Symbols of Courage (Revolution) Glossary

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Symbols of courage – Glossary

article noun [count]
a piece of writing about a particular subject that is
published in a newspaper or magazine:
He has written several articles for The Times.

autobiography noun [count]
a book about your life that you write yourself

biography noun [count]
a book that someone writes about someone else's

blind adjective
unable to see. Some people prefer to use the
expression visually impaired to talk about blind
Her father is completely blind.

braille noun [uncount]
a reading system for blind people that uses small
raised marks that they feel with their fingers:
The instructions were written in braille.

campaign noun [count]
a series of actions intended to produce political or
social change:
a literacy/recruitment/anti-drug campaign

companion noun [count]
a friend who you spend a lot of time with:
The dog soon became my constant companion.

constant adjective
continuous or regular over a long period of time:
a constant flow of traffic on the motorway

deaf adjective
not able to hear anything, or not able to hear very

deteriorate verb [intransitive]
to become worse:
The weather deteriorated rapidly so the game was

disadvantaged adjective
disadvantaged people do not have the same
advantages as other people, for example because
they do not have much money:
economically/socially disadvantaged

editor noun [count]
someone whose job is to edit books, documents, or
She worked as a script editor for years.

eyesight noun [uncount]
the ability to see:
My eyesight is really bad.

focus noun [singular]
the thing that people are concentrating on or
paying particular attention to:
The main focus of the discussion was the way in
which women are portrayed in advertising.

meningitis noun [uncount]
a serious illness that affects the outer part of the

overcome verb [transitive]
to succeed in dealing with or controlling a
Jimmy overcame his difficulties to graduate with a
first-class degree.

partially adverb
partially sighted (=not able to see well):
Her father is partially sighted.

prestigious adjective
admired and respected by people:
a prestigious school/institution/literary prize

restore verb [transitive]
to cause a particular situation to exist again,
especially a positive one:
By Sunday, electricity had been restored.

strict adjective
someone who is strict has definite rules that they
expect people to obey completely:
He's quite a strict trainer, but we all like him.

strike down phrasal verb [transitive]
to make someone die or become so ill that they can
no longer live a normal life:
As a tiny baby he was struck down by polio.

tireless adjective
working very hard without stopping:
a tireless worker
tirelessly adverb:
He campaigned tirelessly for peace.


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