siÄ™ do
o Allegation - twierdzenie
o The party that sues you he produces particulars of claim and he lays down some allegations (twierdzenia)
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o He claims
o He alleges that he suffered damages
o He made the allegations
o By raising the objections
o Plaintiff, defender, raising the objections
o Raisins versus arguments
o Tej teorii można zarzucić  These theory may be blamed little procedure in presenting the demonstration
o The line of reasoning of the defense may be blame for being little precise
o Twierdził, że  He claimed/ he argued/ he emphasis/ he argued/ he claimed
o The law had been violated  infringe
o Her personal interest were violated/ infringed
·ð To sue someone
o You suffered some damages. And there is the breach of contract
o Tort  czyn niedozwolony
o To file a complaint to the court
o Your business is to file a complaint to the court.
·ð Damage
o Is due to  the fact that the other party did not carry out his part
o Is caused by
·ð The plaintiff (the claimant) is the one who sue the defendant
o He files the suit (the complaint, the statement of claims, the particulars of claim) with the court
o The filling
·ð The filling of the statements of claims  filling the statements of claimants
o Writing the letters but never writing of the letters
·ð The plaintiff (the claimant) may demand/ may request/ may require the damage
o (should) be repaired
o (should) be redressed
o (should) be compensated
·ð Active voice:
o The plaintiff may demand (& ) that Mr. Brown (should) repair (recompensate) the damage
·ð The plaintiff may sue the defendant Ä…ð for damages
o For the recession of the contract
·ð The plaintiff s claim (statement of claims, particulars of claims, complaint) is filled with the court
·ð Observe the difference between damage and damages
·ð The injured party (the plaintiff) suffers damage and he demands damages
·ð Typical formula of the complaint:
o Plaintiff prays for the following relief &
żð Compensatory damages
żð Declaring that defendant knowingly, willfully & violated (infringed) the civil rights of plaintiff
żð Preliminary injunction prohibiting defendant from using the business premises&
·ð We say:
o The contract the terms of which were harsh to the other party
o Or: the contract whose terms were
o And not: the contract which terms were harsh
·ð We also say:
o The concluding of the contract
o Or: concluding the contract
o And never: concluding contract
Mateusz Popiel
·ð The specific use of  should
o Should (w znaczeniu  gdyby ) the defendant fail to inform the court of the change of his address, all notices that are
designed to be served on him shall be enclose to the files of the case with the effect of being served
·ð Nexus causalis
o The fact that, other party did, not carry out, his part of the bargain.
o The fact that other party committed a tort
żð Resulted in/ caused/ led to/ was responsible for the damage
·ð How to define contract in polish civil code
o Consists in this that  polega na tym, że
o His plan consists in this that he want to divide the room for two parts
o Consist of  składa się z
Legal English #2 (5.03.12.)
·ð Breach of contract
·ð Tort  czyn niedozwolony, delikt
o Tort causes damage
o Tortfeasor  sprawca deliktu
żð Tortfeasor committed a tort
o You filed an action
o Suing someone
·ð Damages - odszkodowanie
·ð You demand that Mr. Kowalski should compensate
·ð He demand that he should be awarded
·ð The families were awarded subsidies depending on the amount of income/ number of children
·ð Proved to be/ turned out to be  okazać siÄ™
·ð Przedmiot okazaÅ‚ siÄ™ być corpus delicti (dowodem przestÄ™pstwa) - The object was fund to be corpus delicti
o Proved to be corpus delicti/ turned out to be corpus delicti
·ð The documents were found to have been falsified
·ð He was found to be a good lawyer
·ð To be awarded
o He should be awarded damages
o Awarding subsidies
o The families were awarded subsidies
·ð OkazaÅ‚o siÄ™, że dokumenty zostaÅ‚y sfaÅ‚szowane  The documents were found to have been falsified
·ð Causative use of  have
o Daj te próbki do zbadania w Zakładzie medycyny sądowej  Have these samples examined in the Forensic Institute
o Have it brought at nine  każ sobie to przynieść o 9
o Daj ten tekst do przetłumaczenia na hiszpański  Have this text translated into Spanish
o Have it searched
·ð I demand this copy to be found
·ð See to it [& ]
o Dopilnuj tego, by ten dokument został podpisany  See to it that this dokument (should) be signed
o Dopilnuj tego, by sąd dokonał wpisu do księgi wieczystej informującego, iż toczy się postępowanie o zasiedzenie 
You should see to it that the court (should) make an entry in (wpis) [& ]
o Make an entry  zostać wpisane
Mateusz Popiel
·ð When + Past Participle
o Przedmiot, po starannym zbadaniu, okazał się być bronią palną, z której wystrzelono do XY  The object, when
thoroughly examined, was fund to be the gun which someone fired at XY
·ð Nominative absolute
o Zebrano dowody, były to w szczególności: dowód z oględzin, dowód z zeznań świadków, dowód rzeczowy, przy
czym dowód z zeznań świadków był szczególnie mało wiarygodny  Evidence was collected. This was in particular:
the evidence by inspection, evidence by witnesses, material evidence, and evidence by witnesses being particularly
little reliable.
o Te dokumenty zostały wystawione w kancelarii Morris & Morris. Świadczy o tym styl prawniczy w jakim je
zredagowano, przy czym styl jest nader nieporadny  These documents were produced in Morris and Morris
Notary s Office. What testifies to this is the legal style in which they were formulated being fairly awkward
·ð The torfeasor is at fault. It s not guilt it s fault. Breach of the contract  tort. Someone is at fault. He is a fault. Intentional
·ð Unintentional torts:
o Negligence  niedbalstwo
o The negligence is so obvious that the plaintiff don t have to do anything. The fault from negligence is absolutely
obvious. Tort based on obvious negligence Ä…ð The things fix for itself  res ipsa loquitur
·ð Assigned the tort to somebody
·ð He is attributed the fault.
·ð Liabilities without fault. Try to attribute fault to somebody. Assigned the tort to somebody. He is attributed fault.
·ð Strict liability tort. These activities causes some damages.
·ð Causal link  zwiÄ…zek przyczynowy
·ð His liability is based on risk. The fault can be attributed to the third party.
·ð In Anglo-American system there functions a slogan res ipsa loquitur [when the negligence is so obvious that the plaintiff
(to is the injured party) does not have to prove anything]
·ð The defendant would have to prove that was not negligent
·ð Onus probandi rests on the defended, on the one that is sued
·ð In case of damage caused by the tort the frequent (& )
·ð WÅ‚aÅ›ciwość sÄ…du  competence of the court
o Within the competence, beyond the competence
o This kind of cases are subject to the jurisdiction of district court
o It is within the competence of this court to adjudicate that kind of cases.
o It is beyond the competence of this court to adjudicate & to settle this kind of disputes.
o The case was left unsettled because it was beyond the competence of this court
o To settle the case
o Something was left unsettled
·ð They were left unmentioned
Constitutional law
·ð The electoral law is based on a series of principles:
o Universal suffrage
o The elections are:
żð Equal, direct
żð Based on secret ballot
żð Based on the proportional distribution of seats
żð The government must command the majority of the House. The government may face the vote-of-no
żð The government cannot survive unless supported by the majority party or the coalition
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·ð When the vote-of-no confidence (wotum nieufnoÅ›ci) has been passed the government must resign their posts &
·ð Law is adopted/ law is passed/ law is produced. Mrs. Kowalski produced a child. Has been passed, has been adopted. The
government must resign  rząd musi podać się do dymisji
·ð Provide - przewidywać
·ð The US Constitution does not provide for the vote-of-no confidence
·ð The US President always appoints his Ministers from among his own party irrespective of whether they are supported by the
majority of congress.
·ð Violate, infringe a law  naruszyć prawo
·ð Minister can be brought to accountybility - minister może być pociagniÄ™ty do odpowiedzialnoÅ›ci
·ð Legal, constitutional liability
·ð To override the veto  obalić weto
o Overriding veto
·ð Rebut/override
o The veto is overrided
o This presumption may be rebutted  domniemanie może być obalone
·ð 10% must filed motion (wniosek) for vote of no confidence
·ð As filed by her motion. The motion for acquisition for inheritance
o The motion for settlement for inheritent (???) for Mr. Kowalski
·ð Judicial review allows the court to check whether the law:
o Is consistent with the Constitution (jest zgodny z KonstytucjÄ…)
żð This testimony is inconsistent with what he have said before
o Complies with the constitution/ Confirms to the constitution
·ð Rebutting the presumption  obalenie domniemania
·ð Overriding the presidential veto  obalenie prezydenckiego weta
Criminal procedure
·ð PrzestÄ™pstwo
o Crime, offence
o Felony (zbrodnia), misdemeanor (wykroczenie)
o To institute (initiate) the proceedings
o The perpetrator  sprawca przestepstwa
o The Public Prosecutor  prokurator
o To collect evidence. Some pieces of evidence/were collected  evidence  always singular > pieces of evidence but
NOT evidences.
·ð Praesumptio boni viri - No one can be considered guilty until his guilt has been proven guilty.
·ð Something is considered - you consider something to be [& ]
·ð Congress of the USA
o Civil law, penal code are beyond the competence (poza kompetencjami) of Congress
o Within the competence/ beyond the competence
o To the prejudice  na niekorzyść
o Gun Schools Free Act (ustawa o nieposiadaniu broni)  was found to be unconstitutional. In Poland there is
Constitutional Tribunal.
o The commerce clause  congress can regulate interstate commerce
·ð Criminal law
o Preasumtpio boni viri
o Derivative of this  pochodna od tego
o To the prejudice- na niekorzyść
o Prosecution of crimes  ściganie
o In favor of accused
o Suing  civil law > < Prosecuting  criminal law
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żð Prosecuting of crimes
żð Ex officio  z urzÄ™du
o Crimes prosecuted by private prosecution: defamatory statements,
o Prosecuted by the motion of the victim. If she doesn t file a motion &
o Prosecuting can be suspended
o Impairments  przeszkody
żð When there appear impairments the proceeding must be suspended
o Start sentence with predicate - When there appear impairments
o It is subject to the competence of the court
o Lay assessor  Å‚awnik
żð One judge and two assessors. Both you can challenge
żð The judge is the spouse of the party/ eyewitness of the crime  you can eliminate the judge. You may
challenge the composition.
o Zatrzymanie  the detention, the arrest
o The defendant/ the accused  grant certain guarantees. Is subject to the supervision of the court.
o Case of file  akta sprawy
żð To file but not to fill
o Investigation  dochodzenie
o Åšledztwo  inquiry, inquest, inquisition
o The suspect must be presented with the charges. It must be served on the suspect. Accused / defended (oskarżony).
A party to the proceedings.
o The party to the contract  strona konkraktu
o Indictment is draw up  zredagowany
o The court hears a case
o Rozprawa główna  the main hearing in the court
o The judgment is issued/ was rendered (wydany)
o Close session. The court hearings are open to the public, but they may be enclosed session
o Adversarial proceeding  konkradyktoryjne
o Only the witnesses are examined
o The leading question  sugestywne pytania
o The judge may be outvoted by lay assessors
o Dissenting vote  votum separatum
Legal English #3 (12.03.12.)
·ð Lementh Eight   Tren Ósmy J. Kochanowskiego (podwyższenie oceny)
·ð Liability based on risk  art. 435 KC  refers to cause of a linked to activity
o Liability based on risk
żð Somebody runs enterprise  you must find link between activity and damage
·ð Unconsinibility contract
·ð Verb combinations
o Demand
o Require
o Request
o I pray that the court should do something
o To pray  dopraszam siÄ™ czegoÅ›
·ð Subordinate clause
o I demand him to return
o I demand him to sees this activity  żądam, żeby zaprzestał tej aktywności
Mateusz Popiel
·ð Demanding that the contract be declared invalid/ I demand that the contract be declared invalid/ I demand that the contract be
o Rescind  unieważnić, uchylic, anulować
o Recession  considering the contract, both party return to their initial position
o Situation of unconsinibility  dishonest contract
·ð The contract was in particularly unfair  unconscionable contract
o Unfair contract
o With no equity
o The contract was rescinint  the parties were called to their initial position
·ð You demand the recession of the contract  invalid the contract from the very beginning
·ð Due to misrepresentation
o One party mislead you
o Whenever you were mislead and you rely on this fact than you can sue the other party for rescission
o You demand damages/ compensation, but you may sue for recession. There is certain period of time to do that
·ð Anglo-American doublets
o Not avoid
o I give and bequive
o Oświadczam, że &  I state that &
o I state and warrant (American English)
·ð To award - przyznać
o Sue for damages  the court should award damages
o You want to be awarded
o You demand/ request that the court should award damages to you
o You became impoverished
o You are awarded financial subsidies
o You demand to be awarded
o Award the Nobel prize
o Award the prize  przyzanć nagrode (drugie znaczenie)
·ð To settle  rozstrzygnąć, zaÅ‚atwić
o To settle the dispute
o To pass a judgement
o To produce the judgment.
o The dispute was left unsettled (nierozstrzygnięta)
o A party didn t provide court with sufficient material  the case was left unsettled
·ð The law is produced by parliament
o She produced a child
o I produced a piece of paper
·ð In the capacity of  w charakterze
·ð In the capacity of attorney
o You raise objections  podnoszenie zarzutów
o You raise objections to what the allegations (twierdzenia)
o You denied allegations  zaprzeczamy twierdzeniom
o You raise objections visa vi allegations that were layied down
o Layied down, Specified/ formulated / articulated sformułowane
o You may argue that something is inconsistent with  jest sprzeczne
o It s contradict with what he had said before
·ð These law is inconsistent with constitution
·ð Provision  przepis
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·ð You try to challenge (kwestionować) the plaintiffs allegations
o You represented the defendant. You say that you have the arguments that would challenge the allegations of the
żð Plaintiff  he alleges (on twierdzi)
o You try to deny, challenge allegations
·ð To invoke  powoÅ‚ać siÄ™ na
o You may invoke the statue of 2009
o You invoke the law, you invoke something
o You invoke experts opinion in order to support your argumentations to satisfy the court (przekonać) you explore the
experts opinion
o You resort to (uciekać się do argumentów), exploit, raise the arguments
żð He resorted to experts opinion
·ð You argue
o Arguing
o You emphasize your line of reasoning
o The argument that the plaintiff is resort
o Argument are reliable or unreliable
o The argumentation of the plaintiff is little reliable.
·ð When + past participle construction
o Ustawa po znowelizownaiu okzała się skuteczna  The statute when amended proved to be very successful/ turned
out to be
o The object when carefully examined was found to be examined &
o Dokumenty po starannej analizie  these documents when thoroughly analyzed were found to be falsified
·ð Pod warunkiem  provided that
o Statutory succession - The spouse and the children they inherit in equal chares provides that the share won t be
lesser than one fourth
·ð Nexus causalis
o Był spowodowany, spowodował
o Using optional phrases  the same in a different way
o Lisbon treaty - limitation of sovereignity & the limitation of sovereignity of member states. Sovereignity is limited.
o Causes/ is responsible for/ leads to/ brings about/ results in
o Is caused by/ is due to/ results from
·ð Zredagować
o To draw up/ formulates
o The notaries deed has been drawn up by the notary public
żð Has been formulated/ has been produced/ has been made
·ð SkÅ‚adanie do urzÄ™du, do sÄ…du - applying to the court
o File you petition with the court
o File = Lodge
o I file my suit in the court in which I request that other party has sees the noise
o You may demand the injunction (nakaz/zakaz)
o You file in which you request. The suit has been filed to the court
·ð Bo jak podano w artykule 20  as provided in article 20
·ð Chyba, że inaczej podano w ustawie  unless otherwise provide in the statue
o Unless your doctor provides otherwise
Constitutional law
o Laws are adopted, passed [produced, create  simple English]
o Mechanisms of forming the government
o Command the majority
o The government may survive only when supported
Mateusz Popiel
o Vote of-no-confidence
o Podać się do dymisji  resigned their posts, because they faced vote of no confidence
o That commands the majority
o Presidential veto, presumption
żð Presidential veto may be overridden
żð Presumption of innocence was rebutted
·ð Until he is proven guilty
o Impeachment  constitutional responsibility
żð Bringing someone to incontibility due to his infringement of the law
o To bring someone to accountibility  pociągnąć do odpowiedzialności
o He may be impeach
·ð Fragment of Mark Wójcik  analysis of specific American solutions
·ð Federal nature of United state
o The scope of legislative part of congress is very limited
o UCC  Commercial Code  every state confirmed
o Congress can not impose. Scope of sovereignity.
o Tricked-based interpretations  oparta o wybieg. That enlarges the scope of legislative
o Regulations of interstate commerce
o Commerce clause - the congress enlarged their scope of regulations. Congress can regulate interstate commerce 
congress can limit.
·ð Penal procedures
o Wszczęcie - Public prosecutor initiates
o He must discontinue  umorzyć
o Discontinuation  umorzenie
o Free evaluation of evidence  swobodna ocena dowodu
żð He is guided be his personal experience, logic
o The decisions of the court are subject to appeal  podlegają zaskarżeniu (is subject to)
o The parties are often not satisfied with decision  these decisions are subject to review
·ð Orzeczenia
o Once he decided, he must kept that
o Decision  orzeczenie
o Order  postanowienie
o Judgment- wyrok
o RozporzÄ…dzenie sÄ…du  rulling
o Detention  the individual may be detained
żð Pre-trial detention, temporary arrest
żð Prosecuting agencies
żð Go into hiding  ukrywać siÄ™
·ð Miranda rule
o To mirandise somebody
o Mirandising  advising this individual of certain rights that he has
o To advise  informować
o He may be silent. But if he says something, that may be used against him
o He should be advise of his rights
o If someone has been questioned  his lawyer may try to suppress this document in the court, because the evidence
may be obtained without mirandising  it is the fruit of the poisonous (false) tree (Illegaly obtained)
o Independent source doctrine.
Mateusz Popiel
·ð What the witness does?
o He testifies
o He gives testimony. He is warned that he should tell truth.
o The accuse gives explanations, makes statements, but this is not testimony  he do not swornes. He doesn t have to
say truth
·ð Leading questions  suggests the answer
·ð Direct examination and cross examination
o Direct examination  is carried out by the party that called the witness. Leading question are forbidden (pytania
sugestywne sÄ… zakazane)
o Disallow - uchylić
o In cross-examination leading question are possible
·ð Certain individuals cannot be questioned as a witnesses
o Counsel on the fact that he learned on the party
o Priests hearing confession
o Persons that are obligated to kept professional secrets
o The authorities may relies that individual from keeping those secrets (You cannot release attorney or priest)
·ð Witness:
o Stawił się- appear
żð When examined
żð When summons has been served on him (gdy dorÄ™czono mu wezwanie)
żð The summons is served upon him
o The court may apply some measures  środki dyscyplinujące (e.g. fine)
o Świadek nie stawił się, co spowodowało zwłokę w rozpoczęciu procesu  The witness failed to appear, which caused
the delay.
o You impose a file, you impose the punishment. Impose  ukarać (The fine is imposed)
·ð Reactions of the defendant who is accused
o The word  defendant is misleading
żð In civil law - defendant
żð In criminal law the accused is referred to defendant, better is to use word  accused
o The question about his guilt. He pleads guilty or not guilty
o At one time convicted, at one time acquitted
·ð Subsidiary prosecutor  posiÅ‚kowy oskarżyciel
o Any individual injury of a crime, may assume/take the position of subsidiary prosecutor
żð He s authorized / entitled (uprawniony) to file motions to conducting some evidence
·ð The typical notary deed/notarial deed
o W dniu 3 maja 2007 roku jawili siÄ™ przed notariuszem  On this 5th of May in the public notary office Kowalik &
Kowalik they appeared/ there appeared Anna Kowalska and Zenon Nowak
o Provided that
o Stawający przed notariuszem przedłożyli swoje dowody tożsamości  Those appearing [& ]
o Powołanymi do spadku są [& ]  those appointed to inherit [& ]
o Those appearing in front of the public notary, who submit their passport
o The notary must identify them  confirm their identity
o Those appearing in front of the public notary
o Dalej zwana  sprzedajÄ…cym  hereinafter referred to as the seller
o He refused to make statements, therby impeading whole process
Legal English #4 (19.03.12)
·ð StawajÄ…cy przed Notariuszem &
Mateusz Popiel
·ð Anna Kowalska, dalej zwana sprzedajÄ…cÄ… &
·ð DziaÅ‚ka o powierzchni&
·ð As specified/ as laid down/ as pronounce
o Article 14 pronounces/provides that
o Art. 16 said  plain language
o As specifies/as laid down in article 14
·ð Causative use of  have
o Have this copy/deeds translated into Spanish
o Have the copy certified  daj to do uwierzytelnienia
o Have it authenticated
o Have it certified
·ð A lot of civil rights in American Constitution are included in the Bill of Rights (1-10/one through ten amendment)
·ð Protection against unreasonable search (przeszukanie) and seizure  4th amendment (of American Constitution)
o If the police fail to obtained search warrant (nakaz zatrzymania, rewizji) and despite this they made research and
they found evidenced  The lawyer of the accused can say that this is the fruit of poison tree (illegally obtained) and
it should be suppressed (to eliminate)
o Hot pursuit (or emergency) doctrine - (realizowane na gorÄ…co) A doctrine that provides that the police may enter the
premises where they suspect a crime has been committed without a warrant when delay would endanger their lives
or the lives of others and lead to the escape of the alleged perpetrator; also sometimes called fresh pursuit.
o Search warrant  nakaz rewizji
o Good faith doctrine that prosecutors operate in good faith
·ð Miranda rule  if somebody is questioned before being mirandise prior to (przed) he was questioned/executed and he
admitted where is the corpus delicti . And he admit it before being mirandising > doctrine of independence source  police
try to prove that the finding of the corps was irrelevant [Nick v. William (1984)]
·ð Prior to  przed
·ð Double jeopardy rule (double jeopardy - ponowny proces kogoÅ›, kto byÅ‚ już sÄ…dzony w tej samej sprawie; sÄ…dzenie kogoÅ›
dwa razy za to samo przestępstwo; powtórne pociągnięcie do odpowiedzialności za ten sam czyn)
o Twice he cannot be exposed to one crime
o Ban  prohibition
o When accused found to be innocent the public prosecutor cannot appeal this verdict > ban on double jeopardy
·ð Nemo accusare se ipsu  no one is expected to accused himself
·ð Plea bargaining  if he pleads guilty than the public prosecutor will resign to provide evidences
o Charged is split in small sections that the accused have done
o If he pleads guilty
·ð Venue  location of the trial
o The lawyer of the charged may &
o Impartial jury  bezstronne
o Impartial jury may be almost impossible
·ð W dniu 5 maja przed notariuszem  On this 5th of May there appeared Anna Kowalska
·ð StawajÄ…cy przed notariuszem przedstawili swoje dowody  Those appearing before public notary submitted their identity
·ð Those appointed to inherit
·ð Dalej zwana sprzedajÄ…cym  Hereinafter referring to as the seller
·ð DziaÅ‚ka o powierzchni  The lot occupying area of 18 ares
o Lot - działka
·ð The peace of land that the court &
·ð Wypis z ksiÄ™gi wieczystej z której wynika, że  extract from the Perpetual book (Real-estate register/ land register) from
which it can be seen/ which can be found
·ð Not subject to  nie podlegajÄ…
Mateusz Popiel
·ð SprzedajÄ…ca oÅ›wiadcza, że jej udziaÅ‚ we współwÅ‚asnoÅ›ci &  Seller states that her share in the co-ownership is not & apart
from those that are reviled
·ð & nie ma żadnych okolicznoÅ›ci, które ograniczaÅ‚yby prawo do rozporzÄ…dzania nieruchomoÅ›ciÄ…  that would limit her rights.
·ð & states that he has no tax arrears (zalegÅ‚oÅ›ci)  SprzedajÄ…cy oÅ›wiadcza, że nie ma żadnych zalegÅ‚oÅ›ci podatkowych
·ð That she is not foreigner in the understanding of the statue of .. 
·ð She states/ The seller states that he subject himself directly to the execution procedure on the bases of notary s deed 
Sprzedający poddaje się egzekucji bezpośrednio w oparciu o ten akt notarialny
·ð Koszta przygotowania tego aktu bÄ™dÄ… ponoszone w równych częściach przez kupujÄ…cego i sprzedajÄ…cego
·ð Borne (costs)  ponosić (koszty)
·ð Go missing  zaginąć
·ð Declaring dead
o 10 years require
·ð Form of the transaction
o Ad solemnitatem form
o Unavoidable - nieunikniony
o In the form of notary deed
o Notary deed speaks for itself
·ð (Sale of the real property > if the form the notarial deed has not been observed.
·ð Remedy  Usucaption (zasiedzenie) > as a method acquiring the ownership of &
·ð The time required for the arrival at the title of a owner varies depending on whether he is in good faith or bad faith.
·ð Art. 231  overruling the principle superficies solo cedit
·ð British system: Statue of Frauds
o Remedies (if the form in writing has not been observed in case of the sale of real property)
żð Acquisitive prescription of the real property  zasiedzenie nieruchomoÅ›ci
żð Note or memorandum  occurs when in the transaction. This piece of writing is made of one of the party.
·ð Part performance  substitutes of note of memorandum. Part-Performance (częściowe wykonanie) doctrine is an equitable
principle that allows a court to recognize and enforce an oral contract despite its legal deficiencies. It provides a way around
the statutory bar to the enforcement of an oral contract. By applying the part performance doctrine, a party can establish the
existence of a contract despite the lack of any written evidence. Generally, without written evidence a contract does not
satisfy the formal requirements set by legislatures under their statutes of frauds. The doctrine of part performance is an
exception to this. This doctrine allows failure to comply with the statute of frauds to be overcome by a party's execution, in
reliance on an opposing party's oral promise, of an oral contract's requirements. Nonetheless, a party must still meet the
burden of proving the existence of the contract by clear and convincing evidence.
żð Specific performance  performance in nature
·ð Art. 99 kc
·ð Selling property  applied notary deed form
·ð I herby appoint niniejszym
·ð Donation  the form notaries deed is required. Polish civil code reservation  promise is made and is materialized - valid
form. But can t be applied in real estate donation
·ð American law  promisory estoppel. If they don t go to the lawyer and one individual made some promised  promised
cannot successfully & unless promise rely on promise so much that& he can prevent promise in front of the court.
Promissory estoppel n. when a person makes a false statement to another and the listener relies on what was told to him/her in
good faith and to his/her disadvantage. In order to see that justice is done a court will treat the statement as a promise, and in a trial the
judge will preclude the maker of the statement from denying it. Thus, the legal inability of the person who made the false statement to
deny it makes it an enforceable promise called "promissory estoppel," or an "equitable estoppel." Example: Bernie Blowhard tells
Arthur Artist that Blowhard has a contract to make a movie and wants Artist to paint the background scenery in return for a percentage
of the profits. Artist paints, and Blowhard then admits he needed the scenery to try to get a movie deal which fell through and there are
no profits to share. Artist sues and the judge finds that Blowhard cannot deny a contract with Artist and gives Artist judgment for the
value of his work.
Mateusz Popiel
·ð Ad eventum form (zastrzeżona dla odniesienia okreÅ›lonych skutków prawnych)
o The lease  should be in writing
·ð Law of succession
·ð Under the pain of nullity  pod rygorem nieważnoÅ›ci
o If there s not this form  this is for evidence
·ð Evidence based on the statement of the party. Stated of the parties may be state like an evidence
Law of succession
o Appointed in inherit  powołany do spadku
o In the first line these are spouse and children that are appointed to inherit
o Testate succession  na podstawie testamentu
o The deceased  zmarły
żð The decedent s estate  majÄ…tek spadkowy zmarÅ‚ego
o The decedent - spadkodawca
o Child that is already conceived at the moment of the opening of inheritance  the child that is conceived at the
moment at opening of inheritance
o Heir  spadkobierca, następca, dziedzic
o Provided that it is borned lived  that may be an heir of estate
·ð Being judge unworthy of inheritance and being disinheritate
o Unworthy of inheritance if he did certain things causes of that  listed in civil code
żð If he intentionally commit the crime against the deceased (knowingly  Å›wiadomie)
żð If he induces (skÅ‚aniać, namawiać) deceased s
żð He induced the deceased to & - caused
·ð He used threat or deceit (grozba, lub podstÄ™p)
żð Conceal - ukryć
żð Forged  podrobić, przerobić
o Predecease (wcześniejsza śmierć) - the opening of the testament
o Who can demand for judging someone  only requirement is interest.
o Expressively disinherit for reasons that he must state
o Art. 1008 kc  polish disinheritance. He may deprived them from legitim (zachowek). Virtue of = on the basis of -
na podstawie. Certain portion of what they would have received.
o Causes:
żð Potential heir persistently behave that contradicts with community life  he constantly misbehave
żð Commit the act of glaring insult (rażąca obraza) to the decedent  sufficient grunt for disinherit
żð Persistently neglected his family duties
·ð Statutory succession  dziedziczenei ustawowe
o It consist in making/ lack of testament and the principles come into be. General principle is those appointed to
inherit, they inherit in equal shares
o If child died, the children of the child filled the gap.
o Commorientes rule  the younger survives the older in catastrophe (art 32 kc  if certain individuals died in
accident we presume that all died in the same moment)
·ð Testament - disposition of estate in the case of death (mortis causa). Testament when produced may be revoke at any time.
o Who can produce  one that is at age  18
o Ha cannot be giving some pressure, he cannot be insane.
o Holographic testament  one hand, no witnesses are need
o Other types: oral testament in front of two witnesses and the official made in record.
Legal English #5 (26.03.12.)
·ð The extract from which it can be found/ can be seen
·ð JawiÄ…cy siÄ™ przed notariuszem  those appearing before notary public
Mateusz Popiel
·ð The seller states that his share in co-ownership is not subject to/ is free of to any uncoverages (to uncoverage) not disclose in
landed mortgages
·ð One land is uncovered
o To uncover something
·ð To disclose  ujawnić
·ð Borne  liability, costs
o Borne costs  ponosić koszta
o Borne liability
o The costs shall be borne in equal shares
·ð Polish holographic testament  write with his own hands
o The last one eliminates the previous one
·ð Oral testament  two witnesses and one representative of authorities
·ð Special testaments:
·ð Probability of imminent death  obawa rychÅ‚ej Å›mierci
·ð Legitim (zachowek)  when testament has been produced
o Left unmentioned  niewspomniani
o Omitted
o They are entitled to claimed something
o They are authorized
o Of what they would have received if they inherited
o By virtue of  na mocy
o By virtue of statue law
o Statute  ustawa
o One half of what they would have received
·ð British
o Rights of the dependents (those dependant of testator at the moment of his death)
o Estate  majÄ…tek spadkowy
o Assets  aktywa
o A lot of discretion of the court  he take the attitude of testator, needs of dependents
·ð Disinheritance  testator may frustrate their efforts by rising the point that they do not deserve, but it must be specified.
o He committed intentional offence
o They are deprived of the right to clime legitim
·ð Personal representatives  those that would control state
o Either executors or administrator
o Executors  testator appoint them. Administrators  appointed by government
o To proceed  przejść do dalszego postępowania
o To discharge of the debt
o They should apply for probate
żð Probate Court  check if testament is disable
·ð Na niektórych przekazach pieniężnych figuruje uczestniczka Anna Kowalska, a poniżej jej podpis  on some money orders
there is found the name of Anna Kowalska and beneath there may be fund her signature/ they can be seen, the signature being
o The hieroglyph that can be found on it
·ð Negatiorum gestor  zaÅ‚atwienie cudzych spraw bez zlecenia. Managing another person s without mandate
o Outlays, expenditures - nakłady
o He bares certain expanses
o Reimbursement  to return what he has spend
o For the restoring the land plot to previous position
o Likely intention for the one that tries to manage. He cannot go beyond certain necessity
·ð Limitation of claims  the claims are subject to limitation. The claim is no longer enforce  już nie jest wymagalna
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·ð The running of the period of limitation  bieg terminu przedawnienia
o Interruption
o May be interrupted by two mayor factors
żð Acknowledgment of the claim  uznanie powództwa [Acknowledgment  uznanie]
żð Any act before the court that is vindicate the claim
żð The aim of which is/ the purpose of which
żð Which is designed to vindicate  która ma na celu
o If you rent an apartment, and you failed to pay on 10th the period of limitation begins to run on 16th
·ð Cesja  assignment
o Cessation  ustanie
o Change of creditor  zmiana wierzyciela
o The creditor may transferred to the other person
·ð Change of the debtor (zmiana dÅ‚uznika). The new debtor is insolvent. Creditor may claim that his declaration of concept was
·ð Usucaption - zasiedzenie
o Autonomous possessor  one who occupies, controls land without any title
o Adverse possessor
o Autonomous possessor - he may arrive at the position of the owner depending on whether he occupies the land for
enough long period of time.
·ð The subsidies were awarded depending on their income. The proportion of the subsidies depended on the
o Regardless of whether he is in good faith or bad faith after 30 years he may be entitled (autonomous possessor)
o Art. 231 kc  superficies solo cedit
·ð The one who applies of usucaption should immediately insist that the court make an entry in land of mortgages that he
o Should see to it  zadbać o to, żeby
o Principle of liability
o Mislead  wprowadzenie w błąd
·ð Rebus sic stantibus  there follows radical changes of circumstances
o Change of the mode of the performance
o Art. 367^  it s very rarely resorted to. The contract should be abided by  pacta sund servanda
o Art. 358^ - dramatic change consist in (polega na) dramatic change of purchasing part of money.
o Revalorization clauses  prevent entrepreneur from loss
o Commercial impracticability  handlowa nieopłacalność na skutek zmiany okoliczności.
o Discharge of the contract by frustration (479 kc)  subsequent illegality
·ð Phraseology
o W związku z powyższym  in view of the above
o W załączeniu sąd przysyła  in inclosed you ve find
o The court sends to you as an enclosure
o Wniosek o stwierdzenie nabycia spadku  motion for the ascertainment of the acquisition of inheritance
żð ZÅ‚ożonego przez AnnÄ™ KowalskÄ… - as filed by Anna Kowalska
o Powinien Pan je złożyć (oświadczenie) w takim terminie aby od daty dowiedzenia się przez pana o jego tytule o
powołaniu do spadku nie minęło 6 miesięcy  your statement should be send to the court within such period of time
that would prevent the laps the period of six months&
·ð Law is: past/ produced/ created/ adopted/ abolished/
o Exercise  wykonywać prawo (to exercise the right)
o The care  is exercise,
o Exercise in power  sprawować władzę
·ð PodziaÅ‚ wÅ‚adz  separation of powers
·ð Vote of-no-confidence
o Impeachment  sanction of violation of law
·ð Two methods by which the President has an impact on the US Congress. He has:
o Message
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o Veto (overriding veto)
·ð The other way round  z drugiej strony
·ð Reduce the treaty  position of the executive agreement
o 90% of the all treaties are reduced to the position of executive agreement
·ð Only the Congress can declare the war.
·ð Appointments  powoÅ‚ywanie na stanowiska
o To some extent they are subject to the position of the senate
o Certain methods of evading requirement
·ð Double jeopardy rule  rule that prevents the defendant to be charged twice.
o Penalties are imposed
o Agony of waiting for
o If the jury acquit somebody jury cannot acquit
·ð Miranda rule  three warnings that should be given
·ð The grand jury  whereas there are better evidence to provide further
·ð Ustawodawca nie traci jednak z oczu okolicznoÅ›ci  The legislator does not loose from his range of view. What the legislator
doesn t loose from his range of view.
Legal English #6 (2.04.12.)
·ð Åšwiadczenie staÅ‚o siÄ™ wymagalne  The fortress has became enforcement
·ð Uznanie powództwa  the acknowledegment of the claim
·ð Której celem jest  the purpose of which/ the objective of which is
·ð Jesli stronie grozi rażąca strata  if the party is threaten by the grossly loss
·ð Jesli Å›wiadczenie &  if the performance faces an excessive difficulty you may apply to the court
·ð Dopilnować, aby sÄ…d wprowadziÅ‚ wpis do ksiÄ™gi wieczystej o &  To see to it that the court introduce into land and mortgages
o Require, request, see to it
·ð I demand that he should repaired
·ð The proceeding are pending  toczy siÄ™ postÄ™powanie
·ð Ustawodawca nie traci jednak z oczu okolicznoÅ›ci, że (the fact that)  What the legislator & / What doesn t escape from the
range of vision of the Legislator
·ð GodnÄ… uwagi jest wzmianka  What is worth mentioning/ What is worth of note/ What is worth mentioning
Nominative absolute
·ð ÅšwiadczÄ… o tym podpisy zÅ‚ożone na dokumentcie, przy czym dwa dokumenty sÄ… nieczytelne  What testifies to this are
signatures produced in this documents, two of signatures being illegible.
·ð Rodzi siÄ™ pytanie o powody, które motywowaÅ‚y sprawcÄ™  there appears the question what motivate the perpetrator to commit
a crime.
·ð W zgodzie z art. 18  In accordance to/ Persuade to article/ In compliance to article 18
·ð If the form in writing is require non observance of this form (nie przestrzeganie powoduje) causes/ is responsible for/ leads to
the difficulties that you may face in the court later. Art. 74 kc provides that you cannot bring the statements of the parties&
& Unless there is some piece of writing that make contract existing.
·ð This contract should be concluded in the line of writing.
·ð Informacja, że toczy siÄ™ postÄ™pwoanie wszczÄ™te przez AnnÄ™ KowlaskÄ…  In a information of proceeding pending & instituted
on the bases on the motion filed by Anna Kowalska.
·ð Zważywszy powyższe  In view of the above
·ð SÄ…d wzywa pana do zÅ‚ożenia oÅ›wiadczenia  The court calls on you to make the statement in writing whether you
acknowledge the claims or not against the allegation
o What proofs you want to furnish/ produce to support your objections
Mateusz Popiel
·ð Strona powoÅ‚uje siÄ™ na  The party invokes the arguments.
o Invokes the statue of 1999. The arguments that were explored by the party
·ð Niedotrzymanie warunków umowy  Non accomplishment. The terms of the contract has been left unfulfilled. The party has
not carried out the contract. The party has not fulfilled his part of the bargain.
·ð Twierdzi, że  argues/ claims/ the party formulates the allegations
·ð Wina  fault (in civil law) is ascribed
·ð His liability is based on risk
·ð Exercise
o Power is exercise  The parliament exercise the legislative power, while the government exercise the executive
o The care is exercise.
o The right is exercise
o As result on not having been exercise
·ð Zawarcie umowy  concluding the contract/ signing the contract
·ð Wykonanie  Fulfilling/ Executing the contract
·ð Rozstrzyganie sporów  settling the disputes
·ð The agency that is designed to settle this kind of disputes .
·ð Leaving the dispute unsettled  pozostawienie sprawy nierozstrzygniÄ™tej
·ð What has been left unnoticed by my opponent is the fact that the perpetrator was motivated by
·ð What
o Åšwiadczy o tym  What testifies to juliennes calendar scale  that may be found on the &
o Przy czym skala ta jest bez znaczenia  being of no significant
·ð Witness:
o Gives testimony, testimony
o You interview him, examine,
o He testifies, gives testimony, gives explanations
o Priest cannot be examined on fact that he learned while giving confession
·ð Cel, który strona..  The purpose that the party tried to accomplished/ try to achieve
·ð Akcja, której celem byÅ‚o  the action the purpose of which was
·ð Donation and partnership
·ð Donation
o By the contract of donation
o The contract of donation consist of this that
o Release the debtor for the debt
o Gratitude performance for the benefit of the donor
o Consist in this that one party obligate himself of making gratuities performance for the other party
o Revoke - the act of glaring
o Within one year that the donor has learned&
o If the donation has been materialized he may have a claim that he can be supported
o He can release himself from the duty
o Dissolution of the contract
o Donor become incapacitated. There was something wrong with his intellect  you may encourage the representative
to the donor to apply to the court for dissolution.
o The donation should be produced in the form of notarial deed. If you make a promise and you materialize the
promise  it can be valid without notarial deed.
o To what extend the promise can sue the donor?
·ð Partnership
o Commercial goal
o Arrangement of the partners  they are free.
o Lionel partnership  one partner is excluded from profits
o Withdrawing shares from partnership. You have to make a notice of withdraw
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o The partners are liable jointly for debts. The creditor may sue the partner  and one will be liable for entire debt.
After satisfying creditor  he has recurs (ma regres)
·ð Correspondingly
o Art. 750  Provision is correspondingly apply to another contract.
·ð Partnership
o Its goal
o Arrangement of relationship between the partners
o Liability of the partnership for its debts
·ð Powyższe oÅ›wiadczenie, jeÅ›li chce je pan skÅ‚adać powinno być nadesÅ‚ane w takim terminie, aby o dowiedzeniu o powoÅ‚aniu
się do spadku nie upłynęło 6 miesięcy - to prevent the laps of six months of you being appointment to inherit
·ð The court calls on you to make a statement whether you acknowledge this claim  sÄ…d wzywa pana&
·ð The question of syntax
o Ponieważ prawa ogólne i ustawy dotyczą nie pojedynczego człowieka  Since (jako, że) the general laws and status
do not apply to one individual but to en tire nation. The king promises that He introduce &
o Nothing new...which will be detrimental to the republic or could cause any harm to anybody may be adopted
·ð Dispute of Pole WÅ‚odkowic
o Cesarz nie ma prawa dawać pozwolenia  The emperor has no right for giving permission..who do not acknowledge
his pair
o Dekret Soboru Trydenckiego..  The decree of Toledo council & applies to all infidels in general.
o & Are not supported by any law either divine one or canal or civil
·ð Is the disease & it s prevention should attaint priority/ should be awarded the priority among the tasks
·ð DziaÅ‚alność zorganizowanych grup przestÄ™pczych ma coraz  The activity of the organized crimes groups is of ever more
organized nature
·ð Zagrożenia pÅ‚ynÄ…ce ze zorganizowanej przestÄ™pczoÅ›ci  The threats arising from organized crimes . Introducing regulation
that could override basic civil right guaranteed by the international conventions caused by/ due to specific necessity in which
the state found itself
·ð Zenon Nowak sold to Anna Kowalska  This transaction being carried out prior to the Minister of Finance instituted the
present proceeding
·ð Na mocy art. 22 skarb paÅ„Å›twa jest  On the basis of/ by virtue of this article the state of treasury is excluded from the
bearing costs
o Bearing liability
o Ever more organized  coraz bardziej zorganizowana
o Priority should be awarded
o Civil rights must be over&
o Prosecuting of organized crimes
Legal English #7 (18.04.12.)
·ð The child is conceived but not born
·ð The child is born alive
·ð The child can inherit
·ð Guardian  przedstawiciel prawny (statutory representative)
·ð Doesn t dispose  nie rozporzÄ…dza
·ð Trivial matters of everyday business > limited capacity  since 13 years old
·ð Negotium claudicans  czynność prawnie kulejÄ…ca
·ð Art. 23 kc refers to personal interest: life, health, dignity, reputation
·ð If you suffer damage you can demand that damage should be compensated
·ð Defamatory statement that discredits e.g. your business (when makes your business endanger, which jeopardize your
o You can demand notification
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·ð Art. 29 kc
·ð If the offer arrives with delay
·ð American law
o Congress  federal organ
o Commerce clause
o Inconsistent with the Constitution
o Short use of things which congress is authorized to do
·ð Full faith and credit clause
o When someone commit a tort in 1 state and then amires (?) to another state, where it isn t forbidden; they should be
sentenced in the other state, even though is this state the action is legal
·ð Simple majority  the option which received more roles
·ð Obstain from/refrain from - wstrzymać siÄ™ od gÅ‚osu
·ð The law is adopted
·ð To override the veto  obalić weto
·ð To rebut the presumption
·ð Essential error  if the party had been aware, the party would have never concluded the contract
·ð Limitation of claims
o & they are subject to limitation  podlegajÄ… przedawnieniu
o If the return of limitation has expired
o When does the period of limitation begin to win?
·ð Rule: married couples properly is joint
·ð Majority of co-owners  refers to the number of shares
·ð Usucaption  long occupying of the place of land by somebody who is not the owner
o 20/30 years depending on whether he is in good or bad faith
o After 30 years irrespective of whether he was in good or bad faith..
·ð Adverse possessor  posiadacz samoistny
·ð Limited property right  ograniczone prawo rzeczowe
·ð Claimant
·ð Encumbered  obciążony
·ð Authorised, entitled  uprawniony
·ð Path across &  droga & (?)
o Path easement  ułatwienie
·ð Correspondingly applied- odpowiednie stosowanie
·ð Rebus sic stantibus (diameter change of circumstances)  the performance faces substantial difficulties or substantial loss
(cannot refer)
·ð To some personal problems of the party  judge can modify the contract. Dissolution is also possible.
Legal English # 8 (23.04.12.)
·ð Ponieważ prawa ogólne dotyczÄ… nie pojedynczego czÅ‚owieka, ale ogółu narodu, przeto za sÅ‚uszne i sprawiedliwe uznaliÅ›my
jakoż postanowiliśmy, że odtąd&
·ð Since, the laws do not & therefore we though it is just and right that from that time on nothing new laws which would be
detrimental to the republic/would tend to work shall be adopted by us.
Text No 5
(Paweł Włodkowic)
·ð Cesarz nie ma prawa dawać pozwolenie na zajmowanie ziem pogan nie uznajÄ…cych jego wÅ‚adzy&
The emperors privileges granted confere upon for the ceasor for the land (?)
Mateusz Popiel
·ð Przywileje cesarskie, udzielone Krzyżakom pruskim lub innym co do zajmowania ziem pogan, nie dajÄ… im żadnego prawa,
lecz raczej w błąd wprowadzają chrześcijan, ponieważ nie można dać tego, czego się nie ma&
Do not provide them without any right, rather mislead the Christian since you cannot give to someone else something you do
not have yourself
·ð Krzyżacy nie majÄ… za sobÄ… żadnego prawa ani przyrodzonego &
Are not supported by any rights
·ð Dekret soboru toledaÅ„skiego nakazujÄ…cy, że ci, którzy chcÄ… innych nawracać na wiarÄ™ chrzeÅ›cijaÅ„skÄ…, winni przekonywać
łagodnością, a nie surowością& rozciąga się na wszystkich niewiernych w ogóle..
Decree of Toledo Council that commands that those who try to convert others to Christian faith should persuade them with
milled measures applies to all in fidels in (?)
Text No 6
(Przestępczość zorganizowana)
·ð PrzestÄ™pczość zorganizowana jest dolegliwoÅ›ciÄ… trapiÄ…cÄ… nasze czasy. Jej zwalczanie winno zyskać priorytetowÄ… pozycjÄ™
wśród zadań, jakie realizują dzisiejsze rządy. Działalność zorganizowanych grup przestępczych ma coraz bardziej
zorganizowany charakter, w grupach tych coraz częściej odnajdujemy obywateli różnych państw.
Organised crime is the plague that takes place in our time. Its suppression should be given/granted priority among the tasks
that are carried out. The activity of the organized crimes groups is evermore organized. In this groups there can be found
these citizens of other states.
·ð Zagrożenia pÅ‚ynÄ…ce ze zorganizowanej przestÄ™pczoÅ›ci jest tak wielkie, iż wymusza wprowadzenie regulacji, które przeÅ‚amujÄ…
zasady chroniące podstawowe prawa i wolności obywatelskie, gwarantowane przepisami międzynarodowych konwencji,
Konstytucji i ustaw, zwłaszcza zaś kodeksu postępowania karnego.
The threats arising from organized crimes compel the governments to take certain measures the principles that protect the
Text No. 9
·ð Zenon Nowak sprzedaÅ‚ Annie Kowalskiej rzeczonÄ… nieruchomość, przy czym transakcja zostaÅ‚a przeprowadzona wczeÅ›niej,
niż Minister Finansów wszczął obecne postępowanie
The real property in question (one that was discussed before) was sold to Anna Kowalska, the transaction being carried
perform/ carried out prior to minister of finance& current proceedings
·ð Na mocy art. 10. Skarb PaÅ„stwa jest zwolniony od ponoszenia kosztów sÄ…dowych
By virtue of/pursuant to art. 10 State Treasury is exempt from the bearing the cost of these proceedings.
·ð Dokumenty te nie byÅ‚y dostÄ™pne powodowi, co jednak nie jest równoznaczne ze stwierdzeniem, że powód nie zwracaÅ‚ siÄ™ do
odpowiednich organów o odszkodowanie.
These documents were not available to the plaintiff, which however is not tantamount to the ascertainment that the plaintiff
applied to the appropriate agency for damages
·ð WydziaÅ‚ powiadomiÅ‚ go o tym, iż prowadzi postÄ™powanie majÄ…ce na celu zastosowanie wzglÄ™dem rzeczonej nieruchomoÅ›ci
przepisów ustawy z 1968 o dokonywaniu wpisów do ksiąg wieczystych
The department notified him of the fact that conducts the proceedings the purpose/the aim is/ designed to apply & the
provision of the law of 1968 on making entries into land and mortgages register.
Text No. 19
·ð SÄ…d przesyÅ‚a Panu w zaÅ‚Ä…czeniu odpis wniosku wniesionego przez AnnÄ™ KowalskÄ… o stwierdzenie nabycia spadku po Zenonie
The court serves on you/ delivers to you in enclosure the copy of the motion/application for the ascertainment of acquisition
of inheritance as filed by Anna Kowalska
·ð SÄ…d wzywa Pana do zÅ‚ożenia oÅ›wiadczenia, czy przyjmuje pan spadek wprost..czy też z dobrodziejstwem inwentarza
The Court calls on you to make a statement whether you accept the inheritance direct or with the benefits of inventory
·ð OÅ›wiadczenie Pana powinno być nadesÅ‚ane sÄ…dowi w takim terminie, aby od daty dowiedzenia siÄ™ przez pana o jego tytule
powołania do spadku nie upłynęło jeszcze 6 miesięcy
Your statement should be send to the Court with such period of time that would prevent the laps of 6 months of which you
have learned of you being appointed to inherit
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·ð OÅ›wiadczenie The statements should be draw up/produced in writing with the signature certified with the notary public or the
agency entitled/ authorized to certified signatures according to the local public notary
Text No1
·ð 100. (b) In so far as the discharge of the debts necessitates the realization of assets of the estate, the administrator shall first
offer them to the heirs and give them reasonable time to purchase the same at a price not less than the market price.
Tak dalece jak spłata długu stwarza konieczność& , sprzedaż składników majątków spadkowych &
·ð 100. (c) Where the deceased has bequeathed a specific asset to a person, it shall not be realised as long as it is possible to
discharge the debts of the estate out of other assets.
W przypadku gdy zmarły przekazał konkretny składnik majątku spadkowego jakiejś osobie, on nie zostanie sprzedany tak
długo jak jest możliwe spłacenie długu z innych składników
·ð 105. (b) Where the apprehended that the estate will not be sufficient to discharge all the debts of the estate, the administrator
shall only discharge those which the Court allow to be discharged wholly, in part or by instalments as the Court may direct.
W przypadku, gdy istnieje obawa, że majątek spadkowy nie będzie wystarczającym, wykonawca testamentu spłaci tylko te,
które sąd pozwoli mu spłacić w ratach.
·ð 107. (c) The Court may, if satisfied that the estate permits it, allow distribution of part of the estate before the discharge of the
debts of the estate and the provision of maintenance and before the expiration of the periods referred to in subsection (b).
Sąd może, jeśli zostanie przekonany, że majątek spadku pozwala na rozdzielenie części przed spłaceniem długu
·ð 110. (c) Where the deceased has direct in his will how the assets of the estate shall be distributed among the heirs, the Court
shall follow the directions of the will unless satisfied for reasons which shall be recorded that there are special grounds for
departing the reform; in default of such directions of the will the Court shall follow the rules set out in sections 112 to 117
Jeśli zmarły poleci w swoim testamencie jak maja być rozdzielone składniki majątku..
·ð 142. Notwithstanding anything in this Law, where the law of a particular state applies and such law refers to some other law
such reference shall be disregarded and the domestic law of that shall apply, provided that if the law of that state refers to
Israel law, the reference shall be made and domestic Israel law apply.
Niezależnie od co stanowi obecna ustawa, w przypadku, gdy prawo konkretnego państwa stosuje się i takie prawo odsyła do
prawa innego, takie odesłanie będzie nieuwzględnione i prawo krajowe tego państwa będzie stosowane. Pod warunkiem, że
jeśli prawo tego państwa odnosi się do prawa państwa izraelskiego odesłanie zostanie dokonane i prawo krajowe Izraela
będzie stosowane.
·ð 143. Notwithstanding anything in this Law, where foreign law applied it shall not be followed in so far as it discriminated on
the ground of race, religion or nationality or is contrary to the public policy of Israel.
Niezależnie od tego, co stanowi obecna ustawa w przypadku, gdy obce prawo stosuje się, nie zastosuje się go w takim
stopniu, w jakim wprowadza ono dyskryminacje, albo jest sprzeczne z polityką państwa Izrael.
·ð SÄ…d wzywa pana  The Court calls on you to make a statement&
·ð W takim terminie&  In such period of time that would prevent&
·ð DowiedziaÅ‚ siÄ™ pan..  You have learned about something
·ð Potwierdzone przez notariusza certified by the local public notary
·ð It is not tantamount  Nie jest równoznaczne
·ð I applied to the state agency for granting me the damages I apply
·ð PostÄ™powanie, które ma na celu&  Proceedings the purpose of which is&
·ð Coraz bardziej zorganizowana  Evermore organized
·ð Dekret Soboru Trydenckiego - the decree of Toledo councel applied to all
·ð Przywileje nadane  the proviliges granted to Tutone knight by the pope
·ð Donation  notary deed, if it s materialized it s a valid donation. The donee must accept the donation. He must accept even
per facta concludentia.
o It s possible to revoke the donation. Gluring ingratitude. Unjust enrichment. Time in which the donor may& He can
do it from one year
o Bezpieczeństwo  safety of legal transaction
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o If the donation has been made but not has been affected, and the donor s material position fundamentally changed he
can revoke the donation. If the donation has been affected but the donor fell into poverty than the donee is obligated
to help with still existing enrichment.
o Dissolution  dissolving  donor has became incapacitated. The representative of incapacitated may apply to the
court for dissolution of the contract.
·ð Annuity  dożywocie
o Transferor  he transfer the real property, he transfers the title in return for something.
o Transferee
o May be dissolve by the court
o The court may either modify the duties of the transferee or may totally dissolve. If the real property is sold & he is
liable for&
·ð Partnership
o 860 kc
o Form in writing is require  only for evidential purposes
o 867  lional partnership. One of the partners is excluded from getting the profits
·ð Liability of partners
o Joints
o Creditor may sue any of the partners. He may sue all of them
o To have recourse  one of the partners satisfy the creditor and he has the recourse (regres) to the others
o Withdraw with the share  If you want to withdraw - you need to make a notice.
·ð Transfer of the sale of real property (157)
o Transfer is unconditional  the second contract must be concluded.
o Bundle of interests
o Feasible  mozliwy (do wykonania), realny
o Condition subsequence  warunek rozwiÄ…zujÄ…cy
o Ownership is unconditional  when you transfer on occasion of the sale it must be contract based on no condition.
Both the real property is subject. Limited property rights may function.
o Mortgage  hipoteka
o Issmets  servitudes (służebności)
o Land use plan  plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego
o Limited property rights
·ð Serivtute
o Use of visible permanent element
o It may expire if you ignore to exercise
o If something is no longer visible. If the new supply of water has emerged than you may apply to the court to the
·ð Consideration
o Promise to give uncle $100. Uncle is obligated. John may prevent from arguing there was no contract that he has
promissory estoppels. John disposed of his property.
·ð This courtroom language
·ð GodnÄ… uwagi jest okoliczność, że  Worthy of note/ worth mentioning is the fact that the accused denied something
·ð Jak przewidziano w art. 16  As provided in art. 16/ as specified in art. 16/ as laid down in art. 16
·ð 358^ - radical change
o The entrepreneur should while concluding contract see to it that the revalorization clauses be included . He should
see to it.
o Revalorization clauses  include the reservation. The reservation that proportion of performance is other than money
·ð Zgodność
o The provision is consistent with
o Confirms to the
·ð UchwaÅ‚a jest podejmowana wiÄ™kszoÅ›ciÄ… gÅ‚osów  the resolution is taken/ made by simple majority of vote irrespective of the
number of those who came
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·ð Dokument po bliższym zbadaniu okazaÅ‚ siÄ™ listem przewozowym  The document when thoroughly examined was found to be
bill of lading (list przewozowy)
·ð Ciężar dowodowy  The burden of proof is borne by/ lies on/ rests with the plaintiff, but exceptionally may be reverse and it
may rests with the defendant.
·ð Stronie można przypisać winÄ™  The party may be attributed a fault of negligence. The party may be attributed. The party
may be attributed the fault.
·ð The party is blamed for something. The negligence can be negligence.
·ð SÄ…d kasacyjny może uchylić i przekazać  The cassation court may reverse/ quash the judgment and refer the case for
·ð Kontrakt wiąże obie strony  The contract is binding on both sides
·ð Uraz zadany w czaszkÄ™ tepokrawedzistym narzÄ™dziem  Injury inflicted/ delivered/ dellt upon the sculp with the blunt egdent
·ð Å»adam, aby the oÅ›wiadczenia zostaÅ‚y unieważnione  I demand/require that these statements be nullified/be considered non
·ð Orzeczenia TrybunaÅ‚u Konstytucyjnego majÄ… moc powszechnie obowiÄ…zujÄ…cÄ…  The decision of the polish constitutional
tribunal are of universal binding force
·ð Chyba, że art. 16 przewiduje co innego  Unless art. 16 provides otherwise.
·ð DziaÅ‚anie w charakterze zastÄ™pcy  He acted in the capacity of vicechairman
·ð PociÄ…gnąć do odpowiedzialnoÅ›ci  Be held liable. He was brought to penal liability.
·ð Even the deputy can be brought to penal liability if he is engage in activity from profits arriving from the state treasure
Legal English #9 (7.05.12.)
Niezaleznie od tego co stanowi  notwithstanding what &
Sławomir Mrożek  Lolo  translate into english
On the amusment only  not on the exam
·ð [& ] zaledwie wystarcza mi ta odrobina gÅ‚upiego rozumu, który posiadam, żeby to pojąć i ocenić  my small piece of intellect
is hardly sufficient to cover this/understand this
o Ledwo starcza mu na utrzymanie rodziny, dlatego stara siÄ™ o zwolnienie .. - His earning is hardy sufficient to
maintain for
·ð Moja misja to udowodnić, że jesteÅ›my zdolni do objÄ™cia wÅ‚adzy nad Å›wiatem  My mission is to prove that we are/ The
mission that I expactad to discharge/we are capable of&
·ð Od pewnego czasu ogarnia mnie niepokój  If though sometime now that I have been aware
·ð WÅ‚aÅ›nie na oceanie jest niebezpiecznie.  Exactly on the ocean that this is dangerous.
·ð It s hardly sufficient  ledwo wystarcza
·ð Art. 84 kc  misrepresentation (equivalent in English law).
o When the party has been mislead. Error induced by the other party. Such contract may be challengeable.
o Misrepresentation is very close to art. 84
o In case of misrepresentation  the party that was misrepresented (was victim of it) that party has the option  may
either sue for recession of the contract or may sue for the damage. The party may incorporate misrepresentation in
the contract and sue for the damage. Party may resign for suing for the recession.
·ð Silence - May be interpreted in case of misrepresentation
·ð Caveat emptor  buyer be aware. It s the buyer to expect to discover structure, the facts of real property. Seller should reveal
all the legal effects. Not to conseal (nie ukrywać) Seller is not expected to reveal everything. If buyer puts a question  seller
cannot lie.
o If Mr. Brown is selling his house. Mr Greens seeing something staines on the wall and Mr Green sais that s ok and it
was repaired (which is not true). Afer Mr Green has bought the house the blots disappear because the roof is leaking.
Mateusz Popiel
Mr Green may sue Mr Brown for recession, because Mr Brown lies or Mr Green can limit himself only to damages.
He was asked and he concealed. Silence is not misrepresentation in case of seller but if he s asked he should not lie
·ð Caveat venditor  something appear on person in position where he control houses for sale. Lawyer working out the
principle that they should reveal certain structure defects. It doesn t apply to sales of goods.
·ð Impling warrant of marchentibility  dorozumiana wysoka jakość towaru
·ð Dures  przemoc, grozba. Contract may be challengeable. Within one year one who is a victim & he should apply to the
Court for declaring (Poland)
o Undue influence (bezprawny nacisk)  some kind of pressure. Certain relationship between parties. If the contract
comes between them  there may be certain pressure. This presumption may be rebutted by proving that the weaker
party has acces to the price and other things
·ð Exemption clauses  clauses that may be introduced into the contract/ to facilitate to avoid liability. This kinds of clauses 
in the contract there is this piece of information s  very short time for filling for complains.  Our liability for damaged
luggage shall not excided $500 - This are the terms of the contract.
o Very typical example in Textbooks of English law  Mrs Ollin v. Marsus Hotel. She read notice that the hotel shall
not be liable for goods left in hotel. Next day her goods were stolen. She sued the hotel, because she learnt that after
she left everything in the reception
o Mr Thorton vr Shooley Parking Zone. Information was given to him too late. It should be given to him in front of
the business. The terms were not acceptable. He sued the Parking Zone, because the information was given to him
too late how to use the parking zone.
o Wallace v. Proots. Proots was selling seeds. Mr Wallace bought some seeds and after few years he found different
trees that he was planning, and Proot showed him leaflet that was given to Mr Wallace. Mr Wallace sued
corporation and was successful in suing. Court adopted that it was breach of condition.
o Mr White vr John Warrance. Mr White rented three cycle and ride, fell off one and he broke his legs and he sued
John Warrance. The business try to defend showing that there was general clause of liability. But you cannot
excluded liability in general. You cannot exclude such liability.
·ð Po bezskutecznym upÅ‚ywie wskazanego terminu, pisma przeznaczone dla stron & bÄ™dÄ… doÅ‚anczane do akt ze skutkiem
doręczenia  After the ineffective laps of indicative period of time the writs addressed to the parties & shall be enclosed to
the files of the case with the affects of being delivered/ being served.
o Enclosed you the files&
o There should be the attorney for certain documents.
·ð Strony & mogÄ… zÅ‚ożyć wnioski o zwolnienie od kosztów sÄ…dowych oraz o ustanowienie bezpÅ‚atnego peÅ‚nomocnika
procesowego - Notwithstanding (niezależnie od tego) the parties may file a motion/application for the exemption from the
court costs and for the appointment for attorney ad litem (pełnomocnik procesowy)
·ð PeÅ‚nomocnikiem do prowadzenia sprawy może być adwokat, lub radca prawny jak również rodzice, małżonek, rodzeÅ„stwo
lub zstępni strony  The function of attorney for conducting the case should/may be performed by parents, spouse, siblings or
by the descendants of the party
·ð The attorney ad litem has been appointed
·ð W wypadku ustanowienia peÅ‚nomocnika procesowego powinien on przy pierwszej czynnoÅ›ci procesowej zÅ‚ożyć w tutejszym
sądzie pełnomocnictwo  In case of the attorney ad litem has been appointed, He should& filled // Should (na wypadek
gdyby) the attorney ad litem be appointed with the first act connecting with proceedings, file his file of attorney with this
presence to the Court.
·ð Pismem z dnia 2 marca spółdzielnia mieszkaniowa zwróciÅ‚a siÄ™ do sÄ…du  It is with this writ of second of March that Housing
Property apply to the court for the maintenance with the effectiveness. It is with the writ that has incorporate appealing
·ð W oparciu o wyjaÅ›nienia Ministerstwa Finansów okazaÅ‚o siÄ™, że przed 17 marca doszÅ‚o do przeniesienia wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci
nieruchomości  While reling on the explanation given by the Minister of Finance it was possibile to find. Doszło do
przeniesienia  There occured the transsfer of the ownership of the Real property. While reling & there occurred transferred
of the real property.
Mateusz Popiel
o While under street (?), I saw an accident.
·ð Reading the book/ The reading of the book
·ð The filling of the complain. Filling the complain
·ð Art. 6 KPA przewiduje, że organa paÅ„stwowe dziaÅ‚ajÄ… w oparciu o przepisy prawa  Art. 6 of polish administrative
procedure provides that the state agencies act on the basis of law.
o Provides for the exception  przewiduje zwolnienie. Provides that  przewiduje, że
·ð Z uwagi na tÄ™ sytuacjÄ™ wniosek o zwolnienie z postÄ™powania jest w peÅ‚ni uzasadniony  In view of that situation the motion
of application for the discontinuation of the proceeding is fully justified.
·ð Civil law concepts
·ð Lendings for use and loans (Użyczenie, a pożyczka)
·ð Lending for use  lander and borrower. It s not the laon. The lander is able to allow the borrow to use (bezpÅ‚atnie) it
gratuities thing given to him. The moment he charges him that would be the lease. Landing for use is real contract not
consensual. The borrowers bears the costs, but he cannot be charged for regular warranteir (zużycie). He should return the
o Object is the thing that may astrits the identity (co do tożsamości)  it may be car (specific car, specific number of
the engine). That specific car.
o They called it  bailment
o Difference from the loan  the object that is given is either money or things defined to their kind (certain
proportion of milk separated in space  200 bottles of milk one liter each). The lender doesn t become the owner.
He s expected to return things only the same kind. The borrower is obliged & - consensual contract. There occurs
the transfer of the ownership. The claim must be filed properly.
o There is the limitation of six months for the claim. After 6 months claim is no longer successful.
o If the parties has not specified the period of time & the civil law provisions apply (stosuje siÄ™ przepisy kodeksu
cywilnego)  6 weeks period of time the borrower should return when parties didn t specify when.
·ð Personal interest  dobra osobiste. List of them in polish civil code, but it s not exhausted
o Mir domowy  inviolability of home
o Personal dignity
o Copyright
o Not listed  privacy (invasion of privacy). It may be violateted. You may be react before they are infringed. You
may demand before party sees it.
o You may demand the compensation, repairing of the damage. You may sue the tortfeasor
·ð Expiring the claims  3 years in polish civil code. After 10 years
·ð One tort committed be several individuals  their liability is joined and several (solidarna odpowiedzialność)  you may sue
one of them or several or all. If one pays the compensation, he may have the recourse.
·ð Intentional torts  due to negligence. American torts are very bottle, ruthless  torfeasor may be liable for all the effects
irrespectively how visible they were
·ð Some types of English torts
o Battery (pobicie, naruszenie nietykalności)  when certain harm is being done. Physical contact
żð Extendent body of the victim (battery)  you do not have to have a physical contact  someone kicks a dog
 it s interpreted as a battery. Someone striking a car in which you are sitting. Someone knocks the hat that
you have on your head. Certain line of interpretation that allows
o Assault (napad, napaść, czynna zniewaga)  without physical contact (knocked in the car).
żð When tortfeasor ..being beneficial. Surgeon without informed concept (the patient should be informed)
żð (..) awards  there must be some gesture  rising a gun
o Defamation
żð Frequent type of tort. Defamatory statement. Infringement of your personal interest, the liable.
żð Dispairment  false statement of the quality of the product
Mateusz Popiel
żð Invasion of privacy  popular tort  somebody publishes certain note  the argument of truth would not
work out. Somebody publishes photo with .. child. Somebody being non-authorise & medical record. Some
corporation exploit image of famous actor.
o Invasion of privacy
o Trespass to land  doesn t & intention. If someone commits .. he may arrive at the position of the owner
o Trespass to personal goods (chattels)  some kind of personal property. It consists of unlawful taking. This is a tort.
When it assumes  it s called the conversion. Necessity  stan wyższej konieczności  when you try rescue a larger
value  you are justify. Minnesota Case  civil war brought out and the confederate army.. the inhabitance try to do
something. Rest of the inhabitance& The owner of the whiskey sue the city  the court said it was necessity.
żð Mr Brown trades explosives has small cottage where he stores the explosives. There is a strong wind and
there is the risk that the wind can& the pull the explosives into the swimming pool. It was the necessity.
żð Intentional torts. But there are non intentional torts
o Conversion
o Intentional infliction of emotional distress  umyślne spowodowanie problemów emocjonalnych
żð Career in the era of progress of medicine. This is intentional infliction of the emotional distress. Defenses
that may be use  concept of the injured party/ contributed negligence (he was negligence but the other
party was also negligence)
·ð Non intentional torts:
o Negligence.
o Res ipsa loquitur  reversal of the burden of proof
żð The unattended cats normally do not go away
żð The train doors normally do not fly open
żð The cakes normally do not contain stones. If they do there must be negligence of the bakery  they have to
proove that they were not negligence.
·ð You can try defenses like act of God
o Negligence in the failure to exercise due care.
·ð Mortgage - hipoteka
o It consist in securing the return of the debt by encumbering real property by the rights of the creditor. Creditor has
the priority.
o Stipulation that the owner of real property would not sell it. Landed mortgage register  book #4
·ð Nexus causlalis  to doprowadziÅ‚o, to spowodowaÅ‚o. This leds to/ this was responsible for.
·ð This activity of the accuses lay the foundation/ cause his involvement/ Led to his involvement.
Legal English #10 (14.05.12.)
·ð Loan  things to their kind, not to their identity (loaning for use)
·ð Loaning of use  no transfer of ownership. Loan - borrower becomes owner
·ð Landing for use  użyczenie
·ð Sale
o Transfer of ownership of real estate in the contract of sale is unconditional
o Simple absolute
o He may dispose of his real property  Poland
o American  fee simple absolute/ you rather deal with the bundle of interest that are inherit in the piece of land of
various individuals (future interest)
Fee simple absolute podstawowa forma prawa własności nieruchomości w prawie Stanów Zjednoczonych odpowiadająca mniej
więcej polskiej własności wpisanej do księgi wieczystej, którą można swobodnie dysponować i użytkować i która nie jest obciążona
żadnymi powinnościami wpisanymi do hipoteki.
·ð Caveat emptor (buyer be aware)  in business of the buyer is to find structural facts. The seller must reveal facts in law.
Silence is not misrepresentation. If buyer finds something suspicious and would ask, and buyer would conceal - you can
demand/ sue for recession or sue for damages.
Mateusz Popiel
·ð Caveat Venditor (the seller be aware)
o If the seller is developer nowadays seller should also reveal certain structural defects.
·ð Chattels  buyer is protected by Commercial Code by the implying warrant of merchantability. If you buy goods from
merchants you are not obliged to check every item. Because you are protected by implied warrant of merchantability
(dorozumiana wysoka jakość).
·ð Negligence
o Failure to exercise due care
o Res ipsa loquitur  things fix for itself
żð In case of res ipsa loquitur the negligence is so obvious  there is reverse of the burden of proof  the
defendant should prove that he was not negligent.
·ð Claims arising from torts
o In Poland - expire after 3 years (3 years from the moment that injured party learned about the damage)
o After 10 years you cannot raise any claim
·ð Attractive nuisance  liability of the owner of the piece of land on which he keeps something that may attract children. If
someone keeps something in his land and it may attract children  he may liable even if the place was fenced. Attractive
nuisance may cause liability.
·ð What defenses can be exported
o Concept of the injured party
o Contributed negligence  argument of the tortfeasor. One who was injured was also negligent. Proportion of fault
may be attributed.
o Force majeure  act of god (tornado, eruption of volcano)
o Inneavible accidently  the human involvement is didactable. You did everything you should.
·ð Accuracy of terms of contract
o How it should be available.
o Sometimes the terms were kept/ The terms were fulfilled
o They were not accurate.
o Case of Riardon Smith v. Humgile Tungle Company. Riardon ordered construction of a ships. Contract was very
accurate. Ships should be constructed in yard (dok) #183. When ship has been constructed they try to reveal the
acceptance. The ship was not constructed in yard #183 but in #124. Court emphasized that the real cause was to
provide the standard, and since yard #124 was consistent with the standard, it was irrelevant and the court dismissed
the claim.
·ð Exemption clauses
o One who introduces exemption clause should do anything reasonable. The information s should be advertise in front
of the business.
o Relying on exemption clause should & .
o Liability exemption clause
Polish into English
·ð ZostanÄ… zmuszeni do poddania siÄ™ do dymisji  Government would be forced to resigned their posts (they resigned their
·ð ZwykÅ‚a wiÄ™kszoÅ›ciÄ…  by simple majority (larger proportion of votes).
o Absolute majority (50% + 1).
o Majority qualified (2/3)
Mateusz Popiel
·ð Brytyjskie prawo w przeciwieÅ„stwie do polskiego przewiduje wiÄ™ksze ulgi dla emerytów  The British law, in contrast to
polish law, provides for larger exemptions/ larger leases for the retired people.
o Unlike Polish law the British law provides for& .
o The British law in contrast to Polish law&
·ð Difference in that
·ð Ustawa z 1999 roku różni siÄ™ od tej z 2000 tym, że ta ostatnia  the law of 1999 differ in that of 2000 in that the later provides
that/ for&
·ð Przyznać. ZasiÅ‚ki przyznane poszczególnym rodzinom  The subsidies/ financial aids awarded to the respected families varied
depending on the income the respective families obtained. Subsidies awarded to&
·ð Przyznać odszkodowanie
·ð OkazaÅ‚o siÄ™, iż akty notarialne zostaÅ‚y unieważnione  Notarial deeds were found to have been nullified
·ð OkazaÅ‚ siÄ™ dobrym prawnikiem - he was fund to be a good lawyer
·ð Okoliczność, iż uchwalono wotum nieufnoÅ›ci doprowadziÅ‚a - The fact that the vote of no confidence has been adopted/past
led to/ was due to/ was caused by &
·ð Okoliczność, że - the fact that
·ð Burden of proof (ciężar dowodowy)  borne by public prosecutor.
·ð Hearsay evidence
o One that does not appeal in the court. This kind of witness is ignored. Hearsay is not advisable because you cannot
cross-examine/ doesn t qualified
·ð Crown evidence (Å›wiadek korronny)  one who is fully determine to disclose all the facts. He must be the member of the
gang. To produce perpetrators. Special protections program that is applied.
·ð Free evaluation of evidence (swobodna ocean dowodu). Judge has a lot of discretion in evaluation of evidance. You may
appeal if he makes some mistakes. There s no strict principles how to evaluate.
·ð Fruit of poisoned tree  evidence illegally obtained by prosecuting organ. They should be suppressed, unless it may be
obtained by independence source (Independence source doctrine)
·ð Grand jury
o It s business is to review every serious crime prima facie. Grand jury produce indictment (akt oskarżenia). If there s
a sufficient evidence or not. They do not decide on guild.
·ð Position of Supreme Court judges  they are independent. They cannot be record. They have to resignate by themselves.
They live very long and never resign. All of them are 9. 6 must be present to hear the case. The business is very similar in our
constitutional tribunal  check whether the law is consistent with the constitution. Judicial review  what the Supreme Court
does. The business is to find whether the law is inconsistent with US Constitution
·ð Discovery  pre trial phase, maneuver of one of the party. Pre trial action which aim of which is to get access to a lot of
documents that the other party has. The parties try to collect certain documents.
·ð Może być pociÄ…gniÄ™ty do odpowiedzialnoÅ›ci karnej  He may be brought to penal liability/ Held penal liable/ held penaly
·ð Istnieje pewna liczba przestÄ™pstw, które sÄ… Å›cigane na wniosek  There is certain number offences that are prosecuted ( sue
in civil law) on the motion of the injured party. To the prejudice (na szkodÄ™)&
·ð Votum separatum  dissenting vote
·ð Lay assessors they may outvote the judge. And then the business of the judge is to file dissenting vote in the records of the
case (protokół).
Mateusz Popiel
·ð Oskarżyciel posiÅ‚kowy  auxiliary prosecutor. One who has some interest in the case. His business is to support the
·ð Management without mandate  negotiorum gestio = agency of necessity
o You manage your neighbours affairs because he left.
·ð Lending for use (Polish  użyczenie) = the bailment (English)
·ð Przyżeczenie publiczne  public promise
o It may be revocable if you stipulate it or if you provide deadline for the performance.
·ð Minor
o Minor cannot produce the testament until he reaches the right age
o Difference between the treatment of the minor
żð In polish law he may inherit if his parents died. He may be the owner but he cannot use it
żð In british system minor cannot be the owner if he inherit real property  this piece of land is managed by
the trust (zarzÄ…d powierniczy)
·ð RÄ™kojmia za wady - warranty for the facts
o Seller may be released from liability if the buyer knew of the facts
·ð The Defendant London Theatres Limited seeks summary judgment under order 14 in relation to its counterclaim against the
Plaintiff (ABC) for rent on foot of lease between  Pozwany Korporacja Londyńskich Teatrów wnosi o wydanie wyroku w
trybie uproszczonym na podstawie przepisów rozdziału 14 w sprawie powództwa wzajemnego przeciw powodowi ABC o
zapłatę czynszu należnego z tytułu najmu
·ð To date the defendant has failed to repaired the damage  Aż do dziÅ› pozwany nie naprawiÅ‚ szkody
·ð To fail
o The witness failed to appear in the court
o The defendant failed to furnish the evidence that might support his allegations  który mógłby wesprzeć jego
·ð & injunction (nakaz uczynienia czegoÅ›, lub zakazujÄ…cy) restraining XY from making any further statement nakazujÄ…cy
powstrzymania się od jakichkolwiek oświadczeń, które dyskredytują działalność ekonomiczną
·ð Dokumenty sÄ…dowe (court papers/ filings)
o They may include: motions and statements of the parties which, when made beyond the hearing session, may be
referred to as statements of case (+ in GB) or as pleadings
o Orders of the court  postanowienia sÄ…du
·ð It is ABC Corporation s case that it was induced to conclude the contract as a result of the Defandant s fraud in failing to
disclose that the landplot in question was encumbered by right of access  Korporacja ABC twierdzi, że została nakłoniona
do zawarcia umowy, w wyniku oszustwa pozwanego polegajacego na nieujawnieniu, że rzeczona działka byłą obciążona
hipotekÄ…/ drogÄ… koniecznÄ….
·ð Injunction  nakaz uczynienia czegoÅ›, lub zakazujÄ…cy czegoÅ›
·ð PeÅ‚nomocnikiem osoby prawnej, lub przedsiÄ™biorcy w tym nieposiadajacego osbowoÅ›ci prawnej, może być również
pracownik tej jednostki, albo jej organu nadrzędnego  The function of attorney of legal person/entrepreneur including the
one that does not have the legal status may be performed by the employee of this unit/legal person/ enterpreneur or it s
superior organ
·ð Osoba prawna prowadzÄ…c, na podstawie odrÄ™bnych przepisów, obsÅ‚ugÄ™ prawnÄ… przedsiebircy, osoby prawnej lub innej
jednostki organizacyjnej może udzielić pełnomocnitwa procesowego  w imieniu podmiotu, którego obsługę prawną
prowadzi  adwokatowi lub radcy prawnemu, jeżeli została do tego upoważniona przez ten podmiot  The legal person that,
on the basis on certain provision, renders legal services to the entrepreneur, to the legal person to the entrepreneur to the legal
person or other organisation unit, may grant the private attorney on behalf to whom this party renders legal services to the
advocate or legal advisor if this legal person was authorise to do that.
·ð Legal instruction  pouczenie
Mateusz Popiel
·ð Ta dziaÅ‚alność oskarżonego legÅ‚a u podstaw  this activities of accused lay the foundations/ led to/ caused of his involvement
of organised crimes.
·ð ArtykuÅ‚y henrykowskie przewidywaÅ‚y odpowiedzialność króla za naruszenie prawa  Heinrichian articles provided for the
impeachment of the king if the king infringe the law/violate the law.
o Provided for the impeachment of the king
·ð Okoliczność, że prawo z 1992 roku pominęło kwestiÄ™ spółek z o.o.  The fact that the law of 1992 left the question of limited
liability companies unmentioned/ unsolved. Left this question unmentioned. Unsolved
·ð Czynniki, które przyczyniÅ‚y siÄ™  the factors/ the circumstances that contributed to something
·ð CoÅ› siÄ™ pojawiÅ‚o/ zaistniaÅ‚o  came to be. This phenomenon came to be in 1992
·ð Parol evidence (dowód z przesÅ‚uchania, dowód ustny z przesluchania Å›wiadka)  evidence given orally.
o The perol evidences cannot be used in substitutes of written document to contradict the written document. If the
written contract contain all terms it s not admissible given this terms by oral statements. If all terms were laid down.
It s not admissible unless you bring allegations of fraught or mistake, than you cannot contradict the terms of written
document of the witness.
·ð Leading questions  the question that lead the party to answer. They are not admissible. In English they are admissible in
cross examination.
o When you enter the room did you see VY
o Exception  if the witness prove hostile, than the court may agree
Legal English #11 (21.05.12.)
·ð PeÅ‚nomocnikiem może być żona, dziecko  The function of the attorney may be performed by the spouse, the child&
·ð Osoba prawna prowadzÄ…ca obsÅ‚ugÄ™ prawnÄ… przedsiebiorcy, innej osoby prawnej  The legal person, that renders legal
services to the entrepreneur, to legal person Może udzielić pełnomocnictwa w mieniu podmiotu, którego obsługę prawną
prowadzi  may grant private attorney, at the name of the party to whom this legal person renders legal services, and to the
advocate or to legal advisor.
·ð Leading questions
o Lawyer of the adversary party put s the question:  When you enter room did you see YX?  typical leading
o It should be:  When you enter, did you see anybody?
o One who put s the question leads the party the answer
·ð Nolo contendere  one of the possible pleads that may be apply by the accuse. Accuse is asked whether he intends to be
guilty or no guilty
o Nolo contendere - No contest
o Close to the plea of guilty. He avoid certain additional consequences.
·ð Proximate cause - such cause that in natural consequence produced the injury. Without that cause the injury will not appear
o Approximate  very similar/ close to something
·ð Nuisance  close to art. 5 kc. This is unreasonable use of your property that causes harm to another individual. There must be
reasonable use of your property. When defendant uses his land that he interferes other party s land
o Attractive nuisance  keeping on you land something that may attract children. Problem of tort. You should not
keep such kind of things.
·ð Vicarious liability  liability for others. Employer is absolutely liable for torts committed by his employee within the
contract of employment. But the employer has recourse toward employee. Employer is not liable for something beyond the
·ð Swobodne uznanie sÄ…du  discretion of the court. W ramach swobodnego uznania - The court has discretion apart
·ð Przyczynienie siÄ™  contributed negligence. The victim may also be blame for being negligence.
·ð Good will  the venue of the enterprise. Because the enterprise by arriving by years has some reputation, customers,
relationships. Good will  something that contributed with the enterprise when selling it (immaterial thing).
Mateusz Popiel
·ð Intangible property  dobra niematerialne. Has no phisicall exictance. You can prove that you are owner of them. This
may be patents, company shares (udział w przedsiębiorstwie), trademarks, designs (wzorce), copyrights  prawa autorskie.
It s transferable. Has no physical existence.
·ð Wyrok zaoczny  judgment by default.
o In default of something  z braku czegoÅ›
o In default of directives of last will  z braku wskazówek w testamencie
·ð Thing in action  things that you do not actually poses, but you have the right to demand
o Thing in poses  thing that you actually poses.
·ð Vladir  when the parties try to eliminates certain candidates from jury
·ð Powództwo  complaint.
·ð Zwracam siÄ™ uprzejmie do wysokiego sÄ…du o przyznanie mi Å›wiadczenia, o które wnoszÄ™  I respectfully apply to the court
for/ I respectfully request that this honorable court award to me relive (świadczenie) sought herein (o które tu wnoszę)
·ð We command you, that within 10 days after the service of this writ on you, exclusive of the day of such service, you cause an
appearance to be entered for you in our Court in an action at the suit of the above-mentioned Plaintiff  SÄ…d nakazuje w ciÄ…gu
10 dni od doręczenia panu tego pisma sądowego z wyłączeniem dnia, w którym panu doręczono (nie liczy się ten termin) pan
spowoduje złożenie w naszym sądzie swego powiadomienia o zamiarze skorzystania z obrony prawnej w tej sprawie z
powództwa wyżej wspomnianego powoda
o Particularly misleading
o He will file a general appearance of the defendant  On powiadomi/ zarejestruje swoje stawiennictwo/ zamiar
postÄ…pienia w tej sprawie
·ð What the defendants does? Responsive pleading: he pleads, he prepares some writ, he may file a motion to dismiss the case,
he may file counterclaim/ cross-claim (wzajemne powództwo)
·ð Discovery  part of civil litigation (doesn t appear in polish system). Very specific on Anglo-American system. The trial is
one stoke affair/episode (jednorazowy epizod). During the discovery try to set undisputable facts. They produce various
documents, admit or deny certain facts. May try suppress, exclude certain evidence. It s not carried out in the court but it s
sponsored in the court
o Depositions  statements of the parties. They are not testimonies, they are made beyond the court  in the office of
the lawyers. They are equivalent of testimonies. Each party may demand that witnesses should appear. To
discovered certain facts. This witnesses may be called subpoena  on the basis of official documents produced by
the court functionary. Depositions are taken under oath. While they are given there is court reporter who is present
and he makes transcript, record. Depositions are made by witnesses and may be read laud by court when party says
something different than in deposition.
o Depositions may be read by some reasons. The witness could not appear  he died. The scope of the discovery is
large. Party may request/file for a lot of things. Hearing session may be augured. One party put for certain option
Other party file for medical examinations. Ussualy when plaintiff claim that he was influenced by some mental
disease. The parties may demand for a lot of things.
o Intentional infliction of emotional distress. You as the defendant may demand that the party be submitted to some
medical examination. Court would consider if there is a good cause for that kind of examination. Whether a health is
a key problem. Discovery is very important part of civil proceeding. Trial is one stoke episode. Each party now
potential of other party
·ð Jak wynika z pisma zÅ‚ożonego w sÄ…dzie  As may be found/seen from the writ filed with the court/lodged with the court
·ð Uwierzytelniona kopia  certified to copy of the documents
·ð Powództwo  complain/ action&
o Powództwo o rozwód  petition for divorce
·ð WÅ‚asność dziaÅ‚ki wpisana do ksiÄ™gi wieczystej  The ownership of the land plot/ piece of land entered into Land and
mortgage register/ Perpetual book
·ð Wpis anulowano  the entry has been nullified/ has been canceled
·ð If there is a sale when the price is given in installments (raty)
o Rata przypadajÄ…ca na 1 stycznia  The installments falling due on the first of January
Mateusz Popiel
·ð ZarzÄ…d podejmuje uchwaÅ‚y 2/3 gÅ‚osów niezależnie od tego, ilu czÅ‚onków stowarzyszenia przybyÅ‚o na zebranie  The board
passes/ adopts the resolutions by 2/3 majority vote regardless of how many members arrive/ irrespective of the number who
turned up to the meeting
·ð Kiedy Å›wiadek odżegnuje siÄ™ od zeznawania, a nie ma powodów, można naÅ‚ożyć na niego grzywnÄ™ - When the witness the
fine may be imposed if he denies to testify.
·ð Wprowadzić zakaz  to imposed a ban
·ð NaÅ‚ożyć cÅ‚o na towary  imposed a duty on goods
·ð Imposed a fine on somebody  naÅ‚ożyć grzywne. Imposed a punishment  naÅ‚ożyć karÄ™
·ð Imposed a tax  naÅ‚ozyć podatek
·ð Imposed a veto  skorzystać z weta. He may veto
·ð Klauzula kontraktowa. Polskie prawo stosuje siÄ™ do wszelkich sporówwynikajacych z obecnego kontraktu  Polish law shall
apply to all disputes arising from/ resulting from this contract
o Indictive mood  tryb oznajmujÄ…cy
·ð Rodzice majÄ… prawo wychowywać swoje dzieci zgodnie ze swoimi przekonaniami  The parents have rights to rear
(wychowywać) their children in compliance/ in accordance with their own convictions.
·ð Rewizja domowa może być przeprowadzona tylko w przypadkach przewidzianych przez prawo  any search of home may be
conducted/ made only in cases specified in law
·ð OkreÅ›lony w ustawie  specified in law
·ð Business of constitutional tribunal is to check whether the law is consistent with the constitution. Because it may be
inconsistent and may be challenged (można je podważyć)
·ð Sprawa nie cierpiÄ…ca zwÅ‚oki  Urgent matter/ Matter to be settled without delay
·ð Unresolveable doubts  they can t be interpreted to the prejudice/ disadvantage of the accuse  nie mogÄ… być
interpretowane na niekorzyść oskarżonego
·ð Without prejudice to my family  bez uszczerbku dla mojej rodziny
·ð Exumption - zwolnienie
·ð SpeÅ‚nienie wymagaÅ„  meeting requirements/ fulfilling the requirements. Requirements have been fulfilled
·ð Nie speÅ‚niÅ‚ wymagaÅ„  he failed to fulfilled the requirements specified by the law.
·ð The period of time that is law specified.
·ð Termin przewidziany w ustawie  Period of time specified in law
·ð Sprawa wszczÄ™ta z powództwa Anny Kowalskiej o ustalenie stosunku najmu mieszkania  The case instituted on the bases of
the claim for the establishing of the relationship of the apartment renting, as filed by Anna Kowalska. OF THE ONE WHO FILLES THE COMPLAIN, THAN THE COMPLAINT>
·ð Część skÅ‚adowa rzeczy nie może być odrÄ™bnym przedmiotem wÅ‚asnoÅ›ci  Component part of the thing cannot be separate
object of ownership
Equivalence of polish routine phrases
·ð Jako dowód powyższego powód przedkÅ‚ada zaÅ›wiadczenie  as a proof of the above the plaintiff submites the certificate of
the land/ he furnishes...
·ð PrzedkÅ‚ada dowód, że nie zalega z czynszem na rzecz spółdzielni  He is not in arrears with his rents/ No rent that is due
by him to the housing property remains unpaid/ has been left unpaid.
·ð Umowa może być zawarta w formie przetargu ustnego lub pisemnego  The contract may be concluded by means of the
tender (przetarg) made orally or in writing
·ð Przy czym do podjÄ™cia uchwaÅ‚y potrzeba 2/3 wiÄ™kszoÅ›ci gÅ‚osów  The 2/3 majority vote being require for adopting this
·ð [..] trudnoÅ›ci, przy czym sprawy ostatecznie nie rozpoznano  There were some difficulties, the case being eventually
(ostatecznie) left unsettled. The case being eventually left unsettled. As a result of the difficulties the case has been /being
left unsettled
·ð To, co najważniejsze w tym kontekÅ›cie  What is most important in this context is the failure to fulfill requirements by the
·ð Aby osiagnąć ten cel trzeba  In order to reach this objective/ in order to arrive at this objective
Mateusz Popiel
Sławomir Mrożek   Lolo
·ð PomysÅ‚ tego czÅ‚owieka na tym wÅ‚aÅ›nie polega, że kalwisze sÄ… dwojakiego rodzaju  The idea of this man consist exactly in
this that the piece are two fault character
·ð Dlaczego mi nigdy nie udaje siÄ™ nacisnąć odpowiedniego klawisza - Why I m never capable of/ able to pressing the right key
·ð Tylko tym, że Lolo umie a ja nie umiem- Only by the fact that Lolo knows how to do that and I don t
·ð Aby nie zginać z gÅ‚odu muszÄ™ sobie radzić  To prevent myself from being starved/ to avoid starvation I must cope with/ deal
with the thing in the other way
·ð Zaledwie wystarcza mi ta odrobina gÅ‚upiego rozumu który posiadam, żeby to pojąć i ocenić This small piece of intellect is
hardly sufficient& to convince the court to believe that
·ð Lolo chetnie dyskutuje na ogólne tematy - Lolo willingly discuses the general topics
·ð Moja misja to udowodnić, ze jesteÅ›my zdolni do objÄ™cia wÅ‚adzy nad Å›wiatem  The mission I m expected to discharged is to
prove that we are capable of seizing/exercising power
·ð SÅ‚użebność gruntowa  if not exercise expires. One who doesn t exercise his right may loose it.
·ð WÅ‚aÅ›nie na oceanie jest niebezepicznie  It s exactly on the ocean where it is dangerous
Polish instruction to the party
·ð Z jakich Å›rodków nastÄ…piÅ‚ zakup dziaÅ‚ek #145, 140 - What where the means that allowed for the purchase of the land plot
number 145
·ð Jaka byÅ‚a pomoc uczestnika w budowie domu po jego wyjezdzie do USA  What was the assistance of the plaintiff rendered
for the construction of the house after his leaving for USA (He left for England/ USA)
·ð Dalczego na niektórych przekazach pieniężnych figuruje nazwisko Zenona Nowaka  Why on some money orders they may
be found the name of Zenon Nowak
·ð NastÄ™pna sprawa, która wymaga omówienia  The next matter that requires the discussion.
·ð Zastrzegamy sobie prawo rozwiÄ…zania tej umowy bez wypowiedzenia w przypadku  We reserve our right to terminate this
contract without notice.
·ð Wchodzi w zycie z dniem  Comes into force on
·ð Poza sytuacjami uregulowanymi inaczej w art. 13  Apart from the situations/ Barring the situations that are& / apart from
the situation that are regulate in article 13
·ð Anna Kowalska zwana dalej kupujÄ…cÄ…  Anna Kowalska hereinafter reffered to as the buyer.
·ð Roszczenie stanie siÄ™ wymagalne z chwilÄ… dokonania wpisu & do ksiÄ™gi wieczystej - The claim shall become enforceable at
the moment the entry about the buyer as a owner has been entered into land and mortgage register
·ð SÄ…d ocenia z uwzglÄ™dnieniem zasad nauki i jego osobistego doÅ›ciwdczenia  The judge adjudicates with due regard to the
principles of science, logic and his own personal experience
·ð The judge may be outvoted by the lay assessor. On this occasion, he should file with the record of the case this dissenting
vote  Sędzia może być przegłosowany przez ławników. Wówczas powinien zgłosić votum separatum do protokołu.
·ð ZwykÅ‚y skÅ‚ad sÄ…dowy - The regular adjudicative penal. SkÅ‚ada siÄ™ z jednego sÄ™dziego i dwóch Å‚awników - Is composed by
one judge and two lay assesors
·ð Wniosek o wotum nieufnoÅ›ci skÅ‚ada siÄ™ w Polsce wiÄ™kszoÅ›ciÄ… 2/3  In Poland the motion for the vote of no-confidence is
filled by at least 2/3
·ð RzÄ…d podaÅ‚ siÄ™ do dymisji  The government resigned their posts.
Legal English #12 (28.05.12.)
·ð Polish into English, fragments of Wojcik s essentials (e.g. consideration, full faith credit clauses)
·ð Polish into english
·ð If there s a foreigner and the court couse a fine and Attorney calls him for certain documents. Certain period is given to him
within he should do that. If this period expires innefectively that case&
o Sąd może uznać, że pisma skierowane do tej osoby będą dołączane do akt ze skutkiem doręczenia  the writs that are
addresses to the party shall be enclosed to the files of the case with the effect of being served.
Mateusz Popiel
·ð When the party is left certain period of time. Nie powinno upÅ‚ynąć wiÄ™cej, niż 6 miesiÄ™cy do momentu kiedy strona
dowiedziała się, że została wyznaczona na spadkobiercę  Prevent. The period of time that would prevent laps of six months
period from the moment the party learned of this party s appointment. To prevent the laps of six months.
o Dowiedzieć się  to learn
Paul Wlodkowic speech.
·ð Nadane przywileje  granted/ confirmed upon. Przywileje nadane krzyżakom  Privileges grantem to the Tutone knights/
confirmed upon
·ð Postanowienia Soboru ToledaÅ„skiego rozciÄ…gajÄ… siÄ™ na wszystkich niewiernych  Provisions of the Toledo Councel apply in
all in general/ to everobody
·ð Apply  notarial deeds.
o Polskie prawo będzie się stosować do wszelkich sporów  Polish law shall apply to all disputes arising from this
Nihil novi
·ð Jako, że prawa ogólne dotyczÄ… każdego  Since the general laws apply to everybody and not to the single individual.
·ð Nic nowego nie bÄ™dzie uchwalane, co by byÅ‚o ku uciążeniu Rzeczpospolitej.  Nothing new what would be detrimental
(uciążenie) to the Republic/ to the disadvantages to the Republic shall be adopted by the deputies/senators sitting in the lower
·ð Pouczenie  instruction
·ð JeÅ›li wyznaczony prawem termin upÅ‚ynie. Wyznaczony przez sÄ…d termin  The period of time specified by the court. Court 
specified period of time lapses ineffectively.
·ð Pisma sÄ…dowe  court writs
·ð PeÅ‚nomocnikiem może być  The function of the attorney may be performed by advocate, legal advisor, spouse
·ð OkazaÅ‚o siÄ™  was found to be/ proved to be/ turn out to be/
o Dokumenty okazały się sfałszowane  The documents were found to have been falsified
o Dokumenty okazały się niepodpisane - The documents were found to be left unsigned
·ð Nexus causalis
o Nadmierne uzycie chemikaliów powoduje skażenie gleby co&  The excessive use of chemicals causes/ leads to/ is
responsible for/ brings about damage/
o The contamination of the soil is due to/ caused by/ brought by excessive use of chemicals
·ð Causitive use of have
·ð Daj te próbki do zbadania w zakÅ‚adzie medycyny sÄ…dowej  Have these samples examined in the Forensic Institute
·ð Każ sobie to przynieść na tacy - Have it brought on trace
·ð Daj ten tekst do przetÅ‚umaczenia na hiszpaÅ„ski  Have this text translated into Spanish
·ð Każ przeszukać lokal mieszkalny  Have the dwelling serached
·ð See to it  dopilnuj tego
o See to it that this document (should) be signed  Dopilnuj tego, by ten dokument został podpisany
o Dopilnuje tego, by sąd dokonał wpisu do - See to it that the Court (should) make an entry in the Perpetual
Book, therby informing everybody that proceedings for usucaption are pending
When + past participle
·ð Przedmiot po starannym zbadaniu okazaÅ‚ siÄ™  The object, when thoroughly examined, was found to be the gun which
someone fired
·ð These objects, when left beyond the reach of  te przedmioty, jeżeli pozostawi siÄ™ je poza zasiÄ™giem wpÅ‚ywu czynników
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·ð Gdy mÅ‚odocianego przestÄ™pce, pozostawi siÄ™ poza wpÅ‚ywem mediów - The juvenile criminal when left beyond the influence
the crime generating media may improve/ may sees to misbehave
Nominative absolute
·ð Te dokumenty zostaÅ‚y wystawione w kancelarii Morris & Morris Å›wiadczy o tym - These documents were produced in Morris
and Morris Notary s Office. What testifies to this is the legal style in which they were formulated, the style being fairly
awkward (incompetent)
·ð Przedstawiono 5 dokumentów, ostatni nie byÅ‚ niepodpisany - the last being left unsigned
·ð PrzyszÅ‚o 5 osób, ostatnia przyszÅ‚a o 5 - The 5 individuals arrive, the last one arriving at 5 pm.
·ð PowoÅ‚ani do spadku sÄ…  Those appointed to inherit spouse children. W równych częściach - in equal shares
·ð Pod warunkiem, że współmałżonek dostanie nie mniej niż ź - Provided that the spouse would not get less than 1/4
·ð JeÅ›li pominiÄ™ci w testamencie najblizszu - If the closes relatives were left unmentioned/ omitted they are entitled to claim the
legitim  mają prawo żądać zachowku
o Legitim  The right of the dependents (british) = Maintenance
o Estate  majątek spadkowy (law of succesion) / Plain English  nieruchomość, działka, nieruchomość
o They have the right to be maintained
·ð Discretion  swobodne uznanie. The court takes into consideration their previous knowledge. Whether there are minor or
not. They have the right. When they have omitted then they are entitled to claim maintenance. The could be disinherited.
There s list of the argument which testator should use while: persistent neglecting of family duties/ when he misbehaves/ he
persistently behaves that contradicts with principles of life (zasady współżycia społecznego).
o Testator may invoke
o If he commit intentional offence against testator.
·ð Declaring the heir unworthy (niegodny)  you may apply to the court to declare somebody unworthy.
o If the hair educe the decease, testator by threat to draw up certain type of testament.
o Unworthy heir  it s excluded from succession. Tak jakby umarł wcześniej przed otwarciem spadku  as if he had
·ð W braku wstÄ™pnych  In the absence of heir/ descendents.
·ð Declaration of intent  it can t be made into must be made free
o When you learn that person operate under threat  he may avoid consequences.
o Duress (American English  violence, threat
o Undue influence  threat. Separation undue influence and dures. Special relationship between two parties that
may raise suspicion that some relationship may be made between stronger and weaker party. The pressure on
weaker party (doctor  patient/ priest  person). This presumption must be rebutted by showing that no pressure was
deserved. The person has full access to legal advice.
o Error generated by the other party  misrepresentation. You may even demand recession of the contract.
żð You found the car is 5 years older. Other party proves that is innocent  he prove that documents were
falsified earlier. You may sue for the tort of deceived. Or you may use the argument that the terms of the
contract were not being fulfilled. You may either sue for the deceived. The terms of the contract were not
fulfilled  when you sue for damages. Suing for the recession must be done promptly. You may incorporate
misrepresentation into a contract. That the terms of the contract were
·ð Uberrimae fidei contract  there are some contract that parties are bound within duty to enclose the whole truth.
'Uberrimae Fidei Contract' - A legal agreement requiring the highest standard good faith. "Uberrimae fidei" or "uberrima fides" is Latin for "utmost
good faith." Insurance contracts are the most common type of uberrimae fidei contract. Because the insurance company agrees to share the risk of
loss with the policyholder, it is imperative that the policyholder act in good faith by fully disclosing all information that affects the insurance
company's level of risk. Full disclosure allows the insurer to protect itself by charging the policyholder a premium that accurately reflects the level of
risk it is undertaking or even refusing to issue a policy if the risk is too high.
o For example: Contract of insurance  party must filling up the form. Insurance company may sue insure company
for recession if the party lies that he smoked only for 5 years.
o Exception  caveat emptor  the buyer doesn t have to reveal all the facts. It apply to selling of the land.
o Implied warrant of merchantability  normal products
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o Caveat venditor  applies those who are engage to selling homes  developers. They should reveal to the potential
buyer certain structure of the facts. Such effects that have effect on the contruction but would not be revealed by the
man of the street. If they don t they may be sued.
o The problem of the form of the contract.
·ð Problem of the form stipulated with the form of nullity
o Notarial deed  things fix for itself. Each time the notarial deed is apply it s under pain of nullity.
o Formal writing is require. In a lot of cases formal writing is required for evidentiary purposes.
·ð Sale of land
o What are the remedies if the form in writing or of notarial deed has been ignored? (exam)
·ð Usucaption  the period (20/ 30 of years  good or bad faith). Should see to it into the court that period of proceeding for
usucaption are pending.
·ð The polish system calls this individual who occupies the land  the autonomous possessor. British called him  adverse
possessor (his illegal, dziki locator).
o From the perspective of trespass the land.
o It s no longer actionable. The adverse possessor may apply to the court for granting the land. He may file motion for
granting the title.
·ð Close to polish solution  art. 231  Part-performance (british)
o The investment in the piece of land that you re not the owner, you have made some structures. You may apply to the
court for granting that you are in good faith
o Part performance  somebody is not the legal owner of the piece of land but he makes some investments and then if
there are some other proves he may imply to the court that this seller should transfer.
o Specific performance  świadczenie w naturze. The buyer would not be satisfy if he received the amount of money,
he a want specific performance.
·ð Adverse possessor is protected by actio possesoria  action against anybody that interferes into his occupation of land. The
court doesn t study the titles of land, but only who was the last possessor
·ð Art. 357^, 358^ kc - rebus sic stantibus  the dramatic change of circumstances. Particular difficulties in making the
performance. Considerable loss. The party may apply for either recession. For recession or for dissolution.
o 358^ - performance is from the being pecuniary one (pieniężne) and there is dramatic change of money value. He
should have inserted into contract the revalorization clauses.
o Anglo American equivalent  discharged the contract by frustration  phenomenal of larger scale. It covers also
what is 387, 471 kc  cases of impossibility. 471  for reasons for which the debitor is not liable (performance has
become impossible, storm break down  he may no longer make the performance). Physical impossibility,
subsequent (następcze).
·ð Discharged contract by frustration
·ð 357  commercial impractibility. When because of dramatic change of circumstances the carrying out of the contract is
commercially impractical. Example of Mr. Biggs v. Maritime Corp. Biggs rented a bout from Maritime. The corporation
should be kept in good repaire (w dobrym stanie). When Mr Biggs was loading other boat damage the boat he ordered.
Repairing the boat would cost more than a new one. Contract has become commercial impracticable and he will feel free. It s
version of rebus sic stantibus.
·ð Art. 388  wyzysk. Similar thing. British  unconscionable contract. Very rarely resulted to  bardzo rzadko stosowany.
·ð PeÅ‚nomocnik procesowy  attorney ad litem
·ð Unconsinibility of contract  two cases of unconsibility: Ms Voke v. Marriage studio. They provide the idea smuggled in
o Compensate v. ??. Carrot for farmers. Farmers have no possibility of any maneuver. They found for recession for
the contract.
Certain typical contracts
·ð Show some compability of discussing
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·ð Understand the loan
·ð Difference between loan and leas.
·ð Loan  objects, things define as to their kind. Certain proportion of mineral bottles. In the contract of loan the borrower has
the& The object when is lend it s money. It s consensual contract. If the lender would delay the borrower may sue him. If
the parties forgotten to specified the time  than the civil code provision apply. Six weeks period that would be left to return
from the moment that lender notice that he want to return.
·ð Lending for use  the lender obligates himself to allow borrower& In case of loan  the loan may be given without interest.
In lending for use, the thing that is given is defined by it s identity. Defined as to it s identity. Warrantee of the things.
Lender cannot demand the many for giving many  that would turn into lease (and it s different contract).
o If the lease transfer into real estate and the contract and the parties ignored form in writing then this kind of contract
would be concluded
Leas and tenancy
o The leaser allow the leas
o The tenant is allow to use and collect foods  which is not allowed in lease.
·ð Lengths of donation. The contract of donation. Form of the donation. The donor obligates himself to made the gratuities
performance (it may be service). The form is the form of notarial deed. If something is not a real estate  if you make a
promise and you materialize the promise it s is valid when you materialize that promise. It s revocable. Revocability 
commission the act of glaring in gratitude donee v. donor. Within one year. When donor went into serious financial
difficulties  it may be revoke. Donor has been incapacitated.
·ð Dissolution of the contract.
·ð If the donation has been revoked  the donation should be return along the lines of unjust enrichment.
o Unjust enrichment - Benefit  not legally justify. Not intended as a gift. Person must return it.
·ð Co-ownership
o Infranctional shares  if you own things with others. You have to have concept of everybody. 50% may apply to the
court for recession. The proportion is computed according to the value of the shares, not to the value of co-owners.
·ð If Mr Kowalski land is treated by flooding. And you take some measures to take his things  management without mandate.
What you spend  it s outlease. And you have right to demand them. British equivalent  agencies of necessity
·ð Mandate  the mandatory obligates himself to performed definite act in law for the mandatory. According to art. 750 the
provision of mandate apply correspondingly on the contract of performing services (zlecenie).
·ð Contract of specific work and contract of specific work  contract of result. You may sue someone who is obliged to
produced the work.
·ð Contract of performing services. You are do not liable for result of performance
·ð Claims resulting from the contract of specific
o They are barred by the limitation of two years
o Claims are barred by the limitation of 2 years  podlegają przedawnieniu w ciągu dwóch lat
·ð Legal capacity of legal person. Capacity to make legal transaction. When person went missing  certain perion to inform  10
years from the last information.
·ð Law creation phraseology
o Laws are adopted by parliament/ passed by parliament/ created, produced
o Act  ustawa
o Statute  polskie ustawy. Statutory law  prawo stanowione.
·ð Sale of the things. Thing defined as to their identity. When it s ownership is transferee. The ownership is being transferred
on the moment the parties is signing the contract. When to their kind  on the moment of delivery.
·ð Responded superior  let the master answer  vicarious liability  liability of others.
o Employer  employee. Employer is liable by torts resulted by employee action. The fact that he ignores the
instruction  it doesn t matter. Only if the employee does something not connected with the contract.
żð Plumber still watch  employer is not liable.
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·ð Res ipsa loquitur  things fix for itself. Fault that is executed to the tortfeasor that there is no doubt, the plaintiff doesn t
need to prove anything. Cake do not normally contain stones. There is reversal the burden of prove  now the defendant has
to prove that his not negligence. The plane do not normally
Legal English #13 (4.06.12.)
·ð Translating passages from polish into English
·ð Discuss some polish civil code concepts  those that were discussed, an which are marked
·ð Review what is given in fragment s of Mark Wójcik  essential of legal English  Margin (consideration, commerce clause)
·ð Useful phrases
·ð ZÅ‚ożyÅ‚em powódtwo w sÄ…dzie przeciwko sprawcy deliktu  I lodged a complaint against the tortfeasor
·ð Sprawca deliktu jest odpowiedzialny  Torfeasor is liable for the demage that the other party had suffered/ losses that other
party was incurred
·ð Umowy po zawarciu winny być dokonane  The contracts when concluded should be abided by
·ð Poszkodowany może dochodzić swoich roszczeÅ„ (to sue)  The injured party may sue the other party for something.
·ð SÄ…d ma dużą swobodÄ™ uznania czy odszkodowanie powinno być wydane  The court has a lot of discretion whether the
damages should be awarded to injured party Or not/
o Damages - odszkodowanie
żð Should be awarded  przyznane
·ð Żądam, żeby szkoda byÅ‚a naprawiona  I demand that the damage be repaired
·ð Żądam  I demand damages
o I demand that the demages should be
·ð Ciężar dowodowy  The onus probandi/ the burden of proof is burden by the plaintiff. The burden of proof rests on the
o It may be reverse  like in res ipa loquitur. This is obvious that the defendant is negligent
·ð SÄ…d kasacyjny może utrzymać (may uphold the decision of the lower instance ir reverse/ quash) i przekazać sprawÄ™  may
refer the case to the lower court for reexamination
·ð Nexus causalis
o Szkoda jest spowodowana  Is caused by/ is brought by/ is due to (excessive use of chemicals is due to)
·ð Po znowelizowaniu ustawa okazaÅ‚a siÄ™  The law when amended proved to be very effective/ When amended the law proved
to be
·ð Dokumenty okazaÅ‚y siÄ™ sfaÅ‚szowane - the documents were found to be falsified
·ð RzÄ…d podaÅ‚ siÄ™do dymisji  government resigned their posts
·ð Congress  without  the . Only congress can declared war - tylko kongres może wypowiedzieć wojnÄ™.
·ð ZwoÅ‚ywanie, rozwiÄ…zywanie, kadencji
o Zwoływnaie  has been summoned
o Kadencja  the term of office of the parliament
o RozwiÄ…zany - dissolution
·ð Dziecku nie można przypisać posiadania wystarczajÄ…cej Å›wiadomoÅ›ci co do szkodliwoÅ›ci czynu  The child is believed to be
not having sufficient mens rea. The child is believed to not having sufficient understanding
·ð Unless the law privides otherwise  chyba, że ustawa stanowi inaczej
·ð Oskarżony  he make statements. He doesn t testify. Only the witness testify. Giving pledge  being sworn
o He doesn t give a pledge
o In british system when he adopts the position of the witness he may turn into the witness in his own case. But then
he may be cross-examine
·ð Wyrok zaoczny  default judgment
·ð In the absence of the descendents. Who s apointent to inherit
·ð In the absence of testimony of the witness
·ð Zwracam siÄ™ o stwierdzenie nabycia spadku  I apply for ascertainment of the aqusition of inheritance from John Brown
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·ð Sprawa wszczÄ™ta w oparciu o powództwo
·ð Powództwo o ustalenie stosunku najmu mieszkania. Czynszu  The case instituted/ commance on the basis of the complaint
for the establishing of apairtnent retting as filed
·ð Typical question in writ: Czy uznaje pan powództwo  Whether you acknowledge (accept) the claim and if not jakie
przedstawia pan zarzuty  what objections you raises and what evidence you submit/ furnish to support you objections  na
poparcie swoich zarzutów
·ð PowoÅ‚ani do spadku  those appointed to inherit
·ð Declared unworthy  uznany za niegodnego za pozostaÅ‚ych spadkobierców. When the other heirs may apply to the court for
declaring on of them unworthy
·ð PominiÄ™ty w testamencie  one that was left unmentioned/ omitted in the testament. Their entitled to claim their legitime
·ð Na mocy  by virtue of/ in accordance with/ in compliance with/ on the basis of statutory law (na mocy ustawy)
·ð Jak podawaÅ‚ w art. 15  As specified in art. 15/ As laid down in art. 15/ As provided for in art. 15
·ð Nie znaleziono  no sufficient evidence has been found.
·ð Sprawa zostaÅ‚a umorzona  tha hs has been discontinued
·ð SÄ…d rozpatruje apelacje  The court hears the appeals of the decisions of the court
·ð ZostaÅ‚ skazany  was condemned
·ð OdbyÅ‚ karÄ™  was served his sentenced
·ð Sprawa zostaÅ‚a nierozstrzygniÄ™tÄ…  the case was left unsettled due to insufficient evidence.
·ð Nie może to naruszać praw osób - this cannot interfear with infringe the rights
·ð SÄ…d wzywa pana do zÅ‚ożenia oÅ›wiadczenia  The Court calls on you to make a statement whether you acknowledge the
complaint and if not what objucions you raise against the allegations of the claim and what proves you sibmit/ furnish
·ð Przepisy art sÄ… stosowane odpowiednio  The provisions art. 15 correspondingly apply (appropriatly) of rendly sufficis
·ð Znajduje siÄ™ w obrÄ™bie jurysdykcji  Is within the competence of the court.
·ð Po upÅ‚ywie wyznaczonego przez sÄ…d terminu  After the passing of the period of time specified by court
·ð Jakiekolwiek naruszenie prawa do swobody wypowiedzi oskarżonego prowadzi do naruszenia  any infingemnt of the right
of the accuse to free expression leds to the presumption that they may have affected the decision of the court. It may be good
argument of the cassation.
·ð Presumption may be rebutted. Rebutteble
·ð Obalenie weta  overriding. May be overrided
·ð Fragment of the Norial deed reffering to the sale of real property. OÅ›wiadczajÄ…, że  The sellers states the real property is free
of any encouveranges including the statutory morgate. Nie ujawnione w księdze  non discole in landed mortgage register.
·ð Åšwiadkowi postawiono zarzut  The witness is blamed for being dishonest/ for dishonest presentation of courts events
·ð By simpe majority vote
·ð Niezaleznie od przybyÅ‚ych na zebranie  The resolutions are taking by simple majority vote regardless the number of those
·ð Partnerzy w spółce przewidzianej w kc spółce  The partners are jointly and several
·ð Niniejszym nadajemy XY przywilej  Priviliges were granted/ confirmed. Hereby we granted the privilege that exumpt him
·ð Why the leas of things is so important?
o Burdend and profits connected on thing. On the moment of the releas of the thing. They devolved upon the buyer 
przechodzÄ… na kupujÄ…cego.
o If the thing is expected to be sold to other place. If it s professional carrying the things.
o If the thing is expected sent to other place  releas.
o Bill of lading  list przewozowy
·ð Minors. 13-18  partial capacity to perform legal transactions. Adult who made the contract with the adult. He may specified
the date. If the perios of time leps ineffectively  the adult is free from the part of his obligation.
·ð Limitations of claims. After the period has expired the deter doesn t have to performe his duty unless he want s. The claims
are inforceable. He may renounce the time the defense of limitations (argument z przedawnienia). Period of limitation varies
(1-10 years). The period of limitation for periodical  4 years
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·ð The running of the period of limitation may be interrupted by any at of the court or other agencies and the act. The purpose of
which is to vindicate the claim. The act before the court may interrupted the period of limitations.
·ð The acknowledgment by the one who is defendant  he also interrupts the time of the period of limitation.
·ð Misinpurse. Period declaring such person dead depends on the circumstances. Period is long  10 years. Due to disaster  the
period is short
·ð Rebus sic stantibus. Be capable describing basic factors  enforceable at the moment of concuding of the contract.
Perfirmence face difficulties. One of the parties is threatened of substancial loss. You may apply for the change of dissolution
of the contract. The performance is from the beginning the pecuniary 357^ - you may apply for change of the amount. The
entrepreneur is a little bit discriminate  he cannot exploid from rebus sic stantibus.
o Revalorisation clauses
·ð Equivalent of rebus sic stanitibus  discharged the contract by frustration. It cover a lot of situation that are regulated by the
concept of impossibility
o 357^ - commercial impractibility  whole contract become non-sense
·ð Usucaption  requiring the ownership of the thing. What is close to that in anglo American  aqusitive prescribtion of land
due to long occupying. Adverse possession  polish authonomous possessor (he is not an owner but he actually posses, he
may apply to the court that would apply him the title of the owner). It s 20 or 30 years depending on whether he was in good
or bad faith
·ð Sale of land.
o In polish  unconditional. No reservation of time limit
o Anglo American  fee simple absolute. May fully dispose of their real property.
·ð Donation. Major factors. The definition. By contract of.. one party do this.. other party do this. Donations is contract consist
in this that& one party..other party. It consists in this  polega na  that the doner obligate himself to made gratuities
performance for the donee from his. This should be done in the form of notarial deed unless there s made a promise and it is
o Possibility of revoking: act of the donee  drastic ingratitude. Donor may revoke. Donation has been concluded but
not affected and donor has financial difficulties.
o Dissolution as cosed by incapasitation of the donor  he made a donatin and he was incapacitated and there might be
something wrong with is mind.
o Short period of time to react if he want to declare act of gluring/ drastic ingratitude is commited.
·ð Annuity (dożywocie)  contract of annuity. Subject is always real property. You have the transferor. He obligate to transfer
the ownership of real property to the transferee for food, accommodation, medical care.It may be dissolved when they hardly
tolerate one another. It s within the discretion of the court.
·ð Fractional shares  everything depends on the act of one coowner. If it does  he should get a concept of everybody. If he
doesn t he should mobilize shares of those who has at leas half. Majorities are calculated according to the size of shares.
·ð Ograniczone prawa rzeczowe  limited property rights. Private servitutes. Other land is dominant. Dominant land passages
& right of access (droga konieczna). May be aquire by usucaption. May also expire for not having been exercise. If he
ignores that  he may loose it.
·ð Exercise  power is exercise. Due care may be exercise.
o Anlgo American equivalent  easement. Profits upon
·ð Mortgage consist in encumbering real estate with the right of the creditor.
·ð Lucrum cessans  lost profits. Profits that could have been obtained if it have not occurred.
·ð Damnum emergens  factual damages
·ð Partnership  major goal is commercial, for commercial reasons. It s commercial goal. They can arrange their partnership
unless it is the lionize company.
o One of the owner cannot be reduced to no profits.
o Liability of the partners  joined and several
o The owner may sue one of them or all of them. If he sues one of them, than the parneships owes him. If one parter
pays he has the recourse.
·ð Definition of thing
o To their kind
o To their identity
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o Loan  either money either things idended by their kind.
o Lending for use  things defind by their identity
o Regural warrantier of the thing  thing use in regural way.
·ð Succesion of land
o To be appointed to inherit
o Those appointed to inherit. The child and spouse inherit in equal shares.
o Holographic testament  produced without any witnesses (in Britain you reaquire). Just the handwriting.
o If it s testate succession but some close relatives were left unmentioned they are entitle to raise the claim that they
are legitime. They may clam for ½ from what they would have received by virtue of statutory succession
·ð Dissinheritance  the testator may raise the argument. Polega na wyeliminowaniu  Consist the closest relatives from getting
legitime. Causes of the legitime are serious. Intentional offence commited against the testator.
·ð Mark Wójcik. Constitutional law, etc  only
o Tresspass  entry into somebody elses land. Stay there without permission. It can turn into adverse possessor.
Tresspass is dangerous.
·ð Lines of pleading. If the complain has been served on the defendant  he may demand to the claim to be dismissed. He may
deny some facts. He may file a counterclaim/ crossclaim.
·ð Constitutional law. Few concepts  judicial review  right of the supreme court whther the law adopted by congress is
consistent with the constitution.
o Secretery s of state are not allowe to take a form  deliver speeches. The ministers are not sitting in congress. They
cannot come to congress and deliver speeches
o Commerce clause  is the method of enlarging the legislative competence of congress. The competence of congress
is limited  only to those enlisted in constitution. The commerce clause pronounces that everything that refers to
intestate commerce is entitled to Congress. This is sometimes dishonest. It land sometime before the supreme court.
Gus Free School Act  this law as adopted was challenged  and the Supreme court decided that the party was
right. Guns Free school act was not connected with interstate commerce
o Presidential massage  president is formally deprived from legislative initiatives. Has no rights to introduce bills.
But he smuggles this rights under the massages and it turns into srious bills
o The veto may be overrited.
żð Regural veto
żð Pocket veto  cannot be overrated. President is left with 10 days of time to react. He may veto or sign it.
But if within this time they occure ajourmend of session  the bill is killed if the president doesn t signed.
·ð RPP  Resonable Prove Person  hypothetical person. This allows you to find the reactions for regural individual. This
provides the standard for the plaintiff.
·ð Hearsay rule  Is the one that doesn t appear to the court but hisword are hearing. He cannot be subjected to cross-
Res ipsa loquitur - In the common law of negligence, the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur (Latin for "the thing speaks for itself")
states that the elements of duty of care and breach can be sometimes inferred from the very nature of an accident or other outcome,
even without direct evidence of how any defendant behaved. Although modern formulations differ by jurisdiction, the common
law originally stated that the accident must satisfy the following conditions:
1. A "duty" exists for a person to act "reasonably"; and
2. A "breach" of this duty occurs because a person [or agency, etc.] acted outside this duty, or "unreasonably"; and
3. There was "causation in fact"...the result would not have occurred "but for" the "breach" of this duty;
4. There was actual legally recognizable harm suffered by the plaintiff who did nothing wrong (i.e., no contributory negligence).
Upon a proof of res ipsa loquitur, the plaintiff need only establish the remaining two elements of negligence namely, that
the plaintiff suffered harm, of which the incident result was the legal cause.
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Hot pursuit (or emergency) doctrine - (realizowane na gorÄ…co) A doctrine that provides that the police may enter the premises
where they suspect a crime has been committed without a warrant when delay would endanger their lives or the lives of others and
lead to the escape of the alleged perpetrator; also sometimes called fresh pursuit.
Part performance  substitutes of note of memorandum. Part-Performance (częściowe wykonanie/świadczenie częściowe)
doctrine is an equitable principle that allows a court to recognize and enforce an oral contract despite its legal deficiencies. It provides
a way around the statutory bar to the enforcement of an oral contract. By applying the part performance doctrine, a party can establish
the existence of a contract despite the lack of any written evidence. Generally, without written evidence a contract does not satisfy the
formal requirements set by legislatures under their statutes of frauds. The doctrine of part performance is an exception to this. This
doctrine allows failure to comply with the statute of frauds to be overcome by a party's execution, in reliance on an opposing party's
oral promise, of an oral contract's requirements. Nonetheless, a party must still meet the burden of proving the existence of the
contract by clear and convincing evidence.
MEMORANDUM OR NOTE. These words are use in the 4th section of the statute 29 Charles II., c. 3, commonly called the statute of
frauds and perjuries, which enact, that "no action shall be brought whereby to charge any person upon any agreement made upon
consideration of marriage, or upon any contract or sale of lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or any interest in or concerning them,
unless the agreement upon which such action shall he brought, or some memorandum or note thereof, Shall be in writing,"
Specific performance (wykonanie szczególne) is an order of a court which requires a party to perform a specific act, usually
what is stated in a contract. It is an alternative to award/ for awarding damages, and is classed as an equitable remedy commonly used
in the form of injunctive relief concerning confidential information or real property. While specific performance can be in the form of
any type of forced action, it is usually used to complete a previously established transaction, thus being the most effective remedy in
protecting the expectation interest of the innocent party to a contract. It is usually the opposite of a prohibitory injunction but there are
mandatory injunctions which have a similar effect to specific performance.
Under the common law, specific performance was not a remedy, with the rights of a litigant being limited to the collection of
damages. However, the court of equity developed the remedy of specific performance as damages often could not adequately
compensate someone for the inability to own a particular piece of real property, land being regarded as unique. Specific performance
is often guaranteed through the remedy of a right of possession, giving the plaintiff the right to take possession of the property in
dispute. However, in the case of personal performance contracts, it may also be ensured through the threat of proceedings
for contempt of court.
Orders of specific performance are granted when damages are not an adequate remedy, and in some specific cases such as land sale.
Such orders are discretionary, as with all equitable remedies, so the availability of this remedy will depend on whether it is appropriate
in the circumstances of the case.
Promissory estoppel n. when a person makes a false statement to another and the listener relies on what was told to him/her in
good faith and to his/her disadvantage. In order to see that justice is done a court will treat the statement as a promise, and in a trial the
judge will preclude the maker of the statement from denying it. Thus, the legal inability of the person who made the false statement to
deny it makes it an enforceable promise called "promissory estoppel," or an "equitable estoppel." Example: Bernie Blowhard tells
Arthur Artist that Blowhard has a contract to make a movie and wants Artist to paint the background scenery in return for a percentage
of the profits. Artist paints, and Blowhard then admits he needed the scenery to try to get a movie deal which fell through and there are
no profits to share. Artist sues and the judge finds that Blowhard cannot deny a contract with Artist and gives Artist judgment for the
value of his work.
In the law of contracts, the doctrine that provides that if a party changes his or her position substantially either by acting or
forbearing from acting in reliance upon a gratuitous promise, then that party can enforce the promise although the essential elements
of a contract are not present.
Certain elements must be established to invoke promissory estoppel. A promisor one who makes a promise makes a gratuitous
promise that he should reasonably have expected to induce action or forbearance of a definite and substantial character on the part of
the promisee one to whom a promise has been made. The promisee justifiably relies on the promise. A substantial detriment that
is, an economic loss ensues to the promisee from action or forbearance. Injustice can be avoided only by enforcing the promise.
A majority of courts apply the doctrine to any situation in which all of these elements are present. A minority, however, still restrict its
applicability to one or more specific situations from which the doctrine emanated, such as when a donor promises to transfer real
property as a gift and the donee spends money on the property in reliance on the promise.
Mateusz Popiel
With respect to the measure of recovery, it would be unfair to award the plaintiff the benefit of the bargain, as in the case of an express
contract, since there is no bargain. In a majority of cases, however, injustice is avoided by awarding the plaintiff an amount consistent
with the value of the promise. Other cases avoid injustice by awarding the plaintiff only an amount necessary to compensate her for
the economic detriment actually suffered.
Caveat emptor is Latin for "Let the buyer beware." Generally, caveat emptor is the property law doctrine that controls the sale
of real property after the date of closing. Under the doctrine of caveat emptor, the buyer could not recover from the seller for defects
on the property that rendered the property unfit for ordinary purposes. The only exception was if the seller actively concealed latent
defects or otherwise made material misrepresentations amounting to fraud.
Before statutory law, the buyer had no warranty ensuring the quality of goods. In many jurisdictions the law requires that goods must
be of "merchantable quality" [citation needed]. However, this implied warranty can be difficult to enforce and may not apply to all
products. Hence, buyers are still advised to be cautious.
Caveat venditor is Latin for "let the seller beware." It is a counter to caveat emptor and suggests that sellers can also be deceived
in a market transaction. This forces the seller to take responsibility for the product and discourages sellers from selling products of
unreasonable quality.
In the landmark case of MacPherson v. Buick Motor Co. (1916), New York Court Appeals Judge Benjamin N. Cardozo established
thatprivity of duty is no longer required in regard to a lawsuit for product liability against the seller. This case is widely regarded as
the origin of caveat venditor as it pertains to modern tort law in US.
Nolo contendere is a legal term that comes from the Latin for "I do not wish to contend." It is also referred to as a plea of no
contest. In criminal trials in certain U.S. jurisdictions, it is a plea where the defendant neither admits nor disputes a charge, serving as
an alternative to a pleading of guilty or not guilty. A no-contest plea, while not technically a guilty plea, has the same immediate effect
as a guilty plea, and is often offered as a part of a plea bargain. In many jurisdictions a plea of nolo contendere is not a right, and
carries various restrictions on its use.
