Emma Wildes & Lara Santiago The Sins of Their Fathers (Siren) (pdf)

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Can’t Say No

Kissed by Fate

Emma Wildes

Lara Santiago


Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance

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Can’t Say No
Copyright © 2008 by Emma Wildes
Kissed by Fate
Copyright © 2008 by Lara Santiago
E-book ISBN: 1-60601-014-X

First E-book Publication: March 2008

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2008 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without
express written permission.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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For Virginia with love.


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The Sins of Their Fathers

Emma Wildes

Copyright © 2008

Chapter 1

London, 1840

It was a cloudless night, brilliant with stars, and Wade Warrick

stepped outside with both appreciation of the celestial view above and the

fresher air. The ballroom had been stifling, packed with milling guests, and

he never enjoyed a crush. His carriage had already been brought around and

he looked very much forward to several stiff brandies and the peace and

quiet of his study.

The entire evening had been a bit annoying. Just what the latest

rumor circulating was he didn’t know firsthand, but it apparently involved

him and Lady Taylor.

Good Lord, he’d waltzed with the woman one time. Didn’t the

gossips have anything better to do than speculate on his love life?

He grasped the handle, put one foot on the step, and in the very act

of climbing into his carriage he froze.

It wasn’t empty.

“Please don’t say or do anything so anyone knows I’m here.”

The soft entreaty was almost as puzzling as finding the vehicle

occupied. He certainly arrived alone. Moreover his visitor was a woman,

though in the gloom it was difficult to see exactly who she might be. Not

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sure what to do except honor her request, and admittedly curious, he did as

she asked and simply climbed in.

Bloody hell, now what?

“Thank you.” She sat primly on the seat, her hands folded in her lap,

a dark cloak draped around her slender shoulders. As his eyes adjusted to

the gloom, he recognized her with a small glimmer of surprise. Even in the

uncertain light there was no mistaking the signature pale gleam of her hair

or her strikingly beautiful features. In the same soft tone, she asked, “Where

can we go?”

Nonplussed, as he didn’t really know her other than one brief

introduction months ago, he found himself at a loss for words momentarily.

“I beg your pardon?”

The young daughter of the Earl of Charbeau, the reigning beauty of

the haute ton, recently engaged to one of the wealthiest peers in England,

explained in a matter of fact tone. “I guess I should have clarified my

question. Where can we go that is completely private?”

They were already in motion, his driver apparently unaware he had


The word private and this young woman set off an entire chorus of

alarm bells ringing. “I am quite sure I do not understand, for which, I think,

you cannot blame me, Lady Helen. We are barely acquainted, it is late, you

have no chaperone—”

“A chaperone would spoil the whole thing. I want you, in fact, to

ruin me.”

Wade stared at her incredulously, not sure he wasn’t having some

odd hallucination. “What?”

“Don’t worry, no one will ever know it was you. I just need

someone to…well…bed me. I was certain you would know someplace

discreet where we wouldn’t be seen together.”

He’d certainly been propositioned before, but not with such

bluntness, and at least he usually had more than a passing acquaintance with

the woman. He knew Helen Richmond even less than he did Lady Taylor.

Wade lifted his brows and studied her lovely face in the dim light. “Let me

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clarify this. You wish to be ruined? It seems to me your future husband

might take exception.”

“Exactly. If he knows I am no longer a virgin, you can be sure he

won’t want me any longer. No one is more pompous and arrogant than the

Duke of Resdale. Surely you know him.”

Finally a glimmer of light shone in the befuddling situation. Wade

lounged back and rubbed his jaw. “Yes,” he admitted, not caring much for

the man himself. In his opinion the adjectives applied quite well though the

handsome duke was both popular and considered very charming by most of

society. The exception apparently sat right in front of him and unfortunately

it was Resdale’s betrothed. “It seems to me your approach to this is a bit

drastic, my lady. Why not sever your engagement by simply calling it off?”

She decisively shook her blonde head, a silky curl brushing her

slender neck. “You must understand, sir, as surely as the betrothal was

forced on me, so would be the marriage. My father’s family is very close to

the duke’s family, the Westerlands. The idea of the marriage has existed

since the day I was born, and the whole situation is made worse by the fact

Frederick has an apparent penchant for me. On my part, I think he is boorish

and spoiled. In front of my parents, of course, he is charming and attentive,

but beneath the polished public surface, he is completely different. No, I will

do anything to make sure he is the one who decides against it.”

There wasn’t much doubting her conviction. Wade gave a small

sardonic smile. “May I ask, pray tell, why was I selected for this honor?”

Actually, he didn’t really need to ask, damn Jason and James to

perdition. Just because his older twin brothers were considered two of the

most notorious rakes in all of Britain, he somehow had the same reputation.

No one seemed to notice he did not pursue every attractive female in sight.

In fact, he disapproved of their iniquitous lifestyles for the most part and

shunned the idea of a retinue of different females constantly in his bed. He

believed in feeling a genuine passion for a woman before becoming

intimately involved, not merely passing lust.

For the first time, the very lovely Miss Richmond looked other than

completely self-possessed. Her long lashes lowered a fraction. Under the

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cloak she wore a low-cut fashionable ball gown and he saw the upper curves

of her ivory breasts quiver as she took a breath. “First, I chose you because

of my mother.”

“Your mother?” He stifled a mirthless laugh. “This just becomes

more interesting by the moment. I am perishing to know the segue between

your mother, myself, and your determination to thwart Resdale’s passion for


“Actually, I overheard her and several ladies gossiping over tea a

few days ago and she remarked that though you were a typical roguish

Warrick male, at least you are discreet and do not flaunt your affairs. Once

again, no one will ever know it was you, and I prefer you, of course, keep it

a secret. It will be enough that I have had a lover.”

He was perceived as discreet because he didn’t dash around having

casual liaisons, but Wade simply lifted his brows. “Why not just invent one?

Surely you needn’t actually go through with it.”

“My mother has an uncanny knack of being able to tell if I am lying.

I gave up as a child. No, it’s best to truly do the deed in truth.”

He eyed the resolute tenseness of her shoulders and the shadowed

set of her delicately beautiful face. “I see you believe that. What is the

second reason you decided out of all the men already prostrate at your feet

you would pick one you barely know?”

“We have never even shared a dance or more than a polite word. My

father won’t suspect you. I especially do not want to marry Frederick, but

there is no one else I care to marry either. When I tell my father what I’ve

done, I am sure the first thing he will demand is the identity of the culprit.

When I refuse to reveal it, he will look to the suitors who have been

pursuing me this Season. They will all be innocent, so he won’t be able to

prove anything. Many of them have already offered for me, so if I asked one

of them to do this, I might end up married anyway. It is logical to choose

someone like you with no interest in me.”

He’d like to meet the man who could completely ignore her

spectacular beauty. If she thought he could, she was wrong. However, she

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did have a point. He hadn’t ever considered pursuing her in a romantic way

with marriage as the end result.

She certainly seemed to have thought it all through, except she

chose the wrong Warrick brother for a casual seduction, whatever they said

about him. “Look, Lady Helen, while I am flattered—”

“I have always thought you are very handsome.” The confession

was made with just the right touch of shyness, a contrast to her brazen

proposal. “That helps as well. And by all accounts, you have the practice to

make it, well…a pleasant experience. All I want is a few hours of your time.

Surely, for a man who spends most nights engaged in the activity in

question, it won’t be too much of an imposition?”

The imploring look in her eyes gave him pause. A beautiful young

woman begging a man to take her to bed would tempt anyone, and

especially Helen Richmond with her compelling loveliness. Most men

would be tripping over themselves—and probably killing each other—for

this chance. However, she was wrong. He didn’t spend most nights

fornicating with women he didn’t know, no matter how appealing. His

practice, as she put it, was limited to several short love affairs.

Yet the faint drift of her perfume lingered in the air, like an elusive

incentive. If he said no, he wondered, would she simply seek out someone


He had the damned reputation, maybe for once he should live up to

it. Lord Charbeau’s daughter was more than a little tempting, and while he

wasn’t the proliferate rakehell he was perceived as by society, he was still a

man with all the typical urges. This evening was proof that no matter how

circumspect his behavior, he was still perceived as a libertine of the first


If she was really going to do this, it might as well be him.

Good God, he wasn’t really thinking about it, was he?

* * * *

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Emma Wildes

Her palms were damp, her heart pounded, and surely if he realized

how nervous she actually was, he would be even more inclined to turn her


That Wicked Warrick, as he was dubbed by society, might refuse

her was a surprise.

Helen just assumed a rake of his caliber would immediately have

agreed to a sexual proposition, but he truly seemed hesitant.

She hadn’t lied to flatter him though, he was easily one of the most

attractive men she had ever seen, and long before her shocking idea

occurred to her, she had very much noticed the notoriously handsome and

sinful Wade Warrick.

First of all, he was like all the Warrick men, tall, wide-shouldered,

and dark-haired, with the splendid bone-structure that made women take a

second glance—high cheekbones, a straight clean jaw, that sensual mouth—

his stark male beauty was undeniable. It was impossible to ignore the color

of his eyes, an unusual deep blue framed by almost girlish long lashes. But

there was nothing feminine about his well-muscled body, or the length of his

legs as he reclined across from her, booted feet extended, very much larger

than life. At close range, his potent masculinity was almost overwhelming.

Could she really go through with this, Helen wondered, but then she

thought of Frederick with his sneering, superior smile and how just that

afternoon he informed her she would soon be his property. Her resolve

stiffened. Even if she was somehow still forced to go through with the

ceremony, she would always have the satisfaction of knowing she had given

herself to someone else first.

Warrick shifted a little, his blue eyes narrowed as he looked at her.

“You realize there will be a scandal if Resdale is involved. I would guess he

isn’t going to keep the information about your fall from grace to himself,

especially if he is angry and spiteful over the unwelcome news.”

She smiled, hoping her lips didn’t tremble. “My mother was

stranded on a deserted island for many months with three men. She came

back to England unwed and pregnant, yet she has managed just fine in

society. She married my father and his name and wealth protected her, just

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as it will protect me. I imagine even someone like Frederick will think twice

before he decides to smear my name in public. The disclosure will be a very

private affair, believe me. I doubt he’ll say anything out of pride, and I’ll let

him be the one to save face. Our story will be he changed his mind about the

marriage and backed out. I am fine with it.”

“No one will believe it.” The softly said words were accompanied

by the quicksilver smile she’d seen moments before, a charming but all too

quick brief curve of his mouth. Somehow, she’d expected the infamous

youngest Warrick to be more smooth, more dashing, not almost diffident

and quiet. Any man who had a reputation for seduction like his surely was a

bit more suave.

“Why not?” Helen shifted as they clattered around a corner. “It will

be the truth. When he finds out I chose to lie with another man, he actually

will retract his proposal.”

“You’re very beautiful. I think you may have been told that once or

twice before.” The tone of his voice was dry. “What if he decides it’s worth

it to marry you anyway?”

If there was one thing she knew about Frederick it was it would

make him insane to picture her with another man. He was too obsessed with

complete control and his damned exalted title. “He won’t.”

“You’re so sure?”

“Yes. Will you help me?”

He hesitated, and then raked his hand through his glossy hair. It

framed his chiseled features in unruly waves and brushed his broad

shoulders. “I certainly shouldn’t. You caught me at a bad moment or I

wouldn’t even think of this.”

“I give you my word, no one will find out from me.” She felt a

flicker of triumph, though she had no idea what he meant exactly by that

cryptic declaration.

She felt something else, too. A wanton twinge of excitement coiled

deep in her stomach as she gazed at him.

What will it be like to be held in his arms?

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“Despite what you’ve heard, my lady, this is actually a bit of a

moral dilemma for me. I do not take advantage of innocent young ladies.”

His mouth tightened a fraction. “Believe it or not.”

“I believe I am taking advantage of you, sir. Think of it that way.”

“What will you do if I refuse?”

She shrugged, hoping she looked sangfroid. “As you pointed out,

there are other options, but you seem the best choice.”

He stared at her for a moment and then gave a small sigh. “You are


“I am.”

“Are you certain you can’t talk to your father?”

“I’ve talked to him, argued with him, and explained my position

with tedious repetition. He isn’t an ogre, but he won’t listen because he

believes making an advantageous marriage to a respectable wealthy man is

best for me.”

Warrick settled farther back into the seat, his expression inscrutable.

“Maybe he’s right.”

“If he is, Frederick is still the wrong choice. Tell me, Mr. Warrick,

would you like to be forced into marrying a woman you not only did not

love, but actually disliked?”

“No,” he admitted. “It isn’t I don’t see your point, my lady, I am

just unsure playing the role you have asked of me in your quest to free

yourself from this unwanted engagement is at all wise.”

“I promise it will be very simple.”

He looked wryly amused. “If you think sex is simple, you are

wrong. Where do your parents think you are, anyway?”

“Staying overnight with a friend after the ball. We have until dawn

if you can see through to being chivalrous enough to aid me.”

As if on cue, the carriage slowed and rolled to a halt for apparently

he didn’t live far. Helen gazed at him expectantly through the veil of her

slightly lowered lashes, seeing the indecision etched in his classic handsome


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To press the advantage, she whispered, “Please. I will be forever in

your debt.”

He ran a hand restlessly again through his thick hair. “I pride myself

on having at least a modicum of sense. I should take you straight home.”

“And how would you explain that, sir?” She knew she had a point,

for if her father realized she’d been deposited back home by Wade

Warrick’s carriage, he would react with predictable fatherly outrage. “In the

morning I have arranged to meet my friend by the park and she will take me

home as if I had been with her all night.”

“You certainly seem to have this all planned.”

“I’ve been thinking about it for some time.”

There was another moment of patent hesitation before he inclined

his dark head in a curt nod. “Very well. We are at my townhouse and I live

alone. It should be private enough, for the servants will all be in bed. Pull up

the hood of your cloak so no one sees your face, my reckless lady, and we’ll

go inside.”

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Chapter 2

The hallway was still lit by several low burning lamps and Wade led

his unexpected guest toward the staircase, still not sure he hadn’t taken

complete leave of his senses. Playing stud to Charbeau’s young daughter, no

matter what she said about complete discretion, was probably not only

uncharacteristically foolish, but maybe even dangerous. The earl was not a

man to cross and by all accounts a protective father.

So why the devil was he taking her up to his bedroom at this very

moment? Why didn’t he just say no and send her on her way? His irritation

over a few whispers shouldn’t take this form.

Maybe it had been the way she appealed to him, with persuasive

feminine pathos over her current plight.

Maybe it was her rare golden beauty that swayed his scruples over

complying with her unorthodox request.

Maybe he was more of a Warrick male than he thought, he

wondered with cynicism, as he opened the door and stepped back so she

could go inside. For one brief moment she hesitated as her gaze flickered

over the large canopied bed, already turned down earlier in anticipation of

his return. It was brief, however, and she slipped inside and turned to watch

him enter and close the door.

The ensuing silence was a bit awkward. He’d never been

particularly gifted at flirtation, but since women flirted regularly with him,

they didn’t seem to notice he was reticent with flowery compliments and

poetic declarations. He cleared his throat. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

She bit her soft lower lip and nodded, her long lashes lowered a

little over her blue eyes. In the light of the lamp, her alabaster skin shone

smooth and flawless, her complexion the envy of more than one young lady,

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he was sure. Her nose was straight and small, and her mouth looked

invitingly soft and was a lush rose color. As she slipped off her cloak, he

saw her fashionable gown suited her slender beauty for it emphasized the

voluptuous curves of her breasts balanced by the narrowness of her waist.

Naked, he suspected she was going to be like a carnal dream come

true, and apparently—as bizarre as it seemed—all his for the next few hours.

A decanter of claret and one of brandy sat on a small table near the

fireplace, as he frequently had a glass before bed. Several goblets sat nearby

and he poured wine for her and a stiff brandy for himself.

Stiff, yes, that was an operable word, he decided wryly, for even

though he wasn’t sure having the delectable Lady Helen in his bedroom was

at all a good idea despite her assurances of complete secrecy, he was getting

hard already. It surprised him a little, for normally he was pretty controlled

and he hadn’t even touched her yet.

The earl’s daughter accepted the glass of wine with murmured

thanks. Wade nodded and indicated one of the two wing chairs nearby.

“Have a seat, my lady. We do not need to rush into anything. As a matter of

fact, if at any time you wish to change your mind about your, well,

unconventional plan, you may do so. I will be glad to see you home as

discreetly as possible.”

A flicker of some unidentifiable emotion crossed her lovely features

and she sank down in a graceful pool of silken skirts, the sky blue color

suiting her pale skin and a match for her enormous, long-lashed eyes. “I

won’t change my mind.”

His cock hardened to almost full erection at the conviction in her

tone. He sat down in the opposite chair and did his best to ignore it. “Are

you always so determined when you make a decision, even one as wildly

outrageous as this one?”

“I’m afraid so.” Her smile showed a small, endearing dimple in one

cheek. “I am a bit like my mother, though my father can be infernally

stubborn as well. My mother always tells me I have an adventurous spirit.

As a child, I was a bit trying, according to them.”

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He could believe it from the audacious way she had approached

him, though there was nothing about her that reminded him in the least of a

child. She was a stunning woman. There was no question of it.

Wade lifted his brandy and took a hearty sip, watching her drink

from her glass with dainty grace. He gave a small choked cough when she

looked at him directly and asked, “Shall I take off my clothes?”

In his opinion lovemaking should not be a rushed business, but

approached with finesse and patience. His older brother once mentioned he

liked sex best when there was an element of danger involved, like in an

alcove off a crowded ballroom where the lady’s husband was in attendance.

No wonder James had been involved in at least three duels. Jason must

agree with him, for he had been in more. Wade couldn’t even fathom having

sexual relations with a married woman, much less in a public place. The first

was morally wrong, the second just incomprehensible. He said, “Eventually.

I am going to assume if you have never done this before and we have time,

speed is not our goal, but enjoyment. It helps if you have at least some sort

of emotional link to your bed partner, my lady. Please, tell me more about


“You want to get to know me?” A small frown furrowed her smooth

brow. “I admit I am surprised. I thought we’d just…well…you know.”

Fuck? he thought sardonically, though he would never swear in

front of a lady. Maybe some men would expediently get her into bed, but if

he was going to be her first lover, he wished for her to at least recall the

event with pleasure. “I am not an animal. Neither are you. Human beings

should share the intimate act of mating on more than one level in my

humble opinion.”

Her eyes widened a little. “You are not quite what I expected.”

One thing he had already learned after such a short time in her

company, and it was that she had no trouble being direct. Well-aware of his

reputation, Wade lifted a brow. “How so?”

“For one thing, I thought—though perhaps this sounds like personal

conceit—you would agree at once to my idea.”

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Most men probably would have. He just wasn’t that way. “Forget

the rumors,” he murmured over the rim of his glass. “As always, gossip is

notoriously unreliable. I have no idea what exactly they say about me but I

am sure most of it isn’t true. Now, please, what kind of music do you enjoy?

Do you paint? Prefer the country to the city?”

* * * *

None of this was turning out as she anticipated it would go. First of

all, she’d practically had to beg one of London’s most celebrated rogues to

take her to bed, and then, once they were in his bedroom, he instead wanted

to sit and talk. What was worse, she had done it too, prattling on about her

past, her two younger brothers, her aversion to embroidery. All of it

probably boringly mundane. Somehow he had managed to look interested in

everything she said, and Helen had to admit, it put her at ease.

God help her, Wade Warrick seemed nice.

Yes, with his dark good looks and athletic body he fit exactly the

rakehell image everyone whispered over behind their hands, but so far he

hadn’t acted that way.

It wasn’t possible to be wickedly handsome, notoriously wild, and

nice at the same time, was it?

She couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like when he kissed

her, which at this time was the limit of her sexual experience.

Truly the man had the most beautiful mouth. His lips were sculpted

and perfect, and when he smiled, which was astonishingly rare for a

confirmed seducer, she felt an unfamiliar flutter somewhere deep in her

stomach. She’d been kissed before, stolen moments in darkened gardens

when importunate suitors got carried away, but she had never been

particularly impressed with the process. When Frederick touched his lips to

hers, which had thankfully only happened once or twice, she felt actually


Somehow, with the notorious youngest Warrick brother, she had a

feeling it would be different.

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The chiming of the clock made her look up, glancing at the position

of the hands. God in heaven, she’d been babbling for over an hour. Her

cheeks warmed and she set aside her wine glass. “I think I’ve monopolized

the conversation.”

“Not at all. I have been fascinated.” The corner—just the corner—of

his mouth lifted up a fraction in a sexy twitch. “But, it is getting late, I

suppose. Are you still determined to do this?”

Her breasts tightened, which had never happened to her before.

Helen fought the urge to cross her arms in front of her chest to hide it. A

physical reaction to a man was a new experience. She nodded.

“Then, please come here.”

The lamp had burned down and the shadows gave his face planes

and hollows. On wobbly legs, stricken by sudden apprehension, Helen

stood. She crossed over toward his chair and he rose up in one lithe

movement, all tall imposing male.

Maybe this is a mistake

His long fingers touched her face, just skimming her cheek in a

graceful arc and then tracing her upper lip. “I still think I am being a fool,

but at this moment, a very willing one. You are more than beautiful, my


Helen stared up at him, mesmerized by the heavy light in his cobalt

eyes. “I’ve already told you I think you are very handsome.”

“Mutual attraction is a good place to start, I suppose. Are you ready

to move to the bed?”

She wasn’t, she found, a small curl of panic taking hold. But she

was not a coward either, and she had started this.

Was she really going to allow this man intimate knowledge of her


Yes, for better him than Frederick. Whether it was instinct or naïve

hope, she believed that. Her fiancée was a known quantity and she couldn’t

imagine sharing herself with him.

“I’m ready.”

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Wade didn’t seem to have any trouble figuring out her sudden

trepidation despite her declaration. “It isn’t too late to refuse.”

“I don’t want to refuse. This is my idea, remember?”

“I remember.” He gave a small laugh and shook his head. “I

somehow think I will have a hard time forgetting this night for the rest of

my life. You needn’t worry over silence on my part for no one would

believe me the incomparable Helen Richmond requested to come to my


She wasn’t sure that was true. Every woman in England would

probably believe it, especially the usual ton beauties drooling over him all

the time. “Incomparable?”

He looked right through her with those vivid blue eyes. “It is the

only word I can think of that fits.”

It was flattering because she was convinced he was sincere, but

maybe that threw her more than anything. She was somehow sure she would

feel drawn in smoothly, overwhelmed with skillful manipulation, and even

more so, seduced.

However, she didn’t. Instead he seemed as uncertain as she was, and

he didn’t even move to touch her except that light, almost tentative caress.

Not at all what she expected.

Neither was his kiss.

When he lowered his head and his lips touched hers, it was nothing

but a gentle pressure, completely unlike the wet, awkward open mouths and

fumbling hands from the others who had tried. One hand went to her waist

and rested there as their mouths melded together and it was she who moved

instinctively closer to him, feeling the warmth from his tall, lean body.

Without thought, Helen melted into him, her hands coming up to grasp the

front of his tailored jacket. His lips parted and the brush of his tongue was

subtle, touching hers in a slow, sensuous glide.

Definitely like nothing she had experienced before. It was instinct to

respond, parting her lips to give him deeper access, the hint of brandy as he

explored her mouth heady. Before long she was as much kissing as being

kissed, and her whole body was somehow pressed against him.

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When he finally lifted his head, she was glad she had a firm hold on

his coat for her knees felt a little weak. Long fingers feathered down her arm

and he whispered, “That was certainly a nice beginning.”

She agreed, for her body felt strange, almost tense, and though she

was nervous over what came next, the apprehension that could only be

natural for someone who was innocent sexually had somehow changed to


It had been an excellent idea to choose an experienced man like

Wade Warrick to deflower her. If that kiss was any indication, she was

actually going to enjoy the process.

As he pulled the pins from her hair he kissed her again, this time

with a little more urgency, her long tresses falling in a tumble over her

shoulders and down her back. She felt him fumble with the fastenings on her

gown and the material loosened as he unbuttoned it. Before long it slid off

her shoulders and she stood only in her chemise, stockings, and slippers,

unable to help a vivid blush. When he lifted her in his arms in what seemed

to be an effortless sweep, Helen gave a small inadvertent gasp and clutched

his broad shoulders.

“I’ll finish undressing you in bed,” he said in explanation and laid

her down carefully before efficiently slipping off her slippers and stockings.

His gaze skimmed her body, now clad only in her lacy shift, and the gleam

of male approval shone in his cobalt eyes. Long fingers went to his cravat

and tugged it free. He asked almost off-handedly, “Do you understand how

this works?”

There was the most peculiar warmth between her thighs. Helen felt

almost languid, and maybe part of it was the two glasses of wine she’d had

as she chatted earlier. “Yes, my mother explained it to me once.”

His ebony brows lifted and he shrugged out of his jacket. “Did


“I asked.” That was the truth, for she’d always been fairly curious

about everything and the one thing she could say about her mother was she

wasn’t some sort of stuffy prude. The description of male arousal had been a

little startling, and how sexual intercourse worked exactly even more so.

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Now that she found herself in a virtual stranger’s bed, almost completely

undressed, watching as he removed his clothing, she was actually anxious to

find out if it was as wonderful as her mother had promised it would be.

With the right man. The promise of pleasure had included that


That was part of the reason she was doing such a shockingly wanton

thing. Frederick was not the right man. Trying to picture finding tenderness

or enjoyment in his arms was beyond even her lively imagination.

She didn’t want to think about her selfish fiancée right now.

Fascinated, she stared at Wade’s bare chest, amazed by the muscled

smoothness of it, at how hard and solid he looked as he tossed his shirt

aside. Clad only in his breeches he joined her, first kneeling on the mattress

and then sliding in beside her as his hand cupped her chin and tilted her face


For another bone-melting kiss.

God, his mouth felt wonderful as it settled on hers and she slid her

hands up over the width of his shoulders to clasp around his neck.

The right man? This certainly felt wickedly right, but then again,

she was with Wicked Warrick. This was what he did so well by all accounts,

made women feel both desired and desire.

If the impressive bulge she felt in his breeches as he pressed against

her was evidence, she was desired. If her own uneven pulse and the ache in

her suddenly heavy breasts were indications, she returned the feeling with

embarrassing enthusiasm.

“You taste like heaven,” he murmured against her mouth. “So soft

and female. I need more. If we are going to do this together, let’s wrest

everything possible from this night.”

Any response she might make was stifled as his warm lips grazed

across her jaw and down the curve of her throat. He kissed the pulse point in

the small hollow at the base, the delicate play of his tongue on her skin

making her arch. The tug on the ribbon holding her bodice together

normally would have alarmed her, but as he eased her chemise lower to

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expose her breasts, Helen watched without protest or modesty as he bared

her to his now very heated gaze.

“Magnificent.” His hand gracefully cupped her flesh, dark against

the paleness of her skin. Her nipple was tight and very pointed and when his

breath whispered over it, Helen fought a small moan.

And then he took it in his mouth.

Oh God.

Sensation streaked downward, curling hot in her belly and even

lower, between her legs. He suckled gently, kneading at the same time, the

tip of her breast deep in his mouth. Helen could not help it as a small cry of

pleasure built low in her throat and escaped.

Her mother had explained men enjoyed touching women’s breasts,

but she hadn’t fully emphasized how good it felt. The soft suction and

heated rasp of his tongue was like nothing she had ever experienced and her

head fell back as he moved to the other straining breast. His fingers toyed

with the wet nipple he had just abandoned as he lavished attention on the

other, and she began to tremble at the dual sensation.

“You like this?” His tone was teasing and husky as he kissed his

way to the valley between and held them both in his hands. Her cupped flesh

jutted high and her pointed nipples glistened.

“Yes,” Helen confessed shamelessly, since he’d heard her anyway

and from the expression on his face knew full well her reaction.

“What if I told you, my reckless lady, there is something you’ll like

even more.”

“Better yet, show me.”

The challenge made his ebony brows shoot up and he grinned,

making his handsome face look boyish all at once. “Has anyone mentioned

to you the fact you are a little bit audacious, Lady Helen?”

In public, of course, she did her best to act the perfect proper lady,

but he was right. It really wasn’t in her nature to conceal her feelings and

she tended to be a little reckless now and then, just as he had called her.

Who could blame him for thinking it? She’d propositioned him in a

very direct manner. “I try not to be,” she said, all too aware of the opulent

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display of her breasts still lifted in his hands. His thumbs made lazy,

tantalizing circles over the crests and they tingled in reaction.

“In bed, there is nothing better than audacious. Here, let me

untangle you from your chemise. I need you naked to show you.”

If the beginning was any indication of what the rest would bring,

she wasn’t going to protest. When he pulled the garment lower, down her

hips and legs, she helped him by wiggling free. The open admiration in his

eyes helped negate her embarrassment over being entirely nude.

“Your beauty is matchless, Lady Helen.” There was a distinct glitter

in his gaze as he stood up and his fingers went to the fastenings on his

breeches. “If you know what is going to happen, you know you have to

spread your legs.”

She barely registered the words, her gaze riveted on the long length

of his erection as he pushed his pants down his lean hips and stepped free. It

stood high against his stomach, and she was admittedly not prepared for the

sheer size of it. “Will this work?” she blurted out the question, not able to

stop staring. He was built like Greek god in every way, all defined male

muscle, but none of the statues or illustrations she’d seen in books had a

cock like that. Those had been small and lax, with rounded testicles. This

was simply huge and the sacs at the base large and full.

He laughed and moved back toward the bed. “You have my word. It

will work. Now, please, spread your legs. You say you want this. Very well,

prove it and invite me.”

Well, she had come this far and certainly her body craved to know

what came next, even if her mind rejected the idea he could really fit inside

her. Helen slowly opened her thighs, feeling a little vulnerable as he settled

on top of her between them, his weight braced on his elbows.

“I love your hair, so soft and like the finest silk. The pale color

appeals to me also, not quite gold, not quite flaxen.” His long fingers sifted

through the strands and he bent to take her mouth in a kiss that left her

breathless. When he eased lower, she watched as his dark head moved down

her torso, kissing and licking, his hands following, stroking her sensitive

skin. Her belly quivered as he skimmed along the taut plane of it.

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Going lower.

Good heavens, what wicked idea did he have in mind?

“Just relax and enjoy.”

In some shock, she realized his mouth nuzzled the curls covering

her sex. She could feel the slight stubble on his shaven jaw against the skin

of her inner thighs and then, incredibly, the first foray of his tongue. It

brushed her labia and traced the crease before delving between the folds.

He wasn’t really putting his mouth between her legs, was he?

Wicked didn’t even begin to describe it.

Wonderful worked much better.

There was no way to stop the arch of her spine as he began to lave

her cleft with long strokes, the rapture flooding her entire body. “Oh…oh,”

she gasped out and her fingers slid into his hair just as his tongue slid inside


It was unbelievably decadent but she found he was right. She did

like it even more. In fact, her entire body felt on fire and small shudders

racked through her in involuntary pulses as he pressed closer and continued

the exquisite teasing.

Pleasure coiled, stoked by his skillful tongue, especially when he

licked a certain spot, and she moaned freely, unable to stay quiet as his

mouth moved against her now throbbing cleft.

What exactly was happening, she wasn’t sure but her body ignited

just when she thought she wouldn’t be able to take it another moment.

Suddenly the world collapsed in a rapturous fiery shower of sparks. Helen

shuddered and cried out, in both surprise and pleasure, as the flames licked

through her in erotic pulses. It was so acute, so amazing, she was utterly

limp as the heat finally began to fade and she realized Wade had moved so

he rose above her, a small smile on his mouth. His hair, dark as a raven

wing, shone glossy in the flickering light of the fading lamp, curling against

the strong column of his neck.

“What just happened to me?” she demanded, still dazed.

* * * *

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Lord Charbeau’s gorgeous daughter was something to see in the

aftermath of her first experience with physical passion. Those absolutely

spectacular breasts quivered with each heaving breath, the opulent flesh full

and firm, her nipples a lovely deep pink. The delicate features of her face

were framed by her shining blonde hair and accented by the post-orgasmic

blush of her perfect skin. Her cheeks and highly kissable mouth were a

slightly darker shade. Large, long-lashed eyes stared up at him with

incredulous wonder and he couldn’t help a smile.

“You just climaxed,” he explained, his own body straining with the

need for release, his hard cock resting between her slim legs, poised to take

her as soon as she recovered enough.

“What?” Her smooth brow furrowed.

“Intensely pleasurable, is it not?” He nuzzled her neck, licking the

soft skin. God, she felt so good under him. Any reservations he had over

doing this were not foremost in his mind at the moment. If she was reckless,

he was right there with her, though normally it was not the way he lived his


Somehow, he hadn’t been able to say no.

At the moment he was glad of the reputation he usually found so

irritating. Without it the earl’s stunning daughter would never have sought

him out and there was no question he was enjoying himself despite his

initial objections.

He intended to enjoy himself even more in a moment.

“I never imagined anything like that,” she said with charming

candor, her small hands resting on his shoulders.

“There’s more.”

For the first time she seemed aware of their exact position with the

tip of his cock just teasing her vaginal entrance. “If it’s anything like what

just happened, I can’t wait.”

Oh yes, audacious didn’t begin to describe her. How her father

thought to force someone with her spirit into an unwanted marriage was a


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“Are you ready?” Even as he asked, he increased the pressure so he

began to penetrate, slowly but surely opening her wide as her tight opening

stretched to accept him.

“I think so…oh, God.”

“Does it hurt?” Immediately he stopped, though little more than the

swollen tip of his cock was inside her. He gritted his teeth and felt a small

sheen of sweat break out over his skin.

“No. You’re just…big.”

“You’ll adjust,” he assured her, both relieved and yet aware it would

hurt in a moment as he broke her hymen. “Relax, my lady. It will make it


“Relax? After what you just did to me, I am barely able to lift my


He chuckled, unable to help it, and slid in further, the barrier of her

innocence finally stopping him, but only briefly as he thrust to pass it. She

flinched but said nothing and finally he was gloriously buried to the hilt in

her luscious body. The wash of lust that hit him was so strong he felt the

incredible urge to ejaculate right away, and was barely able to stave it off,

his body tense with the effort.

So much for being the legendary debonair, skilled lover who had the

stamina of a stallion. He’d almost lost control like an adolescent boy and

that would have been humiliating as hell, plus cheated her of what he

intended to be her second orgasm of the evening but not the last.

Wade leaned down to kiss her and whispered, “You have your wish.

You are no longer a virgin, Helen.”

Lashes lowered a little, she ran her hands down his back. “So we’re

done? That wasn’t bad. It barely hurt.”

Like bloody hell they were.

“No, we aren’t done.”

The backward slide of his cock made her eyes widen a little, and the

forward thrust back in made them close completely as she gasped in a small,

very sexy way. In the next few moments he found he admired her

uninhibited enjoyment as much as he did her flawless beauty, and that was

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quite a tribute. How many virgins, he wondered as he felt his own orgasm

rise in a relentless tide he had to stem with iron resolve, so openly gave

themselves over to the act of sexual intercourse in their first encounter?

Not many at a guess, but then again, Lady Helen Richmond was not

ordinary in any way.

Pants became moans, and moans betraying cries, and when he

judged her to be close by the raking of her nails across his back, Wade

reached between them to finger her clitoris. The next inward stroke made a

low scream echo through the room, the reverberating sound like a signal to

his hungry body. The tightening of her vaginal walls as she went over the

edge urged him over the same precipice into paradise and he came

forcefully, pouring into her a torrent of sperm as he groaned and stiffened.

The moment hung, sensation a swirl bombarding his mind and

body. His whole world was the woman arched beneath him, their erotic,

carnal joining, and the harsh sound of breathing as the roaring in his ears

gradually subsided.

Sprawled on top of her damp trembling body, he barely had the

awareness to keep his weight balanced and not crush her. Finally, he found

the strength to move and shifted to his side, reluctant somehow to actually

withdraw, so he brought her with him, draping one of her slim thighs over

his, keeping his half-rigid cock buried deep.

They had, after all, until dawn. The insidious thought crept through

his mind, even in the aftermath of what was the most intense orgasm of his


Wade stroked her lustrous hair, unable to help the tender gesture,

loving the way it sifted through his fingers like satin. He had absolutely no

idea what to say now that the deed was done. None. What would James and

Jason do? he wondered, at a loss. Conjure some smooth words, at a guess,

something clever and exactly the right thing to reassure the young woman

who had just been deflowered.

Instead it was Helen who spoke, her cheek against his chest,

seeming comfortable in their tangled embrace. “I could never, ever, do that

with Frederick.”

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A laugh rumbled from his throat for she looked both adorably

disheveled and delightfully sincere. “But you have no regrets being intimate

with a virtual stranger?”

“None.” There was flattering sincerity in her response. “At least I

find you attractive, and quite frankly, Mr. Warrick, you do not seem to be

quite as…well…I mean, you are obviously proficient like they say—”

“For heaven sakes, call me Wade.” He cupped her bare bottom in

one hand and nestled her closer. “I’m still inside you, my lady. I think that

automatically pushes us into a first name acquaintance.”

“I suppose it does.”

“So I lived up to your expectations?” His tone was a little gruff for

he had to admit he was sorry she thought of him as a rakish less-than-

honorable man who would jump at the chance to bed an innocent young

lady based on the mere fact she was willing.

Even if he had done just that.

“Completely.” If she caught the edge to his tone, she didn’t show it.

“I am glad I didn’t disappoint.” He didn’t mention it had been a

unique experience for him too, for he was sure she would not believe him.

“It may not be my right to ask, but when will you inform your undesired

suitor you are no longer untouched?”

She sighed and yawned, for which he didn’t blame her. It was late,

and he was sated and tired also. “Tomorrow—no—today, I suppose. The

sooner the better.”

His usefulness apparently was over.

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Chapter 3

“She’s late.”

Jenna Richmond, Countess of Charbeau, felt a small wince at the

acerbic tone of her husband’s voice. “Her maid said she fell asleep in her

bath. Obviously she stayed up very late, probably gossiping with Elizabeth

as girls will do. Don’t worry, Helen will be down shortly.”

“Resdale is due here at any moment. I did not raise my daughter to

be rude.”

Her brows lifted and she sighed. “We both didn’t, but since when is

a young woman obligated to be ready and waiting? Lest you forget, darling,

it is fashionable to keep a young man waiting a little.”

Tall, dark and still strikingly handsome in middle age, Jonathan

strolled over to the window and stared outside, his mouth a little twisted.

The parlor was infused with late morning sunshine, the formal furnishings

bathed in light. Fresh flowers sat in vases everywhere and the perfume of

roses hung in the air. He muttered, “If I were confident that was why she

was doing it, I would agree. But I fear it is more a defiant act aimed my


“Then maybe you should not have forced this engagement on her.”

Tact was all well and good, but Jonathan knew she disagreed with his

autocratic insistence on their daughter’s marriage to the duke.

He turned and shot her one of his infamous sardonic looks. “Don’t

start on me, my dear. I have explained more than once that I believe this

match will be good for Helen. She needs a strong hand and Frederick

Westerland will provide it. Not to mention his title, his fortune, and the fact

he adores her. He comes from a very fine family and this marriage has been

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discussed for nearly all of Helen’s life. Tell me where I am wrong to finally

insist she accept him.”

The trouble was, she couldn’t. In theory, her husband was exactly

correct. Their beautiful daughter had a tendency toward being a little

wayward that was disconcerting and yes, certainly the Duke of Resdale did

look at her in the way only a man looks at a woman he longs to possess


Maybe that was the trouble. Complete possession was not the way

to approach Helen. Besides, no one knew more than she and Jonathan that

life sometimes was about compromise. During their disastrous shipwreck

and consequent entrapment on a tropical island for the better part of a year,

they had learned a good deal about both survival and cooperation before

they were rescued.

She said in a neutral tone, “I can’t in exact terms. Helen claims he is

going to stifle her.”

“Good. She could use a bit of stifling in my opinion. Every gray hair

on my head I find is probably due to one of her escapades.”

There was a slight feathering of silver at his temples, and

personally, she thought it made him more attractive than ever. “Oh for

heaven sakes, she just has a lively spirit. What did you expect we would

have, a milk and water miss? Think of where she was conceived.”

He did. She could see the flare of memory in his eyes. That faraway

savage shore had been wild, dangerous, and the passion they shared there

unforgettable. The conception had been part of that untamed time, and

Helen a miraculous reminder of their remarkable adventure. “I take your

point, my love, but just the same, I want what is best for her. She refused to

make any choice from among all her suitors, so I made it for her. Resdale is

considered England’s most eligible bachelor, so she should be flattered he

wants this match so badly.”

The fact he was perfectly right and Helen hadn’t shown a bit of

specific interest in any other of the young men that offered for her hand

didn’t help. However, Jenna still hated to force on her daughter something

she did not want.

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“My lord, his Grace, the Duke of Resdale is here.” Their butler,

Havers, announced the arrival with full pompous aplomb.

She glanced at the door. Sure enough Frederick Westerland was

there, both dapper and good-looking with his smooth blond hair and trim

mustache, his face wreathed in an engaging smile. He was immaculately

dressed as usual, and carried a bouquet of flowers. “Good morning.”

“Frederick.” Jonathan lifted a brow. “Please come in. Apparently

Helen is being very fashionable. I’m assured she’ll be down soon.”

Jenna ignored her husband’s caustic tone. “Yes, do, please come in,

your Grace.”

“Lady Charbeau, it is always my pleasure.” He came and took her

hand, bowing with the elegance of a courtier. “You look radiant this


“Thank you.” She studied him as he relinquished her hand and

chose a seat, trying to see why Helen was so adverse to the idea of marrying

him. It wasn’t his looks, for he had a handsome enough face, and he was

above medium height with the athletic build of someone who indulged often

in sports. Yes, he had a certain arrogance about him, but what man born to

an illustrious title and fabulous wealth didn’t? As far as she knew, he did not

indulge in gambling, drinking or affairs to any excess, though there was a

rumor he had a mistress stashed away just outside London he visited

regularly. That of itself wasn’t too surprising, for he was young and male,

but she certainly hoped the association ended once he married her daughter.

It wasn’t at all unusual for wealthy men to have sexual interests outside of

their wives but Helen had grown up in a household with two parents who

loved each other deeply and exclusively. Even if other fashionable couples

accepted such an arrangement, Jenna doubted her headstrong daughter

would tolerate it.

With another irritated glance at the clock, Jonathan said, “I

understand you have some new racing stock, Frederick.”

“Yes indeed, the finest money can buy and all the way from Arabia.

I’ve always had a good eye for prime horseflesh and these horses are going

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to give me the best stable in England.” Resdale looked smug and satisfied,

his booted feet crossed as he smiled expansively.

The conversation continued over horses and racing until a somewhat

breathless voice came from the doorway. “Good morning.”

Jenna saw Helen pause as if reluctant to actually enter the room. A

vision in cream-colored muslin embroidered with tiny lilac flowers, her

shining pale hair caught in a loose chignon, she looked both young and

lovely. Frederick surged to his feet and went forward immediately to catch

her hands.

He bent to kiss her cheek and she stiffened but did not object. His

gaze was unmistakably ardent. “Good morning, my dear, though it is almost

afternoon, is it not?”

The slight hint of reproof in his tone was a mistake. Jenna saw

Helen’s eyes flash and her mouth tightened. Her voice was cool. “I stayed

up until dawn. Pardon me if I kept you waiting.”

“Worth every moment,” the duke said with extravagant gallantry,

still holding her hands. “I thought perhaps after luncheon we could take a

small ride in the park. You know how I love to show you off.”

“Like a prize cow or something,” Helen said with saccharine


He chuckled, unmoved by her sarcasm. “You must learn how to

accept compliments graciously, Helen.”

Two corrections in the space of a few moments did not bode well

for a peaceful drive in the park or a serene meal, and Jenna gave an inner

sigh. Maybe Jonathan thought Frederick was just the man to tame their

daughter’s independent spirit, but she wasn’t nearly as certain. True, Helen

did not need someone who would fall at her feet like most of her other

suitors and allow her free rein, but there was a fine line between

condescension and having a firm hand.

Somehow she doubted Frederick Westerland, the exalted sixth Duke

of Resdale, knew the difference.

* * * *

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The afternoon was interminable. Five hours of Frederick’s company

was almost more than she could stomach but hopefully the sacrifice was

worth it. Several times Helen was tempted to make her scandalous

confession but something held her back.

First of all, she preferred telling her father first. He had insisted on

the engagement and he could get her out of it.

Secondly, once Frederick knew and the engagement was called off,

her father would watch her like a hawk.

Which meant seeing Wicked Warrick again would be impossible.

Warmth touched her cheeks as she recalled the results of her bold

request the night before. He had been everything rumor said he was, skilled,

passionate, and devastatingly tender. She simply could not stop thinking

about the pleasure she’d found in his arms. In fact, she couldn’t stop

thinking about not just the sexual culmination, but him.

Not while her father had a breath in his body would he allow her

anywhere near someone with Wade’s reputation. More than that, he might

have taken her to bed after a little persuasion, but the infinitely attractive

Mr. Warrick hadn’t expressed an actual interest in her besides a purely

physical one anyway. He didn’t really know her except in a carnal sense.

No, to have any romantic thoughts concerning him was foolish.

However, having a desire to explore the world he had initiated her into so

pleasurably was understandable.

In short, she had very much liked her first sexual experience and

wanted to do it again.

As soon as possible.

With one of London’s most notorious rogues.

“You’re blushing, my dear.” Frederick’s voice broke into her

reverie as he handled the ribbons and guided the horses.

The fall breeze was warm and she brushed back an errant lock of

hair that had escaped her chignon and tickled her chin. “Am I? Perhaps it’s

just the sun.”

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Whatever he was—pompous, overbearing, conceited—her fiancée

was not a fool. His eyes—a pale blue unlike the vivid cobalt of her gorgeous

lover from the night before—narrowed a fraction. “You have been a bit

preoccupied all afternoon. Quite frankly, I do not feel like I have your full


He didn’t have her attention at all and the petulance in his tone was

satisfying. Helen gave him a false smile that hopefully looked as wan as she

intended. “I am still very tired. I hope I am not coming down with some


She disliked falsehoods but maybe that would stave off any attempt

to kiss her when he returned her home. So far she had been successful in

avoiding much physical contact with him, but now that they were officially

engaged, they were not chaperoned as diligently and he had tried to take

advantage of it as of late. The few kisses he had stolen had been fairly

chaste in retrospect, because she now understood the intimacy of the true

romantic version.

Wade had the most wonderful mouth…so firm and masculine, yet

so tender and soft as it settled on hers…

“Perhaps I should take you home.” Frederick turned the horses at

once, no doubt worried about being exposed to her mythical illness. One of

her objections to him in general was his innate selfishness. She’d known

him all her life and he had always seemed utterly self-centered and boorish.

Why her father didn’t see it was a mystery, but Frederick could give a good

outward appearance if he exerted the effort.

To her relief, they were back at the townhouse in record time and

Frederick did not linger after escorting her inside. He said he would call the

next day to see how she was feeling, but Helen guessed he would send a

note and a servant until he was assured she was well.

It hadn’t been a lie in actuality to say she was fatigued, for she was

still deliciously tired and a little tender between her legs, evidence of the

experience she couldn’t seem to stop thinking about.

Her most unexpectedly delightful experience she couldn’t wait to

repeat. Actually, she had a glimmer of an idea.

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* * * *

Wade looked at both his brothers with what he hoped was a bland

expression. “She’s no one.”

“Really? Cloaked and hooded and dropped off at some clandestine

meeting point?” Jason grinned and helped himself to more brandy with a

lavish hand. “According to Lord Fessler, you handed her most solicitously

out of your carriage and into another at daybreak. Unfortunately, it had no


“The secrecy is what intrigued us, naturally.” James lounged

carelessly in his chair, his booted feet sprawled on the oriental carpet. “We

had to come right over, but you are proving once again to be a tiresome

gentleman, little brother.”

So much for the beautiful Helen’s assurances of complete

anonymity. Luckily he, not her, had been the one recognized and his status

in society wouldn’t suffer for the rumor. It would surprise no one—except

his curious family who knew him better—that he had an assignation with a

lady who did not wish to be seen with him.

Wicked Warrick. The sobriquet stung and this did not help.

“I do not know why everyone must pay so much attention to my

private life, which is usually quite dull,” he muttered with a gesture at the

papers strewn all over his desk. “Between managing father’s money, and

taking care of my own business affairs, I am too busy to spend every

moment like the two of you entertaining willing young women and bored


It was true. His father was baronet with a considerable fortune, and

his own inheritance he had managed to invest well. He also handled the

investments of both twins and his family relied on his business acumen.

He was the responsible one, damn it.

Then why had he agreed to Helen Richmond’s outrageous request?

Because, a wayward voice in his head reminded him, of all that soft

golden hair, her entreating beautiful eyes and those glorious breasts…

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Not to mention her sensual responsiveness and passionate


Good God, he shouldn’t have done it but he had.

And now, apparently, he was caught.

“Your private life is dull, or so we thought up until now. Come now,

you can tell us her identity.” James lifted his brows suggestively.

He could, he knew that, for while they were both celebrated rogues

who actually deserved their reputations, they were also both infinitely

trustworthy if he insisted it was a secret. However, he shook his head. “I am

not in the mood for a lecture. Let’s just say it was a one time event and leave

it at that.”

“Was she a disappointment?” Jason’s expression feigned amused

sympathy. “Keep in mind if the lady beneath you isn’t responding with

enthusiasm, it is usually the man’s fault. Practice is the ticket, little brother.

Take it from us.”

“Very funny.” Wade gave him a sour look. “And quite frankly,

disappointing is the last word I would use to describe last night. Quite the


“But you aren’t going to see her again?”

He shook his head, not able to keep at bay a small twinge of regret.

Helen Richmond had lived up to the promise of her sensual, alluring beauty.

If she was so delightfully passionate as a virgin, some man was going to be

very lucky when she truly began to explore her sexuality, but it wasn’t going

to be him. A proper courtship was out of the question, but so was a casual


Both his brothers looked at him with open curiosity. Jason said in

blunt question, “You have always had a puritanical objection to touching

another man’s wife, even if she has an understanding with her husband.”

It was common enough practice among society for both parties in a

marriage to look the other way over discreet affairs as long as the suitable

heir had been produced, but they were right, he didn’t agree with it. “I still

do,” Wade said firmly. “The lady isn’t married, nor does it sound like she

wishes to be anytime soon.”

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“She sounds intriguing, I must say. Independent and

unmarried…hmm.” The twins looked at each other and James rubbed his

chin. “A widow then. Who do we know who wouldn’t want to flaunt an

affair openly with young Wicked here?”

“Mrs. Prentice? She’s reputably virtuous and has that magnificent

bosom.” Jason swirled the liquid in his glass and looked thoughtful. “Or

perhaps Lady Windmere? She’s still attractive but at least two decades


It wasn’t surprising they didn’t even suspect it was an eligible

young miss with a protective, powerful father. It wasn’t done. Even James

and Jason stayed strictly away from unmarried aristocratic girls.

In exasperation, Wade leaned back in his chair. “All this speculation

is pointless. I am done discussing it. Now, tell me, how is Mother’s

wretched cold? The last time I stopped by the house she sounded awful.”

“She’s better. Come to dinner tonight. She’d love to see you and

worries you spend too much time alone.” His brothers both laughed in

simultaneous mirth. “Little does she know,” James said with a wink, “that

you are not quite as alone as she thinks upon occasion.”


Wade glanced at the doorway and saw his valet, who doubled also

as a butler in his simple household, hovered there. Douglas apologetically

cleared his throat. “Forgive the interruption but this came for you. I’m afraid

it was pushed under the door.”

The envelope was plain, sealed with wax without a crest, and Wade

took it with a small nod of thanks.

The faint waft of perfume drifted from the vellum and instantly his

senses were on alert. He recognized that signature scent and it drew images

of lustrous tumbled blond curls, warm silken skin, and heated sighs.

Why would Helen write him?

There was no way he was going to read it under the avid

observation of his two inquisitive brothers and set it aside in what he hoped

was a casual gesture. However, he found his palms were suddenly a little

damp and his body actually tightened a little in arousal.

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From the scent on a piece of paper?

How absurd.

“It’s from her.” James gave him a shrewd look and guessed the truth

with uncanny accuracy, but then again, the subject was in an area where he

had a great deal of expertise. “Look at his face. I suppose that’s our cue to

leave, for he obviously isn’t going to open it with us sitting here. Come on,

Jason, let’s go. We’ll see you tonight at dinner, young Wicked.”

After they left, Wade got up and shut the door to his study and sat

back down to tear open the seal. Twice he scanned the words and then

exhaled a short breath before he incredulously read it a third time.

Reckless did not begin to describe Charbeau’s beautiful daughter.

She wanted to see him again.

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Chapter 4

Would he come?

Helen paced across the small room, feeling like an idiotic

schoolgirl, all fluttery and anxious. She had a very limited amount of time

and since open communication between them was impossible, no idea of

Wade’s reaction to her note.

Surely, if she had so enjoyed their lovemaking, he had as well?

Perhaps he’d found her too naïve, she thought in insecure dismay, for it was

true he was used to sophisticated ladies who did not need sexual tutelage but

understood how to accept and give pleasure. Yes, he’d obliged her, but

maybe only because she was available and had pleaded with him to do so.

She stopped in front of the small deep set window and stared

outside at the slow moving water of the Thames. A few bright fall leaves

had dropped and moved sluggishly in the current, the vibrant color a

contrast to the water. The inn was nondescript enough—which was exactly

what she’d been looking for—but the setting was lovely and at the edge of

town and away from prying eyes.

Unfortunately, maybe all her subterfuge was for naught.

The door latch lifted with a small click and her heart began to

pound. She whirled around as Wade stepped into the room, the space

suddenly seeming much smaller, his blatant male presence a bit


It was ridiculous, but she had no idea what to say.

He had no such problem. The expression on his face was hard to

read and his voice cool. “I am here, though I question my sanity in coming.

Surely you realize how dangerous this is? Your reputation will be utterly

destroyed should anyone see us together and we already have had a close

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call. We were noticed at the park the other morning, but luckily, you were

not recognized.”

They were seen? Helen was a little startled, for it had been quite

early, but no harm had apparently been done. “This is more out of the way

than the park.”

“Maybe, but you still take a risk inviting a man to meet you at an

inn, my lady.”

“I…I needed to see you.” Lord, she sounded like a fool, actually

stammering. He had the most unsettling effect on her, and the sight of him,

so tall and dark, with his fallen angel good looks and those vivid blue eyes,

was even more disconcerting.

“Why? Did it not go well with Resdale when you told him?” His

dark downy brows knitted in a frown.

“I didn’t tell him. Not yet.”

“Forgive me, but I thought that was the entire point of you

approaching me in the first place.”

“It was.” How wanton did it make her sound to confess she wanted

a repeat performance before it became impossible? Helen lowered her gaze

briefly and then looked back, lifting her chin. “I am already thoroughly

compromised, am I not? I can’t see that another…interlude would change

things much and I suspect when my father knows about my indiscretion, he

will, even if it is only in a figurative sense, lock me away.”

“I am going to guess you are correct.” His mouth lifted in a wry


“We have two hours. I am supposed to be at the dressmakers.”

Wicked Warrick looked a little bemused at that very direct

statement. “I see. Time is of the essence, is that it? Here I am, wasting it

with useless chatter.”

Helen blushed, for it did sound a bit tawdry when put that way. “I

am a novice when it comes to this sort of thing, but quite honestly, I have

not been able to put the other night out of my mind.”

His gaze softened. “I was only teasing you, Helen. Neither have I

been able to forget it. Notice my presence here against my better judgment.”

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He said the words in a quiet voice, sounding surprisingly sincere, and took a

step toward her, drawing her into his arms. She went willingly and lifted her

mouth for a long kiss.

Yes, she thought exultantly as their lips met and clung, tongues

twining in an intimate dance, this was what she wanted.

And more. So much more.

He undressed her first, and as he divested himself of his shirt, she

fumbled with the fastenings on his breeches, the iron hard length of his cock

already straining against the fabric making it difficult. Wade gave a low

groan as she worked to free his erection but let her struggle until he finally

caught her wrists, removed her hands, and deftly did the job himself.

Though she had no one to compare him to, Helen had a feeling he

was a bit more magnificent than other men, for the long, springing length of

his erect cock made her stomach quiver in anticipation. As he stepped out of

his breeches, she climbed up on the bed and reclined there, her body on fire

with need just from that kiss.

Wade joined her, one hand going to her breast, the other sliding

between her thighs as he kissed her neck. One long finger parted labia and

toyed with her vaginal opening before pushing inside. He muttered, “God

help me, you’re already wet, my sweet.”

Was that bad or good? She wasn’t sure but she did know she needed

a lot more than just his finger inside her. “I want you,” she admitted


“The feeling is entirely too mutual for comfort or good sense.”

His thumb brushed her curls and found a spot that made her gasp.

He rubbed, his smile widening as she shifted against his hand. Helen closed

her eyes. “Yes…Wade...ooh.”

Ecstasy shimmered around and through her, his touch both delicate

and demanding and Helen felt her thighs fall wide open in shameless

supplication. The persuasive stimulation was taken to a new level as he bent

and began to suckle one taut nipple and she shuddered in response.

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The corded strength of his neck was hot under her fingers as she

threaded them into his hair and held fast, trying to control the rapturous

reaction of her body.

He wouldn’t let her.

“Come,” he whispered against the side of her breast, his warm

breath making her shiver. “Come for me, Helen. I need to be inside you.”

She didn’t mean to, but her nails scraped his shoulders in a feverish

arc. If she was just another seduction in a long line of meaningless love

affairs, she didn’t care at the moment—nor had she the other night—

because she couldn’t imagine anything ever feeling so good. As the tension

built, she gave herself gladly over to the pleasure.

That glorious peak came, taking her captive, making her entire body

twist and shudder. Before it even passed she realized Wade shifted and she

felt the pressure of his entrance between the abandoned sprawl of her open

legs. He sheathed himself much easier than the last time, his huge length

impaling her in one slick motion and she couldn’t help but give a small

inarticulate cry.

It felt decadent.

It felt immensely wicked as he began to thrust in long, strong

strokes, his sapphire eyes half-closed and his face flushed with passion.

Helen met him with equal ferocity, her hips surging upward despite her

recent climax to take every bit he had to give her. The pleasure was

voluptuous, engaging, all-encompassing, and beyond her will she began to

tremble again as wave after wave washed through her sensitized body.

When he followed it was with a low groan growled from his throat,

his powerful body stiffening as Helen miraculously felt the hot rush of his

release spill against her womb. Relaxed in the drifting bliss afterwards, she

brushed one hand down his spine and wondered just how soon she was

going to tell her father about her fall from grace.

Yes, she wanted to end her engagement promptly.

But…not yet if it meant she had to give up Wicked Warrick.

* * * *

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“Do you have any idea how alluring you are?” Wade ran his fingers

up the delicate length of her arm, marveling at both her physical attraction

and the innate sensuality that currently had him indulging in an ill-advised

afternoon tryst. Helen, gorgeously tousled from their lovemaking, lay in

unabashed nude glory next to him, her delectable form a standard against

which most women would not care to be measured. Everything, from the top

of her shining head, the indigo shade of her eyes, to the dainty turn of her

ankles, was absolutely perfect.

Like a dream come true. His dream.

He was entranced with her sensuality and beauty, he quickly

excused himself from that insidious thought, but wasn’t sure it completely

explained the situation.

As a man who knew his mind very well, he was puzzled at his own


What the devil is wrong with me?

It was just plain a bad idea to be so irresponsible as to have sexual

relations with the daughter of a man who might just truly wish to kill him if

he found out. Not that Wade couldn’t defend himself, but violence was

pointless as far as he was concerned. He doubted Charbeau would agree

when faced with the truth of his precious daughter’s seduction. Certainly no

woman before this had even tempted him to such stupidity.

Helen looked up at him and then indicated their nude bodies with a

languid motion of her hand. “If the result is this…us…here now and what

just happened, I am glad you think so.”

“Every man in England thinks so.” Wade actually felt a twinge of

jealousy and the unfamiliar emotion gave him pause. It wasn’t just her

beauty that moved him, because he’d been approached by lovely women

before. What exactly was different about this particular young lady he

wasn’t sure, but there was something unique.

He was captivated.


A damn fool.

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“I should help you dress,” he murmured. They had already made

love twice and the clock indicated she needed to go soon.

“Not yet surely.” She shook her head, pale curls moving against the

bed linens, and if he could he would have turned back time for her.

“You said two hours.”

“Maybe I can be late.”

“Maybe you will be caught. Then what will you do?” He hardly

wanted to be the voice of reason with her naked next to him, her thighs

streaked with the evidence of their intemperate sexual congress, but

someone had to be responsible.

“Tell the truth, I suppose. All but your name. I intend to eventually


“To foil the detestable Resdale.”

“Absolutely to foil him. I will never give myself to him in this

way.” Helen nestled closer and ran her hand over his bare chest. A

mischievous smile teased her soft mouth as her fingers traveled south and

found his cock.

Wade twitched in response as she touched him.

As if he hadn’t climaxed moments before, his penis surged back to

full erection. That fast. He was twenty-seven, not seventeen, but she could

tempt a saint.

“It’s so smooth,” she murmured, caressing him up and down, going

so far as to cup his testicles in the palm of her small hand. “But also so hard

and hot. I didn’t realize.”

What she didn’t realize is she had just determined she was most

certainly going to be late. Wade gritted his teeth as she stroked his cock,

letting her explore and experiment, taking in a shuddering breath as she

swiped away the beaded semen from the tip with a forefinger.

“Jesus, Helen.” His voice sounded off-key but he lay obediently on

his back and didn’t move to stop her.

“You don’t like this?”

“I think my reaction speaks for itself.” Wade thought perhaps there

was nothing sexier on earth than watching her slender fingers touch him.

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“I can’t even reach all the way around you.” She demonstrated,

trying to circle his girth with her thumb and middle finger. “Is that typical?”

“I’m afraid I do not see other men’s erections, my sweet.” His eyes

had drifted closed at the slight pressure of her constriction and he exerted

effort to open them. “Now, since you started this, do you mind if I finish it?”

Her saucy smile took her from simply beautiful to breathtaking and

she shook back her long, gold curls with a toss of her head. Bare, firm

breasts quivered in the afternoon sunlight streaming in the small window.

“Finish how?”

“Like this.” In two seconds he had her on her back and his knees

pried her legs apart. Two more and he was inside her as he sheathed himself

in a gliding motion, burying his cock deep in her vagina.

Damn she felt good. Too good. So wet, so tight, so velvet slick with

his sperm from their earlier intercourse and her own sexual fluids. Wade

began to thrust in a fast rhythm of withdrawal and entry, her breathy gasps

adding fuel to a fire already fanned to full blaze. His hands cupped her silky

bottom and lifted her for full penetration and Helen moaned openly and

wrapped her slim legs around his waist as she took him to the hilt.

He could make love to her all day long, he decided as he feverishly

moved, orgasmic release building like a smoldering volcano.

Or all night, a small unwanted voice spoke up, if she could only

share your bed on a regular basis.

He would teach her everything he knew about making love and it

was obvious she would be an apt pupil.

But, he couldn’t.

Her father would laugh in his face if he tried to honorably court her.

And honestly, who could blame the earl for not wanting a known

rake for his very marriageable daughter. Wade might be not nearly as bad as

his reputation, but first and foremost, here he was, about to come inside her

for the third time during a stolen afternoon idyll, the same man who had

willingly taken her innocence.

No, he was not going to analyze the situation in his usual boring,

dry fashion, he thought, drowning in sensation.

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As Helen gave a keening scream and tightened around him, Wade

put all the practical thoughts from his mind and allowed the fireball to burst,

ejaculating with such force and vigor his muscles shook afterwards.

He kissed her in the aftermath, wondering if it was for the last time,

tasting her lips with careful slow pressure, savoring the moment.

* * * *

Jenna watched over the table and a nagging suspicion made her only

pick at the fish course rather than actually eat anything.

She knew her daughter, so it wasn’t simply intuition to come to the

conclusion that something had happened. Helen was overly vivacious, and

from time to time, if there was a lull in the conversation, she smiled as if

thinking about something that pleased her very much.

Or someone.

The very nature of that secret smile is what gave Jenna pause. Once

she, too, had felt the giddy joy of infatuation, though her circumstances were

certainly much different for she hadn’t been anywhere near London or faced

the strictures of proper society. In her experience, that glow was reserved for

one thing alone, she thought uneasily, eyeing her daughter’s face as she

laughed at something one of her younger brothers said. Ever since Jonathan

had insisted she accept Frederick Westerland’s marriage offer Helen had

been subdued and abstracted. This evening she was positively radiant.


If there was any certainty, it was that the Duke of Resdale was an

unlikely source.

After the meal was over, Jonathan retired to his study and a glass of

port, and the two boys, Anthony and Charles, were shepherded on up to bed

by their governess. Jenna decided to suggest she and Helen take a walk in

the garden instead of enjoying a sherry in the parlor.

It was a clear evening, not overly cool, and the air smelled like

moist soil, chimney fires, and hung with the fragrance of dying roses.

Subtlety seemed the best place to start so Jenna asked with as little inflection

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as possible as they strolled along, “How was the dressmakers this


Helen, clad in a rose silk gown, with her golden hair caught very

simply at her nape, glanced very quickly away. “Going to the dressmakers is

always the same, isn’t it? Not my favorite chore to be treated like a

mannequin and occasionally stuck with pins by accident, you know that,


“That’s why I was so surprised you arranged a trip yourself. I

usually have to practically drag you.” Jenna caught the evasiveness of the

reply easily enough.

Her daughter’s slender shoulders lifted in a noncommittal shrug that

could mean anything. Around them insects toned quietly from the trees and

now and then a bird would trill an evening song.

There was no mistaking the purpose of her averted face, for Helen

had never been an adept liar.

The hell with subtlety, Jenna thought in resignation. She needed to

know what was going on. “Did you actually go to the dressmakers?”

“No.” The admission was made with barely a pause and Helen gave

a short laugh and shook her head. Several loose golden tendrils of hair

brushed her shoulders. “You know, it is very uncomfortable you can read

my mind, Mother.”

“Let’s just say you have an expressive face and I know you very

well.” She indicated a small stone bench up ahead near a bank of

rhododendron. “Let’s sit down. It is private here and you know you can

always freely speak to me.”

“You won’t want to hear this.”

That quiet but firm declaration made Jenna feel a frisson of

apprehension and she watched her daughter sink gracefully onto the bench

and square her shoulders. She sat down next to her, smoothed a hand over

her skirts, and gave her a direct look. “I may or may not want to hear it, but

if it involves you, I am concerned. I love you very much. Now, in the

interest of that unconditional love a mother only gives a child, tell me what

has put that glowing smile on your face all evening.”

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“I have a lover. This afternoon I was with him and it


The one thing Jenna could say about her unpredictable daughter was

that she did keep life interesting. It wasn’t she didn’t suspect something

exactly like that, but to hear it stated it blunt terms was a bit of a shock. For

a moment she said nothing, her first reaction not exactly surprise, for Helen

was a very lovely young woman and her vital personality drew men as much

as her physical appearance. Her debut into society had been a monumental

success and if she had cooperated and just chosen one of her many suitors

instead of being infernally stubborn over the whole thing, she wouldn’t be

engaged to one man and apparently sneaking off to see another.

The situation had the makings of a nasty scandal.

Jenna raised her brows and asked with as much neutrality as

possible, “Please define lover. Do you mean a man you have fallen in love

with, or the word in a literal sense?”

“Literal.” Helen’s chin tilted up with just a hint of defiance. “The

two of us in bed, naked, in each other’s arms.”

Good Lord, Jonathan was going to be furious. “I see.”

“Since I am not a virgin, Frederick will not want me any longer.”

That revelation made the entire thing come into focus. It was very

much like Helen to take such a direct approach to her unwanted upcoming

marriage. Jenna had known it wasn’t a good idea to push her. Now she just

hoped the repercussions were not too drastic as she gave a resigned sigh. “I

agree. Your purity aside, you might now carry another man’s child. I doubt

he’d like to gift his title and fortune to someone else’s bastard.”

The startled expression on her daughter’s face told her she hadn’t

contemplated pregnancy, just the question of her lost innocence. “I suppose

I could be,” she admitted, looking disconcerted.

“Believe me, you could. It only takes once, but the mores times you

lie with a man, the more your chances are increased.”

“There are quite a few chances.” A blush tinted her cheeks

becomingly. “Today wasn’t even the first time.”

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Well, Jenna was never all that impressed over having Resdale as a

son-in-law anyway, and she preferred her daughter be happy. Exchanging

one bridegroom for another wasn’t so much of a catastrophe, just something

that needed to be handled as discreetly and low key as possible. “I admit I

am puzzled over this, Helen. Not because you’ve done something many

other young women have done before and given yourself before your vows,

though I would have preferred naturally you had waited, but because I have

no idea who this man is that has captured your affection. Part of the reason

your father pushed your engagement was because you are now nineteen,

have been out for over a year, and have shown no interest in anyone in


Helen shook her head. “I am not going to tell you who he is.”

Jenna sat back a little. “I beg your pardon. I am afraid you are going

to have to. Your father will insist.”

“He may insist all he likes, but I will not say.” Her daughter’s tone

was stubborn and it wasn’t a good sign.

Oh Lord, yes, this is a disaster after all. “Why? Is he unacceptable


“His family is rich and prominent enough and that is all I am going

to reveal.”

“Even if you end up carrying his child?”

There was just the briefest hesitation. “Even then.”


Blue eyes shimmered with emotion and Helen got up to pace

restlessly a few feet away. She bent and plucked an overblown rose from

one of the bushes and a rain of petals fell as she lifted it to her nose. Finally,

she said, “I absolutely loathed being forced into an engagement with a man I

don’t even like. I will certainly not force anyone into marrying me. Not ever.

So do not bother to ask me again who he is.”

Astonished, dismayed, and more than a little angry at herself—for

though she did know Helen didn’t want to wed Resdale she hadn’t quite

understood the depths of her aversion—Jenna pondered what to say next. “If

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you have been intimate with him, surely you feel something for each other?

What if he wishes to wed you?”

“I doubt it,” her daughter said dryly. “And if you knew who he was,

you would doubt it too, Mother. Now, since you know already, I think we

should go tell Father. It seems only right he be the one to break the news to

Frederick, and though I intended to put this off a bit longer, it appears I


It was impossible to miss the flicker of regret that touched her

daughter’s delicate features.

Whoever he was—this mysterious lover she was so convinced

would not contemplate a relationship beyond what they had already

shared—Jenna came to the dismaying conclusion Helen just might wish

things were quite different.

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Chapter 5

Elizabeth Milton brushed an unruly red curl from her cheek with a

gloved hand as they rode side by side. “I cannot believe you did it in the first

place, much less told them. How did it go?”

“Naturally my father was not very happy with me.” Helen shrugged,

but in truth, the whole scene had gone better than she expected and she had

her mother’s support to thank for it.

It was over, both her engagement and her brief but very enlightening

involvement with Wicked Warrick.

“Yes, the earl can be a bit intimidating.” Elizabeth guided her horse

around a small bush. The park wasn’t crowded, which was surprising on

such a pleasant fall day. “I can’t believe he even let you out of his sight this

afternoon considering your indiscretion.”

Helen’s brows lifted in wry reproof. “Note the groom following us

at a discreet distance. I am not precisely a prisoner, but he isn’t happy with

my refusal to reveal the identity of the man I’ve been meeting.”

“You won’t even tell me.” Soft brown eyes gave her a quick,

curious look. “I admit I am a little piqued.”

“I promised him anonymity. I’m not going to break my word.

Thanks to him, Frederick did cry off and I am infinitely relieved.” Helen

patted her mare’s neck with absent affection as they ambled down the path.

Her friend gave an inelegant snort. “I feel certain it was no great

chore on his part, whoever he may be. I can name two dozen suitors without

having to contemplate the matter who would have been more than happy to

oblige you, Len. With time I could come up with a very long list. You are

one of the most beautiful girls in all of London.”

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“Thank you.” The loyalty was touching and they had been friends

since childhood. “But you know as well as I do that any of those same

importunate young men could easily force me into marriage once we…well,

completed the arrangement.” She couldn’t help it, Helen felt warmth suffuse

her cheeks despite the cool shadows under the trees.

“But the one you chose will not?”

Wade Warrick? The infamous Wicked Warrick? Helen shook her

head. “No, he won’t. I am sure to him it was just a casual interlude without


“But not to you, I have a feeling.”

The shrewd observation made her shift a little in the saddle. “I don’t

think it is anything more than a romantic infatuation,” she said defensively.

“And entirely natural under the circumstances. It doesn’t matter how I feel

anyway, for we can’t see each other.”

She would never again gaze into the azure depths of his eyes, never

feel his strong arms pull her close, never experience the pleasure of his body

joined with hers as he moved between her legs in the ultimate communion

between a man and a woman.

“You should see your face.” Elizabeth spoke with quiet observation.

“I was in doubt from the beginning this was all a sound idea, even though I

agreed to help. Now, even though Resdale is foiled and out of the picture, I

am more convinced than ever you should not have done it.”

Whether she should have, she had, and if given the choice, she

wouldn’t trade the brief time they’d spent together for anything. “The point

is moot, Liz. I want to marry for love, which of all people you’d think my

father would understand, but he doesn’t apparently. At least I got his

attention on the matter, for he has agreed now when I become engaged, it

will be someone of my choice.”

“That’s something, I suppose.”

“It was the entire point.”

“Was it really that wonderful?”

Helen wanted to pretend to misunderstand the soft question, but

after a moment, she just nodded. Elizabeth knew her too well for her to pull

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off a monumental lie. “I don’t think what our mothers tell us is adequate

preparation for the act itself. Even mine, who told me the truth in every way,

failed to mention the intimacy of it. When it is…happening, you are part of

each other.”

“But you have admitted you didn’t really know him before you

embarked on your quest to rid yourself of Resdale.”

Helen recalled the gentle skillfulness of Wade’s touch, the feel of

his mouth as it moved against hers, and the way he looked at her with open

desire. The teasing brevity of his smile haunted her dreams.

She said, “I know him now.”

* * * *

Wade gave the paper laying on the table a casual glance. “You don’t

say. I suppose Resdale must have a reason, but I can’t imagine it. Lady

Helen is a true beauty.”

So she’s done it and apparently quite effectively. The engagement is

officially canceled.

He normally did not read the society pages and in the past week had

particularly avoided them for he was pretty certain Helen was correct. Once

the engagement was broken, she would be off limits. Her father would

keenly observe any man near her once he knew she had been compromised.

Which meant no more stolen evenings in his bed or trysts at quaint

little inns.

She was beyond his reach.


“A beauty? The lady in question is beyond compare, Warrick. You

have eyes, man. All that golden hair and those glorious tits.” Jeffery

Lockwood picked up his glass of claret and took a sip. “And apparently

back on the marriage market. Everyone is wondering why. Resdale is

keeping a low profile and went off to his estate in Berkshire. In contrast,

Charbeau is squiring his beauteous offspring to every fashionable event as if

nothing ever happened.”

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The comment on Helen’s physical attributes irritated him like hell,

but Wade struggled to hide it. She did have gorgeous breasts—he’d touched

and tasted them—but he didn’t like the idea other men noticed. “Interesting,

I suppose, if you pay attention to that sort of thing. Eligible young women

with fierce fathers do not appeal much to me.” He affected nonchalance and

leaned back in his chair, his legs extended. The club was quiet in late

afternoon, a few gentlemen starting to drift in here and there. The smell of

tobacco and brandy hung in the air.

“Fierce is correct.” His friend gave a low chuckle. “Rumor has it

when the earl and his still very lovely wife were trapped on that island years

ago he killed a leopard with nothing but a knife and his bare hands.”

Charbeau probably wanted to do the same thing to him and with

good cause, castration the first order of the day. Wade murmured, “The earl

is a formidable man, no doubt. Has he been quoted in response to his

daughter’s broken betrothal?”

“Just a comment that the two did not suit after all. Resdale has been

ominously silent.”


“I went to school with him.” Tall, lanky, with brown ringlets and an

ingenuous freckled face, Lockwood usually looked benign and affable. His

expression darkened to something close to disdain. “I would not say this to

anyone but you, but quite frankly, I detest the man. On the surface he seems

a good sort, but if one is in constant close contact, let me tell you all is not

what it seems. He is not above backhanded retaliation for an imagined

slight. Lady Helen is better off without him, whatever the circumstances of

their differences.”

It was so close an exact assessment he had heard before Wade was

both glad Helen had achieved her goal and a bit afraid for her. As the

catalyst for the split in the first place, he had an inkling of Resdale’s sense

of male outrage.

“I do not know him so well, but neither do I have a high opinion.”

He shifted a little in his chair, hoping her father understood she might be the

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target for petty revenge. “Everyone else seems to think he’s a paragon;

smart, wealthy, titled, and handsome.”

“Yes, well, if it wasn’t in poor taste, I’d give his former bride-to-be

my felicitations on her narrow escape.” Jeffery eased back into his usual

amiable self. “So tell me, speaking of lovely ladies, how is your own

Lucinda Taylor? Rumor has it the two of you were seen at Vauxhall


They most certainly had not been seen together since they were not

together at all, and Wade sighed. Disabusing even his friends of the notion

he was nothing like James and Jason was a waste of time, he’d learned it

years ago. It didn’t help either that they all looked so much alike, and he

fully suspected one of his brothers was the one actually entertaining the lady

in question.

“She’s fine,” he murmured with resignation and took a sip from his


“There is a certain lack of enthusiasm in your voice that tells me

you are predictably bored already.” Jeffery looked shrewd as he gestured for

the steward to bring more wine. “Is there someone else?’

Unfortunately, there was. Wade had not been able to stop thinking

about Helen. Her open passion, their vibrant physical connection, her

undeniable spirit and vivid beauty…

How his brothers would laugh but he was fairly certain he had fallen

in love with her.

They had spent a total of one evening and two stolen hours one

afternoon together. Love at such short acquaintance was a romantic foolish

notion and he knew it, but still, he hadn’t ever been so absorbed in thinking

about a single woman in his life.

He wanted in the worst way to be able to approach her father, ask

for permission to court her, and do things the acceptable, proper way. The

trouble was, he just couldn’t. Not only would Charbeau say no, he would be

instantly suspicious at a guess and Helen had made it clear she wanted

complete secrecy.

“There’s no one else,” he told Jeffery simply.

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* * * *

Dashing brandy into his glass, Jonathan Richmond, Earl of

Charbeau, settled back against the leather chair and gave a heavy sigh.

“Jenna thinks the whole fiasco with Helen is entirely my fault and for all I

know, she is correct.”

Charles Blake chuckled, rubbing his lean jaw. His former valet gave

him an impish grin. “She has always been a handful, my lord. I think I must

agree with your beautiful wife. Helen is a very resourceful young lady and

heavy-handed tactics do not work. As a child she usually went her own way,

and as an adult, it is obvious she hasn’t changed. On my part, if she doesn’t

care for the stuffy duke, then I think it’s best she marries another.”

Jonathan fought the urge to raise his voice, the windows of his study

open to the cool autumn afternoon. “Easy for you to say, as you are not

faced with her truculence when it comes to marriage in general on a daily

basis. She is a proper young woman—or was, at any rate—and needs a


Charles’s ingenuous expression showed sympathy. He lounged in

his chair, well-dressed and urbane, no longer a servant thanks to Jonathan’s

generous bequest after their shipwreck and castaway sojourn on the island.

Charles always had the uncanny ability to land on his feet, so the money had

been parlayed into a respectable fortune, and he had ended up married to a

very lovely young lady from a good family. He looked thoughtful. “I am

puzzled as to why Helen won’t name her lover. If he was a stable boy or

something I could understand it, but you say she declares he comes from

wealth and privilege.”

Jonathan could recall the interview with his headstrong daughter all

too clearly. The absolute image of her mother at the same age, she had been

both unrepentant and obstinate. “I am told she does not want me to force

marriage on him like I was trying to force it on her. Either way, I am the

villain, apparently. It is my fault, according to everyone, she was

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encouraged to take such a drastic course of action. I wish someone would

take into account I was doing my best to secure her future.”

“How did…er…the duke take it?”

Jonathan took a large sip of brandy. “Not well,” he muttered. “He’s

infatuated with her, so can you imagine his disappointment and sense of

betrayal. He was furious.”

Charles fingered the stem of his glass and looked bland. “Because

Helen has had a lover does not make her sullied or undesirable, my lord. We

both know that. Life is not a simple game played by a set of rules one can

look up and abide by. So she succumbed to passion and gave herself before

marriage? As men, we do it frequently. How utterly hypocritical we are to

expect our brides to be pure.”

“If a man has a title like Resdale’s, he will want to pass it on to his

own blood, not the byblow of a man who won’t even come forward now that

her engagement is broken.”

“That is, of course, the real issue that rankles with you, isn’t it?”

The shrewd observation was made with a small smile. “Not so much your

daughter’s indiscretion, but the idea she won’t tell you who he is, nor does

he declare himself.”

“The lecherous bastard could at least have the decency to offer for


His old friend laughed outright. “If you saw the bloodthirsty

expression on your face, you might understand why he hasn’t.”

“Perhaps.” Jonathan brooded at his glass. “But I would still give a

great deal to have a conversation with the culprit. It is, quite frankly,

constantly on my mind. For the love of God, my daughter could be


“For the love of God, it wouldn’t be the worst thing on earth.

You’ve weathered worse, my lord.”

“I want the best for my child.”

“Of course you do.” Charles leaned forward and plucked the brandy

decanter from the desk to refill his glass. “As I do for all of mine, so I

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understand your sentiment. I just think you are going about this all the

wrong way.”

“How so?” Jonathan growled the words.

“Don’t forbid her to go out, and pray don’t continue to follow her

like a hound on a scent. You are her father, not her jailor. If she proves to be

with child, I agree it isn’t ideal, but at that point hopefully her lover will do

the right thing. The question is, of course, will you accept him no matter his

social position and name?”

“I can’t accept anyone if she won’t say who he is.” Helen’s

tenacious refusal to tell him the truth still rankled.

“Obviously she is sure you won’t approve.” Charles cocked a brow.

“Of a man who would seduce an innocent young girl? Why the hell

would I approve of that blackguard?”

“I think if you listen to yourself, you will understand why she isn’t

anxious to tell you.”

“I have every right to be angry.”

“And Helen has every right to not wish to spend the rest of her life

with someone she does not care for in any way. For example, the duke.

Admit it, my lord, she outmaneuvered you.”

“Are you this liberal with your own children?”

“Absolutely. They adore me.” With a bland smile, Charles finished

his drink. “As Helen adores you. Just because she has developed an

affection for another man does not mean you are usurped in your daughter’s


Was that part of his outrage? Jonathan had a sudden unsettled

feeling Charles was irritatingly correct. If she had given herself sexually that

must mean she felt something for the amoral, conniving rogue. He was very

used to being the hero in her life, the man she looked at for everything.

Good God, maybe that was even why he had insisted on her marrying

Frederick, because he’d known she didn’t hold him in high regard.

It was a sobering realization.

It meant, of course, he was an idiot, but when it came to women, all

men were idiots as far as he could tell.

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“If Helen wants this nefarious lothario, she should have him.” He

set down his glass with a decided click. “Jenna assures me she thinks it is

the case.”

“And just how are you going to manage that?”

“By finding out who he is, of course. I have one huge advantage, I

know my daughter. If Jenna is right and Helen has feelings for her seducer,

she won’t be adept at concealing them.”

Charles lifted a brow in a wry quirk. “I see my advice not to trail her

like a hound fell on deaf ears.”

“It’s for her own good.” Jonathan refused to feel guilty for

interfering in something that could affect Helen’s future.

If this situation was his fault, he would fix it.

* * * *

Would he be there at the ball tonight? This was reputed to be one of

the events of the Season, so surely he would attend?

Oh drat, why did she care? Why was she thinking about him again.

No, she wouldn’t do it, wouldn’t pine over a man she simply could

not have. Helen stared in the mirror as her maid adjusted the last curl in

coiffure, not seeing her reflection but instead the abstract image of Wade as

she’d last seen him. His dark hair a bit tousled from their lovemaking, long

fingers tying his cravat as he dressed to leave, his expression impossible to


Had it meant anything to him at all?

Of course not, why would she think it had, she reminded herself

with a small moue of annoyance. Both times she had offered herself like a

brazen harlot, and he had naturally accepted. She was just another name on a

long list of lovers. He probably couldn’t keep track of how many women

he’d been with, and in due time, she would be forgotten altogether. The fact

he was tender and seemed sincere in his desire for her was no surprise. It

was what he was so infamous for, after all.

Two weeks.

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She hadn’t seen him in two long weeks and she wanted to kick

herself for not being able to stop thinking of Wicked Warrick in a juvenile

romantic way. Surely by now he would know of the broken engagement but

had made no attempt to contact her.

Which was exactly what she’d asked of him. Discreet sex—

intensely pleasurable discreet sex—and nothing more.

“Is something wrong, my lady?”

The soft question jarred her reverie. Helen blinked and came back to

the moment. Behind her Mary hovered, an anxious look on her round face.

Helen forced a smile. “I’m sorry, was I scowling? Forgive my

preoccupation. You did wonders with my hair, Mary.”

“’Tis easy enough it’s so lovely.” The young woman beamed in her

good-natured way. “The dress suits you, Lady Helen, if I may say so.”

The dress was a new creation, just delivered that afternoon, and if

Helen was honest with herself, part of the reason she’d chosen it was the

chance she might see Wade at the party. Sheer delicate lace fell over

gossamer ivory silk, and the scalloped neckline was lower than she normally

wore, not scandalous by any means, but provocative enough she half-

expected her father to object. Actually, she was certain of an argument.

At which point she would point out she was no longer an innocent


“My father won’t like it.”

“Probably not,” Mary admitted, her smile fading.

Helen smoothed her hands over her skirts and then stood in a

resolute motion. “I suppose they are waiting on me downstairs, so I should

go. We’ll be very late, I imagine, so do not wait up for me. I can have my

mother help me undress.”

The servant bobbed a curtsey. “Thank you, my lady.”

Both her parents waited in formal salon, her mother sipping sherry,

her father, elegant and handsome in a tailored formal coat and breeches,

standing by the harpsichord. His dark brows shot together as she entered the

room, but to her surprise, he said nothing about the dress. Her mother, a

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vision in teal silk, smiled at her. “I understand now why you were delayed,

my dear. You look stunning.”

“So do you.” It was true, her mother was a very beautiful woman,

fair, with unlined skin and a natural grace impossible to miss. In fact, even

though Helen knew she looked very much like her, she felt in nature she had

gotten an abundance of characteristics from both her parents. Before the

catastrophic shipwreck that had brought them together, her father had

traveled widely. Her mother, also, had been on the vessel because her father

was an important military figure in the English forces, and their survival in

the face of almost impossible odds had largely been because they both had

intrepid spirits. If she was a little impetuous now and then, she’d come by

that trait naturally.

“You are the two loveliest ladies on British soil, I’ve never denied

it.” As Helen watched, her father bent over her mother’s hand and kissed it,

then turned to her. “The gown seems to me entirely too revealing,” he said

gruffly, “but if your mother approves, I will also. Shall we go? There is sure

to be quite a crush tonight. The Fairborns pride themselves on excess.”

Two weeks ago, he would have ordered her straight upstairs to

change. Astonished at the easy victory, Helen obediently allowed him to

settle her cloak around her shoulders.

This could be an interesting evening.

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Chapter 6

A glass of insipid champagne in one hand, Wade watched the

throng through narrowed eyes.

Good God, was this some kind of test? If so, why the hell was he the

one to be so tortured? After all, he did his best to normally live a decent,

circumspect life.

Before Lady Helen Richmond secreted away in his carriage, that is.

He’d known better than to attend the party. The invitation sat on his

desk for over a week before he’d finally dashed off an acceptance and sent it

back by special courier. There was no denying he wanted to see her, the

question was more why he wished to torment himself.

She was nothing short of a dream. A masculine dream, where the

perfect woman, dressed in a dazzling white gown that emphasized her

natural attributes in a way that had every man in the damned room staring,

waltzed, flirted, and generally drove him to complete distraction.

His first glimpse of her—her possible presence the only reason he’d

decided so stupidly to come in the first place—stopped him cold. Helen had

been announced with her parents, and he wasn’t the only one to register the

murmur of the crowd as she descended the formal stairway. Personally, he’d

been struck speechless.

Infatuation? Well, hell yes. But he’d had several tastes of that in his

past and this was somehow more. He didn’t want it to be, but there were

things in life that couldn’t be controlled, or so he was learning.

Love was one of them.

Now she danced with practically every man in the room but him,

which was an exaggeration, but it felt that way.

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“Good evening, darling Wade.” A hand on his sleeve made him tear

his gaze from the whirling couples on the floor.

To his dismay, he saw it was Claudette Reading, the dowager

Duchess of Cullum, reputedly in the market for a lover since the death of her

aged husband the year before.

Here we go again. He could only hope his inner groan did not show

in his expression. Claudette was a bit relentless and he knew she was both

affronted and intrigued by his refusal to respond to her insistent overtures.

Both James and Jason were amused as hell, for they had sampled the charms

of the lady in question in the past, but she seemed somehow now focused on

him. The pursuit had been going on for weeks and he was getting pressed to

keep evading her overt advances with politesse, though his brothers warned

him she was unlikely to give up.

“Your Grace.” He bowed over her hand politely, wary of the

predatory glitter in her dark eyes. She possessed a mature, opulent beauty,

with olive skin and raven hair, and her décolletage showcased lush,

overblown breasts nearly spilling from her gown.

She smiled in a feline curve of her full mouth. “How can such a

handsome young man just stand here on the edge of the festivities? Aren’t

you dancing, darling?”

The urge to make up some injury existed, but he didn’t want to limp

around all evening having to compound the lie each time someone asked

him what was wrong. Instead, he simply shook his head. “There’s such a


“I am sure we could manage.”

Such a direct approach was hard to fend off and so with resignation,

he handed his empty fluted glass to a passing footman and led the duchess to

the floor. She swayed seductively into his arms and he uttered a silent curse

of both chagrin and annoyance.

This was not why he came to the ball. Not only did he have very

little to no interest in the promiscuous duchess, he didn’t want Helen to get

the wrong impression.

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Romantic idiot, he reminded himself, waiting painfully for the

orchestra to finish. She already has that impression, which is why she

approached you in the first place.

To make matters worse, as they turned to leave the dance floor, he

came face to face with the object of his speculation on the arm of some

young man who wore an infuriatingly besotted look on his face. Helen’s

suitor stared at the creamy curves visible above the bodice of her dress more

than her face. The fierce urge to eradicate that lascivious expression was so

overwhelming Wade actually had to take a deep, controlling breath.

Helen noticed, for her beautiful eyes widened slightly.

The duchess also must have sensed something in the uncanny

damnable way women have, for her fingers tightened on his arm and she

gave a sharp upward glance at first his expression and then Helen’s

suddenly flushed face.

Well, bloody hell.

“Lady Helen.” His nod was barely civil.

“Mr. W…Warrick.” She didn’t do much better, stumbling over his

name. She mumbled an introduction of her partner and a greeting to the

duchess and they mercifully moved on.

Claudette’s expression could only be described as cold and

speculative. “Charbeau’s daughter is a pretty creature, isn’t she?”

There were times when his reputation was an asset. He gave her

what he hoped was an indifferent smile. “My feelings, I believe, on

marriageable young women are well-known. I don’t even look at them. Now

then, my dear Duchess, can I get you a glass of champagne? It is very close

in here.”

Looking appeased, she gave him a languid smile. “That would be


* * * *

Helen edged through the crowd, doing her best to be as invisible as

possible. She certainly hoped no one saw her gain the French doors open to

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the autumn night, the ventilation doing little to lessen the stuffiness of the

room milling with well-dressed guests.

If they did see her leaving, she could always plead a need for a

breath of fresh air.

Where had he gone?

Though she’d seen Wade duck out in a similar manner, he was

nowhere in sight. She strolled across the terrace in seeming enjoyment as the

cool air washed over bared shoulders. There were several couples outside as

well, and she nodded politely as she went down the flagstone steps and

chose one of the main garden paths.

She most certainly should not be doing this, but then again, she

wanted to see him so much it was as if she couldn’t help but take the risk.

The way he’d looked at her earlier had taken an already unruly desire to at

least speak to him and settled the matter.

The garden was shadowed and a sprinkling of leaves littered the

path. Her skirt brushed a late flowering bush, sending a rain of petals

everywhere. Behind her she could hear the orchestra strike up a lively tune,

the music floating into the night air. There was a moon, high and full, and

the light cast spectral shadows as she passed a bank of trimmed yews.

The tall figure was half-concealed by a good-sized fountain, the

tumble of the water a musical shimmer that kept him from hearing her

approach. Her heart began to beat in slow pound as she recognized the clean

line of Wade’s profile as he gazed into the water, his abstraction obvious.

Dark hair gleamed in the moonlight.

He must have caught sight of her pale dress as she got closer, for he

started and glanced up sharply. “Helen, what are you doing?”

Stopping in front of him, she tilted her head back to look into his

eyes. Her hands clenched in the material of her gown, crushing the fragile

fabric. There was no planned speech for this moment, so the words just

tumbled out in an incoherent jumble. “I needed to…well...see you, I

suppose. I…I…”

Oh lord, she sounded like a stammering schoolgirl and simply

trailed off. He said nothing for a moment, but just stood there looking at her

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until he gave a long ragged exhale. “I wish, given our circumstances, I

didn’t know what you mean but unfortunately I do. However, standing here

in the middle of the path is ill-advised. Here.”

Long fingers closed around hers and tugged her forward. There was

a small folly just up the path, the tiny building ornate with gothic arches and

Grecian columns. Wade practically dragged her up the stairs and into the

shadowed interior. His face looked set in the gloom. “I heard, of course,

your plan to end your engagement succeeded as you hoped.”

It had, but now she had a new set of problems revolving around her

infatuation with a man her father would deem unsuitable. She’d been

startled by her jealousy all evening over the women who approached him,

though in truth, he hadn’t danced much. The duchess had fawned all over

him, but, since Helen had spent as much of the evening as possible

unobtrusively watching him, she did notice he hadn’t looked as enthusiastic

as one would expect from a notorious rake. Quite the opposite, he was

reserved, rarely smiled, and seemed more distracted than on the hunt for a

lovely lady ready for a dalliance.

He’d told her the rumors about him were exaggerated and she was

beginning to wonder if they weren’t outright false.

Except for one thing, of course. He was a skillful, considerate lover.

“Yes, Frederick was furious. My father spoke to him but I only saw

him briefly to return the ring I never wanted in the first place.” It hadn’t

been a pleasant moment and the rancor in her former fiancée’s eyes had

given her pause. However, she didn’t care in the least if such a self-centered

man despised her or what he thought of her moral fiber for he had never

loved her in the first place. Desired, perhaps, but ownership had been his

goal, and he more valued her beauty, she had a conviction, than her person.

Well, if the Duke of Resdale wanted a wife other men would envy, he could

find someone else.

“I’m told he isn’t one to let a disappointment like this pass easily.”

Wade let go of her hand and touched her cheek.

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“My father will protect me. It helps he now understands the depth of

my aversion to the man.” Just the light pressure of his fingers made her body

tingle. “Thank you again for…well, helping me.”

“The pleasure was all mine.” He gave a low laugh that didn’t sound

like it had anything to do with mirth.

“Not exclusively yours.” She moved closer, so her breasts brushed

his coat, placing her hands on his broad shoulders. He felt solid and warm in

the coolness of the night air. A flutter of excitement at his familiar scent and

intoxicating nearness made her breathless. “It’s private here. Kiss me.”

“Helen.” The way he said her name was full of reproach, but his

arms slid around her and he lowered his head to take her mouth in the way

she remembered with dizzying clarity. Heat, the firmness of his lips as they

possessed hers, the brush of his tongue, it combined to make her sigh into

his mouth and cling to him in shameless enjoyment.

He broke the kiss all too quickly, but she could tell he was just as

affected by their embrace with an inner female triumph. He said with quiet

firmness, “You need to go back now. I’ll wait a decent interval before I

return. I was going to leave anyway, before—”

She kept her arms twined around his neck and lifted a brow as she

interrupted in a tart tone. “Before the duchess eats you alive?”

“That wasn’t precisely what I was going to say, but well, yes, she is

determined in her pursuit and avoiding her seems best.”

She wasn’t sure she blamed the woman. Helen could feel the hard

tips of her breasts against his chest, her body needy even though she knew

he was right and her presence would be eventually missed.

But surely not yet.

With a boldness she didn’t know she possessed, she slid her hand

between them to where the telltale bulge of his growing erection stretched

his breeches. He jerked at her touch and she felt a glimmer of triumph. “See.

You don’t really want me to go.”

“Jesus, Helen. Don’t do that.” He resolutely set her away from him

and his cobalt eyes glimmered in the insufficient light. “Yes, you must

leave. Now. If you don’t care about your reputation, I do. God knows there

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is nothing more I want but for you to stay here in my arms and I think you

just confirmed the proof of that, but keep in mind you’d be ruined beyond

any shadow of a doubt if we were caught together. I’m Wicked Warrick,

after all. Do not let my supposed sins soil you. I’d never forgive myself.”

The bitterness in his voice was evident and since she knew he was

right, she gave a reluctant sigh of defeat. “I’ll go now, but you can’t expect

me to not wish to see you again.”

“Yes, I can. God, Helen, this is difficult enough, don’t make it

worse. Your father won’t let me honestly court you, and if I tried he’d guess

at once who your lover was, and correctly, I might add. I am not interested

in a duel with a man who has every reason to be outraged, nor do I expect

you’d enjoy it if either of us engaged in such folly because the outcome is

never pleasant for at least one party.”

She hadn’t thought of it in that light and her throat tightened. “I

would never allow it.”

“You wouldn’t be told, I’d guess. Gentlemen usually work it that

way when they quarrel over beautiful wayward ladies.”

There was no way she could never feel his touch, his kiss again, was


“Go,” he said gently.

She went, swallowing hard against the tears that suddenly stung her

eyes as she ran down the steps and back up the path.

* * * *

A more interesting tableau he couldn’t really imagine and didn’t

want to. It wasn’t every day a man witnessed his wayward daughter

throwing herself at a seasoned womanizer. Compound that by the fact she

was soundly rejected, and Jonathan simply stood in both outrage and

indecision as he watched her hurry down the path toward the mansion.

Helen was a vision in white, her blond hair gleaming in the moonlight.

Had those been tears in her eyes? If so, Warrick was going to

answer for them, by God.

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The man had plenty to answer for already.

He stepped out from behind the shelter of a small ornamental tree

planted by the little summer gazebo, and deliberately climbed the steps. His

daughter’s lover still stood there like a statue in the wake of her departure.

When he did register his presence, it was with little more reaction than the

small flicker of his lids. They faced each other and Jonathan said in a

conversational tone, “You saved your life the moment you sent her back to

the house.”

Wade Warrick didn’t look anything but resigned, a rueful smile

curving his mouth. “Why she thought she could follow me outside and not

be noticed—”

“Oh, I knew it was you long before she slipped away.” Jonathan

interrupted in an ironic tone. “She’s been watching you all evening. And,

coincidentally, you have been watching her. To anyone interested, it was all

obvious enough.”

The younger man said nothing.

That was fine, Jonathan had plenty enough to say for the both of

them. “I overheard your entire conversation, for which I do not apologize.

This is my daughter, and I would use any means to protect her, even if it

entails lurking in the damned bushes like some disreputable footpad. I must

say, I would never have suspected you as the candidate of her seducer,

Warrick. I thought that busy cock of yours had all the willing wenches it

needed without risking your fool neck by touching an innocent young

woman engaged to another man.”

“It seemed like a reckless decision even at the time, Charbeau, I

won’t deny that.”

The lack of defensiveness wasn’t exactly what he expected, but then

again, he hadn’t expected to see that poignantly tender kiss either, or hear

the tone of the man’s voice as he insisted he wished to protect her before he

sent her away against her will.

Damn it, this was actually confusing.

“Then why did you make it?” He really wished to know the reason.

“You had to be aware what my reaction would be.”

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“Honor does not permit me to explain.”

Well, what the devil did that mean? “Honor, sir, doesn’t often enter

into careless seduction.”

“Granted. I am not defending what happened, just unwilling to

explain how it all came about.” Warrick raised an ebony brow.

Jonathan had the uneasy feeling he could guess at what that implied.

Had Helen been the one who initiated her own fall from grace? From what

he’d just seen, it looked all too possible. He gave a silent curse and

wondered how any man survived having a reckless, beautiful daughter.

Was this repayment for his own sins? Once he’d been as notorious

as Warrick and perhaps more so.

Good God, the girl had actually put her hand on Warrick’s crotch.

To give the man credit, he’d removed it.

If she had been the one to start this farce that could destroy her life,

he couldn’t justifiably wring the young rogue’s neck. But he could make

sure she never saw him again.

“It wasn’t careless.” The quiet statement fell between them,

interrupting his thoughts. His daughter’s handsome lover gave him a level

look as he spoke the words in a quiet voice. “I assume you would have an

objection to me as a—”

“You are bloody right I would,” Jonathan cut him off ruthlessly. “I

sure as the devil hope you are not about to try and sell me some drivel about

you having more than a passing interest in my daughter. The parade of

lovers you’ve discarded in the past precludes me believing in your concept

of the term “permanence”. Even if you offered honest marriage to right the

wrong you’ve done to her by bedding her without vows, I have little faith in

your ability to make her anything but miserable with future infidelity.”

Warrick stood woodenly, his mouth a thin compressed line. “You’re

mistaken, but I understand your perception. Most of society has the wrong

idea, but I have found trying to change anyone’s mind is futile. Believe as

you wish, Lord Charbeau. What is it now, pistols at dawn?”

“No.” Jonathan wasn’t sure exactly how he felt about what he’d

overheard, but even if Wicked Warrick was telling the truth and not quite as

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dissolute as perceived, he had still behaved in a less than chivalrous manner.

Just his reputation alone would cause the scandal of a decade if he came

anywhere near Helen. “Shooting you might give me some needed

satisfaction, but it would only immortalize you in her eyes. She’ll get over

this…this foolishness if you stay away from her. I’m going to leave it at

that, but be forewarned, I will not be so generous again.”

He spun on his heel and left, hoping it was the end of the matter. It

should be. He’d made his position clear, and even before that Warrick

seemed to have sense enough to tell Helen they couldn’t see each other


However, Jonathan wished he hadn’t seen that damned romantic


It gave him the uneasy feeling he was being too optimistic.

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Chapter 7

The carriage rattled to a halt in front of his townhouse and Wade

clambered out, turning up his collar against the rain. It had drizzled all

morning, and the unfriendly skies reflected his dismal mood. In the week

since the confrontation with the Earl of Charbeau he had done his best to

bury himself in financial paperwork, which wasn’t so unusual, but

unfortunately did not distract him enough.

He dreamed of Helen at night. Restless dreams of soft gold hair, that

voluptuous, responsive body, and of course, the devastated look in her

beautiful eyes when he refused to see her again. During the day, he did his

best to ignore the fact she even existed, but it wasn’t working. Not one bit.

For the very first time in his life he was in love. Just his luck, of

course, that her father detested him and with good cause. If only he’d had

more of a chance to explain his feelings, but then again, the earl hadn’t been

in much of a mood to listen to reason.

His driver’s shout was his first clue something was wrong.

Absorbed and not paying attention, he stopped with his foot on the first step

and glanced up.

That minute advantage saved his life.

Instead of the cudgel catching him solidly across the temple, it hit

his shoulder instead as he dodged to the side instinctively. He went

sprawling across the slippery steps as the pain registered along with

disbelief. There was a vague impression of several figures as he scrambled

to his feet, and the second blow came from a different direction, catching

him in the left thigh hard enough to make him stagger.

Shit! How many are there?

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He managed to stay standing and dove headfirst into the closest

man, hearing with satisfaction the grunt as the air went from his lungs and

he went down. They fell and Wade got in several solid blows with his fists

before he rolled free and jumped up.

There were four of them, he saw incredulously, all armed with iron

bars, and as the one he knocked down got up wiping his bloody nose, they

circled and advanced, each one brandishing their weapon.

“If you want my purse…”

One of them snarled, “We aren’t here for your purse, guv.”

Outnumbered and unarmed didn’t seem like much of a fair fight and

the next few moments were a blur of pain and movement. He managed to

defend himself from most of the blows with his left forearm but couldn’t

block or dodge them all by any means. His attackers were all big men,

thickset but not as tall, and luckily he was a bit quicker. Still, he was losing,

he realized.

Rather badly.

The clatter of hooves and squeaking wheels punctuated by several

shouts was the first clue help had arrived and it was in the nick of time, for

by then he was on the ground and a hard kick had knocked the breath from

his lungs.

“Let’s even up the odds, shall we?”

He gasped and clutched his side, and even in his discomfort

recognized with relief the voice as belonging to James. Or maybe it was

Jason. At the moment, he didn’t care. They were due for a short meeting on

a shipping venture he thought they should invest in, and thank God they

were on time for once. The twins usually considered appointment times just

a suggestion.

His two brothers jumped into the fray with the experience of men

who had been in some unsavory tavern brawls before, and he was never

more grateful to their youthful tendencies toward blue ruin and barmaids.

Hell, for all he knew they still occasionally frequented such places.

Certainly one of them had a wicked looking knife in his hand, and though it

might have been comical under other circumstances to see two well-dressed,

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elegant gentlemen going hand to hand with what must be street thugs, they

seemed all too competent. Once he could get in a breath, Wade did manage

to catch and jerk away one of the iron bars from the one man still trying to

beat him to a pulp, and almost immediately, that attacker turned and ran.

Faced with even numbers, the others followed promptly. Tearing

into a nearby alley, they disappeared, and even if he had been able, Wade

wouldn’t have wanted to follow them into the dark, narrow way.

James—he was the one with the knife—offered a hand and hauled

him to his feet. “With the devil was that all about? This is a good


“They were waiting, sir.” His driver, an elderly gray-haired man

who looked terrified and was still perched on top of the carriage, pointed at

the row of bushes in front of his house. “I saw them crouching there but just

a minute too late. I tried to warn you, sir, I did.”

“You did warn me.” Wade felt a bit dizzy and battered, wondering

just what would have happened if the twins hadn’t come at the exact

moment they did. “Thank you.”

Jason looked at him and said without a trace of his usual light-

hearted sarcasm, “We’d better get you inside and assess the damage. You

might need a doctor.”

“And brandy,” Wade suggested, wheezing a little because his ribs

hurt like hell.

James slid the knife back into his boot. “Brandy sounds good to me.

I’ll send George for the physician and the police. What did they take?”

“Nothing. They didn’t seem interested in my money.”

“Ah.” They glanced at each other.

“Ah, what?” Wade asked irritably, recognizing that exchange with

the experience of long acquaintance. They spoke to each other often with

little more than one of those telling looks.

“Lady Taft’s husband had her lover beaten almost to death last year

in an identical set-up.” Jason spoke slowly.

He recalled hearing about it, but no one could prove Lord Taft was

behind the incident. Wade muttered, “I don’t know Lady Taft, thank you.”

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“Who do you know?” James wiped at a bit of mud on his usually

immaculate sleeve. “And I do mean know in the biblical sense, little brother.

I’m referring to the mystery woman, the one in disguise you saw off at dawn

some weeks ago.”

Helen. Of course, Helen.

No, Charbeau already knew and the man would never handle it this

way if he wanted retribution. The matter had been settled between them the

other evening and though the earl had made his disapproval clear, he hadn’t

done more than warn him off. In fact, Wade had felt not exactly a sense of

sympathy from Helen’s father, but at least a glimmer of understanding over

what had happened.

A different realization slammed home. If he’d found out somehow,

the Duke of Resdale on the other hand, was the perfect candidate. It was an

underhanded, cowardly ploy, and according to Jeffery Lockwood,

completely in character.

Leaning weakly against the railing of the front steps, Wade

muttered, “Damn all, you two could be right.”

* * * *

Jenna stared out the window in pensive contemplation, though there

really wasn’t much to see. The night was cold and rainy, the glass streaked

with moisture, and the moon obscured by banks of low clouds that had

hovered over London all week.

Even this early, she knew the signs. Afternoon fatigue, occasional

light-headedness, an unsettled stomach that seemed to come and go, all the

symptoms a mirror image of her own three pregnancies.

She had so hoped they could avoid this particular complication. Up

until now, she hadn’t asked Helen if her flow was late, but she had a

suspicion the answer was not going to be very heartening. The idea of a

beautiful grandchild was a lovely one, but not if her daughter was unwed

and immersed in scandal.

“Coming to bed?”

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At the sound of her husband’s deep voice, she turned to see him

lounging in the doorway connecting their bedrooms, looking impossibly

handsome in a dark silk dressing gown. A familiar sinful smile hovered on

his mouth.

How on earth would she break this news to Jonathan?

She’d wait, she decided, until she’d had the opportunity to sit their

daughter down and confirm the issue. It was too soon to panic.

“Jenna?” His dark brows drew together. “Is something wrong,


“No, no.” She shook off her concern and walked toward him. “I am

just sick of this dreary weather, I think. Do you have a cure by chance, my


“Hmm. I think I could come up with something.” His azure eyes

glimmered and he reached for her, lifting her in his arms in an easy


“I love it when you come up.” She kissed his jaw as he carried her

into his bedroom, relishing the strong feel of his hard chest and cradling

arms. He was still fit and lean, and when it came to stamina in a lover, as

virile as when he was younger. They had separate bedrooms because it was

the fashion, but slept together every night. Not just husband and wife, but

still passionate lovers, her marriage had been the joyful culmination of what

had started out as a terrifying adventure.

She shivered as she recalled with a much too vivid flash of memory

the huge wave that swept her off the ship all those years ago, the turbulent

anger of the storm-tossed sea as it closed over her, and then, as now, a pair

of strong arms holding her as the vessel itself groaned and disappeared from

sight. It had just been the beginning, for Jonathan had saved her life more

than once after they washed onto the savage shore of the island that had

been their home for almost a year.

As if he could clearly read her mind, his eyes narrowed. “I can make

you think of warm beaches and a clear turquoise sea, my love, instead of the

wet sooty rooftops and sodden busy streets around us. I am afraid I can’t

offer a thatched hut with the quiet of the ocean as the background, but if a

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comfortable bed will do, I’ll try and remind you how it felt when we first

made love.”

“That sounds very promising.”

“I am glad you like the idea. As I recall, I disrobed you right away,

for I couldn’t wait to see you naked.” He set her on her feet by the bed and

pushed the robe from her shoulders. Deft fingers made short work of the

ribbon on the bodice of her nightdress and it slid downward to pool at her

feet. His gaze traveled over every inch of her, from her toes upward, to

linger at the juncture of her thighs and her bared breasts. “You are just as

breathtakingly beautiful now as you were that first night. I desire you in

equal measure.”

“I can see that,” Jenna said with a teasing laugh, the impressive

length of his erection visible through the cloth of his dressing gown. She

shook back her hair and climbed on the bed to lie down on her back. Knees

bent, she parted her thighs so he had a clear view of her sex. “Now then, I

believe what happened next—”

“You enjoyed very much.” He finished her suggestive sentence in a

low growl and shed his robe. His naked body gleamed in the light from the

fire in the marble fireplace, and for a split second she was truly reminded of

how he looked by the signal fire they used to build in hope of rescue, all

powerful bronzed male, primal and predatory. She had given herself to him

that fateful night because it was obvious that even though he was a titled

gentleman, on the island the rules of society were suspended and his sexual

desire for her caused a tangible tension.

Never did she dream the result would be so wickedly pleasurable.

“That night I had my first taste of you.” He lowered himself

between her legs, kissing her inner thigh, his dark head a contrast to her pale

skin as his mouth hovered over her cleft. His tongue began a leisurely

invasion of those sensitive folds, circling her clitoris, nudging it until she

arched, and then sliding lower to actually enter her in small scandalous


It felt incredible. That first time she had been astonished he would

want to do such a thing. Now she was simply entranced by the acute

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pleasure and since he knew her body so intimately, he brought her easily to

climax with tender skill.

She gave a low, telling scream as it happened, rapture exploding in

unruly possession of her body. Her husband knew just when to lighten the

pressure, and when to deepen it again so she came a second time, hard and

fast against his questing mouth.

When he slid over and into her with a self-satisfied grin, Jenna gave

a weak laugh, feeling his long length impale her completely. Her vaginal

walls still tightened in small involuntary spasms. “Jonathan, give me a


“I’m sorry, my love, but if you recall, I couldn’t wait to have you

that first time, and I can’t wait now.” His face, so austerely handsome with

those high cheekbones and sky blue eyes, reflected carnal intent by the

wolfish gleam of his teeth in a blatant unrepentant smile as he began to


God have mercy. To her amazement, even as that thought crossed

her mind, her hips tilted up to take the next thrust, almost as if she wasn’t in

control of her own body. Sensual sensation held the day and they moved as

one wild creature, just as on that night so long ago, and the rapid beating of

her heart was echoed in every slick slide of his sex into hers, a perfect fit of

male into female.

It was primitive, even amidst the tumbled silk linens of their very

civilized bed in the middle of London’s most fashionable neighborhood. The

soft wet sounds of their intercourse might not be echoed by the lapping of

the waves on a tropical beach, but her erratic breathing was the same, as was

the rising tide of orgasmic bliss.

He brought her to that peak twice again before he released himself

with a low groan deep inside her, against her womb in a forceful rush she

felt even in her daze of pleasure. Afterwards, they lay together, both sated,

his long body curled around hers so she felt both protected and more than a

little exhausted.

“How did I do, my love?” He kissed the spot just under her ear.

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She snuggled her backside closer to his groin and smiled. “I believe

that was a very accurate reenactment, darling.”

“I have an excellent memory.” His laugh stirred her hair.

“Is that why you forgot my birthday last month?” She couldn’t help

but tease him for he’d been endearingly horrified over the oversight.

“I’ve apologized for that profusely and I think the fortune in

diamonds I provided as recompense for my absence of mind should appease

you. Besides, it depends on the subject. I think men rate events in order of

importance differently than women.”

“My birthday isn’t important?”

“Everything about you is important to me. You are my life.” His

arms tightened a fraction.

“I wish Helen had someone who felt the same way.” Why she spoke

the thought out loud when she knew he was touchy on the subject of their

daughter’s mysterious lover was probably a result of being so physically

satisfied she didn’t stop to think.

“She will,” Jonathan said after a moment. “I’ve learned my lesson

from trying to force her into marrying Resdale. I still don’t think I was as

wrong as everyone else tells me, but I am now resigned to giving her the

time she needs to find a respectable husband.”

That was all fine and good, Jenna thought, but she was not certain

they had that time.

* * * *

Her tea was tepid but Helen wasn’t sure she cared much since she

was just making a pretense of drinking it anyway. The skimmed over

surface did her already uneasy stomach no favors and she moved to set it

aside, only half-listening to the conversation.

“…rather a brutal attack from what they’re saying. I am going to

venture a guess Wicked Warrick finally dallied with the wrong woman.”

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The fine china cup rattled into the saucer, spilling small laps of

liquid over the side. Helen stared at her great-grandmother. “I beg your

pardon, Grandmama, what did you just say?”

Once every two weeks the family had formal high tea with her

father’s grandmother, who she knew looked forward to sharing whatever

gossip she’d gleaned from her elderly nosy friends. Her two brothers usually

did whatever they could to duck out because it bored them to the point they

could not sit still, but Helen adored the old lady and didn’t mind listening to

the prattle and tidbits of the goings on of the haute ton.

White-haired, but still spry and quick-witted, the older lady pursed

her mouth. “Wade Warrick, who is quite too handsome for his own good if

you ask me, was beaten half to death by a gang of ruffians several days ago.

At the opera the other night it was quite the talk of the gossip mill.”

Dear God, no.

“Did you know this?” Helen turned and looked at her mother who

returned the accusing gaze with surprise on her lovely face.

“Well, yes, I did, I suppose,” she said, the words spoken slowly.

“And you didn’t tell me?” A hysterical note wavered in her voice

despite her effort to control it.

That imprudent question made her mother’s eyes narrow a little.

“No, darling, I suppose I didn’t. Why should I? It’s an unfortunate thing

when anyone resorts to violence but not your concern. Goodness, you’ve

gone very pale.”

The devil it wasn’t her concern. The idea of Wade, injured and

bleeding, made her touchy stomach lurch. The room seemed to spin for a

moment, and she felt faint.

“Helen!” Her mother was suddenly at her side, a supporting arm

around her shoulders. “Just take a deep breath and lean on me. Please,

Grandmother, could you ring for a footman to summon our carriage? Helen

has been a bit indisposed lately and perhaps it’s best if we go home.”

There was no way she could pretend she wished to stay with her

emotions in such turmoil, so Helen didn’t demure and moments later she

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was seated across from her mother, the swaying motion of the vehicle not

helping one bit.

“Please tell me what I am thinking is incorrect.” As usual, her

mother’s voice was modulated and soft, but there was underlying steel in her

tone that demanded an answer.

“What are you thinking?” Helen wished she’d been more careful in

her reaction, especially in front of her perceptive parent, but at least her

father had some sort of business meeting and had been delayed so he hadn’t

been present.

She’d promised Wade complete anonymity the night she’d

propositioned him. To break her word now seemed out of the question, for

he had apparently suffered already because of her. She’d used him to block

her unwanted marriage, and it was not much of a reach to guess why he’d

been attacked. Had he been the kind of man society thought he was, a

jealous lover or husband could be behind it, but she knew now he wasn’t a

promiscuous rake, intent on ensnaring every female in his range. No, the

woman who had sparked that attack was her, and she felt in her very soul

Frederick was the culprit.

It was just like him to do something so damned cowardly. If she

hadn’t despised him before, she certainly would now. How he’d discovered

the identity of her lover she wasn’t sure, but something needed to be done to

prevent more retaliation.

However Wade felt about her, she was so in love with him it took

misery to a whole new level.

Her mother sat, hands folded in her lap, her gaze very direct. “I’m

thinking your reaction a few moments ago could have been due to your

pregnancy. Or, it could have been the news the youngest Warrick brother—

whom to my knowledge you do not even know—was viciously attacked.

God forbid the two circumstances are connected.”

The fact her cycle was late was something she’d kept to herself, as it

wasn’t more than a week or so. It had happened to her several times before

and she hadn’t thought a thing about it, for of course, there was no chance of

a possible pregnancy then. This time was a bit different.

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“Do you really think I am with child?” Helen wasn’t sure how she

felt about it, but to her surprise she didn’t regard the possibility as a disaster.

“You have all the usual signs. Tell me, are your breasts tender?”

They were, for she’d noticed that first of all. “Yes,” she murmured


“If you are, is Wade Warrick the father?”

That was the one question she would not answer.

Her mother sighed at the ensuing stubborn silence, the only sound

the rattle of the wheels over the street and the occasional call of a hawker on

a corner. “Helen, I now understand fully why you told me the man you were

meeting would not want to marry you. To fall for someone who regards

sexual conquest as casually as choosing how to tie his cravat is beyond

foolish. Understandable perhaps, for as your great-grandmother said, he is a

very attractive man, but I doubt he will want to take responsibility for the

babe you’re growing.”

To defend him was admitting the truth, and actually, Helen had no

idea how he would feel, but all along he’d said perceptions about him were

not fact. “I would not be the first woman to raise a child alone.”

“I don’t think you understand the repercussions of all this.”

“I don’t think you understand that if having a child out of wedlock

means I did not have to marry a disgusting, two-faced, conniving coward

like Frederick, I prefer things exactly as they are. If I cannot have the man I

want, so be it. I will still have the memory of his touch and his child to love

for the rest of my life.”

At that passionate declaration, her mother’s mouth parted and her

gaze softened. “I …see.”

The brave words didn’t do much to ease the ache in her throat, but

Helen would not further complicate the life of a man who had never asked

for her to interfere in it in the first place.

The fact she was in love with him didn’t matter.

* * * *

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Jonathan paced across the room in a restless sweep, his chaotic

thoughts centered around one thing and that was his daughter’s happiness.

Not her well-being. Hell, he could provide every luxury for her, and

for her child also, if it came to that, but physical comfort and emotional joy

were quite different.

He’d seen her with Warrick—damn the man’s black soul for

touching her—and even though he hadn’t told Jenna after that night at the

ball he knew the identity of their daughter’s seducer, apparently it was going

to come out anyway.

It was no longer about a suitable match for his beautiful daughter.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” Jenna’s voice held unmistakable

accusation. “You saw them together and you still didn’t bother to mention


“I thought I’d settled it,” he murmured defensively, never

comfortable when he’d displeased her. “I told Warrick to stay away from

her, and as far as I know, he listened to my ultimatum for I don’t think

they’ve been near each other since.”

Beautiful in a muslin day gown in pale peach that echoed the

perfection of her skin, his wife’s soft lips curved into a wry smile. “Yes, and

she is miserable because of that very thing. She has feelings for him,

whether we approve of her choice or not, and now she is going to have his


“Don’t remind me,” he said darkly, his volatile feelings in flux over

the issue.

“He needs to be told and at least given the chance to do the right


“He needs a sound thrashing.”

Jenna gave him a cool look. “It seems to me that has already

happened. Why is it men think violence is the way to solve everything?”

To be lumped in with all his gender meant he truly was in trouble.

Especially to be likened to the lily-livered knave who hired four thugs to

attack an unarmed man. Whatever he felt about Wade Warrick, the young

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man should have had at least a fair chance to defend himself. Four to one

were not the best odds if you were on the wrong side.

He muttered, “It is more a figure of speech than anything. If I’d

wanted to confront him that way, I would have done it the night of the ball

when I caught them together.”

“The real question is what are we going to do now? She refuses to

agree to tell him about the baby.”

He could not help but recall the expression on his daughter’s face in

the moonlight when she’d left the gazebo the other night after Warrick sent

her away.

Helen had been stricken.

All her life he’d been responsible for giving her what she wanted.

Maybe he had even spoiled her, and if so, he was guilty as charged and

didn’t care. She was his darling child and that was irrefutable fact.

He said abruptly, “You’re sure she wants him?”

“It’s my feeling from what she’s said and how she acts, that yes, it

isn’t just simple infatuation.”

Jenna hadn’t seen them together in the shadows that night either and

witnessed the tender passion of their kiss. It hadn’t looked simple at all.


He glanced at the ornate clock on the mantle and made a decision.

Surely, if he called in a few favors there was still time to obtain the

necessary license. After all, he had considerable influence and money

smoothed the way for almost everything. Jonathan strode across the room

toward the door. “Excuse me, darling. I’ll take care of everything.”

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Chapter 8

The clink of china was punctuated by his father’s running

dissertation on Robert Peel’s possible appointment as Prime Minister. The

dining room glittered in the light of dozens of candles, and the air smelled

deliciously like roast duckling as the next course was brought in. His

mother, resplendent in emerald silk and the Warrick family pearls, presided

over the table like a queen, her dark hair upswept and showing only a hint of

gray. James and Jason interjected comments now and again in friendly

argument, keeping the conversation lively. Alice and Anna, his two younger

sisters, chatted to each other, mostly about the current fashions. It was a

familiar scene as he had dinner with his family at least once a week.

Wade listened in abstraction, politics not being his favorite subject,

and certainly not fabrics and dressmaking. With one arm in a sling it was a

bit difficult to eat, but the doctor hadn’t thought it was broken so much as

just severely bruised from taking the brunt of the vicious blows delivered by

his assailants.

“More wine, sir?”

He glanced up and nodded at the footman. “Yes, thank you.”

The steady consumption of an alcoholic beverage wasn’t so much to

help his physical discomfort as it was to aid his emotional turmoil. He’d

drained his first two glasses in record time. At least, he thought as the ruby

liquid was replenished in the goblet by his plate, the subject this evening

was not focused on what possible reason anyone would have to assault him.

He was tired of discussing it.

He was still unsure what to do about what had happened. If

Charbeau thought so much of the man he wanted his daughter to marry him,

then he would probably not be receptive to a warning about Resdale.

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Furthermore, Wade had absolutely no proof of any kind the duke had been

behind the attack. With society’s opinion in general over his morals,

everyone seemed to think it was an outraged husband getting even, but the

ironic thing was no one even questioned why there wasn’t a logical suspect.

He picked up his wine and took a hearty sip.

“Sir William, Madame…forgive me, but there is a most importunate

visitor.” The butler, Levins, hovered in the doorway of the dining room,

looking distraught. “He insists on seeing you and…and says he’s—”

“The Earl of Charbeau.” The name was said with cold emphasis,

interrupting the servant’s stammering

Wade looked up sharply as Helen’s father stalked into the dining

room, tall and dark in formal evening dress. The earl gave a graceful bow

but his eyes glittered. “Forgive me for interrupting your meal. This will not

take long, rest assured.”

Now what?

His entire family looked astonished and for once, the room was

quiet. The unprecedented arrival of a usually polite titled gentleman

uninvited and unannounced seemed to shock even seasoned libertines like

Jason and James.

Whatever brought Helen’s father to barge in on a family dinner, it

couldn’t be good news and he was sure it involved him. Wade got to his

feet, eyeing the other man with understandable wary speculation. This was

not the best time to be called on to defend himself.

Charbeau gave him a cold look and pulled a piece of vellum from

his pocket. He offered it with two fingers. “Here.”

Aware of the stares of everyone at the table, Wade reached over

with his good hand and took it. He unfolded the document and read the

name of a church and a time. Nothing more. He glanced up.

“Tomorrow. Do not be late or I promise you what happened the

other day will be like a walk in Hyde Park.” The earl spoke in clipped tones

that carried an edge of unmistakable menace.

Then he swung on his heel and left as abruptly as he’d come.

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The ensuing silence was awkward and Wade looked again at the

writing scribbled on the paper, avoiding his mother’s outraged stare.

A church and a specified time meant only one thing. It didn’t take a

great detective either to discern what might make the man arrange a hasty


“What the devil was that all about?” his father finally asked.

Wade gave the table at large a smile, his feelings a mixture of

elation, trepidation, happiness, and a tinge of resentment over the man’s

arrogant presumption he could be ordered to do anything, much less marry

his daughter.

Not that he had any intention of refusing. Helen in his life and his

bed for the rest of his existence on earth was exactly what he wanted.

He said in an off-hand tone, “I think that was Lord Charbeau’s

dramatic way of telling me I am going to be a father.”

* * * *

She refused to leave the carriage.

Helen sat, her mouth set in mutinous line, fighting back tears. Her

father held open the door, his face stern with disapproval and irritation. “Do

not be so obstinate. Everything is arranged and the bishop is waiting.”

“Everything is arranged by you, without my permission once again.

You cannot force this on me, much less on Wade.”

“The devil I can’t. I am your father. He realizes it is the right thing

to do apparently for he is already inside. The man was early, for God’s

sakes, and though I might have placed him solidly on the very bottom of a

list for possible son-in-laws, I do admire his unexpected cooperation.”

“No doubt you threatened him, so why wouldn’t he cooperate? As I

understand it, he is still quite badly injured and you know I believe

Frederick is responsible.” Every time she thought about it she felt sick she

might have been the cause of such a despicable attack of vicious cowardice.

“Frederick Westerland may not be the man you wish to marry, but

he wouldn’t do that.”

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She gave him a look of disillusionment. “You have never seen him

clearly because his father was your friend. Take my word on it. Frederick is

a sneaking, vicious knave. Good breeding does not always tell and he is the

perfect example.”

Her father’s mouth thinned into a tight line. “Your feelings on the

matter are quite clear, but he isn’t the man waiting for you inside the church

so why do we still have to argue over this, Helen? Warrick was your choice,

not mine.”

“The trouble is, he did not choose me.” She blinked, her throat tight.

“I feel quite certain you are not physically capable of forcing him to

do anything he didn’t wish. So, yes, he did choose you in a manner of

speaking because I do not care if it was your idea or his, the fact of the

matter is the two of you did something that should only be engaged in by a

married man and woman. Let’s rectify that right now.”

“Mother was pregnant before you arrived back in England if I recall

the story correctly.”

She struck at least a small nerve with that quiet declaration for

something flickered in his eyes. “Yes, it’s true. But please also recall, there

were no churches where we were, much less obliging clergymen like the one

waiting to perform the ceremony. I married her as quickly as possible once

we returned, just as Warrick will marry you.”

“If her father had tried to force you into it, how would you have


He gave an exasperated sigh. “The man wanted to throttle me with

his bare hands, Helen, and from the perspective of an outraged father, I now

completely understand the sentiment. But I cannot honestly answer your

question because I loved her and wanted nothing more than for her to

become my wife. No force was needed. Now, please, let’s go in and settle

this, shall we?”

The fact he missed her entire point when he was normally a rational,

intelligent human being made her want to scream in frustration. “Wade, on

the other hand, was dragged here by your threats, whatever they were, and I

do not want to participate in ruining his life.”

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“My impression is he does not see this wedding as ruining his life.

In fact, his whole family is inside.”

Helen was a little startled. “They are?”

“His parents, reprobate twin brothers, sisters, and some odd assorted

aunts and uncles, I believe. While I made the arrangements for the

ceremony, I did not expect a crowd, but your mother has already sent word

to the house for a suitable meal to be prepared.” He cocked a brow and held

out his hand again to assist her. “If you will come with me, no one will be


She wanted to marry Wade, of that there was no question, but

coercion seemed the wrong way. “Before I leave this carriage, I wish to

speak with him.”

“Helen, now is not the time. You may talk his ear off once you’re

wed. It would serve him right.”

Very firmly, she argued, “Now is exactly the time. Unless he comes

out to speak with me, you’ll have to drag me kicking and screaming into that


“Oh for God’s sake. Fine, he’ll come out here or I’ll have his heart

on a platter.” It was an irate mutter as her father dropped his hand and

walked away.

She sat, palms damp, her heart pounding. This might be the most

important moment of her life and she needed to know what to say. The

problem was half the time she was around Wade she seemed to forget how

to speak.

It seemed an eternity but was probably just a couple minutes before

she felt the dip of the carriage. She saw him climb in, the effort a little

awkward since one arm was held in a sling. As he settled into the opposite

seat, she could not help but gasp at the dark bruise on his jaw and a raw

scrape on one cheekbone.

“Oh, Wade, your face…”

“It isn’t that hideous, is it?” His tone was soft and teasing but his

vivid blue eyes held an uncertain gleam.

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“I’m responsible.” She blurted it out, one hot tear escaping and

running down her cheek. “I feel so terrible about what happened…and

what’s happening now.”

“Unless you hired those rather unfriendly fellows, Helen, you are

not responsible for the attack, and as far as what is happening now, I assume

you mean the wedding.”

She nodded and tried to gather her composure. “I promised you no

one would know.”

“If you think I didn’t realize there was a possibility we would

conceive a child, you are wrong.” His tone was calm and even. “That is the

case, isn’t it? I assumed so since your father changed his mind so abruptly.

It is quite a difference being warned to never see you again and then

summoned to a church at an appointed time.”

“I…I think so.” For whatever reason, she blushed, though she’d

managed to lay naked beneath him without any embarrassment.

“I’m…well…late and there are other signs.” She squared her shoulders and

gazed at him directly. “Even if I am expecting a baby, that does not mean

you have to marry me, Wade. We both know I was the one who initiated the

whole thing—both times—and you were the one who tried to be prudent.

This isn’t your fault, it’s mine.”

How he could look so impossibly handsome with his face disfigured

by scrapes and bruises was a mystery. A twitch of his mouth had her staring

at it with almost unwilling fascination, remembering how it felt against hers.

And other places.

Oh Lord, she was a wanton, wasn’t she? Even now, as her future

hung in the balance, all she could think about was her powerful attraction to

the man across from her, right now clad in elegant, formal black and white,

looking very much like a prospective bridegroom.

His beguiling smile widened. “Dearest Helen, I am delighted I’m

going to be a father. Even more so to be a husband.”

Had he really just said that?

She jerked her gaze up so it clashed with his, feeling suddenly

breathless. “You are?”

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* * * *

His future wife looked delectable, her incredible eyes luminous with

tears, her soft mouth trembling as she stared at him in what seemed to be

disbelief. Wade couldn’t fathom she could possibly be surprised he wanted

to marry her and he found her lack of conceit both endearing and moving.

One of the things about Helen he admired is she seemed indifferent to her

beauty, not ready to flaunt it at every turn.

And it wasn’t just her lovely face and enticing body that drew him

either, but something else, something subtle that was the essence of the

woman within that gorgeous exterior that made her different from anyone

he’d ever known. Maybe it was the innate honesty in her personality, her

open, adventurous spirit, and her entrancing sensuality.

“Very delighted.” He said the two words with deliberate emphasis.

“The question is, how do you feel?”

“I’m not sure.” The admission was barely more than a whisper. She

wore a gown in a very pale lemon yellow material of fine silk, her hair

upswept very simply so loose gold curls trickled down the slender column

of her neck, and both the elegant cut of her fashionable attire and the plain

but flattering hairstyle made her enough to take his breath away. A simple

diamond pendant hung so the gem nestled in the lush valley between her

breasts and he suspected it was a Charbeau family heirloom.

Wade felt his heart sink at little. Not sure? He asked in what he

hoped sounded like a reasonable tone, “Not sure you wish to marry me, not

sure how you feel about our coming child, or not sure about—”

“I want to marry you.” The interruption was said in a clear concise

voice despite the fact her slim shoulders trembled. “I am just not sure you

aren’t being ever the gentleman and trying to make me feel better about the

fact my father bludgeoned you into being here.”

The man in question was still there, hovering in the open doorway

of the carriage, listening to every word. He gave a small snort. Charbeau

said not quite under his breath, “Gentleman, indeed.”

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While normally he might have taken offense, Wade barely heard the

sarcastic remark. Helen wanted to marry him? He’d hoped so, recalling the

soft willingness of her body as they made love and the way she’d looked the

last time they’d seen each other, but hadn’t anticipated the rush of joy at the

announcement she wasn’t being entirely forced into this because of her


He couldn’t exactly scoop her into his arms in a satisfactory way, so

he did the next best thing and leaned forward to catch her around the waist

with his good arm. She gave a small gasp as he lifted her onto his lap.


“Marry me.” His voice was a little hoarse with emotion and his

mouth brushed her temple. The fragrance of her hair brought back some

very tantalizing memories. “Say yes, Helen.”

“I will.” Cool fingers grazed his injured jaw and she kissed him

lightly on the lips. “If you promise me you don’t feel forced.”

Her soft bottom felt wonderful nestled against his thighs and his arm

held her lightly in a loose circle. For her benefit—and the listening Lord

Charbeau—he said with complete truth, “If I thought I could court you like

it should be done, I would have. This outcome is what I want, even if we

went about it in an unconventional way.”

“I specialize in being unconventional, I’m afraid.” She didn’t

actually sound repentant but to his relief the tears were gone from her eyes

and she slipped her arms around his neck, her mouth temptingly close

despite her father’s presence.

“Who knows that better than I do?” Wade felt a twinge amusement

at that understatement, considering the way their romance had progressed so

far. “I will try to adjust to it, though you might find me a rather staid


One dark blonde brow winged upward. “Wicked Warrick staid?”

“Absolutely.” He lowered his head and gave her a kiss that was both

tender and full of promise.

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The sound of someone clearing their throat made them break apart

and Helen gave a small breathless laugh against his cheek. “I think my

father is getting impatient.”

Wade murmured, “He isn’t the only one. Shall we go in?”

* * * *

Her daughter had a lovely wedding despite the circumstances and

Jenna could not help but weep a little near the end, though she wasn’t

usually so emotional. Jonathan even looked a bit strained, but she would

never dream of mentioning it.

Even somewhat battered Wade Warrick made a very handsome

bridegroom, and though she didn’t really know the young man besides what

she’d heard in the form of gossip, the way he looked at Helen boded well for

the future. Moreover, at the small reception later, she found to her surprise

he was more reserved than otherwise, with no trace she could see of the

infamous charming courtier who dazzled every lady in sight.

Maybe, she thought, she needed to readjust her thinking about this

hasty union. No, he wasn’t titled, but Helen had been telling the truth, his

family was a good one, and wealthy. Though, his brothers certainly were

notorious enough for their sexual conquests and he was certainly rumored to

be cut from the same cloth.

He had compromised her daughter, so that wasn’t exactly a point in

his favor. On the other side of the coin though, Helen had admitted she

approached him, not the other way around. That act—considering the

consequences—now qualified as the single most outrageous thing she’d ever

done. Jenna hoped Wicked Warrick, whether the sobriquet fit or not,

understood he now had his hands full.

This could be an interesting match.

“Well, I am glad that is over.” Jonathan, tall and striking in his

formal clothes, wandered over to drop in a chair nearby in the informal

parlor. The servants were still busy clearing away the debris from the

festivities and Jenna made a mental note to give Havers a bonus for his

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efficiency in putting together an elegant repast at such short notice. Neither

she nor Jonathan had anticipated so many of the Warrick family would show

strong support for a wedding the groom had been forced into with barely a

day of warning.

Jenna reached over to the tray, poured him a glass of claret, and

offered it. “I thought it went well, considering.”

“Considering?” He nodded thanks for the wine and took a healthy

drink. There was a sardonic expression on his face. “I assume you mean

considering the young scoundrel impregnated our daughter, considering the

bride had to be coerced to the altar, and considering the scandal this sudden

marriage will make when the announcement appears in the paper


She gave him an exasperated look. “I meant considering how

quickly it was arranged. Helen looked beautiful, and even more than that,


“She’d better stay happy or I’ll wring his neck.”

“Her welfare is no longer in your hands.”

Jonathan’s expression became shuttered. “I know.”

The notion startled her too, and when the young couple had

departed, she’d felt a sense of loss despite the fact she’d known one day

Helen would marry and live elsewhere. She had poured herself a small glass

of sherry earlier and took a small sip. “Since when do you care for scandal

anyway, darling?”

“I don’t usually, except when it concerns my daughter.”

“It will pass fast enough.” Jenna wasn’t looking forward to the

whispers either, but things usually died down quickly if there was a happy

ending involved. An eight month baby was not an unknown event, and when

a man with Wicked Warrick’s reputation has an impromptu wedding,

especially to a young ingénue like Helen, well, there would be speculation

over the cause, no doubt. No one would be surprised when the child was

born a little early.

She felt a small ripple of unease as she remembered her son-in-

law’s nasty bruises and injured arm. “Frederick Westerland will know at

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once who was Helen’s lover. She thinks he might already know and was

behind the attack on Wade.”

“I’ve heard her theory.” Jonathan’s blue eyes held a hint of

annoyance. “Just because she holds an unreasonable dislike for the man

does not make him capable of such vile behavior. Quite frankly, despite his

very evident anger and disappointment over Helen’s headstrong and

outrageous conduct, he’s been a gentleman about this whole affair.”

“Someone hired those men.”

“Or they were just violent criminals who happened on an affluent

unarmed man.”

“They didn’t rob him, or so I’m told.”

“Thanks to his brothers and their timely interference probably.”

She wasn’t as convinced, but it wasn’t worth the argument. If it had

been Frederick, surely he was satisfied he’d gotten his revenge.

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Chapter 9

“You may decorate it how ever you wish.” Wade looked around the

room and gave her a rueful smile, one broad shoulder propped against the

doorjamb. Still dressed in his formal clothes, his dark good looks accented

by the faint smile on his face, he seemed very tall and very male in contrast

to her surroundings. “I am afraid I have done little with the house since I

bought it and had less than a day to get ready to prepare for the arrival of a

bride. It has been aired out and that is about it.”

It was true, the adjoining suite to his was not to her taste with pale

pink satin covered walls, matching pastel furnishings, and an ornate

feminine bed, but Helen could really care less about a place where she

would do little more than change her clothes each day. Her trunk already sat

in one corner by the armoire, ready to be unpacked by her maid, Mary, who

had readily agreed to a change in employers.

Surely his large comfortable bed would be where she spent her


At least she assumed so. The only concept of marriage she knew

was her parents’ and perhaps it was a little unconventional in some ways.

Their open affection for each other was considered unfashionable among the

aristocracy, and certainly the way they met had to border upon one so

unique it sounded like some romantic fable. Not every woman found her

future husband by being swept into the sea—and consequently his arms—

off a sinking ship by a gigantic wave in a horrendous storm.

Of course, not every woman met her future husband by begging him

to purposely ruin her so she could get out of an unwanted engagement


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“My mother sleeps in my father’s room.” She said the words in an

off-hand way but watched her new husband’s face to see if she could gauge

his reaction to that statement.

That signature quicksilver smile touched his mouth again. “Is that

an observation or a suggestion?”

“I don’t know,” she confessed. “I’ve never been a wife before. I still

am a little in disbelief over the whole thing.”

“I’ve never been a husband before either, so I suppose we’ll learn

together. As for our sleeping arrangements, I would prefer you with me, of

course, but you may do as you like.”

A mischievous smile twitched her lips. “You will probably learn

quickly enough to not give me carte blanche for I have a tendency to take

advantage of it.”

Wade laughed. “I am warned then. Thank you for being so honest.

If I may be as frank with you in turn, I might have noticed your propensity

to be a bit daring now and then. In this case, I cannot see how I could

possibly object to you being in my bed at any time.”

“How about now?” The bold suggestion came out before she could

stop it, but from the moment he’d declared so convincingly he wished to

marry her, she had been thinking about the upcoming night.

In his arms. A small thrill coiled in the pit of her stomach.

His cobalt eyes seemed to darken just a little. “Now sounds perfect,

but only if you are not too tired. Because I am so ignorant on the subject of

beautiful pregnant ladies, I talked to my mother about your condition. She

told me fatigue was one of the predominant symptoms and today was not

exactly typical by any means in terms of stress and it is getting late.”

Thanks to her father’s high-handed approach to the situation, all the

Warricks knew about her pregnancy. Tomorrow, when the hasty wedding

was officially announced in the society news, she supposed most of London

would at least guess correctly as to why it happened with such dispatch. It

was a bit mortifying, but on the other hand, Wade had said he was delighted

about the baby and his family also seemed to warmly accept her.

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She walked toward the doorway into his bedroom where he stood.

“I am not too tired.”

Wade stepped back to let her pass, a bemused look on his face. “I’m

happy to hear it.”

The bedroom he used was bigger but not lavish, except the bed

where she’d lost her virginity was very large, with silk hangings and a

canopy top. Helen heard the soft sound of the door clicking shut and turned

to see her husband had followed her into the room.

They were alone together for the first time when it wasn’t a furtive

stolen meeting, she realized. Not only alone, but legally married, tied

together for the rest of their lives and expecting a child to share. Since all

she had done since the moment she’d crawled covertly into his carriage

weeks ago on that fateful night was think about him, the reality was a little


Wicked Warrick, all to herself. A languid throb already started

between her legs.

She gave him a glimmering smile and then her gaze fell uncertainly

to his impaired arm, held loosely in the sling. “Can you help me with my


“Oh yes.” The husky tone in his voice made her give a small shiver.

“It isn’t broken, just a bruise here and there. Though we may have to

improvise a little once we’re in bed, my sweet.”


“I’ll show you. Turn around.”

The feel of his fingers slowly working each fastening loose made

her eyes close. Did all women feel this way, she wondered as the material

parted and the garment loosened. So needy, so desperately wanting their

new husbands inside them? Or was it just her, and the fact the first time she

had glanced across a crowded room and seen him standing there, looking

more sinfully attractive than any man she had ever seen with his raven hair

and those captivating sapphire eyes, she had felt drawn to him.

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Her gown slid off her shoulders. He leaned forward and kissed her

neck, whispering in her ear as he pulled the pins from her hair. “You take

off the rest.”

The way she complied, so eager and willing, should have at least

made her chagrined, but it didn’t because all she could think about was not

just this night, but all the nights ahead of them and her whole body felt on

fire. She took off her slippers and stockings, and then pulled loose the

ribbon at the bodice of her chemise and let it slide to the floor.

Her new husband also undressed, more slowly, and when she turned

around, she couldn’t stifle the horrified gasp that escaped her throat. “Oh,


One-handed, he tossed his shirt aside and gave her a crooked smile.

“It looks worse than it is.”

Hopefully that was true because it looked appalling. A bruise here

and there? His entire left arm was a mass of black and blue, the injuries

consistent with the first report she’d heard that the attack had been vicious

and he was lucky to be alive. It was no wonder he had to use a sling, for

broken or not, it had to be terribly painful and there were similar sickening

marks across the muscular plane of his chest where he’d obviously been

struck with significant force.

“He tried to kill you.” The loathing she felt for Frederick

Westerland was there in her voice, making it shake. The damage inflicted

was both shocking and a reminder of how her wedding night could have

been so much different than the one she knew she was going to experience

with Wade. Just the notion of the Duke of Resdale laying a hand on her

made her shudder.

Ebony brows went up and he sank down to start to tug off his boots

using only one hand. “Someone seemed to have a quarrel with me.”

“It was Frederick. I know him and trust me, my certainty he was

behind what happened to you is complete.”

“If so, he was unsuccessful. Forget the duke, please. He is a very

dull topic of conversation.”

“How can you be so blasé?”

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“How can you be so beautiful?” A boot thudded to the floor and he

gave her a look worthy of his nickname. “Get in bed, Helen.”

* * * *

At first he thought she’d argue, standing there like an avenging

goddess with her hands on her shapely hips and her naked body gleaming in

the soft lamplight. Gold and ivory, her blue eyes full of both fire and

outrage, his bride was no cringing virgin but she’d hadn’t been even the

night she had so boldly propositioned him.

He loved her.

No, it wasn’t reasonable to fall in love in a few short weeks. Poets

might wax eloquent over love at first sight but he had never been one to

endorse such an impulsive reaction.

Somehow he now believed in it heart and soul. She was beyond

lovely with her full breasts quivering provocatively as she stared at him, a

barefoot goddess with a rare spirit to match her flawless beauty, and he had

somehow gotten lucky enough to claim as his wife. The idea his child grew

inside her was an aphrodisiac he certainly didn’t need in Helen’s presence,

and he couldn’t wait another moment to make love to her again.

When he unfastened his breeches and freed his stiff cock, her eyes

widened and finally her attention seemed to shift from his injuries to the

moment at hand. Wade suggested again, “The bed.”

“You’re too hurt.”

“Do I look impaired in any important way?” He touched his erection

with a gliding fingertip, measuring the entire swollen length from testicles to

tip to emphasize how much he wanted her.

“No.” There was a very sexy breathless note to her response. “I see

you are…well, ready, but Wade—”

“Are we going to argue on our wedding night when we could be

doing much more enjoyable things?” He lifted his brows. “It would pain me

much more to not make love to you, believe me. Now, since I admit I can’t

lift you myself, for the third time, will you get in bed?”

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Helen turned and obeyed finally, her delectable body settling against

the sheets. Wade got a very nice view of her bare silky backside as she

crawled into place and his cock throbbed with the quickened pace of his

heart. He followed, settling next to her on his back, his shoulders braced

against the pillows. It was true his left arm was virtually useless at this time,

but they could easily work around that. Sex could be pleasurable in a variety

of positions and with Helen’s adventurous nature and how enthusiastically

she’d embraced the sensual side of her personality so far, he had a feeling

she would have no objections to anything he suggested. She had been the

one to actually initiate each encounter though he was sure no one would

believe it, least of all her disapproving father. The earl made it quite clear he

still thought Wade was a lecherous bastard for ruining his gorgeous

daughter, even if he had done the right thing and married her.

The right thing indeed. Nothing had ever felt so right in life.

Considering how it all worked out, Lord Charbeau’s opinion of his

character didn’t really matter to him at the moment. His very tempting

young wife gazed at him with undisguised desire in the depths of her lovely

eyes and when she reached out a tentative hand and laid it on his chest, he

sucked in a breath at just that light touch.

His uninjured arm went around her waist and pulled her snug

against him. “Kiss me, Helen,” he ordered more than asked.

She did so, her mouth soft and light as she touched it to his in an

almost sweet kiss. The weight of her bare breasts settled against his chest

and he stifled a low groan of arousal at the taut feel of her nipples. He slid

his hand into her lustrous hair and held her in place as he deepened the kiss

with erotic demand, his tongue pushing suggestively into the warm, enticing

recess of her mouth.

Bloody hell, I want her so much.

“Wade,” she gasped when they finally parted, her cheeks flushed

and her body now half sprawled on top of him.

“Straddle me.” His own breathing was erratic just from that one—

decidedly hot and carnal—kiss. His fingers found her sex, probing between

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her legs and discovered gratifying moisture in those slick folds. “You’re wet

enough already and I need to be inside you.”

For a moment she looked a bit confused, but his capable hand

cupped her buttock and he urged her into place and she willingly opened her

thighs so she sat across his hips. Without prompting she circled her fingers

around his cock and lifted up to position it at her tight opening. “Like this?”

“Yes.” His breath hissed out as she began to slowly impale herself

on his erection, working him into her vaginal passage inch by inch, the satin

give of her inner walls expanding for his size.


Paradise elevated to a whole new level when she gasped and

wiggled her hips, taking him deeper. He thrust upward a little, helping her,

and when he was completely buried, he closed his eyes at the exquisite

sensation. “God, Helen, you have no idea how you feel, how perfect this is.”

“Yes, I do.” His gorgeous impetuous wife touched his cheek, just a

brush of a trembling hand, her tumbled gold hair a showcase for her delicate

beauty. “You said you’d show me…please.”

“Ride me. Like this.” He watched her from under heavy lids as he

urged her up with subtle pressure on her hip, and felt her sink back down,

the carnal friction sliding along his nerve-endings like silk. She gasped with

bewitching enthusiasm as his crest nudged her womb and began to catch the

rhythm with an ease that did not surprise him in the least.

They moved, his hips undulating to the motion of her pelvis as she

rose and fell in a seductive pattern as old as time. Wade splayed his fingers

along her inner thigh and teased her clitoris with his thumb when he felt the

tightening as she reached for her orgasm, rewarded with the backward arch

of her throat and a shudder that shook her slender body.

She climaxed a fraction later, her thighs clamping around his hips.

He followed like being swept away in an avalanche, tensing as the feeling

overtook him and tumbled him into oblivion. The pleasure was almost

excruciating it was so acute, and he expelled a torrent of sperm with a

hoarse groan as his cock flexed with each spasm of her release.

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Helen wound up limp on his chest, her face pressed into the curve of

his throat, their wildly beating hearts thudding in tempo. His good hand

lazily traced a pattern down the graceful curve of her spine. He squeezed

one smooth buttock gently and searched for the right words to explain how

he felt, though he was pretty sure he didn’t have the strength to even speak.

Finally, he managed to find his voice. “Helen, I love you.”

* * * *

She was gone and that was that.

Well, not quite.

Jonathan sat in his study and brooded at the fire in the grate, his

booted feet propped negligently in front of him. His daughter’s marriage

was the next step in her life and he wouldn’t deny it to her, not even if he

could, but it didn’t ease the sting of her departure. The fact she carried a

babe made the event more than necessary and proved once and for all his

child was in fact a woman.

With a woman’s desires and romantic notions of love. Twice now—

once in the gazebo at the ball and that afternoon in the carriage—he’d

witnessed a tender scene between her and Warrick and they both seemed

caught up in a genuine passion for each other that he hoped would solidify

and grow. On his part, her new husband had not resisted in any way the

notion of taking her as a wife, nor had he defended at any time his

culpability. Damn it, Jonathan even believed him when he declared he

would have courted her properly, for he well remembered the young man’s

suggestion of that very thing the night he’d confronted him.

Wicked Warrick, for being such reputed libertine with a reputation

for detachment and casual affairs, seemed like a steady, honorable man.

With a sigh, he rubbed his jaw and sank lower in his chair. As much

as he wanted to deny it, he had to consider the possibility Helen was right

and Frederick Westerland was behind the assault on Wade. On his part, he

wasn’t blind and knew the duke was a bit pompous and overbearing, but

truthfully, he didn’t think Frederick was a coward. If he had a quarrel with

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Warrick, and certainly the situation warranted one since he’d lost his

fiancée, Jonathan hoped he would settle it man to man. That was even

pointless, since it had been Helen’s aversion that started the whole debacle

anyway. When Jonathan had broken the news of her secret affair, he could

have sworn Resdale was genuinely affronted not just by the blow to his

pride, but emotionally. His stiff withdrawal of his offer of honorable

marriage had been an indication of damaged ego, true. He’d also been

furious at the betrayal, but as far as Jonathan knew, hadn’t said one word

against his former bride-to-be.

Of course, if he did, he would be admitting she preferred another


Which, as of tomorrow, everyone would know anyway.

Perhaps the best thing would be for Jonathan to meddle one more

time. He’d known Frederick from the day he was born and it couldn’t hurt to

make his position clear on the subject of his daughter’s happiness. If it lay

with Wade Warrick, then so be it, and he would brook no interference in

their lives.

Jenna would point out he had already interfered more than enough.

She might even be right, he thought with an inner grimace but

consoled himself with the knowledge fathers were sometimes obligated to

do just that very thing.

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Chapter 10

The theater glittered, the aristocratic crowd in their finest, the sound

of hundreds of conversations rising above the dissonance of the musicians

tuning their instruments in the orchestra pit. The air held the scent of

perfume and tobacco.

Helen felt the tension in her husband’s arm where her fingers rested

lightly on his sleeve. The look on his face was bland, but she could tell for

their first public appearance not only since their marriage but since the

precipitous attack, he was just as aware of the stares and whispers. The only

vestige of what had happened on his face was a fading yellowish spot on his

lean jaw and a small scar on his cheekbone that would disappear when fully

healed. Even his arm was much better and he had discarded the sling,

though it still looked awful.

“I had no idea we were so interesting,” Helen muttered under her

breath as they made their way to the Warrick family box, seeing a few

people here and there go as so far as to point.

“I gave you fair warning it would be like this.” Wade looked

outwardly unperturbed as he politely escorted her to a plush chair. “Our

gloss will fade eventually, though I have to admit I wish my mother and

father had been able to attend also. We’re a bit conspicuous all alone, but

then again, your beauty never fails to draw all eyes anyway.”

“I could say the same for you.” Helen gave him a teasing glance,

taking in the allure of his masculinity and clean, fine-boned features. In the

week they had been married now she realized they had embarked on a true

voyage of discovery when it came to each other, and not just in bed, though

that part was delightful. Good looks aside, he was attractive in many other

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ways, for he was considerate, intelligent, and had an easy-going sense of

humor, especially when it came to his undeserved reputation.

At the moment though, he did not look at all amused at the overt

attention. He sank down in the chair next to her and his mouth looked a

trifle tight as he scanned the audience. His gaze arrested, he said quietly,

“Resdale is here.”

“Frederick rarely misses the opera.” She had expected it, though she

wasn’t looking forward to actually seeing her former fiancée. Sure enough,

when she glanced in the direction of Wade’s gaze, she saw the duke in his

box, holding a glass of champagne and leaning over in apparent absorbed

interest to whatever a heavy-bosomed dowager was saying. He looked

urbane and handsome enough with his blond hair and sleek mustache, but all

Helen felt was a flicker of pure distaste, mingled with anger over what had

happened to Wade.

“I doubt he is any happier to see us.”

“His happiness is not our concern.” Helen flicked her fan open to

cool her warm face. “I don’t think he was much worried over yours or mine

when he hired those men.”

Her husband simply lifted one ebony brow. “I’ve mentioned before

we have no proof the duke was behind it. Besides, I have you and he

doesn’t. That makes me feel a bit magnanimous about the entire thing.”

“Hello, darling Wade.”

The soft female voice made Helen start in her seat, her gaze so far

focused on the crowd and all the attention centered on the box. When

Claudette Reading entered the box in a drift of seductive perfume, she hoped

she didn’t look as startled as she felt at the woman’s direct approach. The

voluptuous brunette wore a daring emerald green gown and a fortune in

diamonds gleamed at her throat and wrists. The duchess seemed to sense her

instant discomfort for she gave a cat in the cream smile and sank gracefully

into the empty chair next to Wade as she extended her hand. “I want to

extend my felicitations, naturally.”

Naturally, Helen thought in irritation.

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He bent over the woman’s proffered hand with exquisite politesse.

“Thank you, your Grace.”

Playfully, Claudette tapped his shoulder with her folded fan. “I

thought you told me you didn’t even look at eligible young ladies, no matter

how lovely. Now here you are a married man.”

“Fate has a way of deciding things for us.”

“Is that what you think also, my dear?”

Despite the pleasant smile on her face and the light-hearted tone of

the question, Helen saw nothing but cold dislike in the other woman’s eyes.

“I couldn’t be happier,” she answered truthfully.

“Is that so?” The duchess’s eyes narrowed a little. “Ah well, it

sounds as if the curtain will be going up at any moment.” She stood, the

scent of gardenia almost cloying. She turned to Wade. “I do so hope we can

still be…special friends.”

The implication was obvious enough and Helen fought to hide her

shock as the woman departed in a whirl of emerald skirts. Next to her, Wade

murmured, “Subtlety has never been Claudette’s forte, I’m afraid.”

“Have you and she ever…” Helen stopped, on unsure ground over

how much she could actually ask and not sound petty and jealous.

Wade reached over and took her hand, entwining their fingers, his

expression a mixture of tenderness and exasperation. “Helen, I have told you

all along I am nothing like James and Jason and I never have been. The

rumors are just that, rumors. In my life I have only slept with three women,

and you are one of them. The duchess is most decidedly not. And before you

ask, the other two were when I was much younger and though it didn’t work

out to be serious either time, my feelings were engaged and neither were just

casual lust. In the meantime, I have been more monk than rake, believe me.

It’s probably because I was waiting for you.”

Mollified, both by the intense look in his striking eyes and the

sincerity in his voice, she forgot the crowd all around them for the moment.

“I know you are not at all as you have been painted.” She added with a wry

smile, “I suppose jealousy is a new emotion and I will have to learn to put it

aside if the world is filled with Claudettes fawning all over you.”

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“Like I don’t feel it when every man turns to look as you pass by.”

His lips curved in a rueful arc. “I am not used to feeling possessive either.”

“You may be as possessive as you like later.” Helen arched her

brows suggestively.

“That sounds very promising.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze

before lifting it to his mouth and kissing her fingers one by one.

A warm tingle came just from the brush of his mouth and all at once

she felt breathless and flushed.

The stir of the orchestra into the first song switched their attention—

and thankfully everyone else’s—to the stage, though she had no doubt all

and sundry had seen her handsome husband clasp her hand and the romantic

gesture than followed.

It was not going to help quell the whispers over their impetuous

marriage, but at the moment she didn’t care.

There was nothing on earth, she decided as she watched the soprano

emerge in her maid’s costume, as blissful as being in love with a man who

felt the same way about you.

* * * *

There was nothing worse, Wade mused as he watched the antics on

stage, than having to pretend nonchalance when you were worried as hell. If

he could be sure any further retaliation from Helen’s former fiancée was

over and done, he wouldn’t be so concerned. However, the slender grace of

her form next to him was a reminder of how vulnerable she was, not to

mention the precious life growing inside her. Now that he was aware of the

possibility, he was armed and alert and so was his driver. However, Wade

could not be with his wife every single minute of the day and he had a

feeling she would not take it very well if he dictated when she could leave

the house.

It was a dilemma.

The opera was one of Herr Mozart’s more inspired creations, but he

was grateful when it was over. A public appearance was a necessity but he

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much preferred the past days when they had stayed quietly at home and

enjoyed each other’s company.

In the inevitable crush as the patrons exited the theatre, he kept his

hand firmly at Helen’s waist and his relief at finally stepping outside was

tempered by the sight of the ducal crest on the carriage right in front of

theirs in the queue of waiting vehicles.

Bloody bad luck.

“Warrick.” Frederick Westerland’s voice was cool with just the

slightest hint of a sneer and Wade realized he must have been right behind

them in the crowd. “Surely you will allow me to give my congratulations to

you and your lovely wife.”

Helen stiffened at the emphasis on the word, but her face stayed

neutral. “Thank you.”

Wade merely inclined his head since it was the wrong venue for

verbal sparring and he was sick of his name being plastered all over the

society pages.

Resdale barely even glanced at him, his gaze focused on Helen. “I

am amazed you were able to bring a libertine like him up to the mark, my

dear, but some ploys do work better than others.”

The open malice and implication in his tone did not bode well for

avoiding a public confrontation as he’d hoped. Wade gave an inner curse,

and said, “I fell in love with Helen, which is something I would think you

could understand, Resdale. We appreciate your well wishes. Please excuse


“Ah, very clever, Warrick. Is that what you tell all your mistresses?

Quite frankly, Helen, I thought you were more intelligent than to fall for a

few flowery words from someone celebrated for his inconstant affections.”

“I am.” She said the two words succinctly and gave the duke a

sweet smile.

His expression darkened in response but at least he was enough

aware of the avid listeners around them he seemed to decide any further

remarks were ill-advised. Resdale turned on his heel and stalked to his

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carriage, giving an order to his driver in a staccato voice before he climbed


“Well, that’s over anyway,” Wade muttered as he guided his wife

toward their equipage. “It wasn’t exactly pleasant, but then again, I was sure

the first time we met face to face would not be.”

“Believe me, without the curious around us, it would have been

much worse.” She looked every bit the offspring of the intrepid Earl and

Countess of Charbeau, undaunted and unperturbed. “Frederick is more than

anxious to keep his reputation for being urbane and charming. I am sure he

wanted to insult me more openly than alluding to a possible coming child,

but had he done so, if you didn’t call him out, my father certainly would,

and he is much too careful to risk his neck in such a fashion.”

Though Wade didn’t believe in duels for he thought them a useless

exercise in male pride, it was startling to think he might have done just such

a reckless thing if Resdale had said anything derogatory about Helen.

As he handed her into the vehicle, he couldn’t help but give a

muffled laugh. “Normally I am not the bloodthirsty type, but I admit you

have an interesting effect on my self-control.”

Helen settled on the seat and gave him a glimmering look from her

incredible eyes. “I must, for you just declared in front of most of the

fashionable haute ton that you love me.”

He had, and his brothers would probably tease him without mercy.

“I did, didn’t I?” He rubbed his jaw and sank lower in the seat. “Well, I do

love you, so why not say so. If they must speculate on why we married, at

least now everyone knows my position on the matter.”

“I love you, too.” Her face held a soft expression and without

warning, she burst into tears.

Paralyzed for a moment, all he could do was sit there in disbelief,

wondering if it was the strain of the evening, though he’d thought she was

enjoying herself.

“Helen, whatever is wrong?”

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“I don’t know.” She looked adorably bewildered, her cheeks

streaked like a child’s, a shaky smile on her face. “I think it must be the

baby, because I never cry.”

“You aren’t sorry you married me?” Insecurity was a new thing in

his life, but then again, he’d never been so vulnerable.

“Don’t be absurd.” The sulky irritation in her tone filled him with

relief. “I just said I loved you, Wade.”

So she had and he couldn’t hear it often enough. He plucked his

handkerchief from his pocket and leaned across to gently wipe her damp

face. “My mother said you would be emotional. I shall be sure to keep the

appropriate linen on hand at all times.”

Everyone knows I’m pregnant.” She sounded disconsolate.

He hid a smile he was sure she wouldn’t appreciate. “No, they

don’t. And if they did, so what? We were ecstatic last I knew.”

“Well…yes.” Crystal moisture gleamed on her lush lashes.

“So, what can I do except remind you we’re both overjoyed about

the baby?” He wasn’t used to cajoling tearful young ladies, but more than

willing to learn if it dried her tears.

“Hold me.”

Her husky suggestion sent sensation spiking straight to his groin. “It

would be my pleasure, of course.”

When he opened his arms she came into them in a flurry of rose silk

and scented woman, her arms going around his neck as she nestled against


In less time than it took for him to draw a deep breath and remind

his unruly cock they were in a carriage rumbling through the streets of

London, she was fast asleep.

Just like that. He felt amused, amazed, and humbled all at once, her

warm breath brushing his neck, her weight incidental compared to his much

larger size. The trust implicit in her easy slide into slumber as he held her

was a sobering reminder of his responsibilities, not just to her but their child.

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With her impetuous suggestion he ruin her she’d changed his life

and given him joy he wasn’t sure existed before he met the gloriously

irresistible Lady Helen Richmond.

Even before they rocked to a halt in front of his townhouse, he

caught the first whiff of smoke.

The fact that the structure was ablaze did not surprise him, he

realized grimly as his wife stirred in his arms.

He’d been expecting some kind of disaster.

* * * *

“If Frederick Westerland wants a battle, he’ll get one.” Jonathan

snapped out the words as he paced his study, his face grim. “I’ve already

taken the trouble once to give him a polite fair warning that should he even

indirectly cause my daughter unhappiness I would not look upon it kindly.”

Jenna was not aware he had visited the duke, so she lifted her

brows. “I thought you were not convinced he could be responsible.”

“I’m not. But just in case, I thought a word to make my position

clear on the matter wouldn’t hurt. He denied hiring those men to ambush

Wade, but I am beginning to wonder.”

“At least no one was injured. The servants all managed to get out

and for that I am grateful. Neither were we home.” Wade sat in one of the

leather wing chairs, still clad in his formal evening clothes, his long legs

carelessly extended, looking more than a little weary. His dark hair was

tousled and there was a streak of soot on one cheek. Helen had been

convinced finally to go up to bed.

Their arrival on the doorstep and the news their home had been

deliberately set on fire had certainly added some unwanted excitement to an

otherwise calm evening. Jenna said, “Belongings can be replaced, true.”

Her son-in-law nodded. “I make a point to never keep much money

in the house and most of the financial papers that are truly important are

with my solicitor. I always also have copies made for my father and

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brothers, so that isn’t an issue. You are correct, Lady Charbeau, as long as

Helen is safe, buying a new home is a minor irritation.”

She gave him a smile, admiring his calm, clear-eyed approach to the

situation and his obvious concern for her daughter. “Please call me Jenna.

We are family, after all. Maybe it is just as well you two stay here for a

while until we can settle this matter.”

“My parents would also welcome us but Helen wanted to come here

and I want her to be happy.”

That sentiment, said so simply, summed up what a marriage should

be in her mind. Jenna found she liked her daughter’s good-looking young

husband more and more, and the image of a careless seducer seemed not to

fit him in the least.

Jonathan leveled a piercing stare across the room. “On your word

there is no one else who would have a reason to seek retribution against

you? This doesn’t seem to be petty revenge, the perpetrator could have

seriously injured someone this evening, not to mention the fairly significant

destruction of your property. Whatever has happened in your past does not

concern me. It’s Helen’s future that is the issue. I am not interested in

judging you. I just want to know if Resdale is the best candidate as the


Wade’s mouth tightened a fraction. “In other words, who did I dally

with who might have a husband or father who would take offense. Is that

what you are asking, my lord?”

“In short, yes.” Her husband had never had been one to be

diplomatic and Jenna smothered a sigh.

“I am not sure you will believe me, but the truth is, before Helen I

had been celibate for quite some time.” Wicked Warrick actually looked a

little chagrined, his face holding a slight flush.

“Define ‘quite some time’.” Jonathan looked skeptical.


Jonathan’s brows shot up. “You expect me to think that’s true?”

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“It is the truth, so yes. The rumors are false, I’m afraid. There is no

outraged lover, husband, or father. On my word.” The slow enunciation and

emphasis in his voice were convincing.

“Considering I am the irate father whose daughter you

compromised, it is somewhat of a stretch for me to take what you are saying

at face value, but for the sake of argument, I will. Tomorrow I think we

should both pay a call on Frederick.”

Jenna wasn’t nearly as convinced trying to intimidate the arrogant

duke would work. Helen’s wan face came to mind, and she knew well

enough how it felt to be pregnant and vulnerable. She cleared her throat.

“May I make a suggestion?”

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Chapter 11

The ill-dressed man sat perched on the edge of the seat, his

nervousness apparent as he fidgeted in the chair, his fingers drumming his

thigh. His blond hair was cropped close to his head and he had a nose that

had obviously been broken more than once. A long, jagged scar ran down

one cheek. He looked as out of place in the earl’s study as he seemed to feel.

“The money first or I don’t squawk.”

“If your information is valuable, you will be paid.” Lord Charbeau

looked bland and unmovable sitting behind the desk, his blue eyes watchful.

“Now, what is your name?”

“No names. I didn’t come here for that, guv.”

Wade preferred to stand, one shoulder propped against the fireplace

mantle. Jenna Richmond’s idea to post an ad in the paper was a brilliant one.

Though it had taken a few days, the word had gotten around which was

evident by the presence of this man who claimed to have firsthand

knowledge that would help them catch their quarry. He spoke with what he

hoped was reassuring calm, “You said you know the men who jumped me a

few weeks ago. Believe me I am much more interested in finding the person

who hired them than in prosecuting them in any way.”

The informant gave him a gamine grin, showing crooked teeth.

“Said you fought decent for a rich nob and managed to protect yer pretty


“I am sure my son-in-law relishes the compliment,” Lord Charbeau

said dryly. “But we need the name of the man who paid them to attack him.”

“No man, guv. A lady.”

Wade stared at him. “A woman hired those thugs?”

The blond man nodded. “A fancy one. All la-dee-da.”

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Wade glanced at his father-in-law and saw the same consternation in

his expression. “Who is she?”

A scornful look crossed the informant’s face. “You don’t take out a

bloody advertisement when payin’ a few blokes to teach some sod a lesson.

She didn’t hand over her bleeding calling card, just the cash and yer


A woman? He was so sure it had been Resdale. Wade frowned.

“Did they describe her?”

“Let me see the money.”

Charbeau took out a stack of coins from the drawer in his desk and

piled them on the top. “Right there. Now, what did she look like?”

“Right fetching, the boys said. Nice big tits and black hair.” The

man scooped up the coins.

Voluptuous and dark-haired…

Well, shit!

“Claudette Reading.” Wade said the name with terse conviction,

remembering the malicious way she’d looked at his wife at the opera with a

frisson of chill realization. “It makes sense, for the night you followed Helen

to the gazebo, Claudette even asked me about her. It was obvious she had

noticed something.”

“Know ’er, do yer? Well, I’ve earned me money, then.” The

informant was already on his feet and sidling out the door. A moment later

he was gone and they could hear Havers ushering him out of the house.

Helen’s father looked understandably suspicious. “Why would the

Dowager Duchess of Cullum want to seek retribution against you, if you—

as you claim—have never been her lover?”

“That, sir, is exactly why,” Wade explained, running his hand

through his hair with restless violence. “Even Jason and James have decided

the lady is a bit too volatile for a casual tumble, and believe me, I don’t do

that in the first place. While I was not interested in her overtures, I didn’t

think she’d be so infuriated at my lack of response she’d seek revenge.”

“A woman scorned…hmm, well, I suppose it’s possible.” The earl

leaned back and gave a sudden unexpected chuckle. “I can’t quite believe a

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man with your reputation would run into trouble for his lack of promiscuity

but I’ll be damned if I’m not starting to think you aren’t as conservative as

you claim.”

“Before Helen maybe.” His voice was wry. “There is nothing

conservative about her. When she informed me of her plan to foil Resdale

and the part she plotted for me, I was astounded she would ever think of

such a drastic thing.”

“I notice you overcame your reluctance.” One dark brow winged

upward in sardonic reproof.

“I couldn’t say no.” Wade looked back with steady challenge. “I fell

in love with her and I think it happened that moment I climbed into my

carriage and saw her sitting there. She’s beautiful, of course, but it is more

than that. I want to spend my entire life making her happy.”

“Then perhaps you’d better figure out a way to circumvent another

strike. Frederick might have directed his anger at only you, but the duchess

may not have such scruples when it comes to your wife.”

“Believe me, that has already occurred to me.” Wade strode toward

the door. “I think I’d better have a talk with our suspect as soon as possible

so she understands exactly what the consequences would be if anything

happens to Helen.”

* * * *

Something was off-key.

Helen frowned, looking up the street, and sure enough the same man

was still there, his coat a nondescript brown, the collar up against the fall

bite in the air. “I realize it is possible I am simply high-strung over recent

events, but I think we are being followed.”

Her mother glanced in the same direction. “Followed?”

“The man back there, the one loitering in the doorway of the

milliner’s shop. He’s been somewhere nearby all afternoon.”

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“Now that you mention it, I did notice him earlier.” Blue eyes

reflected alarm. “I think maybe it would be best if we skipped the rest of our

errands and went on home.”

Unfortunately, their carriage was nowhere to be seen Helen realized

with dismay as they walked back toward where it was supposed to be

waiting for them, and though the street was busy enough, it was still


“Where could George have gone?” Her mother’s expression was

tinged with apprehension. “I don’t like this at all, Helen. Come on, we’re

going to get home as soon as possible and then I’ll send someone back to

find him. I specifically told him we’d be back in an hour or so and to wait.

He left for a reason.”

Luckily, a hack for hire was coming down the street and moments

later they were settled inside. Just before the vehicle lurched forward, the

door opened and a man jumped in.

“No noise, ladies.” The knife he whipped out from underneath the

plain coat emphasized the intent look on his face. “We’re just going to take

a little jaunt together.”

Helen felt her heart squeeze as he rested the blade against her

mother’s slender throat.

She didn’t make a sound.

* * * *

“Her Grace requests you follow me.”

The servant impassively led him down the hallway and to his

surprise, toward a curved stairway to the second floor.

“I prefer to speak with her downstairs,” Wade said tightly, still

standing in the elegant hallway of the Mayfair mansion.

“She said if you wish to speak with her, this is your only option,

sir.” The butler looked unmoved by the unusual request. “Follow me or


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The last thing he wanted was to be granted an audience in the lady’s

bedroom, but then again, the late afternoon call was not exactly your normal

social gesture either. With reluctance he did as requested. The second door

on the upstairs landing was ajar and when he was motioned into the room he

saw with relief at least they weren’t alone for her maid was there as well, a

stoic woman with a broad face who did not look surprised at his arrival.

“Well, well, I have been expecting you and the wait has been most

tedious. Luckily your timing is very convenient.” Claudette Reading turned

from her dressing table, her full lips pulled into a pout. There was a gleam in

her dark eyes that sent him on full alert and Wade looked at her warily,

especially since she was clad only in a pale silk dressing gown.

He said in a cool tone, “Expecting me?”

“Of course. I’ve been waiting several days. The advertisement in the

paper was bound to get some results eventually. Very clever of you to think

of it. That is the problem, of course, when dealing with unsavory characters

like one must to hire them for what I needed done, they often turn out to

have low morals and certainly no loyalty. I’m surprised actually, that any of

the group in question could read, but then again, word does get around, I

suppose. The upper classes read it and twitter, the servants overhear, then

word goes out on the street…it was just a matter of time before you figured

it all out.” The duchess gave him a serene smile, the loosely tied sash of her

robe allowing it to gape open and show off a great deal of bare skin.

For a woman about to be accused of having a man severely beaten

and burning down his house, she seemed very unrepentant and unconcerned.

He didn’t like her confident air, Wade decided with a frisson of

unease. “We have not yet involved the authorities, but—”

“Nor will you,” she interrupted, setting aside her hairbrush in a

casual gesture, but there was nothing casual about the undertone in her

voice. “Even if you could get one of those ill-smelling toads to testify, it

would be hard to convince a magistrate on his word against mine and you

well know this, darling.”

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That was true enough. He gave a silent oath. He hoped merely being

accused of both crimes and threatened with prosecution would be enough to

at the least intimidate the blasted woman.

“I do apologize for the way you were hurt.” She shrugged and her

large breasts swayed under the material of her robe. “I admit I was angry. I

knew at the ball that one evening you were not indifferent to the vapid little

blonde you married. When she followed you into the garden, the implication

was obvious, I’m afraid. It…vexed me. Am I forgiven?”

The irrational request and her lack of concern was a little

disconcerting. He’d expected defensive denials and an argument. Wade

stood stiffly and said with almost no inflection, “I want these senseless

retributions to end before you injure someone again or worse. Your affront

is over something that never was, and you know it.”

“That is the problem, of course.”

“I beg your pardon?”

The look on Claudette’s face held a macabre chilling triumph.

“Where is your wife now? I know she left your father-in-law’s townhouse

several hours ago. What a pity if she were…detained.”

His stomach tightened. Helen and her mother had gone shopping

and George had taken them. The driver was both sturdy, loyal, and armed.

Moreover, they’d been in the heart of London and so nothing could have


Nothing, please God.

Damnation, this is out of hand.

“Don’t look so pale, darling,” the duchess cooed. “She is fine. For

now, at any rate.”

For now? Bloody hell.

“I swear to God if you—”

“Tsk, tsk, this is simple enough.” Claudette waved her hand. “All I

require is that you take off your clothes and demonstrate what you are said

to do with such skill and finesse, and I will happily have her returned.”

The sheer lunacy of her request left him speechless. Insanity was the

operative word, Wade decided, and it was time to reassess the situation. If

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Jenna and Helen were in danger—and who knew what the duchess might

do—he needed to be very careful. Abstractly he saw the maid move out of

the line of his vision, but paid no attention.

“You cannot be serious.” Wade finally managed to sputter.

“Oh yes, I am. When I am through with you I’ll tell you where you

may pick up your insipid little bride.” Claudette gave him an arch look that

was intended to be seductive he guessed, but in reality had the opposite


“I wouldn’t touch you if my life depended on it.” There was no

equivocation in his voice.

“Actually, it does, darling Wade.” The statement was said with

menace despite her pleasant smile. “I anticipated you might be a tiny bit

resistant at first and made a few provisions. If you will turn around you will

see Rose has a gun and she is actually a fair shot due to a somewhat

unfortunate past. Thanks to the fortune Henry left me I pay very well, so

don’t doubt she’ll do it on my say so. We could always say she heard me

scream and thought you were assaulting me. After all, here you are

conveniently in my bedroom.”

“You’ve lost your mind.” He glanced over and saw indeed the

servant standing there with a very business-like pistol in her hand, his

thoughts chaotic as he realized she had also closed the door. The smirk on

the woman’s face told him Claudette was probably right, though it wasn’t

the weapon pointed his direction that had his mind reeling but the threat to


“And here I thought you’d be flattered I’ve gone through so much

trouble.” The duchess gave a playful pose, looking like a houri with her long

dark hair and ripe body. Only her eyes revealed the instability in her

thinking, the obsession that had blossomed into madness showing in a cold,

ruthless glitter. If she really thought she could force him into complying

with her request, she was more than unbalanced.

She said, as if it was the most reasonable thing in the world, “Now,

wouldn’t it be easier to just cooperate?”

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He gave a short derisive laugh. “I doubt I could oblige you. A

woman must actually arouse a man for him to perform, Duchess.”

“With your amorous appetite it shouldn’t too difficult, darling.”

“If you want to be fucked so badly, I am sure any number of

gentlemen would oblige you.”

The crudity didn’t make her blink an eye. “You will oblige me, or

else be quite sorry and perhaps dead.”

“Murder will make a nice addition to arson and assault when you

are dragged before the magistrate, I’m sure.” It was impossible to disguise

the edge in his voice.

Her fine brows rose a fraction. “I despise your little golden-haired

wife, so don’t tempt me. Why don’t you undress? Rose is actually quite

anxious to watch.”

What the devil am I going to do? He eyed the distance between him

and the maid and decided it was too far to rush her. A bullet in the chest

wouldn’t help Helen and if Claudette was so insane as to create the current

scenario, God alone knew what she might be capable of.

Wade jerked off his cravat and gave her an unmistakable look of

sardonic disdain. He was leagues past being a gentleman with the threat to

his wife’s life. “I must admit I have never been raped before.”

“That’s a harsh word, darling.” She watched the movement of his

fingers and a tiny smile of triumph lifted her lips.

“Forced sex is rape.”

She rose languidly from her staged pose by the dressing table and

advanced with feline grace, the smug look on her face making his stomach

turn. The word rape didn’t bother her, it excited her. It was clear it was part

of the thrill to make him do what she wished. “I must admit I’ve never had

to try this hard to get a man in bed.”

“Threatening to murder someone they love is not trying hard. It’s

outright blackmail.”

“Love?” Her laugh was as harsh as breaking glass. “You are a very

romantic young man, Wicked. Maybe that’s the attraction.”

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It wasn’t and he knew it. It was his resistance when she was used to

getting everything she wanted, coupled with his damned reputation that

made her think he rejected only her yet bedded scores of other women.


There was no way he could go through with this. He was pretty sure

he couldn’t even get hard enough to achieve a satisfactory erection because

he despised her so much.

“I’m a married man.”

“So? I’ve had married lovers before. I had lovers when I was

married for that matter. It’s a detail, not a deterrent.”

“Not to me.”

“How deliciously idealistic.” One long fingernail grazed his chest

and traveled up to toy with the top button on his shirt. “Take this off.”

He caught her wrist. “I’ll undress myself. Why don’t you go to the

bed, lie down, and spread your legs. I want this over with as soon as


There was no romance in that rude suggestion.

Claudette was unfazed and tossed back her dark hair as she

deliberately slipped out of her robe. The fact she was a beautiful woman

made no difference to him. She wasn’t Helen, so he didn’t want her.

The truth was, before Helen he still hadn’t wanted her.

Because of the earlier attack, he now carried a weapon. The knife

was hidden in his boot—advice from the twins—and if he could pull it

before the maid got off a shot, maybe he could get out of this mess. He had

never even remotely contemplated violence against a woman, but at the

moment he wasn’t sure his scruples extended any longer to Claudette


She reclined on the opulent bed, unselfconscious in her nudity,

watching him through heavy-lidded eyes as he unfastened his shirt. It was

impossible to miss the flare of excitement as he shrugged it off his shoulders

and she saw the still visible bruising on his left arm. She licked her lips and

murmured, “That must have hurt terribly.”

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“You’ll be gratified to know it wasn’t at all pleasant.” Heavy

sarcasm weighed his tone. “Still, I think I’d rather take on your henchman

again than touch you. Tell me, did you pay them to kill me, because they

certainly did their best.”

“I already said I was angry and there is no need to be so nasty about

all this. I intend to be very nice to you.”

The cajoling sound of her voice jangled every nerve in his body as

he walked toward the bed and sat down on the edge. The heavy scent of her

perfume hung in the air and tips of her abundant breasts were hard, as if she

was already aroused.

She probably was, he realized. She had power over him and that

was what this was really about, not sex. A hard cock wasn’t difficult to find

if you looked like her, so there was little question why she was using this


Well, the power was about to shift, he thought with grim

determination as he reached down to ostensibly remove his boots. The

handle of the knife slid neatly into his hand and he pulled it free.

* * * *

“I suppose I should feel worse,” Jenna murmured, looking down at

the unconscious man. “But I am rather glad he forgot to consider my

parasol. I think in this day and age it is almost like a part of a woman’s

apparel and he must have neglected to think I might just be able to use it as a

weapon. Still, I hit him rather hard.”

Helen hiked up her skirts and peeled off her stockings. “I was

hoping if I pretended to faint he might take that nasty knife from your throat

for a moment. Thank God it worked. Let’s tie him up.”

She and Jonathan had certainly created a stalwart young lady, Jenna

thought with amused pride as they lashed the man’s wrists and ankles

together with the strips of silk. In her young life so far she’d managed to

take the ton by storm, rid herself inventively of an unwanted fiancée, marry

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society’s most notorious rogue, and was now dealing with a kidnapping as

blithely as if it were a Sunday jaunt.

Good bloodlines, Jenna decided with an inner smile.

It was a relief once the man was trussed like a chicken.

“Shall we jump?” Helen opened the door, the swaying vehicle still

rumbling along at a good pace.

“No, not in your condition.” Once over the initial dismay, and now

that Helen was married and seemed happy, Jenna was looking forward to

this grandchild and wouldn’t risk losing it.

“If we signal the driver to stop, he could simply take us prisoner

again if he’s armed.”

“We’re armed.” She picked up the fallen knife and weighed the

handle in her palm. “And even if we are women, it is still two to one. Take

my parasol, and let’s chance it. I am not interested in arriving wherever he

wants to take us. This abduction was well-planned, if simple. Someone must

have been watching the house.”

“I certainly hope they didn’t do anything to George.” Helen took the

umbrella, her lovely face creased in worry.

It was her private thought they must have, for the driver would

never have left without them, but Jenna didn’t say so. Instead she reached up

and firmly rapped on the ceiling.

The old carriage slowed, the wheels rattling. They hadn’t been

traveling long at all by Jenna’s estimation, and should really be only a few

miles from where they were taken. The moment they halted, she pushed

open the door and jumped out, discovering to her relief the driver, a young

man with a scraggly beard and battered hat, looked more apologetic than

threatening, and when he saw the knife in her hand, his eyes widened. “’Tis

everything all right, mum?”

“Your friend is a bit incapacitated,” she informed him, glancing

around and seeing in dismay dilapidated houses and a few seedy

pedestrians. Maybe they’d gone farther than she first thought. She gave him

a direct look. “Who paid you?”

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“He…he did.” He stammered. “Asked me to wait, so I did, at the

end of the street and at his signal, drive down and pick up two ladies who

might be needin’ a ride, and to wait until he got in. Then I was to take you to

a certain address. That’s all, upon my poor mother’s grave.”

“My husband will want to know that address. He will also pay you

well if you take us to Mayfair instead.” Praying he wasn’t anything but a

man willing to take a little extra coin and not bright enough to question the

circumstances, she was happy enough to have transportation out of this

particular part of London.

The driver took in her fashionable gown and nodded. “My pleasure,


“Shall we keep him or drop him off here?” Helen pointed at the

inside of the vehicle at their prisoner. “I am not anxious to spend more time

with our sneaky friend but maybe he could give us information that would

incriminate Frederick.”

“That’s true. I fear he is going to be a bit irritated when he wakes


“We always have the knife and the parasol.” Helen looked

undaunted, her mouth curving in a smile.

“Quite,” Jenna agreed and climbed back in.

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Chapter 12

“Where is she?” Wade locked one arm around Claudette’s torso so

she was positioned in front of him as he hauled her off the bed in a swift

movement. The other hand whipped up and held the knife just under her


He was certain this was not the way she imagined it would go when

he took her in his arms, he thought with cynical assessment as she made a

gurgle of surprised protest.

“I am not in a very patient mood,” he murmured in the duchess’s

ear. “Now then, since turnaround is fair play, I hold the cards in this hand

and I want to know what you’ve done with my wife.”

The maid looked uncertain, the lascivious interest in her expression

fading into dismay. The gun she held was useless with a naked and

sputtering Claudette in front of him as a shield. Unless, of course, she chose

to shoot the woman who paid her salary and he doubted that was going to

happen, especially since the reward would be Newgate prison.

Claudette squirmed and he pressed the point of the knife more

firmly against her neck. The pressure stopped her, the weight of her bare

breasts against his arm as he clamped tight enough he heard her exhale


“Wade,” she gasped and stopped struggling against his vice-like

hold. “You are hurting me.”

The affronted look on her face would have been comical except he

was both angry and worried. “You have a lot of nerve to protest when you

tried to have me bludgeoned to death. Now, tell your maid to set the gun on

the floor, kick it under the bed, and open the door.”

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“Do it,” Claudette said, her eyes wide with fear over the grim

menace in his tone.

The woman nodded and set down the gun, shoved it away with her

foot, and then jerked open the bedroom door.

The heavy floral scent of the duchess’s perfume at such close

contact made him wonder if he’d avoid summer gardens for the rest of his

life. “Now, for the last time, where is Helen? Once you pass that

information on, I’ll be more than delighted to be on my way.”

“You wouldn’t actually use that knife.” She didn’t sound

completely convinced.

“I am very much in love with my wife. If you are gambling I

wouldn’t kill to see her safe, think again.” It was a bluff, for he had no

intention of actually harming her even if his feeling about her had gone from

mild distaste to loathing in the space of an afternoon.

That is as long as no harm had come to Helen and his child. Then

who knew what he would do.

“Henry owned an old building near the river.” Her voice held a

sullen note, like a spoiled child. “It is mine now.”

“The address?”

She told him and Wade committed it to memory, feeling a feverish

need to get away from her, out of her bedroom, and most of all to see Helen

safe. Not willing to risk Claudette summoning help to prevent his departure,

he started for the door, still holding her and the knife.

“What are you doing?” she demanded in a shrill voice as he dragged

her out into the hallway.

“Leaving.” His voice was succinct.

“You can’t take me with you like this.” She clawed at his arm.

“Believe me, you aren’t invited.” All he wanted was the opportunity

to get downstairs and out the door without anyone interfering. Even now the

maid might be crawling under the bed to retrieve the gun. He didn’t think

the duchess inspired that much loyalty but who could be sure. He had also

not realized she was completely unbalanced either.

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“I’ll see you dead for this,” she hissed as they headed for the stairs.

“And if you think your little bride can be protected day and night, think

again, Wicked.”

“I’m the one with the knife to your throat, so I wouldn’t spew a

bunch of threats if I were you.” He stifled a wince as her nails drew blood.

“My servants will testify you dragged me naked from my bedroom.”

“I’m willing to bet when in front of a magistrate, they might be

tempted to tell the truth to save their necks. Your butler knows you insisted I

go upstairs even though I requested a more formal meeting, and your maid

doesn’t look like a woman who would be willing to go to prison to save

your neck.”

“We’ll see, won’t we, when I bring rape charges against you.

Believe me, I can be most tearfully convincing.”

“Against me?” Negotiating the stairs while balancing her weight and

the knife was a bit difficult but he wasn’t quite close enough to the front

door to let go just yet. “My dear Duchess, think again. For the past few

months all of London has seen you in full pursuit. I did my best as a

gentleman to put you off in a way that wouldn’t embarrass either of us, but

you would have none of it. There isn’t a soul in society who would think it

was rape if I was in your bedroom, believe me. And if your maid, the one

you pay so well to do your bidding, can be swayed by money, I have quite a

lot of it myself. Let’s also not forget the man who came today to Lord

Charbeau’s home and described you perfectly as the woman who hired my


“You smug bastard.” She tried to twist and attack him in spite of the

knife, her lips curled back and a glazed look on her face. “Why you would

prefer that whey-faced little bitch to me?”

Wade didn’t bother to answer as he saw the staid butler who had

escorted him upstairs in the foyer, gaping up at the tableau of his mistress

being forced down the stairs, stark naked, with a weapon at her throat. He

snapped out, “Open the front door.”

The man scurried to comply.

“Why?” she shrieked. “Why her?”

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Bloody hell, get me out of here.

He gave her a small push toward an astonished footman who had no

choice but to catch her as she stumbled into him. Wade left the building as if

all the fires of hell singed his heels, emerging onto one of the most

fashionable streets in Mayfair only clad in his boots and breeches, a knife

clutched in his hand.

Good God, he mused in sardonic resignation as he practically ran up

the street toward the Charbeau townhouse, what could a man do to avoid

unwanted scandal? Dashing around half-naked wasn’t going to help his


Not that he cared as long as he could get to Helen.

* * * *

“My lord.” Havers looked pained, actually pulling his handkerchief

from his pocket and blotting his forehead. “I am terribly sorry to disturb

you, but…we have…well, a most unusual situation.”

Jonathan glanced up. “What kind of situation?”

“The countess, your lordship, I am afraid she has requested you

come assist her outside.”

“My wife wants me to assist her?” Considering recent events,

Jonathan shoved himself to his feet and moved with alacrity, a little startled

to find a shabby hired hack stopped in front of his house. To say he was

even more startled to see both Helen and Jenna standing there, the former

holding a parasol like a warrior, and the other wielding a knife, was an

understatement. A thin man in an appalling hat loitered nearby, presumably

the driver of the vehicle.

As calmly as possible, he advanced and gently removed the weapon

from his wife’s hand. “What is going on, my love?”

“Jonathan.” Jenna looked relieved and her soft mouth curved into a

tremulous smile. “We have had an unusual afternoon to say the least.”

“How so?”

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“I am afraid there is a gentleman inside this vehicle who might just

be a bit more helpful than I in explaining what happened. For one thing,

George is missing with our carriage. It was alarming, naturally, when we

realized he left us, and we hailed the first conveyance available which

apparently is just what we were expected to do. This young man was paid to

wait until he saw us stranded and conveniently come down the street.”

A kidnapping? Jonathan felt a wash of chill reaction over what could

have been. To lose either Helen or Jenna would be a devastation he couldn’t

recover from as long as he lived. To lose both was unthinkable.

Helen gave him a reassuring smile. “Mother is very handy with her


The man with the hat looked both guilty and apologetic. “I didn’t

know there was mischief involved, milord. It was the money, you see…” He

trailed off and then finished miserably, “I brought them back ’ere. I hope

you’ll remember it.”

Jonathan peered inside the open door and saw a very unhappy

looking stranger in nondescript clothes with his hands and feet bound. There

was a trickle of blood down his face and a nasty gash on his forehead. He

said harshly, “Well, perhaps we had better escort our guest here inside and

see what he has to say as we wait for the proper authorities.”

The bound man paled a little under Jonathan’s icy glare. “They

would’ve come to no harm. I was just to follow the ladies and sit with them

for a while, that’s all. What’s the crime in it?”

“Abducting my wife and daughter is probably the most ill-advised

thing you ever agreed to do.” Jonathan narrowed his eyes. “Luckily for you,

they proved resourceful enough to save you from me being the one who

caught you perpetrating such a deed, for I assure you there would be much

than a bump on your head involved. Now then, we are going inside and you

are going to explain exactly how you were hired and who is behind this,

though I believe I have a fair idea already.”


The shout made Jonathan straighten and if he was bemused by the

arrival of his wife and daughter in a strange vehicle with a prisoner in tow,

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the feeling was compounded as he saw his son-in-law minus coat, cravat,

and shirt coming up the street. Wade ran the rest of the distance and caught

a very surprised Helen up his arms. “Thank God you’re safe, my love.”

Jonathan glanced at Jenna and saw a reflection of his own

consternation. She murmured, “What do you think the neighbors will talk

about more, darling, the man we carry into the house bound hand and foot,

or our son-in-law dashing around half-naked?”

He fought a small laugh, for even in this highly unusual situation,

she was still serene, beautiful, and able to find a glimmer of humor.

A true lady and he adored her.

“It’s hard to say,” he answered with equal equanimity, “but you

have a point. Let’s all go inside.”

* * * *

Helen sank into a chair in the bedroom she shared with her husband

and gazed at him as he dressed. “Are going to tell me what happened? Quite

frankly, I am not sure whether to laugh or cry over this current situation,


“Since I feel the same way, we are in accord.” He finished buttoning

his shirt and tucked it neatly into his breeches before turning to look at her.

His smile was rueful. “It’s actually embarrassing and I am trying to figure

out a way to relate the story. It sounds a bit implausible.”

“You just returned home without half your clothing. I am naturally

interested to find out how it came about.” She was, in fact, both a bit

apprehensive and intensely curious. “I think most wives would come to one

logical conclusion.”

Something glimmered in his cobalt eyes. A lock of raven hair fell in

a rakish curl over his brow and he looked impossibly handsome and at once

distant. “And what is that?”

“The only reason I can think of a man must flee half-dressed down a

city street is he was caught that way and threatened, probably by an irate

husband or lover.”

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“Is that what you think happened?” His voice was so quiet she could

barely hear him speak.

“No.” She didn’t hesitate and shook her head. “Not for one moment.

But I admit I am mystified and more than a little weary of one dramatic

event after another. We are going to have to deal with Frederick one way or

another to end this.”

The tightness around his mouth eased. “I agree wholeheartedly

about ending it, but Resdale, my dear, is not behind any of the things that

have happened. Claudette Reading is the culprit. She admitted it to me this

afternoon to my face.”

It wasn’t Frederick? She stared at him as she processed the

information. “That’s where you were?”

“A dubious friend of one of my assailants came forward for the

reward your mother suggested we offer in the paper. When he described the

woman who hired the men who attacked me, I suspected it was the duchess.

I went there to confront her and that is when she informed me she had

arranged to have you followed and taken somewhere. Please imagine my

state of worry and panic. The woman is clearly not rational.”

Since she’d had him nearly beaten to death, burned down their

house, and arranged a kidnapping, then no, she wasn’t. Moreover, Helen all

too clearly remembered the malignant look she’d received at the opera when

the duchess had lost no time coming into their box.

She said slowly, “I already guessed she hated me. I guess I never

supposed her feelings for you went deeper than a desire to have an affair

with Wicked Warrick.”

“What happened was more a reaction to my rejection than any deep

feelings, Helen, believe me.” He ran a lean hand through his hair and sighed.

“The kidnapping this afternoon was a form of blackmail. Leverage for her to

get me to cooperate.”

Cooperate? A sudden suspicion made her sit upright. “Do you mind

being a bit more clear?”

“She wanted me to sexually service her.” The words fell bluntly.

“The demand was made most effectively at gunpoint.”

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Stunned, all Helen could do was stare at him.

His smile was grim. “I naturally was not anxious to go along for

numerous reasons, the most important being I love you and we have said

vows to each of fidelity which I fully intend to honor. That aside, I wasn’t

interested in her when I was free and nothing has changed there.”

“She’s insane.”

“I agree.”

Well, he had returned home missing half his clothing. Feeling a

little nauseous, Helen asked, “What did you do?”

“Not what you’re thinking, from the expression on your face. I now

carry a weapon, which I suppose she didn’t anticipate, and I pretended to go

along until I could get to it and not get shot while trying.” Wade came over

and leaned down, his lips brushing hers. “I am normally mild-mannered, I

think, but I forced her to tell me where you were, and left.” He murmured

the words against her mouth. “I was frantic, hence my impetuous public

embrace earlier when I saw you were safe. I suppose that will go down in

the annals of my wild and unseemly behavior.”

She gave a choked laugh at the resignation in his voice, for he was

right, for someone who actually did his best to live a quiet orderly life, her

handsome husband seemed to still attraction attention whether he wanted it

or not. “I am glad you are so resourceful.”

His breath warmed her lips. “I am not the only one. You foiled the

kidnapping without my aid. I am just as grateful you are unharmed.”

“Wade.” She ran her fingers down the clean line of his cheek and

parted for his kiss, tracing the line where their lips met and feeling a little

lightheaded. When he straightened, she felt disappointed, but then again, she

was sure her parents were as anxious to hear his story as she had been and

they should probably go back downstairs.

“Later, I might demand you service me,’ she warned him with a

dramatic flutter of her eyelashes. “Though I suppose I had better make sure

you are not armed first.”

“No need to check, my love.” His smile was beautiful, lighting his

face. “When it comes to you, I can’t say no.”

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* * * *

Wade looked first at James and then at Jason. While he had

expected at least some ribald remarks, he found they were

uncharacteristically somber after his recital of the day’s events. It made

sense to seek their advice for not only were they about as worldly as anyone

could become, their area of expertise was dealing with women in various

stages of emotion from infatuation to pique to fury. No one could walk away

from so many affairs without gaining some knowledge. He asked, “Any


“You have some damned unreliable witnesses, Wade.” Jason slid a

little lower in his chair in a graceful sprawl of long legs and polished boots.

“It doesn’t matter that they are telling the truth. Claudette was right when

she pointed out seedy characters are so easily swayed by money it is hard to

get a court to give credence to their testimony.”

“I know. However, I need to protect my wife and our coming child.

That’s why I’m here. All thoughts are appreciated.”

“What about Marscombe?” James asked, glancing at his twin. “We

both remember that imbroglio. Our devious Claudette thought he had a

handsome face as well. I think in the end he simply obliged her and his

pretty little fiancée would have never been the wiser except the duchess has

a knack for letting details like that slip in just the right social circles. I

believe the engagement was terminated with all due speed and I know he

was bitter because he was genuinely enamored of the young woman. He

might be willing to testify as to the fact he was also blackmailed because he

wasn’t interested.”

“Is this common knowledge?” Wade straightened in his chair, hope


James lifted a brow. “If it was don’t you think you’d have heard it?

One night deep in his cups he confessed to the two of us because he knew

we’d both had brief entanglements with the lady—that’s a dubious term by

the way—in question. Let’s face it. Society in general does not believe it

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when a man claims to be coerced by a beautiful woman. He kept his mouth

shut rather than be a laughing stock and admit he was forced into her bed.”

“I’d prefer to deal with it some other way myself,” Wade admitted,

the idea of going through something like an actual trial a bit daunting. He

could only imagine the twitters of the ton when he claimed to have to hold

off the duchess at knifepoint. Not only was he twice her size, but it was easy

to guess everyone would believe he was in her bedroom of his own free will.

Everyone except Helen. Actually, not just his lovely wife, but her

family seemed to believe in him also, even the disapproving Lord Charbeau.

“As for her following through with the rape charge, I don’t think I

would be concerned, little brother. Like with Gabriel Marscombe, she is

counting on you wishing to keep what really happened quiet. If she accuses

you of a crime, you will have to defend yourself in court and your side of

the story is even more embarrassing for her than you. Believe me, Claudette

might be stark raving mad in some ways, but she is canny enough when it

comes to the question of loyalty in the case of her servants. Since she has no

sense of right and wrong herself, she understands that same trait in others.

Her maid might talk, so might her butler. She knows it.”

Wade took a sip of brandy and looked at them over the rim of his

glass with irritated reproof. “Why didn’t you warn me about her?”

Jason lifted his broad shoulders in a small shrug. “Had we known

she was capable of violence, we would have. Remember, Marscombe went

ahead and did what the lady wanted, so other than her vicious desire to

shatter his engagement, she didn’t show quite the same level of vindictive


“Besides,” James added, “you seemed to be doing a good job of

fending her off on your own. I doubt things would have escalated so

dramatically if you hadn’t married your gorgeous wife with such precipitous

haste. Had you not been so close-mouthed about trifling with Lord

Charbeau’s innocent young daughter, we might have thought of Claudette’s


“I wasn’t trifling with Helen. I fell in love with her.” It was hard to

not sound defensive in the face of two such determined and jaded bachelors.

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“And let it be noted that I can’t wait for the day the two of you fall into a

similar state.”

Both of them looked amused. “We understand your propensity for

idealistic notions when it comes to women, young Wicked, but don’t share

them.” Jason gave a low laugh. “On the whole they are delightful creatures

but I can’t imagine limiting myself to just one. At any rate, we must now

decide what to do about Claudette. If you think this is over, I don’t.”

“That’s why I’m here. I need a plan of action and I am not sure what

to do. Charbeau, of course, is willing to help in any way.”

James glanced at the ormolu clock ticking softly on the mantle of

their father’s study. “It’s a bit late, but let’s go see Marscombe. Though this

all happened nearly a year ago, the young lady he was so besotted with is

not yet engaged to anyone else that I know of. Maybe, when faced with your

story, he would be willing to talk. Helen believed you, but he was not so

lucky. If offered a chance to support his version of what happened, maybe

he would jump at it if it afforded him renewed hope with his ladylove.”

His other older brother nodded. “Claudette has no problem with

blackmail to gain her own ends, so why be above it yourself? If faced with

both of you willing to support each other, plus the evidence of the man who

was paid to abduct Helen and keep her, the fact your father-in-law will

testify the man swore those thugs were hired by a woman answering her

description, and her maid and butler knowing you were coerced into the

bedroom, you might just have enough to scare her off.”

“She’s too unbalanced to be reasonable in the opinion of one who

was going to have to give a sexual performance—with an audience, no

less—under the threat of a pointed gun.” Wade felt a bit dubious but


“There is one other card to play, of course.”

He’d take whatever he could get, her remarks about Helen not

always being protected foremost in his mind. “Which is?”

“Henry’s son from his first marriage loathes his stepmama.” Jason

chuckled. “Not only did the old duke marry within a year of his mother’s

death, but he left Claudette a very generous portion of the Cullum fortune.

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This evidence placed in new duke’s hands would give her pause, for believe

me, he wants nothing more than to be rid of her.”

The twins both got to their feet at the same time, the rhythm of their

simultaneous athletic motion showing that uncanny link that Wade had seen

all his life. James said blandly, “I hear Italy is beautiful in the fall.”

“Florence, Nice, Naples, Rome…think of the possibilities and those

young virile Italian men she could seduce. I think giving her the option to

leave or stay and face public humiliation will work. Throw in the new duke

and you have considerable leverage in my opinion.” Jason reached for his

coat, discarded carelessly earlier over the back of a chair.

Wade shoved himself to his feet. “Let’s go.”

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Chapter 13

The en masse effect was a stroke of genius, Jonathan had to admit.

Two steps into the grandiose study in the sprawling Cullum ducal mansion

and the dowager duchess stopped short, her expression changing from

serene and self-possessed to feral.

Her stepson, who had been more than delighted to help, looked

bland, seated behind his father’s massive desk. “I see you received my note.

Thank you for coming, madam. I believe you know all the gentlemen here,

some of them intimately.”

Dressed in the latest fashion, her pale lavender day dress showing

off her spectacular body, her dark, shining hair upswept, she would have

been dazzling were it not for the cold, calculating gleam in her dark eyes as

she took in the presence of not only himself and Wade, but the notorious

Warrick twins and also Lord Marscombe. The latter looked tight around the

mouth as he stared at her with contemptuous dislike.

“What is this?” Her voice held the barest tremor. “You said you

wished to discuss my use of the country house.”

Jonathan had to give her grudging credit, for most men would

cringe before such a formidable gathering of obviously hostile males, but

she didn’t bat an eye.

“I lied.” Gregory Reading, her stepson, gave her a disparaging look.

“It occurred to me if I cited my real reason for wanting an audience your

enthusiasm for coming might be dampened a bit.”

“What reason is that?” She adjusted a glove, looking serene.

“These five gentlemen have brought me some interesting

information on your recent activities that concerns me. It was bad enough

you ensnared my father into actually marrying you, flaunted your many

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affairs during the short union, and somehow managed to convince a

normally practical man into giving you an inheritance that still has me

reeling in shock, but now you will drag the family name through the mud.”

“How so?” She glanced at Wade then and the venom not evident in

the mild tone of her voice was in her eyes. “If Wicked here has concocted

some tale about our misunderstanding the other afternoon, it is to protect

himself. I admit we had a romantic involvement, but when he married, I

could no longer in good conscience go on with it. He barged into my

bedroom the other afternoon and quite frankly, would not accept the idea I

didn’t wish to continue our liaison. My maid had to actually threaten him to

get him to leave. You perhaps have heard he has a reputation for vice and

excess and apparently the word no did not sit well with him.”

Jonathan had to give his son-in-law credit for he did little more than

faintly lift his brows in derision at the blatant lie.

Reading didn’t seem moved. “His version of the events differ

somewhat, and considering I have never heard even of breath of him having

to force himself on any woman, plus the evidence his young wife was

kidnapped by someone in your employ, you can guess who I believe.”

Marscombe, apparently not able to stay silent, took a step forward.

“I can confirm in every way—and am willing finally to do so in court—that

you blackmailed me by threatening to have Danielle harmed if I didn’t agree

to your overtures. Though I am ashamed of giving in, I did because when I

found my favorite horse poisoned, I admit I was at a loss as to how to deal

with the situation. Then you made sure to let the world know I fell from

grace and in the process, broke her heart.” His wide shoulders quivered.

“And mine, I might add.”

“They are both deluded.” She waved a hand.

“My dear Claudette,” one of the Warrick twins spoke up in a droll

voice, “you must realize if you have done this to anyone else, the minute

Wade and Gabriel speak up, they will also come forward. Now is the time to

weigh your options. The damning evidence is piling up.”

It was an effective thing to point out, for finally she seemed to lose

some of the color in her face.

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Jonathan felt it was his turn to say something. “The terms are more

generous than I would like, considering my wife had a knife at her throat

recently. Of course, perhaps you recall how that feels. If I had been wielding

that weapon, you might not be here speaking with us right at this moment.

Let’s not mention my driver, George, who has been faithful for many years

and was left tied and furious in your warehouse for many hours after being

knocked on the head. He might want retribution more than I do, but I doubt


“Are you threatening me, Lord Charbeau?” She still stood only a

few feet in the room, but the swift heave of her bosom under the silk of her

dress showed a growing agitation and realization of her predicament.

“Yes,” he said without equivocation.

“Well, you just did so in front of witnesses. We have all heard of

your barbaric exploits. Gregory, do something. In the meanwhile, I am

leaving.” Her imitation of haughty indignation was amazing considering the

circumstances. She swung around.

“Yes, you are, madam.” Her stepson leveled an icy stare at her back.

“You are leaving England. I’ve already booked your passage for tomorrow

morning. The only ship I could find leaving so quickly is headed for

Gibraltar. Where you go from there is up to you, as long as you steer clear

of English soil.”

She whirled back around and hissed, “You have lost your senses.”

“Have I? I am not an oversexed harlot so determined to gain her

own ends she would stoop to violence, blackmail, and even threatening a

woman carrying a child. I did not deliberately destroy an engagement, nor

did I have a man beaten because he did not desire me. I have always

wondered how you persuaded my father to marry you, for he certainly did

not seem happy with the arrangement, and now I have to guess you used

similar tactics. Do not push this issue, for every man in this room is more

than willing to do battle with you, Claudette.”

“You can’t prove anything.” Her voice rose dangerously to a high


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“Are you willing to take the chance?” One of the twins asked, his

expression holding a dangerous edge instead of the usual careless charm.

“The Warrick family is solidly behind Wade and will use every coin to

make sure you suffer if you should cross us again.”

“Now that my father knows the truth, he has promised his support.”

Marscombe crossed his arms over his chest.

In a murmur, Jonathan said, “As you pointed out, my lady, I am

only civilized to a point and I am past it.”

For a moment she quivered, rage twisting her features into a mask

that took away every bit of her beauty.

Wade spoke for the first time, his tone quiet. “Perhaps you had

better face it. You’ve lost. Bon Voyage, Duchess.”

* * * *

Helen stirred, a languid pleasure invading her body. A warm tongue

teased her nipple and the sensitive peak tingled in a way that sent sensation

in small waves along each nerve ending.

Her lashes fluttered open and she registered the golden blocks of

sun across the floor. “Uhm…what time is it?”

“Almost noon.” Wade caressed her hip, his expression indulgent

and amused. “I was worried you might sleep the day away so I decided to

wake you.”

“You were the one who kept me awake half the night.” She took in

a shuddering breath as his fingers slipped between her thighs. “Not that I

objected, mind you.”

His grin was pure male arrogance. “As I recall, you didn’t seem to

have any reservations about staying up a little late.” He lounged next to her,

breathtakingly handsome, as he carefully began to stroke in exactly the right

spot so she quivered and let her legs fall apart.

“Take off your clothes and join me.” She could barely speak, the

persuasive power of his touch absorbing all her attention. “It’s better when

we do it together.”

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“I so agree, my love.”

The alacrity with which he complied made her heart pound with

increased desire, and when he slid his hard cock into her vaginal passage she

felt her muscles tighten in reaction, holding him within her as they kissed

with open, untamed passion. Feverish, wanting, she clutched his arms and

moaned his name as the moved together toward paradise.

When it came it was like lying on a warm beach and letting wave

after wave of cool, delicious water roll over and over until she drowned in

the pure joy of it. Like being washed on to a savage shore and left there in

the wake of a magnificent storm. Wade was afloat in the same dream for he

groaned in response to her climax and the glorious liquid rush of his

pleasure filled her body and her heart.

He stroked her hair as they both gradually relaxed, still in the

shipwreck of the aftermath. “I adore you.”

She managed somehow to find the strength to lift her lashes and

give him a saucy smile. “Despite the fact I am reckless and audacious?”

“God help me, maybe because of it.” He laughed, a slight smile

curving his mouth.

“The night I hid in your carriage I was actually petrified,” she

confessed, resting her cheek on his damp, muscular shoulder. “That is until

the first time you kissed me. I knew then. Actually, I must have known

before, or I would never have chosen you to ruin me. No one else was a

candidate, believe me, no matter how much I wanted to be rid of Frederick.”

“No one else could have persuaded me to such reckless behavior,

but from the moment I saw you sitting there so primly on the seat, I could

not resist.” He kissed her temple.

Helen hesitated a moment and then asked simply, “Is she gone?”

“On the morning tide.”

She relaxed into him even further, relishing the clasp of his strong

arms and glad to have the virulent influence out of their lives. “Thank


“I agree. And now that the unpleasant duchess has departed, I

wondered if you would perhaps consider a house in the country? It would be

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an ideal place to raise a family and I could travel to London for business

purposes when necessary. Perhaps it would be more…quiet.”

She lifted her head to brush his lips in a light caress. “You want to

keep us both out of trouble, don’t you?”

“It would be a pleasant change of pace,” he admitted, his blue eyes

amused. “Surely in a bucolic setting of pastures and woods and tiny villages

we could live a tame existence? I’ve always contemplated a country estate

and the idea appeals more to me every day.”

Helen laughed at his hopeful expression, wondering if anyone in

society would believe Wicked Warrick wanted nothing more than to lead the

life of a placid country squire. She whispered, “I wouldn’t count on it but it

is worth a try.”

Then she added as her throat tightened with emotion, “As long as

you are there, I do not care where I am. If it is what you want, I can’t say



The Sins of Their Fathers



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Emma Wildes is the author of over 20 books, a WisRWA 2005 Reader's

Choice winner (3rd place, historical romance), an RWA 2006 From the

Heart Lories winner (3rd place, best novella), a 4-time EPPIE finalist (2006,

2007). and an EPPIE 2007 winner (best historical erotic romance).

Check out Emma’s latest books at


Visit Emma’s website at


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I'd like to dedicate this book to all of my long-time fans, my new fans,

and my soon-to-be fans of Just a Kiss and Just One Embrace. Kissed by

Fate is for you.

Thanks to Emma Wildes for having the fabulous idea of writing a

combined novel and for inviting me to hang out in her world. Also, I'd like

to give a big hug and thank you to my publisher, Amanda Hilton, for the

opportunity to try new things.

Lara Santiago

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The Sins of Their Fathers

Lara Santiago

Copyright © 2008


Earth, a dozen years after a particular magical kiss…

Gabrielle stood at the doorway to her daughter’s bedroom and witnessed

pandemonium. Twin beds flanked the room in dishabille as both her

daughters pelted each other with stuffed animals.

“Girls, girls. Bedtime.”

“We want to play, Mama.” Lizzie chucked a small purple dog over to

Emma Ruth’s bed hitting her sister on the nose. Emma Ruth squealed in

delight and hurled a pink elephant back at Lizzie catching her on the side of

the head.

Chaos ensued along with more furry flying animals.

“Stop throwing toys. It’s past time for you to be sleeping.” Gabrielle

risked being bombarded to stand between the girl warriors of the household.

They stopped the assault giggling as they gathered up the furry

ammunition for tomorrow’s battle.

“Tell us a story, Mama.”

“Which one?”

“Tell us about the beautiful princess in the blue light that kissed the king

because he was sick.”

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“Again? Aren’t you tired of that story?”

“No. Tell us,” they cried in unison.

“All right. Under the covers.” Once they were tucked securely in bed,

Gabrielle turned their nightlight on before she began her oft told tale.

“Once upon a time, a beautiful princess ran from someone scary—”

“Like the boogie man?” Emma Ruth broke in.

“Yes, exactly like the boogie man. She ran until she saw a shaft of

magic blue light and jumped inside to safety. Once inside, there were big tall

warriors in a circle guarding a future king. The beautiful princess was left

alone with the ailing king and when he awoke from his slumber, he begged

her for—”

“The king begged?” Keller interrupted. He stood in the doorway,

eyebrow arched in amusement. “I can’t imagine that a king would beg.”

“Hi, Daddy.” The girls smiled at their father.

Gabrielle crossed her arms and grinned. “Well, this is my story and the

king definitely begged.”

Keller moved into the room bending to hug first one daughter and then

the other before asking, “What did the king beg for?”

“A magic kiss,” the girls answered in harmony. They had heard this

story a time or two before.

Keller crossed to where she sat in the chair she’d rocked the girls in. He

ran his fingertips across Gabrielle’s face. His thumb grazed her lips before

he turned and exited the room. Gabrielle understood immediately that there

would be magic kissing later on tonight and she might be the one begging.

“The story, Mommy, finish the story.”

Gabrielle sighed and continued. “After the beautiful princess kissed the

king, she knew they were destined to be together because he tasted just like


* * * *

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Kissed by Fate

Planet Tiburon, many years later

“You do understand what’s at stake with your life partnership to the

Commander’s son?”

Shauna nodded solemnly. “I’ve known my whole life.”

“And Alex is enamored of you? He’s ready to declare your life

partnership date soon?”

“Of course, we’ve been in negotiations for ages. I am a daughter of the

house of Fairfax and among the most beautiful women on our planet. Why

wouldn’t he select me as his life partner?”

“Being beautiful isn’t enough, especially if he’s anything like his father,

Crag. Your mother, Lena, tried and failed…twice.”

“I won’t fail you.” Shauna swallowed hard, admitting silently, she was a

little frightened. Alex had not been as cooperative as she’d hoped with

regard to hurrying along the announcement.

“I hope not. I’d hate to be disappointed.” The stern glare she received,

pierced her conscience. “Our ultimate plan hinges on this union.”

Shauna held the pointed gaze. “The gala celebration for The

Commander and his insipid earthling life partner, Ellie, is next week. I

expect Alex to announce our coming nuptials before the evening comes to a


“Let’s hope so. We’ve waited a long time to connect our family with a

powerful Tiburon political position.” A wheeze and a lengthy raspy cough

ensued. “Too long to leave it to chance.”

“What else can I do?” Shauna frowned. She’d already done everything

she could think of to keep Alex interested and furthering negotiations on


“Lure him into a compromising position. If you convinced him to

mouth-touch you—”

“No!” Shauna broke in and earned another volatile glare. “Even though

he isn’t directly in line to take over as Commander, honor dictates his

actions. He’d never allow it.” The truth was she’d already tried that tactic

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long ago and failed, but held her tongue declining to confess the

unsuccessful effort.

“Try anyway. If someone were to accidentally catch you during in the

act, all the better.”

Shauna nodded once, but held her rioting emotions in check. She knew

the importance of uniting with Alex and the imperative connection it

afforded her family, but she also worried that Alex wasn’t as enamored of

her as she’d just guaranteed. He’d been quiet of late. Even quieter than


Physically, Alex was built exactly like his father; tall, brawny and

striking. While he spent inordinate amounts of time studying history and

other tedious scholarly pursuits, as the only son of the current Commander,

Crag, Alex was well trained in the art of combat.

Shauna also acknowledged Alex could be dangerous when provoked to


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Kissed by Fate

Chapter 1

Out of the corner of his eye, Alex saw his best friend, Bern, approach

the stoic position he’d assumed near the exit. Bern’s gaze traveled to Shauna

and Ria and Alex’s followed along.

Without preamble, Bern asked, “Are you really going to announce a life

partnership to Shauna in the near future?”

No! Alex wanted to scream the answer, but merely shrugged his

shoulders and remained silent. Bern’s arrival afforded him a few more

moments of peace.

A tall, quiet man, Bern piloted a space craft around Tiburon’s planetary

system transporting supplies and people as the occasion called for it. With

his primary service of catering to the transportation needs of the Queen and

the Commander of Tiburon, Alex enjoyed unlimited transport in their galaxy

as Crag’s only son. Unfortunately, he didn’t want to visit anywhere in his

galaxy. He secretly desired a trip to a distant planet.

From across the room of the gala celebrating his parent’s long life

partnership, Alex watched Shauna fidget impatiently in her chair and search

the room with her narrowed hawk-like gaze likely looking for him. Clingy

and more annoying than usual tonight, she’d driven him from their table

seeking solace from her persistent suggestion of an announcement he

refused to make.

The scrutiny from a distance offered Alex an unexpected epiphany.

Deep down in his soul, Alex knew that Shauna wasn’t the one. His

vitamatia. His true life mate.

“Rumor has it from her countless circle of friends that there will be an

important announcement tonight.” Bern cleared his throat. “I didn’t realize

your negotiations had reached that point.”

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Alex exhaled and kept his gaze focused on the table. “They haven’t.

She’s presuming. I’m not announcing anything tonight.” Or ever. Up to

now, the negotiations for their union had proceeded slowly. Due entirely to

the fact that he had dragged his feet during the process. Now he understood


“But will she be your choice?” Bern persisted.

“I’m not sure, but I haven’t done anything I can’t take back yet.”

Bern’s quiet amused laughter made Alex uncomfortable. “If not Shauna,

then who else would you consider?”

Alex shrugged again, unwilling to share his secrets. “Perhaps someone I

haven’t met yet.”

“And here I thought every eligible girl on the planet had been trotted

past you for possible selection as the mate of the future Commander’s

brother. What woman got missed in the covetous feminine parade?”

Alex responded with an exasperated sigh and declined to speak the

answer he longed to express. An Earth girl.

What if his vitamatia lived on Earth? That’s where his father had found

his mother. As a matter of fact, Alex was half earthling. Shouldn’t he at least

make an effort to try and find his true life mate on Earth?

Alex refocused his attention on Shauna. She turned her head to lock

gazes with him and he realized the time had come to go speak with her. She

would demand an explanation. He wasn’t sure what he would tell her. Better

get rid of Ria first though. The conversation always deteriorated quickly

when the three of them were together, and Alex ended up being the referee.

Noticing that Bern still watched their table, Alex said, “Go ask my sister

to dance.”

“What? Why?”

“She and Shauna haven’t come to blows yet, but if we leave them there

too long it’s only a matter of time. You know that.”

The two women were pointedly not talking to each other. Usually, they

didn’t bother with the pretense of politeness, but ostensibly remained on

their best behavior for tonight’s special family celebration. Alex didn’t

expect their civility would last much longer without intervention.

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Bern crossed his arms. “So?”

“So…get Ria away from the table.”

Bern raised his gaze to the ceiling. “What if I don’t want to dance with

your sister?”

“Do it as a favor to me. You’re the only one I trust her with. I’ll owe


A long suffering sigh escaped Bern’s lips, but he uncrossed his arms and

strolled to the table. He bent at the waist and whispered Ria’s ear. She

looked surprised, but smiled and took his arm to go dance.

Shauna glanced in Alex’s direction again. Her eyes sent him a hurry

up—get over here—and explain yourself stare. He braced himself, ambled

toward the table and sat in the chair next to hers facing the dancing couples.

If she brought it up, he would be hard pressed to keep his decision to


Ria looked delighted to be dancing with Bern. Certainly happier than

she had been while sitting with Shauna. They twirled around the dance floor

with ease as if they’d practiced together.

Shauna’s acid tone broke through his reverie. “Where have you been,

Alex? I’ve been sitting here all alone waiting for you.”

Alex regarded her through narrowed eyes. “You weren’t alone. My

sister was here.”

Shauna allowed a small sneer before guarding her expression. “You

know your sister and I don’t have much in common.”

“You have me in common.”

Shauna’s eyes narrowed in speculation as if she sensed his discord.

“What is wrong with you tonight?”

Placing a fake smile on his face, he murmured, “Nothing is wrong.”

Liar. “Would you like to dance?”

“You know I don’t like to dance.” Her acerbic tone grated against his


“Yes. I remember.” He signaled an attendant and ordered a strong

beverage to see him through the evening. He refused to get sucked into an


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“May I assume no announcement is forthcoming?” she asked.

Alex braced himself for her anger. “I already told you it wasn’t coming.

This is my parents’ celebration. It’s not the right time.” He didn’t comment

further. He didn’t trust himself not to spill his decision to call things off.

And he didn’t want the inevitable scene Shauna would create to ruin his

parents’ party.

Watching Bern dance with Ria only strengthened Alex’s resolve to end

his future alliance with Shauna. Even with Bern’s initial resistance to his

request, Alex could see how much fun they were having together, if the

grinning and laughter were any indication. Alex thought back and couldn’t

recall a single instance where he and Shauna had laughed together.

With Ria as the next Commander, Alex could do anything he wanted

with his life. His passion was the study of history. Any history. Not only had

he acquired a healthy knowledge of Tiburon’s turbulent past, he’d also spent

a great deal of his time studying all the complexities of days gone by on

Earth. He adored learning about the planet his mother had been born and

raised on. Secretly, he longed to visit, but trips outside Tiburon’s galaxy

were rarely sanctioned.

Shauna didn’t care for his passion of learning or the past. Her attitude

was more forward thinking. She told him repeatedly that reading about days

gone by was a waste of time and that she didn’t wish to talk about the past.

This alone made him even more certain that they shouldn’t partner. He’d

always thought he would one day teach. To share his love of history with

those eager to learn was another dream. How could he spend the rest of his

life with someone unwilling to share his greatest passion?

As if she sensed the direction of his thoughts, Shauna said very little as

the remainder of the evening continued. Thankfully, it didn’t last long. Bern

returned to the table from his lengthy sojourn on the dance floor with his

sister, but Ria didn’t come back with him choosing to join their parents

instead. Alex longed to do the same.

The moment Bern seated himself, Shauna launched to her feet and

announced, “I’m going home to retire. It’s been a long evening.”

Alex stood. “I’ll walk you home.”

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“No, thank you. I’ll be fine.” She swept from the room with the fluid

grace of royalty and disappeared from his sight. Alex, disturbed that his only

feeling at her departure was relief, sighed and crossed his arms.

“You should tell her now if you don’t intend to go through with the

partnership negotiations.” Bern remarked in a low tone. “The longer you

wait, the louder she’ll condemn you to everyone within earshot.”

Alex turned to stare at Bern only slightly surprised that his best friend

could apparently read his mind and had another epiphany. A part of him

knew that he never intended to go through with the life partnership with

Shauna. Bern was right about something else. Alex needed to end the

negotiation process as soon as possible. Tonight would be best after all.

“You’re right. I’ll go catch up before she gets home and break the news.

Let’s hope she doesn’t murder me.”

“Want me to tag along as your bodyguard?”

Alex laughed. “No, thanks.” The mere suggestion of removing himself

from negotiations with Shauna lifted his heart and made his soul sing with

the prospect of the freedom to find his true love.

“Keep your barrier in place,” Bern joked. “She can’t kill you then.”

“Very funny.” Alex gave Bern a casual salute and exited the elegant

party after stopping to congratulate his parents. He didn’t share the

immediate plan to end his relationship with Shauna with his parents.

Tomorrow was soon enough to inform his family about his decision. If

Shauna didn’t herald it to the far reaches of Tiburon before then.

Alex followed various paths through Tiburon’s extensive biosphere-like

connected tunnels in the direction of Shauna’s residence and rehearsed the

words he wanted to say. There was no need to be cruel, but simple words

were usually best to deliver bad news. He’d simply tell her he didn’t love

her and that they each deserved a chance to find their true life mates.

Unlike the cramped environments he’d read about on Earth, several

sections of Tiburon’s protected world were very open with areas sporting

ceilings higher than the naked eye could discern. Shauna’s home was

located in one of those very prestigious areas.

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Approaching Shauna’s house with reluctance, Alex was surprised to see

her suddenly exit from a side door. Dressed in an oversized shoulder to

ankle garment, he watched as she pulled a large hood up to conceal her

features. He started to call out, but something in her demeanor made him

pause. He ducked to keep from being seen and peered around some foliage.

She crept slowly to the street, turned and walked in the opposite direction

seemingly keeping to the shadows.

Intrigued, Alex followed at a discrete distance. He’d heard rumors of a

long held penchant for gambling which ran in her family. Her father had

been very enamored of games of chance. Was Shauna similarly addicted?

She rounded a corner and disappeared from sight. Alex slowed his pace

and looked carefully around the corner where she’d gone.

Down a trash-ridden narrow passage, which dead ended, Alex saw a

lean, blond man waiting. Alex had seen the man before somewhere, but

couldn’t remember his name. The guilt marring his heart evaporated when

Shauna sped her last few steps and rushed into the stranger’s open arms. The

man held her close, eyes closed, and whispered words Alex was too far

away to hear.

Disbelief flooded, Alex. He hadn’t ever suspected Shauna had another

man waiting. Which begged the question, why did she want to life partner

with him so desperately? What he’d expected all along became inherently

clear. She partnered with him for the sake of a prestigious match to the lofty

Commander-at-Arms family, despite being obviously in love with someone

else. The oppressive load of guilt resting on his shoulders from his apathy

toward Shauna lifted.

No longer weighed down by the remorse, Alex turned the corner into

the alley and walked slowly down the passage with the intention to confront

and dissolve any lingering ideas of partnership. Negotiations had come to an

end. Alex was free.

Obviously not seeing his approach, Shauna broke from the stranger,

touched fingers to her lips and blew the touch without taking her gaze from

the man holding her. The sacred gesture brought Alex to a complete halt.

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“You’d rather be dead than to life partner with anyone else?” Alex

asked. The words rushing around in his head spilled out before he could stop


The two spun to face him. Shauna paled as a gasp escaped from her lips.

“Alex, what are you doing here?”

He laughed and gestured to her friend. “I should ask you the same


Shauna stepped toward him, but the man stopped her. He glared at Alex

with distaste. She broke his hold and approached. “I didn’t want you to find

out like this.”

Alex laughed again. “Oh? How did you want me to find out? After we’d

pledged our lives to each other in partnership?” For all the shock of the past

few minutes, he was immensely grateful to have escaped a life long

affiliation with a woman in love with someone else.

Her mouth tightened, but she didn’t respond. Alex glanced over her

shoulder, locking his gaze to the other man. “I’m officially calling off

negotiations between us. I’m sure you understand. Best of luck to you.”

Alex turned with hope in his soul and with a spring in his step for the first

time in a long while.

“Alex, wait.”

He kept walking. “Don’t worry, Shauna. I’m not angry and I won’t

mention your new friend in the official dissolution of negotiations

paperwork,” he called over one shoulder as he exited the alley.

He strolled home with a new outlook on his future. He’d pursue his

history career without reproach from Shauna. First, however, the next step

in his plan for ultimate happiness was permission to embark on an off planet

adventure. He’d speak to his father about it when he informed his parents

about Shauna, her new love and the end of their association.

The Commander at Arms controlled all sanctioned trips off planet.

Hopefully, his father wouldn’t disallow a trip for Alex. He’d explain it as a

chance to put all of his historical knowledge of Earth into practical


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He’d search for his vitamatia during his exploration of Earth, but even if

he didn’t find her, the experience on Earth would be invaluable to his future.

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Chapter 2

“Come on Lizzie. It’ll be a great party,” Emma Ruth cajoled.

Sighing deeply, Lizzie gave her sister an eye roll in response and went

back to reading her textbook.

Emma Ruth strolled closer and persisted. “Is that a ‘yes’ eye roll?”

“No. It’s a ‘leave me alone I have to study’ eye roll.” Lizzie tucked an

errant strand of her blonde hair behind one ear and focused on her book

again. She had an exam next week in her graduate level chemical properties

class and planned to spend the weekend preparing.

Last week she’d been selected from thousands of applicants for a very

prestigious chemical engineering fellowship program once she graduated.

Her parents, especially her father, beamed with pride over the award and

made Lizzie even more determined than ever to ensure her grade point

average remained solid.

“For heaven’s sake, Lizzie, you’re already making an “A” in every

single class. Take a break and have some fun for a change.”

Lizzie flipped another page in her advanced chemistry book. “I ‘am’

having fun. We simply have different definitions for the term.”

Emma Ruth pursed her lips, squinted her eyes and gave Lizzie a sour

look before blowing a lock of her bangs off her forehead.

“Please, Lizzie. I don’t want to go alone.”

“Since when do you care about going to a party alone?” Lizzie lowered

her book with a deep sigh and the awareness that she wouldn’t get any work

done until she’d dispatched her sister.

Emma Ruth’s eyes shifted away. “I sort of need you to distract Craig for


“Craig’s going to be there?” Lizzie focused her lingering thoughts away

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from the chemical traits of Arsenic to stare at her sister. “Forget it. Count

me out for sure.”

“Lizzie, he won’t even let me kiss Dustin without going all over-

protective-brother on me.” The merest sign of displeasure from Emma Ruth

usually had the impact of having every male in a three county radius ready

to do her bidding. The only other man completely unaffected besides Craig

was their father, Keller.

“That’s because Dad threatened him. Like he needed a reason anyway.

Craig’s over protective all on his own where we’re concerned.”

“If you come with me and distract him, I’ll do something for you.”

“Oh, yeah? Like what?”

“I’ll be your personal fashion consultant and help you shop for a

fabulous new wardrobe.”

Lizzie snapped her book shut and huffed out a disgusted breath. “I’d

rather be dropped in a vat of bone-leaching acid.”

Fingering her sweatshirt between thumb and forefinger, Emma Ruth

made a distasteful face. “You don’t have to dress like this, Lizzie. There’s

hope. As a matter of fact, I brought you something perfect to wear for

tonight’s frat party.”

“Frat party? No way, no how, not going to happen, Emma Ruth. Forget

it. I hate fraternity parties.”

“You had one bad experience in over five and a half years of college. It

hardly deserves your continued wrath.”

“They dropped a bucket of ice cold water on me the minute I stepped

inside the door for their stupid wet chick contest. I caught a cold.”

“They aren’t doing it this year. It made too big of a mess. You don’t

have to worry about getting wet.”

“Read my lips. I’m not going.”

Emma Ruth got a determined look in her eye signaling to Lizzie she was

about to pull out the big guns. “What will it take? Name your price.”

Lizzie narrowed her eyes to scold her, but a thought occurred. She sent

Emma Ruth a gleaming look. “What if my price is attending the Natural

State Chemistry Student Conference during spring break?”

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Emma Ruth flinched as if in pain. “Where is it being held this time?

Somewhere in Florida?”

“No. It’s always in Arkansas. Duh. The natural state is Arkansas. It’s

going to be held just outside of Little Rock in a little town called Toad

Suck.” Lizzie smiled thinking Emma would never go for it. She liked being

on the beach during spring break.

Emma Ruth huffed out a long breath. “Even the toads think this place

sucks? Why can’t the chemistry nerds you hang out with ever find of a good

place to hold a conference? Last year you were in Bald Knob, Arkansas, at

the city municipal building.”

Lizzie crossed her arms. “It was a very historic building.”

“A former funeral parlor is hardly what I’d call historic. I mean even

Little Rock would be a better choice than Toad Suck, for heaven’s sake.”

“That’s the deal. Take it or leave it.”

“Fine. I’ll take it. If there is one iota of fashion in that town, I’ll sniff it

out. Meanwhile, go change into this.”

Lizzie grasped the handles of the bag and peeked in at a mound of

something red. “What am I supposed to do at this party?”

“It’s alumni weekend which is why Craig is going to be there. Dustin

has to be at the party for the first hour or so then we can sneak out. Your job

is to search out and distract Craig for me.”

Lizzie sighed and took the Kohl’s department store sack from her. “If

they throw water on me, I’m leaving.”

“They won’t. Go change.”

An hour later Lizzie and Emma Ruth strolled up the front walkway of

the lively sounding party emanating from the Delta Kappa Phi house.

Their older brother had pledged there as a college freshman. Craig, an

alumni of the fraternity after years of participating in fraternity nonsense,

still had close ties and several friends here though he was already out of

graduate school.

Emma Ruth straightened her dress. “You should look around, Lizzie.

Find a guy to make out with that you’ll never see again.”

“Yeah, right.” Lizzie brushed her hand down the sleek red silk top

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Emma had picked out for her to wear, refusing to admit it made her feel


“Live a little. What’s the big deal?”

“My dignity?”

“Dignity, schmigity. You don’t have to sleep with anyone, for heaven’s

sake, just have some fun. Kissing is lots of fun.” Emma Ruth waggled her

eyebrows and grinned.

On that point, Lizzie did not agree. Kissing was nauseating. She’d

thought so since kissing Billy Ford in seventh grade.

Billy’s kiss had been insipid. Afterward she quietly compared it to

kissing a cold slimy reptile. Billy on the other hand spread the tale that

kissing Lizzie was like kissing a pile of crap. He scrawled a creative poem

about it on the boy’s bathroom wall at their junior high school.

Roses are red,

violets are blue,

I kissed Lizzie Keller

and she tastes like poo.

From that point on Lizzie decided a reptile would have been the better

choice because lizards couldn’t spread rumors or write on bathroom walls. It

was the first in a long line of disappointing kisses over her twenty-three year


Emma Ruth, followed reluctantly by Lizzie, stepped up on the wide

porch and quickly rang the doorbell. After only a second, the door popped

open and one of the resident frat brothers answered, filling the doorway.

Lizzie recognized Craig’s old roommate, Robby, dressed in an ‘I’m with

stupid’ T-shirt and ripped jeans. As former fraternity president, he must be a

part of the weekend festivities. She thought he looked goofy in the raggedy

clothes especially since she knew he was currently a stockbroker with his

father’s company post graduation.

“Welcome to the party, ladies.” He let them pass, turned to the room as

they crossed the threshold, and said, “This is your lucky day, Alex. You get


Emma Ruth strode through the door first. Lizzie followed, keeping an

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eye on the ceiling waiting for an ice bath. Even with no water poised to

drench her, she figured that attending this frat party was still a bad idea.

What was she doing here?

A rousing cheer went up when Emma Ruth grabbed the face of a tall,

gorgeous stranger, presumably Alex, and prepared to plant her lips on his.

Lizzie saw Dustin muscle his way to the front of the column through the

throng of guys lined up to get a kiss.

“Kiss her. Kiss her.” The crowd in the frat house living room chanted.

At the last minute, Dustin stepped between them and stuck his hand over

Emma Ruth’s mouth to prevent the kiss and pulled her out of the line to kiss

her himself.

Robbie laughed. “Sorry, Alex, you only get one twin.”

Emma Ruth and Dustin disappeared into the fold of the party leaving

Lizzie alone at the threshold.

“Your turn.” Robby motioned with his bottle of beer. “Kiss Alex or you

can’t come in.”

The words “What if I don’t want to come in?” burned on the tip of

Lizzie’s tongue, until she glanced at the face of the attractive guy before her.

Looming a half a head taller than anyone else in the room, the startled grin

complete with dimples shaping his mouth was infectious. Her gaze traveled

upward to his simmering chocolate brown eyes and lingered until her heart

turned over with a thud.

His tall, dark good looks made her reconsider her previous dislike of

kissing. The shape of his full lips, curved in what looked like interested

astonishment, enticed her. Besides, his exotic male scent wafting around her

made her throw any final caution out the door and in its place the sincere

desire to try kissing once again.

The kiss would probably be like all the ones that Lizzie had endured

over the course of her lifetime. Uninspired. But something in the determined

set of his jaw and his steady gaze made Lizzie take a step closer. She tilted

her head back, looking deeply into his eyes…and then the defensive end

from the school’s football team plowed into her, propelling her forward into

Alex’s arms.

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“Hurry up. Kiss him and get out of the way. I’ve got some drinking to


Twisting in Alex’s arms, she shot a glare over her shoulder at the

muscle-bound doofas. He winked, smiled and skirted around her to head

inside the door.

Several more football jerks entered all at once and Lizzie was shuffled

to the side still clutched in the arms of the gorgeous stranger named Alex.

The line formed again as another girl came to the door and they were


Once they bumped into the wall, he said, “You don’t have to – kiss me –

if you don’t want to...” he paused and his gaze went to her lips. Another

enticing smile formed and he added, “Perhaps we could get a beverage.” His

sultry voice went almost unheard in the ensuing loud kiss-a-thon from the

football team now in line to receive their kiss from whichever girl entered

the party next.

“Are you pledging this fraternity?” she asked.

He squinted as if processing her words for understanding before

answering, “No. I’m a guest. I’m from out of town.”

Ah. An anonymous someone she’d never see again. Lizzie caught sight

of Emma Ruth across the room in the arms of her latest unsuitable

boyfriend, Dustin. Her sister’s suggestion from earlier to find someone to

make out with for the evening rolled around in her head.

Lizzie focused her stare at the masculine Adonis she pressed against and

something elusive tingled low in her belly. His scent assaulted her again. He

smelled sensational. Earthy. Exotic. Desirable.

Thinking about Emma Ruth, she looked Alex with another fresh

perspective. “Sorry you didn’t get to kiss my sister.”

His eyes squinted quizzically. “Who?”

“The girl ahead of me in line.”

His puzzled expression didn’t change.

“The girl you almost kissed right before I came in.” Her exasperation

finally elicited a nod of understanding.

“Oh, right. Her.” His lack of enthusiasm over missing out on kissing

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Emma Ruth ratcheted him up a notch in her estimation. It was the first such

reaction from any of the male species regarding her leggy blonde sister.

He gazed into her eyes. “I’d much rather kiss you.”


He grinned displaying his dimples again and Lizzie swore she heard

music. Sultry tones meant to seduce. Not taking her eyes from his, she

figured the music was coming from the party. She stared, unable to think of

anything to say. For the first time since foolishly wanting to kiss Billy Ford

in seventh grade, Lizzie wanted to lock lips with someone.

She shoved away her distant and horrible first kiss memory and

concentrated on Alex’s sensuous engaging eyes. The lively world around

her faded into the background as her pounding heart took center stage.

Something inexplicable came over her. Something carnal. She wanted to

kiss Alex. She rarely sought kisses because of the continual disappointment

they wrought.

Before the urge receded, Lizzie slipped her arms around his neck and

pulled his head closer. She licked her lips quickly, closed her eyes and

pressed her mouth to Alex’s before she changed her mind.

Electric sensation zipped across the lower half of her face as the barest

of connection transpired between them. Alex groaned into her mouth. The

vibration drilled down through the core of her body. Her tongue darted out

for a taste.

Alex reacted immediately and crushed her to his chest in a tight

embrace. Lizzie pushed her body even closer into his and seconds later a

weightless feeling came over her. But apparently that was because she

caused Alex to lose his balance when her exuberant embrace knocked him

off his feet. The funny thing was the lurch didn’t cause their lips to part at

first. Together they stumbled into a half open coat closet door finally jarring

their mouths apart to keep their footing.

Lizzie, still awestruck over the sizzling kiss, stared with rapt attention,

barely noticing the small walk-in space with coats shoved everywhere.

Alex’s gaze scorched a hole through her as they balanced, holding onto each


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A single bulb burned overhead, shedding scant light down over their

loose embrace. Lizzie didn’t care about the dark. Without taking her eyes

off Alex, she closed the door. The click of the latch drowned out the sounds

of the loud party and cocooned them in low light. The only other sound in

the small space was their panting breaths.

Lizzie leaned into his frame, slung her arms around his neck and placed

her lips millimeters from his. “Kiss me,” she whispered.

He didn’t hesitate. His mouth lowered to hers again. Lizzie closed her

eyes, wishing for one more sizzling rocket ride.

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Chapter 3

Alex decided he must be dreaming. But at least his most treasured wish

had come true. He was shut in a tiny room with outer garments strewn

about, clutching a beautiful woman from Earth. A woman he’d never met

before had briefly touched mouths with him and generated a sensation he

wasn’t prepared for even though he’d been told to expect it.


His barrier was fully in place and yet he was overcome by surprise when

her kiss cut through the invisible obstacle as if it didn’t exist. Extraordinary.

The craving for another earth kiss flooded him and made him drunk

with need.

What he hadn’t expected was the rapturous expression on her lovely

face. She acted like she’d also felt the incredible sensation. Without thinking

about it too closely, he lowered his mouth to hers again upon her whispered


The instant their lips touched, a fiery sensation burned from his lips to

the space below his belt. It was a very interesting and unexpected reaction to

occur while touching mouths. Perhaps it was because he was on Earth and

not Tiburon.

Her tongue slipped between his lips in hot, bold exploration. Alex

thought his climax was imminent, so grand was the feeling. He tamped

down the urge to release and focused on the pleasure of the erotic moment,

trying to make it last as long as possible. He’d read about earth-styled

kisses, of course.

Little practical information was known regarding interactions between

those from Tiburon and Earth as Alex declined to ask his father. Upon his

arrival to Earth a few weeks before, his father’s best friend, Keller, had

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shared limited information on the subject during his lecture of Earth rules

while visiting.

The angel in his arms shifted and wrenched him from the reverie.

Bracing his butt against the open wall behind him, Alex crushed her tighter.

He twisted his mouth sideways across hers and she moaned. He daringly slid

his tongue around to tangle with hers as waves of pleasure danced between

them. She squirmed in his arms pressing her hips against his uncontrolled

rising erection. It was foolish to be concerned about his lack of control

below. Such a reaction was expected here.

His hand slid down to cup one cheek of her butt. Hooking his hand

beneath her thigh, he lifted her leg to nestle his groin further into her

warmth. She ground against him in response. He pulled her into his now

completely erect cock. She moaned again and her tongue became more

aggressive. He wanted to mate with her.

Alex couldn’t hold his satisfaction much longer. Her soft whimpers

tugged at his libido. Clutching her tight, Alex let go and blissfully released.

Secreting the flavor of his passion past her lips, he shuddered with


She stiffened for a moment, before crying out. Trembling in his arms,

she promptly reconnected their mouths licking and sipping the flavor from

his lips so forcefully that he couldn’t contain his smile.

The passionate young woman in his arms pulled back, breaking the

connection with a rapturous look on her face. “That was so amazingly

wonderful. How did you do that?”

“Do what?” Alex whispered. He could barely speak. Delighted at her

reaction, a glimmer of doubt slid into his gratified brain. Earth women

weren’t supposed to feel anything during mouth-touching with Tiburon


“You kissed me in a different way. I’ve never felt pleasure so deeply

from just a kiss. Afterwards, I tasted chocolate,” she glanced up at him,

“then I—”

The door to the closet shot open and a figure filled the space as the

sounds of the loud party blasted into the small closet. Alex and his angel

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turned their heads toward the noise in surprise.

“Lizzie! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” the intruder asked.

Her name was Lizzie. This information registered at the exact same time

as the unfortunate identity of the interloper.

“Craig?” The woman in his arms shifted slowly as if she were

recovering from a blissful release. Alex reeled from the idea of what she’d

been about to reveal. Had she climaxed?

“Party’s over.” Craig towered in the doorway. He grabbed Lizzie’s arm

and jerked her sideways. Was this Craig’s girlfriend? Alex hoped not, but if

she was, why would she kiss him?

Alex held on, refused to release her and yanked her hard against his

chest. This action earned him a disgusted glare from Craig, the acquaintance

who’d brought him to this fraternity party.

“Let go, Alex, or I’ll pound you into the ground.”

“Butt out, Craig.” Lizzie shifted, but remained in his arms. “This is

none of your business.”

“Is this your girlfriend?” Alex asked.

“No, she’s my sister. Let go of her. Now!”

The clarity of the situation hit him hard. Sister?

Alex reluctantly released her. She didn’t budge. Her fingers dug into his


“Don’t let him scare you. He got a ‘D’ in kick boxing during his last

semester of college...a long time ago. I’m old enough to pick my own

friends, Craig. We were only kissing. Go away.”

Craig’s eyes widened. “Kissing!” His gaze shifted to Alex. “You kissed

my sister?” he thundered.

“Perhaps it would be better if we separated.” Alex wondered if his

knowledge of Earth history would serve him. Was he about to be called out

to face pistols at dawn for compromising Craig’s sister?

Lizzie released her hold of him to thump her brother on the chest. “What

is the matter with you?”

“It’s time for you to go.” Craig’s hostile look shifted to Alex. “Both of


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“I’m sorry. I didn’t know she was your sister.”

“Don’t say sorry to him. He’s the one who’s out of line.”

“Pulling my little sister out of a coat closet after she’s been slobbering

on some stranger isn’t out of line,” he growled. “Besides, he should know


Lizzie gave them both a confused look.

Craig huffed. “What were you doing in the kissing line anyway?”

“Your friend Robby insisted,” Alex explained quickly as the mood

escalated. “He put me at the head of the line and said I was to kiss twins.”

“You kissed Emma Ruth, too?” Craig took a step closer. The already

tight confines of the closet shrunk further. Alex straightened and hoped he

wouldn’t have to come to blows.

Lizzie inserted herself between them. “No. Dustin grabbed her before

they kissed.”

“Dustin is here?” Craig stared at the ceiling as if in exasperation then

turned a sour look to them. “You shouldn’t have kissed her, Alex.”

“Robby set it up, Craig. I don’t know why it’s such a big deal.” Lizzie

turned her clear blue eyes on him and Alex felt her stare as if she’d reached

a hand to caress him. A moment later she slid close and hugged him.


“Lizzie. Let release him. We need to go.”

“Why do you need to go now?” Lizzie squeezed him tighter.

Alex didn’t want to let go of her but understood why Craig seemed so

adamant. “I’m staying in your city as a guest of your parents. I imagine it

isn’t correct to engage in this sort of behavior, with a family member.”

Lizzie was the single woman in three galaxies he’d ever been so wildly

attracted to and after mouth touching her only once, he sincerely wanted to

do it again. In the past weeks he’d heard mention of Craig’s two sisters, but

they didn’t live at home. The pictures he’d seen of her in their home were


“But it was so wonderful.” She licked her lips.

“I agree.” Alex caught her eye and smiled. “It was unforgettable.”

“Lizzie, I’m warning you. Let go of him.” Craig pulled on her arm

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Alex sighed and released his grip. Lizzie was pulled from the closet.

“I’ll meet you back at my parents house in a couple hours,” Craig

warned. “Be thinking about what you’re going to tell my dad.”

* * * *

“I expect this sort of behavior from Emma Ruth, but not from you.” Her

brother propelled her out the front door of the frat house and down the stairs.

“Bite my ass, Craig. I’m nearly twenty-four years old. I don’t need

permission from you to kiss someone.” Especially when the kiss was so

fabulous, it made her climax. Her legs still trembled from her auspicious

first orgasm brought about by another.

“Go back to your apartment. Study something, why don’t you?”

“What is your problem? You act like you caught me bare-assed doing

the wild thing with your best friend during an orgy.”

Craig’s eyes widened. “He’s from Tiburon, Lizzie.”

“So?” Tiburon? Where was that? Europe?

“Kissing is like…” he paused as if searching for difficult words then

rolled his eyes and murmured, “well, it’s different there.”

“Different? I’ll say.” Lizzie uttered a very uncharacteristic girly sigh.

Craig ground his teeth together loud enough to be heard and shot a

glance over his shoulder at the frat house. “I’m going to beat his ass.”

“You’ll do no such thing.” Kissing Alex was the first time she’d ever

enjoyed the experience. She wasn’t going to let her brother hurt the only

man in her entire life to kiss her so passionately he gave her a blistering

climax as a bonus. “Leave him alone. It was frat party stuff. It was

harmless.” She gazed back at the fraternity house with the idea of sneaking

back in.

Craig ran a hand through his golden locks and pierced her with a stare.

“Go back to your apartment right now, or I tell Mom and Dad about the

parking ticket you got and then forgot to pay until they almost issued a

bench warrant for your arrest.”

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Lizzie swallowed hard. She hated when her brother could read her

thoughts. “That’s dirty pool, Craig, even for you.”

“I don’t care. I don’t want you to see him again.”

“I should have borrowed money from someone else.”

“You shouldn’t have used the money for your allergy medication to pay

for the stupid ticket in the first place.” Craig’s eyes softened.

Lizzie was dangerously allergic to cat dander and as a result she was on

a daily dose of medication. After missing a few doses due to lack of funds,

she’d experienced an attack last month that put her in the hospital. Her

family worried about her on a regular basis.

Craig brushed a hand down her arm with a gentle stroke. “You know

that I only want you to be safe, Lizzie.”

She pushed out a deep breath and crossed her arms. “Fine. But don’t

think you’re always going to win.

“Better hurry back inside and see if Emma Ruth is holding hands with

Dustin or something equally disturbing,” she said with as much sarcasm as

she could deliver. Lizzie turned her back on Craig and stomped away

heading down the street.

The second she got to her apartment she’d formulate a plan to see Alex

as soon as possible. If he was staying with her parents it would be easy.

She’d invite herself over for dinner. Heck, she’d just show up for every


Digging for her keys and distracted by her plan to find Alex, Lizzie

strode down the block to where she’d parked her car, oblivious to her


Emma Ruth had already told her she was leaving with Dustin at the first

opportunity so she didn’t have to wait for her sister. Lizzie’s anger was

focused. Her mind raced with plans to thwart her brother and find Alex.

Perhaps instead of going to her apartment she’d simply drive to her parents’

house and wait for him.

A voice out of the darkness whispered, “Lizzie?”

Concentrating so hard on her revenge plan to ruin Craig’s unreasonable

brotherly decree to leave, she hadn’t noticed anyone was close by. When a

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hand tugged at her shoulder from behind she reacted without thinking. She

ducked down and the hand dropped from her shoulder. Dropping to the

ground into a squat, Lizzie kicked out sweeping a straight leg in a half circle

to trip whomever was behind her. It should have put him on the ground.

Amazingly, the stranger jumped in the nick of time to avoid being

tripped thereby staying on his feet. Lizzie leapt up to the balls of her feet,

brought up her hands into fists and positioned herself into a crouched pose

to do some kick-ass karate damage. She kicked out, connecting with the

stranger’s midsection. This also should have put him on the ground, but

instead she heard a grunt and he stayed on his feet. She kicked again, this

time he grabbed her leg, twisted it and pushed her off balance. She landed

on her stomach and he landed on top of her. She was pinned. Not good.

“It’s me. Alex. I wasn’t trying to hurt you. I just wanted to speak to you

privately.” Alex whispered in her ear. “If I let you up, will you stop kicking


Lizzie relaxed and sighed, “Yes.”

The pressure of his body was instantly removed. He retreated to his feet

and offered her a hand up when she twisted around.

He pulled her up and she said, “I’m sorry, Alex. A girl can’t be too


“You’re right. I didn’t mean to sneak up on you. I simply wanted to

apologize for what happened.”

Lizzie turned away from him and opened her car door. The light came

on illuminating them. The sincere expression on his gorgeous face was lit

from the shaft of light from her car’s dome. “Are you sorry?” she asked


He looked away. “Not exactly, but that isn’t the point. Craig was upset.”

“I don’t care if Craig is upset.”

“Lizzie, what happened between us…” he trailed off as he gazed deeply

into her eyes.

She returned his stare and stepped closer to him. “It was amazing and

I’ll never say I’m sorry for it. I wish you wouldn’t regret it.”

“Trust me. I don’t regret it. I’m just not as familiar with the customs

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here in a practical application. I didn’t expect to feel the depth of pleasure

that I did when I mouth-touched you. And I sincerely didn’t anticipate your

positive reaction.”

“Mouth-touched?” She laughed and leaned closer. “It’s called kissing.”

“Right,” he said nodding, “kissing.” His gaze dipped to her lips.

Lizzie took that to mean he wanted to do it again. She threw her arms

around his neck and planted her mouth on his. The burn of sensation from

the contact vibrated from her lips and on down her body. She thrust her

tongue in his mouth seeking more.

Alex growled and his arms tightened around her ribcage. Lizzie heard

another moan once his tongue tangled with hers, but wasn’t sure which one

of them made the seductive sound. The sensation from the kiss zipped all

the way to her core and made her clit throb. She was getting wet, fast.

Remembering where she was and the fact that her brother might still be

lurking around, Lizzie pulled her mouth away. He growled again and tried

to connect their lips.

Lizzie drew back. “Let’s go to my apartment.”

Oozing sensual passion from his ardent mocha gaze, Alex murmured,

“Apartment? Sure,” and promptly pressed his mouth to hers. He licked his

way back inside, sizzling her body with a need she couldn’t fathom. One of

his hands slipped to the base of her spine. He pressed her into his rising

erection building quickly between them.

She broke the kiss again. “Alex? My apartment will be private. Let’s go

there and…talk.”


“Yes. And we can kiss some more too.”



Alex shook his head as if coming out of a fog. Lizzie was in a fog too,

but she didn’t want to consummate this new found relationship on the grass

of someone’s back yard posing as an impromptu parking lot.

“Get in.” Lizzie pushed away, turned and bent over to retrieve her

dropped purse. Alex remained where he was, breathing deeply. Over her

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shoulder she noticed he was staring at her butt. She smiled and winked. He

cocked his head to the side as if he was puzzled, but grinned.

“Get in,” she said again and pointed to the other side of the car.

He nodded and slipped around the car as if in slow motion, to enter the

passenger door.

Lizzie climbed in, started the car and drove towards her apartment as her

body pulsed in desire for the man seated next to her. She stole glances as

they drove the short few miles to her place. He seemed to be trying to calm


Once they were finally alone in her apartment, she was going to rev him

up again. Luckily, her roommate was out of town for a few more days and

she had the place to herself. Tonight would be the first time she’d ever

needed it…or wanted it.

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Chapter 4

Alex watched Lizzie’s luscious profile as she focused intently on the

road. A myriad of thoughts raced through his mind including not only where

they were headed, but what would happen once they got there.

His initial intention in following her out of the party had only been to

ensure she wasn’t upset. When she’d mouth-touched him next to her

vehicle, Alex realized he’d lied to himself. He wanted more. He wanted to

explore the possibility of a future. It was rash and inherently foolish to

believe a relationship between them would work out, but he couldn’t muster

the desire to let it go. Or her.

Given his past with Shauna he was compelled to ascertain Lizzie’s

relationship status before proceeding. “Are you promised to anyone?”

Brows narrowed, she glanced over once very quickly and asked, “Do

you mean like a boyfriend?”

Alex paused before answering to review his understanding of Earth

terms and meanings. “Yes. Like a…boyfriend.”

“No.” She shook her head. “There’s no one. There never has been.”

“Good.” Alex checked off one small concern.

“What about you? You aren’t married or anything, are you?”

Married? That meant life partnered. Alex searched him memory for the

right words for his previous situation with Shauna. “No. Never married. I

was almost…engaged, but it didn’t work out.”

“You’re not on the rebound, are you?”

“I don’t think so.” Alex had no idea what that term meant. “What does

rebound mean?”

“That you still harbor feelings and a particular longing for your ex-


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He snorted. “I never longed for her. If fact, she harbored feelings and

longed for someone else, which is why we separated. Right now, I’m

sincerely glad I didn’t settle for her before I found out her true feelings.”

She glanced over and said, “Me too.”

Her attention focused back on the road, Lizzie soon pulled into a

parking lot next to an apartment building.

It was time to make a decision. How far was he willing to let things go?

If he pursued her now, what would happen once he returned to Tiburon? Did

he even want to return home?

Reaching for the door handle, Lizzie only stopped when Alex put a hand

on her arm to keep her from exiting the car. “I’m not sure if this is a good

idea, Lizzie.”

“But, why not?”

“I don’t know that I trust myself.” He pierced her with a sensual look

meant to speed her heart beat since his already pounded with excitement.

“We both know what will happen once we’re alone. I don’t want to take


“Take advantage?” Lizzie laughed. “Once you’re inside my apartment

you may find out you’re the one taken advantage of.” She cupped his cheek

in one soft hand. “Still interested?”

“Yes.” He covered her hand, sandwiching it against his face. Time for

confession. He kissed her palm. “I must tell you something first.”

“Tell me upstairs.” She turned and exited her vehicle quickly.

Alex followed Lizzie into the apartment building, up the stairs to the

second floor and down the hallway to her front door. His mind raced with

thoughts of all the wonderful and exciting things he’d seen and done while

on Earth. However, he knew that whatever happened next would likely

rival all for the most important singular event of this trip.

Time alone with Lizzie would most assuredly change his life. In truth, it

already had in the short intimate time they’d spent at the party. Shocked by

Lizzie’s reaction to his ‘kiss’ in the closet, he longed to mouth-touch her

with his barrier down.

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Once a long time ago, Shauna had tried to entice him into lowering his

barrier to mouth-touch. While his lips had touched hers, he hadn’t lowered

his barrier. He’d felt nothing, of course, as that was what his barrier was in

existence to prevent. Unwanted touches.

Alex had only wanted to answer his curiosity over what mouth-touching

felt like. However, he hadn’t wanted to tie himself to Shauna in order to find

out. At the last second, he’d removed his lips from hers along with the

temptation to experiment. Shauna had persisted until she’d made him angry.

Trying to humiliate him into a forbidden mouth-touch hadn’t worked

and a part of him had resented her from that day forward. Had he been

seduced into that mouth-touch, his honor might have overruled any other

consideration to make her his life partner.

In retrospect, a worse thought occurred. No opportunity to travel to

Earth and explore would have been available. And most critical of all in that

morbid scenario, he wouldn’t have gotten the chance to share his lips with


The memory of the cozy secluded time in the closet was fresh and raw

in his mind as he trailed behind a woman he instinctively knew held

immense importance to his future.

Especially when it occurred to him that if the original timeline of his

initial travel plans had been kept, he wouldn’t have attended the fraternity

party with Craig tonight. Fate had stepped in and offered him a chance to

meet Lizzie. Alex refused to waste the opportunity and a step by step plan

formed in this mind in order to explore a prospective relationship.

“Here’s my apartment.” Ahead of him by only a couple steps, she

inserted a key into the lock and opened the door.

Alex followed her inside and as soon as the door closed, he grabbed her

close, spun with her in his arms and pressed her against the hard surface of

the wood. She sucked in a sudden breath right before the hint of a smile

formed. He lowered his mouth to within a breath of hers and dropped his


She wouldn’t understand the significance and it was unclear, as of yet,

whether she’d even notice the lack of his barrier. In a deep level of his soul,

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he only knew that he wanted Lizzie to be the first he mouth-touched sans

any obstacles.

Closing the slim distance, Alex touched his mouth to hers and the power

of the tactile connection wrenched a groan from his throat. She was the one.

He no longer had any doubt as the profound impact of the earth styled kiss

invaded his being.

With his barrier in place, their first mouth touching experience had been

electric. However, this kiss was volcanic. Lizzie’s moan resonated in his

soul. She thrust her tongue inside his mouth the second after they connected.

She pushed her hips against his cock, which grew to life, making

desperation color his actions. Her legs opened and he looped his hands

beneath her thighs pulling her warm center tight against his cock.

The sensation was foreign and exhilarating. His tongue twisted and

wrapped around hers with seductive intent heightening his desire to a new

level. Her legs wound around his hips and tightened. He pushed his cock

against her and the next ardent moan she released nearly undid him. His

mind gratefully conjured the extensive reading he’d done regarding

sexuality on Earth. His most earnest desire was to put that knowledge into

practical application.

Slipping her arms around his neck, Lizzie pulled him closer. His climax

was imminent, but he held back his release, not wanting the experience to


Lizzie writhed in his arms seemingly trying to get closer if the embrace

of her legs squeezing his waist was any indication. He pushed his now fully

erect cock into her center aiming for her clit. Based on the guttural sound

she made and her fingernails embedded in his back, he figured he’d hit it.

Alex found a comfortable rhythm and with his hands firmly gripping her

legs, he tilted his hips repeatedly against the sensitive nub between her legs.

Lizzie stiffened after only a few pushes. Back suddenly arching against the

door, she broke the connection of their mouths as a little scream erupted.

She trembled within his arms in the aftermath of what he hoped was a

climax, Alex pressed his lips back on hers, opened the seam of her mouth to

lick her tongue and released his first ever orgasm without a barrier.

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The power of immense gratification spiraled through his body. He

released the essence of his passion into Lizzie’s mouth. She moaned,

clenched him into an even tighter vice-like grip as she sucked the essence

from his tongue. The vibration of her renewed shaking added to the pleasure

of his orgasm and nearly put Alex on the floor. His legs wanted to give out,

but he locked his knees and focused on standing.

After several minutes as Alex praised the fates which put him here,

Lizzie leaned her head against the door, breaking the touch of their lips.

Panting hard she murmured, “Alex, that was so amazing.”

He buried his face at her throat and brushed his lips against the pulse of

her heartbeat there. “It was extraordinary.”

“When you kissed me in the closet at the fraternity party, it was the

single most exciting kiss I’ve ever had. But just now against the door,” she

said as she paused and took a deep breath. “This kiss was…I don’t think I

have the right words to tell you how astonishing it was.”

Alex smiled against her neck. “Good. I wanted to please you.”

She laughed. “Oh, you pleased me all right. So much so that I plan to tie

you up in my bedroom closet and never let you leave.”

“That sounds interesting. Speaking of your bedroom, I’d love to lie

down on a soft bed with you.” He pulled away from the door and shifted her

relaxed frame against his chest testing the endurance of his shaking legs.

She released the tight grip of her thighs from his waist and dropped her feet

to the floor.

“Excellent idea. I think we should have sex while we’re there too.”

Lizzie grabbed his hand and led him through her apartment to another door.

The bedroom.

Alex flashed a grin as they crossed the threshold. “Do you? Perhaps we

could start with me giving you a body massage and see where that takes us.”

“Body massage?” She glanced at his hands. “Great idea.”

“Where I come from, it’s a crucial part of sexual intimacy.” Alex

scanned the beautiful back of her body from shoulders to knees. “Get

undressed and I’ll show you.”

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* * * *

Lizzie spun to face him with a grin and started unbuttoning her new red

blouse. Grateful for the first time ever that Emma Ruth had dragged her to

the party in the first place and also for bringing her something pretty to

wear. Even though she promptly peeled it off and let it drop at her feet.

To dispel the embarrassment of disrobing in front of a man, Lizzie

remembered something she meant to ask once they got upstairs. “So what

were you going to tell me before we came up here?”

“Tell you?”

Alex watched as she took clothes off with something akin to apparent

awestruck reverence until the meaning of her question finally registered. He

sent his gaze to her face. “Oh. That. I’m only visiting your plan…um…I

meant to say country. I’ll return to my…country very soon.”

Lizzie paused, removing her jeans. “Okay. Maybe I could visit you

some day.” She shucked the jeans to the floor.

Alex’s face softened as if pained. “Unlikely.” He stepped closer, ran his

fingertips over the skin on her shoulders. The sensation was immediate and

blindingly erotic. The mere thought of a full body massage with his electric

touch made her wet. The thought of being wet made her want to push him

down and scratch an itch. Again. She’d had two orgasms tonight and hadn’t

even had her clothes off yet.

He massaged her shoulders and the warmth sent a pulse vibrating down

her body. Lizzie slipped her hands around his waist. The fabric of his cotton

shirt couldn’t conceal the radiating heat from his skin. She slipped her hands

underneath his shirt to brush along his spine and the tips of her fingers


“I want you to make love to me, Alex. Even if you’re returning to your

country soon. If this is my only opportunity, then I’m taking it.”

“I don’t want you to feel taken advantage of once I’m gone.” His

fingertips brushed her face. However, Lizzie knew for a fact he could bring

her to orgasm with just a kiss as he’d just demonstrated against the inside

front door of her apartment. Sex with him would probably ignite a fire. She

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couldn’t wait.

“I promise I won’t be. Just kissing you is unbelievably erotic. Please

make love to me, Alex.” She slid a hand down and caressed his stiff cock

through his jeans to persuade him. He sucked in a breath and pushed his

forehead to hers.

His eyes slid shut and he groaned. “Believe me I want to, but it would

surely be against the rules I’ve promised to follow.”

“What rules?”

“Your brother—“”

“Stop right there. I don’t care what my brother said. I decide, not him.”

Lizzie cupped his face and pulled his lips to within a breath of hers.

“Besides, I can’t resist you.” She vowed to remember every touch, stroke

and caress, but it was the kissing that she craved.

Alex pulled away long enough to murmur, “It seems I can’t resist you


Lizzie slid her lips from his cheek to his mouth and licked the corner

before planting them securely for another vibrant carnal kiss. The ripping

electrical feeling resumed and a few seconds later his tongue invaded her

mouth with sweeping alacrity.

The mere touch of his lips regardless of how light the caress enflamed

her desire. Moisture accumulated between her legs until she was certain her

panties wouldn’t be able to hold any more.

Moaning loudly, Lizzie slipped her hand down his pants to caress his

cock. He jumped when she closed her fingers around the shaft and broke the

kiss which was sincerely about to send her over the edge. She pulled his

pants and boxers off in one motion releasing his cock as he pulled his shirt

off and flung it to the side. She pushed him to the bed and climbed on top of


“Lizzie, wait. Let me touch you. The massage, remember?”

“Right. Massage. Okay.” She heaved a deep sigh, rolled to her back and

tried to calm down. Alex, resting on one elbow, snuggled along side of her

in the center of her bed and ran his free hand from her collarbone to her


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“Turn over onto your stomach.”

Lizzie grinned. “Why don’t you start on this side?”

He sent his hand to one breast, cupping the flesh as one finger brushed

over the nipple. “Like right here.”

“Yes. Exactly.”

“I’ll save that for last. Turn over.”

Lizzie groaned and complied. Alex positioned himself over her, put his

hands on her shoulders, rubbing gently and squeezing out any tension along

her neck and upper back.

What seemed like hours later, and only after he’d massaged her from

neck to ankles, twice, did he pause. She tried to roll to her back, but he

stopped her.

“I’m not done yet. Turn back over.”

“What’s left? I promise that was the most exhilarating backrub in the

history of backrubs that I’ve ever experienced.” She was so wet and ready,

she didn’t think she could take much more.

“I’m glad.” Alex leaned over and kissed the center of her back. “But

now I plan to kiss every place my hands were.”

His warm breath proceeded to send a streak of pleasure through her

body with each kiss along her shoulder blades and spine. Lizzie fisted the

comforter in each hand and let him continue. When he kissed the backs of

her knees, she giggled and twisted on to her back. “That’s it. I officially

can’t take any more.”

Alex grinned and came over the top of her on all fours. “That’s

unfortunate. I really want to finish this body massage. I’m only half done.”

Lizzie stroked his face. “Please make love to me.”

“At least let me kiss this side.” His eyes pleaded.

She took a deep breath and exhaled. “Hurry.”

He laughed. “Sorry. I have to go at my own pace. It’ll be worth it. I

promise.” He leaned down and sucked a nipple into his mouth. Lizzie

arched off the bed and grabbed his head. Releasing that nipple, he kissed his

way to the other and licked the extended tip once before clamping his warm

mouth over the center of her breast. He sucked at the other even more

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sensitive nipple

Alternating his lips between each breast, he sucked on each peak

reverently. Her inner muscles clenched and a gush of moisture coated her

lower lips. As if sensing her reaction, Alex brushed a hand down her body,

slipped his fingers between her legs and rubbed her clit. A wave of pleasure

streaked from nipple to nub in an instant. Lizzie arched off the bed again

and screamed as the glorious climax took her by surprise. Alex sent two

fingers inside her body as the orgasm clamped down on them.

“Ohmigod, Alex.” Lizzie panted and tried to catch her breath. “That was

unbelievable.” She grabbed his cock and rubbed her hand down the length.

“I want you inside of me.”

Alex laughed and scooted out of her reach. “Not yet.” Taking both of

her hands into one of his, he secured her wrists above her head. He ran his

free hand down her body, cupping each breast in turn before sending his

hand around her waist. “The thing is, I don’t have a prophylactic with me. I

hadn’t planned on anything like this when I began my evening.” He released

her wrists, put his head on her shoulder and snuggled close.

“You went to a frat party without expecting something like this to

happen?” Lizzie asked with a laugh. “That’s refreshing. I thought it was the

only reason guys went.”

He grinned. “I’d never been to a fraternity party before. I just went for

the experience.” She glanced down at his impressive cock. Hot, hard and

throbbing it jutted against her thigh.

“I don’t want to leave you still hard, unsatisfied and hurting.”

“I’ll be fine.” Raising his head, Alex pinned her with a sultry gaze. “I’d

love another kiss.”

Lizzie suddenly remembered a gag gift that her roommate had given her

on her last birthday. “Wait. I have a condom,” she said and rolled closer to

her night stand. Pulling one of out of a box, she offered it to him.

He snagged the square from her fingers and studied it as if he’d

discovered a rare fossil. Interesting.

“Do you know how to use it?”

His inquisitive grin flashed. “I think so. Let’s find out.”

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* * * *

Alex wanted more than anything to participate in the earth-styled sex

that he’d read about.

“Just tear it open.” Lizzie, naked but for a grin, nodded at the device

which would contain his seed should he be unable to control the urge once

his cock was embedded inside of her body.

“Okay.” He opened the package and with Lizzie’s encouraging help and

positioned himself on his back as she rolled the flexible condom over his

cock. Interesting procedure. Visually stimulating.

Lizzie completed the task as Alex fought the violent urge to do what

was called to procreate on Tiburon. He’d never had such intense feelings

coursing through the very fiber of his being with regard to his cock. Lizzie

stroked his shaft and a buzz reared in his belly.

“Are you ready?” Lizzie’s sweet voice penetrated his thoughts.

“Yes. Are you?” Alex lifted up.

Lizzie nodded and pushed him onto his back again. She slid over him

and straddled his hips allowing his cock to rest between her thighs. The

warmth of her and the intimate contact sent spasms of pleasure through him.

Sex with Lizzie was going to be amazing.

She leaned down to kiss him again and the spark between their lips


Lizzie, seemingly impatient to progress with this momentous

experience, tilted her hips and ran her dripping wet lower lips across Alex’s

cock. He groaned into her mouth as she devoured him with her tongue.

His hands slipped along the soft skin of her shoulder to cup the back of

her head. The other he sent to the base of her spine to press her hips tighter

against his engorged cock. She bent forward until the tips of her breasts

brushed his chest and her own groan of appreciation was voiced.

Alex broke the kiss and stared deeply into her eyes. “Lizzie, I…desire

you very much.”

“I desire you too.”

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As her gaze penetrated to his soul, Lizzie shifted her hips so that his

cock entered her body. His eyes widened and his hips jerked up reacting to

the initial pressure of being inside the sweet, hot, tight space.

Stretching her entrance, Alex slid his hands to her hips to hold her from

deepening the penetration.

“You feel so good, it’s almost too much to bear.”

Lizzie giggled and clamped her inner muscles around him once and he

groaned again.


His eyes popped open to focus on hers. “Watch me.” She pushed her

body down fully seating his cock to her womb in one move. His eyelids

dipped closed for an instant, but when they were fully connected, Alex

grabbed her body tight and pressed his lips to hers. He licked his way inside

her mouth and dueled forcefully with her tongue.

* * * *

Lizzie allowed him to roll their entwined bodies until he was positioned

on top. He made love to her mouth with his to-die-for kisses as he slowly

and tenderly stroked in and out of her body. His ferocious tongue licked

around the inside of her mouth covering every surface as if in a frenzied

pursuit of gratification as he made love to her.

Alex made a noise like a feral growl from his throat as the rich

chocolate flavor again shot into her mouth. The flavor hit the center of her

tongue, her clitoris contracted in bliss and she climaxed, arching her back,

unable to stop the reaction. His cock filled her completely only adding to the

rich experience.

She sucked the chocolaty flavor into her throat lapping it up as Alex’s

tongue slowed. He continued to push his cock in and out of her body. The

rhythm accelerated until he was pounding inside of her deeply. Moments

later a final deep thrust and his groan ignited her next orgasm which was

unbelievably more powerful than the last induced from the chocolate kiss.

Waves of pleasure swamped her body as he shuddered over her one last

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Perspiration dotted her brow as Alex broke the kiss and slumped over

her, panting deeply as if trying to catch his breath.

“That was incredible.” Lizzie squeezed him tight and kissed his neck in

utter satisfaction, nuzzling him until he laughed.

“I don’t think I have the correct words to express how glorious it is to

mouth-touch you Lizzie. Making love with you is even harder to describe.

The word magnificent seems inadequate to express the experience.” He

pressed his lips to her cheek and burrowed his face into her throat.

“I wish we could stay like this forever.” Lizzie ran her hand through his

hair, sifting the locks between her fingers.

“As do I.” Alex hugged her tighter.

Lizzie kissed his mouth and the electricity resumed. She went from zero

to sixty as if the first several times hadn’t even registered. Desperation came

next and after a quick trip to the bathroom, Lizzie found the second of three

condoms she had stashed in her night stand. Before tonight, she hadn’t

thought she’d ever use them. Right now she wondered if three would be


After making love one more time, they fell asleep, Alex was snuggled

against her as tight as possible, their arms wrapped around each other even

in slumber.

The scrape of the key in her front door lock woke Lizzie from a sedate

dreamless sleep. Her first thought was that her roommate was home early.

“Lizzie? Are you here?” Her brother’s voice promptly chilled her to the

bone and infuriated her at the same time.

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Chapter 5

Lizzie carefully extracted herself from Alex and bounced out of bed

before Craig could come in and catch her with a man.

Throwing a silk robe over her nudity, she slipped out of her bedroom as

Craig was almost about to enter.

“What do you think you’re doing? You scared the crap out of me.

You’re lucky I don’t keep a weapon here.” She clicked the door to her

bedroom shut behind her and remained sucked up against the frame to guard

against further inspection.

Craig’s expression was wary, but he turned and moved back into the

living room. Glancing at the clock, she noted the time. It wasn’t even

midnight yet.

“It seems that I’ve lost Alex.” He huffed out a deep breath. “He didn’t

go back to mom and dad’s. No one at the party saw him leave and I don’t

want to go back and tell them I can’t find a trace of him.”

Lizzie’s head spun. But she couldn’t very well announce to her brother

that Alex was currently naked and warming her bed. “Why are you here?”

“Three guesses.” Craig lifted an eyebrow.

She crossed her arms. “You automatically suspect that he’s here?”

Craig eyed her bedroom door again before casting his gaze to her robe.

His brows creased as if a horrible thought had just occurred to him. “Is he in

your bedroom?”

Crossing her arms over her chest she averted her gaze from his eyes and

said firmly, “Don’t be ridiculous.”

Lizzie blocked him when her brother moved towards the bedroom door.

He easily pushed past her and wrenched her bedroom door wide open. Alex,

only partially covered with the top sheet, was still asleep face down in the

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center of her bed.

* * * *

Alex woke from his blissfully languorous sleep to strident voices

shouting threats. A blanket was thrown over his back and suddenly he was

cocooned. He slipped an arm across the sheets slowly and realized that

Lizzie was not underneath them with him any longer.

“Get out, Craig. You had no right to use my key,” Lizzie shouted from

beside the bed. The seductive sound of her voice centered in his chest, until

the realization that her brother was also in the room sent panic through his

sluggish body. He wished he didn’t feel so drained from making love with

Lizzie. He could barely stay conscious.

“I had every right. I was looking for Alex. I was supposed to keep an

eye on him. Looks like I was right to come here.”

“You should have called. The key is for emergencies only.”

Alex made every effort to wake up as the folly of getting caught in this

compromising position registered fully in his muddled brain.

Naked with the sister of the guy who was assigned as your guide

obviously meant trouble. Lifting on his elbows, he negotiated his head from

beneath the blanket to see Craig and Lizzie locked in what looked like an

angry staring contest.

“This was an emergency.” Craig didn’t turn his head, but said, “Alex,

you have five seconds to get out of that bed.”

Lizzie sat down on the edge of the bed trapping him under the blanket.

“No. Alex don’t move. You get out, Craig.” Lizzie’s concerned voice

penetrated his sleepy brain.

“Fine. Then I’m going straight to mom and dad to explain where Alex is

and what he’s doing.” Craig turned and exited the bedroom doorway.

“Wait,” Alex called from beneath the blanket. Popping his chest above

the fabric’s edge, Alex caught Craig’s angry gaze boring into him. Given

that Alex had a sister, he couldn’t blame him. “Wait for me. I’ll be out in a

few minutes.”

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Craig glared, exhaled a deep breath, finally nodded once and closed the

door with a loud pop. Alex turned to Lizzie. Her delectable face was filled

with an equal measure of alarm and regret.

“I don’t want you to leave,” she whispered.

Alex smiled. “Trust me, I don’t want to leave either, but your brother

was entrusted with my care. He has a point.”

Lizzie pursed her lips together. “We didn’t do anything wrong.” She

reached out a hand to caress his cheek. “It was amazing.”

Alex grabbed her fingertips and kissed them. “I know. Let me go talk to

him.” When she began to protest he hugged her close. “I’ll explain my


“Tell me first, what are your feelings?”

He pulled back to stare into her eyes which were suddenly full of water.

“I care for you, Lizzie. I wouldn’t have done this if I didn’t. Please

understand. If I didn’t live so far away, I’d offer for you.”

“Offer for me?”

He squinted. What were the right words? “Make things between us

more permanent. We aren’t even apart yet and I already long for you.”

She grinned and swiped at her eyes. “Does that mean you want to be my


He grinned back. “Perhaps. But for now let me settle your brother down.

He’ll likely take me back to your parent’s house. I’ll look into extending my

trip for awhile longer.”

“I’d love it you could extend it permanently.”

Brushing his finger down her cheek, he murmured, “I’ll see what I can

do, but first let me explain my feelings to your family.” Alex smiled and

hugged her to his chest. The idea of remaining on Earth permanently had

raged through his brain almost from the first second he’d arrived and no

more so than right now.

“Fine. Take him out for a drink or something. I’ll head to my parent’s

house and talk to my mom.”

Alex nodded. He didn’t dare mouth touch her again, but he brushed his

lips across her forehead and rose to get dressed.

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* * * *

“…and then he dragged me down the stairs and out of the frat house

because I kissed a guy.” Lizzie sat in her parent’s den half an hour later,

complaining to her mother.

“He did this over a kiss? That sounds harsh even for Craig.”

“The kiss was very wonderful. But what Craig did next was really bad.

Catching us in the closet wasn’t even the worst part about tonight.”

Her mother sighed. “What else did he do?”

Lizzie narrowed her eyes, crossed her arms and said, “He followed me

to my apartment, used the emergency key to get in and…” Lizzie and her

mother shared everything, but she should probably soften the next


“And what?”

No time for softness. “He caught us in bed together.”

Her mother’s eyebrows raised to her hairline in a matter of moments as

the full disclosure of what she’d just admitted soaked in. Lizzie knew her

mother would not chastise her although her eyes closed for a few seconds.

“Your brother is protective. He learned the skill from your father. I can’t

believe this is a surprise to you.” Her mother’s face softened. “This isn’t like

you, Lizzie. I can’t even name a time that you weren’t caught up in your

school work. Why this guy and why now?”

“He’s the first guy that ever made me feel…” She trailed off in reverent

memory of the climax during that first electric kiss.

A smile formed on her mom’s lips. “Made you feel what, darling?”

“I’ve never enjoyed kissing even from the very first one. Remember

Billy Ford?”

“How could I forget? The junior high school principal must still be deaf

from my screaming at him to paint over a certain poem in the boy’s

bathroom.” Her eyebrows raised in memory.

Lizzie sighed. “This guy kissed me and it was the first time in my life I

ever understood what the big deal was. It was electric and passionate and

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“Sounds wonderful.” Her mother smiled again and squeezed her hand.

“It really was. Alex kissed me a second time and when I tasted

chocolate I went to a completely different dimension, if you know what I

mean?” Lizzie and her mother had always been close. Her mother was

practical and non-judgmental about sex. They’d shared everything. Lizzie

just hadn’t ever had anything to share until tonight.

Her mother let out a little scream and stood up. “Chocolate! You tasted

chocolate!” her mother’s voice was overloud. “Alex. Oh God. You kissed

Alex? Our Alex?”

“Mom, calm down. You’re starting to sound like Craig.”

Her mother closed her eyes. “I’m sorry, darling. I don’t mean to be

shrill.” She sat back down and grabbed Lizzie’s hand again. “Do you mean

Alex as in the guest we have staying with us who is visiting from,” her

mother said and audibly swallowed hard, “out of town?”

“I guess so.” Lizzie shrugged. “He mentioned that.”

“Oh dear.”

Lizzie scrunched her eyebrows. “What is going on, Mom?”

“I’m afraid I have some explaining to do. I should have done it a long

time ago, but I didn’t think it would matter. We had you tested when you

were young and we thought all three of you were human.”

“Human? Mom, what on earth are you talking about? What else would I

be if not human?”

Her mother’s hand landed on her shoulders and squeezed. “Hear me out

before you say anything. This is probably going to be a bit of a shock to


“Mom, you’ve stopped making sense.”

“The thing is your father is from Tiburon. It’s a planet two galaxies

from here. He’s an alien.”

Lizzie huffed. “Is this another fairy tale story to get my mind off things?

Because I’m really not in the mood.”

“No.” Gabrielle looked towards the ceiling as if for divine intervention

before piercing her with a stern gaze. “This is serious. I believe you must

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have some of the characteristics of your father’s people. If I’d known, I

would have told you already. The only reason we told Craig was because

Alex was visiting and there were certain things we wanted to avoid. Like

having him mouth-touch any earth women.”

Lizzie scrunched her brows. “Does that mean I’m an alien?”

“No, darling, you’re half-alien.”

“And you didn’t think it was important to tell me this, why?”

The front door bounced open and Craig stalked inside with Alex trailing

behind him. Her mother didn’t have time to explain further before her

brother started bellowing. “Mom! Dad! I need to talk to you.”

* * * *

Alex prepared to be exiled back to Tiburon after what had happened

with Lizzy. He’d participated in the fraternity party games not expecting his

life to change so dramatically. Craig was naturally protective of his sister.

He didn’t want her to be hurt once Alex left for good.

After leaving Lizzie’s apartment, Alex hadn’t been able to convince

Craig he wasn’t simply toying with Lizzie before trotting back to his planet.

He thought furiously on how to make things right. Should he offer to join

with her? What was it called again? He searched his memory. Marriage. He

should offer for her hand in marriage.

“For heaven’s sake, Craig, lower your voice. It’s after midnight! There

is no need for shouting,” Gabrielle yelled.

“I’m sorry, Mom, but there’s a problem. I caught Alex kissing a girl in

the frat house coat closet. Then I lost him for awhile and once I found him, I

had to remove him from the girl’s apartment.”

“You big tattle tale,” came an angry voice from the next room.

Lizzie shot into the entryway eyes blazing and launched at her brother.

“I told you to stay at your apartment, Lizzie. What are you doing here?”

Craig stepped in front of Alex.

“I don’t answer to you. I came over to talk to mom about what an

overbearing ass you’ve been all night.”

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Gabrielle stepped between her children. Alex cleared his throat. “I’m

sorry to cause such a rift in your family, Gabrielle. I’m not sure how to

make amends.”

“Alex.” Lizzie turned from her brother, eyes wide and gave him a heart-

melting grin.

“I’m sure you didn’t mean any harm, Alex. Lizzie didn’t know about

Tiburon. It’s our fault really. We should have explained things to her before


Lizzie leaned forward. “You still haven’t explained yet, Mom. Not


Gabrielle sent Alex a narrow look and asked, “Why didn’t you use your


Lizzie scrunched her eyes. “Barrier? What barrier?”

“I did.” Alex shrugged. “It didn’t work on her.” On Tiburon, mouth-

touching with barriers yielded nothing. No tactile stimulation whatsoever.

“Interesting.” Gabrielle’s eyebrows furrowed.

A light went on upstairs and the beam of illumination traversed

downstairs. The four of them turned toward the stairs as Keller descended

slowly to the first floor in a dark blue bathrobe.

“What is going on down here?”

“Don’t you even open your mouth!” Lizzie pushed past Gabrielle,

slapped a hand over her brother’s face and punched her elbow into his ribs.

Craig grunted but otherwise remained silent.

Keller shifted his gaze to each of them briefly but finally focused on his

life partner. “Gabrielle? Care to explain?”

“No. I don’t.” She crossed her arms. “Go back to bed.”

“I don’t think so. What’s going on here tonight that has everyone so


“Tell him, Mom!” Craig shouted through his sister’s fingers at the exact

same time Lizzie said, with equal zeal, “Don’t tell him, Mom!”

“It’s my responsibility to tell you that I mouth-touched Lizzie,” Alex

said quietly. He turned to her father and waited for a verbal punishment.

Keller narrowed his focus directly on Alex. In a soft yet seething tone,

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he asked, “Perhaps I didn’t hear you correctly. You did what to my


“I mouth-touched her.” Alex cleared his throat and added, “More than

once. I’d like to offer for her.”

Keller didn’t hesitate with an answer. “No.”

“Daddy.” Lizzie’s forlorn tone grabbed Alex’s heart and tightened.

“Sir, with all due respect, I love her.” Alex turned to Lizzie with a smile.

“I plan to request I be allowed to stay here permanently.”

“No. Alex must return home. It’s likely he won’t be back here again.”

Lizzie sucked in an audible breath of surprise. “But why not?”

Gabrielle turned to her husband and said, “Keller, he kissed her with his

barrier up.”

Keller closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. “And?”

“And she tasted chocolate anyway.”

Keller’s hands fisted as he took an angry step toward Alex, but

Gabrielle inserted herself between the two of them. “Stop it. She isn’t five

years old any longer. She’s all grown up. You were going to have to

relinquish her sometime.”

“She’ll always be my daughter regardless of her age. What he did

shouldn’t have happened.”

Gabrielle’s voice was a whisper but he heard her words anyway. “What

Alex did, she participated in. She cares about him and I believe he cares

about her given his offer. You can’t kill him for it.”

“She gets her attitude from you. I shouldn’t be surprised.”

“It seems to me that you loved my attitude from the very beginning.” A

mischievous smile played along Gabrielle’s mouth.

Keller’s stance relaxed momentarily, but his expression hardened again

still laced with fury when he turned to Alex. “Regardless, the same doesn’t

apply to my child.” He arched an eyebrow then shook his head as if to clear


“Besides, it no longer matters. I just received a missive from…” he

trailed off and glanced at his children. His frown was probably because

Lizzie had her hand firmly secured over the lower half of Craig’s face.

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Alex knew missives arrived via Tiburon on a special piece of equipment

linking his home planet Tiburon with Earth.

“Yes?” Gabrielle motioned him to continue.

Keller diverted his eyes from his children and back on his life mate.

“Alex has been summoned back home. There’s been an emergency.”

“What happened?” Alex couldn’t imagine why anyone would request he

return. “Is it my father?”

“No. Your sister has fallen ill. Your father sent a missive requesting

your immediate return.”

“Ria’s sick?” An emotion akin to panic kicked Alex in the stomach. His

sister. His twin. Stricken with an illness serious enough that he was being

called back to Tiburon? His insides became queasy with alarm.

“Yes. I’m sorry. They’ve already sent transportation. It will arrive this

time tomorrow.”

Alex nodded. “I’ll be ready to leave.” He turned and caught Lizzie’s

heartbroken expression regarding his departure, which mirrored his feelings


“I’ll send a missive to you, Lizzie.” He knew it was inadequate given

how he felt and what had just happened between them, but worry about his

sister’s illness over rode all else.

Alex noted her distressed expression and privately vowed to return to

her, whatever it took. Likely it would take a great deal to ever see her again.

If he made it back to Earth, he wondered if Keller would prevent them from

being together.

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Chapter 6

“Wait.” Lizzie wasn’t ready for Alex to leave yet. Her hand dropped

from Craig’s mouth.

All eyes focused on her. “I’ll go with you, Alex.”

Craig snorted, “No, you won’t.” Her brother then drilled an evil look

over to Alex. Her father noticed and cocked his head to one side.

“Lizzie, I’m sorry, but you can’t go with him. It’s too far away.” He

turned to Alex with a frown. “I’ll have Craig take you to…” her father

glanced at Lizzie’s surely stricken face and his gaze hardened. “…the place

of your departure tomorrow night. In the mean time, I’d rather you didn’t

engage yourself with my daughter further.”

“That’s not fair.” Lizzie took a step in her father’s direction. “I should

have a say in my own love life.”

“I’m not thwarting your love life. Alex must return home because his

sister is ill.”

Alex shot Lizzie a reassuring smile and headed up the stairs.

“Alex.” Lizzie called and he turned back unable to hide his regret. A

tear rolled down one cheek and dripped off of her chin before she could stop

it. “Please, wait.”

“I can’t. I’m sorry. My sister is sick. I must go.” he said quietly and

glanced at Keller. “I’ll try to send word to you later.”

Lizzie stayed up late and spent the night in deep discussion with her

mother. They talked about Tiburon late into the night as Lizzie had about a

thousand questions. She eventually fell asleep curled on her mother’s lap

and neither of them woke up until late the next morning.

She expected to speak with Alex once more, but her father had shuttled

him out of the house before she and her mother woke up.

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“It’s not fair.” Lizzie let a quiet sob escape once she learned he was

already gone.

Her mother sighed. “I know, darling.”

Lizzie slid her head onto her mother’s shoulder and stopped trying to

hold in the tears. Seated on the comfortable sofa in the den, her mother

didn’t say anything as Lizzie poured out her sadness and her endless tears.

Wrapped her mother’s arms, Lizzie curled up like when she was little and

life treated her unfairly.

“I didn’t even get to say good bye.” She sniffed and rubbed her eyes

already feeling miserable and lonely. “At least not privately.”

“I’m sorry. I wish I could do something to make it all better.”

Lizzie sat up. “Do you know where he’s departing from? Maybe I could

drive out there and see him off.”

Her mother shook her head. “No. It’s a secret location.”

“Do you know where it is?”

Her mother’s eyes widened. “I’m not sure.”

“I think you do. Please, tell me where he’s leaving from.”

“Why is it so important?”

“I just want to say good bye.”

Her mother looked over her shoulder as if to assess where her father

might be and murmured, “I don’t think that would be a good idea. I’m sorry,

darling, but I don’t think he’s going to come back. In the long run, seeing

him again will only prolong the pain of losing him.”

“No it won’t.” Lizzie turned her surely red-rimmed eyes on her mother.

“He’s the only one to ever make me feel anything passionate.”

“What makes you think he’s the only one?”

“Because I’ve kissed lots of guys before. All those double dates that

Emma Ruth dragged me on throughout high school and college always

ended up the same. The kisses were always awful. And the guys weren’t

very impressed either. Didn’t you ever wonder why that stopped? Guys talk

and I got a reputation for being a fish kisser.”

“A fish kisser? What on earth is that?”

“It’s a girl that doesn’t inspire even a spark of passion. Dead. Cold. Just

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like when I kissed them. Nothing. Zip. Nada. At least not until last night

with Alex.”

Gabrielle’s expression softened. “I’m sorry, darling, I didn’t know. Why

didn’t you ever tell me this before?”

“What were you going to do? I didn’t know about the being half alien

thing. Maybe I can only find a boyfriend on Tiburon.”

“I hope that’s not true. I’d miss you.” Her mother drew her into her

embrace again.

“I know I’m the youngest, but I’m not a baby anymore. I love you and

dad very much, but I want a life with someone. I’d given up on love. I

figured I’d bury myself in science and work. Until I met Alex. Tonight was

the first time I’ve ever felt like there was someone in the world for me to


“You’re right. You do deserve to have someone to love. As your

mother, I just wish you weren’t convinced it has to be with someone on

another planet. I especially wish I’d known about the kissing thing.”

“Even if you’d known what could you have done?”

“I could have arranged for a healer to visit from Tiburon to check you

over. I still can. A healer could perhaps fix it so you can feel something with

the men on earth.”

“I want Alex. I don’t want anyone else. I don’t understand why he can’t

ever come back.”

“Darling, that is a long complicated story and in the end it’s not up to

me. I don’t have the authority to give you what you want. I’m sorry.”

“Then tell me where Alex is leaving from. You know where the

departure location is, don’t you?”

Gabrielle sent her exasperated gaze to the ceiling and huffed out a

breath. “Perhaps.”

“Please, Mom. I’ll go and say good bye. It’s only fair.”

Her mother swiveled around to face her and sighed deeply. “I’m going

to regret this, aren’t I?”

* * * *

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Alex couldn’t get Lizzie’s heartbroken expression out of his mind. She

and Gabrielle had sequestered themselves in the den the night before.

Keller had woken him this morning and forbidden him from seeing her

or even saying good-bye. Alex and Craig left early to spend the day at

Craig’s apartment. Her brother acted as his guard to ensure he stayed away

from Lizzie.

“Did you see her face?” Craig asked. “I’ve never seen her look so


“I’m sorry.”

“Are you?” Craig bored a scornful gaze his direction. “This is exactly

why I didn’t want you two together in the first place. I didn’t want you to

involve yourself with anyone expecting a long term commitment.”

Alex straightened and crossed his arms in frustration. “I understand your

anger, but please be aware of one thing. I wasn’t playing around with her

until it was time to go back to Tiburon. I care deeply for her. I want a long

term commitment, but your father won’t allow it. At least not yet.”

“Where would you live? Huh? Tell me, what’s the half way place

between Earth and Tiburon? The two of you never had a chance. You

shouldn’t have kissed her.”

Alex knew he had a point, but wasn’t ready to admit it or give up on the

idea of a future with Lizzie. “Until I got the news about my sister, I’d

planned to ask for another extension to spend more time here. Your sister is

the only reason I wanted to stay.”

“To what end? You knew you’d have to go back eventually. And now

Lizzie is the one paying the price.” Craig shook his head. “Listen, I know

you weren’t trying to be a bastard, I just didn’t want Lizzie to be hurt after

you were gone.”

Sighing, Alex nodded. “Right.”

Later in the day, Craig sped them to the departure platform in his

vehicle. The hidden away place in an old industrial area was their

destination. However, progress intruded on the surrounding area. It was

another reason why further trips wouldn’t likely be authorized.

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A tight-lipped and silent Craig stopped the vehicle to let him out with

his meager belongings. “Good luck,” he called and departed into the night

leaving Alex alone with his conflicting emotions. The heart wrenching

thought of leaving Lizzie and never seeing her again vied for attention with

the soul crushing worry about, Ria.

Ria was his twin sister. She was the older of the two of them and thus it

qualified her for the role of Commander at Arms for the Queen of Tiburon.

A position their father Crag had held for many years.

Someday soon the queen’s second son, Kyle, would inherit the throne

and after that his eldest daughter would rule, but in the meantime, Elsbeth

managed her royal station with dignity and the legendary iron-fisted will for

which she was known. There were rumors that the Queen and his father

might retire at the same time.

If anything happened to Ria, Alex was next in line to inherit his father’s

title of Commander at Arms. Unfortunately, he didn’t want it. He never had.

Besides, Ria loved her birthright. Alex enjoyed sparring with her, but

was much more interested in reading, learning and scientific pursuits as a


Whenever Ria wanted to rile him up, she’d pick a fight and wouldn’t

stop provoking him until he struck back and put her on the ground, unable to

move. She rarely gave in or pleaded for quarter even immobile with her face

in the dirt. She regarded their mock battles as an important training exercise

and he realized how much he’d missed her while on this trip.

He strolled quickly along the brick lined alley way to the narrow

opening between two building which led into wide open space hidden by

several more tall abandoned structures.

The space ship from Tiburon waited in the upper atmosphere and a

landing party had arrived via a blue light transport into the secluded area to

collect him.

His best friend, Bern, the ship’s captain for this trip, approached. “Alex.

Good to see you. Sorry your trip was cut short.”

“Thanks, Bern. Any word on Ria’s condition?” Alex walked to where

the others were gathered.

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Bern’s sober face seemed rife with concern. “The last transmit said she

was stable, but still unconscious.”

“What happened to her?”

Bern’s eyes tightened, but he promptly shook his head. “She collapsed

soon after her arrival back to Tiburon from the leadership conference on

Declan Five. She was discovered in the Alimentus room.”

“Did she consume something unhealthy?”

Bern looked slightly uncomfortable at first, but then he shrugged. “No

one seems to know. It was reported that she was found alone. The good

news is that I was sent to fetch you more as a precaution than an


Alex relaxed a little, nodded once and glanced over his shoulder,

wishing he could have seen Lizzie one more time.

“We have the ship auto-prepped and set to depart upon our arrival. As

soon as we beam back up the thrusters will kick in and we’ll be halfway

across the galaxy before you know it.”

“Thanks, Bern. I’m ready to go.” Alex turned and the blue light

surrounded him and his fellow travelers.

As the tube of blue, which would propel them to the recovery chamber

of the spacecraft spun around them gearing up to top speed for departure, a

small figure jumped from the outside area in time to be sucked up into the

blue hovering vortex headed for the ship.

Alex saw a flash of blonde hair before the suspended animation of the

transport kicked in.

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Chapter 7

Lizzie landed in the center of the group amidst the swirling blue

transparent beam and hung in mid air, her feet not touching the ground, just

like her mother had explained had happened to her all those years ago.

Seeing Craig’s car speeding in the opposite direction had ultimately

helped confirm that she was in the correct place. She’d seen the flicker of

blue down a nearby alley way and ditched her car to run as fast as her legs

would carry her. With her purse slapping her side, she dove for the center of

the blue light before it disappeared.

Once her father found out, he’d be furious. However, Lizzie wasn’t

ready to give Alex up. She hadn’t had a chance to say good bye and the

unfairness of finally finding a man who made her tingle from head to toes

with a single kiss made her bold actions easy to instigate.

It would be worth a little fatherly wrath, to spend more time with Alex.

She and her mother had talked non-stop the night before. Most of Lizzie’s

questions about Tiburon had been answered.

The blue beam stopped swirling around the group and Lizzie was

propelled from her mid-air leap to crashing to her knees in the center of a

circle of very tall warriors. Their astonished expressions paled in

comparison to the one exhibited by the man she’d done this for. Alex. He

looked completely horrified for a moment.

“Lizzie?” Alex rushed forward and bent to help her up.

“Who is this, Alex?” A very tall red-headed male dressed in a flight suit

approached them.

“I’m Lizzie. Who are you?”

“I’m Bern, captain of this vessel.”

“Lizzie, what did you do?” Alex slid his arm around her shoulder

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protectively. “We can’t take you back to Earth right away.” He glanced at

Bern who nodded.

“Good. I was hoping you’d say that. I didn’t get a chance to say good

bye. And actually, I didn’t want to say good bye. I’d like to spend some time

with you. Now that I know about Tiburon, I’d like to spend some time there

as well.”

Bern squinted at her. “This is highly unorthodox. Do you have

permission to be on this vessel?”

Lizzie shrugged. “Probably not. Where would I get permission?” She

glanced at Alex and smiled.

Bern inhaled deeply. “From the royal house of Tiburon for starters.

Followed closely by The Commander at Arms for the Queen.”

“I’ll be responsible for her, Bern.” Alex tightened his grip around her


The captain gave them a dubious look and exhaled loudly. “I’ll send

word ahead as soon as we’re in range.”

“Thanks, Bern. I’ll keep her with me for the duration of the trip.”

Bern nodded and briskly strolled away, the sound of his boots echoed

for several seconds.

Lizzie tried to plant her lips on his but Alex’s hand came up between

them and she kissed the pads of his fingertips instead. His skin was warm

but it wasn’t quite what she wanted.

Alex withdrew his hand and backed up a step. “We can’t kiss any more,

Lizzie. Not here. Never in public. And it most especially must not happen

once we get to Tiburon.”

“Why not?”

“Because the customs of my planet are vastly different. Come, I’ll take

you to my quarters. The trip should only take a few hours. I can instruct you

on proper behavior.”

Lizzie frowned. “Aren’t you at least a little bit glad to see me?”

Alex turned to her and a small grin erupted. “Yes. More than I can ever

express. I can’t believe you followed me. Does your father know?”

“Not yet. My mother told me where the departure platform was located.

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She wasn’t going to tell my father until it was too late for him to stop me

from coming to see you off.”

“Your mother let you depart?”

“Not exactly. The truth is my mother doesn’t know I decided to jump on

the platform to extend my journey. I expect there will be a message waiting

by the time we get to your planet from both my parents expecting my

immediate return.”

“Let’s hope it isn’t a message to have me executed.”

* * * *

Lizzie shook her head. “My dad won’t kill you. I won’t let him. Besides,

I’m still trying to take in the fact that you and my father are from another

planet. My mom and I talked about it all night.”

Alex led her from the transfer chamber, down a tight ship corridor to his

private quarters for this journey. It was a very small space with an austere

décor compared to all the places he’d visited on earth, but Alex figured it

would be better to keep Lizzie out of sight of the others until they arrived on


“Honestly, I’d convinced myself I’d never see you ever again. I think I

must be dreaming.”

He opened the door and led her inside. “This is cozy,” she said.

“Not as big as your apartment space, but it’s only for travel. My place at

home on Tiburon is larger.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’m not here to check out your status or your bank

account.” Lizzie turned and pressed her body to his. “I’m here for you. Am I

allowed to kiss you yet?”

Now that Alex was back on a ship with people he knew, the differences

on Earth were more apparent. He would love to kiss her, but decorum didn’t

allow for it. “Probably not a good idea.”

“Why? Aren’t we alone now?”


“Then kiss me?”

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Alex grabbed her hands weaving his fingers through hers. “On my

planet, touching hands is the term we use for kissing.”


“If you want to touch lips together, it’s called mouth-touching.”

“Oh right, I remember now?” Lizzie grinned. “Mouth-touch me then.”

Alex smiled and allowed a short sigh to escape. “Mouth-touching on my

planet is the same as sex on your planet.”

Lizzie’s eyes went very wide. “Really? Interesting. Was it naughty for

you to see everyone kissing, or rather mouth-touching, on earth?”

A lopsided smile appeared on her face to accompany her question. It

was so endearing, Alex wanted to wrap himself around her and never let go.

He answered carefully. “I was prepared. I’ve done extensive reading on

earth and its history.” He grinned. “It was quite a surprise to experience it at

the party where we met. I kept my barrier up.”

“Barrier? I remember my parents mentioning that right before we were

separated. So this barrier that you have, is it like a force field?”

“Sort of like that to protect me from unwanted advances and anything

that would hurt me. It doesn’t always work in the usual manner when

earthlings and people from Tiburon interact.”

Lizzie scrunched her eyes. “Did you use your barrier on me?”

Alex tilted his head unsure what answer would make her more unhappy.

“Initially, yes. However, it doesn’t work on you. Once we stepped into

your apartment I lowered it. I could tell a difference, but you seemed to have

the same reaction regardless.”

“I wonder why?”

He shrugged. “Possibly it’s because each of us is half-human and half-


Lizzie nodded and a realization occurred. “Upon retrospect, maybe I’ve

had a permanent barrier up for all the other guys I’ve ever kissed, but not

with you.”

Alex leaned closer and pressed his lips to her cheek. “I’ve never been a

jealous possessive sort until you. I’m glad I’m your only one.”

“I wish you’d satisfy me once more before we get to your planet.”

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He laughed and looked over his shoulder to assure himself the door was

locked. “Perhaps one little earth-styled kiss wouldn’t hurt.”

“Excellent.” Lizzie pushed him backwards until he sat down hard on the

austere sofa butted against one wall. She quickly straddled his legs and the

thought of her lips on his once more put a sultry song in his heart. Alex

thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen and he adored her

feisty spirit.

He loved everything about her. Sharing intimacies on Earth had been

wildly erotic. The entire time Alex had spent with Lizzie had been thrilling.

He knew their time was limited and planned to enjoy every second of what


* * * *

Lizzie prepared to lock lips with Alex and wished their newfound

relationship wasn’t temporary. Alex leaned back as she hovered over him,

prepared to kiss his lips off in electrifying passion. Before she connected,

Alex whispered, “I’m glad you came, Lizzie. I’m sorry our parting was so


Lizzie nodded and grinned. “Yeah, that’s pretty much what prompted

my leap into the blue light. I wanted a chance to say good bye properly.”

“How did you know about the transport?”

“My mom told me along with lots of other things.”

He nodded. “My father told me the story of what happened between

your parents a long time ago. I believe that your mother, Gabrielle, did the

exact same thing.” Alex slid his hands along her arms.

Lizzie smiled. “Yes. She told me all about her adventures on Tiburon

last night. She told me a shortened version of what happened between your

parents when they met on earth too.”

“Oh?” He nodded and shrugged. “I’ve known all my life that I was half-

human.” He searched her eyes.

“I guess it’s different for you.”

“Perhaps,” he said and moved closer. “But still I’m delighted you’re

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here regardless of the issues I know it’s going to cause. I wanted to tell you

how important you are to me.”

“Really, because I wanted you to understand how important you are to

me as well. I’ve never felt anything like our first kiss.”

Alex hugged her close. “The experience, while completely wonderful

and certainly unexpected, pales in comparison to what happened between us

at your apartment. I don’t know what our future holds for us, but I wish I

could spend the rest of my life getting to know you better.”

“I feel the same way. What’s stopping us?”

His lips quirked. “Living on different planets, each of which is in a

different galaxy, is prohibitive.”

She grinned. “What if I decided to remain with you on your planet?”

His wide-eyed expression was hard to read. But the desire in his eyes

suggested he wanted her. “Tiburon is not like earth. There is a different

lifestyle and decorum and rules that are more stringent than on earth. You

might not like it.”

She shrugged. “So maybe you could come back to earth.”

“Not if my sister is seriously ill.”

“Perhaps she’ll get better. Then you’d be free to decide what you want

to do and where you wish to live.”

“Bern said that she was stable and I was being brought back as more of

a precaution.”

Lizzie grinned. “That’s good. I hope she gets better very soon. So tell

me, what precaution are you being brought back for in such a rush?”

“I’m next in line for my father’s position as Commander at Arms.”

“That sounds very important.”

“It is and it’s very honorable. The position has been in our family for a

thousand years. I’ve never planned on being Commander, but I will do it, if


“What did you plan on doing?”

“I’d planned on working at the science lab and museum. It’s a learning

center as well. I planned to teach.”

“Interesting. My father is a teacher, too.”

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“Yes, I know. Keller is a wonderful instructor and very passionate about

learning. I spent some time with him during the past several weeks.”

Lizzie grinned. “You willingly listened to my father lecture?”

“Of course.” Alex leaned closer. “So what were your plans before our

first auspicious kiss, which brought you onto a speeding space craft to


Lizzie sighed. “Well, I’m less than a semester away from completing

my graduate degree in chemical engineering. I’ve been very driven in my

education because I didn’t have any romantic distractions. Recently I was

awarded a very prestigious fellowship to work in my field. After I graduate I

expect that I’ll bury myself in work.”

“And now?”

“It would be foolish to expect a future between us, but I wasn’t ready

for you to go. Like I said, I’ve never had a romantic distraction. I guess I

wanted to try one out for a little longer.”

“I never had a romantic distraction either. At least not one that I was as

passionate about.” Alex brushed the back of his hand down her face. “You’ll

get to meet my mother. She and I are very close.”

“Are you close with your father?”

“In a matter of speaking. He spends the majority of his spare time with

my sister to train her for the commander position. When we are together, he

and I get along well enough.”

Lizzie reached out unable to stop herself from touching his face. “So tell

me again what’s allowed on your planet regarding touching and kissing.”

“We can hold hands, but absolutely no kissing in public.”

“We aren’t in public now.”

He laughed. “You are insatiable.”

“Is that bad?”

“No. When you’re gone, I’ll miss you. I know that I won’t be allowed to

keep you, but I want to.”

Lizzie shifted in his lap. “Perhaps we should use what limited available

time we have to expand our memories.”

Alex slipped his arms around her and pulled her close. “I agree.”

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Lizzie dipped her mouth to his and asked, “So about this barrier you

have. How does it work?”

“I’ve experimented and whether I have it up or down, I can still feel you

all the way to my soul. Without results in a stronger sensation for me. I

don’t know if you can tell a difference.”

“So could you start kissing me with your barrier up and then flip it off in

the middle?”

“Yes. Why?”

“I’m just curious. I’m a scientist. I like experiments.”

“All right. But I’ll go on record that I think you just want an excuse to

kiss me.”

Lizzie laughed. Placing her hands on either side of his face, she pressed

her lips into his and the ferocity of the feeling left her breathless. She

inhaled deeply as a buzzing sensation centered in her belly and then dropped

low into her core. His tongue glided across her lips seeking entrance and her

womb tightened in pleasure. Lizzie moaned and opened for him. He stroked

against her tongue and her clit fairly vibrated, ready to release.

Tenderly, Alex licked his way around the inside of her mouth, until

Lizzie was frantic. A hand pressed her lower back and the other threaded

fingers into her hair to snuggle her closer to his rising erection.

Lizzie moved her hips to rub her clit against his cock. He shuddered and

his tender kiss increased in intensity from passionate to carnal. A low growl

soon issued from his throat when Lizzie continued curling her hips against

his fully erect shaft. She wanted to just do him, but didn’t want to break the

connection to get undressed. Next time they’d have to plan better and

disrobe first.

Alex’s kiss devoured her. Every nerve ending in her body screamed for

release. He clutched her tight as a rush of chocolate flavor soaked her

tongue. The moment she tasted it, she came in a burst of pleasure twisting

all though her limbs.

His tongue slowed, enabling her to lap and suck the flavor from his

mouth. Each taste sent the wicked vibration of post climactic spasms down

her body.

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Head falling back against the sofa, Alex panted quietly as she slipped

her head onto his shoulder to recover. His cock was still rigid beneath her.

“Did you climax?” she whispered.

“Yes. Did you?”

“Oh yes.” Lizzie tried to level her breathing. “You’re still hard.” She

rubbed her hand over his stiff shaft which made him jump. It did nothing to

reduce the escalating swell.

“I can’t seem to control that when I’m with you.”

“On earth, it means you didn’t release. I just want to make sure that you

feel as good as I do.” Lizzie snuggled up and hugged him close.

“I feel great. The chocolate flavor you tasted is the Tiburon version of

my release.”

“It’s intoxicating, that flavor. That’s what puts me over the edge.”

He grinned. “As it’s supposed to.”

Lizzie squeezed her hand over his shaft again eliciting a pleasurable

sounding groan. “So in your world your erection is used for what exactly?”

“It’s only used for procreation.”

“So does it feel good for you when you procreate?”

He laughed. “Yes. Although the first time I ever tried it was with you.”

* * * *

“On Tiburon, erections are used only to produce children. I shouldn’t

get hard from mouth-touching, but I’m only half Tiburon and with you I

seem to exhibit my earth genes with ease and enthusiasm.” Alex grinned.

Lizzie squeezed his hard shaft again and a shudder ran down his body.

“Your hand on my cock feels incredible, but you’re going to have to let go

so I can relax.”

“I can help you relax. It would be cruel of me to leave you like this. Let

me…release you.”

Alex throbbed with the desire to make love to her. “I don’t have a


She grinned deviously. “There is another way.”

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His eyebrows scrunched as he lifted his head slowly. “What other way?”

“Better if I just show you.”

She unfastened his pants. Gripping his cock in her soft hand, her warm

breath brushed a promising sensation across the head of his shaft.

Alex had read about oral sex before going to earth, but until right now

hadn’t completely understood the appeal. If it were only half as enjoyable as

copulation it would be worth the risk of discovery. Her tongue slipped out

and licked a blazing path around his tip before she sucked the head of his

cock into her warm mouth and then he didn’t care about anything else.

The white hot pleasure from her simple action brought a hiss of surprise

from between his teeth. He plunged his fingertips into the silky texture of

her hair as his cock disappeared into her mouth.

The pleasure of suction was absolutely indescribable. He didn’t know

how long she did it, but after a seemingly lengthy time, he growled as his

seed released and overwhelmed him. Alex couldn’t speak for a few minutes.

His fast breathing was uncontrollable and erratic, he wondered if he was

about to die from contentment. If so, it had been worth every moment.

She tucked his cock back into his jeans as he recovered.

“I don’t know what to say. That was like a red hot blaze of intensity

equal to your sun radiating a bolt of gratification across my body.”

“Does that mean it was good for you?”

He laughed. “It was amazing.”

“I’m glad.”

The sudden knock at the door startled them. When the handle rattled,

Alex leapt into action untangling himself from her to ensure she’d fastened

his pants.

Once he was assured his clothing remained intact Alex crossed the room

to open the door.

Bern stood at the threshold. “Is everything all right in here?”

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Chapter 8

“Everything is fine.” Alex’s body was very relaxed but he thought his

voice sounded uptight. “Do you have news?”

Bern narrowed his eyes, and shook his head.

Alex had never been a man who led his life on the edge. He lived a quiet

introspective existence. Even his short-lived, and ultimately tumultuous,

relationship with Shauna hadn’t roused his senses or changed his way of life

to the same degree that spending only a couple of days with Lizzie had


Since meeting Lizzie he’d done the most extraordinary things in the

name of mutinous curiosity. Starting with a mouth-touch in a coat closet at a

college party, to the most recent and astonishing oral experience only

moments ago. Now that Lizzie had stranded herself on this vessel bound for

Tiburon, he was secretly elated.

The expression of curious disbelief now resting on Bern’s face gave him

pause. It wasn’t like Alex to bend rules, let alone break them by willingly

harboring a renegade. He usually pondered his decisions carefully. Lizzie

made him reckless and energized.

“Do you have any specific messages for me to transmit?” Bern finally

asked although his gaze remained firmly fixed on Lizzie.

“I’d like to know if Ria has recovered.” Bern glanced at him and


Shifting his gaze back to Lizzie, Bern said, “We’ll be within

transmission range shortly.”

“Good.” Alex tried not to think about what he and Lizzie had just been

doing right before Bern showed up and hoped his friend would turn his

uncanny mind reading abilities off right now.

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Bern turned his focus back on Alex. “Is there anything else you want me

to relay?”

“I think he wants to know how you’re going to explain me.” Lizzie

grinned at the two of them.

Alex sighed. “If you must say something, tell them I brought a friend

back with me.”

“A friend? I will not participate in a lie. Not even for you.”

“It’s not a lie. She is a friend and she’s definitely coming back with

me.” Alex smiled.

Bern was obviously not amused, even when he said, “Very funny. You

know as well as I do that you could get into serious trouble, Alex. It is

expressly forbidden, in case you’ve forgotten, to bring anyone back from

another planet to Tiburon, and most especially earthlings.”

“I know it’s irregular, but regardless, she will be treated as my guest

while she’s on this ship and also once we land on Tiburon.”

Bern nodded and turned to leave. “Fine. I warned you.”

“What do you want me to do, Bern? Thrust her out of the ship’s airlock

into space?”

“No. I want you to treat her like the stowaway that she is.”

“Now wait just a minute.” Lizzie stood up. “Perhaps I was uninvited to

your little trip back to Tiburon, but you don’t have to treat me like a



“No, Alex.” She cut him off and sent a sneering glare to Bern. Through

gritted teeth, she added, “I will not be harassed.”

“If it were up to me,” Bern took a step in her direction, “you’d be in our

confinement room awaiting charges and not being treated like a royal


Lizzie fisted her hands. “What is your problem?”

“Stop it, both of you.” Alex stepped between them before a fist fight

erupted. He placed a hand on each of their shoulders and squeezed.

Bern inhaled audibly and exhaled slowly as if trying to calm his anger.

“I don’t know who you are, but don’t expect me to bow at your feet as

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though you are something special. You are an earthling and therefore


“I’m half-Tiburon, so in fact, Mr. Self-Righteous, I’m only half-


“Half-Tiburon?” Bern’s eyes glanced at Alex and then back at Lizzie

before they then widened. “Is you’re father, Keller, formerly of Tiburon?”

“Yes. He used to be the future king, but he gave it up for my mother to

live on Earth. So back off and chill out.”

Bern squinted with seeming uncertainty for the first time since entering

the room and retreated a step. “My apologies.” He turned to Alex. “I’ll

inform you at once when we make contact.”

“Fine. Thank you.”

Backing out of the room, Bern gave Lizzie one more head to toe look

and closed the door quietly.

“What was that all about?” Lizzie crossed her arms and frowned.

“Bern is the commander of the mission to retrieve me. He must explain

any unauthorized activity. Picking up unexpected travelers is a difficult

event to explain to our leaders.”


“Because of what happened between your parents.”

Lizzie’s eyebrows went up. “My parents? What did they do?”

“Your father deserted his throne to live with your mother on Earth. In

our world it was a scandal without equal. No one in the royal family has

ever given up the position in a thousand years.”

Lizzie digested the information for a moment. “But isn’t your mother

from earth?”

“Yes. But she gave up living on Earth to live on Tiburon. Definitely a

big event at the time, but not as shocking at Keller abdicating the kingship

of Tiburon in favor of his younger brother, Kyle, so he could life partner

with an alien.”

“My mother is not an alien.”

Alex smiled. “A difference of perception perhaps.”

A grin suddenly split her face, gifting him with radiance. Lizzie was the

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most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. “Do you think my father will demand

that I return to earth?”

“Yes.” Alex’s lips tightened. “Of that I have no doubt. We should be

prepared for all eventualities.”

She nodded. “If it turns out that your sister is okay, then will you be able

to come back to earth with me and more importantly, would you even want


Alex sighed. “Even if Ria was completely healed by the time we arrive

on Tiburon, I expect this event will serve as a reminder of how important it

is to have a back up for her position.

“My father isn’t likely to allow me to leave. But of course I’d want to,

Lizzie. I care about you. I don’t even like thinking about never seeing you


She stared at him for a long time. A smile tilted the corners of her lovely

mouth. “I feel the same way about you.” Her eyes watered up. Alex knew

this meant she was sad. He stepped closer and gathered her into his arms.

She hugged him and cried, the warm tears soaked his shoulder. The lonely

echo of emptiness filled his heart as he held her.

Women didn’t cry on his planet. There was sadness, of course, but it

was exhibited without water exiting their eyes. Women from Tiburon

occasionally whimpered if something didn’t go their way, but no tears

erupted from their reddened eyes like his mother occasionally displayed.

When he’d been young he’d been embarrassed once by her tearful

demonstration after a serious injury had left his father unconscious during a

training accident. Not quite out of his earshot, Alex’s peers at school had

ridiculed her and called his mother hurtful names. The first fight he’d ever

been in was the one he’d started himself in defense of his mother.

Everyone knew the story of his parents and more importantly that he

was only half-Tiburon. He was fortunate to have friends that didn’t care, but

the sting of being different haunted him for awhile after.

With Lizzie crying in his arms now, he was glad his friend had left

before witnessing her tearfulness. It would only lower Bern’s already dismal

opinion of the woman Alex feared he was falling in love with. And Alex

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would hate to pick a fight with his best friend.

Although his parents had lived in relative peace over the years, it was

still unusual to partner with an alien. Even, he suspected with a morose

thought, a half-alien.

Clutching Lizzie tight to his chest as she wept, Alex sifted through his

troubled memories and current emotions and understood for the first time in

his life why his father, Crag, had life-partnered with an alien from Earth.

Pressing his lips to her forehead, Alex contemplated a life with her.

Should he even hope that Lizzie would want to stay on Tiburon

permanently? Likely her father would not agree to it.

“Lizzie?” He rubbed her back with slow circular motions. He’d seen his

father do the same long ago for his mother.

She sniffed loudly. “I’m sorry to cry so much. I guess it just hit me that

our time together is probably very limited.”

“And that makes you sad?”

“Of course.” Lizzie raised her head. “I’ve never felt like this before

Alex. Literally. I’ve never wanted any man the way I want you.” Her lips

quivered again. “How am I ever going to live without you?” Fresh tears slid

down her cheeks.

“Perhaps you could stay.”

“On Tiburon?”


Her gaze drifted over his shoulder as a myriad of expressions crossed

her lovely face. After a few moments, her eyes mashed shut and her

forehead landed on his chest. “That would be so hard.”

“Would it?”

Lizzie’s eyes popped open. “I only have one more semester before I

graduate from college and I’ve got a prestigious fellowship lined up. I

worked very hard to get to where I am, and also I would really miss my


“I understand.” Alex cupped her face, his fingertips brushing her jaw

where a tear promptly splashed on his thumb.

“Do you?”

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“Of course. While I enjoyed the time I spent on Earth, I missed my

family too.”

The ship on which they traveled suddenly lurched as if it had been

struck from behind. Seconds later there was a pounding at the door startling

them both.

Alex quickly released Lizzie and barked. “Enter.”

Bern’s stiff form strode inside and his formal voice sent a chill down

Alex’s spine.

“We’ll be arriving at Tiburon within the hour,” he announced. He

started to say something else, but glanced at Lizzie and closed his mouth.

“Good. That’s sooner than expected. What’s wrong?”

Bern’s mouth tightened. He turned to face Alex. “I sent a message and

received a response. Your sister has taken a turn for the worse. I’ve

increased the power to the forward thrusters in order to make better time.”

The words left unspoken likely involved hoping the increase in speed

would allow Alex to make it back before Ria died.

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Chapter 9

“I’m so sorry, Alex.” Lizzie crossed the room and put a hand on his

shoulder. She couldn’t even fathom losing her sister or brother.

“Your parents are anxious for your return, understandably. I didn’t

mention your passenger.” He glanced at Lizzie without animosity. “It didn’t

seem appropriate given the circumstances.”

“Thanks, Bern.”

“I’ll return when we’re ready to dock.” He exited and left them alone

once again.

Alex looked like he was ill all the way to his bones. He wandered across

to the sofa and sat down hard. Lizzie sat next to him without touching him

and wished she knew what to say. Silence, she decided, was the best course

of action.

“Ria is so strong,” Alex whispered. “I can’t fathom anything that would

bring her down.”

“Tell me about her.” Lizzie had a twin. She and Emma Ruth weren’t

identical, however there was still a special bond between them.

“She’s got a fierce spirit. She was born to be a leader and that’s exactly

what she is. I’ve beaten her in fights, but only barely. Most of our battles are

a draw. She always champions the underdog and I can’t imagine never

talking to her again.”

Alex closed his eyes. She almost expected tears, but he remained dry-


* * * *

Arriving on Tiburon less than an hour later, Alex, with Lizzie in tow,

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exited the spacecraft at the landing dock. Several men from his father’s

command waited with a small vehicle to whisk him to the healing center.

If his father’s men were surprised at Lizzie tagging along, they had the

bearing not to show it. Worried over his sister’s illness, Alex didn’t take the

time to explain her presence. Their orders were to bring Alex as quickly as


Alex told them Lizzie was his guest and that was enough to allow her

access into the main entryway to Tiburon. They hurried to the healing center

where Ria was fighting for her life against an unknown disease attacking her

body from within.

His father’s men brought them to the main facility but dropped them off

at the private entrance in deference to his father’s position and a wish for

privacy. It was quieter and had a direct hallway to the waiting room.

Alex ushered Lizzie into the building and straight for the waiting room.

The first person they met was his mother, Ellie.


“Alex!” She threw her arms around him and sobbed. His mother

crunched him tight around his waist.

“How is Ria doing?”

Ellie pulled away and tears filled her eyes. “There’s been no change.

She’s still unconscious but Otto’s been able to keep her fairly level.”

“Where is she? Can I go see her?”

“Of course. Your father is inside with her now. The healer will only

allow one person at a time since he isn’t sure what her prognosis is. Go

ahead and go on in and send your father out.” His mother released her titanic

grip and stepped back in time to notice Lizzie. Her brows furrowed, she

tilted her head and a winsome smile crossed her mouth, “You look exactly

like…” Trailing off, his mother shook her head.

“This is Lizzie. She came back with me.”

Ellie’s mouth dropped open. “Back with you? Do you mean from


At his nod, Ellie focused her gaze on Lizzie and he feared she would

scold him, but instead she smiled again.

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“You look just like your mother, Gabrielle.”

Lizzie who hadn’t uttered so much as a syllable since she’d arrived on

Tiburon said, “You know my mother?”

Ellie nodded. “She’s an old friend from earth and one of the finest

people I know.”

Otto, the healer tending Ria, entered the small waiting room to update

them on her condition. It hadn’t changed.

Alex turned to his mother. “Will you stay with Lizzie while I see Ria?”

“Of course, darling. Lizzie and I can chat and she can catch me up on

Earth news.”

* * * *

Alex left the waiting room to follow the tall skinny doctor and Lizzie

turned to Ellie. She grinned. “My mom told me about you.”

Ellie smiled. “I’m surprised that your parents would let you come to

Tiburon.” She motioned to a small sofa and they sat down.

Lizzie felt a blush wash over her face. “I didn’t exactly tell them I was

coming. It was sort of a spontaneous decision. I expect they have already

sent a message to return me home immediately. But a part of me wanted to

see Tiburon for myself.” She glanced around the waiting room. It looked

much like the waiting rooms on earth, but with less decoration.

All she’d seen of Tiburon so far was a cavernous landing dock which in

the shadows looked like an airplane hanger, the small jeep-like vehicle

they’d been brought here in, and several dark alleyways of the closed

environment supporting Tiburon.

Ellie took her hand and patted it twice. “As a parent, I know Gabrielle

and Keller simply worry about you. Even if you must depart soon, I do hope

you’ll have a chance to explore Tiburon before you go. I’ve enjoyed living


“Did you know my parents well?”

“Not at first. We lived in the same apartment complex. I met Alex’s

father there. Long ago your parents were instrumental in helping Crag and I

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with our unexpected relationship.”

“I heard the story from my mom. Sounds like you were star-crossed


“Well, at the time it seemed like our ever sharing a life wouldn’t

happen, but fate stepped in and allowed us a chance. We’ve lived a

wonderful life together on Tiburon. I made the right decision coming here.”

Lizzie glanced at the door where Alex had disappeared through. “I wish

fate would give me and Alex a chance.”

Ellie’s expression sobered. “A chance to what?”

Lizzie sighed and her lips quivered. “A chance for a life together.”

“You and my son are together?” Her intense scrutiny made Lizzie a

little uncomfortable after a few minutes.

“You probably won’t believe me, but I’ve fallen in love with him.” Her

mouth was in full-fledged trembling mode now. “I’m positive we won’t be

able to stay together. I mean we live on different planets for heaven’s sake.

But I jumped into the blue light because I wasn’t ready to tell Alex good-

bye.” The hopelessness of their eventual fate crushed her spirit. Lizzie put

her hands to her face to sob at the unfairness of it all.

Tears slipped through her fingertips and after a few seconds she was

enveloped in Ellie’s loving arms. Patting her on the back, Ellie murmured

platitudes to calm her down as she rocked her back and forth. “It’s okay.

Things are never quite as dire as we believe. Trust me. I know this from


“My father won’t let me stay here. I just know it. And Alex won’t be

allowed to leave to come to earth. Long distance relationships never work

out and especially ones that cross a couple galaxies.” Lizzie let loose

another torrent of tears onto Ellie’s shoulder, grateful for her understanding.

Ellie reminded Lizzie of her own mother. She’d only spent a few minutes

with Alex’s mother and already liked her.

“Who is this pitiful creature?” said a condescending voice from the

waiting room door.

Ellie stiffened and Lizzie did her best to dry up her tears. Turning

towards the entrance to the small waiting room, she saw a beautiful flaxen-

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haired woman dressed in an equally elegant long flowing dress made up of a

diaphanous cloth that looked like fabric spun from clouds.

“What are you doing here?” The harsh sound of Ellie’s voice registered

with Lizzie and she studied the beautiful girl who’d crossed the room to

stand regally before them.

Ellie stood, therefore Lizzie did too. Lizzie found her best posture

because she was seriously shorter than the other two women.

The beautiful stranger turned her questioning glance away from Ellie

and focused on Lizzie. After only a second, her lip curled in obvious


“Are you an earthling?”

Lizzie straightened her back until she thought it might snap in half.


“Why are you here?”

“I came with Alex. As if it’s any of your business.”

Her expression changed to one of shock. “Alex? My Alex?”

“He’s not your Alex anymore, Shauna, you found another man to love,

remember?” Ellie’s anger radiated outward, starting with her eyes, following

to her stiff posture and ended with her tapping foot.

Holy crap. This must be Alex’s ex-fiancée.

Shauna drew back at Ellie’s obvious venom and cast her eyes

downward. “Yes. I made a terrible mistake. I came to speak with Alex…to

make amends.”

Ellie arched an eyebrow. “Amends?”

“I acted rashly, foolishly really in a moment of frustration. But I still

care deeply for Alex. We were together for a considerable length of time.”

Shauna sent a curious gaze to Lizzie. “When I heard the new about Ria I

realized Alex would be crushed so I came to offer him solace. Additionally,

I came back to convince Alex we should be together.”

Lizzie’s stomach sank to the floor. Alex’s ex was very beautiful and her

woeful attitude over their break up was a sharp contrast to what she’d

pictured. Once Lizzie returned to Earth, would Alex get back together with

Shauna? The very thought made Lizzie see red anger and green jealousy.

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Unfortunately her angry mouth worked faster than her logical brain

could to stop her from speaking her mind. “Well, too bad. Alex and I are in

love. He lit my world on fire after we mouth-touched so get lost. You blew

your chance already.”

Shauna’s mouth fell and hung open even wider than her eyes.

From behind her, Lizzie heard a shuffling noise and then Alex’s voice.

“Please don’t say any more.”

Whirling around, Lizzie noted that Alex stood next to a very tall man

bearing an extremely identical look of shock. Lizzie fixed her stare on his

face. “Are you Alex’s father?” she asked with a smile.

He nodded and a small smile played around his lips. “I am Crag, the

Commander of Tiburon. You must be Lizzie.”

Lizzie gifted him with a grin. “How did you know?”

“You look exactly like your mother, Gabrielle.” His gaze shifted briefly

to Shauna before he added, “And you sound exactly like her too.” Crag

raised one eyebrow, but Lizzie could tell he wasn’t mad.

“What are you doing here, Shauna?” Alex had shifted his focus from

Lizzie to the tall, beautiful woman beside her.

“I came to offer my condolences, of course. We were almost life-

partnered, Alex. I wanted you to know that I still care about you. Regardless

of what happened between you and this…earthling, I want to resume

negotiations between us.”

Alex frowned. “Ria is ill. Now is not the time to discuss renegotiations

between us.”

Shauna nodded then pierced Alex with a focused gaze and asked,

“When may I speak with you alone?”

“What is so important?”

“There were many things left unsaid between us. Please allow me the

courtesy of a private conversation. Just tell me when.”

Alex glanced at Lizzie. “I can’t say right now.”

Shauna took a deep breath. “If anything serious happens to Ria, I’m

obligated to tell you that as the next in line for the position of Commander,

you’ll need a life partner.” She glanced at Lizzie. “One from Tiburon and

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not Earth.”

Ellie pushed past Lizzie and seemed intent on tackling Shauna until

Crag reacted with lightening speed and grabbed her up in a tight embrace.

“You can just go to hell. Ria will be fine and stay away from my son.”

Ellie squirmed in Crag’s arms, fighting his hold. Crag whispered in Ellie’s

ear, but Lizzie couldn’t hear what he said. Ellie calmed a little, but not by


“Perhaps it would be best if you left,” Crag said firmly as he wrestled to

keep Ellie from launching fists first at Shauna.

“I appreciate your gesture with regards to Ria, but I’m not interested in a

reconciliation. Frankly, I’m surprised that you are, given what I saw you

do.” Alex walked over to Lizzie. He grabbed her hand and laced his fingers

through hers squeezing tight. The gesture did not go unnoticed by Shauna

whose mouth hung open as she stared at their entwined hands.

“You would choose an…an earthling over me?” Shauna spat the word

‘earthling’ like it was poison.

“No. You already made the choice, remember? I’ve moved on. I suggest

you do the same.”

“As I said to your mother, I made a mistake.” Shauna crossed her arms.

“You shouldn’t make another.”

Alex sighed. “Because now that Ria is sick, I’m even more appealing as

the possible future Commander of Tiburon and you’re kicking yourself for

getting caught with another man expressing your undying love?”

Shauna softened, which apparently wasn’t the expected reaction to

Alex’s words. Lizzie wondered what Shauna was up to and she’d only been

here a short while. “I can see that you are distraught about your sister and

obviously not thinking clearly. I’ll make myself available to you. Don’t

make me wait too long. I have information you need to hear. I thought I

should come to you first, but if you’re not interested, perhaps others will

be.” Her vague threat hung in the air greeted by silence from those


“Please leave, Shauna. I’ll speak to you later.”

“If I were you, I’d keep my mouth shut regarding Alex.” Lizzie took a

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step towards Shauna. “He’s a gentleman. He would never say anything

against you. I, however, am under no such obligation. If you are compelled

to spread lies, then I can do the same thing. And I promise you, I will.”

“You do not frighten me. You’re an insignificant earthling with the

demeanor of a conjuxtrix. You are absolutely nothing here, human. No

better than the dirt I clean off my feet each evening.”

“Conjuxtrix? What in the world is that—”

The doors to the waiting room opened and an elderly woman swept in as

regally as a queen about to meet her favorite subjects.

Lizzie recognized her immediately. It was the queen of Tiburon.

Shauna bowed in deference. “My queen.”

“Grandmother!” Lizzie exclaimed.

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Chapter 10

The sudden horror reflected on Shauna’s face as she realized Lizzie’s

relationship to the queen was priceless and uniquely satisfying for Alex.

He’d have to deal with Shauna and her secret information eventually, but for

now he put it out of his mind.

Alex squeezed Lizzie’s hand once before releasing her. She ran across

the waiting room to embrace the queen, her grandmother.

“Dear child. I’m so delighted to see you.” The queen held Lizzie to her

chest as Shauna—now bowed down in deference to royalty—raised her

head enough to stare.

Shauna’s mouth hung open in shock. An expression Lizzie noticed too.

She closed one eye at him. The earth meaning was varied, but he believed

she meant it as a triumph over Shauna.

Elsbeth of Tiburon advanced into the small waiting room with Lizzie

walking next to her very close with a smile in place. The queen’s spine was

straighter than the Commander’s when standing at full attention. Her

forceful stride belied her considerable age but Alex would never

underestimate the Queen.

She’d been known as the iron-fisted queen of Tiburon for longer than

Alex had been alive. She was also intelligent, warm and luckily for him, she

had always favored his family.

“I’ve brought news,” Elsbeth said with a smile softening her mouth.

“What news, my queen?” Crag asked formally.

“Instead of a missive demanding Lizzie return to earth, my son, Keller,

is coming to escort her back himself.” She grinned at Lizzie briefly.

Lizzie sighed softly. “I figured he wouldn’t let me stay, but I didn’t

expect him to fetch me back personally. How long before he arrives?”

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“He’s already departed from earth using a craft we stored years ago. He

should be here in a few hours.”

Lizzie sent Alex a distressed look. They wouldn’t have much time

together if any at all.

“Another scandal in the making?” Shauna asked quietly.

“No. Not a scandal,” the queen said and frowned at Shauna’s remark.

“It’s a homecoming. Keller hasn’t been back here since he left to live on

earth. I welcome his visit.”

Otto, the resident healer, arrived and interrupted the difficult

conversation that had begun. A very tall, painfully thin, young man, Otto

was dressed in royal blue robes denoting he was a healer and entered a few

feet into the small waiting room. “Alex, I’m ready to do the scan for your

possible blood transfer.”

Alex watched as Shauna perked up with the news that Ria might need a

blood transfer. Her narrow eyebrows nearly even with her hairline, Alex

assumed she listened for private information on Ria to share with her

equally annoying friends. She lived for what those on earth called gossip.

“I’m coming, Otto.” Alex squeezed Lizzie’s hand once. “I’ll be right

back,” he whispered so only Lizzie could hear him, “Try not to damage

Shauna before I return.”

Lizzie grinned and shrugged. “We’ll see. No promises.”

Alex sighed and headed for the double doors to follow Otto. He sent a

pleading glance to his father to keep an eye on things. The Commander

smiled each time he glanced at Lizzie which also warmed Alex’s insides.

His father was fierce in most matters especially involving his position as


From a lifetime with his father, Alex knew that his attitude was never

harsh when he was around his mother, Ellie. Perhaps his father’s softer

manner toward his life partner translated to Lizzie as well. Alex had briefly

mentioned the arrival of a friend when he and his father had exited Ria’s

room. His father hadn’t commented but his expression was that of

puzzlement until he’d seen Lizzie yelling at Shauna.

Alex knew he’d fallen in love with Lizzie. Furthermore, he knew he’d

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be heartbroken when she left. He’d known that eventually, she would have

to leave, but had hoped it would be longer than a few hours. With Keller on

the way, their time was severely limited.

Alex shifted his thoughts to his sister. “What do you think is wrong with

her?” he asked Otto as they entered his lab.

“My best guess is a poison, but she didn’t eat anything and we tested the

clothing she was wearing at the time. There was nothing on it. I’m not

seeing any residual poison in her blood. Her symptoms operate as though

she’s allergic to something, but there is nothing in her record to indicate any


“Did anything unusual happen on Declan Five?”

“Not that your father reported. He went over in detail the time they

spent there and nothing seems out of place.”

Otto distracted him with the blood test, hindering further conversation.

After fiddling with his laboratory instruments for a long while, Otto’s

deep sigh of regret signaled Alex that the test on his blood hadn’t gone as


“What’s wrong?”

“You aren’t a close enough match to donate to Ria.”

“What do you mean? We’re twins. Shouldn’t we be almost exact?”

“No. It doesn’t work that way.” Otto swiped his long fingers across tired

eyes. “As far as your blood is concerned, you are slightly more than half-

human and Ria is slightly more than half-Tiburon.”

“What else can we do?”

Otto slid off the tall stool he’d perched on to read the results from his

workstation and huffed, “Nothing.” He cursed viciously and slammed his

hand on the counter rattling the glass jars resting on the surface. “I have

nothing else to try. I’d hoped that infusing her with a rich blood transfer

might dilute whatever poison is in her system and at least help her wake up.”

“Don’t you have generic blood for that?”

Otto rolled his eyes. “Yes. I already tried that and it didn’t help. If

anything it made it worse. The truth is I’m not even sure it’s poison. But I

thought if I could try pure rich blood instead of synthetic that it might make

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a difference.”

“Did you test my parents?”

Otto gave him a saddened expression. “Of course, while you were on

your way back. They are even less suited. Your father is one hundred

percent Tiburon and your mother is one hundred percent earthling.”

Alex pondered the problem. “So you need to find someone else with

half and half blood, right?” He wondered if Lizzie would consent to being


Otto shrugged.

“I brought a friend back with me from Earth.”

Otto frowned. “So?”

“So, my friend is also half-human and half-Tiburon. If she agrees to it,

will you test her?”

The healer lost his frown and nodded. “Just don’t get your hopes up. It’s

likely your friend won’t match either.”

“How close does the match have to be?”

Otto sighed and Alex could tell he was about to go into lecture mode.

“For ease of explanation, let’s say that the blood match is measured on a

scale from one to ten, one being no match at all and ten being a perfect


“What am I?”

“You rate just under a seven. Your parents are barely over five

respectively and I need a nine to help Ria.”

“Let’s go ask my friend if she’ll be tested.”

Alex and Otto went back to the waiting room. Peeking through the door,

Alex saw that Shauna was no longer in the room. He pushed through the

door and released a breath he hadn’t realized he held.

Lizzie was seated between his parents, chatting animatedly with the

queen of Tiburon. The four stopped talking and stood when he and Otto

entered the room.

“Are you a match?” his father asked.

Alex shook his head. “Not a close enough one.” His father visibly


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“We had another idea.” Alex’s gaze fell on Lizzie. “Lizzie is also half-

human and half-Tiburon.”

In unison, both his parents turned to her and the unguarded hope in their

eyes shone as bright as a super nova.

“We can’t ask her to do this.” His mother broke her gaze and shook her

head. “It’s not her place.”

“It’s only a test, Mom. It won’t hurt her.”

“And if she matches, then what?” Ellie flashed a piercing stare his way

and he saw tears build in her eyes. “We can’t ask her to donate blood.”

“I’ll do it. It’s no big deal. I’ve donated lots of times at the college

campus blood drives. I even know my blood type. O negative.” Lizzie

grinned, stepped between his parents and headed towards Alex and Otto.

“It would be very generous of you to at least be tested,” Elsbeth, the

queen, remarked quietly putting a hand on Lizzie’s shoulder. “Once your

father arrives for you, we can ask his permission.”

Lizzie shook her head. “I’m almost twenty-four years old. I promise you

I can give permission to donate my own blood.”

“I’d feel better if we confirmed this with Keller,” Crag said, although

the hope in his face belied his statement.

Otto spoke up. “It’s a moot point if she doesn’t match. Let me do the

test. It won’t take long and then we can discuss any permission, if it’s even


Ellie nodded. “Go with her Alex.”

Otto led both of them back to his lab.

“Where is your sister?” Lizzie asked looking at the windows in the

doors as they passed each one in the hallway.

“Further down the hall. Why?”

She shrugged. “I thought maybe I could stop in and say, ‘Hello.’”

Otto scrunched his eyes in puzzlement. “Why would you care?”

Lizzie whirled on him. “Maybe I care about Alex. Maybe I care what

happens to someone he loves.”

He immediately softened his expression. “Sorry, Alex just said you were

a friend. I didn’t know it was a romantic entanglement.” Otto slid a gaze to

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Alex. “Although perhaps I should have figured it. For him to bring you

back, it would have had to be more than just friends, wouldn’t it?”

“What do you mean by that?” Alex pierced Otto with a stern look.

“Nothing. It means I haven’t had enough sleep. My job is to cure Ria

and I haven’t been able to do so yet.”

“What do you think it is?” Lizzie asked.

Otto turned to her and squinted. “If I knew, I would have cured her

already. It seems like poison, but nothing shows up on the scans that I’ve


Lizzie leveled a perturbed gaze at him and heaved a long sigh. “I’m not

a doctor, but I study chemistry and science back on earth. Maybe I could

help in some way.”

“Let’s see if your blood is a close enough match. That would be a big


They entered a small room with an examination table of sorts. White

cabinets lined the walls and Otto opened a random door and pulled out a

small device that looked like a tuning fork and turned toward Lizzie.

“What is that and what do you think you’re going to do with it?”

Otto huffed. “I’m going to test your blood.”

Lizzie backed up two steps and bounced off of Alex’s chest. He put his

hands on her shoulders and she jumped like he’d goosed her.

“It doesn’t hurt.” Otto rolled his eyes.

“Well, it looks like a double-pronged alien cattle prod. Forgive me for

being a little nervous. Electricity doesn’t shoot out of that thing, does it?”

“Of course not, I’d never let anything hurt you, Lizzie.” Alex grabbed

her hand and squeezed.

Lizzie released a deep breath. “Right. I know that.” She gave him a

timid smile and turned to face the alien medical device with a stoic


Otto motioned her to sit on the low table. He ran the device over her

heart area and then down one arm. Turning without speaking, he plugged

the device into a small computer-like box on the desk in the corner of the

austere room.

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He studied the screen for a long time occasionally adjusting the knobs in

a row at the base. Finally after several moments he turned with a half smile

in place.

“I can’t believe it. She’s a match. Not the best, but I think it will be

close enough for what I was trying to accomplish.”

Alex smiled. “How close on your one to ten scale?”

“Just under a nine. I believe it’s a good enough match to work though.”

Lizzie smiled. “I’m so glad. Want to hook me up now?”

Alex shook his head even as he glanced over his shoulder uneasily

toward the direction of his sister’s room. “No. My parents will insist you

wait for your father’s permission.”

Lizzie grinned. “Haven’t you ever heard it’s better to ask for forgiveness

than for permission?” She turned to Otto. “Let’s go suck some blood out of

me before my father shows up to whisk me away on the next blue beam of

light for Earth.”

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Chapter 11

Alex and Otto shared a piercing stare as if trying to decide whether to

humor her or not.

Otto spoke after several seconds. “All right. I’ll take a half-measure

from you and see if it helps Ria. I’m not certain it will work, you

understand. It’s just my best option at this point having tried everything


The three of them wandered carefully down to Ria’s room, looking

around to make sure no one else was around to see what they were about to


Ria rested on a flat surface. It looked very uncomfortable. Austere was

the definition of all the decorations here on Tiburon. Each room she entered

was more bare than the last.

She walked over to Ria’s side and bent over her to whisper, “Don’t

worry. Everything’s going to be fine.”

Otto directed her to the other flat surface next to Ria. Lizzie climbed up

on the table which looked like marble. However, it felt like a mattress. Very


“You’ll have to lower your barrier.” Otto held a foreign looking medical

device. It had a needle at one end and a white plastic-like bag at the other

with a clear tube in between.

Lizzie squinted. “Barrier? I don’t think I have a barrier.” She looked at

Alex. “And I don’t know how to lower it if I do.”

Otto looked over at Alex and sighed.

He shrugged. “Try it.”

The healer inserted a very slim needle into her arm to collect a half-pint

of her blood. “I guess you don’t have one or it’s already down.”

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Once he was done, Otto removed the needle from Lizzie’s arm and

stuck a small round blue dot over the wound. He promptly turned and

inserted the same needle into Ria’s arm.

“Don’t you have to sterilize the needle and check the blood or


“The needle has a self-sterilizer embedded inside and I already scanned

your blood when I tested you. It’s clean.”

Lizzie craned her head to watch. “What about Ria’s barrier? How do

you keep it down so you can treat her?”

“It was already down when she was brought here,” Otto said off-

handedly as he worked.

Alex sucked in a sharp surprised breath, “Her barrier was down? Why

would she lower her barrier?”

“Only a couple reasons that I can think of that it would be down,” Otto

remarked, but he didn’t make eye contact with Alex.

Lizzie didn’t understand. “Is it unusual to have your barrier down?”

“Yes. She would only lower it if she were…” Alex trailed off and didn’t

complete the sentence. He glanced at Otto who did his best not to look at

either of them.

“If she were what?” Lizzie persisted.

“About to be intimate with someone.” Alex crossed his arms. “That’s

the most common reason.”

Lizzie glanced at Ria and wondered if someone she loved had hurt her.

If she’d lowered her barrier to kiss someone for pleasure, had that elusive

trusted entity poisoned her instead?

Alex tilted his head. “Do you know who she was with before she was

brought here, Otto?”

Otto paused in his task. “No. Not for certain. I know who reported her


“Who was it?” Alex murmured the question, but Otto ignored him in

favor of watching Ria’s vitals on the screen above the bed.

Seconds after Otto had inserted the tube, Lizzie’s blood was winding its

way to Ria’s arm. Five minutes after the half-pint had been administered,

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Otto kept his gaze focused on the screen hanging on the wall bearing all

sorts of strange symbols lit up with multicolored lights and grinned.

“Her vitals are improving. I can’t believe it. She’s breathing easier. It


Alex strode over to the head of Ria’s bed, leaned down and whispered

something in her ear. He brushed a hand over her forehead and sent a

grateful look over to Lizzie. “Thank you.”

She smiled. “No problem.”

Lizzie slid off the flat marble bed and stood next to where Otto was

pushing buttons on the wall.

“See? I told you everything would be okay.” Lizzie grabbed Ria’s hand

and squeezed it to offer comfort. Palm to palm with Ria, Lizzie felt a

buzzing sensation in the center of her hand. It was like a deep tissue

massage. Interesting. Maybe because their barriers were down or something.

“That’s what we call a kiss here on Tiburon,” Alex mentioned from the

other side of the bed.

“Hands touching?”

Alex nodded.

After several moments of touching palms with Ria, a wave of dizziness

swept over Lizzie. Perhaps she’d had enough Tiburon-styled kissing for the

time being.

She released Ria’s hand as her eyes watered and her throat began to

close with alarming speed. It felt like a nasty allergy attack was coming on.

How could that be? She searched the room for the one thing which would

trigger her allergies so quickly, but didn’t see any feline creatures.

Lizzie was very allergic to cats but didn’t see any around her. She

realized she’d missed her last dose of allergy medication the night before.

She took it twice a day as a precaution to allay any attacks when she got

near cats. Her throat tightened a little further. She needed her purse right

now this second.

“Alex? Listen to me.” Lizzie reached over Ria and grabbed his arm. She

wheezed. “I need my purse. The one I came into the blue light with that

hung on my shoulder? Where is it?”

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“Your bag?” Alex put his hand over hers trapping it to his arm. “It’s still

on the ship I’d imagine. Why?”

“I need it. I need the epi-pen inside. Hurry, please. I’m having an allergy

attack!” Lizzie slid to the floor on her knees, still trying to take a full breath.

“Go get her bag!” Otto turned to help her up, but she fought him. He

picked her up to deposit her on the table again as she struggled to get a wisp

of air into her lungs.

* * * *

Crag was about to come out of his skin. Ellie and the queen chatted

quietly in the corner, while he paced the small waiting room. Although he

wouldn’t admit it, he loathed being at the healing center.

The last time he’d been in this room was the night his children were

born. Ellie, had been carrying twins and they hadn’t even known it. It was a

very rare occurrence for the people of Tiburon. Many years ago, he’d

strolled endlessly in this very room with the memory of his mother’s death

from child birth circulating vividly in his head as Ellie had given him first

Ria, the future Commander, and his son, Alex.

The moment he thought his son’s name in his head, Alex burst through

the waiting room doors. Without saying a single word or looking at anyone,

he crossed the room at a dead run and exited the healing center as if

Sultana’s fury dogged his heels. Crag exited the healing center behind him,

but Alex was already out of sight. This did not bode well.

Thinking that Alex’s strange action must have something to do with

Ria’s condition, Crag motioned for Ellie and the queen to remain in the

waiting room as he pushed open the doors leading to his daughter’s healing

center room.

Crag erupted into Ria’s room in time to see Otto picking Lizzie up off

the floor. She struggled, but Otto draped her on the opposite table from

where Ria rested.

Lizzie, hands clawing at her throat, was gasping for breath.

“What happened, Otto?” Crag asked angrily. “What did you do to her?”

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“I didn’t do anything to her. At least, not anything to cause this.”

Crag crossed the room. “What did you do that wouldn’t cause this?”

Guilt seemingly squeezed his eyes shut a moment before he admitted, “I

took a half-measure of blood from her. She matched closed enough to

donate. She got sick shortly after she donated the blood for Ria.” Otto put a

face mask over Lizzie’s nose and mouth. Crag guessed it was to force air

into her lungs and try to keep her air flow intact, but she clawed at the mask

as well.

“Help me hold her down,” Otto yelled across the room to a motionless

Crag, “she can’t get her breath.”

Gnashing his teeth, Crag grated out, “I thought I told you we were going

to wait until after Keller got here.” He put his hands on Lizzie’s shoulders to

help stabilize her so the healer could do something to help her.

“Lizzie thought it would be better to ask for forgiveness rather than

permission.” Otto secured the face mask and Lizzie quieted somewhat.

“Of course she did. She is her mother’s child after all.” Crag watched,

agonized as Lizzie suffered for breath. “Can’t you give her something to


“I’m not sure if our drugs will work on her. I’m afraid to give her

anything that might make her breathing worse.”

Lizzie held both hands to the mask. He could see her struggle for each

breath. Otto closed his eyes as if to say a prayer to the maker.

Crag squeezed her arms and willed Keller’s youngest child to live. He’d

been on Earth the night she was born. With his own daughter’s life hanging

in the balance, he didn’t want to think about something dire happening to


“Taking a half-measure of blood shouldn’t do this to her.” Otto said as

she struggled to breath. “And it worked. Lizzie’s blood is making Ria’s

vitals better. However, it shouldn’t have had any impact on her breathing.”

“As glad as I am to hear that, I didn’t want to trade Lizzie’s life for


From across the two tables as he watched Lizzie struggle for breath,

Crag heard something he feared he’d never hear again. For the first time in

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several days, Ria’s trembling voice called out, “Bern?”

Crag shot a stunned look over at his daughter as Lizzie’s hands suddenly

stilled and fell away from the mask. She was no longer conscious.

“She’s stopped breathing!” Otto turned a knob on the air machine

increasing the flow, but Lizzie’s lips were turning blue.

“Give her something!” Crag shouted.

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Chapter 12

Alex burst though the door of the healing room with Lizzie’s purse

clutched in his fist. The first thing he saw was Ria shifting her head from

side to side on her table mumbling. She was awake. Widening his eyes as

hope glimmered, the same hope died just as fast when he turned to see that

Lizzie wasn’t awake or moving.

His father and Otto weren’t watching Ria. They were both hovered over

Lizzie with panicked expressions.

“When did Ria wake up?” Alex asked as he raced across the room.

“Just now.” Otto struggled to keep the mask on Lizzie’s face.

“Lizzie asked for her bag. She said she needed an epi-pen or something

like that. Any idea what it is, Otto?” Alex handed him the bag.

“No. I don’t. I have very limited information regarding humans.” He

stuck a hand in her purse and dug around pulling out various items. Some

Alex recognized. Some he didn’t.

“I know what it is,” his mother said from the doorway. She rushed in

and grabbed Lizzie’s bag out of Otto’s hands. She up-ended it on to the bed

and rifled though the mess of wallet, keys, gum and assorted paper receipts.

Alex watched Lizzie go white as his mother searched.

“Here it is.” His mother held up what looked like a hypodermic needle.

She drove it into Lizzie’s upper thigh and pushed the short plunger. Alex

had never seen his mother so decisive.

After about five seconds Lizzie’s sucked in a sudden deep wheezing

breath and her torso came half way off the table as if the movement would

help her lungs fill faster. Otto put the mask back on her face. After ten

seconds more her breathing became easier and less labored.

“Bern? Are you there?” Ria murmured as she continued to stir awake.

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Crag’s eyes narrowed, but he squeezed Ellie’s arm in obvious relief. Alex,

like his father, wondered why she was asking for Bern. Given that her

barrier was down when she’d collapsed, perhaps he needed to investigate.

At the very least, Alex decided he needed to have a chat with Bern

before his father found out the circumstances of Ria’s barrier being down

before suffering from this sudden illness.

Glancing at his father’s rigid expression, Alex figured his talk with Bern

better come sooner than later.

* * * *

Lizzie regained consciousness from her allergy attack and the first thing

she saw was Alex hovering over her. Her heart raced from either the epi-pen

or from her excitability when Alex was near. Either way she was glad to be

breathing again.

“What happened?” Lizzie whispered. She turned her head to look at Ria.

“First of all, you scared me half to death. Don’t ever do that again.”

Alex brushed his knuckles along her cheek.

She sighed, “Sorry, I can’t help it. I have an extremely bad allergy to

cats.” Lizzie sat up slowly and looked around the room. “Are there any

feline pets around here?”

Alex narrowed his eyes. “No. There aren’t any pets on Tiburon.”

“That’s odd. Perhaps I’m allergic to something else that I don’t know

about. Where’s my purse? I need my allergy pills.”

“Here.” Alex pointed to the contents of her purse strewn at the foot of

her bed. “Sorry. I didn’t know what an epi-pen was.” He grinned and

glanced at Ellie. “Luckily, my mom did.”

“That’s okay.” Lizzie searched through the pile of things from her

purse, grabbed the bottle of pills and swallowed one dry. “This will help

keep me breathing.”

Lizzie glanced over at Ria. “Is your sister better?”

“Otto thinks so. Ria opened her eyes for a moment thanks to you and

your generous donation.”

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“Is she awake?”

“No. She fell asleep a short time later, we know she can wake up and

that something in your blood must have helped her.

“Otto will probably want to do more extensive testing to see what it


“That’s fine.” Perhaps the testing would allow her to stay on Tiburon

longer. Lizzie started to get up, but Alex held her back.

“You should rest. Your father will be here soon.”

Lizzie sighed and murmured quietly. “I hope that doesn’t mean the end

for us.” She forced her lips not to tremble.

“I hope not either. There are so many things I’d like to tell you and

show you. Plus, so many more things I’d like to share with you,” Alex

whispered in return. He leaned in and hugged her lightly, but kept his mouth

well away from hers. Pity.

Lizzie turned and watched Crag and Ellie hovering over Ria. They

reminded her of her own parents. A pang of homesickness wrenched its way

through her at the thought of living away from them, but the idea of giving

up Alex made her heart hurt even more.

Otto piped up, “Okay, everyone, leave me to tend to my patient. I’ll

come out to the waiting room if anything changes.”

Alex brushed a hand on her shoulder. “What about Lizzie? Should she

stay here?”

Otto looked over and shrugged. “I’ll leave that up to her. I didn’t do

much. She really cured herself.”

“I’m fine. I’ll go with you.” She slipped off the table as Alex held her

arm. She wanted to spend as much time with Alex as possible before her

father arrived.

Crag and Ellie remained to discuss Ria’s condition with Otto.

Lizzie and Alex left his sister’s room, walking slowly down the hall and

entering the waiting room arm in arm to wait for Keller. The queen wasn’t

present, but unfortunately, Shauna was back, seated on a small sofa.

Shauna stood. “I need to tell you something, Alex. It’s important.” She

sent a dispassionate gaze to Lizzie.

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“What do you want to tell me?” He sighed deeply as if he didn’t want to

talk to her.

Shauna shifted her cold gaze to Lizzie again. “Privately.”

Alex crossed his arms and sighed. “Lizzie can hear whatever you have

to say.”

Drawing herself up a few more inches in height, Shauna said, “Very

well. On my way home tonight, I remembered something about the night

your sister fell ill and I wanted to bring the information to you promptly.”

“I’m listening.” Alex leaned forward. Lizzie didn’t trust her but she

leaned forward with Alex.

Shauna got a sly look in her eyes like she was about to dispense a

scandalous secret. “At your parent’s life partner celebration, I overheard

your sister make a date. She was planning to meet a man in the Alimentus

room at midnight on the day she returned from the off-planet security

conference on Declan Five. I think you need to investigate this person to see

if he hurt your sister.”

“So why did you conveniently remember this information right now and

not when Ria first fell ill?” Lizzie asked suspicion clouding her tone. Shauna

was one of those gossipy types she hated.

Alex smiled and raised his eyebrows as if he too wanted to know the

answer to the question.

Shauna’s mouth tightened. “Because I saw the man she planned to meet

on my way home from the healing center tonight. It must have sparked my

memory. I don’t see Bern very often.”

“Bern? The space craft captain?” Alex scoffed. “You must be


A sneer shaped Shauna’s mouth. She stepped closer, lowering her head

as if to impart juicy gossip. “It was him. Bern met your sister that night. And

then directly after, she fell ill. You should question him.”

Alex narrowed his eyes with suspicion. “Bern and my sister aren’t


“It sounded like they were planning to get involved in the Alimentus

room.” Shauna crossed her arms. “What if he did something to her?”

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“You saw Bern and Ria together in the Alimentus place?” Lizzie huffed

in disbelief.

Shauna had the grace to look embarrassed. “I didn’t actually see them

together, no. But the hallway he was in only leads to the Alimentus room.”

Lizzie rolled her eyes. “That doesn’t prove anything.”

“It proves he was there. Plus with the added secret date information it’s

enough for you to at least question him.”

Lizzie sneered. “You were there too. Given what you just said,

shouldn’t you be questioned as well?”

Shauna sucked in a shocked breath. “I..I was there by happenstance.”

“At midnight on a night that you knew a secret meeting was taking

place?” Lizzie laughed. “You were there to catch them, admit it.”

“That’s not true.”

“Sure it is. Perhaps you should mind your own business.”

“I could say the same for you, Earthling. You don’t belong here.”

Shauna launched forward, but Alex stepped in between them.

“Back off.”

Shauna straightened and a gleam came into her eyes. “I wasn’t going to

mention this, but I not only saw Bern, I also spoke with him that night right

before he entered the hallway leading to the Alimentus room.”

“Oh? Now it’s a conversation too? Now I really don’t believe you.”

Lizzie pointed her forefinger. “I don’t know what you’re up to, but if I were

Alex, I’d ignore everything you say. You’re just stirring up gossip and


Alex inhaled and exhaled. “What did Bern say to you?”

Shauna smiled at her small victory. “He gave me sympathy for our

negotiation dismissal. He said it was a shame that you and I had parted and

that perhaps once you came back from Earth, we could come to some


Squinting, Alex closed his eyes and shook his head. Shauna didn’t take

this as a deterrent. She softened her expression and touched his arm. “I’d

like to come to an amicable agreement, Alex. I’m sorry for what happened

before you left.”

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Alex ignored what she said. “What else did Bern say?”

“Nothing. He checked his time piece, told me he needed to leave and

headed to the Alimentus room.” She smiled. “It was just before midnight.”

“What do you expect me to do?”

“I expect you to find out if Bern harbors ill will against your sister.”

Shauna crossed her arms and glared as if he should hunt Bern down


“Bern wouldn’t do anything to hurt Ria.” Alex shook his head in

defense of his friend.

“How do you know?” Shauna railed. “You didn’t even know he was

secretly sneaking off to meet your sister. Did he tell you he was the last one

to see her before she fell ill?”

Alex didn’t answer her question even though it was possible the thought

occurred to him. “He’s my friend. I won’t accuse him of something you may

have misinterpreted or simply imagined.” Lizzie knew that Bern and Alex

hadn’t had much of an opportunity to speak alone since she jumped on

board the ship for the return flight to Tiburon.

“Imagined?” Shauna drew herself up. “If you don’t do something I’ll

just speak to your father. He’ll take action.”

“Don’t.” Alex took an angry step in her direction.

“Speak to me about what?” From behind them, Crag entered the room.

Shauna turned excitedly to tattle to the Commander. “I saw Bern outside

the Alimentus room right before Ria was discovered unconscious.”

Crag’s eyes closed and he pushed out a long breath, the fatigue from

having a sick child in the healing center showed in the strain around his eyes

when they opened again. “Thank you, Shauna, for bringing this to my


* * * *

Bern entered the room, a pensive expression encompassed his face. He

walked slowly and deliberately to the opposite of where Crag was seated at

a large table.

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Alex had wanted to join them in this meeting, but Crag had insisted on it

being just the two of them. There were things he wanted to say without any


“You wanted to speak to me, Commander?”

Crag wanted to leap up from his chair, slam Bern to the wall and force

him to explain why he’d been with Ria moments before she collapsed but

hadn’t bothered to tell anyone. Instead he took a deep cleansing breath and

asked, “Is there any thing about my daughter’s illness that you’d like to


Bern’s eyes narrowed warily. “I’m not sure I understand your question.”

“All right let me clarify. Is it true that you were with Ria when she fell

unconscious in the Alimentus room?” Crag flexed his fingers then clenched

his hand again.

Bern watched warily, as Crag maintained very limited control over his


“What makes you think I was with Ria?”

Folding his arms over his chest, Crag said firmly, “Because a witness

has come forward.”

Bern squinted. “A witness? What witness?”

Crag uncrossed his arms and stood quickly, unable to remain seated.

Bern retreated half a step as if in surprise.

“A witness who watched you enter the hallway leading to the Alimentus

room the night Ria fell ill.” Crag took one step forward using every bit of

his restraint not to shake the truth from his hesitant mouth.

“Who is the witness?”

“It doesn’t matter. Besides, there is another far more damning piece of

information suggesting that you were there.”

Bern tilted his head to one side. “What information?”

Crag grimaced and said, “Ria asked for you when she woke up.” Bern’s

face tightened, when Crag added in a growl, “In fact, she said your name,


Bern took a deep breath and let it out in a rush. “Ria woke up? Is she

healed?” The unguarded expression of relief on Bern’s face told Crag his

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hunch and Shauna’s accusation were accurate.

“Don’t change the subject!” Crag thundered. “Were you there with her

or weren’t you?”

Bern’s shoulders slumped momentarily. “Yes. I was there.”

“Why didn’t you mention this before now?” Crag took another step

forward and Bern straightened his spine, but he didn’t retreat. “Did you do

something to my daughter?”

Bern blanched. “I would never do anything to hurt her. You know that I

love her. Why would I ever harm her?”

“Because you and I both know you can’t have her and the reasons why.”

Crag leaned closer. “Perhaps you decided that no one else would have her


Bern advanced a step. “I’d kill myself before allowing a hair on Ria’s

head any damage. You should know that too.”

“Explain to me what happened between the two of you.” Crag’s anger

was on a short leash. He wanted to throttle Bern for spending intimate time

with his daughter.

“No.” Bern snapped. “Ria swore me to secrecy. I won’t betray her.”

Crag pounded his fist on the table hard enough to make it vibrate. “Tell

me what you know or face my wrath.”

* * * *

Alex and Lizzie barged into the conference room as his father smacked

a fist on the table and made a threat in response to something Bern had said.

His father, in his role at the Commander, currently staring daggers at

Bern, didn’t look away, however he asked, “What are you doing in here,

Alex? I asked you to wait outside until I was finished with my


“I came to support my friend.” Alex strode over to stand between them

leaving Lizzie by the door. “He would never do anything to Ria.”

Bern broke the gaze with his father momentarily. “Alex, I appreciate it,

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but you don’t have to—”

“Wait outside.” His father thundered, cutting Bern off. His gaze shifted

from Bern to Alex and Lizzie and then back to Bern again.

“No. I won’t. Ria’s illness places me as the next in line for your

position. I’m needed in here, whether you like it or not,” Alex said.

His father turned a ferocious gaze his way before releasing a long

breath. “And do you believe you can be impartial? Do you understand what

your friend has been accused of?”

Alex narrowed his eyes. “I know that Shauna isn’t the most reliable

witness to accuse others of wrong doing. She has an ulterior motive and you

shouldn’t base your condemnation of Bern on her statement alone.”

“Your ‘friend’ just admitted being there. Besides, that isn’t the only

information I have.” Crag folded his arms across his chest and smirked at

Bern as if daring him to explain.

“The Commander is correct. I’m sorry, Alex. I was there with Ria.”

Alex knew he registered visible surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

They’d been on a space craft together for several hours on the trip from


Bern shifted his gaze to Lizzie. “I didn’t have an opportunity.”

“Did you see Shauna?” Alex asked quietly.

Nodding, Bern sighed deeply before admitting, “I’d forgotten after what

happened to Ria, but I did meet her near the hallway leading to the

Alimentus room.” His gaze shifted to Crag once and then back to Alex. “I

touched hands with her briefly in compassion for your partnership

negotiation dissolution. I was distracted. I don’t even remember what

platitudes I gave her, and then I hurried to meet Ria.”

“What happened when you got to the Alimentus room? Tell me every

word spoken and every minuscule detail,” his father demanded.

Bern looked decidedly uncomfortable. “When I entered, Ria was already

there. She said she wasn’t sure that I’d show up.

“I told her that I worried about meeting in secret, but she smiled at me

and I forgot pretty much every argument I was prepared to deliver.”

“What else? Did you see her eat anything?” Alex asked. “Drink

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Bern shook his head. “She didn’t eat or drink anything. We talked for a

few minutes about inane things and then she wanted to kiss.” He glanced at

Alex, but only for a second. Alex remembered that Ria’s barrier had been

down. It was likely they’d been about to engage in a forbidden act.

“So I kissed her,” Bern muttered on a sigh as if the information was a

burden to express. His eyes remained focused on the floor. “That’s all that


“You mouth-touched her?” Lizzie asked with surprise.

Crag took an aggressive step toward Bern with a murderous expression

in his eyes.

“No!” Bern returned in a shocked proclamation keeping a close eye on

the Commander. “We kissed…placed our fingertips against each others,

threaded our hands together and touched palms. I would never dishonor her.

I love her.”

“You can’t have her,” Crag thundered.

“I know.” Bern shouted back. “But it doesn’t seem to alleviate our

feelings for each other.”

“Why can’t he have her?” Lizzie asked no one in particular.

Bern drilled an angry gaze at her and spat out, “Because I’m not a pure

blood Tiburon male. I have one fourth Declan Five blood running through

my body.”

“So what?” Lizzie asked as she looked back and forth between the two

volatile men. Alex remained silent. He knew why his father didn’t want

Bern and Ria together.

“According to the ancient and decrepit scrolls we live by on Tiburon, I

have to be of pure Tiburon blood to partner with Ria because she is only

half-Tiburon blood, and as our future Commander, she will bear the next in

the line,” Bern explained with venom stirring his tone.

“Perhaps you should review your scrolls and update them,” Lizzie

suggested quietly. “Or find a loop hole to allow the two of you to be


“That isn’t the only problem is it, Commander?” Bern asked with a

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harsh glint in his eyes. “Even if the scrolls could be adjusted, the

Commander still wouldn’t allow us to be together, would you, sir?”

“It’s a moot point.” Crag straightened. He had obviously calmed

considerably and now avoided the question. “The scrolls may be decrepit

and ancient, but they are the laws we live by. And I’ll enforce them


Alex didn’t agree with his father in this matter. He knew Bern as a good

friend and planned to defend him in this matter once Ria was healed. If Ria

cared for him, she deserved a chance to partner with the one she loved.

Glancing at Lizzie, he wished for things that likely wouldn’t occur.

“Am I to be detained?” Bern asked. “Placed in irons for torture perhaps

for the audacity of falling in love with an unattainable woman?”

Alex spoke first. “No.” He turned to his father. “I believe him. He didn’t

admit to being there because he’s loyal to Ria. Once she’s healed, you can

get the full story.”

Crag exhaled. “Go back to your ship, Bern. I’ll contact you later.”

Bern nodded and turned to go, but there was a loud knock at the door.

All four of them turned toward the noise. Otto stuck his head in the room.

“Ria’s taken a turn for the worse.” He glanced at Lizzie. “I may need you to

donate another measure of blood.”

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Chapter 13

Keller approached Tiburon with a sense of melancholy. He hadn’t been

back since he’d left all those years ago to chase after his life mate, Gabrielle.

He’d never looked back and he’d never regretted his decision to leave.

“Tiburon space command, this is Keller. I’m on approach to the landing

dock. Please ready the outer hatch to open upon my arrival.”

“Outer hatch will be opened. Welcome back, sir.”

Keller smiled. “Thanks.” He didn’t recognize the voice, but it wasn’t too

difficult to expect some citizens on Tiburon knew his history even so many

years later.

After only a few years away, he’d made peace with his mother, Elsbeth,

the current Queen of Tiburon, and easily shuffled the mantle of future king

to his brother, Kyle.

It hadn’t been a great disappointment to lose out on being king. Just as

he knew that Kyle secretly coveted the title and would make a great king


Keller was surprised his mother hadn’t stepped down already, but

perhaps it was her way. She came into the title at a very young age and

managed the life very well without letting it consume her. She’d likely

remain as queen until her dying breath. But it wouldn’t surprise him if

Elsbeth, the iron-fisted Queen of Tiburon, lived forever.

Landing at the dock, Keller was bemused by the fact that little had

changed since he’d left so many years ago. The bold emblazoned T.E. was

still painted on the dock door as it opened to let his craft inside.

T.E. stood for Tiburon-Eclipse. Half a millennium ago his forefathers on

Tiburon had built this space station on the planet because of an eclipse

which had blocked their sun permanently, making planet Tiburon a barren

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wasteland of sub-zero temperatures. They’d had some warning it was

coming, however it didn’t prevent the ugly wars which dotted that time in

their history.

As with most long ago history, no one ever referred to it as Tiburon-

Eclipse anymore.

There was an earth saying he thought of as he easily piloted the small

vessel into the dock, setting it down in a smooth landing. It was like riding a

bike. Keller wasn’t qualified to captain a craft holding more that four, but he

managed this small emergency craft well enough.

Now, to get his head-strong daughter to cooperate and come home.

Thinking of Lizzie and her attitude the last time they’d spoken, he wasn’t

sure of the reception he’d get. And after a welcoming message from his

mother an hour before he landed, Keller was certain Elsbeth would side with

Lizzie and want her to stay. Of course going back to face Gabrielle without

Lizzie in tow was not a conversation he was willing to contemplate.

“Good to see you, sir. It’s been many years.” The young man with an

engaging smile who approached his vehicle wasn’t a deck hand. He was

dressed as a fleet captain and Keller tried to place his name as he exited his


“Thank you. Yes, it has.” Keller squinted trying to recognize him.

“I know you don’t remember me, sir. I was a lad when you left. But my

father knew you. He spoke well of you even after you were gone.”

Keller laughed. “What’s your father’s name?”

“His name was Conrad, sir. I’m Bern. I captain the fleet ship Titan


“Good for you.” Keller nodded and tried not to be impatient, but he was

on a mission to convince his daughter to return home. “I guess you know

why I’m here.”

“Yes, sir. I believe your daughter accidentally came on my ship when I

brought Alex aboard for his return to Tiburon.”

“That’s being generous, Bern.” Keller scanned the dock looking for a

greeting party. “I’m surprised my mother isn’t here.”

Bern’s expression tightened. “The queen is at the healing center waiting

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for word on the Commander’s daughter, Ria.”

Keller noted that when Bern said Ria’s name his voice changed. It

wasn’t a leap to assume he had feelings for Crag’s daughter and knowing

who Bern’s father was, Keller also understood that Bern would not be

allowed to partner with the next in line for Commander. Not unless icicles

were forming in Hell, as Gabrielle was fond of saying.

“In the last transmission I received en route, I understood the

Commander’s daughter was improving.”

“Yes, sir. But currently she’s taken a turn for the worse.” Bern’s mouth

tightened until Keller thought it would crack.

“Is my daughter, Lizzie, at the healing center waiting word, as well?”

“Yes, sir.”

Keller tilted his head to one side. If he read Bern’s blatant signals

correctly then Bern was likely not welcome, but wanted desperately to go to

the healing center. “Will you accompany me? I don’t plan to make trouble,

but I also don’t reside here any longer. I’m sure I should be escorted.”

Bern nodded. “Yes, sir. I’d be happy to take you there.”

* * * *

Lizzie sat next to Alex in the waiting room pondering her love life,

which was about to come to a screeching end. One of the Commander’s men

had come to inform them that her father’s craft had landed. The queen had

gone home to rest, but word had been sent to her as well.

Otto was nearly pale over Ria’s worsening condition, and he wasn’t the

only one.

Alex and his parents digested her relapse with silent agony. Meanwhile,

Lizzie wished she could figure out what was wrong. It was like a word

problem buzzing around in her brain. A puzzle with too many missing

pieces preventing her from the epiphany of a final solution. She sat quietly

thinking through everything hoping she could help Alex’s sister before

being shuttled back home.

“I don’t understand it. Why would she be getting worse?” Crag paced

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the waiting room.

Alex’s mother had gone back to stay with Ria. Lizzie waited with the

Crag and Alex. She’d volunteered and given another full-pint of blood, but

after helping her breathing for a few minutes, it failed again. Ria hadn’t

woken the second time.

Lizzie was considering all the secret meetings and Tiburon-styled

kissing versus mouth-touching going on. She hadn’t meant to insinuate that

Bern had had sex with Ria, but it was what came out by mistake. She should

really learn the fine art of filtering her mouth before speaking.

Alex bent forward, head hanging down with his elbows resting on his

knees deep in contemplation of the floor.

The door opened and Shauna strolled in, looking beautiful and

refreshed. Lizzie calculated how long she’d been in the same clothes and

mentally sighed. She knew Alex didn’t harbor any residual feelings for her,

but Lizzie still felt like a short inferior runner up when next to the tall

beautiful Tiburon woman.

“Is there any word on Ria’s condition?” Shauna asked politely.

Alex didn’t look up. Crag shook his head and continued to pace the


Seconds later, Bern entered the room with her father close behind.

Lizzie conjured a bell sound in her mind signifying that her time was up.


“Hi, Daddy.” At least, she thought, he didn’t look too angry. Her father

sent her an unreadable look then turned toward Crag.

“Keller?” Crag stopped pacing and the two tall warrior men met in the

middle of the room with a single hand grip followed by a loose hug.

Her father whispered to Crag, who nodded and slapped his back once

before they separated.

Shauna watched their interaction with rapt attention. Her focus then

shifted from Crag and her father to Bern, who’d trailed in behind her dad.

Her gaze was filled with a shock that Lizzie could see from across the room.

After several seconds she focused her attention on Alex and approached.

“Why hasn’t Bern been incarcerated,” Shauna said in a calm rational

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voice even as her eyes flashed brightly.

“It wasn’t warranted.” Alex stood up and Lizzie followed.

“What if Ria dies? Do you want him on the loose? What if he tries to

kill someone else?”

“That’s a really mean thing to say.” Lizzie snapped. “Ria isn’t going to


“Oh? How do you know? Are you some sort of Earth healer?”

Alex grabbed her arm, he didn’t even say anything, he just led her to the


Shauna dug her heels in and said loudly, “He did something to her!”

“Get out.”

Shauna wrenched herself from Alex, spun around, turned a cold-eyed

glare on Lizzie, and after leaning very close, she whispered, “After you’re

gone I’ll make him forget all about you. Ria will die and I’ll be the life

partner of the future Commander. I’ll bear his child. Just wait and see.”

Unfortunately, Lizzie could picture that scenario all too clearly. A flash

visual of Alex putting his lips on Shauna’s and lowering his barrier rushed

into her mind. Then a worse one involving Shauna being impregnated came


Lizzie whispered furiously, “He won’t ever love you.”

Shauna laughed. “I don’t care. Nor do I care if he never puts his lips on


Flashes of information pelted Lizzie’s brain which still tried valiantly

and cohesively to solve the problem of what was wrong with Ria.

Lips on lips. Hands on hands. Touching. Kissing versus mouth-

touching. Barriers up. Barriers down. Lizzie took a hard step backward as a

terrible thought occurred to her. The timelines of information sped through

her brain as the missing puzzle pieces fell into place for the solution to the

dilemma she’d been mulling over.

“What’s wrong, Lizzie?” Alex asked.

The riddle circulating in her brain resolved itself. Lizzie saw the picture

clearly, and hoped they’d be able to prove it. She sent Shauna a sneering

smile. “Don’t get too used to the idea of Alex being the next Commander.”

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Shauna straightened her spine. “Why not?”

“Ria will live. I know what’s wrong with her and I know how to fix it.”

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Chapter 14

Alex hadn’t heard all of what Shauna whispered to Lizzie during their

heated conversation, but suspected it was hateful in nature.

Crag crossed the room to Lizzie. “Explain what you know about Ria’s

condition and how to fix it.”

“Hang on.” Digging in her bag, Lizzie muttered to herself. “Where is


“What are you looking for?” Alex asked sending a nervous glance to

Keller. Lizzie focused on fishing through her bag.

“The epi-pen I always carry.”

Alex put a hand on her arm and squeezed until she looked at him. “We

used it on you to get you breathing again after your allergy attack.”

Keller swore out loud and crossed the room toward them. “You had an

allergy attack?”

Lizzie abandoned her search and nodded. “I guess I’m allergic to

something here.” She glanced at Shauna and frowned. “I thought I had

another one…” she trailed off and dug in her bag again ignoring those now

crowding around her.

“There are no cats on Tiburon, Lizzie. No pets at all.” Keller flashed a

look at Alex that seemed to blame him for everything.

“Well, I’m allergic to something and I think Ria is too.” Lizzie ignored

her father’s exasperation and asked, “Daddy, do you still carry an epi-pen

with my allergy drugs loaded like you used to when I was little?”

Keller’s face softened. “Of course, Darling. I’ll probably be buried with

one.” He reached inside his jacket’s inner pocket and extracted a

hypodermic needle exactly like the one Ellie had used on Lizzie to wake her


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Lizzie smiled. “Thanks.”

“Will that device cure Ria?” Crag asked.

“I believe so.”

Crag sighed. “I don’t know that I wish to experiment on her if you’re

not absolutely sure.”

Lizzie nodded. “Okay. Let me explain. I gave Ria blood and it helped

her. I thought that since I take medication regularly for my allergies, perhaps

that was what helped her before.” She held up the epi-pen. “This is a more

potent version of the medication I’m on. I think it will help her faster.”

From the door to the waiting room an exhausted looking Otto entered

and said, “Whatever it is, I think we should try it. At this point I don’t think

we have anything to lose. She’s faltering.”

Turning to Keller, Crag said, “All right, let’s try it.”

The only less than hopeful face was that of Shauna. She frowned at the

idea of curing Ria. Alex didn’t take the time to wonder why.

Everyone in the waiting room shuffled through the double doors to

Ria’s room to witness either her final breath or a miracle cure. Shauna

started to follow until Alex stopped her with a glare and left her alone in the

waiting area.

“Tell me, what made you think of this for a cure?” Crag asked and put a

hand on Lizzie before she could use the device.

“Lots of things. Mostly kissing and barriers. Tiburon style kissing, more


“When I was in here before, right after I donated blood, I grabbed Ria’s

hand. That’s when I got the allergy attack. Then I remembered Bern said he

touched hands with Shauna before meeting Ria in the Alimentus place. He

touched hands with Ria as well. When Ria lowered her barrier, whatever

was on Bern’s hands transferred to her and she fell unconscious.”

Bern glanced at his hands. “I never lowered my barrier. She fell before I

had a chance.”

“If you had, you’d probably be sick too.”

Otto made a noise as if he’d thought of something. He rifled through a

drawer for a few moments, then took out a new piece of equipment

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resembling the device used to identify blood types only larger. He flipped a

switch making the new device hum and an orange light emitted from the

end. He scanned Ria’s hand which lit up with blood red blotches on her

fingertips. Whatever that meant as a reading, it made Otto’s face go pale.

“Everyone back away. It’s Panthea.”

Crag and Keller took an automatic step back as did Alex. Ellie and

Lizzie scrunched their eyes. “Panthea? “What’s that?”

“Poison.” Otto ruffled through yet another drawer and grabbed a large

vial of light blue liquid. Putting a clear glove on one hand, he poured some

of the fluid out on a white cloth and wiped Ria’s fingers carefully.

“Where did it come from?” Lizzie asked.

Otto scanned Ria’s fingers again. The splotches remained but they’d

turned to a purple color instead of red.

“It’s neutralized. Let’s check your hands, too.” He used the device on

Lizzie’s hand and found a small red splotch on her palm. Otto used a freshly

soaked cloth, rubbed Lizzie’s hand thoroughly and checked with the orange

light. It glowed faintly purple.

“It’s gone. Use your device.” Otto inclined his head to Lizzie. She put

the epi-pen on Ria’s leg and injected her. The results were immediate. She

started breathing easier after a few seconds.

“What is Panthea? Where does it come from?” Lizzie asked.

Keller responded. “Unless things have changed dramatically since I’ve

been gone, Panthea is a poison found only on Declan Five.”

Crag nodded. “It’s secreted from a huge black animal indigenous only to

that planet.”

Lizzie glanced at Bern. “How did it get here?”

“I guess someone smuggled it in since it’s prohibited on this planet. The

poison is so toxic to citizens of Tiburon that anyone carrying even a drop

through the dock is punished by automatic penal time.” Crag glanced at

Bern too.

“I would never carry Panthea.” Bern was resolute.

“Let Otto scan your hands. Even if you’ve washed it off it carries a

residue that remains behind.”

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Bern’s fingers lit up red as Otto scanned the device over his hand.

“The poison hasn’t been neutralized.” Otto gave Bern an odd look. “If

you’d lowered your barrier, you’d be dead.” Otto handed him another new

cloth soaked with blue fluid to wash.

“Whatever you may think of me, Commander,” Bern said and fixed his

gaze on Crag as he scrubbed his hand with the saturated cloth. “I would

never transport Panthea onto Tiburon. And I’d certainly never poison Ria.”

“I’m inclined to agree,” Keller spoke.

Crag twisted his gaze from Bern to Keller. “Why?”

“Too dangerous. There are easier ways to poison someone here without

bringing a highly lethal poison from another planet to do so. Besides, if he’d

accidentally dropped his barrier or if it had suddenly fallen due to the loss of

a loved one, it’s instant death. Why would he risk it?” Keller nodded at him

still washing the poison off his fingers. “And why wouldn’t he have

neutralized it by now.”

Crag shrugged. “That’s what I’d like to know. What would be worth the


“Who would stand to gain if Ria were no longer alive?” Lizzie asked.

“Alex would be the next commander.”

Lizzie sent a sympathetic gaze to Alex. “But he wasn’t even on the

planet when it happened and I don’t think he wants to be the Commander

bad enough to kill his own sister.”

Crag nodded. “I agree.”

“Shauna started all this with her suggestions. Maybe you should go scan

her hands.”

“Bern?” Ria’s weak voice carried across the room.

Bern moved quickly to Ria’s side before anyone could stop him. “I’m

here.” The relief on his face was palpable.

“What happened?” She lifted her head. Her eyes widened with

confusion as she pegged a gaze on each of the several people in her room.

“Someone used me to poison you. I told you not to lower your barrier.”

Bern sucked in a breath and laid his head on her shoulder. “You almost died,

Ria, because of me.”

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Ria wrapped her arm around his neck and whispered to him. “I know

you’d never hurt me.”

Crag, Ellie and Alex crowded around her bed. Bern withdrew giving Ria

a look of such longing it made Alex even more certain of his innocence.

* * * *

Keller, Bern and Lizzie exited the room to give them some family time


Otto stuck his head out of the door a few minutes later with the poison

detection device.

“The Commander asked if you’d go with me to test Shauna for Panthea

residue. He said he didn’t trust himself to do it quite yet.”

Bern drilled a ferocious gaze his way. “I know just how he feels.”

Keller strode down the hall as anger roiled through him. Ria was Crag

and Ellie’s only daughter and the next Commander of Tiburon. She didn’t

deserve to be poisoned to further someone’s foolish agenda regarding the

position of Commander.

Beside him, Bern matched his stride as each firm heel strike he made

echoed down the hallway. Poison was considered a coward’s tool for

assassination in their world and an unthinkable way to eliminate someone

from a warrior’s perspective.

Shauna was the woman Alex had been in negotiations for partnership

before he came to Earth. From talking to Alex after he’d first arrived on

Earth, Keller also knew that Lena was Shauna’s mother.

After Lena had been unable to secure Crag as her life partner, she’d

shocked everyone and partnered soon after with a very ambitious man from

a rival house on Tiburon.

Lena had given birth to Shauna within the first year of their partnership.

The house of Dreslin, like the house of Fairfax never strayed far from trying

to partner into either the royal house or the Commander’s family. However,

they’d been unable to secure a link for many generations.

Once upon a time, Keller, as future king of Tiburon, had been poised to

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life partner with Shauna’s mother, Lena.

Luckily, his true life mate, Gabrielle, had accidentally stumbled onto a

transport departing for Tiburon. Once alone with him she proceeded to ruin

the sanctity of his royal lips by mouth-touching him when he’d asked for a

kiss. She’d given him an earth-styled kiss and changed his life forever.

Keller smiled in memory.

Entering the small waiting room, Keller sobered and focused his

attention on Shauna. It was time to find out if she was culpable in what

happened to Ria.

Otto marched over. “Show me your hands,” he demanded

Shauna drew herself up immediately, her spine snapped rigidly into

place. “I will not.”

Keller strolled over to lend assistance. “Otto merely wants to run a test.

You don’t have anything to hide, do you?

Her sneer told him she planned to be uncooperative. “What is this all


“You’ve accused Bern of having something to do with Ria’s illness.

Bern suggested that you might have information instead.”

“I didn’t do anything to Ria. I never even saw her. Bern is the one who

poisoned her, not me.”

“How did you know she was poisoned?” Lizzie asked.

Shauna sent a malicious stare to Lizzie and huffed. “What else could it


“Lots of things.”

Shauna brought her hands out with a confident smirk and Otto scanned

them. Palms glowing a vibrant purple color, the smile slid from her face.

“That’s not possible. It was neutralized.” She held her hands away from her


“The poison is gone, but the residue from this particular poison remains

for quite some time.” Otto snapped off his orange light device.

“Bern must have tried to poison me as well as Ria. Perhaps you should

punish him.” Shauna tucked her hands behind her back.

“How did you know to neutralize the poison?” Lizzie persisted.

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Alex strode into the room, anguish coloring his features. “Otto, hurry.

Ria’s passed out again.”

* * * *

Otto dashed back through the double doors to check on his patient.

Alex stayed behind in the waiting room and paced with worry. He

crossed to Lizzie and grabbed her hands. Threading his fingers through hers,

he squeezed drawing strength from her.

“Do not get used to her, Alex. Now that her father’s here, it’s likely she

won’t remain for much longer.”

“Oh? How do you know?” Lizzie asked. “Maybe I’ve decided to stay.”

Shauna didn’t have time to answer before the double doors blasted open.

His father strode across the threshold into the waiting room, his livid

expression would have put fear into any friend or foe.

“Ria is gone,” Crag said in a low pained tone. He crossed to where

Shauna stood eyes wide with fright. “Did you do it? Did you poison her?”

Keller blocked Crag before he could come within arm’s length of

Shauna. “She has residue on her hands, but to her point it could have come

from Bern.”

Crag turned his focus to Bern. The space craft captain had the most

excruciating expression and Alex wondered if he was about to break down.

Hand on his heart, Bern staggered backwards a step as if he tried to keep

from falling. If Alex hadn’t already been convinced, Bern’s reaction to Ria’s

sudden death persuaded him he was innocent.

“She can’t be gone. We just spoke to her. She was better.” Sucking in a

deep breath, Bern stopped, he exhaled, fixed a gaze on Crag and asked,

“May I please see her?”

His father mashed both eyes shut and nodded slowly once.

Bern scrubbed one hand down his face, took another deep breath as if

for strength and disappeared through the double doors.

Crag turned again to Shauna. “What do you know about this travesty?”

She shrugged. “I can’t imagine what you mean. Bern did this.”

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“That has yet to be proven.”

Shauna smiled. “Now that Ria is gone, this means that Alex will become

the next Commander at Arms.”

“So?” Alex squinted at Shauna wondering at her scheme.

She continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “The new future Commander at

Arms is also a half-breed, as such he’s required to marry a woman with full

Tiburon blood. That means your earthling can leave now with her disgraced

and scandalized father back to their insignificant planet. Alex will be mine.”

Her matter of fact attitude over Ria’s death signaled her original intent.

“How do you figure that?” Lizzie asked.

“By the dictates of the scrolls, Alex will be forced to partner with the

eldest daughter of the house of Fairfax. That’s me. I will bear the next


“Don’t get your hopes up.” Alex said.

Through the opened doors behind her in crept the man Alex had caught

Shauna with right before he’d called off negotiations and gone to Earth.

“Carlo!” Shauna gasped. “Why are you here?”

“I called him,” his father said.

“Why? He has nothing to do with this.” Shauna looked nervous for the

first time since she’d shown up at the healing center blaming Bern for Ria’s


“He has everything to do with this.

“Given the choice between you or Bern poisoning Ria. I decided that I

agreed with Alex. You were the more likely candidate. Bern didn’t have

anything to gain. But you did.

“Although it wasn’t put into the formal negotiation withdrawal papers,

Alex remembered and mentioned the name of the man you were with that

caused the separation between you. I called Carlo and he confessed to

getting the poison for you.”

Shauna spun around to her lover. “You’ve ruined everything. My father

will kill us both.”

Carlo’s mouth tightened. “I don’t care. Let him kill us. I loved you, but

you used me. You never intended to be my life partner.”

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“Tell me why you did this, Shauna. Did your mother have anything to

do with it?” Alex asked the question he knew his father and Keller wanted

to know.

Shauna rolled her head back and laughed. “No. My mother can barely

function with all the hatred she harbors for the Commander. She begins each

day with a soliloquy of venom regarding the life she was cheated out of in

favor of Ellie and her two mongrel children after being dumped by Keller in

the first place. Do you have any idea what it was like living with my

mother’s anger and resentment?”

“If not, your mother’s influence, then why did you do it?”

“From the day of my birth, my father has groomed me to be Alex’s

partner regardless of my feelings.” She turned to Carlo. “I loved you more

than anyone in my life, but we could never be together. My father ensured I

understood what it meant to our family for me to sacrifice myself for the

greater good. I was happy to do it even though it meant I had to forgo my

personal desires.”

“What greater good?” Alex asked.

Shauna smiled. “The house of Dreslin and the house of Fairfax have

wanted to affiliate themselves with the royal family for decades. My father

partnered with my mother for the sole purpose of having a child to connect

into the royal house. I was supposed to be a boy. That way I could mate with

the eldest of the future King’s daughters. Unfortunately, I was born a girl

and the only possibility to gain access was through the Commander’s


“My father believes the royal house needs new blood. Dreslin blood. I

was poised to be Alex’s life partner until he caught me with Carlo. When he

left for Earth, I’d planned to woo him upon his return. Only he extended his

stay and my father worried he wouldn’t return without good reason.”

“And poisoning Ria would bring Alex back to Tiburon.” Crag crossed

his arms. “How would Ria’s illness help you? Alex still wouldn’t be


“Ria wasn’t supposed to get sick, she was supposed to die. Then I could

have insinuated myself into Alex’s grief. But Ria didn’t die and ruined my

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plans. Apparently Panthea isn’t as toxic to humans…or half breeds like her.”

Shauna sneered.

The double doors behind them opened and Bern stepped through with

Ria close behind him. Ria drew in a breath, crossed the room and said, “I

guess you were right, father. She was the one that tried to poison me. I

should have known it was a pampered princess like you that would take a

coward’s way to try and kill me.”

Shauna flicked a gaze from Ria to Crag. “But you said she was dead.”

Crag’s eyebrows rose. “I exaggerated. But it served my purpose. There

was no way to prove whether you or Bern did this until you confessed.”

Guards from the commander’s personal entourage entered the room and

took Shauna away. She didn’t fight or cry or have to be restrained. She just

hung her head and marched away.

Alex ambled over to Ria and embraced her. “Good thing we’re half

breeds, sis. I would have missed you.”

“Shut up.” Ria grinned and turned to Lizzie. “Thanks for saving my


“No problem.” Lizzie sighed.

Ria strolled over and hugged her. “You were right. Everything turned

out okay. It’s a good thing you came for a surprise visit.”

Alex knew their time was running out. What could he do to convince

her to stay on Tiburon? Failing that, would he be willing to leave his family

and spend his life with her on Earth?

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Chapter 15

“I believe a celebration is called for now that Ria is healed and on the

road to recovery.” Elsbeth strolled in and brightened the dark mood in the

waiting room. “Come to my quarters and we’ll share alimentus together to

document this auspicious event.”

Keller smiled at his mother. “That would be very nice.”

They all went to the queen’s lavish quarters for a feast which awaited

them. Otto was also invited. Bern hovered near Ria and held her hand as if

he would never let it go. Alex and Lizzie shared the same air they remained

so close together. Keller tried to come to grips with his child being in love

with a man. At least Alex was a good choice.

The queen invited those gathered into her large receiving room for


“The only thing left to be decided is our fate.” Lizzie wrapped her arms

around Alex and sighed.

“You should come back to earth, Lizzie.” Keller approached her. “I

know you have feelings for Alex, but you’ve worked so hard for your

education. Are you prepared to give up nearly six years of hard work when

you’re so close to finishing for someone you’ve only known for a few days?

Do you truly want to leave your life on earth behind?”

“Keller,” the queen remarked, “let the child decide for herself whether

she wants to go back to Earth. Lizzie is welcome to make the choice to stay

on Tiburon. You gave up a kingship to run away for your life mate,

Gabrielle. It only took you a few days to make that decision.”

“That’s different.”

“How so?” His mother’s eyebrow went up in question and Keller knew

he didn’t have a good answer. Just that Gabrielle would kill him if he didn’t

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bring Lizzie back.

Elsbeth smiled as if she’d won her point, and added. “Besides, it’s the

only way they can be together. Alex can’t go back to earth now. This

episode has highlighted the need to have a backup to the Commander’s

position. I can’t sanction further trips for him off Tiburon.”

Crag cleared his throat and crossed his arms as an uncomfortable look

came over his features. “Alex shouldn’t be put in that position, my queen.

He’s spent years learning about earth and its customs. Ria will be fine. He

should be allowed to follow his heart if he chooses.”

The queen sent an incredulous look his direction. “Just because you

were prepared to give up the position of Commander for your life mate,

Ellie, and remain on earth with your father’s blessing doesn’t mean it was

the right thing to do. And that was after you left Tiburon without royal

permission in the first place.” Elsbeth turned to face him, one imperious

eyebrow raised.

Crag’s jaw nearly fell open in shock. “How do you know all of that?”

He sent a gaze to Keller who shrugged and shook his head in denial.

“Your father, Kern, and I spent many hours discussing our children

before he passed.” Elsbeth smiled. “I loved your father, Crag. He was my

very first Commander at Arms and my dearest friend. I knew, of course, that

the only love of his life was your mother, but we were fast friends, he and I.

How could we not be after a lifetime of service together?”

Keller nodded. “I agree with the Commander. Alex should be allowed to

come back to earth if he wants to. You know, Crag, that if Alex wanted to

return, Gabrielle and I would look out for him.”

His mother laughed. “That’s good of you to express your opinion,

however you are not the leader here, I am. I have a question for you though.

Why did you come all this way, Keller, knowing your own daughter might

not leave with you?”

Keller caught Lizzie’s questioning stare to that question. “I promised

Gabrielle that if Lizzie decided to come back to earth that I wouldn’t let her

travel alone as she had to do so many years ago.”

Crag turned to the two of them. “I wouldn’t have let her travel alone,

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Keller. I owe you and Gabrielle that much.”

“I have no doubt you would have, but I needed to do it for myself.

Besides it was a good excuse to come back to Tiburon for a long overdue


“You didn’t need an excuse, Keller.” Elsbeth sighed.

He shrugged. “Perhaps. But it certainly made it easier.”

Lizzie stood up from the table with a frown shaping her face. It was the

frown she had when studying to solve a difficult and complex problem.

“You can relax, Dad. I’m coming back with you.”

“What?” Alex twisted towards her in obvious shock. “You’re leaving?”

“I’d like some time alone to talk with Alex. Okay?” Tears swam in her

eyes. Each drop that spilled down her cheek had the same impact as a stake

to Keller’s heart, but he managed a nod.

Elsbeth stood from the table as well, “I’ll show you to my private indoor

garden. It’s just outside my personal library. It’s very quiet and soothing.

Perfect for talking about difficult subjects. I’ll take you there so you two can

chat alone in complete privacy.”

Keller didn’t know why Lizzie had decided to go back to earth, but he

was so grateful, it was all he could to not to groan in relief until he watched

the two of them leave the room. Hand in hand, their posture could only be

described as deflated.

The expression on Alex’s face mirrored that of Lizzie’s. It was utter

devastation. Keller took a deep breath and realized that in the same

situation, he’d done something completely different. He’d pursued his true

love without regard to anyone or anything around him.

Ashamed to admit it, except in the privacy of his mind, Keller realized

he’d just put his daughter on a guilt trip over her hard won education in

order to sway her to come back. He knew it would be the one thing she

wouldn’t want to give up. It also wasn’t fair to make her choose the way he


Glancing over at Crag and Ellie, he noted the disturbed expression on

their faces as they watched their son exit.

Perhaps Keller should make a gesture to ensure that she had her chance

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to find love. Perhaps he should leave her stranded here with a note to follow

her heart. Gabrielle was right, she wasn’t five years old any longer.

The disturbing memory of another devastating time, when Gabrielle had

been sent to earth without him, settled deeply in his bones. Losing her had

nearly killed his spirit. Being with Gabrielle had made all the difference in

his life and maybe for the first time ever he saw his daughter in a different

light. He didn’t expect her to live her life alone, did he?

The door closed behind them and Keller made an unexpected command

decision with regard to Lizzie.

Before leaving, Keller said his good-byes to his mother and promised

he’d consider coming back for a visit sooner rather than later. He then

cornered Bern and asked for an escort to the dock.

Scribbling a note on borrowed stationary to explain his rash actions,

Keller departed Tiburon and left his precious daughter behind to seek that

which had been crucial to his happiness. Love.

* * * *

“Why are you leaving?” Alex asked. “I know I’ve been focused on Ria

getting better since we’ve been on Tiburon, but now—”

“That doesn’t matter.” Lizzie didn’t look at him when she broke in.

“Something occurred to me when Shauna was wildly blaming our respective

fathers for the utter misery of her life.”

“The fact that we’re half breeds?” He grinned. “That just makes us more


“No. I love you, Alex, but I don’t want to live on Tiburon. I have a life

on Earth that I’ve worked very hard to build. My father won’t ever admit it,

but I know he pulled in lots of favors for me to have the fellowship

opportunity waiting for me back home.” The moment that thought had

occurred to her as she’d eaten dinner it had almost stopped her breath.

Alex exhaled. “I understand, Lizzie. I wish I could go with you. The

queen’s wishes are absolute. After seeing my sister near death, I don’t know

that I can dismiss my family obligations either.”

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Lizzie pegged him with a sad gaze. “If my grandmother isn’t going to

let you leave, I mourn the fact that we can’t be together. Perhaps we simply

weren’t meant to be together.”

“I disagree. I believe we were fated to meet. If I hadn’t extended my

stay, I wouldn’t have been at that fraternity party waiting in a line to kiss


Lizzie blinked to keep her eyes from tearing up. “I don’t doubt we were

fated to kiss. Therefore, we were also fated to meet and I’ll never forget you.

I followed you through space for a fated purpose. But that purpose is

obviously complete. Your sister is healed, a long time hidden enemy has

been revealed, but it doesn’t change the fact that we live too far away from

each other for a long term relationship.”

He deserved the chance to live the life he had expected to on Tiburon.

But it couldn’t be with her.

“I can’t stay here, Alex. My father was right. I’ve invested too much

time in my education to quit it all now. I’m going back and you should

move on.” A sob slipped out as she said the words and Alex scooped her up

against his chest. One hand slid into the locks of her hair at the nape of her

neck and the other wrapped around her waist to hold her close.

“I won’t be able to move on without you. Please don’t leave me,

Lizzie.” His anguished tone was followed unexpectedly by a kiss. Planting

his mouth on hers in a passionate mouth-touch, Alex skillfully swept his

tongue between her lips as her passion built to a crescendo of pleasure.

Lizzie was so shocked he’d mouth-touched her, she relaxed in his arms

and allowed the rapturous feelings to envelop her body. Justified in the

knowledge that she deserved one last kiss from the only man who would

ever touch her heart before she departed from him forever.

* * * *

“Lizzie, I believe your father already waits for you at the dock.” Crag

told her as she and Alex exited the queen’s private quarters.

She nodded and sent Alex one last pitiful glance. She walked away

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looking like the weight of a planet rested on her slim shoulders. Crag was

about to remedy that.

He sent Lizzie off with one of the trusted men in his command as he

pulled Alex aside. “We don’t have much time,” Crag said.

“Much time to do what?” The misery on Alex’s face seared Crag’s heart

and made him glad for the impetuous decision he’d made.

“I’m sending you to Earth. You deserve to be happy, but more

importantly you deserve to life partner with the woman you’ve obviously

fallen in love with.”

His son’s eyes narrowed “What about the commander’s position? What

about being available in case something happens to Ria?”

“It was unfair of the queen to ask you to give up your life to wait for

something that may never happen. I followed your mother to earth and I was

prepared to give up my position to be with her. Keep in mind that once she

finds out, she’ll probably exile you to Earth. Are you prepared to stay


A smile tugged at Alex’s mouth. “Yes. But how will I get to Earth? I’m

not qualified to fly myself there.”

“I’ll fly you there myself. It’s the least I can do.” He glanced in the

direction of the primary dock. “I thought we’d leave from the auxiliary

dock. If we leave now, I should be able to beat Keller and Lizzie there and

we can surprise them when they arrive.”

Alex beamed and a grin shaped his mouth. “Let’s go.”

* * * *

Keller walked down the rebuilt stairs leading to the space where he’d

landed years ago to pursue his love, Gabrielle. He’d only been gone a very

short time but missed her all the same.

Looking up in the sky, Keller sent a wish and a prayer that Lizzie would

be as happy as he and Gabrielle had been.


The familiar voice out of the darkness startled him from his reverie. Out

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of the alley way across the wide space between buildings Crag and Alex

approached him. They were smiling.

A sinking feeling hit Keller. “What are you doing here?”

Alex looked over Keller’s shoulder to the stairs he’d just descended and

asked. “Where’s Lizzie?”

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Chapter 16

Lizzie spent the entire return trip back to Earth with a grin on her face.

Her father had left her behind so that she could follow her heart.

Bern had delivered the note and then tried to locate Alex for her, but

found out that he and Crag had left from the auxiliary dock, without

permission, to pursue her.

The queen had instructed Bern to hail him, but Crag refused to answer,

not even when the queen’s personal guard had threatened to follow. The

entire time Lizzie hadn’t been able to wipe the grin from her mouth.

“We’ll be transporting down to earth very soon.”

“Thanks, Bern. Are you sure we’ll get there in time?”

“Yes. I’ve programmed the time accordingly. We’ll land shortly after

your father’s flight. I have the coordinates.”

Lizzie laughed. She couldn’t help it. “I still can’t believe he left me

behind so I could live with Alex.”

Bern smiled with her. “I’m amazed that the Commander left Tiburon

without permission from the queen, again. Although, perhaps she’s getting

used to it.”

“Perhaps he’ll relax his opinion on letting you be with Ria.”

The smile slid quickly from his mouth. “I appreciate your confidence,

however that is highly unlikely.”

“Why? Surely, he doesn’t blame you for what happened with Shauna

and the poison.”

“No. But he won’t go directly against the scrolls with regard to my

heritage. I’d still have to be completely Tiburon blood.”

Lizzie scrunched her eyes. “But that isn’t the real reason Crag doesn’t

want you to marry her, is it?”

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“No. It’s not. He doesn’t want me to life partner with Ria because of

certain customs that would impact our lives from my Declan Five heritage.”

Bern paused a moment and added in a whisper, “He finds the enforced

Declan Five tribal mating customs barbaric.”

“Barbaric? How bad can it be?” Lizzie blurted before stopping herself.

Bern’s eyes widened considerably. “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.”

He shrugged. “I guess it doesn’t matter. You see, during the required

ceremony to join us, Ria would have to publicly submit to me in a way

intended to bring her ultimate humility according to my distant family

members on Declan Five. As a fierce warrior who has trained his daughter

to be an even fiercer warrior, Crag finds the idea of submission for any

reason humiliating and intolerable. If it were merely the ancient Tiburon

scrolls holding us back, I’d imagine he would help us find a way to partner.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Thank you.” Bern might have said more, but a chiming sound caught

his attention. “We’re here. Are you ready?”

Lizzie nodded and together they went to the chamber where the blue

light soon swirled around and delivered them to the exact same place where

she’d jumped to chase Alex to Tiburon.

* * * *

Alex was certain he’d heard Keller incorrectly. “You left Lizzie behind

on Tiburon?”

Staring at each other in shock, Keller and his father both sighed deeply

in unison and then without warning they burst out laughing.

“Tell me, were you having the same guilt attack that I was about them

not being allowed to follow their hearts like we did so long ago?” Keller

asked trying to speak through his mirth.

His father nodded and bent at the waist as boisterous laughter apparently

kept him from speech.

Alex crossed his arms. “I don’t think this is very funny.”

His terse statement made them laugh even harder. Behind him, Alex

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heard the sound of wind swirling. Looking over his shoulder, he saw blue

wisps caught in the wind gliding through the air begin to outline a circular

and tubular pattern as a Tiburon transport beam formed in the circle of


After the light stopped and the wind stopped moving, two familiar

figures emerged from the beam. Alex grinned, deserted the amused men,

and crossed to take Lizzie in his arms.

“Glad you could make it.” Alex hugged her close. Smiling at Bern he

said, “Thanks for bringing her home.”

Bern nodded and noticed Keller and Crag over by the stairs still

laughing wildly. “I tried to send you a message, but The Commander cut

transmission to his vessel.”

Lizzie pulled back and stared over at their fathers. “Are they all right

over there?”

“I think so. I’ve come to live on earth with you Lizzie. My father told

me I was foolish to allow you to leave in order to fulfill my family

obligations. I want to make a life with you here.”

“And you’re okay with leaving Tiburon?”

“Yes. I love being on Earth.” Alex gazed deeply into her eyes. “Besides,

going against the queen after she expressly forbade me not to will likely

result in my being exiled. So you see, you’ll have to be my life partner or

I’ll spend the rest of my life pining for you and then die alone.” He let out a

deep forlorn sigh and kissed her forehead.

She giggled. “You’re pitiful. On the trip back here I realized that it was

beyond foolish to ignore my feelings for you. My father is right. I should

follow my heart. Wherever you are then that’s where I’ll be too. Thanks for

coming after me.”

“My pleasure. I love you, Lizzie. I always will.”

“I love you, too, Alex.” She kissed his cheek, slipped her arms around

his waist and hugged him tight.

They turned and watched their fathers. They’d finally stopped laughing

riotously and stared at her and Alex while they embraced. The two tall

warrior men had equally large smiles on their faces as they watched their

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children hold each other close.

The once future king and the Commander at Arms for Tiburon had

made important life decisions based on love. They’d followed their hearts

and when push came to shove, had not only encouraged their children to do

the same regardless of the problems it might cause, they’d gone out of their

way to help.


The Sins of Their Fathers



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Lara Santiago always loved to write. However, her pragmatic, analytical

side got the upper hand at an early age and informed her she should be

getting a ‘real’ job and not pursuing a creative writing career.

She joined the Air Force and spent her four years of service in

Blytheville, Arkansas working nights in Supply issuing aircraft parts to guys

working on the flight line. Her husband discovered her there and married her

to continue getting his aircraft parts quicker than all the others.

Lara soon earned a degree in the field of Logistics—a word she thinks is

very sexy. No logisticians will ever be the bad guy in any of her novels.

After the military, Lara spent many practical years working at a ‘real’

job, allowing her analytical side total free rein. Then one day, the characters

banging incessantly inside her brain simply couldn’t be silenced any longer.

She bought a laptop with the sole purpose of writing a book to allow her

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creative side to express itself and to let all those characters out. Her

motto…so many characters…so little time.

To those interested, Lara’s practical, analytical side is now stuffed in a

dark hole and only allowed out once or twice a month to pay bills.

When she isn’t hunched over her faithful laptop, now with half the

letters chipped off in her zeal to write as fast as possible, Lara enjoys

reading, catching up on all her recorded television shows, and watching

movies. Oh, and occasionally, she cooks for her family, too.

She hopes her readers enjoy her stories and looks forward to hearing

from them—but only if they refrain from insisting she make anyone in

Logistics a bad guy. ☺

Check out Lara’s latest books at


Visit Lara’s website at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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