Sean Michael Cereus 01 The Building

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or
are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events,
locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely
coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the

Cereus: The Building
An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright 2011 by Sean Michael, Julia Talbot, BA Tortuga
Cover illustration by SA Clements
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-61040-570-6
All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this
book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever except as
provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. For information address
Torquere Press. Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: September 2011
Printed in the USA

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Table of Contents

Foreword - 4

Prologue - 6

It's Elemental - 11

The Third Course - 57

Smoke and Gold - 121

Epilogue - 194

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When I started writing the Bloodrose series a few

years back, I had no idea that it would overtake some of
my other books as my most popular series. The
Werewolf Code
was just supposed to be a one-off
mystery featuring a werewolf and a vampire, of which
I’ve always liked the dynamic, and that was that.

Then one of my writing friends said, “You know, if

you write the sexy auction scene you mention in The
Werewolf Code
, you could have a smokin’ hot book.”
That friend was Sean Michael. So I wrote An Itch to
, which is the story of how Deke and Kasey, the
main characters in the first book, met. Which was when
my partner and best critic, BA Tortuga said, “You really
ought to write a story about Jonny, the owner of the club
Bloodrose in that book.” Which is why I wrote Belling
the Cat

Not only was a real series born, one that has spawned

(to date) four novellas, three short stories, and one
combined print volume, but I found my writer friends
taking an active interest in the world-building, offering
suggestions, and offering to write stories.

That was how Cereus was born, not only as an

extension of the Bloodrose world, but also as a place to
introduce a whole new cast of characters and situations
of the paranormal. This was truly a collaborative effort,
where Sean, BA, and I all wrote our own stories, but
borrowed each others’ characters and occasionally got
together to make sure everything sounded right, guest-
starring if you will.

I hope everyone will like Cereus (which is a species

of night-blooming flower) as much as I do, and I’m

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looking forward to seeing what Sean, BA, and I can
come up with for the next installment.

Julia Talbot 2011

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Cereus: Building

By Sean Michael, BA Tortuga, and Julia Talbot


"I need your help, friend." Daniel Underhill looked at

Jonny, eyes glowing gold through webcam, the glow
sort of pixillating a bit, making things a bit odd, even for

Really, how much more odd did it get than being a

dragon? Daniel was certainly the only one Jonny had
ever met.

"Well, you know you need only ask." Jonny settled

more comfortably in his chair, steepling his fingers in
front of his chest. He sat behind his desk at the club
Bloodrose, marveling at things like Skype, which
certainly hadn’t existed when he’d become a vampire all
those centuries ago.

Daniel cleared his throat, bringing Jonny’s attention

back to the screen.

"You know that I have...particular issues, yes?"
It took Jonny a moment to suss out what the man

might mean, but he hit upon it. Daniel, although quite
astonishing in his true form, was reportedly
quite...undersized. Petite. Wee. Possibly even tiny, for a
dragon. It caused problems on occasion. "Indeed."

"Well, I've been here a long time, eons, and no one

has bothered me, but my kind doesn't like population
and our territories are getting smaller every decade."

"Isn't that the way it is for everyone?" The wolves

were all bitching about it as well, about how there was
nowhere to run, and how while they loved the club, it
was too urban for them.

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"Yes, but... I can't protect my home, not from my

own kind."

"I take it you have an idea." Dragons were all about

ideas. Not so much practicalities, though they were
exceptional at making money. Daniel had a particular
talent for finding magical objects and selling them.

"Of course I do." Daniel's smile was suddenly young

and happy. "You're going to build a kinky little getaway
here rather like your club, and let me have a huge,
amazing cabin on the edge of the resort. You'll make
money. I'll make money. Everyone will avoid the
mountain because there will be human activity. It's

Jonny pondered that. "You're in the Cascades, yeah?"
Daniel nodded. "Six hundred acres ready to build on.

You front the money for the development and guarantee
me my house, and you do as you will."

"Hmm. I would like to keep a good bit as a preserve.

We can stock with game if there's not enough..."
Wouldn't the 'weres love a safe place to hunt?

"It's virgin land. Perfect." Daniel smiled. "Safe,

except from my kind."

And having a busy presence would stop that quickly,

wouldn't it? Dragons were silly creatures.

"I like it. We could go very green, very earth friendly.

Go underground for some of the vampire quarters as
long as it wasn't near your den." Daniel could be touchy
about that den of his.

Daniel nodded. "My den is a natural cave. If you

look, you'll find others. Humans tend to avoid the area."
He got a wicked little smile. "Crossing my borders
uninvited causes its own issues."

"Don't I know it?" Jonny had never been to Daniel's

land, but there had been that poor courier once... The

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dangers of dealing in magical objects. Even small
dragons had big flames.

Daniel shrugged, licked his lips. "Occupational


"Indeed. I can send some people to do an initial

survey, talk to selected backers."

"Just let me know to expect them." Long, golden hair

was shoved back, Daniel settling. "So, now that the
business part is done, let me tell you about this amazing
spell book I had sent from Romania. I either made a
stick into a fire snake or a burning stick into a dead
snake. The accent's tough to pull off."

"You're not Romanian." Neither was Jonny, thank

goodness. A vamp from Romania was trite, at best.

"No, but I'm not Mexican either, and I managed to

unearth that Mayan demi-god for you once, didn't I?"


"So, you're letting me go?" Duke tried hard not to

snarl, sitting back in his chair and raising his brows

His boss, the owner of the club called the Bloodrose,

raised one brow. That was way easier for a vampire like
Jonny than it was for a werewolf like Duke. Weres had

"Of course not. I'm offering you a fantastic

opportunity." Jonny's vaguely British accent always got
more clipped and pronounced when he was annoyed.
"I'm giving you your own club, essentially. You won't
simply be the floor manager, you'll be the general
manager, responsible for all aspects of the property. The
resort will be significantly bigger than the Rose."

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Wow. Somehow Duke hadn't counted on that at all.

So, of course, he opened his mouth and growled,

"Because I wouldn't trust anyone else with this.

Jamison is willing to back it. He thinks we need
an…extended stay sort of place. A friend of mind
suggested it. He owns the land."

Jamison was Duke's vampire lover, and Duke

wondered why the hell the man hadn't bothered to talk to
him about it before taking the whole idea to Jonny.
Jamison could be pretty weird about mixing business
with pleasure, though, citing Duke's old rule of not
dating Bloodrose customers.

"Okay, so, tell me more about it."
"Kasey and Deacon have scouted the location, which

is a lovely property in the Cascade Mountains. There's
enough acreage to run and to populate the grounds with
large game. We've already looked into the legality of
hunting on private property, and so on."

Kasey and Deke were the resident private eyes, and

were as trustworthy as they came. Duke knew if they
checked out the property, it would be remote, secure,
and have all the necessary water and mineral rights.

"So, I have two questions, then."
"Fire away." Jonny sat back, smiling now, looking far

less annoyed now.

"Who's taking over here at the Bloodrose, and when

do we break ground?"

Jonny's smile grew even wider. "I'm sending Jared

with you to oversee customer service, so you'll have him
and Adain to help out. I'll put Jonas and Cady in charge

Duke pondered that. Jonas and Cady had been at the

Bloodrose a long time, and it was about time they
graduated from doing floor shows and organizing

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auctions to doing some real work. They would be really
good at tag-teaming everything. Jared was a solid man
and a good friend as well as a fellow werewolf, so Duke
liked the idea of him coming along.

"That works."
"Excellent. Then we'll break ground next week. I'll

need you there by next quarter, overseeing the more
specific aspects of the construction. There's a dragon

"So soon." He would have to get bank accounts set

up, get a place to stay during construction, get
somewhere safe for his sun-phobic lover. Still, with a
dragon involved, it would behoove him to be there to
make sure no one got singed. "I'll miss Luc."

Jonny laughed outright. "Don't worry. Even my city

kitty is intrigued by the idea of a place to roam and hunt.
You'll see us often."

Duke stood, holding out a hand to shake. "I'm your

man, then."

"Don't you even want to know how much of a salary

increase this will mean?"

Duke snorted, shaking his head. "What do I need the

money for? Talk it over with Jamison." He didn't have
time to talk money. He had a multi-million dollar resort
to plan.

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It's Elemental

By Julia Talbot

Chapter One

"No, no, no! You can't put a window seat there! It

will ruin the feng shui completely."

If the little man with the glasses and the goatee didn't

back off soon, Chayton was just gonna kill him. Dead.
He had to be built out in a week, and he didn't have time
for a fucking decorator. He didn't have time for Duke,
the club's manager, or that dude Zee who kept harping
about kill switches, whatever those were. Why would he
have time for a designer?

"Look. I have to put the window seat where there's a

window. This is the window that has the view and the
lack of afternoon sun. Talk to Duke," Chayton snarled.

"I have. He told me to remind you that we have

dragons. Feng shui is extremely important."

"The North American dragon is only loosely

descended from the Asian dragon. Bite me."

The little guy stopped and blinked, a bright spark

lighting in those blue eyes he tried to hide behind those
stupid glasses. "You're remarkably well-informed. Duke
says our dragon is of European descent."

Chayton's cheeks heated, but he refused to be

ashamed of his background. "I studied anthro and
folklore in college."

"Really? How interesting! Why not construction

stuff?" For the first time it seemed like the little guy was
actually paying attention to him, not fluttering.

"I got a scholarship." Chayton shrugged. "I've worked

construction since I was thirteen. I wanted to learn
something different in school."

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"How fun!" The little guy flapped his hands. "I can

totally see that. I went into decorating because my entire
family is in the restaurant business. If I never have to see
another steak frite, I'll be a happy guy."

Huh. Maybe he had something in common with this

little freak, after all. The flapping hand still made
Chayton's fingers itch to wrap around the scrawny
throat, though, just under the goatee. In fact, this whole
job was kind of a cluster fuck.

Chayton was discovering that it was way easier to

work with humans than it was with were-creatures and
demons and shit. Crazy assholes. They wanted deep
basements and lairs and rooms with no windows and all
manner of shit. He'd thought that panic rooms and huge
walk-in closets had been a pain in the ass.

Now he knew better. Working for his own kind was

far worse.

"...see what I mean? It's important."
Shit. He'd missed all of that. "What?"
Blue eyes flashed a little fire. "I said, that with a

background in myth, you can see why certain things are

Oh, the little fucker. "I can. I can also see where

there's nowhere else to put the window seat. So I guess
as the decorator, it will be up to you to put a bowl
somewhere to catch luck or something."

The little guy (he really ought to find out the guy's

name) laughed, which was better than Chayton thought
would happen.

"Okay, we'll compromise on this one. I did want to

talk to you about these button things that Zee wants put
in. I don't suppose there's a way to hide them until
they're... needed?"

"You mean cover them until someone wants to play?"

There was no need to be delicate. Duke wasn't hiring

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anyone who might have an issue with the club's purpose,
right? Why pussyfoot?

The little guy turned almost purple, lips pressing

together. He looked pissy as all hell. He opened his
mouth, but Chayton cut him off.

"What's your name again?"
Those pretty eyes narrowed dangerously. A hissy was

brewing. "Kenneth."

"Sorry. I am. I'm not good with Anglo names."
Kenneth tilted his head. "What does your name


"Falcon. It's Sioux."
"How lovely!" Kenneth clapped his hands, laughing,

the sound like water in a stream. "I'll have to get you
something with falcons for your room."

"Uh--" Wow. Decorator to the bone. "Thanks. I'm a


"Well, duh." Kenneth flapped a hand. "Do you want

to have lunch?"

"Lunch?" He was totally losing the thread of the


"Lunch. A meal often comprised of sandwiches and

chips. I'm starving."

"And you want to eat with me?" His brain was just

moving too slow.

"Yes. I have decided you'll work with me more easily

if we get to know one another."

Damn. He was rarely caught so flat-footed. "Okay.


Kenneth's face broke into a sunny smile, and he held

out a hand. "Excellent. Let's go see the kitties."

He took the proferred hand, feeling like he'd just

stepped from the real world into some weird Tim Burton
movie or something. One of the new ones, not the old,

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good ones. He'd have to see if he was making a mistake,
or if this was going to be a fun ride.

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Chapter Two

Kenneth dragged Chayton to the main kitchen, where

he knew Stephan would be puttering around, making
messes. Marco would be growling. It was a thing.

Still, he'd bet he could charm Stephan into making

him and Chayton a sandwich. Oh. A him and Chayton
sandwich. That sounded so nice.

As frustrating as the big contractor was, Chayton was

also the most beautiful man Kenneth had seen in a long
while, which was quite a feat. The manager of Cereus,
Duke, was populating the place with absolutely stunning
men, but Chayton stood out like some sort of natural

The long black hair, pulled back into a severe tail,

was thick and glossy and would probably fall to the
man's waist. Dark brown eyes and a sharply-cut face that
spoke of Chayton's Sioux heritage completed the
picture. Combined with a barrel-chested body that
carried the effortless strength of a man who worked with
his hands, Chayton's whole physical aspect was more
than pleasing.

"Stephan, darling?" He let go of Chayton reluctantly,

going to peek in the big walk-in refrigerator. The
kitchen had such a fabulous layout for preparing food.
All of the energy flowed positively, which would make
the food even tastier.

"What do you want, Kenny?"
"The Stephan smorgasbord? I imagine my wolfy

friend here will want meat. I'd love some cheese, maybe
some grapes."

Stephan's face appeared in the doorway, one blond

brow raised. "You can't make a sandwich?"

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A low growl came from Chayton, raising the hair on

the back of his neck in a good, shivery way. "You work
in the kitchen," Chayton murmured to Stephan. "You
can make us food."

Stephan's body language was absolutely

unmistakable. "I can. This is my kitchen, puppy. I make
food for my friends and my job." Then the green eyes
landed on Kenny. "Make sure he's housetrained,

Kenny chuckled. "Will do. Will you make us

something, darling? We'll go wait in the bar area." He
tugged a very puffy-chested Chayton away. That was
too much testosterone and animal magnetism for one

"Bad kitty, huh?"
Chayton frowned even harder. "He smells weird. Not

quite cat, not wolf."

"Hmm." He'd have to ask Stephan's twin Marco who

Stephan was dating these days. Stephan was definitely
all kitty. "Well, what do you like to drink?"

The bar wouldn't open until the club was fully

functional, but the head of the bar, Faelan, had
everything spotless and in shape. Kenny would just
leave him a note if they took something.

"I have to get back to work soon. I'll just take a


"Lemon? Lime?" Me? He wanted to offer a little

Kenneth on the half-shell, but this one moved about as
fast as the mountain they were building on. He'd have to
go an inch at a time.

"No, thanks."
"Do you drink anything but water?" He was

genuinely curious. Kenneth liked coffee and tea, but
what he really loved was Coke. Fizzy and chemical and

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awful, it could eat through a human tooth in seventy-two

How could that not make a demon happy?
"Coffee in the morning. Ginger ale sometimes."
"Well, then. This is a special occasion. Faelan has

some lovely ginger ale hidden away here." Kenneth dug
through the fridges behind the bar, coming up with a
Coke and an all natural ginger ale. It seemed like the
kind of thing Chayton would drink.

"Thanks." Chayton popped the ginger ale open and

drank deep, throat working.

Kenneth actually had to clench his fingers to keep

from tracing the tendons and muscles as they worked.

"You're staring at me." Chayton stared back, one

black eyebrow lifting.

"That's because you're very attractive."
The eyebrow went up even more. "You think so?"
"Oh, yes. I could write odes to your cheekbones."
Chayton's pupils dilated a bit, and those lovely

cheeks went dark. "Uh, thanks."

"You're welcome." He knew Chayton was probably

queer. Most of the men about the place were, which was
a very deliberate choice on the part of the management.
Chayton's reaction led Kenneth toward the idea that
Chayton just didn't find him attractive.

Kenneth sat at the bar, opening his Coke and

savoring the fizz. Chayton sat next to him, closer than he
expected, close enough to feel the man's warmth through
the denim and flannel clothes that hid what had to be a
hard, well-made body. Kenneth could smell wood dust
and pine, along with a deep male musk, which was pure
wolf. His nose twitched as he took in the yumminess of

"So, tell me something, man."

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"Huh?" Chayton frowned, then grinned a little. "Oh.

Kenny. Okay. What do you get out of your job?"

"Do you mean monetarily or spiritually?"
"Spiritually, I guess. It just seems so..."
"Fussy?" He knew a lot of people thought that. Other

people thought because Kenny was a demon, he
decorated places to put in listening devices for the devil.
How entertaining would that be? Sadly, or perhaps
fortunately for him, Kenny didn't have a direct line to
any kind of deity. He'd be in way more trouble if he did.

"I guess, yeah. I mean, it seems like a weird thing for

a dude."

"Oh, I don't know." Kenny smiled and shook his

head. "I like influencing how people feel when they
walk into a room. I like knowing I can calm people, or
get them ready to dance, or let them settle in to enjoy a
fabulous meal."

"Here's your next fabulous meal, you little prick."

Stephan plunked two delectable-looking open-faced
sandwiches down on the counter, complete with chips
and carrots and a little greenery.

Chayton growled a bit, but Kenny just batted his

eyelashes. "May I have some mustard?"

"No." Stephan turned and stalked away, and if he'd

had his kitty tail, it would be lashing back and forth.

"Why do you let him get away with that?" Chayton

glared at Stephan's retreating back, which surprised him.

"I quite like him. We're getting on famously. Why?"
"He's a jerk."
"Yes, well, you think I am too." Maybe Chayton

simply didn't have social skills.

"No." The answer caused Chayton’s eyebrow to

climb higher. "I mean, I don't get you, but I don't think
you're a jerk."

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"Well, we progress, then." The sandwich was divine.

He nabbed some mustard from Faelan's fridge. "Did you
want some dressing?" Kenny noticed that Chayton's
plate was a little heavy on the greenery. Stephan could
be a little grumpy.

"No thanks. You want my garden? I only do salad

when I'm queasy."

Such a wolf. It amazed Kenny when he thought about

werecreatures, how some carried their animal selves
easily as humans, and how some shed them just as
easily. Chayton was obviously close to his totem animal
at all times.

"Certainly." Kenny took the greens, mixing them

with his own. They were still a luxury for him, even
after all these years. Being an elemental meant having
an actual body was something to be savored at all times.

"Cool." Chayton dug into the sandwich and chips,

eyeing the carrots, too. "Those aren't baby carrots,

Kenny studied the matchstick of orange tuber. "No.

They appear hand-cut. What on earth could be wrong
with baby carrots?"

"They soak them in chlorine. There's no such thing as

baby carrots." Chayton's long, patrician nose wrinkled.
"Just big carrots that had bad spots."

"Oh." Huh. Well, there you had it, he supposed.
"You don't even want to know about commercial


"No." Kenny licked his fingers. "No, I don't think I


Chayton's severe features broke into a wide, white

grin. "I hear that crazy little chef only does local milk.
Something about Duke's drinking habits."

"Duke can be demanding." Kenny grinned back. That

was one thing everyone working on getting Cereus up

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and running had in common. Duke, the overall manager,
was a growly, exacting taskmaster. He wanted what he
wanted, and they all jumped to his tune.

They finished up in relative silence, and Kenny began

to despair ever getting to know more about Chayton.
The man simply didn't talk much.

"Well, I need to get back to work." Chayton stood,

staring at the plate sitting on the counter. "Should I take
this back to the kitchen?"

"No. I'll do it. We were done talking about the

window seat, I suppose." He was disappointed, but he
could hardly force the man to make nice with him.

"I guess." Chayton gave him a sideways kind of look.

"You want to come have supper with me tonight?"

It took him a moment to process that, but when he

did, he started grinning again. "I would love that."

"Yeah? I could cook. How do you feel about


"I quite like it, actually." When he'd first come to the

human realm, game meat had been the only option in
many places.

"Cool. My cabin is on the main blueprint posted by

the office. I'll be done by six, if you want to come by
around quarter to seven."

"I shall be there with bells on." Kenneth wouldn't

miss it for the world.

"Well, that I'd like to see." Chayton clapped him on

the back and walked off, leaving Kenneth staring, his
mouth hanging open.

Chayton had voluntarily asked to see him again. If

the man wanted bells, well, then, he would get them.


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Chayton glanced around one last time, wondering for

maybe the millionth time what the hell he was thinking,
asking Kenneth to dinner. He could say it was Sioux
hospitality; their lunch together had been less than
satisfying, what with the crazy kitty chef and all. He
could also say it was returning the favor. Kenneth had
provided him with lunch; he'd give a meal in return.

He could say all of that, but what it really came down

to was something had stirred in his belly when Kenny
had casually said he wanted to get to know Chayton
better. Something hot and a little dark and very needy.
Chayton hadn't lived like a monk all his life or anything,
but he found it hard to get to know people outside his
pack, and Kenny's interest in him was very...interesting
in return.

The venison roast smelled delicious. He'd run back to

his place and pulled it out of the freezer right after
lunch, and it should come out of the oven to rest just
after Kenny got there. It was just enough for two. He'd
made a wild berry sauce and some mashed potatoes, and
he felt incredibly domestic and weird.

He'd never cooked for another guy who wasn't


The knock on the door came sooner than he expected,

but it broke him out of panicky thoughts about whether
or not he should have done dessert. He didn't even have
berries left over...

Kenny stood outside his cabin, smiling, his jeans and

t-shirt making Chayton feel better about still wearing his
work clothes. He held up a bottle and a plastic food
container. "I asked Faelan and Marco what went with
venison. I have a pinot noir and an apple tart tatin."

Chayton stepped back to let the man in. "I thought I

was cooking for you?"

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"Guests bring wine and dessert." Kenny set the wine

down on the table before sniffing hard. "Smells

"Thanks." He stood there by the door, staring, the

sight of Kenny in his space somehow completely
surreal. He wondered what feng shui would say about
his deer heads and Pendleton blankets and rabbit hides.
The place wasn't completely finished yet, but it was him,

"Do you have chew toys?"
"Huh?" He took the plastic container from Kenny,

frowning. Talking to this guy was like... Well, it was
like doing crosswords or something. All clues, no actual

"You have a leather couch. I would imagine during

the full moon, it's a dangerous thing."

"Oh." Oh, man. Sometimes he forgot that everyone

here knew he was a werewolf. It was something he was
used to hiding. Somehow it wasn't as cool to be open
about it as he thought. There were lots of potential
problems having so many 'weres in one space, and the
guests weren't even there, yet.

Kenny tilted his head. "Have I offended you?"
"Nope. I get it now. Sometimes I just forget." He

flapped his free hand at the cabin.

"Oh, yes, I see." Kenny nodded, moving around,

hands hovering over things, not quite touching. "I like
your cabin. It's very much what I would have chosen for

"Yeah? I would have thought animal products and

your feng whatever would conflict."

Kenny slid one hand along the back of the couch. "I

can't see dragons in your cabin. This suits you. I try to
make my designs fit the man."

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"Well, good for you." That sounded mean, and

Chayton sighed. "Sorry. You make me...itchy."

"As in you're allergic to me, or as in something else?"
"As in you make me want to scratch and lick my balls

and howl."

Kenny laughed and clapped his hands with apparent

delight. "I would probably pay to see you lick your

"I can only do it as a wolf." Suddenly he was

grinning, feeling more relaxed. It was weird, how the
tension would build up in him and release all of a
sudden. He wondered if that was how having sex with
Kenny would go. The thought shocked him a little. "I
need to get the roast out."

"Sure. I'll open the wine. Faelan says it needs to


"I thought he was the head bartender. Doesn't some

wine guy do the wine?" He went to the kitchen, Kenny
trailing after him, making himself at home and opening
drawers. Chayton assumed he was looking for a
corkscrew. Shit, did he even have one? He usually drank

"Ah-ha!" Kenny pulled out a cheap liquor store


"I think Faelan gets to hire a sommelier, yes. There

are still a lot of positions unfilled until you and I do our

"Oh." Well, he guessed a super-duper bartender

should know about wine, right? Chayton pulled the roast
out and got little tent of tin foil over it. He'd learned that
from Mario Batali on TV. His ina was more a Chef
Boyardee type of mom.

"You say that a lot."

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"Do I?" He poked the mashed potatoes, wondering if

he'd need to heat them up again. He'd hate to make them
too sticky. "I guess I'm not used to talking much."

"No. No, you're very taciturn." Kenny set the opened

bottle aside and moved right into Chayton's personal
space. "Your body language is fascinating."

"Is it?" His cheeks and ears heated, and his cock said,

"hey, here I am." Chayton wasn't used to being touched
much either. And Kenny was touching him, hands on his

"Oh, yes. You're interested, and confident in your

own body, but not in asking for what you want, or
taking it."

"Taking..." Hell, he was just afraid he'd hurt people.

He was wicked strong without his wolf, and sex brought
the animal very close to the surface. This close he could
see how blue Kenny's eyes were, how the little blond
goatee framed that pretty mouth.

"Mmm. Yes. Taking. You smell very nice."
"I didn't have a chance to clean up." He probably

smelled like concrete and wood.

"Then you would just smell like soap. Now it's..."

Kenny sniffed. "Pine, venison, and berries. A little dust.
Very much male wolf underneath."

There was something incredibly erotic about having

Kenny's nose at the base of his throat. Within biting
distance. Chayton shuddered a little, goose bumps rising
on his skin. Kenny smelled like apples and cinnamon,
and maybe wallpaper paste, but that was all under a little
cologne and clean clothes.

Chayton licked his lips. "I -- Glad you like it."
"I do." Kenny went up on tiptoes to press his lips

against Chayton's pulse-point.

He gasped. "Dinner..."
"We can heat it up."

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"You don't even like me." Kenny had bitched at him

all damned morning. Until lunch, anyway.

"Nonsense. Work is one thing. This is another."

Kenny leaned even closer, one hand sliding down his
belly to push against his cock through his jeans.

His mouth dropped open, his hips rocking forward.

Brave little fucker. There was nothing else on the stove
or in the oven, though, so Chayton gave in to the itch in
his balls, pressing Kenny's hand harder against him.

"Right. This is play."
"This so is." Kenny squeezed, which made Chayton's

eyes cross.

"Good." Chayton growled it, turning and lifting

Kenny right up in the air, holding the man's upper arms.
Air rushed past them when he leaped for the main room
and the heavy leather couch, pressing Kenny down

"Well, well." Kenny smiled up at him, one hand

sliding around the back of Chayton's neck. "Very
forceful of you."

"Shut up." Chayton kissed that smart mouth. He

wouldn't be teased, not like that. He was happy to rut,
happy to relieve that need, but he wouldn't pussyfoot

Thankfully, Kenny wrapped around him, arms and

legs, and opened for him, letting him take the kiss to a
deep, dark place. He pushed his tongue into Kenny's
mouth, tasting mint and spice. Their lips pressed
together hard enough that he tasted a little bit of blood,
but that just made him crazy with lust.

Chayton pushed down between Kenny's legs, the

cloth between them maddening, making him grunt and
tear at Kenny's shirt.

"Let me do it, will you?" Kenny let go and pushed

him a little, working at his shirt, then stripping off the

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soft tee. Kenny's compact torso was remarkably well-
muscled for a man so lean, his arms and pecs and abs
ripped with muscle.

Chayton lifted harder, so Kenny kinda...dangled.

"Jeans, too."

"Impatient wolf." Kenny reached down though, and

got them both completely disrobed. Just in time, too,
because Chayton wanted skin on skin, and he wanted it

Once Chayton committed to a course of action, he

didn't back down. And he was committed to having sex
with Kenny. They slapped together so hard that Kenny
grunted, and he grabbed a handful of that tight, tiny ass,

"Oh. More." Kenny looked up at him, eyes almost

glowing, teeth sunk into that swollen bottom lip.

He could do more. Without even really thinking, he

reared back with his hand and swatted Kenny on the ass,
putting all of his worry and lust into the blow.

Kenny's eyes did glow, now, the blue gone gold.

"Fuck." Kenny bared his teeth, tiny fangs coming to the

"What the hell are you?" He stared, taken completely


"I'll tell you later. Just do that again."
He wasn't a hundred percent sure he wanted to be in

bed with a completely unknown species, but he smacked
that fine ass anyway, the sound of his hand hitting
Kenny's skin shockingly loud.

"Harder." Kenny's muscles jumped, his skin

shivering. There was a heavy flush on those pale cheeks,
and on Kenny's neck and chest.

He was doing that. Him. Touching someone.

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When Kenny gave him an impatient wiggle, cock

rubbing his belly, Chayton did it again, then again. The
sound was addictive, the sting in his hand fucking
perfect. He wanted to feel this for a good long while.

His cock wasn't so sure it wanted to wait, though. It

was hard, hot, trying to reach Kenny. He wanted to
make that ass burning hot and then fuck it like there was
no tomorrow.

"You -- oh. Fuck. Chayton." Kenny's words trailed

off to something unintelligible, but he got it.

Chayton growled. "Get your fingers wet, man. Open

yourself up so I can do you."

Kenny stilled a moment, then reached up and licked

and sucked those long fingers, putting on a show for
him. Chayton stared, his lips open, his tongue flicking
out to wet them.

"You could do this for me." Kenny pressed his

fingers to Chayton's mouth, but Chayton turned his

"No, man. I told you to."
"Bossy." But Kenny sucked and licked some more,

then reached back to push two fingers between those
tight ass cheeks, opening up that tiny hole for him.

Chayton groaned, so turned on he could hardly wait,

could barely stand it. He lifted his head to watch, trying
to see over Kenny's shoulder. Sweat gleamed on
Kenny's skin, muscles stood out, and those fingers
moved with agonizing slowness.

Finally, Kenny pulled his fingers free. "I'm ready."
God, so was he. Chayton got his palm wet, slicking

up his cock. "Ride me, then."

Smiling like a little devil, Kenny moved up past his

cock, then grabbed it and guided it to that little hole, so
hot and tight, but just open enough to take him in.

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Chayton moaned, grabbing Kenny's hips and pulling
down, not giving anyone time to adjust. He needed.

Shifting, grimacing a tiny bit, Kenny pushed down on

him, this amazing sound escaping that pretty mouth.
"Oh, that feels...big."

"Tight," Chayton agreed. "Hot. Just what I fucking


"Always happy to please." Chuckling roughly, Kenny

started to move, up and down, up and down. His cock
bobbed between their bellies, hard and almost purple
with need. Chayton wanted to let go of Kenny's hip to
reach for it, but he just couldn't. All he could do was

"Touch yourself, man," he finally ground out,

watching Kenny bounce on his cock. Kenny reached
down and grabbed his own swinging cock, stroking it up
and down. It was fascinating, that swollen head
appearing and disappearing under Kenny's cupped hand.

Chayton panted, his body straining, his muscles

pushing and pulling and working toward the climax.
Kenny was like a fucking clamp around him, ass
muscles working his cock. He wanted to make sure
Kenny was with him, though, so he finally unclamped
his hand from Kenny's hip and reached up to twist one

That had Kenny slamming down on him, taking him

so deep he had to grit his teeth to keep from shooting
right then. He waited, made sure Kenny was right there
on the edge. He pinched that tight nipple again, hard,
and Kenny's eyes went wide, those little fangs showing
against his lower lip again.

Then Kenny came for him, all over his belly and

chest, that ass squeezing him like there was no

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Chayton howled, his body bucking, his cock so hard

for those last few seconds that he thought he might just
die. Then his balls emptied and he went lax, his breath
heaving in his chest.

Kenny slumped down on top of him, panting, hands

planted on Chayton's chest.

Damn. What the hell had gotten into him?
"Hopefully that's not part of the service you offer

everyone you invite to supper."

"What? No. I've never had anyone I wanted to fuck

over for supper. What the hell are you?"

Kenny pulled back to look him in the eye. "Does it


"It does when this wasn't part of the plan." He'd had

no intention of losing all control and attacking the man.
"What, are you an incubus or something?"

The light in Kenny's eyes started to darken, going

back to a regular old blue. "Would it matter?"

"It would if you were messing with me." He'd tear the

man up. "I mean, I was planning to wait until after
dinner to come on to you."

A soft chuckle was accompanied by Kenny wiggling

up and sliding to the floor. "Well, I did grab your crotch.
I promise, however, that I did not force you magically to
have sex with me."

"I didn't--" Okay, to be fair, he had accused Kenny of

that, kinda.

"Don't worry about it, Chayton. I'm not an infectious

disease or a magical sex purveyor." Kenny scooped up
his clothes. "Keep the wine. If you don't mind, I'll take
dessert back with me. I do love apples."

Before he could unstick his ass from the leather

couch, Kenny had swooped out the door, naked and
carrying his clothes and the apple tart.

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Damn. That might not have been work, but Chayton

had never played well with others.

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Chapter Three

Kenny sat at the little drafting table in the office he'd

been given, sketching the layout of a custom room. It
was going into one of the luxury cabins, and according
to Duke it needed to be something really special.

That was a shame, because it meant as soon as the

sketches were done, Kenny was going to have to go talk
to a certain grumpy contractor about the specs on the
room. There would have to be far more strength in the
load-bearing walls and in some of the ceiling mounts
than usual, and there needed to be recessed panels, the

Hopefully it would take one consultation and then he

could work with a cabinetry man and a finish carpenter
to get the rest done. There had to be a toy person,
someone who could help him with the pulleys and such.
Maybe that toppy fellow, Zee. That would be far easier
than facing Chayton.

Kenny had stayed out of Chayton's way for the last

week and a half, avoiding the man like the plague. He'd
been so good, taking the man to lunch, agreeing to a
dinner date. Then he'd been so stupid, letting Chayton
overwhelm him, grab him and take him. When that
happened things like glamours slipped and things like
fangs showed and guys like Chayton started accusing
him of trying to make a sex-slave out of them.

That was what he got for the glamour, he supposed.

He'd stopped using them the last week, too, and not just
on his eyes and teeth. He'd let his tail and horns
reappear, as he was tired of trying to blend. A demon
was a demon, not a human or a vamp or a werewolf.

The goatee and glasses he kept. He liked the look.
A soft knock on the door made him swivel in his

ergonomic chair. "Yes?"

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"Did you want to see the samples of the carpet for the

banquet room now, Sir?"

"I know I told you to call me Kenneth, Jaq." Jaq was

his adorable assistant, assigned by Duke three days ago,
and Jaq was the unfortunate who was forced to liaise
with Chayton.

"Yes, Sir."
Kenny did not roll his eyes. He simply smiled. "Yes,

I'll take them. Go ahead and leave them on the roll-away
chair, there."

"Yes, Sir. I like the green and pattern." The shy smile

Jaq gave him warmed his heart. The poor lad was
simply too timid.

"Do you, now?" He thought that would work as well,

far better than the leafy green and brown; the silver
would hide the tiny white particles that tended to
accumulate on green carpet, and the nap was far better
for a banquet hall. Of course there was the option of the
wood floor, too. Hmm.

"I do. Oh, Mr. Chayton wanted to set a meeting with

you as soon as possible about the luxury cabins."

Kenny studied Jaq's carefully bent head. "Was he


"Just a bit...growly."
"I'll speak to him. Can you run these wood samples to

the kitchen and find out what the chef would like for his
built-in carving board?" The kitchen had been done, or
so he'd thought. Stephan was a particular kitty.

"Yes, Sir." Jaq trotted off, carrying the pieces of

heavy wood, and Kenny sighed, rolling his plans into a

No one growled at his assistant when they really

wanted to growl at him. He trotted down the corridor
that would serve as the waiter and attendant hall once
they were open, trying Chayton's office first.

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Naturally, the man wasn't there. In fact, the office

was dark and rather unfurnished. There was a corkboard,
though, with Chayton's schedule on a little chart with
colored squares. At this moment, the grumpy man was
out at the gazebo.

They had a gazebo? This place had everything

planned from a pagoda for the Japanese energy vampires
to a giant kitty condominium. The thought made him
smile. He checked the master plan, also hanging outside
Chayton's office, and headed outside.

While the scenery was lovely and the weather divine,

Kenny concentrated on finding Chayton. He could easily
get distracted by leaf patterns and bark on trees. That
was the thing about elementals. They sank into their
elements all too easily.

Or something like that. Kenny rolled his eyes and

broke into a jog. He was not a runner, so jogging was
uncomfortable enough to distract him until he got to

He stopped dead when he saw Chayton, stripped bare

to the waist, wearing just jeans so faithful that they
hugged every part of that strong lower body, boots, and
a hardhat.

How incongruous.
Kenny refused to notice how beautiful Chayton's

torso was, all bronze skin and heavy muscle. He had no
right to notice, now did he?

Clearing his throat, Kenny strode the rest of the

twenty feet or so to stand next to Chayton. "You wanted
to see me?"

"I wanted to meet with you. As in, indoors at a table."
"Then you should do like an academic and post office

hours so I might know when to contact you." He kept his
words formal, businesslike. "At any rate, I have a bone
to pick with you."

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"Yeah? Beef or pork?"
Kenny blinked, then bit back a grin. "Neither. This is

purely metaphorical."

"Fine. What is it?"
"Don't take your grumpiness with me out on my


"Well, since your assistant is the only person I see in

your department, I don't have anyone else to snarl at."

Kenny planted his hands on his hips, his tail trying to

escape its straps so it could lash back and forth. Sadly,
he knew that under his baggy jeans the effect was rather
like a snake trying to wiggle out of a sack. "Jaq is a
sensitive soul. Leave him be."

Chayton snorted. "Then do your fucking job."
"I am. I am purely business. No more play." Heat

rose in his cheeks when he said play, because he could
hardly help thinking of what he'd done. Of course, the
humiliation after kept his cock safely down.

"Well, good on you." Chayton scratched his belly, the

movement drawing Kenny's eyes down. He wanted to
lick those tight muscles, which made him think perhaps
Chayton was the incubus.

Chayton made a strange noise, which snapped his

eyes back up to Chayton's face. He found the man
frowning at him.

"What?" he asked, keeping his hands determinedly at

his sides, one holding the plans, one clenched.

"Are those horns?"
"On my head, you mean?" They were small, but

noticeable. He'd had Jaq polish them for him as soon as
he let them show again.

"No, on your butt."
"Ah, no. That is my tail. I had to go back to wearing

larger pants, in fact."

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"What the?" Chayton moved so fast. He remembered

that from when they'd not had dinner. So fast that Kenny
couldn't step aside when Chayton grabbed him and spun
him about to bend him over and tug at his tail.

"Ow! That's strapped down."
"Why?" For a moment he thought Chayton would

strip him right there, just to see.

"Because it tends to have a mind of its own." He

yanked out of Chayton's grip. "Honestly, was that

Chayton stepped back, cheeks fiery red. Fascinating

as that was, the hard brown nipples on Chayton's chest
were even more interesting. So was the hard bulge rising
up beneath Chayton's jeans.

This time Kenny was smart enough not to grab it.
"Sorry," Chayton mumbled. "What the hell is it about


"I have no idea. I'm not an incubus, you know."
"Then what are you? You have horns, man."
"And a tail."
"Right! You didn't have that before." Chayton looked

so affronted.

Kenny bared his fangs. "I hid them because I thought

you would find me more attractive. Now I notice that I
don't care what you think."

Chayton blinked, tilting his head, the lovely dark

braid falling to one side. "No?"

"No." He took a step back, something in Chayton's

expression making him wary.

"I think you're lying." Chayton's nose quivered, and

the man stepped toward him. Kenny knew it was a bad
idea to run from a wolf; it only engaged their chase
response. That didn't stop him from taking another step
back, then another, his mistrust of Chayton's little smile
too intense to ignore.

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"No. I just brought you the plans for the luxury cabin

playroom. There are some specs..." He shoved the tube
at Chayton and turned tail. Kenny ran.

He heard the thud of the tube on the ground, and then

the slamming of Chayton's boots against the dirt. Oh,
god. He was being hunted by a werewolf.

Kenny ran as fast as he could, which was darned fast

if he did say so, but he never seemed to gain ground. So
he did what he did best. He veered into the heaviest
growth of trees and disappeared into them, his glamour
so much stronger when he was near the earth and the

He faded right into the bark, his back against the

scratchy base of a big tree.

The sound of Chayton's footfalls stopped, and he

heard Chayton's breathing, hard but not labored.

"Where'd you go, Kenny? I can smell you."
Well, that was rather embarrassing. Did that mean he


"You smell good, Kenny. Why do you smell so good

to me?"

Kenny held his breath. Why indeed. He had

wondered more than once what drew them together so,
when Chayton was clearly not interested in an
entanglement of the demon kind.

"Come on, Kenny. Don't hide. Come on out and I'll

feed you this time."

His stomach rumbled so loudly that surely Chayton

heard it. That sounded lovely, except he knew it would
end just as it had before, though without the amazing
tart tatin. Whatever force it was drawing them together,
it made Chayton very unhappy.

"Come on, man. I promise to put my shirt on and

keep my hands to myself. I owe you one, and I want to
see your tail."

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Kenny chuckled. At least that was honest. Chayton

was not much of a socialite, but his reactions seemed
perfectly sincere.

"Ha!" Chayton's hands landed on his shoulders.

"What are you, a raven?"

Dropping his glamour, he grinned at Chayton, rather

surprised at how close all that bare skin was. "No. I'm an
earth elemental. A demon, but not a devil."

Chayton grunted, letting him go and stepping back.

"That might explain a few things. Come on, I have some
great chicken soup."

"Can we go back and get the plans? That way we can

sit and go through them after lunch." That way Chayton
could retrieve his shirt, as well.

"Sure." Chayton led the way out of the trees and back

to the half-finished gazebo.

"Why isn't anyone else working with you today?"

Normally there were whole scads of construction types

"I needed to look at the gazebo with no one around."

That short answer really wasn't an answer, but Kenny
didn't pry further. Instead he stared at Chayton's
muscular back, sheened with sweat and glowing in the
sunlight that filtered through the thinning trees.

He reached out when he saw the stylized turtle tattoo

on Chayton's back, his fingers grazing it.

Chayton jumped like Kenny had slapped him.
"Sorry!" Kenny pulled his hand away. "Sorry. I just

saw your turtle." He'd never seen Chayton's back the
night they'd had sex.

"'S okay." Chayton picked up the plans once they got

to the gazebo, handing them to Kenny before putting his
shirt on. "It's my totem animal."

"Oh? I thought your name meant falcon."
"It does."

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They tromped back toward Chayton's cabin, though

Kenny had to admit he might not be able to look that
couch in the eye.

"So why is a turtle your totem, then?'
"Can you imagine my mom naming me Turtle-boy?"
"Well, no." Chayton wasn't slow-moving.
"Yeah. It's a thing." Chayton grinned, opening the

cabin door for him. "It's all kinds of good luck, but no
kid wants to be saddled with that."

"I thought you got your totem animals on your spirit

thingee." There was a blanket spread on the couch now,
and Kenny wondered if they'd left a spot or something.

"Not always. We often get one at birth, another at

adulthood. I kinda have the wolf, the hawk, and the
turtle." Chayton followed his gaze. "I can smell you
when I sit there. The blanket helps keep me from going

"They have a spray for that now, you know."
"Crazy?" One dark brow rose.
"It's not a bad smell. It just makes me jack off a lot."
Kenny couldn't help the little moan that came from

him. "Oh, God. Soup?"

"Yeah. I have some oven bread, too."
Chayton broke their eye contact, which made Kenny

breathe much easier. There was something about those
dark eyes that saw too much. The soup smelled good
when Chayton heated it up, and Kenny's stomach
rumbled again.

"So, are you always hungry, or do demons get

sustenance some other way?"

Kenny grinned, settling on a stool next to the kitchen

counter. "Depends on where we are. Here in this
dimension we can go through enormous amounts of
human food to keep us solid."

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"Neat." Chayton poured them both a glass of milk.

"Can I see your tail?"

"Can I see you as a wolf?" The question just popped

right out.

Chayton laughed. "You show me yours..."
"Very well. I'll be right back." He would go to the

bathroom to unstrap and just let his tail go au naturel for
the day. It would show a bit of ass at the back of his
jeans, but it would feel good.

When he got back, Chayton had served up two bowls

of soup with chunks of crusty bread and some delicious-
looking butter. Kenny's tail bobbed along behind him,
touching things randomly, from the back of the couch to
the bottle of wine he'd left on the counter all those days

"Wow." Chayton walked around him in a full circle.

"That's fascinating."

"Thanks." Kenny grabbed the tip before it could

wander off and touch Chayton. "Soup smells good."

"It is. Eat up."
They ate in relative silence, Chayton sneaking

glances at his tail all the while. Torn between preening
and feeling strange because he hardly ever let anyone
see, Kenny polished off his lunch in short order.

He waited for Chayton to finish before clearing the

dishes. "Lunch was lovely, thank you."

"I owed you one."
"Mmm. You owe me another."
Chayton grimaced. "Yeah. The moon is in two days.

You could come see me then."

"You can't change without it?" Strange. Duke could

change at will. So could Jared, the yummy Aussie
service manager.

"I can. I just have to get naked. It's hard on the


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"Oh, I can imagine. Well, if you'd like to go to the


"No, I just didn't want to offend you."
Hmph. Kenny crossed his arms over his chest and

gave Chayton an arch look. "I am not the one who was

"No, but you've sure been pissed off." Chayton

shrugged, then tugged his shirt off once more, baring
that delectable torso. Hello, dessert. Then Chayton
wiggled out of his jeans and boots, folding the clothes
neatly and setting the boots aside on the floor.

"Does it hurt?"
"It can." Chayton shrugged, all sorts of muscles

rippling. "Not if it's this close to the moon."

Kenny had no idea what he was expecting, but it

certainly wasn't the weird ripple in the space-time
continuum that occurred. Chayton shimmered, seeming
to break apart like a pixilated picture. There was a sharp
noise, like bone cracking, and Chayton's body shrank
and expanded, lengthened and shortened. His ears
popped, like they would if he was flying, and before he
could open his mouth to test them with a jaw wiggle, a
huge gray and brown wolf stood in front of him instead
of a man.

Kenny clapped his hands. "Oh, you're beautiful."
Chayton padded over to him and he held very still,

not sure how sentient Chayton was as a wolf. The others
he'd met were very aware of their humanity. Chayton
pushed up under Kenny's hand, demanding an ear
scratch. At least Chayton's personality was the same:

Chuckling, he stroked Chayton's ears, then the heavy

ruff. "I like it. You not talking."

Chayton turned and very deliberately bit Kenny's


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"Ow! Well, I know you understand, too." His tail

lashed a little before twining with Chayton's fuzzy
plume. "Sorry. Sorry about that."

He pulled his tail back into order, holding it down.

Chayton sniffed at it where it jutted out of his jeans,
making him jump.

"Stop that."
Tongue lolling, Chayton gave him a lupine grin.

Someone was laughing at him. He resisted the urge to
pop Chayton on the nose. That seemed like animal abuse
or something. Instead he turned on his heel.

"There are the plans. Have Jaq set a meeting at my

office. Thank you for lunch."

For the second time in less than two weeks he left

Chayton's cabin in a rush, not wanting to give Chayton
time to change back and try to talk to him.

At least this time he wasn't naked and hungry.

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Chapter Four

"I swear to god, Chaska, I don't know what the hell it

is with this guy." Chayton usually chose to work out by
doing something outdoors, but he'd felt the need to run
off some of his aggression, so he'd hit the employee
gym. An employee gym. Imagine that. He was on the
treadmill, logging miles at about five miles an hour, and
talking on the phone with his brother about Kenny.
Maddening demon man.

"What does that even mean?" Chaska meant first-

born, and he'd always been the one Chayton counted on
to be the voice of reason. He was also a shaman, which
helped a lot with the otherworldly shit. Hell, Chaska
wanted to be one of their first guests.

"It means I want to hold him down and do bad things.

Not eating his heart out things, sexual things. I mean, it's
like I can't stop myself." He cranked up to a five percent
incline. He wasn't even breathing hard yet and the moon
was coming tonight. He needed to wear himself out so
his wolf self didn't hunt Kenny down.

"Oh." Chaska chuckled. "Sounds like you have it


"I've never not been able to control myself, man."

He'd never felt like a slavering sex fiend. "He swears
he's not an incubus."

Chaska hummed, which meant he was pondering.

"What does he say he is?"

"An elemental."
"Oh. What kind?"

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He stumbled, damned near killing himself. "I don't

know. I didn't ask." Now he felt like an idiot. Mainly for
tripping on the treadmill.

"Well, duh. I mean, it might help to know."
"Shut up." People wondered why he wasn't social.

His family was way more inept than him. Chayton
thought about what he knew of Kenny. "He can
disappear into trees and dirt."

Chaska went silent for a moment, and all Chayton

could hear was the pounding of his heart and the slam of
his shoes on the treadmill. Then Chaska laughed.

"Well, if he's an earth elemental, that explains why

you want to devour him. Father turtle holds the earth in
his belly, and that's your totem. You're made for each

He had to turn the damned treadmill on cool down so

he could slow, and then stop. He leaned on the rail with
one hand. "You willing to do a sweat lodge on that?"

"You gonna come home and do it with me?"
Chayton wished now that he had his schedule in front

of him. "I can probably come for the weekend after the

"I'll get everything ready for you. In the meantime,

chill out. It's about time you got laid."

"Very funny, butthead."
"See you next week."
"Yeah. See you." He hung up and tossed his phone

into the gym bag he'd brought with him. He gulped
down some water and started the treadmill back up
again. He'd gotten laid, sure, but it had come with a
whole host of questions, and Kenny was pissed at him
all the damned time.

He'd be much better off just running his troubles


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Kenny stood in the middle of the room he'd just

finished, hands on his hips. He liked it. The place would
belong to the owner, Jonny, and would be his office here
when he was visiting.

Duke had described Jonny as a busy man with a lover

who was more cat than human. He was also a vamp, but
insisted on windows in his chambers. So, the west-
facing chamber had big windows with light lock, and a
ledge that ran all the way around the room about four
feet below the vaulted ceiling. Kitty rail.

A huge desk sat facing the windows, the leather chair

and dark wood speaking of quality. Jonny liked his

Doing the room had distracted him from the fact that

Chayton was gone. Oh, the construction wasn't done,
and Duke had said the man would be back, but he'd left
and Kenny had no idea why or where.

Not that it was any of his business. Still, there was

something drawing him and Chayton together,
something he couldn't ignore, and it piqued him that
Chayton could just run away.

He sighed and shook his head. There was something

missing in the room, some little touch that would make
it perfect. He turned in a circle, his gaze finally landing
on the window again. Maybe there was something he
could do with the blinds; they looked sterile and
stainless steel.

The door opened behind him, and he grinned. "Jaq.

Perfect timing, my boy. I need my sketchpad and a list
of treatments these blinds can undergo and still maintain

"I'm not Jaq."

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That rough voice sent a shiver down his spine,

making his tail struggle against its bindings. It scraped
across his nerves in the best way.

"Yeah. You got a minute?"
He turned, taking in Chayton's loose hair, which hung

almost to his waist, and the tight t-shirt tucked into the
dressy jeans, both of which showed off Chayton's
muscles to the best advantage.

"I suppose so, yes."
"Don't be pissy, mita kaga. I'm not here to make you

angry or laugh at you."

"Then please don't offer to feed me."
For a moment he thought Chayton was going to do

something awful. Then that wide, white grin split
Chayton's severe face. "I promise."

"Excellent." He waved a hand. "We should go

somewhere not so stuffy."

"Okay. How about you take me to your room for a


That would be different. And there would be no food

involved. He nodded, sliding past Chayton on the way
out. Their bodies brushed, and he gasped at the heat
Chayton was throwing out.

"So, where were you off to?" he asked, leading the

way out of the main building to one of the wings. He
had a permanent room as a member once his work was
done, and he'd wanted some privacy. The main rooms
would have so many people coming and going once the
club opened.

"I went to see my brother in Montana. I needed his


"You couldn't call?" He knew it was petty, but he had

to ask.

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"I did. He needed to see me to do the divining,


"Divining what?"
Chayton snorted. "I'd rather tell you in private, kaga."
"What does that mean?" Elevator, hall, picture

window looking out on the mountain. Lalala. He led
Chayton into his rooms, his door closing soundlessly
behind them.

"Kaga. Or mita kaga."
"It means demon." Kenny stiffened, about to blast the

damned idiot, when Chayton grinned again. "Mita
means mine."

He stopped cold, his mouth hanging open.
That made a significant difference.
"Can we sit?"
Kenny nodded, gesturing toward his couch. He rather

liked to lounge, so it was big, with many extensions and
pillows and such. All color-coordinated, naturally.

"This is way more colorful than I would have

thought." Chayton looked around as he sat down,
looking a little bemused at the explosion of turquoise
and brown, of orange and berry.

"I may be restrained in my design, but at home I like

anything but staid or bleak."

"I like it. The colors are a lot like the blankets I


"Thank you." They were at that. "So, what did you

and your brother divine?"

"We did a sweat lodge."
At those words Kenny had a beautiful visual of two

stunning Native American men stripped bare and
glistening in the heat of a sauna... Oh, God. His tail
slapped against his leg, making the most embarrassing

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"And?" He had to clear his throat halfway through a

one-syllable word.

"It's an earth element thing." Chayton shrugged.

"We're drawn together because of Father turtle."

"That's actually a bit disappointing." Kenny crossed

his arms over his chest, feeling incredibly defensive all
of a sudden. "Here I was thinking it was my incredible
sex appeal."

"That's definitely a factor. You were smokin' hot

before, but with the tail and horns? Man, you do it for

Chayton was so...matter of fact. He seemed

completely calm. Completely without emotion. It wasn't
exactly inspiring, if that was what he was going for. It
was more...dampening.

"Well, thank you. I think." He shrugged. "What does

that have to do with me?"

"What does that--" Chayton moved fast, catching his

arms, hauling him close enough that he could see the
tiny bit of stubble on Chayton's upper lip. "It has every
fucking thing to do with you, kaga. I may be slow, but
once I figure it out I know how to take what's mine."

Chayton bent, that long hair falling around them, and

kissed Kenny like there was no tomorrow, taking his
mouth in a bruising kiss.

That was not calm and dispassionate. Not at all.
Kenny clutched at those wide shoulders, the smooth,

soft cloth of Chayton's t-shirt making his fingers slip and
slide when he tried to find purchase. He opened up and
let Chayton kiss him because he had nothing glib to say,
nothing that wasn't going to make him sound like a
blithering idiot.

When Chayton started tugging at Kenny's clothes, he

moved back and gave those scarred hands better access.
He went to work on those oddly formal clothes Chayton

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had on as well, but stopped when Chayton would have
pulled off his jeans.

"No. I won't do this again on a couch. I have a bed."
"Show me, then." Chayton stood, stripping off the

rest of the cloth that hid that amazing body from view. If
anything, it was even more ripped now, as if Chayton
had been working hard to forget him. And failing, he

Kenny stood too, and danced away from Chayton's

reaching hands. "In the bedroom." He backed away,
Chayton stalking him.

"I want to see."
"What?" He knew full well that Chayton meant his

tail, but he had to tease. Now that he knew what was
simmering just beneath the surface he felt confident
again, just as he had that first day when he'd grabbed
Chayton's crotch.

"Don't tease me, kaga."
"I have to." He hit the bedroom at a run, and he heard

the growl only seconds before Chayton tackled him.
They bounced on the bed for a few seconds before
Chayton held him down and stripped the rest of his
clothes away.

His tail sprang free of the bindings when Chayton

tugged at them, whipping up to wrap around Chayton's
neck. Chayton's eyes crossed, a moan rumbling in that
deep chest, and one big hand stroked his tail, all the way
back down to his body.

"Oh." Kenny grunted, bucking a little. It wasn't so

much that his tail was sensitive; it was more that
someone was touching it voluntarily. "I -- God."

"No. No gods. Just us." Chayton unwrapped his tail

and smoothed it out. "Make that behave for a minute,
mita kaga. I want to touch you."

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"Oh, me too." Or something. He reached for Chayton,

pulling the man to him so their mouths crashed together.
The kiss went toothy, hot and good and so right. Finally.
It was right because he wasn't hiding and Chayton
wasn't fighting it.

They explored each other, Kenny tracing the lines of

Chayton's muscles, finding sensitive spots, finding that
turtle tattoo and stroking it. He touched Chayton's chest,
fingers scraping the tiny nipples there, then turned his
attention to Chayton's cock and balls.

"Fuck. Kenny. Let me..."
He wasn't sure which was hotter, Chayton turning

him so they could both use their mouths on each other,
or the use of his name.

Kenny licked at the head of Chayton's cock, which

was rock hard and right there, and Chayton grabbed the
base of Kenny's tail, holding him still so that sweet
mouth could work him. Chayton licked him, sucked the
head, the need strong between them.

The feel of Chayton's balls in Kenny's palm made

him moan, and he rolled them in their sac, panting a
little. Chayton bucked for him, like the feeling was too
much to contain. He knew the feeling. Chayton was
touching him, fingers slipping behind his balls, pressing
against his gland from the outside, and it made him want
to scream.

They rocked together, sucking hard, finding a good

rhythm. Chayton held on, and then the smacks to his ass
started, Chayton making even better use of the hand not
holding Kenny's tail.

He tried to breath, tried to remember to suck, to not

use his fangs. He wanted to. He wanted to taste
Chayton's blood, just a little.

Chayton hit him again, then again, the feeling

blooming under the skin, making him burn. That helped

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ease the ache in his fangs, helped make this about sex
again, not demon ritual. He really wanted this to be
about sex.

Great sex.
Chayton groaned, hand flattening on Kenny's ass, the

heat there almost unbearable. There was a tiny moment
where he thought Chayton would pull away, but then he
felt the fingers of that hand slide around to his front, one
slipping into Chayton's mouth next to his cock.

"Mmmph." He almost let go of Chayton's cock, his

whole body jerking at the sensation. Kenny was proud
that he managed to keep sucking, the flavor of his man
addictive, necessary.

The low chuckle he got in return vibrated around his

flesh, Chayton flicking his prick with both tongue and
finger. His toes curled, his breath coming in great pants.
He wondered if that felt good to Chayton, or if it was
just weird. The panting, not the toe curling. Surely
Chayton didn't know about that.

"God, kaga. Your tail is driving me crazy." Chayton

paused a moment to look up at him, lips swollen, eyes
so dark they were almost black.

Kenny glanced sideways, trying to see what his tail

was doing. It really had a mind of its own. Oh... Well,
that was interesting.

Chayton groaned and went back to sucking him like a

Hoover. That wet finger slid down to find his hole,
sliding into his body with no resistance at all. Kenny
was so ready for that touch he thought he might scream
from how amazing it felt. Chayton's finger was callused,
strong, and it opened him up, making him squirm.

He finally had to back off from Chayton's cock for

fear that he'd bite down. He rested his head on Chayton's
heavy thigh, breathing in the scent of hot skin and sweat.

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"I might very well need you to fuck me now,


"Oh, fuck yes." Chayton moved like lightning, finger

slipping free, turning him so quickly he swore he had
rug burn on his knees. Carpet burn? Something.

He was on his hands and knees, ass up in the air,

Chayton still holding his tail in one hand. The tug there
at the base added to his pleasure, making his back arch
like a cat's.

"Tell me you're ready."
"I'm a demon, Chayton. I don't need that much prep."

There had been times when he'd begged for it with
nothing at all in the way of stretching or lube, back in
the bad old days. Chayton had been very pleasant with
the fingering and all.

"Oh..." Chayton made this impossibly erotic noise

and pushed against his hole, cock hard and wet with his
spit and huge. Just beautifully, perfectly huge.

Kenny bore down and took it all, moving back until

Chayton's chest lay along his back, until there was no
space between them. This was exactly what Kenny had
wanted the whole time he'd known Chayton.

"Move." His fingers curled into claws, digging into

the sheets. He pushed back again, his tail sliding up
around Chayton's shoulders.

"Yeah." Chayton bit him. Bit him. His skin split

under the bite, his shoulder throbbing, and Kenny went a
little crazy.

They slammed together, Chayton moving hard and

fast. Kenny's ass ached from the spanking, from the big
prick sliding in and out of his hole, and he loved it. Heat
gathered in his belly, deep down, his cock bobbing with
every thrust.

Kenny reached down and grabbed his prick, so close

that he felt like he might fly off the bed at any second.

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He pulled there, Chayton pulled at the base of his tail,
and Chayton slammed into him so hard his ears rang.

He came, howling like he was the wolf, time stopping

for a moment while he hung there in an agony of
pleasure. He'd been on earth a lot of years, and Kenny
could honestly say he'd never had an orgasm that

Maybe they were made for each other.
Time moved again finally, Chayton's movements

speeding, the sound of skin on skin ringing distantly in
Kenny's ears. He felt it when Chayton shot for him,
filling him deep with heat and wetness, the feeling as if
they had completed a circle, somehow.

How very entertaining. Kenny took Chayton's weight

when his lover collapsed on him, but it took him a good
minute or two to unclench his fingers from the sheets
and relax his tail. For a moment he was worried he
might have strangled Chayton with the damned thing.

Then Chayton chuckled and stroked his tail to the tip.

"This has to be the sexiest thing ever."

Kenny just snorted, turning to lay his cheek against

the pillow that threatened to smother him. "Wait until
you see what happens when you manipulate my horns."

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Chapter Five

"No! No, you cannot put that closet there. It will be

far more narrow on one side than it will on the other. It
will look like Alice built it in Wonderland."

Chayton turned his head to stare at the little man with

the wire glasses and the goatee, those bright blue eyes
flashing at him. Kenny stood in the middle of the
addition Chayton was putting on his cabin, arms
crossed, toes tapping on one foot.

"Pushy. Little. Fucker," Chayton growled out, his

hands clenching into fists. "I can't build it out any more
than that. The foundation won't hold it."

"This room is for me, yes?"
"Yes." They shared a bed, but Kenny had insisted on

a room of his own, somewhere to move some of his
most important possessions. Kenny would keep his suite
up at the lodge, just for when neither of them wanted to
trudge back down to the cabin, but they would live here
while they were at Cereus.

"Then I say make the closet shorter. I'll design some

built-in shelves for that wall over there to hold the rest."

Chayton eyeballed the wall in question, mentally

calculating its load-bearing capacity and the space
required. Then he nodded. "We can put a drawer system
in the bottom, too. That way you have closed storage as
well as display."

"Perfect. I knew we could come to a compromise."
He fought rolling his eyes, knowing that made Kenny

a little crazy. They were like that, either loving each
other into a puddle or arguing like demons and dogs.
Oh, that was funny.

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Chayton grinned. Kenny blinked, then smiled back.

Kenny always said Chayton's smile was unexpected and

"Yeah, your idea of compromise is getting what you

want, mita kaga."

Kenny tilted his head, light shining off his little

glasses. "Well, of course it is."

"Of course." Chayton made a notation on his chart.

"So, can we break for lunch now?" The rest of the
construction on the resort was winding down, Chayton's
team of carpenters and plumbers and electricians leaving
one by one. There was just the detail work now, and
soon the grand opening. It seemed fucking weird,
thinking about a new project.

He had a lot invested in this one.
Kenny stepped close, stroking his cheek. "All right?"
"Huh? Oh. Yeah. As long as you're coming with me

when we leave here."

"No. I shall stay here and pine away for you until my

horns fall out."

Chayton barked out a laugh, sliding a hand around

Kenny's hip to pull him close. "Don't be a jerk, kaga.
Are you sure you want to come to Montana with me
next weekend, though? It may be...early to meet my

"Bah. I owe Chaska a vote of thanks." Kenny smiled

up at him, that tail coming up to tickle the back of his
neck. Kenny didn't hide it here anymore, only strapping
it down or glamouring it when they went to town.

"You do, huh?"
"Absolutely. If it wasn't for him taking you through

the sweat lodge ritual you might have fought me

Chayton's cheeks went a little hot. He was kinda slow

on the uptake, that was for sure. His vision during the

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ritual had been pretty clear, though. Kenny was the earth
in the belly of his turtle, the core of what made Chayton

Slow, maybe, but he wasn't stupid.
"Well, he's gonna be fascinated with you." Chayton

pondered that. "Don't let him fuck you."

"Chayton!" Kenny slapped his chest, the touch

making his left nipple harden. "I'm your demon."

"You are. All mine." He took a kiss from that sweet

mouth, loving how Kenny opened up for him right
away, loving how that tongue found his, tasting him.
Kenny made him crazy. He rocked his hips against
Kenny's belly, rubbing his cock against the man through
his jeans.

"You are hungry," Kenny said, reaching between

them to cup a hand around his cock.

"Always. Isn't this what got you in trouble in the first

place?" Chayton reached up and rubbed the tip of
Kenny's right horn; he'd had time to explore what that
did to his demon, and it was always explosive.

"Mmm. I do love trouble." Kenny straddled his thigh,

which he obligingly shifted so he could hold them up
and give Kenny some friction. His demon started
humping, squeezing his prick rhythmically.

Chayton closed his eyes, letting the pleasure of it take

him over. Kenny smelled hot and musky, like mate and
home and everything good. He grabbed that fine, fine
ass and rubbed them harder together, close as he could
be to coming in his pants.

"Kaga. Please."
"Love." Kenny took pity on him, opening his zipper

and pulling Chayton's prick out into the air. "Come on,
love. Come for me. I want to see."

Chayton braced himself and pushed hard against

Kenny's palm, driving toward his orgasm. It was crazy,

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how fast this man could make him come. Kenny's thumb
scraped over his slit, and he lost it, spilling everything
out right there.

Kenny moaned, pushing close and humping like mad,

cock hot as fire even through their clothes. When
Chayton bent and bit Kenny's throat, hard, that was the
end of it. Kenny cried out, head thrown back, and came
for him, jerking like crazy.

So pretty.
"Oh." Kenny rested against him, sagging a little.

"You make it hard to get work done."

"Sure. Blame it on me." He picked Kenny up and

headed for the bathroom, which was now decorated with
a Pacific ocean motif instead of trout and moose. They'd
shower first, then eat. Mmm. Food. He might even call
up that little asshole chef and see if they could get
something delivered.

The things he did for his demon. Good thing he

thought that little bastard was cute.

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The Third Course

by BA Tortuga

Chapter One

"What the fuck are you suggesting?" Stephan blinked

over at his twin, a growl building in his chest.

"That your palate is obviously shot, dickcheese."

Marco wrinkled his nose in distaste, fucking oh-so-
carefully coiffed hair falling into his eyes. "I mean,
honestly. Shrimp and mango? Are you insane?"

Stephan grabbed a cleaver, bared his teeth. "I will

castrate you."

"You'll try." Marco didn't seem nearly frightened

enough, yellow-green eyes going slitted as one hand
found a cast iron frying pan. "Of course, the way your
knife skills have been lately..."

Bastard. His knife skills.
HIS knife skills?
He threw the knife, the tip burying into the cutting

board, millimeters away from Marco's hand.

His asshole brother chuffed softly, lips curving into a

grin. "Not bad."

"Am I interrupting?" The voice that came from the

doors of the newest kitchen in the northwest wing was
low, rumbly, unutterably hot.

"Absolutely." Marco growled. "Are you allowed in

the kitchen?"

Stephan stared at Marco. Was his twin blind? Look at

that hotness.

Their guest smiled, a dimple popping up on one side

of that lovely mouth. Green-gray eyes sparkled with it.
"I hope I am. I'm the bar manager, so we'll have to work

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Stephan slinked over, happy as always to meet

someone new to torture. "Stephan. Chef de Cuisine.
You're always welcome. Ignore the little asshole. He's
harmless. The pie boy."

"Don't make me tear your throat out." Marco snarled

low, bared his teeth. "Marco. Nice to meet you."

"I like pie." The guy shook hands with both of them,

his grip sure and strong. "I'm Faelen."

Stephan watched his twin back off, carefully remove

the cleaver from the butcher block, then once he was
fairly sure Marco wasn't going to bury it in his skull, he
turned his smile on Faelen. "What can I do for you?"

"I need to know who will be coordinating the orders."

Faelen nodded toward the coolers. "I understand y'all
are... picky. So there won't be a kitchen manager outside
of you two."

"No. We know what we want." Marco's voice made

him shiver a little bit, bounce.

"I'm head of the kitchen. Marco handles all the

sweets." His nose wrinkled. Asshole could taste them.
Him, less so. Stephan chose to consider it an aberration
on Marco's part.

Something wet and gooey hit him square in the back.

Oh, fucker...

"Now, y'all, I don't want to have to duck." The growl


He vibrated a little bit, rumbling softly. "He'll stop.

It's my turn now."

Marco was exceptional at following rules.
"Is it?" One brow went up. "Well, it's good to know

you have it all worked out."

Marco purred. "We practice. It keeps things from

being too odd."

"Or broken." He agreed.

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"Wrong." Marco's voice was like a drug and Stephan

moved toward it.

Marco reached for him, fingers touching his arm, and

Faelen raised a brow. "You always need things to be
right to get shit done, you know?"

"Absolutely." They spoke together, nodded together.
"Yeah, I get that." Grinning, Faelen spread his hands.

""Don't let me interrupt the flow."

"You won't." No one was interesting enough for that.

"Did you actually need us?"

"I need to start an order, actually. I know we're not up

and running, but I need to see how long fulfillment
takes, and Duke and his mate have some particular
wants." Reaching down, Faelen pulled a list out of the
most faithful jeans ever.

"It can take a while, for special items. We get

deliveries on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and
there's a solid farmer's market on Saturday and
Tuesday." He took the paper, clucking under his breath.
"He'll have to allow for the cost, but this is doable. I
assume you have suppliers for any of the bar's special

He and Marco were both grateful the vamps were

primarily drinkers, really.

"I do. I figured we could set a meeting for that this

week." That deep dimple appeared again, distracting

"Mmmhmm." Wait. What was he agreeing to?
"Cool. How does Thursday strike you?"
"Thursday morning? Let me check the calendar."

That was four days from the full moon. "Works for me."

"Cool. How about brunch? I'll even cook."
Huh. Someone offering to cook for them? Weird.

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He looked at Marco, who looked back, shrugged,

licked his lips.

"That works."
"Excellent. I'm the cabin with the big fish made out

of license plates. I'll see y'all at eleven." Faelen gave
them one more thorough once-over before turning
around and heading out. Those too-tight jeans put on a
real show of a hot, tight, bubble butt.

"He gets a cabin?" Marco growled.
"A real cabin?" His lips pursed. They had a suite in

the main building.

"No fair." He could almost see Marco's tail swishing.
"Who do we talk to if we want a cabin?" Who did

they pester, he meant.

Marco chirruped. "I don't know, but I'm going to

claw the leather seats in Duke's office until he tells."

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Chapter Two

The cabin was, if not sparkling, at least de-furred and

not smelling like a wolf's den. He'd fluffed pillows and
tied up curtains to keep claws away and put out a silly
bowl of potpourri that the decorator guy had given him
last week.

Brunch he was way more confident about. Smoked

salmon, bagels, cream cheese, crispy duck and green
chile quesadillas, and a nice sour cheesecake for dessert.
Duke said not all cats could taste sweet, but Duke's
buddy Luc loved cheesecake.

He felt the pair in the tingles in the back of his neck

before they even knocked on the door.

Smoothing his hands down the fronts of his thighs,

Faelen went to answer, smiling a little at the picture they

Lean and tanned, with bottle green eyes and short

blond hair, they promised to be lovely. One of them was
in a huge sweater, ancient jeans, the other in cargo pants
and a turtleneck. Lovely. The turtleneck accentuated the
one's ripped belly, while the sweater showed off an
amazing pair of collarbones.

"Morning," one purred. The other just nodded.
"Hey." God, they were pretty with their blond hair

and green eyes and the slinky and the touching each
other without even thinking, from the looks of it. "Come
on in."

"Pretty place." Cargo pants smiled, then sniffed.

"Chiles. Marco loves chiles."

So sweater guy was Marco and cargo pants was

Stephan. "Do you like duck?"

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"I do. No raisins, no bananas." Stephan came to him

easily, smiling. Slinking. "How are you?"

"I'm good." He shook Stephan's hand and tried not to

be tickled that the man held on a second or two too long.
Who knew? Maybe the guy did that to everyone.

Marco's eyes flashed, the man's nose twitching. Or

not. Maybe he was just imagining it. Maybe brunch
smelled good.

"So, food first? Or business?" Stephan's voice made

him shiver.

"Oh, I never do business on an empty stomach. We

should eat first." He gave Marco a smile, trying to get
the man engaged a little.

Those bright eyes met his, the connection suddenly

razor sharp and strong, and Faelen could smell the

Oh, man. Oh, heaven. That looked way more yummy

than smoked salmon. Of course, he wasn't a kitty. Faelen
cleared his throat before leading the way to the low,
Japanese style table he had. They could lounge and eat.

The twins settled together on the cushions, shoulder

to shoulder, side by side. They were a pretty sight,
slinky and boneless and yummy. Faelen laid out food,
setting things out kind of in order.

They purred at the sight of the food, and the sound of

approval pleased him, bone deep.

"Here, let's try the salmon first." He showed them

how to put it all together, but noticed they bypassed the
bread, really. Marco liked capers, though.

He also noticed the licking of fingers, the soft purrs,

the way Stephan slowly fed his twin a bite of crispy

Faelen's cock was really taking an interest in all that,

for sure. God, he was just going to melt, and business
was not going to get done.

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"The duck is exceptional. Did you cook it?" Stephan

was vibrating with purrs, Faelen could see it.

"I did." He smiled, so tickled he could shit feathers.
"It's beautifully done." Marco licked those long

fingers clean.

"Thanks. I'm no chef, but I like to tinker. Oh, I kinda

thought orange juice might be out, so I made some cafe
au lait kickers."

Oh, look at them vibrate. "We love coffee." The joint

speaking thing was amazing.

"Do you like steamed milk?" He sure hoped so. That

and vodka.

Stephan's soft chuffing sound went straight to his

balls. "You do know we're felines, yes?"

"I do. I try not to stereotype." He was going to


"We love milk." Marco nuzzled Stephan's hand.


"Well, you'll like these." He hopped up and went to

get the forgotten drinks. Otherwise he was going to
jump them both, and how perverse was that?

He heard a soft, low sound and when he turned, he

saw Stephan leaning over Marco, tongue thrusting into
the soft, parted lips. Oh, fuck. He stood there,
completely unable to move, both hands full. He just...
He'd always had a thing for kitties.

One of Marco's hands slid down, cupped one tight,

perfect ass cheek, squeezed. Faelen could just watch the
show, right? He tried hard to be still and not interrupt,
but he sloshed coffee down his pants and yelped.

Before he could blink, the two men were right there,

rescuing cups, wiping his pants off.

"Sorry. Sorry. I got distracted." He gave them a

sheepish grin, feeling like a dork. He was usually much

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more in charge. He just needed to get his own back a

"It's okay. The coffee smells good." Stephan led him

back to the cushions, Marco staying close by.

"I can make more if I spilled too much." His blood

thrummed in his veins, his cock beating against his

He sat and suddenly he had a warm, slinky kitty in

his lap, that amazing belly right there.

Faelen blinked, trying to figure out which one it was.


"Mmm. Hello." Turtleneck, jeans. Chatty. Stephan.
"You smell good." He went with it, squeezing that

tight butt with his hands. He had the sudden urge to bare
it, maybe spank it a little. This one must be the brat.

"I am good." Little shit.
"Yeah? You going to prove it?" Suddenly he felt

much more balanced. This he understood. Seeing them
together had shorted him out a little, but not in a bad
way. Just in a wow way.

Stephan leaned in, cheek sliding over his, scenting

him. Smooth, hot -- the touch made his mouth dry. His
cheek rubbed against Stephan's, his hands tightening
even more in that ass, testing the resilience of the
muscles. The man was solid as a rock, for looking so

"So, you're the bold one, hmm?" He kissed the corner

of Stephan's mouth.

"I'm the executive chef." He got a wink. He could see

Marco, settling across the table, coffee in hand, eyes
damn near glowing as they watched.

"Marco doesn't look like the fluffy pastry guy." No,

Marco looked hungry.

"He's not. There's not an ounce of fat on him."

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"None on you, either." He finally got his hands

moving, tugging at Stephan's turtleneck.

The skin underneath was silk -- soft and smooth and

perfect under his fingers. He could feel those lean
muscles ripple, and Stephan made this sound -- part
purr, part growl.

Faelen leaned in close, lips on one shoulder while he

stroked Stephan's belly. Yes. So fine.

The golden tan wasn't faded at all on that six-pack,

not a single tan line. It was stunning, the thought of this
one lying in the sun like a lazy kitty. He wanted to see
that, one day. Twin kitties purring together under the
light, rubbing together. He jerked, moaned, his body
reacting like he was some kind of teenager.

"Smell you..." Stephan's purr vibrated through him.

"Let me see?"

"Anything you want, kit."
Stephan turned, head tilting at Marco. "You're over


Marco nodded, eyes glowing softly.
"His hands are good. Hard. He knows how to touch."
"Are you shy, Marco?" He let Stephan pull of his

shirt, then held out a hand.

Stephan purred softly at first, then louder as Marco

slipped from the cushions. "It's a hard job, being the
youngest male."

Marco growled low.
"Is it?" He was the oldest, so he wouldn't know

"Come here, Marco. I want to feel you, too."

Marco came to him, slowly, cautiously, watching

every twitch.

Faelen bit back his grin, not wanting Marco to think

he was being laughed at. Marco's skin was burning hot,
his hand closing around Faelen's strong and good.

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Stephan reached for his twin as soon as Marco was in

reach, too, tugging hard. "Scaredy cat."

Marco growled, deep in his throat.
"Hush." He popped Stephan's butt without even

thinking about it, instinct telling him what to do.

Both his kits stopped, blinked at him, heads tilting.
Faelen rubbed the spot he'd hit. "No taunting, kit. We

can all share this."

Stephan rumbled, but pushed into his hand, while

Marco let him draw the lean body closer, hands on that
too-big sweater.

Score. Now he knew exactly what tack to take, and

he felt back in his element. He got Marco bare to the
waist, pausing a moment to really look at them.

With their chests bared, no one would mistake one

from the other. Stephan was smooth, leaner, sleeker.
Marco was more muscular, chest crossed with an
unmistakable set of claw marks. They were both
amazing, though, with golden hair and tanned skin and
the sharp scent of musk rising from their skin.

They all breathed a moment, then two hands, one

from each of them, landed on his chest.

Faelen smiled, grabbing them and dragging both

hands down to his pants.

Stephan chuffed softly, but they both worked to free

his cock, even as Stephan leaned over, took Marco's lips
in a kiss.

Up close their kiss was a work of art. Stephan took,

Marco gave. It was a tiny battle of wills all the way,

When one of them found his cock, their lips popped

apart, both kits moaning for him.

"Oh, hell yes." He pushed up, rocking the boat a

little. It felt so good, to have someone touch him this
way. It had been a while.

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"He smells good."
Marco nodded, purred low, then moved, the action so

fast it was a blur. Then a hot mouth dropped over his

Fuck. Faelen's body jerked like he was the one

getting a slap to the ass. That mouth felt tight when
Marco sealed those pretty lips around him, and wet and
silky and wonderful. He had to grab Stephan to keep
them all from sliding around on the couch.

"He's good." Stephan's nails scraped down his belly,

so fucking sharp.

"Mmmhmm." Marco was more than good. He was

amazing, his pacing and suction amazing. "Are you?"

"Better than him."
A growl vibrated around his cock.
His skin beaded up with goose bumps, his balls

pulling up. He reached down to stroke Marco's hair.
"He's very good, Stephan."

That growl turned into the softest purr. Oh, fuck, that

felt good. Faelen wanted more. He petted and praised,
making sure to keep Stephan busy with kisses in
between words.

Marco's mouth was pure heaven, and every touch to

the lean back made it better, made his balls tighter.

Hell, he felt a little selfish, but it wasn't going to be

long before he came like a freight train. He needed so

Stephan took his lips, the suddenness of the kiss

making his head swim. Fuck.

Faelen gave in to the inevitable, his hands clenching,

one on Stephan's ass, one on Marco's head. He came so
hard he imagined Stephan felt his teeth rattle.

"Mmm." Stephan rubbed and purred, fingers on his

chest, a little tug to one nipple making his eyes roll.

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"You two are trouble, I can tell." He laughed, the

sheer joy of his orgasm overwhelming him.

"Absolutely." Stephan grabbed Marco as soon as the

sweet mouth licked him clean, and drew them together
in a fierce kiss.

Faelen watched, deciding that if they played together

again he would keep them from touching. Torture them
a little.

Stephan pushed Marco back, growling into the sweet,

parted lips, fingers digging into the blond hair. Sliding
off the couch, Faelen pushed up behind Stephan
pressing against the bare back. Stephan rippled, arched
underneath him. Faelen bit the back of Stephan's neck,
releasing a flood of scent, knowing Marco would smell

A sharp yowl sounded, bright gold eyes meeting his

over Stephan's shoulder as Marco panted. Sweet boy. He
stroked Marco's cheek with the hand not wrapped
around Stephan's neck. "You like that, too?"

"Smells good." The soft cheek rubbed against his

palm, nuzzled him once, gently, quickly.

"He does." He pinched Stephan's left nipple, letting

Stephan know he was still in play.

Stephan chuckled softly. "You taste like cock and

coffee, brother."

Marco growled a little. "You're an ass."
Stephan pinched his twin, hard. "You've got a great


That was when Marco pulled Stephan away, pounced

his brother, and the pounding started.

Not the sexual kind. Damn it. Faelen watched,

amused as hell.

They were incredibly well matched -- Marco was

faster, Stephan hit harder. It was the best kind of porn to
watch them tussle. In fact, Faelen found his hand in his

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lap without consciously putting it there, stroking his
cock back to life.

Finally Marco landed on top, tickling Stephan's ribs,

hysterical laughter filling the air. That made him stop
what he was doing and smile. Silly kitties.

Stephan's eyes dragged over his body. "Hungry

again, Pup?"

A growl rose up in him and he did the pouncing this

time, hitting Stephan and rolling him to his back, teeth
on that impossibly beautiful throat. "Not a pup."

The air was suddenly thick, electric, and he braced

himself for Marco's pounce. It came sooner than he
expected, almost bowling him over. He managed to stay
upright, scrambling, reaching for Marco's lean body.

"Quick, but no. Mine." He got them both on the floor,

one hand in the center of each chest.

They blinked at him, the challenge clear in Stephan's

golden eyes, the curiosity in Marco's. He smiled,
showing a little teeth.

"Come here, Marco."
The motion was slinky, curious, Marco coming

closer, undulating under his hand.

Beautiful man. He pulled Marco in to taste him,

keeping Stephan down, unable to participate.

Stephan growled low when their lips met, Marco's

kiss melting and heated, sweet as honey and still
flavored with him. He loved how Stephan struggled a
little, squirming. He knew the game now though, so
Faelan pushed back, not letting the man get up. He
tasted Marco thoroughly, tongue pushing into that hot

Marco was a lover, purring and rubbing, one hand

reaching for Stephan.

"Ah-ah." He took Marco's hand and pulled it back to

touch him. "He gets touches when he can be good."

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Marco's eyes went wide and Stephan's growl was

furious, spitting and hissing. God, he was going to have
a ball.

"Do I need to sit on your chest, kitty, or can you

behave?" He pushed down until Stephan stilled, waiting.

Marco nosed him, purred softly.
"Mmm. I can tell you'll behave, sweet." He licked at

the corner of Marco's lips. "Maybe we should just tie
your brother down."

"We?" Marco's lips chased his, the kit's focus


"Mmmhmm. You could help me and then we could

make him watch while we played." Not that it would last
long; these two would have to touch. Still, it would
teach Stephan a little lesson.

Marco looked at Stephan, who stared back, eyes

glowing, fierce. Then Marco nodded. "He likes to play."

"Traitor. I'm going to tear you up." Stephan's hiss was


"Not now, you're not." God, this was fun. It had been

too long; that was why Faelen had applied for the job.
"Marco, in my room there are toys. Go find some
restraints. The chest at the foot of the bed."

"Don't you do it."
Marco purred softly, touched Stephan's chin. "You

like the fight."

Then he watched the lean body head off toward his

pointed finger.

He settled more of his weight on Stephan. "You can

fight me all you want, kitty."

Hot little spitfire. Stephan growled at him, wiggling

hard, teeth bared. That cock, though, was hard as a rock,
hot against him. Faelen pressed his thigh against it,
letting Stephan have a little friction. Sounds rumbled out
of Stephan's chest, and Faelen felt each one in his balls.

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"Mmm. Delicious." He smiled at Marco, who was

heading back their way. "Isn't he pretty, sweet?"

"He's beautiful. An ass sometimes, but beautiful."

The ties Marco had picked were soft as clouds, but
strong enough to hold. He couldn't help but wonder what
Stephan would have chosen for Marco.

He'd find out someday soon. Faelen was willing to

bet on it. "He has a beautiful ass, too. Of course, so do

Marco actually smiled. "They're sort of the same."
"You think so?" Huh. He thought Marco was more

muscular, Stephan more lean. Stephan's ass also had this

Stephan twisted underneath him, hand wrapping

around Marco's ankle.

"No." That bubble butt pushed up and Faelan

smacked it hard, the sound ringing through the room.
God, that sounded good.

Stephan yowled, upper body going for him now, but

that sweet ass rocked right back toward him.

"Get his hands, Marco." He let Marco struggle with

those flailing limbs. Faelen was going to concentrate on
making that ass rosy.

The sound of his hand on Stephan's ass was just right,

and, although Stephan struggled, Faelen noticed he
wasn't working too hard at it. No, this was a man who
needed his ass tanned.

Faelen struck again, then again, watching the skin

under his hand redden.

Marco managed to get Stephan's hands bound, then

started touching, comforting, making soft sounds.

"He's good to you, Stephan. He loves you." He

smacked Stephan again, wanting a reaction, wanting
some kind of yielding.

"He's mine." Stephan groaned. "Fuck..."

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"I can see that. You're so good together. Marco,

sweet, give him something to do with his mouth." He
wasn't stopping the spanking until that skin glowed.

Marco wiggled onto the floor, nuzzling Stephan, then

they kissed again, Stephan's little sounds growing

It was so pretty, but Faelen didn't let it distract him.

He was going to make Stephan come from this.

Stephan pulled up onto his knees and elbows, body

dancing, rocking back and meeting each slap. Such a
needy man. Stephan kissed Marco hard, grunting every
time Faelen's hand landed.

The sounds went right to Faelen's cock.
Marco's hand was down his own pants, tugging that

sweet prick while he kissed his brother.

"You need to strip, Marco. If you're going to do that I

want to see."

Marco's eyes met his, then Stephan's, who nodded.

"He's seen the worst scars. It won't matter."

"There's nothing you can show me that I won't like,


Fuck, that little blush was hot, the way Marco bared

himself, hotter. The pale thighs were marked with scars,
more claws like the heavy marks on the man's chest.
Poor baby. This was not from playing with his twin.
This was deliberate.

Faelen reached out and traced the scars on Marco's

chest. "So brave."

Marco stared at him, eyes huge, but Stephan made a

rough noise. "Yes. Yes, strong and brave."

"Both of you are." He laid his other hand on

Stephan's burning skin. "You did beautifully, Stephan.
Would you like a reward?"

Stephan rippled for him, pushed against his touch.

"Please. I ache."

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"What does he like best, Marco?"
Marco chuckled. "My mouth."
Faelan could understand that. Marco had a lovely

mouth, hungry and hot. He pulled Stephan up, seating
the man in his lap. "Suck him a little, then."

That sweet ass was like a fire against his thighs,

burning and so right. Marco grabbed Stephan's thighs,
swollen lips wrapping around the long, hard prick.

He watched, moaning a little at how good that

looked, how amazing Stephan felt against him. He
petted them both, murmuring praise.

Stephan's bound hands found Marco's head, pushing

a little, and he clucked his tongue. Pushy little bottom.

He separated them for that, Stephan's growl like the

best kind of music. "You only get the reward if you can
be good, boys."

Marco groaned, the look deliciously confused.
Faelen smiled at him, touching one flushed cheek, his

thumb brushing over Marco's swollen lips. "You're very
good. He's just a bad boy."

"He's naughty, not bad." Marco's lips wrapped around

his thumb, the suction sweet, strong.

"Oh, that's a good way to put it." He held Stephan

close, keeping the wiggling form on his lap. "Far more

Stephan growled. "Marco's a suck up."
He wanted to laugh, the sheer joy of these two

making him feel good inside. Instead, he flicked his
fingers across the tip of Stephan's cock, hard enough to
sting a tiny bit, and Stephan yowled, so pretty, so

Pretty little fucks.
Marco was leaning, making sure Stephan was all

right, and Faelen leaned to the side, catching Marco's

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mouth in a kiss. Now Marco tasted like both him and

He pulled Marco up alongside him, so that he could

touch, feel. They were so similar, but this close Stephan
was smooth where Marco was scarred, where Stephan
was leaner, Marco had heavier muscles. They were

Marco's cock was hot, hard, leaving burning kisses

on his skin. Stephan's was wet, shining, hard and red. He
wanted both of those cocks bound, wanted them so hard
a cat couldn't scratch them.

A cat couldn't scratch them. That was good. He

cracked himself up.

Faelen got a good grip on Stephan's cock, then

reached for Marco's hoping their feline sense of balance
would keep them all upright. His lupine self kinda
wanted to wag its tail. Marco's hand landed on the
middle of Stephan's back, holding as Stephan arched.

He stroked them both, pulling and tugging, watching

how they clung to one another, worked together.
Stephan snarled and wiggled, Marco purred softly and
rocked up into his touch.

They were just amazing. Addictive. Faelan began to

push up, his hips rocking, his cock rubbing Stephan's

"I want." Marco moaned. "Please, 'Phan. I need."
"No, honey. You ask me, not him." They would

learn, but he had to tell them the rules, first. "What do
you need?"

Marco moaned, eyes rolling a little, suddenly a little

too bright, a little less human. "More."

Fuck, that word purred like that made his toes curl.

He'd never heard a sound quite like that. "Here, honey.
Let Stephan touch you."

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He maneuvered Stephan so those bound hands could

reach Marco's cock.

"That's not what he needs." Stephan surged forward,

teeth digging into Marco's shoulder, hard enough to
subdue, to bruise, and Marco gasped, hips snapping
almost furiously.

Well, now. That he could do. Faelan sprang,

knocking them both to the floor, one hand on Stephan's
throat to hold him down, his mouth on Marco. God, he
loved biting.

Heat sprayed between them, Marco's voice screaming

out, calling to him, to Stephan. Jesus. Beautiful.

Faelen was a greedy bastard. He turned to Stephan,

slapping the man's cock with the flat of his hand. "Now
you, Stephan."

"Fuck!" That sharp pop did it, though, sent his kitty

tumbling over the edge.

They lay there under him, looking utterly debauched,

smelling of musk. So fucking beautiful.

Stephan purred so loudly Faelan felt it in his bones,

and Marco pushed close, rubbing against him, against

"Mmm. Yeah. Touch me, sweet." He could so go


Marco's tongue slid across his collarbone, dragging

lazily. Stephan's mouth was more focused, toothier. He
let them play for several moments before his body
started making demands they weren't answering.

The little teases purred together, the motions slowing

impossibly, and that's when he noticed Stephan's hands
were untied.

"You two are trouble. I can tell." He'd punish Stephan

later. Right now he just needed to come again.

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"You know it." Stephan's fingers spread his legs. He

allowed it, curious to see what his bad boy would try.

Stephan growled, tongue slapping his balls hard

enough to sting before pushing behind, rough tongue on
his hole. Marco stroked his belly, probably trying to
ease the tension Stephan brought to his body, but Faelen
couldn't stop every muscle in his body tensing up.

Pushy little fuck. Stephan's tongue set every one of

his nerves alight, the touch fucking maddening. He dug
his heels in against the floor and lifted up, demanding

Marco's teeth and claws were on his midsection,

stinging him, making his skin goose pimple up, even as
Stephan lapped at him. They were like a little tornado of
sharp and hot, making him pant.

Stephan's tongue pushed inside him, even as Marco

took him in that hot mouth again. Oral pussycats. Fuck.

That was what he did, too. He fucked Marco's mouth

and pressed back against Stephan's tongue, loving the
slick sounds and soft grunts they gave him.

Next time, he was fucking those little asses -- Marco

first, then Stephan. Hard and deep. They would both feel
him for days.

He growled, hand tangling in Marco's hair, the gold

strands pulling at his fingers. That sweet mouth was
making him crazy, and Stephan was like the best
damned kind of irritation, the kind that kept him on edge
and off-guard.

Nails dragged over his skin, and he yelped, pushed

root-deep between Marco's lips. He came hard when
Stephan's tongue pushed inside him once more, his
shout ringing through the room.

They slumped together on the floor, Marco and

Stephan tangled around him. He laid a hand on both of
them, feeling them breathe. They both purred, vibrating

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for him. He could feel their tails around his legs, even if
it was metaphorical.

Good thing they had more salmon, more coffee. They

hadn't gotten around to doing business yet.

He had a feeling that business would never be boring,

at least.

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Chapter Three

Hazelnuts. Cream. Butter.
Marco whistled happily, mixing his batters, loving

the silence and the peace of early morning kitchen

There wasn't much for him to do, but he liked having

breakfast for the staff and making sure he got to
experiment with the few little desserts that the staff
needed for dinner.

It was fabulous. The best part was that this kitchen

had never belonged to anyone but him and Stephan.
They had designed it, they had brought in the best
appliances, and they had sectioned off space for both of

He worked from four a.m. 'til noonish, then hung out

with Stephan 'til dinner service. Stephan stumbled in
around one a.m. and messed around so they could have a
meal together.

It was lovely. The staff all liked him, if not Stephan,

and he could see them making a home here. He really

He heard the deep voice humming before he saw

Faelen come into the kitchen. Oh, look at that man. Tall,
broad, there was nothing little about this wolf, no matter
what his name meant. Stephan had looked it up. Faelan
stood for little wolf.

"Good morning." He smiled over the top of the


"Hey, sweet." Faelan smiled back, coming to kiss his

cheek. "How are you?"

"Excellent. You're up early. I'd expect you to keep

'Phan's hours."

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"I'm kind of an odd sleeper." Faelan shrugged.

"Something smelled good."

"Banana walnut muffins and hazelnut and chocolate

croissants. There's carrot cake and coconut pies for
tonight." He found himself heading over, as soon as the
last batch was in the oven.

Faelan opened strong arms to him, pulling him close

for a real kiss, smack on his mouth. "I like croissants.

"Mmm. Good to know." He snuggled into Faelan's

body, his purr vibrating through him. "You taste good."

"Toothpaste." Faelen chuckled, leaning back against

the counter to let him cuddle hard.

"Did you come looking for food? Peter won't be in to

make breakfast for another twenty minutes." The sweet
little beta wolf was hilarious and eager to please;
Stephan swore that Niko -- the night caretaker -- was
going to eat him alive.

"Actually, I came in looking for that invoice for the

fruit for the brunch thing Duke is holding." Faelan didn't
seem inclined to move.

"It's in the office, on the bulletin board." Stephan was

weirdly organized. Weirdly. It made driving him crazy
so much easier.

"Oh, cool. Is that a usual thing, or will I have to hunt

these things down?" Faelen was amused, he could tell.

"It's where they go. Once the event is over, it gets

filed to give to Richie, the firebug admin guy."

"Firebug?" Faelan was getting a little morning happy,

right there against Marco's hip.

"Uh-huh. It's cool. He showed me..." His eyes

crossed at the scent of Faelan's need.

"Showed you what?" Hot lips traced a pattern on his

skin, right there under his ear.

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"Fire." Oh. Oh, Stephan would be mad, if he did

something, but Faelan was right there and tasting him.
Maybe it would be a little okay to make Stephan mad
anyway. It always made Stephan sexy and grr.

Besides, it didn't seem like Faelan was worried about

it really. Faelan seemed focused on worrying Marco's
skin instead. Sharp teeth scraped over his shoulder,
Faelan's lips nudging his shirt aside.

Oh, that made him need to twist and purr. Scratch a


"You taste like cinnamon and sugar." Faelan bit a

tiny bit, just a bright little sting.

"Muffins." He scented Faelan's jaw, nibbled one


"Mmmhmm. You, though. I noticed the other day."
Huh. Maybe it was sunk into his skin now. That

would please him, to taste like his food... Oh. Faelan bit
again and his thoughts shattered like glass.

Faelan moaned, pressing against him, hips starting to

rock in pulses, back and forth. The scent of them
together was starting to overtake even the muffins, sharp
and animalistic.

"The office. Please." He set the timer on the oven

without even looking, then tugged Faelan. Stephan
would bite his head off if he was naughty in here.

"'Kay." Faelan followed easily, which surprised him.

He'd half-expected Faelan to argue, just to be the one in
charge. Of course, then Faelan locked the door behind
them. "Strip, sweet."

He stepped out of his checks, his t-shirt. The jacket

was still hanging on the hook by the walk-in. His hand
traced his scars, the feeling of dulled sensation where
the claws had dug in familiar now, oddly comforting.

Faelen moved close, the big, blunt fingers touching

his scars as well. "Who did this?"

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He pulled away, then stepped closer, caught between

the need to protect and to find comfort. "The Alpha
male. One male is a challenge. Two is a threat. I was the
smaller cub."

"Oh, sweet boy." Faelan decided for him, pulling him

close, his naked body against Faelan's jeans and soft t-
shirt. "You're a brave one."

Warm. Marco's eyes crossed and he snuggled in,

sucking in the comfort, the heat, the strength.

"Mmm. God, you smell good." Faelan was still hard

for him, hot even through the denim still covering that
amazing cock. Marco reached down, fingers trailing
over the bulge, remembering the feel of that prick in his
mouth. The taste of it had been a fantasy come true, as
well. He could smell Faelan's need, sharp and musky.

Marco worked Faelan's jeans open, his mouth

watering as he licked his lips.

"Oh." Faelan bucked a little when the air hit his skin.

"You want this, sweet?"

"Need." He pushed Faelan back, leaning down to

nuzzle the flat belly.

Faelan leaned against the door of the office, hands

sliding along Marco's head, fingers slipping into his hair.
Holding him there. He grabbed the wiry hairs leading
south with his lips, tugged playfully.

That got him a chuckle and a little flick to his left ear.

"Behave, Marco."

He yowled, leaned up and nipped those fingers,

teasing right back.

Faelan laughed right out loud and traced his lips,

opening them so one finger could dip into Marco's
mouth. Faelan held his gaze and began fucking his lips,
so slowly, with that one finger, in and out, in and out.
Marco let his tongue drag against it, every time Faelan
pulled back.

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They moved, almost like time had slowed down.

Faelan's cock rubbed his cheek, the scent all over him.
Stephan would go crazy later on. That thought made him
smile, made him purr. Stephan in pissed kitty mode was
the most fun ever.

"I have a feeling that wasn't for me, love." Faelan

pulled back, then pushed forward, cock rubbing his lips
now. "Pay attention."

"Sorry." He lapped at the tip, his mind bouncing

between the rebuke and the thought of 'Phan and that
word. Love.

"Much better." That voice was all deep and rough,

now, so hot running down Marco's spine. A huge hand
wrapped around the back of his head, pulling him onto
Faelan's prick.

It spread his lips, made him grunt, trying to adjust. It

was hot, so forceful, so amazing. This great sound filled
the air, Faelan calling to him as he wrapped his lips
around that thick shaft. It was almost like a howl.

Just as he was getting into the rhythm, Faelan pulled

away, leaving him blinking. He got a wolfy grin before
Faelan stripped down and moved to sit in the big desk
chair. "Might as well get comfy, sweet."

Faelan opened heavily muscled arms to him and he

went, finding himself in Faelan's lap, straddling thick
thighs. He leaned in, spread wide, and nuzzled Faelan's
jaw. "I can't suck you from here."

"No? Imagine." Faelan squeezed his ass. "We'll think

of something to do."

"Will we?" Marco let himself roll, butt cheeks sliding

over Faelan's palms.

"Uh-huh. Like this." Leaning down, Faelan bit him

hard enough to leave a mark.


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He went stiff, arched, his spine filled with electricity.

So good. Please. Yes. That was perfect. He needed that
kind of touch, craved it. When Faelan pinched his left
ass cheek, he purred, his body jerking again, his cock so

He let his nails drag down Faelan's chest, not hard

enough to cut, just enough to sting so good.

"Mmm." That deep bass rumble vibrated against his

palm. "I like that. You have good instincts, sweet."

"Thank you." He nuzzled in, let his tongue trace

Faelan's' collarbone. Salty.

"You're welcome." One hand slid around so Faelan

could tug at the hairs on his belly.

Oh, that was cheating, using his trick on him. He

yowled, hips sliding as he tried to get away.

"Uh-uh. I like you right here." Faelan pinched at the

tip of his cock, closing the slit for a moment.

His lips opened and his knees drew up, like there was

a string attached to them. That tiny touch had his heart
racing, his fingers clenching and unclenching on
Faelan's shoulders. When Faelan did it again, he almost
climbed out of the chair.

"I." He didn't even know if he wanted to say "don't."
"You. You're so responsive. So fucking fine." Faelan

treated him like he was the most fascinating creature.

"Please." He needed more. Or less. Or something.
"What is it you need, sweet?" One big hand slid

down his arm, capturing his wrist. Then his other hand
was caught and Faelan pulled them both up over
Marco's head.

"I don't know. More? Something? I ache." He got

caught up, it was a thing. 'Phan helped him.

Faelan held both of his hands in one big paw and

used the fingers of the other to twist his left nipple. "I
can do that. More."

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Marco tugged at the hold, eyes rolling when that

hand didn't weaken, didn't falter. Strong. So strong. He
could lean against it all he wanted, and Faelan's grip
never broke. Marco felt bruises popping up on his

A soft, needy sound hiccuped out of him, and he

pushed closer with his hips, wanting pressure on his

"You're aching, aren't you, sweet?" Faelan touched

him, that one hand still around his wrists, the other
sliding back down his belly, teasing him.

Marco nodded, undulating under Faelan's touch.
"I can tell. So hot. Your skin is on fire." Now Faelan

touched his cock again, stroking from tip to base.

His entire body rippled, shuddered in response to that

caress, that callused hand. Faelan touched him like the
man knew what he wanted, what he had to have. The
touch was firm, almost too hard, but it burned so good.

They danced together, Marco moving on Faelan's

thighs, rubbing against that fat prick. Faelan pushed
Marco higher and higher, holding his hands effortlessly,
keeping him focused.

The rough touch was like the best sort of scratches.

More. He wanted more. He tried to get closer, but
Faelan held him in the same place, only allowing so
much friction.

Soft sounds started pouring from him, needy and

wanton, and he couldn't stop them. He was afraid he was
going to start yowling at any moment, which would just
be embarrassing. Faelan took his mouth in a kiss,
muffling his noises as they got louder.

Faelan's patience was maddening, and Marco dove

into the kiss as desire climbed up his spine. His body
squirmed, his prick heavy, hungry, and Faelan chuckled,

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pushing them together finally so that big hand could
wrap around both of them.

He nodded, hips driving up into the touch, his need

too wild to contain.

Grunting, Faelan moved faster, letting Marco set the

pace, finally. It felt so good, so right. Better than anyone
but 'Phan.

"Please." He bit Faelan's jaw, earlobe. "Please."
"Anything, sweet. Anything you want." Teeth sank

into the skin of his neck, Faelan biting him back.

That sting was joined with the scrape of a nail against

his slit and Marco shot, eyes and mouth open as it
rocked him. Faelan watched him carefully, let him
struggle through his orgasm. Then his hands were
brought down, wrapped around Faelan's prick.

"Yes." He nodded, put all his focus on thanking this

big, beautiful bastard, on finding Faelan's pleasure. He
squeezed hard, thumbs working the tip on each upstroke.

Faelan started moving again, hips pumping up,

almost dumping him off. He held on, stroking harder,
and it wasn't long. Not long at all. Faelan came for him,
spilling seed over his hands.

He rubbed the sticky spunk into Faelan's fading cock

before licking his fingers clean.

The big body under his jerked a little, Faelan

chuckling. "That's fucking hot, sweet."

"You're tasty." He leaned in, lapped Faelan's jaw.
"Thank you." Slowly, carefully, Faelan shifted him so

he sat sideways across the heavy thighs. Then he got a
hard squeeze, Faelan pressing against him.

"Mmm." He purred softly, the warmth and solid

comfort lovely. "Would you like some food?"

Faelan's belly rumbled like an earthquake. "I think I

would, yeah."

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"I'll wash up and get you set up with something

delicious." He took a kiss, quick and soft. "The papers
you're looking for are on the board."

"Thanks, sweet." One big hand patted his ass when

he rose, not enough to sting. Just enough to remind him
that Faelan was there.

Marco purred in response, rubbed their noses

together, and then grabbed his clothes. He was starving.

Good sex always did that to him.

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Chapter Four

"Don't fucking have sex in my office." He'd already

torn Marco a new asshole; it was JoJo the Dogfaced
Boy's turn now. Stephan slammed one hand down on the
bar, the glasses tinkling in their boxes where they were
waiting to be unpacked. "You hear me? That room is
mine! I am the head of the fucking kitchen and no one is
fucking in there!"

Especially without him.
The smell was insane.
Faelan raised one brow, expression mild. "I'm sorry,

did you want something?"

"Don't." He pondered throwing a case of high ball

glasses. It would make a great sound. "Ever. Have. A.
morning quickie with my Marco in my office."

"Without you, you mean? Are you a jealous one,


"Fuck you." He jostled the glasses, threatening them

a little. He didn't have anything to fucking be jealous
about. Marco came to him.

Damn it.
"I would fuck you anytime you want, Stephan."

Faelan's eyes met his, serious and sure. "Marco is very
sensual. So are you. I'm not going to not take what either
of you is willing to give."

"Not in my office. I have to work there." Faelan made

him shiver, made him stop and stare.

Wait, he was trying to have a fit.
"Ah, so that's the problem." Faelan's well-shaped

mouth curved in a dirty, sexy smile. "Makes it hard to
work, huh? Makes you want to fuck something."

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"Don't you smile at me." He nodded, though, before

he could stop himself. It had made him crazy, made him
go upstairs on his break and tear Marco up.

"Mmm. I can smell you now, you know. That smell

has nothing to do with the office. I happen to know what
time Marco went upstairs."

"You don't." God, he wanted -- suddenly and

immediately and painfully. Fucking Marco had just
taken the edge off, but somehow hadn't given him what
he needed, damn it.

"I do." Faelan flattened those huge hands on the bar

and leaned. "I know what you need, kit."

A snarl built up in Stephan's throat, and an answering

excitement built in his spine. "Prove it."

Faelan was over the bar in a blink, not a box

disturbed by the predatory action. Those hands fell on
his shoulders, Faelan pulling him close. "You'd better be
ready for this, Stephan."

"There's nothing you can show me I'm not ready for,

puppy." He needed so badly he could scream.

"No?" Faelan lifted him, just like he weighed

nothing, carrying him to the storeroom. His back
slammed against the wall, his breath whooshing out of

At least it wasn't his office.
He snapped, let his fingers make the shape of claws.
"No claws, kit." One beefy arm pushed sideways

across his chest, holding him with his feet dangling
while Faelan worked his jeans open.

"You scared?" His prick pushed right out, helping

Faelan out by battering at his zipper.

"No. I'm just not your brother." That hand found his

cock, squeezing a little too hard.

"No. No, you're not Marco." Faelan was deliciously,

lusciously different from them.

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"Neither are you, kit. You need more than he does.

You need someone to make you feel things." Faelan's
thumb dragged across his slit, then the big hand slid
down to push his balls against the base of his prick.

His tongue flicked out and his toes curled, that

pressure so fucking sweet. "You don't know us."

"I think I know more than you think." Faelan pushed

up, then kissed him so hard he felt his lip split.

He growled deep in his chest, lips parting

immediately, eagerly, tongue pushing hard against
Faelan's. They fought for control of the kiss, but it was
Faelan who won, biting his lower lip and pushing into
his lower body with strong hips and thighs.

His cock was absolutely letting him know that he was

in a good place, needing this, but he was going to make
Faelan fight for every bit.

A low chuckle told him that was fine by Faelan. They

spun around, Faelan pushing him down on a stack of
bags. He thought maybe they were beans.

"You're making a mess." His balls ached.
"Am I?" Faelen grinned before bending to bite him,

right at the base of his throat. Sharp and bright that
sting, feeling like biting a lemon.

Marking him.
Marco had worn Faelan's marks today, earlier, the

little love bites a message. Now he'd wear the answer for
Marco to find. Faelan liked to leave his calling card
from what Stephan could tell. That was fine by him. It
felt amazing.

He tangled his fingers in the thick, dark hair, tugged

Faelan in closer. More.

Those teeth worried his skin, Faelan growling. He

could feel bruises popping up under Faelan's fingers.

"Bastard, doing that in my office." His fucking toes


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"Marco said you'd be pissed if we sullied your

kitchen." Oh, now the asshole was laughing at him.

"I'd beat him to death." He bit Faelan's ear, hard.
"No." Faelen flipped him over, moving so fast it left

everything blurry. One hand slid under him, adjusting
his cock so nothing hurt him, then Faelan was slapping
his ass, really letting him have it.

It all happened so fast he didn't think to scream for at

least the first dozen blows. Then he started pushing back
into them, filthy words about Faelan's family line
popping out of his mouth. That just made Faelan hit
harder, Stephan's ass beginning to burn, his muscles
screaming. He felt swollen, on fire, and Faelan seemed
tireless, like this would never end.

He yowled, starting to kick, to fight, the ache in his

ass taking over his fucking mind. That hand could
practically cover his whole ass, but Faelan alternated
side to side, making him jump and gasp every time a
blow landed.

"Enough!" He snarled the word out, biting at the air.


God, it was hot.
"Not even close. I want your ass to glow, kit. I want

to hear you scream." Faelan was just... God.

He cussed and growled, thrashed and snarled, and

Faelan never slowed. Not once. He felt like he must
surely be glowing, like his skin was going to be purple.
He'd stand for days and sleep on his belly on top of

It was the most amazing thing he'd ever felt.
"That's it, kit. That's it. Give me everything." Faelan

moved on to his thighs, slapping hard enough to make
his muscles jerk.

He screamed, the pleasure and pain unbearable, his

need burning him.

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The cessation of the spanking shocked him. The

simple lack of sound rang on his ears.

Stephan gulped in air, one breath after another, his

heart pounding furiously. The next touch to his ass was
so gentle he cried out, the touch not enough and too
much on his sensitive skin.

He tried to stand up, needing to move, to get up, to

get away. Something.

His hands scrabbled, and he started to slide out from

under Faelan, but the man caught his legs, hauling him
back. "Where are you going, Stephan?"

"I don't know!"
"Well, I do. I'm going to fuck you now." Those

burning hot fingers touched between his ass cheeks, the
only place where he wasn't sore and swollen on his
whole backside.

He yowled again, digging his toes into the floor.

Needed. He needed.

"All I need to do is get you ready. Hold still." Faelan

slid down behind him, and he felt that amazing mouth
on his ass, right there on his right cheek.

The touch was nearly unbearable, his nerves

vacillating madly between pain and pleasure. The swipe
of Faelan's tongue made him pant, made him claw at the
bags he lay on.

Faelan didn't pay him the slightest bit of attention,

tongue burning on him, driving him crazy, not stopping
or speeding or anything. The man was a machine. Faelan
worked in toward Stephan's center, tongue finally
touching his hole.

Stephan sobbed, hips canting back, begging for more.
"Hold still, kit." Holding him immobile, Faelan went

after him, getting his hole wet before pushing two
fingers in.

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"Don't tease." He needed this more than he needed to


"I'm not teasing you, beautiful. I'm loving on you."

That voice buzzed against his skin, making him gasp.
Then Faelan pushed another finger in, opening him
impossibly wide.

A low keening tore out of him, pushed out by the

pressure inside him.

"So damned hot, kit. I swear, you're on fire inside."

The fingers slipped away, and he heard wet sounds, skin
on skin sounds, before Faelan muscled up behind him,
cock sliding along his crack.

"Please. Please, I need." He needed this coiled spring

of hunger inside him to let go.

"I know what you need," Faelan growled, cockhead

pushing against his hole. "I got you, kit. Just open for
me. Come on."

That cock was going to split him in two.
Stephan felt the tip pop in, his body shuddering,

shaking as he fought and then he took a deep, deep
breath, let Faelan push in.

Faelan went deep, pressing into his body, until those

strong hips were pressed against his burning ass. The
feel of Faelan's skin against his was perfect, maddening,
the crinkle of the man's hair enough to make his eyes

Warm breath ghosted over his back, Faelan's lips on

his shoulder. "More?"

"More." He nodded, squeezed. "More."
"Yeah." There was a wealth of satisfaction there, and

Faelan started to give him what he needed. There was a
rhythm to it, hard and deep, long strokes inside his body.

The sting built into a deep, slow burn that Stephan

could ride out, and it was so fucking right. He pushed
back every time Faelan moved forward, their skin

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slapping with every thrust. His head hung down, his
cheek almost brushing the rough burlap of the bags
beneath him. Stephan could smell them, rich and good, a
hint of what had driven him crazy all afternoon while he

Growling, Faelan bit down on his skin again, right

there on his shoulder, leaving a bruise that throbbed with
his heartbeat. His head snapped back up, his mouth open
on a yowl.

His thighs went tight, his balls drew up, and he

jerked, hips rolling as he shot so hard his teeth rattled.
No one had even touched his cock...

"Fuck." Faelan grunted the word in his ear, then

slammed into him one last time, coming hard and deep
inside him, filling him up.

He stood there, shaking, sucking in air, holding

Faelan deep inside him. That was the smell he'd been
dealing with all day. Now it was sunk in his skin,
though, so he'd be able to work.

Faelan's hand slid over his side, petting him in long,

slow strokes, easing him down, and it felt good. Right.

"Better, kit? You were needing so bad." The bass

rumble settled deep in his bones. What was it about this
man that made him want to curl up against that broad
chest and purr?

"Better." He tightened his body, squeezed Faelan's

cock, smiling as the pretty wolf yelped. "Still, no more
office nookie. I have to work in there."

"This is my problem?" Short nails scratched down his

side, digging at his ribs a bit.

His laugh rang out as Faelan tickled. "I... I'll make

sure it's going to be!"

"Oh, good." Faelan leaned right in by his ear. "I'm a

problem solver."

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Chapter Five

Faelan counted boxes, frowning when his total came

up wrong again. Damn it. He was usually pretty good at
concentrating on shit. Between the upcoming full moon
and the twin kitties he was frickin' obsessed with, he
was a blithering idiot these days.

He started his count again, trying to drown out the

noise coming from back by the wine room.

"...going to string the little fucks up by their toenails

and rip out their guts, Duke!" The shouting came from
Donovan, head of security, and a packmate, threatening
their boss. "Smart-assed little troublemakers!"

Faelan gave up counting boxes. This was far more

interesting. He drifted toward the sound, straining to
hear Duke's reply.

"They're a pain in the ass, but they're good. If you rip

them up, who's gonna make those cheese puff things?"

"I'll learn. Mik will learn. Shit, I don't know, man, but

they're nuisances. They fucking set a fire in the sauna!"

"Why would anyone set a fire in the sauna?" Duke

asked, then turned on Faelan as soon as he came into
view. "Can't you keep your boys in line?"

Faelan raised a brow. "My boys?"
Donovan stared back. "Uh-huh. Short, blond, and

slinky? The ones carrying your bite marks and smelling
like Pack? You remember them?"

He grinned. "Possibly. I can't be with them all the


Duke nodded, smiling a little. It was never good

when Duke smiled. "You'd best remember that come the
full moon and make some kind of provisions for them.

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There's enough Pack here that you don't know that
something might happen."

"Why on earth did you hire felines, boss?" Donovan

sounded honestly curious. "They're trouble, the lot of

Like Donovan had met more than a handful in his


Duke barked out a laugh. "Cheese puffs and veal

carpaccio, boys. Not to mention that Jonny wanted some
kitties to play with his mate. You know, our big boss?"
Duke leveled a finger at him. "Keep them out of trouble
and I won't write them up."

Faelan chuffed softly, but nodded.
"Don't agree so fast, man." Donovan arched an

eyebrow at him. "They're uncontrollable."

"I'll do my best, then." He figured maybe Donovan

was right. He shouldn't make promises.

"That's good enough." Duke pulled out a walkie-

talkie. "Hey, Thom? We need maintenance in the

Duke left him with Van, who just stared at him.
"Dude. Twins? Seriously? That's like fucked up porn

or something. I don't know whether to tease,
congratulate, or apologize."

"Just wish me luck." He winked. "Have you had their


"God, yes. I've gained twelve pounds in chocolate

croissants alone. And the steak. Wow. Do you get
special meals?"

"I do. There was this one that was beef in puff pastry.

It was amazing. God." He still had little shivers just
thinking on it.

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"Uhn." 'Van drooled a little. "Don't suppose you're

interested in a four-way? Mik's not giving me the time
of day."

God, talk about trouble. That bloodsucker and 'Van

had fought bitterly back in the beginning. Faelan
couldn't imagine working with an ex.

"I'm not sure I want to share with you, man. They

might leave me. Besides, sauna fire." Van did like things
just so.

"Yeah. That kind of trouble is a pain, even with puff


"There you go. Have any idea where they are?" He

couldn't hear clanging and banging in the kitchen, but
Faelan thought it might be good to track down his
naughty kitties and find out why the sauna had offended

"They've been banished to their quarters for the night.

I have it on good authority that they tied all the cat o'
nine tails into...uh... a cat o' one thick tails? Zee's going
to eat them."

"Oh, man. How can anyone who works so hard have

so much time to mess with shit?" He was done with
counting boxes. Time to grab some really good fish
eggs, some crackers, and his best wine, and go tempt the

"It's the cat thing, I swear. They're invented by the

gods to cause trouble." Van's phone rang, "Maneater" on
the ring tone, and his eyes rolled. "Mik. Gotta go. Have

"Night." That was one messed up situation, Donovan

and Mik. Give Faelan cats any day. He grabbed all of his
necessary supplies, including condoms and lube from
his office, and headed to Stephan and Marco's rooms.

He could hear the pounding music and hysterical

laughter before he got all the way up the stairs, then he

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heard the playful thumping of either jumping jacks, half-
nelson wrestling, or full contact mayonnaise Twister.

Man, that was a gross thought.
He kicked at the door, his foot connecting solidly.
"Just a minute."
It took longer than that for his kits to answer the

door, one appearing mostly naked and terribly
disheveled. He sniffed. Stephan. "Hey. We got the night

"I heard." He stepped inside, smiling at the chaos.

"How does someone set a sauna on fire, anyway?"

"Marco is brilliant. It involved painting magical sigils

with Sterno." His boys looked preternaturally pleased
with themselves.

"Wow. You know, Donovan was muttering about

guts and toenails." He grabbed Stephan, who was
closest, and took a kiss.

Oh. Spicy. Someone was eating peppers. Good thing

he liked it hot.

When they broke for air, he spotted Marco, watching

them from the kitchen. He tugged Stephan with him,
going to get a kiss there, too. "Hey, sweet."

"Faelan." The sweet lips were swollen, salty, and he

groaned. Someone had had Marco on his knees.

"You have been busy, hmm?" He laughed for sheer

joy. These two were a delight. "The moon is coming."

"Mmmhmm. Tomorrow." Marco nibbled his bottom

lip, eyes dancing.

"What do you two have planned?" The moon had just

passed when he met them, so he had no idea what
mountain kitties did.

"Climbing, scratching, keeping up high, and

pouncing." Stephan pushed into the kiss.

Hungry cats. He thought about Van offering a four-

way and laughed. "I had an offer for you today."

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Marco looked at him, head tilted. "An offer?"
Stephan snorted. "We're not interested."
"I'd already told him no, kit. It just made me laugh, is

all. Donovan is hurting."

Marco frowned, purred softly. "I'll make him a cake.

Wolves like cake."

"Actually, sweet, he likes your chocolate croissants.

Says they're better than an orgasm." He shuffled them to
the couch, where they flopped down in a pile of limbs.

"Mmm. Croissants. I like the crème brulee." Stephan

was in a fabulous mood, all lazy and laughing.

Marco nodded, "I know, 'Phan."
"I like it all." Hell, he liked mixing his savory and his

sweet. Like Stephan and Marco.

"Good." Stephan grinned, took his mouth. "Glad you

came to play."

"Yeah? I couldn't manage to count my boxes, and I

heard you were in trouble." He was glad, too. He let
them both love on him, taking kisses in turn.

"Trouble?" One grinned.
They put their heads together. "Never."
He had the urge to sing a song from Lady and the

Tramp. Faelan laughed, then frowned. "Is something

Stephan jumped up. "Supper!"
Marco grinned. "Beef Wellingtons. He's on a Gordon

Ramsay kick. It'll fade."

"Oh, God." Faelan moaned a little. "I love those." He

pulled Marco into his lap. "How was your day, sweet?"
The more time he spent with them, the more he liked

"Excellent! I cooked and then learned about casting

spells for rain." Those eyes twinkled. "It poured in the

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sauna for three whole minutes before the whole thing
went up."

"Mmm. You'll be lucky if they don't take it out of

your salary." Though really, he was finding they cared
little about money.

Marco purred happily, shrugged. "It was worth it."
Stephan came in, balancing plates. "Food's ready. Are

we hungry?"

"Starving." Faelan slipped to the floor, taking Marco

with him. They had cushions around a Japanese style
table. He'd learned to love lounging and eating.

Learned to love laughing and licking fingers clean,

snapping up morsels.

Supper was exceptional. The pastry wrapped around

the beef was flaky, full of butter, and yet crisp. The beef
was a perfect medium, pink and tender, and he could tell
it was grass-fed by the taste, greener than not, with no
chemicals. Wonderful, especially with the spicy mashed

By the time Marco was painting Stephan's lips with

mashed potatoes the food was mostly gone, and they
were all tangled up, fighting over the remote.

Faelan won. He grinned and put it on some ridiculous

shark movie. "What's for dessert, sweet?" he asked,
pinching Marco's ass, which he knew was still a little

"Lemon pudding and tuilles with an almond brittle."
"Yum." They spoiled him. Oh, he had no doubt they

had meant to simply spoil themselves, but it worked for

"No almonds for you, though. They're bad for dogs. I

made you pecan brittle instead."

Maybe they had meant him to be there. The thought

warmed him, all the way to his toes. "Thank you,

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"Do you think were-elk eat apples?" Stephan asked.
Marco shrugged. "Do they make were-elk?"
"I've never met one, but Chayton says Native

Americans have stories of deer women." What was with
the apples?

Marco nodded. "Yes! I saw that on some show. They

were scary! Too cool."

Stephan snorted, winked over at Faelan. "He loves

horror movies, too. Don't let him watch American
Werewolf in London
, though. He'll have zombie

His boys both cracked up. "Braiiiiiiins!"
He didn't point out that there were no zombies in that

movie. Just dead people... Well, maybe that was
zombies. Huh. He gave up on thinking and tickled
Stephan instead.

Marco landed on his back, Stephan rolled under him,

and they all went down in a mass of limbs. There was a
little scratching, a little gnawing, and a lot of him
slapping butts. He was pleasantly hard, his belly going

It was perfect, even as they all settled to watch the

sharks eat people, Marco draped over his side, Stephan
cuddled up against his erection, cheek on his arm. He
stroked Stephan's bright hair, making happy noises.
They would play more later. For now it was good to

To just rest.
And wait for dessert.

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Chapter Six

Marco bounced from the windowsill to the sofa. The


The moon was coming!
"'Phan! Hurry!" They were supposed to play with

Faelan, to run and pounce and play. He'd never played
with a wolf before, not during the moon, how fun would
it be!

"I'm coming." Stephan tackled him, kissed him.

"Where should we go?"

"Faelan's house?" He licked Stephan's lips.
"Yes. Good idea. We'll meet him there. There's a

balcony and the big bed."

He nodded. "The woods are right there, too."
The big woods. Outside. With the moon.
They danced around together, then hurried outside,

sliding down the stairs and into the cool, darkening
dusk. There were all sorts of things stirring under the
moon, now, the early shifters sliding into the woods in
wolf form, or cat form. It was pretty well organized,
really, for that many 'weres in one place.

Marco grabbed Stephan's hand, and they ran together,

sliding to a stop in front of Faelan's door. "We're here!"

"Mmm. My boys." Faelan came to them, dressed in

nothing but a loose pair of lounge pants.

Marco leapt at their lover, taking a happy kiss.

"Happy full moon!"

Faelan's big hands caught him, holding him under the

ass. "You too, sweet."

"Me too!" Stephan pressed close, begging a kiss.

"Are you ready to play?"

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"I am." Faelan gave them both those drugging,

dominant kisses that made them a little stupid.

Marco rubbed happily, so excited. Their first moon

together, all three of them, in a new place. It was
amazing how fast they had come to depend on Faelan,
how much they'd come to care for him.

Marco's skin was buzzing, aching, his tail wanting

out. "Soon."

Stephan nodded, nibbling at Faelan's jaw. "Soon."
"Very soon." Faelan's eyes started to glow, the wolf

right there. Yum.

The moon crested over the trees and Marco tore off

his sweats, the cat right there under his skin, pushing its
way out. Stephan was right next to him and they yowled
together, the world going sharp-edged, bright.

They bumped noses, faces sliding together, their

purrs joining. The smell around them was all Faelan,
and they turned to look, needing to see what their wolf
looked like.

Huge and dark, hulking, Faelen stretched out, nose up

toward the sky. So fine. So strong.

Marco nudged Stephan, and they moved closer,

curious. He let Stephan take the lead, his bigger brother
braver than him, taller.

Faelan came the rest of the way to them, licking at

their whiskers, loving on them. His fur was fascinating,
heavy and deep gray with brown mixed in.

Marco rubbed his nose into that thick ruff, breathing

Faelan in, the scent perfect. Stephan actually stropped
up against Faelan's side, chuffing madly. Faelan made a
lovely noise and rubbed back, licking Marco's nose.

He bounced, yowling happily, head bumping Faelan

before bouncing away. Come play!

Faelan followed, Stephan right behind him. Marco let

his tail stretch out and he ran, his paws thumping on the

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forest floor. He leapt up into a tree, crouching down,
jumping from branch to branch.

Barking, Faelan put on a burst of speed, tail like a

target for them.

Stephan was running alongside, faster than Faelan for

now, although Marco knew his brother would tire faster.
Wolves had amazing stamina. They'd both seen Faelan
racing the construction guy, Chayton, on the treadmills.
They could run forever.

Cats were far more burst hunters.
His eyes scanned the woods as they began to slow,

looking for the night's meal, the hunt. The tiny game he
dismissed out of hand, not hungry enough to waste
energy on those. He almost went for a rabbit, when the
rustle of bigger game caught his attention.

He sniffed. Wounded. Slow. Excellent.
He stopped, judging the distance as his mates ran by.

He could make it. Marco leapt, claws extended, his body
hurtling toward his prey.

Marco landed claw first, dragging the deer down,

rolling through the dead leaves, before they crashed to a
stop at the base of a huge tree. Stephan was there in a
heartbeat, grabbing the deer by the throat to end its
suffering quickly.

They stood together, and he preened proudly, tearing

open their kill to offer the organs to 'Phan, Faelan. His

Stephan turned to him, cleaning his whiskers,

vocalizing. Faelan turned to the kill, though, jaws
snapping as he ate. Someone was hungry.

He bounced away, leaping on Stephan to groom those

fine whiskers. They tussled happily, running through the
leaves, batting playfully as they celebrated. That was the

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best part of the hunt, the play afterward, the joy he and
Stephan took in being free under the moon.

Stephan took his feet out from under him and Marco

went tumbling, heading end over end down the little
decline, until his butt landed on the deer, knocking
Faelan winding...

Faelan was up in less than a breath, turning on him,

teeth bared in a snarl. Before Marco could even back
away, Faelan had him by the throat, pushing him down,
teeth snapping at him.

He yowled -- scared and surprised -- puffing up and

clawing furiously, trying to escape those flashing teeth.

Brother! Brother! Help me!
The more he fought, the more the wolf bit, the more

those teeth hurt.

Stephan was there, though, in a heartbeat, rolling

Faelan over, claws pushing viciously, driving the wolf
back, slapping at its flank, its face.

Marco stumbled back, throat and face bleeding, paws

sliding on the slick leaves.

The wolf fought Stephan's attack, head down, trying

to get at Stephan's legs. Those teeth were so sharp. So

He leapt at it, grunting as the wolf slapped him out of

the air. Stephan jumped, and he knew they could kill the
wolf or run.

They thought together, moved together, crouched

together, leaping for the trees. High. Go high.

The dogs couldn't go high.
Together, they'd be safe. High.

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Chapter Seven

Faelan woke alone, feeling raw and bruised and


God, what had he been thinking? Normally on the

day of the full moon he fasted a little. Hunting was his
favorite part, and he wanted to enjoy every second. He'd
known he was hunting with Marco and Stephan, though.
He should have eaten.

Marco had hit him, and he'd immediately taken it as a

threat and then there had been claws and hissing, and
he'd lost it.

He'd just lost it.
Groaning, he rubbed his hand with his face and

checked the clock. Noon. Christ.

It took him half an hour to shower, shave and dress,

but then he was on his way to the kitchen at the main
building to apologize.

Hans and Peter were working when he got to the

kitchen and the big bear that was Hans stared at him.
"Whatcha need, man?"

"I need to see Marco." He knew there was no way

Marco had gotten in early after the moon.

"Boss says you need something, you go through me.

Pastry chef's off limits."

"What?" He was the head of the bar. He'd have to talk

to both Marco and Stephan at some point. "Hans..."

Hans held his hands up, the huge things like hams.

"Sorry, man. Stephan's the boss and he says you're to be
removed, you come in while Marco's working. Not my

He stared. Shit. He knew he'd screwed up, but this

was... they weren't even giving him a chance to see that

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Marco was okay. His wolf rose to the surface, ready to
go after Hans, and Faelan backed away a step. "Where is
the chef?"

"He's off today. He'll be back after the moon." Hans

rolled his shoulders. "Fish and chips for lunch today.
You hungry?"

"No." Faelan turned on his heel and slammed out of

the kitchen, his mood going from dark to pitch black.

He ran smack dab into Van, his pack mate grabbing

his arms as they tried to topple over. "Whoa!"

"Sorry." It came out more like a snarl than an

apology, but he couldn't help it. He tried to pull free, but
Van wouldn't let go. Faelan took a deep breath. "I'm
looking for a target, man, and you don't want to be it."

"Eh. I ain't scared." Van winked. "Come on. I need a

beer. I know you got beer, man."

"It's like one p.m." He led the way, though, grabbed

beer from the bar and leading Van to a private lounge.

"Uh-huh. Had a bad night. You too?" Van plopped

down, sprawled like the huge dipshit he was.

"Yeah. What's your damage?" He'd actually feel

better if he could feel bad for someone else, as fucked
up as that shit was.

"Same old shit. Mik's never going to fucking forgive

me for before. No matter how much that shit wasn't my

Vamps could hold grudges forever.
"Yeah, well, at least you weren't any stupider than

ever. I was monumentally bad last night."

Van winced. "You guys fought?"
"I turned on Marco. He caught me off guard while I

was eating and I went for his throat." He couldn't believe
how out of control he'd been.

"Dude. Is he... he's okay, yeah? Are you okay?"

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"I haven't seen him. He ran just fine, but there was

some blood. Not a lot." It made him sick. Or maybe that
was the lack of food. He was starving. He hadn't been
able to finish with their kill.

"Man, I warned you about getting with solitary

hunters. They don't live by the same rules, never have,
never will."

He would have growled, but the words were offered

with a sympathetic grin. He guessed Van ought to know.
"He just... my wolf saw him as the weaker one. I feel
like shit, man." The beer was going right to his head.

Van snorted. "He didn't follow the rules; you

schooled him. It's the way of Pack. If they're going to be
yours, they have to learn."

"Not like that. I need a sandwich or something." Van

was right about them needing to learn about wolf nature,

"Sure. Gimme a second. I'll be right back." Van

hopped up, headed out so fast Stephan's ears rang.

He sighed, rolled his shoulders and leaned back,

missing his kits like a lost tooth. They were still his.
They just didn't know it. They had to be running scared,
but he could get them back. He didn't have a choice.
Now he knew that they were mates.

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Chapter Eight

Boxes from Sur La Table. Salmon. Tuna steaks.

Letters. Flowers. Bedspreads that were the softest things
he'd ever felt. A masseuse.

It had to stop.
Stephan stormed over to the bar, heading straight for

the stubborn, toothy, jackass dog in question, cleaver in
hand. "Leave us alone. He doesn't want to see you."

Faelan looked tired, hard lines around his mouth and

eyes. "Not now. He will, though."

"No. He's wearing your scars. That's enough. I'm not

scared of you." Scared of what Faelan made him feel,
sure. He missed the hairy fucker.

Faelan's wide shoulders slumped. "Scars? Shit, kit.

I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Better to know now. Dogs. I should know

better." He should have. It was his job to fucking protect
Marco. Hell, he'd been the one that came onto Faelan

Faelan growled a little. "I should have thought about

things more clearly, yes, but I would never hurt you, or
him, ever again."

"Tell it to your next fuckbuddies." He had to go.

Now. Had to. He had work to do.

That growl grew to full-on wolf noise, and Faelan

swung around the end of the bar to grab him. The
cleaver went flying, and his chest hit Faelan's with a
thud. "No. You're my mates."

He bared his teeth, snarling, fingers turned into

claws. "Leave us alone!"

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"I wish to fuck I could, kit." Faelan dared to kiss him,

their lips clashing together, his teeth drawing blood on
Faelan's lower lip.

"Not yours." He wrapped his fingers around Faelan's

shoulders, hard enough to bruise. "Not. You
motherfucker. I hate you."

"No you don't." Those incredibly strong hands moved

under his butt, lifting him so Faelan could rub against
him, bite him. "You need me like I need you."

"No. No, we're not yours..." He arched into the bite,

wanting it so fucking bad. "Let me go."

"Fuck that. I've done what you wanted. Now we do it

my way." They moved, the air blurring around them,
until he landed in that back room again. Now there was
a cot in there.

"You let me go." He straddled Faelan's thighs,

growling deep in his chest as their lips met, the flavor of
Faelan crashing over him. He'd missed this so bad, the
heat and strength and desperation.

Faelan gripped his butt like the man couldn't let go,

taking kisses that left Stephan breathless. His legs
wrapped around the thick body, both of them clinging
like idiots. This was a terrible fucking idea.

Faelan pulled him down, grinding against him.

"Missed this. Missed my boys. Christ, you smell good."
Those lips came down on Stephan's neck, starting to pull
up a mark.

He wanted to fight, to pull away, but his body hated

him, everything in him wanted more. When Faelan
started pulling at his clothes, all he could do was twist
and turn and help instead of hinder.

He needed. So bad. So much. Right now. "Faelan..."

His moan was loud, long, almost pained.

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"'Phan? I saw your cleaver. Stephan, are you oka...

Oh." His twin blinked once, then turned and left, the
door closing with a click.

"God damn it." Marco was going to have an absolute

fucking fit.

"Shit." Faelan pushed up under him, sitting up and

cradling him in those strong arms. "We should -- We
need to tell him. Shit."

"Tell him what?" He sighed, shook his head. "I have

to go." He had to apologize. Or confess. Plead insanity.

"We'll go together." Faelan stood, lifted him. "I have

a lot to explain, but I want you both."

"I'm half-naked." Not that anyone would care. "And

I'm supposed to be on the line in an hour."

"Like anyone will care. Let Hans take it." Faelan

carried him, just as he was, out into the bar, then toward
the rooms.

He stared. "I'm going to bite you."
This was not how this was going to work.
"Promise, kit?" For the first time in this whole mess,

Faelan sounded normal. That bass rumble was

"Stop it." He hid his face in Faelan's shoulder, the

scent just right. "He's not going to forgive you."

"He will. I'll make him understand, and I'll spend the

rest of my fucking life making it up to my mates."
Faelan patted his butt. "I promise."

"Mates." He chewed the word over.
"Yes. I didn't get it until I thought I'd lost you. We

just have to work out that whole moon thing." Faelan
made it sound so easy.

He snorted. "We'll crate your fuzzy ass."

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Chapter Nine

Marco headed upstairs, into their apartment, then into

the hobby room, locking the door behind him. He
plopped down in the middle of the floor, the baskets of
shiny and sparkly that they'd collected randomly
scattered about.

Damn it.
He rested his head on his knees, trying to figure out

what he was supposed to do now. Was it supposed to be
okay now? Was he supposed to...what? Give Stephan
up? He snorted. Hardly.

God, his head hurt.
Maybe he should go hang out with Peter in the

kitchen. Faelan wasn't allowed in there anymore.

He nodded. That was a good idea. Go hang out. Hide

out. Worry about this later.

Marco climbed to his feet, feeling old and creaky.

When he got to the front door of their suite, though, it
opened, almost hitting him right in the face.

Naked Stephan. Huh.
"I'm going to the kitchen." He slipped under

Stephan's legs and out the still-open door.

"Later!" He didn't blame Stephan. Faelan was an


He almost made it to the elevator before Faelan's

hand closed on his shoulder. "No, sweet. We need to

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"Just don't, okay. I'm cool." He wasn't going to look

at Faelan. The mark on his cheek was still red, angry.
Fighting with other shifters left scars. "Nothing to
explain. I have to go."

He was the little male the bigger ones bit. He was too

tired to worry about it.

"No. No, you need to come with us." Faelan just

picked him up, exactly like he'd been carrying Stephan
only seconds ago.

"You let me go!" He blinked, just about as shocked

as he could be. "Faelan!"

"No. I'm through being locked out." Back to the

apartment they went, Stephan silently opening the door
for them, head down.

"Traitor." He growled at Stephan. It was one thing,

for Stephan to go to Faelan, another thing to do this.
"You're supposed to be on my side." No matter what.

Stephan winced, wouldn't meet his eyes, and that just

made things worse.

"I want to go back home. I'm not staying here with

you two." He twisted out of Faelan's arms, landing hard
on his feet.

Faelan sat on the couch, holding him when he

struggled. "He is on your side. He came to threaten me
with a cleaver."

"That worked so well." He frowned, baring his teeth.

"What do you want, god damn it?"

"I want my boys back. I want to apologize. Fuck, I

was stupid." Those big hands stroked up and down his

"You were you." That was the worst part. It hadn't

mattered who Faelan was. Marco wasn't supposed to be
there. The big male was supposed to have killed him,
back when he was a kid.

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"No." Faelan took his face between both hands,

making him meet those eyes. "I hadn't eaten, sweet. I
was half out of my mind when you hit me. I promise
you, it will never happen again."

"I let you have it." He was not going to get all stupid

like 'Phan. Not.

"I know." Faelan's forehead came to rest against his.

"You did everything right. I'm sorry."

"Okay. You're sorry. Me too." God, Faelan smelled

good. "Really. Let me up." Before he did something

"No, sweet. I have to show you..." Faelan tilted his

head up, lips coming down on his. The kiss wasn't
gentle, but it wasn't mean. It was needy.

No fair. No fair. He groaned, opened right up to

Faelan's kisses, shivering when Stephan cuddled in
behind him. No fair at all.

"Mmm." Faelan made this amazing noise, happy and

sexy and full of want. It made Marco's belly hot.

He shook his head, trying to fight his stupid body that

just wanted to move closer. This just wasn't fair. They
were overwhelming him.

Stephan's fingers slid over his shoulder, softly.

Almost tentative. His bold twin. Worried.

Marco shivered, squeezed his eyes shut tight, so

confused he couldn't even figure out how to take a
whole, real breath.

Faelan moved back an inch or so, sharing air with

him, giving him a rhythm to breathe to. "In and out,
sweet. Just breathe."

His body listened, following along, shivers fading as

they touched him, Stephan easing his shirt open and off
so they touched. Skin on skin was so much better,
warmer, and it grounded him, made him stop fighting so

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"There." Faelen nodded, then there was the sound of

fabric tearing a second before he was cuddled in to more
bare, warm skin.

His eyes crossed.
"Oh. Oh, so good." Stephan moved around to press

against them both, arms going around them.

Faelan just rumbled, the sound vibrating against him.
He met 'Phan's eyes and his twin leaned in, kissed

him, begging him.

No fair.
No fair at all.
How did he fight that? How did he tell them both no

when they needed so bad? Not just each other, either;
they needed him. He felt it in Faelan's touch, in the way
that heavy cock rose against his thigh.

Stephan's kiss went deep, as soon as he opened up,

the pressure making him a little swimmy. He grabbed
for something solid, his hands latching on to Faelan's
upper arms. The muscles there bulged a little, flexing for

He held on as he swayed and pushed little sounds

into Stephan's lips. Everything in him begged for things
to be right again. Whole. Good.

That meant Faelan being with them. He'd known it

first. This was their mate. He would find a way to deal
with being the beta. He always did.

He pulled back, stared at Faelan. "You scarred my

cheek. That was your one time like that. You do it again
and I'll let Stephan kill you."

Faelan studied him, eyes dark and serious. Then he

nodded. "That's fair, sweet. I promise, though, no one
will ever hurt you again, least of all me."

Stephan chuckled softly. "Liar. I bet he ends up with

a red butt sometimes."

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He growled at Stephan. "Not as much as you,


Faelan laughed right out loud, the sound delighted

and relieved. "That's not hurting. That's pleasure, and
you know it, kit." Faelan let go of Marco with one hand,
reaching over to pinch 'Phan's hip.

Stephan yowled and slapped Faelan's hand. "Be

good, puppy."

"Not a pup, kitty."
Oh, they did make him smile. He'd missed this.
Faelan caught his eyes, rumbled softly. "Tell me

you're mine, mate. Tell me you'll let me back in."

He was trapped in that look, his body, his cat

knowing the answer immediately. "Mate."

"Oh, God." Faelan kissed him again, and he could

feel it, the bond they were forging, crazy as it was.
Stephan bucked against them, crying out, so hard it had
to be almost painful.

Faelan pulled Stephan closer and they all started

kissing, tongues licking and sliding as his pants, Faelen's
were pulled away. They were all naked finally, all
together, legs twining, hands pushing in to touch.
Stephan touched his cock, Faelan's hand on his ass,
fingers sliding along between his ass cheeks.

Faelan's tongue slid over the scar on his cheek, the

touch easing the sting. "Mine."

Stephan leaned over his shoulder and bit one of their

mate's ears, hard. "Ours."

"Yes. Fuck, yes." He heard the smack of Faelan's

hand on Stephan's hip, felt his twin shudder and push
hard against them.

"Need." Stephan's voice was desperate. "We need,


The words made him chuckle, made him turn to

Stephan and reach for the needy cock waiting for him.

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He half expected Faelan to slap his hand away, but that
big paw closed around his instead, helping him stroke
Stephan, up and down, the pace good and fast.

Stephan twisted and moaned, spine arching

impossibly as he fought to work up into their hands,
fingers clawing down his own belly.

Faelan growled a little, tipping Stephan back so they

could have more access to that long body. Then he
tugged Marco down on the floor, too. "Let's give him
what he needs, sweet. He's hurting."

"He's spoiled." He leaned down, though, and pulled

that long cock into his lips, knowing just how to love his

"Oh. Oh, please." Stephan grabbed a handful of

Marco's hair, twisting and humping under him.

Faelan though, he pressed against Marco's back, lips

on the nape of Marco's neck. "So fucking beautiful."

His hips rocked at the touch of Faelan's lips, and he

swallowed hard at the jolt of electricity that took him.
Stephan cried out for him, that cock hitting the back of
his throat. Faelan bit hard, not enough to break skin, but
enough to be the start of the mark those lips were
sucking up.

His toes curled and he sucked harder, his entire body

purring. Want.

He wanted.
Faelan's fingers slipped between his ass cheeks again,

that mouth never stopping. He was going to have a
bruise the size of Alaska.

His thighs parted, and he let Faelan in, even as

Stephan bucked up, pushed deep for him. Inside him.
The tip of Faelan's cock pushed inside him, damp with

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pre-come, scratching along every nerve ending. Now
they were both inside him.

Marco could scream with it, but there wasn't room for

one, not with them in deep, taking him, touching him.
Stephan moved faster, Faelan pushing deep, all the way.
Stephan's legs pressed up on either side of him,
surrounding him with heat and scent.

He could hear them, calling, crying out, the three of

them rocking furiously, driving, the bond between them
coming into sharp focus.

He could forgive his mate anything, he supposed.
Stephan held him still, finally, fucking his mouth, and

Faelan took his ass. All he could do as hang there
between them and feel, let them love him.

His fingers curled around Stephan's hips, grounding

them all, digging in. He knew there would be bruises
later; they would match his. They always did things

Stephan bit out a curse, that fat cock throbbing in his

lips and he let his teeth scrape on the way up this time,
burn the whole way.

Faelan jerked against him, slamming into him as if

their big wolf had felt that, too. So Marco did it again,
just to see if it got the same result.

It did.
Stephan screamed, heels slamming down, hips

pushing up as salt and seed poured into Marco's mouth.
Faelan grunted, pushing him so hard that Stephan's cock
popped out of his mouth and he slid along his twin's
body, landing on 'Phan's chest.

"Got you. Hard, mate. Take him." Stephan's nails

danced along his spine.

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"Yes." Faelan's answer was almost a bark, and that

thick cock opened Marco, spread him, took him. This
was beyond anything.

He stretched and arched, body demanding more,

rejoicing in the pleasure. Faelan was a thick rod of heat
inside him, undeniable. Perfect.

Stephan wiggled under him, shifting him just enough

that those long thighs could press together around his
cock, giving him another layer of sensation.

When Faelan's teeth sank into the nape of his neck, it

was all over. He shot, the room spinning around him.

They all slumped to the floor together, and he kissed

Stephan's chest, Faelan a heavy weight atop him. One he
wasn't afraid of anymore, though. They'd needed to
finish bonding, that was all. They should have done it
before the moon.

He sighed, suddenly so tired, so ready to relax.
To breathe.
Marco closed his eyes, letting sleep take him.

Stephan and Faelan could deal with anything that came
up. They had his back.

And if Faelan nipped at him again, he'd get the man



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Chapter Ten

The moon was right there, waiting. Faelan could feel

it, hanging there, pushing him. There was probably half
an hour to the change, and he was waiting for his boys.
This would be their first moon since they'd finished

He had to admit he was a little nervous.
Marco had stopped jumping every time he came in

and Stephan had actually spent the night with him here,
purring in his bed.

Still, this was it, for them. This was the big test.
Faelan could do this. He took a deep breath, trying to

make his peace with the lady moon right now. "Just let
me do this right," he said. "I'll do whatever you ask if
you do."

"Are you talking to yourself, puppy?" Stephan

appeared out of the shadows, carrying a huge plate of
hamburgers. "That's a sign of insanity."

"Only if I get an answer, kit." His nose twitched.

"What's all this?"

"A snack." Stephan winked, eyes dancing. "For you,


"I ate." He'd never make that mistake again. Still, he

never turned down Stephan's black and bleu burger.

"Good." Stephan grabbed a burger of his own.

"Where's Marco?"

"He's not with you?" Faelan raised a brow, then

frowned. "Shit."

"Nope. He was worrying about something in the

kitchen -- something for the staff in the morning and..."

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One nearly-clawed hand appeared, snatched one of

the burgers. "Sorry. Had to fix something. Moon's

Marco loved the moon. Faelan had noticed it last

time, and it made him smile. He munched his burger,
watching his boys, who pressed together.

Stephan eased Marco's clothes off, fingers trailing

down the lean back, the sweet, red ass. Faelan's cock
jerked, firming a little. He'd made it a point to redden
both his boys' asses, slowly working his way back into
topping them at will.

Marco looked back at him, eyes warm. "Going to run

with us, mate?"

"I am, sweet." He pulled off his robe before going to

strip Stephan down as well.

He lifted Marco's chin, licked that near-faded scar.

"Trust me?"

Marco made a soft, low sound. "Enough to hunt for

you. She's coming."

He knew, he could feel it, bone deep.
It was time to hunt.

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Smoke and Gold

By Sean Michael

Chapter One

Zee walked around another one of the playrooms,

checking it carefully and shaking his head. He was
going to start growling soon, like he was some kind of
dog. The play rooms were beautiful -- padded, sound
proofed, fully stocked. And not one of them had a
fucking panic button installed.

Not one.
He grabbed a construction worker by the arm. "Who

do I yell at about problems?" He could feel the fire in his

"Duke, probably." The guy shrugged. "I just follow

orders, man."

"You don't have a foreman?" Duke knew he wanted

panic buttons in the play rooms. Zee'd been very clear.
In fact, he'd been told they were on the blueprints.

"Sure I do. Chayton. The Indian dude with the big


"Thank you." He managed to push the words from

between gritted teeth and made his way toward the main
office where he hoped he could find this Chayton. He
was going to have someone's hide. And he was
beginning to not care whose it was.

He turned a corner, slamming into someone hard

enough that his teeth clacked together. His nostrils
flared, his anger rising, and he had to take several
breaths to keep from pushing his power out and
flattening whoever he'd run into. "Watch where you're

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"Fuck off. You're the one that's the size of Godzilla.

You watch."

"Oh, I will. I will watch as your ass goes rosy red

under my hand, boy." He wasn't Duke's head top for

The man snorted, shoved him away, long gold hair

swinging. Zee grabbed hold of one arm, feeling strength
and power there. This one was a shifter. He drew in a
deep breath through his nose, and then another. A
shifter, but not a wolf, not a cat... A low rumble filled
him, the suddenly flash of heat shocking him.

"Jesus." He was impressed. And it took a lot to

impress him. "You're a dragon."

"Indeed." Those bright eyes flashed at him.
"Huh. Interesting. You should still watch where

you're going." He checked out the man covertly.

"And you should apologize for bumping into me."
He took a half a step back and folded his arms across

his chest. "Oh, really?"

The man never looked away. Zee was going to bite

him. "Absolutely."

"I don't think so." He so didn't think so.
"Now would be good for me."
Zee narrowed his eyes. "You really do want to be

over my knee, don't you?"

"Oh, you're adorable." The man patted his cheek.
Zee's nostrils flared and he felt the power building in

him, making the air around him vibrate. The little man --
and he was little, compact, lean -- just stood there.

"You're obviously new here, so I'll forgive the lapse.

But the proper response to bumping into me is 'I'm
sorry, sir.'"

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Duke would not be pleased if he knocked someone

out before they were even open for business.

"I assure you, child, I am absolutely not the

newcomer, and you're right. That is appropriate. I accept
your apology. Next time, be more careful."

"I did not apologize to you!" He hadn't been this

infuriated in a long time. "If you are a top I am your
boss." And if the man was a sub he was in for one hell
of a punishment.

"No one is my boss, child." Those eyes flashed again,

and Zee wanted to turn this lean man over his knee,
blister that ass.

Zee let his power gather again, his words making the

ground they were on shake. "I am no one's child."

"Ooh. Scary. Save it for the paying customers." The

man's arousal was strong; Zee could smell it, like fine
wine, like the best liqueur.

"And what are you, then?"
"Ask your boss. Daniel d'Or. He'll know me."
"I'm asking you."
A pink tongue flicked out, lapped the man's lips. "I'm

not an employee."

His prick twitched. "That doesn't answer my


"You're right." The man simply turned and walked

away from him.

Zee strode after him, grabbed his arm, and pulled him

back around. "Don't walk away from me."

"Make me stop." That was a straightforward


"I just did."
"Nonsense. I was being polite."
Zee had never met anyone so infuriating in his life.

And he had lived a very long time.

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The air around him heated again, then a hook-nosed

man walked up. "They said you needed to see me, Zee?"

He took a breath and glanced away from the

annoying, beautiful, golden-haired man.

"You're Chayton?"
"Yes, Sir." One square hand was offered over to him.
"Then I have a few things to discuss with you." He

turned back to the golden-haired man. "We are not
finished here."

"Aren't we?" The man laughed, the sound oddly

smoky. "Good day, Chayton."

"No, we're not. I will deal with you later."
Zee sent one last glare at the man and then turned

back to Chayton. "Now. About the damned panic

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Chapter Two

Daniel's cabin had been the first one completed, and

he was pleased with it. It was placed exactly where he
wanted it -- private and large, yet still within easy reach
of the main buildings; it suited his need for occasional
interaction. He'd been alone a very long time and he was
bored, lonely, and vaguely irritated by it.

He shook his head at himself, chuckling as his wings

stretched out a bit, brushing the edges of the massive
basement. His treasure was immediately below, his lair
safe, deep within the belly of his mountain. His body
was in no danger. His territory was more protected now
than it had ever been in history. Why the hell was he all
teeth and scales?

It had to be that fucking demon, snarling and


Ass. Beautiful fucking ass. Tall and solid, and the

demon's t-shirt had done nothing to hide the muscles
beneath it. Nor had the jeans. The hazel eyes had flashed
red and yellow, the very ground shaking with the
demon's power.

Daniel didn't even know the fucker's name.
He tossed his head, stretched, teeth snapping a bit.

The son of a bitch had made him shiver. He almost
swore he could feel that power that had surrounded the
demon now, like a tickle along his spine. His cock filled,
heavy in its sheath, and his tail lashed as best it could,
slamming against the walls. Fucker.

He couldn't believe that demon had gotten under his

skin like this. He should have bitten the fucker's head
off. That would have been very satisfying, even if that
kind of thing generally made the powers that be, in this

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case, Duke, grumpy. Still, he wouldn't have a hard on
now, if he'd done it.

A knock sounded at his front door.
He growled, one claw reaching out to tap the

intercom. "What?" His tail lashed.

"Daniel? Daniel D'or?"
He'd recognize the voice of the demon anywhere.

Even if today was the first time he'd ever heard it.

"Yes?" His voice sounded mostly the same, he knew.

Maybe a touch growly.

"It's Zee."
"How are you, child?" He imagined himself human,

panting hard.

He felt the air change, the demon's power surge. "Not

a child."

The air shimmered around him and Daniel found

himself naked, human, small again. "What do you

"Are you really going to make me talk at you through

this thing?"

"I suppose not. Give me a minute." He headed

upstairs and threw on a robe. Then he went to the door,
opened it. "Yes?"

All six and a half feet of the demon stood there,

lounging against the doorjamb. "I talked to the boss."

"Good for you." The air between them almost


"You're the landowner."
"I am." He leaned against the door. "You're the


"I am." The strange hazel eyes stared at him.
He stared back. Patience was one of his strong suits.

Zee's eyes got yellower, then they went orange, then
faded back to yellow again. Daniel's cock was hard as
diamonds, nudging the folds of the robe. Zee's nostrils

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flared and the demon's gaze finally left his, flicking
down. When Zee looked at him again, Zee was smiling.

He chose to take that as a sign of submission. "What

did you need, child?"

Zee snarled at him, that power rumbling, making the

ground shake. "I am not a fucking child."

Damn, that made him ache. "No?"
"No. And I turn you on, boy. Don't try to deny it."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." His prick


Just like that, Zee reached out and grabbed his cock

through his robe. The man's hand was firm, callused,
and burning hot. Zee moved that hand, gaze holding his.
Those eyes were hotter than hell.

"What do you think you're doing?" He was burning


"I'm giving you what you want, boy."
"No one's boy." He wouldn't deny the buzz the word

gave him.

"Sure you are." Zee moved his hand faster, thumb

brushing across the tip of his cock.

"What are you doing here?" His orgasm began to


"What does it feel like I'm doing here?"
"Jacking me off. The question is why?" Look at him,

being coherent.

"Because you want it." Zee's thumb pushed into his

slit. Daniel’s eyes crossed and his hips jerked up. Zee
leaned in close, holding his gaze. "Because you need it."

"Fuck you. You wish." His hips began to saw, strong

and steady, into that touch.

"Such a mouthy boy." Zee's hand kept working him,

picking up speed.

His only answer was a low growl, his body wanting

nothing but this orgasm, right here, right now.

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Zee was right up in his face, breath hot against his

lips. "You can come for me. Boy."

"Fuck you..." Spunk shot from him, the scent of

smoke sudden and sharp.

"Oh, I plan to fuck you." Zee's hand kept moving,

making it last.

"Don't make me eat you."
Zee laughed, that hand still working him, twisting.
Daniel's lips opened and he met Zee's eyes. "Don't

laugh at me, child."

"Then don't make bad puns, boy." With that, Zee

closed the small distance between their lips, covering his
mouth in a kiss.

Daniel's world went still, silent, then a roar filled his

mind, the dragon inside him flaring to life. The kiss got
intense, Zee refusing to back down, to back away.
Daniel's hand wrapped around the back of Zee's head,
the heat between them blistering, crackling with pure

Zee's hand was still wrapped around his cock,

holding it tightly as the other one slid around to his ass
beneath the robe. The cool air didn't get a chance to
sneak between them; their bodies slammed together. The
air took on the smell of smoke, of sulfur, and that only
added to the intensity between them.

"Inside." He growled the words against Zee's lips.
Zee pushed, following as he took a few steps

backward. His front door slammed closed.

"Good boy." He launched himself into Zee's arms.
"Not your fucking boy. You're my boy." Zee caught

him and pushed him up against the wall, pinning him
there with that great, hard body.

Oh, this was so much fun. He'd been bored for so

long. "You wish." He bit into Zee's shoulder.

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Zee growled, eyes flaring a bright red before settling

into an amazing green. "Do that again and you'll get that
spanking you so richly deserve, landowner or not."

"I'll do what I want." He bared his teeth, letting the

hint of the dragon peek.

"Sure you will. And you'll live with the

consequences, too."

He blew Zee a raspberry, then bit the demon's chin.

With a snarl, Zee picked him right up off the floor and
strode farther into his house.

"Where are you going?" He'd had new furniture

brought in -- all leather, all heavy, all wonderful.

Zee didn't answer, just walked into his living room.

"Oh, this will do nicely."

He bit again, making sure Zee was focused, with him.

Wanting him. Zee growled, that delicious power tickling
up Daniel's spine again, settling in his balls this time,

Then Zee moved to his couch, sitting. "This will do

very nicely," he repeated.

"Did I invite you to sit?" He ended in Zee's lap,

wrapping close.

Zee snorted. "It sounds like you think you're the top


"Aren't I?" He tugged Zee's bottom lip with his teeth.
Zee laughed, fire -- heat and desire -- in the man's

eyes. "No, you most certainly are not."

Zee grabbed him and started turning him, moving

him. Daniel slipped the tie out of his robe, trying to get
Zee's hands. What he got was the robe pushed off his
shoulders and himself over Zee's knees, his cock
between two jeans-clad thighs.

Yummy. Hot. Luscious. "Asshole."
"Sir Asshole to you." Zee's hand came down on his

ass, smacking him hard.

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His toes curled and he jerked forward, cock rasping

against the leather of the couch.

"Not so mouthy now, hmm?" Another smack landed

on his skin, Zee's hand hot.

"Fuck you, child. Show me something impressive."

He could do mouthy.

"The name is Master Zee or Sir, boy." Zee's hand

came down several more times, the hits strong.

Daniel's ass burned, and he moaned, claws digging

into Zee's leg. Zee kept spanking him, the heat building.
His eyelids went heavy, lips parted as he panted.

"You going to come from this? Just from my hand on

your ass?"

"You wish." Absolutely.
"No, Daniel. You wish." Zee's hand found a pattern,

moving so nicely over his ass.

Once they found a rhythm, Daniel was golden,

humping Zee's thighs and soaring. The heat increased,
his ass beginning to burn.

Then Zee leaned down toward his ear and whispered

roughly, "Come for me, boy."

Heat sprayed from him, painting Zee's thighs, jeans.
"You smell amazing." Zee's fingers slid over his ass.
Daniel growled softly in thanks. That had been


"I'd be happy to give you one of those once a day,

boy. You clearly need it."

"If you earn it." He nuzzled Zee's leg playfully.
"If I..." The air filled with tension, and then it faded.

"You clearly need a few lessons in respecting your sir."

"I'm not a very good student." He didn't fight his grin.

Zee was the most interesting thing he'd met in eons.

Zee laughed, the sound husky and going straight to

his fucking balls. "I'm thinking that'll make the lessons
all that more interesting."

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He was given another swat to his ass and then Zee

moved Daniel to sit next to the demon; that strength was
rather intoxicating.

He pulled his disheveled robe around him. "You

know, I was very busy when you rang the bell."

"I just bet you were."
"Don't make me bite you again." Although, really,

Zee needed a towel to clean up with.

"Go ahead and try. I can put you over my knee again

if that's what you're after."

"Mmm. Tempting. But burny."
"You're are the pushiest, most disrespectful bottom I

have ever met." Zee shook his head.

"I never said I was a bottom."
"You didn't have to." Zee put a hand behind his head

and brought him in for a hard, toothy kiss.

He let himself be a touch toothy back, let Zee feel

him. The kiss got intense again, Zee pressing him back
against the couch, body close, hard, hot. He spread,
wrapped around Zee's hips. Zee pressed harder against
him, cock like a metal rod inside his jeans.

"Somebody needs." He arched, rubbed them together


"Such an observant boy." Zee bit at his lower lip.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Mmm. Aren't you the Dom?"
Zee threw his head back and laughed. He jerked up,

mouth fastening on Zee's throat. The laugh turned into a
moan and Zee started undoing his pants.

"Do you have a nice cock, Demon?" How far could

he push?

"You're going to see just how nice it looks, how good

it tastes, boy." Zee got the jeans undone, a thick, hard
cock pushing right out.

He rumbled softly in appreciation. Pretty, pretty.

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Zee kneeling up on the couch put that pretty prick

almost right at Daniel's mouth.

"Oh, look at you..." His tongue flicked out.
Zee groaned as his tongue touched flesh. "Yes.


He hummed softly, lapped again, blew into the slit.

Zee's hips jerked, the thick cock pressing hard against
his lips. Smoky. Zee tasted smoky. Daniel growled
happily, lips wrapping around as he pulled, demanding
more of that flavor.

One of Zee's hands wrapped in his hair, pulling his

head back. He almost lost that fat prick as a result, only
the very head staying in his mouth. No. No, he wanted,
damn it. Zee was pretty fucking strong, though, and that
hand kept his head pulled back, only allowing him what
Zee was willing to give. Daniel grabbed Zee's hips, tried
to drag him in closer.

"Uh-uh-uh." Zee's cock slipped from between his lips


"Fucker." He knew Zee wanted him.
"I'm the Dom, remember?" Zee grinned down at him,

eyes hot, a touch wild.

"I must've forgotten."
"You didn't forget." Zee fed the tip of his cock back

into Daniel's mouth.

The taste was addictive, and he whined softly,

sucking immediately. Zee's hand kept his head in place,
but as he sucked, a little more of that fat cock pushed
between his lips. He keened, hands on Zee's hips. More.

Zee's cock slid almost out and then pushed back in

again, Zee giving him a little more this time. Then Zee
did it again, and this time pushed a little deeper still.
Daniel's eyes closed, the smoky flavor filling him.

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Zee continued to slowly give him more and more

until finally his mouth was full, the head bumping
against the back of his throat. Daniel could take it. He
swallowed around the tip, pulling hard.

"Oh, fuck yes." With that Zee began to move faster,

pushing the thick cock in over and over.

Flames started building inside him, started making

him ache. Hand still buried in his hair, Zee kept fucking
Daniel's face, needy moans filling the air around them.
He took every single inch, swallowing and groaning,
hungry for it. That thick cock spread his lips over and
over; God, Zee was huge and tasted so fucking good.
Daniel swallowed hard, tongue lashing Zee's prick.

"That's it, boy. Gonna make me come."
That was the point, wasn't it? He pulled harder,

sucked fiercely.

"Fuck. Yes." Zee moved harder, letting him have it.
He purred around Zee's flesh, demanding the smoky

come. Zee used both hands to hold his head in place,
pumping hard before freezing, cock deep in his mouth,
come pouring down his throat.

Yes! Yes. Yes. He sucked, drank it down, the spunk

filling him.

Zee pushed in a few more times, then slowly pulled

out. "You've got a mouth made for sucking, boy."

Daniel licked his lips. "Sweet fucking cock."
"You be good and you'll have it again." Zee climbed

off the couch and slowly put himself away.

"I don't do good."
"That can be fun, too."
He blinked over, feeling lazy, warm, well-fed.
"You know where to find me, boy." Zee patted his

cheek and turned, heading for his door.

"Mmm." He chuckled, purring as he tugged a blanket

over him.

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Zee knew where to find him, too.

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Chapter Three

Zee couldn't believe he was looking for Chayton

again. The fucking panic buttons still hadn't been
installed and now the play rooms were all but finished.
Which meant they were going to have to be repainted
once the buttons were finally installed.

Duke was not going to be happy, about it, either, he

was sure. This whole build thing was a nightmare. Not
to mention being up here without any clients meant he
didn't have anyone to beat like he wanted to. Although
there was always Daniel.

Zee growled at himself. The dragon shifter had been

on his mind a lot over the last few days. He'd fully
expected the boy to find him the next day, begging for
more. But there'd been nothing. It was making him a
little more growly than usual.

One of the chefs came bebopping down the hall, a

plate of cheese and crackers in hand. "Good afternoon!

"Yes." But not for food.
"Cheese?" He got a grin, the boy's green eyes


"No, boy, that's not what I'm hungry for."
The little chef wiggled, eyes flaring, then his

matching twin showed up behind him. "Stephan. We're

Oh, how cute. "You wouldn't want to upset your man,

better go."

"Yes, Sir." They were adorable.
He watched them go, twin asses wiggling. Well, that

put him in a slightly better mood. Of course, he still
wanted a piece of Daniel. Preferably a very large piece.

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"...need a case of chardonnay and some steaks

delivered during your next order, Peter." Speak of the

He stalked into the kitchen, after his prey.
"Yes, Sir. Would you like more mixed nuts as well?"
"You are a good lad. Thank you." Daniel looked

stunning, all in loose clothes, gold hair braided back.

"You aren't, though." Zee waited until Daniel had

spun around to look at him. "A good lad, that is."

"Good afternoon, child. How are you?"
"Not a child, boy." What was wrong with him,

thinking he wanted to see Daniel again? The man was
frustrating as hell. And sexy, god damn it.

He received a warm, happy smile. "You look good."
Zee found himself smiling back. "So do you, boy."
Daniel leaned up, bit his chin playfully. "I'll let you

get back to work, beautiful."

"Toothy bastard."
"Indeed." That smile, the joy -- it was infectious.
"I'll walk you home, boy."
"Will you?" One hand slid into the crook of his arm.

"How is the build going?"

Zee growled. "The fucking panic buttons are still


"So call Duke. He'll bite somebody."
"Yeah. I'm going to." He glanced toward Daniel

"After I've taken you home."

Daniel seemed so unruffled, so calm. Except when

the man had been begging for sensation, for his cock --
there hadn't been calmness then.

"So, where have you been hiding yourself the last

few days?"

"Went for a long hike."

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"A several day hike?" That would explain why

Daniel hadn't come running to him -- maybe Daniel had
actually run away.

"Well, flight. I needed to stretch my wings."
"I'd love to see you in your dragon form." It had been

a very long time since he'd seen a dragon.

Daniel gave him an odd look. "Can I see you in your

natural form?"

"No." He didn't do that anymore.
"That's fair." They headed outside, the sun bright on

Daniel's hair.

"Are you being sarcastic?"
"No. Simply stating the facts. You want to see me; I

want to see you. You said no."

"Meaning, you're going to say no, too." Zee pursed

his lips. In his experience, most 'weres were more than
happy to show you their other side.

"Only if you do. That's fair." They walked up to

Daniel's house. "Besides, I might eat you; you never

He snorted. "I'd give you indigestion."
He waited for Daniel to open the door and invite him

in. "Most weres want to show their other halves."

Daniel stopped on the stairs, looking at him. "I am

not a lycanthrope."

"No, you're a dragon." He knew that.
"Well, then. How many dragons have you known?"
"I have met several."
"Really?" Daniel opened the door. "I've only met a

few. We don't travel far. Come in?"

"Yes, thank you, I will. And I'm a little older than I

look." A little older. He was a master of understatement.

"Really? I am, too. By a millennium or so."
"Making you the child." He was considerably older

than that.

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"Blah, blah, blah. Everyone's older than me." One

hand was flipped at him. "Do you want a beer?"

"Yes, but I can't have one until I'm finished working

for the day. I'll take a glass of water, though."

Daniel nodded him toward the cavernous living area,

disappearing into another door.

He wandered around this time, checking the room

out. The last time he'd been here, he'd been a
little...distracted. Strong, masculine, dark, rich -- Daniel
had expensive, but simple tastes. Zee's finger trailed
over the leather couch. He did love the smell of leather.
It went so well with the dark, masculine scents of sex.

The walls were done in cabinets, all dark wood,

hiding who knew what. Treasures for sure -- he may not
have known that many dragons, but they all had one
thing in common: a treasure they guarded extremely
jealously. He sat on the biggest of the couches and
wondered what was keeping Daniel.

"Sorry." Daniel appeared, eyes glowing, licking his

lips. "I needed a quick snack. You make me hungry."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are we talking about food?"

If Daniel had disappeared to quickly jack off he was
going to be very put out.

"I am. Steak. What are you talking about?"
"You don't make me hungry for food." It was

something much baser that was tapped in him when it
came to Daniel.

"No?" Daniel stepped closer. "Do you eat?"
"Yep. I had lunch a couple of hours ago. Right now

I'm hungry for you."

"I thought you were working."
"I can find Chayton and yell anytime." He patted the

cushion next to him.

Daniel handed Zee the water, legs curled under


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He took it and drank, though he wasn't paying the

water much attention. Not with the beauty sitting next to
him. "So, the flying around -- you were running away?"

"No, stretching my wings. Hunting. Expending


"You should have called on me. I have wonderful

ways to expend energy." He still thought Daniel had
been avoiding, if not him, at least the need.

Daniel shrugged, the move graceful, practiced. Zee

reached out, fingers sliding through the lovely hair.
Silken, heavier than he remembered. He tugged a bit,
arching Daniel's throat. Groaning, he moved in and
wrapped his mouth around the pulse point in Daniel's
throat, feeling the heartbeat there. The dragon's heart
beat slow and steady, the pulse so strong. He flicked his
tongue back and forth across it, loving the flavor he
found there.

Daniel's response was a deep, rumbling growl. Zee

loved the way that vibrated against his lips. He bit this
time, eager for another reaction.

"Oh." The air crackled.
He swore he could smell smoke -- not like his own

acrid sulfur, but something deeper, woodier. He bit
deeper this time, Daniel's skin sweet under his teeth.
Beginning to suck, he put his other hand on Daniel's
chest, searching for the buttons he needed to undo to
remove Daniel's shirt.

"I... When did we agree to this?" Daniel's hands

tangled in his hair.

He raised his head, one eyebrow going up. "You want

me to stop?"

"I didn't say that."
Grinning, he bit at Daniel's Adam's apple.
"B...bitey!" Daniel's laugh was infectious.

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"Uh-huh. And you love it." Daniel was such a sub. A

bratty sub for sure, but a sub nonetheless.

Daniel's fingers pushed through his short hair, held

him close. He nipped a path along Daniel's throat, then
the man's right collarbone.

"Are you hungry, child?"
"Are you looking for another spanking, boy?" He

would cure Daniel of using the ridiculous nickname.
Even if it took forever.

"If that's your best, of course." The words were

offensive, but the tone was teasing, warm. Light.

"I could tie you up and whip you. I could fuck your

slit. I could put my hand inside you. I have many bests."

The sound that escaped Daniel was pure need. "So

you're good at your job?"

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't the fucking best." He

gave Daniel a toothy grin. "I bet you asked Duke about

"Do you now?" Daniel's eyes were laughing.
"I do." Daniel was such a brat. Zee couldn't say he

didn't like it. A lot.

"He said everyone was intimidated by you."
Zee preened a little. "That's right. For good reason."
"Hmm. I'm not convinced." The look he got was


He growled a little. "You're not?"
"Nope." Long fingers traced his cock.
"You should be." He could turn Daniel inside out.
"Not going to happen." God, Daniel was frustrating.

Intriguing, damn it. And arousing.

"We'll see."
"Swear it?" So Daniel needed more than he was

willing to outright admit.

"I swear it, Daniel. I'm not going anywhere."

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"Well, I've been here since the beginning of time.

Come play with me."

"I will. That's a very long time to wait for someone

who knows what you need."

"An eternity." Those golden eyes seemed to gleam

with a hunger.

"You don't have to wait any more." He grabbed the

back of Daniel's head, pulling him in for a hard, toothy

Daniel's mouth was pure fire, the flavor of smoke and

sex flooding his senses. He hadn't tasted smoke in
anyone else's mouth ever. It was very arousing. When
Daniel bit his bottom lip hard enough to burn, his world
went red. Roaring, he pushed Daniel down onto his
back, biting back.

He felt those lean muscles tense to push him off, and

he snarled, held his boy down. His. Daniel was his. He
grabbed Daniel's hands and pressed them hard against
the couch. He loved the way the air crackled when
Daniel's excitement ratcheted up. He dragged his teeth
along Daniel's throat.

Nails dug into his hands. "Yes..." Oh, yes. Daniel

wanted to be held down and taken.

Daniel's pointed chin lifted, and Zee bit again,

growling under his breath. Sexy, annoying, frustrating,
fucking gorgeous dragon. Zee bit harder, his teeth nearly
breaking the skin. Daniel moaned for him, groaned deep,
the sound shaped like his name.

He straddled Daniel's lap, grinding their bodies

together. Daniel's cock was long, thin, tip leaking
enough to wet the man's loose slacks, the heat already
smoldering against him. Zee pushed his hand between
them, rubbing up and down along that exquisite heat.

"Harder." Demanding little fuck.
"Someone needs another lesson."

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"Nonsense. I'm learning quickly."
"You haven't learned yet that I'm the Top."
Daniel moaned softly. "When I've figured it out, I'll


"You'll take your time, I'm sure." He bit at Daniel's

lips. "You'll need spankings and whippings. You'll need
to be tied up. You'll need to be fucked again and again
and again."

"Maybe. If you're good enough..."
"Oh, I'm good enough." He was more than good

enough. "I'm sure going to make you beg."

Daniel nibbled a line along his jaw. "Are you?"
"I am." Zee turned his face, taking Daniel's lips with

his own.

Daniel's kisses were like drugs, fierce and heady. Zee

did love the smoky tinge to them; no one had ever tasted
like Daniel did. Daniel's fingers tangled in his hair,
holding them together, keeping the kisses burning on
and on. He palmed Daniel's balls, putting a little
pressure on them. Daniel's legs spread, the seams of the
slacks creaking.

"Needy beast." He slid his hand behind Daniel's balls,

pressed him through his pants.

"Grr." The sound was playful, teasing.
He chuckled and slid his hand up to trace the long

prick. "Get naked, boy."

"You too." Daniel tugged off the soft shirt.
"You want to see me, boy?" He stood and stripped

off efficiently.

"Of course I do." Daniel shimmied out of his slacks,

the lean body exposed to him.

He stopped his own disrobing and took a moment to

admire his new boy. Golden and fine, not a single hair
hiding his view -- Daniel was spectacular. He licked his

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lips; he'd bet that beautiful skin would bruise like a

"I'm waiting for you, child."
He growled, his power shivering the air around them.

"Not. A. Child. The word you are looking for is master
or sir."

Daniel licked his lips, stepped forward. "Are you


He bared his teeth and let the air shiver with his

power for a while longer before he answered. "Very

Daniel came even closer, fingers sliding down his

belly. "I'll take it under consideration."

"So asking for another spanking right this moment."

His hands itched to do it.

"By agreeing to think about working with you?"
"By only taking under consideration calling me

master instead of child. You know you want it."

"I want you." Those eyes flashed. "I want to see if

you're half as good as Duke promises."

"Oh, I'm even better."
"I'll be the judge of that."
Zee nodded. "I don't have a problem with that." He

was simply the best in the business. It wasn't pride or
arrogance, it just was.

Daniel's fingers circled his cock, tugging idly at the


He slid his pants the rest of the way down, stepping

out of his sneakers and then out of the jeans. "You can
suck me, but I'm going to come in your ass this time."

"Are you? Are you sure?" Playful little minx.
"I am. But first I want this mouth." He wrapped his

hand around Daniel's jaw and drew it to his prick.

The man's mouth was ravenous -- the suction intense,

lips wrapped around the root of his cock like he wasn't

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well-hung. Fuck him raw. He grabbed hold of Daniel's
head and began to rock, his hips pushing into that hot
heaven over and over. Daniel devoured him, growling
and pulling, fingers like claws against his thighs. So
fucking good.

"You deserve a good whipping for this." One of his

finest rewards.

That amazing tongue slapped his cock.
"Yeah, that's right." He moved faster, shoving his

prick in hard.

Daniel took every inch, groaned, and swallowed

around him.

"Fuck!" He cried out as his balls emptied out into

Daniel's throat.

It was only as Daniel swallowed him down, groaning

around his prick, that he remembered he had told Daniel
not to get him off. "Such a naughty boy."

Daniel's tongue slapped the tip of his cock. "Am not."
"Are too. I clearly told you not to get me off."

Punishment was going to be delicious.

"Is it my fault you don't have control?"
"Such a pushy, pushy boy." He pointed to the table.

"Lean over that."

One eyebrow went up. "No please?"
"I don't think so."
He was going to blister Daniel's ass. "The spanking

gets longer and harder the more you sass me, boy."
Daniel both excited and frustrated him at the same time.

"I never said I'd let you spank me, child." Daniel

moved lazily, draping himself over the table.

"You'll let me do whatever I want to do, boy." He

smacked Daniel hard, watching his hand print come up
on Daniel's ass before fading away.

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Daniel's cry was short, sharp. That was better. He

smacked the man's ass again, same cheek, just as hard.

"Fucker." The skin went white, then pink.
"Yes, I'll get to that." Zee slapped the other cheek.
"Bastard." Daniel spread.
"That's right." He kept hitting the lovely, pale ass.
Daniel moved with each blow, balls swinging back

and forth. Zee reached with the hand he'd been swatting
with, cupping those lovely balls.

"Hot." The word was growled out, deep and low.
He nodded. He was, Daniel was, this position was.

He laid a few more swats on Daniel's ass, turning it a
light rose.

"Tease." Daniel's voice was a soft growl.
"You want it harder, boy? I can do that." He added

more strength, sped up the rate of his smacks.

"Harder. Fuck, yes. Harder." Daniel wiggled, moaned


God, the man was sexy and fucking needy. Zee loved

that. He let his hand fly, let himself just go, knowing
Daniel could take it, wanted it. His palm and Daniel's
ass were going to burn. It only took a few blows before
Daniel began to shift, sway, push toward his touch. The
man was a beauty, the lovely body moving for him.

Daniel's spine rippled, head lifting as the long hair

pooled on the table. Zee rumbled happily, and kept
smacking that fine ass, making it shine redder and

"Want you."
"I know." He leaned over Daniel, rubbing his hard

prick against the reddened ass. "I want you, too." So
fucking badly. As infuriating as Daniel was, Zee was
attracted deep in his bones. Hell, he was demon enough
to admit that maybe the infuriating part added to the
attraction. A lot.

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"Now. Now, Zee. In me."
"God, you're pushy." He laughed as he said it and

shifted back enough to grab the base of his cock and slap
Daniel's heated ass cheeks with it.

Daniel jerked, pushed the reddened ass toward him.


He smacked Daniel's ass again, the hot flesh feeling

amazing against his thick prick. "No. When I say. Not
when you say."

"Fucker!" Daniel's growl was delicious.
"That's right. And I'm going to fuck you good and

hard." He backed off and smacked Daniel's upper thigh.
"When I'm good and ready."

That blow made Daniel jump and jerk.
"Mmm." He liked that reaction, he liked being able to

surprise Daniel. He hit again, this time at Daniel's crack.
Then he raked his fingernails along Daniel's back.

"Fuck!" Daniel stood, pushed against him.
"I didn't say you could stand." He pushed Daniel

back down to bend over the coffee table.

Those muscles were deceptively strong, pushing back

toward him. He pushed harder, enjoying the tussle,
enjoying having to work for it.

"Fuck me!" Nobody had ever wanted him so badly.
"Yes." He nodded and pushed his cock against

Daniel's hole. He stood there, hand holding Daniel
down, not pushing in any farther. He wanted to feel
Daniel struggle, to have that eager body draw him in
despite his hand pressing Daniel away.

"You asshole. Need it."
"I've told you you'll get it. I'm going to fuck you good

and hard." Beautiful, impatient asshole.

"Now?" Was that begging?
"Now see, when you beg me, it's so pretty I can't

resist." He pressed two fingers into Daniel's ass.

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"I didn't beg." Daniel's body arched.
"No?" He pulled his fingers out.
"No. More."
"But you didn't beg for it." He spanked Daniel's ass


"Evil bastard."
He grinned. "You know it."
Daniel's soft laughter made him grin. Zee rubbed one

ass cheek and pushed two fingers from his other hand
back into Daniel's delicious heat.

"Oh..." Daniel went up on tiptoe.
"Mmm. Yeah, oh. Gonna make you scream, Daniel."
"You'll..." Daniel moaned. "You'll try."
He laughed and pushed in another finger, pressing


"Yes..." Daniel started rocking back against him,

fucking his fingers.

He spat into his hand and rubbed his prick, getting it

as wet as he was going to. He had a hunch Daniel would
be disappointed if there wasn't at least a little burn at the
beginning of this.

"Fuck me. Fuck. More."
He pulled his fingers out and slapped Daniel's ass.

"Ask me nicely. Beg me for it, boy."

"I don't beg."
"I'm pretty sure you do. I'm pretty sure I've heard

you." He teased the head of his prick along Daniel's

The lean hips rocked back, slid on his cock.
"I know you want it. You want it badly."
Daniel growled softly in response. Zee kept rubbing,

every now and then letting the very tip of his cock in.

"Fucker. Tease. Bastard. Asshole."
"You can add 'Sir' and 'Master' to that litany, boy."
"Fuck you, child." Daniel's moan was pure need.

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"No." He stepped back and spanked Daniel's ass.

"That doesn't get you fucked."

Daniel shuddered, muscles rippling. "Fuck!" The roar

shook the cabin.

Stunning. His dragon was stunning. Zee roared back.
The blond head lifted, Daniel's lips opening. He

growled a little, letting the sound vibrate in his chest.

"I need." Daniel's body reached for him.
"Then ask nicely, boy. Beg me to fuck you."
"You want me. I can smell you."
"I do want you. And I want you to beg me for it,

first." He let the tip of his cock nudge that sweet hole
again and Daniel groaned. "It'll be worth it, boy."

"Fuck... I need it. Give me your cock."
"Give me your cock, what?" He'd settle for either a

please or an honorific.

"Give me your cock, you beautiful, hot bastard. I

need it, deep. Hard. Then I want it again." Those odd,
golden eyes flashed at him as the man looked over one
shoulder. "Sir."

Oh, fuck.
Moaning, Zee thrust hard, sinking all the way in.

Daniel's cry echoed, the glass vibrating in the panes.

"Yes. So tight and hot." Daniel was perfect around

his cock.

"Please. More." Good boy.
"Yes." He pulled almost all the way out before

pushing back in to the hilt again. God, Daniel's ass really
was perfect. Daniel's body was like sinking into flame
and Zee loved it, slamming in, over and over. He kept a
tight grip on Daniel's hips, his fingers digging into the
beautiful, pale flesh as he fucked Daniel the way they
both wanted it.

Daniel's moans filled the air, body like a fist around

him. He watched the way Daniel's spine arched with

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every thrust, the way the man's muscles moved to keep
up with him. He could almost see the air around Daniel

He let go of one hip to wrap his fingers around

Daniel's prick. "I want you to come on my cock. I want
to feel it."

"Fuck. Fuck, yes. Take me."
"I am." He leaned over Daniel and bit into the man's

shoulder. Hard.

He felt Daniel's orgasm all around his prick, deep and

hard. He pressed in as far as he could, moaning at the
sensation, at the way it he felt it in his prick, his balls,
his spine. He could smell them both as well, the scent of
smoke and fire strong on the air.

"Yes..." Daniel moaned for him, ass muscles


Daniel's ass pulled his come right out of him, his

orgasm hard and wild. His dragon. His boy. Fuck. He
slapped Daniel's ass.

"Fuck!" Daniel's body squeezed around him.
"Mmm. Yes. Fuck." Leaning his forehead on Daniel's

back, he stroked Daniel's cock a few times.

"So warm." For a breathtaking second, he felt

Daniel's body grow hard, scaly under him.

He held on, refusing to be intimidated or scared, and

kissed one scaly shoulder.

"Sorry." Daniel took a deep breath, relaxed, softened.
"Don't apologize for who you are."
That sweet ass rippled around him. "No?"
"No. One day I hope you'll show me the other side of

you, and I'm not going to run screaming if you suddenly
turn a little scaly." Hell, he was a demon for fuck's sake;
he sort of had the market cornered on less than savory
other selves.

"It's the wings you have to watch."

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"Can you even change indoors?" He figured Daniel

had to be huge in his dragon form.

"I have a place here."
"Yeah? Cool." It was. Obviously something on this

build was going right, even if he couldn't get the damn
panic buttons put in like he wanted them.

"Yes. My place was finished first." Daniel's body

clenched around him.

He groaned by way of answer. God, he didn't want to

slide out.

"You like that." Daniel squeezed again.
"Of course I do. You have an amazing ass." Hot,

tight. That stunning ass started shifting, working his
cock, milking him. "Jesus fuck." It made him growl and
gather the power around him, the pleasure growing

Daniel chuckled softly, body rippling around him.

Zee wrapped his hands around Daniel's hips again,
fingers digging into him. Fuck, this man was pure sex.
Total need. He leaned in and licked at the bite mark on
Daniel's shoulder. His mark. He felt his lick all around
his cock.

"Oh, fuck yes." Groaning, he rested his head on

Daniel's back, breathing in as Daniel's magnificent body
kept him hard and needy.

Daniel's scent was something he couldn't define, not

exactly. There was smoke, and something metallic,
flame and stone. He reached around for Daniel's prick,
wrapping the hard heat in his palm. He wasn't the only
one who hadn't gone down.

"Mmm. Nice hands."
He squeezed and Daniel went up on tiptoe. "Nice

prick," he countered, breathing in deeply. The scent of
them together was hot, almost as arousing as the way
Daniel's ass played around his prick.

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"Thanks." Daniel wiggled. "It serves me well."
He laughed, his cock jerking inside Daniel's body.
"Mmm. Your laughter." Daniel went up on tiptoe,

almost let him slide free. Almost.

He pulled hard on Daniel's cock, encouraging him

back down. Once he did, he pushed back in all the way.
The deep grunt made him bare his teeth, jerk in deeper.
Fuck, but Daniel was something else. Something

Zee began jacking Daniel's cock again, hips jerking

in small motions. He leaned down, teeth scraping along
Daniel's shoulder. The way that made Daniel's ass
squeeze all around his cock felt better than almost
anything. His balls were pulling up against his body

"More. Give me more."
He reached up to pinch Daniel's right nipple. Then he

pinched the other one. "Better?"

"No. Don't fucking tease!" Daniel almost roared. The

dragon's need was addictive.

Zee squeezed Daniel's leaking cock hard and pulled

out, punching back in, but just the once.

"Fucker!" Daniel tried to move under him, tried to

fuck himself.

"Uh-uh-uh. That's my job. Yours is to beg prettily for


"Fuck off. Now. Give it to me."
He laughed and stayed buried, his hands still, holding

Daniel but not doing anything to him. "That's the
strangest begging I've ever heard."

"Fuck me!" Daniel tried to stand up.
"I am!" He put his hand in the center of Daniel's back

and held him in place.

"Oh. Oh. Oh." This was this one's weakness. Need.

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He thrust a few times, keeping Daniel bent, sliding

slowly, but with strength.

"Fuck." Daniel's legs began to shiver, shake.
"Needy boy." He pushed in again, then again.
"Not a... Yes..."
Zee chuckled, the sound throaty and needy even to

his own ears. Then he began to fuck Daniel again in
earnest. He plugged Daniel hard, slamming in deep, over
and over. It was like there was a fire building between
them, getting hotter and hotter.

"Harder. Zee. Sir. Please."
He thought he could feel Daniel's wings. He fucked

Daniel harder, the sweet pleas exactly what he'd asked
for, what he'd wanted from Daniel. Daniel roared, ass
clenching around his cock.

"Yes. Yes. That's it, boy. Feel me."
"Feel..." Daniel was close. So close, he could smell it.
"Feel me. Come for me. Do it, boy." He swatted

Daniel's red ass, once, and his boy screamed, shot for

The hot ass went so tight around him, dragging

another orgasm out of him as well, his seed going deep.
If they were in his space, he'd plug Daniel, keep his boy
filled all day. Next time.

He pulled out reluctantly, let his hands run from

Daniel's shoulders all the way down to the tight ass.
That sweet skin was burning, fire on his palms.
"Fucking sexy, Daniel. Very fucking sexy." He moaned,
fingers sliding over that sweet skin. Hot boy.

Grabbing Daniel's hips, he sat back down on the

couch and brought Daniel with him.

"I should get a towel." Daniel blinked at him, eyes

dazed and glowing bright.

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"Sit for a minute; you can deal with the mess later."

He knew the leather would be softer against Daniel's
abused ass than any towel.

Daniel's response was a soft trilling sound, almost a

purr. Sweet.

He held Daniel next to him, the warmth of their

bodies as hot as any furnace. They were well-suited. No
matter how much Daniel made him want to throw

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Chapter Four

Daniel was bored. Incredibly, viciously, painfully

bored. He considered shifting and setting the entire
mountain on fire. He hadn't done anything interesting
since.. well, since Zee had blown his head off. And that
was almost a week ago.

He thought about just heading to his lair, rolling in

the coins, and just getting his scales on. His fucking
prick was interested now that he had Zee on his mind,
though. Daniel snorted, headed outside his cabin to the
little private deck. Zee. Fucker. Beautiful stud.

Like just thinking about him had conjured the demon

up, Daniel swore he could see the man across the
clearing, stomping along. Okay, it was more graceful
than stomping, but Zee definitely looked stompy.

Daniel actually purred.
Zee stopped and his head whipped around toward


Ooh. Neat. He purred again. Here demon, demon,


He swore he could hear Zee's growl, and then Zee

began to stalk in his direction. He growled back,
snapping at the air. He was busy. Asshole.

"What are you doing, growling at me?" demanded

Zee as soon as he was close enough.

He considered that. "You growled first."
Zee tilted his head. "Only because I heard you call


Oh. Oh, yummy. He stepped closer. "Good."
"So? Why did you call me? I'm busy -- stuff to do,

places to be." And yet Zee was right here with him.

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He looked Zee over, up and down. "You're not too

busy for me."

Zee snorted, but he didn't deny it. In fact, he took

another step forward.

"You haven't seen me in days." Daniel needed


"Yes, I noticed that." Zee stepped up again, pressing

against him now. "You don't have a phone in your newly
constructed home?"

"I do. Do you have one in your pocket?"
"Of course. Next time, use yours to call mine."
He rumbled happily. "Do I have one?" he teased.
"You just said you did." Zee growled and bumped

their chests together.

Oh, how fun. Playing. He bumped back. Zee growled

loudly, but he was grinning and one hand reached down,
grabbed Daniel's prick through his pants. Daniel simply
spread. Zee's growls turned into purrs and the man's
mouth covered his as that hand squeezed him.

Oh. Oh, hello nurse. He reached up, fingers sliding in

Zee's hair, searching for hints of horn. Zee's growl filled
his mouth, a sharp bite stinging on his lower lip as his
fingers passed across a small circle that felt more like
the bottom end of a horn than the tip of one. He stroked
it, kept the touch gentle.

Making a soft noise, almost a whimper, Zee jerked

back. "Don't. They aren't."

"Come inside with me." He wanted to touch, but he

knew about hiding.

Zee nodded and took his hand, leading him back to

his own place. Daniel could feel tension in the air, like
the hint of lightning. Hopefully that meant a fun
afternoon making Zee roar and attack.

"I think it's time I saw your bedroom, boy."

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"Do you, child?" He chuckled as that huge hand

cracked against his ass.

"I can see I'm going to have to come up with

something very devilish to keep you from calling me
that." Zee smacked his ass again. "Now show me your
bed, boy."

He led Zee back into the farthest reaches of the cabin,

then up the stairs to the loft. There the floor was covered
in cushions, allowing him to stretch out.

"Mmm, so this is what a dragon's nest looks like."
He nodded. There was nothing but softness and sky.
"Mmm. We should try it out." Zee brought him close

and took a toothy kiss.

His hands slid up Zee's arms, loving the way the heat

built between them.

"We need to do this naked this time, too. From the

start." Zee stepped around him and settled, lounging, on
his pillows. "Give me a show."

"You're not naked." He slowly pulled his buttons

from the holes.

"You're very observant. And that has nothing to do

with you stripping."

He eased his shirt off, bared his chest. Zee licked his

lips, a low growl sounding. Daniel let his hands drag
over his skin -- his unmarked skin, thanks to his
stubborn demon. A more attentive lover would keep him

"I need to see this every day, not once in a while."
"You shouldn't stay away so long." He wiggled a bit.
Zee snorted and leaned up, pointed. "Pants. Now.

And you'll call me daily from now on."

"Daily? An interesting change from Sir." He grinned,

teasing wildly.

Zee growled and tossed a pillow at him. Hard. He

swiped it out of the air, threw it back. Fucker.

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Zee laughed, leaned back. "Naked. Now. Phone calls

to me. Daily. Sir. Still what you call me."

"Such a demanding child." He stripped off his slacks,

stretching so Zee could see him.

Zee's eyes flashed, the room vibrating for a moment.

Daniel could fight his moan, but not the way his belly
went tight.

"You need to be introduced to my whip. Then we'll

see who the child is."

"You're in my home." His cock was full, aching,

thick between his thighs.

"Yes. Which makes you lucky. You're more

comfortable, and I don't have all my favorite toys with

"Favorite toys?" He wrapped one hand around his

cock, began to stroke.

Zee grabbed his ankle and tugged him down. He

blinked, tumbled down, Zee's speed shocking him.

He found himself on his back, Zee over him. "My

whip, my flogger, my paddle. They need to meet your

Fuck, yes. "Maybe."
Zee laughed. "Yes."
He reached up, tracing Zee's lips. Beautiful. Zee

turned his head and bit at his fingers, eyes on him.

"Toothy child." He couldn't help his smile.
The bite got rather stronger at that. He bucked up

underneath Zee's strength, let their bodies rub together,
that heat flaring between them. The biting turned into
suction, Zee rubbing back.

"Mmm." He needed this. Needed to feel. To soar.


"Are all dragons as pushy as you?" Zee grabbed his

belt, pulling it out of his waistband.

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"More." He was tiny, as far as dragons went, really,

and quite a bit more charming than most.

Zee laughed. "I'm taking that as a yes." He was given

a bite to his cheek and Zee knelt up, clothes mussed,
giving him peeks of skin. "Roll over."

"Get naked."
Zee tugged on the ends of the belt, making the leather

snap loudly. "I said roll over, boy."

His mouth went dry and he growled, body tensing for

play, for fight.

"Unless you want this whipping on your front..." Zee

stared down at him.

"No." He grabbed Zee's wrist.
Zee growled. "Then roll over. Now." That strong

hand rolled him, easily. "You want more, you need to do
what I tell you." Zee snapped the leather belt again, and
then it hit his back.

"Fuck!" The burn was sudden, sharp, and fucking


"Eventually." It sounded like a promise, but the slap

of that belt across his shoulders again was better than
any promise.

Daniel growled and arched, letting himself stretch

under the blow.

"That's it." Zee was practically purring at him, and

another stripe was laid down over his back.

His hips rolled, punching up in the air toward his

demon. A lovely moan answered his movement, along
with another stripe being laid down, across his ass this
time. That burn was better, deeper.

Zee kept hitting, kept growling, the sounds turning

into words. "You're stunning."

"I need." It gnawed at him.

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"I know. I can smell it." Zee's strikes got harder,

found a pattern across his shoulders and his back and his

His hands turned to claws, his nails digging into the


"Such lovely need." The leather bit into his skin,

making it burn like he was on fire. He had to focus on
control, on holding the dragon in.

Zee found a rhythm, the pain good and strong, sharp.
"I can't..." His wings wanted out.
"Can't what, boy?" Zee's voice was thick with


"Hold it. My wings." He twisted, fire raging inside


"Then don't."
He shook his head, growled. His half form was...odd.
The belt kept landing, Zee's arm seeming tireless, his

aim giving Daniel the maximum effect. Suddenly he had
to move, so he did, roaring, his wings, his tail escaping
his control. The blows stopped, Zee wrapping against
his back, arms coming around his waist and holding on.
He wrapped his arms around his middle, his wings
hiding him.

"I have you, Daniel. I'm not letting go."
"Don't look." He was only a tiny dragon.
"Why not?"
He was little and weird. Stunted. Why would anyone

want to look at that?

Zee's teeth grabbed onto his shoulder, shook him.

"Answer me, boy."

He pulled away, suddenly undone, and remarkably,

scared, as if Zee was another dragonkind, hunting him.
He raced downstairs, then into the basement before his
true self took him. He could hear Zee's footsteps on the

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Daniel sent a warning plume of smoke up. "Go


"No." The door opened, Zee coming in. "I'm not

going away."

"GO AWAY!" His roar shook the house.
"NO!" Zee's voice felt just as loud. "I'm not leaving a

beautiful son of a bitch like you."

The entrance to his lair was there, and he could

escape through it, but he didn't. He stayed in his
basement, tail lashing, wings battering the sides of the

"Look at you." And Zee was looking, eyes shining

gold. "Just fucking look."

He roared again, but he knew he wasn't impressive.

Half-sized and still more coppery than golden, with
some scales that were almost brass -- he was defective.

"Oh, do that again, boy. Let me hear your."
He bared his teeth, roared again, his tail banging the

floor. Zee took a step back, nostrils flaring. A power
vibrated through the room, almost surrounding his own,
cupping him...supporting him.

His head swiveled on his neck, and he leaned in

closer to his demon lover. "Zee."

Zee's hand came up to his snout, palm flat and

rubbing over his scales. "My beautiful boy."

Beautiful? Him? Like this? "You don't have to say

that. I know I'm not." The touch was amazing, though.
Perfect. Soothing.

"But you are. Your scales reflect the light and it

makes you glow." Zee's other hand came up, rubbing on
the other side of his snout. "And you feel amazing -- like
metal, only malleable, alive."

He rested his head in Zee's hands, and his demon

took the weight easily. Oh. Oh, yes.

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"Mmm. And I thought you were something special

before. Now... More so." The words were softly spoken,
low, arousal threading through them.

Slowly he relaxed, trilling softly, the sound pure


"Mmm. You don't have to hide from me, Daniel. It

won't work anyway because I won't let you."

"I don't let people see me." He pushed his snout into

Zee's middle, playfully.

Zee chuckled. "I'm not people, boy. I'm your master."
His tongue wrapped around Zee's wrist for a moment,

the flavor flooding him. "Are you?"

Zee hummed for him and nodded. "I am, boy. Who

else would dare hold you like this?"

It occurred to him that Zee was sitting, holding his

head, fingers sliding on his neck, his shoulders. How
wonderful. How odd.

Zee gave him a sudden, wicked grin. "I have a dragon

of my very own."

Daniel snorted, smoke rings lifting in the air. "I

suppose I have a demon."

"Yes, I guess you do." Zee kissed his snout.
He nuzzled, blinked slowly, wings folded across his


"Feeling better?" Zee asked, cheek rubbing his snout.
"Yes. I'm sorry. It was...intense." He slowly began to

shift, ending in his demon's lap, face hidden in Zee's

Zee's hand slid down along his back, rubbing over the

welts, making them ache. "It was. But I found you."

He groaned softly, that ache perfect. "No one sees my

real self."

"I do." There was so much confidence in Zee's words.
His lips brushed along Zee's throat, nibbling. Zee

rumbled for him. Mmm. Salty. So good.

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"Next time you safeword instead of running away,

boy. You need to trust that I'll honor that."

"I was changing."
"You fit in your nest, do you not?"
"Yes." He hid down here, but he fit up there.
"Then you didn't need to run away."
He growled softly, confident enough to fight back

again. "I was changing."

"So? I'm your master in either form."
He wrapped around Zee, bit one earlobe. "Maybe I

should be the master."

Zee growled at him, power shaking the room,

surrounding him with warmth. Yes. Yes, please. He
reached up, stroked through Zee's hair. The vibrations
settled into a soft warmth.

He hummed, petting, rocking, and when his fingers

brushed over the poor, destroyed horns, he kept the
touch constant, steady.

After a moment, Zee moved his head back. "Don't."
"It's part of you."
"It was taken from me." The words were growled,


He growled back, furious that anyone would hurt his

demon, harm him. No one should take part of Zee away,
no matter what. "No one will hurt you again." He was a
tiny dragon, but he was a dragon and protected what was

Zee nodded, patted him. "I have never allowed

anyone close enough to do so again."

"I will not hurt you." He touched the poor nubs again.
"I said don't." Zee jerked his head back.
He pulled back, stung. He'd let Zee see him, touch his

scales. "I will not hurt you."

"I didn't think you would." Zee shook his head, lips

in a tight line. "I don't like to be reminded."

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"Does it feel good, to have them touched?"
"They're lifeless -- no feeling in them."
Daniel nodded, sighed. Sometimes the universe

sucked. "You hungry?"

"I am. You want to share a meal with me? Something

bloody and nearly raw?"

"Absolutely." He nodded, panted a little.
"Let's make the kitchen deliver it. I have a hankering

to spend the evening with my dragon."

"Come upstairs. I'll find some soft robes."
"Taking care of your master, boy?" Zee smiled at

him. "I like it."

Daniel flicked one of Zee's nipples. "Be good, child,

before I bite you."

Zee growled at him. "That's where all of this started,


"And where it will lead again, no doubt."
If he was lucky.

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Chapter Five

Zee was pleased. The fucking panic buttons had

finally been installed. In fact, all his rooms were ready
for a final inspection. He was supposed to meet Duke
and the foreman at the main building in... He checked
his watch. Now.

Duke stood in the fancy atrium with the glass roof

and the custom sunshades that could close if need be.
Those had just gone in a few days before. With him was
the hawk-faced Chayton, who tended to grunt at Zee
instead of speaking.

"Hey, old man." He gave Duke a wink, nodded at

Chayton. "Things are finally coming together."

"They are." Duke smiled a little, which was always

more a baring of teeth. Chayton just nodded in return,
silent as always.

"Well, I'm happy with the play rooms, and the

training salle. They look good, they look amazing really.
A final inspection and I'll be ready to sign off."

There had been a time, not all that long ago, when

Zee hadn't been sure he'd ever be happy with how things
were progressing. It still made him want to growl a little
at how the panic buttons had almost gone the way of the
dodo. Still, he thought it might be better to save his
growls for a certain dragon.

"You? Happy?" Duke chuckled, the sound rough and

unused. "Woo."

"Just don't expect it to happen often." He had a

reputation to protect, after all.

"So, you're good with those button things?" Chayton

asked, not even cracking a smile.

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"Panic buttons -- they're very necessary, you know. I

mean if a sub is gagged or for some other reason
rendered speechless, or if a Top panics." Little button
things indeed.

"Uh-huh. I just need to know that you approve."
Duke rolled his eyes. "You'll sign off on them now?"
"I thought we were doing a final inspection

together?" He was getting grumpy; he needed to go find
Daniel and beat that beautiful ass.

"We can do an inspection. I have the papers."

Chayton nodded toward the hall that led toward the
guest elevators.

Sighing heavily, Zee strode ahead. He needed to get

this done.

It was over an hour later before that happened,

though, and he was definitely growling, his eyes no
doubt spitting fire, as he put his name to the papers,
saying he was satisfied with the rooms he was
responsible for. No doubt that meant they were about to
become riddled with problems. Wasn't that how it
always worked?

With a curt nod to Duke and Chayton, he headed out

across the meadow to the building his dragon called
home. He needed his dragon in the worst way.

The chimney was bellowing smoke, the place

throbbing with music when he got closer. Maybe Daniel
was having a party. That had him growling even more,
the power vibrating around him. He wanted Daniel, not
a bunch of party boys playing with his dragon.

Zee looked through the window, caught by the sight

of his dragon, half-changed, wings wrapped around his
naked body, tail on the floor as he danced. Freezing in
place, Zee watched, his whole body taking in the
magical sight. Daniel looked joyous, uninhibited, golden
hair loose and long, flowing.

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It was fucking stunning. And the dragon was his.
The dance slowed, became sensual, needy, and Zee

could feel his dragon, calling for him. He couldn't resist
the lure of that call. Taking one last look, he quickly
made his way to the door, banging on it. The man who
opened the door looked fully human, sweaty, flushed,

He went in, pushing Daniel back and closing the door

behind him. "Mine."

"Hmm?" Daniel's cock was full, leaking.
He grabbed it and squeezed. "This is mine. You're

mine. No answering the door to anyone but me like

"No?" The words were excited, wanton, teasing.
He growled and pulled several times on Daniel's

prick. "No."

"Zee!" Daniel arched, moaned, feet sliding on the


"One of these days you'll volunteer the 'Sir' without


"When you're old, maybe." Someone was in a

fabulous mood.

He laughed. "Most people would say I already was."

He kept stroking the long, leaking prick.

"I can smell you, like a drug."
"Good." He didn't want to be the only one addicted to

what was between them.

Daniel stepped back, tempting Zee, purring deep in

his chest. Zee let his hand slide away from the lovely
cock, but moved forward, stalking his dragon. He could
feel Daniel's excitement, see the flush crawling up the
flat belly. It heightened his own excitement, made him
growl happily.

"Come get me..." Daniel purred the words.
"Brat." Beautiful, sexy, delicious brat.

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"Mmmhmm. You know it."
He threw his head back and laughed, then he


Daniel ran, leading him on a happy chase to the loft

with the huge bed. They went down together on the
pillows nesting the floor, Daniel's body beneath his.
That rounded ass rubbed into the basket of Zee' hips,
teasing his cock.

Groaning, he bit at the back of Daniel's neck. Daniel

stilled, moaned softly, offered him more. Zee's teeth dug
in deeper, his hands grabbing hold of Daniel's hips. His.
He spread Daniel, thumbs touching that hidden hole,
stuttering as they found the plug.

"Daniel." The word growled from him, the need to

take his boy huge.

"Yours. I wanted to be ready for you."
Undoing his pants, Zee freed his prick. Then he

tugged out the plug, pushing in immediately to replace

The heat made his eyes roll back in his head. "Fuck.

Fuck." He pulled almost all the way out, then back in
hard again.

Daniel's body rippled around him, milked his cock.
"Yes. Fuck. So good, boy."
He found a rhythm, driving into Daniel's body over

and over. Daniel's hips fit perfectly in his hands, the
golden skin bruising for him. Bending, he took another
bite of Daniel's neck. He felt Daniel's response through
every inch of his cock.

"My boy. Mine." Every thrust came with another


"Yes. Fuck me. Harder, Zee."
He slowed down. "Harder, what?"
"Harder now."

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He slapped Daniel's ass. Daniel squeezed his prick,

hard. Groaning, he tried hard not to move, simply
smacked the beautiful ass again and again. He would
resume fucking when Daniel remembered to sir him.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" Daniel jerked away, almost

losing Zee's cock.

He grabbed hold of Daniel's hips and kept him in

place as he worked his cock back in all the way. "Just
give me what I want and I'll give you what you want,

"You swear?"
"I do, Daniel. You're mine now."
That sweet ass milked his cock, almost stroking it.

"Yours. And you're mine, Sir."

"I am. And that's what I was looking for." He leaned

in and kissed the base of Daniel's neck. Then he started
to fuck Daniel, hard.

His dragon took him, slammed back again and again,

sharp, oddly feral barks of need hitting him, square in
the belly. They formed a vortex of need, feeding off
each other and it made Zee growl and snarl, giving
everything in him. Daniel, in turn, gave the world to
him, open and wanton. They moved together like they
were made for each other, bodies snapping and rubbing.

He gathered Daniel up, slamming his hips up into his

dragon, fucking hard. "Mine. My dragon. My Daniel."

"Yours. Yours. Please."
"All mine." He drew his power around him and thrust

harder and faster, inhumanly so.

Daniel roared, body fist-tight around him.
He got a hand beneath Daniel and grabbed hold of

the hard as diamonds, leaking prick. He let his thrusts
push the needy flesh through his fingers. His dragon was
close, so close, ready for him.

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"Come for me, boy." He squeezed his hand as he

made the demand.

Spunk poured from his dragon, spraying over his

fingers. Daniel's ass clamped down hard on his cock and
he had no choice but to give it up, to let his dragon have
his seed.

They slumped together in the cushions, panting hard,

Daniel a solid heat under him. Every now and then he'd
press a kiss against Daniel's back, tongue picking up the
smoky-salt flavor of Daniel's sweat. Finally he reached
over, found the plug Daniel had surprised him with and
pulled out of the tight body. He pushed the plug back in.

He patted Daniel's ass before sprawling onto his back

in the nest of pillows, one hand stroking his dragon's
skin. Daniel cleaned them up quickly before cuddling
into him with a sigh, the sound happy. He held on,
feeling the rightness of it.

Soft kisses landed on his knuckles. It made him

smile, the day suddenly right.

"Stay for a while? Here?"
"Sounds like a good plan, boy." He wrapped his arm

around Daniel. "I'm not going anywhere."

And neither was his dragon.

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Chapter Six

Daniel slept a bit, then turned to lean into Zee. He'd

called his demon. The magic had worked.

Fabulous. There were benefits to the whole...lair


Zee grunted in his sleep and patted Daniel's shoulder.
He turned slowly, hands over Zee's horns. He'd been

studying, practicing. Zee belonged with him, and
deserved to be whole again. Even in his sleep, though,
Zee tried to pull away from the touch.

"Shh." He began to rock, to whisper the words of the

spell, to draw energy from deep inside him. His demon
deserved to be whole. Zee made him feel perfect,
beautiful, not small and incomplete. He would do the
same for Zee.

Zee moaned, moved into him.
His eyes closed and he focused on Zee, on Zee's

body, whole. On the demon's pleasure. On his will.

He willed the universe to make Zee whole. Energy

began to pour from him, his wings sprouting from his

"Daniel? What the fuck?" Zee jerked.
He held on, energy moving faster and he committed

himself fully, the world beginning to shatter, to dissolve.
Whole. His demon would be whole.

"Daniel!" Zee was fully awake now, eyes wide and

burning gold as they stared at him.

He met Zee's eyes, totally committed to the spell,

totally overwhelmed by the power. His demon.


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Daniel swayed, the sound of his blood rushing in his

ears. The last thing he saw as the world went dark was
Zee's horns, curving strong and perfect above that
beautiful head.

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Chapter Seven

Zee roared as Daniel collapsed against him, half

dragon, half man, his wings jerking spasmodically.

He shook Daniel, willing the dragon to wake. The

room echoed with power, with magic and he roared
again, demanding that it bring his dragon back to him.

When that didn't work, he grabbed his cell phone and

called security, shouting a command that they get
medical to Daniel's house. Right now. Or sooner.

What had his insane fucking dragon done? What in

all the levels of Hell?

He alternated between cradling Daniel, shaking him,

slapping his face and telling him to snap out of it, and
cursing out the staff for being so damn slow in
responding. They had medical personnel capable of
treating non-humans, did they not? Because if they
didn't, they sure as hell ought to.

The golden glow to Daniel's skin was fading quickly,

his dragon going gray, life draining out of him.

Zee dialed the security office again. "I'm leaving

now. If someone doesn't meet me before I get there,
heads will roll. Literally." He flung the phone across the
room and gathered Daniel into his arms.

He headed down to the main room, where the medics

swarmed through the front door like ants. Donovan, the
daytime head of security was right behind, the deep
growl most impressive.

Of course, he could growl, too. And snarl and roar.

"Someone better have an idea of what the hell is going
on here." He was loath to give up his burden, but he
trusted the men trying to take Daniel from him knew
what the fuck they were doing.

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"What did he do?" Issac, the head doctor blinked up

at him from behind wire glasses. "He's a dragon. What
did he... Oh." Those eyes went wide as they stared at
him. "Oh, fuck. Never mind."

"Never mind? Never fucking mind what? FIX HIM!"

He roared the last words, putting all his fury and worry
into them.

"I don't know how." Issac groaned. "Let's get him to

the clinic and I'll see if there's a mage who can tell us
what spell he used and how to get energy back in him."

One of the little medics nodded. "I'll ask Chayton if

he knows of a local shaman."

"Magic? Was that what that glow was?" He was so

going to kill Daniel if the annoying dragon survived this.
"He'd better not die."

"That would be an issue," Donovan growled. "Given

that we'd have to make a deal with whichever new
dragon took over. Nice horns, by the way. Big. Shiny."

Zee's vision went red. Donovan dared to mock him

while Daniel was down for the count? He roared and
went for the big werewolf, glad for the first time that
he'd let Isaac and his people take Daniel from him.

Donovan's eyes went wide, and the huge wolf met

him, teeth flashing. They went down together, Zee
snarling and roaring. Donovan bit his hand, shook him,
and something on the top of his head clacked on the

"What the fuck?" He shoved Donovan away, still

snarling as he reached up, hitting his hand on something
attached to his head. It almost felt like he had his
fucking horns back.

He stood, finding the floor length mirror at Daniel's


Horns. His horns. Full and dark and shiny and whole.

"Hellfire!" He reached up and stroked them, utterly

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stunned. Then, concentrating, he made them retract until
only about an inch worth of horn poked up from his hair.
He let them grow back up to their full size again. He
hadn't had them in so long.

"We done biting, asshat?" Donovan growled.
"Fuck off. You were being an asshole while my

dragon..." His eyes narrowed as he put it together.
"Daniel, you stupid bastard."

"He's a dragon. Can they be stupid?"
"If he's fucking killed himself restoring my god

damned horns..." As if they were more important than
Daniel's life.

"Wow." Donovan gave him a half-smile, a shrug.

"That's out of my league, man. I'll make sure the place is
secure and shit."

"Sorry for the attitude."
"Bad day." Donovan winked and chuckled, blowing

him right off.

He growled a little and turned in time to see Isaac

rolling Daniel out. He joined them immediately. "He did
something." He waved at Daniel then at the horns on his

"I see that. He's a magical creature, Zee. Made from

magic. He's depleted himself."

He shook his head. "It wasn't worth it. I'm going to

kill him." He snarled at Daniel. "You hear that? You get
better so I can punish you for this!"

Isaac chuckled, but the sound wasn't comforting. "I

don't know how to replenish magic."

He stared at Isaac. "Are you saying that as the head

physician, you don't know how to doctor all of the
various types of beings who live here -- and this isn't
just anyone; Daniel is the landowner here." He was
trying, very hard, not to lose his shit again.

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"He's a dragon. They don't need physicians." Isaac

pushed Daniel into the clinic. "We're making calls."

"Calls? You're making calls?" He needed to hit

something. Hard. He wasn't very picky as to what,
either. The brand new wall of Isaac's office looked like a
nice, handy target.

"I will have Donovan remove you if I must, Zee. I

understand you're distraught, but I'll have to make you

"I'd like to see him try." He wasn't going anywhere.
"Doc? Mr. Duke says that Alain, the little IT guy? Is

a sorcerer. Will that work?"

Isaac nodded. "Get him in here."
"Fast." Zee growled. "Like ten minutes ago."
He started pacing, stopping at Daniel's side now and

then to look into the gray face. He looked dead. His
dragon looked dead. He leaned down, stared at him, the
fool man. Daniel had done this for him. For him. For his
fucking horns. Stupid, beautiful, wonderful idiot.

They were going to have words when Daniel came

out of this...this fugue state. They were going to talk,
then he was going to beat Daniel. Then fuck the man,
then beat him again. Lather, rinse, repeat. A lot.
Especially the beating part.

Zee sighed heavily. "You come back to me, boy. You

hear me?"

Daniel's nostrils quivered.
His own flared. "Did you see that?" he demanded of


"See what?" Isaac ran over, an IV bag in hand.
"My boy's nostril's twitched. Show him, boy. Do it

again." Daniel was in there. For him. Damn it.

He put his hand on Daniel's chest. "They're not worth

you, you stupid boy."

Daniel's nostrils twitched again.

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"You see?"
"I saw. Excellent." Isaac looked at Daniel's arms,

muttering under his breath. "Dragons. How do you treat

Zee rolled his eyes and made a note to inform Duke

that something needed to be done about this lack of
knowledge. He put his hand on Daniel's chest, let his
dragon feel him. "Come back to me, boy." He could feel
Daniel's huge heart, fluttering under his touch.

A little, dark-haired boy stumbled in the room, eyes

huge. "He's a dragon? For real? Wow. We need to get
him in his lair. With his heartstone. He's got a lair,

Zee groaned. "Of course he does. We just came from

there! Isaac dragged him here." Damn everyone to the
seventh level of Hell! Why didn't anyone know what the
hell was going on?

"There'll be a stone, something important to him. He

needs it."

Zee hadn't seen a stone. Not anywhere, damn it. "His

lair is in the basement." That much he knew. "Not that
either of you will tell anyone. Ever."

The little guy shrugged. "Either get him down there

or get that rock here."

Zee had no clue where the fucking rock was. Damn

it! He moved in and picked Daniel up, cradling his
dragon against his chest.

"Come with me," he ordered the little guy who

seemed to know what he was talking about, and headed
toward Daniel's place.

Rage filled him again, that his dragon would have

done this. Would have done this for Zee's fucking horns.
What had Daniel been thinking? The rage gave him
speed and he ran back to Daniel's home. They went in
and he headed down into the basement.

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"You'd better snap out of this, Daniel. You fucking


The basement was empty. No stones. None. He

roared. Stamped his foot. "Where the fuck is this thing?"

The little guy stumbled in, then stopped. "Do that


"What, roar?" People didn't usually ask him to do

that. And certainly not after he'd just done so.

"No. Stomp."
He raised an eyebrow and stamped his foot again.
"There." One hand pointed to a spot on the floor, the

dust huffing up.

Frowning, still holding Daniel close, he stamped the

floor where the little guy had pointed with all his might.
A wood trap door shattered, and they almost tumbled in.

"Fuck!" The dust settled and Zee peered in.

Something was reflecting back the meager light.

"You stay here," he growled. Then he headed down,

climbing down. And down. And down.

Daniel was still in his arms when his feet hit the

bottom, the huge cave filled with gold and jewels, with
money and there -- He could see a huge emerald, slowly
pulsing with a dim light. That had to be the rock the
little dude was talking about. He went over to it and
sank down next to it. The light sparked, the stone
glowing brighter. He grabbed the stone and put it on
Daniel's belly.

"Come on, boy. Get better so I can beat you."
The light grew brighter, then brighter again, the glow

bathing his dragon. It was beautiful. His dragon was
beautiful. Daniel took a deep breath, then another,
seeming to gain strength.

"That's right, boy."
Daniel's color began to come back, but his boy didn't

open his eyes.

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"Come on. Come on. Don't make me wait forever."
The light from the emerald grew stronger at his


"That better be a good thing."
"Can I come down?" The guy's voice came from

upstairs and he thought he heard the room growl.

He shook his head. He didn't think so. "No." Daniel

was getting better, he was sure of it.

"Is it neat down there? I've never seen a dragon's lair


He gave a little warning roar.
"Okay, okay. I hear you. I just... I want to meet him,

when he's better, please? I want to say hello."

Zee roared louder. This little sorcerer was going to be

the first one to feel his newly restored horns.

Someone up there blew a raspberry at him. So much

like his Daniel.

"I'm a demon. Go before you find out what that


"It means you're grumpy. Is he awake yet?"
Impertinent little shit! Zee could swear that the jewel

was laughing. Laughing!

"No!" Damn it! "Wake up." He snarled at Daniel.

"Wake up!" He leaned in, bared his teeth, his boy would
not hide from him. "You hear me, boy? You get
whatever it is you need from that rock and you come
back to me. And you do it now!"

The light in the stone flashed brightly, almost

blinding him. He blinked. That was his Daniel,
somehow. There, in the stone. That light was his dragon.
He touched the stone where it lay on Daniel's belly.
"Come on, my dragon. Back where you belong."

The stone was warm, pulsing, and he found himself

smiling. "You'd certainly be easier to handle like this.

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You wouldn't get into any trouble, I could take you to
work with me..."

Daniel, and the stone, growled.
That made him laugh. His Daniel was there, was

alive. Zee just needed to coax him back into his body.

He leaned in, nibbled at Daniel's ear. The things he

could do with Daniel's body were much more fun than
holding a rock. "You want me to turn you inside out,
don't you, boy?"

He let himself relax, let himself believe. Daniel had

given him his horns back. His dragon had taken a stupid
chance, but if Daniel came out of this, it was a great gift.
He nuzzled again, bit a little harder. "Mine, Daniel. You
hear me? You can't run away from me because you
belong right here. With me."

Daniel took a deep breath, the light in the stone

fading as the long eyelashes began to flutter.

"That's it, boy. You look me in the eye and tell me

what you did." Zee held his breath.

Daniel moaned, wings fluttering, then bright golden

eyes met his. He growled, a smile pulling at the corners
of his lips. "Dragon."

Daniel's lips moved, only a whisper sounded. "Sir."
He beamed at his dragon, nodded. "Yes." The word

was little more than a triumphant snarl. His dragon was
back. His.

Daniel touched his lips, then sighed, smiled.
"Don't you ever do anything like that again, boy." He

squeezed Daniel close.

Daniel chuckled softly. "If I don't have to," he teased,

"then that must mean you still have your tail."

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Chapter Eight

Daniel had never been so tired.
Periodically he woke to smile at his demon or growl

at some wereporcupine that tried to stick him with
needles. Okay, maybe the man wasn't a wereporcupine,
but until Daniel had proof, he was sticking with that.
Alain -- who was a charming little computer person --
came often, too, along with a slew of Native American
shamans who burned things in shells and shook rattles.

Honestly, he was going to start incinerating people,

one limb at a time. He blew a smoke ring, frowning at
its weakness. Starting tomorrow.

"What are you doing?" demanded Zee, coming into

his room and growling at him.

"Breathing," he growled back.
Zee snorted. "That looked an awful lot like a baby

smoke ring and you're supposed to be preserving your

He blew another smoke ring, the effort making him

cold, energy draining from him.

Zee growled and grabbed his shoulders, shook him.

"Stop that! I'm already mad at you."

"You're yelling again." Zee's hands were so warm.

He pushed against them, so cold.

"You're not better." It sounded like an accusation.
"I am." He was awake. Mostly.
Zee snorted, fingers digging into his shoulders. "Not

back to normal better."

Oh. That touch. "Feels good." He could feel his

wings wanting to unfurl.

Zee grunted, the touch easing, but not disappearing.

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"I'm not sorry." He wasn't, not an inch of him. Zee

needed to be whole.

"I didn't ask you to do it. I would never sacrifice you

for my horns."

"I know. I wanted you to have them. You deserve


"You are worth much more than they are, boy."
He touched Zee's scalp, loving how Zee didn't flinch

away. Zee growled softly, but the horns pushed up
through his hair, growing before Daniel's eyes.

"Look." So lovely. So strong. Daniel moaned, fingers

sliding over the slick hardness.

Zee rubbed the horn against his hand. "They're yours,


"My demon." He stroked, the power in those

appendages amazing.

Zee nodded. "Of course, you are mine. And I forbid

you from doing anything like that again."

"Touching. Nonsense." He'd touch them whenever he


Zee rolled his eyes. "I mean what you did to get them


"You deserve them." He'd do it again, to make Zee


"And here, I thought I deserved you."
He kept touching, kept stroking, fascinated.
Zee nuzzled into his touches. "I mean it, Daniel. You

don't do that again. You hear me?"

"Mmm." He heard. He didn't really care.
Zee pulled back, glaring down at him. "Daniel..."
"Hmm?" The glare really didn't work. Not on him.
"The minute you are up to it, I am beating your ass

black and blue."

"Promises, promises," he teased. He wished.
"This isn't a joke, Daniel. I could have lost you."

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"I've never done such a big spell before. I wasn't sure

there was enough of me."

"You should have asked me first."
"You would have said no."
"Of course I would have said no!"
"Well, then." That was easy.
That earned him another growl. "Promise me, Daniel.

Promise me you won't do it again."

"I can't." He knew that. He was odd that way.
"Why not?"
"Because you're my demon." He cupped Zee's

angular, odd, amazing beloved face.

"And that's why you must obey me."
Daniel laughed softly. "Dragons don't obey very


"Then swear to me you won't do the same thing with

my tail. Give me that at least."

He stared at Zee. "Do you miss it? Like you did your


Zee glared at him. "That doesn't matter."
"Of course it does." And when he could get the

energy together to walk downstairs...

"I don't miss it as much as I would miss you, so it

doesn't matter."

He crawled into Zee's lap, the warmth, the solidity

almost unbearably good. It mattered to him. Oh. His

Zee's arms wrapped right around him. "You're

infuriating, you know."

"Shh, child. Let an old dragon rest." And ponder

demon tails.

Zee's hand landed on his ass. "I'm older than you,


"No one's older than me." He smiled, loving the

inherent threat in Zee's voice.

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"I'm willing to bet that I am. Brat."
Zee's fingers soothed him, pushed him into dreams

again, into boneless rest. "You're on."

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Chapter Nine

Zee was happy they were in that lull between things

being almost finished and opening. Or at least, he was in
a lull. It gave him the opportunity to stay near Daniel,
keep an eye on his annoying dragon. He'd yet to get a
promise from Daniel that there would be no more of this
ridiculous risking his life magic.

He knocked on Daniel's door and went in, a basket

from the kitchen full of yummy food in one hand.
"Daniel? You upstairs?" He headed that way; he'd better
find his dragon sleeping in his nest.

The nest was empty and he growled, storming down

to the basement. He was going to chain Daniel to the loft
if he had to. The basement was empty, too, the trap door
open to the lair. If his dragon was performing life-
draining magic...

He stomped down the stairs to the lair, making no

attempt to hide his arrival.

A low growl met him, then a puff of smoke. He could

see the tip of Daniel's tail.

"It's me, boy. What are you up to?"
"Reading." Daniel's voice was deep in this form,

echoing. "How is my demon?"

He went with, "Hungry," leaving worried about what

Daniel was up to off the table, for now.

The huge tail shifted, then bright gold eyes met his.

"Come sit. I brought a chair for you."

There were stacks of books everywhere, Daniel's

heartstone casting a green glow around.

"You're feeling better." What was his dragon up to?
"I am. Almost back to normal." A heavy head

bumped against him, the gold and copper scales rattling.

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He slid his hand along Daniel's muzzle, appreciating

his lover in dragon form; Daniel was magnificent.
Daniel nibbled his fingers, one clawed hand stealing an
apple from the basket.

"So, what are you doing down here?" He grabbed the

apple back and stole a bite before handing it over again.

"Reading." Daniel tossed the apple up, snapped it out

of the air.

"Show-off." Didn't stop him from admiring, though.
Daniel laughed, golden eyes dancing. "Is there


He reached into the basket and grabbed another

apple, tossing it into the air.

Daniel caught it, swallowed it down. "Thank you."
One book was propped on a bookstand, and Daniel

turned back to it, making happy trilling sounds.

Zee grabbed a bunch of grapes for himself and began

to eat. "What are you reading?"

"Spellbook that I traded for a diamond five hundred

years ago."

He growled softly. "And what exactly are you hoping

to find in this spellbook of yours?" He was not letting
Daniel try to bring back his tail.

"I'm just reading." His dragon did not do innocent


He snorted. "And I'm just another top."
When dragons laughed, there were a lot of sparks

involved. Zee loved that; he loved the strength of his
dragon, even as Daniel made him crazy. Daniel's head
landed on his lap for a moment, heavy and solid. He
stroked the lovely muzzle. "Come upstairs to your nest,
my dragon."

Slowly, amazingly, the air began to shimmer, the ring

of magic filling the air as the huge body became his boy.
He growled a little, pulling his dragon to him.

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"Mmm." Daniel moaned and snuggled right in, bare

and cool in his arms.

"What am I going to do with you?"
"Adore me." Daniel sounded very sure.
He laughed and hugged Daniel close. "You are the

most annoying boy I have ever known."

"I'm the only dragon you've ever really known. We're


"That doesn't mean you aren't the most annoying." He

held Daniel closer, though.

"When are the customers going to start coming?"
"In a little over a week." He had a number of Tops

coming in before then, for training.

"I'll stay in here mostly then, at first."
"You not a fan of others in general?"
"It's a compulsion, to protect the lair. That's why I let

them build, to help me protect it."

He nodded, petting his dragon. "We will put up a sign

and warn people away from this area." He would protect
his dragon.

"Mmm. It's not people. It's the bigger dragons. The

building will keep them away. I can hide." Daniel met
his eyes. "I'm not a threat."

"No other dragons will dare come here, my Daniel. I

will see to that." He had a little bit of magic himself,
although it was mostly in the realm of curses. Still, that
worked very well at keeping others away. He stroked
Daniel's long hair, loving the gold tinge to the soft skin,
the energy in the bright eyes. "I will guard you jealously,
my dragon. If others saw you as you are, everyone
would want to be with you."

Daniel snorted at him. "I'm a tiny dragon. Just that,

but thank you." Hands tangled in his hair. "Show me
your horns."

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"You are a demanding dragon." He kept his horns in,

for now.

"Now, child. Show me." Oh. A shot of lightning slid

down his spine. Daniel was pushing, playing.

He growled back, let a bit of his own power loose.

The whole room vibrated with it as it knocked up
against Daniel's power. "Not a child, boy."

"Show me before I beat you."
Zee tried to hold back his grin. "Beating is my job."
Daniel slipped from his arms, joy in the lean face.

"Only if you can catch me." Then Daniel took off,
laughing, scrambling up the stairs.

He roared, and flew up the stairs after his dragon,

watching the long hair where it slid along Daniel's back
over his ass. They rushed up through the trapdoor, then
up into Daniel's cabin.

"That ass is mine," he promised as Daniel went up

the stairs to his loft.

"You haven't got me yet!"
When he did, he was going to punish his boy for

draining himself, for running, for every wonderful thing
he could think of.

He let Daniel make it as far as the top step and then

he pounced, sending them both flying into the pillows.
Daniel rolled under him, putting up a good enough fight
that he growled. He bit at Daniel's neck. Hard.

Daniel stilled, just for a few moments, a happy sound

filling the air. Pulling back, Zee licked at the spot,
tongue playing with Daniel's skin. Daniel leaned into
him a second, then pulled away. Playing with him.

"Unruly boy." He bit at Daniel's jaw.
"No biting." Daniel pinched his nipple.
He bit again. "No pinching."
Those fingers pinched harder. "You bit me."
"I'm your master. It's my place."

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"Are you?" Those gold eyes met his. "My Master?"
"Of course I am." How could Daniel even ask?
Daniel reached for him, a deep rumble filling the air.
He grabbed Daniel's chin and made his dragon look

at him. "You know that, right?"

That magic, that amazing energy flared. "I gave my

heart for you, Demon. I know."

"Good." He growled out the word and swooped in for

a kiss.

Enough of this mushy shit. It was time to make sure

Daniel knew who was boss. He grabbed Daniel's hands
and dragged them up over his dragon's head. Lean and
compact, that body stretched out for him, almost
glowing in the sunlight. Zee put both wrists in one hand
and slid his other down along the fine body.

"My boy," he growled, nosing along Daniel's


"Mmm." Daniel's answer was a purr.
"Sweet boy, I'm going to make sure you remember

who your master is, always."

"Always." Daniel moaned the word, eyes closing.
"Always." He let his horns grow. That gift was

priceless. Eternal. "Mine." He turned Daniel over,
groaning at the sight of that beautiful ass.

He needed cuffs, needed something to keep his boy

still. "Rope? Cuffs? You must have something."

"You're terribly unprepared for a professional

Dominant..." Daniel's eyes opened, a smile crossing the
man's face. "Lovely horns."

"Brat! My office contains all I need. I didn't expect to

need anything for my still healing lover." Daniel riled
him up like no one he'd ever known.

"Your lack of planning is not my problem, child."

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He flipped Daniel over and sat on his legs. "I," he

began, giving Daniel a hard smack with his hand. "Am.
Not. A. Child." Each word came with a smack.

"Non...nonsense." Daniel bucked up into the blows.
"I'm old, Daniel. Demons live for thousands of

years." He found a rhythm, the two of them working

"Dragons are pure magic..." Daniel's happy moan

made him smile.

"You are, boy." He wasn't going to argue that point --

he'd seen that magic first hand. His hand kept moving,
meeting Daniel's skin and turning the gold to rose. "You
do not call your master 'child'."

He dragged his fingernails over one rosy ass cheek.

Daniel gasped, thighs parting. Spreading the sweet
cheeks with his thumbs, he bent and licked Daniel's
hole. That tight wrinkled hole had been neglected too
long, been ignored as his dragon healed. He ran his
tongue back and forth across it, traced around it a few
times, and then pushed his tongue right in.

"Yes..." Daniel scrambled up onto hands and knees,

slammed again against him.

"Pushy boy." He pushed his tongue in deeper,

wiggled it around.

"Your boy." Indeed.
He pulled back enough to bite one lovely ass cheek.
"Biting!" Daniel roared and almost pulled out of his


He laughed and hauled Daniel back in. "So very

observant." The burning ass nudged his prick, bumped
against him, and made him grunt. "Fucking want you,

"Then take me."

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Roaring, he pulled Daniel back, his prick sinking in

deep. His dragon's body snapped around him, the
pleasure so immediate, so huge it was almost pain.

"Daniel!" He panted, leaning over Daniel's back.
"More. More, Demon. Now."
"Pushy. So fucking pushy." He got a good, hard

rhythm going, pounding into his dragon with all his

"Yes!" Daniel's body shuddered, gripped him,

seemed to pull him deeper.

Every third thrust or so, he smacked Daniel's ass

again. The pink skin was getting darker, the blood
rushing to the surface. "Fucking stunning. You are
stunning. Mine. My dragon. MINE!"

The whispered "yours" was the loudest thing Zee's

demonic heart had ever heard.

"Yes! Yes!" He kept thrusting, pushing into the best

place anywhere.

Daniel's wings sprouted on the lean shoulders,

appearing like magic as he moved. Leaning forward,
Zee licked them. Warm and alive, they moved for him,
Daniel's wild cry filling the room. He could feel his own
horns coming out, growing to their full size as he roared
and fucked his boy.

Daniel's body demanded his orgasm, his dragon like

fire around his cock. He wrapped his own hand around
Daniel's heat, refusing to come first.

"Yours. Yours. Master. NOW!" Daniel's roar was

most impressive.

"Yes! Now, boy. Now!" He roared it back, his hand

squeezing tight.

Heat sprayed, bathing his hand, and he barely noticed

it as he emptied his balls, pouring himself in Daniel's

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He collapsed down onto Daniel, arms wrapping

around his dragon. Warm fingers slipped over his arms,
petting him, little tingles of energy tickling him.

"If you're trying to do something about my tail..."
His dragon's soft, tickled laughter was joined by a

sizzle, right at the base of his spine.

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Chapter Ten

There were very many...beings milling about. Daniel

stared out the window, at the falling autumn leaves, at
the cabins all ready for guests. How interesting. A figure
caught his eye, tall, striding forcefully along the grounds
toward Daniel's private land. Large horns grew up from
the handsome head, a long tail lashing back and forth.

He hummed happily, the sound coming with a puff of

smoke. His Demon. Yum. Zee was coming straight for
him, too, those purposeful strides making all sorts of

Daniel moved away from the window, grabbed a

heavy robe and wrapped up in it. No reason to make
things easy.

He heard the door opening; Zee had a key now. The

only other person who did.

"Daniel? Where are you, boy?"
"Mmm. Here, lover." He waved from the chair, book

in his lap.

"Reading again? You've magicked back everything I

was missing already." Zee sounded grumpy.

"Believe it or not, you can read for pleasure, child."
Zee growled for him, the demon's power vibrating the

room and sending delicious shivers along his skin. "Not
a child."

"No?" He smiled up, letting the book fall to the side.
Zee gave him a rather toothy grin; his demon really

was magnificent, especially with his horns and tail

He reached out, fingers on Zee's belly. "You look


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"You make me hungry, boy." Zee stepped closer, the

bulge in his leathers right there.

Daniel hummed, rocked forward, rubbing his cheek

over Zee's fat cock, teasing. "Do I?" He let his tongue
slid over the leather, dragging over the heat. "Master?"

Zee's groan was music to his ears. "You know you

do, boy. Now take it out. Suck it."

He licked again. He loved this game. Adored it.
"Say please."

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Jonny sat in his beautifully appointed new office at

Cereus, smiling at a certain golden little man and
sipping his blood-laced wine. Luc, his feline lover,
lounged on the high rail that ran around the top of the
room, tail dangling, one big paw slipping off the edge to
tempt him.

"So, you're pleased with the lodge?" he asked, giving

Daniel his full attention.

"It's lovely. Everyone's been delightful." Daniel was

pure charisma in person, the little man fascinating,
bright, sharp. "Duke is incredibly good at his job."

"He is. So is Jared. We'll have a full house for

opening weekend." Jonny had to admit he rather liked
Cereus himself. He'd thought it would be too quiet for a
city dweller such as himself, but it was full of
fascinating creatures even before they opened. "I trust
you've recovered from your... illness?"

"I have." Daniel's eyes rolled. "I overtasked myself a

bit. It's a thing. I'm over it."

"Good. I'd hate to have done all this work just to have

you disappear."

"Me too! Especially with all the very fun things I

have to show you."

"Oh, I like fun things." The sun had gone down

while they'd chatted, so Jonny was perfectly willing to
go along and see.

"I have lifetimes worth." The husky laughter made

him smile, made Luc rumble and stretch lazily.

"I brought you some things to add to your collection,

by the way." A book of potions as told to the writer by

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an African witch doctor, a seventeenth-century finger

"Mmm. You're a good friend. I have this amazing

little potion that is purported to allow certain beings to
walk through walls."

Luc's ears perked up, his little thief interested.
"Oh, you'd make a friend for life if you could manage

that. Are you ready to meet with Duke for the final
walk-through? Once we sign off, he can tell Jared and
the guests can start arriving."

"Let me fetch my demon and I will be." That look

was true naughtiness, indeed.

He'd heard a great deal about Daniel and Zee. It made

Jonny pleased to see his old friend so happy. "I'll wait
for you out in the main lobby, shall I?"

"Absolutely." Daniel stood, the wee man offering

him a firm, sure hug. "I'm glad to meet you, Jonny,

Jonny held Daniel close for a moment, taking in the

scent of smoke and earth. "Same here, my friend. Same

He let Daniel go, watching the man wander away in

search of a demon, and smiled. Yes, this was the best
business decision he'd made in a long, long time.

And the best way to spend time with his friends and


He couldn't wait to see what happened next.


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