Mistress of mistresses split 005
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II The
Duke of Zayana
portrait of a lady
doctor vandermast
fiorinda: 'bitter-sweet' the lyre that shook mitylene.
The third
morning after that coming of the galloping horseman north to Mornagay, Duke Barganax
was painting in his privy garden in Zayana in the southland: that garden where
it is everlasting afternoon. There the low sun, swinging a level course at
about that pitch which Antares reaches at his highest southing in an English
May-night, filled the soft air with atomies of sublimated gold, wherein all
seen things became, where the beams touched them, golden: a golden sheen on the
lake's unruffled waters beyond the parapet, gold burning in the young foliage
of the oak-woods that clothed the circling hills; and, in the garden, fruits of
red and yellow gold hanging in the gold-spun leafy darkness of the strawberry-trees,
a gilding shimmer of it in the stone of the carven bench, a gilding of every
tiny blade on the shaven lawn, a glow to deepen all colours and to ripen every
sweetness: gold faintly warming the proud pallour of Fiorinda's brow and cheek,
and thrown back in sudden gleams from the jet-black smoothnesses of her hair.
you be ageless and deathless for ever, madam, were you given that choice?' said
the Duke, scraping away for the third time the colour with which he had striven
to match, for the third time unsuccessfully, the unearthly green of that
lady's eyes.