The Blake Boys 7 Rhonda Laurel Slow Burn Rhonda Laurel

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Look for these titles from Rhonda Laurel

Copyright Warning

~ Dedication ~

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Hollywood Rush

~ About the Author ~

~ Coming Soon ~

Also by Rhonda Laurel

~ More Romance from Etopia Press ~

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Look for these titles from Rhonda Laurel

Now Available

The Blake Boys Series

For the Love of the Game (Book One)

MVP (Book Two)

The Blake Legacy (Book Three)

Texas Heat (Book Four)

Love Notes and Football (Book Five)

The Perfect Storm (Book Six)

Slow Burn (Book Seven)

The Hollywood Heat Series

Star Crossed (Book One)

Hollywood Rush (Book Two)

Ebb Tide


“Masquerade” Halloween Heat IV

In Print

The Rhonda Laurel Collection

“Masquerade” Halloween Heat MF

The Blake Boys Collection

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Slow Burn

The Blake Boys Book Seven

Rhonda Laurel

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Copyright Warning

EBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared, or given away. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is a crime punishable by law. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to or downloaded from file sharing sites,
or distributed in any other way via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal
copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in
federal prison and a fine of $250,000 (

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be
construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Published By
Etopia Press
136 S. Illinois Ave. Suite 212
Oak Ridge, TN 37830

Slow Burn

Copyright © 2015 by Rhonda Laurel
ISBN: 978-1-941692-39-4

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except
in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

First Etopia Press electronic publication: January 2015

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~ Dedication ~

To Tyler and Michelle: Thanks for making love worth the wait.

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Chapter One

Tyler Blake glanced in the rearview mirror. The competition was trailing closely behind as he

zoomed around the track in his blue and white race car, number nineteen. There were five laps to go
and he was holding steady in third place, but there was still a chance he could pull it off. That’s what
he loved about racing, there were no certain victories until you crossed that finish line. He checked
his levels and remained focused on the steady hum of the engine.

With two more laps to go, he saw a fractional opening as he made his way out of the turn. He

stepped on the gas and advanced, taking the second position by a hair. He pushed the car to make this
last effort, but he was confident it could take the pressure. He had a hell of a pit crew, after all. The
final lap was approaching. He gave it one last push and took the lead.

The checkered flag waved him to victory. Tyler could see his whole family hooting and

hollering in the distance. They were there for moral support but Blake Enterprises was also his
biggest sponsor. The company logo was proudly plastered on the hood of the car, a testament to their
support of his dream. It was a bit surprising how the family did a complete one eighty about his
career choice. He had his sister-in-law Morgan to thank for that. She’d championed his hobby to the
rest of the family, and eventually they’d welcomed the idea of him making this a profession. Ty Blake
Racing, Inc. was formed one night at his parents’ kitchen table when the brothers sat down and helped
him come up with a business plan. The rush of pushing the limits of the machine was titillating, but
having the support of all the Blakes, including a trademark nod from his dad John Jacob, felt pretty
damn good too.

The day would have been even better if Michelle were there, but the high-strung bookstore-

manager-turned-food-enthusiast wasn’t talking to him these days. She had turned down his invitation
to come to the race and had told him to stick it where the sun don’t shine. She had an undeniable fire
about her that was adorable, even when she thought she was being tough. He’d been thinking about
her a lot lately, more than he’d ever thought about another woman. The flirtation with her—his sister-
in-law Morgan’s best friend—had been innocent fun at first, but it had turned passionate the night
before Seth and Morgan’s wedding at the ranch. That night had turned out to be the best night of his
life. Which was why he high-tailed it off the ranch to Philadelphia.

When Michelle told him she’d been dating some yoga instructor named Finn, the thought that

someone could actually take her away hit him like a ton of bricks. He went to have a chat with the guy
and informed him that it would be better for his health if he stayed away from her.

The pit crewed rushed him as soon as he pulled back the safety flap of the car. Tyler stood on

the edge of the window and threw his hands up in victory. The crowd went wild as cameras furiously
captured his crowning moment. He jumped down and took a photo with his pit crew. He’d set out to
do something, and he’d succeeded through perseverance and hard work. Having his family there made
it all the more special.

He continued to wave to the crowd as team members steered him toward the winner’s circle,

where a racing official was waiting to give him a huge trophy. His mind raced, trying to think of
something elegant to say. There were expectations when a Blake man was in front of the camera, and
he wanted to do his family proud. He’d been coached by his brothers the past few months on how to
give a good interview. As he made his way to the podium to speak to the announcer, he was caught off
guard when delicate fingers gripped the collar of his racing suit and yanked him down. One whiff of
that cotton candy perfume and he knew it was Jeannie, the groupie who’d been hanging out at the track

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the last month. Normally she would have been just his type, but a certain woman who currently hated
his guts had him second guessing his taste in women. Jeannie pulled him close and planted a big kiss
on him on national television. He hoped like hell Michelle wasn’t watching.

* * *

Michelle Bradley’s finger hovered over the enter key on the keyboard. It was time to post her

weekly recipe on her food blog, The Novel Foodie, and she thought the Love ’Em and Leave ’Em
Peach Cobbler was fitting for the mood. Every time she thought of Tyler Blake, she wished he were
there so she could mush the delicious dessert right in his face.

She started the blog when she returned from Morgan and Seth’s wedding in Texas, as a way to

exorcise Tyler from her system, but it became a chronicle of her new-found interest in cooking. She
posted a new recipe and photo every week along with anecdotes about her life at the bookstore.

“Done and done.” She closed the lid of her laptop, crossed it off her things to do list, then

padded into the kitchen to make some hot tea.

Everything else on it would have to wait. December in Philadelphia always brought out her need

to hibernate, so she decided to skip the Christmas shopping plans and hunker down on her couch for
the rest of the day. She placed her Santa mug on the coffee table and pulled her hair into a messy bun,
hoping to crack the spine of a few new books she’d been dying to read. Her new reading glasses were
sitting on the table mocking her, a tell-tale sign that old age was creeping up on her.

Today was Tyler’s big race and she was conflicted about watching it. She’d turned down his

half-assed, last-minute invitation to go to the race with the Blakes. Why should she change her
weekend plans for a late invite? Knowing him, if she’d gone he probably would have ditched the race
altogether and fled town again. They had been playing this maddening game of cat and mouse for three
years, and after that intense, passionate night together on the eve of Morgan and Seth’s wedding, she’d
thought they were making progress. After talking for hours, they’d gone down to the stables and had
talked some more before they made love. Tyler had never been so open and sweet. He’d come close
before when she visited for Jake’s first birthday party. That’s when it hit her that Tyler was different
when he was at the ranch. When he was home, he was Tyler Blake, not that jet-setting idiot that
roamed around the world looking for good times and infamy.

It had been wonderful. Then he’d bolted from the ranch without so much as a goodbye.
She couldn’t take any more of his shenanigans. One minute he was running from her like she had

a disease, the next he was accosting her new boyfriend, Finn, in yoga class in a jealous rage. Finn had
been so flustered he thought it would be best if they didn’t see each other anymore. Good riddance.
What woman in her right mind wanted a man who scared that easily? Finn did leave her with
something to ponder. No matter how sophomoric Tyler’s behavior, it was obvious he cared about her.

She turned on the television and reluctantly found the channel covering Tyler’s race. She hated

seeing him whip around the track like a madman. Why did he have to go flying around like that?
Because he was an immature action junky who lived to torment her. And just think—she could be
down there right now seeing the race live, but she’d declined his half-assed invitation.

He crossed the finish line and the announcer declared Tyler the winner. She was happy for him,

realizing his dream despite the danger, and the night before each race, she’d say a prayer that he’d
come back in one piece.

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When he climbed out of his car, her throat went dry. Why did he have to look so incredible in

that racing suit today? Those mischievous green eyes sparkled and he needed a shave. He had that
gruff, sexy look down to a science.

Tyler got ready to speak to the announcer when a cheap floozy rushed him and planted a big wet

kiss on his lips. At first it didn’t seem like he was into it, but when he didn’t pull away after three
Mississippis, Michelle threw a candy cane at the television.

“Why do I bother?” she mumbled as she turned off the TV and went into the kitchen to check on

the salmon she had in the oven. “Because you’re an idiot, that’s why.”

The sound of the text message alert on her cell phone pierced the quiet space. It could only be an

eye witness to the smooch from hell. Michelle bit her lip, determined not to cry over Tyler Blake
anymore. She’d had enough of him. It was time to move on.

* * *

It felt good to be back home at the ranch. Tyler should have felt like a million bucks after the

great win on Saturday, but he felt like crap. He’d called Michelle repeatedly after the race, but she
didn’t answer, and that wasn’t a good sign. Normally she would at least pick up and tell him what an
asshole he was, but for the past two days there had been nothing but eerie silence. The kiss from the
groupie was easy enough to explain, but he was all out of excuses, as Morgan put it the other night at

“I love you both, and I just want you to be happy. Everything will work out for the best.” Morgan

kissed him on the cheek and handed him a bowl of ice cream.

Besides the statement being anticlimactic, it was totally un-Morganlike. His feisty sister-in-law

butted in and pushed, that was her thing. If she wasn’t pushing, it meant she’d given up.

The severity of the situation began to sink into his dense brain. His brother Seth just smiled and

helped Jake and the boys finish their dessert. Tyler needed to figure out his intentions towards
Michelle, but it seemed he no longer had time on his side. He knew he didn’t want her seeing Finn, or
any other idiot who might wander into the bookstore and make a play for her.

Ranch work didn’t sound like an ideal way to burn off the pent-up energy coursing through his

veins, but he didn’t mind. He had headed down to the stables bright and early to get his chores done
before anyone else was awake. The motivation for it was his momma telling him she had a surprise
for him. News of the early Christmas present made him toss and turn all night, anticipating opening it
the next day. The family kept mum about it, and he was shocked that even his blabbermouth brother
Channing couldn’t be coaxed into squealing. He’d returned to the house and was on his third cup of
coffee, waiting for his mother to come downstairs.

“My, you’re up earlier than usual. I thought you had ranch duties today?” His mother Teri-Lyn

ran her hand through his hair as she entered the kitchen.

“I’ve already done them. Bo said he’d never seen me move so fast in my life.”
“Want some breakfast? Then I’ll take you to your present.” She smiled.
“I’d rather have my present now.” Tyler grinned.
“Get the eggs before I put you over my knee.” Teri-Lyn pointed toward the fridge.
A few minutes later she yelled for Tyler to slow down as he scoffed down the bacon and eggs.

After she cleared the table and nibbled on some toast while she had a second cup of coffee, she was

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finally ready to go. He hopped in the passenger seat of the truck and accompanied her as she tootled
around the ranch, taking the time to stop and chat with the landscaper.

Finally, his mother turned down a road leading to the south side of the ranch. The stretch of land

looked more manicured than usual and there was new white fencing leading to a paved road. Beyond
the fence, a five lane mockup of the Daytona Speedway had been constructed, complete with a pit
lane, garage, spectator mound, announcer’s booth, and the best part of it all—two new race cars.

Teri-Lyn pulled to a stop by the gate.
“I don’t believe it.” Tyler got out of the truck.
“I thought you could use some space to practice when you didn’t feel like leaving the ranch.”

Teri-Lyn said.

“Momma!” Tyler grabbed her and swung her around. “This is awesome. I don’t know what to


“Just say you’ll be careful.” Teri-Lyn laughed.
“I promise.” He smiled. “It means a lot to me that you’re supporting me.”
“I had no doubt that one day you’d find something that caught your interest. I didn’t think it would

be racing cars, but I’m happy for you nonetheless.”

“Did daddy mention anything to you about …all of this?” Tyler asked. He was curious about his

father’s opinion on his new found career, but he’d been too afraid to ask.

The look his mother gave him was one of puzzled amusement. “You remind me of him when he

was your age.”

Tyler’s eyes widened. “That’s hard to believe.”
“Trust me, your daddy wasn’t always the laid back rancher he’s become over the years. He was

rough and rowdy and looking for trouble everywhere he turned. You get that sense of adventure from

“You also got his good looks, stubbornness, arrogance and penchant for fighting.” She punched

him on the arm.

“Daddy? He sounds like he was quite a handful.” Tyler scratched at his temple.
“Yes, he was.” She shook her head.
“So how did he manage to snag you?”
She laughed. “A lot of beggin’. Which is what you’ll have to do to get back in Michelle’s good

graces after the smooch from that groupie hussy.”

Tyler’s head whipped around. What did she know about him and Michelle?
“Momma, it’s complicated.”
“What’s complicated about love?”
“Who said anything about love?”
“You’ve never asked me to go shopping with you to pick out a gift for a lady friend until last

month, when you wanted to buy her that bracelet for Christmas.”

Tyler shrugged. “You have good taste.” The exquisite charm bracelet his mother helped him pick

out was sure to bring a smile to Michelle’s face. He had planned to give it to her for Christmas, but
that was before the kissing debacle after the race.

She gave him a stern but loving motherly look. “You don’t fool me. You care about her.”
“Want to race?”
Tyler’s eyes widened. Was this his mothering talking? “What have you done with Teri-Lyn

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“Are we gonna stand here flappin’ our gums, or are we going to christen your new track?” Teri-

Lyn put on a racing helmet and pulled on the strap to tighten it.

“I won’t show you any mercy, even if you are my Momma.”
“What makes you think this is my first time in a race car? Before I had you kids, I had a pretty

interesting life.” She winked and got in her car.

By the time Tyler got in and turned on the car, his momma was already half way around the

track. She was quick, but it was her comments about love that slowed his pace. The possibility of
giving Michelle that bracelet for Christmas was looking bleak.

* * *

Michelle walked through the bookstore, satisfied they were ready for the holiday rush. She loved

this time of year, the hustle and bustle of the customers always put her in a good mood. Today she
would be doing orientation for her temporary holiday help, which included Morgan’s teenage niece

“Hi, Michelle.” Avery came bouncing into the office and greeted her with a hug. “I’m here for

orientation training.”

“You’re very early.” She tossed the teen a blueberry scone she’d made that morning.
“I wanted to be on time for my first day on the job. Dad says I should be an even better employee

since Aunt Morgan owns the bookstore.”

Michelle smiled. “Honey, nepotism is a time-honored tradition, take advantage of it. How’s the

babysitting going?” Avery had been babysitting Morgan and Seth’s boys in her spare time.

“Jake’s no problem. He keeps busy drawing or playing with his toys. But the twins are another

story. The trick is to keep them busy until they collapse from exhaustion.” She giggled. “Uncle Seth
pays me a hundred dollars each time I watch them.”

“Maybe I should charge to watch those little twin Tasmanian devils.” Michelle flipped through

the invoices. She loved Connor and Colby but often needed a vacation after babysitting the
precocious duo. “Well, the orientation will be short. You’ll start next Saturday and we’ll work out
your hours. I promised your dad it wouldn’t interfere with your studies, like that would ever happen.”

She rolled her eyes. “Daddy likes to worry about everything.”
“I made cookies for the last book club since this will be the last meeting for the holidays.”

Michelle held up a tin.

“Cool. I thought we could do a movie night of the books we’ve read that have been made into


“That’s a great idea. I have a few motivational books I’d like to sneak onto the list as well.

When your aunt comes back from Texas, we’re going to do some event planning for next year. I’d like
you to take a more active role in the book club. What do you think?”

“I love it!” She clapped.
“I thought you’d like that.”
Something on Morgan’s desk caught the teen’s attention. It was Tyler’s latest magazine cover.

Full Throttle magazine did a full feature on what they called “the most impressive up-and-coming
driver in the industry.” He looked absolutely sinful on the cover. Those green eyes sparkled, and

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those faint dimples sent chills down Michelle’s spine. The day it arrived, the store was flooded with
women looking for their eye-candy fix. After the third skanky chick came and asked if they had the
issue with Seth Blake’s hot younger brother on the cover, she hid them in the back room and watched
Morgan look for them for half the day. It was only when Morgan picked up the phone to rip the
distributor a new one did she confess they were all stuffed in her desk. Morgan just shook her head
and laughed, telling her payback was a bitch. She’d often had to talk Morgan down when Seth had
done a salacious photo shoot.

“Did you watch Uncle Tyler’s race? He was awesome.”
Yeah, it was awesome until the end. “I caught bits and pieces of it.”
Avery took a seat in Morgan’s chair. “I have to admit I didn’t like racing until he became a

driver. He’s amazing.”

“I was thinking of another word.” Michelle lifted off the chair and handed Avery a floor plan.

“Think you can help me create a kick ass display to attract teen readers?”

Avery headed to the front of the store while Michelle looked over the orientation packets.

Everything seemed in order and she hoped to get her temporary helpers working immediately. The
bookstore was doing well and could do even better if they had a chance to expand. They kept up with
all the latest titles but there were more things they could do if they had more space. Now that she was
the store manager she could bring some of her loftier plans to fruition. She just needed Morgan to sit
still long enough to listen to them.

There was a tap on the office door. It was Nina and Gabby.
“Hi, ladies!” Michelle got up and reached for the little girl, who was stylishly dressed in a

winter white toggle coat like her mom’s, right down to the matching tam. “What brings you two by?”

“Oh, I can only drop by when Morgan is here? I thought we settled that the last time you asked.”

Nina laughed as she unbuttoned her coat.

“Force of habit.” Michelle sat Gabby on the couch and handed her the latest children’s book they

got in that had yet to be stocked on the shelves.

Nina pulled an envelope out of her pocketbook. “I bring you good tidings. Here are your

earnings from the Future Leaders event. I owe you big for coming to my rescue with those desserts.”

“No charge Nina, you know that.” When the caterer Nina hired for an event flaked on her, she

immediately called Michelle, who’d been only too happy to share her most decadent creations.

“Nonsense. Everything you made was a big hit.”
“And I helped a friend. End of story.”
“Well, my friend, Oliver Mancini, the guy who produces cooking shows, was there and was

very impressed by your work. I sang your praises and told him about your food blog. He said he was
producing a new show about a budding superstar chef in the making and asked if I thought you’d be
interested in auditioning!”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Nina shook her head. “I wouldn’t dare.”
Avery popped her head into the office. “Excuse me, Michelle, Uncle’s Seth’s friend Derek is at

the front desk. He said thanks for the books and asked if you have time for a coffee with him.”

“Thanks, Avery. Tell him I’ll be out in a minute.” Michelle couldn’t control the heated flush she

felt creeping up her cheeks.

Derek Popovich, the goalie for the Philadelphia Ice Pirates and good friend of Seth’s, had come

to the bookstore a few times looking for books on the Alamo. It wasn’t until the third visit and two

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cappuccinos later that she realized he was flirting. The man looked like a Viking with a hockey stick
in his hand when he was on the ice. She kicked herself every day for never giving Derek an answer
the time he’d asked her to have dinner with him.

She scooted to the other side of her desk to get out of the glare she saw coming from Nina.
“How often do you and Derek have coffee?”
“He’s just being nice. I’m helping him track down some hard to get books about the Alamo.”

Michelle pulled at her sweater cuff.

“You’re a bad liar, Michelle. Spill it.”
“What? The man needs a book, I work in a bookstore.” Michelle looked away.
Nina pouted. “I can’t believe Morgan didn’t tell me about this juicy gossip.”
“I didn’t think it would be wise to tell Morgan, given my unhealthy relationship with Tyler, that

Seth’s friend has been asking me out for the last three months.”

“I can see the dilemma, especially after Tyler threatened poor Finn. Could you imagine Tyler

getting into a fight with Derek? Shirts off. Hard bodies oiled up, engaging in a fight to the death for a
chance to claim you. That’s a pay per view event I’d pre-order today.”

“Do I need to get the hose on you? And Gabby is right there. She’s living up to her nick name.

That girl tells Patton everything she hears and he repeats it to Seth.” Michelle pinched Nina.

They peered through the crack of the double doors. Derek was standing there in all his glory

dressed in jeans and a gray pea coat, looking simply gorgeous. He had a duffle bag slung over his

“What would be wrong about dating that hunk of a man?” Nina mumbled. “Have you seen him on

the ice? He’s the reason I’m a hockey fan.”

“I bet Patton would love to hear that. I’m totally going to blackmail you on that one.”
“Why don’t you want to go out with him? Hell, sleep with him at least once and give me all the

details. He looks like he knows his way around a bed post.” Nina’s cell phone rang. She reached into
her pocket to see Morgan’s face displayed. “Damn it, it’s Morgan. I think she can sense we’re having
impure thoughts.”

“You distract her. Try to sound natural. Her trouble radar has really sharpened since she had the

twins. I’m going out to see what Derek wants.”

“You know what he wants. Are you gonna give it to him?” Nina smiled and pushed Michelle

through the double doors. “Hey, Morgan. No, nothing’s wrong…I just dropped by the bookstore to get
something for Gabby.”

* * *

Nina was right, Derek did look delectable today. There were a few times when she imagined

spreading whipped cream all over that broad chest of his. It didn’t help quell her fantasies when he
smiled at her like he was doing now. It was enigmatic with a hint of devious, like he had a bad joke
on the tip of his tongue.

“Derek, nice to see you again.”
He smiled. “I thought I’d check to see if the book had come in, and see you, of course.”
The sound of that deep voice coupled with that gorgeous smile always got her. She was

impressed that he didn’t have any false teeth, a common occupational hazard for hockey players.

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“I did some digging and found a few more books that weren’t on your list. I was able to get them

shipped to the store. How did you get so interested in the Alamo?”

“I fell in love with Texas after visiting Seth at his ranch. He took me on a tour of the Alamo and I

felt a strange connection to it. I think it was a fascinating period of time in American history. Did you
do something with your hair?” Derek pushed a lock of hair away from her eye.

She smiled. “I got some highlights last week. Thanks for noticing.”
“How about that coffee? I have time before I go to the stadium.” He motioned to the café area.
“I’m sorry, I have an orientation with the seasonal helpers in an hour and I must get ready.” He

wasn’t making it easy. Why was she trying to dissuade him again? Yeah. The non-committal cowboy
she slept with months ago.

“Perhaps we can have dinner at the Slap Shot.”
“I don’t—” Michelle stopped herself before she could refuse. Tyler had just kissed a woman on

national television, living up to his playboy reputation. Why should she keep chasing a man who
clearly wasn’t going to change? Why shouldn’t she get on with her life? She gave him her biggest
smile. “I don’t have any plans for the weekend. Dinner would be nice.”

She watched him walk out the door, thinking about what Nina said about Derek and Tyler

wrestling around half naked, vying for her affections. Michelle picked up a flyer from the counter and
waved it back and forth in front of her face. It may have been December, but it was suddenly hotter
than a July heat wave in the bookstore.

Michelle walked back to the office after Nina signaled her twice to get back there.
“Well, well. He’s persistent.”
“How did you know what he said?”
“I hit the intercom button.” Nina pointed to the phone system.
“If only that jerk Tyler would put half as much effort into seeing me.” Michelle noticed Nina had

snuck the envelope in between the pile of invoices on her desk.

Nina shrugged. “Some men are not comfortable with expressing their feelings.”
“He can express lust just fine.”
“Well, I say do what feels right, and then do it all the time.” Nina smiled. “So back to the

audition. How about it? I think it would be a great opportunity for you.”

“You think?”
“There’s five thousand dollars in that envelope. What do you think?”
Michelle smiled. Maybe it was time to try new things.

* * *

Tyler dumped the bags of ice over the beers in the cooler. Winning a major race that catapulted

his racing career into the limelight didn’t mean squat when he was back at home and relegated to the
role of little brother. Tonight his brothers were playing poker in J.J.’s new home, which he shared
with his girlfriend Sam. It was an architectural masterpiece that boasted big spacious rooms to
accommodate a large family. Sam loved the holidays and it showed. There were Christmas
decorations in every room and a huge tree that seemed to take up half the living room, a vast contrast
to J.J.’s ex-wife Eden’s refusal to celebrate anything.

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Tyler pulled out his phone and scrolled his contacts in search of Michelle’s picture. Seeing that

bright, infectious smile always made his heart skip a beat. He pressed call. The phone rang a few
times, then went to voicemail. His ears perked up at the new greeting.

“Hi, it’s Michelle the Novel Foodie. I’m busy right now conjuring up delicious new recipes.

Please leave a message if your name isn’t Tyler Blake and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”

He ran a hand over his face and disconnected the call. Maybe he’d have better luck at poker


“Tyler, you gonna be all day with those beers?” J.J. yelled from the living room.
“I’m comin’!” He picked up the cooler and headed in. “I don’t know why you’re in a hurry for

me to take your money.”

His brother Tate took the cooler from him and set it by the card table. “No risk of that. You stink

and you have a million different tells.”

“Quiet before I call Isabelle over. She’ll distract you and it will make taking your money all that

much easier.”

“No way,” his brother Channing said. “This is a woman-free zone tonight. Thank God.”
“Woman trouble?” J.J. grabbed two icy beers from the cooler and passed him one.
Channing took it and popped the cap. “Just when I think I’m making progress with Emma, she

goes in a totally different direction.”

“Welcome to the club,” Seth said and began shuffling the cards. “Now sit down and ante up.”
The doorbell rang. J.J. went to answer it and came back with Bo Jr. “Look who decided to join


“Bo!” They all yelled.
Bo wore a navy blue sweater over a striped dress shirt without a tie tonight. It was pretty daring

casual dress for him on a Friday evening.

“Bo, so glad you could make it.” Tyler smiled.
“I come bearing gifts.” Bo put two bottles of single malt scotch on the table.
“Now we’re talkin’,” Seth said, and headed to the kitchen for glasses.
“Nice,” Tate said. “I’m almost going to feel bad about taking your money, Jamison.”
Bo laughed. “And I won’t feel bad at all about supplementing my retirement fund by swindling

money from you losers.”

“Big talk from a man who once had a pig chase him at the county fair.”
“That pig had it in for me.” Bo rubbed his hand over his face. “Congrats on your win, Tyler.”
“Thanks, man.” Tyler nodded. “When was the last time you came to a poker game?”
Bo pulled up a chair. “That would have to be the night Seth played Texas hold ’em with your

dad for the ranch.”

“That was an epic night,” Tyler said. “Daddy let Seth win.”
“Did not!” Seth yelled from the kitchen.
Channing tapped the chair next to him. “This is the section for the lovelorn.”
“You too?” Bo asked. He and his girlfriend Felicia had recently broken up.
“Yeah. But the good news is that Tyler may be off the market soon.” Channing waggled his


“Oh, that pretty woman you were slow dancing with at the wedding until Seth’s little boy cut

in?” Bo laughed.

“Her name is Michelle. And don’t remind me about Jake using his cute bit. He’s getting pretty

good at it,” Tyler huffed.

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“That’s what you get for using my son when he was a baby to hit on women. The student

becomes the master.” Seth returned from the kitchen with glasses and bowls of chips and salsa.

“So what are we doing for the holidays this year? I have to put my order in soon for the ten

turkeys I’ll need to cook,” Tate said.

“We’ll all be at Momma and Daddy’s house this year,” Channing said.
“I can’t wait until the boys see what I go them for Christmas.” Tyler grinned.
“Ten turkeys?” Bo mused.
Tate laughed. “I remember that big appetite you have, Bubba. I do believe after that pig stopped

chasing you, you put him on a spit and barbecued him.”

“What about that pie eating contest he’d enter every year?” Channing asked. “Why you never

gained any weight was beyond me.”

“I have a naturally high metabolism and I work out.” Bo held up his shirt to reveal sculptured


“Let’s play. I’d like to see my woman by midnight.” J.J. tried to suppress a grin and dealt the


“It’s good to see you happy J.J.” Channing grinned. “It’s a bit disgusting seeing you two make

out all the time, but I’m still happy for you.”

“So Bo, are you coming home for Christmas?” Tyler asked.
Bo nodded. “There’s no place else I’d rather be.”
Tyler loved poker nights. He loved each and every one of their rowdy asses. It was the love of

this family that spurred a feeling that it was time for love in his life. Maybe it was time to stop
running from the one woman he couldn’t get out of his mind. Too bad she wasn’t returning his calls.

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Chapter Two

Michelle stared at the computer screen hoping the answer to her recipe problem would

magically manifest. She and Morgan were working on her new apple pie recipe, hoping to put a new
spin on an old classic. It had been two weeks since she started her cold-turkey program to rid herself
of Tyler Blake. Morgan tried to bring it up, but Michelle politely declined to talk about seeing Tyler’s
television smooch. With all that behind her, she was doing remarkably well, and she funneled her
energy into cooking for the holidays. The only problem was her apartment—it was beginning to look
like a bakery. Each time she thought about precious wasted moments she’d spent on that cowboy,
she’d bake something. There were cakes, pies, cookies and tarts everywhere. Which was why she
was using Morgan’s kitchen, instead.

She’d been playing with the new apple pie recipe for a few weeks now. It was a lazy Saturday

afternoon, and she always enjoyed spending the day with Morgan, Seth and the boys. They were going
to decorate the tree tonight and make a gingerbread house. She loved this time of year and loved
Morgan’s enthusiasm for the holidays. Seth had a giant scale model freight train installed that
transported the boys through the house. Morgan had a hard time getting them out of it when it was time
for their baths.

“I think we need to add another teaspoon of cinnamon,” Michelle said.
“OK.” Morgan added another scoop to the bowl. “It smells so good in here. I’m going to take a

bite of that pie the minute it comes out of the oven.”

“Well, there’s a cooling period. I’d hate for a burned tongue to stop you from fooling around

with Seth. But you deserve first slice for letting me use your kitchen.” Michelle chuckled.

“Any time.” Morgan hugged her. “I’m sorry we have to get together at my house all the time. I

promise we can mix it up a bit. Maybe have dinner at the Slap Shot or have a girl’s night at your
place sometime.”

Michelle looked away at the mention of Derek’s bar. She’d never told Morgan about Derek’s

visits to the store or his dinner invitation. “Let’s see, my dinky apartment covered with rapidly
moldering baked goods, or a penthouse with a spacious kitchen, state of the art appliances and two
double ovens. I think it’s a no brainer.”

“Your apartment is not dinky. It’s just not conducive to your new hobby. So cook away.”
“Did I ever tell you how happy I am that we’re friends?”
“Well I would think you don’t bake tasty apple pies for just anybody.”
“Nope. I relegate my specialties to my favorite couple.” Michelle poured the pie filling into the

dough covered glass pie dish. “By the way, Harold died.”

“Harold? The owner of the flower shop next door to the bookstore?”
Michelle leaned against the counter. “This explains why we haven’t seen him in a month.”
“I just assumed he was in the Hamptons or something. He was loaded. We need to find out

where to send flowers.”

“I already did. It felt pretty ironic to send flowers to a florist’s family. But this means his

building will be up for sale! We could buy it and expand the bookstore.”

“Our business neighbor just died. Now is not the time to pillage his land.”
“I may not know all the complexities of life, but I do know a dead man doesn’t need a building.

Maybe that bigwig commercial real estate guy Shane Bracht can investigate for you.”

“I’m going to miss Harold. He would bring us those expensive Swiss chocolates that cost about

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a million dollars a pound and the occasional floral arrangement for the front of the store. If nothing
else, your taste buds should be in mourning.”

“Damn, I forgot about that. Harold did always call us the daughters he would have wanted if

he’d been foolish enough to conceive children. But this could be a good opportunity for Reed Books.
Promise me you’ll think about it. We could expand the bookstore without having to open another store
in the city,” Michelle said.

“I’ll think about it. So…” Morgan coughed. “Have you heard from Tyler?”
“Since he locked lips on national television with that hussy? I refuse to answer his calls.”

Michelle put on oven mitts and slid the pie into the oven.

“Wow.” Morgan stilled. “We never really talked about what happened between you and Tyler

the night before my wedding.”

“I didn’t think you wanted to hear that for the umpteenth time, I was an idiot and fell for his

charms.” Michelle pretended to read over the next recipe, a fruit tart.

“You’ve been different since that night.”
“We did”—Michelle waggled her eyebrows—”you know. The horizontal hokey pokey.”
“I figured as much. But I was talking about something else.”
“There comes a time in life when you have to stop deluding yourself about fruitless situations

and I am at that point.”

“It wasn’t his fault. I’m pretty sure that skank initiated the kiss. Tyler was gracious about it but

he wasn’t happy that night.”

Michelle glared at Morgan. “Since when do you stick up for Tyler?”
“I was just pointing out that the kiss was not his idea. He was ambushed on national TV by some

woman who’d been following him around for weeks.”

“They probably slept together,” Michelle huffed.
Morgan shook her head. “No, they didn’t.”
“And how do you know that?”
“I can’t say. I promised Seth I wouldn’t meddle.”
Michelle gave her an expectant look.
“That’s like asking the sun not to shine. Your voice in my ear whispering the perils of that man is

what has kept me from doing stupid things. I’m so over it and him. Tyler Blake can go—”

“Hey, ladies. How’s the baking going?” Seth said loudly as he entered the kitchen with the three

boys, who all had tree lights wrapped around them.

“The apple pie is baking. Now we’re on to the fruit tart recipe,” Morgan said.
“Seth, you and the boys make good guinea pigs.” Michelle handed Jake and the twins short bread

cookies shaped like candy canes. “Jake, I want your opinion on this when you’re done.”

“OK.” Jake took a big bite.
“So you were saying very nice things about my brother a few seconds ago?” Seth went to the

fridge and got juice boxes for the boys.

“Don’t worry, I won’t say anything disparaging about their Uncle Tyler in front of them,”

Michelle said.

“By all means, if it makes you feel any better, disparage away.” Seth laughed.
“Sorry boys, Aunt Michelle is in a bad mood.” Michelle handed them another cookie.
“What are we having for dinner?” Seth rubbed his stomach.
“Braised beef ribs for the grownups and spaghetti and meatballs for the junior football players,”

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she said.

“Let’s get back to sorting the decorations, boys,” Seth said, shepherding Jake, Connor and Colby

out of the kitchen.

“They are growing like weeds.” Michelle said.
“And there’s nothing I can do about it.” Morgan went to the sink and rinsed off the vegetables for

dinner. “So what are you going to do about your Tyler situation?”

“Sometimes I wish I could just tie him to a chair and force him to answer all of my questions.”

Michelle retrieved the beef ribs from the fridge and slammed them down on the counter.

Morgan looked up from dicing the carrots. “Maybe you should.”
“Tie him to a chair and make him own up to all his bullshit.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.” Michelle tapped her fingers on the counter.
“Not if it’s done right.” Morgan winked.
Michelle barked out a laugh.”And where would I take him?”
“The Blakes have properties all over. Pick one. You’ll have privacy and no worries about the

time. But you’ll need reinforcements.” Morgan took her cell phone out of her back pocket and put it
on the counter.

Michelle began scrolling through Morgan’s contacts then stopped in her tracks. What was she

doing? Was she actually conspiring to kidnap a grown man so she could coerce him into admitting his
feelings—or lack thereof? This sounded very much like a creepy movie of the week. Was she that

“What about your promise to Seth not to meddle?”
“We all know I was doomed to break that promise.” Morgan chuckled.
“Doesn’t this all sound a bit desperate?” Michelle bit her lip.
Morgan folded her arms across her chest. “The only thing desperate about this is going to be

Tyler Blake as he figures out a way to save his skin.”

* * *

Tyler was delighted that Sam was going to accompany him to New York for his first big

interview in Sports Now magazine. As head of Regency Private Security Group, who provided
security for Black Enterprises, she had spent years bailing him out of one crazy predicament after
another, always followed by the lecture of a lifetime about his wild lifestyle. That all seemed like a
thousand years ago. These days she spent most of her time at Blake Enterprises, overseeing a huge
overhaul of their cyber division and hadn’t been out on an active detail in a while. Tyler knew that
had to be J.J.’s doing, trying to keep her safe.

Tyler cleared his throat. J.J. and Sam were no closer to ending their passionate embrace than

they were twenty minutes ago. J.J. proposed last night, breaking their agreement to living together for
six months before marriage but Sam had happily accepted.

“You’re kissing the woman like she’s going off to war,” he finally said.
“Shut up, Tyler,” J.J. replied. “She’s traveling with you. Anything is possible.”
“You know, you’re not the first Blake to propose to Sam.” Tyler raised an eyebrow.
J.J. glared at him. “What?”

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“I proposed to Sam in Fiji and she turned me down.”
Sam grinned and gave J.J. one last kiss on the cheek. “Actually, Tyler, you were pretty trashed

that night and proposed to my partner Kendrick, not me. He was pretty conflicted for a few weeks.
He’d never had a handsome rich man ask him to marry him before.”

J.J. erupted in laughter. “Tyler, if my fiancée has so much as a toothache when she gets back, I’m

going to wring your neck.”

“I’ll be back before you know it.” Sam gave J.J. a tight squeeze.
Tyler bid his brother goodbye and ascended the steps of the plane. Sam came in a few minutes

later and talked briefly with the flight crew. He checked his cell phone one more time to see if
Michelle had called or sent a text, but no luck. He put the phone in airplane mode and slipped it back
in his pocket. Once everyone was seat belted in, the plane took off smoothly.

He was excited about the interview, his first feature in a major magazine. Learning the ins and

outs of the racing circuit from Scott Norwood was easy—it was deciding what direction he wanted to
take his career in that was the most taxing. He enjoyed driving fast and perfecting his craft, but the
legacy of his family name was always the topic in interviews. When people found out who his
brothers were, they suddenly wanted to know his intentions. There were times when being a Blake
seemed like a burden to him, the only one of them who didn’t have superior athleticism, musical talent
or academic smarts. He was just Tyler, and his Momma told him all the time that being him was all
she wanted. Still, when all your brothers were celebrities, there was an underlying pressure to

Once she finished chatting with her partner Kendrick, Sam gave him a cranberry juice and

poured herself ginger ale, then took a seat across from him.

“Thanks, Sam.” Tyler smiled.
“You’re welcome.” She undid the button of her suit jacket and smiled back.
“So you and J.J. are tying the knot ahead of schedule. Doesn’t that put a wrinkle in your


“We revised the terms.” Sam tried to suppress a grin. She and J.J. had concocted an elaborate

agreement for how she was to keep her security job without interference from her well-meaning, but
slightly overbearing, fiancée, who wanted to keep her safely out of the line of fire. Along the way, the
agreement had grown to include terms for a wedding and a requisite number of adorable little baby

“That’s great. Momma was floating around the house this morning when she heard the news.”
“I’m delighted to hear it. She said she would love to help me plan the wedding. Morgan and

Isabelle offered to pitch in too.”

“I know how much my brother loves you and what a difference you’ve made in his life. Hell, all

of our lives. Thanks to you I got my big brother back. Momma has this big extravaganza planned for
the holidays, and the engagement is going to the icing on the cake.”

Sam sipped on her ginger ale. “I scheduled my vacation that week to make sure there are no

emergencies to take me away from the festivities.”

Tyler was silent for a moment. “So tell me. What takes you away from the cyber security project

to babysit me in New York? Isn’t this kind of a bullshit detail for you these days?”

“Why wouldn’t I want to escort my future brother-in-law around?” She grinned.
“You remember that time in Mexico?” Tyler waggled his eye brows.
“How can I forget?” Sam laughed. “That was the first time I ever had to jump off a cliff.”
“I told you we would make it but you didn’t believe me.”

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“Now, look at you, a respectable citizen with a career.”
“I bet you never thought you’d see the day.” He chuckled.
“On the contrary. I always had faith in you.”
“Admit it. I’m your favorite Blake. You can tell me—I won’t let the boys know.” Tyler winked

at her.

She laughed. “I think I’m obligated to say your brother is my favorite since we’re getting


“I couldn’t ask for a better person to take care of his heart.”
“What about your heart?”
The idea of someone playing such a pivotal role in his happiness made him leery. Perhaps it was

witnessing Seth’s relationship with Penny crash and burn or the tug of war J.J. played with Eden all
those years ago that had soured him on love when he was younger. But times had changed. Seth had
been searching for meaning after his Super Bowl win when he met Morgan. Cupid hit his rough-
riding, velvety-voiced brother Tate right on the tushy with a love arrow and he fell for Isabelle. J.J.
was gearing up to be a confirmed bachelor when fate stepped in and led him to Sam.

What really bothered Tyler the most is that words like cupid and tushy were now in his


He suddenly felt fatigued. His eyelids felt heavy and he couldn’t keep them open.
“I’m sorry, what did you ask me?”He ran a hand over his face.
“What about your heart? Do you ever think about—”
“Settling down?” he huffed.
“No, about opening your heart and letting someone in there.”
“Baby steps, Sam. Baby steps.” Tyler tried to raise his glass but it felt heavy in his hand.
“Don’t let a good thing slip through your fingers. No woman waits forever.”
Sam’s words seemed to drip from her mouth like molasses. Tyler wanted to reply, but the inside

of the plane was getting fuzzy. He could see Sam taking the glass out of his hand and smiling, then
everything went dark.

* * *

Michelle’s hand was shaking like a leaf when Seth gave her the keys to his house in Colorado.

She was nervous as hell, and was on the verge of chickening out until she got a reassuring hug from
Morgan at the private airport.

“Just remember your objective, and you’ll be fine. You’ll get there a day ahead, so take it easy

and go sightseeing or something. I can’t wait for your report on the house.” Morgan beamed.

“Why haven’t you gone to the house in Colorado?”
“Haven’t had the time. We try to give Teri-Lyn and John Jacob as much face time with the boys

as we can, so we’re always in Texas. But I saw pictures, and Seth says it’s really nice. It’s just
missing a woman’s touch.”

“Do you think Sam can get Tyler to the house?”
“Absolutely. I hope you get the answers you’re looking for. You deserve nothing but happiness,

and if you think Tyler is the key to that, I wish you the best.”

“To tell you the truth, I feel bad putting you in the middle of all this. I just want you to know if

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this doesn’t work out, I promise it won’t be weird.”

“Please, we thrive on weird. Now go rope yourself a cowboy.” Morgan kissed her on the cheek.
Michelle liked the private plane and Sam had arranged for a security specialist from Regency,

her company, to greet her when she touched down. The scenic view from the airport to the house was
beautiful and made her wish she had more time to go sightseeing. After the walk-through of the house,
the security rep gave her the rundown of alarm codes and told her the SUV in the garage had been
gassed up. She felt better knowing security wouldn’t be too far away in case she needed something.
She had a day to set the scene, but it all passed in a whirl because before she knew it, she was pacing
the living room, waiting for Sam to arrive with the package.

The “package” was a six-foot-two race car driver who was bound to be severely pissed off

once he found out what she’d done. The Blake women, including Teri-Lyn, were all on board for this
venture to bring Tyler to a secluded place he couldn’t easily escape. Michelle just hoped she could
make her hands stop shaking.

She heard the car pull up and didn’t wait for the doorbell to ring. She opened the door and saw

Kendrick, Sam’s partner, carrying Tyler over his shoulder.

Michelle gasped. “Is he OK?”
Kendrick plunked an unconscious Tyler on the sofa.
“He’s fine.” Sam laughed. “I checked his vitals. It was a mild sedative. It should wear off in

about an hour.”

“Sam, you seem like you’ve done this before.” Michelle raised an eyebrow.
“This would be my third and hopefully last time with Tyler.”
“The gorgeous ones are always the most trouble.” Sam pinched his cheek. “Tyler has always

been wild but essentially harmless in the grand scheme of things.”

“How much trouble?” Michelle gulped.
“Michelle, you’re going to be fine. I had Daniel reschedule his interview with Sports Now

magazine for next week.” Sam handed her the keys to the handcuffs. “You remember your objective?”

Michelle nodded. “To torture that little weasel.”
“And,” Sam added, “to find out once and for all where you stand. You care enough to kidnap

him, I think you’re half way there.”

“One would think,” Michelle huffed.
Kendrick’s cough made them both look in his direction. “I draw the line at taking his clothes


“Not necessary. You can go wait in the car.” Sam pointed to the door.
“I deserve a raise,” Kendrick mumbled as he left.
Michelle looked at Sam’s hand, which had a huge engagement ring on it. “Holy cow!

Congratulations!” She hugged her.

“Thank you.” Sam touched the ring.
“Tell me everything. When did J.J. propose?”
“Last night. He was so adorable. He must have rambled on for ten minutes before he got the

words out.”

“J.J. ramble? I would have paid to see that.” Michelle giggled. “When’s the wedding date?”
“I was thinking a few months after Tate and Isabelle tie the knot. I want them to have their day

without the shadow of ours looming over their heads.”

Michelle looked over at Tyler, immobile on the couch. If J.J. of all people could do it, why

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couldn’t Tyler? “I’m so happy for you. J.J. is a great guy. I knew it would take a special woman to
make that handsome man smile again.”

“It does take a special woman to handle a Blake man. You remember that.”
“I will.” Michelle hugged her again. “Thanks, for everything, Sam.”
“No problem. If you need anything just give me a call.”
Michelle thanked her again and walked her out. If Tyler was going to wake in an hour, she

wanted to soften the blow with a good meal. She placed the handcuff on his wrist then tied the other
one to chain that was affixed to the leg of the couch. She hoped grilled cheese and tomato soup would
soften the whole kidnapping thing. Teri-Lyn had told her it was one of his favorite lunches.

Now that he was here and passed out in the next room, it was time for phase two of her plan. If

only she had one.

Her cell phone pinged. It was a text message from Nina wishing her good luck. Michelle’s

fingers flew over the keys, letting her friend know all was well for the moment. She went into the
spacious kitchen and put the finishing touches on the homemade tomato soup she’d prepared earlier.
She was pleased with the results, so she fired up her laptop and posted the recipe on her food blog. A
half hour later she was ready to grill the assembled sandwiches when the trouble started.

“What the hell!” She heard from the living room.
It was time to come up with a phase two.

* * *

Tyler thought he was in a kinky dream until he tried to get up. A pair of very real handcuffs

attached him to a long chain that was connected to the couch. The last thing he remembered, was
talking to Sam. He looked around the room to get some sense of where he was. The surroundings
were very familiar. A picture of Morgan, Seth and the boys sat on the side table. The décor was more
rugged, a faux bearskin rug lay in front of the gray stone fire place. There was a chocolate leather
couch and love seat, not practical for everyday wear and tear of three kids. He could see a cluster of
evergreen trees out the window and what seemed to be J.J.’s house in the distance. He was at Seth’s
house in Colorado.

It was nice to know he was in familiar place, but what the hell was he doing there?
He screamed for a few more minutes, then it all became clear when Michelle, looking ravishing

in a pair of snug fitting jeans and a gray cardigan sweater, appeared in the doorway.

“You’re awake.” Michelle nervously tugged at her ponytail. “Would you like something to eat?

You must be starving.”

“What the hell is going on? Why I am in Colorado chained to Seth’s couch instead of in New

York doing my interview with Sports Now?” He yanked on the chain that was attached to the
underside of the couch.

Michelle wiped her palms on her jeans and tried to smile. “About that. The interview has been

re-scheduled for next week. In the meantime we get to settle some business, Tyler Blake.”

“Rescheduled? What gives you the right to do that?”
“Well for starters, you kissing that racing tart on national television. And—-”
Tyler moved so quickly Michelle didn’t have time to move from the door frame. Kissing her

seemed like a better idea than rehashing that kiss from the groupie. He covered her mouth with his

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until she finally ran out of words. He’d missed that sassy full, lip-gloss covered mouth that always
seemed to taste like bubble gum. He cupped her ass and lifted her up into the air, pressing her against
the wide door frame leading from the living room into the dining room and brought her flush against

She kissed him back like she missed him too, running her fingers roughly through his hair and

tilting his head a little when he thrust his tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss. Ten minutes later
they came up for air.

“Why didn’t you come to see me race?” he whispered.
“No self-respecting woman accepts last minute invitations.” She pushed him off her and moved

out of his reach towards the kitchen. “Lunch will be ready in a few minutes. And I’m still mad at

“Where’s the key to the handcuffs?”.
Michelle lifted up a key she had on a gold chain. “Safe and sound.”
“Can you unchain me?”
“No. The minute I unhook those cuffs you’re out of here. That’s your M.O.”
“How long do you intend to keep me chained up?”
“As long as it takes.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“I’ve never been more serious about anything in my entire life.”

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Chapter Three

Michelle put on her apron and finished preparing lunch. The minute he stood up she knew why

that man drove her to distraction. It was that gruff sex appeal that always drew her to him. Those
mischievous green eyes that twinkled when he talked to her. Hair that seemed to go everywhere on his
head but oddly perfectly in place. The beard that crept up on his face every day by midafternoon even
though he shaved every morning. And soft full lips that were made to be sucked on like a delicious
piece of taffy. The jeans he wore seemed to be clinging to him for dear life, and coupled with the
form-fitting plaid shirt he wore with his favorite pair of cowboy boots was a recipe for disaster.

She’d decided on phase two of her plan. The chain was long enough so he could get to the dining

room table and half bathroom so he couldn’t complain too much. But Tyler would have to earn his
freedom, and that meant he’d have to be honest with her. She just hoped she liked what he had to say.
She heaped the tomato soup into bowls with a dash of cilantro and sliced the grilled cheese. She took
everything out to the dining room. Tyler had turned on the television.

“Lunch is ready.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Are you feeling ill?”
“No, I’m upset.”
“Well, I made one of your favorite meals. Tomato soup with grilled cheese. I used Monterey

jack cheese and fresh tomatoes, just the way you like it.” She set the tray down. Tyler’s eyes
brightened for a moment as he came over and inspected the food. She took that as a good sign.

“If I eat this, will I wake up next month?” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“No! I promise that won’t be happening again.” She held up her hands. “But you have to be

hungry. Let’s call a truce. You get something in your stomach and then you can go back to being
pissed at me when we’re finished eating.”

“Deal,” he grumbled.
Michelle took a seat next to him, placed a linen napkin in his lap and handed him a bowl of soup.

It was hard to gauge his response to the food, but after a few spoonfuls he took half of his grilled
cheese and dipped it into the soup. She’d take the inelegant scoffing down of the food over the
detailed verbal compliment she secretly wanted.

Tyler let out a loud guttural moan that sounded similar to sounds he made when he climaxed.

“This is the best grilled cheese I’ve ever had. It’s simple but fancy.”

“I jazzed it up a bit to accommodate adult taste buds. But the cheese makes a strong statement on

its own.”

“It’s just as good as my momma’s, but she puts a smiley face on the sandwich.” He continued to


“My mom used to do that for me when I was a kid too.” She smiled.
“Oh, Momma did that for me last month when I was home.” He sipped on the fresh brewed

raspberry iced tea.

Her cell phone rang. The caller ID displayed the name of the production company that was

creating the cooking show.

“Sorry, I have to take this call.” Michelle answered the phone and motioned for him to pass the

notepad next to him on the table. “Hello, Nathan. This is Michelle Bradley. Sure, I can have that to
you by Thursday. Thanks so much for the opportunity.”

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She disconnected the call and scribbled notes furiously. The producer liked her application and

wanted her to audition! She needed to email a video of a sample cooking segment from start to finish.
He especially liked her wry wit and suggested she go with it. There were at least five dishes that
sprang to mind but she needed something with vibrant colors that would pop off the screen. It wasn’t
until she felt Tyler pulling her close that she came back to reality.

“You’re leaving the bookstore?” Tyler lifted her chin with his finger.
Was that worry in his voice?
“No.” She reverently shook her head. “I wouldn’t leave Morgan. That was a call about an

audition to be an amateur chef on a local cable show.”

“Who’s Nathan?”
“He’s one of the producers of the show.” She waved him off.
“He couldn’t have his secretary notify you?” Tyler narrowed his eyes.
She shrugged. “We hit it off when I submitted my application. He just wanted me to know he’s in

my corner.”

“Or maybe he just wants to get you cornered.”
“What are you going to do? Go attack him in his yoga class? I can take care of myself, Tyler

Blake. And now that you have a racing career, you won’t have time to go around threatening every
man within breathing distance of me.”

“I’ll make time.”
“As if you care. You don’t want me, but you just don’t want anyone else to have me either.”
That shut him up. When he didn’t reply after a few minutes she continued the conversation. “I

have three days to make the perfect audition video. So you’re in for a treat. But that also means I need
to go out for supplies. You be a good boy until I get back.” Michelle grabbed her purse and the car
rental keys on the hall table and scooted out the door. Phase two would have to wait.

“Don’t worry about me!” Tyler yelled after her. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Sure,

he’d fantasized about him and Michelle in a bondage fantasy, but this was crazy. He looked around
the living room for something to help him out of the cuffs. He checked the chain, but it was screwed
directly into the underside of the couch, and it wasn’t budging. He’d pocketed his cell phone on the
plane but a quick feel around his body came up empty. Perhaps it was in his leather duffle bag that
was near the door. He got up and went towards it, but the chain stopped him a few inches short of
reaching the bag. He threw pillows, his belt with a heavy metal buckle, and a boot but couldn’t drag
the bag any closer. Finally, he combined the boot and the belt and bingo! He caught the duffle bag by a
handle and dragged it into reach.

As soon as he unzipped it, he saw the cell phone and breathed a sigh of relief. Surely, one his

brothers would help him out of this mess.

He dialed Tate, who picked up on the third ring.
“Tate!” Tyler yelled.
“Tyler, what do you want?” Tate mumbled.
“Hi, Tyler,” Isabelle called in the background and giggled.
From all the giggling and groaning going on, it was clear he’d interrupted something. But Tate’s

libido would have to wait.

“Listen to me, I’ve been abducted.”

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“Oh really?”
“Yes, really. I need you to come help me get out of here, or call the police or something.”
“Abducted by who? Do you know where you are?”
“I’m in Colorado at Seth’s house. Michelle has me handcuffed to a couch.”
Tate howled. “I’d hardly call that an abduction, Ty. I just got back from Nashville and I haven’t

seen my woman in five days. Call me back when you’re being held at knife point by a deranged fan
who thinks you’ve been singing to them personally since your first album.”

“That happened to you?” Tyler asked.
“I’ll tell you about it another time.” Tate disconnected the call.
Tyler sighed. He’d try Channing. He was the smart, level-headed one. He hit the button.
“Hey, Tyler.”
“Hey, baby brother. I’m in a jam and I need your help.”
“You’re always in a jam, that’s why I went to law school. Now is not a good time. I’m on a

date.” Channing said in a low voice.

“You on a date? With Emma?”
“No, not with Emma.”
“You old dog. Who’s the new lady?”
“Cassidy Shaw.”
Tyler let out a big, exaggerated sigh. Channing had had a crush on this girl since the first day of

law school. It was almost painful to watch his baby brother’s attempts to help me get next to her.

“That’s not a real date.”
“It’s a work in progress.”
“Well, I have a real problem, here. Michelle kidnapped me.”
“You don’t say? How did she pull that off?”
“I have no idea. I woke up in Seth’s living room at Blake Ridge chained to a couch and she made

me lunch.”

“That sounds awful. Spending time in Seth’s nice house with a girl you can’t stop thinking about

who’s cooking for you.”

“Bro, I’m chained to the couch!”
“How do I know this isn’t some kinky game of yours gone awry?”
“It’s no game! Michelle kidnapped me. I need someone to get out of here.”
“Cassidy’s coming back. I gotta go.”
“Did you not hear what I said?”
“I heard everything. Morgan said you might be calling and to ignore you. Suck it up you big


So Morgan knew about it! That means Sam was part of this, too. That was just great.
“I’m going to get you for this, baby brother. Mark my words. The payback for not coming to my

aid is going to be epic.”

“Have fun. I gotta go.” Channing hung up.
Tyler lay back on the couch and closed his eyes. This wasn’t going well. Spending time with

Michelle was a good thing, especially since he’d been thinking about her so much lately. But being
kidnapped and chained up was seriously uncool.

He’d call J.J. Surely he’d put an end to it.
J.J. answered abruptly. “Tyler, I’m on a conference call, so unless you’re dangling off a cliff,

it’s going to have to wait.”

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The phone disconnected before he could utter a word.
OK, he’d call Seth. His quarterback brother was good at persuading people to do things. He

could talk to Morgan and make her tell Michelle to put an end to this nonsense.

Morgan answered. “Hi, Tyler.”
Tyler groaned. He wasn’t going to get anywhere with a co-conspirator around. “Hey, Morgan. Is

Seth around?”

“Right here.” Seth’s voice boomed as it became apparent they were on speaker phone.
“I couldn’t wait until Christmas to give it to them, so I let the boys open the Christmas present

you got them a little early. They love their Ty Blake racing kits! They each have a shirt, cap and the
model of your car. We even went online and signed up for your racing fan club,” Morgan said.

“Luke’s team is good with putting together things like this. He’ll make sure these decisions are a

good fit with your brand,” Seth added.

“That’s great, Seth. Really. But I’m a little tied up at the moment.”
“We can talk about it when you get back from Denver,” Seth replied.
“So you know where I’m at?”
“I told him you needed a few days to unwind from all the excitement,” Morgan interrupted. “And

that spending time with Michelle would be good for you.”

“Tyler, if you don’t mind, we only have about an hour before the boys wake up,” Seth said.
“Wait! I need your help. You can make another baby later,” he quipped.
“You are spending time with the woman you’ve been thinking about for nearly a year. I assure

you, you don’t need my help.”

“Bye, Tyler.” Morgan snickered.
His name being mentioned on television turned Tyler’s attention to the screen. A recap of the

race he’d won was being analyzed and the commentator said he was the new kid on the block making
his mark. Words like a ‘skilled’ and ‘good instincts’ floated around the table, and it was thrilling to
hear. But what was even better was that no one mentioned his brothers. He was beginning to be
judged on his abilities and performance on the track without the glamorous sidebars about being a

* * *

Michelle returned from the market in a good mood. Tyler figured he’d give her the silent

treatment, but that didn’t seem to bother her. She was flitting about the kitchen putting things away and
cooking, and she seemed to be avoiding him. Pretty strange to kidnap someone then pretend they
weren’t in the room.

A few minutes later, Michelle came into the living room with a tray of hot chocolate and snacks.
“What’s this? Rations for the captive?”
“They’re a peace offering.” She placed the tray down on the coffee table and set a fire in the


He couldn’t ignore how warm and inviting she looked sitting on the faux bearskin rug sending

text messages in her gray sweater and cream leggings. The glow from the roaring fire made her look
even prettier as she sipped on a cup of hot chocolate.

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“Updating your conspirators?” He stoked the logs with a poker.
“No, I updated them after dinner. Everyone says hello.”
“I bet they did.”
“They do know you’re not in any actual danger.”
“Oh? You’re not going to go all Misery on me later and crack my ankles like walnuts?”
“You are so dramatic.” She put her phone away.
“Am I? I wake up in a strange state chained to a couch. I think there’s some cause for alarm.”
“A couch in Seth and Morgan’s living room in Denver.” Michelle corrected him.
“Did you drug this too? I’m liable to wake tomorrow morning butt naked and feeling used.”

Tyler took a seat next to her, surveying the tray of snacks.

She rolled her eyes. “You wish.”
“Who else is helping you with this crime? Besides Sam and Morgan.”
“Isabelle and your mom.” She flashed a cheesy grin.
“My Momma?” Tyler’s eyes widened. Even his mother was in on it?
“I told her I would take good care of her Ty-bear and feed you well. Morgan sends her regards

and says you’re going to love the Christmas present she got for you.”

“It better be a big present.”
“I’m sure it’s something you’ll love. She has a knack for that. I hope she gets the Panini press I

want. Especially since I cut out the picture and put it on her desk.”

Tyler shook his head and laughed. He couldn’t imagine two better friends than his sister-in-law

and his captor.

Morgan’s requests not to hurt her best friend was one of the biggest reasons he’d stayed away

from Michelle. He didn’t want to do anything that would hurt her. But now, after she’d avoiding his
calls for weeks, he was glad she was talking to him, even if he was in chains.

He couldn’t help but notice the handcuff keys dangling off her necklace and sloping down into

her cleavage. His body involuntarily shivered, remembering the first time he brushed his stubble
against the soft mounds of her breasts. The way she moaned when he did it was cause for an ice pack
on his crotch.

She didn’t notice his appreciative looks because she was deep in thought. She looked like she

was trying to plot her next move. Maybe he could help her along and stop this foolishness so they
could get down to what was on both of their minds: having sweaty sex on the faux bearskin rug next to
the fireplace.

“So, is this part where you use me as your sex toy?” He leaned in close to her face.
“It’s been a long day. I’m going to bed.” Michelle got up abruptly, pulled a pillow and blanket

out of a chest and threw it at him.

* * *

Michelle pulled the covers over her head as the blaring alarm flashed three a.m. She could hear

Tyler snoring all the way down the hall, but that would soon change. She put on yoga pants and a
comfortable sweater and made a makeshift ponytail out of her messy hair, ready to put phase two of
her plan into action. She padded into the kitchen and put on the coffee maker, careful not to wake him.
If she was going to be up at such an obnoxious hour, she needed caffeine pumping through her veins.

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She glanced at the clock on the stove, it was now three fifteen. It was time to wake the speed demon
in the other room. She retrieved a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. Once she made it
to the couch, she surreptitiously dumped some of it on him.

“What the hell!” Tyler yelped.
“Good, you’re awake.” She picked up his phone and took a seat in the arm chair across from the


“I would ask if you’ve come to your senses but I have a feeling you’ve only just begun.” He

wiped the water from his face. “Can I get a towel?”

“Depends on how you answer the following questions.”
“What questions?” Tyler furrowed his eyebrows.
“Let’s see what we have here.” Michelle turned on the phone. Tyler’s screen saver was a

picture of Jake, Connor and Colby. It was adorable, but she couldn’t let that weaken her resolve. The
notification alert popped up. He’d received a few calls, probably from one of his tartlets. She opened
the contacts app. Tyler took a deep breath as she scrolled his contacts.

“Let’s see…Gyrating Ginger. She sounds fun.”
“What are you doing with my phone?” She glared at him then went back to perusing his phone.
“You said you had a question.” His jaw ticked.
“Questions, plural. Question one. Why are you such an immature jerk? And for every answer I

don’t like, I’m going to delete a titillating contact like Gyrating Ginger.”

“Give me an example of being immature?” He ran his hand through his hair.
“How about leaving me in Texas to go to Philadelphia and threaten Finn?”
“I didn’t threaten Finn. I just asked how he was going to do yoga with broken legs.”
“Wrong answer. Delete.” Michelle pressed the button like it was a launch button to a nuclear


Tyler gulped when Michelle started scrolling through his cell phone. Luckily he’d deleted all the

nude pics he had on there some time ago when he realized how tech savvy Jake was with a smart
phone. He hadn’t talked to Ginger in months, so that was no big deal.

“Hold it. I have a question for you,” Tyler interrupted. “Word on the street is that Derek

Popovich has been sniffing around you.”

“We’re not talking about me, and please don’t say things like ‘word on the street’ again. It’s

unsettling. Yes, Derek has been dropping by the bookstore a lot but he’s a history buff.”

He huffed. “You expect me to believe that hockey player can read?”
“Yes, I saw him reading the Stanley Cup last year. I think his name was engraved on it.” She

stuck her tongue out at him. “What’s the matter? You jealous?”

“There’s nothing to be jealous about,” he retorted. “He twirls around on skates while pushing a

puck with a stick for a living and he still has his own teeth. Clearly he’s not dedicated to the sport.”

“And if racing around a track in a car with a big ol’ turbo engine isn’t the biggest example of

phallicism, I don’t know what is,” she yelled.

“Don’t tell me you actually like that guy?”
“I generally like anyone who runs in my direction and not away from me. Call me crazy, but I

find it an attractive quality.”

“You’re just using him as a substitute for me.”

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“Daisy Dukes Dena. Delete.” She hit the button and kept scrolling. “You really do know some

classy women. How come I don’t have a nick name?”

“Every woman in here that isn’t a relative has a nick name but me. All you have here is ‘My


“Jake and I got into a little dust up over your picture, so I put it up there so he could see it.”
Michelle threw another log on the fire and went back to perusing the phone. “So you are willing

to fight with yoga instructors, hockey players, and a four-year-old over the right to exclusively ignore

Now would have been a good time to lay his cards on the table. He knew what she wanted, but

for some reason, he just couldn’t bring himself to give it to her.

He shrugged. “Pretty much.”
Michelle looked at him as if he’d just killed her puppy. She went through his phone again and

pressed button after button. When she was done, she stood up, handed him the phone, and left the
room. His contact list was completely blank.

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Chapter Four

Most of the day was spent staying away from each other, mainly because Michelle was

contemplating her next move. Even though Tyler was in the doghouse, she gave him a reprieve the
next day so he could return calls to his racing team when his phone continued to ring all morning. The
buzz about the race was still going on, but they had to strategize the next race. So she decided to call
Morgan and give her a tour of her own home.

“Morgan, this house is gorgeous. You have to come here for vacation next year.”
“I will put that on the schedule. So how are things with the wayward cowboy?”
She sighed. “So far, a whole lot of nothin’.”
“Stay focused and don’t let him do anything to distract you,” Morgan advised.
“I’ve held up pretty good so far, but he does look so adorable when he sleeps.” She bit her lip

and peeked into the living room.

“Adorable my ass. He sleeps like a baby because he doesn’t own up to his crap. I say give him


“You’re pretty bad ass for a woman who was swept off her feet by a professional football

player on a beach.”

“Lucky for Seth he caught me at a time in my life when I was softening.” Morgan laughed.
“You were on vacation in a bungalow with a hot guy and were horny,” Michelle scoffed.
“Well I’m telling the boys that the clouds parted and we held hands and walked along the beach

the whole time. Maybe I’ll throw in a few doves and a harpist.”

“How are things at the store? Are we matching last year’s numbers?” Michelle asked.
“Actually we’re exceeding the figures by five thousand.”
“Want me to tell you what I got you for Christmas?” Michelle prodded, hoping she would tell if

she got the Panini press for her.

“No. And if you keep it up you won’t get your present until Valentine’s Day.”
“That will probably be the only present I get that day.”
“I don’t know. Maybe Derek will get you something.” Morgan quipped.
“Well—” Michelle stammered.
“Connor Jacob, put that down!” Morgan bellowed into the phone so loudly Michelle had to pull

the phone away from her ear. “I gotta go, the boys are yanking presents from under the tree again.”

She went to her laptop on the counter and opened up the email with the instructions for the

audition reel. Too bad there wasn’t a secret encoded message on how to ace it and get the position.
The idea of being a chef on television, even if it was a local cable show, evoked a mixture of
emotions for her. Besides, it took her mind off that cad Tyler.

She was in the mood to cook something, and despite how pissed off she was with him, she felt

like making his favorite dessert, peach cobbler. Maybe that would cheer the sourpuss up.

An hour later, she called him into the dining room to eat and Tyler couldn’t take his eyes off the

peach cobbler when she placed it on the table. When he reached for it, she swatted his hand away.
“Not until you eat your food.”

“Why not?” He folded his arms over his chest.
“You need to eat a good meal before you go diving into the sweets.” She wagged a finger at him.
“You sound like my momma.” He raised an eyebrow.
She shrugged. “I have to admit, she’s been rubbing off on me.”

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They ate their meal, Michelle had to threaten to withhold dessert twice to get him to slow down.

Finally, she presented him with a heaping bowl of the cobbler. Once they were done, Tyler suggested
they sit by the fireplace for a while.

“I talked to Morgan earlier, she sends her love.” Michelle took a seat after bringing him a hot

toddy from the kitchen.

“You and Morgan are like two peas in a pod. How did you meet?”
Michelle smiled. “I went into Morgan’s bookstore looking for a book for my dad. Back then she

was handling everything on her own. Running around like a mad woman. It was a sight to watch.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen her sit still.”
“It’s a residual thing from nurturing her father and brothers after her mom died. That’s one of the

things I love about her. She sold me the book. I asked if she was hiring.”

“Did you want to work at a bookstore?”
“I was just looking for something to fill the void of my landscape changing. My mom had passed

away six months before and my father’s health was declining. I wanted to feel connected to life.”

“Did your dad get better?”
“No he passed away soon after.”
Tyler instinctively moved closer and put his arm around her shoulder. “I’m so sorry Michelle.

What did he die from?”

“It was a combination of things. He’d been diagnosed with prostate cancer, but to tell you the

truth, it was a combination of his age, health, and my mom passing away. I think he lost the will to

“How old was he?”
“Seventy nine, bless his heart.”
“Oh. Was your mom younger than him?” Tyler asked.
“No, she was seventy six when she passed away.”
“They waited late in life to have kids, eh?”
“No kids. Just me. My adoption was one of the things they had on their bucket list.” Michelle

gripped her mug tighter.

“I didn’t know you were adopted.”
“It’s not something you bring up in casual conversation. But the thing is, I never felt like I was

adopted. My parents made sure of it.”

“Do you know anything about your biological parents?”
“I don’t know if there’s any more to learn other than the obvious. They couldn’t take care of me

for some reason. I don’t need to know anything else.”

“Not even remotely curious?” Tyler asked.
“I’ve seen psychologists since I was five. My parents were concerned about my mental health.

They wanted to make sure their daughter grew up with a healthy sense of self. We loved each other,
but people can be cruel to each other when they see situations they don’t understand. My mom once
put her own best friend’s daughter out of our house because she called me Little Orphan Annie. My
mom, Odessa, was a bit of a hell raiser in a really poised, civilized way. My dad felt so bad about
what happened he bought me a horse. His name was Dutch.” She wiped tears away from her eyes.

“Come here.” Tyler pulled her into a full-fledged embrace and stroked her hair. They sat that

way for a few minutes, as the sounds of the embers flickering filled the room. “Sounds like they loved
you very much.”

“They did. I’ve never regretted a moment with Thomas and Odessa. Some woman found us,

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claiming to be my birth mother’s sister. They had a private investigator corroborate the story they
were given and said if I wanted to meet this long lost aunt, I could. I declined. I wrote the woman a
letter and said thanks for the effort but unless she had a time machine, nothing good would come from
meeting her. I had a great childhood, an excellent education, and I can play a mean game of cricket.”

Cricket? A horse named Dutch? He’d never really thought about where she’d grown up, but he’d

been around enough rich, snobbish people to know highfalutin words when he heard them.

“Michelle, are you rich?” He raised an eyebrow.
“My parents were kind of loaded.” Michelle laughed. “I was left a sizeable trust fund that I can’t

touch until I’m forty. My parents wanted to make sure I had an identity and a good work ethic of my
own that didn’t include money.”

Tyler didn’t say anything for a few minutes.
“Tyler, what’s wrong with you? This can’t possibly be a problem. Your family is wealthy.” She

ribbed him with her elbow.

“It’s just surprising. You work at the bookstore and live in an apartment.”
“So? You live with your parents.” She huffed. “Your mother still cuts your meat for you.”
“Does Morgan know about this?” He knew how Morgan felt about the snooty rich folk who lived

in Ashcroft.

“Yes she does. She was the first person in my life who didn’t care about how much money I had.

She gave me the job and we became friends. When she was having financial troubles at the bookstore
she declined any help and said she didn’t want me manipulating any pots of gold for her. And that
made me love her even more.”

“Isn’t it amazing how so much love can come out of such a small person?” Tyler laughed.
“Yes, it is. But back to you. Why do you think I can’t be happy working in a bookstore and living

in an apartment?” Michelle took a sip of her hot chocolate.

“I guess I’m wondering what you see in me. Compared to the rest of the family, I always feel

like the odd man out.”

“I see the guy who stayed up talking with me all night when Jake was born about how excited he

was to have a new member in the family. I see the guy who sends me text messages of fashion
accessories you think I’d like because you think I have a great sense of style. I see the guy who wakes
up his nephews and has cereal with them while their parents are asleep.”

“Don’t forget how incredibly handsome I am.” Tyler wiped away some whipped cream from her

lip with his thumb then licked it off.

“There’s that too.”
Michelle didn’t move when Tyler leaned in for a hungry kiss. He went for it; there was no

hesitation when he moved her mug out of the way and pulled her down with him on the rug. Those
strong hands made their way down her sides while he parted her legs with a knee and moved on top
of her. The cozy fire was nothing compared to the heat coming from his body.

She tugged at the buttons on his tight fitting plaid shirt and ran her hands over his firm pecs and

abs. He was simply gorgeous. Every inch of his body was chiseled perfection. She dreamed about
their time together at the ranch often, the intensity he displayed with his lovemaking was remarkable.

She froze. “Wait. I want answers.”
“You keep doing that and I won’t be able to tell you my name,” he groaned.
Tyler slid her leggings down over her hips and she kicked them off. “I mean it. I want some


His calloused hand slipped beneath her satin panties and began caressing her clit. She opened

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her leg a bit to give him better access, and he immediately slid two large fingers inside of her. The
slow movements of his hands felt so good, she ignored the cold steel of the chain attached to his

The firm, possessive bites on her neck brought her back to reality. If she wanted to make any

progress with the man, she had to put a stop to the seduction right now.

Well maybe after the raging climax that welling up inside her was sated.
Michelle’s breaths came quicker as Tyler continued his movements, running his thumb over her

quickly but with such a feathery light touch. She writhed as she came closer to the edge. He continued
kissing down to her stomach until he reached her clit and replaced his hand with his tongue. She
locked her thighs around his head half scared she would smother him but more sure she’d die if he
didn’t get closer. As he sucked and laved her juices, she clutched the faux bear skin rug for dear life.
When he did a counter clockwise move with his tongue, she couldn’t stand it anymore and let go.
Tyler continued kissing her as her body continued to twitch minutes after.

“I knew there was a reason I loved your big mouth.” Michelle sighed and ran a hand through his


“I aim to please.” Tyler kissed her thighs.
“Well it’s been a long night. Time to get some sleep.” She moved out of the way, picked up the

tray of mugs and scooted into the kitchen with what little energy she had.

“That’s it?” Tyler asked. “I thought you wanted some kind of answers.”
“They can wait.” She gathered up her clothes and headed to bed.

* * *

Tyler didn’t mind pleasuring her. He’d been dreaming about the feel of her skin against his for

months. What he did object to was lying on the couch tuned up like a car on racing blocks. She could
have had the decency to at least hit him with an actual mallet over the head before sashaying her way
to bed. But he suspected the titillation was part of the kidnapping revenge scenario. He laughed at
how little women knew about men. He didn’t need to be within a breath of her to know what he was
missing. She could have picked up her cell phone a few times and tortured him just as efficiently.

From the look in her eyes after the intimate moment they’d just shared, getting some sort of

definition to their relationship was more important to her than the toe curling sex they could definitely
be having right now. But he wasn’t ready for what she was asking with her eyes.

Michelle was different. She was beautiful and she knew it, but she didn’t try to flaunt it. She was

pleasant to talk to and was sharp as a tack. She was opinionated and like him, said the most awkward
things at the most unexpected moments.

Truth was, he didn’t know what to do with a woman like her.
Each Blake man had taken a different tack, but the result was that they each had found the woman

of their dreams. All his father had to do was give his mother a kiss on the hand and she floated around
the house for the rest of the day. His father wasn’t overly romantic but when he did come home with
flowers or surprised her with a trinket, it made her day. The money they had was nothing compared to
the little things that made their connection strong. Seth, Tate and J.J. were still driven men, but there
was a look of contentment on their faces when they were with the woman they loved that was more
enviable than anything they’d ever achieved. The countdown to Seth’s retirement from football was

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on. He’d asked Seth what had motivated him to do it, and Seth had replied that loving Morgan and
raising kids with her was a far greater feeling than fame and attention from adoring fans. Tate seemed
more comfortable in his own skin now that he was with Isabelle. He’d found someone who knew the
real him and loved him more for acknowledging the scars from childhood that he’d tried to hide from
himself. J.J. had rid himself of years of misery with Eden, only to find Sam soon after. He said that
Sam had strength in her that he admired and respected but it was the gentle way she handled his heart
that made him fall in love with her.

Perhaps all of the love surrounding him was making him think he desired something he didn’t

really want. If that was the case, he’d never forgive himself if he strung Michelle along and broke her
heart. But he had to admit he nearly had a coronary when she told him about that guy Finn. And a
second one when Seth had told him about Derek Popovich.

Was his immature thinking fair? No, but that was all he had to go on right now. Rome wasn’t

built in day, but this night with the erection from hell was bound to last a lifetime.

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Chapter Five

Michelle had been trying for an hour to decide what to wear, but that wasn’t the reason for her

lack of energy. Being with Tyler last night had been phenomenal, and it was all she could do not to
barricade herself in the bedroom. For months she’d been dreaming about him—she was tempted to
give up the plan and take in the temporary pleasures he offered. But that was the problem. If she did
that, nothing would change.

She was still mad at him but she wanted to cuddle in front of the fireplace with him too.
She entered the living room to find him awake. He’d tidied the space, was freshly shaven, and

was looking at some racing footage on TV. So much for the hopeful picture of disheveled hair and
drool in the corner of his mouth from wanting to be with her so badly last night.

“Good morning,” she said as she dug her hands into the pockets of her lavender sweater. She

didn’t anticipate it being quite so cold in Colorado and wished she’d packed her clumpy but warm
sweaters instead of the winter fashion show she’d been putting on the past few days.

“Good morning to you too. I would ask if you slept well but I already know the answer to that.”

He smirked.

“You’d have to give a better performance than last night to get me into a desire-induced sex

coma,” she bit back.

“I think I hit all the right spots. It’s ten o’clock and you’re just getting up.” He winked and

pressed the up button on the remote volume so he couldn’t hear her comeback.

She rolled her eyes. “Jerk.”
“Would it be too much to ask for a coffee with no sedatives in it?”
“I’ll see what I can do. But I think I like you better asleep.” She threw a pillow at him and went

into the kitchen.

Michelle put on the coffee maker and fired up her laptop. There were plenty of recipes she could

demonstrate, but she wanted something colorful that popped on screen and illustrated her cooking
skills. She could try a seafood stew or a lemon herb roasted chicken with sides but she also wanted
something that showcased her funny side. Using a zucchini was a good prop for some food comedy,
but she didn’t know what dish she could make with it. She always thought the word fusilli was
hysterical, but there was no point rendering her incoherent while she giggled though her monologue.
Cooking Thai with Tyler would have been a great title for a segment, but right now she just wanted to
throw a red delicious apple at him and hit him square on the forehead. He was a little too relaxed and
smart-assy for her today.

After leafing through twenty recipes, she whittled it down to a prospective ten. She took Tyler

his coffee and he barely uttered a thank you. She checked her blog and found she’d gotten a few
responses and started typing away. Tyler had the sound up pretty high, so she could tell the race had
just barely started. Two hours later she’d not only responded to her followers and posted a new
holiday cookie recipe, but she’d also narrowed her list of ten recipes down to five. She was going to
try one of them for lunch.

Michelle heated some olive oil in a pan then started chopping some onions and garlic. That’s

when she heard it. He must have fast forwarded through parts of the race because he was watching the
infamous kiss on the podium. The nerve of him replaying it like it didn’t hurt her feelings!

She’d had enough of his childishness for one day. Michelle marched into the living room and

lobbed an apple at his head, but he caught with his hand. Tyler lowered the volume.

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“Thanks for the snack.” He furrowed his eyebrows and bit into the apple.
“We are having shrimp and tortellini Alfredo for lunch. I know how you like to eat so I brought

you something to snack on.” She leaned against the doorframe.

“That’s one of my favorite meals.” He tore into the apple.
“I know. Your mother told me.”
“You’ve been talking to my Momma about cooking?”
“She’s coaching me on southern cuisine.”
“Really?” He scratched his temple.
“She explained that food is a soulful connection to loved ones. It was inspirational. I’d never

really thought about it that way until she said it.” She looked down and cleared her throat.

“Is that what you’re hoping to do if you become a chef on this show? Make a soulful


“I don’t know,” she mumbled.
“It helps to know why we’re driven to do things. It can give you an unbelievable clarity about


“So racing is about more than going fast for you?” she asked.
“Speed is good, but lately I find that it helps my mind slow down and put things in perspective.”
“So you find enlightenment at Mach one?”
“I know it looks fast on television, but I feel like a turtle moving around the track.” He tore his

eyes away from the screen. “I’ve enjoyed the meals you’ve cooked the last three days. Being
handcuffed to the couch didn’t even hamper my appetite.”

“You’re getting better at driving that thing.” She bit her lip and motioned to the screen as the

camera panned on his car making a turn.

“It may seem like random, wild action, but I do my best to be safe.”
“That won’t stop Teri-Lyn from worrying.”
“How often to do you talk to her?”
“A few times a week. We’ve had a blast with her coaching me on cooking. She thinks I should

consider putting out a cookbook.”

“I think that’s nice.” Tyler smiled. “My two favorite women spending time together.”
“If I were your favorite you wouldn’t kiss women on national television when I’m watching and

stand me up for countless dates,” she shot back.

“It was a surprise kiss. I had no idea she was going to do that.”
“Yeah, right.”
“Honest. She’d been flirting with me a lot, but I wasn’t returning the sentiment. I haven’t been

with anyone since we were together the night before Seth and Morgan’s wedding.”

Michelle looked at Tyler. She opened her mouth to respond but the sudden sound of the fire

alarm blaring in the kitchen stopped her.

“Oh crap!” She made a mad dash into the kitchen.
“Is something wrong?” Tyler yelled after her.
Michelle rushed into the kitchen and saw the flame coming out of the pan. She was barely able to

turn off the stove and frantically searched the cabinets looking for the fire extinguisher. The flames
were getting higher and looked like they were going to spread to the wall behind the stove. She
grabbed the pan lid and was trying to get close enough to smother the fire with it

when Tyler appeared

with the fire extinguisher.

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“Michelle, get out of here!” he yelled.
She ignored him and tried to get closer but Tyler jumped in front of her with the extinguisher and

put the blaze out.

A few minutes later Tyler set the extinguisher down. White foam was everywhere and the

kitchen was a mess. He turned off the fire alarm and Michelle promptly punched a code into the
security keypad on the wall. Michelle went to the sink and splashed cold water on her face to calm
the panic welling up inside her but it wasn’t enough to stop her from bursting into tears when she
looked around the room. A scorching black mark draped the white wall near the stove.

“Hey.” Tyler placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him. “Are you OK? Did

you get burned?”

“I almost killed us and blew up my best friend’s house,” she said, trying to hold back tears.
She didn’t protest when Tyler pulled her into the safety of his arms. His grip was strong yet

tender. It was strange how someone who brought her to the brink of such confusion could also make
her feel so blissful. It occurred to her how easily the comforting came, because he wasn’t attached to
anything. “How the hell did you get out of those handcuffs?” She scowled.

He held up her necklace with the keys. “This isn’t my first rodeo.” He kissed her.
“You stole that from me when we were…”
The doorbell rang. It was not a shock that the fire department and a security patrol from Regency

responded to the alarm even though Michelle had punched in the correct code. They wanted to make
sure everyone was OK. An hour later the fire department was gone and Tyler was talking to the
Regency guy, who’d arranged for a professional cleaning service to come in the next day.

Michelle went into the bathroom and searched for some aspirin. Between the crying and

humiliation, she had a splitting headache. She didn’t want to face him again. She heard him call out
her name from the hallway, so she quickly closed the bathroom door.

There was a light knock. “Michelle.”
“Go away, Tyler.”
“I just wanted to make sure you were OK.”
“No, not really.” She snatched a few tissues from a box and dabbed at the corners of her eyes.
“It was an accident. It could have happened to anyone.”
“Morgan is going to kill me. I almost burned down her lovely home that she hasn’t even had a

chance to visit yet.”

“She’s going to be more relieved that we’re not in the hospital. Now come on, open up the

door.” Tyler turned the knob.

“If you have to use the can, there are three more in this house.” She looked in the mirror and

started crying some more. She looked like a raccoon with a hangover. There was no way she was
letting him see her like this.

“It would do my heart good to see your beautiful face.”
“I look wretched.”
“Impossible. I’ve never seen you look anything but stunning and that includes the time Jake spit

up on you.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing. This week I was supposed to bring my A game. I almost killed


“I’ve had worse dates.” He laughed. “This is ridiculous, talking to a door, please let me in.

Unless you really are that shallow that I can only see you when you look pretty.”

“Yes, I am,” she sniffed.

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“So you mean to tell me that if I looked…less that devastatingly handsome, you wouldn’t want to

see me?”

Michelle thought about for a minute.
“Michelle!” Tyler called out.
“I’m thinking.”
“I’ll give you to the count of seven or I’m breaking down the door. I’d move away if I were


Michelle didn’t think he was serious but his voice seemed to be getting further away. The last

thing she needed was an addendum to her story to Morgan and Seth about a broken bathroom door as
well. Tyler was up to five, so she opened the door.

“OK. It’s open.”
“There’s my girl.” Tyler came over and kissed her.

Michelle looked so sexy sulking about the kitchen being in ruins, there was nothing else to do but

kiss her.

A moment later he wrapped his arms around her and led her out of the bathroom, closer to the


“Why would you count to seven and not ten?” she whispered.
“Counting to ten would take too long and I really wanted to kiss you.”
“We have to tell Morgan and Seth about the fire,” Michelle protested as they tumbled onto the


“That’s not the fire I’m worried about right now,” Tyler murmured.

Tyler covered Michelle’s body with his the minute they landed on the bed. She said she felt

something digging into her back, so she reached behind her to find the remote. When she moved it to
the bedside table, she accidentally hit the button and music flooded the room via the sound system that
was wired throughout the house. Michelle turned quickly, rolling him to his back and straddling him
without breaking the kiss.

Tyler recognized the song. It was Tate’s. He broke the kiss. “Time out!”
“What’s wrong?”
“Turn that off.” He sat up and reached for the remote.
Michelle glared at him. “That’s Tate’s holiday CD. Morgan gave it to me when I left for the trip.

It’s a nice song.”

“I do not want to hear my brother’s voice while I’m trying to get frisky with you.”
“Why not?”
Because it feels like he’s in here with us. We’re close, but there are some things I don’t want to

share with my brothers.”

“You know how ridiculous you sound?” Michelle nipped on his neck as she reached in his jeans

and caressed him.

“I proudly stand behind my immaturity.” Tyler’s eyes rolled back in his head.
Tyler was elated when Michelle reached into the table drawer and retrieved a condom. They

wiggled and pulled until they were both naked. Michelle steadied herself and rolled the condom over

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his shaft, and didn’t waste any time sinking onto him.

Tyler gripped her buttocks and moved her forward, catching her lower lip between his teeth.

They began to move together in a sturdy rhythm, eyes locked as the rush of the passion coursed
through both of them like an electric current. Then suddenly the tempo picked up and became hurried.
Tyler pulled her forward and covered her mouth with his when she started to climax. Michelle’s
thighs began to quiver over his, trying to keep control of the position she was in. She started to wiggle
a bit, and that set off an explosive chain reaction in him that made him call out her name in joy.

* * *

Michelle felt great waking up in Tyler’s arms. His huge frame took up most of the bed and made

no apologies for it. He looked like a big sexy teddy bear when he slept, and the grin he had on his
face only made him more adorable. She glanced out the window and saw the sun setting over the
ridge. Phase three of her plan was out of the question for tonight, thinking maybe the fire was a sign
she should stop her quest. Nothing had gone right this week and she was no closer to getting her
questions answered. Now she had a new problem on her hands. As much as she hated to ruin the
moment, there was a phone call they needed to make.

“Tyler, wake up. We have to tell Morgan and Seth about the fire.” She brushed her lips against

his stubbly cheek and ran a finger down his chest.

“Later.” He pulled her closer.
“No, right now. It’s the responsible thing to do. Although, you could be a sport and break the

news for me.” She grimaced.

“What’s the matter? You scared?” He raised an eyebrow.
“As a matter of fact, I am.”
Tyler propped himself up on his elbows. “It’s not as bad as it looks. The cleaners are coming

tomorrow. I figure with a fresh coat of paint, we can have it fixed up like new. I agree, we can call
them in a half hour, the boys should be finished eating by then. So we have some time to kill.”

“Oh. We’ll need to put on something respectable so we can video chat with them.” Calling them

after the boys had been fed was a good idea. Her friend was always in a good mood after her boys
had diner.

“Did I tell you how sexy you are?”
“Yes you did, but feel free to repeat it.” Michelle threw his jeans at him.
“Will I be handcuffed and sleeping on the couch again?” he asked.
“No. You’ve been officially been paroled.”
Michelle went into the bathroom and got dressed to keep away from Tyler’s wandering hands

then bolted to the living room to tidy up. She was pleased Tyler finally came down the hallway
barefoot, looking gorgeous in a gray sweater and jeans. He cleaned up nicely, even when he wasn’t
trying. She used to think he was a devilish Seth, the resemblance between the brothers at first glance
was remarkable. But the more time she spent with him, she realized they couldn’t be more different.
Tyler’s eyebrows were a little thicker and his dimples were fainter. His eyes twinkled like he was
always thinking of a dirty joke. She could see why his comparison to Seth or any of his brothers was
annoying. It must have been hard to be in the midst of over achieving, successful superstars.

“You ready?” He took her hand as he plopped down on the sofa.

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She nodded. “I guess.”
As soon as her best friend appeared on the screen, Michelle relaxed. Morgan and Seth seemed to

be enjoying a romantic moment while wrapping presents. She could see wine glasses on the table.

“Morgan. Seth. How’s my favorite couple on the planet?” Michelle beamed.
“Easy on the enthusiasm,” Tyler murmured.
“We’re great. Morgan and I just finished wrapping some more presents. So we cracked open a

bottle of chardonnay we picked up in California.” Seth held up a bottle of wine.

“Later I’m going to give Seth an early Christmas present.” Morgan giggled as she leaned over to

give Seth a kiss on the cheek but missed. Seth caught her in his arms.

Michelle and Tyler both tried to keep a straight face.
“Morgan honey, have you had too much wine?” Michelle smiled.
“Just a little.”
“So glad you’re in a good mood because we have something we have to tell you.”
“What’s wrong?” Morgan squinted.
“I was making a dish for my audition in the kitchen and kind of got sidetracked. The good news

is the house is still intact. The bad news is the kitchen wall is scorched.” Michelle swallowed the
golf ball sized lump in her throat.

“Regency sent us an alert that the fire alarm had gone off.” Morgan took another sip of her wine.
“So when you heard there was a fire here, you and Seth opted to drink wine instead of calling to

check up on us?” Michelle folded her arms across her chest.

“I was just happy it was a fire and not a homicide,” Morgan mused.
Michelle stuck her tongue out. “I would have at least called to check on you.”
“Don’t worry, we got the full report from Regency. But I think we’re getting off point.” Seth

cleared his throat. “Tyler can you fix the damage?”

“Of course. It will look better than brand new when we’re done fixing it up.”
“So that’s settled.” Seth smiled.
“Have fun with the repairs. Gotta go!” Morgan blew a kiss at them and disconnected the call.
Michelle didn’t say a word for a few minutes.
“What’s wrong?” Tyler pulled her into an embrace.
“I thought Morgan would throw something at the screen or threaten to come out here.”
“She’s drunk and fooling around with Seth. It probably won’t hit her until tomorrow.” He moved

a lock of her hair away from her face.

“We have a long day ahead of us. I think we should turn in early.” Michelle grabbed his hand.
“I get to sleep unchained in a bed? You’re too kind.” He chuckled.
“We’ll see about that.” Michelle picked up the cuffs off the coffee table and pulled Tyler

towards the bedroom.

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Chapter Six

By the time Michelle came into the kitchen, Tyler had a cup of coffee in his hand and was

looking at the blue print of the house with a Blake Construction employee. If it weren’t for the scorch
mark on the wall, she wouldn’t be able to tell the fire had ever occurred. The cleaning crew was
wrapping up and handed Tyler two new fire extinguishers before they left. Michelle thought for sure
he’d try to convince her to blow off the painting, but he seemed so organized it was kind of scary. He
was serious and in command, and it was very refreshing to see.

“Good morning. Cappuccino for the lady.”
“Thank you. Wanted an early start?”
“Sorry, I get that way when I’m working on a project. I called the guys and they were kind

enough to come in early so we could get on with the day.” He sipped his coffee.

“Morgan told me you do contracting work sometimes. You built Jake’s tree house, right?”
“Sure did. Jared is a hell of an architect. I wouldn’t mind working on another project with him.”
“So where did you learn about building?”
“Worked at Blake Construction every summer.”
“That explains the physique.”
He laughed. “Nah, Channing and I keep in shape because we will not be upstaged by Seth.”
“He’s a professional football player. It’s kind of part of the job requirement to keep in shape.”
“He’s in good shape, for an old guy,” Tyler huffed.
“My gosh, he can’t be more than five years older than you. So…Seth, Tate and J.J. are ready for

a retirement home?”

“Might as well. We almost had to call an ambulance the last time we played touch football.”
Michelle smiled. Morgan’s recap of the game was that it had been almost as competitive as a

professional game, and it had ended because J.J. was showing off mercilessly for Sam until Bo
sacked him and Tate proposed to Isabelle.

“If you say so.”
“So we’re going to give the kitchen a small face lift. I was thinking a fresh coat of paint and

replace the pots that were burned.” Tyler handed her a list.

Michelle cringed.
“Listen.” Tyler lifted her chin with a finger. “It happened. There’s nothing you can do about it

now, but we can fix it.”

“OK.” She smiled. “I can’t believe Morgan and Seth trust us to fix things.”
“Seth knows I’m good with my hands.” He waggled his eyebrows.
Michelle hit him on the shoulder.
“I’m good at building things with my hands. Now let’s go shopping for supplies.”

* * *

“Maybe we could spruce up the place a bit as a nice surprise when they come for a visit,”

Michelle said as they perused the home improvement store.

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“That’s a great idea.”
“What do you think about these curtains?”
“I like the material. Does it come in a softer blue?” Tyler rubbed the material between his


“Yes it does.”
“Good. Morgan likes that color.”
“What?” She looked up from digging for the number of panels they needed.
“She has a lot of blue in her wardrobe. She dresses the boys in that color a lot.”
“Huh.” What an interesting observation to make.
“I was thinking we’d replace their toaster and get one of those big ones that can toast six slices

at a time. Can you imagine how long it would take them to make toast for a family of five? Momma
gave up and toasted our bread on the griddle.”

“That’s a good idea. So, you haven’t had any calls from the tartlets in your in contacts since you

arrived.” Michelle picked up a box of decorative tree lights off a shelf.

“Should I be expecting a particular call?” He scratched at his beard.
She shrugged. “I thought maybe your new girlfriend would at least want to know your


“I told you before, I don’t have a thing going with that woman. I haven’t been with anyone since

we were together at the ranch.”

She turned the box and pretended to read the directions. He’d said that right before the fire.
Tyler took the box out of her hands. “You’re really into these Christmas lights.”
“While I was planning your…vacation, I didn’t have time to decorate my tree.”
“Ah.” Tyler began pulling lights, decorations and wreaths from the shelves. “You want a tree,

we’ll get a tree. Have a color scheme in mind? My momma gets really meticulous about her holiday
color schemes.”

She put her hand on his. “That’s a nice thought, but do we have the time?”
He winked at her. “There’s always time to celebrate the holidays.”

* * *

Michelle convinced him to stop at the mall for a painting outfit, since she refused to get paint on

anything she’d brought with her. While she was off in her own world, he decided to browse the sports
shop. The stylish yet poorly insulated coat she wore was not suitable for Colorado weather. She’d
sneezed three times in a row in the car. He found a nice winter-white, goose-down ski jacket with a
gray faux fur collar, and a pink scarf with a matching hat and mittens that was guaranteed to keep her

Tyler returned to their meeting place with a half hour to spare. He took a seat on the bench and

grinned when he’d found he’d parked himself in front of a lingerie store, thinking the plum colored
satin negligee in the window would look nice on her too.

As soon as he entered the store two of the sales women rushed to assist him and ushered him to

the back of the store after he pointed to the panties on the mannequin. Twenty minutes later he came
out of the store with a huge shopping bag, grinning, and waved good-bye to the sales women.

Michelle was waiting for him.

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“Bye, Tyler. We’ll be watching your next race.” The sales ladies waved from the door.
“Bye, ladies.” Tyler winked and went over to Michelle. “They were some fun girls.”
“I bet they were. Get a little something for yourself?” She tried to look in the bag.
“In a manner of speaking. I got something for you. I thought you could use something better

insulated for this weather so you won’t catch cold.” He put the lingerie bag to the side and pulled the
coat out of the sports shop bag.

“That’s not the bag I was referring to. And what makes you think I’m cold?” She folded her

hands over her chest.

“You sneezed three times.”
“That usually means you’re fending off a cold.”
Michelle mumbled the whole time she took off her chic plaid pea coat and put on her new jacket.
“I know you don’t like messing up your hairdo, but the hat will keep an ear infection at bay.” He

carefully placed the hat on her head and pulled out her curls so they billowed over the collar of the

“Thanks.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“There. These will keep you nice and warm. And the things in the other bag will keep me nice

and warm later on.”

* * *

The holidays always seemed to creep up on him and this year was no exception. Aside from

searching for something special for Michelle, he hadn’t done much shopping. His brothers were easy
—a good bottle of booze or taking on their ranch duties would do the trick with them. But now the
ranch was flooded with women and toddlers. For weeks he’d been looking over toy catalogs and
searching online for the perfect gifts for the boys. It was becoming a contest to see who could get the
best gifts for them, but it was their father, John Jacob, who always won.

After they picked up something to eat from a restaurant at the mall, Tyler and Michelle stopped

and bought a Christmas tree, then returned to the house. They hung stockings on the fireplace and
decorated the tree with the lights and ornaments they’d bought at the home improvement store.
Michelle stepped back and smiled at the result. It almost looked like home.

“OK, Ms. Claus. Time to get back to the kitchen,” Tyler said.
He started with a lengthy safety talk. Michelle rolled her eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, lady,” he teased. “You of all people should appreciate the dangers

inherent in the kitchen.”

His cell phone rang. He pulled it from his pocket and looked at the display. It was a call from

Sports Dynamic Consultants.

“Tyler! How’s my favorite new client?” Luke bellowed into the phone.
“I’m good. How have you been, Luke?”
“I’ve been great. I have some big things in the works for you. The designer Maximo Kellan

wants you to do a series of print ads for their new line of athletic clothes. If you’re interested, I’ll
start negotiations.”

“I like the idea, but I don’t want anything similar to the stuff Seth endorses.”

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As he strove to make a name for himself in the racing world, the last thing he wanted to do was

to be perceived as a poor man’s Seth Blake. It was obvious that some of the companies that expressed
interest wanted him to channel his famous football playing brother in their ads. A few advertisers
boldly said they would give him a lengthy contract if he could persuade his brothers to do a
commercial with him. Luke was doing a good job of vetting the offers and he appreciated the time he
took with him.

“I made it perfectly clear you had your own style and that we’re looking to work with a company

who can showcase that.”

“Good to hear. Seth likes wearing fancy suits and prancing around in his underwear. I’m a little

more camera shy.” Tyler laughed.

“He used to like it. Since he got married, he likes to keep his clothes on, much to the disappoint

of a lot interested companies.”

“Having an image his kids can be proud of is important to him. My dad says when you give up

the single life, family comes first.”

Luke chuckled. “I love you guys. When you get down to it, you’re just wholesome country boys.

That’s part of the appeal. There was another offer for a series of cell phone commercials but there’s a
hitch. It has a couple’s angle. They want to pair you with that actress Miranda Altman.”

Miranda Altman was an actress who’d just gotten her big break in a summer blockbuster movie.

Tyler laughed to himself. He didn’t do well with relationships in real life, now someone wanted to
pay him to be a couple for a commercial?

“I hope you said no.”
“I did, but I thought I’d tell you Miranda’s people have been calling here for a week wondering

if you were still available.”

“For what? You said no.”
“Apparently she has a crush on you and wants to hook up. But her people would like for you two

to meet somewhere like a club or a work event so they can spin it into some whole kismet crap.”

What happened to meeting the old fashioned way? Sure he’d gotten together with women in

bizarre ways before, but it was never that well-orchestrated. Besides, the last thing he needed was to
be seen on TV with yet another woman. At least until he figured out what he was doing with Michelle.

“Tell them no thanks.”
“Really? Is it the hot number who kiss—”
Tyler put the top on the primer he’d been stirring. He couldn’t get away from that damn kiss.

“I’m trying to turn over a new leaf these days.”

“Good for you. I’ll get back to Miranda’s people and tell her she won’t be getting her fairytale

romance. Well, I’m off to Tahoe for two weeks. You have a great holiday and I want to get together
with you next month.”

“You have a great holiday too, Luke. I look forward to it.” Tyler disconnected the call. When

Michelle didn’t come back in, he yelled out. “You can come back now.”

“I wasn’t—”
“Sure you weren’t. That was Luke. I got an endorsement offer.”
“Nice. It would be good for the public to see you in something other than a jumpsuit.” Michelle

leaned against the ladder.

“You don’t think all this…modeling would take away from what I am trying to achieve as a race

car driver?”

Michelle took a seat on a stool. “It depends. You do want to be a famous underwear model or do

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you want to be a famous race car driver?”

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know if I want either kind of fame. Racing became an enterprise

with my name attached to it. More importantly, the Blake name. There’s not a lot of room for error
with brothers like mine.”

“I hope you’re not comparing yourself to them. You’re your own person. Tyler Blake has

something that Seth, Tate, J.J. and Channing don’t have, and it’s high time you start thinking that way.”

“Yeah, your right.” He scratched at his beard. “Um… and what do I have, again?”
“Me,” she said. “I might be a famous cooking show host some day. So there.”
“And a famous food blogger. The Novel Foodie. I like it.” He smiled.
“You know about my cooking blog? Don’t tell me. Morgan told you.”
“She said something about it so I checked it out. I follow your blog.” He stuck his tongue out at


“Yeah, right.”
“I’m SexyRacer69. I felt honored when you dedicated your Love ’Em and Leave ’Em Peach

Cobbler to a certain bull headed race car driver.” He raised any eyebrow.

Michelle’s eyes widened and she knocked into the ladder so hard, she almost spilled the primer

on the floor. “Of course you’re SexyRacer69. Can’t believe I didn’t catch that! And it would account
for the lewd suggestion you made about the whipped cream.”

* * *

Tyler thought mentioning her food blog would get her talking, but instead she retreated into her

shell. They painted for the rest of the day. Tyler could see her energy waning by the evening, so he
decided to wrap things up. Repairing Seth’s kitchen brought back memories of his summers working
at Blake Construction. There was something about building and painting and fixing that gave him a
sense of satisfaction, much like racing. Working on Jake’s tree house had given him that feeling. The
look on his nephew’s face when he saw his new club house was gratifying in ways he couldn’t

Tyler stretched to get rid of the knot that was forming at the base of his back. All that was left to

do was to clean up the paint; the store was delivering the new stove in the morning. He removed the
drop cloths and supplies with lightning speed— he really needed some sleep. By one in the morning
he went into the living room to find Michelle cuddled on the couch in her pajamas.

She didn’t budge when he scooped her up into his arms and headed towards the bedroom.
He laughed to himself. He wasn’t going to tell Michelle, but this was the most fun he’d ever had

with a woman. Who else could say they’d been kidnapped and handcuffed, had rescued a damsel in
distress, and had got to work on a kitchen renovation all in the same week? He didn’t know what her
intentions were when this started—at least not exactly. He knew she was mad about the kiss after the
race, and about him telling off that pompous yoga instructor. And in general because he wasn’t ready
for the kind of relationship Morgan and his brother had. But she’d succeeded in showing him why it
was important to spend time together. He stopped in the hallway. Except for the calls to his brothers
for help, he hadn’t tried to get away.

Michelle’s soft breathing brought him out of his stupor so he continued down the hall and placed

her in bed. Once she was settled in he went into the bathroom, turned on the shower, and stripped.

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The jets of the shower pulsating on his body felt like heaven, but thinking about Michelle in the

other room in her soft pajamas and even softer heart made him hard.

Tyler gripped himself as the water beat down onto his face, washing away the grimy paint and

dust. As the memories of his time as Michelle’s captive replayed in his mind, his strokes came harder
until he was breathing heavy and his body felt weak. Being consciously celibate until his developing
feelings for Michelle were resolved had taken him to highs and lows he’d never imagined. Tyler’s
breath hitched at the memory of Michelle’s climax. It evoked a longing in him that he’d never had
before, a desire to be with her after they had their clothes back on. He continued to pump into his
hand and leaned against the shower wall until an explosive release finally came. When he finally got
his energy back, he finished washing up and got out of the stall.

A half hour later he crawled into bed beside Michelle, hoping not to wake her. He gently tickled

her and what do you know, she rolled over and cuddled up to his side. Sleep came over him almost
immediately, but when Michelle’s hand moved under the bed covers and landed on his penis, he got
hard again. She caressed him and smiled in her sleep. He smiled too and kissed her on the forehead. It
was a cozy feeling that felt dangerously like happiness.

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Chapter Seven

The reminder on Michelle’s cell phone prompted her to move her butt on the audition reel. Tyler

did such a good job cleaning up last night she decided to spend the morning rehearsing. Once the new
stove was delivered and installed, she decided on spaghetti with meatballs and sausage. A simple
classic that would showcase the vibrant colors of the tomatoes she’d gotten from the market the other

By early afternoon she was nervous and anxious to get it done. Tyler was watching more racing

footage. He’d been unusually quiet since they woke up in bed together. She was surprised that he
didn’t try anything, and instead they actually spent an hour awake in bed talking. When she brought up
the audition, he volunteered to help with the filming.

She wanted to stand out, so she changed from the jeans and sweater she’d put on that morning

into a form fitting red dress that accentuated every curve. When she walked into the living room,
Tyler whistled and turned off the television.

“What do you think?” she said as she twirled around. The lustful look in Tyler’s eyes confirmed

she’d perfected the look she was going for, but she still felt uncomfortable.

“You look gorgeous, as always. But why get so fancy for cooking?”
“I want to attract viewers.”
“The only viewers you’re going to attract are men who aren’t interested in cooking.” He folded

his arms over his chest.

“There are plenty of sexy chefs.”
“True, and it’s exactly the male response you don’t want.”
“What’s wrong? Jealous?”
“I just want you to be yourself. And as pretty as you look right now, this is not you. The everyday

Michelle is sexy as hell in a pair of jeans and T-shirt.”

“You think so?”
He rubbed his thumb across her chin. “You could make a burlap sack look good.”
“OK. I’ll go change.” She hustled back to the bedroom.
Three hours later, dressed in jeans and a cute top, she felt better about the wardrobe change. But

she was making mistakes like crazy.

“Ugh!” Michelle groaned and threw the spatula across the room. “Let’s start from the top.”

She’d just pronounced the word spaghetti as spotghetti. She blamed Morgan’s adorable kids for the
slip up, their kiddie-lingo had seeped into her brain. She was grateful for Tyler’s patience, trying to
capture audition gold on a cell phone must have been difficult.

“I still think take two was great.” He smiled.
“I was too wooden.”
“You were adorable. You have this sexy librarian thing going on,” he said.
“I don’t want to sound preachy or like some know it all. To tell you the truth I’m feeling my way

through. There’s so much to know about nutrition and planning when making meals.” Michelle sighed.

“Showcase that you’re learning too. I read your blog. You like to talk about the bumps and

bruises along the way to a perfect dish. Add that to your commentary. Like how you found out why
you shouldn’t leave a pot unattended. But you could leave out the part about me being handcuffed.”

Michelle giggled.
“People are drawn to you because you are a breath of fresh air. That’s the reason I was attracted

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to you when we first met. You don’t need a gimmick. Just be yourself.”

“Thanks.” A pink sheen spread across her cheeks.
“Want to try again?”
“Yes, please.”
Michelle went back to her mark but Tyler just stood there looking at her.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I was thinking after we finish up here that we could go out to dinner,” he said in faint


He looked like he was doubtful she’d say yes. It was refreshing to see this Tyler Blake, instead

of the cocky version he played in public.

“I’d like that.” Michelle smiled and gave Tyler the cue to resume filming.

* * *

When Tyler went to the bedroom to freshen up for dinner, it occurred to him that it would be

their first real date. A simple running of the hand through his hair simply wouldn’t do so he took a
shower, shaved and dug through his leather duffle for something to wear. He settled on a tan sweater
and a pair of black jeans. He threw on some cologne, then texted J.J. for a local restaurant suggestion.
Now that the stage was set, he was a nervous wreck.

Tyler walked into the living room, anxious to go. Michelle was applying lipstick in the hallway

mirror, and she’d changed too. She had on a nice pink sweater dress with a toggle button on the side
and a pair of knee length black leather boots.

“You look nice.” Tyler smiled.
“You too.” She put the cap on her lipstick and stuffed it into her purse.
Tyler reached for her coat on the rack and helped her into it. Once it was on her shoulders, he

turned her around and slowly zipped up the jacket. He wanted to kiss her but he stopped himself.
Instead he put on his coat, grabbed the car keys, and ushered her out the door.

The light snow fall only made their drive to the restaurant more romantic. Michelle was quiet

most of the ride, so Tyler talked about the weather, the restaurant J.J. had recommended, anything that
would get her to jump in and do that bubbly chatter that he loved so much. For a woman who had an
opinion about everything, she was oddly quiet. He turned on the radio when he ran out of things to talk
about. When they finally arrived at the restaurant, even the great scenic view didn’t evoke a response.

“I’ll have a scotch on the rocks and the lady will have a glass of Moscato,” Tyler said to the

waiter who approached to get their drink order. He reached across the table and caressed her hand.
“I’m not comfortable with you being this quiet.”

She shrugged. “Just thinking about how my attempted seduction turned into the raging inferno.”
“I don’t think it’s been that bad.”
“This has been a great big disaster. What kind of dates do you usually have?”
“The kind that only last one night.” He waggled his eyes.
Michelle rolled her eyes at him.
“I think things have turned out alright.”
There was a loud noise and then a cough. They looked up to see a man standing next to their


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“Sorry to interrupt. Are you Tyler Blake? I saw you win the Ripley Classic. Your driving was

awesome. You’re really making a name for yourself.” The fan beamed at Tyler.

“Thank you. It’s been a lot of hard work but it’s finally starting to pay off.” Tyler smiled.
“You’re a Blake, making it to the top is in your DNA. I knew for sure you’d excel in racing. Can

I have your autograph?”

“I don’t really have anything to sign with.” Tyler held up his hands.
Michelle pulled a Sharpie out of her purse and handed it and the linen napkin on her plate to him.
“What’s your name?” Tyler took the items from her.
“Always glad to meet a fan, Roger.” Tyler scribbled a few words on the napkin and handed it to

the guy. He shook his hand and bade him a good night.

“You handled that really well,” Michelle said.
“I’ve had plenty of practice watching my brothers in action.”
“How is it always being surrounded by three famous brothers?” She sipped her wine.
“Stifling. Exhilarating. It was even worse when Seth went pro because we look so much alike.

People would stop me in stores, women would”—he bit his lip to stop the wicked grin from forming
—”do some very interesting things to get an autograph.”

“So what happened when they found you weren’t him?”
“It didn’t matter. They’d gotten close to him somehow. You’d be surprised at how many people

think that’s enough.”

“That wasn’t good for your self-esteem.”
“When a woman is standing naked in front of you saying she wants to show Seth’s little brother a

good time, it’s kind of hard to assess morality.”

“But still, you were being used. You’re a hell of a guy even if you’re not Seth Blake.”
“So me looking a lot like Seth doesn’t matter to you?” He raised an eyebrow.
Michelle blushed. “OK, when we met I noticed the resemblance, and I’ll admit I thought it was

kind of cool that you looked like him. But after you spend ten minutes in a room with you two, it’s
apparent that’s about all you have in common. Both you and Seth have wonderful qualities, and I’m
sorry if I ever made you think you were some kind of tangible fantasy replacement for him. I don’t
want Seth, he belongs to Morgan. I like Tyler Blake just fine. The man who’s literally chasing his
dreams around a race track. That man is confident, freedom-loving, and has the ability to be crass and
charming all in the same breath. He also has no idea what he does to me.”

“What exactly do I do to you?” Tyler leaned forward.
“You drive me to distraction in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine.” Michelle ran a finger

along the back of his hand. “And if we weren’t in this restaurant, I’d show you.”

“Want to get this to go and head back to the house?” Tyler said.
She smiled. “I thought you’d never ask.”

* * *

Tyler must have broken every speed limit in Colorado to get back to the house. Michelle kissed

him on the cheek as soon he opened the door and told him to give her a few minutes before coming to
the bedroom. Once she gave him the all clear, he raced into the bedroom like he was getting ready to

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open a present. When he got there she was wearing the lingerie he bought her at the mall.

“How about a game tonight?” he said quietly.
“OK. What do you want to play?”
He held up the cuffs. “The kind that will have you…tied up for a while.”
Michelle swallowed hard. “OK.”
No one spoke for a moment.
“Don’t we need to establish some safe words?” she said to break the silence.
“Safe words?” he asked, amused.
“Yes, signals so that we know when one of us becomes uncomfortable.”
“I believe it’s customary when engaging in activities of this nature.”
“Done this before, have you?” he said with a raised eyebrow.
Michelle blushed. “No.”
“For someone who’s never done this, you sure are familiar with the lingo.”
She rolled her eyes. “I do work in a bookstore. I read and I have a television.”
“Sounds more like you were doing research. Tell me, you ever think about me tying you up?” He

grinned and reached over and ran his hand over her stomach.

Michelle closed her eyes and whispered, “Maybe once or twice.”
His hand continued caressing her stomach and rested on her hip. “You have such smooth,

beautiful skin.”

“Thank you.” She coughed. “So if I want to stop, we’ll use the word…”
“Tyler,” he replied.
“OK.” She bit her lip. “But if I want more, we’ll used the word…”
“Tyler.” He repeated his name and winked at her.
Michelle giggled. “So your name is synonymous with pleasure and pain?”
Tyler’s hand drifted down to small patch of hair between her legs and he began to massage her

there. “I assure you, you won’t be able to tell the difference.”

* * *

Tyler felt great when the alert on his cell phone woke him the next morning. Christmas Eve.

Their time had flown by and he was sorry to see it end. It was time to get back to real life and there
were things he needed to do. Where did they go from here?

He could stay and find out or high tail it out of there. After watching her deep, even breathing for

a few minutes, Tyler reluctantly crept out of the bedroom with his duffle bag. He put it down on the
couch and turned up the volume on the television. The weather man said it was going to be in the
forties today with a high chance of snow in the evening. It was time to go before the weather got too
bad. He slipped on his coat and headed outside.

He was half way past the garage when he heard her scream.


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He turned and ran back to the house to find Michelle outside wearing her coat over her pajamas

and her snow boots.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I thought you’d left.” She panted cold puffs into the air.
“Do you think I’d leave you here all alone? It’s cold, let’s go back inside.” He took her arm and

tried to lead her into the house but she pulled away.

“No. You’ve bolted before. It’s only a matter of time before you do it again.”
“I know I’ve done that in the past. A lot. But I just came out to get more firewood.” He pointed

to the pile of wood he’d dropped high-tailing it back to the house.

“I saw your bag on the couch.” She breathed.
“I was looking for something.”
“You are such a liar! We were making some progress and now you’re trying to sneak out again?

What an immature jerk!”

He shook his head. “If I’m all those things, why do you bother?”
“Maybe I was just looking for a good time.” She pulled her hat out of her pocket and put it on.
“Newsflash, Michelle. You don’t kidnap someone to have a no-strings weekend with them. What

do you want?” He came closer to her.

Michelle looked at him for a while then finally said, “I want to go home. This was a huge


“You know what I think? I think you’re scared to do what you came here to do. You’re scared to

ask the questions you said you were going to ask me on the first day, or maybe you’re scared to hear
the answers.”

“I don’t know why I thought I could ever get you to care about me. It’s stupid. You can’t force

someone to care about you, let alone love you. Maybe I’ve been living in the shadow of Seth and
Morgan’s romance, thinking something wonderful like that could happen to me too. And maybe you
just happen to be the man that crossed my path as I was having that thought.” She shook her head.

“I did come to Philly the last time I said I’d take you out, but I didn’t come into the bookstore.

Instead, I stood across the street like a leering lunatic all afternoon.”

“I don’t believe you.”
“You were wearing a yellow blouse with deep scoop neck that shows off the necklace you said

your mother bought you for your sixteenth birthday. You had your hair up in a bun but a lock of your
hair kept falling out of it so you finally tucked it behind your ear. You were talking to Seth’s friend
Derek. He’d been looking at you the entire time he was in the book store and he tried to ask you out
before he left but you turned him down.”

“How often do you come to town just to watch me?” Michelle started to cry.
“More than I care to admit.” Tyler closed his eyes and touched her forehead with his.
“That’s kind of disturbing.” She laughed through her tears.
“I have something for you.” Tyler retrieved the bracelet from his jeans pocket, pushed up her

sleeve and fastened it around her wrist. “The book charm is obvious because you love to read. The
football charm is because you’re a die-hard Titans fan. The spoon is for the cooking you love to do.
The boat, well you told me you liked going sailing so I thought perhaps we could go out on the water
one day. The heart and the key…well they’re more symbolic. I can explain the rest to you in the

“It’s beautiful.” She wiped the tears from her cheeks.
“I may not be able to convey the right words to say what’s in my heart most times, but…I’m

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falling for you and I’m afraid I am liable to screw up at every twist and turn.”

“What you just said was perfect. Just perfect.” She threw her arms around his neck.
Tyler kissed her with all he had. Michelle gripped him tighter.
“If you just give me a chance, I promise no more lurking in the shadows. I’ll be around so much

you’ll grow sick of me.”

She hugged him again.
“So where do we go from here?” he whispered into her hair.
“Let’s face it, you’re a stalker and I’m a kidnapper. We both have some things to work on. But I

would love to grow up with you. I want to get to know you like… two mature adults. The rest will
fall into place.”

“I like the sound of that.” Tyler kissed her. “It’s Christmas Eve. Why don’t we give your

audition tape one more try and then we’ll head to the ranch? You haven’t experienced Christmas until
you’ve seen of one my Momma’s extravaganzas.”

“Sounds fantastic. And Tyler?”
“I’m falling pretty hard for you too.”
“I haven’t been able to think about another woman since we spent the night together in Texas. I

didn’t want that groupie to kiss me. She caught me by surprise and the cameras were flashing. I was
just concentrating on not doing something stupid that would go viral. But I promise that will never
happen again.”

“If it’s any consolation, that woman kissed like Rowdy.” Tyler stuck his tongue out and panted

like the Blakes’ big golden retriever.

Michelle snorted.
“I like my kisses slow, hot, and full of passion.”
“Why don’t we go back to bed for a while, then get ready to leave?”
“I like the way you think.”

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Chapter Eight

Tyler didn’t exaggerate when he said Christmas at the Blakes’ was like something out of a

movie. They made it to Texas in the early evening, just in time to join the Christmas Eve festivities.
Michelle felt like she was in a surreal dream when Tyler drove through the front gates of the ranch.
Giant candy canes lit the roads as they made their way to his parents’ house, which was decorated to
the hilt and could probably be seen from space.

“So your family really likes Christmas, eh?”
“Momma has always been excited about it. But since the boys came along, she’s been over the

top. Wait until the imported snow gets here so we can make snowmen.” Tyler chuckled.

“Imported snow?”
“Well, we get a snow maker and…”
“Stop. The North Pole has nothing on this place.”
“This time of year always seems magical.” He caressed her hand.
As soon as he cut the engine of the truck, Teri-Lyn bounded out of the house.
“I’m so glad you two were able to make it! Did you settle your differences?” Teri-Lyn hugged

them both.

“Yes, we did.” Michelle smiled.
Tyler folded his arms over his chest. “Momma, how could you in be on a plan like this?”
“Don’t Momma me.” She wagged her finger at him. “The family’s been waiting for you. We each

get to open one present tonight. Now get inside before I change my mind about the present I got you.”

“What is it?” Tyler smiled.
“He’s so easy,” Teri-Lyn said to Michelle. “Been a sucker for presents since he was a little

boy.” She squeezed his cheeks.

There was plenty of laughing and talking coming from the living room. A soft jazz rendition of

We Three Kings filtered through the postcard perfect house. Stockings hung on the roaring fireplace
and a gorgeous, beautifully decorated tree sat in the middle of the room. The tree was so huge the tree
topper scraped the ceiling. There was wrapping paper strewn about and the boys were playing with
new toys.

Tate greeted them with two glasses of eggnog. “Glad you could make it.”
“Yes, the holidays wouldn’t be the same without you.” J.J. smiled as he tossed Tyler a present

from under the tree.

“Michelle, happy holidays. So glad you could make it.” Channing came over and kissed her on

the cheek.

Tyler glared at him. “Watch it, little brother.”
Channing laughed and pointed upward. Michelle was standing underneath the mistletoe.
“Channing, you are so adorable.” Michelle smiled.
“Uncle Tyler! Michelle!” The boys yelled and came running over.
The rest of the Blakes came over with hugs and holiday wishes. Michelle could feel the love

coming from all of them, but it was the embrace from Morgan that tugged at her heart.

“I’m so happy to see you,” Morgan said. “I have something for you.”
Michelle followed her friend into the dining room where it was quieter.
“I have presents for you back at my house, but I want you to open this one first.” Morgan handed

her a box.

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“What is it?” Michelle shook it. “It’s awfully quiet in there.”
Morgan rolled her eyes. “Just open the box.”
Michelle tore into the wrapping paper to find a velvet box the size of a ream of paper. She

opened it to find documents inside. It was a partnership agreement for Reed Books to become Reed
Bradley Books.

“What is this?”
“I just wanted to show you how much I love you and appreciate all the dedication you put into

the bookstore and into my life. Shane Bracht said Harold’s old store next door is still available if we
want to buy the space. Apparently Harold left mention in his will to see if the nice bookstore girls
wanted the space before it went up for sale. We can expand and implement some of the great ideas
you’ve been telling me about.”

Tears welled up in Michelle’s eyes. “I don’t know what to say.”
Morgan gave her a tight squeeze. “Say Merry Christmas.”

* * *

Michelle found Tyler sitting on the couch playing with the boys. He kissed her the minute she sat


“What’s got you on cloud nine?”
“Morgan and I are going to be business partners. She wants me to own the bookstore with her.”
“That’s great. You’ll have the bookstore and the cooking show, you sure you’ll have time for


“Tyler Blake, you want to get handcuffed again?”
“That depends. What do you have in mind?” He waggled his eyebrows.
“Quiet, children are present.” Michelle smiled at the little Blake boys.
“Michelle, did you see my car? It looks like Uncle Tyler’s.” Jake help up a model of Tyler’s


“Awesome.” Michelle pulled the tot onto her lap and gave him a hug. Connor and Colby wedged

in between her and Tyler. “Maybe you can work on his pit crew.”

“Hey, Jake, don’t you have a question for Michelle?” Morgan yelled over to them. Jake’s eyes

shifted to the side like he was trying to remember his line. “Michelle, are you and Uncle Tyler going
to get married?”

Tyler nearly choked on the eggnog he was drinking. Michelle shot a look at the precocious

toddler’s parents. Seth and Morgan were over by the bar laughing and giving each other a high five.

“Give me another hug and you guys get back to opening up those presents.” Michelle gave them

each a squeeze and sent them back in the direction of the tree. Then she glared at Morgan and Seth.
“Shouldn’t you two be somewhere trying to make another b-a-b-y?”

Morgan and Seth looked at each other like they were contemplating it. Seth winked at Morgan,

took her hand, and led her out of the living room.

“I was just kidding!” Michelle shouted after them. “Where’s a hose when you need one?”

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* * *

Tyler burrowed under the tree for the gift he had for his father, the latest smart phone with all the

bells and whistles. John Jacob’s general take on computers were that they were evil, but lately he’d
been attempting to learn because even Jake was proficient with electronic devices. When Colby
picked up Seth’s cell phone and called Morgan, he’d had enough. Not to be outdone by his grandsons,
he’d asked Teri-Lyn to teach him how to use all the electronic devices within a twenty mile radius.

“Merry Christmas, Tyler.” Sam linked her arm with his and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I

hope you’re not mad at me for my part in your kidnapping.”

“I would consider forgiveness if you admit I’m your favorite Blake.” He raised an eyebrow.
“You know I can’t do that.”
“I may be traumatized for months. Years.”
“Alright. Alright. When I was watching over this family in a professional capacity, you were my

favorite charge. There was never a dull moment with you.”

“Was that so hard to admit?” He chuckled.
“No, but you better not tell J.J. about any of our adventures.” She looked around for her fiancé.
“My lips are sealed.” He laughed.
She glanced at Michelle, then back at Tyler. “Look at you, bringing a woman home to spend the

holidays. Next thing you know you’ll be getting married and having a few kids of your own.”

“Baby steps, Sam. Baby steps.” He gave her a squeeze.
“Merry Christmas, little brother. Glad you made it home in one piece,” J.J. said as he

approached and surprised them both with a hug.

“Merry Christmas to you too.” Tyler smiled. It was great to see his brother so enthusiastic about

the holidays.

“I need my fiancée.” J.J. pulled Sam by the hand in the direction of the mistletoe.
When John Jacob didn’t turn up in any of the rooms, Tyler went outside on the front porch. He

found his father looking up at the stars.

John Jacob looked back at him when the door closed. He chuckled and took a sip of his scotch.

“I see you’re not being held hostage anymore.”

“No, I’m not.” Tyler blushed.
“I’m glad you could make it for Christmas. Your mother loves it when everyone is home.”
Tyler smiled. “I must admit it’s my favorite time of the year.”
“You were always the first one up on Christmas day,” his father said. “If you bothered to sleep

at all. The excitement in your eyes is much like the gleam I see in them when you’re racing.”

“I love racing.” Tyler sneaked a glance at his dad. Now was a good time as any to ask the

question that had been on his mind for a while. “Are you proud of me, Daddy?”

John Jacob gave him a strange look. “Of course I am. Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know. I’ve always felt like the odd duck around here.”
“I knew you would find your way in your own time. It took me some time to figure things out

before I settled down with your Momma. But once I did, I came back and fought for her. I knew she
was meant to be my wife.”

Tyler laughed. “Momma said you did a whole lot of beggin’ to win her over.”
“She’s not half wrong. Loving a woman is easy. Trying to reconcile all those mushy feelings, not

so much.”

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“I know what you mean.”
“Did you make things right with Michelle?”
“Yes I did. I told her it would truly break my heart to lose her.”
John Jacob nodded. “Sounds like love to me.”

* * *

Tyler knew the ‘talk’ was inevitable so he decided to seek Morgan out while she was in a good

mood. He promised her a long time ago that he wouldn’t get involved with Michelle until he truly
knew what that meant to him. He got that she worried, and he would never forget her face-off with
Tate when Isabelle left the ranch in tears after Tate pushed her away. That was enough incentive to
keep him out of his sister-in-law’s crosshairs.

“Hey, Morgan.” Tyler put his arm around her.
“Merry Christmas, Tyler. The boys tell me you’re taking them down to the racetrack tomorrow

for a ride in your car?” She put her arm around his waist.

“Yeah, I, uh, thought it would be cool.” He stammered.
“It is. They can’t stop talking about their Uncle Tyler’s race car. I know you’ll take safety

precautions, so I’ll be nice because it’s Christmas and save the lecture.”

“You will?”
“I know you love them and would protect them with your life. You’re a great uncle even when

you’re fighting with Jake over Michelle.”

He sighed. She wasn’t going to make this easy. “About that. I just want you to know that I’m

keeping my promise. I told you I would stay away from Michelle until I knew my intentions. I—”

“Stop right there. I love you both and I want you to be happy. Everything in between is none of

my business. Unless you mess up, then I’ll be all over you like a tick on a hound dog.” She squinted at

He pulled at his collar. “Understood.”
“That warning applies to Michelle too. You’re both my family.” She squeezed him tight.

* * *

Jake, Connor, and Colby had fallen asleep by ten o’clock, so the Blakes retreated to their homes

in preparation for Christmas day. When Tyler nudged Michelle at the crack of dawn, she thought he
was feeling amorous. She was little disappointed to learn he wanted get downstairs to open presents.

They woke Channing and made their way downstairs. Teri-Lyn and John Jacob were up waiting

for them, knowing no matter how old they were, they were still kids at heart that couldn’t wait for
Christmas day. The gifts started flowing, and Michelle was moved to tears when Teri-Lyn told her to
get in there because there were boxes under the tree for her too. They were real, meaningful gifts—
not extras one would keep in case a surprise visitor would drop by the house. She received a pair of
family pajamas like Tyler and Channing’s, clothes, jewelry, as well as culinary supplies she would

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need for a cooking show. Michelle and Teri-Lyn left the men to their gifts and retreated into the
kitchen to make Teri-Lyn’s Christmas breakfast casserole, and of course, hot chocolate for everyone.

Michelle gave Teri-Lyn a huge hug. “Thank you for the exquisite cooking tools. But I didn’t get

the job yet. I just sent in the audition tape yesterday.”

“I have a good feeling about this. You’re a damn good chef in training and you’re cute as a

button. They’d be idiots not to put you in front of a camera.” Teri-Lyn pulled the ingredients out of the

“Did you see the beautiful charm bracelet Tyler bought me?” Michelle lifted her arm.
“He was a nervous wreck when he picked it out. I told him you’d love it.” Teri-Lyn smiled.
“I want to thank you for all the love and support over the past months. I really enjoyed our talks,

considering you knew how I felt about Tyler.”

“I talk books with Morgan. I take in the symphony with Isabelle. And I go to the golf range with

Sam. All of you have unique interests and I love being able to share them with you. It brings us closer
as a family. Whether or not you or Tyler wanted to admit it, you were already part of the family.”

“I’m so glad you didn’t take my ranting the wrong way. I was frustrated.” Michelle got a cheese

grater out of a drawer and shredded the sharp cheddar cheese block.

“The two of you remind me of me and John Jacob when we were your age. The trouble that man

put me through…” She shook her head and made Michelle giggle.”But in the end it was worth it.”

“It’s barely morning. What will they do for the rest of the day?” Michelle peeked into the living


“We’re all going down to the hospital to deliver presents. The family makes a donation every

year, but we thought it would be nice if the kids got some special attention. Then we come home and
open more presents. Then eat. We pretty much eat and open presents all day. It’s been more exciting
the past few years with Jake and the boys.”

Tyler came into the kitchen and gave them both a big hug. “Are you two going to get in there and

open presents?”

“Yes. There better be a commemorative plate of you in your racing outfit in one of those boxes.”

Teri-Lyn kissed him on the cheek and took the tray of hot chocolate into the living room.

Tyler shook his head and put his arms around Michelle’s waist. “My momma kind of has a thing

for those plates. I’m surprised she doesn’t have the twins’ conception on one of them.”

“So, did you get anything good?” Michelle put her arms around his neck.
“Yep. She’s standing right in front of me.”
“Good answer.”
“It’s the only answer.” He tugged on her hand and led her back to the family.

* * *

Within an hour the rest of the Blakes, Bo, and Bubba had arrived at the house and were headed

to the hospital. Donned in Santa hats, everyone grabbed a bag and headed into the children’s ward to
make it an eventful day. There was no media; John Jacob insisted his family’s charitable act be
private and not a publicity stunt. The kids were in good spirits, and it took all Michelle had to cry in
front of them. Some of them had medical problems no child should be burdened with, and it tugged at
her heart to see so many stricken with cancer. The Blake men were a hit, who chatted with the kids

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about sports and other things. Tyler, whose racing poster was plastered on the wall in the giant play
room, was a big hit. He recounted the story of his recent win, as the kids sat attentively at his feet.
Morgan and Isabelle donned scrubs and visited the babies in the neonatal unit, while Michelle, Sam,
and Teri-Lyn helped the staff set up for the luncheon. A few hours later the Blakes were back at the
house opening presents, eating food and laughing and talking. The boys were especially excited about
getting to ride in Tyler’s race car after dinner.

It felt good to be in the presence of all the love that flowed around the room. There was no

awkwardness about being in the middle of it all, because like Teri-Lyn had said, she was already

Tate was almost finished frying the last turkey, while J.J. and Seth were playing with remote

controlled helicopters meant for the boys. Channing was showing off his new brief case with his
initials embossed on it to John Jacob, Bo and Bubba.

Michelle was excited about the prospect of being in business with Morgan, but her friend was

more interested in the juicy details of the merger between her and Tyler at the house in Denver. Once
the tots were busy playing with the array of toys they’d received, Michelle, Morgan, Isabelle, and
Sam snuck away to the kitchen to gossip about the Blake men.

“Thank you for helping me.” Michelle gave them each a hug.
“I’m just glad everything worked out. I don’t think Tyler’s gonna get tricked a fourth time.” Sam


“It felt good to do something naughty for a change. I feel like such a bad girl,” Isabelle quipped.
“You tamed Tate McGill, I think you get top honors,” Michelle replied.
“Sam, does this mean Regency will create a file of the misdeeds of the Blake Girls?” Morgan

flashed a cheesy smile. “What would we have to do to catch up with the guys?”

Sam thought for a minute. “Let’s see. Quit your jobs, let Teri-Lyn raise the boys and pick a fight

at the Bright Star every night for two years. That might cover their high school years.”

“What exactly have they been doing all these years?” Michelle asked.
“Just being the good looking, rowdy cowboys they are. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

you know.” Sam waggled her eyebrows and motioned her head towards John Jacob.

“Well, we have one civilized man in the bunch. Bo is handsome, sweet, sensitive and smart.

They could all learn a thing or two from him,” Morgan huffed.

“We should shield him before they corrupt him. It’s only a matter of time,” Sam mused.
The ladies all leaned in the direction of Bo sitting on the couch. “We have to find him a woman.”

Tate came in and declared the turkeys were ready. It was time to eat. Tyler held out Michelle’s

chair for her at the table, and the family ribbed him about it. John Jacob told everyone to quiet down
so he could say the dinner prayer.

“There has been no greater moment in my life than being here with the woman I love and the

family I adore. I am thankful to be blessed with both in my life.”


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Chapter Nine

Six months later.

Tyler tried his best to behave; there were cameras around them after all. But seeing Michelle

work her magic on the set of her show, The Novel Foodie, made him want to make out with her right
there. She’d done an amazing job acclimating to the stardom, the viewership on her show skyrocketed
the moment she went on camera and flashed that beautiful smile of hers.

“Are you having a good time?” Michelle asked.
“I’m having a great time. You rock.” Tyler kissed her.
“And we’re back in five, four, three, two, one…” The director motioned to Michelle to begin

her dialogue.

“This is the perfect race day menu. Plenty of tasty appetizers that will excite the palates of kids

of all ages. You can find these appetizers and other delicious meals in my cookbook, The Novel
Foodie Cooks
, coming out next month. I’d like to thank my guest chef Tyler Blake, whose been
burning up the racing scene for the past year and has just won the Headley Classic Racing Series.
Congrats to him on his third victory this year.” Michelle smiled and put her arm around him. Tyler’s
constant coughing was his not so subtle hint that she’d left something vital out of the script.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Tyler smiled as he chucked a beer battered jalapeno popper

in his mouth.

“I don’t think so.” Michelle kept her smile plastered on her face as the camera man zoomed in on


“You promised last night,” he mumbled.
“Oh, that.” Michelle let out an exaggerated sigh. “For those of you out there who may not know,

Tyler and I have been dating for the past six months.”

“And?” He put his arm around her.
“It’s been the best six months of my life.” Michelle kissed him. “Until next time, my fellow

foodies, eat well, eat often, and share with good friends.”

“And we’re done,” the director yelled. “Great job Michelle and Tyler.”
Michelle giggled when Tyler pulled her in for a scorching kiss. Their public displays of

affection were nothing new to the crew, who began eating the food while they cleaned up the mess
around them. He was proud of her. So much had changed in six months’ time. He was making his
mark in the racing world and Michelle had just signed a contract with a major cooking network to
take her show, The Novel Foodie, national. She was also knee deep in expansion plans for Reed
Bradley Books.

By the time they came up for air, the sound stage was all but empty.
“That was another great show,” Tyler murmured.
“Thank you. I think we make a good team. My ratings always go through the roof when you make

an appearance on the show.” She rubbed her nose against his.

“Higher than that week you had Jake and the boys on making messy peanut butter and jelly


She swatted at his bicep. “Stop competing with the boys.”
“You left out the part I wrote about being the best lover you ever had.”

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“This is a wholesome cooking show, remember? You convinced me to nix the sex kitten routine

and focus on cooking good food. The fact that I am devastatingly beautiful is just a plus for the
viewer.” Michelle ran a hand through her hair.

“A lot of good that did,” Tyler quipped. Michelle got a lot of fan mail, but most of it was from

male viewers flirting with her. “Morgan and Seth are going away for the weekend, and Sydney and
Curtis will have the boys. I thought I’d cook you a nice meal at the penthouse tonight.”

“You’re gonna cook?”
Tyler waggled his eyebrows. “You forget, I’m good with my hands.”
“Don’t I know it.” She kissed him.
With their new, busy schedules, it was hard to find the time to be together. But they were

committed to making the time. Tyler came to Philadelphia regularly for visits, and they kept in touch
constantly when he was on the road. It felt good being with the one person that he cared deeply for,
and they were making an effort to build a solid foundation for their future.

“I’m so excited about our trip to Vegas. I can’t wait to see Tate perform. I have to look for my

‘Tate’s Angel’ T-shirt.”

Tyler nuzzled her neck. “I know vacationing with the whole family isn’t all that romantic. But I

promise we’ll carve out some time for ourselves.”

Tate was on tour and his concert was ending in Las Vegas. The family decided to make it an

event and all meet up there. Besides seeing his brother in concert, Tyler planned on staying in their
hotel suite the entire time.

“Are you kidding me? I knew getting involved with you was a package deal. Everyone has gone

out of their way to make me feel like I belong. And they’re giving us the space to figure things out for
ourselves.” She sighed. “Well, most of the time.”

Tyler shook his head. “Seth and Morgan think they’re the boss of us.”
“Yeah. Can you believe they paid Avery to babysit us that time?”
“I guess they didn’t trust us after we got into that pudding fight with Jake and the boys.” He


The great pudding war left yet another kitchen of Morgan’s and Seth’s in disarray. Their cook

Kara threatened to quit on the spot when she saw the carnage. Tyler and Michelle cleaned up the mess
and promised never to eat pudding in the house again.

“Maybe they’re right about us. We have way too much fun with the boys.” Michelle chuckled.

“Think we’ll ever grow up?”

“I think we’re doing quite well. I love you, Michelle.”
“I love you too.”
Tyler walked out of the sound stage with his arm around her. He would never have guessed that

when he finally stopped running from love, Michelle would be there waiting for him with open arms.

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Hollywood Rush

Bonus excerpt from the Hollywood Heat series by Rhonda Laurel

Chapter One

Kate Cavanaugh sat on the deck ogling her husband Chris as he emerged from the ocean with his
surfboard under his arm and his swimming trunks sloped dangerously low on his hips. She hated to
interrupt his fun. A great set of waves had been rolling in all afternoon, but she was getting hungry and
he’d promised to cook her dinner. She could hardly believe they’d been married for two whole
weeks. They had forgone a grandiose media spectacle and had opted for an intimate wedding
ceremony at their Malibu beach house with family and friends. Kate had come down the sandy path
from the house barefoot, wearing an elegant, strapless white gown. Chris had looked dashing in his
tuxedo. After weeks of intensive training Chris was able to get Merlot, their prized Havenese toy dog,
to carry the pillow that held the wedding rings all the way down the aisle.

She wished they had more time together but with their busy schedules it just wasn’t possible.

Chris would begin shooting the scintillating new action thriller Malediction in a month. She had a lot
on her plate these days too. Her record label Atlantis was expanding, and thanks to her neighbor
Marvin leaving her a substantial chunk of his estate in his will, she was now one of the principal
shareholders of Pinnacle Studios and the legendary record label, Blue Vinyl Records.

Kate rubbed her belly as Chris approached. “You looked good out there. I’m sorry to pull you

away, but I’m famished.”

“I can’t have my wife starve. It would be in poor taste.” Chris pitched his short board into the

sand and stopped to rinse the seawater off his body.

“I prepped the veggies but I couldn’t throw Myrtle and Ted into the pot.” She scrunched her


Chris laughed and bounded up the deck stairs to kiss her. “I told you not to name the lobsters

when we were at the market.”

“But they had so much personality,” Kate pouted. “Remember the way they were waving at us in

the tank?”

“Uh, Kate, honey, they were trying to break free. A lobster knows that when their hands are

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bound, they’re on the menu, not up for a round of bondage games.”

“You should know.” She looked down at the faint bruising on his wrists. “I hope the marks go

away before we return home.”

“Don’t want anyone to know your little secret? You like tying me up and having your way with

me?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Hey! It’s not like you don’t reciprocate, Mr. I-Ignore-the-Safe-Words. Pomegranate, my ass,”

she huffed.

“I really did think you were just hungry for a snack.” He held back a grin.
“Yeah, right,” she said as she led him into the kitchen. “I’m going to take a shower before


“I’ll join you.” He pulled on the string of her bikini top.
“You surfed an hour longer than you should have, so now you suffer the consequences.” Kate

gave him a peck on the lips and darted out of the kitchen.

* * *

Chris got to work, trying to keep his mind off his wife showering upstairs. It had been an

incredible honeymoon, complete with a secluded beach. The time away from their glitzy world had
done wonders for his soul. The grind of carving out an acting career was never ending, and if he
wanted to reach mega stardom, there was no time to just disappear for a while. He needed to be out
there auditioning, attending parties, anything that would keep him visible until the right break came
along. And it finally had.

He compared the role of Danny in The Knock Around Boys to that of a gymnast who had

achieved the perfect dismount. He was sure he’d never again have the perfect storm of a great role
and a juicy scandal going on in the background at the same time. Nor did he want to. Even though his
scandalous “relationship” with Kate had been pure fiction at the time, people seemed to pay more
attention to his career now because they thought he’d bagged his director’s wife. He thought it was
funny how after all his risqué adventures, the one that gave him the greatest notoriety was the one that
never actually happened.

He took the lid off the pot and picked up the lobsters. “Myrtle and Ted, I want you to know you

are not dying in vain. You are being sacrificed for two newlyweds, much like yourselves.”

Chris dumped the lobsters into the pot, put the lid back on, and started the veggies. He loved

trying new dishes with Kate, the ever-willing culinary guinea pig. She in return applauded his
cooking efforts, but what he liked most was the time they spent in the kitchen preparing the meal. They
had the best conversations. She was educated and sophisticated, but she was also silly with a wicked
sense of humor. When she looked at him, he felt as though she saw who he was: a boy at heart who
was more insecure about his looks and acting abilities than he let on.

“Dinner is served,” Chris yelled upstairs.
“How did I get so lucky and land a man who could cook?” Kate descended the stairs wearing a

pretty sundress. “If we weren’t married already, I’d marry you again.”

Chris kissed her hand. “You bring out the best in me.”
“I’m going to miss this island. I can’t believe there’s some place on the planet that doesn’t allow

outside communication.” She chuckled.

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“No media to spy on us here. When all of this attention dies down, I’m hopeful that ‘Chr-ate’

will have privacy again.” Chris poured her a glass of wine.

Kate rolled her eyes. “I want to know who made up that preposterous blending of our names.”
“Doesn’t matter. You’ll drive yourself crazy trying to trying figure it out.”
“I’m sure there’s a betting pool out there somewhere on when we’ll divorce,” Kate mused.
“There’s one going on in my circle of car enthusiast buddies. I think two years is the longest

period so far. It’s nice when your friends have faith in you.”

“I’m on husband number two within three months of my divorce.” She grimaced, then thought

about it for a minute and smiled. “Hey, I’m a bad girl.”

“Yes, you do run through men like Kleenex.” Chris waved his forked at her. “My reputation up

this point was that of commitment dodger. You on the other hand seem to be in love with love. Should
I be worried?”

“Afraid you’re going end up like Ted?” Kate lifted the lobster off her plate.
Chris laughed. “Nah. Myrtle had Ted tied up long before some fisherman found him. I’d happily

meet my demise in a steam pot with you.”

Kate went over and sat on his lap. “That’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me.”
“I don’t want to go back,” Chris said. He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed his bearded

cheek against her neck.

“Neither do I, but reality awaits us. What time is our flight tomorrow?”
“Eleven thirty.”
“You have fifteen hours to make love to me before we leave paradise,” she said, sliding her

hand beneath the waistband of his swim trunks.

* * *

The last place Kate wanted to be after a fabulous honeymoon was in a courtroom continuing the

legal battle with Henry Weismann. Since he’d stormed out of the reading, Henry had made good on
his threat to contest his father’s will, and after a lot of legal drama over the last three months, it had
come down to the hearing today. Waiting for the judge’s decision seemed interminable. Clara came to
show support for Kate, testifying that the will was legitimate and that Henry’s alienation from his
father’s life and exclusion from his will was years in the making. Now it was time for the legal
system to weigh in on the matter.

The judge returned from his chambers. Kate took a deep breath and hoped for the best.
“I find this case is without claim and the last will and testament of Marvin Weismann will stand

as filed.” The judge banged his gavel and walked out of the courtroom.

Kate let out a huge sigh of relief, elated it was finally over. She hugged her attorney and friend

Natalie Griffin. She looked at Henry. His pupils were dilated and he was sweating. Clara went over
to talk to her son, but he wrenched away from her grasp.

Henry walked over to Kate. “This isn’t over.”
“Actually, Henry, according to the state of California, it is,” Kate responded.
“Come on.” Henry’s attorney grabbed him and hustled him out of the courtroom.
As the doors swung open, Kate could see the camera crews out in the hallway.
“There’s another way out of here,” Kate said.

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“No. We’re going to walk out the front of the building together. We’ve done nothing wrong.

Henry is responsible for that media circus outside, not you,” Clara replied. “I understand that he’s
upset, but Marvin loved you like a daughter. Henry should have respected his father’s last wishes.”

Kate smiled and nodded at Natalie. Clara was a tough old broad. Since her husband’s death,

Kate had witnessed a phenomenal strength in her.

They waded through the cameras and the reporters, Clara made a few glib comments about the

decision rendered being the correct one and that Marvin would have been happy about it. As they
made their way to Kate’s car, she could see Henry across the street taking his anger out on a garbage
can. He kicked it a few times but when that didn’t satisfy him, he picked it up and threw it into traffic.
His attorney grabbed him and pulled him down the street.

* * *

Kate offered to take Clara home, but the older woman preferred to go shopping for her upcoming

trip. Kate reluctantly dropped her off at The Grove and arranged for a car service to pick her up in a
few hours. Once she was on her way to the office she gave a quick call to Chris to apprise him of the
courtroom events. He’d offered to go to court with her but she’d refused. He still had a little free time
before he was thrust back into the limelight, and she thought he should take full advantage of it.

Although she had many places to visit, Atlantis was her first stop. The employees at Blue Vinyl

and Pinnacle had yet to warm up to her, but Atlantis was her home, her command center. It was the
only place where she was still Kate.

Thunderous applause broke out when she walked through the doors of Atlantis Records. It was

good to be home.

“She’s back!” Sabrina, her executive assistant, threw her arms around her.
Kate returned the hug and looked Sabrina over. “Did you cut your hair?”
“Yes, I did.” Sabrina pulled a pair of glasses out of her pocket and placed them on her head.

“Do I look like a big shot movie director?”

“Looks good, but you’re too cheery. Jack always has this permanent look of disdain on his face.”

Kate laughed. When her ex-husband was directing a movie, he would be in a perpetual bad mood for

“I’ll work on that.” Sabrina giggled. “We have to talk.”
“Welcome back.” Her partner John Gray appeared beside her.
“Thank you.” Kate linked arms with him and began touring the office, while trying to decipher

the crazy eye signals coming from Sabrina. After a half hour of gushing about her honeymoon to
everyone, they finally made their way to Kate’s office. She opened the door to find a beautiful
bouquet of lilies on her desk.

“What an exquisite arrangement.” Kate dropped her purse on the desk and sank into her chair.

She recognized the penmanship on the card immediately. Chris. She chuckled at the dirty limerick
he’d scribbled. “So how are things around here?”

“Status quo.” John took a seat and began a rundown of things.
Kate tried to focus on his face as he rattled on, but her thoughts kept going back to her

honeymoon. The sun. The surfing. The great food. Chris looking good in those damn swim trunks. It
was going to be harder to delve back into work than she thought.

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“Earth to Kate!” John yelled.
Kate rolled her eyes. “What!”
“Are you going to float around here indefinitely?”
“Perhaps,” Kate sighed. “Did you enjoy the wedding?”
“It was great until Chris pulled that stunt.” John’s jaw ticked.
“Still mad about that near miss with my garter belt? I’ve never seen you move so fast in your

life.” She smirked.

When Chris threw her garter in John’s vicinity, he dashed out of the way and nearly knocked

over the wedding cake in his escape. Luckily, Evan Darchon stepped in and caught it. His girlfriend,
Kate’s attorney Natalie, almost choked on her champagne.

“Yes,” he grumbled. “Puma took a cab home after she saw me ducking for cover.”
“I do recall seeing you two in a heated conversation after that graceless debacle. And really?

Her name is Puma?”

“Please, just…no.” Kate rolled her eyes. What was she going to do with him? For the life of her

she didn’t understand his aversion to commitment. “Have you ever loved anyone?”

“I love you.” John smirked.
“You know what I mean. Have you ever been in love with someone?”
John closed his eyes and groaned. “Why on earth would I want to endure that tortuous bullshit?”
“Love is a good thing, Mr. Gray.”
“I’ll take your word for it. How’s Chris?”
“He’s fine. He’s starting the new movie soon.”
“That was cool of you to let us play a game of touch football on the beach.”
“How often do you get a chance to make every man in your life happy?” She smiled. “Playing

touch football with Seth Blake is a football fan’s dream come true.”

“I hope you don’t mind. Chris and I talked about hanging out.”
Kate rubbed her chin. “Why would I have an objection to my two favorite people getting better


“The threat of death is still in place if he screws you over. But I don’t meet many guys who just

want to grab a beer and watch a game.” John snorted.

“Thank you for asking him. That was very sweet of you.” Kate’s eyes glossed over.
“Time for me to go. You’re doing it again.” John stood.
“Doing what?”
“That happy crap again.”
Kate sighed. “Where’s Andre?” It was always hard to pin point the whereabouts of Atlantis’s

elusive vice-president.

“In his office.”
“How’s he been?”
John shrugged. “You know Andre.”
“Anything else I should know about the business?”
John looked away for a moment then back to her. “Sabrina walked in on me in a…delicate


“How much is Sabrina’s psychotherapy costing us?” Kate laughed. That explained the crazy eye

moments from Sabrina. John turned his head and avoided her glance, indicating she didn’t want to
hear what he was going to say.

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“You mean retail therapy? I bought her some expensive-ass purse out of a store on Rodeo Drive.

She’s feeling better.”

“An afternoon on Rodeo Drive can do wonders for a scarred psyche. So, was this was someone


John cleared his throat and played with his tie.
Kate knew that look. “Someone I know?”
John turned his head again, barely audible. “Yes.”
Kate rubbed her temples. “Who the hell was it this time?”
“Lana McNeal. We’ve been spending time together. I’ve been working with her on this new sexy

sound she wants.”

A sharp pain shot up Kate’s neck. “Lana McNeal? You’re old enough to be her father. Please

don’t tell me you’ve succumbed to the cliché of getting involved with the talent.”

“I’m offended. I’m only twelve years older than her.” John sank back down into the chair.
“Human years or dog years?” Kate quipped. “Please tell me you weren’t doing her on my desk.”
“It was just a kiss. Kind of a hot kiss, but nothing else, and Sabrina came bursting through the

door with a message.”

“I’m serious John. No more canoodling with Lana. I’ll cut off your balls and make Italian

wedding soup with them.” Kate threw her planner at him.

“It won’t happen again.”
“I wish I could get you neutered,” Kate mumbled.

* * *

Kate gingerly stepped into Andre’s office. He was nowhere in sight, so she called out to him.

“Mr. White, you wanted to see me?”

“Ms. Garrison…or is it Mrs. Cavanaugh now?” Andre’s deep voice emanated from his private


“You know, I haven’t thought about it.” She laughed.
Andre appeared in the doorway. “Typical modern woman. Who needs a man’s last name?”
Kate stopped mid stride, surprised by his statement. “Wow. I didn’t take you for the traditional


“I think it’s nice when a woman wants to commit herself wholeheartedly.”
“You never seem to run out of surprises for me, do you?”
“I wouldn’t want you to get bored with me.” He walked over to his desk and handed her a

folder. “I’m afraid I have another one for you.”

Kate flipped through the folder, taking in the information.
“Sit. I’ll make you a drink,” he said, motioning to the barstool.
She grimaced. “It’s too early for me.”
“Ginger ale mixed with club soda and a lemon twist. I think you called it a clean, dirty martini?”

He placed the drink in front of her.

Kate smiled. He remembered. “Thanks.” She took a sip of her drink and skimmed the contents of

the file. “Henry’s been a busy boy.”

“My guy says he left rehab, against the counselor’s advice.”

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“Marvin funneled a monthly allotment to him but that stopped when he died. The house Henry

lives in is paid for but other than that, he’s going to have to find another means of support.”

Kate blinked. She didn’t know Marvin had still been giving his son money. “Do you think I

should start up his allowance again?”

“Why would you want to?” Andre sipped on his drink.
“I don’t want him bothering Clara.”
“Now that his father is dead, I don’t think five grand a month is going to pacify Henry. Cutting

him out of his will was a big slap in the face. If he can’t get what he thinks is rightfully his, he’ll be
more interested in vengeance than a token allowance.”

Kate grimaced. That was all she needed.
“No worries. My people are still on him.”
“Thanks, Andre.”
He winked at her. “That’s what I’m here for.”

* * *

Chris took a break from tuning his bike in the newly renovated four-car garage. His work area

was lined with workbenches, every mechanic’s tool imaginable, a few rich black leather couches, a
refrigerator, and a retro soda machine. He grabbed a soda and sunk into one of the couches to look
over the new pages of the script that had been delivered to him this morning.

The revised pages of Malediction included a new love scene with his costar and ex-girlfriend,

Allison Pratt. Allison was playing the part of Cherie Taylor, the down-on-her-luck waitress who was
drawn to his drifter character, Edison. He knew there was supposed to be a taut chemistry between
the two of them, but he’d had no idea they were going to do a super nova love scene to prove it. Each
page he turned became more graphic, leading up to a monster orgasm against a dirty mechanic’s
garage wall. His ass would be the only thing showing in the scene, thank goodness.

I’m working with CC, how cool is that? That was the latest media blurb she’d posted on her

personal page. His publicist had a team of interns that scoured social media daily for any mention of
his clients. According to their reports, she told a daily entertainment news show that she was excited
to be working with him.

This would be his first love scene as a married man—and with someone he’d actually screwed.

He knew it was part of the job, and he was a professional. But how would Kate feel about him
groping someone else, even in simulation? The goal was to make it believable…would she find it too
believable? The idea of intimacy, real or fabricated for the big screen, with someone else other than
his wife left a bad taste in his mouth.

He tossed the pages onto the sofa and got up. He had to clear his head.

* * *

Chris strolled around the farmer’s market looking for a pineapple and some decent mangos. He

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was going to surprise Kate with a fruit salad reminiscent of the delectable eats they’d had on their
honeymoon. Making love to her and eating good food was all he needed in life. These days the
possibilities were endless—there were loads of tantalizing scripts, most of them in the action genre,
that were bound to give him the kind of A-list exposure he’d been seeking for years. Assuming he
made it through the casting process, he could conceivably be busy for the next three years. Travel,
career expansion, and making money appealed to him. Being taken away from Kate to achieve it—not
so much.

His fear that something would muck up their happiness was very real. He’d witnessed many

couples in the business give it a go while pursuing their individual dreams. But after a while,
statements like “growing apart” and “constant separation due to work” were indicators that distance
was deadly in a relationship.

The Bonanza ringtone emanated from his jeans pocket. It was his agent, Stan.
“Hey, Stan, what’s up?”
“How was the honeymoon?”
“I got to see my wife in a bikini every day. It was fantastic.” He took a bite out of an apple.
“You better treat that woman right. She’s one in a million. So keep that zipper of yours welded

shut when you’re not at home,” Stan barked into the phone.

Chris shut his eyes. Stan had given him the talking to of a lifetime about fidelity at the wedding

reception. “I will, Stan. I promise.”

“I hope so, because I’d hate to have to kick your ass,” Stan barked. “You’re a good kid. You’ve

got the looks and the talent. All you need is a little discipline and you’ll be on your way. I’ve seen
you mature the last few months.”

“Thanks.” Chris smiled. “I’ve been reading through the scripts you sent over to the house.”
“Good. How about you come by the office this week?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Chris got in line to pay for his fruit. He smiled at the cashier, who was giving him a jaw

breaking grin, as he juggled to get the wallet out of his back pocket.

“Are you Chris Cavanaugh?” Her hand shook a little bit when she took the fifty-dollar bill in his


“Yes, I am. And you are?”
“Pamela. I am such a great fan of yours! I’ve seen every movie you’ve ever made! You are

awesome!” She paced behind the stand.

“Thank you, Pamela. It’s very nice to meet you.” Chris shook her hand. His heart went out to her.

She looked like she was going to pass out.

The Knock Around Boys was a nice change for you. The depth you brought to Danny was great.

Did falling in love with Kate Garrison while you were filming have something to do with it?”

“Being in a real relationship opened me up in a way that enhanced my performance for that

role.” There. He’d just spilled his guts to a total stranger at a farmer’s market.

“Awesome. Thank you for the wonderful films you’ve done. I know you’re going to win an

Oscar soon.” She beamed.

“Thanks, Pamela.” Chris walked away with his bag of fruit, wondering if he should have offered

to give her an autograph or something. He wanted to thank her for the encouraging words. Hearing
positive reinforcement from a fan made up for all the times he saw a scathing review about himself.
She’d even noticed how his acting had matured in The Knock Around Boys.

Winning an Oscar? That was always everyone’s dream, but Chris sincerely hoped it wasn’t

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totally out of his reach.

Buy Hollywood Rush here

Or try Star Crossed here

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~ About the Author ~

Rhonda Laurel is a contemporary interracial/multicultural romance writer whose two great

loves are writing and landscape photography. She uses both as a vehicle to convey the complexity of
the human spirit and the beauty of the world around her. Ebb Tide, For the Love of the Game and
Masquerade were released in 2012. Shutter, Memories of You, Star Crossed, MVP, California
Bored and Tourism
and The Blake Legacy in 2013. The print anthology, The Rhonda Laurel
, featuring Ebb Tide, For the Love of the Game and Shutter released June 2013. Texas
Heat, Love Notes & Football
and The Perfect Storm, books 4, 5 and 6 in The Blake Boys Series
released in 2014.

The author is happily building her backlist.

Discover more about Rhonda Laurel here

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~ Coming Soon ~

Cowboy’s Heart

Rhonda Laurel

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Also by Rhonda Laurel

The Blake Boys Series

For the Love of the Game

The Blake Boys Book One

Rhonda Laurel

This quarterback is making the greatest play of his life…
Quiet bookstore owner Morgan Reed can’t wait to lie on the beach on her much-needed tropical

vacation, but getting tackled by a tall, green-eyed stranger playing touch football isn’t exactly what
she had in mind. Neither is falling for said stranger, or going along with the eccentric islander who
sends them off with a mock wedding. But all’s fair when it comes to vacation romance, and Morgan
has plenty of time to get back to reality when she gets home.

When he slams into the beautiful Morgan on the beach and sends her to the infirmary, superstar

quarterback Seth Blake insists on helping her recover—if she agrees to share his bungalow with him.
Seth is nothing less than smitten, and the best part is that the beauty has no idea who he is.

But when he finds out that their little “wedding” was the real thing, Seth finds himself in a sticky

situation. Especially when Morgan finds out the man she fell for isn’t at all who he made himself out
to be…

Buy For the Love of the Game here

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The Blake Boys Book Two

Rhonda Laurel

The game has just begun…
Morgan Reed-Blake discovers that being the wife of MVP quarterback Seth Blake has its

perks…and its challenges. Thrust into Seth’s high-profile world, she must wade through the celebrity,
status, and the ghosts of girlfriends past. So when Seth takes Morgan home to his ranch in Texas and
introduces her to his family and friends, she’s not surprised when his high school sweetheart comes to
call. Morgan suspects she wants to rekindle the flame, and how can she blame her? Distraught over
the changes their relationship has caused for Seth, Morgan wonders if maybe he’s better off without

Pro quarterback Seth Blake is elated that his wife Morgan is giving their “fake” marriage a real

chance. But he doesn’t anticipate running into the woman who broke his heart years ago. He hasn’t
told Morgan about the complicated relationship with his ex, but as he guides Morgan through the maze
of his celebrity lifestyle, can he convince her the past is in the past? The MVP does not accept defeat,
and he’s determined not to lose. But winning Morgan might be the most difficult game of his life…

Buy MVP here

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The Blake Legacy

The Blake Boys Book Three

Rhonda Laurel

Two lovers. Two dreams. One hell of a hard decision…
NFL quarterback Seth Blake is having an unbelievable hot streak—he’s won his third Super

Bowl title the same day his wife Morgan gave birth to their son. Life couldn’t be better for the new
father and MVP. His contract with the Philadelphia Titans expires in a year, giving him a chance to
make a professional dream come true: to play in his home state for the Texas Wildcats and return to
his much-missed Twelve Horseshoes Ranch—this time, for good.

Morgan Reed-Blake has never been happier. She’s got the best husband, the cutest baby, and

she’s successfully juggling career and family. Her bookstore is expanding, her charitable organization
is growing, and she’s been offered her dream job on the literacy council. Everything in her
Philadelphia world is coming up roses. Until Seth’s contract with the Titans expires, and his dream of
returning home comes close enough to touch…and the powers that be in Texas start romancing Seth in
earnest. Morgan and Seth both have dreams. But a choice has to be made…

Buy The Blake Legacy here

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Texas Heat

The Blake Boys Book Four

Rhonda Laurel

Isabelle Reed is having a bad year. The classical violinist is struggling with a divorce, and a

broken arm has left her unable to play. So when she receives a wedding invitation from her cousin
Morgan, her heart just isn’t in it. Going to the wedding will mean seeing everyone from back home,
and seeing everyone back home will mean facing the music about her divorce. Unable to miss her
cousin’s wedding, she bites the bullet and takes off—and lands right in the arms of Morgan’s brother-
in-law, country western music star Tate McGill. She’d heard about the singer and his bad-boy
reputation, but there’s something about those storm-filled eyes that made her yearn to look deeper.
Even though she should know better than to risk being the subject of a song on his next album.
Country western singer Tate McGill is living the good life. He’s surrounded by beautiful women, hit
music, and a great family. But he gets more than he bargained for when he agrees to babysit his
nephew Jake for his brother Seth Blake, and finds a beautiful woman in his way. Isabelle Reed is
talented and strong-willed, and she’s a natural with little Jake. But she’s keeping a secret from Tate,
and he’s determined to find out what it is...

Buy Texas Heat here

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Love Notes and Football

The Blake Boys Book Five

Rhonda Laurel

New baby. New adventures. Love deluxe.
Philadelphia Titans quarterback Seth Blake couldn’t be happier. Toddler Jake is growing like a

weed, and Seth’s wife Morgan is expecting another baby. He’s just signed a new contract to play
football for five more years and has a plan for retirement. Things couldn’t be better...until an
unexpected family crisis turns the world upside down for them all.

Morgan Blake is ecstatic to become a mom again. The bookstore owner is happily balancing

work life, homelife, and love life while preparing for their new arrival. But the family is keeping a
secret from her. And the secret will threaten the very happiness she’s worked so hard to find.

Buy Love Notes and Football here

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The Perfect Storm

The Blake Boys Book Six

Rhonda Laurel

Sometimes you have to tear everything down and start over…
Private security specialist Samantha Jane Carson gets the surprise of her life when she arrives at

Blake Enterprises for the annual security audit. Instead of her usual contact, she’s greeted by the
company president himself, the sexy and elusive J.J. Blake. It’s her job to know everything about the
Blake family, and J.J.’s recent divorce is the talk of the town. Women are lined up to become the next
Mrs. Blake, and who wouldn’t want to be? J.J.’s gorgeous, rich, and has stormy green eyes that hold
women captive.

J.J. Blake is making some major changes in his life. Freshly divorced from ex-wife Eden, he’s

building a new house, coming to terms with the injury that ended his NFL career, and is ready to start
fresh—without romance complicating things. His friends and family encourage him to get back into
the dating pool, but he’d rather not be sucked into those rough waters again. Work is the obvious
diversion, and he opts to handle the security audit himself for some good old-fashioned guy/tech
work. But when Sam Carson walks into his office, J.J.’s brought up short. The “Sam” he was
expecting turns out to be Samantha—beautiful, smart, and a tough-as-nails ex-cop in a polished,
professional package. And she’s just the kind of woman who could drag him under…

Buy The Perfect Storm here

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The Hollywood Heat Series

Star Crossed

Hollywood Heat Book One

Rhonda Laurel

When Hollywood’s sexiest secret explodes, stars are born.
Music mogul Kate Garrison’s husband is a leading Hollywood director. He also happens to be a

cheat. When he’s caught having an affair with an actress, Kate becomes the talk of the town—and not
in a good way. So when she stumbles into Hollywood’s new golden boy, Chris Cavanaugh—in the
men’s room, of all places—the gossip mill starts working overtime. Especially since Chris is starring
in her husband’s next film.

Chris Cavanaugh couldn’t imagine a woman would have such an effect on his life. But amid the

gossip and Hollywood politics, his only option is to ride out the media storm and play house. He
never expects to actually fall for her, but when illusion begins to look more and more like reality,
Chris has his hands full keeping his career intact and his eye on the target of making the Hollywood
A-list. So why does spending time with Kate suddenly seem more important?

Buy Star Crossed here

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Hollywood Rush

Hollywood Heat Book Two

Rhonda Laurel

High stakes. High Passion. Winner takes all.
Atlantis Records mogul Kate Garrison is elated to have married her soul mate, actor Chris

Cavanaugh, a crazy counterpart to her uptight nature. After a scandalous meeting that set the paparazzi
on fire, and a whirlwind courtship and wedding, she and Chris return to their Hollywood life of
movie sets and power struggles. She’s busy with the new business ventures she inherited, which
include another record label and part ownership of Pinnacle Studios. As she struggles to adjust to her
new elite position in Hollywood, not everyone is happy with her new-found power. And in
Hollywood, power is something everyone wants a piece of.

Chris Cavanaugh’s luck keeps getting better and better. He married the woman of his dreams and

his talent is finally getting recognized. The movie roles and award nominations are pouring in. Now if
he could only convince himself that he deserves all the attention. But rumor has it that Kate’s pulling
strings behind the scenes to launch her husband to stardom, now that she owns a majority stake in the
movie studio. And rumors like that could threaten everything they have...

Buy Hollywood Rush here

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Ebb Tide

Rhonda Laurel

Simmering passion at play.
Natalie Griffin is an attorney who is practical, smart and good at her job. Legalese is the least of

her worries, for much of her time is spent keeping her employer, playboy extraordinaire Evan
Darchon, out of trouble. Natalie has managed organize everything for him--his company, his home,
and his women--but if she could teach him to control some of his wilder impulses, her job would be a
heck of a lot easier.

But what about her impulses? Her cool, controlled demeanor is the perfect complement to

Evan’s wild side, but she craves the carefree way he makes her feel. His attraction is obvious, but
can either of them afford to rock the boat of their professional relationship?

Buy Ebb Tide here

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Rhonda Laurel

Photographer Antonio De Soto’s life is out of focus. Everyone in his family thinks it’s time for

him to settle down. He doesn’t want to be strong-armed into domesticity, even if he does feel the
bachelor lifestyle is starting to wear thin. So when his friend invites him to do a pictorial on the
community theater, Antonio’s prepared to do his thing and follow his normal womanizing M. O.
Instead, he finds himself sparring with the resident artist, Lucy Marceloni. Lucy’s dime-store analysis
of his love life—and him—leaves him angry and shaken, but it’s too close to the truth to dismiss. The
quirky artist is not his type, but their passionate fights generate a deeper heat between them he can’t

Lucy wants a man who’s sensitive and intellectual, the exact opposite of Antonio De Soto. The

moment she meets the handsome photographer she pegs him as arrogant and self-centered, but that
doesn’t protect her from the sizzling chemistry between the two of them. Being drawn to the rogue’s
charm and subtle seduction tactics is the last thing she wants. Working with him on the community
theater fairytale production could prove to be more than she can handle...

Buy Shutter here

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“Masquerade” Halloween Heat IV

Rhonda Laurel

An Anthology of Erotic Contemporary Romance

Four erotic stories of contemporary romance with just the right amount of Halloween spice to warm

up those cool autumn nights.

“Party Games” by Mina Carter

“Punished by the Cowboy” by Sue Lyndon

“Unmasked” by Brooklyn Wilde

“Masquerade” by Rhonda Laurel

Buy Halloween Heat VI here

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~ More Romance from Etopia Press ~

The Ranch Hand

Hannah Skye

A rugged cowboy, an ambitious cowgirl...and a whole lot of rope.
After growing up on her uncle’s ranch, Carol McCreedy has longed for a place of her own to put

down roots, raise a big herd of cattle, maybe a few horses, and make a name for herself. And now,
with the ink barely dry on the deed, she’s finally made it happen. But leaving Snowbrook to go off on
her own isn’t going to be easy. Not only is she in debt up to her eyeballs, but she won’t have the
excuse to flirt with her uncle’s long-time ranch hand, Harlan Lee. He’s a mighty fine specimen—
rugged, hard-working, and drop-dead sexy, and Carol’s going to miss watching him ride the fences
and haul bales of hay in the Colorado sun. There’s heat between them, she can feel it every time his
eyes meet hers and that slow smile spreads across his amazing mouth. But she just can’t get the man to
make a move.

Harlan has held his feelings in check for about as long as he can take. And now that the beautiful,

headstrong Carol is leaving Snowbrook, it’s time to cowboy up. She deserves more than he can give
her—all he has is his horse, and a woman like Carol deserves the moon. But he can’t let her go
without risking one little kiss…and maybe another… and maybe showing her that he’s pretty darn
good with a rope…

Buy The Ranch Hand here

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Bidding Wars

Love Strikes Book One

A sheriff plus a nurse plus a house equals trouble…
Nurse Molly Harper has had a tough year. But when she decides to regain control of her life,

buying her dream house becomes her first priority. Finding the perfect house and falling in love with
it—that’s the easy part. The hard part is getting rid of the obnoxious man who thinks he’s going to be
the new owner. Even if he is gorgeous. And the sheriff…

Sheriff Luke Logan needs to buy a house. Getting out of the renting game will help in the custody

battle for his son, so when the perfect place pops up right on his street, he can’t believe his luck. But
there’s already an offer on the table, and the woman won’t back down. Too bad she doesn’t know that
he always goes after what he wants, and he has no intention of letting her have “his” house. Even if
she does make him feel that he might need more than just a house to make a home…

Buy Bidding Wars here

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Table of Contents

Look for these titles from Rhonda Laurel
~ Dedication ~
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
~ About the Author ~
~ Coming Soon ~
Also by Rhonda Laurel
~ More Romance from Etopia Press ~

Document Outline


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