set wallpaper

01 //Code Tested on Windows 2000
02 //By Smith
03 #include
04 #include
06 int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
07 HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
08 LPSTR lpCmdLine,
09 int nShowCmd)
10 {
11 HKEY hKey;
13 unsigned char NewDesktop[24] = "Picture File Goes Here"; //Example "C:\\picture.jpg";
15 RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Control Panel\\Desktop",0,KEY_SET_VALUE,&hKey);
16 RegSetValueEx(hKey,"Wallpaper",0,REG_SZ,NewDesktop,sizeof(NewDesktop));
17 RegCloseKey(hKey);
19 return(0);
20 }

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