Nokia 8GB Instructions

How to install CoPilot Live 7 onto a
Nokia N95 8GB or N82 8GB
Certain Nokia phones, such as the N95 8GB
Note: If you do not have a memory card
and N82 8GB, do not have a memory card slot,
reader, external card readers are widely
so you need to copy the CoPilot Live software
available to purchase for example at
and maps onto the phone s internal memory.
To complete this process you will need a
memory card reader, a PC/laptop and the
1.3 Copy the following folders from your
phone s synchronisation USB cable.
CoPilot Live memory card to the folder
1 Copy the contents of your CoPilot Live
you created in step 1.1.
memory card to your PC/Laptop.
" CoPilot
1.1 Create a new folder on your PC s desktop
" Private
called CoPilot Install.
" Resource
1.2 Insert the CoPilot Live memory card into
" Sys
a memory card reader (either an external
card reader or your PC s in-built card
Note: You do NOT need to copy
reader). The CoPilot Live memory card is
the folder called 2577.
supplied with adaptors so it can fit into an
SD card reader.
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2 Copy the CoPilot Live files from your 2.7 Once the copying process is complete,
PC to your phone s internal memory disconnect the cable from your phone.
2.1 Ensure that the time and date are set 2.8 The CoPilot Live program should appear
correctly on your phone. shortly in your phone s Applications
2.2 Connect your phone to your PC using the
2.9 Please proceed to the instructions on Starting
supplied synchronisation USB cable.
Up on page 5 of the supplied quick start guide
2.3 Several options will be displayed on your
to continue with setting up
phone. Please select Data Transfer.
CoPilot Live 7.
2.4 Go to My Computer on your PC. Your phone
should be displayed as a Removable Disk For further information, please visit the
in the form of an additional drive letter (e.g. CoPilot Live technical support web site at:
G, H, I, J, etc.).
2.5 Copy the 4 folders from step 1.3 to your
phone. Simply drag and drop the folders to
the phone s drive letter in My Computer.
Select Yes if prompted to overwrite an
existing folder.
2.6 The CoPilot Live folders will now be copied
to your phone s internal memory. This may
take at least 15 minutes.
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