SIMATIC Controller

New perspectives for more success.
The innovative line of programmable controllers.
Highly efficient and future-oriented:
Automating with SIMATIC controllers
If you want to automate your machines and plants economically and flexibly, you need
optimum solutions for every application. This is the case in plant or machine construction
as well as in production and process engineering and unit or series production. The
answer: SIMATIC® controllers.
Your objective: and perfect interaction. As a result, considerably
Always keeping a step ahead of the competition less time is needed for the design, test and commis-
sioning phases and plant operating costs are notice-
More than ever, markets are in constant flux, and
ably reduced. Even when it is necessary to modernize
production cycles are getting shorter and shorter.
existing plants quickly, Totally Integrated Automation
For plant or machine constructors like you, this means
provides a number of important benefits.
growing demands on such things as increasing pro-
duction, meeting safety guidelines and optimizing
Our offer:
diagnostics, not to mention maintenance and user-
The performance capabilities you need
friendliness  and all without regard to machine
SIMATIC controllers are an important component of
versions or sizes. In response to the enormous com-
Totally Integrated Automation. An extensive line of
petitive pressure, you must also minimize your devel-
products makes it possible to create solutions for an
opment and production costs as well as development
exceptionally wide range of applications for both
and delivery times.
cost-sensitive series production and plant and special
The strategy for your success: machine construction, where a reduction in engineer-
Solutions based on Totally Integrated ing and commissioning costs plays a decisive role.
Totally Integrated Automation is the name given to
our comprehensive line of products and systems for
all sectors which help you arrive at the right solution
faster and with less overhead. All components are
distinguished by their high performance capabilities
The advantage to you:
You are always ready for any challenge
SIMATIC controllers provide a safe investment for the
future, putting you in a position to respond promptly,
flexibly and economically to new challenges.
" More production capacity thanks to high-speed
CPUs and powerful technology functions (e. g. for
motion control)
" Integration of new functions thanks to powerful
CPUs and a large memory capacity
" Compact machines thanks to smaller controller
dimensions, a large number of integrated functions
and control-cabinet-free operation
" Less time to market thanks to efficient Engineering-
Software, optimum integration with Totally
Integrated Automation and easier reusability of
application programs
" Savings in both time and costs for installation and
commissioning thanks to distributed automation
" Fulfillment of strict safety requirements with only
one system for standard and safety applications
" Higher machine and plant availability thanks to
powerful diagnostic functions
" Better export opportunities for machines and plants
thanks to extensive SIMATIC support and service
in more than 190 countries around the world
Series machine construction
Positioning of product families according
to sector
The various SIMATIC controllers have been
optimized for different applications.
S7-200 S7-300 / C7 / ET 200
S7-400 WinAC
Special Plant construction
machine Production industry
Process industry
Classic Fail-safe Fault-tolerant
S7-400F S7-400FH
S7-400 S7-400FH Software redundancy for S7-400
S7-300 Software redundancy for S7-300
Capacity range
SIMATIC controllers:
The whole range at a glance
No matter how much performance power you need or
what applications you intend to run:
SIMATIC controllers always offer just the right solution
Compact PC-based Distributed automation
control systems Control with local intelligence
Control and PC tasks and control Classic Fail-safe
visualization in one tasks in one PC
compact unit
Software PLC
Panel PC
with WinAC
Slot PLC
WinAC MP ET 200S (with CPU)
IP65/67 ET 200S
C7 WinAC MP ET 200X (with CPU) (with fail-safe CPU)
Motion control integrated in the PLC
CPUs with integrated
Positioning modules motion control functions Easy Motion Control software
You want to increase the performance of your
machines and plants.
Our high-speed CPUs set standards.
Continuing innovation ensures your machines and plants long-lasting market success. And these innovations
become easier when you are able to utilize investments you have already made for new machine generations.
It is for this very reason that we continue to further develop and maintain the compatibility of existing
controllers  and why we always keep your vested interests and requirements as user in mind.
Innovative and compatible With the new S7-400, for example, you benefit from
three times the processing performance compared
For more than 30 years, Siemens has been developing
with previous models, without having to adapt your
and producing programmable controllers, and this
user programs and construction documentation.
experience is reflected in the SIMATIC S7. Well over
one million of these innovative, newest-generation
Highest performance for faster machines
controllers are in use around the world. The compat-
As a machine manufacturer it is your goal to increase
ibility of these controllers, even between generations,
the production capability of your machines  either
ensures you and your customers decades of invest-
by shortening machine cycle times or equipping
ment security.
machines with new functions. No problem for our
SIMATIC controllers with their powerful CPUs: short
program cycle times facilitate higher machine speeds
and the numerous integrated functions for processing
and communication tasks facilitate a considerably
smaller controller footprint, meaning less space re-
quirement in control cabinets. Easy implementation
of additional functions, such as the acquisition and
buffer archiving of quality data, or the connection
to a higher-level MES system, ensure you have the
competitive edge over rival systems.
The PLC was never so fast as today: With its new CPUs
and a work memory expanded up to 20 Mbytes, the
SIMATIC S7-400 offers the
high-performance S7-400 PLC attains instruction
highest performance
runtimes up to 70 times shorter than previous CPUs.
instruction execution and
The S7-400 deals with all commands, even the most
complex calculations, at enormous speed. You can
utilize this extra performance power for fail-safe
applications or in high-availability configurations.
The new CPU 317-2 DP for
6 the SIMATIC S7-300 with two
integrated interfaces
You want to minimize downtimes.
We offer integrated monitoring and diagnostics.
Your customers expect your plants to provide the highest availability for maximum productivity. Should a
problem nonetheless occur, its source must be immediately located in order to minimize any possible downtime.
This requires user-friendly, efficient diagnostic functions.
Easy implementation and low service overhead appropriate service and maintenance department.
They can even control and monitor the automation
All SIMATIC controllers provide extensive functions
of your machines from a distance via teleservicing,
for system diagnostics, allowing problems such as
often making it possible for you to avoid expensive
memory faults, short circuits, wire breaks and module
on-site service calls.
failures to be quickly detected and rectified. Functions
for diagnosing process faults require no high-overhead
programming, but can instead be quickly and effi-
ciently configured. This reduces the overhead needed
for the implementation of process diagnostics, and
the operator profits from higher plant availability.
The diagnostic information is available simultaneously
throughout the entire network and can be put to
use from a central control room or another location
within the plant. SIMATIC controllers also send fault
messages as SMS to mobiles or as e-mail to the
You can access detailed cross-network diagnostics  right
down to the inputs and outputs of the distributed I/Os 
on all PROFIBUS nodes from a central control room location
You want to optimize your Engineering Workflow.
We provide the tools you need.
As part of your automation solution, you need software that provides optimum support for your specific
applications. All components used should interact perfectly, and it should be possible to use them without
extensive training. SIMATIC software is the universal configuring and programming environment for all SIMATIC
controllers, including HMI systems, process control systems and drive configuration. All tools are perfectly
matched to one another and provide support for a wide variety of tasks. A uniform operator guidance system
simplifies training, saving you time and money.
Achieve your goal quickly with unitized Less training overhead thanks to standard
software languages
SIMATIC software, consisting of the STEP 7 basic From the basic languages of LAD, FBD and STL to the
package and a number of Engineering Tools, supports high-level PLC languages or the graphical configura-
your entire Engineering Workflow. Automatic data tion of sequencers, SIMATIC software is based on
transfer to and from planning tools saves time, min- programming languages which conform to the inter-
imizes potential sources of error, and provides the national IEC 61131-3 standard and therefore require
basis for a merger of electrical planning and automa- only a minimal training period. State graphs and
tion. The technical data and dimensions of all SIMATIC function charts expand your options even more,
controllers, for example, can be transferred to all allowing you to choose just the right tool for every
common CAD/CAE systems, such as ePLAN. Even task.
during operation, the SIMATIC software helps save
Easy to use  the software for Micro Automation
costs. Easy-to-read visualizations, clearly defined
message hierarchies and intuitive operator control
The STEP 7 Micro/WIN software for the SIMATIC S7-200
lend particular distinction to the SIMATIC Human
micro PLC and LOGO! Soft Comfort for the LOGO! logic
Machine Interfaces (HMIs). And because the config- module are particularly easy to assimilate and pro-
uring tools for controller and HMI system access the
gram. They allow applications to be implemented
same database, configuring overhead is reduced to
easily and quickly, including, for example, the con-
a minimum.
figuration of visualization and drive control tasks in
the case of the S7-200.
Lower installation and update costs
The  Premium Studio DVD provides the SIMATIC
engineering tools, including HMI software, on a single
data medium. The common frame setup makes
installation and maintenance of the tools particu-
larly easy. The result: a noticeable reduction in
overhead in your software development and soft-
ware service departments as well as in the end
user s maintenance department.
09187_Simatic_Controller_E 01.04.2004 8:38 Uhr Seite 10
You need the flexibility to respond to
individual demands.
When you choose Siemens, you can also
choose what you want.
The individual needs of your customers are of the utmost importance to
you. In order to fulfill those needs, you have to be able to adapt the
automation system to a wide variety of requirements and machine versions.
More freedom to develop customized solutions
With SIMATIC controllers, you always have the necessary flexibility,
regardless of whether you prefer a classic PLC or a PC-based automation
solution. You can choose from different styles and different classes of
CPU performance. And you can use your application programs on a huge
variety of device types without wasting a lot of time and money adapting
them. That also saves programming overhead and training time. You
protect your software investment and the ability to respond flexibly to
changing market demands.
For example, you could choose a compact control system consisting
of controller and operator panel in one compact unit for your smallest
machine. This solution saves time and space and can be installed very
quickly  and it allows you to reduce the overall price of the machine.
On the other hand, you could equip your most powerful machine with
a modular solution consisting of a SIMATIC S7-300 controller with high-
performance CPU, distributed I/O and a separate operator panel. And
you can use the same programs you developed for the small machine.
Solve PC tasks and control tasks efficiently with
SIMATIC WinAC PC-based Control
The SIMATIC C7 compact control systems
combine an S7-300 and an operator panel
in one compact unit
You cannot allow yourself to take risks at the expense
of humans, machines or the environment.
Our systems ensure continuous safety.
In the production industry, e. g. cable railways, presses and elevating platforms, as well as in the process
industry, e. g. the chemical and oil and gas industries, wherever the highest level of safety is mandated,
accidents and damages due to faults and/or errors must be avoided at all costs  a clear case in favor of the
fail-safe SIMATIC Safety Integrated systems, which monitor themselves. As soon as a problem occurs, the
application is brought to a safe state. The highest level of safety is achieved with a combination of fail-safety
and fault tolerance. This combination is embodied exclusively in a single system called the S7-400FH.
Safety and standard automation rolled into one Configuring instead of programming
In process industry applications, the new Safety Matrix
Until recently, it was customary to keep safety sys-
configuring tool for S7-400FH replaces high-overhead
tems and standard automation strictly separate. The
programming with intuitive configuring. Process
fail-safe controllers from SIMATIC Safety Integrated,
events are easily linked to process responses in a
by contrast, utilize the same hardware components,
cause & effect matrix.
the same engineering environment and the same
PROFIBUS for both. This negates the need for addi-
tional safety buses, reduces the space required in
the control cabinet, and lowers engineering costs.
You can easily expand existing installations with
fail-safe functions later. For you, this means con-
tinuous safety without the need for double the
Uniform engineering
There is no need for retraining because you can use
the same Engineering Tools to program fail-safe
functions that you use for standard programs. Pre-
programmed function blocks certified by the German
Technical Inspectorate, or TÜV, make this possible,
allowing you to convert easily and quickly to fail-safe
SIMATIC Safety Integrated
comprises fail-safe CPUs as well
as the appropriate I/O devices up
to and including IP67
Specially for the process industry:
the fail-safe and fault-tolerant
You want to save your customers from expensive
Our fault-tolerant systems ensure problem-free operation.
Your customers expect production to continue around the clock because downtimes caused by controller failure
or the need for maintenance work would entail immense costs. With the fault-tolerant SIMATIC S7-400H systems,
downtimes are reduced to an absolute minimum. If a problem occurs, the switchover is  bumpless and without
any loss of information. Integrated self-diagnostic functions detect and report problems before they can have
a negative effect. This allows defective components to be replaced quickly without impairing the process.
No additional programming overhead Redundancy as software package
The handling, programming, configuring and commu- In facilities such as water supply and distribution
nication of fault-tolerant systems is exactly the same centers or cooling-water circulation plants, relatively
as for standard systems. The operating system executes slow processes are most prevalent. The switchover
the redundancy-specific functions autonomously as from master to standby can easily lie in the seconds
background tasks so that no additional costs are in- range without affecting operation. The cost-effective
curred for programming. software redundancy package for S7-300 and S7-400
is the efficient way to avoid plant downtimes.
SIMATIC S7-400H fault-tolerant system
You want to solve technology and motion control tasks
Our response: SIMATIC technology
Counting, measuring, positioning, closed-loop control, cam control  virtually every machine and every plant
has to perform technological tasks in different combinations and of varied complexity. The highest precision,
dynamic and processing speed are required. SIMATIC controllers solve every technological or motion control
task with specially customized components ranging from cost-effective software solutions for single axes to
high-performance modules for synchronism, path control and multi-axis applications. In many cases, you can
do your programming with user-friendly, intuitive dialogs in the same software environment as for standard
PLC tasks.
Examples of the wide variety of tasks which can be solved with SIMATIC technology:
Counting/Measuring Closed-loop control
" Counting of pulses with frequencies of up to 500 kHz " Temperature/pressure/flow control
" Single-shot, periodic or continuous counting " Step-action, pulse-action and continuous-
action controllers
" High-speed count-dependent actions
" Fixed setpoint, follow-up, cascade, ratio and
" Measuring of path lengths, revolutions per unit
hybrid control
time, frequencies or period durations
" Fixed-parameter or flexibly programmable
" Position decoding with incremental or SSI encoders
control structures
Cam control
" Position-dependent or time-dependent actions
" Controlled positioning in rapid traverse
mode/creep speed mode
" Direction-dependent
" Controlled positioning
" Dynamic derivative action
" Multi-axis interpolation
" Hysteresis characteristic
" Gear/curve synchronism
" Response times beginning with 1 µs
" Asynchronous motors/stepping motors/servo motors
Fig. at left:
SIMATIC technology 
the right solution for every
technological task
Fig. at right:
Motion control functions to
PLCopen are already integrated in
technology CPU 317T
You want transparency and uniformity throughout
all levels
Our solutions enable unrestricted information flow
In order to shorten your time to market, you have to reduce the integration overhead for your machine and
plant control systems. Your customers want a transparent flow of information from the corporate level to
the field level in order to better optimize process and production sequences. The key to both is integrated
communication based on standards. It is for this reason that SIMATIC controllers utilize the most prevalent
industrial standards, which are Industrial Ethernet/PROFINET, PROFIBUS, AS-Interface and Internet technology.
Uniform and integrated With OPC in the office world
All SIMATIC components speak the same language.
The standardized OPC (OLE for Process Control) in-
Connections, even cross-network connections, are
terface establishes the prerequisites necessary to
therefore easy to configure. In order to switch from
give Windows-based applications direct access to
PROFIBUS to Ethernet, all you have to do is replace
process data in devices from different manufacturers.
your configuration s communications processor or
No special driver software is required, considerably
CPU  without intervening in the application program
reducing integration overhead. This possibility can
and without additional engineering overhead.
be used, for example, for visualization, or to interface
SIMATIC controllers to MES (Manufacturing Execution
Ethernet all the way down to the field level
Systems) applications.
As the cross-vendor Industrial Ethernet automation
Up to date anywhere at any time with Web
standard, PROFINET provides integrated real-time
communication, enabling not only communication
between programmable controllers but also the
The possibilities offered by the Internet make service
integration of field devices over Ethernet. In addition
and maintenance much easier. For example, you can
to PROFIBUS, S7-300 and S7-400 now also support
access your control components diagnostic informa-
the interfacing of distributed I/O over PROFINET.
tion using your normal Web browser. In addition,
SIMATIC controllers allow e-mails to be sent from the
user program, for example to report errors/faults,
without regard to the location of the receiver.
Fig. at left:
SIMATIC ET 200S distributed I/O with
PROFINET interface module for using
Ethernet at the field level
Fig. at right:
SIMATIC S7-300 with integrated
Our products at a glance
SIMATIC controllers Primary tasks and performance characteristics
" Simple automation for industry, trade and functional structures
Logic module for switching
" Replaces switching devices such as time switches,
and control
timing relays, counters, auxiliary contactors
" Modular design for flexible applications
" Digital, analog and communications modules
" Clever circuit diagram development using Drag & Drop
" Extremely user-friendly, extraordinarily easy
SIMATIC S7-200 " Series machine construction
The economical micro PLC " Stand-alone solutions
" Compact design
" Inputs and outputs integrated in CPU
" Real-time capability
" High-speed counters, alarm inputs and interrupts
" Modularly expandable
" Easily assimilated Engineering-Software
" Multiple communication options
SIMATIC S7-300 " For universal use and with an extensive selection of
CPUs and modules
The PLC for system solutions
" High performance
with focus on production
engineering " Compact design
" Maintenance-free thanks to use of micro memory cards
for data and program storage
SIMATIC S7-400 " Extremely high processing and communication power
" Instruction execution for fixed-point addition or
The power PLC for system
multiplication only 0.03 µs
solutions in production and
process engineering " Large quantity framework of inputs/outputs and
20 MB main memory
" Fast response, determinism
" Vertical integration
" Changes to distributed I/O configuration during
operation avoids high restart costs
" Isochrone mode via PROFIBUS for control of high-speed
S7-400H " Prevention of production downtimes in the event of a
fault or due to maintenance
Software redundancy for
" Automatic switchover to stand-by system with no loss
of data
The standard PLC for fault
" Redundant system configuration, incl. I/O and
" Fault prevention thanks to integrated diagnostic
09187_Simatic_Controller_E 01.04.2004 8:44 Uhr Seite 16
SIMATIC controllers Primary tasks and performance characteristics
Production industry: " For applications which require enhanced safety for
ET 200S F-CPU humans, machines and environment
" Standard and fail-safe applications on one CPU
" Implementation of complex safety functions in standard
Process industry:
languages FBD, LAD or CFC
" Combination of fail-safe and fault-tolerant PLC available
Standard PLCs with
as S7-400FH
integrated safety functions
" Compliance with important standards IEC 61508
(up to SIL 3), EN 954 (up to Category 4) and
NFPA 79-2002, NFPA 85
" Certified by the German Technical Inspectorate (TÜV)
SIMATIC C7 and " Complete machine control system in a minimum amount of space
" SIMATIC S7  based on S7-300
Compact control systems
" SIMATIC WinAC MP  PC-based
consisting of controller
" Reduction in configuring and installation overhead
and operator panel
" Modularly expandable
" PC tasks and controller in a single unit
" Data-intensive application
PC-based Automation
" Vertical integration
" Integration of own user C/C++ programs
" Available as software PLC or slot PLC
" Software PLC also offers determinism
" Distributed automation
" Reduced space requirements, less cabling overhead
Distributed I/O system
" For installation in the control cabinet or as cabinet-less
solution in degree of protection IP20 or IP65/67
" Also as fail-safe version
" CPUs for intelligent decentralized preprocessing on the
" As master or slave on the PROFIBUS
" Any technological task can be solved with SIMATIC, e. g.:
SIMATIC technology
counting, measuring, positioning, closed-loop control,
For solving technology and
cam control
motion control tasks with
" CPU-integrated, as module or software package
" Dynamic motion control from synchronism over path
control to multi-axis applications
" Shortest response times beginning at 1 µs
" Counting and measuring up to 500 kHz
More information on SIMATIC
products is available on the Internet:
SIMATIC controllers
SIMATIC automation systems
Totally Integrated Automation
Service and Support
SIMATIC contacts
You can order and download informative material here:
SIMATIC® is a trademark of Siemens. Other
designations used in this publication may be
trademarks whose use by third parties for their own
Siemens AG purposes could violate the rights of the owners.
Automation and Drives
The information provided in this brochure contains descriptions
or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do
not always apply as described or which may change as a result
of further development of the products. An obligation to provide
the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed
in the terms of contract. Availability and technical specifications
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© Siemens AG 2004
