kitkat681 Down and Derby

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Copyright Page

This book was automatically created by


on August 16th, 2013, based on

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The content in this book is copyrighted by kitkat681 or their authorised
agent(s). All rights are reserved except where explicitly stated otherwise.

This story was first published on January 1st, 2012, and was last updated on
September 17th, 2012.

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated - please email any bugs, problems,
feature requests etc. to


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Table of Contents


1. Chapter 1
2. Chapter 2
3. Chapter 3
4. Chapter 4
5. Chapter 5
6. Chapter 6
7. Chapter 7
8. Chapter 8
9. Chapter 9
10. Chapter 10
11. Chapter 11
12. Chapter 12
13. Chapter 13
14. Chapter 14
15. Chapter 15
16. Chapter 16
17. Chapter 17
18. Chapter 18
19. Chapter 19
20. Chapter 20
21. Chapter 21
22. Chapter 22
23. Chapter 23
24. Chapter 24
25. Chapter 25
26. Chapter 26
27. Chapter 27
28. Chapter 28

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29. Chapter 29
30. Chapter 30
31. Chapter 31

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Bell Swan is a hard ass roller derby chick. Edward Cullen is a shy and totally

awkward Medical Examiner. What will happen when he needs to take care of her
when no one else will? A bit of angst... a bit of drama but a TON of funny. Rated M know.

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Chapter 1

Welcome to the wonder world of Roller Derby.

I have no experience or knowledge of the sport outside of what I found on

Google…so forgive me.

If any of you do happen to have some insider info…please let me know. I

would like to have this be as realistic as possible.

Melanie is in for the ride once again…I love her so flocking much.

I spent New Year's Eve with Dalloway5906 eating tacos and drinking

margaritas. How was yours?



"Come and get me you fucking twat waffle. I will pull that weave right out of your

head! Try and take me down...we'll see who gets taken down!" She screamed as the
ref carried her off the rink. Fucking bleach blonde skank with her fake tattoos, she
thought as she kicked and screamed.

"Swan…what have I told you about taking the other girls down from behind? You

do that once more and you're going home." The Zebra scolded her as he tossed her
down in the box. "One minute."


She yanked the panty off her helmet and tossed it over the box to Jess, aka Amelia

MedicateHer and watched as she tugged it over her own helmet. Now she was going
to miss the next jam all because that girl from the Roller Dolls couldn't stay on her
fucking skates.


The Rat City Rollergirls were a roller derby team in Seattle. All girls…all hardcore.

Fresh meat had to earn their names and their place on the rink…and it was hard to
get a place. Bell Swan had fought tooth and nail to get a spot on the team and to

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have her name bestowed on her.

Bell on Wheels.

She loved being part of such a close knit group. She knew her girls would always

have her back on the rink. The problem was, she didn't have anyone to rely on in
real life, which was why she fought so hard when she played.

She looked up to watch as the Jammer for the Roller Dolls busted through the

Rat's blockers and nabbed four points.

"Fuck!" She screamed as she glanced up at the board and realized there was no

way they would be able to get those points back before the end of the bout. She
grabbed her helmet off the bench next to her and whipped it at the floor. It hit the
rubber mat under her chair and headed back at her, catching her right in the

She hit the ground with a thump and was out cold.

Edward was watching the absolute joy on his sister's face instead of the action

down below. She had begged and pleaded for him to take her to the bout between
the Rat City Rollergirls and the Denver Roller Dolls and he finally relented after his
twin sister agreed to come as well.

Alice was born when he and his twin were eleven, and right away it was obvious

something was wrong. Although she would never be 'normal' her brother and sister
never treated her any different. She would forever have the mind of an eight year
old, but that just made them love her even more.

"Rose! Look Rose, that girl is getting a time out." Alice squealed as they watched

the referee escort one of the Rat City players into the penalty box. Edward looked
over with distain as the girl cursed and screamed while he reprimanded her for
some fault on the rink. She yanked her helmet off, throwing something to one of the
other scantily clad players before she sat down hard on the chair. He had no idea
why the barbaric and unfeminine sport interested his sister so, but he would do
anything to see her smile the way she was.

A whistle blew but his eyes were still glued on the player in the box. Free from the

helmet, her dark hair caressed her face as she raged. Her paler than pale skin was
flushed pink with her anger and exertion as she waved her arms at the players on

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the rink. She was in a red and blue tank top with tiny silver shorts covering her
voluptuous rear end. Her long legs were encased in red thigh high fishnet stockings
and it looked like they were held up by a garter belt that disappeared beneath the
shorts. She had the requisite knee, elbow and wrist guards on and her helmet sat
beside her on the bench. Her skin was covered with colorful tattoos. Both her bare
arms had designs over them and they trailed across her chest and between her
breasts as well. A flash of silver at her lip caught his eye and he realized she had her
lip pierced. Looking at this girl, Edward Cullen felt his pants get tight and that
confused the hell out of him.

He was a genius; there was no other way to say it. He got a perfect score on his

SATs all three times he took them and his MCAT scores were near perfect as well.
When he finished med school he had his pick of hospitals and residency programs.
But all he wanted was to be close to home, so Forks General it was. His father
couldn't have been happier to have him at work with him every day, although
Edward wasn't really in the same league as the illustrious Dr. Carlisle Cullen, plastic
surgeon. Edward knew that his shy nature and awkward social skills left him only
one choice. So Edward Cullen became a Medical Examiner. He spent his day with
dead people and couldn't have been happier about it.

His time in undergrad and all through medical school was torture. While his

classmates had been out getting drunk and having sex, he had been in the cadaver
lab. Which could be why, at the ripe old age of 26, Edward was still a virgin. He
knew so much about human anatomy and had seen so many nude (although
deceased) women; it took a lot to catch his eye. But somehow this girl had his
attention, and apparently the attention of his cock as well.

She suddenly stood up screaming and reached for her helmet, throwing it in

anger. His eyes widened when he saw the hard plastic safety equipment hit the
ground and careen right for her head. He was on his feet before her body hit the

Uh oh…

What happens next?

See you Wednesday to find out!

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Chapter 2

WOW! So many of you are in for this ride and excited! I LOVE it! And so

many of you are Derby fans. I sadly I have never seen 'Whip it' like most of
you suggested but I will…as soon as I have some free time.

Melanie…God do I love Melanie. She says I'm quirky. Have you ever

noticed I do this:

"Jebus Kitkat…you are so damn quirky." She said.

Yeah…not supposed to have that period and capital letter there…should be

a comma and a lower case. She has been trying to fix me for MONTHS and I
just can't stop. I also fuck up when numbers should be in number format
and when they should be written out. She has stopped trying now…but she
still loves me.

You are all reading 'Awaken' right? I get a sneak peek (cause I'm special)

and let me tell you…chapter 40 and 41…HOLY SHIT!

Dalloway5906…hey…we want some 'Reboot'! But I love you without it.

Onward with our Quincyward (Born dubbed him that…and it dates her…it

really does) and Derbyella!

"Edward?" Rose called after him as he ran down the stairs but he was singled

minded in his pursuit. For some reason he needed to get to her. He pushed past the
rent-a-cop that was standing at the bottom of the steps and ignored his half-assed
attempt to stop him. He vaulted over the barrier they had up around the penalty box
and knelt down next to her. By that time a few of the Rat Girl players had noticed
their girl was down and were crowded around the makeshift wall that separated the
penalty area from the rink.

"The fuck are you doing?" An enormous dark-haired girl demanded as he gently

turned the girl over and started to examine her.

"I'm a doctor." He said in a quiet voice as he checked her pupil reflexes with the

penlight he pulled out of his pocket. When his hand came away bloody after
checking her head, he looked around for the EMTs.

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"What's up doc?" A blonde girl with tattoos and piercings all over her face asked,

noticing his darting eyes.

"We need to get her to a hospital."

They laughed.

"Dude…that's Hells Bells right there. You try and strap her to a stretcher and

she'll take your balls off with a rusty spoon." The dark-haired girl chuckled as she
cracked her knuckles dramatically.

Edward flinched.

"Well she needs to be looked after. She might have a concussion." He said, gently

pushing the hair off her forehead. She was truly beautiful when she was
unconscious, he thought. She started to come around and he held her down, worried
about her head. The blood was coming from a shallow cut at her hairline. It wouldn't
need stitches but head wounds always bled a lot.

"The fuck? Who beat my head like Tommy Lee does pussy?" She mumbled as she

squinted her eyes and tried to sit up. Edward held her down by the shoulders and
leaned in to explain what had happened. She looked up at him, her brown eyes
confused as she took him in.

"Hey Glasses…you are totes fucking hot. You want me to suck your cock?" She

giggled as she raised her hand to her head. "Shit…my skull really hurts."

Edward was stunned silent. He let go of her and sat back, pushing his glasses up

as they slipped down on his nose. His hands went to his hair, his nervous twitch, and
he tugged at the strands as she struggled to get up.

"Whose knob do I have to slob to get some fucking Tylenol around here?" She

asked her teammates and they all laughed as one of them headed over to the bench
to grab some from her bag.

"The Doc here thinks someone needs to stay with you tonight Bell." The tatted-up

blonde said, leaning over and giving Edward a glimpse straight down her shirt.
When he averted his eyes she sighed theatrically and whispered in Bell's ear. Bell
glared at her teammate before she took the pills happily from the other girl and
swallowed them dry. Edward's eyes went wide as he watched her struggle to get
them down and she smiled.

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"You should see what else I can swallow…I have no gag reflex." Bell cooed as she

batted her lashes at him. He cleared his throat and stood up, pushing his hands into
his pockets.

"As I said, someone should stay with you overnight to make sure you don't slip

into unconsciousness once again." Bell looked down for a minute as the girls
wandered away. Of course no one would volunteer to stay with her. Everyone
thought she was a bitch and while that was effective on the rink, it did not make it
easy for her to make friends. She took a deep breath once they were alone and
looked up at him with a shy smile that was completely out of place against her
revealing clothes and tattoos.

"I'll be fine Glasses. My cat will be sure to piss on my bed at least a few times

tonight, so that will wake me up." She said quietly as she pushed up to her skates.
She wobbled a little and he reached forward to steady her.

"I would really feel better if I knew someone was there with you." He said as he

held on tightly to her arms. Her skin was like silk and he was suddenly enthralled
with the ink imbedded in her skin. He wanted to know why she picked ladybugs and
lilies and if the music notes that ran across her wrist were from a song.

"Edward!" He spun around at the sound of his name to see his sisters standing at

the bottom of the steps with their coats on.

"Hi! My name is Alice and I really want to be a roller girl when I grow up. I think

you are the best one out there!" Alice rambled as she ran over to them and Edward
looked back at Bell to see what her reaction would be to his sister. He would hate
for her to act like a bitch and crush his little sister's dreams.

"Hi Alice, I'm Bell. And I think that you are on the right track with that awesome

haircut." She said with a smile as she reached forward and ruffled Alice's black
spiky hair. She had long hair a few months earlier but had had a seizure and needed
to have surgery to remove a lesion on her brain. Alice hated her short hair; she
complained she looked like a boy. But she smiled brilliantly at Bell's compliment and
Edward felt his chest flutter at the woman's unknowing boost to his sister's fragile

Rose walked over to them and looked at Edward's hand that was still wrapped

around Bell's wrist.

"Are you coming Edward?" Rose asked, unable to hide the curiosity in her tone.

He looked at his sisters and then back at Bell. He really didn't want her to be home

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alone but what other choice did he have? He released her hand and stepped back,
turning to leave when Bell swayed and her eyes fluttered back in her head. He
reached for her and caught her up before she could hit the ground. He looked up at
Rose helplessly, praying she would help him. She shrugged her shoulders with a

"I guess you're taking her home."

Oh my…

See you guys next Wednesday!

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Chapter 3

So…I STILL have not watched 'Whip it' I need to see if maybe it is on my

Netflix instant queue so I can watch it.

We have a derby girl in our midst… vlo1125! She weighed in on my

description of the action so far…

ok so i am a derby girl, you did pretty good on your facts however a ref

would never have had to drag her kicking and screaming to the penalty box.
shed be called on Insubordination~ is willfully failing to comply with a
referee's orders. Examples of insubordination include but are not limited to
failure to leave the track for a penalty or failure to leave the floor after
fouling out.

And that would lead to being expelled from the game. but thats not a big

deal i can see you were trying to show how tough she was. ummmm my only
other critique is that bella is too crass, its a little overboard. so not telling
you how to write your character, but coming from someone whose in derby
and around other derby girls i think she a little over the top. thats not too
say they dont swear like sailors and act like they can kick your ass, cause
they so do lol!

So I didn't do TOO badly but I have asked if I can run my derby scenes by

her before I post so I can be a bit more realistic. I don't have any planned in
the next few chapters…Bell and Glasses will be…er…getting to know each
other for a while. ;)

Melanie thinks Bella has a mouth like a sailor…and I say…takes one to

know one.

Alice made me laugh every time I read it…

Edward looked down at the unconscious, seemingly tough girl in his arms.

"What do I do now?"

"Here…there's only one bag left over here by the bench, this has to be hers. I bet

her keys are in it. We just go out and find her car and drive her home." Rose said as
she pulled Alice over to the bag and began rooting through it.

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"Rose, I don't feel comfortable with this." Edward whined as he walked over to

where Rose was now victoriously holding up a massive set of keys.

"Oh shut it Edward. For once in your miserably boring life do something outside of

your comfort zone. You said it yourself that she needs someone right now. And you
can be her someone." Rose griped as she shoved the keys into his hand and hoisted
the bag over her shoulder. Alice got busy untying Bell's skates and slipping a pair of
neon yellow Pumas over her red knee socks. He followed them out of the arena and
they looked around the nearly vacant parking lot. His silver Volvo sat safely parked
towards the back of the lot, but it was the enormous, rusted out red truck taking up
three spots right in the front that Rose was headed towards. She unlocked and
opened the door with a flourish and tossed the bag in the back.

"Here…she has a GPS. I bet all we have to do is find the destination labeled 'home'

and it will show you the way." She said as she climbed up into the driver's seat and
started pressing buttons on the machine. Alice opened the passenger door for
Edward and he slid Bell in, buckling her into the seatbelt. Rose was giggling as she
paged through the saved addresses in the unit.

"This girl is a riot! She has the Laundromat saved as 'Place to clean my panties'

and the Chinese restaurant as 'Cream of some young guy.' Ha! And we use the same
GYN except she has hers listed as 'Twat Doc.'" Rose laughed and Edward pushed
her out of the way, climbing up behind the wheel so he could look for the right
destination. He did take some pleasure in seeing there weren't any addresses listed
as 'Fuck Buddy' or 'Boyfriend'. Bell moaned and rolled over, her head lolling on her
neck as she got more comfortable on the bench seat. She opened her eyes for a
second and looked at him and then smiled.

"Hey Glasses, is that a roll of quarters in your pocket or are you just happy to see

me." She mumbled and then leaned onto her side and let a huge fart rip.
"Hmmm…when did I eat bacon?"

Edward could only stare at the breathtakingly beautiful display of disgusting girl

that sat next to him. He shook his head before he went back to looking through the

"Rose…that didn't smell like bacon." Alice whispered to her sister as she waved

her hand in front of her nose. Rose giggled and pulled her into her side.

"Yeah…I noticed that too Alice."

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"How the hell am I going to get home?" He asked after they had located the right

destination cleverly marked 'Mi casa.' Bell was snoring away as Edward started the
truck and grimaced at the thundering backfire it let rip. It seemed the truck was
much like its owner.

"Well you said she needs to be looked after overnight so just have her drive you

home in the morning." Rose smiled as she slammed the door shut. Edward struggled
to roll down the window.

"I'm sorry this didn't turn out like you hoped it would Alice." He sighed as he

leaned down to ruffle her hair.

"Are you kidding? I got to meet one of the Roller girls! And I learned a valuable

lesson…don't throw your helmet." She squealed as she jumped up and down and
clapped her hands. He smiled at her before he put the truck in gear and backed

"Wish me luck!" He called as he waved.

Edward listened to the haughty voice of the GPS as she directed him down the 101

towards Port Angeles. Bell had finally stopped the brain-numbing snoring next to
him as he maneuvered the huge vehicle down the dark road. When the directions led
him to a gravel road he got nervous for a moment until the trees parted to show a
cottage nestled in amongst the foliage. The outside was well taken care of with a
nice garden tucked into the back and some flowers lining the walkway. He put the
truck in park and turned it off, the thundering engine stopping after a few
disgruntled rumbles. He got out and went to open the door first so he wouldn't have
to put Bell down once he got her out of the truck.

He unlocked the door and opened it a crack, expecting it to smell like Patchouli

and feet what with who lived there but it smelled nice, like lavender and candle wax.
He set the keys on the table right inside the door and went back out to get his
passenger. He hitched her bag over his shoulder first before bending to pick her up.
She snuggled against him, her plush breasts pushing against his chest. He sighed
long and hard as he walked up onto the porch and tried to ignore the erection that
pressed against the fly of his pants.

What did he get himself into?

Oh my…

See you guys next Wednesday!

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Chapter 4

Here we are…back again. Who is ready to find out a bit more about our

dirty mouth Bell? I know I am.

We have another Derby Girl among up…mspiggy606. So now I have two

ladies making sure I'm doing right by the girls.

jansails called me out (with good reason) – the whole reason that Edward

was going to stay with Bell was to make sure she didn't sleep and slip into a
coma…and here he is letting her snore away. We'll just pretend he woke her
up a few times an hour, 'kay. He does
usually work with dead
people…sometimes he forgets they're supposed to like…move and stuff.
Thanks girl!

Melanie needs some love…she's not getting all that she should so let's

send some her way.


He pushed the door open with his foot and walked into her house. The scent of

wax and lavender soothed his frazzled nerves as he slowly made his way into her
living room. Setting her down on the couch, he quickly walked back over to close the
door. He shrugged off his jacket and hung it on the back of one of her kitchen
chairs, clicked on a light and looked around the softly lit room.

Bookcases lined two of the walls and were filled to overflowing with both

contemporary literary books and text books in equal measure. His eyes bugged out
when he saw Anatomy and Physiology texts next to the newest Vampire smut novels.
He looked back at the still sleeping anomaly on the couch with wonder.

Who was this girl?

As much as he didn't want to invade her privacy he was unable to keep himself

from looking around the rest of the small cottage. Her kitchen counter was covered
with appliances, some of which he had no idea what their purpose was. Her
bathroom was small but tidy and absolutely teeming with bottles and jars.

He hesitated as he stood outside the one door left in the hall.

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It was her bedroom.

It had to be.

And he was suddenly desperate to see it. His hand was on the knob when he heard

a thump come from the other room followed by a low groan. He sprinted back to the
living room and looked over the back of the couch, only to find it empty. The sound
of a whimper had him coming around to the front of the thing and he stopped dead
when he saw her lying in a heap on the floor in front of the couch.

Her hair had come out of the messy bun she'd had it in and was covering her face.

Her tank top had snuck up her torso and her entire belly was exposed from right
below her breasts to where the silver shorts started low on her hips. Her skin was
pale perfection, adorned with a silver dangle in her navel, a beautiful flower tattoo
and several dermal piercings along the crest of her hip bone. His fingers itched to
touch but instead of trailing across her smooth skin, he reached for her shoulders
and lifted her gently. Her head lolled on her neck and she looked up at him with
vague eyes.

"Glasses…you brought me home?" She rasped as she barked a cough and winced

when it no doubt made her headache worse.

"I did. We should get you to bed." He said quietly as he slid his arm beneath her

knees and lifted her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed into his
chest. He felt heat snake through his body as she shifted against him but ignored it.

He pushed her bedroom door open and put her down on the bed, kneeling at her

feet to remove her shoes. She huffed another sigh as she looked down at him,
fighting to get her laces undone.

"You really are a nice guy." She said and he halted his movements and looked up

at her. She had sucked those silver balls on her lip into her mouth and her teeth
were clicking against them. He had seen many bodies come through his morgue
with their teeth damaged from doing the same thing, but at that moment he couldn't
find it in him to care about her teeth.

"Yeah." He answered lamely as he finished with her shoes and lifted her legs onto

the bed. She settled back into the pillow only to grimace and reach behind her. She
pulled the object that must have been poking her out from under her head and
Edward nearly had a coronary.

"I wondered where that had got to." She chuckled as she tossed the bright red

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vibrator onto the nightstand.

Edward gawked at her as she set the sexual device down and reached for the hem

of her tank top. It felt like his entire body flushed red as the fabric slowly uncovered
first her amazing belly and then her breasts, covered only in a white sports bra. He
had to swallow repeatedly when he caught the outline of a barbell through the
fabric. Apparently she was pierced in other places as well.

She tossed the shirt onto the floor and rolled over onto her belly, her legs

scissoring back and forth as she tried to get comfortable. She pushed her hair off
her face and looked up at him as he stood next to the bed.

"Can you help me get these damn stockings off?" She whimpered as she held her

hand up to her still-throbbing skull. He sighed as he reached for her delicate foot
and trailed his hand up her thigh until he got to the snaps of the garter. He
struggled with the mechanism, his hands not cooperating with his demands what
with her watching him like she was. She barked a husky laugh and reached down to
still his movements.

"You are so sweet Glasses. Is this the first time you're working with garters?" She

smirked but he didn't give her an answer as he went back to work. He smiled when
he finally got the little rubber button to snap through the closure and he tugged the
fishnets down her leg. She had little tattoos all over her feet and he wanted to take
the time to see what each one was, but she shoved her other foot in his lap and
wiggled it around, demandingly. The second one went quicker since he now knew
how to do it and soon her legs were bare. She sighed as she rolled over again and
hiked her knees up under her, putting her ass in the air. Her arms wrapped around
her pillow and she nuzzled her face into it.

"Thanks Glasses." She whispered seconds before the room filled with the God

awful sound of her snoring.

He looked down at her and then looked down at the erection that was straining

against the fly of his jeans.

This was going to be a long night.

Oh boy…

Poor clueless Quincyward….Medicalexaminerward…Virginward…ah fuck


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Poor Edward!

See you next Wednesday!

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Chapter 5

We're back! SO many of you have stories about Derby…and I LOVE reading


I can't thank you enough for your love and support…your words mean

everything to me.

Melanie is heading to visit her beta and friend MC…I hope they have a


The things I know about being a Doctoral candidate I learned from

theladyingray and String Theory…so just ignore me if those things don't
make sense…I did a bit of googling…but I got lazy.

Wanna hear something funny…I'm taking 3 of my girls to the roller rink

today. ;)

Edward looked around Bell's room while she slept soundly on the bed. He would

need to keep a watchful eye on her to make sure she didn't lapse into a coma, but
for now the sound of her snores would alert him to her state of consciousness. Aside
from her queen sized bed, there was a desk with a laptop and papers covering it and
yet another bookshelf stuffed full. There was also a small table with candles and jars
on it. He felt pulled to that corner and upon further inspection he realized that she
must be Wiccan. The pentagram and wand were dead giveaways.

Man, she was just full of surprises.

He sat down at her desk and looked at the papers, trying to learn a little more

about her. She must be something more than just a dirty mouthed loner. What he
found astounded him.

It seemed that she was a Doctoral student.

Having gone through the process himself, he recognized the course work that was

spread across her desk.

How amazing.

Judging by the case studies she was reading, it was a Psychology degree. She

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must be very intelligent to already be pursuing her Doctorate at such a young age.
He spun around on the chair and looked at her as she slept. Her face was turned to
the side, her full lips parted slightly as she snored. With her features relaxed, he
thought she was even more beautiful. What he found most arousing was her
intelligence. It was hard for him to socialize since he was so smart and inane banter
bored him. But he thought that perhaps he wouldn't be bored with her.


He looked back at her and noticed that his eyes were blurry, a symptom of sleep

deprivation. He had been working the swing shift since he was the 'newbie' and was
completely exhausted. He knew that his back would protest if he tried to sleep in the
chair and he didn't like the idea of being so far away from her if he were to crash on
the couch. Which only left him one option.

The bed.

He took a deep breath as he kicked off his shoes and placed them neatly next to

the door. He slid off his glasses and set them on the desk before he blindly made his
way to the bed. He set the alarm on his phone for an hour, and lay down on his back.
The second his body relaxed into the super soft mattress, Bell rolled onto her side
facing him and threw her leg over his, grinding her crotch against his fabric-clad
thigh. She snuggled her body against him, her arm wrapping around his chest so her
nearly bare breasts pushed against his arm. Her face was nestled against his
shoulder and he could feel the puffs of her breath against his skin.

This was bad…

This was very, very bad.

He lifted his head and looked down at his crotch. His erection was pushing so

hard against his fly he was worried he might end up with nerve damage. He had of
course woken up hard occasionally, and he knew if he just ignored it, it would go
down. But he had never had the kind of stimulus that Bell was providing to
encourage him. Her breasts were surprisingly soft against the muscle of his bicep
and he could feel the hard edge of her piercing. He wondered what that looked like,
if it was just steel or if there were jewels in it like the one in her belly.

As she snuggled closer to him and sighed he watched as his penis jumped,

twitching almost painfully against its confinement. He groaned low in his chest as he
closed his eyes and tried to picture an ulcerated sore or an infected wound or
something particularly disgusting to get his mind off his…

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Bell hitched her leg higher, unknowingly rubbing right against his trapped shaft.

His back arched as he barked out a cry and spilled into his boxers. He closed his
eyes as he trembled, trying desperately to get his breathing under control. He heard
a gasp and opened his eyes frantically, looking down to meet Bell's wide and totally
awake brown eyes.

"Did you just cum?" She whispered, sitting up slightly, her skin moving fluidly

across firm yet feminine muscles. He closed his eyes again as his cheeks colored.
How mortifying.

He felt her shifting on the bed and was just waiting for her to start yelling, so

imagine his surprise when instead of a vicious tongue lashing; he felt said tongue
running along the top of his pants where his shirt had ridden up.

"Oh Jesus!" He barked as he felt himself hardening again. He sat up and looked

down at her, only getting stiffer at the wicked gleam in her eye.

"That's a pretty good sized monster you have in there Glasses. You wanna try it

out?" She purred, her voice husky and thick from sleep. He reached for her hands as
they moved towards his fly but she was quicker and managed to get the button
undone and the zipper down before he could verbalize anything. When she reached
her hand inside his damp boxers and grabbed him he cried out and stilled her hands.

"Please don't," he rasped, his voice deeper than he'd ever heard it. He closed his

eyes in shame as she slowly brought her hands away and moved back.

"Listen, I know I'm not much to look at but at least let me take care of that for

you. It looks painful and you have already taken such good care of me tonight," she
whispered and he opened his eyes and looked up at her. She was sitting with her
back against the headboard, her hair pulled in front of her face and her hands
nervously twisting in her lap.

"What are you talking about? You're spectacular. You're the most beautiful thing I

have ever seen," he mumbled as he watched her. She had no idea how amazing she
really was.

And that, he thought, was something he was going to remedy.

Poor Bell…wonder what happened to make her have such low self-worth.

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Glasses will make it better…

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Chapter 6

Phew…you have no idea how lucky you are to have this chapter. I finished

it in the nick of time and Melanie did an amazing job, busting through this
chapter while she was trying desperately not to kill people.

You're love for these two is epic…and I have a feeling it will only get

stronger after this chapter.

I know I promised all fun times and derby…but you should know me by


"You owe me nothing. I took care of you because it was the right thing to do," he

said softly, pushing himself up so he sat at the edge of the bed, and grabbed his
glasses off the dresser. His pants were damp and uncomfortable, and the thought of
her seeing the evidence of his excitement was just mortifying.

"Well then, let me take care of you because I want to," she whispered as she

wrapped her arms around his back, and pressed her breasts against him.

Edward was completely overwhelmed and totally over-stimulated. The rational

and intellectual part of his brain recognized this, but the repressed, horny teenager
inside him ignored the warnings his brain was sending as he watched her hand slide
over his belly and into his pants. His eyes snapped shut as her warm hand wrapped
around him, stroking him.

"Bell," he panted, his eyes squeezed tight as he fought against the pleasure. Her

breath was a brush of heat against his ear, adding to the perfect sensation of flesh
sliding over flesh. Her thumb slipped across the slick tip of his shaft, and his hands
tightened on the comforter beneath him.

"Just let go, Glasses," she sighed huskily, her tongue running over the shell of his


He mustered all of his willpower, and reached down to still her hands.

"My name is Edward Cullen. I'm a twenty six year old medical examiner, and I still

live with my parents," he rambled. When he felt Bell freeze behind him, he
continued. "While I understand your need to downplay the situation by interjecting

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humor or sex, I must insist that we look at this like mature, intelligent and rational
adults. I came here to take care of you, that's all."

"Glasses…I mean, Edward, are you actually going to pass up a hummer?" she

whispered, still pressed against him. It took him a moment to search his knowledge
of the vernacular to understand what she was talking about, before it finally clicked.

"Yes Bell, I am absolutely passing up the opportunity for fellatio," he murmured,

uncomfortable as all get out. Her hands slowly moved from beneath his,
disappearing behind him. He heard the shifting of fabric, and then the soft sounds of
her feet on the bare wood floor. His eyes widened as her colorfully painted toes
stopped in front of him.

"Look at me, Edward," she demanded quietly, and he grudgingly lifted his eyes to

her face. It was impossible not to notice that she was now absolutely breathtakingly
naked. But to his credit, Edward only glanced quickly at the luscious amount of
female flesh on display. His eyes locked on hers, and stayed there.

"I call you 'Glasses' to protect myself. It's a coping mechanism. If I don't know

your real name, it's easier for me to walk away," she explained quietly, reaching
forward to fix his glasses, which had tilted to the side. "You're sweet, kind, and way
too good for me. And it kills me because I find myself wishing I could keep you," she
whispered sadly. His heart broke listening to her.

"Bell," he started, but she leaned down and pressed her fingers against his lips.

"No, this is how tonight is going to go. We're going to pretend that I'm a beautiful

girl, who is worthy of a man like you, and you're going to make love to me. And then
tomorrow, we'll go our separate ways. But all my life, I have wanted to have
someone look at me the way you are, right now, and it's a memory I'll get to keep
forever," she breathed, one perfectly formed teardrop sliding down her cheek.

Before he was even able to open his mouth, she was on him. She pressed against

his shoulder, causing him to flop back against the mattress. Her slim and elegant
body crawled up over him, and he was unable to look away from the gentle sway of
her breasts as she moved. Her nipples were not the warm pink of her lips, but a
darker rose color and he was suddenly desperate to feel them, take their slight
weight in his hands and nuzzle against them.

"You're in great shape, Edward," she cooed, sliding her hands over the muscles of

his chest.

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"My sister makes me work out with her," he gasped out, trying to ignore the way

her hips were pressing against him.

"You were so sweet with Alice," she sighed, moving her hands down over his belly

and toward the fly of his pants.

Edward moved faster than he ever had in his life, tucking her against his chest

and rolling them over, so she was beneath him. She smiled as she looked up into his
flushed face.

"If you wanted to take charge, Edward, all you had to do was ask," she giggled,

tangling her hands in his wild hair and pulling him down onto her.

"No, please wait. I need to tell you something," he blurted out, knowing if he

didn't tell her now, there would be no going back. "I've never…have, I mean, the
opportunity has never presented itself before, and I wasn't popular…so I don't really
have any experience…and I…" Bell reached up and covered his mouth once again to
stop his inane word vomit.

"Edward Cullen, are you a virgin?" she asked sweetly, feeling her heart swell

when he blushed pink and looked down, embarrassed.

"We don't have to do this. I mean, if you were waiting for someone special," she

trailed off uncertainly. Suddenly, taking advantage of this sweet, gentle man felt like

"No Bell, I actually think I might have been waiting all this time for you," he

whispered, as he bent down and pressed his lips to hers. He was timid and shy as his
lips sipped from hers, gently sliding across her soft, soft skin before going back in
for more.

Bell could feel the tears rolling down her temples and into her hair. Never in her

life had she been treated with such kindness. And as she let her fingers reach
deeper into his hair, all she could think was…

This man is going to break my heart.

See you next Wednesday.

I promise we will eventually get back to fun times and derby…I promise.

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Chapter 7

Back again…with one of my favorite chapters yet…

Your love is just overwhelming for Derbyella and Quincyward. I love that

you love them And I love you for it.

Please welcome our pre-reader, Cullengirl37, aka, Sandy S. She ALWAYS

gives me the best inspiration over on Facebook and I was just so anxious for
someone to read this…I went over and MADE her read this chapter.

Melanie is three reviews away from 3,000 for her amazing story 'Awaken.'

Anyone who isn't reading it…should be. Make sure you have her on author
alert because the new stories she is working on…EPIC!

Citrus warning…

Edward couldn't believe that he had this amazing creature beneath him. Her eyes

were closed, her head tipped back against the pillows, surrendering to him as he
kissed his way down her throat. He was nervous; overwhelming so, but he was well
versed on the erogenous zones of the female form, and was planning on stimulating
them all.

His first stop was her ear. He threaded his fingers through her wild hair and

tipped her head to the side so he had plenty of room to work with. His gentle breath
was the first step, blowing warm air across her delicate lobe. Then his teeth and lips
got into the act, nipping and sucking on her malleable flesh. And finally, his tongue
came out, moving slowly across and then inside the shell of her ear. By the time he
had finished the cycle; she was panting and writhing beneath him.

The next place should have been her breasts, but he was unfamiliar with how to

deal with her piercing, so he passed over her luscious breasts and moved to her
belly. There was a multitude of areas to be attended to there. He could start with
her ribs, span his hands around the delicate bones and hold her tight, making her
feel powerless and dominated. Or he could circle his tongue around her navel,
increasing the intimacy they were sharing, and show her what he was desperate to
do to other parts of her body.

But he decided to lavish the sharp crests of her hipbones with attention next. He

lay on his side next to her, putting his head down so he was face to face with the

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gentle swell of her belly. His hand fit so nicely on her smooth skin, his fingers
spread wide, spanning the space between her hip bones. She arched and rolled,
trying to get his hand to move lower, where she was desperate for his touch, but he
refused to be rushed.

He spent an exorbitant amount of time memorizing every piece of ink on her flesh.

His tongue trailed over the flower and vines on her hip. His fingers moved across
the music notes on her belly, imagining he was playing her body like a fine
instrument, her sighs and gasps his soundtrack. By the time he had moved down to
her pubic bone, she was moaning so loudly, he was glad she didn't have any

"Please Glasses," she begged, her voice high and reedy. He lifted his head, placing

his chin on her belly, and looked up at her. His glasses were slightly fogged from his
core temperature increasing in direct response to his arousal, but he would be blind
without them, and Bell was a sight he didn't want to miss.

Her hair was wild on the pillow behind her; the tips of her breasts pink-tipped and

just begging for his mouth. Her arms were above her head, her fingers tangled
through the slats of her headboard, but it was her eyes that held him captive. The
deep brown of her iris was just a narrow band around the black of her pupil. Seeing
her so completely aroused by him gave him confidence.

"If you want me to pleasure you, you're going to have to call me by my name," he

whispered, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment. But his awkwardness only lasted
a moment, because Bell took a deep breath and stared right back at him.

"Edward, will you please…please…make me come?"

It was with a growl that Edward lowered his mouth to Bell's core. She was hot and

damp and oh, so pink. He could feel the heat emanating from her, her natural scent
so much thicker down between her thighs. His fingers were gentle as he separated
her folds, ever conscious of the sensitivity of her flesh. He slowly discovered her
hidden secrets, touch by touch, his tongue memorized her taste. He didn't rush to
her clitoris right away, like he knew most men did. Instead he used his lips to suck
at her outer lips, bringing blood to the surface, making every little touch more
intense. When her thighs closed on his head, he used his elbows to keep her spread
because he was nowhere near finished with her yet.

When she was nearly hysterical above him, he finally relented and gave her

clitoris some attention. Pulling it into his mouth, he sucked on it like it was candy,
and to him, it was. She was the sweetest of sweets, and he knew he would never get

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"Edward!" She screamed, her hands releasing the headboard and grasping onto

his hair. He never slowed his motions, using consistent and gentle suction until he
felt her body tense. It was then that he remembered those lectures in his
Reproductive Anatomy class about the illusive G-Spot and its associated orgasm.
Using the middle and index fingers of his right hand, he pushed inside Bell's opening
and then curled them, searching for the bean-shaped patch of skin that would…

There it was.

He sat up slightly, mourning the loss of her taste, but wanting to give her the most

pleasure possible. He took his left hand, pressing down slightly above her pubic
bone as he started to thrust his fingers into her roughly, making sure to hit that spot
with each and every motion. Her arms dropped down to the bed, her eyes wide as
she arched her back, pushing against his hand. It only took a few moments before he
felt her start to tremble. He kept up the motions, coaxing the intense response from
her, until finally…

Her mouth opened with a silent scream as she came all over his hand and the bed.

Her muscles clamped down on his fingers to the point of pain, and he was suddenly
glad his penis hadn't been in there during her orgasm. He continued to stroke her,
gently now, as she relaxed. Her legs flopped uselessly to the side and she turned her
head and nuzzled into the pillow. Edward sat beside her, his cock aching and leaking
and watched as she…

Fell right to sleep.

Ha! Oh Bell…

See you next week ;)

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Chapter 8

Who's ready for more cockblocking?

I love that you love these two...

Sandy told me a citrus and cold shower warning was necessary. The post

office blows big time…I got her damn Valentine back for insufficient
postage, so it will arrive to her late. Love you Pimp Momma!

Melanie is sick…sick…SICK! Please send her some healing thoughts and

well wishes. I hate it that she's so far away and I can't make her soup.

So…be prepared…

Edward threw his long legs over the side of the bed and put his head in his hands,

trying desperately to calm down. His body was a livewire of pleasure, just waiting
for something to set it off. Never in his life had he been so overcome with the sight,
sound and taste of someone. And that someone was sleeping soundly behind him.

He looked over his shoulder at her, amazed that she was able to sleep sprawled

out, naked as she was. His fingers itched to touch her again, to feel her shudder
against him. His erection, which had gone down slightly, pushed once more against
his still-damp pants. He looked down with a disgusted sigh, suddenly desperate to
get cleaned up.

Edward pulled a blanket up over Bell's sleeping form, before heading to the

bathroom, in search of a towel. He shucked out of his pants and boxers, and
wrapped the towel around his waist. The boxers were rinsed several times in the
sink, and he was thrilled to find a compact washer and dryer in the kitchen. Once his
boxers were drying, he went back into the bathroom to make use of Bell's shower.

The hot water beat down on his slumped shoulders, and he tried to will his

still-hard penis to go down. The scent of Bell was overpowering in the confined stall,
which only exacerbated his arousal. How the hell was he supposed to take care of
her when half of his blood volume was pooled in his nether regions. He decided to
just ignore it as he grabbed the bar of soap and worked up a rich foam. It took just a
moment to have his body clean, and then he just stood in the bathroom with a towel
around him, and no idea what to do next. It would take at least a half an hour for his
boxers to dry, but he didn't want to leave Bell unattended for that long.

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His flesh exploded in goose bumps as he walked down the hall and back into her

bedroom. She had rolled over and kicked off the blankets while he was gone. Her
succulent rear end was on display, as well as that sweet little slit he had explored so
thoroughly earlier. His mouth watered, and he swayed slightly as she spread her
knees wider, exposing more of herself to his greedy gaze. A moan bubbled up from
his chest, his knees going weak as her hips thrust downwards.

She whimpered and rolled over onto her back, her nipples tight in the cool air.

Her body arched, hips reaching towards him as if she knew he was there watching
her. His breath exploded out of his chest as he saw how wet she was. Was she

"Edward…" she sighed, her arms slowly sliding up over her belly, then her

breasts, before her fingers grasped onto the slatted headboard. Her knees bent up,
showing him everything. He looked down and nearly laughed at the obscene tent his
erect penis made against the flimsy towel. How long did an erection have to last
before he needed medical treatment, he wondered. That information was in his
brain somewhere, but at the moment, he was unable to locate it.

He continued to stare down at her body as she traipsed thorough her dream

world, her limbs taking on a life of their own. He was so hard it was painful, and his
penis looked like a diving rod pointing straight at her.

"Edward?" she whispered, her voice husky and thick. He whipped his head up to

her face, checking to see if she was still asleep, or if…

He flushed scarlet when he met her wide eyes.

"I used your shower," he mumbled, trying to arrange the towel so it hid his


"You're still so hard," she sighed, sitting up and pushing her back up against the

headboard. He grunted when the position only emphasized the long, lean lines of
her body. There was no use trying to hide his body's reaction to her.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep," she apologized, her cheeks coloring slightly, which only

made him ache even more. She could curse like a sailor and sit before him naked as
the day she was born, and yet still be shy.

"Well, the body usually has a hard time when dealing with a release of that

magnitude…or so I've read," he replied, and she smiled up at him.

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"You've read a lot haven't you?" she inquired, shifting so she was up on her knees

at the edge of the bed. He nodded, his eyes locked on her swaying breasts. "Would
you like to put some more of what you've read into practice?"

He was unable to stop himself from nodding once more.

"What do you know about the sensitivity and sexual response of a woman's

nipples?" she asked, her voice taking on an authoritative tone.

"As a woman gets more and more aroused, her breasts will swell a little and her

nipples will become more prominent," he replied, his eyes never leaving her breasts.
He watched, his mouth watering as her nipples became tight little buds, the silver
ring that ran through the one moving slightly.

"What else, Edward? What else happens?" she demanded, motioning him closer

with her hand.

"Her breathing gets faster and she starts to gasp. Her eyes tend to become glazed

and she is likely to lick her lips - thus making them even more attractive to her
partner," he said, his eyes drifting up to watch as her delicate tongue did indeed
trail over her plump lips, making them glossy. "If she is fair-skinned, a faint pink
'rash' will develop at the base of her neck and over her breasts," he grunted, his own
breathing increasing as the color on her chest bloomed like a rose.

"And what else, Edward? What else happens? Does she get…wet?" she whispered,

reaching out and grabbing his wrist. He nodded, his head jerking up and down. "Say
it Edward, say, 'her pussy gets wet,'" she growled.

"Her…pussy gets…wet," he gasped, letting her move his hand where she wanted

it. First she slid his palm so it cupped her heavy breasts. Then she directed it across
that flushed skin of her chest. And then finally, together, their hands moved against
her core, their fingers getting covered with her juices as they breached her inner

"Does she ache, Edward? Does she ache to be filled by a nice, hard, cock?" she

moaned, twining their fingers together and just barely grazing her opening.
"Because I'm aching for you."

If Edward Cullen had been in his right mind, he would have been appalled by his

next move. But he wasn't in his right mind. He was completely enthralled and
commanded by Bell, and his actions were out of his control.

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Oh sweet Jebus…

I PROMISE he will get to come soon!

See you next week!

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Chapter 9

Sorry I missed a week there…with all the funeral stuff and horrible

relatives, I was not really in a 'lemon' place. This is also not my 'usual' type
of citrus…but I think you'll still enjoy.

Sandy gave this a 'cold shower' approval.

Melanie made Glasses growl…and yeah…we totally want him to growl.


The second Edward's fingers felt that the softest skin of hers was just drenched

for him, he yanked his hand away.

The towel fell from his hips as he crawled up the bed, and pulled Bell down under

him. He was under no misconception that she was allowing him to take the lead. He
knew he was the subordinate one, and accepted his role. But right now was all about
him dominating. He wanted her panting and breathless beneath him…and he was
going to enjoy every moment.

It was instinctual…pure and simple.

There was no higher level of consciousness between the two of them. It was all

unadulterated pleasure. Bell tossed her head back, slamming it against the
headboard as he used his knees to spread her thighs wide. Her heart beat wildly as
she watched him moving above her. If she thought he was attractive before…he was
beyond words now. His eyes had a flare of power and confidence that he lacked
earlier, as if by shedding his clothes, he lost his inhibitions.

She never wanted to see that spark disappear.

Edward's hands swept over the smooth skin of Bell's thighs as he leaned down and

took her unadorned nipple into his mouth. His fingers spanned the delicate cage of
her ribs on their way to her wrists. With both her hands held captive, he used his
strength to control her, dragging her arms up over her head and linking her fingers
through the slatted headboard.

"Keep them there," he growled softly.

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And from then on she was completely at his mercy.

Bella watched, unable to look at anything other than his perfect face, as he slid his

hand down his defined abdomen and took his cock in his hand. He glided the tip of it
through her lips, getting it nice and wet for the moment she had been waiting for.
She didn't care that her head was throbbing, or that there was something, probably
her remote, digging into her back. She wanted to see him come undone above her,
feeling him inside her. But just before he pushed forward, a flip switched. Bell could
almost see it. His eyes flickered up to her face and that intensity faded from his

"I don't have a condom," he whispered, his voice hoarse from desire.

Bell wanted to cry.

It had been forever since she had felt the gentle touch of masculine fingers

against her. And now…to be thwarted by a little piece of latex?

Well she wasn't going down without a fight.

"Glasses…please," she moaned, reaching for his throbbing erection. He yelped

and looked down at her palm, which overflowed with his cock. "I haven't done this
for a really long time. You know I would have exhibited symptoms of any sexually
transmitted diseases by now. Plus, I just gave blood last month, and they tested me
then. I'm clean."

He looked torn, and the gentle motion of her hand up and down his hard flesh only

made rational thinking more difficult.

"What about birth control?" he rasped, his eyes closing as she ran her finger

through the accumulated moisture at the tip of his dick.

"I can't have…I'm barren," she whispered, hating the tears that stung her eyes.

When she got the diagnosis at eighteen, she didn't think much of it. Kids were
messy, snotty distractions. But looking up at his beautiful face, she couldn't help but
picture a child of his. They would be a breathtaking mixture of brains and beauty.

And she was devastated she couldn't have that.

"What was your diagnosis?" he asked softly as his fingers rubbed at the moisture

on her cheeks. She wanted to push him away, but when she saw that there was only
concern in his eyes, she told him.

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"I have a malformation of the anterior portion of my pituitary, which means…" she

started quietly and was relieved when he took her information and ran with it.

"Which means your hormone production, primarily FSH and LH, are

compromised. Have they tried replacement therapy?" he queried, ignoring the fact
that they were both naked and his cock was still rock hard between them.

"I also have invasive endometriosis, so even if my pituitary was functioning

normally, it would be unlikely that I would be able to conceive," she sighed. The look
on his face was so soft and gentle; it made her want to give him her heart and
anything else he wanted. But he deserved more than an infertile bitch with terrible
people skills.

"So we're safe, Glasses. Edward, please…" she whispered, arching her body so the

tips of her breasts brushed against his chest. He closed his eyes and trembled, his
entire body shaking.

Edward tried to control himself as he slid his hands under Bell's back and

wrapped his fingers around the top of her shoulders. Their skin was pressed
together from the tip of their noses to where her feet curled around his calves. His
erection was folded between them, her soft belly cushioning his hardness. His lips
brushed softly against her temple, the hot puff of his breath in her ear pushing her
dangerously close to the edge already. She was ready to beg when he finally shifted
his hips backwards and she felt him right where she was desperate.

"Are you sure?" he grunted, feeling the satin grip of her core welcoming him,

encouraging him to thrust.

"Oh yes…please," Bell cried, her voice high and pleading as she dug her nails into

his back and tried to arch her hips up to take him in. Edward lifted his head and
looked into her eyes as he let his hips do what they wanted to do…what they were
made to do.

"Oh!" Edward yelled, unable to stop his body from repeating the glorious slide into

her body again and again. Her skin was silk against him, and the way she enveloped
him was beyond words.

He never wanted to stop.

But even after his release earlier…he knew he wouldn't be able to last much

longer. The sensations were overwhelming and he was so very close to climax again.
Bell's head was thrown back, her long neck tempting him. He sucked and bit at that

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flesh, loving the idea that he was marking her, both inside and out. And as his
orgasm spilled inside of her, he couldn't stop the primordial pleasure that spread
through him.

He had found his mate, his other half, his reason for living…

And he would do anything to keep her.

Hell yeah, Glasses…you get some.

Oh yeah...and I did just a 'tiny' bit of research on Bell's if I

fucked it up...I'm sorry.

I promise not to make you wait two weeks again…

Love ya!

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Chapter 10

Hey all…this is short, but it was all they would give me.

I hate when your own characters won't cooperate

Anyway…Melanie have it her…'short but impactful' approval and added

some awesomness, as always. You are reading her new story 'Snowbound'
right? I have the honor of pre-reading and may or may not have threatened
her life if I don't get chapters faster…oh yeah…it's that good

Let's all send our love to the fabulous Sandy…who is going through some

stuff. Love you girl!

Bell's first thought as she woke, was that she had never been so comfortable her

entire life. Her head was cushioned on a firm, yet supple surface, warmth radiating
through her skin. There was a gentle pressure surrounding her, like twin bands of
security wrapped around her waist, and the steady beat in her ear was the lulling
soundtrack behind it all.

Her second thought was that she needed to get away from this freely given

embrace before it was taken from her. She ignored the sound of protest above her
as she pushed away from Edward's chest and sat up next to his prone form. He
rolled into the spot she had vacated, nuzzling his nose into the place her head had
been, his chest expanded as he breathed in deeply.

She imagined him taking her scent into his lungs…into his soul. He would keep it

safe; build a memory of their time together. But it wouldn't last, it never did. One
day, very soon, he would wake up and look over at her and regret every moment he
spent with her.

And then he would leave.

Bell let herself absorb the quiet moment before he woke up. His chest rose and

fell as he slept, his mouth open slightly. His hair was a disaster, proof of just how
much her fingers enjoyed weaving their way through the waves while he was deep
inside of her. Sweat bloomed across her chest as she remembered the night before.
He had been sex personified.

"Hmmm," he moaned, rolling onto his back, his feet kicking at the sheets that had

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tangled around his legs as he slept. She should go…she knew she should. It would
only make things harder if he looked up at her with those guileless green eyes, but
she just could not make herself get off the bed.

Edward stretched his arms up over his head, enjoying the slight soreness in his

back and legs. And then, with his eyes still closed, he reached for her. His fingers
grabbed onto silky smooth skin and he pulled, needing to feel her against him once
more. She came willingly, allowing him to guide her into place in front of him, her
gentle curves cushioning the sharp edges of his body. He sighed deeply as he buried
his nose in her hair, loving the way the thick curls tickled his face.

"I don't want to get out of this bed," he whispered into her hair, his eyes still

closed against the annoyingly bright sun that was peeking around the shades. Bell
nodded shakily, trying to breathe through the sob that was stuck in her chest. When
she felt his erection growing against her hip, she was reassured. Sex she could
do…but this quiet communion of two souls that was happening between them would
break her.

Edward grunted when she reached back and took his throbbing shaft in her hand.

He shifted away, not wanting her to think that was all he was after, but she came
with him, her fingers tightening on the rigid flesh.

"Bell," he groaned as he stilled her motions and pulled on her shoulder, trying to

get her to face him.

"Come on Glasses…I want another ride on the monster before I kick you out," she

rasped, attempting to hide the tears that threatened to choke her. As her words
sunk in, Edward froze. Was that all the night before was to her? Almost instantly, his
throat got thick and he found it hard to swallow. Of course it meant more to him
than it did to her. To her, he was just a plaything. But to him…she was everything.

He rolled over onto his back and closed his eyes, feeling the bed dip as she got to

her knees next to him. When he felt the heat of her mouth envelope his erection, he
didn't move…didn't do anything but let her take him. He needed to decide what his
next step would be. He was willing to fight for her…but this was not a battle of
arms. It was a battle of wills.

Bell looked up at the long, lean like of his body and felt her heart shatter as she

saw the moisture that dotted Edward's eyelashes. She popped off the top of his shaft
and put her head down on his thigh, her eyes never leaving his face. This was a
perfect example of why she needed to let him go.

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"Glasses…" she whispered.

He blinked a few times, the tears sliding gracefully down his temple and

disappearing into his hair. If she had looked at him with pity or disgust, he would
have gotten up, found his clothes and walked the ten miles back to town. But when
he met her eyes, there was nothing but regret there, and that gave him the
confidence he needed to forge ahead.

"Bell, I think we need to talk."

So…I'm not reading much anymore (I know…I suck) If your name is not

Born, Yummy or Edward's Eternal, I am kinda ignoring your hard work and
wonderful words. I apologize for that.

I am sucked into a drabble by one of my loyal readers bexie25 called 'How

to Save a Life.' She has 42 chapters posted and only 60 reviews (30 or so of
which are MINE). Let's change that…shall we?

See you next week…

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Chapter 11

Hi…I love you. You know this…right? I really do.

Melanie went over this and added some fabulosity. And yes…I know that is

not a word. But it should be.

Sandy got to read this early, because I rely on her for so much. I hope it

made her feel a bit better.

I'm a fan of this chapter…just sayin'.

Edward pulled the sheet up over his naked body, reaching for Bell's hand as he

settled his back against the headboard. She took it hesitantly and allowed him to
pull her into his side, tucking the sheet up to her throat. She had a moment of
shame and insecurity, worrying that he didn't want to look at the ink and scars that
covered her skin, but then she caught sight of his erection that was still hard
beneath the sheet. It seemed that he wanted her…no matter how little she thought
of herself.

"I have disclosed to you my sexual history, or lack thereof. You know my

occupation as well as my family dynamics. Yet I know nothing about you. We are
going to change that…right now," he said, the dominant tone in his voice at odds
with the faint tremor she could feel snake through his long frame.

"My name is Isabella, Isabella Swan. I'm working toward my Doctorate in

Psychology at UDub. I don't have any family and my sexual history…well you'd need
more fingers than you've got to add those numbers up. I have people who will
protect me on the rink but zero friends. And this is where I live. So now can we get
back to business?" she snapped, hating the traitorous flush that covered her skin.
She felt exposed and vulnerable now that he had forced her to open up. And he
didn't even know the worst yet.

"Isabella…" he sighed, loving the feel of her oh so feminine name on his lips, but

she quickly slapped her hand over his mouth, silencing him. Her eyes were full of
fire and pain as she looked at him.

"Don't…that's not my name," she growled, but her words lacked bite. Instead they

held the kind of agony that came from a certain kind of torture.

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"Who hurt you Bell?" he mumbled, his lips moving against her fingers. Her eyes

widened so far, it would have been comical if he could not see the terror in her gaze.
He reached up and pulled her trembling hand off his mouth and into his lap. "You
can trust me, Bell. I promise you."

She wanted to trust him. She wanted to tell him everything and just let the cards

fall as they may. But the way he was looking at her…as if she was worthy of gentle
touches and listening ears, made her want to do anything to protect that.

"No one wants me, okay? My mom left when I was a baby and then my dad

dropped me off at an orphanage because he didn't want to be saddled with a whiny
brat. After that it was one foster family after another, but they always sent me back.
And as for my dating history…it wasn't until after I finished my Bachelors that I
understood what I was doing with men," she rasped, feeling the fear and regret
smothering her.

"You were trying to find acceptance and affection from men in the form of sex.

That usually exhibits itself in women with abandonment issues. It was another
coping mechanism," Edward recited, trying to stop the images of Bell with dozens of
nameless, faceless men that were suddenly rattling around in his head. Jealousy was
never an emotion he had experienced before, but he was getting a healthy dose of it
at the moment.

"Yeah I was. But when I finally realized what I was doing, and I understood that I

wasn't getting any of that from the one night stands I was having, I stopped," she
paused, suddenly worried what his reaction would be to what she said next. "Last
night…with you, was the first time I had been with someone in almost three years."

Edward was speechless. He wanted to rejoice that she had found something in

him that showed her that he could be trusted with her heart and body. But at the
same time he wanted to hurt someone for what she'd been through.

"So…there ya go. I'm just another poor kid that got fucked by the system, and

then fucked anything with a dick to try and feel wanted," she mumbled, turning over
and hiding her face in the pillow. Edward looked at the colorful designs on her
shoulder and back, seeing them with new eyes. The heart on her shoulder blade,
which at first glance looked whole and perfect, actually had a crack through it. The
music notes on her upper arm and wrist were not from some uplifting symphony, but
more likely from a depressing dirge.

"Bell," he whispered, reaching through the covers for her. She let out a

shuddering breath as his hand closed over her bicep. He wrapped his long arms

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around her, trying to comfort her the only way she would let him. "I'm not going

The laugh she let out was harsh.

"You say that now," she spit, gripping the pillow tighter as the memories of her

father's face threatened to push her over the edge. She had gotten so much better at
pushing those hated visions away, but she had opened the door for them now. And
as much as she knew it would only make him run faster, the tears would not be
stopped. She broke open like a water balloon…one minute she was whole and the
next, she had exploded everywhere, tears and sobs ripping out of her.

She cried for the childhood she never had. The tears fell faster when she imagined

exactly how easy it had been for her mother to just walk away, and how bad she had
to have been to make her father leave her with strangers. She screamed until she
was hoarse thinking about the abuse she put herself and her body through as she
jumped in and out of bed with any man that would have her.

And though her pain splayed him open, Edward held her through it all. His own

tears soaked into her hair as he pulled her against him and lent her his strength.

Because whether she wanted it or not…she had his heart.

Awww…poor Bell. Sweet, fabulous Glasses…I want one.

See you next week.

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Chapter 12

You guys…I love you guys.

Had a birthday party on Saturday at the roller rink and damn was it

insane. 12 parties going on at the same time! AH! I did chat back and forth
with Bornonhalloween while I was watching my kiddo skate and we came up
with some great stuff for Bell and Glasses…oh yeah we did

Sandy gave this one a thumbs up…I am SO glad I have her in my world!

Melanie got this back to me while dealing with migraines and wokny

glasses (no, not that Glasses…she wishes). I heart her hard core.

Ready for a surprise?

Bell drifted into an exhausted sleep after her tears stopped, but Edward continued

to hold her. Her revelations had rocked him, and yet he was not surprised. Her drive
and aggression made so much more sense to him now. And so did his connection to

They were both lost souls, even though he was surrounded by people who loved

him. While she was without anyone to support her, he had an overflow of people
ready and willing to come to his aid the moment he said the word. Yet he was still
utterly alone.

His intellect and awkward social skills made it hard for him to assimilate with a

'normal' crowd. Even his family had trouble communicating with him casually. What
that left him with, was a bunch of time alone and an ache in his chest he was unable
to fill.

But lying here, with Bell sleeping soundly on his chest, he finally felt whole.

When Bell finally roused, it was nearly lunch time. While Edward was worried

things might be uncomfortable, Bell wouldn't hear of it. She got up, naked as the
day she was born, and yanked clothes blindly out of her dresser. Once she had a
hideous lime green tunic and pink leggings on, she led him out to her kitchen where
she proceeded to make a breakfast worth of royalty. Stuffed French toast, bacon and
sausage with strawberries and homemade lavender whipped cream on top was

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spread across the counter. Her coffee was beyond anything he had ever tasted, and
his moan as he nursed his second cup made her giggle.

"So…where am I taking you, Glasses?" she asked, uncharacteristically shy. She

didn't meet his eyes as she reached for his empty plate. His hand shot out and halted
her motions, drawing her surprised gaze up to his face.

"Do you have anything that requires your attention today?" he questioned, loving

the subtle blush that spread across her cheeks.

"Um, I have practice in an hour, but then…I'm free," she said quietly, unable to

accept that he actually wanted to spend more time with her.

"Well then, it appears that I will be experiencing my first derby practice today.

And then I would like to take you to my house," he said, his tone telling her that it
was not a suggestion, but a demand.

And for some reason, Bell was fine with that.

Edward sat in the shadows of the stands and watched as Bell and the other team

captain led the girls through skating drills and had them practice their techniques
for falling. He approved of their methods, as he knew that if a person fell on an
outstretched arm, it was an invitation for a separated shoulder or other injury.
Knowing how to fall correctly in a sport like this was very important.

"Damn it Sara…you need to fall on the softest part of your body!" Bell called as

she watched one of the younger skaters fall on her hip.

"But Bell, I can't fall on my tits. I might hit my face," the girl whined as she

brushed off her scraped hands. Edward couldn't help but chuckle as Bell hung her
head and put her hand over her eyes.

"Your ass, Sara. Fall on your ass!" she growled as she pushed off with the stopper

of her skate and demonstrated the proper way to take a fall. As she careened around
the rink at a blinding pace, Edward felt a moment of panic. What if she fell again?
What if she really got hurt this time? Who would be there to care for her?

But then he realized that he would be there to take care of her, and he found it

was much easier to watch her throw herself on the hard surface.

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"Now that's how you fall," one of the other girls laughed as she extended her hand

to Bell. She took it with a shy smile and allowed herself to be yanked up to her
skates. She couldn't help as her gaze drifted over to where Glasses was sitting, his
intelligent eyes absorbing every aspect of their motions. He waved shyly and the
flush that spread over her chest had nothing to do with exertion.

And everything to do with a man who seemed to be too good to be true.

"So is this like those dinners I see on TV? Do I have to dress all fancy and fuck the

bartender while you accuse someone of murder?" Bell teased from the back of her
closet. They had returned to her house after practice so she could get changed, but
now she was petrified.

Edward sat on her bed and laughed quietly at the ridiculous ramblings coming

from the depths of her closet. While he didn't know all the ins and outs of Bell's
personality, he did know that when she was nervous or anxious, she used sarcasm
and vulgarity as a cover. So her inane comments about fucking the bartender and
murder made his heart soar. She was worried about meeting his family, which
meant he was more than just a one night stand to her.

"What kind of shows are you watching? No, this is just a casual dinner with my

sisters and my parents. You may wear whatever you like," he said in a quiet and
hopefully, reassuring voice.

"That doesn't help, Glasses!" she snapped as she emerged from the closet. She

had a black button-down shirtdress in one hand and…God help them, a pair of
fishnet stockings in the other. "So you're telling me that if I wanted to wear these
with my Doc Martins, I could?"

"Do you forget what you were wearing the first time I saw you? I mean…I know

you had a head injury but it was just yesterday. Bell…you are a kind hearted woman
who is a little rough around the edges. They will adore you, no matter what you are
wearing," he soothed as he stood up and pulled her into his arms, and she
grudgingly accepted his support.

Once she was sure she had her emotions in check, she pushed him away with a

grin and slid her flimsy robe off her shoulders, giving him a wild show as she got
dressed. But much to her dismay, he refused to give in to her seduction, and
ushered her out the door as soon as she was presentable.

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"Turn right in a hundred yards," Edward directed, making Bell laugh. He looked

across the bench seat of her truck, confused.

"You sound like my GPS," she smiled, following his directions and headed down a

long, tree-lined driveway. As an enormous house came into view, she was hit with a
case of nerves.

She had never met anyone's parents before.

He guided her into a spot in between his Volvo and Rose's ostentatious red BMW.

She cringed when her truck backfired, loudly. For some reason, her usual 'fuck you'
attitude had disappeared and she was shaking in her combat boots. Edward reached
across the worn vinyl and pulled her hand into his lap.

"My family, while overzealous most of the time, are very open minded. You have

already met Rose and Alice, so it is just my parents that will be unfamiliar to you.
And Bell, you have nothing to worry about," he said, trying to reassure her. She took
a deep breath before she allowed Edward to pull her across the seat and out his
open door. With his hand clasped tightly in hers, she walked up the steps to the
elegant house as if she were facing a firing squad.

"Oh, I'm so glad you came, Bell," Alice squealed as she threw herself at Bell the

minute they walked through the door. Unfamiliar with such freely given affection,
Bell patted Alice awkwardly on the back with one hand, because she refused to let
go of Edward's.

Rose's fabulous blonde waves appeared overtop of Alice's black spikes, her

beautiful face like something out of a dream. Bell untangled herself from Alice's
embrace and tugged at hem of her dress, suddenly wishing she hadn't put on those
damn stockings.

"You look fine," Edward whispered in her ear as he accepted a hug from his

excited little sister. Rose approached with a smile and put her hand out for Bell to
shake. Much more comfortable with this kind of greeting, Bell met her hand firmly
and tried to smile, but it came out more like a grimace.

"Don't worry, Bell. Mom is really excited to meet you. She said you two had

something in common," Rose said as Bell caught sight of someone coming down the
hall behind her.

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"Holy…shit," Bell whispered, awestruck. Alice, Rose and Edward all turned to see

what Bell was looking at, but all they could see was their mother. Esme Cullen
smiled widely as she walked through her children and grasped Bell's hand tightly in

"It is nice to meet you Bell," Esme said warmly, to which Bell responded by

gasping and trembling slightly.

"You…but you're…I mean…" Bell stuttered, not letting go of Esme's hand as she

struggled to speak.

"You're Esmaim Deadly."

Esme chuckled, reaching out to steady Bell as her knees went weak. Bell looked

around at the others in shock.

"You didn't know your mom was a champion jammer? I mean…everyone knows

Esmaim. She is," she paused and looked up at Esme in awe, "you are my idol!"

Edward attempted to find the right words, while Rose just stared at her mother in

shock. Alice was unaffected by the revelation and pushed past her sister, wrapping
her arms around both Bell and her mother.

"You guys are going to teach me how to skate, right?"


Surprise! Esme is a derby girl! More fun to come! See you next week!

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Chapter 13

Sandy gave this a 'no eating or drinking while reading' warning…yeah, it's

that funny.

Melanie rocked my world last night, sending me 16 chapters of

'Snowbound'. Yep…envy me.

You guys…I'm shocked and awed by your love for these two.

The amazing and talented ltlerthqak, who wrote the exceptional

'Giofógach' (among other things) asked if she could feature D&D in the
'Etched in Ink' fest she is co-hosting. And how could I not JUMP at the
opportunity? Check it out…

Etchedininkfest dot com

And now…

"So then she grabbed the girl by the hair and threw her into the boards. It took

both refs and the coach from the other team to drag her off the rink. She was
suspended for three games and had to pay for the poor girl to get a wig while her
hair grew back in," Bell spoke in a dramatic voice as she told one of the many tales
of Esme's sordid past.

"You…my own mother….I just…" Rosalie mumbled as she stared at her mother.

Esme sat on the couch with an indulgent smile on her face, listening to Bell regale
them with her highly entertaining history.

"And then there was the time that she got caught with one of the doctors in the

back of the ambulance…" Bell started, but Edward jumped up from the couch and
interrupted her.

"You told me you met Dad at a coffee shop!" Edward shouted, pointing an

accusing finger at his mother.

"Oops," Esme smiled, but at least had the grace to blush.

"I'm home! Whose truck is that in the driveway?" a deep voice called from down

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the hall.

"Come here, darling. Edward's paramour was just regaling everyone with tales

from our past," Esme shouted with a fair amount of humor in her voice.

"Our past, eh? Does someone else know the real story behind how Edward and

Rosalie were conceived? I thought we had bribed that elevator attendant well
enough that he would have kept his mouth shut," Carlisle replied as he came
walking into the living room. Bell looked him over as he entered and thought that he
was still a dashing man, even if there was a touch of gray at his temples and grooves
around his mouth.

Edward and Rosalie were wearing identical expressions of horror while Alice

bounced enthusiastically on the cushions of her chair. Carlisle extended his hand to
Bell as soon as he spotted her.

"You must be Bell. It is so very nice to meet you. I thought my poor boy would be

in possession of his V-card for the rest of his life," he teased, causing Edward to
choke on…well…nothing.

"Father!" he sputtered, his cheeks flaming in embarrassment. Rosalie and Esme

laughed quietly at his discomfort, while Bell took it all in stride.

"Well Dr. Cullen, you can't expect him to be able to live up to your illustrious

history. I'm sure in time, Glasses and I will be able to compete with your exploits,"
Bell replied cheekily as she squeezed the ever loving shit out of Carlisle's hand. He
winced as she released him, trying to shake some feeling back into his fingers as he
walked over to where his wife was sitting. Esme was laughing quietly at the

"Why do you call Edward, Glasses?" Alice asked Bell, her little head tilted to the

side like an inquisitive puppy.

"Have you not noticed the spectacles that grace his handsome face, dear Alice? I

swear, I have never seen such hideous glasses in all my life," Bell whispered to the
young girl, making Edward flush even more as the rest of his family struggled to
control their laughter.

"Oh yes, Edward, I do believe that those glasses are quiet out of style, aren't

they?" Rose said, her giggles making it difficult to get out the words.

"Enough! Between my father's announcement of my lack of sexual experience and

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now this assault on my appearance, I am sufficiently shamed! Are we eating or not?"
Edward spit, standing up from the couch with a disgusted huff.

"Edward, why don't you show Bell your bedroom, while Rose and I finish getting

dinner ready?" Esme said, winking at Bell as she moved her closed fist in an up and
down motion. Bell blushed slightly as she realized Edward's mother had just
suggested she jerk off her son.

"Excellent idea," Carlisle spoke up. "Then once you're in a better mood, we can

enjoy our meal."

Bell couldn't believe what she was hearing. Did they all expect her to get Edward

off while his family was in the house?

Without a second glance back at his family, Edward pulled Bell from the room and

started up the massive staircase. Formal pictures covered the walls as they
ascended towards the second floor, and Bell skidded to a halt in front of a shot of a
much younger Edward.

"Look at you, all dorky and cute," she giggled, stroking the image of the awkward

teenager behind the glass. Edward sighed heavily.

"Yes, I was terribly uncomfortable in my quickly growing body. It didn't help that

Rosalie never went through an ugly phase. She has been beautiful and self-confident
from the moment she was born. It seems that I got all the negative attributes."

Bell turned and looked at the man standing next to her. While he did indeed look a

trifle uncomfortable and unfashionable in his pleated slacks and thick-rimmed
glasses, she was easily able to see past that to the kind and beautiful man beneath.
She took a step closer to him, loving the way he towered over her from his position
on the step above.

"I don't think you see yourself very clearly. You are so intelligent; it's frightening,

which is why most people shy away from you. Even hidden behind your glasses,
you're strikingly handsome. And I think if you look back at your sister through the
years, she was just as uncomfortable in her skin as you were in yours. She just found
a different way to deal with it," she said softly. Edward's eyes were locked on the
sweet mouth that had just uttered those flattering words, and once again found
himself bereft of words.

"How can you see me so clearly, yet can't see the goodness and beauty in

yourself?" he whispered, reaching out to pull her into his arms. She was stiff in his

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embrace for a moment, but then relaxed into his chest. They stood like that for a few
minutes, before Esme's loud voice carried up the stairs.

"Are you done yet? There's some lotion in the bathroom if you need it, but I found

spit works just as well."

Seriously? Don't worry…Bell will rise to the challenge next chapter!

Smacks on the ass to all of you!

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Chapter 14

FF is being fail…no one may ever see this…

Melanie is my lifesaver and my friend. I am so lucky to have her.

Sandy makes me laugh with her comments and boosts my confidence.

Enjoy the hell out of this one…

"What the hell is my mother talking about?" Edward asked hesitantly as he

allowed Bell to pull him up the rest of the stairs. It was unnerving, the way she was
able to locate his bedroom among the other closed doors in the hallway. Once they
were in the safety of his room, he finally allowed himself to inquire as to how she
knew which room was his.

"I just followed your scent," she whispered as she pushed him back against the

wall next to the door. His heart rate accelerated as she pressed her lips to his jaw,
the unforgiving steel of her lip ring biting against his skin.

"Bell," he gasped, already painfully aroused at just the thought of her being able

to find him by his smell alone. But his haze of desire soon faded as he remembered
that his entire family was waiting for them downstairs. He put his hands on Bell's
shoulders, intent on pushing her away, but his hands fisted the fabric of her dress
when she grabbed his throbbing erection with her little hand.

"I need to take care of you. You're way too tense," she breathed into his ear,

forcing chills to run down his spine at both the feel of her warm breath and the
demanding tone of her words.

He let his head go loose on his spine as she struggled with the button of his

slacks, her hands frantic as she reached into his boxer briefs.

"God, I love the feel of you," she moaned as she closed her fingers around his

shaft. He snapped his teeth shut as she slowly slid her slick palm up and down,
dragging the flesh over his engorged cock.

"What are you doing to me?" he rasped, his hands suddenly desperate to feel the

colorful silken skin that was hidden beneath her dress. She tried to push his hands
away as they reached for the row of buttons that ran down the front of her body, but

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he persevered and soon had the two sides spread wide. The black and pink polka dot
bra that encased her breasts lifted them like an offering for his mouth. And who was
he to deny them?

Bell protested when he dropped to his knees before her and nuzzled his face in the

sweetly scented valley between her breasts. The slight scruff on his jaw brushed
against her flesh, leaving it feeling even more sensitive and receptive to his
ministrations. His hands slid up over the rough textured stockings that covered the
firm muscles of her thighs and Bell moaned as he moved higher to where the
thigh-highs ended.

"This was supposed to be for you," she cried weakly and he chuckled as he used

his nose to push back the edge of her bra, freeing her pierced nipple.

"Who says it isn't?"

His teeth closed over her adorned nipple at the same time as his palm found

where she was hot and damp. He tugged and sucked the cool metal into his mouth,
savoring the bite of the steel and the sweetness of her flesh. His fingers dove
beneath the elastic of her panties and gently eased inside of her, a striking
comparison to the way his teeth were savaging her breast.

"Oh, I want you in my mouth. Please, Glasses!" she called out, her legs starting to

tremble as she struggled to stay standing. He looked up at her, his lenses tilting
precariously on his nose and smiled.

"Do you think I'm ready for such a challenging position?" he asked as he

reluctantly removed his fingers from her heat, his mind already trying to imagine
how they would have to be aligned to make such a feat possible.

"Oh yes, I think we're more than ready," she cooed as she swiftly kicked off her

boots and climbed up onto his neatly made bed. He struggled to get out of his pants,
the hem catching on his loafers as he tried to take them off without looking. All his
concentration was on the Goddess currently spread across his plain beige comforter.
He went to her enthusiastically as she extended her hand to him, pausing only for a
moment so he could yank off his shirt.

His mind was still frantically trying to figure out how they would proceed, when

Bell took matters into her own hands. She pushed him down onto his back and
swung her leg over his shoulder so she was straddling his head, propping her
elbows on the mattress beside his hips. Edward moaned as he watched her now bare
folds slowly lower toward him, his mouth already watering for another taste of her.

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When she had taken off her panties was anyone's guess, he was just thankful that
his mouth was covered in her essence when she took the tip of his erection into her
mouth, because his scream of pleasure was muffled.

Bell gave in to the ecstasy that surrounded her. His cock, thick and perfect in her

mouth and his lips and teeth ravishing her pussy, had her at the edge in just
moments. She used her nimble fingers on his balls and lower…drawing out his
pleasure. His hoarse cry and the way his body tensed and then shook catapulted her
into an orgasm that was more intense than anything she had ever experienced. The
taste of him on her tongue was the crowning glory. She collapsed onto her side next
to him, loving the way his hand searched for any part of her he could reach, as if he
was unwilling to severe their connection.

"I guess we should go back down at some point," he sighed reluctantly, pushing

up onto his elbows and surveying his erotic hard-ass as she laid spread out on her

"I guess we have to," she replied, feeling an unnecessary pang of loss as he

removed his hand from her thigh. So far he had not shown her any hint that he was
tiring of her, but she wasn't convinced quite yet. It would take her a while to fully
trust his intentions.

After discovering that several of Bell's buttons were now missing, Edward darted

out into the hall and returned with a pair of jeans and a shirt from Rosalie's closet.

"Are you sure your sister won't mind me wearing her stuff?" she asked hesitantly,

knowing that it went against girl code to just ransack another girl's closet without

"Bell…they're just clothes," he soothed as he helped her into the soft pink shirt.

The ends of the sleeves only came to her elbows, which left plenty of her tattoo
exposed. He loved the contrast between the delicate silk shirt and the blacks and
outrageous colors of her ink. He ran his fingers lovingly over the graceful floral
pentagram she had on the inside of her wrist as he clasped their hands together.

"I do hope my family didn't know what kind of activities we were engaging in,"

Edward said with a smile as he pulled her toward the door. Bell hid her own smile
behind her hand as she remembered Esme's hand motion. Plus between Bell's new
outfit and the wild way Edward's hair was sticking up, they'd have to be blind not to

But as Edward pulled her into his side as they made their way down the stairs,

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Bell realized she was just fine with that.

So there ya go…

Next chapter…more funny.

Want to read some funny while you're waiting? Ladyeire3 has a

HILARIOUS drabble (its complete) called 'A Boy, A Girl and a couple of
Kilts.' Cockness Monster...'nuff said.

fanfiction . net/s/7736857/1/A_Boy_A_Girl_and_a_Couple_of_Kilts

See you next week!

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Chapter 15

Melanie rocked this one out.

Sandy made my head just a bit bigger with her sweet words.

You all…I love you guys so much.

Um…yeah…don't be drinking anything while reading this chapter.

Edward and Bell entered the kitchen cautiously. There was no sign of anyone

around, which was confusing since dinner was ready and sitting on the counter.
Edward put his hands on the counter and leaned across the sink, looking out the
large window and into the backyard. Rose was sitting in a chair watching Alice as
she ran among the flowers in the field behind the house. He couldn't help but smile
as he watched his little sister's joy.

"This is good, but it needs some more spice," Bell said behind him and he turned

and watched as she dipped her fork into his mother's famous tomato sauce. Before
he could stop her, she walked over to the pantry in search of some basil and red
pepper flakes.

"Holy shit!" Bell yelled, covering her mouth with her hand as she got an eyeful of

what was happening in the small room. Edward quickly came up behind her…and
lost his appetite.

His father was pressed up against the shelves of cereal and cans, his shirt pulled

up to just below his chin and his pants around his ankles. His mother was kneeling
before him, her dress unbuttoned, her bra twisted and her hair mussed from his
father's hands that were still tangled in the thick length. While Carlisle struggled to
cover himself, Esme merely smiled at her son and Bell, reaching up with her finger
to wipe her lips nonchalantly.

"Feel better now, Edward? I know your father does," she smirked knowingly, but

before she could say anything else, Edward reach in front of Bell and slammed the
door shut. Bell looked up at Edward blankly before she broke out in hysterical

"How the hell did you end up the way you are with parents like that?" she choked

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out between giggles. Edward tried to be angry, but just seeing her so happy and free
made him smile as well. When they heard the pantry door open behind them,
Edward pulled Bell from the room and shoved her through the back door. Rose and
Alice looked up when they came out into the yard, but otherwise didn't say a thing.
They were used to their parent's amorous behavior after all these years.

"Bell, will you tell me more about my mother? She's never really talked about her

life before we were born," Rose asked, patting the bench next to her. Edward and
Alice sat down on the grass in front of the bench, eager to hear the stories as well.

"Well, obviously this all happened before I was born, but Esmaim is still the main

topic of conversation at any party. She once took down a girl for just looking at her
man, who I guess would have been your father. She pulled the chick's nose ring
right out…blood was everywhere. And that was before the match even started. On
the rink, she was a force to be reckoned with," Bell said dramatically, enjoying the
way the three of them hung on her every word.

"I just can't believe that that was our mom. I mean…does she act like that now and

we just don't see it?" Rose pondered, looking over at Edward. He was having
difficulty meshing together the two different versions of his mother as well.

"Well, I don't think she is that different," Alice said as she put a wide piece of

grass between her thumbs and blew through them, rejoicing in the loud squeak it
produced. "I mean, you should have seen the way she talked to that Brandi girl dad
works with."

Everyone turned and looked at Alice.

"When was this?" Rose asked, encouraging her sister to tell them more.

"At the fundraiser last month; mom and dad had to take me since you two were

working. Anyway…this Brandi girl is a nurse that works with dad and she came up
to him and put her hand on his arm. Mom watched it all from our table, and after
dad moved away, mom got up and went over to her. She put her hand on the Brandi
girl's arm and leaned in real close, talking into her ear. By the time mom was done,
it looked like the girl was going to pee her pants. She never came around dad again
the rest of the night. So I think mom still doesn't like to share…especially when it
comes to dad."

No one spoke for a moment, but then Rose and Edward started speaking at once.

"There was that time that my teacher ended up with a broken nose after she had

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that conference with dad…"

"What about when dad drove the babysitter home and when he came back, mom

was on the phone yelling for like a half an hour…"

Bell listened with amusement as Edward and Rose slowly realized that their

mother was still the possessive hard ass she had once been. Finally she got up from
the bench and clapped her hands together.

"I guess Esme's still got it! Now…who's ready to eat?"

"Judging from your new outfit, it looks liked you two might have already eaten,"

Rose said with a wink as she grabbed Alice's hand and started toward the house.

"How come they got to eat without us?" Alice whined, making Rose laugh…loudly.

After a fairly normal dinner in which Edward avoided eye contact with his mother

and Bell tried desperately to forget she knew what Carlisle's cock looked like,
everyone went their separate ways. Rose had to get ready for work the next day and
Alice had homework to do. Esme gave Bell a lingering hug and Carlisle smiled
warmly as he shook her hand.

"I hope we'll see you again soon," he said and Bell mumbled something

unintelligible as she raced to follow Edward outside. He was standing with his back
against her truck, one knee bent up with his foot flat on the tire. His hands were in
his pockets with his head tipped back, looking at the night sky. Bell stopped walking
and just drank him in. He looked so strong and capable standing there, and she
wished he felt the confidence he exuded.

He brought his head down when he heard the crunching of gravel beneath her

combat boots and smiled at her.

"I went up to my room and got your clothes. They're in the back," Edward said,

jerking his thumb over his shoulder in a nervous gesture. He was petrified that Bell
would tuck tail and run after the series of events that took place that evening.
Instead, she pushed up onto her tiptoes and threaded her fingers through his hair,
pressing her lips gently to his.

"Thank you. That was very thoughtful." Edward hummed against her lips as she

reached up and deepened the kiss, drawing his tongue into her mouth. His hands

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came out of his pockets and he wrapped her up against him, fighting the urge to lift
her in his arms and carry her back into the house. But he had to be at work in a few
hours and she probably had things to do.

She had a life…and he just hoped that she would be able to fit him into it.

"Hmmm…you taste so good," she moaned, pulling away just enough so she could

suckle on his throat. His hands moved restlessly against her back as her teeth
marked him as hers.

"When can I see you again?" he rasped, feeling his whole body tighten as her nails

scraped his scalp.

"You can come over and I'll make you dinner tomorrow night?" she offered, trying

not to sound too hopeful. She wanted nothing more than to watch him eat the food
she made for him, but she couldn't get her hopes up.

"What time do you want me there?" he asked, without hesitation. He was willing

to take whatever she would give him.

"I have practice until four. Do you want to meet me at the rink and then we can go

shopping together?" she asked, keeping her eyes on the collar of his t-shirt. He
wouldn't have that though, and reached down to tip her face up to his. He kissed the
tip of her nose twice before he smiled.

"That sounds perfect."

Be on the lookout for shoutouts…there was one in this chapter and a TON

more coming next chapter.

See ya next week!

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Chapter 16

Back again...

Melanie was pissed off as she beta'd this...which leads to awesomeness.

Sandy might have insisted on a 'no drink' warning with this one...

Shout-out time! If you're not in here yet...don't worry. If I know your

name...I'll do my best to work ya in here.

Edward stood over the metal slab and watched as his assistant rolled over the

body for autopsy. Never before had he found it difficult to concentrate while at
work, but for some reason tonight he just couldn't keep his mind on his task. His
thoughts kept drifting to Bell.

The whine of the Stryker saw broke through his daydreams and he shook his head

as he looked down at the corpse in front of him.

It was going to be a long night.

"Bell…where the hell is your head today? That's the third jam you've fucked up. If

you can't get your shit together we're going to have to find another jammer," Sandy,
aka Ashley Scream, yelled as Bell careened into the boards yet again. She had been
off her game the entire practice. She was nervous about her date with Glasses.

It took all of her willpower not to call him after she got home the night before. She

had laid in her bed, the scent of him still on her sheets, and tried to remember how
safe she felt while lying in his arms. But all she could feel was the sting of rejection
that she had experienced time and time again. She suddenly wondered how it was
possible that he really wanted her, which led to a sleepless night.

Now she was sluggish and distracted, which was dangerous on the track.

"Fuck off Sandy," she grunted as she pushed off the wood divider and skated over

to where the other two captains were standing shooting the shit.

"Hey Bell, I see your skating has gone to hell ever since you got laid," Melanie

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'Melanoma Killya' laughed as she looked up from the clip board in her hands. Bell
clenched her hands into fists to keep from launching herself in Melanie's direction.

"Well come on, like we all wouldn't want a piece of that hotness," Shelley 'Shell

Shock' sighed, her eyes trained up on the stands. Bell followed her gaze and felt her
cheeks get warm when she saw Glasses sitting there. Shelley was still staring at him
when Bell turned back around, and she just couldn't let that happen. Bell spun on
her skates, so she was in front of Shelley, blocking her view of Edward.

"That is my man up there. So you can look all you want, but if I find out you

touched him…shit is going to get epic pretty damn quick. In fact, I don't even like
you looking, so turn around," Bell growled softly. Shelley had been in enough
skirmishes with Bell to know when she could push and when she needed to back off,
and this was way past backing off time.

"Sorry Bell, didn't know you were so possessive. He's all yours," Shelley said

quietly, sliding backwards on her skates, away from Bell.

"Does he like you being all 'momma bear' on him? Not many men do," Melanie

inquired, but Bell wasn't listening. She had turned around to try and catch Edward's
eye, but he was now standing at the edge of the rink talking to the team's resident

Oh hell no, Bell thought, as she pushed away from Melanie without a second


"As I said, I am not a Sports Medicine specialist, but you said you had pain all the

way up to your hip?" Edward inquired as he poked at Bell's teammate's leg. She had
come over to him in the stands while he was waiting for Bell to finish her practice
and introduced herself as 'Beth Wish'. He was in the middle of examining her hip
when he felt Bell come up behind him. He turned and smiled at her, but jerked back
when he saw the expression on her face.

"What the fuck, Beth?" Bell snarled, skidding to a halt inches from where they

stood. Edward slowly lowered the girl's leg to the ground and reached for Bell's arm,
but before he could make contact, she lunged for Beth. Hair flew every which way as
the girls tussled, but Edward managed to pull Bell off of her teammate without much
trouble. Beth got to her feet and skated away, glaring at Bell the entire time.

"Bell?" he questioned, but she refused to look at him. "Isabella?"

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"I told you not to call me that," she whispered harshly as she peeked up at him

through her eyelashes. Would he run? Now that he had seen her go off the deep
end, would he leave her?

"I apologize. She came over and was complaining of medial thigh and hip pain. I

was simply trying to help one of your teammates," he said quietly, his green eyes so
intense behind the lenses of his glasses.

"No, I'm the one who should be apologizing. Beth is just such a slut…I can't tell

you how many boys she has stolen from the other girls," Bell sighed, hating that her
insecurity was showing so quickly in their relationship.

"Well, I guess it is good that I'm not a boy…I'm a man. And you were the one who

proved that, weren't you?" he asked, his deep voice and seductive words penetrating
her soul. His hand trailed up and down her arm softly, sending shivers through her.
It was all she could do not to jump him right there, but she somehow managed to
shrug out of his grip and start skating backwards.

"Let me get my shit and we'll blow this clambake," she cooed coyly, tossing him a

wink as she skated away.

"Do you like Thai food?" Bell asked as she picked up a basket from the holder next

to the door. Edward put his hand on the small of her back as he followed her over to
the produce section.

"I am a fan of most Asian cuisines. You make it and I'll eat it," he shrugged as he

held the basket for her while she searched for the perfect head of cabbage and only
the freshest green onions.

"I have most everything else I need at home already. We just need to find

something for dessert," she said offhandedly as she wandered over toward the
bakery. The éclairs looked good but they didn't really go with the Thai menu she had
planned out. She swore she could feel the intensity of Edward's gaze on her behind
as she bent over to look at the cakes that were displayed on the lowest shelf.

"Do you see anything you like?" she teased, looking at him over her shoulder. His

eyes were trained on her upraised backside, but he pulled them from that
sumptuous scenery when she spoke.

"I see several things I like. But why don't we just get some ice cream and call it a

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day," he said, his voice as tight as the crotch of his pants. Bell managed to hide her
giggle as she stood up and walked off toward the freezer section. When she reached
into the case to pick out a container of vanilla ice cream, she was hit with a wicked

It seemed to take Bell longer than necessary to decide on a type of ice cream, but

when she finally pulled her head from inside the enclosure, Edward understood
instantly what the delay had been. Her nipples stood at attention, the twin points
poking through her shirt like beacons. His mouth watered at the thought of warming
them up for her.

"Unless you would like to become intimately acquainted with the bathroom of this

grocery store, I suggest we make our way to the check out," Edward said softy,

The chill that ran down Bell's spine had nothing to do with her recent visit to the

freezer, and she didn't hesitate as she reached out and grabbed his hand.

"Let's leave my truck here…it'll be faster," she whimpered as she pulled him

toward the register.

"Anything that gets me inside you faster would be appreciated," he whispered in

her ear as they stood in line. Bell turned toward him, shocked that something so
graphic had come out of his mouth. The smirk on his face said it all-he was now a
man with firsthand knowledge of sex…and he was ready for more.

Oh yeah he chapter...1000+ words of pure smut :)

Last week's shoutout...the amazing and talented Beegurl13, aka, Brandi. I

made her a slutty nurse...but she knows I love her :)

See ya next week!

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Chapter 17

I'm not going to say much…

1200+ words of pure smut ahead…

Huge thanks to Alterite who was my 1000th review! Plus she's pretty and

re-translated all the French for 'Chocolate Covered Kisses'…she rocks.

Melanie edited the hell out of this chapter. Who knew adding the word

'thick' could change so much

Sandy is the wind beneath my wings and is amazing…that is all.

"Do you have any idea how sexy you look?" Bell rasped as she looked across her

small kitchen table and watched Edward using a pair of chopsticks to snag a piece of
chicken. He glanced up and met her eyes, a drop of sauce getting caught on his
obscenely full lower lip.

"I have no frame of reference to answer that, but I do know how alluring and

delectable you look right now," he answered, lifting his napkin to wipe his mouth.
He set the square of linen down and pushed away from the table, dinner forgotten.

How they had managed to be patient enough for Bell to prepare the food at all

was a mystery. He had been desperate to feel her against him, to taste her secret
flesh once more and hear her call his name as she came apart in his arms. But he
had been intrigued as he watched her take charge in the kitchen, using the knives
with a kind of grace he had never seen. She managed to get everything on the table
at the same time, a feat his mother had not even perfected after all her years of

But now…their stomachs had ceased their rumbling and they had endless hours

ahead of them just waiting to be filled.

"I'm feeling kinda dirty after practice. Would you help me take a bath?" she cooed,

fluttering her eyelashes as she rose from the table.

Instant…painfully hard…erection.

Edward followed her out of the kitchen, watching as her voluptuous rear end

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swayed with her every step.

To him, she was a Goddess.

Her clothes started to come off as she sauntered toward the bathroom and by time

she bent over the tub to turn on the water, the only thing that remained was her
pink polka dot boy shorts. She added a pink ball to the warm water and it fizzed
wildly, filling the air with the scent of lavender and peppermint. He watched as she
lit two fat pillar candles and then poured a capful of oil into the water. Slowly, with
the steam softly swirling around her, she slid her fingers beneath her panties and
kicked them to the floor. She kept her eyes on his as she lowered herself into the
scented water.

Edward was frozen. His eyes were focused on the way the water lapped at her

nipples and how the ink on her skin seemed to come alive as the water covered her
flesh. It wasn't until she motioned him forward that he seemed to gain control of his
motor functions again. He knelt down beside her as she held up a plush washcloth.

"Will you wash me, Glasses?" she asked, her voice a husky rush of vowels and

consonants that held him captive. He accepted the cloth with trembling hands and
dipped it into the warm water near her feet. He grasped the fabric tightly as he ran
it down her arm, starting at her delicately muscled deltoid and gliding down over
her bicep. He lingered at her coronoid fossa, letting his knuckles brush against the
sensitive skin of her breast. She gasped and let her head fall back against the side of
the tub, her hooded eyes locked on him.

The deliberate care with which he treated her surprised Bell. He had been so

worked up before they left the store, she expected him to throw her against the wall
as soon as they arrived at her little cottage. But he had been patient as she cooked
and then even more so as they sat together and ate what she had prepared for him.
Now…with her completely at his mercy, he was content to take his time. And she
was soaking it up.

He washed between her fingers and then moved to the other arm. His pace never

faltered, even as his breath grew rough and his glasses fogged up. He avoided her
breasts but made sure to take great care in cleansing her belly, lingering on the
smooth spot just above her pubic bone. The water splashed over the lip of the tub as
Bell writhed beneath his not so innocent touches. All she wanted was for him to go
lower, to stroke her where she ached for him. But he ignored the desperate sounds
that broke free from her lips and the way her body arched up for him. He was going
to make sure she was clean before they did anything else.

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Edward moved to the end of the tub, sitting along the narrow ledge and reached

down for her foot. Oblivious that he was getting himself all wet, he rested her leg on
his lap and gently rubbed the soap into her calf. Bell moved like a cat, all luxurious
stretches as he kneaded her muscles. By the time both of her legs were done,
Edward's pants were soaked and Bell was nearly catatonic from pleasure. She
managed to open her eyes when she felt Edward shifting around. And then…he was
right there.

Edward's face was inches from her own, each of his breaths a harsh burst from his

lungs as he stood above her. His pants were tented to comical proportions as he
looked down at her, but he didn't seem to care. The washcloth was still gripped in
his fingers and Bell watched as he slowly moved it toward her breasts. The first
stroke was teasing – just a brush against her sensitive skin. The second was torture,
his palm cupping her as he pulled the material across her puckered flesh. By the
time he made a third pass, Bell was gasping, her hands grasping onto his arms as
her body trembled.

"Glasses…please," she whimpered as he attended to her pierced nipple, the thick

weave of the cloth dragging against the silver ball.

"Patience," he whispered, as sweat dripped down his temple. He was as worked

up as Bell and she hadn't even touched him yet.

Sweeping his hand and the cloth down between her breasts, he made a beeline

right for that delicate spot between her thighs. He cupped her chastely, allowing the
fabric to be a barrier between their flesh. Bell cried out, her hands reaching for any
part of him she could reach. She settled for her fingers threading through his thick
hair. His motions were so subtle at first, she almost didn't feel them. But as he
started rocking his palm faster and harder, the sensations quickly erupted into
something mind-blowing.

"Edward…oh, please!" she begged shamelessly as her nails nipped at his scalp. He

pressed harder, forcing the fabric between her soaked folds, giving her the friction
she so desperately needed.

Her shout echoed through the house as she thrashed, water going everywhere.

Edward continued to stroke her gently, his lips moving softly against her temple as
she settled down.

"That was…I can't even…" she mumbled, her eyes dazed as she looked up at him.

He simply smiled and held his hand out to her, helping her out of the bath, then into
a cozy towel and guided her down the hall to her bedroom.

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"If you give me a few minutes, I'll return the favor," she sighed as she collapsed

onto her bed. Edward smoothed her hair off her forehead as he watched her fall

He cleaned up the bathroom and put the towels and his damp clothes in the wash

before he joined Bell beneath the covers. As she snuggled against him, her face
tucked into his neck, he realized that it didn't much matter that he hadn't had a

Knowing that he gave her pleasure was enough.

Next chapter…yeah…it's epic.

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Chapter 18

The Epicness has arrived.

Melanie says I'm going to get shit for this.

Sandy says these songs got stuck in her head.

I say that I never made it through the chapter without laughing so hard I

nearly peed.

You have been warned.

The music was blaringly loud as Bell came out of the bathroom.

The hokey pokey…great.

Only the most irritating song ever written, Bell thought as she skated toward the


She couldn't understand why the lights were so low or why there was no one else

in the arena.

Suddenly the music stopped and the only thing she could hear was the smooth

glide of her skates on the rink.

She came around to the main arena and felt her knees go weak.

There, in the middle of the hardwoods…was Edward.

The spot lights were trained on his magnificent form.

His head was thrown back, the smooth expanse of his chest bare.

His jeans hung low on his hips, giving her a teasing glimpse of his sharp hipbones

and the trail of hair that led from his navel to his cock.

Bell felt herself go completely wet between her thighs.

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She started to push off toward him, but before she could move, three people

materialized behind him, coming out of the dark.

The growl that broke free from Bell's lips was feral and loud enough to rival that

of a lioness as she watched Beth snake her hand around Edward's bare shoulders.

Her nickname of 'Beth Wish' was about to become a reality.

Bell was desperately trying to yell for him…to go to him, but neither her voice nor

her feet would work.

When the second set of hands started stroking her Glasses, she knew she had to

have been dreaming.

The last time she saw Jennifer Love-Tohit was when she had tried out for the

Portland team.

Now the curly-haired skank had her hands all over Edward.

Bell fought against the invisible bonds that held her…feeling helpless as the third

girl walked into the light.

TripMe Wrongstockings was the jammer for the Lilac City Rollergirls…her

dreaded rival.

As the dark blonde-haired vixen moved smoothly around Glasses, Bell felt her

stomach roll.

The music started up again…this time with an eerie rendition of the limbo.

Every limbo boy and girl

All around the limbo world

Gonna do the limbo rock

All around the limbo clock

Slut be limbo, Slut be quick

Slut go unda Edward's dick

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All around the limbo clock

Hey, let's jump on Edward's cock

Bell watched in morbid fascination as the girls worked together to strip the jeans

from Edward's hips.

They skated around him, each removing pieces of their skimpy clothes and

throwing them toward Bell.

She wanted to scream, but no sound came out.

The strobe lights came on then, bathing the rink in flashing red and blue pulses.

When Jennifer stopped in front of Edward and slid to her knees before him, she

tried desperately to move but the music changed again, louder this time.

You slide his big dick in,

You slide his big dick out,

You slide his big dick in

And you suck it all about.

You do the Hokey Pokey

While you slurp on Edward's cock,

That's what it's all about.

Edward brought his hands up, pushing Jennifer away and Bell was relieved that he

was finally coming to his senses.

But instead of moving toward her, he grabbed Trip's voluptuous hips and brought

her bare ass into the cradle of his hips.

He slams his big dick in,

He pulls his big dick out.

He slams his big dick in,

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And he makes her scream and shout.

They do the Hokey Pokey,

And he fucks her till she squirts,

Edward slams her until it hurts.

Bell could feel the pieces of her heart that Edward's gentle touch had mended

threatening to shatter into oblivion as she watched his smooth muscles clenching as
he fucked these girls right in front of her.

When he looked up and met her eyes as he slid inside of Beth's well-used hole, she

couldn't take any more.

She opened her mouth and started to scream.

Edward woke up out of a dead sleep to the sound of Bell's hoarse scream. He

reached through the sheets, trying desperately to wake her up from whatever
phantoms were torturing her unconscious mind. When he had her trembling body in
his arms, he sat up, easily maneuvering her into his lap.

"I have you Bell. I have you," he soothed as he stroked his hand down her bare,

damp spine.

He could feel the moisture of her tears on his naked chest, but he stayed silent

and simply held her. When her breathing had settled, she sat back and shyly avoided
his gaze.

"I'm sorry," she sighed, pushing her wild hair off of her forehead.

"You have no reason to apologize. There have been many studies done which have

proven that eating spicy foods before bed can raise the body temperature, leading to
poor quality sleep. That curry you made, while delicious, was very spicy. I'm sure
that was the reason," he said, refusing to release her when she tried to wiggle away.
He started to laugh quietly when she did it again and she finally looked up and faced
him head on.

"I'm sorry, Edward."

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The desperately painful look in her eyes left him unable to speak and he reached

up and pushed her hair behind her ear and then leaned forward and kissed her.

Once his plush, soft lips met hers, she couldn't resist. She leaned back, never

releasing his mouth and swung her leg so she was straddling his hips. Edward
moaned as she sat back on his suddenly hard, desperately throbbing cock. His hands
moved from her delicate shoulders to her curvy hips as she ground her ass down on

He threw his head back when he felt the wetness from her already coating his

shaft, but her choked sob had him jerking back toward her. He was stunned when he
saw the shimmering tears in her eyes. He tried to push her back, so he wasn't
perilously close to impaling herself on his shaft, but she refused to move. Instead,
she rose up onto her knees and took him within her. He ground his teeth against the
overwhelming sensations of her silky heat surrounding his most sensitive flesh.

"Bell," he gasped as she started to move over him. He stared into her soulful

brown eyes as she rode him, not letting her look away.

"Yes…please…take me…love me," he moaned as he felt his orgasm quickly

approaching. He had just enough brain cells left and he slid one hand up to stroke
her engorged clit, driving her headlong into her release.

Bell buried her face in Edward's neck as she came, hiding her tears of both joy

and agony.

As much as she wanted to, she couldn't love him…she just couldn't.

Starts out funny…ends up sad.


See you next week!

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Chapter 19

I'm a wuss. Anyone that knows me knows that. I HATE angst...

That being said...if you can make it through this one, you'll be fine.

Melanie was pissed while beta'ing this, which means tons of red and win

for you!

Sandy is my sweetheart and is making sure I don't leave you hanging too


"I'm working tonight and tomorrow night, but I'm free on Thursday. Do you want

to…" Edward's soft inquiry was silenced by Bell's harsh sigh.

"Why don't we just play it by ear?" she offered as she walked across the living

room and yanked open the front door. Edward felt the flush of insecurity and
embarrassment creep up his neck as he reached for his jacket.

They had fallen into an exhausted sleep after Bell's nightmare and the subsequent

sex, his arms wrapped around her tightly in slumber. In his sleep he dreamt that
Bell recognized the depths of his feelings for her and realized she felt the same. As
his eyes opened to the bright sunshine, he turned to see if his dreams were reality.
But he found himself alone in her bed and the rest of the morning he could feel her
trying to distance herself from him. Why…he didn't understand. He folded his coat
over his arm as he walked over to where she stood next to the open door. He felt his
chest tighten when she backed away from his searching hands and had to clear his
throat before he was able to speak.

"Right. Well then…I hope to hear from you soon," he said. While he had been able

to keep his expression neutral, his voice betrayed the hurt and confusion he was
feeling. But Bell stood firm, simply nodding at him as she started to close the door
behind him. He stood facing the solid and unforgiving wood door and listened to the
click of the latch. It took several tries before he was able to swallow past the lump in
his throat and take a normal breath.

Somehow he wasn't surprised that she had tired of him so quickly. He had just

hoped he would have been able to put forth more of a fight. His eyes stung as he
walked over to his car and started the engine. He realized that Bell's truck was still

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sitting in the parking lot of the Safeway and he debated going back inside to see if
she wanted him to drive her to pick it up. But she had made her decision clear.

She didn't seem to want or need him anymore.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Bell looked up at Shelley with a glare, but her teammate wasn't going to let her

get off that easy.

"You nearly took Whiti's head off with that block. Are you even thinking about the

other girls out there playing with you?" Shelley spat as she tugged on Bell's arm.
Bell rolled her eyes as she tried to push past Shell, but that wasn't happening.

"It's fine, Shell. No big deal," Whiti Creamher said quietly as she skated up to the

pair, wincing when Bell's venomous glare slid to her. Whiti was new to the team and
only wanted to fit in. She didn't think having the team's resident hard-ass mad at her
was a good way to start.

"Fuck that. She's not paying attention," Shelley said, pointing her finger in Bell's

face. "You hear me? You're going to get someone hurt."

It had been more than a week since she had all but kicked Glasses out of her

house. He had texted her twice a day for the first few days, but she couldn't bring
herself to reply. When those messages finally stopped, she was relieved that he had
given up even though she wept at the loss. She had become far more attached than
she had even realized.

Now she was supposed to be concentrating on the very important bout against

Rose City, but she was floundering. Her eyes kept darting up into the stands,
searching for him.

Shelley came in close and spoke right in Bell's ear.

"I know something happened and I know you don't want to talk about it, but you

are endangering the other girls out there. If you can't get your shit together, I'm
going to have to bench you."

Bell clenched her hands into tight fists at her side, but met Shell's eyes and


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Life went on…

Even if your heart was broken.

"Please, Edward! Bell promised I could meet some of her teammates," Alice

begged her brother, but he just couldn't do it. He had tried to fight against Bell's
silence, but his text messages went unanswered. He even went so far as to drive
past her cottage. When he saw her truck parked in the drive and the windows
glowing warmly from the lights inside, he took comfort in the fact that at least she
was safe, but he just couldn't bring himself to knock on her door.

"Ask Rosie if she can take you," he mumbled, not even lifting his eyes from the

pages of the book in his hands.

"But Edward, Bell is your…" Alice started to say, but the loud slamming of

Edward's book on the counter startled her into silence. She looked up at him with
tears in her eyes.

"She didn't want me, Alice. So just…stop. If you want to go to the bout, you'll have

to ask Rose."

As he watched his little sister run from the room, he tried to take a deep breath

but found he couldn't. The ever-present pain in his chest was amplified now by the
disgust he felt over how he treated Alice.

But he didn't know how to fix either problem.

"Something is wrong with Edward," Alice whispered into Bell's ear as they sat

together on the bench. Bell had stuck by her promise and introduced her to the team
after the bout, making sure that all the girls treated Edward's sister with respect.
But even rough and crass Derby girls would find it hard to be rude to such a sweet
little girl.

"Yeah," Bell sighed as she put her arm along the back of the bench. She could see

Rose chatting with some of the girls from the other team, her bright blonde hair and
outrageous looks getting attention from both the men in the stands and the girls on
the rink. The jammer from the Rose City Rollers, Laura Biting Citizen, seemed to be
taking quite an interest in her, judging from the way she was all but rubbing herself
against Rose's leg.

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"It makes me sad."

Bell looked down and met Alice's teary eyes. She cursed herself for getting

involved with Edward. She wasn't good enough for Glasses, let alone the rest of his

"I'm sorry, Alice."

"But you can fix this, Bell. Just call him…please," she begged, her little hands

coming up to grab onto Bell's shirt. As her hands covered Alice's and tried to
untangle them, she felt her own eyes get damp. She didn't want this…she didn't
want any of this. She was better off alone.

But after having seen just how amazing it could be with the right person, alone

seemed so much lonelier now. God help her, she missed him. His touch, his smell,
the way he treated her – everything.

Looking down into Alice's pleading eyes, she gave in.

"Okay Alice, I'll call him."

Deep breath...

Next week :)

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Chapter 20

I promised a quick end to the angst.

Melanie added a TON!

Sandy confirmed that it was indeed a dirty Derby…

And my love for you is epic!


His voice was harsh and abrasive in Bell's ear and she nearly lost her nerve. But

he had a right to be angry and she deserved to have to earn back his affection.

"Hey, Glasses," she said after clearing her throat.

There was nothing but silence on his end of the line.

Had she ruined things between them so badly that they couldn't get back to where

they were?

Could she have already lost the best thing she'd ever had?

"Hey, Bell."

With a shuddering sigh, Bell prepared to throw herself on her sword.

"I know you're angry with me - you have every right to be. I'm sorry I treated you

like shit. I'm sorry I ignored your texts. I just…you spooked me," she confessed,
hating that she was giving him ammunition against her but knowing she needed to
be truthful with him. "But I missed you," she added softly.

"Well, I believe some of the blame is also on me. I should not have spoken about

emotional feelings during our intimate moments. I've always read that words blurted
out during sex are usually baseless and just a product of the high brought on by an
orgasm. And while I believe that my words do not fall into that category, I can
understand why you might have doubted the validity of my outburst. I apologize as
well," he said, his voice deep and rasping. "But Bell, I need you to understand that if

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we are to go forth with this relationship, you can't just desert me like you did. You've
become an important part of my life in the short time we've known each other and
when you dismissed me so callously…"

Bell blinked quickly, trying to keep the sudden tears that had flooded her eyes

from falling. Here was this amazing man, sweet and kind, generous and smart and
so drop dead gorgeous he made her defunct ovaries hurt and he was apologizing to
her. When he'd done nothing but try and make her feel special. And he still wanted
her, regardless of how badly she'd treated him.

"I'm sorry, Edward. I'll do my best to try and talk to you if I get scared again," she

whispered, hoping that he could hear the truth in her voice. "I'm not very good at

"Nor am I, Bell. But communication is key in order for this to work," he sighed.

"I know," she responded softly.

A tense silence filled the phone line and Bell wondered if he'd hung up. When he

spoke again, his voice was gentle.

"Okay, Bell. I'll take what I can get."

"This place is really nice. Thanks for inviting me."

Edward looked up from his menu at Bell, who was sitting stiffly in the high-backed

chair. When she had mentioned going to dinner, he instantly thought of Tavolo per
, his favorite Italian restaurant. But now, watching her fidget and primp in the
uncomfortable setting he was regretting his decision.

She had answered the door looking like something out of a dream. Her

knee-length black dress was conservative yet alluring. Her hair was tied up artfully
in a knot on her head and she had taken out her lip ring. It wasn't until now, seeing
her in this fancy place, that he realize what she was doing.

She was trying to change...for him.

But he didn't want this pale imitation of the girl he knew.

He wanted the wild-child that he first fell for.

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Edward set the menu down on the table and stood. Bell looked up at him when he

walked over and knelt down next to her. Reaching beneath the table, he sighed
when he found that not only was she wearing pantyhose, she had on sensible shoes
as well.

He was an idiot.

He stared up at her, taking in the fine layer of eye shadow on her lids and the twin

punctures where her piercing once sat.

"Let's get out of here."

Bell let herself be yanked to her feet and stumbled behind Edward as he pulled

her out of the restaurant. Once outside, he pushed her back against the rough stone
of the building and covered her mouth with his. The kiss was unrelenting and
punishing, a manifestation of his regret. He knew his Bell would be uncomfortable in
a restaurant like that, yet he didn't even think twice before he suggested it.

Bell's head was reeling from the way Edward held her. His panting breath and the

hard ridge of his erection that was pressing against her hip excited her. She
followed after him when he pulled away to try and catch his breath, her lips and
teeth attacking the line of his jaw. His hands grabbed tightly to her ass, fingers
clenching and unclenching on the firm flesh. When his fingers encountered a bump
beneath the fabric of her dress, he leaned back so he could meet her eyes.

"I'm wearing a garter belt," she rasped and he had to close his eyes for a moment

and compose himself otherwise he was going to take her right where they stood.

"Take me home," she whispered into his ear, her tongue flicking out, grazing his

lobe and making his body jerk at the sensation.

"We need to talk..." he whimpered as her tongue ran around the outside of his ear


"And we will, but right now we need to get back in your pretentious car and get

somewhere with a bed."

Edward stepped back and looked at her as she leaned against the wall. Her hair

had come out of its intricate twist and her cheeks were flushed pink. The hem of her
dress was up around her thighs and she had stepped out of one of those sensible

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She looked perfect.

He leaned down and swept her into his arms, laughing when she kicked the other

shoe off and it went sailing up over their heads, forgotten.

"Ouch," Bell giggled as Edward bashed her head into the wall. Edward let some

colorful expletives fly as he struggled to close the door of Bell's cottage without
relinquishing his hold on her. The ride from the restaurant to her house had been an
exercise in restraint as Bell had made a point to flash those oh so sexy garter belts
and thigh high stockings at every opportunity. The not so subtle comment about her
being sans panties had him pushing the car to its limit in an effort to get there

Realizing the bedroom was just too far away; Edward moved towards the couch

and sat down without releasing her from the cradle of his arms. Once he was seated,
Bell hiked her leg up and straddled him, making her skirt pull up high enough to
show him her bright pink garter belts.

"You are so damn sexy," he growled as he reached out and ran his finger over the

lace top of her stockings.

"It makes me so hot when you curse," she sighed as she tackled the buttons of his


"Oh yeah? You like it when I say nasty words to you?" he smirked as he let her

push the shirt off his shoulders. She cocked her head to the side and gave him a
little smile.

"You know it does. But what makes me really crazy is when you talk all formal and

technical and shit."

Edward closed his eyes and let his head fall against the back of the couch as she

slid to the floor and knelt between his spread thighs. He grunted when her hand
closed over his erection through his pants.

"So you like it when I tell you I think about you performing fellatio on me?"

Bell moaned as she freed the buckle of his belt and yanked it free.

"Yes...more," she demanded, reaching for his zipper and tugging both his pants

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and boxer briefs down to his feet. His glorious cock stood hard and leaking in front
of her.

"I think about how it would feel if you were to kiss my glans…" he trailed off as he

watched her pink tongue peek out from between her full lips.

"More," she goaded as she drew her fingers up the inside of his thigh, ghosting

over his sac and just barely touching his shaft.

"Or what you would look like with your tongue running up my frenulum," he

groaned as she slid her hand slowly up and down his shaft in a milking motion.

"And what if I took you down my throat, Glasses? Do you think about me taking

your semen in my mouth? About me swallowing your essence?" she whispered
before she curled her tongue around the tip of his cock-and that was it.

Edward grabbed onto the cushion beneath him as he came, his eyes half-closed as

he tried to watch Bell. Her full lips were stretched wide around his girth and her
own eyes were half-lidded as if she were savoring him.

He knew they should be talking.

Yes, he thought, they would definitely have time to talk…later.

But right now, talking was the last thing on his mind.


Next chapter...more.

Love you!

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Chapter 21

Huge thanks to my girls, Sandy and Melanie who boost my confidence and

make everything I write…better.

Um…hotness warning.

"Do you see how tightly he's gripping her thighs? He's really pounding into her. I

bet he's hitting her cervix with every thrust," Bell whispered as she draped herself
over Edward's bare back, her breasts pressing against his spine. Her laptop sat open
on the bed in front of him, one of Bell's favorite adult DVDs playing on the screen.
"It is so hot, so…sexy," she growled softly into his ear.

"Hmmm," Edward groaned, unable to take his eyes off the erotic display unfolding

before him. When Bell suggested they watch one of her movies, he had been
surprised at the content. The plot had started out fairly banal, but as soon as the
couple started kissing, clothes started coming off and he realized that they were
watching porn.

"I love this part. Watch how he lifts her up onto his thighs. Her pelvis is on an

angle, which allows the head of his cock to graze her G-spot." Bell's breath was hot
and damp against his neck and he trembled. After she had worshiped his cock, he
had spent nearly an hour making sure not an inch of her delectable pussy had been
neglected by his lips and tongue. She led him into the shower after that, taking her
time as she washed his hair and body. When it was his turn with the bar of soap, he
worked up a thick lather before he knelt down at her feet and smoothed his hands
over her silky skin. Once they were clean and dry, they tumbled into the kitchen and
ate cereal while standing over the sink before they wandered back into her
bedroom, their eyes rarely leaving each other's.

Edward felt his body responding to both the visual stimuli playing out on the

laptop in front of him and to Bell's proximity. Her little hands moved around his
waist and slid down over his tight abdomen, feeling the barely repressed power in
his muscles.

"Would you like to take me that way, Glasses? You could make me moan and

whimper like that," she cooed as she slowly drew her fingers lower, onto the hard
shaft of his cock.

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"We were supposed to talk," he whimpered, turning his head to catch her eye. But

those deep brown eyes were locked on his throbbing erection.

"And we will talk, Glasses," she vowed as she wrapped her palm around the head

of his cock, gliding through the silky pre-come that had collected at the tip. "But
right now, I want you to fuck me until I can't walk."

Edward moved quickly then, pulling himself out of her grasp and pushing her

gently back onto the bed. The way she looked up at him as he crawled up over her
widespread limbs made him feel powerful and wanted. His lips curled up into a
smile when he watched her hips rise up, trying desperately to get friction where she
needed it.

But that would have to wait.

He leaned down and claimed her lips, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, his

need to possess her overpowering all else. Bell's fingers grabbed onto his shoulders,
attempting to keep herself from being swept away. Edward was the ever sturdy port
amongst the chaotic storm of emotions he brought out in her…and she was
desperately trying to trust that he would always be there to save her.

"What do you want, Bell? Do you want me to fuck you like that guy did? Or do you

want me to do what I want? Because this isn't just fucking for me," he rasped as he
slowly lowered his body to hers, aligning them from head to toe. She opened her
eyes and looked up at him, seeing the swirling emotions that were so obvious in his
green gaze. "That wasn't anywhere near as sexy as you are, Bell. And you do it
without even trying. You make me so hot."

Her eyes widened at his words.

"I want you," she whispered, reaching up to pull him down to her mouth.

There were no punishing thrusts or rough hands as Edward took her. Instead he

tried to convey with his body just how important she was to him. He knew she would
bolt if he said the words, but he couldn't keep it in any longer. Their separation had
shown him just how much he needed her. She was the self-proclaimed bitch that
owned his heart.

As Edward moved above her, his hands cradling her head and his eyes locked on

hers, she felt her protective walls crumbling. After years of using sex as a tool, she
was finally experiencing what it was truly meant to be…an exchange of souls.

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Hours later, Bell woke to the Edward's soft voice in her ear. His arms were

wrapped protectively around her, his thigh thrown over both her legs as if he was
worried she might leave while he was asleep. She couldn't deny the desire to flee
when she heard what he was whispering in his sleep.

"Perfect girl…so damn sexy…love you."

As much as she didn't want to admit it, she rejoiced at his words. Even in his

dreams she was there with him. It just showed her how different they were. Her
sleep was plagued with nightmares of him fucking other women, while he slept
soundly with words of love on his lips. Once again she fought against the urge to
leave him, knowing that she just wasn't good enough for him. What if she could
never open herself up and return his affection? How could he stand to stay with her,
knowing that she might never say the words? And then there was her infertility. He
was a strong and intelligent man who would one day want children.

And she couldn't give him any.

"Don't leave me, Bell. Isabella…love you," he mumbled, his body tensing as if he

could feel her indecision. She rolled over and settled her head on his chest, soothing
her hand up and down his arm. He turned his head in her direction and breathed in
deep, relaxing once more into sleep.

As Bell listened to the strong beat of his heart beneath her ear, she realized she

was fighting a losing battle. There was no way she could be without him now.

No way.

Oh Bell…

See you next week!

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Chapter 22

I'm sure most of you already know why this update is late…but if not:

FF . net is purging all of the stories that they received reports about, and

apparently 'From my Window' violated their 'script/text' rule. Did I break the
rules by posting MA rated fics? Fuck yes I did…but did I violate THAT rule?
Nope. Oh well. So anyway, I got banned from uploading for a few days.

But I'm back…and I have a blog as well as being up on TWCS…

kitkat681 . blogspot . com

I love this short and sweet chapter. There were mixed emotions and

reactions from my girls Melanie and Sandy about…well, you'll see.

Bell rolled over and tried not to be too upset when she found her bed empty.

Edward had wanted to talk, but in her usual 'avoid reality at all costs' mentality, she
had used sex as a distraction. Now he was gone.

Throwing her hand over her eyes, she let her emotions free, wanting the pain to

fester and scar her. She wanted something of Edward to keep forever…even if it was
a broken heart.

Bell was just allowing the sobs to overtake her when she smelled something

burning. She threw the covers off and jumped from the bed, her bare feet skidding
on the wood floor as she ran toward the kitchen. Sliding to a halt in the doorway,
she braced herself against the wall because her legs just refused to hold her up.

Glasses was standing at her counter, fighting with her toaster…bare-ass naked.

There were dirty dishes spread across every available surface and most of her

appliances looked like they had gone through a war. But sitting on her table was her
rarely used platter filled to overflowing with cut fruit and what appeared to be
grilled cheese sandwiches.

"Come on, you son of a bitch," Edward mumbled as he yanked the toaster's cord

out of the outlet and stuck a fork into the thing. He had managed to get the fruit cut
up without a problem, but ran into issues when he tried to use Bell's fancy juicer to

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make fresh orange juice. He might have to buy her a new one. Now he was
struggling to get the last grilled cheese sandwich out of the damn toaster.

He was so involved with the battle; he didn't notice that Bell had awoken until he

felt her hand on his shoulder.

"Do you need some help?" she asked, her voice husky from sleep. He spun around,

embarrassed to have been caught unaware and amidst such a mess. He had been
planning on getting everything cleaned up before she woke.

"I seem to be having an issue with your toaster," he said shyly. He didn't meet her

eyes as he handed her the fork he had been using to try to extricate the sandwich
from its metal prison. She took the utensil and deftly levered the bread and cheese
concoction from the toaster and plopped the burnt mess down on the counter.

"You can't really put cheese in a toaster. It melts," she said, unable to think of

anything less awkward to say. His sleep-induced confession was still bouncing
around in her brain.

I love you.

"Ah, that would explain the mess then," he replied as he reached for the ruined

sandwich. "Thankfully I managed to get a few done before I brought catastrophe
down on another of your small appliances."

Edward tossed the mess into the garbage and then steered her to the chair. He

took great care to scoot her in and place her napkin gently in her lap. Bell had to
hide her laughter behind her hand as she watched him cross the room to the fridge,
his naked ass on display. But when he turned around and she saw what was in his
hand, all traces of humor disappeared.

"Oh no way…you are not one of those people, are you? Not in my house," she

yelled as she pushed away from the table and reached past him, into the fridge.
"This is what we eat on grilled cheese here."

Edward felt his empty stomach revolt at the sight of the small jar.

"Bell, I refuse to eat grape jelly on my grilled cheese," he said, trying to make his

voice as firm as possible. She grabbed the bottle from his hand and shook it in his

"Well, I refuse to let you put ketchup on it."

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They stood toe to toe in her little kitchen, both naked as the day they were born,

fighting over which condiment to use. Bell slowly set the ketchup down on the
counter and unscrewed the lid to the jelly. She reached behind her without looking
and grabbed a sandwich. Dipping the crust into the thick, purple goo, she held it up
to him.

A challenge.

"I'm not eating that," he whispered, ducking his head out of the way when she

shoved it at him.

"Just try it," she goaded as she brought the sandwich up to her mouth and took a

big bite. She moaned as the sweet, buttery and salty mixture melted on her tongue.
"It is so good."

Edward couldn't take his eyes off the way her mouth moved around the huge bite

of food. Her eyes were hooded and vague, which reminded him of how she looked
after he gave her an orgasm. Maybe this concoction of hers was worth trying.

As she swirled the crispy crust into the jar again, he leaned forward and opened

his mouth, sticking out his tongue for her. All she could think was just how talented
that tongue was. His perfect teeth bit down, ripping the bread and cheese out of her
hand. He looked contemplative as he chewed, as if he were trying to give the tastes
his full attention. She held her breath as she waited for him to speak.

"Okay…I admit it's good," he said begrudgingly, unable to hold in his laughter as

she jumped up and down, victorious.

"I told you," she cooed as she pushed him down into the chair and sat on his lap.

She fed him only the best pieces of sandwich, covered with a thick layer of grape
jelly, while he picked up perfect cubes of melon and strawberry and gently placed it
in her waiting mouth. When they were full to bursting, she dragged him from the
disaster area formerly known as her kitchen and into her bedroom.

As he lay down on her bed, so innocent and open, she realized she needed to come

clean about her feelings.

And just pray that he would still be there when she was done.

I will try my hardest to get an update out to you on Wednesday…but as of

right now…it is not looking good.

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Chapter 23

So Sandy got teary eyed at the beginning but could feel the love at the


And Melanie…she was having a bad day, which means amazing changes for

this chapter for us.

This chapter has a bit of real life for me…my cousin lived Bell's story in

the beginning of this chapter and as much as she says she is over it…she's

Naked flesh met naked flesh as Bell lay down next to Edward on her bed. His arms

opened instantly, dragging her up against him and holding her tight…but not too
tight. His eyes were kind and gentle as he looked down at her, willing her to tell him
her secrets. With a deep breath, she opened her mouth to do just that.

"I already told you that my mom left me and my dad, and then he dropped me off

at an orphanage. And I told you how I was a huge slut and slept with anything with a
cock. But about four years ago, I actually thought I had found someone I could love.
His name was Alec and he worked at the tattoo shop where I got my ink done. He
managed the books and when he looked at me, I could really feel him looking at me.
Anyway…we dated for a few months and then he asked me to move in with him. It
felt good to come home to someone every night and I knew I was falling for him, so I
said yes."

Bell took a deep breath and closed her eyes before she continued speaking.

"I was at school all day and he worked nights, so it wasn't unusual for me to come

home from class and find him still asleep in bed. I got home one Tuesday afternoon
and climbed under the covers with him. I put my lips to his ear and whispered that I
loved him. When he didn't say anything, I got angry…and when I put my hand on
him to roll him towards me…that was when I realized he was dead. Apparently he
had an undiagnosed heart condition and he just…died in his sleep."

Edward looked at her pale face and struggled to find the right words. He just

couldn't comprehend how much this woman had gone through. His heart clenched
in his chest as he realized that she might never be able to love him. In her
experience, everyone she loved…left. But as she slowly opened her eyes, that soulful

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brown gaze meeting his hesitantly, he vowed to make her see that love was not
something to fear. It was something to be cherished. Celebrated. Held onto, no
matter what.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, unable to stand the pain in her eyes.

"I should have known it was too good to be true. That is the way it goes with me.

But I haven't been able to get close to anyone since Alec died. I was just too scared.
That's why I'm hesitant with you, Glasses. I…if something happened to you..." she
trailed off, clearing her throat as fear crept into her expression. "Edward, if
something happened to you and you weren't here anymore, I don't think I'd survive.
What I feel for you is so much more…so much bigger than what I felt for Alec. So as
much as I want you here with me, in my life and in my bed, I really think that it is
better if we don't see each other anymore. This is what I should have told you weeks
ago, when I first got spooked. I was trying to save us both. There is no conceivable
way for this to work."

Bell pushed against his chest and sat up next to him, her thick hair falling over her

shoulder as she looked down at him. Her fingers were light against the muscles of
his shoulders, tracing the strength she found there.

"What if it's too late?" he asked, reaching up and tucking that twirling curl behind

her ear. She brought her eyes to his and cocked her head to the side, trying to figure
out what he was talking about.

"What if I've already fallen so desperately in love with you I can't think of anything

else?" he whispered, grabbing onto her arms when she tried to bolt. "No…you need
to stay. You promised me that we would talk before you left me again."

"You can't love me. I'm mean and crass and ugly. I don't care about other people

and I'm too bitchy for anyone to love," she protested, pushing against his hold even
as tears pricked her eyes.

"You are none of those things. You use them as a cover to keep people away from

you. But inside, where the real Bell is, you are beautiful and kind and delicate. You
are sweet to my sister and your intelligence astounds me. You are worthy of love,
Bell. And whether you want it or not…you have mine."

"Don't do this to me, Edward. I can't lose you. What will be left of me when you

realize I'm not good enough?" she rasped, as those hands that were pushing him
away, now grabbed onto him as if she was worried he would leave.

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"Nothing can change what I feel for you, Bell," he said vehemently, pulling her

head onto his chest. Her little hands held him tightly, saying with her body what she
couldn't with her words.

Don't ever let go.

"Could you please pass the rolls?" Alice asked, holding her hand out for the

basket. Edward's entire family was gathered around their dining room table,
celebrating Bell's decision to come back and be a part of them. Edward's smile was
blinding as he held her hand tightly in his lap, choosing to eat with his left hand
instead of giving up his hold on her. Bell's own smile was a shyer version of his as
she felt the acceptance of Edward's family. Even Rose, who had pulled her aside to
bitch her out the second they came in the door, had softened when she saw just how
happy her brother was.

Alice wiggled her little fingers when her hand stayed empty and finally looked up

at the person sitting next to her.

"Bell? Rolls please?" she pleaded sweetly, blinking her big gray eyes at her. Bell

reached forward and took a roll out of the basket and tossed it at Alice, who was so
surprised at the action, she fumbled the bread and it went rolling across the table,
spilling Esme's water everywhere.

Everyone froze as the water ran across the fancy tablecloth, leaving a dark trail in

its wake.

"I am so sorry," Bell gasped, her face flaming pink, but her apology was cut off by

Carlisle's sudden and loud laughter.

"Oh, my God! You should have seen your face! That was hilarious!" he chuckled,

his face turning red as he struggled to catch his breath. Edward snickered into his
hand next to her, while Alice and Rose joined in, adding their giggles to the mix. Bell
looked over at Esme, ready to apologize again, but her words dried up when she saw
the tears of pure happiness radiating in the woman's eyes.

"You apologize for making my family this happy and I'll smack you," Esme scolded

as she picked up the half-eaten roll off her plate and threw it right at Bell. Bell felt
the smile creep across her face and was powerless to stop it as Carlisle whipped his
roll at Rose and Edward shoveled half his mashed potatoes into his father's lap.

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If this was love…she might be able to handle it.

So hey…so much hate on the grape jelly/grilled cheese combo! You gotta

try it! It's Ah-mazing!

See you next week!

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Chapter 24

Back again…

This would be nothing with Sandy and Melanie…seriously.

Did you know Roller Derby is under consideration for the 2020 Olympics?


"Oh my gosh, I am so excited!"

Alice jumped up and down on the bench next to Esme as they watched the skaters

roll onto the rink. Bell waved up at them as they cheered loudly, blushing a little
when Carlisle stuck his fingers between his lips and whistled.

"Carlisle, quiet down. You have to let these girls concentrate," Esme scolded,

elbowing him in the side as she watched with envy as the girls raced around the
track. It had been so long since she had felt the smooth glide of the hardwoods
beneath her wheels.

"You know you can try out for the team if you want," Carlisle whispered as he

scooted closer to her, throwing his arm around her shoulders. She snuggled into his
embrace with a sigh.

"I'm way too fucking old to try to get back out there," she huffed, knowing that if

she did attempt to relive her glory days she might end up in traction.

"Well, I would support you if you wanted to give it a go," he soothed, secretly

thankful she didn't take him up on his offer. He would have been a mess if anything
happened to her.

"Oh Rose, did you see that Bell asked Edward to sit down by the benches in case

anything happened to one of her teammates? She must really trust him," Alice
yelled, trying to be heard over the shouts from the crowd. The arena was packed,
since the Roller Girls were the best in the league. Rose looked down the stands to
where Edward was sitting at the edge of the rink. His eyes were on Bell and Bell
alone, and Rose wondered if he would even notice if the building crashed down
around them.

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"I'm sure that the EMTs they have here will take care of any injuries, Alice. But it

was nice of Bell to ask Edward to sit close to her," Rose admitted as she watched the
players get ready to start the bout.

Bell was up on the rink and ready for the first jam, her bright red short shorts and

black tank top making it easy to pick her out. Edward watched as her muscular legs
propelled her around the track, her eyes scanning the players of the other team to
make sure that she could get through the blockers and score for the Rat Girls.

"Shell!" Bell yelled as she came around the corner and reached for her jammer.

Shell extended her hand blindly, holding tight as she used her strength to propel
Bell around the row of blockers and nab a point for the Girls.

As Bell came around the track again, she caught Edward's gaze and couldn't look

away. The pride and excitement on his face was blinding and she felt a smile spread
across her face. He shyly waved his hand, not wanting to distract her but needing to
connect with her somehow. Bell had just brought her hand up to wave back when
she was slammed from behind, her body absorbing the impact and careening into
the hard, unforgiving wood.

Edward watched helplessly as Bell disappeared beneath the pile up. He jumped up

from the bench and vaulted over the low wall dividing the stands from the rink. With
gentle but anxious hands, Edward pushed and tugged the girls off of Bell. The EMTs
arrived the same time that Edward finally reached Bell. Her head was turned away
from him, blood oozing from a laceration at her temple.

"Bell? Bell, baby can you hear me?" Edward asked frantically, his hands ghosting

over her body, trying to see if she had any other injuries.

"Sir, please move away so I can treat her." Edward glared at the EMT, knowing he

was far more suited to treat Bell's injuries.

"Come on, son. You need to let the professionals handle this." His body protested

as his father gently coaxed him away from Bell's prone and still body. Things had
finally been looking up for them. His family was supportive of their relationship and
he truly felt like he had found the one his heart had been waiting for.

Please no, he thought, I can't lose her now.

Even Alice was quiet on the short ride to the hospital. Everyone was nervous, and

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the fact that Bell still hadn't regained consciousness did nothing to calm those fears.
Edward had ridden along in the ambulance, and was currently assisting the EMTs
maneuver the gurney into the ER, his hand clasped tightly with Bell's limp fingers.

Esme and Carlisle had to physically hold him back when Bell disappeared into a

trauma room.

"There could be brain damage. She could throw a clot, or stroke out. I hope they

are making sure her pupils are still equal and reactive," Edward mumbled as he
paced the halls. His family gathered around him, trying to distract his mind from
concentrating too hard on all of the things that might have gone wrong. There was
surely a logical explanation as to why Bell still hadn't come around.

"I've contacted the next of kin listed on her chart," a nurse called to someone

behind her as she came out of Bell's room. Edward looked up as she passed him.

"Next of kin?" he croaked, reaching out to stop her movements. She glared at him,

but recognized him from the hospital. He was the medical examiner who often ate
his lunch next to corpses.

"Yes. According to her chart, Emmett McCarty is her next of kin. I spoke to him

and he should be arriving soon," she said tightly, alarmed by the expression on his
face. She quickly made her way past him and disappeared down the hall.

"Do you know who that is?" Rose asked softly, putting a comforting hand on

Edward's back.

"I…I don't know," Edward replied, his heart sinking at the thought of Bell keeping

something like this from him.

"Its fine, Edward. I'm sure he's just a friend," Esme soothed, pulling him into her

arms. Her baby was hurting, which in turn, hurt her.

"We'll just have to wait and see," he sighed as he pushed out of his mother's hold

and resumed his pacing.

Updates were slow in coming and usually vague. Bell still hadn't regained

consciousness, and they had scheduled her for a CT scan as soon as the machine
was available. Edward was on his seventieth loop down the hall when the elevator
opened and a large man came barreling out, panting and sweating as he stopped at
the nurses' station.

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"I'm Emmett McCarty. They called to tell me that Isabella Swan had been brought

in by ambulance."

Edward felt his jealous possessiveness flare as the man spoke with such familiarity

about his Bell. And she was his.

"Yes, if you will just follow me, I'll take you to see her." The man, Emmett, was

close on the nurse's heels as she squeaked her way across the shinny linoleum. Just
as her hand reached for the handle of Bell's door, Edward placed himself in her

"Dr. Cullen? Is there a problem?" she inquired, raising her brow in a threatening

way, which might have worked on someone else, but Edward was beyond

"How do you know Bell?" he rasped, addressing Emmett, his voice rough with

anger and fear.

"You must be Edward. She's told me all about you," he smirked, extending his

hand toward Edward. Using the excuse of adjusting his glasses on his nose, Edward
avoided Emmett's waiting hand. He worried he might break Emmett's fingers if he
was forced to touch him right now.

"Well I'm sorry, but she has told me nothing about you. I would like to remedy that

right now, before I can allow you to see my girl." Edward looked to his side and
caught his mother covering her mouth as she giggled. He rolled his eyes at her
childishness in such a traumatic time.

"Is someone out here named Glasses? Miss Swan keeps mumbling about needing

to lick her Glasses, or something to that extent."

"Sweet Jesus you two are horn dogs," Rose murmured as Edward pushed his way

through the bodies surrounding him and moved to enter Bell's room. She was
awake. She was asking about him. And she was talking about sex…all wonderful
signs that she would be okay. He would have to get his answer as to Emmett's
identity later, because right now…his girl needed him.

Can't you just see her being all horney in the middle of the trauma room?

Me too…

Kinda a cliffy…but not really.

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See you as soon as I can get my shit together again!


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Chapter 25

Sorry for the delay. This was done and my girls, Sandy and Melanie sent it

back to me, but I was lazy.

True fact.

"I'll cut any bitch that touches my Glasses."

Edward couldn't help but chuckle at Bell's drug-induced ramblings as he sat

beside her bed. He had been frantic when he burst through the trauma room door
an hour earlier. He had no idea what he would find when he saw her; would she be
the same girl he knew? She had been unconscious for a long time; would they have
to worry about memory loss or long-term damage? One thing was certain in his
mind, he knew without a doubt that no matter what happened, he would not
abandon her. She was his soul mate, his heart's other half, and he would be there for
her regardless.

"No one is touching me, Bell. Stow your rage," Edward joked as he wove his way

through the mess of IV lines and monitoring devices to get to her hand. He looked at
her delicate fingers and swallowed down his fear. He'd nearly lost her.

As Bell turned her head toward the sound of his voice, all thoughts of what lay

beyond the trauma room door were forgotten. Emmett McCarty and his muscles
upon muscles were pushed to the back of Edward's mind as he looked into her foggy
brown eyes.

"Hey, Glasses. I was just thinking about you," Bell rasped, her hand clasping his

weakly. "I was dreaming some sex-crazed nurse was putting her dirty hands all over

Edward's relief was palpable as he bent down and pressed his lips to Bell's hand.

"No one would dare touch me, my sweet girl. How are you feeling?"

He could almost see her taking stock of her body, wincing when she reached up to

touch the massive bandage that wrapped around her head. "I ate it, didn't I?"

"You totally ate it. I had to pull seven women off of your poor little body," Edward

joked, grimacing when Bell started to laugh only to cringe when the pain radiated

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through her. "Shit, I'm sorry. No more laughter."

Bell smiled weakly at him as she struggled to get her breathing back under

control. She was never good with pain, having dealt with so much of it when she was
younger and abandoned. But as she felt the warmth and comfort of Edward's hand
on hers, she thought she might be able to get through anything with him beside her.

"Have they said when I can get the fuck outta here yet?" Bell rasped, tugging on

the uncomfortable wires and tubes that seemed to protrude from every limb.
Edward stilled her motions and once he was sure she would stop trying to yank the
IV lines out, he reached for her chart.

"They want to keep you overnight for observation. I would have to agree that

would be the best course of action after such a prolonged period of

"You know how hot it makes me when you get all technical on my ass," Bell

whispered, her cheeks flushing as she thought of sliding off the bed and settling
onto his lap, his hard cock between them. She managed to look properly chastened
when Edward glared at her, his glasses sliding down his nose as he met her eyes
over the top of the chart.

"There is no way I am going to have sex with you while you are under a

physician's care," he said, his straight to the point words getting Bell even hotter.

"If you think about it, I'm always under a physician's care," she cooed, shifting her

weight so she could slide one of her legs free from the confining blankets and run
the tips of her toes up his inner thigh.

"Oh good, she's up!"

Edward spun around toward the door, grateful the sheaf of papers he held in his

lap concealed his erection from their unwanted guest. No need to show him that Bell
wasn't the only one that was 'up'.

"Emmett!" Bell exclaimed and Edward watched with narrowed eyes as the giant

hulk of a man strolled casually to the bed, sitting his hip on the edge of the mattress.
He gently took Bell's hand into his massive paws, holding her like she was made of
fragile glass.

"You scared the fucking shit outta me," Emmett rasped, unashamed of the tears

that filled his eyes. Edward slowly stood and headed toward the door, unable to

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watch Bell show this man such intimacy when she had denied him the same thing
time and time again.

"Edward…did you meet Emmett?"

Edward sighed as he turned back around and looked at Bell. Her cheeks were still

flushed, now whether from lingering arousal or embarrassment he wasn't sure.

"The good Doctor was a bit possessive over you when I first came in, so no, we

were not properly introduced," Emmett said, his eyes now dry but filled with mirth.

"Well, Dr. Edward Cullen, I would like you to meet Emmett McCarty, my sponsor."

As Edward did whenever he was confused, he took Bell's words apart and defined

each one. He was struggling with the 'sponsor' part. Emmett, seeing Edward's
dilemma, rolled his eyes and crossed over to where Edward stood.

"I'm the leader of the local Grief Share support group. In cases such as Bell's,

when she had such a devastating loss with no other family or friends to help her, we
often assign them sponsors, much like with Alcoholics Anonymous. I'm her best
friend extraordinaire," he boasted, puffing his chest out and smiling.

Edward's fear and anger disappeared as he put his hand out to shake Emmett's.

There was no reason to be jealous of this man's relationship with his Bell. Emmett
took care of her before Edward could…and for that he would be eternally grateful.

"I hate to inform you that the job of protector and best friend has been

reassigned," Edward deadpanned, earning him a laugh from both Emmett and Bell,
which was his intention. If this man was important to Bell, he would do everything in
his power to get along with the giant.

"I really like him, Belly. You should keep him," Emmett chuckled as he took

Edward's proffered hand and squeezed tightly. The big man smiled wider when
Edward refused to grimace at the pain he was no doubt feeling in his crushed
fingers, instead keeping his expression neutral.

Bell watched as Edward and Emmett got acquainted and couldn't help the way her

eyes filled with tears. The two people she cared about most in the world were here
with her. And even though her head was killing her and she had a catheter stuffed
up her twat, she had never been happier.

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Short but at least we get some answers. I'm taking some liberties with the

Grief Share organization. I have no idea if they really assign 'sponsors', but I
needed Emmett to be that…so that is what he is. Remember, Bell's boyfriend
died and she was all alone. She needed someone then…but Glasses is here

Please, if you haven't already, and have the ability, head over to:

fandom4twifang . blogspot . com

And donate to help the family of our dear friend and fandom member,

Gisela, who was tragically killed while at Comic Con on Tuesday. There are
some amazing people who have donated books and swag and a ton of other

See you soon.

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Chapter 26

Hello all!

Sandy recommended a tissue warning. Melanie added some key words that

made everything nicer.

You all make me smile with your amazing reviews.

Ready for more Edward/Emmett banter?

"If you do not stop touching her, I will be forced to get physical."

Bell laughed under her breath as she listened to Glasses and Emmett's

disagreement. After twenty-six agonizingly boring hours in the hospital, she was
finally being released. Even though she had seen firsthand just how kind Edward's
family was, it still shocked her when she discovered they had been sitting in the
uncomfortable waiting room chairs the entire time. Now she was trying to keep her
amusement to herself as she listened to Emmett and Edward fight about who would
take care of her.

"Dude, seriously, I'm pretty sure I have at least fifty pounds of muscle on you. If

anyone should be staying with her, it should be me," Emmett responded, pounding
his meaty fist against his chest like a caveman. Bell snorted when her friend winked
at her. He was just trying to get a rise out of Edward, she realized. And of course,
her knight in shining spectacles was playing right into his hands.

"Bell does not weight more than one hundred and forty pounds, which was how

much I lifted during my last bout of weight training. I'm more than capable of
carrying her if the need should arise. Add to that, if you were to see my girl au
natural, I might be forced to carve your eyes out with a spoon," Edward growled
softly, his commanding tone and threat of violence sending shivers down Bell's

Fuck, he was hot.

"Okay big boy, I think I've let you tease my brother long enough. Please stop

before I do something I'll regret," Rose scolded, crossing her arms across her chest.
The motion should have been menacing, but the way her forearms pushed her

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breasts up through the opening of her low cut top simply made her look like a
sexpot. Bell almost felt bad for how whipped Emmett was by Rose already…almost.
She knew that what her friend needed more than anything else, was someone to

Emmett McCarty fell in love when he was fifteen. Her name was Lily and she was

two years younger than he was. She was a brown-eyed, red-haired dainty and
delicate flower to be cherished and worshiped. Emmett dreamed of white picket
fences and a future out of a storybook, until the day before her eighteenth birthday.
While he was picking out the perfect bouquet of flowers for her, she suddenly
passed out in the middle of her history class. By the time Emmett made it to the
hospital, she was gone. An undiagnosed heart condition, they said she didn't suffer.
Those words did little to help Emmett's heartache.

When Bell was at her darkest after Alec died, Emmett shared his pain with her.

Their tragedies were so similar; they couldn't help but feel like kindred spirits.
Emmett confessed that he and Lily had been waiting to make love until her birthday,
and after she was gone he just couldn't imagine touching another woman.

Now, nearly ten years later, Bell could tell her friend was struggling with his

instant and obvious attraction to Edward's twin. Rose was everything Lily was not.
She was tough and spirited, not breakable. While Lily had barely reached five feet,
Rose towered over most women at nearly six foot. But what Bell though was most
appealing about Rose, was her vibrant determination. If she wanted Emmett,
nothing would stop her from getting him.

"I apologize. Edmund, you take Bell home and take good care of her," Emmett

said, his face all kinds of serious as he baited Edward once more. Rose sighed as she
shook her head at Emmett's antics. Bell gave them a week before they were
contemplating marriage.

"Are you ready, Bell?" Edward whispered, leaning down next to where she sat in

the hospital-regulated wheelchair. Bell pulled her eyes away from the heat exploding
between Rose and Emmett and met Edward's glass-distorted eyes.

"I think you should consider contacts," she said, not answering his question.

Edward cocked his head to the side and reached up to adjust his thick, black frames.

"I realize these are not fashion forward, but if a bone chip were to splinter off

while I was using the striker saw, I would be in trouble if I was wearing contacts. My
glasses have saved me from certain blindness several times," he replied, serious as

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"Aren't you supposed to wear those plastic mask thingies to protect your face,


Edward sighed, reaching up to run his fingers through his wild hair as he

struggled to come up with an answer. Damn Bell, she was too smart for her own

"I don't like sticking my finger in my eye. I tried contacts once before and it made

me nauseous," he admitted, trying to keep his voice down so no one else would hear

"Edward, you have no problem reaching inside a dead body, but you get skived out

touching your eyeball? Don't you think that's a little odd?" Bell asked, keeping her
voice just as quiet.

"Of course I do, but the human psyche doesn't always make sense. Now are you

ready to go?" he sighed, knowing she would pressure him for more answers later.
Bell smiled sweetly up at him, reaching out and putting her arms around his
shoulders. He lifted her with ease, taking her weight as if it were nothing as he
walked over to his car. Emmett and the rest of Edward's family followed, everyone
making sure he lifted with his knees and didn't bang her head on the car door.
"ENOUGH!" he shouted after he got Bell safely into the front seat of the car, injury
free. "I am taking Bell home. I will call you when she is up for visitors. There is no
reason I cannot care for her. Don't bother us until I call."

Esme, Rose and Alice hid smiles behind their hands at Edward's commanding

tone. He was a force to be reckoned with, now that he actually had someone to
protect. Carlisle simply nodded and slapped his son on the back while Emmett
glared at him. While he had other Grief Share members he cared about, Bell was his
favorite. The losses they had experienced were so much alike; he thought he would
always have her. But it looked as if she had finally been able to mend her broken

"Did the doctor say when I can engage in physical activity again?" Bell asked as

Edward got in the car, buckled his seatbelt and pulled out of the parking lot.

"He wanted you to wait at least a month before you start skating again," he

replied, his attention distracted as he signaled a turn. When he felt Bell's hand
running up the inside of his thigh, he jumped and nearly drove off the side of the

"That wasn't the kind of activity I was talking about," she cooed, her smile

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widening when she felt Glasses' cock twitch beneath her palm.

"Bell-" he choked, "Baby, please, if you don't stop that I'll crash the car." Hearing

him call her 'baby' had her eyes closing in pleasure. But he was right, she needed to
stop. His groan of disappointment was comical as she released him and primly
folded her hands in her lap.

"So, sex is an option…when?" she giggled, laughing full out when he glared over

at her and reached down to adjust himself.

"Is that all you think about?" Edward teased her softly.

"Only with you, Glasses," she whispered, looking over at him with lust-filled eyes.

Edward tightened his hands on the steering wheel at the sound of her husky tone.

"I believe as long as you don't have a headache, I might be able to be persuaded to

pleasure you after I give you a bath," he said, his voice deep as he pictured her wet
and pliable for him. He loved bathing her.

"Promise?" she whispered. Edward's determined look told her everything she

needed to know, and she sat back in the safety of his car. She had no doubt he
would pleasure her, he always did.

Sexy time? Yeah…I promise them next chapter

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Chapter 27

Sandy was a crying mess…and I agree with her about that one.

Melanie busted this out super quick, making the changes that made my

words so much better.

Um…so yeah…enjoy the first part and then be sad :(

"Oh yes, Edward. There…right there," Bell moaned as Edward slowly ran his

thumbs along the sole of her foot. She was submerged up to her shoulders in hot,
bubbly water, her hair tied atop her head in a messy knot. Edward sat on the edge of
her antique claw foot tub, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he balanced her calf
on his thigh. His once pristine slacks were now wet and wrinkled, but he didn't care.
The look on Bell's face was incentive enough to get a bit messy.

"Close your eyes," he ordered as he slipped her leg back beneath the soapy water

and fell to his knees beside the tub. Surprisingly, Bell complied with his order
without hesitation, showing him just how much she trusted him. Taking a thick
washcloth, Edward poured a heaping amount of coconut lime body wash onto the
fabric, rubbing the cloth together until the suds were small and plentiful. Lifting her
leg back out of the water, he smoothed the soapy material all along her calf, over
her knee and up the inside of her thigh. Watching with wide, eager eyes, Edward let
the cloth drop into the water, using his hands now as he crept ever closer to where
Bell was swollen and ready for him.

Bell kept her eyes closed tightly as she felt the warmth of Edward's fingers inch

along the crease of her thigh, his long digits too far from where she wanted them.
Grasping the edge of the tub tightly, Bell slowly arched her hips off the bottom of
the tub, hoping Glasses would take her less than subtle hint.

He did.

Slipping into her wet slit, Edward's fingers teased around her clit, never touching

where she was desperate. Pushing just inside her entrance, he stroked her gently
until her head was thrashing against the hard edge of the tub. A low, shaky moan
spilled from her lips and he knew he couldn't keep her waiting any longer. Moving to
his feet so he was looming over her, his broad shoulders threw shadows across her
body. Edward pressed his thumb against her swollen clit, thrusting two, then three

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fingers inside her. Bell was unable to keep her eyes closed as he started to fuck her
with his fingers, needing to see him. His glasses were fogged up, but she was still
able to see the startlingly bright green of his eyes. He wasn't looking at his fingers
as they penetrated her. Nor was he watching her breasts, hard-tipped and bouncing
with every movement of his fingers. No, Edward's gaze was locked on her face. He
wanted to watch as she gave into her base desires. He wanted to see her come all
over his hand.

And with his name on her lips…Bell did just that.

"Hmmm," Bell sighed as Edward slipped her beneath her cool sheets. She was

clean, dry, sexually sated and ready for sleep. "You're staying, right?"

Edward looked down at her, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear as he

tucked the sheet around her naked body. His clothes were a mess from her bath, but
he knew he wouldn't be able to leave her. Stripping out of his slacks and shirt, but
keeping his boxer briefs on, he slid in next to her beneath the sheets. Her body
became a living blanket, covering every available inch of his flesh with her
sweet-smelling heat as she draped herself over him.

"Thank you for taking care of me," she mumbled, her words warm against his

chest and in his heart.

"Always, Bell," he replied as he pulled her closer and closed his eyes.

"Could you please pass the wine?" Bell asked, needing to get drunk in a hurry.

After three days of Edward nursing her back to health with plenty of TLC, he had
finally accepted his parents' invitation to join them for dinner. What no one knew
was Rose was going to be bringing along a guest as well.

"Yes, I could use a refill myself," Edward mumbled as he struggled to ignore

Emmett's seemingly all-knowing stare. From the moment the large man walked into
the dining room on Rose's arm, he had been teasing the shit out of both Edward and

"Didn't you get enough juices while you were taking care of our girl?" Emmett

asked, leaning over and elbowing Edward in the side. Bell sighed loudly as she
accepted the bottle of wine from Esme and filled her glass to the brim, doing the
same for Edward.

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"Would you please keep your vulgar comments to yourself," Edward snarled,

leaning over into Emmett's personal space to make his point known and understood.
He didn't want little Alice to ask a million questions about just how 'hands on'
Edward's doctoring skills were.

"Boys…boys, settle down. Emmett, I do hope you realize just how special you are.

Rose has never brought anyone home for dinner. We were surprised when Edward
brought Bell, but this…well, I feel like I should break out the good crystal," Esme
teased, raising her glass toward the happy couple and making Rose blush.

"Dad, how much did you let her drink while she was making dinner?" Rose hissed,

ignoring Emmett's look of surprise. Bell took a deep breath and a large swig of wine,
glad that for the time being the attention was on someone else. With Edward's palm
a comforting weight on her thigh and the sound of lighthearted bickering
surrounding her, she had never been so happy. Looking across the table at Alice,
Bell felt some of that contentment slip away.


Everyone stopped talking and turned at the sound of Bell's frantic voice, looking

first at Bell and then at Alice. Edward pushed away from the table and made it to his
little sister's side just as she started to seize. Easing her down out of the chair and
onto the floor, Edward made sure she didn't hurt herself as he let the tremors run
through her. Rose ran to call an ambulance while Emmett took a sobbing Esme and
an equally distraught Carlisle out of the room. Bell knelt down next to Edward, her
First Aid and CPR training demanding she try and help.

"What is it?" she rasped, hating the way the little girl's body shuddered.

"I'm not sure. Grand mal for sure. The cause? Unclear. It appears she has bitten

her tongue or the inside of her cheek, as you can see by the blood in her saliva,"
Edward said, his voice lacking all emotion as he struggled through the fear and pain
of watching his little sister suffer.

"Glasses," Bell snapped and Edward turned away from Alice and looked over at

her. There were tears running down his cheeks, and he looked so damn helpless,
Bell couldn't help but pull him into her arms. They watched as Alice slowly settled,
her body going limp and a bit of color returning to her cheeks. Her eyes fluttered as
if they were struggling to open but she just didn't have the strength.

"The ambulance is here," Rose shouted as she came running into the room, her

eyes damp.

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"Good. Let's get her to the hospital," Edward said hoarsely, holding tightly to Bell

with one hand and smoothing Alice's hair back with the other.

I have a plan! I swear I do! And I've already started on the next chapter.

See you soon!

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Chapter 28

I just couldn't stop writing! These two are making getting these chapters

out a piece of cake!

Huge thanks to Sandy, who didn't kill me for what I did.

Melanie made things work and added commas, which I apparently, am

allergic to.


Bell sat between Esme and Rose on the hard waiting room chairs. This was the

second time in a week she had been in the hospital, although she would have rather
been the patient, than the anxious family member waiting for an update. Alice had
been whisked through the emergency room door nearly three hours ago. Thankfully
Edward had been allowed to accompany her, since everyone knew him. He had
come out once to give them an update, but other than that it had been quiet.

"I don't know what I'll do if something happens to her. She is the light of my life,"

Esme whispered quietly. Bell, while not usually one for displays of affection, pulled
the older woman into her arms.

"Glasses will take care of her, don't worry," Bell soothed, meeting Rose's anxious

gaze over top of Esme's head.

"We've got epilepsy waves on the EEG, Dr. Cullen. From the way you described

the event, I'm pretty sure we're talking about a tonic-clonic seizure. I'll want to run a
chem panel and get a few more scans, but I'm pretty confident in my diagnosis," Dr.
Newton said sadly, trying to break the news to Edward as gently as possible. While
the condition was treatable, it was not what they were hoping to hear.

Edward made sure Alice was resting comfortably before he ventured out into the

waiting room. He was surprised to see that Bell and Emmett were both still sitting
with his family. When he saw his mother wrapped in Bell's comforting embrace, he
felt tears sting his eyes. He had hoped that his family would accept and love Bell,
but it seemed that she had fallen just as hard for them.

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The second Bell saw Edward standing in the doorway, she released Esme and

jumped up, sprinting toward him. Her emotions, which she had managed to keep
locked down while comforting Esme, suddenly flared to the surface. She wrapped
herself around Edward, unashamed at the show of weakness.

"She's okay," he rasped, raising his voice so his anxious family could hear him as

well. "She has a form of epilepsy. It's treatable with medication but we are going to
have to make some changes and be a lot more careful."

Esme buried her face in Carlisle chest, while Rose took comfort in Emmet's strong


Everything would be okay. Edward refused to have it any other way.

"Are you sure you're okay coming home with me? Wouldn't you rather be home

with Alice?"

Edward's fists tightened on the steering wheel at Bell's quiet question. Alice had

been released from the hospital and his parents were anxious to get her home and
settled. He knew she was in good hands.

"I want to be with you," he snapped, his patience running low. He had been

trapped in the hospital, unable to help, feeling useless while his little sister was
attached to monitors and tubes and wires. Now he needed to take control of

And that something was going to be Bell.

Slamming the car to a stop outside of the front door, Edward killed the engine and

bolted from the car. Yanking open Bell's door, he reached down and pulled her into
his arms. Bell didn't resist as she let Edward carry her into her little cottage,
trusting that no matter how out of control he got, he wouldn't hurt her.

Edward didn't stop as he kicked the door closed behind him and stalked down the

hall to Bell's bedroom. Once he was next to the bed, he released her, watching as
her body dropped onto the mattress, bouncing once before she settled.

"Get undressed," he ordered, his voice deeper than she had ever heard it. While

she struggled to get her black button down and jeans off, she watched Edward strip.
His tie, which he had loosened at some point, was yanked up over his head and

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tossed carelessly to the side. Shoes were kicked off, thumping against her dresser
and the wall before they skidded beneath the bed. He didn't even bother
unbuttoning his shirt, just pulled it over his head, snagging his hair in the process.
Pants and boxer briefs came sliding down his legs in one motion and then…he came
at her.

Already aroused by his dominant behavior, Bell reached for him the moment he

was close enough, but he batted her hands away.

"Get on your knees." Bell felt a shiver of pure lust course through her at his tone.

Goddamn…who was this man and what had he done with her Glasses? Moving
slowly, and making sure to give him a good show as she did it, Bell shifted onto her
side and then pushed to her knees. The low growl that erupted from Edward's chest
told her he did, indeed enjoy her drawn-out movements.

Kneeling on the bed, her chest heaving as she struggled to breathe, Bell jumped

when she felt Edward's hand gently stroke her hip. Moving over the lines of ink, his
fingers caressed her, a perfect counterpoint to the soft growls that continued to
pump out of him. She felt him moving behind her, but closed her eyes, submitting to
the pleasure she found in his touch.

Splaying both hands across Bell's soft belly, Edward flattened his body against her

back. His erection found a comfortable home between her firm thighs, the proof of
her arousal covering him. She fit perfectly against him, his chin resting on her
shoulder, allowing him to look down at her pink-tipped, silver adorned breasts.
Edward's lips ran along the slim line of her throat, sucking at her skin as if he was
trying to mark her as his. Slowly bending forward, he forced Bell down to her hands,
the tip of his cock naturally finding her entrance as her body shifted. Keeping his
chest pressed to her back, one hand steadied himself on the mattress while the
other slid up to settle between her breasts.

"I love you," Edward snarled as he pushed his way inside her. Bell arched back,

her cheek pressing against his as she absorbed the absolute perfection of having
Edward's thick shaft where she needed him.

"I love…you too," Bell panted, allowing her eyes to slip closed as Edward took

command of their lovemaking. His fingers found her nipple, pinching and tugging at
the silver jewelry. The overwhelming joy coursing through her had Bell at the crest
of an orgasm already, her body unable to hold back. Edward held her tightly as she
came, reveling in the way her body arched and rolled. When she stilled, he pulled
out of her and pushed her onto her back, needing desperately to see her face when
he came. He froze when he saw tears in her eyes.

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"Bell?" he rasped, his throbbing erection forgotten as he knelt between her spread

thighs and took her face in his palms.

"No…they're happy tears. I'm just…fuck, Glasses. I love you so fucking much," she

sobbed quietly, reaching up to swat away her tears. Edward chuckled quietly,
realizing only Bell could turn a confession of love into a phrase not safe for
children's ears.

Pressing his lips to hers, Edward took her once more, the slip and slide of their

bodies like a gentle lullaby. And when he finally came, spilling into her and making
her his once more, there were tears in his eyes, too.

"Bell, are you sure about this?" Emmett asked, his hands and upper lip covered in

a fine sheen of sweat as he struggled to load the heavy carrier into the back of his

"Jesus fuck, Em. When did Rose actually remove your balls? Did you at least get to

try them before she mounted them on her wall, or are you still in possession of your
V-card?" Bell bitched, grunting as she lifted the back end of the crate.

Three months had passed since Alice's first seizure, but unfortunately due to a

heart condition, she had been unable to take the medication that would help control
her episodes. Esme and Rose had been driving themselves crazy, not letting Alice
out of their sight for fear that she might have a seizure while she was alone and hurt
herself. The episodes on their own weren't the problem, but if she had one while in
the tub, walking down the stairs, or while by herself, they could be fatal.

Bell had tried to talk them into getting Alice a nurse to help with the day to day

care, but Esme refused. The problem was, Esme, the once vivacious woman, was
slowly fading away. All she did was watch Alice. She wasn't living anymore.

But Bell hoped she had the answer to all of their problems.

"Did you talk to Edward about this?" Emmett asked, slamming the back gate shut

and lumbering around to the driver's side door. Bell hopped into the passenger seat
and ignored Emmett, instead looking back at their cargo. "You didn't, did you? I
thought you two talked about everything?"

Bell tried to disregard Emmett's little jab. Keeping this secret from Edward had

been terribly difficult, especially since he was over at her house, in her bed, nearly

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every night. His clothes were beside hers in the dresser and his blue toothbrush sat
in the cup next to hers. But she didn't want him to try and change her mind. She
knew once he saw just how good it would be, he would be forced to agree.

"Bell and Emmett are here!" Alice squealed, jumping off the back of the couch and

sprinting toward the door. Bell had called the house earlier to make sure everyone
would be home because she was bringing over a surprise. Esme followed closely
after Alice, her skin pale and her lips chewed raw from stress. The woman's usual
perfect appearance had fallen by the wayside and today she was dressed in sweats
and one of Carlisle's t-shirts. She looked like shit.

Bell hopped out of the car and hugged Alice, swinging her around just so she

could hear her laugh. Esme looked on, a nervous look on her face. After setting the
girl back on her feet, Bell made sure that everyone else had come outside as well.
Carlisle and Rose stood, leaning on the porch railing, while Edward came over and
stood next to Bell, a questioning look on his face.

"Okay…shit needs to change. I can't stand coming over here and seeing you look

like you should be on 'What not to Wear'," Bell said, pointing a finger at Rose and
then Esme. "You look like roadkill. So I kinda…well, you'll see."

Motioning to Emmett, Bell moved aside so he could open the gate and spring the

latch on the carrier inside. The puffy ball of fur jumped out of the jeep and ran
straight toward Alice. Esme screamed and tried to get in front of the dog, but she
was too late. Squeals of laughter and joy erupted from the little girl as the dog
gently tackled her to the ground. As Alice snuggled and played with the dog, all eyes
turned to Bell.

"So…um, my Thesis Advisor is actually a seizure dog trainer. His son suffers from

atonic seizures and they couldn't leave him alone for a second for fear that he would
drop and really hurt himself. They were visiting friends who had a poodle and the
dog actually sensed the seizure before he had one and barked to alert the parents.
Not all dogs can sense that a seizure is coming, but this one can and has been
specially trained to not only bark an alert if he senses Alice is going to have a
seizure, but to also cushion her body and make sure she doesn't hurt herself."

As Bell stopped talking, everything was silent with the exception of Alice's echoing

giggles. Esme slowly walked toward her, her hands fisted tightly at her sides.
Unsure what Esme was doing, Bell looked around at the others, noticing that Rose
was crying quietly in Emmett's arms and Carlisle was watching Alice and the dog

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with a look of joy on his face. Edward stood behind her, a comforting presence as his
mother approached.

"Bell…I can't even..." Esme cleared her throat and shook her head as she

continued. "I can't thank you enough. You are the kindest, most thoughtful, loveliest
person I have ever had the pleasure to meet. And if I don't give you a hug right now
I may burst."

Bell sniffled as Esme yanked her into her arms, giving the kind of hug only a

mother could. Edward threaded his fingers through Bell's hair, showing his devotion
and support silently.

"What's his name?" Alice asked, finally coming up for air. The dog sat next to her,

his curly apricot colored fur covering his eyes.

"His name is Jasper and he's all yours," Bell said, reaching over to pet the dog on

the head. He relished in the attention, his long, pink tongue peeking out from the
side of his muzzle. As Alice and the rest of the family took Jasper inside to show him
around, Edward grabbed onto Bell's hand and pulled her back into his arms. She
looked up at him, knowing she was about to get scolded.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" he asked, a bit of hurt in his tone.

"I worried that your analytical brain might try and find fault with it. But I knew

once you saw the dog with Alice you wouldn't be able to deny that he belonged with
her," Bell said shyly, ducking her head to hide her blush. With Edward to fight some
of her battles now, she had found she enjoyed exploring her feminine side, which
included her new love of dresses, high heels and blushing like a tomato.

"You know me so well," he chuckled, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. "But

never again. No keeping secrets from me."

"I promise," Bell said, crossing her heart in a dramatic motion.

If she only knew how soon she would break that promise.

Jeez…ominous much?

I did very little research on the seizure condition and seizure dogs. Bad

Kitkat...bad. So forgive any errors.

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Maybe three more chapters left of this bad boy.

I haz a sad about that

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Chapter 29

Might be my favorite chapter so far. I LOVE Esme.

Sandy had some personal connections to this chapter and I'm happy she

loved it!

Melanie said I knew these guys so well by now there wasn't much to add.

Best compliment ever!


"What are you doing out there? Get your head in the game!"

Edward glared at his mother, tugging on her shirt to try and get her to sit down

and be quiet. They were occupying their usual row in the arena, Alice on the end of
the bench with Jasper sitting next to her, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as it
always was. Carlisle was sitting next to her, with Esme on his right. Edward had the
unfortunate honor of sitting between his mother and his twin. Rose and Emmett
were whispering softly, hands and mouths occasionally brushing with lingering
touches. It was utterly inappropriate behavior for a roller derby match.

"Take her the fuck out if she isn't going to pull her head out of her ass!" Esme

barked once more and this time Edward was unable to still his tongue.

"You do realize that is the woman I love you are talking about. Bell had a tough

week dealing with her thesis. Please stop," he demanded, praying she would listen
to him. Esme sat with a huff and glared at Edward.

"You know, son, I love her just as much as you do. But f her game doesn't improve

then I think they might have to bench her." Edward glared at his mother for a
moment before training his attention back to the rink. He hated being so far away
from Bell, but they had decided he was just too much of a distraction down near the
bench. As he watched his girl skate around the rink with an objective eye, he
realized she was playing poorly. She wasn't engaging the other skaters and her
stride seemed to be off. He worried she was pushing herself too thin, dealing with
Jasper's continued training with Alice and finishing her thesis. He knew finishing her
degree was important, but her health was his top concern.

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"Finally," Esme muttered under her breath as Bell was finally subbed out of the

match. Edward was prepared to see her get angry as she glided over to the bench,
but other than a slight scowl, she seemed fine.

Something was going on, and he was determined to find out what.

Edward followed cautiously behind Bell as she walked out of the arena. Her team

had managed to pull out a win, but she had passed on going out to celebrate with
the team. She'd played like shit and she knew it. After accepting half-hearted
congratulations from Edward's family, she gathered up her stuff and stomped out of
the building, aware that Edward was following close behind. She didn't have the
strength to push him away, even though she knew she should.

Jumping into the driver's seat of her truck, Bell slammed the door shut and rested

her head on the steering wheel. She could sense Glasses standing on the other side
of the glass, but she just couldn't bring herself to look at him. He would know. The
second he looked in her eyes, he would know.

"Bell," he sighed, his voice muffled as it came through the thick pane. She held

back a sob at the broken and cautious emotion in his voice. Why had she ever
started something with him? He deserved so much more.

Without looking at him, she slid over into the passenger seat and waited for him to

open the door. She didn't take her eyes off the flashing lights of the radio as he
safely drove them to her cottage, not trusting herself to meet his stare. The ride was
nearly silent, her shuddering breath and the low static of the radio the only sounds.
She knew once they got to her house she was going to have to talk to him, and the
thought of what came next…devastated her.

Edward felt like he was on his way to face a firing squad as he walked into Bell's

cottage. The entire ride from the arena was uncomfortable and stilted, her soft
sniffles breaking his heart. What could she possibly be hiding that would make her
so miserable?

Bell sat down on the couch, her posture stiff and her eyes closed. He couldn't

bring himself to sit next to her, choosing to settle on the edge of the coffee table in
front of her. When a tear broke free from beneath her lashes, he reached forward
and grabbed her hand, desperate to help her.

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"Just tell me," he whispered, squeezing her hand gently. As she looked up at him,

the pain in her eyes made him gasp softly.

"I'm…I'm so sorry," she sighed, rubbing at her tears with her free hand. Edward

waited patiently as she collected herself and started speaking once more. "Please,
just don't say anything until I'm done, okay?"

Edward nodded his head as she sat forward and started into his eyes.

"I'm going through the change."

True to his word, he didn't speak, waiting for her to continue even though there

were a million questions going through his brain. After she let that sink in, she
elaborated. "You know I have an insufficient amount of hormones, but for the last six
months, I haven't had a period at all. My doctors warned me that I might end up
with early onset menopause, but I never really believed them. I always hoped that
maybe one day..." she sighed longingly, more tears coming. She brushed them aside
again and continued. "But now it looks like I truly am broken. I'm just a fucking
mannequin. I'm not a woman at all anymore. And you need a woman...someone who
can give you the things you need and deserve. So as much as it kills me…I'm
breaking up with you."

Edward felt his chest start to rumble, laughter surging through his body. Bell

looked at him like he was crazy as he chuckled and cackled, tears burning his eyes.
When he finally got himself under control, Bell was glaring at him.

"Oh sweetheart, do you really think it would be that easy to get rid of me?"

"Are you sure this is necessary?" Bell grunted as she jumped up onto the

examination table. As much as she tried to be angry, she was secretly thrilled that
Glasses had refused to leave her. His determination was so damn arousing it made
her wish they were somewhere besides a doctor's office so she could show him just
how much she enjoyed his stubbornness. But that was the whole reason for their
visit, she thought. If she was indeed starting menopause, her body would soon stop
responding to his. It made her want to cry, imagining not being able to get wet for
the man she loved.

"If we are going to start you on hormone replacement therapy, we need to see

how far the endometriosis has spread, first. Too much estrogen could exacerbate the
condition and I don't want you suffering from any undo discomfort," Edward said

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gently, moving so he stood next to where Bell sat on the table. She looked
uncomfortable in the thin gown and he wished he could ease her anxiety.

Dr. Meyer chose that moment to enter the room, her no-nonsense attitude and

open expression easing some of Bell's tension. The woman didn't hesitate as she
busted through Bell's history and started on the exam.

"You can wait in the hall, Dr. Cullen," she said kindly, but Bell's fingers sunk into

the thin skin of Edward's wrist, making it painfully clear that he needed to stay with
her. Smiling down at Bell, he moved closer to the head of the bed, as not to
embarrass her. Bell tried to distract herself from the clicking and discomfort that
was going on in her lady parts by looking at Glasses. He was just as nervous as she
was, she realized, noticing the way his hair was in a wild mess around his head.
There were circles under his eyes and lines around his mouth that hadn't been there
when she met him. What had she done to this beautiful man?

"Hmmm," Dr. Meyer said from near her feet. Realizing that was never a good

sound coming from the woman wrist-deep in your beaver, Bell jerked her head up,
looking down at the doctor.

"What?" she demanded, her palms growing damp as the doctor stayed quiet.

"Nothing. I just need to check a few things," Dr. Meyer said, attempting to

reassure her patient. Bell lay back as the doctor fiddled with some machines and
looked over at Edward.

"If I die…I don't want you to find someone else. I want you to be miserable and

miss me for the rest of your life," she rambled, tears springing to her eyes at the
thought of her Glasses loving anyone else but her. Edward ran trembling fingers
across Bell's cheek and tried to smile.

"You are not going to die, but I promise to do whatever makes you happy," he

responded as the doctor once again warned Bell she might feel a little discomfort.
Edward cringed as Bell winced, wishing there was some way he could-

A low, fast, rhythmic sound filled the little room.

A sound Edward had heard several times during his GYN rotation.

Bell was confused when Edward whipped his head toward the monitor the doctor

was looking at, his hand suddenly going limp in hers.

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"Edward?" she whimpered.

"Really?" he whispered, asking the doctor who nodded and smiled.

"Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" Bell snapped, fear

making her tongue sharp. Instead of replying, the doctor simply pushed the monitor
over so Bell could see-

The little person on the screen.

"From what I can tell, you are about sixteen weeks pregnant. I know from your

records that you were told this was impossible, but obviously it's not."

Bell stared at the monitor, tears streaming down her face as she reached a shaky

hand out toward her child.

Their child.

Turning to look at Edward, Bell feared his reaction. What if he didn't want this

baby? Did she want to raise a child alone? She knew she would, she already loved
the little squirt more than anything and she'd just met it, but it would be hard. She
didn't have to worry though, because as soon as her eyes met Edward's she could
see the love and joy just oozing out of him.

"You're going to have my baby," he whispered, awed. He had resigned himself to a

life without children of his own if it meant being with Bell, because she was more
important to him than looking into a little face similar to his own. But now…he didn't
have to compromise.

"Oh my God, Edward. We're going to have a fucking baby!" Bell squealed,

reaching for him and pulling him into her arms.

"No more derby," he mumbled into her neck and she nodded.

"No, we wouldn't want Squirt to get hurt," she responded instantly, making

Edward chuckle.

"Squirt?" he asked, pulling back so he could see her face. She was glowing. He

had never seen that kind of happiness on her face before. And as much as he
couldn't believe it possible, he felt his love for her skyrocket.

"Yeah…ya know, little Squirt Cullen. I gotta call the buggar something while it's

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cooking. Once it's out we can come up with another name," she said with a smile,
imagining the epic fights they would have as they struggled to name their kid.

"Cullen? Does that mean you'll be mine too?" he demanded, possessiveness flaring

through him at the thought of her taking his name.

"Well, if we're going to do it, we better do it soon. I'll have my PhD in another few

weeks and it's super hard to change your last name after you have those letters after
it," she teased, completely ignoring the doctor who still had a transducer up her

I just love ending a chapter with something up Bell's twat!

Two more…

See you soon!

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Chapter 30

So...this is a weird chapter. But it was all that would come out :( I hate it

when characters won't cooperate.

Sandy and Melanie both said it was a mite odd, but true to the characters.

And I ALWAYS listen to them...

"Tell me something else," Bell moaned, her body writhing beneath Edward's

feverish movements.

"The vaginal contractions of sex may stimulate Braxton Hicks contractions, which

can help women practice breathing for childbirth, tone the uterine muscles and help
the baby adjust to the regular, rhythmic contractions of labor," Edward recited,
grunting when he felt Bell's pussy tightening around his fingers.

Bell was spread out on their bed, her legs splayed wide as if she was a virgin

being sacrificed. The only thing that contradicted that image was her pregnant
belly. After she started spotting in the middle of sex during their honeymoon,
Edward had refused to make love to her again. But he was all for giving her
orgasms. Even though he was an educated physician and knew that there was no
way his penis could injure their unborn child, Edward was adamant that they refrain
from intercourse. It was just safer that way, he assure her.

"Please…please come inside me," Bell cried, her hands reaching for him as tears

drifted down her cheeks. She desperately needed to feel him moving within her, to
feel the connecting she always did to the man she loved as he joined so intimately
with her. But her Glasses refused, focusing even harder on making her come
instead. The orgasm felt empty as it rocketed through her body, leaving Bell panting
and crying as she curled into a ball on her side. Edward looked down at his wife and
tried to figure out why she was so overcome.

Perhaps the orgasm had just been that good.

Five months earlier

"Can we just get Melanie to marry us? She got her license through the internet,"

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Bell whined as she walked behind Edward through the Bridal Expo. After they
discovered they were pregnant, Edward wasted no time in getting an engagement
ring on Bell's finger and their wedding in full swing. But unlike most of the women
Edward knew, Bell wanted nothing to do with planning their blessed event.

"I refuse to have your teammate officiate our wedding," Edward growled, looping

his arm around Bell's shoulder as he led her over to where the different bakeries
were set up. Maybe food would get her mind back on the wedding.

"Edward…I think I'm gonna be sick," she moaned, slapping her hand over her

mouth and diving for the nearest trash can.

Maybe not.

"You are acting like planning our wedding is torture," Edward said softly as he

steered the car back to her cottage. After she evacuated the contents of her stomach
into the garbage, Edward relented and took her home. Bell sighed good and hard
before she replied.

"I want to be your wife, Glasses. I just wish we could do it without all the fancy

shit. I'm Pagan and you're…whatever Church thing you are, so it's not like our
beliefs coincide anyway. I'm busy finishing up my thesis and worry about my
presentation, not to mention growing your spawn. The least you could do is just
organize this shit on your own. I'm marrying you to marry you…not for the cake."

Edward was silent for a moment before he realized she was completely right.

He didn't want a big wedding either.

Parking the car in the driveway, he left the engine running and turned to look at


"You love me? You want to marry me?" he asked seriously. She gave him a 'well

duh' look and nodded. "Then let's go pack."

"Wait, what do you mean?" she yelped, trying to keep up with him as he got out of

the car and stalked toward the house.

"We're flying to Vegas and we're getting married," he replied, finally reaching

their bedroom and going straight for the closet. He tossed a suitcase down on the

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bed and started throwing both his clothes and hers into the bag. Bell watched from
the doorway as several days worth of outfits were shoved into the luggage, followed
by the appropriate shoes and toiletries. Edward zipped the bag shut and walked
right past Bell, back outside to the car.

"Just like that, we're going to get married? You don't care if your family isn't

there?" Bell asked, her voice a meek squeak, so unlike her usual over-the-top
confidence. Edward slammed the trunk shut after he safely secured their belongings
inside and made his way to her.

"You are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are carrying my

child. I love you more than I ever thought possible. I don't care if Elvis himself
marries us, I just want you to be mine," he said fiercely, holding her face gently
between his palms. Bell blinked rapidly, trying to keep her tears at bay, but it was a
lost cause. Sobbing hysterically, she threw herself into his arms and held on tight.

"I love you so much. And this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done. I want to

be yours so badly," she cried, easing Edward's mind with her words.

"Then let's go get married," he said softly, urging her toward the car.

Back to post-orgasm sobbing

"Bell," Edward gasped, his hands fluttering over her, trying to comfort her. She

was mumbling incoherently as she cried, great heaving breaths and sobs breaking
free as tears soaked her pillow.

"I hate this!" she screamed into her hands. "You touch me, but it's so detached.

I'm so fucking big I can't even put my own socks on! And you lie to me and tell me
I'm beautiful and you still love me, but how can I believe you when you won't make
love to me. I'd think you were sleeping with one of your patients, but they're all

Edward sat back on his heels and just stared down at Bell. Then he got up off the

bed and walked into the bathroom, ignoring the way her sobs got louder when she
realized he'd left the room. Edward did the only thing he could think of and started
the tub. Making sure the water wasn't too hot, he added Bell's favorite body oil and
bubble bath. Once the tub was filled, he took off his shirt and walked back into the
bedroom. The devastated look on Bell's face when she met his eyes made Edward's
heart catch, but he ignored the pain and lifted her gently into his arms, despite her

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Edward set Bell gently into the soothing water and then knelt next to the tub. In

their relationship, so many of their most important conversations had taken place
while Edward was giving her a bath. Reaching for a washcloth, Edward covered the
fabric with body wash and reached for Bell's arm. She didn't struggle, letting him
run the sudsy cloth over her skin.

"I realize you are having a hard time dealing with the changes in your body and

the hormone surges that are accompanying the pregnancy. I can also understand
your confusion at my hesitance when it comes to intercourse. But Bell, the fact that
you doubt my fidelity and love…" Edward's voice cracked and Bell shifted to her
knees in the tub, ignoring the water as it sloshed onto the floor.

"Oh, Glasses. I'm sorry!" she cried, pulling him down so his head rested on her

bubble-covered chest. Edward wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. "I
hate not feeling like myself. I'm so scared that I'm not going to know how to be a
mom, since I didn't have one. I'm scared that you'll leave when you realize I'm liable
to fuck this kid up."

Edward pulled away and silenced Bell's ramblings with a kiss.

"I would never think that. I know you are going to be an amazing mother. I can't

wait to see you holding our child. It's my fault, I just don't want to hurt you or the
baby," he admitted. Bell started to laugh as she sat back in the water.

"You know if we just had actual conversations about our feelings, none of this

would happen," she said, wiping the tears off her face and smearing bubbles all over
her nose in the process. Edward reached forward and slapped the wayward suds

"But then we wouldn't be able to make up," he smiled as he stood up and pushed

his pants off. Bell laughed wildly as he got into the tub with her, making water go

Tub sex while pregnant was awkward…but totally worth it. more chapter.

See you soon.

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Chapter 31

Last chapter. No epi. Maybe a donation outtake one of these days.

I'll save my sadness for the end.

Seven Years Later

"Go Lynn! Hit her hard!"

Bell's voice echoed through the arena, ever the proud momma. Edward sat next to

her, their three year old twin sons on his lap and tried not to vomit.

Their daughter was playing roller derby.

He should have expected it, but it was still difficult to deal with. Between his

mother and Bell, his sweet little daughter was inundated with Derby from the time
she was old enough to lace up skates. Now, after years of skating lessons and
learning the fine art of falling without getting hurt, Edward had finally relented.

"Da, why is Lynn wearing a helmet?" Colton asked, looking up at Edward with

curious eyes. His twin brother Dalton glanced away from the action, waiting for an
answer as well.

"She wears the helmet because in the event of a fall, the hard plastic and

absorptive qualities of the inner foam will help to keep her from any catastrophic
brain injury," Edward recited, pushing his glasses up onto his nose. He heard Bell
laughing quietly next to him, but he just couldn't bring himself to ditch his scholarly

"She wears the helmet so her hair doesn't get in her face while she's kicking ass,"

Gram Esme said as she leaned over Edward shoulder and bopped each boy on the
nose, making them giggle. Edward rolled his eyes and sighed at Esme's foul
language and silly reasoning. His eyes were drawn back to the hardwoods as the
little girls, covered in protective pads and bright clothes, skated around the track.
They were too little to really understand the ins and outs of jams, but they had fun
none the less. Edward was all for the fun aspect, it was what it might develop into
later that he was worried about.

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"You were great!" Bell yelled as she hugged Lynn after the match had ended. Bell

fist-bumped Lynn's coaches, and her former teammates, Shell and Melanie before
they started to talk strategy. Edward sighed. You can take the player off the rink,
but you can't take the derby out of the player.

The entire family was there, Rose and Emmett with their brood of four little girls,

Carlisle and Esme, the ever proud grandparents and Alice and Jasper. Jasper barked
and jumped, wagging his stubby tail as he celebrated with Lynn.

"I really wanted to be a jammer like you and Gram, but they stuck me with the

blockers," Lynn huffed, glaring at Coach Melanie and Coach Shell. Esme put her
arm around Lynn's shoulders and kissed her head.

"You're not quite fast enough yet to be a jammer, my love. Be patient, you'll get

there." Lynn sniffled and tried to covertly wipe her eyes. Pushing through the crowd
of family, Colton and Dalton wrapped their little arms around their big sister's legs.

"I tawt you was great, Lynnie," Dalton cooed, snuggling his face against her hip.

Lynn smiled down at her brothers, all disappointment gone.

"They are so cute together," Rose sighed, eyeing her band of monsters with a

glare. While Edward and Bell's kids were sweet and loving, Rose and Emmett's four
little girls were evil. Edward had even denied visitation since the day the girls
convinced Dalton that he could fly, and he jumped off the top of the steps, resulting
in his first trip to the ER and a bright blue cast.

Bell growled under her breath as she watched another of her former teammates,

and slut extraordinaire, Beth round up her kids. The women still harbored a grudge
toward one another over Edward, and Bell guarded her family like a lioness in the

"Hey Bell, looking old!" Beth giggled as she walked by, dragging her seven

children with her.

"Hey Beth, do the kids just walk outta that canyon cunt of yours now?" Bell spat,

ignoring Edward's reprimand and Esme's quiet laughter.

"How about we all head back to the house for some celebratory ice cream?"

Carlisle announced, breaking the tension. Everyone was quick to head out to the
parking lot, with Jasper leading the pack.

"When we get to the house, I need to talk to you," Bell whispered in Edward's ear

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after he had the twins strapped safely into their car seats. Edward nodded
nervously, wiping his damp palms on his jeans as he got behind the wheel. His wife
gave him no further clues as to what their conversation might entail, which only
made him that much more anxious.

"Sprinkles?" Esme asked as her seven grandchildren and Alice crowded around

the kitchen table. Bowls of ice cream were spread out everywhere, along with every
topping known to man. Bell tapped Edward on the shoulder once the kids were
sufficiently distracted and he grudgingly followed her into the back yard. Bell sat
down on the stone wall surrounding Esme's garden and looked up at her husband.

"What's wrong?" Edward rasped, fear and nerves leaving his voice hoarse.

"I'm pregnant," she sighed, looking away when his eyes flared wide. Bell felt him

kneel down in front of her, his hands shaking as he set them on her thighs.

"Isabella?" he whispered, his use of her full name bringing her eyes around to

meet his.

"I'm sorry! I don't know how this happened! I swear I wasn't with anyone else, but

you had the vasectomy! I love you and the thought of being with anyone else…I
would never!" she mumbled, tears falling down her face. Edward grimaced, closing
one eye as he looked up at her.

"I…um…I never went," he admitted, his voice barely audible. Bell froze and

Edward had a momentary thought that this must be what it felt like before a tornado
hit. He shivered as he felt the air around them drop in temperature.

"You never went for what?" Bell asked, the deadly calm tone of her voice making

his balls get tight.

"I never went for the vasectomy," Edward answered, sitting back on his heels

when he saw the fire flash through Bell's eyes.

"So for the last nine months, we've been having unprotected sex. And you didn't

tell me? Do you know how upset I've been since I realized I was pregnant? Oh my
God, Glasses! I could kill you!" she screeched as she pushed herself to standing.

"Bell, be reasonable. I didn't like the idea of someone digging around in my

scrotum," Edward rambled, sliding backward on his butt as Bell advanced on him.

"How do you think I feel when the doctor shoves her entire hand up my vagina?

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You think that's fun? You think hemorrhoids and stretch marks and stitches in my
taint are fun?" Bell screamed, jumping on top of Edward. He cushioned her fall,
settling her so she was straddling his hips, her fists flying. "You horny bastard! This
is the damn position that got us into this mess in the first place!"

Edward couldn't hold in his laughter as he dodged her weak blows. Although she

was putting up a good front, he knew she was overjoyed at the thought of having
another child. She had canceled his vasectomy twice before she finally told him to
go without her knowing. Reaching up, he gently immobilized her hands and pulled
her forward, groaning when the change in position put her pussy right over his hard

"I love you," he said, grinning when he saw her try to hold in her smile.

"I hate you," she replied, humor evident in her tone.

"You know you love me. And you know you love that we're going to have another

baby," he teased, kissing her pouting lips. "I love it as well. The thought of adding to
our family, it makes me so happy."

"God, you know me so well, Glasses. I was really sad we weren't going to have any

more kids. Now we can almost field an entire co-ed derby team," she squealed,
quickly getting used to the idea.

"Heaven help me," Edward sighed as he heard the back door open. Their three

kids came running out, jumping into the fray.

Looking up into the sky, covered in laughing kids and grass with his pregnant wife

lying next to him, Edward Cullen realized there was something much more exciting
than roller derby.


So yeah…Glasses is in trouble and Bell is knocked up again. Emmett and

Rose have demon children and Alice still has her Jasper dog.

All's well that ends well.

I'm so sad to say goodbye to these characters. I learned so much about

derby and you guys through this journey.

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Melanie and Sandy were instrumental in both the way the story played out

and my confidence. I could not have done this without them.

I cannot thank you all enough for your love and support.

And I now hit…complete.

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Document Outline


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