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Mate or Meal 10

The Half-Breed Who Found His Other

Wolf or ram? Incubus or Sidhe? Isaac and Chantay have always

faced the prejudice behind these questions. Their lives are
continuous battles. But one fateful meeting changes the course of

their destinies forever.

Isaac Wade has many people who love him. Even so, he knows

none of them grasp the pain of being torn between two conflicting
natures. He starts to believe that no one ever will, but he is

proven wrong when his path crosses that of Chantay Arceneau.

For Chantay, meeting Isaac is a surprise, one he doesn't know
how to deal with. All his life, he has struggled to suppress his

incubus instincts, and the sexual chemistry between him and Isaac
threatens to shatter those walls.

Just as unexpected circumstances cause Isaac and Chantay to
mate, new enemies emerge, threatening their budding

relationship. Can love defeat the prejudice and hatred trying to
pry the couple apart?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 37,901 words

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Mate or Meal 10

Scarlet Hyacinth



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Scarlet Hyacinth
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-742-X

First E-book Publication: April 2012

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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For all my readers who supported the Mate or Meal series. It has now

reached double digits, thanks to you.

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Mate or Meal 10


Copyright © 2012


“Father, it happened again!”
Elder Kevin Wade got up from his seat and looked at his youngest

son. Isaac’s eyes were wide and scared. “Father, what’s going on?”

Kevin really wished he knew how to answer that question in a

way his boy would understand. He was no geneticist, but he
understood the basics behind the differences that frightened him so
much. But how could Kevin explain that because of his mate bond
with someone of another species, Isaac would have to suffer the

“It’s not your fault, Kevin,” Annabelle’s voice slipped into his

mind through their bond. “We knew there was a chance this would

“Yes, but why him?” Kevin asked as he hugged his son. “Why

Isaac? Byron and Skylar’s sons don’t have this problem.”

As if to echo his own questions, Isaac murmured, “Why am I

different, Father? What’s wrong with me? Am I a freak?”

“You’re not a freak,” Kevin shot back with far more anger than

he’d have liked. “Don’t ever say that again.”

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The Half-Breed Who Found His Other Half


He sensed Isaac tense as the boy broke free of the embrace. God,

he felt out of his depth. He’d lived for so long and raised two other
sons before Isaac, but Soren and Brody were men now, with children
in their own right. For his part, Kevin felt like the worst parent in the
whole of shape-shifter kind.

Kevin was very thankful when his mate opened the door and came

into the office. “Hi,” she said in a soft voice. “What happened,
darling? Do you want to tell us about it?”

Isaac looked from Annabelle to Kevin and back. Kevin just

nodded, doing his best to look encouraging. Generally, he was bad at
it. As an elder werewolf, he was used to being an authority figure
people looked up to, but didn’t necessarily have loving feelings for
them. Still, he must have made a passable imitation of keeping an
open mind to anything Isaac had to say because his son visibly

“I was playing with some other pups when I felt something was

wrong. I ran into the house, but halfway there, I didn’t have claws
anymore. I changed into my human form as soon as possible.”

“You did good, son,” Kevin praised him.
Annabelle knelt next to Isaac and wrapped her arms around him.

“You see, Isaac, you’re a very special boy. Your father and I
understand that, but others may not see it. Don’t worry. We’ll figure
this out together.”

Kevin watched his mate and son embrace with a heavy heart. Like

Soren and Brody, Isaac had been born a wolf. Throughout his first
year of life, he’d been a completely normal wolf pup. The changes
had started only after Isaac’s first shift. In the beginning, they’d been
small. A carnivorous diet no longer represented adequate sustenance.
That had been easy enough to fix with some veggies at dinner, but it
had only been a symptom of a larger problem.

After his third birthday, Isaac had started changing in middle

forms. Not half-human, half-wolf forms, like in old B-grade movies.
No. When Isaac attempted to change shapes, he would sometimes end

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up with sheep teeth instead of canines. Other times, he had hooves
instead of clawed paws. It was almost as if nature couldn’t quite
decide what he was.

“He’s our son,” Annabelle said through their bond. “That’s all

there is to it.”

“Not where others are concerned,” Kevin corrected as he joined

his family. “I’m worried about him, Annabelle. How much longer do
you think we can protect him?”

It was a good question, one neither of them could answer. Perhaps

now, Kevin’s power could hide Isaac’s problem. But once Isaac grew
up, things would no longer be so easy. Isaac wouldn’t be able to
retreat to them for safety. He would want a mate, a family of his own.
Kevin dreaded that moment more than anything. He feared that his
son’s other half would not want a half-breed.

“Don’t think about that now,” his mate told him. “We’ve got

years until anything like that happens.”

She was right, but Kevin believed in being prepared. He would

help his son and prevent Isaac from suffering because of his ancestry.
He would do his best to teach Isaac how to control his power. He
might not be a hybrid like Isaac, but he’d lived for over a century. He
knew everything there was to know about life as a werewolf. What he
didn’t understand about his son’s condition, he would learn.

Annabelle offered him a small smile. “We’ll learn together,” she


As they released Isaac, Kevin gave his son a serious look. “Listen

closely, son. Starting today, you and I are going to do our best to
figure out how to control your abilities.”

Isaac’s eyes widened. “Yes, Father,” he replied, his voice half-

excited, half-apprehensive. “Thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me,” Kevin replied, ruffling his boy’s

hair. “You just need to learn. We’ll do it together. You’ll see.”

Renewed trust shone in Isaac’s eyes. “Yes, Father,” the boy said.

“I believe that.”

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The Half-Breed Who Found His Other Half


And clearly, he did believe Kevin’s words were true. If only

Kevin had just as much trust in himself as Isaac did. As it was, he
could only hope that he would manage to help his son. If not, he
couldn’t even imagine what life awaited Isaac.

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Chapter One

Fifteen years later, present day

Isaac sipped his champagne, feeling irritated with himself and his

parents. “Tell me again why I’m here in the first place.”

“You’re supposed to be learning from the diplomatic process,” his

mother replied. “Study your father, the other leaders. One day, you
might have to take your father’s place.”

Isaac suppressed a snort. That was highly unlikely. Even if these

days, he was able to control his previously erratic shifting abilities,
the werewolf world wouldn’t accept a half ram as its elder anytime
soon. His mother might be the Alpha female, but she was deceiving
herself if she thought he’d ever reach a high-up position. Not to
mention that he had two older brothers, one of whom was an
experienced Alpha. If anyone would replace their father as elder, it
would be Soren.

But Isaac didn’t want to think about that since he couldn’t imagine

a future without his father occupying the elder position. So to save
himself from having to find an answer to his mother’s comment, he
took another drink of champagne and scanned the crowd.

His father had received an invite for an important reunion of

nation leaders organized by the Sidhe king, Sterling, and his nephew,
Prince Winter. Isaac knew and liked Winter, and he was happy the
Sidhe had found a mate in Isaac’s friend, Corbin. But he felt out of
depth in this place full of important people. He was just Isaac. He’d
always done his best to stay out of the limelight so that no one would

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The Half-Breed Who Found His Other Half


discover his secrets. Why would he suddenly want to be involved
with heads of state?

There were so many people there, some of whom Isaac had

known since he was a child, others who were complete strangers.
Isaac wished they’d all reach a decision already so that he could go
home. Perhaps he could meet up with Reed. Out of their old group,
only a couple of them had remained without mates. It felt quite
strange, especially since, by rights, all of them were still so young.
Isaac wondered if he would ever find his own soul mate. He hoped so.
All his previous liaisons had been unsatisfying, shadowed by the
secrets Isaac was forced to keep. Where was that person who could
understand Isaac, who could complete him?

“Isaac? Are you listening to me?”
Isaac looked at his mother again and realized he’d completely

zoned out on her. “Sorry. What did you say?”

“Your father tells me King Sterling is on his way toward us,” she

told him with a berating expression. “Pay attention.”

Isaac felt like a scolded child, and he didn’t like it. He’d already

met Sterling at Winter’s wedding and had no interest in seeing the
arrogant Sidhe again.

All of a sudden, the feeling of inadequacy was replaced by a

strange new awareness. He was struck by the knowledge of rightness,
and he stood there, frozen, breathless. He spotted the king approach,
but unlike the first time they’d met, the king was not alone. Or rather,
his entourage held someone else other than his usual posse. A young
man with hair like spun gold and jet-black eyes stood behind him,
seeming as uncomfortable here as Isaac felt.

The youth looked up, and their gazes locked and held. Isaac forgot

about where he was and anything else that didn’t rotate around the
man in front of him. His wolf awoke, howling at him. Mate. Mate.

Isaac had no idea what to do in these circumstances. Twenty years

back, his brother, Brody, had essentially kidnapped his own mate, but
Isaac doubted that would work here.

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Thankfully, the Sidhe seemed to sense his confusion, need, and

apprehension. He offered Isaac a small, shy smile. It drew Isaac like a
moth to the flame, and he took a step forward before he could stop

It was his mother’s voice that snapped him out of his trance.

“Greetings, King Sterling,” she politely said to the elder Sidhe.

“And to you, Annabelle. I can call you Annabelle, right?”
“Of course, Your Majesty,” Isaac’s mother said. “It would be an

honor. You remember my son, Isaac?”

The king turned toward Isaac, and Isaac did everything he’d been

taught, regaling Sterling with a polite greeting as was suited to his
station. The only thing he actually wanted was to be introduced to
Sterling’s companion. Who was the blond beauty? Could he be
Sterling’s lover? God, Isaac hoped not. He didn’t think he could
compare with the Sidhe king as a mate, but he just might not be able
to help it. The mere thought of anyone else except him touching the
gorgeous stranger drove him crazy, and that wasn’t a good thing.

He needed to get a grip. They didn’t even know each other, for

God’s sake. Isaac might have animal-like instincts, but he was also a
person, and he had to be reasonable.

Thankfully, the Sidhe king saved him from his predicament. He

turned toward the new arrival and said, “This is Chantay Arceneau.
He’s helped me with an important issue and is currently learning a
little more about our culture.”

Chantay. Of course. Isaac had heard talk about Rhys Whitaker’s

half brother. It was mostly secondhand information, but his friends
had commented about meeting Chantay as well as what the young
man had done to help Winter and Corbin.

“Isaac Wade. It’s a pleasure.” Isaac extended his hand just as

Chantay did the same. The moment their palms touched, Isaac felt as
if an electrical current were running through him. He saw Chantay’s
eyes widen, and he realized his mate must have sensed the same

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The Half-Breed Who Found His Other Half


“The feeling is completely mutual,” Chantay replied in a soft,

lightly accented voice. It was like velvet, almost a physical caress on
Isaac’s skin. And for the first time in his life, Isaac realized he’d truly
found a person who could understand him. A half-breed like him.

Like Isaac, Chantay was the product of a union considered

forbidden. However, Chantay’s parents were magical creatures, his
father an incubus and his mother a Sidhe. Oddly enough, before
conceiving Chantay, his father, Romaine Arceneau, had given birth to
Rhys with another man. The incubus in question was the Whitaker
family patriarch and Alexis’s father.

Isaac had found this interesting when his friends had first

mentioned it. Chantay’s family tree somewhat reminded Isaac of his
own, and even then, he’d itched to know the other half-breed.
Something inside him had told him they could be great friends. He’d
had no idea how right he’d been.

Distantly, Isaac registered King Sterling talking to Annabelle and

drawing her aside. “If your son doesn’t mind, I’d like to have a word
with you in private,” the older Sidhe said.

Isaac’s mother accepted the offer, and the duo left, therefore

allowing Chantay and Isaac privacy. For a few moments, Isaac had no
idea what to say. He just stared at his mate’s beautiful face,

“You can let go of my hand now,” Chantay suddenly told him.
At the other man’s words, Isaac realized that indeed, he hadn’t

released Chantay’s palm from his hold. He should have been
embarrassed, but instead, he grinned. “Do I have to? Your hand just
feels really good in mine.”

Chantay blushed prettily, his creamy skin turning an adorable

shade of pink. “That might be true, but you don’t want to flirt with an
incubus at a party filled with VIPs. I might make you do something

“I don’t think anything’s embarrassing when one is in pursuit

of…” He cut himself off just before saying love. Hell, they’d barely

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exchanged a couple of words. Starting to talk about profound feelings
would certainly send Chantay running in the other direction.

“In the pursuit of what?” Chantay prodded.
“New friendships,” Isaac finished. He released Chantay’s hand,

deciding to slow down a bit.

“New bonds.”
Was it Isaac’s imagination, or did Chantay look a little

disappointed? Isaac tried to figure out what he’d done wrong, but
Chantay didn’t give him time to panic. He smiled once again. “I like
that,” he said. “Friendship is such a rare thing these days.”

Friendship wasn’t exactly what Isaac wanted from Chantay, but it

would be a good beginning. Isaac scanned the crowd, seeking his
mother and the king among all the people. When he couldn’t find
them, he turned toward Chantay and asked, “Do you think King
Sterling would mind terribly if I stole you away for a little while?”

Chantay shook his head. “His Majesty wants me to socialize. He

believes it will be good for me.”

Isaac hooked his arm through Chantay’s. “And what do you

think?” he inquired. “Does it bother you that he makes decision for

The other man offered him a tiny smirk, just a barely there twist

of lips. “So who’s the incubus now? Are you in my mind, in my

Isaac chuckled. “Hardly. I just understand how it feels like to live

in the shadow of an important person.”

His eyes found his father’s imposing figure in the crowd. He

loved and respected the elder werewolf dearly, but there were things
about Isaac that Kevin Wade would never understand.

“What’s he like, your father?” Chantay inquired, having obviously

seen the direction of Isaac’s gaze. “I met him briefly, and he gave me
the impression of a very powerful leader.”

“He is that and so much more,” Isaac replied. “He did his best to

help me when I needed him. In spite of what everyone said, he

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The Half-Breed Who Found His Other Half


supported my brothers and married my mother. But…I get the feeling
I’m always letting him down.”

Isaac released an awkward laugh as he realized just what he’d

said. He was supposed to be trying to impress Chantay, not regaling
the man with stories of his insecurities. “Why am I telling you this?
We’ve only just met.”

“And yet, it feels like we’ve known each other forever,” Chantay

replied. His eyes glowed like black diamonds when he looked at
Isaac. “You and I are alike, Isaac. I can feel it. I don’t know how, and
I don’t know why, but we were meant to meet.”

Isaac stared at his beautiful mate, unable to believe his ears. Those

words were exactly like what he’d been thinking earlier, only he’d
been afraid to utter them, afraid that he would lose Chantay before he
even had the man.

Chantay’s incubus abilities seemed to fail him. “I don’t mean that

the way it sounded,” he hastily said, freeing himself from Isaac’s grip.
He laughed, hiding his eyes under his long bangs. “You must think
I’m such a freak, talking about destiny with a perfect stranger.”

Freak. It was the word that had been Isaac’s self-assigned label

ever since he’d been old enough to understand wolves weren’t meant
to have fleece. “No, baby,” he said. “I don’t think. I don’t think that at

He reached for Chantay’s hand and pulled the younger man out of

the large ballroom. Much to his relief, Chantay didn’t protest. Isaac
would have very much liked to go with Chantay on a walk through
the large gardens of the Cunningham manse, but there were far too
many people around, and Isaac needed privacy.

Thankfully, as a good friend of the family, Isaac had access to

wings of the mansion that were off-limits to most visitors. As such, he
led Chantay upstairs and into a balcony near the Cunninghams’
personal wing. No one stopped him or asked any questions, already
knowing of his family’s close relationship with the shark-shifter and
his seahorse mate.

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Finally, they were alone. As they stepped in the balcony, they

could see other people moving around in the gardens. Chantay took a
deep breath, as if greedy for oxygen. “Thank you,” he said. “I felt like
I was choking down there.” He leaned against the banister, staring
into the distance. “I’m not used to having many people around.
There’s so much emotion. I don’t know how to filter it, how to control
it. My father has done his best to help me, but now…Now I can’t go
back home. I can’t go to him.”

Their situations were strikingly similar, with one huge exception.

In spite of his somewhat-strained relationship with his father, Isaac
still had his family. Chantay seemed to have been deprived of it.

They sat down on the empty chairs, and for a few moments, a

comfortable silence fell. Now more than ever, Isaac was aware of how
strange this situation was. Just fifteen minutes earlier, he hadn’t even
known Chantay. Now, he was ready to open his heart to the man.

In a strange way, it felt as if he’d been waiting for this all his life,

for someone with whom he could have kinship. His friends and
family cared about him, but they couldn’t understand how it was like
to be torn between two contrasting impulses.

“Why can’t you go back?” he asked Chantay, knowing the other

man needed to talk about it.

Chantay looked toward him, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

“You know why. You know what he did. I have to atone for it. I have
to make sure nothing like that happens again.”

Yes, Isaac knew. Even if it wasn’t exactly common knowledge,

their close circle of family and friends were all informed about the
circumstances behind Layton Cunningham’s strange infatuation with
Corbin Mckenna. Chantay’s father, Romaine, had been one of the
people instrumental in creating the spell that had nearly separated
Layton from his true mate, Preston. Even worse, that very same spell
had left behind a dark trace that had nearly killed Layton’s son, Shea,
and later, Sidhe prince Winter.

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The Half-Breed Who Found His Other Half


But none of that was Chantay’s fault. “You’re not to blame for

your father’s mistakes,” he told Chantay. “Besides, that’s all over
now. The spell is gone. You helped defeat it.”

“Yes, but how long until someone else strikes another deal with

the devil? My father meant well when he agreed to it. That’s the only
reason he isn’t rotting in some cell right now. He did it for us, for me
and my mother. But no one should have to be forced into something
so awful. No one should have to withstand the consequences.”

Chantay’s gaze was earnest as he reached for Isaac’s hand. “I

want to understand our world, to help stop the prejudice separating
our people. But it’s so hard. How do you do it, Isaac? How?”

Isaac thought back at all the stories he’d been told growing up.

Wolves and sheep were natural enemies, and they’d reached a
tentative truce only a few years before Isaac’s birth. Things weren’t
perfect even now, but his parents’ longtime mating had helped prove
that they weren’t so different after all. Even so, Isaac knew all too
well that in spite of this progress, many still considered Isaac
unworthy to be the son of the werewolf elder. No one had the courage
to actually come out and say it, but not even his father’s efforts could
wipe out prejudice deeply ingrained inside people.

Yes, they were still struggling, and wolves were doing better than

other shifter races. Felines often discarded the new rules and chose to
live their own way, by the old code that focused on their animalistic
side. It had even happened at the United Paranormal Academy, where
all students were supposed to be safe from their natural enemies.

“I wish I could give you an answer,” he replied to Chantay. “The

only thing I know is that we need time and perseverance. People
won’t just understand from the very beginning that hating someone
else just brings sorrow for everyone involved in the conflict.”

“And you?” Chantay insisted. “How do you withstand that? I

just…I’ve tried to be what King Sterling wants me to be. But I just
can’t seem to get it right. And the emotions…They’re all so very

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“I can understand that.” He might not be an incubus, but he knew

all about confusing emotions. Sometimes, growing up, his body had
needed meat as food, but his mind had rebelled. Other times, it had
been the other way around. He’d needed greens, and he hadn’t been
able to hold it down. The hardest moments had been when his wolf
had yearned for the hunt, something his ram hated with a passion.
“It’s just the way things are with us.”

“I wasn’t so sure about that. Morgan and Layton seem

so…focused.” Chantay squeezed Isaac’s hand. “But me? I’m all over
the place. While I was in the Alps with my family, I tried to ignore the
part of me that craved sexual contact, but now, it’s getting
increasingly hard. And my other part doesn’t want to have sex to

If Chantay’s previous comments had reached out to Isaac’s heart,

this time, it was Isaac’s body that instantly responded. Just hearing the
word sex on Chantay’s lips made forbidden images pop in Isaac’s
mind. He could already see the two of them writhing in bed together,
their sweat-slick bodies moving against each other in an act as old as
time itself. He could picture how beautiful Chantay would be under
him, begging and pleading for Isaac to take him, and how delicious he
would taste.

All of a sudden, Chantay released Isaac’s palm. “I’m sorry. I

shouldn’t be telling you these things.”

Isaac cursed himself when he realized Chantay must have sensed

his arousal. “No, it’s fine,” he rushed to say. “I’m the one who’s
sorry. I admit I’m very attracted to you, and I am a shifter, so my
impulses to couple are strong. But if you just want to talk, that’s what
we’ll do.”

He knew he sounded desperate, but he couldn’t help it. Holding

his breath, he waited to see what Chantay would reply. One thing was
certain, though. Even if Chantay refused him today, Isaac had no
intention of giving up. They were right for each other. He just knew
it. He only had to figure out a way to convince Chantay of it, too.

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The Half-Breed Who Found His Other Half


* * * *

Chantay watched the elder werewolf’s son, trying to figure out

what to say or do. When King Sterling had told him there was
someone he should meet, Chantay had just felt tired. It had lasted
until he’d realized the person in question was the man he’d heard so
much about, Elder Kevin Wade’s son with his ewe mate.

Many things were said about Isaac Wade, some good, some not so

much. Since helping the Sidhe king to remove the shadow curse,
Chantay had been welcomed both within the Sidhe court and in the
Cunninghams’ home. As such, he’d learned a couple of things about
the people who mostly frequented the shifters’ mansion. Isaac was
one of the most intriguing ones, and ever since Chantay had heard of
him, he’d known he might experience some kinship with the man.

But he’d been completely unprepared for what Isaac made him

feel. He’d practically blurted out his most shameful secret and
accidentally flirted with Isaac in the process. Could they really be
friends and nothing more?

Chantay sighed, knowing he had no other choice but to try. “All

right,” he told Isaac. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not upset that you’re
attracted to me. But now is a bad time for me to try to pursue
something like that.”

Not that he didn’t want to. Perhaps that was exactly the problem,

that he wanted it too much. He still didn’t have things clear in his
head, and he couldn’t separate his incubus impulses from what his
Sidhe heart wanted. He needed to slow down a bit, especially since he
realized all too well that he could have something special with Isaac.

The half werewolf seemed relieved. “There’s no rush. I mean, we

just met tonight. Even if we have chemistry, we don’t have to jump in
bed hours after introducing ourselves to each other.”

Chantay fidgeted, the answer making his own arousal spike. He

struggled to control himself, but he sensed Isaac’s body responding.

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The other man’s nostrils flared, his pupils dilated, and the flame of
passion was just itching to get out. Chantay’s incubus part greedily
reached out for that delicious lust, and Chantay barely managed to
restrain it in time.

“Right,” he answered, his voice trembling. “No rush.”
In spite of his resolve, he didn’t know what he’d have done had a

man he didn’t know not suddenly entered the balcony. Isaac turned
toward the new arrival, his eyebrows shooting up at the sight of the
stranger. “Anson? What are you doing here?”

“I came with the Alpha,” the other man said. “Elder Wade wanted

to speak to all three of his sons.”

Chantay could sense his companion’s confusion. “He didn’t

mention anything to me,” Isaac murmured, obviously upset about
being taken by surprise. On instinct, Chantay reached for the half
werewolf’s hand again. “He must have wanted to discuss the issue
with the three of you at the same time. If he’d told you in advance, it
might not have felt fair to your brothers.”

Isaac seemed to relax a little. “You’re probably right.”
He got up, and Chantay followed his example. “But let me

introduce you. This is Anson Wright, Soren’s beta. Anson, this is my
friend, Chantay Arceneau.”

Friend. It wasn’t exactly what Chantay wanted to be to Isaac, but

it was what he himself had asked for. He shook himself, knowing that
at this rate, he’d be throwing mixed signals at Isaac like crazy.

“It’s a pleasure, Mr. Wright,” he said.
“The pleasure is all mine,” the werewolf replied. “I’ve heard a lot

about you.”

Chantay was somewhat uncomfortable with the scrutiny of those

dark green eyes. Usually, he could read other people—even King
Sterling’s motivations and emotions—but Anson was a mystery. It
was as if the werewolf were blocking him somehow.

Thankfully, the beta turned his attention toward Isaac. “Are you

ready to go?”

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Isaac nodded. He kissed Chantay’s hand and whispered, “We’ll

continue this conversation later, all right?”

Blushing, Chantay murmured a soft “yes.” With a soft smile, Isaac

left the balcony, following Anson to wherever the werewolf was
leading him. Sighing, Chantay decided there was no point in waiting
here. He might as well go to see if his king needed him for anything.

In fact, it was likely that if Elder Wade had an important

conversation with his sons, it could be something of interest for King
Sterling. Chantay didn’t know if he should mention it or not. He
considered his options as he headed back to the lower floor. Why did
commenting to Sterling about what he’d randomly overheard feel so
much like betrayal?

Chantay shrugged off his thoughts. In the end, the werewolf

meeting was probably not even worth mentioning. Sterling had better
sources than him, and there was no point on even dwelling on
something so ridiculous.

Just as he reached this decision, he spotted Prince Winter stalking

away from the ballroom, looking disgruntled. He tilted his head,
watching the young Sidhe with interest. There was something
different about the prince. Chantay couldn’t quite put his finger on it,
but his aura and his magic had changed. It seemed very strange, but
Chantay didn’t think it was the shadow curse making a comeback. In
fact, it felt like a good thing. Still, this was definitely something worth
mentioning to the king, and Winter himself, eventually.

As if summoned by Chantay’s thoughts, King Sterling left the

ballroom as well, but instead of going after his nephew, he came to
Chantay’s side. “Well?” he asked arching a brow. “What do you

Chantay scrutinized Sterling’s handsome face. Sometimes, he

wondered why Sterling had enlisted him as royal aid. The king always
seemed to know things Chantay didn’t. “What do you mean, Your
Majesty?” he asked cautiously. “What do I think about what?”

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Sterling chuckled. “I’d love to hear about your conversation with

Isaac Wade, but I was actually referring to Winter’s behavior.”

“Ah.” Chantay felt relieved that it was Winter that the king

wanted to discuss. “I sense something different about him, in his
energy, in his magic. I can’t quite figure out what it is, though. It’s
almost like there’s someone else inside him.”

He didn’t know where those words had come from, but indeed,

that was exactly what he’d felt coming from Winter. To his surprise,
Sterling chuckled. “Someone else, indeed.” He leaned in closer to
Chantay, and whispered, “Can you keep a secret?”

“Of course, Majesty,” Chantay replied seriously.
Sterling smiled mysteriously. “Come. The walls have ears in this

house. We need a more private spot. We can go to my room.”

Both the king and Chantay had received a guest bedroom for the

duration of their stay here, and Sterling led Chantay there.
Apparently, he believed his quarters were the only place safe enough
for them to have this conversation.

Chantay felt somewhat inadequate as he entered his king’s room,

but he put that thought out of his mind and waited to see what Sterling
wanted of him. His answer didn’t delay in coming. “My nephew is
pregnant,” Sterling said. “He’s going to have his mate’s child.”

Chantay couldn’t believe his ears. “Truly? I thought Sidhe

couldn’t give birth.”

“The ability still exists, but it’s very rare.” Sterling’s expression

sobered. “I need you to keep an eye on Winter, Chantay. He will need
the help of another Sidhe, and you can understand him better than he
understands himself.”

Chantay believed the king. It made so much sense given what

he’d seen of Winter’s behavior. However, Chantay didn’t know if
Winter would befriend him and he wasn’t comfortable with acting as
Sterling’s spy, either.

“I would be honored to stand by his side.” Chantay hesitated.

“But, Majesty, I’m not really sure he trusts me to that extent.”

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“Maybe not now, but he will eventually.” Chantay must have

looked as dismayed as he felt because the king grinned. “Stop
worrying. You don’t have to ingratiate yourself in anyone’s favor.
You only need to be yourself. Winter is actually quite open-minded
and friendly, and he likes you already. I’m merely thinking about his

When Sterling made up his mind, it was useless to try to protest.

After all, the man was king. As such, Chantay nodded, even if he still
had his doubts about the entire thing. Why would someone like
Winter want to befriend him anyway?

To Chantay’s dismay, the king turned the conversation toward an

even more uncomfortable topic. “Now, back to your recent conquest.
Stay close to Isaac Wade. I have reason to believe he will be
instrumental in the success of my plans. I don’t think that will be too
hard for you, right, my young friend?”

“No, Majesty,” Chantay replied between gritted teeth. He didn’t

appreciate the knowing tone and the hint of teasing humor. Even if
Sterling didn’t mean anything by it, Chantay always hated it when
people assumed things because of his half-incubus nature. It was yet
another reason why he’d held back and not taken a lover so far.
Everyone seemed to judge him by standards he couldn’t understand.

And yet, it was quite undeniable that this particular task given by

Sterling would be no chore. Chantay hid a smile as he remembered
his new friend. “It won’t be hard at all,” he finished.

There was just one more thing on his mind, though, something

that had been troubling Chantay for a while now. If there was
someone who could help him, it was King Sterling. Did he dare ask
Sterling for this favor?

He remembered Isaac’s earlier words and encouragement. Time,

perseverance, and bravery. Chantay had waited long enough. He
needed to know. “My king, I have a question,” he began. “I would be
much obliged if you could help me.”

The king looked amused, but urged him to continue. “Go on.”

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“My brother. Do you know where he is?”
Rhys had mysteriously vanished shortly after Layton had given

birth to Shea. It wasn’t exactly unusual, since incubi were quite self-
sufficient and incubus siblings often went a long time without seeing
or talking to each other. But Chantay couldn’t help being unsettled.
Rhys hadn’t even been there for Winter Tomacelli’s wedding and
hadn’t contacted them in months. It was the second reason why
Chantay had decided to join Sterling here. He’d hoped he would find
out something about his brother, but so far he’d had no luck.

Chantay’s father had no idea, and Mr. Whitaker refused to give

him any information. He was beginning to get very concerned. “I
haven’t heard from him in months. I’m worried.”

“Ah, yes. Rhys.” Just by looking at Sterling’s face, Chantay knew

that the king did indeed have information about the incubus. “Rhys
volunteered for an assignment,” the Sidhe said. “Don’t worry. He will
be retrieved.”

Retrieved? Chantay didn’t like the sound of that. “But, Majesty—”
“I said don’t worry.” Sterling narrowed his eyes at Chantay. “You

do your part, and I’ll do mine. Understood?”

Faced with an obvious order, Chantay didn’t have another choice.

“Yes, Majesty,” he said with a nod. “I understand.”

All of a sudden, he really wanted to talk to Isaac.

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Chapter Two

“What did you want to talk about, Father?” Isaac crossed his arms

over his chest. He felt somewhat irritated that he’d been pulled away
from his conversation with Chantay, but he managed to remain calm
and keep it from showing. His brothers were also there, and it
wouldn’t do for him to look like a petulant child.

The elder werewolf gestured for them all to sit. “That’s a very

good question,” he said. “The truth is we have a very big problem,
and I’m not even sure if it’s safe to discuss it here.”

Brody released a groan. “Would you stop it with the cloak-and-

dagger stuff, Father? We have better things to do than trying to guess
your riddles.”

Soren nodded. “Brody’s right. There might be a lot of other elders

here, but you took your precautions when you called this meeting.
Now, what’s the matter?”

“As you well know, the reason behind this meeting is to further

diplomatic relationships between magical creatures and shape-
shifters. But while this is a goal more than worth exploring, our stay
here makes us a target for an attack. I have reason to believe that a
group of hostile individuals is planning to use the opportunity to
attempt an assassination of an important official here.”

Isaac couldn’t help it. He snorted. “They’d have to be crazy to do

something like that. Between all the powerful people here, it would be
suicide. Besides, who would they be trying to kill?”

“That’s just it.” The elder werewolf sounded frustrated. “I have no

idea. Sadly, I lost contact with my source.”

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“Who are they, then, these hostiles?” Brody asked. “Sidhe?


Isaac’s father shook his head. “Humans.”
Humans? Why was the elder worried about humans? Sure, Isaac

knew they’d been somewhat of a problem, but they were more of a
pest rather than a true issue. Shifters could handle humans any
moment of the day.

Obviously guessing Isaac’s dilemma, his father started to explain.

“Humans have never had a cohesive, organized movement before.
Whenever there were attacks, they were only isolated incidents, hate
crimes that could be dealt with swiftly and efficiently. But these are
not normal humans. They’re witches.

“A while back, Elder Adele Mercier staged an attack on Byron’s

family while in Paris. Back then, both a siren and a warlock were
involved. While the mer have been open to discussion regarding this
alliance, the warlocks have not. Taking this into consideration, we
sent an agent to investigate the situation. Rhys Whitaker.”

Rhys? Isaac had noticed the incubus’s absence, but he hadn’t

considered it particularly conspicuous. After all, incubi led somewhat
erratic existences, going wherever their hunger took them.

Isaac berated himself for the thought even as it crossed his mind.

It was that kind of mentality that Chantay was trying to change. “All
right,” he said slowly. “And he told you what? That warlocks are
planning an attack?”

The elder werewolf nodded. “I don’t know what they plan, but

given that magical creatures resent us for revealing the existence of
paranormals, it’s not good.”

“Who else knows about this?” Soren inquired.
“King Sterling, Byron, and of course, Rhys’s father. I would have

preferred to keep the Sidhe in the dark, but it’s impossible to hide
anything from that guy.”

Isaac wondered if Chantay knew. Probably not. He might be

helping Sterling, but he wouldn’t be privy to inside knowledge of

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such delicate issues. No wonder the beautiful young man had been so
upset earlier. He must be worried like hell for his brother.

“So what happened to Rhys?” he inquired.
“We lost contact with him one week back. Last thing he told us

was that they were using someone here to assassinate a higher up.
We’re sketchy on the details, though, and now we’re in trouble
because we don’t even know what happened to Rhys.”

Isaac couldn’t imagine the pain his mate would suffer upon

hearing this. “We have to save him,” he said before he could help it.

“I already have people on it. Soren, I want some of your wolves to

join in.”

Soren nodded. “I’ll have Anson and Liam lead my best men. We

don’t abandon our own.”

“I want to go,” Isaac piped up. “I can—”
“No, son,” his father interrupted him. “It’s too dangerous for you.

You’re not ready.”

“Brody and Soren were already warriors by my age,” Isaac

reasoned. “This is the perfect occasion for me to become one, too.”

“That might be true,” his father said, “but you’re not them. You’re

different, and I won’t send you on a dangerous expedition.”

Anger and embarrassment coursed through Isaac. He couldn’t

believe his father was treating him like an inexperienced pup in front
of his brothers. Worse still, pointing out his inferiority hurt like a

“Why did you even tell me about this then?” he asked bitingly.
“You have an important role here, by my side. I need you to watch

anyone who might look suspicious. I noticed you befriended Rhys’s
brother. Team up and try to find our assassin before he strikes.”

Isaac focused to control his breathing, knowing he was being

given an important job. Sure, it felt like his father was just humoring
him, but preventing the assassination was more significant than
Isaac’s ego. “I understand. Can I go now?”

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“Yes. Send Anson and Liam in. We need to talk to them, too.” As

Isaac turned to flee, his father added, “Oh, and, Isaac. About your new
friend. Don’t get too attached. I don’t have anything against magical
creatures, but there’s no point in complicating our lives further by
consorting with one.”

Isaac didn’t bother saying that they were already consorting with

magical creatures by being here. Hell, the elder himself had assigned
Isaac to team up with Chantay. But Isaac knew that pointing it out
would be useless. He swallowed his humiliation and nodded jerkily.
“Yes, Father,” he replied.

Thankfully, the answer convinced the older were to let him go.

Isaac left the office and found the two men whose presence his father
had requested waiting outside. Both wolves were quiet and tense,
although Isaac couldn’t guess if the atmosphere was caused by the
knowledge of the important events going on or something entirely

“Elder Wade wishes to talk to you,” he said formally.
Anson nodded and got up, obviously meaning to follow the urge.

The man was somewhat of a mystery to Isaac. As a child, he’d been
free-spirited, almost flighty, but after a while, he’d changed. He’d
become silent and secretive.

Isaac knew a part of it was the enduring tension between Anson

and Liam’s mate, Shiloh. In his opinion, it was more than clear that
Anson and Liam were just friends now, but jealousy was a very strong
emotion in shifters, and he couldn’t blame Shiloh for being upset at
having to see his mate’s ex on an almost-daily basis. Still, he’d
always felt like there was something more going on, something he
was missing.

Anson passed him, heading into the office without a word. Liam,

however, stopped in front of Isaac. “Isaac, can I ask for a favor?”
Liam whispered.

“Sure,” Isaac replied automatically. “What is it?”

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“Could you talk to Reed? He insisted on coming along, and he’s

being completely unreasonable. I can’t have him throw a tantrum in
the middle of this meeting.”

Isaac thought Liam was being somewhat unfair toward his

adopted son, although admittedly, Reed had been acting a bit
strangely lately. “I’ll try,” he told Liam, “but I can’t be sure it’ll

“I’m sure it will,” Liam answered. “He cares about you a lot.”
And with that, Liam followed behind Anson and headed into the

office. Feeling like a child dismissed by grown-ups, Isaac left in
search of his friend. After he calmed down a little, he’d have to figure
out how to approach Chantay with the information that his brother
might very well be dead.

* * * *

Chantay rubbed his eyes tiredly, feeling like he’d run a marathon.

The day had drained him beyond all possibilities. The conversation
with King Sterling had taken longer than expected as the Sidhe had
given him detailed instructions on how he should act and what he was
supposed to do and say.

Now, Chantay just felt hungry, and sadly, it wasn’t for normal

food. He’d always had this need, and although, mostly, he managed to
push it back, being overcome by emotion strained on the limits of his

He didn’t know what instinct guided him toward a receiving room

at the second level. However, as he opened the door, what he found
made him wish he hadn’t gone there at all. Isaac sat on the couch,
hugging a young man who was clinging to him with far too much

Both men looked up guiltily as he came in. “Who’re you?” the

stranger asked, a hint of irritation in his voice.

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Isaac broke away from the other guy and explained, “Reed, this is

Chantay Arceneau. Chantay, Reed Denning-Holden.” That told
Chantay very little, except for the fact that the man’s last name was
vaguely familiar.

“A pleasure,” he said, shocked when his voice came out weak and

trembling. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were busy. I should go.”

Before he could flee to lick his wounds in private, Isaac shot up

and stopped him. He grabbed Chantay’s arm and forced their eyes to
meet. “What is it, Chantay? What’s wrong?”

Chantay barely managed to suppress a bout of hysterical laughter.

Isaac would have been more inspired if he’d asked what was right.
Nothing Chantay did seemed to go as planned. He’d thought he could
find someone to empathize with in Isaac, but he’d obviously been

As a half incubus, he could read people’s hearts, and while

making it public was something his father had warned him against, it
did provide him with a compass in his day-to-day life. And this
compass now told him that Reed’s heart held so much love it nearly
made Chantay keel over.

“I’m going to give you guys some privacy,” Reed said, oblivious

to Chantay’s musings. “We’ll talk later, okay, Isaac? And thanks.”

Chantay wanted to tell the man this courtesy wasn’t necessary, but

a look from Isaac kept him silent. Reed slipped out of the room,
leaving Chantay alone with the half werewolf. Chantay stared after
Reed, trying to read him. Love, yes, but could it be unrequited love? It
was certainly painful enough, from what Chantay could sense.

“Now can you tell me what’s going on?” Isaac asked once Reed

was gone. “Is this about Rhys?”

The mentioning of his brother effectively drew Chantay’s

attention away from his current dilemma regarding Reed’s
relationship with Isaac. “What do you know about my brother?” he
asked with a gasp.

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Isaac eyed him with a measure of apprehension. “What did your

king tell you?” he shot back instead of answering.

“Just that Rhys is on an assignment and I shouldn’t worry. But I

can’t help it. I feel something’s wrong. Please, Isaac. If you know
something, tell me. Is he dead? Is that why King Sterling refuses to
talk about it?”

Even as he spoke the words, he finally acknowledged the fact that

it was entirely possible for his brother to be dead. Between that and
the loss of the first friend he’d truly tried to make here, Chantay
barely managed to suppress his tears.

Isaac must have realized his mood and led him to the couch.

Chantay was somewhat uncomfortable since earlier Reed had been
sitting in the exact same spot. But then Isaac pulled him close,
cuddling him and caressing his hair. “Your brother did go on an
important mission,” he said. “He’s given my father vital information
on a plot to assassinate an important figure here. They’ve lost contact
with him recently, but already there is a plan to go find him. You have
to remain calm. Rhys is a strong person, and he wouldn’t leave you
just like that.”

Chantay buried his face in Isaac’s chest. Finding out the truth was

both painful and a balm on his wounded soul. If only he could claim
Isaac for himself. Or could he? God, he didn’t know.

His father had told him that incubi were like shifters in the sense

that they had a true mate they could distinguish from anyone else. It
was the only person who could satisfy the deep visceral hunger
completely. Sidhe, on the other hand, fell in love, like humans, with
whoever caught their eye, or their hearts. Chantay had no idea which
one of the two options had been reserved for him. And wasn’t he a
jerk for even contemplating it when his brother was in danger of
being killed?

“What are you thinking, baby?” Isaac asked. “You’re so quiet.”

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Chantay couldn’t help it. He pushed away from Isaac and glared

at the other man angrily. “Don’t call me that. You have Reed to love.
You don’t need me.”

“Reed?” Isaac looked shocked. “You don’t think something’s

going on between Reed and me, do you? He’s like my brother, well,
somewhat different because my real siblings are much older than me.
But we grew up together, in the pack, and that’s why we’re great
friends.” A fond smile slipped on Isaac’s lips. “It was always our little
group, my brothers’ kids, the Cunninghams, Reed. Corbin and Preston
were older, and they rarely joined in.” He paused, and then his gaze
focused on Chantay’s face. “But you, baby…You’re different.
They’re my friends, but they never could understand me. And while I
care about them, I’ve never considered them from a sexual

And as Chantay well knew, Isaac was indeed attracted to him.

“Then who is Reed in love with?” he asked. He wished he could
contain his curiosity, but a side effect of his incubus ability was that
he easily got involved with other people’s emotions.

“I wish I knew,” Isaac replied. “He won’t tell me. I can’t say

more, as he is my friend and he spoke to me in confidence, but I
believe he must have found his mate and whoever this person is
rejected him.”

Chantay could easily imagine how Reed felt. He’d experienced it

when he’d seen Isaac and Reed together. As the thought flashed
through his mind, he froze. How had he automatically linked Isaac to
the mentioning of “mate”?

“Let me guess,” Isaac said. “You sensed it in him?”
Chantay nodded, still dazed at his discovery. His reason screamed

at him, telling him to leave as soon as possible. But Chantay couldn’t
bring himself to abandon the haven of Isaac’s arms. The half
werewolf felt warm, and not only physically. The emotions Chantay
sensed coming from Isaac made him melt inside.

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As if guessing Chantay’s thoughts, Isaac asked in a gravel-filled

voice, “Tell me, then, what am I feeling now?”

The husky tone made Chantay shudder. “Need. Affection.

Arousal.” Yes, pure, delicious arousal, the drug that tantalized
Chantay with a pleasure just beyond his reach. Chantay knew he
should pull away. He wasn’t thinking clearly and the hunger he’d
fought against all his life was winning. But then again, why he should
keep on fighting? Isaac understood. Isaac could help him and protect
him. He didn’t have to be divided between two worlds anymore.

When Isaac leaned in to kiss him, Chantay didn’t protest. He

parted his lips, allowing the other man’s tongue to explore his mouth.
Lust rose within him almost angrily, and he wrapped his arms around
Isaac’s neck, pulling him closer.

The kiss that had started like an almost-tentative lip-lock turned,

for lack of a better word, rabid. Chantay couldn’t even remember why
he’d thought this was a bad idea in the first place. His clothing felt
scratchy on his oversensitized skin, and the only thing he could focus
on was getting naked as soon as possible and taking Isaac inside him.

The notion should have scared him, as he’d never been with

anyone else before, and Isaac was virtually a stranger. But Chantay’s
body and soul knew better than to trust cheap rationales like that. Yes,
Isaac knew exactly how to touch him to make him go crazy, but there
was more to it than that. Chantay ached to discover just how much
they could be together, just what peaks they could reach.

As if guessing his thoughts, Isaac started to work on Chantay’s

clothing. His frantic hands tore at Chantay’s elegant shirt. Chantay
helped his soon-to-be lover as much as he could, but he was so
focused on his need that he ended up making things even more
difficult. He climbed into Isaac’s lap and rubbed his ass against the
half wolf’s crotch. They both groaned in pleasure at the motion, and
Chantay already anticipated getting that thick prick inside him. He
could almost feel it now, Isaac’s erection stretching him, filling him to
the brink.

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The kiss broke only due to their need to breathe. If he could have,

Chantay would have kept their mouths melded together for all
eternity. There was only one advantage to this setback, the fact that
the brief break allowed them to hastily remove their clothing.

Chantay’s shirt flew off first, but not one to be thwarted from his

goal, Chantay quickly recovered lost terrain as he ripped off Isaac’s.
They threw off their shoes and were finally left in just their bottoms.
Releasing an animalistic growl, Isaac pushed Chantay down on the
couch, his fingers avidly working at Chantay’s zipper.

As he undid Chantay’s pants, the half wolf pressed kisses to every

part of Chantay he could reach, nibbling and licking on his skin as if
he couldn’t get enough. Isaac’s lust just fueled Chantay’s, and he
writhed under his soon-to-be lover, already feeling so close to orgasm
he was almost in physical pain. “Please, Isaac. Please fuck me.”

In rough jerks, Isaac pulled Chantay’s elegant slacks off, leaving

him only in his underwear. Chantay’s leaking prick had already
moistened the material of his briefs, but Chantay couldn’t bring
himself to be embarrassed about it, especially when the sight of it
caused a spike of arousal in Isaac. The half wolf mouthed the wet
spot, teasing Chantay’s cock with the heaven of his lips. Chantay
arched his back and cried out at the sensations that assaulted him. If
Isaac didn’t touch him that very instant, he would lose his mind.

Fortunately, Isaac seemed to have some incubus powers of his

own, at least where Chantay was concerned. He pulled off Chantay’s
underwear, discarding it on the floor in one smooth motion. Chantay
was left completely naked, bare to the half wolf’s gaze. The heat in
Isaac’s eyes and the arousal emanating from him told Chantay Isaac
liked what he saw.

That lust was the only warning Chantay got of what was to come.

All of a sudden, the half wolf took Chantay’s cock in his mouth, all
the way into his throat. If Isaac’s hands on his skin had felt amazing,
this was beyond anything Chantay had ever imagined.

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He didn’t know how he managed not to come on the spot. Perhaps

it was the fact that he yearned to prolong the moment. Or maybe he
didn’t want to disappoint Isaac. After all, incubi were supposed to be
experienced lovers. With that in mind, he bit his lip so hard he tasted
blood, using the slight pain to distract him from the pleasure.

For a few instants, it actually worked. But then, Isaac started to

bob his head up and down Chantay’s cock, hollowing his cheeks as he
took the shaft deep. The suction, the heat, and the genuine desire
Chantay felt coming from Isaac were too much to withstand. When
Isaac spread Chantay’s legs and rubbed a dry finger across his hole,
the mere knowledge of what was about to happen propelled him over
the edge. Crying out his lover’s name, Chantay came, his world
exploding into a myriad of colors as he surrendered to the ecstasy
Isaac offered.

Isaac drank down a good portion of Chantay’s offering, something

that Chantay found nearly as arousing as the climax itself. Still lost in
his afterglow, he was distantly aware of Isaac releasing his prick and
gathering a part of the spunk on his fingers. The wolf got rid of his
underwear, the last garment that shielded his nudity, and slicked his
hard cock up with Chantay’s seed. Then, Isaac reached between
Chantay’s legs once again. A now-slick digit slowly pushed into
Chantay’s virgin passage, worming its way in his most private place.

Chantay had touched himself there before, in those moments

when he’d dared to feed the hunger bubbling inside him. But those
times had been nothing like this. His body sang at Isaac’s touch,
immediately responding. His cock, which had never truly gone soft to
begin with, went rock hard again.

“Please,” he heard himself gasp out. “Please, Isaac. I need you.”
Isaac didn’t reply, at least not in words. He had an expression of

absolute concentration, his gaze fixed on Chantay’s face. Slowly, he
pushed another finger inside Chantay’s passage and crooked them just
so. In the process, he brushed against Chantay’s special spot, and the

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pleasure that skyrocketed through him drew a near sob out of

Over and over, Isaac finger-fucked him, massaging the walnut-

sized gland that drove shocks of pleasure through Chantay. There was
just so much sensation that Chantay lost track of time and space,
forgetting everything except the need, the emotion, and the hunger.
Everything inside him reached out toward Isaac, needing them to be

Another finger went inside Chantay, preparing him for invasion.

Chantay’s body greedily swallowed them in and demanded more.
With the last part of him that remained rational, Chantay recalled that
once upon a time, his father had told him incubi powers allowed them
to adapt to all sorts of sexual situations. It seemed that Chantay hadn’t
only inherited the hunger from his demon parent.

Finally, Isaac deemed him ready and removed the fingers from

Chantay’s passage. Chantay was struck by how empty he felt without
Isaac’s touch caressing him from the inside. Thankfully, he didn’t
have to suffer through it for long. Isaac positioned himself at
Chantay’s opening and, in one smooth thrust, slid home.

The feeling of fullness that gripped Chantay was unlike anything

he’d ever experienced. Chantay couldn’t even begin to describe it. It
reached out to a part of him he hadn’t even known existed. For the
first time, the hunger was gone, and the two sides of him were at
peace with each other, wanting the same thing—for Isaac to make
love to him over, and over, and over again.

Yet again, Isaac’s emotions echoed his own. The half wolf pulled

out of him and thrust back inside, so hard Chantay’s teeth rattled. As
Isaac’s cock hit Chantay’s prostate, the world started to melt, the
shocks of ecstasy so intense they seemed surreal. Chantay clung to his
lover’s shoulders, digging his fingernails into Isaac’s flesh. Half of
him hoped to anchor himself in reality, but the other, stronger part
wished to drag Isaac with him, into a different place where only the
two of them existed, where their union could last for all time.

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On and on it went, their bodies moving together fluidly, as if

they’d been lovers since forever. Chantay’s pleasure fed on Isaac’s,
and his hard-as-nails cock was trapped between their sweat-slick
forms, massaged by the rhythm of their coupling. It was heaven, pure,
sensual heaven, and Chantay never wanted it to end.

And then, Chantay felt something inside Isaac, a change, a need

that the wolf was struggling with. It swept through Isaac’s eyes so
quickly Chantay would have missed it had he not been completely
attuned to his lover’s emotions. Alas, he couldn’t wonder about the
source of it for much longer. Isaac thrust inside him one last time and
whispered in Chantay’s ear, “Come for me, baby. Come on my cock.”

Chantay had never thought dirty talk would do it for him, but

Isaac’s command pushed him over the edge. His orgasm came like a
summer storm, intense, brutal, with no warning, taking his breath
away and threatening his very consciousness. With a roar, Isaac came
as well, and just as his hot seed flooded Chantay’s passage, the sexual
energy of his release swamped Chantay’s mind. Chantay thought he
would not survive the seemingly unending onslaught. There was
simply no way one person could withstand so much pleasure and live.

And yet, he did indeed survive, and for a while, drifted in the

afterglow of his first sexual experience, feeling happy and content.
But then, a strange awareness filled him, a sadness and an anger not
his own. He blinked away the haze of pleasure and looked at his
lover. He was shocked to see the frustration and fury in Isaac’s eyes.

“Isaac, what’s wrong?” he asked, his voice wavering at the

intensity of Isaac’s feelings. “What’s the matter?”

* * * *

Isaac slipped out of his lover, gritting his teeth as that simple

motion caused frissons of pleasure to rush over his spine. He pushed
the feeling away, focusing on Chantay’s earnest face.

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In truth, Isaac had never felt worse in his life, and he hadn’t

expected experiencing it after the most mind-melting orgasm in his
life. “This never should have happened,” he told his mate. “I’m so
sorry, baby.”

Chantay’s lower lip trembled as he asked, “You regret being my

lover? You don’t want me, after all.”

“No, baby, that’s not it.” Isaac hated himself for making things

worse than they already were. “It’s just that it was your first time. I
should have…You deserved better than a romp over the couch.”

He’d imagined their first time completely in a different way. Isaac

would coax Chantay into it gently. Perhaps they would have a
romantic dinner first, and then Isaac would carry Chantay to a bed
covered in rose petals. They would look so lovely against Chantay’s
creamy skin.

Fuck, even a bed without the petals would have sufficed. Hell,

Isaac hadn’t even had lubricant at hand. He’d done his best to prepare
his mate for intercourse, but Chantay had been a virgin. His first time
should have been different.

To his surprise, Chantay offered him a small smile. “You’re a

hopeless romantic, aren’t you?”

“Maybe.” Isaac forced himself to smile back. In a way, it was

true, but while his ideal picture of their coupling might have been a
bit corny, the fact remained that he’d hurt Chantay. “I just want
what’s best for you, and this wasn’t it.”

He’d taken advantage of Chantay’s vulnerability to sate his own

lusts. That was no way for a wolf to treat his mate. Perhaps all those
who called him a freak were right. Perhaps he didn’t deserve to find
his other half.

“Well, I don’t regret it,” Chantay said, a hint of anger in his voice.

“And if you’re going to be all self-righteous about it, we’re better off
forgetting it ever happened.”

The idea sounded unbearable to Isaac. After having Chantay, he

didn’t think he could pretend they’d only ever been friends.

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“No?” Chantay arched a brow. “Then stop acting like a jerk and

hold me. If I weren’t half-incubus, I’d have thought you hated me or
something similar.”

Chantay’s words drew a reluctant smile out of Isaac. He reached

for his mate to do exactly what his beauty had suggested. For all
Chantay’s apparent self-assuredness, though, it was quite clear that
Isaac’s answer relieved the half fae. Isaac realized that he’d truly hurt
Chantay with his unintentional callousness. He wished he had
Chantay’s advantage and a few incubus powers of his own. His shifter
senses could tell him when a person was aroused, but the real feelings
that were hiding behind that arousal were a mystery to him.

“Promise me one thing, baby,” he whispered in Chantay’s ear.

“Always tell me what’s on your mind. Don’t hide from me. We
rushed into this, but I do want to know you, the real you.”

The easiest way would be to claim Chantay with a bite, but Isaac

needed to consult with his mate first. He’d barely managed to
suppress that urge while they’d been having sex. He needed to tell
Chantay the truth, that they were mates, as soon as possible. But
would that influence Chantay’s decision and his emotions? Isaac
wanted his beautiful half fae to love him for what he was, not because
it was destined to be so.

How had his brothers and friends figured this out? It seemed so

complicated. At the most basic level, Isaac just wanted to be with
Chantay. Perhaps he’d simply do that and see what followed.
Overthinking it had nearly made him mess up. He still believed that
Chantay deserved a better first time, but if Isaac had any word to say
in this relationship, they’d have plenty of occasions in which he could
fix that.

“Just so you know,” Chantay said, “I enjoyed it very much. I’ve

never felt better and more at peace with myself. Thank you.”

A warmth that had nothing to do with sexual excitement filled

Isaac. Now that Chantay mentioned it, he experienced the same
emotions. For a moment there, before he’d allowed his doubts to

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intrude, the two parts of him had stopped warring each other, both
yearning for Chantay. “Me, too, baby,” he replied and kissed
Chantay’s forehead. “Me, too.”

Alas, his idea that this place wasn’t exactly the most appropriate

one for a little sex fest proved to be correct. The second level might
not be as busy as the main ballroom, but there were still plenty of
guards around. Unfortunately, they seemed to have heard Chantay and
Isaac, as Isaac suddenly felt a presence close in.

He released his mate, eyeing Chantay in a mix of lust and horror.

“Someone’s coming,” he told his lover. “We need to get dressed.”

It was easier said than done. Their carefully chosen outfits had

been ripped off in the rush of passion. Buttons had flown off and
material had torn. And of course, both of them smelled like sex and
the room itself probably bore the scent of a brothel.

Right on cue, a knock sounded at the door. “Mr. Wade?” the voice

of a guard asked. “Your father is looking for you.”

Again? Jesus. Couldn’t Isaac get a moment’s peace? He’d

promised his father he would do his assigned task. What more did the
man want?

“Just a moment,” he told the guard. “I’ll be right there.”
“Right.” The sound of a cleared throat. “I’ll let him know you’ll

be slightly delayed.”

The comment essentially told Isaac that he’d been right about his

first assumption, and they had, indeed, been overheard. Chantay
looked dismayed. “Oh, no. I can’t believe they know about what we

“It can’t be helped.” Isaac kissed Chantay’s temple. “Don’t worry

about it.”

“You don’t understand,” Chantay fumed. “I’m always judged by

the standards of others. Both incubi and Sidhe find me lacking. What
will they think about me now?”

“I do understand, baby.” Isaac hugged his mate tightly, shushing

him. “I’m perhaps one of the few people who gets you. And that’s

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why I’m going to give you one piece of advice. Stop asking yourself
that question. Stop worrying about other people’s opinions.”

Chantay arched a brow. “Have you?”
Isaac shook his head. “I haven’t, and that’s why my father and

everyone else still have the power to hurt you. But not anymore, baby.
From now on, you and I stick together. We’re not going to care about
what others think. We found each other, and that’s what matters.”

For a few moments, he thought he might have rushed things again,

but then Chantay beamed at him. It was blinding, as if the sun had
finally appeared after a cloudy morning. “You’re right, Isaac. Those
who judge don’t know anything about us. We’ll show them the truth.

Isaac had never heard more beautiful words in his entire life.

“Yeah, Chantay. Together.” He heard the guard outside walk away
and heaved a sigh. “I have to go, baby. I don’t know what he wants to
tell me that we didn’t go over during our first conversation, but it
could be important.” He paused, thinking back at his father’s
comments. “Before I do that, there’s something I should mention. He
told me to team up with you to find the identity of our would-be
killer.” He’d also ordered Isaac not to get emotionally involved with
Chantay, but Isaac had known up front he would ignore that particular
part of his supposed mission.

“King Sterling told me something similar.” Chantay’s face

scrunched up in a frown. “I hate this, Isaac. I hate that Rhys is missing
and they’re using us. Most of all, I hate that I don’t understand what’s
expected of us.”

“We’ll figure it out, baby,” Isaac said as he got up. “Together,


Chantay offered him a weak smile, and they started to prepare

themselves for facing the world. They cleaned up as well as they
could and got dressed with their formerly elegant clothing. Isaac
grimaced, realizing that he’d have to make a detour and stop by his

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room before he went to see his father. There was no way his current
outfit qualified as appropriate for polite company.

The hardest thing, though, was leaving Chantay’s side when

everything inside Isaac screamed to never let the other man go. They
shared a brief kiss, and Isaac watched his mate go, longing to follow
and steal Chantay away from all those who would hurt them. But alas,
he could do no such thing, and after Chantay was gone, he, too,
headed toward his room.

Fifteen minutes later, finally clean and changed, he was ready to

meet with his father. The elder wolf was waiting for him in the same
office in which they’d talked earlier. Isaac knocked, and his sire’s
voice urged him to enter.

Unlike before, Soren and Brody weren’t present, and there was no

sign of the other werewolves the elder had recruited for the purpose of
finding Rhys. Instead, in the room, Isaac found his only niece,

Due to the difference in age between him and his brothers, Isaac

had four nephews and one niece, out of which two—Brody’s adoptive
sons, Angel and Clark—weren’t his blood. Soren’s children, Melanie
and her two brothers, Jace and Derek, were the only ones who shared
his genes. Not that it mattered. Isaac had told his mate the truth when
he’d spoken about his family. Their group had been inseparable as
children, and in many ways, they still were.

To a certain extent, Isaac felt more kinship to his nephews than to

his much older siblings. In fact, Melanie had always felt like a sister,
not a niece. Of course, this was probably because he was the youngest
in their group, the runt of the litter, so to speak. At any rate, he was
pleased to see her. He hadn’t expected her to be at this meeting as

Isaac wanted to ask her why she’d come here in the first place, but

pack etiquette dictated that he had to focus on his elder. “You wanted
to see me, Father?” he asked.

“Yes. Please come in and close the door.”

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Isaac obeyed and, as his father gestured him closer, advanced

toward the desk. He scanned the elder wolf’s face, trying to guess
what the other man wanted. The only thing he could come up with
was that he’d heard of Isaac sleeping with Chantay. But then, that
didn’t explain Melanie’s presence here.

Finally, Isaac’s father took a deep breath and began to speak. “As

you know, we’ve been dealing a lot with magical creatures lately. As
such, I’ve learned some things about their habits and customs, and
one particular aspect of Sidhe culture got me thinking. I want you to
mate Melanie.”

For a few seconds, Isaac couldn’t believe he was hearing

correctly. “Pardon me? Could you repeat that? Because I swear I
thought I heard you asking me to marry Mel.”

“Don’t talk back at me, pup.” His father’s voice was nearly a

growl. “You might think yourself very smart now, but you will do
what I say.”

Isaac couldn’t help it. He laughed. “You can’t be serious, Father.

Mel is my niece.”

“I haven’t forgotten,” the elder wolf replied. “I haven’t asked you

to produce heirs with her. You would just be in a partnership, a
platonic union, if you will. It would give both of you the authority you
need to lead our people.”

While those words were somewhat relieving in the sense that they

told Isaac his father hadn’t completely lost his mind, they still didn’t
change the fact that there was no way he would obey this particular

He turned toward his niece, curious as to what she thought about

all this. “And you agreed to it, Mel? It doesn’t strike you as weird at

Melanie looked a bit doubtful, but nodded. “As long as we don’t

have to, you know, have sex, I don’t see why I couldn’t be Alpha
bitch. I mean, my mother was supposed to have occupied the position
before my dad mated Daniel. It’s only fair, right?”

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Isaac’s eyes widened. Where was this coming from? Isaac had

heard the story many times from his brother, and he knew all about
Melanie’s past. It was true that her mother, Carlie Denning, had been
Soren’s beta before her tragic death. In fact, originally, Elder Wade
had planned for her to be Alpha bitch—Soren’s mate. But after Soren
had found Daniel, she and the squirrel-shifter had become great
friends. In fact, Daniel had nearly given his life while trying to save
hers. In the end, she had died, but her pups had lived.

All this time, Isaac had been convinced that Soren’s pups loved

Daniel like a second father. But judging from Melanie’s words, she
almost seemed to resent him. It was strange, and very much unlike the
generous, loving girl Isaac knew. Yes, Melanie had character, and
yes, she would probably be a great Alpha bitch, but she shouldn’t be
so resentful toward her adoptive dad. It simply didn’t fit to what he
knew of her.

“Does Soren know about all this?” he asked his father. “What did

you tell this girl to get her to agree?”

Mel flushed red, obviously not appreciating the fact that he was

suggesting she’d been manipulated. “It’s my decision,” she said
mutinously. “I don’t need to ask his permission.”

“I didn’t think you had,” Isaac said without missing a beat. “But I

expect it wasn’t your fault. Come on, Father. Answer the question.
How did you convince her to play along? How long have you been
turning her against her parents?”

“Don’t presume to judge me, Isaac.” The elder wolf shot to his

feet. “My agreement with Mel is none of your business, and neither is
her relationship with her family.”

“I disagree. Soren is my brother, and as such, Daniel is like

another sibling to me.” Isaac didn’t remember ever standing up to his
father in such a way, and God, it felt great. “You’ve gone too far,
Father. But I guess people never change, huh? Brody and Soren might
have thought you stopped your controlling ways when they found
mates, but you’ve only changed targets.”

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“Isaac, our people need a leader,” his father answered. “I’ve been

around for a long time, and I don’t plan to leave any time soon. But
that doesn’t change the fact that soon, I’ll need one of my sons to take
charge of my affairs.”

Isaac knew his father would never confess to needing a break, at

least not in so many words. But this was clearly about that, about the
elder wolf’s need to find someone else who could shoulder the burden
of a nation. Obviously, Isaac couldn’t do it alone. With Melanie by
his side, he might be able to, but that was out of the question. In fact,
he didn’t even know why his father had approached him with this and
not one of his brothers.

“Pick Soren,” he said. “He’s Alpha and your eldest. He’s the best

choice, not me.”

“Soren has a different life, with his mate, with his pack. So does

Brody. You don’t have any responsibilities yet. You can stay by my
side and learn how to lead our people.”

So this what it all came down to. Isaac didn’t have a mate or

children, so he could be at his father’s bidding whenever the elder
wolf said so. But then, that wasn’t exactly true anymore. He hadn’t
wanted to reveal Chantay’s importance, at least not yet, but it would
seem that he didn’t have a choice.

“I’m sorry, Father, but you are mistaken. My first responsibility is

to my mate.”

“Your mate.” Kevin arched a brow. “And who might that be?”
“Chantay,” Isaac replied proudly. “We might just have met, but I

already know he’s the one for me.”

His father grimaced, not looking very surprised. “I heard you were

quite taken with him. You can fuck him if you like, Isaac. I don’t
care. Hell, you can keep him after you mate Melanie. I don’t expect
you to be a monk. But make no mistake, I don’t trust incubi as far as I
can throw them. I still can’t believe Morgan Cunningham mated one.
For all we know, it’s all magic meant to mess with your head.”

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Isaac controlled his anger that coursed through him at his father’s

callousness. Kevin seemed to have no qualms in using them all. Isaac,
Chantay, even Melanie were only tools for him. “You know what,
Father? Believe what you want. I don’t care. You can’t change the
truth or the fact that I’ll never mate Mel.”

Was it his impression, or did Melanie looked grateful to him?

Perhaps she hadn’t changed so much after all. He concealed his relief
and fixed his gaze on his father’s stern face. The elder wolf glared
daggers at him, and Isaac half expected him to come up with some
other way to force the issue. He didn’t. Instead, he said, “Get out of
my sight, Isaac. Find out who that killer is, and we’ll deal with this
later. Once we’re back in the pack, you’ll see reason.”

Normally, Isaac would have allowed his father to have the last

word and just left. But now, things were different. Now, he had a
mate to defend, and he wouldn’t allow anyone, not even his parents,
to speak against Chantay. “I already have, Father,” he said. “I’m
finally happy and free, and you can’t do anything about it.”

And with that, Isaac turned on his heel and left the room. He

needed to tell his brother, and preferably Jace and Derek as well,
about his father’s idea. They had to find a way to protect Melanie
from the elder wolf’s machinations. Since Isaac had refused to
comply with the man’s plan, Kevin would undoubtedly find
something else.

Isaac sighed, suddenly feeling very tired. Why couldn’t he just be

allowed to court his mate in peace? Why did his family always have
to do things the hard way? Couldn’t they, for once, simply be left
alone? Couldn’t his father accept the course of destiny and stop trying
to control everyone’s life?

It was quite apparent that no, none of those wishes would come

true just like that. If he wanted to be happy with Chantay, Isaac would
have to take things into his own hands. And he knew exactly where to

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He found his brothers outside, talking in low voices with Liam

and Anson. “Hey, Isaac,” Soren greeted him. “What’s up?”

Isaac wished he had a better way to tell his older sibling the truth.

In a way, it sucked that he had to be the messenger of a betrayal. But
Soren needed to know. He deserved to have the information that
could help him protect his pups.

“Father wants me to mate Melanie and become elder after he steps

down,” he said bluntly.

For a few moments, they all stared at him in silence, as if the

words didn’t exactly process. “You’re kidding,” Soren finally replied.
He took a threatening step toward Isaac. “If this is some sort of sick
joke, I’m not laughing.”

“I wouldn’t kid about this, Soren.” Isaac frowned at his brother.

“You might think I’m just your useless little brother, but you know
I’m no liar.”

Brody caught Soren, holding him back when the Alpha wolf

would have jumped forward. “Isaac, are you sure about this? Maybe
you misunderstood.”

“I didn’t misunderstand,” Isaac replied. “Believe what you like if

it makes you sleep better at night, but be careful. Father is meddling
with your pups, Soren, and ripping open wounds better left forgotten.”

Isaac had no idea if they’d have believed him had Melanie not

chosen that moment to make her appearance. “Isaac, could you come
with me for a moment?” she asked tightly. “I need to talk to you.”

Soren broke free of Brody’s hold and stalked to his daughter’s

side. “Is what Isaac said true?” he asked as he gripped her wrist. “Did
Father really want you and Isaac to mate?”

Melanie winced, and that was answer enough. Soren roared, his

fury open on his face. “I’ll kill him. I’ll fucking kill him.”

Isaac shared a look with Brody, ready to intervene if Soren did

indeed attempt to commit patricide. Melanie blocked Soren’s way out,
but it wouldn’t be hard for the angry Alpha to move her out of the

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Out of the blue, Soren’s eyes glazed over, and he seemed to be

listening to a voice Isaac couldn’t hear. He realized his brother must
be talking to squirrel-shifter Daniel. Thankfully, Daniel had a calming
effect on Soren, and the older wolf’s anger started to dim to what
looked like a manageable level, at least.

“Brody, I’m going back to the pack, and Mel is coming with me,”

Soren said in a near whisper. “Liam and Anson will stay here and
help with the plan. If I remain here for one single second more, I
might do something stupid.”

Without another word of good-bye, Soren pulled his daughter out

of the room and disappeared down the corridor. Isaac couldn’t help
but release a sigh of relief when he noticed his brother was not
heading in the direction of the office.

Brody’s voice suddenly drew his attention to the other occupants

of the room. “Jesus, Isaac,” the wolf said. “Did you really have to do

“And I suppose you’d have liked me to keep Father’s plan a

secret.” Isaac turned toward his brother and arched a brow. “Oh,
better yet, maybe I should have gone ahead and mated Mel.”

“Don’t be an idiot,” Brody replied. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Then don’t be a self-righteous prick. How was I supposed to tell

him something like that? How would you have done?”

Brody paused, obviously uncertain of what to answer. Isaac took

advantage of his sibling’s hesitation and added, “Look, it doesn’t
matter. Soren will get over it eventually. With luck, it will make him
pay more attention to his kids. I told Father I have a mate now, and
I’m not going along with any of his ploys. So we’ll be fine.”

“You have a mate?” Liam spoke for the first time. “Well, that’s

some good news, among all the shit.”

“Let me guess.” Anson grinned. “That pretty half Sidhe. Chantay.

Congratulations. I could tell you clicked from the very beginning.
You make a fine couple.”

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“Thanks,” Isaac replied in surprise. That was the longest speech

he’d ever heard come from Anson’s mouth. Wonders never ceased.
“Yes, it’s Chantay. We’re still working things out, but I have faith in
our relationship.”

“That’s great.” Brody stepped toward him and squeezed his

shoulder. “And I agree with Sonny. You two are made for each

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Isaac thanked his brother as well.

Deciding he wanted to keep some things about his bond with Chantay
to himself, he changed the subject and said, “All right, then. What do
we do about Father? Any ideas?”

Brody grinned at him. “I’m sure we’ll come up with something.

After all, we’ve been doing it for years.”

Oddly, the comment made Isaac experience a kind of kinship with

Brody, something he hadn’t felt before. He nodded at his brother and
smiled. Perhaps this wasn’t so hopeless. He had allies, and they’d
managed to make their own matings work, in spite of what the world
had decreed. If Isaac had his way, he would do the same and claim
Chantay like his wolf and his soul demanded.

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Chapter Three

The next day

“Would you look at that? My nephew is at it again.”
Chantay followed King Sterling’s gaze and looked toward Prince

Winter. Indeed, Winter seemed in a particularly bad mood today. His
mate hovered around him, looking concerned, apparently trying to
coax him to calm down. It partially worked, and even from the
distance, Chantay could sense Winter’s erratic emotions.

“I think it’s time to tell them,” the king said. “I thought Winter

might figure it out on his own, but he must not realize a pregnancy is
still possible for male Sidhe.”

“I agree, Majesty,” Chantay replied. “There is no point in

worrying them. They must think that Prince Winter’s condition could
be caused by something more sinister.”

“You have a point.” King Sterling nodded. “Come. Follow me.

We’ll talk to them now.”

They made their way through the crowd, nodding at various

people as they passed. Chantay felt astonished that no one seemed to
realize how much he’d changed since the day before. After his
coupling with Isaac, Chantay had expected everyone to give him
knowing looks and change their behavior toward him. While he’d
caught some ugly gazes from the werewolf elder, the rest of the guests
at the meeting were acting exactly the same.

In a way, Chantay supposed he’d been arrogant in assuming that

everyone would notice it. What had been a life-altering event for him
meant nothing to all the important people who’d come to discuss the

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fate of the world as they knew it. With the assassination plot looming
over them and now Winter’s pregnancy, it was a wonder that even the
werewolf elder had paid any attention to it at all.

But in the end, it didn’t really matter, did it? Isaac was right. Their

bond was their business, and while Chantay hadn’t figured out exactly
how he felt about Isaac, he would focus on that, not on what other
people thought.

They reached Prince Winter and his mate just as Winter got up

and swooned. Thankfully, Corbin caught the prince before Winter
could hurt himself. The concern irradiating from Corbin nearly
choked Chantay. They were right to have approached the couple with
the news. Clearly, a pregnancy hadn’t occurred to them, and given
Winter’s previous brush with death, this worry was completely

“Well, then, I guess congratulations are in order,” Sterling said

without preamble.

“What?” Corbin’s voice was full of disbelief and a good dose of

fear. “He’s sick. The spell must be making a comeback or

Sterling chuckled, and it might have been inappropriate except for

the way the king introduced his knowledge of the issue. “No. Nothing
like that,” the fae leader said. “Come now, Winter. Surely you must
suspect what’s going on.”

It didn’t seem like Winter realized anything, and Corbin looked

even more concerned than ever. “Don’t look so put out, Your
Highness,” Chantay piped up in an attempt to calm them down. “This
is a moment of joy.”

Slowly, he and the king revealed the situation to his nephew. Once

Winter’s pregnancy was confirmed, the happiness that came from the
two made Chantay yearn for something similar for himself.

“A baby, Corbin,” Winter was saying. “Our baby.”

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Corbin didn’t seem to be able to get enough out of touching

Winter and caressing his still-flat stomach. “Thank you, sweetheart.
Thank you.”

It was time to leave the happy couple alone. The king nodded at

him and started to walk away. While they were still away from the
crowd, the king turned toward Chantay. “Keep this to yourself, all
right, Chantay?” he requested. “We don’t want the news of the
incoming Sidhe heir to spread.”

“Of course, Majesty,” Chantay replied. In a way, the king’s

reaction to Winter’s condition surprised him. After all, the supposed
heir would be a half-breed, like Chantay. “I won’t tell anyone.”

“Not even Isaac Wade?” When Chantay hesitated, the king arched

a brow. “I suppose I should be concerned about that, but I’m not. You
can mention it to Isaac, but keep it under wraps.”

Chantay was more than a little relieved about being granted the

permission to discuss this with Isaac. Even if they’d only spent a
couple of hours together, he already felt so close to the half wolf that
he didn’t think he could have hidden it in the first place.

With that in mind, Chantay slipped into the crowd again and

scanned the area for Isaac. If he had to guess, his lover should be
around here somewhere, probably with one of his brothers. Yesterday,
after Isaac’s meeting with his father, Chantay had seen the half wolf
looking for his siblings, Soren and Brody. He didn’t know what Elder
Wade had wanted to discuss since Chantay and Isaac hadn’t managed
to meet up again, but it must be serious. Chantay had a feeling Isaac
needed him, if only for emotional support.

At last, he located his quarry, sitting with his mother just a few

feet away from the group of leaders clustered together. Sterling made
his way to the men and women in question, and Chantay took
advantage of the occasion to go see his lover.

As he approached Isaac, he overheard a snippet of conversation.

“I know your father’s suggestion sounds unreasonable,” Annabelle

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Wade was saying, “but don’t say no outright, not on account of an

“It’s not an illusion,” Isaac snapped back. He must have sensed

Chantay coming as he turned toward him. “Let’s not talk about this
anymore,” he told his mother.

Chantay didn’t need to be an incubus to know the conversation

had most likely been about him. Still, he let it go and beamed brightly
at Isaac. “Hi, Isaac. Hello, Mrs. Wade. How are you?”

Annabelle offered him a tight smile. “I’m fine, thank you. Just a

bit concerned. My son seems to have suddenly developed a rebellious
streak. I don’t suppose you know why that is.”

“Well, he is a wolf,” Chantay replied. “It’s in his nature and his

genes to be Alpha and follow his own path.”

He caught the grin on Isaac’s face and knew he couldn’t have said

anything better. His answer effectively shut Annabelle up, as any
other comment she could make might have ended up as a slur to her
husband’s older sons or Elder Wade himself.

“Indeed,” Isaac said. “Well, it’s been nice chatting with you,

Mother, but Chantay and I have a conversation pending.” He kissed
her cheek and added, “I’ll see you and Father later.”

Before she could protest, Isaac dragged Chantay away. Together,

they fled the ballroom and found refuge in the gardens. It wasn’t
exactly private, but at least some of the pressure eased from
Chantay’s mind.

“She doesn’t like me much, does she?” he asked Isaac.
Isaac sighed. “She doesn’t believe you’re my mate. Or perhaps

she doesn’t want to believe. She’s convinced that whatever my father
decides is the right thing to do.”

Chantay’s eyes widened as Isaac’s words processed. “Mate?” he

repeated, dumbfounded.

Isaac blinked at him, as if he’d just realized what he’d said. “I

suppose I shouldn’t have mentioned it like this.” He released a heavy

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sigh. “Yes, you’re my mate, baby. My parents aren’t exactly happy
about it, but that doesn’t make it any less true.”

“And when were you going to tell me?” Chantay asked, torn

between excitement and frustration. They really did need to work on

“I planned to wait a while, take things slow, not rush you into

anything.” Isaac smiled weakly. “Guess very few things turned out
the way I wanted them to.”

The emotions coming from Isaac were a confusing mix of

concern, sadness, and apprehension. “What’s wrong, Isaac?” Chantay
asked. “What did they tell you?”

He was swept away by the idea that he might have found his mate,

but he couldn’t focus on his own feelings now. Isaac obviously
needed his support.

“Remember when I mentioned growing up with Reed and my

brothers’ kids?” When Chantay nodded, Isaac continued, “Well, it
seems it occurred to my father that the best way to ensure succession
for the elder position was by marrying me off to my niece. It seems
the idea struck him after finding out about former Sidhe legislation.”

“I take it you refused and told them about me,” Chantay said,

dazed at the idea the elder wolf had come up with.

Isaac reached for his hand and squeezed it. “I did, baby, but don’t

get things wrong. You are my mate. I didn’t lie to get them off my
back or anything like that.”

“I know,” Chantay replied with a smile. He leaned against Isaac,

feeling warm inside. “You wouldn’t use me like that.”

And oddly enough, he did know. He might not be absolutely

certain of his feelings for Isaac, but their bond was undeniable.

Chantay was considering how to approach Isaac regarding their

future course of action when he felt something was not quite right. He
tensed, scanning the gardens within his sight for any intruder.
Through all the affection coming from Isaac and the distant feelings

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he grasped from the guests at the meeting, there was something else, a
dark hatred watching.

“What is it, baby?” Isaac asked, obviously sensing his mood.
Chantay wished he knew. He couldn’t identify the exact source of

the feeling, not with so many people around. He felt exposed out in
the open like this. Perhaps he should go call Alexis. Alexis was one
hundred percent incubus, and he might be able to detect something
Chantay didn’t.

“Let’s go inside, please, Isaac. I just have a bad feeling, okay?”
“Sure, baby.” Isaac started to pull him back, seeming alarmed.

“Come on. We’ll go to your room.”

Isaac obviously trusted Chantay’s assessment of the situation,

something which relieved Chantay greatly. As they fled the unknown
threat outside, Chantay tried to send his energies to scan the manse
grounds. His eyes widened as a wave of power assaulted him, fighting
back against his untrained abilities.

With a small cry, Chantay fell against Isaac, his mind attacked by

never-ending waves of dark emotion. Isaac caught him and held him
tight, and in the ocean of pain, only Isaac’s existence anchored
Chantay. The half wolf’s voice reached Chantay through a veil of
agony, but it reached him nonetheless. And in that moment, Chantay
knew Isaac was right. He and Isaac were mates. If Chantay managed
to live through this, he would not waste a moment before telling Isaac
and bonding with him the way they both wanted.

* * * *

A woman and a boy walked by the Cunningham mansion, hand in

hand. The child held an ice-cream cone, seemingly enjoying it very
much. But as they got out of earshot of the guards stationed at the
gate, the boy abandoned his treat and chuckled.

“I truly do love these people,” he said in a voice that sounded far

too mature for someone his age. “They’re so predictable.”

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His supposed mother smiled adoringly at him. “They’re no match

for you, my love.”

“I must say, shifters and incubi are such idiots,” the child

answered seriously. “To this day, I can’t believe they let me go, just
like that.”

“They had no idea who you were,” the woman pointed out. “They

must have thought you were just a particularly precocious boy.”

The child laughed. “But you know different, don’t you, darling?”
“Indeed.” The woman smirked. “Worry not, my love. These

creatures are beings of instinct. The only thing we need to do to turn
them against each other is to hurt their supposed soul mates.”

The child snickered. It was quite true. Shifters and incubi alike

had no notion of priorities. When facing a choice between saving their
mates or helping their people, they chose their mates. They did not
realize that in the long run, such a mentality only corroded the very
basis of their society. But he understood, and he knew he could easily
use it. Family turned against family and friend against friend, all
because of these mates, who often brought little else than sexual
satisfaction to that particular person’s life.

Witches and warlocks were not like that. They’d survived up to

modern times because they’d clustered in covens. He himself had
been able to transcend death because of the loyalty and sacrifice of his
people. If not for one of the families in the coven agreeing to hosting
his soul in their child’s body, he’d have died long ago.

It was unfortunate that the boy in question had therefore ceased to

exist, but it was just the type of sacrifice that needed to be done for all
of them to survive. Powerful warlocks like him were hard to come by,
and he’d spent his life protecting the coven. It made sense that the rest
of the members would be loyal to him.

Alas, shifters and incubi didn’t think that way. Hell, they’d been

willing to risk open war over an unborn child. It just showed that they
didn’t deserve to survive in a world where emotion was a liability.
And for that reason alone, he could begin their systematic destruction.

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“It’s true,” he told the woman who had been his wife. “They think

they’re powerful now, but their strength is like a castle of cards. And
we know exactly where to strike, don’t we, my dear?”

They laughed as they recalled the elder werewolf and his son. “I

almost feel bad for them,” the witch said. “Almost.”

“I don’t,” he answered. “They deserve their fate.”
Anyone who didn’t understand the course of existence deserved it.

It was the law of nature, and he would teach it to the shifters who
should have known it from the very beginning.

* * * *

Isaac carried his mate back into the house, panic coursing through

him. He had no idea what had happened. One moment, he was
chatting peacefully with Chantay, the next, the half fae had sensed
something wrong and demanded to be taken back inside. Isaac had
also felt a strange tension in the air, but the last thing he’d expected
was for his beautiful baby to collapse in his arms, convulsing.

Desperate, Isaac scanned his memory for the last place he’d seen

Sterling or Winter. The two Sidhe were healers. They’d know what to

As luck would have it, just as he meant to rush straight into the

ballroom and demand for the Sidhe king to help Chantay, he ran into
Winter. The prince took one look at Chantay and ran toward them.
“What happened?” he asked, looking alarmed.

“I don’t know,” Isaac replied, wishing like hell he’d at least been

able to give Winter some information. “We were in the gardens, and
suddenly, he felt something wasn’t right. I sensed it, too, like a
presence. I couldn’t quite realize where it was coming from, though.
We went back into the house, and then, all of a sudden, he collapsed.”

Winter pressed his hand to Chantay’s forehead and murmured a

brief incantation. Isaac waited to see what the Sidhe would do and
was greatly relieved when bright light emanated from Winter’s

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fingers. Chantay’s convulsions ceased, but he still didn’t recover

Isaac was dismayed when Winter pulled back. “Come on,” the

Sidhe said. “We need to find Alexis. “He knows more about incubus
nature than I do. Don’t worry, Isaac. We can make him well again.”

Clearly, Isaac’s bond to Chantay was more than a little obvious.

Isaac couldn’t bring himself to mind. He just wanted his beautiful
lover whole and hale again.

As per Winter’s suggestion, they rushed to find Alexis

Cunningham. Unlike some of the other members of the Cunningham
family, the incubus had remained in the nursery, watching over his
son. However, he must have sensed the problem somehow, as he met
up with them just as they reached the family wing.

“Let’s take him to his room,” Alexis said without preamble.

“Isaac, no matter what happens, don’t let go of him. He needs to feel
you to pull through this.”

Isaac followed their instructions to the letter. He carried his mate

to the guest bedroom Chantay occupied. Corbin closed the door
behind them while Alexis and Winter followed Isaac to the bed.
Gently, Isaac placed Chantay on the mattress, careful to never once
release his hold on the half fae.

“Hold his hand and focus on your connection,” Alexis instructed.

“Emotion feeds incubi, and can heal them, too. I don’t think Chantay
is an exception.”

“I haven’t claimed him yet,” Isaac replied, tasting despair in his

mouth. “We don’t have the mind link.”

Alexis took a deep breath. “Well, Isaac, my advice would be to

claim him now. The rush of feelings would be exactly what he needs
to heal himself from the attack he suffered, an attack of hatred. But
remember that if he is your mate, you already have a bond in place.
You can attempt to reach out to him like that. I don’t guarantee the
result, though.”

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Hoping that there was another way out, Isaac gave Winter a look.

The Sidhe prince seemed visibly upset and uncomfortable. “I would
try to heal him, but there are certain circumstances that keep me from
giving it my all.”

Isaac wanted to rant and rave, but in his heart, he knew Winter

must have a good reason for his choice. He also realized that, if
Alexis was right, the best solution would indeed be the claiming bite.
But he honestly didn’t want to push Chantay into something the half
fae wasn’t ready for. He’d told Chantay the truth with regard to his
plan. He had, indeed, intended to woo Chantay, to show his beauty
just how good a relationship between them could be before they
actually jumped into it.

It would seem, however, that once again, life didn’t give him any

choice. He only hoped his mate would understand. Isaac couldn’t in
good conscience allow Chantay to suffer when the power to heal the
half fae was within his grasp.

“All right,” he told Alexis. “What do I do?”
“Just go with what your beast tells you,” Alexis said. “Claim him

like you would have if you’d had a choice.” He offered Isaac a weak
smile. “Except, you know, without the sex.”

Alexis’s pathetic attempt for humor fell flat. Isaac didn’t feel like

laughing at all, not in the circumstances. Still, he appreciated the
man’s guidance. He sought his beast like Alexis had told him to. He
might have been concerned because of his dual nature, but both his
sides yearned for Chantay and wanted his safety.

His canines dropped, and Isaac gripped Chantay’s wrist. Slowly,

gently, Isaac bit down in the delicate flesh. His mind and soul reached
out to Chantay’s, hoping that his growing affection for the half fae
would be enough to snap the other man from his trance.

To his shock, an intense heat reached back, the warm glow of

Chantay’s magic and spiritual energy enveloping Isaac in a cocoon of
life and light. Isaac actually felt their connection click into place and

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sensed the moment the emotions he fed into that bond began to heal

It was just like Alexis had said. Their souls seemed to meld into

one, and Isaac followed his instinct, accepting Chantay’s energy
within him.

He knew that his parents could talk to each other through a mind

link, and his brothers shared the same connection with their mates. As
such, he reached out to Chantay, testing their fragile bond. “Baby, can
you hear me?”

Slowly, Chantay opened his eyes. “Isaac?” he asked, sounding

confused. “What are you doing in my head? What happened?”

“You were hurt,” Isaac explained out loud, not wanting to be more

invasive than he’d already been. “I claimed you to heal you.”

“You did what?” Chantay struggled to get up and groaned. “You

claimed me as your mate?”

“I’m sorry,” Isaac said, crushed at Chantay’s obvious rejection. “I

didn’t mean to push you into this. I would have given you a choice
had there been any mmpph—”

He didn’t get to finish the phrase, as Chantay’s lips crushed

against his. The half fae wrapped his arms around Isaac’s neck, trying
to pull him closer. Still under the influence of the unfulfilled rush of
their mating, Isaac couldn’t control himself. He climbed on the bed,
covering Chantay’s body with his own.

Chantay spread his legs, creating a cradle Isaac crawled into. The

half fae rubbed against Isaac’s larger form, and as their bodies came
into contact, Isaac could clearly tell that whatever Chantay’s mind
thought about this mating, his libido definitely agreed to it.

While some part of Isaac knew he might be taking advantage of

Chantay, his insecurities dissipated in the face of their new bond. It
overflowed with desire, need, and, Isaac dared to think, an incipient
feeling of love. How could he resist?

Distantly, he was aware of the door opening and closing as their

companions left the room. Pleased about their newly acquired

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privacy, Isaac took advantage of the opportunity and started to work
on Chantay’s clothes.

For years, he’d been raised into doubt and uncertainty. He’d never

seen himself as enough, no matter what he did. Even with Chantay,
he’d feared the other man would reject him. But not anymore. Once
Isaac opened himself fully to their connection, he could sense
Chantay’s emotions, and there were no longer any hesitations.

Still, Chantay had just been very sick, and Isaac had to know his

mate was well enough to play before going any further. He couldn’t
bring himself to break the kiss, so he sent a message through their
bond, “I want to fuck you, baby. I need to touch you. Tell me you want
the same thing I do.”

It was a plea and a question, not an order, and Chantay didn’t

delay in replying. “Yes! Yes, please. Take me. Make me feel alive.
Make me feel

With a low growl, Isaac tore his mouth away from Chantay’s.

Kissing the half fae was amazing, but Isaac wanted more. He wanted
to taste Chantay all over, to have his beautiful mate writhing under
him in passion.

Buttons flew all over the place as Isaac roughly pulled Chantay’s

shirt off. Even aware that he should be gentle, Isaac couldn’t help
himself. It seemed as if Chantay’s desires were pooling into him,
feeding his own, and Isaac wanted nothing more than to be inside his
sweet mate.

Chantay’s shoes and pants were next, then his simple underwear.

Torn material was discarded on the floor, leaving Chantay nude and
trembling under him. There was something incredibly powerful about
being dressed while Chantay was naked. For one, it allowed Isaac to
explore all that lovely, creamy skin and to pleasure his mate while he
himself held back. The buildup was ecstasy in itself, and Isaac took
advantage of the occasion to do what he hadn’t been able to when
they’d first been together.

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He mapped his mate’s body with his hands, leaving no inch of

Chantay untouched, unexplored. He peppered Chantay’s face with
kisses and buried his fingers in the long strands of Chantay’s hair. He
licked down Chantay’s neck, lingering in the hollow of the half fae’s
throat to suck on the delicate skin. There was so much he wanted to
do, but most of all, he wanted to assure himself that this was true and
not a dream, that his mate had gotten over the attack and accepted
their bond openly.

The emotions that emanated from Chantay did a lot to convince

Isaac of the genuine nature of the moment. He didn’t think he could
have imagined something so intense, so beautiful. Chantay’s sweet
cries were like a drug Isaac couldn’t get enough of. As Isaac lowered
his mouth over Chantay’s nipples, the half fae screamed, “Please.
Please, Isaac. Fuck me.”

Isaac would have loved to prolong the moment. He still

remembered the nectar of Chantay’s seed on his tongue, and he’d
have liked to taste it again. But his body was on fire and his cock
demanded to be let in on the game.

Deciding to grant himself and Chantay a reprieve, Isaac briefly

broke away from his mate and freed himself from his constraining
clothes. The time it took for him to get rid of his outfit seemed to last
forever. Finally, Isaac won the battle with the material. His clothing
joined Chantay’s on the floor, and at last, Isaac returned to his mate.
The relief he felt at being skin to skin with Chantay was staggering.
His mind swam in a sea of desire and awe, and Isaac knew he had to
take his mate now, lest he lose it before he could embed his hard-as-
nails prick inside Chantay.

Through the thoughts now liberally flooding their connection,

Isaac got the answer to his questions. He couldn’t resist stealing
another kiss from Chantay’s tempting lips as he blindly reached for
the nightstand. Their tongues dueled, and Chantay surrendered to
Isaac’s exploration, moaning sweetly and rubbing his body against
Isaac’s. It took a good amount of effort for Isaac to be able to retrieve

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the lubricant from the drawer since Chantay’s sinuous motions were
very distracting. But at last Isaac found the tube in the nightstand and
broke away from his mate, panting hard. Feeling his mate against him
was his drug, and his hands shook so hard that he almost dropped the
lubricant on the bed.

By some miracle, he managed to open the tube and poured a

generous amount of liquid on his fingers. Chantay spread his legs,
lifting them high up in the air as he bent himself nearly in two. Isaac
almost swallowed his tongue as his mate exposed himself to his gaze.
“Fuck, baby,” he told Chantay. “Do you have any idea how beautiful
you look?”

“I know how beautiful you see me,” Chantay replied huskily. “It’s

so powerful, Isaac, this feeling. Please, I need you inside me.”

It occurred to Isaac that Chantay sounded far too coherent, taking

into account the circumstances. He smirked to himself, deciding he
needed to work on that.

Slowly, he pushed a finger inside Chantay’s body, groaning as his

mate’s channel swallowed it right up. Chantay seemed to be made for
sex, everything about him pure sin, and he belonged to Isaac. The half
fae pushed back against the invading digit, demanding more. Isaac
didn’t allow his mate to suffer in sexual frustration. He added another
finger and scissored them inside Chantay, preparing his mate for
penetration. When he found Chantay’s prostate, the half fae arched
his back and cried out, his cock leaking copious amounts of pre-cum.
“If you don’t fuck me now, Isaac, I’ll…I’ll…”

The sweet beauty seemed lost for words, and Isaac declared his

mission a success. Watching his mate’s face, he finger-fucked
Chantay, fully focused on not hurting his lover, no matter what. But
as much as he’d have liked to be extra careful with Chantay, to take
his time with his lover, the truth was that the roller coaster of
emotions he’d been on in the past forty-eight hours had him on the
edge. He’d found his mate, almost lost him, and then unexpectedly

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claimed him. If he didn’t consummate that bond, he thought he’d go

Deeming his mate ready, Isaac removed his digits from of his

mate’s body. Pouring more lubricant on his fingers, he quickly slicked
up his cock, hissing at his own touch. At last, he positioned his cock
at Chantay’s hole and pushed.

It was like coming home. The velvety heat that surrounded his

prick made him grit his teeth in a vain attempt to fight the
overwhelming pleasure. Chantay’s channel simply swallowed him
whole, greedily drawing him in.

Chantay wrapped his legs around Isaac’s waist, his gaze fixed on

Isaac’s. Hypnotized, Isaac pulled out of his lover and thrust back
inside, aiming for the half fae’s prostate. Chantay dissolved into
incoherence, his cries rising in volume, his skin flushed with desire,
and his lips swollen from Isaac’s kisses. He was like an angel, Isaac’s
debauched angel, and Isaac fully intended to stake his claim on the

They fell into a rhythm as old as time itself, in, out, in, out, over

and over, moving against each other faster and faster. Isaac’s balls
slapped against Chantay’s ass as he shoved his cock in his mate’s
welcoming passage, and the sound of flesh hitting flesh, combined
with their groans and grunts, made for a symphony of pleasure that
seemed to heighten the intensity of the moment.

Throughout it all, Isaac never once looked away from Chantay’s

face. He’d been so close to losing this, so close to missing out on the
most beautiful thing in his life. He would not allow anything or
anyone to part them.

Once again, Isaac pressed his mouth to Chantay’s, the lure of

those beautiful, full lips irresistible. “I love you, baby,” he sent to his
mate through their bond. “I love you so much.”

He knew it was fast, and he knew it was scary, but he couldn’t

help but say it. Whether he’d kept it to himself or not, Chantay would
have realized it anyway. Their bond flowed freely and openly now,

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their emotions coming together until Isaac didn’t know where he
ended and Chantay began.

And then, Chantay’s voice drifted into his mind, whispering, “I

love you, too, Isaac. So very much.”

The words weren’t only said due to the heat of passion. Isaac

sensed the truth behind them, the genuine affection. There was a dose
of confusion mixed with that love, as if Chantay didn’t quite know
how that had happened. But Isaac could help Chantay work through
that confusion. Hell, they would help each other. Isaac himself hadn’t
expected to find his other half, but he was learning. They were
together now, finally complete, having found what they’d been
looking for all their lives.

The mere realization of the extent of Chantay’s feelings for him

made a rush of possessiveness assault Isaac. He broke the kiss as his
canines dropped. Even if he’d just claimed Chantay through the bite,
he wanted to do it again.

“Go ahead, Isaac,” Chantay moaned. “Claim me. Make me feel it.

Make me feel you.”

Isaac didn’t wait to be told a second time. He bit down on

Chantay’s neck, for the second time tasting Chantay’s sweet blood.
Unlike before, his fear for Chantay’s life was no longer there to
dampen his arousal. Thrusting inside his mate one more time, Isaac
came, filling his mate’s passage with his seed. Heat splashed between
their bodies as Chantay found his own peak, and the half fae’s ecstasy
echoed through their bond and into Isaac.

The unexpected pleasure seemed to go on and on, the orgasm

unlike anything Isaac had experienced in his life. For a few moments,
he actually thought he would lose consciousness. By some miracle, he
managed not to waste one single moment of their shared climax.

When at last the tremors of the mind-shattering coupling began to

subside, Isaac slipped out of Chantay with a great deal of regret. He
fell at his mate’s side, completely worn out. “I guess you’re keeping
me then,” he said with a smile.

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Chantay offered him a brief, exhausted smile and pecked his lips.

“I guess so.”

Gathering his mate to his chest, Isaac closed his eyes. For a while,

the memory of Chantay’s convulsing body returned to haunt him, but
soon, Chantay’s scent and comforting heat worked their charm, and
he drifted into dreamless slumber.

* * * *

Chantay opened his eyes, unsure as to what had woken him. At

first, he didn’t realize where he was and what had happened, but then
he recalled the events earlier that day. The memory of the attack made
him frown since he still couldn’t figure out its source. But then
Chantay looked at the man holding him. Isaac. The half wolf who had
claimed him to save his life. The gentle man who’d wanted to give
Chantay a real choice. Chantay’s mate. His other half.

In his sleep, Isaac looked so peaceful Chantay’s heart hurt with

love. Most of the time since Chantay had first met his new mate, there
had been tension in Isaac, concern, frustration, and doubt. Chantay
blamed it on the man’s parents. In a way, Chantay understood. Being
a half-breed could mean a terribly difficult existence. While Chantay
had struggled with his dual nature, he’d at least not been forced to
hide it from the eyes of an ever-watchful world.

Even if Chantay himself had been plagued with doubts regarding

his relationship with Isaac, he now knew the truth, and he vowed to
himself that he would do his utmost to keep that peaceful expression
on Isaac’s face. Isaac deserved to be happy, and Chantay thought that
he might just be able to give the half wolf that. They might be able to
give it to each other.

As he thought this, Isaac opened his eyes and offered Chantay a

small, sleepy smile. “Tell me, baby, are you really here, or am I still

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Chantay snickered and noisily kissed Isaac’s cheek. “Idiot. Of

course I’m here. Where else would I be but at my mate’s side?”

Isaac’s smile changed into a grin. “How about we make use of

that, shall we?”

But even as Isaac reached for him, obviously intending to take

advantage of the situation, the feeling that had woken Chantay up
became more intense. Isaac must have sensed it as well since he
abruptly stopped, turning toward the door. He frowned, as if
uncertain, then released a sigh.

“I’ll take care of this, baby. I didn’t realize word of our mating

had spread so easily.”

Isaac left the bed and rushed to the adjoining bathroom. Chantay

heard running water, and after a few moments, Isaac stepped back
into the room, this time reasonably cleaned. He was pulling his
roughed-up pants on when a knock sounded at the door.

Chantay’s incubus senses could only identify people he knew well

by their emotions, but through his bond with Isaac, he realized that
the person at the door was Isaac’s brother, Brody.

Isaac went to open the door and greeted the werewolf with a dose

of irritation in his voice. “Hi, Brody. What can I do for you?”

“Sorry for interrupting while you’re with your mate, brother,” the

man said, “but I thought you’d like to know Father gave his
permission for you to come with us on the expedition.”

Chantay felt Isaac’s shock as if it were his own. “Seriously? But

why?” Isaac asked. “Why did his change his mind now?”

“You might have impressed him when you stood up to him,”

Brody replied. “You’ve never gone against him before, in anything.
He just mentioned that you showed maturity with regard to your

Thinking back to the ugly glares he’d received, Chantay doubted

very much that the elder werewolf had been moved by his bond with
Isaac. No, something else was going on. He tentatively tested Brody’s

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mind, but as far as he could tell, Isaac’s brother knew nothing of his
father’s machination.

Isaac hesitated for a few moments, then asked, “And you trust him

after what he planned with me and Mel?”

“I don’t know what to believe anymore. I want to think he had a

reason for that. As it is, I’m only glad you didn’t say yes.”

Chantay only knew about what Elder Wade had done from Isaac.

It seemed that the half wolf had told his brothers about it, too. “How’s
Soren?” Isaac asked.

“Pissed, with Father and with Mel, but especially with Father. I

talked to him on the phone earlier. He’s talking things through with
his family, so I hope it will be all right.” Brody sighed. “But, Isaac, I
agree with Father about one thing. I might need you with me, Isaac.
Soren’s gone, and so are some of his men. It wouldn’t hurt to have
another person for this mission.”

It seemed that by mission, Brody was referring to the plan to save

Chantay’s brother. Chantay covered himself with the sheet and said,
“I want to go, too.”

Even if he couldn’t see Brody, he sensed the werewolf’s

displeasure. “I’d rather you didn’t. It’s much too dangerous for
someone like you.”

But if it was dangerous, Chantay didn’t want Isaac to go, either.

Wrapped in the sheet, he made his way to the door, ignoring the fact
that he was next to naked. Isaac turned toward him, blocking Brody’s
view with his body. “Baby, I could go help your brother,” Isaac told
him seriously. “I could bring him back to you. Wouldn’t you like

“Yes, Isaac, of course,” Chantay answered, feeling torn between

the love he felt for his mate and his affection for his brother. “But do
you have to go? I mean, your brother can recruit other people.”

Isaac arched a brow. “What is it? Don’t you trust me to take care

of myself?”

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There was a hint of something dark in Isaac’s voice, and Chantay

knew the origin. The fact that, many times, Isaac’s parents had kept
him from achieving his full potential had given the half wolf a dose of
insecurities that Chantay had sensed from the very beginning. It was
the same feeling Chantay had whenever someone judged him due to
his ancestry, and he understood him well.

“I trust you, Isaac,” he said, “but I’m still worried. I don’t want to

lose you, and I have a bad feeling about this.”

“I want to do this for you, baby,” Isaac whispered through their

bond. “I know how much you care about Rhys. It’s partially my fault
that Soren isn’t here to help. I’ll come back to you. I promise.”

Uncaring as to who might see, Chantay dropped the sheet

covering his body and hugged his mate tightly. “All right, Isaac,” he
replied. “But please, I need you to be careful. You’re my heart and
soul now.”

It might have sounded corny, but they both knew it was true.

Their lips met in a kiss that tasted like salty tears, sweet love, and
bitter separation. When they broke apart, Chantay realized the tears
were his own. He angrily wiped his eyes, not wanting to make this
anymore difficult. In the end, Isaac was doing this for him, and
Chantay’s selfishness aside, he did want to see his brother safe and
sound, at home.

“I’ll go pack now, but we’ll see each other again before I leave,”

Isaac told him.

“Okay.” Chantay forced a smile. “Go on. Go with your brother.

I’ll be fine.”

For a few seconds, Chantay thought Isaac would actually change

his mind. The half wolf hesitated, earnestly scanning Chantay’s face.
Chantay dared to hope that somehow, they’d figure out a way for
Isaac to stay by his side and remain unharmed.

But that moment of vacillation passed, and Chantay felt Isaac’s

resolve steel. The half wolf kissed Chantay’s temple and murmured,
“Don’t worry, baby. I won’t fail you. I promise.”

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As Isaac turned and left the room, the door closed behind him

with frightening finality, and Chantay realized that, in his selfish need
to keep Isaac with him, he might have pushed his mate into the very
course of action he’d been trying to avoid. Even if he trusted Isaac
and his abilities, Chantay’s automatic protectiveness had triggered a
need to prove himself in the half wolf.

Chantay fell to his knees on the floor and curled into a small ball.

Oh, no. He’d never forgive himself if something happened to Isaac.

No sooner had he thought that than the door burst open and Isaac

stalked inside. “If it means so much to you, baby,” the half wolf said,
“I won’t go. I’m sure Brody is more than capable of handling this on
his own.”

Chantay stared at his lover in shock, surprised that Isaac had

sensed his distress. But then, he shouldn’t be, right? The mate bond
allowed for Isaac to hear his thoughts and emotions, and it worked
both ways. Wherever Isaac went, Chantay would have a way to know
what was going on with his lover.

He eyed his mate, scrutinizing his heart and Isaac. Yes, it was

important to him for Isaac to stay, but it was just as vital for Isaac to
go. Isaac needed this. He needed to make his father and his siblings
see that he could be one of them. It was a step toward the acceptance
Isaac had sought all his life, and Chantay couldn’t in good conscience
deny Isaac this chance.

Besides, what did he expect? He couldn’t keep Isaac tied to him

forever. The man was half wolf, half ram, protective, and powerful no
matter what anyone else said. He was destined to be a warrior, and
Chantay needed to get used to the thought.

“I’m sorry, Isaac,” he said. “I’m being childish and unfair. You

have to go. I understand that, and I am thankful for it. I trust you to
bring Rhys back.”

Even as he said the words, a weight seemed to lift off his heart.

Yes, he had to believe in Isaac’s strength. They’d just found each
other, and Isaac would never allow them to be parted.

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“That’s it, baby.” Isaac grinned at him. “I won’t ever allow

anyone to tear us apart.”

As they hugged once again, Chantay sent a prayer to the Nameless

One to protect Isaac in his impending journey and added one plea for
himself. No matter what came next, he had a feeling he would need a
lot of strength to surpass it.

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Chapter Four

A few days later

“Are you sure this is the place, Brody?” Isaac eyed the house in

front of them, unable to contain his suspicion.

“Why?” Brody arched a brow. “Don’t you think it looks enough

like a witch coven?”

On the contrary, Isaac thought it looked too much like a place

where traditional witches were likely to hang out. The address they’d
been given by their father, courtesy of information provided by Rhys
Whitaker, was for a property in the middle of a forest in Oregon.
There were fences everywhere, as well as “private property” signs,
but as far as Isaac could tell, very few guards.

A couple clustered around the main entrances to the property, but

for a shifter, it wouldn’t be a problem to sneak inside.

“This has to be it,” one of the men with them said. “I can sense

magical wards around it.”

The guy in question was an addition to their group, originating

from the Whitaker family’s staff. If the incubus said there was magic
present, it was probably true. Still, Isaac felt something was amiss. It
was too quiet. It almost seemed like the forest was watching them,
and the sensation caused a strange familiar itch to nudge at the back
of his mind. He couldn’t quite remember when he’d experienced this
same phenomenon, but it unsettled him greatly.

“It could be a trap,” he told his brother.
Brody seemed to muse on his words. “There is a chance of that,

yes. But that’s why we have magic users with us.”

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Anson nodded. “There’s no helping it, Isaac. We have to go in


Isaac realized the other werewolves were right, but he still didn’t

feel very happy about it. “Let’s just be extra careful,” he told Brody.
“We don’t know what’s waiting for us in there.”

“We can do this, Isaac,” Liam encouraged him. “Don’t worry.”
The other wolves probably thought that Isaac was being jumpy

and cowardly for no good reason, but to their credit, they didn’t rush
forward recklessly. Instead, Brody took into account Isaac’s
suggestion and ordered a careful approach.

Their group slowly made its way toward the fence, with the magic

users in front of them mumbling incantations. According to the Sidhe
and the incubi, warlock wards could be worked around by someone
who knew what he was doing. Isaac appreciated their presence more
than ever, but something told him that in spite of their intervention,
the presence of this mission had been anticipated.

“Maybe you should come back,” Chantay said in Isaac’s mind. “I

don’t have a lot of contact with the witches, but that time in Paris,
when one of them participated in the attack on the Cunningham
home…It was bad.”

“I remember, baby, but we can’t leave. You know that. Rhys is

most likely in there. He risked his life to provide information for us,
and we don’t abandon our own.”

Isaac sensed his mate’s apprehension and pain. Chantay was torn

between his concern for his brother and that for Isaac. Isaac would
have preferred to spare his mate of this distress, but alas, he couldn’t
be in two places at once, and he needed to do this.

Was he selfish to demand Chantay to cater to his insecurities? Did

he really want to save Rhys at all, or was this all meant to prove
something else, to soothe Isaac’s ego? Isaac didn’t know. The truth
was that his wolf demanded for him to protect the person Chantay
cared about. Not only that, but Isaac suspected that through this
mission, he might found out what had hurt Chantay so badly. Only a

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magic user could have caused the half fae to nearly die because of a
mere emotional scan, and Isaac intended to hunt that person down and
preferably eviscerate him or her.

With that in mind, Isaac followed behind his companions as they

jumped over the fence, using the abilities of the magical creatures in
their party to cloak their approach from the wards. With each step he
took, Isaac sensed the feeling of wrongness intensify. Sweat beaded
his brow, but he kept quiet, knowing that, in spite of the risks, this
mission was necessary.

Yes, it was likely that their enemies were waiting. Yes, it was

possible that they would be attacked. But Isaac had promised Chantay
to come back and bring Rhys with him, and not even a whole coven
of witches could keep him from doing so.

Finding renewed resolve in his bond with Chantay, he shut down

the part of him that screamed to get out of there and steeled himself
for the ensuing battle. For no doubt, there would be a battle, and Isaac
would win. There simply was no other way.

As they approached more and more, it seemed apparent that most

of the guards had been set around the large house in a tight, organized
circle. To a certain extent, the maneuver confused Isaac, until he
realized that whoever owned this place had no intention of allowing
them into the mansion, only to lure them onto their turf.

But Isaac wasn’t afraid. He shared a look with his brother and

nodded. They needed to be ready, because as stealthy as their
operation had been so far, the witches just might be one step ahead of

It was for that reason that Isaac wasn’t surprised when one of the

incubi suddenly cursed and froze. A Sidhe soldier tried to reach for
him, but halted in his tracks, as if unable to move. Isaac himself
suddenly had trouble breathing, and when he tried to step forward, he
found that he could not.

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So far, they’d been able to hide themselves in the trees around the

house, but it seemed that this strategy didn’t help them much. Witches
and warlocks appeared out of nowhere, surrounding them.

“Would you look at that?” a man asked. “We have ourselves a

couple of new pets.”

“And you’re surprised at that.” A witch arched a dark brow at the

first speaker. “You were clearly told this would happen.”

In that moment, a veil seemed to lift from Isaac’s eyes, and he

realized where else he’d experienced the strange feeling. This dark
power had indeed been the one present at the Cunningham manse
when Chantay had collapsed. The person guilty for Chantay’s pain
was here.

And then, the guards parted to reveal another approaching person.

As if summoned by Isaac’s anger, a small boy made his way toward
them, a strikingly cold expression on his face.

“Isaac Wade, as I live and breathe,” he said, his voice sounding

far too mature for his apparent age. “You’re late. I almost thought
you’d disappoint me and not show up.”

Isaac bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from spouting an

insult at the boy. It was not because of fear, but rather, because he had
to force himself to remain calm. Every feeling of wrongness he’d
experienced was centered around this child. Isaac didn’t know how it
was possible, but it seemed that the boy was the guilty party behind
the attack on Chantay.

Through their bond, Chantay reached out to him, his trepidation

and terror clear. “There was a boy with Elder Mercier’s group in
Paris. I went to see Rhys back then and spotted him just as he was
placing a spell on Rhys. I don’t know more about it other than the fact
that he’s dangerous.”

Isaac knew exactly what Chantay was talking about. Even if he

hadn’t directly been involved in the decision-making process that
followed after Elder Adele Mercier’s attempt to instigate a war
between the species, he’d found out from his family that the

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Cunninghams had been forced to release the conspirators as a gesture
of goodwill to prevent exactly what Adele had wanted. Both the Sidhe
and the mer had responded positively to it and were now cementing
an alliance with the shifters. The warlocks had not, and sadly, it
seemed that, for once, the Cunninghams had made a grave error. The
person they had released must be much more powerful and important
than they’d originally thought.

As if irritated by Isaac’s silence, the child gestured for the guards.

“Take them inside and lock them in. Put the half-breed separately.”

Isaac had no clue why he was so special as to warrant extra

attention, but he didn’t like it. Through their mind link, he sensed
Chantay’s increasing agitation and did his best to send waves of calm
to his mate. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll be fine.”

“I’m letting the others know of what happened,” Chantay said.

“Chances are that they might already know from Carson or any other
mate of those present, but…Oh, Isaac, I don’t know what to do. How
can I help?”

“Just stick with me, Chantay. This guy won’t be able to be vigilant

forever. Whether he knows it or not, we can break this spell. Mate
bonds are more powerful than any magic.”

It was true. All the people who’d had mates had recovered from

the mysterious child’s attack without needing the intervention of
Winter Tomacelli’s healing power. But the boy was arrogant, and he
might not know that. For the moment, Isaac kept calm and allowed
the witches to lead him into the house without fighting, with the boy
leading them toward an unknown destination.

“It seems your father did exactly as I wanted him to,” he suddenly

said as they walked through the corridors. “You shifters are so
predictable you don’t deserve to live.”

At that, Isaac couldn’t keep his temper. “My father would never

willingly send us into your clutches.”

The boy stopped walking and turned toward Isaac and smirked.

“Are you serious? My clutches?” He barked out a laugh. “You’re

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hilarious. I might keep you as a pet just for that comment. But no, my
dear Isaac, your father didn’t do that, or rather he didn’t think he did.
He just encouraged you to come so that he could arrange a separation
between you and your supposed mate.”

When Isaac just gaped at him, the boy chuckled again. “Don’t

look so shocked. You didn’t think he’d give up so easily, now did
you? You know what they say. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,
and that’s exactly what Elder Wade is. A mutt who thinks too highly
of himself.”

Isaac was disinclined to believe anything that came from the

child’s mouth, but he had to say he actually believed this particular
thing. His father might not have wanted them to be captured, but he
might have planned to separate Isaac from Chantay by sending Isaac

“Be careful, baby,” he sent to his mate. “Stick close to King

Sterling and Winter. I don’t think they’d hurt you. Leave the mansion
as soon as possible.”

“That’s exactly what your father wants,” Chantay replied

stubbornly. “And yes, I will leave, but only to come get you. I won’t
let you get hurt.”

“No, Chantay.” Isaac might not fear for himself, but he definitely

feared for his mate. “Please, I need you to be safe. As long as I know
you’re out of harm’s way, I can keep a cool head to get out of here. I
promised, remember? I promised I’d come back.”

“Yes, Isaac, but it might be out of your hands.” Isaac sensed

Chantay’s pain and fear as his own. “What if that vile warlock hurts
you like he did Rhys? And my brother…I can’t even think about what
must have happened to him.”

Sadly, Chantay had a point, and the likelihood that Rhys Whitaker

had been killed was increasing more and more. Ironically, Isaac was
relying on the obvious arrogance and sadism of the man-child in front
of him, hoping that the boy had not deemed Rhys dangerous enough
to kill.

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Even as he thought about this, Isaac did his best to memorize the

way they’d come. Every corridor looked the same, dark and gloomy,
and even the occasional decorations were set in the same place and
looked identical. In fact, Isaac got the impression that the guards were
leading them in circle, perhaps to confuse them. Honestly, Isaac
doubted such precautions were necessary since the warlocks’ home
looked like a rabbit warren to him, and Isaac was particularly worried
because of the man-child’s intention to separate them. Navigating
through this labyrinth would be next to impossible while trying to
escape this lunatic.

Sadly, his concern proved to be justified. At one crossroads

between corridors, his companions were pushed right, while he
continued forward. He heard his brother protest, but he did not look in
Brody’s direction. He had a feeling he would need his wits to
shoulder what was to come.

He was taken two levels down, into the very bowels of the

mansion. Here, the air smelled like mold and fear, and among his own
apprehension, Isaac felt a dose of excitement. If there was anywhere
in this place where he could find Rhys, this would be it.

The guards opened a cell door and pushed him inside. He

staggered and bared his canines at them as he regained his balance.
The child warlock tsked at him from the doorway. “Now, now. Let’s
not be violent. You were doing so well, too.”

At that, Isaac couldn’t contain himself. “Who do you think you

are, you little freak? Once I get out of here, I’m going to skin you

An unpleasant smile graced the boy’s young, chubby face. “Oh,

where are my manners? I am Tyrell, the leader of this coven. And
you, my dear Isaac, will be my weapon.”

It was the last thing Isaac registered before a wave of power

crushed over him. The walls he’d struggled to erect all his life
crumbled under the onslaught of the spell. All of a sudden, the two
parts of him were face-to-face once again and at odds with each other.

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And as the contrasting instincts emerged, Isaac’s human mind got lost
in the darkness of his own animalistic nature, and there was nothing
else but darkness, a wolf, and a ram.

* * * *

A few hours later

For what seemed like the millionth time that day, Chantay sent his

mind out, seeking his mate, testing their bond. He was met with
nothing else but static. His head throbbed with the effort, and he
curled into a ball, trying to push it back. No matter how much it hurt,
he needed to hear from Isaac. He needed to know something.

Ever since he’d felt that overwhelming wave of pain coming from

Isaac, Chantay had been unable to contact his mate through their
connection. The only thing that kept him going was the certainty that
Isaac remained alive. But at the same time, he felt helpless, powerless
to aid his mate. The leaders of the various nations knew about the
situation and had basically told him to stay out. Elder Wade had been
angered just by Chantay’s presence, and he’d refused to listen to
anything Chantay had to say.

Chantay suspected that if Brody’s mate, Carson, hadn’t confirmed

this news, the werewolf would have discarded it entirely. Chantay had
no idea why Isaac’s father hated him so much, but right then and
there, he’d have been willing to kneel in front of the elder just as long
as Wade did something for Isaac.

But more and more time was passing with no news and no success

in reaching out to Isaac. Chantay was starting to get desperate.

“Please, Isaac,” he sent out. “If you can hear me, please come

back to me.”

No answer. Chantay would have wept, except he sensed a small

trickle of light at the back of his mind, the brush of a familiar touch. It

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was so elusive Chantay might have missed it entirely had he not been
searching for it so avidly.

The tenuous connection didn’t hold for much longer, vanishing

into thin air like strands of wispy smoke. But it had been enough to
give Chantay hope. Isaac could still hear him. Chantay just needed to
keep trying.

He was so busy in his self-assigned task that the sound of

someone knocking at his door startled him tremendously. Chantay
blinked and got up, swooning as his headache intensified at the
sudden motion. He took a deep breath to calm himself and went to
greet his mysterious visitor.

As he opened the door, he was not surprised to see Carson

Williams-Wade at the other side. “Hey there,” the shifter greeted him.
“I wanted to see if you’re all right. Elder Wade treated you pretty
badly earlier.”

Chantay couldn’t find the strength to pretend he was fine like he

normally might have. “I don’t care about that,” he said, stepping aside
and gesturing the older man to come in. “It’s Isaac that worries me.”

Carson stepped inside and sighed. “I know it hurts, but they’ll

come back to us. You’ll see.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Chantay couldn’t help but snap at the

ram-shifter. “You can still hear your mate.”

“You mean you can’t?” Carson’s dark eyes grew even more

concerned than they’d been before. “Is Isaac—?”

Chantay shook his head, interrupting the ram before Carson could

say the dreaded word. “No. But there’s something in the way of our
bond. It’s very strange. It’s like Isaac is there, but he isn’t. I can’t
explain it.”

Carson seemed to gain a distant expression, as if he was

remembering something very painful. “I don’t know if you’ve heard
about this,” he finally said, “but many years ago, when Brody and I
met, his father did everything in his power to part us. He even forced
him to mate someone else in exchange for sparing my life. That

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mating wiped out our mind link, but not completely. I could still see
and hear Brody sometimes. Is this like that?”

“I…I don’t know. I don’t think so.” Honestly, Chantay would

have preferred it had that been the case, but he had a feeling
something more sinister was involved. “I just suddenly felt him in
pain, and then…He was just gone, at least, the way I knew him to be.”

“Have you told the elder this?” Carson asked.
Chantay nodded, already beginning to fall into depression again.

“Yes, but he doesn’t believe I’m Isaac’s mate. Everyone ignores me
altogether. What use am I to Isaac if I don’t even know what’s
happening with him?”

Carson released a heavy sigh. “I wish I could help, but Brody

doesn’t know what’s going on, either. He and the others are being
held apart from Isaac.”

Chantay dropped back down on the couch and buried his face in

his hands. “Why? Why is that monster so intent on Isaac? It’s the
same person who attacked me, and he has so much hate inside him.
What made him choose Isaac?”

It was a question Carson obviously couldn’t answer. None of them

could, except maybe Isaac. In the end, there was no way around it.
Chantay was done waiting here like an idiot. His mate needed him,
and Chantay intended to save him or die trying.

“I’m done wondering, Carson,” he said, “and I’m done asking for

people to give me attention. I know where they went, and I know
what they’re up against. I’m going after Isaac.”

“That’s what I was coming to tell you,” Carson said. “A group of

soldiers have already left in search of our mates. I’d have gone, too,
but Brody convinced me to remain here. Angel and Clark need me to
get through this, and I have to be there for my kids.” Carson squeezed
Chantay’s shoulder. “But if you want to go, don’t let anyone stand in
your way. Fight for your mate, Chantay. If your bond is under strain,
he will need you there.”

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Chantay appreciated the ram’s encouragement. “Can you help me

arrange transportation? Without King Sterling, I’m really not sure
who to address.”

The shifter hugged him tightly. “I can, and I will. Follow me. And

be careful. I don’t like the fact that Elder Wade chose to disregard
your words so lightly.”

Chantay followed behind Carson as the two of them left the room.

The ram seemed intent on helping, and Chantay could find no fault in
that. He only hoped he would reach his mate in time.

Just as they were going down the stairs, they were intercepted by

Chantay’s friend, Reed. “Are you going after them?” the swan asked
breathlessly. “Please, take me with you.”

“I don’t think that’s a very good idea, Reed,” Carson replied in a

reprimanding tone. “Liam wouldn’t want you to be in danger. And
what would Shiloh say?”

As if summoned by Carson’s words, Reed’s swan father, Shiloh,

appeared, going up the staircase at great speed. Chantay hadn’t talked
too much with either of the two, but they gave him the impression of
being very much alike, in spite of the fact that they weren’t blood.

“You’re not going anywhere,” Shiloh practically screeched. “It’s

enough that Liam is in danger. I don’t need to worry about you as

Reed rolled his eyes. “It’s always about you, isn’t it, Dad? Well,

guess what? I can make my own choices now, and you’re not the boss
of me. I deserve to go.”

Chantay felt the hurt coming from Shiloh, disguised under the thin

façade of bravado. Both Shiloh and Carson were barely hanging on,
extremely concerned for their respective mates. He might have
berated Reed for his cruelty, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it,
not when the same agony rushed at him from the younger swan.

It was probably just his own fear for Isaac anchoring him, keeping

him from crumbling in the face of so much emotion. “Please don’t
fight,” he told his companions. “This isn’t helping our mates.”

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Reed turned toward him, and there was something in his

expression that startled Chantay. “You must understand me. Take me
with you, Chantay. If I stay here for much longer, I’ll lose my mind.”

There was more to Reed’s behavior than just concern for his

father. Chantay might have attempted to draw out the truth, but all of
a sudden, Carson and Shiloh released twin cries, gripping their
foreheads as if in deep pain. Chantay sensed the wave of increasing
agony coming from the two shifters, and this time, he couldn’t contain
it within himself. He fell to the ground on his knees, desperately
reaching out for his mate in hope to find an answer to all his questions
and pleas.

As he did so, however, Carson and Shiloh turned into their animal

forms. To Chantay’s shock, Carson didn’t even turn into a ram, as
Chantay knew he could, but into a smaller, defenseless lamb.

Reed was obviously panicking. “What is it?” he shouted. “What’s


“I think…” Chantay clutched his chest as he attempted to speak.

“I think they’re dead.”

And then, a voice drifted inside his mind, familiar, yet not.

“Please,” Isaac said. “Please, help them.”

* * * *

Isaac swam between the void of unconsciousness and the feral

agony he experienced when awake. He didn’t know how much time
had passed since he’d fallen into Tyrell’s hands. The warlock had
done something to him, something that had torn into Isaac’s very
being. The only thing that told Isaac he still existed as a rational being
was the fact that he still sensed his connection with his mate. He
sensed Chantay reaching out to him, desperately trying to make
contact with him. Isaac wished he could speak to the half fae, but
Tyrell’s spell seemed to have drilled into that, too.

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In a way, Isaac was only aware of this at a very basic level. Even

when he awoke from the trance Tyrell had pushed him into, it felt like
he wasn’t really there, at least not completely. He watched his body
shift from ram to wolf over and over, the two beasts battling for
supremacy. It was like when he’d been a child, only so much worse.
Now that he was an adult, his instincts were sharper and more
aggressive, and he clawed at himself, hit his head against the floor,
writhed helplessly like a trapped worm, his skin crawling with two
powers that ached to get out.

The pain was so intense he might have killed himself already had

he not known Chantay waited for him. The instinct for survival was
strong in both beasts, and even as they battled each other, Isaac didn’t
want to die.

At one point, he collapsed on the floor, exhausted, uncertain as to

what form he’d even taken. He heard someone chuckle and realized it
was Tyrell. “How very interesting,” the man-child said. “You’re
like…the missing link, or something. Half man, half wolf, and half
ram? Oh, my, I think I made a mathematical error there. No wonder
you look so fucked up.”

The vulgarity sounded odd on a child’s lips, or should have had

Isaac not known all too well what was hiding behind that façade. It
also spoke volumes of Isaac’s current condition. He struggled to get
up, but his legs, or rather, his paws, felt awkward. He thought that
maybe he had hooves, but couldn’t be certain. His body seemed to
have been put together by a rushed Doctor Frankenstein. It was
exactly what Isaac had always feared, losing control and becoming a

As if guessing his thoughts, Tyrell laughed. “Enjoy your new

form, Isaac. I’m sure your friends and family will, as well.”

There was nothing that horrified Isaac more than the idea of

having his loved ones see him like this. He didn’t think he could bear
it if he saw disgust in Chantay’s eyes. From somewhere deep inside,
Isaac drew on strength. If Tyrell mentioned friends and family, it

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meant that the warlock intended to leave him alive. That was a good
thing. Death was the only thing that didn’t have a remedy, and the
part of Isaac that remained a person held onto the hope that he would
figure things out eventually.

All of a sudden, Isaac heard the warlock summon a group of

guards. “I think we’re done here. Take him and dump him outside,
then torch the place. We need to get going. Their reinforcements are
probably on their way as we speak.”

“What of the others, Lord?” a man asked.
“Knock them out and leave them where they are. Do the same

with Whitaker. He’s served his purpose.” Isaac could practically hear
the smile in Tyrell’s voice. “I want them to feel the flames as they are
killed and to know that soon, all their loved ones will follow.”

Isaac couldn’t let his brother and friends die. He needed to do

something. But alas, he was completely powerless. He was slowly
regaining his ability to think, but even as he tried to break free from
the trance holding him, the invisible chains around him seemed to
tighten, cutting his breathing.

“Now, now, be a good…whatever you are.” Tyrell tsked. “Like I

said, you’re going to live through this. Just be patient until we get you

Isaac had no choice but to comply, or rather, remain motionless.

They carried him outside, although Isaac only registered the change
because of the distinctive shift in the air. Whereas in the cell, it had
been barely breathable, outside, the scent of pine and the cool softness
of the breeze were a balm for Isaac’s soul. And yet, they could not
overcome the fear that, in spite of himself, Isaac experienced.

They dumped him on the grass, and through cracked eyelids, Isaac

watched the rush of activity around him. It seemed obvious that the
coven was relocating and preparing to wipe away all tracks, including
the intruders who’d dared to come here.

And then, the air filled with the scent of smoke, and Isaac saw the

house in front of him go up in flames. He knew his friends had

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remained trapped inside, but they seemed so far away. “Please,” he
sent to whoever could hear him. “Please, help them.”

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Chapter Five

Elder Kevin Wade led his group of shifters through the forest,

urgency increasing inside him with every step he took. Ever since
he’d been told the expedition to save Rhys Whitaker had been
ambushed by a far larger force than expected, he’d been torn apart by
concern, anger, and self-loathing. He should have known something
like this was going to happen. He should have made sure his sons
were better equipped, better prepared. He’d sent them to their deaths.

“Don’t say that,” his mate’s voice whispered in his mind.

“They’re still alive. My heart tells me so.”

Annabelle was another person he had failed. In his desperate urge

to control his sons, he’d pushed Isaac into going on this expedition,
thinking nothing could happen to Isaac at Brody’s side. But he’d been
so horribly wrong, and now, his sons would pay for it.

As they got closer to their destination, Kevin noticed smoke rising

in the distance. Almost at the same time, Annabelle’s panic
skyrocketed. “Oh, God, Kevin. Brody, Liam, all the others. Reed
thinks they might be dead.”

Kevin used his connection with his mate to listen in on the

conversation. Reed was talking to Annabelle, explaining that all of a
sudden, Carson and Shiloh had sensed something very wrong with
their respective mates, so much so that they had gone into their animal
forms. According to Chantay, Isaac was still alive, but honestly,
Kevin didn’t know how much value he should put in that little
whore’s words.

He shook himself, casting aside the thought. It wasn’t Chantay’s

fault for this, any of this. It was Kevin’s. True, his sources had told

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him that Chantay was likely to hurt Isaac, to deceive him into
believing they were mates. He’d had numerous reports of Chantay’s
promiscuity. But his son believed the half fae to be a pure angel, and
trying to break them apart had only made Isaac rebel. In the end, it
had been Kevin who’d committed the worst mistake. Isaac would
have been better off home, even if lying in bed with a treacherous
whore. At least then, he wouldn’t be in mortal peril.

But Kevin didn’t allow himself to fall into despair. He ordered his

men to push forward faster and ran through the forest, adrenaline
pumping through his veins. Every second stretched into a lifetime,
and it seemed to take forever until they at last reached the burning
house. Somewhere inside there were his sons, and Kevin intended to
get them out, no matter what.

But before he could lunge forward, one of his men stopped him.

“What’s that?”

A wolf pointed to the body of an animal crawling on the ground in

front of the house. It seemed to be a cross between a sheep and wolf.
It—he—had fleece like a sheep, but had a wolf snout and tail. He
seemed to have hooves, but they were clawed somehow, making it
difficult for the being to walk. Even his eyes weren’t right, the
animal’s face not the right size for its snout. It was disgusting, but
within that vile, twisted shape, Elder Wade recognized his son.

“Isaac,” he whispered under his breath. “Oh, God.”
He rushed to his youngest child’s side and knelt in the grass, not

knowing what or where to touch. He was distantly aware of his men
staring at him in shock, but right then and there, he couldn’t bring
himself to care.

“Oh, Isaac. What did they do to you?”
Even in his condition, Isaac seemed to recognize his father. He

swept his clawed hooves at Kevin’s chest angrily, his eyes accusing
and furious. Anyone else might have mistaken it for pure, instinctual
violence, but Kevin sensed the truth. Isaac had realized the real reason
why he’d been sent on this expedition.

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It was Kevin’s fault. He was the one who’d ordered the go-ahead

of the operation, in spite of his fallout with Soren. He was the one
who’d believed the warlocks wouldn’t be warned or prepared
beforehand. Most importantly, he was the one who’d put his own
foolishness above his son’s safety.

Kevin’s soldiers, however, didn’t know this. “Holy shit,” one of

the men cursed. “Kill it. Shoot it.”

“No!” Kevin set himself between his men and his son. “Don’t

harm him.” He directed his attention toward his boy, the child born
out of his true mating. “If you can understand me, Isaac, please, stand
down. We need to get your brother and the others out of the house.”

Isaac let himself fall back on the ground, seemingly exhausted.

Kevin would have preferred to remain by his side, but his other son
needed his help as well. “Hurry,” he told his men. “Brody and his
crew are in there.”

It was easier said than done. By the time Kevin and his men had

arrived here, all the witches were gone and the house was almost
completely consumed by flames. A shape-shifter Kevin might be, but
he couldn’t fight that sort of blaze. Not even the Sidhe who’d
accompanied them could do such a thing.

And then, much to his surprise, Kevin heard a voice in his mind.

“If you want to save your son, come into the house now.”

Kevin barely managed to suppress a gasp. “What the fuck…?” he

asked. “Who are you? What do you want?”

“There’s no time to explain. Come inside,” the voice repeated. “I

can’t hold the fire back for long.”

“Kevin, don’t,” Annabelle shouted in his mind. “It’s a trap.”
Kevin knew his mate might be right, but the voice was showing

him a way to save his son and his people. Without allowing himself to
hesitate, he followed his instinct and the guidance the mysterious
presence offered. He suddenly spotted an area the inferno of flames
hadn’t consumed yet. Taking it as a good sign, Kevin drudged
forward, entering the burning house.

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Behind him, he heard people calling out. A couple followed,

probably intending to drag him away if need be. But it wasn’t
necessary. The corridor Kevin had been led into was hot as the
darkest depths of hell, but the actual flames seemed to be kept away
by some force.

“Hurry,” the voice insisted. “It’s too powerful. I can’t hold it.”
Kevin rushed forward, his men behind him. They found a

staircase that led downstairs, and as they reached the basement, Kevin
was instantly struck by the putrid scent of fear, blood, and death.

“In here,” the voice guided him.
Kevin realized that unlike before, the words were said out loud.

He followed it to one of the cells, and what he found in there horrified
him beyond words.

Brody was lying in a pool of his own blood, motionless and pale.

Silver cuffs bound him against the floor, the poison of the metal
having obviously prevented him from healing. On the wall opposite to
Brody, Anson lay dangling from a chain, his back completely torn

At first, Kevin was so fixed on the sight that he completely missed

the other man present. He was snapped out of his trance when the
now-familiar voice spoke. “They’re still alive, just barely. You need
to make haste.”

Kevin turned and spotted a man sitting cross-legged on the floor,

his eyes closed. He looked pale and lines of tension strained the
corner of his mouth and eyes. Rhys Whitaker lay against him,
seemingly in deep concentration and holding his hand. Whoever the
guy was, it seemed clear that he was, at least temporarily, on their
side and a friend of Rhys’s.

Since Kevin didn’t have time to ask questions, he rushed to undo

his son from the shackles. He hissed as his unprotected hands made
contact with the metal but ignored the pain, tearing them out of the
wall by sheer will. With a great measure of relief, he realized Brody

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was still breathing. “Go,” he shouted at his companions. “Find
everyone else. We need to get out before this whole place collapses.”

His men scattered around, opening cell doors and retrieving all the

prisoners. One of the men freed Anson while Kevin draped his son’s
motionless body over his shoulder. Realizing that their unexpected
ally couldn’t walk out of there by himself, Kevin gestured for two of
his soldiers to grab the man as well as the incubus they’d come here
to save.

“Keep me close to Rhys.” The strange man’s lips barely moved as

he talked. “His power is feeding mine. And hurry.”

Kevin gestured for his soldiers to follow the man’s instructions to

the letter, guessing that this guy might be the only thing keeping them
all from finding premature, fiery deaths. Organized in a group, they
left the basement, went up the staircase, and finally ran outside.

By the time Kevin reached a safe distance from the house, his skin

felt like it was peeling off, prickling with heat and something else, a
peculiar force he reluctantly identified as magic. Either way, this
magic had saved his ass. True enough, warlocks had been the ones
who’d nearly killed his sons in the first place, but Kevin wouldn’t
think about that now. He just needed to make sure both Isaac and
Brody were safe.

The house crashed just moments after Kevin set Brody down next

to Isaac. Kevin struggled not to think about the fact that his son could
have easily been in there and looked toward the Sidhe he’d brought
along with them. “Can you heal them?”

“Let’s hope so,” the Sidhe said as he knelt next to the injured men.

“I’m not sure what to do about…” He pointed toward Isaac’s form.

Thankfully, the healer didn’t show any disgust, only pity. Had the

man made any derogatory comment, Kevin thought he would lose it
entirely. “We’ll bring him home,” he said to no one in particular.
“Prince Winter might be able to do something about it.”

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Or so Kevin hoped. Because if he couldn’t save his sons from this,

he’d never forgive himself.

* * * *

Fidgeting nervously, Chantay watched Annabelle Wade as she

mind talked to her husband. Her eyes were closed, and she seemed to
be in deep concentration. She also looked pale, something Chantay
didn’t find very promising.

He didn’t want to be here. He wanted to go after his mate, save

Isaac from the danger the half wolf was in. But unlike him, Annabelle
could still keep track of what had happened through her mate bond.
She could tell him what he needed to know.

After what seemed like forever, Annabelle finally opened her

eyes. “They’re coming back,” she said with a smile that looked
nothing but genuine. “They got Brody and the others out. They’re still

An expression of relief crossed Reed’s face. “Everyone?”
“I’m not exactly sure,” Annabelle replied. “They received terrible

injuries, and the Sidhe in the group are treating them now.”

All of a sudden, Carson and Shiloh, who’d been waiting behind

Reed in shifted form, turned back into their legged shapes. “Brody’s
going to be fine,” Carson said, his voice trembling. “I can feel him in
my mind again.”

Chantay was happy for them, but Annabelle hadn’t said anything

about his own mate. “What of Isaac? How is he?”

Acute pain emanated from Annabelle at his question. Chantay

could only imagine what she was hiding. He knew Isaac wasn’t dead,
but that didn’t mean the half wolf couldn’t have suffered terrible

“What happened to him?” he asked, unable to keep the tremor

from his voice. “Please, tell me.”

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“They…They tortured him.” Annabelle paused, as if she were

having trouble speaking. “I think maybe you should go back to your
own kind, Chantay. He’s not the man he used to be anymore.”

“I’m not going anywhere!” Chantay shouted. “Why are you

stubbornly insisting to separate us? This would have never happened
in the first place had your husband not fooled Isaac into going on this

“Kevin did what he had to do to protect Isaac,” Annabelle shot


“He did it because he is an arrogant fool and he wanted to part me

and Isaac. And you’re even more foolish than him if you don’t realize

Annabelle looked like she had another scathing retort ready, but

she didn’t say it. Instead, she gave Chantay a piercing look. “Very
well, stay. But if you decide Isaac is not your mate after you see him,
I want you out of his presence as soon as possible. Deal?”

Chantay still couldn’t determine what made Annabelle push him

into such a promise, but he had no intention of playing this game. “I
get it. You don’t like me, but just so you know, I’m not going

Or rather, he wasn’t leaving the Cunningham mansion because he

had no intention of being in Annabelle’s company for one moment
longer. He turned on his heel and burst out of Annabelle’s quarters,
walking as quickly as possible to wherever his steps were leading
him. He ended up on the balcony where they’d been standing when
Isaac had first told him they were mates. Just moments after that,
Chantay had been attacked, but he’d recovered because of Isaac
mating him.

Chantay leaned against the banister, clutching the edges in

frustration and pain. His vision blurred with tears as he scanned the
horizon. He believed that Annabelle had told him the truth, at least
with regards to the success of the rescue operation. But he still felt so
very helpless, so useless and unable to help his mate.

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He didn’t know how long he waited there when he finally heard

footsteps behind him. He knew who it was even without looking back,
so he was not surprised when he heard Prince Winter’s voice.

“Hey,” Winter greeted him in a soft voice. “I heard about what


Chantay wiped his eye discreetly, uncomfortable with allowing

anyone, let alone his prince, to see him cry. “Isaac will be all right,”
he replied. “I believe that.”

Winter joined him next to the banister and took his hand. “Yes, he

will. I promise you, Chantay, I will do everything in my power to help
your mate. If we have to, we’ll take him to the island and the Silver
Pool. We’ll find a way.”

Chantay struggled to give Winter a smile. He knew this invitation

was not one to offer lightly. In many ways, the island home to Sidhe
royalty was off-limits to outsiders. Other species were only allowed in
extreme circumstances, like it had been in the case of Shea, Preston
and Layton’s son. He was glad Winter had extended the same
courtesy to Isaac, more so since he suspected Isaac might end up
needing it.

“Thank you, my prince,” he whispered.
Winter nudged him with his shoulder. “I told you a million times.

Call me Winter.”

In spite of the urge, Chantay remained quiet, his mind no longer

on his prince. Instead, he thought as hard as he could at his mate,
trying to access their strained bond. “Please, Isaac,” he sent. “I love
you. Come back to me.”

* * * *

For Isaac, there was something both heavenly and painful in

hearing Chantay’s voice in his mind. A part of him, the one that
remained rational, was well aware that in his current condition, his
mate might reject him. Hell, Isaac didn’t want Chantay to be straddled

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with a creature like him. But even if he could take that decision, he
had no idea how to communicate it.

Currently, he was being carried in the back of a helicopter,

covered by several blankets. Isaac suspected that the blankets might
not be for his own protection, but rather, to keep the other occupants
of the aircraft from being subjected to the sight of him. A couple of
soldiers were huddled together across him while his father sat next to

The elder wolf had not left Isaac’s side since retrieving Brody. As

far as Isaac could tell, his brother’s injuries were severe, but with
treatment, they could eventually be healed. Isaac’s problem, however,
wasn’t so easily fixed. The spell had drawn out something that had
already been there, twisted his existing half-breed nature into
something that should never have seen the light of day. What kind of
power could heal something like that?

“I can free you,” a voice trickled into his mind, blurring the last

dulcet tones of Chantay’s declaration. “I can let you out of your
shackles, if you do me one favor.”

Isaac blinked and suddenly found himself in a place he couldn’t

quite identify. It looked a little like a forest, one on Soren’s pack land,
where he’d grown up, but at the same time, it was different. Too dark.
Too ominous. The shadows of the trees seemed to extend clawed
fingers at him.

“You do have a flair for the dramatic,” the same voice said. Isaac

turned, half expecting a certain child to appear out of the forest.
Instead, he saw a tall, dark-haired man leaning against the trunk of an
oak tree. Isaac would have even dared to say he was handsome had
his eyes not held the pure glow of evil.

“Who the hell are you?” Isaac asked.
“Come now,” the strange man said. “We’ve already been through

this once. Don’t make me introduce myself again.”

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Isaac might not know the face of the man, but that tone, that

voice, they were unmistakable. “Tyrell. No, this isn’t possible. You’re
not really here.” Wherever here was.

Tyrell chuckled. “Of course I am. What do you think is keeping

you trapped in your new, less-than-attractive shape? Yes, it’s me.”

But the Tyrell Isaac had met looked like a child, not a man. This

made no sense, and Isaac couldn’t help but take one step back, more
confused than ever. To his shock, the trees behind him seemed to
have disappeared and he found himself at the very edge of a
bottomless ravine.

“What the fuck is going on?” he shouted, trying to expel the

invasive presence from his mind. “Why do you look different?”

“If you must know,” Tyrell said as he took a step forward, “this

body suffered an unpleasant accident. As such, I transferred my soul
into the body of child member of the coven.”

Isaac was sickened by the mere notion. “A child? What about the


Tyrell waved a hand dismissively. “A mere casualty of war. His

parents agreed to give me this shell, and the disappearance of his soul,
while unfortunate, is on the hands of the people who caused my
original accident.” He shrugged and smiled unpleasantly at Isaac.
“And I’m only telling you this for one reason, my dear Isaac. You
can’t defeat me. I’m even beyond death.”

Isaac didn’t speak. He couldn’t seem to come up with a reply. He

had no idea what Tyrell even wanted from him, why he’d been chosen
out of the group to be tortured and destroyed.

“Let’s stop playing games,” Tyrell said. “Are you ready to hear

my proposal?”

“You’re the one toying with me,” Isaac shot back. “Just say what

you have to say.”

Tyrell snickered. “Ever the rebel. Very good. It’s quite easy,

really. You need to do one simple task for me and you’ll be free. You

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can return to your previous form and be with your mate. Happy end
for all.”

“A task,” Isaac repeated, hating himself for even considering it.

“What task?”

“Winter Tomacelli will likely show up to heal you. All of his

guards, and probably the Cunninghams as well, will consider you too
weak and pitiable to be dangerous. When the moment is right, you
will tear Winter’s throat out and kill him.”

Only the knowledge of the ravine beyond kept Isaac from

recoiling. “What the fuck? You’re crazy. I can’t do that.”

“You can and you will. Otherwise, you might not like the

consequences of your refusal.”

As if on cue, Chantay’s voice came again, distant, almost

inaudible. “Please, Isaac. Don’t leave me.”

“Isn’t that sweet?” Tyrell chuckled. “Your mate seems to require

your presence.”

Isaac gritted his teeth as fury and despair coursed through him.

Normally, he would never consider such a thing. But in the ravine
below, he saw something dark. He saw two shadows, that of a huge
wolf and a ram just as big fighting. He feared that he might not have a

Chantay’s gentle warmth reached out to him again, and Isaac

wanted nothing more than to be with his mate. But how could he ever
look into Chantay’s eyes if he agreed to Tyrell’s offer? Right now, he
was a monster only on the outside. Should he kill Winter, he’d be one
on the inside as well.

Decision made, Isaac shook his head. “No. I won’t play along

with your plans. You might have ruined my life, but you won’t ruin
theirs as well.”

Besides, Isaac still had hope in his bond with Chantay. The half

fae had reached out to him somehow, and no matter what Tyrell said,
Isaac knew warlocks couldn’t control everything. The mate bond had
broken one of Tyrell’s spells before. It could do so again.

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Tyrell released a heavy sigh. “Ah, well. I can’t say I’m surprised.

You’re not quite as stupid as others of your kind. But no matter. It’s
not up to you anymore.”

Before Isaac knew what was going on, Tyrell shot forward and

pushed him into the abyss. Isaac cried out, reaching out, trying to
grasp one thread of sanity that would keep him from falling. He had
no escape, though, and Tyrell’s laughter followed him as he collapsed
into the darkness of his own cursed mind.

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Chapter Six

Chantay rubbed his arms, shivering as he waited next to the

helipad. By his side, Winter gave him a concerned look. “They’ll be
here any moment now.”

Of that, Chantay had no doubt. However, he feared what the

helicopter would bring when it finally landed. He’d sensed something
incredibly unsettling earlier, and he was very afraid for his mate. Not
only that, but the look on Annabelle’s face wasn’t very encouraging.
She also waited for the aircraft, but she kept her distance from him,
almost like she expected him to renege on his promise and make a run
for it.

“She doesn’t understand how you feel,” Alexis whispered in

Chantay’s ear. The incubus also had a person he loved coming in.
Their brother, Rhys, had also been found, and Rhys’s safety was the
only good thing about the whole fiasco.

“She’s not even trying to,” Chantay answered. “I don’t know why.

Her mating was just as controversial, or even more so.”

A ewe marrying the wolf elder? What could be more shocking

than that? Compared to her and Elder Wade, Isaac and Chantay were
a great fit.

But in the end, the prejudice of Isaac’s parents mattered very little.

There were bigger problems to deal with. Chantay didn’t even know
how he was still hanging on and hadn’t collapsed like Carson and
Shiloh had done earlier. It might have been because he sensed Isaac’s
dire need for him.

At last, Chantay heard a helicopter approach in the distance. He

watched anxiously as the aircraft came into view. Finally, it reached

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the landing pad and descended. No sooner had the helicopter hit
ground than Chantay rushed forward, ignoring the rush of wind
coming from the still-moving blades. Winter stopped him, placing an
arm on his shoulder. “We’ll get to him. Remember? I promised.”

Chantay waited a couple of more seconds, until at last, the

helicopter door opened. Elder Wade came out, carrying a body
covered in several blankets. At first, Chantay couldn’t distinguish
much of the form in the werewolf’s arms, but something told him it
was Isaac.

He stepped forward, intercepting the werewolf elder. As he did so,

however, he got a better look at Kevin Wade’s charge. Shock and
horror coursed through him. He’d expected something bad, but
nothing quite like this.

“What did they do to him?” he asked in a choked whisper.
“I don’t know,” the elder answered, “but when I find the guilty

ones, they’re going to wish they’d never been born.”

In his anger, Chantay would have told the werewolf he should just

look in the mirror to see the person to blame for Isaac’s predicament.
However, he held his tongue, focusing on Isaac instead.

“We should get him into the clinic,” he suggested, unable to keep

the tremor from his voice. “Winter said he’d look him over.”

The elder wolf nodded, and they headed toward the mansion. A

few more helicopters followed the first one, presumably holding the
rest of the freed men. Chantay knew Rhys was in one of those
aircrafts, but he’d been told his half brother was okay. His focus was
completely on Isaac now, and he trailed after the elder as Kevin Wade
carried Isaac into the house. Isaac’s mother followed behind him,
unable to keep her sobs in check.

Winter led them toward the medical area and found a private room

for Isaac. All throughout the trip, strange sounds kept coming from
Isaac, like growls and whimpers crossed with odd “baah” sounds. As
a half-breed, Chantay understood all too well the horror of what Isaac

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was going through. His incubus instincts screamed with Isaac’s pain,
but he kept going, realizing he had to be strong for his mate’s sake.

As Elder Wade placed Isaac on the bed, the blankets were

removed, and Chantay could finally see the full extent of the damage.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Slowly, he caressed the
fur-fleece on Isaac’s twisted body. It was hard to describe what it was,
really, as even the feel of it was different than normal.

But Chantay didn’t care. Somewhere within that husk of a

creature, Isaac still existed. There had to be a way to draw him out.

“Please let me check him over,” Winter said. “Take one step back.

I need space to work.”

Chantay reluctantly obeyed and allowed Elder Wade to pull him

away from Isaac’s bed. Annabelle joined them quietly, her gaze still
on her son. Meanwhile, Corbin stood next to his mate, not looking
very pleased with Winter’s decision. Chantay could only imagine that
Winter was taking quite risk in looking into this. After all, the Sidhe
prince was pregnant, and any strain could potentially harm the baby.

But of course, Winter knew that as well as Chantay, and as such,

waited for a few more healers to show up. Thankfully, they didn’t
delay in arriving and made their appearance just moments after
Winter had gestured Chantay and Elder Wade away.

With rapt attention, Chantay watched as the Sidhe began working

their magic on Isaac. He held his breath, waiting impatiently for his
lover to turn back into his normal form. His entire being hurt at
Isaac’s pain, their bond urging him to reach out for Isaac and simply
touch him. It was with great difficulty that he held back, permitting
the healers to do their job.

Truth be told, Chantay couldn’t remember ever experiencing such

agony. Not even when he’d taken the deadly shadow curse from
Winter into his own body had he felt this pain. It was tearing both his
soul and body apart, and only the hope that Isaac would keep his
promise sustained him in this, his darkest hour.

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The elder’s voice startled him from his trance. “Can I talk to you

for a moment, Chantay?” the werewolf asked.

The actual words might have been polite enough, but the tone

clearly illustrated it wasn’t a plea, but a command. Frustrated with
Wade, Chantay nodded, unwilling to pursue an argument while Isaac
was sick. He reluctantly stepped outside the room, hoping this
wouldn’t take long. Annabelle didn’t follow them, something Chantay
was thankful for. Still, questions riddled Chantay’s mind. What could
the elder possibly want to discuss with him, now of all times?

“Yes, Elder Wade? What did you wish to tell me?” he asked the


“Annabelle explained that you have no desire to leave my son. I

don’t know what game you’re playing at, but as you can see, he’s in
no condition to have his heart broken.”

Chantay rubbed his eyes tiredly. He really didn’t need this right

now. He just wanted to crawl to Isaac’s side and hold the man.
Perhaps his love would bring Isaac back to him.

“I have no intention to discuss this with you, Elder Wade.

Whatever I say, you’ll still hate me and you’ll still be stuck in your
prejudiced ways. I just want to remind you that I’m not your enemy
here. I just want Isaac to be well again, that’s all.”

The werewolf frowned at him. “Can you stand by his side through

this disaster? Will you be able to bear it if the healing process fails?
Even if the Sidhe do manage to mend his body, his mind might be too
shattered to save.”

It was something Chantay had been secretly concerned about. The

mind link should have been there, regardless of Isaac’s physical form.
But whenever Chantay attempted to access it, a strange barrier
stopped him. And the oddest thing was that it felt foreign, as if it
didn’t really belong to Isaac at all.

In the end, it was all down to Isaac’s strength and his own. No

matter what anyone else said, Chantay knew that their bond was the

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key to bringing Isaac back, and he had every intention of returning to
Isaac’s side as soon as possible.

“I have faith in Isaac,” Chantay told Kevin Wade. “I love him, and

he knows it. For me, for us, he will come back.”

Kevin’s scowl seemed to grow even fiercer. “Who are you trying

to fool? How many people have you loved before?” He said the word
loved as if it tasted like poison on his lips. “I know all about you and
your ways.”

Chantay had no idea what the wolf was talking about, but from

what he could sense coming from the elder, Wade thought that he was
indeed right and entitled to separate Isaac and Chantay.

“My ways?” Chantay repeated. “I don’t understand a word you’re

saying, and I’m done arguing. If that was all you wanted to tell me,
I’m wanted inside. My mate needs me.”

“Fine.” Kevin released an exasperated breath. “After all this, I’m

willing to grant you the benefit of the doubt. But if I find out you slept
around like before…”

Chantay eyed the elder wolf in disbelief. “Slept around?” He

realized he sounded like a robot, just mimicking Kevin’s words, but
he simply couldn’t handle the werewolf’s accusations as well as his
own pain and Isaac’s agony.

“Don’t deny it,” the elder continued, undeterred. “I have reports

that clearly state it.”

“After all this is over, after Isaac is fine and healed, I would like

you to show me exactly who gave you those reports. I want them to
say in my face that they know I was promiscuous. Until then, I have
nothing further to discuss.”

All of a sudden, the elder got a strange look on his face. “I don’t

remember who told me,” he whispered, sounding shocked.

Chantay would have laughed, but the strangeness of the situation

made alarm bells ring in his head. There was something evil at work,
something that had manipulated Kevin Wade’s natural dislike for
magical creatures. Chantay had no idea how he knew that, or who

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would have an interest in setting Kevin Wade against him. But
whatever the case, this person couldn’t have good intentions.

Shaking himself, he decided this conversation had gone on long

enough. There was no point in trying to convince Kevin Wade of
anything. Perhaps another time, Chantay would have tried to, but
now, everything inside him, every atom within his body screamed to
be at Isaac’s side. He had a feeling Isaac needed him more than ever.

Without giving the werewolf elder a reply, Chantay slipped back

into his mate’s room. He saw Winter leaning over Isaac, a soft glow
emanating from his hands. It was quiet, but a tension seemed to be
building, as if something was about to happen. Was Chantay the only
one who felt it? No one else seemed to realize it, appearing to be
completely focused on their task. And while Chantay felt grateful for
their dedication, he feared that it might not be enough.

He approached the bed just as Isaac’s eyes suddenly shot open. At

first, excitement coursed through Chantay, together with hope that
this meant his lover was on the mend. But that hope turned into shock
and horror when all of a sudden, Isaac lunged toward Winter, jaws
snapping angrily at the Sidhe prince. Corbin had been right next to his
mate, so he pulled Winter back just seconds before Isaac’s canines
could embed themselves in Winter’s jugular, but it was a very near

Chaos exploded in the room. All of a sudden, there were guards

everywhere, mostly Sidhe, but shifters as well. There were guns
pointed at Isaac, ready to take him down. Elder Wade burst into the
room, his own weapon drawn. Much to Chantay’s dismay, even
Isaac’s father seemed intent on getting rid of him.

“Take it down,” someone shouted.
“Please stop,” Annabelle was saying, but it seemed unclear as to

whether she was addressing the guards or Isaac. Her voice was lost
amidst all the others, and at one point, Chantay couldn’t even spot her

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Isaac’s father was, however, much more assertive. “Don’t kill

him,” Elder Wade ordered. “He’s still my son.”

There was so much pain in the wolf’s voice, as if he’d resigned

himself to losing Isaac. Sadly, Chantay could see why the situation
might have looked hopeless for the other man. There didn’t seem to
be any sign of recognition in Isaac, any clue that Isaac was in that
twisted beast at all.

But Chantay still felt his mate, deep inside, and he refused to

believe the half wolf would leave him. “Isaac!” he shouted. “No.

He pushed himself in front of Winter just as Isaac lunged toward

the Sidhe prince again. Isaac moved so fast that Chantay didn’t even
see him coming. Bullets whizzed past the half wolf, missing him as if
by miracle. Honestly, Chantay didn’t know what would have
happened had he not placed himself between Winter and the attacking
Isaac, but as it was, he became the one receiving the brunt of Isaac’s

Isaac’s claws, oddly sticking out of his hooves, raked over

Chantay’s chest. Isaac’s strong momentum made him crash into
Chantay, and they both fell to the floor, Isaac’s larger bulk on top of

Chantay knew he had just seconds before his mate would kill him,

be killed himself, or both. He could tell that Isaac’s intention had
originally been to delve his canines into his jugular, or rather into that
of his target, Winter. But when on top of Chantay, the beast hesitated.
Chantay thought he saw a spark of recognition in Isaac’s eyes and
found his chance. In spite of the pain, he pushed forward and tested
their connection one last time.

“Isaac, it’s me,” he whispered, tears blurring his vision. “Don’t

you recognize me anymore? Don’t you remember how good we were

The half wolf, half ram seemed to tremble, as if struck by an

unbearable force. Even as the scent of his own blood reached

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Chantay’s nostrils, he smiled and reached to caress Isaac’s strange
face. Yes, his mate might look like a monster, but right then and there,
for a brief moment, his eyes were exactly the ones Chantay had fallen
in love with. Beautiful, honest, confused, and so very warm. In that
gaze, Chantay saw Isaac attempting to make his way back. But there
was a force there, trying to keep them parted. Chantay knew he could
be more powerful. He had to, for Isaac’s sake, for his own.

Suddenly, new resolve coursed through him, more powerful than

the pain, fueled by his love for Isaac. He now remembered what Isaac
had told him once, that the warlocks had planned an assassination
against an important figure here. Somehow, their plan had included
destroying Isaac’s mind and body, perhaps somehow forcing him into
doing this. Because in his heart, Chantay knew Isaac would never
attack Winter of his own accord.

He had trusted his mate to the Sidhe healer’s magic. He had

believed that the fae could help Isaac. But in reality, he was the only
one who could reach out to the half wolf. Whatever this strange curse
was, their bond was the only thing that could defeat it.

“Come back to me,” Chantay sent out. “Don’t let them win.

You’re stronger than this. We are stronger. And remember what you
promised. Come back, Isaac. I’m waiting.”

* * * *

Isaac’s flesh was being consumed by two conflicting forces, and

in all the senseless agony, he could not even make sense of what his
body was doing. He seemed to be watching himself from a distance,
as if he weren’t really the one within that destroyed, wrecked shell of
a creature.

Following the commands of the force urging him on, Isaac lunged

forward, intent on killing. But then, his claws touched skin familiar to
him, and he landed on a body he’d once held in his arms.

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Isaac tried to shake away the chains of confusion and pain holding

him tightly. What was he doing? Oh, God. He was hurting Chantay.
Chantay, his mate.

He needed to find a way out of this prison, out of Tyrell’s hold.

The wolf and the ram within him were still fighting, refusing to
cooperate. Isaac wished that someone could at least kill him, anything
rather than to continue hurting his mate.

And then, all of a sudden, a wave of warmth swept over him, so

powerful it silenced the agony inside him. Sweet words reached out to
him, Chantay’s voice now crystal clear and so very calming. “Come
back, Isaac. I’m waiting.”

There was no trace of disgust, fear, or accusation in Chantay’s

tone. There was only love, Chantay’s heart and soul poured into a
couple of phrases that made all the difference in the world. A part of
Isaac had feared Chantay would hate him once he saw him like this,
but no such thing happened. Chantay’s hands were warm and gentle
as they touched Isaac’s fur-fleece. “I love you, Isaac,” the half fae
said. “I know you can hear me. You can beat this. We can do it

Out of the blue, Tyrell’s form manifested, right there in front of

Isaac. He smirked at Isaac, looking as arrogant as ever. “Do you really
think your pathetic little mate can defeat me? I cheated death itself.”

But Isaac saw the doubt in Tyrell and sensed the emotion come

from Chantay. All of a sudden, he found that he could move again.
The sounds of the battle between his two beasts started to dim. “You
might have cheated death,” he replied, “but you have yet to win
against the true bond between mates.”

Deep in his heart, Isaac found a serenity he hadn’t known he could

even experience. He opened his mind and his soul and the next thing
he knew, Chantay was standing next to him. “Isaac? What’s going
on? What’s this all about?”

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Isaac took Chantay’s hand and squeezed it. “This is Tyrell, the

warlock you warned me about. He had an interesting plan of making
me kill Winter.”

“And you’ll do it, too.” Tyrell frowned at him, as if in deep

concentration. “Kill him.”

Isaac felt the warlock’s magic trying to trap him again, but he

found a new strength within him. The terror, uncertainty, and doubt
were gone as if they’d never been there at all. The self-loathing and
fear of rejection that Tyrell had exploited had disappeared like ice
melting in front of the warm rays of the sun, unable to withstand the
truth of Chantay’s love. “You can’t control me anymore,” Isaac said.

Sharing a smile with Chantay, Isaac closed his eyes and willed

Tyrell out of his mind. He sensed his mate’s power join in. Tyrell
tried to fight them, but this was no longer the warlock’s turf.
Together, Isaac and Chantay pushed Tyrell out, and Isaac watched
him fall into the same ravine he himself had collapsed into maybe
hours earlier.

And then, all was quiet. The wolf and the ram tentatively

approached each other, no longer at war. Isaac turned toward his mate
and beamed at him. “I love you, too, Chantay. So very much.”

He leaned over to kiss his mate, but their lips never touched. All

of a sudden, he found himself thrust back into reality, with Chantay
no longer by his side, but under him. He blinked, realizing that he
once again smelled the metallic scent of Chantay’s blood. While he’d
been lost in his mental realm with his mate, he had not realized just
how close he’d come to killing Chantay. Fuck. He was a monster.

Chantay just gave him a dazzling smile, pointing to the place

where his shirt had been ripped apart by claws. There were no wounds
marring Chantay’s creamy skin.

“I’m fine, Isaac,” Chantay said. “I healed.”
“You shouldn’t have had to heal in the first place,” Isaac replied,

torn between disbelief, gratitude, and anger at himself. He should

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have been stronger. He should have fought Tyrell. It never should
have come to this.

“Don’t,” Chantay said in a berating tone. “It’s not your fault. That

warlock is the one to blame, and he can no longer hurt us.”

Isaac scanned Chantay’s face and took in the emotions coming

through their connection. Chantay truly believed what he was saying.
He really didn’t blame Isaac for any of this.

Taking a deep breath, Isaac hugged his mate tightly. “I swear I’ll

make it up to you, baby. I won’t allow anyone to separate us ever

“You really shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep,” someone

said behind him. Isaac turned, instinctively shielding his mate with his
own body, even if he already knew who he would find there. His
father loomed over him, a stern expression on his face. For the first
time, Isaac realized the room was filled with guards who were all
staring at him with various degrees of apprehension and loathing.

The elder wolf nodded at a couple of Sidhe soldiers. “Take him

and lock him down,” he ordered. “He needs to be detained right now.”

Isaac couldn’t say he didn’t understand the reason of his father’s

actions, but if he was parted from Chantay now, he didn’t know what
he would do. It hurt like hell that his own parent would separate him
from his mate, but what could he say? In the end, it was true that he
had hurt Chantay and nearly killed Winter Tomacelli. He would be
very lucky if he was given the chance to explain his actions.

At his father’s side, his mother stood, her eyes shining with

heartbreak. She also seemed resigned to his fate. Isaac tried to come
up with something, anything that would allow him to stay with
Chantay. He failed, and he expected the guards to jump him any
moment now.

To his shock, no such thing happened. Instead, a new voice spoke

out from behind his father. “That won’t be necessary, Elder Wade. I
believe you should meet someone and hear what he has to say.”

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Isaac’s father seemed surprised, but not more than Isaac himself

as he registered the clear relief on the other man’s face. The elder
wolf obviously didn’t want to imprison Isaac or anything like that. It
brought Isaac a measure of comfort, although he realized all too well
he wasn’t out of the woods yet. King Sterling had every reason in the
world to want Isaac locked up, especially since Isaac had attacked his

But oddly, Sterling’s expression was clear and open as he looked

at Isaac. “We should seek privacy for this particular conversation,
Elder Wade,” he said in a gentle tone.

Taking the Sidhe king’s cue, Elder Wade started ushering the

guards out. Most seemed reluctant to leave their leaders alone with a
man they obviously deemed dangerous, yet they didn’t have a choice
but to obey. On the other hand, Corbin and Winter seemed into a very
heated debate with regard to whether they should stay or not. In the
end, both men leaned against the wall farthest from Isaac, with Corbin
wrapping a protective arm around Winter.

Realizing he was still collapsed on the floor, Isaac struggled to his

feet and helped his mate up. Somehow managing to keep his
discomfort in check, Isaac sat on the bed and waited.

Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait for long. No sooner had the

guards gone than Skylar and Byron Cunningham entered the room,
followed by a man Isaac didn’t know.

“This is Noah Hall,” Skylar said. “He’s been telling us some very

interesting things.”

“Interesting how?” Isaac prodded.
“Let me begin by saying that the guilty party behind your

predicament is a man named Tyrell. Tyrell Hall. My father. Sadly, he
is also a tyrant and rules the warlock coven with an iron fist.” Noah
sighed. “I attempted to break his hold over our people, but it only
resulted in additional deaths.”

“How so?” Chantay tilted his head inquiringly.

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“You probably remember Tyrell as a child. He was here before,

when he contributed to the attack in Paris. However, as you can
imagine, and as you probably know, Isaac, he had an adult body
once.” Noah’s expression turned pained. “I’m not proud of what I did.
He is my father, after all. But at the time, it seemed like the only way

Given what Tyrell had told him and what Noah was sharing with

them now, Isaac could easily realize what the young warlock meant.
Obviously, Tyrell had died at his son’s hand and had used the child’s
body to remain alive.

His suspicion was confirmed moments later when Noah added,

“In spite of my actions, he coaxed a couple in the coven to sacrifice
their child to them and transferred his soul into that body. It was a loss
my people should have never had to bear, and I don’t want any more
blood spilled.”

Other than a gasp from Annabelle, the statement registered no

reaction from the people in the room. Isaac was struggling to control
his anger, but he couldn’t say he felt surprised at the information. It
made sense, especially given what he’d seen and heard. But what kind
of monster would do such a thing?

“Tyrell is very powerful, gentlemen,” Noah continued. “He used

you, Elder Wade, used your dislike for magical creatures to get you to
think Chantay Arceneau was a bad match for your son and to urge
you to send him into that trap. The plan was to have Isaac to kill
Prince Winter, and he probably would have succeeded, if not for the
bond between you two.”

Isaac attempted to process everything Noah was saying. He’d

already known some of it, but it seemed like he’d become the center
of a conspiracy against their very world. He was so very tired. He just
wanted to be with his mate. Was that too much to ask?

“He’s just going to come back over and over,” Noah warned. “He

believes shifters are animals and need to be wiped out. He suffered a

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defeat today, yes, but he’ll regroup soon, and his next attack will
come just as swiftly and unexpectedly as before.”

“We don’t have the luxury to doubt ourselves right now,” Sterling

said. “I believe Isaac has no blame in this. I believe he did not intend
to hurt Winter. I don’t think it’s necessary for him to be imprisoned.”

Isaac looked toward Corbin and Winter. He’d known Corbin

forever, and he felt that he had failed his friend terribly in attacking
the lynx’s mate.

“I appreciate the trust,” he said slowly, “but I’m not sure it’s

justified given what I nearly did.”

A few moments passed while Isaac met Corbin’s gaze. It seemed

to take forever, but at last, the lynx took a step forward. Winter was
by his side, a small smile on his face. “We believe in you, Isaac,” he
said. “It wasn’t your fault.”

Isaac slowly got up and, together with Chantay, met the two men

halfway. Still uncertain, he went with his instinct and embraced the
lynx, just as he had many times in the past.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Corbin hugged him back.

“One more chance, Isaac,” he whispered in Isaac’s ear. “I would kill
anyone who ever tried to hurt my family, but you’re like a brother to
me. I know you wouldn’t do that on purpose, so I’ll try to let it go.”
Corbin’s embrace turned tighter. “But if anything like that happens
again, all bets are off.”

In that moment, Isaac realized something else. Corbin had said

family, not just mate. Through his connection with Chantay, he found
the answer. He fell into self-flagellation again when he understood
Winter was pregnant. Apparently, Chantay had known for quite a
while about Winter’s condition, but their own problems had kept the
half fae from sharing it with Isaac, even through their bond. God, just
thinking about what he could have done made him sick to his

“It wasn’t your fault, Isaac,” Chantay insisted. “You couldn’t

have known or done anything about it.”

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As if echoing Chantay’s feelings, Corbin added, “Don’t worry.

We’ll figure something out. Thankfully, nothing happened.

It was honestly more than Isaac had expected. If Corbin loved

Winter only half as much as Isaac loved Chantay, the lynx would be
entitled to demand retribution from Isaac. But there they were,
offering forgiveness and a new chance.

Oh, Isaac knew it wouldn’t be easy. Everyone had seen him in his

monstrous form, and what he’d nearly done to Winter must have
spread all over the mansion by now. It wouldn’t be long until today’s
events completely sabotaged almost every friendship he’d ever made.

Isaac broke away from Corbin and nodded. “I understand,” he

said serenely. “But you don’t have to worry. I’ll never allow this to
happen again.”

There was still a measure of doubt in Corbin, but Isaac didn’t

blame the man. In fact, Corbin was being much stronger than Isaac
could have been in the lynx’s place.

The whole thing was sobering, and as he looked at the group,

Isaac realized that, no matter what happened from now on, his life
would change forever. His family would still love him, yes. Isaac
could see it in his mother’s eyes and in his father’s expression. But his
friends would not treat him the same, and the comfortable obscurity
he’d lived in would most likely be replaced by the limelight reserved
for a pariah.

But Isaac didn’t have time to be depressed for this unexpected and

undeserved destruction of his normal life. Chantay took his hand and
squeezed it tightly. “No matter what happens, Isaac, I’ll always be
with you,”
the half fae whispered through their bond.

Just like that, Isaac realized that he didn’t need to return to his

previous existence. He had a new goal now, to stop Tyrell Hall from
hurting anyone else. He had new allies, as was obvious in Noah Hall
and King Sterling’s intervention on his behalf. And he had a new
family, one made out of the most supportive mate ever. What more

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could he ask for? Yes, he’d been granted another chance, not only by
Corbin, but also by life itself. Isaac planned to use it to the fullest.

But first, there was something very important he needed to know.

He hadn’t forgotten about his brother and the other people who’d
been left behind to burn by the warlocks. “What happened to Brody
and the rest of the group?” he asked his father.

“Everyone survived, some more injured than others,” the elder

wolf replied. “The Sidhe tell me that they should make a full recovery
once the silver and, respectively, the iron leave their system.”

Isaac silently fumed to himself. It was yet another thing Tyrell had

to pay for. Renewed decision coursing through him, Isaac inquired,
“So, now what? What’s our next step?”

King Sterling grinned and shared a look with Byron Cunningham.

“I was hoping you’d ask that,” he replied with a smirk.

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A few months later

Isaac studied the file in front of him, humming under his breath. It

was correspondence from the vampire elder. According to Kaname
Yamamoto, Tyrell Hall had been spotted in Tokyo, accompanied by a
woman Noah had identified as his mother and Tyrell’s wife.

In the Japanese metropolis, it was not easy to find one particular

group of persons. Kaname had eyes and ears everywhere, but Tyrell
seemed to be strangely elusive. All the reports Isaac received on the
man reached him too late to do much good, and every intervention he
sent out barely managed to offer him scraps of information. Prisoners
were out of the question.

A knock sounded at the door, and Isaac bid the person at the other

side to enter. Winter peeked in, a smile on his luminous face. “Hi,
Isaac. How are you?”

“Hey, Winter,” Isaac greeted the Sidhe prince. He got up as

Winter made his way inside, as graceful as ever in spite of the now
very visible lump in his belly. “I think I should be asking you that
question. How’s the champ?”

In the past few months, Winter’s pregnancy had become

increasingly obvious. Slowly, his relationship with Isaac had calmed
down, until the incident a few months back had been all but forgotten.
Well, at least on Winter’s part, as it seemed. Isaac’s pack hadn’t been
so forgiving, and while his parentage made it impossible for them to
banish him, they had made his life hell on the one occasion he’d
returned there. Isaac’s father had stopped trying to separate him from

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his mate, obviously realizing that Chantay had, essentially, saved
Chantay’s life. But these days, his parents’ guilt irked him, and while
he was thankful that they had accepted him and Chantay, he had
decided they all needed a break from each other.

As such, he’d quickly given up on the idea of living in the pack

and returned to LA, where thankfully, the Cunninghams had lent him
and Chantay a hand. Normally, Isaac wouldn’t have liked to take
advantage of the kindness of others, but Skylar and Byron were like
family due to Isaac’s close friendship with their sons. And of course,
staying here had the added advantage that he could be a full, integral
part of the operation to capture Tyrell.

As the Sidhe prince, Winter had also offered his assistance in this

mission, but once his pregnancy had advanced, he’d started to focus
more on his family and less on outside problems. Recently, he had
revealed that the most recent addition to the family would be a boy,
which he and Corbin had decided to name Lamont, after Winter’s
dead father. Therefore, whenever Isaac saw Winter, he asked about
baby Lamont, and now was no different.

“As energetic as ever.” Winter caressed his swollen stomach with

a dreamy look as he spoke. “But he’s not what I wanted to talk to you

Isaac arched a brow at the Sidhe. “What did you want to discuss,


“Actually, Corbin and I decided to leave for a short period to live

with my uncle, at least until Lamont is born. We’ll be taking some of
the Sidhe troops with us as escort.”

“I see.” Isaac rubbed his chin. “Well, I’ll double-check it with

King Sterling and make sure everything is arranged for a safe journey
for you and Corbin. We should be fine with the people we have here.
What we don’t have, Mr. Cunningham can bring in.”

“All right.” Winter smiled. “Just wanted to give you a heads-up.”

He leaned in closer to Isaac. “So what about you and Chantay? Do
you plan on starting a family?”

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The Half-Breed Who Found His Other Half


It seemed that, like Winter, Chantay would, in theory, be able to

conceive. However, Isaac was reluctant to take the step now,
especially since Tyrell Hall was still on the loose. “Yes,” he
answered. “But first, we have to deal with the warlock. I don’t want
any danger to loom over my family.”

“Quite understandable,” Winter replied. “I know I would like to

help, but Lamont takes precedence.”

“Just take care of the little champ. We’ll be fine,” Isaac said. “I


Winter nodded and thanked Isaac. After a small hesitation, he

crossed the space between them and embraced Isaac. “I don’t know
when we’ll see each other again. You take care of yourself, too,

“Sure,” Isaac replied, touched. Given what had nearly happened a

couple of months ago, Isaac was struck by Winter’s ability to forgive
and forget.

After that good-bye, Winter took his leave. Isaac expected Corbin

to come by as well any moment now. He resumed looking over the
file, idly wondering what to do about it. He would need to go to
Tokyo, but that would mean surrendering the rest of the operation into
someone else’s hands. There were plenty of qualified people who
could be temporarily in charge of his tasks, though. Isaac just needed
to figure out who to bring along on this trip. He needed to plan well
and choose his allies accordingly. He would not run into this
unprepared and make the same mistake twice. He had no idea how
he’d coax Chantay to stay home, and it was another issue he’d have to
approach soon.

Due to Tyrell’s deeds, Isaac’s pack was furious with the warlock.

They’d all demanded retribution, for the evil man-child to be
punished for hurting their people. But Isaac could only enlist the
assistance of those who did not feel disgusted by his change. Isaac
still had friends of course, but he was loathe to risk the lives of those
who had families and mates. However, there was one particular

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person who came to mind, one he knew ached for revenge against

Just as he considered making that call, he sensed the sweet

presence of his mate closing in. With a smile, Isaac temporarily
discarded his concerns and went to greet his other half. His heart
started beating faster as Chantay entered his office.

“I hear Prince Winter’s leaving,” the half fae said without

preamble. “They’re already making preparations.”

Isaac pecked Chantay’s lips and nodded. “It’s probably best for

them to go. There’s too much agitation here for it to be good for
Lamont.” He caressed Chantay’s cheek gently. “I really wish we
could do the same thing.”

“I know.” Chantay beamed at him. “I understand why we can’t,

and really, it’s fine. I’m happy as long I’m with you.”

“What have I done to deserve you?” Isaac murmured to himself. It

was more a rhetorical question than a genuine dilemma, as Isaac had
long ago assigned the answer to that question as one of those miracles
that only happened to particularly blessed individuals. Perhaps fate
had decided Isaac had drawn the short straw too many times and gave
Chantay to him as a reward. Either way, Isaac couldn’t bring himself
to care. He just wanted to give Chantay the life the half fae needed,
maybe even a child later on. If only Isaac could get rid of the shadows
that still stalked them. If only he could offer Chantay the family he

“Don’t worry about that now,” Chantay replied, obviously hearing

the thought. “You’re all I need.”

In Chantay’s eyes, Isaac saw the truth of that statement and more.

He sensed Chantay’s need for him, and found an answering one
within him. He knew he should be dealing with his quest for backup
in Tokyo, but all of a sudden, the most important thing he could come
up with was having Chantay in his arms.

They’d been so very close to losing their bond. Sometimes, Isaac

still wondered why Chantay had forgiven him for his weakness. But

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The Half-Breed Who Found His Other Half


on other occasions, like now, the knowledge of what they had and
how precious it was for both of them made it impossible for Isaac to
focus on anything else except claiming his mate.

The glow of lust flashed in Chantay’s eyes, and their bond was

assaulted by Chantay’s incubus powers and his desire for Isaac. Isaac
could not contain himself. Releasing a low growl, he pulled his mate
close and crushed their lips together.

Chantay moaned, the sweet cry swallowed into their kiss. He

granted Isaac entrance, and Isaac greedily took the invitation,
sweeping his tongue inside Chantay’s mouth. He never could get
enough of Chantay’s taste. His mate was his drug, and the more he
took, the more he needed. Now was no different. The kiss started as a
passionate duel but grew even more volcanic with each second that
passed. Isaac held onto it until the need to breathe urged him to break
away from his beautiful lover. As he tore his mouth away from
Chantay, Isaac felt the heat inside him grow to unbearable
proportions. He needed skin, and he needed it now.

Chantay seemed to agree with him. The half fae’s hands greedily

worked at Isaac’s clothing, trying to remove his sweater, reaching
down to unzip his trousers. Sadly, the proximity of their bodies and
their frantic need for each other made it a little hard to maneuver, so
Isaac knew he needed to take control of the situation.

Catching Chantay’s arms, Isaac pushed the younger man back

against the wall. He pinned his mate in place using his larger form
and held Chantay’s hands immobilized above his head. Nibbling on
Chantay’s ear, he used his free hand to slowly unbutton Chantay’s

Everything inside him screamed to just rip the constraining

material off, but a distant part of him acknowledged that they weren’t
in the most private place possible, and they’d need the clothing to
leave the office later.

Thankfully, it was not the first time they’d unleashed their shared

passion while in Isaac’s office. As always, Chantay surrendered to

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Isaac’s ministrations, whimpering as he desperately rubbed against
Isaac’s body. The feel of Chantay’s hard cock against Isaac’s thigh
made Isaac yearn to kneel at his mate’s feet and lavish that hard prick
with his tongue. In fact, Isaac wanted to explore every inch of
Chantay’s creamy skin, starting with his pert little nipples.

With that in mind, Isaac briefly freed Chantay’s arms and

discarded the half fae’s shirt on the floor. With his hands no longer
immobilized, Chantay finally managed to return the favor, and Isaac’s
sweater was the next to go. But being bare chested was hardly
enough, and Isaac didn’t delay in unbuttoning Chantay’s slacks. As
the elegant pants pooled to the floor, Isaac realized his mate had gone

“What can I say?” Chantay panted out. “I had high hopes.”
Isaac helped his mate toe off his shoes, then flipped the younger

man against the wall, already anticipating what he would see there.
Chantay pushed his ass out, wiggling it invitingly and presenting
Isaac with his already slicked up and stretched hole.

Sneaky little minx. “I wonder how you kept this from me,” Isaac

said as he rubbed a digit over Chantay’s anus. No wonder he’d been
somewhat distracted today. How could he not be when his mate had
obviously been readying himself for their coupling?

“I have my...oh please…my ways,” Chantay answered, his

coherence more than affected when Isaac wiggled a finger inside him.
“Please, Isaac. Just fuck me.”

Isaac had every intention of doing just that. His cock throbbed,

demanding to be let in on the action, aching for the sanctuary of
Chantay’s body. But Isaac held back, ignoring the nearly painful dig
of his zipper into his swollen prick. He pressed his lips to Chantay’s
nape, inhaling the scent of the half fae’s hair, sweat, and desire. He
wished he could bottle it and bathe in it for all time. It was the most
potent aphrodisiac in existence, and it guided Isaac’s actions and his
own wants.

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The Half-Breed Who Found His Other Half


He finger-fucked his mate with almost ruthless intensity, adding

another digit, then a third one, when Chantay demanded more.
Chantay’s body opened up to him like a flower taking in the sun’s
rays, his channel tight and hot, squeezing Isaac’s fingers in an ironlike
vise. And when Isaac found his mate’s special spot, Chantay released
a desperate, garbled cry, “Isaac, please! Inside me.”

There was so much need in Chantay that it nearly overwhelmed

Isaac. But Isaac had just as much love and desire to give, and because
of that, they were soul mates. And for the same reason, Isaac knew he
couldn’t torture both of them for much longer. He removed his fingers
from Chantay’s ass and rushed to unzip his pants.

His cock sprang out eagerly, already leaking copious amounts of

pre-cum. His animal side roared out of him, both wolf and ram
demanding Chantay’s claiming. In one smooth thrust, Isaac pushed
inside his mate, embedding his prick into Chantay’s ass.

They both groaned at the same time, the feeling of coming

together at last as unbelievable as it had always been. Isaac clutched
his mate’s hips and briefly pulled out of Chantay before pushing back
in. The heat and the almost-excruciating tightness were amazing.
Chantay moved with him, pushing back against Isaac’s prick, his cries
escalating as the pleasure grew in intensity.

“Yes,” Chantay shouted. “Oh, Isaac, yes!”
Isaac allowed his instincts to run free, unafraid to be himself when

his mate was with him. Their hearts beat at the same rhythm and their
bodies seemed to become one as they joined in the sensual dance of
their lovemaking. Over and over, Isaac took his lover, chasing their
shared pleasure and the climax he knew would bring them total

A sudden impulse urged him to grab his mate and turn him

around, bringing them face-to-face once again. Chantay’s eyes were
one of the many things Isaac loved about the half Sidhe. He wanted to
gaze into them and see into Chantay’s very soul as they coupled. He

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wanted to kiss those full, plump lips and fuck Chantay’s mouth with
his tongue just as his cock took the half Sidhe’s ass.

Once again, Isaac pressed their mouths together, lifting Chantay in

his arms as he did so. The half fae wrapped his legs around Isaac’s
waist, meeting Isaac’s every thrust, panting, gasping, and writhing,
his heat burning Isaac from the inside out. There was just too much
pleasure, and Isaac thought that any moment now, his mind would
short-circuit or his heart would stop. Surely, no living being could
withstand the onslaught of such ecstasy.

And still, his beasts demanded more, and Isaac broke the kiss as

his canines descended. Without one moment of hesitation, he sank his
fangs into his mate’s neck.

In one single instant of brilliance, his world turned to nirvana and

his mind was in complete synch with that of his mate. Their souls and
minds were one and their climaxes simultaneous. Just as Isaac flooded
his mate’s passage with his seed, wet heat splashed between them,
signaling Chantay had found his peak as well.

Their bond glowed, almost overflowing with pleasure, so much so

that Isaac was surprised he didn’t collapse under its crushing weight.
Instead, he held onto his mate, the sweet taste of Chantay’s blood a
nectar for his senses.

Soon, though, he released his grip on his mate’s neck, not wanting

to hurt the half fae in any way. Even if Chantay regenerated very
quickly, Isaac preferred to err on the side of caution. Instants later, his
cock slid out of Chantay’s body, and both Isaac and his mate
crumpled to the floor, exhausted and spent.

For a few minutes, they just lay there, enjoying the pleasure still

buzzing through their bodies. When at last the haze of the afterglow
began to dim, Isaac got up with a sigh. He grimaced as he realized
that in his haste to get inside his mate, he hadn’t even fully undressed.
Thankfully, his pants had been miraculously spared of any
embarrassing stains, but he still smelled like sex and his belly
remained painted with Chantay’s seed.

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The Half-Breed Who Found His Other Half


Isaac made his way to the adjoining bathroom and ran the water in

the sink. He quickly wiped down, then returned to the office with a
wet towel in his grip. Gently, he cleaned his mate up, eliminating the
traces of their coupling.

After they were at last clean, they started pulling their clothes

back on. Isaac watched Chantay button up his shirt and considered his
chances of slipping away unnoticed to their bedroom. Truly, he could
not get enough of his mate, no matter how many times they made

Chantay grinned at him, obviously catching onto the thought. Just

as Isaac leaned over to steal another kiss, his phone rang. Isaac
wondered if he could get away with ignoring it, as taking his mate to
their room for a continuation of their quickie sounded like a far better
idea. But alas, the caller was insisting, so Isaac decided to take it and
dispatch whoever it was as soon as possible.

To his surprise, the person at the other end turned out to be Reed.

“Hi,” the swan-shifter said. “I just wanted to check with you and ask
if there’s been any news regarding Tyrell.”

Reed was one of the few people from the pack Isaac still kept

contact with. The swan had been very affected by the near death of
the members of the expedition. According to Chantay, Reed’s mate
must have been among them, although Isaac still didn’t know who it
was. And while many people considered Reed unreliable and
impulsive, Isaac knew better. He trusted Reed, and he had discussed
the Tyrell Hall problem with him in the past. In fact, he had
considered contacting Reed himself just earlier.

“Actually, yes,” he replied. “We’ve just received a report from the

vampires regarding him. I’m planning on going hunting soon, and I’ll
be taking a select group with me.” Isaac hesitated briefly, wondering
if he was doing the right thing with this. Reed needed revenge, yes,
but perhaps he needed closure with his mysterious mate more. Isaac
didn’t want hatred to get in the way of love, not anymore. “I’ll keep
you posted to my progress,” he finally added.

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“Can’t I come with you?” Reed asked, just like Isaac knew he


“I think you should discuss it with your mate first, Reed,” Isaac

answered. “Your love life is none of my business, but I know you’re
suffering. Hunting down Tyrell won’t help that.”

There was a pause at the other end of the connection. “You’re

right, but it’s one of the few options of my disposal.” Reed sighed.
“Thanks, Isaac, for everything. I’ll figure something out.”

They said their good-byes, and Isaac ended the call. “Poor thing,”

Chantay said. “I can feel his pain even through a phone line.”

“I know. I wonder what’s keeping him and his mate apart.”
“Whatever it is, I’m sure they’ll come up with a way to fix it.”

Chantay gave Isaac a narrow-eyed look. “And don’t even think you’re
dumping me here while you’re off to Japan. I’m coming with you.”

Isaac opened his mouth to protest, but Chantay silenced him with

a kiss. “Don’t,” the half fae murmured through their bond. “Never
again apart, remember?”

“I remember,” Isaac replied.
It was the promise he himself had made, but it went both ways.

Isaac realized in that moment that he and Chantay might be half-
breeds, but they’d found their other halves. Trying to keep Chantay
from coming to Japan was futile, as was any attempt from an outside
force to keep them apart.

He wasn’t very happy with bringing Chantay with him into peril,

but in the end, they anchored each other, and they were stronger
together than apart. Isaac trusted the friends who’d stood by his side
through his ordeal, from Winter and Corbin to the Cunninghams,
Angel and Clark Williams-Wade and their parents, Reed and his
family, and even new, unexpected allies, like King Sterling. But there
was no one who knew him better than Chantay and no one he
believed in more. Yes, they could do this together. He just had to

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The Half-Breed Who Found His Other Half


As their impromptu kiss broke, Isaac offered his mate a smile. “I

guess I should just give up while I’m ahead, huh?”

“Indeed.” Chantay beamed back. “And besides, you’re right.

We’re stronger together than apart.”

Isaac hugged his mate to his chest, the apprehension he felt at the

upcoming mission simply fading at Chantay’s touch. With Chantay
there, he could face his darkest fears and win. Because through
Chantay’s love, his soul had been mended, no longer torn between
two opposing forces. And for Chantay, for their shared future, Isaac
would defeat this foe, no matter what.



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A native Romanian, Scarlet was born in 1986 and grew up an avid

fan of Karl May and Jules Verne, reading fantasy stories and
adventure. Later, when she was out of fantasy stories to read, she
delved into her mother’s collection of books and, of course, stumbled
onto romance.

As a writer though, Scarlet Hyacinth was born one sunny summer

day, when a dear friend of hers—the same friend who introduced her
to GLBT fiction—proposed they start writing a story of their own. As
it turns out, the two friends never did finish that particular story, but
Scarlet discovered she had a knack for writing and ended up starting
to write individually. And so, between working on her dissertation,
studying for exams, and reading yaoi manga, she started writing the
Kaldor Saga. Along the way, Scarlet met a lot of wonderful people
who supported her, and in the end, she found her story a home and, in
the process, fulfilled a beautiful dream.


Also by Scarlet Hyacinth

Siren Classic ManLove: Mate or Meal 6:

The Gazelle Who Caught a Lion

Siren Classic ManLove: Mate or Meal 7:

The Demon Who Fed on a Shark

Siren Classic ManLove: Mate or Meal 8:

The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx

Siren Classic ManLove: Mate or Meal 9:
The Lynx Who Purred for a Sidhe Prince

For all other titles, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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