Julia Talbot [Full Moon Dating 01] Aiden and Ben [Torquere MM] (pdf)

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Full Moon Dating: Aiden and Ben

Copyright © 2013 by Julia Talbot

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used

or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission except in case of brief quotations embodied

in critical articles or reviews. For information address

Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680

ISBN: 978-1-61040-525-6

Printed in the United States of America.

Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / August


Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press,

Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680

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Full Moon Dating: Aiden and Ben

by Julia Talbot

“Full Moon Dating. Have you tried our online site? Yes,

I’m afraid you do have to go through the screening process.

Really? I’ll be sure to tell 911 when I call them, you sick

fuck.” The phone in the outer office slammed down with

the musical jingle only an old rotary phone could make.

Very privately, Stone thought that was why Adeila had

chosen that phone, and the very film noir detective office

vibe she’d used to decorate her domain. It went with the

pencil skirt and high-waisted blouse fashion statement she

chose every day, as well.

She appeared at his door, her victory roll (she had

informed him they were called that when he referred to

them as ‘those curly things’) hairdo just slightly mussed,

signaling agitation. “Okay, I’m going to start sending

the nutbag wannabe paranormals to you, Boss. That guy

wanted to date a vampire, so he could be a serial killer

without actually having to kill someone.”

Stone sat back in his chair and raised a brow. “You’re

way meaner than me, Ades. You deal with them so well.”

“There are some crazy bastards out there, Boss.” He

could almost see her tail, white-tipped and fuzzy, twitching.

“I know. That’s why this business is going to boom.”

Stone grinned, tickled as hell that they had an office and

a website. Now they just needed to facilitate their first

couple, so they could get some testimonials.

Adeila gave him the hairy eyeball and then shook her

head. “So, when do you want to go over the sheets?”

“Let’s look at them for an hour or so tonight. I’ve already

run the points of comparison database.” They had stuff in

their questionnaire that those other match and mingle sites

didn’t have. Lots of stuff.

Between his business and marketing savvy and Harve’s

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computer and psych training, they had a winner, right?

“You got it, Boss. I think I already have a couple of good

dates in mind.” She waggled her brows.

“I bet they’re gay,” he murmured. Adeila was obsessed

with the idea of two men together. That was why she

worked for him.

“You think?” She flipped him off, playfully.

“Well, put them at the top of the pile.”

“Top of the pile for Mr. City Wolf and Mr. Country


“Oh, man.” He chuckled. “Tell me why they’re a


“A little red wolf photographer from Dallas who’s had

‘bad luck with long-term commitment’ and a huge gray

from up north looking for someone to ‘make his mate.’ It’s


“Really?” He grabbed the folders she handed him and

flipped through them. “Uh, little red is not into spanking.”

She snorted. “He’s stressed out and overworked. He

might like it.”



“We have to match them based on actual interests.”

Maybe he’d ask Harve.

“Says who?”

“We’re a dating service!” He was trying hard not to

smile. Harve was the psychologist slash computer geek.

Adeila was the psychic. He was pretty damned sure of it.

“And we’re run by an incredibly observant business


“Indeed.” He shook his head at her. “You’re such a


“Yeah, but I’m your freak and you adore me.”

“I do.” He gave her a fond grin before she trotted back

out front to answer the phone, her heels clicking. Stone

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stared at the two folders on the top of the pile. The more he

thought about the cowboy wolf from Wyoming who liked

to top and the fussy little red from Dallas, the more he liked


Maybe he’d skip Harve altogether.

Stone picked up the phone and dialed the number in

folder one. “Hello, Aiden Underhill? This is the Full Moon

Dating site manager. You’re our grand prize winner this

month. You’ve won an all expenses paid trip to Jackson




Okay, cold.

And it was November.

It was eighty degrees at home, eighty-five on a warm


Still, Aiden thought, as he looked around at the town, it

was beautiful here. Like a postcard.

He got his camera out and started taking shots.

Everything was dusted with snow, making great light and

shadow and these amazing crisp edges.

Even if the whole Meet Your Mate thing didn’t pan out

-- and it wouldn’t, a computer couldn’t figure that out -- at

least he got to see something new. Mostly for free. He’d

been given a cabin and a flight, plus transfers. How hard

did that rock? Meals he could pay for with the pictures he’d

take. He could sell a lot of them to magazines, websites.

Even stock photo sites. Hell, he had two hundred bucks in

his pocket and that brown-haired chick on TV used to eat

for forty bucks a day.

Brr. His balls tried to crawl up into his body when the

wind blew in a hard gust. Maybe it was time to get the meet

the date part over with. They were meeting at this burger

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and beer place.

Burger, beer, small talk, then he could explore a little.

He headed down the road, the tavern doing a rocking

business. He supposed that didn’t surprise him. This town

was a weird combination of luxury and cowboys, with a

few fancy places and a couple of smaller joints.

The lights outside the buildings were beautiful, festive,

reminding him of fairy lights. They glowed a little in the


He wandered inside, the heat making his cheeks heat

right up. Toasty in here.

Aiden shrugged off his jacket, breaking out in a sweat

almost immediately. How did people live like this, with all

the on and off of coats? He glanced around, trying to see if

he could identify his “date.”

A dating service for guys like him had been too

intriguing to resist, but Aiden knew it wouldn’t work.

All he knew was his date was another wolf, a male.

Someone like him. He scanned the little groupings of men

in gimme caps and cowboy hats, finally settling on the one

man sitting alone, cowboy hat pulled low. Broad shoulders

covered in a denim jacket with a sheepskin collar, tanned

skin, and an incredibly strong jaw told a pretty compelling

story. This guy was used to getting his way.

Aiden’s tail wanted to wag. With his luck, that one was

waiting for some female.

He headed up to the bar and ordered himself a


He turned to go and find himself a table, and Mr. Tall and

Toppy was right there, almost knocking his ass down.

“Are you Aiden?”

Oh, God. That deep, gravelly growl made him shiver.

“I am.” He held one hand out, smiled. “You must be


“Yep. You get a drink already?” Ben shook his hand, the

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touch of those callused fingers making his arm tingle all the

way up to his shoulder.

“Ordered a beer. I wasn’t sure if I was early.” His fingers

twitched to get at his camera. There was something about

the way the cowboy hat shadowed Ben’s face, the way

every plane and angle fit together. Something insanely


“Good deal. Come on and sit with me. We can order

some food.”

“Sure. Sounds good.” His nose was working overtime,

trying to learn every nuance, every scent. Spicy. The man

was like good Texas barbecue. Smoke and spice and denim.

He followed Ben to the table in the corner.

He sat, carefully putting his camera case in the booth

beside him. “What are you drinking?”

“Just a beer. I wasn’t sure if I would be driving.” Ben

smiled, taking off the hat and setting it brim up on the table.

“Did the service not offer you a room?”

“They did. I took a cabin out on the edge of town. Horse

stable. Jacuzzi. Cozy. But if you wanted to hang out here in

town, I could just check in here.”

“Oh. Neat.” He sipped his beer. “I have to admit, I’ve

never done this before.”

“No? I mean, I haven’t done it via Internet or on this

scale.” Ben chuckled, the sound flowing over Aiden like

warm caramel. “But I have had some crappy blind dates.”

“Haven’t we all?” He chuckled, the beer relaxing him

a little. “I can’t believe how cold it is here. Very different

than home.”

“Yeah? This is where I was born. I mean, a little farther


Look at them, achieving small talk.

“I’m in Dallas. I mean, I have a sublet there. I travel.

Lots. Dallas is... urban.” Hard to shift if you were stuck

there, and fighting the change sucked.

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“That’s a lot of tall buildings. How do you even see the

moon?” Ben’s eye lines were fascinating, crinkling up that


“I have a great zoom lens.” He could tease right back.

“Ah, right. You’re a photographer, huh?”

“I am. It’s a good job.” Mostly. When you weren’t broke.

“You must be pretty good at it, then.” Ben leaned

forward, elbows on the table, nose twitching.

“I hope so.” His belly went tight, cock filling, nipples

going hard. “What do you do?”

“Wolf conservation. I relocate, track, teach ranchers how

not to kill the wolf population.”

“Oh, wow.” Way to make him feel useless. I take pretty

pictures. You save wolves.

Ben laughed. “Hey, it keeps me from getting caught and

sent to a zoo.”

“That would totally suck. Especially that morning after

when you’re naked and exhausted.”

“Exactly. My foster parents raised me on a ranch, but

cows are terrified of me.”

Okay, that was hilarious.

Aiden let himself laugh -- it released the tension, the

worry, and a little pressure. Ben laughed with him, and

shared laughter really was a good start, right?

The menu looked solid -- steaks and burgers, chicken.

Normal, good food, if a little pricey. He looked at the

appetizers. Maybe he could work a salad and a... oh.

Nachos. Those weren’t bad.

“You fellas know what you want?” The waitress came

over, pen poised over her pad.

“I’d like the special sirloin with a baked potato and ranch

on the salad. You like steak?” Ben peered at him.

He nodded. They were made to eat steak. “I think I’ll

go with the nachos, thanks.” It was sort of like kibble for

humans. And he could afford them.

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“Oh, good idea. Nachos to start, and then he’ll have the

eight ounce sirloin.”

He opened his mouth to argue, to say he wasn’t that

hungry, and the big guy just stared him down, the look

making him want to show his belly. Finally he just nodded,

and the girl trotted off, humming.

Ben smiled, obviously approving. “I like nachos.”

“Me too.” He could just skip breakfast tomorrow.

“So, tell me what you photograph. Do you specialize?”

“Art shots, mostly. I love the play of light and shadow. I

sell to magazines, mostly nature shots. I tried fashion, but...

I wasn’t suited.”

“No? Too fussy? You should come out to my place. You

could get some amazing stuff.” Ben was watching him like

a predator, intent, intense.

“I got a couple of decent shots just on the way from the


“It’s right nice here, but my place is pretty wild.”

“I’d love to see it.” Shoot it. Ride you into the ground.

“Cool. It’s a drive to where I live, so we could stay at the

cabin here tonight. Save you that hotel room.”

If he said yes, was he agreeing to sex? Did he want to

agree to... Oh, who was he kidding? He loved having sex,

and it had been a while. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Good deal. Oh, look at those.” The nachos came, piled

high with chips and cheese.

Those were not Texas nachos. Not at all. “Whoa.” He

was used to something more... organized. A quarter of a

tortilla with cheese and a jalapeno on it. Seriously. This was

like Jenga.

“The trick is to put some on your little plate.” Ben used

a fork and scooped a bunch of chips and goo onto the little

appetizer plate.

“Thanks.” He got himself a scoopful, the scent of the

beef so yummy. His mouth watered a little, reminding him

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that the lunch on the plane had been bird food.

He tried not to pounce on the food, to be slow and

careful. Sure.


Very human.

He glanced up, though, and Ben’s eyes flashed at him,

that animal shine right there.

He dropped his fork, the silverware clattering on the


“You need to eat, honey,” Ben said, the low growl

marching up Aiden’s spine.

“Sorry. Sorry, I just... I was... Yeah.” Eating. Right. He

stuffed a chip in his mouth before he said anything stupid.

“No worries. I just want to make sure you have plenty of



A surge of lust shot down his spine. The hair prickled on

the back of his neck.

He got a beefy bite, and his focus moved to the food.

Yum. Cheesy goodness. He needed to focus on things he

could have. Like a good meal.

The sour cream wet his fingertips, and he licked them

clean, sucked the sour off.

“Yum.” Okay, the man was staring again.

“They’re good. I love Mexican food.”

“No, I mean you. That was hot as all fuck, you licking

your fingers.”

This time the flush climbed up from his belly, all the

way up his neck. He was going to go up in flames. Really,

this wasn’t flirting. This was being hunted. He just wished

his cock and his brain were on the same page, because his

prick was more than willing to be prey.

The steaks broke the stare-down, and Aiden actually

moaned. Oh, beautiful slab of meat. How long had it been

since he’d had such a beautiful rare steak?

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His wolf surged to the fore, and he shoved it down. No.

No fuzz.

“Just breathe a minute, honey.” Ben touched him, fingers

on his wrist. “This is what happens when you bottle the

wolf up too much, huh? We should run tonight.”

“Without the moon? You’re not worried you’ll get


“Nope.” Those fingers stayed right there on his skin,

burning away.

“No?” The steak smelled like blood, like butter and

pepper and meat.

Ben smelled better.

“I’ll make sure you’re safe.” Ben squeezed his wrist once

more before letting go to eat.

The first bite of the steak was nearly overwhelming, and

he ate, quickly. The potato went, too, including the skin.

Buttery, creamy. Nummy.

He was melting.

This might be the best first date ever. Hell, it was worth it

for the meal.

If he got a few more pictures and an orgasm, he might

die a happy man.


Ben knew what he wanted for dessert.

He wanted Aiden au naturale. Warm, tiny little red wolf

on a platter. Yum. He waited for Ben to stop humming and

moaning over the potato, which made his cock hard as


Someone wasn’t getting enough food, enough attention,

enough touching. He could read it on Aiden’s face like a

drug. This boy needed to run, to eat his fill, and to fuck like

crazy. The dating place had made a damned good choice.

“That was amazing food, hmm?” Aiden licked his lips,

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eyes bright and shiny.

“Good, solid meat and potatoes.” He was a fan. Then

again, he also wanted to lick Aiden’s lips.

“Yeah. Yummy.” Fuck, there were pheromones pouring

off the pup in waves.

“I have ice cream at my cabin.” He wasn’t trying to

be cheap. Ben would buy dessert if that was what Aiden


“I love ice cream.” That didn’t even sound like a come


“Well, then.” He slid his card to their waitress when she

came by.

“I have some cash. What do I owe you?”

“Nothing.” He held up his hand when Aiden would have

argued. “No expectations. I’m just flush right now. Had

a good week at the poker table.” The truth was, he was

loaded. His foster parents had left him extremely well off.

“Oh, congratulations. I’m not a gambler, but I love to

watch people play.” Aiden offered him a smile, a hand.

“Thank you for supper. It was amazing.”

He shook hands, holding on a little extra long. He

wanted to just tug Aiden off down the street, but this was

Wyoming. Men didn’t hold hands. “Not a problem, honey.”

They headed outside, and Aiden started shivering almost

immediately. “I don’t have a vehicle. I just took the shuttle


“Well, come on, Texas.” He laughed, heading for his

truck. They could get steamy in there.

“Hey, it’s still warm at home.” Aiden followed along,

camera out, the click, click, click going off. No flash,

though. Hrm.

“I think we get warm like, two weeks.” He opened the

truck door for Aiden, wanting to get the man out of the


Aiden slid in, carefully put the camera in its bag. “Nice

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It was. It was big and comfortable and a workhorse. He

counted on it a lot, and it always came through. “Thanks.”

He grinned and turned on the heat.

It only took a couple of minutes for Aiden to relax, to

melt back into the seat. Better. Tense muscles would lead to

the wrong kind of stiffness.

He headed out of town, climbing up into the mountains.

It didn’t take long for Aiden’s camera to come out again,

Aiden clicking away.

“Pretty, huh?” How neat was it for Ben to see all this

from Aiden’s new point of view?

“It’s beautiful. Stunning.” Aiden’s expression was


“The cabin isn’t far.” If they managed a good night

they’d check out tomorrow and head for his place.

“No? How far away do you live?”

“Couple hours.”

Aiden nodded, fingers moving constantly, turning the

camera lens, fiddling with the zipper on the case. Ben

watched out of the corner of his eye, trying to decide if

Aiden was just nervous naturally, or if it was him.

There wasn’t a scent of worry, though, no real stress. Just


He grinned. Lord, did he have ways to work that off.

They pulled into the driveway, the cabin just cute as a

button, the lights on, making the thing look like a postcard.

Aiden obviously thought so too, that camera button clicking


Ben had to wonder what else the man took pictures of.

“Here we are.”

“It’s amazing.” The lens turned on him, the shutter going

over and over.

“You’re taking my picture, man.”

“It won’t steal your soul, and I never sell people’s images

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without a model’s release.” Aiden kept going. “The light

does amazing things to your face.”

“Thanks.” He thought that was good, that Aiden wanted

to take so many photos.

Hell, he thought it was good that Aiden kept looking at

him. Ben looked back. A lot.

“Let me know when you want to go in.” He’d known a

few artists. Until the light changed, they could be focused.

“Uh-huh.” One hand gently tilted his head. “Stay there

for a second, please.”

He fought the urge to nod, but couldn’t help the smile

that curved his mouth. The touch promised amazing things,

leaving a little trail of sparks under his skin.

Aiden took what seemed like a million images before the

camera lowered. “Wow.”

“Wow?” He shook his head a little, rolling his shoulders.


“I am. Thank you for indulging me.”

“Not a problem. Come on and get warm.” The cab of the

truck was still pretty cold.

“Absolutely.” Aiden hopped out, nose working furiously.

The wind out this way smelled like woodsmoke and snow,

like wildlife and mud.

Ben led the way into the cabin, hanging his hat and coat

neatly by the door. He took Aiden’s coat, too, but didn’t

reach for the camera bag.

The camera bag was set neatly on the floor, Aiden

turning to look at him, pretty eyes curious, questioning.

“Dessert, huh?” Had he said he had something? Ice

cream? He had cookies, too.

“Works for me. I make a good pot of coffee.”

“Then I’ll let you do that.” He would gather more food.

This guy could eat, and Ben would bet he hadn’t had a

good meal in a while.

Aiden puttered in the tiny kitchen, measuring water and

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grounds, whistling softly all the while. That was adorable.

Way more domestic than him, excavating overly frozen ice

cream with the tiniest soup spoon ever.

Aiden’s hair caught the light, the bulk of the red stuff

caught at the base of his neck with a little tie. So very

metrosexual. Ben grinned, which made him forget what he

was doing, and a scoop of ice cream went flying, landing

on the floor with a splat.

“Well, shit.”

Aiden chuckled and swooped down, plopping it into the

sink. “I got it.”

“Thanks. I was watching you and not paying attention.”

Aiden’s cheeks went rosy, and the scent of sudden need

had Ben’s wolf clawing at his spine. He tamped it down,

because the human could do way more about sex and

clothes and such than the animal in him.

Aiden wiped up the floor, poured the coffee, and they sat

on the sofa next to each other, futzing with the tiny spoons.

“I have cookies, too, if this is too damned much trouble.”

Ben waved the spoon in the air.

Aiden looked at the spoons, then scooped the ice cream

into his coffee, using the spoon to stir.

“Nice.” Ben did like a man who could think on his feet.

He decided to try it, too. “Don’t the Italians have a name

for this?”

“I don’t know. I... wait. Wait. I do know. Aff...affrotago?

Aftomato. Affogato?”

“Look at you.” He nudged Aiden’s knee with his. “Is it

weird that I feel like I need to ask what you like in bed?”

“We’re here because we signed up for a dating service,

and a computer put us together, Ben.” Aiden grinned, one

side of his mouth quirking. “Weird is sort of where we


“True.” He backed up. “How did you hear about Full

Moon Dating?”

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“I’m on a shifters forum, and people were talking

about it. I don’t have the best luck with relationships, so I

thought, how about something new?”

Relationships. How adorable was that? Wolves mated.

That was why you didn’t have any luck with someone who

wasn’t right for you if you were one of them. It was all


“I like it. I found it through a friend. I don’t get much

choice up my way.”

“I bet.” Aiden chewed the coffee off his bottom lip, and

Ben wanted to do that for him, bite a little. Chew a little.

Maybe a lot. “I’m glad they sent you.”

“Me too. You smell so good...” Aiden leaned in, nostrils


“Do I?” He carefully sat his coffee aside, then Aiden’s.

Then he yanked the man up over his lap to take the kiss he


Aiden’s groan was sharp, less surprised than needy, to be

honest. The man wrapped around him, loving on him, and

he took the kiss deeper, sealing their mouths together.

He kept his eyes open, staring as he watched every

second, every expression on Aiden’s face. The man was

focused, tongue pushing against his, fighting with him. All

he could do was push back, and that gave him the idea to

press Aiden down on the couch, reversing their positions.

Aiden gave a sweet little squeak, holding him tight as

he learned how that sweet body felt underneath him. Oh,

yummy. He circled his hips, letting Aiden feel him. They

were both into it -- hard and needing, bellies rubbing


He reached between them, frustrated as hell with the

cloth keeping them apart. Ben needed to feel skin. Aiden’s

sweater came off easily, showing a sweet little belly,

coppery curls just peeking from the low-slung jeans. He

traced them to the button, popping those jeans open.

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Short and thick, Aiden’s prick fit right his hand, like a

flame on his palm. Perfect. He rubbed up and down, the

open zipper scratching him some.

“I... Oh.” He got a wide-eyed look, a shocked gaze that

was glazed with need.

“Uh-huh. You’ve been alone too long, honey.” Pushing

those jeans down some more, he rocked his hand back and


Aiden’s shoulders left the sofa cushions, eyes rolling

back in an expression of pure fucking bliss. The man was

starved for touch, for sensation, as the food proved. Sweet.

Sensation, Ben could provide. He loved to touch, loved to

mark beautiful skin.

What amazing fun they were going to have, the two of


He pulled back, and Aiden followed his hand when he let

go. “Just let me get naked, honey.”

“You’ve got amazing hands.” Aiden helped him with his

shirt, the touch feather-light.

“You think so? I’m glad you like them.” He was, as he

intended to use his hands on Aiden in a hundred different

ways, and that was just tonight.

“I do.” Aiden’s fingertips brushed over his nipples, his


Ben stretched a little, showing off. He was long and lean,

but he knew he looked good. He worked hard.

Aiden’s lips joined his fingers, every touch too gentle,

too careful, like Aiden was afraid to make him feel.

“You can bite a little, honey. I won’t growl.” Much.

“What?” That look was innocent as fuck, wide-eyed, and

Ben had to wonder if Aiden had ever had sex with another


Oh, now, what a wonderful world of possibility that

opened up. “You can nibble on me. I like biting.”

The next kiss had the barest hint of teeth to it.

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It wasn’t enough. He covered Aiden with his body, both

of them bare now, and kissed hard enough to draw a little


Those green eyes flared, flashing a bright gold. Oh, yes.

That was the wolf he wanted to see under the surface. The

one he could mate with.


He growled, fingers digging into Aiden’s scalp, keeping

the kisses wild, toothy. He wanted this one, wanted to keep

him. How crazy was that?

One of Aiden’s legs wrapped around his hip, heel

digging into his thigh, their lower bodies beginning to get

into the dance. He reached down and pulled Aiden closer,

his fingers digging into that pale skin enough to bruise.

Aiden moaned into his lips and relaxed into the touch,

adding to the pressure.

They broke to breathe, and he panted, licking his lips.

“That’s better.”

“Uh-huh.” Aiden didn’t have any idea what he was

talking about, Ben could tell. The man was just feeling

them together, getting lost in it. That was all right with him.

He wanted to give Aiden something the pup had never had


Then he wanted to give Aiden more.

He bent, biting where Aiden’s neck and shoulder met.

A soft yelp sounded, Aiden’s hips slapping against his.

Yes. Feel that. Aiden was so hard for him, leaking at the tip.

It left wet, burning little kisses on his belly, his hip.

Ben growled, fighting the urge to bite too hard, to push

his cock into Aiden and rut. This one was used to fucking

like a man. He needed something slick. Aiden nuzzled into

his throat and he rumbled softly, warning the man off until

Aiden stiffened, pulled back.


“Shh.” He didn’t want to kill the mood. Ben pulled

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Aiden back up until they were mouth to mouth.

How fascinating, a shifter that seemed like he didn’t

know the rules. The stronger wolf was the one to get the

other’s throat. He pushed his tongue in Aiden’s mouth,

tasting deep. He could teach Aiden so much, and the

thought excited him.

He cupped the back of Aiden’s head, tilting Aiden back

so the kiss could deepen. They both panted into the kiss,

moving hard and fast together. “Want you,” he murmured

when he could. “Want to fuck you.”

“Okay. Okay, yeah.” Aiden chuckled, the sound husky.

“You have to think I’m a slut.”

“Nope. I think we’ve both got a hell of an itch. I like the

way you scratch it. It’s all good.” He hoped that wasn’t too


Aiden’s smile proved it wasn’t, and those lean legs

spread for him, Aiden’s cock pushing up. So damned pretty.

He pulled back long enough to wet his fingers with spit,

which was all he’d need. He just hoped Aiden knew that.

It had to be so, because Aiden didn’t tense, he just

opened. That tiny hole took his fingers, two of them, Aiden

grunting a little. Tight, hot -- Aiden’s sweet ass grabbed his

fingers, dragged them in deeper.

“God, you’re tight.” He wanted inside Aiden more than

he’d ever wanted anything sexual. Ever.

“I don’t do this, often.”

“How often?”


“Oh, Lord.” Yet Aiden was taking him like the man was

made for him. Ben had to believe that was true.

Aiden’s cheeks heated. “It’s challenging, being with


“It is.” He tilted Aiden’s chin up with his free hand. “You

don’t have to be gentle with me, honey.”

“You’re like a wet dream.” Aiden groaned, nibbling at

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his chin, his jaw. Good pup.

“Just a wolf.” He grinned, then pulled his fingers free.

“Get my cock wet?”

Aiden chuckled and slipped down, wiggling and tugging

until his prick was at the man’s hungry lips. Christ,

apparently blow jobs weren’t new. No, he’d bet humans

liked those. A lot. Any sentient being with a dick would

love the way that mouth worked his prick.

He put a hand in Aiden’s hair, knowing he was going to

have to pull free soon. He wanted to come in Aiden’s ass.

He eased the tie out of the long hair, wanting to see it all


Look at that. Aiden was a hot little fuck.

With his hair down, the feral look was more

recognizable, sharper. Ben made a mental note to keep

Aiden naked with his hair down as much as possible It

made his dick even harder. Aiden’s groan went right to his

balls, and then Aiden started sucking harder, head bobbing.

He let it go on another minute, maybe, feeling utterly

decadent. Then he pulled Aiden away. “Fucking now.”

“Huh?” The hungry dazed look was perfect, delicious.

“Want your ass.” Ben slapped said ass, just for emphasis.

Aiden’s eyes crossed, and the man pushed up in his lap,

hard prick thumping his belly.

“That’s it.” Ben grabbed those tight ass cheeks, pulling

them apart so he could slide his cock against the tight hole


Hot. Oh, fuck, Aiden’s sweet little wrinkled hole was

like a flame against the tip of his prick. He pushed in a tiny

bit, feeling Aiden spread for him, the heat enough to make

him gasp. Aiden’s little moan sounded, and, when the tip

popped in, Ben damn near howled.

“Yeah. Oh, sweet. That’s damned fine.”

Aiden offered him a dazed eye roll, a baby-headed nod.


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“Oh, there’s more.” Ben lifted up with his hips.

He sank in deeper, pushing his way into that sweet ass.

His body told him to move, to get with the fucking, and

Ben listened. Aiden moved with him, thighs bunching and

tensing as they moved together. Oh, his pup was a natural.

He reached for Aiden’s cock, wanting to speed the

rhythm. Every time his fingers hit the base of Aiden’s

prick, the coppery curls grabbed at his fingers, clinging. He

wanted to sniff them. Lick them. Grab them in his teeth and


Instead he pulled them a little with his fingers, hoping

soon he’d see what Aiden looked like as a wolf.

Aiden’s little sound was half-chuckle, half-growl.


“Mmm. I know.” He gave another pull, just hard enough

to make Aiden’s ass clamp down around him. The friction

was almost unbearable. Someone liked it -- the hint of pain,

the aching burn.

That was fine. Ben had his little kinks, and that was one

of them. He did like a pain slut. He grinned, pushing Aiden

harder and harder, fucking that ass good.

Aiden’s cries escaped in the form of sharp, tiny barks,

each wild little sound calling to him. Ben finally had to just

bite the man, teeth sinking deep into Aiden’s shoulder.

“Oh, fuck!” Aiden went wild under him, bucking and

barking, slamming down to the root on his prick. He

worried that hot bit of flesh in his mouth, teeth pressing in.


His eyes rolled as Aiden howled, proving that they were

about to fall over the edge together. He slammed into

Aiden’s body, grinding them together, needing to come. He

smelled Aiden’s spunk seconds before he shot, coming over

and over, losing himself.

Ben panted when it was all said and done, his ears

ringing. He’d had a lot of sex in his life. This was the first

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time he’d mated.

He nuzzled Aiden’s jaw and then licked at the pale

throat, leaving more of his scent. He thought maybe he was

going to have to keep this one.

Keep him and run with him forever.


Aiden woke in a rush, paws scrabbling on the sheets, so

confused he couldn’t tell his ears from his tail.




He was fuzzy.

That was bad.

He was only supposed to be fuzzy with the moon. Not in

bed. In a rented place.

He leapt down, paws flailing a little wildly from the slick

wood. Out. Out. He needed out. Or his real body. But out.

Aiden crashed into a door, which popped open. There.

Air. Grass. Run.

He dug in, running furiously, trying to work out his

panic, his fear. He didn’t change without the moon. Ever.

Not even once. What was wrong with him? Was it because

he’d let Ben in? Because Ben was another shifter?

What if he couldn’t change back? What if he was stuck

like this?

He headed up, away from the road, from the cars and

the people and the... oh, god. They had hunters here. Wolf

hunters. People Ben educated. He ran faster, his tongue

pushing out.

He could run fast but not for long, and eventually he

slowed to a trot, searching for a place to rest, to hide.

When he slowed, though, he could smell the other animals.

Deer. Rabbits. A pair of wild dogs who were only a couple

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hundred feet away.

His growl split the air, warning them off. He was here,

and he wasn’t at the top of the food chain but he sure as shit

was not at the bottom.

A short, sharp bark warned him that they might not be

listening. Damn it.

Aiden scrabbled for the higher ground, trying to make

himself look bigger than he was, meaner. He puffed up, his

ruff rising, his teeth showing.

He didn’t want trouble; he just wanted a minute to figure

out what he’d done. How he could undo it.

No way was he going to get it, either. The two mutts

started around on either side to flank him. He tensed, ready

to leap past them and run, but he never got the chance. A

streak of gray fur slammed into the one dog from the rear,

biting hard, tearing but not breaking the dog’s back leg.

Aiden went for the other, snapping and snarling, refusing

to consider backing down. The dog yelped when he hit it,

then turned tail and ran. That was the best thing about dogs,

not wolves.

The big gray wasn’t a dog, though, and he turned,

nostrils flaring. The scent... even over the smell of blood it

was familiar.

He stood there, shaking on his tired legs, praying it was


The big wolf came to him, nose working, and then his

whiskers were groomed, the gray loving on him. Ben.


Oh. He moved to clean the blood from Ben’s muzzle,

vocalizing softly. Oh, it’s you. It’s really you.

Ben nudged him, a head butt of sorts.

He slid their muzzles together. He’d been so worried. He

never shifted outside the moon. Ever.

A short bark sounded, and Ben turned, trotting away a

few feet, then waiting. Right. Best to go back to the cabin.

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He followed on shaky legs, his pads sore. He’d never run

so much as a wolf. No, he was way more likely to jog as a

human. How sad was that?

He wasn’t a very good wolf. He sure hoped he wasn’t

stuck like this.

Ben loped along the way they’d come, never deviating

from the path Aiden could barely smell. His senses were so

dulled from city living.

By the time he was at the cabin, his tail and ears were

down, drooping. His head, too. Ben nudged him around

to the back where the little kitchen door was open a crack.

Good man.

He limped in and sat, willing himself to change, to

become human.

Ben sat on the floor in front of him, panting lightly. Then

the air moved, and Ben shifted, the human sitting there.

Aiden whined softly, so confused.

“It’s okay, honey. It is. Never occurred to me that you’d

freak out if you woke up fuzzy.” Ben stroked his ears.

He didn’t change without the moon, though. Ever. He

never did. The touch fascinated him, made him shiver.

“It’s easier when you’re out here, is all. Closer to the

land. It’s harder to be human. Look at me, honey, right in

my eyes, and think of being human.”

Human. Human.

Ben’s eyes were beautiful, so big, shining. Dark where

his were light. Commanding. He thought of being human,

of his arms and legs and hands.


He came back to himself in a rush, kneeling and

shivering and embarrassed.

“There you are.” Ben stroked his cheek. “Hell of a first


“Yeah. Yeah, intense. I was lost.” Confused. Scared


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“Well, you’re good now, huh?” Ben smiled.

“A little embarrassed, to be honest.”

“Why?” Ben tugged him over until he sat on that warm

lap. “You’re not used to the wild instinct.”

“I’ve never woken up fuzzy before.”

“Never?” Ben raised a brow, obviously surprised.


“Yeah.” Okay, he was a freak in a world of freaks, right?

“Hey, I’m not judging.”

“I just... there’s not many of us in Dallas.” At all. Like

him and his folks. He’d met a couple of coyote shifters, but

they were shy.

“I know.” Ben stroked his hair, combing out the long


The touch made him ache, made his eyelids heavy. Ben

did something to him, something that made him want to

just stay. That touch, the kisses Ben drugged him with. It

was like magic.

“I don’t know what to do, Ben.” It was a stupid thing to

say, but it was what came out of his mouth.

“Well, you don’t have to right now. We’ll go up to my


He was nodding in agreement before he even knew what

he was doing. Everything felt different somehow, odd.

“Cool. Then we can work on the fuzzy thing, get you

used to it.”

“Used to it.” He stared at Ben, his brain all dazed,

focused only on Ben’s touch.

“Aiden?” Ben stroked his cheeks, his chin, then his neck,

almost like a massage.

“I swear I’m not usually so foggy.” No. Normally he was


“It’s just the adrenaline.” Ben kissed his neck, just under

his ear. “Don’t worry so much, huh?”

The kiss tingled, made him goosepimple up, made his

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nipples ache. He wanted more, so he crawled up Ben’s

body, wrapping his legs around the lean waist.

“Hello, pretty.” Ben looked tickled to have him close.

“Hey.” Aiden offered his mouth for more kisses. If Ben

kissed him silly, he didn’t have to think. If he didn’t have to

think, maybe he’d get out of this without a broken heart.

Or a broken wolf spirit. Or whatever.

“You’re still thinking too much.” Ben bit his lower lip.

He barked, the sound making his eyes go wide. He

glanced down, making sure his body was still human.

“It’s okay, pup. I won’t let you get lost.”

“I’m scared.” Aiden panted, his body moving, his mind

spinning. Ben’s hands kept working, stroking him, petting

him and soothing him, down to his bones.

“Are you? You’re fine. We usually figure this shit out at


“My parents only allowed changing during one night of

the moon, and we were kenneled.” Cities sucked for their


“Survival of the quietest. I get it. Not out here.” Ben

was just everywhere, surrounding him with scent and feel.

He caught himself following the smells, the touches. Ben

didn’t seem to mind. The man just vocalized, petted, eased

him back down to earth.

Finally he was melted, snuggling into Ben’s chest, happy

low sounds escaping him. Ben held him, let him rest there,

on the floor. Never bitched at him or anything. Any human

would have been out of there by now.

“I’m not a human, pup, and neither are you.”


“I said I’m not human. You’re not going to send me


“No?” Had he said that out loud? “Good.”

“You know it. I want to keep getting to know you.” Ben

brushed those amazing lips over his again.

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He pushed into the kiss, arousal better than the quiet

stillness inside him. Ben went with it, holding him close

and rocking him down to lie on the floor, covering him with

that big form.

His body ached, like they hadn’t fucked earlier, like he

hadn’t come and come and emptied his balls. Even his

cock thought it could take another round. Hell, he wanted

nothing more than a hard fuck, Ben’s touch.

“You’re so damned responsive,” Ben murmured.

“It’s you.” It was Ben’s hands. They made him crazy.

“Want you.” Ben nibbled at his neck.

His chin lifted and he groaned low as he gave Ben his

throat. Ben bit, just like Aiden wanted, the sting making

him gasp. His sounds were more barks than moans. Animal.

God, he felt so fucking strange.

“Stop thinking, pup.” The nibbles grew sharper, harder.

“I can’t.” He didn’t know how.

“This will help.” Ben reached down, pushing at his balls,

rubbing them.

The pressure was deep, throbbing, and he drew one leg

up, grunting with the mix of ache and pleasure.

“So pretty, all this red hair.” Ben stroked the curls around

his cock, teasing him.

He’d always loved it, loved being bright and different,

shiny, so he didn’t bother to protest. “I get it from my

father’s side. Mom tells him there must be a fox in the


“No kidding? I bet she knows something she’s not

telling.” Ben laughed, the sound full of delight at the idea.

The sound was amazing, and he found himself joining in,

chuckles becoming full out hoots.

He liked that, laughing with Ben. Even when they were

in the middle of sex.

The curls above his cock got a long, slow tug, and his

laughter faded, his entire body flushing with heat. Aiden

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moved, his legs sliding on the floor restlessly. God, this

man made him crazy. This whole thing was like a full moon

hallucination. That was what his mom called anything


“Mmm... you like that.”

He did; he liked feeling something new. “It aches.”

He’d never considered that a particularly sexual feeling

before, but somehow it was. The whole tug and release

made his belly tighten up, made his balls draw up in the

best way.

Another long pull had him arching, and then Ben’s teeth

snapped against one of his nipples, the sting making him

cry out.

“Mmm. Tasty Aiden.” Ben sounded all big-bad, all


Aiden shivered, his cock so hard he had to spread his

legs to make room for it. Ben rubbed that, too, hand sliding

up and down his shaft. The touch was callused and rough,

strong and different than his own hand.

That was a damned fine thing. “Please. Ben.” There. He

proved he knew who he was with, right?

“Please what, Pup?”

“More. Touch me more.”

“Yes. I can do that.” Ben nipped at him, right on his

pectoral muscle, making him jump.

“Biting!” He gasped out the word, knowing well how

stupid it was, but the sting shattered his thoughts.

“Touching, too.” Ben smacked his hip.

Aiden growled, nipping back, not hard, but enough to

push and see how far Ben would go. Ben growled, covering

him with that big body, teeth on his throat.

Oh. Oh, fuck.

He arched, whining softly, swallowing convulsively

-- and so fucking turned on it hurt. Ben humped him like

a naughty puppy, or like a big fucking wolf teaching a

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smaller one a lesson. The heavy cock slid on his belly,

marking him, scenting him. He panted, his body moving

under Ben’s, his mouth open on cry after cry.

Ben’s fingers were everywhere, pinching and pressing,

scratching and stroking, driving him crazy. He didn’t want

to like it when the man smacked him again, low on one

thigh, but it was so good he almost shot.

“Another one, pup?”

He groaned, turned under Ben, fingers dragging on the


“That’s fucking perfect, pup.” Ben slapped his ass, the

sting making him howl.

The sting also made his ass push up and his spine bow as

his entire body begged. He swayed, his head down, his skin

too small for his body. Then Ben hit him again.

He howled and surged forward, but Ben’s arm caught

him around the waist. The man never let up on him, a flurry

of blows landing on his flesh. He snapped at the air and

then reached for his cock, jacking himself furiously.

“No.” Ben smacked his thighs, one after the other.

“That’s mine.”

He threw his head back, a wild noise leaving him as Ben

spun him onto his back again, the wood floor cold against

his blistered ass. Those big hands spread his legs, opening

him up wide. Ben moved between his thighs, staring down

at him.

“Please.” He was clawing the floor, balls like stones they

were so heavy.

“I got you, pup.” Ben grinned, feral and lupine, before

pushing that hard cock between Aiden’s legs. Out of his

mind, he grabbed his knees, pulled them up and out.

Ben nodded, the low growls coming from the man

sending shivers up Aiden’s spine. They gave him more than

a shiver when Ben pushed inside him, cock spreading him

impossibly wide. The pressure felt like he was being split

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apart, except there was no pain, just the sensation of being


“Fucking tight. Could do this forever.”

“I wish.” He did, with all his heart.

“Oh, honey. Don’t doubt it when you find your mate.”

Ben began moving, hips slamming into his heated ass.

Aiden pushed into each thrust, and the whole world

tightened to his need, the slaps of their skin together. Ben

was like fire against his skin, and those hands never stopped

moving, Ben pinching his nipples, his hip.

Finally he had to simply throw his head back and scream,

releasing the pressure building in his chest.

“Aiden.” His name was almost a howl.

“Yes.” He wasn’t sure what he was agreeing to, but he

was, with his entire soul.

“Come on, pup.” Ben grabbed Aiden’s cock, jacking it

hard, hand tight like a fist.

He nodded, squeezing down around Ben’s prick, his

body on fucking fire. He wanted Ben with him, wanted this

tiny bit of equality. Wanted Ben’s need.

“Now.” Ben ordered, but Aiden wasn’t going to come

alone. Ben was filling his ass, hot and wet. His own

spunk sprayed over his chest, his belly, his entire body


Panting, Ben flopped down on the floor with him.

He groaned and nuzzled into Ben’s shoulder, his body

going boneless. God, he could spend his whole life right

here, fucking and napping. How crazy was that?

Everything faded to gray, went fuzzy and soft. He licked

his muzzle, yawning hard enough to make his jaw squeak.

Ben chuffed softly, the sounds a low, wonderful comfort.

Mate. He nosed Ben and curled up. So sleepy.

Ben licked him, long wolf snout nuzzling him. So easy to

change now.

The world disappeared, melting away.

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Ben woke on the floor, feeling stiff in all his bones.

Damn it, the cabin had this amazing pillow-top bed. Why

were they sleeping on the floor?

He stretched, joints creaking away, and he felt old. Aiden

was probably just fine, little shit.

Aiden. Ben rolled around and then looked at the bed.

Sniffed. Gone. Damn it all.

The scent of male fear hit him, and he rolled his eyes.

Some parents did a shit job of teaching their kids about

being in both their forms. Putting Aiden in a cage had been

a bad idea. Waking up fuzzy must have sent him off again,


Of course, the precious camera was right there on the

bedside table.

And the pile of clothes, the tie-up boots.

He chuffed softly and got his man-skin on. Lord, his pup

was a runner. He got dressed. then grabbed his wallet and

bag. Ben also picked up the camera and Aiden’s clothes.

They wouldn’t come back here.

They needed to go home. Hunt. Run some. Fuck a lot.

Maybe feed his pup a dozen steaks and some eggs. The

boy needed food. Needed to open his senses to what the

pleasures in life were.

More than anything, Aiden needed to see his place and

take pictures, look at him with those clever, smart eyes like

he was the most amazing thing on earth. Ben felt like he

really was all that when Aiden looked at him.

He put everything in his truck and looked for prints. This

time Aiden was heading toward town. Back to the hotel, he

guessed, though how the man would get in with no key and

no clothes was a mystery.

Of course, his mate wouldn’t be stupid. He’d figure it

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out, right?

Ben pulled up to the hotel, nose working, following his

mate’s scent around to a window on the first floor that was

too small for a man but easy enough for a little red wolf.


Ben had the keycard from Aiden’s jeans, so he just went

in the regular way and let himself in.

Aiden was sleeping on top of his clothes, buried in

sweatshirts and jeans, a pair of folded up socks on his head.

Poor baby. He’d needed those familiar scents in the sterile

hotel room. Ben went to the bed and sat, pulling off his


Aiden’s ears started to swivel, turn toward him. Then

the bright eyes opened and landed on him, and Aiden’s tail

wagged, tentatively, proving to Ben that his boy knew he’d

done something wrong by running away.

“You’re something else, pup.” He grinned, shaking his


Aiden stood and came to him, head pushing into his

hands with a low groan.

“Hey. You ran away again.” He looked into those green-

tinged, golden eyes. The soft vocalization made him smile,

shake his head. “What am I going to do with you, mate?”

Aiden pawed his lap when he said the word mate.

“We are. Mated. They matched us well. I’ll send them a

thank you.”

His balls were nuzzled, and then he had a wolf in his lap.

“Oh, now, you’re just being stubborn. I want to kiss

you.” He tugged Aiden’s tail. “You’re going to have to

learn to be a good pup.”

Aiden’s lip curled.

“I can teach you, love. You liked my last lesson.”

He could smell Aiden’s sudden, sharp arousal, and

suddenly he had a naked, heated man in his lap.

“There he is. Why are you running so hard?” Ben kissed

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Aiden’s mouth, just a peck, really.

“Everything’s new. Different.” Aiden’s cheeks pinked.

“Today it felt good, to run.”

“Did it?” Laughing, he patted that round, hot little ass.

“You’ll like it even more at my place. The local wolves all

know me, treat me like pack.”

“It did. I’m so fast, and there was a rabbit. I almost got

him.” Aiden was awake, sparkling and so fucking present.

“Did you? You were very smart, getting in here. I

smelled fear at the cabin.”

Aiden nodded, fingers on his chest, tracing his muscles.

“I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to waking up fuzzy.”

“I think you will.” He couldn’t imagine how weird that

felt; he’d always been indiscriminately fuzzy.

“Everything’s new. Everything.”

“Mmm. You gonna trust me to walk you through it?”

“I don’t want to go back. I want to stay.”

Of course Aiden would stay. Aiden was his. He grinned a

little more. So young and not wolfy, his boy.

“You don’t have an apartment we need to close up, do


“I rent a room at another guy’s house. I... I just go and...

I’m not poor, but...”

“Sure. You work a lot out of town.” That made it so

much easier. “Can he ship your stuff?”

“Yes. Do you want me with you?”

“Hell, yes.” He wasn’t letting Aiden go. “Now, about that

good boy thing.”

“What?” Oh, that wide-eyed look went right to his balls.

“Before we go. I need to remind you who you belong

to.” He shrugged out of his shirt.

“Remind me?” Aiden’s cock filled, curving up toward

the flat belly. “I know.”

“Yet you keep running.”

Aiden’s mouth opened and closed. Okay, adorable.

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Ben lifted his hips, which hoisted Aiden up a little. “Can

you get my jeans off, pup?”

“Uh-huh.” Aiden’s fingers were chilly, making him jump,

jerk. Lord, someone had been cold when he got to the hotel.

Maybe all the clothes had been for warmth, not comfort.

It didn’t matter; his jeans were skinned off, Adian

slipping off his lap again. He held on, his hands shaping to

Aiden’s ass. The sweet skin was still warm, barely marked

from his spanking.

Perfect. A foundation to work on. “Over my lap, Aiden.”

“What? Just like that? Just. I.”

“Hush, now. Just like that. When I say.” He almost held

his breath, waiting to see what his boy would do.

Aiden came to him, shaking his head, but his pup draped

over his legs, heartbeat pounding on his thighs. Aiden’s

cock was also drilling a hole in his leg. Yeah. Someone was

as into it as him.

“No more running from me, pup. Ever. You’re new to

this, and there are people that hunt wolves around here.

Hell, even in Dallas.” Ben punctuated his words with light

slaps, warming Aiden’s ass up.

“I didn’t mean to. I was worried.” Aiden’s hips rolled up

toward his hand.

“Uh-huh. Now when you’re worried, you come to me.”

When he said the last word, he let the flat of his hand fall

hard on Aiden’s butt.

Aiden’s yelp rang out, loud and sharp. “Fuck!”

“Soon, huh?” They would do that, too. The feel of

Aiden’s muscles jumping, skin heating up, made him smile.

He worked Aiden’s ass, thighs, making sure that his pup

felt every inch of the burning skin. He wanted Adam to

think of him every time that lean body moved. More than

that, he wanted Aiden to know him, down to the very bone,

wanted Aiden’s body to know who it belonged with.

“Who do you come to?”

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“You. You, mate. Please. I panicked.”

“You did. I need to bond with you. Like this.” He hit

again, then again, warming his pup’s ass.

“Ben...” Aiden clawed at his legs, hips moving faster.

“Yes. You’ll know my touch in your bones.”

“I do. I swear.” Aiden grabbed at his hands, twisted on

his lap.

“Oh, you’re naughty.” He laughed, though. He was

ready for the fucking, too. Aiden would learn to take long

spankings, to need the heat.

“I’m yours. I’m yours. Please.” Aiden managed to flip

around again, mouth covering his cock.

“Clever boy.” He lifted his hips, his prick sliding

between Aiden’s lips. This, his boy knew. This was Aiden’s

area of expertise. Those lips moved over him, fastening at

the base of his prick, Aiden swallowing over and over.

Ben panted, his wolf wanting to howl in triumph. His

cock grew even harder, spreading Aiden’s lips wide.

Aiden moaned for him, licking him like an ice cream

cone. That was almost too damned much, and he yanked

Aiden up to the bed, rolling so Aiden was beneath him.

No more sitting. Time to get inside that fine ass. He lined

up and pushed in, taking Aiden with hard, short thrusts,

everything inside him screaming for them to come.

Crying out, Aiden grabbed his shoulders, cock bumping

his belly.

Ben groaned, his body shaking and shuddering. He was

going to lose it, and way too fast at that.

“More. Hurry. Come on.” Aiden grunted and snapped the


“Making me want to slow down, just to prove a point.”

There was no way he actually could.

Aiden’s body squeezed him tight-tight, gripping his

shaft, working his prick like a fucking fist.

Clenching his teeth, Ben fought his orgasm, wanting

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to make Aiden wait. This was his show, damn it. His pup

rode him hard, low groans on the air, those green eyes

challenging him.

Ben finally just bit, bending and setting his teeth to

Aiden’s throat. What else could he do?

His pup went wild around him, crying out and humping

against him furiously, spunk spraying wildly between.

Finally. Ben barked his pleasure, his approval. Then he

thrust two, three more times before he came hard. He let

Aiden have what he wanted.

What they both needed.

“Not napping this time.”

Aiden cracked up, the sound echoing around his sensitive

cock. He grunted and then chuckled. No one was running.

Not from now on. If they did, they’d run together, damn it.

Aiden would love that, exploring. Safely.

“Get cleaned up, pup. We have to get home. We have

things to do.”

Aiden smiled at him. “Just like that? I have commitment


He snorted. Bullshit.

They mated for life. He thought Aiden would figure that

out soon enough. They just had to get him in touch with his

wolf side. Good thing that was one of Ben’s strong points.


“So.” Stone looked at the letter their client had sent.

“Looks like Adeila was right. Much as I hate to admit it.”

“I thought the computer matched these two...” Harve

gave him the stink eye, frowning at him.

“No. Adeila was the one who said she thought we ought

to match them. The computer gave them sixty five percent.”

Harve sighed. “We’re lucky someone didn’t get eaten.”

Drama llama. “You have no sense of romance, Harve.”

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“No shit. You don’t have me for the romance.”

No. No, Stone had Harve here because one day he’d

have the beautiful son of a bitch on his knees, sucking cock.

Someday. If he could only figure out how to get the damned

computer to tell Harve to do it.

That made him chuckle, and those pale, icy eyes landed

on him. “Something funny?”

“I think so, yeah. So, want to perform an experiment?”

One dark eyebrow arched, and then Harve grinned, ear

to ear, the expression like coming like the sun over a hill.

“Yeah. Yeah, okay.”

Curiosity killed the cat. Meow.

“Give me your top pick, and we’ll see if your computer

is as accurate as Adeila’s gut.”

“Fine. Coy Martindale and Denver Allen. The computer

gives them a ninety two percent compatibility.”

Harve typed on his little laptop, turned the screen to

show a hard-bodied little redneck and a slick little dude in a

suit and pussy shoes. No fucking way.

“That’s crazy, Harve. There’s no force on earth that will

bring those two together.” Not even Full Moon Dating.

“The computer says it’s a match. Call them.” Harve, the

fucker, looked confident as shit. “What do I win if they

hook up?”

“That just makes it a tie, old man,” Stone said. “Besides,

you like empirical studies.” That would at least keep Adeila

from crowing.

“Works for me, man. Set it up. My program is amazing.”

A little fantasy about what he would ask for the next

time they did a bet/experiment played in Stone’s head as he

picked up the stupid rotary dial phone to call Denver Allen,

vampire multi-millionaire. The man wanted someone

submissive to snack on.

Computer or no, Stone didn’t think Coy looked all that


background image


“Hello, Mr. Allen? This is Full Moon Dating. I think

we’ve found you a match.”


Document Outline


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