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An Ellora's Cave Publication, January 2004

Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 787
Hudson, OH 44236-0787

ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-84360-759-X
Other available formats (no ISBNs are assigned):
Adobe (PDF), Rocketbook (RB), Mobipocket (PRC) & HTML


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

Edited by Martha Punches
Cover art by Scott Carpenter.

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Elizabeth Lapthorne

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Moral: Even the Wildest Beast can be Tamed with Love.

For Candie - you live and learn, huh babe? Remember that Prince Charming is out there,

but his suit of armour might be a little rusty by the time he catches up with you.

With much thanks to Marilyn, Martha, MT and Scott. You have all given me heaps of help

in varying areas, and I thank you all very much.

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Lion In Love

Chapter 1

"You can't wear that!" Leigh exclaimed.
Anne stood on her doorstep in a dark red silk pirate shirt and a pair of loose-fitting

black leather pants. Leigh had been expecting Anne to wear something
more…revealing. Still not dressed herself, Leigh had answered the door in her terry
cloth robe, knowing it would be Anne. They were planning on going to a bondage pick-
up party in less than twenty minutes and there was no time left for Leigh to make Anne
go back home and change now. She sighed. I bet she planned this, she thought

The silk of Anne's shirt was loose enough to conceal Anne's rather impressive

breasts, and was laced up to her neck. Her leather pants were sexy, but hung loosely
around her thighs and legs. If she had wanted to, Anne could have looked like a total
knock-out, but dressed down as she was, she wasn't particularly eye-catching at all!

Evidently Anne had been serious when she had warned Leigh that she didn't want

any male attention tonight.

With her long, warm brown hair braided back into a single plait hanging halfway

down her back, Anne would certainly attract minimal attention tonight. Leigh
wondered for a second if she should be dragging her best friend to the party as her
escort. Reminding herself of the two pints of Ben and Jerry's she had bribed Anne with,
she firmed her resolve.

Anne simply smiled at Leigh's outrage and pushed firmly past her to enter the

small house.

Leigh's five-year-old son, Nathan, was sitting in front of the TV watching the

Nickelodeon channel. He looked up as Anne entered the house and jumped up from his
cushion on the floor.

"Aunty Annie!" he cried out, rushing over to hug her.
"Hey there, little man." She picked him up and hugged him back. "How are things


"I'm great. Mr. Ashcroft gave me a gold star for my coloring this afternoon! He said I

did really well keeping in the lines."

"Aahh," murmured Anne, "Mr. Ashcroft has struck again." Shooting a teasing

glance at her friend, she half-turned and asked, "So how is the studly Mr. Ashcroft?"

Nathan frowned. "But Annie, only horses are studs. Mr. Ashcroft said —"
Nathan was cut off by Leigh. "Nathan, go clean your teeth. We'll be leaving for

Nanna's in a few minutes. Are you packed?"

"Mooom," the little boy whined.


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"Come on, champ, I'll help you pack for the night." Anne shot Leigh a laughing

glance, knowing she had been about to receive a lecture, again. "Let's leave your mom
to get dressed in peace, huh?"

Leigh noticed the speed with which Anne hustled her son out of the room. As well

she should! she huffed, teasing me about Leo Ashcroft indeed!

Leo Ashcroft was Nathan's teacher and a very studly man. He was around six foot

one to Leigh's own five foot eight. With mahogany brown hair that was just slightly
longer than the current trend and wickedly glinting green eyes, Leigh knew she was not
alone with the mothers when she sighed and drooled over his magnificent form and
laughing eyes.

But sometimes, when Nathan pulled her into his classroom after school to show her

a particular picture he had drawn, Leigh wondered if it was her imagination when she
felt his heated eyes following her movements. His beautiful green eyes seemed to hide
so many secrets. They could be hot and wicked one moment, then laughing and teasing
the next.

Leigh knew Nathan revered his teacher, the only male role model currently in his

life. Damien, her ex and Nathan's father, had simply decided one afternoon three years
ago that having a wife and small son was simply too much hassle. He had left, leaving
her world, and everything she thought had been in it, shattered.

Leigh shook her head at her maudlin thoughts and headed for her small bathroom.

With Anne taking care of Nathan's packing she really should finish her own dressing.
Digging into her closet, she found right at the back under a pile of T-shirts the blood-red
and black corset she had bought many years ago.

Looking critically at it she decided with a bit of luck and a lot of Anne's help she

should still fit into it. Digging deeper she found the leather micro-mini skirt she had
usually worn with it, and the black stiletto sandals.

As she pulled the fishnet stockings she had bought earlier up her legs, her eyes fell

on the lion's face she had tattooed on her right thigh. She had gotten the tattoo just a
few months before Damien had left her. She had always loved lionesses with their
proud, regal bearing. The way it was the women who did all the work hunting and
gathering, protecting and teaching their cubs. The men were virtually useless unless
their physical strength or seed was needed by the female.

On top of that, her star sign was Leo, which was where her initial love of lions had

sprung from. She often glanced at or thought of her tattoo to give her strength to help
her through the day. Coupled with her rather healthy pride, she often thought of herself
as a lioness, protecting her young and working night and day to keep him happy,
healthy, and safe.

She often reminded herself what she had come through, what she had survived and

rebuilt from. She was not some weak little creature who was reliant on anyone else. She
had a decent job, even if it only was working retail in a soap and bath ware store. It kept


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her happy, kept her bathroom filled with wonderful perfumed oils and salts, and paid
most of the bills. It was enough.

She didn't need or want a man, except for sex, which she was currently nearly

desperate for. The pitiful few dates she had been on in recent years had been extremely
far apart, and so pathetic they had never reached the sexual side of things.

Leigh had thought for months that letting a man into her well-ordered life would be

inviting disaster. If she had been so mistaken by Damien, a man who had seemed to
love his son and their life together, how could she possibly trust her instincts now?

After all the stress Damien's desertion had caused, she was certain she didn't want

to bring another man into Nathan's life unless she was sure he'd stick around for the
long haul. Nathan had lived through enough upset and change in his young life. They
both deserved to be more than a passing fancy.

The only current interest she had in men, she firmly assured herself, was to use

them as a stud service. Leigh smiled as she thought of the large purple dildo Anne had
bought her for her birthday last year, which had been a very close companion. Anne had
bought her a pint of Chunky Monkey and given her that in front of Nathan, and when
Leigh had climbed into bed later that night, lying right there in the middle of the bed
had been the jelly vibrator!

When the last of her stupid dates had flopped, Leigh had finally come to grips with

her fears. She was secretly scared that she'd been fantasizing and daydreaming so much
about a dominant, strong lover, that she now couldn't subconsciously face sleeping with
a man who wasn't interested in bondage.

Leigh had chastised herself for being such a moron, but the thought continued to

persist. In the end, it had been why she had capitulated to Anne's constant pleas for her
to explore her bondage fantasies. Leigh needed to know if she could settle for a vanilla
man, or if she had daydreamed herself into a corner where only her bondage fantasies
could satisfy her.

What she ideally wanted, she had realized, was a man who could play the

dominant lover, who could satisfy her darker sexual cravings, but also be a normal,
happy man and a father to her son. With that thought she returned to her excitement
about the pick–up party she had convinced Anne to attend with her.

The party was quite a distance away from the little city she lived in and so there

shouldn't be anyone at the party who knew her particularly well. The friend who had
wrangled the invitation for her was a casual acquaintance of the couple hosting the
party and had assured Leigh no one from her small circle of friends would be present.

Back in her teenage years she and a few friends had dabbled in bondage games. But

it had been many years since those carefree times, and the play had never been
particularly serious. Now she was older and wiser, and her craving and curiosity about
bondage was more intense than it had been all those years ago.

Hearing Nathan and Anne heading back into the lounge room, Leigh shook her

head and hustled herself. It was nearly 8 pm and they had to get going. Quickly pulling


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on her mini-skirt over the fishnets, she also grabbed a pair of sneakers for driving. As
she stashed her stilettos in a small backpack, Leigh called out to Anne to help lace up
her corset.

Twenty minutes later and feeling as if her ribs were breaking apart from the strain

of the corset, Leigh threw on a long-sleeved shirt to cover her exposed breasts. Anne's
comment of "rather you than me" rang in her ears and Leigh reminded herself of all the
fulfilled fantasies and sex that would come from her outfit. Anyway, she looked great.
She might think her torso would break and pop from the corset that cinched her waist
and flattened her small tummy, but her breasts were lifted in such a manner that could
entice even the most restrained of men, and her hour-glass figure was shown to

Picking up a few other essentials, she was ready to leave a moment later and closed

her bedroom door to collect her son and friend.

Dropping Nathan off with her mother for the night, she saw her son settled and

kissed him goodnight. Promising to be back before he awoke in the morning, she kissed
him a few more times, ruffled his beautiful blond curls and returned back to the car and
Anne. Anne had the map and instructions, and was designated navigator for the
evening. One last wave at her mom and son, and they were on their way.


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Chapter 2

Leo took one last look around the small party and cursed. He had driven out here

all this way to make sure no one who would recognize him would be present, and he
had been right, he didn't know a soul at this party. The eternal problem of some of his
students' parents finding out the secrets of his sexual private life was still safe. But that
didn't help him solve the problem that there wasn't anyone interesting here, again!

Hoping he had missed someone the second or third time around, Leo once again

critically scanned all the females present. There were a number of female subs here,
some of whom he knew vaguely from other parties he had attended in nearby cities. He
silently gritted his teeth in frustration. He was tired of submissives who couldn't make
up their own minds about anything. He knew that's what most submissives were like,
but he wished he could find a woman who would be submissive in bed, but still retain
her thoughts and opinions outside the bedroom, like at parties such as this one.

Some women simply sat on the couch, waiting for someone to choose a drink for

them, some hovered nervously by the doorway—probably party virgins, unsure of
exactly what would happen. They probably half-expected a big bad wolf in leather and
chains to jump them. Leo chuckled at the mental picture that brought—himself, dressed
head to foot in leather, with a leather riding crop in one hand and maybe a whip in the
other. Scaring the crap out of the virgins and making them scatter like sheep.

Amusing as the thought momentarily was, it didn't solve his problems. He was

restless again, wanting a new lover yet not knowing where to find one that could fully
satisfy him.

After taking three submissives in the past year, Leo had discovered that while he

wanted his woman to be submissive in bed, he also wanted her to be more assertive in
other aspects of their lives. He didn't want a woman to say "yes" to every little thing he
said. He wanted her to have a brain of her own, thoughts and opinions of her own. He
didn't want to pass a comment on the local political climate and have her instantly
agree to everything he said. But with his previous lovers, when he had tried to inject
some reality into their affairs they simply accepted anything he said and agreed with his
viewpoint. It drove him nuts!

Yet Leo was hesitant to start a sexual relationship with the vanilla women he knew

back home. He had tried a few vanilla relationships over the years, but when he had
tried to introduce the lightest of bondage games the women had invariably freaked out
on him.

The relationships had instantly turned sour and fallen apart in a big heap. It had

been easier to simply give up and turn instead to fully-fledged submissive women. The
problem is
, he decided, there is no middle ground. What I really need is an independent


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submissive. Sighing at the oxymoron, Leo tried to think of an alternative as he sipped on
his rum and coke.

Maybe find an untried submissive, and train her to keep a partially independent social life,

whilst keeping her bedroom life as my sub? Leo pondered over the likelihood of that. Most
women who found a strong submissive streak in themselves either hid it, and
pretended it didn't exist, or wallowed in it, and eventually turned into the simpering,
half-mindless women he found here tonight. Anyway, he didn't want to train a
submissive to retain her independence, he wanted her to just be assertive out of the
bedroom. Leo smiled mockingly at himself. He evidently wanted his cake and wanted
to eat it as well.

And of course all the good submissive women are taken, he wryly thought. Women

complained that there were no decent, single, straight men in the world. Well, he
seemed to be finding a similar problem. How hard could it be to find an independent
woman with a submissive streak in the bedroom? Obviously very difficult, his brain
replied, or you wouldn't be desperate enough to be standing here waiting for a sub Cinderella to
walk through the door

Shaking his head at yet another blonde submissive who was making her way over

to him, he put his half-finished glass down on a nearby table and turned to walk out the
door. As he turned, creamy flesh wrapped in black and red silk and leather caught his
eye. Glancing back, Leo caught his breath.

Standing tall and regally, a proud tilt to her chin stood Ms. Renkin. Dressed up as

she was, she easily surpassed every wet dream he'd ever had about her.

She wore a tiny black leather mini-skirt that was barely legal. His eyes lingered on

that shapely ass, eventually running down her legs taking in the black fishnet stockings
and three-inch high heels.

His mouth suddenly dry, Leo determinedly raised his eyes to take in the stunning

black and red satin corset that had created a mountain of cleavage. Her breasts were so
tightly held they threatened to topple straight out of her corset and over whoever was
lucky enough to be standing in the way. Her soft blonde hair was lightly curled and
softly glowing against her smooth white shoulders, framing her pretty face to

As his eyes ran back down the deliciously long length of her legs he noticed a tattoo

on her right thigh. It seemed to be the face of an animal, though he couldn't tell from
this distance and through the peek-a-boo fishnets what animal it was.

Finally managing to get some blood back into his brain, he realized his faint

surprise both at the tattoo, and at finding Leigh here tonight. He would never have
picked her as the type of woman who would be interested in getting a tattoo. Then
again, he had never thought she would be interested in bondage either. He licked his
lips as his desire mounted.

With a casual, yet somehow possessive arm around Leigh's shoulder stood one of

her friends, whose name currently eluded Leo. He had met the friend a time or two


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over the last year, coming to pick up Nathan from school when Leigh was caught up
and couldn't make it.

A strong wave of disappointment hit Leo, catching him by surprise. It was just his

luck to find Leigh was indeed interested in bondage, but was bisexual and looking for a
lesbian lover. This was just the perfect end to an annoying evening.

Leo noticed one of the other doms, Harry he thought was his name, rush over and

start animatedly talking to the two women. Leo watched, interested to see which of the
two women would be dominant and how quickly they would turn poor Harry away.
He was shocked when he saw Leigh begin to flirt with the man, and even more shocked
a few minutes later to realize that Leigh's friend was watching her carefully.

After watching the three of them interact for a few minutes it became obvious to

him that Leigh's friend was acting as the dominant partner, but she appeared to be
taking her cues from Leigh.

It was obvious the two women were great friends and had known each other for

years. Leigh's friend was taking most of her cues from Leigh's body language and small
movements of her head. There was also a lack of intimacy in their contact, Leo realized.
They would touch hands, or wrap arms around each other, but it was with a friendly
closeness, not the same closeness and possessiveness one would expect from a lover.

As these thoughts sank into his shocked brain, another, more important thought

was forming. Leigh is interested in bondage. Leo was trying to get his head around this
concept when he noticed Leigh's friend politely, yet firmly getting rid of poor Harry. He
saw Leigh slowly studying each man around the room, wariness combined with an
eagerness and calculation he had seen a few times over the years.

She was definitely searching for a lover, he realized. And he suddenly moved forward

with a new purpose. If Leigh was searching for a dominant partner, it could bloody
well be him.

For months now he had debated with himself whether or not he should ask Leigh

out. Part of his reason for hesitating was the thin line of ethics. He taught her son at
school, and even though it wasn't considered strictly unethical to date the mother of a
student, it was a fine line and liable to raise a few eyebrows and ignite a few tempers.

But more importantly, for him anyway, was the knowledge that he would have had

to settle for a safe, vanilla relationship with her. It had been that factor that had
ultimately kept him from approaching her and made him waver between lust and

He knew himself well enough to know he would never be fully satisfied with that

sort of safe, boring relationship with Leigh. So it had been simpler for him, and in the
long run for her, to not have a relationship at all. But now, Leigh was obviously
searching for a dominant lover, or she wouldn't be here as a submissive with her friend.

Well, if she wanted a dominant partner, he would certainly fit the bill. The rules had

miraculously changed tonight, and from here on in, he was determined it would be he
who made the rules in their relationship.


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* * * * *

Leigh continued to search the room. She and Anne had started their quest in the

entryway, where a number of people were crowded, saying hello and goodbye. Leigh
was immensely grateful she and Anne had worked out a code of blinks for men whom
Leigh was and was not interested in.

As Leigh was looking for a dominant partner, she had to be seen acting in a

submissive manner. That was why it had been essential to convince Anne to come
along. Anne was acting as her Dom, vetting the people they talked to and politely
getting rid of those men and women with whom she wasn't interested in.

Because it was Leigh who was searching for a partner, she had told Anne that one

blink would mean she was interested, two blinks meant she wasn't interested. So far
things had been working smoothly, except for the fact that she hadn't found anyone
even remotely interesting. Four men so far had ended up propositioning her, which did
wonders for her ego, but she had indicated to Anne to turn them all down. Even so,
there were heaps of dominant men here tonight. Surely she could find an adequate
partner amongst the dozen left.

Everyone present wasn't looking for the same thing she was, Leigh had found out.

One man, Terry she thought was his name, was looking for two bi-sexual women for a
threesome. Anne's face when he had requested the two of them to help him had been
priceless. Leigh would have paid anything to have had a camera handy to take a picture
then. Another man—Jonathon?—had been wanting to find a woman to fuck him while
his wife looked on…and so on and so on. So not everyone was a simple sub or dom
looking for a partner, but most were.

Anne and Leigh had moved from the entryway to the kitchen and then out here to

the living room. There were still heaps of men they hadn't talked to yet, but Leigh
hadn't found anyone yet with whom she really wanted to start a relationship. Anne,
thankfully, was being very patient and had even sort of gotten into the swing of things
being her protector. She was easily able to work out from Leigh's body language
whether she was interested or not in each man, and they were used to each other's
mannerisms. They were working well together as a team.

As Leigh was starting to think about moving out into the backyard she noticed yet

another man approaching them.

"Head's up." She warned Anne.
Turning fully to watch the new "applicant" as she was now thinking of them in her

mind, she felt her breath catch and she nearly choked on her sip of water from the glass
she had taken from the kitchen. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. She found herself silently
chanting. It was Nathan's Mr. Ashcroft. Now she was in trouble.

Blinking rapidly, Leigh desperately hoped he would disappear, simply being a

figment of her imagination brought on from her fantasies. When he came to a halt in
front of her she realized that the night was certainly going to take an interesting turn.


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"Hello, Leigh," he quietly said. Leigh turned to Anne and blinked once. No use

putting it off, she wryly thought. Thankfully, Anne merely raised an eyebrow, obviously
recognizing the man in front of them.

Leigh suddenly realized what the interesting look on Anne's face meant. She was

suppressing a mad fit of giggles. Glad someone finds this funny, she thought sourly.

"Why hello, Mr. Ashcroft. What a surprise finding you here tonight. You know my

friend Leigh. I'm Anne."

As Leigh warily watched Anne take control of the conversation, she knew her

friend would milk the situation for all it was worth. As Leigh felt her face redden, she
couldn't decide if it was from embarrassment or anger at the glee Anne was finding in
the awkwardness of her situation.

Leo, evidently taking the hint from Anne, played along.
"Yes, Anne," he replied, "I recognized you as Leigh's friend. I've seen you pick up

Nathan a time or two?"

Anne nodded. "Oh yes, Nathan is my honorary little nephew. Leigh has been…tied

up…a few times when it's been time to pick up Nathan. He worries a little if no one is
there for him, so I've gone in her stead."

Leigh felt a nearly overwhelming urge to strangle Anne. She was virtually choking

on her giggles now, the pun she created lighting up her features and causing little
devils to glint in her eyes as she looked up to Leigh.

Unfortunately, Leigh needed to keep her position as a submissive, or the whole

night would be a wasted effort. Even so, Anne wasn't stupid. She would see the anger
and frustration in her eyes and give up teasing her eventually.

"May I speak to Leigh privately?" Leo politely requested. Instantly Leigh felt Anne

stiffen in indecision. It was one thing for Anne to tease her, Leigh recognized, but quite
another to abandon her. Leigh knew Anne would be reluctant to stand alone at this
party; she hadn't really even wanted to come at all.

Leigh stared down the couple of inches her stilettos gave her over Anne. Hazel eyes

stared into gray, as Anne silently questioned whether Leigh was okay with this.
Knowing she simply had to find out what Leo wanted, and whether he would create a
fuss over his new knowledge of her sexual desires, Leigh knew she needed to speak to
him, and now was as good a time as any.

Leigh breathed easier when Anne screwed up her nose a little, but graciously


"Yeah. Sure."
Leigh nodded her gratitude to her friend and hugged her close.
"It'll be okay…I'll just be a few minutes," she whispered in Anne's ear.
"'Kay. Be careful. And don't desert me for long," Anne whispered back.
Leigh let go of her friend and looked over the hunk of a schoolteacher who stood

before her. He held out an arm, the essence of politeness, yet Leigh knew it was his way


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of asking her permission to take her away from here. Away from the party, from her
normal, safe life and probably from all the preconceptions she had about herself. She
knew from the glitter in his green eyes that he would challenge her and push her limits.
And she would undoubtedly love every minute of it.

Leigh took his arm and let him lead her out of the room, towards the shadowy

gardens in the back yard. She felt as if she had accepted an invitation to dine with the
devil. A very handsome, sexy devil, who would love every morsel of her body and soul.
Glancing back at Anne as they exited the room, Leigh knew her friend would be able to
handle herself back in the party. It should be herself she worried about now.


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Chapter 3

Leo easily guided their way through the crowded house, out the back door in the

kitchen and into the green garden. The trees and shrubbery surrounding the edges of
the property created an intimate setting for trysting couples. He led Leigh to the edge of
a particularly large tree and stopped them both, still in the view of the back door, but
far enough away that their conversation would be private.

"Okay," he started, "what's going on?"
Leigh bristled at his grumpy tone of voice. What business is it of his? her mind asked,

outraged. She had every right to be at this party and he had no right to be annoyed with

"I'm sorry," she coolly replied. "What do you mean? A friend and I are attending a

party. Is there something wrong?"

Leo felt his mood lighten with her reply. Here finally was a woman who would

keep her own mind and opinions in a relationship. He tried to read her face in the
shadowy light. He wondered about the best method to ensnare her. He relished the
challenge, both intellectually and sexually.

"I didn't know you were interested in dominance and submission." He tried a

different track. "Just how interested are you, Leigh?" he challenged.

Leigh felt her stomach tighten. The teasing and mocking challenge in his hooded

gaze and tightly coiled body cried out to her. He was every dark fantasy she had
dreamt of in the dead of night; every strong, dominating fantasy she had thought about.
And here he was, challenging her, making her wet with the tempting, erotic pictures
flitting through her mind.

Swallowing carefully, she wondered at the wisdom of getting involved with this

man. He wouldn't be an easy man whom she could brush off after an encounter or two
when she grew tired of him. She wouldn't be able to shut him out of her life easily when
one or the other of them grew weary with the sex and games.

It would also be hard not to become fully involved with him. Leigh was adamant in

her mind that she only wanted a sexual relationship. How could she keep a relationship
based on anything more than sex with her son's teacher? Yet looking into Leo's
challenging gaze, something inside her rose to his taunts, without a thought for the

"That depends on the man dominating me. I'm looking for a sexual partner who can

satisfy me and my darker fantasies. I'm not exactly sure what he'll be like simply
because I've never fully explored this side of myself…" Leigh trailed off. She didn't


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want to come across too strongly, yet she simply couldn't back down from the challenge
Leo threw out.

Leo felt himself harden, as he hadn't in ages. She was essentially a bondage virgin.

Untried talent just waiting to be molded. He wondered what her naughty fantasies
were, and how he could enact them with her. The how wouldn't be too difficult, he
assured himself, it just required talking her into taking him on as a dominant partner.

Leo lightly took her arm and pushed her back, so she was as fully hidden as

possible by the shadow of the large tree.

"Do you really want a man to enact these fantasies with you? Are you sure you

don't want a nice, safe vanilla man?" He gloated at how easy it was to get her back up.
Leigh was feisty all right, and he loved it.

"Of course I know what I want. Just because I want…" she trailed off again, hesitant

to voice her fantasies, even here in the dark, "I'm not stupid, I'm an intelligent, fully
grown woman. I think I can make decisions about my sexual life by myself."

"Then what say you tell me some of these fantasies and I'll tell you what I can do to

help you realize them."

Leigh pondered Leo's words. She had had fantasies about him; dark fantasies that

she had thought were safe, because it had never crossed her mind he might be
interested in bondage. Now that she was faced with this reality she was unsure. She
would see Leo nearly every day. Her son idolized him and thought he walked on water.
This could get complicated. The chances of her not getting a crush on him were
minimal. But Leigh had grown up a lot in the last three years. She had grown in her
own confidence and in her own estimation of self-worth. She knew her weak points as
well as her strong points. She would be fine, she assured herself.

"Okay. What do you want to know?" she capitulated.
Leo felt his cock lengthen and harden even more. She would play along. This was

fantastic. He quickly built a mental list of everything that was important that he know
about her darker fantasies.

"Have you experienced any serious bondage at all?" he asked, figuring it would be a

good place to start.

"Other than mild playing in my late teens, no."
Then I can probably wipe out experience in most forms of bondage, he mentally checked.

Rapidly and carefully framing his questions, he quickly built a mental picture of Leigh's
desires. A small part of him was grateful that she didn't need heavy pain to reach her

Leo didn't mind lightly whipping or flogging his subs, but he rarely enjoyed it

either. He almost never received any pleasure from giving serious pain to his subs.
Hearing their moans, exciting them beyond reason and sanity was what made him hot
and hard. But he could get just as hot from giving a spanking as he could from tying a
woman to an iron cross and flogging her.


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It seemed Leigh was more interested in the pleasure to be gained from giving over

control of her sexual experiences. Even then, it seemed she didn't know this was what
she was looking for. She admitted to fantasizing about being bound by silks, ties,
objects which wouldn't give genuine pain. Even merely being forced to hold her hands
still, not by any material methods at all.

He found himself hardening impossibly more when Leigh admitted to fantasizing

about anal sex and nipple clamps. She was being fairly matter-of-fact about answering
his questions, and her honesty made him even hotter. A few delicious ideas that flashed
through his head nearly brought him to his knees with lust.

After a number of minutes of more careful questioning he ascertained that it was

more the thought of forceful penetration that turned Leigh on. His explanations and
descriptions of the pain of erotic torture being enhanced by other pleasures, such as clit
stimulation, caused a rapid deepening of Leigh's breaths and had his own mouth
watering with anticipation.

Throughout all of this, Leo somehow managed to listen and mentally collate Leigh's

responses and ask more intelligent questions to get a deeper understanding of her
desires. What Leo really found himself wanting to do was thrust her against the trunk
of the tree and suckle her nipples whilst tearing away her fishnet stockings and panties
and burying himself to the hilt in her.

Adding to his desire and frustration was the fact that the clearer the picture of what

Leigh liked and wanted became, the closer her fantasies and desires seemed to coincide
with his. Leo could barely restrain his impatience by the end of his questions.

"Okay," he finished, "what are you really looking for in a D/s relationship?"
Leigh thought about her response. In the last few minutes she had told Leo more

about herself and her secret fantasies than she had ever told anyone, even Anne and
Damien. Having come this far, she decided the most honest answer would be best.

"I suppose I'm looking for a dominant man to help fulfill my fantasies. I'm tired of

pretending that I don't have these sexual fantasies and it's time that I do something
about them. I've always had these bondage fantasies and they're evidently not going to
just disappear overnight. I figure if I can satisfy my curiosity and need, I can move on to
a probably vanilla relationship with someone who can be a role-model for Nathan as he
grows up."

Leo didn't like the way the possessive anger welled inside him at this comment.
"You don't think a dominant partner could be an effective role-model for Nathan?"
"That's not what I said. I'm just wanting to fulfill myself before I try to settle down."
Leo decided it wasn't his place to argue in favor of the mythical man Leigh had

designed in her head for Nathan's future role model.

"Well, I think we would suit; sexually, I mean. Do you want to have a trial date

tomorrow night? Say dinner at my house? 8 pm?" Leo fell quiet waiting for Leigh's


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Leigh thought about this man. He hadn't told her anything about his own fantasies,

but then again, she hadn't expected him to. He wanted dominance in this relationship,
and that required holding most of the cards. She understood that, but a part of her
wished he had confided his own fantasies to her. The tantalizing thought of Leo
confiding in her his secret wishes made her pussy cream again and her mouth go dry.
Tonight had certainly been a surprise.

Leigh knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she passed up this

opportunity of a bondage date with Leo. She straightened her back even more than the
corset naturally made her do, and looked through the shadows into his face.

"What are the safe words?" she queried. Knowing that this signified her assent,

even though she hadn't literally said "yes," Leigh was impressed she was still showing a
fair reckoning for herself, even in a submissive position.

Leo tried to hide his surprise, grateful for the shadows. He wondered if Leigh

would push him and tease him through their dates like this? Probably, he decided. She
must know that by not answering a direct question she wasn't being submissive. He
smiled a little. This would be fun, but for tonight he'd let it pass. Tomorrow, however… He
felt his cock twitch in expectation. He couldn't wait to get home and start planning their

"How about 'ice?'" he suggested. It was customary for a pair to have a few "safe"

words. If things got out of hand, or the submissive wanted to call a halt to the play, they
called out the safe word and the dominant would stop. It was insurance, both for the
Top and Bottom. It let the dominant partner relax, knowing that he could do what he
thought would please both parties, and let the submissive partner know that ultimately,
they still had control over what would and wouldn't happen to them.

Leigh nodded, accepting Leo's choice of safety word. She turned, expecting him to

want to head back into the party now. When he didn't follow her first steps back
towards the house, she was surprised.

"Leigh." He softly called out. She turned, not knowing what he was waiting for. Leo

simply stood there, waiting for her to return. She did, her first action as a submissive,
she thought with a tingle of anticipation running up her spine.

"Next time, wait for me," he gently reprimanded her. Reaching out, he gently took

her arm and dragged her closer to his hot body.

Pulling her up flush against his hard cock, he bent his head over her face. He

pressed his lips to hers, hard. Kissing her, it started out as a punishment, but the fire in
him quickly spread and he began to eat at her mouth. Hot, hard, hungry. His hand on
her arm tightened as he pulled her even closer to his hot length. He pressed her as close
to his body as possible, wanting to imprint his body against her own.

Leo took a step back, so that his body came up against the tree trunk. He then

reached back out to Leigh, who hadn't moved when he had pulled away from her.
Dragging her back to him, he cupped her ass in his large hands and pulled her half on
top of his straining cock. His cock was so hot and hard he was surprised he didn't


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explode there and then against his black jeans. Kissing her ferociously, he hungrily
thrust his tongue deep into her mouth.

The taste of her drove him wild. She was sweet and just as hot as he had imagined

over the past few months. Her hands clumsily tried to unbutton his shirt, to touch his
chest, and this heated his blood even more. Deciding her first taste of dominance could
begin right now, Leo gently held her wrists and took them from his shirt. Pulling them
down by her side, he pushed them slightly, indicating his desire for her to hold still. She
nodded slightly, understanding his request without words.

Leo took a deep breath. Now that he had all the time in the world and Leigh was

being submissive to him. He looked at the creamy perfection of her breasts in the
scattered moonlight that shone down between the leaves of the big tree. Unable to stop
himself, he peppered kisses along the enticing flesh in the black and deep red satin
corset. He moaned at the hundreds of naughty things he thought of doing, both to her
magnificent breasts and hard little nipples, just peeking cheekily out the top of the

Reminding himself to breathe, he carefully lifted one breast out of its restraint and

popped the nipple into his mouth. He couldn't bear to wonder a second longer what
they tasted like. Sucking carefully, he very, very gently bit into it.

Leo knew that the first few times he tried things with Leigh he would need to work

his way up, as he mentally found what levels of pain and pleasure drove Leigh wild.
He loved these starting quests with a new partner, but somehow with Leigh it was all
the more exciting.

Hearing Leigh's elevated breathing; he increased the pressure of his mouth and

teeth very slightly, feeling his cock twitch at the moan of hunger and anticipation this
elicited from her. Gently removing the other breast from the corset, he tweaked the
nipple, pinching it gently.

When Leigh cried out with the pleasure this time Leo quickly lifted his head from

her nipple to shush her.

Trusting her to obey him in this too, Leo bent down to the nipple he had been

sucking, still twisting and caressing her other nipple and began to work on creating
some serious heat.

* * * * *

Leigh thought she was losing her mind. When she had told Leo of her secret

fantasies, she had been embarrassed and hot at the same time – something she had
never felt before. But that heat was mild compared to this fire Leo was creating now. He
was creating a tingle from her nipple to her cunt and she couldn't even tell how he was
doing it. He was simply sucking on her nipple—something even Nathan as a baby had


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done while she breastfed him—yet the very delicate bites he was taking seemed to send
electric currents from her nipple down to her cunt.

Leigh had thrown her head back and wanted to cry out in ecstasy, but now Leo had

forbidden her. Oh, he hadn't said the words, but he didn't need to. The subtle
communication between the two of them made this tryst even sexier in her mind.

By shushing her, he had effectively made his wishes clear. The dominance that

small sound had portrayed, the proof that Leo hadn't even felt the need to verbalize his
wishes made her pussy cream even more.

As Leo kneaded her ass, and nibbled both her nipples alternately, he built the fire

raging inside her until her silk panties were drenched. Writhing in mind-boggling
pleasure, Leigh unconsciously arched her body up against his massive hard-on.
Desperately trying not to plead, she simply whimpered for her release.

Leo tried to keep his mind on the magnificent reaction Leigh was giving him. She

was either hot as a firecracker, or it had been months since she had taken her last lover.
Pushing the jealousy aside that he resented feeling for her other lovers, he reminded
himself she was his now, and would stay so until they had both exhausted themselves.
Leo worked at making her even hotter, determined to prove to her that he could bring
her pleasure.

Keeping his mouth firmly latched onto her nipple and keeping one hand free to

play with her other, Leo raised the small leather mini she wore. The fishnets played
peek-a-boo with her creamy thighs and long, well-shaped calves. In the moonlight, Leo
caught a much better look at the tattoo on Leigh's right thigh. It was the face of a lion.

Leo the lion, his brain mocked at him, how very interesting.
Filing the information and the questions that arose from the tattoo, Leo happily let

his mind wander as he resumed his sensual assault on Leigh's soft skin.

Carefully poking a finger through the large mesh covering her silky thighs, he ran

his index finger up and down her damp panties.

Leigh moaned and arched even further into Leo, rubbing her drenched panties

along his hard cock. Leo slid his finger under the elastic of the satin panties, stunned at
the amount of cream flowing freely from her cunt. She was certainly hot as a firecracker,
and the strength of her response to him sent his own lust up a notch or two.

"Please—" Leigh moaned, totally lost in the moment. "Please, Leo," she tried again.
Leo knew he didn't want their first fuck to be up against the tree in the back of a

pick-up party, and he knew when Leigh calmed down, she wouldn't want that either.
Disappointed that he had let himself get out of hand, he consoled himself with the
knowledge that he and Leigh most certainly were sexually compatible, and would have
a great time together.

Leo withdrew his finger, raising his head to kiss Leigh quickly when she cried out

in dismay. Then he gently released Leigh's nipple to massage her neck comfortingly as
he sexily sucked on his cream-drenched finger.


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As Leigh regained her breath, she watched, seemingly entranced as she saw him

relishing her cream, licking every drop from his finger. The moonlight spotting over her
creamy skin gave it a soft glow, Leo noticed, enjoying every aspect of her body.

Gently, but fiercely kissing her sweet lips again, he avoided the deep desire to pull

down her fishnets, rip off her panties and thrust himself inside her, over and over until
they both exploded. He clamped down on his desire. Not only did they both deserve
better than a quickie here and now, but it would strengthen his control and domination
of their relationship by proving his strength now.

When Leigh tried to talk to him, to convince him to keep on with what they had

started, Leo simply took her mouth and sucked hungrily on her tongue. Cupping her
ass to pull her closer yet again, he proved to her that he still wanted her.

"No, baby. Not tonight," he huskily whispered.
With those words, Leigh snapped back to reality. She was in some vague friend-of-

a-friend's back yard, with her son's schoolteacher, desperate to push him further up
against a tree and fuck his brains out.

Definitely not an ideal beginning to a relationship, her brain asserted. Pulling herself

back from Leo's hot embrace, she rearranged her breasts in the damned corset and
wondered how she had managed to breathe at all. Between the corset crushing her ribs
and the breathlessness of Leo's kisses, she was surprised she hadn't fainted from
hyperventilation. No wonder those southern belles had fainted all the time.

Leo felt Leigh pull back and gather herself. He didn't mind as he, himself, was

trying to gather his wits. He was determined to stay on top in this relationship. Leigh
would be a brilliant submissive. The way she submitted to him here in the garden, yet
still challenged him, drove him wild. He knew from the times he had watched her with
her son in his classroom that she was confidant, sure of herself. That mixture of
challenge and submission was sure to get him hot every time he thought about it.
Staying on top of her, in every way, would be a delightful challenge. One he could
relish and be proud of.

"So tomorrow at 8 pm? And just as a trial. I think we both want to be sure that you

can dominate me properly," Leigh impishly challenged. She knew they had a massive
amount of sexual chemistry, but she still felt reckless enough to challenge him. She was
still thrilled and stunned that he was interested in games of domination!

"I'll need to be home around midnight or 1 am," she blithely continued, "I can get

Anne or my mom to baby-sit Nathan, but he's at my mom's tonight, so he'll probably
want to be home tomorrow night."

Leo smiled to himself at how reckless and lovely Leigh was. She must know the

challenge she was throwing him. Life certainly wouldn't be dull with her around, he
knew. And he felt his cock twitch again at the thought of dominating her. Oooh, yes
his brain replied, finally getting some semblance of a blood supply up to it. The
challenge of dominating Leigh and keeping her in check and entertained would be fun.


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Leo took Leigh's arm and started to lead her back to the house as he let her continue

talking about her plans to arrange care for Nathan. As they entered the light of the back
porch, she trailed off her nervous chatting.

"Sure." He agreed, unsure what her last comment had been. "Just wear something

nice, but normal. No need to go dressing up on my account, even though you do look
stunning in blood-red and black satin and lace. If I want you to wear something specific
I can either check with you later or buy it for you myself." Grinning at her startled look,
he lightly kissed her once more at the back door and opened it for her, the essential

"We're going to have a blast tomorrow night. You should probably find your friend.

If she's beaten up too many people she might have gotten herself kicked out of the

Leigh's eyes widened in shock.
"Oh shit. Anne!" She couldn't believe she had forgotten her friend. She had

promised Anne that she wouldn't leave her alone in the party for too long. Anne had
made her stipulate that promise as part of her bargain for coming to the party.

The clock in the kitchen showed nearly half an hour had passed since she and Leo

had left Anne alone in the house. Anne had no patience for bondage, or the "weird
mind games" that came as part and parcel of it.

Leigh rushed inside, her stilettos clacking on the kitchen tiles. Hurrying into the

living room, she saw Anne in a corner by a large potted palm, talking to a man in black
leather pants that did hug his ass and beautifully sculpted thighs.

Her friend seemed slightly flushed, though Leigh put that down to the gin and

tonic she had been drinking. Her glass was almost full, and she had nearly finished her
first when Leigh had left.

Given the provocation of having to undoubtedly fight off men and women's

advances for the past half hour, as well as the annoyance of having to keep her
uncertain temper in check, Leigh winced inwardly at how many gins Anne had
probably consumed.

As Leigh entered the room, with Leo just slightly behind her, the man said one last

thing to Anne, quickly kissed her cheek, then left, heading for the front door. Anne
blinked and looked over and met Leigh's eyes. Anne smiled as she saw Leo just behind
her, obviously concluding their talk had gone well. She raised herself from the couch
she had been sitting on and started forwards, meeting the two of them half way.

"Everything okay?" she asked. "You both seem to have all your body parts intact,

even if Leigh is looking disheveled and your top button is undone," she quietly

Leigh hastily rearranged her skirt, wishing she had fixed her stockings before

rushing inside.

"I was just worried about you, hon," she complained.


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Anne rolled her eyes, "Sure! You think about me half an hour after ditching me. I'm

adding unlimited hugs and kisses from Nathan until he's at least eleven years old to my
end of the bargain. I might as well get half-shares in my honorary nephew after all this
fuss. Do you know how many weird offers I've had to turn down? I'd be embarrassed if
it wasn't so good for my ego!"

Leigh laughed. "Like your ego needs the boost. Who was that stud you were talking

to when I came in?" she inquired curiously.

Anne eyed Leo and then turned back to Leigh.
"So," she ignored Leigh's question entirely," are you ready to go home? Because if I

have another drink I might do something we'll both regret."

Leigh knew when to take the hint and turned back to Leo. He merely raised an

eyebrow and smiled slightly.

"Tomorrow." He stated, a promise and a reminder in one. Leigh nodded her assent.


Leo reached over and gently took Leigh's arm in one of his and Anne's with his

other, escorting both ladies to their host. Saying their "goodbyes" and "thank yous", Leo
then led both ladies out to their car, where he waited to make sure everything was all
right before they drove off home.

In the car, Leigh tried to get Anne to explain the "mystery stud" but she remained

tight-lipped about him, claiming he was just "some guy" who had been chatting to her.
Anne, however, grilled Leigh about Leo and declared herself pleased that they had set
up a trial date for the following evening. Assuring Leigh of her willingness to baby-sit
Nathan, Anne insisted it would all be fine.

"Besides, you can start by feeding us the Ben and Jerry's you owe me." Anne turned

to face her friend and smiled widely. "Now that you owe me so much ice cream I need
to share some with Nathan or I'll turn into a beach ball."

Leigh smiled as she concentrated on the road taking them back home. Thoughts of

Leo and his heated kisses kept her all hot and bothered throughout the long drive.
Anne teased her for her distracted thoughts and comments, but all Leigh could think
about was the fantasies she had shared with Leo. How much would he simply take
onboard as background knowledge of her thoughts and feelings and how much would
he use to help her live out her fantasies? Thoughts like that, and mental pictures of
them acting out some of her fantasies kept her distracted all night long, and all through
work the next day.


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Chapter 4

Saturday night.
Leigh paid the cab driver and carefully climbed out onto the footpath. Watching the

cabbie do a quick three-point turn, then drive away, she mindlessly watched the lights
fade down the road.

The bright lights illuminating the front garden of Leo's house made the small

garden seem quite cheerful, but couldn't quite dispel the nerves in her stomach. She
took a deep breath and reminded herself that Nathan and Anne would thoroughly
enjoy their time alone. All through their dinner of meatloaf they had eyed the freezer,
which contained Anne's first pint of Ben & Jerry's Double Chocolate Fudge Ice cream.

Leigh knew her best friend and son well enough to know that there'd only be a

single serving left for her before the night was finished, even though the pint technically
was Anne's. She also knew that those two would most certainly spend the whole night
playing video games, dancing to music while singing at the top of their lungs, and
eating every item of junk food that grabbed their fancy.

Looking back up to Leo's house, Leigh determinedly thrust both Nathan and Anne

from her mind and worries. When the heavy feeling of worry didn't instantly recede the
way it usually did when she knew Nathan was in safekeeping Leigh wondered if it was
herself she should be worrying about.

She had been fantasizing for so long about a strong lover who would dominate her

and help her explore her darker fantasies, it hadn't crossed her mind when she accepted
Leo's offer that maybe she would be nervous. Why should she be nervous? She knew
who Leo was.

Do you really know who he is Leigh? a little voice inside her head taunted. Or do you

only know his public persona? Just like he knows your public persona? Leigh swallowed
carefully. She had no doubts at all about their sexual combustibility, but she had
wished time and time again over the last twenty-four hours that she hadn't challenged
Leo so directly before she had left the party.

Leigh reminded herself for the millionth time that she had made it clear to Leo that

she wasn't curious or interested about heavy pain, merely slight stimulation to simply
enhance the pleasure. She trusted Leo, didn't she?

Leigh cringed as she finally worked out the truth. She wasn't sure she did trust Leo.

Oh, she trusted him with her body, his acceptance of a safe word proved he was willing
to stop when she told him to. But she had shared more with him about her inner self
than she even had with Damien. The thought that Leo could know her so intimately,
could control so much of her life, scared the crap out of her. After Damien she had
sworn never to let a man so fully take over her life ever again.


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Leigh got a grip on her runaway brain. Leo didn't have that much control over her.

He was merely going to be her next sexual partner. The fact that he knew a stack about
her private, personal sexual preferences had no bearing on any other aspect of her life.

Looking back up to the well lit front lawn and house Leigh calmed herself. Leo

merely wanted to explore their mutual interest sexually. He wasn't asking for a
commitment, he wasn't professing his undying love and wanting to live together
happily ever after. He merely wanted to dominate her and show her the joys of
submissive sex. Grinning again, her confidence fully restored, Leigh headed over
towards the front of the house.

Leigh knew that Leo would keep their secret. He certainly wouldn't want the whole

town to know that the third grade primary school teacher was into dominating his
sexual partners. No more than she wanted her workmates to know that she got excited
and hot by the mere thought of being tied up and made love to.

After years of wondering, here finally was her chance to explore and discover

everything she had been curious about. Now she had found a golden opportunity
presented to her wrapped neatly in a bow, she couldn't possibly back out! To make
matters clearer, the thought of calling Leo and canceling sent shivers of revulsion
through her. Never! her brain had cried out. She couldn't bear to admit to a few nerves.

Suddenly embarrassed that she had needed to reiterate her little pep talk to herself

before entering Leo's house, Leigh quickened her steps through his front garden.

Wild woman, she chanted to herself with a little inner smile. It had been forever since

she had needed to remind herself that she was tough and brave. She certainly had come
a long way from the scared little coward of three years ago. Thinking once more of all
her tattoo symbolized, she quickened her steps up the paved footpath to Leo's front

She was single-handedly raising her little son into a wonderful boy. She had made a

success out of the shambles that had been her life. She would not be intimidated or
scared by this gorgeous man or by her darker cravings. They were hers, and she would
be ultimately in charge of tonight. It would be she who could call the proceedings to a
halt if she felt things had progressed too far. When she said "ice" he would stop—no
questions asked. Thus the power and control tonight truly did ultimately end with her,
and this safety net would be enough to let her relax and enjoy herself.

As Leigh came to a halt in front of Leo's door, she hastily rearranged her skimpy

dress, fixed her garters and thigh highs and nervously ran a hand through her shoulder
length hair. She took one last breath and tilted her chin proudly.

She would do this, and enjoy herself. She would learn more about herself and her

cravings, and maybe learn more about the sort of man she would eventually seek out to
satisfy her fully sexually. With that thought, a killer grin crossed her face, and she rang
the bell. Making a few last second hair alterations, she pasted on her most killer man-
eating smile. She was ready.


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* * * * *

Leo twitched the curtains of his lounge room shut as the sound of his doorbell rang

throughout his house. He pondered Leigh's delay in coming into his house. He couldn't
quite accept that she might have been nervous. With almost any other woman he might
have thought so, and might even have been correct. But he knew Leigh's strength and
self-confidence too well. It was much more likely that she was trying to make him
nervous; to assert her control and dominance over him before their little game even

Leo smiled. He had years of experience in these mind games, in games of control

and self-mastery. Leigh was way out of her league, and she didn't even know it yet. But
she would understand soon. Very soon. The delicious smells of the lamb ragout he had
been stewing for hours made his mouth water. The knowledge of how he and Leigh
would be eating their dinner was as much to blame for his heightening arousal as the
delicious, spicy scents emanating from the kitchen.

Leo had carefully and meticulously planned every aspect of the night ahead of

them. He had promised her a trial bondage date, and that was what he fully intended to
give her. He was determined to seduce her both by working with what he knew and
could guess about her fantasies.

Purposely walking on the wooden floor and not the rugs he had casually strewn

around the homey room, he enjoyed the reverberating thunks of his leather shoes. He
was preparing Leigh to listen out for the sound of his footfalls. He hoped that by the
end of the night she would be attuned to him enough to feel a tiny thrill of fear and
desire from the sound of him closing in on her.

As he halted in front of his door, he realized that he was looking forward to playing

with Leigh. To making her beg, then scream for her orgasms, to seducing her body to
acknowledge him as its master.

For a number of years he had thoroughly enjoyed initiating "virgins" to the games

of bondage, but all too soon their wide-eyed innocence grew boring and dull for him.
They would give over all of their independence to him and keep nothing of themselves.
He knew Leigh wouldn't be like that, knew she would keep her fiery, feisty personality.
Leo even looked forward to the challenge of trying to fit himself into her life outside the

Leo stopped for a moment, startled by the intensity of his wanting to be a part of

every aspect of Leigh's life. Surely he was merely interested in her in a sexual manner?
He didn't want to share his entire life with her, did he? Pushing the confusing thoughts
aside to muse over later, Leo decided to wait another few moments to keep Leigh
guessing on the other side of the door.

From the second Leo had seen Leigh at that party and had realized that she was

looking for a bondage partner, he had known she would be different. Something deep
inside his gut knew Leigh would hold his attention well past those first few glorious
fucks and well into a deeper training, into a personal attunement.


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Licking his lips in anticipation, in the ultimate hope that he could tune Leigh's

desires and preferences into his perfect personal partner, Leo waited those extra few
seconds by the door.

A small part of him could imagine Leigh shifting nervously from foot to foot,

wondering why he hesitated in opening the door. Leo smiled wryly to himself, he knew
Leigh would be doing no such thing. She wasn't a shy, skittish little virgin; she was a
bold, confident woman. And she would be a demanding and exciting lover. He knew
she would be standing there, proudly as any unbroken filly.

Swinging his heavy wooden door open, he drank in the sight of Leigh. She looked

delicious in a short, flirty black dress that made her creamy skin glow and her soft
blonde hair shimmer. Her big hazel eyes seemed almost a stormy gray in the reflected
porch lights. Her big smile was the most direct challenge any woman had ever posed to
him on a first date. Stepping back, he waved a hand inside his house.

"Come in, Leigh," he stated simply, wanting to feed her the illusion of control. He

knew it was an illusion, but he was certain it would make Leigh feel more comfortable.

Leigh's breath caught as Leo opened the door. He was dressed simply tonight, but

with an air of elegance. Unlike the casual black jeans he had worn last night, he now
wore a pair of black slacks and a soft looking green shirt. The green of his shirt brought
out the depth of green in his eyes, and made them sparkle in a way that Leigh
considered should be illegal.

Leo's hair was the rich, warm color of the most delicious chocolate and Leigh again

had the almost irresistible urge to run her hands through it. Warmly tanned skin and a
sleek body, just lightly toned but not harshly muscled made her blood heat and her
pulse start to race. Leo looked good enough to feast on.

A matching tie of dark green rested on top of his shirt, the knot tied firmly, but not

tightly. Just like how she could imagine him tying her wrists together later tonight.
Shivering a little at the erotic images that flashed through her mind, Leigh mentally
shook herself and sharply reminded herself that she would not fall under any spells this
magical man would try to cast.

Feeling her usual confidence returning in spades, Leigh drew herself up even more

proudly. Time for dinner, she cheekily reminded herself. Stepping into the hallway as
Leo indicated, she let her breasts lightly brush against Leo's solid chest as she raised one
arm to cup his face.

"Good evening," she murmured throatily. "Thank you for inviting me over for…

dinner." Lightly kissing his cheek in greeting Leigh stepped back and looked around
Leo's home.

Leo surreptitiously took a deep breath. He was careful not to gulp at the air so

Leigh wouldn't know the fierceness of his reaction to her. She was a firecracker just
waiting to be lit. He couldn't wait to start setting her body to a slow burn.

Lightly taking hold of her arm, he led her into the largest room in his house. The

lounge room was actually two rooms with the connecting wall knocked out, so it


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doubled as the dining room. The table was already set for the very particular meal he
had planned, but he didn't want Leigh to fully comprehend what she had let herself in
for just yet, so he sat her on the couch with her back to the dining table.

"Would you like a pre-dinner glass of wine?" he casually asked, the ever-proper

host. "I'll be driving you home, so you needn't worry about your alcohol intake tonight."

Leo didn't mention that under no circumstances would he let her have more than a

glass or two of wine tonight. He wanted her every sense heightened, not dulled. Smart
man that he was though, he knew that pointing such a thing out to Leigh would merely
set her back up, so he kept his own counsel and continued letting her feel in control of
the evening.

Leigh took one last look around the large, comfortable room. She couldn't believe

she had been nervous outside on the pavement. Leo was the essential genial host; he
hadn't greeted her with a whip and chain, or a collar and leash. She must have been out
of the dating scene far longer than she had realized to have been so nervous about a
simple date with a little bondage play planned, instead of the usual after dinner mints
and a necking session on the couch. How could she have possibly been nervous of him?
He was a schoolteacher for crying out loud.

Feeling back in her customary role of woman-in-charge, she smiled prettily up at

Leo (he really was gorgeous, she reminded herself) and tried to dazzle him with her best
charming grin.

"That would be lovely, thank you."
Mentally patting herself on the back for gaining the upper hand so early in the

evening Leigh let her gaze wander to the bookshelf. Standing up and heading over to
the case she was surprised to find such a vast array of books. All sorts of books from
Tom Clancy to Patricia Cornwell to math and physics textbooks filled the large shelves.
Leo had eclectic tastes that certainly spanned a wide range of interests. Noting a
number of her own favorite books on the shelf she realized that many similar titles
resided on her own shelves back home.

Turning back as she heard Leo return with her glass of wine, she smiled and

decided to take control of the conversation. The night was turning out to be much more
controlled than she had worried about.

And maybe less exciting? the demon in her whispered. A startling fantasy of seeing

Leo return in black leather pants and his chest naked, a thrall collar in his hands
replacing the glass of wine he held merged over the reality. Feeling her pulse start to
race Leigh squashed the fantasy and grinned at Leo as she accepted the glass of wine.

You'd much rather accept the thrall collar, wouldn't you, Leigh? Her inner demon


"Dinner smells lovely. What's on the menu?" She smiled as she took the offered

glass from Leo's outstretched hand and took a delicate sip. Light and fruity, the wine
had an instantly soothing effect on her. Back in control of herself and her insane
imagination once again, she cast her eye over Leo's dark green shirt. While he might


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look more alluring with his chest naked, he certainly looked sexy in the green shirt and

Another fantasy of him throwing himself onto the dining room table and letting her

rip open his shirt crying out "I am for dinner" made her smile slightly. Imagination was
a lovely and amusing thing at times.

Leo raised one eyebrow mockingly. Leigh worried for a second that he could read

her thoughts, then quickly cast the impression aside. No one could read her thoughts
and fantasies, that's why she so often gave her mind free reign. It was so much more
amusing that way.

"Curious, my dear? Well, we all know what happened to the curious cat, don't we?"
Leigh blinked, startled. For a few seconds she felt the weight of Leo's stare on her

face and exposed cleavage. The heat, the intensity of his gaze, surprised her. Then, in an
instant, it was gone again and the charming, faintly mocking Leo was back.

"I've prepared a special meal for a special occasion, and I want it to be a surprise for

you. It should be ready in a few more minutes, so all you need to do is sit back on the
couch and wait and relax."

Happy to comply, Leigh settled down in the couch and sipped her wine. Leo

headed back into the kitchen and Leigh could hear him opening and closing the oven
and fridge. The familiar clatter of utensils and dishes faded into the background as
Leigh let her mind wander.

She wondered what the forthcoming night would bring. Would he seduce her

during the dinner or keep his distance like he had so far? Would they actually get
around to any bondage games tonight, or would he leave her hanging; tease her and
tempt her into another date soon?

Squirming as she realized she was already getting wet and Leo wasn't even in the

room, Leigh fiddled with the hem of her skirt. Leo was acting like his charming
schoolteacher self, she realized, but he seemed more restrained somehow; more
reserved. The sexy, dominating man she had met at the party last night was hiding
somewhere. Leigh knew that man was only lurking under a thin veneer of the charming
schoolteacher, but the dichotomy of his two personas was throwing her slightly off

His curious behavior was whetting her appetite, and she couldn't put her finger on

why this was seducing her. She was finding it remarkably difficult, resisting the
impulse to run her fingers through his hair, to loosen his tie and unbutton that beautiful
green shirt. She was somehow tuned into the dominant man under the civilized front of
the schoolteacher, and knowing that first man was there, biding his time was making
her wet and desperately hot.

Trying to control her breathing as she imagined herself slowly removing his tie and

undoing the buttons on Leo's shirt, she imagined his tan, sleek chest, lightly dusted
with brown hair, and very subtly muscled. She knew from her brief exploration last
night that Leo's body was only lightly muscled, more toned from regular workouts in


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the gym, she guessed, as opposed to a serious athlete. He was tough enough to be sexy,
but soft enough that he had no problems playing with the children and letting them
climb over his body.

The thought of climbing over his naked body and rubbing her aching nipples over

his chest and stomach made her smother a moan. She was getting all hot and bothered
and the night had barely begun. Maybe she should try to take control of the evening
and skip the delicious meal she could smell from the kitchen, seduce Leo straight into
the bedroom where he could start their little bondage games. Taking another hasty sip
from her wine glass, she tried to quench her thirst.

Realizing the wine was probably going straight to her head on her empty stomach,

Leigh stood up. Being careful not to spill the wine over her dress, Leigh turned just in
time to see Leo enter the dining room with one plate heaped with deliciously spicy-
smelling food. He set the plate down at the place closest to the door, and waved Leigh
to the adjacent seat. Confused, she crossed over to the table and looked at the empty
seat. No cutlery or dishes were set out, as they were in front of Leo's seat.

"Sit, Leigh," Leo said.
Leigh looked over at Leo. His voice hadn't been harsh, but there had been a thread

of steel, of command in his voice. Wondering what he thought he was doing, but not
wanting to spoil the night, Leigh pulled out the seat he had indicated and sat. She had
to brush aside two silken scarves to sit on the cushions that softened the hard wooden
seat. A tiny inkling of her earlier worry crept back. Leigh firmly pushed it aside and
looked to Leo.

"What's going on?"
Leo smiled and leaned over to place both his arms on the chair she sat on. Raising

the two scarves he very slowly and carefully tied both her wrists to the edge of her
chair. He tried not to grin as he heard Leigh's elevated breaths. She neither moved a
muscle nor called out in any way, she simply held herself rigidly.

Leo gently tested the bonds he made sure that her circulation wasn't hampered in

any way and then sat back in his chair. He felt a surge of pride for this woman. It was
obvious that she was uncomfortable with the restraints, yet she didn't make a peep of
being upset. She simply sat and waited to see what he would do or say next.

Leigh swallowed carefully as Leo sat back in his seat. She wasn't scared, she kept

reminding herself. But she was certainly surprised. When she had accepted Leo's date
and offer of initiation into bondage she had figured "dinner" would be the prelude to
their sexual activities. She hadn't considered it would be a part of their play. She raised
her head arrogantly and tossed her hair back.

Fake it till you make it, she chanted to herself. There as no way she'd let Leo take the

control from her. She reminded herself that he might think he had control over her, but
with a simple word she could call a halt to all his plans and machinations. She had
yearned for years to explore this darker side of her passion, and by Heaven she was
determined to do it now, with this man.


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She felt herself dampen with the realization that her movements were severely

restricted. She still had control over her legs, and it would be awkward but she could
stand and move about, dragging the chair with her. Her control had simply been
hampered, not taken away she reminded herself.

Wild horses could not drag from her the admission that she was ever so slightly

nervous. She had enough pride and determination that she was certain she could pass
this twist off as something she had half-expected.

"I take it you will eat while I get the honor of watching?" She tried to gather her

wavering courage and inject as much sarcasm into the simple words as possible.
"How romantic."

Leo smiled slightly as the hunter and predator in him rose. It was clear to him that

he had succeeded in surprising Leigh; she obviously hadn't been anticipating this. Her
pretty face and hazel eyes were so expressive that he could easily gauge her reactions. It
would make his domination of her much, much easier this way.

Half the fun Leo found in dominating a worthy woman was in keeping her on her

toes and just slightly out of control. Women's reactions were always so much more
interesting this way. And it was just as obvious to him that Leigh certainly didn't expect
him to act as a knight in shining armor. All the better. He sometimes hated the civilized
front he needed to invoke in order to socialize. He was certain he could keep Leigh
guessing for ages to come, keep her on her toes and ever-so-slightly off-center.

"Not at all, Leigh. Not at all."
He reached underneath his chair and pulled out a midnight blue scarf. Leaning

towards her once again, he gently tied it around her eyes, cutting off her vision. He
smiled widely at her next words.

"Oh. I see. I get to not see you eat your dinner while I sit here and starve?" This time

Leigh didn't need to try to inject sarcasm into her words; they came naturally. She could
practically feel Leo's silent laughter at her. Well let him laugh, she grumbled to herself. I

wasn't expecting champagne and roses, but I was expecting a decent meal before we started the
power games.

Leo looked down at Leigh's wryly-twisted mouth. Now that she couldn't see him

stare, he let his eyes soak up her pretty face.

She certainly wasn't beautiful in the conventional sense. She was too busty, too

tall, too large for the anorexic models of today. But she was certainly womanly. Her soft
skin had a creamy consistency and an inner glow to it. Her lips were full and kissable,
her hair was thick and fell neatly to her shoulders. He couldn't resist leaning closer to
catch another whiff of her delicate, flowery perfume.

"Trust me, Leigh," he breathed into her ear, "you won't starve. I promised to satisfy

your…appetites, didn't I?" He grinned again at the catch in her breath. He had
surprised her again, and by the look of her hardening nipples, surprised her in a good
way too. "Now don't move sweetheart, I'll be right back."


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He knew it was too early in their relationship to leave her like this for more than a

few seconds. Once they had built the trust and affection between them, leaving her like
this would titillate her more than many caresses would. But for now he was still an
unknown in her mind, and dragging the moment out too long would only succeed in
pissing her off.

He quickly returned to the kitchen, poured out a large glass of chilled water for

them both to drink with the dinner, and returned to the dining room table.

The ragout had turned out perfectly. The lamb was so well done it fell apart with

his fork cutting into it, the potatoes and other vegetables were soft enough to melt in
one's mouth, and the sauce held the entire ragout together, enhancing their individual
flavors, while blending perfectly.

Quickly eating a mouthful of the stew to check it wasn't too hot to burn Leigh's

delicate mouth, he decided to start the conversation.

"So, Leigh, how was your day?"
Leigh tried to gather her wits. With the blindfold on her other senses were

heightened. She could smell the rich scent of the lamb, with herbs and tomato paste.
The mingled scents of other vegetables surrounded her too.

She guessed that Leo had made some sort of stew, or ragout or something. But

underlying all the varying scents of the meal was the faint scent of Leo himself,
masculine and earthy. She could feel her mouth watering, not only at the thought of the
meal in front of Leo, but also at the visions she could see behind her blindfold. Leo
smiling, holding out his hand, asking her to trust him.

"Uh, fine." She managed to get out. "Work was fine like normal, Nathan seemed to

have a good day at school…" she petered out as she felt Leo lean towards her again. She
couldn't tell how she had known, but she could feel him move closer to her, the current
of air he stirred brought his scent towards her along with the smell of the spicy dinner.

"Open, Leigh. Open for me," he huskily drawled. Leigh quickly drew in a breath.

The urge to open her legs for him was ridiculously hard to ignore. She knew he meant
her mouth, realized with a flash of brilliance that didn't last that he was going to feed
her their dinner.

Even so, the seduction in his tone, the half-pleading quality in his voice was

begging for her to open herself to him in other, more profound ways. Clenching her
fists in resistance she reminded herself that she was in control and it was she who would
direct their play. Chastising herself for being a wimp and a marshmallow, she opened
her mouth for him.

Chuckling softly, Leo arrowed the spoon laden with lamb so soft it melted and a

piece of carrot and potato into Leigh's bow shaped mouth. He had noticed her clenched
fists, and wondered if she was annoyed at his taking power over her simplest facility, or
at her own desire to open fully to him.

He had meant to seduce her, to tantalize her with giving over all her control to him.

He briefly wondered if he would have taken her lead if she had opened her legs to him.


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A more malicious, sophisticated submissive might have tried to unbalance him that

He grinned at the thought of his feisty Leigh teasing him and tempting him in

return for his control over her. Wouldn't she have been surprised when he took her
opening and ran with it until the power rested with him again?

He knew that in time, as Leigh opened up towards him, grew to trust him, that the

feisty side of her nature would make her tease him and tempt him like that. He felt
himself harden with the tantalizing thought of a true challenge. How to keep a
submissive feeling as if she were in control, when he was actually the one in power. The
mental picture of such joy and pleasure that would come from such a clash of wills
boggled his mind.

Leigh was charming in her innocent fight against him, he decided. He had been

playing these games for years now, and he enjoyed the challenge. The further challenge
of inducting Leigh into the pleasures of bondage and, he hoped, to molding her to suit
his personal preferences hung before him, teasing and tempting.

As Leigh obediently took the food from his spoon he felt his cock twitch and

lengthen as she delicately chewed and swallowed. Sitting next to him, bound and
blindfolded, eating literally from the palm of his hand, she was temptation incarnate.
With her perky breasts and short, silken hair and pouty lips she could induce a saint to
have a hard-on, he decided.

Quickly using the fork in his left hand to feed himself some of the ragout he chewed

more harshly than was probably required and heaped the spoon for Leigh yet again.
What was supposed to be tantalizing for Leigh, and kick-start her initial trust in him
was turning into torture for himself.

"And again, Leigh," he softly intoned. He reminded himself he wanted to teach

Leigh the joy in giving up her control, in trusting his judgment to care for her. It would
be pointless to spread her legs, rip her dress from her delicious body and take her right

He needed to prove to Leigh that she could rest all trust in him, that he wouldn't

give her more or less than she could handle and that she simply had to let go of her

She might be learning all that, his cock twitched at him, but we're anxious to thrust deep

and hard into her; to show her who's boss around here and how great it feels to be in control.

Leo sighed and tried to surreptitiously adjust his pants. The dinner stretched before

him a whole lot longer than it had appeared to be five minutes ago.


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Chapter 5

Leigh closed her eyes behind the blindfold and sat back in her chair in bliss.

Whatever else anyone could say about Leo, he could certainly cook. The stew had been
magnificent. After the first few minutes of trying not to squirm in embarrassment from
being fed like a child, Leigh had decided to relax and enjoy the strange feeling of being

She had spent most of her time these last few years concentrating on earning

enough money to keep herself and Nathan afloat; the rest of her effort had been spent
showering Nathan with love and the feeling of safety, security.

There had been virtually no time anywhere to pamper herself, to learn how to cook

properly, indulge in bubble baths and lazy afternoons reading and relaxing. Those
personal things she had been wanting to do and learn, for years now had always been
placed in the "later" basket.

It had only been the rare occasion when Anne had beaten down her door and

demanded some "girl time" which had usually turned into "indulging oneself" time that
she had been able to really stretch out and relax.

Leigh wasn't sure she liked the mental image of being fed like a child, but

somewhere deep in her brain, the knowledge that Leo wouldn't hurt her had lodged
and stuck. She knew he wasn't doing this to humiliate or embarrass her, so after the first
five minutes of blushing wildly, she had tried to work out what Leo's point had been.

Her befuddled brain had finally come up with the explanation that he was trying to

get her to trust him. At that moment, Leigh's confidence had wavered slightly. It wasn't
that she didn't want to trust Leo, it was more he would be asking so much! Leigh's brain
asserted control over her panicking body again, when she realized that Leo was asking
for a physical and mental trust, not an emotional trust.

She was bound gently and blindfolded, and therefore at a physical disadvantage.

Leo was not professing undying love, was not presenting hearts and candy, he was
merely initiating her into the role of submissive.

With her head around where she felt Leo was going, Leigh felt much better and

wallowed in the attention Leo gave her.

Finally feeling her belly fill with Leo's stew, Leigh let Leo know by a shake of her

head and the simple comment "I'm full" that she couldn't possibly eat another delicious

The conversation had been slow and easy; the casual getting-to-know you

questions and answers of the average first date, interspersed with long stretches of
contented silences. Leigh had told Leo all about her retail job, about how she loved


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selling bath salts and bubbles, special herbal soaps and lotions. Leo had talked about his
love for kids and his joy in teaching them.

Feeling her shoulders and back relax, she spent a minute questioning herself

honestly. She hadn't been this relaxed in a man's company in years, so why now with
this man in such a strange circumstance? It couldn't just be the fact that she knew she
was physically safe, there were very few men she knew whom she was physically
afraid of.

Maybe it was the fact that she knew Leo wasn't interested in an emotional

relationship, or at least not a normal emotional relationship. Without the threat of a
normal commitment, maybe her mind was allowing her to relax and indulge herself.

While she was pondering the different ramifications of these thoughts, Leigh was

startled by Leo interrupting her thoughts.

"Sure you've had enough, Leigh?"
Jerking her thoughts back to the evening and the dinner, Leigh smiled at how this

proved she really had relaxed in Leo's presence.

"Yes, thank you, Leo. It really was delicious," she softly replied.
Leo rose and picked up the large plate their dinner had been on. Crossing over to

the kitchen he placed the dirty dish beside the sink and opened the fridge to withdraw
the dessert he had prepared earlier that evening.

He was thrilled by how successful the dinner had become. Leigh was obviously

relaxing in his company. By the end of the main course she had been sitting back in her
chair, looking for all the world like a pampered cat-god waiting for its next offering!

He was amused and wondered if she knew how relaxed and trusting she had

become of him. He would never have asked her, it was far too early just now to bring
the word "trust" into this relationship. For now he was still happy for her to move at her
own pace. The time for hard questions and answers would come later. Much later, he

For now, his body was burning up with the desire to claim her, to thrust inside her

and spill himself deep in her womb. Soon…he assured his randy cock, very soon.

Throughout the dinner, he had become hard as he fantasized over those lips, the

quick tongue he saw darting in and out of her mouth. With her hands bound and her
soft, succulent body so willingly at his mercy it had taken all his strength for him not to
tear the scarves away, throw her over his shoulder and take her directly to his big bed.

Shaking his head at the vivid fantasies that tantalized him, he withdrew the big

ceramic bowl of cream-filled apricots. The ripe scent of the tangy apricots overlaid with
the full, rich smell of the whipped cream stuffed inside them made his mouth water.

For a second he indulged himself and imagined spreading the cream over Leigh's

nipples, her luscious mouth and slowly licking it off. She would arch into his tongue,
offering her nipples to him, throatily begging for more…


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Snapping back to reality Leo placed the bowl by the sink and washed his hands,

hoping to cool his raging pulse by cooling his wrists. Quickly drying his hands on a tea
towel, he picked up the bowl again and headed back to the willing woman who waited
for him.

Leigh delicately sniffed the air, hoping to catch a whiff of what Leo had prepared

for dessert. She was dying of curiosity and was only barely restraining her impatience.
She wasn't just impatient to eat her dessert, but also to find out what Leo had planned

Being blindfolded and restrained had created a weird intimacy between herself and

her host. Relying on him for her food as well as the company had created a strange new
intimacy for a first date. Not being able to see also made time warp in a strange way.
She couldn't tell if ten or thirty minutes had passed during their main course, and it felt
odd not being able to track the time.

As she heard Leo walk closer to the table Leigh thought she caught a faint scent of

fruit, but she couldn't be sure before she heard the heavy thud of a bowl or container
being placed on the table, and the now familiar scent of Leo as he sat next to her.

"What's for dessert?" she calmly asked.
"Why don't you tell me?" he easily replied. Plopping a cream-stuffed apricot into

her slightly parted lips, Leo squashed the impulse to ask her to suck on his finger as

Patience, he reminded himself. He knew that the longer he dragged these moments

out, the greater the desire would build. He wanted them both at a fever pitch by the end
of the night.

He wanted to help Leigh feel comfortable in losing control and placing her trust in

his hands, and that was something only time and moving slowly would achieve. The
fact that his cock was as hard as a crowbar didn't help him, but that was his problem.

Leigh rolled the fruit around in her mouth. She was almost positive it was a dried

apricot, but it was too soft, too juicy to be simply a dried apricot. Yet it certainly wasn't a
fresh apricot. As she gently bit down into the fleshy fruit, her mouth exploded with

Stifling a gasp of pleasure, Leigh savored the whipped cream that filled her mouth

and tried not to moan in hedonistic delight.

Leigh figured that Leo had soaked dried, pitted apricots in water then stuffed them

with whipped cream. A simple, tasty dessert that could easily be eaten with fingers and
minimal fuss and mess. The cream softened the tartness of the apricot. It created a
mouthwatering dessert that was simple and elegant.

Leigh concentrated on not moaning aloud.
Leo swore he felt himself harden even more as he watched Leigh delicately bite

down on the apricot. He relished the surprised joy her face expressed when the cream
was released into her mouth.


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He wondered if she'd have a similar look of surprise and joy when he came in her

mouth, or between her lush breasts. He could practically taste the blend of tart-
sweetness of the apricot and cream, so reminiscent of a woman's flavour.

He had been very particular in his choice for dessert. Not only to remind himself of

the delicate flavors of a woman, but also to make Leigh subconsciously think of her
mouth exploding with cream—to prepare her in a rather subtle way for him coming in
her mouth.

As he fed her piece by piece, he took an apricot or two for himself also. There was

no need to deny himself now, since he would be restraining himself later. He fully
intended to initiate Leigh slowly and carefully. He just wished to hell he wasn't so
desperate for her, so hungry to feel her ripe body and sweet womanliness.

He knew trust wouldn't come easily with her. Her bastard of an ex had certainly

hurt her, and consequently she would need to be coaxed quietly and gently, until she
was fully ensnared in his nets, and then would be the time to show her and make her
fully recognize the ties that bound them.

Oh yes, he mused as the cream exploded in his mouth, she would recognize the myriad

of ways they were bound. And there would be no escape from him then.


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Chapter 6

When Leigh pulled her head away from Leo's outstretched hand, and said she had

had enough of the dessert, she felt Leo's physical withdrawal. As she listened carefully,
she heard his footsteps thud back into the kitchen. She heard the sounds of the fridge
being opened and shut, the oven being opened and shut. What she assumed to be the
dishwasher opened and plates and cutlery clanging. The running water covered much
of the sounds, as he rinsed the plates.

Leigh sat back and wondered what was to come next. Leo had certainly surprised

her with his odd way of serving dinner. In a strange sense it had significantly aided the
gathering of intimacy in their relationship. Much of the mandatory getting-to-know-you
questions had been asked and answered during the main meal. But instead of feeling as
if they were on their first date and testing the waters, Leo had thrown them both in
headfirst into the more intimate side of their relationship.

She now physically knew Leo wouldn't hurt her, no matter the provocation. If he

had harbored any ill will or ill intentions towards her he would have done something to
that effect during dinner.

Leigh hesitated to use the word "trust" even to herself, simply because she refused

to acknowledge that she trusted any man at all, but the word hovered at the back of her
mind, out of sight but not completely out of reach.

As she heard Leo come back, she tensed, both in anticipation as well as trepidation.

She couldn't even begin to guess what Leo had planned now, but she doubted anything
much would shock her.

She felt him lean towards her, hovering over her seated form, and then she held her

breath as he gently removed her dark blindfold.

Blinking at the soft light, she focused her eyes and gazed up to Leo's hungry stare.

Smiling softly, she once again took in the handsome sight he made. His eyes burned
with green fire and his chocolate hair glowed in the muted light.

"That was a delicious meal. Thank you, Leo."
Leo absently nodded at her compliment. Leigh felt a twinge of concern that he

didn't seem to be paying much attention to her words. Throwing caution to the wind as
her usual confidence returned, she decided to poke the massive beast with a stick. She
smiled in her best knock-'em-dead manner.

"So what now Big-man?" The instant the words left her mouth she foolishly wished

she could call them back. Leo's eyes had sharpened, his gaze roamed over her face and
bound form.


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Gazing deeply into his eyes, she realized with a startled intelligence that he had

merely been polite throughout dinner. He had been banking his inner fire and desires,
not quenching them as she had naively thought. Not being able to see his hunger and
desire had made her think he no longer felt any. She had a feeling the Mr. Nice Guy
who had been present throughout the meal was gone, and a new man was about to take
his place.

Leo smiled ever so slightly as the feisty Leigh came back to the fore. He was glad to

see that his first lesson had gone down well, well enough that she was still feeling cocky
and confidant. This was great.

Contrary to what many dominants felt, breaking a new submissive was totally

beside the point in his opinion. What use was a broken toy that simply obeyed orders
and never thought or acted on their intuition? Leo much preferred his bedmates, both
submissive and vanilla, to think for themselves and use their initiative.

Even so, he couldn't wait to see how his second lesson for the night was going to go

down. Now that Leigh knew he wouldn't hurt her, and had some semblance of a trust
basis he could build on, it was time for her to begin to learn how to follow orders. His
orders more specifically.

Slowly, he bent down, so closely to her that he could breathe in her breaths. Gently,

he untied her wrist restraints. The silky scarves took a minute to yield her soft flesh, but
they eventually gave way. Untying her other wrist, Leo stood back and allowed Leigh
the room to stand of her own volition.

Watching her massage her wrists to help full circulation come back, he kept silent

and returned Leigh's curious look. He had yet again succeeded in surprising her, and he
found it amusing that the feisty woman was warring with the curious submissive.

He could practically hear her thoughts, wondering if she should mouth off again

and ask him for an explanation of what was happening, or whether she should stay
quiet and submissive and wait for his next command. After a moment of struggle, the
feisty woman won the battle.

"So…" she trailed off, cleared her throat and started again. "So is that the

entertainment you had prepared for me this evening, Leo? To feed me like a baby?"

Leo smiled slightly, "What do you think, Leigh?"
A tiny flicker of worry crossed her features; if he hadn't been watching her so

closely he would certainly have missed it. It was quickly replaced by the assertive, in-
control façade she portrayed daily to the world. "I would certainly hope not. Interesting
as it was, it certainly wasn't enough to have me coming back for more."

The barb, obviously intended for his ego, missed its mark completely. Leo made

sure not a glimmer of his many responses were reflected on his face. He didn't want
Leigh to pick up on anything he might be thinking or feeling. Eventually she would be
able to do so, he hoped, without him even showing them on his face. But that was a
long way down the road for her, he realized.


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"Leigh, Leigh," he softly intoned, shaking his head, "I didn't mean to fall so short of

your expectations. Let's hope our second lesson will be much more to your liking."

"Second lesson…" she carefully repeated. A second lesson implied a first lesson.

There were a number of things she had learnt through dinner from and about Leo. She
sorted through them and wondered which one it had been that he was trying to teach
or show her.

Leo rose and headed towards the couches and chairs scattered in the lounge room.

"Follow me," he stated simply, not even bothering to look back to check she was
following. Leigh resisted the impulse to sit and wait, stubborn as a child.

She had agreed to come tonight, had wanted to explore these possibilities, she

reminded herself. Her panties were still damp from dinner, from her fantasies and
musings. Being stubborn would only succeed in annoying Leo, it would also leave her
frustrated and possibly without a dominant partner.

Rising gracefully she followed Leo into the lounge room.


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Chapter 7

Leo rested one hand on a padded chair he had purposely positioned in front of a

full-length mirror earlier in the evening and indicated for Leigh to sit upon it. Smiling
slightly as she followed his lead, he brushed her hair back off her face as she sat primly
on the large chair.

Deciding he couldn't wait any longer, he rested one hand on either side of her

shoulders, bent down and gently laid his lips upon hers. Softly brushing back and forth,
he waited until Leigh impatiently drew his face closer with her hands cupped on either
side of his face.

"Put your hands back down by your thighs, Leigh," he softly chastised.
Leigh drew back for a second to look deep into his eyes. He didn't touch her in

any way, didn't coerce her. If not for the strength and steel underlying those words, she
wouldn't have thought he meant them at all.

Deciding to play along for now, she lowered her hands with a soft, daring caress to

his chest, then rested them passively, palms up beside her thighs.

Leo leaned forward again and gently pressed his lips against Leigh again.
"Don't move your hands again Leigh," he reminded her.
Waiting for a minute, then two as he merely gently brushed her lips, he continued

until he was sure she would obey his command. To reward her, he gently began to
nibble at her lips. When she groaned, but still didn't move her hands, he reached down
to her shoulders and then pulled her closer to his chest, and gently forced her lips apart.
Sliding his tongue into her warmth, only with a significant force of will did he hold in
the groan of desire and contentment that threatened to escape.

Leigh was burning up. She needed more than the teasing heat of Leo's hands and

the thrust of his tongue. She wanted to feel the heat of his cock, the reassurance of his
hardness pressed against her thigh. She needed to know he was as inflamed as she was.
Unable to bear the slowness of his seduction any longer she moaned and raised her
hands to his shoulders, drawing him closer to her. She arched her back up into him in a
vain effort to feel the heat of his cock.

Suddenly she felt Leo withdraw and step back. He wasn't panting, but his face had

flushed slightly and he was certainly taking deep breaths. That was cold comfort when
compared to the chill in his eyes. Leigh realized she had directly disobeyed his order.

Refusing to cower, she stiffened her spine so that she sat as tall as possible in the

chair. Defiantly, she tilted her chin even more and stared him in the eye. She would not
apologize, but neither did she think antagonizing him would be a clever idea right now.


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Leo narrowed his eyes as he pondered what exactly to do to Leigh. It was obvious

she was showing bravado right now because she was worried, and he decided he liked
that. It showed spirit; the more he saw this feisty side of her nature, the more he liked it.
He knew she wasn't into serious pain, yet he needed to assert his authority now that she
had directly disobeyed a command. He knew he had to tread carefully now that his
dominance had been challenged.

The trick would be to punish her enough to realize he meant the commands he

gave, but not in a harsh manner—or she wouldn't enjoy the lesson or their time together

So punish her in a pleasant manner, the little devil on his shoulder suggested. Leo

knew it would also torment him, but he figured it was worth it simply to get his point
across and show Leigh that when he gave a command, he meant it.

Reaching down to gently grasp her hands, he drew them behind her, and clasped

them around the back of the seat.

"Hold this. Under no circumstances let your hands go. Understand?" he softly

commanded. His eyes held hers and he willed her to understand how serious he was.
He didn't want to physically punish her just yet. He knew he could make it so she
would enjoy it—but he didn't think she was ready for that just yet. Her feisty side was
still far too much in control for her to enjoy being spanked or flogged just yet.

From the faint widening of her eyes, he knew she understood him and he had

projected the seriousness of his intentions to her. Squeezing her hands one last time, he
released them and saw that she did, indeed clasp the back of the chair.

He raised the light skirt of her dress and swallowed carefully when he saw the

garters and thigh high stockings. The sexy lingerie didn't make his task any easier, but
he was determined to teach her the most important lesson of obeying him. Carefully
unsnapping the catches, he released the garters from the stockings, then grabbed the
waistband of the silky thong that barely covered her mound.

"Rise up a little," he requested, and was pleased when she complied. The faint

tremor that ran through her thighs also pleased him.

He knew Leigh could tell that he was angry, but the curiosity in her eyes showed

that while she was anxious, she wasn't scared. The curiosity above all pleased him. He
was glad she trusted him enough to know he would never truly hurt her, but a small
amount of fear was healthy in this sort of relationship.

Removing the thong, he placed it in the pocket of his slacks. He suddenly had the

urge to want a souvenir of tonight's progress, their first real date and the successful
learning of the few important rules that would last their entire relationship.

Spreading Leigh's legs wide, he stepped back to look at his woman.
His woman reverberated in his mind. How bizarre that after a few hours he felt more

possessive of this woman than he had of any others. What was it that made him so
certain that this was the only perfect woman for him? Pushing aside such thoughts, he
concentrated fully on the lush femininity spread before him. If he were to teach her this


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important lesson in obedience he would need all his concentration. Relationship
questions could come later.

Leigh sat upright, her back ramrod straight. Her arms were loosely pulled back, so

that her hands grasped the back of the chair. This position thrust her breasts out, and
with the low cut of the dress her nipples were just out of his reach. All it would take
would be for him to bend down, pull the top of the dress down ever-so-
slightly…quickly dragging his mind away from that train of through, he looked down
to Leigh's upturned face.

Her cheeks were slightly flushed; from the embarrassment of having her thong

removed no doubt. Her hazel eyes were bright, with curiosity and attraction, he was
sure. She was nervous and curious, a brilliant mixture for where he wanted her.

"No matter what I do," he started softly as he raised the hem of her skirt, "I don't

want you to remove your hands, Leigh. Is that clear?" Raising his eyes to watch for her
nod of assent, he smiled at her, then spread her legs further apart.

He now had clear and easy access to her pussy. Surrounded by her blonde curls

and the black lace of the garter belt and silky stockings, the puffy redness of her labia
was like the candy nestled in a box of pretty packaging.

Leaning further down, he hitched her legs up over his shoulders, raised the skirt

back to her waist, and breathed in her scent. She smelled sweet, tangy and salty all at
once. That uniquely musky smell of a woman invaded his senses and he felt his cock
flex in eagerness. He ducked his head down towards her and took a teasing, long lick at
her outer lips.

Leigh clenched her hands around the wooden back of the chair and let her head fall

back. She had no idea what Leo thought he was doing, but oral sex as a punishment
wasn't what she had been expecting. As he deliberately and—so slowly she wanted to
scream—licked and sucked on her outer lips, she felt herself arch into his tongue and
bite back moans of pleasure.

Damien certainly hadn't been her first lover, but he and the half dozen or so men

before him had considered oral sex a chore which deserved a great reward. She didn't
think any of her lovers had actually enjoyed giving it, and certainly none of them had
lingered over her like this, tasting, teasing, giving soft nibbling kisses and quick sucking

Leo would spear his tongue into her, taste her inside, then quickly duck out, as if he

were afraid to get caught, then leisurely lick her around the edge of her opening.

As the minutes flew past, Leigh felt herself climbing, higher and higher, driven by

Leo and his wicked tongue. His tongue dared things she had never felt before. He
nibbled gently, he tugged with his teeth, he licked and sucked and drove her wild. He
seemed to know exactly when to be rough, when to bite for real and when to simply
graze her heated skin. He knew when to lick and when to thrust. He even seemed to
know that by humming against her labia he increased the tingling sensations his tongue
and teeth had created and sent her even higher.


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As Leo continued to lick and suck at her, as if she were a meal he intended to

delicately sip and sup at, the thought that if this was what he considered punishment,
the pleasure he could bring to her must certainly be divine!

By the time Leigh had her head thrown back in abandon, sweating slightly and

gasping for air, she could feel her climax just out of reach. Straining against Leo,
reaching out to grasp it, she could feel her womb tighten for her first contractions, when
suddenly Leo pulled back from her.

Her legs thudded to the ground, being dropped from his shoulders a rude shock to

her system. She blinked and gasped for air, uncertain exactly what had happened to
make him stop. A slight ache in her arms showed that even though she hadn't been
conscious of it, her arms were still firmly grasping the back of the chair she sat on.

Looking up at Leo, she blinked and tried to gather her wits.
"What happened, Leo?" Leigh blinked and cleared her throat. She was slurring like

a complete drunk. Trying again, she was determined to sound coherent.

"What happened? Why did you stop?"
He ignored her for a moment as he crossed to the sideboard, opened the bar fridge

and pulled out a bottle of water. Taking few mouthfuls of water, he quenched his thirst
and relaxed against the wood.

"This is punishment, Leigh. You didn't really think you'd get off so easily did you?"
Leigh felt her face flush again. She felt her body returning to its normal state, the

endorphins trickling away, her heartbeat return to normal. She flexed her hands against
the wood she had been grasping for the past fifteen or so minutes and denied the
impulse to let go, get up and slap him. She felt chagrined when Leo seemed to read her
mind and grin cheekily at her.

"Go for it. But the punishment for disobeying me a second time won't be anywhere

near as pleasant as this one has been. You agreed to be submissive to me, Leigh. I'm not
forcing you to be here with me. This is your choice. You certainly can't expect me to
dominate you without punishing you for outright disobedience, do you?"

Leigh felt herself sag a little as her anger drained out of her. She knew what Leo

was saying was the truth. She had agreed to let him do this. And she had semi-
deliberately disobeyed him but pulling him closer earlier.

It hadn't exactly been a conscious decision, but she had been wondering how he

could possibly punish her without making her spitting mad at him. Well here was her

When Leo offered the bottle of water to her, she gratefully nodded and let him raise

the bottle to her lips. Carefully sipping the water, she let the cool wetness slide down
her throat. Refreshed, she watched the muscles flex beneath the gorgeous green shirt, as
he returned the bottle to the bar fridge and made his way back over to her chair.


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Hoping her punishment was now over so they could get to the satisfaction end of

things, she wiggled on the chair, closing her legs and wishing she could pull her skirt
down a little.

"Uh-uh," Leo chastised, "we're not finished here just yet."
Leigh looked down at Leo's dark hair in dismay.
As he bent back to his task, a battle of wills unfolded. Leigh was now determined

not to let Leo's tongue and teeth excite her, and Leo was determined to drive her up to
the crest of another peak.

As the minutes ticked by, and Leo used his tongue, fingers and teeth to drive Leigh

wild, Leigh desperately tried to think of anything except the pleasure Leo created in her.
She tried counting backwards, listing states and capitals, remembering her
schoolteachers' names and hair color, anything that wasn't connected to the mind-
numbing pleasure that her body seemed determined to relay to her.

Leo chuckled, letting the husky tones of his laugh reverberate against her inner lips.

He had finally realized exactly why Leigh was so perfect for him. Her feisty nature
tempted him, beckoned to him. She was a challenge wrapped up in a pretty package
with a bow on top, begging for him to win her over.

She was a closet submissive, as arrogant and stubborn as a dominant partner. She

was a wary woman who had refused to let her heart get involved in any relationship
since her last true partner. She was a challenge on a million levels, and there was
nothing he enjoyed better than a challenge.

He wanted to truly dominate her in bed, he wanted to earn her trust and devotion

in their relationship, and he wanted her to let him into her heart more than anything.
The key to all this, he realized as he thrust two long fingers into her relishing her moan
of desire, was her need to be submissive.

Pumping his fingers carefully in and out, he gloried for a moment in the choking

sound Leigh made in the back of her throat.

Definitely screams she's trying not to release, his brain assured him.
Leo knew that by seducing her senses, by dominating her, by letting her live

voraciously through her fantasies of submission and by keeping her surprised and out
of control, he could integrate himself into her life.

He already felt a deep love and caring for Nathan; he was a top kid and Leo

genuinely enjoyed his company.

Working with that and giving Leigh all her secret fantasies, he could bit by bit break

down her barriers, earn her trust fully, then surprise her with the reality and acceptance
that she did trust him. They could progress from there.

Happy with his musings, Leo carefully added a third finger and began lightly

flicking her clit with his tongue. Circling it and pumping his fingers, he felt magnificent
when Leigh finally released a long moan.


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Lightly scraping his teeth over her now engorged clit, he continued pumping his

three fingers into her, stretching her and heightening her pleasure. It would be very
soon, he knew, when she would start to beg. Once she was truly begging and totally out
of control, then his punishment would be finished and he could indulge himself.

And then, his brain assured his cock, the fun can really begin!


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Chapter 8

Leigh was certain she would go insane. If Leo stopped his stimulation here yet

again, she would kill him, tear him limb from limb.

After you've jumped his bones a dozen or so times and reached your satisfaction, her brain

insisted. Sure, she agreed hazily with herself, after I've screwed him senseless and shown
him what
real pleasure punishment is! None of this stopping on the brink of climax shit!

Digging her palms into the wooden seat back, Leigh finally gave up trying to ignore

Leo's punishment for her. It was now obvious that he would just keep on licking and
sucking her until she gave in and accepted his punishment for her.

When he had started using his fingers to caress her flesh and pump into her, she

nearly wept with frustration.

How was she supposed to ignore him when he was filling her with his fingers? Talk

about an unfair advantage! Leigh finally admitted defeat and let her body take her
higher and higher; she stopped fighting the moans and cries that screamed for release.

Leigh noticed that the higher she got, the slower Leo worked. And the slower he

worked, the cooler the burning in her body became.

She was still on fire, desperate to climax. But with only a stroke, then a pause, then

another stroke, it wasn't enough for the conflagration in her body to build towards her

Scared of the fierceness of her response to his ministrations, Leigh tried to think of

how to get Leo to push her over the edge. Snapping or grumping at him certainly
wouldn't work. So how? She cast her mind about, desperate for a solution.

With a particularly hard thrust of his fingers—were there three or four of them in her

now? her mind idly wondered—she threw her head back and moaned in ecstasy.

Through the haze that clouded her brain, Leigh heard the hitch in Leo's breathing.
Aha! Her mind pounced. He enjoys hearing me lose control…but did she really

want to beg for a release? Her body was already screaming and begging, but to lower
herself to crying out and begging for a climax? Her monumental pride balked at the
thought, but her body didn't care.

"Please, please, please Leo…let me come!" she cried out as his fingers again thrust

deep inside her.

Arching her hips up, she tried not to think of all the wasted cream running down

his hands and her thighs. He had licked much of it, lapped it up as if it were the most
delicate ambrosia. She had barely noticed, flooded as she was with desire, with the heat
from his lovemaking.


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As she took another breath, she was surprised when Leo sat forward and kissed her

mouth. He tasted musky, and slightly salty. He drew her tongue into his own mouth
and sucked on it. Releasing her mouth and tongue, he replied, "Beg me again, Leigh.
Let me know just how badly you really want to climax."

Knowing this was now the only way to satisfaction, she begged, she pleaded and

cried out to him. With each cry, he gave her more, drove her higher and touched her

When she heard the crackling of foil, her brain didn't even register the protection.

Finally Leo took a hold of her aching hands, stretched the small cramps out of her arms
and then wound them around his back. Wrapping her legs around his waist he tilted
her body towards him, and with a final cry from her, he penetrated her with one fierce

Leigh cried out. Leo was thick and hard and long. He filled her fully, and stretched

her. She knew if she hadn't been so creamy, so absolutely desperate for his possession,
his thickness would have hurt her.

She had been so desperate, she hadn't even thought to look at him so she couldn't

begin to estimate his length and breadth.

The few lovers she had taken since Damien had been pretty average, both in size

and experience. But she had always loved to look at a naked man, and it surprised her
she was so far gone her only thought had been her own selfish completion. Leo felt so
thick and big inside her, she was positive he was above average, in every way.

Leo gritted his teeth. Leigh was certainly near the edge, but he wanted this first fuck

to last. He wanted to bind her to him, and his dominant position was going to be the
biggest factor in his favor. So losing control now in her wet heat, in her tight cunt, was
not the best way to start.

Slowly withdrawing, he let himself ease out of her pussy inch by inch, to heighten

the friction. He carefully flicked her clit with the edge of his thumb, as he pinched her
labia to get even more blood flowing down to her core.

Easing himself in and out, he was impressed when he heard Leigh cry out and start

to convulse around him.

She screamed and he felt her inner walls squeeze his cock and try to milk it for all

he was worth.

Regulating his breathing, he was careful to not lose his control, and stay in charge

of the situation. He stayed still as stone as her contractions eased, and listened to her
drag in deep breaths. When he knew Leigh had come back to some semblance of
normalcy, he kissed the tender spot just under her ear, breathed "One" and thrust back
into her, hard.

Leigh drew in a startled breath. One? her mind echoed. Was he going to count her


With his forceful thrust came the realization that she had climaxed alone. He was

still perfectly hard and hot, and she felt a blush creep across her flesh. She didn't think


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she had ever been so selfish, so lost in her own pleasure that she hadn't realized
whether or not her partner had come with her.

Damien had sometimes been able to give her a climax without coming himself, but

she had never been so lost, so desperate that she hadn't been fully aware of what her
partner was doing, or what was happening between them both. She had always been a
generous lover, and the thought that she had been so selfish made her blush.

With another deep thrust, Leo drove all other thoughts from her mind, she could

only focus on him, only think about what he was doing to her and how he made her
feel. Giving herself up to Leo and this special moment, she let his lust and power thrust
all other thoughts aside.

With Leo riding her hard—even in their crazy position on the chair in front of the

mirror—she felt her body tighten up quickly.

Staring at the mirror for a moment, her brain clouded even more with the erotic

images she caught there. Leo's silk-clad back, dampening with sweat, his black pants
still half-covering his tight buns. Her own red, flushed face, slightly sweaty and
straining over his shoulder as she drove herself closer to Leo and tried in vain to draw
him deeper into her wet heat.

The erotic images in the mirror helped build her lust and desire even more. Feeling

his wicked fingers flick and tweak her sensitive skin drove her even higher. She could
barely believe she was going to orgasm so quickly again.

It usually took a hell of a lot more than a quick, hard ride to get her going. But her

body disagreed this time. It was indeed going to climax so easily.

She felt the tingle that preceded her climaxes grow and grow and suddenly she

was crying out again, calling to Leo to "join her dammit." How hard was she going to
have to work to get him to come for her?

When she opened her eyes to gaze at her lover, she realized he still had his shirt and

tie on, he had only opened his fly—when had that happened again?—and she herself
had only had her thong removed. The silliness of the situation suddenly hit her and she
tried to fight off the giggles. Here they both were, two grown adults, very nearly fully
clothed, and she had already had two orgasms.

Withdrawing her arms, she loosened Leo's green tie, and began to unbutton his

shirt. When she had it opened half way, Leo kissed her again, murmuring, "Enough
Leigh, no more buttons."

Shrugging her assent, Leigh took in his tanned, lightly haired chest. Kissing him

back, she nipped at his neck, and leaned forward to try and taste his chest. When he
pulled back, she was disappointed, but not surprised.

"Not tonight. Later," he said.
With that, he gently thrust into her heat once again. Slower this time, Leigh felt as if

this fuck was more loving, more tender than the other two had been.


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Neither of them had been harsh, but they had been…desperate…intense. This

loving was no less intense, but the edge of desperation wasn't there. It was as if Leo
knew she would stay as long as she was needed and she wouldn't go rushing off.

With Leo's thrusts they explored each other under their clothes. Leo dragged the

top of her skimpy dress down, revealing her nipples encased in sheer black lace.

The half-cups of her bra barely restrained her breasts, and lifted them in offering to

her partner. Leo lightly sucked them, promising the nipples silently that next time they
would get far, far more attention.

Leigh lightly traced the muscle definition on his chest, down as far to his abdomen

as his shirt allowed. She heartily wished that she could see more of his body, that she
had been with-it enough to look at his gloriously naked cock, but she knew that would
all come in time.

She silently admitted she was thoroughly enjoying their first date, and fully

intended to initiate more. This last, more leisurely fuck was by far more gentle, more
caring. The heat radiating off Leo's skin belied his restrained manner, but it just proved
to Leigh more conclusive evidence that he was a perfect dominant partner for her. He
could control his own urges, and he could make her want to follow his own dictates.
Almost a miracle, her feisty side proclaimed.

As he increased the pressure, so too could she feel the heat inside her grow. She felt

decadent, the pleasure was so fierce she desperately tried not to orgasm yet again. She
wanted this man to find satisfaction with her, and damned if she was just going to sit
here and wait for him to take his own pleasure!

She tilted her hips towards his chest, to give him more length to plunge into her

dripping cunt, to give him more room. She lightly scratched his chest and nipped at his
neck. The tiny stings were soon laved with her tongue, gently swirling to take the tiny
pain away. When he flicked her clit, or thrust particularly deeply, she flexed her nails
through his shirt. She wanted to mark his naked shoulder. Arching into him, Leigh did
everything possible to speed along his own climax.

Leo was going out of his mind, the soothing wetness of her tongue contrasted to the

tiny sting of her nails; the way she totally opened her body to him and for him. Her
absolute surrender was the most potent aphrodisiac he had ever encountered. He was
holding onto his control by a thread. Determined to take her with him over the edge, he
placed his index finger in her mouth.

"Suck it," he softly ordered. He was fairly certain that Leigh would be surprised as

well as delighted with what he planned on doing next, but there was no reason to let
the cat out of the bag just now.

The damp heat of her mouth mocked the damp heat of her pussy, wet and clingy,

tight and hot.

When she had teased him enough by flicking her tongue around his finger,

obviously showing him she knew what to do if his cock would be in his finger's


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position, he withdrew his finger, and with his free hand tilted her hips even further off
the chair and up towards himself.

Pulling his cock out to the very edge of her opening, he simultaneously kissed her

lips, thrust his cock as deep into her pussy as possible, and thrust the first notch of his
index finger into her ass.

Crying out with the shock of the different possessions, Leigh took a moment to

realize everything that had just taken place. She had always refused her lovers anal
penetration; it seemed too private, too personal. Yet the stub of Leo's finger burned in
her ass, a mocking tribute to his domination over her.

With his cock pulsing in her pussy and his mouth eating away at hers, she felt

surrounded, branded, totally captivated by him. The realization that this man could do
anything to her, that she was allowing him to do anything to her suddenly hit her, and
she felt herself begin to climax again.

When Leo felt the first tremors of her climax, he breathed a sigh of relief. Finally

able to let himself go, he withdrew a millimeter of his finger, then thrust a little more of
it back in.

Echoing this movement with his cock, he withdrew then plunged, deeper and

deeper into her heat, and roared his success into the night. Letting his control go, he
pounded into her, tilting her for his own maximum pleasure, and gloried as her cries of
delight mingled with his own satisfaction.

Finally replete, he collapsed onto her, driving her back into the chair.
Regaining his breath, he took deep lungfuls of air and waited for his pulse to

steady. As his breathing returned to normal, he sat back on his haunches, efficiently
removed the condom and pulled his clothes back together.

Crossing over to the kitchen, he disposed of the condom, and came back into the

lounge room.

Seeing Leigh lying back, sprawled on the chair, hair messy, clothes askew, he felt

his heart warm with the knowledge that she had learned a number of important first
lessons. The first being the starting steps of trust.

He glanced into the mirror he had carefully set up, wishing he had had the patience

to do the few things he had fantasized about, but realizing there was always next time.
No way was he letting Leigh back out now. They had both found their satisfaction, and
proved that their sexual chemistry was, indeed, explosive. He wouldn't let her leave just

Letting his eyes rake over her disheveled dress and askew thigh-highs, Leo drank in

the sight of her flushed with her satisfaction. She simply lay back on the chair, neither
embarrassed nor coy, collecting her thoughts and emotions. She had never looked more
beautiful to his mind, and he was glad they had set up this night. It would certainly be a
challenge keeping her on her toes and off-balance, but he looked forward to the coming
challenges and battles. They were what made life worth living.


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Giving her a few more minutes to collect herself, he returned to the bar fridge and

withdrew the same bottle of water. Taking a few mouthfuls for himself he offered her
the bottle.

Watching her as she took it and delicately sipped the chilled water, he amused

himself by picking and then discarding different ideas for their next date. Meeting her
eyes, he felt his own gaze burn with challenge and joy. He was determined to make her
his in every way possible, but he knew that only time would help him in this.

When she began to put her clothes back in place and rise from the chair, he pulled

her to him and hugged her warmly. Nuzzling her neck, he gruffly said, "I should be
getting you back to your place, shouldn't I? It's late."

Leigh glanced at the clock and saw the lateness of the hour. Nodding sadly, she

kissed, then gently bit Leo's neck. When he pulled back, she was surprised at the
softness of his request.

"Please don't challenge me any more tonight, or you won't get home at all. I'm

happy to answer any and all of your challenges, sweetheart, but make sure you don't
bite off more than you can chew."

She nodded and squirmed from the odd sensation of wearing no panties. Not

bothering to ask for her thong back—if he was going to give it back he would have by
now, she knew—she easily followed under his shoulder as he led her to the door.

The short drive to her apartment was passed mostly in silence. Leigh refused to be

clingy and ask when their next date would be, and as Leo didn't offer any suggestions
on the matter she let it rest for now.

With a chaste kiss goodbye, she felt rather disoriented as she climbed out of his car

and stepped onto the sidewalk.

Waving him goodbye she re-ran the night's entertainment over in her head and

could barely believe she was the same woman. Climbing up to her apartment she felt
like she had just come back from an alternate universe, or the Twilight Zone, or a
dream. It all seemed surreal to her in her exhausted state. If not for the throbbing down
in her pussy, or the very faint beard-burn she felt between her thighs, she would be
questioning her sanity, worried that her fantasies were becoming too vivid, too real.

Breathing in the cool air, Leigh straightened her dress one last time and pulled her

mind into gear, ready to answer Anne's probing questions.

Leigh wasn't too sure how she could explain the night to her friend, maybe she

could just plead exhaustion.

Sure, the demon in her mind snickered, let's explain to Anne that you were tied up and

fed dinner; then untied and chose to hold still while Stud-Man punished you with oral sex and
then fucked you raw through three orgasms! That's such a good explanation for your current

exhausted state of mind.

Halting out front of her apartment door, she heard the muted sound of the TV

going behind her door. Checking her watch, she saw it was 12.30 am – a decent time to
be getting home after a date.


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Maybe I can convince Anne not to give me the third degree? she mused.
Either way, it was time to face the inquisition of her best friend.


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Chapter 9

As Leigh shut the front door behind her, she silently let Anne look her over. Anne

ran her eyes up and down her form, checking, Leigh was sure, for signs of dishabille.
Leigh smiled privately at just how unruffled she should appear. Leo hadn't removed
any of her clothes…except for her thong.

"Did you do it?" Anne impatiently asked. Obviously she hadn't found enough

evidence of mad, passionate sex and now was looking for verbal confirmation.

Leigh sighed. She really shouldn't be surprised at her friend's bluntness. She

figured after seven years she should be used to it.

"Yes, I ate all my greens and even finished my meat. I was a good girl," she

sarcastically rejoined.

Trying not to snicker at Anne's huffy look, she bent down to remove one stiletto

and flex her stocking-clad foot. In her bent position, she smelled her own musk mingled
with the tangy saltiness of Leo, and remembered she wore no panties. Blushing, she
quickly removed her other shoe and stood up again.

Before she could seat herself, Leigh saw Anne returning from the kitchen. She had a

spoon in one hand and a very crumpled looking pint of Ben and Jerry's in the other.
Anne thrust both at Leigh then curled herself comfortably back on her couch.

From the very comfortable way Anne had arranged herself, Leigh knew there

would be no fobbing her off before she had what she considered to be adequate
answers. Resigning herself to her friend's inquisition, she perched on the edge of a
couch cushion and dug into the chocolaty ice cream.

"I wasn't asking about your meal, and you bloody well know it. Did he…you

know…tie you up? Do whatever it is you wanted him to do? I don't need specifics…or I
don't think I want specifics…but I need to know if he is what you're looking for; what
you need."

Leigh felt a wry grin twist her face. On each and every one of the pitiful few dates

she'd been coerced into during the past three years, Anne had taken care of Nathan, and
had then sucked every single minute detail of the date out of her the second she had
walked through the door. They had examined the men and their actions from every
angle and had sorted through Leigh's thoughts.

Leigh knew full well that Anne had no issue with Leigh's personal preferences. Just

because Anne had no interest at all in bondage didn't mean she had a problem with
Leigh indulging. In fact she periodically would buy bondage erotica for Leigh in the
attempt to make her give herself some private time and space.


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"Well?" The impatience in Anne's voice dragged Leigh back from her musings. "I'm

waiting. Did it go okay or didn't it? Is he the sort of partner you're looking for?"

Leigh took another spoonful of ice cream and thought for a minute.
"You know I'm not looking for anything long-term. But yes, he's definitely the sort

of dominant partner I'm looking for. We seem to fill each other's needs rather well, and
he certainly seems to be able to read me, which is important. Yes. I think the
relationship will work very well in the short-term."

Anne narrowed her eyes and stared very carefully at her friend.
"Why are you being so adamant about the whole short-term side of things? He

didn't hurt you did he? I mean—" she rushed on at Leigh's mockingly raised eyebrow,
"really hurt you…outside the bondage side…I mean…you know what I'm trying to say,"
she finished frustrated.

"No Anne, he didn't hurt me. I always come back from dates telling you the guy

won't last."

Anne rolled her eyes. "Yeah…you come back and tell me how people like David

spilled his soup down your dress he was so busy looking down your top. Or how
Michael kept calling you "Katie" when he kissed you. Or how about Ernest? That guy
who started to snore during Miss Congeniality and spent the rest of the night beating
his chest to prove his manliness and lack of need to pander to a woman's interests? We
had fun tearing those guys apart, but so far Leo seems to be a decent match. Why not
see where it goes?"

Leigh shifted position on the couch and tried to verbalize what she was thinking.
"You know how badly Damien hurt me…I just don't think I'm ready—"
Anne cut her off with a wave of her hand.
"Damien was a jerk and you'd been wondering how long the relationship was going

to last for ages. I'm not excusing his behavior, but why ruin perfectly decent potential
with Leo simply cause Damien was an idiot?"

"Leo isn't exactly a White Knight, Anne," Leigh felt obliged to point out.
Anne sat back and thought for a minute. Curling her legs up underneath herself on

the couch, she sat further back and started tapping the armrest.

"I think you're wrong. I don't think Leo is Prince Charming—he certainly doesn't

appeal to me. But I think he has significant White Knight potential when it comes to
you. He's obviously in lust with your body, or he wouldn't have started these "dates."
He's appreciative of your mind, or he'd be treating you like a bimbo—or worse one of
those icky brainless slaves we saw at the party you dragged me to. He is an experienced
dominant, which is something you've been hemming and hawing over getting involved
with for nearly a year now. He obviously loves kids or he wouldn't have the job he has.
Nathan knows him and trusts him and likes him. Other than a bit of tarnished armor
and a questionable history, he seems as close to a White Knight as you're likely to be
attracted to."


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Sitting back and crossing her arms over her breasts, Anne stared at Leigh and

challenged her with her gaze to deny what she had observed.

Leigh sighed. "I don't want to get emotionally involved, Anne. I won't have a guy

destroy my world again like Damien did. I survived what he put me through—but it's
not something I ever want to repeat. Nathan deserves better and so do I."

Anne stood up, crossed the room and leaned down to hug her friend.
"I'm not saying propose to the guy and marry him and have his kids. I'm saying

give the poor bloke a chance. This is the best date you've had in two years; hell, this is
the best man you've been involved with since I met you. Don't cut out the idea of
having a long-term relationship just cause he scares you." Anne smiled as Leigh
stiffened from her words.

"I am not—"
"Sure you are. You've met a wonderfully dominant man with a kick ass-body who's

interested in you and can cater to your fantasies. If I found a man like that I'd jump him
in a hot minute. And just like you, I'd try to deny my attraction for all I was worth so
that my orderly, polite, happy little world wasn't rocked. It's called being human and
detesting change. So my parting pearl of wisdom to you is this: Let him take the lead
and go with the flow until he pushes you too far. We can worry about the other details
when we have to cross that particular bridge. By then we'll know a lot more about the
situation, and the man, anyway."

Hugging her friend one last time, Leigh silently mulled over Anne's words. She was

often really perceptive with these sorts of things. Leigh needed to think over what had
happened tonight and Anne's thoughts on her fears.

Walking Anne to the door, Leigh hugged and kissed her friend goodnight and

slowly went to her little bathroom. Showering and changing into her flannel penguin-
printed pajamas, she crawled into bed and fell asleep thinking about Leo and Damien
and how White Knights could destroy orderly worlds as much as heartless bastards.

But in her dreams, her world was destroyed to make room for a new world being



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Chapter 10

Sunday passed in a leisurely way. It was always Leigh's special day and time with

Nathan. They both slept in late, watched cartoons and cooked a special meal for lunch.
Nathan enjoyed being able to dictate what they would eat—on the condition it was
homemade. Some of the experimental things they had concocted over the months had
been truly bizarre.

Leigh, for example, always counted her blessings that Nathan's desire for hot

banana sandwiches had passed. He was currently on a mini-pizza phase, where Leigh
would buy a packet of English muffins and they would spread ketchup on the lightly
toasted muffins with ham, salami and whatever other vegetables were in the fridge at
the time.

Leigh enjoyed Sundays, and Nathan kept her so busy all day the time simply flew.

She didn't have the time to do more than dwell for a minute at a time over Leo and their
magnificent date. Nathan had only passed comment over his morning Cheerios, asking
if Leigh had enjoyed her dinner at Mr. Ashcroft's.

Replying that she had, and instantly changing the subject to the menu for the day,

Leigh was glad her little son hadn't held onto the topic for any longer than that.

Tucking him in that night, Leigh had a long, hot bath, where she let her thoughts

and worries slide, relaxing her mind and body and refusing to think about anything
other than the warm heat of the bath. Finding herself dozing in the lovely water, Leigh
emptied the bath and crawled into bed, happy and content.

When Leigh woke up the following morning to the bleep of her alarm she knew life

would be returning to normal. She got ready for work and Nathan ready for school.

With their usual hustle and bustle, Leigh urged Nathan to hurry up and eat his

cereal or he'd miss the bus to school. With Nathan puttering around finding books and
pencils, Leigh collected his lunch and ran a brush quickly through her short hair. When
Nathan was finally organized, she picked up her wallet and keys and headed out the
door to walk him to the bus stop and then carry on to her work.

The day dragged by, and Leigh did her best to concentrate on selling bath oils and

salts. Much against her will, she found her mind reminiscing about the heated kisses
stolen under the tree, about the hot, hard feel of Leo's cock pressed against her thigh.
She felt herself grow damp time after time as she pictured herself bound to his bed with
silken scarves, similar to the ones he had bound her to the chair by the dining table.

Flash after flash of heated memories caused chaos in her mind all day.


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Finally clocking off for the day, Leigh was relieved when she caught sight of

Nathan playing out in the schoolyard. Often he waited inside with Leo and Leigh had
to go into his room to collect him.

Checking the mail on her way into the house, Leigh rifled through the letters, only

finding bills. Squashing the tiny spurt of disappointment, she smiled cheerily at Nathan
as he ran ahead to the front porch.

"Feel like some ice cream for a snack?" she inquired, hoping to eat away her


"Sure…hey, Mom! Look!"
Wondering what had excited Nathan so much, Leigh hurried up the path to reach

her son. Sitting on their doormat was a huge bunch of yellow and orange flowers.

"I bet it's from Mr. Ashcroft, Mom! He must really like you!" Nathan excitedly said.

Deciding to withhold judgment until she found the card, Leigh picked up the huge
bunch of flowers and tried to open the door at the same time.

Finally giving the keys to Nathan so she could search properly for the card, Leigh

followed her son into the kitchen, where she laid the flowers on the bench and started to
remove the colorful paper holding the bunch together.

Seeing the small envelope wedged between the long stems of the flowers, she

picked it out and quickly filled a vase full of water. Not wanting Nathan to test his
growing reading powers on the probably private message, she asked Nathan to arrange
the flowers, and quickly read the card in private.

Looking down at the simple white card, she felt herself grow damp at the large,

masculine scrawl.

Friday Night. 8pm. Vanilla. L
Short and simple, her brain registered. Leo evidently had a vanilla date planned for

Friday night.

What could he be planning? her brain cast about, instantly coming up with a million

ideas. Almost anything, she realized. Leo was a resourceful man. Just because the date he
had planned was vanilla didn't seem to make it any less exciting or interesting.

Friday…she had the entire week to think about it. Looking at the happy, sunny

flowers, she realized this, too, was part of Leo's game. He had given her something to
think about, to worry and fantasize about for the entire week!

Well, he's certainly a clever man! Leigh's brain told her. He must have known that he

now would be dominating her thoughts for the rest of the week. Of course he did you
dolt! He wants you to think and wonder, to make you wet from your own fantasies, so when he

finally catches up with you on Friday you'll be primed and ready!

Well, he wouldn't find her such easy bait! Straightening her back, she took the vase

of flowers Nathan had finished arranging and placed them on the windowsill where
they would catch the light.


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He was offering a vanilla date? So be it. She would give him vanilla. It would be fun

to turn the tables on him and try to seduce him. If he were going to give her the chance
to have an ordinary date, she'd treat him like her ordinary dates. If he really was as
strong and dominant as she wanted him to be, he could take a bit of her teasing, and
tease him she would.


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Chapter 11

Friday evening.
Leigh stood in front of the full-length mirror that hung on the back of her small

wardrobe door. She gazed critically at her body, encased in tiny black lace panties and
her favorite satin black bra. The firm cups pressed her breasts together to form an
impressive cleavage. The bra had a front clasp, so with a simple flick of her fingers her
breasts could topple out into a man's waiting palms.

Leo's waiting palms, her mind added.
She felt her blood heat with the thought of Leo sitting in front of her as she

undulated before him, swinging her hips and shaking her breasts in his face. The week
had dragged on and on.

Each naughty thought she had of what she would do to Leo during their vanilla

date made her hotter and hotter. But finally Friday had come, and with it Leigh's
certainty that Leo would pay in sexual frustration just as she had for the past week.

Looking down at the black bra, she imagined Leo's eyes, how they would bore into

hers and the lust and heat from his gaze would make her nipples tighten. He would
lean forwards to flick the clasp. He breasts would tumble forwards into his waiting
hands. Then he would bend his head and take one of her aching nipples in his mouth.
The heat would encase her, his teeth would gently graze the tips and she would arch
into his heat…

Flushed, Leigh quickly dragged her mind back to getting ready for the date. She

pulled one of her favorite black dresses out of her wardrobe. Cut low in front to show
off her cleavage, it fell to mid-calf and swished nicely around her legs.

Running a brush through her short hair she tied it back simply in a ponytail and

stood back to take a critical look at the whole package. Her soft golden hair shone in the
moonlight coming in from her open window. The black dress had a scooped neckline
that set off her pearly white breasts perfectly. The dress cupped her flesh, without being
skintight to show the extra few pounds she carried.

Deciding this was the best she could be tonight, Leigh ran the brush one last time

through her hair. Scouting around the floor of her room for her black sandals, she dug
them out from under her bed and put them on. Turning off the light as she left the
room, she walked into the living room, looking for Nathan and Anne.

They sat together on the couch watching Shrek. Hearing her enter the room, Nathan

turned around on the couch.

"Wow, Mom, you look good. Where are you and Mr. Ashcroft going?"
Leigh bent down and kissed her son, ruffling his hair.


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"I don't know, sweetie, it's a surprise."
Just then the doorbell rang. Quickly hugging and kissing Nathan goodnight, Leigh

thanked Anne again for minding him before she crossed the room and hurried down
the hall to the front door.

She was eager to start this date, wondering how far she could push Leo. Wondering

what he'd do when he realized she intended to tease and seduce him tonight. Shivering
with anticipation, she stopped in front of her door.


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Chapter 12

Leigh swung the door wide open and smiled at Leo. He was dressed fairly casually

in navy slacks and a warm red sweater. He held the keys to his car in one hand,
obviously as eager as she to start their date.

"Ready?" he stated simply.
Leigh nodded and closed the door behind her. Leo held out a hand to her, and

feeling agreeable, she let him lead her down to his waiting car and put her inside.

Buckling her seatbelt, she waited for Leo to start the car. As he maneuvered the car

out her driveway and onto the mostly deserted roads, Leigh turned towards him and
fiddled with her seatbelt.

"So. Are you going to tell me what the surprise vanilla date is?" she asked huskily.
She noticed Leo turned to her briefly, catching the eyeful of cleavage she had

deliberately set up for him. She thought she saw a brief flash of mocking humor in his
gaze, before he turned back to look at the road, but in the poor light she couldn't have
been sure.

"I thought we could go on a little picnic," he said, making a right-hand turn.
Leigh blinked. A movie, dinner maybe, dancing somewhere. She had discussed all

these possibilities with Anne, but neither of them had thought of a picnic.

"A picnic," she carefully echoed. "In a park?"
Leo grinned. Keeping one step ahead of Leigh was proving to be interesting and


"Yep. In a park. Any problems?"
Leigh quickly gathered her forces. She could just as easily seduce Leo and drive him

wild on a picnic in the park as she could have in a restaurant or a movie theatre, like she
had been planning all along.

In fact, she thought, becoming more sure of herself, it might well be easier. No one

would be around, they would have light cover from surrounding trees, this could very
well be more advantageous for her than him.

"Not a problem in the world," she happily returned. "Oh, why the reference to a

vanilla date, Leo? I thought we were having a Dom/sub relationship."

Leo looked at her for a second, then carefully back to the road, but Leigh noticed his

hands tightened on the wheel.

"I don't know about you, Leigh, but I like to know the person I'm dominating

outside of a simple sexual relationship. You can't dominate someone sexually if you
know virtually nothing about them. You need to know them as a person as well as


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simply a sexual creature. I thought before we got too heavily involved in the sexual side
of our relationship we should know each other more personally."

Leigh thought about Leo's reasoning for a minute. She could see where he was

coming from. If he was to satisfy her, he would need to know a bit about her as a person.
What she liked and disliked. He already knew a lot about her fantasies, and that helped
him as a start. But he did really need to understand more about the rest of her life and

Anyway, her brain threw in, if you can find out more about him, it will make teasing and

tempting him far, far easier. Grinning at the wicked thought of how she could help enact
some of his fantasies, she decided Leo's idea had a stack of merit.

"So…" she started, "what would you like to know?"
Leo felt a moment of temptation. There were a number of deeply personal questions

that had been bugging him about Leigh for the last week. Questions about her tattoo—
both the relevance it had to her and what had been happening in her life when she had
had it done. Also, he had a deep curiosity about her relationship with that bastard
Damien, and what exactly it had done to her.

Unfortunately, now was not the time to start either of those deep conversations.

Restraining his urge to gnash his teeth, Leo smiled and decided to follow the course he
had set for himself this evening.

Vanilla, he reminded himself, keep this vanilla.
"Well, I know you work in that bath wares store. How did that come about?"
Reining in his impatience at the banal question, Leo concentrated on Leigh's light

and airy reply as he continued the drive.

Time enough later tonight to ask her all those other questions.

* * * * *

Ten minutes later, Leo pulled up into the parking lot of one of the smaller parks in

the city. He took from the trunk a large hamper and a flannel blanket. Walking through
the deserted park with Leigh close behind him, he spread the rug under one of the more
shadowy trees.

Leigh sat on the rug and helped unpack the hamper. Salads, fresh smelling rolls and

fruits came out one by one, followed by some dips and crackers and a bottle of fruity
white wine. A few items of cutlery and paper plates emptied the basket and Leigh set to
making them both some rolls.

The next hour passed comfortably. Leigh and Leo exchanged volumes of basic

information about themselves, sharing the questioning and answers. Mostly chatting
about their work and assorted friends, they happily nattered as they ate and drank.

Finally, Leo had enough.


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"Tell me about your tattoo. I saw it the other night, it's a lion right?"
Leigh paused from eating her last mouthful of the delicious strawberry cheesecake.
"Yes," she said, a little repressively.
"A rebellious part of your youth?" Leo prodded gently, determined to get a few


Leigh thought for a minute, debating the wisdom of revealing this aspect of her

personal life. Finally realizing that Leo would simply keep on asking her over and over
until his curiosity was satisfied, she relented and gave him the answers he sought.

"No, actually. I only got the tattoo last year. After Damien left Nathan and I, all the

responsibilities lay with me. Not only was I fully responsible for my son, but I also had
to take control back of my own life. The easiest way to get everything back on track was
to revive my rather healthy pride. Damien had made a huge dint in it, taking a large
portion of my self-confidence with him. Once I had crawled up from that dark hole I
wanted something to remind myself constantly about what I had fought and overcome.
My star-sign is a Leo, you know. And I have often thought of myself over the last few
years as a lioness protecting and nurturing her cub, so the double meaning of the lion
seemed…I don't know…relevant."

Leo nodded in understanding.
"So you remind yourself of how strong and capable you are every time you look at

your thigh. Sounds lovely to me."

Grinning at each other in understanding, the deep, slightly depressing air that had

momentarily surrounded them lifted and the easy conversation flowed again.

When they had eaten the majority of the food, Leigh neatly packed everything

away back into the hamper, and took off her sandals to stretch out her feet on the
blanket. Deciding she had been good long enough, she slowly removed her flannel

Stretching her arms far above her head, she flexed her arms, removing the kinks in

her muscles. She knew the contortions would enhance her cleavage, and she made an
effort to not look in Leo's direction and give her intentions away.

Feeling much better, and hoping she was heating Leo's blood, she leaned back on

her hands and slightly arched her back.

Thrusting her breasts forward under the illusion of stretching her back, she

temptingly offered her nipples to Leo. Looking up through the tree to the stars above
she took a deep breath of the clear air and hoped she looked half as tempting as she

Taking another deep breath, she felt the tips of her breasts bulge, about to fall from

the top of her dress. Hearing the rustling of the blanket as Leo moved, she gloried when
he quietly requested, "Don't move, Leigh."

Trying desperately not to smile at how little it had taken to get him hot, she


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obediently held still. Leo moved to straddle her outstretched legs. Lowering her

head, Leigh looked into his face. Amazed at the play of emotions he was showing,
Leigh realized that she had tempted him a hell of a lot more than she had originally

Possessiveness, need, desire, all were there in the heavy heat of his eyes.
Leo sat over Leigh's legs and looked down at the creamy breasts that had been

taunting him all evening. He had wanted to give Leigh a nice, safe, vanilla evening so
they could take some time out and get to know each other better.

When she had greeted him at her door dressed like this, her breasts practically

begging to be taken out of the thin dress, his cock had hardened instantly. Her body
simply begged to be held and deliciously fucked.

Since then, with coy little glances, and a few subtle innuendos, Leigh had been

slowly driving him nuts all evening. He wasn't quite sure what game she thought she
was playing, but she had been challenging him from the second she had opened that
door, and he intended to collect for his patience.

Careful not to tear the fabric of Leigh's dress, he lowered the neckline so he could

see the silky, sheer black bra that encased her breasts. Shimmering in the moonlight, the
satin didn't really hide her nipples from his sight. Stretching the neckline even further
down, he sat it under her breasts.

Noticing the front clasp of her bra, Leo was now certain that Leigh had planned on

driving him wild tonight. Deciding it was definitely time to teach his woman a lesson in
poking a wild beast and the results of such actions, Leo flicked the clasp open.

His eyes widened at the bounty that tumbled into his hands. Pale globes with rosy,

tightly puckered nipples filled his hands and then some. Smothering his moan, his
mind conjured the image of the nipple clamps he had placed in his pockets before
leaving the house this evening.

After having Leigh tell him in a hushed voice of the fantasies she had about nipple

clamps such as these ones, he had dug them out of his bag of toys to taunt himself with

The images they brought to him, of having Leigh's nipples in bondage to him, had

kept him hard all night. He had honestly had no intention of using them tonight, but
now that the opportunity was presenting itself...

She'll love it, his brain insisted. She's told you herself that she's been wanting it, taunted

his inner demon. Worrying her nipples gently with his teeth, he fought himself. It was
Leigh's moan of desire and capitulation that finally threw him over the edge. She's
loving it, and you know you want it too,
his mind dared him.

Gently pinching her nipples, he played with them until they stood firm and ripe

against her chest. Bending down, he took one within his mouth for a minute,
determined to make this as pleasurable as possible for her. He licked and sucked on her
delicious nipples for a moment, then reached down into his pants pocket for the two
small clamps he knew were there.


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Releasing her nipple he began kissing her mouth with a fierceness that surprised

him. Tweaking one nipple a last time, he made sure Leigh was gasping with joy before
placing the alligator clip on the distended peak.

When Leigh arched towards him in pain and pleasure, he nearly came in his pants

from the explosiveness of her reaction. Quickly tweaking the other nipple he placed an
alligator clip on that peak as well.

Leo knew that Leigh was feeling the pain from the biting of the clamps mixed with

the pleasure from the blood rushing to the sensitive peaks. He knew how this pain and
pleasure mixed and merged, because the pain from his fully engorged shaft was driving
him nuts, yet the pleasure he knew he could take from her made the waiting even more
tantalizing. He lightly flicked the clamped teats with his tongue, wanting even more
blood to rush to this site, to enhance the pain/pleasure mixture even more.

Leigh pulled slightly away from Leo, the pain and pleasure radiating from her

nipples almost unbearable. She had felt something hard clamp down on them.

Looking down at her chest, seeing the tiny silver clamps holding her nipples made

her cunt flood. She had read about clamps, how they could be used and which ones
were best for what situation, but she only fantasized before today about how good they
would feel.

She hadn't thought when she had told Leo about them that he might already own

some, might use them on her without asking her first. The thought that he had been
planning this made her cream even more.

Here she had been, wanting to taunt him with her breasts, and he was one step

ahead of her again! He had come with nipple clamps, and had made one of her fantasies
come true!

The tightness down in her nipples created twinges of pain, but his hotly lapping

tongue changed the pain into pleasure.

Leo seemed to know just when to stop lapping and when to start. He created a

strange rhythm, lapping, then stopping and pulling back, and then as if unable to hold
himself back he would return and suck the very edges of her nipple.

"Leo…" she cried out.
"I know, Leigh, but I couldn't resist. I was going to keep this vanilla, but your tits

are just too tempting. And I promised them more attention the other night, and never
got around to it. Don't worry," he added softly, capturing her mouth with his, "I know
what I'm doing."

Leigh rolled her head back. Yes, her mind agreed complacently as Leo strung kisses

down her neck, he certainly does know what he's doing. And you love giving the control over
to him, so let's just go with it.

Leo kissed down Leigh's neck, nibbling and sucking on her delicate skin. He was

careful not to suck too hard; leaving hickeys behind wasn't his style. But the urge to
leave his mark, to brand her as his, was strong in him. That way, she wouldn't be able to
deny him, to force any distance between them.


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Leo pushed the ugly thought aside as he reached for her breasts again. He was as

hard as iron and desperate to fuck her again, but he couldn't risk the show of his loss of

He hadn't planned on fucking her tonight—no vanilla couple would fuck on their

second date in the middle of a park. Even though Leigh was as tempting as any
succubus, he was determined to make the clamps as wild as he went tonight—even if
he did end up walking around for the rest of the weekend as if he had a pole in his

Determined to hold himself back, to bring Leigh pleasure above his own, he softly

stroked her clit through her drenched panties. When Leigh arched up and cried out, he
kissed her again, effectively silencing her.

Leigh knew she would burst if Leo didn't hurry up and finish her. All thoughts of

teasing and tempting him had flown from her mind. All she could focus on was the
tingling pain mixed with the immense pleasure in her nipples.

The heat emanating from her nipples was driving her wild, sending electric tingles

down to her cunt and causing the cream to flood there. Leigh knew that Leo simply
kissing and stroking her wouldn't be enough.

"More," she whimpered, "please Leo, give me more."
For a moment she was appalled that she had been reduced to begging, but then she

ignored it. If begging would make Leo thrust inside her with that thick, hard heat of his,
then she was prepared to beg tonight. She needed to feel his thick, hard cock thrusting
deep inside her again…she knew she would go crazy if he didn't plunge into her again
and again.

She felt Leo flick her clit once, then twice, and suddenly she was coming with a

ferocity she hadn't felt in years and years.

She felt Leo's mouth press over hers, silencing her cries as she screamed her release,

over and over. She felt her pussy contract, and her cream run down the side of her

Leo gritted his teeth. The urge to pull down his zip and thrust into Leigh was

almost overpowering. Instead, he decided to compromise. Pulling Leigh up slightly, he
sat her on her knees. Then he unzipped his slacks and freed himself. At Leigh's wide-
eyed stare, he realized she thought he would fuck her here and now. He smiled slightly.
It was fun keeping Leigh on edge, it could seriously become addictive.

Crouching over her still, Leo let one hand fall to cup her mound as he pulled her

closer towards him and kissed her.

"Keep close, Leigh," he heatedly whispered, "No telling who might walk past at any


When her eyes widened even more, he knew she had finally recognized how

potentially hazardous this could be to both of their reputations.


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Fiercely kissing her one last time, Leo indulged himself in her taste again. Then he

pulled back slightly and thrust himself between her huge breasts. The intimacy between
them and the mocking familiarity between this and thrusting into her pussy made Leo

The warmth of Leigh's breasts, the tight, close friction of skin-on-skin contact—

everything joined together to try and push him over the limit. Taking a deep breath, Leo
concentrated on maximizing the pleasure for Leigh.

He's breast-fucking me, Leigh's brain screamed at her. In the middle of a community park

after a moonlight picnic, Leo is fucking my breasts.

Her mind just didn't seem able to comprehend what was happening. Only the

friction of Leo's cock, moving in and out of her cleavage seemed to register. The faint
rasp of his hot length against the nipple clamps sent shock waves up and down her
spine, from her cunt to her nipples and back again. She desperately wanted him to
plunge into her pussy, but she knew now he wouldn't. Not tonight, not out here.

For a few minutes Leigh simply enjoyed the rasp and strength of Leo's cock riding

up and down her chest. Then her poor, lust-crazed mind remembered that Leo was
taking her here in a park. For a moment, she wished she could turn the tables on him,
make him be the one in the midst of mind-numbing lust and pleasure, totally unable to

Why not? Piped up her little demon. You're not brainless…work something out!
Collecting her wits, she lowered her head as Leo withdrew his cock again from

between her breasts. As he pushed himself up again, she quickly opened her mouth just
as the tip of his cock reached her neck. Unknowingly he had thrust his cock up between
her breasts and straight into her wide-open mouth. He froze as if she had electrocuted

Leigh quickly closed her mouth tightly around the tip of his cock, and sucked.

Swirling her tongue around the tip, she found the little cluster of nerves just under the
eye of his cock. She heard Leo moan, then thrust himself even further into her mouth.

Smiling impishly at her brilliance, she was mentally patting herself on the back for

taking control of the situation when she heard Leo huskily mutter, "Think you're smart,
huh Leigh? It'll take a hell of a lot more than that heated mouth of yours to take control
of me."

With that, she jerked up in surprise as the rough pad of his thumb suddenly circled

her clit. Circling over it once, then twice, she was gasping for air when he flicked it
lightly with one blunt nail. Simultaneously pulling one of the nipple clamps roughly
from her breast, the pleasure-pain from the blood rushing back into her nipple, coupled
with the pleasure from his flicking her clit exploded together to throw her over the edge
into orgasm.

Leigh came with a startling intensity. She had known she had been simmering near

the peak for a few minutes, but with those few touches and the sudden withdrawal of
one of the clamps, Leo had regained control of the situation again.


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"What an interesting imagination you have, Leigh. How about we try that again?"

Leo panted.

To say he had been shocked when Leigh had taken him into her mouth would be an

understatement. Even so, he relished the knowledge that she was confidant enough to
experiment with him. He knew that as he was trying to keep the date as vanilla as
possible, he had no reason to be worried that she had taken the initiative. In fact, he
realized, he was glad she had taken the initiative in their lovemaking.

Circling her clit with his finger again a few times, he leaned closer and whispered in

her ear, "Take me into your mouth again, Leigh."

Thrusting his cock between her breasts again, he groaned when Leigh obeyed him

and opened her mouth for him. The heat of her mouth nearly drove him insane. Wet
swipes of her tongue pushed him higher and he felt himself tremble with his coming

"Oh shit—" he quietly breathed. Regaining his mind, he gently flicked Leigh's

clamped nipple. He wanted Leigh to come with him this time. Feeling a hitch in her
breath as her nerves flared back to life again, he felt so powerful he grit his teeth to hold
his climax in check.

Thrusting particularly far into her warm mouth, straining to push himself as far as

possible, Leo was impressed to see Leigh arch her back and take him deeper. Thrusting
two fingers deep into her cunt, Leo flicked Leigh's clit with his finger and felt her cream
run down his hand. Thrusting his fingers in time with his cock, he counted the beats
mentally, waiting for the right second to remove the other clamp.

Feeling Leigh cream and moan, he counted one beat, and then another, and

suddenly he intuitively knew the time was right. He removed the second alligator clip.
Feeling her pussy contract around his thrusting fingers, he heard her groan, and was
finally able to let himself come.

"Drink me, Leigh," he softly commanded, not being able to bear the thought of a

climax as magnificent as this being wasted.

Leo gently cupped her head and thrust one last time into her mouth. Crying out

hoarsely, he let himself get lost in the moment. Looking to the stars above he felt the
magic of the moment enfold him and he shot his seed deeply down Leigh's throat.

Panting with the released seed and emotion, he crumpled onto the blanket next to

Leigh. Pulling her down next to him, he enfolded her in a warm embrace as they caught
their breath. Once the moment had passed, he felt Leigh wiggle to place her breasts
back into her bra.

Smiling happily at the wonderful way the "vanilla" date turned out, Leo re-

arranged his boxer shorts and zipped himself up. Scrounging around to find the little
silver clips in the moonlight, he re-pocketed them and kissed Leigh one more time.

"Let's go for a wander before we head back. I think now that we're both sated we

can go back to being a vanilla date. I wouldn't want to return you looking too flushed or
at an unreasonable hour."


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Laughing, Leo helped Leigh stand and then kept her hand tightly clasped in his.

Heading out into the grassy park, they looked up at the wide-open sky, the stars and
beautiful moon, and they began to casually wander aimlessly around.


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Chapter 13

Late Wednesday evening.
Leigh was in bed reading a hot ebook when the phone next to her rang. Lunging for

it so that it wouldn't wake up Nathan, asleep in the next room, she picked it up just
before it rang for the third time.

"Hello?" she answered, panting slightly.
"Hello, Leigh," came the deep, masculine response. Leo! She recognized his voice


"I hope you don't answer all phone calls this late at night in that husky, sexy drawl."
Leigh grinned. "No," she teased, "not all phone calls, think of what my mother or

Anne would say!"

"Of course." Leo chuckled.
"Look. I just wanted to ask you a few questions about some of the things you mentioned that

have stuck in my head from the pick-up party."

Leigh felt her heartbeat increase. She had mentioned an awful lot of fantasies then.

Some of them she wasn't sure she was ready just yet to explore with Leo. She firmly got
a grip on her racing thoughts. Leo couldn't force her to do anything! She had the safety
word, and she knew Leo now. He would never force her into anything. She didn't need
to worry.

"Yes? What about them? I mentioned rather a lot of things that night."
"I know," was his husky response. It was the deep, warm tone of his voice that

convinced her he remembered each and every act and fantasy that she had talked

"But I was particularly interested about the anal sex fantasy that you mentioned curiosity


Leigh blinked. She had only mentioned it in passing, and had tried to gloss over it

as much as possible. A few times over the years she had fantasized about anal sex, but
she felt excitement and wary at the same time. That particular fantasy scared her. She
had always ignored that particular act, simply because it made her uncomfortable to
have such conflicting emotions at the same time.

"Uh…" she started, her voice thickening. "What exactly did you want to know,

Leo?" she hedged. Did she really want to talk to Leo about this? Give him permission to
do this to her?

Leo's voice gentled, as if he knew he'd have to soothe and convince her.


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"I thought I'd double check with you that it's okay for me to set up a fantasy around this. I

know it's taboo still for many women, but it's also a fantasy of mine."

"You've never performed anal sex?" she asked, suspicious. She couldn't believe Leo

had never done that.

"No, no. That's not what I meant. I have initiated a couple of anal virgins, I meant that it's

a fantasy of mine to perform anal sex. I like it," he stated simply.

"Oh," Leigh swallowed. If Leo had done this before, she knew he could probably

make this pleasurable for her. It was her fears that were stopping them. The knowledge
made her feel queasy.

"So?" Leo asked. "Can I continue my plans? You know that all you have to do is call out

"ice" and I'll stop. If you really think you can't handle what I'm doing. But I'll warn you, Leigh,
if you do call out and make me stop, I won't go back there again. Anything you feel strongly
enough about to call a halt to, I'll not repeat again. I really don't want to push you further than
you're prepared to go, or hurt you

Leigh sighed. Just great! She did want to try anal sex, she really did. She was just


Better get over it girl! she chastised herself. He means business, and so this particular

opportunity will only come around once in this lifetime.

"Okay, Leo. Make your plans. I'm game. I'm worried, but you're right. I do want to

try it. You know I'm not into rape, but I might…um…squirm a little." What an
Leigh was smart enough to know that it would hurt, and hurt a lot the
first time around. She shuddered at the thought of how much trust she was placing in
Leo's hands.

"I understand, Leigh. There's nothing I can do to stop the pain on your first few experiences,

but I can and will make it enjoyable for you. Do you trust me to do that?"

Leigh smiled. Trust Leo to make pain pleasurable? Yes she did.
"Yes Leo," she said softly into the phone, "I do trust you to make it memorable for

me. If I think you're pushing me too far I'll call out the safe word. You need to trust me
on that, because I'm not sure I won't swing between wanting it and not wanting it. So
I'll probably squirm and be a bit wary, but you have to trust me to call out if it's too
much, okay?"

Leo smiled to himself. This was going brilliantly. He was planning a little bit of

role-playing. Having Leigh squirm and resist him would only make him hotter. He
would never hurt her badly, but they both knew that a little pain wasn't a bad thing.

"That's perfect, Leigh. Thank you for your help. I'll let you get to bed. Sweet dreams," he

chuckled at the heated thoughts and fantasies rushing through his mind. If Leigh was
even half as hot from thoughts of what he could do to her they were both in for a long,
sweaty night.

Waiting for Leigh's shaky "goodnight" he hung up the phone and leaned back in his

plush chair. He had some planning to do. He had always had a certain fantasy, and


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with Leigh's responses and his suitable, subtle warning tonight, he thought Leigh
would be pleasantly surprised with what he had planned.

He sighed. Oh yes, she would squirm, she would beg and plead and he would fill her ass to

stretching point. But where she was now expecting him to be thrusting his cock in and
out of her virgin little ass, he would surprise her yet again.

He would spend all the night preparing her, and hopefully still stay a step or two

ahead of her and her expectations.

Jotting a note to himself to visit his favorite adult toy shop in the neighboring

township, Leo sat back and closed his eyes. Building the mental picture of Leigh lying
face down on a silk cushion, him behind her lubing up her ass, he felt himself growing

Come on, Friday! Refusing to give his aching cock the release he could certainly do

with, he built the mental pictures and plotted the very special night in store for himself
and Leigh. He could hardly wait.


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Chapter 14

Thursday afternoon.
Leigh half eagerly, half warily, pulled the bright red wrapping paper from the

large-ish flat box.

It had been sitting on her front doorstep as she had come home early from work.

She couldn't think, couldn't concentrate. All she thought and saw in her mind was Leo
behind her, preparing her for his huge cock.

Leo sucking her nipples; Leo thrusting deeply inside her, touching her womb. She

had begun to grow worried earlier this morning when she still hadn't heard anything
from him. Had he backed out of their date? Had her hesitancy made him change his

Leigh got a grip on herself. He was making her wait, making her mind work over-

time with the anticipation. Yet knowing this wasn't helping to relieve any of her stress or

The mingled shock and pleasure that had run through her when she had seen the

red box lying inside her porch had excited and dismayed her at the same time.

She was a fool!
She was falling deeper and deeper into Leo's games and fantasies. There was a

solidness under their relationship along with the fantasies, but she would have to be an
idiot if she truly thought that anything permanent could come from their games and

Leigh opened the small card attached to the simple white box first.
Wear this. Loose, button shirt. Long skirt. No panties. Hair up. Tomorrow. My place.

7.30 pm. L

Leigh read, and then re-read the small card. When she opened the box to find a

wispy red lace bra, she felt herself grow damp. Picking the scrap of lace out from its
box, she turned it back and fro, looking at it critically. It was in her size, too. She
mentally commended Leo for either being observant enough to check out her bra size
without her knowledge, or for being worldly enough to be able to guess her correct size
from their encounters.

The bra was a tease, a temptation. A direct challenge. It fairly screamed, "I'm going

to seduce you." The more she looked at the bra, the more information her brain

It was a half-cup bra. With her large breasts it would act as a push-up would,

cupping and presenting her breasts. Next to her creamy skin, much of the lace would


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become transparent, as the red showed off her skin and the delicate lace would play
peek-a-boo with her nipples.

This was one sexy bra. One she would quite possibly have bought herself, if she had

the money free to splurge. Leigh grinned as she realized that she always bought the
matching panties to her best bras. Leo obviously didn't feel the need for matching

Laughing out loud at the expectation and excitement welling up in her for their

next night of games, Leigh carefully put the bra back in its box and happily
daydreamed about what enjoyments Leo would offer her for their next date.

The day was suddenly looking up.


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Chapter 15

Leigh rang the doorbell to Leo's home. Like ordered, she wore the gorgeous red lace

bra underneath a short, midnight blue, button down shirt. She wore a matching
midnight blue ankle-length skirt and no panties. She had very carefully arranged her
short hair into a topknot, so only a few, short wispy strands curled around the nape of
her neck.

She kept fluctuating between nervousness about having her ass reamed, and such a

deep desire to have Leo do this to her that her knees felt weak. It was rather
disconcerting to jump back and forth between two such extreme reactions.

She had found herself day-dreaming all day, impatiently wishing the time away.

She was still damp and had been in this state almost constantly since the instant she had
opened the box yesterday afternoon from Leo.

Leigh could barely wait to start this evening. She tried not to jiggle on the front

porch in her impatience. She had waited for what seemed like hours for Anne to arrive
and take care of Nathan, and then the traffic had been holding her up. Everything was
just dragging on so long!

Wondering what was keeping Leo from opening the door, Leigh was about to ring

the bell again, when she caught hold of herself. He's testing you, a little voice whispered
inside her head. Be patient, wait a little longer.

Sure enough, as the seconds ticked by, she finally heard the rattle of the door

unlocking then swinging open to reveal Leo standing, bare-chested in front of her. He
wore a pair of tight leather pants that clung revealingly to his thighs and accented the
long, lean length of his legs. Leigh felt her mouth dry up.

Leo held the door open with one hand, and it was as she was about to enter his

house that Leigh glanced down and noticed what he was carrying in his other hand.

A thrall collar!
Leigh felt her knees wobble and her pussy cream. She could hardly believe that she

was acting like a virgin schoolgirl, about to go out on her first date. She couldn't seem to
make her voice work, couldn't bring herself to say anything. She was simply standing
there on Leo's front porch, creaming and staring from his beautifully muscled chest to
the leather thrall collar he held.

Without a sound, Leo held out the thrall collar and raised one eyebrow in challenge

to her. Tilting her head to an arrogant angle, Leigh nodded and stepped forward.

"Now turn around, Leigh." Leo seductively challenged.
Leigh instantly understood this was why Leo's note had insisted she wear her hair

up. He never gives more information than necessary. For a while now Leigh had been


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chewing over that tidbit of knowledge. Just as she had realized very soon after reading
the note that tonight's date would be a bondage date, even though he hadn't mentioned
it one way or the other.

Leo's picnic date had been expressed as a vanilla date. As Leo had made no

mention whatsoever of whether or not it would be vanilla or bondage, it had been a
hint to what he had been planning. But it was always hard to tell with Leo. It was part
of the mental appeal, staying one step ahead of him all the time.

Leigh turned around and presented her back and bare neck to Leo. Standing tall

and firm, she quivered with excitement as he began to clasp the collar around her neck,
treating it as if it were a diamond necklace.

Leigh tried not to think about how much she had come to crave this man's touch,

this man's games and intensity. She didn't want to have such strong feelings for this
man, for any man. She had already been burned by love once in her lifetime; hadn't that
been enough?

Forcibly casting aside her morbid thoughts, Leigh resolved to only think of the

pleasure this man brought her now, tonight, and was determined to not think any
further ahead.

Leo looked down at Leigh. Very soon, he assured his randy cock. Leigh didn't know

it yet, but she wouldn't feel the heat of his cock tonight. Or not where she was expecting
it. So not tonight, he re-iterated to himself, to his cock, but very, very soon.

Maybe not tonight, but very soon he would need to close his seductive trap around

his woman. She was realizing she had strong feelings for him, for their relationship. Her
trust in him to let him initiate her in anal sex, her continued obeisance of his commands,
the way she reacted to him, creamed for him, these all added up to the solid proof he
needed of her faith and trust in him.

She simply couldn't have no feelings for him and show all the signs to the contrary.

He wanted to ensnare her just a little more before he finally closed the trap, so she
would be his for always.

Always… reverberated around his head. He felt his cock harden slightly with that

simple thought, of always having Leigh with him, in his house, his life.

Careful to control his facial expressions, he smiled slightly, to help calm her. It

wasn't a physical fear he saw reflected in her eyes. It was the wary look of a strong
female, knowing she was up against an alpha male. He only needed a little longer with
her before he could prove to her that she loved him fully, completely, and trusted him
implicitly. Once he had taught her that lesson, she would be his.

"Now you may enter, woman." He gentled his harsh words with softness in his

voice. He would dominate her again tonight, in every way he could, but he didn't want
her to run yet, couldn't afford to scare her with his impatience until he held her totally.

As Leigh stepped into Leo's house he closed the door and held her shoulder, halting

her for a moment.

"Remove your sandals first, woman."


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A little confused, Leigh bent down and quickly removed first one, then the other

sandal. When she had placed them neatly by the front door, she stood again. Leo
nodded and she entered the main room.

When she passed through the archway, she realized that only a few small lamps

were lit within. Candles were everywhere, scattered on every table, every windowsill
and mantelpiece. The room was brightly lit from the candles and smelled wonderfully
cozy from a few incense sticks scattered amongst the candles.

Large cushions were strewn over the floor; the couch and chairs had been moved to

the very edges of the room. Silky drapes covered the small patches of floor that weren't
littered with cushions, effectively creating a completely surreal atmosphere.

Leo touched Leigh's shoulder, bringing her to a halt just inside the newly furnished

room. Gently pressing down on her shoulder, he indicated for her to wait. Taking his
own sweet time, he crossed over the room to where a pile of cushions rose particularly
high. Leigh admired the view of his retreating ass. His butt clenched and released as he
took his slow steps. The leather encasing his ass and legs caressed the flesh as if it were
a lover.

When he stood in front of the cushions, Leo turned around and casually dropped

his large frame. Sprawling like a pasha on the silky cushions, he looked totally at ease
and at home so close to the floor. The candlelight glinted cheerily off his chest, casting
shadows on some of his lightly muscled chest and exposing other parts of his naked

Leigh swallowed. The restriction around her throat reminded her of the collar she

wore. Another game? she wondered. Pasha and his captive slave? The tantalizing thought
shimmered in her eyes for a moment. Leigh felt a thin trickle of cream start to cling to
her curls and threaten to run down her leg.

In this setting, and with the image of herself and Leo sprawled out on those big

cushions, it didn't take a whole big stretch of Leigh's already overactive imagination to
see Leo as a rich, spoiled, bored pasha.

Weary of his life of constant fucking. Of having no challenges and wanting to try

new things and new women to ease the boredom. The sameness day in and day out the
pasha would be presented with would only exacerbate his boredom.

It also wasn't a huge leap to see herself as the wary, defiant, yet secretly submissive

captive, who resented being "brought to heel." Thus she would be a challenge and relief
for the pasha.

Remembering the red lace bra she wore, Leigh wondered if she was supposed to be

a whore? No, her mind debated, too easy. Leo is craftier than that. Madly trying to think of
another explanation for her red, dead sexy bra and lack of panties, Leigh was struck by

She was a secret submissive who dreamed of carnal knowledge. The bra and lack of

panties wouldn't be seen by anyone except her, was her secret. The knowledge of what


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she wore would inflame Leo, she knew, but when he saw them with his own eyes, both
the racy little bra and her bare curls, it would inflame him even more!

The thought of all the wicked things Leo could do to her while teaching her to enjoy

and embrace her bondage and sexuality sent another quiver of lust through her cunt.
Every erotic novel she had ever read about the bored sheikh or pasha taming then
training the receptive slave ran through her head. Every heated night fantasy about
being captive to a man's whim as he trained her, tamed her, made her love the thrall
collar she wore ran through her head.

Leigh pulled her thoughts back to the present. If she weren't careful she'd be

coming before Leo even started his little role-playing session.

Leo sat back in the cushions and watched Leigh. The heated awareness in her eyes

intensified as the silence stretched between them. He wanted to give her time to
fantasize, to think about the scene he had created. Wicked-pasha-takes-a-slave-girl was
an old fantasy, but a great one nevertheless. If the elevation in Leigh's breathing was
any indication, it was working just as well for her as it was for him.

Leo sat even further back in the cushions and spread his arms wide, eager to start

the night.

"Well, woman?" he softly inquired. "What gifts do you bring me?"
Leigh stared at Leo, debating how challenging to be. It might be better and safer for

them both if she tested the waters first.

"What gifts does it look like I brought?" she replied, opening her arms to indicate

she had nothing with her.

"Do not take me for a fool woman," he softly cautioned. "I might look the indolent

pasha, but I have power beyond your wildest dreams."

Leigh shivered, both at the cautionary tone of Leo's voice, but also from the promise

the warning contained.

"Take off your shirt, woman," he continued.
Leigh looked at Leo. A very faint sheen of sweat could be seen on his upper chest.

His thick cock could also be seen straining against his leather pants. They both knew
what was under her shirt, and how much it would turn him on when she showed it to

In an instant, Leigh decided to give up all control, to fully indulge herself in the

fantasy. Throwing caution to the wind, she submerged herself in the fantasy. She was
the captive woman, standing before her pasha, her captor. Smiling sexily, she knew her
eyes softened as she raised her hands to the buttons on her dark blue shirt.

"As you wish," she softly replied, teasing, yet half-serious at the same time.
Slowly, button by button, she unclasped her shirt. Letting the edges of the shirt fall

open as she moved onto the next button, and then the next, she drank in the sight of Leo
avidly watching her. She drank in the sight of his cock lengthening and hardening, until
it looked like he carried a crowbar in his pants.


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Very slowly and ever so slightly, she swayed her hips as the shirt fell open. When

every last button had been undone, she pulled the shirt off one shoulder, and down that
arm. Leo's eyes hungrily looked at the fire engine-red of the bra. When she had one arm
free, she repeated the process with the other arm, until she dropped the shirt into a
puddle on the floor at her feet.

By now, minutes had passed during her little striptease. Her breathing was elevated

and she could feel her juices running down her leg, so strong was her desire.

From all the way across the room, Leigh could hear Leo's harsh breaths, could see

the evidence of his desire. Sprawled as he was, he didn't even attempt to hide or deny
the way she affected him.

Not daring to step forward just yet, Leigh decided to up the ante a little. Raising her

arms above her head, she hummed a tuneless little ditty and swung her hips,
undulating her body before this pasha who thought he could own her. In her heart, she
knew no man could ever fully own her against her will, and so she faced the question of
did she truly want to give herself into his keeping?

Pondering this immense question, Leigh closed her eyes and threw back her head.

Think about it later, her mind assured her, relax and enjoy the fantasy for now. Swinging her
hips as her tune increased its beat, she swayed to and fro.

Leo licked his lips. The blurry line between reality and fantasy was becoming even

more fuzzy. Leigh stood before him in the lacy red bra he hadn't been able to resist
buying for her, and a long, thin dark-blue skirt. With the leather thrall collar around her
slim neck she looked like every heated fantasy he had ever desired.

When she began to hum softly and undulate her body she became a witch,

tempting him and teasing him beyond reason. Her lush, creamy breasts swayed in time
to the tune she hummed, her hips and waist undulated back and forth, the sexy swish
of the skirt teased his imagination of what her legs would look like in the candlelight.

Leo recognized that Leigh was giving herself up to the fantasy, and impossibly, he

felt himself harden even more. If he didn't continue the fantasy he risked coming in his
pants here and now. Discreetly clearing his throat, he prayed for his voice not to croak
as he gave his next order.

"Now the skirt, woman."
Without even opening her eyes, Leigh dropped her hands to the small button and

zipper that held her skirt together. She doubted she'd ever wear this outfit in the same
manner ever again. The memories would be attached to the skirt and shirt as if he had
printed them there with words and pictures.

Swaying her hips even more, almost doing the bump and grind now, Leigh heard

the rasp of the zipper and opened her eyes as she felt the skirt drop to the floor.

Pushing it aside gently with her bare foot, she stood proudly nearly naked before

him. Only the thin wisp of a bra and the thrall collar adorned her body. Leo seemed to
lean even further back amongst the pillows and lazily dropped one hand to his huge


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Before her eyes right then, Leo carelessly began to stroke his huge shaft. Gently,

teasingly massage it. Leigh licked her lips. She desperately craved the chance to
massage him, to untie the leather pants and take him into her mouth. To do a thousand
and one naughty things to that long, thick shaft. But she knew it would be much, much
better for her if she waited, let Leo play his own little game out.

"And so, the virginal woman wears a whore's bra and no panties. How can this be?"

he quietly mused. Looking at her with his hot, hungry eyes, Leigh felt herself grow
even wetter.

"I can smell your musk from all the way over here, woman. I think you might

definitely have a taste for my kind of pleasure. Come forward."

Hungry for everything he could do to her, Leigh took a few steps forward until she

stood right before his sprawled legs. As she stood there, obedient and docile, Leo
stopped caressing his cock and rested both his hands behind his head, again the picture
of the idle pasha.

"Unlace my pants."
Kneeling down before him, Leigh leaned forward and started to unlace the tight

pants. She could smell the heat rising from his skin. The slightly musky, masculine
smell that was uniquely Leo's. As the leather laces fell apart under her slightly shaky
hands, the leather parted easily to release his straining cock.

It was magnificent. Large and tanned and a red-purple color from the force of his

lust. A tiny pearl of pre-ejaculate formed under her heated stare, right at the tip of his
cock, weeping out of that single eye.

Leigh licked her lips, desperately craving to lean forwards and lick it off. She

looked up Leo's magnificent body and stared into his eyes, silently asking permission.

"Go on, woman. Taste me," he allowed.
Dipping her head down, she swiped her tongue over the very tip of his cock. The

heat from her tongue clashed momentarily with the heat radiating from his cock.
Rolling the pearl of pre-cum around her mouth she quickly bent back once more to take
him into her mouth, licking the head of his cock before releasing him once again. Sitting
back on her heels, she smiled brilliantly at Leo and waited for his next command.

His eyes burning into her, Leo sat up properly, seeming to keep his elegance even

with his pants gaping open.

"Well, woman," he started, "you are mine now, my slave, my woman. The collar

you wear proves you so. Your current attire proves your interest in lessons only I can
teach you. And so I would recommend you prepare yourself." Leaning forward slightly,
Leo felt his heart accelerate at the lust and desire he saw reflected in Leigh's eyes. He
felt his own desire kick up another notch.

She was his, his body screamed.
Reaching his arm up, he took hold of Leigh's elbow and gently dragged her down

beside him on the large cushion. He felt her tremble slightly in her passion. Lifting


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himself up to rest facing towards her on one arm, he let his heated gaze wander down
her almost-naked form.

Lightly running a hand down the length of her prone body, Leo was shocked at the

intensity of his possessiveness. He lightly drew his finger around the nipple he could
see through the sheer red lace of her bra. His mouth watering, Leo reminded himself of
the virtue patience brought.

Moaning softly, Leo bent his head down so his lips lightly brushed over Leigh's.

Softly, teasingly. When she arched up into his body, pulling his chest over herself so she
could feel his heat on top of her own, he ground his hot, eager cock into her soft belly.
When he felt her desperately trying to shuck his leather pants, he pulled himself away

Releasing her body from his hold, Leo stood above her and removed his pants.
"Oh my," she softly murmured, taking in the full view of his naked body. He was

lightly muscled like an athlete, and his nearly shoulder-length brown hair curled
slightly, creating a semi-wave framing his face. A light dusting of hair covered his chest
and arrowed down his flat stomach to form a bushy covering that his rigid cock jutted
out of.

With his light tan, he contrasted her pale blonde looks in nearly every way, yet

where Leigh saw herself as merely pretty, Leo was stunning. Reaching her arm out to
him, she silently asked for his warmth to come back to her. In the soft candlelight, with
silk drapes surrounding them and soft cushions scattered everywhere, Leigh really felt
as if she had been stolen by some wicked pasha for him to train and seduce. Leo looked
like a conquering warrior, an indolent pasha and her dominant lover all in one package.

"First, my sweet little slave," Leo huskily began. Clearing his throat slightly, he

continued, "You appear to have more clothes on than I. Let's remedy that first."

Leaning over her, being careful that only minimal amounts of his skin touched her

soft, silky body, he reached around Leigh's back and unclasped the red bra. Spilling her
bountiful breasts into his eagerly waiting palms, he lightly flicked her nipples and
relished her instant response. As she arched into his touch, crying out with the pleasure,
Leo felt his eyes heat up and devour her reaction.

Leaning down to kiss her more fully, Leo carefully grasped both of Leigh's hands in

on of his. Still kissing her, distracting her perfectly, Leo burrowed one hand under the
large cushion Leigh was lying on. Withdrawing a long silk scarf, Leo raised both of
Leigh's captive hands above her head and quickly began winding the scarf around her
wrists, binding them together.

"Ah – L…" Leigh bit her tongue before she could call Leo by name. She realized she

didn't know what name she was supposed to call him by in this fantasy, and thus she
couldn't ask him by name to stop.

"Uh…what are you doing?" she queried. She knew there would be no use in

struggling, Leo would probably even enjoy that more.


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When her hands were safely, but fully bound, Leo looked down at the bounty set

before him. Leigh was ravishing. With her big breasts and soft, tiny tummy, perfect
thighs and long legs, she looked like a goddess. The black thrall collar at her neck was a
perfect contrast to her creamy skin and pale hair. His eyes ran from her blonde curls on
her mound up to the dark, soft leather at her throat. He licked his lips in anticipation.

"Why, little slave, I am going to initiate you into the thousand and one ways of

pleasure I can bring you."

A thousand and one? echoed in Leigh's brain. She hoped he was speaking

figuratively. Hot as she was, she doubted she could last even two or three "ways of
pleasure" Leo could bring to her.

Leo grinned at her stunned reaction. He could just see her turning over the question

of whether he really would teach her a thousand and one ways of pleasure. Much as he
would like to, he doubted he himself could last that long, but he was certainly willing to
give it the old college try.

"Let's start simple," he softly talked to himself. Lying back down beside her body on

the large cushion, he raised himself up over her spread body.

Leaning into her, he kissed her lips gently, but thoroughly. Flicking his tongue into

her mouth, he licked the inner heat of her mouth. Drawing her tongue out into his own
mouth, he firmly suckled it, causing Leigh to gasp and flush. Savoring her like a
favorite candy, he gently sucked and nibbled at her mouth and tongue.

Finally releasing her tongue after a few more minutes of play, he gently nibbled her

lush lips and eventually pulled himself back with an effort.

"One down," he softly whispered into her ear, "one thousand to go."
I am going to die… Leigh silently moaned.
For what seemed like hours, days, Leo licked and nibbled, bit, sucked and kissed her

skin. Every crevice, every mound until Leigh was creaming helplessly and her entire
body was covered in a sheen of sweat.

She rose into his every caress, his every movement. Even Leo seemed to stop

counting around twenty or so, and simply indulge himself.

And Leigh was helpless either to return the teasing caresses or even give herself

some release. Time after time she rushed headlong up the peak towards her climax, and
Leo would recognize that fact and slow himself down, denying himself as well as her
that final release.

Hours later, half-frantic with her need and the desire to orgasm, Leigh started

begging, not even caring at the loss of her pride.

"Please…now… Now!"
When she heard the hoarseness of her own voice, the demand and desperation, she

thought she would die of embarrassment. She had never been so primed, so desperate
to wildly fuck. In despair, she felt Leo pull himself away from her pussy, where he had
been licking and suckling, almost bathing in her heat and creamy juices.


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"Ah," he smiled, "so my little slave is wild for me now? Perfect." As he leaned over

to kiss her lips, Leigh tasted herself, smelled her musky scent over his face and lips. "I'll
be right back."

With that, Leo pulled himself upright and walked out of the room.
Leigh stared after him for a minute and tried to collect her wits. What the hell was

he doing? She was too energized, too hot to worry for long, she conjured images of all
the different things he could be getting. A flogger maybe, or maybe nipple clamps
again. Heated images of their moonlight picnic and the pleasure he had brought her
with those clamps made her pussy cream all over again. How she could possibly have
so much cream inside her was a mystery.

Before she could get too excited, or dare to lower her hands to her throbbing clit to

relieve some of her pressure, Leo returned.

At first glance, he didn't appear to have anything with him. The Leigh noticed a

small, thin tube of lube in one of his closed hands. Blinking, she was momentarily
confused. What the hell does he need lube for? she wondered, and then the knowledge
came back to her with a rush. His promise! Oh shit!

She was so hot, so desperate to be fucked she could barely register the desire and

worry mingling together. She was horny enough to say yes to anything, but still a part
of her rebelled.

Oh puh-lease! her brain scorned, you're so hot for it and curious about it you're dripping

even more than you were a minute ago! Let's be honest here.

Leigh rarely lied to herself, and she had to admit she was creaming so much it ran

down the side of her leg. Leo was so stiff she was surprised he hadn't already come in
shooting gushes all over her. He had been this way for so long it was a wonder the
wind didn't change and he froze that way for life!

"Turn over, little slave," Leo softly commanded.
Obediently, Leigh turned over and presented her ass to Leo.
"Now, little slave," he gently teased, "we have come to one of my all-time favorites

of those thousand and one ways of pleasure I promised you."

"That's a virgin asshole there, pasha," she reminded him, "there mightn't be enough

room in there for you."

Leo smiled. He was glad he had warned her of what was to come tonight.

Otherwise he might have had a revolt on his hands, and even though he was thinking
rather fondly of the riding crop he had hidden under one of the silk drapes, he wanted
to use it to enhance the pleasure he was about to bring her, not to punish her.

"I know this is one of your virgin orifices," he started. "But for tonight, that does not

matter. In my years of experience I have learned that half the fun that comes from
sexual congress is in the preparation, little slave."

One of my virgin orifices? echoed around Leigh's head for a moment before the

second half of his comment penetrated her shocked brain. Preparation? What the…?


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Now totally confused, Leigh turned slightly so she could see the shadowed face of

her lover. He sat behind her, staring at her ample ass, holding it steady with little effort.

He had balanced the tube of lubricant on her bottom, and was holding in his


Oh shit!
The biggest butt plug she had ever seen. Held in his large hand, the vibrator seemed

even larger than the ones she and Anne had snickered over in the adult shops and
declared were "silly gifts" designed for men and women to scare each other with.

Leo watched Leigh's eyes widen in shock at the size of the extremely large metal

butt plug he held. He didn't really want to scare her…well…not much anyway…but for
what he had planned over the next few weeks…suffice to say she needed to be as
stretched as possible.

"Uh…you know, pasha…I don't really think—" Leigh trembled and tried to think


Leo leaned down and kissed her lips.
"I'd keep silent if I were you. Unless you want to be gagged as well as bound."
Leigh swallowed and looked again at the giant plug. It was made from a shiny

metal, and she could see a knob, which evidently set it to vibrate.

With enough lube, she might be able to take it, maybe.
Not that she was going to admit to such a thing. It was huge, sure, but other women

took massive cocks up their asses, surely she could take a butt plug! Looking from the
plug to Leo's massive erection, she decided she really would rather the plug to that
huge cock. She shuddered, whether in lust or anticipation or fear, she couldn't tell.

Leo licked his lips. It was imperative for him to keep control of himself. He had

initiated a few virgins to the joy of anal sex over the years, but none of them had been as
important as Leigh. None.

Carefully removing his hand from her back, he watched her silently, ready for her

to try and get away again. He wanted to give her time to back out if she truly didn't
want to do this, but he silently requested with his eyes for her to continue with their

Leo felt a rush of pleasure when Leigh met his gaze and nodded. She didn't say

anything, and she didn't smile. But that nod was as much permission as she would
allow herself to give him.

Leo stroked her ass gently. He slid his finger between her cheeks and up to her clit.

Stroking her, he let her feel the pleasure only he could bring her.

"Very good, little slave. Now just relax and let yourself feel the pleasure I can bring


Withdrawing his creamy finger, he spread her ass cheeks. Smearing her own cream

around her tiny, puckered hole, he licked his lips in anticipation. Very soon, in a matter


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of days, he would feel himself being enclosed in that tiny hole. Patience, he reminded
himself. She had to be stretched first, or he really would hurt her.

Squirting a healthy dollop of lube on his two middle fingers, he again held her

cheeks open, and he gently inserted one finger into her anus. He felt his cock twitch at
her ragged, indrawn breath. Her gasps and squirming only heightened his own

"Pasha…" she trailed off. He knew it was a tight fit, could feel her inner muscles

clenching and twitching over his big finger.

"Just relax, little slave, the less tense your sphincter muscles, the less pain you'll feel.

This is just one finger, and I'm lubing your inside. I can't make it any easier than this,
little slave."

Leigh burned, with pain and pleasure. And not the small pain the nipple clamps

had given her, or the tingling pain a spanking would give her, but a burning, too-big-a-
finger-in-too-tight-a-hole kind of pain.

She knew she needed to relax her inner muscles, but her internal muscles were

inherently trying to get the large object out. She didn't feel right in calling the play to a
halt until she had given this a fair shot.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and let the mental picture of what Leo

was doing form in her mind. His tanned, naked body leaning in behind her, his large,
fully erect cock pressing against her thighs, his heated green eyes staring down at her
naked ass. He would be staring down at his large finger, rubbing her inner ass walls,
spreading the lube liberally around, preparing her for the penetration of that monster
butt plug.

She felt herself slowly begin to cream again, felt her ass muscles relax and let him

in. When she heard his soft purring voice soothe her, praise her, she felt even more
cream drip from her cunt and the penetration of his finger became much easier. The
lube was softening his passage, and her easing muscles began to clench his finger in an
erotic way.

The pain receded and became a hot, fierce pleasure.
"That's my little slave, let me in. Let me possess you fully." Pulling his finger out

and applying more lube to the digit, he gently eased it back in her tiny asshole.

"See, little slave? It's much easier the second time around. And it will be easier the

third, and the fourth, until you will be begging me for more, for two fingers."

Feeling his soothing words spin a silken net around her, Leigh arched her ass up

into his cupping hand. Much as it galled her to admit, he was right. It was easier the
second time around. His finger slid in more smoothly, the lube and her own reaction
easing the way. As he greased her ass, she became accustomed to the feeling of his large
finger penetrating her tiny back hole.

"Are you ready for my second finger, little slave?" Leo whispered heatedly. At her

whimper and short, jerking nod, Leo slid his second finger in her ass to join the first.
Again he felt her inner muscles tighten and try to reject him, but just as before, he


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crooned to her, rubbed the lube seductively into her inner tissue. Again, she eventually
settled back and was soon moaning with pleasure again.

Pumping his two fingers in and out of her tight hole, Leo wallowed in the pleasure

of her tightness. He could feel her inner muscles clenching at his fingers, drawing from
him, like her mouth did when she suckled him.

Pumping in and out of her a few more times, he tried to contain his hunger for her.

Not tonight, but soon…he kept repeating to himself. For now, he would have to enjoy the
pleasure she would receive from the butt plug and a hard fuck from him.

Leigh arched her back, allowing his fingers to penetrate her as deeply as he could.

She could barely believe how the pain mingled with the pleasure. As she felt her ass
muscles loosen and relax around the two fingers stuffed inside her, she felt Leo's other
hand come down to flick and play with her clit. The pleasurable sensations mixed with
the pain the fullness in her ass created and drove her wild.

Gasping with the mix of pleasure/pain, Leigh began to push her ass further back,

so she was physically begging him for more. More pleasure. More pain.

Leo felt his cock begin to weep pre-cum again. The erotic picture of Leigh, hands

bound by the silky scarf, arms raised in front of her head, arching her back to thrust her
gorgeous ass further back into his hard, driving fingers would stay with him forever.
He could barely contain his hunger for her, the driving need to ram his cock fully into
her warm ass.

Knowing he was reaching the edge of his limit, he roughly circled her clit a few

more times, allowing her to come for the first time that night. Drinking in the sounds of
her screams as her pussy and ass convulsed around his plunging fingers, Leo drew all
the memories deep into his mind and heart.

As he felt Leigh relax and come down from her peak, he gently removed his fingers

from her ass. Still carefully watching her as she gasped for breath, Leo reached for the
tube of lubricant that had dropped onto the floor.

Greasing the butt plug, he discreetly switched it on to start its vibrations, and

added more lubricant to his fingers. Spreading Leigh's cheeks wide yet again, he began
to push the huge plug into her anus. It was slightly thicker than his two fingers
together, but only about three quarters of their length.

"Ah!" As Leigh cried out and arched into his hands again, he could feel the

vibrations from the plug run up his fingers. Knowing the vibrations in her ass would
enhance the pleasure she felt, while the stretching from the size of the plug would
create a small amount of pain, he pushed the plug as far up her ass as he could.
Withdrawing his fingers, he wiped the leftover lube from his hands on a towel he had
placed nearby for just such a reason.

"Come on, little slave," he crooned softly to Leigh, "turn over now."
Swallowing to get some moisture in her mouth, Leigh let Leo help her turn over

onto her back. As Leo grabbed her hips and pushed her ravaged ass into the velvet
cushion, Leigh moaned as the added pressure sent tingles of vibrations up and down


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her spine. Centering from her ass, the electrifying currents moved from her ass to her
pussy, up to her nipples.

She couldn't believe the full, heavy sensation of having her ass stretched could feel

so pleasurable. She vaguely registered the added pleasure when Leo covered her with
his hot, slightly sweaty body and began to suckle her nipples.

Moaning and wishing her hands were free so she could take his long shaft into her

hands, she started begging for her release.

"Oh please, pasha, let me come!"
Leo chuckled; Leigh was the perfect little captive. She was hot and willing and he

was driving himself insane trying not to ram himself into her and spread his seed all
throughout her lovely body.

"But little slave, you came just a few short minutes ago. Surely you can wait a while


When he heard the groan of disappointment, he chuckled even louder.
"Why don't you prime me then, little slave?"
Dragging his straining body higher up over her, Leo motioned with his iron-hard

cock for her to open her mouth for him. The speed and willingness with which Leigh
complied told him just how hot and desperate she was.

The heat of her mouth reminded him of the heat her ass had held for him. The tight,

grasping and sucking sensations he had felt. Imagining his cock thrusting hard and fast
in and out of that tight little opening nearly unmanned him then and there.

Enough, he mentally groaned, I can't wait a second longer.
Pulling himself roughly out of her mouth, he bent down to lick and suck at her

cream and clit for a moment. Seeing and tasting how awash she was with her need, Leo
knew it would be easy to ram himself deep and hard into her. Sitting up and spreading
her legs, Leo took one last look at her swollen flesh. He had created this need in her, he

Pressing the tip of his cock to her entrance, Leo halted for a second.
"Who is your master, slave?" he arrogantly asked.
"You are," Leigh whispered, writhing in her need to feel him.
"Then scream for me, slave," he commanded.
Plunging his long, hot shaft in her to the hilt, Leo felt his knees weaken with the lust

he felt consume him. Leigh did, indeed scream. Leo could feel the butt plug deep in her
ass, the thin membrane separating her cunt and ass no barrier to keep his cock from
feeling the large plug he had inserted.

Holding himself still for a few seconds, he let Leigh adjust slightly from the double

penetration of the plug and his cock. As her breathing slowed to normal, he began
slowly withdrawing his cock.


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"No!" Leigh cried out, trying to futilely grab his shoulders with her bound hands.

He couldn't possibly leave her like this! Bound and on the knife-edge of release! The
gloriously full feeling of having both her pussy and ass filled with Leo, with his toys
and shaft had been deliriously pleasant. She couldn't bear to be left unfulfilled.

"Put your hands back, slave. I will only let you come when I deem it so."
Thus assured that she would be allowed to climax eventually, Leigh returned her

bound arms above her head. Writhing and desperately trying to clamp down on him
with her internal muscles, Leigh did everything in her power to make him stay.

Leo gritted his teeth and swore silently. She was so tight, so hot! He could feel the

vibrations of the butt plug through her membrane and he was walking the fine line
between control and shooting his wad like a teenager. He wanted to make this
explosive for Leigh, wanted to make her beg for his cock up her ass, make her grovel to
him, to plead never, ever to leave her.

He needed to make her realize her love for him. Their mutual addiction.
When only the very tip of his cock rested in her entrance, Leo waited. Leigh was

begging him to enter her again, fulfill her. He wanted to brand her, mark her as his.
Trap her so fully that she could never run from him.

Instead, he plunged his cock back into her, hard.
Leigh screamed and her juices covered his cock even more. The force of his

penetration had made his cock rub up against the butt plug and it had sent stronger
vibrations throughout her body.

"Do you want it rough, slave?" he questioned, needing her approval before he let

his control go so fully.

"Oh yes! Please, Master!"
With those incoherent words, Leo let loose his lust and desire. Pounding into her

hard and fast, driving his cock as deeply inside her cunt as he could reach, Leo tried to
push himself into her very soul. Feeling the soft bumping of his balls up against her ass,
Leo groaned as he felt his cock emit more pre-ejaculate.

"Is this how you like it, slave? Hot and hard and heavy?" he ground out. His hunger

released, he felt the need to hear Leigh tell him how much she loved it.

"Hell, yes," was her breathless response. "I..I.." she strained, arching up to him, her

bound hands clasped each other, their knuckles white from the tight grip they held.

As Leo felt her womb contract, throwing Leigh into yet another orgasm, Leo let her

ride that out, still plunging into her, harder, deeper. Before she could even regain her
breath from that orgasm, he started flicking and pinching her clit gently, sending more
pain through her to counteract the pleasure she was receiving in waves.

As he heard Leigh gasp for breath once again, he plunged one finger back up her

ass, ready to pull the plug out, as he continued to ram his cock into her pussy.

"Again!" he cried as he thrust himself even deeper into her, flicked her clit once

more and roughly pulled the butt plug from her ass. The mixture of sensations, both


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painful and pleasurable detonated inside Leigh, throwing her over the edge into a more
intense climax than she had ever felt.

As Leigh screamed her release, Leo dropped the plug onto the floor, grabbed her

hip and pulled her as close as possible. Roaring his release, he felt his balls tighten until
he was sure they should have turned blue, and his cock exploded inside her. Spewing
jet after jet of hot seed, he filled Leigh's cunt, and felt it trickle down her thigh and onto
the velvet cushion.

Four, five, then six times he ejaculated into Leigh. Over and over, until she was

totally soaked in his cum. Her thighs and legs were dripping in it, the scent of their
mingled juices floated in the room along with the incense and smell of burning candles.

Collapsing on top of Leigh, totally drained, Leo felt himself weaken totally.
The minutes ticked by, and only the sounds of their heavy breathing could be heard

throughout the house. Finally, Leo raised himself off Leigh and carefully withdrew his
cock from her pussy. Reaching up to untie her wrists, he checked that the silk bonds
hadn't chafed her delicate skin in their eagerness.

Leigh floated down into her body, finding herself exhausted, but so happy and

carefree that she smiled softly at her lover. He was amazing, totally unbelievable. And
he was hers. Pushing the scary thought aside for now, she turned into his still-hot body
and chuckled.

"So was that number twenty-five or twenty-six?" she cheekily asked.
Leo laughed. Deep from his soul, he knew that she had accepted and loved

everything that he had done. They would be fine.

Now he just had to convince Leigh of that. Kissing her gently, he reached over for

the delicious red bra. As he helped Leigh get dressed so she could head home, he
plotted and planned.

His next few movements would be critical to their joint life from here on in.


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Chapter 16

Friday Afternoon.
"Have a good weekend, everybody. Nathan, could you please stay back for a


As the stampede of young feet stormed out of the classroom, Nathan's blond curls

could be seen standing back, allowing his fellow classmates rush for the door at the end
of another school week.

With the weekend stretching out before all the young kids, long and tempting and

totally school-free, previously worn and tired young souls were now energized and
eagerly looking forwardto the play and games they could plan.

"What's up, Mr. Ashcroft?" Nathan asked as he came forwards once the last child

had rushed out.

"Come over here, sport. I have a few important questions for you."
Leading Nathan over to the "conversation corner," Leo pulled out one of the two

small chairs and indicated for Nathan to sit down.

Once the small boy had perched on his seat, Leo sat himself down opposite him and

wondered where to start. Thankfully, Nathan was no dummy and already had a handle
on the situation.

"This is about my Mom, isn't it?"
Startled at not only his intelligence but also his intuition, Leo nodded.
"Are you going to marry her?"
Leo blinked. Damn, this was worse that being talked down to by outraged fathers and older

brothers! At least with brothers and fathers some level of understanding could be
reached without full disclosure. How can you explain the complexities of a sexual
relationship to a five-year-old? It was hard enough to understand as an adult!

"Well, sport, that depends on your mom. She's been hurt pretty bad, I don't think

she wants to marry anybody right now."

Nathan nodded his understanding with a scary perception.
"Well, what do you want to ask me?"
Leo took a deep breath. He was worried about how nervous he was. He got along

well with Nathan and knew the kid liked him too, but his help and support would go a
long way for him in Leigh's book.

"I was wondering if you'd mind very much if I try to convince your mom to marry

me. I can't promise anything, and haven't wanted to raise your hopes. It's quite likely


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she'll take a fair bit of convincing. But I think with your help, together, we might be able
to talk her into it. What do you say?"

Nathan sat back and stared at him. Leo stared back, just as seriously. He felt a

connection with this little boy. When Nathan smiled he knew half the battle of winning
over Leigh was done.

"Sure thing, Mr. Ashcroft. I think Mom likes you anyway. What can I do to help?"
Reaching over to hug the little boy, Leo ruffled his blond curls.
"What say outside of school you start calling me Leo? Inside school you still need to

call me Mr. Ashcroft, but I think we're going to be good buddies." Letting go of the boy,
Leo walked across the room back to his desk. Opening the bottom drawer, he withdrew
a long, slim box wrapped in shiny silver paper.

Walking back to Nathan, Leo crouched down in front of the boy.
"This is a special, secret present for your mommy. She might be a little embarrassed

when she gets it, because it contains a secret inside that will only make sense to her and
me. Now, You know that some things are meant only for adults?" Waiting for the little
boy to nod his head obediently, Leo continued.

"Well, this is one of those things. When you turn eighteen, I promise I'll explain

everything and show you whatever you want to know. But for now, you're not old
enough for it to make sense. Okay?"

"Okay. What do I say when I give it to her?"
Leo grinned, a wide, happy grin.
"You can tell her that I've asked for your consent. Do you know what that word


Nathan wrinkled his nose, "It means asked my permission, right?"
"Exactly, sport, tell her I've asked for your consent and you gave it to me. She'll

understand the rest."

"Okay, Mr. Ashcroft. Can I go now? Mom or Annie will be waiting."
"Certainly, sport. Put the box in your bag. Only give it to her when she's at home,


"Sure thing, Mr. Ashcroft. Have a good night!"
Nathan rushed out of the room with the excitement and energy only the very

young held. He grabbed his bag from his peg and shoved the box inside. Watching him
rush outside, Leo stared out the window with a large grin on his face. Everything was
going perfectly.

* * * * *


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Leigh watched her young son rush out of the room and heard the TV turn on. She

stared blankly at the empty doorway, then back down to the thin silver box in her hand.

It was a few inches longer than her hand and almost as wide. It was maybe four or

five inches deep. Too large for a necklace or bracelet, too thin for almost anything else
that came to her mind.

Her mind was still trying to digest the fact that Leo had asked Nathan for his

consent. The only thing she could think of that Leo would ask permission for,
particularly from her son was her hand in marriage. He certainly wouldn't ask her son
for permission to do anything to her, not after all they had shared and done together to

Marriage. The word reverberated and echoed around her head. Where the hell had

this come from? Last time she had checked, she and Leo had been agreeing to indulge
themselves in a bondage relationship, exploring their boundaries. She hadn't wanted
any emotional commitment, only a physical relationship, no strings attached.

Liar, her inner voice called out. What the hell did you think last weekend was? Where did

you think the intensity came from? You enjoyed letting him finger your ass, you loved it when
he put that butt plug deep inside you. Is there another man alive that you would have let do
that? If it had been anyone else you'd have been screaming the safe word, fighting like a hellcat.

Sighing when her son and even her own brain was against her, Leigh decided to

put off thinking for a few more minutes and carefully started un-sticking the tape that
held the paper covering the box.

Neatly placing the paper on the table, she opened the box and choked.
Reminding herself to breathe, she picked up the card and, trying to ignore its

taunting words, stared down at the thin, silver dildo. It was at least seven or eight
inches, filling up the entire length of the slim box. It was maybe three inches thick, only
slightly thinner than the average vibrator.

The hot, erotic thoughts that filled her mind showed her very clearly why it was

thinner. Leo planned to ream her ass with the vibrator.

Reminding herself to breathe, Leigh sucked in a deep lungful of air. Well! Leo had

certainly made his position clear. Looking back down to the card, she flushed and felt
herself dampen at the words.

The time has come, my little friend…Tomorrow. 8 pm. L
Leo had made his first move. He would probably ream her ass. He might even try

to convince her he loved her, that he wanted her. If he had already talked to Nathan,
then he really did mean business.

What the hell did she want? She had sworn to herself she would never marry again,

would never put herself at a man's mercy. She had been so determined that she would
never let herself be so vulnerable to a man that he could walk out on her and Nathan
and make their world crumble around them.


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Pacing the floor, Leigh tried to sort out her jumbled thoughts. Did she love Leo?

Maybe. Possibly. How the hell could she tell? Everything had happened so quickly. Did
she find sexual satisfaction with him like she never had with anyone else? Yes. The
instant mental response gave her hope. Did she want to continue their relationship? Yes.
Again, there was no hesitation in her mind. Did she want to live with him? Her mind
shied away from the thought, her worries coming back to the fore. Maybe.

Needing the comfort of her son's little body, Leigh put the card in the box and

replaced the lid. Leaving it on the table, she entered the den and sat next to Nathan on
the couch in front of the TV. He was watching an old Tom and Jerry cartoon.

"Sweetie?" Pulling him close to her, she inhaled his clean, little-boy scent. Ruffling

his gorgeous curls, she waited until she had his attention.

"Hon, what did you and Mr. Ashcroft talk about?"
Looking into familiar hazel eyes, Leigh smiled down at her son, letting him know

she wasn't mad or upset.

"Leo said I only had to call him Mr. Ashcroft at school now."
Leigh raised an eyebrow.
"Was that all?"
Leigh smiled at the face Nathan pulled.
"It was man stuff, Mom. You wouldn't understand."
"I don't have enough testosterone, is that it?"
Leigh laughed at Nathan's confused face.
"Did Leo tell you not to tell me, Nate? Is that why you won't say?"
"No. But I don't think I need to tell you, Mom. I think Leo will explain about it

when he next sees you."

"Okay. Thanks Sweetie."
Sighing, Leigh hugged her son once more and got up to start dinner. Obviously Leo

had won over her young son.

Now she just had to work out what she wanted.


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Chapter 17

This time when Leigh entered Leo's house, the furniture was back in its usual place.

She tried to squelch the spurt of sadness. She had enjoyed the pasha fantasy. Leo led her
through the lounge and dining room and through the hallway. Opening a door halfway
down the hall, he waited beside the entryway for her to enter first.

Leigh entered what was obviously Leo's bedroom. A large bed took up one entire

side of the room. It had short wooden posts and a metal frame. The king-sized mattress
was covered in navy blue sheets, with the quilt and top sheet turned down. A few
scented candles lit the room, emitting the fragrance of roses and lavender. Leigh felt her
heart rate kick up a notch.

Leo gently closed the door behind him and reached for the small backpack Leigh


"Is it in here?" he queried, hoping Leigh knew exactly what he meant. When she

nodded hesitantly, he knew she had understood much of his note and gift. Feeling the
satisfaction roll through him, he felt his cock twitch and begin to grow hard.

"Do you have an answer for me?" he softly asked, wondering if his feisty woman

would come to the fore.

Leigh swallowed. Still uncertain, she knew that she would probably end up saying

yes to Leo's proposal. But she didn't mean to make it easy for him, and she certainly
intended to do it on her terms.

Nowhere had he mentioned she needed to be submissive anywhere except in their

bedroom. And even though in her heart she knew the details of their relationship
would be worked out here tonight, she was happy to be submissive with her body, but
damned if she was going to be submissive with her life.

"Do you have a question for me?" she firmly challenged.
When Leo saw Leigh draw herself up and straighten her back, tilt her chin to that

charming angle she always did when she was in a feisty mood, he knew she would
make him work for every inch she gave him. In an instant, his cock was iron hard in his
pants, and he was ready and eager to prove a few home truths to Leigh. Like how much
she loved him. Like how neither of them would enjoy life apart from each other. Like
how he never intended to let her go.

But he would need to show her slowly, so she could admit these truths to herself

and feel comfortable with the knowledge.

Opening her backpack and removing the long, thin box that he knew contained the

silver dildo, Leo carefully placed Leigh's bag in the far corner behind the door. The bag
stowed safely away, he turned to face his woman.


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"Strip," he softly commanded. He kept his gaze locked with Leigh's as she watched

his face. She automatically began to unbutton her blouse, casually dropping it to the
floor. He exerted his will so that he wouldn't look down at the creamy bounty she had
bared for him. He heard the metallic rasp of the zipper, as she next removed her skirt.

Only when she had removed her sandals and stood before him in her bra and

panties did he let his gaze wander down her entire length. Drinking in the dark green
lacy bra and panties he felt himself grow even more aroused. The color of his eyes, he
realized her lingerie was the color of his eyes. He wondered if Leigh had chosen this
lingerie set on purpose? To tease him, to tempt him, to provoke him. Maybe, he

Leo crossed the room, brushing gently past her and sat on the edge of the bed. With

a hand he was proud to note was steady, he placed the box with its dildo on the top of
the bedside table.

Opening the drawer, he next withdrew a full tube of KY jelly and one, single

condom. Leo placed them on the table next to the dildo, a mocking challenge. He turned
to Leigh and waited, watching her. He raised an eyebrow, obviously saying that he had
made his move, what was hers?

Leigh drew in a deep breath. This was really it. If she turned and fled right now, he

might possibly let her go. Was that what she wanted? Or did she want to rise to his
bait? Take him in this intimate way. Was she ready for this?

Flashbacks from the weekend before crammed her head. Leo's fingers preparing her

ass. Leo stretching her until she was certain she would split in two. Leo inserting the
butt plug. Leo thrusting inside her so hard he knocked the plug against her thin walls,
causing more vibrations to push her higher.

Each thought, each mental picture drove her more wild, made her wetter, made her

desire him more.

Hell, yes she was ready for this. It was too late to back down now anyway.
Tilting her chin even higher, Leigh unclasped her dark green bra. She had bought

the matching bra and panties just after the bondage party. The color had reminded her
of Leo's sparkling eyes. She wasn't very sure why she had worn the set tonight; neither
did she want to examine her reasons too deeply.

Pulling her arms out of the bra, she let it float down onto the growing pile on Leo's

floor. Gently massaging her breasts, she let them relax in their freedom. Moving her
hands slowly to her hips, she hooked her thumbs into the edge of her lacy panties.
Swaying seductively, Leigh slowly, slowly rolled her panties down her legs.

Finally kicking them to the floor, she stood tall and upright, proudly naked.
Leo took a deep breath of air. Leigh was glorious. He knew he would never get

enough of her body, of her nipples, of her breasts.

Of her.


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Leo beckoned Leigh closer, patted the mattress beside him. His blood grew thicker,

hotter when she obediently came to sit beside him on the large bed.

"Do you trust me, Leigh?" he questioned her.
Leigh looked at this man. This was a double-edged question for her. Trust in

another man was not something she had ever expected to have again. Yet she couldn't
lie, not now. Not to Leo.

"Yes," she hesitatingly replied.
Leo's face lit up, his obvious approval in her answer evident in his every feature.
"Then let's begin."
Removing his socks, Leo crawled into the middle of the bed. Indicating for Leigh to

lie in front of him, she obediently lay flat on her stomach in the middle of the huge bed.
Leo caressed her back, kneading out her tensions and troubles.

"Remember how good it was, Leigh? How full and tight my fingers felt up your

ass? How the pain mingled with the pleasure until you couldn't separate one from the
other? By the end, you were throwing yourself back onto my hand, darling. You
wanted it as much as I wanted to give it to you. And then when I inserted that butt
plug, you nearly screamed from the heavy weight of it, didn't you? It hurt like a son of a
bitch. But you still loved every second, didn't you?"

On and on Leo softly talked to her, calming her fears, making her wet. He

resurrected every heated second of their play scene.

"You were such a succulent little slave. If I really had been born a pasha I would

have stolen you in a hot second. Tamed you for my own. You would have screamed
and begged and pleaded for my penetration, just like I'm going to make you scream and
beg tonight."

Hearing Leigh's answering whimper, Leo lowered his hand to her ass. Gently

kneading her round globes, he slid his hand between her cheeks, lightly traced around
her tight little hole, then lowered further to feel her juicy cunt. She was dripping nicely.

"Shit. You're hot for it already, aren't you, sweetheart? But tonight is going to be


Reaching up under the pillow, Leo removed a long length of silk. When Leigh saw

it, she obediently held her wrists together. Laughing softly, Leo left her hands and
began to tie the silk around her eyes.

"Not tonight, darling. Tonight you're going to be a willing participant in everything.

I'm not going to let you console yourself in the morning that I dominated you into
doing or saying anything. You're going to make every decision yourself and follow me
willingly right to the end."

Leigh's breaths came faster as her vision was cut. She had been expecting to be tied

down. Why was Leo always one step ahead of her? Now she not only had a safe word
she knew she couldn't use—how could she forgive herself for stopping anything Leo


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did to her when all of her fantasies now revolved around him and their dates?—but she
also would not be bound, and therefore be able to shrug off some of the responsibility.

After he had tied the blindfold on, Leigh could feel Leo sitting above her, simply

breathing. She squirmed slightly, wondering what he was doing. Was he looking at
her? Fantasizing over what he was going to do? The thought alone of him simply
staring down at her, he in his jeans and shirt, her naked and spread before him made
her grow even more damp.

Leigh could smell the scented candles. Drifts of rose and lavender teased her senses.

The rasp of Leo's breath seemed almost set to the pounding of her heart.

Little sounds also became suddenly clearer, a car passing outside the house, a

cricket chirping. Everything heightened as Leo made her wait…and wait…and wait.

Leo watched Leigh squirm. He knew she could tell he was there, but he needed this

time. He wanted to get his pounding pulse under control. It would be a long time
before he could release himself in her. He also wanted her senses heightened, so she
would feel the pain and the pleasure more intensely.

He knew from long experience that the anticipation grew as a sub waited for their

dominant partner to start the proceedings. Their imaginations would work overtime,
wondering what would be done to them. What was the Dom thinking and doing? Every
little thing added together for the sub so the experience would be better, stretch out

Leo wanted this to be the best experience Leigh had ever had. He wanted her

climax to be more intense, her surrender complete. He wanted to prove to her, and have
her prove to herself, that she simply couldn't be without him; that she belonged to him,
body and soul.

As the seconds, then minutes ticked by, he could tell Leigh was getting hotter and

hotter. She writhed, she twitched, little pearls of cream formed on her blonde curls
shielding her cunt.

Next time he would shave her gorgeous pussy, so he could see everything at a glance, he

decided, licking his lips at the mental pictures that brought up. The tantalizing thought
of Leigh giving him control over her body with a razor and some scented soaps almost
had him losing his control way earlier than his plans would have.

Finally reining in his wayward thoughts, Leo bent down and sucked her earlobe.
"Getting impatient, Leigh?" he teased.
"Yes. Hell, yes." She panted, arching her neck up, begging him to take more, do


"Like I warned you, the time has come, my little friend. Tonight we're not going to

hold any more secrets. From ourselves, or each other. I'm going to prove a few points to
you. And you, I'm sure, will show me a few points too. Are you ready?"

He noticed Leigh's hesitation. Even though part of him was angry that she was still

indecisive, still unsure of him and herself, another part of him understood. Over the


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weeks and intimate conversations they had shared in the car, she had slowly told him
much of the story between her and Damien. So he understood her hesitation, her
barriers. But he also intended to smash every single one of them tonight.

"Are you ready, little submissive?" he questioned, stronger, with more command in

his voice now.

"Yes," Leigh replied softly. Knowing with that word she had sealed her fate.

Knowing that in her heart, she was answering his unasked question, as well as his
verbalized one.

Thank heavens he doesn't know I'm answering both questions, her brain sighed. Leigh

had made her decision, but she wasn't quite ready to share it with Leo yet.

Leo relaxed when he heard Leigh's affirmative response. He moved over her body

and stretched to get the tube of KY and removed the lid. Picking up the box also lying
on the bedside table, Leo crawled back over Leigh and sat behind her. Placing the box
beside him on the bed, Leo covered Leigh's smaller body with his fully clothed body.

"You won't be as tight this time, Leigh," Leo whispered tauntingly in her ear, "but

you'll certainly be awfully small. As large as that butt plug was, this dildo is bigger.
And I am much, much bigger still. You wanted your ass reamed? Well lady, you're
going to have the most exquisite reaming of your life tonight. Just remember how cold
the ice can be."

Leigh's blindfolded head snapped back. Ice. Leo was warning her, reminding her.
He was going to play the dominant lover to the hilt, she knew. He was preparing

her, and reminding her that if he went too far she could cry their safety word.

Leigh felt her mouth water and her pussy cream. Leo was really going to do it. He

was going to ream her ass completely, and one of her most private, intense fantasies
would become real.

Leigh felt Leo's rough finger swipe at her creaming pussy. Rolling around her clit,

he sent a fire of need raging through her. Suddenly, he pulled his finger back and
spread her ass cheeks. Smearing the cream he had taken from her pussy around her
puckered anus, he gently inserted the tip of his finger into her tight hole.

Leigh moaned.
Shit, it hurt! Not quite as much as it had the previous weekend, but it still hurt


"You know. You're creaming so much, I bet I could lube this hole of yours with

your own cream alone!" Leo whispered heatedly as he took her earlobe again, biting it

"Uh—" Leigh bit her lip before the plea could escape. He had to be teasing her! She

had only taken one butt plug in her virgin ass! She needed a hell of a lot more lubricant
than a bit of her own juices! Surely that had to be why he had the tube of KY on the


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Leigh bit down on her lip, hard. She wouldn't rise to his bait. Even so, she heard

Leo's soft, merry chuckle heat her ear. He had obviously heard her cut-off cry, knowing
that her instinctive response had been to deny him. She tried to squirm a little, her
pussy was twitching, hot and eager. She was dripping cream and she wanted his hands
all over her body.

"Oh Leigh, you truly are a treasure. Here you are, submissive and blind; tummy

down on my huge bed. A truck-load of toys and restraints lie underneath this very bed,
all waiting to be used on your sweet body. The only thing stopping me is your
continued obedience, and yet you still think to challenge me. To defy me and tease me.
Well go ahead, honey, cry out, plead and beg. I'll cherish every sweet sound and still
have you begging for more."

Leigh felt herself cream even more. This was the dominant man of her fantasies.

This was the man who could fulfill her every wicked, dark thought.

As she lay there passively on his big bed, she realized that she had to trust him fully.

Why else would she be here? No restraints bound her. Nothing he had said or done had
coerced her here. While her head spun with these revelations she felt Leo release her
earlobe and part her cheeks again.

Leo smeared a small dollop of KY onto his hand. Prepping her ass much as he had

the last time, he inserted one greased finger, then two, then he tried for a third. When
the third finger finally joined the two others only then did Leigh moan. Part in pain,
part in pleasure, he knew. He momentarily wondered at the wisdom of the third, but
then rationalized that the dildo would be as big as these three fingers, and his cock was
quite a bit larger.

As the minutes ticked by, Leo fantasized about reaming this tight hole. He

imagined seeing his whole length get swallowed in the tiny opening, plunging in and
out, in and out, harder and harder as Leigh cried out and thrust her hips fully back into
him. His breathing sped up and soon he was panting, sweating slightly and thrusting
his fingers in and out of the hole as a parody of what he wanted his cock to do. He was
iron hard and as stiff as a poker, his jeans damnably uncomfortable and his plans for
patience and timing shot to hell.

When he realized that Leigh really was throwing her hips back, to better

accommodate his fingers, Leo was stunned that he didn't come from his relief and joy.
Not even as a teenager had he literally come in his pants, but the thin thread he held
onto his control by was enough to shake him out of his fantasy.

Slowly withdrawing all three of his fingers he gently, one last time, rimmed her

outer edge with one sopping finger. Her ass was so tight, so wet, so sweet. It would be
torture to stretch her with the dildo, watch her come over and over again before
wringing all the promises he needed out of her and finally reaming her tight ass.

Steeling his determination, Leo wiped his hands quickly on the T-shirt he wore and

opened the box sitting next to him on the bed. Throwing the thin cardboard to the floor,


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he held the dildo in one hand. Checking the batteries were indeed inside the vibrator,
he smeared KY onto the length of the dildo.

When he was satisfied the dildo was greased enough, he carefully threw the KY

tube down onto the bedside table, far enough away so they wouldn't step on it later by

"I'd relax those muscles now, Leigh, if I were you," he warned.
Then ever so slowly, inch by careful inch he pushed the dildo into Leigh's ass.

When about three inches had entered and Leigh cried out, Leo paused for a few
seconds. He gently stroked her neck, her back, calmingly, soothingly. Giving her the
time and space to let her catch her breath and allow her muscles to get used to the large,
full feel of the dildo. Once Leigh's breathing had slightly returned to normal, he pushed
another inch into her ass.

"That's about four inches, Leigh, you're over half way."
"Shit, Leo," she panted, "this hurts. Half-way is not assuring me."
Leo smiled. His feisty lady was back. Screwing in another inch, he enjoyed

watching her squirm. Deciding some pleasure was called for, he leaned his shoulder
down, rested a hand beneath the dildo and lightly flicked her engorged clit.

"Aaah!" she shrieked, the pleasure obviously dulling the pain for a moment.
"More, Leo! Do it again!" she pleaded.
Leo smiled.
"You'll have to work for it Leigh. I want to see you thrust those gorgeous hips of

yours. Start grinding yourself into the bed and my hand and I'll stimulate you."

That said, Leo rested two fingers lightly on her clit.
Leigh waited a few seconds, hoping Leo was kidding. If she thrust or gyrated her

hips, she would get the stimulation on her clit, but it would also plunge the dildo
further up her ass.

When Leo didn't move a muscle, Leigh knew he was being serious. Carefully,

slowly moving her hips in an effort not to move the dildo, she tried to get some friction
on her clit.

When he didn't move his fingers in any way, just kept them lightly resting on her

clit, she knew she was in trouble.

Biting her lip, Leigh took a deep breath and started pumping her hips in earnest.

Leo began to stroke her clit, harder and harder in time with her thrusts. The dildo he
was also wielding moved harder and harder in her ass.

"Shit, Leo! Do you have any idea…" Leigh couldn't finish her train of thought. The

immense pleasure from his rubbing her clit only partially took her mind from the
forceful thrusting of the dildo in her ass. The pain and pleasure mingled, so one
couldn't possibly be distinguished from the other.

After a few minutes of the forceful thrusting, when Leo knew Leigh was half out of

her mind from the pleasure and pain of the contrasting stimulus, he carefully turned the


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vibrator on. The faint buzzing noise almost went unnoticed by them both, as Leigh
moaned and started thrusting even more forcefully.

Gasping for air, uncertain if she wanted to grind harder down on Leo's finger or

press back further into the dildo, Leigh felt herself stretching for the peak of her climax.
Knowing she was unbearably close, she moved back and forth, both grinding her clit
against Leo's finger as well as pushing the pleasantly vibrating dildo all the way into
her ass.

Leo watched her carefully. He was pleased and unbearably aroused watching the

flush grow and spread all over her body. Leigh sucked in huge breaths, trying not to
hyperventilate from the immense pleasure she was experiencing. Her every moan and
gyration only served to turn him on more.

When he knew she was virtually on top of her climax, he withdrew his hand and

snapped the vibrator off. At Leigh's strangled cry, he shushed her and kissed her ear,
then her cheek.

"Marry me, Leigh," he asked.
"What?!!" she shrieked, pushing herself up onto one arm. Drawing in great gulps of

air, Leigh tried to order her thoughts.

"What the hell do you mean marry you??!! Now is not the time to be asking me!" she

screamed, totally outraged at the pleasure he had denied her.

Leo smiled and started to move the dildo teasingly in and out of her ass again. With

a moan, Leigh dropped back down onto her stomach and writhed her hips. She leaned
back very slightly, accepting the last inch possible of the dildo with a groan that seemed
half resigned, half in pain.

"I meant exactly what I said, Leigh. I want you to marry me. And what's wrong

with asking you now? All those endorphins running around in your system should
make you think more clearly."

Leigh moaned and pushed her head deeply into the mattress. She did not want to

think about this now.

On the brink of climax, having a question like that thrust at her with the removal of

Leo's finger from her clit and cutting of the vibrations in her ass had been much worse
than a bucket of cold water thrown over her would ever have been.

When Leo didn't make any more comments Leigh once again realized the pain was

becoming pleasurable by itself. She was so sensitive, the faint rasping of the sheets
against her protruding clit acted in itself as a stimulant.

Rubbing her body further forward into the sheets, she moaned. Maybe she didn't

need Leo's finger after all to help her come.

"Leigh," Leo warned. Leigh froze, thought for a minute about whether or not it was

worth the punishment to get relief from the sheets, then thinking of how she had felt
when Leo had stopped her climax, decided nothing was worth having that stopped.


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"Leo," she pleaded, "don't do this. Can't we talk after we've played?" Leigh arched

her back, drove her ass into the air and totally down on the thin dildo.

Leo looked down at his woman and knew he had never been so hard before, but he

also knew that now was not the time to capitulate. Begin as you mean to go on, he
reminded himself.

"But Leigh, we aren't playing right now. I am your dominant lover, and you are my

submissive woman; I'm going to prove to you that this, this thing between us is not a

Oh shit—he's really serious, Leigh discovered beginning to panic. She was way too

far gone to really fight him over this, she was sure to cave in and beg and scream any
moment now.

I simply can't. Her mind steeled itself, determined not to give in. She had her own

rules and demands to put forward if they were going to stay together long-term, and
nothing, not even this mind-boggling pleasure, would get in her way.

As she opened her mouth to state her demands for this relationship, Leo switched

the vibrator back on.

She could hear the faint buzz of the vibrator, even though it was totally submerged

in her ass. The wicked toy sent waves of pleasure out through her ass to her clit, up to
her nipples which were rasping against the cotton sheets, out to every point on her
body and back again, centering in her ass.

Leigh felt the pleasure welling in her, growing, demanding release. She fought

against it, the mind-blowing intensity, determined she would set her demands for him
on the table before giving herself up, throwing herself into the moment.

"Iwantalongengagement," she gasped out in a hurry, pressing her head against the

mattress and throwing her ass into every movement of the dildo. Leigh took another
huge breath, determined, and mumbled as loud as she could from facedown onto the
bed, "andIwantNathantoagreetoyoumarryingme."

With that finally out, Leigh released her control over herself, cried out and started

seriously humping the dildo, as far back into her as she could, grinding herself, so the
pain and pleasure were both intensified and she could utterly capitulate to the man and
his scheme.

Leo felt his mouth go dry. Had Leigh really stated that her only "demands" were a

long engagement and Nathan's approval? He already had one of those.

Feeling a huge grin spread over his face, he lunged off the bed, stripped his clothes

off in seconds and tore the condom open with slightly shaking hands.

Sheathing himself, he found he was remarkably grateful that Leigh was far too gone

to recognize his thinly held control. She would certainly have given him hell for it.

Still trying to come to terms with the fact Leigh had agreed to marry him, to be his

forever, he reached down onto the floor for the tube of KY he had dropped down there.


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Greasing his rock-hard cock in a nano-second, he was panting by the time he

climbed back onto the bed.

"A long engagement is fine, but no more than a year. Agreed?" he ground out,

stimulating Leigh's clit again. She cried out and rubbed her drenched pussy into his hot

"Yes," she cried out.
"And I already have little Nathan's approval, but he'll have a whole year to get used

to me. Agreed?"

"Yes!" she shrieked, wondering why the hell he was talking to her and not fucking

her madly.

"You're mine," he cried out possessively, losing himself in the swirling lust and

haze. "My woman, my submissive, my wife."

"Oh, shit, yes! Just do it, Leo!" Leigh finally cried.
"With pleasure," Leo commented, ripping the still vibrating dildo out of her ass

with one quick jerk.

Leigh cried with pain and displeasure as the dildo was removed, but his hot, hard

fingers soon replaced the vibrator in her ass, finding she still had plenty of lubricant.

"Take me, Leigh," Leo demanded, nipping at her neck, her ear, her shoulder.

Thrusting half of his hot, hard length directly into her ass, he stopped when she
shrieked and the friction of her tight ass became almost too much to bear.

Her inner muscles clenched at him, drew at him, drove him wild. He heard Leigh

panting, trying to relax and get used to the massive cock rammed up her ass.

"Oh shit, you're huge, Leo." She panted, unbearably turned on, but so full it was


"And you," he ground out, withdrawing a little only to push back in, "are tight, hot,

and so fucking good, I think I'll stay here for years to come."

Reaching under her, he firmly clamped one hand onto her nipple, drawing it out

and tweaking it mercilessly, the other hand moved down through her bushy mound
and singled out her clit.

Her body began to relax with the pleasure it knew he would bring. Leo waited until

she was leaning eagerly into his hands, and then he pushed his cock another two inches
up her ass.

Pushing forward, then retreating, Leo expertly built and built the sensations in

Leigh, until she was eagerly ramming back up to him, desperately embracing every
inch of his cock, thrusting back for more and more.

"You love this reaming, don't you, Leigh?"
"Oh yeah, thrust harder, Leo," she whimpered.


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Lion In Love

Leo could tell she was close to climaxing, and knowing he would blow his wad any

second now, he squeezed her nipple even harder, flicked her clit with his blunt nail and
pushed so hard into her ass his balls clapped outside the edge of her soft skin.

"Then come for me, Leigh. Only me."
The perfect mixture of pleasure and pain, Leigh saw a white-hot streak cross her

blindfolded eyes, colors exploded in front of her cut-off vision, and she felt her pussy
contract so strongly, she lost all her breath. Not even having the breath to cry out, she
could only emit a hoarse, choked sound. Reaching back behind her to grasp Leo's hips,
she tried to draw him as close to her as possible.

Leo felt his balls tighten, as Leigh's ass muscles clamped down on him. He could

feel her pussy vibrate, desperately clutching for something, anything, as her ass milked
him dry.

As he emptied himself into her tight, sweet little body, Leo knew he couldn't wait to

do this again. Probably not tonight, she'd be so sore she would waddle for a day or so,
but very, very soon.

The thought of how he could next ream her ass choked him up, and made him

shoot yet another jet of cum into her, even after he had thought he was done. She was
such a tight, hot piece, he would never get tired of her.

Finally drained, he collapsed on top of Leigh. He carefully removed her blindfold,

and still deep in her ass, cupped her body spoon-like with his. Wrapping his arms
tightly around her, he softly nibbled her neck.

"Do we really have to wait a year?" He found himself pouting like one of his

students. He could hear Leigh's smile in her response.

"Yes. Think of the shock all the mothers will get when they find out you're now

engaged. You're considered quite studly, you know."

"I want to add a faithfulness clause to our deal, on both sides. No more scouting

Doms at bondage parties."

"Done, and no more initiating virgins for you."
Leo felt his grin widen as his cock, amazingly, stirred again in her ass. Gently

removing it, he rolled off the bed and cleaned himself up. Returning back to Leigh, he
kissed her softly.

"You know…" he trailed off.
"Hmmm?" she murmured, still dazed and drugged from the intense climax he had

given her.

"Earlier, I promised myself that next time I would shave off those lovely curls of

yours. Do you think you're up for it?"

Grinning mockingly down at her, he challenged her with his gaze, with his love,

with his dominance. Egging her on, daring her to try him and test him out, Leigh
looked up at her love.

"I'm up for it if you think you can see it through," she challenged.


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Elizabeth Lapthorne

She would always rise to his challenges, taming him as he tamed her. They were

perfectly matched, completing and perfectly fulfilling each other.

Life was looking good.


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About the author:

Elizabeth Lapthorne is the eldest of four children. She grew up with lots of noise,

fights and tale-telling. Her mother, a reporter and book reviewer, instilled in her a great
appreciation of reading with the intrigues of a good plot.

Elizabeth studied Science at school, and whilst between jobs complained bitterly to

a good friend about the lack of current literature to pass away the hours. While they
both were looking up websites for new publishers, she stumbled onto Ellora’s Cave.
Jumping head-first into this doubly new site (both the first e-book site she had ever
visited, as well as her first taste of Romantica) they both devoured over half of EC’s
titles in less than a month. While waiting for more titles to be printed (as well as that
ever-elusive science job) Elizabeth started dabbling again in her writing.

Elizabeth has always loved to read, it will always be her favourite pass-time, (she is

constantly buying new books and bookshelves to fill), but she also loves going to the
beach, sitting in the sun, having coffee (or better yet, CHOCOLATE and coffee) with her
friends and generally enjoying life. She is extremely curious, which is why she studied
science, and often tells “interesting” stories, loving a good laugh. She is a self-confessed
email junkie, loving to read what other people on the EC board think and have to say,
she laughs often at their tales and ideas. She recently has developed a taste for the gym.
She’s sure she read somewhere it was good for her, but she is reserving judgment to see
how long it lasts.

Elizabeth welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave

Publishing at P.O. Box 787, Hudson, Ohio 44236-0787.

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Also by Elizabeth Lapthorne:


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Discover for yourself why readers can't get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora's Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC
on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you


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