Language and Skills Test 2B Units 3 4

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1 Complete the text. Use the correct forms of the words in capital letters.

I remember one Sunday afternoon

when I was young. It was

raining and I was (0) bored . I know


I was (1) ___________ because


I wanted to go to the beach.

I remember my little sister

was really (2) ___________ as well.


She kept on talking when I

wanted to read. Then suddenly,

my uncle arrived.

We were (3) ___________ because


we thought he was in hospital.

He took my sister and me to

the circus. It was (4) ___________


but I knew my sister was a bit

(5) ___________ by the animals.


At the end, all of us children

went to the middle of the tent

to sing a song. It was a bit

(6) ___________ but we did it and


then my uncle took us home.


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2 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

One day, about two years (0) ago , I was tidying (1) ___________ at home when I found an

old box. I opened it and inside there were hundreds of old letters and papers. I stayed

(2) ___________ really late, reading them and I found (3) ___________ some amazing things

about my family. There was lots to read and I kept (4) ___________ finding more interesting

things until almost morning. (5) ___________, I went to bed but the next day I started

(6) ___________ the book again. It was really great.


3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

0 Last week I (take) took two exams. I don’t know my results yet.

1 I (be) ___________ tired yesterday and this morning I (wake) ___________ up at ten o’clock.

2 I’m sorry, I (not see) ________________ you there. It’s so dark in here.

3 While you (talk) ________________ on the telephone, I (write) ________________ two letters.

4 Look at this. I (find) ________________ it on the way home.


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4 Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

When I was young I (0) ________ to be a professional footballer. I started (1) ________ when I

was 6 and I (2) ________ for a team. I was quite good. But, one day, while I (3) ________, I

(4) ________ my leg very badly. I was in hospital for 2 months and, after that, I was never very

good again. I (5) ________ help train children but I stopped (6) ________ that 2 or 3 years ago.

Now I only watch football on the TV.

0 a) was wanting

b) used to wanting

c) wanted








2 a) playing

b) used to play

c) play

3 a) played

b) used to play

c) was playing

4 a) was breaking

b) broke

c) used to break

5 a) did

b) was

c) used to

6 a) doing

b) to do

c) do


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5 Complete the questions and answers.

A (0) Were you waiting a long time?

B Yes, (1) ________________. I was waiting for 2 hours.

A (2) ________________ your English exam?

B No, (3) ________________. I got 34%.

A (4) ________________ to wear shorts to school?

B Yes,(5) ________________. And I used to be really embarrassed by them.

A (6) What ________________ by when the police arrived?

B I was eating lunch. I was really surprised when they came in.


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1 Listen to Professor Sykes talking about George Orwell. Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

CD Track 3

1 George Orwell’s name was

a) John Sykes.

b) Eric Blair.

c) George Orwell.

2 George


a) was born in England.

b) went to school in India.

c) lived in India for 4 years.

3 He started writing

a) at university.

b) in India.

c) at school.

4 After school he went to




India. c)


5 Down and Out in Paris and London was

a) published in 1927.

b) his first book.

c) written in Paris

6 George Orwell wrote Homage to Catalonia

a) in 1936.

b) in Spain.

c) in England.

7 His books are

a) easy to read.

b) not popular now.

c) interesting but difficult to read.


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1 Read the texts about five important events in recent British history. Match the headings (A-F) to the

correct texts (1-5). There is one extra heading.

5 Events That Changed Britain

1 The Great Train Robbery

In 1963 a gang of 13 men carried out one of the biggest robberies in British history. They stopped a
train and stole £2.3 million. During the robbery, the train driver was hit on the head and died 7 years
later. The police found their fingerprints and the gang travelled all over the world to escape but, in
the end, the police caught all thirteen of them. Nobody ever found the money.

2 The Coronation of Elizabeth II

King George VI was a very popular king and the country was heartbroken when he died in 1952.
The coronation of his daughter, Elizabeth, took place on June 2nd 1952. Twenty million people
watched on television and another 11 million listened to the coronation on the radio. While they
were listening and watching, news came in from Nepal that Edmund Hilary and Sherpa Tensig had
climbed to the top of Mount Everest, the first people to do so. They reached the top on May 29th
but news took four days to come through.

3 Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher became leader of the Conservative Party in Britain in 1975 when the Labour
Party were in power. There were many problems in Britain in the late 1970’s. People found it hard
to get jobs, prices were going up and, in 1979, the Conservative Party came up with a famous
slogan: ‘Labour isn’t working’. In May that year, Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister, the
first woman ever to be Prime Minister in Britain. She led the country for 11 years and changed it

4 The Beatles in America

At the end of 1963, The Beatles were the most popular pop group in England. Fans screamed at
their concerts and they sold millions of records. But, in America, nobody knew who they were. No
English groups were popular in America. Two months later, in February 1964, The Beatles were
number one in America and millions of people watched them on television on the Ed Sullivan show.
Over the next few years, many groups like The Rolling Stones and The Who also went to America
and changed the world of rock and roll.

5 The 1966 World Cup

In 1966, the world cup was played in England. The excitement started four months before when the
cup disappeared. A dog, named Pickles, found it in a garden and nobody ever knew who took it and
how it got into the garden. When the football started, England made it to the final against their old
enemies West Germany. It was an exciting match with 6 goals altogether, England winning 4-2.
Just before the last goal, some fans started running onto the pitch. The commentator famously said:
‘They think it’s all over’ and then, when the goal went in he continued: ‘It is now’

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A One day, two great events.




found. ________

C We needed a change.


D Americans in Britain.


E Six of the best.


F The British are coming.



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1 Complete the text with the words and phrases in the box.

was walking terrible felt happened shocked worst was

remember when

It (0)happened a few years ago. I (1) ____________ by 15 years old and I was in my last year of

middle school. I (2) ____________ by we had exams, very important exams to see what subjects

we could study at high school. My friend wrote an exam timetable for me – I didn’t have one

because I was ill. I worked all night because we had a History exam the next day.

I (3) ____________ by to school the next morning (4) ____________ by I met one of my

classmates. I started talking to him about the test, asking if he knew all the important dates. He

looked surprised but he didn’t say anything. When I got to school, I saw the sign: Today 9-12

Geography. It was the wrong exam! All that work for nothing! I (5) ____________ by really

(6) ____________ by. It was a (7) ____________ by time. I passed but I don’t know how. It was

the (8) ____________ by exam of my life!



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