E HAVING plus past participle ANG

background image

I regret not having
kissed her then.

Having gone away, he

Having taken a bath, he
felt relaxed.

Having taken the wrong
bus, I went to Leeds.

I regret not having
bought the car.

I am sorry for having
slept through the

What reasons did he
give for not having done
his homework?

After having driven all
the way, she was
disappointed when she
saw that house.

It's one of these movies
people lie about having

After having seen her
pictures, he fell in love
with her.

After having watched the
film, we went to bed.

Having finished my meal
I went back to work.

What are my chances of
having caught HIV?

I can't give you her
address without having
asked her for permission

Having played Hamlet
before, he knew what to

Having studied the case
thoroughly, I think he's

My girlfriend lied about
having stopped seeing
her ex.

I regret not having told
you the truth.

Having been ill for the
last few days, I have
finally managed to read
the book.

After having explained
everything, I asked her,
if she was still angry with

Having heard their new
album, I felt a bit

Having written the letter,
he went to the post

They complained about
having lost all their

I am so happy having
won the award.

I felt rather silly for
having been crying.

They are suspected of
having been working
here illegally.

Having been watching
TV for 8 hours, I feel

Having been looking for
that CD for a long time, I
finally found it.

She admits having
considered divorce.


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