jps 22002

Lyophilised Liposome-Based Formulations of a-Tocopheryl
Succinate: Preparation and Physico-Chemical Characterisation
Department of Vaccinology and Immunotherapy, Veterinary Research Institute, Hudcova 70, 621 32 Brno, Czech Republic
Apoptosis Research Group, School of Medical Science, Griffith Institute of Health and Medical Research, Griffith University,
Southport, 4222 Qld, Australia
Molecular Therapy Group, Institute of Biotechnology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
Received 25 June 2009; revised 16 September 2009; accepted 4 October 2009
Published online 28 December 2009 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/jps.22002
ABSTRACT: a-Tocopheryl succinate (a-TOS) is a semisynthetic analogue of a-tocopherol with
selective toxicity to the cancer cells and anticancer activity in vivo. Yet, no suitable formulation
of a-TOS for medical application has been reported. Various formulations, for example, solutions
in organic solvents, oil emulsions and vesicules prepared by spontaneous vesiculation, poly-
ethylene glycol conjugates and liposomes of various compositions have been tested. We devel-
oped and characterised a stable lyophilised liposome-based a-TOS formulation. a-TOS (15 mol%)
was incorporated into large oligolamellar vesicles (OLVs) composed of soy phosphatidylcholine
(SPC) by the method of lipid film hydration followed by extrusion through polycarbonate filters.
Stabilised liposomal formulation was prepared by lyophilisation in the presence of sucrose
(molar ratio lipid/sucrose, 1:5). The size distribution of the liposomes (130 140 nm, polydisper-
sity index 0.14) as well as the stable lipid and a-TOS contents were preserved during storage in
the lyophilised form at 2 88C for at least 6 months. The data indicate good physical and chemical
stability of the lyophilised preparation of a-TOS liposomes that can be used in clinical medicine.
2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 99:2434 2443, 2010
Keywords: vitamin E analogues; liposome; extrusion; a-tocopheryl succinate; lyophilisation;
stability; cancer; apoptosis; nanotechnology; particle size
INTRODUCTION point of view, the main disadvantage of these agents
is their very low solubility in the aqueous environ-
Proapoptotic analogues of VE have been reported to ment. The hydrophobic character of VE analogues
exert selective toxicity to malignant cells and very low predetermines the strategy for their formulations.
negative side effect.1,2 The prototypic member of this Different approaches to the preparation of delivery
group of agents, a-TOS, is a redox-silent, semisyn- systems of a-TOS have been investigated. These
thetic succinyl ester of a-TOH.3 The VE analogue has procedures employed the drug solubilisation in
been shown to exert antiproliferative activity4 and organic solvents such as ethanol and dimethylsulph-
induces cell apoptosis in vitro.5 The antitumour oxide9,10 or in oil emulsions,11 16 spontaneous vesi-
effects of a-TOS in various experimental models of culation of the drug itself17 and the sodium18 or
cancer have also been documented.6 8 TRIS19 salts of the agents, conjugates of the drugs
Thus far, no suitable formulations of proapoptotic with polyethylene glycol20,21 and liposomal formula-
analogues of VE have been reported. From the clinical tion of the agents.22 Development of an optimal
delivery system for a-TOS needs to focus on the
preparation of formulations of the VE analogue that
Abbreviations: a-TOH, a-tocopherol; a-TOS, a-tocopheryl acid
succinate; DLS, dynamic light scattering; LPC, lysophosphatidyl- would be stable during long-term storage, and that
choline; MLV, multilamellar vesicle; OLV, oligolamellar vesicle;
would retain its biological activity and would be
PDI, polydispersity index; SPC, soy phosphatidylcholine; VE,
useful for clinical application.
vitamin E.
Correspondence to: Jaroslav Turnek (Telephone: +420-5-3333- Liposomes, lipidic membranous vesicles, represent
1311; Fax: +420-5-4121-1229; E-mail:
advanced and versatile nanodelivery systems for wide
Correspondence to: Jiri Neuzil (Telephone: +61-7-5552-9109;
range of biologically active compounds.23 These
Fax: +61-7-5552-4888; E-mail:
relatively nontoxic systems have considerable poten-
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 99, 2434 2443 (2010)
2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association tial for the entrapment of both lipophilic and
hydrophilic drugs.24 a-TOS can be easily incorporated mixture of SPC and a-TOS was dissolved in chloro-
into lipid membrane bilayers of liposomal vesicles. form and transferred into a round-bottom flask. To
The relatively simple procedure allows production of find the optimal composition, the lipid/a-TOS molar
liposomes for various applications. Therefore, entrap- ratios of 95:5; 90:10; 85:15 and 80:20 were tested. The
ment of the drug in liposomes represents a very organic solvent was removed using the rotary vacuum
effective route that enhances its therapeutic effect. evaporator Laborota 4000 (Heidolph, Kelheim, Ger-
Liposomal formulation of a-tocopheryl maleamide (a- many) yielding a dry thin lipid film (408C, 4 h). The
TAM), an esterase-resistant analogue of the ester a- lipid film was then hydrated with an aqueous phase
tocopheryl maleate,25 was reported to eliminate the (20 mM HEPES buffer, pH 7.20, 0.2 mm filtered) and
acute toxicity associated with administration of the converted to the suspension of MLVs (lipid concen-
free VE analogue.26 tration of 10 mg/mL) by continuous shaking (30 min).
The physico-chemical stability of liposomal nano- The freezing and thawing step was omitted in order to
particles depends on their composition and structure. preserve the oligolamellar morphology of the lipo-
Physical modifications of liposomes, including fusion somes with a low internal volume of the water phase.
and aggregation of the particles, as well as increase of MLVs were then sequentially extruded seven times
the membrane permeability and the drug release can through polycarbonate filters (Whatman, Alabaster,
occur as the consequences of chemical degradation of AL) of various pore sizes (400, 200, 100, 80 and 50 nm)
the liposomal system.27 Lyophilisation in the pre- at room temperature to find the optimal extrusion
sence of cryoprotectants (e.g. saccharides) is a process procedure yielding the population of OLVs. The
that stabilises the liposomal products for the purpose polycarbonate filters (diameter of 25 mm) were
of long-term storage. Saccharides protect the liposo- inserted into the high-pressure filtration cell, which
mal integrity, enhance the retention of the drug was linked to the FPLC system (Pharmacia, Uppsala,
entrapped in the liposomes and prevent degradation Sweden) that controlled the flow rate and provided
of the liposomal components.28,29 the high pressure.31
The aim of this study was to develop an optimal
Preparation of the Lyophilisate
lyophilised formulation of liposomal a-TOS. The
preparation of the lyophilised liposomal a-TOS The extruded liposomes were mixed with the appro-
formulation, its physico-chemical characterisation priate amount of sucrose and sterilised by filtration
and the evaluation of stability during 6-month through 0.22-mm filters (Millex-MP Filter Unit;
storage period were investigated. At month-storage Millipore). The lipid/sucrose molar ratios were 1:1,
intervals, the following parameters of the stability of 1:3, 1:5, 1:7 and 1:10. Aliquots of the liposomal
the liposomal samples were determined: particle size preparation (10 mg/mL of total lipid content) were
distribution, z-potential, lipid content, drug content filled into 20-mL sterile vials. These vials with 1.5 mL
and drug entrapment efficiency. of liposomes were frozen at 808C in a freezer and
then lyophilised using the Lyovac GT2 instrument
(Finn-Aqua, Tuusula, Finland). The samples were
placed into the drying chamber precooled to 458C.
The lyophilisation procedure was run for 24 h at 8 Pa.
After this period, a second drying step was applied at
a-TOS, a-tocopheryl acetate (a-TOA) and a-TOH 258C for 12 h under 20 Pa. The lyophilised samples
were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (Prague, Czech were stored at 2 88C for further characterisation and
Republic). SPC (purity of 95%) and LPC were stability studies.
obtained from Avanti Polar Lipids (Alabaster, AL).
Liposome Size and z-Potential Determination
The following chemicals were acquired from Fluka
(Prague, Czech Republic): ferrous chloride quadrihy- The size distribution and z-potential of the liposomes
drate (FeCl2 4H2O), ammonium thiocyanate (lipid concentration of 10 mg/mL) were determined by
(NH4SCN), cupric sulphate (CuSO4), phosphoric acid DLS and microelectrophoresis using a Zetasizer Nano
(H3PO4), sucrose and cumene hydroperoxide. All ZS instrument (Malvern, Worcestershire, UK). The
organic solvents used (reagent or HPLC grade) were He Ne laser in the equipment operated at the
purchased from Sigma Aldrich. In all experiments, wavelength of 633 nm. The measurements were
MiliQ water was used (Millipore, Prague, Czech carried out at 258C using the scattering angle of
Republic). 1738 for the determination of size distribution. Data
were analysed in terms of the average size and the
Preparation of a-TOS Liposomal Formulation
OLVs were prepared by the thin-film hydration The z-potential values were determined in the dis-
method followed by extrusion through polycarbonate posable cell by assessing the velocity of the liposomes
filters as previously described.30,31 Briefly, the in the electric field. To convert the electrophoretic
mobility into the z-potential values, the Smolu- several modifications. Samples of liposomes (50 mL)
chowski constant f (Ka) ź 1.5 was applied using the were diluted to 0.5 mL with methanol, and then
DT software (Malvern). The measurements took place 0.4 mL of 1.14 mM FeCl2 4H2O solution was added.
at 258C in 20 mM HEPES buffer used as the The subsequent addition of chloroform and methanol
dispersant. (0.5 mL each) formed a biphasic system. The sample
was then vortexed, and after centrifugation at 2000g
Characterisation of Liposomes by
for 5 min two clear phases were observed. Solution of
Transmission Electron Microscopy
60 mM NH4SCN (0.2 mL) was added to 0.8 mL of the
The size and morphology of liposomes containing a- upper aqueous phase for the development of colour.
TOS were studied by transmission electron micro- The samples were analysed at 478 nm using the
scopy (TEM) using a negative staining method. The Uvikon XL spectrophotometer (BioTek, Winooski,
liposomes were placed on the carbon-coated copper USA). The stock solution of 0.19 mM cumene hydro-
grid and then stained with 2% ammonium molybdate peroxide was used as the standard.
solution. The stained samples were characterised
Entrapment Efficiency of a-TOS
using a Philips-Morgagni electron microscope (EM
Philips 208 S, MORGAGNI software, FEI, Brno, Aliquots of 100 mL of liposomal a-TOS preparations
Czech Republic). (1 mg/mL a-TOS) were diluted with 20 mM HEPES
buffer to the final volume of 2 mL and stirred gently.
Lipid Quantification
For the chromatographic analysis, the samples were
For each particular preparation, the final lipid prepared by ultracentrifugation at 30,000 rpm
concentration in the liposomal samples and in (108,000g, rotor JA-30.50 Ti, Beckman-Coulter, Full-
the lipid extracts was determined according to the erton, USA) for 50 min at 48C (Beckman-Coulter,
Stewart method based on the quantification of the Avanti J-30I). The supernatant containing the free
complex formed by phospholipids with ammonium drug was separated from the sediment. The liposomal
ferrothiocyanate in the organic solution.32 sediment was then redispersed in the same volume of
20 mM HEPES buffer. The redispersed sediment and
Lipid Extraction Procedure and
the liposomes that were not centrifuged were frozen
Lysophospholipid Determination
at 808C and then lyophilised for 24 h. Both these
Lipids were extracted from the liposomes according to parts of the sample were redissolved in the same
the Bligh Dyer33 two-phase extraction method. volume of methanol (2 mL) and vortexed. Aliquots of
Chloroform was removed on the rotary evaporator 10 mL were injected into the HPLC system. The
and the dry residuum was redissolved in the mixture entrapment efficacy of a-TOS loading into liposomes
of chloroform and methanol (2:1, v/v). Aliquots of 5 mL (EETOS) was calculated according to the following
(overall lipid content 45 mg) of the total lipid equation:
redissolved extracts were applied on the TLC silica
gel 60 F254 plates (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).
EETOS% ź 100 (1)
Separation of the lysophospholipid from the phos-
pholipid was achieved in the development chamber
where ALIP-TOS represents the amount of a-TOS that
containing chloroform/methanol/water (65:25:4, v/v/
remains associated with liposomes and ATOTAL-TOS is
v) as the mobile phase. The developed plates were
the total amount of a-TOS.
dried for 5 min at 1008C. Lipids were visualised by
bathing the plates in the staining reagent, which was
Analysis of a-Tocopheryl Succinate and
a mixture of 10% CuSO4 (w/v) and 8% H3PO4 (v/v) in
water, for 60 s. Subsequently, the plates were heated
at 608C for 15 min, which was followed by an increase The chromatography was carried out using a Beck-
in the temperature to 1308C for 15 min. Individual man Gold Noveau system composed of a 507 auto-
lipids became detectable as brown spots, and their sampler, a 127 binary gradient pump and a 168 diode
optical densities were evaluated by photodensito- array detector. The Agilent Eclipse XDB-C18
metric scanning using the Scanner 3 apparatus (150 mm 4.6 mm ID, 4-mm particle size) stainless-
equipped with winCATS software (Camag, Muttenz, steel analytical column was attached. The acidified
Switzerland). The lysophospholipid content was mobile phase (0.03% acetic acid) consisting of
expressed as a percentage of the total phospholipid. methanol and water (97:3, v/v) was degassed by
SPC and LPC were used as standards. sonication prior to use. The separation was carried
out isocratically at the flow rate of 1.3 mL/min and
Determination of Hydroperoxide Content
ambient temperature. The detector wavelength was
Hydroperoxides in the liposomal samples were set at 206 nm. The Gold Noveau software was used for
determined by the ferric thiocyanate assay with the data collection and analysis. The calibration
graphs were calculated by linear regression analysis The concentration of a-TOS higher than 20 mol%
of the peak area ratio of the standard and the internal with respect to the total lipid leads to the phase
standard versus the drug concentration of the separation, as assessed by TEM. The micrograph in
standard. a-Tocopheryl acetate was used as the Figure 1A documents the presence of liposomal as
internal standard. well as nonliposomal structures. Assessment of the z-
potential revealed two peaks (Fig. 1B) with the more
Determination of Residual Water Content
negative signal attributable to the nonliposomal
fraction composed predominantly of negatively
The residual water content in the lyophilised
charged a-TOS. The liposomal composition of
liposomal a-TOS preparations was determined by
85 mol% SPC and 15 mol% a-TOS was chosen for
Karl Fischer titration method using a volumetric
further development of the lyophilised liposomal
TitroLine KF titrator (Schott Instruments, Mainz,
preparations. Final size distribution of the liposomes
Germany). Known amount of anhydrous methanol
reflected the pore size of the respective filters used
was added into container with a syringe to solubilise
for the extrusion (Tab. 1). Extrusion through the
lyophilised cake of liposomal preparation. This
polycarbonate filters of the pore size of 0.2 mm was
procedure avoided contamination of the sample with
found optimal with respect to the final size distribu-
airborne moisture. Known amount of solubilised
tion and pressure/flow rate parameters. Extrusion of
sample was withdrawn by syringe from the container
up to 50 mL of the liposomal suspension (10 mg/mL of
and added to the Karl Fischer titration vessel. The
lipid) in one run was facilitated by linking the high-
residual moisture content in anhydrous methanol
pressure cell to the FPLC system equipped with a
was used as the blank. After the weight of sample in
superloop. This method produced well-defined pre-
the final container was determined, the percent
parations of a-TOS liposomes. The final average size
moisture was calculated. The results represent
of the liposomes was 133 4 nm and the PDI was
means of duplicate samples.
within 0.14 0.02, as determined by the DLS assay.
The negative z-potential of 13.4 1.4 mV for the a-
TOS liposomal preparation was obtained in 20 mM
The software GraphPad PRISM was used for the
HEPES (pH 7.2).
calculation and preparation of the size distribution
and z-potential graphs. Statistical analysis using one-
Cryoprotective Effect of Sucrose
way ANOVA (significance level, p < 0.05) test was
used for the size distribution and z-potential studies. The lyophilisation process of liposomal a-TOS pre-
parations in the presence of various additions of
sucrose as cryoprotectant was studied in order to
enhance the physical stability of the liposomes. The
size distribution of the liposomes prior to lyophilisa-
Preparation of Liposomal Formulations of a-TOS
tion and after the lyophilisate reconstitution was
The optimal amount of a-TOS drug entrapped in the compared and evaluated using the DLS assay. The
SPC liposomes was found to be 15 mol% of total lipid. protection of the original size of liposomes
Figure 1. Characterisation of liposomal formulation containing 20 mol% of a-TOS. (A) Phase
separation visualised by TEM. White arrows indicate liposomes; black arrows indicate non-
liposomal structures. (B) Two peaks of z-potential were obtained for the liposomal preparation
with 20 mol% of a-TOS (empty circles) characterised by the presence of nonliposomal and
liposomal structures. The z-potential of the optimised liposomal preparation containing
15 mol% of a-TOS is denoted by the full circles. The z-potential values were assessed in
20 mM HEPES buffer.
Table 1. Final Size Distribution of Optimal Liposome a-TOS Formulation Extruded through Polycarbonate Filters of
Different Pore Size
Size Distribution
Filter Pore Average Polydispersity
Size (nm) Size (nm) Index Intensity (nm) Volume (nm) Number (nm)
400 172 0.16 205 202 112
200 140 0.10 157 145 100
100 122 0.08 134 121 91
80 103 0.07 111 98 79
50 89 0.06 92 82 68
Liposomal samples of the lipid concentration of 10 mg/mL were analysed in 20 mM HEPES buffer at 258C.
(133 4 nm, PDI 0.14 0.02) was the main parameter exhibited no additional stabilisation effect (size
used to consider the cryoprotective efficiency of 126 2 nm, PDI 0.13 0.01 and 125 2 nm, PDI
sucrose (Fig. 2). When a minimal addition of sucrose 0.14 0.01, respectively).
was used (molar ratio, 1:1), the liposomes were
Physico-Chemical Characterisation of
physically unstable and tended to fuse and thus
Liposomal a-TOS
increased their size. Both the particle size and the
PDI (240 24 nm, PDI 0.70 0.16) significantly As mentioned above, the liposomal a-TOS formula-
increased as a consequence of the fusion and tion was lyophilised with an optimal amount of
aggregation processes. Although the prepared lipo- sucrose (lipid/sucrose molar ratio, 1:5) and then
somes (molar ratio, 1:3) had acceptable average size stored at 2 88C for up to 6 months. The lyophilised
(141 4 nm), the PDI was relatively high samples were reconstituted at 1-month intervals with
(0.26 0.05). The minimal molar lipid/sucrose ratio 20 mM HEPES buffer to give a final concentration of
necessary for the optimal stabilisation of the liposo- the liposomes with the lipid concentration of 10 mg/
mal a-TOS formulations was found to be 1:5, as mL. The reconstitution step of the lyophilised dry
determined by the DLS assay (size 131 3 nm, PDI powders was fast, and the rehydrated samples
0.14 0.03) and verified by TEM (data not shown). constituted dispersions of liposomes with milky
The presence of sucrose at this optimal ratio was translucent appearance. All physical and chemical
sufficient to preserve the morphology and size parameters of the stability of a-TOS liposomes were
distribution of the a-TOS liposomal preparation assessed both prior to lyophilisation (initial state),
and was chosen for further stabilisation of the immediately after reconstitution of the lyophilisate
formulation. The liposomal samples with elevated (time zero), and every month after reconstitution of
amounts of sucrose (molar ratios, 1:7 and 1:10) the lyophilisate. The pH of the reconstituted liposo-
mal preparations did not change from the initial value
of 7.20 0.15 during the storage period.
Physical Stability of Liposomes
The process of lyophilisation did not affect the
physical stability of the liposomes containing sucrose
as the cryoprotectant. The size distribution measure-
ments of the reconstituted liposomes always showed
mono-modal distribution. The particle size distribu-
tion and the z-potential of the liposomes containing
a-TOS were 133 4 nm (PDI 0.14 0.02) and
13 1.4 mV, respectively, before lyophilisation
and 131 2 nm (PDI 0.14 0.03) and 13 2.0 mV,
respectively, after the lyophilisate reconstitution
following 6 months of storage (Tab. 2, Fig. 3). The
Figure 2. Effect of different lipid/sucrose molar ratios on
typical phenomenon of the liposome instability that
the physical stability of the lyophilised optimal liposomal a-
usually results from an increase in the particle size
TOS formulation after reconstitution. The liposomes
was found neither by TEM nor by DLS evaluation. No
extruded in the presence of sucrose through a 0.2-mm
significant changes in the z-potential of the lyophi-
polycarbonate filter were used as control of size distribution
lised liposomes after the reconstitution were
prior to lyophilisation. Statistically significant differ-
observed. These data document that the initial
ence versus  before and versus  1:3, 1:5, 1:7 and 1:10
( p < 0.001). parameters of the physical stability of the a-TOS
Table 2. Physical Stability of Reconstituted lipids was found to be higher than 95% of the initial
Lyophilisates of Optimal a-TOS Liposomal Preparations
state, which indicates a good stability of the lipid
content with very little lipid loss during storage.
Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was used as the
Time Average Polydispersity z-Potential
screening method for the lysophospholipid determi-
(Months) Size (nm)a Indexb (mV)c
nation. The liposomal lipids were isolated by the two-
Initial state 133 4 0.14 0.02 13.4 1.4
phase extraction method prior to TLC analysis. The
0 128 4 0.14 0.01 12.2 1.3
extraction efficiencies for the lipids were higher than
1 126 5 0.15 0.01 11.3 1.7
90%. The lysophospholipid content was found to be
2 128 3 0.16 0.01 13.0 1.2
lower than 4% of total lipid in the liposomal samples
3 127 4 0.13 0.02 11.5 1.6
after 6 months of storage. The presence of lysopho-
4 129 2 0.12 0.01 11.1 1.7
spholipids was also confirmed by direct comparison of
5 127 4 0.15 0.02 13.0 1.9
the retention factor obtained in TLC analysis
6 131 2 0.14 0.03 13.8 2.0
(RF ź 0.18) with the retention factor of the standard.
The size distribution and z-potential were analysed in 20 mM
During the whole storage period, the level of
HEPES buffer at 258C. Each data point represents the arithmetic
hydroperoxides was found to be less than 2% of total
mean SD (n ź 3).
No statistically significant differences ( p < 0.05) of the mea- lipids, as determined by spectrophotometric analysis.
sured parameters were observed during storage.
The results documenting the chemical stability of the
lipid fraction of the liposomes are summarised in
liposomal preparation were preserved by sucrose in Table 3.
the form of the dry lyophilised powder during storage
Entrapment Efficiency of a-TOS and Liposomal Content
for up to 6 months at 2 88C.
of a-TOS and a-TOH
Chemical Stability of Lipids
For the preparation of liposomal samples for HPLC
In the liposome preparations, the final lipid content analysis, ultracentrifugation was followed by the
was determined in each liposomal sample. We lyophilisation step. The content of a-TOS was
detected the presence of lysophospholipids as well determined in the sediment as well as in the total
as hydroperoxides as frequent degradation products preparation. The a-TOS entrapment efficiency
of phospholipids. The final content of the liposomal (EETOS) of the liposomal samples was calculated
Figure 3. Size distribution (by volume) and the typical microphotography by the negative-
staining TEM of the optimal liposomal a-TOS formulations were determined prior to lyophilisa-
tion (A) and after reconstitution of the lyophilisate following 6-month storage at 2 88C (B).
Table 3. Chemical Stability of Reconstituted Lyophilisates of Optimal a-TOS
Liposomal Preparations
Storage Time Lipid Content Hydroperoxide Lysophospholipid
(Months) (% of Initial) Content (%) Content (%)
Initial state 100 <0.1 3.9
099 <0.1 3.8
1 101 0.1 3.9
2 98 0.3 3.8
3 100 1.3 3.7
4 102 1.0 3.5
5 99 1.9 3.6
6 100 1.6 3.6
The data for hydroperoxide and lysophospholipid content are expressed as percentages of the
total lipid concentration in respective samples. All data represent means of duplicate samples.
The residual water content (w/w) remained unchanged in the range of 1.2 1.6% up to 6 months
during storage (Karl Fischer titration method).
according to Eq. (1). The obtained values of EETOS of DISCUSSION
the reconstituted liposomal a-TOS formulations were
greater than 90% during the storage period and 92% The VE analogue a-TOS and its esterase-resistant
in the initial preparation. These values indicate a analogue a-tocopheryl maleate amide (a-TAM)25 are
successful a-TOS trapping in liposomes and confirm efficient anticancer drugs as documented by studies
very good incorporation of the drug into the SPC on different experimental models of cancer. Their
liposomal membrane bilayers. Monitoring the EETOS liposomal formulations were found to be well toler-
values during the 6-month storage period in a ated in mice of various strains and preserved the
refrigerator has shown no discernible changes in strong anticancer efficacy of the VE analogues, as
the liposomal content of a-TOS. The content of a-TOS shown using the transgenic FVB/N c-neu mice with
in the liposomes determined by HPLC was within the spontaneous breast carcinomas.26 Nonliposomal sys-
range of 95 105% of the drug concentration in the tems like vesiculated VE analogues formed by
initial preparations. The presence and quantity of a- spontaneous vesiculation were found to be toxic for
TOH as the degradation product of a-TOS was some analogues of VE, for example, a-tocopheryl
detected. The level of a-TOH in the preparations oxalate,18 or a-TAM.26 Thus, entrapment of such
was assessed to verify the chemical stability of a-TOS analogues (as shown for a-TAM) minimises the
entrapped in the liposomes. The HPLC analysis has secondary toxicity while the anticancer efficacy
proven that the a-TOH content did not exceed 5% of remains preserved.26
the a-TOS content. The results of the chemical char- Stable preparations of a-TOS and similar antic-
acterisation of the drug are summarized in Table 4. ancer agents that could be stored for prolonged
periods of time are needed. A plausible approach to
this problem is the use of liposomes, which have been
Table 4. Chemical Stability of a-TOS Entrapped in
utilised as suitable carriers for a variety of drugs and
Liposomes after Reconstitution of the Lyophilisate
vaccines. Moreover, liposomal technologies are
Storage a-TOS a-TOS a-TOH applicable at the industrial scale for the production
Time Content Entrapment Content of sterile preparations suitable for parenteral admin-
(Months) (% of Initial) (%) (%)
istration in the clinical setting. Therefore, we
developed a method for the preparation of liposomal
Initial state 100 92 1.1
a-TOS, the drug that has been shown by us and others
0 101 94 1.2
to exert potent anticancer activities in a variety of
1 103 92 1.6
preclinical models,1,6 9,13 17,34,35 and its lyophilised
2 101 95 2.1
3 97 91 2.9 formulation, which was stable during a 6-month
4 98 93 3.9
5 97 94 4.7
The hydrophobic character and low aqueous
6 95 94 4.9
solubility of a-TOS predetermine liposomes as
suitable delivery systems. The multiple liposomal
The data for a-TOH content are expressed as percentages of
a-TOS concentration in respective samples. All data represent bilayers in oligolamellar liposomes show an effective
means of duplicate samples.
capacity for incorporation of a-TOS and they also
The residual water content (w/w) remained unchanged in the
enhance the solubility of the drug by partitioning of a-
range of 1.2 1.6% up to 6 months during storage (Karl Fischer
titration method). TOS among the phosphatidylcholine molecules. We
prepared the optimal liposomal a-TOS formulation by because this type of liposomes is endowed with
the classical method, which constitutes hydration of a sustained release of the entrapped drug, since their
lipid film followed by an extrusion step. This simple concentric membranes are slowly degraded and
process allowed preparation of low-dispersive and release of the drug from the bilayers is attenuated.40
homogeneous populations of liposomes. The lipo- Liposomal formulations of a-TOS have already
somes were able to encapsulate up to 15 mol% of a- been reported, although the physico-chemical char-
TOS without any negative effect on the stability of the acterisation of these preparations over a prolonged
membrane bilayers. At higher molar ratios of a-TOS, storage period was not assessed.35,41 Lyophilisation/
phase separation occurred and nonliposomal struc- freeze-drying of the liposomal products in the
tures were formed (cf. Fig. 1A). This phase separation presence of a suitable saccharide cryoprotectant
limits the encapsulation capacity of the SPC lipo- was found to enhance the stability of the dry
somes for a-TOS to <20 molar%. lyophilisate powders during long-term storage.42,43
Other methods for the preparation of liposomal a- A major advantage of this process is lyophilisation of
TOS were described in literature, for example, liposomes under appropriate cryoprotective condi-
combination of the lipid film formation followed by tions. The structural integrity of the liposomes is
anionic surfactant hydration and detergent dialy- protected and the potential particle fusion and
sis.36 However, this procedure is more time-consum- aggregation are prevented. During the storage
ing and no data on phosphatidylcholine/a-TOS molar period, the a-TOS-containing liposomes maintained
ratio have been documented in the literature. There- their vesicle size unchanged and, upon reconstitution,
fore, we favour the method described in this commu- the original liposome size was always observed. Based
nication. on the DLS assay, the liposome size distribution was
Application of a secondary processing method, that found to be about 130 nm within 0.14 of PDI (cf. Fig. 3
is, extrusion through polycarbonate filters, was and Tab. 2).
successfully used for the reduction of the final size During freeze-drying, water is removed by sub-
distribution of the a-TOS liposomal preparations to limation from the liposomal formulation so that
<150 nm. Liposomes of these sizes are appropriate for possible alterations of the physical and chemical
intravenous applications, especially their long-circu- properties during long-term storage, in particular
lating versions are suitable for targeting of solid lipid hydrolysis, are minimised.44,45 As a consequence
tumours. of significant lipid hydrolysis, the organisation of the
Saccharides such as trehalose or sucrose are lipid assembly can change from lamellar to the
cryoprotectants known to exert a stabilising effect micellar system.46 In our a-TOS liposomal prepara-
on liposomal membrane bilayers during lyophilisa- tions, the content of lysophospholipids was not
tion.29 In our case, we selected sucrose as the low-cost changed during storage (cf. Tab. 3). Another potential
cryoprotectant suitable for the application in clinical problem encountered upon the storage of liposomal
medicine. The saccharides stabilise the liposomal preparations is oxidation of lipids, resulting in
bilayers when the membrane-stabilising water is phospholipid degradation. The primary products of
removed, for example, by drying or by lyophilisation. oxidation of lipids in the presence of molecular oxygen
The protective effect is related to the ability of direct are lipid hydroperoxides.47 Further, the lipid packa-
interaction of disaccharides with the polar head- ging/organisation in the bilayer is disturbed as a
groups of phospholipids by forming hydrogen bonds. result of lipid oxidation, which results in an increased
The saccharides also form an amorphous and glassy membrane permeability. We found that in our
matrix and exhibit low molecular mobility (vitrifica- preparations, the content of lipid hydroperoxides
tion). The individual particles become embedded in did not exceed 2% of the total lipid during the 6-month
this state during lyophilisation, and they are also storage, and that the increase of the lipid hydroper-
protected from the mechanical damage of the crystal- oxide content occurred during the first 2 months of
line ice formation.37 The cryoprotectants need a storage (cf. Tab. 3). The low percentage of hydroper-
careful optimisation of concentration for effective oxides and lysophospholipids in the liposomal pre-
stabilisation of the liposomal delivery systems.38 We parations following their 6-month storage period are
observed that at the lipid/sucrose molar ratio of 1:5, within the limits suggested by Barenholz and
very good morphological as well as chemical stability Amselem48 for liposomal preparations of doxorubicin.
of the lyophilised preparation was achieved. Similar In our liposomal formulation, up to 5% of a-TOH
results were reported for the stability of lyophilised was found as a degradation product of a-TOS during
liposomal formulations of the camptothecin-based the prolonged storage period. The decomposition of a-
anticancer drug SN-38.39 TEM observations con- TOS during the 6-month storage represented only
firmed that the structure of the oligolamellar lipo- about 4% of total a-TOS (cf. Tab. 4), which is
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