Boyz2menyaoiwriters You Belong With Me

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You Belong With Me

By boyz2men-yaoi-writers

Toby is lonely in school and at home. Sariphan is a sexy cat-man just passing through our galaxy.

Fate conspires to make their two worlds collide, and now Sariphan is determined to claim Toby for
himself. Forever!

Chapter 1

"Shite," Sariphan growled, jerking awake from the gas-induced sleep that was common upon

Rangzer pilot-launchers, or any other space travel ship.

"Adir? Get me out of this thing," he muttered gruffly, his eyes roaming over the space before him.
Eyeballing his stats on the far wall, he grunted. If that damn chart was right, he had been in cryo-

stasis for nearly a month. He grunted as the tube attached to his belly button was abruptly jerked out, the
inside skin coming out with it before it was abruptly being sucked back into place. The immobile air
about him was dispersed as the clear door opened and he was forced to grip the walls to keep from falling.
He immediately set his feet the cool floor of his ship.

Saiphan wasted no time in hurrying to his chambers, immediately jumping into the bathing stall. He

allowed the cleansing beam to warm his skin and remove all traces of the chemicals. Stepping out, he
walked over to the closet and grabbed whatever clothing he reached first, quickly pulling it onto his body.
He was also fighting the urge to fidget, as he found clothing so uncomfortable, while he made his way to
the control room.

Immediately Sariphan saw the large sphere in the center of ship's viewing window. His brows

furrowed a bit - where the hell was he? The planets of his acquaintance looked nothing like this, at least
not on the outside. As far as the inside went, well, he would no doubt have to find out. This planet was all
blue and green, yet the greens seemed broken, almost as if they were a puzzle and one could merely push
them together to have a whole.

"Name: Earth. Occupants: Several species. The most advanced - that of the human race," a rather

giddy male voice said from the ship's speakers. "The green you see is land, the blue water. This planet
looks efficient enough to -"

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The voice was abruptly cut off as the ship rocked sharply. Sariphan's amber eyes glowed as the

lights went out, leaving him in complete darkness save for the light of nearby stars. The lights then
flickered a moment before yet another rumble forced him to slam hard against the control panels.

"All systems down," Adir's voice said loudly. "Prepare for emergency landing!"
Yet there was nowhere to land as the ship was too far into this Earth's atmosphere. No sooner did

the controls and power go out, than the ship began to descend.

Sariphan immediately jumped into the pilot's seat, strapping the safety belt about him securely. He

took the steering stick in hand and pressed the emergency button. Nothing. He growled as his ship flew
over what appeared to be mountains. Already the bottom was taking down tops of trees, then whole trees.
Dirt and wood spewed everywhere as the ship came to an abrupt stop, leaving a long broken path behind

"That was close," Adir said, the lights flickering back on. "Luckily our ship is made of Zervsata

metal, or we would have blown to bits!"

"What the hell happened?" the man growled up at the computer screen set in the wall. The face of a

young brunette covered the screen. "Tell me you, lousy computer."

"Hey! I'm not lousy, you brute," Adir pouted.
It was amazing, really, just how much the people of Zerca, Sariphan's home planet, could do with

computers. Adir, for instance, resided in this ship and/or whatever communicator Sariphan carried with
him. He had all the emotions of a normal being, yet was anything but.

"I am unsure however, a blow like that could only have been caused by a fighter ship or a meteor.

As we are a hell of a lot of light years from any other ships, we'll have to go for the latter. All the same,
you have to go out amongst these human people. We have a fracture in the lower left portion of the ship
and we need a new sharit engine. So you'll have to go find one."

"Set the camouflage and let me out."

* * * * * * *

Toby Marshall stared morosely at the open field in front of him. There were a few trees scattered

about waving with the slight breeze, their leaves a deep jade against the bright blue cloudless sky, the
whole field was surrounded by a dense layer of woods. The other kids in his class moved around him,
talking to each other excitedly. The small teen didn't know what the big fuss was about. 'We're outside,'
he thought. 'Yay.' He pushed back his straight shoulder-length blonde hair from his forehead and glanced
around again with ice blue eyes. Though it was spring, he shivered slightly in his long-sleeved tee, too
thin to retain any body heat.

"Check out the asswipe, guys!" Derek Saunders laughed to his friends. "Looks like he's never seen a

tree before!"

"Could be," Frank Belkins shrugged. "Look how pale his skin is. Could be one of those Goths."
"Hey! Don't ever mistake him for one of us," Damien Frost growled from a small group on Toby's

other side. "He's not."

Toby swallowed the sarcastic remarks that itched to jump off his tongue, sure that both groups were

just waiting for a new excuse to beat the hell out of him again. Standing only 5'7", the other boys in his
class towered over him and tended to use his diminutive size to their own advantage. Truth be told, he
didn't really care anymore what they did to him but he'd promised his mother that he would stay out of
trouble. He glared at Derek and Damien for a minute before stalking away toward the teacher.

"Okay, I want you in groups of two or three while you're out here," Ms. Swenson said. The petite

brunette teacher held a clipboard in her hand ready to assign any stragglers to groups.

"Um, Ms. S?" Toby asked timidly as he drew close so that only the teacher would hear him. She

looked up at him questioningly. "Can I just stick around here and not be grouped?"

Ms. Swenson's expression turned worried, so Toby was quick to add, "I just started feeling

nauseous on the ride over here. I promise to stay close by."

She regarded him silently for a few seconds before nodding. "Just make sure you stay within sight

of the bus, okay?"

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He nodded solemnly then walked away to sit under one of the trees and sketch while she turned to

address the rest of the students.

* * * * * * *

Sariphan wanted nothing more than to kick the stupid dirt beneath his feet. It figured that his ship

would crash and force him to associate with these people. These humans. Forced him to explore a small
portion of this world to see if they hand what he needed or if he would be stuck here for the next few
months awaiting a cargo ship carrying his needed part. He ran a hand through his shoulder length blue-
black hair and sighed, he had a feeling it would be the latter in this case, too. Exploring wasn't so bad.
Kind of exciting really, he reasoned with himself. At least exciting until you determined the hostility level
of the planet. He hoped he didn't have to wage a mini war in order to retrieve a part they probably didn't
even have.

The faint sound of voices perked his ears and his cat-like eyes searched. Seeing nothing, he

immediately began walking toward the sound. He shifted to ensure that he remained unseen, allowing the
beast to overtake his human form. Bones cracked and bent, joints popped and joined. No longer did the
man stand, but the beast was down on all fours. The black leopard, took off in a leisurely pace, jogging
toward the voices. He inhaled the scent of these people. It would do him good to see them and determine
their actions, before presenting himself in the form of a man.

Eyeing a crowd of the rather noisy creatures, he leapt quickly into a nearby tree, laying low and

studying them. They were not so very different from his own kind, from what he could see at least. Their
eyes were whole, not like the cat-like slits that his species possessed. Instead their eyes were round and -

His attention was immediately drawn to a lone boy who broke off from the big crowd. He walked

over to a woman and spoke before approaching Sariphan and making himself comfortable just below his
tree. Sariphan cocked his head to the side a bit, his eyes intent upon the youth. Eyeing his long, golden
hair, his pale skin and his thin body. He was beautiful, absolutely perfect. He had to see more of him.
Gracefully, he jumped to another limb, being sure to remain quiet and go unnoticed. Again he rested, his
eyes immediately going back to the boy. Desire shot through him like nothing he had ever felt. An urgent
need to take this boy and make him his, to own him, to love him. He was forced to close his muzzle in an
attempt to keep his growl in, a growl of possession, of longing. He had no idea why, but this boy had to
be his.

His mate.

* * * * * * *

Toby leaned back against the tree and drew a few more lines, the squirrel in front of him coming to

life on his paper. And not a moment too soon either as an approaching yell scared the poor thing back up
a nearby tree.

"Aw, did I ruin your little moment, Fag Boy?" Damien laughed as he ran up to the tree Toby sat

beneath, his dyed jet-black hair flopping back.

The small blonde boy grimaced but said nothing trying to keep his concentration on his drawing.
"You're no fun anymore, Tobington," Damien sighed, using the annoying nickname he'd come up

with for Toby when they were ten, and friends. "What's the matter? Did mommy and daddy get you a
lobotomy for Christmas or something?"

"Why don't you just leave me alone?" the small blonde asked pleadingly.
"Oh, I think you're scaring him, Dame," Keith Montgomery suddenly said, and Toby noted how

eerily close he was behind him.

The smaller boy looked around him and suddenly shuddered involuntarily as he noted that he was

surrounded by Damien and his friends and they didn't look, well, friendly. He swallowed and closed his
sketchpad slowly.

"I think we finally have your attention," Damien smiled maliciously. He crouched down in front of

Toby and leaned in a little. "We've been watching you, Tobes. Closely."

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"And don't get any ideas," Mike Freeman added. "We don't swing your way."
"Yeah," Damien laughed. "Sorry if we got your hopes up." The group snickered in unison. "We just

think you need a little . . . toughening up."

Toby's stomach lurched as he took in his former best friend's expression. When Damien turned his

back on their friendship two years ago when they were fourteen, the rejection was bad enough. But when
it became clear that he also intended to sacrifice Toby to his new friends for entertainment that had hurt
almost more than anything. It was bad enough Damien left him just after his brother died. But he used
that as his springboard into the popular group, making sure Toby didn't even have a moment's peace
during that horrible period in his life.

His parents hadn't seemed to care either. His father began to take more business trips and stay at

work late into the night. And his mother, well, the bottle seemed to be her new best friend. She was never
verbally abusive or violent when she drank, but her pain and sadness were palpable. Toby hated being left
alone with her. On the rare occasions when he did get to see his dad, Toby was never able to speak
candidly with him. His father seemed stiff and uncomfortable with him, asking repeatedly when he was
going to give up drawing already and get into sports. Though he never added it, Toby always knew he
thought it, "like your brother, Billy."

Now Damien's sneer was all that filled his vision. Damien's face held no hint of remorse either.

Funny. He remembered when all he had to do was look over his shoulder and Damien would be there,
ready to back him up or make him laugh. 'Oh how quickly life can change,' he thought grimly.

"Really," he sighed softly, trying again to reason with his former friend. "I'm not feeling well."
"Oh, you're going to be feeling worse real soon," Mike chuckled as he smacked the sketchpad out of

the boy's hands. He and Keith grabbed Toby from behind and pulled him into the woods. The small
blonde boy tried to scream but Keith covered his mouth.

They walked quickly through the woods, Mike and Keith holding Toby's upper body and Freddy

Fields and Glen Yunter carrying his legs. The small boy wriggled and twisted every which way he could
but the four others were too strong for him. Damien led the way. They finally stopped at a small clearing
with a tree in the center.

"Tie him up tight, boys," Damien ordered.
The four complied, easily gagging Toby's mouth before he could call out. When they were done

Toby was sitting on the ground in front of a tree, legs stretched out before him tied at the ankles. His
upper body and arms were bound tightly to the tree trunk and he couldn't move or speak. They all
surveyed their handiwork and laughed.

"Okay, I'll meet you guys back there. Don't forget to get on the bus before everyone and put his

jacket over the pillow so the teacher will think he's sleeping in the back."

The four nodded at Damien before heading back to the clearing. Toby began to shake as Damien

turned back to face him.

"Oh, don't be scared," he sneered at the bound boy. "No one's going to bother with a little fag like

you, not even the bears and wolves." He grinned at Toby as he squatted down in front of him again. "I
know you miss me, Tobington. I see you looking at me when you don't think I do."

Toby knew his look became incredulous as he listened to Damien. Is that what the stupid ass

thought now? That Toby LIKED him? Bile began to rise in the small blonde's throat, but he swallowed it
knowing it had nowhere to go with the gag in place.

"This is just a warning to you that you need to keep your eyes and your perverted mind to yourself."
A tear fell down Toby's cheek as he struggled with his bonds.
"Don't waste your strength yet," Damien advised sinisterly. "You'll need it for later."
Toby's eyes widened in fright as he wondered what wildlife lived around the area.
"And if you survive the night," Damien went on cruelly, "I might just come pick you up tomorrow.


Toby shook his head pleadingly. Damien knew how frightened he was of being alone in the dark,

especially outside. They'd talked about it a lot when they were kids and went on camping trips with the
boy scouts.

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"Aw, don't worry," Damien sneered as he stood up. "No one pays any attention to you at home.

Why should it be any different here?" He took a few steps back and began to take the same path back that
the other boys did. "See you tomorrow . . . if you're lucky."

And with that, Damien was gone, leaving Toby crying silently to himself.

Chapter 2

Sariphan sat and watched the other humans tie the youth, his mate, to the tree. Cruel words spilled

from their mouths before they left him with one lone boy. The sheer snideness in that one's voice, the
arrogance in his stance made the cat-man want to crush his throat between his jaws. He could see that the
darker boy was no friend of this beautiful youth that was now his. His eyes watched the evil boy as he
walked away, leaving the blonde bound and helpless against the elements. Anything could happen to the
innocent boy and yet the other didn't once glance back.

He growled at this, his eyes narrowing at the boy's back. The beast's eyes flashed, his body was

tense and ready to attack the darker boy as he walked away. No sooner did he bunch his muscles intent on
at the very least frightening the dark boy, when a faint whimper was heard. His head immediately jerked
to the frightened blonde, eyes resting first on his face then on his tightly wrapped wrists. He growled
again lightly, giving one more spiteful look at the other's retreating back before climbing leisurely
climbing down the trunk of the tree.

* * * * * * *

Toby sat as still as he could on the ground in front of the tree, trying not to draw any attention to

himself. He let a stray tear or two fall down his cheek every so often but he was careful not to make any
sniffling sounds. He'd listened to the school bus pull away with a sense of dread mixed with horror. Now
the sun was setting and he knew his mother wouldn't discover him missing until morning. His father
probably wouldn't notice at all, even if he did come home from work early tonight.

What would he do now? He hoped the wildlife around him didn't notice him there. He remembered

hearing stories about the woods when he was in the scouts. Supposedly, bobcats or mountain lions lived
in these woods and they liked to prey on anything they could sink their fangs into. The memories gave the
poor blonde a jolt as he suddenly visualized himself being attacked by a ferocious cat, unable to escape
from his bonds in time to flee.

He heard a soft rustling sound overhead and froze in place. The sound was so soft, he wouldn't have

heard it but for the fact that he was sitting motionless in the eerily silent forest. He didn't dare look up,
though, afraid of what he would see. The sound crept closer to him as he squeezed his eyes shut in fear,
holding his breath. 'Oh, God, oh God,' he thought. 'Please let this be a nightmare. Please let me wake up
in my own bed. PLEASE!' The rustling stopped but there was a soft thump behind the tree. It was as if
whatever had climbed down had alit and was deciding what it wanted to do. Toby sniffled softly and
began to shake but he kept his eyes squeezed shut. Soft steps padded by him followed by a gentle breeze
and Toby knew that whatever it was, it was now standing in front of him. Yet it made no noise. Sucking
in a deep breath for courage, Toby slowly opened his eyes . . . and suddenly wished he hadn't.

Before him, sitting on its haunches, was a humongous black cat with amber eyes. Toby's own ice

blue orbs grew wide with fright. This thing could probably swallow him whole. He watched it in fear for
a while, yet it made no move to devour him. Slowly it lowered itself so that it lay in front of him,
watching him curiously. Toby didn't know what to do, so he stared back at it, willing for it not to hurt
him. Eventually he heard a soft rumbling. Was the big cat purring?

* * * * * * *

Indeed the cat was. Sariphan was shocked at just how lovely he felt, so open and free, merely being

in this boy's presence. Verily he wanted nothing more than to release the boy from his bonds and roll
about in the grass with him, he felt so giddy. He stared at the boy for quite awhile, simply watching him

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watch him. Noting the fear in his eyes and not liking it at all. This boy, his mate, had no doubt been
through many trials in his life. Eyes didn't become like ice otherwise.

Slowly he rose, walking languidly closer to the boy, his muzzle mere inches from his face, his

bright amber burning into ice blue. Cocking his head to the side a bit, he studied the boy closer, noting the
boyish yet utterly beautiful face. It was a face that he would look at for the rest of his lifetime and he
didn't mind at all. He wondered vaguely what would have happened had he not crashed upon this planet.
He would have gone on relentlessly searching for something that was never there.

Moving behind the tree, he could hear the boy's sigh of relief then sharp gasp as Sariphan began to

chew at his bonds, cutting and tugging with his sharp teeth until the boy's arms were released. Walking
back to stand before the youth, he moved his muzzle down to lap the dirt from his raw wrists, hoping the
warmth of his tongue would be more help than a hazard. He could feel the boy trembling, his eyes still
wide, though his heart seemed to pound just a bit slower. As if he had either accepted his fate or was
merely reining his fear.

Hoping for the latter, the beast moved his muzzle away from said wrists and rubbed his furry face

against the other's cheek, purring loudly as he did so. He moved his head but a moment to nudge at the
boy's hands, wanting them in his fur. Once the boy complied the cat pushed his face was back against the
other's cheek. He wanted to change into his man form and ease this fear that the blonde had of him. But
somehow he figured it would harm more than help. Though instinct told him to take the boy back to his
ship and warm him, these were a skittish people and his true form would no doubt frighten the boy more.
So in his cat form he stayed, awaiting help to come for his mate.

* * * * * * *

Toby couldn't believe he was petting such a huge cat. And it was purring for him. He could feel the

vibration against his hands as he stoked the sleek dark fur. It was a beautiful cat, he decided. A noble and
beautiful cat. Though he wasn't sure just why the cat had chosen to protect and comfort him rather than
maul him, Toby wouldn't worry over it. He knew instinctively that as long as the cat were near him
nothing would harm him.

He sighed as he rubbed the palms of his hands against the fur as he mulled over his predicament. He

knew he didn't want to wait until the morning to see if Damien would come back for him or not, knowing
that either way he would be in serious trouble. Damien was nothing if not malicious and the last thing
Toby wanted was to be cooped up in a car with him for forty-five minutes.

He had his cell phone with him in one of his pockets. Thank goodness for cargoes, was all Toby

could say about that. He could call his mother, but she'd likely be trashed right now. Sighing as he slowly
retrieved his phone from his pocket he dialed his father's cell number and waited.

"Hello?" his father answered on the third ring sounding harried as usual.
"Dad, it's Toby."
"Son?" his father asked distractedly. "What are you doing calling me?"
"Um," Toby stammered. "I'm s-sorry. B-but the bus left without me and I'm stranded in the woods."
"Left without you?" his father cried. "How far away from it did you go? You know I always tell you

to stay close to your teachers when you go on these things."

"I know."
Toby's hand faltered in mid stroke and the cat peered up at him questioningly. It was almost as if he

were asking Toby what was wrong.

"Could you come get me?" the small blonde whispered in a small voice. "Please?"
"I can't come right now. Why don't you call your mother?"
"S-she didn't answer."
Toby thought and not for the first time, about how easy it was to lie to his father knowing that his

mother would be too drunk to counter the story. It struck him as ironic and sad.

"Well, can you hold tight for another couple of hours? I have to finish this last report and it will take

me at least an hour to get to you."

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Toby shook as he considered his father's request, the dark enshrouding him. But a small lick on his

hand from the cat comforted him. It would wait with him, he suddenly knew. It wouldn't leave him.

"I guess. Thanks, Dad. I'll wait for a while before I go back to the clearing where the bus let us off."
"Good," his father severed the line abruptly.
The small blonde sighed and wished the cat really could understand him. He had a feeling if it did,

it would be the only one.

Chapter 3

Toby watched his father's sedan approach with a mixture of relief and regret. He couldn't explain

why but he felt sad leaving the cat behind. He turned to his furry companion and gave the large black
feline a final ear rub as he stood to meet his father. The cat purred and licked his hand before moving
back into the shadows. Toby was surprised, as he hadn't considered what his father would have to say
about seeing him with such a large cat. Apparently, the cat was smarter than he. He smiled gently before
turning to the car and opening the door.

"Come on, get in," his father said gruffly.
Toby looked at the older man with more than a little irritation before getting in. Far be it from him

to cause the steel-haired man any inconvenience, he thought dryly. Things weren't always this way. His
father had been a real dad before Billy died.

"We don't have all night, Toby!" his father seethed.
"I'm sorry, dad," the small blonde sighed. "I'm really tired from being scared."
"How did you get left there anyway?" his dad demanded as he put the car in gear and began to turn

the car around.

Toby looked out the window at the large cat, who had decided to move back out of the shadows. He

smiled at it and gave it a small wave, sad to leave his new friend.

"Huh?" he asked turning back to his father. "Sorry."
"Was it Damien?" the older man asked casually, though the boy knew he wouldn't care either way.
"Stop bothering him, then and he'll leave you alone."
Toby remained quiet for the remainder of the trip, not trusting his sarcastic tongue to behave.

* * * * * * *

Sariphan watched as his mate drove away in what he could only assume to be some land-ship. He

saw the boy smile lightly and wave, yet did the smile not reach his mate's eyes. It was almost as if he
were sad, perhaps because he did not wish to leave Sariphan. The cat had sat and watched, from the
shadows as the boy was verbally reprimanded by the older man piloting the ship. His amber eyes had
narrowed at the man's rigid expression, and he growled lowly as the youth winced at the man's words.

Once the land-ship was out of sight, Sariphan rose from the shadows, shape-shifting as he did so.

No longer was there a cat, but a man. Full fledged and every bit as dangerous as the beast he had rose
from. Walking back a few dozen feet he managed to find his shed clothing and communicator. Donning
them, he made his way back to the clearing. From the appearance of these people they wore covering, and
considering their hostility, he didn't think they'd deal too well with him stalking about in a cloud.

"Adir, get a track on that thing that took him," he said curtly into his communicator, knowing the

nosy computer had monitored him.

He was surprised at just how much he ached to be back in the blonde's presence. He needed to feel

the boy's hands upon his form, touching him and caressing him. He longed to hear that soft, whispery
voice murmur to him. Though he honestly didn't know why any of this came as a shock to him. It was his
culture, the way of his people. Once a mate was found, one could hardly bear to be separated, the need to
be constantly touched and held and in sight, was too strong to ignore. One could not live without the
other. He briefly wondered if his mate felt the same as he, though he was fairly certain that the boy did.

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Moving the communicator from his mouth he rolled the boy's name - or at least what the dark boy

had called him - on his tongue. "Toby," the word just seemed to come out naturally, as if his very mouth
and tongue were created to say that one simple word. It was a word that through it all could make
everything better. "My Toby," he fairly purred as he pictured the boy's face in his mind's eye. The boy
was perfect.

"Would you stop daydreaming for a moment and listen?" Adir's voice came from the tiny box in his

hand, more than a little amused. "We are gaining some power back upon the ship, though we still need
that engine - come back and I can beam you down within a two-mile radius. If you don't find him right
away you can 'sniff' him out, eh, kitty boy?" The voice came out along with a snicker.

"Have I mentioned lately how much I dislike you?" Sariphan growled, having turned and started his

trek back to the ship, though it seemed he couldn't even keep his annoyance in place. He was thoroughly
overjoyed. He had found the one he longed for. Now as soon as he fixed the damn engine he could take
him home, where they both belonged.

* * * * * * *

Toby and his father arrived home later to find his mother passed out on the couch in front of the

television. His father didn't say anything. He just stepped past and went to his room. Toby just studied her
sadly for a moment. He knew she couldn't help herself. It was just that sometimes he wished she would
remember she had another son who needed her. Sighing he went into the kitchen to find something to eat,
his empty stomach now practically gnawing its way out of his body.

He poured himself a glass of orange juice. Finding some cheese and grabbing some crackers out of

the pantry, he fixed himself a snack and made quick work of it. He then emptied his glass and put it and
his cheese dish into the sink. He sighed again, not quite ready for bed, and decided to go out front to sit
on the steps and watch the night sky for a while.

* * * * * * *

Sariphan shook his head a bit as his feet once again touched the solid earth - he hated those damn

travel beams. Travel beams, beams that broke your body into millions of particles and transported them to
a different time in mere seconds - and the dark haired man hated them. He was always wary that it would
miscalculate and put half his body elsewhere, or reconstruct him in a different way than he was. Though
he had never heard of such actually occurring - the thought was there. Giving his body a shake, as if to rid
himself of the slight feeling of tiny beings crawling about him, he looked around.

There were many dwellings and, though not exact replicas of the ones on his home planets, they

looked serviceable enough - strong and well formed. There were many of them, rather crowded really,
with no wooded areas in sight, just a large black line and the dwellings surrounding it. He shrugged
nonchalantly. Though the setting did not make sense to him, he supposed it was probably a simple set up
for these humans. The sky was dark, as it had been for quite a few hours. Many lights illuminated the area
however, so one could see clearly - even if they had not been born with night vision.

He jerked back as yet another land-ship rushed by him, the speed stirring the air making his hair

blow everywhere in disarray. He growled as a male poked his head from the window to make an obscene
hand gesture, muttering something that didn't sound nice by far to him. It clicked then just what the black
thing was. It was a trail or a road to guide the ships. He made haste in removing himself from the path,
though he was not one to run from danger, he wasn't too fond in purposely placing himself in it either.

No sooner did he step from the road than he saw a flash of blonde and the click of a door. It took no

more than that flash of blonde to know he had once again found his mate. His heart swelled as he saw the
boy, clenching in a way that would force him to weep were he less of a man. He wanted no more than to
run over and take him in his arms, and tear that forlorn expression from his face to replace it with one of
sheer happiness.

Yet did he not wish to frighten his young love, so he did not do as every instinct he had told him to,

which was to take him, claim him and return home with him by his side. Instead, he walked tentatively up

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to the dwelling, eyes never leaving the youth that sat upon the step. Once in Toby's presence, he
immediately felt a surge of relief streak through him. It was as if the vice about his heart had loosened,
though he still felt the ache of not claiming him. Yet did he fear that was a ways off, if he were to do it

Clearing his throat slightly, though not too loudly, he said casually, his voice purring out, "You look

awfully lonely ... Can I help?" His amber eyes were bright as he stared into those of his mate.

* * * * * * *

The dark haired man before him should have scared the youth out of his mind, yet he didn't. Toby's

gaze was transfixed upon the amber eyes, so friendly, so familiar. Where had he seen them before? It was
recent, he knew. But he just couldn't place them. The man was tall and muscular . . . and absolutely
GORGEOUS. Toby had never told anyone about his homosexual inclinations, but he was only attracted
to men. And this was one very fine specimen at that. His clothes dark and plain, yet so unlike any the
blonde had ever seen. He walked with a grace that made Toby wonder about his background. This was no
ordinary man . . . and Toby wanted to know him better.

That last thought jolted the small boy. Know him better? But why? He hadn't wanted to get to know

anybody better in such a long time, afraid to trust anyone who claimed to want to be his friend. He was
frightened that they would turn out to be like Damien, a viper in disguise.

"Um. It's okay," he finally replied in a small voice that he hated because it made him sound weak.
"No, really," the man insisted gently as he sat down on the step below him. "I'm new here and I was

hoping to make friends. Let me help you so we can be friends."

Toby stared into the comforting amber gaze for a moment and wondered why he suddenly felt so

relaxed with this man, so free. Maybe he was telling the truth, the boy thought. After all, he didn't look
young enough to even be in high school. Maybe he did just want to be friends. And before the small
blonde realized it, he was telling the man all about Damien and how he'd dragged him off into the woods
and tied him to a tree. He'd even told the man how sad he was that he'd lost his sketchpad. There was a
drawing of Billy in it and Damien and his friends had dropped the book on their way to the tree. He knew
he'd never find it now. The man listened with a gently smile and Toby's heart finally felt calm for the first
time in over two years. How strange, he thought.

Chapter 4

Sariphan seethed, his amber eyes were bright, and his hands clenched discreetly in his lap. He could

not believe all that his mate had been forced to go through. One so lovely, so kind, and beautiful should
never have had to experience such madness. He had known immediately who Damien was and was
already plotting against that traitor, though such a man was not even worth his rage, he was so low. He
and his fellow tormentors. But they would get theirs nonetheless.

How terrible that must have been for his Toby, having lost a brother, a best friend, even his parents,

the two people that despite all should have loved him the most, and he had lost them all at the same time.
He was alone in the world just as Sariphan and needed someone to take him from this pain (snickers) that
was his life. And the cat-eyed man intended to, intended to take his love someplace safe, where they
could be together, to his own home, Zerca.

Nay, he was not saying his world was perfect either but together, Toby and himself, they would

make it such.

His attention was then drawn to the sadness in his mate's voice as he spoke of a 'sketchpad' and how

he had lost it when this Damien character had pulled him through the woods. Well, he didn't know what
exactly a 'sketchpad' was, but if it would make his Toby happy, he would search it out himself.

* * * * * * *

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Toby finished his story with a sad sigh. He hoped he didn't bore the beautiful man, too much. Hey,

he suddenly realized he'd never asked him his name. 'How rude of me,' he chastised himself.

"I'm sorry," the small blonde boy smiled at the man who sat beside him on the steps. "I didn't even

ask you your name yet. That wasn't very nice of me. I'm Toby," he said as he stuck out his hand for a

The beautiful man looked down at Toby's outstretched hand oddly for a moment, almost as if he

was trying to decide what to do with it. He looked back up at the small boy with a strange twinkle in his
eye that left Toby wondering if they were glowing. He finally put out his own hand and grasped the small
blonde boy's firmly, as if now that he had it he wouldn't let it go.

"My name is Sariphan," he purred in a hypnotically tranquil voice.
"S-air-rif-an," Toby murmured just about melting on the spot. He noted that the man wouldn't let go

of his hand and he made no move to extricate himself yet. The hand felt warm and safe, and Toby hadn't
felt safe in so long. He noted his heartbeat thrumming in his ears. It seemed off to him that he was
suddenly becoming so aware of himself. His own hand seemed to hum with a vibration inside Sariphan's.
It was all so heady and made him feel lightheaded. "S-air-rif-an," he whispered again.

Sariphan seemed pleased and smiled gently at him. Toby couldn't seem to break their gaze.
"That's an unusual name," he finally spoke, albeit softly. "Nice, though. Where did you live


"Zerca," Sariphan said then seemed to look annoyed with himself.
"Is that, like, European, or something?"
"Yes," Sariphan smiled again. "Exactly."

* * * * * * *

Sariphan cursed himself ten kinds of fool. He was not supposed to let the boy know of his home or

heritage yet. Though in any normal case, one of his species would have done just that. His mate was
complicated and fragile, and needed tender care to ensure he not break, mentally as well as physically.
And so was terribly relieved when asked of this European. He would have to do more research on such
when he returned to his ship, in case there need be more to fill in his story later. It was not that he wished
to lie to his mate, but things were just, as he thought before, complicated.

He was still smiling however, sinfully enjoying the delightful string of emotions that flitted through

his body at the touch of their hands together. And knew Toby felt it too. He could tell by the look in his
face, his eyes and the feel of his hand, which was still placed firmly in his own. He had been confused as
to just what the other had wanted when he offered his hand simply because in his country it was a gesture
of belonging, giving one's hand to someone was the same as asking them to own you and care for you.
Provide for you and love you. He had not thought the gesture was the same here, and still did not think
such, but he chose to ignore that fact and accept his hand all the same.

"I am sorry for your pain, Toby," he said softly, meaningfully. He wished more than anything that

he could take everything remotely painful from his mate and bear it himself. "Yet there are more things
out there. You've experienced the dark side of living at an early age, perhaps soon will be your time to
experience the beautiful side -"

He was cut off abruptly by the sound of glass shattering and a rather loud, "Toby!" The boy

immediately rose.

"Thank you for listening, maybe I'll see you around sometime."
His voice was faintly rushed, yet did he take his time pulling his hand away from Sariphan's before

rushing into the house just as his name was called once more.

Sariphan immediately felt the weight of sadness as the boy pulled his hand away and vanished from

sight. Though the young human boy didn't know it, he was what kept the older man going. Kept his world
sane and beautiful, when not in his presence he was a different person, one he didn't want to be and
couldn't completely control. Toby was his other half, his mate, and only together could they exist.

"Adir," he said softly, walking back over to the black land-ship trail. "Send me back to where I

found him - and find out what the Zerca a 'sketchpad' is."

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No sooner did he finish his sentence than he was out of sight.

* * * * * * *

Toby rushed into the house at the sound of his mother's confused and drunken ranting. He knew she

had woken to the sound of his and Sariphan's voices, and she hated to be startled. He sighed at the loss of
contact, his hand still humming with an excited vibration from touching Sariphan for so long. It was only
a handshake, he reasoned as he finally pushed himself away from the door and made his way to his

"Yeah, mom?"
Serena Marshall looked at him sharply, as if suddenly remembering she'd summoned him. Her

brassy dyed blonde hair was disheveled and sticking out at all ends. Her makeup was smeared across her
features, especially her mascara, which was currently giving her a raccoon-ish look. Her skin looked
blotchy and mottled from where her face had lain against the couch's corduroy throw pillow, and she
smelled strongly of gin. Toby knew the odor well, as it had become her favorite poison of choice since
Billy died.

"I thought I heard voices," she spat angrily. "You know you're not allowed to have friends over."
"No one's here," he insisted, adding, 'Not that I have any anyway.'
"But I heard you talking to someone!"
"It was just a new neighbor," he sighed, not wanting to rile her up while she was still so drunk.
"Don't lie to me!"
"I never do," he shot back evenly, knowing she would eventually calm down as long as he remained

calm. "He was out for a stroll and came by to say 'hello' to me while I sat outside. He's from somewhere
in Europe. That's all I know because you called me in after that."

Serena tried to focus on what her son was saying but it was so hard. The alcohol was still strong in

her system. She felt guilty yelling at him too, as she knew he'd done nothing wrong. But then again, she
couldn't help it. She was just so angry. Even after two long years, she was so angry. It was stupid really.
Losing her first born that way. Stupid, stupid, stupid! And nothing she did made her feel any differently.

Tomorrow would be hard, too. It was the two-year anniversary of Billy's death. She knew she

would probably drink through the whole day just to get through it. He was such a good boy, too, never in
trouble. And one day, a car accident took it all away. She struggled in vain to push the memory from her
mind, but no matter how much gin she swallowed, it was always there. At least Toby seemed to be
calming down. She hardly ever heard about his problems at school anymore. Their talk must have
actually worked. One good thing, she decided, though she knew she was far from Mother of the Year.

"Well, you shouldn't talk to strangers," she grumbled.
"Sure, mom," he muttered as he turned to leave the room.
Toby slowly walked upstairs and passed his parent's bedroom on his way to his own. Well, it was

his parent's bedroom in name only, as his mother almost always stayed in the living room couch. He
could hear the TV blasting, as his dad drowned out any noise from the rest of the house. Toby sighed as
he continued walking, wondering how anyone could call this a family.

He reached his own room and shut the door firmly behind him, dropping onto the bed to study the

ceiling. It was Friday night, so at least he didn't have to face Damien for a few days. So many strange
things had happened that day that Toby didn't know what to think about first. Damien and his friends
tying him to a tree was a little extreme. He'd never thought they'd do something like that to him, no matter
how much they hated him. Then there was that big cat he'd encountered. Why hadn't it mauled him? It
was like the cat wanted to save him from other dangers. But why?

Then there was Sariphan. As if he was still outside on his stairs with the beautiful man, Toby's hand

began vibrating again. He didn't know why he was feeling such a loss over someone he'd only met for a
few minutes but he was. And why did it feel so natural to put his hand in the man's and leave it there for
so long? It was just a handshake, he told himself again. But was it? There was no doubt but that the man
had been attractive. His lean muscular body indicated he could take on any number of attackers on Toby's

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behalf. The blonde boy suddenly found himself dozing off as he thought of a velvety smooth voice and
mesmerizing amber eyes.

Chapter 5

Sariphan just couldn't get it off his mind, the mere tone of that voice that had called his mate, the

undertone of violence in it. He shook his head at himself. He had allowed his mate to go inside to answer
that voice, with the knowledge of possible danger. A mere day he had had a mate and already he was
making mistakes. By the way of his people he should have immediately taken Toby into his keeping,
confined him to the ship and seen to his well-being, his every need.

Yet he found he simply could not do such. He sensed an underlying sadness, a pain that just seemed

to radiate from his mate. As if it had been held for long periods of time and festered so the boy's insides
were naught but vague parts of such. All the same it was something that he would need to, at the very
least, lessen if he were to bring Toby into his world. The small blonde boy already had so much on him as
it was. Abuse was recognizable no matter what planet you were from, and mental was one of the worst
forms of such.

Sariphan's amber gaze fixed on something oddly white in the darkness. Reaching down he grasped

what looked to be an oddly bound book. Opening it he was forced to raise a brow at the drawing he had
turned to. Another boy it looked to be. The picture looked so very similar to Toby it was eerie, yet it
wasn't him. The drawing was nowhere near as gorgeous as his mate - naturally - but was similar all the
same. Turning a few more pages he looked them over, "From the looks of this book, it could be-"

"Looks like ya found something, babe," Adir's high-pitched voice drifted from the mini

communicator attached to his hip.

"Indeed it does, looks to be a book of pictures, as if someone had-"
"Sketched them? My, aren't you the smart one!" the machine's sarcastic voice cut him off.
"Yes," Sariphan growled, glaring down at the aforementioned beeper-like thing. "As in a-"
"Sketchpad? You're a genius, hun!" Again that damned tone.
"One of these days, Adir, you are Banserta-bound, you useless piece of scrap Zerc-metal!" He

fumed, kicking at the ground as he stomped his way back to the ship.

Blanserta was the garbage planet of his galaxy, not that any of the planets made very much waste. It

was simply that the planet was very much like Earth, taking in the bad and producing the good. The
planet was quite full of numerous resources, some important and often used, others just pretty, expensive
and in very popular demand. All the same a machine like Adir would be fed into the ground, then reborn
into something better, more advanced. And if this Zercan had anything to do with it, his annoyingly
helpful computer would be visiting it soon.

* * * * * * *

Toby yawned and stretched as he woke, feeling the after-effects of his night's fitful sleep wane and

drift away. He glanced to the window where the shade was drawn and he could see the sun's rays peeping
through the sides. He yawned again and sat up in his bed. Looking over to his nightstand, he did a double
take. His sketchpad - the one Damien and his friends had taken from him yesterday - sat on the nightstand
beside his bed like it had always been there.

He blinked his eyes a few times, trying to determine if he was seeing things. Nope. The book was

still there. Finally he sighed and reached out for it, thinking maybe he'd mis-remembered and left it home
after all. He pulled it into his lap and paged through it slowly. All of the drawings of his brother were
there. Billy playing ball. Billy eating ice cream. Billy reading a book. Then he turned to the last drawing,
and his eyes widened again. There was the squirrel he was drawing just before Damien and his friends
took him to the tree. He snapped the book shut quickly and turned it over. There were grass stains on the
back cover.

Where had the book come from? How did it get back to him? There was no way Damien did it, that

was for sure. But who else would know about the missing book? Toby wracked his brain as he thought.

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He hadn't even told his father. But there was one person who knew about the book besides Damien. One
person he had told last night, if in fact he hadn't imagined him. Sariphan. Just thinking about the man's
name gave Toby a heady feeling of safety. It was an unusual sense to be sure.

"Sariphan," he whispered to the empty room.
The feeling intensified and Toby leaned back against his headboard and closed his eyes. How had

the man managed to get his sketchpad, if in fact he did? And, more importantly, why? Toby knew he
wasn't important enough to worry over. What did the man want from him? And, would Toby be able to
cope with losing contact with him once he got it? That had to be it, right? The small boy pondered the
thought sadly. The man must want or need something, or he wouldn't bother with Toby either. Nobody
stayed after they got what they wanted from him anyway. Not even his parents.

He shook his head and climbed out of the bed, grabbing some clothes before heading to the

bathroom. He didn't want to be there when his father woke up. The man was obviously annoyed with
having to cut his work night short, and the small boy knew he'd be in for one hell of a lecture if he stuck
around too long.

* * * * * * *

Sariphan smiled as he walked up behind Toby.
"In a hurry?" he asked casually, as if he hadn't been stalking the boy since sunrise.
As if he hadn't been studying the people of this planet and attempting to adapt and fit in. He had

observed the human's clothing styles and had tried to mimic to them. And his attempts were not in vain.
Though he did not look perfectly normal in the dark, snug fitting pants and loose poet shirt, he passed on
well enough. His long hair was pulled back into a knot at the nape of his neck to achieve some sense of

He winced as the boy jumped. Scaring the youth had not been what he'd had in mind and he told

him so.

"Sorry, it wasn't my intention to frighten you. I had just assumed that since we had spoken

before…" he trailed off, his voice low and sensuous, like a continuous purr.

He was hoping against hope the other had not forgotten him. Some blows were just too hard to take

and he feared that would be one of them.

"Oh, you're fine," Toby chuckled.
Sariphan watched as the youth turned to face him, a slight smile upon his face that did not reach his

eyes, those same eyes began to roam over him. He spoke again, a slight flush upon his face, "I guess I'm
just a bit jumpy."

Sariphan grinned a bit and allowed himself to do the same as the boy had, running his bright eyes

over the youth's form. He was forced to swallow hard, eyeing Toby's young, lean, lush body. He instantly
felt himself harden, his body tightening as his eyes roamed over his mate's petite form and beautiful face,
his lovely legs and the outline of his bottom. Sariphan flared his nostrils and bit the inside of his lip hard
in an attempt to distract himself from the beast within him. The beast that was presently clawing at his
insides, wanting nothing more in the universe than to take the boy and claim him as his own. To mark
him, to have him beneath his form as he pleasured him with hot, passionate caresses. To make him feel as
no other had ever or would ever make him feel. To make him cry his name in the midst of an ecstasy, for
in truth there was only one man who was capable of satisfying this youth and that man was Sariphan.

* * * * * * *

Toby blinked up at Sariphan in shock, his senses now fully on alert. Again he felt his own heartbeat

pounding in his ears, his blood rushing through his own veins. Every breath he took sounded deafening to
him. What was going on here? Why was he so affected by this man? This man was beautiful with his
strong, muscular, golden body peeking through the top of the poet's shirt. It was a study in opposites, such
a masculine body clothed in such a delicate outfit. Instinct told the boy that the man in those clothes was

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no less powerful than the cat he'd met last night. No less dangerous. Luckily for him, he seemed to be on
both creatures' good sides.

"Um … so, what have you been up to?" Toby stammered out, trying to break the spell Sariphan had

somehow evoked, swearing to himself that he must be hallucinating.

No man this beautiful could ever love him, could he? He was too small and plain, too thin and wiry,

too gangly for a man such as Sariphan, assuming that the man even was gay. He also wanted to see if
Sariphan would shed some light on how the sketchpad ended up on his nightstand, yet Toby didn't want
to just outright ask him, in case he was wrong.

"I have been exploring," Sariphan replied, the grin not leaving his face.
Toby instantly regretted asking the man anything as his velvet voice sent more tingles down the

boy's spine and heat pooling into his nether regions. Why was he suddenly feeling this way? As if he'd
like nothing more than to let this man wrap his strong arms about him and keep him safe and secure
forever. He looked away and tried to shake his head to rid himself of the effects but it was no use. He
looked back up to Sariphan's eyes and physically felt the heat in them. Without thinking, he held his hand
out to the man like he did the night before and felt the electricity course through him as Sariphan accepted

"What's going on here?" Toby asked the man weakly. "Why do I get these strange feelings when

I'm with you?"

* * * * * * *

Sariphan's eyes seemed to glow as he slowly pulled Toby closer to him.
Though Sariphan did not seem at all shocked by the boy's question, he well and truly was. He had

not expected his young mate to ask such, at least not so soon. He had planned on wooing the youth, so to
speak, before easing him into the idea of traveling to other planets and galaxies, as Adir had found these
beings had yet to travel out of their own. He had planned to make the boy fall in love with him, so that
were he to be too terribly frightened he still would not wish to leave him. Yet a question he had asked,
and in truth it was an answer he deserved and an answer he would get.

Pulling Toby close to him, mostly because simply being within this close proximity to him was

driving him insane. He needed to touch the boy, to feel him and know he was real and not just something
he had dreamed up.

Taking a deep breath, he started, "Toby... I am your mate, your one and only. As you are mine. Our

souls, hearts, and bodies belong to one another. It is my duty to love and protect you, see to your
happiness and well-being." He took a breath. "Touch me, Toby, feel me ... you know me."

Chapter 6

Toby couldn't seem to tear his gaze away from the beautiful amber eyes that bore into him.

Sariphan's hand enveloped his and he could feel the now familiar vibration that he got whenever the man
touched him. The bond he was feeling seemed to be strengthening … and it frightened the hell out of him.
He pulled his hand out quickly and took a step back.

Had he heard Sariphan correctly? It sounded as if the man believed Toby was his soul mate or

something. Like they were fated to be together. But Toby didn't believe in fate or destiny. He'd had the
unfortunate experience drilled into him by life itself. If fate truly existed, why was Billy taken away when
his life meant so much more than Toby's. Although he'd never confirmed it, Toby knew his father felt the
same way. On the rare occasions when he was home, Toby would sometimes catch his dad looking at him
in an almost ashamed manner. As if he knew that Toby would never become a man in the sense that he
had hoped Billy would have. That Toby's continued existence only served to remind him that the son he
was proud of was gone forever.

Toby mentally shook off his musings. What good did it do him to continue to mull over what he

couldn't change? His father would never accept him anyway. But Sariphan seemed to. And that was as
unsettling as it was comforting. What did he mean by belonging to one another anyway?

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"Mate?" he asked uncertainly.
Sariphan nodded mutely, watching Toby with an eerie calmness.
"Your duty to love and protect me?" Toby tried again, ignoring his protesting body. All it wanted to

do, it seemed, was to be touched by Sariphan.

The boy looked down sadly, not really understanding the pain he was feeling. Something inside of

him told him he wanted to be loved for himself, not out of some sense of duty. And why did this man all
of a sudden feel it was his duty to love him anyway?

* * * * * * *

Sariphan's brow furrowed as a sharp pang of sadness shot through him. He knew immediately that

these were not his own feelings, but those of his mate. As Toby was connected to him and could no doubt
feel his emotions, so too could Sariphan feel the youth's. Feel his pain, his sadness, his terrible heartache
over the many things that had happened in his life. However, though he had expected some reaction to his
declaration, sadness had not been the one he was prepared to deal with. He could handle anger, fear, or
maybe even blankness, but sadness? The last thing he ever wanted to do was sadden his beautiful young

"Have I upset you, Toby? I meant every word. This is no game to me, I promise you," Sariphan

said, his voice soft yet demanding. His amber eyes searched Toby's face in a vain attempt to discover the
true source of his sadness. He simply did not understand these humans' actions and the way they felt
towards things. In his world, a mate would have been overjoyed, happy beyond belief to have been found
by the one they belonged to. Why did Toby not feel the same?

A twig cracked in the distance causing Sariphan's ears to immediately perk up. His nose curled just

a bit, he recognized that scent. The same filthy being that had left his mate to his own terror in the forest
was stalking him once again. A deep growl rumbled in his chest as his eyes flashed into catlike slits, his
head immediately jerking to look behind Toby's shoulder to bore into the eyes of Damien.

* * * * * * *

Toby stared back up into Sariphan's eyes not sure whether he should believe him or not. The man

looked sincere. He certainly sounded like someone who believed that Toby should be in his life. But the
small boy had been taken in by people with agendas before and he couldn't escape the wary feeling no
matter how much he wanted to. And, God, how he wanted to. He felt so safe with this man and it seemed
somehow right.

Sariphan suddenly broke their silent connection and looked over Toby's shoulder, stiffening rigidly.

The blonde boy sighed in despair until he heard what he could swear was a low and dangerous growl
emanating from deep within the dark-haired man's chest. He didn't understand why Sariphan seemed
suddenly furious until he heard something that nearly made his own heart stop.

"Hey, fag boy," Damien's voice cut the air and drew Toby's immediate trepidation. "I went to visit

you this morning and bring you your school bag, but you weren't there. Who's this? Your new boyfriend?
He sure dresses like a fag."

Toby trembled at the voice but refused to turn around. He looked up to Sariphan with tearing eyes.
Another growl filled the air as Sariphan glared at the black shrouded youth, his eyes boring into his

face. How dare he speak to his mate like that? Or to his mate at all, this lower being, tormenter of those
weaker than him. The older man clenched his fists at his sides, his nose and mouth twitching, the beast
within him roaring for release. This human deserved to die. One so cold hearted and useless need not live
on to hurt others.

Images flashed in his mind of the beast within him breaking loose and ripping the little bastard's

throat out, claws sinking into his skin, ripping it to shreds, feeding on his raw flesh as he cried out for
mercy. Only Sariphan would have no mercy, just as Damien had not when he did those things to Toby.
Mercy was a rare thing and should not be wasted on those not deserving.

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"Were I you, I would be running now," Sariphan growled, his eyes still slits.
He felt the telltale tingle in his skin, felt the beast surfacing, the teeth exploding in his mouth as he

lunged at the youth.

Toby barely had time to register Sariphan's act before the man lunged at his former best friend.

Damien let out a yelp and stumbled to the ground, and the dark-haired man was just about to leap on him
when Toby did the only thing he could think of to do. He threw himself into Sariphan's arms and buried
his face in the crook of the man's strong neck.

"Please don't," he whispered into Sariphan's ear. "Just hold me."

Chapter 7

Sariphan's eyes widened, more so at the sudden wave of pleasure that passed through him at the feel

of the boy's body pressed against his than the fact that the boy had actually done so. Though that was
quite the shock in itself. He shivered a bit, particularly when Toby buried his face in his neck, having to
swallow down a large lump of desire that suddenly clogged his throat.

Though he supposed when he put those feelings aside - a very hard thing to do - he was rather

annoyed that his mate was keeping him from doing as Toby deserved as well as his duty. As it was his
duty to protect the small blonde from any and all, he was pissed at himself for allowing his mate to stop
him. Yet was this cowardly Damien doing just that, cowering before him. Pick on the weak and cower
from the strong. Beings like such sickened him and he had a creeping feeling this was not the only being
on this planet to act in such a way.

Yet was he posing no threat presently, so did Sariphan allow himself to wrap his arms about the

boy, looking over his mate's shoulder to snarl rather harshly at the other boy.

* * * * * * *

Toby was shaking as he held on tightly to Sariphan. He was dimly aware that Damien the idiot

hadn't taken the opportunity to run away yet. He didn't care what happened to the moron. But he did care
if Sariphan did anything to him, especially in public, and got arrested for it. He didn't know why this man
was suddenly very important to him, but he did realize that he was. The boy didn't even know the man for
twenty-four hours, yet he knew that his absence would send Toby's world into a tailspin that he'd rather
not experience.

"Please," he breathed into Sariphan's ear. "Please don't do anything that will make them take you

away from me."

"Away?" Sariphan murmured back. "That would … hurt you?"
"Yes," Toby nodded vigorously. "I don't know why, but I think it might kill me."
Sariphan set the boy down lightly but didn't let him go. "Never talk about that, Toby," he said

frantically. "Never talk of leaving me."

Toby looked up at the beautiful man in wonder as he mutely nodded his head. He heard Damien

grunt then Sariphan broke eye contact with him to glare at the fallen boy again. "Get out," he hissed to
him and Toby finally heard Damien's footsteps as he ran away.

* * * * * * *

Sariphan's nose curled as he watched the boy scramble away, his eyes bright. His body was wound

up so very tight he feared the beast would simply burst through, every instinct, every muscle told him to
track down the useless human and deal with him properly. Images of what he would do to this cowardly
boy flashed through his mind - yet did the soft, warmth currently cloaking his body stop him.

Taking a deep breath he turned his face from the retreating boy and pulled Toby back into his arms,

burying his face in the youth's warm neck.

"I will try as best I can, beautiful, not to hurt you in any way. Yet I am torn, it is my duty to deal

with these things, to protect you and see to your well-being. By all rights I should hunt him down and

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deal with him. Yet does your soft voice and calm, forgiving demeanor stop me." He sighed, kissing the
skin beneath his lips, "I will do as you ask for now, Toby. Yet I fear the next one that is so brave as to
bother you, I will be forced to make an example out of."

Toby felt a thrilling shudder run down his back as Sariphan's words washed over his ears. The

man's breath was hot against his skin and every contact point where their bodies touched tingled and
hummed with an energy only Sariphan seemed to able to elicit.

"B-but if you do that, then they'll t-take you away from me," he whined. "A-and I don't know why,

but I can't lose you."

Sariphan pulled back slightly to look down at his love. This was the second time Toby had

expressed this fear in just a few minutes. The problem must be weighing on the small boy greatly for him
to mention it again.

"You need not worry so, Toby," he smiled gently. "If there is one thing I can assure you of it is that

I will never leave you."

Toby smiled up at him and Sariphan's amber eyes began to glow again.
"And," the beautiful man added, "neither will you leave me."
Toby felt another shudder but he wasn't afraid of this man anymore. He just felt … right.

Chapter 8

Sariphan smiled and tipped the boy's face up. He had seen the shudder that had ran through the little

blond, the look of possible acceptance. Acceptance. What a hard thing to give, particularly in Toby's case.
The boy had been through much and that he was already so attached to him pleased the older man greatly.
But then he still had much to tell the boy before he could be fully accepted. He had learned from Adir that
this planet had yet to leave their solar system and though some believed in 'aliens' - something he himself
would be considered - such was still considered a myth. His love would probably think him less than sane
when the time came for the full truth.

Yet in time, he could do no other. Sariphan could not live without Toby, nor could the boy without

him. Their souls were bound by a force, a power really, greater than any and all. His bright eyes roamed
over the other's face as he thought this. His eyes closing but a moment afterwards, intent upon committing
this lovely face to memory. No sooner did he open his eyes, however, than they were upon the youth's
lips, so soft they looked and just slightly parted, as if in invitation. His body stirred a bit and again he was
reminded that he had yet to fully claim the boy, had yet to even mark him. His body screamed, cried out
in need for the young boy before him, warming him in such a way he feared he would simply be set
ablaze. He clenched his thighs in a vain attempt to distract himself from the fire that spread throughout his
body and settled in his groin, demanding he bury himself deep within his rightful place, Toby.

With a ragged breath, he ran his thumb over the boy's bottom lip. His eyes moved up to meet blue

ones. He could no more have stopped himself from settling his mouth over the other's than he could have
stopped breathing, not that he wanted to anyway. He groaned as his lips met the softness that was Toby's
mouth, shots of lightening raced through his lips, striking his body with an unbelievably pleasurable
accuracy. The hand upon the boy's chin quickly moved to bury itself within the blond strands as his
mouth worked vigorously at the boy's. He waited but a moment after hearing Toby's gasp before slowly
letting his tongue slip inside, meeting the younger boy's tongue with a dominant thrust.

The kiss was breathtaking, loving in its sweetness and yet unbelievably arousing in its built up

passion. Their interlocked mouths, the simple way they clung to one another as if for dear life, all showed
how perfectly they fit together. They were made for one another, a puzzle with two simple pieces, now

"You are mine, Toby," Sariphan said as he pulled away for air - something he presently cursed his

need of - kissing his mate's ear as he murmured. "Never forget that. We are two halves to the same whole
and I cannot, will not, be without you."

* * * * * * *

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Toby trembled as he looked into the taller man's eyes. Truthfully he couldn't look away if he wanted

to. Though if someone were to ask him, he would have had to admit he wouldn't want to look away.
Sariphan's amber eyes, though sharp and dangerous just minute's before when Damien was there, were
now gentle pools of glowing liquid, and they seemed to bore deeply into the small blonde's heart and soul.
When the man leaned in, Toby vaguely registered that he meant to kiss him. The thought occurred to him
that perhaps he should protest. And again, Toby acknowledged the fact that he didn't want to. Sariphan
wanted to kiss him and kiss him he would.

The man's lips felt hot against his own and Toby reveled in the touch, the intimate feel of having

them cover his mouth. Sariphan nipped and prodded as he went, causing Toby to gasp. And when he did,
he gloried in the sensation of having the man's tongue gently invade his mouth, sparring with his own for
dominance. Toby put up a nominal fight, but both knew Sariphan would win. And the small boy was far
from disappointed when he did. Toby just couldn't help feeling protected and cherished when in the dark-
haired man's arms. Finally, Sariphan pulled back and began murmuring in Toby's ear. The small blonde
listened carefully to the comforting and sexy voice as Sariphan informed him that he was his now.

"Hmm?" he whispered as he felt his body respond to that announcement immediately. "Yours?"
"Mmm hmm."
Toby's mind turned that over for a moment as he searched for a response.
"But what can I possibly mean to you?" he asked weakly. "We just met and you don't even know


"I find no reason to lie to you, my sweet, I want you. My body cried out in need for the only thing,

the only one who can satisfy me - you." Sariphan said, his eyes searching, his tone soft and clear. "Yet
this is not just physical, lovely. Verily it is so much more than I can find the words for. We are meant to
be. Made for one another. We are one."

"When ... when did you decide this?" Toby asked uncertainly, wanting to believe yet frightened to

do just that. He had experienced life, not so harsh as some and not so nice as others, but he had
experienced it. He could feel this bond between Sariphan and himself, yet did he wonder if it was really
there and not just something he imagined.

"Things like this are not decided by us, but by something much greater. Fate you may call it,

destiny. I know only this, my love, what we feel for one another is something beautiful, unimaginable to
one another, yet do we feel it, feel the bond and know that we are the only one for the other. Even should
one choose not to feel it, it would take but the absence of the other for the fact to drill it into us." Sariphan
stopped, taking a breath as his eyes scanned the youth's face. "I realize such is not common amongst your
kind, your people. Yet for my own it is the way. You must learn to accept, Toby, for both our sakes. No
matter what."

'My kind?' Toby thought as he studied the man above him. 'His kind? What does he mean by that?'
He brought his hand up and touched Sariphan's cheek as if to verify that the man did indeed exist.

And he did. His cheek was rough against Toby's soft hand, but it was far from unpleasant. Sariphan
smiled gently down at him.

The honk of a horn brought reality back to the boy as he frowned and glanced around him. Though

it was still early and few people were out and about yet, he knew that such intimate moments shouldn't
happen in the street, where all can witness them. He glanced back up at Sariphan and noted the guarded
concern in the deep amber eyes.

"I think we should move this conversation somewhere more private, don't you?" he asked as he

stepped back a few inches.

Sariphan's own expression turned to a frown at first then softened as he looked down at their hands.

Toby had entwined their fingers and held fast to him, which seemed to please the beautiful man.

"Indeed," he purred as he looked back into Toby's eyes.
He began to walk down the street gently tugging Toby along with him.

* * * * * * *

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Sariphan was a little peeved that he was forced to move - somewhere between the slightly

embarrassed expression upon Toby's face and the loud noise not so very far off, he got the impression that
such was not allowed here. Not accepted. He didn't like that at all. The mere thought of having to hide his
love for the youth, having to hide his want and caring, quite frankly, pissed him off. Public displays were
known amongst his people as a sure fire sign for mates to prove themselves to one another. Where one
could gather the courage to do before possibly judging eyes, showed what they were willing to do for the

Yet, as before, did Toby's feelings come first and as he was uncomfortable there was nothing left to

do but to find somewhere that he would not be ill at ease. So with a small sigh, he led his small mate

Chapter 9

"How about here?" Toby suggested, pointing to a small clearing in the middle of a clump of trees.
It wasn't too far from the street they had met on, but it was near enough to still hear the traffic. The

boy was still very perplexed over his feelings for the man and wanted to question him further in private.
But he liked having the option of suddenly darting away if the urge struck him. Though, he very much
doubted that particular urge would surface, judging by the reaction he'd just had to that kiss earlier. He
vaguely noted that his hand was still clasped firmly in the large man's. In fact, the soft vibration was
soothing his nerves.

Sariphan smiled amiably as he slowly dropped to the ground, pulling Toby into his lap. The boy

was just trying to figure out how to voice his concerns when the man covered his lips with his own and
resumed the kiss they'd begun earlier. Toby sighed gently, knowing he would be lost in the sensation
soon. And he was right. Sariphan slid his tongue deftly inside and claimed Toby's mouth again. And the
boy didn't pull back this time. In fact, he pulled his hand out of Sariphan's to his arms around the man's
neck and bring him closer.

Why does this feel so natural? Toby asked himself as he allowed Sariphan to gently lay him down

and deepen the kiss. Why do I want this man to claim me? This is happening so fast. What if he's using me
and intends to leave me? I know he said he wouldn't, but what if he did? Would I survive it?

Sariphan gently broke the kiss and stared down at Toby in concern. The boy suddenly wondered if

the man could read his mind. He looked up at him mutely, waiting for him to say something.

* * * * * * *

Though Sariphan could not read minds, he could read Toby's emotions. He had felt the worry in the

boy as they kissed, the fear and confusion. His thoughts were clear as their kiss had deepened a bit, he
could do no other than pull away and put his own need to the side to see to Toby's.

Looking down into Toby's blue eyes, he lifted a hand, brushing a stray strand of hair from his


"Worry not, my love, I would never leave you. Ever." He smiled and bent to brush a soft kiss upon

his nose. "What is yours is just that, yours, to give – and mine to accept. But only mine, Toby," he

He would not accept his mate being with another, touching or giving himself to any other but his

rightful mate – Sariphan. He could not help the slight growl that came out with his next words. "You are
mine. No one else's."

He watched as Toby's eyes took on a wary glint at his warning, shrinking into himself a bit. The

fear radiated off him again and Sariphan sighed. Scaring the youth had not been his intention. Lowering
his face down to nuzzle the boy's neck, he kissed the soft skin there.

"Do not fear me, Toby. I would never harm you, ever. Never leave you. You are it for me, Toby."

* * * * * * *

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The small blonde trembled in the dark-haired man's arms, though it wasn't completely fear that

caused it. He was turning the man's words over and over in his mind. Part of him was reveling in the
sweet simplicity of it. Sariphan wanted him to be his. Only his. He seemed to be telling Toby that he
would never be alone again and that he would be cared for and cherished.

But another part of him, the traitorous part, reminded him that things like this never happened to

him. People used him to get something then discarded him when he'd outlived his usefulness. Damien had
done that. He'd told Toby they'd be friends forever. Apparently forever meant only until Damien could
figure out what the other boys thought was cool, which was to dump his friend and humiliate him
constantly. Toby had always been the means to and end.

His mother and father were the same. They had plenty of use for him when Billy was alive. They

would scold him when he wasn't measuring up to Billy's example, rather than encourage him to excel at
his own interests. And once Billy was gone, they regarded him as nothing more than a reminder of the
"good son" they lost. So they tended to ignore him instead of comfort him.

He looked up into the gentle amber eyes staring into his own and wondered just when Sariphan

would tire of him and leave him behind. No matter what the man said, there had to be something he
wanted or he wouldn't be talking to him. His body's reaction be damned, Toby had enough of playing by
other people's rules. He would find out what it was before he fell any further for the beautiful man. It
wasn't better to have loved and lost, and Toby should know. He could write a book on it.

"Just tell me what it is," he finally asked wearily, tired of the losing game he always seemed to play.

"Whatever it is, you don't have to work this hard for it. I'll get it for you."

* * * * * * *

Confusion showed clearly on the older man's face. He had no idea what Toby was talking about. He

had declared what he wanted to the boy damn near upon meeting him. He had said his peace yet did his
mate not seem to understand such.

Very slowly, his voice an octave lower, he said to Toby, "Have I not said this before? I want you,

beautiful. I want you with me in all ways that mates should be. We are together now, baby. There is no
walking away from this."

He watched Toby study him with wariness in his eyes. He looked as if he were about to say

something before abruptly shaking his head and burying his face into Sariphan's chest.

Sariphan blinked in confusion but held his little love all the same, plans running through his mind –

well, lots of them really – as to just how he would explain to Toby that he would have to leave his home,
his planet. Yet did the boy not seem in the proper state of mind. And so he held his tongue, pulling the
boy close to him and caressing that beautiful golden hair.

Chapter 10

Sariphan held Toby for a while longer. He could feel the worry that grew in the boy, a different

worry than before. He had a feeling it had to do with the boy's dwelling and his less-than-kind parents.
No, he was not happy with those two people, not at all. He had heard the undertone of violence last time.
It seemed as if the woman was merely looking for a reason to punish his mate and had perhaps found one
before. Well, Sariphan thought as he ran his tongue over his canines, whether it is his mate's life-givers or
simply some taunting acquaintance, all would pay dearly for the deeds done unto the blond. Toby was his,
plain and simple, his to love and hold, to defend and protect.

He literally hurt for the boy. His soul being connected to the others as it was, he had no other choice

but to. But that was not the only reason why and it was important Toby understood that. Yet did he also
admire him. Toby had had a hard life. A life filled with expectations so high he had no choice but to fail.
And despite his bitter sadness he had not altogether given up hope. Though small the flicker was still
there, ever growing now that Sariphan had come to claim him. Toby himself may not have recognized the
older man, but his body and soul sure did. Each crying out for the only thing, the only one, that could give

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them release, the only one who could take Toby from the pain that was his life. And give him a new one,
filled with love, joy ... filled with Sariphan.

He felt Toby's arms tighten about him a moment later, as though he were loath to pull out of the

safety of his arms, before tentatively moving away. His eyes a bit wide and undoubtedly sad as he said
very softly, "I have to go home."

"I do not want you to," Sariphan immediately said, his voice clear and honest as he told his little

mate what he thought. "I do not like you staying in the same dwelling as those that would ignore you or,
much worse, do you harm."

"They're my parents …"
"Yes, and that is what makes it so sad, beautiful. One such as you should not be made to suffer,

particularly by those who were made to love you. I am your mate, your protector and love. I will not
allow any harm to come to you. Period, and those that try to inflict it," his eyes glowed a bright amber,
the slits showing a bit more at the mere thought. "Well, they will have to deal with me." His voice was a
soft rumble, but firm and commanding none the less.

Meeting Toby's eyes briefly, he abruptly stood taking Toby with him as he went "Come, my love,

allow me to walk you if you must go.”

* * * * * * *

Toby walked beside Sariphan in silence, playing the scene over in his mind. On their way back they

retrieved his schoolbag from the curb where Damien had dropped it. But the man wouldn't allow the
small blonde to carry it, shouldering the burden himself.

Sariphan had said he would protect Toby, but from whom? His parents? They were mean to him,

but they hadn't really harmed him. Well, not intentionally. His mother once had thrown her drink at him
when she was angry, and the glass had shattered on the wall beside Toby's head, shards of it cutting his
skin. He remembered the pain as he used a tweezer to get some of the pieces out before cleaning the
wounds himself. He still had a few small scars on his shoulder. If Sariphan was angry about his mother
calling him in the other night, what would he say when he saw the scars? He looked up briefly to eye the
man who walked beside him then looked back down again. Hopefully, he'd be able to avoid that touchy
subject again.

He wanted them to be together forever? Toby couldn't fathom anyone wanting that with him. But

Sariphan's kisses and touches, and the way he spoke … they told the boy that this man wasn't kidding
around. That he was wanted, and that the man wouldn't be disappearing from his life. He was still trying
to come to terms with that last one, though. Anyone who had ever cared anything about him had either
betrayed him or left him. But this man was definitely different. Though Toby wasn't entirely sure how he
could have fallen in love with him so quickly, Sariphan seemed to believe he loved him. And Toby
couldn't deny he felt something strong for the man, too. Was it love? Toby couldn't be sure. He'd never
loved anyone before.

Remembering the glowing amber eyes, Toby couldn't help but think of the cat that had watched

over him while he'd waited for his father to come get him from the forest. He wondered what happened to
that cat, anyway. It was big and scary, but not to him, at least not after it had helped him escape and
waited with him. He'd felt safe with that cat. And he felt safe with this man. Odd how after not feeling
safe in so long, he'd met two creatures that made him feel that way now.

They reached his house and he turned to Sariphan to bid him goodbye. As he was about to speak,

the man smiled down on him brilliantly and took his breath away.

"I will see you again very soon, beautiful," Sariphan whispered against his lips. Then he gave him

another short but deep kiss and smiled again as he walked away.

Toby stared after him until he disappeared from sight then sighed as he opened the door to his hell.

* * * * * * *

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"Adir," Sariphan said, settling into the pilot chair and flicking a few random switches. Three

different transparent screens immediately popped up before him. "I need Block One's status on Toby at all
times, at any time that he is threatened or frightened you will zoom in and make sure I am aware of such

"Hun, as far as that kid goes, I doubt he can take a piss without you hearing the splash of it," Adir's

sarcastic yet slightly giddy voice blared out of the nearest monitor on the side wall, his face smirking in a
smug manner. At Sariphan's growl he sighed and added, "I gotcha, babe. What else?"

The man glared at the side wall a moment, wondering just why in the hell he put up with the

annoying machine before continuing.

"On Block Two I need you to upload and show any and all information on his life-givers." He

paused and took on a dark look. "Then this Damien person," he snarled the boy's name, his eyes twitching
a bit. "On Three," he cleared his throat. "I need to know as many customs about this land as possible. I
would like to know something about the people I am making contact with and would rather not look like
an idiot at the simplest thing … don't say a bloody word!" He growled as Adir attempted a comment.

The blond in the screen grinned sheepishly. "Heh, you know me to well."
Sariphan shook his head, grumbling about the stupidities of technology. "By the way, did you find

anything on that engine?"

"Surprisingly, yes! Though this planet holds many of them, they are too tiny for our ship. Even the

largest one here wouldn't work. Luckily, however, there is a cargo ship passing in this galaxy. I have
contacted them and its arrival should be no later than four howevers from the present time."

"Good. Are our guards still up and running fully? One thing I have noticed on my own is that this

race is skittish and I'm certain our presence would cause an uproar."

"Ya think?"
"Bah, just shut up..." his voice trailed of as all three block monitors were filled with his requests.

* * * * * * *

Toby sat on his bed sadly. The confrontation with his father hadn't gone well at all. The older man

was still angry that he'd had to leave his office early to pick up his son in the forest. Nothing was
mentioned about why he was in the forest in the first place. He didn't even address the fact that Toby's
former best friend had left him there alone. Nor was he worried that wild animals might have taken a not-
so-kind liking to him. At that thought, Toby's mind wandered back to the big cat he'd met. He'd only
known the creature for a short time before he'd had to leave yet he missed it sorely. What would it be like
to have such a magnificent and powerful feline friend to turn to when the world turned on him.

Looking down at his sketchpad, Toby touched up the drawing he'd made of the beautiful cat. He'd

drawn it from recollection and wasn't sure he'd gotten all of the details right. Yet it looked like the cat that
had befriended him. Toby had taken special care with the feline's eyes and since the shape was etched
into his mind it wasn't all that hard. The eyes were mysterious, yet friendly.

Not unlike another pair of amber eyes. Toby sighed as a mental image of Sariphan assaulted him, so

sexy and dark and powerful … dark and powerful? Dark and powerful like the cat. The cat had amber
eyes with vertical slits, like any cat might. The man also had eyes with amber slits, but Toby had thought
they were ornamental contacts. Yet, this morning, they'd narrowed.

Toby shook his head. That was impossible. It was only his imagination running away with him. He

turned the page his book and began a new sketch. One depicting the sexy man he'd been making out with
earlier. The man said he loved Toby. It was probably too good to be true. But sometimes a dream was
enough to sustain a sad heart like the boy's. And a boy can dream, can't he? Toby smiled down at
Sariphan's half-drawn face. Yes, he can dream. And the dream was so good!

Chapter 11

Toby slowly made his way to school on Monday morning. He hadn't seen Sariphan on Sunday, but

that wasn't all that bad. He'd needed some time to come to terms with what the man had said to him. He

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also hadn't seen Damien or his friends, as he'd stayed home all day to make sure he didn't run into them.
Now he dreaded going to school, knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to avoid them. As he neared
the front steps, he sighed and took a few seconds to steel his nerves against what was undoubtedly going
to be an unpleasant day. He finally shook himself and climbed the stairs to the entrance.

"Hey, look guys!" Derek Saunders called out. "Asswipe is here!"
A chorus of laughter erupted from the group as Toby gave them wide berth. He looked away but

unfortunately made eye contact with Damien instead. Oh, the choice between two evils. Which was the
lesser? Damien or Derek? He quickened his pace as he reached the doorway. Damien stood stock still, his
Goth friends surrounding him. They jeered at the small blonde as he passed them, but Damien's face
remained neutral. He didn't make a remark or a move to grab Toby. Instead he followed the small boy
with dark, contemplative eyes, like he was calculating his own odds. Toby didn't want to learn the
outcome either.

He quickly passed all of them and darted into the school, dashing to his locker quickly. Once he'd

exchanged his books in his bag for the ones he'd need, he rushed off to his first class, still thanking his
lucky stars for his newfound luck. Any day his classmates left him alone was a gift.

His first class was geometry and he liked it, so the period went by quickly. None of Damien or

Derek's crowds were in that class with him, and those that were generally left him alone, so he was able to
enjoy the class. The teacher handed back their tests and he was happy to see he'd scored another A. Not
that his parents would care one way or the other, but Toby liked knowing he was good at math. The
period ended too quickly for Toby's liking, and he trudged slowly to health next. He had that class with
Derek and his sidekick Frank. And when he reached the room, they were waiting for him

"Hey, fag boy!" Derek greeted him jovially. "Damien tells us you have a new boyfriend. Is that


Toby's lower lip shook with his nervousness. He tried to ignore them and slid into his seat in the

back near the window. Where was Mr. Dearson? The teacher was usually the first one there.

"What, no answer?" Frank taunted. "And here we are being so friendly."
Toby shrank into himself, hoping that they wouldn't start anything bad. Thankfully, the teacher

rushed in and he was safe for the time being. The class went by fast as well, Toby dreading leaving it for
the next one. He loved his next class, which was art. But he had to get by those two to get there. When the
bell rang, Toby's stomach knotted as he gathered his things.

"Mr. Saunders, Mr. Belkins," the teacher called out as the class started trickling out. "I need to

speak to both of you about your absences."

Toby gratefully jogged out of the room while he had the chance. He rushed all the way to art and

spent the period happily sketching cats. Now, hopefully the rest of the day would go smoothly.

* * * * * * *

Sariphan sighed as he and some members of the cargo ship finished installing the engine.

Unfortunately, due to his own ship's unmovable position so close to the ground they were forced to put
the heavy part in by hand, a most trying job as the damn thing weighed a ton and then some. A few quick
energy jolts from the Zerca-cargo ship and they were up and ready.

"Back to Z, eh, Sarip?" Turean asked wiping some sweat from his brow.
The golden haired man was presently captain of the cargo ship and a long-time friend to Sariphan.

He stood at the same height and had the same body structure as the other – as most Zercanian's did. His
eyes were obsidian and his blond hair fell just past his shoulders. When he changed he was a golden

"No, not quite, I have a bit of business to take care of," Sariphan muttered softly, making his way

into his ship and gesturing the blond man to follow him. He had endured two bloody hours with no update
on Toby from Adir.

"What business could you possibly have here?" the golden man asked, a sleek brow risen in

question. "This is a back water planet of a nearly useless universe, what could possibly be here to
interest..." His words died off as Block One was enlarged with a flick of the darker man's wrist.

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As always, Toby was upon the screen, face neutral and relaxed, altogether beautiful. His eyes ran

over something he was sketching and Sariphan smiled at the sight, feeling the telltale jump of his heart.
"Adir, why was I not updated these past few hours? I told you ever…"

"Yeah, right. And have you drop the engine so you could run off and play hero? I don't think your

companions would have been to pleased – you know, being flattened and all," Adir popped up in the
screen with a smug face as Sariphan grudgingly admitted his point.

Turean chuckled, shaking his head at the computer that one way or another always seemed to do

what no one else could – get the best of the other man. "Good to see you again, Adir. Been a while since I
had the pleasure of hearing you two bicker."

"He loves me," Adir, said solemnly before laughing himself. "Nice to see you too, looking good as

ever I see."

"Good enough I suppose."
"Adir, shut up and give me sound. I think something's happening," he had heard the bell ring and

saw some of the other kids get up and leave. "Fill Block Two and play the time I missed – now." His eyes
narrowed a bit, something wasn't right.

* * * * * * *

Toby gathered his books and headed out of the art room. He intended to go to his locker to retrieve

his lunch bag and exchange his morning books for the ones he'd need in the afternoon. Humming to
himself, he almost forgot about Derek and Frank … until he rounded the corner and found himself
pressed up against the wall with Derek's fist about to hit his face. He cringed and snapped his eyes shut,
hoping the blow wouldn't be as bad as the last one Derek had given him. It never came. He slowly opened
his eyes to see what had happened and was shocked and relieved to see Sariphan holding Derek's arm
tightly while an unfamiliar blonde man stood nearby guarding Frank with an amused expression on his

Sariphan was dressed in a different outfit than the one he'd worn Saturday. He wore black leather

pants and a tight black t-shirt under a black leather jacket. Toby's blue eyes nearly popped out of his head,
as he remained flat against the wall. The man's dark hair was pulled back into a low ponytail and his eyes
radiated strength … and fury! The blonde man wore his hair down, though it was shorter than Sariphan's.
He was clad in a pair of tight … very tight … worn blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt, as well as a black
leather jacket. Both men oozed sexual energy that almost made the small boy dizzy.

But Toby drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He remembered what Sariphan had told him

on Saturday and now worried if the man meant to make good on his promise to annihilate anyone who
caused Toby harm. It seemed Damien wasn't the only one in danger, and Toby knew that if the man did
anything to Derek now he would be arrested. And that would mean the small boy would lose his only
positive connection. He had to do something.

"Sariphan, please," he whispered anxiously. "Please don't do anything."
"He was going to harm you," Sariphan growled not taking his golden glare off of Derek, who

visibly paled. "I cannot let this one go, Toby."

"But you can't do anything," the blonde boy sighed as he reached out to touch the taut muscles in

the man's powerful arm. "If you do, I'll lose you. And I can't lose you. I just can't!"

Derek's eyes flashed as he moved to look at the smaller boy curiously. So, Damien was right about

Toby having a boyfriend. God, how he wanted to taunt the kid now. But this guy could, and likely would,
tear his head off if he saw. Where the fuck did he come from anyway? The hallway was deserted a second
ago. And who was his big, blonde friend?

* * * * * * *

Sariphan looked at Toby and sighed. He knew he couldn't do anything while Toby was present,

knowing now how much it would distress his small love. He returned his glare to the frightened youth
before him and growled lowly in warning. "Touch him ever again, and I will repay your cruelty tenfold,"

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he hissed. "And know this, I will always sense when you do so." With that he tossed the boy away from
him, and Turean did the same with the other. The two boys looked nervously at them then bolted.

"Well, well, well," sneered another, and unfortunately familiar, voice from the other side of Toby.

"If it isn't little Toby and his big, bad boyfriend."

Sariphan and Toby both turned their heads to look at Damien in disgust. The man really wanted to

hit this one now. He had been warned already! How did he have the nerve to approach his little mate
again, especially in his presence? A low growl distracted him however and he turned to Turean in shock.
The blonde man watched the dark haired boy intently, Damien seemingly oblivious as his eyes were on
Toby. Sariphan groaned inwardly. This could NOT be happening.

Turean could hardly believe this himself, in all the galaxies and all the universes he had traveled,

where should he find his mate? A bloody backwater planet, a damn near useless place that not many even
knew about. And of all people it had to be the very bully of his friend's mate, Toby – the one that his
friend had spoken of. But none of that mattered now, he mused as he ran his dark eyes over the boy,
taking in his long black hair and piercing green eyes. He stood at a decent height with a toned body, yet
both were small compared to his own.

He felt a heat blossoming in his stomach and running all over him, his skin felt overly sensitive as if

every cell in his body were reaching out to this boy who tainted his friend and the other youth. Such
brought his own attention back to Sariphan and his intentions. With a curse to himself for, in a sense,
betraying his friend yet unable to do anything else, as he had found his one and only, he stepped between
the two. His back was to Damien as he stood facing Sariphan. No one would hurt this boy – ever. He
could sense just from the boy's demeanor and those damn haunting eyes that he had already been through
more than he should have.

"Be at ease, Turean," Sariphan growled, nose curled in disgust. "I will not harm you mate – just

keep his damn tongue in his mouth."

More like he'd keep his own in it, Turean thought before nearly gasping at the tension that ran

through him. Sexual tension, he had felt desire before and had even acted on it. But nothing, absolutely
nothing compared to this. Turning to Damien he let this flash in his eyes briefly, moving a bit closer to
him. The more he did so the more he was certain that this boy was made for him.

* * * * * * *

"What? I ain't no f-faggot! Get away from me you fucking queer!" Damien gasped, shouting the last

as he pushed at the tall blond's chest.

Not understanding the new and unfamiliar emotion that was suddenly raging through him, Damien's

eyes widened in terror. He wasn't gay – that was Toby. And he sure as hell wasn't attracted to anyone that
was friends with them! He glared over in Toby's direction, sneering as he watched the darker man take the
small blond into his arms protectively.

"Silence!" Turean snapped bringing Damien's attention back to him immediately. He wanted to be

the only one who held that attention from now on. His eyes searched the boy's face now that there was
naught but a breath of distance between them. "You are mine and as such you will obey me …"

What the fuck? Oh, hell no! Damien's mind fought against what he was hearing even as his

traitorous body began to respond to the blond towering over him. Damien had forced himself to stop
thinking about men a long time ago. He'd sacrificed his only real friendship to save his soul from hell.
That's where all fags go, his father always said, and Damien couldn't be a fag. He couldn't!

"Yea fucking right!" he sneered, though shakily as he struggled and pushed at the blond man's

shoulders again. "Get away from me!" Damien was becoming very frightened of the odd little sparks
rushing up his fingers – the ones that made him want to do nothing more than wrap his arms about the
blond. He cringed at himself – what the fuck was he thinking!

"No longer will you taunt this boy," Turean went on undaunted, tightening his hold on his new love.

"Your doing so has already ruined your friendship with him and put a very large dent in mine with his
mate," he snapped his jaws shut with a loud click, a warning as Damien began to speak again. "This you
will do, love – or else."

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Chapter 12

Sariphan shook his head at the sight of his long time friend and this Damien boy together. The

knowledge that this kid would no doubt be joining them to Zerca – or much worse living in the same city
– left a sickening feeling in his gut. He had known Turean for a very, very long time and this half-pint
bully in no way deserved someone such as him. Sometimes fate had a really cruel sense of humor. The
damn boy needed a spanking, not a life-mate – but then he was sure the blond would be doing a lot of
things to the boy's bottom.

He shook his head at his own sense of humor and turned his attention back to Toby, his eyes

searching and skimming over every visible part of the smaller boy's body for any and all marks, welts,
bruises – anything that did not belong. Looking for some reason to hunt those kids down and put them in
their place. Yet did he find naught, still he could not help but ask about the state of his health.

"Are you all right, beautiful?" he asked in a low silky voice, resting his cheek against Toby's and

kissing his tiny ear as he did so.

"I'm fine, you always seem to show up and save me every time," the blond smiled, shivering

slightly from the older man being so close.

"I am your mate, Toby, as you are mine. I can do no other than see to your protection, comfort and

needs," he said simply in that voice that made the boy want to melt.

Toby smiled and happily accepted Sariphan's arms as he embraced him, wrapping his own arms

about his strong neck. Yet hearing Damien's words – followed by this Turean fellow's, he was forced to

Sariphan sighed.
"Your bully is – unfortunately – Turean's one and only," he said dryly. "His mate."
It was clear the dark man was not pleased in the least, quite the opposite really. His eye twitched for

a moment as he thought about the two together before he simply grumbled and buried his face in Toby's
neck, kissing the soft skin there and nuzzling playfully. He needed this, needed to be close to his mate. To
feel the warmth radiate through him, hear his heartbeat speak as he touched him. He just needed Toby.
And still he sighed as he raised his head and looked into his love's eyes.

"Toby ... there is something we must discuss."

* * * * * * *

Damien was Turean's mate? That can't be right. There was no bigger homophobe Toby could think

of besides his former best friend. Well, okay, Derek and Frank maybe, but really, Damien? Toby looked
over at the pair dubiously. He knew a bit about Damien's background and his religious zealot of a father.
In fact, when Damien had first joined with the Goth crowd, Toby thought it wouldn't last very long. From
the little he could tell of Goths, even he knew they didn't believe in or care about a Hell. They weren't
known as homophobes, either. Well, on a group level. But Damien managed to fit in, partially because
he'd helped his new friends make a game out of Toby.

Still, if this Turean was as heavy-handed as he seemed, there could be no more fitting a punishment

for Damien's acts. Part of Toby deep inside was laughing maniacally at the thought. Yes, that would serve
Damien right.

He looked back up into Sariphan's amber eyes in question now. The man had just said they needed

to discuss something. And it sounded serious. In fact, the worried look in the big man's eyes told him that
it was extremely serious.

"Um, okay," he replied. "Should we wait until later? After classes? This way we'll have more time."
"No, beautiful," the man sighed. "I think we must discuss it now. And after, you'll see that classes

are no longer a concern for you."


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"I will NOT obey you," Damien screeched, drawing both Sariphan and Toby's attention. "What do

you fucking think this is? The caveman days? You can't just come in here and take me."

"Oh, I can," Turean retorted in an even yet dangerous tone. "I can and I am. You are MINE Damien.

Mine for the rest of your days."

"I ain't no chick," Damien hissed back. "And this ain't no slave state. People are free here. FREE! I

don't have to do anything I don't want to and you sure as hell can't make me!"

"I don't want a slave," Turean said, punctuating the statement with a rich sexy laugh. "I want a

mate. You."

"Men don't marry men!"
"You are not yet a man, and in my world, they most certainly do."
Toby and Sariphan watched in amusement before the man leaned down to lick the boy's ear


"We should leave them to discuss the semantics behind their union, should we not?"
Toby grinned and nodded and Sariphan led him to a nearby door so that they themselves could have

their own discussion.

Just outside the school grounds, Sariphan managed to find a decently cozy bench, private for all

intents and purposes, as all who would normally occupy it were in class. They heard naught but the slight
buzz of nearby cars and the ring of the school bell every so often. The amber-eyed man sat, pulling his
tiny blond mate upon his lap and removing his books from his hand to rest beside him. He was more than
a bit antsy, searching for the right words to explain to his mate in a way that would not frighten him too

"What did you mean classes were no longer a concern for me?" Toby blurted out, blushing as he did

so. He didn't mean to interrupt the older man but he was very curious about what he had said.

"You are with me now, Toby," Sariphan paused, again collecting his words, hoping he chose them

correctly. "And as my mate you must make sacrifices – as I must. But I fear in this instance yours will be
the greater."

"Huh?" Toby brow furrowed, 'sacrifice' was an awfully strong word. "What do you mean,


"You," he paused, "though I am not happy you have had such a hard life, such parents as you do, I

find that I am not altogether ungrateful for it either." He squeezed his arms about the boy a bit tighter,
feeling him tense. "I find that perhaps it will make this change in your life a bit more acceptable."

Toby was completely confused now? What on earth could he be saying? Did normal relationships

start out with such serious issues? Well, perhaps. He'd never had a boyfriend before so he wasn't certain
what to expect. But he did know that he wanted to make this new relationship work. Sariphan had been
nothing but kind to him, and he'd been missing such kindness in his life for so long.

"What are you getting at?" the small blonde asked, his voice soft and expectant. He shifted a little in

the big man's arms – as much as the other would allow.

Sariphan took a deep breath. "I am not of your world Toby." He said. "Landing here was a mistake

– a mistake I am most grateful for. I have found my mate – you and thus you have to return to Zerca with
me immediately."


* * * * * * *

Turean growled as the boy continued to scream. He could hear the rustling inside the classrooms.

People were becoming agitated by the commotion Damien was making. He sensed a man start for the
door. His nose curled a bit in agitation. He might be lighthearted normally, but when it came to his mate
and his welfare, he did not have the patience Sariphan had.

"Enough!" he ground out, reaching a hand out to grip Damien's upper arm.
He managed to pull the struggling boy against him and hit the signal upon his belt before the

teacher stepped outside his door.

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Mr. Astin blinked as he saw the fading images of two men. He quickly pulled off his glasses and

rubbed his eyes, setting them aright again. He saw nothing, checking both directions of the empty long

"What the hell?" he muttered to himself as he shook his head. He gave one last look before deciding

that maybe he was getting a bit senile.

Meanwhile, Damien was in shock. What the hell had just happened? One minute he was in the

school hall, and the next in some futuristic bedroom. His eyes took in everything about him, the dark
metallic brown walls and the huge bed in the far corner of the room. Where was … ?

"There are buttons next to the door, push them and the bathroom, closet – whatever – will come

out," Turean growled, turning to leave. "Make yourself at home kid. For the next two months you're

"You can't just keep me here, you fucking asshole! I don't know what the hell just happened – you

must have drugged me or something – but I'm-"

"Mine! You are mine!" Turean hissed, turning back and advancing on his new mate. "I have to go

prepare my ship for take-off. You will wait here until I return. Hopefully by then I will have calmed down
enough to explain something to you – if you can silence yourself long enough for me to."

He gripped the back of Damien's head and smashed his mouth against the other's, ignoring

Damien's thrashing and swallowing his outraged scream.

Chapter 13

"You will return with me," Sariphan repeated.
"To Europe?" the boy asked hopefully.
"No. Zerca is further away than that," the man smiled kindly. "You will love it there. I promise you,

Toby. Nobody will ever hurt you again as long as I draw breath. You feel nothing but love and laughter

Toby blinked back at the man he was falling in love with in shock and exasperation. He didn't know

what to say. He truly was at a great loss for words. His heart felt heavy in his chest as he was gradually
coming to an inescapable conclusion.

"I know this sounds strange," Sariphan continued, filling the awkward silence.
Strange wasn't the word for it. This was downright crazy! Toby was still trying to wrap his head

around the fact that someone cared for him, and now that someone wanted to blast them both off into
space? Great. Just fantastic! The boy finally met someone who wanted to protect and care for him, and
that someone just happened to turn out to be the biggest, most beautiful nutcase of the insane asylum. The
man staring adoringly back at him thought he was from outer space. And his friend probably thought the
same thing. Damien, no matter how obnoxious he was, needed to be saved. But first, Toby had to find a
way to make Sariphan let him go.

"Um … okay then," the small blonde said warily. "So, this Zerca is far?"
Sariphan's brow creased and Toby assumed as innocent expression as he could manage. He didn't

want to upset the man, as he was far too small and weak to fight his way out of his arms.

"You do not believe me," the man said tonelessly.
"No, no!"
"Toby …"
"Really, Sariphan! I just want to understand."
Sariphan sighed and put one hand to his head. Toby watched him cautiously. He knew instinctively

that the man would never intentionally hurt him. But what if his mental illness involved multiple
personalities? The boy gasped inwardly. Would all of the personalities love him as well? Or would one of
them lash out. Cripes! With Sariphan's strength, Toby wouldn't survive. Finally, the man looked back at
Toby with a small, sad smile.

"I had hoped I wouldn't have to prove it to you Toby," he said softly. "But I cannot have my mate –

the very love of my life – think me insane." Sariphan slowly placed the boy on the bench beside him and
stood up.

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"Oh, no!" Toby cried. "I don't think that at all!"
What was happening? He could try to escape now, but knew he would be quickly caught, and their

location was far enough from the school where Sariphan could easily drag him away before anyone could
investigate, should they even hear him. Sariphan knelt in front of him and took his hands gently within his
own large ones. He smiled and kissed Toby's lips softly.

"Do not worry, love," he said softly. "I am just showing you what I really am. Then you will

understand. I hope."

* * * * * * *

Sariphan gave the boy big, reassuring smile before dropping his hands and resting them on the

ground before him. Closing his eyes a brief moment he allowed the beast within him to break free of the
rein the man held. Roaring in Sariphan's brain as he saw through the man eyes a brief moment, an instant
later his body was partially doubled over. There was no real pain involved however, instead just a low
burning he had long gotten used to. His bones began to crackle and snap as they shifted beneath his skin,
forming into the beast.

"Sariphan?" Toby's voice wavered a bit as he watched the man hunched over upon his haunches.

His eyes widened as he saw something begin moving beneath the skin of his so-called mate. "Sariphan,
what's the matter? What's happening?" he asked, his voice now loud and frightened.

Sariphan could hardly answer, instead he let loose a low grunt as his cat form burst from his skin,

his hair melting into his fur. Then he sat upon his haunches, amber eyes bright as they stared up at his
mate, the beast, the predator – Toby's leopard.

* * * * * * *

They both sat, watching one another for a moment, Sariphan's expression blank yet patience shown

clearly in his eyes. Toby's however was a mix of shock and fear – a fear he let known with the scream
that next erupted from his lips.

Oh, my God! He's my cat! Toby's mind was screaming in shock. Someone else was screaming

aloud. Oh, that's me, he thought dully. He quickly closed his mouth and scooted back into the bench in
fright, panting furiously. He hoped no one heard him, as this would be very difficult to explain to anyone.
Sariphan? The cat? This was impossible. This was a dream! It had to be! Grown men didn't just suddenly
morph into great black leopards before one's eyes, he told himself.

The cat watched him sadly from the ground, but made no move forward. Yet, he also made no

move backwards, effectively blocking the small blonde's escape. He looked as dangerous as ever, yet, as
the night they'd first met, he also looked as protective … as safe. This was Sariphan, and in neither dream
nor reality would he ever hurt him, Toby realized. Yes, he's a big cat, but he's the big cat that had gnawed
away his bindings that night and helped him find his way home. And then he became the man that had
walked by his house … now he understood their late-night meeting. He'd wanted to make sure Toby made
it home safely.

Toby's breathing began to return to normal and he tilted his head as he studied the cat. It was every

bit as beautiful as he'd remembered and he'd captured it perfectly in his sketch. Toby reached out a
tentative hand toward the beast and it moved forward very slowly, meeting the boy's fingers. The fur was
sleek and silky for such a big predator and Toby gradually lost his fear as he began stroking it ardently,
lovingly. This was Sariphan. His Sariphan. Soon the cat began to purr.

* * * * * * *

"Our course is set, Tamber, we'll arrive home in no more than a few months," Turean said, his voice

strong as he spoke to his second in command. He typed a message to Sariphan's ship as he did so,
explaining and apologizing for his hasty leave, for really that was all he could do. He was sure his mouthy
little mate would serve to only annoy the other man if he were to stay and say so in person.

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"Yes, sir," the younger brunette said, with a curt nod of his head, "Do you wish me to ensure our

course while you go deal with you mate?"

Oh, yes, they had been back aboard his ship but a mere hour and already his crew knew of it. More

so due to the fact that the kid kept beating on his chamber door, demanding more to be released than
anything else.

Turean sighed, running a hand through his blond locks. "Yes, I suppose I do," he said, turning and

making his way to his room.

Though the beating wasn't so incessant now as before, he could still hear a slight thump every now

and again. He couldn't help but grin a bit as he leaned against the door, the realization coming to him
more fully now than before. He had a mate, a real and truly beautiful – and feisty – mate. But then the
blond couldn't imagine having a mate who was not. It would be fun, this sparring with the boy, though he
had a feeling he wouldn't win every spar. And so, with a deep breath, he pushed the proper button to open
his door.

* * * * * * *

Damien sprang back immediately, fearful of what would happen. Would this be his "mate", as the

man had so vehemently called himself? Should he hope it was? Would another stranger come in and start
touching him? God, no! He couldn't bear that. The first one was hard enough to tolerate. And where the
fuck was he anyway? He'd felt rumblings and motion, like he was on some sort of ship. He still didn't
know how the hell he got here. The door opened to reveal Toby's man called Turean. Bigger and blonder
than he'd remembered.

"Are you calmer now?" Turean asked in a disinterested tone.
Damien knew instinctively that if he put up the fight he'd done before, he'd get nowhere with the

big man. And he wanted answers right now. He could think of an escape plan later. He gave Turean a
scathing glare before nodding his head once and backing away from him to sit on the end of the bed.

"Good," the man smirked. "Are you comfortable?"
"Are you crazy?" Damien spat back. "No! I'm not. I. Want. To. Go. Home!"
Turean kept his smirk in place as he pulled over the chair from the desk and straddled it. He faced

Damien and rested his chin on one palm. The steady gaze was making the small black haired boy nervous
and he looked away.

"You are home, Damien."
His eyes met Turean's again in a blaze of fury.
"You can't just KIDNAP me!" he shouted. "My parents will find me, no matter where we go!"
"Oh, I don't think so."
"Who do you think you are?"
"Your mate."
"I never agreed to this!"
"Your mind hasn't yet," the blonde conceded. "But your body knows me. So does your heart. You

are mine, Damien."

"My parents will never allow –"
"They have no power where we're going," Turean shrugged. "In my world, your place will be

acknowledged and you will be with me always. Soon, even your mind will accept this. Your heart will
conquer it."

Damien's mouth gaped in shock. This guy was really insane!
Turean couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's reaction and assumption. Wayward thoughts must be a

common affliction on this planet. Sariphan had predicted that his mate would act in a similar fashion. He
wondered if the dark haired man had found such to be true. At least the kid isn't crying, he thought to
himself as he stared down into those rage filled green eyes. He didn't think he'd be able to handle much of
that. Tears were the one weapon that did break him down a bit, a weapon for the weak, a – His head was
abruptly jerked back, his cheek stinging – the damned boy had just hit him. His eyes were wide as he
stared at his now standing mate. The kid's eyes held a mixture of hatred and uncertainty.

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Damien was sure he had gone too far. This guy was big, strength radiated off him – and he, like an

idiot, had punched him. Turean's head had barely budged and those obsidian eyes had never left his face.
He winced a bit as the other man stood, and scrunched his face up slightly as he was sure he'd receive the
same treatment as he had just given. He swallowed, his eyes wide as the blond raised his hand – he
couldn't take it, he closed his eyes, awaiting what was to come.

Turean raised his hand, his eyes on his mate, a small grin at his mouth. Damien looked so forlorn,

so expectant. Sure he was about to get his comeuppance. He shook his head and merely cupped the boy's
cheek, his thumb moving over to stroke that plump bottom lip. He smiled as the boy opened his eyes,
looking up at him as if to say 'that's it? That's all you're gonna do?' Turean took advantage of the boy's
relief and gently pressed his mouth to the youth's.

* * * * * * *

Sariphan purred louder, rolling unto his back as he played with his mate. Inside he was chuckling a

bit, watching his little mate as he rolled him about, petting him. He had been sure, after Toby's initial
scream, that the boy would now be petrified, but that didn't seem to be the case at all. In this one moment,
the amber-eyed man couldn't hazard a guess as to what was in his little mate's head, too filled was his
own with happiness. The boy hadn't run and for all intents and purposes seemed to accept him. Toby
would have to look but a bit closer to see the wetness about the leopard's eyes, it was becoming rare that
people of his planet actually found their mates, instead having to couple with what was available, yet he
had found his.

His, Toby was his, and he was Toby's.

Chapter 14

Sariphan's eyes were bright, his gaze never leaving Toby as he watched the boy shuffle about his

room collecting things he wished to take with him. He noted with a slight smile that the sketchpad he and
Adir had found was among these things. He had assured the blond that everything would be provided for
him from now on, but the kid had still insisted there were just some things that he couldn't leave behind.
He noted the tension in Toby as if he expected one of his life-givers to burst in and hold him here, verily
he started at every creak in the floorboard. He couldn't really blame the boy for feeling so. The fear of not
being able to join the one you belonged with was a strong one. All the same, had he assured his little mate
that should anything come between them and his ship it would not come out of it in a good way, if at all.
That hadn't seemed to comfort the boy and now he wondered, why not?

"Do not fret so, my love we shall be gone from this place in a mere few hours. Never again shall

you be forced in the presence of those who do not deserve you," he said, reaching forward to grab the
youth's wrist. He smiled as he met the boy's eyes, "Calm yourself. You have me now, my love and no
longer will you bear anything more than you must."

Toby smiled, wanting to kiss the man, and to thank him for his kind words and protective gestures.

Yet, despite the man's claims of love, he was still a bit wary to do this without the other doing so first. He
knew his cat-man sensed this, and was soon proven right when the man's mouth covered his own. The
kiss was slow and languid as if they had all the time in the world, and they did. They were going to be
together. He had something now he had never thought he would have before. A companion, a mate, he
had Sariphan.

Sariphan pulled his mouth away only to kiss the tip of Toby's nose. "Come my love, we must leave

soon," he said, only to grimace. Ever since he had told the damned computer to research information on
this planet and the country Toby lived in, Adir had been saying off the wall phrases along with his
normally annoying witty remarks. He groaned to himself as he added with something like a sneer, "Adir
will no doubt already have the ship ready to leave – and a million new phrases with which to blister my

* * * * * * *

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"Stop kissing me!" Damien shrieked pushing against Turean's solid and expansive chest.
The blonde man just laughed as he held him still effortlessly, and Damien felt the tremors quake

through him.

Damien rolled his eyes and pushed against the blonde's chest again, this time with some success. It

seemed Turean permitted the temporary escape.

"It's called dye," the boy snorted before crossing his arms and dropping back onto the end of the

bed. "Haven't you ever heard of it?"

Turean's frown deepened as he resumed his position in the chair. "What color is it supposed to be?"
"Why do you care?"
"I am curious."
"It's brown, okay," Damien replied shortly. "A dull, mousy brown."
"So, you changed it?"
Damien nodded.
"Why would you need such?" Turean asked dully. "Do you not know you are already beautiful?"
Damien's eyes widened and he scooted a few steps over so that there was a little more distance

between them. Turean smirked at him suggestively but made no move towards him and the boy could
already guess that had he wanted to, the big man would have no trouble trapping him again.

"Stop saying shit like that!" the boy huffed. "I ain't no chick!"
"So you have said. What are these chicks, anyway?"
"Are you serious?" Damien growled. The man nodded and the boy grunted in annoyance. Where

did this guy come from, Mars? "Girls, Turean! Chicks are girls!"

"Girls?" A blonde eyebrow quirked up curiously. "You mean females?" The boy nodded. "All of

the females of my acquaintance prefer females and mate as such. Though there are a few couples that
prefer the opposite sex," he said, his nose unconsciously wrinkling a bit.

Damien felt the blood leave his face as Turean stood and patted his head before heading to the door.
"I will see to our supper and be back soon, love."

* * * * * * *

Toby glanced around his room one last time. He still couldn't believe he'd fallen in love with a cat-

man from outer space and was now leaving Earth forever. He didn't really know how he felt about it,
either. Earth held few happy memories for him, really. His mother he might miss a little bit. She hadn't
always been so drunk and mean. True, she'd never really been particularly solicitous either, but she wasn't
intentionally cruel like his father. Now him Toby wouldn't miss at all!

But he would still miss his brother. Billy had usually been good to him. He hadn't pushed him

around like many older brothers did to their smaller siblings. He'd even gone out of his way to make sure
Toby wasn't bothered by older kids either. But Billy had died and no matter what planet Toby was on, he
wouldn't be able to see him again. So he figured he could miss him just as much on this Zerca place.

He had already gathered his necessities: his sketchpads, all of them; a few paperbacks he'd been

wanting to read but hadn't yet; some of his stuffed toys from when he was small; pictures of Billy and
their parents during happier times; and the bracelet Damien had made him when they were young. He felt
kind of silly holding onto it over the years, but it gave him some comfort to remember the one friend he
used to have. He had zipped up all of the items into his backpack, which he'd emptied earlier of all of his
books. Sariphan was right he wouldn't need his textbooks anymore.

He looked at Sariphan after the man spoke, telling him it was time to go. Things would be better.

He sensed it. Now he let this beautiful man, his mate, he reminded himself, pull him from the room and
shut the door.

"How do we get to the ship?" he asked curiously when Sariphan didn't make a move forward. The

man smiled and touched something on his belt.

"Adir, we're ready."
Suddenly Toby felt a fuzzy feeling then everything went black.

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Sariphan held Toby as they were transported, grinning as the boy's wide eyes blinked first up at him

then at the room about him. They were sent to the pilot's pit, the three monitors still up only this time the
first followed any movement in Toby's home. Sariphan had to admit, out of some morbid curiosity, he
wanted to know just what the boy's parents would do once they noticed he was gone. The second was
now filled with Zercan information for his mate's use. He had expressed a worry of being different – and
despite the fact that that was far from true, he wanted to ensure that his little mate felt a bit more secure
on the matter.

Toby's eyes took in the room, running over everything from the seat to the millions of buttons and

gadgets that seemed to be everywhere. He remembered watching all those sci-fi space films and
television programs, and this room reminded him of them. But, in all honestly it seemed those had hardly
even touched the surface of what it really looked like. The walls and floor of this particular room were an
odd copper color, buttons that protruded from the wall in all different colors, though some were all the
same color, and the boy guessed these worked together. Who the hell could remember what all these did?

"So this is him, eh?" a flirty male voice rung out, causing Toby's head to snap up and look around

for a boy to match it. When he didn't see anyone he began to wonder if maybe he was the insane one. He
had never heard voices before but – "Hey, kid, I'm over here."

Sariphan took his arm and turned him to a screen, and he noticed a cheeky blond was upon it, his

lopsided grin bringing out but one of his dimples. "I'm Adir."

"T-Toby," he said, uncertainly, uncertain if the thing could hear him.
"Ha, like I didn't know that. Your pet kitty over there," he paused to smirk at the darker man, "made

sure we knew everything about you to avoid your discomfort. Best you realize it now, kid. You've got
that one whipped."

"Shut up, Adir," Sariphan growled.
"What?" His face was a mask of innocence, "I was just welcoming – in my fashion."
"Well the only one that is ever forced through your fashion is me and I think –" he growled as the

machine cut him off again.

"Yea, yea, you wanna get arguing in front of your mate?" Toby couldn't help but grin a bit watching

the two bicker. Sariphan was so big and strong, so manly. He was a predator one could see it the very way
he held himself. And yet this boy had the nerve to fight with him. He was forced to raise his palm over his
mouth in an attempt to hide a low giggle.

"Well, he might as well –" Sariphan stopped and stared at Toby. He had heard that small laugh.
"Face it, old man, the kid likes me – so ha! Double teamed baby!"
Sariphan groaned and rubbed his temples. When would it end?

* * * * * * *

"I ain't eating this crap!" Damien snarled, pushing the plate to the other side of the table.
Truly it was nothing wrong with it. It looked somewhat like the food he was accustomed to, only ...

different. He just felt like being difficult. He was sure he'd only been in this God forsaken room but a few
hours, but it was already driving him crazy. And this Turean fellow was gone just as much as he was
there, so half the time he couldn't even have the comfort of arguing with him. When he had attempted to
pound on the door a second time the blond had reentered but a moment to growl, "One more blow to my
ship and I'll tie you to the bed." He didn't pound on any more walls after that proclamation.

He had felt when the thing he was stuck in, this ship, started rising and could see from his tiny

window he was no longer on earth. After fighting down the need to hyperventilate, he had simply laid
upon the bed, wondering if all this was a bloody dream and if Turean was just the way his subconscious
beating his gayness back into him. Gayness ... he was NOT gay!

He was even more peeved when the man had assured him that his hair would be allowed to grow

back to it's natural color and would remain that way. That he wanted not a false mate, but everything that
was real and true about him. Damien hated being ordered about. His father had done it for as long as he
could remember and now this big blond guy was here acting just like – if not worse – than his father. He
sighed, knowing he couldn't win for losing.

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Turean now glared at him. "Yes, you will eat it, Damien. You need to eat." He sighed inwardly as

the kid gave a stubborn shake of his head. They had gotten into it twice since he had left the room to
ensure a meal was being prepared. The kid just didn't know when enough was enough and the older man
had certainly exceeded his limit.

"No, I'm not. You have bullied me around all day – you can't make me eat this," he waved his hand

in the general direction of his plate.

The blond sighed wearily. "As to the first, being bullied doesn't feel good, does it? Secondly, you

are going to eat it – or else." He saw the boy's eyes narrow before saying with a smirk, "Eat it ... or I'll
kiss you again."

Chapter 15

(Adir: He is a computer but when viewed on the monitors, he appears as a boy roughly around

Toby's age.

Cat-men: All of the people of Zerca are cat-people. They all transform into large leopards, though

their fur color and eye color varies with genetics, just like Earthlings!)

Damien never shoveled food into his mouth so fast in his life. No more kisses, he assured himself.

He had to avoid those. This man seemed determined to make him gay, and those kisses were not
altogether that difficult to endure. That was a bad sign and he knew he needed to keep the man from
doing it again until he could convince him that he wasn't gay and should be returned to his home pronto.

Turean watched the boy in amusement. He knew Damien thought if he did as he was told there

would be no more kisses. Well, wasn't he going to be surprised? The blonde man chuckled to himself as
he ate his own supper heartily. The day's arguments had taken much of his energy and Turean needed to
refuel – especially when Damien discovered their sleeping arrangements. Oh, that was an argument
Turean was very much looking forward to, indeed.

"So, where are we going anyway?" the youth asked between mouthfuls.
"No," Damien grunted. "We're leaving my home."
"We're going to your new home," Turean clarified with a smirk.
"Look. I'm not gay. I don't know why you think I am, but I'm not. So, as soon as you figure out this

whole," he threw his hands up and motioned them around, "mating thing is all wrong for me, you'll drop
me back off at home and we can forget we ever met each other."

Turean drank from his cup to keep from laughing out loud. Did Damien seriously think that would

happen? That he was mated accidentally and would be freed when it was discovered. It was actually
refreshing to have found such a naïve mate he could tame and mold. The possibilities were endless.

"No," he said simply.
"What do you mean, 'no'?"
"I mean, no," the blonde replied. "Our mating was no accident. You are bound to me and to me

alone. Even now, your heart cries out for me. You can probably feel it, though I can see you ignore it."

"But …"
"No," Turean repeated firmly. "And as for returning to your home, that is also out of the question."

He kept his gaze steady on the boy.

"I don't see …"
"Earth? No, you don't. And I don't intend for you to ever see it again."
"It's my home!"
"I am your home."

* * * * * * *

Sariphan watched as Toby settled in, his eyes roaming about their bedchamber taking in the things

that were there before experimentally pressing a button and seeing just what came out. He noted with a

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small smile that his mate found that particular part, the space modification and buttons, rather 'neat' as he
had said. He shook his head at the boy's continued interest in what was so normal to him before moving
to rest his backpack upon the bed and sitting. He grinned as Toby kept pressing the same button.

"You know, no matter how many times you press that button, the bathroom will always come out,"

his grin got wider as his little mate blushed a bit.

"Sorry," the boy muttered bowing his head and moving to sit upon the bed beside his mate. "It's just

so new to me ... all of this."

"I did not mean offense, Toby, and you have no cause to be sorry. You may dally with anything you

feel like for as long as you wish. Whatever it takes to help you get used to your new and current position,"
he said matter-of-factly, sliding a bit closer to his mate and cupping his cheek. "You will find you have
very little to be sorry for as we move forward, my love."

Toby blushed again. He loved when Sariphan called him that. 'My love', it sounded so beautiful and

made him feel beautiful, too. More so than that it made him feel as if Sariphan actually meant it, the mere
way the words came from his lips. He smiled lightly. This open love was completely new to him but ... he
had a feeling it wouldn't take him too long to get used to it. He leaned into to his cat-man's palm, closing
his eyes and allowing himself to absorb the warmth that radiated from that large hand.

The man's eyes darkened a bit and he felt the beast clawing inside him once more, sending of an

urgent need to take what was rightfully his. To claim the boy before he was forced to fight for him. He
tried to ignore it, tried to ... but he simply couldn't help bending his head and capturing the boy's tempting
lips with his own, automatically deepening the kiss when the boy gasped and thrusting his tongue into the
sweet mouth. The hand that rested upon his small love's cheek reached up to thread into that beautiful
blond hair as he lay Toby, his mate, his love, his, down onto the bed, stretching himself out beside him,
never once breaking the kiss.

* * * * * * *

Damien fought back tears of frustration. How dare Turean tell him he wasn't going home again?

How dare he take him away to begin with? The boy dropped his fork and stared angrily down at his half-
eaten plate of food.

"My ultimatum still stands," Turean said softly.
Damien crossed his arms, bent his head and refused to lift his eyes, feeling the man's gaze boring

into the top of his head. He wouldn't look up. He wouldn't speak. Turean was crazy and now he could talk
to himself.

"I mean it, love."
Damien snorted at the unwanted endearment but refused to reply, glaring a hole into the table top.

Suddenly a rough hand gripped his chin and tipped his head up. He made a move to scream but found his
lips covered immediately with Turean's mouth. Fighting an instinct to yell, thus rendering his mouth
vulnerable to Turean‟s tongue, the boy clenched his teeth together. Turean nibbled on his bottom lip for a
few seconds before pulling back.

"Not cooperating again, hmm?" Turean asked in his deep baritone voice, the one that sent a shiver

up Damien's spine whether he liked it or not.

The boy quirked an eyebrow and looked away.
"Are you finished eating then?"
Damien still refused to respond.
"I'll take that non-reply as a 'yes' then," Turean chuckled. "Perhaps you'll feel more talkative … in

our bed."

Damien's eyes widened impossibly as he shot a dumbfounded look over to the tall blonde who had

the audacity to wink at him. Oh, he could not have heard that right.

* * * * * * *

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Toby closed his eyes and sighed as Sariphan kissed him deeply. He knew what the man wanted

from him. He'd never done this kind of thing before, but he already knew he was meant to do it, and do it
only with Sariphan.

"Toby," Sariphan rasped out as his hands began to roam all over the youth's body. "I need you."
Toby nodded and pushed his body as close to the man's as he could, undulating against him until he

heard the sharp gasp.

"You don't understand," Sariphan pleaded helplessly. "I really need you. I need to … claim you."

His amber eyes began to glow and Toby found himself both awed and nervous. "Mark you," Sariphan
continued. "Make you mine."

Toby gazed up at his mate wonderingly. This man wanted him. For the first in his life, Toby felt

needed … even loved. And now Sariphan was telling him he needed to claim him. Why would the boy
refuse? He couldn't. He wanted … no, needed this as much as the large man above him. He wouldn't be
able to rest tonight until Sariphan did mark him as his mate, completely binding them together forever.
He knew this instinctively and welcomed it.

"Then take me," he whispered.
Sariphan's eyes flashed briefly in surprise then held a look of utter satisfaction as he leaned in and

captured the boy's mouth again.

Sariphan's kiss was quick before he moved away, standing to gaze down at the boy as he slowly

pulled his shirt up over his head, shaking his long black locks out as he did so, grinning down at the wide-
eyed boy as Toby's eyes ran over his broad, muscular chest. He watched Toby watch him as he reached
down to unbuckle his trousers, slowly sliding them from his long legs, leaving him in nothing, completely
nude and open. He stood there a good moment allowing the young blond to look him over, to view his
body and see just what he was getting. However he couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the boy's blush.

Toby's face was indeed a tomato red, his blue eyes scanned that smooth muscular chest and ran over

that toned, packed, torso down to... his eyes widened impossibly. He was verily bug-eyed a moment, as
he noticed Sariphan's shaft jutting out from his muscular body. So big and long, not veiny or at all bent. It
was... Toby swallowed, perfect. He hadn't seen many, only his own and maybe a few from movies he had
happened see. But from what little he had seen ... he gulped … he knew it was supposed to be better the
bigger it was, but Sariphan was really big ... and the boy's body really small, would he fit?

Sariphan saw where the boy's gaze had gone, seeing his wide eyes and crimson face he immediately

stepped forward to rest a hand against his mate's heated cheek.

"You were made for me, Toby, not only in soul, but in body. You are the perfect fit for me as I am

for you. Remember love, there can be no me without you, nor you without me and with this claiming, my
love, everyone will know it."

Again he bend his head, resting his lips on the boy's as he slid his hands beneath the shirt Toby

wore and up his smooth chest, using his wrists to drag the shirt up and eventually over his head. His
mouth moved from Toby's but a second to get it off.

Toby's breath was quickly becoming rapid, his face flushed even more so from desire. He was still

gasping for breath when the dark haired man placed his mouth back over his. He could feel those hands
quickly remove his own pants, pulling them off and then pushing him back upon the bed. His eyes
remained closed however, as he didn't want the older man to be disappointed, and he knew the reason the
man had stopped was so he could look his small body over. Yet more so, he did not want to see the
disappointment in the man's face. His hopes were steadily lessening with the longer time that Sariphan
took. Toby was just about to cover himself when his mate said huskily, "By all of Zerca, you are

He gasped at the hard, naked body that suddenly lay atop his own. He had never felt the bare skin of

another upon him such as now, had never felt anyone this way period. He could feel the dark haired man's
member pressed hard against his thigh and could feel the man's belly upon his own. Those big rough
hands were roaming his sides and front, as his mouth tasted the boy's ears, neck and chest. He didn't know
whether to gasp in pleasure or cry at the beauty of it all.

Sariphan wasn't gasping or crying, he was purring as he ran his rough tongue over the soft skin of

his mate, now lapping at a nearby nipple. He had waited so long for Toby. Sure he had had lovers before,

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but never had the feeling been anything like this. The mere hardness of himself, never before had he felt
so urgent, so needy. He felt the beast roaring, urging him on to claim him, to take him, to do as he should.
Yet he would not rush this, could not rush this. He had waited too long to finally be able to feel this, what
he had longed for.

He shivered and slid his lips back up to Toby's, kissing him gently at first then passionately, his

tongue delving, teeth nibbling, he sucked on the boy's lower lip for a long moment, simply savoring the
sweet taste of him. This was his mate and he would have him.

* * * * * * *

"The hell I'm sharing a bed with you, you fucking perv!"
Turean rubbed his temples, his eye twitching a bit as the boy jumped up and kicked the bed he had

been sitting on. The damn kid had been screaming about his home and how he refused to be anywhere
near him for the past twenty minutes. God, he had an urge to simply go find other lodgings for the night.
But, no, it was not to be, the boy needed to be disciplined, to know that he would not be getting his way.
Damien would have to accept him as his mate one way or another. And if he wanted to throw a hissy fit,
well hell, Turean would act in turn.

The blond's narrowed eyes never left Damien as he rose from his chair, his body tense and ready for

the chase just in case his mate felt the need to run. He felt the beast within his roar, demanding to be
released, demanding respect and discipline, demanding control of Damien. Yet did he know that was not
the way to go and so with a sinking feeling he ignored the clawing at his insides, instead stalking toward
the boy.

"Get the fuck away from me!" he shouted, watching the man's obsidian eyes sparkle.
He felt shivers run up his spine. Those eyes didn't look right, they looked haunting almost like a

beasts – this guy was big and he had a feeling that if Turean felt the urge to, he could beat the hell out of
him without much effort on his part. He gasped loudly as he was shoved back upon the bed. He glared,
bounding back up only to be shoved somewhat roughly back down.

"Stay," Turean growled, ridding himself of his shirt and trousers, tossing them aimlessly over his

shoulders. He was left in a thin pair of shorts. He literally picked the brunette up and placed him upon the
other side of the bed before resting himself on the outside.

"I said I'm not …"
Damien was cut off as he was forced to lay beside the big blond, even worse being pulled into those

thick, strong arms in a viselike grip. He moved to open his mouth once again, no sooner did he start a
word than he felt the older man's mouth upon his own. Pulling away he lay in the bed like a sulking doll.
But he said no more.

Chapter 16

Damien lay awake for most of the night, wrapped tightly in Turean's arms. He had tried many times

to free himself, but the big blonde was too strong, even in his sleep. Every time Damien tried to stealthily
wiggle out, the man shifted and the boy was pressed more firmly beneath the larger frame. Damien
grimaced as he contemplated his new "place" in life. A mate. Hmph! A man's mate, to boot! He wasn't
gay! How could this have happened? He looked over at the sleeping form beside him.

For a man, he was attractive. Hell, he was more than attractive, but Damien wasn't willing to

analyze his feelings any further. Turean's eyes were closed and his face was relaxed in slumber. His
Golden hair fanned out around him on the pillows almost like a halo. Damien closed his own eyes for a
moment and tried to feel his heart, to see if it cried out for him, like Turean claimed. Ridiculous! It
couldn't be calling for this …

The pain was dull and deep, traveling from his heart straight to his head. It took Damien by surprise

when he felt it. There it was, just as the blonde said, consuming him. Damien opened his eyes and tried to
think of something else … anything else besides the pain growing in his head and deep in his heart for the
man he was denying. He wasn't gay! He couldn't yearn for Turean. Think of other things. His favorite

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music. He hummed a few lines of his favorite song. The ache didn't go away. Now that his heart had
finally been heard it refused to be denied. The longing grew steadily.

Damien squeezed his eyes shut again and thought of other things. Girls. He thought of the girls at

school that he'd dated in the past. Their chests were large and his hands had explored them. Nothing. His
heart cried out for the one thing it wanted. The man beside him. A tear fell down Damien's cheek as he
tried to block the emotions. They were too strong. Suddenly he felt a finger glide down his cheek,
following the path of the tear. He looked up and saw Turean watching him, his own eyes filled with
gentle love.

"You see?" the man asked gruffly, in a voice still raspy from sleep. "You feel it now, don't you?"
Damien shrugged mutely and tried to assume a defiant expression. But from the sympathetic look

on the blonde's face he knew he wasn't successful.

"I felt your sadness calling me," Turean said as he leaned in. "I am as connected to you as you are to


He pressed his lips gently to Damien's and the brunette felt the pain finally ease with the contact …

the connection he was making. He wanted to struggle. Truly, he did. But Turean's lips drove back the
pain. For once he didn't argue. He simply raised his arms to wrap them around Turean's neck and kissed
him back.

* * * * * * *

Toby sighed and wriggled beneath Sariphan's body, trying to get as close as possible. In truth, if he

could wriggle right inside of the man, he would. He needed to be close. He needed to belong to him. Oh,
God, why doesn't he just claim me already?
Toby's mind screamed. He needed to be marked. He needed
for the dark man to make their bond complete and claim him. Toby wasn't sure how he knew what he
needed, but at the moment, he didn't care.

"Sariphan?" he squeaked out.
The man purred deep within his throat as he lapped and laved Toby's chest, sending ripples of

ecstasy through the small boy's body. Toby moaned and arched his back, giving the man easier access to
all of his most sensitive areas.

"Love," Sariphan rasped. "You have no idea what you're doing to me."
"Hopefully making you mine, too," Toby whispered.
Sariphan nipped at Toby's nipple before raising himself back up to eye level. "I'm already yours,

Toby," he replied, punctuating the statement with another long, deep kiss that had the boy writhing for
more. He pulled away and stared deeply into Toby's blue eyes. "I was yours the day I saw you. There can
never be another for me again."

"But you need to mark me," Toby said, clearly confused.
"Mmmm," Sariphan replied with a devilish smirk. "That I do. I need to ensure that all who meet you

know that you are mated."

"Mmm hmm," Sariphan couldn't resist running his tongue along the boy's jaw for effect. "When I

claim you, all will know. And our bond will be complete."

"And if you don't?" Toby asked, fascinated. There was no question but that he needed for Sariphan

to complete the claim tonight. He was just curious about the race of people who occupied his new home

Sariphan knew Toby's intent. He wasn't worried that the boy would back out of their first night of

lovemaking. He would satisfy this small curiosity. And then he would mark his mate.

"Unclaimed mates are in danger of being taken," he explained softly, looking back into the boy's

bright eyes. "I would have to field challenges were others to decide they wanted you."

"Fights, love," the man replied gently.
"But once you mark me, they can't?"

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"Right. Once the bond is in place, only death can sever it," The man replied easily. "Have no fear.

No one will ever take you from me. You do want the claim now, don't you?" He was teasing the boy, but
he couldn't help it.

"Yes!" Toby cried. "Now! Please now!"
Sariphan's laughter rumbled through him as he leaned in again to claim that tantalizing mouth.

* * * * * * *

Turean smiled into the kiss, his heart seeming to flutter in a near painful way. His mate had no idea

just how much this bit of acceptance meant to him. But he would not push it, he would not take this
opportunity to claim his mate – despite the fact that the beast within him roared for him to do just that.
Roared for release, for the completion only his mating could give. Yet was it not to be. Damien was his
mate, his one and only, the future 'mother' of his children. His happiness and protection came before
anything. He only hoped that with time his love would find and accept happiness with him.

Trying to be as straight as an arrow, Damien wasn't faring too well. Unknowingly, he clung to the

man as his lips were captured and claimed. A near whimper coming from his lips as his mouth was
thoroughly ravished, the pain from before now but a slight hum, barely noticeable, in the back of his
mind. His hands threaded in golden locks, unconsciously pulling the bigger man ever closer to him. His
body's needs and wants overpowering his mind for the moment, feeling the heat of Turean's body and the
hard muscles that made him.

However beautiful the moment, it lasted but a short time before the need to breathe took over. No

sooner did the blond's mouth leave the boy's than Damien was pulling away. His face turned to the side a
bit in an attempt to hide the look of disbelief upon his face. He had worked his whole life to keep this part
of him under control, to force the sickness within him down to depths he himself could not reach. Yet this
man – a fucking space alien! – had, in a day managed to open up parts of the brunette he had never hoped
to find again.

The blond watched as his mate turned away and knew he was once again inside his own head,

sorting out the issues he had brought out within him. Again he grinned as he looked over at the youth. He
had gotten to him. And whether Damien knew it or not, this was the first step in accepting him.

* * * * * * *

Toby whimpered as he watched Sariphan's head bob up and down upon him, consuming him over

and over again. Lapping his one most private area with that rough tongue of his – Whoa! Make that both
of most private areas. Never before had he been touched in such a manner, never had he been filled with
such passion. He had been untouched, so to speak, and it meant more to Sariphan than the blond would
ever know.

"Sari..." he gasped, "Sariphan-I'm going to …," he cried out a protest as the man pulled away from

him, removing that incredible mouth. Unconsciously he glared at Sariphan as the words escaped his
demanded, "Why'd you stop?"

The older man grinned, a soft laugh erupting from his lips at the look the boy was giving him. His

mate may have been soft and docile normally, but in bed ... he chuckled even louder as the boy pouted
and reached for him. He came willingly, burying his face in the youth's neck, kissing the sensitive area a
bit. Rising, he pulled a hand to his mouth and, using his saliva as a lubricant, he reached between his
mate's legs.

Toby gasped as a finger brushed against him, eyes widening along with his mouth as a digit entered

him. His nose twitched slightly at the discomfort. He swallowed hard as he felt it wiggle about inside
him. But a moment later that second finger followed, scissoring within him, stretching him as Toby
moaned loudly, his eyes near bulging. He had heard it was pleasurable, but this ... this was pure bliss. He
shuddered as his mate pulled away before once again using his saliva, this time upon his member.

The blond held his breath, biting his lip to hold back a cry of pain as the older man entered him. He

felt like he was being torn apart. How could something that had felt so good a moment ago feel so terrible

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now? But then this part of Sariphan was a lot bigger than a few fingers. He didn't want to tell the man that
though, didn't want to let him know how much pain he was causing. He was unaware he was crying until
he felt the older man kissing the wet drops from his face. Toby smiled softly, pitifully, and his mate had
stopped moving after the initial pain of filling him. „Thankful‟ just wasn't a strong enough word.

They remained that way for a good few minutes, Sariphan languidly kissing his lips. After a while

the discomfort began to subside as Toby decided that though he didn't particularly like it, it wasn't all bad.
That is until Sariphan finally did move, pulling out a bit before thrusting once again inside. The blond
moaned a bit, tightening his legs about the older man's flanks.

"Do that again," he all but ordered, moaning even louder as Sariphan did what he asked, only this

time he did not stop.

Over and over he thrust. Toby's moans and passionate demands were filling him, enveloping him.

Again the beast roared within him, demanding what could no longer be put off. Clawing his insides,
urging him to do what was his duty to do. Raising his head, he peered at Toby with near invisible pupils,
his incisors extended within his mouth as he moved to nuzzle his mate's neck. This was a moment neither
would forget, a ritual as old as time, yet still beautiful in its purity. Opening his mouth he sunk his fangs
into the crook of Toby's neck.

Toby screamed his mouth dropping open in shock as the pain coursed through him. His brows then

furrowed as it seemed to turn, molding into a hot pain-pleasure that seared him, intensifying the pleasure
that already came from Sariphan's thrusting hips. His fingers gripped the other's back, clawing him as he
moaned, pushing his hips up to meet his mate's, wanting even more.

Again Sariphan shifted his teeth forming back to normal, extracting from the blond's neck as they

did so. Languidly he licked the blood from the wound before peering down at his mark, his brand, one of
the many things that showed others just who this boy belonged to. It was now that they were completely
bound. Now that one truly could not live without the other. There could be no Sariphan without Toby, no
Toby without Sariphan.

"You are mine, Toby, never forget that," he growled as he and his love came together. Together as

they always would be.

Chapter 17

"Adir, set a course for home," Sariphan said, pressing a few necessary switches from his place in

the pilot seat. "Prepare for a slow lift off, we want no more surprises. And please, for Zerca's sake, don't
forget the shield. I'd rather not have any hysterical inhabitant blowing up my ship –"

"That only happened one time!" Adir mumbled, his sulking face appearing upon the wall monitor.

"You'd think you would have forgotten about it by now. It's not like it was my fault anyway." He cringed
a bit as Sariphan stopped and turned to him, an arrogant black brow raised. "Okay, not entirely my fault."
Again the cat man snorted, turning back to his task. The blond within the monitor mumbled something
about hysterical cat men, before the screen went blank.

The dark haired man was hardly even bothered by his annoying computer's presence today – Zerca,

he didn't think anything could get to him today. He had fallen asleep with his mate after a molten hot
claiming, had left his mark that would show to any and all that Toby belonged to him. He had sealed their
fate with such a mark, bound them together in a way that was irreversible. No longer could they be
without one another as the want, the overwhelming need would consume them, making each other nearly
mad with the need to touch, feel, even something as simple as hearing the other's voice. One without the
other was a mere half, for that was what one was to the other, two halves to the same whole. As said,
many times, there would be no Toby without Sariphan, no Sariphan without Toby. They were brought
together and bound by the strings of fate. And for once, within Sariphan, the beast rested for a while.

He had wakened with Toby snuggled against his chest, his own arms wound tightly about him.

Never before had he ever seen or felt anything so beautiful. It was the moment when he realized it was
real, no longer just a mere dream as it was for so many of his kind. But Toby was here, real and true, they
were together paired ... and it was beautiful.

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"Hey! Zerca to Sariphan! You have to press the starter modulator or we're not going anywhere,"

Adir said as once again his face appeared on the screen to glare at the darker man. "And he talks about me
... What are you grinning for anyway? Sitting there staring off into the uni –" Sariphan blinked, then felt a
bit of heat rise in his cheeks. Damn, stupid, computer, didn't know when the hell to mind his own
business. "Or do I really need to ask? Looking at that blush, babe, I'd say someone had a hot –"

"Would you shut the Zerca up and get this damned thing off the ground?" The man snarled, cutting

his eyes over to the monitor and snorting at the smirk on the computer-generated face. "Can't you for one
damnable day, just shut up and mind your own business?"

"What's the fun in that?" Adir grinned. "Admit it! You love it, why else would you put up with


"Sure I do. I swear, no sooner do we get back home I'm gonna-!"
"Sariphan?" Toby asked softly, cautiously walking into the room.
His blond hair was ruffled and stuck out all about his head. His eyes were a bit hooded and still

swollen a bit from rubbing the sleep from them. His cheeks held a slight flush as he looked over at his
mate, the actions of the previous night coming back to him – the fact that he wore nothing but the older
man's shirt didn't help his embarrassment much. He had immediately sought out his clothing upon
awakening, yet were they were no where to be found. Nor, it seemed was his back pack. However with
the slight pain in his lower back he opted not to look for them just yet and go with the easy pickings –
Sariphan's shirt. It came damn near down to his knees and hung off one shoulder. The sleeves came just
past his hands and he looked like a child trying on his father's clothing.

Sariphan froze immediately, his hands still clenched in fists, his body rigid as he glared at Adir. Yet

did he turn to Toby, a sheepish look crossing his face, looking quite like a kid caught doing something
wrong. He grinned rather cheekily, quickly walking over to his mate, enveloping him in his arms.

"You are feeling well this morn? Not too much pain?" He watched as the boy blushed and kissed

his now warm cheeks. "I'm rather worn out myself – all your demands you know."

* * * * * * *

Turean couldn't help it, he glared. He watched and followed as his mate walked about his ship,

eyeing each member of his crew as he walked past them. The boy was still unclaimed and as so he would
not leave him alone, especially not with so many men upon the ship. Despite the threat of death one might
be brave enough to attempt to claim what was his.

Gone was Damien's genteel manner of the night past and back was his harsh exterior, once again

guarded with sarcasm and spiteful remarks. Turean had awoken this rising with that kiss fresh upon his
mind. He could still feel the tingle upon his lips. He had thought just to sneak a quick peck before the boy
awoke. But it was not to be, as no sooner did he rest his mouth over Damien's than he received a sharp
knee in a place he had never dreamed it would go – topping it off with a snide, "Hurt's don't it?"

He had, quite literally, fallen from the bed in shock and utter pain. That was the closest he had ever

come to crying in his entire life. What's worse, he just couldn't seem to walk without a limp this morning,
wanting nothing more than to reach down and hold himself until the pain went away. He glared not only
at his mate but also at his crew, who seemed to find nearly everything he did today amusing.

He fought the urge to plot revenge. It was sacrilege to think of ever doing anything that would cause

harm to or upset your mate – but damned if the blond didn't want to strangle him. It was at times like this
he wished for a gentle, docile mate – why the Zerca couldn't he have had a mate like Toby? He wondered
vaguely if his friend would trade. Yet even as the ridiculous thought passed through his head, he knew it
was just that. He could not imagine his life without Damien, not anymore, and despite his growling
complaints – he loved to rile the kid's temper. And he had a strong feeling the kid loved to do the same to
him. He just wished the little – well, he wished he wouldn't resort to violence, at least where his personal
endowments were concerned.

"Are you sure we're safe up here? Why the hell aren't we floating all around the spaceship like

astronauts or something?" Damien asked, knowing the blond followed him. He swallowed his annoyance
for the moment and instead opted to ask for safety's sake. "Are you even sure your world is capable of

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taking care of me? I mean what if I die? Then would you haul your happy self back to Earth?" he
demanded, turning to the large man, his eyebrow raised, sarcasm lacing his voice.

Turean sneered, "Yes, we're safe. Our ships are much more advanced than the mere toys of your

world. And rest assured there have been other men taken from your planet and many others to be mates to
our people. So you shouldn't have a problem. As for the last," he frowned a bit. He didn't like the mere
mention that something would happen to his mate. "Were you to die, Damien, I would die with you.
There can be no me without you."

Damien rolled his eyes, ignoring the sharp twinge in his heart at the blond's words. "Whatever, how

are you feeling by the way?" he asked, grinning rather evilly in the older man's direction.

Turean flushed a dark red, his cat-like pupils narrowing. "I think it's best we do not mention that –

ever again."

* * * * * * *

"My demands?" Toby laughed softly.
He was about to say more when his attention was diverted to the monitors Sariphan had set up.

There was his house in the first screen. His mother was lying on the couch again and drinking what
looked like orange juice. Looks can be deceiving, and the boy knew she's spiked it with a sizeable amount
of vodka.

"Where is he?" his father grunted as he stormed into the room suddenly.
The man's face was pasty white with a couple of splotches of mottled red on his cheeks as evidence

of his anger.

"Who?" his mother asked in confusion.
"That damned kid!" His father answered her.
Toby flinched as he listened and Sariphan tightened his hold on the boy. He knew it was painful to

watch and considered ordering Adir to turn the monitor off. Then he thought better of it. Toby needed to
see this. What was it the Earthlings called it, according to Adir? Closure. Toby needed this closure.

"I can't find him and his bed looks like it hasn't been slept in!"
"Of course it hasn't," Toby's mother sniffled. "He's been dead for two years!"
Toby closed his eyes and let the tears silently fall down his cheeks. She didn't even miss him, he

thought. She only thought of Billy.

"Not our first son!" his father growled. "Our second one! Toby!"
Toby opened his eyes and looked at the screen hopefully. His mother sniffled again and shrugged

then tipped her head back and poured her drink down her throat.

"When I get my hands on him –"
"Turn it off, Adir."
The voice that spoke the order was soft and pleading. Adir looked at the boy sadly as he complied

with his order. Sariphan needn't back the order up. He knew the boy was hurting.

"Toby," Sariphan whispered.
"It's okay," Toby cried gently. "I needed that." He looked up at Sariphan through tear-stained blue

eyes and smiled. "I needed to let go of the past so that we can start our future together."

The man pulled him closely to his chest and rested his chin atop the blonde head.
"I vow to you I will never let you feel such pain again, my love," he murmured. "You will always

be loved and cherished – from now on."

"What will I do on your planet?" Damien asked, trying like crazy not to let the excitement into his

traitorous heart. That organ had had its fun already.

"Do?" Turean asked with a small smile. "Why would you need to do anything?"

* * * * * * *

After they passed another group of cat men, who watched his every move with keen interest,

Damien looked up at the man dourly. "I'm not going to be your little wife, you know!" he seethed. "I'm a

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guy. I want to do guy things!" Why the hell did they all look at him like he was dinner? Wasn't he
supposed to belong to their captain? The thought still pissed him off, but dealing with one man was
infinitely better than dealing with the whole crew.

"Guy things?" Turean asked evasively, smiling as he conjured an image of a domestically inclined

Damien into his mind, sweeping up the kitchen floor, perhaps. Then he looked at the real thing and
frowned. Like that would happen any time soon. "What are these guy things you would like to do?"

Damien thought about that for a moment. "Well, what do you do?"
"I am in charge of this ship."
"Okay then, maybe I can be in charge of another ship!"
Turean laughed out loud, the comment temporarily distracting him from the pain between his legs.
"I don't see what's so funny!"
"Of course not," Turean grinned, finally containing his laughter.
"Why can't I have my own ship?"
"I thought I already explained it to you," Turean replied, pushing Damien into a private corner and

crowding him into the wall. "Our bodies cry out for each other. Wherever I am, you need to be, and vice

"But I don't want to be with you!"
Turean smiled and pecked Damien's lips briefly before pulling back and protecting his nether

regions from a repeat attack.

"Not yet, you don't," he purred. "But you will."

Chapter 18

Damien fumed as he followed Turean to the command area of the ship. He was tempted to call it the

Bridge, but wasn't sure if that's what it was actually named, or if they even knew what Star Trek was. He
sighed in agitation as he stood behind the console where Turean sat, punching various instructions into
the computer. Suddenly the screen changed from passing space and stars to a white background with a
boy around Damien's age peering back at them.

"Yes, Captain Turean," the redheaded boy greeted the blonde man. "What can I do for you?"
"Kyron," Turean smiled back at the boy on the screen. "Good to see you."
Damien didn't know who the boy was or where he was for that matter. He only knew that the

sudden spark of jealousy he was feeling was another sign that Turean's assessment of their relationship
wasn't as off-base as Damien would like to believe. The boy crossed his arms peevishly and watched the

"I see we're on schedule," the blonde commented then gestured behind him to Damien. "Meet my

life mate."

Kyron raised a derisive eyebrow but bowed his head briefly in greeting.
"Who the hell is that?" Damien demanded as he rounded on Turean, ignoring Kyron. How many

boys had the blonde kidnapped? "What do you have a harem somewhere?"

Turean laughed out loud and the rest of the crew in the room snickered at the boy's outburst.
"Kyron is my computer," Turean said as the laughter finally subsided.
"Your computer?" Damien cried, still doubtful.
"His computer," Kyron said.
Damien turned back to the screen with a deep scowl. "But you look like a person!"
"And, in essence, I am," Kyron replied. "Just not in corporeal form."
"Excuse me for being blunt, but, HUH?"
Kyron sighed woefully as Turean watched in amusement. It was just like the captain to derive some

fun from him. Yet, the computer wasn't angry with the blonde. The boy could use some manners though.
Summoning up his deep reserve of patience, Kyron marshaled his thoughts to find an adequate
explanation for him.

"Physically, I'm a machine. Spiritually, I'm a person."
"I still don't get it."

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Turean's low laugh temporarily drew Damien's attention away from the annoying computer.
"He's a real, conscious entity, Damien."
Damien thought about it for a moment before turning back to the boy on the screen, who seemed to

be waiting for another question.

"How come you all know English?" he asked angrily. The thought had just occurred to him that

though Turean and Toby's dude, Sari-whatever, had accents they didn't have any trouble communicating
with him and the rest of the Earthen public. Wasn't there supposed to be a language barrier, or something?

"I'm programmed to immediately assess native civilizations upon landing and compile all of the

necessary information to the crew."

That made no sense, Damien seethed. "But they learned an entire language?"
"It's simple, really."
"How so?"
"We're a smarter race," the computer stated before flicking off the screen.
Damien's scowl deepened.

* * * * * * *

Toby sighed sadly as he sat on the bed. He was still upset over his parents' reactions to his

disappearance. He knew they were disappointed with him especially that he was still with them while
Billy was dead. He knew they hadn't liked him all that much. But he'd thought that if he'd ever been taken
from them, like Billy, that maybe then they would perhaps feel some sort of grief over the loss. But all his
father had shown was anger. In fact, he was sure it was better he not be found by them alive after seeing
the man's face. And his mother hadn't seemed to care at all. At least his life mate cared. Of that, Toby was
absolutely certain. He felt it inside. He was glowing with it, actually.

Looking in the small mirror beside the bed, Toby could see the color tinge his normally pale cheeks

and the shine in his blue eyes. He was definitely, in love, and it looked just like the romance novels and
soap operas said it does. Sariphan had given him some clothes to wear before going back to the control
room to pilot the ship out of Earth's atmosphere. The clothes were still too big, but Sariphan promised
him they would buy him a whole new wardrobe of fine things when they got back home, though the boy
protested unnecessary finery.

Toby could hardly wait to see his new home. He was never so sure of belonging somewhere, than

he was of Zerca. It was Sariphan's home and it would be his, too. There would be no more tip-toeing
around, trying not to enrage his father or upset his mother. There would be no more worrying about
getting beaten up before, during or after school. There would be no more school! There would just be him
and Sariphan. No, Toby couldn't wait to get to Zerca and build his new life. And he was determined to
make his cat-man as happy as Sariphan was making him.

"I guess that makes me the wife in this relationship," Toby laughed to himself, not in the least put

out by it.

From what Sariphan said, the claiming was now complete and very final. He was connected to his

life mate and could never leave him. And Sariphan could never leave Toby either. It was perfect, as far as
the small blonde was concerned. He never wanted to be without his love again.

* * * * * * *

"What is this? Why do you people find every fucking thing I do funny?" Damien growled kicking

the bed as he walked into their chambers. "You know, I am getting pretty damn tired of all you assholes
laughing at me."

It was more than that really, not that he'd ever admit it. He felt embarrassed, belittled, useless ... he

felt the exact same way as he had at home. His father had done anything and everything to show him the

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wrath of God, to knock the fear within him, to make him grateful to have a savior, to be the son of a firm
believer. Many times he had been beaten, humiliated ... thoroughly embarrassed in front of his father and
family. Hell, towards the end his father hadn't cared who it was in front of.

Sometimes it had gotten so bad he could do nothing but lock himself in his room, his eyes tearful,

his heart pounding painfully. Tears, he had learned long ago, did nothing but give you a headache,
causing your eyes to puff and show your weakness to any who saw them, just as blushing did. Such
things made the humiliation that much more satisfying to the giver, knowing just how badly they could
get to you. He didn't know why, but he had never expected Turean to do this, not that he had been an
angel to the man, but ... he shook his head, he had no right to expect anything.

Turean had frozen. No sooner had Damien started speaking when he got quiet. The blond could see

the myriad of emotions run over the boy, feel his hate, shame and blame. He was ashamed of himself to
know that the boy was now feeling mental anguish caused by him and his cruel wit. True Damien did
things to purposely piss him off ... but he had no idea ... that was no excuse and he knew it. His past
meant nothing, only the present, only now. But the blond needed to learn about the boy's past. It seemed
his hard little mate had his demons just as everyone else did.

He did not hesitate in walking over and turning the boy about, pulling him into his arms. "Shut up,"

he said simply as the boy opened his mouth to complain. He was going to comfort him whether he liked it
or not. He held the boy to him, burying his face in that silky dark hair, taking in the scent, his mate's
scent. He ignored his body's demands, it being flustered by the boy's proximity. Nothing mattered at this
moment; nothing but his mate. Damien was hurting, remembering things he would not have been
reminded of had it not been for the blond's own cynical attitude these past days.

"Forgive me, sweetness, I never meant to hurt you," he whispered into the boy's hair, moving just a

bit to kiss around his face.

"Don't get all sappy one me, asshole. I'm not some fucking crybaby," he started, growling when he

felt the man's mouth upon him. He didn't need his sympathy, not from anyone. He just needed to go
home, to things that were familiar, where he knew what to expect. He didn't think he could stay here, or
wherever the hell Turean was taking him. He couldn't stay where things were so confusing with a man
that did nothing but tie him in knots.

"No, you're not," Turean replied. "You are mine, my baby."

* * * * * * *

"All energies are a go. Settings: Stable. Estimated Arrival: Four days." Adir's voice blared out of a

nearby speaker. The boys voice cheery, almost as if he were happy to be going home.

"It only takes four days to get to Zerca?" Toby asked his eyes wide as they turned to his mate. "Will

Damien be there when we arrive?"

"This is a cruiser ship. Its speed is one of the highest, which is why it takes so little time. Turean's

ship, however, is a first class, cargo, they'll arrive a day or so after us, as they left nearly two days
before," he said matter-of-factly, eyes cast down as they watched the monitor, the path home hidden
within the millions of stars.

Finally convinced Adir had not mucked up their trek, he stepped away. Turning and taking his little

mate in his arms. It was at times like this he realized just how tiny the boy really was, so thin and delicate.
His jaw clenched a bit as he remembered Toby's fathers words. Never again would anyone touch Toby.
He was his and as such under his protection.

Toby was having similar thoughts himself, as he gazed up at the darker man, his eyes running over

his face and strong, thick muscles. It amazed him sometimes, the power beneath the surface, the sheer
strength that seemed to exude from the man's very pores. All that power, all that strength, and never once
had Sariphan hurt him. It fascinated him how the man was so careful, so tender, so very gentle. But only
with him. Toby smiled a bit at that, it rather pleased him. Having a big brute as a husband – err, mate –
would certainly come in handy.

Especially in bed, he grinned a bit at that. He knew he should probably be embarrassed, especially

since they had only done it twice so far ... But he had had a taste and couldn't deny he had liked it – liked

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it? – no, he had loved it. And whether the bigger man knew it or not, he was planning on experiencing it
once again very soon.

Sariphan raised an ebony brow at Toby's suddenly sensual expression, the delight evident in his

eyes as they ran over him. Before long the boy pulled away and actually began to tug him behind him.

"What are you up to?" the cat-man asked, his eyes narrowing a bit in suspicion, before grinning. He

knew where this was going.

Chapter 19

Toby watched the large planet come into view on the large screen. He stood behind Sariphan as the

man pressed a myriad of buttons on the control panel to land their spacecraft. Adir was on another screen,
his face fixed in concentration as he worked with Sariphan. Toby's eyes widened at the bright green
planet. Even from so high up, he could see it was alive and lush with vegetation. The water appeared as
bright turquoise, the land seemed to disappear into it almost seamlessly. Oh, it will be wonderful to see it
up close
, the small blonde thought. It just looked so inviting and peaceful … even from this far away.

He was so excited to learn about his new world, but there hadn't been much time since they'd left

Earth. Well, that wasn't quite true. There'd been plenty of time, but Toby preferred to spend it in his new
mate's arms, reaffirming their connection over and over again. Besides, Sariphan openly invited the
encounters, even making overtures of his own when Toby mentioned he'd like to sit down with Adir for a
while and talk. If the boy didn't know any better, he'd think the man was trying to keep him from the
computer boy.

Toby wasn't even all that sure where the cravings for touching the man were coming from. He

assumed it was because he'd finally found someone who would love him no matter what, but he had a
feeling there was more to it than that. Now that he thought about it, he'd been feeling very strange for the
past two days. It hadn't happened right after the mating, but not long after. He'd been a little achy and
ravenously hungry … things he couldn't understand. But he was sure Adir would eventually explain
everything he needed to know.

"Now would be a good time to bring it up," Adir was muttering angrily to Sariphan, who glared

back at the computer boy icily.

"I will decide when is best!"
"Hey!" Toby interjected. "What's going on?"
"Nothing, love," Sariphan murmured turning a brilliant smile on his little love. He peered at Toby

and frowned a bit. "Are you not well?"

"Oh, no!" Toby grinned. "I'm okay. Just a little queasy. Probably from everything I ate today."
Adir stopped his work and looked Toby over as well. Muttering something under his breath that

sounded like Zercan curse words the computer boy turned a rare fulminating glare back onto the cat-man.
"The other matter is at your discretion, of course! … But THIS cannot be put off!"

"What does he mean?" Toby asked, suddenly a bit frightened.

* * * * * * *

"Alert! Prasidion(1) cruiser ships approaching!" Kyron's voice rung out from the speakers alerting

all to the approaching danger. A small shrill ring sounded, "Four by count, each with arms activated. We
may have a battle waiting, Captain."

"Prasidions? They're never this far away from their mother planet - or this close to Zerca," Turean

muttered to himself even as he jumped within the pilot seat, his eyes scanning the mass of black and
sparkling stars for the rustic red that marked all Prasidion ships. Spotting them he narrowed his eyes a bit.
The four were spaced just far enough apart to block their passage. It was rather obvious they weren't just
passing through. No, these ones had a mission and the blond had no doubt it was to plunder the ship's
cargo and destroy anything left that was not of value to them. He could hear his men rushing about behind
him, all readying themselves and awaiting his command.

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"Captain, the offenders have made demands," the computer stated, staring at his master awaiting his

approval. It was immediately given and it took but a moment for Kyron to translate the words to an
understandable language. His voice rung out solemnly as he repeated the Prasidions' message word for
word. "Surrender, I need not tell you the consequences of not doing so. Death is the only option here.
Better you die quickly by accepting, than be invaded and tortured. You have 2 klix(2) to answer."

"Kyron, you know the answer. See that it is given. Tamori, Zane, Ramsuri, to the battle flyers, and

for Zerca's sake be wary! We're an open target. Binka, you too! Only I need you to propose a distraction.
You're my best battle flyer, I need you to make sure they see you. Dodge, duck - do what you do," he
said, nodding to the smaller boy before turning again, "Xabi'a, I need - Where the hell is Xabi'a?" he
roared, his eyes searching his men. Releasing another small growl when he didn't see the boy he turned to
the rest of them. Barking off orders, he placed everyone in a position they had no choice but to be in. "Get
to it - now!"

The men immediately scurried to do as their captain bade them. It was only when they were gone

did he notice Damien's absence. The boy had been there but a moment before. A cold chill washed over
him as his eyes searched desperately before him. Going to the screen he looked into his room by pressing
a button. No one. His heart pounded as he flicked random buttons displaying different rooms and
hallways. Deserted.

"Kyron! Where is Damien? Locate him now!" His voice was more than a bit shaky, fearing the

worst, praying that his foolish mate hadn't done what he somehow knew he had.

"He is upon battle flyer number four-"
"Get him the hell back in here!" Turean screamed, his heart no longer pounding, but aching with

fear. Indeed he felt as though it would rip right from his chest at any moment.

"I cannot, Captain, he has already hit the detachment button, he was released approximately 34

seqs(3) ago. I can try to teleport him here, but as he is separated by a non-stable environment the results
could be fatal," Kyron's calm voice came out.

Turean was anything but … calm that is … his skin crawled and he felt nearly frozen. There were a

million things that could happen to Damien, anything from flyer malfunction to literally being blown to
bits by the Prasidions. Yet would he not allow hysteria to overcome him. Instead he focused on the
building anger that rose within him. By Zerca, he would ring the damn boy's neck when he finally got
him safe! Fists clenched tightly, he marched his way to his own battle flyer. He had no choice but to
protect the boy's flyer with his own if need be. Nothing could be done until he was once again docked
firmly upon the mother ship.

Hurriedly he made his way to the flyer, strapping himself in and pressing the release button. Almost

immediately after he was forced to dodge a Prasi-missile(4). His men had been outside his ship not even 5
klix and already it was an all-out space war. And his friggin' mate was out here amongst it. Taking a
breath he stealthily steered his ship, calling out orders to his men through the electomics(5) that were
always in place in battle. It seemed like forever before he spotted number four, and he immediately
moved his flyer before it, blocking it from any and all advances.

"Binka, dodge right! Zane, take your shot - now!" he ordered, watching as the flyer dispatched two

missiles followed by the destruction of one of the four battle cruisers. "Good, Tamori, go for it!" A
second cruiser down. He grinned to himself but a mere moment before he lost all breath. His eyes
watched in horror as Damien's ship, which had somehow gotten before him, became the target of a deadly
Prasi-missile. He did not think before ramming the ship with his own, sending it twirling a moment as his
own ship took a brush from the deadly shot. He cursed to himself as he closed off the left engine,
blocking the damage to that side. He was lucky as Zerca and he knew it. He also knew one more blow,
big or small and he was gone.

"Come on, men! Lets gets this over with! Binka, go for the front of three, they wont be expecting

our bait to attack. Ramsuri, go for four, be careful of their - No!" He slammed his fist against his thigh as
his man's ship exploded followed by the third cruiser. "By all that is Zerca…" he muttered his jaw
clenching. "All right, this is almost over! Everyone on four, crowd on its right side, it has already taken a
small hit, finish the job - DAMIEN! If you go near that damn thing I swear I will tie you up and beat

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you!" he yelled as he turned sharply to cut his mate off. The fourth and final explosion was heard just

* * * * * * *

Sariphan drummed his fingers on the console as he contemplated the enormity of the situation.

Zerca, he really hated that computer! Yet the man knew the computer was absolutely right in this. He
couldn't keep Toby in the dark about the state of his health. It was unfair. Yet did he wonder how his
small mate would react to the news. On Toby's world, what was happening now was impossible. He felt
pity for the human race. Very much did he look forward to his life with Toby, as the boy was his match in
every way. He sighed as he turned, knowing this would be hard for the boy to understand.

"Let us go back to the bedchamber to discuss …"
"No!" Adir cried. "He will only need me after you … talk."
"He will not need you!" Sariphan boomed. Adir had no idea how little time he had left. Perhaps he

needed to enlighten him. "You won't be around much longer anyway …"

"WHAT?" Toby shrieked, running over to the monitor where Adir appeared. "What do you mean?"
"He's just going to go to Blanserta …"
"The garbage planet," Adir replied in a flat, sad voice. "After all we've been through together, you

would do this to me?"

"It will make you better," Sariphan insisted, not liking the panicked look in Toby's eyes.
"NO!" Toby cried, advancing on his large mate with a wild and angry air about him. "He's MY


"Love, he is naught but a computer …"
"He's my friend and you won't take him from me!" the boy demanded. It was a thrilling sight to see

this side of the boy. A bit disconcerting that it was in Adir's defense, but definitely thrilling. "You said
you would give me anything I want to make me happy … were you lying?"

"No!" the man replied indignantly. "You are mine to protect and care for!"
"Then give me what I want! And I want Adir as MY computer when we get home!"
Sariphan wanted to bang his head in defeat. Verily, he knew he could never refuse his mate such a

request. And well Adir knew it, too. The blasted computer would now be around to torment him until the
end of his days. He looked up to the screen in a last bit of defiance and was momentarily enraged when
Adir smirked and winked at him. Gah! In a bid to remain calm, he returned his attention to his mate.

"Your wish is granted, love," the man sighed in defeat as he pulled the small boy into his lap and

hugged him close. "I'm sorry I've upset you so."

"It's okay," Toby grunted. "I'm sorry I'm so moody, but Adir really is my friend."
"Well I know that now."
"Anyway," the small blonde sighed, "what do we need to talk about?"
Sariphan hugged the boy close and stroked his silky hair. He didn't want to have this discussion

right after the fight they'd just had, but it was necessary. Looking up at Adir, the cat-man knew the
computer wouldn't let him put it off anyway.

"Toby, you are feeling queasy and moody for a reason, love," he began softly.
Toby locked his clear blue eyes to Sariphan's in question.
"You will feel better … eventually, though," Sariphan offered, biting his bottom lip.
"Mmm," the man smiled lovingly. "Right after our first child is born."
Toby's eyes widened in shock and he opened his mouth to speak, yet nothing came out. Then his

eyes rolled back and closed, and he slumped against Sariphan's chest.

"You didn't have to make him faint!" Adir admonished.

* * * * * * *

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No sooner did Turean exit from his flyer than he was at gate four. His hands clenched in fists, and

his eyes narrowed so much they were nearly invisible. Fangs had exploded in his mouth, the beast
demanding release, demanding satisfaction, punishment. It clawed at his insides, gnawing at his belly,
fighting to claim the man. He knew he had no business being about his mate with such a thing tearing
apart at his insides, yet could he not help it. The need to hold him, touch him and run his hands over that
body to ensure nothing was amiss was even stronger than the beast.

Damien had but to look up as he exited his chosen flyer to see he was in deep shit - well, he had

known he would be when he got into it the first place. But he honestly hadn't expected Turean to be that
mad. And by the intense scowl on the man's face and the fury in his eyes, he looked about ready to kill.
He was forced to swallow a bit, particularly when the big blond grasped his wrist in a vice-like grip and
yanked him behind him as he made his way to their chambers. He gasped as he was, quite literally, flung
atop the bed. He watched with rather wide eyes as the man stalked about the room, every muscle
screaming strength and danger. How the hell could he have not noticed how scary the guy was before?

Turean couldn't give a damn that he was scaring his mate at the moment. He had been the one who

was so damn scared moments before he couldn't think straight! If anything, the boy deserved that. He
could hold his silence but a few moments more before he abruptly turned to Damien.

"What were you thinking? Are you insane? That was an actual battle! You could have died, you


"But I didn't," Damien interjected, his temper pricked at the name. He wasn't an idiot!
"Ramsuri did, not that you would care, eh? It was all fun for you, a sickening game," he said, his

voice coming out as a low growl. "The man was my friend! He had a mate and a son-"

"What? Are you blaming that on-"
"No, I am not! And don't you think it!" he snarled, running a frustrating hand through his hand as he

realized what his accusing voice must have sounded like. "He died in battle, bravely, his family will be
proud in the end."

"Look," Damien reasoned, pulling himself up into a sitting position as he watched the man. "It's not

like I did anything really bad -"

Turean snorted incredulously.
"It's not your business what I do anyway!" Damien snapped back, yelping as he found himself

pinned to the bed.

His hands were held firmly above his head, and his mouth was being ravished violently by Turean's.

He could feel sharp teeth nip at his lips just before the man's tongue invaded. It was a punishing kiss, and
one that showed just who had the strength and power to do what was needed. A dominating kiss that told
the youth clearly who was the dominant. But more so than any of it, it was full of relief, a kiss that Turean
found to be the only way he could tell Damien how he felt. The boy never would listen to his words. The
only thing he seemed to understand was action. Turean buried his face in his mate's neck, fighting back
the creeping sorrow that was slowly coming over him.

"I love you, Damien. You are everything to me - now shut up and listen," he admosnished when the

boy opened his mouth. "You long for me as I long for you. I know you can feel it, don't deny it. I feel
your jealousy, your desire, your passion. Even though most of this you do not wish me to know, or you
simply deny. We are one Damien and damn it, you'd better learn it soon." With that he pulled away, rising
and walking to the door. "By the way," he asked over his shoulder. "How did you learn how to pilot a

"I play a lot of video games," Damien said softly, his eyes watching as Turean rubbed his head

tiredly and exited through the door without another word.

Chapter 20

"Shodan! Welcome home!"
"Aye! It is good to see our lord back and with a mate at that!"
"Yea, and a beauty he is too!"
"Best not say that too loud, Krysian! No doubt the Shodan is a mite protective over that one there."

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Sariphan shook his head, a faint grin upon his face as he rode his gramba through the vast crowds of

his people. All had gathered about the wide gates of his home, smothering the streets that led into his city,
each ecstatic at the arrival of their leader. It was not often that a person of such high rank left their planet,
particularly for so long. These people were in no way a skittish race, but like all followers, the absence of
one's ruler is bound to cause a bit of tension. Though war was not a common upon Zerca, particularly in
Scrijx Citi, a known safe dwelling and conserver of peace, there were a few bad apples. But then there
was no such place that did not hold a few. These Reyls, though puny in comparison to the warriors and
sheer population of a place such as this, were an unsteady and solitary lot with little knowledge or caring
of other cultures, choosing to stay to the old ways instead of settling into the new.

Yet the Shodan had no regrets. He was not proud of leaving his people to a possible risk, but he had

left a very capable man in charge, his very own brother, Drakery in which he had every confidence. Not
to mention the odds of an uprising of any kind were nonexistent. Some people tended to over exaggerate
the power of the Reyls. These outside people were little more than a smaller gathering, people who did
not wish the company of so many. Sariphan had rarely had any problems, had indeed even purchased
goods from their small camps upon occasion. All the same, his brief absence had allowed him to find
Toby, his mate, the one who stood above any and all in his life. The risk had definitely been worth it.

He pulled the blond a bit closer to his chest, his arm firmly about his middle. He knew that

everyone about them knew just who his little one was. The boy was claimed, his body covered by
Sariphan's scent, declaring loud and clear just who Toby belonged to. It had not been his intention to
display him so, for he could feel and see very clearly that the blond did not appreciate it one bit. Yet was
the public display a must. His people had to know him, had to view him and take in his scent. Though
Sariphan would not wish to hurt any of his people, the beast within him would certainly be rid of any that
came near his mate in an unwanted manner.

Toby sat stiffly, his eyes a bit wide as they first scanned over the crowd then fixed just before them.

He watched as the people who had crowded before his mate and the other returning warriors parted as
they rode forward in an almost majestic way. It warmed his heart to know so many people cared for his
mate yet at the same time it sparked more than a little jealousy within him. All these beautiful people …
how could he compare? How could he hope to keep Saiphan's attention? Even if he was … having his

Good God - having his baby! He still couldn't believe it. When he had woken from his prompt faint

he could not even speak to the man, his mouth gaping like a fish whenever he started to. At first he had
thought it was all a mockery, but he knew deep within it was no such thing. He could feel that little light,
that young life within him, slowly growing into something great – into one such as Sariphan, his kind,
gentle, loving Shodan. And though such was impossible to his own kind, Adir had assured him it was the
'done thing' upon Zerca. He went to Sariphan that night, showing him without words his acceptance and
unabashed love for him.

Sariphan didn't know whether to frown or smile at his mate. His emotions at once so weary and

closed only to jump to happy and excited. He shook his head and settled for a smile, he supposed this was
what all the other men had meant when they said their pregnant mates confused them. He had teased them
at the time playfully scolding them for not understanding what was theirs to understand. But when it came
to Toby, particularly his pregnant Toby, well, he just went with it as it came. In soft waves or turbulent
waters, his mate was perfect, as would be their child.

Not bothering with their audience, Sariphan simply could not help gripping his mate's chin and

turning his head just so before placing his mouth atop it, showing one and all just how happy and pleased
their leader was with the other half of his heart, his soul.

Toby's face was awash with color as the bigger man released him, his face immediately jerking

forward. He tried desperately to ignore the smirks and whistles of those around him, giving
encouragement to the match without being too crude. His attention was abruptly pulled away however as
a warrior rode out ahead of them, speedily jumping from atop one of the beasts, which Sariphan called
grambas, before scooping up a younger boy in his arms. He smiled, a reunion, how sweet. The pair kissed
hungrily before pulling away momentarily to hug, showing each Zercan clearly. Toby's lost his smile
then, it melting into a frown before it froze.

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* * * * * * *

Turean sat in the pilot chair, his eyes scanning the familiar stars as they made their way home. They

would hopefully arrive in the next day or so, pending on whether or not any other idiot species would be
so stupid as to proclaim a battle they had no chance of winning. Not that he was worried about that, not at
all. The odds of being attacked within such easy distance of other Zerca Flyers were near nonexistent. No
enemy, no matter how ballsy, would risk starting a battle that could lead to a very large, very short war.

No, none of that worried him, and none of that excited him either. Not his celebrating men, all of

whom were jovial to be returning home. He did not particularly care, personally, as absorbed as he was
within his own petty thoughts. Though there was one small nuisance dwelling in his home that was
guaranteed to get him an earful. Bah, he hadn't been planning on finding the other half of his soul when
he'd decided to travel through a few galaxies, so he could hardly be blamed for that at least. In fact he
hadn't been planning to find his mate for a few years yet. Not that he was unhappy over that fact in the
least. Not at all, he loved his mate – wanted to strangle him half the time – but he loved him all the same.
Damien had become so much more than a necessity. He had made himself known and demanded
freedom. He was within Turean, around him. He was everything to the blond. As he should be.

Still he had not spoken to the boy since that night … the night the boy had been so foolish as to

steal a flyer and damn near get himself killed. It seemed he could not even look at the boy without feeling
that aching pain in his heart – nor that violent demand of the beast that resided within him, the one that
clawed, roared and demanded he correct his original mistake … not claiming the boy from the very
beginning. It had been and was his duty to protect his mate above any and all others. And yet he had been
so inattentive where Damien was concerned … it was his fault the boy had done what he did. Had he been
paying him any attention at all …

He shook his head, his eyes dropping to the screen just before him. It was fixed on a sleeping

Damien – who he had been such an ass to this past rising, ignoring him and the sharp ache to his heart
when he did so. Yet did he not know what the Zerca else to do, he had tried to express himself somewhat
the other night … with both his words and actions. And as always the boy had thrown his stupid friggin'
feelings right back in his face. Never before had Turean ever felt so unwanted, so useless. He felt without
a cause. If his own mate found no use for him than what point was there for him?

He knew this was just the depression talking. Every mate experienced such when they distanced

themselves from their known mate for too long. Yet could he not extinguish his pride and speak with the
one who did not wish his presence. If this was what made Damien happy, than so be it. He would endure
the pain, for his one and only's pleasure.

* * * * * * *

Sariphan felt Toby's back stiffen as he watched the pair. He followed his mate's eyes to them and

frowned deeply. The smaller of the two was also human. Was Toby surprised to see another of his own
kind here? But he'd told the boy others from his planet had been taken as mates before. How could this
surprise the delicate little blonde?

Toby watched the figures in rapt attention. It couldn't be. It just couldn't be! All of the blood seemed

to drain out of his face and arms, and he suddenly felt very cold and angry. For two years he'd suffered
because of that boy. Two years, he'd taken the brunt of his parents' rage. And he was supposed to be dead.
Not that he'd ever wanted him dead. He loved the boy! He was devastated when he'd lost him. Yet here he
was, his own brother lived and breathed … on Zerca. He wasn't dead. He wasn't dead at all. He'd left him.
Like everybody else in his life, he'd chosen to leave him behind.

The truth sunk into him as they passed the couple. The boy suddenly looked up at him and

recognition lit his face. "Toby!" he grinned.

Toby gave him and accusatory glance, tears falling down his face. He hoped every ounce of the

betrayal he was feeling showed. Billy had left him back there to face his demons … their parents … on
his own. Knowingly. The pain cut him even more deeply than Damien's cruel treatment ever had. Billy

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knew damned well what he went through every day. He'd protected him from most of it. And he'd still left
willingly. Toby gave him one last sniffle and turned away from his older brother coldly.

"Love, what is it?" Sariphan whispered in his ear softly.
Toby shook his head and kept his eyes averted to the other side of the path. He wouldn't turn back

to his brother. He promised himself that he wouldn't.

"Love?" the man prodded again.
"He was …" Toby sniffed as more tears began to fall. "That was … my brother."
Of all the things he thought the boy would say, that wasn't even one of the top ten Sariphan

expected. His brother? His warrior's mate was Toby's long-thought-dead brother? That explained the
ramrod posture the boy had assumed. But should he not be thrilled to have him back?

"He left me there knowing what I went through," the boy interrupted him. "He used to be the one

who protected me. After he die- … was taken, he knew damn well what my parents would do to me. He
knew and he willingly left me."

"I don't think it was all that easy for …"
"When will you decide I'm not worth it?" Toby asked sullenly, holding his stomach. "And will you

take my baby from me when you do?"

A cold dread shot down Sariphan's spine. The boy couldn't possibly be serious! He'd told him the

bonding was permanent. He thought he'd been quite clear. Opening his mouth to issue forth a strong
tongue lashing, he suddenly thought better of it. He took a deep breath and tried to see things as his little
mate did. It was an insightful, yet sad experience.

Toby, he knew even from his earliest observations, had no friends to speak of. The others in his

school laughed at him and preyed upon him. His parents, Sariphan had witnessed, scorned him, making it
well known to him that they considered his birth a vast disappointment. He remembered the drawings in
Toby's book, the ones of Billy in particular. They were drawn with reverence, as if Billy had been Toby's
only refuge.

The betrayal the small blonde felt was understandable. And since he'd never truly known a bond

such as this, his fear was also excusable. Sariphan wrapped his arms tighter around the small waist and
rested his chin on Toby's shoulder.

"I will never leave you, my love," he sighed. "Ever. And I will never abide by anyone taking our kit

from you. Whatever happened in your past is just that: your past. I am your present. I and the kit are your
future. No matter what has transpired before, you will never, ever be alone again."

Toby cried some more but leaned back into Sariphan's warmth and nodded.

* * * * * * *

Damien paced Turean's quarters restlessly. The guy hadn't spoken to him since their fight after the

space fight. Damn it! He didn't do anything wrong! He knew he could take those stupid attack flyers and
he did. He'd proven himself worth something, hadn't he? Wait! What the hell? Where did that come from?
Why should he care if Turean thought him worthy? If anything he should be thrilled the guy was so mad
at him. Maybe now he could go back to Earth.

That last thought, though, left him feeling cold and empty inside. His heart was aching and the

throbbing in his head intensified. It was that same ache he'd felt that night in Turean's arms. Damien hated
that ache. He was learning that what Turean had told him was the truth. It was the only explanation for
the pain. And for the dreams. Damien couldn't stop dreaming of the big blonde man at night. He found
himself craving something … but he was afraid to dwell on what it was.

Yet living without Turean's attention was worse than living with it, the boy realized. He wanted to

talk to the man, learn more about this planet he would be living on. He knew the computer could tell him
what he wanted to know, but it hated him. And damn it, Damien wasn't thrilled with the machine either.
Besides, he wanted contact with this man who had called himself his mate.

And jow the pain was almost numbing. How come the blonde felt it and responded to it then, but

ignored him now? What had he said that night? Damien's sadness had called to him. That's it! That's how

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he would get Turean's attention. He would call to him. Pleased with his ingenious plan, Damien sat on the
end of the bed and closed his eyes, concentrating on feeling his heart and the ache emanating from it. The
intensity of it grew and his head now pounded. Feeling lightheaded, Damien fell back on the bed and
stared dully up at the ceiling, letting the pain overwhelm him.

Turean raced to the door of his quarters and fumbled with the controls, wanting to rip it open. He

finally managed to get inside and the sight almost made him weep with sadness.

"Damien?" he called softly.
"You don't want me anymore?" the boy asked sadly.
"Of course I do!"
"But you're avoiding me now."
Turean approached the bed slowly and cautiously sat next to Damien. "I thought it was what you


"I once thought so, too." Damien turned luminescent eyes up to Turean's.
"And now?"
"Now," the boy shrugged. "I just want … you."

Chapter 21

Turean could hardly believe his ears. Did Damien really just say what he thought he did? Did his

mate actually just admit to wanting him? Such was too good to be true, wasn't it? Yet to say his ears were
playing tricks on him would mean to accuse his eyes of the same deception. For there Damien was, lying
wantonly across the bed staring up at the tall blonde through soulful, luminescent eyes.

"But …"
Damien leapt up and covered Turean's mouth with his own, ending their mutual torment. Once

joined the ache in the boy's head dulled and his heart sang out with relief. This was what he needed all
along, he now realized. Turean was telling the truth. They were meant to be together and his behavior had
hurt both of them while only delaying the inevitable. No longer giving that scornful voice in his mind any
attention, Damien pulled the large man back onto the bed with him, letting the blonde cover him with the
comforting warmth of his body.

"Damien," Turean hissed. "I didn't want to rush you."
"I … need … you," the brunette rasped back. "Don't be an ass now. Take me up on this offer."
"I don't want you to have any regrets."
"The only one I have now is letting you up for air," the boy chuckled and fastened his lips back onto

the man's mercilessly.

He felt like he was falling. Turean's hot mouth explored his eagerly now, with a fire that wouldn't

be tempered. And Damien was glad. With every touch … every caress, he felt the bond grow ever
stronger. It no longer frightened him. In fact, he decided, the thing that did frighten him was the thought
that he'd almost lost this chance. Turean was made for him.

"Mmm," Damien murmured when Turean's lips left his and traveled down to his neck. "That feels

so good."

"That's just the beginning," the man vowed, looking back up to Damien's eyes with a passion he

couldn't hide. "Now I will show you just how loved you are, my mate."

* * * * * * *

Toby looked about the opulent room that Sariphan had taken him to distractedly. Everything was

beautiful, but none of it registered. His mind was on Billy and what had happened. He still couldn't
believe his brother was alive, and on this strange new world he now called home. And it was home.
Already it felt more right than Earth ever did. But that was because Sariphan was there.

How many shocks was he going to have to suffer this day? In the span of 24 hours he'd found out he

was now pregnant and mated to the ruler of a planet of gorgeous cat-people. Plus, his brother was alive
and mated, too. Wait a minute! Mated! Mated meant claimed. Sariphan and Adir explained that the life-

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giver in the pair always conceived a kit when claimed. Did he now have a nephew or niece? He must.
Feeling faint again, Toby grasped a bedpost and lowered himself to the thick large mattress of the bed for

"Love?" Sariphan trotted over, his face awash with concern. Toby had perhaps had one too many

shocks for one day.

"It's okay," the boy murmured.
"It's not."
"Really," Toby replied with a wan smile.
"No, it's not." Sariphan knew that the boy was using the same tactic he'd obviously used so many

times before. He was stoically accepting things without giving credence to his own feelings. Such was
how he'd likely dealt with life beforehand. But that was not acceptable for the life mate of the Shodan. "I
will summon Billy to resolve this."

"No!" Toby cried turning frantic eyes to his lover. "Please, no."
"He is your brother," Sariphan said quietly. "You need to see him."
"Not yet," Toby pleaded. "Please, Sari."
The big man smiled at the pet name his little mate used, loving the sound of it. "But, Toby, the

longer you wait the harder it will be."

"No, it won't," the boy replied. "Just please let me wait until Damien gets here."
"Damien?" Sariphan hissed using everything in his power not to explode. "He has caused you

nothing but misery."

"Lately, that's true," Toby shrugged.
"Then why would you want him at your side?"
"He was my friend once," Toby sniffled. "And I have a feeling my being the life mate of the 'king'

will temper him. Besides, if Turean's claimed him, he'll be pregnant, too. I think he'll need a friend."

Sariphan couldn't deny the truth of that. But he still didn't like the idea. "But this Billy is your


"Yeah, and he betrayed me by leaving me there."
"Love, I'm sure he didn't mean to."
"Think about it this way," Toby locked his blue eyes on Sariphan's amber ones. "If he gave me the

option to come with him, you and I could have met much sooner."

"It's very rare to find a mate," the man said softly. "It's highly likely Billy wasn't given time to think

of it before being whisked away."

"You gave me time," Toby pointed out. "And you're the Shodan."
Sariphan nodded mutely.
"Anyway, I just want to talk to Damien first and get his opinion."
"He betrayed you, too, love."
"Yeah, but somehow Billy's hurts me more."

* * * * * * *

Turean nuzzled the boys neck hungrily, running his hot, rough tongue over the sensitive skin. His

hand sliding up the boys sides, hips, anywhere he could reach. He felt so urgent, so wanting, never before
had he wanted something, some one so much. This boy was his mate, his one reason for living and
breathing. And still he could not believe Damien was actually letting him do this. Of a certainty, it was
about damn time, but it seemed a bit off. That after all that time he should finally be allowed to touch his
mate the way he pleased.

Allowed, Turean shook his head at himself even as he moved farther down on the boys chest, rising

momentarily to pull the shirt from his form before settling his mouth over an erect nipple. He had always
been allowed to do whatever the Zerca he wanted to. He had never had to ask permission, at least not
after reaching manhood. He had never asked questions or gave leeway. He did what was needed, with no
hesitation he did as he saw fit. And yet when it counted most, when he should have immediately seen to
the boys claiming, he didn't. Opting instead to let his fiesty mate have his way, allow him to stew and

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come around. No matter what the cost to himself. He could have saved himself and his crew alot of
discomfort and trouble had he done as he should.

Yet could he not take it back. It was one thing to mate out of necessity, because your body

demanded it. But it was another to know that you were wanted by the one you longed for. That they cared
for you emotionally as you did them. To know that Damien wasn't giving up or giving in. He was
allowing Turean to do this to him, allowing himself and his mate to experience all the emotions they had
bottled up inside.

A whimper broke him from his thoughts, he raised his eyes up to met his mates flushed face. With a

grin he slid his mouth lower, triling his tongue over that smooth stomach, hands already on the fastenings
of his mate's pants, slowly sliding them-

"Captain Turean, sir, we have arrived home. The Shodan had arrived early morn, all is well. The

crew stand awaiting your leave."

Turean whimpered, he actually whined and plopped his head on Damien's stomach. "I have never

before experienced such outright cruelty," he muttered, slowly rising and pulling a very flustered Damien
up from the bed. "Gather your things love, we're home."

* * * * * * *

Sariphan clenched his jaw, gazing over the city from his window. It held a perfect view, leaving

everything and everyone in perfect view. Other the years he had come to enjoy looking out over his
people, silently reminding himself he was not as alone as he thought. He had taken comfort in merely
watching the many people scurry about, living their lives, some with their mates. He had thought nothing
of Billy when his fellow Zercan had brought him home. Merely welcoming him and moving on to the
next necessity of his life.

He sighed, he had promised his love no more pain. He had promised him happiness and love. A

wonderful home and people who loved him. And he did have that… Sariphan sighed. He didn't know
what to think, what to say, what to do. He had never expected… It didn't matter what he did and didn't
expect, Toby was his mate and he would see to his well being. And whether the boy be pleased or no,
when first Damien came into view. So to would Billy.

Chapter 22

"Sir," Kyron's voice rung out of a nearby speaker, made all the louder by the silence. Since the rest

of the warriors had departed and headed back home the only sound aboard the ship was the low buzzing
of a few machines and the faint rustling on Turean and his mate still rummaging about. "May I speak

"You may," Turean said offhandedly, listening only half-heartedly as he went through the necessary

process for docking and shutdown. He would not be using the cargo ship when he returned to earth for his
forgotten crewman, Xabi'a. But a space cruiser, it would take at most three days, which he was eternally
grateful for. The mere thought of leaving his mate so soon set his heart speeding up in an unwelcome
discomfort. Of course he was sure his ears would be aching from the ring of his mate's shouting voice
once he told him … but that was something he would deal with when he told him on the morrow.

Still the blond did not mean to make light of Xabi'a's situation. Indeed, he was more than a bit

pissed at himself for actually leaving the man behind. Even now he had absolutely no idea how he had
just left him … it was amazing that the kid's absence wasn't detected immediately by Kyron. In fact it was
damn near impossible that he hadn't been. A brief thought passed his mind. Perhaps his beloved computer
had a glitch? He shook his head at the thought. It was his fault and well he knew it. He would face
Damien's rage when he had to leave and retrieve the boy as soon as possible. Zerca only knew what
Xabi'a was doing upon such a low range planet. He hoped to whatever higher powers that were that
nothing foul had happened to him.

"Sir," Kyron's insistent voice came out once again, ripping him from his thoughts.
"You were saying?"

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"I was saying, Captain, that as your companion I must give my opinion."
Turean nodded awaiting the computer to continue.
"Knowing the temper of your mate, Damien. Should you not have already told him of a certain

someone that will be dwelling in his new home?"

Turean's mouth dropped open in shock. How the hell could he have forgotten that?
Indeed there was someone dwelling in his home, a place where Damien would not welcome such a

person. Not that he should have to. As his mate and future bearer of his kits, Damien had all rights in his
home and where he was concerned - well, within reason anyway. Not that his mate would be forced to
share a home with his mistress anyway. Make that former mistress. Parisa had been released from his
position the moment Turean had found his mate. Damien was more than enough for him. The boy's
mouth alone could keep him going for years. Besides, the mere idea of anyone else touching him in a
sexual manner now that he had Damien was ridiculous. He could see no one else the way he saw his one
and only.

Damien couldn't blame this on him though, could he? He had had Parisa for the past year, keeping

him around for the nights when he had found nothing to entertain himself with. And the boy was good at
what he did. Turean could not complain about it … not in the least. True he possessed the boy and
allowed him to live in his home while he did so. But surely Damien would understand, right? After all,
Parisa was part of his past … something he had amused himself with until he had found what he longed
for, his mate. And it wasn't like he had actually had time to get rid of the man, having just arrived.
Besides, Turean had never expected to find his mate where and when he did.

So this situation wasn't his fault!
Damien would think it was though, and well he knew it. If he had thought the scolding he was

going to get over having to leave was going to be harsh, he expected the tantrum over past amusements to
be momentous. He blinked, amber eyes narrowing at himself in the mirror as he realized what he had just
done. He was actually fretting! Fretting and worrying over something his mate should accept and move
past. And even as he thought it he knew better. He groaned, seeing his mate's scowling face in his mind's

He wondered briefly if Kyron was capable of teleporting from this distance. The sooner Parisa left

the better. Not that he would keep him there anyway. He couldn't handle Damien alone, like hell he could
handle them both. His eye twitched a bit … Damien was going to kill him. And he was too enamored
with Damien to even do his damn duty. Not that the boy would ever do his. Obey, my ass, the blond
thought, the ideals of the stereotypical bearer popping into his mind.

"Turean? Turean? What the hell is wrong with you? I called you like four times!" Damien groused,

narrowing his eyes at the man, his hands planted on his hips.

He had been more than a bit testy since Turean had pulled away, leaving him to collect his

belongings while he rushed from the room. And though he wouldn't admit it to the blond, he was a bit
hurt. There he was offering what the prick had been after all along and he had just left it … left him. He
knew the man had duties but if it hadn't been for that nosy ass computer … He paused in his thoughts to
glare invisible laser beams at the computer's screened in face. Like the damn machine couldn't have
waited another hour or so.

"I'm sorry, baby. I was thinking about … something," he gripped the boy's wrist and pulled him

towards him. Ignoring the arrogant brown brow that rose as he did so, grimacing slightly at what he was
about to say - or rather Damien's unknown reaction to it. "Something I should be telling you."

"Okay … so tell me."
"Sir, if it would make the process any easier I have some films that I could -"
"Zerca no! Kyron! Get rid of those!"
Turean chuckled nervously as he saw that other sleek brow rise to join the first. His hand rose to

scratch at the back of his neck as he pondered the best way to lay it out. In the end he decided he was
acting like a scared little boy, clearing his throat he looked up to his mate's face.

"Oh fuck it! I have a mistress, damn it. He lives at my home but only for now." He paused,

watching as Damien's lips tightened and he jerked away, those intense eyes watching him as he crossed

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his arms. "But he no longer has a place there as I have finally found you. You are it for me, Damien, my
love. There is no one else for me -"

"Really? 'Cause what it sounds like to me is lover-fucking-boy is still in your house," he growled, a

silent but good cover up for the pain that was starting to bloom inside. He knew it! He fucking knew it!
The man did have a bloody harem and now he had brought him here as an exotic new pet. He was -

"Get those ridiculous thoughts out of that silly head of yours!" Turean commanded, his voice

coming out harsher than he had intended. He should have known from the beginning that showing a
weakness in the face of battle - and yes, by Zerca, it might as well have been a damn battle! - would get
him no more than cut down and stepped on. He continued with this firm approach, standing and taking a
step towards the boy, looming over him. He noted with satisfaction however, that Damien had not
flinched once. In fact the expression on his face was more of annoyance. "And yes, he is still there - for
now. Damn it, Damien! He'll be leaving as soon as I can get him transported to another home -"

"Another one of your homes? You fucking bastard! That is it! Either you take me home or-or … or

I'll kill the little faggot!" Damien sneered, his fists clenched at his sides.

"Another stable home. Not one of mine, there are plenty of mateless men out there, love. I'm not

about to just put him out on the streets." Again Turean found himself pleased with Damien. The kid was
jealous and the blond loved it. "I have you now, Damien. There can be no other for me. You are mine and
I am yours."

* * * * * * *

"I expect better!" Xanti demanded as his narrowed gray eyes bored into Sariphan's. His fists

clenched at his sides as his jaw snapped shut with a loud click. The man had just come inquiring as to
why his mate was being denied … denied access to his own blood, his brother. Billy had been in tears,
torn apart since his younger brother left him there, turning his face away and not looking back. Saying
without words how little he now meant to the one he had once lived for. Tainting the many memories the
boy had had of his younger brother, staining the many stories he had listened to about him over the years.

The warrior was not in the habit of questioning the Shodan. No one was. Their people were very

lucky to have Sariphan as their ruler, their leader. Xanti knew this, but even leaders came second to a
warrior's one and only. And he was damn sure that was the reason why his head hadn't been ripped from
his shoulders. The man was riding grain against grain. The respect for the man before him battled with his
love and need to protect his loving mate. And so he stood his ground. He had been trained well and did
not deny his outrageous temper. And he would not deny his mate what was his right to see.

"I would expect better from Billy's very own brother. My mate is torn apart inside worrying over

him," he emphasized the work 'him' with a sneer. "This is unacceptable. Ridiculous! My mate has done
nothing wrong to your boy and it's not right he suffer pain for something he had no control over," Xanti
said, chin raised high.

Sariphan clenched his jaw, fighting against the raging beast within that demanded the overpowering

of the other male. Scratching, clawing at his insides to shred the flesh of the man who dared speak out
against his words. He could feel the tell tale burn of his skin as he unconsciously started to shift. Quickly
he caught himself, however. Instead merely rising from his seat to come and stand before the man. Xanti
was a man he knew well, a childhood companion and still a wonderful friend to him not to mention an
excellent warrior. And what was worse was that he knew the man was just. He could hardly blame the
man for speaking out against something that was causing his other half pain.

"Xanti …" his voice was low, menacing. "If your dare sneer at my mate again …" he left the threat

open, allowing the man to come up with his own conclusions. "Yet have I seen the reasons behind your
request -"

"Then you see what must be done -"
"And I agree. At the very least they will be forced to meet and no doubt they will embrace one

another … after a time. Yet is my pledge to my mate above my duty to you. I have promised Toby his
waiting period, when his …" He growled in his throat as he said the word, " friend arrives, to balance
them out, so too shall your mate."

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The dark haired man grudgingly accepted his Shodan's words. Knowing he would get nothing more

than that. His nose curled slightly even as he gave a curt nod turning abruptly he made his way back to his
own home to comfort his Billy.

Sariphan watched him go before turning to raise a brow at the figure hiding just behind the rushes.

His facial expression telling the boy without words what he thought of the situation. Still he walked over
to him, taking the youth in his arms, kissing the top of his nose with a playful kiss.

* * * * * * *

"Come on then, you can't hide in here forever."
"Who's hiding? I'm not hiding! I mean-" he was abruptly shut up when the larger man's mouth

rested over his.

A mistress? A mistress! Damien fumed as he and Turean made their way down a now-empty road

on one of the grambas. Turean had insisted that they share a mount, despite Damien's ire with him. The
boy sat stiffly in front of him, stewing over this mistress-dude living in what was to be his new home.
Well, whoever he was, he'd be out on his ass just as soon as Damien prodded Turean into starting an
immediate search for someone else to house the little slut!

Suddenly, another of the beasts rode up to meet them as they approached the city, interrupting

Damien's thinking and pissing him off even further.

"Tamori," Turean greeted the rider.
Damien nodded to the man stoically, recognizing him from the ship.
"Captain," the man replied. He nodded once to Damien but returned his gaze to his captain quickly,

not wishing to risk his wrath. He noted that Damien still was unmarked … unclaimed. Any additional
attention to the boy would be construed as a challenge.

"I bring orders from the Shodan." Tamori straightened on his mount as he spoke. "He says you and

your mate are to see him before you return home. I was given the impression that the matter was urgent."

Turean smiled briefly. Sariphan had no idea how timely his request was. At least he could put off

the scene with Parisa and his mate for a bit.

"Tamori," Damien said in a soft voice that he never used. Turean's eyes narrowed down at the back

of his mate's head as he spoke. He knew mischief when he heard it, and Damien was up to something

"Um … yes?" Turean's crewman asked uncertainly, his eyes darting quickly to Damien then right

back to Turean, who was watching him avidly.

"Are you mated?"
Turean nearly choked on his own tongue! What the hell was Damien up to that required an answer

to that question?

"N-no …" Tamori stammered.
"Good!" Damien nearly sang. "How would you like to take in a little sl- … um, a nice young Zercan

guy who will be leaving Turean's house immediately?"

Tamori's face immediately transformed from blank confusion to hearty amusement and he laughed

long and low at Damien's proposition. Turean sighed as he endured the embarrassment, already planning
on Tamori's clean up duties when the ship disembarked again. If only Damien's plan could work, he
lamented. It would have solved everything.

"I'm sorry, Damien," Tamori finally was able to say. "I have my own … live-in at the moment.

Besides, I've met Parisa and I can honestly say I wouldn't be able to … handle him." Still chuckling,
Tamori galloped off.

Parisa? Damien began stewing again. So that's the slut's name? And what did he mean by not being

able to handle the bitch?

"Shall we get going then?" Turean asked after a moment. "I'm sure whatever it is, it has something

to do with Toby or Sariphan wouldn't have stopped us from going home first."

"Toby?" Damien gasped as if finally remembering his old friend-turned-prey. "I thought this …

shodan-guy ordered you to see him."

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"And isn't that your leader?"
Damien was confused. What would a leader of another planet have to do with that fag Toby


"Sariphan is our leader," Turean clarified as he prodded the beast back into motion. "And Toby is

his mate."


* * * * * * *

Toby sniffled when Sariphan pulled his lips away from him. He knew that the man wanted him to

settle things with Billy, but he couldn't see his brother now. Not yet anyway. Not until he talked to
Damien. Hopefully, his former best friend would be willing to actually talk to him and not fight anymore.
It was a long shot, he knew, but he felt so alone in this situation. True, Sariphan was his mate … by all
Earth accounts, his husband. But he seemed to want to push Toby into immediately making up with Billy.
Unfortunately Sariphan didn't know what it's like to be so unwanted right from birth and to lose the only
person who'd ever taken the time to comfort and protect him. To know that Billy had willingly gone
without taking Toby, or even letting him know he was going, hurt worse than any betrayal Toby had
endured before.

"You will see today, Toby."
The blonde boy straightened his back and sighed. "You can bring him in here if you want, Sariphan,

but I won't even look at him until after I get a chance to talk to Damien."

"But –"
"No! I mean it!" Toby exploded. "I know you mean well, but you don't understand!"
"And Damien will?" Sariphan countered. "The one who betrayed you and tied you to a tree in the

forest will understand you better than your blood brother?"

Toby held his ground and glared at his mate, unsure where the sudden confidence came from.

Pregnancy must agree with me. He didn't drop his gaze from his lover's amber eyes, either.

"I didn't say he was forgiven," he said simply. "But he is the only other person on this planet who

understands how much I relied on my brother before he 'died'. I need to speak to him for that reason."

"We're here," Turean said as he and Damien strode into the room.
"As are we," said Xanti as Billy followed him in from another doorway.
Toby gave a long-suffering sigh before he turned away from his brother and looked directly at

Damien. "Can I talk to you? Just for a minute?" he pleaded in a soft voice.

Damien looked confused before he glanced over at the other side of the room and caught sight of

Toby's sad-faced brother and gasped. "B-Billy?"

The other blonde boy nodded and waved but his face remained sullen. Damien looked at Toby

again and saw an identical expression. He was trying to flatten himself against the wall behind him.

"Maybe we should go into the other room?" Damien finally suggested, a little bewildered as to

where this sudden sympathy for Toby emanated from.

Toby led the way shooting a warning glance at Sariphan who looked like he wanted to follow.
"Don't worry … Mr. Shodan," Damien muttered as he followed the boy out of the room.
When they were a safe distance away, Toby found a random chair and sat down heavily into it. He

pulled his legs up to his chest and stared at the floor.

"Why me?" Damien asked without preamble.
"You know me," Toby said simply. "And you know my brother."
Damien nodded and sat down on the floor in front of the chair, trying to get Toby to look at him.

The boy did briefly before looking down again.

"So, how do you feel about it?"

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"How do I feel?" Toby laughed humorlessly. "How should I feel? I know he didn't know you were

going to drop me, but he knew our parents. He knew how they would treat me when he left. How could
he do that without telling me?"

Damien didn't know what to say. He knew that Toby had never been close to his parents, but he

didn't think they were that bad. Then again, he'd only really met them before Billy disappeared.

"What did they do?" he asked.
Toby rolled his eyes. "You don't have to pretend to care, Damien," he murmured. "Sariphan's not

going to punish you for what happened before we came here."

"I wasn't even thinking that," Damien replied more softly than he'd ever spoke to Toby before. "I

really want to know."

The blonde regarded him warily for a minute then decided it wouldn't hurt to tell him. What could

Damien do to him here? He was the leader's mate.

"They blamed me for not dying instead of Billy," he said. "My mother started drinking right after

the funeral and hasn't stopped. My father barely looked at me except when he was yelling at me. He was
rarely ever home anymore. Remember when you tied me up in the forest?"

Damien's cheeks tinged pink but he silently nodded.
"He yelled at me for making him come pick me up in the middle of the night," Toby went on. "He

never even asked if I was all right."

A tear fell from his eye and ran down his cheek, and Damien felt a dam of guilt build up inside of

him, threatening to break through.

"I'm sure Billy didn't know things would be that bad," he finally spoke.
"No, I didn't," said another voice from a bit away.
Billy stepped forward as Damien straightened.
"You betrayed him, then?" Billy asked in a flat voice Toby had only heard on the occasions he was

defending him against bullies.

"I … um."
"What he did after you left me is between him and me," Toby said, rising from his chair and

blocking Damien from his brother.

"Toby –"
"Billy," Toby taunted. "You gave up the right to defend me when you left me."

Chapter 23

Billy stood stiffly against the wall. He knew it would be difficult to explain to his brother the

circumstances that led to his "death" and his leaving with Xanti, but he thought Toby would at least hear
him out. But the smaller blonde looked anything but accommodating at the moment.

"Maybe you should talk to him alone, Toby," Damien said quietly.
Billy seethed inside as he turned over what little he'd heard of the boy's betrayal, but Toby had

already declared the matter beyond his right to meddle in.

"I want you to stay," Toby said quietly.
Billy watched the small plea in Toby's eyes as he looked at Damien. This wasn't something he was

used to. Toby was supposed to come to him to feel safe, not Damien … especially not after he'd betrayed
Toby himself. The dark-haired boy nodded to Toby once and fell silent. If Toby demanded Damien stay,
the fine, Billy decided. It would not hinder his efforts to explain. After all, Toby was here to stay now,
and Billy was determined to regain this relationship.

"Can I at least tell you why I had to leave?" he asked his little brother cautiously.
He knew that Toby was mated and that pregnancy hormones would make his already emotional

state that much more severe, so he needed to tread very lightly here. He wanted to do this for his brother,
but he also needed to protect his own husband. Angering the Shodan's mate would no doubt put Xanti in a
precarious position.

"I guess I don't have a choice, seeing as Sariphan made sure you got in as soon as Damien got here."

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Damien looked at Toby curiously but didn't say anything. He was still bemused over his newly

recovered role as Toby's best friend. He also felt weird standing against the blonde's own brother, Toby's
fiercest protector in the past.

"When I met Xanti, I had no idea what would happen," Billy started nervously. "And when I

realized I would have to actually leave with him, it was too late to find you and let you know. I barely had
time to collect a few things."

Toby stared at him with dull eyes as he listened, and Billy's heart began breaking again.
"I told him I wanted to talk to you," Billy hurried to add. "I told him I wanted to take you, too."
"Uh huh."
"I DID!"
Damien fidgeted as he listened. Billy's explanation fit with what Damien himself had experienced

when Turean took off with him at the school. In fact, it sounded like Xanti at least gave Billy a bit of time
to get to know him before he took him away. Turean didn't even let him get his stuff from his locker.

"After we left, I worried about Mom and Dad, and what they would do. But I thought Dad would

treat you better now that you were the only kid he had left."

"Dad hates me for not being in the car instead of you," Toby said in a flat tone.
"I – I thought …"
"Mom was rarely sober in the last two years," Toby went on dully. He wanted to hurt Billy a little

… show him how it felt. "Especially on the anniversary of your … „death‟." He tried to stare a hole right
through his brother's forehead. "Dad's home as little as he can be, and when he is … or was, I guess … he
yelled at me for anything he could think of … for living, I guess."

Damien tried to fade into the floor he was sitting on as he listened. He knew he had only added to

Toby's troubles, and for the first time in two years, he felt the weight of his guilt bearing down on him. He
had only been concerned with himself. His parents' unyielding religious policy had driven him to an
extreme to "save himself" from the unforgivable sin. And, since his father had noticed that Toby acted
more feminine than he should, he'd immediately cut himself off from the blonde, not caring what his
betrayal might do to him … what it had apparently done.

"I didn't think they'd be so …" Billy trailed off.
"Why wouldn't they?" Toby snorted. "They never made a secret of it when we were growing up."

He leaned forward in his chair seriously. "Remember when we were small? You were, like, seven, I think.
And you just started little league."

Billy nodded mutely.
"During one of your games dad said to mom it's a good thing they got you right because I was too

small and girly to do anything 'manly'."

Billy's eyes widened. "Why didn't you ever tell me that?"
Toby shrugged.
"Look, Toby, I didn't want to leave you behind, but Xanti was ordered back home abruptly," Billy

said desperately. "He thought he'd be able to give me time to adjust to the idea and prepare. But he

Toby looked at him skeptically. "I'm married to the Shodan," he said. "The king. Sariphan gave me

a few days."

"Xanti's not the king," Billy retorted sharply. "But thank you for shoving that in my face."
Toby sighed, instantly feeling contrite. He hadn't meant to sound full of himself. "You know I didn't

mean it that way."

Billy remained stonily silent.
"Look, I don't know what you expect me to say," the smaller blonde hissed. "I didn't mean it that

way. And you left me. Let's not forget that."

"I'm sure you'll remind me of it if I ever do."
Damien looked from one to the other uncomfortably. What should he do now? They were still

fighting, but at least they were talking. And he was sure his presence wouldn't hasten a truce. Besides, he
had his own thoughts to sort out where Toby was concerned. He needed to deal with this new guilt he'd
discovered somehow. He rose from his seat on the floor and looked at them carefully.

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"Toby, I think you and Billy need to hash this out on your own," the dark-haired boy said. When

Toby opened his mouth to protest, Damien held up a hand. "I'm definitely not a good peacemaker. And
Billy's right, I did betray you."

"Dam …"
"We'll definitely talk later," Damien assured him. "I have a lot to think about first though."
Toby looked at Damien's stomach curiously but only sighed and nodded. "Will you and Turean, you

know, be okay?"

"We'll be fine," Damien growled. "As soon as he gets a certain mistress-dude the hell out of our


Billy bit back a chuckle and gave the other boy a sympathetic look. "Parisa?"
"You know him?"
"By reputation only. Xanti's more a homebody now, so we don't socialize with unmated couples


"What's his reputation like?" Damien asked, curious in spite of his anger.
"You know those clingy girls at school, the ones that need to be dating someone in order to feel …


Damien and Toby nodded.
"Well, that's Parisa."
"Just like I thought," Damien muttered darkly as he walked back to where he left Turean. "A man


* * * * * * *

Sariphan watched as his mate walked into the other room, his back stiff and showing his agitation

quite clearly. It was obvious the boy was unhappy with him and his demeanor in no way invited a friendly
conversation between his brother and himself. He could see that this would be one of the rare times his
mate would be thoroughly difficult.

He had to admit, he felt more than a bit guilty as he was unloading everything on the little blond in

a very short time. And with the boy being pregnant on top of it all ... he knew the emotions would be
more severe than usual. He could feel it now, and that deep, dark stirring of emotions within Toby begged
to be hidden but at the same time raged to get out. He knew the boy had so much to say and he also knew
just how much it hurt sometimes to get the words out.

But despite the risk of mental ache, he was certain that after this everything would settle once more

into calm seas. His mate was not one to hold a grudge – look at Damien – nor did he seem to be one to
hold such turbulent thoughts within. Toby had not had anyone's shoulder to cry on before, but he had that
now and Sariphan prided himself on being the one there for him. He liked to think that his strength was
enough for both of them, giving his little blond mate the courage to finally release all his emotions … to
let them go, so that they could worry over something greater.

"He's right, Sariphan, it's probably best if we listen in," Turean said. He had been listening to Xanti

talk about monitoring the conversation and despite the fact that he knew such an action to be not only a
breach of privacy for their mates but could very much be considered betrayal ... after all, he knew his
mate's temper well. "I would hate to have to fight one of you over Damien's straying hand or ever-
constant smart mouth."

Sariphan grunted, glancing towards the door, "No, we will give them this time, it is only right that

we do so." He turned back to Turean, and, looking the man dead in the eye, he spoke once more, "No.
Should such a straying of the hand occur, I would hate to have to kill you, my friend. Toby is with child
and such an offense would bring about nothing short of it."

Turean nodded, though his jaw was clenched harshly, and his eyes were flashing. The beast within

him demanded retribution for the mere threat as the thought of someone harming his mate - actually
suggesting death! – was enough to make him want to dish out his own execution. He hated to even think
it, but at that moment, he could understand why the Reyls preferred to free reign.

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Xanti watched the exchange with a tolerant eye, sighing at the newly mated Shodan and his equally

newly mated friend. It was obvious to him at least, a seasoned mate and father, that the emotions the men
were experiencing were not entirely their own but those of their mates, their other halves' emotions
pulling them in a particular direction.

Indeed, he could feel Billy's emotions pulling at him. He could feel the boy's anger, despair and fear

that he and Toby would never again be as they once were. Some of these emotions he had felt since he
was forced to spirit his mate from his home planet. He had known even in that brief time that the boy was
attached to his younger brother and never fully understood how much until he brought him to Zerca. And
he knew after living with the boy these past few years just how much of a toll it had taken on him. He
wished then as he did now that they would have had just a bit more time. Time enough to explain
everything to Toby and possibly have invited him with them ... though the law clearly stated one could
only take a mate from the planet, and no others. Xanti was sure Sariphan would have changed his mind in
that particular instance, particularly now that he knew that Sariphan belonged with Toby.

A brush against his leg pulled him from his thoughts and had him glancing down to meet the

mischievous green eyes of a little brown "fuzz-ball". He grinned faintly, kneeling down to ruffle the boy's
hair playfully as he admonished, "I thought I told you to stay at your uncles'?"

The fuzz-ball made a quick change from kit to boy, his facial expression immediately morphing

into one of exasperation. Then he stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Daddy! Since
when do I ever do anything you tell me to do?"

Xanti groaned and tried not to chuckle at the youth, who just happened to look damn near identical

to his mother. He shook his head and rose to his feet, nudging Sariphan with his elbow. "You've got a kit
on the way, what do you think of this?" Then to his son, he said, "Minx, why don't you ever do what I tell
you to do?"

"Be-caaaaaaaaaauuuuuuussseeee!" Minx said, grinning cheekily. "Requests work better than orders,

daddy! Besides, it makes me want to be bad when you say I have to do something. But when you ask me
... well, then I can do it because I want to!"

"Uh huh," Xanti said with a chuckle. Turning towards Sariphan he shook the man's hand, "Enjoy

parenthood, friend."

Sariphan and Turean had been chuckling at the young boy's words. The little boy's name fit him to

T, that was for damn sure. At Xanti's words they began chuckling again, though Sariphan did find himself
wondering if he would have to put up with such logic with his own sons. And, surprisingly, he found
himself not caring. It was good to see such a refreshing personality in the city. Their laughter was
abruptly cut off, however, as the sound of a door opening and then closing had all of them jerking their
heads toward it.

* * * * * * *

Damien walked slowly but determinedly towards them, his mind still on the two boys in the room.

But he did not regret having left. This was something Billy and Toby needed to work out on their own.
Besides, he had no wish to be a middle man ... or have Billy go upside his head for his past acts ... He
ignored the inquiring glances directed at him, though he did pause when a little green-eyed kid got in
front of him.

Minx grinned and brushed a few stray strands of blond hair behind his ear. "Why ... hello."
Damien stared down at the kid with a raised brow. "Uh, hi."
"You're pretty!"
"Um … thanks ..."
"So ... do you have a mate?"
Damien blinked as the three grown men began laughing out loud, all shocked at the youth's words

but unable to keep their humor over the situation under wraps. Particularly when the little boy looked at
them wide eyed, his arms spread out at his sides as he asked rather loudly, "What?" As if he hadn't just
tried to pick up Damien as his mate.

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They were still cackling slightly when Damien gave the boy an awkward pat on the head and

moved over to poke Turean in his stomach.

"Come on, jackass," he scowled, pushing him back when the blond brought his arms forward to put

around him. "I want to go to your house – now."

* * * * * * *

Toby sighed and looked down at the floor as Damien walked away. At least he took some comfort

in the guilt he saw in his former best friend's eyes before he left. That had to be something, right? Even
though Damien put him through hell, Toby couldn't help but remember the good times they'd shared
beforehand. Maybe pregnancy agreed with Damien, too.

"Hey," Billy said softly as he took Damien's vacated spot on the floor before Toby. "Can we try to

talk now? And not take shots at each other?"

Toby shrugged quietly as he looked at his brother.
"I wasn't exaggerating, Tobes," Billy went on. "I've been wracked with guilt the whole time I've

been here. Never really able to be truly happy with my new life knowing you were alone back there."

"You have a mate … and kids I assume."
"Two," Billy smiled. "And they're called kits up here."
"They all seem so gorgeous, these people."
"They are," Billy frowned. "But not to worry. Once they're mated, that's it for them."
"That's what Sariphan said."
"Well, he should know. He is the Shodan."
"I'm sorry about that," Toby wrinkled his nose.
"Forget it. I know you've been through hell."
"So …"
"So …" Billy smiled.
Toby gave a grunt of disgust and threw himself at his brother, Billy catching him easily and


"I missed you, asshole," Toby giggled.
"I missed you too, you little shit."
They hugged for a few more minutes then Toby resettled himself on the floor next to his brother.
"Do you think I'll have a boy?" he asked as he patted his tummy and looked down.
"Of course you will," Billy grinned. "All of the males have male children."
"Will he be a Shodan, too?"
"If he takes after his daddy, he sure as hell will be. But even if he doesn't, it's likely that one of your

sons will."

"If he doesn't?" Toby asked curiously. "Why wouldn't he?"
"He might take after you, and be the life-giver," Billy pointed out. "I think my second son will be

one, but you can't really tell until they're at least a year old, and I just gave birth to him recently."

"Um, about that …"
"Don't worry," Billy laughed. "It won't hurt."
"Uh huh."
"I'm serious! You don't go through labor, in the normal human sense. I'll tell you all about it."
"We should tell Damien, too."
"About him …"
"I'll tell you all about that another time," Toby waved him off. "Let me settle things with him first."
"Fine," Billy grunted, though his eyes remained slightly darkened. "But I don't see why you're

worried about him after the little I heard."

"There are extenuating circumstances."
"Mmm hmm," the older blonde nodded skeptically. "Anyway, he doesn't need to know about child

birth until he's pregnant."

Confusion clouded Toby's face. "But Sariphan said that a claiming always resulted in a pregnancy."

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"It does. Turean hasn't claimed Damien yet."
"He hasn't …"
Toby's words were cut off when a bright blonde color zipped past him and straight into Billy's arms.

He examined it a moment before discovering it was actually a boy, roughly looking to be about four
human years old and a replica of Billy's.

"Mommy, is this my new Uncle Toby?" the boy asked excitedly.
Billy nodded, smiling down at the cheeky boy in his lap and then looked back at his brother. "Meet

my older son, Minx."

The boy turned his green eyes to the other blonde and grinned. "Uncle Toby!" He pounced into

Toby's lap and hugged him fiercely. "Can I have a cookie?"

"Kiddo, you can have anything you want," Toby laughed as he closed his arms around the child.
"Great!" Billy muttered playfully. "Spoil him even more, why don't you?"

* * * * * * *

"Turean! Oh, baby! I have missed you so much!"
Damien watched as this Parisa person, the very one that been mistress to the man who was now his

and on his mind since Turean's confession, ran and flung himself at his mate. He couldn't help but clench
his jaw as the man began to slobber all over the blond's face – well, kissing technically, but as wide open
as his mouth was he might as well have been trying to consume his mate's head! The green-eyed boy
supposed it did count for something that Turean was trying his damnedest to push him away without
actually hurting him, but he wasn't very successful. If anything it made the smaller man press himself
more firmly against Damien's mate, wrapping slender arms around the bigger man's shoulders.

He tried to control himself, he really did, but the sight before him angered him so very much ...
"Damn it, Damien!" Turean growled, pushing his ex-mistress away somewhat roughly to reach

down and rub at his shin. His obsidian eyes sparkled as he glared at his mate, clenching his fists at his
side to keep from strangling him. "I was pushing him away!" he defended, pointing out the obvious.

"Pushing me away?" Parisa asked, gasping girlishly as he raised a dainty hand to his mouth.
"Yea! Pushing you away," Damien sneered, his eyes running over the others boy's form and getting

more and more nervous by the second.

Parisa had curly black hair that fell just past his ears, his eyes were quite pinkish and his body ... His

face held an aristocratic look about it with such high cheek bones ... the man was beautiful. So beautiful
in fact that Damien felt inadequate next to him. Once again those ridiculous fears of his arose. What if he
was just what he had thought all along? What if he was just some exotic pet? But even then he didn't even
begin to compare with Parisa, so why would the blond even bring him here? Despite his words, there was
no way Turean would be able to give up this jewel and just settle for him ...

"Baby, stop it," Turean whispered in his ear, wrapping his strong arm around Damien's shoulders.

Pulling the boy to his side he dropped a kiss upon his temple before turning to a very confused looking
Parisa. "Parisa, it's over. I'm goin- "

"No!" Parisa whimpered, dropping to his knees and burying his face in his hands. "Don't do this to

me, darling! I need you!"

Damien once again went to pull away only to be pulled even closer to his mate.
"Don't," Turean said curtly, shooting him a warning gaze before turning back to the whimpering

man. "Parisa, this is ridiculous. I have found my mate and he is now the only man welcome in my home. I
will try to find you a decent home but you must-"

"Please! Please, Turean, don't send me away! I've fallen in love with you ... please love me back!

We can still be together!"

"The hell you can!" Damien hissed, clenching his fists at his sides.
"Shut up! He was mine first, you dirty little Earthling!" Parisa snapped, his eyes flashing at the boy

cuddled against his keeper's side. He didn't understand, this wasn't supposed to happen! He was the most
beautiful face this side of the universe – well, not officially but he still liked to think so – and that, plus

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his bed performance should have kept the blond at his side. But no! The one time he had insisted on
staying on Zerca instead of traveling to some damned backwater planet Turean had managed to find
himself a mate. And a damned hot one at that.

Turean pushed Damien behind him and grabbed Parisa by his shirt, pulling him to his feet. "Parisa

... ," his nostrils flared as he tried to control his temper. "You will not talk to Damien that way – ever. He
is my mate, now and forever. I will do what I can to ensure your life remains the same-"

"It will never be the same without you!"
"But with another keeper. That is all I can promise, Parisa." He held his hand up when the boy went

to speak again, merely taking Damien's hand in his own and leading him from the room.

"Bastard," Parisa sneered at Damien's back as he walked by, his canines lengthening within his

mouth. This would not do ... not at all. Turean was his and he'd be damned if some Earthling would take
away what he had worked so hard to keep.

Chapter 24

"What? How the hell could you have allowed this to happen? Turean ... " Sariphan trailed off with a

agitated sigh, rubbing his temples in a vain attempt to lessen the pain in his head.

Save it to say it didn't work and he was left with an overwhelming feeling he had come to feel quite

frequently since he had taken his father's place as the Shodan. He had been trained and educated in all
things Zercan and in everything outer-worldly in an attempt to make him the best possible ruler. His
father had insisted and so it was done. He felt as though he had never and was never given a break, never
given a chance at true freedom. Sometimes he felt like the entire world was on his shoulders and everyone
was leaning on him – it didn't help that it was partially true. He supposed that was why he had found
himself so fascinated with the Reyls when he was a youth, enchanted by their absolute freedom, their
independence and lack of a ruler.

It was no big secret that he had run away to join up with the Reyls when he was a child. Tired of his

strict and constant lessons and lack of any true friendships or real fun, he had sought out any way to bring
his desires into his life and not feel held down by responsibilities he didn't want. And for a few brief days
he had thought he found it. He found the so-called outcasts' way of life beautiful and pure, and often
visited their camps and festivals. But then came his father, and he was torn away and brought back to
become the man he was today ... unfortunately his little runaway episode had given the Reyls an even
worse name than before and they were now seen as kidnappers. He regretted that and hated that his own
people were so blind they could not see the innocence in the independent people.

He did not hold his being brought back home against his father, though. He understood even then

that he had a responsibility and looked at his brief visit with the Reyls as a lesson in life. As well as an
insight into just how he would choose to rule his people. He had the traveling people to thank for his
calm, patient demeanor in his reign as Shodan. He liked to think that his influence had calmed his people
more than a bit, made them feel comforted and not ruled. He hoped he could teach his own son
everything he had learned over the years and he hoped that one day his people would see the Reyls for
what they were – innocent, beautiful and happy people. Not a threat or something lesser or more than

It was these teachings he tried to use and hold onto as a rage flew through him at Turean's words.

Out of all the people they could have left ...

"I'm sure I don't have to tell you just how much that kid means to me. Xabi'a is the son of a dear

friend of my fathers and myself. Ruyri's one request before he entered the soil was for his boy to be
looked after. I promised him and now my promise has been broken because I allowed him his request to
join your crew for this outing. I had thought nothing of saying yes, Turean ... do you know why?"
Sariphan ran a hand through his own black locks, "Of course you do. I trusted you and am having a hard
time seeing just how this happened."

"I know there is no excuse, Sariphan, and as the one responsible I should have told you the moment

I found out or better yet, I should have turned around and went back to Earth-"

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"No, there is an excuse in this instance and I do believe you left him at home this day. There was no

way you could have gone back to Earth with Damien in tow, under the circumstances. No doubt that
would have not only given him false hope but would have made it all the harder for him to accept the
inevitable. The two of you together. I am given to wonder, however, just how your computer could have
missed him in boarding or the fact that he was not anywhere in the ship or the vicinity. If I am not
mistaken this is why we keep the blasted things. Even Adir can ensure all of our crew members are on
board ... I will not force you to get rid of your computer companion, however, I want you to take him for
an update at the Scrix station before you leave to retrieve Xabi'a."

Leave to retrieve Xabi'a ... Turean sighed and nodded, he hated the idea of leaving his mate.

Particularly since he was still unclaimed, but there was no way he could take Damien with him. He would
either be given false hope or be convinced Turean was displeased with him and did not want him
anymore. He knew his mate well enough to know this – he also knew his mate and Parisa well enough to
know he had been an idiot for leaving the two alone in the same dwelling.

"Do not worry about Damien. Toby and myself will check on him daily," Sariphan's nostril

twitched a bit as the words left his mouth, it was no secret that he didn't particularly care for the boy. It
wasn't that he didn't like the boy per se, rather he didn't like the way he had treated his own mate before
their departure from Earth. In fact, he found hilarious the hell Damien was giving his blond friend who
had never before had even the slightest bit of resistance from any man. Not that he could complain for he
had never had that problem wither but ... Zerk it, it was funny.

"You may want to consider getting your mistress out sometime soon though, friend."
"I had planned on it, thank you very much," Turean scowled, glaring at the man's slight smirk. "It

will have to wait until I return I'm afraid."

* * * * * * *

Damien skulked into the den and glared at the beautiful boy draped sexily over the couch. It

appeared everything Parisa did was calculated to maximize the sex appeal. Dirty bitch, he thought icily.
The blonde was his now and the slut would just have to go find himself another keeper.

"Are you all packed?" he hissed as he dropped himself into a chair near the couch and glared hotly

at the Zercan hoochie.

"Why? I'm not going anywhere," Parisa snorted, crossing his arms before him.
He wasn't exactly surprised that the boy wished to spar with him though it was rare that an

Earthling would do so with a Zercan. This Damien fellow just seemed ... well, hostile. "But you will be,
as soon as he gets around to naming you a pet," he pursed his lips before taunting, "Collar and all..."

Damien's jaw tightened as he counted to 10. He was determined to keep a handle on his temper, as

Turean had asked him before he left to see Sariphan about some missing crewman.

"You're lying!" he hissed.
Parisa smiled haughtily, "Am I? You are nothing but a weakling! Besides, everyone knows that

mates must be 'claimed' before they can truly be together. And you're not claimed and are not likely to be
anytime soon. Turean wouldn't risk having to fend off so many others if he had no intention of sharing

Claimed? Claimed. That's what was missing? Is that why all of the crewmen on Turean's ship

looked at him so hungrily? And why the fuck hadn't Turean claimed him, anyway? He called him his
mate from the first day they met. Why wasn't he claimed? Damien's eyes narrowed at the slut sitting so
smugly before him. Damned if he'd let that whore know his thoughts!

"I'll take that up with him later," he growled. "But then, if you're so sure you're meant to be with

him, why the fuck hasn't he claimed you?"

Parisa's smirk dropped into open moth shock at the question before he managed to pull himself


"I-I never said I was his mate! Zercans shouldn't be bound by the restraints of one soul person, we

should be free to love and fuck whoever we choose!" he sneered back.

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"But it's my understanding that Zercans mate," Damien countered. "Your leader even mated with an

Earthling ... which, by the way is how Turean and I met." His eyes glittered with barely leashed rage. "So,
if your leader mated, and Turean has called me his mate, I'm thinking you're pretty much in the minority
on that free love theory!"

Parisa glared, his eyes glinting with rage before he smiled rather evilly. "He only chose you so the

Shodan would no longer hassle him. He is using you as a cover, so he will no longer have to worry about
it. He is using you ... to keep me."

Damien's blood began to heat up. If this was true, what the fuck could he do about it? He was

literally light years from Earth ... if he even wanted to go back there. And suddenly he felt in his heart that
it would no longer be home to him. Yet, he had to keep in mind whom he was dealing with here – a man-
slut with no other purpose in life than to lie on his back for other men ... or on his stomach. His job was to
act like a substitute for horny, unmated men.

"I should believe you, why?" he seethed. "Your only goal in life is to spread your legs for unmated


The door slammed at that and Turean strode quickly into the room.
“What is happening in here?"
Parisa shot Damien a look before turning an innocent pout on Turean, "He is such a mean boy,

Turean! Must you keep him?"

"At least he knows I'm more than a pretty face and a quick fuck!" Damien shot back. He then turned

to Turean before he could reprimand him for his temper. "We need to talk – NOW!"

Turean, who had been cut off before he could even reprimand Damien or Parisa for that matter,

sighed, turning about and following his mate to their bedroom. Crossing his arms over his chest he
awaited Damien's words, wondering just what the boy had to fuss at his about now.

Damien slammed the door behind Turean and rounded on him immediately, staring him down as if

daring him to object to being hauled off.

"Well?" Turean asked in his deep baritone voice.
"Why am I NOT CLAIMED?" Damien shrieked. "Am I really what that slut says I am? Am I going

to be your little pet?"

Turean blinked, shocked at the boys words and terribly hopeful over them. He had waited what

seemed like forever to be with the boy, claim him in the way of mates ...

"Baby... I... I didn't think you wanted me to. Not yet anyway," he said softly, his eyes never leaving

the seething boy before him. Then it hit him, "What in Zerca did he say to you?" He asked, scowling as
he remembered his ex-mistress' temper. He would hate to have to hurt the boy for hurting Damien's
feeling or something of the like.

"It had something to do with a collar and a leash," Damien fumed. "And he said that the Shodan's

been on your case about mating, and you brought me back as a cover, so you could keep him."

Turean's face went red with rage and Damien was momentarily thrilled. Then he remembered his

goal. When Turean made a move to pass him so he could deal with the slut, Damien pounced on him.

"You're not leaving this room until you've claimed me right, jackass!"
It was at that moment that Turean was overcome with an unabashed lust, an uncontrollable urge to

take what was rightfully his. The anger, though still there, had dissipated into a growling reminder. Yet
was he calm enough, by some miracle, to realize the boy had absolutely no idea just what the Zerca
claiming meant and what it entailed. He was too far gone to care about this discovery, however, and
quickly moved forward to rest his mouth over the boy's.

"Hey! That's not an invitation to do anything stupid," Damien growled, pushing at the man's

shoulders and pulling his mouth away only to gasp as his neck was then ravished.

He wanted to say something – he did – but that small, tingling ecstasy that formed wherever the

man rested his mouth had spread throughout the smaller man's body and was so overwhelming, so
enchanting and so damn pleasurable that the boy could do nothing but let it happen. He felt as if it were
meant to occur and with that feeling came a peace he hadn't felt in so very long.

Turean groaned as his mate tipped his head back to expose more of his skin, a silent invitation to do

what he would. And so he did. The blond immediately picked up his lover and rushed to his bed, laying

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him on it and making quick work of the boy's clothes – at which Damien blushed terribly – he set about
working his mouth over the boy's chest. Laving at his nipples and nipping the small petals, suckling the
skin into his mouth like a newborn kit. He had to admit, he half expected Damien to bitch at him for
leaving such a mess, but he found quickly that the boy cared about as much as Turean did, which was not
at all. It felt good and in the end that was all that mattered.

Damien whimpered, biting his lip in an effort to keep his whimpering to himself. He couldn't

believe the things the man's mouth was doing to him – and he hadn't even reached the part that counted!
They were still in the make-out stage and he was near exploding. Unfortunately, he did just that when the
blond reached his lower belly, his hair brushing against his arousal, slowly taunting him until he did what
his body had been begging him to do for months.

Turean laughed a bit, but quickly sobered to a smile as Damien covered his burning face with a

pillow, embarrassed to have come so quickly, so easily, and particularly when it was a guy that had made
him explode without even really touching him.

"Don't worry, baby, if I don't get inside you soon I'm going to blow soon myself!" the blond tried to

console the boy, kissing his swollen lips when he moved to say something. No doubt it would be another
straight protest. Instead he ignored the boy's growl and slid back down to lap all the seed from his body,
sliding his tongue up the side of his semi-erect arousal.

"Fuck …" Damien hissed squeezing his eyes closed as he unconsciously bucked his hips.
Turean took the offer and rested his lips around the boy's restored erection, working his tongue

around the head gently, then not so gently, letting the heat from his mouth seep into the burning
attachment. He relished every moan and whimper that came from the boy's mouth before finally releasing
him and rising from the bed.

"Where do you think you're going?" Damien demanded, glaring from his sprawled position upon

the bed.

That glare soon turned into a wide-eyed stare as the golden man began to remove all of his clothing,

each piece pulled off revealing the most golden skin he had ever seen before, not that kind of golden that
came from some random tanning bed, but a sun-dappled golden, the kind that only gained from being
outside and in the beaming sunlight. Either way, he was built firm with a thin trail of hair that led from
his bellybutton down. It wasn't until he was about to find out where that trail led did he tear his eyes
away. But a second later his face was being turned back to meet obsidian eyes as the man's body rested
atop his.

Lube in hand, Turean began a slow, sensual kiss. Hoping this would in some way distract Damien

from the inevitable, he covered his fingers with the slippery stuff and moved his hand between the boy's
legs. Again he silenced the boy with a kiss as he inserted a finger and began to wiggle it around. Soon a
second finger was added and Turean then scissored them, all the while rubbing the green-eyed boy's belly
gently s he kissed him passionately. It wasn't until he went to mount him slowly pressing his steamy shaft
into the boy did the youth finally break the kiss.

"Ow! That hurts, you prick! Stop it!" Damien cried out as a pain tore through his lower back and


But even as he spoke the words Turean was pushing into him. The man was soon in to the hilt and

Damien was near tears. Turean quickly showered kisses all over his face, threading his fingers in the
boy's dark hair.

"Calm down, my love, it will get better. You'll see."
"Yea, right," Damien said softly, but quickly cut off his sentence as tears entered his voice.
The blond-haired man waited a good five minutes or so before moving. He shamefacedly ignored

the boy's gasp of pain and continued to thrust, only to smile and feel as if a wait had been lifted off of him
when Damien moaned and once again gasped as he felt teeth sink into his skin, felt his blood spurt out
into his mate's suckling mouth.

"Are you fucking psycho or something?" he demanded only to moan outrageously as the thrusts


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Bracing his arms on either side of the boy's head Turean began his thrusting frenzy, grunting in

pleasure every now and again. Damien was a bit more vocal, moaning and demanding he go 'faster' and
'harder', his toes curling and hips thrusting as he came with Turean's name falling from his lips.

"Damien, my baby … oh, baby," Turean said, coming but a moment later, at the tightening of

Damien's body around him. "I love you, beauty, you and no other."

Damien's breathing took a long while to even out and he could only gaze at the beautiful man above

him in wonder. He hated to admit it aloud even now, but he couldn't deny it any longer. That felt
absolutely right and he couldn't imagine his life without this man again.

"Are you okay?" Turean asked gently, touching the youth's face with his fingertips.
Damien nodded and sniffled a bit. "Just … surprised."
"Why?" the man asked. "It could be no other way for those meant to be together.”
Damien shrugged but couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from the man. He was truly beautiful, and

the boy now knew with certainty that he'd been claimed in the Zercan way … the way that he'd been
meant to be.

"Now can we toss that slut out on his ass?" he asked.
"I told you, I have to find him another keeper," Turean frowned. "Not that I want him to stay here

any longer than that will take. I will not stand for his attitude to you earlier. I will make him understand
that this is your home now … and will we must have him here, he is naught more than a guest."

"And an unwelcome one at that!" Damien hissed. "How long before you get rid of him?"
"I … have to on a rescue mission … first," Turean admitted softly.
Rescue mission? What the fuck? We just consummated … whatever the hell it's called up here. And

now he's leaving on a mission? Uh oh … wait a Goddamned minute! That means I have to share my new
home with that man whore … alone? Oh, fuck no!

"Turean," he said warningly. "This better not mean what I think it does."
"I'm afraid it does, love," the man sighed in defeat.

Chapter 25

Toby paced his bed chamber nervously, but it wasn't himself he was worried about. It had been

several days since Turean left to fetch this Xabi'a guy he'd unwittingly left behind on Earth, and things
back at his and Damien's home were tense to say the least. He'd visited his former bully, now friend
again, several times, and the atmosphere grew heavier with malice everyday. Parisa, a true shrew if ever a
male could be called one, haughtily acted as if Damien was the interloper. Toby had tried several times to
convince his fellow Earthling to stay at his and Sariphan's palace until Turean returned, but he wouldn't
hear of it. He said it would send the wrong message to the true interloper and he was standing his ground.

To make matters worse, Toby feared for Damien's baby. Sariphan had ordered him and Billy not to

tell Damien he was with child, as it was Turean's honor to do so. He had replied that Parisa would
undoubtedly tell Damien anyway, but Sariphan said he'd already warned the hoochie not to, though the
Shodan added that he thought Parisa might secretly be hoping that Damien's kit didn't make it to term …
which led to Toby's further fear for the babe's health in such a stressful situation.

"Love, come back to bed," Sariphan yawned from the darkness.
"I can't settle down," he whined.
There was a sound of movement from the general area of the bed and suddenly the light turned on,

revealing a delectable picture of a naked, dark-haired Zercan king reclined against his pillows.

"If you come over here," the man said in a sexy growl, "I'll help you relax."
Toby's breath caught in the back of his throat as he felt his legs carry him back to the bed. He

climbed into bed and moved into the circle of his mate's arms, sighing in relief when he felt Sariphan's
lips trace his jaw line.

"What if Parisa causes Damien to lose the baby before Turean gets back?" he murmured.
Sariphan smiled gently down at him when he pushed Toby down on his back and touched his

cheek. "Parisa knows the penalty for harming a mated citizen," he said gently. "Even he would not be that

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Toby nodded skeptically but said nothing, giving himself over to his lover and praying to whatever

god ruled this world that Sariphan was right.

* * * * * * *

Damien lay upon his and Turean's bed, his eyes closed tightly in a vain attempt to lessen the pain

that had begun the moment his mate had left ... a pain that had only grown since. His body trembled, his
head aching as an overwhelming depression claimed him and consumed his every thought. Turean, his
mind cried barely able to cope with the fact that the man was away from him. He had never thought he
would feel this way about another person, never thought he could ever care so much about someone that
his very mind and body would cry out like it was now. But in these past few days, as long and agonizing
as they were, he had come to the realization that he was in love. He must be, he decided, there was no
other way to describe the overwhelming emotions, even physical pain that consumed him. As expected
his mind had fought the feelings at first, but after so many days without the one he was supposedly made
for, he could not deny them.

And on top of it all he had begun to get terribly queasy, nauseous really. Trying not to panic he

pegged that on his adjustment to the new planet. Or at least he hoped that's all it was. He would have to
question the blond about that when he got home … whenever that was.

He lay abed a few more minutes before the increasing growling of his belly forced him to seek out

food. Rising, he made his way downstairs and to the kitchen. He smiled when he saw the ridiculously
petite housekeeper as he entered. He had met the man the morning his mate had left and, surprisingly, the
two had hit it off. Damien found that it was a bit more tolerable having him around to take his mind off
his angst and feud with Turean's mistake.

Kyo was kind and witty. He found humor in Damien's temper rather than letting it cower him or

getting annoyed over it. He was short for a Zercan, standing at a mere 5 Earth feet and 5 inches with a
small frame and a large mouth. His short blond hair was curly and seemed to always fall into his fiery
green eyes. Damien found himself wondering just how the little guy, who held so much spirit, had ended
up a housekeeper of all things. He was surprised that Kyo had actually chosen this profession.

"What are you up to?" he asked, moving closer to the man to see what he was cooking. The fumes

smelled familiar but he was sure that Turean said that animals upon this planet were nothing like those on
Earth and he was pretty sure that was some form of flesh in the pan. "What is that?" he asked before his
previous question could be answered.

"Ghali meat."
"All right, assuming I knew what the hell that is in the first place, what are you doing with it?"
"Cooking it," Kyo said, looking at his newfound friend oddly a moment before sighing. "Outer

planeters … just try it, human," he mocked. "You'll like it."

Damien waited patiently for the man to finish frying the meat before collecting a few pieces of

bread and something that looked a lot like cheese and putting together a simple sandwich. "If I die of food
poisoning …" he muttered, trailing off.

"I'll be sure to grieve your death," Kyo joked, pouring the boy some water before moving to fry

some more meat for himself.

"Tastes good," Damien complimented, "Like a steak sandwich."
"Assuming I knew what that was …" the blond mimicked, finishing his cooking and settling

himself down beside Damien.

"Whatever. I still think you're weird."
"Who chooses to serve as a maid when they could do anything else? I wouldn't."
"Well, I like my job. It's peaceful. I don't have to worry about other males bothering me, and my

boss is not a bad guy. I get my own quarters and free reign of the kitchen," he said, pointing out the
highlights of his job. "Think about it, I have a good life. The only downside of it is about to be cast of on
another household, thanks to you."

"Yea, if Turean ever gets back. Then the bitch is gone."

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"Nice to know I'm the topic of conversation on everyone's lips," Parisa said, a frown marring his

perfect features as he leaned against the doorframe.

He had walked in on Damien's words and had immediately felt his heart sink with the truth of them.

He was going to be old news just as soon as Turean returned. The brunette had to think of a way to
change that, he would be the first to admit he had a good life here, with one of the most beautiful men he
had ever met to share it with. But now that this human had come … there had to be a way to get rid of

"You," he sneered at Kyo, looking to take his frustration out on someone. "Get off your lazy ass and

fix me something to eat. You don't get paid to sit around all day."

"Fuck off," Damien growled, pulling the blond back into his seat when he started to rise. "He's

busy, so either fix it yourself or wait until he's finished his meal."

"I am not going to keep taking this from you, Earthling!"
"What are you going to do about it?" Damien raised a brow and waited. When the man said nothing

and just glared at him, he smirked. "Thought so. I'm the –uhm- mate here, you are nothing but one of
Turean's mistakes."

"You're wrong! Turean will realize he made a mistake with you! Just wait until he comes back.

You'll be shipped somewhere like a slave and he and I will be happy again. You'll see!"

Damien stood, his fists clenched. "I am tired of it!" he screamed, "You are a lying bastard and I

refuse to keep putting up with your mouth!" He drew back his fist when Parisa opened his mouth to
speak. "One more word and we'll see who deserves to be with Turean."

Parisa growled, his eyes narrowing dangerously.
"Parisa," Kyo's soft voice sounded, "don't do something you'll regret."
But Parisa was too far gone to care.

* * * * * * *

Toby knocked loudly on the door again. He knew the first time he'd knocked very softly, but

Turean's servant, Kyo, had always answered promptly the other times. Finally, he decided he wouldn't
wait. He was the Shodan's mate, after all. Allowances could be made for any transgressions in etiquette.
He pushed open the door, which never seemed locked, and hurried into the house. The receiving room
was eerily quiet and no one came out to greet him. A scraping noise from a chair in the kitchen caught his
attention and his eyes darted over in that direction.

"Parisa!" Kyo had called out.
"What the hell?" Damien cried.
Toby hurried into the room to witness Parisa start his shift from man to beast, his bones cracking in

an audibly sick noise as they shifted and his teeth growing longer. He looked over at Kyo in alarm.

"Go get Sari – the Sodan! Go get him now!"
The small blonde nodded in fright and ran from the room at a blinding speed only a Zercan in

trouble could possess. Toby grabbed Damien by the shoulders and pushed him behind him.

"What the fuck is that?" Damien shrieked, pointing at almost-changed Parisa, whose mouth was

already salivating.

"They're cat-men on this planet."
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Does it look like I'm kidding you?" Toby pointed to the growling brunette predator on the ground

now stalking slowly toward them. "All Zercans can do that."

"Why the fuck didn't you say something?"
"I was ordered not to!" Toby sighed. "Sariphan said it was Turean's right and honor to explain

everything when he got back."

Parisa stopped just a foot away and opened his large jaws in a huge feline grin.
"If you hurt me, Sariphan will kill you," Toby gasped out at the large cat as he held Damien behind

him. "I'm the Shodan's mate. There won't be anywhere you can hide from him."

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The words seemed to give the cat pause, but there was a mad glint in its eyes that conveyed its

anger and hatred. It took a swipe at Toby and scratched his forearm, causing a thin line of red to ooze
from the wound. Then the cat crouched low and prepared to launch itself.

"No!" Toby cried.
"Fuck!" Damien yelled.
Before Parisa could truly take off though, a huge black leopard leapt in front of the Earthlings and

growled ferociously.

"Holy shit," Damien panted.
"It's okay," Toby reassured him. "This one's my mate."
The two cats faced off against each other, hissing and pacing.
"Parisa, give it up!" Toby yelled.
The brunette cat turned a malicious glare his way before darting past him into the receiving room,

the black cat hot on its trail. Toby and Damien followed after them. Parisa was almost out the door when
another huge cat, this one a golden lion-looking one, blocked the path and gave off a loud roar enough to
rumble the whole house.

"Holy fuck!" Damien murmured.
"Well, I guess Turean's home."

Chapter 26

Turean was livid, his body tense and shaking even as he roared out his rage with his golden fur

rising in ire as he crouched lower to the floor, ready to pounce at any moment. The beast seemed to claw
at his insides, demanding he punish Parisa or any fool who had had a hand in attacking his beloved.

"What the fuck?" Damien's fearful voice carried throughout the room, making his mate long to hold

and comfort him and assuring him that everything was okay – or rather would be okay. The beast he had
unleashed, however, had other plans.

Stalking forward he took pleasure in seeing the smaller cat back away before releasing a low

whimper and this pissed Turean off all the more. He had been blind to this one's faults before, but now he
had Damien ... his love. His mate who Parisa had tried to dispose of, knowing full well there could be no
Turean without Damien. A part of him wondered if Parisa truly believed that Turean and Damien were
not meant for one another, not that it made anything he did right. The spoiled brat should have accepted
his hospitality as well as the fact that he now had a mate. But he didn't and now he was forced to put the
smaller man in his place.

He let out yet another beastly roar as he moved even closer to Parisa, who had figured out by this

time there wasn't going to be any mercy. Knowing as much, he allowed his own ire to rise and gave a
growl of his own, preparing for the worst beating of his life ... or death.

All at once the two big cats broke out in a deadly brawl that had Toby and Damien reaching for one

another, for something familiar. Said fight between the brunette and golden furred cats lasted only a few
moments, though for some no doubt lasted a lifetime and was completely one-sided. Parisa took a severe
beating with fierce paw swats and bites upon his flesh. It was hard to even see the wounds, so dark was
he, until he was thrown and forced time and time again against the wall or floor and his blood splattered
and dribbled. The fight turned the once spotless room into one resembling a scene from a horror movie,
the torn flesh and fresh blood making Toby quite sick. With one final swing of his mighty claw, Turean
had the smaller cat sliding across the floor upon his back. Giving the beaten cat no time to make a last
pitiful attack upon his mate or any other, the golden cat quickly dashed over to him, his large, gaping
mouth – filled with razor sharp teeth – settled over the fallen cat as the smaller used what little strength he
had to transform back into his humanoid form. Toby and Damien both found themselves gasping, the
injuries they had seen on the cat were nothing compared to just how battered Parisa was now. The smaller
man looked pale and filled with fear … his body shaking violently as even more of his blood flowed
across the floor.

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"I cannot believe I just saw that ... again." Damien whispered to Toby, referring to the shape

shifting. He was stunned … things like this were just impossible, imaginary and yet he had seen it twice
in one day.

"You did," the small blond whispered back. "They are cat-people."
"So who is ..." his eyes widened at the realization of just who the enormous golden cat was, even as

a warmth spread through him now that he was finally reunited with his one and only. He felt like crying
and running to him all at once, even as a part of him shuddered in fear that his mate was this beast ... this
very fierce beast that had just about killed his ex-lover and was now just a mere moment away from doing
so. He felt a brief moment of confusion, his own mind battling over whether or not he should stop this.
Sure, Parisa was petty and entirely too vain. But he had had Turean first ... and having him now, Damien
could understand why no one would want to give up someone as wonderful as his mate. And upon further
contemplation, he knew he would fight for Turean himself, if need be.

"Stop!" he blurted out, feeling unsure of himself and yet determined to save the ornery youth's life.

He winced himself when his mate tightened his jaws upon the boy's throat, causing him to gasp for air.
"Turean, stop it!" he repeated, this time with a little more force. His eyes narrowed and he caught his
bottom lip between his teeth before cautiously taking a few steps toward his mate, even as his heart
hammered in his chest. Despite his own fear, he knew Turean would sooner die than harm him … he
knew it because he felt it. It wasn't until he actually gathered the courage to not only walk all the way
over to his mate, but bury his hand in the soft fur that Turean finally pulled his mouth away. He snarled in
warning to Parisa before moving away just a bit to rub his body against Damien, purring for the boy to
reassure him.

* * * * * * *

Looking up, Turean gazed into his mate's eyes but a moment longer before changing back into his

own humanoid form,. He wasn't the least bit self-conscious of his own nudity – not that many of his
people were – but he had to fight back a grin at the realization that Damien was. The boy quickly stood
before him, hiding his endowments from the rest of the room. Turean merely shook his head and gave the
boy a brief hug before turning his eyes back to Parisa with his nostrils flared in disgust.

"He has to die, Damien," he said softly, steel in his very voice. "He knew the consequences of his


"But …"
"No. Take Toby upstairs, and Sariphan and I will deal with this quickly."
Damien's eyes narrowed, his lips tightening in an angry scowl even as he stomped his foot rather

childishly. "Fuck that! He is one of your people. You can't just fucking kill him!"

"Go upstairs."
Turean sighed and released Damien, "Then I regret what I must do before your innocent eyes."
"If you do this, Turean, I will never forgive you," Damien said solemnly, his eyes suspiciously


"Damien, he …"
"Is a human being ... well, sort of. You can't blame him for following his instincts and emotions.

Besides, you and Sariphan got here before any real damage could be done."

Turean wasn't the only one taken aback by Damien's words. Toby was having a hard time believing

what his old nemesis had just said. The boy had shown neither empathy nor compassion for anyone or
anything, and why he would choose to do so now, with Parisa of all people, was nothing short of

"He would have killed you, Damien ... as well as Toby," Sariphan said softly, his arms around his

own mate. He was very grateful this was not his decision to make.

"That remains to be seen," Toby said, softly. "You can't know it for certain. He could have just been

trying to scare us."

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"I think he was just confused. Everything he knew was changing because of me. I'd be pissed too if

someone tried to take my place."

"Damien, I …"
"Let him go."

* * * * * * *

Turean battled the beast within himself. It demanded nothing short of Parisa's death. And yet here

was his mate, the victim of Parisa's malice, pleading – no – demanding his rival's life be spared. He shook
his head at himself and the fact that he simply loved his mate too much to deny him this. He knew it
would hurt Damien and that was all he needed to know. He would do everything in his power to ensure
his little mate never hurt again.

"Very well," he caved, raising a hand and allowing a sleek claw to protrude from the tip of his index

finger. Turning back to Parisa, he raised his nose in the air, a silent sign that the boy was now beneath his
notice. "For your crimes I will take from you that which you hold most valuable." With one quick swipe
of his hand, Parisa let out a pitiful protest as hot blood ran down the side of his face. "And so you will be
reminded of this day and your wrongdoing every time you look in a mirror. You will see what you were
and what you will be after this day, which, to me, is nothing." He took a moment to study the long cut that
extended from the boy's left eye down across his jaw to finally end at his small chin. "Leave now and
hope that we do not cross paths again. I may not be so merciful next time."

Parisa gave a pitiful nod before gathering his last bit of strength and morphing back into his cat

form. Turean immediately pushed his mate behind him and glared at the cat, daring it to do its worst.
Parisa, however, had no wish to die this day and so, made his way to an open window and bounded out of

* * * * * * *

Damien breathed a sigh of relief. He had no wish to see anymore blood spilt over him, no matter

how deserving the rival was. Truthfully, he'd been feeling nauseous and moody for a while now and didn't
really know why. Turean was home. Shouldn't that whole separation thing be alleviated? Maybe he was
feeling the after-effects of the adrenaline rush from when Parisa first attacked. He shook his head in an
attempt to shake the queasiness.

"Put some pants on, will you?" he muttered irritably over his shoulder.
Toby watched him from the safety of Sariphan's arms, trying to gauge the situation. His mate was

no more concerned with his state of undress than Turean was, though the pants Kyo, who suddenly
dashed through the front door, provided were a comfort to Toby, at least. The Shodan's arms squeezed
him tighter as a kiss was pressed to his temple. He knew that Turean was going to have to tell Damien
what was truly going on, and he worried for the safety of the kit he carried. Recalling his own reaction, he
felt he should be certain Damien would be all right before leaving the big blonde cat-man to it.

"You okay, Damien?"
The brunette turned his gaze to him slowly, as if just remembering he was still in the room. "Yeah.

Sorry, I spaced out there. It's been a weird day."

It's about to get a whole hell of a lot weirder, Toby thought.
Sariphan tugged on his arm and the little blonde looked up. "I believe we should allow them their

privacy, love," he said gently.

"Are you sure?" he whispered back to keep the other two from hearing. "He might … need


"He needs only the comfort of Turean's arms," Sariphan smiled, breaking his hold to pull his pants


"Um … remember …?" Toby stopped and looked away, his face turning crimson.
"Well do I remember," the big, dark-haired man grinned roguishly. "But I also remember the joy I

had … bringing you through your confusion, and would not have welcomed an audience."

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Toby's cheeks burned anew with the memories, and he had to admit, what he'd heard of pregnancy

causing a greater sexual appetite must be true, for now all he wanted to do was drag his mate back to bed.
Reading his feelings, Sariphan's grin settled into a sexy smirk and he tugged Toby toward the door.

"If you're okay, I guess we'll see you later," the small blonde called over to Damien who waved him

off as he passed by.

Sariphan shared a conspiratorial wink with Turean and left without a word.

* * * * * * *

Damien looked about the room at the stinky, bloody mess Kyo had started to clean and felt the bile

rise in his esophagus. He put a hand over his mouth and turned away, squeezing his eyes closed.

"Love?" Turean asked in concern, reaching for him. "Perhaps we should leave the room for a


Damien nodded weakly and allowed his mate to lead him up to the bedroom. When they entered,

Turean closed the door behind them and gathered his mate in his arms, thrilled to have him in his arms
again. The pain in his head and heart subsided and the exertion he'd spent on Parisa now faded, leaving
him feeling lethargic and needy. He lay down on the bed and pulled Damien into it after him, folding
himself around the smaller guy.

"I felt like shit without you, asshole," Damien murmured into Turean's chest, causing the Zercan to


"I, too, have felt the effects. Glad I am to hold you again, love."
"Mmm. Me too."
Turean began to purr softly into Damien's neck and it the vibrations settled his queasy stomach and

soothed his moody nerves.

"I don't know why I'm acting like such a chick," he complained.
"You are recovering from the aches," his mate offered. "And we have not had time to adjust to our

first … mating."

"That must be it."
"Did you not like it?" Turean teased, nipping at Damien's earlobe.
"Mmm." He wriggled around, giving the big blonde man better access to his body. "Can we … do it


"I have been looking forward to it since I left you here," Turean smiled. "But, perhaps we should

change positions."

"I get to pound you this time?" Damien smirked.
"Do not be silly," Turean chuckled pulling off his lover's clothes. "I merely meant that you should

sit atop me this time, just in case."

"I case what?” Damien asked as he helped Turean in his task.
"In case the stress Parisa caused … unsettled you."
Damien stopped what he was doing and peered hard at his lover, sensing there was something he

was missing. "Turean …?"

"I'm sorry, lovely. I should have told you before I left."
"Told me what?" Dread filled him as he waited.
Turean leaned back against the pillow and pulled Damien across his chest, massaging his back

comfortingly. "That when I claimed you …?"

"Yeah?" He'd better not be telling me he made a mistake! Not after everything that happened!
"When we mated …"
"Spit it out!"
Turean exhaled loudly before taking in another deep breath and locked his arms about Damien's

waist. "When we mated, we created our first child."

"What?" He jerked back in shock.
"You are carrying my child, love."
"The fuck!"

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Chapter 27

Damien lay back against the fluffy pillows of the bed he shared with his mate, his sharp green eyes

staring intently at his own bare stomach. He studied the pale area with silent awe. Knowing that, if what
Turean had said was indeed true – which, he grudgingly admitted, was probably the case – he was going
to be a mother. Well, a "life-bearer" anyway. He would bear their first kit, the blond had murmured with
pride. Their first son. The brunette shook his head, imagining in his mind the way a pregnant woman's
stomach would protrude from her body and wondered if his own would do the same. And if so, if his very
human body would be able to hold up under the strain of such a thing happening or would his insides

Turean had seemed to sense his worry and had assured him that there were many human beings on

Zerca, and most of them did indeed bear a Zercan child well. He had explained to the younger male that
due to Zerca's advanced technology, the people of his world had created electronic healing devices such
as the Medi-box: an overly large coffin-like box that, once closed with a patient inside, sent sterile healing
microorganisms to treat whatever illness or wound they were presented with. Though the birthing-box
looked and worked a bit differently from this, it was far too similar in it's healing aspects to allow any
harm to the occupant.

"A birthing-box, unlike a medi-box, has an open end and is much like an overly large bathing tub,

much like the ones I have viewed once or twice on your home planet. But instead of mere water, you are
covered in these microbes that are specifically designed for the process of birth. While such a thing
cannot eliminate all pain it helps with a lot of it, so I am told. Our kit will be born within these microbes
and quickly cleansed as he is being pulled from them to the fresh air," Turean had explained matter-of-
factly, his large hand resting over the belly of his mate as he focused on the faint presence beneath. "The
box will clean you and repair any damage before you are removed and then transferred to a sterile room
where the box workers will keep an eye on you should something go wrong."

Damien stared at him. "So … you're saying something could go wrong? What the fuck, Turean?"
The blond had immediately gripped Damien's hand and brought it to his lips. "The odds of

something going wrong are very small. These workers are there 'just in case'. They should make you feel
a bit more comfortable and not get you worried, my love."

He had merely nodded and asked his mate to get him more information on these boxes so he didn't

go in completely blind to it, so to speak. As expected, his mate had made quick work of it by getting
Kyron, his ever-present computer entity, to bring up as many descriptive files as possible regarding the
matter on the nearest screen – which just happened to be right next to the bed.

Damien had looked over the sleek silver, futuristic coffin-looking thing. He couldn't help the sharp

fear that lurched in his stomach. He just couldn't believe this was happening. He couldn't believe his life
had turned out this way. The boy had never wanted to be gay and he sure as hell had never wanted to be
the 'female' counterpart in a gay relationship. He had always assumed he would just grow up, get married
and have his wife pop out a few kids, not that he would be turned into said wife and that he would be
squeezing out the babies. He didn't know how to feel. He loved having Turean with him and loving him,
even though he regretted the fact that he was forced to leave behind his home and everything he knew.
Hell, he loved Turean and while he was scared of this whole baby thing, there was a small part inside of
him that was both squealing in delight and sighing in contentment at the knowledge that he was having
his love's child. The brunette didn't know what to think or which side to go with. He felt torn in two, both
sides of him fighting to gain a control he had forever lost … and both sides reaching irrevocably toward
the man who had not only captured him but had managed to capture his heart as well.

Yes, he was still frightened by the concept of having a baby, but as he closed his eyes and centered

himself, he could feel the faint presence of another in his body and fought back a smile. It was odd,
sharing his body with another being, but he couldn't help but feel, at least for the moment, like he was
complete. And looking over at a sleeping Turean by his side, he knew it. His mate and his son, he didn't
fight back the smile this time and even slid farther into the covers. He didn't resist when his mate's arms,
which were already loosely around him, tightened and pulled him even closer.

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"I love you, Damien," a sleepy Turean said in a raspy voice, one beautiful obsidian eye cracked

open to gaze up at the love of his life. "More than you'll ever know."

"I know," he whispered back, his face heating up in a blush. He had heard the blond proclaim his

love many times, but it was different this time. He knew the man spoke the truth and he couldn't help do
the same. "And I love you, too. Believe it or not."

"I've never doubted it, beautiful, but it does warm my heart to hear you say it out loud," he said,

sitting up a bit and dipping his head to place a chaste kiss on his mate's lips.

Damien smirked, the question slipping from his lips before he could stop it, "Is that all it warms?"
Turean grunted a bit as his mate groped him beneath the sheet. He had to admit he was a little

surprised by the boy's unexpected forwardness but didn't mind at all and even welcomed it. With a slow,
sexy grin, he answered, "Well … now that you mention it …"

* * * * * * *

"How do you think Damien's taking the news?" Toby frowned at Billy as Minx played with another

child nearby.

Toby had asked Sariphan to take him to his brother's house when they left Turean's home after the

ordeal with Parisa was over. After everything that had happened, he needed someone who understood him
to help him hash it all out. Sariphan hadn't minded and seemed to be pleased to spend some time with
Xanti, probably trying to get new fathering tips or something, if the little blonde knew his mate like he
thought he did. Both were pleased with the upcoming birth, but nervous as well. They wanted to be good

"He probably flipped out and let off a string of curses," Billy smirked back. "Don't worry though.

Once he calms down and learns about the birthing-box, he should be fine. You were."

"That was me, and I've known I was gay for a long time." He slanted his older brother a hard look.

"As, I'm sure, did you."

Billy shrugged noncommittally. He was still cautious about this topic of conversation with his

brother, especially in his pregnant condition. Toby had enough on his plate to worry about without adding
undue stress to himself and the unborn kit. And then there was the danger of alerting the Shodan to his
mate's distress. That wouldn't be healthy for anyone, he was sure. Besides, once Toby held his little son
for the first time, he'd understand exactly how deeply Billy loved his brood.

"You know," Billy said instead, "right about now on Earth, people are probably gearing up for


Toby's eyes widened a bit and he gave him a small smile. "I haven't really celebrated that in two

years," he murmured. "No reason to, with those parents, you know."

"I know," Billy sighed. "And I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing about that." Toby waved him off. "I'm done being mad. I'm just glad now that I'm

here with Sariphan … and you."

They sat down at an outdoor table together while Sariphan's staff served them some fruit juice and

confections that Toby couldn't identify but loved all the same. When Sariphan noticed his penchant for
the sweets, he ordered the staff make his mate a fresh supply every day. Toby was embarrassed at first,
but thankful nonetheless.

"Leaving them was that easy?" Billy asked.
"Very," Toby sighed. "They'd made it clear for years how they felt. At least now I'm with people

who want me with them."

"Want and need you," Billy smiled, kicking a ball back to his elder son who whooped his thanks. "It

was pretty lonely up here when I first arrived."

"I thought you said there were humans here?"
"Yeah, a handful. But few males. More human females, but we don't socialize with the women

overmuch. Xanti prefers to keep to the men."

Billy knew his brother was still feeling awkward about his place as, well, Sariphan's queen, for lack

of a better term. But he would have to come to terms with it, because that was his place now, and it

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wouldn't be right for the Shodan's mate not to know about the land his mate presided over. He'd decided
he would help Toby out with what he knew and Adir, Toby's personal computer friend (much to
Sariphan's consternation) could fill in the gaps. Billy had met Adir the last time he visited with his
brother. That was one seriously amusing computer. Billy understood right away why Toby took such a
shine to him.

"Why aren't there more?" Toby asked, bringing Billy back to the present.
"Not sure," he shrugged again. "Probably because Sariphan hasn't allowed extensive travel to Earth

yet. Maybe he will now, though, since he found his own mate there."

"Would that be good or bad?"
"Good question," Billy snorted. "Considering how difficult it is for a Zercan to find a mate, and the

fact that conception can only occur when one is mated, it's probably better he does. The population's been
dwindling, as far as I can see, and the people are calling for more freedom in searching for their mates.
Earth could only raise their chances."

"But there are a lot of bad people on Earth I wouldn't want to see up here," the younger blonde


"Have some faith," Billy smiled. "So far, they only seem to have taken the good ones."

* * * * * * *

Sariphan frowned, his dark eyes sharp as he ran them over the large group of Zercan males

presently gathered in the city's meeting hall. Some throwing out the concerns of the people while others
just joined in the commotion and agreed with the louder ones. As leader to these people he was used to
this and while he did not like his judgement questioned, it was his duty to hear out every citizen who had
an idea, complaint or otherwise. These meetings were held once a Zercan month (equivalent to two and
half Earth months) and Sariphan made it his duty to make sure all of his people left either feeling justified
or at least understanding of what transpired and why.

"Shodan," a strong voice rose, addressing the ruler even as the man rose to the platform. This man

went by the name of Marrow, his height was similar to that of all Zercans, as was his body shape, and he
had short, light brown hair with rather pale green eyes that always seemed somewhat glazed. The man
was a known protester, being one of the gifted who had had the chance to see other people's and
civilizations in his travels. The time had come in his life when the need to find his true mate was upon
him and, having had no success on his home planet, he, like many others, wished to explore all options,
such as other, underexplored planets.

"Speak, Marrow," Sariphan said, waving his hand in invitation.
"My words are many the same, Sariphan, and I think perhaps you will not take them so lightly this

time. Seeing not only one, but two more of our people come back with outer-planet mates has given us
hope. Hope that we will find our own mates, and hope that you will give us the freedom to use any means
necessary," Marrow raised his chin. He had felt the need to mate burning like a wildfire through him and
was no longer willing to wait for this pain to be sated. He needed what was his and no one, not even the
Shodan was going to stop him from having it.

"I admit, Marrow, that I have returned from Earth with not only a human mate but also a new

outlook on our matings. While I am sure many of you have mates that are outer-planters, my fears
concern the consequences and effects we will have on others in our search. Earthlings, for example, have
no idea there are other universes, I would have that remain this way-"

"You fear we would upset this balance? As Zercan males - mateless Zercan males! - it is our right to

do whatever is necessary to gain what belongs to us."

Sariphan snapped his teeth together loudly as a low panther-like growl emerged from his lips, his

displeasure at being interrupted being shown clearly. A cool hand on his own and the tremble he felt in it
forced him to put himself in check and act civil for his pregnant mate's sake. Still, when he spoke again,
his tone was near biting. "You ask this of me, when you cannot even get along with your own people?
The Reyls, for instance, some of your own. Have any of you even thought to look within them for your
other half?"

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"They are little more than dyamis (gypsies)!" Someone cried form the crowd, a few others agreeing.
The Shodan shook his head.
"Have I taught you, my people, nothing? How can you be so quick to judge and cast aside your own

but wish to embrace others? Or will you merely decide upon seeing how different others are, that they are
the same as our own Reyls and so beneath you?"

The room was guiltily silent.
"But ..." a voice came a few moments later, young and unsure, "The Reyls are different from us,

aren't they? They keep outside the cities and ..." the voice trailed off, as if searching for something more
solid to accuse them of.

"And?" Sariphan waited, hearing nothing, he continued. "And you continue to judge everything that

is different. Different does not mean necessarily mean bad, just not what you are used to. I regret that
most of you have have been raised to think this about our own but I will bid you all to go to a Reyl camp
and join them around the fire. Listen to their stories and see just how bad and terrible they are. I believe
you will find they are not so. I also believe that quite a few of you will find exactly what - or who, as the
case may be - you are looking for."

"And outer-planeters?" Marrow asked.
"I wish for all of you to look to your own people before others ... but I know that sometimes you

have no other choice but to look elsewhere," he smiled over to his mate. "However, I will make it a
requirement that every Zercan look to their own - even the Reyl camps - before going to the stars." Every
head in the room bowed in acceptance but all seemed pleased with their ruler's words.

"You have given us hope, Shodan," Marrow said with a nod of approval.
"I regret, Marrow, that my people's hope was ever taken away."

Chapter 28

Toby sighed and nestled deeper into Sariphan's arms in the comfort of their bed. He couldn't put a

finger on why, but he felt restless. It wasn't like there was any one identifiable reason for it, either. Things
had been going well for the last few weeks. Billy had been helping Adir teach him about the society his
mate ruled over, and their world's relations with other nearby planets. Apparently, the Zercans' crafts were
highly prized among the outer planets, and the economy was prospering because of this.

Damien was also a frequent guest, his demeanor now adjusting fairly well to his new environment.

Toby could scarcely believe this was the same boy who had once tormented him so cruelly and accused
him of being gay. He supposed that his own new status had something to do with Damien's attitude
adjustment, but he preferred to overlook that little fact. But the boy who'd once been his best friend
seemed to be trying to repair the damaged relationship finally. And though Toby knew he would be well
within his rights to spurn the attempts, he didn't want to. He preferred to see what kind of mother and
friend Damien could evolve into instead.

Xabi'a was a new and welcomed friend in the mix, too. He had seemed very shy at first, when Toby

had accompanied Sariphan to the boy's home. But since then, he'd also become a regular visitor to the
Shodan's house. He and his human mate, Cade, seemed to fit right into Zercan society. In fact, Cade acted
more like a Zercan than Xabi'a did … a fact brought to Toby's attention by Xabi'a himself, amusingly
enough. But the boy didn't seem to mind this at all.

And then there was Sariphan, of course. Toby blushed to the roots of his hair as he thought of just

what they were doing not two hours before. Words could hardly describe the happiness that grew each
day he spent with his mate. He'd never expected to be loved so much by someone so amazing. And the
fact that he was carrying his mate and love's baby only magnified his joy.

But why did he feel so … not right? It didn't make sense. His life here had been mostly serene and

content. This sensation didn't fit with his world. He placed a hand on his rounded tummy and sighed,
smiling as the kit moved beneath the surface.

"You're up, too, hmm?" he whispered to it, careful not to wake the sleeping panther-man beside

him. "Like mama like baby."

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The kit moved around again, only this time faster, shocking Toby into a gasp. Now he felt his heart

rate pick up speed and a cramp in his abdomen told him he wasn't experiencing a normal bout of

"Sari?" he groaned, turning around in his mate's arms and poking the man's shoulders. "Sari!"
"Mmm?" Sariphan murmured as he opened one eye to look at him then shot up into a sitting

position. "Love? What's wrong?"

"I … think …" he whined brokenly. "I think … he's … ready."
Sariphan immediately rose from the bed and, ignoring the sinking fear that rose within him, called

for Toby's computer.

"Adir! Quickly I need you to contact the birthing center and inform them of Toby's needs. Also, set

a stat report on him and let me know the moment they reply. We're going to transfer there when they do."

His voice was stern, he sounded sure of himself … yet he was anything but. He felt an intense

amount of guilt that perhaps his attentions to the boy earlier in the night had pushed Toby into labor
before he was ready. It didn't occur to him that the child could have just decided to come along. He was a
giver and so knew very little of the time periods and expectancy rates. He knew only that the birthing
center was the very best place for his mate in his present condition.

Moving around the bed to Toby's side, he pulled the blanket back and couldn't help the widening of

his eyes as he saw the intense amount of liquid that seemed to gush from the boy's belly button. He felt a
panic rise up in him and he quickly gripped his mate's hand tightly, hoping that Toby didn't see just how
disturbed he was. He knew his mate and he knew he would worry, and the cat-man was the last thing, in
Saripahn's opinion, that Toby should be concerned with at the moment. Bringing a kit-babe into the world
was quite a feat and the Shodan was sure that his little human mate would need all the strength he

He cringed as Toby's sobs got louder and his breathing started coming in short gasps, as if suffering

an unbearable amount of pain. Reaching over he smoothed the boy's hair back, murmuring words and
assurances that he halfway thought were more for himself than the boy. The blonde squeezed his hand
hard and looked at him with such pleading eyes that Sariphan actually felt his own get misty.

"I am never touching you again," he said suddenly, too freaked out by the whole event and sight of

his love to keep his mouth closed.

Toby paid no attention to him and the Zercan was sure he would appreciate that fact later, but at this

moment he seriously meant it.

"Sariphan. The birthing center has been contacted and replied. A space has been immediately made

available and ready for Toby." This was the only time in their history together that Sariphan ever heard
the computer speak with utter seriousness. It too freaked him out. "Transferring will begin in 5 … 4 … 3
… 2 … 1."

The birthing center appeared to have crisp white linen or paint on every surface, and the scent of

pure cleanliness. Sariphan should know. He had been sitting exactly eight feet from the birthing box that
contained his love and he watched helplessly as the blonde's head bobbed when he pushed, not nearly in
so much pain now since the microbes within the box had gotten hold of him. The box techs were always
present and reached within it numerous times to help with this or adjust that. The Shodan could hear the
low encouragement the techs gave as Toby cried out Sariphan's name and looked over in the man's
direction. It was all the large man could do not to get up and walk over to him, but the fear of infecting
the boy or interfering and harming his son stilled him. So instead he focused on sending waves of energy,
reassurance and love to his mate's aura.

The loud growl of the kit-babe lit the room but a few moments later and both Sariphan's and Toby's

hearts swelled at the sound. Sariphan quickly rose and peered over a tech's shoulder, his eyes meeting the
stunned ones of his mate as he gazed upon the small kit and smiled.

Toby didn't think he could be any happier than when he'd left Earth with Sariphan. But he was

wrong. Gazing upon the dark brown, wriggling, wet, furry mass in the tech's arms, he felt his heart swell
to an impossibly large size. The tiny kit was so small that Toby knew he could hold him in the palm of his
hand. Yet, he also knew the kit would likely be too uncooperative to stay there for long. Nope, two hands

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will be needed at all times, he thought, his eyes tearing up with joy. He looked up to see Sariphan's own
eyes shining with unshed tears of joy as well.

"Isn't he beautiful, Sari?" he whispered.
His mate's eyes slid over to his own … startled at first then warm and loving. He could only nod in

reply, though, it seemed. The youth was amused his normally forceful and boisterous mate had been
reduced to such a state. Thankfully Turean wasn't there to witness such. He knew Sariphan's friend would
do naught but tease him all day long. Well, it wouldn't be long before Damien graced them with their own
squirming little bundle of joy. A soft mewling sound caught his ear and he turned back to the kit, now
cleaned and being handed to him carefully within a fluffy yellow blanket. Toby took him gently and held
him to his chest, not sure he would ever tire of gazing down upon him.

"You're as beautiful as your father," he cooed down to the fuzzy face that stared back at him


The kit seemed to recognize Toby's voice, for he stopped squirming quite so much and blinked back

at him. Toby smiled and started humming Rockabye Baby while the techs moved about the room to
disinfect everything. He looked over at Sariphan again, wondering when he would be able to come over
to the box and hold his son.

"Not just yet," his mate replied to the unasked question. "I want to be sure they are certain you and

the kit are safe to touch. Then, though, you will not be able to tear me away."

"As if I would," Toby smirked and looked down at the now-sleeping kit in his arms. "What should

we call you?" he asked the bundle.

"I was hoping you would like the name Hakon," Sariphan said softly. Toby looked back up in

question, so he continued. "It was the name of my giver's giver. I have always been partial to it."

"Hakon," Toby smiled, trying the name out. "I like it."
Sariphan smiled warmly again, and Toby was hoping that meant his earlier vow to never touch him

was forgotten.

"So, Hakon will be Shodan when you retire?" Toby asked curiously, staring over at his mate and

smiling as the large man cuddled the tiny infant. "I mean, I think that's the way Billy explained it."

The present Shodan was having issues tearing his eyes away from his first child. "Yes. He will take

my place when the time comes. It is already known that he is a giver and so that makes the learning
process a bit easier."

"Because were he a bearer, his mate would take over the throne," Sariphan explained, smiling to

himself as he felt Toby's ire rise.

"And why is that? Are bearers not allowed to be rulers?"
His voice sounded more than a little annoyed and Sari couldn't help but laugh. His mate rarely got

so obviously annoyed.

"If you are asking if a bearer can be a Shodan, the answer is no. At least one has never had the


Toby frowned feeling like an 18th century lady being denied men's rights ... a ridiculous feeling but

prominent nonetheless. He knew it wasn't Sariphan's fault that things were like that but he couldn't help
but feel that the man should put forth an effort to change such things.

"Some traditions and rules are put there for a reason," Sariphan said sagely. "Besides, why argue

over this now when Hakon is sure to be my heir? I would rather focus on the joy of my first son."

"First? You mean you want more?" Toby's eyes bulged.
The Shodan laughed heartily before walking over and handing the kit to his bearer. "At least one …

or 12 more."

Chapter 29

Minx stared hard at a recently turned baby Hakon, his boyish face etched in concentration as he

watched the kit frown and kick before wiggling a bit more. "Are you trying to tell me I'll be stuck with

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one of these one day?" the youth said, scratching his head in a curious sort of way before turning his gaze
to both Hakon's parents and his own.

Billy had been grinning nonstop ever since he got a good view of his new nephew. His joy that his

brother was actually on Zerca with him was intensified and this new kit made the boy so much more
approachable now that Toby could feel what Billy felt each and every day. He was sure his younger
brother would understand and perhaps not feel so much like he had been abandoned. Still, hearing his
oldest kit's words, he laughed.

Xanti, however, was the one to reply to his kit's silly question. "You are a Giver, Minx, it is your

duty to find your Bearer mate and do what mates do. Find one mate and have children."

"To Blanserta with that!"
"Watch your mouth!" Billy said, trying hard not to laugh his head off, just as Toby and Damien

burst into loud guffaws of laughter.

"Well, I don't like that idea," Minx explained, turning to the grown-ups in the room. "I don't want

just one mate … I want lots. Why have just one when I can have more than that?"

Every Zercan in the room frowned at that statement. Zercans, half blood or no, knew that their place

was with their mate. The very idea of having more than one was unheard of.

Minx, continued, not noticing the tension in the room, "Watch me, guys. I'll be everyone's mate.

Watch! I'll have one from Tamori, and another from Kyo ... I bet one of my mates will even be one of
Turean's kits!"

Damien scoffed at that, "You're a cute kid, but I wouldn't bank on that."
Toby shook his head at his nephew indulgently, well aware of the naiveté of youth. Minx could say

just about anything he wanted to now, but his uncle knew that, when confronted with his true mate
sometime in the future, nature would take its own course. Look what happened to him and his brother.
Glaxies hadn't managed to keep them and their mate's apart. Minx would have to find that out on his own,
though. Turean was thoroughly enjoying the amusing exchange but Sariphan and Xanti wore matching
forbidding expressions, which Toby felt weren't warranted, and he decided to help his nephew out of the
corner he'd unwittingly placed himself into.

"Say what you want now, kiddo," he chuckled and pat the boy's head. "We'll talk once you're fully


"I'm grown!" Minx insisted, insulted.
Toby laughed again and turned to his brother. "You named this one perfectly."
"Didn't I, though?" Billy smirked.
Xanti continued to frown at the kit but chose to say nothing more on the subject in front of the

Shodan and his mate. He would address the issue at a later time, though, he decided. It wouldn't do to
have Minx publicly spouting such blasphemous remarks throughout the community and shaming his
Zercan giver and human bearer. It had been difficult enough for Billy assimilate into society as it was,
being that he'd come alone and had left his beloved brother behind, at the time not knowing he would see
him again. To have a kit that offended all of their friends and neighbors, to say nothing of the Shodan
himself, would only serve to alienate the outgoing human.

Sariphan picked up the kit and held him close to his large chest as Turean looked on with interest.

"See what your future holds?" he teased his friend, gesturing to the kit.

Turean nodded, not taking his eyes off the bundle, and Damien took the opportunity to sidle up to

Toby and Billy.

"How bad did it hurt?" he whispered lowly.
"It was fine," Toby replied with a reassuring smile. "I promise you'll get through it. I did, after all."
"You're the Shodan's mate," Damien rolled his eyes. "I'm sure heads would have rolled if they'd let

anything happen to you."

"I'm still alive," Billy pointed out. "And I've had two kits so far."
"So far?" Damien all but cried out. "How many more are you planning to have?"
"As many as we want to," Billy shrugged. "How about you, Toby?"
Toby gulped and turned red, looking away, and causing his brother to snicker. "That many, huh?"

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"Zercan babies don't feed on milk like human babies," Toby shared his newly found information

with Damien, who was lapping it up as his own time was scheduled to occur in a short week. "They feed
on a particular blend of juices that is concocted at the birthing center and distributed."

"Can't say I'm sorry to hear that," Damien sighed, genuinely relieved, "I was scared I was gonna

have to breastfeed with my severe lack of tits."

Toby laughed at the crude comment, well used to Damien. Hearing his kit let out a loud growl, he

rose to pick up the mouthing kit. "Nope, don't have to worry about that but Zercan babies do eat non stop,
it seems." He said with fondness, tickling baby Hakon's tummy. The kit had gained a good six pounds in
one week and was already the spouter of much baby talk.

The dark haired Earthling snorted at that, "I don't see where adult Zercans are any different. Was he

really a kitten when he was born?"

"I was freaked out at the thought at first too. But he was beautiful still and quickly learned to

change back and forth."

Damien nodded, he too was freaked out by the thought. A human giving birth to a cat was some

serious sci-fi shit. "Is he a giver or a bearer?"

"Giver," Toby was surprised the Damien knew the terms used. "He'll stand in Sariphan's stead one

day as Shodan."

"Sweet," Damien seemed to fidget a moment, his mouth opening as if he would ask a question but

quickly closed as if he wasn't sure how.

Shaking a baby pouch filled with afore mentioned juices, he held it to the kit's mouth giving him

time to take it before turning back to his friend. "You have never not spoken your mind, Damien. So spit
it out."

Damien gave him a sullen glare before a bright flush settled over his cheeks. "Did you and... I mean

is it okay to... I mean because I'm so far along..."

"Sariphan and I had sex three hours before this rascal came out and he's perfect," Toby cut in,

guessing the other's thoughts. "When I asked the tech, he actually laughed at my concern like it was a

"Which meant?"
"Which meant that even thought we receive the seed there," he blushed crimson. "There is no way

for the babe to feel anything."

"Are you sure... Turean has a really big thing."
"Sari's not small and I- and Hakon- were fine."
Damien settled back in his seat, ears still flushed with embarrassment. Still, he was happy he'd

asked, for he couldn't deny that he had been holding out on Turean for a while now and the man was not
even close to being happy about it. In fact, if his attitude of late had been any indication that blonde was
severely pissed off about it but to understanding to force the issue. Damien kind of wished he had of, then
he would have found out about this business sooner than later and could have avoided many nights of
uncomfortable arousal.

Turean paused in his gait, the sprints in his cat form that usually calmed him only seemed to make

him that much more restless. His animalistic prowness, now more prominant that the beast ruled, urged
him to claim what was rightfully him and claim him mate over and over again. Feeling the need for some
kind of relief and unsure how to get it due to his mate's stubborness, he changed into his human form and
sat, resting against a nearby tree, paying little attention to his nudity.

Sariphan slowed in his own running, seeing his companion had stopped. Trotting over, he quickly

shape-shifted and rested beside his friend. Both men half-heartedly looking over the other's figure.

"You've grown," Turean commented with a grin that didn't quite meet his sparkling obsidian eyes.
Knowing just what the blond meant, he chuckled, "A lot has changed, my friend."
"I see... I don't believe I have officially congratulated you as of yet. Your son is beautiful." He

meant it despite his preoccupation.

"I know. But I also know something troubles you. Come now, we have shared everything since


"You are too attentive, Sariphan, or perhaps I am just too visible in my thoughts."

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"Perhaps," Sari allowed, "Now speak to me."
"It is silly, really. Damien and I have not been intimate in three weeks. I feel I play the part of a

leech. Knowing he is just worried for our kit when he denies me, but I feel a distance. A void between us
I cannot breach."

"It is our nature, Turean, we need the connection of mating to keep us balanced. You feel as you

should, he is no doubt feeling restless too."

"He is damn stubborn," Turean grunted.
The Shodan laughed, "Most Earth men seem to have inherited this trait. But he, like Toby to me, is

your mate. You must help him to see past his fears."

The blond nodded, in a little better spirits now that his friend had taken his mind away from his

poor cock and assured him of the reasons. Not wishing to dwell on the issue in mixed company, he
quickly changed the subject. Rising, he began to walk to the palace where Damien visited Toby. "Can you
believe that Minx? That kit is a trip all his own."

Sariphan grunted and followed, "He is something, alright. I suspect that Xanti and Billy will have a

time of it with that one."

"Indeed, I feel for them. His future mate will have to be a true wild cat. I can hardly wait for the

time to pass and see what promises to be a very good show," he joked.

"A wild cat, eh? Perhaps young minx was right and one of your kits will be given the pleasure of

taming the boy." He grinned at the dry look that hit his friend's face. "Though I fear your mate will do
serious harm should such an event occur."

Turean scowled, "And suddenly I am not so very interested."
Damien sputtered as Turean entered the room. His very sexy, very golden body uncovered, bare to

any that would wish to look upon him. "W-What the fuck?" he growled out, his fists clenching as
jealousy enveloped him. "Why the hell are you naked?"

Turean glared at his friend as the Shodan moved to his mate, chuckling all the while. Turning to

Damien, he attempted a smile. "Baby, we were running-"

"Well, no. We changed back here we entered the cas-"
Damien stomped his foot in agitation. "Save it. Either you go back to being kitty boy or I'm going to

castrate your ass here and now."

Even Toby burst into laughter at that one.

Chapter 30

Damien smiled down at the little blonde furball in his arms, his eyes leaking tears at the sight. His

heart was just so very full, love for his mate and now his son causing the organ to swell and pump with a
rhythm that could never be matched. Never in his life had he felt so complete, so perfect and so content.
Who would have thought that just popping out a kid could do it for him, he certainly wouldn't have. But
looking down at the four day old kit in his arms, he knew no other thoughts than happiness.

"My family," Turean's voice rumbled softly into Damien's ear, his chin propped on the Earthling's

shoulder as he too gazed down on the babe. Turning his face, he placed a warm kiss to said ear, "You
have completed my world, beautiful. And to think had I never come to Earth we would have forever been

Damien, despite feeling rather awkward at the man's words, found himself ridiculously happy to

hear them. "That's not possible," he whispered back, "We were like… destined." He blushed as he said it.

Both men smiled as the kit opened a lazy black eye to stare at the whispering couple, clearly

displeased by the noise.

"He may have my coloring," Turean laughed, "But I fear he will have his bearer's temperment."
Damien scowled, "And just what is wrong with that?"
The kit eyed them again before letting out a loud yowl of displeasure.
"Ah, Saska, shush up ya little grouch," Damien said playfully, as he lifted the kit up to do some

eyeing of his own.

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Turean laughed, his mind wandering to the future and lively household he knew he would hold

dear. The laughter and joy of raising his son, watching him grow into a man, mate and have kits of his
own. It was a pity he had but one to look after truly. "Let's have another," he said offhandedly.

The earthling jerked his head towards his mate, "What?"
"Let's have another. No kit should grow up alone. Of course Saska will have Hakon to play with-"
"Exactly," the brunette cut in. "And he'll have us."
"So? Brother's are lovely."
"How the hell would you know?"
"Well, I've heard such anyway."
"You're so…." He broke off into laughter, shaking his head at himself and his mate. "I don't think

I'll ever get tired of bickering with you."

Turean grinned, "I don't think you'll get tired of bickering in general."
Turean was quick to still his mouth with a kiss.

* * * * * * *

Toby watched Sariphan, the man so strong, so beautiful was so unbelievably his. He watched as the

Shodan concentrated so hard on the matters of his country, shifting through files containing programs and
life-files for hours on end to ensure the very best life for his people. The life of this particular branch of
royalty was anything but glamorous, he worked hard for the planet and made time for his people in
weekly open-meetings. He even made time for his mate and son-

"I'll always make time for you two, my love," Sariphan said softly, his muscular body leaned back

comfortably in his seat. "You two are the air I breathe, the blood in my veins, I need you to be with me

"How do you do that?" Toby wanted to know, too flustered by the man's words to focus on them

overlong. "You always seem to know what I'm thinking."

"I'm attached to you, beautiful. My heart beats the same rhythm as yours. I need only the shift in

your emotions to lead me to the correct conclusion," he stood then and came to his mate, encircling the
smaller man in his arms. "We are two halves to the same whole, fitted together in a mighty circle that
knows no end."

Toby readily accepted the sugary sweet kiss that followed and took no pains in pushing it to more.
Sariphan shuttered as the small blond boldy smoothed his hand from his chest to his crotch. "Where

is Hakon?"

"You had me hire a night nanny, remember?"
Toby gasped then giggled delightedly as his mate swept him into his arms bridal-style.

The End


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04 Evita You must love me Madonna

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