Crymsyn Hart & Dahlia Rose How to Ruin Easter for a Werewolf (Anthology) (pdf)(1)

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Published by Phaze Books
Also by Dahlia Rose and Crymsyn Hart

How to Ruin Halloween for the Grim Reaper

How to Ruin Christmas for a Vampire

Dahlia Only:

The Collettes Trilogy

(print collection)

Also available as separate eBooks:

The Collettes: Sola

The Collettes: Luna

The Collettes: Willa

Sands of Passion

(print collection)

Also available as separate eBooks:

Caribbean Blue

When Love Commands

This book contains explicit language

intended for the enjoyment

of adult readers. Please keep

out of the hands of children.

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How to Ruin Easter for

a Werewolf

a novella of paranormal erotic romance by



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How to Ruin Easter for a Werewolf copyright 2009 by Crymsyn Hart
and Dahlia Rose

All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American
Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and
retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are
either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously,
and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead,
organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

A Phaze Production

Phaze Books

6470A Glenway Avenue, #109

Cincinnati, OH 45211-5222

Phaze is an imprint of Mundania Press, LLC.

To order additional copies of this book, contact:

Cover art © 2009 Skyla Dawn Cameron

Edited by Pat Sager

eBook ISBN-13: 978-1-60659-133-8

First Edition – March, 2009

Printed in the United States of America

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including
infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is
punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

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Chapter One

“Sebastian, I’m hungry,” Demona whined and stomped her


Her companion rolled his eyes. Lean, mean, and full of piss

and vinegar was what had first attracted him to Demona. She had
curves in all the right places that snuggled against his body
perfectly. But, she was a whiny bitch whenever she got hungry.

Fifty years ago, he never intended to give her fur. Honestly,

he wanted nothing more than to bump pelvises with her for a
time, use her for a rump roast when he got tired of her, and then
use her finger bones to pick the meat from between his teeth.
But, he’d gotten a little too carried away one night while
Demona screamed, “Oh, baby” one too many times. His mind
was engrossed on blowing his load deep inside of her. Instead of
growling his pleasure in her ear, he tasted rare meat on his
tongue. Hot, pumping blood raced down his throat. He had to
swallow it.

By the time he looked at Demona with the most innocent

look he could muster, she had turned from an enticing lay to the
she-harpy from Hell. She had raged for him to get out because he
bit her. He knew when to exit, and grabbed his pants while
dodging a lamp. Two weeks later, there she was: furry and
beautiful in the moonlight. When he went to greet her, she nearly
tore out his throat. He gathered she was still aggravated from the
bite. Sebastian hadn’t expected her to roll over and be the
submissive type, but he did desire respect. She hated him for
months. When he decided to leave, she followed.

Over the years, they had hitch-hiked the countryside,

settling once in a while. His favorite times were when they
roamed the deep wilderness of the Louisiana bayous, the lush
towering civilizations of the Redwoods, or the craggy mountains
of the Colorado Rockies. Her paws had been sure of their footing

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on the rock under the opalescent full moon. Even when they
raced in wolf form in the dark night, he had taught her over time
that the moon did not rule them. Once they grabbed a hold of
their nature, they could transform at will. Now she was a
beautiful, sexy creature who made him howl when she rode him
hard and fast. But tonight, she was in rare form.

They had eaten a few days ago, but her appetite was

growing by leaps and bounds. He assumed, with her ‘tude lately,
she was going into her quarterly heat time. It was akin to human
PMS, but ten times worse. Not that he minded, because the sex
was amazing. His balls tightened just thinking about it. They
would go at it for hours like rabbits. The last time they had gone
a marathon of twelve hours with barely any breaks. He had
begged for mercy after that. She finally relented and let him get
some sleep. He was sore for a couple of days afterwards because
she had ridden him raw. For a wolf to do that to him meant
something because they healed quickly.

Sebastian’s tongue ran over his bottom canines. His

stomach agreed he could go for a light snack. The jogger they ate
a few days ago was a little too lean for his taste. Mostly muscle
and gristle. Even thinking about it, he still sensed the mealy
aftertaste of the meat on the back of his tongue. Damn, he hated
vegans. He wanted—no, needed—something with more

“All right, Pookie. We’ll go get you something to eat. What

do you want? Japanese? Chinese? Italian? I smell pasta coming
from the alley over there. What do you say?”

Demona eyed him. He saw her thinking it over. This was

always the way with her. She could never make up her mind
when presented with choices. Women. I don’t care if they’re
bitches or human. They always take their goddamn time!

Watching her, the lust and call of the moon shot through his

dick. The slight pink tip of her tongue rested on her bottom lip
while she bit it, making up her mind. It was a habit she had, one
of the very things that had made him want to fuck her on the spot
the first time he saw her. His paws ached to claw their way along
her torso, gnaw on her nipples, and then ram his cock so far
inside her she would scream his name.


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Yeah. That was going to be her payment tonight for asking

to hunt. She would take all of him. He wasn’t going to hold back
this close to the full moon. A satisfied smile touched his lips.

Her gaze flicked across the street. An amused and childlike

chuckle escaped her throat, like a small yip of excitement.

“I want rabbit.”
Sebastian shook his head. “Hon, there are no rabbits in New

York City. Well, maybe at Wong’s, but not here. And the last
bunny we saw was a stuffed one in the store because it’s almost

She rolled her eyes and then pointed. “No, silly. I’m not

talking about anything with stuffing. Who cares about chocolate
and crème filled eggs? Come on, let’s follow the White Rabbit. I
want to see how far into Wonderland he leads us.” She grabbed
his hands and pulled him after her. He saw the white cotton tail
of a rabbit going around the corner, into an alley. There was
nothing around them save a bunch of converted mills and
warehouses. A few of them housed art gallerias in the up and
coming area. Where was the rabbit going?

“Demona, are you positive you want to go down the rabbit

hole? I’m not sure Wonderland will be anything like what it is in
the books. You do know it’s a children’s fantasy right?”
Sebastian stopped them both. He could smell the rabbit. It was a
mortal in costume. But even his interest was piqued.

His lover put her hands on her hips and gave him a low

growl. Her eyes glinted yellow in the moonlight. “Of course I
know it’s a children’s book. I’m not stupid or dimwitted. Gee. I
was just having a little fun. If you don’t want to hunt rabbit with
me, fine. But me and my babies are hungry.”

Before he could say anything, Demona snapped at his

throat. A flash of pure fear went through him. He backed up
against the brick wall and stared at the space which she had
occupied. He was still in a daze. He slumped down against the
pavement. Had she said babies? Were they going to be having

I think I’m going to be sick!


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Chapter Two

It wasn’t the way she wanted to bring it up to him, but it

happened. She’d been feeling sick for the last couple of weeks
and kind of suspected. While he was out, her suspicions were
concluded by seven pregnancy tests in the hotel where they were
staying. She was afraid to tell him, knowing how he liked to
roam. Now they would have to put down roots. She’d already
contemplated that and was researching property in Louisiana
close to their favorite hunting grounds.

She glanced back at her mate and felt a pang of remorse

seeing him slumped down. His face turned pale green. They
would have a lengthy discussion about it later. But now the
hunger pangs in her stomach were becoming unbearable. I guess
one of the side effects of being a werewolf and knocked up is
insatiable hunger and horniness.
Even observing him sitting
there, she wanted to go straddle his lap and fuck him. They
might have little quarrels sometimes, but she loved her mate with
everything she had inside her.

“Sebastian, are you coming, sweetheart?” She used her soft,

sweet voice to cajole him. She wasn’t really whiny. She just did
it to irritate him because she knew it pissed him off.

“Demona, are you pregnant?” he asked. He held onto the

wall weakly, using it for support while he rose from the ground.

“Yes, darling.” She batted her eyes innocently at him.


“In the middle of a fucking alley? This is where you pick to

tell me you’re pregnant! How did this happen?” he roared.

“Okay, first off, I didn’t want to tell you in an alley.”

Demona arched her eyebrows. “Secondly, do I have to remind
you how it happened, over and over again? Sometimes doggy
style in the woods…”


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“Okay, okay, enough. I get it.” He silenced her. He ran his

hands through his hair. The expression on his face was pained.
“What do we do? Where do we…”

Demona walked over to her mate and put her arms around

him. She rubbed her face against his hard chest before nuzzling
his neck. His scent was always so intoxicating, she could feel the
surface of her panties getting wet just from his smell.

“Big bad daddy, let’s not worry about that now. We’ll talk

later. I promise,” she crooned. “For now let’s go find that rabbit.
Mommy’s hungry.”

“Fine,” Sebastian growled. He took her hand. She felt his

warm kiss on her lips. “Later we talk.”

Demona nodded eagerly and pulled him down the alley to

the vacant warehouse. Through the heavy metal door they could
hear the thumping of bass speakers. Sebastian pulled open the
door. Demona stepped through in front of him. Gone was the
metal old rusty look that was on the outside. Inside it seemed as
though they really had slid down the rabbit hole. Purple swatches
of silky fabric hung from the ceiling, stuffed animals decorated
the walls, and at the bar was a girl dressed in a leopard outfit
serving drinks. The most amazing thing was the amount of
costumed people lounging around on plush red sofas and
cushions. Demona’s eyes widened. She covered her mouth to
stifle her giggles when she spied a squirrel giving a pussy cat a
blow job. On the other side of the room, there was a pink teddy
bear bent over a table with her flap open while a lion fucked her.

“What the hell is this place?” Sebastian’s voice sounded


“Oh my God. It’s a scritching club!” Demona replied with

laughter in her voice.

“Scritching? How do you know about this stuff? Don’t tell

me you were into this kinda stuff before we got together.”

“Internet, dear Sebastian. The thing you hate to use is called

a computer.” Demona turned to him with a wide grin.
“Scritching is a kind of fetish humans have. They enjoy dressing
up like animals and having sex.”

“Seriously! You have got to be kidding me!”


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“Nope, this is the real deal. They do it in secret places

because it’s technically illegal.” She twirled around excitedly.
“This is so freaking awesome. Let’s find the rabbit!”

“I think we should leave baby, um—that panda bear over

there is giving me the eye.” Sebastian looked uncomfortable. She
tugged at his coat.

“Oh, honey. We’re at the top of the food chain. Plus, you

never know. The panda might taste good when you get past the
fur and stuffing.”

“Demona, I don’t want to stay here,” Sebastian growled


“Please, baby, I need to eat that rabbit,” Demona began to

whine, knowing that it would drive him crazy. “I’m craving him,
Pookie. Pretty please?”

“All right,” Sebastian rolled his eyes, “but if that panda

comes near me my claws come out.”

“Thank you! Thank you!” She hopped up and down before

closing her eyes and inhaling deeply. “I can smell him. Come

She grabbed his hand, pulled him away from the door, and

headed towards the bar.

On the way, a little redhead wearing a porn star Care Bear

outfit put her hand on Sebastian’s crotch. “Hey, big guy, do you
want to play?”

“Back off, bitch, before I put you in the animal hospital,”

Demona snarled. Her instincts kicked in.

“Now now, baby, we all share in here,” the little yellow

bear said with a purr.

Demona’s canine teeth lengthened ready to rip apart flesh.

“Okay, if we’re sharing I get a thigh.” She smiled so the red head
could see her teeth.

The girl visibly gulped and backed off, quickly throwing a

scared look behind her. She moved down to the other end of the

“Now back to finding my rabbit!” Demona said brightly.

Her mood changed in an instant. “Come on, daddy.”

“I wish you would stop calling me daddy,” he called to her

over the music. “And your mood swings are kinda creepy.”


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She turned to him and kissed him, letting him taste her

tongue. Sebastian’s arms instantly went around her waist before
reaching down and cupping her ass.

“You love when I call you daddy when I’m under you

naked and panting…” She caught sight of a white cottony tail
going past a stone pillar. “Oh look, the rabbit is right over there!”

The dirty thoughts in her head were totally forgotten when

she raced behind her bunny dinner.


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Chapter Three

Sebastian groaned when Demona hauled him off to find that

blasted white rabbit. He had no idea what it was she smelled in
the rabbit to make her desire to eat it. Brushing past all the
mortals dressed up as animals was seriously creepy. Although, it
did give him some ideas on what he wanted to have for dinner
next week. He could already imagine the squealing pork and the
very rare steak still mooing. He loved sinking his teeth into
anything nice and juicy. It had been a long time since they had
hunted a cow farm. It was risky because the farmers had guns
and other precautions. If the farmers fed the steer full of steroids
it made the meat extremely chewy and gave him indigestion for
a week. It was best to go all natural when they dined on steak. If
Demona was truly pregnant, he didn’t want his kids eating the

Sebastian shivered at the thought. He was going to be a

father! How could that happen? Well, he knew how it happened.
His lips curled into a smile when he recalled the many times it
had happened with Demona’s supple body beneath him.

Her skin shimmered under the strobe lights of the club. It

looked as though she was being kissed by starlight with rainbows
reflecting off her skin. Staring at her, he let himself imagine her
with a belly bulging with life, from his children. They wouldn’t
be able to roam as free as they had been for years. They would
have to lay roots down somewhere with lots of land. They would
need large hunting grounds. Acres and acres of fields to roam
and forests to hunt in. In the old days, there used to be ample
land for his kind to rove. He didn’t have to worry about
defending his territory and he would rarely run into any other
werewolves. However, finding acres of open land today was
scarce and humans would be bordering it. They needed to find


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something near a state park. That would provide them enough
land to amble across.

Even while he wove through the club, his mind was still on

the children. It was rare that werewolf children were conceived.
If they were going to be having more than one, he wasn’t sure if
they would be girls or boys or how to raise them.

“Sebastian, did you hear what I said?” Demona asked.
He blinked and focused back on his beloved. A surge of

love rolled through his heart. God, she was beautiful. Her eyes
ringed with gold made him think the sun was caught behind
them. Without thinking, he swept her up in his arms and brought
his lips down to hers. It took her a moment to respond when the
surprise melted away from her muscles. His fingers crept down
and cupped her ass. He gave it a strong squeeze. A moan escaped
her throat when he dug into her flesh. Demona liked it rough. It
was why he loved her and she made a good mate. They were
both equals and loved many of the same things.

“I want you, right now, Demona.” Sebastian whispered in

her ear. He nipped the end of it. His free hand slid under her shirt
and grabbed her breast. The nipple hardened instantly. He
smelled her desire. His cock strained hard against his jeans. He
longed to take her right there. He never had been one for public
sex, but with the scents in the atmosphere, the sounds of the
animal clothed humans, and her beautiful body next to him his
control was slipping. If he wasn’t careful he would transform
into wolf form. If that happened, there would be more than
stuffing coming out of people.

Demona put a hand on his chest and pulled away.

“Sebastian, I’d love to get frisky, but I seriously need to get
something to eat. What brought this on?”

He leaned in for another kiss, but his mate shook her head.

Sebastian closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath. “Nothing
brought it on. I was just envisioning your sweet body against
mine and us chowing down on a few of these freaks. What do
you say?”

“So you don’t mind going rabbit hunting?”
“No. Just stop calling me daddy.”


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Demona gave him one of her beloved pouts, but she nodded

her head, then grabbed his hand and began to drag him further
back into the warehouse.

As they walked back, he saw private rooms where there was

definitely more than furry animal sex going on. There was a man
dressed as a duck in bondage gear with leather chaps on his
costume. Around him were three foxes chained to the wall, all
waiting to be beaten by a duck. Very strange.

There was another room where, instead of racks of meat,

four squirrels hung from the hooks. A man sporting a pig outfit,
dressed up as a cop, was walking around them, tickling their feet.

Demona stopped and inhaled. She was searching for the

scent of the rabbit, trying to distinguish it from all of the other
aromas in the building. Her nose twitched a couple of times. She
dragged him forward again. There was no stopping her. Once
they had a scent, it wasn’t in their nature to give up. He only
hoped the rabbit was as good as Demona anticipated it to be.

“Excuse me!”
Both Demona and Sebastian turned. A growl purred low in

his throat. He stared at the human clad in red dragon garb.
“Yes,” Demona said sweetly. Sebastian heard the fake tone in
her voice.

This dragon had better breathe fire. If not, his ass is going

to be fried. Mmm…dragon fried rice. Chinese is sounding very
good right now.

The dragon’s stuffed head bounced when the human inside

put its claws on its hips.

“You can’t go past this point without a costume.”
The color drained from his face. There was no way he was

getting inside some stuffed animal costume even if the mother of
his children was ravenous. He was not going to wind up being a
mouse, a fluffy bunny, or some other cute shit they had lying

Demona got all bouncy. Her smile grew bigger and bigger

until it was ready to fall off her face. She clapped her hands

“Oh great! That would be awesome. What do you have?”


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Sebastian tugged on his mate’s elbow. “Ahh, sweetie, are

you sure you want to dress up as prey, I mean—” He couldn’t
find the right words without making the dragon suspicious.

“Of course, honey. We have to fit in if we want to eat,” she

said through smiling teeth.

There was no way he was winning this battle. So he just

sighed, shook his head, and made a noncommittal noise.

“You have to forgive him. He’s a little embarrassed about

all of this.”

“It’s okay, honey. I get it. You’re first timers. No problem.

Come into the back with me and we’ll see what we have left.”

Demona slipped her hand through his arm and snuggled up

to him. They followed the dragon into a back hall and then
around another corner into a large room. There were many
empty hangers and only a few costumes left. Sebastian eyed a
pink elephant, a purple rooster, a red, white and blue eagle and
two very bright neon yellow things hanging up. Please not the
yellow ones.

The dragon also scanned the room. After a second of poking

at the pink elephant and sizing him and Demona up, the dragon
sighed. He headed for the bright yellow costumes. He hefted
them off the racks and then brought them down to Demona and
Sebastian. “These will do nicely. It’s the last matching pair we
have.” He shoved them at the couple. Demona scooped hers up
with ease. After a silent moment and a nasty stare from his mate,
he took the costume.

“Gee. Thanks so much,” he forced himself to reply to the


The dragon winked at him. “No problem, sweets. I love

chicks. Just strip down and slip into the suits.”

Demona began to take her clothes off, but Sebastian

suddenly felt very exposed with the dragon staring at the two of
them. “Umm. Can you give us some privacy?”

“Sorry, sweetie. First timers. I forgot. Don’t keep Red

waiting?” The dragon blew him a kiss and waddled out.

Demona snickered while she climbed into her chick

costume. “I think he likes you, baby,”

Sebastian growled at her. He held up the suit and stared at

it. He sniffed it with disgust. It was clean, the harsh scents of the


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cleaning detergents told him that, but he also detected the faint
scent of sex. These costumes had been used.

Demona was already dressed and waiting for him. He knew

he had no choice but to don the damnable thing. He stripped
slowly and tugged on the yellow costume. They zipped each
other up. Once they had, the fabric inside his costume made him
itch. He contained a growl when he looked at himself in the
mirror. He was in the costume of a little yellow duckling. The
other werewolves would think he was hilarious dressed up as a
downy chick.

“You look so cute, Pookie.” Demona squealed.
He turned to Demona. Her bill was lopsided when it flopped

on her head. “We look like freakin’ Peeps.”

“What’s a Peep?”
“It’s those marshmallow candies that are in the stores now.

For Easter. God, this is horrible.”

“No, it’s great and we’ll have so much fun. I can already

taste the rabbit.” Demona hopped out of the room.

Sebastian stared at himself in the mirror, feeling every bit

the ugly duckling. “I’m a fucking Peep. I can’t fucking believe


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Chapter Four

Demona laughed in her head, knowing full well if Sebastian

caught one whiff of her amusement he’d be out of there. Then it
would be no wascally wabbit for her dinner. She couldn’t help
but chuckle at her impression of Elmer Fudd.

“What are you giggling at?” Sebastian asked harshly. “I

look damn stupid in this thing I know it.”

“I’m not laughing at you, darling. I swear.” Demona patted

his yellow chest comfortingly. “I was channeling Elmer Fudd in
my head.”

“Uh-huh. Come on, Demona, let’s get out of these crappy

yellow things and go back to the hotel.” Sebastian pleaded. “I’ll
hunt you any other kind of dinner, I promise.”

Her irritation began to rise. This time she poked his yellow

chest. Her finger began to form into wolf claws and she growled
low in her throat. “Listen you! I have run with you through
fucking swamps for a cheerleader you had to eat. I’ve been in
pisshole biker bars because you had a taste for biker bitches. I
have even followed you to a hole in the wall barbeque place in
bum fuck nowhere in North Carolina because you had a taste for
that barbeque chef guy.” Her hand had transformed completely.
Her face was becoming that of the wolf. She glowered at him
with yellow eyes. “I will have my rabbit and I will eat him to my
heart’s content. Do you understand?”

Demona didn’t know why she was changing while her

anger rose. Maybe it was the extra hormones of being pregnant.
She took a calming breath and willed her body back to its human
form before anyone could notice in the dark warehouse. She
must look ridiculous changing into wolf form while wearing a
yellow chicken hat on her head.

Capice?” She threw him another glowering glance.
“Yes, dear,” Sebastian said and followed behind her.


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Demona had never heard her mate sounding so meek and

submissive. She almost felt sorry going off on him. But, she
wanted her damn rabbit and she was going to get it. Apologies
would come later. They went back to the VIP rooms. She lifted
her nose in the air and closed her eyes trying to catch a whiff of
her prey.

“His scent is fading from here. He must be somewhere else

in the building,” she said with a disappointed sigh. “If this was
the woods I’d have caught him by now.” She heard no response
from her wolf mate and it made her look around. “Sebastian, are
you listening to me?”

He wasn’t. It was quite hilarious to see a grown man, who

was also a werewolf, standing by the door of a VIP room with
his mouth agape in amazement or horror. She couldn’t tell the
difference when she walked over to see what he was looking at.
The look on his face was due to both shock and horror. In
between pillows of every color imaginable sat a caterpillar with
man legs and one erect member sticking through the front of his
costume. On her knees was the Queen of Hearts, giving said
caterpillar a blowjob. The Queen of Hearts’ skirt and petticoats
were thrown up over her back and she was being boffed by the
Mad Hatter with top hat and all.

“You have got to be kidding me,” Sebastian said. “These

people need some serious help.”

“To each his own, honey, who are we to judge?” Demona

snickered when the Mad Hatter’s hat fell off and he stopped
fucking the queen to put it back on. “Um, they seem to be having

“Well, it matters because you are so intent on eating the

rabbit,” Sebastian replied darkly. “I mean, what kind of person
are you going to be feeding my children? You are eating for

“I’d know if something was wrong with the rabbit. We can

smell sickness and death. He just smells so yummy and I know
he is going to be all fleshy and succulent.” She could feel the
saliva form in her mouth at the thought of the rabbit’s taste. “I
want to gnaw on his ribs and nibble on his thigh bones. Come
on, let’s find an empty room.”


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She grabbed his hand and dragged him along to find an

empty VIP area. They found one set in an Egyptian theme.
Demona let the gold curtain close behind her and began to strip
out of her yellow Peep costume, revealing her glorious naked

“What are you doing, Demona?” Sebastian was already

panting while she unzipped him from his yellow prison.

She knew he could smell her wet, moist sex and he was

instantly aroused. “What does it look like I’m doing, baby? I’m
the three H’s—hungry, hot and horny.”

She kissed him ravenously, taking his hard cock in her

hands, Sebastian growled low in his throat, letting her guide him
down to the plush satin pillows. He couldn’t stop now even if he
wanted to. Their legs entangled when they touched and caressed
each other. She didn’t want slow and sweet. She wanted him hot,
hard, and fast like in the bayou after they’d hunted. His hands
encased her full breasts and plucked at her nipples, wringing a
moan from her lips. Demona moved away from him and got on
her hands and knees. She wiggled her tail invitingly and spread
her legs just a little wider so he could see her swollen sex.

“Come take me, baby, fuck me hard and hot,” Demona


Sebastian moved behind his woman. His cock prodded the

entrance of her pussy before he slid himself deep inside her. The
breath hissed from her. She felt him fill her over and over again.

“God, yes! I love when you take me like this, Sebastian!”
“You feel so damn good, Demona. Your scent is even

stronger. It’s driving me wild. I want to ravish you, but I know I
have to be gentle.”

She shook her head wildly. Pure pleasure surged hot

through her very core, making her sweat. “Please, Sebastian,
don’t hold back. Take me all the way,” she begged.

He grabbed her hips and pumped himself inside her harder

and harder, making her cry out while biting her lip during each
powerful sensation sky rocketing through her. Her back arched.
Her fingers clawed the pillows in ecstasy with each thrust. His
growls of feral pleasure spurred her on and together they went
straight into the abyss of their orgasm. They collapsed against
the soft pillows, their breath billowing out while they each tried


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to calm their racing hearts. Demona could have purred her
contentment, if she’d been a were-cat. But instead she contented
herself on the feel of Sebastian nuzzling her neck and stroking
her back.

Replacing the lust, having just taken over her body, was the

hunger to feed. She needed her dinner now more than ever after
expending so much energy mating with Sebastian. Her stomach
growled loudly and hunger pangs bit at her stomach.

“Sebastian, I have to eat. Baby, I’m really starving now,”

She said and tried to roll him off her back.

“Fine, fine, but you know I could really sleep right now,” he


“Don’t be the typical wolf, get some nookie, howl at the

moon and go to sleep. I need to hunt my rabbit.” Demona looked
around to find something to wipe the sticky remnants of their
mating from her thighs. Luckily there were paper towels and
sanitizers fully stocked in the room. “At least they’re prepared,”
she said, waggling her eyebrows. “Let’s clean up and go get our

Sebastian moved. “I am not looking forward to getting back

into this damn yellow disaster.”

“I’ll make you a deal, Pookie. We find my dinner. We stash

him somewhere and I’ll let you burn these costumes. If anyone
tries to stop us from taking them, we will have them for dessert,

“Yes, sweetie.” Sebastian kissed her gently and rubbed her

back while he held her to him.

Demona was taken aback by his show of sweet affection.

She knew he loved her, but he never was very open about it. He
must be getting accustomed to the thought of having a family
she thought with a smile.

Back in their matching yellow costumes, they stepped out of

the room, meeting the gaze of the dragon. He gave them a wink
when they passed by.

“Sounds like my two favorite chicks had some fun,” Red

Dragon said. Hope filled his voice. “Maybe you two would love
to play later?”


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Sebastian stopped and looked around at the character.

“Beware of wolves in Peeps clothing.” He snapped his jaws for

The dragon’s eyes widened and then lowered in a sexy gaze

when they continued moving on.

“Honey, I think that you’ve turned him on more than

anything else,” Demona said. She looked back one more time
and the dragon waved his fingers prettily at her.

“I won’t eat him. I’ll just kill him if he comes near me,”

Sebastian threatened. “Dragon fried rice is out of the question

Demona closed her eyes and picked up the scent of her

rabbit easily. After mating with Sebastian, her senses were more
in tune and her hunger was insatiable. She caught sight of the
white fuzzy tail going down another corridor. She nudged
Sebastian and pointed to where she saw her bunny dinner go by.
He nodded and took her hand. They began to follow her tasty
treat once again. Before the night was over she fully intended to
be picking his gristle from between her teeth.


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Chapter Five

Sebastian grumbled as he followed Demona. Her quest was

really starting to remind him of Alice in Wonderland. He had
read the book when it was first published, but he had never really
gotten into it. Who cared about little girls and white rabbits? The
only thing good about the book was the girl sounded tasty and he
had wanted to sink his fangs into Alice. And he hated to admit it,
for a while, he had this thing for blondes wearing blue dresses
with cats. It was amazing how many women he found that fit
Alice’s description once he had put his mind to it. However, he
had gotten over that childish fantasy ages ago. Now he was more
into eating anything.

Sebastian admitted to himself that he was getting hungry

from all this hunting and, even though they had just had sex,
there must have been something in the air of the club because he
was getting horny again. Demona shaking her ass in that chicken
suit was actually attractive. Maybe there was something to the
humans dressing up as furry beasts and going at it like they were
back in the jungle.

What am I thinking? This is a total freak show. I really have

to get out of here. But, of course, not before Demona gets
something to eat. If she doesn’t, I won’t hear the end of it. Oh,
fuck me, what have I gotten myself into?

Sebastian started hearing disco music while they walked

down the hall. The only thing he could picture was a dancing
hippo with an Afro, gold chains around his neck, and silver bell
bottoms. The werewolf shook his head.

He stopped and sniffed the air. Something wasn’t right. The

smell reminded him of something he hadn’t detected in a long
time. Hundreds of years. He just couldn’t place all of it. It wasn’t
just the music or the smell of sex permeating the air. There was
something about the club. Something about the disco music they


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were getting close to. The feel of it was off. His gut was warning
him not to go any further. Sebastian knew when to listen to his
instincts even if his pregnant wife was overridden by hormones.
There was no way he was going any further into the warehouse.
Not even to satisfy her hunger for chasing a crazy white rabbit.
He grabbed Demona’s hand and jerked her back from the
darkened hallway.

“Demona, we shouldn’t go down there. Trust me. We really

need to get out of here.” He began pulling her back toward the
room where they had gotten changed into their ridiculous
costumes. However, she wasn’t going anywhere. She was being
stubborn, there was nothing new in that.

“Sebastian, what the hell are you doing? We went over this

just a couple of minutes ago. You said it would be fine for me to
go after the little wabbit and once we chowed down on him we
could get rough again. Come on, Pookie. You’re really starting
to piss me off. You don’t want to be cut off from now on until
after the babies come, do you?” From the gleam in her eye and
the grim expression on her face, Sebastian knew she was telling
the truth. But right now he didn’t care how long Demona cut him
off from sex. He could always go find a local wolf and get it on
doggie style with it. It wouldn’t be the first time, and technically
it wasn’t cheating since the animal was only a bitch.

He sighed. His hackles rose under the chicken costume. If

his hair was standing up on end then something was definitely
wrong. Werewolves weren’t like vampires, all prissy because
they had a knack for avoiding danger. Werewolves relied more
on their senses. Now, if what his senses detected as the threat
was right, they were screwed.

No it can’t be! My kind wiped them out centuries ago. How

is it possible they survived? If they did, they’re the only things
my kind has for natural enemies. Demona would know them only
as bad ghost stories I’ve told her or ones she’d heard from the
mouths of some of the others we have encountered. No one
believes in them anymore.

“Demona, this has nothing to do with the rabbit. Sweetie,

please. There’s something here in the club. Something I didn’t
think I would ever smell again. We have to get out of here. If
they find us, we will be on the dinner menu and not the rabbit.


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Trust me on this one. It’s not some ploy to get you naked again
or deny your hunger. I’ll buy you prime rib, lamb…whatever
you want. But please, come on.” Sebastian didn’t know if she
was going to come with him or not, but after a few minutes of
her searching his eyes, her stubbornness drained away.

She was going to give into him. He drew her into his arms

in a quick hug and claimed her lips for one brief second. “Thank
you. Come on.”

Sebastian backtracked, following their own scent to the

room where they had gotten changed. The Red Dragon was no
longer around. The werewolves began to strip out of their
costumes. They were almost back into their clothes when
Sebastian stopped. Instead of them getting the white rabbit, he
had walked into the room with them.

Under the costume, the person inside of it had a round face,

long thin nose, thin lips, and beady red eyes. Demona stopped
from putting her top back on and stared at the rabbit. He moved
over between the two of them. Nothing was going to happen to
his wife, if he could do anything to prevent it.

“Well, well, it’s true. I thought I smelled werewolf while I

was outside. It’s been so long since I’ve had one of your kind.
You will make a tasty meal for me and my comrades,” the white
rabbit hissed. A long forked tongue caressed his thin lips.

“Look, do what you want with me. Just let her go.”
The white rabbit stared at him and then began to laugh. “I’d

forgotten how funny your kind can be. That really is amusing.
Here you were thinking you were going to be the wolves in the
Peeps’ clothing, but it only appears you are still sheep, or
chickens. God, I can’t believe you took those costumes.
Everyone hates them.”

“See,” Sebastian murmured to Demona. His mate wasn’t

listening. Instead she shoved him out of the way and faced the
rabbit on her own. She drew herself up in all her glory. He
wished she wasn’t so persistent or stubborn. She was going to
get them in so much trouble.

“Look, furry. I don’t care what or who you think you are.

You are so not going to be eating us. We are walking out of here
and your bushy tail is going to watch my ass swish out of this
door.” Demona growled low in her throat. Sebastian finished


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pulling on his shirt. The rabbit’s eyes flicked over to him. He
was finding this whole confrontation amusing.

“She doesn’t know what I am, does she?”
“No, and I would like to keep it that way. Can we make a

deal or something here? We didn’t know this was your hunting
ground. We haven’t eaten anyone. We’ll go and get out of the
city. How does that sound?”

The white rabbit crossed his paws over his chest and

thought about Sebastian’s offer. Demona moved to his side.
“What is up with this guy? Why are you kissing his ass? We
should be eating him. I’m hungry, baby.”

Sebastian kissed her on the cheek. “I know, Pookie, but we

don’t want to mess with his kind. They are bad news for
werewolves. They are our natural enemies.”

“But we don’t have any enemies. We’re the top of the food


“What? Top of the food chain? Is she kidding, werewolf?”

The white rabbit stepped forward. The seams ripped on the white
bunny costume and it fell away. The true creature hiding inside
of it showed itself to the werewolves.

Sebastian grabbed Demona by the arm and held her behind

him. She was not fighting him this time. Before them, the human
inside the animal costume had grown and was still growing. His
whole body morphed and bubbled. Before long, his skin had
gone from white to dark brown. All the flesh had fallen away
from his body, shedding it like a snake, a very large snake, like
none they’d ever seen. His arms disappeared as did his legs,
fusing into his body to become a large King Cobra shifter. They
were the only enemies the werewolf had.

This one was obviously several centuries old. They only

grew to their full height when they were around five hundred.
Sebastian figured this one was well over that.

The hood on his head unfurled and the cobra started waving

back and forth trying to hypnotize them. Sebastian knew to stare
at the floor and not directly at his deep red swirling eyes.

“Now do you know what I am?” the King Cobra hissed.
Demona looked between him and Sebastian. Fear had

turned her face whiter than the rabbit costume now in pieces on


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the floor. “I didn’t know, Sebastian. I swear. I thought he was

“I know, baby. It’s all gonna be okay. I’m going to take care

of everything.”

The snake laughed. Its long pink tongue showed its sword-

like fangs that dripped with venom. One strike with those and
they would be dead. The snake would swallow them whole. That
was why they were the natural enemies of the werewolf.
Sebastian had heard stories of how the wolves had eradicated the
last of the Cobra species eons ago, but some of them must have
been missed.

He had to get Demona out of there. The room they were in

was windowless. He did remember seeing one window in the
back that had been turned into a dressing room. If she could
make it in there. At least his children would be safe. Sebastian
drew her into him and nibbled at her neck.

“When I say so, run to the dressing room and climb out the

window. Get as far away from here as you can. Do you
understand me?”

“I’m not leaving you!”
“You don’t have a choice. You will do what I say!”
Demona didn’t give him a snarky answer back, which he

was happy for. They met each other’s lips one more time in a
deep kiss before Sebastian released her and went to face his age-
old enemy.


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Chapter Six

Demona sprinted down the hallway into the darkness. The

smell of her own fear filled her nose. Her heart banged against
her ribcage. Her fingers trailed over her stomach protectively.
The music from the different party rooms filtered into her ears. A
crack of light showed at the very end of the hallway. A glaring
red exit sign peered out of the shadows. The scent on the air was
not so stagnant here. A light breeze wafted through the hall. She
smelled her freedom. It would be so easy to break through those
doors into the night and get away from the large snake. Part of
her was horrified to even think that she would run out on
Sebastian. She always thought she would fight tooth and nail
next to him in case there was danger thwarting them. However,
her instincts kicked in and she ran.

A low growl rumbled in her throat. Her nostrils flared

clearing out the aroma of the rabbit. The scent must have been
something to entice werewolves. Her mate had told her scary
stories around the campfire while they were in the bayou about
creatures that lived in the shadows and were enemies of the wolf
packs. She never imagined she would encounter one.

Her stomach grumbled. She licked her lips from the

perfume of the sweating humans in the other parts of the
warehouse. She desperately needed to eat someone. Her gaze
flicked to the exit again. A couple of leaps and she would be
liberated. If she went in the other direction she could have
whatever fluffy pet she wanted sinking between her teeth. All
she needed was to get past the stuffing and the cloth then sweet
red meat would slide down her throat. A scream erupted behind
her. Sebastian.

Food be damned! She had to save him. There had to be

something that she could use for a weapon against the gigantic


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snake in the other room. Fangs and claws weren’t going to be

Think! Think! She began pacing. Her thoughts returned to

the rows of costumes she had seen in the other room. Quickly
she ran through them in her mind. Nothing in there would
frighten the snake.

“Hey, girlie, whatcha still doing here? Where are those

lovely costumes that I set you and that luscious man up with?”

Demona strangled the growl in her throat. She spun around.

Standing in the hallway was the Red Dragon who had hit on her
mate earlier. “Err… sorry, we were leaving. He got a little
skittish. All this is new to him. And…well, I was looking for the
bathroom. I really gotta pee.”

The dragon stared at her for a long moment, sizing her up.

Something about it wasn’t right. He crossed his stuffed talons
over his chest. “Sweets, do you really know what kind of a club
this is? Not all those dressed up Care Bears and rabbits are
human. You do know that, right?”

Her jaw dropped. What the hell was he talking about? “Ahh,

I’m sorry. Not human?”

“Don’t play stupid with me! I knew exactly what you were

the first moment I saw you. Wolves, right? And you’re carrying
a litter. You smell pregnant. I would’ve put you in sheep
costumes but we were all out. Besides, it was fun fucking with
your mate. The look on his face when I showed him the baby
chicken costumes. That was precious.”

“What are you? Are you like the White Rabbit?” She

backed up a few steps, trying to get closer to the exit. Damn her
appetite and wanting to follow that blasted rabbit down the rabbit
hole. “Are you going to try and eat us, too?”

“Eat you? Why would I do that? This is neutral territory for

all shifters. No one can make a meal of us here. Besides, you’re
not my type at all. I go for snakes. Now come on, sweets, where
is that luscious thing of yours? You can tell Samuel the truth.”

Demona told him how they ended up in the warehouse in

the first place. Her and her craving for rabbit. When she
mentioned the rabbit the dragon’s face fell. “Damn Monty. I told
him the next time he ate one of my costumers he was going to
get it. You stay right here, lovely. I’ll go set him straight.”


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The Red Dragon, Samuel, bounded off in the direction

where Demona heard Sebastian scream again. After a few
moments of not hearing anything, Demona ran down the
hallway, not caring what the other two men had said. She was
not going to stand by the sidelines and watch Sebastian get
killed. She came to the doorway and peered in. Her mate was on
the floor clutching his stomach. Smears of red blood painted the
floor and the wall. The snake cowered in the corner. In front of it
was the largest weasel she had ever seen. On the floor beside the
weasel was the Red Dragon costume Samuel had been wearing.

The weasel was roughly the size of Sebastian when he

turned into a wolf and he resembled a small pony. She slipped in
and took her mate in her arms, cradling him. He wasn’t opening
his eyes. Hot tears slipped down her cheeks onto his face. He
was so pale.

She smoothed back his hair. “You can’t die on me,

Sebastian. How am I going to raise these babies without you?
They’re going to need a father. So wake your ass up.”

There was more hissing. The snake struck at the weasel. A

long fang pierced its pelt, but it didn’t stop moving. He snapped
right back at the King Cobra. The hood of the cobra came out,
eclipsing the light in the room. Its red eyes hypnotized while it
swayed back and forth. She was unable to look away. The
weasel struck again. The snake dodged out of the way. This time
the snake hit again, but the weasel was ready. It jumped on top
of the snake’s head and bit down, lodging itself onto the King
Cobra. Black blood spurted everywhere, even onto the ceiling.
The cobra tried to get the weasel off of him, but the snake wasn’t
able to shake him loose. Even though he shook his head
vigorously, the weasel held on. Finally the light began to die in
the snake’s eyes. He slumped to the floor. His tail went still.

Demona’s attention went back to her mate. She ran a hand

through his hair. His breathing was ragged. There was a hand on
her shoulder. She glanced up at the naked weasel. His entire
body was black from the blood. “Don’t worry, sweets. I have
some anti-venom in the other room. You just stay put and I’ll be
right back.”

She nodded. Demona pulled off her shirt and began wiping

away the blood from the wound in his abdomen. She pressed it


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against the gash only to see it was red and swollen. The venom
was already in his system. The small branches of the poison
worked outward from the wound and headed north to his brain.
Once it reached that he would be gone for good. Already his
heart wasn’t pumping as quickly. He wasn’t waking up. In a
moment Samuel reappeared with a long needle filled with a clear

“Stand back, luscious one.” He took he needle and plunged

it straight into Sebastian’s heart. Demona gasped. Her mate’s
body arched off the floor when the liquid hit his heart.

“Will that save him?” she whispered.
Samuel patted her arm. “It should. I keep some of this on

hand because Monty liked to bite the humans he fucked. One
bite from him is toxic within minutes. With him being a
werewolf, and an old one at that, I’ll say that he has more than a
good chance to recover. Besides, he’s such a wonderful
specimen of wolf that it would be a shame to see that go to
waste. Not that you’re not half bad yourself, sweets, but …” he
paused while a contented shiver went up his spine. Demona
smiled. “But he is just the kind I want to play with. Maybe we
could go in for a threesome.”

“Ahh… I don’t think Sebastian would go for that. He’s

strictly a one-woman wolf.”

He pouted while he lifted her mate over his shoulder. His

gaze lingered too long on Sebastian’s butt for her liking. A low
growl rumbled in her throat. “Ahh, sweets, no need to get all
bitchy. I was only saying. A fine thing like him. Such a firm ass.
You certainly are a lucky one. Come on.”

Demona followed behind Samuel, noticing the way he

sashayed. She licked her lips, hoping he had some food where
they were headed. Her mind was semi at ease knowing what he
said about Sebastian. Calmness descended over her when they
walked into a sumptuous room filled with pillows of all different
hues and sizes. In the back was a dungeon, including a rack and
an iron maiden. All different kinds of sex toys from whips, a sex
swing, to blow up dolls were neatly placed on shelves by the
dungeon. In another section of the room was a bed with a camera
in front of it. Another section was set up as an office with state
of the art video equipment and computers.


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This guy has everything to make his own porn films. What

kind of a creature is this?

He placed Sebastian on the bed and walked off into another

room. “Make yourself at home, sweets. The bathroom is down
the hall. First door on the left. Take a shower if you want. Food
in the refrigerator. Just don’t eat any of the cheesecake, please.
I’m saving that for a special occasion.”

Demona sat next to her mate. His breathing had eased. She

checked his pulse. It wasn’t as thready. The wound from the
cobra appeared to be healing. Now all he needed was rest. “Ahh,
thanks,” she called to Samuel.

She didn’t get an answer. But all of a sudden she did have

an overwhelming need to pee. Demona got up and used the
facilities, finding them right where the weasel said they would
be. Her stomach growled while she searched for the refrigerator.
She lifted her nose and scented the air. There was fried chicken
in the refrigerator. It wouldn’t completely satisfy her craving for
rabbit, but it would do. She found the refrigerator and pulled
open the door. It was stocked with booze, two buckets of the
Colonel’s special recipe, and three cheesecakes. Her gaze strayed
to the cheesecake. Her hand drifted to it, but better not to anger
her host, so she grabbed the two buckets of chicken and began
chowing down.

“Goodness, I guess you are hungry. How many bambinos

are you carrying in there, sweets?”

Demona looked up and belched. She giggled and covered

her mouth. “Excuse me.” There was a pile of bones in the first
bucket she had devoured. The second one was already half-gone.
Her host reached in and took one of the drumsticks. She had to
suppress the urge not to snap at him.

“Ease up. I’m not going to take the whole thing from you.

Geesh, you pregnant bitches are worse than a famished alligator.
And trust me, a starving alligator is not pretty to be around. So
tell me, what brings you to New York? You hunting for territory
or just running through?”

She swallowed the last of the chicken. Her stomach was

content for a little while. “Just running through. We were up
hunting in the Maine woods. Got a good many moose, but it
started to get cold. He hates the cold and doesn’t like it when the


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snow sticks to his fur. We’re heading down to Louisiana. We
have this little place there in the middle of the bayou where we
can run free and not have to worry about humans encroaching
upon us.”

“Don’t I know it. Mortals these days don’t know when to

quit. Well, you can stay here. Don’t mind what you see going on.
It’s commonplace here to see any number of creatures passing
through. My only rule is that you don’t eat anyone human or
otherwise. This here borough is my territory. Just ask any
vampire or shifter. They know not to fuck with me.”

Demona heard the edge in his voice. The warning was there.

She nodded. “Don’t worry about it. We won’t eat anyone. But
you gotta tell me where the best place for rabbit is around here.
Cause these kids are not going to let me rest until I get some.”

Samuel smiled. “I know an excellent restaurant a few blocks

over from here. Now, go get some rest. When you wake up, I’ll
make sure that the fridge is stocked. Take care of your man. Play
with anything you want. I’ll be around.”

He got up and walked out. Demona heard the door lock

behind him. She didn’t care. Her belly was full. After watching
Sebastian breathe evenly for a few moments, she knew that
everything was going to be okay.


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Chapter Seven

Sebastian opened his eyes slowly. Everything about him

hurt. He remembered being slammed to the ground after being
speared by the fangs of that King Cobra. Fire had burned through
his stomach when the fangs pierced him. After that everything
went dark. He should be dead. He had never heard of anyone
surviving an attack from a King Cobra.

He inhaled slowly. Demona was next to him. Her heady

scent stirred his cock even though he wasn’t up for a round with
her yet. Her warm body pressed against his back. Her hard
nipples grazed his flesh. The steady even breathing of his mate
reassured him that she was okay. Unless she, too, was in Heaven
with him. If that were the case then he was damn lucky to have

He turned over slowly in the bed and gazed down at his

mate’s mocha skin. It glistened in the weak light, filtering
through the windows. Her braids were tied behind her head. She
was topless. The curve of her breasts and the tightened nipples
sent shock waves through him. Fuck it. If he was in Heaven then
it didn’t matter how he felt. He could make love to his mate
whenever he wanted. One hand rested lightly on her stomach
over their unborn children. A surge of joy went through him
when he thought about the fact that he was going to be a father.
He was so afraid when she first told. How was he going to care
for his children? How could he be a father? He was too old to be
a father. He was heading into his third century of being a wolf. If
he was lucky, he had two or three more centuries before he
would actually be taken. Werewolves weren’t truly immortal, but
they possessed a very long lifespan. Demona had no idea.
Normally, if a mated werewolf couple did conceive children, it
was when they were only a century or two old.


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“Oh, baby, why did you come back and help me with the

Cobra? But, if this is Heaven at least you’re with me.” He leaned
over and brushed his lips against hers. She moaned and rolled
over. He couldn’t help but reach out and touch her, making sure
she was real and not some hallucination. She was warm, soft,
and so very fuckable. His fingers traced the curve of her shoulder
blade, trailing along the arch of her back. She squirmed in her
sleep when he hit her ticklish spots. An unintelligible murmur
passed through her lips. Sebastian nuzzled her neck. His balls
contracted. His dick needed to feel her warm pussy covering it.
He slid his free hand under her jeans and over her downy mons.
Her slit was already moist. He found her clit and began to rub it,
slowly enticing her into wakefulness.

He kissed her neck, savoring the sweet tang of her skin. He

was slow in waking her. Her breathing intensified. Her muscles
stiffened. He felt the subtle little changes in her while she came
into consciousness. A breathy groan escaped her lips. Her inner
thighs captured his hand. A gush of wetness erupted into his
palm from her moist pussy. He slid two digits deep inside of her,
anticipating the tang of her juices when he licked his fingers
clean. He began to pump inside of her slowly.

“What are you doing to me?” she asked in a throaty


He nibbled on her neck. “Only trying to wake you up and

enjoy Heaven with you, angel.”

Demona was close to coming. She hovered on the edge. Her

pussy gripped his fingers hard. Only a few more strokes and she
would come for him. “This…fuck… isn’t Heaven, Pookie.”

Sebastian begged to differ. Anywhere with her was Heaven.

He flicked his thumb over her clit a few more times. Her whole
body stiffened. Her ass pushed against his cock. He so needed to
get her out of those jeans. “If this isn’t Heaven, then how am I
healed?” He bit down on her throat hard, the way he knew she
liked it.

Demona groaned something. The low octave of the sound

couldn’t be heard by human ears, but it titillated him to no end.
“Stop playing and fuck me.”

“Gladly.” With this free hand he unzipped her jeans. He

freed his fingers from her pussy and pulled off her pants. He


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dropped them off the side of the bed and gazed at his stunning
mate. Color adorned her cheeks. Where the light hit her, he
noticed she was glowing. Her golden gaze studied him while she
waited. He dipped between her luscious thighs and tasted her
sweet tang. His tongue laved her clean while he savored her. She
pushed herself against his face while she wiggled. Everything
about her intoxicated him.

“Please, do it.”
His teeth grew. He nipped at her inner thigh tasting blood.

Demona screamed. Music to his ears. He kissed the spot and
lapped at the wounds until they closed. He bit along her thigh,
over her stomach and up to her breasts before taking one in his
mouth and sucking on it. Her nipple hardened again. He took the
other between his thumb and forefinger and rolled it around. Her
hands ran over his back. A moment of pain made him growl. Her
claws ran furrows in his flesh. The pain was sweet. He struggled
to hold onto his control, but it was slipping fast.

He glanced up at her, meeting her golden gaze. She was his,

all wolf and all female. He couldn’t think where he would be if
she wasn’t in his life. Even though he hated to admit it, his life
would be meaningless if anything ever happened to her. He
wasn’t very good at telling her that over the years, but maybe it
was time to make her see that. Make her understand that he truly
loved her. He would be the mate that she deserved, no longer
going off on his own or complaining about it when she wanted to
hunt some stupid rabbit. A sweet smile curled her lips. He
nipped her breast harder. Her hips rose underneath him. His dick
was so close to her pussy. His tongue circled Demona’s areola.
The darker contrast against her mocha skin made him want to
suck on it all day.

“Enough teasing. Fuck me, big bad, or get off.”
Sebastian chuckled. “Can’t I do both?” He plunged his dick

deep inside of her. He had come home. They fit together
wonderfully. He pulled out and slammed into her again. A moan
built in his throat. The hair stood up on his body. Everything in
him wanted to shift while he fucked her. It was a wonderful
feeling pumping into her in mid-turn. He didn’t do it often
because it took a lot of concentration to keep sliding into her and
stay man enough to be able to fuck her. But she loved it.


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Demona’s legs wrapped around his lower back. She created the
rhythm between them, pulling him inside of her swiftly and hard.
He didn’t deny her want. He focused on her beautiful mouth and
her bouncing breasts while they rubbed against his chest. The
friction from her nipples sent shivers through him. They were
both so close. Her pussy held his cock harder every time not
wanting to let him go. His muscles tensed. Sweat beaded on his
forehead. Her face strained. They were right there. One more

Demona threw her head back and howled. The echo ripped

through him. An orgasm consumed the two of them. He joined
her howl and let it die away until he collapsed on top of her. Her
deft fingers slid through the strands of his hair. He inhaled her
exhilarating scent while they both basked in the afterglow. Small
tremors still coursed through her body. He felt her womb
contract while he lay on top of her. A sudden spear of dread shot
through him.

“Oh, God!” He rolled off her.
A worried expression crossed her face. “What’s the


“What if we hurt the babies doing that? What if us shifting

will hurt them?”

His mate began to laugh. “Hush, Pookie. Having sex is not

going to hurt the children.”

“Are you sure?”
She took his hand and lifted it to her lips. She slid a finger

in between her lips and nibbled on it. “Yes. Quite sure. You have
nothing to worry about. And shifting won’t hurt them either.”

“How do you know that?”
“Call it a woman’s intuition. There’s nothing to worry

about. Just you keep me fed and we’ll be okay. Now, come back
to bed.” She licked his palm. Sebastian’s dick stirred again. He
shook his head, trying not to be enticed by her. It was
impossible. However, he glanced around the space. For the first
time he noticed that it was a large open apartment. There was a
dungeon in one corner, an office in another, a shitload of pillows
all over the place, and right in front of them there was a camera.

“Ahh… Demona. Where the hell are we? Why is there a

camera pointed at us? Did you decide to get all kinky and record


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us, baby? Not that I mind, but I would think that you wanted to
do that in the privacy of our own home.”

She hit him on the shoulder. “This is Samuel’s pad. He’s

letting us stay here until you’re better. I think you’re better. Are

“Who’s Samuel?”
She rolled her eyes. “Remember the Red Dragon?”
He played over the cast of characters they had run into in

the warehouse, among all the other crazies that were dressed up
in animal costumes. He shivered. He never, ever wanted to see
another sight like that again. Then he recalled the character who
gave them the costumes. “The one who put us in those ridiculous
baby chicken costumes? The one who made us dress up like
fucking Peeps!” This was his place. What the fuck did this guy
do for a living?

“The one and the same.”
“Oh, goodie. You two are up. I was hoping you would be.”
There was a voice at the end of the room. Sebastian sniffed

the air. He didn’t smell a threat. The man didn’t have a human
scent, but something else. That was what was bothering him.
This other guy wasn’t human.

Samuel was not dressed the way he thought he would be.

He wore a long, flowing blue ball gown, a platinum blonde wig,
three inch heels, and fake eyelashes long enough they could
reach out and pet Sebastian. The dude was dressed in drag. Who
the fuck is this guy?

“Hey, sweets.” He came over and air-kissed Demona. He

tossed her a bag. She caught it easily. Sebastian noticed
Samuel’s gaze, giving him the once over and lingering on his
chest and his groin. It sent a shiver of disgust through him. He
gave him a winning smile. Sebastian didn’t return it.

Demona poked him. His gaze rolled to her. He knew that

look on her face. He wasn’t going to get anywhere until he
greeted their host. He stuck out his hand.

“Thank you for helping us last night out of…”
Samuel smiled and gave him a wink. “Oh it was nothing.

Monty had it coming to him. I don’t know how many times I’ve
told him that he couldn’t hunt here. Just like I told your mate. No


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killing humans while you’re in my territory. If you follow that
rule then you have nothing to worry about from me.”

“Ahh, look, man. Samuel, not to be rude, but what are you

exactly? You don’t smell or look like anything I’ve come across

Demona slapped his back for the little slip.
“No worries. I’m one of the last of my clan. I’m a

mongoose shifter. We’re the snake’s natural enemy.”

Sebastian nodded. He had heard of the shifters, but had

never met one. “Well, thank you again for saving me and taking
care of Demona. That means a lot to me. If there’s anything that
I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

A gleam came into his eyes. “There is one thing you can do

for me.”

“Name it.”
“I need a new star for my movie. My last one quit on me

this morning.”

Sebastian threw up his hands. “Look, man. I’m happy to kill

off a rival gang for you or eat some pesky human, but I’m not
about to star in one of your movies.”

Samuel threw back his head and laughed. “What? You? Oh

no, big boy. I was talking about your mate. She would be perfect.
Of course, it would be up to both of you. I only do girl on girl
films. You would be in the room, of course. If you want to
participate then go right ahead. If that’s a problem I can certainly
get someone else, but it would really help me out.”

Sebastian glanced at his mate. Her expression was one of

utter surprise. He didn’t object to a little girl on girl action.
Maybe this guy isn’t so bad after all. “It’s up to you, Pookie. I
can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.” He flashed
her a wide smile, wondering what she would say.


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Chapter Nine

She couldn’t believe him! He was giving her the choice to

get into bed with another woman. The man whose children she
was going to have was allowing her to have sex with another
woman, even if it was for the camera. Here was her mate who
grumbled every time she looked at another man, human or
otherwise, and made some comment about him. Normally it was
because he was scrumptious enough to eat. She didn’t care about
fucking everything on two legs. How dare he!

She swallowed the growing urge to growl at him back down

into her chest. It wouldn’t do any good. Already a dumb smile
was tilting up his lips. He was picturing her with another woman
and getting off on it. Two can play at this game. She met his
gaze and gave him a wider smile.

“Why sure, Samuel. That would be fine. How long would

you be needing me for?”

The drag queen smiled. “Just a week at the most. The film

won’t take that long to complete. I was almost halfway done
when Genevieve quit. She called me up this morning telling me
she was running off with some vampire that she met. I can’t
stand those fanged assholes. They think they rule the world
because they’re so glamorous, living forever and all that. Who
gives a rat’s ass?”

“My thoughts exactly,” her mate commented.
Demona grinned and dug into the bag. She pulled out a pair

of jeans and threw them at him. He stuck his tongue out at her.
She tugged on the tank top Samuel had gotten for her and then
the pants. They were a little big, but that was fine. She would
grow into them eventually. “Thanks for the clothes and
everything. Are there any places around here to eat? I’m


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“Oh yeah. Two blocks down you’ll find whatever fast food,

Chinese, Italian digs you want. Just go out through the back. I
leave it open. No one knows about it. Shit, sweets. I gotta go.
You and lover wolf over there have some fun. I’ll be back soon
and then we can start shooting some scenes. You’re going to
love Candy. She’s a real doll. Just your type, too, I think. Sweet
to look at and good enough to eat. Ta for now.” Their host turned
on his heel and sashayed out of the apartment. Demona wasn’t
sure what to make of Samuel dressed up in drag, but there were
definitely many layers to the mongoose. Once he left, she turned
to her mate and slapped him across the face.

“Ow! What the fuck was that for?”
She was glad the impression of her hand stayed on his

cheek for more than a few minutes. She stood up and began

“What the fuck was that for? Are you kidding! Are you

auctioning me off? When did I become your plaything? Just
because he helped us doesn’t mean you can all of a sudden
become my pimp. Do you seriously want me to fuck some other
chick?” She hit him again. Fury rode down her backbone. Her
muscles began to pull and her spine snapped. She clenched her
fists to regain control. The wolf would not get the better of her.

“Love. Mate of my heart, I did not pimp you out. The man

saved my life. He’s putting us up. We have to pay him back. He
offered a way. I took it. I didn’t see you objecting.”

“Consider this my objection. And no more sex for you.

From now on the well is dry. Now take me out so I can get some
food. Your babies are hungry!”

Sebastian pouted, but she didn’t care. He had to realize how

pissed she truly was. All she really wanted to do was stretch out
on four legs and feel the earth underneath her feet. Now she
couldn’t do that. She had to stay in the city for a week or more
waiting around for Samuel to tell her when she could go all
because she had to make some girl on girl porn movie. Probably
with a human. Her name may be Candy, but I doubt she’s good
enough to eat. Argh!

“So what do you want to eat? Samuel said there were all

different kinds of restaurants only a couple of blocks from here.


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You know what we haven’t had in a long time is some Greek
food. How about that? You loved their baklava.”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe. Look, I really don’t

want to talk about it. I just want to get out of here.” She walked
out toward the back where she caught a whiff of fresh air and
found the door easily. There wasn’t even a lock on it. Why would
he keep this space unlocked when he has all this high tech
equipment inside? Anyone could walk right in here and take or
do whatever they wanted. Maybe he just doesn’t care.

“Whatever. Let’s just get out of here. Samuel might be a

nice drag queen, and he saved your life, but something about him
gives me the creeps.”

Her mate wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her

into him. The steady beat of his heart calmed her a little bit, but
she wasn’t going to admit that. She was still pissed at him for
pimping her out. He nipped the side of her neck and nuzzled her
ear. He licked the expanse of her throat in one long motion. She
couldn’t help but shiver. The small touch made her wet again
with desire for him. But she wasn’t going to give in to him. He
was not going to make up for what he had done so easily and get
back inside of her pants. It didn’t work that way. She shrugged
him off. “Don’t think that your sweet sentiments will get you
anywhere near my pussy. You are blocked from here on out. Is
that understood?”

Sebastian growled. She raked her claws through her braids

and opened the door to go outside. The sweet sounds of the
urban jungle hit her. The scents of car exhaust, humanity, and
ozone came to her nose easily. She tilted her head to the breeze.
The numerous perfumes of all different kinds of food washed
over her. They weren’t far away. Samuel was right. Her stomach
growled again. The two buckets of chicken she had eaten only a
few hours earlier had already gone through her system. She
needed something more substantial. She needed a linebacker or
wrestler. Someone with meat on their bones. She didn’t need
human processed food. She craved a red-blooded, meaty, down
home All-American boy who didn’t know any better.

She vaulted over the steps and landed on all fours on the

pavement. She began stalking the shadows, leaving her mate


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behind. Her babies needed food and, no matter what it was, she
was going to get it for them.


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Chapter Ten

Sebastian landed right next to Demona on the pavement.

The neighborhood around them was bursting with humanity. By
God, it felt good to be alive. But, he was pissed at Demona for
not accepting the payback that Samuel had offered. But he didn’t
want to be indebted to the mongoose for the next century or so.
He hated having debts hanging over his head.

And he didn’t understand why Demona wouldn’t want to

have a little girl on girl action. They had discussed it in the past.
Granted, she was jealous if he looked at another woman, and he
hated when she commented on other men no matter how tasty
they might be. She had to understand it was every man’s fantasy,
human or nonhuman, to see their mate with another woman. The
way their bodies would rub together. Their bouncing breasts
doing so many other things to one another that he couldn’t even
bring himself to think of them all. He could hardly picture his
mate with another woman. Now, with just the barest imagining,
he’d managed to give himself a hard on to rival all the others he
had ever had. One little week out of their long existence was not
going to hurt her. And the memories they would be able to share
of the experience would be wondrous.

But no! She had to start bitching about it and calling him a


This experiment was not about to put her or the babies in

danger, which was another reason why he had readily agreed to
do it. At first he thought that Samuel was going to propose that
he wanted him to star in the porn movie with another man. He
snorted at the idea. That was so not going to happen. Seeing the
shapeshifting mongoose come in on them in drag was bad
enough, but to even think of being with another man made him


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Demona would have to suck it up and deal with it. It was

better than having to go on some assassination run and end up
getting killed. Not everything had to be dealt with by brute force
or by who had the biggest teeth. If he could protect his family
without endangering them, then that was what he was going to
do. Demona was going to have to learn that sometimes you had
to take one for the team.

He scented the air. His mouth watered for something short,

fat, and juicy. He could go for some Italian mobster or
Portuguese baker. They made the best pastries in his opinion.
However, their host had said no hunting in his territory. That
only limited Sebastian’s appetite. He would have to settle for
human food. He didn’t mind eating cooked meat, but he
preferred rare and still screaming if he could get it.

Demona was the same way. Now, with the babies, her

hunger was going to be even more voracious. He would have to
find a way to placate her until they could get back on their way
out of New York City. He had definitely decided that after this
they were heading back down to Louisiana to the bayou. First he
would have to contact the pack leader there and see if it was still
okay for them to move into the territory. He assumed it would be
since he was friends with the Louisiana pack leader. The bayou
wasn’t much of a hunting ground for too many wolves. If the
space was still available then it was all theirs.

Sebastian searched the shadows. Demona was hiding in

them, stalking the humans. There was more animal in her nature
than human. It had to be the hormones driving her on. He had to
stop her before she got them into trouble. He broke into a run,
following her sweet bouquet, and noticed that her scent had
changed a little. There was an added texture to it. It sat on his
tongue more. That was something new. Something that had to be
produced by the changing chemicals in her body. It made her
even more enticing.

When he caught up to her, she had some poor woman

cowering against the wall of an alley. Her claws had grown
along with her teeth. Her face had elongated. She was hairier
than she should have been. She growled. Demona whipped
around and lunged at him. He caught her and held her away from
him while she snapped at his neck.


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“Demona, get a hold of yourself. Now is not the time to be

wolfing out. We have to get you something to eat. You cannot be
preying on innocent humans. We promised Samuel that we
would not kill anyone while we are in his territory. We have to
respect that.”

“But I want her! She smells so good. You will not stop me

from taking a bite out of her.” Demona struggled in his arms.

He growled at her. That made her stop. “Pookie, you have

to remember who you are. If you’re mad at me and want to get
back at me for the whole porn movie thing, I understand. But we
can’t make trouble for ourselves here. Fine. I was a jackass. It
won’t happen again. Cut me off from sex, but we can’t eat
humans here. I swear the first thing we’ll do when we get on the
road again is go after whatever you want. Come on. I know how
much you love linebackers. We’ll find some small town. Then
let you take your pick. Hell, we can even eat the quarterback if
you want. But not here.”

Her eyes widened. “You mean that, Big Daddy?”
He rolled his eyes at the cutesy name. “Yes. Now let’s leave

the nice lady alone. I smell this Italian place a little ways down.
Why don’t we go there? You love cannoli. I’m sure they will
have a ton of them. Homemade, too.”

She nodded. “Okay.”
His mate’s appearance normalized and returned to human

parameters. She turned and faced the woman who sat stupefied
and shaking in the alley. “I’m really sorry for the
misunderstanding. Please don’t tell anyone that you saw me this
way. It’s embarrassing, really.”

The woman nodded. Sebastian offered her a hand. She

ignored it and got up, slowly using the wall for support. “I
apologize. My wife is pregnant. It makes her a little crazy at
times. You know all the hormones and stuff raging through her.”

“N-no problem,” the woman whispered.
He nodded and slipped an arm around Demona’s waist.

They walked for a couple of blocks before they came to a small
Italian restaurant. After they were seated, their waiter handed
them menus and took their drink order. As they sipped their
drinks, Sebastian ordered a rare steak and Demona ordered
Chicken Marsala.


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When their salads came, his mate picked at it. She had

never been one for rabbit food. He didn’t mind it. The lettuce
helped to fill a small space in his stomach.

While they ate their appetizers, the owner came around and

began talking to his customers. Sebastian had to look twice.
Something wasn’t quite right about him. He inhaled. There was a
certain scent to him. It was dead. The clean smell of going into a
new house or hospital room. As the owner got closer, the image
of a short, balding, fat, red-faced Italian wavered. Underneath it
Sebastian spied a tall man, wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shorts,
sandals, piercings in his face and covered in blue tattoos.

“So how does the lovely couple enjoy the food tonight?” the

owner asked.

Demona smiled. “We don’t know. We haven’t eaten it yet.

And I’m starving, so if you don’t tell your chefs to get on it
ASAP, I’m going to go in there and—”

Sebastian put a hand on his mate’s arm. He smiled at the

owner. “You have to pardon my wife. She’s pregnant. It’s our

The owner smiled widely. “Well, congratulations. Dinner is

on the house then. I’ll make sure that my chefs get right on it.”
He turned to move to the next table. Sebastian grabbed the
owner’s arm. He glanced down at them. “Is there something else
I can help you with?”

A wide grin spread across Sebastian’s face. “Yeah. You can

tell me where you got all those great tats. I see the eyebrow
piercing is new.”

A look of shock moved over the owner’s face. “I’m sorry. I

don’t know what you mean.”

Sebastian leaned in further. Demona gave him a confused

look. “Come on, Clem. I know it’s you. Do you really think that
illusion is going to fool me? What has it been? Forty years?”

The owner slapped Sebastian on the back. “Sebastian, I

thought that was you. Dude, who is this fine looking lady you
have at your table?”

The illusion fell away, revealing the man Sebastian knew.

Well, he wasn’t exactly a man, but a Grim Reaper he had run
into years back. “Clem, this is Demona. She’s my mate.”

Demona grinned warily at the man.


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“Wow, I never would have thought you would settle down,

and you’re going to be a family man at that! Good for you.”

Sebastian saw them bringing their order over. Clem put a

finger to his lips. The illusion returned so the waiter wouldn’t
suspect anything. Demona glanced at him, as though wondering
what was going on.

He smiled as the meat was placed before him. She took a

long whiff of hers and beamed in delight. He knew then she
would be satisfied with dinner. Clem turned his attention back to
her. “I hope you enjoy it. It’s my own personal recipe. Knowing
this big ole lug, I’m sure he’ll enjoy his meal.”

Sebastian bit into the steak. It was rare and very tasty. There

was a little bit of a sweet flavor to it. “This is really good. When
did you start cooking? I thought you were some big bad Grim

Clem chuckled. “Oh, I still am. But I have some free time

now and again. When I do, I come down here and cook. I’m
getting ready to have a cookbook out in a few months. Of course,
I don’t have any recipes for cooking humans. Not that I would
condone you killing them. Wasn’t that how we met in the first

“Pookie, if he’s a Grim Reaper, then does that mean that

he’s come to collect one of our souls?”

“Oh, darlin’, I’m off duty. You don’t have anything to

worry about. You two make a wonderful match. I can tell you’re
a real spitfire, just what he needs to keep him on his toes! So,
Bas, what’s been going on these past few decades?”

He shrugged. “Not much. Roaming about. Now we’re here

for a little while and then heading down into the bayou. I’ll have
to invite you down for dinner one of these days. No human, of
course. I’m sure Demona and I can fish up something for you.
How can I get in touch with you? It’s not like I will see you
every fifty years by running into you at an Italian restaurant.”

Clem fished into the pocket of his shorts. He pulled out a

business card and handed it to Sebastian. “Keep this. If you need
to get in touch with me, start singing Don’t Fear the Reaper—”

“Ahh, Clem.”


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Both Sebastian and Demona glanced over to the other side

of the table. Standing there was a skeleton dressed in a black
robe. “Andy, what are you doing here?”

“Ahh, the head office told me to come and get you. They

said you were needed.”

Clem ran this hand over his braided beard. “Sorry to cut this

short, Sebastian. Duty calls. Dinner is on the house.” He picked
up Demona’s hand and kissed the back of it lightly. “My dear,
you are such a good match for him. He just doesn’t know it yet.
If he does, then he’s in for a wonderful surprise. Don’t let him
get the better of you. Push his buttons right back.”

He held up his hand and gave Sebastian a high five. “It’s

good to see you again, Wolfman. See you around the blue
bayou.” With a small pop the Grim Reaper was gone. Demona
dug into her Chicken Marsala and Sebastian continued eating his
steak. It was interesting running into the Grim Reaper again after
all this time. There had to be something to it. He wasn’t sure
what it meant, but it made him pause and think while he
swallowed the steak.

“How do you know Clem?” Demona asked.
“I met him right before I met you, actually. I was a couple

of towns over from yours. I think I was hunting an outlaw. At
that point I was into bad boys on bikes. Anyway, I got the man
down. While I was eating his leg, Clem appeared, leaned over
the body, and took something from it. Imagine my surprise when
the Grim Reaper realized I could see him. I finished the thigh
and we went out for beers. It was great. I haven’t thought about
him in ages. It’s great to know he’s still around. It’s a very rare
thing to see a Reaper while you’re alive. The only time you see
them normally is when they come to collect your soul. If you
touch one, they can also take your soul.”

Demona shivered. “Wow. I never realized that there were so

many powerful beings out there. I mean, we’ve met vampires
before, but we dealt with their prissy asses. I was so proud of
you the night that you stood up to the one who tried to eat you.
What was her name?”

Sebastian smiled, knowing that Demona remembered

Dominique. They had run across her in New Orleans thirty years
back. They had gotten into it over a mortal they were both


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hunting. The wolves had won the fight on that one and driven the
bitch back into her coffin for a while. They hadn’t stayed in New
Orleans long enough to see what she would do. Vampires were
ruled by a Council whose headquarters happened to be in New
Orleans. He didn’t want to face them. If that were the case, then
they would have been hot dogs. “Her name was Dominique. My
gut tells me that we don’t ever have to worry about going up
against her again.”

“How do you know that?”
He shrugged. “Just a hunch. Now, how’s your chicken?”
She licked her lips. “Good, but it’s overcooked.”
Sebastian laughed. “I doubt the humans would think that

way about my steak. It’s practically mooing by their standards.
You really should have ordered the steak. Why don’t we head
out for a little fun on the town? We can hightail it to Central Park
and give it a good run. Then maybe you’ll forgive me for what I
said to Samuel earlier. Come on, how about it?”

Demona rolled her eyes. He was getting through to her. She

couldn’t stay mad at him for long. It wasn’t in her nature. All he
had to do was give her some puppy dog eyes and a good kiss and
she would melt.

He kissed her lightly on the cheek and trailed his fingers

along her spine. She shivered. He nuzzled her neck as they
walked outside from the restaurant. The night air sang to him.
The moon would soon be full, meaning they would have to
transform. The moon would rule them. They could turn
whenever they liked, but on the days of the full moon they had to
obey its call. And right now he wanted the earth beneath his feet
and the screams of humans filling his ears.

They started to walk. Soon they were at a jogging pace. His

form shifted. Muscles elongated. Bones snapped. During his
change, he went from running upright on two legs to down on
four. All the while people were screaming around them. He liked
that. He lifted his muzzle to the sky to let his song join the
melody of the night.


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Chapter Eleven

Demona stretched and yawned. She opened her eyes,

feeling the joy course through her body. The past two nights they
had run through the streets of New York City, causing terror
among the populace. Sebastian was snuggled against her, still
sleeping. They hadn’t seen Samuel in this time. She hoped the
Red Dragon drag queen would forget about them. However,
Sebastian said they had to wait around. If he wasn’t back by the
end of the third day then they were going to split.

The moon was getting fuller. It weighed down on her skin

and called for a pelt and four legs. Each day closer made her
human body feel alien. The wolf inside scratched against the
inside of her flesh, wanting out. The itch to change was even
more intense now because she was pregnant. Everything was
more powerful.

She got up slowly and padded into the bathroom. Once

inside she used the facilities and took a shower. She came out
drying her hair. There was Sebastian talking to Samuel. “Hi,
sweets. What a looker you are. Candy is going to have so much
fun with you. I was just telling your mate here how much fun it’s
going to be. I’ve been setting up the shoot these past couple of
days over in the warehouse next door. I wanted to come over to
get you to show you the set.”

Demona plastered a fake smile on her face. “Sounds great.

Can I put some clothes on first?”

“What’s the need? You’re only going to be taking them off

in a little while.”

She glanced at Sebastian for help. He sighed. “I think it

would make her more comfortable being dressed. We normally
don’t run around naked in front of others.”


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Samuel pouted and shook his head. “Shifters. I’ll never

understand them. I thought wolves didn’t mind wagging their

“Ahh, no offense, but getting naked to shift is another thing

altogether from being nude in front of a few people who are
going to be filming you when you are about to be having sex.
When I agreed to this it wasn’t to exploit my mate or have you
ogle her,” Sebastian commented.

Demona put up her hand. “You know. It’s fine. We’ll give

you what you want because you have been so hospitable and
all.” She gave Sebastian a smile and dropped her towel standing
naked before the two of them. This was getting weirder and
weirder. Whatever kind of porn movie they were going to be
making they had better be going to get a cut of the sales because
all of this was getting ridiculous.

A cool smile spread across both of their faces. She walked

between the two of them. Her fingers brushed their chests
lightly. “Gentlemen, are you coming, because I don’t know the

“Of course.” Samuel fluttered before her and opened the

door. He led them through the labyrinth of the warehouse. They
walked over a breezeway that connected the two warehouses.
The wind cut through the breezeway and chilled her skin.
Sebastian ran his fingers over her shoulder blades. She growled
at him to back off. They were going to get this over with and
then get the hell out of there.

Their host opened another door. They went into a well lit

room that smelled of sex and perfume. It was tainted with
another heady scent she had never smelled before. There were
three other people in the room. Before them was a bed with
another woman on it. She was completely naked and lounging on
the bed with a large panther. Its black tail caressed her stomach.
A paw rested on the woman’s leg. There were three cameras
aimed at the bed. The bed had a black canopy and sheer black
curtains tied on the posts. A wrought iron candelabrum stood
next to the bed with white candles dripping wax onto the floor.
In another corner was a dungeon. The shackles and the whips
appeared to be the real things, and not just some movie props.


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The woman on the bed glanced at them when they entered.

“Hey, we didn’t agree to any other shape-shifters,” Sebastian

Samuel grinned. “What did you think I was talking about? I

don’t make movies for humans. I make them for shifters.
Besides, your wife could be a star. She has a gorgeous body. I
believe the camera will love her once we get her used to it. So,
sweets, this is Candy. Candy, this is Demona. Come on over and
say hello.”

The woman got off the bed. The panther jumped down. In

the smoothest shift she had ever seen became a human woman
with long sleek legs and jet black hair in one fluid move across
the space. She stuck her hand out. “Demona, that’s a lovely
name. One hell of a demon in bed and one that knows how to
moan. You wouldn’t even have to change your name to make it

Demona took her hand. The panther’s grip was secure. She

didn’t flinch and gave her the same kind of handshake. She
wasn’t going to let the other shifter think she was intimated by
her at all. I can do this. I can do this. It’s only one movie. I can
do this. One movie won’t hurt me in the long run. I have
centuries to put this behind me.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, too,
Candy. How long have you been at this?”

She chuckled, which turned into a purr. “Oh, Sammy. She is

sweet. I’ve been at this for a long time. Sammy will tell you how
good he is to his girls.” The panther kissed Samuel on the cheek.

Sebastian inched closer to Demona. “Are you sure you still

want to go through with this. I mean, we can call it quits now.
No hard feelings and all.”

Demona kissed her mate on the lips. “Ahh, Big Daddy’s

jealous of a little kitty. Do you think I’ll find her more attractive
than you? Don’t worry about it. We’ll get through this and in a
few days we’ll be on our way to Louisiana.”

“Well, now that everyone has gotten acquainted…Demona,

why don’t you go sit on the bed?”

Demona did what she was told. Her mate sat in a chair a

little off set and watched. She sensed his tension. The air was
ripe with it, but it was more than that. There was also
excitement. It was coming from her. Her heart pounded. Her


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teeth were sharper than normal. She ran her tongue over them
and willed herself to get a grip. Everything was going to be okay.
She sat on the bed and imagined that she was all alone with this
woman, who was gorgeous in her own right. Ample, full breasts.
Skin the color of lily petals. Her hair was a dark contrast against
her pale skin. She sauntered over, her hair covering her breasts.
She was taller than Demona with an exotic look to her face and
pure green eyes.

Candy slid onto the bed behind her and ran sharpened nails

down Demona’s spine. Demona tried not to shiver, but it got the
best of her. “Don’t worry, baby. I don’t bite. Just go with the
flow of things. It will all be over sooner than you know. If you
relax, then you can take pleasure in it. I promise you’ll enjoy it,”
she whispered in her ear.

“I’ll try. I’ve never, ahh, done this before.”
“Oh, wonderful. Sammy, you brought me a virgin. We’ll

have lots of fun, honey. Don’t you worry about it. You smell

Demona closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. Something

about this was off. She didn’t know what it was exactly, but the
whole feel of the shoot wasn’t what she expected at all. It’s only
nerves. That’s the reason.
She opened her eyes slowly and
forced her body to relax. The heat of Candy’s body up against
hers kept her warm in the cold warehouse. Samuel clapped his
hands. The lights dimmed.

“All right, people. We’re going to be rolling. Everyone off

the set, please. Demona, Candy has invited you into her lair. You
are the unknowing victim of her latest obsession. Candy, you’ve
admired her from afar, but now she is primed for you. You can
let loose and tell her everything you’ve ever wanted. Secretly
you’ve loved her and desired to be with her. Demona, lay back
on the bed.”

Demona scooted to the head of the bed and lay back. Candy

took her hands and put them in handcuffs. The cool metal settled
against her skin. She tugged on them lightly, testing their
strength. “Nothing to worry about. They’re fake. They’ll break in
an instant. It’s just for the movie. Promise.”


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She nodded and eased back. She took another deep breath

and told herself she could do this. Her gaze flicked over to
Sebastian, who hadn’t taken his eyes off her. He was tense. She
sniffed. His desire perfumed the air. Demona smiled at that. He
was getting off seeing her tied up. That was a good thing. Let
him suffer. Serves him right for making me do this.

“Damnit, Candy, where are those ears?”
“They’re on your seat, Sammy. You can be so forgetful.

Here, give them to me.” Candy walked off set and came back
with a pair of white, fluffy bunny ears. She settled them on top
of Demona’s head.

“So I’m supposed to be the white rabbit. I really don’t think

that goes with my character. Unless you think I’m prey.”

“Don’t worry about it, Demona. It’s for the role in the

movie. You were at a costume party and decided to go as a
naughty Easter Bunny. The only thing we have left is this scene.
Before my other star quit we had filmed the girls going at it
while they were in masks, so now that she quit we have to have
the continuity of the ears so people get the story line.”

That makes sense. I guess. “What’s the name of this film

going to be anyway? Thumper Gets Eaten?”

The whole crew broke into laughter. “That’s a good one.

But no, sweets. The real name of the movie is you’re both

“What does that mean?” she asked.
Candy smiled, revealing her sharpening teeth. She brought

her claws across Demona’s breasts. “It means that you’re not
going anywhere, lovely one. From now on you’re both part of
the harem. Did you really think we were going to let you get
away?” The panther laughed. Candy’s hand traveled between her
breasts and settled over her stomach. Her fingers lightly
scratched over them in circles. “Oh, we’re not playing.”

Her eyes changed colors and her pupils became the oblong

slits of a cat’s eye. Demona struggled against the cuffs, trying to
break them, but they held fast. “Come on, Samuel. Let me up.
This isn’t funny anymore. When we agreed to do this, it wasn’t
about making me part of some harem. Sebastian, get your ass
over here and free me.”


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There was no answer. Samuel stood over her. “Oh, sweets.

Don’t worry about your lovely mate. He’s sleeping at the
moment. And those cuffs are real silver. They’ll leave a nasty
burn if you’re not careful. And you don’t want to break the skin
and get any in your blood to contaminate the babies. Unless, of
course, you really want to have a miscarriage. Anything so small
at this point has no immunity to silver. Even if you inhale the
essence of it. Well…we don’t even want to think about that now
do we?”

Demona growled when she finally understood what Samuel

was saying. He was going to keep her hostage. “You animals.
Let me go. You will not have me or my babies. Let me out of
here.” She focused on shifting, but even that wasn’t happening.
The proximity of the silver was making it impossible for her to

Candy patted her head and kissed her on the nose. “Now

now, Demona. Nothing to worry about. We’ll take good care of
the children when they’re born. They’ll bring a fortune on the
black market. Any offspring born to shifters are a rare gift.
Maybe, if you’re good, we’ll let you keep one. Now that we
know that you can breed, we’ll just make more. Your man is
such a hunk. Sammy is going to have so much fun with him.
And you, love, you and me are going to be getting along just


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Chapter Twelve

Sebastian opened his eyes slowly. His head felt heavy,

almost if he had been drugged. He couldn’t remember the last
time he had felt this bad. He tried to recall the last thing that had
happened to him. He was sitting on the sidelines of the set,
watching Demona with that lovely pussy getting ready to start
getting it on. Seeing Candy naked with his mate had hardened
his cock so much that he wasn’t sure he could sit and watch his
mate and the other shifter touch one another, let alone have sex.
One of the crewmembers had seen his distress and gave him
some water. After the first couple of sips, his head started to get
fuzzy. He’d thought it was the air, but now he realized he’d been

Son of a bitch! He growled. He tried to move, but found that

he couldn’t. He was shackled to the wall. There were silver
collars around his neck and around his legs. They had left his
hands free. He was completely naked in a carpeted room. There
was a window that let in the moonlight. Across from him was a
door. To the right was a miniature dungeon with whips that
looked to be studded with silver barbs. On the other wall was a
bed with several posts and nails sticking out of the wall. He
assumed that was where they tied people up. He turned his head
searching for Demona, but didn’t see her.

What have I gotten us into? He wondered. Now his mate

was in danger along with his unborn children. If it was only him,
he could deal with that. Years ago it might have been fun to see
where this imprisonment would lead. He wouldn’t have minded
a little training. He admitted he didn’t care for being dominated,
but he did have a kinky side. But now he had others to think
about, his wishes were the farthest thing from his mind. He had
to find a way to get out of the shackles. Already the silver was
starting to burn around his neck and his ankles. He gazed at the


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floor again and saw his clothes piled up neatly on the side of the
bed. What he almost missed was the little pale rectangle that
blended in with the carpet. It was Clem’s card. He had to find a
way to call his friend.

“Oh, you are such a lovely thing.” Sebastian gazed over at

the door. Samuel entered wearing nothing more than a blue robe
with white dragons embroidered on the sides. The sash was tied
loosely and the mongoose was naked underneath the robe.

“I don’t know if I should take your words as a compliment

or try to rip out your throat,” he growled.

Samuel flicked his hand at him. “Oh, luscious. You say the

sweetest things. You have to be a good boy or I won’t tell you
what you want to know about your little Demona. Now give me
a peck on the cheek and tell me you’re sorry.” He offered up his
right cheek close to Sebastian’s face.

Sebastian caught the scent of roses. He ground his teeth

together. He could do this. If he didn’t play along then this sicko
crazy shifter might hurt his mate. His fingers itched to take a
swipe at him, but he held his temper. Samuel had his eyes closed
and was waiting patiently. Sebastian leaned in and gave him a
quick kiss on his stubbled cheek.

Samuel grinned and patted Sebastian on the head. “Good

boy, luscious lips.”

“Where is Demona? What have you done with her?”
“Patience. Your beloved mate hasn’t been harmed. If you

play nice, she won’t be. Maybe if you show me how good you
can be, I’ll even let you stay with her. Let you get in a little
fucky fucky with her while the others watch. It’s so much more
fun when there are others watching. The more the merrier, I
always say.” Samuel ran his perfectly manicured fingers over
Sebastian’s chest.

Sebastian knew he had to play along. If not for his sake,

then for Demona’s. “Look, I’ll do whatever you want. Please
don’t hurt her.”

“Don’t hurt her, what?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say.”
He slapped his chest and clapped. “Oh, I love wolves. So

eager to please. They are always loyal to their Masters. From
now on you’ll call me Master. Come on, say it.”


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Sebastian clenched his fists. “Master.”
“Good boy. Now I’m going to take off these leg shackles

and bring you over to the bed. Don’t even think of trying to run
or going for Demona. Candy is watching over her at the moment.
And if you disturb her catnap she gets rather irritable. But that’s
what you get with an upset pussy. If only she were my type. We
would make a perfect match. But you, fine stuff, are exactly
what a man needs to ease his tensions once a day. I think I’m
going to keep you for a personal pet and not put you in the

“You have a harem?” Sebastian asked.
Samuel looked up from undoing the first shackle. He ran his

fingers up Sebastian’s legs and tickled his knee. “Oh yes. That’s
why all the other shifters know not to come into my territory.
Once they do, they’re mine. Monty used to be my lookout and
would entice other shifters. Him and that White Rabbit costume.
It’s a shame, really, that he had to be put down. You were almost
a goner until I put that anti-venom into your heart. I knew you
would take me up on the offer to do the movie. What man would
pass up the opportunity to see his wife getting eaten by another
woman? That, and you wolves have such a sense of honor. It was
so easy to entice you. Give you a feeling of freedom, make you
think that you could come and go as you please. It was so easy.
Now, be a good wolfie and go sit on the bed.”

Sebastian walked slowly over to the bed. Without the silver

shackles on his feet, he felt a sudden burst of energy. He could
shift if it wasn’t for the silver collar. He pretended to stumble.
He went down on his knees and picked up Clem’s card. He
crushed it in his hand, praying his captor didn’t notice. He got up
slowly and gave Samuel a wide smile. There was a look of
uncertainty in his eyes, but that melted away when Sebastian
turned and shook his butt. He had to learn to play the game fast.
One thing he was good at was thinking on his feet.

“Ahh, this is all kinda new to me. I’ve never been with

another man before. I really don’t know what you want me to

Samuel purred in his ear. “Oh, leave that all to me. You just

hang on for the ride, hunky buns. Now get on the bed.”


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Sebastian did as he was told. Samuel took the silver chain

he used for a leash and fastened it to one of the hooks on the
wall. He slipped his robe off to reveal smooth white skin and a
red erect cock. Sebastian didn’t want that thing anywhere near

“I see you looking at me. You’re only being modest about

being with other men. Demona insisted that you couldn’t stand
the thought of it, but tell me. You’re really hiding the fact that
you’re into this, aren’t you?” Samuel nipped his ear and slid a
palm over his pec.

“Ye-Yes. Master. I love being fucked. I love…” I can’t

believe I’m about to say this. “B-big dicks. They make me so
hot. My mate doesn’t know. Please don’t tell her. It would break
her heart.”

“Oh, sweet one. You have no idea how much I wanted to

hear you say that. I promise when you’re good and ready we’ll
break the news to her gently. Every once in awhile I make an
exception and sleep with women, too. She would go on the list. I
wouldn’t mind having a threesome with her. It might even be
fun. Of course, she has to learn her place here.”

Sebastian didn’t reply. He clung to Clem’s card, dredging

his mind for the lyrics of Don’t Fear the Reaper. It was absurd.
He had listened to the song and known it by heart because he
loved the Blue Oyster Cult, but at that moment, the words were
evading him. The bed depressed. He sensed the weight of
Samuel’s body behind his. He shut his eyes and thought harder.
The song ran through his mind. He could hear it. It was on the tip
of his tongue.

Samuel ran his fingers down Sebastian’s spine. Cold shivers

encompassed him. Sloppy wet kisses followed the trail of the
fingers. He tried not to move. Then the lines came to him. He
began to sing under his breath hoping, that the other shifter
wouldn’t hear him.

“What is that you’re saying, love?”
“N-nothing. Just getting in the mood. I’ve never been

chained up before. Normally I’m on top. I’m not used to being a
bottom…Master,” he added swiftly.

Samuel patted his ass. “You’ll get used to it. It’s not so bad

after the initial penetration.”


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Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun or

the rain. We can be like they are…” Sebastian wasn’t waiting
anymore. He started singing out loud. This was not going to
happen to him.

“I love that song. You like the Blue Oyster Cult, too. Oh,

honey buns, we are going to get along so well. I can just feel it.
Now hold still. One more minute and I’ll take you to Heaven.”

“Whoa, dude! Tell me to cover my eyes before you call me.

I’m not into dudes, Wolfman.”

Sebastian glanced over and saw Clem in his Hawaiian shirt,

covering his eyes. “Who the hell are—” Samuel collapsed on top
of him. Sebastian fell forward on the bed with the silver chain
starting to choke him.

“Clem, get this guy off me and get the collar off me.”
“One second. Ugh! His soul is all squishy. Ewww…”
After a moment, the weight lifted. The collar was gone.

Clem leaned on the wall across from him. He was folding
something that appeared to be ripped fabric into a neat square
and stuffed it in a pouch. He rubbed his neck, feeling the slight
rash from the silver. He got up and stretched, looking at the now
pale body of Samuel. His erection pointed straight up to the

“Thanks, Clem, for getting me out of that jam.” He hopped

off the bed and slipped on his jeans and his shirt. His entire being
felt dirty. At least he hadn’t been violated by the other shifter. He
only hoped that Demona had not fared any worse than he had.

“No problem, my wolf dude. I was on my way here to get

this guy when I heard you singing. All to my surprise here you
are about to get it on with mongoose boy here. Not that I’m one
to judge, but what were you doing with this guy when you have
that luscious thing of yours?”

Sebastian ran a hand through his hair. “Long story. Very

long. Next time you have a spare moment I’ll tell you. Trust me,
it was not something I had planned. I’m a one-woman guy and
nothing else. What do I owe you for getting me out of this jam?”

The blue-tattooed Grim Reaper waved him off. “Nothing.

Buy me a couple beers and a good steak next time you see me.”



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Clem snapped his fingers. A pair of sunglasses appeared in

them. He slid them over his face and ran a hand over his braided
goatee. “Well, dude. I’ll be seeing you on the dark side of the
moon. Catch you later.” With a pop he was gone. Sebastian
smiled, thankful the Grim Reaper had saved him. He definitely
owed him one. Now it was time to get to Demona and save her.

He tried the door. It was locked. He spied the robe and

searched the pockets. Inside were the keys. On the bed was the
silver collar. It was unlocked. He scooped it up and headed out
the door. The rest of the warehouse was quiet. He sniffed the air.
He followed his nose to Demona. It led him through the
warehouse where Samuel’s apartment was, into the other one.
He walked into the part of the warehouse Samuel had set up for
the film shoot. Faint light filtered into the room via the long open
windows that faced the back of the warehouse. On the bed was
Demona. Candy was sprawled next to her in panther form.

He crept up on her slowly. The floor squeaked. Demona

looked up. He rested his finger against his lips and motioned
toward the panther. Demona nodded and raised her hand. He
noticed the cuffs on her wrists. They were holding her to the bed
and preventing her from shifting. I’ll kill the bitch for doing this
to you.

He moved further into the room. The floor squeaked again.

The panther lifted her head. Her eyes settled on him. A loud roar
escaped her throat. He growled right back. His back muscles
rippled. His teeth grew. Fabric tore. He lunged and jumped,
landing on the bed on all fours. The panther caught him in her
claws. One swipe and she hit muscle on his side. He ignored the
pain and butted heads against the panther. She landed on the
floor on all fours. A loud screech echoed in the warehouse. He
bared his teeth when she struck out at him again. This pussy was
not going to get the better of him.

The panther bowed low and hugged the floor. He didn’t

take his eyes off her. Candy’s muscles bunched. She was getting
ready to spring. He licked his fangs. It was dinner time. She
jumped. He leapt in the air. His jaws wrapped around her throat
and sunk in. She tried to shake him off, but he wasn’t going
anywhere. Her claws ran furrows along his sides and gored him a
few more times. Blood ran down his throat while he waited for


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the kitty to stop moving. Finally she was still. The bite should
have been fatal, but with her being a shifter he wasn’t sure. He
willed himself back to human form and took the silver collar. He
clicked it around Candy’s neck. When he did, he felt a weak
pulse. She was going to be fine.

“If you’re done screwing around with that pussy, can you

get me out of here?” His mate demanded.

He unlocked the cuffs. She sat up slowly and rubbed her

wrists. “Pookie, I swear you will never be locked up again.”

Demona sighed. “Fine. Whatever. Can we get the hell out of

here now? I’m starving.”

Sebastian grinned. “Gladly. What would you like to eat?”
She ran her fingers over his chest. There was a playful

gleam in her eye. “Why, rabbit, of course.”

“Of course,” he grumbled. Here we go again.


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Demona stared at the two bundles of joy in their bassinet.

Two little girls. What a pair they were going to make once they
got older. Already they had their father twisted around their little
fingers. But then again, so did she. The twins were identical,
with her mocha skin and startling green eyes. Their faces were
heart shaped and they were even tempered. Although, around the
full moon they got irritated.

She glanced at her mate. He was relaxing in a hammock

outside in the balmy summer breeze. They were deep in the
Louisiana bayou. So far in the bayou, they needed a boat when
they wanted to get supplies. They were happy with their location.
It gave them enough territory to claim for their own and even
more for when the girls were grown.

Her gaze drifted away from Sebastian, as he dozed in the

early evening, over to the calendar. It was close to Easter. She
thought about the last Easter she had celebrated and shivered.
Hopefully, she would never again find herself trapped in a
warehouse making bad porn with a panther named Candy. It just
wasn’t right. Of course, now that she was thinking about Easter a
sudden craving overcame her. It had been a while since she had
sunk her teeth into something white and fluffy. Sebastian would
bound off into the swamp and find her one if she really wanted

Walking outside, she began to strip, letting her clothes fall

to the ground. “Oh, baby. What do we get for the honor of such a
glorious body?”

Demona glanced over to see Clem, the blue-tattooed Grim

Reaper, sitting on the other hammock on their porch. She shook
her head and smiled. His presence had become commonplace
over the last few months. He doted on the twins and left them


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stuffed Grim Reaper dolls to play with. They loved them.
“They’re asleep, so hush.”

He stuck his tongue out at her. “No worries. I was here to

see my wolf man. But I see that he’s sleeping.”

“I doubt that. I can see him eyeing me right now. Go off and

have some fun. See you later, Clem.” She jumped off the front
porch and stripped off her pants. Sebastian’s eyes were
completely open now. She leaned over and kissed him lightly on
the lips.

“What are you going after now, love?”
Demona saw movement among the trees. She gave him a

wide smile showing her teeth. “Guess.”

“It has a white fluffy tail and long floppy ears.”
“Very good. Don’t wait up for me. If you’re good, I might

bring you back one of those blonde cheerleaders you like so

His expression brightened. His hand ran between her breasts

and pinched one of her nipples. She gasped. “Promise.”

Demona gave him a devilish smile. “Only if Big Daddy lets

me be on top.”

“In your dreams, love.”
She turned and sashayed into the woods. “Then I guess

you’re shit out of luck, baby. You can kiss my tail. Oh, by the
way. Did I happen to tell you that we’re going to be having
puppies again?” She began to run.

Demona heard Sebastian hit the ground. Let him chew on

that for awhile. What she neglected to tell him was their dog was
going to have a litter. Not her. But she would reveal that tidbit a
little later. After dinner. For now it was time to chase the
wraskley wabbit and see where it led her.


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A Note from the Authors

May your eggs be filled with chocolate crème.
And your marshmallow Peeps not bite you back when you eat
Never follow a White Rabbit because you never know where
he’ll lead you.
No matter how cute and cuddly he is.

Happy Easter from the How to Ruin series authors

Dahlia and Crymsyn


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About the Authors

Dahlia Rose, bestselling author of contemporary erotica,
suspense, and paranormal romance. She was born and raised on a
Caribbean island and now currently lives in Charlotte, NC with
her four kids whom she affectionately nicknamed “The children
of the corn” and her biggest supporter/long time love. She has a
love of erotica, dark fantasy, Sci-fi and the things that go bump
in the night. Books and writing are her biggest passion and she
hopes to open your imagination to the unknown between the
pages of her books.

Crymsyn R. Hart is a bestselling author of erotic romance. Her
worlds are filled with luscious vampires, gorgeous gods, quirky
witches, and everything else that goes bump in the night.

Crymsyn worked as a psychic for many years in Boston while
attending Emerson College. She graduated with a BFA in
Writing, Literature, & Publishing. When she gets bored, she
sneaks away to local cemeteries and coffee shops to find peace
and quiet. Granted, graveyards might be a great place for the
dead, but she still has to listen to their chattering. It can get
annoying when all you want to do is write, but she can tell you
quite a ghost story. Crymsyn shares her life with a small zoo a
playful puppy and her hubby Mark. If you come after dark,
you’re more then likely to find her snuggled up with a gory
horror movie, or a bloody vampire movie.


Podobne podstrony:
Crymsyn Hart & Dahlia Rose How to Ruin Christmas for a Vampire (pdf)(1)
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