BasicBorders SplitPaneBorder

BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder (Java Platform SE 6) function windowTitle() { if (location.href.indexOf('is-external=true') == -1) { parent.document.title="BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder (Java Platform SE 6)"; } } Overview  Package   Class  Use  Tree  Deprecated  Index  Help  Java™ PlatformStandard Ed. 6  PREV CLASS   NEXT CLASS FRAMES    NO FRAMES     All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD DETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD javax.swing.plaf.basic Class BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder java.lang.Object javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder All Implemented Interfaces: Border, UIResource Enclosing class:BasicBorders public static class BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorderextends Objectimplements Border, UIResource Draws the border around the splitpane. To work correctly you shoudl also install a border on the divider (property SplitPaneDivider.border). Field Summary protected  Color highlight             protected  Color shadow               Constructor Summary BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder(Color highlight, Color shadow)               Method Summary  Insets getBorderInsets(Component c)           Returns the insets of the border.  boolean isBorderOpaque()           Returns whether or not the border is opaque.  void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height)           Paints the border for the specified component with the specified position and size.   Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait   Field Detail highlight protected Color highlight shadow protected Color shadow Constructor Detail BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder public BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder(Color highlight, Color shadow) Method Detail paintBorder public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) Description copied from interface: Border Paints the border for the specified component with the specified position and size. Specified by:paintBorder in interface Border Parameters:c - the component for which this border is being paintedg - the paint graphicsx - the x position of the painted bordery - the y position of the painted borderwidth - the width of the painted borderheight - the height of the painted border getBorderInsets public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) Description copied from interface: Border Returns the insets of the border. Specified by:getBorderInsets in interface Border Parameters:c - the component for which this border insets value applies isBorderOpaque public boolean isBorderOpaque() Description copied from interface: Border Returns whether or not the border is opaque. If the border is opaque, it is responsible for filling in it's own background when painting. Specified by:isBorderOpaque in interface Border Overview  Package   Class  Use  Tree  Deprecated  Index  Help  Java™ PlatformStandard Ed. 6  PREV CLASS   NEXT CLASS FRAMES    NO FRAMES     All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD DETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD Submit a bug or featureFor further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples. Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Also see the documentation redistribution policy.
