Shannon Pearce A Chance Taken

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A Chance Taken

A Beau to Beau Romance short story

Sensual and Sexual, with Passion, Pleasure, and Longing

Friends for years, Greg and Mike have laughed together, cried
together, and learned together. Although Greg has now
reached the pinnacle of his career, failed personal relationships
have left him feeling empty and alone. The one person who
knows him best understands Greg’s emptiness and knows
exactly who can replace this emptiness with love and passion,
and leads Greg to a life and love he would have never thought

~Shannon Pearce~

Copyright 2010: Shannon Pearce

Beau to Beau Books

All rights reserved

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Greg’s closest friends had all gathered at Mike’s house to

celebrate the latest of Greg’s many achievements. Greg was now a
full partner in the very prestigious law firm where he had worked
since he graduated law school with high honors. Greg had wanted
this celebration to be a very intimate gathering, with only those
who had known him and had stood by him through the years, the
small close knit group who relied heavily on each other and had
formed a strong bond over the years, separate from the legal
community which now claimed so much of his time. The whole
gang thought this was a great idea and had decided to celebrate
with a potluck at Mike’s house, Greg’s best friend. The wives and
girlfriends had come too, and they all had filled Mike’s house with
a huge array of special dishes, salads, and desserts. Greg was
supplying his own specialty, his prized prime rib, which he had
prepared himself. The celebration was loud and joyful, and filled
with the casual camaraderie of a group of friends who had known
each other for a long time and who enjoyed themselves and loved
each other more than even the closest of siblings. Mike had spent
the entire day decorating his house especially for his long time
friend who now had realized his dream of becoming a full partner
at an age younger than the majority of his colleagues.

Greg was the chef of the group and had gone to Mike’s

house early in the morning that day to prepare his prized prime rib
with his special seasonings. Greg had stayed awhile afterward for
coffee with Mike, and then had come over quite often during the
day to check on the prime rib and to share another cup of coffee
with Mike each time. Mike thought nothing of these frequent
visits at first but as the day went on, he suspected that Greg wanted
something more because he would linger a bit longer each time he
came, just wanting to talk.

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Greg was a big hunk of a man, thick chested, with broad

shoulders and thighs like tree trunks. Always quick with the jokes,
he was a fun loving guy, with his mouth always smiling and nicely
trimmed by his moustache and light beard. Mike had always liked
Greg’s company, and had known him for a very long time. Mike
especially loved watching Greg’s solid muscular butt as it moved
inside his dress pants when he was dressed for a day at the law
firm. Today Greg was wearing his usual chef’s outfit, with his
white coat bearing his name and his baggy pants that hid what
Mike knew was his very muscular butt and the thick bulge of his
manhood. Mike had to admit that he had had many dreams of
stripping Greg of all of his clothing that was keeping Greg’s
luscious treasures all to itself, and taking his manhood into his

After the gang had finished off the desserts, one of them

suggested that they all go out for a drink and most agreed that that
would be fun. They all helped clean up the dishes and then headed
for the door but Greg lingered, making the excuse that he needed
to carve up the remainder of the prime rib, and assured them he
would join them later. Mike stayed back to help Greg with his
carving and putting the meat away. The two of them talked about
Greg’s new work responsibilities and how he had realized his
dream, and how hard he had worked to achieve it. “I’m proud of
you, buddy,” Mike said, as he patted Greg’s back. “You go on
ahead with the others, Mike,” Greg said, not really wanting to talk
about his life right now. “I’m just not in a party mood, I guess.”
“Oh, you know, I’m not really up to going out tonight either. How
about I fix us a drink here and we can relax by the fire,” Mike
offered. “Besides, Greg, you haven’t been your usual jovial self
today, and I’m guessing that you may have something you need to
talk about.” Greg nodded. He did need to talk to Mike, who he

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knew would understand. “I’ll take you up on that drink, Mike.

Greg finished his carving and joined Mike in the living

room. “You’ve worked up quite a sweat today with all the cooking
you’ve done, Greg. Strip off your chef’s coat and put your feet up.
You deserve a rest. The prime rib was delicious, as always.
Everyone loved it.” Mike went to fix the drinks and then headed
back to the living room, threw another log on the fire, and cleared
the remains of the party plates and cups from the coffee table.
Greg plopped down on the sofa, sweat streaming from his face, as
he took the drink from Mike’s hand. “That tastes good,” he said,
as he eased back and put his feet up. “What about that chef’s coat?
You’re sweating up a storm and you need to cool off, Greg,” Mike
said. “Well, um, I don’t have a t-shirt on underneath it,” Greg
replied. “Take it off anyway. It’s just us guys here anyway, and I
think I’ll strip off my shirt, too. I’m pretty sweaty myself, and I
usually don’t wear a shirt around the house anyway. Make
yourself comfortable, Greg.” So now here the two of them were,
both bare-chested, sitting on the couch, the fire from the fireplace
lighting the room, with the faint aroma of wood smoke and the last
of the prime rib smell coming from the kitchen. Greg’s chest was
thickly covered with curls of thick blond hair encircling his fat,
broad nipples, and narrowing down to a thick trail of curls over his
muscular abdomen to the cinched string-tied waistband of his
chef’s pants. Bits of curls peeked out from his armpits, his
muscular shoulders well-defined and a bit shiny with sweat in the
light of the fire. “So, my good friend, what’s been bothering you?”
Mike leaned back against the arm of the sofa so he could face
Greg, and also to get a better view of his very attractive chest and
shoulders. Mike loved having a half naked hairy hunk on his sofa.
Greg began to talk to Mike, telling him of his past several failed

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relationships with women, and how difficult it was to not have
someone special to share this latest accomplishment with and how
this was supposed to feel better than it did. “This is supposed to be
the best day of my life, isn’t it, Mike? I guess I’m better off
though. I don’t miss the drama of a relationship. I guess I just feel
a little empty.” “What about sex. Don’t you miss sex?” Mike
wondered. “Oh, yes and no. I’m a real horny man, but I don’t lust
after women and I don’t crave the kind of sex I used to crave.”
Greg blushed, embarrassed that he may have said too much, and
Mike was intrigued. “What kind of sex is it that you want?”
“Mike, that’s the strange part about all of this. I’ve thought a lot
lately that I want to try something new for me, and some of my
thoughts have been about men.” Greg looked away from Mike
now, feeling a little ashamed by his own admission. “Well, Greg,
you know I’m gay, and here we are together, neither eager to go to
a bar, and neither of us having a lover to go home to,” Mike said.
“Tell me what you want.” Greg looked up at the ceiling, a tear
beginning to run down his cheek into his moustache. “I shouldn’t
have said anything. I’m sorry, Mike. I can’t say it. I wouldn’t
know how to say it.” “Show me then, Greg. Show me what you
want,” Mike offered, and stood up and moved closer to Greg.
Mike took Greg’s hands in his and pulled him slowly off the

They were now standing face to face, their naked chests

just inches apart. Mike gazed into Greg’s eyes as yet another tear
slid down his face. Mike whispered, “Show me, Greg, you can do
it.” Mike put his hand on Greg’s naked, hot shoulder, his skin
warm against the hardness of his muscles. Greg moved closer to
Mike until the hairs of their chests mingled, the heat of Greg’s
thick hard chest muscles warming Mike’s own skin. They fell into
a bear hug, with Greg’s face burrowed into Mike’s shoulder, as

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Greg began to sob quietly. Mike took Greg into his arms and held
him tightly with one hand holding his head next to him, as he felt
Greg’s chest heave with his sobs, his tears wetting Mike’s
shoulder. Greg shuffled closer to Mike, pushing his hips against
him until he could feel the thickness of Greg’s cock and his balls
against his own now half hard cock. Greg didn’t move away, but
pushed even closer against Mike. Mike felt his cock grow a bit
and harden a little more, knowing that Greg could feel his cock
hardening. Greg’s sobs subsided, and Mike could smell the manly,
spicy aroma from Greg’s pits now hot with his new emotions, his
new curiosity, his new closeness to another man and the unknown
prospects of what would happen next. Mike took Greg’s head in
his hands and softly kissed his hairy lips. Greg kissed him back,
and Mike felt Greg’s hands run along his naked spine down to his
butt, until finally those hands grasped his butt cheeks through his
jeans. “I’ve always wanted to do that,” Greg whispered. “I’ve
always wanted to feel the hardness of a man’s ass.” “Well, don’t
stop there, Greg. Why don’t you strip off my jeans and get a good
feel of my bare ass? Put your hands on some bare skin and get a
real feel.” Greg fumbled a little with Mike’s belt, but soon had his
jeans unzipped. Mike took Greg’s hand on a slight detour, pushing
his hands inside his jeans so that Greg could get a good feel of his
hard cock and heavy balls still imprisoned by his shorts. Greg was
panting now with excitement as he slowly explored Mike’s body,
stripping him of his jeans, crouching at one point to pull the
entangled jeans off of his naked feet, until the two men were once
again standing pressed against each other, naked except for Mike’s
shorts and Greg’s chef’s pants. Slowly, Mike rubbed his hands
across Greg’s back and down to his butt cheeks, exploring the huge
muscles underneath the cloth of Greg’s pants as he felt Greg’s
strength and his heat. Mike pushed Greg back a little, took his

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hands in his, and hooked Greg’s fingers into the waistband of his
shorts. “Strip me, Greg,” Mike whispered, as he pushed his hands
down, starting to slide his shorts over his hard cock and full and
eager balls. Greg looked down at Mike’s cock emerging from the
cloth, and he crouched to pull Mike’s shorts completely off, then
freeing them from his feet, and then returning his gaze to Mike’s
now completely naked manhood, his cock head oozing pre-cum,
his shaft pointed toward the ceiling and throbbing to the beat of his
own heart. Mike took Greg’s hand again, and placed it on the shaft
of his cock. “Feel me, Greg,” Mike whispered. “I’m all yours.”
Greg’s strong, warm fingers explored Mike’s crotch, slowly
dancing through the curls of hair nestled around the root of his
cock, cupping his balls and feeling the weight of them in his hand,
running his fingers up and down the soft skin of Mike’s hard shaft,
rubbing his now wet cock head with his thumb as he pushed
Mike’s foreskin down his shaft, fully opening his cock head to his
touch. Mike ran one hand across Greg’s abdomen and over his
hardness now pulsing under the thin cloth of his pants, feeling his
hardness, his thick shaft, and the head of his penis. Mike grasped
one string of Greg’s pants and slowly tugged until the knot gave
way. The waistband of Greg’s pants slowly loosened, exposing
more curls of hair and his narrow, muscular hips and then the thick
hard meat and hefty balls to Mike’s hungry eyes and watering
mouth. In a split second Greg, too, was naked and standing before
Mike, the hard shaft of his cock lit by the light of the fire, his curls
of thick hair splayed across his hard chest glistening in the
firelight. Mike took in this sight of this gorgeous, naked, hairy,
muscular stud standing next to him near the fire.

Greg’s eyes wandered down Mike’s hairy chest and

abdomen until they focused on Mike’s own needy, hard cock.
“You’re beautiful, Mike,” Greg whispered. “I want to make you

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happy and I want to … taste you.” Greg blushed at his own words,
a mixture of embarrassment and lust, as Mike moved closer to him
and gripped his manhood in his fist. Mike slowly began to slide
his hand around Greg’s hard cock, feeling his lust and his
hardness. Greg’s eyes closed and Mike continued to move his
hand slowly up and down his shaft. Greg’s chest was now damp
with new sweat, the sweat of lust, need, and desire. Mike took
Greg’s other hand to guide both of Greg’s hands to his own urgent
need, giving Greg full possession of his hot cock and full balls,
teaching him to fully explore and have him, exposed and naked to
his every whim. Greg moved even closer, kissing Mike again with
his hairy lips and rubbing his whiskery chin across Mike’s face,
their whiskers entangling, catching on each other’s hair, as they
tasted the other’s need. Slowly, Mike pulled Greg to the floor until
he lay flat on the rug in front of the fire, his legs splayed open
framing his hard, pulsing cock which rose high above the thick
mass of his curly hair that surrounded his cock and balls, trailing
up his hard, rippled abdomen into the curly matt of hair covering
his hard chest. Mike straddled Greg’s head, his own hard cock
now dancing above Greg’s hairy lips, his balls dangling down
above Greg’s eyes. Mike’s lips explored Greg’s chest of thick hair
and his tender nipples which stiffened to a hard bud as Mike
sucked and licked each of them, rubbing his beard against Greg’s
chest hair and across the hard buds until Greg moaned with desire
each time Mike tasted his tender, hot nipples. Mike moved
downward over Greg’s abdomen until he reached his hard and
undulating cock with its increased need for release. Mike’s lips
licked the shaft of Greg’s hard cock and took each of Greg’s balls
into his mouth, feeling the hairs of his ball sac with his tongue.
Mike rolled and pulled each ball, tasting Greg’s manly flesh,
soaking his mass of hair as he drooled over this treasure that had

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been revealed to him, his lover’s manhood. With each lick of his
tongue, Greg’s cock pulsed against Mike’s bearded cheek, soaking
his whispers with his pre-cum, his manhood now drenched with his
own seed. Greg’s balls rose hard against his cock now as Mike
could feel Greg’s need rising to the point of his imminent
explosion, his chest now sweaty and heaving against Mike’s
abdomen. Greg’s fingers were now cupping Mike’s balls and his
own wet, hot tongue tasting Mike’s shaft, as Greg began to slowly
pump Mike’s aching cock inside his soaking wet mouth. Very
quickly, Mike swallowed all of Greg’s manhood, fully taking his
now throbbing cock against his tongue, feeling his seeping slit as it
leaked his semen and he tasted Greg’s manly juices. Mike joined
Greg in his rhythm of pumping and tasting his cock, matching him
stroke for stroke, as they climbed higher and higher toward the
pinnacle of their explosions. Mike’s hands grasped Greg’s ass, his
muscles contracting and pushing upward, trying to thrust his cock
harder and deeper into Mike’s hungry mouth. Greg’s heat rose
from his muscles and his groin, his sweat now strong and spicy, as
he pushed faster and faster toward his explosive release. Mike
cupped Greg’s balls which were now tight against his body and ran
a finger down his ball sac and on downward along the center line,
and then further downward until he found the rosebud of Greg’s
hole. Mike very slowly rimmed Greg’s hole with one finger
lightly and slowly, adding to Greg’s moanings and thrashings as he
struggled to experience his release. With a loud moan, Greg began
to explode, his cock now thrusting spasmodically through Mike’s
hairy lips, as he shot a large burst of cum deep inside Mike’s
mouth, and then another, and then a long series of blasts as Greg
released his cum, releasing his balls and emptying them of their
fullness. As Greg reached the last of his explosions, Mike realized
his own explosion. Greg’s attention to Mike’s cock had raised his

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lust to a new level as his balls released torrents of cum, first filling
his cock and then Greg’s attentive mouth with his cum until he had
no more left in him and he lay exhausted on top of his new lover.
Mike’s head lay on Greg’s strong, open thigh. He could feel
Greg’s hot mouth still surrounding his spent cock, and Greg very
tenderly sucked the last of Mike’s cum from his exhausted cock.
Mike turned around and moved to embrace his lover, and they
found themselves lying naked by the fire, feeling the warmth of the
flames against their sweaty skin, listening to their heartbeats as
they returned to normal, no longer hearing the gasps of their
breaths, the fire in their loins temporarily stilled.

Greg looked up at the ceiling at the shadows of the fire and

then he looked at Mike. “I never knew it could be like that.” Mike
leaned up and kissed Greg lightly on the lips. “This is only the
beginning, my love, only the beginning.”

~Shannon Pearce~


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