Tressie Lockwood Teach Me to Love

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Teach Me to Love

Tressie Lockwood

Copyright © August 2010, Tressie Lockwood
Cover art by Anastasia Rabiyah © August 2010
ISBN 978-1-936110-86-5

This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel
are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to
reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

Sugar and Spice Press
North Carolina, USA

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Chapter One

Something about his eyes calmed her racing heart. Clear blue like the

Texas sky and complemented with dark hair tumbling over his forehead,
his gaze flickered from her to her student.

“I told you not to open the door, man,” Jeff said, waving his gun back

and forth. Several other students cowered in each other‟s arms, crying and
barely suppressing screams. Jeff tossed a threatening look in the stranger‟s
direction, but it faltered at the authority rolling off the man. “I don‟t want
to hurt nobody.”

“I know you don‟t, son. Just put down the weapon, and we can all go

home.” That was the voice of law enforcement, Bryah thought. Was he a

“Shut up,” Jeff yelled. He jerked the gun toward the stranger. To his

credit, the man didn‟t flinch or draw back. He held up his hands as if in
surrender, but with broad shoulders that filled her classroom doorway, he
could never be anything but in control.

Jeff turned to his classmates and aimed to the group Bryah had tagged

as the class troublemakers, the boys who thought they were exempt from
rules because their daddies had donated thousands to the Tarrant County
school system.

“I‟m just tired of being bullied, Ms. Douglass,” Jeff sobbed. “Nobody

would help me. Nobody cared.”

“I care, Jeff,” she assured him. She dared to glance away from Jeff to

the man in the door. He nodded encouragement. She swallowed, folded
her hands calmly on the desk, and continued. “If you‟ll put that gun down,
I promise we will talk about it, and I won‟t stop until something is done
about those who‟ve been messing with you.”

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He hesitated. Bryah prayed he would accept her offer. The teens in the

room would need to talk to the counselor after an ordeal like this, maybe
someone outside the school. Hell, she‟d need it too. Her light breakfast
from this morning threatened to come up she was so scared.

“The cops won‟t go for it,” Jeff said, shaking his head. “I‟m going to

spend the rest of my life in jail because of them.” He swung his weapon
back toward the bullies and to Bryah‟s, horror cocked it to fire. Bryah
began to shake. Her mind went blank. She could think of nothing that
would convince Jeff to let them all go.

“Ms. Douglass,” someone called. She turned to see that it was the

same stranger. Without thinking, she told him her first name. He smiled.
“Bryah. I‟m Gavin Crain, a Texas ranger, just here for the kindergartners‟
play. But I can promise Jeff if he‟ll cooperate with us, something can be
worked out for him.”

Bryah wondered why he was telling her all this instead of speaking

directly to Jeff, but then she remembered his reaction earlier when Gavin
had tried. Jeff had become angrier. Gavin must have guessed Jeff would
respond to her, but she didn‟t feel all that confident. She‟d rather let the
ranger handle it. Knowing he was law enforcement did calm her a little
and helped her to focus. She stared into his handsome face, willing him to
help her. He nodded for the second time as if to say, “You can do it. I‟m
here with you.”

Bryah squeezed her hands together until they hurt. He better be right,

or else. Sexy ranger or not, she‟d give him a piece of her mind if
something went wrong. Bryah had dated different races and had even been
engaged to an Asian man once. Common among all was her attraction to
dark-haired, mysterious types.

She looked at Jeff. Why the heck was she thinking of whether or not

she would date Gavin when she and her kids were in danger? Mental
defense mechanism, she decided, and pushed to get her mind in the game.

“Jeff, listen, I know you don‟t want to do this. You have your whole

life ahead of you, and like I always say, you all can come to me whenever
you need me.” She tried to smile, but her lips stuck to her teeth and felt

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Slowly, she stood up and came around the desk. Jeff twitched. She

stopped two feet between them and held her hand out. “I‟m willing to stay
late and work with you on the weekends. You know I care about you.”

The entire class seemed to hold its breath. Jeff didn‟t move. He held

the gun too tight with his finger on the trigger. Bryah met his frightened
gaze, hating herself for missing the signs that this was coming. Jeff had
been pushed beyond his endurance. She‟d thought the meeting with the
other kids and their parents had resolved the issue. She‟d been so wrong,
and Jeff had never said a word.

When he took two tiny steps closer to her, Bryah breathed a sigh of

relief. Her arm muscles had begun to ache, but she‟d kept her arm
extended, hoping he would give in. Jeff raised the weapon to place in her
palm when a comment from the back stopped him.

“Knew he was too chicken shit to do anything,” someone said in a

stage whisper.

A collective gasp went up. Tears filled Jeff‟s eyes. He swung to face

his accuser, but as he did, his finger must have slipped. The weapon went
off. Screams exploded all around her, and Bryah thought to calm
everyone, but the sting in arm distracted her. As if she was trapped in a jar,
all sounds muffled, she looked down at herself. A red stain spread fast
over her white sleeve.

“Oh no, I‟m sorry, Ms. Douglass,” Jeff yelled. “I‟m so sorry!”

Officers she hadn‟t even known were present in the school swarmed

the room. One of them landed on Jeff and slammed him facedown on the
floor. In seconds, he was cuffed, and the officer stood up, passing him to
another man. He moved to Bryah, standing above her by several inches—

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six-three or four, her mind figured in her dazed state. She realized it was

“Are you okay? We need to get you to a hospital.”
“I‟m fine,” she whispered, but her knees gave out, and she sagged

against him. His strong hands settled on her waist. Her eyelids drooped.
Before she blacked out, her senses registered his scent—a cross between
musk and patchouli. A woman could forget all the promises she made to
herself and fall hard for a man like Gavin Crain, Texas Ranger.

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Chapter Two

Bryah opened her eyes to a white, rippling curtain to her left. On her

right, someone slept in a chair. His head was bowed beneath a white
Stetson, arms crossed over his chest, and long, muscular legs stretched out
before him. She shifted a little and winced at the ache in her arm. The
wound from the shooting had been bandaged. She touched it lightly,
stunned all over again that she‟d been shot. Her groan alerted the man next
to her, and he raised his head to push his hat back.

“Are you okay?” came the deep, sexy drawl. She caught her breath. It

was the ranger from before. He‟d said his name was Gavin Crain.

“I‟m fine, thanks. How is Jeff? Did he get arrested?” She slipped her

legs over the side of the bed. “I have to get out of here and go down to the
station. They should know he‟s not a bad kid.”

Gavin stood up and pushed her shoulders back. It was a good thing

since dizziness overtook her. If she‟d tried to stand, she would have landed
on her face. So not done in front of hot men.

“Relax. If he was a good kid, he wouldn‟t have had the gun in the first


Bryah glared at him, shaking his hands off of her. “You wouldn‟t

understand. All you know is law and order, not about what people deal
with and what pushes them too far.”

He smirked, not the least bit intimidated by her expression. “Yeah a

cop wouldn‟t know a thing about how the criminal mind works.”

“Jeff is not a criminal!”
“He is now.”
She closed her eyes and put a hand to her forehead. If the doctor had

given her meds for pain, they weren‟t working. “Why are you here? You
did your job. I saw you cuff Jeff just before I blacked out.”

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Gavin didn‟t answer. When she peeked through slitted lids, she saw

that he‟d pulled the curtain aside to call a nurse. He turned back to bend
over her, his gaze filled with concern. “I wanted to make sure you‟re okay.
The bullet grazed your arm, thank goodness, but that wouldn‟t have
happened if I had done a better job taking control of the situation. I‟m

Bryah expected a few responses like him going on the defensive about

being off duty or not being allowed in the classroom, but she hadn‟t
expected an apology. She gazed up into those liquid blue eyes and found
herself drowning in them. Blinking, she looked away and reminded herself
that she‟d sworn off men, and a policeman? Hell no! She‟d been down that
road before and wasn‟t going back. “It‟s not your fault. I‟m sure during
your review, your superiors will find you were on point. You can go now.”

He affected a shiver and pretended to rub his hands together to ward

off frost bite. “Do you treat all men like this or is it just me?”

She pressed her lips together to keep from smiling. “Sorry. This

situation just got to me, I guess. What you said about Jeff ticked me off. I
understand how you feel, though, because what he did could have put your
child in danger too.”

His face went blank. “My child?”
“You said you were there for the kindergarteners‟ play. I assumed…”
“Oh no, my ex-sister-in-law dragged me in to see my nephew‟s play.

Trust me, there are a million and one things I‟d have rather been doing,
like catching speed demons on the highway.”

“So you don‟t like children.” Why did that fact annoy her? It‟s not like

she was sizing him up to date. He wasn‟t her type, she wasn‟t looking, and
his attitude so far left much to be desired. Still, a man with so much else
going for him seemed like a huge waste not to like kids.

The doctor came in and slid the curtain back. “Ah, I see we are awake.

Good. Let‟s do a few tests, and you should be able to go home. Do you
have someone to pick you up?”

Bryah scanned her mind for someone who could come, but she had no

family in North Richland Hills, Texas since she‟d moved here from
Maryland. Her friend, Redonna had moved to Virginia last year for a

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better job opportunity. Bryah was basically on her own. She tended to
keep to herself. “I can call my girlfriend Redonna to get me,” she lied.

“Good.” The doctor shined a light in her eyes, checked her motor

skills, and quickly examined her wound. He wrote out a couple
prescriptions and her release form and instructed her to follow up with her
primary care physician.

Bryah again swung her legs over the side of the bed. She didn‟t tell the

doctor about her dizziness, but instead, led him to believe her friend would
be at the exit waiting and she‟d be fine. It wasn‟t like she‟d been checked
in anyway. The emergency room was a busy place, so no one would pay
much attention. After the doctor entered the room, Gavin had drifted
toward the door and then disappeared. She probably wouldn‟t see him

Feeling disappointed about that fact, although knowing the man was

not the one for her, Bryah worked her way slowly out to the lobby and
then to the exit. The sun low in the sky still hurt her eyes. She squinted
and felt nausea rising. A hand on the wall beside her kept her from
toppling over. All she needed was to get her butt home and in bed.

“Is the person picking you up late?”
Bryah jumped. Gavin leaned on a pickup with his arms folded over his

chest. She frowned at him. “What are you still doing here?”

“Where‟s your friend?”
She pressed her lips together and started forward. Gavin blocked her

path and gestured to his vehicle. Something told her he‟d argue all night if
need be, and she‟d never win. Better to just give in because, the sooner she
got a ride, the sooner she could be home resting. “Fine. Thank you,” she
said grudgingly.

When they were settled and headed down the highway, she watched

Gavin with one arm resting on the driver side door while the other hand
lay on the wheel, barely steering with his fingertips. His hat rested
between them on the seat. The interior of the truck was permeated with his
scent. It teased her senses, making her want to touch him. Bryah bit down
on her lip and looked away.

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“So,” he said. She pretended not to hear. He touched a lock of her hair.

“Why do you hate me?”

“What?” She twisted to face him. “I don‟t hate you. I don‟t even know


He studied her when traffic slowed to a stop. Shadows from the

waning light hid his expression. “Then maybe it‟s like that old song says,
you‟re thinking of someone else when you look at me.”

The man was way too close to the mark for Bryah‟s comfort. She

decided to hedge. “Are you always so direct?”

“Pretty much. But you didn‟t answer my question.”
Bryah smiled despite herself. “I plead the fifth.”
He chuckled and didn‟t say more, but she wasn‟t letting him get off

that easily. Just because he was the law didn‟t mean he could get into her
personal business. A little turn about would get him clamming up real
quick. “So, what about you? Are you married?”

He looked horrified. “No, can‟t say that I am.”
She laughed. “I hear a „thank God‟ in there somewhere. Hey, your

brother took the plunge, even though it didn‟t work out.”

“Precisely.” He shook his head. “Don‟t get me wrong. Kate, my ex-

sister-in-law, is a good woman, responsible, soccer mom, that kind of
thing. Getting shackled? Not for me. I enjoy my life as it is. Thanks.”

“Wow, I don‟t think I‟ve met a man as honest as you are.” Before she

could continue the conversation, his cell phone rang, and he excused
himself. Bryah tried not to listen in on the call, but she couldn‟t help it,
being right there. His responses had her wondering what kind of
relationship he had with his sister-in-law and where his brother was.

“Yes, I‟m fine, Kate. I had to leave because it was my job. I‟d heard

the play was canceled anyway.” He paused. “Dinner? I‟m not sure.” He
glanced at Bryah. Was he going to ask her out? After what he‟d said about
not looking for anything serious? He had to be kidding given that most
women were searching for a man good enough to marry. No way he could
sense she didn‟t want to get involved. Then again, here she was, sitting
here thinking about whether he wanted to date her, and the truth was, she

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hoped he did want to. If she was honest with herself like he‟d been, she‟d
admit deep inside, she still hoped to find love. Idiot, she grumbled silently.

Gavin ended his conversation and waited until he pulled up in front of

her house before he spoke again. “So I was thinking maybe you and I
could grab a little dinner sometime.” He winked. “Tonight would be

Bryah shook her head, smiling. “Man, you move fast. Do you pick up

women on the job regularly, or is this a trial run?”

“Are you always so snarky, or it special for me?” he countered.
She stuck out her tongue. “It‟s just for you, law man.” She opened the

car door, stepped out, and then turned back to him. “How about Friday

He jumped at the offer. “Deal. I‟ll pick you up at seven.” Not waiting

for her confirmation of the time, he backed his truck out of her driveway
and disappeared down the road. What possessed her to accept a date from
a man who reminded her of the fiancé she‟d lost years ago? And to banter
with him wasn‟t even like her. One would think she was used to hitting it
off with men and dating freely. She wasn‟t. Her last relationship had
ended in tragedy.

Dating Gavin might be a mistake, but hell, he had said he wasn‟t

interested in marriage. As long as she went into this with her eyes wide
open, she couldn‟t get hurt.

She spun toward her front door and unlocked it before going inside.

Only after she‟d kicked off her shoes and started a frozen dinner in the
microwave did she remember all that had happened that day. Emotions
held at bay—from fear to sadness—hit her at once. She sank down on the
floor and cried for a long time.

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Chapter Three

Since school was canceled the next day, Bryah decided to go down to

the police station to find out what had happened with Jeff and to talk to his
mother. The officer at the station turned her away, but she had Jeff‟s
parent‟s number, so she tried his house. No one answered. She guessed
they had already been plagued with the media trying to get interviews, so
she left a voicemail and hoped for a callback later. The thought occurred
to her that Jeff‟s family might feel the school system, and she in particular,
had let Jeff down. She wanted to show them that she was here now. She‟d
do what she could and leave the rest to God.

Bryah had had to catch a bus down to the police station since she‟d left

her car at school. She walked the short distance to her place of
employment and found it. Before she could even unlock the door,
reporters came from nowhere, sticking microphones in her face and
shouting questions.

“No comment,” Bryah insisted. They wouldn‟t be put off.
“Do you work at the school, or are you one of the parents?” someone

demanded. “What do you think of what Jeff Coles did? Do you think the
school system failed him, or his parents?”

Bryah opened her mouth to answer, but a siren blared its interruption.

The crowd parted. “Okay, folks, enough of your harassment. Move it
along.” Bryah blinked twice at the man coming toward her. He was the
spitting image of Gavin, only shorter with narrower shoulders.

As he drew up to her, he offered her that charming smile she‟d come

to recognize on southern men. “Are you okay, ma‟am?”

“I‟m fine, thanks.” She hesitated. Glancing over his shoulder, she saw

that his partner was directing the reporters away from her. A few had
spotted another school employee and were in hot pursuit. Bryah returned

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her attention to the ranger. “Um, I hope you don‟t mind me asking, but do
you know another ranger named Gavin Crain? You look just like him.”

He grunted. “He looks like me. That‟s my baby brother. You know


“Not really,” she hedged, for some reason not wanting to admit she‟d

gotten a date out of a bad situation. In retrospect, it seemed tacky and
insensitive. “I met him yesterday at the school…”

He nodded. “The kid with the gun.” His blue eyes, which matched

Gavin‟s, darkened in anger. “My son happened to be in there at the time. I
hope they throw the book at him.”

Bryah said nothing. What could she say? Anyone would be out of their

minds with worry if their child had been thrown into a situation like that.
Hell, Bryah was pretty sure if she had one, she would yank her son or
daughter out of here permanently. She looked up at the school and
shivered, remembering. How she would return like nothing had ever
happened and feel safe, she didn‟t know.

Thoughts of parental protection made her shift her gaze to Gavin‟s

older brother. Gavin had mentioned his ex-sister-in-law making him come
to her son‟s play, but he hadn‟t said anything about his brother.

The elder Crain reached to open her door. “We‟d like to keep the

grounds clear while we conduct our investigation. Are you a parent, or do
you work here?”

“I‟m a teacher. I was in the classroom where—”
“You‟re Bryah Douglass.”
She blinked in surprise.
He shrugged. “Like I said, we‟re investigating. One of my fellow

officers took your statement down at the hospital yesterday.”

“Of course.” She touched her forehead. “After everything, I‟m a little

out of it.”

“I don‟t blame you.” He waited until she slipped into the car, turned

over the engine, and rolled down the window. “You have a nice day, Ms.

“Thank you.”

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Bryah pulled out of the school parking lot and headed toward home.

She sighed. Two seriously hot rangers in two days. Was she being forced
to face her past or what? Sure, she was bound to deal with the police after
what had happened, but it seemed a bit much. While she thought of the
past, she began to rethink her decision to go out with Gavin. As she took
the ramp onto the northeastern loop of interstate 820, she dug into her
purse. Gavin‟s card lay in the inner pocket.

He answered his cell on the second ring. “Crain.”
“Um, hi,” she said, sounding like an idiot. “This is Bryah.”
His tone dropped to a pitch that made her want to find him and jump

him right now. “Hey, I hadn‟t yet programmed your number into my
phone. How are you, Bryah? Did you get some sleep last night?”

She shivered at his use of her name. “Yes, thanks. I took one of my

pills, and it must have been different from what they gave me at the
hospital, because it knocked me on my back. I didn‟t wake up until

Wracking her brain, she tried to come up with a viable excuse to break

off their date. Nothing he wouldn‟t question came to mind.

“So I was thinking we‟d go to Chipotle Mexican Grill day after

tomorrow. What do you think? Been there?”

She chewed her lip. “Um.”
“You‟re not backing out, are you?” He tsked. “See? Breaking my heart


She smirked. “Yeah, right. Anyway, I met your brother just a few

minutes ago.” Silence on his end. Bryah pulled the phone from her ear to
see if she‟d lost the connection, but it was still open. “Are you there?”

“I‟m here.” His tone was flat. “Did my brother hit on you?”
She frowned. “No, why would he?” Okay, she didn‟t need psychic

ability to figure out there was friction between the two, or at least from
Gavin‟s side. His brother had seemed easy-going and friendly.

“No reason.” Gavin let the matter drop. “You‟re not going to

disappoint me, are you, Bryah? Not when I had my heart set on us getting
to know each other?”

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“Fine.” How could she get out of it now? Besides, one date wouldn‟t

hurt anything. She‟d just tell him her schedule was full from now on or
just admit there was no way in hell she‟d date anyone in law enforcement
after her fiancé had been killed in the line of duty. Since she‟d never let
herself care about Gavin, she wouldn‟t get hurt. No muss, no fuss.
“Chipotle Mexican Grill sounds great. I have been there a couple times,
but it‟s been awhile. Who doesn‟t love Mexican, right?”

“Right!” he said with enthusiasm. “Like I said, I‟ll pick you up at


“I‟ll be waiting.” Only after she‟d disconnected did she think about

how lame her last line was. Sheesh, four years out of the dating scene
wasn‟t so long she‟d forgotten how to talk to a man. Sure, Gavin was fine,
and before she‟d lost her fiancé, she‟d thought, like every other woman,
that men in uniform were the sexiest on the planet, but while Bryah‟s
experience with men wasn‟t vast, it wasn‟t limited either.

She‟d had her share of boyfriends, dating ever since she was fourteen.

And when she had made the decision to give up her virginity to her first
love at eighteen, well, she hadn‟t looked back. At the time, the biggest
dream Bryah had was for a husband and children. Being a teacher came
second to that. Now, all she had was her career.

“Okay, get a grip, Bryah. It‟s not like you‟re old at twenty-nine.” Her

heart still ached, but much less so. Before Gavin, she‟d written off men
because of her loss. Yet, now, oddly enough, she thought dating wasn‟t
such a taboo. Not Gavin, but someone. This was the start, she decided, for
a new outlook. “One date. That‟s all the ranger‟s getting, but then I‟m
getting back out there to see what fate brings my way.”

* * * *

Friday night rolled around, and Bryah stood before her full length

mirror, surveying her outfit. Since it was another scorching day and the
sun hadn‟t gone down yet, she‟d opted to dress in a mini jean skirt and a
cotton matching top styled loosely enough that she could pull the sleeves
off her shoulders for a sexier look. She tried it out and decided it was too

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much with the skirt, and slipped them back in place. After buckling on
silver Kamelot sandals, she was ready to go. Right on time. When she
moved from the back of her rancher toward the front, Gavin rang the

Bryah stopped in front of it, paused to take in a few deep breaths, and

then opened the door. He wore faded jeans that hugged his hips, cowboy
boots, and a T-shirt that showed he was an obvious fan of the Texas
Longhorns. Bryah wouldn‟t have been surprised to learn his favorite color
was burnt orange. Texas men were like that, she knew. So unlike the guys
she‟d dated in Baltimore.

“Ready to go?” he asked, and pushed the unruly lock of hair that fell

onto his forehead. She noted he‟d left the Stetson at home, or maybe in the

“I‟m ready.”
Bryah locked her front door and walked alongside Gavin to his pickup.

She felt his eyes on her and looked over at him. The man had no shame
about staring. He reached across and tugged at one of her sleeves until it
loped off her shoulder. “You look great in that top. Have you considered
wearing it like this?”

She grinned. “So you can ogle me all night? Besides, it‟s not

respectable. What if one of my students, or worse, their parents saw me
like that?”

He helped her into the truck, his hand lingering longer than necessary

at her lower back. “Darlin‟, teachers can be sexy too.” He winked after she
was settled, directing his gaze to her half bare thighs. “Boy oh boy, can
they ever.”

When he was seated behind the wheel, she continued the conversation.

“I can‟t believe you‟re hitting on me like this. I mean, where‟s that
southern man charm?” She shook her head with a mock surprised
expression on her face.

Gavin reached across and threaded his fingers between hers before

raising her hand to his lips. He kissed the back of her hand, and a delicious
shiver raced over Bryah‟s skin. When she came to her senses, she pulled
away and tucked both hands out of his reach.

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Gavin chuckled. He wasn‟t the least put off. “Oh, I have charm to

spare. Trust me. But I also believe in going after what I want and being
honest about my intentions. You‟re beautiful and desirable. I‟m not
expecting you to give yourself to me on the first night, but I do want it
known I‟m interested. Very interested.”

His actions and words didn‟t put Bryah off either. She‟d dated a few

men who thought pretending they were only interested in her mind was the
way to get into her panties. She supposed every man had his methods—
women too, for that matter.

“So ,you‟re not the flowers and gifts type of man. You‟re a player.”
Bryah expected Gavin to deny it, but she should have known better.

“I‟m both. Relationships are about give and take. If flowers and gifts are
what you want, you get them. Same difference if I want to go to a football

She grunted. “I‟ll have to knuckle down and take it like a woman.”
He burst out laughing. “Yeah, something like that. But we‟re getting

ahead of ourselves. Let‟s enjoy dinner first.”

“Yeah, let‟s.”

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Chapter Four

Bryah considered being good and choosing Chipotle Mexican Grill‟s

salad. Their idea of salad was a bit weightier than the normal garden
variety, including beef or chicken, beans, and a few other delicious
ingredients. But what Bryah really wanted was their famous chips and
guac. Maybe Gavin wouldn‟t think she was a complete pig if she refused
to share. And hell, if she was going with the chips, damn it, she should just
get what she really wanted—the fajita burrito.

While she stared at the menu, coming to a decision, he whispered in

her ear and laid a hand half on the curve of her butt. “It looks like you just
had an argument with yourself and won. Dare I ask?”

She raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down before removing

his hand. “You‟re not getting any of my chips.”

He grinned. “Oh, it‟s like that?”
Bryah smirked. A country boy trying to speak slang was funny. “Yes,

it is.” She turned to the cashier and placed her order. Before she could pull
out money to pay, Gavin covered her hand.

“I have it.” He placed his order and paid. Gavin scooped up Bryah‟s

food when it came, along with his own, and led the way to a table outside.
Just to be smart as they sat down, he swiped one of her chips and crunched
loudly on it. “Mm, that‟s fresh.”

“You are so going to pay for that,” she warned.
His blue eyes sparkled with mischief. “Promise?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter. Not like that.” She shook her head.

“Why exactly did I decide to go out with you?”

“Because my charm has no bounds.”
She pretended to consider what he said. “No, that‟s not it.”

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“You wound me, teach.” His gaze shifted to her arm. “How is your

arm? Are you feeling any better?”

The light mood he‟d teased her into dampened right away. She put a

hand over her bandage. While she‟d dressed, she considered not wearing
anything that would show it, but her sleeves covered most of it, so she‟d
gone with this top. After what had happened a few days ago, she hadn‟t
yet returned to work. “It‟s better. Thanks. Doesn‟t hurt much anymore.
Like you said, it was a flesh wound.”

“And what about your head?”
She frowned. “My head?”
He tore open the foil wrapped around his burrito. “Yeah, the mental

aspect of it. I can‟t believe it‟s easy to bounce back from something like
that. Have you returned to work or talked to anyone about what

Bryah was surprised at his sensitivity, that he realized the

psychological impact her ordeal had had. She knew from speaking to the
principal at her school that several kids had needed to talk to a therapist,
and some refused to return to school. She pushed those thoughts out of her
mind and focused on her food. “I don‟t want to talk about that tonight. Can
we change the subject?”

“Of course. What would you like to talk about?”
She opened her mouth to ask him more about himself when a beautiful

woman with long, blonde hair stopped at the table. “Gavin, what are you
doing here?” The woman leaned over and pressed full red lips to his
cheek, way too close to his mouth in Bryah‟s opinion.

Gavin glanced up. “Oh, hey, Kate. Good to see you.”
Kate? So this was the ex-sister-in-law, Bryah remembered. By the way

she rested a slender hand on Gavin‟s shoulder and stood close to him
while chatting, Bryah didn‟t doubt the woman had designs on him. Except
for the fact that he didn‟t want to settle down, Bryah couldn‟t imagine why
he‟d resisted her until now.

Kate was tall and slender, a size zero if Bryah had to guess, and she

was beautiful. Her southern drawl and cute laugh should have had men
falling at her feet, not to mention Gavin. Bryah studied Gavin‟s face to see

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if he was into Kate like she was into him, but couldn‟t tell. Gavin‟s
expression was just as friendly as it had been with her, maybe warmer. But
she wasn‟t sure if the warmth was attraction or him thinking of the woman
as family.

He seemed to feel her watching him and looked at her. “Oh, I‟m sorry.

Bryah, this is my brother‟s ex-wife, Kate. Kate, this is Bryah.”

She didn‟t rate a title just yet, and she was glad he‟d left it that way.

Bryah offered a polite hello, meeting the woman‟s gaze. Kate‟s eyebrows
rose when she focused on Bryah, and her mouth formed a small o. Bryah
could speculate on what that meant, but didn‟t go there.

“Hello, good to meet you,” Kate responded. She pouted at Gavin and

swatted his shoulder. “Do you have to keep introducing me with a
connection to Kyle? How about this is my close friend, Kate, or

“Next time,” Gavin promised.
Kate snapped her fingers. “Wait, I know that name, Bryah. I remember

thinking it was odd, so it stuck in my mind. Where did I hear it?” She
tapped her lips in thought. Bryah shifted in her chair and played with a

Gavin rushed to distract Kate. “So Remy…”
“Oh, yes, Remy,” Kate said. “I have to make it up to him somehow for

his play. I‟m thinking about taking him to the Fort Worth Stock Show and
Rodeo. Say you‟ll come. He‟s been begging me to go, and he wants his
Uncle Gavin to be there.”

“Why don‟t you take Kyle? He needs to spend more time with him. I

think that‟s who Remy wants most of all, not me.”

Now, things were getting personal. Bryah had breathed a sigh of relief

when Gavin directed Kate‟s thoughts away from her, but now they were
getting into what looked like an old debate on how uninvolved Kyle was
in his son‟s life. Bryah considered excusing herself to go to the bathroom.
Then again, she was getting pissed that this whole thing was going on
during her date. If Gavin wanted to be with Kate, why didn‟t he just go
after her? A blind man could see she was all for it.

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She picked up her purse and twisted slightly in her chair. Gavin

touched her hand, and for the second time that evening, threaded his
fingers with hers. “We‟ll talk about it later, Kate. Right now, I‟m on a
date. Would you excuse us?”

Kate blinked. “A date?” She looked at Bryah. “Really?”
What, like Bryah wasn‟t his type? Or was it that competition for her

was a joke? Bryah did everything she could not to say anything. She knew
seeing Gavin wasn‟t a good idea. Now it looked like he had a little
baggage, and she had more than enough of her own. She was about to
suggest she leave, but Gavin squeezed her fingers. She stayed quiet.

“I apologize,” Kate said. She looked sincere. Bryah couldn‟t be sure.

“I‟ll call you later, Gavin. You two have a great night, and it was nice
meeting you, Bryah.”

“You too,” she responded.
Kate walked away, but Bryah wondered if she was still between her

and Gavin. It didn‟t matter, though. She wasn‟t planning on repeating
tonight. When she redirected her gaze from watching Kate leave, it was to
find Gavin studying her. She raised her eyebrows. “What?”

He twisted her hand over so that her palm faced upward. When he

began drawing small circles in the center, she shivered and tried to pull
away, but he wouldn‟t allow it. “I‟m pretty good at reading women.”

“Yes.” Gavin offered her one of his chips. She hesitated and then took

a small bite. “I can see the wheels churning in your head. You‟re ready to
bolt like a frightened filly.”

“I am not!” She was such a liar.
“I don‟t believe you.” He grinned and dipped another chip in

guacamole to offer that to her as well. Bryah took some, but it was doing
nothing to distract her from the touch of his other hand. Gavin went on
with his evaluation of her. “You‟re scared to date me. The question is
why. I mean, interracial couples are common place nowadays, if that‟s
your concern.”

“No, of course not.” She didn‟t have to consider it. “I was once

engaged to an Asian man.”

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He nodded knowingly. “Ah, now we come to the meat of the


Bryah laughed. “And that is?”
“Never mind. Tell me about him.”
She finally got her hand free, and folded her arms over her chest,

leaning back. “Why don‟t you tell me about you and Kate? It‟s obvious
she wants you. And no, before you ask, I‟m not jealous.”

“I wasn‟t going to be so insensitive.” In two bites, he finished off his

food, and then dragged a napkin over his mouth. After he‟d finished
chewing, he continued the conversation. “Kate and I go way back to high
school. She and I were in the same year. While Kyle was two ahead. We
dated a while, but when she realized I had different goals in life, she
moved on. Simple.”

“No, not so simple. She didn‟t just find another man. She found your

brother.” Bryah didn‟t want to push the point, or then he would think she
was jealous. Their relationship had nothing to do with her. But she knew
women, too, and she knew Kate had gone after Kyle only to stay close to
Gavin and, hopefully, to make him want her more. What she‟d planned
hadn‟t come through. If she was the good woman Gavin claimed she was,
that was the case or close to it. If she was a skank, then that was a whole
other ballgame, and she was open to sleeping with any man, her first
love‟s brother or not.

“Yeah, I admit that got to me at first.” He shrugged. “But it‟s been

years. What we had is in the past. Now, you tell me about your Asian.”

She mimicked his shrug. “He died before our wedding day. Nothing

much to tell.”

“Somehow I doubt that, but we‟ll leave it there.” Gavin stood up when

she was finished eating, and he gathered their trash to dump into the
receptacle. Afterward, they headed out to his truck. Gavin paused at the
door. “Okay, the night is young. What would you like to do? Just name it.
I will lay it at your pretty feet.”

She grinned. “Really?”

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She hesitated. “Okay, well I know you‟ll think I‟m nuts, but I always

wanted to try miniature golf. I‟m lousy at most sports, but this is different,

Gavin looked insulted, and Bryah had to press her lips together to keep

from laughing. “I‟ll have you know that I am very good at miniature golf,
and I consider it a great sport. Not everyone can master the more confined
spaces to put their balls into.”

This time, Bryah did laugh, and Gavin joined in. She was pretty sure

he‟d chosen his wording on purpose. They headed over to Grapevine
Highway to a place called Mountasia Family Fun Center. Bryah stood in
awe at the layout of the golf course. Caves and waterfalls—she felt like a
little kid as the excitement began to build inside her. When they got to the
start of the course, and Gavin stood behind her to show her proper club
swinging techniques, Bryah‟s emotions took a whole other direction.

Gavin wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his hands over

hers. His breath warmed her neck when he spoke. “Stand with your feet
slightly apart and hold the club this way.”

How was she going to concentrate with his shaft, which was obviously

stiff, pressing into her back? She swallowed and tried to focus. When
Gavin guided her through hitting the ball, she felt something else hard and
frowned. “What‟s that?”

“Oh, sorry.” He reached a hand up toward his underarm and shifted

something. She realized then that he was armed. The fact that he was a
ranger came back to mind, although it was never far. Gavin had a
commanding presence even when he was smiling and looking out for her
comfort. She could so fall for him.

She screwed up her lips, eyeing him. “You just want to feel me up.”
Gavin laughed. “And you want me to.” To demonstrate, he scooted in

close, this time making no attempt to teach her anything. His palms grazed
her arms, sending shivers over her skin and drawing goose bumps to the
surface. He laced her jaw line with tiny kisses and nuzzled under her chin
with his nose. Breathing deep, he took in her scent. Bryah told herself to
move away, but her feet refused the order.

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“I know what you want,” Gavin whispered in her ear.
She swung her head in his direction. “You don‟t—”
He covered her lips with his. Bryah, at first, gasped, and then she

accepted the kiss, wanting it as much as he had. She admitted to herself
from the first moment she‟d opened her door to him, she‟d wanted to see
what it would be like to kiss this sexy man and feel his arms around her. If
nothing else, intimacy in her life had been missing far too long. She
twisted in his hold and lifted her arms to encircle his neck. His hard body
lined hers, and Bryah felt herself getting wetter and wetter. If she didn‟t
stop now, things would go a direction she didn‟t intend.

With their tongues intertwined, greedily tasting each other and their

lips locked, Bryah couldn‟t bring herself to draw back. She moaned,
desperate for more. After several minutes with her lost in his touch, it was
Gavin who regained his senses enough to break the kiss.

Panting and wiping the corners of his mouth with his knuckles, Gavin

shook his head. “I knew that was going to be good, but not that good.”

Bryah blushed and swung away, fiddling with her club. “That was

moving a little too fast for me.”

“Forgive me. That was my fault.” He moved around with a hand

extended to touch her arm, but withdrew like he dare not. “We should get
moving so we don‟t block anyone else.”

“Oh, right. Yeah.”
Bryah took a swipe at the ball, screwed up the hit a few times, and

then Gavin took his turn. They moved from hole to hole, enjoying
themselves. Bryah found herself laughing until her stomach muscles ached
between her lousy playing and Gavin‟s funny stories of his encounters
with people in his job. After a couple hours of playing, they headed to
Gavin‟s truck. After he drove her back to her house, he walked her to her
door like a gentleman and waited until she got it unlocked.

“I had a great time tonight,” he told her.
She laid a hand on his chest and felt his heartbeat thumping fast. She

was hot for more action like they‟d had at the start of the miniature golf
game, and from the feel of it, he was too.

“So did I,” she murmured.

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“Go out with me again.”
Bryah hesitated. She‟d rehearsed to herself over and over during the

date that this was the first and last time. Dating a ranger was a mistake.
But, like earlier, when her feet had disobeyed her brain‟s command, her
mouth wouldn‟t form the word no. “Sure, I‟d love to.”

Gavin scooped her up against his chest and kissed her gently before

releasing her just as quickly. “I‟ll call you tomorrow to set the time and
date. Now, go inside so I can be sure you‟re safe.”

She couldn‟t argue when he was being chivalrous. “Good night,” she

whispered, and went inside. With her back pressed to the door and her
breaths coming in ragged pants, she listened to him start his truck and roar
off down the street. She must be out of her mind, and yet, nothing but
excitement zinged along her veins.

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Chapter Five

Bryah had been seeing Gavin for a couple of weeks, practically every

day. She‟d long since abandoned the resolve not to date a policeman and
opted for not to fall in love. So far, she believed she was safe. Now, sexual
attraction was a whole other matter.

“So, you‟re saying at the four month dating mark is when sex

happens,” Gavin said, looking at her like she was an alien.

She laughed. “Four months isn‟t a long time. I mean, we hardly know

each other, and we‟ve only gone out, what, a hand full of times.”

Gavin walked over and took the club from her hand. They had made

mini-golfing their habit because Bryah loved it even though she stunk at
the game. He switched the club to his other hand, then threaded his fingers
between hers. A small tug had her flat against his chest, Gavin‟s apparent
favorite place to keep her. Bryah wasn‟t complaining. He stared down into
her eyes, a challenge in his blue depths.

“Yeah, somehow I think we‟re not going to make it, darlin‟.”
“That‟s because you can‟t keep your hands to yourself, ranger.”
He reached around and smacked her on the butt. “Come on. Let‟s get

out of here. Your game isn‟t getting any better.”

“Oh, that is so cold.” She rolled her eyes at him, and he laughed. Hand

in hand, they returned to his truck and drove on down the highway. When
she spotted the Krispy Kreme, Bryah squeezed his arm. “Let‟s stop,
please. I am having a major craving for something sweet.”

Rather than hit the drive-thru, Gavin parked the truck, and they headed

inside. Gavin stood behind Bryah with his hands on her shoulders while
she ordered. “I‟d like one Boston cream, one chocolate glaze cake, one
plain, and one New York cheesecake.” She glanced over her shoulder at
him to find his eyebrows nearly in his hairline.

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“That‟s some sweet tooth. I‟m not sure there‟s any left for me to buy.”
Bryah elbowed him in the stomach only to hurt herself for her

troubles. His abs were flesh-coated steel. He noticed her wince right away
and rubbed her arm while holding her tight. “Be careful. I don‟t want you
hurt, ever.”

A warm feeling rolled over her at his words, and for a minute, Bryah

forgot everything and everyone else—that is, until someone cleared their
throat. She looked around, embarrassed at the woman standing behind the
counter. The slight disgust in her expression didn‟t faze Bryah for a
moment. She had to admit, spending time with Gavin made her happier
than she‟d been in a long time.

Gavin put in his order, rounding out their donuts to a dozen and

promising she could take the rest home for tomorrow. Bryah was turning
her head from his kiss when she noticed a man enter who just didn‟t look
right. She was about to ask Gavin what he thought, but his attention was
already on the man. Bryah‟s stomach tightened. Please, no.

The man wore a Stetson pulled low over his forehead, and his clothes

were rumpled. He kept one hand shoved inside his denim jacket pocket.
Bryah couldn‟t believe the man would even wear it in this heat. Sure, the
restaurant was cool, but outside, the weatherman had said the temperature
had gotten up to ninety-nine. After the sun went down, the night cooled
just a little.

Gavin gave Bryah a quick squeeze at her waist. “You stay right here.

Don‟t move.”

He didn‟t have to tell her twice. She‟d had more than enough drama

lately and prayed this would not be another episode. But as she watched
Gavin talk to the man, offer his southern charm smile, and direct the man
to the door, she breathed a little easier. Gavin might look like he was all
friendly and easygoing, but she‟d learned in the short time she knew him,
that he was always on alert, even when off duty.

When he delayed coming back, fear tightened the muscles in her chest.

She prayed things didn‟t get out of hand after he‟d left the restaurant. Or
maybe he‟d gone out there because he knew they would. No, she told

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herself. This was not like what had happened to her fiancé. Even while she
chanted the words to herself, her fear wouldn‟t let her believe it.

With stiff, jerky movements, Bryah made her way over to the door.

Just as she reached it, Gavin pulled it open and met her face to face. Bryah
sagged into his arms. “Tell me it‟s okay.”

“Of course.” His arms came around her, and he crushed her to him.

“What‟s wrong, Bryah? Nothing happened, yet you‟re shaking. Did it
remind you of what happened at school?”

She shook her head, but didn‟t look up. He guided her to the counter,

where they paid for their donuts, and then returned to his truck. Bryah
didn‟t utter a word until they pulled up in front of her house. As he usually
did, Gavin took her keys and unlocked the house. This time, he led her
inside to her living room, flicked on a light, and then pulled her down on
the couch.

“Now, talk to me,” he insisted.
Bryah wrung her hands together in her lap while she stared at the floor.

She swallowed a few times, trying to pull herself together. When she shut
her eyes, she remembered the past in vivid color, saw his casket, and felt
herself screaming at his loss. “I told you I used to be engaged, but he

“Yes.” He waited in silence for her to continue. She appreciated that.
“He was a policeman in Baltimore city. We had just set the date. Since

neither of us wanted anything elaborate, we were planning a tiny thing
with our closest family and friends in a month‟s time. But one night he
was working the night shift. On his way home, he stopped at a
convenience store. And…”

“Oh, no, darlin‟, I can see where this is going. I‟m so sorry.” Gavin

lifted her onto his lap and held her tight. “If it helps, you can tell me the
rest. If not, it‟s okay. I can‟t really calm your fears. I can only be here now
for you.”

Bryah burst out crying. Her sobs wracked her body while she clung to

Gavin. He stroked her back and whispered gentle words. She couldn‟t
really hear him over her crying, but the low rumble of his voice comforted
her, and she didn‟t feel so alone.

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After a long time, her cries settled to sniffs and sighs. She lay curled in

Gavin‟s arms, her hands in her lap and her face buried against his neck.
“I‟m sorry.”

“Don‟t be,” he murmured.
“I used to tell myself that at least the police caught the man who shot

him, that knowing that helped me to heal. I don‟t think I‟m holding
anything inside, but seeing you tonight deal with that guy…he had a gun,
didn‟t he?”

Gavin hesitated, but then answered truthfully. “Yes. His permit

checked out. He didn‟t actually commit a crime, but I did call a buddy to
keep an eye out tonight.” Gavin tucked a wayward curl behind her ear and
lifted her chin. “I know how traumatizing something like that can be. I see
it in my profession sometimes. There are no words that could take away
your fears, but I‟m here. I‟ll stay if you want me to until you‟re feeling

She looked at him. “Gavin—”
“No strings. Just an ear to listen and strong arms if you need to be

held,” he promised.

She saw the sincerity in his eyes. Besides, Gavin had never pretended

to be anything other than what he was. From what she saw of his
character, he didn‟t scheme and plot. If he was trying to play on her
emotions, he would have said so, but he was too honorable a man to do
something like that. After a while, she nodded. “Yes, I‟d like that. Thank
you so much. It‟s so pathetic that I‟m sitting here crying over another man
when we were out on a date.”

He looked pained for a second, and then he smiled. “No worries.”
Later, Gavin followed her to her room, and Bryah showered and

dressed in an oversized T-shirt and men‟s boxers. Gavin showered and
laid beside her in her bed just in his boxers. She wondered if it was a good
idea, or if he would keep his hands from roaming, but the truth was, she
didn‟t want to be alone. She‟d been alone for what felt like forever. And if
she was really honest with herself, she‟d admit that she cared about Gavin.
The thought of losing him like she‟d lost her fiancé was what had gotten to

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her tonight. They‟d just been hitting it off, and even if the relationship
wasn‟t going anywhere, she‟d like to think he would remain a close friend.

Bryah settled in his arms, and after she‟d found a good, comfortable

place with her head on his chest, she drifted off. The steady beat of
Gavin‟s heart made her feel safe and secure, like no bad guy could touch
her as long as he was near.

* * * *

Bryah woke with a start and looked around her room. She glanced at

the bedside clock to find it was two in the morning. Thinking about how
she‟d confessed her past pain to Gavin made her recall that he was there.
His arm was a heavy weight thrown over her waist. Bryah watched him
sleeping. His broad chest rose and fell while he uttered soft sighs.

In the moonlight, Bryah made out Gavin clearly. From his peaceful

face to his rock hard abs to his… Wetness pooled between her legs.
Gavin‟s shaft tented his boxer shorts, and Bryah had to dig her fingernails
in her palms to keep from stroking him. They‟d agreed his staying was
with no expectation of sex, but all she wanted was to ride him and bring
herself to a screaming orgasm. Was it rebound? How could it be when it
had been two years since her fiancé passed? And it wasn‟t like she‟d just
met Gavin tonight. Still, she‟d been upset, and her emotions might be out
of whack.

She sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. With her back

to Gavin, she struggled with what to do. The man was hot, no doubt about
that. They were both adults. Hell, before her fiancé, Bryah had thought
nothing of hooking up with a man just for sex. Not often, but she‟d been
open to it. After she‟d fallen in love, her whole life seemed to change.
Now, she lived the quiet, staid life of a schoolteacher like women in her
profession couldn‟t and didn‟t get theirs when they wanted. She sighed.

Gavin shifted behind her, and he sat up to rest a hand on her shoulder.

“Hey, you okay? Bad dream?” His voice was deeper with sleep, turning
her on even more.

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“I‟m fine.” She spun around and pushed him until he fell backward

onto his pillow. His eyes grew wide, but she knew he‟d get it when she
laid a hand over his shaft. The thick member expanded seconds after her
touch, and she marveled at how it lengthened under her fingers. Bryah
shifted her gaze from Gavin‟s erection to his face and was surprised at his

He covered her hand with his. “Bryah, I don‟t want you to do anything

you don‟t want to do. Are you sure about this?”

She tried to stroke and squeeze him. He shuddered like he was fighting

the pleasure she gave him, but he didn‟t allow her to move more than an

“Tell me, darlin‟, or we go no further.”
“I‟m sure it‟s what I want,” she whispered.
He removed her hand from his shaft, and she thought he was rejecting

her, but instead, he sat up and rolled her over onto her back. His thumb
brushed her cheek, and he stared down into her eyes before giving her a
gentle kiss. When he drew back, Bryah sucked in a shuddering breath. Just
like the first time he‟d kissed her, he robbed the ability to reason from her
mind until all she could think about was having more of him. No wonder
he‟d asked if she was sure. The man had skills of seduction without even

“I‟ve wanted you from the first moment I laid eyes on you.” His gaze

dropped to her lips. “I know it wasn‟t an appropriate time to think that and
probably why I screwed up, but it‟s true nevertheless.”

She could find no words to respond. He tugged at her T-shirt, and

Bryah glanced down to see that her nipples were defined through the thin
material. Gavin pushed a hand through his hair, which had fallen over onto
his forehead. His breaths came in heavy pants as he watched her.

“You‟re killing me in that shirt, sugar.”
All of a sudden, Bryah‟s nervousness disappeared, and she grinned.

“Then take it off of me, ranger. I know you‟re not afraid.”

His eyes almost glowed with excitement. “Heck no.”
Bryah‟s shirt was soon on the floor, and her boxers followed. Gavin

shimmied out of his single garment. At last, there was nothing between

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them. Bryah lay on her back, allowing Gavin to explore her body with his
fingertips and his gaze. The naked lust in his expression boosted her
confidence like nothing ever had. She was not ashamed of her body even
with its flaws. She kept herself reasonably fit, and her breasts hadn‟t yet
sagged to the point of being embarrassing.

Gavin circled one of her dark areolas with the pad of his thumb.

Bryah‟s lips parted. Her eyelids fluttered closed before she forced them
open so she could keep feasting her eyes on his handsome face.

“Mm, rich, dark chocolate,” he groaned. “I need a taste right now.”
He covered the rigid peak with his lips and sucked until Bryah arched

her back, held his head to her breast, and cried out. She ran one leg along
his, luxuriating in the feel of his tense muscles, the dusting of hair on his
thighs tickling hers.

Gavin caught her leg and tugged her closer to him. He skimmed his

hand over her skin until he reached her heat, but rather than play with her
there, he kept going to her rear. A quick squeeze and he pushed her toward
him. Bryah gasped. Gavin‟s shaft pierced her center. She shuddered. It had
been too damn long.

Gavin groaned, rolling her over to her back again. “If I enter you now,

I‟m going to burst right away.”

She nibbled his lower lip. “That‟s not such a bad thing.”
“It is if my woman hasn‟t been satisfied.” His eyes held a challenge.

“If I fall, will you be able to get me hard again?”

“Without a doubt.”
“Hm, I love a confident woman.” He kissed the soft swell of one

breast. “Don‟t worry. I will never stop until you‟ve been satisfied.” He
shifted to lay between her thighs. Like before, he raised her legs so she
was ready to take him. Gavin arched his hips. His shaft pierced her
opening, and Bryah cried out his name.

Her lover was a good length, not too short and not too long. He

wouldn‟t hurt her if he gave her every inch. But her sexy ranger was also
thick. His girth was more than any man she‟d been with, and from the first
breach, she had to clench her teeth at how he stretched her around his

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Bryah caught her breath and then panted. She dug her fingernails into

his biceps, willing herself to relax. Gavin hesitated. His lips brushed hers,
not in a kiss, but like he hadn‟t the strength to raise his head any farther.

“I‟m sorry,” he murmured. “I don‟t want to hurt you.”
His words had been breathless. She realized he hadn‟t been lying when

he said he could come just entering her. Gavin was doing all he could not
to let go, not to force his way into her for his own selfish pleasure.
Knowing he was thinking of her needs helped her to relax just a little.

Slowly, he began to ease his way in. Bryah held on tighter to his arms

and shut her eyes. She wasn‟t sure when the pain switched over to
pleasure, but when it did, she couldn‟t get enough. Gavin caught her
beneath her knees. When he leaned back and began a slow grind, she
keened with the intensity. His response was to push her higher, drive
himself deeper, each thrust making him pump against her butt.

Without warning, he flipped her over to her stomach, smacked her rear

so hard it brought wetness to her lashes, and then he plunged deep again.
An arm encircling her waist, Gavin hoisted her hips higher and drove into
her. She reached up beneath her pillows to grab the edge of the mattress,
all the while begging for more.

“Are you sure about that?” Gavin demanded.
“Yes,” she whimpered. “Yes, please, yes!”
He forced her knees wider, jerked her butt in the air, and plunged deep.

When he covered her hands with his and brought his full weight down on
her, she thought she would faint. Gavin was wearing her snatch out. She‟d
be so sore in the morning, but right now she didn‟t give a damn. All she
wanted—all she needed—was to have him inside of her making her come
again and again.

The muscles in her core contracted, and the waves of pleasure began.

Her orgasm took hold of her body and made her shake from head to toe.
She bit down on her bottom lip, fighting between groaning and screaming
out her release. Gavin didn‟t slow down his barrage on her until he, too,
reached his peak. His fingers dug into her flesh, and he shouted her name.

When he finished, he collapsed on top of her and found her lips. Bryah

tried to control her trembling, but she was spent and satisfied. She‟d been

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intimate with assertive men, but none as sure of themselves and almost
animalistic in taking her. How the women weren‟t clinging to Gavin and
begging to get into his bed, Bryah didn‟t know. She was close to doing
some begging of her own right now, but a woman had to have some self-

Gavin moved his lips to her ear. It took a few moments while he

caught his breath before he could speak. “Was I too rough? Once you
relaxed, I think I got carried away.”

“You can carry me away with you anytime.” After the words left her

mouth, she could have slapped her hand over her lips. She sounded lame
and lovesick. Wait, what? Love? No, hell no! Not from sex. What
happened was a hormonal release, one that made her bond with her lover.
She‟d learned about it a few years ago.

Knowing the truth didn‟t stop her from feeling clingy. To cover, she

wiggled out from under Gavin and headed toward the bathroom. With as
much casualness as she could muster, she tossed over her shoulder, “If you
want to stay the night, you can. I don‟t mind.”

“Thanks,” he responded. “I believe I will.”

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Chapter Six

Bryah woke to an incessant ringing that was getting on her last nerve.

She grunted and waved her arm, but the sound kept up until she slowly
came to her senses. Yawning, she rolled over to reach in the direction the
sound came from, but someone beat her to it. Her eyes opened a slit. She
watched Gavin dig through his pants pocket for his cell phone. Memories
of the wild night of sex they had flooded back to her mind. Her heart
thumped in her chest, and she balled the sheet in a knot to stuff into her

He was beautiful, she decided, staring at his broad shoulders and

tanned, smooth skin. The contrast they had made pumping against each
was amazing. Even aching between her legs and stiffness in her joints, she
wanted more of him. It had been an insane turn on to hear him call out her
name when he came. She grew wet just thinking about it.

“Hey, Kate, what‟s wrong?” Gavin said into the phone.
Bryah‟s enthusiasm died. She glanced at the clock. Five-fifteen in the

morning. Did his brother‟s ex really need to contact him this early? What
could be so important? Gavin had spoken with her last night just before
they went to dinner, so Kate knew they were together. Kate had seemed
nice when Bryah met her, but the constant running behind Gavin was
getting old.

Gavin sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “Put him on.” He fell

silent, waiting for someone else to come on the phone. When his tone
softened, Bryah knew he was speaking to Kate‟s son. “Hey, buddy, what‟s
going on?”

Jealousy twisted in Bryah‟s gut. She went into the bathroom. After a

quick shower and brushing her teeth, she came out and slipped into her
robe. Gavin was in the process of getting dressed. Bryah leaned against the

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bathroom doorframe and crossed her arms over her chest. “You‟re

He cast her an apologetic look. “Yeah, I‟m sorry. I need to go over

there and calm RJ down.”

Bryah figured the boy was ill. “Is he okay?” She couldn‟t help adding,

“Where‟s his dad?”

“Kyle‟s not reliable for this kind of thing. RJ has nightmares

sometimes that get him worked up, and he won‟t get back to sleep. Kate
doesn‟t know what to do with him.”

“She‟s his mother. She should know by now.” Bryah hated the

bitterness in her tone, but she couldn‟t fight off the feeling that there was
more between Kate and Gavin than he let on. “I understand worrying
about him since he‟s so young, but I don‟t understand why she has to call
you at five in the morning. She knew we were together.”

For the first time, Bryah heard irritation in Gavin‟s voice. “How could

she know that? I didn‟t tell her I was staying over, and we hadn‟t made a
habit of it up until now. Look, Bryah, I will call you later, and we can do
something tonight. Better yet, I haven‟t shown you that I‟m a pretty good
cook.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “I‟ll make dinner for the
two of us, my place or yours.”

He moved away as if it was a done deal, and Bryah watched him strap

on his weapon. After he covered it with his shirt and tugged on his shoes,
he stood and kissed her a second time. She didn‟t say a word. Anything
she said right now would come out wrong, and she wasn‟t sure what she
felt about Gavin and Kate. Gavin said he didn‟t want kids, said he didn‟t
want to settle down, but then here he was being all domestic with Kate.

Bryah shook her head and followed him to the door. “I might be busy

tonight. I‟ll let you know early so you can make other plans if need be.”

He stopped and stared at her. No emotions registered on his face, so

she wasn‟t sure what he was thinking. After a brief nod, he turned and
headed over to his truck. Bryah watched him shove a hand through his
messy hair and stick his Stetson on top of it. The roar of the truck‟s engine
shattered the early morning silence, and Gavin disappeared down the

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* * * *

Gavin had phoned Bryah twice that morning, but she didn‟t answer

either call. She wasn‟t sure yet what she wanted to say to him, or if she
would let him cook for her. On one hand, she thought this might be a good
time to break it off since loving another policeman was not happening. On
the other hand, she wasn‟t usually insecure regarding other women. If a
man wanted to be with her, that was fine. If he wanted to cheat or play
games, she dumped him—simple as that.

The problem was that she believed Gavin wasn‟t the game-playing

type. So either he wanted Kate and was denying his feelings, or he just felt
like it could never work out so he wasn‟t going there. Both were bad for

Frustrated and still pissed at Gavin because, frankly, she didn‟t see the

reason he had to run over to Kate‟s at all hours, Bryah left her house to go
to Albertson‟s since she had no food in the refrigerator. She had every
intention to tell Gavin today wasn‟t a good day, but first, she had to rein in
the emotions.

While she sped down the highway, a siren blared once behind her.

Bryah glanced in the rearview mirror to see a ranger‟s SUV behind her.
She grunted and pulled to the side of the road. The familiar uniform drew
alongside her window, and she lowered it.

“License and insurance card,” the officer said.
Bryah gasped and looked up. She suppressed a second grunt. Texas

had seemed so huge when she moved here, but, yet again, she ran into
Kyle Crain, Gavin‟s brother.

“Oh, it‟s you, Gavin‟s girlfriend.”
“I‟m a friend,” she corrected, and handed him her information. He

made no move to look it over, but instead leaned both elbows on her door.

“So how‟s it going between you two? Good?” He didn‟t wait for her to

answer, but continued on. “Gavin‟s not known for long relationships with
women. I‟m sure he told you that already.”

“How‟s your son?” Bryah interrupted.

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Kyle‟s eyes widened. “My son? What about him?”
“I‟d heard he had a bad nightmare, and his mother couldn‟t get him to

calm down. Gavin had to go over there early this morning to help out
and…” She could have chewed her tongue off. The way she sounded, she
might as well have chanted I’m jealous of your ex-wife over and over
rather than the words that came out of her mouth.

Hoping that Kyle hadn‟t noticed was a lost cause. “Ouch.” Kyle

chuckled. “The Kate and Gavin thing. Yeah, they‟re really close. I‟d be
surprised if anyone could come between those two. I‟ve said a million
times they should go for it. Thing is, they had their chance back in high

“That‟s none of my business.” Bryah tried to hint that he should get on

with the business at hand with a pointed look at her license. Kyle ignored

“They dated for two years, and everybody could see Gavin was nuts

over Kate. But then, I guess they were all shocked the day she broke it off
with him and pursued me. I admit, I have a little bit of a weakness when it
comes to beautiful women throwing themselves at me. I should have
turned her down, but well, before you know it, we were hitched.”

Bryah couldn‟t believe how unfeeling he was talking about his

brother‟s broken heart, like it meant nothing. She assumed Kate must have
regretted her decision later, seeing what a loser Kyle was, and now she
hoped to rekindle things with Gavin. But what was Gavin feeling? Had he
gotten over Kate? From the way he ran when she called, Bryah doubted it,
and she hated the twinge in her own chest thinking about the two of them

“I‟m sorry. I realize I was speeding, but I have a meeting I need to get

to and…” She let her voice trail off, hoping he‟d get the message. The
knowing look he tossed her way said he knew what she was trying to do.
He handed back her information.

“I‟ll let you go with a warning because it‟s you, and if my stupid

brother did leave your bed to go to Kate, well, I thought he had better
morals than his big bro.”

“I never said—”

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“Have a nice day.” He gave a mock salute and walked away. Bryah sat

there a good five minutes, feeling like a fool and burning up that she had
to be subjected to Kyle‟s attitude, like he figured she was running behind
Gavin while he was running behind Kate. So wasn‟t going to happen!

As if he sensed that she was ready to talk to him, Gavin called her cell

again. Bryah snatched up the phone and jabbed the connect button. “Yes?”

“Whoa,” he said cheerily. “Bad day so far?”
“Cut the crap, Gavin,” she grumbled. “Listen, I can‟t do dinner

tonight. Frankly, I think we need to stop things right here. You know my
past, and I vowed not to date a policeman again. It‟s not for me. So, it‟s
been fun but—”

“You‟re breaking up with me over the phone?” He spoke so low, she

had to press her ear tight to the receiver to hear.

“Before emotions get involved,” was her lame excuse.
“I want to talk to you. Meet me tonight.”
He tried again. “It doesn‟t have to be at one of our places. I just think

we should talk after what happened this morning.”

“Not interested. I‟m sorry. I‟m not the one, Gavin.” She paused. “I

hope you get all that you want out of life.” With that, she disconnected the
call and then, for added measure, she powered off her cell. Rather than
head to the grocery store like she‟d planned, she kept driving. Kate had
mentioned the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. Bryah remembered
seeing an advertisement that it started this weekend. She decided to go. At
least she could disappear in the crowd and stay until ten when the grounds

Twenty minutes later, Bryah arrived in Fort Worth and bought a ticket

to the stock show. She weighed herself down with snacks and souvenirs
she didn‟t need while she watched the rodeo. When a bull tossed a cowboy
off his back, a clown ran out in brightly-colored clothes to distract the
bull. Other cowboys assisted their fallen buddy, but he jumped to his feet,
whipped off his hat and waved it to the crowd. Everyone around Bryah
cheered and whistled. She stuffed more popcorn into her mouth while
comparing herself to the clown.

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When the show was over, Bryah walked among the stalls peeking in at

the goats and sheep, the llamas and horses. She strolled along the building
housing cows and didn‟t breathe too deeply because of the stench. Despite
that, her heart constricted when parents stooped beside their little ones to
help them pet the animals. Most of the kids were trusting of the parents,
believing them when they assured the kids they would be okay if they
reached out their tiny hands.

Bryah sighed. Every time she‟d truly reached out, she‟d been hurt.

Falling in love and getting hurt sometimes was a part of life, but then, so
was finding happiness. Where was her happiness—the kind that lasted for
a while?

When she could stay no longer, and the sun had long since gone down,

Bryah left Fort Worth headed back home. Half the day she‟d been looking
to distract herself from thoughts of Gavin, and the rest, she‟d thought
about what she wanted to do from here on. She had told herself she wasn‟t
interested in men for the time being, but the first one that showed her
interest had her dating and forgetting all about her resolve.

She turned onto her street and tensed upon spotting Gavin‟s truck in

front of her door. For a few seconds, she considered making a U-turn, but
then something told her the man was too stubborn to let this go without
her reaffirming face-to-face that they were done.

She pulled into her driveway and cut the engine. By the time she‟d

opened the door, Gavin was there to help her out. She let him take her
hand, but pulled it back once she was standing. He followed her in silence
to the front door, and Bryah unlocked it. Keys on the table in the hall, she
headed toward the kitchen to make them some drinks.

After she‟d taken a huge sip from hers and let the alcohol begin its

work, she faced him. “I think we said everything we needed to this

“No, we didn‟t.” He crossed the kitchen and set his drink on the table

before taking hers to do the same. Bryah resisted when he pulled her to
him, but he wouldn‟t be put off. His strong arms encircled her, pressing
her close. When his lips brushed her temple, a quiver ran through her
body, making her want to melt into his chest, but she resisted.

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“You just want—”
“Don‟t say that,” he snapped. “You know I‟m better than that. I know

I‟m better than that.”

She wrestled out of his arms and snatched up her drink to almost race

around the table. Her glare let him know she wasn‟t going for the
seduction anymore. She almost wanted to say “use your words” and
chuckled in her mind. Not that she‟d ever used that line with her kids at
school. They were too old for those commands, but sometimes she felt like
it when the attitudes began to fly around the classroom.

“Whether you are better than that is not the point,” she told him.
“The point is Kate.”
“No.” She took another sip of her drink and set it down. “The point is

you feeling you need to run behind her or that she needs to check up on
your every move. I don‟t know. Maybe I‟m exaggerating things.”

“Whether you are or are not, I respect how you feel, and we need to

address it.”

Bryah blinked. She hadn‟t expected that response. Denial that there

was anything between the two of them, sure, but not him being
understanding of what she felt. So Gavin seemed perfect on many counts.
This was his shortcoming. She wondered what others lay hidden, but
didn‟t care about those as Kate was a huge enough issue.

Gavin stopped fiddling with his hat and hung it on the back of a chair.

“My brother never wanted a child. He had little to do with my nephew
from the start. I stepped in because I felt he needed a father figure.”

Bryah winced. This wasn‟t going to work. “I see,” she forced out.
He grinned. “But you don‟t like it.”
“I would never spite a small child having a good father figure in his

life. Trust me. I‟ve seen enough fatherless homes in my work to know the
impact it can have. I‟ve also seen positives with strong mothers who are
both parents to their children.”

“I feel a but coming on.”
“Kate wants you,” she blurted out. “If you‟ve been too blind to see that

all this time, you‟re an idiot. She seems like a good person, a responsible
mother, but you won‟t convince me that she can‟t get her own child calm

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after a nightmare. That‟s Motherhood 101. And before you say, how
would I know, like I said, I‟ve been a teacher for a while. I‟ve seen good
and bad. Also…”

“Also what?”
She couldn‟t read his expression. Something inside her wanted to run

across the room and throw herself in his arms, to beg him to look at her
and not at Kate. She wanted to be loved above all, to be able to lean on
someone else for a change, but she knew from years of experience, she
would never cave. She would never give up and stop being the strong
woman she was. Being strong sucked sometimes—big time.

“I know the two of you dated in high school, and she left you for your


He frowned. “Who told you that?”
“Does it matter? It‟s true, right?”
“What Kate and I had is in the past, Bryah. I admit that I let things go

too far with Kate calling me all the time. I knew she had feelings for me,
and maybe I encouraged it while never giving anything in return. Maybe
that was a way of getting her back for dumping me, but I promise you, it‟s
all about my nephew for me, not her. The only woman I want now is you.”

I wish I could believe that. I wish I could not worry and just care about

you. She didn‟t speak a word out loud.

Gavin watched her for a moment and then zipped around the table.

Before she realized what he was doing, he took her hand. “Let‟s go.”

Bryah didn‟t have a chance to say more as Gavin practically dragged

her from the house and tucked her into his truck. At a little after eleven at
night, they sped along the northeast loop of 820 until they merged onto
183 into Euless. Bryah didn‟t know anyone who lived in this city, but
figured Gavin did.

“Where are we going this time of night, Gavin?”
He didn‟t answer. Rather, he pulled up in front of a small rancher and

parked the truck in the driveway. After he encouraged her to get out by
holding her arm in a gentle but firm grip, they marched up to the door. The
house lay in complete darkness.

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“I don‟t think…”
He rapped on the door‟s thick panel and leaned on the bell. By this

time, Bryah was ready to get back in the truck and pretend she didn‟t
know him. Folk were liable to shoot and ask questions later in the south.

With Bryah half hidden behind Gavin, the door opened. Kate‟s groggy

expression lightened the moment she spotted Gavin. “Gavin? Everything

She stepped back with too much eagerness to let him in. When he

turned and put a hand around Bryah‟s waist to guide her ahead of him,
Kate‟s disappointment was palpable. Bryah tried to feel sorry for the
woman. She wasn‟t a bad person and didn‟t act like she was trying to
sabotage their relationship—at least not on the surface. Still, Bryah didn‟t
know why Gavin dragged her over here this late.

“I wanted to set the record straight,” Gavin announced after Kate had

led them into the living room and turned a light on.

Kate paled. “About what?”
Gavin continued as if she hadn‟t spoken. “I will always be here for

RJ.” No one could misconstrue his meaning. “At reasonable hours unless
it‟s a real emergency. But I want you to know that this is the woman I am
with.” He tugged Bryah to his side. “I‟ve never met anyone like her. She‟s
sweet and beautiful, and I want to see where a relationship with her can

His last words were said with him focused on Bryah. She shivered in

his hold, almost forgetting they weren‟t alone.

He turned back to Kate. “I know as my best friend, you‟ll respect the

boundaries we set in place as she and I get to know each other better.”

When he paused, Kate swallowed. “But…but I thought…I made a

mistake long ago, and now…” She pinched her lips so tight, they were red.

Compassion filled Gavin‟s expression, but he was still firm. “I‟m

sorry, Kate, but we can‟t go back. No more games. No more acting like
you can‟t handle every day things with RJ on your own. I‟m with Bryah. I
can see myself falling in love with her. She doesn‟t like policemen, but
I‟m going to change her mind one date at a time.”

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He faced Bryah and took her hands. “What do you say, darlin‟? Give

me another chance to prove my feelings?”

Bryah gasped, embarrassed. “Gavin, we can talk about this

later…somewhere else?” She glanced at Kate who had begun to look more
angry than hurt. Not giving Gavin a chance to argue, Bryah pulled him
toward the door, and soon they were back in the truck. She thought he was
taking her back home, but at the turnoff that led to her neighborhood, he
took the opposite direction. Gavin didn‟t answer any questions until they
had pulled up in front of another unfamiliar house. Bryah‟s stomach
knotted. Don’t tell me there’s another woman to convince.

Gavin stopped at the door and unlocked it. “Welcome to my home. If

we have to stay up all night talking it out, we‟ll do it. But we‟re not
leaving here until we start learning to love again.”

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Chapter Seven

Bryah opened the letter she‟d just received and sighed with relief and

joy. She‟d gotten the new position. Returning to the school she‟d worked
for just didn‟t feel right, so she‟d been searching for something else. Now,
she would be working for a small tutoring center where she would help
kids on a one on one basis. The hours were better as well as the pay. Best
of all, she could be comfortable and feel like she was making a difference.

“From that self-satisfied expression, I assume you got the job?” Gavin


She rolled her eyes. “I‟ll have you know this isn‟t a self-satisfied

expression. It‟s just happy.”

Gavin hauled her up to her feet and into his arms. His mouth

descended on hers before she could say another word. He pushed his
tongue between her lips, and soon, Bryah was lost in his sensual
exploration of her mouth. She moaned against his lips and pushed herself
closer, but Gavin broke the kiss to grin down at her. More and more, the
man took on that lovesick puppy expression that made her heart soar. Of
course, when he realized it, he went back to the “Me Tarzan, You Jane”
routine. But Bryah knew how to handle him.

She twisted in his arms and turned her back to him. Gavin immediately

bent so that he spooned her butt. Bryah tried not to show how wet he
already had her with just one move. “I thought you were pulling a double
and wouldn‟t be in until after three.”

“I had a craving.” He pinched open the button on her pants and slipped

a hand down into her panties. When his fingers met her wetness, he
grunted knowingly. She could have smacked him. Gavin played with her
tender nether lips, and she bit her lip to keep from moaning. He nibbled
her earlobe. “I also had a question.”

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Bryah wrapped her fingers around his wrist to keep him from delving

deeper inside of her. If he did, she would not be able to focus on what he
was saying. “What question?”

“I was wondering if you‟d marry me.”
She squeaked and tried to face him, but he held her in place. She

slapped his arm instead. “Gavin, you‟re not serious. We‟ve only been
dating a short time. Let me go so I can look at you.”

He tightened his hold and kept his face alongside hers. She imagined

she felt his heartbeat pounding against her back. Bryah closed her eyes.
Tears flooded them. She spent a long time trying to get her racing pulse to
calm down.

“I love you, Bryah. We exchanged keys a while ago, but it‟s not

enough. I want to wake up with you in the morning and come home to you
every night.” His words were music to her ears, but also invoked extreme
terror. They‟d discussed his and her past countless times, just trying to
work through their hang-ups. The one constant was that Gavin knew what
he wanted and wasn‟t taking no from her just because she was scared.

“Darlin‟, I know you‟re still scared that something will happen to me,

and if it meant I could keep you in my life, I would walk away from my
job today.”

When he released her, Bryah stumbled to the bed and sat down. The

employment letter slipped from the comforter to the carpeted floor. She
felt like following it down. “I…” she began.

Gavin dropped to his knees, and she gasped when he whipped out a

diamond ring from his pocket. The rock was enormous. When had he
purchased it? How could he take such a chance when they never discussed
marriage? It was way too soon.

“Tell me you don‟t love me too, Bryah, and I won‟t bring it up again.

We‟ll just continue as we are.”

She swallowed. “I can‟t tell you that. The problem is I love you.”
He chuckled. “That‟s not a problem.”
“Gavin, I…” She wanted to say she was scared, but was fed up with

that broken record. Yes, she was still terrified of losing him to some idiot
with a gun, but damn it, he was fine and sexy, and wonderful, and a

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million other great qualities. She would love to just toss away all her
worries and live an amazing life as his wife.

He waited patiently for her response, his hands poised to pop the ring

on her finger. Bryah shook from head to toe. Her gaze skittered from his
handsome face with intense blue eyes to the bulge under his shirt—the
imprint of his gun. Her heart thundered in her chest. If anything happened
to Gavin, she‟d be much worse than she‟d been when she lost her fiancé.
She was sure she loved Gavin more deeply. Yet, she couldn‟t turn him
down. No, she wouldn’t! Even if their time together lasted a month or less,
it was mounds better than what it felt like to be alone.

Bryah sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Gavin paled,

probably thinking she was preparing a letdown speech. She didn‟t want to
torment him, so she smiled and laid a hand on his cheek. The prickly hairs
tickled her palm.

“You are everything to me, Gavin,” she whispered. “Yes, I‟ll marry


Gavin let out a whoop of joy and slid the ring on her finger. He

grabbed her by the waist and tossed her on the bed. Bryah laughed when
he climbed above her, his clear eyes twinkling with mischief.

“What are you doing?” she asked him.
His grin deepened. “You know what. Finishing what I started.”
He lowered the zipper on her pants and freed her from them before

going after her panties. Bryah sat up and pulled her blouse over her head.
She thrilled at the look of lust in Gavin‟s eyes as he watched her new
leopard pattern bra come into view. “You like?” she asked, running her
hands over her breasts, giving them a squeeze and then playing with her
nipples. Gavin, almost salivating, came toward her.

“Woman, the things you do to me. Of course I like it.” He landed on

her, flattening her on her back again. Through the thin material, he nibbled
one nipple. Bryah arched up into his touch. He leaned back and tugged the
bra down to free her breast. When his lips descended a second time, she
cried out with need.

Gavin laved at her nipple, pulling at it with his mouth, sucking until

she whimpered and squirmed under him. His other hand roamed over her

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belly until he came to the thatch between her legs. Without looking, he
shoved her thighs wider and plunged toward her heat. Bryah raised her
knees. Desperate longing took over. She couldn‟t wait for him to tease and
play with her until she begged to be filled.

Bryah stripped Gavin‟s work clothes off. When he was ready, she

pushed him on his back and climbed over him to straddle his hips. Leaning
forward, she grabbed hold of his hard shaft and guided it between her
folds. Gavin grunted as his head slid past her entrance. His fingers bit into
her sides as he drove her down on him.

“Ah, Bryah, you feel incredible, and you‟re so wet. I‟ve never seen

you so aggressive.”

She sat up straight to watch his expression while she gyrated her hips

and twisted her nipples. Gavin‟s eyes darkened, and he pulled her down to
his chest to flip her onto her back. Without losing the connection between
the two of them, he raised one of her legs and hammered his shaft deep
inside of her. Bryah mewled out in ecstasy. She‟d known he wouldn‟t let
her lead for long, but any way Gavin made love to her was mind blowing.

Just to stir things up like he often did, he jerked out of her, slid down

her body and began to lap at her drenched heat. Bryah screamed his name
and knotted her fingers in his hair. He closed his lips over her nubbin. He
didn‟t stop until an orgasm slammed through her core, making her jerk
and whimper. Then, he moved back up her body to satisfy his own need.

Gavin didn‟t let up until he shouted and emptied his hot seed far up her

channel. He closed Bryah‟s legs together and rolled her to her side to
curve himself behind her. After he worked his shaft until it was hardened
again, he made her arch so she pushed her rear toward him. He entered her
once again and encircled her in his arms. He teased her earlobe while he
pinched her nub. Bryah couldn‟t catch her breath before another orgasm
took hold. Gavin rode through it with her, all the while thrusting deep and

When he had brought her to three or four more orgasms, he found a

second release of his own, and they settled in silence cuddled into each
other‟s arms. Bryah sighed her contentment and breathed her lover‟s scent.
If she could stay here forever with him, where it was safe, she would.

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Gavin seemed to know where her thoughts strayed, and his embrace

tightened. “I‟ll do everything in my power to be here with you, Bryah. I
promise you that. But no matter what, let us enjoy every second, every day
we have together. Will you make that commitment to me?”

She didn‟t hesitate this time, having already decided she‟d do just that.

“Yes, without a doubt.”

They held onto each other, at last able to let the old hurts go. For a

minute or a lifetime, Bryah knew that nothing would come between
them—not past loves, not criminals, not even her fears.

The End

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About the Author

Tressie Lockwood has always loved books, and she enjoys writing about
heroines who are overcoming the trials of life. She writes straight from her
heart, reaching out to those who find it hard to be completely themselves
no matter what anyone else thinks. She hopes her readers enjoy her short
stories. Visit Tressie on the web at:

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Sugar and Spice Press

Where romance is everything nice.


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