The Jade Prince L Shannon

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Amber Quill Press, LLC

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The Jade Prince

An Amber Quill Press Book

This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters,

locations, and incidents are products of the author's

imagination, or have been used fictitiously.

Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead,

locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Amber Quill Press, LLC

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All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be transmitted or

reproduced in any form, or by any means, without

permission in writing from the publisher, with the

exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of


Copyright © 2011 by L. Shannon

ISBN 978-1-61124-202-7

Cover Art © 2011 Trace Edward Zaber

Published in the United States of America

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Also by L. Shannon

The Wysh, Book I: Wysh

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For my readers. Thanks for your patience.

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Sunday, the forth of September, started off bright and
clear. The brisk wind blowing through the New York
streets perfectly countered the blue sky and warm
sunshine. Like a lie promising winter would be held off
while the truth tore at clothing with small invisible
Winter was coming, but at least this one held less fear
than the last had.
"Hey, Cal, how long do we have to keep looking?"
Tory blinked up at Cal and wiped at his eyes. He was
tired and getting cranky, but from the looks of his
stubborn five-year-old chin, he still had another hour or
so of determination packed inside his small body.
Cal patted his little brother on the head. "We'll find
something soon. Let's try that resale shop over there."
The battered pawn shop didn't look particularly

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promising, and yet... Maybe this one would actually
have that elusive fitting and affordable thank you gift.
Tory ran forward the moment the door was pushed
open. Straight past the electronics and to the glass
counter display that showcased the jewelry and
watches. "Hurry up, Cal!"
As always, Tory's exuberance eased the tight fear that
bit at his chest more often than not. Even when they'd
been homeless and sleeping in his broken-down truck,
even then, it had been Tory's smile that had kept him
He shook his head. No, he needed to stop thinking
about the grim fate that they'd recently escaped.
"This is perfect for Uncle Jin!" Tory always found
exactly the right, perfect thing when he was tired of
looking. Leaning over the counter, Cal focused on the
huge gaudy men's watch that Tory was pointing at and
extolling the amazingness of at length.
"See? It's all gold and shiny. Uncle Jin will love it. I
know he will. Come on, big bro, just hurry up and buy
it for him." Tory jumped up and down and waved while
the clerk took out the watch to see it better. "See, it's

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just perfect for the prince!"
Choking on the use of Jin's nickname, Cal caught Tory's
shoulder in one hand while peering at the watch. "You
shouldn't call him that. We owe Jin too much to be
teasing him."
"But you call him the prince all the time. I think he likes
"Well, I shouldn't either." Shouldn't, but probably still
would. As the only son set to inherit a huge import
conglomerate, Jin was more princely than any other
person they would likely ever meet. Still, Jin would
probably always be the skinny little exchange student
he'd met in high school. Nowadays, with them both
edging past twenty-five, Jin was neither skinny nor little.
Despite the drastic difference in their fortunes and
status, he and Jin were best friends. They'd been parted
for almost six years, but Jin hadn't hesitated to offer
help the moment they'd met again. Without a doubt, the
prince had saved them. With his help, they now lived in
luxury instead of squalor.
Even though the watch in question was horribly gaudy,
it was nearly perfect at least as a gag gift. He could

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easily picture Jin opening it with a laugh, not to mention
wearing it blatantly to annoy the more stuck-up staff.
The watch would make a great thank you gift, but he
just couldn't swing the price.
"Let's get it."
He couldn't crush Tory's choice. "How about that
pendant?" Instead he pointed toward the flashy costume
jewelry. "That jade one is just something Uncle Jin
would laugh about." Not only could he afford the visibly
small price tag, but it, too, was fitting. Jin loved
everything jade, claimed it was his one tie to his Asian
heritage while living here in the states.
Maybe he was right. Besides his jade obsession, Jin
embraced everything high-tech and everything
"How about it?"
"Yeah, let's get it and head back." Cal paid for the
pendant and a small box to offer it in and then they
headed to the apartment. Tory was already calling the
place home but it wasn't really their home. He and Tory
were just living off the kindness of his old classmate.
And at least this once he'd be sure to thank Jin properly

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for the charity.

* * * *

Cal waited in Jin's study, letting the silence flow through
him. High up in the next to top floor of the skyscraper,
the busy streets of the city below might as well have
been a different world. Here was all neat and
controlled. Polished. Tidy and organized. Just like Jin's
father expected.
Even if the old man only came to visit every few
months, Jin still lived by his father's expectations. The
small room that he and Tory shared was one of the few
exceptions Jin had fought for. The trade off in extra
work the concession required was a burden his friend
had willingly accepted.
One Cal always felt guilty over.
The door opened and then closed with a quiet snick.
Cal didn't bother to turn and look. Jin's soft sigh and the
scent of his subtle cologne confirmed the identity
without even a blink of the eyes.
"I'm home." Jin's smooth voice called out the joking
tradition they had started as teenagers when he'd stayed
over for visits.

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"Welcome back." The corresponding response was
automatic and somehow comforting, a simple pattern
that bound them together and melted away the missing
"How was your day off, Cal? Did you and Tory have a
good time?"
"We did. Did my substitute have to take a bullet for
Jin snorted. "Of course not. Just a long day behind a
desk. I told you not to bother with a substitute guard."
"If you don't need one then I can't let you pay me
anymore for just hanging out and having no purpose."
"Shut up, Cal."
The silence fell once more between them, but it wasn't a
terribly uncomfortable one. They had this conversation
every so often and Jin always ended it with Shut up,
Maybe it was just another tradition they held onto.
Maybe it offered an end to the charity if Jin ever grew
tired of it.
Jin disappeared through the connecting door to his
lavish bedroom. A few moments later he returned and
slouched onto the elegant sofa.

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Before Jin could click on the TV and zone out, Cal
moved over and leaned against the sofa arm. "Did you
"Yeah, business dinner."
"Good." Cal held out the small box with the pendant.
"Here. It's a thank you gift from me and Tory."
"You didn't have to--"
"Shut up, Jin. Just be gracious and accept our thanks.
What you've done... Well, you won't let us make much
out of it, but it does mean a lot to me, to us both."
Jin nodded and opened up the plain box. "A jade
dragon?" Picking up the pendant, he let it dangle from
his fingers. "Very pretty."
The way the light danced off the green stones made it
look far more expensive than it had in the dusty pawn
shop. Now it gleamed almost alive with the shine of the
Jin draped the chain around his neck and the pendant
landed perfectly at the dip between his collarbones.
"Ah! What the hell?"
"What's wrong?"
"It burns!" He pried at the pendant but it didn't budge.

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"Help me get this thing off."
Cal leaned in close and tugged at the loose chain. That
much still moved freely, but the pendant itself might as
well have become part of Jin's flesh. And when his
fingers hit the now hot stone, it sizzled with what felt like
damn near electric shock. "Hey!"
"Cal!" Jin's body bucked back into the sofa cushions,
his spine arched painfully. After a long moment the
shaking started.
He grabbed Jin and pinned his writhing body in place.
What the hell was happening? A seizure, but what
caused it? The pendant? It had to be the pendant, but
how and why? All he could do was hold on and pray
for a miracle.
No, that wasn't all he could do.
Pinning Jin down with his weight, Cal pulled out his cell
phone and flipped it open to dial for help. Nine. One--
A surge of unexpected strength flung Jin's body
upward, one hand connecting with the phone, knocking
it across the room.
"Dammit." Should he hold on to Jin or go for the

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Jin's eyes widened, pleaded for help. His fingers clawed
into Cal's upper arms.
Really fucking clawed, as in with real fucking claws!
The tips of Jin's neatly manicured fingers had changed
into short but sharp black claws. "What the hell is
"Cal, make him stop. Make the screaming stop." Jin
released the claw-tipped grip and his hands slammed
over his own ears.
"I don't hear anything, Jin. No one is screaming."
"He's screaming and crying. In so much pain." Tears
welled up from Jin's eyes, glistening and then slipping
free to slide down toward his thick hair. "Please, Cal.
Make him stop crying."
But how could he do anything about something that he
couldn't hear or understand? "Jin, I can't hear anything.
Tell me who is screaming? Tell me how to help."
Then Jin wasn't Jin any more. Maybe if Cal hadn't been
so desperate, so close, and holding his friend's gaze in
the only means of help he could offer, maybe if he had
even blinked at the wrong time he wouldn't have seen.

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But he'd seen the moment in crystal clear detail, the
exact second when his best friend's clear brown eyes
had changed. The round human look disappeared,
shifting to the green slitted eyes of an animal, a reptile.
The look in those eyes was not even one bit Jin. The
being looking back at him was wild and in pain.
Haunted and well past deranged.
The question "Who are you?" hovered on Cal's lips,
but before he could ask it out loud, the green-eyed
demon spoke in a cracked whisper.
"Jade is free? Finally... free?" Despite the hesitations,
the voice was smooth like Jin, but deeper.
It said Jade like a name. "Jade?"
The thing's gaze focused on Cal's face. It drew its
breath in through Jin's nose as if scenting the air. Then
its lips spread into a grin that promised no good will at
all. "You smell tasty. Even the other thinks so."
"Who are you? What happened to Jin?"
"Jin? Oh, the other." His grin turned sneaky. "I ate him
and I'll eat you, too." Jin's body jerked fiercely, rolling
them from the sofa and onto the floor with a bone
rattling crash. The thing controlling Jin's body pinned

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Cal to the floor. Its face, Jin's face, leered close. It
licked along Cal's jaw, sending ripples of confused
reactions skittering across Cal's skin.
He twisted and bucked but couldn't dislodge Jin's
smaller body. Damn it, his job was to protect Jin, but
how the hell could he protect him from whatever this
thing was or intended to do?
Those green snake eyes sparkled with some devious
plot. With a sudden motion, it slammed their lips
together. The pressure bloomed into an explosion of
Cal twisted his mouth free. "Don't." He gasped through
a surprising swell of excitement. "Get a hold of yourself,
It laughed, and the rasping sound sawed through Cal's
soul. This thing wasn't Jin. That single truth ripped him
apart inside. Jin, his best friend... More than that. He
had always wanted to kiss Jin, to show him far more
than friendship. But that had never been. Jin was
straight and he wasn't. Things like that didn't change.
He'd accepted it would be a one-sided love story pretty
much from the beginning.

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But this thing, it somehow knew his weakness, knew his
secret and offered him the one temptation he had
accepted would never be realized.
"I am Jade," it whispered, with the sounds caressing the
air over Cal's lips. "Know my name, but scream out for
your precious Jin if you like." With a surge of strength,
Jade dragged Cal's arms up above his head, trapping
his wrists there in the grip of one hand. The other tore
down his body, shredding his shirt.
Cal would have shouted more useless demands to stop,
except Jade's mouth locked over his once more,
swallowing down his senseless objections. And, really,
what was the point to screaming stop when every cell of
his body begged to be with Jin even if this lie was the
only way.
With a growl, Jade threw himself upward, freeing Cal.
"Idiot human. What kind of fun would that be?" He
stormed around the room, his claws leaving ribbons in
the furniture within reach. "I need more... "
::Blood, flesh, death.::
Jade hadn't said those words out loud, but the
murderous intent echoed in Cal's head. This thing,

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whatever it was controlling Jin's body, hungered for
destruction. Tory's innocent face flashed before his
eyes. He was one room away. A few precious inches of
wall plaster. Cal was on his feet and blocking the only
exit before he had time to register just how damn stupid
he'd become.
"No." Whatever was happening, he had to protect both
Tory and Jin. He couldn't do either if this beast stole
Jin's body and rampaged loose. At least here in this
room he had a chance of controlling the situation. "Jin
stays here at night. Going out would only draw
"I said move." Its eyes focused on Cal's exposed chest.
The remains of his shirt did little to cover his flesh or the
numerous welts that had been left by the thing's claws.
He crossed his arms over his chest and rooted his feet
in place. Jade and Jin were staying here.
Those familiar and yet so strange lips quirked into a
sneer. Its gaze slithered down Cal's body again before
darting away. "I can tear though you as easily as the
wallpaper." The wallpaper in question had been

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destroyed by the beast's claws during its restless
pacing. "You don't have the strength to stop me. You
have weapons but won't use them on this body. What
exactly can you do to keep me here?" Its gaze locked
again on Cal's chest. Its tongue slid over slightly parted
Damn Jade to hell. It was obvious what the creature
wanted. Perhaps the only thing it wanted enough to stay
here and give up the opportunity to run amuck.
"You can have me."
"Hunt, yes?" The hiss of anticipation chilled Cal to the
"Here in this apartment. Here only. You can hunt me all
night, do with me as you like, take whatever savage
pleasures you demand. And when the sun comes up
you will give Jin back his body."
"Your precious Jin and I are of one flesh until he dies.
Your gift bound us together. No bargain you can design
will break this chain."
"Jin is still alive then?"
"Yes, the other lives."

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"Then the deal stands. You will give him back his life
when the sun rises."
"But you will not interfere with my control during this
night? During every night?"
"Agreed." Cal held back a flinch at the terrible bargain
he had just sealed. Jade could toy with him for hours,
kill him or even just betray their deal on a whim. "Will
you keep this deal no matter what? Even if I die, I
expect you to fulfill your side and give Jin his freedom
during the day."
"Dragons don't lie." Jade closed the space between
them in a flash. His claws sank into Cal's arms. "We
don't lie like humans, nor do our fancies waver like the
whims of the gods. Once we set a course we follow it
through to the end of time."
Cal tried to maintain his composure, but Jade's words
twisted around his heart. Not that he wanted Jade, but
the offer of honesty and eternity resonated deep. And
with Jade rubbing against his body, the pleasure of
having Jin so close was too much to deny. He focused
on Jade's words, gasping out the only questions he
could force through his mind. "You're a dragon? How?

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How did you end up in that pendant?"
The claws sank deeper and Jade's mouth shifted forms,
losing Jin's much loved gentle expression and become
something different, monstrous with long dripping fangs.
Scaled lids slid over the slitted green eyes. And
anguished howl of suffering filled the air without
touching the ears. In that agony came Jade's thoughts,
filled with such darkness that they would never have
come forth aloud.
::Betrayal, of course. What else could destroy a soul
so completely?::
That thought and all its raw history was something
private. There was no way this dragon intended to feed
that info out to a stranger.
Unless he already knew that this eavesdropper would
never leave, never have the chance to share
unnecessary things.
"I said dragons don't lie."
Never mind how the thing could read his thoughts. The
retort pushed past the detail. "You never promised to
let me live."
"You didn't demand it. The only importance in your

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words or thoughts were for this vessel I now possess.
So long as he lives, do you truly care if you perish?"
He didn't answer the idiotic question. Because of
course he cared whether he lived or died. It mattered. It
just didn't matter as much as... as much as Jin.
"Enough banter. Let's get to the bargain." Jade's claws
dragged down Cal's arms, tearing away the last remains
of his shirt and leaving fine welts along his skin. Pressing
Cal backward, Jade pinned him against the door and
closed the distance between them. The first brush of lips
was electric, then the fanged mouth slanted and
Cal froze under the onslaught. How the hell was he
going to get through this night? How could he possibly
maintain any kind of control against the fierce beast with
lust as his only available weapon?
His first fleeting thought had been to fake it all and
pretend this was actually Jin running Jin's body. Such a
lie sounded more like paradise. But harsh reality offered
more battle than affection.
Whatever Jade expected would be nothing less than all
consuming. And once Cal was consumed, quite likely

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there would be nothing left.
Jade pulled back. "So you've decided to burn for him."
"Yes." Cal sagged against the door. Yes, he'd burn, but
that didn't mean he had to remain passive. Jade wasn't
Jin. Even if in a way he was. And if this was a battle,
he'd damn well go into it fighting. His back straightened.
He wrapped his arms around Jade and hauled him into
the air.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm carrying your skinny ass into the bedroom. Even if
you are stronger than Jin, you're the same weight. And
that is easy to hold." Although it was something he'd
never had a chance to do, carrying Jin around was a bit
of a secret dream. At five feet eight, Jin had height
enough but had always been lean and wiry.
After a moment of silence, Jade let out a dry laugh that
lasted until he landed in the center of the king-sized bed.
"You are a bold one, aren't you?"
"I am only me." He eyed up the dragon as it rose onto
hands and knees. Green eyes hungrily glittered up at
him. The alien appearance forced him to see past Jin's
body and really see Jade. "What do you want?"

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Jade sat up onto his knees and tugged at his suit shirt.
But his claw tips were ill suited to the buttons and the
first one popped off with a ping.
"Here, I'll do it." Sitting on the edge, Cal leaned in and
attacked the buttons, defeating them in a matter of
seconds. When the fabric parted and fell free, it
revealed a tattoo with a detailed dragon clawing its way
up Jin's chest. Not just his chest, but fully wrapped
around his body and even parts disappearing beneath
his waistband as well as being partially hidden beneath
Jin's long black hair.
Cal's fingers connected with that dancing green dragon.
Jin's skin was burning hot.
No, not Jin. This was Jade.
Jade, the dragon. He still didn't even know what being a
dragon meant, or how it would change Jin. However,
despite his fears for his friend, he couldn't ignore this
other being who was now before him. "Tell me, Jade.
What do you want?"
The dragon's eyelids slid closed. He drew in a slow
breath and let it out with one word. "Everything." The
image was completely seductive.

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Cal sank his fingers through Jade's long black hair,
pulling him in for a kiss. The press of fangs was both
alien and familiar. The connection sparked a reaction
deep in his body. Was it because of Jin's body, a body
he had desired for what seemed like forever? Or was
this a reflection of the desperate hunger that echoed
through Jade? Either way, Cal let the kiss deepen to a
slow, demanding tangle of tongues. The ebb and tide of
the sparring timed itself with his overly loud heartbeats.
But then every dance had a beat, did it not?
He choked a bit on his sentimental side. This wasn't a
dance, but more of a battle, wasn't it? Could this
dragon that stole his best friend's body be anything
other than an enemy to defeat?
He pulled back slowly. Meeting Jade's glittering gaze,
he found it filled with unfathomable emotions. "You
were in the pendant. Why or how did you get there?"
"The pendant is a prison." The flashing wash of
emotions focused in an intense flare of agony and
"A prison? So you lost your body and were locked
away for what crime?"

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Jade ignored the question. "It was the fourteenth
century last time I was freed. I did not find him then.
This time will be different."
Before he could ask who Jade was looking for, Jade
pounced, pushing him back onto the bed and claiming
his mouth in a fierce kiss. Jade's mouth slanted over his
and the press of fangs added a demand to the touch.
Strangely, the difference seemed to work. Cal's body
flushed with heat. Dragon or whatever, his body
Between kisses so deep they could drown, Jade said,
"I've been numb so long. Let me feel everything."
Locked inside the pendant for hundreds of years. No
matter the reason or crime, surely Jade deserved this
chance. In a small way, he understood. Loving Jin had
left him hungry, too. Never having what you so
desperately desired. The definition of cruelty. But also
part of life.
Tonight, at least, he could let Jade have it. And fill some
of his own needs.
The growl that vibrated between them sounded anything
but violent. If anything, the sound had the texture and

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emotion of a purr.
Cal burrowed his fingers through Jade's silky hair.
Turning into the kiss he deepened it farther, drawing
Jade in and demanding more and more. Sliding one
jeans clad leg up Jade's thigh, he shifted and brought
their crotches together. Jade's thick erection pushed at
him through the slacks and denim. The rasp of fabric
against his skin was delicious fire.
Then the heat hit him in a whole different way. It poured
over him, burning but with something different from
flame. It tingled and teased and kicked his pulse into
overdrive. The sensation sizzled over his nerves until he
arched hard, tearing free from the kiss to gasp for air.
"What the hell?"
Jade chuckled. "Dragon fire. Want some more, lover?"
Panting for breath, he tried to decide if he wanted more
or if more might just kill him. He couldn't say no. Even
death might be fine if it ended in dragon fire. Cal
dragged Jade back into another kiss.
But just a kiss wasn't enough. He had to have more. He
pushed at Jade's clothing, shoving the shirt off the rest
of the way. Then he dug between their bodies, making

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short work of Jade's belt and fly. Sliding his hand down
Jade's lean flanks, he dipped beneath to Jade's erection.
He'd intended to start slow, but when he found Jade
hard, wet and pulsing, he caught the tempting length and
stroked up and down the ridged flesh.
He released Jade and swallowed back his raging
senses. Pushing Jade back on the bed, he stripped off
all their remaining clothing until there was nothing but
bare skin between them. Skin that arced with sensitivity
each place they connected.
Returning his attention to Jade's erection, he stroked
and petted and then slid down his body to taste that
amazing flesh. For one moment Cal considered how
long he'd dreamed of taking Jin and claiming this body
in every way imagined. How often had he dreamed of
risking it all to savor this cock with his tongue? Jin...
The pain of the one-sided love shocked through his
Not that he wasn't still aching hard. But his mind circled
that long-term pain and distracted him from the pleasure
of the moment.
Jade's fingers with their sharp claw tips scraped through

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his short hair, slid downward and then bit into his
shoulders. The pain was sharp and fresh, unlike the old
emotional damage.
Pulling back from the blow job, Cal looked up to meet
Jade's glittering gaze.
"You're mine. Not his." Jade's dominance and demand
burned through him. "From sundown to sun up, this
body is mine. With it I will own everything that is you.
Your flesh, your thoughts, your very soul."
The commandment should have scared him or at least
pissed him off. So why did it instead sharpen the desire
and heighten the connection between them? Why did
Jade's dominance overwhelm the decade of tragic love
he'd felt for Jin?
Had Jade's claws eviscerated his heart? Drained away
the illness and hurt. Freed him from the stagnant pain.
With a liquid writhing motion, Jade flipped them over,
taking the top. He looked down and locked onto Cal's
gaze. The moment stretched out, with only the tickle of
ragged shared breaths passing between them. "You are
mine for now." Drawing close, the last breath before
their lips came together caressed Cal with one more

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word. "Forever."
Not just for now, but forever.
Cal pushed back the questions and cradled the comfort
of that promise tight and silent in his soul. Whatever this
thing he had with Jade was, it sure as hell wasn't going
to be flowers and rainbows. But somehow... it felt right.
His confusion got its ass kicked as he realized that Jade
was topping him. "Wait." He'd never pictured this
scenario. In all his years of lusting after Jin, he'd always
known he'd be the one to do the taking. He broke free
from another deep kiss. "Jade... "
"No more waiting." Jade growled and clenched at Cal's
hips. "I'm at my limit. I need you now." Jade licked his
fingertips and the provocative sight stole Cal's breath.
Damn him for being one sexy dragon.
Cal wanted to complain, but he had missed the chance.
Hell, he lost the chance to do more than writhe and
moan as Jade's hand jumped to between his thighs and
danced down across his cock to cup his balls. The light
caress drifted south again and suddenly invaded his ass.
The itching pain quickly turned delicious. Starting with a
couple slow advances, in moments Jade had him

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stretched and begging.
"Like that do you?"
"No more... please, Jade."
"No more what? Please what?" The dragon purred
against him. Vibrations rolling between them like echoes
in the Grand Canyon. "Tell me what it is you want."
"Now. Fuck me now."
Jade answered with motion, surging forward and
rubbing that hard cock over his entrance. Then the cruel
bastard slowed the attack, choosing instead to push
inside with a torturously slow advance. The ache both
teased and tormented. Ultimately, it drove the already
raging arousal completely out of control.
Cal bucked into Jade's embrace, taking the dragon
deeper and deeper.
The plunge and retreat built in tempo. Cal's body
rocketed past rhythm leaving him shaking on the brink
of orgasm.
Jade's hand wrapped around his cock and the attack
shot Cal's senses over that edge. He orgasmed hard
and spurted his pleasure up between them.
But Jade seemed insatiable. He slowed only a moment

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before picking up the pace once more, driving into Cal
in long deep thrusts. With fingers still gliding over Cal's
softened cock, the pleasure sharpened to amazing, fiery
agony. Waves of toe-curling need kept Cal focused on
Jade and only Jade.
Just like that he was hard and dancing at the edge again
far sooner than he even thought possible.
"Must be dragon magic."
Jade laughed. The sound was somehow both gravelly
and musical, completely unearthly.
Oh yeah, he was a dragon. Cal caught Jade's long hair
and dragged him down into a kiss. The response was
another burst of dragon fire, which rushed under his
skin and charred away everything in the world except
for this moment.
Like the earth crumbling beneath them, everything
shattered in that heartbeat. Jade's motion stuttered just
as his own pleasure took form in another cataclysmic
orgasm. He probably screamed something, undoubtedly
experienced a seizure or two. And as the last throes
settled to echoes, he cradled Jade's head against his

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A shoulder that ached. Not a dull throb from muscle
strain, which would be very excusable, but a sharp
biting pain.
Jade pulled back a few inches, then licked over the
burning skin where Cal's shoulder met his neck.
"What the... ?"
"Mmm... delicious."
"You fucking bit me?"
Jade released him and stretched his arms high above his
head with a satisfied catlike yawn. "Yeah, I fucked you
and I bit you, too."
With the glow of orgasm fading away, a multitude of
small aches and pains tried to steal the peace from the
moment. "Shit, you tore me up all over. How come I
didn't notice the damage those claws of yours were
Cupping Cal's head in one palm, Jade drew him in
lightning quick for a catch-and-release kiss. "Maybe
you were too busy thinking about my cock to notice my
Yeah, maybe. Not that he was going to say that out

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loud. Hell no. Jade had a big enough ego. "Whatever.
Just remember that if you tear me up too bad I won't be
in any kind of condition to play with you at night."
Jade's mouth widened into a grin, but before he could
reply, Cal slapped a hand over his lips.
"Before you even say it, no, you absolutely can't leave
to find another toy. Here and me is all you get."
"You think you can do it? Think you can keep a dragon
Maybe he could, maybe not. But he'd damn sure give it
a try. Although, now just a couple hours later, his
motivation to do so had morphed into something new.
The crazed look in Jade's eyes wasn't gone completely
but it seemed to have been tamed at least for the time
being. This wasn't just about keeping Jade here to
protect Jin, Tory and the rest of the world. Now it was
also about keeping Jade here, monopolizing his time.
This dragon was his and he had no intention of sharing
him with anyone.
"Giving up already?"
"Not at all. Three more hours until the sun comes up.
Whatever will we do with all that time?"

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Jade laughed and the strange sound was dangerous and
full of promise. "How about I heal those scrapes."
"Answer two questions. First, how can you heal my
injuries? And second, why the sudden urge to do good
Jade leaned in close. Dipping his head down, he licked
Cal's neck toward the bite mark at his shoulder. There
his tongue swirled over and around the wound, sending
sweeping waves of sensation radiating outward from the
"Ahh... " And many other incomprehensible sounds
escaped Cal's lips. It was all he could do to cling to
Jade and ride out the pleasure freed with that dragon's
tongue. He couldn't get enough. Couldn't get close
enough. Squirming, Cal maneuvered Jade onto his lap.
Their naked skin came together, already slick from the
previous bout. Heat and need returned so easily.
Was being with a dragon so different? Of course, Cal
was a guy and always enjoyed sex. And he'd known he
was gay or at least well on the gay side of bi most of his
life. But something about Jade, about being screwed by
him, offered so much more than expected.

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The rough, sexy glide of Jade's tongue moved over his
body. He might be hitting all the minor wounds, but the
sensual attack strayed across plenty of unmarred flesh,
Jade's mouth homed in on one nipple, teasing and
tormenting it into a small, tight knot.
Pleasure skittered outward. Cal clung to Jade, tangling
his fingers in Jade's hair.
With one arm embracing Cal, Jade's other hand
scrapped slowly downward, leaving four new ribbon-
like welts. Gently, his clawed fingers captured Cal's
cock, sliding up and down the length in a motion that
faded every other thing in the world to insignificance. All
that mattered were those fingers and the wonderful way
they caressed him. His body jerked and twitched,
reveling in the touch.
"Like that do you?" Jade pushed him down onto the
bed. The motion landed Jade's lean body flush between
Cal's thighs, that wicked hand pinned, still wrapped
around Cal's cock. Letting a bit of air between them,
Jade resumed his ardent stroking.
"Jade... " The name escaped in a desperate rush, but

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he'd be damned if he could utter any other coherent
sound to save his life.
Tongue still swirling over Cal's flesh, Jade followed the
fresh claw marks south over his abdomen and then
Claw. Lick. Repeat.
The torment and pleasure cycled around and around.
Each time Cal neared orgasm, Jade changed the tempo
or moved his attention to another area. The balancing
act continued to circle at that fine line for what felt like
"Jade, please... " Cal's body danced to the dragon's
tune. He was so close to shattering that his body felt
ready to tear from the strain. Stopping wasn't an option.
More of the delicious hell would never be turned down.
And yet, something about Jade's seduction edged
closer to a darkness than he was comfortable
accepting. Like a cat toying with a mouse, the game
could go on and on, or it could end in a single swift
The image of Jade's glittering cold eyes as they stared
up his body drove home the reality of his fear. Before

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they had joked and teased. But nothing could change
the truth that Jade wasn't human and couldn't be
predicted by human expectations.
Something made him want to trust the dragon.
Dragons don't lie. The whispered promise twisted
through Cal's mind. He wanted to believe those words.
But everyone could lie and if the situation called for it,
everyone did lie.
Cal arched upward as Jade swallowed the length of his
cock. Between lips, teeth, tongue and throat, Cal's
doubts were blown away. The orgasm that had been
just beyond his reach crashed over and through him like
a hurricane.
As the sensations slowly ebbed, Cal became aware of
the languid heavy weight holding him contentedly. Jade,
passive and limp. Quite the surprise when Cal had
expected another ferocious round of lust. Not that he
wasn't satisfied, but the dragon hadn't allowed him to
return any of the sex. He'd only been able to accept
every pleasure that Jade had offered.
Their gazes connected. Jade's eyes glittered just as

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much as before, but now the look was softer, less dark
and dangerous and more... Could he call that look
weak? Needy? Not quite, but somewhere between
there and content.
"Are you okay, Jade?"
"Hmm, yeah. Just tired." His head turned and snuggled
against Cal's flank. "Just let me rest a while." His arms
tightened around Cal's waist.
Cal dragged a pillow under his head and made himself
comfortable. Jade cuddled up like a hungry kitten. Felt
pretty damn good, too. He petted the long hair back
from Jade's face. The dragon relaxed more and more
with every stroke. A low purr vibrated through them for
a while and then even that calmed.
Sometime later, Cal felt the bed shift under him. He
blinked open his eyes to dim light filtering in through the
"Cal? Hey, Cal, wake up."
What a sweet way to wake up with Jin's voice quietly
calling his name. Cal blinked again. Wait... Jin's voice?
He forced his eyes to focus.
Jin leaned over him. Even with his long dark hair

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partially covering Jin's face, the worried expression was
still clear. And so was the confusion that lurked behind
the dark fringed lashes.
Oh shit. They were naked in bed together. Him and Jin.
And Jin probably didn't remember anything from the
nighttime. Hell, he probably didn't even know Jade
existed, let alone the deal Cal had made with the
This was going to take one hell of an explanation...

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L. Shannon

L. Shannon, the author, came into existence in June of
2004. Shannon's always been a reader and lover of
books, but never considered writing until one night
when she ran out of books to read. She began writing
that very night as the first line of defense in a battle
against insomnia. Her writing has steadily grown into a
full-out war against reality. Her friends kindly say reality
never stood a chance.
Shannon currently has more than twenty-five available
works and more coming soon. The L. Shannon novels
have expanded to fill an entire world with paranormal
wonders including Valàfrn werewolves, Tascryn
demons, blood-sucking vampires, sexy selkies and
many, many more. Be careful if you choose to enter
Shannon's hunk-filled world. You may find the stories
as addictive as Shannon does and never wish to leave.
In the time Shannon doesn't spend writing, she keeps
busy by bothering her husband, showing dogs and

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birds, gardening and relaxing by one of her Butterfly
Koi ponds.
You can learn more about her writing and her life at:

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Amber Quill Press, LLC

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Erotica...& more!


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