Stormy Glenn Cowboy Courage

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Blaecleah Brothers 4

Cowboy Courage

Benjamin Brody and Neason Blaecleah shared one special night

together then went their separate ways, both afraid of what they

wanted from the other and neither willing to put themselves out

on a limb. But a fateful mistake changes all of that. When Neason

is involved in a car accident, he's left without his sight.

Neason's anger and pain are out of control, and the only one that

seems to be able to handle him is a man he never expected to see

again. When Neason's brother delivers him from the hospital into

Brody's hands, Neason's anger knows no bounds. But his curiosity

and need for what Brody can give him is more powerful than his

rage. Neason just doesn't know if he has the strength and courage

to give up the control Brody seems to need from him, not when he

doesn't know if Brody wants to keep him.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary,
Length: 36,483 words

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Blaecleah Brothers 4

Stormy Glenn



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Stormy Glenn
E-book ISBN: 1-61034-893-1

First E-book Publication: October 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

If you have purchased this copy of Cowboy Courage by Stormy
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Dedicated to everyone that ever dreamed of having their own

cowboy but couldn't SEE what was right in front of them. Keep

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Blaecleah Brothers 4


Copyright © 2011

Chapter 1

Neason Blaecleah could feel his brother-in-law, Asa, watching

him closely as they stacked bales of hay in the barn. He knew he was
moving stiffly, slowly. He couldn’t help it. He hurt. Every inch of his
back and thighs ached with deep throbbing pain.

He felt like he had been beaten to crap, and in a way, he had. It

had been a stupid move on his part, and he knew it when it happened.
He just hadn’t been able to stop it. Sadly, he hadn’t been able to enjoy
it either.

Neason knew there was something broken inside of him. The

things he craved, the things he needed more than he needed air, no
normal person should ever want them. And yet, he did, with every
fiber of his being.

He got sick to his stomach every time he went searching for

someone to dominate him. He got physically ill when it was over, and
he saw the results of his need in the deep red welts that marred his

He was a sick fuck, and he knew it. He just prayed with every

breath that no one else knew how messed up he was. Neason would
be mortified if his folks, or even his brothers, ever discovered his

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It was his worst nightmare, and it seemed to be coming to life

right before his eyes as Asa kept staring at him. Neason tried to ignore
Asa and keep working, pressing his lips together when the pain
became too strong.

He could still feel Asa’s eyes on him. It was a bit unnerving. Asa

was a force to be reckoned with. He was a powerful man who knew
what he wanted and went after it. He wanted Lachlan Blaecleah,
Neason’s older brother.

Neason was happy for Lachlan, he really was. He hadn’t seen his

brother happier than he had been since he met and married Asa. For
that reason alone, Neason hadn’t tried to see if Asa could meet his
unique needs. He would never poach on his brother’s lover.

If Asa had been single, however, Neason would have made a play

for the man. It wasn’t so much that he was attracted to the man
sexually but that he was attracted to his strength. Although, Asa was
pretty hot.

Still, strength and power, those were the things that Neason was

drawn to, and not just physical strength but a strong personality. He
liked men who knew they were men and were not afraid to go after
what they wanted.

Neason had yet to meet the man that either wasn’t taken like Asa

or met his needs and didn’t think he was a complete freak. He’d met a
lot of men that didn’t mind whipping the crap out of him. Hence, his
current condition. But he’d never met one that could meet that need
that he was sexually attracted to and that wanted him just as much.
What Neason needed was a man that could meet that need.

There was only one man that Neason had met that filled his

dreams perfectly. He was dominant, powerful, and incredibly sexy.
He met every need Neason had and a few he didn’t know he had. He
just didn’t want Neason, not for the long term anyway.

One night of bliss, and then the man slipped away in the night.

Neason had woken to an empty bed and an even emptier heart. He

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was still trying to come to terms with the fact that the man of his
dreams had left without even saying good-bye.

He supposed the absence of a note or even a phone call told him

what he needed to know. Benjamin Brody didn’t want him for more
than a one-night stand. As much as that made Neason’s heart ache, he
understood it. He’d yet to find someone that wanted him for longer
than a single night.

“Hey, Neason,” Asa called out as he walked over. He glanced

quickly around then lowered his voice. “Are you okay, man?”

Neason plastered a smile on his face. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
Asa’s forehead wrinkled as he frowned. “You look like you’re in


“I must have pulled a muscle or something.” Neason shrugged,

then inhaled swiftly when the welts on his back pulled. “It’s nothing.”

“Well, it looks like something.”
“I’ll be fine, Asa. I just need to take a long soak in the tub after we

get done here and get a good night’s sleep. It’s nothing to worry

“If you say so.” Asa looked skeptical. “But I’m still going to


Neason continued to smile until Asa shook his head and turned

away. Neason didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until Asa started stacking
hay bales again. He leaned against the side of the barn for a moment
to catch his breath.

He hated this shit, hiding who he was and what he wanted from

his family. He wished he could be upfront with them. He wished he
had someone he wanted to be upfront with. He wished a lot of things.
None of them seemed possible.

Neason buried his depressing thoughts and pushed away from the

wall. He grabbed the closest hay bale and lifted it into the air. Almost
instantly, shards of pain ripped through his back. Neason cried out
and dropped the hay bale, leaning over it as he tried to catch his

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“You’re not okay,” Asa said as he set his hay bale down and

walked over.

Neason flinched when he felt Asa’s hand brush over his back. He

knew the man was just trying to comfort him, but his hand moved
right over one of the deeper welts on Neason’s back.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, Neason?” Asa snapped. “And

don’t give me some shit about a pulled muscle.”

“I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine, damn it. There’s blood seeping through your


“Don’t let your ma hear you say that,” Asa snickered. “She’ll have

your hide.”

Neason grimaced as he stood up and looked back over his

shoulder. Asa was right, on both accounts. Blood was slowly turning
his white cotton shirt red, and his mother would rant at him if she
caught him swearing.

Neason dropped down onto one of the hay bales. His shoulders

slumped as he clasped his hands together and let them hang between
his legs. He didn’t know what to say to Asa, but he could feel the
weight of the man’s stare on him.

Asa squatted down in front of him. He looked grim, his lips pulled

tight across his mouth, his eyebrows furrowed. “Tell me what’s going
on, Neason. Why are you bleeding?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Neason shrugged and wished he hadn’t when

his back pulled again. “I’ll heal. I always heal.” Neason realized his
mistake almost immediately by the shock on Asa’s face, but it was too
late for him to pull back his words.

“You always heal?” Asa frowned. “Neason, has this happened


“Sort of.”
“Sort of?” Asa shouted as he stood up. “Are you crazy?”

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Neason felt a cold chill work through his bones as Asa put words

to the thought that had always run through his mind since the day he
discovered the things he liked. He’d been just a kid still, barely
twenty-two years old, and one chance meeting with a man in a bar
had changed his life and made it what it was today.

A total fucking mess.
“Yeah, maybe I am.” Neason stood up slowly. He avoided Asa’s

gaze as he started toward the large double doors on the barn. He just
wanted to go back to his bedroom, take a quick shower, and then go
to bed and sleep for a week.

“Neason, wait,” Asa said. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”
Neason didn’t turn around. He didn’t want to see disgust in Asa’s

face. “It’s okay. I understand. I’m…I’m just going to go inside and
take a shower, maybe get some rest. I’ll come out and finish this

Neason waved his hand behind him at Asa and walked away.

There was nothing else he could do. He knew what he was. He just
wasn’t going to sit around and discuss his peculiarities with Asa. He’d
rather have a root canal.

“Neason, stop.”
Neason kept walking.
“Stop, damn it,” Asa snapped. “I think I can help you.”
Neason stopped. Well, he stumbled to a stop more than anything.

He caught himself by grabbing the edge of the doorframe then
glanced over his shoulder, meeting Asa’s eyes hesitantly.

“How can you help me?”
“I think I know what you’re going through, Neason.”
“You?” Neason scoffed. He swung around, glaring at Asa as his

anger came to life. “What makes you think you have a clue as to what
I’m going through?”

“Because I had a friend that went through the same thing.”

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“The things you want are not wrong, but the way you’re going

about them is.” Asa waved a hand at Neason’s back. “You shouldn’t
look like that if it’s done right.”

Neason swallowed before speaking. His heart was suddenly

racing. “If what is done right?”

Asa tilted his head slightly and cocked an eyebrow. “Neason, you

may feel the need to hide this from the rest of the family, but don’t try
and hide it from me. I know what’s going on.”

Neason licked his dry lips as he tried to come up with some reason

his back was bleeding that Asa would buy, but the knowing glint in
the man’s eyes said he wouldn’t believe a word of it. Unable to come
up with a good reason, Neason decided flight was his best option. He
turned without a word and started out of the barn.

“Is it the ability to lose yourself in the pleasure, to give up total

control to someone else and step outside of yourself?" Asa asked
softly. "Or is it the knowledge that you’re pleasing your partner by
giving him your submission that arouses you so much?”

Neason inhaled so swiftly he almost sobbed. It was all of those

things for him. He couldn’t blink his sudden tears away fast enough,
and one slipped down his cheek as he turned back to face Asa.

He wasn’t sure what he expected from his brother-in-law, but it

wasn’t the compassionate smile he saw on Asa’s face. Neason could
read understanding in Asa’s hazel eyes, not disgust at the things he

“How—” Neason licked his lips again. “How do you know?”
“I told you, Neason, I had a friend that went through this. He

knew what he needed, but he didn’t know how to get it. He went
about it the wrong way, and it killed him in the end. I don’t want that
to happen to you.”

“I don’t know how to stop,” Neason whispered as his shoulders

slumped. His despair was so thick it almost choked him. He could feel
a lump building in his throat.

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Asa walked closer until he stood right in front of Neason. “This

isn’t about stopping, Neason. It’s about doing it right, doing it safely.”

“I don’t know how to do that either.” Neason pushed a hand

through his hair. He wished he wasn’t having this conversation with
Asa, but it did feel good to finally talk about it with someone.

“Why don’t we go back to my house and get you cleaned up

before someone sees you? I’m not sure they would understand your
back bleeding. We can talk more there where it’s just between you
and me.”

“I don’t want Lachlan to know about this.” He’d die of

embarrassment if his brother ever discovered the things he did.
Lachlan just wouldn't understand. The man screamed alpha male.
He'd never understand Neason's need to be dominated.

“Neason, you have nothing to be ashamed of. For a lot of people,

what you’re doing is perfectly normal.”

Neason swung around and yanked up his shirt so Asa could see

his back. “You call this normal?”

Asa inhaled sharply. “No, Neason, this looks more like abuse to


Neason laughed harshly then quickly covered his mouth for a

moment. He could feel hysteria building inside and was afraid it
would break out.

“Then I am a freak,” he finally whispered.
He knew it. No one could want the things he did and be

considered normal. It was most likely the reason he couldn’t find
someone. Neason felt tears prickle his eyes as he realized he would
never have someone to call his own. What man wanted someone that
craved the things he did?

“Neason, you’re not a freak.”
Neason knew Asa was only trying to make him feel better, but he

also knew the man was wrong. He didn’t like the pain that came with
being dominated but pain and domination seemed to go hand in hand.
To have what he craved meant he had to accept the pain.

And didn’t that just suck?

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Chapter 2

“Hey, Brody, some guy wants to talk to you on the phone.”
“I’m busy. Take a message,” Benjamin Brody shouted back. He

was busy. If he didn’t get the cylinder head back into the motorcycle
he was working on, he’d be working overtime tonight.

“He says to get your hairy white candy ass out from under

whatever motorcycle you’re working on and answer the damn

Brody gave the creeper he was sitting on a small push and shot

away from the motorcycle. He looked up and glared at Tommy, the
man that held the phone in his hand. Tommy instantly held up both

“Hey, dude,” Tommy said quickly as he gestured to the phone,

“his words, not mine.”

Brody rolled his eyes and climbed to his feet. He dropped the

wrench in his hand into the toolbox then wiped his hands off on the
rag from his back pocket. Once most of the oil and grease was off his
hands, he tossed the rag into the toolbox and walked toward the

He grabbed the phone from Tommy and held it to his ear.


Brody frowned. “Asa?”
“Hey, man, how’s it hanging?”
“Slightly to the left, if you must know.” Brody chuckled as he

leaned back against the wall. “What can I do for you? Don’t tell me
you’re already having problems with that man of yours?”

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“Lachlan, never.” Asa inhaled deeply. “His brother is another

story though.”

“Asa, that man has more brothers than I have piercings. You need

to be more specific.”

“Look, I just need to know if you can drop by. Neason needs—”
Brody remembered the gorgeous man he’d spent one night with

after officiating at Rourke and Billy’s wedding. He’d been intrigued
by the man the moment he met him. Brody hated that he had to leave
him in the middle of the night, but he had no choice. He had
obligations that couldn’t be ignored.

“Yeah, Neason is in trouble. He’s gotten himself into a bit of a

mess, and I need your special skills to help me get him out of it.”

Brody stiffened as memories of the single night he’d spent with

Neason floated through his head. It had been a memorable night.
Neason was a unique man, one that was built like a man should be but
willing to be dominated. Just thinking about how perfectly Neason
responded to him made Brody’s cock ache.

On the other hand, if Asa needed Brody’s special set of skills

because Neason had gotten himself into trouble then things must be
pretty serious. “How bad is it?”

“It’s bad, Brody,” Asa replied, “real bad.”
“Damn.” Brody pushed his hand through his hair, catching the

rubber band in back and pulling it free until his long hair fell around
his shoulders. He knew he should have called Neason, but he had kept
putting it off.

Neason made him nervous, and that wasn’t something Brody was

used to feeling. Besides his cowboy good looks, Neason seemed to
take everything Brody had to give him and beg for more, and he had
begged. The sound of Neason begging for more still resonated inside
Brody’s head.

It was the memory of those sweet words that kept Brody from

calling Neason and setting up another night with the man. Brody

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wasn’t used to wanting something. He was spoiled and he knew it. He
almost always got exactly what he wanted and he wanted Neason.

His only problem was that he wanted Neason for the long term,

and Neason wasn’t long-term material. He was a big, strong,
confident cowboy that worked on a ranch. He wasn’t twenty-four
hour submissive material and that was what Brody needed.

“You know, I have a couple of friends I can refer you to, Asa, but

I just don’t see how I can make it over there.” Brody glanced over at
the motorcycle he was working on. “I’m really behind here at the
shop. I’m probably going to have to stay late tonight as it is.”

“Brody, I really need you here. You’re the only one I trust to help

Neason. He hates what he needs. He thinks he’s a freak. And he let
someone abuse him, Brody. His back looks like he got drug behind a
semi truck for a hundred miles.”

“Fuck!” Brody tilted his head back and stared up at the ceiling.

“Okay, I’ll be there tonight. Just don’t—don’t tell Neason I’m
coming. It’s better if he doesn’t have a chance to run.”

“Do you think he will?”
“If it’s as bad as you say it is, then I’m sure of it.” And he was. If

Neason thought the things he wanted made him a freak then he’d run
for the hills the second Brody appeared. They had experienced too
much in that one night they shared together for anything else to

It had been a glorious night, one Brody would never forget as long

as he lived. Neason had met every demand Brody gave him with
enthusiasm and a need to please. Brody couldn’t have asked for a
better sub. It was just too bad he couldn’t keep the man. They could
have a lot of fun together.

Brody said good-bye to Asa then hung up the phone. Frustration

rode him hard as he pushed his hand through his hair. Despite what he
thought, Neason was not a freak. He was just a little different, but no
different than anyone else. Brody hoped he could at least teach
Neason that much, if nothing else.

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The things they enjoyed were not wrong, but there were wrong

ways of going about them. That kind of play had to be closely
monitored so that no one got hurt—at least not purposely hurt. Brody
had seen it too many times. There were safeguards that needed to be
in place or bad things happened. Ignoring safe words and boundaries
caused problems.

“Tommy,” Brody said as he walked out of the office, “I’m going

to be leaving early. Lock up when you head home. I’ll finish the bike

“Yeah, sure, Brody.” Tommy rubbed his hands on a rag then

nodded his head toward the bike Brody had been working on. “You
want me to finish her up? It’s just a new cylinder head, isn’t it?”

“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, it’s no problem.”
“I’d appreciate it. I have to go help a friend out.”
“Buy me a case of beer and we’ll call it even.”
Brody chuckled. “How about I buy you a case of diapers and

some flowers for you to take home to that pretty wife of yours
instead? That would buy you a whole lot more mileage with Betty
than a case of beer.”

Tommy grinned. “That works too.”
“All right, I’ll catch you later then. I need to run home and take a

quick shower then get on my way.” Brody headed for the door,
having full confidence that Tommy would replace the cylinder head
in the bike he was working on then lock up at the end of the night.
Tommy was a good worker, and he had reason to be. His wife Betty
was expecting their first child any day now.

Brody envied Tommy his growing family. The only son of a

single mother, he hadn’t had any real family since she passed away
several years earlier. He didn’t have a clue who his father was, and his
mother had no family. That left him alone in the world after her death.

He had dreamed of having a family of his own since before he

could remember. Brody knew the chances of having children were

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pretty slim considering he was gay, and he was okay with that, but he
didn’t even have anyone to call his own.

That depressed him more than anything. Brody wanted someone

to hold at night and come home to at the end of a long day. Hell, who
was he kidding? He wanted someone that would eagerly follow his
every command. He wanted a submissive twenty-four hours a day,
not just to play with occasionally.

And that left Neason out of the running as a possible long-term

partner. Despite his seeming willingness to submit to Brody’s
demands, the man was all cowboy—from the top of his strawberry
blond head to the bottom of his size thirteen feet. There wasn’t an
ounce of submissiveness in his gorgeous six-foot-one frame.

Brody drove his motorcycle back to his small apartment behind

the Cade Creek Church and went inside to clean up. He chuckled
softly to himself as he made his way to the shower. If only his mother
could see him now. She had worried that he would never find his
place in the world. Now look at him.

He owned and operated his own motorcycle repair shop, which he

worked during the weekdays. On the weekends, Brody traded in his
grease rags for a bible and ministered to the citizens of Cade Creek.
His mother would have laughed her ass off to see him—tattoos,
piercing, and all, standing in front of the pulpit preaching. She would
have been tickled pink.

Brody finished showering and dressed in clean jeans and a white

cotton shirt. He pulled on his favorite pair of brown boots and walked
into the bathroom to splash on some cologne. As he set the bottle
down on the counter, Brody suddenly realized he was primping as if
he were going on a date.

He gripped the edge of the counter and drew in several deep

breaths. He had to be out of his mind. This was not a date. It was a
rescue mission. He was supposed to be going to the Blaecleah ranch
to help Neason, not entice the man back into his bed. He needed to get

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his head together and back on what needed to be done, not what he’d
like to be done.

Brody shook his head and pushed away from the counter. He

grabbed his leather jacket as he walked through his bedroom on his
way to the front door. The quicker he got this done, the quicker he
could come home and drown himself in a good bottle of whiskey.

It was still light out by the time Brody turned into the driveway

leading to the Blaecleah ranch, but barely. He could see the sun
starting to set behind the mountains in the distance, casting an orange
hue over the sky.

He pulled his motorcycle to a stop in front of Asa’s house and

turned it off. Brody just sat there for a moment, breathing in the fresh
clean night air as he tried to gather his thoughts. It took a special
mindset to be dominant, and at the moment, all he could think about
was how much he wanted Neason.

Brody's head jerked up when the front door of the house Asa

shared with his husband, Lachlan, opened and Asa stepped out. Brody
swung his leg over his bike and started walking toward the porch
where Asa waited for him.

“How is he?”
“Sleeping right now,” Asa replied as he rubbed the back of his

neck with his hand. “I got him in the shower and cleaned his wounds
then gave him something for the pain.”

Brody nodded. “How bad is it?”
“Like I told you, Brody, he looks like he got dragged behind a

semi. Whoever got a hold of him really did a job on him. I don’t know
exactly what Neason was looking for but I don’t think it was this.”
Asa looked grim as he shook his head. “This just isn’t right.”

“Let me see him.”
“He’s not going to want to talk to you, Brody. He’s ashamed of

the things he wants.”

Brody nodded. He’d run into that a lot over the years. Many

people didn’t understand why they wanted the things they did. They

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just knew they wanted them. And because a few closed-minded
people called it perverse, society looked down on people that wanted
those things.

“Does Lachlan know?” The less people that knew about Neason,

the easier it would be to work with the man. Brody had to teach him
not to be ashamed of the things he wanted, but he also needed to teach
him the safety guidelines.

“He knows something is up.” Asa crossed his arms over his chest

as he glanced back at the house over his shoulder. “I’ve asked him to
wait before demanding an explanation.” Asa looked back at Brody.
“That’s enough for now. He’ll wait.”

“Neason needs to be able to tell his brother himself. That will go a

long way toward making him feel more comfortable and in control of

“I won’t be able to keep Lachlan out of it for long, Brody. He

cares about his brother too much. They all do. The longer this goes
on, the harder it’s going to be to keep the family out of it.”

“How long has it been going on?”
Asa shrugged. “I don’t know exactly, but I’d say for quite some

time. The welts on his back, they’re not all new. Some of them have
been there for a while.”

Brody stiffened at the news. The night he had spent with Neason

had been over two months ago. While there had been a lot of
dominance and submission, there hadn’t been any pain in their play.
Brody liked dominating his partners. He didn’t like causing them
anything but pleasure.

“Where is he?”
Asa gestured back over his shoulder with his thumb. “He’s inside

in the spare room. I wanted to keep him here where I could keep an
eye on him. I also didn’t think sending him back to the main house
was such a good idea. His parents would freak if they knew he was
being abused.”

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“I can understand that.” And he did. If he ever got his hands on

the asshole that abused Neason, Brody knew he’d tear him apart. He
might be a god-fearing man, but he was still a man. “I think it’s best
for now if his folks don’t know, at least not until I get Neason’s head
back on straight.”

Asa chuckled a little, but it sounded like a sad, anxious chuckle as

if forced out to break the tension. “Straight is not something I think
Neason will ever be.”

Brody smiled but he didn’t really feel it. He was worried about

what Asa was telling him. Depending how badly Neason had been
abused dictated on how Brody treated him. They hadn’t spent more
than a few hours together, so Brody had no real knowledge of what
Neason was into.

If he truly preferred the more painful part of things then Brody

would have to teach him the safe way to deal with them. If he just
wanted to be dominated, Brody would still have to teach him how to
do it safely, but at least he could point out what to avoid.

“Well, you’d better show me where he is.”
Asa nodded and led Brody into the house. Brody instantly noticed

Lachlan sitting on the couch and nodded at the man. “Lachlan.”

“Brody, hey.” Lachlan jumped up and walked over to shake

Brody’s hand. “I didn’t know you were stopping by.”

“Uh…” Brody turned to look at Asa, hoping he would have an

answer for Lachlan.

“I asked Brody to stop by,” Asa said. “I want him to talk to


Lachlan tensed. “Why?”
“I’m not trying to keep anything from you, babe, I swear. I just

need you to let me do this. When it’s time, Neason will explain
everything to you. Right now, he just needs a little space.”

Brody knew things were going downhill fast when Lachlan’s

hands clenched into fists. “Lachlan, man, he just needs some time.”

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“Did someone hurt my brother?” Lachlan growled through his


“Yes, but not like you’re thinking,” Asa said quickly as he laid his

hand on Lachlan’s arm. “He got himself mixed up in something and
he got a little roughed up, nothing else. Brody is here to help him.”

“We can help him. We’re his family.”
“Not this time, Lachlan. This is something you don’t know

anything about. Just, please, let Brody talk with Neason.”

“Fine, but I want to know what’s going on before you leave this

house.” Lachlan pointed his finger at Brody then turned to glare at
Asa. “I don’t like secrets, Asa.”

Asa sighed. “Lachlan, I swear, I’m not trying to keep secrets from

you, but this is something Neason needs to tell you, not me.”

“Then why is he here?” Lachlan pointed to Brody.
“God knows I love you,” Asa said, “but you can be a stubborn ass

when you want to be, do you know that?”

“Brody, go talk to Neason while I deal with my husband. This

may take a while, so take all of the time you need.”

The corner of Brody’s mouth lifted in a smirk as he walked down

the hallway to the spare room where Neason was sleeping. He
grabbed the doorknob then took a deep cleansing breath before
opening it. He needed to clear his mind of all of his doubts concerning
Neason before he could confront the man about what happened to

Once he felt he was in control, Brody opened the door and walked

into the room. He shut the door quietly behind him and moved toward
the bad. He could just make out the shape of a man sleeping in the

Brody sat down on the side of the bed and leaned over to turn on

the lamp on the nightstand. When he turned back to look at Neason,
shock made the air in his lungs get caught in his throat.

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Neason lay on his stomach, a sheet pulled up to his waist leaving

his back bare. Deep red welts marred his back. Brody knew from
things he had seen that whoever had beaten Neason had enjoyed it. He
just wondered if Neason had.

“Neason,” Brody whispered as he reached over and gently shook

the man’s shoulder, making sure he didn't touch any of the welts on
Neason's back. “Neason, wake up.”

Neason grumbled, and a small cry fell from his lips. Brody wasn’t

surprised. The man looked like he had to be in unimaginable pain. His
back was a crisscross of red, swollen welts and whip marks.

“Neason, wake up,” Brody said more sternly. Neason had

responded so well to Brody’s commands the one night they had spent
together. Maybe that was how he needed to deal with the man in the

Neason’s eyes fluttered for a moment then slowly opened. His

dark blond eyebrows drew together in a deep frown and he reached up
to push his hair out of his eyes.

“Hello, Neason.”
Neason froze for a moment then glanced over his shoulder.

“Wha—” Neason swallowed. “What are you doing here?”

“Asa called me.”
Brody waved his hand toward Neason’s back. “So we could talk

about that.”

“Why?” Neason asked again.
“Because this is wrong, Neason.” Brody could have slapped

himself in the face when he realized how his words must have
sounded to Neason. “If this is something you enjoy, that’s fine, but
you should never look like this.”

“Go away,” Neason mumbled as he turned his head away and

buried his face in the pillow.


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“Neason, roll over and look at me.” When Neason shook his head

and refused to roll over, Brody deepened his tone when he spoke
again, using the same voice that had demanded the man suck his cock
while kneeling on the floor. “Now, Neason!”

Neason’s shoulders visibly shook as he rolled to his side. He

looked up at Brody for a moment then dropped his eyes.

“I told you to look at me, Neason.”
Neason’s moss green eyes slowly rose up to meet Brody’s. They

were filled with so much fear that the green in them had paled to
almost white. “Why are you here?”

“To teach you how to go about this properly.”
Neason’s eyes widened so much that they dominated his face. He

slowly began to shake his head. “No.”

“Yes, Neason.”
Brody’s mouth dropped open when Neason suddenly rolled the

other direction and scrambled across the bed like he was being chased
down by a monster. He stood up on the other side of the bed and
pointed at Brody.

“You stay away from me.” Neason’s voice wavered. His hand


Brody stood to his feet and started to walk around the end of the

bed. He was shocked by Neason’s actions when the man jumped up
on the bed and ran across to the other side. “Neason, that is enough!”
Brody snapped. “Get down from that bed right now.”

“Stay away from me.”
“I’m not here to hurt you, Neason.” Brody softened his voice

when he spoke. “I just want to show you how to do this properly,
without getting hurt. Didn’t you enjoy the night we had together, the
things we did together?”

“Yes.” Neason’s whispered word was filled with anguish, and

something more—need.

“Then come to me.” Brody gestured with his hand for Neason to

come closer. “Let me show you how this should be, not what you’ve

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been experiencing. There’s a proper way to do this, a safe way. What
you’ve been doing isn’t right.”

Neason’s head snapped up. “Don’t you think I know that? Go

ahead, say it. I’m a fucking freak.”

“You’re not a freak, Neason.”
“Then why do I want the things I do?” Neason shouted as he

waved his hands wildly in the air. “Why do I let guys do this to me?”

“Because you don’t believe the things you want are okay. I’m

here to teach you that they are.”

“And then what?”
“And then you will be ready to find someone that can treat you

like you deserve.” Brody didn’t know what he said was so upsetting,
but he could see Neason close down almost instantly. “This is for the
best, Neason. You need to learn how to accept the things you want
and deal with them appropriately.”

“Fuck off, Brody!” Neason snapped.
Neason just shook his head and started for the door. He pulled it

open so forcefully that the door creaked as if it was about to come off
its hinges. Before Brody could stop him, Neason stormed out of the

Brody took off after him. He needed to convince Neason that he

wasn’t a freak. “Neason, damn it, come back here.”

“Fuck off, Brody.”
“What the hell is going on here?’ Lachlan shouted as he jumped to

his feet. He skidded to a stop and inhaled sharply when he caught
sight of Neason’s back. “Nea—” Lachlan’s eyes were filled with rage
when he turned them on Brody. “What in the hell did you do to my

“Lachlan, calm down, this isn’t—”
“Calm down? Calm down?” Lachlan shouted. “You fucking calm

down. I want to know what in the hell you did to Neason.”

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Brody quickly raised his hands in the air. “I didn’t do this,

Lachlan. I would never hurt Neason like this.”

“Then who did?” Lachlan snapped. “Who do I have to kill?”
Brody heard Neason cry out and turned just in time to see the man

dart out the front door. “Shit!” He ran after Neason, knowing he had
to catch the man before he got away. Neason was in no condition to
be on his own. He was way too upset. Lachlan ranting and raving
wasn’t helping the situation either.

He reached the front porch just as the truck Neason was driving

spun out in the driveway and started driving wildly down the
driveway. Brody started for his motorcycle, intent on chasing after
Neason, until he heard the tires of Neason's truck screech. A moment
later, Brody’s worst fears came to life when the truck careened off the
road and crashed head-on into a tree.

“Call an ambulance,” Brody shouted as he started running, his

heart beating erratically as he prayed he would find Neason alive
when he reached him. If anything happened to Neason because of
something he said, Brody would never forgive himself.

The truck was smoking by the time he reached it. Brody took in

the scene at a glance then ran for the driver’s side door. The front of
the truck was crushed in and wrapped around a large oak tree. The
engine was smoking and sputtering.

Inside the truck was even worse. The dashboard was crushed and

pushed toward the front seat. Neason lay with his head resting against
the steering wheel, which was bent in the shape of his head. Shattered
glass lay everywhere.

Brody yanked on the door, but it wouldn’t open. It was crushed

and bent to the point that it wouldn’t give. Instead, he reached through
the window and carefully lifted the hair out of Neason’s face. Fuck!
Neason’s face was covered in blood.

“Oh jeez, baby, what did you do now?”

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Chapter 3

“Brody,” came a voice from the back of the church, “I’d like to

talk with you.”

Brody lifted his head from where he’d been praying—hell, he’d

been begging for a miracle for Neason. He knew that Neason had
come out of the coma he had been in after the accident but not much

Brody stood up and walked to the edge of the pew. “How’s


Brody held his breath as he waited for Lachlan to say something.

The man held his cowboy hat in his hands as if he would hit
something if he didn't. Brody wasn’t sure the damn hat would survive.

It had been two weeks since Neason crashed his truck into a tree.

The moment Neason’s da saw the marks on his back, the family had
closed ranks. No one was allowed in to see the man without the
family’s permission—not unless they knew how to sneak past the

“You should know,” Lachlan said. “You’ve been going in to see

him every night since the accident.”

Brody gripped the pew beside him until his knuckles creaked.

“He’s always sleeping when I see him, and the nurses, while they
somewhat look the other way, none of them will tell me anything
about his condition.”

“He’s—” Lachlan licked his lips as his eyes darted around the

room. He seemed edgy. “The doctor took the bandages off his face a
few days ago.”

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“I noticed that when I went to see him.” Brody tilted his head a

little as anxiety began to fill him. “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”

Lachlan’s eyes were full of agony when he finally raised his head

to look at Brody. “He can’t see, Brody.”

“Oh god,” Brody whispered as his legs suddenly went out from

under him. He sat down heavily on the floor and leaned his head back
against the side of the pew he’d been sitting in as he tried to breathe
through the sudden panic attack threatening to sweep over him. “Tell
me,” Brody whispered.

“I don’t understand a lot of what the doctor said, but the basics are

that Neason’s head bounced around in the cab of his truck when he hit
the tree, and he suffered some sort of head trauma. There was a lot of
swelling. While it’s gone down, there’s still some damage.”

“What sort of damage?”
Lachlan’s face paled and his hands tightened on his hat brim.

“The doc says Neason most likely won’t ever regain his eyesight.”

“Fuck.” Brody’s hands began to tremble as agony filled him. For

Neason to lose his eyesight was a devastating blow. The man was a
rancher. He needed his eyesight every single day just to complete his
work on the ranch. “He must be devastated.”

Lachlan turned his hat in his hands as he stared down at it. “That’s

kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Anything I can do to help, Lachlan, all you have to do is ask.”
“Do you mean that?” Lachlan asked as his head came up.
“I do.” Brody had the idea that coming to tell him how Neason

was doing wasn’t all Lachlan was there for. The man was regarding
him a little too curiously.

“What can you tell me about what happened to Neason before the

accident? How did he get those marks?”

“I don’t know the particulars but—”
“But you do know what happened to him, don’t you?”
Brody pressed his lips together for a moment then nodded. “I have

a fair idea, yes.”

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“Tell me.”
“Lachlan, I don’t think it’s my place to talk to you about this.

Maybe you should ask Neason.”

Lachlan smacked his hat against his thigh. “I can’t. Every damn

time that anyone tries to talk to him he goes nuts. He starts screaming
and ranting, striking out at anyone that gets too close. Hell, he decked
a male nurse this morning when the man tried to give him a sponge
bath. Neason’s totally lost his mind.”

“I imagine he’s scared, Lachlan.”
“Of what?” Lachlan snapped as he started pacing. “I’m his

brother. I love him no matter what. I understand that he’s blind, but
we’re family. I just want to help him.”

Brody sighed and pushed himself to his feet. He moved over to sit

down in the pew again then patted the hard wooden seat next to him.
“Let me try and explain this to you as best as I can.”

“Please.” Lachlan’s body slumped in the pew next to Brody. “I

don’t know what to do for him, Brody. He won’t talk to me.”

“Like I said, I think he’s afraid.”
“But of what? He’s my brother. I’ll take care of him no matter


“No, not that.” Brody shrugged. “Well, I imagine that terrifies

him. But he’s more afraid that you’ll be ashamed of him when you
find out what happened to him. He’s ashamed, so he believes you
must be too.”

“I could never be—”
“Just listen to me before you say that.” Brody leaned back in his

seat and thrust his hand through his long hair while he tried to decide
how much to tell Lachlan. Neason was going to be pissed at him
anyway for saying anything, so he might as well get it all out there.
“Your brother is what is called a sub.”

Lachlan’s forehead wrinkled in confusion. “A substitute?”
“No, a submissive.”

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“Neason is not submissive!” Lachlan snapped as he jumped to his


“Will you listen to me?”
“Not if you’re going to call my brother names.”
“Damn it, Lachlan.” Brody clenched his fists to keep from

decking Lachlan. “This is exactly why your brother won’t talk to you
about this. This is why he’s ashamed, because he knows what you
will think of him. It’s the same thing he thinks about himself.”

“I am not ashamed of my brother!” Lachlan’s face darkened.
“Aren’t you?” Brody snapped as he jumped up to face Lachlan.

Anger started to burn in him. “I say the word submissive and you
automatically think Neason’s weak. He’s not. He’s one of the
strongest men I have ever met, and if you knew more about your
brother, you’d know that being a submissive is something he craves
with every fiber of his being.”

Lachlan’s forehead wrinkled as he frowned. “Why?”
“Are you willing to listen with an open mind and without


Lachlan plopped down in the pew again and dropped his head into

his hands. “I don’t understand any of this, Brody.”

“That’s because you’re not a submissive.”
“What am I?” Lachlan asked as he glanced up.
Brody chuckled and sat back down. “You and Asa both have

dominant personalities, Lachlan. There isn’t a submissive bone in
your bodies.”

Lachlan sighed deeply as he clasped his hands together and let

them drop between his knees. “Explain the difference to me, because
I’m not sure I understand it.”

“Some submissives are readily apparent, like Billy. There is no

doubt that he’s a submissive. Rourke is more dominant. It’s kind of
like being top dog. Rourke is the top dog in their relationship. Billy is
lower down on the food chain.”

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“I think you might be wrong, Brody. I’ve seen Billy get into lots

of fights. He’s a tough little shit.”

“Lachlan, physical strength has nothing to do with being a

submissive. Just as it has nothing to do with being dominant. That’s a
huge misconception.” Brody clasped his hands together. “Neason is a
submissive, which simply means that he enjoys being dominated by a

“He likes that shit?” Lachlan sounded astounded, and a bit


“I don’t know exactly what all Neason is into, Lachlan. We’ve

never discussed it. But I do know that he enjoys turning himself over
to his partner, being told what to do, how to act and react to things.”

“And you know this how?” Lachlan’s eyes narrowed. “Because

you’re into that shit too?”

“No, I am a dominant. I prefer being the top dog. But it’s more

because Neason and I spent time together the night of Rourke and
Billy’s wedding.”

“You fucked my brother?”
“Well, he sure as shit didn’t fuck me!” Brody snapped as he drew

himself up to his full six foot six inches in height. “Like I said, I’m
the dominant one, not the submissive. I do the fucking.”

Lachlan suddenly chuckled. “You should try it sometime. You

have no idea what you’re missing.”

“Not my thing, man.” Brody smiled despite the agitation he was

feeling. “I like to be on the giving end of things, not the receiving.”

“But, you’re saying my brother does?” Lachlan asked. “Like

being on the receiving end, I mean?”

Brody rubbed his hand over the back of his neck as he fought with

how much to actually tell Lachlan. The things he had done with
Neason were between the two of them, private. It wasn’t something
he really wanted to discuss with Neason’s brother.

“There are a lot of things that your brother likes, Lachlan, but I’m

not sure I have the right to discuss them with you.”

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“Damn it, Brody, I need to know,” Lachlan snapped. “I’m trying

to figure out if you can help my brother or if I’m talking to a brick

Brody’s head snapped back. “What do Neason’s sexual

preferences have to do with helping him?”

“You go and see Neason every night, right?”
“Yes.” Brody began to fidget under Lachlan’s intense stare,

playing with the seam edge on his jeans. “I’ll stop if that’s what you
want, but I just needed to know he was okay.”

“No, no, I’ve already informed the nurses that you can see him

anytime you want.” Lachlan waved a hand at Brody. “That’s what I
wanted to talk to you about, though.”

“Oh?” Brody’s curiosity was piqued.
“The nurses tell me that the only time Neason sleeps well without

medication is when you come to visit him. It seems to calm him

Brody had noticed that as well. Neason would fidget until Brody

arrived. He just had to touch Neason’s hand or stroke a finger down
Neason’s cheek and the man calmed and fell into a deeper sleep.

After hearing the nurses’ comment on how improved his vitals

were after one of his visits and how much better Neason slept, Brody
had taken to sitting in a chair at Neason’s bedside until the sun started
to come up every morning. It gave him a lot of sleepless nights, but at
least it seemed to be doing Neason some good.

“He responds to you, Brody, to your presence.”
Brody swallowed hard. He knew what was coming, and he didn’t

know if he had the answer Lachlan wanted. The man wouldn’t like
what was required for Brody to dominate Neason. Brody doubted
Lachlan even wanted to hear about it. “I can’t do it, Lachlan.”

“Do what?”
“You want me to help Neason by dominating him, demanding that

he respond to me and to my orders. You want me to command him to
come back into the land of the living.”

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“It won’t work, Lachlan.” Brody shook his head. “Neason

responds to me because he’s had experience being under my care.
That’s not the same thing as helping him recover and learn to live
with being blind.”

“It could be.”
“No, it can’t!” Brody spun around to stare out a nearby window.

He could see the dark clouds forming outside and knew a storm was
rolling in. It was gloomy outside, and that was just how Brody felt.

“To do the things you ask I would have to have complete control

over Neason with no interference from you or your family.” Brody
knew telling Lachlan this would make the man reconsider. “My
authority would be absolute.”

Brody’s jaw dropped as he whirled around to stare at Lachlan in

shock. “I don’t think you understand, Lachlan. I mean complete
authority. If I tell him to kneel at my feet, you can’t get upset. You
can’t even say anything. There can be no interference from you
whatsoever. Neason has to see me as the only person in the universe
that matters to him.”

“I’m listening.”
“No, you’re not!”
“My brother is blind, Brody,” Lachlan shouted as he stalked

across the space between them. “He’s never going to see again. Right
now, he’s so depressed that I’m afraid to leave him alone in case he
does something to hurt himself. I’ve never seen him like this, and I’ll
do anything to keep him alive.”

Brody knew there had to be a way to make Lachlan reconsider his

crazy plan. As much as Brody ached to have Neason in his care again,
what he wanted from Neason could only come if Neason was willing
to give it.

“I’ll need at least a month alone with him.”

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“Done,” Lachlan replied without hesitation.
“I’m serious, Lachlan, a full month, just me and Neason. No

surprise visits. No dropping by because you’re worried about him. I’ll
need an entire month alone with him to train him to respond just to

“I have just the place in mind.” Lachlan smiled. “We have a little

two-room cabin back in the woods at the base of the mountain behind
the ranch. Ma and Da built it when they first settled here, so we try
and keep it in good condition because that was our first home. It’s far
enough away from everything that I doubt you’ll even see anyone.”

Brody arched an eyebrow. “You do realize that Neason will fight

this, right? He’s angry right now, and scared. This won’t be easy on
him. He’s going to be very angry in the beginning. He’ll feel resentful
and betrayed. He’ll be angry at you for agreeing to this.”

“As long as he comes out of it alive, I don’t care.”
Brody couldn’t believe he was agreeing to this, let alone even

considering it. Neason was going to blow a gasket. Brody shuddered
as he considered how pissed Neason was going to be. The man might
even hate him. Brody wasn’t sure he could live with that.

Before the accident, Brody knew that he had absolutely no chance

with Neason. The man was a rancher, and not one to be submissive as
often as Brody craved. Now, the circumstances had changed, but that
didn’t mean Neason had. It might just be Brody’s only chance with
the sexy man.

“There’s one more thing, Lachlan.” Brody drew in a deep breath

as he got ready to state his last demand. This one would either deliver
Neason to him on a silver platter or alienate the Blaecleah family for
good. “If I do this, I won’t be giving Neason up when it’s over. He’ll
be mine. The bond between us will be too deep for me to just let him

“The family won’t like being separated from him.”
“I’m not saying they have to be. After we come back from the

cabin, they can see him all they want. I don’t even have an issue with

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us living out on the ranch. In fact, I think it would be good for
Neason.” Brody pointed his finger at Lachlan. “But that doesn’t mean
I won’t be right there with him and my authority won't still be
absolute. You have to decide if you can live with that on a full-time

“Can Neason?”
“I believe it’s what he needs, what he craves. I wouldn’t agree to

this otherwise.” Brody didn’t mention the fact that it was what he
wanted as well. “But I’m very serious here, Lachlan. If I do this,
Neason will be mine.”

Lachlan pressed his lips together for a moment like he wanted to

argue then he put his hat on his head. “Done.”

* * * *

The little cabin in the woods rocked. It was perfect for what Brody

had planned. The main room was the kitchen and a small breakfast
nook on one side of the room. The other side was the living room with
a large stone fireplace, a simple overstuffed tan couch and chair, and a
built-in bookshelf along one wall.

Beyond the main room there were two bedrooms and bathroom.

Brody was greatly relieved to discover that not only had the bathroom
been modernized but it had a large tub and separate shower. It was
obvious from the difference in the age of the wood on the walls that
the large bathroom had recently been added to the cabin.

The main bedroom was a good size. It had a large bed pressed up

against one wall and two dressers on the other. Besides the bed,
dressers, and the single nightstand on the outside of the bed, there was
no other furniture in the room. It was simple, which was just what
Brody needed.

The second bedroom was simply a room with two twin beds and a

dresser. It was obvious that it was a child's room by the colorful
wallpaper and empty toy box in the corner.

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The cabin was relatively spotless, which told Brody that someone

came by and cleaned it on a regular basis. The place was well cared
for and obviously loved by the Blaecleah family.

It didn’t take Brody more than a day to bring the items from his

house that he knew he’d need along with his clothes. It took him even
less time to set things up just the way he wanted.

Lachlan had delivered supplies the previous day and promised to

drop off fresh groceries and supplies once a week. Brody demanded
that he call first to make sure he could show up. He didn’t want
Neason having contact with anyone except him until he deemed it

Brody had even disconnected the phone in the house and hidden

his cell phone in the kitchen where he doubted Neason would find it.
Besides, it was turned off, only to be turned back on for emergencies
and at prearranged times when Brody would call Lachlan and give
him a progress reports.

Brody arranged the furniture in such a way that Neason wouldn’t

hurt himself if he stumbled around but wouldn't know the exact
layout. He didn’t want things set up in the same fashion in case
Neason had recently visited the cabin.

Neason needed to rely on Brody for everything—his food, his

environment, his very safety. He needed to believe that Brody would
keep him safe in all things. It was the only way to build trust between
them. Neason needed to know if Brody didn’t say anything, he was
safe. And he needed to follow Brody’s word instantly to keep himself
from danger.

Brody knew he had a lot of work ahead of him. Not only did he

need to teach Neason to trust him, but he had to get the man used to
living without his eyes. It was a tall order but one Brody hoped he
was ready for. He wanted Neason and he’d take him, sight or no sight.

Once everything was set up to his satisfaction, Brody went to sit

on the wooden bench on the front porch. All he had to do now was
wait for Lachlan to show up with Neason, and then the training would
begin. Brody just hoped he and Neason were ready for it. It was sure
to be interesting for both of them.

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Chapter 4

“Where are you taking me?”
“Shh,” Lachlan whispered as he pushed Neason down the hallway

in a wheelchair. “The nurses will hear you.”

“And?” Neason didn’t give a fuck who heard him. He wanted to

know where Lachlan was taking him. He was perfectly happy sitting
in his hospital bed. He didn’t need to go anywhere else.

Well, maybe he wasn’t perfectly happy, but he wasn’t any happier

being snuck out of the hospital. At least he knew where things were in
his room, and the nurses made sure no one bothered him. He didn’t
want to leave.

“Take me back, Lachlan. I don’t want to leave the hospital.”
“That’s not a choice you have right now, bro.”
Neason started to growl, but it quickly turned to a yelp as the

wheelchair suddenly stopped and whipped around. Neason grabbed
onto the arm rails to keep himself from flying out of the chair.

“Take me back!” he shouted. Surely the nurses would hear him

and stop Lachlan from absconding with him.

“If you want to go back so bad, do it yourself.”
Seething at his brother’s callus words, Neason pushed himself out

of the wheelchair and lurched forward. He grunted and grabbed his
nose when he plowed face-first into cold metal, only realizing he was
in the elevator when he heard a soft ding.

He turned, wishing he could see Lachlan’s face, but all he saw

was darkness. “Why are you doing this to me?”

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Lachlan sighed and a moment later, Neason felt hands guiding

him back to his wheelchair. He sat down with a loud huff and grabbed
the arm rails just to be on the safe side.

“I’m not trying to be cruel, Neason,” Lachlan said. “You’re

wallowing in grief in that hospital room. It’s time for you to come
back to the land of the living.”

“I’m blind, Lachlan.”
“Yes, you are, but you’re not dead.”
Neason pressed his lips together when he heard Lachlan step

around behind him. He knew Lachlan didn’t understand. Lachlan
wasn’t blind. He could see whatever was facing him. All Neason saw
was a bleak future of nothingness—and a dark nothingness at that.

He didn’t understand where Lachlan was taking him. The only

thing his brother would tell him was that they were going to a place
where Neason could get help. Neason assumed it was a medical
facility, and after the argument in the elevator, Neason stopped
arguing and let his brother stuff him in the truck.

Neason was terrified, but he wasn’t going to tell Lachlan that. His

brother exuded power and strength, and there was no way he was
going to admit any weaknesses to him or his family.

“We’re almost there.” Lachlan’s voice came from Neason’s left


Neason didn’t answer. He wasn’t sure what to say. Living in the

dark was even more frightening than the admitting the things he
craved. Neason shouldn’t be thinking of that right now or having
images of Brody floating around in the dark mist of his mind.

That life was over. Whether it had been right or wrong was

irrelevant now. There was no way Neason was crazy enough to trust a
stranger with what he needed when he would be unable to see him. It
was bad enough he suffered through his freakish desires, but he
wouldn’t even be able to tend to his wounds once it was over.

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Neason sunk further into his depression at the thought of burying

his needs. If he thought it was hard to find someone before, his
chances were at zero now.

Neason felt the truck slowing down and wondered if they were at

a stoplight. His curiosity was soon answered when the truck engine
died. They hadn’t been traveling long, so Neason knew for a fact that
they weren’t near any medical facility.

“Where are we?” he asked as his hands skated through the dark,

trying to find something to hold onto.

Neason heard rustling and then his brother’s deep voice broke

through the terrifying darkness that was now his home. “Do you trust
me, Neason?”

Neason wasn’t sure what Lachlan was up to, but what choice did

he really have? “Yes.”

“Then I’m going to take you somewhere that you can get help."
Neason heard the truck door open and began to panic. “Lachlan!”

he cried out and then cringed at the desperation in his voice. Never in
his life had he been so scared to be alone. Not knowing if someone
was near or if he had to fend for himself was what paralyzed him the

“I’m right here, brother.” Lachlan’s strong voice carried inside the

truck as Neason’s door opened. “Trust me, please. I would never
leave you alone.”

Neason nodded as his hands stretched out, feeling for his brother

and some sort of reassurance. He felt slightly better when Lachlan’s
strong hands circled around his arms and pulled him from the truck. It
was slow going, but Neason finally got his footing only to feel
softness under him. “Grass.”

“Very good,” Lachlan’s strong voice praised him. “I’ll guide you,

so take your time and get your footing.”

Neason nodded again as he grabbed onto Lachlan with a death

grip as they progressed slowly across the yard.

“I’ll go slow,” Lachlan promised.

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Neason swallowed as his mouth dried out. He wasn’t sure where

they were going, but he was terrified. Why did he have to leave the
hospital? He may have been angry and combative, but he knew where
he was. The unknown was making Neason tremble.

“It’s all right, Neason.” Lachlan’s hand ran up his back, giving

him some sort of anchor as Neason felt his way up the stairs with his
feet. He heard a door creak open, and then the smell of pine and cedar
hit him.

“Are we at the cabin?” Neason asked as he inhaled deeply.
“You’re better at this than you thought.” Lachlan gave a soft

chuckle as he pulled away.

“Lachlan? Where are you?” Neason felt around with his hands in

the familiar and unfamiliar room. He began to panic as he turned in
circles, losing his perception of where he was as his fingers clenched
and unclenched. He didn’t want to cry out, but he was fucking

Neason sighed loudly when he felt an arm under his fingers again.

“Is this your idea of a sick joke?”

“No, Neason.”
Neason stilled. It couldn’t be. He’d know that voice anywhere.
“What’s going on?” he asked angrily as he released Brody’s arm.

“Where’s Lachlan? Lachlan!”

“He’s gone, Neason,” Brody replied. “I’m all you have right


Neason listened intently for any sound of movement. When he

stood there for a long moment and heard none, his hands reached out
in front of him again as he tried desperately to grab onto something,

“I want to go back to the hospital.”
“That’s not going to happen, Neason.”
“Why not?” Neason shouted. “Why am I here? Why are you here?

What’s going on?”

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“You’re here because I want you here.”
Neason swallowed hard at the steely tone he could hear in Brody’s

voice. It was the same one the man used on him the night they spent
together. The sound shivered down his back and settled in his balls,
making them ache.

“I wa—” Neason cleared his throat from the panic building up. “I

want to go back to the hospital.”

“It’s five miles east of here. Would you like me to walk you to the

the end of the driveway?”

Neason growled in frustration. He couldn’t walk all the way back

to the hospital, and Brody knew it. Neason doubted he could make his
way off the porch without assistance. Why was Brody playing with

“Just call Lachlan.”
“There is no phone here.”
“Yes, there is.” Neason frowned. “Ma had one put in the kitchen

years ago.”

“It’s been disconnected.”
“Then let me use your cell phone.”
“I’m afraid that is unavailable as well.”
Neason felt like stomping his foot. “You can drive me back to the

hospital then.”

“No car.”
“Your motorcycle?”
“Afraid not.”
“The how in the hell am I supposed to get back to the hospital?”

Neason shouted. A moment later he yelped and jumped when
something smacked him in the ass. He quickly covered his butt and
swung around. “Hey, what in the fuck was that for?”

Neason let out a deep howl of frustration when the hand he had

covering his ass was pulled away and another swat was delivered to
his ass cheeks. “What are you doing?” he shouted as he struggled to
get away from Brody.

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“I do not like swearing, Neason,” Brody said sternly.
Neason tried to yank away when his chin was gripped, but Brody

held him tightly. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt a
finger ghost over his lips. He wished he could see the expression on
Brody’s face to gauge his mood. Not being able to see Brody totally

“I especially do not like hearing such words come from such

pretty lips.” Brody tapped his finger against Neason’s lips. “The next
time I hear such foul language I will take you over my knee and
paddle your ass.”

“Fuck you,” Neason growled as he jerked away from Brody. He

wasn’t going to be manhandled by anyone—especially not when the
idea of Brody’s hand on his ass sounded so damn good.

Neason turned and started stumbling across the room. He had no

idea where he was going as long as it was away from Brody and the
things he wanted and couldn’t have.

“Aahhh!” Neason shouted when he was suddenly spun around and

lifted into the air. When he came back down, he was laid out over
Brody’s lap. Neason started struggling when he felt his jogging pants
get yanked down around his thighs. A moment later, the flat of
Brody’s hand landed on his ass—hard.

“Hey, that hurts!”
“Then you should not have cursed, Neason, especially after I

warned you what would happen,” Brody said as he smacked Neason’s
bare ass again and again. “I will not stand for such disrespectful

Neason could feel tears prickle the corner of his eyes as he

struggled to get away from Brody. He was fighting hard with his
emotions and even harder with the arousal that was suddenly
swamping his body.

Every time he thought he was starting to get away from Brody, the

man just pulled him back and continued swatting at his ass until it
ached. Neason finally slumped against Brody’s thighs, knowing he

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wasn’t going to get away until Brody let him. Nothing he did seemed
to work. Brody might only be a few inches taller than him, but the
man was definitely the stronger of the two of them.

“Please,” he whispered. His face flamed, not because he was

being spanked, although that was humiliating enough, but because he
was so aroused by the act of being spanked by Brody. He was
shocked when Brody’s hand didn’t land hard again but rather
smoothed over his burning ass cheeks.

“Please, what, Neason?”
Neason squeezed his eyes tight, not that it mattered. He saw

nothing but darkness with his eyes open or closed. “Please stop.”

Neason shuddered when Brody’s hand continued to stroke his ass.

Had anything ever felt so good? There was a deep ache in his ass that
only added to Brody’s gentle, but firm touch.

“Are you going to swear again, Neason?”
That was a hard question for Neason to answer considering how

much he was enjoying what Brody was doing. “No,” he finally
answered, not because he wanted Brody to stop but because he
figured that was what Brody wanted to hear.

“Why don’t I believe you?”
Neason’s head dropped down even further than it was. There just

seemed to be no way out of this for him. He was screwed if he did and
screwed if he didn’t. “What do you want me to say, Brody?”

“Say that you won’t swear anymore.”
Neason planted one hand on Brody’s thigh and used it to push

himself up so he could look over his shoulder at Brody, not that he
could see him. He just figured that was where Brody’s face was.
“What do you care?”

“I care, Neason. I care a great deal.”
Neason suddenly realized Brody wasn’t holding on to him quite

so strongly and quickly slid off the man’s lap, pulling his pants up to
hide his naked ass. He scooted back until he ran into something.
Reaching back with his hand, he followed the flat surface with his

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hand until he realized he had backed into the end table that shouldn’t
be where it was.

“You moved the furniture.”
“I did,” Brody replied calmly. “If you already knew the layout of

the room, you’d know where to step.”

Neason followed the sound of Brody’s voice as the man got up

and started to move about the room. He frowned in confusion. “Why
don't you want me to know where everything is? I could get hurt.”

“In order for you to learn to trust me, you have to believe that I

will not let you be harmed.”

Neason was becoming more confused by the second. Brody was

the last person he wanted to learn to trust. The man already had too
much power over him, whether Neason liked it or not. “Why do I
have to learn to trust you?”

Brody spoke from right in front of Neason. “Because I’m all that

you have, love.”

Neason jerked back when he felt Brody’s hand graze his cheek.

Brody sighed deeply, which Neason knew couldn’t be a good sign.
“Send me home,” he whispered. “Send me back to the hospital.”

“That’s not going to happen, Neason.” Brody rose up and started

walking around the room again. Neason turned his head and followed
the sound of the man’s footsteps. “You are here until I say otherwise.”

“What?” Neason shouted as he scrambled to his knees and then

his feet. His eyebrows drew together in an agonized expression. “No!
I want to go home.”

“For the next four weeks, this is your home, Neason,” Brody’s

voice rang with command. “It will be just you and me for the next

“No, I—” His voice broke with despair. He couldn’t spend the

next four weeks inside a cabin with Brody. He’d never be able to keep
his emotions in check, not for that long. He wanted Brody too much
and the things the man represented—and he knew from experience
that Brody didn’t want him at all.

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Fear and anger knotted inside of Neason, fighting each other for

dominance. His thoughts scampered between wanting to escape and
wanting to shout at Brody, to demand that he be taken back to the
hospital. Fear won out.

Neason pushed away from the table he held onto and hurried

across the room, holding his hands out in front of him so he could feel
anything he might run into before he ran into it. He grunted loudly
when his shin crashed into something then turned and kept going.

He’d walk home if he needed to. He wasn’t going to stay locked

up with a man that was an even bigger threat to his thin hold on his
sanity than being blind. He could handle the darkness. He couldn’t
handle Brody being the only light in that darkness.

“Chair, Neason,” Brody called out right before Neason crashed

into the unforgiving wooden furniture.

The chair went crashing across the floor. Neason wavered, his

heart pounding frantically in his chest. Panic started rioting inside of
him. He couldn’t remember how much furniture was in the room or
where the door was located. He couldn’t escape!

Neason started turning and turning, stumbling one direction then

another, crashing into stuff at every turn. Icy fear twisted around his
heart, and his stomach clenched tight. Darkness was all he could see,
his heavy breathing all he could hear.

He choked back a cry, frightened until he felt two strong muscular

arms wrap around him from behind, halting his panicked rampage. He
felt as if a hand had closed around his throat. He breathed in shallow,
quick gasps.

“Ssshhh, love, calm yourself.”
Despite the fear racing through every nerve in his body, Neason

felt himself calming down. His heart rate lessened, and the tight knot
in his stomach unclenched. Neason leaned his head back against
Brody’s chest and just allowed himself to breathe.

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“I won’t let anything happen to you, Neason.” Brody’s voice was

smooth but insistent as if he expected Neason to believe him just
because he spoke the words. “I will keep you safe.”

Neason closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. His voice was shakier

than he would have liked when he replied to Brody. “I don’t want to
do this, Brody.”

“What don’t you want to do, love?”
Love—that right there was what he didn’t want to do. He was

already half in love with Brody after the exquisite night they had
spent together. Brody had been everything Neason could have
dreamed of and then some. Spending more time with Brody would
only damn him even more, especially when he knew deep in his heart
that Brody didn’t want him.

After their night together, Brody had left and never called again,

and it had been weeks. Neason kept waiting for Brody to call, to
invite him to enjoy another night together. He never called. Neason
figured maybe he was too freaky for even Brody.

And that was when his troubles really began. He had started

looking for that same wonderful, awe-inspiring feeling he’d
experienced under Brody’s hand. All he had gained was a bloody
backside, disappointment in himself, and now, the loss of his sight.

Maybe fate was trying to tell him something.
“What do you want from me, Brody?”
“I want you to trust me.”
“Why?” This time, when Brody stroked his hand down the side of

his face, Neason leaned into it. He couldn’t help himself. He craved
Brody’s touch like he craved his next breath of air.

“Because we need each other.”
“You need me?” Neason scoffed as he pulled away from Brody.

“For what? A good laugh?”


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“What?” Neason spun around to stare at where he thought Brody

was standing. “I have nothing you need, Brody. I’m blind, don’t you
get that?”

“I am fully aware of your condition, Neason.”
“My condition?” Neason laughed roughly. “My condition. Yeah,

that’s what we’ll call it, my condition.” Neason waved his hands
wildly in the air. “I don’t have a condition, Brody. I’m fucking blind.
I don’t see anything but—aahhh!” Neason screamed as he was
suddenly grabbed again.

He suddenly knew he had cursed again, and he knew what was

coming. He wasn’t about to get his ass smacked again. Neason
clenched his hands into fists and started swinging them toward Brody.
He knew at least one of his blows had landed when he heard Brody

“No!” Neason shouted when he was suddenly taken to the hard

floor and pushed over onto his stomach. He wiggled and struggled to
get away, fighting with all of his strength. Brody was stronger and
had him pinned to the floor in a matter of moments.

Neason whimpered when he felt Brody straddle him and pin his

arms behind his back. He turned his face toward the wooden floor
beneath him when tears of frustration welled up in his sightless eyes.
He might not be able to see but Brody could and Neason was ashamed
enough as it was. He didn’t need Brody seeing him cry to compound

Brody’s voice was uncompromising yet oddly gentle when he

spoke. “I will give you that one, Neason, because we are just starting
out together and you are obviously upset. However, be forewarned,
this is the only free pass you will get. Swear again and I will redden
your ass.”

When Neason felt Brody let go of his arms, he moved them up to

rest on the floor next to his head. Other than that, he just stayed where
he was. What was the point in fighting? He couldn’t see where he was
going, and he couldn’t escape Brody.

It was hopeless.

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Chapter 5

Brody felt the fight go out of Neason as the man slumped against

the floor. His heart ached for the pain Neason was suffering. He
wished he could fix it and make everything better. Unfortunately, he
knew it wasn’t over yet. They had a lot of work to do before Neason
was ready for the world.

“Are you ready to stop fighting me, Neason?” His voice, though

deep, was crisp and clear. He wanted Neason to know he had a choice
in things, but he also wanted the man to realize who was in charge
between the two of them. He couldn’t allow his voice to soften toward
Neason until the man accepted his dominance.

“Then you may get up.” Brody pushed himself to his feet and held

out his hand. “My hand is right in front of you, just a few inches from
your face. All you have to do is reach out and take it.”

Neason stilled for a moment then hesitantly reached out until their

hands connected. Brody gently pulled Neason to his feet then stepped
closer to smooth Neason’s shirt down. He kept his other hand
connected to Neason’s.

“Why?” Neason whispered in a broken whisper. “Why are you

doing this?”

Brody could have answered Neason’s question, but he didn’t think

he was ready to hear the answer. It might be weeks before Neason
was ready. Instead, Brody started leading Neason toward the
bathroom. He wanted to clean the strong hospital disinfectant smell
off of the man. He also thought Neason could use a little gentle care
right about now.

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Brody drew Neason into the bathroom then turned to get the

shower going. When he turned back, Neason was shaking. Brody
winced and pulled Neason to him. He rested his chin on the top of
Neason’s head as the man burrowed into him.

“It’s going to be okay, love,” Brody whispered to the top of

Neason’s head. “I promise.”

“You can’t promise that.”
“I can promise anything I want.”
Neason’s husky laugh broke free as he tilted his head back.

Neason’s mossy green eyes had turned pale milky green because of
the accident. It wasn’t a bad color on the man considering his light
strawberry blond hair. It made Neason seem even more exotic. But
Brody couldn’t help but wonder if they would always be that way or
if they would darken back to their normal green.

“Let’s get you cleaned up,” Brody said as he pushed Neason’s

jogging pants down to his feet then lifted each foot and pulled the
pants off. He tossed them into the laundry hamper to be washed later.
He had something much better for Neason to wear.

Brody quickly pulled off his own clothes, smirking at himself

when he realized his body was reacting to Neason’s nearness. His
cock was certainly taking interest, standing at half-mast and
threatening to harden the rest of the way.

He grabbed Neason’s hands and pulled him toward the shower.

“Foot up, Neason. There’s a lip on the edge of the shower.”

“I remember.”
Neason stepped carefully, lifting his foot high up as he stepped

over the edge of the shower stall. Brody pulled him into the shower a
little further then directed him under the hot shower spray.

He quickly grabbed a clean washcloth off the shelf next to the

shower then stepped into the shower, closing the door behind him.
Brody watched Neason soak under the water as he soaped up the

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The marks on his back had healed nicely. There were faint scars

but nothing hugely visible. Brody would have been very upset if
Neason’s former indiscretions marred his beautiful tanned skin.

And Neason really did have beautiful skin. That was one of the

things that fascinated Brody so much about the man. Neason was all
tanned skin and lean muscle. Brody could actually see each muscle
ripple when Neason moved.

Brody felt Neason jerk beneath his hand as he started washing his

body. He smoothed his free hand down Neason’s side as he whispered
in his ear. “Shh, love, I’m just getting you soaped up. The lingering
scent of the hospital is all over you, and I prefer that you smell like

Brody proceeded to wash Neason from head to toe, starting at his

shoulders and slowly working his way down Neason’s backside.
Neason shuddered when Brody reached his ass and carefully washed
between his cheeks. He even lifted up on his toes and pushed his ass
out as if begging for more.

Brody smirked as he simply washed the man, not staying in any

one place too long. He might want to tease Neason a bit but not too
much. They weren’t to the intimate stage of their relationship yet,
despite having been together once before. Brody refused to head in
that direction until he had Neason’s trust, and he knew he didn’t yet
despite how accepting Neason seemed to be at the moment.

There was another blow up coming, and Brody knew it. As much

as he hated the idea, he needed Neason to lose control before he could
start gaining it back. Neason had yet to accept his new life. Right
now, he was just floating through it. Brody wanted him to live it.

When he reached Neason’s feet, he lifted each one and washed it

thoroughly, including between each toe, before setting it back down
on the shower floor. Brody sat back on his knees and patted Neason’s

“Okay, love, turn around so I can get the front.”

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Neason hesitated for a moment then slowly turned around. His

reason for hesitating was obvious when his hard cock bounced in
front of Brody’s face. Brody inhaled deeply and tried his best to see
the thick shaft as simply a part of Neason’s body and not something
he wanted to wrap his lips around. It wasn’t easy, especially when he
had to wash that area.

Brody’s hand trembled a little as he lifted hard cock out of the

way and washed between Neason’s thighs and over his balls. Brody
glanced up quickly when he heard a small whimper fall from
Neason’s lips.

Neason had his lower lip caught between his teeth, a look of

extreme concentration on his face. He looked like he was doing
everything in his power not to come. A quick glance back down told
Brody that Neason was on the very edge. The cock in his hand
throbbed, turning an angry purple color.

Brody stood to his feet, keeping his hand firmly wrapped around

Neason’s cock. He stepped as close as he could get to Neason while
keeping his hand wrapped around his hard erection. Brody used his
strongest, most commanding voice when spoke.

He squeezed Neason’s cock at the same time and gently bit the

skin just below Neason’s ear. It wasn’t hard enough to break the skin
but just enough to give Neason a little pain with his pleasure, just
enough to send the man over the edge.

Neason cried out, his entire body shuddering as he came all over

Brody’s hand. Brody stroked Neason a couple of times while biting
his lip to keep his own orgasm from taking over. He wanted to come.
He needed to come. But he wouldn’t until Neason accepted him.

So much for not being intimate. Brody grimaced as he raised his

hand and washed it off under the shower spray. Brody was angry with
himself. He should have more control than this. Neason just seemed
to make him lose all sense of what he knew was right and go for what
he wanted instead of what Neason needed.

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“Make sure your hair is good and soaked, Neason. It needs to be


Brody poured shampoo into the palm of his hand as Neason tilted

his head back and got his shoulder length strawberry blond hair wet.
Once Neason raised his head, Brody stepped behind him and mixed
the shampoo in. He made sure he massaged his fingers into Neason’s
scalp, giving it a good scrubbing. Neason’s appreciative moans were
nearly Brody’s undoing.

“Okay, all done,” Brody said a few minutes later. “You can rinse

your head now.”

Brody stood back and watched Neason lean back into the shower

spray. He swallowed hard when the taut muscles on Neason’s
abdomen and chest tightened when the man arched back. Damn,
Neason was one fine looking man. There wasn’t an inch of the man
that didn’t call to Brody.

Brody waited until Neason had rinsed off then opened the door

and stepped out. He grabbed Neason’s hand and guided him from the
shower, leaving him standing on the floor mat as he reached for a
towel. It took just a few moments to dry Neason off and then himself.

“I have some clean clothes for you in the bedroom,” he said as he

led Neason back into the bedroom by his hand. “Until you get used to
walking around on your own, you can grab onto my shoulder. I’ll
make sure you don’t fall or run into anything.”

“I still don’t understand why you’re doing this.” Neason frowned.

“I don’t even understand what this is.”

“You will in time.” It wasn’t something Brody could explain to

Neason. He’d either get it or he wouldn’t. End of story. “For now, you
just need to accept that you’re here until I believe you are ready to
face the world.”

“And when will that be?”
Brody smiled at the uncertain waver in Neason’s voice. “When I

say so.”

“Well, that’s not an answer.”

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“For you it is.” Brody pressed Neason’s hand over the bottom bed

railing so he’d have something to hold onto then went in search of the
clothes he’d picked out for the man to wear. In the future, Neason
would go back to his jeans and cotton shirts. For now, he needed
something easy on and easy off—simple cotton pajama bottoms and
tank tops to match. “Here, these should fit,” he said as he held the
items out to Neason, close enough that they touched his hand. “I’m
pretty sure I judged your size accurately.”

“It’s not pink, is it?” Neason asked.
“No.” Brody chuckled. “While I think you’d look good even in

pink, I bought these in pale green to go with your eyes.”

“My eyes are moss green.”
“Not anymore. I don’t know if that will change with time or if

they will stay this color, but they’re pale green now, like a milky

“Milky green?” Neason’s hand trembled as he brought it up to

touch the corner of his eye.

“Think of the light-colored moss you find on trees down by the


“Do they—” The corded muscles on Neason’s throat moved up

and down as he swallowed hard. “Do they look weird?”

“I think they are quite compelling, actually.” Brody stepped closer

and stroked his thumb over the soft skin by the corner of Neason’s
eye. “I loved the color of your eyes before, but anyone can have green
eyes—like every member of your family. Now, they are very
stunning, unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”

Brody’s eyes were drawn down when Neason licked his lips.

“So…so, they look okay then?”

Neason’s nervousness was apparent in the stress lines on his face.

Brody knew the man was fighting to stay strong in the face of
overwhelming adversity. Not only was Neason blind, and most likely
so for the rest of his life, he was still fighting to find his place in the

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world. Brody had every intention of helping Neason find that place,
and it would be right next to him.

“Your eyes have always been beautiful, love,” Brody murmured.

“Now, they are even more so. They are mesmerizing. I could look at
them all day long.”

Neason took a deep breath and some of the lines in his face

lessened. “Okay then.”

Brody stepped back and watched Neason dress. He knew that this

wouldn’t be the last time that they visited this subject. Neason’s self-
esteem had to have taken a beating after everything he’d been
through. He would be nervous, self-conscious, and wonder if he still
had the same appeal that he had before.

It would be up to Brody to prove to Neason that he was just as

gorgeous as he was before, if not more so. His blindness didn’t detract
from his appeal at all. Knowing that Neason belonged to him, needed
him, only added a level of attraction for Brody. That was one of the
reasons he took so much pleasure out of being dominant. He needed
to be needed.

“Are you hungry?” Brody asked after Neason finished dressing.
“Not really,” Neason said, but Brody saw his eyes dart away.
Lachlan explained to Brody Neason’s issues with eating with

people watching. His eye-hand coordination was non-existent. Neason
refused to eat when others were in the room because of the mess he

Brody grabbed Neason’s hand and placed it on his shoulder then

started walking out of the room, Neason in tow. “Well, even if you’re
not hungry, I am. You can sit and watch me eat.”

“Not funny, Brody,” Neason growled.
“Baby, you’re blind, not stupid. I refuse to stop referring to your

sight in any way, so get used to it.”

Neason’s hand tightened on Brody’s shoulder, but he didn’t say

anything. Brody smiled and walked toward the kitchen at a slow easy

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pace. He wanted Neason to get used to relying on him for things. That
was the first lesson.

The second lesson involved getting Neason used to relying on

himself. He was blind, not dead. People all over the world lived
happy, healthy, productive lives without their sight. Neason would

Brody guided Neason to one of the dining chairs then walked

around the kitchen island and started preparing breakfast. In the
beginning, they would have a light meal, something that could be
eaten with their hands. They would move on to more complicated
meals as Neason’s self-confidence returned.

“I’ll make breakfast for the next couple of days until you get used

to the kitchen, but then I expect you to have breakfast ready by the
time I get up.” Brody kept a close eye on Neason’s reaction to his
words as he grabbed a couple of bagels and sliced them open. He
loved bagels.

“What?” Neason gasped in shock, just as Brody had expected.

“Have you lost your mind? I can’t cook.”

“Yes, you can, and I fully expect you to.” Brody pulled the toaster

out, plugged it in, then dropped a bagel into it. Once that was done, he
leaned against the counter and looked at Neason. “You’ve lost your
sight, Neason, not your ability to function.”

“I can’t cook!”
“Is that because you’ve always let your mother cook for you and

you don’t know how to or because you’re too lazy to cook your own

“Because I’m fucking blind!” Neason shouted as he slammed his

hands down on the table.

“Are you swearing, Neason?”
Neason’s eyes, sightless as they were, still widened. “No,


“I didn’t think so.” Brody smiled, knowing Neason couldn’t see it.

“I don’t expect you to learn overnight, Neason, but I do expect you to

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learn. Being without your sight does not give you an excuse for not

Neason’s shoulders slumped as he leaned back in his chair He

seemed dejected and totally confused. “I don’t know what you expect
of me,” he said softly.

Brody walked over to stand behind Neason, placing his hands on

the man’s tense shoulders. He started gently massaging the stiff
muscles as he spoke. “I expect you to try, love, that’s all—try. I don’t
expect you to be perfect, and I certainly don’t expect you to learn
everything overnight. It’s going to take time to learn to live with
being blind.”

Neason’s shoulders tightened right up as he stiffened. “I don’t

want to learn to be blind. I want—” Neason sniffled. “I want my eyes

Brody wrapped one arm around Neason’s wide chest then leaned

down to kiss the top of his head. “I know, love. I wish I could make
that magically happen for you, but I can’t. We can hope your sight
comes back, but we need to be prepared in case it doesn’t.”

Neason tilted his head back and turned it slightly to the side as he

pressed against Brody’s abdomen. His hands clenched on the table.
Brody could feel the wetness from Neason’s silent tears soaking into
his thin cotton shirt.

“You’re not alone, love,” Brody whispered against Neason’s hair.

“I’ll be here to help you. I won’t make you do this on your own.”

“I don’t know if I can do this.”
“You can. You will. I expect nothing less from you.”
“But what if I can’t? What if I mess up?”
“You will mess up.” Brody chuckled. “You’re human, Neason.

It’s bound to happen.” Brody moved around Neason and squatted
down beside him. He reached over and cupped Neason’s face between
his hands. “Just try, ask for help when you need it, and remember that
you’re not alone. There are a lot of people rooting for you.”

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“Including you?” Neason’s words were barely audible, but his

milky green eyes darted around as if he were trying desperately to see.

“Yes, love, especially me.”
Neason let out a sigh as if he had been holding his breath waiting

for Brody’s answer. He wiped his hand over his face then nodded.
“Okay, then I guess you’d better teach me how to make breakfast in
the dark.”

Brody smiled as he stood. “I hope you like bagels, because I do. I

have a bagel with cream cheese and fresh fruit every morning. I also
prefer juice over coffee. The caffeine in coffee makes my nerves jump
too much.”

“I can’t function without my coffee.”
“We’ll wean you off of it slowly. Juice is much better for you, or

better yet, water.” Brody grabbed Neason’s hand and pulled him to
his feet. He placed Neason’s hand on his shoulder and guided him
around the island and into the kitchen.

“You can spread the cream cheese on the bagels while I cut the


“Uh…okay.” Neason just stood there as if he had never

considered he could actually do something in the kitchen.

Brody grabbed the cooling bagel and set it on the counter in front

of Neason. Next, he set the container of cream cheese in front of him
then handed him a butter knife. “The bagel is directly in front of you.
The cream cheese is at twelve o’clock.”

“Twelve o’clock?” Neason’s forehead wrinkled as he frowned.

“Like on a real clock?”

“Yes. Think of everything directly in front of you as if it’s set up

like the hands on a clock. The bagel is in the middle of the clock, dead
center. Your hand with the butter knife is at three o’clock. Your other
hand is at nine o’clock. The cream cheese is at twelve o’clock, and the
edge of the counter is at six o’clock.”

Neason’s hand moved slowly, tentatively as he reached out to

touch each item. Brody grinned when he heard Neason mumbling the

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clock numbers. He didn’t think it would take long for Neason to catch
on. Neason always seemed like an intelligent man to him.

“The dinner table will be set up the same way,” Brody said as he

started cutting fresh fruit into bite sized chunks. “Your plate will be
the center of the clock. You cup will sit at ten o’clock, your
silverware at three o’clock. The knife always sits closest to the plate,
then the fork and then the spoon. If you always set things up the same
way then you always know where they are.”

Neason’s head snapped up. “I’m setting the table?”
“You are. I’ll stack everything on the counter for you for the first

couple of days, but after that, you’ll need to get them out of the
cupboard. I moved things around a bit to meet my needs. Your mother
and I don’t do things quite the same. I’ll show you where everything
is later.”

“Do you really think I can do this?”
“I have every confidence that you can. Spreading cream cheese on

a bagel or setting a table is the easy part. Just wait till I teach you to
drive a car.”

Neason’s mouth dropped open and the butter knife in his hand

clattered to the floor. “You have lost your mind.”

“No.” Brody chuckled. “But I had you going there for a minute,

didn’t I?”

The corners of Neason’s mouth twitched like he wanted to laugh

but didn’t know if he should. Finally, he shook his head and went
back to putting the cream cheese on the bagels. Brody grinned and
carried the fresh fruit to the table. He sat down in his chair and
watched Neason finish what he was doing.

There was something calming in watching the sexy man spread

cream cheese on a bagel. Brody knew it had nothing to do with
Neason learning to do things without his eyes and everything to do
with how much Brody liked having the man in his life on a permanent

Now, if he could just convince Neason to make things permanent.

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“I’m at the dining table, Neason. Around the left-hand side of the

island and three feet past it.” Brody leaned over the table and pushed
Neason’s chair all of the way in. “You need to remember to always
push your chair in, Neason, or you’re going to trip over it.”

Neason held the plate of bagels in one hand and reached out in

front of him as he edged around the corner of the island and started
for the table. His steps were slow and measured as if he were counting
in his head.

“Routine is important for you now, Neason. Never leave

something out. Always put everything away. It becomes a danger if
you can’t see it. If everything is in its place, you’ll always know
where it is.”

“Sounds about right,” Neason said as he set the plate down on the

table. He reached around until his hand landed on the back of the
chair then pulled it out and sat down. “Uh…where’d the food go?”

Brody chuckled. “It’s at your ten o’clock. In the future, always put

the plate of food in the middle of the table, dead center as you can get
it. That way, you’ll always know where it is. It will be above your
twelve o’clock.”

Brody watched Neason feel around the table until his hand

touched the plate. Neason smiled when he grabbed the plate and
pushed it over to the center of the table. Neason seemed rather proud
of himself as he felt for his cup, plate, and silverware—all placed
exactly where Brody said it would be.

“Now what?” Neason asked as he folded his hands in his lap.
“Now, we eat.” Brody spooned some fresh fruit out on Neason’s

plate and added a bagel. He did the same for his plate then poured
them both a glass of water. “There’s a small container with your pills
at your nine o’clock. Don’t forget to take them.”

“What are they?” Neason asked as he searched for them.

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“They are mostly vitamins to help you build your immune system

up. After being so recently injured, the last thing you need is a cold or
something worse. The rest are just the medications the doctor has you
on, stuff to help with your recovery.”

“I hate pills.” Neason grimaced.
“I’m sure you do, but you’ll take them anyway.”
Neason opened his mouth like he was going to argue then snapped

it shut as if he decided not to. Brody was grateful that Neason
couldn’t see the amused smile on his face. He knew Neason wouldn’t
easily give in to him. He expected the man to fight him. But it was
interesting watching Neason decide what was worth fighting and what
was not.

“All of your medications are in a basket on top of the fridge,” he

said as he watched Neason take the pills. “The doctor has provided
sleeping pills if you need them, but I suspect you can go without. The
pain pills, however, if you need those I expect you to tell me.”

Brody stabbed a piece of fruit with his fork then glanced over to

see Neason staring down at his plate. Well, his head was tilted in that
direction anyway. “What’s wrong, love?”

“Do I really have to eat in front of you?”
“Neason, you’ll be doing everything in front of me, so you’d

better get used to it.”

“But it’s—I’m—I don’t want to.”
“But you will. Pick up your fork and eat.”
Neason’s lips began to curl in a snarl and Brody knew a fight was

coming. He wasn’t in the least bit surprised when Neason picked up
his fork and threw it across the room.

“You better have heard where that landed because you will be

picking it up.”

“You can’t make me,” Neason growled as he slammed his hands

down on the table.

Brody moved instantly, reaching out and pinning both of

Neason’s hands to the table. Neason started to struggle, his jaw

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dropping open when he couldn’t free his hands. There might be only a
few inches between them in height, but Brody was by far stronger and
he knew it. And now, so did Neason.

“You have two choices here, Neason,” Brody said sternly. “You

can accept that my will is stronger than yours and go find your fork,
or I can put you back over my knee and paddle your ass.”

“You can’t keep spanking me!” Neason shouted. “I’m a grown

man, not a child.”

Brody leapt out of his chair and moved around the table. In a

matter of moments, he grabbed Neason and yanked him out of his
chair, sat down, and pulled the man down across his lap. He had
Neason’s pants pushed down and delivered the first swat before
Neason could even start to struggle.

“If you believe you should be treated like an adult, Neason, then

you should start acting like one. Right now you’re behaving like a
disobedient child.” Brody delivered several swats during his speech
until Neason’s ass was rosy red. When he finally stopped, Neason
didn’t move.

“There is always punishment for disobedience, Neason,” Brody

said as he squeezed one reddened cheek, “and reward for following
the rules.” Brody stroked his hand over Neason’s ass and pressed a
single finger between his cheeks, grazing the tip across Neason’s pink

Neason’s breathing hitched. He shuddered and spread his legs as

much as the pajama bottoms bunched around his thighs would allow.
Brody grinned and stroked his finger across Neason’s puckered
opening a couple of more times.

“With a man like you, love, sexual release is a reward.

Withholding sexual gratification is a punishment.” Brody pushed just
the bare tip of his finger into Neason’s ass, marveling at how tight the
small ring of muscles were. “If you want to be allowed to come then
you must follow the rules.”

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Brody grit his teeth as he pulled his finger free. The last thing he

wanted to do was deny either of them the release they wanted, but he
had to let Neason know he was serious. He heard Neason’s small
moan of protest as he set the man on his feet and pulled his pants back

“Failure to do as you are told will leave both of us frustrated.”
Brody stood and guided Neason back to his chair. He looked over

to the far side of the room and searched for the fork Neason had
thrown. He patted Neason’s shoulder then walked toward the kitchen
to wash his hand.

“Your fork is on the floor near the wall at your twelve o’clock.

It’s about five feet to the wall from the edge of the dining table. Be
careful of the hutch.”

Brody walked into the kitchen and turned on the water. He

washed his hands as he watched Neason get up and make his way
across the dining room to the wall. Neason felt around for a moment
until his hand landed on the hutch then bent down to the floor. He
kept on hand on the hutch and used the other to search the floor.

Once he had found the fork, he stood back up and walked back to

the dining table and sat in his chair, setting the fork down a few
inches from his plate. Brody smiled and grabbed a clean fork. He
walked back into the dining room and set the fork down next to
Neason’s plate.

“There’s a clean fork at your three o’clock.”
Neason seemed dazed as he picked up his fork. He searched his

plate with his other hand until he found a piece of fruit then stabbed it
with his fork. Brody smiled and sat down across from Neason then
began eating his own food.

Brody was surprised by the lack of argument from Neason as they

ate. He had expected Neason to fight him more, especially after
telling Neason of his punishment and reward system. Maybe he
shouldn’t have been so surprised. Neason craved having someone
dominate him.

Brody was just the man for the job.

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Chapter 6

Neason set the last of the dishes in the drainer to dry. Despite his

lack of being able to see, Brody had insisted that he hand wash all of
the breakfast dishes every morning. Neason thought he was nuts but
figured out how to know if the dishes were clean or dirty by feeling
them with his hands.

Putting the whole blindness thing aside, he’d never been more

confused in his life as he had been over the last three days. Brody
brought out feelings in him Neason wasn’t sure he was ready to deal
with. The man exuded confidence and power unlike anyone Neason
had ever met. He was enthralling.

Neason was totally hooked.
And scared to death. Brody threatened any peace Neason thought

he could have found—not that he had any peace as of late. His life
seemed to be in constant turmoil. If it wasn’t one thing, it was

First, his obsession with being dominated, then his accident. Now,

Brody had decided that he was a permanent fixture in Neason’s life.
And that was one thing that confused Neason more than anything

Why was Brody here? What was he getting out of this besides a

blind man? Neason knew he could no longer be a rancher. He needed
eyes to work a ranch. He had no idea what he was going to do now,
but he was getting the strong feeling Brody would be involved. He
just didn’t know how.

“Brody,” Neason called out, “the dishes are done.”
“Come into the living room.”

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Neason swallowed at the instant ache Brody’s deep timbre caused

him. He quickly dried his hands off on the towel on the counter then
folded it and set it on one side of the sink so he’d know where it was
later. Brody had said he needed a routine so he’d know where stuff
was. Neason was slowly learning.

He carefully walked toward the living room, each step slow and

measured as he tried not to put his hands out in front of him to search
for objects he could run into. He felt that just made him look odd—
and just a bit lost.

Neason instantly stopped, his heart pounding in his chest.
“Take two steps to the right, or you’ll run into a chair.”
Neason took two steps to the right.
“Now, come forward five feet.”
Neason had no idea how to gauge five feet so he took five steps

forward. When he stopped, he felt Brody’s knees brush his shins and
knew he stood right in front of the man. It was a little disconcerting
not being able to see Brody’s face, especially when Brody could see
him. Neason felt nervous. He clenched his hands then rubbed one of
them up and down his other arm.

The silence was deafening.
“Turn around and sit down.”
Neason turned around and started to step over to one side of

Brody to sit down when he suddenly felt the man’s hands on his hips,
pulling him back. Neason yelped when he lost his balance and fell
backwards to land on top of Brody.

“I’m sorry,” he quickly said as he tried to scramble off of Brody.
“I didn’t tell you to move over, Neason,” Brody said. “I told you

to sit. Now sit.”

Neason swallowed hard and sat, realizing that he was sitting right

on top of Brody’s lap. He squirmed around, feeling ridiculous to be a
full-grown man sitting in another man’s lap. And then he felt Brody’s
arms wrap around him and dip under the waistband of his pants.

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Neason froze, his breath catching in his throat as he waited to see

what Brody would do. It was the first time Brody had touched him so
intimately in days, not since he’d been spanked in the kitchen for
throwing his fork. He quickly bit his lip when he almost groaned as
Brody’s hands pushed his pants down far enough to pull his cock out
of his pants.

He hadn’t been hard when he walked into the living room, but he

quickly was becoming just so. Brody had that effect on him. The man
just had to touch him, breathe in his direction, and Neason’s cock
hardened right up.

“Lay back, love.”
Neason hesitated for a moment then lay back against Brody’s

chest. He was positive that Brody could hear the rapid beat of his
heart. How could he not? It was beating a million times a minute.

Neason frowned, not sure what Brody was referring to until he felt

a small tug on the waistband of his pants. He lifted his hips and felt
his pants get tugged further down his legs until they were pushed off
his feet. Next, his shirt was pulled up over his head.

Neason had no idea where his clothes went, but it was rather

disturbing being totally naked while sitting in the lap of a man that
was fully clothed. It was also arousing as all hell.

“Spread your legs,” Brody murmured in his ear. “Place them on

the outside of my legs.”

Neason gulped and spread his legs. He could feel Brody’s thighs

bunch as he settled his legs over the top of them. He prayed no one
could see him except Brody. Neason felt his face heat up at the
picture he must have presented for anyone watching. He had to look
totally wanton all spread out over Brody’s lap.

“Put your arms over your head. Wrap them around my neck.”
Neason shuddered but did as Brody demanded. He felt ridiculous

until Brody’s warm hands began to move across his chest. And then

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he forgot to worry about anything but the feel of Brody’s fingers
skimming across his skin.

Arousal swamped him. It seemed to be directly connected to the

hands stroking him. When Brody’s fingers grazed over his nipples,
they hardened to little pebbles as if begging for more. Neason arched
up, physically asking for more.

“Shh, love, just lie back and let me play.”
Neason was all for that, but he had no idea how he was supposed

to be still. The need to lean into Brody’s solid touch was almost
overwhelming. Every inch of his body ached. Brody’s slow
movements only made it worse.

The man didn’t seem to be in the least bit of a hurry. He just took

his time, slowly caressing as much of Neason’s body as he could
reach while totally ignoring Neason’s hard cock. He even caressed
Neason’s balls and the smooth skin behind them, never once touching
Neason where he ached to be touched. It was like he was purposely
trying to drive Neason out of his mind. It was working.

“Please,” Neason groaned as he arched again and tried to get

Brody’s hands on his cock. He ached to come so bad that he could
taste it. He cried out in relief when Brody’s hand finally wrapped
around his throbbing cock.

“Is this what you want, love?”
“Yesss!” Neason hissed as Brody began to work his aching

erection. He could feel the hard bulge in Brody’s lap beneath his butt.
He knew the man was aroused as he was. He just didn’t understand
why Brody didn’t simply fuck him. It wasn’t like they hadn’t done it

Neason brought one of his hands down from around Brody’s neck

and started to reach under his back for the buttons of Brody’s pants
when the man beneath him suddenly stopped everything. Brody didn’t
move a single muscle.

“Did I tell you to move?” Brody growled.
“No, I—”

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“Then put your arm back where it belongs.”
Neason frowned but put his arm back up around Brody’s neck. He

felt funny not being able to touch Brody. As good as the pleasure was,
it felt empty without being able to return the favor. Neason’s erection
started to wane as his arousal took a nose dive. As much as he desired
Brody’s touch, this felt all wrong to him.

Neason knew he was going to get in trouble when he pushed

himself away from Brody and dropped to the floor. He’d probably get
his ass spanked again. At this point, he didn’t care. The coldness in
being fondled when he couldn’t touch the person he was with was
worth any ass beating he received.

Neason huddled on the floor and drew his knees up to his chest,

wrapping his hands around them and burying his face against them.
He couldn’t see Brody, and he didn’t want Brody to see him. He felt
like more than his body was naked at the moment. He felt like his
very soul was being exposed.

Neason cringed when he felt Brody kneel behind him. Brody’s

hand on his shoulder sent him into sheer panic. Neason didn’t want
this. He didn’t want to be used like a toy and then forgotten once it
was over. That was what had happened the last time they were
together, and he was still reeling from the hurt that had caused.

Neason pushed away from Brody and bounded to his feet. A small

sob escaped his mouth as he started stumbling through the house. He
didn’t know where he was going, but he knew he had to get away
from Brody. The man represented everything he wanted and couldn’t

He cried out when he crashed into the chair Brody had steered

him around when he came into the room before. He hopped on one
foot for a moment, his other foot throbbing in pain. When he heard
Brody’s footsteps behind him, Neason pushed the pain aside and
started running through the house again.

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He hit a wall, then another, ran into a sideboard and a bookshelf.

He knew he had more than one bruise coming by the time he reached
what he hoped was the bedroom door and crashed through it.

Neason ran into the room full speed. He felt the mattress hit him

in the knees and fell across it. Neason buried his face in the blankets
as tears fell from his eyes. He hated crying. His da had told him that it
wasn’t wrong for a man to cry but he really hated crying. It made him
feel weak.

Neason felt the mattress give next to him. He quickly wiped his

eyes and tried to stifle the quiet sobs trying to climb out of his throat.
He especially didn’t want to seem weak in front of Brody. When
Brody’s hand settled on the middle of his back, Neason wiggled until
Brody lifted it away.

“Go away,” he mumbled into the covers.
“Not going to happen, love.”
Neason frowned and rolled over to glare at the spot where he

thought Brody was. “Why do you keep calling me love? Is that your
idea of a joke? Pity the blind man while dangling something in front
of his face?”

Neason wished he had kept his words safely locked behind his lips

when Brody suddenly rolled over on top of him. He struggled against
Brody’s hold, hating the fact that the man was stronger than him when
his arms were pinned down to the bed.

“I do not pity you,” Brody growled.
“Don’t you?” Neason snapped.
“No.” Brody’s voice was much softer when he spoke again. “No,

Neason, I don’t pity you. Yes, I am sorry that this horrible thing
happened to you, but I do not pity you. You are one of the strongest
men I have ever met, and I know you will overcome this just as you
would any other situation you were faced with.”

“Then why—” Neason couldn’t finish. He turned his face away,

afraid that his emotions were being broadcast all over his face. He
resisted when Brody grabbed his chin and tried to turn his face back.

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“Neason, look at me.”
“I can’t look at you. I’m blind, remember?” Brody chuckled at his

words, which set Neason’s teeth on edge. He didn’t find this situation
amusing at all. “Stop laughing at me!” Neason snarled as he turned
his head back.

“Well, at least it got you to look at me.”
Neason briefly wondered if Brody could see his eyes roll. Could

he still do that even if he was blind?

“I wasn’t laughing at you, Neason, not really. I was laughing at

what you said.” One of Brody’s hands lifted away from Neason’s
chin. A moment later, it gently cupped Neason’s face. “I know you
can’t see me, but I can still see you.”

Neason knew that. It was why he had turned his face away. He

didn’t need Brody to point it out to him. Neason didn’t want anyone
looking at him as deeply as he knew Brody could. The man seemed to
see things about Neason that he didn’t even know himself.

“I’d like to take a nap.” And lick his wounds in private.
“After we talk,” Brody said. “I want to know why you got so

upset in the living room.”

“I wasn’t upset.” Neason tried to turn his face away again, but

Brody wouldn’t let him. He huffed and closed his eyes. Pinned to the
bed as he was, it was the only option left to him.

“You could have fooled me, love. I thought we were enjoying

ourselves. I know you were, and I certainly know I was. So, what

“It was wrong.”
“It just was.”
“Don’t you like my touch?”
The husky note in Brody’s voice made Neason swallow hard and

open his eyes. It didn’t matter that he couldn’t see Brody. He wanted
the man to know he was serious. “There’s not a right answer to that

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Brody chuckled again. “Probably not, but I’d like you to answer it

anyway, and honestly if possible.”

“Because the answer is important to me.”
“Yes, I liked being touched by you, but I didn’t like not being able

to touch you. It felt cold and unfeeling. It was like we were strangers.
You could have picked me up in a bar for all of the feeling that was
involved in it.”

“And you didn’t like that?”
“And that, love, is the perfect answer.”
Neason frowned as he started putting two and two together. He

was coming up with five, and that didn’t make sense. Had Brody
meant to piss him off? “You were playing me?”

“No, no, Neason,” Brody said quickly. “I was actually enjoying

touching you. I like you all laid out like a feast for me. There may be
times when I tie you down and just play with you for hours. But I was
very much into what we were doing.”

“Is that why wouldn’t you let me touch you?” Neason asked.
“That’s part of the reason.”
Neason cocked an eyebrow when Brody didn’t expand on his

answer. “And the other part?”

“I want very much to fuck you, Neason, but I won’t do so until

you realize that this is for keeps. I’m tired of one-night stands, even if
they involve you. If you’re not in this for the long haul, I’ll still help
you learn to adjust to life, but I won’t fuck you.”

Neason’s mouth dropped open as shock rolled through him. Was

Brody serious? He almost opened his mouth to ask when Brody
suddenly rolled off of him. Neason pushed himself into a sitting
position as he felt the bed dip as Brody stood up.

“Think about what I have said, Neason.”

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Neason could hear Brody’s voice growing distant and knew he

was walking out of the room. He held up his hand. “Wait, where are
you going?”

“I’m going to go out into the living room to give you some time to


Neason heard Brody walk away, his footsteps fading as he walked

down the hallway. He dropped back against the bed and covered his
eyes with his arm. Neason chuckled lightly, seeing the humor in some
things just as Brody had. He was blind as a bat but still covered his
eyes with his arm like it would block out the light. How fucked up
was that?

Brody wanted to keep him. That was even more fucked up. Why

now? Why not before when he could see? Brody kept saying that he
didn’t pity him, but why would he suddenly decide to keep him now
that he was blind instead of when he could see? What had changed?

Neason desperately wanted to be with Brody, almost more than he

wanted his sight back. But he didn’t want the man if Brody’s only
reason for being there was because Neason needed him so much. He
wanted whatever happened between them to mean more than that.

He just didn’t know what Brody wanted from him.
Neason had questions, and he knew the only way he could get

answers was to ask them. He rolled off the bed and slowly made his
way to the door. Once he felt cold hard wood under his hand, Neason
kept his hand against the wall and used it to guide him back toward
the living room and Brody.

“Brody,” he said once he reached the corner of the living room,

“can I ask you some questions?”

“You may.”
Neason frowned. Brody didn’t sound happy that Neason wanted

to ask questions, but he didn’t feel he could make an informed
decision until he had answers to those questions. “Can you hand me

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my clothes first? I think this conversation would go a little easier if
we were both dressed.”

Neason could hear the smirk in Brody’s voice when he replied. “I

don’t know. I kind of like the idea of you running around naked.”

Before he could finish getting the word out of his mouth, his

clothes were pressed into his hand. Neason quickly pulled them on
like a suit of armor. Once he was fully dressed, he searched around
until he felt a chair under his hands. Neason held onto the chair and
moved around to the front of it then sat down.

“So, what do you want to know?”
“Why have you changed your mind?” Neason asked the first

question that came to his mind, the one that weighed the most heavily
on him. “Why now? Is it because I’m blind?”

“In part, yes.”
Neason’s heart sank. He knew it. He just knew it.
“You were a rancher, Neason.”
Neason frowned in confusion. “What in the he—what does that

have to do with anything?”

“You work very hard to hide the things you want from your

family and the men on the ranch.”

Neason swallowed hard. “Yes,” he whispered.
“As such, you would never have been comfortable with living the

life I want on a more permanent basis.”

Neason sat forward. “But you—” Neason pressed his lips

together. Had he misunderstood Brody’s earlier words? Hadn’t the
man been talking about a permanent relationship, or had Neason just
heard what he wanted to hear?

“Do you know why I never called you after that night we spent


Neason shook his head. He’d been asking himself that very same

thing for weeks. The only answer he could come up with was that he
hadn’t measured up. He didn’t want Brody to tell him that in person.

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“You were perfect, Neason, everything I could have desired in a


“Then why didn’t yo—”
“Because you weren’t ready to give up the control I need. Oh, you

can give it up for a night or two, but you weren’t ready to do it full
time. And I need full time.”

“So, now that I’m blind you think I’m ready?”
“I need someone that needs me, Neason. You didn’t need me

before. Now you do.”

Neason’s heart began to ache. “Is that the only reason you want

me?” He heard the couch creak as Brody moved. A moment later, he
felt Brody’s body press against his legs and his hands were grabbed.
He assumed Brody was kneeling on the floor at his feet. It was an
unusual position for a man that wanted to be in control.

“No, love, there are a hundred different reasons that I want you.”
“Name one.”
“You’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Neason felt his face flush. “Name another one.”
“You’re also one of the smartest men I have ever met.”
“You already said that one earlier. It doesn’t count.”
Brody chuckled. “I’ve never met anyone in my life that accepts

submission the way you do. You glowed when you were under my
hand, Neason. You responded to everything I did to you and begged
for more. And the way you beg, love, that was by far the sexiest thing
I’ve ever experienced.”

Neason swallowed hard as the deep timbre of Brody’s voice sank

into him. “Okay,” he whispered, “I haven’t heard that one before.”

“That’s because you’ve been spending your time with the wrong


Neason could hear the censure in Brody’s voice and knew there

was no way he could deny the accusation. Brody had seen the bloody
marks on his back before the accident. As much as he wanted to,

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denying his other liaisons would just make him look like a fool.
Neason was pretty sure he already looked foolish enough.

“I was…uh…kind of looking for something, and I thought—”

Neason pressed his lips together and turned his head away when he
couldn’t finish speaking his deepest desires. It wasn’t easy baring his
soul to someone, especially someone that had the power to hurt him.

“You were looking for me,” Brody said, “for the things I can give


Neason’s eyebrows shot up. “I like the things we did together.

That’s what I was looking for, but the pain… I don’t like the pain.”

“Then why did you…” Brody’s voice trailed off.
“Why did I what?”
“Why did you allow those men to beat you if you don’t like the


Neason knew this might lose him the chance he suddenly seemed

to have with Brody, but the man seemed to want his honest answers.
He might as well go with that and lose Brody now rather than later.

“Because I like being told what to do and how to behave.” Neason

could feel his face flame as he spoke. “I like being dominated.”

“And?” Brody’s voice was high and angry.
Neason frowned in confusion. That wasn’t the answer he expected

out of Brody. He certainly didn’t expect to hear the anger in the man’s
voice. Granted, Brody had tortured him beyond reason, but it had
never been painful. Neason just assumed it was because they only had
one night together and they hadn’t had time to get into other stuff.

“I let them do those things because I wanted to be dominated.”
“Damn it, Neason.” Brody’s head briefly landed against their

clasped hands. “You don’t have to get beaten to a bloody pulp in
order to be dominated.”

“The–Then what do I have to do?”
“You have to simply be willing to turn yourself over to someone

you trust.”

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Neason took a deep breath and turned his head to look where he

knew Brody’s face was. He could feel the man’s breath blowing
across his skin. He let the air in his lungs out slowly and took a big
leap of faith.

“I trust you.”

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Chapter 7

Something tantalizing tickled Brody’s nose, pulling him from his

deep sleep. He opened his eyes, confused for a moment as to where he
was until he saw the wooden ceiling above him. As reason returned,
he sniffed the air, getting another rich scent of something that smelled

He knew he and Neason were the only ones in the cabin unless

someone had come in during the night, so he was confused about
where the smell was coming from. Brody swung his legs over the side
of the bed and grabbed his pajama bottoms from the end of the bed.
He quickly pulled them up his legs then padded out of the bedroom,
following his nose to the kitchen.

Brody was shocked enough when he saw Neason working in the

kitchen to skid to a stop and just watch. Neason was carefully cutting
up fresh fruit, one single slice at a time. He measured each cut with
his finger and didn’t press down with the sharp knife in his hand until
he had his finger out of the way and the edge of the knife pressed
against the fruit.

Two bagels with cream cheese sat on a plate not far from Neason.

Another plate was half full of cut fruit. A carafe of orange juice
already sat on the table, which was set for two complete with plates
and silverware.

“You never did say what kind of fruit you liked, so I just went

with what was in the fridge.”

Brody jumped when Neason spoke. He hadn’t thought he made

enough noise for Neason to realize he was in the room. He quickly

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hid his shock and moved further into the kitchen to stand across the
island from Neason.

“If it was in the fridge then I like it. I never stock anything I don’t


“Can you tell me if I got cream cheese on the bagels? It was kind

of hard to tell without reading the label.” Neason chuckled.
“Although, it tasted like cream cheese.”

“It was.”
“I was thinking about that routine thing you mentioned a few days

ago,” Neason went on to say. “There are things that everyone carries
in their fridge, like ketchup and mustard and stuff. If we were to get
some sort of label maker that printed letters I could feel with my
fingers, we could label the basics with a single letter then always
place them in the fridge in the same place. That way, I could tell what
they were.”

Brody blinked in surprise. He was glad to see that Neason was

thinking in terms of his future. “That’s a pretty good idea.”

“If we can find a label maker big enough, we could label the

cupboards, too.”

“Or you could just learn where everything goes.”
Neason grinned. “I can do that.”
Brody was confused by Neason’s sudden mood change. After

their conversation a few nights ago, he had wanted nothing more than
to take Neason to his bed, but he knew Neason needed to think on
things before they took things in that direction.

It had been one of the hardest things he had ever done when he

sent Neason off to bed alone. The few days that had followed had
been full of teaching Neason to cope with being blind, not discovering
if the man was willing to be in a permanent relationship with him.

Brody was a little afraid to question Neason when he was in such

an accepting mood. He wanted to enjoy it just a little longer, so he
kept quiet about his sudden change in attitude. “What would you like
to do later?”

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“I was hoping you might take me for a walk in the woods. It’s

been ages since I’ve been outside, and I really miss it.” Neason
flashed one of his thousand watt smiles in Brody’s direction. “I made

“I can see that.” Brody cocked an eyebrow as curiosity swept

through him. “But did you make breakfast so I’d take you outside or
because you just wanted to make breakfast?”

“I wanted to show you I could do it.” Neason’s forehead wrinkled

as he frowned and slammed the knife down on the counter. “I’m not
totally useless, you know.”

“Hey.” Brody quickly stepped over and grabbed Neason’s face

between his hands, forcing the man to look at him. “I have never once
said that you were useless, Neason. That is something that you have
created in your own head.”

“I’m sorry.” Neason sighed and dropped his eyes. “Yes, I want to

go outside, but I didn’t make breakfast to try and trick you. I just
wanted you to see that I could do it, that I’ve listened to the things
you’ve been teaching me.”

“Thank you.” Brody planted a small kiss on Neason’s forehead

then released him and stepped back. “Why don’t we take this food to
the table then and enjoy it together?”

Neason nodded.
Brody grabbed the plate of bagels and carried them to the table.

He sat down in his chair and watched Neason make his way around
the island to the table. He was surprised, and impressed, by how
easily Neason moved between the two small rooms.

“You’ve been practicing, haven’t you?”
Neason’s face flushed and a small chuckle came from him. “I

dropped two plates of bagels before I thought to count the steps
between the counter and the table.”

Brody glanced down at the floor. He was surprised he couldn’t

find a trace of anything on the floor. “You did an excellent job

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cleaning up after yourself. I never would have known you dropped
anything if you hadn’t told me.”

Neason beamed as he set the dish of fruit on the table then sat in

his own chair. “I know things will change when I go out into the
world, but I’m learning how to get around the cabin pretty good. I
think what I learn here will make the future a little easier.”

Brody stared at Neason as the man spooned some fruit onto his

plate and began eating. He wasn’t exactly sure how to take Neason’s
words. Was Neason trying to tell him that he wasn’t needed in the
future? It was one of Brody’s deepest fears that once he had taught
Neason how to cope, he wouldn’t be needed anymore. Neason’s
words sounded like the man had figured that out exactly.

“You know you have a few more weeks here before you can go

back to the ranch, right?”

“I know,” Neason said as he stabbed another piece of fruit.

“That’s why I asked about going outside. I love being inside the
cabin, but I think it’s kind of becoming a crutch for me. I know where
most everything is, so I’m not surprised anymore. The outside world
is a pretty scary place when you can’t see it. If I learn to traverse it a
little more then I’ll not be quite so surprised when we return to the
real world.”

As much as Brody didn’t like it, Neason made sense. And, as

much as he hated the idea of Neason becoming independent, he
couldn’t deny the man for his own selfish needs. If Neason wanted to
go outside, he’d take him outside.

“You finish eating,” Brody said as he stood up and grabbed the

plate with his uneaten food on it. “I’ll go get everything ready.”

Brody ignored the shocked look on Neason’s face and carried his

dishes into the kitchen. He dumped the food from his plate into the
garbage then went about washing his dishes. It gave him something to
do with his hands while he mulled over his thoughts.

Neason was learning and Brody couldn’t have been prouder of

him. But with each new thing that Neason learned he grew more

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independent and further away. If Neason kept learning at the rate he
was, he wouldn’t need Brody in a matter of weeks.

Brody knew he couldn’t keep Neason from living his life to the

fullest. It was what he wanted for the man. He just wanted to be a part
of it, and he felt like he was being pushed to the side with each new
triumph that Neason achieved.

Brody cast a quick look into the dining room then reached over

the top of the fridge to grab his cell phone. It was about time he called
Lachlan and checked in with the man. He was sure to want to know
about his brother’s progress.

“I’ll be back in a minute, Neason. Be careful when you wash the

dishes. I wouldn’t want you to burn yourself or worse.”

“Brody, I’ve been washing the dishes for three days now. I think I

have it handled.”

“Yeah.” Brody grimaced, tightening his grip around the cell phone

in his hand. “You’re becoming quite independent.”

Neason’s brow furrowed and he slowly set his fork down on the

table then slid his hands down into his lap. “Isn’t that what I’m
supposed to do?”

Brody felt like crap. “Yes, of course it is, Neason. Learning to be

independent will give you a chance at having a good life.”

“There is no but, Neason. You should be very proud of all you

have accomplished in such a short amount of time.”

“There is a but.” Neason’s head turned toward him. “I can hear it

in your voice.”

“You’ve changed your mind, haven’t you?”
“Changed my mind?” Brody asked, confused.
“I should have known.”
Neason’s hoarse chuckle sent a chill down Brody’s spine. It didn’t

sound right to him. He started to take a step into the dining room
when Neason suddenly pushed his chair back and leapt to his feet.

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There was clearly anger in his gesture as he grabbed the plate in

front of him and carried it into the kitchen. Brody could tell that
Neason wasn’t counting his steps when he ran into the kitchen island.
Neason swore under his breath and grabbed the counter with one hand
and used it to guide him around the edge.

“Go make your fucking phone call,” Neason snapped, much to

Brody’s shock. The man hadn’t cursed in days. “I’ll have the dishes
done by the time you get back. And tell my brother I said I’ll be home

Brody backed away as Neason put the dishes into the sink and

began to fill it with water. How Neason knew he was going to make a
phone call, and to Lachlan, Brody would never know. He hadn’t made
a single phone call in Neason’s presence since they both arrived at the

He was even more confused as to why the man had suddenly

taken to swearing again. Neason knew it was a punishable offense. To
add to that confusion was the fact that he was just standing there not
doing anything about it. Brody suddenly felt like he didn’t have that
right anymore.

He was clearly no longer Neason’s potential lover. He was just his

teacher, and that made Brody’s heart ache in a way it hadn’t since the
man had crashed his truck into a tree. Brody pushed his way out the
back door and walked to the edge of the driveway as he turned on his
cell phone and dialed Lachlan. Maybe it would be best if Neason went

“Hey, Lachlan, how it going?”
“I think that would be a better question for you.”
“Neason is doing quite well, actually.” Brody swallowed hard and

glanced toward the house. “As a matter of fact, that’s why I’m calling.
I think he’s ready to go back to the ranch.”

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“He’s ready to come home?” Lachlan said rather loudly. “But you

told me Neason needed to be there for four weeks. It’s just been a few

“Neason is learning at an alarming rate, Lachlan, but there is a lot

I can’t teach him. I think he might be better served learning from a
professional at home, surrounded by people he knows and an
atmosphere he’s comfortable in.”

Lachlan was quiet for a moment, and Brody knew the man was

thinking hard. He didn’t want to put voice to what was really
happening and hoped that Lachlan accepted his words for their face
value and didn’t delve further. It would be too painful to admit, even
to himself, that Neason didn’t want him.

“If you really think it’s for the best, Brody,” Lachlan finally said,

“I’ll make arrangements to come get you both tomorrow morning.”

“Just Neason. I’ll be returning to my place.”
“I see.”
Brody was pretty sure that Lachlan did see. The man had always

been very perceptive. “My motorcycle is parked around the bend in
the road. I’ll wait until you get Neason then close the cabin down
before I leave.”

“Are you sure this is what you want to do, Brody?”
“No.” Brody laughed as he pushed a shaking hand through his

hair. “But it’s what’s best for Neason.”

Brody said good-bye to Lachlan after arranging a time for

Neason’s pickup then turned his cell phone off and snapped it closed.
He planted his hands on his hips and tilted his head back, closing his

He hated this shit. He didn’t want Neason to go home. Ever. At

least not to his home. He wanted Neason to come home with him. He
was even agreeable to them building a home on the Blaecleah ranch
as the other brothers had. He just wanted Neason in his home.

It just didn’t look like he was going to get what he wanted, and

Brody knew he needed to accept that. He knew coming into this

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situation that there had been a possibility that Neason would turn
away from him. That had always been a possibility. He had just really
thought things would go in the other direction—his direction. Maybe
he was an arrogant prick for thinking so, but there it was.

And now he had lost.
Brody rubbed his hand down his face and turned around to head

into the house. He needed to have control of his emotions while he
faced Neason and told him he was going home. If he didn’t, his
disappointment would be written all over his face. Neason wouldn’t
necessarily see it, but he would hear it in Brody’s voice.

He was surprised to find the kitchen empty when he walked into

the house, especially considering that the dishes were not done. They
just sat in a sink full of sudsy water. Brody quickly replaced the cell
phone in its hiding place above the fridge then went in search of

The door leading to the bedroom where Neason had been sleeping

since he arrived was closed. Brody debated on whether to knock on it
for about half a second then knocked and opened the door.

Neason was sitting on the floor in front of his bed, leaning back

against it. He had his face turned away from Brody as if he were
looking out the window. His knees were drawn up to his chest, his
arms wrapped around them.

“Did you know,” Neason said softly, “if you sit still long enough

you can feel the sunlight coming through the window?”

There was a strange tone in Neason’s voice that Brody didn’t

recognize. It concerned him almost as much as the dejected slump he
could see in Neason’s shoulders. Neason looked like he had just lost
his best friend.

What was going on with Neason, and why couldn’t he read it?

He’d always been able to read any situation he was in. That was one
of the things that made him so good at what he did, either as a
dominant personality or as a minister.

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Brody walked across the room and slid down to sit next to

Neason, leaning back against the bed beside him. Silence filled the
room, broken only by their breathing. Brody didn’t know what to say
exactly, so he went with the first thing that came to mind.

“You didn’t finish the dishes.”
“I’ll finish them later,” Neason replied nonchalantly. “They need

to soak anyway.”

Under normal circumstances, Brody would have taken exception

to Neason not finishing the dishes, but these weren’t normal
circumstances. He decided not to pursue the issue as he didn’t think
Neason would take too well to being spanked at this point.

“When is my brother coming for me?”
Brody swallowed past the lump forming in his throat. “In the


“I guess that’s it then.” Neason’s shoulders shook for a moment

then he inhaled deeply. He kept his face averted as he pushed himself
to his feet. “I’ll go finish the dishes. I guess I don’t have anything to
pack. I didn’t bring anything with me.”

Neason started walking before Brody could warn him. He tripped

right over Brody’s legs and crashed to the floor with a resounding
thud and a loud groan. Brody quickly scrambled to his knees and
reached for Neason.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” Neason shouted as he rolled away. “If

you don’t want me, you don’t get to touch me.”

Brody knelt there on the floor, blinking with bafflement as he

watched Neason struggle to his feet and stumble out of the room. His
mind worked overtime as he tried to process Neason’s sharp words.
The questions that came to his mind stabbed at his heart. The answers
eluded him, and he knew only one person had them.

Brody jumped to his feet and raced after Neason down the

hallway. He could hear dishes clanking together, so he knew Neason
was in the kitchen. When he came around the corner, Neason was just
wiping his arm over his eyes. Brody stopped instantly, knowing he

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needed to reassess the situation. Not everything was as he thought it
was. He just didn’t know what it was.

Uncertainty, stark and vivid, glowed in Neason’s milky green eyes

when he turned to look at Brody, softening his heart and making him
try and see the situation without the confusion that was rolling
through him.

It was only as he took a deep calming breath that Brody noticed

the red rimming Neason’s eyes and the small tremble in the man’s
hands as he carefully set a glass down on the counter.

The silence lengthened between them as Brody watched Neason

fidget. It was an uncomfortable silence made even more so by the way
Neason’s sightless eyes kept darting around the room as if he were
trying to see Brody’s expression but afraid to.

Brody swallowed with difficulty and found his voice. “You’ve

been warned what would happen if I heard you swearing again,

Neason’s eyes snapped in his direction and his mouth dropped

open. Brody took that as a good sign and stepped further into the
room. “Are you going to assume the position willingly, or do I need to
come get you?”

“You can’t,” Neason whispered.
“I guess that means I need to come get you.” Brody took the two

steps between him and Neason and grabbed him by the arms. He
heard a small whimper fall from Neason’s lips as he lifted the man
over his shoulder and carried him out of the kitchen.

Neason didn’t struggle.
Brody carried Neason into his bedroom and set him down on the

floor next to his bed. He sat down on the side of the bed and yanked
Neason’s pants down around his ankles. Then he jerked on Neason’s
arm until Neason stumbled forward and fell across his thighs.

The first swat was a hard one, and Brody knew it. Neason jerked

and cried out. Each swat after that became progressively less intense
until Brody was stroking Neason’s ass more than spanking it.

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“I don’t like swearing, love.”
Neason’s stuttering inhale shook his entire body. “No, sir.”
“And I’m not sir. I’m Brody.”
“No, Brody.”
“That’s better, much better.” Brody smiled and stroked his hand

over Neason’s heated ass. “You’ll remember that from now on, won’t
you.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes, Brody.”
“Sit on your knees in front of me.”
Neason hesitated for a moment then slid off of Brody’s lap. He

reached for the waistband of his pants then stopped. Brody smiled
when Neason let go of his pants and knelt on the floor in front of him.

“Very good, love.”
Neason swallowed hard and folded his hands together in front of

him. Despite his clasped hands, Brody could see the erection growing
up from Neason’s groin. He licked his suddenly dry lips as he tried to
decide if he had the courage to put everything out on the line with
Neason when it could just be thrown right back. The eager look on
Neason’s face as he looked up toward Brody sent him over the edge.

“Up until now I’ve been letting you learn the things you needed to

learn to function in the real world, Neason. I think it’s about time for
you to learn the things you need to learn to function in my world.”

“Yes, Brody.”
Brody stood up and stepped around Neason. He started pacing

back and forth behind him, watching as Neason’s head turned to
follow the sound of his footsteps as they moved across the floor.

“When we are at home, wherever that ends up being, you will

only wear your pajama bottoms. I will provide you with several pair
so you always have a clean set to put on. In the wintertime, you will
be allowed a long shirt to keep you warm, but in the summer, you will
just wear the bottoms. I like looking at you, Neason, and I prefer to do
so at my leisure.”

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Brody kept a close eye on Neason to see his reaction. If anything,

Neason started looking more eager as a small smile began to spread
across his lips. Brody tried to see it as a good sign and continued.

“You will shower every night before coming to bed. However, I

will be the one washing you. I want you clean, but I also want to be
the one doing it. Again, it goes back to my liking to look at you at my
leisure. If there are nights that I am called away due to work, I still
expect you to shower on your own before coming to bed.”

Brody stopped when Neason raised a hand. “You have something

to add, Neason?”

“Am I going to accompany you when you go out at night for


“A fair question.” Brody smiled, feeling more confident. “There

will be times when you will go with me, but there will be other times
that I will have to go by myself. We’ll decide on those times as they
come up. Does that answer your question?”

Neason nodded. “What about when you’re at work at the shop?”
“I think you’ll go to work with me on days you’re not at school.”
Neason’s eyebrows shot up. “School?”
“If the loss of your sight is indeed a permanent thing then I expect

you to learn braille so that you can read and write. Once you’re
proficient, you can help out around the shop. That is, of course,
assuming that you don’t want to work the ranch anymore.”

The eyebrows on Neason’s forehead shot down into a deep frown

so fast Brody was surprised they didn’t fall further down Neason’s

“Brody, how can I—” Neason reached up and touched his eyes

then dropped his head just as he dropped his hand back into his lap.
“How can I work on a ranch if I can’t see?”

“The same way you do everything else—perseverance. You’re too

strong of a man to let the loss of your eyes keep you from doing the
things you love. If you want to work the ranch, we’ll find a way for
you to work the ranch.”

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“I’m on my knees with my pants down around my ankles and my

dick hanging out, and you think I’m strong?” Neason laughed

“You don’t see me on my knees, do you?”
Brody squatted down next to Neason and grabbed the man’s jaw

in his hand. “And do you know why, love?”

Neason shook his head as much as he could with Brody’s hand

wrapped around his jaw.

“Because I’m not strong enough to be on my knees for anyone.”
“Wha—” Neason blinked. “But you’re stronger than I am.”
“It takes more than physical strength to submit to someone, love.

You have to have a strong inner strength.” Brody rubbed his thumb
along Neason’s cheek where he held it. “I’ve never met anyone
stronger than you.”

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Chapter 8

Neason would have given ten years off his life to see the

expression on Brody’s face right then. He was slowly becoming used
to the idea that he might never see again, and with Brody beside him,
the future didn’t seem so scary.

When Brody started talking this morning and Neason realized that

he might be sent away again, his heart felt like it was being ripped out
of his chest. But something had changed in the last few minutes.
Neason wasn’t sure what it was, but he suddenly felt like Brody
wanted to keep him now. He was just worried that it was because he
was blind and not because Brody really wanted him.

“What changed?”
“What do you mean, love?”
“A moment ago you were ready to send me home,” Neason said.

“Now you’re suddenly telling me your rules as if we’re going to stay
together. I want to know what changed your mind. Why have you
suddenly decided to keep me?”

“I never decided not to keep you, Neason.”
Neason felt the loss of Brody’s hand as the man moved away like

a knife in his heart. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut and
just accepted whatever Brody was willing to give him. It seemed
things went fine between them until emotions were brought into the
situation and then Brody moved away from him.

Neason ducked his head the second Brody released him. He knew

his emotions were being broadcast across his face. He might be
sightless, but he hadn’t learned how to mask what he was feeling. Not
yet, anyway. Maybe it was something he would learn in time.

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“I’m sorry,” he murmured.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, love.”
Neason knew that wasn’t true. He couldn’t seem to grasp

whatever Brody was trying to teach him, and eventually, Brody would
get frustrated and leave his sorry ass. Keeping his mouth shut just
seemed like a better strategy.

“Did you know that I’m in love with you, Neason?”
“What?” Neason shouted as he fell back on his ass.
“Don’t sound so shocked.” Brody chuckled but it sounded shaky.

“You are a very attractive man, both physically and mentally. I’m just
surprised that you’ve been single all of this time.”

“No one wanted to keep me,” Neason whispered as shock rolled

through him.

“I do,” Brody replied. “I’ve wanted to keep you since the night of

Rourke and Billy’s wedding. I was just too afraid to tell you.”

Neason frowned as he turned to follow Brody’s voice as it moved

around the room. “Why? I would have jumped at the chance to be
with you.”

“You’re a rancher, Neason.”
Neason slammed his hands down on the hard wooden floor. “Why

does it always come back to me being a rancher? What in the hell
does that have to do with anything? You’re a minister. That’s never
been an issue for me.”

“But I’ve never tried to hide the things I want, Neason. You have.

And that’s where our issue comes into play. You’re ashamed of the
things you crave, of the needs you have. I embrace them.”

“I should be proud of needing someone to spank my ass?”
Neason raised his eyes when his face was suddenly grabbed and

held between Brody’s hands. He couldn’t see Brody’s face, but he
knew it was right in front of him. He could feel Brody’s hot breath
blowing across his cheeks.

“Yes, love, you should be proud of that. You should be proud of

the fact that you’re strong enough to kneel on the floor with your

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pants down around your ankles and your dick hanging out. You
should be proud of the fact that you have enough courage to give me
control over your body, to love you in any way I see fit.”

“Do you think that Lachlan lets Asa tie him down and play with

him for hours? Do you see Rourke getting on his knees for Billy? Do
you think that Quaid would let Matty dominate him the way I want to
dominate you? Do you see any of that happening?”

“No!” Neason shouted. “And that just proves what a freak I am.”
“No, love, it proves what a dream you are. You’re a living,

breathing, wet dream for a man like me. You’re perfect.”

“I’m blind.”
“You don’t need your eyes to feel, love.”
Neason yelped as he was suddenly yanked to his feet. Before he

could catch his balance, he was swung around and pushed forward
until he fell across the bed. He hadn’t even stopped bouncing before
he felt his pajama bottoms get pulled the rest of the way off his body.

“Brody, wha—hey!” Neason shouted as first one hand, and then

the other was secured to the top of the bed. His feet were next. Before
he knew what was happening, Neason was tied down to the bed and
lying spread eagle across it. “Brody!”

“I’m going to prove to you that you don’t need your eyes to feel,

my love, and I’m not going to stop this time, not unless you ask me

Neason frowned when he felt a piece of material being pressed

into his hand. He started to drop the cloth until he heard Brody
continue speaking and then he gripped it tightly in his hand.

“If you truly want me to stop, Neason, drop this cloth, and

everything will stop. But unless I see you drop it, I’m going to play
with you, torture you, and love you any way I want until you fully
understand how much I want to keep you.”

Neason heard rustling for several moments then the bed dipped.

He felt Brody’s leg brush against his hip and knew the man was

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naked. Neason shivered when he felt Brody kneel on the bed between
his legs. He could believe this was finally happening. He’d been
waiting since their one night together to be fucked by Brody.

“This is one of the reasons I want you freshly showered when you

come to bed, love,” Brody said as he grabbed Neason’s butt cheeks
and pulled them apart. Neason jumped when he felt Brody’s teeth
sink into the flesh of his ass. “I have a real thing for asses, Neason. If
you had just gotten out of the shower, you’d have my tongue in your
ass right now. I’d lick your tight little hole till you came.”

Neason bit into the blanket beneath his face to keep from

screaming. Need rode him hard, making every inch of his body tingle
in anticipation. When Brody smacked his ass with the flat of his hand,
Neason lifted his hips up, silently begging for more.

“You like that, don’t you, love,” Brody growled. “You like having

your ass played with. And it’s such a pretty little ass, too.”

Neason couldn’t keep his deep moan to himself when he felt

Brody’s teeth sink into his butt cheek again. When Brody’s thumb
brushed over his quivering hole, Neason’s moan grew into an outright
cry of need.

“That’s such a beautiful sound, love. I want to hear more of


Neason was pretty sure that Brody was going to get his wish when

the man continued to rub his thumb across Neason’s aching hole over
and over again. With each soft caress, Brody’s thumb pressed in a
little further until it finally popped in. Neason raised his head and
gave voice to the pleasure coursing through his entire body.

Neason panted heavily then groaned in protest when Brody’s hand

stroked down his leg to untie his ankle. He was really starting to get
into this whole being tied up thing. He felt a small smack on the side
of his hip.

“On your knees, love.”
Neason climbed to his knees then pulled them beneath his body,

pushing his ass out. He felt Brody nudge his thigh and spread his legs

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apart as far as they would go. He knew his entire backside was on
display. He felt like he should have been embarrassed. He just wasn’t.
It wasn’t like everyone was looking at him. This was Brody.

“Oh, love,” Brody whispered, “if you could only see what I’m

seeing right now. So sexy.”

Neason trembled when Brody’s hand landed on the small of his

back then slowly slid down over his ass and down under him to cup
his balls. His legs started to shake when Brody moved past his balls
and grabbed the base of his cock.

“I remember seeing this before, love,” Brody murmured as he

planted a series of kisses along Neason’s spine. “You have a very nice
cock—not too big, not too small. Just perfect to wrap my hand

As if to prove his point, Brody stroked his hand up and down

Neason’s cock several times. His grip was just tight enough to shove
Neason to the edge of what he thought might be a mind-blowing
orgasm. Neason knew he needed just a bit more, just another stroke or
two, maybe three.

When Brody dropped his hand and moved away, Neason cried out

in frustration and bucked backwards, unconsciously searching for
another gentle touch. What he got was a sharp smack to his ass.

“You will get what I decide you get, Neason.”
Neason didn’t think Brody understood that the strict tone in his

voice was just as arousing to him as being spanked or stroked or made
to kneel on the floor. Neason would never tell Brody that if he had his
hair pulled, he’d most likely come all over the place. There were just
some things the man needed to learn on his own.

“Brody!” Neason groaned when the man’s hands went back to

playing with his ass. Brody seemed bound and determined to drive
him out of his mind. As aroused as he was right now, it would be a
short trip.

“It’s time to get this tight little hole ready for my cock.”

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Neason was all for that. He spread his legs back as far as they

would go and pushed his ass up in the air. He shivered when cold gel
was dribbled between his ass cheeks. “C–Cold.”

“It’ll warm up soon enough.”
Neason expected Brody’s fingers to start stretching him. He was

totally unprepared to feel something hard and round press against his
tight opening. He shot forward, landing on his face in the mattress.

“Do I need to tie your legs down again, love?”
“No.” Neason shook his head as he pushed back up onto his

knees. “I just wasn’t expecting that.”

“That’s the idea, love. If you expect something, it would get

boring after a while. It’s your job to just lie there and enjoy yourself.
It’s my job to keep things interesting so that you can enjoy yourself.”

“Okay.” Neason nodded and braced himself. A moment later, he

felt the hard rounded object press against him again. “Wha–What is

“I’ll never tell.” Brody chuckled.
Whatever it was, Neason could tell that it was pointed. He could

feel the tip of it breach his ass as Brody slowly pushed it in then
pulled it out. The tip seemed to be about the size of Brody’s finger,
but it grew progressively larger each time Brody pressed it into his

Realization suddenly struck Neason. “That’s a butt plug.”
“Is it?” Brody mused.
Neason frowned. “Isn’t it?”
Brody chuckled again. “Like I said, love, I’ll never tell.”
As Brody continued to work the object in and out of Neason’s ass,

he lost interest in what it was and started paying more attention to
what it was doing and how it made him feel. And it felt fucking

Little by little, Neason could feel his ass stretching, opening and

accepting the foreign object until it finally popped all of the way in.
Neason was shocked down to his toes when Brody groaned. If

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anything, he had thought the groans of pleasure would be coming
from his mouth.

“Damn, love, that is so sexy.”
Neason groaned and strained to stay in one place as the object in

his ass was wiggled around. He didn’t know how much more he could
take before his legs gave out beneath him. They were already shaking
as much as his arms were.

“Brody, please,” Neason begged.
“Oh hell, you had to go and beg, didn’t you?”
Neason heard a clicking noise then his chain holding his hands

down loosened. But just for a moment. He heard another clicking
noise and realized that the chain attached to his wrists was now
connected together.

Brody pulled him up into a kneeling position until Neason’s back

was pressed against his stomach then looped the chain around his
neck. Brody scooted his knees forward until they were between
Neason’s, keeping him spread open.

“I love it when you beg,” Brody murmured into Neason’s ear. His

hips pushed forward into Neason, driving his cock between Neason’s
butt cheeks until the head hit him on the back of his balls. “Do you
feel how hard it makes me, love?”

“Yesss!” Neason hissed when the head of Brody’s cock repeatedly

banged into his tingling balls. Neason dropped his head back against
Brody’s chest as arousal swamped him. Brody’s hand began stroking
down over his chest, touching him everywhere. He was going to
explode. He just knew it. “Brody!”

“Do you need to come, love?”
One of Brody’s hands wrapped around Neason’s cock. The other

hand began plucking at his nipples, tugging them almost to the point
of pain, but not quite.

“Yes!” Neason shouted.
“Then come.”

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Brody’s words were whispered but the deep rumble in Brody’s

chest that came with the softly spoken words sent Neason right over
the edge. He cried out as his release swept over him in a tidal wave of
pleasure that would have blinded him if he could see. As it was, the
feelings were so intense they brought tears to Neason’s eyes.

“So perfect, love,” Brody murmured in Neason’s ear as he milked

the cum out of his sensitive cock. “I’m going to enjoy fucking you
until you come again.”

“I can’t,” Neason panted. There was no way he could come again.

Brody had siphoned every last drop of cum right out of his body.
There was nothing left.

“You can and you will,” Brody growled. “This is what I meant

when I said I would tie you down to my bed and torture you for hours.
You will come again and again, as many times as I want you to.”
Brody’s hands stroked down both sides of Neason’s body. “This
belongs to me now. You belong to me. If I say you are going to come
again, you will. Is that understood?”

Neason gulped loudly. “Yes, Brody.”
“Good, love.”
Brody lifted Neason’s hands from around his neck and pushed

him back down onto his hands and knees, reattaching his hands to the
bed. Neason shuddered when Brody moved the object in his ass. He
was shocked when his cock twitched and started to fill. Maybe he
could come again?

“I’m going to fuck you nice and slow till you beg me to let you

come again.”

Neason heard the small sound of something tearing and knew

Brody was sliding a condom onto his cock. That meant he was about
to be impaled. His aching hole quivered in anticipation.

A long drawn-out groan tore from Neason’s throat as the object in

his ass was pulled out then replaced by the blunt head of Brody’s
cock. Brody was definitely larger than whatever had been in his ass.

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Neason could feel a slight burn as his body stretched to accommodate
the big man.

Brody didn’t start pounding into his ass like Neason expected.

Instead, he moved slowly, agonizingly. He pulled out until just the
head of his cock remained in Neason’s ass then slowly pushed back in
until their bodies pressed together. Over and over again, Brody did
this, never moving any faster than a small crawl, until Neason thought
he was going to lose his mind.

“When we move in together, love, I’m going to put a hook in the

ceiling of our bedroom so I can play with you while you’re standing
up. I may even need to put hooks in the shower so I can tie you up
and play with you until the water goes cold.” Brody chuckled. “We’ll
need a really big water heater.”

“Yo–You’re really into this whole playing thing,” Neason panted.
“Are you complaining?”
“Are you ready to come again?”
“Yes!” Neason whimpered. His cock was so hard it hurt.
“Then roll over onto your back.” Brody’s words were

accompanied by a small slap on Neason’s hip and the man pulling out
of him, much to Neason’s disappointment.

Neason rolled over onto his back as best as he could. Luckily, or

maybe by Brody’s plan, whatever connected his hands together
seemed to turn with him. His hands were still secured together, but
they moved with him as he rolled over onto his back and settled into
the mattress.

“Lift your butt, love.”
Neason frowned in confusion but did as Brody ordered. A

moment later he felt a wedge shaped pillow being shoved under his
hips, tilting his ass up into the air. Interesting. Neason knew he was
going to have to ask Brody about his toys later. The man seemed to
have one for every occasion.

“Almost ready, love,” Brody said. “Give me your left leg.”

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Neason raised his left leg into the air. He felt something soft and

wide wrap around high up on his thigh. There was another click and
Neason realized that his leg was now chained and hanging in the air.

“Right leg,” Brody directed.
Neason raised his right leg. It too was wrapped in something soft

and wide and hooked up into the air just like his left leg. Whatever
was attached to his legs was pushed apart, as were Neason’s thighs.

“There, that’s the picture I wanted.”
Neason jumped when Brody’s hands landed on his legs near his

knees then slowly stroked down his thighs until they met at his groin.
He couldn’t imagine how wanton he must have looked all displayed
out on the bed, but Brody seemed to like it. Neason guessed that was
all that mattered.

His head dug back into the mattress when Brody’s cock sank back

into his ass. The pleasure was exquisite. If Brody needed to tie him
up, so be it. Neason just wanted to lie there and enjoy everything that
was being done to him. Besides, did he have any other choice? He
was tied down. He could be as wanton as he wanted.

Neason’s eyes widened as sudden realization hit him like a truck.

“Brody,” he whispered.

“You understand now, don’t you, love?” Brody’s voice was silky

soft. “My need is to dominate you, to tie you up and do whatever I
want to you. Your need is to be submissive, to be tied up and loved so
you can just let everything go and just feel.”

Tears started to prickle the corner of Neason’s eyes as Brody

began to move inside of him. He didn’t know if the feeling was so
intense because he could just lie there and feel or if it came from the
fact that someone finally understood him and accepted him.

Neason finally gave in to the feelings that had been plaguing him

for so long. “Brody, please,” he pleaded. “I need.”

“Neason!” Brody shouted as he instantly started pounding into

Neason. It was like Neason’s words had suddenly unleashed whatever

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Brody had been holding back. The man seemed driven to claim
Neason, one delightful inch at a time.

Neason ached to reach out and touch Brody, but he knew part of

the draw of being tied up was, well, being tied up. Maybe next time
he would be allowed to touch. This time, he was just going to soak in
every little touch, every soft caress, and every groan that fell from
Brody’s lips.

Brody’s hand suddenly wrapped around Neason’s cock. He

moved his hand, stroking Neason from tip to root with the same vigor
that he fucked him with. Neason groaned. His eyes slid closed as he
arched back into the mattress.

“No, love, open your eyes and look at me.”
Neason thought that was a strange request considering he couldn’t

see anything but did as Brody asked anyway. He couldn’t think of
anything he wouldn’t do if Brody asked. He opened his eyes and
looked up to where he thought Brody’s face might be.

“So sexy,” Brody said as he traced the line of Neason’s cheek

with his free hand. His hand tightened around Neason’s aching cock.
“Are you going to come for me, love?”

“Yesss!” Neason hissed.
“Then come.”
Neason was shocked when his body suddenly exploded in a

downpour of fiery sensation at Brody’s simple command. He bucked
up as the pleasure in his body exploded and shot out of his cock. He
felt cum splatter across his chest and abdomen just as Brody’s roar of
completion filled the room. Brody’s hand gripped his hips as he

When Brody slumped over the top of him, Neason turned his head

and nuzzled the side of Brody’s face. He wanted the closeness he’d
always dreamed of after a scene that intense. He just didn’t know if
Brody wanted the same thing. He could only hope they wanted the
same thing.

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Neason felt Brody reach up and release his hands. Before he could

pull them down, Brody rolled onto his side and grabbed his hands,
gently massaging them. “Are you okay, love? Do your wrists hurt at

“No, I’m fine.”
“I’ll be right back.”
Brody rolled to the side of the bed and got up before Neason could

ask him to stay. He felt bereft without Brody by his side, especially
after everything that had come to light in the last hour, everything he
had learned about himself and Brody. Maybe it was too much to ask
the man to cuddle?

Neason started to roll to his side to curl up when Brody suddenly

grabbed his arm.

“Whoa, love, don’t roll over yet.” Brody chuckled. “I need to

clean you up first. That’s part of my responsibilities to you.”

Neason jumped when a warm wet cloth was placed against his

stomach. He chuckled nervously as Brody wiped him down, cleaning
away all visible signs of what had just occurred between them. He
was almost sad to feel the evidence wash down his body.

“There, all nice and clean until next time.”
Neason heard a small splat and assumed Brody tossed the used

washcloth back into the bathroom. A moment later, Brody’s body
spooned up beside him and he was gently rolled to his side. Brody’s
arm wrapped around his waist and the man’s face pressed into the
back of his head.

“You smell really good, love.”
Neason swallowed. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, just like a man that’s been thoroughly loved.”
Neason laughed nervously. “You don’t smell so bad yourself.”
“Your brother will be here in the morning. What are you going to

tell him?”

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Neason could feel the sudden stiffness in Brody’s body and he

knew his answer was important to the man. “I’m going to invite him
to breakfast.”

Neason shrugged. “It’s the polite thing to do before I send him

back to the ranch.”

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Chapter 9

“Neason, your brother is here,” Brody called out from the

bedroom when he heard a vehicle pull up in front of the cabin. He
took a deep breath then pushed himself up from the bed and walked
down the hallway.

This meeting with Lachlan would make or break him. Neason

hadn’t come right out and said he was staying, but it had sure sounded
like it. Brody prayed with everything in him that he had heard Neason
correctly and wasn’t seeing things that weren’t there.

Brody reached the living room just as Neason opened the door to

Lachlan and Asa. He held back as Neason hugged the two men then
invited them inside. Neason seemed happy, jubilant. He was excited
to be entertaining. Brody could see it in the grin on his face.

“Come on into the dining room,” Neason said. “I’m making


Brody cocked an eyebrow when Lachlan’s eyes snapped over to

him. “Neason has gotten quite proficient at making breakfast.”

“That’d be a switch.” Asa chuckled. “I wasn’t sure Neason even

knew what a kitchen was.”

Brody smiled. He could see that Asa was trying to break the

tension in the room. Lachlan and Asa were nervous, afraid to say
anything that might upset Neason, and Neason was nervous about the
new life he was living. Brody could see it all in the faces of the men
facing him. Maybe it was up to him to lead the way.

“Neason, have you set the table for the four of us?”
“Three,” Neason said. “I didn’t know Asa was coming.”

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“Don’t you think you’d better get to it? Asa is not going to eat

with his hands.” Neason smiled, suddenly looking relieved. Brody
knew he was glad to be doing something. “Go on. I’ll bring the guys

Neason turned and started back toward the kitchen. Brody

watched him go then turned to look at Asa and Lachlan. “He’s doing
quite well. I’m rather proud of him.”

“But you—” Lachlan frowned, cast a quick glance toward the

kitchen, then stepped closer to Brody. “Yesterday when we talked,
you said he needed professional help.”

“And at some point, he will. There are things Neason needs to

learn that I cannot teach him. However, where he is at when he learns
them is another thing altogether.”

“Then he’s not coming home today?”
“That’s something you will need to ask Neason.” Brody prayed

the answer would be no. He waved his hand toward the dining room.
“Let’s go on in. I’m sure Neason is nervous waiting for us.”

Brody followed Asa and Lachlan into the dining room. It wasn’t

like they couldn’t see it from where they had been standing. The
rooms all opened up into each other except for the bedrooms and bath.
But still, they did have to walk across the room to actually be standing
in it.

Neason was just walking back into the kitchen when they walked

over to the table. Brody indicated for Asa and Lachlan to sit then
turned to watch Neason make breakfast. “I’m afraid breakfast is pretty
much what we have every morning, gentlemen. I like routine.”

“I scrambled some eggs for Asa and Lachlan,” Neason said from

the kitchen. “I’m not sure if I burned them or not, but they seem to
taste okay. You might want to check for eggshells though.”

Brody beamed with pride when Neason lifted the plates of food in

his hands and carried them effortlessly into the dining room. He
walked with confidence, as if he could see exactly what he was doing.

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Neason set the plates on the table then sat down in his chair. He

smiled and gestured to the food. “Dig in.”

“Why don’t you serve us, Neason?” Brody said. “You know

where everything is.”

Neason’s smile wavered for a moment then he held out his hand.

“Asa, can I have your plate?”

Asa shot Brody a frown as he handed over his plate. Brody knew

this would be somewhat of a test for Neason, but he had no doubt that
the man could pass it with flying colors. Neason had learned enough
over the last few days to complete the task at hand with no problem.

Neason set Asa’s plate down on top of his own then reached for

the serving spoon in the dish of eggs. He scooped up a spoonful and
poured it onto Asa’s plate. He did the same with the fruit and a bagel
then handed the plate to Asa.

Neason was smiling by the time he held his hand out again.


Lachlan chuckled and handed his plate over. “Good job, bro.”
“Brody has taught me a lot,” Neason said as he proceeded to dish

food onto Lachlan’s plate. “We’re going to look into teaching me
braille pretty soon. Brody wants me to be able to read and write.”

Brody nodded when Lachlan’s eyes shot to him. That seemed to

be happening a lot. “I doubt there is much Neason can’t do if he puts
his mind to it. He’s already figured out the kitchen and most of the
house. He even figured out a way to recognize food items in the
fridge. Reading and writing braille should be fairly simple for him.”

“Once I learn braille, I’m going to start helping Brody out at the

shop. I can’t work on the bikes or anything, but Brody says there are
other things I can do to help out around the place.”

“What about the ranch?” Asa asked.
Neason stilled for a moment then his face turned toward Brody. “I

don’t know.”

Brody rested his elbows on the table and clasped his hands

together, leaning forward over the table. “I think we all need to be

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honest here. Unless his sight returns, Neason is not going to be cutting
cattle or breaking in broncos. However, that does not mean he cannot
work a ranch. He has not lost his ability to work a ranch, just certain

Brody reached over and grabbed Neason’s hand, giving it a little

squeeze of support. “I think you’d be surprised at what Neason can do
with his hands. With his sight gone, his other senses will grow
stronger. The sense of touch can be a very powerful thing.”

Neason’s face flushed as he chuckled. “No shit!”
Lachlan’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline, but he didn’t say

anything. Brody could see an amused grin on Asa’s face as the man
quickly tilted his face down and grabbed his fork. Brody just smiled
and gave Neason’s hand another squeeze before reaching for his own

“I just want fruit and a bagel, love,” he said as he handed his plate


“I know.” Neason smiled and took the plate.
Brody watched, pride filling every part of him as Neason dished

fruit up onto his plate then added a bagel. Neason even poured Brody
a glass of orange juice, not spilling a single drop. By the time Neason
filled his own plate and started to eat, Brody was grinning so much he
wondered if he could actually chew his food.

“Brody’s in love with me,” Neason said right out of the blue.
Brody’s mouth dropped open, his fork halfway to his lips. The

silence in the room was deafening. He glanced over to see Asa and
Lachlan staring at him. They had the same looks of astonishment on
their faces as Brody imagined was on his. He hadn’t expected Neason
to announce it quite like that.

Brody shrugged. “It’s true, and I told Neason so last night.”
“Uh, congratulations?” Asa said.
“I certainly think so.” Neason grinned.
Brody chuckled and went back to eating.

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“I take it this means you won’t be coming back to the ranch with

us today?” Lachlan asked.

“Only if that’s where Brody wants to go,” Neason said.
Brody sighed with the relief that was suddenly lifted off his

shoulders at Neason’s words. Neason was staying. Brody felt like
shouting it to the rooftops. Instead, he grabbed Neason’s hand and
brought it to his lips, kissing the top of it before laying it back down
on the table.

“I think maybe a dinner at the ranch might be in order,” he said,

watching Neason’s face carefully for his reaction. “Neason is getting
pretty good about getting around, and he has mentioned wanting to
experience the outside world a bit. Dinner at the ranch would be the
perfect opportunity for both.”

“Really?” Neason’s face tilted toward Brody.
“Really,” Brody replied.
Neason grinned and went back to eating. Brody turned to look at

Asa and Lachlan. “Would your mother mind having us for dinner?”

“Are you kidding?” Lachlan snorted. “She’d be thrilled. She’s

dying to see Neason.”

“Why don’t you have her give me a call then, and we can set

something up.”

Lachlan nodded. “I’ll do that. Just don’t be surprised if she goes

all out. Being away from Neason like this has been really hard on her.
He’s her baby.”

Brody frowned. “I thought Seamus was the youngest?”
“He is,” Lachlan said, “but Neason is the smallest of all the

brothers, so ma has always had a soft spot for him.”

Brody grinned as he looked at the man he loved. “I can see that.”
“Somehow I don’t think your spot is soft.” Asa chuckled. A

moment later he was frowning and rubbing his side after Lachlan’s
elbow met with his stomach. “Hey!”

“Stop talking about my baby brother like that,” Lachlan growled.

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“Seriously?” Asa snickered. “Your baby brother is a fully grown


“I’m in love with Brody,” Neason suddenly said, stopping any

other talking in the room. “I have been since we slept together the
night of Rourke and Billy's wedding.”

Brody stared at Neason, unsure of what to say. Neason had just

handed him the world. Thank you just didn’t seem like the appropriate
response. Fucking Neason into the mattress was his first thought, but
he didn’t think Asa and Lachlan would understand him dragging
Neason from the room.

“I haven’t decided when I’m going to tell him, though, so let’s

keep this between us.”

Brody’s head snapped back in shock. He glanced at Asa and

Lachlan as he wondered about Neason’s words. They looked just as
confused as he felt. Neason knew he was in the room, right?

“Uh, yeah, sure, bro,” Lachlan said after a moment. “If that’s what

you want. We won’t say a word.”

Brody started to grin. Once he did, he couldn’t seem to stop. He

grabbed Neason’s hand again and brought it to his lips. “I promise not
to say a word either.”

* * * *

Neason was so nervous he could spit. He wrung his hands

together as Brody drove them to the ranch. It had been nearly two
weeks since Lachlan set up dinner with ma. He hadn't seen anyone in
his family in all that time, and now he was about to see them all.

What if he messed up?
What if he tripped over something?
What if he—
“Neason, love, you’re going to be fine,” Brody said as he reached

for Neason’s hand. Neason grabbed it like a lifeline. “I won’t let

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anything happen to you. Just remember to listen to me and everything
will work out.”

Right. Listen to Brody. He had to remember to listen to Brody and

everything would be fine. Brody hadn’t steered him wrong yet.
Neason was getting more and more comfortable moving around the
cabin and even right outside the cabin.

They had gone on several walks through the woods. Neason had

only tripped once, when he didn’t listen to Brody. He learned quickly
that Brody had his safety in mind every second of every day. As long
as he listened to Brody, the man would keep him safe.

“Brody, can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me anything, love.”
“What if my sight comes back?”
Neason knew that Brody enjoyed being needed by him, but if his

sight came back, would Brody still want him? He would be a lot more
independent and not need Brody quite so much, although, Neason was
pretty sure he would always need Brody.

“What if it does?” Brody asked.
“Wi–Will you still want me?”
Neason yelped and grabbed the armrest on the door when the

truck suddenly swerved and stopped. He turned his head toward
Brody. “Are you out of your mind? Warn me before you do that.”

Neason heard Brody’s seatbelt unhook then felt Brody’s hands on

his seatbelt. A moment later he was yanked across the cab of the
truck. “Brody, wha—” Neason gulped when his jaw was clenched in
Brody’s hand. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut.

“We’ve had this conversation before, Neason,” Brody growled,

“but I’ll say it one more time, so listen carefully. You belong to me. I
don’t care if you can see or not. You’re mine. You admitted you loved
me, and I am never letting you take that back.”

“I don’t want to take it back.” Neason swallowed hard. “I meant

what I said.”

“I did too,” Brody said. “I’m keeping you, sight or no sight.”

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Neason swallowed hard. “Okay.”
Brody kissed Neason for a moment, but it was enough to leave

him panting. “Put your seatbelt on, love.”

“Seatbelt, right.” Neason scooted back to his side of the truck and

searched around until he found his seatbelt. He felt the truck start
moving a moment after he was all buckled in.

He felt a little better knowing that Brody wanted him no matter

what, but he was still worried about going back to the ranch and
facing his family. The Blaecleah clan was nothing if not accepting.
Neason just didn’t know if they would be willing to accept the strange
relationship he had with Brody.

“You know I love you, right?” he asked softly, keeping his face

pointed straight ahead.

“I know,” Brody replied. “I love you, too.”
“And I like our life and the way we do things.”
Neason could hear the confusion in Brody’s voice when he

replied. “I like our life, too.”

“My…my family might not understand it, but I wouldn’t want it

to be any other way.”

Brody patted Neason’s hand. “Don’t worry about your family,

love. As long as you are happy, they will be happy.”

“I hope so ’cause there is no way in hel—heck that I am telling

my mother that I like being on my knees for anyone.”

Brody chuckled. “I swear I won’t say a word, especially not about

why I like you on your knees.”

Neason prayed that there was an offended look on his face when

he turned to face Brody. “I have no idea what you mean.”

“Exactly.” Brody snickered.
Neason chuckled but his amusement quickly faded when the truck

suddenly turned and the road got bumpy. “We’ve turned into the
driveway, haven’t we?”

“We have.”

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Neason clenched his hands together again as his nerves came back

full force. “What do you see?”

“Well.” Brody chuckled. “I can tell you this much, if you decide

to come back and work the ranch, your work is cut out for you.”

Neason frowned. “Why?”
“’Cause every damn member of your family is standing on the

front porch. It doesn’t look like a lick of work is being done.”

Neason swallowed hard. “Really?”
“Yep,” Brody replied. “I think I even see Elijah James here.”
“Elijah?” Why on earth would the family lawyer be at the ranch?

“You don’t think anything happened, do you?”

“Naw, your ma and da are smiling way too much for there to be

anything wrong.”

Neason sighed in relief. “Don’t scare me like that.”
Brody chuckled. “You’ll be fine, love.”
“Just don’t—” Neason licked his dry lips. “You’ll stay close to

me, right?”

“I will, love,” Brody said as he brought the truck to a stop and

turned off the engine. “You’ll have to pry me away with a crowbar.”

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Chapter 10

Brody could see Neason’s nervousness as he helped the man from

the passenger side of the truck. Lines of tension wrinkled his forehead
and pulled at the corners of his mouth. He wished that he could
reassure Neason, but only time would do that.

“Do you want to hold my hand or my arm?”
“I’d prefer to hold your hand.”
Brody smiled and reached for Neason’s hand. Neason gripped his

hand like a vise. Brody knew he needed to do something. Before they
could get around the truck, Brody pushed Neason back against the cab
and blanketed Neason’s body with his own.

“You’re safe, love,” he whispered then leaned in and took

Neason’s lips with his own. He felt the tension slowly leave Neason’s
body as he stroked his tongue over the man’s lips. The longer he
kissed Neason, the more relaxed he seemed.

Brody finally lifted his head and smiled down at Neason. He

cupped Neason’s face with his hands and rubbed his thumbs up and
down Neason’s cheeks. “Feel better, love?”

Neason chuckled. “I feel something.”
Brody grinned as Neason rubbed back and forth against him.

“Save that for later. I’ll tie you up good and tight when we get home.”

He grabbed Neason’s hand and started leading him around the

back of the truck bed. He could see the entire Blaecleah clan standing
on the front steps and the porch, waiting for them. He hoped everyone
was ready for Neason. Hell, he hoped Neason was ready for them.

“Hold on, love, here come your folks.”

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Ma was crying when she rushed across the yard and enveloped

Neason in her arms. Neason laughed and hugged her back. Da stood
off to the side, grinning broadly as he waited for his turn to hug

Neason seemed to take it all in stride, hugging each member of his

family when they came forward, but the moment they were done, he
searched out for Brody again. Brody quickly stepped over and took
Neason’s hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

“You’re doing fine,” he whispered into Neason’s ear.
“It’s a little overwhelming,” Neason murmured back.
“They love you, maybe as much as I do.”
Neason chuckled and bumped shoulders with Brody. “No one

loves me as much as you do.”

“True, but I suppose I have to share you with your family or they

will tie me up.”

Neason chuckled. “Now, that would be interesting to see.”
Brody growled when he heard someone inhale sharply at

Neason’s words. He could feel Neason’s body fill with tension almost
immediately. He wanted to roll his eyes but he knew the only person
who would understand him couldn’t see him do it.

“Look, folks, Neason is blind. It’s a fact. Pretending he isn’t is not

going to help him. I don’t mean that you have to go about making
jokes or anything, but he is blind. He’s going to say things like this.
You’re going to say things like this. You all need to not be shocked or

“You’re absolutely right,” Ma Blaecleah said as she stepped

forward and took Neason’s free hand and gently patted the top. “It
will be hard for all of us to get used to this new you, son, but we

“I’m still me, Ma.” Neason shrugged. “Just don’t rearrange the


Brody knew Neason couldn’t see the tears in his mother’s eyes,

but he wondered if he could hear them in her voice. Ma wiped a tissue

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over her face and laughed slightly. He wanted to applaud her bravery
in the face of her son’s new life. No mother wanted to see their child
have to struggle so hard.

“Well, come inside,” Ma said as she started to turn and walk up

the steps. “I’ve been cooking since this morning.”

Neason grinned. “Good, I’m starving. We’ve been living on my


Ma’s mouth was hanging open when she turned to look at Brody.

“You let him in the kitchen?”

Brody shrugged. “He’s actually not too bad.”
“My, you have learned some new things, haven’t you?”
“Brody’s a good teacher,” Neason said.
Brody’s eyes rounded when ma winked at him.
“I’m sure he is,” she said.
Damn, could the woman read minds?
“No, Brody,” she said as if she could read Brody’s mind, “I just

raised five very randy sons. Their da isn’t so bad either. He’s
wrinkled my sheets a time or two.”

Brody burst out laughing at the wicked look she gave Da

Blaecleah. Da just stood on the porch with his thumbs hooked in the
pockets of his jeans and grinned. The rest of the Blaecleah brothers all
groaned and rolled their eyes.

Neason laughed as he leaned against Brody for a moment. “Yeah,

you don’t want to go there. It’ll curl your hair.”

“Okay then.” Brody was pretty sure Neason was right.
He held Neason’s hand and carefully directed him up the steps.

Everyone around them seemed to step back, giving them the lead.
Once on the porch, Neason walked right to the front door and opened
it up.

Brody chuckled. “There seemed to be a few things you’ve



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“You didn’t even hesitate when you got to the porch,” Brody said.

“You just walked right over to the door and opened it up.”

“I did?” Neason’s brows drew together as he turned his head

toward the door. He wiggled his fingers around the door handle then
laughed. “Hey, I did.”

“You did, love.” Brody felt practically giddy. He didn’t want

Neason to get overly secure because that could cause accidents, but it
was good to see Neason making his way around with self-confidence.
“Come on, your ma is waiting for us.”

Neason nodded and opened the door. His steps were a little surer

as he walked into the house. “There should be an open path to the
archway on the left,” he said. “That leads into the dining room.”

“Count your steps,” Brody said. “I’ll let you know where

everything is.”

Brody could hear Neason whispering to himself as he counted his

steps. When he reached the middle of the entryway, Brody pulled on
his hand. “The dining room is to your left. The living room is to your

Neason nodded and turned to face the dining room. He started

walking again, counting his steps. When Neason reached the table,
Brody once again pulled on his hand. “The table is directly in front of

Neason took the last step and grabbed for the table. He grinned

and turned his head to look at Brody. “I did it.”

“I had no doubt that you could, love.” Brody grinned even though

he knew Neason couldn’t see it. “Now, tell me about the rest of the
room. Where is everything located?”

“Well, obviously, the table is right in front of me. There should be

ten chairs around the table unless Da has put in the table leaf since we
have company. If that’s the case, there should be about sixteen

“I think your da did use the leaf. I count fourteen chairs.”

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“Da’s gonna need to make Ma a bigger table if our family keeps

growing like this,” said a voice from behind them.

Brody turned around to see the entire Blaecleah family, minus ma,

standing right inside the room. He chuckled and turned back to
Neason. “Okay, love, what else is in the room?”

“Ma’s hutch should be right over there.” Neason pointed to the far


“Go count your steps.”
Neason moved around the table and walked over until his hand

touched the hutch. He turned and walked back. Brody could see his
lips moving as he counted. When Neason reached him, he tossed his
arms around Brody, jumping with excitement.

“I can do this!” Neason exclaimed. “It’s just like being back at the


Brody grinned and wrapped his arms around Neason’s waist. “I

told you that you could do this, love. You’re one of the strongest men
I know.”

“I thought I wouldn’t remember where anything was.”
“You’ve lived in this house for most of your life, love.”
“Yeah, but—”
“That table isn’t going to set itself,” Ma called from the kitchen.
Neason grinned. “I got this.”
Brody waited until Neason walked into the kitchen without

missing a step then turned to look at the people standing behind him.
They all had looks of astonishment on their faces. Brody chuckled
and waved a hand after Neason. “He’s got this.”

* * * *

Brody smiled when Neason leaned back in his chair and patted his

stomach. “That was really good, Ma,” Neason said. “Thank you.”

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“You’re more than welcome, son,” Ma replied. “It’s nice to make

a big meal nowadays. Everyone seems so busy I hardly have anyone
to cook for anymore.”

“Brody and I would love to come to dinner once a week if you’d

have us. Maybe we could make it a family gathering or something—
all your boys come home for dinner at the same time. What do you
think, guys?”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea, Neason,” Lachlan said.
There were murmurs of agreement from the rest of the brothers

and the partners of those that had found them.

“I take it from your words that you don’t plan to come back to the

ranch, son?” Da asked.

“That’s something that Brody and I need to discuss, but wherever

I choose to be, you need to know it will be with Brody.”

Brody would have jumped up and danced around the room in joy

if it had been dignified. It wasn’t, so he stayed seated, but it was a
close thing. The elation flowing through every cell in his body was
hard to keep contained.

“Do you have any idea what those plans might be?” Ma asked.
Brody could hear the caution in her voice, and some of his joy

slipped away. He didn’t want to take Neason away from his family,
but he refused to give the man up. Neason belonged to him now.

“We discussed a few options,” Brody said.
“Would I be imposing if I asked what those were?” she asked.
“No, not at all.” Brody smiled, trying to put Ma Blaecleah at ease.

“I’m still the town minister, so I need to stay close to my work. We
have the option of staying at my place behind the church or, if you
will allow, staying here on the ranch.”

“You’d be wanting a spot for a house then?”
Brody glanced over at Neason. They’d discussed it a bit but not

enough to make a decision. He didn’t want to say anything that
Neason might not agree with.

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“Da, you do realize that working the ranch won’t be possible for

me, right?” Neason asked.

“Neason, don’t—” Brody began, but Neason stopped him, laying

a hand on his.

“Let’s be realistic here. I’m blind. The likelihood of my sight

returning is pretty low. Even the doctor said that. If it happens, great.
If it doesn’t happen, then I’ll learn to live with it. Brody has shown
me that I have a lot of life still left in me, eyes or no eyes.”

Brody flushed when every face in the room turned to look at him.

He felt like a bug under glass.

“I know there are things that I can do and there will be things that

I learn to do, but you have to understand that there are things that I
will never be able to do with the same ability that I did before.”

“What do you mean, son?” Da asked.
“I believe that I can still ride a horse, and maybe pretty well, but I

will never be able to cull cattle again. I might be able to hear them,
but I’d never be able to see them. I also can’t break any horses in
anymore. That’s just asking for trouble.”

“Wha–What do you plan to do, son?” Ma asked, her voice

sounding shaky with emotion.

Neason grinned widely, which surprised even Brody. “I’m going

back to school.”

“Brody says I can learn to read braille. In fact, he insists upon it. I

figure if I can learn to read braille, I can learn to work a computer for
the blind. There are a lot of programs and technology out there to
assist the blind. I want to get a degree in accounting and office

Brody’s eyes rounded. Neason’s plan was even bigger than he had

in mind for the man. On one hand, he was thrilled that Neason was
accepting his blindness. On the other, he was a little afraid. Just what
were Neason’s plans for the future?

“Why accounting and office management?” he asked.

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“Well, you said I could help you out at the shop if I learned to

read braille.”

“I did, and you can.”
“I figured to go one better.” Neason shrugged. “If I can learn to

use the technology available to blind people and get a degree, I can
help you with the books and stuff at the shop and I can still help out
here at the ranch.”

“You’ve put a lot of thought into this, son,” Da said.
“I’ve pretty much thought of nothing else. I want to be a part of

Brody’s world and help him any way I can. I don’t want to be a

“Neason!” Brody exclaimed. “You could never be a burden.”
“I know you think that, but I have to be able to stand on my own

two feet, even if it’s only for myself. I need to feel like I’m
contributing something.”

Brody frowned as anguish filled him. “Have I made you feel like

you’re not contributing?”

“No, no!” Neason quickly said. He grabbed Brody’s hand and

brought it to his lips, planting a small kiss in the palm. “If anything,
you’ve shown me that I can still have a normal life, if just a bit
different. This is simply something I need to do for me.”

Brody wasn’t sure how he felt about that, but he couldn’t take

away from Neason’s exuberance. “If that’s what you want, you know
I’ll support you in it.”

“I know.” Neason smiled. “And that’s one of the things I love

about you.”

Neason laughed and turned his face toward the others in the room

when there were several inhales of breath. “What? You didn’t think I
loved him? Have you seen this man in a pair of tight jeans? He’s too
hot to let wander around free.”

“And on that note…” Ma stood up and started reaching for dishes.

“These dishes won’t wash themselves, boys.”

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Brody laughed as Neason and several of the others around the

table jumped up and began clearing dishes and carrying them to the
kitchen. Neason stayed in the kitchen when the others came back for
more dishes, so Brody assumed he was washing. He didn’t really need
his sight for that.

“Come on out to the porch, Brody,” Da said as he stood.
Brody somehow got the feeling that it wasn’t a request. He wiped

his hands on his cloth napkin then climbed to his feet and followed
Da, Lachlan, Quaid, Rourke, and Seamus out onto the porch. He
knew he was about to be interrogated when all four brothers formed a
line on either side of their da, leaving him on the other side of the
firing line alone.

Brody quickly held up his hand. “Before you even start asking

questions, you need to know that I’m Neason’s legend.”

Da’s eyebrows shot up. “And you would know about that how?”
Brody smiled and glanced at the brothers. “I have ears. I’ve heard

the stories of the Blaecleah Legend.”

“What makes you think you’re Neason’s legend?” Da asked. “He

said he loved you. He never said you were his legend.”

“I am,” Brody said with full confidence. “Neason will never love

anyone but me just as I will never love anyone but him.”

“You think so, do ya?” Da asked.
“I know so. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want Neason.”
“Want is a lot different than love, son.”
“Not to me, it isn’t.” Brody shook his head for a moment then

rubbed his hand over the back of his neck as he tried to think of how
to explain what he felt for Neason to his family without spilling
Neason’s secret.

“Neason is the strongest man I have ever met, stronger than I even

think you know. He won’t let being blind stop him from living his life
to the fullest. I can only hope that he allows me to be a part of that

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Da was quiet for several moments as he stared out over the ranch.

Brody started to grow nervous as time ticked by. He could feel the
brothers all looking between him and Da, but none of them said a
word as if waiting to hear what Da had to say themselves.

“You know Neason is into some crazy ass stuff,” Da finally said,

his eyes rising slowly to meet Brody’s. “If you—”

“I know what Neason wants, and it’s not the same thing as he has

accepted in the past. He was just a bit confused about how to get the
things he wanted.”

“If you hurt him,” Da began, “every Blaecleah on the planet will

be hunting your ass down. There will be no one to save you.”

“I would never lay a hand on Neason in that fashion. Hurting him

is not what either of us wants.” Brody shoved his hands into his
pockets to keep anyone from seeing them shake. “He made some bad
choices in the past. I’m his future, and I won’t allow that to happen

“Unless you are another bad choice,” Da said.
“I’m not.” Brody smiled despite the gravity of the situation. “I

love Neason. It’s as simple as that.”

Da started laughing. “You think love is simple, boy?”
“Yes, I do. If you love someone, that’s it. You will do anything

within your power to keep him safe and make him happy. I don’t
think it gets any simpler than that.”

“And if keeping him happy and safe means coming back to the

ranch to live?” Da countered.

“Then that’s what we’ll do.”
“Do you plan on marrying my son, then?”
“I do.”
“You do?”
Brody swung around to see Neason standing behind him in the

doorway. He grinned at the shocked look on Neason’s face. “I do.”

“Are you even going to ask me?”

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Neason’s head snapped back a little. “You’re not?”
“Nope.” Brody pulled his hands out of his pockets and reached for

Neason. He pulled him close to his chest, cupping his hand around the
back of Neason’s neck and grabbing a small handful of hair. He
tugged Neason’s hair just enough to tilt the man’s head back.

“I don’t need to ask,” he whispered for Neason’s ears alone. “You

already belong to me. A wedding is just to make your family happy.”

Brody didn’t care that Neason’s family stood there looking at

them as he claimed Neason’s lips in a deep kiss. He was claiming
Neason, plain and simple, and no one was going to take the man from

Brody kissed Neason until he felt him submit, something he knew

Neason wanted with every breath he took. Once Neason’s chest was
pounding against his and he slumped against him, Brody raised his
head to look down into the milky green eyes of the man he loved. He
didn’t care if they were moss green or milky green as long as they
continued to shine every time he looked into them.

“You’re mine.”
“Okay,” Neason whispered.
“You’re going to marry me.”
Brody grinned. He could hear a few chuckles from behind him.

“You’re going to live with me for the rest of our lives, either at my
place behind the church or here on the ranch.”

“Okay.” Neason slowly started to smile.
“And you’re going to love me until the day you die.”
“Maybe a bit longer than that.” Neason grinned. “You are my

legend, after all.”

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Cowboy Courage


Chapter 11

“Nervous, love?”
Neason smiled weakly. “A little.”
“You know there is nothing to be worried about,” Brody insisted.
“Easy for you to say,” Neason snorted. “You’re not about to hear

if you will ever see again.”

“Love, it doesn’t matter. Sight or no sight, our lives will go on as

they have been.”

Neason frowned as he felt Brody take his hand. He knew Brody

would love him not matter what. He had proved that over the last few
weeks. And, as much as he hated the idea of giving up his sight, there
was only one thing that he regretted.

“I want to see you,” Neason whispered. “I remember what you

look like. I don’t think I will ever forget. But it’s not the same.”

“Why not, love?”
“You didn’t love me before. I want to see your face when I know

you love me, when I can see it in your eyes.”

Neason inhaled sharply when he felt Brody move to kneel

between his legs. “Brody, we’re in a doctor’s office. Stand up.”

Instead of standing, Brody cupped Neason’s face in his hands.

“Do you remember that first night we were together, the night of
Rourke and Billy’s wedding?”

“Do you remember when I made love to you?”
“Like I could ever forget.” Neason snickered. It had been his first

taste of heaven.

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Stormy Glenn

“Do you remember that last time we were together that night?

There was no playing around. I didn’t tie you down. I didn’t torture
you. I just loved on you. Do you remember that?”

Neason swallowed hard. “Yes,” he whispered as the memory of

the night filled his head. Neason was pretty sure that was the moment
he fell in love with Brody. What happened between them that time
had been so gentle, so sweet, Neason knew he would never forget it.

“Do you remember seeing my face when I was inside of you,

loving on you?”

“Do you remember the look on my face? The look in my eyes as I

stared down at you?”

Neason swallowed again. His throat felt thick as he remembered

the intensity shining in Brody’s deep brown eyes. He remembered
wondering about how dark they had been, like deep chocolate kisses,
a color he had never seen in Brody’s eyes before.

“Neason, do you remember?”
“Then you’ve seen my eyes when I was in love with you.”
Neason gulped. “You loved me then?”
“That’s when I fell in love with you.” Brody’s thumb moved over

the side of Neason’s face. “You were everything I ever wanted. You
were almost perfect.”

Neason’s eyebrows shot up. “Almost?”
“You weren’t mine then.”
Neason smiled and pulled Brody to him. “Yes, I was. I’ve always

been yours.”

Neason jumped when the door behind him suddenly opened. He

swallowed hard when he heard the doctor walk in, quickly reaching
for Brody's hand.

This was it.

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Cowboy Courage


Neason held his breath as he waited for the doctor to tell him if

he'd ever see again. It wouldn't change how he felt about Brody, and
he knew it wouldn't change how Brody felt about him.

Neason just couldn't give up on his dream of seeing Brody's eyes

filled with love. He wanted that more than almost anything.

"Well?" Neason asked nervously when the doctor didn't say

anything right away.

"I've got some very good news for you, Neason."



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Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots

is two or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first
sight, soul Mates, true love, and happy endings.

Stormy lives in the great Northwest region of the USA, with her

gorgeous husband and soul Mate, six very active teenagers, two
boxer/collie puppies, one old biddy cat, and one fish.

You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand

and a puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy man
for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from readers. You
can find her website at

Also by Stormy Glenn

Siren Classic ManLove: Blaecleah Brothers 1: Cowboy Easy

Siren Classic ManLove: Blaecleah Brothers 2: Cowboy Keeper

Siren Classic ManLove: Blaecleah Brothers 3: Cowboy Way

For all other titles, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

Document Outline


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