Digital Booklet Something Else

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You’re MY BaBY






MS. HarMonY






Hard on MY love


tHe SweeteSt love


SoMetHing elSe


SHadow of douBt

1 1

crY no More


tie MY HandS


lil waYne

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You’re MY BaBY (R. Thicke, J. Gass, Max) Rhodes by Robin Thicke oRGan by LaRRy cox ii bass by GReG MaLone dRuMs, PeRcussion, GuiTaR, by PRo J backGRound vocaLs by Robin Thicke RecoRded and enGineeRed by biLL MaLina RecoRded aT
bLue Jay sTudios and conway sTudios Mixed by Rich TRavaLi aT LeGacy sTudios PubLisheRs: i Like ‘eM Thicke Music (ascaP); da Gass co. (ascaP); haddinGTon Music (ascaP) SideStep (R. Thicke, L.cox, G. MaLone, “Lb” bReaux) dRuMs and PeR-
cussion by PRo J bass by GReG MaLone Lead GuiTaR by bobby keyes oRGan, Rhodes by LaRRy cox ii Fx GuiTaR by andRew Mckay hoRns aRRanGed by Robin Thicke hoRns PeRFoRMed by TRuMPeT – bRian waRFieLd; saxaPhone – JeRahM oRozco;
TRoMbone – isaac c. sMiTh; TRuMPeT – JoseF LeiMbeRG; FLuTe – aLFRedo RiveRa hoRns RecoRded aT hansen sTudios Reco ded and enGineeRed by biLL MaLina Mixed by biLL MaLina aT seaRs sTudios ny PubLisheRs: i Like ‘eM Thicke Music (ascaP); LaRRy
cox ii (bMi); hoGnasTy (ascaP); by Law Music (ascaP) Magic (R. Thicke, J. Gass, Max) dRuMs, bonGos, Lead GuiTaR, Piano by PRo J shakeRs and TaMbouRine by Robin Thicke bass by sean huRLey Pick and Fx GuiTaR by andRew Mckay oRGan
by LaRRy cox ii backGRound vocaLs by Robin Thicke hoRns and sTRinGs aRRanGed by Robin Thicke and PRo J sTRinGs conducTed by suzy kaTayaMa hoRns PeRFoRMed by TRuMPeT – bRian waRFieLd; saxaPhone – kaMasi washinGTon; TRoMbone
– isaac c. sMiTh; TRuMPeT – JoseF LeiMbeRG hoRn FiLLs by: TRuMPeT – GaRy GRanT; TRuMPeT: - chuck FindLey; TRoMbone – chaRLie MoRiLLas; sax – dan hiGGins hoRns and sTRinGs RecoRded aT ocean way sTudios and hensen sTudios RecoRded
and enGineeRed by biLL MaLina Mixed by Rich TRavaLi aT chaLice sTudios PubLisheRs: i Like ‘eM Thicke Music (ascaP); da Gass co. (ascaP); haddinGTon Music (ascaP) MS. HarMonY (R. Thicke, b. keyes, Max, R. danieLs) dRuMs, conGas by PRo
J sLeiGh beLLs by Robin Thicke Lead and acousTic GuiTaR by bobby keyes F/x GuiTaR by andRew Mckay bass by sean huRLey Rhodes by LaRRy cox ii backGRound vocaLs by Robin Thicke RecoRded and enGineeRed by biLL MaLina RecoRded aT:
conway sTudiosPubLisheRs: i Like ‘eM Thicke Music (ascaP); sonGs oF Mosaic/ThRiLLionaRe Music (ascaP); haddinGTon Music (ascaP); biG kidd Music/eMi PubLishinG (bMi) dreaMworld (R. Thicke, J. Gass, Max) aLL Music by PRo J backGRound
vocaLs by Robin Thicke RecoRded and enGineeRed by PRo J and biLL MaLina RecoRded aT bLue Jay sTudios Piano RecoRded aT The eLecTRic Lady sTudios dRuMs and vibes RecoRded aT chaLice sTudios vocaLs RecoRded aT bLue Jay sTudios,
ocean way sTudios PubLisheRs: i Like ‘eM Thicke Music (ascaP); da Gass co. (ascaP); haddinGTon Music (ascaP) loverMan (R. Thicke, b. keyes, Max) dRuMs, PeRcussion by PRo J bass by sean huRLey siTaR, banJo, acousTic GuiTaR by bobby
keyes F/x GuiTaR by andRew Mckay oRGan by LaRRy cox ii backGRound vocaLs by Robin Thicke chain GanG backGRound vocaLs by Robin Thicke, L. cox ii, R. danieLs RecoRded and enGineeRed by biLL MaLina RecoRded aT conway sTudios
vocaLs RecoRded aT bLue Jay sTudios and conway sTudios PubLisheRs: i Like ‘eM Thicke Music (ascaP); sonGs oF Mosaic/ThRiLLionaRe Music (ascaP); haddinGTon Music (ascaP) Hard on MY love (R. Thicke, a. Mckay, a. haRReLL) conGas,
dRuMs, TaMbouRine by PRo J Lead GuiTaR by andRew Mckay soLo GuiTaR by bobby keyes bass by GReG MaLone oRGan, wuLiTzeR, synTh keys, backGRound vocaLs by LaRRy cox ii addiTionaL backGRound vocaLs by Robin Thicke hoRns aRRanGed
by Robin Thicke hoRns PeRFoRMed by: TRuMPeT – bRian waRFieLd; saxaPhone – JeRahM oRozco; TRoMbone – isaac c. sMiTh; TRuMPeT – JoseF LeiMbeRG; FLuTe – aLFRedo RiveRa hoRns RecoRded aT hensen sTudios RecoRded and enGineeRed
by biLL MaLina RecoRded aT seaRs sound sTudios ny Mixed by biLL MaLina aT hensen sTudios PubLisheRs: i Like ‘eM Thicke Music (ascaP); MessenGeR oF sound adMin. by souTh hudson Music (bMi); Gianni boo boo Music (bMi) tHe SweeteSt

(R. Thicke) Piano, PeRcussion by Robin Thicke dRuMs, bass by PRo J oRGan by LaRRy cox hoRns and sTRinGs aRRanGed by Robin Thicke, PRo J, and LaRRy cox sTRinGs conducTed by suzy kaTayaMa hoRns PeRFoRMed by: TRuMPeT – bRian

waRFieLd; saxaPhone – JeRahM oRozco; TRoMbone – isaac c. sMiTh; TRuMPeT – JoseF LeiMbeRG; FLuTe – aLFRedo RiveRa; TRuMPeT – GaRy GRanT; TRuMPeT: - chuck FindLey; TRoMbone – chaRLie MoRiLLas; sax – dan hiGGins hoRns and sTRinGs
RecoRded aT ocean way sTudios and hensen sTudios RecoRded and enGineeRed by biLL MaLina PubLisheRs: i Like ‘eM Thicke Music (ascaP) SoMetHing elSe (R. Thicke, b. keyes) Piano, keyboaRds, PeRcussion, GLockensPieL by Robin Thicke
keyboaRds, dRuMs by PRo J PeRcussion by Robin Thicke bass by GReG MaLone GuiTaRs by bobby keyes hoRns and sTRinGs aRRanGed by Robin Thicke sTRinGs conducTed by suzy kaTayaMa hoRns PeRFoRMed by: TRuMPeT – GaRy GRanT; TRuMPeT: -
chuck FindLey; TRoMbone – chaRLie MoRiLLas; sax – dan hiGGins hoRns and sTRinGs RecoRded aT ocean way sTudios backGRound vocaLs by nicoLe scheRzinGeR and Robin Thicke RecoRded and enGineeRed by biLL MaLina PubLisheRs: i Like
‘eM Thicke Music (ascaP); sonGs oF Mosaic/ThRiLLionaRe Music (ascaP) SHadow of douBt (R. Thicke, J. Gass) Piano, dRuMs, PeRcussion, GuiTaR by PRo J bass by sean huRLey oRGan by LaRRy cox ii hoRns aRRanGed by Robin Thicke hoRns
PeRFoRMed by TRuMPeT – GaRy GRanT; TRuMPeT: - chuck FindLey; TRoMbone – chaRLie MoRiLLas; sax – dan hiGGins hoRns RecoRded aT ocean way sTudios backGRound sinGeRs: shaRon benneTT, sheRdaLe sMiTh, candace wakeFieLd, Tavia ivey,
La-niece wiLLiaMs, Robin Thicke backGRound vocaLs RecoRded aT ocean way sTudios Mixed by Rich TRavaLi aT chaLice sTudios PubLisheRs: i Like ‘eM Thicke Music (ascaP); da Gass co. (ascaP) crY no More (R. Thicke) acousTic GuiTaR,
synTh keys, PeRcussion by Robin Thicke dRuMs, PeRcussion, Piano by PRo J eLecTRic GuiTaR by andRew Mckay bass by GReG MaLone Rhodes by LaRRy cox ii RecoRded and enGineeRed by biLL MaLina RecoRded aT bLue Jay sTudios Mixed by Rich
TRavaLi aT LeGacy sTudios sTRinGs aRRanGed by PRo J and Robin Thicke sTRinGs RecoRded by biLL MaLina aT hensen sTudios sTRinGs conducTed by dwiGhT MikkeLsen PubLisheR: i Like ‘eM Thicke Music (ascaP) tie MY HandS feat lil waYne
(R. Thicke, d. caRTeR, J. Gass) RecoRded by daRius “deezLe” haRRison @ cMR MiaMi, FL & biLL MaLina @ bLue Jay sTudios assisTanT: MiGueL beRMudez and edwaRd Lido Mixed by Fabian MaRasciuLLo @ hiT FacToRy cRiTeRia, MiaMi, FL Mix assisTanT:
MiGueL beRMudez and edwaRd Lido aLL insTRuMenTs by PRo J and Robin Thicke diGiTaL ediTinG: Joshua beckMan PubLisheRs: i Like ‘eM Thicke Music (ascaP)/younG Money PubLishinG inc./waRneR-chaPPeL Music (bMi)/ da Gass co. (ascaP) LiL’ wayne
aPPeaRs couRTesy oF cash Money/univeRsaL RecoRds

All SongS Written by: Robin Thicke & FRiends

All SongS produced by: Robin Thicke and PRo J | executive producerS: andRe haRRell, PhaRRell Williams & Rob WalkeR

A&r direction: miguel melendez | A&r AdminiStrAtion: alicia n. gRaham

mAStered by: bRian gaRdneR aT beRnie gRundman masTeRing | Art direction: Paula PaTTon & FaceT

photoS: maRc baPTisTe | mArketing director: dyana kass | mArketing coordinAtor: bobby camPbell

publicity: amanda silveRman & dave TombeRlin | internAtionAl mArketing: kaRen goodman

internAtionAl publicity: bRenda Reynoso | mAnAgement: neil Jacobson FoR inTeRscoPe managemenT

creAtive: ianThe zevos | production SuperviSor: cliFF Feiman

background image

tHank u 4 My LiFe, My wiFe, My FRiends, My FaMiLy, and My Music!

tHank u PauLa PaTTon.

tHank u MoM, dad, bRennan, caRTeR, and FaMiLy!

tHank u JiMMy iovine and The iovine FaMiLy.

tHank u andRe haRReLL.

tHank u PRo J.

tHank u MiGueL MeLendez, TRaci nakaGawa, FuRqan, PaRess, niGeL.

tHank u JaMes LassiTeR, wiLL sMiTh, Jada PinkeTT sMiTh, and The whoLe oveRbRook enTeRTainMenT FaMiLy.

tHank u PhaRReLL wiLLiaMs, chad huGo, Rob waLkeR, yaneLey aRTy, and sTaR TRak RecoRds.

tHank u cRaiG cRawFoRd, Jesse huRsT, Rich voL, LaRRy cox, GReG MaLone, andRew Mckay, Ronnie “Lb” bReaux, sean huRLey, biLL

MoLina bobby keyes, sean, sToRM, Rich TRavaLi, TiM MiLLeR, sTeve cRain, JeReMy dubois, chaRRon aRRick, MichaeL MavRoLas, The Gass

FaMiLy, nicoLe scheRzinGeR, and oF couRse LiL’ wayne.

tHank u neiL Jacobson FoR inTeRscoPe ManaGeMenT

tHank u sTeP Johnson, GaRneTT MaRch, MaRTin kieRszenbauM, dyana kass, sTaci yaMano, GaRReTT wiLLiaMs, dave ToMbeRLin, dennis

dennehy, bRenda RoMano, chRis LoPes, MaRc FRiedenbeRG, ToM wiLLiaMs, MaRc andaya, FRancis PaRk, JuRGen GRebneR, kaRen

GoodMan, kaThy anGsTadT, nino cucineLLo, MaRk neiTeR, don coTTinGTon, Rob haRvey, JenniFeR zeLLeR, cLiFF FeiMan, Ravid yoseF,

kaRen RaiT, bRian GRay, MaRicia MaGana, Reza saRRaFieh, bobbi siLveR, enRique onGPin, TRoy MaRshaLL, MaRLon sinGLeTon, kendRa

eLLis, sheRRi waRRen, dwayne Robinson, kaRen Lee, keinon Johnson, aRnoLd TayLoR, Jackie GaLLoway, MichaeL Redwine, dave

house, dave LeonaRd, JaMie bLood, MaRcia oRTiz, bobby caMPbeLL, LeveTTa FuTReLL, candace beRRy, debRa haLL, Robbie snow, aLicia

GRahaM, inTeRscoPe RecoRds, univeRsaL Music, aManda siLveRMan and 42 wesT

tHank u JaiMie RobeRTs and R&R Law.

tHank u dave wiRTschaFTeR and wMa

tHank u MaRy J. bLiGe , keyshia coLe, india aRie, John LeGend, and beyonce FoR LeTTinG Me TouR wiTh you.

tHank u 2 aLL Radio and video ouTLeTs FoR GivinG My Music a chance

tHank u 2 aLL My FRiends in The Music business.

tHank u 2 ocean way sTudios, conway sTudios, chaLice, henson sTudios, eLecTRic Lady, souTh beach sTudios, beRnie GRundMans,

LeGacy sTudios, bLue Jay sTudios, and seaR sound.

tHank u david zedeck and caa


tHank u GeaRwoRks, dRuM docToRs, MaTes, Lon cohen RenTaLs.

tHank u sTeve Landau FoR PRovidenT FinanciaL ManaGeMenT.

tHank u JoseF LieMbeRG, bRian waRFieLd, aLFRedo RiveRa, JeRahM oRozco, isaac sMiTh, kaMasi washinGTon, GaRy GRanT, chuck

FindLey, chaRLie MoRiLLas, dan hiGGins, shaRon benneTT, sheRdaLe sMiTh, candace wakeFieLd, Tavia ivey, La-niece wiLLiaMs, suzie

kaTayaMa, Josh eddy.

tHank u RobeRT haLes and his TeaM, dRew FiTzGeRaLd, benny booM and hyPe wiLLiaMs.

This aLbuM is dedicaTed To MiGueL MeLendez and his FaMiLy.

| |

©2008 Star trak LLC, 2220 CoLorado ave., Santa MoniCa, Ca 90404. ManufaCtured and diStributed in the united StateS by univerSaL MuSiC diStribution. aLL rightS reServed.


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