The Kategan Alphas 7 A Kategan Alphas Christmas Special T A Grey

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A Kategan Alphas Christmas Special

featuring Vane and Sarina


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WARNING: The content in this book contains explicit sexual content. This book is intended for
mature audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes that may be offensive. Please keep your
file in a safe area on your computer and away from minors.

This book is not transferable. If it is sold, shared, or given away it is infringement of the copyright of
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This book is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places, and scenarios are solely the product of
the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, though references to actual events or locations may
be real.

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Cover image: ebookindiecovers
Copyright 2015, Grey Ink Press LLC
All rights reserved

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The Loneliest Alpha

The Silent Princess


Breeding Cycle

Dark Awakening

Wicked Surrender

Eternal Temptation

Dark Seduction

Tempting Whispers

The Kategan Alphas Vol. 1 and 2

A Kategan Alphas Christmas Special


Chains of Frost

Bonds of Fire

Ties That Bind

The Fallen King

The Bellum Sisters Bundle


Take Me

Tempting Gray

Merely Immortal


Capturing Jeron

Midnight Sex Shop

Ecstasy Overload

Jace (Bodyguards for Hire, #1)

Hunted (A Claiming Novella, #1)

The Vampire’s Mate

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Chapter One

Wrapped in her mate’s embrace, Sarina Kategan allowed her eyes to drift shut as her climax

peaked. Vane was with her every step of the way, as always. With a gentle growl, he kissed her. She
could taste herself from earlier—a heady mix so early in the morning. Not that she would have
Christmas morning any other way.

Red, green, and gold lights twinkled from the miniature evergreen in the corner of their

bedroom. The joyous lights created the perfect ambience for the holiday season.

Sarina had been with her mate Vane for long enough to know he was nearing the finish line. In

fact, her breath caught as his hips jerked and his shaft swelled inside her—the telltale signs of his
impending climax. Smiling, Sarina held tight to her mate. Fewer things in life could make her feel
more warm or safe than being chest to chest in her husband’s arms.

But apparently Vane had a surprise for her this Christmas morning. At the last moment, instead

of shoving deep and grunting his release into her, he pulled out. Hastily reaching between them, Vane
grasped his cock, pumping it the last few strokes. Warm, wet jets shot onto her stomach reaching as
far as her neck as he came.

The sight of her sexually satisfied mate in the aftermath of passion did not please Sarina as it

usually did. In fact, she felt positively foul.

“Again?” she questioned darkly.
Vane arched a thick eyebrow and his teasing smile clearly demonstrated that he didn’t take her

attitude very seriously. Rolling away, he grabbed a wet cloth to wipe up the heated mess on her chest.
“Consider it my Christmas present from you?” he suggested, flashing her a smile.

Normally that devilish smile could do wonders to make her laugh. But not this morning.
“I considered last night’s pull-out a Christmas present. But, again?”
Vane didn’t speak as he cleaned her up. Then he kissed her in a tender notion that melted her

heart. She actually sighed when he pulled away. “I love you, lumara,” he said in that deep voice
which never failed to make her sigh.

Compulsively, she responded softly. “And I love you, luma.”
He took the washcloth back to the sink, then began dressing. For Christmas he dressed in a pair

of baggy jeans that had enough wear and tear to look delectably sexy across his muscular butt. He
paired the ensemble with a red Christmas sweater that had a family of snowmen sitting inside a snow-
globe as snowflakes drifted around them. His sister Vera had bought the gaudy piece for him last
Christmas, and Vane swore up and down that while it was the ugliest sweater ever saw, it was also
the softest. Sarina had had quite the giggle at her mate’s enthusiasm to wear the sweater this year. Not
that he’d ever admit to such a sin.

A knock sounded at the front door and Vane hollered down the stairs, “Come in!”
Guests arriving meant it was time to get up and moving. Honestly, that was the last thing she

wanted to do. Today was Christmas Day and that meant she had a lot of work ahead of her. There was
cooking, last minute cleaning, and some remaining decorations that needed to be hung before the
family gathered to celebrate. She both loved and hated the holiday, especially since things were
especially uncomfortable between her and Vane.

He’d pulled out last night and again tonight. In fact, he’d been doing it more and more as of late.

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She could count five times over the last three weeks. Why would he do that unless he didn’t want
another baby?

Sarina gazed listlessly at the miniature evergreen in the corner, not really seeing the twinkling

lights as her thoughts turned depressed.

She wanted another baby with Vane.
She wanted a whole litter of his babies. But every time she tried to broach the subject, he’d find

a way to dance around it. And that hurt. It really did. Why couldn’t they have a big family? What was
wrong with another precious baby in their lives? He was such a great father to baby Vince.

Downstairs, Vane’s brother Roman yelled back in his booming voice. “Time to go caroling,

bro!” Rome may be a ‘tough guy’ but even Sarina could hear the excitement in his voice.

Sarina rolled her eyes. The men always went caroling around the pack on Christmas Day. Not

that any of the men sang particularly well. More like they enjoyed sucking up all the spiked egg nog
and hard cider the pack members would offer. Sarina had joined in their caroling activity once—and
only once. That’s all it took for her to realize she didn’t belong in a group of burly men shouting Joy
to the World
from the tops of their lungs.

Vane beamed at her as he slipped on his heavy snow boots. “Be back in time for dinner.”
“Wait!” Sarina sat up, her stomach twisting with knots. Vane froze in the doorway. She crooked

a finger at him and, slowly, he came towards her, warily. This man knew all of her moods and was
wisely cautious.

“Yeah?” he grunted.
“A kiss, dear husband, before you go.”
His expression transformed instantly. The kiss he gave her was heated, loving, and full of

promise. She was completely warm by time he pulled away. But she still had something to say and
this was important.

“We have to talk, Vane.”
His smile wavered but before he could respond, Rome shouted from down below. “Come on,

man! All the guys are waiting on us!”

“Gotta go,” Vane shrugged. He jumped off the bed then barreled down the stairs before she

could muster a single protest.

Sarina listened to Vane kissing their boy Vince as she got dressed. “Give daddy a big hug now,”

Vane said to him. “Good boy! I’ll see you soon.”

I will not let his sweetness sway me, Sarina thought. We will talk about this new stomach

painting he wants to do after sex.

If he was pulling out it meant only one thing. And it was the exact thing she wanted right now.
Vane didn’t want to have a baby. But Sarina had a fire in her belly for another. Maybe a little

Kategan girl running around? She already had a name thought up—Velvet.

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Chapter Two

Crap, crap, and double crap.
Everything was turning out all wrong! The turkey looked pale and dry—where was the crisp

golden skin the recipe had promised her? And her pies had cracked and bubbled over causing the
oven to emit an unpleasant burnt odor.

The stuffing tasted bland and no amount of adjusting the seasoning seemed to do a thing to help.

And on top of that, her kitchen was a disaster! Dirty dishes filled every nook and cranny. Dinner might
be a failure, but at least baby Vince was being good. He was glued to a cartoon movie about Santa
Claus trying to give presents to all the little boys and girls of the world. Sarina smiled at her baby, the
most precious thing in her life, a miracle that Vane had given her. Her heart never failed to fill with
joy at seeing Vince grow up. Even when he was being a touch naughty—a trait she believed he
inherited from his father—she never regretted a thing.

The timer beeped and Sarina raced to turn off the oven. She unloaded the cooked goods before

running upstairs to fix her hair before the guests were to arrive.

“Here we go,” she muttered to her frazzled reflection. Pulling a comb through her hair only

seemed to make it stick out even further. Tonight wasn’t going to work out like she had planned, was

Pasting on a bright smile, she picked up Vince who fussed at being taken away from his movie,

and opened the door. Instantly the chattering on the other side of the door halted. Then, boisterous
cheers greeted her.

“Merry Christmas!” The whole family was there, even the men were back from caroling.
“Something smells good!” Jackson said, standing on his toes to see over Sarina’s shoulder. He

was Vera Kategan’s mate. Once human, now he was pure vampire.

Sarina winked at him. “Tastes even better.” At least she hoped!
The family rushed by hugging and kissing her and baby.
Rome’s mate, Alison, took Vince from her arms. “Oooh, give me that baby! I love you, little

one.” She snuggled the smiling boy.

Sarina’s heart pitched at the sight. Oh how badly she wanted another! While she was still young

and willing. Now was the time, she just knew it. Why didn’t Vane want another?

At the end of the line was her mate. Judging by his stoic expression, Vane knew she was still in

a mood. But he was trying to keep up appearances. “Babe,” he whispered, kissing her cheek in

“How was the caroling?” Sarina asked, all smiles.
Christmas music jingled in the background with jolly, familiar tunes.
“Caroling was good,” Jackson answered.
“Dang it smells good,” Darien muttered, wandering into the kitchen with his mate in tow.

Cassie was a fiery redheaded vampire who’d managed to save Darien’s life in more ways than one.
Without her, Darien likely wouldn’t be sharing any holidays with them.

“I don’t sing,” Dmetri, an old, Russian vampire who had a long history with the Kategan pack,

replied stoutly. Christine Barrows, his mate and the pack healer, rolled her eyes.

“Dmetri thinks he doesn’t sing well, but he actually has a beautiful voice,” Christine spoke loud

and clear while watching her mate flush under her compliment.

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“I do not,” he bit out. Christine whispered something in his ear to make the courtly vampire

crack a smile.

Sarina began to warm up to the conversation and decided not to let her tiff with Vane get in the

way of Christmas. Christmas was Christmas after all, a time for high spirits, cheer, and love.

In the kitchen, Sarina found the men hovering around the food like a pack of rabid wolves.

Poking and prodding, sniffing and growling, they scrambled over plates of meats and sweets with
dangerous intentions.

“Back away, gentlemen!” She felt like a lion tamer cracking a whip. “It’s not time to eat yet.”
Vane rubbed his stomach. “Smells ready and looks even better, babe.” He rubbed her back in a

soothing circle but no matter how much she wanted to, she couldn’t relax. This morning’s lovemaking
still remained at the forefront of her thoughts.

“Really? Because I thought I buggered it all up,” she admitted.
Vane looked surprised. “Smells good and looks even bettor. What more could you want?”
Oh, I don’t know, she thought dismally. How about for everything to be perfect? Was that too

much to ask?

“Agreed,” said Roman. His mate, Alicia, found a bottle wine and uncorked it.
Baby Vince had been passed around the family until he ended up in his cousin Vanessa’s arms.

Her mate, Brayden, was another vampire. A commander for the Justicars, he was quite famous among
vampires and lykaens.

Brayden stood by Vanessa with a strained expression on his face. Likely because Vanessa was

goading him, trying to get him to hold the baby—to which he outright refused as politely as possible.

“I do not hold babies,” he said matter of factly. Vanessa burst out laughing. Then, she

practically shoved Vince into his arms, all but forcing the old vampire commander to hold the baby.
Vince at once opened his arms and stared up at the big vampire with wide, innocent eyes.

Gaaa ooooh blab,” baby Vince sputtered.
Brayden cringed but huddled the baby to his chest.
Well it looked like the whole family was here. All the Kategans and their respected loved ones.

Sabrina couldn’t help but feel like things were a touch less warm than they should be, but she knew
that was nothing more than her own mood.

All she kept thinking about was how much nicer this house would be with another Kategan

filling it. A little baby girl, to be precise. Of course, if it was a boy she wouldn’t complain. As these
thoughts trickled through her mind, Sarina met her mate’s heavy gaze. His expression was guarded.
Just what was going through his mind? And why didn’t he want another child?

“Alright everyone,” Sarina announced with false cheer. “Time to eat. Take a seat around the

table. Sit wherever you please. Afterward we’ll open presents and eat dessert.” Sadly, she couldn’t
wait for this night to be over.

Vanessa performed a fist pump. “Presents!”
“Wait until you see what I got you all,” Vera said with an evil grin.
Knowing Vera’s penchant for Christmas sweaters and other ridiculous gift ideas, Sarina could

only wonder.

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Chapter Three

Christmas dinner went better than Sarina anticipated. No one even commented on the unsightly

pies or the dry turkey skin. It was almost, one might say, a dinner success.

Sarina held Vince as the family adjourned to the living room for gift-giving time after dinner. With

full bellies and filled glasses of wine, egg nog, or cider, the family took their respective seats around
the great room. Vane stoked the fire to a roar and added two more logs to keep it toasty. There was
nothing quite like the crackle of fire and the smell of fresh woodsy smoke to make one feel warm
during the holidays.

Sarina chose to do something differently this year. Instead of sitting near Vane at the fire she chose

a seat opposite him in a single chair. Her mate eyed her decision shrewdly but she smiled around the
room as if nothing at all was wrong. It was gift-giving time and she knew for a fact that Vane hadn’t
gotten her what she wanted—what she needed—this holiday. He wouldn’t even talk to her about it.
She rocked Vince a bit faster as her agitation grew.

The Christmas tree stood in the corner of the room. Vane and his brothers had cut it down earlier in

the month. The tree was a fresh evergreen straight from their woods. It glowed with bright twinkling
lights and was strewn with an array of colorful ornaments and family heirlooms. Sarina had insisted
that everyone put at least one ornament the tree. Brayden and Dmetri had been tough to get to do so.

Stubbornness must be a vampire train.
“Who’s going to hand out presents?” Cassie asked. Darien, ever the quiet brother, sat behind his

mate and toyed with her fiery-red hair affectionately. Darien met Cassie while living a depressing
existence. He’d been mourning the death of his loved one and unborn child. Darien had been through
hard times in his life but Cassie had saved him and brought him back to life.

But not everyone looked to be having a grand time. Vane, ever mindful of where she’d chosen to

sit, looked increasingly more reproachful as the night weaned on.

“I’ll hand out gifts,” Vane offered stiffly.
Presents were handed out. Most of which went to Vince. Sarina got tasked with opening those as

Vince didn’t quite understand what Christmas was yet, being just past one year old.

The night passed in a warm glow. Everyone laughed at the cute new sweaters Vera bought the men

—each with a certain red-nosed reindeer on it standing in a manger of snow. The red nose of which
was a red fuzzy ball sewn on top of the sweater. Vince tried to rip one off almost immediately before
Sarina snatched it away from him, giving him one of his new toys instead.

Sarina opened the few gifts she’d been given: a nice bottle of her favorite champagne, a beautiful

bracelet, and some scrumptious chocolate truffles. Beneath the tree was growing emptier. And she’d
yet to open anything from Vane. As the last gifts were handed out, the one she’d bought for Vane, and
one more for Vince, Sarina felt her emotions rising.

Do not cry. God, this would be the worst time to get emotional. But, thinking those thoughts had

her eyes misting nevertheless. She quickly looked away and cleared her eyes before smiling and
opening her gift from her mate.

It was a small box, large enough to hold a grapefruit. He’d wrapped it in red-and-silver paper and

tied a red bow across the top. A smile appeared at her mouth and Vane caught it, giving her a smile
and wink. She chuffed in laughter and untied the bow then ripped the paper to reveal a box with a lid.
Her heart was racing. How silly was that? They were mated after all. It’s not like much could

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surprise her. But, she didn’t know he’d bought her a gift, so this was a surprise.

She lifted the lid—and froze.
A picture in a silver frame. Of her, Vane, and baby Vince. Tears sprang to her eyes only this time

for a multitude of reasons. It was a good picture; she remembered when it’d been taken only a few
months ago by Roman. Vane had his arm across her shoulders and she had hers tucked around his
waist. Vince sat at her waist as she held him. They all smiled at the camera.

She didn’t mean to cry. Not even a little bit. But a stray tear escape down her cheek. Almost at

once, Vane stiffened which captured the attention of everyone in the room, who in turn, looked at

“What’s wrong?” Alicia asked, rushing over. She saw the picture in the frame and smiled.
“Aww, what a wonderful gift, Vane! Don’t worry, everyone, it’s only emotional, happy tears!” She

laughed and Sarina gave her a tight-lipped smile.

Yes, happy tears, she nodded. But it was a lie.
But as she looked at the picture all she could see was the imaginary baby that could be sitting in

Vane’s arms.

If only he’d allow it….
Several moments passed and to Sarina’s surprise Vane came up beside her.
“What do you think?” he asked.
Muscles in her face twitched as she tried to keep the holiday cheer high, but it was becoming

increasingly more difficult. How was she supposed to keep pretending she was happy when all she
wanted to do was scream?

“What do I think?” she repeated.
Vane’s warm hand landed on her shoulder. Very slowly Sarina turned to stare at his act of comfort.

The hand withdrew.

“I think…” Something in her voice made him frown. “I think that now is not the time to discuss


Ire flashed behind his forest green eyes. “Sarina…” he cautioned in that deep voice of his.
“Sarina what?
She was all-too familiar with the fact that the family sat close by eavesdropping as the tension

elevated in the room. This was not how she wanted this conversation to happen. The family didn’t
need to know about their troubles. About her troubles.

“Don’t you like your Christmas gift?” Vane hunched down in front of her. His powerful build of

sinew and strength spread that silly sweater he wore tightly across his shoulders.

“Why yes, husband, I do like it,” she answered ever so politely.
His brow furrowed. “Then why don’t I believe you?”
Sarina glared at the man she loved, finally at a point where she did not care who heard their

struggles. If he wanted to have this conversation now, then by golly, she’d let him have it!

“Maybe because a photo of our family is nice and all, but it’s not what I wanted for Christmas.”
His lips flattened and she watched as indecision flitted over his expression. He seemed

determined not to ask any questions, and yet, finally, like music to her ears, the question rumbled out.
“And just what did you want for Christmas, lumara?

There it was.
The one question he’d been avoiding for weeks leading up to Christmas. Because he knew what

she wanted. He knew badly, likely sensing her need for a new young rolling off her in waves, but he
didn’t want her to have it. So although their love life was as active as ever, he continuously refused to

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plant his seed inside her.

Whatever reason could he have for not wanting another child? Vince was their perfect, beautiful

little boy. A darling girl would only make the family complete. How could he be so incapable of
seeing the obvious?

So, naturally, Sarina’s chin cocked as she looked away and answered as many women did in times

of stress. “Nothing.”

Dumbfounded, her mate looked ready to laugh. “Nothing is wrong?” he asked in disbelief.
“Exactly.” Sarina stood and avoided her mate’s gaze. “Vince has fallen asleep. I’m going to go

tuck him in.”

Alicia, Cassie, Vanessa and Vera made their rounds kissing Vince’s soft head while cooing their

Christmas wishes to him. At least this night was almost over. Sarina was halfway up the stairs when
Vane all but shouted at her.

“Then what do you want for Christmas, Sarina?”
Her body froze at the temper in her mate’s voice. Did he really just speak to her like that? In front

of their family?

Sarina took a moment to collect herself as the entire family stared at them both with uncomfortable,

wide eyes.

“What do I want?” she repeated slowly.
He ran a flustered hand through his long, black hair. “That’s what I asked, isn’t it?”
Glaring at her mate, Sarina said the words loud and clear for all to hear; words she’d been too

scared to utter for weeks. “I want another baby!” It was amazingly freeing to speak her wish. Like a
part of her was given newfound freedom. So, she repeated her wish once more. “I want another

Vane growled in the back of his throat, the sound like a warning.
“Humph,” Sarina scoffed and tossed her hair over her shoulder as she continued up the stairs. Her

mate’s huffing and puffing hardly bothered her anymore. He could growl all he wanted as far as she
was concerned.

Dmetri Demidov broke the strained silence with a whistle. “O-kay,” he crooned in his heavily-

accented Russian. “Diz holiday over. Christine, come.”

Christine rolled her eyes at her vampire mate but grabbed her purse anyway.
The holiday was over.
Just like that.
After cooking some lousy ill-prepared food then handing out a few funny presents, then it was

over. So quickly. Weeks and months leading up to this moment all passed by faster than a speeding
freight train.

And Sarina needed to get away from Vane. By the time she finished singing a song to put Vince to

sleep, Vane waited for her out in the hallway.

The silence down below told her Christmas was over. And her mate looked positively livid. Yes,

well, she was angry too. So, with her head held high, Sarina strutted straight past her mate (much to
his astonishment) and headed to their bathroom. Her emotions were too rattled to have this
conversation now. Heck, it wouldn’t even be a conversation. It’d just be a fight at this point.

Maybe if she just turned on the water and got in the bath, then everything would begin to look

better. Hot, sudsy water had a way of calming her nerves and relaxing her—even if the problem that
awaited her sat right outside the bathroom door.

“You can’t ignore me,” Vane muttered from the bathroom doorway.

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We’ll see about that, Sarina thought.
Sarina pulled her red-and-green Christmas sweater up and off her body. Her bra soon followed as

well. She felt her mate’s gaze roaming over her bare skin. Not that she cared. Unbuttoning her slacks,
she sashayed those down her hips and kicked them off, quickly followed by her holiday panties,
which just happened to be adorned with miniature images of festive green wreathes and tiny red-and-
white candy canes.

A soft growl behind her made her flush, but she told herself it was from the steamy water and not

Vane. That insufferable lykaen didn’t deserve her attention right now as far as she was concerned.

“Fine,” he growled “You want to talk? Then let’s talk about this.”
Ha! Now he wanted to talk about this. Not this morning or last night or any of the numerous

occasions in which he’d had time to bring up the topic. Of course he wanted it when he was ready, the
selfish oaf.

Bristling, Sarina gave him a piece of her mind. “I don’t see what there is to talk about, Vane.

You’ve already made it abundantly clear that you don’t want another child. Perhaps you think I’m
getting too old?” She laughed out loud.

“Don’t be absurd. Of course you’re not old,” he grumbled. “But that doesn’t mean—” His words

were cut off mid-sentence as she stepped into the steaming hot water. Sighing at the decadent
sensations, Sarina turned off the faucet and sat back while bundling her hair high on her head with a
band. A soft moan escaped her as tight muscles in her legs and back relaxed for the first time that day.

After a long while, Sarina realized her mate had yet to resume speaking. Peeking through one eye,

she spied him. He’d moved much, much closer and she hadn’t even realized it. Darn that man and his
cat-like reflexes. His cheeks were flushed, as they always were when he was aroused. His lips were
moist as if he’d recently wet them with his tongue—a tongue she knew first and foremost was soft
when he used it on certain delicate parts of her. Sarina quickly closed her peeping eyelid.

“You were saying, Vane, my dear?” She kept her voice firm and authoritative. Someone had to stay

in charge here and better for it to be her.

He cleared his throat and the air stirred as he hunched down beside the bath. Water splashed. His

hand dipped into the steamy water. Sarina swallowed over the lump in her throat. It took everything in
her to remain strong and not look to see what he was up to. But the last thing she wanted to do was
give him the satisfaction of knowing she was curious about anything he did.

“What was I talking about?” He sounded distracted.
Sarina finally did turn a glare on him, only to find him completely devouring her breasts with his

ravenous gaze. From there his heated gaze drifted down to her stomach, then further to her legs before
making rounds all over again.

“You said you wanted to talk,” Sarina prompted him. Had her voice grown husky?
A grunt. “Right.” He cleared his throat.
A finger touched her outer thigh. Sarina hissed at him. “No touching!”
He frowned in disappointment. “What were we talking about?”
Sarina gazed to the heavens for patience. “We were going to discuss the fact that I want a baby and

you don’t.” Her voice cracked at the end, betraying her emotions.

Lumara…” he began gently.
“Don’t!” Sarina stopped him before he could start. “Don’t you even try to sweet talk me and

soften me up. The only words out of your mouth had better be an explanation.”

And it better be a good one.
Vane grew contemplative.

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Sarina held her breath while her heart beat furiously fast. Her lips quivered and it was all she

could do not to cry. But she didn’t want him to know how badly this affected her. She needed to stay
strong and keep her emotions in check.

“Remember after you had Vince…” Vane began after a long while.
Sarina nodded. Of course she did. He might as well have asked if she remembered the day they

were mated…or the first time they made love. She remembered everything from the pregnancy, to the
birth, to the chaotic aftermath when their child was stolen from them. Tears filled her eyes but she
rapidly splashed her face with water to hide the evidence.

“He was the most perfect thing I’d ever seen. First you entered my life, then you brought him into

mine and it was as if…everything had finally settled into line. Like it was meant to. You’ve made me
a happy lykaen, Sarina.”

She nodded but turned her head to the tub wall so he couldn’t see the emotion on her face. It was

too raw. Too painful.

“But when those…demented sons of bitches stole our son from our own land, I’d never felt more

helpless in my whole life. I couldn’t find him. I couldn’t save him.” Beneath the water his hand found
hers and clasped it. This time, she clung back. “I had no control over anything. I had to wait to find
out if he was dead or alive. Sarina, I…” he shook his head slowly side to side. “I don’t think I could
do that again.”

“But they’re all dead,” Sarina tried to explain, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. “Everything

is fine now. No one will hurt us again.” Even she wasn’t sure if she believed it or not.

“For how long? Something inevitably goes wrong, lumara. And if I can’t protect you and our

children…then I don’t know what to do.” He shook his head, sorrow heavy in his eyes.

“But we have help. We have friends and family who love us.”
He squeezed her hand tighter as he peered into her eyes. “And what if they can’t help us next time?

Sure, Brayden found Vince for us. Without that old vampire’s help…who knows what might’ve
happened to our boy. But, another child? A girl?” His hand tightened so hard, her skin pinched. “What
if nobody can help next time? What if I—” he fumbled for a moment, before his jaw hardened, “What
if I can’t help, Sarina?”

Her heart was breaking. “Oh, luma, your family is behind you. You won’t be alone.” Leaning

forward she embraced her mate and cried. He held her tightly, uncaring that she was soaking his
sweater. “We can’t live our lives in fear of the unknown,” she whispered in his ear.

His arms tightened around her so strongly, the air pinched in her lungs. And she happily stayed

there for some time, finding comfort in the man she loved.

“I love you, Sarina. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.”
She nodded through big tears. “I know, because I love you too.”
Pulling out her embrace, Vane cupped her cheek and stared deeply into her eyes. His warm gaze

dipped over her face, studying her. “Finish your bath. Relax and enjoy some time for yourself. You’ve
worked hard today.”

He was already standing, already pulling out of her arms. She didn’t want him to go.
Sarina’s heart flopped at the loss of heat. Of all the times for him to give her space, now was when

she didn’t want him to go. She wanted to spend the rest of the night in his arms and simply showing
her mate how much she loved him.

“By the way, you did a great job today. Christmas is only special because you’re here with me.”
And with those parting words, Vane exited and closed the door quietly behind him.
Sarina sunk into the water and let the flood of emotion flow through her.

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Chapter Four

Sarina finished pulling on her red nightgown—a silk number that drove Vane wild, which is

exactly why she chose to wear it after their conversation. Tonight she’d show her mate how much she
loved and appreciated him—no matter how it ended, she’d be happy.

But first, she had to find him.
She thought he’d be on the bed, possibly naked and waiting for her, but no such luck. Then she

figured, Vince might have woken up, but Vane wasn’t in his room either. Stepping lightly on her toes,
Sarina kissed Vince’s cheek and tucked the covers in tightly around him before creeping downstairs.

The fresh pine-smelling Christmas tree was still lit up near the hearth where a dying fire was

beginning to dim. The twinkle of red, green, and blue lights brought a smile to her face. Underneath
the tree rested three stockings, one for each of them. All the presents had been opened but merry cheer
still hung in the air.

But, where was her mate?
Sarina headed to the kitchen. Grabbing a midnight snack, maybe? The idea certainly wasn’t

unheard of in Vane’s case. However, even there she found the room empty. That’s when she heard the
split and crack of wood. It was a sound she’d grown accustomed to since living with Vane.

Wishing she had put her slippers on, Sarina tiptoed to the backdoor and peered out into the vast

wintry scenery. And there, she found her mate. Bundled in a winter cap, a heavy coat and snow boots,
he wielded the hefty axe up and over his head before splitting the final log. Squatting down, he
bundled the logs into his arms and stood, headed straight for her. Sarina opened the door for him and
stepped aside as Vane kicked off his snow-covered boots. He blustered and shivered, shaking his
head and sending snowy dust across the floor.

“What are you doing down here?” Vane asked. “It’s too cold to be near the door and you know it.”
“I was looking for you.” She pushed the door closed and happily headed back to the living room to

warm up at the fireplace.

“Yeah, needed more firewood. Should’ve done it earlier. Got caught up in hanging out with the


Sarina chuckled.
Gazing into the flickering orange firelight, Sarina listened as boots were discarded, a heavy coat

was removed, and finally Vane’s footsteps came closer.

“Babe…the dress…” She heard a groan in his voice that made her mouth twitch.
“I know. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry indeed.”
Vane braced the logs against the hearth and began setting more atop the dying fire.
“Did you remember to put the tarp back over the wood outside to keep it dry?” Sarina asked.
Vane sent her a droll stare. “Yes, dear, I did.”
Again, her mouth twitched. “Good.” Her toes were cold. Idly she rubbed the cold digits against

her calf, but that too wasn’t particularly warm.

She was considering heading back upstairs, when she spied the heavy winter blanket resting atop

the couch. Her eyes lit up. Perfection! She grabbed the cover and spread it down in front of the hearth
as Vane finished prepping the fire.

Ahh, that was better, she thought. Smiling, she cozied up into the blanket for warmth.

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Vane looked over at her, grinned, then did a double-take with his gaze remaining on her breasts.

“Babe, you know how I love your breasts….”

“I thought you loved everything about me.”
“Yeah, mostly,” he agreed, grinning mischievously.
Sarina swung her leg out and kicked his shin making him burst out laughing.
“Hey now! You know I’m crazy about you. But were you aware that your nipples were on full


“Full alert?” Sarina looked down then let loose in a fit of laughter. Indeed, her nipples were on

full alert.

“Maybe you should come warm them up with those big hands of yours,” she suggested mildly, as if

she didn’t care one way or the other.

One eyebrow arched darkly and his expression turned positively wicked. Standing before the

hearth, Vane pulled the snow globe sweater up and off his broad, muscular chest. Sarina watched
while a gentle smile tugged at her lips.

His pecs were made from handwork and grit. His shoulders were packed, cut, and lean and his

biceps were rounded with strength. A light spattering of black hair ran down the center of his chest—
something she loved to pet when they were in bed together. That wispy trail disappeared in the band
of his worn-in jeans. Cocking his legs open, Vane basked in her attention as he flicked open the button
of his jeans. Slowly, ever so slowly, he pulled down the zipper. Sarina bit her lip in anticipation. Her
legs squirmed back and forth as her excitement grew.

Thinking she’d liked to speed things up a bit, her mate could be quite the tease after all, she slowly

began to tug the bottom of her negligee up her thighs.

Vane’s gaze raptly moved to watch her performance. Eager and hot, his fixed stare was all for her.

Knowing he liked to look at her, to watch her, Sarina gently and with all the time in the world, spread
her legs open for him. Vane fisted his jeans—all but forgetting what he’d been doing.

Now that she had him nice and distracted, she finished pulling the gown up to her hips. She wore

nothing underneath. Absolutely nothing. And Vane just realized this. Growling, his musky mating
scent, thick like vanilla, began to permeate the air. His erection strained against his jeans, trying to
shove past his waistband as if to get her.

Bare, pink, and wet for him, Sarina showed him everything as her knees slowly bent back to create

a cradle for him.

“I’m awfully cold,” she said.
Clearing his throat, his chest flushing a deep shade of red, Vane shoved his jeans down his thighs

with exaggerated movements. “Oh yeah? I got a fix for that.” His voice had dropped an octave, a
sound that made her shiver.

“And what would that be?”
He wiped his mouth and dropped down to crawl towards her. “You’re about to find out.”
Sarina could see it in his eyes already—he was going to slowly torture her until she was begging

for release—and even then he wasn’t going to give it to her until she was good and ready. But that’s
the last thing she wanted right now. Not with how anxious she felt. She wanted hard and hot and fast.
So, when Vane neared, Sarina wrapped an arm around her mate’s neck and they became locked in a
wet kiss. A ravenous sharing of heat and tongue. Moaning, Sarina braced herself and locked her legs
around her mate’s waist before taking him by surprise and rolling him beneath her.

“Ooof!” His eyes flew open.
Up above him, her legs spread wide to make room for his thick waist, Sarina breathed deeply as

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she slowly began to lift the dress up and over her head. It didn’t take long for her mate’s raspy, warm
hands to run up her stomach to catch her aching breasts, a move which made her shiver. Her breath
caught and she began and writhing in a sensual rhythm above his groin, preparing for the act to come.

“I can smell your heat,” Vane growled huskily. Plucking at her turgid nipples, his other hand

dipped to stroke her thigh. His grasp growing firmer, more ardent.

Sarina’s mouth fell open as she bent low over her mate and met his mouth in a starving kiss. Her

tongue glided along his to suckle and sweep. Moans emanated from her throat.

The first gentle stroke between the cradle of her thighs made her coo. The feather-light touches

soothed her into a delirium of pleasure. Sarina’s hips wriggled madly for her mate’s touch. Her core
throbbed with need, the need to be filled by her mate’s cock, the need to be pumped full with his seed
and held in his secure arms. Her bud ached, swollen with nerve endings craving a gentle rubbing. Yet
he remained ever vigilant not to give her what she needed, but to continue to tease her with what
could be.

Sarina tore her mouth away from his and trailed rapid-fire, open-mouthed kisses down her mate’s

chest. She licked his nipples and ran her hands up and down his flank. His hipbones teased her until
she grabbed them too and placed a kiss to each.

“Sarina,” Vane groaned, throwing his head back as his hips arched against her.
His cock strained straight and hard for her, like an arrow awaiting a soft sheathe to pierce. And

hers was ready for him, supple as goose down. The crown of his cock was flushed darkly with color,
his shaft standing upright like an iron pole. Sarina grasped him in her hand and rubbed her cheek
against his long, long length. Hands surged into her hair to hold on for dear life as his hips already
pumped against her for more.

If he wanted to tease, then she’d show him how it’s done. And then she’d get what she wanted.
Pre-come dripped from the tip of his velvety-soft cock. Gently she pumped him in her fist, working

his manhood with loving strokes. She loved having him at her mercy. His big strong body writhed for
her. It made her feel as powerful as a goddess, strong as any warrior. He was putty for her, all
because of her hands and touch.

A lick here and there and she wetted the spongy tip of his shaft and suckled the pre-come from him.

Familiar fingertips massaged her scalp as she made a vise with her jaw and slid him into the tight ring
of her lips, coating him wetly with her tongue. Husky groans filled her ears and fueled her to carry on.
Pumping the base of his cock with her fist, she used power from her mouth to encase him. She tasted
his musky essence, so pure and sexy, it delighted her senses. The vibrations from her moans shivered
over him and she heard his breath catch.

His sac was pulled tight and firm, hot to the touch as her free hand palmed him.
Lumara,” he warned huskily. “If you don’t let up now you’re going to get a mouth full.”
Chuckling wickedly Sarina pulled back so she could speak. “A mouth full of what, sweetheart?”
He gave her a dark look.
They both knew exactly what it’d be a mouth full of.
The naughty thought only made her hand twitch faster, working him into a frenzy as she molded his

tight sac in her other hand. She’d done this numerous times in the past. Sometimes she’d catch his
pent-up release in her mouth and drink in the delightful taste, other times she’d stroke him to fruition
and watch white-hot come splatter across his chest…or onto hers.

But that wasn’t for tonight. Spending his seed uselessly was the last thing she wanted.
His groans became erratic and increasing in frequency as her mouth once again swallowed him.

Sliding up and down she brought him into a rhythm meant for only one thing—climaxing. His cock

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pulsed in her hand. His crown throbbed for several beats and that’s when she knew he was close. So
close that if she didn’t stop, she would in fact get a spray of her mate’s seed down the back of her
loving throat.

That’s when she retreated and climbed up and over her lover’s supine form. Dazed and aroused,

her mate could only lie there in an impassioned daze as she mounted him, grabbing his cock and
centering him to her wet core. She prodded her damp folds with his shaft, coating him with her own
creamy essences.

“I was trying to take this slow,” Vane muttered in a husky voice.
“Which is precisely why I took charge, my love.”
Raspy laughter followed, as she sunk down on his length. Her mouth opened and eyes slid closed

as his manhood spread her tight muscles and filled her to depths that only he could. Flesh to flesh she
rocked her pelvis against him and braced her hands on his chest as soft gasps escaped her throat.

“Oh, Vane,” she moaned, throwing her head back.
His cock stroked sensitive nerve endings inside her making her inner walls pulsate and tremble

around his thick girth.

His strong hands found her hips and stroke her thighs, cupped her breasts, and eventually settled

back on her hips to help her rock against him. Her toes curled. He felt delightful inside her. It
wouldn’t take long for her to implode, that much she knew. She was already too swollen, too pent-up
for him.

She didn’t really know if this lovemaking session meant he’d finish inside her or not, but at this

point, she didn’t care. She just wanted to be with her mate and show him how much she loved him,
through thick and thin, for ever and ever.

Bracing herself on one hand her fingertips found her smooth, shaved center as she rode him. Her

movements became urgent at the first touch to her ultra-sensitive bud. She keened a high-pitched
sound and rasped Vane’s name out loud.

“Take it nice and slow, baby. Wanna see you come apart on me.”
She tried to listen to him. To ride him slowly in measured movements while gently circling her

tender bud—but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t.

No matter how hard she tried, her breaths turned into pants and her nipples tightened into

unbearable points as her stomach muscles clenched roughly. Her hips started thrusting faster as her
fingers delved over her needy bud rapidly.

“Ah, hell,” he cursed darkly, voice sounding like he’d chewed nails and spit them out. “You’re not

gonna last another minute,” he gritted out.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” she panted, her mouth falling open.
Sure enough, he was right. As usual.
Her sex began to ripple with ecstasy. Steady, sucking trembling sensations that grew in wavelength

and strength until she was riding Vane like a bull rider at a tournament. Cries escaped her as she
furiously rubbed her little bud. Vane’s strong hands guided her hips roughly, all the while grunting and
urging her movements on.

Sarina came in an explosion that blinded her. She cried out, squeezing Vane’s pec in a biting grip

as her muscles bore down on him and shook and shook and shook. He didn’t try to mute her cries. He
didn’t try to stop her. He simply kept pumping her hips against his to prolong the pleasure.

“Gonna…aww, fuck. Yeeeeeah!” Vane grunted.
And then she felt it. Thick, pulsating sensations throbbing inside her. His cock swelled in that oh-

so-familiar way. Vane’s grip became nearly bruising as he held onto her, his hips surging against hers

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as he came in thick, jetting bursts inside her.

Sarina laughed wildly, completely out of breath, dazed and blissfully happy. “There it is.”

Her mate laughed richly, his eyes still unable to open. “I’d say so. I haven’t come that hard in a


Leaning down, she kissed his cheek. “That’s because you haven’t finished inside me in that long.”
“Didn’t realize I’ve been missing out. I can’t move a muscle.”
Delighted to no end, Sarina snuggled him and closed her eyes. Already exhaustion came over her

from a very long day.

“Are we going to sleep down here?” she asked before letting loose a big yawn.
“Yeah, I don’t think I could make it upstairs if I wanted to.” He rolled over and pulled her against

his body.

“Fine with me but don’t forget,” she reminded him, “we have to go to Rome and Alicia’s place

tomorrow for the after-Christmas Christmas party.”

He groaned lousily. “Do we have to?”
Laughing, she nodded. “Yes, we have to. You’re the Alpha of the pack, aren’t you?”
“Times like this I don’t want to be.”
“I know, baby, but you look so cute in your snowman sweaters.”
Growling, Vane tickled her and kissed her roughly until they both calmed down.
And that’s how she fell asleep on Christmas night.

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Chapter Five

Sarina’s eyelids fluttered open. Judging by the crackle of the fireplace and the hands roaming over

her body, and the sun having yet to grace her windows, she figured it was still deep into Christmas
night. And Vane was obviously quite up and ready.

His hands molded her breasts and his mouth engulfed her nipple to suck and pull. “Sorry to wake

you,” he grumbled against her flesh. His voice expressed that he was clearly not sorry in the least.
“Gotta get inside you, lumara. Been sitting here for an hour, driving me crazy with your scent.”

“A whole hour and you managed to only make me until now?” She was immensely impressed his


“Didn’t know if I should enter you, then wake you or wake you, then enter you.”
Turning her onto her side, Vane pressed his warm chest against her back and lifted her left leg up

and over his own. Moaning at his sensuous touch, Sarina closed her eyes and let the pleasure come.
Now it was Vane’s turn to do all the work, so to speak.

“I see you finally made a decision,” she replied breathlessly.
On a groan he squeezed his hard cock inside her tight sheathe. She was still wet and damp.

Instantly nerve-ending shot awake and her breath caught.

“Yeah, I did.” His voice was but a grunt of masculine sound.
His thrusts were driving and thorough. His hips slapped against her cheeks making an erotic sound

to her ears. His heavy breaths panted in her ear, spurring her on even further.

“If you want a baby, I’m going to have to start coming in you all the time.”
That sounded like a promise if ever she heard one. Giggling, she smiled and told him she agreed.
“Good, because we’re starting right now,” he told her.
He held her hip in his hand and cradled his other arm around her body to play sporadically with

her breast, as if it was an after thought. His cock was a tight fit, shooting like a piston in and out of
her. At times his mouth would kiss her neck or tilt her chin so he could kiss her ear. Other times he’d
rub her smooth pussy or trail his palm over her stomach or squeeze her bottom.

“Oh, Vane,” she cried out softly.
His heavy sac slapped against her wet pussy as his movements grew more urgent. “Missed

finishing inside you like this,” he said darkly.

Somehow she managed to speak over her impending orgasm, which he orchestrated himself one-

handed via her clit. “Don’t forget about that party today. Can’t sleep in,” she panted.

“Gonna come in you before, during, and after that party,” he promised wickedly.
Oh my.
Moaning behind her, Vane held her tight and rubbed her tender bud in that slow, sure way he liked

to. It took only seconds before her hips surged against him. Cries flew from her mouth as muscles in
her body tensed all at once, then spasms broke throughout her body in a fiery explosion.

“That’s it,” he crooned.
Slap, slap, slap, his hips pummeled her bottom rapidly. His long, hard cock worked its way

through her milking muscles as her body squeezed and stroked him. His breath turned harsh and
erratic. Then she felt him engorge, thickening. Crying out at the inevitable, Sarina moaned when it
finally came.

Shoving deep, Vane mindlessly thrust in hammering strikes, his cock shooting his seed deep into

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her, drenching her walls and soaking her core. Out of breath he grunted and panted in her ear as his
shaft jerked inside her. It was as if he was putting the fire out inside of her. Groaning loudly, he
squeezed her hip and shoved deeply one last time as the last pulses spent coated her inner walls.

They fell asleep locked together in each other’s embraces, both blissfully happy.
Merry Christmas indeed.

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Chapter Six


The following day Vane, Sarina, and Vince were filled with eggnog and apple cider while

shoveling down cheese and crackers by the plateful at Rome Kategan’s home. The whole family was
there, plus a few friends of the family. Holiday music played an upbeat tempo in the background. The
kitchen table was laden with finger foods, cookies, and pies. There would be no formal meal today on
the day after Christmas. This was about gathering with loved ones, playing games, and sharing fun

Vince was currently swept up in Vera Kategan’s arms. Judging by the baby-loving gaze she had for

him, it’d only be a matter of time until she too had a little one of her own.

As Alpha of the Kategan pack, Vane had never felt more at peace or more pleased. He sat back

with his mate near his side and took in all the glowing smiles with a secret grin of his own. Sarina
was right, of course. Adding to their family would only bring more joy to them all in the end. No
matter what could go wrong, he couldn’t live the rest of his life based off fearful notions. Plus, look at
how happy his mate was. She was practically glowing tonight. Her smile was intoxicating, her eyes
glowing like gems, and her laughter infectious.

Giving him a peck on the cheek, Sarina headed off to grab a glass of eggnog and chat with the

women. It was difficult not to be merry during such joyous times. Even the ever-dour vampire Dmetri
Demidov appeared to have a faint grin fastened at his mouth.

Naturally, Vane found his gaze floundering back to his mate. The love he felt for her was so

intense, it brought out powerful emotions he couldn’t ignore. He wanted to give her anything she
needed, to protect her at all costs, to love her tenderly and forever. He was a privileged man. That’s
for damn sure. Without her, he wouldn’t be standing here happy as a damn clown wearing a stupid
sweater and drinking cider.

Life wouldn’t be the same without her.
Then, a commotion happened at the kitchen table—a glass of wine was knocked over. As the

women burst out laughing, Sarina hurriedly grabbed a washcloth and knelt down at the floor to wipe
up the dripping mess. She covered her mouth to stifle the laughter, but it was no use—they were all

Vane just happened to see his mate’s ample ass through that dress. Damn. His jeans suddenly

became constricting. He told himself this wasn’t the place for that, even if his mate had decided to
wear a provocative dress. A thought struck him. Late last night he had in fact told Sarina he would
have her before, during and after the party.

Well, he’d already had her before….
Vanessa, poorly trying to stop laughing, sauntered into the living room. “Okay, fellas, seems us

ladies need a break from the kitchen.”

“Or from the wine,” her mate Brayden grumbled, drawing forth several masculine chuckles.
“Ha ha,” she responded slowly. “As a matter of fact, it’s game time anyway. Everyone congregate


A board game was broken out.
Seeing his opportunity, Vane found Sarina wringing out the washcloth in the sink. They were all

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alone in the kitchen. Stepping up behind her, he cupped her sweet, tender bottom and bent low to her
ear as she perked up. “I need you,” he told her.

Laughing, she winked at him. “I know you do.”
She didn’t get it. He squeezed her ass meaningfully. That seemed to get her attention. “No, lumara,

I told you last night I’d have you. And I need you…inside you…now before I make an embarrassing
mistake in my pants.”

“You’re that excited?” Why she sounded surprised, he had no clue. Her breasts look large and in

charge in her red Christmas dress and she wore an adorable Santa hat to top it all off. He saw her pull
on the red-and-white thong this morning while getting dressed. All he’d have to do is pull it down and
he could be inside her.

He pressed his hips against her to prove his excitement. Breathless, she turned around, wide-eyed,

but he didn’t hear any immediate protests, which gave him some hope this might actually happen.

“But why?” she asked.
He arched one eyebrow and looked down at his mate. Of course, what he couldn’t tell her with

words, as he wasn’t a poet, that’s for sure, was that it wasn’t just some pretty dress that had him riled
up. Fact was, he was excited to have another child. He was happy to be pleasing his wife and to have
things back on common ground. And he liked to live up to his promises, one of which he’d made last

But he didn’t know how to explain all that to her, so he simply bent low to her ear and whispered

another truth. “I love you, lumara. Let’s go make a baby girl.”

Breathless, she nodded and bit her lip as she contemplated for a moment. “Meet me in the

downstairs bathroom in the basement.” She snuck off quietly as laughter and groans came from the
living room.

“Board games are for humans,” Dmetri intoned dryly.
Waiting only a few seconds, Vane headed after her.
Hard and ready for her, he knew this would be quick but oh-so-satisfying.
He heard her giggle and quickened his step. Peering over her shoulder, she spotted him and rushed

into the bathroom. He joined her only seconds later. He barely managed to close the door and lock it,
when he felt her hands on him, eagerly yanking down his zipper and grabbing his cock.

He bit back a groan at her eagerness.
“We have to hurry,” she whispered. “And we can’t be loud.”
She stroked him and he pulled her into his arms for a smoldering kiss. His hands ran over her

body, lovingly tracing curves he had memorized and which never failed to entice him. When she
began pumping his cock in that meaningful way, he knew she was ready.

He spun her around to face the sink. She grabbed hold over it and peered over her shoulder at him

as he flung her dress up to her hips. Sure enough the sweet creamy globes of her ass were bared for
him, save for a meager strap of red cloth clinging between her dainty cheeks. He palmed those warm
cheeks, spread them wide and slapped each for good measure. She rose up on her toes as her neck
twisted around as he tormented her.

He pulled her roughly back against him and slid his hands under the top of her dress to cup her

heavy breasts. Meanwhile she began rubbing her soft cheeks against his cock, up and down, up and
down until his cock fell into the crease of her ass and he began to leak pre-come.

Shit. He wanted to savor this but he was already wasting precious time. People would notice them

being gone. They had to hurry.

Quickly, he hooked his thumbs in her panties and slid them down until they pooled around her high

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heels. She opened her stance and bent forward, anticipating what was to come.

Grabbing his cock in one hand, the other holding her shoulder in place, he speared through her wet

folds to moisten the tip of his cock.

“Hurry, Vane! Please!” she whispered fiercely.
That’s all he needed to hear.
He drove inside on a rocking thrust, which lifted her up to her toes. She cried out, only to slap a

hand across her mouth to stifle the sound.

She was wet, tight as a fist, and welcoming. And he was in heaven.
He pumped her full, in and out in a pace meant for only one thing—coming.
Their heavy breaths gassed the air as the wet sounds of their lovemaking teased his ears. His

heavy sac slapped her wet pussy in a sensation he loved all too much. His fingers bit into her

Upstairs he heard more guffaws of laughter and glasses clinking together in a toast.
Grabbing hold of her hips, Vane hammered into her moist pussy with mindless strokes. Sarina

trembled, her harsh breathing spurring him on until he was biting his lip to keep from coming too
soon. He needed her to finish first, but fuck, he was about to blow any second. She was too tight, too
beautiful, too everything. Her stifled cries were so soft and sexy they drove him completely mad!

And then she squeezed the sink tightly as her face flushed a deep shade of red. That’s when it

began—the twitching, milking sensations over his cock—like little fingers tugging him to completion
as she came apart. She struggled to keep quiet, which only made him hotter.

His lip nearly burst open he bit down on it so hard. Instead he plunged harder. The sounds he made

couldn’t be denied. He was groaning loudly but he couldn’t stop himself nor slow down, even though
the smacking noises as their bodies met were distinguishably noticeable.

Her orgasm continued in drugging pulls. Vane caught his mate by both shoulders and fucked her

sweet pussy mindlessly. Her body, as always, milked the come from his sac. Barely managing to hold
back a shout, he tunneled his cock in and out of her and started coming in jerky, long spurts. He
panted, his entire body twitching as his cock blew again and again and again into her welcoming heat.
Her orgasm wrung the come from him, pulling his seed deep from his balls and into her body.

Somehow he new, this one had taken. This one would plant the seed for their baby girl.
Gasping, they slowed the pace. The last vestiges of his orgasm had his hips jerking one last time.

Lovingly, he turned is mate and kissed her, hands running over each other’s bodies in the sweet

They didn’t have long to bask in the pleasure. They righted their clothes, kissed quickly and

headed back upstairs in short order. Vane took a few extra minutes in the kitchen alone, tossing back a
few glasses of nog, before he headed into the living room with Sarina and the rest of the gang.

He knew what he expected. Pointed fingers, fixed stares, and disgusted glances—yet he received

none of that as he took his place at his mate’s side. Her cheeks were still slightly flushed.

The board game was in full force as a die was rolled and cards turned over. The whole family was

happy as can be. Vane wrapped his arm around his mate and whispered one last thing in her ear.

“Here’s to a baby girl, sweetheart. I love you.”
Smiling up at him she whispered back. “It’s Violet.”
His eyebrow quirked. Violet? He rolled the name through his mind before slowly nodding. He

placed his hand over her belly and smiled at her. “Violet it is.”

“Merry Christmas, Vane.”
“Merry Christmas, Sarina.”

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Read on for

a preview of


The Kategan Alphas, #1

Available now!

Vane Kategan paced back and forth across his study. Unrest was growing in the pack. Pack

members have complained that he needed to find a mate and start breeding. Easier said than done.
Vane stuffed his big form into a chair and ran a rough hand through his hair.

He knew they were right. He was the Alpha. As the strongest of the pack, it was his

responsibility to provide heirs in case of his death. The only problem with that was none of the
women in the pack interested him. He’d dated several of them and even a few outside the pack. But
still his beast refused to mate with them. And he couldn’t force such a close connection. They were
all unacceptable: irresponsible, neglectful, boring, and selfish. He and his wolf refused to force his
pack to settle for a poor leader. Those with the more positive qualities either didn’t connect with him
or were already taken. Besides, the women needed a strong female to influence them, and he needed a
queen for both the pack and him.

Vane didn’t know what else to do. At the request of his pack, he even dated some humans. Yet

none of them stirred both him and his wolf. He growled in annoyance and went to find his
housekeeper. He found him lounging in a recliner in the living room.

“I’ll be going out. Call me if you need me.” Alfonse lifted his head out of the magazine he

was reading and smiled.

“Sure thing, boss.” Alfonse gave a little wave before returning to his magazine. Pausing with

his head out the door, Vane turned to look at his old friend.

“Is that a Martha Stewart magazine?” he asked tentatively. His friend grinned up at him.
“Sure is. There’s a chocolate mousse recipe in here that looks positively delicious.” Vane

grabbed his hiking pack and left to the sound of his friend’s laughter.

The chilled night air helped to calm his nerves. He left his cabin and decided to hike across

the unmarked land instead of the usual worn paths. Pack members used the paths to stay within pack
territory, but he knew this land better than anyone did. It was all his. He hiked his backpack higher
and let his feet guide him.

It had been too long...weeks, since he’d visited the forest. His beast relished the crescent

moon and the coming full moon. He walked quickly over fallen trees, climbed deftly down the main
bluff, and vaulted over sharp crags. Animals squawked and scattered as his quiet steps tapped through
the forest.

Stopping for a moment under a canopy of willow trees, Vane pulled out his water bottle and

took a long drink. He stilled as the breeze changed direction and brought with it a new scent. The
scent was bold, earthy, and sweet. Different. Lingering, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. It
smelled faintly of woman, lykaen, and something else. Something too vague to capture.

Intrigued, he tracked the scent through the woods. He followed the trail until he reached the

end of his property line. He hesitated, unsure whether to stray so far from the pack. He made a quick
phone call to Alfonse to let him know he’d be off territory for a while. Alfonse laughed at him before
telling him to get a gallon of milk on the way home.

“Funny bastard,” Vane muttered under his breath.

background image

Twenty minutes later, Vane passed through some low brush. He swiped at a low-hanging

branch and passed under it. A large, two-story cabin resided straight ahead.

The scent was more potent here. He stopped and inhaled the rich scent deep into his lungs.

Something about it raised his hackles and brought his cock to life.

Vane didn’t recognize the cabin, but the size of it spoke of money. Whoever built it here, with

only a bare dirt path to it, wanted to stay hidden.

Creeping silently, Vane made his way to a first-floor window. The shades were open and a

soft yellow light glowed out from a lamp in the corner. The scent was thick and strong this close. He
wanted to roll around in it. Hell, something was almost familiar about it.

Vane flattened himself against the log cabin. H could smell the earthy scent of cedar, but it

was overpowered by something much greater. He put his ear to the panel of wood, closed his eyes,
and listened. He tuned out the birds, squirrels, and crickets at his feet and focused all of his lykaen
hearing on the female inside. Intrigued, he was definitely intrigued.

His eyes shot open and his cock pulsed at the sound of a distinctly feminine moan. A deep

male voice groaned. Just as quickly as his cock hardened, it deflated. His hands curled into fists.
Whoa. What the hell was he angry at?

Before leaving, Vane wanted to at least see the woman who carried such an alluring scent.

And a sexy moan. He had just tracked her for several miles.

He peered into the window and what he saw made his cock go from soft to painfully hard.

Find it now!

About the Author

I love to write the kind of stories that will keep you up late at night and make your heart

pound. It's my goal to make each new book better, more exciting, and more action-packed to keep
thrilling you. I'm always trying to push the boundaries with my imagination, and yours, to create
something new and different.

Open up one of my novels and you will find hot, erotic stories that will make you laugh out

loud, cry, and fly through the pages. I write addictive love stories and I hope you like them.









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