Sharing (The Sextet Anthologies Volume 1) by Elizabeth Raines

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The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1


As children, we were all taught the importance of sharing, but

when it comes to love, many are unwilling to compromise.

Consider the dilemma of two men in love with the same woman,

while that same woman loves both men equally and cannot

choose. Pain and sadness are almost guaranteed for one man if

she does decide to take one over the other. However, when a

spirit of cooperation prevails, none of those involved need walk

away hurt or unfulfilled—and the possibilities are endless.

Join us on a unique journey that will take you back into history,

allow you to explore the present day, immerse you in the world of

fantasy, and then send you forward in time to the distant future.

Each story will lure you into a private world where nothing is

taboo, no one is left sobbing in despair, and sensuously wicked

pleasures abound.

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Immortal Kiss by Elizabeth Raines [M/F/M/M Paranormal]

Paralegal Katrina Mason falls for a handsome new client and

agrees to join him for a cozy dinner. When she discovers that

Adrian Bishop is the leader of a tribe of three male Nightwalkers

who want to share her, Kat must decide if she has the courage to

join them.

Double Desire by Cheryl Brooks [M/M/F Sci-fi] When exhausted

attorney Nalira Morkind orders room service, she gets more than

she expected. The handsome clones of a very rich, powerful man,

Sar and Lon are the property of the hotel. They can fulfill Nalira’s

every need and wildest dreams, but can she free them from unjust


Two Many Chefs by Mellanie Szereto [M/F/M Contemporary]

Wren McCoskey must interview two chefs for her cousin's wedding

reception. Spencer Andrews and Dane Fletcher are talented,

gorgeous, and old friends. Can she stand the heat when they start


Southern Comfort by Ginger O'Brien [M/F/M Historical]

Returning home from Paris after the Civil War, Southern belle

Anna BonDurant knows she must make a difficult decision. But if

she can’t decide which O’Donnell twin she wants as her lover,

Devon or Connor, maybe she will just have to get a bigger bed.

Double Tap by Annie Morgan [M/F/M Contemporary] Jennifer

Delaney has her sights set on an unusual birthday present. But

when Special Forces Trey and Wil set their own rules of

engagement, can she hold out against a double team mission

straight to her heart?

Studs in Stetsons by Niki Hayes [M/F/M Western] Samantha

Phillips trades her Louisiana city life for a Texas ranch to write an

article about cowboys. Between the hot days, and even hotter

nights, she finds two studs in Stetsons more than she can handle.

But Greg and Dallas have plans of their own, if they can convince

her to stay.

Genre: Anthology, Ménage a Trois/Quatre
Length: 74,047 words

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The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1

Elizabeth Raines

Cheryl Brooks

Mellanie Szereto

Ginger O’Brien

Annie Morgan

Niki Hayes


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting

Copyright © 2011
E-book ISBN: 1-61034-358-1

Copyright © 2011 by Elizabeth Raines
Copyright © 2011 by Cheryl Brooks
Copyright © 2011 by Mellanie Szereto
Copyright © 2011 by Ginger O’Brien
Copyright © 2011 by Annie Morgan
Copyright © 2011 by Niki Hayes

First E-book Publication: June 2011

Cover design by Les Byerley
All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without
express written permission.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Letter to Readers

Dear Readers,

If you have purchased this copy of Sharing by The Sextet from or its official distributors, thank you. Also, thank
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Elizabeth Raines

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To Cheryl, Ginger, Mellanie, Annie, and Niki—thank you for all you

do for me!

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Chapter 1

A mausoleum would have been more welcoming.
Katrina Mason raised her trembling hand to knock on the

enormous oak door. After a moment’s hesitation, she finally dug
down to drag up her courage and rapped on the door with the back of
her knuckles. The sound hung heavy in the chilly air as she waited to
see if anyone would actually answer.

The ancient mansion had all the ambiance of Castle Dracula. Yes,

California had its share of eccentrics, and some weirdo silent movie
star had probably built the place because he worshipped Bela Lugosi,
the original movie Dracula. Stone walls. Iron-barred windows.
Overgrown landscaping. The only thing missing was a creepy wolf
howling in the distance and the cliché would be fait accomplie.

Katrina waited, counting slowly and figuring one hundred would

be more than fair before she gave up, especially since the foreboding
nature of the place made her want to turn and run. The blame rested
with her father for having her sit through all those Friday night horror
movies for the majority of her childhood. Dracula. Frankenstein. The
. Thanks to dear old Dad’s warped sense of humor, she was
now twenty-four and still saw monsters around every dark corner. She
couldn’t sleep without a night-light.

Ninety-seven. Ninety-eight. Ninety—
The clinking sound of the lock made her jump. God, she felt like a

nervous ninny. A loud creak accompanied the opening of the door,
and it took all her strength not to turn tail, run back to her Focus, and
floor it.

Grow up. All you have to do is get this idiot’s signature.

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Immortal Kiss


The woman who answered couldn’t have been a day younger than

ninety. Maybe closer to a hundred... Her dress was black satin and
very, very old. Dusty, even. The white lace collar circling her throat
bore an old-fashioned cameo broach that also seemed dulled by time.
The odor wafting from the woman reminded Katrina of her
grandmother’s basement after the last time it flooded. She crinkled
her nose and tried to breathe through her mouth.

“Can I help you?” The woman’s voice was raspy as the crumpling

of dried leaves.

“Um... Hi. I’m Katrina Mason. I’m here from Franklin, Walters,

and Peterson. Mr. Bishop requested me. I’m the notary.”

Lady Methuselah pursed her wrinkled lips and tilted her gray-

topped head. “Notary?”

Not sure whether the old woman was asking what a notary was or

if she was confused as to why a notary was even there, Katrina
plowed ahead. “Mr. Bishop has to sign the closing papers for this
house. I understand he won’t be able to attend the closing and—”

The geriatric interrupted with a wave of her furrowed, age-spotted

hand. “Yes, yes.” The door opened wider, the responding groan of the
hinges sending shivers down Katrina’s spine. “Come in, child.”

Chewing on her bottom lip, Katrina cradled her briefcase close to

her side and stepped over the threshold despite every instinct telling
her to get the hell out while she could.

A mausoleum. Definitely. Dust. Stone floors. Darkness. The place

smelled as old as it looked. Heavy gray drapes covered the windows,
banning sunlight. Shadows and cobwebs lurked in every corner. Two
stone staircases wound up each wall and met on the second floor.

The only pieces of furniture were an enormous walnut dining

table and two chairs with dusty, red velvet cushions.

Figuring the table would work for what she needed to get done,

she hurried there without an invitation. The click of her high heels
against the floor echoed through the enormous hall. The walls had to
be forty-feet high. Her hands shook as she popped open the briefcase

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Elizabeth Raines

and pulled out her work.

Get a grip, Kat. It’s just an old house.
Dust rose around her as she dropped the package of closing papers

on the table. She set the notary seal on top of them then turned to a
sound at the top of the stairs.

“Good afternoon,” a deep baritone as smooth as cashmere called.

The echo of his voice seemed to hang in the air much longer than it
should have.

Katrina had pictured some old guy riding a scooter chair whose

hand would tremble as he signed the deed. She couldn’t have been
more wrong. She didn’t get Dumbledore. She got Gerard Butler.

Heavens, but she was having trouble catching her breath. The guy

was gorgeous. Dressed entirely in black—linen shirt, creased trousers,
leather loafers—he could have been a model for GQ. His straight
ebony hair brushed his shoulders, and his day-old set of dark whiskers
gave him a dangerous air. As he slowly descended the staircase, his
grace made it appear as if he floated a few inches above the stone

“And you are…?” that silky voice asked.
She couldn’t even force a response to form in her mind, let alone

get one to slip out of her mouth. The last time she’d been that tongue-
tied was when Jimmy Hanson asked her to the junior prom.

This guy made Jimmy Hanson look like a rube.
Get it together, Kat. You need your job! “Um... Hi. I’m—” Geesh,

what’s my name? “Katrina Mason. I’m here—”

“With the papers from Gregory Peterson. Thank you for coming

so quickly. I’m anxious to get this business settled.” When he finally
stood in front of her, he reached out a hand. “I’m Adrian Bishop.
Such a pleasure to meet you.”

Holding her breath, Katrina tried to complete the handshake.

Instead, Adrian grasped her fingers and lifted her hand so he could
press a kiss on her knuckles. The touch was only a quick brush of his
lips, but a responding thrill sizzled through her body. When he

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released her hand, she almost begged for him to touch her again. She
turned to try and focus on her task.

She wanted to ask why he’d requested her specifically, but she

couldn’t seem to make herself stop staring at the man. By the time
Adrian pulled out a chair, she was so hypnotized by him, she couldn’t
have moved if she wanted to. God, she hoped she wasn’t drooling. No
man had ever affected her this way—primitive. Visceral. Sexual need
raced through every cell in her body, making heat pool between her

With a flourish of his hand, he invited her to take a chair. She

replied with a quick shake of her head. He sat on the dusty velvet.
Funny, but none of the dust rose in the air or clung to his black
trousers, events just weird enough to break Katrina out of her stupor.
“I’m pleased to help you with this closing, Mr. Bishop.” She reached
for the stack of papers. “I have a few things for you to sign. Then I’ll
take everything down to the courthouse and get the proper forms filed
so this place can be officially yours.”

“Wonderful.” His voice seemed to reach deep down inside her and

infect her blood like some kind of rapidly spreading virus.

Am I running a fever?
Katrina sidled up to him and set the first page on the table. His

pleasing scent of cologne surrounded her, drowning out the home’s
musty odor she’d hated so much. He smelled good. He looked good.
She physically responded to him before she could try to grasp any
self-control, growing wet and decidedly hot. She shifted to squeeze
her thighs a little tighter together. What woman wouldn’t react? The
guy oozed sensuality from every pore.

“Here, Mr. Bishop.” She fumbled with her pen, feeling clumsy

and awkward, but she had to be sure he used it because the county
recorder always freaked when things weren’t signed in black ink.

“Please call me Adrian.” The man was practically purring, and his

smirk told her he knew she was rattled. Probably because he had that
effect on all women.

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Elizabeth Raines

“Adrian.” His name was poetry. Trying to ignore the heat still

shooting to her pussy and making her squirm in want, Katrina handed
him the pen. His fingers brushed hers as he took it, and she couldn’t
stop the soft moan that escaped when skin touched skin again. A
tremor ran through her gut, the same kind she always got when
reading a hot sex scene in a book, making her womb spasm. No man
had ever affected her this way, especially with such an innocent

His smile told her he’d heard her, and all she could think was

what other embarrassing sounds she’d make if he put those warm
hands on her breasts, her ass, her...

A dimple creased his cheek. “Where exactly should I sign? Or is

anywhere acceptable?”

She needed to pay better attention to her job and less to her hunger

for this man. Katrina leaned over him to point to the signature line,
letting herself draw close enough to get another pleasing whiff of his
masculine fragrance. Adrian scrawled his name in big, bold letters,
and as he turned his face up to meet hers, his cheek and chin brushed
her breast. The warmth of his skin branded her through her thin silk
blouse. With closed eyes, she gasped with desire before she caught
herself. Mumbling an apology, although she wasn’t sure why when
he’d been the one to almost cop a feel with his face, she ignored his
knowing grin, picked up that page, and set another in front of him. As
he read through it, she affixed her notary seal to his first signature.
The process was repeated until all papers were signed.

Katrina couldn’t figure out if she was happy her business was

done or horribly sad. His scent had surrounded her, infected her. The
need she felt for Adrian was terrifying. Her pussy throbbed in need as
she pictured what he looked like under all that black clothing.
Muscular chest. Firm biceps. Washboard abs. Just imagining his cock,
hot and hard, made her close her eyes and take a deep breath so she
wouldn’t start panting. Where had good, old-fashioned Katrina gone?

She needed to get out of there before she lost her mind.

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As she reached for the pile of signed papers, Adrian got to his feet

and put his hand on the stack. Before Katrina could even touch the
documents, he slid the paperwork farther down the table. Not a speck
of dust rose in the process. She tried to turn to ask why he’d done that
and found him right behind her. The question froze in her throat.

Strong hands settled on her hips and roughly pulled her back

against him. The hard proof of his desire brushed her buttocks, telling
her he wanted her, perhaps even as badly as she wanted him. She
closed her eyes again, trying to regain a little sanity and self-control
before she did something very, very stupid. Like sleep with a client.
But she wanted Adrian naked. She wanted to squeeze those slim hips
between her thighs. She wanted that gorgeous body pounding into
hers while she scraped her fingernails down his strong back.

“You smell good,” he whispered in her ear. “Like Chanel.”
So perceptive of him to identify the one luxury she afforded

herself. She would have returned the compliment if she could have
spoken at all. Her teeth tugged on her bottom lip as she tried to find
the strength to step away from him. Not an easy task when everything
inside her screamed to get closer. For the first time in her life, she was
thinking about abandoning all control, grabbing his hand, and
dragging Adrian up to the closest bedroom. All the cool, calm control
she’d always practiced around men had vanished like fog in the
morning light.

Adrian never gave her the chance to flee. His arms snaked around

her waist as he nibbled on her earlobe. The heat inside her exploded
into a melee of wild fantasies. Adrian’s cock in her mouth. Adrian’s
face buried between her thighs. Adrian bending her over that table
and taking her right there. She didn’t resist when his hand moved to
cover her breast, wanting to see exactly where he planned to take this
little party. Through her barely-there lace bra, she felt him pinch her
nipple until it peaked. Another moan slipped from her lips, and his
knowing chuckle followed.

“I can smell the heat in you, the passion, the desire,” he whispered

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Elizabeth Raines

in her ear before his tongue traced the curving lines. For several
heartbeats, his warm lips pressed against her throat. “I can feel it
flowing through your blood. You want me. Inside you. Now.”

Even if she was supposed to say something in response to that

daring comment, Katrina couldn’t utter a single word. Her body rose
to his caress as she arched her back, pressing her ass harder against
his swollen cock. Oh, how she wanted those pants off him! And she
wanted them off him right now!

What in the hell was wrong with her? This man, though delicious

and hypnotic, was still a client! A paralegal at a huge and powerful
law firm didn’t fuck a client—not if she wanted to continue being a
paralegal at a huge and powerful law firm.

“Of course she fucks a client,” Adrian said before his teeth

scraped the sensitive skin of her neck, the sting of the action warring
with the pleasure of the lick that followed.

Had she spoken aloud?
Katrina found herself suddenly turned in his arms, and before she

could say anything, his mouth covered hers. Hard. Demanding.
Consuming. God, she wanted him, wanted to feel him ramming into
her until she tightened around him and screamed as her orgasm rushed
over her.

His tongue stroked hers, stoking the fire running through her

body. Sharp teeth brushed the sensitive surface of her bottom lip, and
she pulled back, frightened, before she tasted a bit of blood.

Stepping back, her hand flew to her mouth, her fingertips touching

her lips. “Did you just...bite me?”

“I’m sorry, my darling. Forgive that little...scratch. You’re just far

too sweet to resist tasting.” Adrian drew Katrina back into his arms
and tilted up her chin with his thumb. “Let me soothe the hurt.”

As his mouth covered hers again, she felt the need inside her

pulsing, growing faster with each stroke of his tongue. Fear washed
over her in a wave that threatened to drag her under, a relentless
undertow she was too weak to fight. It was all suddenly too much, too

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soon. Her hands flattened against his hard chest as she pushed until he
finally released her and took a step back. Only then, could she find the
strength to breathe. “I...I sh...should go.”

Fumbling to gather the signed documents and stuff them in her

briefcase, Katrina strained to not appear like a frightened child
running away. Every cell in her body felt alive, on fire, and that
scared the crap out of her because it took every ounce of her strength
to keep any distance between them. As much as she wanted this man,
she needed her job. She barely lived hand-to-mouth as it was. If she
made love with this guy, she could kiss her pathetic career goodbye.
She’d end up in a “career” where she asked people if they wanted
fries with their orders.

With a calmness so in contrast to Katrina’s emotional turmoil,

Adrian led her to the door, opened it, and threw her a perfect smile.
“I’d be honored if you’d join me for dinner this evening.”

“D...d...dinner?” She sounded like Porky Pig. A quick swallow

followed a deep breath. If she saw him again, she knew exactly what
would happen. “I’m afraid…I can’t.”

He was even handsome when he frowned. “And why not? Are

you married?” His tone was decidedly concerned, the note of barely
restrained jealousy making her pounding heart skip a quick beat.

“No. Nothing like that...”
His warm hand reached out and captured her hand, his long

fingers wrapping around hers. “Then I would consider it an honor if
you would join me tonight.”

“Mr. Bishop—”
He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Adrian. You promised to call

me Adrian, my Kat.”

The endearment only made her want him more. “Adrian…as

much as I want to, I can’t. You’re a client. I shouldn’t date a client.”
Unless I plan to be unemployed ’til the end of time.

A smile lit his face. “But our business is complete. I am no longer

a client.”

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Elizabeth Raines

Yes! He was right. A thrill ran through her, and she had to resist

the urge to jump up and down in glee. “Well, then. I’d love dinner.
When and where?”

“Here, of course. Why don’t we say eight o’clock?”
His mansion? That could only mean sex would be dessert. Please

God, that I could be that lucky. Katrina made a quick mental note to
stop by CVS for condoms and breath mints. And she’d have to shave
her legs when she got home. “Wonderful.” She took a long look
around the hall. “Do you dress for dinner? Should I go to the back of
my closet for my cocktail dress?” At least her normal, controlled
personality was firmly back in place.

“Let’s just say...” Adrian’s gaze wandered the big room. “My

home is suited to playing dress up. I’d be honored to see you in your
finest. I shall return the compliment, of course, and dress in my best.”

He squeezed her fingers and lifted her hand. When his lips

touched the back of her hand and Katrina felt a quick tingle of teeth
gently scraping the sensitive skin, her knees almost buckled.

She still felt the heat on her skin as she heard the door shut behind


* * * *

Leaning back against the heavy door, Adrian took a few deep

breaths to calm his racing heart. He’d been

right. Katrina Mason was

the one. Their mate. The one he’d waited his extraordinarily long
lifetime to discover, and the one who would complete his tribe.
Feeling as if her essence had been branded on his heart, he returned to
the hall to look over his copies of the papers that gave him ownership
of his new home.

Ethan slinked from the shadows first, which wasn’t a surprise.

Patience had never been his strong suit. He moved quickly but silently
to the table where Adrian sat. “Is she what you expected?” the blond
asked, the hope clear in his voice. “Is she really the one?”

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Before Adrian could answer, Nicholas joined them. The legs of

the chair he pulled out scraped against the stone floor, the sound
echoing around them. His tall frame sprawling into the chair, he raked
his fingers through his chestnut hair and frowned, an expression the
staunchly serious man often wore. “She seems too timid to complete
our tribe. I cannot see her as a nightwalker.”

“Timid, yes. But just because I was unknown to her,” Adrian

replied. “The passion is there. I smelled it in her blood. Hot. Strong.
Undeniable. No, she will make us a perfect mate. And she will be a

“You tasted it in her kiss, too,” Ethan replied, sitting himself

opposite Nicholas. “A kiss that should have been shared by all.”

Adrian’s fist came down hard on the table. “This is my tribe. It

was my right.”

“Possessive of her already?” The frown on Nicholas’s face

deepened. “You know the tribe must share her.”

Of course he knew. And he understood why. To be their own

tribe, they had to pledge every part of their world to each other. Body
and soul. Their very existence depended on their bond, their trust.
Their futures were forever linked, had been from the moment Adrian
met and turned the two men, and now, he was closer to them than
anyone else in the world. They shared a connection few people could
ever understand—one that went beyond friendship, beyond mutual
dependence. It was as if they shared a soul.

To bring a woman into their trio would change the delicate

dynamic considerably. The men knew each other so well they could
anticipate each other’s actions, sometimes even their thoughts. On a
hunt, they were always successful because of that connection, keeping
safe from detection or capture. It wouldn’t be at all easy to add a
woman. They’d have so very much to teach her simply to help her
survive a nightwalker’s life.

Not every tribe was able to find a perfect mate, a fate Adrian

feared. Even after years and years of searching, he knew they could

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Elizabeth Raines

come up empty handed. Yet he still searched, wanting that last
important piece of the puzzle that would make their lives complete.

Luck was truly on Adrian’s side to have stumbled across that

fateful picture. The one showing a young woman with straight brown
hair and a pert nose. The one revealing paralegal Katrina Mason
standing by a large glass window overlooking the skyscrapers of
downtown Los Angeles. The one that would change all their lives.

As members of their old tribe, the three had shared women as

lovers over the years. They were so in tune, quarrels had never
erupted over petty things like jealousy or resentment. Everyone left
the bed satisfied, but no woman had ever inspired strong feelings of
possession in Adrian. None had been their mate. From the moment
he’d seen Katrina on his computer screen, he’d known she was the
one. Smelling her, tasting her, had only confirmed that. She was the

Was it those warm, brown eyes? The almost irresistible air of

vulnerability? The touch of mischief in her smile? Something,
perhaps something inexplicable, had called to Adrian. He’d known. It
was that simple.

Damn, but he’d been searching for her forever and a day. All over

the world. Woman after woman after woman. Desperately hoping to
one day find an elusive mate. And to discover her face—the face of a
nightwalker’s mate—in a picture formed of light? The irony was
exquisite. As was Katrina.

He’d finally embraced technology despite the fact he was a

stubborn creature of habit. Computers had not only come easy to him,
but they’d opened up the world, ceasing his seemingly endless years
of isolation. Ethan had transitioned into the twenty-first century as
well, albeit he was the youngest of the three, initiated by their former
leader in the early part of the twentieth century. Finding her so he
could complete his small tribe had been such a long quest. What if
Adrian might have missed her had he taken Nicholas’s approach of
ignoring anything new or innovative? A shudder ripped through him.

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One heated kiss had confirmed what Adrian already knew in his

heart. Katrina was their mate. She would give them the freedom to
keep this tribe here in America, to break free of the talons of the
Elders, and to become whatever they wanted to be—at least within
the limitations of being nightwalkers.

“She’ll be back?” Ethan asked, the excitement now tinting his

voice. His blue eyes searched Adrian’s, betraying the hope he knew
they all shared—to claim Katrina and become an independent tribe.
“She’ll be here tonight?”

“Yes,” Adrian replied. “She’ll be back. And tonight, we’ll make

her ours.”

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Elizabeth Raines

Chapter 2

“I’m absolutely insane.” Katrina took a deep breath and stared at

the familiar oak door. What had she been thinking? Standing there
dressed in the perfect “little black dress” she’d found at a vintage
store—the one she’d saved for just the right occasion—she clutched
her beaded purse to her chest and tried not to have a panic attack.

While she’d been known to fall fast, hard, and even a bit stupidly

into a relationship, casual sex had never been her thing. Being brought
up Catholic meant she carried the burden of guilt whenever she
crossed the line between flirty and sleazy. Only once had she
participated in a one-night stand, and that had involved precipitous
amounts of alcohol and a guy who looked too much like Robert
Downey, Jr. to even think of turning down. Even drunk, she’d kept
enough self-control to insist on protection.

Yet, here she was with a box of condoms stuffed in her purse,

ready to throw herself into the bed of a man she’d just met. Just met?
She’d spent a grand total of twenty minutes with Adrian Bishop. Even
if he was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen, Katrina had a hard
time excusing her reckless behavior, probably because she simply
couldn’t come up with one reasonable explanation why she now
found herself standing in front of that enormous oak door.

Fanciful as it sounded, she’d felt a...connection to Adrian, a strong

and undeniable bond from the moment their gazes had locked.
Something other than sexual tension, something much deeper. The
strength of the lust she felt for him made it next to impossible to sort
out the rest of the emotional tangle he’d caused. But had she felt
nothing but the desire to straddle his hips and ride him like a bucking

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bronco, Katrina wouldn’t be back at the creepy mansion. She owed it
to herself to discover exactly what existed between them so she
wouldn’t live with regret over what might have been.

Her eyes closed. She whispered a prayer for strength and a touch

of wisdom before squaring her shoulders and deciding to find out
exactly what had drawn her back to Adrian like Gollum hunting his
ring. Knuckles poised to knock, her breath rushed out in a startled
gasp when the door creaked open.

“Good evening, Katrina.” Adrian’s dimple and smooth baritone

made her heart slam in her chest.

“I expected the old lady to answer again,” she blurted out.
“Ah...You mean Agatha. The housekeeper. I wanted time alone

with you, so I gave our servant the night off.”

Katrina couldn’t even form a picture of the old woman in her

mind because Adrian filled her every thought. The man was dark
from head to toe—ebony hair, obsidian eyes, black tux and shirt. And
the look suited him, made him appear not only sexy but mysterious.
The cadence of her already speeding heart increased as her eyes
brushed over his groin and she imagined seeing the cock she’d felt
pressed against her backside that afternoon.

“I hope you like what you see, my Kat.” Humor marked each of

his words.

Sanity came tumbling back. Hadn’t he said something in greeting?

“Um...Good...good evening, Adrian.”

Offering his hand, he grinned, clearly sensing her unease and

enjoying it. The guy probably liked making women feel off-kilter
because it gave him the air of control. With a coy grin, Katrina
decided to be daring, snatch that control back, and set the tone for the

Instead of taking his hand, she placed hers against that muscular

chest, leaned in, and pressed her lips to his, capturing his smile.
Adrian replied by wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.
He smelled of Acqua di Gio and tasted of spearmint. A perfect

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She stepped back before either could deepen the kiss. Too much

remained unsaid for them to go tumbling between the sheets too
quickly. Katrina wanted to know a little about him first, especially to
find out why this connection seemed so powerful and if it could
survive anywhere other than a bedroom. Then perhaps she could feed
the sexual hunger gnawing at her insides. Her thong was already
damp, and he hadn’t done anything to her yet except kiss her.

A glance around the room showed a radical change. The cobwebs

were gone, as was the layer of dust. Silver candelabras had been
scattered around the great hall, and candlelight shimmered from the
top of the stairs to the long table, which now held four chairs—a
captain at the front, two on the left, one on the right. All four places
had been set with red linen napkins and polished silverware. “Are you
expecting company for dinner? Other than me?”

“I’ve invited my closest friends, the men who live with me, to join

us. I hope you don’t mind.” The disappointment that they wouldn’t be
alone must have been clearly written on her face because Adrian
reached for her hand and leaned down to give the back of it a soft
kiss. “They wished to meet you, my love. They’re very curious about

“You told your friends about me?”
“Of course. We’re...close. Closer than being simple friends. But I

shall explain more later.” He tucked her hand under his elbow so it
rested in the crook. “Let me introduce you to them.”

Two men appeared from the shadows of the second floor as if

Adrian had called them. On the right staircase, descending with the
grace of a ballroom dancer, was a blond. His hair was cropped short,
his face round enough to bear the look of a man still in the bloom of
youth. He couldn’t be any older than twenty-two or twenty-three.
Close to Katrina’s own age.

Funny, but she didn’t consider herself in the bloom of youth any

longer. Life had a way of making a person jaded. She’d had to work

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her butt off to scrape up every dollar she needed to survive since her
father died and her alcoholic mother kicked her out when she was
seventeen. Paralegal pay was next to nothing, especially in a city like
Los Angeles, but at least she had a roof over her head now.

Her gaze shifted to the left. This one had shoulder-length hair that

was neither brown nor red, but a pleasant mixture of both. There was
no polish to this tall, close-to-thirty man, his large feet stomping down
the stairs loudly enough to echo through the hall. Long fingers tripped
down the banister as he descended, and his amber eyes stayed locked
on her. His tongue darted out to lick his full lower lip, sending heat
shooting through her body.

Dinner with three gorgeous men? When had she hit the lottery?
Shouldn’t I feel some kind of fear? After all, Katrina was now

alone in a house in the middle of absolute nowhere with three men—
three very tall and masculine men who could easily overpower her
and enforce their desires. She should be worried about their intentions
and their behavior. This whole scenario had “gang bang” written all
over it. Oh, yes, she should have been afraid. She simply...wasn’t.

Trust. She trusted Adrian, more than she knew was wise.
As she thought through the extraordinarily tantalizing and horribly

naughty possibilities the evening could but would never present, she
realized all three men now stood before her.

“Let me introduce my friends,” Adrian said. His hand swept out to

indicate the tallest of the three men. “This is Nicholas.”

The Adonis with the chestnut hair bowed slightly, although his

dark eyes never left hers. The intensity she saw was raw, exciting, and
she realized this man wanted her. She loved seeing such naked desire
for her reflected in his warm gaze. Katrina almost closed her eyes to
give in to the wave of longing that flooded her pussy with heat. What
about Adrian—about all these men—made everything inside her
scream to get closer?

“I’m Ethan,” the blond interjected, drawing her attention away

from Nicholas and Adrian. He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to

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her lips.

This one might have grace, but he had no subtlety at all. She

found that incredibly sexy. And refreshing. Katrina decided to return
the favor. After Ethan stepped back, she bluntly asked, “What do you
three want from me? ’Cause I don’t think I was invited here just for

Adrian’s hand reached out to take her purse, and he tossed it

aside. Then his hand settled her shoulder. “Yes, my darling Kat. We
want...something from you.”

The knots of desire inside her turned to tendrils that snaked

through her body, blazing a path of desire. “Explain.” Her voice
sounded husky with need.

Ethan’s beaming smile took her breath away. “We’d rather show

you.” Her hand was suddenly cradled in Nicholas’s strong, warm
fingers. He raised it to his lips and brushed a kiss over her knuckles.
“We’d much rather show you.”

Oh, yeah. I’m in trouble.
She figured she should run. Very far and very fast. But Katrina

stood her ground, somehow knowing these men, these gorgeous men,
wouldn’t harm her. It was stupid to stay, knowing she was about to be
made love to by three guys she didn’t even know. Damned stupid.
“All right then, gentlemen. Show me.”

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Chapter 3

All three men grinned as their eyes widened, and Katrina could

swear their pants fronts tightened in unison. No wonder they were
surprised and excited. Shit, she was surprised and excited by her

This is a dream. Just an erotic dream. That explained the surreal

feeling surrounding her from the moment she’d walked in the ancient
mansion. She wasn’t here, and it wasn’t night. After Adrian had
signed the closing papers, she’d gone back to her crackerjack box of
an apartment and fallen asleep waiting to go back to his house for
dinner. Yep. A dream.

Adrian’s hand stroked her cheek, drawing her back to reality. His

skin was as silky as his voice. “Are you sure, my darling Kat? You
really know what we want from you?”

Strong arms encircled her waist, and Ethan pulled her back against

him, pressing her back against his firm chest. Soft lips touched her
sensitive neck, and Katrina’s breath caught in her throat. Her pussy
tightened, feeling empty and begging to be filled. By all of them. A
tilt of her head gave him permission to keep doing exactly what he
was doing. “I know what you want from me, what all of you want
from me. Because I want it from all of you.”

The sound of silverware clattering across the stone floor broke the

air. A sweep of Nicholas’s arm had emptied the table, and the chairs
were tossed aside to lie in odd angles in the corners. Ethan lifted
Katrina off her feet and carried her to where Adrian and Nicholas
waited, taking off their jackets and jerking open their shirts so fast
that buttons rained on the stone floor like hail. Trousers hit the ground

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as Ethan sat her on her feet, and as he stripped, the other two faced
her. Naked.

They were huge. Everywhere. Bulging muscles shaped their pale

skin. Nicholas’s chest was smooth as a baby’s ass. The patch of dark
hair on Adrian’s chest looked so soft, she wanted to run her fingertips
through it. Swallowing hard, Katrina let her gaze touch each of their
swollen cocks. The drops of moisture on the tip of Adrian’s made her
lick her lips in anticipation. Does he taste as good as he looks?

Heart pounding against her rib cage and every inch of her skin

feeling alive, she tried not to flinch when hands suddenly dragged
down the zipper on the back of her little black dress. Ethan was
clearly the most impatient of their group. Nicholas pulled the straps
down her shoulders, never letting his eyes leave hers. His desire, his
eagerness made her pant in anticipation, matching him breath for
breath as she squeezed her thighs together to keep from squirming. He
followed the dress to the floor and gently removed her high heels as
he pressed a kiss to the small of her back that made her buttocks

Adrian, on the other hand, watched with patience as the other men

undressed her down to her black thong, bra, and thigh-high stockings.
The appreciation in his eyes forced a flush on her cheeks and a rush of
moisture to her pussy. She tried to avert her gaze, suddenly feeling
overwhelmed by her own desire. She wanted them. All three of them.
Several times. On the table. On the stairs. In a bed. Yet she knew that
Adrian would be first. The best. And damn, but someone better touch
me soon, or I’ll go out of my mind.

The clasp on her bra popped as Ethan stripped her of it, and the

cool air of the hall washed over her breasts, making the nipples
tighten to hard pebbles.

“So beautiful,” Nicholas whispered in a reverent voice before he

stepped forward to tease her tits with his fingertips and touch his lips
to her cheek.

As if knowing what she needed, Adrian brushed Nicholas aside

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and reached for her. Pulling her close, he settled his mouth on hers.
Ethan’s warmth pressed against her back again, his shirt and pants
gone as heated flesh touched hers just as Adrian’s tongue invaded her

The rigid length of Ethan’s erection pressed against her ass cheeks

before nudging between her thighs. She squeezed him tight as he
pressed gently against her, rubbing his dick across her wet thong,
simulating the act they all clearly wanted and hitting her swelling
clitoris enough to make her moan into Adrian’s mouth.

Not sure who to touch where, Katrina blindly reached out.

Nicholas grabbed her hand and gently wrapped her fingers around his
hard shaft. She stroked his cock, marveling in the heat, in his size,
tracing the veins with her fingertips. She swirled her thumb around
the pre-cum emerging from the slit, moistening the head. His skin was
satiny as her fingers slid over an erection hard as granite. His groan
brought a smile to her lips, and when he started to push his hips
toward her, she increased the speed of her caresses, pumping him and
hoping to drive him mad.

Her other hand reached for Adrian, stroking his chest and tangling

in the covering of hair. His lips were torn from hers, and she almost
cried out in disappointment.

“Oh, no, my love. We’re past teasing. I want you to touch

something else.” He pressed her palm flat against his chest and began
to guide it along the line of hair running down his body. Her eyes
followed as he led her over the firm and muscled abdomen to the nest
of crisp, dark curls and finally to his enormous cock. Her fingers
touched the silky, soft skin, tracing the length and running around the
engorged head. She rubbed the drops of his juice from the tip between
her fingertips then put her fingers to her lips and gave them a long,
exaggerated lick that made Adrian groan.

“God, you’re hot,” Ethan said from behind her as he rubbed his

dick between her thighs until she clenched them tighter, cradling his
heat with her own. A throaty growl was her reward.

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“Very hot,” Nicholas echoed before groaning again as Kat

increased the pace of her hand.

Adrian’s smile reached deep down and squeezed her heart, and

she watched that smile brighten as she took his cock in her grasp and
stroked. His eyes closed as his head fell back in surrender, spreading
his dark hair against his broad shoulders.

Three men. She was really making love to three men. At one time.

And nothing had ever felt so right, not even the times when sex had
been an expression of heartfelt feeling and not merely a physical
release. What about Adrian, Ethan, and Nicholas called to her so
deeply and so completely? Why did she feel as if she’d known the
three of them forever? Why did the idea of ever

leaving them feel

akin to ripping her heart from her chest?

Before Katrina could ponder that thought, Ethan backed away,

leaving her feeling cold and empty. Adrian brushed her hand away,
grabbed her around the waist, and lifted her to sit on the table. The
cool wood against the back of her thighs contrasted with the heat
pounding through her pussy. Ethan and Nicholas moved to the sides,
leaning in as Adrian wrapped her legs around his hips. Mimicking the
act she wanted, he pushed his erection against her, only the thin, damp
material of her thong keeping him from joining with her.

About to reach for the stupid panties to yank them down her legs,

Katrina found herself distracted by Nicholas. He forced her shoulders
down until her back pressed against the chilly table. His mouth
covered her left breast as he reached for her face, his fingers gently
touching her cheek, her chin, tracing her lips. Sucking one of his long
fingers into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it, she arched
her back to let him know she enjoyed his intimate kiss. She moaned
when his hand left her face to join his other as Nicholas cupped her
breast before drawing the nipple between his teeth and tugging.

“Oh, God.” Heat flooded her cunt as it spasmed with want.
“You like that?” he asked.
“Yes. Yes.”

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“Then you’ll love this.
After an exaggerated lick of the pebbled nipple, Nicholas drew the

whole areola into his mouth, sucking until she felt a zing all the way
to her toes.

Katrina closed her eyes, not sure why something so simple made

spasms race through her until her muscles tightened and her clit
throbbed. She was going to come if he kept that up much longer. The
three of them overwhelmed her with their scents, their touches, their
incredible heat.

As Ethan brushed his lips over the sensitive skin of her wrist, she

turned her head to watch as he licked her palm and then her fingers,
taking them one by one into his mouth to wrap his tongue around
them and apply suction. The ache inside her grew, pounding through
her and making her turn to look at Adrian, the man she most wanted
to feel inside her at that moment.

His dark eyes met hers. “Soon, my darling Kat.” Hooking his

fingers under the sides of her thong, he dragged it slowly down her
legs until he could drop it on the floor. Then he crouched and kissed
the inside of each knee, taking small, stinging bites up her thighs that
he soothed with long licks of his velvet tongue.

“I need you inside me,” she begged, arching her back again and

trying to squeeze Adrian between her thighs. “Now!” His shoulders
forced her legs to remain open and exposed as he slowly,
maddeningly worked his way to her pussy. Opening her wet lips with
his fingers, his tongue tickled against her tight hole before moving to
her clitoris. A gentle suck drew it into his mouth, making her gasp.
Katrina’s eyes squeezed shut as she enjoyed the exquisite torture of
three men loving her.

“You taste like the finest wine,” Adrian said when he stopped to

rub his cheek against the tender skin on the inside of her thigh.
“Sweet. Exquisite. I can’t get enough of you.” He stabbed her
entrance with his tongue, again and again until she thought she’d go
insane with passion.

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The sharp pinch of Nicholas’s bite made her eyes fly open. She

gaped at him as he suckled her breast. A thin trickle of dark red traced
a path away from the corner of his mouth. With one last suck that
made her pant with desire and fear, he turned his head to smile at her,
baring a set of blood-coated fangs. “Did you feel that, Katrina?” he
asked. “God, you taste so good!”

About to scream, she loudly gasped when Ethan’s teeth sank into

her wrist. Her head whipped around to face him. His bloodstained lips
curved into a smile as he licked her wounded wrist.

“No! Let me go!” Katrina fought against the six strong hands that

suddenly held her down on the cold table. In that horrifying moment,
she knew she was going to die, all because of misplaced trust and
pure, animal lust. “You’re vampires!”

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Chapter 4

Adrian leaned over the table, the terror in Katrina’s eyes reaching

inside him and seizing his heart. All he could do was try to soothe her,
to convince her they meant her no harm. In their eagerness to take her,
Nicholas and Ethan had pushed too hard too fast, giving in to the
bloodlust that overwhelmed a nightwalker when he made love to a
woman. He’d barely contained his own overwhelming need to sample
more than her sweet pussy. Now he faced losing their elusive mate
before he’d even tasted her blood, before he could join with her and
convince Kat of her

own importance.

As she struggled against them, Ethan held her shoulders down as

Nicholas pressed against her hips. A quick glance to each of them told
Adrian their fears matched his. They could lose her, and how in the
hell could he go on if their mate vanished now? Her scent, her essence
was a part of him, and once he fucked her, once he drank her blood,
there would be no parting them. Ever.

He had to fix this. Somehow. “Look at me, Katrina.”
“No! I won’t!” Her head thrashed as she tried to move, hands

flailing like a drowning woman seeking the shore. His friends held
her down, gently but firmly. “Let me go! Please, please let me go!”

Adrian placed his palms against both sides of her face to still her.

“Please, Kat. Please, my love. Just listen to me.”

“You’re going to kill me.”
Both Ethan and Nicholas immediately and loudly protested, but

Adrian ignored them. His eyes stayed fixed on his mate as hers stared
back at him, wild and terrified—so very beautiful and vulnerable.

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“We would never harm you, Katrina,” he said in a low and

soothing voice. “You’re too special to me. To us all. I’ve waited
centuries to find you.” Adrian pressed his lips to her forehead, hoping
to show her how he treasured her.

“” She stopped struggling, still eyeing him warily.
“You.” Adrian leaned in to kiss her forehead again, then brushed

his lips over hers. He took heart that she didn’t turn her face away in
anger or disgust. The fear in her gaze ebbed enough to let hope build
in his heart.

“B...but you’re...vampires. Vampires kill their victims.”
Ethan growled. “Fuckin’ movies don’t know what they’re talking

about. We don’t kill.”

“Not all of us, at least,” Nicholas added. “There are good and bad

vampires, just like there are good and bad people. And we certainly
don’t sparkle.”

Adrian kissed her again. Quick and fierce. “We’re called

nightwalkers, and most of what you’ve read or seen about us isn’t
correct. We won’t hurt you. We want to share you.”

As she slowly sat up, Ethan and Nicholas released their grips, but

they hovered, probably because they were sure she’d still run. Adrian
moved his hands from her face to rest them possessively on her hips,
sliding her forward on the table until he rested between her spread
thighs. His cock gently brushed her wet pussy. Her heat made him
hiss in need.

Katrina no longer seemed ready to escape. The longer he kept her

there, listening, the better chance he had of convincing her to stay.
Forever. He rubbed the swollen head of his cock against her clit again
for good measure and was delighted when she moaned in response.

Her beautiful brown eyes fixed on him, softening their censure.

The glint of desire slowly returned. “Share me? How can you share

“As our lover, as our mate. You’ll rest at our sides each day.”
“In a coffin?”

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Ethan’s snorting laugh pierced the air. “We’re not dead.” He

reached for her hand and pressed it against his rigid dick. “Does that
feel dead to you, angel?”

Her head tilted as she looked at Ethan, but she didn’t pull her hand

away. No, her fingers stroked him from crown to base before tangling
in his blond pubic hair then reaching to squeeze his balls. “But I
thought you had to die to become a vampire.” The curiosity in her
voice pleased Adrian.

“A nightwalker,” Ethan corrected, lifting her hand from his groin

and kissing her palm. “We give up much to gain immortality and
strength, but we don’t die. And we sure as shit don’t sleep in coffins.”

“It’s more of a...rebirth,” Adrian added, bringing her attention

back to him with a finger on her chin. “A rebirth we want to share
with you.”

Nicholas kissed her shoulder and stroked her breast, and Adrian

smiled when a shudder raced over her and she squeezed him between
her slender thighs. She still wanted them. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so
difficult after all...

Watching her carefully, Adrian leaned in, hoping to drug her with

another tongue-dueling kiss. If they could love her into sated
contentment first, then they could explain everything she needed to
know. Right now, the passion and bloodlust he felt for Katrina was so
overpowering, all he could think of was sinking his cock into her
sweet warmth, spending his cum inside her, and sampling her blood.
Then she would taste his blood so he could claim her as his mate. “Let
us finish what we started. Let us make you come.”

She seemed to consider each of them, clearly begging with her

beautiful eyes not to betray her trust. As her gaze came back to
Adrian, he drew closer, giving her a chance to pull away before he
kissed her. Instead of resisting, she leaned closer to meet him
halfway. He sealed her mouth with his own, sinking his tongue into
her honeyed sweetness. Again and again, he plundered her mouth
until he pulled away to catch his breath. Hers came in hitches and

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gasps as if she’d run a great distance, all uphill. With a satisfied smile,
he eased her to lie back on the table.

Blood pounded through his veins, the sound echoing in his ears

and drowning out everything around him. He was vaguely aware of
Nicholas and Ethan moving closer. The vision of Katrina in her black
stockings, lying on the table as Nicholas took up the pleasant chore of
kissing her while her hand reached out to grab his erection almost
made Adrian lose control. Obviously not wanting to be ignored, Ethan
led her other hand to his hard shaft. As she stroked Nicholas, she
turned her head to take the crown of Ethan’s cock into her mouth.

Adrian knew what she needed as if she’d begged him with words.

Kneeling between her thighs, he forced them farther apart with his
shoulders. Running his fingers up her slit, he separated her lips until
he bared the jewel he sought. Plump and pink and beautiful. He gave
her clitoris a long lick and savored the way she bowed off the table.

* * * *

Thinking had become too difficult for Katrina. All she could do

was feel. The heat of Nicholas in her hand as she pumped him, the
way his hips pushed into her touch. The saltiness of Ethan’s cock in
her mouth, the tartness of his excited juices on her tongue. And
Adrian. What Adrian was doing to her… The rhythm of his tongue in
and out, and in and out, and then he sucked her clit into his mouth.

It was all suddenly too much. She pulled away from Ethan,

released Nicholas, and arched her back as she came. Spasms racked
her body, her womb clenching as she moaned. She called to Adrian,
wanting him to join her in the blissful gift he’d given, needing to feel
his cock deep inside her.

And then he was there, entering her thick and full with one

dominant thrust. “Adrian!”

“Katrina.” He tugged her arms until she sat up. “Look at me.”
That moment became the most erotic of her life. Staring into those

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dark eyes while their bodies were joined, Katrina felt the rest of the
world simply…disappear. There was just her and Adrian and the feel
of his thick cock inside her. She squeezed her legs around his waist as
he slowly, maddeningly pumped his hips. On fire, she suddenly
needed more. She needed to be his. Forever.

“Soon,” his smooth voice replied. “I’ll make you our mate soon.”
The fact he was always in her head, constantly knowing her

thoughts should have creeped her out. But it didn’t. Instead, there was
comfort in knowing how in sync they were.

Adrian leaned in and kissed her with a ferocity that sent an inferno

gushing through her veins. His hips began to thrust harder, his tongue
matching the quickening pace. His body fit hers perfectly, hitting all
the right spots, rubbing against the walls of her pussy, pushing her
higher and higher until another climax washed over her. Too lost in
what this man inspired, Katrina didn’t even try to squelch her scream
of joy. His shout of ecstasy followed as he exploded inside her. She
rode the spasms he wrung from her, but all too soon, he’d pulled out,
leaving her lost and alone.

Panting after her release, she figured since she’d been treated to

two fantastic orgasms, it was time to return her attentions to the men
who were now her lovers. She never had the chance. Ethan had
shifted to the end of the table as Adrian rotated to where Nicholas had
stood. About to ask where Nicholas was, she startled when the table
creaked and he jumped to stand over her, that enormous dick jutting
up from his body like some medieval sword.

Dropping to his knees, he straddled her waist just as Ethan pushed

a long finger deep inside her cunt. Katrina gasped, her muscles
tightening around his intimate invasion. A second finger joined his
first, stroking the walls, finding sweet spots that made her pussy

Nicholas drew her attention away as he wrapped a hand around

her neck and pulled her up. She knew what he wanted and opened her
lips to take his cock into her mouth as a pillow slipped behind her

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shoulders. Adrian, no doubt.

Finding an easy rhythm, she worked Nicholas until he was hissing

and pumping into her mouth. Then Ethan pulled his hands away, and
she felt the gentle probing of his erection.

“Now, Katrina?” he asked.
He wanted her permission, and simply knowing how considerate

her lovers were, she moved her lips away from Nicholas long enough
to reply. “Now, Ethan.”

Expecting him to slam into her due to his earlier impatience, she

was amazed as he eased inside, hissing his delight and making her
feel powerful at giving him so much obvious pleasure. Wanting to
have that kind of command over Nicholas, she smiled up at him and
licked his dick from stem to stern. His groan blended with Ethan’s
growl as he pushed himself firmly inside her until his balls slapped
against her.

Quickly setting a rough cadence, Ethan made love to her as she

matched that rhythm, sucking Nicholas’s cock. With a glance to the
side, she caught Adrian watching his friends taking their pleasure in
her body, watching her take her pleasure in theirs. His hand reached
for hers, but he didn’t place it on his returning erection. Instead, he
reverently kissed her palm as she felt another orgasm begin to crest
inside her. His tongue moved down to her wrist. Smiling in her
direction, Adrian bared his fangs and waited—for what, Katrina
wasn’t sure.

Drawing her knees up, she was ready to come for Ethan and

realized Nicholas was about to explode in her mouth. Had anything
ever seemed so sexy, so wonderful as bringing two handsome men to
orgasm at the same time? That thought pushed her over the precipice,
and, as if sensing the beginnings of her release, Adrian sank his teeth
into her tender wrist. The orgasm increased as wave after wave of
bliss washed over her, seemingly never-ending. She was vaguely
aware of Ethan pounding into her one last time before he called her
name, and the heat of his semen blasted inside her just as Nicholas

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erupted in her mouth. Spurts of his fluid rushed over her tongue, and
she sucked hard, wanting to capture it all. When his orgasm ended,
she gave him one last, deep pull, swallowed his salty essence, and
savored his flavor and the way both men panted for breath.

Thinking the last throes of her orgasm had ended, Katrina gasped

when Adrian sucked hard on her wrist and her pussy tightened around
Ethan again. The aftershocks were delicious.

Giving her wrist a worshipful kiss, Adrian moved back to the end

of the table as Nicholas gave her a hard kiss and jumped to the left
side of the table. Ethan moved to the right, yielding the place between
her thighs to Adrian.

“You’re our mate, Katrina.” His hand shot behind her neck and

dragged her into a rough kiss. Pulling away, he said, “I want you to
stay with us.”

“With us,” Ethan echoed.
“With all of us,” Nicholas added.
“We need you, Kat.” Adrian kissed her again, letting his tongue

lazily explore her mouth.

Her body thrumming from the times she’d come for them, she

couldn’t think. “For tonight?”

“Forever,” the three replied as one.
“I don’t understand.”

* * * *

Adrian bent to pull a taut, pink nipple into his mouth. He needed

her total agreement, nothing less. He couldn’t take her as their mate
unless she pledged herself to them willingly. Twirling his tongue
around the hot peak, he applied suction, hoping that she’d remember
the delights his tribe had shown her, especially how his taking of her
blood had increased the strength of her orgasm.

Ethan crawled onto the table behind her, smoothed her hair to one

side, and kissed the nape of her neck. Adrian caught the shine of

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candlelight on Ethan’s bared fangs.

“No!” Adrian shouted as he pulled away. “Not until she


With a growl, Ethan sat back on his heels. “I wanted another


“I am the leader of this tribe! I shall claim her.”

* * * *

Katrina had no idea why they were fighting. She’d be glad to give

each and every one of them any part of her body, so long as she didn’t
stop feeling the cherished way they made her feel. “It’s okay,

His hard gaze returned to her before his expression softened. He

pulled her a little closer until the head of his cock touched the lips of
her pussy. “This is special, my darling Kat. This bite and you sharing
my blood will make you a nightwalker and our mate. With us

He must have seen the fear in her eyes because he gave her a hard

kiss and rushed to continue. “I know this is fast, asking you to give up
your life and stay with us. But I knew. From the moment I saw your
picture, I knew you were ours. Please, Katrina. Please don’t refuse

Ethan leaned in, gently turned her face to his, and pressed a kiss

on her lips. He tasted sweet. “You’ll be with us always, part of our
group, our tribe. You’ll be able to be with all of us.”

Her face was turned yet again, and Nicholas’s chiseled face filled

her vision. “We want you, Katrina. Be with us.”

Adrian’s hands framed her face, and he drew her back to him. “I

love you, Kat. Be mine.” After he gave her a long, toe-curling kiss,
she couldn’t think anymore.

“I’m yours already, Adrian,” Katrina said, realizing that she meant

every word. What she’d just experienced with these men wasn’t just

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for once—it was forever. And it didn’t matter that she would be a—
what did they call themselves?—nightwalker. It didn’t matter that
she’d be leaving her old life behind. What was there for her anyway
that could possibly match the love blossoming in her heart for
Adrian? What could match the affection for Ethan and Nicholas?

“Are you sure, Kat?” Adrian’s dark gaze searched hers.
“I’m sure. Now, Adrian.”
With a feral growl, he bared his fangs, but the long, white teeth

didn’t frighten her. His cock entered her in one dominant thrust that
made her cry out in ecstasy. She wrapped her legs around his hips and
squeezed as he withdrew and then slammed back inside her, again and
again until the tension became almost unbearable. Then, with no
warning, he sank his teeth into her neck.

No orgasm had ever felt so consuming, so overpowering. All her

muscles tensed as she squeezed his dick inside her. Rolling waves of
pleasure threatened to consume her as she reared her head back and
cried his name.

Adrian lifted her by the hips, keeping her legs locked around him

and turning to lie back on the table. Just coming down from her
climax, it took Katrina a moment to realize he hadn’t joined her in the
bliss. “I didn’t please you?”

He rocked up, slamming his hard cock into her and pulling a gasp

from her lips. “You please me. More than you can possibly know. We
want to show you just how much enjoyment you’ll receive by sharing
yourself with us.”

Nicholas was behind her now. Funny, but she hadn’t seen him.

She’d simply sensed him there.

A warm hand followed the line of her spine, sending shivers over

her skin. “I want to claim that beautiful ass, Kat,” he whispered in her
ear. “While Adrian fucks that wonderful pussy, I’ll be here.” His
finger glided between the cheeks of her buttocks, pressing against her
most intimate of places.

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Her pussy contracted, and Adrian smiled up at her. “She likes that.

Don’t you, my darling Kat?” An embarrassed flush rose on her
cheeks, and she tried to glance away. Adrian leaned up to grasp her
chin, forcing her to look at him. “We will be a tribe. We’ll share
everything. Don’t ever be ashamed—”

She couldn’t let him make that mistake, so she interrupted him.

“I’m not ashamed. I’m…embarrassed. But I’ll get over it. Especially
if you kiss me again.”

His hand cupped the back of her neck, pulling her down to flatten

her breasts against his chest and take her mouth in a consuming kiss.
Their tongues mated as she tried to relax and allow Nicholas to join

His fingers touched where she was joined with Adrian, tracing

back and dragging moisture to her anus. A long finger smeared fluids
around the tight hole before gently pushing inside, making her pussy
clench. “Does that hurt, Katrina?” Nicholas asked, his voice tender.

She didn’t want to stop kissing Adrian to answer his question, so

she simply wiggled her bottom, hoping Nicholas would understand.
When the blunt head of his cock pressed between her ass cheeks, she
knew he’d gotten her message.

“I’ll be gentle. I promise,” he said before pushing against her tight

muscles. About the time she was becoming convinced she was simply
too small to take a dick that big inside her, he pushed through. A
surge of pleasure laced with pain raced through her, and she
whimpered against Adrian’s lips. In slow strokes, pushing a little
deeper each time, Nicholas took possession. Soon, he was planted
firmly inside her, and Katrina marveled at the fullness of having two
men within her body at the same time. She tore her mouth away from
Adrian and reared her head back, close to tears at how wonderful she

Ethan crawled onto the table, kneeling by Adrian’s head and

grinning down at her. “And just how do you become a part of this
tangle?” Katrina asked, giving him a smile in return.

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“I’d love it if you’d suck my cock,” he said, giving his hips a

small twist that made his dick sway enticingly.

Adrian’s hands came up to brace her shoulders, supporting her

weight and giving her free use of her hands. She crooked her finger at
Ethan until that huge cock was close enough for her to kiss, which she
did. Sweetly and reverently. And then with no warning, she deep-
throated him, smiling against his skin when he shouted, “Fuck!”

As Adrian and Nicholas began to move inside her, setting an easy

rhythm that made every cell in her body come alive, Katrina tried to
hold back her quickly building orgasm, hoping to see if the four of
them could try to share the experience. But having three cocks at her
disposal, she was drowning in their feel and their taste. As if sensing
her urgency, Nicholas and Adrian increased the cadence. She sucked
hard on Ethan, wanting him there with her—with all of them.

The orgasm came in a rush of lights and the pounding of her

heartbeat in her ears. Katrina would have screamed, but instead put all
her energies into pulling a climax from Ethan. His fingers tangled in
her hair, tugging hard as he suddenly pumped his hips into her mouth.
Once. Twice. And then his hot semen spurted over her tongue.
Nicholas came next, a loud groan of her name echoing through the
room as heat bathed her insides. But Adrian simply stopped moving.

As Ethan and Nicholas withdrew, Adrian sat up, still holding her

legs around his hips and keeping his cock deep inside her pussy.

Setting her bottom on the table, Adrian drew a sharp fingernail

down his pec, leaving a trail of dark blood. “Come to me, my darling

Her lips found his blood, and she sucked, loving the rich, tangy

taste that filled her mouth. A sound much like a purr rose from Adrian
as his hips pumped into her, his cock sinking into her again and again.
Then he gave one last, glorious thrust as they came together, his
essence bathing her in heat as her tremors milked his body.

“Forever,” he whispered.
“Forever,” she replied.

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Elizabeth Raines



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Elizabeth Raines makes her home in Indiana. A fan of all genres

of fiction, she enjoys blending her love of science fiction with
romance in the books she writes exclusively for Siren Publishing. Her
favorite movies are Pride and Prejudice and Love, Actually, and she
spends far too much time watching shows like The Tudors and Mad
. Elizabeth has been happily married for almost thirty years and
tries to express that kind of enduring love in all her stories, hoping to
help all her heroes and heroines have their own happily ever afters.

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Dedicated to my Sextet sisters for sharing the dream!

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Chapter 1

As if she’d needed to be reminded of her exhaustion, Nalira

Morkind was awakened by a knock at her door, only then realizing
that she had fallen asleep with her cheek resting in her palm. Pain and
hunger also assailed her, but the intensity with which she approached
her career rarely allowed sleep to intrude. This was, perhaps, the best
thing about her job, for it absorbed her to the point that very little
could distract her. Unfortunately, she couldn’t keep up the pace

Harku’s defection still hurt, and only wrapping her mind around

the problems of others kept her from falling apart completely. Her
body, however, was there to remind her of what happened when
feelings were ignored. Her stomach was about to turn cannibal, and
every muscle in her body vibrated with agony.

She required food and a massage—preferably in that order.

Fortunately, the hotel provided both. The cost, she dismissed. Some
things were worth far more than the actual price—essentials like
peace and harmony in one’s life. Harku had provided neither. Had
Nalira known how fond he was of drama, she would never have
hooked up with him, let alone turned a blind eye to his most
prominent character flaw. There was plenty of drama surrounding her
clients. She didn’t need it at home.

Pressing the release pad on the desk, she looked up as the door

slid open to reveal two men—two identical men—both wearing sky
blue T-shirts and skintight black slacks. One was carrying a tray,
while a folded-up massage table rested against the hip of the other.
Tall, lean, and muscular in precisely the manner that made Nalira

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drool, they both had dark, unruly curls and exotic green eyes with
irises rimmed in black. Her shoulders sagged at the thought that two
stunningly attractive men were about to enter her hotel room and sex
was the very last thing on her mind.

In fact, if she never laid eyes on another deceitful, male wretch

again, she wouldn’t have minded, but having two of them—two
perfectly gorgeous specimens that might have been created with her
specific preferences in mind—made her forget about the disaster that
was Harku and focus on the possibilities of the future.

With a nod toward the one who was evidently the masseuse, she

said, “You should have waited.”

He shook his head. “We work together.”
Nalira laughed. “I suppose that’s a twin thing?”
“No, it’s a clone thing.” His expression was grim, reflecting the

scandalous significance of his words.

Nalira was aghast. “You two are clones?” The cloning of humans

had been outlawed for over a thousand years. How had these two been

“We are duplicates of a very rich man.”
The implication was clear. “Spare parts?”
“Perhaps,” his counterpart replied. “But he died before he could

use any of them. We were then bequeathed to the hotel.”

“Bequeathed?” she echoed. “But if you are him, how can that


He smiled, but without joy. “Clones cannot exist, therefore we do


“No identity, no rights, no property,” said the other.
Nalira was shocked. “But what do people call you? One and


“I am Sar, and he is Lon.”
“Sarlon,” Nalira mused. “I know who you mean now. He was a

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ruthless old bastard.” Giving Sar the once-over, she concluded that
along with cloning, they must have been subject to a little genetic
manipulation as well. Even in his youth, Sarlon hadn’t looked that
good, though they both had his hawk-like nose and cleft chin.

Lon shot a warning glance at Sar. “We should not have told her.”
Sar stood with arms crossed, his voice as firm as his stance. “You

may be happy with this life, but I am not.”

“Sorry I brought it up,” Nalira put in. “But do you mean that no

one else has ever questioned you?”

Sar shrugged. “Never.”
Nalira couldn’t imagine anyone not wondering, which meant that

if they always worked as a team, they must have had a lot of hard-
assed clients. Nalira knew the type, and as one who sorted out the
legalities of interpersonal relationships, she’d dealt with a few of that
kind herself. Oh, yes, there were plenty of clients who wouldn’t have
made a comment, but then, humanity had never been particularly

Lon set the tray down on the small dining table next to the bed.

Nalira turned, grimacing as a cramp knifed her beneath the shoulder
blades. “Guess this means I need to get up.”

Sar took her hand and helped her to her feet. Nalira felt her knees

popping, and her lower back went into a spasm as she attempted to
stand. “You’re as young as you feel,” she quipped, “and right now
I’m feeling older than Sarlon.” Shaking her head in disbelief, she
added, “Clones! I still can’t believe that wily old man did this.”

Of course, considering who was involved, the fact that he’d

cloned himself wasn’t too surprising. Sarlon had clawed his way to
the top, running roughshod over anyone in his way, finally amassing
one of the largest fortunes in the galaxy. But cloning? She might not
have been surprised to hear that he had done such a thing, but the act
was criminal, and “bequeathing” them to a hotel to be little better than
servants—no, make that slaves—was horrific. After all, tissue cloning
worked just as well, and didn’t require killing the host to harvest the

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vital organs.

Nalira was barely aware that she’d been escorted to her seat, but

when Lon placed a napkin in her lap, Sar’s hands landed on her
shoulders with the sizzling heat of a branding iron. Her yelp didn’t
stop him, though, and soon there were tears running down her
cheeks—tears that were wiped away by Lon’s gentle hands. These
two might have been a genetic match for Sarlon, but their
personalities were totally different. Sarlon was the type who would
have laughed at her for crying or told her to suck it up and dry her
own damn tears. These men would never be so unkind. Even their
eyes were different. Both had eyes that were softer, gentler, more

Sar leaned down and kissed her on the neck. “You’ll feel better


The touch of his lips sent thrills skittering across her skin and

elicited an answering throb from her clitoris. Even if he’d kissed her
there, the response couldn’t have been more immediate, or as
consuming. Nalira dumbly nodded her reply as Lon offered her a
drink, holding the glass for her. “Just sit still and relax,” he said in a
voice as soft as velvet. “We’ll take care of you.”

As the meal progressed, the creamy pasta mixed with crab

triggered an orgasm of a different kind, making her wonder what sort
of magic sauce had been added to it. She wasn’t that hungry, but, then
again, perhaps it had nothing to do with the food—and everything to
do with them…

* * * *

Sar and Lon had worked together on many women, but Sar could

tell from Lon’s expression as he served her that something different
was happening here. A strong attachment was starting to form—an
almost palpable thread that wove between the three of them, binding
them together. His hands already seemed to know her, almost as

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though they had touched her before and would do so again—many
times. Wishing she had asked for more than dinner and a massage,
Sar wanted to spend the whole night with her, though she was clearly
tired to the point of exhaustion. He could never make the suggestion
himself, but he could—and would—do everything in his power to
make her ask them to stay.

Even her name had intrigued him. Nalira… And though older than

he and Lon by at least fifteen years, she was still as lovely as her
name. Many women didn’t take younger men seriously, but Sar had a
feeling Nalira wasn’t one of them, and if she was, he was more than
willing to convince her to give them a try.

He liked the way she looked, the way she felt, and the way she

smelled, but he was dying to get her naked so he could taste her.
Reaching forward, he slid his hands from her shoulders down to her
breasts and began to massage them, taking care to come close to her
nipples, but not touch them. Too much too soon and she might order
them from her room, which was to be avoided at all cost. Still, though
he might not have touched them, he could see their hard peaks
through the pale silk of her blouse and could look down through the
open collar to see that there was nothing beneath it but her—no
chemise, no bra, no nothing. Just hot, fabulous woman.

The muscles in Nalira’s back and shoulders were like hard knots,

and Sar used every technique his clever fingers had learned to release
them, but it was difficult to focus on his task when he was drowning
in her soft scent. The muted sounds she made were enough to remind
him that he was probably hurting her, but he was rewarded when she
finally began to relax—something Sar found impossible to do
himself. Nearly breathless as he anticipated the joy of having his
hands on her while she lay naked on his table, Sar contented himself
with a deep massage of her arms, though his uniform was already
becoming tight in the groin.

When Lon had fed her the last bite of her dinner, Sar took the clip

out of Nalira’s hair and pulled her head back to massage her face. He

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wanted to do it with his cock—wanted to paint her lips with his slick
fluids and then slide into her hot mouth. He loved having women suck
him. It was even better than when Lon did it, and his fellow clone was
very talented.

Lon caught his eye, and he nodded. He watched as Lon pulled his

shirt off over his head, his dark curls escaping to fall against the bare
nape of his neck. Sar knew he was essentially watching himself strip,
but that had never bothered him. He was Lon—genetically identical,
perhaps, but a unique entity nonetheless—and he was hot.

Lon knelt before Nalira, insinuating himself between her legs to

unbutton her blouse while Sar worked on her upturned face. Her eyes
were closed, her expression dreamy. She seemed to hardly notice
what Lon was doing—until he sucked a full, hard nipple into his

Her eyes flew open, and Sar bent quickly to stifle her gasp of

dismay with a kiss. She tasted like wine, and Sar delved deeply,
tasting her, devouring her. With a swift downward glance, he saw Lon
suckling her breast, and his cock swelled almost to bursting. Would
she be turned on by watching two men fuck each other? Some women
hated it, but others went absolutely wild.

She offered no resistance as Sar slipped her blouse off her

shoulders, the moist, pink tips of her breasts tantalizing him. Lon had
her skirt pushed up to her hips, revealing her shapely legs as he kissed
his way to the apex of her thighs. Lon liked licking women as much
as he enjoyed sucking men, and in no time at all, he’d left her nipples
behind, had her panties off, and was going for her pussy.

Sar slid his tongue deeply into Nalira’s mouth and began a slow

thrust and withdrawal, fucking her with his tongue. Moaning with
mounting desire, she sucked it hard, and then backed off to flick his
tongue with her own. It was maddeningly erotic, but Sar pulled away,
sighing. “I wish you’d do that to my dick.”

Her voice was deep with passion, but even so, her reply surprised

him. “I will if you’ll put it in my mouth.”

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Needing no further encouragement, Sar pushed off his pants, and

his stiff shaft snapped up, revealing something else that had been
genetically enhanced. He and Lon both had big, beautiful cocks, but
his had a downward curve while Lon’s had a slightly upward bend, an
anatomical variation that made things much more interesting when
they were both inside a woman. The shape had other advantages, too,
as Nalira was about to discover.

“Let’s do it,” he said to Lon. Together, they stood her up,

stripping the clothing from her succulent body before laying her on
the massage table. Sar pulled her to the upper edge, dropped the
headrest to the lowest position, and settled her head in the cushioned
ring. This wasn’t the best position for a massage, but for cocksucking,
the angle was unsurpassed.

Sar teased her lips with the blunt head of his cock, his slick fluid

giving them a wet gloss. When her lips parted at last, Sar slid inside,
the downward bend of his cock following the curve of her throat, his
balls brushing against the upper part of her face. “Suck me, Nalira. I
want to feel your lips and tongue on me.” His eyes lost focus, but he
could still see her graceful neck fully exposed, her lips around his
cock, and her full, round breasts begging to be touched. Lon was
licking her pussy again, his fabulous eyes gazing up at Sar as he
fucked Nalira’s beautiful face. “Mmm…That feels so good…”

* * * *

Lon could never decide which was better, sucking cock or eating a

hot, wet woman. They were both good, but in different ways. He
could shove his tongue, fingers, or cock into a pussy, while a cock
would fill his mouth, his hands, or his ass. With respect to his own
cock, he liked putting it in any tight, wet place he could find. Sar was
a great cocksucker, but one of Lon’s favorite things was gazing at Sar,
panting and sated, after he’d pumped his ass full of cream—the mere
sight made him want go again, and again, and again…

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Deciding the time was right to discover whether or not Nalira

liked the idea of bisexual men, Lon crawled up over her and pulled
Sar’s dick out of her mouth. “Your pussy tastes like candy, but now
it’s my turn to suck some cock,” he whispered. “You can suck his

Nalira let out a groan, and her eyes rolled back in her head. Her

voice was barely a whimper. “You guys are so hot I can hardly stand

“So are you,” Lon said. And she was. Her thick, dark hair fell in

seductive waves, and her deep brown eyes were glazed with passion.
Best of all was her big, round ass, followed by those gorgeous tits.
Lon had enjoyed suckling them, making his already stiff cock turn to

Sar’s balls dangled enticingly against Nalira’s face. Lon scooped

them up with a loving hand and eased them into her mouth. Then,
with a moan of pure pleasure, he licked his lips and swallowed Sar’s
penis. Lon loved having Sar’s hard, pulsating cock in his mouth,
delighting in the feel of every vein, every contour—things his ass
couldn’t identify.

With their dual assault on him, Sar was coming completely

unglued. Lon knew that all he needed was a finger in his butt and he’d
come like a fountain. Reaching for the massage oil, he took Nalira’s
hand. Coating her fingers with oil, he gave her a quick thumbs-up.
Her eyes widened, but the message was clear.

Reaching between Sar’s legs, she probed his ass and slowly

worked her fingertip inside. Sar’s next breath was more of a hiss as
Nalira began a steady push, followed by a slow, sensuous withdrawal.
She’d either done this before or had someone work on her, because, if
Sar’s reaction was any indication, she seemed to know exactly what
she was doing.

* * * *

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Nalira had never been with a man who liked his ass messed with,

but then, she’d never seen a man suck cock before, either, and had no
idea it would have such an overpowering effect on her. Her nipples
were tight and tingling, and her clit was still thrumming from the
sucking Lon had given it, but there was more to her arousal than mere
physical stimulation could provide. She was on the threshold of
climax from the visual imagery alone.

Nalira had only ordered dinner and a massage, but this was easily

the most exciting thing she’d ever done in her life. Harku was
completely forgotten as she sucked Sar’s hot, young nuts, knowing
that if Lon was anywhere near as talented with cock as he was with
pussy, Sar wouldn’t last long. Delighting in the feel of his balls in her
mouth, she ran her tongue over the smooth surface as her body
contracted in orgasm after orgasm. She felt his climax building, heard
his swift intake of air and the sound of his voice as he groaned, “I’m
gonna come in your mouth.”

The tight grip of his anus on her finger and the way his testicles

jerked as he ejaculated were things Nalira would remember until her
dying day. Lon never let go of him, but Nalira wanted to watch.
Twisting her head to the side, she could see white cream running
down Lon’s chin, the blissful expression on his face, and Sar’s wet
balls sucked up against his body. Another orgasm shook her, but
nothing in her entire life had prepared her for what happened next.

Lon smiled down at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I’m

gonna fuck him with his own cum. Watch me.”

Lon hopped off the table as Nalira rolled over onto her stomach.

This, she had to see.

Grabbing Sar around the waist, Lon pulled him toward the bed,

bending him at the hips to display the muscular cheeks of his butt. His
asshole was already slick with the oil that Nalira had used, but Lon
added even more lubrication in the form of Sar’s creamy semen.

“You got him nice and relaxed for me, Nalira,” Lon said with

approval. “Now I just have to open up his ass and spit.”

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Nalira felt like her clitoris was about to do some ejaculating of its

own as she watched the semen drop into Sar’s hot, pink hole. Lon
then positioned himself and slid his dick up and down in Sar’s crack,
coating it with a mixture of oil and cum. He probed at the anus and
then stopped, waiting.

“Come on, Sar,” Lon urged. “Fuck me.”
Sar groaned and backed into him, driving Lon’s cock deep into his


Nalira let out a gasp as she imagined his pain, but Sar certainly

didn’t appear to be suffering. Instead, he took control of the situation
and bounced against Lon as hard as he could.

“No, it doesn’t hurt, Nalira,” he assured her. “This is the best way

to do it. You become the fucker instead of the one being fucked. It’s

Lon grinned wickedly. “Want to give it a try?”
“Actually, I’d rather be the filling in a Sar-Lon sandwich.” Nalira

burst out laughing at her own audacity. She’d never even thought of
such a thing before, but the words had just popped out.

Lon laughed right along with her. “If I nail him hard enough, he’ll

get it up again, and then we can do that. Watch this.” With that, he
grabbed Sar by the shoulders and pulled him upright. Hooking his
arms under Sar’s armpits, Lon unleashed a series of wild plunges that
had Sar’s genitals bouncing like ping-pong balls. He was right,
though, because Sar’s cock went from limp to rock-hard in seconds.
“I like to do this in front of a mirror so I can watch him come,” Lon
said. “He sprays spooge all over the place.”

While this was something Nalira would have dearly loved to

witness, her original idea was sounding better by the second, and Lon
seemed to agree.

Sar let out a sob as Lon withdrew. “Gotta go wash my dick,” Lon

said cheerfully, giving Sar a slap on the ass. “Then I’m nailing you,
Nalira, so get ready.”

If Nalira had been any more ready, she would have melted into a

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puddle, but Sar had other ideas. With a grin that was somehow
different from Lon’s, he picked up the bottle of oil. Closing her eyes,
she felt his oiled fingers slide between her buttocks. He did the same
thing she’d done to him, but being the recipient was so much better.
As his finger slid through the thick ring of muscle to stimulate the
sensitive mucosa, Nalira moaned out loud, rising up to push against
his finger, mimicking what he’d done with Lon’s cock.

“You’re a quick learner,” Sar said, a touch of pride in his tone.
“Graduated law school at the top of my class,” she murmured.

“But they never taught me anything like this.”

“Tell me, are you still in pain anywhere—your back or


If there was any smugness in his voice, Nalira couldn’t detect it,

but he could have been as smug as he liked, for Nalira felt no pain,
only intense pleasure. “None whatsoever.” Sighing deeply, she added,
“That feels so good.”

Sar’s deep-throated chuckle made her shiver. “I know.”
Lon returned, his stiffly upcocked penis a deep reddish-purple

from the scrubbing he’d given it. “I should have let you wash me,
Nalira. Having your wet, soapy hands on my dick would have been a
whole lot more fun.”

“Probably so,” she agreed. “Maybe next time.”
Lon sauntered over, his cock swinging back and forth with the

sway of his walk. “That would be fabulous. Do I pass the sniff test?”

Thrusting his hips forward, he ran his dick under her nose. He’d

used her personal soap, rather than the generic stuff provided by the
hotel, and smelled like herbs and fresh tea.

“Perfect.” Exotic soaps were one of the few luxuries Nalira

allowed herself. Her law practice paid well, and though she rarely
treated herself to things like massages and room service, just this
once, she was thanking her lucky stars for the pain and exhaustion
that had driven her to take the plunge.

Lon’s cock not only smelled perfect, it was perfect. Thick and

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stiff, the blunt head hard and shiny with clear, viscous moisture
dripping from the slit… A shudder of want coursed through her body.

“You look hungry again,” Lon observed. “Do you want more

food, or would you rather suck my dick?”

Nalira didn’t reply, but reached out and grabbed his butt, pulling

him close enough to shove his hot cock into her mouth.

“Excellent choice!” Lon said. “And you can have all you want.”
Nalira had never considered herself to be insatiable, but these two

were giving her ideas that went far beyond the norm. Anytime she’d
sucked Harku, she’d been very careful not to hurt him, but the coronal
edge of Lon’s cockhead seemed hard enough to withstand her teeth.

“Ooh, Sar!” Lon purred. “Look, she’s biting me.”
“We bite, too.” Nalira knew a fleeting moment of apprehension as

Sar’s hot breath tickled her butt. The swipe of his tongue increased
the anticipation, and then he sank his teeth into her. She was already
on fire, but this threatened to consume her.

“Mmm…” He sighed, licking her again. “Delicious! I think it

might be time to make that sandwich.”

Lon ran the head of his cock across her cheek, teasing her lips and

nose. “Don’t suck me yet,” he said. “I want to hear you moan.”

Nalira thought she was already making too much noise and would

have welcomed Lon’s dick to stifle her cries, but after one last bite,
Sar backed off and went for the oil again. She heard him squeezing
the bottle, followed by the soft, sucking sound of his cock being

“I’m gonna fuck your ass now, Nalira. Remember what I told


She remembered all right, but to do that, she had to get her feet on

the floor. Sliding off the edge, she thrust her hips back, delighting in
the feel of his smooth cockhead against her anus. He teased her
gently, pushing, withdrawing, driving her wild with anticipation until
she finally took control, impaling herself with his stiff shaft in one
quick backward stroke.

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He must have been used to it, because there was pain involved,

but what little there was couldn’t overcome the incredible sensation of
his cock buried in her ass. She bounced off him and discovered that
the outstroke felt even better. Picking up a rhythm, she rammed his
cock in until she felt his balls tickling her pussy lips.

“Way to go, Nalira!” Lon yelled. “Fuck him hard!”
Nalira found this kind of control very heady indeed.

Unfortunately, even though he’d braced himself, she still couldn’t
bang him as hard as she wanted.

“Bet I know what you want,” Sar said. “You want me against a

wall, don’t you?”

“How could you tell?”
Laughing delightedly, he pulled her hips up snugly against his

groin. “Because that’s the way I like it.” Taking her with him, he
backed up to the short hallway by the door. “These are the strongest.”

Nalira giggled. “The voice of experience speaks?”
“You could say that.” Sar settled himself against the wall with a

wide stance that put his groin at just the right height for her. “Let ’er

“Interesting choice of words,” Nalira remarked, and she let him

have it—hard and fast and deep. In her wildest dreams, she never
imagined anything feeling quite as good, and it was certainly better
than anything Harku could manage.

Closing her eyes, she fucked him relentlessly, determined to make

him come in her ass. The pleasure was so intense she was sobbing out
loud and had no warning that Lon was approaching until he took her
face in his hands and kissed her.

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Chapter 2

Lon had waited as long as he could. Watching Nalira fuck Sar

against the wall almost had him ejaculating into the air. Her hands
were braced on her bent knees and her hair hung in seductive tangles,
while her face displayed the most blatant effects of carnal lust he’d
ever seen. Her lips were blood red and swollen, her cheeks flushed,
and her lashes sparkled with tears. Her ecstatic cries reached him on a
visceral level, and watching her naked breasts bounce and sway with
each thrust was almost more than he could take. He needed to feel
them pressed tightly against his chest.

The penetrating kiss was a mere prelude to what he had in mind.

Grabbing a nearby chair, he shoved Sar into it and flipped Nalira’s
legs up in the air. “Let’s fuck.”

Nalira reached between her legs. Separating her deep pink labia,

she invited him inside.

Lon’s breath went out with a sigh as he plunged his aching cock

past those swollen folds, her soft, wet flesh caressing his stiff shaft in
a soothing embrace—an embrace that promised the sweetest release
of his life. He’d heard women criticized for seeking the perfect cock,
but he was certain he’d not only found the perfect pussy, but also the
perfect woman. Her eyes were soft and unfocused, but still pleaded
with him to stay right where he was—forever.

As he moved, he felt the head of Sar’s dick rake the underside of

his penis through the thin wall of muscle that separated them. He
loved Sar to distraction but suspected that in Nalira, they had found a
lover to satisfy them both. Nuzzling her neck, he breathed in her
scent. “How does it feel to be full of hot, hard cock?”

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Her reply was barely a whisper. “Like nothing I’ve ever dreamed

of—like being complete for the very first time.”

Lon nodded. “I feel the same way.” Bending his knees, he altered

the angle and let out a groan. “I can feel your sweet spot and Sar’s
cock at the same time.” Curling his hips under, he rocked into her
with agonizing slowness, reveling in the sensation. How one man’s
penis could be the source of so much pleasure was beyond his
comprehension. He and Sar had done this many times before, but the
contrast between Nalira and any of the others was as vast as the
difference between a moon and a star. There was simply no

Sar had his hands on Nalira’s chest, slowly teasing her nipples

until they were hard and shiny—like pebbles tossed about in a rushing
stream. Both his and Nalira’s eyes were dreamy and unfocused, lost in
the bliss of the moment. Lon could sense that what had begun as a
wild fuckfest had somehow softened to become an almost reverent
worship of each other’s bodies—one that none of them seemed to
want to rush to completion.

Lon backed out slowly, reluctantly. “Let’s take this to the bed.”
Nalira nodded, offering her hand.
Sar, however, had an even better idea. Wrapping his arms around

the precious bundle of woman in his lap, he stood up and carried her
to the bed, keeping her firmly planted on his cock. Taking a seat on
the edge, he scooted across the sheets until he was flat on his back in
the center with Nalira’s lush body draped over his own. Sar’s cock
was still lodged deep in her ass, but his balls rested tantalizingly on
the bed—too much for Lon to resist. Crawling up between their
outstretched legs, he lapped up her slick pussy juice before moving on
to Sar’s balls. Lon painted the rough scrotal sac with Nalira’s cream,
delighting in the feel of skin grown smooth and pliant beneath his
tongue. Then, with one swift motion, he sucked it all into his mouth.

Sar moaned and wiggled his butt in a frank display of his

enjoyment. Lon regretted that he couldn’t suck Sar’s nuts and fuck his

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ass at the same time, for he knew Sar would have gone off on a high
from which he might never come down. True, he could have used his
finger with tremendous results, but he wanted this to last a long, long
time. The two men must have been in complete accord, for while Lon
savored him, Sar took up a steady rhythm, pumping into Nalira with
the same stroke Lon had used—prolonging the ecstasy while delaying
the release.

Lon’s cock was begging for more action, and he reluctantly let go

of Sar in order to enter the refuge that was Nalira. Inside her, he felt
free, owned only by his two lovers. No one else could reach him
there, hurt him, or make him feel small. Clones were insignificant
creatures by galactic standards. They weren’t supposed to exist,
therefore, they did not, and if they did, they were somehow less than
human, or whatever species they might be. With Sar and Nalira,
however, Lon felt powerful and worthy of life, rather than an
experiment that had outlived its usefulness and been discarded.

Nalira gazed at him with eyes that seemed to understand, but was

she feeling what he was feeling? She had said she felt complete for
the very first time, but did that mean what he hoped it might? She was
a lawyer, too—could she use that knowledge to their advantage?

Unlike Sar, Lon had never had much hope that their lives could be

any different. Now, for the first time, he thought there might be a
chance. He would make this night one she would want to repeat often
in the years to come. She had to love them both and want them
enough to make it happen, though. Making her moan or telling her
how beautiful she was wouldn’t be enough. He would have to bare his

Kissing his way from Sar’s scrotum to Nalira’s soft, wet entrance,

Lon tasted her once again. He would always remember her flavor,
even if this was the only time they would ever make love. Moving on,
he trailed kisses up through the soft curls between her thighs, to her
warm stomach, and then on to her succulent breasts. When he reached
her lips, he covered her mouth with his own, kissing her deeply as he

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sheathed himself with her.

Sighing as his dick was once again enveloped in her heat, only

then did Lon realize just how cold and cruel the world outside her had
been. “Oh, God, Nalira!” The words felt as though they’d been wrung
out of him. “I never want this to end. Never, never, never…” But how
could he make her believe that? His voice trailed off as he kissed her,
threading his fingers through her hair, sucking her lips into his mouth
to caress them with his tongue. Stroking her inner walls with his cock,
he loved her in a way he had never done with anyone else except Sar.
He knew Sar was not content with their lot in life, but he had done his
best to make him feel loved. Looking past Nalira to Sar, he felt his
heart being torn in half—one half going out to Sar and the other to a
woman he barely knew.

* * * *

Sar saw the look in Lon’s eyes and knew what he was thinking.

This wasn’t unusual. As clones of the same man, they often shared
similar thoughts, but the slight differences between them made for
subtle variations in attitude. One thing he was certain of, however,
was that for Lon, this was more than just the servicing of a client. It
was an act of love, and the implications were life-altering.

Sar had often dreamed of escaping to a distant world where no

one knew they were clones. They could just as easily have been
twins—no one had to know—but Lon had been afraid to take the
plunge, and Sar could no more leave Lon behind than he could stop
breathing. A thrill passed over Sar as he considered what it might
mean. If loving this woman was what it took to make Lon
discontented enough to do something else with his life, then she was
the best thing that ever happened to them. But if she was the one who
split them apart, he would go to his grave cursing her soul.

“Yes, I love you,” he told Lon with his eyes. “But our hearts are

big. We can love her, too.”

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The message passed, and he saw relief wash over Lon’s face.

They would love one another always, but Nalira must also be loved
and must believe she was loved. The intensity of Lon’s thrusts
increased—not the speed or the depth, but the feeling—and Sar
picked up the rhythm, matching him, mirroring his moves as he, too,
became caught up in the need to make her understand. She was their
strength, their hope, and their salvation all rolled into one fabulous
female package.

Sar loved her as he had loved no other woman, and through her,

his bond to Lon was forged anew. He kissed every part of her that his
lips could reach, and the rest he worshipped with his hands and body.
With her head resting on his shoulder and the soft silk of her hair
draped across his chest, Sar planted his feet on the bed and worked
her tight ass with all the finesse he could muster. Grinding his hips, he
elicited responses he’d never bothered to try to get from a woman.
Her soft cries and moans drove him on, and he fucked her with an
artistry that surprised even him.

Lon had her legs pushed up and was using them to brace himself.

Sweat ran down his face and chest, plastering wisps of hair to his
skin, and the smile that touched his lips was reflected in his eyes. Sar
took great joy in watching Lon fuck and knew that Nalira had to be
enjoying the view as much as he, but Sar would have given a lot to
see them all from a spectator’s position. Lon’s nuts were slick with
her juice and were slapping against his own sac, sticking together for
a brief moment before the connection was broken. It felt incredible,
but the visual would have put it over the top.

Mirrors…that’s why lovers like to have mirrors…
If Sar could have been granted a wish at that moment, he would

have asked for a wall of mirrors surrounding the bed—mirrors that
would reflect the three of them mating with each other on into

* * * *

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Nalira hadn’t known what she was asking for when she’d wanted

to be sandwiched between the two of them, for loving both men went
beyond mere physical pleasure to reach an almost spiritual realm. No
fantasy filled her mind. She was living a dream—right here, right
now—and in it, two men were loving her, body and soul. If this was
what they did with every woman they serviced, Nalira couldn’t
imagine how they’d remained where they were—some woman would
surely have stolen them away before this, kidnapping them from the
hotel and using every means at her disposal to keep them for herself.

Which was what Nalira would do—or would at least attempt to

do—but that was in the future. The present time drew her back to
where her body was filled with hard, dripping cocks, turning her
entire being into one trembling mass of ecstasy. Somewhere in the
back of her mind, she was dimly aware that her hips ached from the
pressure Lon was putting on them, but it only made her want to
spread her legs wider, sucking him even deeper into her core. She
couldn’t detect the difference between what the two men were doing
to her. It was as though everything she felt originated with each of
them. An intense hunger filled her—a hunger that could only be sated
when they filled her with their seed. Nalira felt a moment’s panic,
thinking they might pull out too soon, for the exchange of fluids
wasn’t always allowed in such encounters. But this encounter wasn’t
typical—at least, she hoped it wasn’t—and it was critical to the
fulfillment of her dream.

“Don’t leave me hanging,” she pleaded. “I want you to fill me

with your cream—both of you.”

Lon’s expression went from blissful to joyous in a heartbeat,

while Sar growled his approval in her ear. The depth of their strokes
became prolonged, and they both let go, giving in to the need to

“You can feel each other, can’t you?”
Lon nodded. “I can feel you holding me and him sliding past me.”

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Sighing deeply, his head fell forward. “I wish you could feel it, too.”

“I can, but it’s different. I—”
Nalira’s next words were trapped in her throat as she became

aware of something blossoming inside her, something alive and
pulsating that was being squeezed between the two cocks and
stimulated from both sides. Floodwaters began to rise, drowning her
in ecstasy, pulling her under until she touched bottom and the whole
world exploded.

As if they’d been waiting for a signal, Nalira felt both cocks drive

in to the hilt, their balls tight against her body as semen pumped into
her with a force she could actually feel. Lon’s body arched backward
as he let out a jubilant cry, but Sar made no sound at all. For a
moment, he seemed to relax completely, but when he hooked an arm
behind her head to pull her in for a poignant kiss, Nalira saw tears
shimmering in his eyes.

Like most people who’d had dealings with Sarlon, Nalira had

despised the old man, but these two were nothing like him at all.
Nothing. How could they possibly be his clones? The thought of sex
with a man like Sarlon was abhorrent, and if he had ever shed a tear,
no one else had ever seen it. And he had surely never, ever, kissed
anyone with such tenderness.

Then again, these two were probably excellent actors—they’d

have to be to do what they did with anyone who requested them.

But she hadn’t requested them—not for sex, anyway. She’d

ordered dinner and a massage, not a threesome. She could have
stopped them at any moment and sent them scurrying out of her room.
The truth was, she had encouraged their attentions, and it had been the
most welcome distraction of her life. The huge divorce settlement
between a megastar singer and her billionaire husband that she’d been
working on had drained her dry. They were like two children fighting
over their toys. It made her sick to listen to them. And then Harku had
topped it all off by ditching Nalira for that little harlot.

Was this her reaction to all of that? Was she getting her revenge

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on Harku and all the billionaires like Sarlon and her client? It took her
a moment to remember. She hadn’t seduced the two men she was
currently sandwiched between, had she? Not consciously, perhaps,
but she’d allowed it, and she should have known what they were
doing the moment she felt Lon unbuttoning her blouse. No, she
decided finally, she’d never expected what she got, nor had she
sought it.

But now that she’d had a taste, leaving these two behind was

unthinkable. They might have been clones, but she wasn’t a lawyer
for nothing. If she couldn’t at least get them out of their current
situation, she might as well give up her practice altogether. No one
had ever acknowledged that clones existed, but now that she knew
they did, there had to be more of them.

Sar and Lon were too perfect for pure dumb luck to have

produced them. Someone, somewhere was cloning humans, and that
someone was very good at it. Should she try to find that person, seize
the records, and expose what was going on? Or should she
concentrate on proving that clones did exist and were people in their
own right, not just copies of an original? Sar and Lon were living
proof of that, and even though they weren’t exact copies of him,
enough markers would match up to prove they were at least related to
Sarlon. Either way, it would get them out of servitude at the hotel.

Which was a very strange thing for Sarlon to have done anyway.

Why put them in a public place where anyone might discover what
they were, or, as in Nalira’s case, be told directly? Did the old man
want someone to find them, prove who they were, and then…what?

Did he want them to inherit his fortune? Nalira knew from the

buzz in the legal world that Sarlon had never married, had produced
no offspring, and had died without ever writing a will. Was this his
way of ensuring that he would leave someone behind to carry on with
his business empire? Nalira had made the assumption that the clones
had been created for spare parts. But what if only one of them was
intended for that purpose while the other had actually been his heir?

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Obviously, Sarlon hadn’t thought he would ever die, but through the
two clones, perhaps he did live on…

It went against the grain for Nalira to be tricked into doing

Sarlon’s dirty work for him, which was probably why they’d been
modified. If they’d been exact duplicates of the original, she wouldn’t
have lifted a finger to help them. They weren’t even perfectly
identical to one another, for one was content, the other restless. Which
would mean that Sar was the heir apparent, while Lon was the spare.

One would seek power while the other rejected it. The subtlety of

the plan was astounding, and once again, Nalira marveled at the
technical expertise that had created them. Genius, in fact. All she
would have to do would be to find that genius, but judging from the
apparent age of her two lovers, the trail was at least twenty-five years

Still, if Sarlon had wanted them to inherit his empire, he should

have adopted them, or at least claimed that they were his sons via a
surrogate mother. Thus far, no one had ever come up with a better
method of cloning than implanting DNA in a fertilized cell and then
placing the egg in a surrogate, therefore someone must have given
birth to them, and they could easily have passed for twins. Why even
tell Sar and Lon that they were clones? It made no sense.

Unless this was Sarlon’s way of instigating the legalization of

human clones. A hotly debated topic for centuries, convincing the
citizens of the galaxy to accept it would be difficult, if not impossible.
Then again, Sarlon had never been one to follow conventional
wisdom. Was he manipulating the law even after his death? Had he
hoped that someone would find the two men and champion their
cause? Sarlon couldn’t have done it himself. He would have been
arrested, or at the very least condemned for doing it. No, it had to be
done by someone else.

Nalira was beginning to feel manipulated herself. Given the short

time she’d spent with Sar and Lon, she was already changing her own
attitudes about clones. They were real, warm, loving, caring, feeling

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human beings, not some sort of test tube automatons that possessed
no trace of humanity. What had their childhood been like?

“Have you always known you were Sarlon’s clones?”
It was Lon who answered. “Our surrogate mother told us when we

were children that we weren’t brothers. Later, when we were old
enough to understand, she told us that we were Sarlon’s clones,
though everyone else probably assumed we were his bastards. She
wanted to keep us away from him, and even tried to run away with us,
but he had too much power over her.”

“But bequeathing you to the hotel as though you were chattel…”

Nalira paused, shuddering. “Little better than slaves…Were you even

Sar nodded. “We were like normal children in that respect. But

since Sarlon apparently didn’t want anyone else to know what we
were, we were forbidden to speak of it. To be honest, I’m not sure
anyone in his organization knew about it, either. Records were
discovered after he died.”

“It was like being caught by a press gang,” Lon said with a

grimace. “Men came to our house and took us. I thought we were as
good as dead, but they put us to work here instead. Said it was in the
instructions he’d left behind.”

“Instructions as to what to do with you two, but no last will and

testament. Hmm…” Without a doubt, Sarlon had wanted someone to
discover his secret. But was Nalira the one to do it? The matter would
have to be handled very delicately. “I can’t believe you had no

Lon shrugged. “Working here isn’t so bad. It could be a lot


“Want to get out?”
“Every single day of my life,” Sar muttered.
Resolve settled in Nalira’s chest—or was it Lon’s head resting

there? “I bet I could do it.”

“Do what?”

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“Get you out. So you could have a life of your own. This isn’t

right, whether you’re clones or not. How do they keep you from
running off?”

“There are ways,” Sar said. He was being deliberately evasive.

Perhaps it was too gruesome to relate. Nalira dropped it—for the

“Has anyone ever tried to buy out your contract—or whatever it

is—and take you home with them?”

Sar snorted. “Are you kidding? We have no identity, no life. Who

would want us?”

A short laugh escaped her. “I would, for one,” she replied. “I

mean, who wouldn’t want to have the two of you for their very own?”

Sar seemed to consider this for a moment, but then shook his

head. “You’d have to have a lot of money.”

“I’ve got plenty of that,” Nalira said. “Too bad it can’t buy me

love,” she added, nearly choking on the words.

“And all the sex in the world won’t get that for us, either,” Sar

said. “We’ve done lots of people, but no one ever gave a damn about
us or even asked why we were there. They just fucked us and gave us
a tip—sometimes.”

Sar shifted sideways, and Nalira lost her grip on him. The sense of

loss she felt was brutal. No way could she just fuck them, tip them,
and send them on their way.

“Tell me something, then. Why did you tell me all of this? Did

you know I was a lawyer or what?”

Sar cleared his throat to speak, but Lon beat him to it. “He told

you because he saw something in your eyes.” Sighing, Lon nuzzled
her breast and kissed it. “I know because I saw it, too—almost

“Something in my eyes? You two must be a lot more intuitive

than Sarlon ever was.” She paused as another possibility occurred to
her. What if they weren’t entirely human? “Did they throw some alien
DNA into the mix or what?”

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Lon shrugged. “Who knows? I suppose they could have, but no

one ever told us much.”

This was consistent with all the rest. Keep them in the dark about

the details and—“I still don’t understand how they could keep you
here against your will.”

“They told us that as clones, we would be captured and killed if

we left,” Lon replied. “They said we would be safe here.”

Smiling grimly, she nodded toward Sar. “Obviously you don’t

believe that or you wouldn’t be telling me this.”

“I don’t know why I told you,” Sar said slowly. “I don’t even

know how true it is. But it seems wrong.”

“It is wrong,” Nalira said with conviction. “Murder is murder

whether you’re clones or not. In fact, given the differences between
you and Sarlon, as well as each other, it would be tough to prove you
were clones at all, especially if the records regarding the two of you
were destroyed—which is what any prudent person who found them
would have done.” Actually, any prudent person would have exposed
the situation long ago. Lon and Sar wouldn’t have been held
responsible—how could they be?—and Sarlon was dead.

Someone was still working for the old man even after his death.
And Nalira was about to call his bluff.

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Chapter 3

Lon was skeptical. “So, what? We’re just going to walk out of


“That’s exactly what you’re going to do,” Nalira said firmly. “The

hotel can’t own you. Slavery is illegal on this and just about every
other planet in the galaxy! No one can own another human being, and
you are human. Your origin makes no difference. It’s the act of
cloning that’s illegal, not being a clone. You may not have any
records of your birth, but if we can find your surrogate, she can
corroborate your story. Any idea where she is?”

“Well, we know where she was, but that was several years ago.

She could be anywhere now—she might even be dead.”

“That wouldn’t be surprising,” Nalira said. “But if Sarlon had in

mind what I think he did, he would have made sure there was a trail
for us to follow.”

“Wait a minute,” Sar began. “You’re saying he wanted us to be

found out?”

Nalira nodded. “Not only that, I think he wanted you to inherit his

fortune, but he couldn’t admit to having cloned himself. His
‘instructions’ put you here in plain sight for someone like me to find
you and made sure you knew you were clones. If he didn’t want you
to be discovered, he would have left you right where you were and
made sure no one told you anything. There’s no other explanation. I
didn’t like the old man one bit, but I’ve got to hand it to him, the plan
is brilliant.”

Lon wanted to believe her, but wasn’t quite ready to throw caution

to the wind. “And you can do this?”

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Nalira shook her head. “I don’t think I’ll need to. All we have to

do is walk out of here and see what happens. You two getting gunned
down is highly unlikely.”

Lon wasn’t so sure about that. “Those guys were pretty


“They’d have to be. If you escaped, would you have told anyone

you were clones?”

“Probably not,” Lon admitted.
“But you were desperate enough that you told me, weren’t you?”
“It wasn’t so much desperation as—” Lon broke off there, looking

to Sar for help.

“You were someone we thought we could trust,” Sar finished for


“That was a snap decision if I ever saw one,” Nalira said dryly.

“You hadn’t been here more than a minute.”

Sar shrugged. “Sometimes you just know.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that because your assumption was spot

on. You can trust me—with anything.”

The smile that accompanied this assertion was enough to sway

Lon just a bit, but he still wasn’t completely sure. “Even the fact that
we love each other?”

“Even that. In fact, especially because of that. If you hadn’t had

each other…”

“We would have gone nuts,” Lon said grimly. Giving Nalira a

firm hug, he rolled over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. “Sar
and I don’t just like to fuck each other, either—there’s more to it than
that.” He hesitated, unsure of how to put it. “I don’t think many
women would like the whole sharing thing.”

“Possibly, but the funny thing is, until you two walked in here, I’d

have said I never wanted another man again as long as I live, and now
I want both of you.” She sighed with regret. “I’m a lot older than you
guys, too. I don’t know if you’d want to stay together with me or not.”

Lon nestled closer, brushing her hair back with his fingertips. To

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him, she was not only beautiful, she was ageless. “Nalira,” he said as
he kissed her cheek, “if you really can get us out of here, I will never
leave you. Ever.”

“Even when you’re filthy rich and have gorgeous young chicks

hanging all over you?”

“Even then,” he replied. “Though I’m not sure I’d know how to be

rich. You might have to help us with that.”

Chuckling, she kissed Lon on the nose. “I’m not very good at it,

either. I’ve got plenty of money but no time to enjoy it.”

“But you’re here now,” Sar pointed out. “And I think you’re

enjoying yourself.”

“I’m here to work,” she corrected him. “Nasty divorce case, too.”
“Dump it and be our lawyer,” Lon suggested. “We’ll pay you


“Your case could take years to prove,” she cautioned. “We’ll have

to live on something in the meantime, so I still need to work.”

“But think of the reward when you do prove it,” Sar said. “We’ll

pay you at least half of our fortune.”

“Promises, promises,” Nalira chided. “Right now, I need sleep

more than money.”

Lon grinned. “I was thinking more along the lines of a shower and

then sleep.”

Sar was more direct. “The bathtub is big enough for three.”
“Done some research, have you?”
Sar’s eyes crinkled, his thick lashes dropping as he smiled

sheepishly. Lon loved that smile, but Nalira’s laughter had a different
effect, bringing on a new kind of feeling. It occurred to him then that
he’d never loved a woman before. He’d had sex with them, but had
never fallen in love—until now. Once they’d gotten past the trust
issue, loving her seemed all too easy…

* * * *

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Sar watched as Lon rose from the bed, holding out his hand to

Nalira. He could get used to this. The two of them making love to the
same woman seemed so right, so perfect.

Sharing her had been phenomenal—the ultimate act of love. It

seemed presumptuous of them to think that she returned that feeling,
yet there was every indication that she felt the same way, no matter
how illogical it might seem.

Lon led the way to the tub with Sar bringing up the rear. Just the

sight of his two lovers sent blood rushing to his cock, swelling it well
beyond normal size. There was no doubt in his mind where this would
lead, and Lon’s dick appeared every bit as eager as his own.

Sar loved being naked with no place to hide what his mind

imagined and his body felt. He could tell Nalira and Lon he loved
them as many times as he liked, but the pulsation in his groin
conveyed his desire so much more eloquently. Sar had always
believed that being wanted was better than being needed, and he
hoped Nalira agreed. After all, she didn’t need them—a woman like
that could have any man she set her sights on—she wanted them, and
that fact was like a tonic to his soul.

Lon pushed the buttons, and hot water cascaded from two

opposing showerheads into the huge, round tub. Showering with Lon
was a favorite pastime of his, but with Nalira there, his enjoyment
tripled. Sar couldn’t recall ever having a woman wash both of their
dicks before—at least, not at the same time. With a soapy hand
wrapped around each stiff cock, she slid her fingers from head to base
and back again, washing as well as caressing each of them. Sar could
see what it was doing to Lon, but the way it felt was absolutely
incredible, his engorged penis getting harder with each stroke.

Sar felt his own climax building and heard Lon gasp the way he

always did when he was about to come. In that instant, Nalira let go
of both of them to massage their testicles, but it was too late. Sar held
his breath, doing his best to hold back his ejaculation, but creamy
semen spurted from the head of his cock anyway, splattering all over

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Nalira’s hip.

Sar couldn’t believe Lon hadn’t done the same, but he’d been in

her left hand. Her right hand was obviously stronger. She kept going,
massaging their soapy nuts, letting the weight of them rest in her
palms. Sar wanted to laugh out loud—she had them both by the balls,
and he was enjoying every moment. As far as he was concerned, he
and Lon belonged to her now. They were her own personal pets, and
she could do with them whatever she wished.

Lon’s cock was a deep reddish purple, every vein distended with

raw animal lust. Nalira rinsed her hands under the spray of water and
then redirected the stream at Lon’s groin. He thrust it forward as
though the flowing water was a hot cunt to be fucked. After a few
moments, Nalira seemed jealous of the water itself, pulling him away
and then dropping to her knees to suck him.

Sar and Lon both groaned as Lon’s cock slid past her lips.
“Suck him hard, Nalira,” Sar begged. “Make him come in your


Nalira’s response was muted by the dick she was sucking, but her

body gave a sudden lurch as she climaxed. Grabbing his ass, she
pulled Lon deeper into her mouth, going down on him with wild

It didn’t take long before Lon let out a yell and pumped his juice

onto her waiting tongue. Doubled over and panting with ecstasy, Lon
shook his head in disbelief. “I’ve never come so hard in my life!”

Nalira seemed pleased with this declaration. Smiling, she let go of

him and stood up, spitting his cum into her hand and then rubbing it
between her legs. “Mmm, my cum-slick cunt needs some cock.”

Sar pulled her back against him, delighting in the heat of her body

held tightly against his own. His erection had never wavered, and he
slid his hard shaft between the cheeks of her butt, gliding over her
anus. He didn’t need to hear her moans of pleasure to know precisely
how good that felt. Lon had done it to him a thousand times.

Lon stood in front of Nalira, first pressing his chest against her

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body and then dipping down to thrust his cock between her legs. Sar
met him there, their engorged cocks trapped against the creamy
wetness of Lon’s semen, which was smeared all over her entrance.

“Mmm…This is even better than before,” she murmured. “I’m

glad you two can keep going. Bet Sarlon was never that good.”

“Probably not,” Lon agreed. “But right now, I just plain don’t


“Me, either.” Sar swept her wet hair back from her face and bent

down to lick her neck. Her skin was slick and hot from the shower but
still tasted like the essence of pure desire. “Though he might have
been as good if he’d ever been with you. You’re driving us wild,
Nalira. You know that, don’t you? We’ve never felt like this. Ever.”

“You must be a witch,” Lon murmured. “I mean, you look human,

but you’ve turned us into rutting stags.”

“Oh, I’m human, all right,” Nalira replied. “But you two make me

feel like a siren. I’ve never been so hungry for cock in all my life.
Big, hard, dripping cocks…” She paused, letting out a groan as she
pulled Lon down for a kiss. “I feel alive… Really, truly alive. For the
very first time.”

* * * *

Nalira wasn’t lying, either. She meant every word. Keeping Sar

and Lon as lovers wasn’t just a whim. It was quickly becoming a
necessity. Her body was squeezed tightly between them, and knowing
that no matter where she turned she would find the man of her dreams
gazing back at her made her feel stronger than ever before. If Sarlon
had made a hundred such clones of himself, she would have wanted to
keep every last one of them.

The legal process would take years, but she didn’t care. She would

work tirelessly on their behalf, and then, at the end of the day, she
would be with them, holding and loving them through the night. Her
life would have purpose again. She wouldn’t be dealing with spoiled

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marriages and failed relationships. She would be championing the
underdogs of the galaxy, the nameless copies of people who were so
stuck on themselves that having children to carry on after them wasn’t
good enough. Sar and Lon were living proof that the personalities of
clones could differ from that of the original—similar tendencies,
perhaps, but still unique. When she was done, they would have their
own identities and the right to inherit property, just as any naturally-
produced offspring would have.

It was a tough job, but someone had to do it, and Nalira was an

eager volunteer. Somewhere, in the great beyond, she was sure that
Sarlon was smiling—the wily old bastard! It crossed her mind for a
moment that she was actually having sex with two copies of the old
man, but they were so diametrically opposed to him, it didn’t seem
possible. They were unspoiled, completely lacking the ruthless
arrogance that had characterized Sarlon.

This was one of the chief reasons that clones should be recognized

as individuals—a fact that Nalira would exploit to the best of her
ability. Sarlon, for example, would never have found joy in pleasuring
a woman the way these two obviously did.

Their own delight was clear, but having two hard cocks between

her legs was intoxicating. Nalira’s cares drifted into nothingness as
their hips rocked back and forth, spreading their combined moisture
halfway down her thighs.

“I want to keep going until we all come again,” Sar murmured in

her ear, “but I don’t think I’ve got anything left in my balls.”

“There’s always tomorrow,” Nalira reminded him. “And

tomorrow will be quite a day. A new beginning for all of us. Don’t
forget that.”

“I’m thinking about it right now,” Lon said with a sigh. “I’m

looking forward to waking up and leaving here with you.”

“Where will we go?”
“Another hotel for now,” she replied. “I’ve got to finish up this

case, but in the meantime, you two can relax.”

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Sar’s throaty chuckle sent tingles racing over her scalp. “We

won’t just relax. We’ll work out and get all hot and sweaty.” He
paused, licking her earlobe. “That way we’ll have enough stamina to
keep going as long as you like.”

“Mmm…Sounds good, but I do have to get some sleep.”
“You will,” he said. “Let’s put her to bed, Lon.”
Nalira groaned as they parted from her, but delighted in the way

they rinsed and dried her tired, sated body and then laid her on the
bed. She was so completely relaxed that when they joined her there,
sleep had already taken her in its embrace.

* * * *

The doorman smiled as he ushered Nalira outside, but frowned

when he saw who was carrying her luggage. “I’m sorry, ma’am,” he
said, “but they can’t leave the building.”

Nalira’s raised eyebrow had intimidated much stronger men, and

she used it now with impunity. “And why not?”

“They, ah, belong to the hotel.”
Nalira laughed. “Not anymore.” With a look that promised harsh

retribution should he make any further attempts to stop them, she
added, “C’mon, guys. Let’s get out of here.”

An expression of near-panic marred the doorman’s features as he

looked past her.

Following his gaze, Nalira saw the hotel manager nodding his

approval, which was exactly what she’d expected to see.

Smiling as the three of them stepped outside into the light, Nalira

realized that while being right was often its own reward, there were
times when that reward was especially sweet—and this was one of
those times. Even so, the fear that her two lovers might bolt at their
earliest opportunity nagged at her like a petulant child.

“So, how does it feel to be free?” she ventured cautiously.
“It feels good,” Sar replied with a firm nod.

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“Damn good,” Lon added.
“Not going to run off, are you?”
Sar took her hand, pressing his lips to her palm. “Wouldn’t dream

of it.”

“I’d die first,” Lon swore. Wrapping his free arm around her

waist, he pulled her close, kissing her cheek.

Sar followed Lon’s example, and, flanked by her two lovers,

Nalira embarked upon a new chapter in her life—a life blessed with
twice the love and double the delight.

Glancing up at the crystal clear sky, she smiled warmly.
“Thanks, Sarlon. I owe you one.”



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A native of Louisville, Kentucky, Cheryl Brooks is a critical care

nurse by night and a romance writer by day. Utilizing her rich fantasy
life and a knack for unobtrusive boy watching, she is currently
branching out from paranormal romance into erotic novellas, both
contemporary and paranormal, with her Sextet sisters, and loving it!
A lifelong lover of horses and animals in general, she lives with her
husband, two sons, two horses, four cats, and one dog in rural Indiana.
She enjoys cooking, gardening, and has played guitar since the age of
ten. A member of the RWA and INRWA, her previously published
works include The Cat Star Chronicles series: Slave, Warrior, Rogue,
Outcast, Fugitive,
and Hero. Book seven, Virgin, will be released in
June 2011.

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Infinite hugs and kisses to my ever-supportive husband.

More hugs to my wonderful Sextet sisters.

And a special thanks to Rebecca for her foodie expertise.

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Chapter 1

How the hell did I get roped into this?
Why did she, Wren McCoskey, food chemist and dinner-from-a-

box queen, have to interview two chefs for her cousin’s wedding
reception? Not any two, either. The only two men I’ve ever fantasized
about while enjoying an evening with Richard.
And couldn’t this have
waited until I carried my luggage upstairs to unpack?
Her poor
companion was probably suffocating in there. Of course, he hadn’t
been seated between a man who snored and a teenager who sang out
of tune to his iPod. Poor Richard got to ride in the cargo hold with
only engine noise from the St. Louis to the Port Columbus Airport.
No more conferences for at least the next six months.

Scanning her test kitchen, she made an eye-hop from station one

to station two. Rule sheet. Check. Pen. Check. Notepad. Check. The
counters were spotless, the cabinets and refrigerators stocked, and
each range, oven, and microwave in working order. Her assistant
deserved double-overtime pay for seeing to those details. Wren
glanced at the clock on the wall above the walk-in freezer. Three
minutes ’til two.

Her stomach twisted. Almost eight years had passed since Dane

and Spencer had last seen her. High school graduation. Would they
recognize her? Damn, she hoped not. The braces were long gone, her
waist-length hair had been cut and colored, and laser surgery had
corrected her myopic vision. No more geeky glasses. She might have
to join a convent if they told her she hadn’t changed at all. Were nuns
allowed vibrators? She’d get mighty lonely without Richard.

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Crossing the kitchen to the delivery entrance, her bootheels

clicked on the tile floor. Deep breath. Slide the dead bolt, turn the
knob, pull. Try not to swoon at the sight of hot chef number one.

Dane Fletcher. She plastered on a smile to hide her sudden lack of

respiratory abilities. He still had the same unkempt blond hair,
adorable dimples, and mischievous aqua eyes—that wayward air
begging every woman to save him from himself. And his long, lean
body had only improved with age.

“Damn, the single men of the world will mourn for years if you’re

the bride. Dane Fletcher, here to wow your taste buds.” His eyes
traveled from her face to her feet, obviously taking in her cleavage
and the belly button ring above her low-cut jeans. His dark-blond
eyebrows rose, and his tongue slipped out to wet his lips.

She almost laughed. He hadn’t changed at all. Ever the flirt. “No.

Maid of honor. Wren McCoskey.”

The moment he recognized her name came. His jaw dropped and

his wide eyes seemed to search for some recognizable trait.

“No way. Not Bird the Nerd. Jay didn’t say his twin sister grew up

so...swanlike. You know we’re partners in the restaurant, right?”

She bit the inside of her cheek. That stupid nickname. Grr. Since

when is being smart a bad thing? And twin implied a relationship she
and Jay did not have. He’d instigated the whole damn birdbrain idea.

Ignoring her old insecurities, she nodded and gestured him into

the kitchen. “I prefer Wren. Familiarize yourself with the setup. No
looking inside the refrigerator or the cabinets until I say so.”

“Sure thing, Wren.” He ambled to the cook station on the far left,

leaving her to stare at his broad shoulders and tight, muscular ass.

Mm-mm. Beefcake, it’s what’s for dinner.
“Nice setup.”
Of course it was. She worked in the space every day, had designed

it herself. No respectable food chemist would settle for less.

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A metallic knock brought her attention back to the door. Spencer

Andrews, Dane’s partner in crime, if not in business. She turned
toward the man she fantasized about every other time she pulled out
Reliable Richard. Storm-gray eyes met hers. Her lungs seized again,
and her nipples tightened against the fabric of her bra, sending a
spasm of anticipation between her legs. She suppressed a moan.
Damn, but she’d have a vision of sexiness with Dick tonight. Maybe
two if she felt adventurous.

“Hi, I’m Spence Andr—”
“Desiree couldn’t be here. I’m the—”
“Wren McCoskey. Wow. I’d know those pretty green eyes

anywhere. What happened to the long red hair? Not that I don’t love
the multicolored spiky look.” He smiled and toyed with one of her
spikes, sending a shiver down her spine.

Be still my heart. And could I please not spontaneously combust?

“—maid of honor. You’re at the station on the far right.”

He tilted his head to one side. “You do realize this presentation is

unnecessary, don’t you? Dane specializes in pompous in that
pretentious restaurant he runs with your brother. If you want an
enjoyable meal, I’m your guy.”

I don’t doubt you taste delicious. “Desi said head-to-head

competition.” Shall I smack myself now? What a choice of words.
Why did she torture herself?

His mouth formed a grim line. “I don’t like being forced to sell

myself, but if that’s what it takes to convince you, then I guess I have
no choice.”

Brooding looked good on him. Not pouty or whiny. Too damn

sexy. And she was buying, for herself, if not Desi’s reception.

She strode to her test kitchen area, sensing Spencer’s presence

behind her. “Gentlemen, you have four hours to create two appetizers,
a salad course, one bread, a soup course, and two entrees—one meat
and one vegetarian. Both stations have been stocked with the same
supplies and tools. Read and sign the agreement on the center island,

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stating you will follow my rules and abide by my decision. Refuse to
sign and you’re disqualified. Sabotage will not be tolerated. Any

“Yeah, I have a question. Are you dessert?”
The words must’ve come from Spencer since she stood facing

Dane, and his lickable lips hadn’t moved, except to grin at the man
behind her. Hmm. Maybe Desiree’s request had some benefits besides
gourmet cuisine and great scenery after all. “That depends on who

Let them stew over that. I win either way.
Spencer rounded the center island of station two. “The bride

didn’t say what we’ll be making. Do you have the menu, Wren?”

She smirked at him, then at Dane.
With pen poised above the contract, Dane froze. “Okay, what’s

the catch?”

“No menu. Use whatever you have in the kitchen to make your

own.” She grinned.

Fletcher frowned at her. “That twist was your idea, wasn’t it?”
“Got it in one.” She shrugged. “Be creative. Isn’t that every chef’s


Spencer’s laugh tickled her insides. “Or we’re put on the chopping


“Yeah. So chop, chop. The clock is ticking.” Tapping her finger

against the face of her watch, Wren raised her eyebrows. “Six o’clock
deadline. I’ll make my decision at six-thirty.”

Then we’ll see about dessert. Eenie, meenie, mine-ee, mo. Was

she in the mood for a Dane-ish or a Spencer Cocktail? Maybe her
Magic 8-Ball could help with the answer.

“I’ll be back in a minute.” Putting an extra wiggle in her hips, she

walked to her office, closing the door behind her. She picked up the
black ball from her desk. “Okay, great and powerful Eight, do I
choose Dane?”

She flipped the ball over to peer at the answer. “Better not tell you

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“Should I choose Spencer?”
She flipped the ball again. “Ask again later.”
Damned thing was as indecisive as she was.

* * * *

Eyeing the contract, Spence had to give Wren credit. She wasn’t

going to put up with any bullshit. Play by the rules or lose a golden
opportunity. She could make or break his shift to catering. The same
for Fletch—and her cocky son of a bitch brother—since they’d
decided to go into catering the same week. Both of them needed this
first prestigious contract.

Dane clearly had his sights on their judge, too. Not that Wren

wasn’t worthy of the hard-on she inspired. Her low-cut tank top and
tight blue jeans outlined an amazing body. Did she have a seductively
hidden tattoo to go with the pierced belly button? Maybe a red heart
on her perfect ass? He’d conduct a thorough search when they burned
up the sheets. And she might have a mix of purple, blue, and green on
her pixie head, but he looked forward to finding that natural red in her
panties. That she’d been the inspiration for more than one wet dream
back in high school was incentive enough to make a play for her. Her
enticing curves were a bonus, and the interest in her eyes only
encouraged him. After dinner.

He picked up the pen, signing by the X. Time to get down to

business. He turned to pull open the refrigerator door and study the
contents. Yeast. Fresh basil, thyme, oregano, dill, mint, parsley,
and...cilantro. Hmm. Raspberries, strawberries, lemons, limes. And an
eclectic assortment of vegetables, meats, cheeses, and...edible
flowers? Interesting. He moved to the counter, lifting lids on the
canisters. Granulated sugar, cane sugar, unbleached all-purpose flour,
graham flour. A fully stocked spice rack.

His imagination buzzed with excitement over the foods he could

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create. A pallet-pleasing combination of flavors and textures designed
to catch the eye with a unique blend of colors and shapes. His feast
would easily win the contract.

And then dessert. Wren à la mode. God, he’d waited a long time

for the real thing.

* * * *

Dane scribbled notes as he checked out the available ingredients

in his station. Herb-stuffed veal cutlets with steamed asparagus and
pearl onions. A bed of spaghetti squash topped with grilled
portabellas and cannellini in a Roma tomato-Marsala sauce. Leek and
carrot bisque. Crusty basil-pecorino focaccia. Roasted red pepper-
eggplant wontons and sesame wafers with pesto. Spinach salad with
lemon vinaigrette. Let Andrews come up with courses as fucking
creative as those.
He would go crawling back to his trendy bistro after
dinner, and Wren would provide the evening’s best course. Rack of
swan and pussy au jus—the perfect complement to his perfect meal.
But first, the business of securing this catering gig, not that he minded
a little competition among friends.

He concentrated on chopping basil and some well-disguised

cilantro for the pesto, wielding a duplicate of his favorite knife over
the pungent leaves. Wren knew the importance of good tools. His
cock twitched.

Click, click, click. He looked up at the sound of heels on the tile

floor. Ah. The woman with superb knowledge of tools is back. Mixing
the herbs into the bowl of olive oil, garlic, toasted chopped pistachios,
and sea salt, he grinned. “Want a taste, sweetheart?”

He held out the spoon.
She pursed her full red lips, narrowing her eyes at him. “Trying to

influence the judge?”

“Not at all.” At least not the way she thought. “I’m curious

whether or not you can identify my secret ingredient.”

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She relaxed slightly and stepped toward him.
Holding the spoon beyond her reach, he waited. One more step.

He raised the spoon. When she parted her lips, he slipped the tip
inside, far enough for the dab of pesto to disappear.

She closed her mouth over it.
Pulling the spoon away, he touched a finger to the corner of her

lips, then licked his finger. “Mmm. Don’t want to waste any.”

Her irises darkened from sage to thyme, and her throat undulated

as she swallowed. Effective first move. He’d spend the next three and
a half hours bringing her sexual appetite to a simmer. By the time she
finished dinner, she would be ready to come to a rolling boil.

Sneaking a covert glance at his competition, he almost laughed.

Spence could use his jaw for a fucking can opener. It clenched and
unclenched as his gaze followed Wren’s every move. Damn if the guy
wasn’t pissed about the taste testing. Or maybe the not-so-subtle
come-on? Did Andrews have plans of his own for the swan? Dane
didn’t mind competing in that arena as well. May the best man get

* * * *

Spencer punched his fist into the bread dough.
Fletcher had hit on Wren, changing the rules of play. His

competition had balls, but they weren’t seeing any action tonight. Not
with her anyway, friendly rival or not.

Turn, punch, turn, punch. He needed a plan, one involving enough

innuendo she couldn’t possibly misread his sexual interest. Dane had
gone for feeding her. Maybe take that an intimate step further. Turn,
punch. He absently plucked a pinch of dough for a taste. With his
hand halfway to his mouth, he stopped.

“How about a taste of mine, Wren?” His erection grew, imagining

her tasting him. He shrugged at Dane. “Fair play.”

She raised her eyebrows at him, one corner of her mouth lifting.

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Damned if she wasn’t enjoying this battle for her attention. She strode
to his station, opening her mouth as she stopped in front of him.

Who the hell needs a spoon? His finger and thumb passed her lips

to deposit the dough in her mouth. She stroked the pads of both digits
with her tongue.

He struggled to breathe. If she wasn’t interested, she had the cock-

tease routine down pat. Damn, he didn’t want to wait until after
dinner for dessert.

“Mmm. Secret ingredient, too?”
He nodded, pinched another dab of dough, and held it out for her

to take.

She grinned. No need to hint at his expectations. She tucked the

morsel between his lips.

Wrapping his tongue around her finger, he gently sucked the way

he planned to suck her swollen clit later, the way she would suck his

Her cheeks flushed, and her pupils dilated then vanished behind

heavy eyelids.

He sucked again, gently pulling her hand away against the

suction. “I love secret ingredients. Yours is cayenne. Hot and spicy.”

Sneaking a glance at Dane, Spencer almost laughed out loud at the

eye roll and silent mocking of his words. He didn’t need to read lips
to know Fletch wasn’t thrilled about him flirting with Wren. Their
friendly competition had reached a new level. They’d never let a
woman come between them before. Would they now?

“Does it feel warm in here to you?” Wren fanned her face with her


Yeah, she’d jacked up the heat all right. A bead of sweat trickled

down his back as Dane swiped his sleeve across his forehead.

“I’m going to change clothes. No cheating or arguing while I’m

gone.” She clicked across the room to grab a suitcase with an airline
tag attached to the handle.

“I don’t cheat.” Spencer didn’t mention arguing, because he

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couldn’t promise they wouldn’t.

“I don’t need to cheat.” Dane evidently saw a disagreement

coming, too.

A minute later she closed the door of what he assumed must be a


“What the hell are you doing, Spence?” Dane’s raspy whisper cut

through the sexual haze. Why the hell didn’t the guy go lock himself
in the freezer? “You couldn’t back off, could you?”

Dane’s question didn’t bother Spencer—not with that teasing grin.

Surely she would choose him over Fletch. He’d do a little more
convincing when she returned. “Why should I when I’m interested?
Flirting hardly justifies exclusivity. To be honest, I think she’s
enjoying the game.”

Setting the dough in the greased bowl, he flipped it over to coat

the other side, covered the bowl with a clean dishtowel, and moved it
to the range.

“So you think she’s playing us against each other?” Dane sounded

a bit disgruntled about that possibility.

Spence checked his list. Stuffed chicken breasts with a white

wine-portabella reduction. Moving to the cabinet, he pulled out a bag
of wild rice. Best to start it cooking now. He would pound the chicken
while the rice simmered.

“No, she isn’t manipulative.” He left the “like her brother” unsaid.

“She enjoys being pursued. Or at least having more than one guy
wanting to go out with her. What woman doesn’t want her pick of

“Okay. Since neither of us is willing to back off, I guess that

means whoever isn’t chosen bows out gracefully and hopes for a shot
another day.” Dane stowed his pesto in the refrigerator, removing a
package of veal cutlets.

“Assuming she actually says yes to either of us.” Hmm. Veal. Not

what he would choose for a partially vegetarian meal. “Teasing
doesn’t necessarily lead to anything more.”

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“For my dick’s sake, I hope you’re wrong.” Dane chuckled.

“Damn. She. Is. Hot.”

Spence had to agree. Cayenne was much too mild a description

for Wren. Closer to habanero. Sizzling. Fiery hot.

He added seasonings to the rice and turned on a low flame

beneath the saucepan. “She does amazing things to a pair of jeans.
The potential was always there. She just needed to get out from under
Jay’s shadow. And he didn’t help by constantly embarrassing her.”

“You know, he always felt threatened by her intelligence. He isn’t

such a bad guy, just a little insecure. Proving he could play any sport,
have any girl was his way of getting attention. Wren got straight As,
earned a full-ride academic scholarship, and had a boatload of praise
from their parents.”

Positioning a chicken breast on the cutting board, Spencer raised

his tenderizer mallet. Splack-splack! Splack-splack! Splack-splack!
The sound echoed beside him. He and Dane pounded in time. They
should’ve been partners instead of competitors.

* * * *

Wren grinned at her reflection in the mirror. If Spencer and Dane

knew she’d installed an intercom system between her downstairs full
bath and the kitchen, they’d either die laughing or kill her. One push
of a button and she could listen for beeping timers and men arguing
over who got to sleep with her tonight—while she changed into
something more...appropriate. Oh, they’d kept their voices low, but
not low enough to keep her from hearing their agreement. Whoever
isn’t chosen bows out gracefully and hopes for a shot another day.

Choose. Eenie-meenie, mine-ee, freaking mo! How could she

choose one over the other? Both were prime specimens. They made
her heart pound and her clit throb. On her sexual thermostat, Dane
and Spencer equally turned her up to broil. Hell, she’d resorted to the
self-cleaning setting for years.

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Argh. I can’t pick one. Shimmying into her early birthday present

to herself, she wracked her brain. How to decide? One tonight, one
tomorrow night? But who first?

She frowned as she adjusted her breasts in the demi cups. Left

nipple tucked just out of view. And now the right. A perfect pair.

The mouth of her reflection turned upward. Hmm. A perfect pair.

Left and right. Spencer and Dane. Now that idea held promise. They
could take turns, right? She was willing to share. Or maybe...Last
week’s session with Richard had left her wanting more. Dane had
joined Spencer in her daydream. A new fantasy. Hot damn! Why not
both of her delicious chefs joining her for a post-meal walk on the
wild side?

Slipping on her new black leather pumps, she took a last look in

the mirror. Damn. If this outfit didn’t convince them to share and
share alike, nothing would.

* * * *

Splack-splack! Splack-splack! Splack-splack! Spencer raised his

mallet again.

“My, oh, my. I never dreamed I’d get to watch two men beating

their meat together.” Wren’s giggle invited him to join in.

Dane’s burst of raucous laughter blended with his own as Spencer

looked up at their hostess. He froze mid-laugh. Holy shit! When Wren
said she was changing clothes, he hadn’t pictured black leather and
silk stockings. His erection fought to get out of his Jockeys. Words.
Say something. He opened his mouth to speak, but his tongue had
suctioned itself to his palate. Okay, so maybe no words existed to
describe how fucking sexy she was. And she wore a wide grin with
her biker babe attire.

“Don’t you like my new outfit? I suppose I could take it off.” Her

fingers toyed with laces of her almost cup-less...corset-thingamajig.

“God, no!” Evidently Dane hadn’t lost his ability to talk. “I love

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your taste in clothes. You plan on dominating us?”

Her eyes sparkled. “Maybe. Maybe not. Get back to work.”
Spencer adjusted his grip on the mallet. Hell, he’d gladly beat his

meat if she told him to—so long as he got to look at her gorgeous

* * * *

Singed. If he touched her, he would go up in smoke. Dane

watched Wren sashay her way to the refrigerator in the empty cook
station. Sneaking a glance at Spence, he wondered how either of them
would survive the afternoon. His friend had the glazed look of a man
about to lose his horny mind. Good thing the kitchen didn’t have a
mirror. That same expression probably occupied his face as well.

Clunk. Clunk.
He and Spence turned toward the sounds. A pair of Smucker’s ice

cream toppings stood on the center island next to Wren. Caramel and
hot fudge, judging by the colors of the bottles.

A jar of maraschino cherries. Was she making a banana split? Or a


Whipped cream in a can.
Next, she strode to her luggage, unzipping the suitcase—the one

that had held her leather outfit before she changed into something
more comfortable. What else did she have in her bag of goodies?

A bright orange...dildo? On a business trip?
Jerking his gaze to his fellow chef, Dane widened his eyes and

nodded in Wren’s direction. What the hell is she doing?

Spence shrugged, a pussy-eating grin on his face. He waved his

finger between himself and Dane, then pointed to Wren.

Ahh. Interesting idea. Neither had to go home alone. He nodded at

Spence. But would she go for their plan?

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That noise couldn’t be what it sounded like. He turned his

attention back to their chemist in stripper’s clothing. She sat atop the
island with one silk-clad leg crossed over the other, toppings to the
left, whipped cream and cherries to the right. She rubbed the vibrator
along her inner thigh, upward across her stomach and one breast.
Picking up the can of whipped cream, she squirted a dollop on the end
of her toy and slipped it between her lips. Her tongue caressed the
underside as her playmate glided in and out. Creamed cock—
evidently her favorite.

His lungs threatened to explode. A shiver skittered from his balls

up his spine. Damn, he could almost feel her lips and tongue
welcoming his dick into her mouth. And Spence would go down on
her and fuck her while she performed the amazing blowjob. Their
love of cooking wasn’t the only interest they would share.

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Chapter 2

Spencer’s breath came in short, panting gulps. Wren was putting

on an X-rated show for them. The orange penis disappeared in her
mouth as she deep-throated the unappreciative hunk of rubber. Her
fingers tugged down one cup of her leather corset, revealing a
beautiful, round breast. She brushed her thumb over the hardened
nipple and groaned. So fucking hot. Nothing turned him on more than
watching a woman touch herself.

She slowly pulled out the vibrator, her lips caressing as it

withdrew. Damn, he’d bet she gave great head.

She uncrossed her legs. The skirt rode high on her thighs, hinting

at what she wasn’t wearing beneath it. From this angle, with her legs
spread open, he glimpsed a peek of pink flesh surrounded by
dark...curls maybe. No panties. Another of his high school fantasies
about her. How much longer could he watch without going off the
deep end?

Giving the vibrator a final lick, she placed it in that flirty space

beneath her skirt and shuddered.

Christ, enough was enough. He dropped the mallet on the cutting

board, waved an arm at Dane to join him, and strode to her perch.

Lifting her chin so she looked him in the eye, Spencer gave her a

quick hard kiss. “You’re one hell of a cock-tease.”

Her smile was anything but innocent. “Who says I’m teasing?

Maybe I’m hinting.”

“Hinting at what, exactly?” Dane’s raspy question attested to the

frail hold on his control.

That’s what Spencer wanted to know, too.

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* * * *

Wren realized the moment of truth had come. Did she possess the

bravery to ask for what she wanted? She grinned instead of having a

“When a woman hauls out Reliable Richard by herself, she’s in

the mood to masturbate. When she flaunts Richard in front of a man,
she’s extending an invitation.” Her heart pounded. Would they accept
her proposition? Only if I ask. “When a woman does the same in front
of two sexy chefs, she wants to skip dinner and go straight for a
double dip of ice cream for dessert.”

Dane and Spencer shared an unreadable look.
Time to clarify. “I made up my mind. Both or neither.”
Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Had her brash request

condemned her to a night alone?

Spencer rested his hands on the outside of her thighs. “While you

were changing clothes we decided not to fight over who would hook
up with you. We both like you, but won’t let a woman ruin our
friendship. Dane and I have been friends for a long time.”

She’d missed part of their conversation. They were turning her

down. Her stomach fell to her stilettoed feet. Another evening with

Dane frowned. “You don’t want to ruin our friendship, do you?”
She shook her head. No, she wouldn’t let her measly sexual

fantasies come between friends.

“That’s why we decided to share.” Spencer leaned in close,

nuzzling her neck.

A ripple of excitement shocked her heart into beating again. “You

mean...Oh, share.”

“As long as you understand neither of us is into rump roast shish

kebab.” Soft lips brushed her jaw.

“Of course not. So you’re saying yes?” Yes, yes, yes.

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Running a finger from her knee to the edge of her skirt, Dane

chuckled. “If you say pretty please with whipped cream, caramel, hot
fudge, and a cherry on top.”

“Pretty please.” Damn, she felt bold. “And we’ll share the


“Mmm.” Spencer’s warm breath tickled her ear. “I’ll bet you’re

tasty without any garnish, but I think we’ll start with hot fudge sauce.
Let’s make it warm.”

He pulled away to reach for the bottle. “Here, Dane. Pop this in

the microwave. And we should probably undress Wren so we don’t
make a mess on her sexy clothes. I’m thinking the stockings and heels
can stay. What do you think?”

“Love the stockings and stilettos. Don’t want to get sticky stuff all

over the leather, though.” Dane took the bottle of fudge from Spencer,
popping off the lid and putting it in the microwave to heat.

Warm chocolate on her skin, followed by warm tongues licking it

off. Wren could barely wait.

Spencer lifted her off the counter, standing her in front of him. His

fingers worked the laces of her bustier. His lips trailed along her bare
shoulder to her neck. And then he worked his way along her jaw to
her mouth, tracing her lips with his tongue. She opened for him, and
he dove inside. Her pulse echoed in her ears as he explored every
surface. His tongue fought hers for control. He and Dane might be
two against one, but she didn’t do submissive. She nipped his lower
lip. His groan vibrated through her skull. So he didn’t like submissive,

“Time for that skirt to go.” Dane had the zipper down before she

remembered the mini had one. Tugging the scant piece of leather over
her hips, he let it drop around her ankles. “Need help with those

She swallowed Spencer’s grunt, nearly jumping out of her skin

when one pair of hands cupped her breasts and another pair loosened
the laces. More clothing slid past her hips to the floor.

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“Jesus, Spence, you have to see her spectacular body.”
His mouth pulled away from hers, leaving them both panting. He

took three steps back to stand beside Dane. His gaze skimmed across
her skin like a shivery tingle. “So fucking sexy. Love the tats and the
dye job.”

Ah, so he’d noticed the morning glories vining their way around

her hips, growing upward toward the sun on her left breast. Another
stem grew over her pelvis to circle her upper right thigh. A bumblebee
hovered above her multicolored pubic hair. Finding a stylist for the
matching head and tail hadn’t been easy.

Spencer’s eyes seemed to be locked on the bee in her garden.

“God, I can’t wait to taste that beautiful pussy. Dane has preferred tits
to twat ever since he discovered their versatility. I don’t think
sharing’s going to be a problem.”

“No, not a problem for me. That is one bodacious rack you have

there, Wren. Has anyone ever fucked it?” Dane looked hopeful to be
the first.

“Not yet. You interested in the job?” Damn, this idea of hers got

better and better.

“Oh, yeah, right after I suck those tight nipples.”
His words sent a happy spasm between her legs. “Your turn to


Spencer and Dane immediately kicked off their shoes and pulled

the chef’s jackets over their heads. Muscular pecs and abs nearly
distracted her from watching the rest of their whites land in a pile.
Two impressive erections. Both made her eager to begin this

* * * *

If Spencer hadn’t been in love with her before, he was now. No

pathetic little heart tattoo for Wren. He focused every bit of
willpower on restraining the need to be inside her.

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“Condoms?” At least Dane still had some active brain cells.
Reaching around the corner of the island, Wren opened a drawer

and pulled out a strip of Trojans. She dangled them in front of her.
Bless her presumptuous foresight. “Think six will be enough?”

Her smug grin twisted his heart in knots. His cock twitched. “For

a couple hours.”

Her laughter mixed with Dane’s. “I have more in my apartment


“That’s good to know. Ready for orgasm number one?”

* * * *

All Wren could manage was a whimper as Spencer kissed her

again, then lifted her back onto the island. His fingers traced the wavy
green line and azure flowers at her lower abdomen, following the
tattoo along her hip bone. Her skin itched in anticipation of his touch
moving over her thigh to her quivering clit.

Dane joined Spence in the tactile exploration of her body, gliding

his palm from her wrist to her shoulder. His hand moved to her back,
and snaking an arm around her neck, he pulled her flush against his
chest. The smattering of coarse hair brushed her sensitive nipples,
triggering contractions in her more-than-ready twat. He scraped his
teeth on her lower lip before taking her mouth for a deep kiss. His
skill equaled Spencer’s, both men adept at showing their desire with a
swipe of forceful tongue.

Lips on her thigh, easing closer to the perfect spot. A hand raising

her leg to rest on a broad shoulder. Warm breath teasing her already
wet pussy. Why didn’t Spencer make use of his tongue already? And
why did Dane take the time to kiss her when he could be licking and
sucking her nipples? She’d die if they didn’t give her some relief.

“Soon, Wren. No rush. Relax and enjoy the ride.” Spencer made a

path around her thigh. The vine. He was tracing her tat.

“Mmm.” She squirmed, hoping his tongue would take a detour.

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Dane chuckled into her mouth. She gave up trying to hold herself

in a sitting position, pulling away from his kiss. He followed her
down and latched on to her nipple. Ripples of pleasure zinged to her
weeping pussy. Her fingers dove into his hair, ensuring he didn’t let

“Damn it, Spencer, I’m not a patient woman.”
“Good things come to those who wait.” More warm breath on her

inner thigh.

“And bad things happen to those who make me wait.” Geez, she

was going to have a fricking orgasm from Dane’s attention any
second. “Now, Spencer. Now!”

Dane lifted his head, ripping away the sensation so fast she

wanted to cry. “Maybe we need to slow things down a notch.”

“Oh, no, you don’t! If you two aren’t going to get the job done,

then give me Richard, and I’ll do it myself.” Her vibrator never failed,
but it was an empty threat. She wanted the real thing.

“Dick has been demoted to back massager.” How could Dane

remain so calm when she was about to die from lack of orgasm? “You
wanted us, you got us. And we want to play.”

Play? Play? Making her beg and still not giving her what she

needed was not playing. Making her wait until they felt like giving
her what she needed was not playing, either. Was this all a joke to
them? Well, she wasn’t laughing. She ached everywhere they
wouldn’t touch her. Why had she thought to proposition them?
Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Pushing up to her elbows, she tugged her leg out of Spence’s

grasp and scooted to the opposite corner of the island. She swung
around, dropping to the floor. Her muscles almost gave out, but she
clung to the butcher-block countertop. And, damn it, she refused to let
them see how badly their teasing hurt her. Turning away from them,
she started toward her suitcase.

“You guys decide who gets the contract. And...and go shish kebab


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* * * *

At this moment Spencer didn’t care who got the contract, either.

He watched Wren walk across the kitchen, the sight of her naked ass
affecting him less than the stiffness in her spine. She was upset. One
minute she’d been enjoying the attention they’d been showering on
her, the next she’d pulled away, leaving him to wonder, what the hell?
He couldn’t let her abrupt departure slide.

“Wren, talk to me. Tell me what we did wrong, because obviously

we screwed up somehow. And forget the damn contract. Your
feelings are more important than a job.”

She stopped at her suitcase, but didn’t turn to face them.

“Could’ve fooled me. I begged you to make me come. Begged.
Instead of pleasing me, you played this control game. ‘Good things
come to those who wait.’ And Dane wanted to slow things down and
play. I was ready, damn it. What? You think I can’t have multiple
orgasms? Or maybe you relish having power over a woman. Well,
find another woman. No man tells me I can’t have an orgasm when I
want one.”

Okay, now they were getting somewhere. “I wanted to make you

hotter. That’s all.”

“I was enjoying every second of touching you.” Dane rubbed his

temples. “I assumed you enjoyed it, too. God, watching and listening
to you are the biggest turn-ons. I wanted to make it last for you.”

“You like tits, and you like twat, but all women like hour-long

sex? Idiots! I begged. Did you not hear that? You’d think between the
two of you, one would understand the meaning of ‘now.’” She shook
her head and tipped up the suitcase on its wheels.

Yes, he’d heard her, even through the disappointment she tried to

hide. “Wren, I’m sorry.”

“Me, too.” Dane sounded as depressed as Spencer felt. “We

wanted to make the experience amazing for you, not leave you

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“You failed.” She rolled the suitcase behind her, heading for the

door that evidently led to her apartment. The door thumped closed
after her.

Clump, clump, clump, clump, clump. Her luggage on the steps?
“We need to fix this.” Sorting through the pile of clothes, Dane

snagged a pair of white pants and pulled them on. “I like her.”

“Yeah, me, too.” Maybe more than like. Spencer followed his

friend’s example and slipped into his chef pants. Did he dare be
completely honest with Dane? “I meant what I said about sharing her.
If she wants both of us, I don’t see why we can’t make her happy.”

“I agree. First, we have to do something about the catering gig.

We can’t let her down with that.” Shrugging into his jacket, Dane
walked to the sink to wash his hands. “I’ve been considering selling
out my partnership with Jay and going out on my own, but now I’m
wondering...Are you interested in taking on a partner? We can work
on the reception together as a test drive.”

And work on their relationship with Wren as well. “Okay. Let’s

take a look at our menus and come up with the best from both. We
can serve Wren an apology dinner. If we’re lucky, we didn’t blow our
chance with her.”

Dane offered his hand. “Partner?”
Spence shook it. “Partner.”

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Chapter 3

Two naked men to go with her naked self, and neither saw fit to

make her scream in ecstasy. Or, at the very least, make her gasp with
the itty-bitty spasms of a baby orgasm. Now she had no one to
fantasize about, either. They had ruined that, too. Richard’s marketing
adjective said it all. A girl could always count on her vibrator. Except
when he was downstairs with the enemy.

Parking her suitcase in the corner, Wren sat on the end of her bed.

She kicked off her spike-heeled D’Orsay pumps, not bothering to line
them up in her closet. Her new lace-topped thigh-highs went next,
landing in a pile on the floor. Without wasting the energy to slip on
her favorite pajamas, she crawled under the covers.

Damn, she was exhausted. Eight o’clock in the morning flights

should be outlawed. Add to that the stress of not getting laid. Maybe
she’d sleep the rest of the day and all night. Tomorrow was another
day, and it couldn’t be much worse than today.

The cool cotton sheets soothed her oversensitized skin. She closed

her eyes, imagining she lay naked on her own private stretch of
tropical beach. Gulls squawked, the surf rolled onto the sand, a light
breeze ruffled her hair. Warm and sleepy.

* * * *

The tablecloth rippled and fell to the table, one more detail in their

apology-seduction plan. Dane evened the edges of the linen, then
placed the centerpiece. He’d had to call four florists to find the right
flowers and decorative accessories for the bouquet. Spence had

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handwritten Wren’s invitation to dinner and completed the salad and
bread courses. He would finish preparing the meat entree while Dane
seared the portabellas and assembled the vegetarian entree.

They made a good team. Going over their menus, they’d agreed

on every selection. As Dane preheated the iron skillet, Spence rang
the delivery door buzzer to gain their guest’s attention.

“I have a delivery here for a Wren McCoskey.”
A Bronx accent? Dane chuckled to himself. Only Spence would

come up with that dialect.

“No, ma’am. You needs to sign for it. Yes, ma’am. I ain’t going


And bad grammar, too.
Spence returned to his cook station with a grin. “She said she’ll be

down in a minute. Sounded like she just woke up.”

“Everything’s ready except the ports. So you’ll greet and seat her.

I’ll pour the wine, then we’ll discuss our offer over dinner.” Dane
flipped each slice, avoiding the spattering olive oil. “Just a few more

Spence handed him a warm plate, and he transferred the browned

mushroom slices from the skillet. They both turned at the sound of a
door closing. Wren, at the top of the stairs.

Dane waved Spence away. “I can finish here. Go light the


* * * *

A delivery? She hadn’t placed an order this week. Rubbing sleep

from her eyes, Wren dragged on a tank top and a pair of shorts. What
time was it, anyway? She glanced at the clock radio beside her bed.
Six o’clock. Her deliveries always came in the early morning. The
guy clearly had the wrong Wren McCoskey. Or maybe he’d said Glen
Nikowski? Hard to tell with that New-Yorker-in-the-Midwest accent.

Shuffling through the living room to the kitchen, she rubbed her

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left arm. Tingles prickled from elbow to fingertips. Her arm knew
enough to stay asleep. Stupid delivery. This had better be important.

She descended the steps to her test kitchen, closing the door to her

apartment behind her. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs to unbolt
the entrance to her lab. Hm. Did she smell hot cooking oil? Had Dane
or Spencer left a pan on an un-extinguished flame? All she needed
was her lab and her home burning down from their carelessness.

Cautiously placing a palm against the steel door, she heaved a

relieved sigh at the cool metal. She shrugged. My nose must be
playing tricks on me.
She pushed open the heavy door and was
assailed by...the mouthwatering aroma of chicken and tomato sauce
and the pungent scent of mushrooms? And her earlier visitors had
forgotten to turn off the lights when they left.

“Miss McCoskey, your invitation.”
She jumped at the sudden voice.
Spencer stood before her, dressed once again in his chef’s whites,

his hand extended. He held a folded piece of paper.

Grasping the “invitation,” she unfolded it and read.

Wren McCoskey, you are cordially invited to dine on the varied

offerings of Chefs Spencer Andrews and Dane Fletcher. The menu is
a coordinated effort, made in attempt to win the palate and heart of
the woman they adore. They seek forgiveness and hope for a second

These two were either the biggest bull-shitters on the planet


“Will you join us, Wren?” Spencer sounded sincere, but could she

believe him?

She nodded. Well, she was hungry, and the heavenly smells lured

her slutty taste buds.

Spencer gestured toward the dimly lit tasting center. The long

rectangular table was set for three, complete with a linen tablecloth

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and flowers. Not just flowers. Morning glories tucked into and around
a small branch, a tiny bird perched on one twig. A wren. Three white
tapers formed a triangle around the centerpiece, their flames dancing
with each movement of the air.

She bit her lip to ease the cramp in her stomach. They’d planned a

wonderfully romantic dinner for three. What had the invitation said?
Forgiveness. A second chance. Thinking back to this afternoon, she
cringed at her behavior. Spencer and Dane had concentrated their
efforts on her pleasure, not their own. She’d been tired and bitchy and
impatient. They were willing to admit a mistake, but was she?

Holding a chair for her, Spencer helped her sit. “Dinner is served.


Dane appeared with a bottle of her favorite red, pouring a glass of

wine for each of them as Spencer spread a napkin over her lap. “We’ll
begin with Sesame Wafers with Pesto and Sliced Cucumbers with

Spencer held a serving tray of appetizers while his coconspirator

picked up a morsel topped with a bright orange curl. He held it to her

Mmm. The yummy pesto he’d spoon-fed her. The crisp crunch of

cracker blended with the nutty-flavored concoction and the fresh taste
of carrot. Dane tucked the rest of the hors d’oeuvre into his mouth,
triggering a twinge between her thighs. She’d always thought of
sharing food as sensual, but this dinner challenged her imagination.

“Ready for more?” Spencer held a slice of cucumber between his

thumb and forefinger.

Parting her lips, she waited for him to give her a bite. Hummus

was one of her favorite snacks. A triangle of red pepper rested atop
the irresistible treat. He bit into it, lifting the remaining half to her
mouth while he chewed his part. Food as foreplay? Even better than
the blatant flirting this afternoon.

He set the platter on the table in front of her. “Do you think the

bride will approve?”

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Who cared whether Desiree approved? “They were both


Did she dare ask who made which menu items? The invitation had

said the menu was a coordinated effort. Perhaps she shouldn’t try to
compare the chefs.

“Next, we have Spinach and Summer Squash Blossom Salad with

Warm Strawberry Vinaigrette.” Setting a basket of rolls on the table
with one hand, he placed the salad plate between her utensils. “And
Wedding Knots for the bread course.”

She almost expected one of them to stab a forkful of salad and

feed her. Instead, they waited and watched. Picking up the outermost
fork, she poked a pretty orange flower and a leaf of baby spinach. A
bead of dressing dripped onto the plate. Sweet yet sour tang hung in
the air, making her mouth water.

Mmm. Another culinary achievement. Such an amazing blend of

flavors, and the warm dressing complemented the cool salad. Desiree
and her vegetarian taste buds were going to rejoice.

Lifting her napkin, Spencer dabbed at her lips, then returned it to

her lap. He picked up her wineglass. “Drink?”

She didn’t need alcohol. She was drunk on the spectacular dishes

they’d prepared and their treating her like a queen. But it was her
favorite, and she didn’t want to disappoint them. “Thank you.”

“Would you like another bite, or should we move on?” Dane

stood to her left, a patient look on his handsome face.

Her two hot chefs wanted to please her, and after she’d been so

whiny. “Look, guys, I’m really sor—”

Spencer pressed his finger to her lips. “Enjoy the meal we made

for you. We’ll talk about other things after dinner.”

What would he do if she kissed his finger? The action seemed

natural, felt right in her heart. She couldn’t not do it. Looking up at
him, she pursed her lips against his warm skin.

He smiled, lifting his finger to his mouth. “Try the rolls while

Dane brings the soup.”

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Returning his smile, she reached for a knot. She plucked off a

piece. The action reminded her of their earlier teasing. A shiver
scurried up her spine. Better taste the bread before she got impatient
again. “Mmm. Sweet graham flour yeast rolls?”

“Yes.” Dane set a bowl next to the salad plate. “Leek and Carrot


The fall colors they’d incorporated in the foods surprised her. Men

were usually obtuse about wedding themes. Desiree couldn’t have
chosen a more suitable pair of chefs if she’d interviewed them herself.

“It smells great.” Wisps of steam carried a particular green sort of

scent and a slight spiciness to her nose. Tasting a spoonful, she let the
flavors settle on her taste buds. “Dill? And nutmeg? Interesting

“So you like it?” This time Dane held the wineglass out to her

while Spencer headed to the kitchen.

“You wouldn’t try to serve something awful to me, would you?”

She grinned at him, sure nothing left his kitchen unless it passed his
personal taste test.

His thumb traced her jaw, sending another jolt of response

southward. “Never. And now our entrees. Chicken Breast with Wild
Rice Stuffing in a White Wine Portabella Reduction. For the
vegetarian dish, Spaghetti Squash with White Bean Marsala Sauce
and Portabellas.”

The wonderful aromas that had cast a spell when she opened the

door to her lab. Which to try first? The tomato-based sauce laced with
basil and oregano or the pinwheeled chicken with parsley and a hint
of lemon? Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply. Argh, she couldn’t
decide. “Spencer, feed me a bite of yours. I promise not to look.”

His laugh tickled her tummy. “If you know I’m feeding you,

you’ll know which dish I made. Blindfold.”

A hand brushed her thigh as the linen napkin slipped off her lap.

More shivers. The cloth rubbed against her cheek. One of them tied
the napkin over her eyes. Did they plan to leave it on for other more

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intimate things? The thought excited her, although she wanted to see
their beautiful bodies when they finally shared them with her.

“Open.” The whisper sent warm breath over the side of her neck.
She opened her mouth. The chicken with parsley and lemon and

white pepper. The texture of wild rice and tender chicken. And the
musky flavor of portabella mushrooms infused with a slightly dry
white wine. “Mmm. This is good, really good. Really, really good. I
want another bite.”

Lips brushed her ear. “Open.”
A tingle rippled from her ear to her nipples to her damp clit. Her

hungry body parts waged a war with her horny body parts. The sooner
she ate, the sooner they moved on to dessert. She opened her mouth.
Fresh Roma tomatoes, cannellini, and the hearty essence of the
Marsala. Sweet strands of moist spaghetti squash. More mushrooms.
And a hint of garlic, not strong or overpowering.

“The vegetarians at this wedding reception will be in heaven.

Desiree is going to give you a huge bonus. And I want more of
everything. Later. When we’re done with other things.”

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Chapter 4

Other things. Spencer had a feeling her idea of other things didn’t

match Dane’s and his. He loosened the blindfold, returning it to her
lap. “Eat what you want now while everything is still warm.”

Dane took the chair to the left of Wren.
Spencer sat to her right. Waiting for her to begin eating, he slowly

breathed in to calm his hammering pulse. “Dane and I would like to
talk to you before we move on to those other things.”

“Okay, talk.” She cut off a piece of chicken with her knife, lifting

the fork to her mouth.

“We’ve decided to partner for the catering job. The menu benefits

from it, neither of us is overwhelmed by the preparation and planning,
and we can test our ability to work together. After the wedding
reception is over, we’ll either go into business together, or not.”
Sending a silent signal to Dane to finish their pronouncement, he
clasped his hands and laid them on the edge of the table. This second
part far outweighed the first in importance, and he couldn’t help but
worry about Wren’s response.

“Spence and I also discussed what we want from this encounter.

Both of us are interested in a relationship with you. If you choose to
continue to see one of us, the other will accept your decision without
argument. The same goes if you don’t want to date either of us. No
pressure. Tonight we enjoy our experience together.” Dane mirrored
Spencer’s position. No direct mention of opting for both of them.
They’d agreed that scenario had to be her idea.

Wren laid the fork aside and finished chewing a bite of spaghetti

squash. She touched the napkin to her lips, then took a swallow of

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wine. “As I tried to say, I’m sorry. My only excuse for being a bitch is
I was tired. Desiree called me at seven-thirty this morning while I was
waiting to board my flight home from St. Louis. I hate to fly.”

Spencer wanted to kiss that lovely pout off her face. “And we’re

sorry. You know your body. When you said ‘now,’ we should’ve
accommodated you.”

“Men can be stupid about women sometimes.” Dane grinned.
Actually, most of the time.
With another forkful of salad halfway to her mouth, she paused.

“So we forget the misfire this afternoon and start over?”

“Not forget—learn from it.” He and Dane had also taken time to

examine their feelings for her more closely. Pushing to his feet, he
went to the kitchen to retrieve their plates. “Let’s enjoy the meal
together. Then we can concentrate on you.”

He set a dish in front of Dane and the other at his own place.

They’d taste-tested every finished product except the entrees. Now
each had a portion of both. The final decision was Wren’s, of course,
but he didn’t see how she could refuse to hire them for the catering
job. He waited for his future business partner to take a bite.

Dane tasted the stuffed chicken, slowly chewing. His eyebrows

drew together, then rose. He grinned, allowing Spence’s tense
shoulders to relax. “Not bad. Actually, pretty damn good. Did you use
cardamom in the marinade?”

Since Dane knew better than to expect a chef to reveal his

ingredients, Spencer ignored the probing question and sampled his
friend’s entree. “Excellent color and texture combination. And it isn’t
loaded with cream, eggs, or cheese like most vegetarian dishes. So
simple, but full of flavor.”

Across the table, Dane nodded at him and raised his wineglass.
“You do realize I now know who made which dish, don’t you?”

Wren tsked and raised her wineglass to meet his. “Chefs and their

Ah, hell. They hadn’t planned to tell her. Too late to censor their

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comments now. Spencer lifted his glass. “To good food, partnerships,
and smart women.”

Clink. Clink. Clink.
“Amen and cheers.” Dane took a healthy swallow.
“Bottoms up.” Draining her glass, Wren leaned back in the chair.

She’d eaten more of all the courses, and evidently had her fill. “I’m
going to recommend Desiree hire you as a team for her wedding
reception. The two of you have a great menu to offer, and I want to
thank you for not bailing on me. You’ve demonstrated more
professionalism than I had any right to expect.”

“Our personal relationship has nothing to do with the catering

business. You had every right to expect us to complete the challenge.
Unless, of course, we didn’t want the job, which we do.” Spencer set
his glass on the table and cut into his chicken.

“And when you’re done with dinner, do you still want the job you

didn’t finish earlier?”

“Yes.” He and Dane answered her question together.
“Okay, then you have five minutes to fortify yourselves.” She

looked toward the clock above the walk-in freezer. “Four minutes,
fifty-eight seconds and counting.”

* * * *

Normally he focused on enjoying every nuance of flavor, texture,

and aroma of gourmet food, but Dane figured finishing his meal took
precedence. Wren still wanted to double her pleasure, and he and
Spence were getting their second chance. So he ate as fast as his
mouth allowed. Across from him, his new business partner did the

After his eighth bite in less than two minutes, he shoved the plate

toward the center of the table. They could rummage for snacks when
they took a break from dining on their hostess. She looked good
enough to eat.

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“I’m done.” Spence tipped up his glass for a final swallow of wine

as he pushed his chair away from the table. Raising his hands to the
buttons of his jacket, he followed the diagonal line to his waist. He
shrugged out of the cotton coat.

Following Spence’s example, Dane stood to remove his clothing.

Wren’s smile grew with each piece of clothing they draped over their

“Now who’s in a hurry?” Her laugh affected him in a way no

other woman’s amusement had.

Naked, with his cock jutting out and ready for business, Dane

offered her his hand. “If that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll give

He tried to focus on her pretty face as she stood, but her braless

tits had drawn his attention from the moment she’d stepped into the
kitchen. The dark blue tank didn’t show the shadowy outlines of her
areolas, only her stiff nipples and the wonderful fullness of her D
cups. Her top had to go.

Tucking his fingers under the hem, he lifted the fabric inch by

inch. Beside him, Spence worked her shorts past her perfect ass and
the curve of her hips. God, no panties. Had the seam of her shorts
pressed against her clit all through dinner? She must be more than
ready for some real stimulation.

And then she popped free. Tugging the shirt over her head, Dane

tossed it on the floor. He leaned in to lightly kiss each nipple. “I want
to feel your naked chest against mine.”

“I want you to kiss me.” The smoldering look in her eyes made

his cock twitch.

Instead of answering her, he pulled close enough that her hard

points poked at his bare skin, settling his mouth over hers. No time for
slow, sweet kisses. Her tongue dueled with his, demanding control.
Damn, he adored aggressive women, women who knew what they
wanted and went after it.

She squirmed, rubbing her stomach against his hard cock. What

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was Spence doing to her? Dane wanted to see. He also wanted to taste
her. Pulling away, he looked down. Spence was back to tracing that
wandering tattoo again. Wasn’t there a saying about a tit and a tat?
Dane was all for that.

Lowering his mouth to her breast, his tongue circled her nipple,

never quite touching the puckered tip. Hell, he was teasing himself as
much as her. And her moans urged him to stop with the games and
give them both what they wanted.

* * * *

They were back to the moment when she’d begged Dane and

Spence to touch her, to make her come. Hands and mouths on her
breasts and thighs and stomach, everywhere but the place Wren
needed. Tonight had better not end in a repeat of this afternoon. She
might die. Or strangle her would-be lovers.

Spencer straightened, his eyes dark with desire and locked on

hers. He cradled her cheek in his palm. “I could spend hours
exploring your flowers, but you want more, don’t you? Are you wet
for us, Wren?”

“Yesss.” The word came out with a hissing breath as Dane sucked

her nipple into his mouth. Flutters raced through her taut muscles.

“No teasing this time. We promise to make you come.” His

tongue dove into her mouth, and she met each stroke with one of her
own. Who needed to breathe when kissing this man seemed more
vital than air? He tasted like her favorite red wine. Were his fingers
parting her folds, delving inside, or did they belong to Dane? No, his
hands cradled her breasts, thumbs rubbing over her aching nipples, his
lips trailing kisses over her stomach. Zinging ripples shuddered to her
clit. So much sensation.

“Move your hand a sec, Spence. I want to taste her.”
Oh, yes, finally. Smooth, wet tongue replaced calloused fingers.

More shivers.

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“Jesus, Spence, you have to eat this sweet pussy. Will you go

down on her while I feast on her up there?”

Pulling away from her mouth, Spencer swooped in for one more

quick kiss, then dropped to his knees. “Sit on the chair, Wren.”

Her shaky legs were about to give out anyway, so she followed his

directions, spreading her thighs wide and arching to push her breasts
high into the air.

“Mm. Sexy.” Dane laved a nipple and plucked at the other.
Warm palms slid up her inner thighs, then fingers held open her

pussy lips. “Beautiful.”

Spencer’s tongue lapped a path from her vagina to her clit. And

again. Her lungs squeezed, straining for oxygen.

“Damn, Wren, this is so hot. I love watching Spence eat you while

I suck your tits. Do you like two guys loving you at the same time?”

“Fuck, yes.” The words came out in a rough exhale. Spots dotted

her vision. So close. A flood of heat radiated outward from her lower
abdomen. “God, I’m going to come. God, yes! More! Oh, yes, oh,

Her throat protested against the cries of joy as pleasure ripped

through her body, but she felt too damn good to care. The ride went
on and on. She shook with dozens of after-tremors, still reeling from
her amazing orgasm.

* * * *

Spencer pressed his lips against her inner thigh. “Damn. I could

do that to you a million times and never get tired of it.”

With a grin, Dane kissed her on the lips. “Ready for more?”
Spencer swallowed his reply to Dane’s question. He wanted to be

inside her, but tonight was about her wants and desires.

“I’m ready to give as good as I got.” He watched her wrap her

hand around Dane’s erection, pumping up and down. Up and down.
“Spencer, I want to suck your cock.”

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Her words grabbed him by the balls, in a really good way. Who

was he to argue if she wanted to give him a blowjob? He stood,
moving up beside her. “Anything you want, Wren.”

She still pumped Dane in a steady rhythm as she licked her lips.

“Do you have any condoms?”

His breath got stuck on an exhale. Condoms. She wanted more

than oral sex. Hell, yes. “Just the ones you left here earlier.”

“After I have a taste of you, I want you to fuck me while I suck


He had to speak up for his friend. “If I get to fuck you, then Dane

gets to fuck you, too. Remember, I told you he prefers tits?”

She grinned up at him. “Sounds fair to me. What do you think,


“Shit, you’re killing me here, sweetheart. I’ll go get the condoms

so I don’t explode before the fun.” He hurried toward the place they’d
stashed her supply.

Straddling Wren, Spencer bent over to kiss her. “I can’t wait to be

inside you.”

“And I can’t wait to have you in my mouth.” She reached for his

cock, guiding it to her lips. “Next time, I want you to come in my

He hoped like hell they got a next time. And then he gasped as she

stroked her tongue along the underside of his erection. Shit, he needed
to focus, or being inside would have to wait until he recovered from
shooting his load down her throat. His abs quivered from her warm,
wet oral stimulation. “Jesus, Dane, I need that condom right now.”

“I’m coming.”
“And I’m about to.” Dane handed him the foil packet.
“I had to make a stop for olive oil, too.”
Ah, lubrication for his wild ride. Spencer stepped out of Wren’s

reach, scanning the room while he donned the protection. “We need
something a bit more stable than this chair. How about the other end
of the table?”

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“Perfect.” She stood, wrapping her arms around his neck and

hopping up to hook her legs behind his back. Her gorgeous boobs
flattened against his chest. Her slick opening teased the head of his
cock. “Let’s go.”

Did she have any idea how much he wanted to fuck her standing

right here? He started walking. “Dane, move the chairs away from the
end of the table.”

In the few seconds he took to get to the far end, his partner had

cleared a spot. Spencer set Wren’s bottom on the edge, kissing her
once more before helping her lie on the polished surface. Waiting for
Dane to climb into position over her ribs, he rubbed his cock back and
forth in her wetness. He listened for the sound of oil slicking onto
skin—her breasts, Dane’s dick.

“Mmm. Do you want me to play with your nipples while I titty-

fuck you, sweetheart?” Dane rocked forward and back, forward and

“Mm-hm. I want you inside me now, Spencer.”
Rather than answer, he gave her what she wanted. Her tight tunnel

closed around him, squeezing and pulsing, sucking him deeper.
“Damn, you feel good.”

“So do you. Can you see over Dane’s shoulder to watch him fuck

me, too?”

Leaning forward, Spencer zeroed in on his friend’s erection

encased in Wren’s oiled flesh. Her tongue licked at the head every
time Dane flexed his hips. His own cock twitched at the sight. “Are
you going to eat his cum?”

“Yes. Dane’s going to come in my mouth while you come in my

pussy. Think you can give me a G-spot orgasm at the same time?”

“Whatever you want. How close are you, Dane?” Timing was

essential if they hoped to pull off three simultaneous orgasms.

“Too close. Fast and hard and deep, Spence.”
Hooking her knees over his elbows, he withdrew until only the tip

remained inside her. He pushed deep.

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“Yes, right there. Fuck me.” Wren’s eyes widened. “Yes, now!”
Spencer pulled back, shoving deeper, pumping faster, harder.

Dane’s shoulders brushed Spencer’s chest as they pounded into her in
unison. His partner stiffened and groaned as Wren cried out, pushing
Spencer over the edge. Her muscles milked him. Hot semen exploded
from his cock, and a flood of euphoria washed over his body and
mind. He floated through space, their voices echoing in his head. His
lungs burned from lack of oxygen.

Dane dropped his head beside Wren’s, showering her neck and

shoulder with light kisses. Spencer lowered himself to the other side
of her face. He kissed her cheek, the musky blended scent of their
lovemaking filling his senses.

“Please stay with me tonight.”
Unable to speak for a moment, Spencer pressed his lips to her ear.

Hope surged through his veins. “I'll stay as long as you want me to,

“Me, too, sweetheart.” Dane rose on his elbow to kiss her mouth.
She smiled. “Let's go upstairs. I have big plans for us.”

* * * *

Settling into her bed, Wren listened to her apartment door click

closed. Her lovers were finished cleaning up their workstations and
stowing the leftovers from the amazing meal. Time for round two.

A shower had given Wren more than enough to time to recover

from the first session with Dane and Spencer. They’d agreed to stay,
but she wasn’t wasting a minute of the night sleeping. They might
decide to leave her bright and early in the morning. And she had no
intention of living with regrets the rest of her life.

“Wow.” Dane grinned at her from the bedroom doorway. “The

sexiest woman on the planet, a king-size bed, and a box of condoms.
My three wishes have been granted.”

Spencer looked over his shoulder at her and winked. “Already

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naked, too. Good thinking, Wren.”

Would he still say that when he found out what she had in mind?

She crooked her finger at them. “Come here. I didn’t get nearly
enough of you yet.”

They shed their clothing as they walked to the bed. Crawling

across the mattress, they climbed up to lie on each side of her.

She turned to the left to kiss Spencer, slow and deep. Her heart

hammered in her chest by the time she eased away. “I want more of

“You can have as much of me as you want.” His sincere

expression almost had her believing he meant more than just his body.
Did she dare hope?

Shifting to face Dane, she wasn’t surprised when he covered her

mouth with his. His tongue darted between her lips, teasing and
sending desire through her entire body.

He ended the kiss as abruptly as he’d started it. “Do you want

more of me, too?”

She panted, trying to catch her breath. “Yes. I want more of both

of you. I need more.” Slow inhale. Now, tell them what you want. The
worst they can do is say no.
“We're going to try something different.”

Dane frowned. “Sweetheart, I told you Spence and I aren’t doing

each other.”

Shaking her head, she threaded her fingers through his artfully

messy hair. “Of course not. I want both of you inside me.” Slow
“At the same time.”

She took his hand, guiding it between her thighs. Reaching behind

her for Spencer’s hand, she led his fingers down the crease of her
bottom to her anus.

“Fuck.” Spencer’s hoarse expletive was punctuated by the pad of

his finger pressing against her tight hole.

Arching back, she increased the wonderful pressure. “Yes. I want

to ride Dane while you fuck my ass.”

Dane nuzzled her neck. “I love your sense of adventure. You’ll

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tell us if we’re hurting you?”

Wow. Considerate lovers. How the hell did that happen? “Yeah.”

* * * *

Snagging a couple condoms from the box, Dane tossed one to

Spencer. He had some misgivings about a double-fuck, but he trusted
Wren to speak up if she didn’t like what they doing.

“Got any lube?” Spence pushed up on his elbow and nipped at her

shoulder. “I want to make sure you’re nice and slippery back here.”

“Nightstand drawer.”
Dane didn't ask why she kept a tube of KY next to her bed. Hell,

for all he knew the whole drawer was loaded with neon-colored
vibrators. The possibility of her inviting past lovers into her bed
didn’t matter because he planned to fill the role for a damn long time.

He retrieved the mostly full tube, noting a button vibe and

package of batteries. Maybe she took care of her own needs more
often than not. That thought pleased him more than he expected.

Rolling over to gather her in his arms, he kissed her, savoring the

passion in her sparring tongue. Her tits caressed his chest, the tight
nipples tickling his skin. She wiggled her hips against him and
moaned. Was Spence loosening her muscles for his invasion?

Dane moved southward to lick the perky nubs that had teased him,

circling one then the other. Pressing the globes of flesh together, he
flicked across both of her berries. “What a feast.”

His fingers dipped into the wet heat of her pussy, gliding through

her juices to find her clit. Her knee nudged him onto his back, and a
second later, she straddled his hips.

“I'm ready.” She tore open the foil packet then slowly rolled the

latex down his dick. “Looks like you are, too.”

Taking his erection in hand, he guided it inside her. Her snug

sheath hugged him like a second skin. He cradled her breasts in his
palms and rocked upward. Tingles raced to his balls. “Perfect,

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She leaned slightly forward. “Almost. Your turn, Spencer.”
Curving around her from behind, Spence pressed his lips to her

cheek and met Dane’s gaze.

She’s ours. Yours and mine to share, my friend.
Spence gave a nearly imperceptible nod as he straightened. Dane

was glad they could communicate with just a look. They could please
Wren all the more.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head back toward Spence. “You

feel so good. Both of you. Fill me, Spencer.”

A slow rub against the underside of his cock made Dane suck in a

breath. He could actually feel Spence through the thin muscle
separating them. “Fuck, that's amazing.”

Spencer moaned. “Holy shit.”
“You can feel each other, can’t you?” Wren’s dreamy voice

assured Dane she wasn’t in any pain. “We’re all connected. Now, it’s
perfect. I want us all to come together.”

* * * *

Nothing in Spencer’s life had come this close to perfection. He

and his best friend were making love to the woman they’d both
fantasized about for years.

He slowly eased out of Wren’s beautiful ass until only a couple

inches of his erection remained inside her. “Yeah, I can feel Dane and
I can feel you. I’m not going to last long. You’re so fucking tight.”

Gliding back in, his cock bumped along Dane’s. They set an easy

rhythm. Smooth out then in. Wren’s sexy feminine gasps and moans
were driving him straight toward the point of no return.

Unbelievably, Spencer’s stiff shaft got harder, swelling against the

pressure of Dane in her pussy and the contracting muscles of her ass.
His groans mixed with those of the woman he’d waited eight long
years to hold. Dane’s harsh breathing told him his friend was ready to

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go with them.

“Now!” Wren’s muscles spasmed and squeezed, letting him know

that her orgasm was a mere second away, much like his.

“Come with us, Dane!” Spence’s shout echoed in his ears as Wren

arched and cried out, taking him with her.

“Fuck, yes!” Dane’s dick stiffened against his.
Tremors rippled from Wren’s body, prolonging the incredible

pleasure she’d given him. Spence slowed her fall onto Dane’s chest as
he followed her down, their shallow breathing the only sound in the

“I love you.” His words blended with Dane’s voice. After

admitting it to each other, they’d finally told her what they both felt in
their hearts.

“I love you, too.” Her immediate response surprised him. Which

one of us does she mean? “Both of you. You’re not going to make me
choose, are you?”

“No, sweetheart. We don’t want you to choose.” Dane linked his

fingers with hers.

From the other side of her hand, he threaded his fingers through

both of theirs. “We want to share you. Your body, your heart. All of

She brought their joined hands to her cheek. “I’m all yours.”



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When her fingers aren't attached to her keyboard, Mellanie

Szereto enjoys hiking, Pilates, cooking, gardening, and researching
for her stories. Many times, the research partners with her other
hobbies, taking her from the Hocking Hills region in Ohio to the
Colorado Rockies and the Adirondacks of New York. Sometimes, the
trip is no farther than her garden for ingredients and her kitchen to test
recipes for her latest steamy tale. Mellanie makes her home in rural
Indiana with her husband of twenty-five years and their two children,
one dog, and three cats. She is a member of Romance Writers of
America and Indiana Romance Writers of America.

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Ginger O’Brien

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Sometimes we are blessed to find ourselves surrounded by

wonderful and supportive friends who share our dreams and who
willing embrace all of the ups and downs of our creative personalities.
Many, many thanks to the other five fabulous ladies of The Sextet:
Annie, Cheryl, Elizabeth, Geni, and Mellanie who epitomize these
special kinds of friends, and who asked me to join them on this
terrific adventure!

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Chapter 1

Natchez, Mississippi, July 3, 1865

“Perhaps I never should have come back.”
With a slight tug on the reins, and her heart beating wildly beneath

her breast, Anna BonDurant stopped her chestnut mare in the middle
of the wide, oak-lined lane and stared at the Greek Revival mansion
rising like a grand, white palace at the end of the road. “Belle Rêve,
she whispered, then added a derisive snort. “It never was my Belle
; never my beautiful dream…it was just the place for the
beginning of my heartaches.”

Three years had passed since she had left and last seen the house,

since she had last set foot in Natchez, since she had last been home.

You didn’t just leave, you ran away. You ran like a coward from

love. Or was it because of too much love? The chastising thought was
painful to admit. Even three years living abroad like an outcast hadn’t
been retribution enough for her cowardice. It had been simple to
blame the war or her father’s concern for her safety, but in the end it
was easier to admit the truth. Anna Maire BonDurant, you are a weak
coward—you ran away.

Drawing a ragged breath, Anna raised her hand to the green derby

she wore and lifted the short veil away from her face. She wiped her
fingers across her cheeks, blaming the bright sunlight for the tears that
burned her eyes and wet her Face. “Of course I ran away,” she
whispered. “I had just three choices—I could have stayed and
confessed my sin, I could have chosen one man over the other, but I
took the third choice. I ran. It was the only thing I could do.”

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The social whirl and the liaisons she had enjoyed while living in

Paris had occupied and amused her for a while, but soon everything
had become boring and meaningless. At first there had been many
exciting propositions and tempting proposals, but she hadn’t accepted
any, especially those that had resembled or hinted at a permanent
relationship. Besides, none would have helped her solve the problem
she’d left behind. No matter how festive the balls and galas had been
or how attentive or generous a new lover was, the constant ache was
always in her heart.

During the war, letters from her family had faithfully arrived.

They were filled with family news, accounts of local battles, sadly
mentioned whose sons had been wounded or weren’t ever coming
home, and often reported how many Union troops were billeted in
town. But not one single letter had ever answered the questions that
constantly weighed heavily on her heart and mind. Did either of them
ever ask my family about me? Did either of them miss me?
scrubbed away another flood of tears with her hand. Did either of
them wait for me?

Her body shook as she struggled to stifle her sobs. Lee’s

surrender to Grant at Appomattox in April may have ended the war,
but it also meant I was no longer able to avoid facing the dilemma
waiting for me in Natchez.
It was time to come home.

Resigned to whatever awaited her now that she’d returned, Anna

tightened her hold on the mare’s reins and sighed. I had to come back
and accept whatever life I could piece together for myself.

Crossing the Atlantic from Paris to New York had taken sixteen

miserable days of rough seas tempered by continuous days of cold
winds, rain, and boring fellow passengers. The trip by rail to St. Louis
had lasted four more tedious days. The trip to Natchez had taken
another day and a half on the James Line’s grand paddle wheeler, the
Orleans Queen. Earlier, when the bluffs of Natchez had come into
view high over the Mississippi River, Anna’s heart had begun to beat
a strong and rapid tattoo, a commingling of excitement and fear—

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both from not knowing what the future would bring.

After the Orleans Queen had docked at Natchez Under the Hill,

she had stood at the deck rail and searched for her family among the
crowd gathered on the levee. An hour later she was still at the rail,
stunned that no one had come to welcome her home. Swallowing her
disappointment, she had quickly made arrangements for her trunks to
be delivered to Belle Rêve. She had paid one of the deck hands to
saddle the elegant Arab mare she’d brought with her from France.
Finally, she had led the chestnut mare out of the livestock pen on the
lower deck and across the gangplank to the levee.

From the changes Anna had noticed while riding up Silver Street,

through the city of Natchez and along Liberty Road to Belle Rêve,
progress definitely hadn’t waited for her return. In the few months
since the war had ended, new shops and homes were being built in
town and the outlying roads. The war hadn’t left too many scars on
the city. In fact, Natchez had survived very well.

Apparently tired of waiting, the mare began to fidget and paw at

the crushed mussel shells that paved the lane. Drawn from her
thoughts, Anna patted the Arabian’s neck. “Whoa, Seriffa, easy girl.
Be patient, Give me a moment to gather my courage. You’ll get a cool
drink of water and your oats soon enough.”

A slight breeze rustled through the leaves and stirred the Spanish

moss on the tall live oaks that edged both sides of the lane and arched
overhead like the buttresses of a great cathedral. Anna’s gaze scanned
the grounds of Belle Rêve from her mother’s rose gardens to the lacey
curtains of purple, sweet-smelling wisteria that draped the gazebo and
trellises on the side lawn. “I’m home,” she murmured. “Home at last.”

Scarlet camellias and azaleas bordered the pillared wide porch

spanning Belle Rêve, but Anna kept her eyes on the front door of the
house. She hadn’t expected a welcoming committee, but no one, not
her parents or her Aunt Divinity, not even Ransom, the old African
butler who had been with the BonDurant family for three generations,
had opened the door and stepped out to greet her. Where is everyone?

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I don’t understand. I sent a telegram from St. Louis…wasn’t it

With a soft tap of her heel against Seriffa’s ribs, Anna urged the

mare forward at a slow jog trot and followed the lane around the side
of the house to the barn. “Hello! Hello!” Again, no one, not even a
stable boy came forward to greet her. “Hello!”

Growing impatient, Anna lifted her right knee free of the top

pommel of the saddle, gathered the skirt of her riding habit in her
hand, and slid from Seriffa’s back. As she led the mare into the stable,
a chorus of nickers and whinnies from the horses in the stalls on both
sides of the aisle greeted them.

Anna brushed her hand over the mare’s sleek neck then began to

unbuckle the saddle. “Well, girl, at least the four-legged residents of
Belle Rêve are happy to see us.”

“I’m happy, Anna. Damn it to hell, darlin’, I’ve never been more

happy in my life! Welcome home, love.”

Anna gasped. The deep voice tinged with the soft slur of the South

had startled her. “Connor!” Her pulse raced, sending an exciting rush
of liquid fire through her veins. Quickly turning, she discovered one
of the two reasons she had left Natchez, one of the two reasons she
had considered never coming back again.

“Connor? Have you been gone so long that you don’t recognize

me?” A dispirited laugh followed the question. “Sorry to disappoint
you, my sweet, but it’s me, Devon.”

Devon O’Donnell stepped out of the shadowed niche where he

had been standing. He took a few steps closer and stopped, the ray of
sunlight shining through a nearby window highlighting the hard,
muscled planes of his body. He stood with his hands resting on his
hips, and his legs splayed slightly apart. His whole stance seemed
contrived to challenge her. “Or is Connor the real reason you came
home?” he asked, putting his challenge into words.

Three years disappeared within a few rapid beats of Anna’s heart,

but it had taken only an instant for Devon’s words to rouse her fears.

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Why did I call out Connor’s name and not Devon’s? Is it possible that
I have already made my choice but never realized it?
The answer to
her own question didn’t come, and she couldn’t find her voice to
answer Devon’s either.

Anna drank in the sight of him. Not seeing Devon anywhere but in

her memories and dreams while she’d been gone had left her very
thirsty. She couldn’t help but notice how much he had changed. He
had grown taller and filled out with more muscle since she had last
seen him, and his shoulders were definitely broader. The new scar that
cut across his left cheek didn’t detract from his striking good looks at
all. In fact, it seemed to add a dangerous and rakish aura to his manly
mystique. In some ways he hadn’t changed at all—his eyes were the
same bright blue, he still wore his Irish black hair long enough to
allow it to curl over his collar, and his mouth still made her hungry for
its touch and taste.

Time and the war had forged Devon O’Donnell into a very

desirable man.

But Connor has filled my dreams and my heart, too. Would it ever

be possible for me to choose one over the other? She knew it was
useless trying to reason with herself. The only thing she could do was
steel herself for the battle that she knew lay ahead.

Devon seemed to study her from head to toe, a slight smile lifting

the corners of his mouth. “My God, Anna, it doesn’t seem possible,
but you’ve grown more exquisite than the last time I saw you.”
Accompanied by a soft laugh, his smile widened. “But you are still
the most damned unpredictable woman I’ve ever met—always full of
surprises.” He took a step closer. “I’ve thought about your
homecoming a thousand times over. I’d always imagined that you’d
ride through town in a fancy carriage and be dressed in the finest silks
and gewgaws that the New York and Paris modistes had to offer.
Your beauty would set everyone’s tongues wagging and every woman
in Natchez would be green with envy. The men would stare at you,
thinking of nothing but bedding you, their cocks already hard in their

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pants.” He slowly shook his head, his laugh becoming rich and full-
bodied. “Instead, here you are, looking as though you’ve just come
home from a leisurely afternoon ride instead of three years of self-
imposed exile.”

Puzzled and wondering why Devon hadn’t rushed to take her in

his arms, kiss her and welcome her home, Anna didn’t move. What
should I do? Should I stand here like a ninny or run to him and throw
myself into his arms?
Unable to decide what was best, she stayed
beside Seriffa and nervously toyed with a buckle on the mare’s bridle.

Devon moved closer to the horse then slowly drew his hand across

the mare’s hip. A small gasp slipped through Anna’s lips. How could
such a simple gesture immediately remind me of the soft caresses his
fingers used to play across my body? Will I ever be able to forget how
he would seek out every secret place, leaving me hungry and begging
for much, much more?

“Very nice horse,” Devon said, patting the mare’s rump. “A

souvenir from one of your Parisian paramours?”

Anna lifted her gaze to meet his eyes. He may have physically

changed since I last saw him, but the handsome devil can still raise
my temper in an instant.
With her next thought the pace of her heart
increased, tripped, and stuttered. If Connor has changed as much, and
has the same questions as Devon, the consequences of my coming
home are going to be much harder than I thought.

Determined to bolster her resolve, Anna stiffened her spine and

squared her shoulders. Giving a slight, casual shrug, she patted the
mare’s silky cheek, smiled and answered his question. “To pacify
your curiosity, Devon, Seriffa was a farewell gift from His Royal
Highness Prince Ali Abdurrahman Abdul Bandar. The prince was a
very generous man—in so many, many ways.” Stepping in front of
Devon, she raised her riding crop to her lips, kissed the tip, and then
lightly drew it along the scar on his face. “And this dashing new
wound on your cheek—was it heroically earned in battle? Or perhaps
it’s a souvenir from a furious, cuckolded husband.”

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Devon placed his hand over his heart in a ridiculous theatrical

gesture and thrust out his lower lip, blatantly imitating the pout of a
spoiled child. “My sweetest Anna, your words wound me deeply.” He
released a disheartened-sounding sigh. “Are you telling me that while
you were capturing the hearts of all the men in Europe, I wasn’t
allowed to enjoy having a few peccadilloes of my own?” The pout
disappeared and was immediately replaced by an impish smile. “The
war may have truly been Satan’s Hell on Earth, but I was amazed to
discover that the women, both northern and southern, were so very
compassionate and so very, very generous to us soldiers—no matter
what color uniform we wore. Some of the beauties would even follow
us from town to town just to help ease our—distress. They were truly
a blessing on a cold night.” Devon winked. “But, Anna, I give you my
word as a true Mississippi gentleman, I never lost my heart to any of

Anna clenched her hands into fists, abruptly turned away, and,

without saying a word, began to lead her mare to the nearest empty
stall. He may joke all he wants, but I’m not foolish enough, to think he
didn’t bed others while I was gone
. Anna’s conscience gave her a
hard poke. Besides, with my own…indulgences, what right do I have
to feel as though I’ve been betrayed?
Her conscience nudged again. I
have no right, absolutely none. But damn it, I don’t have to like it.

“Anna, come back here. Stop sulking like a child. Neither of us

ever took vows of celibacy. At least, I don’t remember ever being that
drunk or dim-witted,” Devon declared. “Come back here. Stop
pouting over something so trivial, it’s not worth the time, we’ve
already lost three years. Besides, your mouth is much prettier when
you smile. Enough of this nonsense. I’ve waited much too long to
welcome you home with a kiss. Come here and let me make proper
use of your lips.”

Her decision made, Anna dropped the mare’s reins and rushed to

Devon, knowing the moment he closed his arms around her and held
her close, three years of self-inflicted torture would be over, but a

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lifetime of indecision would probably begin again.

Before she could press her body against his, before she could

appease the hunger she’d suffered for so long and feel the heat of him
against her skin, Devon gripped her upper arms, holding her a step
away from him. A whimper echoing her displeasure and frustration
fled her lips.

“Hush, hush, sweetlin’, there’s no need to fret. Be just a little

patient for a moment.” Reaching up, he quickly withdrew the jeweled
hat pins holding the dark green derby on her head. Next, he removed
the hat, stuck the pins in the brim, then tossed it aside. Without
hesitating for another instant, he cradled her face between his thumbs,
and raised her chin. Bending over her until his breath touched her skin
and his lips were less than a hair’s breadth from her own, he then
whispered one simple command. “Now, damn it, kiss me.”

Taking a shaky breath, Anna leaned closer, placed the palms of

her hands on Devon’s stomach, and slowly slipped them up over his
chest, feeling the cut of each hard muscle and the ridge of each rib
under his clothes. Impatient to wait a moment longer, she clasped her
hands behind his neck, stood on tiptoe, licked her lips with the tip of
her tongue then pressed her eager, open mouth against his.

Her sigh blended with the deep growl that slid from Devon’s

throat as he returned her kiss, settling his lips over hers. His tongue
immediately invaded her mouth, exploring every sensitive hollow,
demanding her to answer his fervor. Inhaling, he drew her breath into
his body, and together they continued to share each other’s essence
until it seemed as though they would soon both starve for air.

Devon lifted his mouth from her lips and began trailing kisses

across her cheek, across her jaw, and down her neck, licking and
nipping at her flesh as he went.

“Don’t you realize it’s just not enough to kiss your lips?” he

asked, his breath searing her skin. “I want you naked so I can kiss and
taste all of you…lick by delicious lick.” He took a step back but put
his hand on her shoulder when she tried to move with him. “There’s

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no need to rush, darlin’. Let’s slow down just a little—I’ve been
patient for three hellish years waiting for this moment, and I intend to
savor every minute of it.”

Devon untied the knotted white ascot at her neck, opened the top

eight buttons on the jacket that lay beneath, and pushed the green
fabric aside. With a gentle scoop of his hands, he freed her breasts
from the confines of her chemise. “Oh, yes, this view is so much
better and definitely worth the wait.” Holding a breast in the palm of
each hand, he pressed them together until her nipples touched.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, flicking each tightly puckered pink crest
with the tip of his tongue. “So damned beautiful and tasty.”

Opening his mouth wider, Devon drew Anna’s nipples into his

mouth, suckling on both. He drew his tongue back and forth across
each engorged and firm rosy bud. His gentle nipping and tugging at
each with his teeth felt so good that Anna couldn’t stop the deep
moans of delight that slipped from her throat. She closed her eyes,
tipped her head back, and arched her spine, shoving her breasts harder
against his mouth.

Devon slowly raised his head. “I love your beautiful titties. They

are such a tasty mouthful.” Still pressing her breasts together, he
rubbed his thumbs over the sensitive peaks again and again. “While
you were gone I dreamed of you almost every night—even while I
was in the battlefield. I’d dream of holding your breasts together just
like this. I’d dream of straddling your waist and pushing my hard cock
between them…fucking your titties, and going mad with desire
waiting for you to open your mouth, suck on me, and make me
come.” He stroked his tongue between her breasts, and licked upward
over her collarbone and her neck until he reached her mouth. He
kissed her, invading her mouth with his tongue, thrusting and
withdrawing it over and over again, imitating his cock in his dream.
Lifting his mouth from hers, his breath came in short gasps. “Please
tell me, Anna, tell me you’ll make my dreams come true…each and
every dream I have of you.”

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Anna tried to reply, but the image of Devon’s penis moving close

to her lips and the longing to taste his hard, hot flesh was so powerful
in her mind that she could only give a slight nod accompanied by
another sigh.

A soft laugh rumbled in Devon’s throat. “You may be speechless

at the moment, my love, but I promise I’ll make you cry out over and
over again with ecstasy.”

Lowering his head, he drew both of her nipples into his mouth

again, laving his tongue from one tightened and excited tip to the
other. He suckled hard, nipped each stiff and upright peak, and
laughed when her throaty moans became hungry cries. “Yes, that’s it,
my darlin’, oh yes, yes. It’s wonderful to know that you still love it
when I suck and make love to your pretty little pink titties like this?”

“Oh, yes, Devon, I do, I love it, I really do,” she answered, her

voice breathy, and barely louder than a whisper. “My cunny feels as
though it’s on fire, it is throbbing so much now. Please…touch
it…touch me…see how wet I am…please…it’s been so long since…”

“Remember, Anna,” he softly admonished. “Patience.”
“Closer,” she pleaded. “Closer. Please…I need to feel…”
“Shhh. Shhh, love.” He silenced her pleas with another kiss.
As he continued to fondle her nipples, tweaking and rolling them

between his thumb and fingers, Devon plundered her mouth again and
caressed her tongue; drawing it into his mouth and making her nearly
lose control of her sanity.

Devon wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his

body. Moving his hands down over her ribs, her waist, and her hips,
he quickly drew up the skirts of her riding habit, exposing her
pantaloons. Separating the fabric, he cupped her bared buttocks and
slowly lifted her off her feet, raising her up against him, inch by inch.

Impatient and desperate with need, Anna wrapped her legs around

his hips. She tightened her hold about his neck and slowly pulled
herself higher, seeking the hard ridge of his cock. It was as if her body
was making all the decisions on its own.

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“Is this what you’re looking for?” Devon asked, lifting her up

another couple of inches.

He drove his hips forward, and immediately Anna felt what she

desperately wanted. She felt the hardness and the heat she desperately
craved, and she felt what she desperately needed. “Oh, yes, yes,” she
breathed as his erection pressed against her pussy. “Please,
Devon…oh, God, yes!” Tipping her hips forward, she began to slowly
ride the steel-hard length of his cock, causing the cotton fabric of her
pantaloons to rub between the wet and delicate folds of her cunny,
and delightfully massage the swollen, sensitive button of flesh at the

Tipping her head back, Anna closed her eyes. Needful moans

slipped from her throat with each breath, punctuating her words as the
pace of her thrusts increased. “Please…more…now…please
more…now…I want you…inside…”

In the next instant, Anna’s world turned topsy-turvy and came

crashing down around her. A bucket of water poured over her head
couldn’t have doused her desire any quicker, and the coldest day in
winter couldn’t have turned the heat between her thighs to ice any

“Welcome home, Anna, darlin’,” Connor O’Donnell whispered in

her ear just before he kissed her cheek. “Is my brother bothering you,
my love?”

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Chapter 2

Anna shrieked.
Quickly pulling her arms from around Devon’s neck, she pushed

against his shoulders. “Dev, put me down,” she begged, trying to keep
her voice at a whisper. She pushed Devon’s shoulder again. “How
long has Connor been here? Please, you have got to put me down
now! I’m so embarrassed.”

Devon chuckled, but he didn’t release her. Instead, his grip


Why won’t he do as I ask? Looking down, she suddenly realized

that if he did, Connor would see she was half naked. If he hasn’t
noticed already
. “No, wait…no, Devon, wait…not yet. Wait just a

Desperate to cover herself, Anna tugged at her chemise, trying to

pull it up over her breasts or at least cover her nipples. Suddenly, the
fabric ripped. The sound of the delicate batiste garment tearing was
the last thing she’d wanted to hear. Oh, no, no! What can I do now?
With only one option left, Anna frantically seized both sides of her
jacket and pulled them together. After fumbling with the buttons for
what seemed like hours, she finally succeeded in closing a few in a
haphazard fashion. She breathed a soft sigh. At least some semblance
of modesty has been spared.
“Devon, now you can put me down.”

“But, sweetlin’, if I did, I’d lose the delightful cozy nook that my

cock is so happy to have become reacquainted with,” Devon
whispered, nudging his hard penis against her mound three or four
times, as if to accent his argument.

Stifling a whimper, Anna buried her face against Devon’s neck

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and tried to ignore the traitorous waves of desire that coursed through
her body. She quickly cast a glance over her shoulder at Connor. How
can I feel this blatant hunger for Devon with Connor standing just a
few feet away and watching us? Have I become as shameless as an
alley cat?

Looking back at Devon, she was puzzled to find an unexpected

wide smile on his face. What is happening? I don’t understand.
Nothing was making any sense at all. Why isn’t Devon surprised to
see Connor? Why doesn’t he tell him to leave? What are they both up

No answers were needed for any of her questions because in an

instant, reality struck like a blinding bolt of lightning and stole her
breath away. Oh, my God, they know, they both know. They know that
I’ve…that…that they have both been my lovers. This whole scene has
been planned.
Gasping for air, Anna fought the burden of her guilt
and the tears that threatened to spill. What am I going to do? What
can I do?

Desperate to put an end to the awkward situation, she pushed

against Devon’s chest, squirmed again and again in his arms, and
made another plea. “Dev, please, I beg you. Let go of me.”

“Patience, my love.” Devon chuckled then kissed her cheek. “My

cock is just like a smoothbore field cannon, my love. With all of your
wiggling and rubbing, it’s all primed—and ready to explode.” Giving
her another quick kiss, he looked over her shoulder at Connor. “It
seems as though you’ve found Anna and me in a little…uh…private
‘welcome home’ moment.” He raised his shoulders in a slight shrug.
“I discover that I have a little problem, and I think there are two
choices I can make. So tell me, brother, which one should I choose?
Should I liberate our sweet Anna or let my cannon fire at will?”

Surely Devon can’t be serious! Not believing that she’d heard his

words correctly, Anna held her breath and waited for Connor’s
answer. Suddenly, a wild rush of tingles raced down her spine as
Connor stepped up behind her. He gently began pulling the hairpins

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out of her chignon, moved her long hair aside, and kissed the back of
her neck. The delightful shivers continued as his tongue traced a
gentle sweep across her skin, moving higher to circle the rim of her
ear, scorching her skin everywhere it touched.

“I’m really surprised you’re asking for my advice, Dev,” Connor

replied to his brother’s question while lightly tugging at Anna’s
earlobe with his teeth. His hands slid down her arms, and he began to
gently rub the sides of her breasts. “You’re a cursed cad, Dev. You
stole my saddled horse and left me to tack up yours before I could
ride over to Belle Rêve to welcome our Anna home.”

“Blast it to Hades, Connor,” Devon rebutted. “If I’d taken the time

to saddle my own gelding, you know damned well you would’ve been
here before me—Anna would be in your arms, and I’d be standing
there where you are.” Shifting his stance a little, Devon laughed. “But
you should be used to it by now, twin. I’ve been about fifteen minutes
ahead of you since the day we were born.”

“Another underhanded, Mississippi river rat trick of yours,”

Connor countered, lowering his hands again until he touched and
caressed the bare skin of Anna’s exposed bottom, his fingers
smoothing over her flesh, and stroking the cleft between her buttock
cheeks until they reached the apex of her legs. “I still believe you
deliberately pushed me to the back of our mother’s womb to make
sure you were Papa’s firstborn son and heir.”

“Enough! Enough! Stop it!” Irritation and rising desire drove

Anna to snap at them both. “Do you two have to argue about the order
of your births, now, at this moment?” She tempered her voice to a
softer pitch, then looked over her shoulder at Connor, trying to ignore
his fingers that were now lightly caressing and tantalizing the moist
lips of her pussy. “Connor, please, if…if Devon won’t put me down,
will you help me?”

“My darling Anna, don’t fret, you know I’ll always be here to

help you,” Connor said, his breath hot on her skin as his fingers
continued to create their magic, toying with her, slipping in and out of

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her cunny. Kissing her neck, he slowly withdrew his hand, then
settled his left arm under her bottom.

Disappointed to lose Connor’s touch on her pussy, Anna couldn’t

stifle the moan that slipped from her throat.

“Don’t worry, love.” Connor pressed closer and whispered in her

ear. “My cock will be pleasuring you soon enough.” He nuzzled her
neck. “And, if Dev is able to walk with that piece of hard wood he’s
got in his breeches, he’s going to go and unsaddle your pretty mare,
put her in a stall, and get her some water and hay. That should take
him close to some of the fifteen minutes that he owes me. While he’s
doing that, it will be my turn to welcome you home like a true
Southern gentleman should. Then the three of us will have a much-
needed and long-awaited talk. There are a few things that need to be
cleared up—then who knows what else might happen?

Anna’s pulse quickened. It doesn’t take a mentalist to know that I

probably won’t enjoy the topic of our talk, but I do owe them both an
apology and an explanation.
Another unsettling thought quickly
followed the first and filled her head. What did Connor mean—what
else might happen?

Before she could find an answer, Connor encircled her waist with

his right arm, lifted her out of Devon’s grip, and set her gently on her
feet. Grateful to once again be standing on her own, Anna
straightened her clothes, tried to calm her emotions and rein in her
desire as she watched Devon lead Seriffa away. Noting how his steps
were being hindered by his stiff cock that was pushing out the front of
his breeches like a tent pole, she couldn’t stifle her giggles.

“It seems that Devon has really risen to the happy occasion of

your homecoming.” Connor laughed and then glanced down at his
own crotch. “But then, as you can see, just looking at you does the
same damn thing to me.”

Suddenly, confusion and chaos began to whirl around in Anna’s

head, the unruly beating of her heart keeping pace. I don’t understand
what is happening. If they really know that I’ve made love with them

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both, why aren’t they angry with me? This is becoming an illogical
dream with two men with two beautiful cocks that are hard and
wanting…me. What should I do?

Running away and leaving Natchez again was not the answer. But

was facing whatever reprimands or questions the brothers had in mind
going to be any easier? The decision was quickly taken away as
Connor turned her around to face him.

He lifted his hand and traced the curves and hollows of her face

and along the arc of her mouth with the tips of his fingers. “I must tell
you that I’m a little disappointed, Miss BonDurant. Where are your
manners? Did you leave them all in Paris?” He slowly shook his head
and settled his lips in a rakish smile. “Tsk, tsk, my lovely Anna, when
the prince rescues the damsel in distress, I do believe that a ‘thank
you’ is at least the proper thing to say. I’d even welcome a ‘merci
beaucoup, ma cher,
’ but wouldn’t it be so much more pleasant if the
merci beaucoup was accompanied by one or two of your sweet

A soft cry left Anna’s lips as he pulled her into his arms.
“Anna, my beautiful, beautiful Anna. I’ve ached for you for every

second of the past three years. I worried more about never seeing you
again than I ever worried about being hit by a Yankee bullet.”

Immediately filled with dread, Anna moved her hands over his

chest, searching for signs of any wounds. “No one told me you’d been

“No, no, sweetheart, I’m fine,” Connor said, taking her hand. “A

few bullets came close, but I was never hit. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean
to frighten you.” It took less than a second for him to open the buttons
on his breeches. “See, darling? Healthy as a horse and very anxious to
get out of the barn. I woke up with this fellow standing tall every
morning, looking for his beautiful Anna.” Raising her left hand to his
lips, Connor kissed the tip of each finger, then guided her hand
through the open placket.

A soft gasp slipped through Anna’s lips as she eagerly grasped

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Connor’s cock. He was so thick and hard, she quickly discovered she
could barely curl her fingers around his shaft. She began to stroke
him, from the root to the tip, delighted to immediately feel his penis
throb in answer to her touch.

“I thought I’d die if I never felt your hand on my prick again, if I

never fucked your sweet pussy again.” With the light touch of the
index finger of his left hand under her chin, Connor tipped her head
up. After placing a few light kisses on her lips, he then slanted his
mouth over hers and made love to her with his tongue.

Standing on tiptoe, Anna was soon lost in the magic of Connor’s

kiss and the hard, silken flesh she held in her hand. Drawing a steady
breath became almost impossible.

Moving an inch or two away, she looked up into Connor’s blue

eyes and once again was amazed to realize that although Connor and
Devon were identical twins, not everything about the O’Donnells was
identical. Each had his own flavor, his own technique, even their
cocks had subtle differences, but each could turn her into the most
insanely wanton creature in the universe.

Anna raised her right hand, cupped Connor’s cheek in her palm,

then burrowed her fingers through his black hair as he lowered his
head to kiss her. She quickly allowed herself to become lost once
again in the passion and fire that his kisses ignited in her body.

The deliciously wicked flames licked all the way across her

breasts, over her stomach, and blazed like an inferno in the moist
nook between her legs. Stepping closer, she pressed her body against
his. She pushed his cock against her mound with her hand, seeking
the hard pressure that would help satisfy the unrelenting and
demanding pulsations spreading through her body.

Connor eased his mouth away from Anna’s lips and began trailing

kisses across her cheek, over the curve of her jaw, and down the side
of her neck. Delightful tremors continued to race through her body,
teasing and awakening every nerve with a flood of undeniable wanton
hunger. His breath singed her skin wherever his lips touched, and she

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fell deeper into the incredible insanity. I’ve got to stop this madness!
It’s pure folly.
Unable to catch her breath, she gasped and lost all
sense of reason as he began to suck on the skin over the pulsing vein
in her neck, answering every rapid beat with a little nip.

Withdrawing a few inches, Connor opened the mismatched

buttons on her jacket, exposing her breasts again. “Beautiful. Your
sweet titties are so damned beautiful. No wonder Devon can’t keep
his hands and his mouth off them,” Connor whispered, his breath
heating her bared flesh and causing her nipples to pucker and tighten
into hard buds again.

Every secret place in her body thrummed with need. How is it

possible? Why is it that even after three years, I still can’t make up my
mind which brother I want and love more than the other? What
damned devil possessed me and demanded this hellish torture?

Anna watched a smile move the corners of Connor’s mouth as he

touched first one breast and then the other, rolling her nipples
between his thumb and fingers and tugging at them until she moaned,
desperate for so much more. Desire that had first been primed by
Devon’s touch and now stoked into an unslaked firestorm, grew to a
dizzying need under Connor’s caresses.

Relying on her last bit of sanity, Anna quickly glanced over her

shoulder and watched Devon unsaddle Seriffa, lead the mare into a
stall, latch the door, and begin walking back to where she and Connor
were standing. Anna BonDurant, you’re a fool if you don’t stop this
immediately. Even if they have learned the truth, you still have played
a cruel game of deceit. They are brothers, and you betrayed them

Reluctantly withdrawing her hand from Connor’s breeches, Anna

pushed away from his arms, then hurried to cover her breasts,
rebutton her jacket, and straighten her clothes. “Please, you both have
to listen to me. This has got to stop right now,” Anna begged. “What
if someone—my family, a servant, or even one of the field hands—
were to see us? The scandal would be unbearable—not just for us but

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for our families.” She stepped toward the barn door and glanced
outside toward the house. “Surely someone saw me ride up the lane. I
imagine that Mama and Papa and Aunt Divinity will be coming out
onto the front porch any moment now to greet me.” Returning to
retrieve her derby from the stable floor, she looked at Devon.
“They’re expecting me. I sent a telegram from St. Louis two days ago
to tell them I would be returning today.”

“Damn, Dev, I bet she means this telegram.” Connor reached into

his jacket pocket and withdrew an envelope. “I’m so sorry, love. It
seems that I forgot to deliver your message to your parents.”

Stunned, Anna forgot about picking up her hat. “My telegram!

What…what are you doing with my telegram? I don’t understand.”
She snatched the envelope out of his hand.

“Darling, it’s really quite simple,” Devon answered. “I’m

ashamed to admit it, but I believe that my poor besotted brother broke
the law.” The grin on his face proved his remorse to be counterfeit. “It
cost him the grand and generous sum of ten dollars a month to bribe
the telegraph clerk. Connor paid the man to never give your folks any
messages from you saying when you were coming home. The clerk
was to give those messages only to Connor and he was supposed to
see that they got to your folks.”

“But, why?” Anna looked at Connor. “Why would you do that?”
Appearing to be somewhat pleased with himself, Connor grinned.

“Dev and I wanted to talk with you before anyone knew you’d come
back. Bribing the clerk was the only way we could be sure that no one
at Belle Rêve knew when you would be returning. Lady Luck was
truly on our side because it was amazing how your message arrived at
just the perfect time.”

“Perfect time? Perfect time for what?” Anna wasn’t sure if she

really wanted to hear the answer, wasn’t sure if revenge for her deceit
was in either Devon or Connor’s plans.

Instead of answering her, Connor neatly retied Anna’s ascot

around her neck, twisted her hair back into a chignon, then held it in

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place with the hairpins he’d put in his pocket. Devon picked up her
derby, brushed some dirt and a few pieces of hay off the brim, and
then set it at a jaunty angle on her head.

Anna’s heart began to beat at a wild pace as Devon took hold of

her right hand and Connor took her left. Before she could resist, they
led her out of the barn, up the lane, past the scarlet camellias, up the
front steps, across the wide veranda, and into Belle Rêve.

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Chapter 3

Anna took a moment to look around the entry hall of the grand

house and enjoy the fragrances of the home she’d known all of her
life—the pungent cypress and cedar wood, freshly dipped beeswax
candles, and the spice-filled sachets tucked in the settee cushions. Her
mind was soon flooded with memories. Even though she still had a
dilemma to resolve, it felt wonderful to be home. As she began to step
into the parlor, she quickly stopped, giving in to her impatience to
discover what schemes Devon and Connor had devised—punishment
or pleasure. “Now, will one of you, please, answer my question?
What did you mean when you said that this is the perfect time for my
return to Natchez?”

“How about something to drink, Con?” Devon asked, completely

ignoring Anna’s question and moving toward the crystal decanters of
port, bourbon, and sherry on the sideboard in the dining room.

“With this heat, I think I’d prefer something cool and refreshing,”

Connor replied, removing his jacket and draping it on the newel post
at the bottom of the stairs. “I’m sure Anna would as well. I know
Ransom usually hangs a jug or two of mint tea or cider to chill in the
well by the summer kitchen.”

Returning in a few minutes with a tray holding three glasses of

cider, Devon began to climb the broad staircase to the second floor.
He glanced over his shoulder at Anna and Connor. “Are you both
coming? I believe that it’s time for us to have our talk with Anna and
ease all of our minds about…many things.”

Connor took Anna’s hand, cajoling her along. “Come along,

sweetlin’, we’ll enjoy our cider on the upper balcony.” Turning left at

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the top of the stairs, he opened the second door, Anna’s bedroom
door, on the right side of the wide hall. He stood aside until both
Devon and Anna entered, then closed the door and turned the lock.
“Just in case someone was left behind to keep an eye on the house, we
don’t want to be disturbed, do we?” Crossing the room, he opened the
three jib windows leading out to the wide gallery that spanned the
front of the house, then motioned to Anna to follow him outside and
invited her to sit in one of the chairs.

After they were all settled, Anna held up the telegram. “I don’t

care which one of you tells me, but I want to know exactly what you
meant about this being the perfect time. The perfect time for what? I
don’t understand.”

Connor reached over and took the telegram from her. “It’s really

quite simple, sweetlin’. Do you know what the date is tomorrow?” He
paused for a moment as if waiting for her to reply, and then provided
the answer himself. “Tomorrow is Tuesday, the Fourth of July. The
Union may have burned and bruised Dixie’s pride, but they haven’t
crushed us. So, to lift everyone’s spirits, the LaSalles at Meadowvale
Plantation decided to have a grand Fourth of July ball tonight to help
Natchez heal her wounds.” He folded the telegram and slipped it into
the side pocket of his breeches. “Tomorrow there’ll be a picnic. Horse
races, card games, and shooting matches have been planned for the
men. The ladies will be entertained with games of Whist and
Reversis, there will be plenty of time to chat and gossip with friends
they haven’t seen in a long time. For the children there will be foot
races, pony rides, hide-and-seek games, and all will be tended by their

“If Ephraim LaSalle could find enough gunpowder on his last trip

to New Orleans, I’ve even heard there’ll be a display of fireworks in
the evening,” Devon added. “After a day of amusements, there’ll be
more dancing, more delicious food, and a generous supply of ale,
wine, and stronger libations. Some of the guests were invited to stay
for a couple days, so I doubt that anyone will be travelling home on

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“I know for a fact that your mama and papa, your Aunt Divinity,

and most of the other Belle Rêve folk won’t be returning home ‘til
Friday afternoon,” Connor said.

“You mean Ransom, Tildy, Lula, and all the others are at…”

Anna began to ask, but Devon interrupted.

“They’re all at Meadowvale. Anna. Many things changed after

you left for Paris, darlin’. Since emancipation, the Africans who chose
to stay on at Belle Rêve and some of the other plantations are now
paid wages. Some even farm their own land. All of the house servants
from Belle Rêve are at Meadowvale for the festivities. They’ve been
hired to help cook, serve the meals, take care of the LaSalles’ guests,
and celebrate, as well.”

“Some of the old folk may have stayed down in shanty row, but

you can relax, Anna, we’re alone,” Connor added.

“But aren’t you and Devon both expected at Meadowvale?” Anna

asked, still trying to piece everything together. “Won’t the LaSalles
and everyone miss you and wonder where you are?”

“We’ve already sent our regrets,” Connor replied. “Because all the

new building going on in Natchez has increased the demand for
lumber from the O’Donnell mill, we told them we had to attend to
business in Port Gibson and would be gone for a few days.” Connor
left his chair, handed one of the glasses of cider to Anna, then sat
back down. “See how easily it all worked out? You weren’t expected
home, everyone at Belle Rêve is gone, and neither Dev nor I have to
be anywhere else but here with you. That’s what we meant by it being
the perfect time for you to come home.”

Devon took a long draught of cider from his glass, then leaned

forward. “Anna, before we get on with the rest of our talk, Connor
and I have a question that we need to ask you.”

Anna’s breath caught in her throat. Here it is…here comes the

nightmare. This is what I’ve been dreading and running away from
for three years. How do I answer their question? What do I say?

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heart began to beat at an unsteady and rapid pace. I’m not a fool,
though. I know that in order to save any friendship, any trust or love
that there is between us, there is only one thing I can do. There is only
one thing that I must do.
I have to tell the truth.

Connor stood, moved to the edge of the porch, leaned back against

the railing, and looked at her. “Why did you leave us, Anna? Why did
you run off to Paris? Surely there was more to your decision than the
war. Why did you leave without telling us, and why did you stay
away for so long?”

Anna glanced at Connor and Devon. Nervous, she clasped her

trembling hands together in her lap, burying them deep in the folds of
her skirt. Drawing a breath, she mustered every bit of courage she
possessed, and began her confession. “Papa insisted I leave until the
war was over, but yes…there was more to it than that.” She dreaded
revealing the truth, but the time for hiding it had long passed. “Please,
you both must understand that I am so very sorry for…for what I’ve
done.” She stood, stepped away from her chair. “I did a horrible
thing—to both of you. I realize that no number of excuses will suffice
to explain, but I was young and foolish. It was exciting…being
courted by you both at the same time. I reveled in the attention, and
I…I allowed each of you to believe that you were…my only…lover.”
The words weren’t coming smoothly, catching in her throat with
shame. “I figured out only an hour ago that you both may have
learned the truth while I was gone.” No one had ever told her that
confessing would be so painful. “I had never meant for Connor to find
out about you and me,” she said, looking at Devon. Anna then turned
her gaze to Connor. “And I’d never wanted Devon to find out about

Anna began to pace across the gallery. Pausing by her chair, she

tried to settle her nerves. The hardest part of her confession was still
to be told. Just get on with it. Looking everywhere else but at Connor
or Devon, she continued. “Very soon, I realized that I had become
hopelessly trapped.” She paused to bolster her courage, and when she

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spoke again, her words were as soft as a whisper. “My trap became
my biggest problem of all—I was in love with you both. I couldn’t
choose one of you over the other, and so…so, I deceived you both.”

Hoping to stop shaking and afraid that her knees would buckle,

Anna returned to her chair and sat. She folded her arms around herself
and prayed Connor and Devon would understand her torment.
“Although I was a coward and ran away and hurt you both, I paid a
terrible price for what I did, as well. I punished myself for three long
years by staying away from you both.” Her confession complete, and
discovering one small spark of courage left in her heart, she made one
final plea. “Please…I beg you, can you both forgive me?”

Anna studied the expression on Devon’s face, then glanced at

Connor, surprised to not find any evidence of anger or antipathy in
either. She then knew that the guess she had made earlier was right.
The O’Donnell twins also had a truth to share, and it was every bit as
revealing as her own. The knowledge gave her some hope. “How long
have you both known? How did you find out…about each other?”

A smile quickly curved Devon’s lips. “I suppose we both figured

it out over a year ago, but didn’t talk about it until we were both home
after the war.” He paused and took a drink from his glass. “I won’t lie
to you, Anna, at first we were damned angry—not just with you, but
with each other, too. No man likes to think he’s been cuckolded,
especially when it’s by his own brother.” Devon chuckled. “I was all
set to beat the hell out of Connor, and then he suggested that we
should just whup the piss, tar, and shit out of each other.” Devon’s
chuckle became a full-bodied laugh. “The day before we’d planned to
meet out at the edge of Big Bull Bayou and thrash each other to hell
and back, Connor got to talking about something that really made
sense.” Devon raised his glass and took another sip. “All it took then
was a few of bottles of good, smooth bourbon, sittin’ up all night and
talkin’ everything through until sunup. By the time all the bottles of
bourbon were empty and breakfast was on the table, we knew beatin’
on each other wouldn’t solve anything. Then we came up with the

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best damn plan of all.”

Connor nodded. “It was so simple. I don’t know why it took all

that bourbon for us to figure it out. The best part is that we both knew
it would be the right answer for our…dilemma.” He quickly stepped
away from the rail and placed a kiss on Anna’s cheek. “Let me
explain. I’d just read a new book by the French author, Alexandre
Dumas, and it got me thinking about our…situation…in a different
way. Dumas wrote about three French Musketeers, soldiers, who were
close friends and loyal to each other to the death. The men had what
could be called their tenet, their oath to each other. Their trust and
their bond were founded in six simple words—tous pour un, un pour

Baffled, Anna still wasn’t sure where any of this was leading.

“Aside from the similarity in number, what does a story about three
French soldiers in a book have to do with the three of us?”

“It’s so very simple, my love,” Connor replied. “If you will

answer one more very important question, then I’ll tell you.” He
paused, glanced at Devon, then turned to Anna and sat down. “If you
had to choose between Devon and me right now and never be again
with the one you didn’t pick, which one of us would you choose?”

Anna gasped, her breath burning like ice in her lungs. Dear God,

how could I have been so wrong? Connor’s first question wasn’t the
one I feared. This is the one I dreaded.
She dropped her head, tightly
clenched her hands together in her lap, closed her eyes, and hoped she
could hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. Anna Marie
BonDurant, stop being such a damned coward. You deserve every
harsh word and penalty imaginable that may be coming your way.
Stop crying and take your due punishment.
Gathering her thoughts,
Anna knew that everything she valued and cherished depended on her

She opened her eyes but didn’t look at either of the men she

loved. Putting her hands on the arms of the chair to steady herself, she
slowly stood and briskly brushed away the tears on her cheeks. Her

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body shaking, her breath coming in faltering puffs, she spoke the
words she had carried in her heart for three years. “I know that what I
wish would, in polite society, be considered…utterly depraved. My
answer to your question is exactly the same today as it was when I
knew I had to leave Natchez. I couldn’t choose then, and I can’t
choose now.”

Before sealing her fate, Anna filled her lungs with a ragged

breath, and confessed, “I…want…you both.”

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Chapter 4

They must think I’m worse than a wooden-nickel whore from one

of the Under the Hill saloons or the filthy penny cribs.

Anxiously, Anna waited a minute or two for either Connor or

Devon to say something, but neither spoke nor moved. The only
sounds she heard were the trills of a couple of mockingbirds perching
in the nearby live oaks and the rustle of leaves and Spanish moss
blowing in the breeze.

Hoping to ease her fraying nerves and soothe her parched throat,

she reached for the glass on the table beside her. As she lifted the
cider to her lips, the glass, wet with condensation, slipped through her
fingers and all of the cider spilled on her clothes.

She gasped as chilled cider drenched the front of her jacket and

splashed across her skirt. “Damnation! I’m soaked through to my
skin!” Without hesitating for a moment, she bolted through the open
jib window and into her bedroom.

Standing in the middle of the room, Anna removed the derby from

her head, tossed it on the top of the dresser, and then ripped off the
ascot. She fumbled with the buttons on her jacket and ignored the two
that popped off, bounced on the Aubusson carpet then skittered under
the bed. “Mon Dieu,” she hissed, peeled off her wet jacket and tossed
it onto the floor. Next, she unbuttoned her skirt, pulled it down over
her hips, and let it puddle on the floor at her feet. Quickly glancing
around the room for her trunks, she suddenly remembered. “Oh, no,
they haven’t been delivered yet.” She kicked the wet garments on the
floor out of her way and dashed across the room. “Please, let there be
something in the chiffarobe that I can wear.” She opened the cabinet,

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but only the scent of cedar and lilac sachets met her. “Empty.

“Need any help?”
Turning at the sound of Connor’s voice, she found both of the

O’Donnell twins standing only a few feet away. Why did they follow
me? Didn’t I make a big enough fool of myself out on the balcony?

She tried to gather her wits, calm her ragged nerves, and get on with
the sane task of getting out of her soaked clothing. “It seems that I
have a little…uh…problem,” she replied. “I have to get out of these
sticky, wet garments, but until my trunks arrive, I don’t have anything
to wear.”

Neither Devon nor Connor said a word, and neither stepped

forward to help her. Why don’t they say something? Were they so
appalled by my…confession?
She couldn’t stop shaking, the new
weight of worry lying heavily upon her. I’m as unsteady as a
She drew a deep breath and felt her breasts press against the
cold, wet fabric of her chemise. Unconsciously raising her hands, she
modestly covered each breast. “You asked me for a truthful answer to
your question,” she said, looking at the men she loved. “Did my
answer disappoint you so much that you can’t forgive me…or do you
both loathe me?”

Devon stepped forward, laid his index finger on her lips, brushed

a stray lock of hair away from her face, and then kissed her cheek.
“Hush, hush. Calm your worries. Your answer to Connor’s question
was just what we were hoping to hear. You made me so damn happy,
and I know Connor is just as delighted as I am. Of course we forgive
you. Hell’s fire, girl, you are truly a man’s dream, but it just so
happens that in this case, you’re a very special and wonderful dream
for two men.” Devon glanced at his brother and then back at Anna.

Connor moved closer. “Now do you understand what made me

think of the three of us, you, Devon, and me, when I read the Dumas
book?” He drew Anna into his arms, lightly kissed the end of her
nose, then brushed another kiss on her lips. “Aside from abiding by

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your father’s wishes to keep you safe during the war, Dev and I
figured out that you sailed for Paris because you couldn’t choose one
O’Donnell over the other.” He kissed her again, a little touch of his
mouth on hers. “Granted, it took more than those few bottles of
bourbon to strengthen our courage, but Dev and I confessed
everything to each other—about us both being with you.

“At first there were the usual questions, everything from which

one of us had been your first lover, which one of us had been with
you last, and whose loving did you like best. Damn, that last question
was the one that ended up with us in a wrestling match in the middle
of the rose garden.” Connor shook his head, a slight smile curving his
mouth. “You’ve got to understand, love, it was difficult for me to
know that you had lain in Dev’s arms and that he intimately knew
every sweet inch and taste of your body as I did, and that he’d…loved
you many times where and how I’d loved you.” Connor paused and
seemed to gather his thoughts. “That night, we knew we had a
problem that was similar to yours—I wasn’t willing to give you up,
and neither was Dev.” He caressed Anna’s cheek with the tip of his
finger. “But all the arguments and wrestling eventually came to an
end and we finally came to an important, necessary, and mutual
decision. Dev and I decided that you never had to make a choice
unless that was what you wanted to do. As you can see, sharing is the
perfect answer.”

Sharing? How can that be the perfect answer? Puzzled by all that

Connor’s words might really mean, Anna quickly stepped back from
his arms, but when she looked at him, she lifted her hands from her
breasts and touched his shirt. “Oh, no, Connor, look! Your clothes are
now almost as wet as mine.”

“I have an easy solution for that,” Connor said, laughing as he

removed his shirt and tossed it onto the pile of Anna’s wet clothes.
Turning her around, he untied the tapes on her corset and unlaced
them until the garment fell to the floor, leaving Anna’s breasts barely
covered by her delicate and torn batiste chemise.

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Lifting the large pitcher on the washstand, Connor filled the basin

on the table with water, selected a linen towel from the rack, and
dipped the corner in the water. “I imagine cider would taste wonderful
if Devon and I could lick it off your body, but it’s quite sticky and
would probably ruin the bed linens.” He smiled while passing the
damp cloth over her skin.

“It looks as though I’m now the one who is a little overdressed for

this happy occasion,” Devon said, quickly added his vest and shirt to
the wet heap of clothes on the floor. “There, that’s much better. Now
we are truly one for all, all for one.”

“What…what are you both doing?” Anna retreated a step. “I don’t

understand. What…?”

“It’s all about sharin’ the love, darlin’,” Devon answered. “It’s all

about the three of us.”

Connor turned her around to face him. When Anna opened her

mouth to speak, she couldn’t find the right words to say. When they
finally came, she could only stutter. “Do you mean sha–aring like we
di–did before I left…Dev and me…and…then you and I would be
together at another time?”

Connor shook his head. “No, no, love, although once in a while

there may be times like that, but our new kind of sharing is something
very different than before. Dev and I mean all three of us together and

“Do you really mean three…” She trembled as she quickly looked

over her shoulder at the wide tester bed on the other side of the room,

“Yes, beloved. Together,” Connor replied, holding up his hand

with only his index, middle, and ring fingers showing, all closely held
together. “The three of us in every sense of the word, but only if you
agree. The solution to our unusual dilemma is totally up to you and
can easily be solved by a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no.’”

The truth was now very clear—the absence of her family, the

unlocked front door of the house, the fresh linens she’d noted on the

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bed that she hadn’t slept in for three years, the basin and filled water
pitcher on the washstand, the bar of soap, and the wash and drying
cloths on the rack. The O’Donnell twins have been in the house and
very busy preparing all of this before I arrived.

Anna lowered her gaze until all she could see was Connor’s bare

chest. Her eyes continued downward, following the tantalizing narrow
trail of dark hairs from his navel until it disappeared behind his belt
and into his breeches. When she encountered the large bulge pressing
against the buttoned placket, she knew there was only one answer she
could give, only one answer she wanted to give.

Unable to deny herself any longer, she reached out, cupped

Connor’s cock in her hand, and slowly rubbed it through his breeches.
She knew her response would seal her fate, fulfill her dreams, and
probably create more problems than the three of them could
imagine—but none of it mattered, because none of them would ever
have any regrets.

She watched, her pulse beginning to race, as Connor quickly

released his penis from his breeches, and just as quickly, Anna closed
her fingers around him. She loved the sensation of holding his cock in
her hand. She reveled in the strong throbs she felt and the small
twitches his penis made when she moved her fingers. But there were
two cocks in the room, both of them very beautiful and both of them
very hard and willing to please and be pleased. Reaching behind her
for Devon, she tugged on his arm until he stood beside her. Without
hesitating a moment, she unbuckled Devon’s belt, slid her hand down
inside his pants, grasped his cock, and stroked it until he was as hard
as his brother.

Standing on tiptoe she kissed each twin, savoring their mouths and

distinct tastes, Perhaps the Fates have been much kinder than I
deserve, but I definitely won’t reject their generosity.
Her hands never
leaving her lovers’ stiff and eager treasures, Anna smiled and said the
words that would lead them all to exquisite bliss. “Tous pour un, un
pour tous

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Chapter 5

Nervous, but not willing to give a second thought to her decision,

Anna patiently waited for Devon and Connor’s reaction. Her wait was
very short.

Two pairs of arms embraced her, four hands tenderly caressed her

skin, and two mouths kissed her neck and her lips. Fingers gently
pulled the hairpins out of her chignon and allowed her hair to fall
freely to her waist. Four hands raised her chemise over her head and
tossed it aside. Two hands cradled each breast while avid mouths
suckled each of her nipples. Two pairs of hands helped her remove
her pantaloons, leaving her naked except for her black silk stockings
that were tied with red garters above her knees, and her Spanish
leather riding boots on her feet.

The room was silent except for the sound of a delight-filled moan

or two and the rustle of clothing being discarded. Not a word was
shared between the three of them, but every touch, every caress spoke
a very special language and sent a very special message.

Connor pressed his hand against Anna’s thigh, urging her to

spread her legs further apart. Closing her eyes, she surrendered and
immediately received her reward. Both Connor and Devon touched
her lips with the tips of their index and middle fingers then slowly
drew them straight down over her chin and neck, through the valley
between her breasts, pausing for a moment to tease her nipples until
they puckered into tight, excited buds. As if moving with practiced
precision, their caresses continued lower to explore Anna’s belly, then
even lower to the curls that sheltered her pussy.

Devon’s fingers gently spread apart the damp petals of Anna’s

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cunny, exposing and caressing the swollen, sensitive jewel of flesh
hidden at the top. Sliding his hand lower, he eased first one finger and
then another inside her moist sheath. A bliss-filled sigh slipped from
Anna’s lips as Connor joined the sensuous exploration. Together the
brothers teased Anna’s tender channel, their fingers filling her,
stroking her, creating delightful friction, suffusing her with heat and
such an exquisite fervor that she cried out, desperate for the ultimate

“Damn, Anna,” Devon rasped. “My cock is so hard it feels like a

steel rod in my pants.” Removing his hand from between Anna’s
thighs, he stepped back, raised his hand, breathed in her scent, and
then eagerly licked her wet essence from his fingers. “Your fragrance
and taste are as sweet and delicious as clover honey.” He fondled her
pussy again and licked his fingers a second time. “I’ll always be
hungry for you and will never be satisfied.” Stepping back, he quickly
pulled off his tall boots, gazing at her exposed pussy the whole time.
“You are so beautiful, I’ll never tire of looking at you. I want to stare
at your beautiful body, touch your soft skin, and bury my face
between your breasts and legs. I want to lick, taste, and explore every
inch of you. I want to fuck you and watch Con fuck you until we all
lose our minds.”

Connor’s hand cupped Anna’s mons as he kissed her cheek. “Do

you see how eager we both are to love you, today, tomorrow, and

Impatient to give her body to both of the O’Donnell twins and

receive double the pleasure in return, Anna’s hands trembled as she
bent over and began to untie the red garter on her right leg.

Connor immediately stilled her hand. “No, don’t. Please don’t

take off your stockings just yet, darling. It’s all right to send a man off
to war, but hell, society says it’s improper for him to see a woman’s
ankle. Can you imagine what looking at a woman who is naked and
wearing nothing but her stockings would do to him?” Connor
chuckled. “I can damn well show you.” He quickly stepped behind

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her, encircled her body with his arms, cupped her breasts in his hands
and rubbed the pads of his thumbs across her nipples. When he pulled
her back against him and slightly tipped her forward, his erection
probed the cleft between the bare cheeks of her buttocks. “This is
what you do to me. Can you feel how hard I am?” Connor rubbed
against her. “Can you feel how much I want you? And, I’ll wager that
Devon is still sporting a randy cock, too.” He nudged her pussy with
the head of his penis. “Can you feel how impatient I am to be deep
inside you? Even here,” he said, drawing back just a little until he
could push his cock against the tightly closed little rosette that lay just
behind her cunny.

Anna drew a sharp breath as a new and thrilling sensation rushed

through her body, awaking desires she had never imagined before.
Surely he doesn’t mean…I find it even difficult to pose the question in
my mind. Stop being such a coward—just ask him.
“Do you mean…”
Her breath stuck in her throat and her words were silenced when he
pushed his cock against her buttocks again. This time her response
was immediate, a natural reflex that urged her to push back against
Connor’s throbbing cock. She whimpered with delight as her pussy
began quivering with little spasms, adding to the wonderful,
shameless fever that already filled her body. There was no need for
her to try to ask the question again—his meaning was very clear and
very exciting. Once again her pussy responded, drenching her inner
thighs with a flood of her juices.

“Yes, sweet love, there are many wonderful ways for all three of

us to make love together,” Connor said, tracing over the curve of her
buttocks with his hand. He reached between her legs, moistened his
middle finger in her pussy then drew his hand back an inch or so until
he touched her anus and slowly slipped the tip of his finger into the
tight opening. “Relax,” he whispered. “Relax, sweetlin’, I’m not
going to hurt you.” After waiting a moment or two, he slid the rest of
his finger into her and then slowly eased it in and out of her a few

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Anna couldn’t hold back the sharp gasp that slid from her throat

as she began to tremble. I had expected pain, and instead I’m
receiving unbelievable pleasure. But this is just his finger…his cock is
so big!
She cast a quick glance at Devon. So is his. She tried to act
calm, hoping Connor wouldn’t see through her façade as his intimate
caresses continued. “I’d heard talk among my bon amis when I was in
Paris of making love that…way…with one or more lovers,” Anna
said as she gave herself over to the new and thrilling sensations.
“But…but I never…never…I don’t know…” Anna stammered, her
excitement tinged with worry.

“Hush, Anna, hush. When the time is right—what may happen

will happen, and we’ll all learn together.” He slowly slid his finger
out of her and lightly nudged her again with his cock. “For now, don’t
worry about anything. Look at Devon, darling. Watch Devon, watch

Although Connor’s new way of touching her and his proposal had

excited her, given her new, thrilling sensations, Anna couldn’t drag
her gaze away from Devon as he slowly opened each button down the
front of his breeches. She watched mesmerized, the anticipation
almost unbearable. Finally, one more button remained to be opened,
and when at last it was unfastened, Devon’s cock sprang out through
the opened placket, bounced, and then stood out straight from his
body, long, thick, and hard. A soft cry of delight fled her lips and she
tried to move closer, but Connor held her back and steered her toward
the wide tester bed.

“Come and sit, my love. You can watch Dev from here as I

remove your boots.” Kneeling in front of her, Connor unbuttoned first
one boot then the other. After setting the boots aside, he began
smoothing his hands up Anna’s stocking-covered legs until he
reached the apex of her thighs. “Are you still looking at Dev? Look at
his cock, Anna. Have you ever seen such a beautiful cock?” Connor
cupped his hand over her mound, pressing against her until she
moaned and spread her legs further apart. “Oh, yes…I am looking,”

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she replied, her voice little more than a stuttered whisper. “He is
so…beautiful.” A deep sigh immediately rushed from her throat as
Connor spread the lips of her pussy and held them apart with his
fingers. Why don’t I feel any shame? Am I being so controlled by my
love for these two men that I’m willing to give my body to them so
“Connor…please…” she pled. “Please touch my clitty.”

She almost giggled at the puzzled expression on Connor’s face.

“This,” she said, moving his fingers up until he touched the hard little
button between the open lips of her cunny. “Some call it a…clitty. I
learned the word in Paris.”

“Look at our Anna, Dev,” Connor teased. “She’s home for less

than a day and already we’re learning French.” He gently began
rolling the nub between his fingers. “Look how wet she is.”

Staring at her open pussy, Devon stepped closer to the bed and

fisted his hand around his cock. Anna could see his hand tightening as
he squeezed and stroked his shaft back and forth from the root to the
flared purple-hued head. He pumped his hand three or four more
times until a droplet of crystal-clear fluid oozed out onto the tip of his
cock and glistened like a precious jewel.

Suddenly Connor moved aside, took Anna’s hand, and pulled her

to her feet. “Go to him, Anna. Go now.”

“Yes, yes,” she breathed. She reached Devon in three steps.

Pressing her hands against his belly, she fell to her knees, slid her
hands down over his hips and grasped his cock. “So beautiful,” she
whispered. “So beautiful and all mine.” Bending closer, she licked the
flared head and captured the glossy liquid bead with the tip of her
tongue. Savoring the slick, sweet, and salty flavor for a moment, she
then closed her lips around his penis, sucking him deep into her
mouth and throat. Anna loved the rigid, hot, and silken feel of him on
her tongue. As his cock slipped back and forth, in and out of her
mouth, she closed her hand tightly around his shaft and milked him
until another clear droplet coated her tongue.

Tightening her lips just below the flared ridge around the head of

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his cock, she gripped Devon’s hips, sinking her fingers into his flesh,
and guiding his rhythm. His moans echoed his pleasure as he grabbed
handfuls of her long hair and held her head between his hands.

“God yes, suck me! That feels so good, suck me hard, harder,”

Devon whispered, his voice breathless and husky. “I love you, Anna. I
never stopped waiting for you.”

Elated to hear the words she had once believed were lost to her

forever, Anna knew she had made the right decision. Yes, the three of
us. It is a dream come true. The most beautiful mingling of love and
lust. Together. Always.

Movement to her left caught Anna’s eye, and she glanced over to

see Connor stepping out of his boots and breeches. When he turned
around to face her, he was grasping his beautiful penis in his right
hand and stroking his balls with his left. A broad smile lifted the
corners of his mouth as he watched her pleasuring his brother’s cock.

“Love us both, Anna,” Devon said, slowly drawing his penis out

of her mouth. “Let me watch you suck Connor. I want to see his cock
in your mouth.”

Anna held out her left hand, urging Connor closer. “Tous pour un,

un pour tous,” she sighed, quoting the Dumas book. Connor’s cock
jutted out in front of him and bobbled with each step he took. When
he stood beside her, she closed her hand around him then opened and
filled her mouth with his hard length.

Connor pushed deep into Anna’s mouth until the tip of his cock

touched the back of her throat. He cradled her head between his hands
as she slid her mouth back and forth along his shaft. “My God,” he
breathed, his voice taut with fervor. “There isn’t a more delightful
mouth in the world, and there is only one other—no, two other
places—my cock would love to be.” His fingers trailed over Anna’s
cheek, caressing her mouth where his flesh joined hers.

“I know what you mean, Con,” Dev said, squatting down behind

Anna. He reached around her with one arm and fondled her breasts,
tweaking her nipples until they were tightly puckered and standing

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firm. Leaning a little closer, he stroked his other hand down her back
and over her bottom to her cunny.

Anna trembled, and her lips tightened around Connor’s cock as

Devon slipped a finger inside her. Devon teased her pussy with deep
strokes that filled the quiet room with wet sounds. She felt her cunny
clench around his fingers, demanding to be filled with more and more.
Every nerve in her body was stretched taut and quivering, demanding
release. She pressed her body down on Devon’s hand and moaned
with frustration when he withdrew his touch. How much more can I
take? I want a hard cock in my cunt now!

Devon rose, tapped his brother on the shoulder, then crossed the

room and sat at the foot of the bed, his cock standing erect between
his legs. “I think we’re being very selfish, twin. Our lady love has
been very generous to us, our pricks are about to explode, but this,
after all, is her ‘welcome home’ party. Don’t you think we’ve sadly
neglected her?” He leaned back, resting his elbows on the mattress. “I
think we should move the party to something more comfortable than
the floor,” he patted his hand on the mattress, “and do something
about that now, don’t you agree?”

“Dev’s right, darling,” Connor said, slowly drawing his cock out

of Anna’s mouth. Taking her hand he helped her to her feet, pulled
her into his arms, kissed her, and nudged her pussy with his hard
cock. “I love you, Anna. I always have.” Lifting her hand to his lips,
he placed a kiss in the center of her palm and then looked over at the
canopied bed where Devon lay on his back, his long legs hanging
over the foot of the mattress, his feet on the floor. “Let’s join Dev on
the bed and enjoy our own special kind of fireworks.” Connor led her
to the bed, and to his brother.

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Chapter 6

“Give me some of your sweet kisses, Anna,” Devon said, taking

hold of her hand and pulling her closer to the side of the bed.

The moment Anna kissed him, she could taste herself on his lips.

She flicked her tongue in his mouth, capturing more of her own
musky flavor, and she couldn’t help wondering if either Devon or
Connor had ever tasted his own cum.

“What’s happening?” Suddenly pulled from her musings, Anna

quickly looked over her shoulder. Something warm and wet was
being drizzled onto the small of her back and running into the cleft
between the cheeks of her bottom. She instantly recognized the
amber-colored glass bottle in Connor’s hand.

“It’s your favorite sweet almond oil, darling,” he said, pouring

some of the liquid into his palm. “I remembered how much you liked
it for your skin.” He smoothed his warm hand over her bottom, gently
spreading the slippery oil along her spine to the cleft between her
cheeks, then lower to the juncture between her legs, paying special
attention to her most intimate place.

She shivered and drew in a sharp, hissing breath as he poured a

little more oil down the crevice between her cheeks and the exciting
new sensations she’d felt earlier, quickly returned, ramping up her
excitement to new heights. She couldn’t help following her body’s
demands, pressing herself harder against Connor’s hand.

“A gentleman should always help his lady take care of her

beautiful skin and keep it soft,” Connor declared, giving her a playful
slap on her bottom, making her buttocks jiggle. “And you, my lady,
have the most amazing ass I have ever seen.”

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Anna giggled. “That isn’t something a lady of delicate breeding

hears very often, but I thank you for the compliment, kind sir. Are
you an expert?”

“Most definitely, Miss BonDurant. Between my brother and I, we

have collected all of the necessary…tools of the profession.
Steinberg’s Apothecary on the corner of Main Street and Pearl has
done a landslide business since your telegram arrived.”

“And it is simply amazing, sweetlin’,” Devon offered, showing

her a couple of very small packets that were about the size and shape
of a silver dollar and wrapped in waxed paper. “Since the shipping
routes that were blocked during the war have opened up again,
Steinberg’s Apothecary has a very large supply of Mr. Goodyear’s
wonderful new vulcanized invention.”

“He did until we visited the store the day before yesterday.”

Connor pointed to the open drawer on the night table beside the bed.
“I’m sure Steinberg thinks we must have at least five dozen mistresses
between the two of us.”

“Or perhaps just one very, very happy and hopefully busy one.”

Anna softly giggled again, thinking that they all sounded as excited as
children on Christmas morn. “I certainly hope that we will do
everything we can to keep Messrs Steinberg and Goodyear in
business for many, many years, don’t you?” Carefully tearing the
paper, she removed the condom, unrolled and held it up. Looking at
Connor, she lowered her gaze until she reached his cock that was hard
and throbbing. Then she turned her attention to Devon. True to twin
form, his penis was as large and as engorged as Connor’s. “I just hope
you both can…squeeze into them.”

“I’m sure we’ll do fine, with a little help,” Devon replied, opening

another condom packet. After carefully sheathing his cock, he coated
the condom with some of the almond oil.

Anna heard the sound of more paper being torn, and the tempo of

her pulse increased to a wild gallop.

“Would you like to help me?” Connor asked, handing her the

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condom. “Just place it on the end of my cock and unroll it down over
my shaft. It’s just that easy.”

Her hand trembled. “Have you used these before?” she asked,

embarrassed to pose the question.

“Have you?” Connor rebutted.
Touché,” she replied. Bending over, she sucked the mushroomed

head of his cock into her mouth, flicking the tip of her tongue across
the small ridge of flesh that bisected the corona on the underside.
Hearing Connor’s sharp gasp was all the approval she needed. She
took her time sheathing his cock with the condom, loving the feel of
his rigid flesh, the feel of his heat, and the throbs and small jerks his
penis made in her hand.

“Thank you for your help, darling,” Connor said, placing a soft

kiss on Anna’s lips. Pouring a drizzle of almond oil on his palm, he
curled his hand around his cock and began to pump his fist up and
down, spreading the oil on his shaft.

Anna refused to stifle the moan that slipped through her lips.

Watching a man handling his own penis, stroking and pleasuring
himself, had always thrilled her. If Natchez society was to know my
favorite pastime, I would be branded no better than the Under the Hill
whores. But there is no argument—having a hard cock in my pussy is
so much better than just looking at one or sucking on one.
looking at Connor and Devon, she couldn’t stop the grin that curved
her lips. From today forward, it would seem that I can have two hard
cocks. And I think the almond oil is for more than a nice massage and
for more than helping their cocks slide easier in and out of my pussy.
I think—no, I know the oil is to…”

Devon’s laughter interrupted her thoughts, and when she looked at

him, she couldn’t hold back her own laughter.

“I’m all dressed and ready for our Fourth of July party, how about

you two?” Devon said, still lying at the foot of the bed, his feet on the
floor, and holding his condom-sheathed cock upright in his hand. “I
know that you were very pleased with the Arab mare that His Royal

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High-and-Mighty Prince Abracadabra gave you, but can I interest you
in a gallop on my beautiful stallion?” He gave his cock a little shake.
“I hope you ride astride, Miss BonDurant. This fellow is very frisky.
You do ride astride, don’t you?”

Anna couldn’t stop laughing. “I prefer to sit astride, especially on

a long…hard ride.”

“Then mount up, my love, and hang on tight.”
“I’ll help you into the saddle, darling,” Connor said, scooping her

up in his arms. He lifted her onto the bed and helped settle her on her
knees, straddling Devon’s hips with her pussy poised over Devon’s

Anticipating what she wanted, what her body demanded, Anna

leaned forward and began to rub her breasts back and forth over
Devon’s face, periodically hesitating just long enough for him to
catch one of her nipples in his mouth. Small, breathy gasps stole from
her throat, and lightning bolts of desire sent sizzling currents racing
through her body as he sucked and tugged on her nipple with his
teeth. Closing her eyes, she slowly lowered her hips until she felt the
head of his cock pressing against her pussy.

“It’s time to ride, Anna,” Devon breathed, his voice sounding

husky with anticipation. “Don’t forget to post energetically.”

Reaching between her legs, Devon spread the lips of her pussy

open with one hand and, holding his cock in his other hand, stroked
back and forth, tantalizing her but not letting it slip into her cunny.

Anna loved the way his penis felt sliding between the swollen,

sensitive, and wet lips of her pussy. Her pulse raced faster and faster
and faster each time the large head of his cock hesitated for a moment
at her hole. Her pussy was soon quivering, fired by her excitement
and eagerness to be filled with Devon’s cock.

She tipped her hips forward another fraction, and this time the

broad head of his penis slipped a fraction of an inch into her pussy.
Barely able to catch her breath, she whispered, “Yes, yes, fill me,
Devon. My pussy has missed you so much. Fuck me.”

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Devon began to lightly rub the tip of his middle finger over her

engorged clitty as he raised his hips and inched his prick deeper and
deeper inside her. “You’re so wet, so tight, so ready for love,” he
breathed, beginning to drive his cock in and out of her in long, slow
strokes, completely filling her with each thrust.

As her pussy stretched to accommodate his length and breadth,

Anna gripped Devon’s shoulders, and with each thrust he made, she
arched her hips and drove her pussy down to meet him. She kept pace
with his cadence, riding each plunge and retreat of his cock. He pulled
her closer until she almost lay fully against him, feeling his cock
probe deeper and deeper.

“Yes, Anna, ride him,” Connor urged. “I want to see his big prick

sliding into your beautiful pussy. I want to watch your face as you
take every inch of him over and over again. I want to see your sweet
juice make his prick all shiny and wet.”

Suddenly Anna realized that Connor had stepped behind her. She

felt his hands, slick with fragrant almond oil, glide over her skin and
raise a field of gooseflesh all over her body. She gasped as he touched
her small, tight hole, and slowly slipped one finger and then a second
into her, the slick oil easing the way. She took a deep breath and
relaxed her muscles, allowing the wonderful sensations to possess her.
She felt Devon’s cock throb deep in her pussy, and she moaned, the
uncomfortable pain turning to pleasure, as Connor’s fingers began to
stroke her, pushing deep, deeper and coating her inside with oil.

Connor slowly slid his fingers out of her and Anna could feel him

move even closer until the tip of his cock was touching her nether
entrance. Burning with a wildfire of excitement, Anna could barely
breathe. “Just the touch of your cock feels so…wonderful.” She
moved her hips, impatient for what she knew was going to happen
next. Every nerve in her body was alive and blazed with wanton heat.
With every movement she made, she felt Devon’s penis rubbing
inside her pussy and Connor’s cock touching her nether hole, hard
and eager to fill her. Almost overwhelmed by being surrounded by

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hot and solid male flesh, Anna thought she would lose her sanity with
joy. Is this really happening? Or am I dreaming the most wonderful
dream of my life?
“Don’t stop, I want both of you to love me.”

“Don’t worry, precious,” Devon whispered, sweeping his tongue

across her lips. “Relax, sweetlin’, relax and feel the splendor of every
sensation. You are about to know more love than you ever imagined
possible.” He wrapped his arms around her, moved his hands lower,
and spread her buttock cheeks apart. “You may feel a little pain at
first, but it will soon go away. Just let your body relax.”

She had never felt such heat, such wanting, and such passion.

Every sensation was so much more than she had ever experienced
before. I want to come with both of them inside me…but can I survive
the ecstasy?

“We love you, Anna,” Connor said softly. “Our love may be

unique, but it is a perfect love that will bind us together, always.”

Devon lightly pinched her clitty and kissed her, caressing her

tongue with his own, as Connor pressed the head of his cock against
her oiled virgin hole.

At first Anna only felt the pressure of his cock, and then she

realized that the head of his penis had slipped inside. Her first reflex
was to hold her breath but her hungry body had other demands, and
she relaxed and drew a deep, calming breath. “More, please, give me
more, Connor. Give me all of your cock.”

She felt another drizzle of almond oil touch her and immediately,

Connor’s cock slid up inside her. An involuntary gasp rushed past her
lips. She had never felt such intense, yet wonderful, pressure and
pleasure. She moaned again as Connor began to move, slipping his
cock deeper in and out of her, his balls slapping against her. Her
moans turned into excited cries as Devon began to match his brother’s
thrusts, and both cocks pistoned in and out of her pussy in unison.
There was no sane thinking at this point and she rode the exquisite
sensations that grew more and more urgent, demanding that she give
her body the release she had held at bay for over an hour.

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“I can’t wait…any more,” she whimpered. “I’m going to

come…now.” She felt Devon’s cock swell in reply, and before the
muscles in her pussy began to spasm, she felt Connor ram his strongly
throbbing cock deeper into her.

The exquisite little ripples began somewhere deep inside Anna’s

belly. They quickly grew into uncontrollable tremors and spread
throughout her body, becoming more and more intense, igniting a
blaze that grew and grew until she thought she would explode into
millions of brilliant, glowing pieces. Clutching the bed linens on
either side of Devon’s head, she arched her back, impaling herself
further onto both hard cocks in her body, and let herself soar. “Now,

Wave after wave of intense pleasure burst throughout her body,

propelling her out of reality and into paradise.

At some time, either seconds or minutes, maybe even an hour

later, cradled in bed between her two lovers, Anna breathed a simple
oath, “Tous pour un, un pour tous.”


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Ginger O’Brien has spent most of her alternate writing life

penning award-winning paranormal and romantic suspense romances
for a major New York publisher. Always eager to set out on new and
exciting ventures, she is thrilled to now be writing for Siren
Publishing and exploring the wonderful varied facets of love and
desire. Not one to just dabble in her many interests, Ginger has been a
professional entertainer, has raised and shown champion horses, and
is a galleried artist. As long as her muses continue to tempt her with
new heroes, heroines, and new stories to tell about their intimate
relationships, she will gladly share them all with you.

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Annie Morgan

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To Brent, for love, understanding and too many other things to list


To my critique groups. You guys keep me on track more than you


Thanks to the rest of The Sextet, the best group of writing partners

a girl could hope for.

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Chapter 1

“You want what?”
She’d finally done it. Here amidst the usual Friday night

controlled mayhem of their favorite bar, Jennifer Delaney had
surprised the unflappable Special Forces sniper team.

Jen snickered. “Did you, or did you not, offer me anything I want

for my birthday that you have the ability to give me?”

“Well, yeah, but I thought you’d pick something like dinner at that

swanky Italian place you’re always talkin’ about.” Trey’s Texas
twang thickened as he fidgeted with his beer mug.

“Umm, dinner at Bella Luna would be wonderful, guys.” And a

helluva lot safer on my heart. “But that’s not what I chose.”

“I had you figured for one of those spa days your friend Cindy’s

always going on and on about.” Wil’s blue-gray gaze still darted
around the room, looking at everything but her.

What if she’d misjudged…? No, she was off the porch now. Time

to run with the big dogs.

“Those are great ideas. But I want a night with you both for my

birthday. You and Trey. Naked with me. In bed. All night long.”

Trey pushed back his Stetson, bringing his emerald eyes into

view. “Be careful what you ask for, Jenny. Are you certain you can
handle both of us?”

“Certain I wanna try.”
Jen still wasn’t sure where she’d found the nerve to make the

request. The guys had asked her a week ago, sitting right here at this
very table at Charlie Mike’s. Seven days from now would be her
twenty-ninth birthday, and they’d offered her anything she wanted.

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And she wanted them. Both.
“So, fellas, what’s it gonna be? Yes? Or no?”
Wil leaned forward against the back of his turned-around chair

and glanced over at Trey. The men could communicate more with
silent glances than most could in hours of conversation. Trey cocked
one blond brow, and Wil slowly nodded.

It was Trey who answered her. “Then you’d better be ready.

You’ll get your night with both of us. But it’s for damned sure gonna
be on our terms.”

A shiver raced up her spine. She stared across the table at her two

friends. In that moment, she could see a laser intensity in the emerald
and sapphire gazes. These men had coolly taken out targets, both man
and machine, at hundreds of yards. Now she’d asked for them to
focus that intensity directly on her. Had she made the biggest mistake
of her life? Could she hold up to these two together?

Jen lifted her margarita glass. Trey’s mug and then Wil’s joined it

with a soft clink.

“Take your best shot, boys.”

* * * *

Two days later

Trey peered through the precision optics of his rifle scope to

where the fine crosshairs met in the center of his field of view.
“Target acquired.” He slowed his breathing, and he could swear even
his heart rate matched the cadence.

“Send it.”
At Wil’s terse instruction, Trey let out a breath. Before drawing in

another, his finger slowly tightened against the trigger of the .50-
caliber weapon. Even as he felt the recoil, he could see the distortion
of the air as the projectile sped toward its target.

“Hit.” The range master called out the results. “Team two, clear

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your weapon and turn in your results.”

Trey worked the bolt without chambering another round. Glancing

back over his right shoulder, he asked, “How’d we do?”

“Only Kelly and Daniels can even hope to beat our score.” Wil

began packing away the spotting scope.

Trey levered himself up from where he’d stretched out prone to

make the final shot of the day. “Not today, they can’t.” He picked up
the heavy rifle to carry it back to its case.

After checking their weapons back into the team locker, both

headed to the parking lot. Wil’s Jeep sat parked alongside Trey’s
vintage Challenger.

“She should be getting off shift right about now.”
Trey glanced at his watch. “Perfect timing.” He pulled the cell

phone from his shirt pocket. “You left the envelope for her this

“Taped it to the steering wheel of her truck at oh-six hundred. She

really should lock it at night.”

Trey was certain Jen had locked her truck. Just as he knew no lock

would stop Wil.

“Time for step two.” Trey hit the speed dial number for her cell.

He heard one ring, and then another.

“What are you two guys up


He could just imagine the confusion in her hazel eyes. “Be quiet

and listen.” He shot Wil a conspiratorial wink. “This morning, you
were given two-hundred dollars. We expect you to use it on lingerie
you believe will please us.”

“But, Trey—”
“Shhhh. No talking back. Choose wisely, or you could be


Wil held out his hand. Trey gave the phone over, wondering what

his partner would add.

“And, Jenny, we expect that pussy to be as smooth as the

proverbial baby’s butt.” Wil hit the end button without even a

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goodbye. “That should have her wondering what’s going to happen.”

* * * *

And two more days later

Jen fought the wobbly grocery cart back into line. Why did she

seem to get the one with the bum wheel every single time? Oh, well,
just enough stuff for a big dinner salad, and then she’d be on her way

The sprayers cut off just as she rounded the corner into the

produce section. Crisp lettuces and ruby-red tomatoes glistened with
water droplets alongside the stoplight-colored bell peppers. It all
smelled so, well, fresh. But then, she supposed the store intended it
that way.

After selecting a good head of Bibb lettuce and a couple of

tomatoes, Jen herded her cart over to the cucumbers and radishes.
She’d just picked up one of the English cukes when her cell phone
rang with the opening notes of “Ladies Love Country Boys.”

“Hey, Wil.”
“Don’t you need something bigger than a cuke stretching out that

tight little pussy?”

She jerked, nearly dropping the veggie. A quick bit of fumbling

and she managed to keep it from hitting the tiled floor.

“Nice recovery.”
It was Trey this time whispering into her earpiece. Startled, she

glanced around the produce section. No one but a soccer mom and her
two middle schoolers in sight. Not even a store employee.

“You aren’t going to see us, Jen. Not if we don’t want you to. You

might want to keep that in mind when you pick a couple of
playmates.” Trey’s near warning came tempered with a hint of

She inched the cart farther away from the soccer mom. “What do

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you two want now?” But she already knew the answer.

“Did you put it in like we told you to?”
Wil didn’t have to explain what “it” was as her vaginal muscles

tightened around the smooth, egg-shaped vibrator. When she’d gotten
off shift, she’d found another package in the seat of her truck. Trey’s
scrawled instructions had been very explicit.

Go back inside, to the nearest ladies’ room, and put this in that

sweet pussy of yours. And leave it there ’til you get back home.

“Did you think we weren’t going to make use of it?”
Panic gripped her. They surely weren’t going to turn it on right

here in the grocery? In such a public place?

Part of her feared the possible embarrassment. What if she lost

control in the middle of aisle five? Orgasm for her was always such
an intense experience that sometimes she barely maintained
consciousness. And, she flushed at the very thought, she was also
quite loud on the ride to that climax.

“Please, guys. Wait until I get back out to the truck. Please. I shop

here all the time. The fellas at the butcher counter know me by name.”

“Trey, I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. She thinks we’d

embarrass her by making her come right here at the grocery store.”

Jen felt her shoulders relax as she pulled in a sigh of relief.
Au contraire, cherie. That’s exactly the purpose of this little

game. You are absolutely forbidden to come. From now until you see
us Friday evening.”

As Trey’s pronouncement sped through the ether to her ear, Jen

felt the vibrator hum to life.

“Oh,” she gasped.
“Feel good, Jenny?”
“Wil, please, turn it off. Or make Trey turn it off. Please.”
The desperation in her voice must have carried across the produce

section. The soccer mom looked up at her, concern in her eyes.

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Jen forced a smile onto her face and nodded in the woman’s

direction. The vibrations were getting stronger, spreading out to her
G-spot, her clit.

“Bet she’s startin’ to get good and wet for us. Are you, Jen? Say

it. Now.”

She turned her back away from the open area. “Yes.”
“Yes what, Jenny?”
She felt the heat in her cheeks. But the heat between her thighs

grew stronger by the second. “Yes, damn you both. I’m getting wet.”

Self-satisfied masculine chuckles caressed her ear. “I think she

likes this, Wil.”

The buzzing vibrations eased off a little. Thank heavens. Her

thoughts raced. How many other things did she absolutely have to
pick up today? How quickly could she get out of here and put an end
to this erotic torture? Surely, if she left the store, she’d be out of
whatever range the little electronic gadget had.

With the barest of inspections, she put her other selections in the

cart. The only trouble was, as she did, another fear took hold. She
liked this. A lot. She had not one, but two hot, alpha hunks doing their
best to drive her over the edge.

Wheeling around, Jen dashed over to the dairy case. A quick pint

of half-and-half for her morning coffee and she’d be heading to the

“Oh, Jennifer. Need something creamy, do you?”
Damn it all to hell and gone. Where were they watching her from?

The warmth crept back into her face as the buzzing increased again.

“I’m sure Wil and I can…” Trey paused for just the briefest bit.

“Come up with enough hot cream for your needs.”

Concentrate, Jennifer. She charged up the aisle toward the

checkouts. But every few steps, she had to stop and tightly press her
thighs together.

“Make sure you have enough shave gel before you go home. I’d

hate for you to get that pussy half-smooth and run out.”

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She gripped the handle until her knuckles blanched as the cart

bucked around the final corner. Hallelujah. There was an open

The inner tension grew tighter and tighter as the cashier scanned

each item. From someplace she couldn’t see, Trey and Wil varied the
intensity of the vibrations, forcing her closer to the knife-edge of

Her heart racing, Jen grabbed the two bags and all but ran to the

automatic doors. She had to get out of there. Out of reach of whatever
signal they were using to drive her closer to that sweet explosion.

But there, right at the doors, the vibrations stopped. Not eased off,

but came to an immediate, dead stop.

“Ah, ah, ah, Jennifer. We said no coming.”

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Chapter 2


Jen rolled her truck to a stop in front of the tiny bait-and-tackle

shop. It had to be the right place. She hadn’t seen anything but
treelined two-lane for more than five miles. Reaching into her purse,
she retrieved her BlackBerry. A quick tap of a key and the message lit
up. When you get to Duffy’s, call Wil’s cell. We’ll talk you into the

She tried to logic the knot out of her stomach. This is what she’d

wanted, after all. To celebrate her twenty-ninth birthday with a night
of wild sex with her two hot friends. The shelf bra, thong, stockings,
and heels were carefully packed in her bag. She’d even picked up
some strawberries, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream after the guys
told her they had the food covered.

Then why was she hesitating? Just hit the speed dial, for heaven’s

sake. Because she knew she was flirting with emotional disaster.
Against all the rules, calm, cool trauma nurse Jennifer Delaney was
mere inches away from falling ass-over-teakettle in love with both
Trey McIntyre and Wil Simon.

Before she chickened out, Jen scrolled down the list and tapped on

Wil’s name. It rang once when Wil’s cheerful voice cut in.

“Right on time, sweet thing.”
“I found the bait shop. Which, by the way, is already so far back

in the woods, I nearly needed my GPS.”

He must’ve had her on speaker, for she could hear both of them

laughing. “Then fire it up, you’re about to drive further back. This

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part of Horseshoe Lake isn’t exactly on a well-traveled piece of road.”

“Which way from here?”
They gave her turn-by-turn instructions until she finally found the

row of old metal mailboxes. “There’s a gravel drive on your right.
Take it,” Wil told her.

Jen turned off between two huge pines. To call this a “gravel

drive” was being very generous. The weeds brushed so close she
began to worry about the paint job on her truck. And she bounced
through one spot she knew would hold six or eight inches of water
after a hard rain.

“Guys, are you sure I’m on the right road? There’s not a damned

thing back here.”

“Yes, there is. Us. But before you get here, one more thing. The

pretty undies you brought home in the pink shopping bag. Such a
delicious candy apple color.”

Damn, had they spent the entire past week watching her?
Trey continued. “Now, before you get to the door, take them out

of your tote and put them on. Don’t worry, no one but us will be able
to see.”

“Come on, guys. Just let me get to the cabin or whatever it is. I’ll

change the moment I get inside. I swear.”

“Stop the truck, Jennifer. Now. And do as we tell you.” There was

that edge again, this time from Wil. “Only a couple hundred yards
separate you from your birthday wish. Do it. We’re waiting.”

Her tires crunched and skidded on the loose gravel when she

applied the brakes. They expected her to strip and put the lingerie on
right out here in the open? Jen looked around. At least her tormentors
were correct about one thing. There wasn’t a single soul in sight.

And yet, she could feel their eyes on her when she slid out of the

truck and then walked around to the passenger side. So they want a
show, do they?
She grinned. She’d give them something they’d never

Reaching into the bag, Jen pulled the bra and thong free and gave

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them a gentle toss out onto the hood of her truck. Delving back into
the tote, she pulled out the black stockings and stilettos. Rather than
simply closing the door, she gave it an exaggerated bump with her

“Then wait no more, guys.”
The high resolution of the spotting scope brought her into clear

view as Trey watched Jennifer begin to unbutton her blouse. He was
already half-hard and figured Wil was, too.

She shrugged one shoulder, and the fabric fell away. Her simple

white bra only served to frame the firm globes of what Trey figured
were generous C cups. And he was such a fucking tit man.

At that moment, she leaned forward and gave them a delightful

shimmy. “Oh, yeah, darlin’,” Wil moaned from beside him.

He and Wil had discovered their shared dominant tendencies

months ago. But when the mutual attraction to Jennifer came out in
conversation, they’d agreed the friendship had to come first. That
was, until she’d asked for this threesome. Life had a funny way of
taking odd twists when he least expected it.

“Take the jeans off before you undo your bra,” Trey ordered.
They watched as Jen undid her jeans and wiggled the denim off

over her divine ass. “I believe they call that color powder blue. I do so
love to see a woman in pretty underwear. Don’t you, Wil?”

“That I do, Trey. Turn around, Jenny. Nice and slow.”
She looked straight down the gravel drive as if she could see

them. Jen slid her hands down her sides as she began to turn around.
When she reached the rounded curves of her ass, she spread her red-
tipped fingers wide over the firm cheeks before grinding that luscious
backside in a slow, lazy circle.

Trey wanted his hands there so damned bad. But he had to get

Jennifer out of the day-to-day underwear and into the lacy lingerie.

“Now the bra and panties, Jenny dear.”
Trey heard Wil drag in a ragged breath when she finally stood in

front of her truck, wearing nothing but a smile. In the extended visual

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range of the optics, Trey could see her rosy nipples, puckered tight in
the dappled sun of the shaded gravel road. They were going to get
particular attention.

Jen leaned back, her bare ass perched against the truck’s front

bumper. The contrast of a curvy woman against the rugged strength of
her Ford kicked his desire over the edge. Trey watched as she picked
up one of the stockings. She gathered it up with practiced fingers
before slipping her red, lacquer-tipped toes into the black silk sheath.
He heard Wil’s muffled moan from over his shoulder when she
repeated the process with the other leg. Only then did Jen slide her
feet into the spike-heeled shoes.

She reached back onto the truck’s hood, and when her hand got

back into view, a tiny bit of scarlet dangled from her crooked finger.
“Put the panties on, Jennifer,” he ordered.

Her back toward them, Jen shimmied into the ass-framing scarlet

thong. Though how you could call that tiny bit of fabric and lace
“panties,” he didn’t know. She looked back over one shoulder,
obviously trying to guess which direction they watched her from.
With uncanny accuracy, she stared straight at them.

With a flick of her shoulder-length, auburn curls, she smacked her

hands against the hood of the truck, and then just as quick, bent
forward from the hip. There at the apex of her thighs, a flash of candy
apple red silk. But this pussy was no forbidden fruit. He and Wil
would delight in exposing the juicy flesh under the shiny coating.

While she leaned forward, they watched as she fastened on the

matching bra. Once she turned around, her breasts were held high on
display, sheer red lace barely covering her nipples.

“Enough, Jennifer.” Trey stepped back away from the window,

letting the binocs drop against his chest. “Get back in the truck. You
will find the cabin just around the curve ahead. Park and come
straight to the door.” He pulled the Bluetooth earpiece off and tossed
it onto the kitchen table.

Wil turned his own phone off. “We can still abort this mission if

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you want, T.”

“No way.” He walked over to the door. “We all three want this. It

might be our only chance.”

Before he could continue, Trey was interrupted by the sound of

crunching gravel out in front of the cabin. No little cutesy car for Jen.
No, the F-150 seemed to suit her perfectly, part of her no-nonsense
style that was at the root of the attraction both men felt.

The truck door slammed shut outside, followed by rhythmic

footfalls that got louder with each step. Then the crunch was replaced
by three quick, clipped taps of high heels on porch boards.

“Guys, you damned well better be in there.”
“Open the door and find out for sure.”
The screen door squeaked open. Even though he’d watched her

undress and don the fancy lingerie, Trey still felt his cock jump when
she walked in.

He swallowed hard before he stepped out into the middle of the

room. He pointed down to a spot in the center of the room. “Stand
right there, Jennifer.”

Without a second’s hesitation, she took a position right where

he’d indicated. Slow and deliberate, he eyed her up and down. She
might have obeyed his order, but she stood there and boldly returned
the gaze straight on.

“Very nice. You chose the lacy bits well.” Trey looked over at his

partner. “Guess she doesn’t need to be punished, does she, Wil?”

Wil rose from his observation point by the window and walked

slowly over to her. “Let me handle this reconnaissance.”

He slowly walked around once, and then twice before he stopped

behind her. “But it’s such a fine, spankable ass, Trey.”

A shiver raced down Jen’s spine as his open palm caressed her

backside in a lazy circle. It stopped, but just long enough for the tips
of his fingers to trace down the line of scarlet lace running down
between the cheeks. A low moan slipped past her lips before she
could pull it back.

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“Perhaps another time, Wil. Our Jennifer does appear to be

enjoying this.” Trey took a step closer to her. “Don’t you, Jenny

She knew better than to lie. Her traitorous nipples, rock-hard

under the lace, gave away how turned on she had become. “Umm-

Trey waggled a finger at her. “Ah, ah, ahhh, Jennifer. No

mumbling.” That same finger came down to trace the top curve of her
left breast. “Be careful how you answer, though. This is your final
chance to back out.” His finger looped down the underside and came
up in the valley between her breasts.

“We’ve teased and tormented you all week just so you’d be sure

when we got to this point. Shown you the side of us that so very few
even know exists.” The circles he traced on her breast grew smaller
and smaller until he skimmed the edges of her silk-covered areola.

“Do you still want us, Jenny?”
Heaven help her, but yes, she did. Even more so, it seemed,

knowing about this wicked side.

“Yes, Trey. Wil. I want you both tonight.” She bit back the rest.

Forever. These two would never agree to something like that. Could

She felt Wil’s warmth sidle up against her back just as she felt the

tickle of his afternoon beard stubble against her shoulder as his mouth
nibbled her skin. “Ummmm.” Jen leaned her head back against his.
She reached back and raked her fingers through his short blond hair.

While her eyes were closed, hands she knew belonged to Trey

kneaded both breasts. His thumbs rubbed over both nipples, bringing
them to rock-hard peaks.

“I have to see these now, Jenny.” He spoke just as she felt him lift

first one, then the other breast free of its lacy confines. “Such
suckable nipples.” He left them perched against the lace half cups of
the bra, the fabric supporting both breasts.

Jen forced her eyes open just in time to see Trey bend his dark

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head to her right breast, his lips latched onto the tightly puckered tip.
At first, the suction was barely discernable. She felt more of the warm
wetness of his lips and tongue.

“Please, Trey. More.”
She felt his wicked chuckle dissolve into firmer suction on her

nipple. “Oh, yes.”

Even as Trey’s lips pulled harder, she felt the caress of Wil’s

hands on her ass. His fingers stroked and squeezed. “I always knew
this ass would feel as good as it looked.” The warm breath of his
whisper sent a shudder down her spine. “You already proved you

“Actually, guys. I didn’t.” Jen giggled. “I got a wax.”
“The salon,” the men said in unison.
“But I think that these panties need to go away.” Wil pulled away

from her back, then quickly leaned back in. “Stand very still, and trust
me, Jenny.”

She heard the sharp click of…no, it couldn’t be. Jen clamped her

eyes shut.

What the hell was Wil going to do? Jen knew neither man would

ever hurt her, so she had to trust him. From the footsteps she heard,
she figured he’d moved to her front. Wil snickered. “You can look

He stood right where she’d thought, an open pocketknife in his

hand. “I figure we paid for ’em.” Wil carefully slid the blade under
the band of her thong. With a practiced flick of his wrist, the sharp
edge cut through the fabric.

Before she could protest, he’d moved the blade over her other hip

and sliced that fabric apart, too. A quick tug from Wil, and the thong
fell to the floor at her feet.

“I’m likin’ this better all the time.” Wil reached down and trailed

a finger over the smooth skin. “Oh, yeah. Just beautiful.”

Jen couldn’t stop the rush of heat to her face. Or other places, for

that matter. She’d just let a man use a knife to take her panties off.

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She should have been outraged, shouldn’t she? But damn, it just felt
so damned sexy, so deliciously primal.

She had no time to decide either way. Wil’s exploration had slid

across her mound to the slick divide between the lips. One finger
dipped inside, caressing the nub of her clit, spreading her wetness. Jen
arched her hips to his probing, and her knees began to buckle.

He brought the finger up to his mouth before swirling his tongue

around the tip. A wicked smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “And I
want more.”

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Chapter 3

Wil took her hand and tugged. “Let’s take this birthday party to

the bedroom.” Jen let him pull her down the short hall where Trey
gently nudged her through the door.

The room was as simply furnished as the living area they’d just

left, with a quilt-covered bed in the center. A small dresser,
nightstands, and a pinewood rocking chair were the sole pieces of
furniture. But then, she supposed this was someone’s weekend fishing
cabin. It didn’t need to be fancy. And somehow, it fit the three of
them perfectly.

Trey gave her another playful shove, this time toward the bed.

“Leave the stockings on. Though I guess you can kick off the heels.”

“Hey, how about you two? You’re both still severely overdressed

for the festivities.” She swung around up onto her knees and reached
out to the front of Trey’s shirt. Pulling hard against the fabric, it came
untucked from his jeans. After making quick work of the buttons, Jen
pushed the chambray off his shoulders. Trey eased around her to the
other side of the bed.

“You’re next, Wil. I wanna unwrap my other birthday present.”
Wil had already toed off his boots when he turned his eyes back to

her. This time, there were no buttons to contend with. He’d worn a
khaki T-shirt that proclaimed him Property of the US Army. She
giggled. “Guess this weekend Big Green is gonna have to share you
with me.” She felt Trey’s lips on one shoulder. “Both of you.”

His shirt also surrendered to her tugging, and Wil lifted his arms

up so she could peel it off before tossing it to the floor. Using one
hand, she gently raked her nails down the hard, muscled plane of his

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chest as she drew in a deep breath.

It wasn’t like she’d never seen the guys shirtless before. They

swam or worked out together at least once a week. And she’d used
both of them as mock casualties in several training exercises she’d
coordinated for the medics on Fort Bragg. But here in this small
bedroom, it was all so different. They filled the space. As they were
going to fill her.

Wil reached out, grabbed her hips, and pulled, sending her

tumbling backward, right into Trey’s arms. “You can undo my jeans
in a bit. I want this hot, sweet pussy right now.”

His hands slid over and eased her thighs wider apart, his face so

close she felt the warmth of his breath against her flesh. She was
powerless to stop the gasp that escaped her lips as he parted her pussy
open with his thumbs. And where he’d probed earlier with his finger,
his tongue now explored.

At first, Wil drove her crazy with tiny butterfly flicks of his

tongue against her clit. Then teasing, circling it first one way and then
the other. Jen couldn’t stop the low, throaty moan that escaped her

She let her head relax back against the solid muscle of Trey’s

shoulder. His arms wrapped around her as his hands cupped her
breasts. Fingertips tweaked her already puckered nipples as he rolled
them between his fingers, giving each a firm tug.

With the dual assault, Jen found it impossible to keep her whole

body from squirming. Hips rose and pushed against Wil’s mouth. She
arched, forcing her breasts harder into Trey’s hands.

“You’re driving me crazy, guys.”
Wil raised his head, looking right up at her. “And this is just the

beginning, Jenny dear.”

He dropped back down between her thighs, tongue swirling over

her clit. He flicked, sucked, and nibbled the hard little button.
Sometimes oh, so gentle, others rougher and more demanding. His
tongue stroked up and down between the inner lips, occasionally

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stopping its circuit to dip into her entrance.

But when first one and then a second strong finger slid inside her,

Jen almost came unglued. Her thighs shook. She smacked a hand
against the quilt, gripped the covering in her fist, and squeezed hard to
keep from climaxing.

“Let it go, Jenny,” Trey whispered from right beside her ear, so

close she could smell the last vestiges of scent from the soap he’d
used in his morning shower. “I want to watch you come.”

His blatant sexual request all but did her in right there. “So close,”

she finally managed to gasp out.

“Do it.” One of his hands left her breast, reached up, and turned

her face to his. “Now,” he commanded before capturing her mouth
with his own.

The spasms erupted from deep inside. Muscles clenching,

gripping around Wil’s fingers over and over. She sucked hard against
Trey’s mouth, pulling his tongue inside. The fingers she’d fisted in
the quilt released their hold, only to latch on to Trey’s arm.

The climax ripped through her, sending her arching backward,

pushing both her and Trey down onto the bed. Her head slid south
along his chest until she found herself resting against his hip. And
right in front of her, the denim-covered ridge of where his cock
strained against the zipper. With fingers still shaking from the
adrenaline, she reached up and tugged the coppery tab down.

Access gained, Jen reached in to free his shaft. “Commando,


He gave her one of those wicked winks that had fueled many of

her midnight fantasies. “Always. But especially when I’m going to
see a lovely lady with a wicked fantasy.”

He was thicker than she’d imagined. Once freed from the confines

of his jeans, Trey’s cock jutted straight up. Not letting go, she
caressed and stroked, circling the tip with her finger, letting it spread
his slick fluid. Around and around, the circles she traced grew bigger
and bigger.

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Without halting her exploration, she looked up to find Trey

watching every move she made. “Don’t stop now,” he commanded.

Her eyes never leaving his, she brought one finger to her lips,

parted them, and used her tongue to lick it clean. “So good,” she
whispered before turning back to his cock.

But now she wanted more than just his taste in her mouth. Parting

her lips, she engulfed the head, tongue rimming the flare before
letting it rub against the roof of her mouth.

Trey raked his fingers through her hair, gripping tight. “Oh, God,


Hearing his pleasure-driven moans, she drew his cock in deeper.

A swirl of her tongue around the tip, and she was rewarded with
another hot, salty taste of him.

Then a quick slide, and Jen trailed a wet line down the underside

all the way to his balls. Once there, she used gentle suction to pull
first one and then the other into her mouth.

“Jen, if you keep that up, I swear I’m going to lose it.”
She let his ball slip from her mouth. But as she did, she closed her

fingers around the silk-smooth skin of his shaft and began to stroke
him up and down.

Trey’s body stiffened against her. “I mean it, Jen.” He pulled in a

ragged breath. “Keep that up and you’re going to be swallowing.”

“And that’s bad how?”
“Not the first time.” He growled. “I want to be balls-deep inside

you when I explode.”

“Oh, I believe that can be arranged.”
“Perfect timing. I want some of that talented mouth of hers, too.”

Wil gave her inner thigh a tiny nip and a lick. He rose from his spot
and shucked out of the jeans that rode low on his hips.

Wil resumed his conquest of her body, kissing and nibbling his

way up. Trey shifted his position to strip off his pants as well. This
had been her fantasy for months now, so Jen knew exactly where she
wanted them. “Right here, Wil.”

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When Wil settled, leaning back on the pillows, she pushed his

thighs apart and crawled up between them. She leaned forward onto
her elbows, fingertips just touching his shaft. Doing her best cat-that-
ate-the-canary grin, Jen ran her tongue over her lips. “Let me see if
you taste as good as I imagined.” Opening her mouth, she engulfed
the swollen head and gave him a teasing suck. “Oh, yes, delicious.”

A playful smack on her rump pulled Jen’s attention away from

Wil’s cock. “Up on your knees, lady.” Trey’s hands gripped her hips
and lifted. “Get that ass in the air.”

She drew her knees up under herself. This had always been one of

her favorite positions, but hearing Trey’s blunt request made her even
more anxious to feel him filling her.

His hands stroked over the curve of her ass, up to her waist, and

then back over her hips. “This is an absolutely delectable backside.”

“Then grab my ass and fuck me.”
“With pleasure.”
Trey punctuated his words with a quick thrust. One second she

was empty, the next he filled her.

She dragged in a deep breath. Trey’s cock slowly began to move,

pulling out and then pushing back in. The bumps of motion bobbed
her forward, taking Wil’s shaft deeper into her mouth.

After a few cycles, they found a rhythm. Engulfing Wil in her

mouth, and then pushing back against Trey, Jen had never felt quite
like this. A heady, erotic mix of desire, power, and raw emotion. They
moved faster and harder together, hips pumping, hands gripping, lips
and tongues caressing.

And yet, the taste of Wil in her mouth, and the feel of Trey balls-

deep in her pussy had her wanting more. Something she’d barely even
considerd before now. Did she dare ask them for this one more thing?

Trailing her tongue along the underside of Wil’s cock, she pulled

free of his shaft. “P..p..please guys.” Her ragged breathing made
speaking the words even more difficult. “I want you both inside me.
Down there. At the same time.”

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Trey’s thrusts came to a sliding halt. “You sure?”
She looked up into Wil’s eyes and then back at Trey before she

nodded. “Oh yeah. Please. Now.”

Wil gripped her waist, steadying her but letting her control the

easing down onto his cock. She fought back the delightful sensations
as he filled her before she leaned farther forward, pressing her breasts
against Wil’s chest.

The first gentle pressure of Trey’s cock against her tight back ring

caused an involuntary tightening. She pulled in a deep breath and
blew it out.

“That’s it, Jenny. Relax for us.”
His cock eased deeper, until she felt the entire head slide inside.

Forcing her eyes open, she watched Wil’s face as he, too, could feel
Trey entering her.

“More. Now.” She did the demanding this time.
His cock slick with the juices from her pussy, Jen felt Trey push

into her ass. Deeper and deeper until she knew he was completely
inside her.

Trey’s hands replaced Wil’s on her hips as the three of them

began to move together. Clumsily at first, then smoother, they found
their rhythm. The pistoning effect of both cocks in her was more
intense than she could ever have imagined.

And even if she hadn’t been able to hear their gasps and moans of

pleasure, she would have known by simple touch that they, too, were
getting closer.

Wil’s fingers laced tighter into her hair. “Jennnnnn...”
She bucked and shuddered, while Trey’s grip squeezed her hips to

hold her against him. Two cocks, filling her so completely as the deep
muscle spasms exploded. “Yes, yes, yes. Comingggggg. . .”

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Chapter 4

Jen’s eyes fluttered open as Wil shifted behind her. In front of her,

Trey sprawled belly down, the sheet draped across his ass. Careful not
to wake either of them, she crept out over the low footboard.

She paused, standing there in the pre-dawn darkness. I really did

it. I got both Wil and Trey in bed at the same time. Now what the hell
do I do to keep them there?

Without bothering to dress, she padded barefoot down the short

hall to the tiny bathroom. After she’d finished, Jen stood peering at
her reflection in the mirror. She looked exactly like she felt, a woman
who’d been well and truly fucked.

The guys were better than any of her wildest fantasies. Gentle,

rough. Giving, demanding. Everything she wanted in a lover. Except
there were two of them.

But isn’t that what I wanted? To have both of them for my lover?


That was the trouble. She did want both of them, in her life and in

her heart. But she knew, if it came down to it, she’d give up the lovers
to keep the friends. Now if only this birthday request hadn’t made
even that impossible.

She reached out and flicked off the light in the bathroom before

returning to bed. Trey hadn’t moved an inch, his dark hair a stark
contrast to the snowy pillowcase.

Wil lay on his side, facing the spot where she’d been sleeping. Jen

slid back into the empty spot and wiggled under the covers. As she
settled, Wil reached out and tugged her against him.

“You okay, Jen?”

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“Yeah, just had to go to the bathroom.” She cuddled down into the

pillow. “Go back to sleep, Wil.”

She lay there for several minutes, until she was certain he’d gone

back to sleep. A girl could really get used to sleeping with these guys.
As she felt herself being drawn back into the arms of Morpheus, Jen
reached over, letting her hand rest on Trey’s shoulder. Yeah, she

* * * *

Trey eased himself out of the big bed. Like usual, his internal

alarm woke him just after daybreak. But unlike most days, he wasn’t
alone. Not that he didn’t wake with a woman in his bed on occasion.
And more than once, necessity had forced him to share sleeping
arrangements with Wil.

But never both at the same time.
He glanced back at his best friend and the woman they’d spent the

better part of last night pleasuring. Part of him wondered how he and
Wil had let themselves get talked into this. Not that he and Wil didn’t
want to enjoy sharing Jennifer. But he thought they would be the ones
to initiate the threesome.

Yeah, Jen was just about the sexiest woman he knew. Smart, hot,

and boy did she know her way around a gun. A real triple threat to a
guy like him. The kicker was Wil had the same thoughts. So they’d
both kept quiet, choosing a three-sided friendship with her rather than
risk ruining their own. But then, she’d made the boldest birthday
request ever.

They’d figured out once they’d each had a taste of her things

would change. He hoped their plan would hold together in the light of
the morning after. But first things first. Coffee.

Ten minutes later the machine hissed and sputtered the last few

ounces of water through the dark grounds, when Trey figured he’d
waited long enough and pulled the carafe free to fill his mug. He slid

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it back into place and took a cautious first sip of the aromatic brew.

“Bless you, my brother. Must have caffeine.” Wil shuffled over to

the counter and helped himself.

Trey leaned back against the sink. “She still sleeping?”
“Like a rock.” Taking the chair on the far side of the small kitchen

table, Wil turned it around before sitting astride the seat. “But then,
we did keep her up really late.”

Trey knew the self-satisfied smile on Wil’s face mirrored the one

on his own. “Yeah, we did at that,” Trey replied before taking another

“Think it worked out well enough to start phase two?”
He looked over at the man who was not only his sniper partner but

his best friend, a brother in all but blood. If this plan could work with
any other man, it’d be Wil. “I’m still in. You?”

Wil cupped a hand around one ear. “Don’t hear no fat lady

singin’, so guess I’m in, too.”

For another thirty minutes, they sat at the table, drinking their

morning joe and discussing the possibilities that the bass were biting
down at the lake.

“Why didn’t you wake me?”
As if choreographed, they turned to the door. Jen tried not to

laugh. The expressions on their faces brought her right back to the
evening a week ago at Charlie Mike’s.

“I hope you don’t mind.” Jen tugged lightly at the hem of Trey’s

shirt. She’d put it on to come out to where she’d heard their voices.
“My bag’s still out in the truck.”

“Don’t mind in the least.” Trey rose from his seat. “I can go get

your bag. Although,” he said, winking at her, “I gotta say, I like the

“Then maybe I’ll just wait until after coffee to go out and get the

tote. Like you proved yesterday, no one out there’s gonna see.” She
walked past both of them, giving the shirttail a quick flip, flashing her
ass. “And you two already have.”

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“Said it once, and I’ll say it again. And what a fine ass it is, Jen.”

Wil lifted his mug to her.

She poured one for herself, doffing it their direction before taking

a first drink. “Thank you, both, for last night. It was—” She struggled
to find the right word. “Beyond my wildest expectations.”

Trey nodded. “I’d have to agree with that after-action report,

wouldn’t you, Wil?” He reached out and caught one of her hands.

“But you really threw us a curveball with this request, Jennifer.”

He pulled her closer, until their thighs touched.

“Sit down.” Trey patted his lap. “I can’t do this staring up at you.”
Here it comes. She steeled herself against losing one or both of

her friends. But she settled onto his lap, the fear churning in her
stomach with caffeine-fueled dread.

“How do I start?” His fingers stroked over the back of her hand.

“Wil, help me out here.”

“Maybe it will be easier if we do this part first.” Wil stood and

reached into the pocket of his jeans. He pulled out a folded-over white

Trey snorted. “Fancy wrap job there, bud.”
“The captain called me into the office ten minutes before the PX

closed. I’m lucky I got there in time to pick this up.” He slid the little
packet across the table toward her. “Happy birthday, Jen.”

“Guys, really.” She picked it up. “I got the only thing I wanted.”
“Think of it this way.” Trey pushed her hair to one side and

started nibbling against her neck. “You’ll have something you can
show off as a present.”

Her fingers shook as she opened the envelope. Upending it, she

poured the contents out into her palm. With the tinkle of metal on
metal, out came a long silver chain. Jen caught it and looped the chain
over her spread fingers. At the bottom dangled a rectangular metal tag
between two silver medallions of some sort.

“We, umm, kinda borrowed one of your old dog tags.” Wil’s grin

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took on a decidedly sheepish look.

She’d worn them on a daily basis until last year. The hospital here

at Bragg had been her last duty station.

“Borrowed, huh?” She flipped over one of the medallions.

“Michael, God’s own warrior.” The back bore yesterday’s date and
the simple inscription, “Love, Wil.” The other medallion was its twin
but for the, “Love, Trey.” She looked up at the guys. Is this a
goodbye? Or something else?

“You can take the tag off the chain if you want, but we kinda

figured…” Wil stood up and walked over to the counter, leaning back
against it.

Jen slid off of Trey’s lap and stepped over to Wil before placing a

hand on his shoulder. “Figured what, Wil?”

“That you’d see it as…see us as…Damn it, Trey, you’re better at

this shit than I am. You tell her.”

She readied herself for the worst. “Just tell me straight out.”
“We thought you might see it as meaning how it was us, all three

of us. Together.” Trey tipped his chair back, gaze riveted on his mug.

“A keepsake to remember last night?”
“Yes, and more.” Trey brought the chair back down onto all four

feet, thumped his hands against the table, and popped up out of the
seat. “Don’t be so frigging dense, Jen.”

“I’m not, Trey.” She reached out and caught his wrist. “This is

important. Please, spell it out for me, guys.”

“This has turned into something other than a standard-issue

relationship. And we thought we’d like to see where it goes.”

“Seriously?” She looked over to where Wil stood at the sink.

“You agree?”

He nodded. “You get it, Jen. Get us. Not just what we do, but

what we are. And without all the awe and fuss.”

She felt Wil move behind her and reach around. He peeled open

her hand and took the necklace. While it dangled before her eyes. He
undid the clasp and eased it back until the medallions and dog tag lay

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against her skin. “All you have to do is tell me to fasten it.”

From across the table, Trey’s eyes met hers. “Do you dare,

Jennifer? You asked for one night. We’re offering you the chance to
discover more. Much more. Are you game to see where we can take

Without hesitation, Jen reached back and lifted her hair. “Fasten




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Growing up surrounded by military men, it's no wonder Annie

likes to feature them in her writing. There is just something about
those self-assurred, alpha males, and the equally strong women who
can walk beside them that makes for a wonderful story. Their
influence was a big part of her decision to serve as a Dept of Army,
Civilian Nurse where she spent 3 years living in Europe. Her circle of
friends include Army and Marine Corps Snipers, Rangers, SEALs and
Green Berets who help give her military characters the realism
readers expect.

As a part of an 18th century living history group, Annie is also a

part of an all female cannon crew. She'll shoot anything from the field
piece to her modern firearms and recently got to fire a .50 cal
military-style sniper riifle. In contrast, she is a self professed "foodie"
and would love to sit next to Paula Deen at dinner. Annie and her
husband live in central Indiana.

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To the ladies of The Sextet who believed in me enough to be part

of this wonderful group and who have taught me so much in such a
short time.

And to my MD friends who got me started on my writing journey.

Especially Mich and Terry and their hot writing challenges…my eyes
are now open when I write.

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Chapter 1

“Look, Samantha, if you want to keep your job, you’ll write the

article! You’ve got two weeks.” A resounding click ended the tirade.

“Nice to talk with you, too, Lou.” She glared at the phone in her

hand. “Thanks, Lou. You’re so right, Lou. A story about cowboys will
be so very interesting, Lou. I’ll get right on it, Lou. Ugh!” Falling
back onto the fluffy down comforter, she closed her eyes, wondering
how she was going to pull this off. An article about cowboys. Really?
How had she gotten to this point—writing crappy articles for
Lifestyles Today?

Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on a Prayer” interrupted her self-imposed

breakdown when her cell phone rang. A glance at the caller ID
reminded her that work wasn’t the only thing in her life that sucked.
Samantha’s stomach turned as images of David, her ex-boyfriend,
doing his assistant Buffy invaded her thoughts. Hitting the silence
button, she closed her eyes as her arm fell over her pounding head.
What’s next? Locusts…frogs…plague…? She sighed. My life is such a
How could he even think I’d take him back? The pain of his
betrayal made her chest tighten and a knot form in her throat. How
could he say he loves me and then do this?
Tears slid down her face
as her phone rang again. She rolled onto her side, crying until the
room went silent. Wiping at her tears, she drew in a ragged breath and
reached for her phone to see who’d called. David again. Maybe
leaving town to work on this article is a good idea after all.

With another heavy sigh, Sam stood up, walked into her office,

and sat down at her desk. For a few moments, she held her head in her
hands while her computer stirred to life. When the screen lit up with a

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picture of her and David on the Fourth of July, her stomach churned.
Running to the bathroom, she lunged for the toilet. After the spasms
of nausea passed, she fell to the floor, grabbed the towel from the rod,
and rested her head on her knees.

Tears filled her eyes again. Bastard.
She thought back to that special weekend. They’d spent the

holiday on the Gulf Shores, hanging out on the beach and watching
the fireworks over the ocean. He’d held her in his arms, told her how
much he loved her, then made love to her like there was no tomorrow.
A sob escaped her lips as she cried harder—finally letting loose the
emotions she’d tried to hide.

When the tears finally subsided, she wasn’t sure how long she’d

been in her bathroom. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and
studied herself in the mirror. Seeing her red eyes caused anger to stir
in her belly again. “No way will I let him do this to me.” She let out a
shaky breath and turned with determination back toward her office.

Sitting down at the computer, she quickly changed the

background to a picture of her parents’ yellow Lab sniffing the Black-
eyed Susans in her mother’s garden. Then, with firm determination,
she began searching the Internet for ranches she might be able to visit
to research her story. After a few hours and several phone calls, she
found a ranch near El Paso that was willing to allow her to stay in a
guest room and interview the cowboys who worked on the property.

Sitting back in her chair, she picked up her cell phone. The

message icon flashed on the screen, daring her to read the text
messages from David.

Samantha, please call and talk to me. It’s not what you think.

“‘Course it wasn’t.” She snorted a laugh as she rolled her eyes.

She and I are just friends. I know you’re upset, but please call


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“Fat chance,” she mumbled.

I realize you’re hurt, but we need to talk. I’ll be by tomorrow


“Ha!” Have fun knocking—I’ll be long gone by then.

* * * *

In the morning, Sam called her mom and told her she was leaving

for an assignment. After avoiding the topic of David, she ended the
awkward conversation, loaded her SUV, and was on the road to El
Paso, hoping to put her troubles behind her.

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Chapter 2

Samantha’s head bounced in rhythm to Bon Jovi’s Greatest Hits

as she drove down the interstate with the AC blasting to combat the
one-hundred-degree heat. She wasn’t sure what to expect at
Flannery’s Ranch. After speaking to a woman named Tammy Jo who
promised her a chance to learn about ranching and cowboy lifestyles,
she was grateful for the chance to write her article. She was even
happier about the escape from her life. Spotting her exit, she drove
down the ramp and began the long drive to the middle of nowhere.
Passing through a few small towns, she saw no tall glass buildings
and no big chain stores, only mountains off in the distance and lots of
dry, sparse land.

Spotting the tall rock wall on the south side of the road that

Tammy Jo told her to look for, Sam slowed her SUV. Another mile or
so down the road, the wall ended, allowing her to drive in. There was
decorative ironwork above the drive that connected the two sides of
the walls. “Flannery Ranch” was written in big, fancy script letters.
Continuing down the drive, the tires rumbled over a bridge made of
metal pipes.

With the buildings coming into view, Sam slowed, coming to a

stop as she took in the scene in front of her. I think I just found the set
for the movie City Slickers.
While the large adobe hacienda in front of
her appeared modern, the smaller outbuildings to the side were old
and worn-down. Wooden fencing had been set up around an old barn
while another fence, over to the side, would probably fall down with a
strong wind. What have I gotten myself into?

Shaking her head, she punched the gas pedal and continued down

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the drive, parking in front of the main house. Hauling herself outside,
she stretched her legs and glanced around before heading inside.

* * * *

Clouds of dust rising from the road caught Greg’s attention as he

glanced up from the hoof he’d been pounding nails into as he replaced
a shoe. After a couple quick swings of the hammer, he put the horse’s
leg down and stood up. Wiping his arm across his forehead to remove
the dripping sweat, he watched the red SUV pull in front of the main
house. A woman got out and looked around, her curvy body
emphasized by her denim shorts and red tank top. Her wavy brown
hair brushed against her shoulders until she swept it back from her
face as she lifted her sunglasses to the top of her head.

“Must be the reporter,” he murmured as she disappeared into the

building. He laughed as his thoughts about her turned dirty. The gray
gelding stomped its hoof, demanding attention. Greg patted its rump.
“Hey, you didn’t see her long legs.” Smiling, he went back to work.

* * * *

Entering the main room of the hacienda, Samantha gazed

openmouthed. Wow, this place is huge. I didn’t expect it to be so nice.
The main room was the entertainment area, which had a fireplace, big
screen TV, pool table, and plenty of seats. The exposed wood in the
ceiling and walls was a rich honey hue, and the décor had a Western
flair, with bright colors dabbled throughout. Sam stepped into the
large room and ran her hand over a soft animal print blanket draped
over a chair. “Hello? Is anyone here?”

“Just a sec…”
Sam turned toward the voice to see a plump woman with teased

auburn hair walking through the door, wiping her hands on her apron.
She appeared to be in her late forties, and Sam smiled as she

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“You must be Samantha. Pleased ta meet ya. I’m Tammy Jo


“Call me Sam, please, and it’s really nice to meet you, too.” She

studied the woman closely, trying to figure out why she seemed so
familiar. “Thank you again for allowing me to stay here.”

“No worries, honey.” Tammy Jo laughed with her hands on her

hips. “With this heat, this isn’t exactly our busy season.” She
motioned for Sam to join her on the couch.

“This place is beautiful.” Sam sat down, still taking in the details.
“Thanks. When I met my husband Tommy, I was a city girl from

New Orleans.” Tammy Jo laughed as she lowered her hand to her
knee. “That’s why I said yes when ya called. I recognized the accent.”

Sam’s smile grew. “I live just outside St. Gabriel.”
“Hated seeing all the damage after Katrina—just broke my heart.”

Her expression turned somber for a moment before her smile
returned. “Anyway, Tommy and I got married and moved here. This
ranch has been in his family for generations. All my friends and
family wanted to visit and see what the ranchin’ thing was all ’bout.”
She laughed again. “We used to live in one of the smaller houses, and
when guests came, they’d stay with us. Well, after a few awkward
moments of people walking into the wrong room at the wrong time,
Tommy decided to build this.” She looked up and around the big
room, smiling at the memory. “So fifteen years ago, we moved in
here.” She pointed to the right. “That half of the house is our private
home. Then there’s a full professional kitchen with two dining rooms
to serve large or small groups. This is the sports room—or party
room, as the boys call it. Over to the left are the five guest rooms, plus
we’ve still got the smaller cabins for the hands and guests.”

As Samantha listened to Tammy Jo talk, she finally realized who

she reminded her of—Paula Deen from Food Network. Matter of fact,
aside from the auburn hair, she was a dead ringer for the woman.

“What exactly are ya looking for from us with this article you’re

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The question brought Sam back to reality. A place to hide and

clear my head and heal my broken heart…“I just really want to see
what the men do—how their personal lives are affected living out this
far and…” A shy grin appeared on her face.

“Oh, go ahead and say it. How they get along with the lady

guests?” Tammy Jo raised her brow as her smile turned decidedly

“Yeah, that, too.” She could feel her face blushing.
“Well, we’ve got a little of everything for you, then.” Tammy Jo

winked. “One of our hands, Charlie, he and his wife live in one of the
cabins. Suzy helps me take care of this place, and they’re expecting
their first baby in a few months. Then there are Dallas and Greg,
who’ve been here for at least ten years. Tommy relies on them the
most to handle the cattle and day-to-day chores. Chris and Bobby Joe
are younger and have only been with us a few years.”

Sam was already running ideas for the story through her head.

“That’s a lot of people.”

“This is a big property, and it takes a lot of men to keep it runnin’.

Add to that the resort side of the business…and we’re all pretty busy.”
Tammy Jo turned to the clock on the wall that started to chime. “Why
don’t we get your stuff and gitcha into a room? Then you can help
Suzy and me with dinner.”

* * * *

Outside it was still scorching, but in the barn, it was stifling hot.

Greg had finished shoeing the horses and was putting things away
when Dallas rode in on Midnight—a gelding whose black coat
matched Dallas’s dark side. Dismounting, Dallas grumbled, “Damn,
it’s hotter than hell today.”

Greg raised his brow as Dallas stared at him. “Bad day?”
“Found two more dead steers. Tommy’s called the sheriff, but I

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doubt that’ll do any good.” Dallas wiped his hands down his face as
he spotted the red SUV outside the main house. He inclined his head
toward the vehicle. “And let me guess. That’s the reporter Tammy Jo
wants us to be nice to.” He closed his eyes and shook his head, clearly

“Not sure, but I’ve got dibs on her.” Greg tossed his friend a grin.
Dallas shook his head. “You’ve gotta be kidding.”
“Hey, I need something other than your ugly mug to look at now

and then.”

“Well, she’s all yours.” Dallas turned and began unsaddling his

horse. “Last thing I want is some stranger gettin’ into my business.”

Greg stared at him as he leaned back against one of the stalls. “A

few weeks ago, you weren’t too worried about that pretty blonde
gettin’ into your business.”

Lifting the saddle off the horse, Dallas turned to Greg. “Getting

laid is a lot different than being screwed by some dim-wit reporter.”

“If you say so, man.” Greg laughed as he pushed away from the

stall. “Bobby Joe and Chris brought in the horses, so we should be
done for the day. See ya at dinner.”

“Whatever,” Dallas growled and led Midnight into his stall.
Greg walked toward the main house, grinning. He couldn’t help

but wonder if Dallas would change his mind about the reporter once
he saw her. Dinner tonight should be interesting. He chuckled to
himself then looked up when he heard his name.

“Greg, darlin’, can ya give Samantha a hand with her luggage?”

Tammy Jo’s voice rang out as the two women stood on the porch.

“Sure thing.” He picked up his pace and met the two at the SUV,

where Tammy Jo introduced them.

Shaking her hand sent a shock of electricity through Greg’s body.

She was even more beautiful up close. Her brown eyes sparkled in the
sunshine, and her smile seemed inviting and friendly. And the way
her tank top hugged her curves… Reluctantly letting go of her hand,
he was still smiling as he cocked a thumb towards the SUV. “Bags in

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the back?” With her confirming nod, he pulled out one large suitcase
and a duffel bag. Hanging the bag over his shoulder, he followed the
girls into the house.

“Greg, put Sam in room five,” Tammy Jo instructed then turned to

Sam. “It’s got the best view. Once ya get settled, feel free to look
around, darlin’. You can meet me in the kitchen later on, and I’ll
introduce ya to Suzy.”

Greg led the way down the hall with Samantha trailing behind

him. Dropping her bags on the bed, he smiled. “If ya need anything
else, sugar, just let me know.”

“I will.” She smiled shyly as he turned to leave. “And thanks for

helping with my bags.”

With a quick nod, he left, wondering if he’d be lucky enough to

get a chance to mess up those sheets with her.

* * * *

After unpacking her bags, Samantha changed her clothes and

made her way to the kitchen in search of Tammy Jo. As she neared
the door, she smelled garlic bread, and her mouth began to water.
“That smells wonderful.” She smiled at Tammy Jo and another
woman she assumed was Suzy.

Tammy Jo looked up. “Good. Hope you’re hungry. We’re having

lasagna tonight.” She nodded toward the other women. “This is our
little mom-to-be, Suzy.”

Suzy reached out one hand to Samantha, and rubbed her round

belly with the other. “Nice ta meet you. So you’re writing an article
on cowboys?”

Sam rolled her eyes, hoping they didn’t think she was as lame as

this story idea. “My boss thought it would be interesting.”

“And you’re not so sure?” Suzy asked.
“It’s not a topic I know a lot about, but I’m sure I’ll find an

interesting angle once I get to know the men better and see what they

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do.” Sam turned as the oven timer beeped. “Can I help do anything?”

“The men should be here soon. Would ya grab the salad out of the

fridge and take it into the dining room while we get things out of the
oven?” Tammy Jo grabbed the pot holders and pulled out the lasagna
while Suzy got the garlic bread. As they finished setting the table, two
men walked into the dining room from the kitchen.

“Hey, honey.” Tammy Jo kissed a tall man with salt-and-pepper

hair. “Sam, this is Tommy, and that’s Suzy’s husband, Charlie.” They
said hello as the others arrived and were introduced. “Okay, everyone
take a seat.”

Sam stood, unsure of where to sit. Greg stepped next to her and

pulled out a chair. She smiled, happy to see a familiar face since she
felt like a stranger at the table. Everyone took the hand of the person
next to them, and Tommy said grace. After everyone said, “Amen,”
they dug into the food.

After finishing his first helping of lasagna, Tommy turned and

gave Tammy Jo a kiss on her temple. “Delicious as always, honey.”
She smiled, took his hand, and gave it a squeeze. Tommy then turned
and looked down the table at Samantha. “So, Sam, what ’xactly are
you need’n from us for this article?”

Setting down her fork, she glanced around the table. “I guess I’m

just really wanting to see what you do every day. Get a feel…you
know…for the work you do. I don’t think most people understand the
danger and risk you face.” She caught the annoyed glint in Dallas’s
eyes before glancing away. “I’m also curious as to how you meet
women.” Tommy and Charlie grinned, while the others stared down
at their plates and squirmed in their chairs, causing Sam to giggle.
“Um…let me rephrase that. I’m curious to know if you get lonely
living out here in the middle of nowhere. Not so much how you pick
up women.” Bobby Joe cleared his throat while the others seemed to
relax a bit.

“Do ya ride, Sam?” Tommy asked while getting a second helping.
“I’ve been on a horse a couple of times when I was much

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younger. I’m hoping it’s like riding a bike and it comes back to me.”
Tommy and a few of the other men, shared a laugh.

Tommy turned to Greg. “Why don’t ya spend time teaching her

how to ride tomorrow? Depending on how she does, we might take
her with us when we move the cattle in a few days.”

Greg smiled at Sam. “Think I can handle her.”
Sam smiled back at Greg, worried when that fluttery feeling


But which of the handsome cowboys was the fluttering for?

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Chapter 3

Samantha crawled into the king-sized bed and pulled the covers

up. It had been a long day, actually several long days, but before she
went to sleep, she wanted to jot down a few story ideas and
observations about the people she’d met.

As she tapped her pen on her notebook, her thoughts turned to

Greg. His tall, muscular body. Broad shoulders. Deep blue eyes that
seemed to look straight into her soul. She squirmed, remembering
how she forgot to let go of his hand after they were introduced. Real
smooth, Sam.
Grinning, she chewed on her pen as she continued to
think about him—wondering what it would be like to be near him, to
have his arms around her, to kiss him.

Stop! You swore off men. Remember?
Closing her eyes, she shook her head at her own thoughts. “I think

I need to go to sleep.” She set the notebook on the nightstand, turned
off the light, and snuggled in. The only problem was she couldn’t stop
thinking of Greg.

It was just after five in the morning when Samantha blinked her

blurry eyes and looked around the dark room, forgetting for a moment
where she was. For the first time in days, she actually felt rested, but
was in no hurry to get out of the comfortable bed. Oh, wait. My riding
With a smile on her face, she grabbed a quick shower and got
dressed. Taking an extra minute to check herself in the mirror, she
shook her head. “You must be crazy for even thinking about sleeping
with this cowboy.” Still amused with herself, she closed the door
behind her and decided to take a walk before breakfast.

Standing on the front porch that spanned the entire house, Sam

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stared out over the property. The sun was just starting to rise in the
eastern horizon, and she enjoyed the serene quiet. She wrapped a light
cotton shirt around her waist to protect her from the sun later in the
day, then hopped down the steps into the already warm air.

There was peacefulness in the morning air that Sam found

calming. She stopped and leaned against one of the fence posts as she
watched the sky change from muted to vivid colors of pink and
orange. Unfortunately, the smile on her face disappeared when she
heard a rustling sound near one of the outbuildings.

Heart pounding, she slowly stepped closer, freezing when the

bush began to move. Fear trumped her curiosity as she eased away.
But when she heard a high-pitched howl behind her, she turned and
ran toward the barn—straight into Dallas.

“Ufff…” Dallas fell backward, landing on the ground with a thud.

“What the hell?”

Samantha fell on top of him. “There’s something out there!” Her

hands fisted into his shirt and her voice rose in fear as she scrambled
over his body. “It’s just outside!”

“What’s outside?” he asked with irritation in his voice as he

grabbed her wrists.

Swallowing hard, she looked into his eyes—dark eyes that stared

back at her with such intensity she found it hard to breathe. But it was
what she felt growing between them that caused her heart to race—his
hard cock pressing against her thigh.

Someone to their side cleared his throat.
Startled, Sam glanced up to see Greg leaning against the

doorframe, staring down at her and Dallas.

“Am I…interrupting?” His brow rose, and he wore a sly smile on

his face.

Totally embarrassed, Sam pulled away from Dallas’s hold and

stumbled to her feet while he grimaced. Wiping her hands on her
jeans, she noticed the pained look on Dallas’s face as he slowly stood

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Sam turned toward Greg. “I…I was walking

around…outside…when I heard a rustling noise. I got scared and ran
into the barn and into…” She jumped at the high-pitched yipping
sound coming from outside the barn and pointed. “That! That’s what I

Finally standing, Dallas reached down to pick up his hat before

turning to face her. “It’s just a damn coyote. It won’t hurt you. Hell, it
won’t even come near you!” He brushed the dust off his hat, jerked it
back on his head, and glared at her.

Dallas’s angry tone surprised Samantha, even hurt her. But when

she noticed Greg laughing over to the side, the hurt and
embarrassment of finding David with another woman—feelings she’d
thought she left at home—suddenly surfaced.

“I’m so glad you both find me entertaining.” She glared at both

men. “We don’t have a lot of coyotes in St. Gabriel. Sorry if I’m not
measuring up to your standards. I’ll try to be less of a city girl from
now on.” Closing her eyes, she turned on her heel and stomped to the
main house.

* * * *

Dallas stood silently as he watched Samantha disappear into the

house. His erection throbbed in want for her. He narrowed his eyes,
looking at where she once stood. Her clean, feminine scent lingered in
the air and on his shirt, causing him to flash back to her body, lying
on top of his.

“What just happened?” Greg sounded a bit surprised by Sam’s

reaction. “Seriously, what did we do?”

“Other than laughing at her and making fun of her?” Dallas

snorted. “You probably just messed up any chance ya had with her.”
At least I hope you did…

Greg kicked at the dirt. “Is that a challenge? We’ll see about that.”

He winked at Dallas and took off toward the house.

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Dallas closed his eyes and bent over, taking in a few deep breaths,

hoping to control the situation between his legs. He recalled the
hungry look in Samantha’s eyes when she was on top of him, and
unwelcome heat consumed him, making his dick twitch. “Damn it!”

* * * *

Inside the house, Samantha leaned against the door and tried to

catch her breath. Shaking, she wasn’t sure if her panting was from
being upset at Greg and Dallas or from her own heated reaction to the
nearness of the men.

Oh, my God. How can I even think of being with any man after

David? Let alone two…I must be crazy.

She covered her eyes with her hands, remembering how it felt to

have Dallas beneath her. His musky scent. His strong hands. His hard
body. His hard…

“Did I…?” she whispered to herself, unable to finish her own


“Did you what?” Tammy Jo asked, walking into the foyer.
Too many thoughts and emotions running through her mind,

Samantha’s face grew warm as she dropped her hands and looked at
Tammy Jo.

“You okay, Samantha?”
“Yeah.” She nodded, forcing a smile. “I went out for a walk and

watched the sunrise but got scared by a coyote.”

Tammy Jo eyed her curiously. “They’re noisy creatures, but they

won’t hurt ya. Sure there isn’t anything else bothering you?”

“No, I’m good. Just hoping I don’t mess up on my riding lesson.”
Linking her arm with Samantha’s, Tammy Jo led her to the dining

room. “C’mon, honey, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll do fine.” She
patted her arm. “Now, let’s eat breakfast and get some starch back in
that spine.”

Sitting down at the table next to Tammy Jo and Suzy, Samantha

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filled her cup with coffee and took a much-needed drink. She stared
over the rim of the cup when Greg walked in and took a seat at the
other end of the table. His smile didn’t fill his face like it had the
night before, but his deep blue eyes made her warm inside. But when
Dallas walked in, Sam found herself unable to breathe as their eyes
met briefly. She was grateful for the diversion when Tommy began
saying grace and everyone started to eat.

When breakfast was over, Samantha gave Tammy Jo a hand with

the dishes after agreeing to meet Greg in the barn when she was
finished. She was just about to head outside when Tammy Jo stopped

“Wait a sec, honey.” Tammy Jo nodded for Sam to follow her into

another room. “If you’re going to be outside in the sun, you’ll need
this to keep your brain from frying.” She reached into a cabinet and
pulled out a tan cowboy hat. “It’s a Stetson. Now you’ll be a real
cowgirl.” She chuckled as she handed the hat to Sam. “It’s yours to

“Tammy Jo, I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”
She waved her hand in dismissal. “It’s no big deal. Try it on.”
“How do I look?” Cocking her head to strike a pose, Sam grinned.
“Like you belong here,” Tammy Jo replied. “Now don’t take any

crap from Greg…or any of the other guys.”

With her new hat on her head, Sam slid her hands into her back

pockets and walked into the barn. She wasn’t sure how Greg would
act after what happened earlier with Dallas. As she watched him lead
a horse down the aisle toward her, his smile returned when their eyes
met, and she released her worry.

“Nice hat.” He tossed her a wink.
Feeling shy, Sam smiled and shrugged. “Tammy Jo said I needed

it if I was going to be riding in the sun.”

“She’s sure right ’bout that.” He rubbed the horse’s nose, and his

smile faded. “I’m sorry ’bout this morning. I didn’t mean to upset ya.”

“It’s okay.”

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Greg reached out, taking her hand. “Sam…”
Closing her eyes, she let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry

I…overreacted earlier.” She gazed into his eyes then down to where
his thumb was caressing the back of her hand. Her voice was low, just
above a whisper. “I guess I’m not over…” She felt him move closer,
instinctively pulled her hand free, and turned away, not wanting to
share her pain. Clearing her throat, her voice grew shaky. “So is this
the horse I’ll be riding?”

* * * *

Greg watched Sam change in that moment. Her body became

tense, and he could see pain in her eyes. Whatever she was about to
tell him, he’d probably never hear. But he knew there was more to her
being at the ranch than just the desire to write an article on cowboys.

Not wanting to push her, Greg patted the horse’s neck and smiled.

“Sam, let me introduce ya to your horse.” She put her hands back in
her pockets and moved closer to him. “This charming guy’s Bailey.
He’s a bit of a flirt.” He laughed as the horse nodded his head as if
agreeing with him. “Why don’t we get started?”

* * * *

After spending the better part of the day getting comfortable in the

saddle, Samantha was excited when Greg finally took her out of the
corral and on a real ride. He led the way through the vast property
over the dry fields toward the mountains. Samantha held on tight as
she galloped behind him, trying not to fall back too far. She noticed
his grin when she caught him looking back to check on her. Damn.
Why does he have to look so hot on that horse?

“Oh, shit!” Sam held her breath as her horse suddenly darted to

the left. Mental note…stop staring at the hot cowboy and pay
Shifting her weight a bit, she found her balance and

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continued after Greg, who was climbing one of the hills in front of
her. Tightening her grip on the saddle horn, she took a deep,
reassuring breath and slowly made her way up the hill.

Once she reached the top, she exchanged a glance and a smile

with Greg. Sitting up tall, she looked out over the property. For as far
as she could see, there was nothing but open land with puffy white
clouds dotting the bright blue sky.

“There’s not a lot of shade around here, is there?” she asked while

adjusting her hat.

Greg chuckled, his eyes holding her captive. “Little bit under a

tree, but it doesn’t provide a lot of relief from the heat.” He pointed
toward the west. “Let’s head over to the river so the horses can get a

With a nod of her head, Sam followed Greg down the path, her

horse finding a leisurely trot. At the slower pace, she was able to
notice more of the surroundings—like the cacti that grew in patches
throughout the property. In addition to the tall tubular plants, she saw
some with prickly, flat, paddle-like stems. A few even had flowers,
which surprised her. “It’s beautiful out here.”

Greg smiled as he directed his horse casually around a patch of

brush. “When you’re out here day in, day out, you forget about the
beauty.” He gave a long gaze toward Sam. “Sometimes it takes an
outsider to remind me how lucky I am.”

That warm flutter returned to Sam’s stomach as she took in his

sincere smile and vivid blue eyes. She knew he was trouble, yet she
couldn’t deny the attraction she felt when he looked at her. So much
for giving up men…

Reaching the river, Greg dismounted his horse with an effortless

motion. Holding the horn, she shifted her weight, swung her right leg
to the ground, and hopped a few times when her left foot got caught in
the stirrup. Just as she freed her foot, Greg was by her side with his
hand on her back, holding her arm for support. “So much for

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“You’ll get better with practice.”
She cocked her head, not believing him.
“What? You doubt your instructor?” He placed his hand on his

heart, feigning hurt, which caused her to smile. “Now that looks better
on ya.” He winked at her and led the horses to the river for a drink.
Sam headed to the shade under a tree, rubbing her abused backside.

“You know that’s going to hurt even more by morning.”
Embarrassed, Sam’s hand fell to her side as her face flushed.

“Great…another reason for everyone to make fun of me.”

“Why do you care?” He blocked her path when she tried to walk

away. “Seriously, Sam. You don’t know us. Why does it even matter
what we think?”

She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the ground.

Deep down, she knew he was right. But with the twists and turns her
life had taken over the last few days, she needed to succeed at

“I don’t know, but it does.” She closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

“Look, I just broke up with my boyfriend, my job sucks, my life is…”
Silence reigned for a moment. My life is such a mess. Greg grinned,
which only confused her more. “What?”

Taking a step closer, he bent his knees so he could see under the

brim of her hat and into her eyes. “Ya know, there are ways to get
over that broken heart.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
He laughed and took a step toward her. “Hey, when you fall off a

horse the best thing to do is get right back on.”

Sam shook her head, taking a step back. “And I suppose I should

get back on with you?”

“Well…” His grin reached his eyes as he gazed at her. “I know I

could help you deal with that tension in your body.”

“Oh, I’m sure you could.” She laughed nervously, taking another

step back and bumping into the tree.

He moved closer, invading her personal space when he placed his

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left hand on the tree next to her shoulder, trapping her. “Sometimes,”
he said, his voice low and sexy, “you just need to let loose and forget
your troubles.” His eyes locked on her as his right hand brushed her
cheek and ran along her jaw. “One thing I do know…is that I can help
you forget about the idiot who broke your heart.” Her eyes closed as
his finger swept across her lips then moved down her neck, tracing
her collarbone.

Sam’s entire body quivered at his touch. Taking in a shaky breath,

she inhaled his masculine scent. Want and need pulsed through her
body. Her heart pounded as she opened her eyes to stare into his and
saw a chance for some wicked fun. A moment to forget her troubles.
The anticipation was heady as she waited for him to make a move.

Greg reached up and removed her hat, tossing it to the side. In the

next moment, his left hand cupped her face as he leaned in and kissed
her. A simple kiss that ran through her body like a bolt of lightning.
Her lips parted, allowing him access as his tongue began a rhythmic
dance, darting in and out of her mouth. He pressed his body into hers
as they devoured one another. Her hands wrapped around his back
and shoulders for support as her legs weakened. The weight of his
body and his hard erection pressed against her. A soft moan escaped
her lips as he pulled away to take a shuddering breath.

“Don’t worry.” A devilish smile filled his face. “I’m not done

making you moan just yet.”

Biting her lower lip, she was barely able to breathe while

contemplating his words. While her common sense tried to put forth
reasons to stop, she watched his gaze sweep over her body. The
heated glint in his eyes caused all logic to disappear.

Greg leaned forward and kissed behind her ear, nibbled on her

earlobe, and then left a trail of hot, openmouthed kisses down her
neck. She swallowed hard, her eyes fluttering. His hot breath caused a
stirring between her legs. She moaned again, a needy moan, and felt
him grin against her skin.

Her head fell back against the hard tree as she clamped her lips

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together and closed her eyes tightly, trying to retain control—a battle
she was losing fast. His hand moved slowly up her side, caressing her
breast and then rubbing the nipple to a hard nub.

Squeezing the hardened tip between his fingers, he drew a

whimper from her. “I want to hear you moan—I want to hear you say
my name as I make you come.” He squeezed the taut nipple again.

Her body trembled as he changed his stance, moving his thigh

between her legs to support her. He gave her a passionate kiss while
his fingers unbuttoned her jeans and then slipped inside them.
“You’re so hot, so wet.”

Samantha’s breath caught the moment he touched her. She stared

into his blue eyes, almost afraid as his fingers moved back and forth
over the sensitive nub. He leaned in, capturing her mouth, taking what
little breath she still had left in her lungs. She clawed his back while
his finger plunged into her warm canal.

“Greg…” Her voice was breathy, just above a whisper. “Please


He kissed her again deeply, his tongue matching the rhythm of his

finger. Pulling back just enough to watch, he grinned. “Not goin’

She closed her eyes and gasped for air as her body trembled in

waves of ecstasy.

Falling forward, Sam rested her head on Greg’s shoulder while

enjoying the sated feeling inside her body. Tension, doubt, hurt—all
of it was suddenly gone, replaced instead with a satisfied confidence
that had been missing from her life for far too long.

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Chapter 4

Samantha woke up the next morning excited for what the day

might hold. The mere thought of Greg, and what he’d done the day
before, caused heat and moisture to flood her pussy. She smiled while
sitting on the edge of her bed, putting on her boots. Wonder how great
it’ll be when we get naked?
She shook her head and laughed as she
stood up. “I’m not sure I’d live through it, but I’m sure it’d be worth
the risk.” With a bounce in her step, she left her room smiling.

At breakfast, Sam’s face warmed each time she met Greg’s gaze.

Just his simple smile filled her with a sexual haze. Get a grip, Sam.
You’re acting like a schoolgirl with a crush.
She took a drink of her
coffee and glanced across the table again. No…you’re acting like a
woman that just had one of the best orgasms of her life.

“I heard ya purty good in the saddle, Sam.” Tommy’s booming

voice caught her attention. “Why don’t cha’ come with Charlie and
me today while we ride the property? It’ll give me a chance to tell ya
about the history of this place and more ’bout ranching.”

“That’d be great, Tommy.” Sam forced a smile on her face,

hoping to hide the disappointment of not being able to spend time
with Greg again.

* * * *

For the better part of the morning, Tommy and Charlie gave

Samantha a tour of the property on horseback. Both men tried to teach
her the basics of selling and raising cattle.

“That heifer’s worth how much?” Sam stared at Charlie in

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Laughing heartily, Charlie repeated himself. “That cow’s about

six-hundred pounds and would sell for a dollar a pound—so it’s worth
six-hundred dollars.”

Sam scanned the field covered with cattle and tried to do the math

in her head. “This herd alone is worth more than I made last year and
this year combined!”

“Keep something in mind, Sam,” Tommy began with a chuckle.

“While prices are high right now, a year from now, they could drop.
Ranchers have ta look to the future, figure out how many cattle to
have, to sell…it’s all a guessing game.”

“I had no idea it was so complicated.” She looked over at the men.
Tommy laughed as they made their way through the herd.

“’Course in the olden days, my granddaddy would sell moonshine to
keep this place going.”

“No way!”
Tommy just smiled and nodded.

* * * *

It was just after noon when Tommy, Charlie, and Sam returned to

the barn. Dallas was loading up one of the trucks, and Tommy
stopped to talk with him.

“Sam, why don’t cha’ go with Dallas for the rest of the day. He’s

going to be fixin’ one of the windmills we use to provide water to the
cattle in the middle of the property.”

Seeing the not-so-happy look on Dallas’s face, Sam almost

declined the invitation. Maybe he wasn’t looking forward to spending
time with her after she ran him down the other morning.
Remembering his cock’s reaction to her lying on top of him, she felt
nervous, but she went ahead and got into his truck, rubbing her sore
behind. At least he wouldn’t think she was rude. And I won’t be on a
horse anymore today.

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It was a long, quiet drive to the windmill. Sam tried to make small

talk, but found Dallas’s short answers a hint that he’d prefer a quiet
ride. When they got to their location, Dallas got out without a word
and walked to the back of the truck where he opened the truck gate.

“So what can I do to help?” Sam asked, fidgeting nervously as she

stood next to him.

Sighing, he turned toward her. “Honestly, there’s nothing you can

really do to help. But if you insist, you can hand me the tools as I
need them.”

“Okay…” She looked into the toolbox. “You might have to

describe what you need, though. My dad always called them
‘thingamabobs’ and ‘doohickeys.’” Her teasing smile faded when she
saw him roll his eyes. Oh, yeah…he hates me.

Grabbing a few tools, Dallas walked over to the windmill and

climbed up the old metal frame. As he ascended higher and higher,
she stared at his taut backside. The man could fill a pair of jeans
nicely. While enjoying the view, a trickle of sweat ran down her back.
Was it from the heat of the afternoon sun or her reaction to Dallas’s
fine ass?

“Son of a bitch.”
Sam looked up at the swearing. Shielding the bright sun from her

eyes, she still couldn’t see very well. It wasn’t long before Dallas
climbed down, carrying something. When he reached the last rung, he
jumped down and walked over to the truck.

“Gear’s gone out,” he muttered. “Shouldn’t take too long to fix.”
“That’s good.” She winced at her own lame reply and watched

him labor in silence. Having had enough of his attitude, she finally
asked the burning question. “Do you mind telling me why you hate
me so much?”

Searching the toolbox for something, he didn’t respond, didn’t

even look at her.

“Is it because I’m writing this article?”
He let out a long, whistling breath through his nose. “What makes

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you think I hate you?”

“You’re kidding, right?” Sam scowled when he finally turned and

looked at her. “Maybe it’s the fact you won’t talk to me, or the fact
that when you do speak, there’s a rude tone to your voice.”

His eyes narrowed and turned darker.
“Or how about the way you glare at me like I’ve done something


With only a shake of his head, he turned his attention back to the

toolbox and the missing tool he needed.

“Great, back to the silent treatment.” She folded her arms and

leaned against the truck, frustrated as he picked up the part and
climbed back up the windmill.

After a few minutes of doing nothing but stare at him as he

worked, Sam was using her hat to fan herself, hoping to cool off from
the dreaded heat. When she heard Dallas’s deep voice, she looked up.
Stepping closer to the windmill, she yelled at him, “Did you say

“Yeah. Can you bring the rubber mallet up to me?”
Rubber mallet. I actually know what that is. She nodded her head

and walked over to the truck and found the mallet. Walking back to
the windmill, she suddenly realized how high Dallas was. “I can do
this,” she whispered to herself, even though she hated heights.
Slowly, she climbed, rung by rung, her knuckles turning white.

* * * *

Watching Sam inch toward him, Dallas realized something was

wrong. When he reached for the mallet, he saw her hand shaking.
“You okay?”

With a tight nod, she started to ease back down.
He kept an eye on her until she reached the ground before he

pounded on the gear until it finally locked in place. After flipping the
switch and seeing the windmill turn once again, he gathered the tools

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and climbed down.

Sam was leaning against the truck, staring down at the ground

when Dallas walked up to her. Something still seemed off with her.
When she glanced up at him, the color had drained from her cheeks.
When she pushed away from the truck, she swayed, as if a little
woozy. He grabbed her arm. “Hold on there, Sam. I think you’ve been
in the sun too long today.”

“I’m okay.”
“Humor me, then. Sit here while I get some water.” Helping her

up onto the tailgate of the truck, he grabbed two bottles of water from
the cooler and took a seat next to her. “Drink,” he ordered, opening
her bottle and handing it to her.

For the next few minutes, Dallas kept an eye on Sam. His concern

lessened when he saw her color return. There was clearly a lot more
to her than he’d originally thought. Here she was, totally out of her
element, working on a ranch with a bunch of cocky, arrogant men.
Even putting up with my badass attitude.

“Thanks for the water.”
Sam’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. He turned toward her,

saw her smile, and remembered how she’d felt on top of him the other
morning. Looking away, he took a drink of his water and stared up at
the windmill. “For what it’s worth, I don’t hate you…” He felt her
gaze upon him and turned back to face her again. “It’s just…you
remind me of someone from my past. You’re a lot like her.”

“So what happened?”
For some reason, Dallas opened up and told her the pathetic story.

Something he’d not done—ever. He told Sam about his fiancée Allie
and how she died in a car accident almost fifteen years ago. “I hated
everything and everyone. Everywhere I turned, I saw Allie. I had to
get away. I left Austin and just…drove ’til I found myself in a bar in
town. Met Tommy and Charlie. Tommy offered me a job and a place
to stay. Been here ever since.” Sam glanced up at the sky, and he had
a hunch she knew what he was talking about. “I’m guessing you’re

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running from something yourself.”

“Not something, someone.” A faint smile appeared on her face. “I

caught my boyfriend with his assistant, so I understand hurt more than
you know.” She shook her head, still staring ahead of her. “For some
reason, he thought I should forgive him—give him a second chance.”
She scoffed. “You know, I could’ve done this article over the phone.
But since he wouldn’t leave me alone, I figured getting out of town
for a while might not be such a bad idea.”

“He still bothering ya?”
She nodded. “He’s left a couple messages I don’t ever plan to


“I’d be happy to set him straight if you need some help. Sounds

like he could use…an attitude adjustment.”

His raised brow and threatening look set her to laughing. “Thanks.

I’ll keep that in mind.”

Smiling, he looked at her for a long moment, taking in her deep

brown eyes, her soft complexion. Damn, if he didn’t want her. His
dick got hard just remembering her wiggling on top of him. “We
should probably get back.”

* * * *

Dallas wasn’t thrilled to see Greg walking toward the truck when

he pulled up next to the barn. It was jealousy, plain and simple. That’s
why when he heard Greg asking Sam to go for a ride, he spoke up like
an overprotective idiot. “Sam, you should probably call it a day, head
inside, cool off, and get a drink.”

Sam nodded. “I will.”
Greg glanced from Sam to Dallas and back to Sam. “What’s

wrong? Did something happen?”

“I’m fine. Just got a little overheated is all.”
His happy-go-lucky demeanor disappeared. “You sure?”
“Really, Greg. I’m fine.”

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“Okay, but why don’t I head inside with you?” A hint of his smile

returned to Greg’s face.

With growing anxiety, Dallas watched Greg put his arm around

Samantha’s shoulders and walk her up the front steps before they
disappeared inside. “Fuck.” I should’ve been the one to walk her
He smacked his hand on the hood of the truck, angry with
himself and jealous that Greg got to be with Samantha.

* * * *

While Sam sat at the counter in the kitchen, Greg poured her a

glass of iced tea, then eyed her as she drank it. “You sure you’re all

“I’m fine.” She smiled and patted his hand. “So can I get a rain

check on that ride?”

“Anytime you want.” He leaned in and kissed her sweetly.
Sam saw the concern plainly in his eyes, and it warmed her. “You

know I feel bad. You took care of my stress yesterday, and I haven’t
taken care of yours.”

He lowered his head, chuckling. “Well, unless you’re planning on

leaving the ranch soon, we’ve got plenty of time to get to that and
many more…naughty things.” Leaning in, he kissed her again with a
little more heat and lots more tongue. “I need to finish cleaning up
first. I’ll catch you later.”

Sitting at the table, Sam couldn’t stop smiling. Problem was—she

was smiling about two different men. Greg was fun, entertaining, and
a bit on the wild side, while Dallas was dark and brooding with
secrets. But both men cared about her, and both men caused her lust
to stir.

“Samantha? Earth to Samantha.” Tammy Jo stood in front of her,

waving her hands. “Heard you weren’t feeling too well.”

Rolling her eyes, Sam smiled. “Who told you? Greg or Dallas?”
“Both! Dallas told me you overheated, and Greg wanted me to

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keep an eye on you.”

Sam took a drink of her iced tea while Tammy Jo plopped down

next to her. “I’m better, you don’t need to worry.” Seeing the concern
on Tammy Jo’s face, she knew that wasn’t going to suffice. “It’s
just…” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I dated David, my
ex-boyfriend, for almost two years. Thought for sure he was the one
and that we’d get married, have a family…” She ran her finger up and
down her glass, wiping away the beads of sweat. “I get a little
dehydrated and two men—two men I barely know—worry more
about me than David ever did the entire time we were together.”

With a smile on her face, Tammy Jo patted Sam on the shoulder.

“That’s ’cause we’re family here, and we look out for one another.
And while you’ve only been here a few days, ya fit right in with this
crazy bunch.”

* * * *

Later that night, Sam was lying in bed thinking about Greg and

Dallas. She draped her arm over her head and closed her eyes. This is
crazy. I’m crazy!
“How can I be falling for two different men…?”
Sighing, she turned on her side, hugging the blankets close to her
body. For someone that gave up men, you’ve gotten yourself into
quite a mess.

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Chapter 5

“Eat up, everyone. We’ve got a hard day of moving cattle,”

Tommy reminded them when he took a seat at the breakfast table.

Sipping her coffee, Sam caught a glimpse of Dallas staring at her.

Instantly, her stomach muscles tightened. Damn those dark eyes.
Setting down her cup, she looked up when Greg took the seat next to
her. She smiled when he winked at her and his hand grazed her back.
God, I’m so screwed.

When everyone was done eating, Tammy Jo and Suzy cleaned up

while the rest of the group headed outside and got on their horses.
Tommy and Charlie led the way as they galloped over the dry, flat
land to one of the outer areas of the property. Greg rode next to Sam
while Dallas stayed over to the side with Chris and Bobby Joe.

Sam wasn’t sure how long they’d been riding, but it was long

enough that her ass was beginning to ache. She caught a glimpse of
Dallas riding ahead of her with Tommy. He looked like a man who
was born in the saddle, and damn if that wasn’t hot.

Before Sam realized it, they were sitting atop their horses, looking

out over the largest herd of cattle Sam had ever seen. Greg was still
next to her, and he took a moment to point out the differences
between the bulls, cows, and calves. She noticed a few of the herd
moving erratically. Some were even stomping their hooves into the
ground as if to challenge the other animals.

“Are they normally this excited?” she asked, glancing at Tommy

after Greg rode off to circle around the back of the herd.

“No, somethin’ has ’em agitated,” Tommy replied with a hard

stare. “Sam, I want ya ta stay back while we gather the herd. When

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they’re like this, they can be unpredictable and dangerous.”

Sam picked up on the uneasiness, and so did her horse. She kept

the reins tight, stayed back, and allowed the men to do their jobs.
Scanning the open field, she took note of how they directed the cattle
into a tighter herd. Some of the cattle charged at one another while
others stomped their hooves into the ground.

Off to the side, something caught Sam’s eye, causing her to turn.

She gasped when she found a few steers charging and realized Dallas
and Tommy were directly in their path.

“Look out!” Sam yelled, swinging her arms and pointing at the

wayward animals.

Dallas and Tommy reacted fast as lightning. Turning his horse,

Dallas swung his horse wide around the cattle and directed them back
into the herd while Tommy flanked the other side. They were poetry
in motion.

“Nice job, Sam,” Tommy hollered. “You’ve got good instincts. If

ya ever need a job, I’ll hire ya as a hand.”

Sam laughed and rode along with the men as they drove the herd

to the new grazing field.

* * * *

Stretching on top of her bed, Sam tried to sleep. After dreaming

she was being chased by a cow, she startled awake. Damn cattle.
Looking at the clock on her nightstand, she discovered she’d only
slept twenty minutes. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Even though
her body was exhausted, she had too much nervous energy to fall
back to sleep, so she decided to go for a walk and clear her head.

Once outside, Sam sat on the steps to the main house, admiring

the most beautiful sunset she’d ever seen. Some clouds had moved in,
causing the most dramatic shades of pink and purple to mix with hues
of blue. There was a slight breeze that felt refreshing after the long,
hot day, and she relaxed while enjoying the moment.

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When the sun was just about to disappear behind the mountains,

Sam got up and walked toward the barn. Inside, she found the horses
stomping for attention and was happy to rub their noses or give them
a treat. She even found herself laughing when one of the horses
moved its head to her shoulder as if it wanted a hug. “You’re a flirt.”

“Watch out for that one. He likes to nibble on ears. Of course, so

do I.”

Sam pushed away from the gate, recognizing the deep voice.

Dallas walked toward her. Big, bad, and hot as hell. Everything inside
her responded to him, and heat pooled between her thighs. She put her
hands in her back pockets, trying not to fidget.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“I was about to ask you the same thing. I thought you turned in for

the night.”

“I tried, but then I had a dream about being chased by some

agitated cattle.” She grinned, catching a hint of a smile forming at the
corners of his mouth. “So you never said what you were doing out

Dallas got quiet for a moment as he leaned on the gate and rubbed

the horse’s nose. He saw Sam waiting for an answer to her question.
“Honestly? I’ve no idea. I saw you walkin’ in here and…” He turned
and gazed into her eyes. “I just wanted to see you again…”

He wasn’t sure if it was her smile or her eyes that got to him the

most—but something about her most definitely got to him. Every part
of him. Matter of fact, it’d been getting to him since that morning
she’d mowed him over. Earlier today, he saw something even deeper
in her eyes when she saved him from the charging cattle. He just
hoped what he thought she felt, she actually did feel about him—
because he felt a lot for her. Fantasized about her. Desired her.

“So you really don’t hate me?” She cocked her head.
Laughing, he ran his hands down his face. “Not sure you can hate

someone who saves your butt. Besides, I thought we settled this hate
thing yesterday.”

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Samantha grew nervous as warmth washed over her as she stared

into his dark eyes. Eyes that were filled with passion…for her. He
pushed her hair behind her ear and leaned into her. She closed her
eyes when his lips brushed against hers, causing a hungry ache deep
in her pussy when their lips finally met.

Unknown sparks that had been growing between the two for days

quickly erupted into a raging fire. Dallas palmed the back of her head,
deepening their kiss, forcing her lips apart with his tongue. He then
dragged it along the edge of her teeth before darting it in and out of
her mouth.

Sam ran her hands up his sides, feeling his taut muscles under her

fingertips until she found her way to his chest. She pulled away,
needing to take a breath to regain some control as she stared at his
firm lips—lips she imagined kissing every inch of her body. Flushing
at the thought of them together and naked, she let out a slow breath,
then looked up at him.

Taking her hand, Dallas led her to the back of the barn. He lifted

her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. “You’re so beautiful.” He
kissed it again, adding his tongue as her body shivered. His left arm
snaked around her waist, pulling her closer. He kissed the soft spot
behind her ear, his teeth nibbling on her lobe while his tongue quickly
soothed the sting.

“Umm…I like that.” Sam closed her eyes as his warm breath sent

even more shivers down her spine. She stepped closer, pressing her
body into him as his mouth traveled down her neck to her shoulder.
With a moan escaping her lips, her hands ran up his arms, capturing
his face and pulling him into another hot, hungry kiss.

Her heart racing, she leaned into Dallas, causing him to take a step

back…and they both toppled backward onto a bale of hay.

“Are you okay?” they said in unison before laughing at each


Dallas sat up, pulled her onto his lap, and began kissing her again.

Damn, but he loved kissing her. While his mouth covered her

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whimper, his hands made their way to her shirt, where he opened the
buttons, needing to touch her soft skin. His thumb massaged her
breast, then his fingers toyed with the nipple beneath her lace bra,
bringing it to a hard nub.

“What was that?” she whispered, freezing in place and placing her

palms against his chest.

“Stay here…” Dallas moved her to his side and disappeared into

the dark barn to find what caused the noise. Not seeing anything, he
returned to find Sam sitting with her arms wrapped around her legs
and her head resting on her knees. “Sam?”

In the few moments that Dallas was gone, Sam’s brain turned

back on, and she realized how crazy she was acting. “What am I
doing?” She hurriedly buttoned her shirt and sat staring into the
darkness. One day, I’m with Greg…then days later, with Dallas. I’ve
officially lost it!

Hearing her name, she looked up at Dallas and watched his smile

fade. “I can’t do this…” Her breath caught as she stood up. Dallas
reached out for her, but she pulled away. “I think I’ve lost my mind.”
She laughed, sounding far too crazy for her liking. “I’m not this kind
of person…I shouldn’t have ever let things get this far…but you and
Greg…” She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to hold back her tears.
“The two of you were kinder, cared more about me than my ex-
boyfriend. I wanted you both…I…”

His strong hand reached for her again. “Sam…Please…”
“No! I can’t. I can’t come between you and Greg! And I can’t

decide…” She stepped away when he stepped closer. “I just can’t

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Chapter 6

Standing on the porch and leaning against the railing, Sam drank

her coffee early the next morning. It was cloudy and overcast with a
forecast of storms for the day. She spotted Greg and Dallas walking
toward her and considered ducking inside to avoid them. Knowing
that really wasn’t an option, she held the warm cup with both hands,
forced a smile on her face, and waited for whatever her bad karma
was about to drop upon her.

Dallas looked up at her first. “Sam? Can we have a minute?”
Looking back and forth between the two men, she could only feel

dread. She’d let things go too far with both of them, and they
probably thought she was nothing but a dumb cock-tease. While she
wanted both men deeply, felt far more for both of them than she
should after such a short time, she knew those feelings would only
cause trouble. “I’m sorry if I led you both on. If I let things go too far.
I never meant…You both just meant…so much to me.” She whirled
to leave.

“Sam, wait…” Greg stepped closer and exchanged a glance with


But before anyone could say another word, Tommy hollered at the

two men as he walked across the yard. “You two still plannin’ on
handlin’ the barn today?”

Dallas nodded. “Yeah, that’s the plan.”
“Maybe Sam can give ya a hand while we’re gone?” Tommy


“Are you going somewhere?” The nervous tone to her voice had

to be obvious to everyone, but she needed to get away from their

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penetrating stares.

“You’ve not talked with Tammy Jo yet this morning, have ya?”

Tommy laughed. “I’m taking my lovely wife into town for the whole
weekend for our anniversary. Charlie and Suzy are coming with us.
We’re leaving right after breakfast. Tammy figured you’d run the
kitchen while we’re gone.” He turned back to the men. “I need to talk
with you two ’bout the supplies we need before I leave.”

Sam watched them all walk over to the barn, knowing she was

good and stuck. Tammy Jo had been so kind, there was no way Sam
would ruin her weekend. Shaking her head, she looked up at the
clouded sky. Did I kick a puppy or something? Is that why this is
happening to me?
She sighed and headed inside for breakfast,
wondering if her life could get any more messed up.

* * * *

Tommy had the truck loaded with their bags as Tammy Jo was

giving out final instructions. “Sam, darlin’, don’t take any crap from
the boys. There’s plenty of food in the fridge. If you let them cook,
they’ll burn the place to the ground, so keep ’em away from the stove.
Help out in the barn, too. God knows, they’ll need it.”

Laughing, Sam gave her a big hug, then waved goodbye as the

group headed out. Her gaze darted over to the barn, where Greg and
Dallas stood talking with Chris and Bobby Joe. She could only
imagine how bad this weekend would be once the three of them were
alone. She really only had two choices. Dodge them all weekend
hoping to avoid embarrassment, or face the situation head-on.
Knowing avoidance would just eat away at her, she shrugged and
walked across the yard, determined to get the awkwardness out of the

“So what do you need me to do?” she asked, standing in front of

Greg and Dallas.

“We need to muck out the stalls, take care of the horses, and

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organize the barn,” Greg replied with a smile. “Why don’t you give
me a hand with the stalls?”

Greg led her to the first stall and grabbed a pitchfork. “Today

we’re takin’ all the straw out of the stalls, making sure we thoroughly
clean them. Dallas is bringing in the fresh straw and stacking it over
to the side. As we get the stalls done, he’ll bring over fresh straw to
cover the ground before bringing the horses back in. Any questions?”

With a shake of her head, she took the pitchfork from Greg and

got to work. After a few hours, she realized Chris and Bobby Joe were
nowhere to be seen. “Where are the others?” she asked when Dallas
brought a bale of straw to her.

“One of their friends is getting married next month. They headed

to town for the bachelor party this weekend. By the time they get over
their hangovers…It’ll be Monday.”

“So it’s just us…” She gulped.
“That’d be right,” he replied with a sexy smile.

* * * *

Thunder rumbled as Sam brought in the final horse. She was

exhausted and covered with sweat and dirt. Hearing the raindrops
hitting the dry ground, she turned and looked out the barn door.

“Looks like the storms finally got here,” Dallas commented,

coming to stand next to her.

“I’m so hot, I’d stand out in the rain if I wasn’t worried about

being hit by lightning.”

He laughed. “Take it you’re afraid of storms?”
“Been a little too close to a tornado or two, so I get a little jumpy

when it gets like this.” She saw a flash of lightning as the thunder
rumbled again. “If we’re done, I’m gonna go inside and take a shower
before the storm hits.”

“Greg and I’ll finish up here. We’ll give you a hand with dinner

once we clean up.”

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“I’m not supposed to let you cook.”
“Fine. But I toss a mean salad.”

* * * *

Stripping out of her clothes, Sam turned on the shower and

stepped into the hot water. She watched the dirt flow down the drain
and let the water massage her aching muscles. She wiped away the
water from her face and looked up when the lights flickered, then
breathed a sigh of relief when they didn’t go out. But only moments
later, the room plunged into darkness. “Great!”

Searching in the dark for her robe, she opened the bathroom door,

hoping for some light from the windows in her room. Unfortunately,
the dark storm clouds blocked whatever sun had remained.

Hearing something or someone in the hall outside her room, Sam

pulled her robe tight and grabbed her cell phone, hoping to use it as a
flashlight as she walked through the dark house. “Dallas? Greg? Is
anyone here?”

With no reply after checking the kitchen and the rest of the house,

she figured she was just hearing things. Sam turned to head back to
her bedroom, only to find a strange figure standing in front of her,
which caused her to scream.

“Sam, stop. It’s me.” Dallas walked up to her. “When the power

went out, I thought I’d better check on you.”

Breathing hard, Sam held her hand over her chest. “You scared

me to death!” Before she could calm herself, the front door flew, open
causing her to jump again as Greg ran inside.

“Sam? What’s wrong?” Greg looked from Sam to Dallas as he

frowned. “I heard you scream.”

“Sorry about that. I didn’t realize Dallas was in the house. Ran

right into him.” Catching Greg’s heated gaze upon her, she self-
consciously tugged her robe tighter.

Dallas pointed over his shoulder at the fireplace. “I’ll get some

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wood and start a fire before it gets too dark in here to see what we’re
doing. Why don’t you two light some candles?”

Once Dallas disappeared outside, Greg grabbed the lighter and

gave his attention to the candles on the mantel. Turning back to Sam,
he laughed when a crack of thunder shook the house, making her
jump. “I think you could use a drink. Actually…I think we could all
use one.” With his hand on her lower back, he steered her to the bar,
where he poured a couple of shots of Patron. With a clink of their
glasses, they downed the clear liquid in one swallow. Sam took a big
swig, then coughed as the liquid burned her throat. “You okay?” he
asked, patting her on the back.

Nodding, she pointed for Greg to pour another round while she

tried to stifle her cough.

Dallas started the fire and then finally joined them. The three

downed a few more shots until the tension began to ease.

“How’s the article coming?” Dallas asked while Greg poured yet

another round.

Clearing her throat, Sam said, “It’s almost done. I’ve just got to

figure out the ending.” She clinked her glass with the men and
downed the shot. The ending. You know, the part where the author
falls for two men only to have her heart broken yet again.
both men’s gazes upon her again, Sam tugged on her robe. “Maybe I
should get dressed…”

Dallas downed another shot and reached out to stop Sam from

leaving. “Sam, wait…”

A wave of nervous flutters ran through her body as she looked at

him, then Greg—both appeared too serious.

“You said you couldn’t choose between us…” Dallas paused.

“What if…you don’t have to?”

“What if what?”
“What if you don’t have to choose?”
Greg walked around to the other side of the bar and put himself in

front of her. “We like you, Sam…a lot,” he said with a smile. “And

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Dallas and I decided we’d rather share you than lose you.”

“Oh, no. No, no, no…” She backpedaled right into Dallas, who

wrapped his arms around her from behind and lowered his head to
whisper in her ear.

“You said yourself we got to you. Well, you got to us, too.” He

kissed behind her ear, still holding her against him, the evidence of
his arousal hard against her buttocks. “We want to show you just how
much you got to us…” His hand slipped into the opening of her robe,
the pads of his fingers roaming over her skin. Her stomach muscles
tightened. With each caress of his hands, her robe fell more open,
exposing her nearly nude body.

Sam closed her eyes and leaned back into Dallas while his hands

moved over her skin. His lips kissed the place where shoulder met
neck, and she found herself unable to think as she bit her lower lip.
Too much to drink. I had too much to drink!

No, it was more than that. She wasn’t intoxicated with tequila—

she was intoxicated with Greg and Dallas.

Feeling another set of hands on her body, she opened her eyes and

saw Greg still standing in front of her. A wicked smile spread over his
face as he took in every inch of her, his eyes raking her from head to
toe. His gaze stopped at her panties.

“I like the daisies.” He raised his brows playfully as his finger

traced the outline of the material on her hip. His eyes locked on hers.
“You are so incredibly beautiful.”

Dallas’s hand was now resting just below Sam’s breast with his

thumb brushing against its curves. “He’s right. You’re beautiful,” he
whispered in her ear. “And sexy as hell.”

Unable to swallow or even breathe, heat pooled between her

thighs, fluids rushing from between her folds. Part of her was terrified
at what might happen with these two men. But part of her—a part of
herself she barely recognized—wanted them both so badly.
Everything inside her began to tingle with anticipation.

Greg pressed his body into Sam…and into Dallas, the three of

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them acting as one. His lips brushed against the outline of her jaw and
chin. “We plan on showing you just how sexy you are to us,” he
whispered. “To take you to the edge and back while you cry out our
names all night long.”

She thought he would kiss her—actually she expected it. So when

Greg stepped back, grinning, Sam was more than a little puzzled. But
then Dallas’s large hand palmed her breast. His fingers played with
her taut nipples, causing her to shiver and press her body into his. She
turned her head to the side and caught his heated gaze just before he
captured her lips in a hungry kiss. She tried to turn in his arms, but he
splayed his hand over her stomach to keep her back pressed against
his front as he kissed her with needy purpose that caused her toes to
curl and her pulse to race.

Lost in her kiss with Dallas, Sam had no idea that Greg was now

kneeling in front of her until she felt him tug on her panties. She
started to pull away from her kiss, but Dallas moved the hand that was
on her breast to her jaw, keeping her right where she was.

Panties around her ankles, Sam gasped into Dallas’s mouth when

Greg’s finger ran between her legs. He stroked between her folds,
obviously concentrating on the sensitive clit. Her body reacted to his
touch as he teasingly traced around her opening with another finger
until finally pushing inside of her.

Heart pounding, Sam froze in Dallas’s arms. She tried to look

down at Greg, but when his lips and tongue began to feast upon her,
she closed her eyes and rolled her head back onto Dallas’s shoulder.
“Oh, God,” she cried softly as her legs began to tremble.

Dallas wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck and

shoulder. “Do you want him to stop? Tell us what you want, Sam…”

Feeling Greg’s tongue and fingers move with more force, Sam

was ready to explode. She pressed her body against Dallas and
grabbed his arm with both hands—fingers digging into his muscles.
“Don’t stop…Greg, please don’t stop…”

With a chuckle, Greg attached his lips to Sam’s clit and sucked

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while his fingers delved deeper into her canal. Her body bucked as
she gasped, her muscles tightening around his fingers with waves of
ecstasy crashing through her body.

Dallas held Sam tightly to him as she shook in orgasmic bliss.

When she was finally able to open her eyes and focus, she saw Greg
standing in front of her. She turned in Dallas’s arms and looked at
him, then back to Greg. “You asked what I wanted before…”

“We meant it, Sam,” Greg replied in a serious tone. “Tells us what

you want.”

She spoke softly, but with a new confidence. “I want you both. I

want you each inside of me. I want to make you cry out my name.”
She stopped leaning against Dallas and stood while pulling the robe
that was hanging on her arms up to her shoulder.

“Oh, no…” Greg waved his finger in the air as he smiled at her.

“That should be coming off, not going back on.”

Sam cocked her head. “I’m standing here mostly naked, and you

want to worry about this robe while the two of you are fully dressed?”
That got a laugh out of both men. Glancing around the room, she
pointed at a blanket on the sofa. “Just for that, Dallas goes first. You
grab that blanket and put it next to the fire and wait your turn.”

Dallas laughed even harder while Greg furrowed his brow and did

as he was told. Sam, meanwhile, got to work on Dallas’s clothing.
With each button of his shirt she unfastened, she placed an
openmouthed kiss on the exposed skin. He took in a shallow breath
when she kissed his chest, running her tongue around a masculine
nipple. His stomach muscles tightened as she moved lower. When his
jeans blocked her path, she tugged his shirt free and ran her hands up
his sides to his shoulders. She kissed the base of his neck and
continued across his broad shoulder, pushing the shirt down his arms
and to the floor.

Admiring the gorgeous view, she licked her lips as she gazed at

his chest and washboard abs. Wow! Wanting to see the rest, she
started to work at removing his jeans. Realizing he still had on his

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boots, she instructed him to sit down on the blanket. Her eyes locked
on him, watching his muscles bunch with his movement, and her
desire for him grew.

With his boots and jeans finally tossed to the side, Sam allowed

her robe to fall to the floor, then knelt in front of Dallas. He was
sitting up, with his arm resting on his knee, and every muscle from his
shoulders to his legs seemed to be toned to perfection.

Placing her hand on his arm, she leaned in to kiss him. But what

started gentle quickly turned all-consuming as he pulled her onto his
lap. A surprised gasp escaped her lips as her hands reached up to hold
his face. His erection pressed the cotton of his briefs against her thigh.
Wrapping her left arm around his neck, she pulled closer to his cock
while her right hand traced a path down his stomach and lower.

Dallas’s breath caught when her hand began to caress his shaft.

He moaned and wrapped his arms around her. But when her fingers
found their way into the opening of his briefs and she began playing
with his balls, he growled, “You’re killing me.”

“Isn’t that the point?” She nipped his lower lip, then sucked on the

soft skin. Meanwhile, her fingers continued to torture him, tracing the
shape of his erection and rubbing her thumb over the sensitive tip,
smearing the drop of fluid leaking from the slit.

With a quick move, he rolled Sam onto her back. “You had your

chance. Now it’s my turn to play.” Kneeling in front of her, he ripped
off his briefs.

The sight of his hard dick made her stomach muscles constrict and

a wave of heat flash through her body. He was larger than any man
she’d ever seen, and as he hovered over her, the need to have him
inside her raged to a fever. His body pressed into hers as he settled his
weight on her, and the ache between her thighs grew.

Supporting himself with his left arm, he stared down into her eyes.

“God, you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen…” His finger brushed
over her lip, then held her jaw as he kissed her, his tongue mating
with hers in a sensual dance. Her arms tightened around his neck,

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holding him close. He moved a hand down to her breast and kneaded
the soft, supple skin. He began a trail of kisses along her jaw, down
her neck and chest, and into the valley between her breasts. His mouth
moved to her nipple, and his tongue teased the pebbled skin to a hard

Sam loved how his teeth scraped against her nipple before his lips

latched on and began to suck, making her feel as if she might explode
yet again. Moving her hand down his body, she stroked his shaft, tip
to base, and smiled when she heard him moan.

Lowering his head to her chest, he took in a shaky breath before

looking into her eyes. “If you want this to last, you better stop.”

“What if I don’t want to stop?”
Catching the glint of mischief in her eyes, Dallas groaned.

Reaching down, he removed Sam’s hand from his erection and lifted
it to his lips. Kissing her fingertips, he then placed her hand above her
head and nodded at Greg. “Would you mind holding onto this for

Greg took Samantha’s hand as he moved to her side. When he

accepted her other hand from Dallas, he held them both above her
head while her eyes locked on his face.

Dallas resumed playing with her breast. Her body squirmed

beneath him when he squeezed a nipple between his fingers. And
when he finally tugged the other nipple with his teeth, she moaned
while arching her back.

Closing her eyes as waves of pleasure ran through her body, Sam

felt helpless not being able to touch Dallas. She looked at Greg with
pleading eyes only to see him laugh.

“This is what you get for making me go last.” Greg leaned down

and kissed her lips.

Dallas moved his hand down Sam’s body, his fingers dancing

over her clit. She tightened beneath him as she cried out his name. He
stretched up and kissed her deeply, then got up on his knees.

Shock and confusion filled her as she watched Dallas pull away.

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He leaned over and grabbed his jeans, pulling out a string of foil
packs and tossing them onto the blanket. Condoms. How could I not
think of that?
“You came prepared tonight.”

He grinned as he tore off a packet, ripped it open, and rolled the

rubber on. Then he nodded to Greg, who let go of Sam’s hands.
Slowly, he crawled up her body, his eyes locked on her. “Do you still
want me inside you? ’Cause that’s exactly where I wanna be. Now.”

Her legs locked around his hips as she reached her hand behind

his head to pull him down to her. Her tongue forced its way into his
mouth, leaving no doubt what she wanted. Him. Her breath caught as
he pushed inside her and began to move, each sensuous surge forward
and back setting her ablaze. Her fingers tightened their grip on his
hair. “Dallas…I…”

She tightened around him, milking him with each contraction of

her muscles. With a final thrust, he arched his back, pushed even
deeper inside her, and groaned out her name as his body rocked with

Ecstasy filled Sam as Dallas pulled her in closer. She was still

trying to catch her breath when she turned, looking for Greg.
Reaching out, she grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. Still
panting, she smiled while she spoke. “So I made Dallas shout my
name, now it’s your turn.” She tossed him a playful wink.

Greg laughed with wide eyes. “I can’t wait.”
Samantha turned back to Dallas and kissed him. “I might need a

little help torturing Greg, if you’re up for it.”

Dallas grinned as she ran her finger over his chest. “Whatever I

can do to help.” He winked at her, and she smiled.

Sitting up, Sam moved closer to Greg. She lifted her hand to the

base of his neck and played with his hair. Leaning in, she flicked her
tongue behind his earlobe and down his neck, then whispered in his
ear. “I think it’s time for me to repay you for the other day…and
earlier.” She heard him huff out a breath and nipped at his chin. “But
first, you’ve got to lose these clothes.”

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Tendrils of pleasure snaked through her body as his hand ran

down her side and over her hip. He turned into her, finding her mouth.
His kiss was so inviting, soft, and so damn hot, she couldn’t get
enough of him.

He pulled her onto his lap. Their kiss turned sloppy, undisciplined

as each plunged deeper into the other’s mouth. Sam tugged on his
shirt, wanting to feel his body against her own.

Pulling away for a breath, Greg’s eyes locked on Sam. He reached

down and ripped his shirt over his head and tossed it haphazardly to
the side. Moving his hand behind her head, he cupped her neck,
pulling her into another hungry kiss. She pressed her breasts against
his chest, letting his hair caress her sensitive nipples.

Sam rocked her hips against Greg while their hands ran wildly

over each other. Feeling his hard cock beneath her, she ached to have
him deep inside. Pulling away, she recognized the heat in his eye and
slowly pushed him onto his back. Sliding down his legs, she opened
his jeans and slipped her hand inside. Her grin grew. “Commando?

A sly smile formed from the corner of Greg’s mouth.
Hearing a crackling sound, Sam closed her eyes and reached into

his pockets—pulling out several foil packets. “You guys came
prepared, didn’t you?”

“A man can hope, can’t he?” Greg tried to sit up, but Sam forced

him back down. “You didn’t say anything about Dallas pulling them
out of his pocket.”

“Dallas wasn’t naked under his jeans.” She looked over at Dallas

and smiled before turning back to Greg. Slipping her hand into his
jeans, she wrapped her fingers around his shaft and squeezed.

With a playful smile, Sam turned to Dallas. “If he tries to get up

again, would you mind holding him down?” Greg gaped up,
appearing shocked and surprised, while Dallas nodded and laughed.

Rolling off Greg’s lap, Sam tugged on his confining jeans. He

lifted his butt so she could finally pull them off. Pushing his legs

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Niki Hayes

apart, Sam moved between them and ran her fingers up and down his
hard cock. Bending down, she licked the tip and saw his hips shift and
savored his responding growl. Her fingers squeezed his balls, and her
tongue traced a path up and down his dick until he squirmed beneath

“Sam…Sugar…” A ragged breath escaped his lips. “If you want

me to fuck you…you better stop…”

Feeling daring, she scraped her nails from the base to the crown,

then ran her tongue over the hot skin to soothe it. Hearing his growl,
she reached to the side and grabbed a condom. Ripping open the
wrapper with her teeth, she slowly rolled it down his erection. Sitting
up on her knees, she positioned herself on top of Greg and slowly
impaled herself on him as he filled her with thick heat.

Closing her eyes, Sam couldn’t breathe. The heat from Greg

spread through her body with each thrust of his hips. Her head fell
back, and her eyes closed as her muscles tightened around him. With
a final thrust, Greg cried out her name. Giving in to the demands of
her own orgasm, she groaned and fell onto his chest, entirely spent.

Greg wrapped his arms around Sam, kissing the top of her head as

she lay with him, trying to recover. “I’m thinking Dallas and I need to
talk Tommy into hiring you as a full-time hand.”

Sam ran her hand over Greg’s chest, teasing the patch of crisp

hair. “Well, he did say I had good instincts the other day when we
were bringing in the cattle.”

“He also said he’d hire you if your writing gig didn’t work out,”

Dallas added.

“Maybe I could do both…” She reached for Dallas, who moved

closer and placed his hand on her stomach, caressing her. Greg raised
his brow and smiled wickedly at Samantha then looked over her
shoulder at Dallas. “Or both of us could do you…”

Shock registered on her face in a deep red hue that spread over her

body. He must be joking. Feeling Greg’s heated gaze upon her, she
nervously glanced toward Dallas, only to be met by a pair of dark

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eyes that were filled with sinful intent.

With both men on either side of her, Sam had no way to escape

from Greg and Dallas’s penetrating stares. Instead, she closed her
eyes, covered them with her hand, feeling suddenly anxious and

Dallas must have picked up on her apprehension. Trailing his

fingertips up and down her side, he grazed her breast before retracing
the path to her thigh. Leaning close, his firm lips pressed against her
shoulder. “You are so beautiful, Sam.”

“Beautiful and luscious,” Greg added, taking Samantha’s hand

away from her eyes and kissing the tops of her fingers. The gleam in
his eyes, as well as his smile, caused heat to pool in her belly. But
when he turned her hand over and licked, then kissed her palm, her
hips lifted off the floor.

Suddenly Samantha found herself not so nervous. She began

wondering what it would be like to be with both men—sandwiched
between their hard, muscular bodies. How it would feel to have both
Greg and Dallas moving inside her. Can I really do this? Both of
them…at the same time?

Dallas leaned down and ran his tongue along the rim of her ear,

causing her to shiver. His warm breath almost caused her to come as
he whispered in her ear. “Let us pleasure you, Sam.”

Heat coiled in her belly and moved down between her legs. She

did want to experience this. She wanted to feel their hard cocks inside
her. She looked back and forth at both men. “What…or how…” Her
voice was just above a whisper and she felt her cheeks warm.

Kissing her palm again, Greg’s smile and eyes grew large. “Don’t

worry about the how. We’ll guide you and make sure you enjoy every
moment.” He nodded at Dallas, who sat up, then stood in front of

Samantha couldn’t take her eyes off of Dallas’s naked body. Or

more to the point, his saluting erection. She swallowed hard when he
bent down and took her hand, pulling her to her feet. Cocking his

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head, he walked her a few steps across the room then sat down on the
oversized ottoman. Excitement ran through every nerve of her body as
he pulled her onto his lap, wrapped his arms around her, and began to
kiss her. She felt his erection grow harder as he devoured her with
deep, sensual kisses. As he fell back onto the ottoman, she followed,
pressing her body against his. She felt his strong muscles, the
pounding of his heart, and was quickly lost in the moment.

With condoms in hand, Greg moved closer, kneeling behind

Samantha. His hands traveled up her soft back and down her sides
while she continued to kiss Dallas. Greg blazed a trail of hot
openmouthed kisses down her spine. His fingers rounded her hips,
then dipped between her legs, becoming slick with her fluids. He
nipped at her butt cheek with his teeth and then soothed the sting with
his tongue as he slowly probed her backside.

Pressure, mixed with discomfort and pleasure, caused Sam’s body

to tense.

Dallas placed his hands on both sides of her face, forcing her to

look into his eyes. “Just relax. He’s just stretching you so you can
take him in.” He pulled her down to his mouth and his tongue plunged
inside, distracting her from Greg’s penetrating fingers. His left hand
moved between their bodies and began to toy with her taut nipples.
The distraction worked. Sam barely registered the addition of Greg’s
second finger.

Between the unfamiliar sensations Greg was creating, and

Dallas’s torturous play upon her body, Sam was hot, wet, and ready to
explode. Moans were escaping her lips as her body ached for both
men to be inside her. “I want you both. Now. Inside me.”

Leaning over Samantha’s back, Greg whispered in her ear, “Why

don’t you put this on Dallas while I get ready?”

Sam sat up and looked down at Dallas as her hands ran over his

chest slick with perspiration. Slowly she turned and looked over her
shoulder at Greg. He leaned in and kissed her passionately as he
handed her the foil package. The heated look in his eyes caused her

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stomach to quiver with excitement.

Ripping open the condom, she rolled it down Dallas’s hard cock,

smiling as he grimaced when she gave him a slight squeeze. Dallas
placed his hands on Samantha’s hips and guided her down onto him.
She closed her eyes, slowly taking in every inch of him. Filling her.

When she began to move, Dallas tightened his hold on her hips,

stopping her. “Wait. We’ll do the work. You just enjoy.”

Greg pressed his hot body against Samantha’s back and kissed her

shoulder. “Ready?”

Nodding her head, she tried not to tense but found herself doing it


“Just relax,” Greg whispered as he pressed his cock up against her


Samantha wasn’t able to relax. Matter of fact, her entire body

tensed. Dallas moved his finger to where their bodies were connected,
brushing the pad of his finger over her clit ever so slightly to distract
her from Greg’s movement. Her entire body shuddered at his touch
and her fingers dug into his abdomen. Slowly Greg pushed into her
backside, penetrating the tight opening.

“Oh…” Sam exhaled, but it sounded more like a moan to her ears.
“Do you want me to stop?” Greg asked as his hands circled her

body and began to knead her breast.

“No. Don’t stop. I want all of…” Her breath caught as she began

to rock her hips. Dallas let out a loud growl at her movement and
quickly stopped her.

Feeling Greg fully seated inside her, Samantha’s head fell back

upon his shoulder. Every nerve in her body was on fire as her heart
pounded in her chest. It was then that her world spun out of control as
Dallas thrust his hips further inside her and Greg pulled out. Thus
began a sensual dance between the two men as they thrust in and out
of her body, driving her crazy.

Sam’s body quivered, and she reached behind her, wrapping her

arm around Greg’s neck as his strong fingers continued to torture her

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breast. Dallas was still holding her hips as they drove her to the edge.

“I’m close…” Dallas rumbled.
Greg cursed under his breath.
Dallas’s finger rasped over Sam’s center, and she gasped for air

before yelling out as a powerful orgasm flooded her body. Her
muscles tightened around Dallas as he thrust a final time and shouted
out. Greg was still holding Sam upright as her body shook. With a
final thrust from him, she felt his body shudder as the two fell onto
Dallas—their bodies still joined together.

For several minutes, Dallas and Greg kept their arms wrapped

tightly around Samantha as they rested on the ottoman, trying to
recover from the amazing experience.

“I’ve never…” Still panting, Sam tried to finish her thought,

“…anything like that before.”

Dallas turned and kissed her temple, his chest still rising and

falling from the exertion. “That was definitely earth shattering.” He

“I’d say mind blowing,” Greg added. He kissed behind

Samantha’s ear before pulling out of her body. He then helped her off
Dallas and lifted her exhausted body into his strong but still quivering

Walking over to the fire, Greg placed her on the blanket then lay

down beside her. Taking her in his arms, he tenderly kissed her as
Dallas joined them. Both men snuggled close to her, and she closed
her eyes and drifted off to sleep, feeling happier than she ever thought

* * * *

Hours later, Sam felt movement beside her and opened her eyes.

Sometime while she was sleeping, someone had covered them with a
blanket. At her side, Greg was sleeping soundly as the fire crackled
from a new log.

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“Sam?” Dallas sat up on his arm, looking down at her. “You all


Smiling, she snuggled into his inviting arms. “I’ve never been



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An aspiring writer for many years, Niki Hayes was looking for an

escape from her stressful job and life, and began writing romance as a
way to forget her troubles. There’s nothing she likes more than
torturing a hero or heroine to make the happy ending worth the
journey. When not writing hot stories with The Sextet, Niki’s usually
working on other projects, spending time with family or friends, or
curled up with a good book.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

Document Outline


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