MrsK81 A Night With The Royal Staff

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Copyright Page

This book was automatically created by


on August 21st, 2013, based on

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The content in this book is copyrighted by MrsK81 or their authorised agent(s).
All rights are reserved except where explicitly stated otherwise.

This story was first published on July 12th, 2011, and was last updated on
November 27th, 2011.

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated - please email any bugs, problems,
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Table of Contents


1. Chapter 1 A Night With The Royal Staff
2. Chapter 2 Death By Blushing
3. Chapter 3 Fk You Very Much
4. Chapter 4 Motherforker
5. Chapter 5Nothing Like a Bit of Bang Ban
6. Chapter 6 The Assblaster 2000
7. Chapter 7 Can You Keep A Secret?
8. Chapter 8 Mother Fucking London Eye
9. Chapter 9 Off With her Head
10. Chapter 10 Just Give Me Six Months
11. Chapter 11 Happy Birthday, Sandra Dee
12. Chapter 12 Fuck It All
13. Chapter 13 What would you wish for?
14. Chapter 14 Baldock Vs Barnet
15. Chapter 15 Words I couldn't say
16. Chapter 16 Peter Pan,Tinker bell & Raini
17. Chapter 17 The only place I want to be
18. Chapter 18 Seven Weeks
19. Chapter 19 Remember this day
20. Chapter 20 What the hell just happened
21. Chapter 21 Bamotherfuckinghumbug!
22. Chapter 22 CrapalaRenee
23. Chapter 23 I Always Hated Twilight
24. Chapter 24 Sequel now posted!

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Originally a one shot now extended. American Bella is spending a year in London.

Working at a party she meets a very sexy and very regal man looking for an escape.
Result - a night with the Royal Staff which fast becomes so much more.

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Chapter 1 A Night With The Royal Staff

1st A/N

Update - so I relented and decided to make this into a multi-chap story.

I'm quite glad I did now - these two are so much fun to play with!


For anyone who has read my other fic, you will no doubt remember the

missing lemons. Well, it didn't seem like a big deal for that story, for me at
least. But now I have another plot cooking in my head and I can't help but
think that story might just be in need of a few fruity scenes.

So, the point I'm trying to make is, (yeah I do tend to waffle on), I wanted

to write one or two fun one shot stories; something to give me a chance to
try my hand at the sexy stuff. This one is my first mild attempt.

I came up with the idea for this kind of story back in April. Like a true

proud Brit, I sat and watched the Royal Wedding, oohed and ahhed at the
dress and the service, blah, blah, blah.

But the most fascinating part for me, was trying to imagine what the party

would be like afterwards, wondering if the Queen would get off her face on a
glass or two of sherry, wondering if Prince William could let his hair down
(okay so there's not so much of that left anymore but I'm wandering off
point again,) and hoping that Prince Harry was the fun loving, man whore I
love to think he is.

So, I thought I would have a little fun with our favourite characters (some

of them anyway) and here it is ...

Oh yeah - disclaimer - I don't own Twilight or its characters. And thanks to

Pretty Flour for pre-reading/beta-ing.

Chapter 1 - A night with the Royal Staff


Privileged. Yes, apparently, I was privileged. Lucky and fortunate to be born into

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this family. Lucky and fortunate to live as I did. Lucky, and oh so fortunate to have
my entire future mapped out from the very second I was conceived twenty six years

I wasn't ungrateful, and I'm not a selfish bastard who only thinks about himself

above all else, but sometimes, I wished I had the opportunity to be just that. I knew I
was lucky to have a wonderful family who loved me and wanted the best for me, in
whatever shape or form it presented itself. It was just unfortunate, that those family
members, who wanted what was best for me, were not the people who I called
Mother, Father, Grandmother etc, etc... Those family members who loved me were
not the ones who refused to see how suffocating this life was.

I was hurtling towards a future that I didn't want a single part of. The shit that

had surrounded me for as long as I could remember, was enveloping me so tightly
that I almost couldn't see straight.

Growing up under the constant scrutiny had been unimaginably difficult. I was

never allowed to behave like your average young boy, I didn't have "friends" who I
could play football or computer games with. I envied those boys who took for
granted the very thing that was the essence of childhood.

The first taste of freedom I experienced came thanks to my enrolment in boarding

school. I almost forgot who I was and for the months I was away from home, I wasn't
treated like a higher being. I was just Edward. To say that was a nice change would
have been the understatement of the century.

I was desperate to indulge in as many "normal" experiences as I could do. I

dabbled here and there with drugs. Nothing hardcore, just the occasional joint of
weed, or hit of LSD or speed at one of the epic Friday night parties. I enjoyed the
company of girl after girl, not caring for the repercussions for my actions. I knew
nothing would come out, even if a student tried to sell any of the countless stories
available, because Grand-Bitch would have it buried quicker than a squirrel hiding
its nuts.

I hated the tight leash that was forever holding me back, and strained against it at

every opportunity. My father had tried to pull me from school on more than one
occasion, but again Grand-Bitch intervened. She warned that removing me from
school would only raise more questions, so I was allowed to stay. That was the one
and only time I had ever felt thankful towards the woman who could give the White
Witch from Narnia a run for her money in the frostiest demeanour category.

I think my parents assumed once I was out of school I would calm down

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somewhat. But that never happened. After I completed my A Levels at Eton, I moved
onto University. There I continued to live as I wanted to and it only fuelled my desire
for a normal life.

My behaviour escalated, and I ended up in hospital with a broken leg and several

broken ribs, after a pretty terrifying experience with one of the aforementioned
drugs. I had been tripping so badly, I was convinced I was being pursued by
murderous rabbits and had fallen down a flight of stairs.

Although my accident couldn't be kept hidden, the reason behind it certainly was.

It was blamed on a little too much alcohol, and swept under the rug where possible.
I let my focus on school slip and I barely managed to scrape through my degree. I
didn't care. What did I need it for anyway? University was just another way for me to
lead my own life. A degree in Art History wouldn't make one bit of difference to the
life I would soon have to embrace.

Sensing that I was becoming a loose cannon, senior advisors to our family

suggested that I spend some time with my Aunt Esme and Uncle Carlisle. I was
thrilled, I had always been close to my cousins Emmett and Alice and the idea of
being able to live it up with them for a while seemed perfect.

Esme and my mother Elizabeth were sisters. Yet it was always Esme who I looked

to as a mother figure. She had showered me with affection throughout my life and in
all honesty, I loved her more than the woman I had to call mother.

It was just the same with Carlisle, whilst I was experimenting with women and

illicit substances, he had offered me advice. Never telling me what I should and
shouldn't do. He knew I was going to do it regardless, so he simply warned me of
side-effects to the drugs and helped me when I decided enough was enough. He also
gave me the father-son sex talk and provided me, albeit rather embarrassingly, with
what seemed like an endless supply of condoms.

Unlike my parents, Esme and Carlisle were together because of love. Each

worshipped the ground the other walked upon and it was touching to see.

My mother and father on the other hand, had been "encouraged" together by

Grand-Bitch, and who could ever refuse her? So, twenty nine years later, they were
still married. They were as happy as could be expected considering neither had
actually wanted to marry the other. Over the years, they had developed a
relationship which was respectful but not loving. Not once had I ever seen an
intimate gesture or look of affection exchanged between them.

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I knew that was what I had to look forward to, and that scared me more than

anything else. Not being able to choose a girl I wanted to marry. Not that there had
ever been anyone who I had even looked at in that way, but still, knowing that
choice would be out of my hands was like a good old kick to the nuts.

I spent three years with Esme and Carlisle and my cousins. They were the best

three of my life. Carlisle was a doctor, he ran his own private practice close to their
home in Hertfordshire and I was often invited along to help out on a voluntary basis.
I was always referred to as a "student" and by some miracle, not one person ever
recognized me. Probably because, the majority of Carlisle's patients were elderly
women who could barely see beyond their own nose.

During my time with Esme and Carlisle, I still had to make an appearance at

several family events. Usually they were charitable functions. Each mind-numbingly
dull, and were it not for the constant supply of alcohol, I doubted I would have
managed to get through a single one.

I still needed security, I was far too important to ever risk being abducted,

assassinated or anything else. (Although, occasionally those situations sounded
more appealing than returning home.) So the head of my security detail, Peter, was
forever at my side. He had worked for the "family" for years and I had the up-most
respect for him. He was in the latter stages of his chosen profession, so it seemed
more appropriate for him to work with the one person who shied away from as many
public engagements as possible.

Although we never talked about it, I got the distinct impression he knew just how

much I resented my life and not once did he ever judge my behaviour or attitude.
For that reason, he had worked his way into the tight knit circle of people that I
surrounded myself with.

I had also drafted in Emmett to act as my number two. Whenever, Peter was off

the clock, Emmett would take over. I was delighted with this arrangement, it felt
more like socialising with my best friend and I added him as a permanent member of
my team when I finally had to say goodbye to this chapter in my life.

Trust was an issue for me. Besides, my adopted family, I could count on one hand

the number of people I put any faith in. There was my brother James of course. Then
e had Peter, Sam - my driver when I was back in London—and Tanya.

Tanya was the only non-family woman who I actually cared about. Not in an "I

want to marry you" way, but simply as a friend. She was someone who knew me
through and through. I had confided in her time and time again and she never once

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betrayed that trust. We spoke every day and when I was back home she was a
constant visitor to my apartment.

Basically, Tanya was my professional wife; she organised my security, my diary

and anything else that I needed. She did all she could to accommodate my difficult
ways, but wouldn't hesitate to point out if I crossed the line as far as my behaviour
was concerned.

I was back in one of the guest suites at the home of my grandparents, surrounded

by people who were paid to brown-nose me all day every day and I was slowly going
insane. Tonight I was attending a 'special' event.

Grand-Bitch and Grandfather were celebrating sixty years of marriage. I had to

wonder how he had done it. I wouldn't have lasted sixty seconds with her. I would
probably been the first person in my family to be imprisoned for murder.

The party was being held here. In one of their homes and anyone who was anyone

had been invited. They didn't have "friends" who would be coming to celebrate—to
be fair, the majority of their friends had snuffed it years ago while Grand-Bitch
appeared to be fast approaching immortality. Those present tonight were just
acquaintances, all of whom were all too eager to join the queue for brown nosing.

It would be dismal, the majority of those in attendance who weren't polishing their

noses on my Grand-Bitch's backside, would be sitting like they had a hot poker
stuffed up their arse instead.

I looked at the three piece suit that had been picked out by my dresser. Yeah, you

heard it right. I was twenty six years old and still needed my clothes choosing like an
infant. Black, boring and bland. It just about summed up my life.

"Knock, knock."

I looked up to see a head of blond hair poke through the door.

"Wow, Edwardo, who died?" My brother, James, smirked before striding into my


"Me," I deadpanned. "Are you seriously not dreading this bloody party?" I raised

an eyebrow at him in disgust.

He laughed, so freely that it stung a little. "Nah, I have a good friend downstairs."

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"Dom," He saw my frustrated expression and failed to realised I wasn't in the

mood for games, "Pérignon—surely you two have met before?"

I shook my head at him and tried not to smile at his lame joke. God, what I

wouldn't have given to switch shoes with my brother. There was only eighteen
months between us and I suppose we had been each other's only friends as we grew

Eighteen months. It was nothing right? Yet his life and my life were completely

different. He was more or less free to do as he chose. Yes he had to maintain a
certain respectability, but his map of life had plenty of alternative routes which he
could choose at any time.

Wow Edward, miserable much?

"You had better get your suit on, Ed. Dad wants us in the ballroom in ten

minutes," James warned and then stepped back outside.

I dressed robotically, taking one quick glance in the mirror I grinned. My hair was

in its usual chaotic style and I did nothing to calm it down. This was one area of my
life which I fully controlled and I knew it drove Grand-Bitch mad. I may even have
ruffled it up some more before I left the room, not that I did that on purpose of
course. We wouldn't want to antagonise the old witch and give her an embolism or
anything, would we?

James was waiting outside, leaning against the wall, his usual smirk plastered on

his face. Neither of us was particularly well behaved. Despite the upbringing we had
received, we had both spent far too much time in the company of Emmett Cullen and
we had grown accustomed to some of his more "fun" ways.

The only up side to being in this house was the security it offered. Basically, it was

a fortress and once inside, I needed no escort, no shadow on my tail every time I
turned around. Emmett would be in the main room, pretending to work of course. In
reality he would just be taking advantage of the free champagne and the pretty
women who would be working as servers.

James and I walked slowly to the ballroom, he was moaning about the

uncontrollable horn he was experiencing, and I had to agree with him. I hadn't had
the company of any woman since I had ended a brief relationship with the one I was
being encouraged to choose as my wife.

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After I had first returned to life in London, I had been introduced (for the eighth

time I might add), to Katharine Charles-Tanner, or Kate, to those who knew her
best. She was an attractive woman with long blond hair, blue eyes and legs that
never seemed to end.

Kate, was the daughter of Lord Alistair Charles-Tanner and his wife Irina. A pair

of high-climbing aristocrats, who would have loved nothing more than to see their
darling daughter as my wife. They had spent hundreds of thousands of pounds
grooming Kate, ensuring she had attended the best schools, universities and social
events. They invested heavily in the charities which Grand- Bitch was involved in
and their efforts worked. We were forced together in the hope I would finally grow
up and act like someone in my position should.

I allowed things to continue for six months or so and Kate seemed more than

happy with our casual arrangement. But I grew tired of the charade and ended the
relationship, which caused one of two blistering arguments between my father and I.

As we approached the ballroom I heard James mutter sarcastically, "Dad looks


Outside the doors to the room, stood my parents. My father was pacing up and

down anxiously, angrily, impatiently... As soon as he saw us he stopped and shook
his head.

"You're late," he barked and then gestured to the room. "Everyone is waiting, now

let's go."

We were shown through the huge doors and into the packed room. Everyone was

standing and acknowledged our presence as we made our way to the table. It was
pathetic, my entire family and everything it stood for was old, outdated and boring.

I sat down first, instead of waiting for my parents to take their places, as I should

have done. That earned me a glare from Daddy dearest but I ignored him and waved
my glass in the air to the server I knew would be homing in on my position straight

"Your Highness," I heard a woman whisper but I didn't look up as she filled my


Inwardly I was cringing. I hated being addressed as that, but I wasn't just Edward.

I was Prince fucking Edward amongst many other titles, all of which made my skin

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My father was HRH Prince Edward, my Grand-Bitch just happened to be Queen

Elizabeth and I was third in line to the throne. One day I would be King of England.

See I told you my life was fucked up!


"Come on, Bells. Pleeeeaaaaasssse come with us? It's gonna be so much fun. We

can sight see and shop during the day and party at night. Just think of all the people
we'll get to meet in London. Just one year, that's all we're talking, and then you can
come back to fantastic Forks," Jessica whined like no one else I had ever met.

After my other two best friends had failed to convince me to take a gap year and

swan off to England (like what I did there!), they had revealed their secret
weapon—Jessica friggin' Stanley.

She had big curly hair, was as tiny as a doll, and had the absolute power to

persuade anyone to do anything she wanted. Mainly because that whine in her voice
drove you insane enough to agree to anything, just to shut her up.

Goddamn friends. But I loved my three girls and the idea of spending a year

escaping reality didn't seem too bad; so I agreed to go with them.

I refused to have anything to do with the planning. I wanted to enjoy the trip and

obsessing over every little detail would only stress me out to fuck, so I stuck my
head in the sand and let Rose, Angela and Jessica arrange everything.

That had been my first mistake.

I had "borrowed" my savings to pay for the flight, but I was too excited at the

prospect of living without a care in the world to even consider how we were going to
fund this year long trip of sightseeing, shopping and partying in England's capital.

Funny, but movies and books which portray the typical backpacking experience,

always seem to forget trivial little things. Such as the cost of living in this
motherfucking city for a start.

Rent? Don't even get me started on that. Price of food? Yeah, you'd better not go

there either, and as for the price of beer. Well, I now fully understood the obsession
that some students had with collecting empty beer bottles. The fucking things cost

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far too much to throw in the trash.

So anyway, bitching aside. We have been in lovely London for eighteen weeks and

three days now. Eighteen weeks and three days since I left my home in the ever
constant cloudy and rainy shit hole of Forks. I had left my estranged mother and
father at the airport, embroiled in another argument about my upbringing.

My father, Charlie, the upstanding Chief of Police of aforementioned shit hole,

was thoroughly disappointed in my decision to board the big bird in the sky and
head to pastures new. Apparently, I didn't appreciate what tough economical times
we are currently experiencing, and I needed to start planning for tomorrow.

"You know money doesn't grow on trees, Bells. If you don't find a job now, how

will you manage to support yourself in the future?"

Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that little story Dad. Bottle it, patent it and boom,

instant cure for insomnia. No more financial problems—ever. Fuck I'm smart.

So where were we? Oh yeah, Dad was pissed. My mother on the other hand was

fucking ecstatic. After years of her constantly worrying I was going to turn into a
square like my father, she was suddenly picturing me with a daisy chain around my
head, driving an old Volkswagen camper van, decked out in psychedelic colours and
a love seat, whilst waiting for Woodstock to come around again.

I honestly think that if I'd spent the latter part of my childhood with her, I would

be preparing to change my name to Moonbeam Lotsalove, walking around with a
joint behind my ear and my fingers permanently set in the peace sign. If you hadn't
already guessed, my mother was a borderline hippy.

Okay, so we left our respective parents at the airport, crying and telling us to be

safe, responsible, yada, yada, yada. We listened dutifully of course, and then as soon
as were out of site, we began singing Break Out by Swing out Sister.

We accustomed ourselves to British beers in the terminal, and then on the

connecting flight to New York, then in the terminal at Newark airport and then on
the last leg to Heathrow.

We irritated the living shit out of the elderly couple sat behind us and they were

complaining constantly about us to the stewardess. But thanks to Rosalie's very
complimentary rack and sexy "titsling", the ageing man assured us that having fun
was breast... uh, I mean best. Yeah he was a dirty old pervert, but, his roving eye
meant we could scream Rose was being sexually objectified, and thankfully manage

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to avoid an early meeting with the law after we landed.

As soon as we had retrieved our luggage we stepped outside into the lovely

English weather.

"Rain? Goddamn fucking rain? We left Forks because we were fed up of getting

wet, and now we arrive here and guess what? Yeah, Rose, we're getting wet,"
Jessica growled. "My hair is twice the fucking size it was when we left the plane."

But, we wanted to embrace London and all its wonderfulness. So we held our

heads high and got piss wet through. Our first experience with wonderfulness?
Being scammed by a cabbie who drove us the longest fucking way possible to our
hostel, and then charged us an obscene amount of money for the honour.

"Ere we are, Darlins." He winked as he pulled up outside a dilapidated house in a

pretty iffy street.

He took the money and sped off to scam his next unsuspecting victim—bastard.

"No fucking way. Look at that place, Rose, we can't stay there," I whispered and

she nodded, never taking her eyes from the weird brown stain in the middle of the
front door.

Not wanting to enter the house, we had lingered on the street. Our bright pink

and flowery luggage soon drew us some unwanted attention. So we were faced with
the choice, stay out here in the street and face the pretty scary mother fuckers who
were now advancing on our position, or brave the house from hell.

Sufficed to say, we chose life.

To be fair, the hostel we were staying in wasn't a front for some human trafficking

or masochistic establishment, which sold their guests for your run of the mill,
torturing, dismembering experience.

We didn't stay there for long, it had just been a short term solution for when we

first arrived and we managed to find an apartment to rent after a few days. Thanks
to our parents, we had enough money to cover the rent for six months.

Or so we thought.

In Forks, two thousand dollars a month would have secured you a God damn

palace, but not so much in London. Instead of a penthouse on Mayfair with

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panoramic views of the wonderful city; we were holed up in a two bedroom flat,
another shit-fucking-hole. It was located in the most "un-London" street in the city
and it was a good thirty minute ride on the underground to get anywhere worth

The second time we were scammed in the city, had been when he had to pay a

security deposit of another two thousand dollars for renting the place. Two thousand
dollars on somewhere that wouldn't even sell for that much.

The curtains were brown, holey and smelled stale and damp. The brown carpets

were worn right through in some places—the parts that weren't rather made you
wish they were, and the walls were brown and patchy. Yes, our landlord appeared to
like brown. Not wonderful chocolaty browns, but instead, he had gone for the less
appealing, dog turd brown.

At least we had good neighbours though right? Wrong. We were sandwiched

between two other apartments. Above us were a married couple who appeared to
despise one another; judging by the torrent of "fucking dickhead", "she-bitch from
hell","fucking ignorant bastard"
and "fat, lazy whore" that filtered downstairs.

Drifting upstairs, courtesy of Jake and Seth in the flat below, was the constant

aroma of weed. These guys smoked, baked, grew and lived for all things pot related.
To give you a good visual; Google Towlie from South Park and you're good to go.
They were really good guys; but given the fact they had smoked half of their brain
cells away, they weren't really the best conversationalists.

I had been lured here with the promise that our days would be spent sightseeing,

visiting Tower Bridge, Westminster Abbey and of course the Mecca for us
girls—Harrods. Yeah we were wrong about that too. In order to cover the rent, food,
travel and alcohol, we all needed to work our asses off.

Angela stuck close to home and took a job in McDonald's, and whenever we were

a little short on cash, we could take advantage of lots of sneaky free lunches. Pretty,
slender, statuesque Rosalie landed a job as a "promoter". Basically, she had to draw
in crowds to various stores, clubs and exhibitions. Easy for her; with one flick of her
beautiful blond hair or a batter of those perfectly groomed eyes, and anyone would
be putty in her hands. Much to our amusement though, no one ever saw her
attributes, thanks to the endless supply of ridiculous costumes she had to wear. So
far, she had been Minnie Mouse, Barney, Bob the Builder and even Bigfoot.

Much to her dismay, and our intense amusement, we ensured each and every

outfit was captured on film, something to embarrass her with at future birthday

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Jessica and I worked together. We waited tables at a pretty damn nice restaurant

in the heart of Soho. It was called Volturi's and run by the most fabulous couple I
had ever met.

Aro and Marcus were Italian born and raised. They had moved here about twenty

years earlier to start a new life. They opened Volturi's and at first, they concentrated
all of their efforts into making that a success. It quickly became one of the most
sought after restaurants in London, and using the profits, they had begun a second
venture. Caius Catering Services, catered for the most jaw-dropping functions, in
the most spectacular places.

All trusted employee's at Volturi's who were off-duty, were given first refusal to

cover the functions, and no one EVER turned those down. In the short time I had
worked there, I had met some of the most famous people on the planet; Sir Elton
John, Posh Spice and Becks, (Newsflash: Posh Spice actually ate a bean sprout—I
bore witness to it!), RPatz and KStew (totally a couple—friends don't have their
hands in the places these two did), Justin Timberlake and Paris Hilton, (okay, I know
I'm scraping the barrel with that last one).

Tonight, Jessica and I were pulling another shift of overtime, but tonight was

going to be the most exciting, nerve-wracking and incredible job of the lot. For this
job, we had to prove our work visas and passports were legal and current. We had to
have background checks to prove we weren't homicidal maniacs, and then we had to
undergo a full two hours of additional training. We were told how to correctly
address those VIPs who would be in attendance, and we had to rehearse curtsying
over and over again.

We were each appointed one table to work and had to learn the names of the

guests at that particular table. Why all the effort?

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this part was being held at Buckingham fucking


Better watch your potty mouth, Bella.


"How long until my departure would be deemed acceptable?" I leaned over and

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hissed in Tanya's ear.

She rolled her eyes. "Don't even think about it, Edward. Trust me, as soon as the

formalities are over, your parents and grand-parents will leave. Then you can have
some fun right?" She cast a look in James' direction, who was shamelessly flirting
with a girl on the next table. "Can't you be more like your brother?"

"I'll leave the socialising to him. I'm really not in the mood tonight, Tanya." I threw

back another glass of champagne, ignoring the disapproving look my father was
giving me.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Please be upstanding for HRH Queen Elizabeth and HRH

Prince Anthony." The entire room stood quickly and I groaned before rising to my
feet. My grandparents walked through the room as quickly and gracefully as any
arthritic eighty year olds could do.

Finally, after the seemingly endless round of applause had died down. Battle-axe

Liz addressed the room and gave thanks to the guests for the years of support, and
claimed it was an honour to have so many friends here to share this special night
with them.

I stopped listening and lazily scanned the room. Every single person appeared

mesmerised by my Grand-bitch's presence and it was sickening, but one person
caught my eye. As the speech was flowing, one of the servers was paying no
attention. She appeared to be doing the same as I was, looking around at the
sickening scene, seemingly so unimpressed by the whole thing, and I swear she
actually shook her head. A look of disbelief on her absolutely beautiful face.

When the speech was over, I sat back down immediately, again not waiting for the

applause to die down. My eyes wandered back to the girl, she was now gathering
trays of hors d'oeuvres to serve to the guests.

I had been spot on with my first thought. Beautiful. Her long brown hair was tied

back into a ponytail. She had a tiny frame, and her slender waist was only
emphasized by the uniform she wore. A white blouse and fitted black waistcoat on
top, with a knee length black skirt and flat black shoes. Definitely not the most
stylish, but it was insignificant, because the more I looked at her, the more I couldn't
tear my eyes away. I watched her in the hope she would be assigned to our table.
But, she wasn't. I scowled as she walked towards another section of the room.

When I looked back at Tanya, she was smirking. "All the single women in the

room, who will no doubt be lusting after you or your brother, and you, Edward,

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appear to be fascinated with a waitress."

I ignored her and picked at the appetisers we were being served. My father could

always be relied upon to bring up one subject, irrespective of where we were.
Tonight was no exception.

"So, Edward, when can we expect you to commit full time to your

responsibilities?" He looked expectantly at me. "You can't hide away in your
apartment forever. You have a duty to uphold."

"Please can we let tonight pass without discussing this." I ran my hands through

my hair and pulled at the strands in frustration. "This is supposed to be a

"It appears, events such as these are the only times I ever see you, Edward. This

issue needs addressing sooner or later." He dismissed the conversation with a flick
of his hand and turned his attention to someone else at the table.

"Please, Darling. Try to consider how important this is to your family." Now it was

my mother's turn to fight my father's battles. "Your absence only places so much
more pressure on your brother's shoulders."

"No, Mother. Leave me out of this please. You know I have no issues with taking

on Ed's responsibilities." He shot me a reassuring smile and then a wink. "Besides, I
find it's a great way to prey on unsuspecting women."

I laughed and my mother sighed in disapproval, but his remark killed the

conversation and she changed the subject.

I tuned her out and unable to resist, I looked around the room shifting in my chair

purposely to see behind me. The girl was serving at one of the outer tables, she was
smiling as she served, but I could tell from here, that her expression was forced.

If anyone saw my position, it would be pretty obvious that I was blatantly staring

at her. But it didn't bother me in the slightest, and I continued to watch her for
several minutes.

"For goodness sake," I heard Tanya mutter under her breath, before she excused

herself from the table.

I saw her approach a very flamboyant looking man, in a very questionable

aubergine coloured suit. As soon as he noticed her, he broke out into a huge smile

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and embraced her like an old friend. I could see a smile planted on her face as she
spoke and the man's eyes flickered in my direction. He nodded enthusiastically and
then almost danced away.

"You're welcome." Tanya laughed as she rejoined our table.

I waited for her to elaborate, but she didn't. I shrugged off her remark and tried to

find my girl again.

My girl? What was that?

But she wasn't at the table and I couldn't see her anywhere else in the room. I

sighed and settled for picturing her in my head. I was lost in thought for a while,
when a beautiful flowery fragrance swept through my nose.

"Champagne, Your Highness?"

I glanced up; this voice was different to the usual forced accents I heard on a daily

basis. This voice was warm, sweet, and American. It was my girl. Incredibly, up
close, she was even more beautiful. In fact, breathtaking was a more suitable word.

Her lips were full and pink, but her bottom lip had a small ridge in the centre. As I

slowly looked up to her eyes, I saw a blush sweep across her cheeks, and then I
found myself staring into a pair of huge brown eyes, so captivating that I couldn't
look away.

The blush on her cheeks intensified and I realized she was waiting for me to

answer. My shameful ogling had been noticed by all at the table and I became
extremely self conscious.

"Oh...yes...yes thank you," I stammered and dropped my eyes to the table.

She dutifully refilled my glass and then moved around the table. The same forced

smile fixed on her face.

"Excuse me?" Tanya piped up. "I just adore that pendant. I have never seen

anything like it."

I looked up instantly to the girl's neck. The top few buttons on her blouse were

open, revealing creamy, white skin and a very unique necklace. It was a knot of
intricately woven glass which cast glimmers of light in every direction. It transfixed
me almost as much as her eyes.

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I saw the girls fingers trace over the chain and pendant. "Thank you. It was a gift

from my mother back home."

"Back home?" Tanya pressed, "You're originally from America?" She was smiling

like the girl was an old friend.

"Yes. I'm from Washington." I could see she was uncomfortable. Clearly torn

between remaining polite, yet anxious to continue with her job.

"What brings you here to London?" Tanya continued but she never got chance to


"Tanya. Let the young lady work," my father snapped. "We aren't here to converse

with the staff."

He motioned for the girl to carry on and Tanya looked at her apologetically.

"Really, there was absolutely no need to act like that," I muttered, utterly

embarrassed with his outburst. I didn't want her to assume that I was anything like
my father.

"Enough, Edward," my mother warned. Her face tight and lips pursed.

I took another long drink and then beckoned the girl back over. "You should

probably stay close. I intend on consuming a great deal of that." I narrowed my eyes
in my father's direction and then smiled at the girl.

She returned the grin, but gone was the forced expression. Now she was really

smiling, her entire face lit up and if at all possible, she looked even more incredible.

With a polite nod she added, "Of course, Your Highness."

I shook my head. "Edward. Please."

A loud bang on the table made everyone jump and caused the glasses on the table


"Not Edward," my father seethed and glared at the girl. "You will address him

correctly, is that clear?" His fist was still clenched on top of the table.

"Yes, Your Highness." The girl bit down on her bottom lip, explaining the

prominent ridge I had noticed just moments earlier.

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I thought it best to allow him to calm down, so I asked her to refill the glass and

then let her continue in silence.

As the evening progressed, the other tables began to liven up. Ours, on the other

hand, remained quiet. The jovial laughter from around the room did little to raise
our spirits and only highlighted the tension between my father and I.

By some small miracle, as soon as Grand-Bitch had left, my parents followed suit.

The lights were dimmed, the music began to play and the real party began.

I looked straight for the girl, but she appeared to have vanished again. I waited,

scanning every inch of the room, to no avail.

Damn it.

"Aro, darling. Please come and sit with us." Tanya greeted the man in the

aubergine suit again, and patted an empty chair beside her.

"Grazie, Tanya." He flicked his black hair over his shoulder and sat down like a

true diva.

"This is a wonderful event, Aro," Tanya crooned. "But I'm afraid Edward is a little

disappointed. We appear to be missing a rather attractive young lady."

Aro laughed. "Oh, please don't worry, Your Highness. She will be back." He

paused, glancing at me nervously. "Isabella is just having some air. She was
extremely hot."

His emphasis on hot was unmissable and James laughed. "I concur."

Without a second thought I stood, ignoring the wry smiles from the others. I knew

exactly where she would be getting some air. Towards the rear of the room, there
was a small terrace out of sight. It was the entrance the staff used to enter and exit
the room.

As soon as I stepped outside I saw her, leaning back against a pillar. The glow of a

cigarette in her hand and her eyes looking up to the sky.


My voice startled her and she dropped her cigarette onto the floor. As she

recognised me, I saw her frantically trying to remember what she should do.

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"Oh shit... Um I mean..." She attempted to curtsy, but instead she stumbled and

fell forwards.

Instinctively, I reached out and grabbed her arms to steady her.

"Thank you." She smiled shyly, before adding, "Your Highness."

"Edward remember? My father was just being a pompous fool."

"Okay, Edward." She looked down at the burning cigarette on the floor. "Do you

mind?" She gestured to the pack in her hand.

"No, please go ahead." I paused as she opened the packet. "Actually, would you

mind if I..." I pointed to the cigarette now in her hand.

Her eyes widened for a second and then she shot me that smile again. It almost

rendered me speechless. "Of course not. Please, help yourself."

I took one and smiled. "Thank you."

"No problem. I guess that's not what I expected. Prince Edward bumming a smoke

from a waitress." She laughed and offered me her lighter.

I laughed and lit up. Admittedly, I hadn't smoked since university, and I was only

having one now in an attempt to stay outside and talk to her, without looking like I
was a pathetic fool. "It certainly would be frowned upon, should I get caught in this
very compromising situation."

"Indeed." She laced her voice with a fake British accent and then laughed again.

"So, Isabella. How long have you been in England?" I barely touched the cigarette,

letting it burn down slowly, dragging out the time I could stay out here with her.

She frowned. "How do you know my name?"

"Your employer, Aro I think his name was, mentioned you were out here getting

some air." I shrugged.

"Oh, right. Um, well I've been here for almost five months now. We just got twelve

month visas, good job really. You Londoner's certainly know how to rip unsuspecting
tourists off."

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She proceeded to rant about the cost of living in the city. I let her speak without

interruption; I was completely fascinated with her. I moved my eyes from her face
and let them trail over her body. She was a tiny little thing, her head barely reaching
my shoulders and her frame was just as petite.

When she noticed I was basically eye-fucking her, she stopped talking and began

to tap her foot impatiently. I looked back up to her face and she eyed me angrily.

"Are you done? Or would you like me to turn around so you can stare at my ass?"

"Well yes, that would be rather nice as a matter of fact." I smirked, but she didn't

see the funny side.

"Well it would seem that even well brought up Royals can be sexist jerks. That

must be something that comes with having a dick in your shorts." She threw her
cigarette onto the floor and began to stalk away.

I moved quickly to block her path. "I'm sorry."

She sighed. "Whatever, Your Highness. I need to get back to work."

"Will you be having another break?" I asked hopefully.

"More than likely. Why do you want to join me for another secret smoke?" She

looked up at me.

"Actually, yes I would. Come and find me beforehand Isabella?" I stepped aside

and allowed her to walk back inside.

"I'll think about it." She turned back quickly and smiled. "And it's just Bella."


Fucking shitwads. Prince frickin Edward had just joined me for a smoke outside

Buckingham Palace. He had looked me up and down and I knew he watched my ass
as I walked away. I was thoroughly confused. Undeniably, Prince Edward was
panty-wetting sexy, but he was... well yeah... he was a fucking prince.

I had been perfectly content to be working my little corner of the room. My table

was not full of people who demanded I address them as Your Highness. The honour

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of serving the royal table fell to Heidi. I wasn't jealous at all that she was up close
and personal with two very fine looking Princes. Not jealous, not jealous, not

Aro had caught me completely off guard when he asked me to switch tables with

Heidi. In fact if looks could kill, I would have been dead ten times over. As one of the
more experienced members of staff, Heidi had earned the right to tend to the most
important guests and she was furious.

"You aren't serious, Aro?" She spat in my direction.

"Enough, Heidi," Aro warned. "My company, my choice. It was a specific request

from a very dear friend of mine. If you don't like it then you know exactly where the
door is. I have no qualms about making this shift your last."

She stalked off without another word and I groaned, "Why on earth would you

want me to work that table?"

"Bella, I don't. Your track history at falling over your own feet speaks for itself."

Aro chuckled. "Unfortunately, someone at that table does. So please try not to
embarrass yourself, or me." He winked and then floated away gracefully.

"Well this is going to be interesting." I took a deep breath and walked over to the

table extremely nervously.

I wasn't a fan of the Royal Family. The entire concept seemed so dated and I was

unsure as to the point of it all. What did the Queen do exactly? Britain had a Prime
Minister who appeared to responsible for the day to day running of the country.

The only things I had seen the ruler of England do, was make a few appearances

here and there, talk like she had someone squeezing her nose really hard and
judging by tonight, she threw a pretty dismal party.

In fact, what did any of them do? The Queen, her husband, son or grandchildren?

Okay I was just a visitor to the country, but still, I had spoken with enough people
since I arrived to get the distinct impression, that the majority of the locals saw the
Royal Family as nothing more than a tourist attraction. And seriously what was with
the names? Everyone shared the same god damn old fashioned names. Imagine how
much better Prince Levi or Princess Shiloh would sound.

I offered drinks to the guests, starting first with Prince Edward (senior). This man

was the definition of "fucking pompous ass", he was dismissive and rude. Yet even

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well into his fifties, it was apparent just how handsome he was. In fact the entire
family were genetically gifted. Prince Edwards's wife, Elizabeth, was incredibly
beautiful and their two sons had inherited the good looks.

James, the younger of the two, resembled his father. His features were more rigid

and his hair was cropped short and styled neatly. He appeared relaxed and jovial, in
dark contrast to his elder brother.

Prince Edward (junior) looked irritated and was frowning as he looked down at

the white table cloth. If we're discussing the looks of the family, I can find just one
expression to describe Edward.

Homana, homana, homana.

He looked just like his mother and father. He took the best features from both.

Looking soft and warm in one glance and then masculine and strong in another. His
eyes were the most unusual shade of green I had ever seen. They reminded me of
the empty bottles of wine that were a feature in the restaurant. Glassy, deep and
rich and I wanted to stare at them all night. The mop of bronze hair on his head was
in such a state of disarray, that it actually looked like he had arrived straight after a
sexathon. I pictured some prissy English chick running her hands through his hair,
before replacing that image with my own hands and almost moaned out loud at the

I realised I was staring shamelessly at him and I blushed, the blush only worsened

when I noticed he was looking right back. I almost died with embarrassment, but
rather than look annoyed at my leering, he was smouldering and it sent shivers
down my spine. He didn't break our gaze for a minute or so, he seemed as oblivious
to our audience as I had been.

I had no idea how long I had been stood there like a complete imbecile, but soon

enough, Prince Hotward dropped his eyes and inclined his head toward his glass.
Not wanting to seem even more unprofessional than I had already acted, I refilled
his glass and moved onto another guest. The last thing I needed was a complaint
that I had been eye-fucking the Queen's grandson. While Aro and Markus were
wonderful employers when you were on the ball; fuck up and you would be out on
your ass faster than shit off a shovel.

I resumed serving, fighting an overwhelming urge to look back at him. Even

during his intense stare, his eyes seemed sad, lost even and I found myself affected
by it. Okay, I was affected by all of him and my hormones were wide awake and
screaming for more.

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I almost did a happy dance when I was asked to call him Edward, but of course his

pompous ass father totally pissed on my parade and Edward closed off. I left the
table and hovered nearby, just in case I was called upon again. But, unfortunately, I

Breaks were hard to come by at events like this; so when Aro told me to take

mine, I made a dash straight outside to have a smoke. I was minding my own
business, looking up at the dark sky when I was completely taken off guard. I hadn't
expected any company whatsoever, and certainly not that of Prince Edward. In a
ridiculous attempt to remain professional I moved to curtsy, but surprise did nothing
to help my already lacking coordination, and I almost fell on my ass.

A pair of hands grabbed my arms to steady me, and the jolt of electricity that

passed through me, left every nerve ending tingling in delight. It took all my
willpower not to jump up and wrap my legs around his waist and beg him to take me
right there.

Had I mentioned sex had been a little thin on the ground since we arrived?

We remained outside for ten minutes or so, talking, smoking and interacting like

two regular people and I almost fell over again when he asked if he could join me on
my next break. What the hell was going on? Why was he talking to me? Why was he
staring at me?

I had replayed those questions in my head over and over during the course of the

night. Still no closer to an answer, I couldn't resist glancing over at him every
chance I got. As was pretty much usual, as soon as the party was in full flow, no one
person worked a table. All of the servers were waiting on everyone, making sure the
guests wanted for nothing.

Even though I wasn't serving him, even though I wasn't talking to him—I could

still feel his eyes on me and I frequently met his gaze, cheekily adding a wink every
now and then. Our exchange went unnoticed and I prayed I'd get a spare five
minutes sooner rather than later.

When Aro returned to the table to sit with the pretty blond woman who had

quizzed me about my necklace, he waved me over to serve more champagne.
Edward smiled at me and I swear my stomach flipped like I was on a roller coaster.

After the departure of the senior Royals, a few other men had planted themselves

at the main table and were chatting animatedly with Edwards's younger brother.
Much to my annoyance, I drew the attention of one of them.

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"Another drink please, pretty lady." A scruffy looking man blew me a kiss and

laughed. The scruffy beard and rumpled clothes was clearly part of an intentional
look as his voice told me straight away, this guy was as upper class as everyone else
in the room.

"Of course, Sir," I replied politely and turned away.

"Wait!" He set his hand on my hip, rather inappropriately and stopped me. "What's

your name?"

Aro was engrossed in a conversation and failed to notice the exchange. I didn't

know how to react so I answered him as icily as I could without risking a complaint,

"Well that is certainly a beautiful name, Isabella." He smiled. "It suits you

perfectly." He didn't remove his hand, instead his grip tightened. "Tell me, Isabella,
did you bring your toothbrush with you tonight?"

I frowned at him. "Excuse me?"

"I asked if you had your toothbrush with you," he slurred.

Perfect an upper class drunk—just what I needed. "Why would you want to know

that?" I forced my voice to sound sweet.

He laughed. "Well, you'll need it tomorrow morning when we wake up together

after a night of mind-blowing shagging." He moved his hand and placed it on my ass.
"What do you say? Shall we leave now?"

I forgot about all about professionalism and I crouched down beside him. Pressing

my lips to his ears I hissed, "I would rather be sodomised with a fucking
toothbrush." I stood and added, "Sir."

I heard a few snorts of laughter as I walked away and couldn't help but smile.

I was gutted when Aro told several of the servers to take off. The party had

quietened down considerably and there was no need for us all to be hanging around
redundantly. Jessica was staying to the end and then going for a drink with Mike,
one of only two male members of staff here tonight.

Begrudgingly, I took one last glance to Edward who was stood with his brother

and a few other men I didn't recognise. I almost waved my packet of cigarettes up in

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the air to get his attention, but I didn't.

I walked quickly outside and checked my watch. If I was lucky I could catch the

last train home. The underground closed at eleven and it was now ten minutes to. I
hated walking home alone, but I was still boycotting taxi's so it left me with little

"Ah shit," I swore loudly as I reached the station. The gates were locked. "God

damn, motherfucking shit."

It was a good forty five minute walk home from here, so I braced myself for the

experience and set off. I barely made it three steps before I heard a car slow down
behind me. I increased my pace and kept my eyes forward. It crawled alongside me
and then stopped. I tensed and looked around to see if there was anyone who I could
ask for help.

"I really don't think you should be walking home alone. It isn't safe."

I smiled before I even saw him. Edward was peering through the rear passenger

side window, a grin planted firmly on that sexy-ass face.

"I think the car is more at risk than I am," I teased and stepped closer to the car.

"May we drive you?" He spoke with such perfect pronunciation, but his voice was

warm and inviting.

"That's not necessary," I began to protest but I was quickly cut off.

"That is a matter of opinion. Any in my opinion—it is most certainly necessary.

Please get in the car?" The door swung open and I saw Edward move across the

We appeared to have upgraded from simply having a smoke with the future King

of England, to going for a drive with him.

"Okay, if you insist." I climbed in and closed the door. I told the driver my address.

"Sorry, it's not the best neighbourhood. You might want to throw me out while the
car is still moving before anyone can steal the wheels."

Edward moved slightly closer and my breath hitched nervously. "I was

disappointed you left without us having our second 'date'." He smiled a wonderfully
sexy, one-sided smirk and I swear my underwear almost ripped itself off in delight.

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"Sorry," I whispered, not quite sure what else to say.

"I should think so. I know you're American, but surely you know just how

important I am?" His voice dripped with sarcasm.

I laughed loudly and it took me completely by surprise. "So sorry, Your Highness.

Would you care for a cigarette?"

"Absolutely. But maybe it would be best if we wait until we get out of the car." He

grinned and I nodded enthusiastically.

It didn't take us long to reach my apartment. I was cringing in shame as we turned

onto the ramshackle street. I chanced a look up at our floor and groaned. The light
was still on which meant someone was at home and awake.

"Perhaps I could take you up on that cigarette now?" Edward instructed the driver

to remain in the car and climbed out cautiously. "Better leave the engine running
Sam. As Bella pointed out, we wouldn't want someone stealing the wheels." He
winked at me and I heard his driver chuckle.

"Hey I was being serious," I warned.

In true gentlemanly fashion, Edward held out his hand to help me from the car. I

quickly wiped my very sweaty palm on my trousers and reached out to take his hand

"We can't go inside..." I looked up deliberately and he followed my gaze. "My

roommates are home."

"Here we stay then." He grinned and sat down on the steps which ran to the front

door. He patted the floor beside him and waited for me to do the same. I followed
his lead obediently and handed him the packet and lighter.

We sat in relative silence and I couldn't help but notice he only took one or two

drags on the cigarette. In comparison I was puffing away like my life depended on it.
The unease and awkwardness was obvious and I desperately tried to think of
something to say.

But what the hell do you talk to a Prince about?

So, Eddie, have you seen any good movies recently? It's a bit of a fucker that you

can't smoke in bars and shit now huh?

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Yeah, it was probably best I keep quiet.

The downside to smoking like a train, happened to be the rapid time it took me to

finish. I couldn't light another one; I was feeling slightly lightheaded and nauseous
from the quick intake of nicotine.

"I should probably go inside." I smiled and got to my feet.

Edward nodded. The small furrow in his brow and down-turned lips led me to

believe he wasn't quite ready to say goodnight. I didn't know what he expected but if
he had visions of me sucking him off out here on the street he was vastly mistaken.

Although, when I thought about it...

"Thank you, Bella." Edward's voice interrupted my thoughts. "It was a pleasure

meeting you."

"You too." I grinned. "Your Highness."

He rolled his eyes and wished me goodnight, before walking to the car. He

hesitated at the door and looked back in my direction one last time before he got

After the car had driven off, I released one or two, "fucks" and "shits". I had just

been sitting talking to Prince fucking Edward and all I had to offer was;

I should probably go inside.

What kind of fucking idiot was I? Answer—a big fucking idiot.

With a sigh, I trudged upstairs and opened the door into our apartment. I heard

the television blaring, but Rosalie and Angela were both fast asleep on the couch. I
wasn't feeling in the mood to chat and I needed to sleep, so I made my way quietly
to my room.

As it was only a two-bedroom place, we each had to share. Rose and Jessica both

liked to hog the mirror for hours on end, preening and perfecting their hair and
face. Rather than have them constantly fighting for the seat in front of said mirror; I
shared with Jessica and Angela with Rose.

I stripped out of my seriously unfashionable work uniform and grabbed an over

sized sweater that belonged to one of Jessica's more recent conquests. It was huge

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and hung off one shoulder, but it just about covered my ass and I didn't bother
putting anything else on my bottom half other than my underwear.

I heard a faint tap at the door and assumed it was Jessica. She made it a habit to

forget, or lose her keys and I opened the door quickly without checking to see who
was behind it.

A strangled squeal escaped my lips when I saw who it actually was. Prince

Hotward was stood in my doorway, an unopened packet of Marlboro's in his hand.
He wasn't looking at my face though. His eyes were lingering on my exposed legs.

"Ah shit. I thought you were Jessica. I'm sorry." I choked and Edwards's eyes

immediately snapped up to my face.

"I... I... wanted... I mean... I thought I should repay you for the cigarettes." He

thrust the packet at me nervously.

"You shouldn't have," I mumbled and yanked the sweater down as low as I could.

"Fuck I'm embarrassed." I could feel my cheeks glowing redder and redder as I

He ran a hand through his hair. "It's certainly an interesting look." Edward's gaze

dropped again and he actually licked his fucking lips.

Holy shit, I almost came right there. Stupid, stupid sexy Prince.

"Would you like a drink... or something?"

What the hell was I doing? You can't just invite a Prince into your shit hole

apartment and offer him a mug of cheap ass coffee or stagnant tap water—could

Edward's eyes widened and that god damn crooked smirk made an appearance

again. "Yes. Thank you."

He strode inside confidently and then noticed my friends asleep on the couch. I

could see he stifled a laugh when he heard the loud snores rippling from Rose.

"If you don't mind... we'll have to um in my room. You really don't want

these two to wake up while you're here." I showed him to my room and then left him
alone while I made the coffee'

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I panicked immediately. Oh, bugger, fuck, crap. Now what? I took far longer than

necessary to make the drinks and then walked nervously to my room.

I closed the door behind me and prayed Jessica would remember our "rule". We

were all single girls and had made the decision early on that male company was
allowed should the moment present itself. However, rather than giving unsuspecting
roommates a few unwanted surprises, if the door was fully closed to our bedroom,
then it was to be assumed that the room was engage' and alternative sleeping
arrangements had to be made.

There was a fold away bed in one of the couches and more than enough blankets,

so it wasn't as though one of us got the short straw and had to curl up on the floor.
Jessica had invited Mike from work over on more than one occasion, so I figured she
could hardly say anything to me. The only problem tonight was, I was here, barely
clothed, entertaining a fucking Prince.

Perhaps I had been slipped some kind of drug and was currently experiencing a


"Sorry about the mess." I handed him his coffee and began gathering some of the

clothes that were strewn about the room. "I wasn't expecting company."

Edward dismissed my apology and made himself comfortable on my bed. "What

did you do in the States, before you came here?"

"Um, I had just graduated college. I majored in English Literature; I always

figured I'd get a job as a teacher or something. But then we decided to come here
for a year so that's kind of on the back burner."

I perched on the edge of the bed, but it was only a single bed and Edward was a

tall guy so wherever I sat, he was within touching distance and the urge to do just
that was overpowering. I simultaneously felt nervous and god damn fucking horny.

We fell into a comfortable chat and the man was intriguing so say the least. I was

surprised to learn he had been spending as much time as he could out of the public
eye, in an attempt to regain control of his life, and shield himself from the pressure
his Father had been putting him under to become a more of a public face.

We talked for well over an hour, our cups were empty, but I didn't offer him

another. I was spellbound and did I mention—horny?

Unfortunately, Edward got up from the bed. "I think I should be going now,"

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I nodded and went to open the door when I heard voices outside.


"Problem?" he asked, looking a little anxious as he spoke.

"Yeah, could you just wait a minute? I can hear my roommates. They won't come

in as long as the door is closed. But I'd much prefer they didn't know you were here.
I'm sure you can imagine what reaction you'd get?" I smiled nervously and turned so
my back was up against the door.

"Of course."

He moved closer, close enough that his chest was pressed against me with the

faintest of pressure. His face was only inches from mine, I could see the intensity
burning in his eyes and I could feel his breath, tinged with the scent of coffee, wash
over me. I was barely in control of myself and I reacted like a dog on heat.

I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. His lips were soft and warm and moulded

themselves to mine perfectly. I had been expecting him to pull away, so I was
delighted when he responded eagerly.

His hands clutched at my waist and I knotted my fingers in his hair, holding his

face as close to mine as I could. I was driven wild by his taste. It was so unique, like
nothing I had ever come across. I needed to feel more of him, so I moved my hands
down his neck and across his shoulders. I pushed the jacket down his arms and it
fell to the floor. My fingers then unknotted the tie and pulled it off in one swift
motion. Immediately, I set to work on the buttons to his shirt, my hands were
trembling with desire, and as the material separated I looked down at his body.
Toned, perfectly defined but not overly muscular, and smooth as silk. But from his
naval, I could see a few hairs trail south towards the jackpot.

Once the shirt had been disposed off I allowed my hands to wander lazily across

his body. I didn't need to see his back, to feel the same sculpted physique. Edward's
hands slipped down to my ass and then up inside my sweater. His fingers were
leaving trails of burning skin as he skimmed them over my breasts.

He moaned softly against my lips and the sound elicited a similar response from

me. I fumbled with his belt and button on his pants, and as soon as I pushed them
down I could see his very prominent Royal Staff bursting out of his boxer shorts.

I bit my lip at the sight. Royal Staff, dick, penis. Call it what you will, but I,

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Isabella Swan, was actually looking at Prince Edward in nothing but his underwear.

Seriously—best drugs ever!

As I was ogling, my hands were raised above my head, and the sweater pulled off

in once swift motion. He threw it casually onto the floor and then looked at me
nervously. Silently asking if this was what I wanted. Not even a question really, but
had it been, the answer was a simple—fuck yeah I want.

I pushed him backwards and onto the bed roughly, climbing over him in nothing

but my underwear. I began kissing down his neck, chest and abdomen. Thoroughly
excited at getting a bit of face to face time with the Royal Staff. I pulled down his
boxer shorts and he swore under his breath. Even more turned on than I ever
thought humanly possible, I glanced up at him through my lashes as I flicked my
tongue across his head.

A strangled and rather loud groan escaped his lips. "Ssh," I laughed and he swore

again as my breath blew against him.

I ran my tongue up and down his length a few times before I took him fully in my

mouth. Edward's hands gripped my head, and I had another brief reality check.

Prince Edward currently has his dick in my mouth. Fucking unbelievable.

I wasn't usually a fan of giving head, in fact my very tactful friends had given me

the very affectionate nickname of, No-blow-job-Bella. But much to my surprise,
tonight I was actually quite enjoying it. Something about the effect it seemed to be
having on him spurred me on even more and I could feel his hold tighten on my
head. His breathing grew more erratic and he choked out a feeble plea for me to
move. Ignoring him, I took him a little deeper and grazed my teeth gently against his
skin as I did so.

I didn't flinch as he came in my mouth. I just swallowed the warm, salty release

without a second thought. I looked up at him and his head was back against the
pillow, his eyes closed as he tried to catch his breath.

I sang God Bless America in my head, because I had just given Prince Edward a

blow job.

"Jesus, Bella," he gasped, his eyes now open and staring straight at me.

I suddenly felt a little self-conscious and I crawled tentatively up the bed to lie

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beside him. I had to press myself up to him closely otherwise I would have fallen
onto the floor.

Before I could feel any more nervous Edward rolled over, pulling me underneath

him and kissed me passionately. The horn returned in an instance and I lost all
inhibitions again.

He began to brush his lips and tongue to my neck, across my collar bone and

down to my breasts. I moaned as his tongue swept across my nipples and then
drifted lower and lower. With one finger hooked into each side of my underwear, he
slowly pulled them down before settling in between my legs.

I tensed; the anticipation of what he was about to do almost sent me over the

edge. Barely touching my skin, his lips ghosted across the inner thigh of one leg,
before sweeping his nose and mouth across my centre and onto the other leg.

I swallowed nervously, desperate for him to return his attention to where I needed

it the most. When he finally did, I felt as though I was about to burst into flames. His
tongue danced around in the most mind blowing way and almost immediately I felt
my stomach tighten. The waves of pleasure started to build and I was teetering on
the edge, not quite ready for it to be over just yet, I hung on as long as I could. I
wanted to savour every last second, because this was simply divine. When I felt him
push one finger inside me, followed instantly by another, I could hang on no more. I
covered my face with a pillow to muffle the screams of delight that I couldn't hold in
any longer.

I squirmed as he kissed his way back up my body. It was too much to bear, it was

as though every single nerve had been ignited, and I could feel every touch on an
entirely new level. He was looking rather pleased with himself and with good

When he kissed me, I could taste myself on his lips, but instead of feeling

uncomfortable, I was even more turned on. I wrapped my legs around him tightly
and ground my hips against him.

"Um... Do we need?" He looked a little uneasy having to ask, "I don't ... You know.

I'm... But..."

"Me either and I'm on the pill. But if you would rather..."

He shook his head and placed a soft kiss on the tip of my nose. "I trust you," he

whispered and then pushed inside me.

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A faint growl, rumbled in his chest and he remained still for a second. Impatiently

I rocked my hips, needing to feel more. My bed was squeaking loudly and the
headboard was rather ungraciously banging against the wall, there was no
mistaking what was going on, but I was beyond caring.

It only took a few deep thrusts from Edward, before I could feel the waves again.

They were building so much faster than before, I dug my nails into the skin on his
back and pulled him as close to me as I could. Those already sensitive nerve-endings
were literally exploding and I experienced the most powerful orgasm I'd ever had.
My reaction seemed to send Edward over the edge and he swore one last time
before stilling inside me. Our bodies were trembling and sweaty, but we needed a
few minutes to come down from the almighty high we had just experienced.

It was surreal; I had just had the most amazing sex of my fucking life, with a man

who was the most intriguing and devastatingly handsome man I had ever met. That
in itself would have been more than enough to leave me a little overwhelmed, but
add to that, the man was actually a future King and it was beyond comprehension.

I was a little lost for words. What did I say now?

Okay, thanks for the big 'O' your Highness.

Not trusting my brain to come up with anything, I waited for Edward to speak

first, but instead, he kissed me. A kiss laced with affection and it removed all trace
of unease from me.

"I don't think we were discreet." He smirked. "I would say I'm sorry, but I'm truly

not sorry at all."

I laughed, feeling his body shake as I did. "Snap. But they'll be waiting for me to

explain as soon as I emerge in the morning."

I saw his panicked expression. "Don't worry, I won't tell them all the details."

"So in effect, you could say, I'll be your dirty little secret?" He laughed, his

features softening as he did.

"Yeah something like that."

I showed him to the bathroom and then hovered by the door to make sure no one

else was about. I could see Jess curled up on the couch, but Angela and Rose were
nowhere in sight.

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As soon as Edward was done, I cleaned up and then skipped back to my bedroom.

I found him sitting on my bed in his boxers.

Seeing him like that, on my fucking bed, got me all riled up and I wanted to start

all over again, but I resisted—for now at least.

"Did you have your driver wait?" I looked through the window, but couldn't see

the car anywhere.

"Um, no actually. I told Sam I'd call when I needed him to pick me up. I was

hoping I would be here for a while." He shot me that crooked grin again.

Should I have been offended by his presumption? Possibly, but I wasn't. Not in the


"Well, you're more than welcome to stay here, if you like. I can hop into Jessica's

bed," I offered.

He shook his head. "I'd much prefer you were right here." He reached forward to

take my hand and pulled me onto the bed.

I woke up with a heavy, warm arm draped across me. My legs were tangled up in

a knot with Edward's and his hot breath tickling the back of my neck.

Okay Bella, don't start stressing. I chanted over and over in my head.

Why on earth would I be stressing? What was there to stress about? Oh yeah, I

remember, Prince mother fucking Edward is in my bed... with me... naked. Oh, and
aroused—mm, interesting!

I heard a muffled vibrating sound coming from the bedroom floor. I presumed it

was Edward's phone. Faced with a new dilemma, I wondered what to do. Wake him?
Answer his phone? Well let's imagine answering it fist of all;

Good morning, HRH Prince Edward's phone, Isabella speaking how may I help

you? Oh, I'm sorry, Your Majesty, your grandson is asleep at the moment. I'd rather
not wake him just yet—you see we spent the night having the most fuck hot sex
ever. Can I ask him to return your call?

As much fun as that sounded, I decided the safer option would be to wake Edward.

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New question, how should one wake a member of the Royal family? I seriously

doubted that, "OI YOU LAZY MO FO GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED!" was the way to
go, so I gently shook his shoulder instead.

His eyes opened slowly and he smiled sleepily. "Morning."

"Um hi. Your phone is ringing I think," I mumbled and he disentangled himself

from me and rolled over to retrieve it.

"Do you mind if I answer it?" he asked nervously and I shook my head. "Morning,

Tanya. I was wondering if you could cover for me..." His shoulders relaxed, I could
hear the woman's voice on the other end of the phone laughing. "Okay I will." He
turned to face me and smiled. "Tanya says 'hi'."

"Oh... um hi back." I giggled nervously, wondering who the fuck Tanya was.

"No, I promise I'll be back in an hour... or two. Yes please send Sam. Thanks, Tan,

you're a star." He set his phone down and sighed. "I have to meet my family for
lunch later."

"Oh, okay." I paused, noticing his eyes had that same look of sadness again. "Do

you not want to go?"

"Not in the slightest. Apart from the fact I quite like being here with you, I really

cannot be bothered to get into yet another discussion with my father."

"Responsibility again?" I guessed. We had touched on the subject last night.

"Mm hm."

"I have to admit. I don't envy you," I admitted. "I don't mean to offend you, but I

can't think of a worse way to live."

"Explain?" he pressed, not looking upset with my words.

"Well, maybe my mother's more free-spirited side has left its mark on me, but, I

like the uncertainty in life. The fact that I can choose to go left or right without
consequence." I grimaced slightly. "Everything you do has consequence. Even being
here with me."

He nodded. "My sentiment exactly."

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We sat in silence for a minute or two and I felt annoyed. I had really killed the


"Bella?" he asked. "Can I see you again?"

Shit—I hadn't seen that one coming.

"Do you really think that's such a great idea?" I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"It is if I want to." He shrugged. "I like you. You're smart, funny and beautiful. I

really would like to see you again."

I sighed. "I had a fucking fantastic time, Edward. But it's never going to be

anything more than this." I moved my hand back and forth between us, as if to
emphasize my point.

"Why not?" he demanded. The most assertive I'd seen him since last night.

"Well you're Prince Edward, obviously. And one day you're going to be King. As

much fun as we've had, there's no way I want to be involved in that. I mean... shit. I
just think it would be best if we said goodbye now."

What the fucking hell was wrong with me? I had just become friends with my long

forgotten friend, Mrs. Orgasm and I was chasing the man who reacquainted us from
my apartment.

"So what you're trying to say is that you wouldn't want to become my girlfriend?

You wouldn't want to one day marry me and become Princess Isabella?" he teased.

"Not only do I certainly not want that. The good people of England wouldn't want

me as Queen." I laughed. The conversation seemed to have shifted back to playful
banter again.

"I think you'd make a wonderful Queen. Especially if you swore as much as you do


Somehow he had manoeuvred us, and he was now pinning me to the bed.

"Hey if you're looking for the perfect Queen, you should give my boss Aro a call." I


"Okay, new question. How long are you in England?" He breathed seductively, his

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lips kissing my neck, making it extremely hard to concentrate.

"About another seven months," I gasped as his he slid two fingers inside me.

"Can I keep you until then?" He moved his mouth back to mine. "We can just be

Bella and Edward, two people who happen to have an incredible time together. Then
when you leave, I can resume my search for the future Queen of England."

Another seven months of this? Fuck. That sounded good. I tried to form a coherent

sentence, but his fingers were so fucking good at distracting me.

"Okay, I think I can agree to that. But you have to promise me something?"

"Anything." He chuckled.

"Under no circumstances must you fall in love with me, Your Highness." I mocked

and he laughed.

"I think I should be instructing you to do the same."

"Um, I thought you had to leave?" I protested pathetically. We both knew he

wasn't going anywhere for the time being. "You're driver might be waiting."

"Silly, Bella. So what if my driver has to wait for me? It's not as though he's going

to say anything if I'm late. Don't you remember who I am?"

I choked out a faint laugh and then immediately forgot what was so funny.

Another peel me off the ceiling and slap my face with a fish orgasm later, I helped

Edward sneak unnoticed from my apartment.

I was high, absolutely mind-tripping high. Only, without the actual drugs.

Desperate to talk to someone but Angela and Rose were still sleeping and poor old
Jessica was still curled up in the lounge. I busied myself tidying and cleaning,
thinking constantly about what had just happened in my bedroom.

One immaculately clean apartment later, I had come to a conclusion. It would

appear I had found my perfect man.

No commitment.

No stress.

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Great sex.

Another seven months of enjoying the Royal Staff without any of the hassle that

went with being Edwards's girlfriend.

Sounded pretty much like heaven to me.

A/N - Thoughts?

I hope you enjoyed it and didn't take it too seriously, like I mentioned

above, I just wanted to have a bit of fun. Thanks for reading and I would love
to hear what you made of it.

I would have loved to elaborated on a few of the characters, but it was fast

becoming too long and I needed to reign in my enthusiasm!


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Chapter 2 Death By Blushing

A/N - Okay, I got attached to these guys and couldn't resist playing with

them for a little longer.

Disclaimer - I own nothing! It's all Stephanie Meyer.

Chapter 2 - Death by Blushing - BPOV

Never in all my life had I cleaned so fucking much. In fact I was seriously

considering renaming myself Isabella 'Mother Fucking Domestic Goddess' Swan. All
of our laundry was done and folded into individual piles ready for each of us to put
away. The work surfaces were sparkling, there was fresh coffee ready to go, and I
was even in the process of cooking bacon sandwiches for the four of us. Not because
I'm a fantastic friend, but I was hoping the sizzling and crackling and awesome
smell might just detract the attention from my escapades last night.

"Mmm, something smells good." Angela stumbled into the kitchen with her eyes

still half closed.

"Yeah, I figured you guys would want some breakfast," I replied without meeting

her eye, focusing all of my attention on the stove.

"Well breakfast comes in a much distant second, Bella," she teased as she helped

herself to a cup of coffee.

"Huh?" I chanced a glance at her and she was grinning at me. Not a nice fun grin,

but an "Oh my, you're so God damn busted" kind of grin.

"I'm much too curious to care about eating. I want to know who the hell you had in

your room last night." She waggled her eyebrows mischievously and then laughed at
my reaction.

I sighed and pushed the bacon around the pan nervously. My breakfast distraction

appeared to be a shitty failure. "Sorry, I didn't mean... I hoped that you hadn't

"Are you fucking kidding me, Swan?" Rosalie barked from the doorway to her

bedroom. "Shit girl, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole of fucking London heard

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I cringed and mumbled a weak and pathetic, "Sorry."

Rose threw her head back and laughed. "Well judging by the noises you were

making, I'm guessing it was good and you don't apologize for good sex. That dude
sounded magnificent."

"Perhaps just give us the heads up first though. There are somethings that friends

just don't need to hear," Angela added with an elaborate shudder.

I served up three sandwiches and sat down with them at the table. Hoping they'd

concentrate on the food and leave me alone for a little while.

"So who was he?"

Obviously not.

I grimaced as Rose sprayed me with soggy pieces of bread as she spoke. "Ugh,

Rose. At least wait until you've eaten. That's so gross."

"Stop trying to avoid the question," she persisted. "Who. Was. He?"

"She won't tell you, Rose," Jessica piped up from the couch. She was sitting up,

her curly hair more wild than I had ever seen and she had a smirk the size of the
Grand Canyon on her face.

"Jess." I shot her a warning look. "Keep your mouth shut."

"Fuck that shit, Bella." Rose spat yet more crumbs of bread and bacon at me.

"Seriously, Rose?" I protested and brushed the bits away in disgust.

"Come on, Bella, we're your best friends." Angela stepped in, revealing a mouthful

of mangled bacon.

Wow, my friends appeared to have digressed back to being farmyard animals. It

was certainly a good thing that Edward had left already, one look at these pigs and
there would be nothing but smoke trails as he fled from the apartment calling for
animal control.

"Yeah, best friends who had to listen to you moaning like a porn star all fucking

night." Rose at least covered her mouth this time as she spoke. "I swear to God, if
you don't tell us, I'll drown you in the damn toilet."

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I sighed and shook my head. "It was just some guy from the party."

A shriek of laughter escaped Jessica. "Some guy?"

Angela and Rose were eyeing Jessica and I carefully, trying to ensure they didn't

miss any of our non-verbal exchange, which was currently, me giving her the 'don't
you fucking dare' stare and Jess literally bursting at the seams to tell.

"Holy shit, was it a celebrity, Bella?" Rose demanded. "Who?"

"Besides politicians and decrepit movie stars from years ago, there weren't any

celebrities there, Rose." Jessica retorted, she was enjoying my discomfort far too
much for someone I considered a friend.

I was speechless, completely and utterly speechless. I was the worst liar in the

world and I knew trying to start now wouldn't achieve anything. So instead I sat
there like a mute and let my sex life be dissected. So much for Edward being my
dirty little secret.

"Then who in God's name was it? Unless you spent the night with one of the

motherfucking Princes, this conversation is pissing me off," Rose muttered. Patience
was definitely not her thing.


More silence.

Really God damn uncomfortable silence.

"NO FUCKING WAY!" She shrieked and whipped her head back and forth between

Jessica and I again.

"What? Bella, you had a Prince in our apartment? In your room? In your bed? In

your... well in you?" Angela giggled.

"Ang, please." I was beetroot red. If they didn't let up soon, I was going to start

losing the feeling in my extremities thanks to all the blood pooling in my cheeks.

"Which one?" Rose pressed. "Seriously, Bella, you can't lay something like that on

the table and then not elaborate."

"Hey, I didn't say anything. It was all thanks to my friend, Jessica, and her big

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fucking mouth." I shot her my most menacing glare, but it had little effect. "Jess, I'm
so gonna burn your bacon right now."

She shrugged nonchalantly. "It's worth it. How on earth did you think I wouldn't

put two and two together?"

I didn't answer, so she continued. "Bella, you two were mentally undressing each

other all night."

So much for discreet glances and winks. Jessica wasn't usually so astute. I mean

shit, this was the girl who thought frickin turkey was the male version of a chicken.

"Bella, that's just cruel. I was twelve when I said that for Christ's sake," Jessica


Oh crap. I'd said that out loud?

"Sorry, Jess. I tried not to be obvious, I didn't even think you'd notice, I'd rather

hoped no one would have," I grumbled.

"Are you kidding?" She laughed. "Bella, every woman in the room had their eyes

on him all night. A blind man would have noticed that he never took his eyes off you.
Then coincidentally, just a matter of minutes after you leave, he mysteriously
vanishes too. I never actually thought he'd be here when I got home, though. Nice
move girl."

"Ah shit balls." I sighed.

My dirty little secret out in the open, less than half an hour after everyone woke

up. Good job I wasn't entrusted with any codes for nuclear warheads, it was safe to
say the entire planet would have been annihilated within the first day.

"Anyway, even if I hadn't seen you guys at the party. I heard you talking this

morning and that man's got a pretty distinct voice, Bella," she added with a shrug.

"Him? He? Quit talking in code and just tell us which fucking Prince was in our

apartment, banging our friend all night." Rose was exasperated and in all honesty,
her intensity was a little scary.

"Edward," I choked. "It was Edward."


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More Silence.


I didn't know or care who spoke, I didn't want to listen anymore and I certainly

didn't want to talk about it anymore, so I trudged to my room and flopped onto the
bed with a muffled groan. As soon as I inhaled, my stomach flipped, I could still
smell him on the sheets and pillow. Thankfully, my friends left me to mope for a little
while, and it was only an hour or so later that Jessica tapped on the door sheepishly.

"Sorry, Bella." She sat on her bed and smiled at me. "I shouldn't have pressured

you like that, it wasn't my place to tell them about Edward."

I nodded solemnly, "I didn't think it was right to go and shoot my mouth off, Jess.

He's a nice guy and ..." I began to explain.

"We won't say a word, Bells. Promise." Rose and Angela appeared in the doorway,

looking even more guilty than Jessica.

"Thanks." I smiled. "But you'd better be cool the next time he's here. I swear to

God if you guys start acting..."

"HOLD THE FUCKING PRESS!" Rose screamed hysterically. "Say that again? The

next time he's here? That's what you said right?"

"You're actually seeing him again?" Angela clamped her hands over her mouth.

I nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

I was certainly up for some more of what I got last night. No normal, heterosexual

girl would ever turn down sex like that. Shit, even a lesbian would find the offer
tempting. But I still stood by my opinion from this morning, the Edward who was
here last night, wasn't the same Edward who was out having lunch with his family
right now and he wasn't just a regular guy. I was under no illusion, this was as much
as we were ever going to have. I didn't expect anything from him and he held no
expectations from me other than to trust me to keep quiet, big fail there then.

"Oh my freaking Jesus," Jess squealed and bounced like a child on the bed. "The

next time he comes here, please give us some warning. I mean if he saw me like this,
he'd think I was Side-show Bob's ridiculous sister." She pulled at her hair to
emphasize her point.

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"Jess, after Bella's performance last night, I doubt he's going to be paying any

attention to your hair," Rose scoffed. "Now, let us have every single detail. This is
not something a 'friend' keeps to herself."

With a deep breath and a fair amount of editing, I told them just what they needed

to hear and not a syllable more. As soon as I was done talking, I ushered them out of
the room and went back to bed. I had insisted I needed to sleep before my shift at
work, but sleep was never really on my agenda. Instead, I needed to process a few
things in my head. Okay, so that was a big fat fucking lie, I needed to process just
one thing and I intended to 'process' it, over and over again.

Midway through the third showing, I heard my phone ringing. The girls were

outside and my mother never called me, so I rolled over quickly to snatch up my
phone and answer it. Unfortunately, I didn't judge the width of the bed and fell with
a thud to the floor.

"Ow, ow, ow. Motherfucking shitwads," I yelped and an unmistakable chuckle

filtered over the phone. Rubbing my ass and grimacing I spoke, "Um, hello?"

"Hello, Bella." Oh hell that voice, it could quite easily reduce women all over the

world to nothing but a messy pile of love juice. But wow, what a way to bow out from
this life. "Bella? Are you there?"

Oops, I'm supposed to be talking right?

"Well yes, that would be a good start." The voice laughed down the phone.

Oh my God, I'd done it again. Did my brain not understand the difference between

thoughts and words? We seriously needed to have discussion on not vocalising every
errant thought I had, although vocalizing hadn't been a problem last night...

"Mm, you were rather vocal last night, Bella, and I'd much rather you stay that

way." Another soft laugh sent tingles down my spine.

Jesus, what the hell was wrong with me? "Shit, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just tired.


What do I say now? Should I ask him if he wanted to meet up? Talk about


"Yes, I'm rather tired too. But I have to admit, I'd much prefer being tired if it

meant I got to spend another night with you." This guy was good with words and I

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majored in English.

"I do suppose you make a good point," I laughed with him and immediately

relaxed. "So, how was lunch?"

It was impossible to miss the sigh down the phone. "Barely tolerable; same

discussion, same questions and same answers. We never agree and then I always
excuse myself before the main course is even over. I can't think why my father
persists, I'm as stubborn as he is."

"Can I be honest?" I wondered aloud. Knowing full well I was about to ram my foot

into my mouth, yet I wanted Edward to know I wasn't the type to hold back my
opinions. He said he liked me for me, so here I was, warts and all.

"Please, you have no idea how refreshing it is to hear what people really think."

"Your dad sounds like a fucking ass. You're only in your twenties for crying out

loud, sure you're gonna be the main man in years to come but we're talking years
and years before that happens. What's wrong with you having a life of your own
while you can?" I stopped rambling and bit my lip. "Sorry, I was ranting a little

"You said nothing I haven't been trying to say to him myself." His playful tone

slipped away and Edward sounded disheartened. "It's nice to finally have someone
who sees things from my perspective."

"Hey, fuck him right? How can I cheer you up?" I kept my mood bubbly, it wasn't

hard, I was still riding high on last night. Talking to him made it seem real and his
voice sent goosebumps across my skin.

"Only one thing will do the trick I'm afraid," he replied seriously. "I simply have to

see you again, because your blatant disrespect for my family and your love of
including the word, motherfucking, into as many sentences as humanly possible
makes me smile like a fool. Can I see you tonight?" Now he was laughing, mission

"No sorry, I'm motherfucking working." I giggled. "I'm working at the restaurant, I

probably won't be done until after eleven."

"That's disappointing. Tomorrow night?"

"Um, yeah tomorrow night I can do." I twirled a piece of my hair between my

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fingers, I felt excited yet uncomfortable at the prospect of seeing him again. "Um,
Edward? Are you just going to come here? I mean it's not like we can walk into my
local McDonald's is it?"

"Would your friends object if I came there?" His voice was hesitant and hopeful,

there was something so vulnerable about him that made me want to wrap my arms
around him and squeeze. The Edward in the press came across as confident and so
self-assured, it was a far cry from the man I had met just last night.

"No. Although, they might lose the power to speak if they meet you. But I promise

they're cool, Edward, you don't have to worry about them selling you out, I assured

"Tomorrow then. I'll call you before I leave, Bella."

After he'd hung up I stretched out on the bed, silently staring at the scruffy

ceiling, letting my mind wander again. Outside my door, I could hear the three girls
bickering, trying to argue who was going to ask me about the phone call.

"Yes it was Edward on the phone," I shouted with an exasperated sigh. "Yes I am

seeing him again, tomorrow night. Yes, he will be coming here, and no you
absolutely cannot meet him."

The door swung open and banged against the dresser behind it. Angela, Jess and

Rose were all glaring at me.

"I don't think so, Bella. If I have to vacate my bedroom for another night so you

can fuck the brains out of Edward, the least you can do is let me meet him. I'm sure
you'll find that in the 'Be a Good Roommate guide.'" Jess folded her arms across her
chest and looked at me fiercely.

"You're so full of shit." I rolled my eyes. "Besides, you'll only embarrass him. Rose

will make some lewd remark about last night and you Jess, will either giggle
uncontrollably or try and lick his face or something."

Angela laughed. "Yeah totally right, Bella, I on the other hand, am the most

responsible and trustworthy friend you have. I think I should be given the honour of
meeting him."

I narrowed my eyes at her and Rosalie barked in disgust, "Either you let us meet

him, Bella, or we'll refuse to leave the apartment. We won't do anything
inappropriate like suggesting a group orgy, I promise."

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"Unless he's game for it?" Angela burst out laughing.

I slapped my hands against the covers on the bed and jumped to my feet quickly.

"I'm going to remember this you guys, and I'll get my own back when you least
expect it." I stomped to the bathroom in a huff.

The soothing hot water relaxed me and I allowed Edward to wander back into my

thoughts. The mere mention of him rendered me unable to function and I washed my
hair four times, only realising when I ran out of shampoo.

I dressed in a daydream and almost floated out of the apartment, giving the girls

nothing more than a weak, "See ya," as I closed the door. It was only a short walk to
the underground station, but it was rush hour, so the platform and train were
packed full of people. I squeezed in and tried to find somewhere to stand.

Unfortunately, I was a short-ass, so I couldn't reach the straps which hung from

the roof of the train and all the seats were taken, so I was left with attempting to
stay on my feet, using nothing more than my own balance. We hadn't even made it
out of the station before I humiliated myself, the train jolted as it departed, and I
stumbled forwards, my face landing smack in the middle of some poor, unsuspecting
mans, crotch. He was mortified and I clung to his legs as I tried to stand.

"Oh fuck, I am so sorry," I mumbled, tears of shame pricked my eyes and I heard a

chorus of snickers from everyone who saw what happened. Not one person offered
to help me to my feet, ignorant assholes.

I kept my head down and concentrated entirely on staying upright for the

remainder of the journey. The only time I looked around, I saw a man wink at me,
before spreading his legs open and beckoning me over. I muttered one or two
expletives under my tongue and ignored him. Filthy, dirty mother fucking pervert.

After I arrived at work, my cheeks were still the colour of a baboons ass and it

appeared they weren't going to fade anytime soon. I wondered, if my crotch-diving
experience had resulted in haemorrhage's in the vessels in and around my face,
perhaps I would be at risk of exsanguination? I could just see my tombstone now;

Isabella Marie Swan

13-9-88 - 31-8-11

Beloved daughter and friend

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Death by blushing.

It was a miracle I managed to stay on my feet while I worked. Apart from one

'incident' which may or may not have resulted in hot soup being dropped into a very
respectable mans lap, I hadn't caused too much damage whilst I was here.

Aro was taking the night off tonight, so Markus was there instead. He clapped

excitedly when he saw me and air kissed my cheeks and then hugged me, before
launching into a full gossip-fest about the days events. Did I mention Aro and
Markus were fabulous? Well fabulous they were indeed. Despite the fact they were
the owners of two incredibly successful businesses, they never once shirked their
responsibilities. It was only on rare occasions that neither would be at the
restaurant and more often than not, they were both hovering around somewhere.

Aro was the most serious of the two, making sure every penny was accounted for

and not letting any of his staff get away with anything less than one hundred
percent effort. Markus, was the complete opposite, he loved nothing more than a
good gossip and bitching session, usually at the expense of the 'guests' at the

"Isabella amore mio," he sang. "How are you, darling? I hear you got to work the

Princes last night?"

I nodded and to my amazement, felt my cheeks redden even more. Death by

blushing was going to be a certainty at this rate. "Yes lucky me I guess."

"Well, I hear Edward senior is a bit of a merda, but those sons of his... mmm,

mmm, mmm. What I wouldn't give to get up close and personal with either of them."

I giggled. "Merda?"

"Shit, my dear. Merda is shit," He smiled.

"Ah then yes you're right. Edward senior is most definitely a big merda. In fact, I'd

guess the dick he's got planted in the middle of his forehead is bigger than the one
in his pants." I snorted.

"Ooh, Bella, you're so bad." Markus flung his arm around my shoulder and walked

me to the bar. "We have a few VIP's tonight and Aro wanted you working table one.
First reservation is at seven-thirty."

"Me? The main table? Aw Markus, I like the smaller tables, can't Heidi take the

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main one?" I grumbled. I'd already pissed on her party last night, the last thing I
wanted to do was antagonise her even more.

"Everyone loved you at that table. Tanya was raving about you all night," Markus

began to elaborate.

Tanya? That fucking name again. "Markus, who is Tanya?"

"Prince Edward Juniors aide, dear. Blonde lady, she was at the table with him last

night." Markus tsked at my ignorance.

"Oh yeah, I remember her. She was pretty nice actually," I nodded appreciatively

and flicked through the reservation book, scowling at the second name who was
booked at my table at ten.

Spoiled, rich chick. Famous for being completely reliant on daddy's money and

hanging around anyone who helped her get her picture in the papers. She had used
daddy's name to get her the table and had invited along three of her friends, who
would no doubt be up their own ass and just as bitchy as she was. This was going to
be a long shift.

The next time I was asked to work the main table, I would refuse. No more, not

ever, nuh huh. The first guests were wonderful, polite, appreciative and very
generous tippers. But that spoiled little bitch had irritated the living hell out of me.
She was demanding and rude. She complained about every little thing, from the
temperature of her soup to the colour of the God damn frosting on her dessert. We
were back and forth to the cellar with wine after wine. None were good enough for
her, I mean come on, she was barely my age and what could she possibly know
about the body of a glass of wine?

Then, after she had spent almost two hours bitching and running me off my feet,

she had the audacity to walk out without leaving a mother fucking tip. I was pissed
of course, but Markus was livid. He pencilled her name into the 'not a chance' book
he kept. Basically she wasn't getting any special reservations again, she would have
to wait like the regular people did, currently, the restaurant was booked up three
months in advance. Oh and if she did ever come back, he would happily instruct
Demetri, the chef, to spit in her dinner. See I told you these guys were fabulous!

I was tired, grumpy and late leaving. I had missed the last train and had to walk

home, I text Rose to let her know I was on my way.

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Just downstairs with Jake and Seth getting baked. R x

I didn't particularly feel like getting high, but if I went home alone, I'd only end up

spending the night thinking about Edward and I was getting a little worried about
the amount of time that guy spent in my head.

Sounds like a plan. Wait 4 me yeah? C U soon x B x

I doubt u will ;) R x

It was almost one when I arrived back home, I sent Rose another message telling

her I was just getting changed and then I was heading downstairs. My key stuck in
the lock, with a frustrated huff, I slammed open the door and screamed.

A pair of intense green eyes stared back at me from across the kitchen.

"Fuck, Edward. You're scared the crap out of me, what are you doing here?" I

clutched at my chest and leaned back against the wall.

"Sorry, Bella. Your roommates told me to wait here for you, they've gone to a

friends apartment downstairs if you'd rather I leave?" Again, Edward was unsure
and nervous. Although I had no idea why, I mean didn't he remember the effect he
had on me last night? I know I did.

"No, no, no. I don't want you to go, it was just a shock that's all." I smiled and then

froze. "Shit, did you just say you met my roommates?"

He smirked. "Yes. All three of them were perfectly polite and charming. I don't

know why you look so worried."

God he was hot, so effortlessly sexy and mouth watering. Replacing the formal tux

he wore last night, he had on a pair of faded blue jeans and a white button down
shirt. The short sleeves revealed his muscular forearms and I wanted to touch him,
and lick him and run my hands through that hair. Oh God the hair!

Charming? Polite? Who the hell had he met, because none of my friends possessed

either of those qualities. Crass and rude were closer to home.

I shrugged and then bit my lip anxiously. Given we were strictly, no strings

attached sex-friends, surely that was the reason he was here? But it seemed so
absurd to just jump the guy right here in the kitchen, as much as I wanted to, I
simply didn't have the nerve.

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"I don't want to sound rude, but... well... why are you here?" I mumbled and he

walked slowly over to me. His eyes not once breaking contact with mine.

"I simply couldn't wait until tomorrow, Bella," he whispered before pressing me up

against the door and kissing me.

Before I even knew what I was doing, I had removed his shirt and was making a

start on the button on his jeans. Without moving my lips from his, I replied, "Oh God
me neither."

The effect he had on me after just twenty four hours should have been a stark

warning for just how deep I was going to involve myself, but instead of heeding the
warning, I embraced the lust and snatched at every single second I could, because it
was simply too good to walk away from.

A/N - First of all thank you for coming back and reading. I have to admit,

the reviews I got were pretty inspirational, I never thought you guys would
like this. I would really appreciate your opinion on this chapter too.

I also have to thank GreyPaige and Pretty Flour for helping me with this,

they did a fantastic job as always. (Prettyflour has wrote some pretty fab fics
on here - you should take a look!)

I am not sure how often I will be able to update, I am literally working

through each chapter, one at a time, but I will try to get them done as fast
as I can. The majority will be in BPOV, with the exception of one or two
snippets from EPOV and for the most part, I will try and keep it pretty light

Bye for now!

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Chapter 3 Fk You Very Much

Hi! Sorry for the delay in updating, it took me a while to get this chapter

finished. Big thankyou as always to Pretty Flour for pre-reading this. My
beta is still looking over this, but it's my birthday tomorrow and I wanted to
get this uploaded before then! Happy birthday to me and all that LOL

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 3 - F**k you very much


She was everywhere; in my head, on my skin, and her perfume was all l could

smell. Just the thought of her, and the previous night made the hairs on my arms
stand on end. Something else stood to attention too - not exactly the best time to be
fighting thatkind of reaction. I shifted uncomfortably in the seat and allowed my
attention to drift back to Tanya. The look of amused impatience on her face was
impossible to miss.

"Ah welcome back, Edward. I take it I can start talking again?" She raised her

eyebrow questioningly.

I smirked and nodded. "Sorry, I seem to be a little distracted."

"Really? Wow, I hadn't noticed," Tanya quipped sarcastically. "Good job lunch isn't

for another hour or so, the last thing we need is for you to stroll into your fathers
apartment looking like the cat who got the cream. You seriously need to stop
grinning like that. It's really giving me the creeps." She shuddered and began to
plough through my itinerary for the day.

While she was talking, Emmett was sat across from me; waiting expectantly for

some information about last night. Tanya, being Tanya, had refused to divulge
anything. She was nothing if not loyal and she had gone to great lengths to cover my
absence from the palace last night.

"So, Eddie, have fun? You certainly know how to pick 'em." Emmett grinned.

"It was a great night, Em," I replied.

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"Don't expect your parents to approve," he warned.

I didn't respond, I knew exactly what my fathers reaction would be should he find

out about Bella. There would be nothing about her that he would approve of. She
was all kinds of wrong. American, her parents were not high-climbing arse kissers,
and she made no secret of her disdain for my family. All kinds of wrong, as far as my
family were concerned. Yet she seemed to be perfect for me.

In all honesty, the very things he would hate, were the things that I lov... Okay,

let's not get carried away, they were the things I liked about Bella. She was honest
and upfront about everything with me, regardless of who I was. Her use of the
words 'mother-fucker', should have offended me over and over, but I simply found it
highly amusing, endearing even. Just thinking about her again reiterated my
uncomfortable situation, the effect she had on me already was quite frankly, a little
scary. I knew I wanted to see her again. Right at this very minute, preferably.

Maybe I should take her to lunch?

That would certainly make the whole debacle amusing. Painful, torture,

unbearable, insufferable. God, I could go on and on, because the next few hours
would be all of the above and then some. It was easy to predict where the
conversation would head, the second I sat down.

So, Edward, I demand to know when you will take on your responsibilities on a full

time basis. Oh, and where are we on the whole Katharine situation? She is more
than suitable wife material, Edward. You know that it is important for you to be seen
as responsible and mature, and Katharine would be the perfect addition to our
family. Alistair and Irina have invested heavily in her upbringing, she can be relied
upon to act accordingly.

Blah, blah, blah.

Motherfucking lunch.

I growled in frustration and dragged my hands through my hair.

"Sam, call at Edward's apartment first please. He needs to take a shower and sort

his head out." Tanya shot me a supportive smile and left me to wallow for a minute.
"Okay, so after lunch..."

Yeah, she left me to wallow for literally one minute, she's all heart that girl.

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"James is playing a charity game of Polo." She pressed on, "You have to be there of

course, but your parents are not going, thank God."

I had a modest two bedroom apartment within the grounds of Kensington Palace.

The more elaborate wings were occupied by some other family members, and it kept
them well out of my way. It was the way I liked it—the further away I was from
everyone else, the more I could hide.

I was the only one of my immediate family to reside here. My parents and James

had taken residence at Clarence House, the home of my much loved, late
great-grandmother. She was the best of a bad bunch as far as I was concerned. She
took no shit from people and said things how they were. She was no snob either;
race, age, heritage or bank balance, made no difference to her. People were people,
some she loved, others she despised, but each knew exactly how she felt.

I felt as though she had been the only one who appreciated the way I felt. When

she and my great-grandfather had first met, she had been reluctant to become
involved with him. She had no desire to become a part of the Royal family, but she
fell in love with him. Even after they were married, she did things her way. Never
compromising her opinions and beliefs. It was a shame that Grand-Bitch inherited
her father's more serious personality. Perhaps, if she had been more like her
mother; more understanding and less rigid, her son and grandson would have felt
the benefits and enjoyed a better relationship.

Hoping for a little privacy before lunch, I was disappointed to see James in my

lounge, playing with his phone. He grinned at me and jumped to his feet as soon as I
walked through the door.

"Never knew you had it in you, Edward!" He slapped me across the back, and then

greeted Tanya and Emmett who had followed me inside.

The apartment was barely big enough for one, let alone three people and one


James turned his attention quickly back to me. "I know it's unlikely, but if you ever

plan on telling Dad about her, please invite me along to watch. Seriously, the look on
his face would be priceless."

I shook my head. "Yes, well we both know that's never going to happen."

"So...? How was it last night?" he asked eagerly.

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"Great. Last night was great. Bella was great. And if you must know... this

morning was pretty fantastic too." I winked and chuckled to myself.

"Nice, Eddie," Emmett guffawed, "Nice, nice, nice."

"Okay, okay. Will you two please stop distracting him? James, I'm sure you agree

Edward needs to compose himself before lunch. He couldn't look more smug if he
tried. He'll be at your Polo match later, so he can share all the sordid details then."
Tanya pushed me towards the bathroom. "Go. Now."

"Fine," I muttered. "Tan, I think you should reconsider your chosen profession.

You'd be much better suited to a career in the military." I began to undress,
oblivious to the fact she was still in the room.

"Edward, at least wait for me to leave the room, for the love of God," she shrieked

in disgust and fled.

I laughed quietly to myself and threw my crumpled clothes onto the floor. Lunch

would take an hour, two at the most, and James' polo match should be done for six.
That left me the entire night free and there was only one person I had any desire to
see. I contemplated calling her now to try and arrange another date, but I quickly
decided against it. I had only left Bella an hour ago, and she had been more than a
little reluctant at the prospect of seeing me again. She wanted casual, so I would try
my hardest to give her that.

I was soon lost in thought again. I found her utterly enthralling, and would have

quite happily stayed awake all night just talking to her. As it turned out, she was just
as enthralling in other ways, and it was far and away the best sex I had ever had.
The flashes in my head, were enough to trigger yet another stiffy, so I spent a little
too long in the shower trying to appease the situation. Just imagining Bella's face,
her body and her sexy moans—which soon became screams of pleasure—were
enough to finish me off and I grimaced at the mess I had made all over the tiles.

Showered, dried and dressed—and tiles cleaned, I should add—I emerged from

the bedroom with a huge smirk well and truly fixed on my face. I joined James, Em
and Tanya in the kitchen.

"Ha, look at you, Edward. You just had a wank in the bathroom didn't you?" James

snickered. "Don't even try and deny it, bro. It's either that, or you're having some
sick affair with Ethel. There's no other explanation for someone looking that
satisfied after taking a shower."

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"Sick, James. That's just ... sick." I looked at him in disgust.

Ethel was one of the Housekeepers. She was well into her sixties and completely

lovely. But she reminded me of Ma from the Goonies. You know? Sloth's mother. Just
imagining her in any state of undress, almost sent my dick crawling up inside my

"Edward, please tell me you aren't wearing that shirt?" Tanya looked on in


"What the hell's wrong with this shirt? I refuse to wear a suit, Tan, shit it's only

lunch for crying out loud." I dismissed her. There was no way I was putting on
anymore of a charade for today.

"That's probably not what she means, Eddie." Emmett snorted. "You might want to

take a look in the mirror."

Totally confused, I moved out into the hall and looked in the huge mirror that

hung on the wall. When I noticed the problem, I grinned. Ah, apparently my Bella
was a biter. I traced my fingers over the mark, which sat at the base of my neck, and
tried to remember when she had bit me. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember, shame
really. In a weird and pathetic way, I liked it. I liked to think it was her
subconsciously 'marking her territory'.

God, I needed to see her.

I adjusted the buttons and made sure the shirt covered the offending mark. "Okay,

let's get this over and done with.

The very second I walked through the door I was set upon like flies on shit. I

hadn't even had the chance to sit down before my Father started with his usual
lectures, he was relentless and I did all that I could to tune him out. Unfortunately,
mentally putting my hands over my ears and screaming "la, la, la," failed miserably.
Surprisingly, I found singing the words to; Lily Allen's 'Fuck You' actually worked a

Fuck you, fuck you very very much

Cause your words don't translate

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And it's getting quite late

So please don't stay in touch

Do you get, do you get a little kick out of being small-minded?

You want to be like your father

It's approval you're after

Well that's not how you'll find it

Do you, do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful

Cause there's a hole where your soul should be

You're losing control of it

And it's really distasteful

Fuck you, fuck you very very much

Cause we hate what you do

And we hate your whole crew

So please don't stay in touch

By, the time the song was over, Dad was just rounding up his little speech. We

were at the point where he accused me of intentionally antagonising him. Now it
was my turn to protest a little, let him think I was at least listening to some of it.

"Dad, I'm twenty six years old and I don't think it's too much to ask, to be able to

live how I choose." I clenched my teeth, struggling to keep in control of the anger he
was fuelling inside me.

"At twenty six, Edward, your mother and I were married with one child and

another on the way. You've had plenty of time to 'live' as you put it." He glared
straight at me and I yanked at my hair in frustration.

Well it was either that or punch him in the face.

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After a minute of silence, I assumed the discussion was over for now. With a sigh

of relief, I took a drink of water and watched as lunch was served.

James looked around the room, shaking his head. During the argument, he simply

relaxed back in his chair and watched the events unfold. He had seen it all a
thousand times and refused to be drawn into our exchange.

"Right, let's eat shall we?" He didn't wait for anyone to answer. He dove straight

into the entree.

Apparently, my father was not finished. "Have you spoken to Katharine recently?

Her father and I were only discussing your relationship just last week."

And there it is, Ladies and Gentleman.

"Not this please." I forced out one or two deep breaths, "I will not have this

conversation with you again."

"Oh, but you will, Edward. Alastair and Irina have ensured Katharine has had the

most suitable upbringing. She is well educated, attractive, and comes from a well
respected family. I am not the only one who thinks she would be a suitable addition
to this family." He went on and on, and I snapped.

"You hypocrite. How dare you sit there and preach to me about Kate or anyone

else? What about Maggie? Do you think she is a suitable addition to this family?
Imagine the uproar if that sordid little affair ever became public knowledge," I spat,
every muscle in my body was tensed and I had to restrain myself from punching
something, preferably my father.

The table fell into stunned silence. We all knew of my father's indiscretion with

Maggie, it was one of those unspoken truths. They had been having an affair for
years now. In fact, I wouldn't have been surprised if she had been on the scene
before my mother and father even met.

Maggie just happened to be Alistair's younger sister. Yes, my father was

encouraging me to marry Kate, while he was screwing her aunt. I never understood
why my mother tolerated it. Why she allowed herself to be disrespected like that. I
used to think she deserved better, but now I just pitied her. I knew that my mother
loved both my brother and I, however, she made a decision as long time ago that the
public perception of this family came first. My father and his indulgences, James and
I ran a very distant second. The whole arrangement was pathetic.

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"I'm done with this shit," I snarled and pushed up from the table. "Mother, I am

really sorry, but I'm leaving. I'll see you at the game later, James, okay?"

James shot me a supportive smile and nodded. My mother began to protest, but I

ignored her and strode from the room. Tanya and Emmett were stood near the main
door. Obviously, the discussion had been heard, and they both grimaced when I
caught their eye.

"Let's go," I hissed, and as soon as Sam pulled up with the car, I jumped straight


I swore loudly, trying to vent some of the anger and then lay my head back on the

rest. "I cannot have the same argument with them over and over. I am not going to
one more single lunch, Tanya, not one okay?"

She reached over and squeezed my arm. "Sure, Edward, I understand."

The remainder of the ride home was in absolute silence.

Several hours and many beers later...

Deflated, frustrated and bored. I had done the brotherly thing, and supported

James at the match. Unfortunately, I had spent the interim hours beforehand, alone
at home, because Bella was working until late tonight.

During the game, I feigned interest, cheering as and when was required. But I had

no idea what the score was. I didn't even know who was winning. Tanya
accompanied me, but she spent the majority of the time whispering into her phone. I
tried once or twice to get the jist of her conversation, but the only words I caught
were Markus, close and darling. Deciding that was even less interesting than the
game, I turned my head back to the action, and continued to not watch.

When James came bounding over afterwards, he announced he wanted to

celebrate the teams victory. I had been unaware of the result, so that information at
least saved me the embarrassment of asking him the final score. I had nothing but a
date with my hand planned for later that night, so I joined him and the rest of the
boys in the bar for a drink.

I knew each of the guys relatively well, spirits were high and I tried to join in with

the banter, but I was simply not in the mood. The lunch with my parents, the lack of

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sleep and more importantly, visions of Bella, were affecting me. So when the clock
chimed ten, I excused myself and asked the valet to tell Sam bring around the car.
James remained in the club with his teammates, and I left with Tanya and Emmett.

I was just as despondent in the car, Tanya and Emmett, both tried to make

conversation, but it was pointless. They talked amongst themselves for the rest of
the drive, and I allowed my eyes to close.

When the car rolled to a halt, I jumped out automatically and then stopped when it

registered where we were. I looked back at Tanya and she laughed.

"Bella finishes at around eleven. I would have sent Sam to collect her, but Markus

told me there were a lot of press outside the restaurant tonight. It seems her friends
are home, so go on in. Sam and Emmett will collect you whenever you're ready to
come home.

All the glum feeling evaporated and I almost fist-pumped the air. "Thank you,

Tan." I bent down and kissed her swiftly on the cheek. "God I love you."

She squatted my hand away and smiled. "Just enjoy her while you can. I suggest

you try and be discreet, for her sake as much as yours."

"Don't worry, Tan, I doubt he's got any plans of going out in public with her

anytime soon." Emmett boomed. "Look at him. He's hornier than a two-dicked
rabbit. I dread to think how many times he's whacked off today..."

I heard Tanya moan at him as I slammed the door and jogged up the steps to

Bella's building. I buzzed the bell to her apartment, and someone simply opened the
door without even asking who I was.

Wow, Peter would have a stroke if he knew how lacking the security was.

Well good thing he's not here then.

I hesitated outside the door to her apartment, I could hear voices emanating from

inside. Her roommates were home, but Bella definitely wasn't. I knocked twice and
waited. As the door swung open I smiled nervously. "Hello."

"FUCK ME!" A blond girl shouted loudly, and then froze.

And yes, I do mean froze. She didn't move, she didn't speak, and I'm pretty sure

she didn't breathe.

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"Rose? Who is it?" A tall dark haired girl appeared beside her and gasped. "Oh


She looked at me and her mouth and eyes were wide with shock. After a few

awkward seconds, she managed to control herself enough to speak. "Bella's at work,
she doesn't get off until eleven 'ish."

Blond girl was still mimicking an ice sculpture, and I actually worried she was

going to pass out.

"Oh yes I know. Would you mind if I waited for her?"

"Sure, of course it's okay. Come on in." The dark haired girl smiled kindly and

then yanked her still frozen friend out of the way.

I reached out to shake her hand and then did the same to the blond girl—Rose.

Finally, she moved. Rose looked down at my hand and then her gaze drifted back

up to my face. "Fuck me!" She choked again as I gripped her hand in mine.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," I offered politely.

"Likewise. I'm Angela, and this is Rosalie." Angela looked to Rose, who was still

gawking. "Sorry about her, she's just... for crying out loud. ROSE!"

The shout made Rosalie jump and something snapped in her face. She closed her

mouth and flushed. "Fuck, sorry. Yeah, it's nice to meet you too."

We stood there in awkward silence, just hovering nervously in the kitchen. I saw

Angela and Rose exchange one or two glances, and smiles were tugging on the
corners of their mouths. I was just about to ask if I was intruding, when the door to
the bathroom swung open.

"Sorry guys, but you might want to avoid the bathroom for the foreseeable future.

That fucking curry is killing my stomach. I told you ..." Another of Bella's friends
walked into the lounge, and when she noticed my presence, she screamed.

Angela laughed. "Edward, meet Jessica."

The poor girl looked mortified. She nodded slightly and then closed her eyes, "Oh

my God. I cannot believe I just said...Shit ... I'm so sorry ... Just fucking kill me now."

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Apparently, Bella shared the love of bad language with all her friends...

"Jess, it's not a problem, right, Edward?" Angela tried to reassure her.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Angela?" She began shrieking hysterically, "I have

just announced that I left a fucking stink in the bathroom in front of Prince Edward.
It doesn't get any more humiliating than that—fuck!"

"Hey, I'm sure he understands the effect curry has ..."

"Jesus Christ guys, shut the fuck up." Rosalie looked at me. "I am so sorry. We

aren't usually this crass. Okay, so maybe we are... but not in the company of
others..." She snorted a laugh. "Yeah that's not true either. But I can assure you, we
never discuss bowel movements with members of the Royal Family."

I laughed with her. "Good to know."

She gestured to the couch, and while she brought me a cup of coffee, I sat.

Angela, flitted around the room tidying, and Jessica sat on the floor with her head in
her hands. She didn't try and strike up a conversation. The only words I heard were
the occasional, "Fuck," "shit," and "Oh God!"

When Angela had finished, she and Rose sat beside each other on the second

couch. They sat in silence and looked at me, waiting for me to speak.

"I hope waiting for Bella here, isn't an inconvenience?" I asked.

"Of course not. She should be back in an hour or so." Angela smiled. "Does she

know you're here?"

"No, it was a last minute decision," I replied. Tanya's last minute decision actually.

"Okay, let's cut the bullshit," Rose snapped. "We heard Bella's side of things, but I

want to know yours, Edward."

"Rose, stop it right now," Angela hissed and then glanced at me. ""I am so sorry,

Edward. She's such a rude bitch sometimes."

"No, Ang, I'm not rude. I want to know my friend has nothing to worry about. So

what exactly is this? Are you her boyfriend?" Rose pressed, her eyes focused intently
on me.

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I ran my free hand through my hair and sighed. Trying to explain things would

only complicate them even more. "I don't think so—no."

"So you're basically fuck-buddies, friends with benefits? She is nothing more to

you than a sure fire lay whenever you feel the horn?" Rose was one of the scariest
women I'd ever met.

I made a mental note, never to get on the wrong side of her. I certainly wouldn't

be turning my back on her anytime soon.

"I can see how this looks. But, this was Bella's choice too, I wanted to see her

again regardless, but she was the one who didn't want to become too involved. I
don't think she would have entertained the idea of seeing me again, if I had
attempted to 'label' us. Honestly, I like her—a great deal—but at the end of the
day..." I trailed off and sighed again, sadly. "At the end of the day, she is only here
for another six months or so, and I think it's safe to say, she wants nothing to do
with my family or lifestyle. That doesn't really leave us with many alternatives."

"Oh. But you would like to be her... I mean it's Bella who doesn't ... Crazy bitch, is

she fucking mad?" Rose muttered, shaking her head. "It wasn't a personal attack,
Edward. She's my friend and I won't see her hurt. Not by you, not by anyone—got

I smiled and had a drink of the coffee. I wondered if turning up here unannounced

was such a good idea. Friends did that right? Pay each other a visit when they
needed to talk to someone? I had to come here. After all, Bella couldn't exactly
spring a casual visit at my home could she?

"Hey, why don't we go hang out with Jake and Seth? Come on, Jess, you can

smoke your worries away." Angela stood up and beckoned the girls to their feet. "I
feel the need, the need for weed." She giggled at her own statement.

They both stood. Rose gave me one half-smile, and one "I'll be watching you" glare


Jessica said nothing to me, but she did whisper something to Angela. I couldn't see

her face. She had succeeded in covering it with her mop of frizzy hair. I had to bite
back a chuckle. She bore quite a resemblance to cousin It from The Addams Family.
She just needed a pair of glasses over her eyes.

"Um, Edward? I guess you'll be stopping over again?" Angela asked casually.

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"Oh, I'm not really sure." I bit my lip and looked around nervously. I wanted to

stay over, but I didn't want to assume I would be. "Would it be a problem if I did?"

"Hell no," Rose scoffed. "Shit, Jessica's exiled Bella to the couch more times than I

can remember."

"I'll just grab my things now. Get them out of your way," Jessica mumbled and

darted off to the bedroom. She emerged with her duvet, pillow, and a handful of
clothes. After dumping them in the other room, she scurried to the door without
another word.

"Are you sure I'm not imposing?" I asked.

"Nah, we're all pretty chilled out. Don't worry about Jess, by the time she comes

home, I doubt she'll remember her own name. She's quite keen to forget all about
this evening." Angela giggled.

"Hey, Edward, perhaps you could ask Bella to keep it down a little tonight? If I

wanted to hear noises like that, I'd watch women's tennis." She immediately began
crying out; making high pitched yelps and grunts.

Angela burst out laughing. "Rose, shut up. Look, he's blushing, you've

embarrassed him now."

"Well, this is the only chance I'm gonna get to fuck with the guy. If Bella was here,

she'd be standing guard over him." Rose shrugged.

"Come on guys, can we just go please?" Jessica begged, her head peering around

the door.

"Okay, okay," Rose huffed and she and Angela followed Jessica.

I was alone. Alone in Bella's apartment. Alone in the apartment of someone I met,

just last night. Someone who wasn't expecting to see me tonight. Someone who had
seemed quite reluctant to see me again full stop.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

A/N - Thanks for reading. As I mentioned above, it is my birthday

tomorrow, (my twenty-tenth to be exact LOL) so I desperately need pulling

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out the pit of despair I am currently wallowing in. Even my little boy thinks
I'm old, he actually asked me if I was alive when the dinosaurs were around!
I think that hearing your thoughts on this chapter, will be the perfect tonic
for cheering me up!

I have been doing a lot of work on this, chapter four is almost ready to go,

and chapter five is well under way! I promise to update quicker!

Typical disclaimer - I own nothing - except for a huge balloon with 30

plastered all over it. I am going to have some fun with the helium inside it

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Chapter 4 Motherforker

A/N - Obviously as always, I do not own twilight. Thanks to the fab

prettyflour and Grey Paige for making this suitable for public viewing!

Chapter 4 – Motherforker


The intensity of how much I wanted Edward was almost too much to grasp. Here

we were, pressed up to the door; me almost stark naked, and Edward with his pants
around his ankles, kissing like the world was about to end and still it wasn't enough.

I removed my hands from his hair, and placed them on his chest, pushing him

slightly, back towards the counter. I stifled a giggle as he attempted to shuffle
backwards, his feet still snared by his jeans. He lifted me up and spun me around
and sat me on the breakfast bar.

"OW - fuck - ow, ow, ow!"

Edward pulled back quickly and looked at me. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I sat on a goddamn fork," I grimaced. "Seriously, my fucking roommates are

descendants from cave people, I swear to god." I threw the offending fork across the

Unwilling to let this ruin our moment, I pulled Edward's face back to mine and

wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. Without any hesitation, he slipped inside
me and swore loudly as he did so. He began to slowly rock his hips but I needed
more. I ran my hands down his back to grab his ass, encouraging him to go faster


We froze as the unmistakable sounds from our beloved neighbours upstairs,

resonated through my apartment. Edward looked at me in confusion, and I was just
about to try and explain when the noise began again.



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I flushed bright red at the women's revelation. I hadn't realised we had been that

loud. Edward, on the other hand, was looking rather pleased with himself. Men I
suppose, talk about peacocks flashing their tail-feathers.



If we thought that would have ended the conversation, we were vastly mistaken.



They continued to fight, with insults being flung across the room, and it effectively

killed our moment.

"I take it your neighbours have a happy marriage?" Edward smirked and rested

his head on mine.

"Oh yeah, absolutely. True love for sure," I laughed. "They're so fucking noisy, like

all the time. Their arguments make us laugh, it's better entertainment than the
television. I don't think they realise how loud they are sometimes."

"Mm, well, obviously, they can hear what you're doing too. We should be mindful

of that, I don't particularly like the idea of some strange man pleasuring himself,
while I'm trying to enjoy being with you." He kissed me softly. "Maybe, we could
practice being a little quieter at this very moment, consider it a test, if you like."

"Oh yeah?" I murmured, refusing to let my lips move from his. "And what exactly

would you be doing to 'test' me?"

A raspy laugh filtered from his throat. "I have a few things in mind."

He stepped back slightly, breaking our connection, and slowly trailed his finger

down my cheek, throat, and down the centre of my breasts. My skin tingled and the

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hairs stood on end as he drifted lower and sank to his knees.

"I can't keep quiet if you're going to do that," I choked, allowing him to pull me to

the edge of the counter.

"Perhaps not this time." Edward lifted my legs over his shoulders, and I dug my

heels into his back. "But practice makes perfect."

He did exactly what he did last night, and then some. This man was truly magic

with all things mouth and tongue related. It was a futile attempt at remaining quiet,
because it wasn't physically possible. No one could endure this silently, not a single
person in the whole, wide world.

No sooner had he begun, and I was swearing and screaming. I yanked at his hair

and pulled him up. "Please Edward, I need..."

I didn't have to ask again, he stood up quickly and pushed straight into me. Gone

were the gentle rocking motions from a short while ago, now, he seemed to be as
hungry as I was, and he moved harder and faster. And as he moved, my moans
became louder and louder. His hands were steadying me on the counter and his
head was resting on my shoulder. Once again, I dug my heels into his ass and urged
him for more. As he did, I felt it again; the tightening in my stomach, the feeling I
was about to explode into millions of tiny pieces. Just as I let go, so did Edward and
as we did, neither of us gave 'quiet' another thought.

Edward was shaking, I wrapped my arms around him and nestled my face into the

crook of his neck. There were beads of sweat running down from his hair, but I
didn't care.

"Fuck, Edward. That was... wow," I gasped. Every time we did this, I thought it

couldn't get any better. Fair enough it had only been a handful of times so far, but
still, I felt something more every single time.

"You have no idea Bella." Edward moved his head and smiled at me. "You most

certainly failed that test Ms Swan."

"Fuck it," I shrugged. "At least we shut them up."

We drifted into my room, collecting our clothes as we did so. Edward took one

side of the bed and patted the space beside him.

"So, how was your day?" he asked, whilst casually twirling my hair between his

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"Pretty eventful, if you must know." I arched an eyebrow and smiled.

"Please tell me. I would love to experience a day in the life of Isabella Fucking

Swan," he laughed.

"Well, after you left I was set upon by my so-called friends. They were literally like

vultures on a rotten carcass," I told him, amused at his worried expression. "Then,
on the tube to work, I lost my balance and participated in some crotch diving - I
literally fell face-first into some strangers fucking crotch. I have never been so
embarrassed in my life. I should add, by the way, that all your subjects are fucking
ignorant bastards. Not one person offered to help me to my feet, they just watched
me flail around like a mother fucking tortoise on it's back."

Edward burst out laughing, and it made me even more pissed.

"It's not funny, stop laughing. I think you should a new law when you're in charge

of this joint."

"What law would that be? Assistance to the co-ordinately challenged is a legal

requirement. Punishable by a minimum of twenty years in prison?" He couldn't get
the words out for laughing. "You make me laugh Bella, so much. I'm sure it can't be
good for my health."

"I'm so glad my unfortunate predicament amuses you," I grumbled and sat up,

folding my arms over my legs in an attempt to remain nonchalant.

"I'm sorry. Please tell me about the rest of your day." He was fighting so hard to

keep the grin at bay. But his eyes were twinkling with the laughter bursting to get

"Well, that's pretty much it," I shrugged. "Unless you count, the stupid bitch who

honoured us with her presence at the restaurant."

"Who was that?" he sat up beside me and rested his head on my shoulder. "Why

was she a bitch?"

"I don't remember her name, some stupid double barrel surname. I mean come on,

why can't these idiots be satisfied with one name? Having a hyphen in there
somewhere, does not stop you being any less of a fuck-wit." I was on a rant now,
somewhere, deep inside my brain, I was sure I had a faulty switch. The one that

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prevented me from taking a breath and thinking, before spilling my guts to anyone
within a five mile radius.

"I think her Father is some 'Big-I-Am', he has something to do with the military

contracts or some shit. Basically, everyone sucks his cock, so she jumps on for the
ride. No one dare say shit to her, in case Daddy finds out. Honestly Edward, she was
the worst customer ever; she moaned about every fucking thing. The food was too
hot; the food was too cold blah, blah, fucking blah. Then she paid the bill and fucked
off without leaving a tip." I finally stopped talking - it was a necessity really, I hadn't
stopped for a breath in ages.

Edward frowned slightly. "Her Father? Was it Alistair Charles-Tanner by any


"Yeah, that was it. Stupid fucking stuck up twit. He needs to teach that she-bitch

daughter some fucking manners." I looked at him, feeling a little off. He looked
uneasy about something. "Do you know him?"

"Yes," he nodded. "He and my Father have been friends for years. His daughter is

Katharine, we we were involved, for several months. It's over now, of course.
But..." He trailed off and closed his eyes. Gone was the light-hearted Edward, and
back was Prince Stressward.

"But?" I pressed. Was she the one? Did he want to marry her? Did he want her to

be his queen?

Somewhere, from completely out of the blue, I saw red.

Why the fuck was I jealous? This - between us - this, was a casual thing. I needed

to remember that, because there was no fucking way it could ever become anything
more. So what if he loved her? So what if he wanted to marry her and procreate? So
what if they'd have perfect little kids? They'd have pompous fucking names anyway.

"You wanted it to be something more?" I asked, after Edward had remained silent

for far too long. My blood pressure was probably off the scale and I knew for a fact, I
could certainly karate chop my way through a breeze block at this very moment.

Edward's eyes flashed to my face. Something snapped quickly and he began to

backtrack. "No! Absolutely not. I ... I don't feel that way for her, I suppose I never
did. But, my parents, grand-parents and her family expected it of us," he sighed.
"For as long as I can remember, Kate has been groomed and pushed upon me at
every opportunity. Apparently, she is the perfect match for me, in their opinion at

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least. But I don't suppose that matters much to anyone else."

The crazy red fog faded slightly. I was no longer imagining karate chopping

Little-Miss Prissy's head from her shoulders. Now it was Edwards Father, I
contemplated the queen - but she was the Queen. You get sent to the gallows for shit
like that right?

"So what? They want you to marry someone who you don't want to? What kind of

sick ass tradition is that? Do they know it's not the eighteenth century now? Have
they heard of freedom of choice?" Off I went again.

I needed a universal remote control. A pause button would suffice, just so

someone could hit me round the head with a hammer and shut me up.

"It doesn't appear so - no," Edward smiled sadly. "That's one of the constant

arguments I have with them. I only really have James on side, but his opinion doesn't
really hold much weight."

I shook my head, and shuffled closer to him. I reached out and squeezed his hand.

"You're life sucks balls huh?"

"Thank you very much for that," he sniped, but I could see he was dying to smile.

The corners of his mouth were twitching.

I had a million and one questions that I wanted to ask. But I didn't know if I


"Go on," he scoffed. "Ask away."

Make that a mute button in addition to the pause button. Was there a medically

recognisable psychological condition that prevented the brain from thinking in
silence? If there was I had it, and if there wasn't, then I seriously needed to name it
and publicise it. Shit - I could make millions.

With a slight shake of my head, I attempted to bring myself back to reality. Where

was I? Oh yeah, talking to Edward of course. About his life sucking balls and that
jumped up piece of shit.

"I was just wondering ... what does she think of it all? Katharine, Kate... whatever

her fucking name is. Does she want to marry you?" I looked at him apologetically.
"Sorry, just tell me to shut my fucking mouth if you want. This must be all sorts of
shit to talk about."

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"It's nice actually. There aren't many who I can talk to about this. Besides my Aunt

and Uncle, there is only really Tanya, and I feel bad for putting her in a difficult
situation." Stressward was in charge now.

I quickly concluded that there were two different Edwards. We had Prince Edward

- or as I preferred - Stressward. His version of himself was more serious and tense.
This was Edward trying to be what was deemed acceptable, the kind of Edward his
family wanted him to be.

But, I also saw regular Edward, the guy who was just like any other guy.

Someone, who wanted to enjoy himself as he should be allowed to do. It was a
shame that he had to differentiate the two. As much as my parents drove me fucking
nuts, they both loved me. Even if they didn't always approve of my choices, I never
doubted their loyalty. Edward had never had that - and it was really sad. Not in a
pathetic, making 'L' signs on your forehead, kind of sad. Really, really
heart-wrenching sad.

"To answer your question though; yes," he grimaced, "Kate has always made it

known she would love to become a permanent fixture in my life. I doubt it's because
she loves me, it's probable she's more in love with what this life entails."

"Yeah, she looks like someone who would totally get jizzed up about someone

calling her 'Your Highness'," I spat. "Do your Aunt and Uncle sympathize?"

Edward nodded and smiled, "They do. Esme - that's my Aunt - has tried fighting

my corner on numerous occasions. All futile attempts of course, but still, it's nice
that she tries. Her husband Carlisle, and their children Alice and Emmett, are
exactly the same. I consider them my 'real family'. They know more about me, than
my Mother and Father do."

Yep, this poor guy definitely needed some cheering up. I could see why he was

choosing to spend time with me; I was certainly the antidote, if Kate was the poison.
She was the perfect English chick; prim and proper and let's not forget a stuck up
twit. I was foul-mouthed, American and a million miles away from anything graceful
and elegant. So what? If he wanted to vent some frustration, let him vent away with
me - or in me preferably.

"You do that a lot, Bella," Edward was waving one hand in front of my face, a look

of amused concern in those fuck-me senseless eyes of his. "Drift away into
Bella-land. Is it fun there? I think I would like to join you sometime."

Oh you really don't, it's like a black hole that sucks you in - once you visit, you can

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never leave. Cue creepy Dr Evil laugh. Yeah, I'm really beyond help.

"I was just thinking you need distracting from all this. I would like to help you with

that." I decided to try and be Sexy Bella. I turned on my most seductive voice, and
tried to forcefully push him back onto the bed and crawl over him.

As I am simply, Bella Swan, I failed miserably. Instead of being sexy and

seductive, I was clumsy and uncoordinated. My knee missed the edge of the bed and
toppled me flat on my back, onto the hard floor. I cracked my head on the bedside
table and 'mother-fuckers' galore began exploding from my mouth.

"Bella, are you okay?" Edward jumped straight off the bed and knelt beside me.

"No, I think I may have sustained serious ass-damage. It hurts like a ..."

"Motherfucker?" Edward snickered. "Does your head hurt?"

I nodded sheepishly and couldn't help but smile. I ran my fingers over my scalp

and felt the beginnings of a bump forming on my head. "No need to worry, there's
no blood. I've had much worse believe me."

When he stood, he offered me his hand. I took it and let him pull me to my feet. "I

know it wasn't the way you were trying to distract me Bella, but it worked
regardless. In fact, I'm sure anything you could do, would render me oblivious to just
about everything else."

Wow - this dude was really good. Suddenly, my head wasn't aching and my ass felt

magically healed. Then, when he kissed me, I forgot all about falling off the bed,
forgot all about crotch-diving and Little-Miss-Prissy. Edward began to step back, so I
clutched at the nape of his neck and tried to hold him back.

"I think you need to rest Ms Swan. A head injury can be serious you know, lay

down. On your front."

The commanding tone to his voice almost sent me to my knees, bowing at his feet

screaming 'Yes Master, yes Master.' But I didn't, I followed his instruction and
climbed onto the bed.

Edward hovered over me and began to kiss the back of my head. "I can feel the

lump. Are you sure you're okay?"

In truth, I was far from okay. Edward was dressed in just his boxer shorts and they

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were not doing a very good job at supporting him. I could feel his Staff pressing
firmly against my leg.

"Bella? Are you okay?" His voice had shifted back to normal.

"Yes." I managed to squeak. Seemingly satisfied, with my response, he began to

work his way slowly down.

He moved my hair from one side of my neck to the other. Carefully ensuring, he

kissed every last millimetre of exposed skin. He had to feel my goose bumps; in fact
goose bump was not a legitimate description. They were more like goose-mountains
and I expected to see a little flag planted at the top of them, reading - 'Conquered

I was wearing just an old sweater. Edward pulled it up and wiggled it near my

neck. I squirmed and pulled it off, without turning over, then suddenly became very
aware that I was stark naked with my ass out for all to see. Of course, Edward's
magical powers soon fogged my mind and all I could think was, 'I love his lips'. They
were softly, slowly, moving down, but painfully slowly. It felt that good, my stomach
tightened, and my lady-garden was purring like a kitten.

I wasn't relaxing, I was tensing. The more he kissed, the closer I got to screaming

out, and that would have been a little inappropriate. Friends like we were supposed
to be don't react like I was to a simple kiss. God, I'd give the poor guy a heart-attack
if I let go right now.

It was becoming harder and harder to fight. I was biting the pillow and my fists

were so tightly clenched, my nails were digging into my palm painfully. Then just as
he reached the bottom of my back, he stopped.

What the fuck? No stopping!

"Oh dear," he laughed, barely anything more than a whispered noise. The sound

was hot I tell you. So fucking hot!

"What's funny?" My voice was unrecognizable. It was a combination of a croak and

a cry, and there was no way Edward could miss how much he was affecting me. But
to his credit, he didn't acknowledge it.

"You have four perfectly symmetrical holes in this rather gorgeous arse." He

gingerly ran his fingers over the fork affected area. "It looks painful."

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Unwilling to attempt to talk again, I snorted. Edward laughed and at first I

thought it was at my response.

"I just thought of something." He planted a kiss on the affected area. "You just got

stabbed with a Fork and ..." Now he was really laughing, the kind of side-splitting
laughter that makes everyone else laugh.

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered, "I got stabbed in the ass with a fork, and I'm from Forks.

How amusing." I tried to roll over to look at him, but he was pinning me to the bed.

I wanted to scowl at him, but his highly improved mood was infectious and I

couldn't help but laugh with him.

"Sorry, Bella. It just tickled me." He kissed my ear softly and then disappeared.

"Now where was I?" This time, I felt his lips on the 'forked' area.

And just like that, I was back to tense, goose-mountains galore and every single

hair standing to attention like a platoon of soldiers. His lips and nose resumed their
inch by inch exploration of my bare skin. His new site was my injured friend. After
lingering on the wound, he slowly covered what remained. I was struggling to keep
the feeling contained, and a rather disturbing, yet funny, scene began to play out in
my head. The platoon of soldiers that had once been hairs, were now taking cover
wherever they could on my body. Alarms were sounding and their general was
screaming at Edward frantically.

'Look out, she's gonna blow! What are you doing man? Save yourself!'

Perhaps my deep rooted issues were a direct result of my Mother smoking too

much weed whilst pregnant? That would certainly explain one or two things.

Hello? Bella, have you forgotten about Edward?

The magic lips were now heading north, dragging themselves slowly up my spine.

As Edward moved higher, so did his very hard, very beloved friend. As he settled
just between my legs, I moaned and tried to create a little friction with my hips.
Believe it or not, trying to move your body sexily when you're face down on the bed
is near on impossible. Instead of looking like a sexy siren, demanding more, I would
predict, I looked more like a stupid dog, trying to dry-hump the fucking bed. I felt
my cheeks redden and thanked God Edward couldn't see.

I was still teetering on the edge of screaming; and all it took to send me

free-falling was one swift caress by Edward's fingers through my center. I didn't

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even care enough to be ashamed. I muffled the horrendous noises in the pillow and
marvelled at what he could do to me. As soon as I had begun to come down, he
rolled me onto my side, carefully lifting my leg over his hip and eased into me. There
was nothing frantic about his movements. They were gentle, languid even, yet still
he was forceful. His hands gripped my hips, pulling me closer to him. His hips were
rocking away and he had his face nestled in the crook of my neck, that wild hair
tickling my face like a feather.

One of his hands, released the hold on my hip, and began to wander lazily down to

between my legs. Once again, my stupid fucking brain took over.

It's a double eruption people - evacuate the area, evacuate the area!

Now, this really needed to stop, I was on the brink of another orgasm and I was

imagining shit like that. I had serious fucking problems. Luckily for me, Edward
failed to notice my abstraction and his fingers quickly regained my full attention.

He didn't have to do much before I was off again. I reached around and grabbed

his hair. This time there was no slow build up. All it took to render me a useless
body of Jell-O - aside from his magic fingers, lips and Staff - were the raspy words in
my ear. "God you're amazing."

The nerve-ends all over my body exploded, and my skin was icy cold, yet burning

hot at the same time. As every muscle contracted, Edward pressed harder and then
groaned as he came.

We were both spent, and without even moving, Edward pulled the cover over us

and placed one sweet kiss on my shoulder. Then came a blissful sleep.

Now, although waking up, snaked in the arms of Edward was great, the sticky

mess I was laying in - not so great.

"Ew," I squirmed and heard Edward chuckle.

"Mm, I suppose falling asleep like that, probably wasn't the best idea."

"The falling asleep part was lovely actually. But I definitely need to take a

shower." I wriggled free of his arms and legs and sat up.

"A shower sounds good." He raised his eyebrows and shot me that crooked, I'm

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gonna make you scream, smile. "Do you want some company?"

I shook my head, "Maybe next time. Angela and Rose are working this morning,

they'll probably want to shower soon, and if you're anywhere near me, we'll be in
there hours. For some peculiar reason, I can't seem to control myself around you." I
leaned back against him and kissed the tip of his nose. "You can jump in straight
after, if you like?"

He pouted for a second or two, before nodding and then sprawling back out on the

bed again. "If that's okay?"

"Sure it is. I'll be back soon." I winked and wrapped my very short, pink bathrobe

around me.

There was no movement from the other room just yet, but I expected them up and

about shortly. If we wanted to shower, now was the time. Rose used more water
than Niagara Falls.

Mindful, that Edward wanted to hop in as soon as I was done finished, I did my

best to be quick. Unfortunately, even without having him here with me, I was still
extremely distracted. Wishing now, I'd taken him up on the offer of company. When I
was finally done, I towel dried my hair and slipped back into my bathrobe. I padded
back to the bedroom quietly, the apartment was still silent.

"Shower's free," I grinned when I walked back into the bedroom. "There's a clean

towel out ready."

Edward jumped straight up. "Thank you. I'll try not to be as long as you were." He

slapped my backside playfully and then disappeared.

I released Domestic Goddess Bella, again and began to prepare breakfast. I

launched into a very poor rendition of Mr. Big Stuff by Jean Knight.

Mr. Big Stuff, tell me, tell me

Who do you think you are?

Mr. Big Stuff

I hummed, sang, and danced as I made the mix for the pancakes. I was just

pouring the batter into the pan, when Edward pressed up behind me. It took me by
surprise and I dropped the bowl, splashing us both in the process.

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"Aw crap. You scared me," I chastised, and then gestured to my face and chest.

"Look at me. I'll need another shower now."

Edward's gaze dropped and he stooped his head down, swiping his tongue over

one of the splatters on my chest.

"That's gross. Edward, it's not even cooked yet." I screwed up my face.

He smacked his lips and laughed. "Well, it tasted delicious to me."

"Don't blame me if you get sick then."

He ignored me and began to untie the knot on my robe. "Bella, you definitely need

to take this off. It's so dirty," he chuckled at his own innuendo and kissed me.

"No fucking way Swan. It's bad enough that we have to hear you guys, I do not

want a visual performance thanks very much," Rose hissed. "If you wanna do shit
like that, take your asses back to bed and let us eat breakfast in peace."

I glared at her and returned my focus to breakfast, as the remnants of the mix

were currently all over the stove and floor, I needed to make something else.
Edward stepped away and leaned against the counter, watching me.

"What are we having now?" he grinned.

"Um - well - there is shit all left in the apartment. So I can do Pop Tarts?" I offered


"Sure, I've never had them before," he shrugged and Rose and I gasped in shock.

"What the fuck dude? That is sacrilege." Rose shook her head in disgust. "Trust

me, once you try them, you'll be addicted to the sweet sugary snack. Let us
Americans lead you astray and rot your teeth."

"Lead away, I think I'm becoming a fan of all things American." Edward teased. "I

might have to sneak into the country as an illegal immigrant."

Rose scoffed, "I bet there'd be a few people with something to say about that.

Can't imagine your Grand-Mother being too impressed with your choices."

Suddenly, we weren't talking about Pop Tarts, or Edward sneaking into the US. I

pursed my lips, and narrowed my eyes at Rose. This was not a good conversation.

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But Edward's casual response took me off guard

With a simple shrug of his shoulders, he replied, "What if I don't give a fuck what

they think anymore?"

Way to go Bella, you're single handedly managing to corrupt the future heir to the



A/N - Thanks for reading it makes me grin like a freak when I see the hits,

and find out how many of you added this to fave's and story alerts. It makes
me smile even more when you let me know what you're thinking, so how
about it?

I went on a bit of a roll this week, and have a few more chapters almost

ready to go!

I hope you enjoyed it! (the chapter that is, not the authors note!)




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Chapter 5Nothing Like a Bit of Bang Ban

A/N - Hello again! Thank you so much for all the hits, alerts, reviews etc -

it makes me do a happy dance when I see them (I completely humiliate my
son when I do that haha).

This has been pre-read by the fantastic Prettyflour, but my Beta has so

much going on at the moment, that she hasn't had the time to go over the
chapter as yet. I am usually a bit anal about the days I update, and for some
reason I quite like Wednesdays - maybe because it gives me something to
look forward to mid-week? However, I was itching to post this - so I did!

Anyway, I know you don't come here to read this drivel - so on we go ...

Chapter 5 - Nothing like a bit of bang bang


Pop-tarts - so good. My new favourite food, in my new favourite place, with my

new favourite girl. So much for casual. How was I doing?

In the words of Bella herself - I was motherfucking failing.


How long could I keep this up? We were supposed to be 'friends'; friends who

happen to have the best damn sex known to man, but still, just friends. I had known
him all of two days, and yet I felt like I'd known him all my life. The next few months
would be amazing, but I didn't want to think about six months down the line, when
we said goodbye for the last time.

Watching Edward eating pop-tarts, of all things, and happily talking to Rose like

they were old friends, felt right. Even when Angela came and joined us in the
lounge, there were no uncomfortable silences, and no forced conversation.

We were sitting on the couch and Rose was attempting to tell me about Jessica's

revelation last night. How she was so humiliated, that she had smoked almost all of
Jake and Seth's stash of weed, and was right now still off her face in the bedroom. It
took her ages; she kept breaking out into fits of laughter whenever she tried to talk.

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I laughed with them, feeling especially sorry for poor Jess. I cringed for her, no

one ever wants to admit that quite literally, their shit stinks. But you definitely don't
want anyone of the opposite sex to hear about it, throw in the fact this man is a
member of the most famous family in England, and yeah you're looking at a lifetime
of mortification. To give him his credit, Edward didn't seem bothered in the
slightest; he slotted in perfectly with our little group. This morning, Stressward was
nowhere to be seen.

Just before nine, Rose and Angela left for their respective jobs leaving Edward and

I alone. I did check in on Jessica, she was fast asleep on Rose's bed, so I closed the
door and joined Edward in the lounge.

"I doubt she'll be surfacing anytime soon," I smiled, "In fact, don't be surprised if

she avoids you permanently from now on."

Edward chuckled, "That isn't necessary, Bella. I didn't even give it a second

thought, I was too busy thinking about you. So what are we doing today?"

"We?" I looked at him and frowned. "Don't you have places to go and people to


He shrugged casually. "Nothing that can't be rescheduled. I'm rather enjoying


"Oh, okay. Well, I suppose public places are a big no no right?" I asked and

Edward nodded solemnly. "That doesn't leave us much choice. I'm sure there's a bag
of really bad popcorn in the kitchen, we could accompany that with a really shit

He looked excitedly at me. "Can I choose?"

Shaking my head, I laughed, "Absolutely not. My choice all the way."

"Why? I'm a guest. Surely, I should be the one to choose?"

"House rules I'm afraid. My apartment, my decision." I dismissed his protests with

my hand and skipped to my room, knowing exactly which film we would be

"Grease? Really?" He grumbled, when he saw the case. "Bella, that is a really

appalling choice."

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"What? Do you not like it?" I asked innocently, fighting the urge to grin like a

Cheshire cat. "Is it the singing?"

"No, just the film in general. Until the end, of course. Olivia Newton-John is

incredibly sexy in that leather outfit," he winked and I glared at him. "Just kidding,
Bella, you weren't jealous were you?"

"Jealous?" I scoffed. "Yeah right."

Shamefully though, I was. As had happened last night when Little Miss Prissy had

come up in conversation, the red haze clouded my vision. Triggered by the mere
thought of Edward being with anyone else, besides me.

"Bella, you should know by now the effect you have on me," he whispered. "I told

you, for the next few months, you're all mine."

Edward and I did not leave the apartment for the rest of the day and the following

night. We ate re-heated McDonald's - courtesy of Angela, and spent our time
watching movie after movie.

As much as I loved having Edward around; especially naked in my bed. Real life

soon caught up with us, and the following morning we were going our separate
ways. I had to work, and he had a what was it again?

Nope, fuck if I know. Let's just say he had a 'thing'. Probably, opening a new ward

on a hospital, or smashing a bottle of something on a new lifeboat. That's what the
Royals did right?

The infamous Tanya came calling bright and early. Six in the morning to be exact.

She looked like she had been frickin' airbrushed. Surely, no one should look that
presentable at that early hour? Her blond hair looked almost ironed straight and she
wore a crisp pin stripe skirt and jacket, with a fiery red blouse underneath. She was
incredibly beautiful too, and had Edward not constantly reminded me that she was
like an older sister to him; I would have probably clawed her eyes out and messed
up her perfect fucking hair. Red haze remember?

At first, I worried she'd give him a little grief for being AWOL for almost two days,

but apparently she was cooler than I gave her credit for. She simply handed him a
coffee, a garment bag and told him, he had to be good to go in fifteen minutes.

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"I do hope you had fun?" She laughed. "If anyone asks, you've been ill. We told

your parents, you visited Esme and Carlisle and caught a stomach virus. Esme
played a wonderful part in your alibi. Be sure to call and thank her before the flight,

Edward nodded, "Of course I will."

"It's really nice to meet you again, Bella." Tanya extended her hand out to me. "I'm

afraid you won't get to see him for a week or so. We fly over to Australia at noon, a
state visit that Edward simply cannot miss."

"Well, to be honest, I can't wait to be rid of him..." I winked, "He's been treating

this place like a hotel. Eating all my bad popcorn, and complaining about the

Edward smirked, but didn't say anything in response. I thought I played cool really

well. In actual fact, I'd had a great time. Edward was great fucking company, and I
sort of hated the idea of not seeing him for a full week. How would I cope without
my fix of the Royal Staff? But this was his 'job', I suppose.

"So, who else is going?" I asked, hoping for his sake, that his brother would be

accompanying him. At least that would give him some respite from his parents.

"Unfortunately, for Edward, it's a family engagement," Tanya said. "So, that would

be his parents, grand-parents, and James too."

I heard Edward sigh, before he disappeared into the bedroom to change.

"Thank you, Bella."

I looked to Tanya in confusion, and saw a big smile on her face. "For what?"

"You've helped him relax considerably. He was always wound up so tightly; just

about anything set him off. He actually smiles now, whenever he tried before, it was
more a look of painful constipation," she laughed. "He wasn't always the best

"Oh," I said simply, feeling very self-conscious.

"Look, I won't pretend to try and understand what your relationship with him is.

But, for as long as it continues, I will do what I can to help. Goodness knows he
needs a bit of an escape. So, I will leave you my number, if you need anything, Bella,

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just call me." She handed me a card, and I took it nervously.

"Thanks." I turned the card over and over in my hand.

We stood there silently, until Edward re-appeared. In a suit, a really, really

fucking hot suit. Simple black pants and jacket, with a violet, green and white
striped shirt. He had a black tie hung open around his neck, and he had made no
attempt whatsoever, to control his hair. The look screamed sex.

Shit, a week without that?

A knock at the door startled me. Who the hell was that? It was six in the morning

for fucks sake. I moved towards the door.

"That's probably Emmett," Tanya said. "I told him to give us ten minutes and then

come in."

I opened the door and a huge man stood there grinning at me. He had brown,

curly hair and was pretty intimidating.

"The infamous Bella I presume?" He winked. "I've heard a lot about you from my


He strode into the apartment noisily. "Yo, Edward, Sam asked if you could hurry it

along, he's a little fearful for the car's safety." The laugh that rippled from him
almost made the apartment shake.

"Relax, Emmett, I'm coming," Edward grumbled and Emmett laughed loudly


"Not here I hope, isn't that what the bedroom's for?"

I flushed and thanked God that no one else laughed. Edward simply shook his

head, and Tanya sighed.

The other bedroom door swung open, and Rosalie stormed out. "Prince or not, you

are a fucking guest here, Edward, why the fuck are you banging about at six in the
morning? And who the hell is doing the Foghorn Leghorn impersonation? I thought
Brit's were supposed to be well-mannered."

I had to laugh, Rose was a sight, that was for sure. Her hair was indescribably

wild and she looked so angry, I swore I could see steam blowing out from her ears.

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She was shooting daggers at Edward, then Tanya and then her eyes landed on

"Good morning," Emmett crooned. "I'm terribly sorry to wake you."

Oh, boy was he in trouble. By being nice, he was certain to infuriate her even

more; Rose ate up men like him for breakfast.

"No, no. I should be apologising. You're a guest here after all, I guess I'm not just

a morning person," Rose purred and I had to do a double-take. Yes I said fucking
purred! "I'm Rosalie, but please call me Rose."

"I'm Emmett," he smiled, and walked towards her confidently. I gasped as he

planted a kiss on both her cheeks. "A beautiful name, to match a beautiful face."

"Thank you, Emmett," she laughed shyly, and then turned to me. "Bella, why didn't

you tell me Edward had such nice friends?"

"Who the hell are you? And what have you done with my roommate?" I hissed at


Edward and Tanya were watching the whole exchange with wide grins on their


"Actually, I'm his cousin, and part of his security staff," Emmett said. "And, to be

fair, this was the first time I got to meet Bella."

"Okay," Rose giggled.

That was more than enough; it was too early to watch this weird mating ritual.

Apparently, Tanya agreed and she ordered Emmett back to the car.

"Well, Rose, I guess this is goodbye." He kissed her once more on her cheek. "I

think I'll pop back to make sure it's safe before Edward returns. You can't be too
careful about his safety, he is the future King after all."

He disappeared through the door, and suddenly the Rose I knew and loved was

back. "Keep it the fuck down, Bella, I'm going back to bed."

"I'll wait for you in the car, Edward. Don't be too long, we need to leave. Goodbye,

Bella, I hope to see you again soon." Tanya waved and then left quickly.

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Edward waited until she closed the door and then moved close to me. I was still

ogling and my gaze dropped to his shirt, pants and...

"Bella?" He placed on finger on my chin, and raised my head up. "Would it be

alright if I called you this week? You have no idea how you manage to cheer me up."

I nodded, "Sure, whenever you want."

I closed my eyes briefly and immediately felt his lips on mine. It was over far too

quickly, and then he was gone. We had an awkward goodbye; neither of us knew
how we were supposed to be acting. This was causal remember?

I was even sad enough to peer through the curtains and watch him drive away.

Waving goodbye to any chance of Edward induced orgasms for the next week. This
was nothing my favourite battery operated friend could help me with. Although, I
would certainly have some fun trying.

Even though I managed to hide it from Rose, Angela, and Jess, I was in my own

world for the rest of the day. I missed my stop - twice - on the tube to work, and had
to run like hell to make it to the restaurant on time.

Markus and Aro were there, waiting for all the staff to arrive. As soon as I walked

through the door, Aro shot me a smug, knowing smile.

"Afternoon, my pretty, pretty, Bella." Markus greeted me. "So tell me, what did

you do with yourself yesterday?"

Aro laughed wickedly, and clapped his hands together. "I doubt whatever she did,

she did by herself."

I started haemorrhaging blood in my cheeks again. I didn't know if Aro was calling

my bluff, he had been at the party, but still, besides my girls, Emmett, and Tanya -
oh shit -Tanya. Aro knew Tanya, Aro appeared to know Tanya really well.

"Ooh, do tell us darling. Who was he? I take it he was a he? Obviously, he's going

to be spectacular, look at you after all." Markus took my shoulders and he shook me

"Um..." I dithered, ", it was just someone I recently met. I'd rather not say

much else, it's pretty new and I don't want to jinx it."

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"That special? Wow, just tell me one thing - how handsome was he? Oh and if you

wanted to tell us about the bang, bang too, that would be quite alright, all of us men
would love to know if our partner was praising our bang, bang skills." He was
beyond excited now. Talking to Markus, felt more like talking to a girlfriend. But I
loved him to death.

"Bang, bang? Markus, really?" I laughed and he just shrugged.

"Markus is right dear, I'm sure your Prince Charming, would be flattered to know

just how good you think he is in that department," he winked.

Luckily, Markus appeared to have missed the emphasis Aro put on 'prince'.

"Yes, he is really good looking, and I had a great time. That's all you're getting, I

will not discuss his bang, bang skills," I mumbled.

"Look at that blush, Aro, sweedikins. Mm, mm, mm, Prince Charming indeed; I bet

he had her screaming. Just tell us his shoe size, Bella, darling, that will be enough to
satisfy my morbid curiosity. You know what they say about a man who has big feet,"
Markus cackled, his high-pitched voice echoed through the room.

"I have no idea what the sizes of his feet are." I let my mind wander, sure, I didn't

know how big his feet were, but I certainly knew about the rest of him. I wanted to
close my eyes and fantasize about it, but I didn't trust myself to remain quiet, so I
forced the thoughts from my head.

"I'd say a good eleven, UK size," Aro mused absently and I looked at him in horror.

"And how on earth would you know that mm?" Markus looked at him eagerly. "Oh,

goodness, you met him didn't you? Tell, tell, tell. We have no secrets Aro, secrets
break our foundations."

"It was a devilishly attractive young man, who was at the Palace event Markus.

Can we leave it at that? The poor girl looks like a baboon's culo." Aro glanced at me
sheepishly. "My apologies Bella."

"Oh, dear, I would love details. But, as long as you promise me every last

breadcrumb when you are ready to talk about it, I promise to leave it alone." Markus
hugged me. "I am glad you found someone. Because, pretty Bella, you need to find a
good man to breed with. Your genes simply have to be passed on."

"Breed?" I scoffed. "What am I? A fucking dog? Jesus Markus, I'm not even

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thinking babies, my God." I wandered away to start working, refusing to allow my
mind to consider procreation.

But, I couldn't help it. Picturing a baby, wild bronze hair and with green eyes, or

brown eyes. Although preferably one or the other. Not both, good looking or not a
kid with two different coloured eyes would be in for some serious shit at school. If it
was a boy...

"Excuse me? Miss, are you alright?"

A soft voice caught my attention, and I scalded myself as I realise I'd zoned out

again. The guests at the table I was serving were looking at me worriedly.

"I'm so sorry. What may I get you?" I offered them the specials of the day, and

advised the best wine to accompany them. They agreed enthusiastically and
continued to smile at me like they knew who I was.

"I'll be right back with your drink ladies and gentlemen." I darted to the kitchen

and placed the order with the chef.

I had about three other tables to cover, but, the customers at table one, continued

to try and hog as much of my attention as was possible. I expected Aro to be
annoyed, but he seemed strangely relaxed, he even arranged for another waitress to
take over two of the other tables, and told me to focus my efforts on the VIPs.

I didn't know who they were, or why they were at table one. I tried to covertly

stare, in case I had failed to notice a famous face. An older man, with blond hair and
sexy blue eyes, was affectionately rubbing the back of the older woman sat beside
him. She was strikingly beautiful, and something about her look was familiar. She
had glossy, caramel coloured hair, which fell in waves down her back. The other
couple with them were younger, maybe late twenties. The girl was exceptionally
petite, with pale, almost porcelain-like skin. Her hair was jet black, and cut into a
bob, with the ends flicked out deliberately. Her, boyfriend, I presume, had a more
surfer look about him. Sun-kissed blond, curly hair, and very tanned. Not, whoa
dude you're fucking orange tanned, but more of an outdoorsy kind of tan.

All in all, they were a very good looking bunch, but I was still none the wiser. I

perused the reservations to see if their names rang any bells. Unfortunately, I struck
out there too; it simply said Cullen. I made a mental note to ask Markus or Aro,
when I got chance, and continued with my job.

I checked in with the guests, to ensure everything was satisfactory. I received a

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chorus of yes', and began to walk away.

"Excuse me?" The younger of the two women piped up. "It's Bella right?"

I nodded, and looked down at my name badge, which read Isabella. Sure, plenty of

people abbreviated it, but guests certainly never did. "Um, yes. Can I get you

No one, answered, they all looked at one another and smiled. Feeling very

uncomfortable, I began to step away, when the older man spoke up.

"I am sorry. Alice tends to be a little direct, please don't let us keep you from your

work." The soft English accent was almost as familiar as his wife's face.

I nodded and left. As I did, I could hear 'Alice', protest briefly, before a sharp 'ssh',

silenced her. Strange motherfuckers. I thought to myself, and tried to avoid the
weird table for a little while. Luckily, they became engrossed in a conversation, and
it allowed me a break. Markus was hovering over near the bar, so I used the
opportunity to quiz him about the guests.

"Markus, who is that at table one?" I kept my eyes on the tables I was serving, to

ensure no one was kept waiting should they need me.

Markus followed my gaze and smiled, "The Cullen's, wonderful people, with very

high connections too, I might add. Dr. and Mrs. Cullen, and that is their daughter
Alice and her husband, Jasper. Esme and Alice, run an interior design company, in
fact, they did the most recent refurbishment on Volturi's. Absolutely fabulous and
wonderfully scrummy too aren't they? Esme's sister just happens to be ..."

"Markus, a lady at table fourteen wants to speak to you," Heidi interrupted. "It

sounded quite important."

Markus floated away, and I sighed in frustration. I was so desperate, that I

decided to ask Miss High and Mighty herself. "Heidi, do you know anything about
the Cullen's?"

"Go fuck yourself Swan," she spat and stormed off.

"Motherfucking bitch," I muttered to myself. I knew she was pissed about the

incident at the palace where I kind of usurped her 'number one' status, and I guess
she had been bumped off the VIP slot here too. But still, that was all Aro, not me, for
fucks sake.

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I was waved over to the Cullen's before Markus returned, so I was still oblivious,

and for some reason it pissed me off. The girl called Alice, grinned at me as soon as I
approached the table, and even her Mother smiled so warmly at me, I almost wanted
to hug her.

What the fuck was that?

"Would you like dessert?" I asked politely, and they all nodded eagerly. "Have you

had chance to look at the menu?"

"Yes, but there's so much to choose from, what can you recommend?" Alice asked,

still grinning, and I to my surprise, I found myself returning the gesture.

"Well, today's special is supposed to be the Lemon and Green Tea Ice Cream

Tortes," I paused, "But, my favourite has to be the Chocolate Lava Cake. It's

"Four of those it is then," Alice replied.

"And what if I don't want that, Alice?" The older man quipped.

"Carlisle, please. We both know you're a bigger chocolate monster than the rest of

us." The older woman, Esme, looked at me and rolled her eyes. "He was sold as soon
as you said the word chocolate, dear."

Then it clicked. Carlisle and Esme. No - it couldn't be, could it? Edward had

mentioned Carlisle, his uncle was a Doctor. Dr. Cullen, oh shit, this was his fucking
family. I stammered a pathetic confirmation if their order and practically flew into
the back.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck."

I paced up and down. Why were they here? I hadn't seen them once, not once,

since I started working here. The women certainly knew who I was. How? Shit, had
Edward told them?

"Motherfucking, fuck, fuck, fuck."

"Isabella!" Markus gasped. His eyes wide with horror. "Language, language,

language. I never thought I would hear such vulgar words from you my darling."

I laughed darkly. Oh, if only he knew the real me. He'd be stroking out that was

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for sure. "Sorry Markus, bit of a crisis going on I'm afraid."

"My darling, what is it? Talk to me baby girl, come, come talk to Uncle Markus."

He opened his arms and pulled me into a hug.

I squirmed out of his grasp. "Let's just say, I'm well and truly fu..." I stopped the

rest of the word escaping, when Markus raised his eyebrow at me.

Just the one eyebrow, Edward did that. How did people manage it? Whenever I

tried, I just looked like I had lost control of the muscles in my face and they had
gone into spasm. Yet, when Edward did it...

"Why?" He pressed.

"I'm sorry, Markus, I can't ... "I bit my lip and sighed. "It's just really fucked up."

"Does this have something to do with the Cullen's?" His brow furrowed, and he

looked at me intently. "Miss Alice asked if 'Bella' was working tonight. I thought it
was strange, a lot of the guests know you well, but as Isabella..."

I tried to act aloof, but my motherfucking cheeks reacted the only way they knew

how, and lit up like a Goddamn spotlight. Markus noticed immediately, and I could
almost hear the cogs in his mind trying to put the pieces together.

"Do you know the Cullen's?" He asked.

I shook my head, it was the truth, but still I felt like I was lying.

"You know, Esme happens to be the younger sister of Princess Elizabeth. She is

Prince Edward's ..." He clamped his hand over his mouth. "Prince Charming?
Someone you met at the Palace event, someone who could have told the Cullen's
about you."

"Markus... please..." I begged, " can't say anything. This was supposed to be

a fucking secret. The girls, his family, you guys. Maybe I should do an
announcement on the fucking news and tell the whole world." I put my face in my

There was nothing but stunned silence, Markus was still trying to comprehend the

revelation. I don't know how long we stood there, but it was long enough for Heidi to
strut over and announce that the desserts for table one had been waiting to go for a
good five minutes.

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I rushed to serve, and luckily, the delay didn't appear to have bothered any of the

Cullen's in the slightest.

"Thank you," Dr. Cullen said whilst eyeing the dessert like he wanted to undress it

and do real bad things to it.

"If you need anything else, please just let me know." The words were a mumbled

mess, but I couldn't say anything else. I just returned to the back, trying to compose
myself, but failing miserably.

Markus was waiting for me to return. He appeared to have put together a string of

questions, which he immediately began firing at me the second I was within hearing

"Prince Edward? You and he are..." he whispered, "Together?"

I shook my head. "He's a friend Markus. It's nothing serious."

"Nonsense." Aro had appeared at Markus' side and joined the conversation.

"Isabella, I had a very interesting conversation with Tanya, Edward's assistant. She
informed me you and he spent the last two days together. He has obviously
discussed you with his family, and I saw the 'come to Mama' eyes he was giving you
at the Palace."

I groaned, I was exasperated. "Fine, we had sex more times than I can fucking

count. Is that what you want to hear? But, I meant it Aro, we aren't 'together'
together. This ends the second my visa expires and I go home."

"Or, when your visa expires, you get to become Princess Isabella." Markus was

bouncing on the spot. "Oh, Bella, you must invite me to the wedding."

"Markus," Aro warned. "Bella, you can trust us, you know that. If you say it's just a

short term thing, then we believe you. But I have to agree with Markus, you'd make
a wonderful Princess." He threw his head back, whipping his long hair over his
shoulder like he was in a shampoo commercial.

"Never gonna happen. I have no intention of letting things get that far," I insisted.

"Not a chance."

"Ooh, Bella, now you have to tell us about the sex. Front bum sex or back bum? I

can't rate the latter more highly." Markus gave Aro a smug wink.

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"Are you fucking kidding me? Front bum? Back bum? Bang, bang? Where in God's

name do you find these words? They sound like something I'd use to try and explain
sex to an eight year old." An eight-year-old, made by Edward and yours truly... "But,
to answer your question - definitely no back bum action. I'll leave that to you

"My pretty, Isabella, so naive. You know the saying - 'back bum, more fun, no

babies!'." He sang the line several times before bursting into his infectious cackle.

Aro and I laughed with him, before I was told to go back to check on the Cullen's.

"Bella, I meant what I said, we share this with no one," Aro assured me as I began

to walk away, and I nodded appreciatively.

"Thanks Aro." I knew I could trust them, but still, it was yet more people who I

had to try and justify Edward and I too. This was feeling less like casual with every
passing second.

The dessert appeared to have gone down well with all of the Cullen's. They were

all relaxed in their chairs, looks of bloated satisfaction apparent on their faces.

"Was everything okay?" I asked and was immediately greeted with a round of

vigorous nods and murmurs of pleasure.

"Wonderful, please pass on our congratulations to the Chef," Dr. Cullen said. "I

would also like to apologise Isabella."

I frowned slightly. "Apologise? For what?"

"For the very obvious actions of my wife and daughter." He narrowed his eyes at

the now very timid looking women. "I'm sure by now, you are aware of our
relationship with Edward. He spoke so highly of you this morning that I am afraid,
curiosity got the better of them and they insisted we pay you a visit."

The table fell into silence, and I wasn't sure how to respond. Pathetically, all I

could think about was that Edward had said good things about me to his family. I
seriously doubted that he was the type of guy to start divulging information about
my sexual prowess, so I assumed there were other things he had quite liked.

"Bella, would you like to have lunch? I know you're not working until six tomorrow

night, so we could meet, say one o'clock?" Alice asked. "Esme and I can't wait to get
to know you better."

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Esme and the rest of her family looked at each other again, all with the same

expression of shock at Alice's directness.

"Alice, sweetheart. You can't just turn up here, and then invite the girl to lunch.

You'll scare her half to death. Edward warned you to leave her be, he was very
insistent about that." Dr. Cullen warned his daughter. "I'm terribly sorry Bella, Alice
is very close to her cousin, and she makes it her business to get to know those
important to him."

"No, it's fine. I guess lunch would be good. Nothing too fancy though right?" I

clarified. Alice's budget and mine would certainly not be in the same league, and I
didn't fancy being forced to order a bread roll because I couldn't afford anything
else on the menu.

She nodded and picked up her phone. "That's great. Could I have your number?"

I reeled it off, and she punched it into her phone. "Thanks, I'll give you a ring in

the morning. I'm looking forward to it, Bella."

"May we have the bill, Bella?" Esme asked politely. "This has been wonderful. We

haven't eaten here in a while. Now I remember why we used to come all the time."

"Of course Mrs. Cullen. I'll be right back." I went to tot up the bill, feeling that

same urge to wrap my arms around her and give her a great big hug.

As soon as I returned, they settled up straight away, leaving a very substantial tip,

which I felt very uncomfortable accepting. Strange, because if that had been from
anyone else, I would have snapped their hands off, screaming 'gimme'!

"Goodbye, Bella," Esme and Carlisle, smiled as they left, and I did a weird one

handed wave, looking more like I was twitching.

Alice was like no one else I'd ever met. Despite the fact we'd just met, she pulled

me into a friendly hug and almost squeezed the air from my lungs. "It's great to
meet you Bella. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow."

"Um, me too," I mumbled, not really sure if I was.

She wasn't the type of girl I usually got along with. At school, she would have

been one of those girls who I wanted to slap in the face for being far to fucking
giddy. But, I also wanted her to like me, for some ridiculous reason, I wanted all of
the Cullen's to like me. Why did it matter? In six months I was going home, and

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while I'd enjoyed the experience; London, or even England, was definitely not
somewhere I'd want to stay permanently.

Markus refused to let me leave; he insisted I stay behind to tell him as much as I

could about Edward. He and Aro drove me home a little after two in the morning.
The sneaky fuckers had plied me with Margarita's and other free alcoholic drinks,
and once I was drunk, I found myself sharing practically every detail.

I staggered into the apartment, crashing through the door and then proceeding to

fall on my ass, clutching a cigarette which I'd been trying to light since I got out of
the car. I tried again, but I couldn't get the flame on the lighter anywhere near the
tip. I decided I needed help.

"Rosie? Angie? Jess? Help me, please. I need a fucking smoke!" I cried. No one

came to my assistance. "If no one comes out here and lights my cigarette, I'll huff
and I'll puff and I'll burn the fucking house down."

I found myself hysterical and laughed for a good few minutes. "Come on, I mean

it. I'm off my face here, if I try and light it I'll probably set myself on fucking fire."

"Jesus, Bella." Jess came stomping out of the bedroom. When she saw me

spread-eagled on the floor with the cigarette in my mouth she began to laugh. "Look
at the state of you. Come on, get up." She held out her hand and helped me to sit up.

"Light it for me?" I gestured to the now bent and tattered cigarette in my mouth.

"Not now, you need to sleep, Bella." She took most of my weight and walked me to

the bedroom. "My God, can you even walk?"

I collapsed face down on the bed and inhaled. "Fuck, he smells so good. I miss him

already," I mumbled to myself. But just as I started to drift off to sleep, I heard Jess

"Isabella Swan, you are royally fucked."

And she was right.

A/N 2 - Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what

you think, I absolutely love to hear your thoughts about these two.

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Usual disclaimer that I own nada! All Ms Meyer. Well except for the Royal

Staff, she only wishes she owned that!

Chapter 6 is just about ready to go, so I'll be updating within the week.

Oh and I am on twitter, (MrsK81)and think I might start posting the odd

teaser for this - what kind of things would you want? My profile is open, but
I'm getting quite a lot of people who are just advertising sex sites, so I'm
considering making it private. But anyway, as long as you're not one of the
aforementioned sex sellers, follow me and I'll follow you back.

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Chapter 6 The Assblaster 2000

A/N - Hello! Gi-massive thank you to Prettyflour, she always does a

wonderful job pre-reading my chapters. Like I mentioned last week, my Beta
has not had chance to go over this. As soon as she does I will update the


Chapter 6 - The Assblaster 2000


Knock, knock...

Who's there?

Oh, it's just favourite, friendly hangover. You know the one that comes totally free

of charge courtesy of Margaritas galore.

I groaned, and then yawned, which in turn made me gag. I sprinted to the

bathroom and retched over the toilet. Fortunately, or not (which I wasn't sure),
nothing came back up. All the alcohol I'd drank last night was currently poisoning
my liver and kidneys, and I'd eaten nothing since yesterday lunch.

Lunch. The mere mention of the word sent shivers down my spine, and another

wave of nausea rolled over me. Although, this time it was nothing to do with the

Today I was having lunch with Alice 'Edward's cousin' Cullen. How had that

happened again?

Because you said yes you fucking twit.

Maybe, just maybe, I'd get lucky. Alice could have short-term memory loss - like

that stupid fish in Finding Nemo - and conveniently forget all about our 'date'. The
more I wished for it and thought about it, the more I came to the conclusion that
Alice Cullen was not the 'forgetful' type. She struck me as the kind of girl who
carried an electronic organiser everywhere she went, made notes in her diary as a

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backup, and also coordinated her planner with her cell phone. You know, just in

Still, I could hope.

There was also the chance, that she would simply change her mind. I certainly

wouldn't be offended should she fake an appointment just to get out of lunch.

But, right on cue, my phone began to ring. I didn't even recognise the ring tone at

first. My friends and I really enjoyed being juvenile, and our current 'thing' was to
randomly change each other's ring tones. Usually, they were pretty vulgar and
embarrassing, but whoever had their hands on my phone last had been pretty kind;
it was just some crazy sounding Japanese music. I fully intended to ignore it, but it
was pretty loud and it woke Jessica up.

"I swear to God Bella, if you don't answer that fucking thing, I'll call your Dad

right now and tell him you lost your virginity to Paul Lahote in the backseat of his
cruiser." She was gesturing at me with her fist clenched tightly.

"You wouldn't?" I asked.

Dad was never going to find out about that. Never, ever, ever.

"Try me, Swan. Just fucking try me," she hissed and buried her head under the


Not wanting to call her bluff, I reluctantly rolled over and answered the phone,


"Bella?" That high-pitched squeak resonated through my poor, suffering head. "It's

Alice, Edward's cousin. I hope you can still make lunch, I am so excited. I researched
some places on the web, and I know you said no where too fancy, but I found this
fabulous little place on the corner of ..."

Jesus Christ, did this girl ever need to pause for breath? No word of a lie, she

rambled on and on for what seemed like an ice age. She detailed to me her
'research' on where the best place to eat was. Research? Are you kidding me? This
was going to be the worst lunch in the history of lunches.

"So anyway, it sounded really cute. What do you think? My treat, Bella."

So apparently, she did need air in her lungs. That was a relief, but she had been

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prattling on for that long, I had no idea what she said. So, I decided to hope for the
best and agree. "Sure, that sounds great."

"Oh, super. Okay, it's eight now, so ..."


My God, who the hell calls that early? This was grounds for dismissal of any

friendship request surely?

"Hello? Bella? Are you still there?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm still half-asleep I guess. What was that again?"

"The bistro I found - Le Sacre Coeur. It's in Islington, the nearest tube is Angel.

Edward mentioned you lived in Peckham so I checked your route, I hope you don't
mind? I'll send you the instructions via text. Shall we say noon?" Wow she was a
persistent little vixen.

"That's cool. I'll see you later then?" I listened to her gush a little more about how

excited she was and then thankfully she hung up.

I drifted back to sleep for another two hours, before I heaved my sorry ass out of

bed and into the bathroom. My head was quite literally pounding, and I felt as rough
as a badger's arsehole. I wasn't exactly up close and personal with the rear-end of
any furry creature, so I had no idea what that felt like per-say and I did my best not
to think about it too much. But the phrase was something I'd picked up since I'd
come to England, and well, it seemed to fit my current fragile state.

Yes, that Markus was one sneaky little fucker, intoxicating my innocent little self

just for all the sordid details. We would be having some strong words when I got to
work later.

I tried my best to spruce myself up. But being as lazy as ever, and let's not forget -

really hung-over; it didn't really turn out as well as I'd hoped. Settling on a pair of
faded jeans and a sleeveless shirt, I set off to meet Alice. I had received her text with
the instructions - complete with times each train departed from one station and
arrived into the next. Talk about a military fucking operation. I would not be at all
surprised if my food was waiting on the table for me when I sat down.

When I arrived at the bistro, I was pleasantly surprised. It was quaint and cute.

The blue and white awning hung over the sign, and there were one or two tables

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outside the window; each with coordinating blue tablecloths. The inside was just as
pretty. Darkly stained wooden tables and chairs, intricate light fixtures which hung
low over each table and the walls were covered in posters; Les Miserable and Le
Douceur De Vivre stood out amongst many others. Alice was already there and she
jumped up excitedly, waving furiously at me, just in case I couldn't see her.

"Bella, it's great to see you again," she squeaked. "Come and sit. I hope you don't

mind, but I ordered for you. Apparently, the Croque Monsieur is to die for."

Well what about that? Not quite waiting for me, but already ordered. Wow, this

little shit was irritating. But, I had to admit she looked really pretty in a summer
dress and pumps; the flowery print and ruffled fabric on her arms detracted
attention from her severely skinny frame.

"Thanks," I replied, and took a drink of the Cafe Latte which was set down upon

the table as soon as my ass hit the chair.

See, I wasn't entirely wrong. How the hell did she even know I drank that?

"So, tell me about yourself, Bella. I want to know all about you. Edward simply

wouldn't stop talking about you yesterday on the phone. Where are you from
exactly? What are your plans for the rest of your trip? And, what do you want to do
when you go home?" She looked so eager, and not to be cruel; desperate. Did this
girl not have any other friends?

I took a deep breath and started talking. I kept the details to a bare minimum, I

hated talking about myself. It always seemed so boastful and self-centred. "I grew
up in Forks, about three hours from Seattle. I also spent a lot of time in Phoenix
when my parents divorced, my Mom moved there to escape the constant rain. She
lives in Florida now."

What was her second question? Oh yeah, plans for the trip. I didn't think she'd

appreciate my really honest answer which included just four beautiful words - "fuck
your cousin senseless". So I went for boring.

"Well, honestly, the cost of living here is so high. We have to work our asses off to

keep up with the rent and stuff. I'm glad we came don't get me wrong, it's just not
exactly what I thought it would be. But, you only live once right?"

"Absolutely," she agreed. "You majored in English at Uni right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I always wanted to go into teaching."

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"Wow, older kids or younger ones?" She pressed.

"Definitely older - I thought maybe High-School. That way I get to talk about my

favourite books all day, every day. I guess it just depends on what's around when I
go home." I shrugged casually. "I might end up flipping burgers in a fast food joint if
I'm not careful."

Alice laughed and then her gaze drifted over my shoulder. "Oh how sweet. We get

to see a proposal."

I shifted in my chair, and sure enough, some poor sucker was down on one knee in

front of a very excited looking woman. The entire room fell silent, watching the
scene unfold. The man rummaged in his pocket and pulled out a little box. The girl
burst out crying when he opened it and began to gush about how much he loved her.
Suddenly, from nowhere, a man's deep, booming voice began to sound loudly.

'This week at Vibrator Warehouse, we're having a sale on vibrators.

Three-headed vibrating dildos, remote controlled, infra red, solar powered, laser

guided, and kick start vibrators.

And we've got vibrating undergarments for you older folk.

Why not test drive the Assblaster 2000, it's Y2K compliant.'

I looked around in disgust as moans of pleasure began sounding in the room. What

the fuck was that? It slowly began to dawn on me that all of the customers and staff
were looking in our direction. I caught Alice's eye and she was blushing.

"What is that?" I asked quietly.

"Um, Bella, it's coming from your purse," she muttered in embarrassment and cast

an apologetic smile around the room.

I choked in horror. "What? Oh no, no, no. I'm so gonna break their fucking necks

for this."

Sure enough, as I rifled frantically through my bag I found my cell phone blasting

out the offending noises. One of my darling roommates had changed my message
alert and then text me.

The text was quite simple.

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Ha - ha - ha!

Motherfucking Rose.

I switched it off quickly and covered my face with my hands, mumbling a weak

and quiet 'sorry'. After the most awkward few seconds known to man, the attention
shifted back to the in-progress proposal and the man continued with his declaration
of love.

I didn't listen; I wanted to curl up and die, but that would have been too easy.

When he'd finished and she'd accepted, everyone clapped and cheered. Hangover or
no hangover, I ordered myself a Jack Daniels, straight up.

Alice tried to strike up a conversation, but she was dying to laugh. After about

twenty minutes, she shook her head and apologised.

"I'm sorry Bella, but I have to ask. What the heck is an Assblaster 2000?" She

clutched at her sides and laughed loudly.

"I don't even want to think about it. I'm gonna fucking kill them. They knew I was

going out to lunch with you, and they knew it was someplace nice. They'll be sat at
home laughing their motherfucking heads off. This is war, I'm getting them back big
time for this." I began planning and scheming in my head.

"Ooh, can I help? I love a good old bitch-fest," she asked, and beamed when I


"Why not?"

The next few hours passed by quickly. We ate the food, which was indeed, to die

for, and we talked. Alice wasn't anywhere near the monstrosity I expected her to be.
She was a little over-bearing, and readily admitted this, but all in all she was a
sweetheart. I got the impression she'd pretty much do anything for anyone.

She told me a lot about herself, which I found almost as interesting as talking

about her cousin.

I said almost.

She and her husband Jasper were childhood sweethearts. They had known each

other since they were five, and started dating when they reached thirteen. Now both
twenty six, they were still crazy in love. He was a landscape architect, and they

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frequently worked together. Her passion was interior design; she and her Mother
had been business partners for ten years.

She was also very forthcoming with information on Edward. He and his brother

had spent a lot of their childhood with the Cullen's. The majority of the time, they
were playing rugby and various other rough sports with Emmett. Which meant
Carlisle had dealt with more sprained wrists and ankles, and covered up more cuts
and scrapes than Alice could remember.

Edward also happened to be a lover of the piano - something he'd never told me -

and Esme had paid for him to take lessons when he was younger. To my surprise I
learned that he was so talented, he was accepted into an undergraduate program at
The Royal College of Music. And, had the chance been there, he could easily have
taken his gift to the next level and pursued a career doing what he loved. But, his
Father had found out and shot the idea down before it had even got off the ground.

Apparently Alice and Emmett were twins. I looked at her like she was high on

crack at that remark; it really was like looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger and
Danny DeVito. But, I had only known the girl for a matter of hours. So I decided that
calling her a fucking liar probably wasn't a good idea. Not right now anyway.

Alice never asked any questions regarding Edward and I directly. She too thanked

me, stating simply that Edward needed real people. He was surrounded by his
all-consuming family, and their obsession with public perception. She despised their
need for absolute perfect behaviour and ultimately, their refusal to even
acknowledge what he wanted or needed in his life.

Growing up, the only times he ever threw a tantrum or acted anything less than

'perfect', happened to be whenever him becoming King was mentioned. All his life,
he had hated the idea and had tried so many times to do something to disgrace
himself, desperately trying to rid himself of the burden.

Perhaps that was part of his attraction to me. Imagine if the British public found

out he was enjoying rampant sex with a foul-mouthed, lower class American?
Someone who couldn't be graceful or elegant if her life depended on it.

Then there was my family. My Mother, God love her, was the biggest supporter

for legalising Weed in the entire fucking universe. I could just see her offering the
Queen a spliff and telling her she really needed to chill the fuck out and dye her
hair. And my Dad, well he was an upstanding guy - Chief of Police, lover of fishing,
sports, and protector of his only daughter. The only controversial thing he could
possibly do, would be to pull his department issued weapon on Edward and tell him

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to treat his little girl good ...or else. Still, I didn't see that going down too well.

I thoroughly enjoyed my afternoon. I found I was looking forward to seeing Alice

again. She was going to find another place for us to meet next week. I was even
invited to spend some time with her family later in the year for Emmett's birthday.
They lived in Hertfordshire for the most part, but Alice and Jasper also owned a
home in London. As much as I liked the idea of some time with Edward out of my
apartment, going to his Aunt and Uncle's home seemed a little too much. I deftly
avoided answering the question and changed the subject, asking Alice about her
wedding instead. It did the trick, and I don't think I got another word in for the rest
of the afternoon.

When I finally arrived home, I barely had time to change before leaving for work

again. Jessica and I were working together tonight, so I was bombarded with
questions about Alice, the lunch, and obviously Edward. I was still answering them
when we walked into the restaurant. Aro and Markus were sat with a coffee at one
of the empty tables, and I glared at them as I walked in.

"Bella, how are you feeling?" Markus asked. There was a cheeky glint in his eye.

"Like you don't already know. Jesus, Markus, what did you put in my glass? Poor

Jess had to carry me to bed." I was about to launch into a tirade when my phone
rang. "This. Is. Not. Over."

I answered the call straight away, expecting Rose or Angela to be on the other

end, begging for the same details I had just given Jessica.

"Severely hung-over motherfucker answering the phone - make it quick." I


"Hello, Bella."

Yep, I should remember to check caller ID before doing shit like that. "Oh, hey. I

wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon."

"I did tell you I would call," he replied casually. "So you're a hung-over

motherfucker? Dare I ask?"

Mm, this was a pickle. Should Edward know that Aro and Markus knew? Tanya

happened to be the one who spilled her guts about it, but it was me alone that
described in great detail the length and width of the Royal Staff. For the time being,
I decided to keep quiet.

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"Blame my employers. They corrupted me," I protested innocently.

I heard a wonderful laugh and the sound actually made the hairs on the back of

my neck stand on end. "Somehow I doubt that, Bella. Aside from nursing the
hangover, what have you been doing with yourself?"

"Oh let's see. I have just spent the last few hours with a very small and yet

unbelievably bossy girl. What was her name? Mm, let me think - oh yeah - Alice
Cullen. You wouldn't happen to know her by any chance would you?" I laced my
voice with as much sarcasm as was possible.

"Ah yes, I do believe that name is familiar," he said. "I am sorry, Bella. I did tell

her to leave you alone. She can be particularly stubborn when she wants to be."

"No worries, she was actually pretty cool. How was the flight?"

"Awful. Do you know how few hiding places there are whilst cruising at forty

thousand feet?"

"Your Dad again?" I asked sadly.

"Afraid so. It's okay though, I'm becoming pretty adept at zoning him out. I have

you to thank for that."

We talked for several minutes before hanging up. He was in Canberra for a few

days. Addressing functions, meeting people and yes I had been right; Edward was
officially opening a new ward in a local hospital. Although he and his family were all
in the same country, they had all taken on different duties. It meant he was
primarily spending his time with James, and thus enjoying the trip a little more than
he expected.

I would have loved to spend more time talking, but I had to work. Volturi's was

definitely not the kind of place I could get away with telling the customers to 'ssh'
while I chatted to my boyf...

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not boyfriend. Definitely not boyfriend. A friend who

happened to be a boy, I could say that - right?

I avoided Aro and Markus like the plague, I was tired and I still felt rough. Then,

to top it all off, who should magically appear?

Little Miss fucking Priss.

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After she and her guests were seated by Carmen, our hostess, I politely handed

them the menu's and wine list. Telling them I'd be back in just a few minutes. I kept
my fake smile plastered on my face and then stomped over to Markus.

"Did you see who just walked in? You said she wasn't getting in again, Markus. Do

you not remember how fucking difficult she was last time?" I fumed.

"Bella, I know, I know. But my precious, it was not her reservation tonight. She is

here with her family. Alistair Charles -Tanner is simply too renowned for us to say
no. Please, be your usual charming self, for me?" He had his hands together,
pleading for my cooperation.

"Can't someone else work their table?" I asked.

Shaking his head sadly, Markus sighed. "I'm sorry, Bella, please just try and

tolerate her. I promise to tip you myself if she 's a repeat offender."

"So not the point, Markus," I mumbled and headed back over to the family.

The red haze was making another appearance and I had to fight to remain

composed. Alistair Charles-Tanner, his wife Irina, daughter Miss Priss, and two
other women sat at the table. Alastair was pretty unremarkable; late forties, balding
head, and expanding waistline. His wife was an older version of their daughter;
blond hair, blue eyed and very pretty.

I had to admit, I couldn't blame Edward's family for wanting him to marry Kate.

She was undeniably beautiful and she came from a well respected and wealthy
family. But I just couldn't like her. It wasn't just the fact I hated the thought of her
and Edward together. She looked down her nose at those around her, talked like she
was the dog's bollocks, and was just a motherfucking bitch.

When I first returned to take their orders, her Father had held his finger up to

stop me. I was left standing there waiting while he looked over the menu. I listened
to the conversation unfold between the women at the table.

"I bet you're so excited, Kate. What time is the flight?" The younger of the two

women gushed. I assumed she was a friend of Kate's, it was quite clear she idolised
her. Stupid fucking idiot.

"Ten-fifteen. It's going to be pretty much the same as it was before, Siobhan. I'll

just be accompanying him to a few events." Kate shrugged and took a drink of her

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"Where will he be?" The girl continued to hang on Kate's every word.

I idly wondered who she was talking about. It was an interesting development

from Edward's perspective. If there was another man on the scene, it gave him some
breathing space. Surely, his Father wouldn't want him to get involved with Kate if
she had a new boyfriend?

"Canberra, for the next few days. I'm not sure of the schedule after that," Kate

shrugged nonchalantly, and my heart sank.

"Do you think it was his idea?"

"He tries to act so aloof all the time, but I know how he thinks. It was actually his

Father who invited me along, but I am positive it was at Edward's request." Kate
turned to her mother. "Don't you agree, Mummy?"

"Yes darling. It's about time that man saw sense, I wouldn't be surprised if he had

a ring on your finger by the time you come home," Irina replied, and the rest of the
table squealed in delight.

I closed my eyes and took a breath. Surely this was a fucking dream? Edward told

me he wasn't interested in Kate. Fuck, he had just been talking to me, and not once
had he mentioned her. Surely, he would have at least had the courtesy to tell me if
she was going to be joining him?

I remained by the table, and by some small grace of God, they shut up talking and

finally ordered their food. I thanked them for their order and then drifted to the
kitchen. I slammed the order down on the counter and barged through the back

Even though Aro forbade it during a shift, I lit up a cigarette and sat on the floor

in the alley behind the restaurant. I hadn't been out there for more than a minute
when the door creaked open and someone sat beside me.

"Everything okay, sweetheart?" Markus wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"This isn't like you at all." He held out his hand and took the cigarette form me. I
thought he was going to put it out, but instead he took a long drag and then handed
it back.

"Not really, Markus. I'm sorry I just can't ..."

"Jessica's covering table one. I'll tell Aro we may have given you alcohol poisoning.

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I want you to talk to me - what's wrong? I take it this has less to do with Katharine
not tipping you the other night, and more to do with the fact she and Edward were

"It's really stupid, Markus, I know it is. I knew his Father wanted him to keep

things going with her, but he told me she was out of the picture. She's just said she's
flying out there to accompany him on some shit fucking engagements he's got to do.
Why wouldn't he tell me that? I just spoke to him for fucks sake. I know we're not...
he's not technically my boyfriend, but surely I deserve to know if he's sticking his
dick in someone else? I won't be any one's sloppy fucking seconds." I was so angry
and confused my eyes stung with tears.

We were not a couple and he had every right to fuck who ever the hell he chose,

but how could he not tell me this? Even Tanya had stood in my apartment and told
me she would do whatever she could to help us out for as long as we carried on
seeing each other.

"Ask him, Bella," Markus said. "I'm sure he'll be truthful. Tanya has always spoken

highly of him and he sounds like a decent man. But if he is still involved with
Katharine, then at least you know and you can walk away. Take ten minutes, no rush
darling." He kissed the top of my head and disappeared.

I wanted to call him, but I had no trust in my ability to remain calm. I didn't know

how to ask him in a text, so I chose Alice instead.

Hi Alice, it's Bella. Hope u don't mind me texting u, but Alistair

Charles-Tanner and his family are here. Apparently, Edward has invited Kate
to Australia with him. Has he said anything to you about it?

I deliberated for a while before hitting send. I knew it would come off as clingy

and needy, but hopefully, she would see it from my point of view. I got my response

Give me ten minutes chick. I'll call u straight back I promise - Alice x

Sure enough, nine minutes and forty-seven seconds later my phone rang. Only it

wasn't Alice, it was Edward.


"Hey, look, Edward, I'm sorry if Alice said I was being ..."

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"Bella," he interrupted. "I swear to God I had no idea about this. As if this trip

wasn't bad enough, now I have her to worry about. I promise Bella; there is nothing
between Kate and I. It's been over for so long now," he said assuredly.

"Edward, I'm not saying that you can't ... you know ... get involved with her or

anything. I'm just not that kind of girl. If you want to cool things off with us, that's
fine. Just be straight with me yeah?"

"I do not want to cool things off with you, Bella. I'm having more fun with you than

I've had in years, I will sort this out trust me. My Father and I will be having words.
Don't be surprised if you can hear our exchange in London." I could hear he was
angry, Stressward had returned with a vengeance.

"You know, if you let out a few motherfuckers and shits right now, I'm sure your

head would be a lot clearer before you two talk. Listen to the expert, there's nothing
like a good cussing session to help you focus," I offered helpfully. "You should give it
a shot Edward. I confess I'd love to hear it."

"I suppose you're right, if I don't clear my system now, I may find myself telling

my Father he is nothing but a motherfucking wanker who needed to climb down
from his own fucking arse and get a life in the real fucking world." He was laughing
now and so was I. "Mm, that definitely improved my mood, Bella."

"Glad to have helped. I'm sorry for telling Alice, I just didn't want you to think..."

"Stop apologizing, Bella. I appreciate the warning. It would have been a rather

unpleasant surprise when she turned up. In future though, don't be afraid to call me.
I'm, rather partial to hearing your voice, whatever the circumstance."

Markus poked his head around the door, and smiled at my improved demeanour. I

held out one finger and he nodded.

"I should get back to work. Bye, Edward."

"Goodnight, Bella."

Feeling much better, I strode confidently back into the restaurant. Assuring

Markus and Jess that I was good to take back my tables. I provided a flawless and if
I do say so myself, a rather smug service for the rest of the night. I didn't bat an
eyelid when Miss Priss rejected her third dessert for being too, and I quote, 'gooey'.
I simply returned it to the kitchen, and asked for her alternate suggestion.

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I would admit to spitting in her pudding, but given the fact I am a professional, I

didn't. Instead, I told our chef, Demetri, to stick the spoon down his pants and give it
a good rub on his very sweaty crotch. You cannot picture the grin on my face as I
watched her dig in. I almost howled with laughter when she actually said how good
it was.

In my case, revenge was a dish, best served on a spoon covered in dick-sweat!

A/N - I know that's gross, but wouldn't we all love to do it? And if you

could, who would you do it to? I can think of a few people that's for sure.

Disclaimer - Remember, I own nothing. And I should point out that any

similarities to the actual Royal Family are coincidental. Honest!

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Chapter 7 Can You Keep A Secret?

A/N - Hello again! I am completely blown away by you guys! Thank you so

much for reading and reviewing.

I was a little unsure about posting today, I've spent most of the afternoon

watching the tribute to 9/11. I cannot believe it has been ten years, it still
haunts me and I had to try and explain it all to my six year old son.

This chapter is more on the serious side than previous ones. But still... I

hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 7 - Can You Keep a Secret?


I was not looking forward to this state visit at all. I loved Australia; the climate,

the scenery, and of course the people. However, the fact I was going as part of an
entire family visit made it the trip from hell. I knew exactly what would happen the
minute I boarded the plane at Heathrow, and my father didn't disappoint. It started
with disapproving shakes of his head, followed by the look which told me we'd be
having words shortly. The only silver lining happened to be that Grand-Bitch had
flown out ahead of us. I dread to think how the flight would have gone, if I had to
deal with her and my Father.

Despite the fact we were actually on a commercial flight filled with other people,

my family and our entourage had filled the forward section of the plane entirely. It
wasn't a surprise considering the security staff, press officers and assistants that
were attached to each of us. Obviously with me came Tanya, Peter, and Emmett.
James too had his own personal team; Charlotte - his assistant, and then we had
Garrett and Embry - his security detail.

Although Peter had the most experience, he had relaxed his responsibilities, so to

speak. So the new overall head of security was Eleazar. The minute we were able to
move around the cabin, he had called all of the security personnel together to
discuss their strategy for the upcoming days. My Mother and Father had a six strong
team assigned to them; lead detail was Randall and his subordinates were to be
brutally honest nameless faces. I had so little to do with them that I didn't bother to
learn their names. I tried to stay as far away from all things 'Dad' related as was

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possible, including his staff.

Jane and Alec were our press officers, I had been briefed by them exactly what I

was to do, and they had prepared a selection of speeches I could use. Tanya got the
final say. I trusted her opinion more than my own on matters such as these.

There was also Zafrina, our stylist, come dresser, come anything appearance

related. She had to approve all of our looks before we attended any events. Why it
mattered I didn't know; because we always wore the same - boring three piece suit,
occasionally spruced up with a snazzy tie.

Tanya and Charlotte were sat together synchronising their planners, thankfully

James and I would be at different functions to my Mother and Father. They were
fortunate enough to be graced with the company of my Grandparents, another small

We settled in for the long flight to Hong Kong, we were making a short stop there

before making the final leg to Canberra. James was sitting beside me, watching the
in-flight entertainment and I was trying to catch up on some much needed sleep. I
was physically exhausted. But, I wouldn't trade a second of it, not when being kept
awake and very active, meant being with Bella. I closed my eyes and allowed her to
overwhelm my mind.

"James, give your Brother and I a minute please."

My Father's voice snapped me out of my very pleasant daydream and he moved in

to sit beside me. Although the flight was near on twelve hours long, he obviously had
something to say that simply couldn't wait.

Oh I wonder what that could be?

"Edward, I have no idea where you were yesterday, and I will on this occasion let

it go. But it will not happen again. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal," I mumbled.

"Where has this attitude come from? I cannot believe I am about to have this

conversation with you again. Don't you think it's about time you acted a little more
mature, and stopped fighting the inevitable? None of us had a say in the cards we
were dealt, Edward, so I suggest you stop acting like a petulant little child." His
words hit a raw nerve, one that was frayed beyond repair after years of countless
lectures, demands and basic insults.

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"You're absolutely right, Dad." I spat. "None of us get to choose our cards. But you

know what? Most of us get the fucking chance to play them how we see fit. Not the
fucking dealer, not the player to the left of you, or the right. No one else. So why the
hell can't I get a choice?"

"Lower your voice," he whispered, and looked around the cabin anxiously.

I laughed. Even mid-argument with his son, his only concern was the fact people

could be listening. "You're pathetic. You have no idea what this is like for me, and
you don't give a shit either."

Never in my life had I swore so brazenly like this in front of him. I always held

back, but now, something had snapped. Something made me want to let everything
out, and God it felt great.

"Edward, I think I understand more than you give me credit for. I've been there


For one split second, I thought I heard a tinge of regret in his voice. Maybe he was

finally getting it. Maybe for once he could admit that he had felt the same when he
was being forced into a life he didn't want.

"I was in your situation; I had to make choices which I didn't want to make. But

the difference between us is clear and simple. I found my future an honour,
something to be proud of and something to cherish. I accepted I would have to face
difficult times and sacrifice things, but I did it. I wish I could say the same for you,
never have I felt more disappointed in you." And just like that, he reminded me
exactly who he was. The man had no compassion in him whatsoever.

Of course he didn't understand what I was going through, and he was a liar too.

He hadn't sacrificed a thing. Yes he married my Mother, who he never loved, who he
would not have asked had the decision been his alone. But he didn't let the real love
of his life go. No, that woman remained close to his side for the entire marriage.

"You're spot on there, Dad. How could I forget? You did what was right for your

country, and married my Mother. It must have been really fucking hard to sit back
and leave Maggie behind when you accepted 'the inevitable'. Oh, hang on a second,
that never actually happened did it? No it didn't because she's been in your life for
over thirty years. You have no motherfucking right to tell me what I need to do." I
was shouting loud enough for almost everyone on the plane to hear. With a furious
sigh I stood. "Excuse me."

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The entire cabin fell silent, and I sensed that all eyes were on me. My Father was

frozen in his chair. I had always brought this subject up in the confines of our home,
and not once within earshot of anyone else. He glanced around anxiously, and I had
to smile. Seeing him squirm made my outburst that much more satisfying.

I caught the gaze of a few people as I passed them. Emmett was doing his best not

to laugh, whilst holding up one thumb discreetly against his chest. James shook his
head at me over the top of an in-flight magazine which he was holding upside down,
and Tanya gave me her sympathetic - 'we'll talk later' smile. I nodded and headed
straight for the lavatory.

I locked the door behind me and sat down on the toilet with my face in my hands. I

didn't regret the things I had said, but I knew there would be some repercussions to
my outburst. My Father's indiscretions had been kept very well hidden for years,
and it was only by chance that I had even found out about the affair at all.

I had been almost twelve, James just ten, and we idolised our Father. Dad was an

avid Polo player and like James, he played regularly. James and I would be taken
along to watch the games, whilst Mother remained at home. Before the match
started, he would take us behind the scenes to see the horses and teammates. Then
we were escorted to a private seating area to watch. 'Aunt' Maggie would
accompany us, and occasionally, her brother would join us.

Then, after the game was finished, Maggie would always disappear while we

replaced the rivets in the pitch with our security detail. When she finally returned, it
was with my Father a few steps ahead of her, and then we would all leave for home.
I never noticed the rumpled clothing, or the dishevelled hair. Why would I? After all,
when I was twelve I believed that my parents had a happy marriage.

One game changed my entire life. It destroyed any respect I had for my Father

and only reaffirmed my hatred of the life I had been born into. James and I were
playing around after the final whistle, and he decided to climb a tree just outside the
arena. Unfortunately, halfway up my brother lost his footing and fell. Another lady
came quickly to tend to him, but James was upset. I ran to look for my Father in the
stables, and came across Maggie bent over a stable door; her skirt up around her
waist, and her underwear nowhere to be seen. Stood behind her was a man
pounding into her like a wild animal. I couldn't see his face, but I looked away
quickly. Emmett had a huge stash of porn in his room, and he had spent hours
showing it to me, so I knew exactly what was going on. I was just about to leave and
continue looking for Dad, when I heard the man speak.

"You feel so good, Baby."

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Instantly recognising the voice, I became enraged. I picked up a pitchfork propped

up against the wall beside me and lunged at Maggie and my Father. I swore loudly
as I did it, thus giving my Father warning, he lurched out of the way and then
wrestled the weapon from my hands, whilst trying to button up his trousers at the
same time.

"Edward... what are're supposed to be with..." The usually calm and

composed Prince Edward was spluttering like an idiot.

"James fell from a tree and he's upset," I answered and wiped my face, ashamed to

feel tears rolling down my cheeks. I turned to walk away and he reached out to stop
me, placing one hand on my shoulder.

"Edward, wait."

"Get off me," I hissed, "Don't ever touch me. I hate you."

Never again had things been the same. I kept quiet for years, desperately trying to

protect my Mother and James. But my Father was undeterred, still he kept forcing
Maggie upon us and I constantly picked arguments and fights with her, trying to
somehow get her out of our lives.

It was only when my Mother asked me why I had so much hatred for Maggie, did I

find out the truth. She knew about the affair and she had always known. For all
these years she had done or said nothing. One game of Polo effectively rid me of
both my parents, and the relationship with Esme and Carlisle began to grow
stronger as a result.

I never told James, but somehow he knew. And it didn't seem to faze him in the

slightest. He shrugged it off as he did with most things, refusing to let anything
bother him, focusing on his own life. James should have been the eldest; he should
have been second in line - not me. Everything about him was far better suited to the
responsibility, it was just a shame that would never happen.

I hid away in the bathroom for as long as I could, but the Captain announced we

could be hitting some turbulent air, and asked everyone to return to their seats. My
Father had gone, returning to sit beside my Mother on the other side of the aircraft.
James was sitting back in his spot beside me.

"You okay?" He whispered.

"Not really," I replied. "I can't keep doing this James."

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"I know, but try and shut it away for now. Tell me about your girl anyway. Seems

like you've gotten pretty attached to her." He looked at me expectantly. "Bella,
right? Come on, as your brother, I have the right to know every last detail."

Emmett's head appeared over the back of the seat in front of us. "And as your

cousin and colleague, I have a need to know too. Security and all that."

Tanya then piped up, from beside Emmett. "Sorry, Edward, you knew they'd never

let it go."

"Yes." I laughed. "I know."

It had been easy to tell them about her. I revealed nothing private. Those images

were for my eyes only. But there was plenty to talk about. And I think I talked for
the rest of the flight. Neither James or Emmett ever told me to shut up, neither
seemed bored. I think they both appreciated the new, less serious side to Edward,
and so did I.

After a short layover in Hong Kong, we were back on the plane and on our way

again. The majority of the passengers were fast asleep, as I had intended to be. But I
had far too much on my mind, the argument with my Father, the visit, and of course

Even after I had fully reclined the seat and settled down to sleep, it never came. I

tossed and turned for an hour, I tried reading and listening to some music on my
IPod. But even some old classic did nothing to relax me. Sitting back up, I began to
peruse the films available.

"Can't sleep either?" Tanya slid into the seat beside me.

I shook my head. "No. Too much on my mind I suppose."

"That was an intense conversation, Edward. I should warn you, just be ready for

your Grandmother when you see her next. Jane has already briefed her, in case
anyone on the flight decides to go to the press," she said.

"I know, Tan, but honestly, I'm so far past caring now. Do you mind if we talk

about something else?" I asked. "Please?"

She smiled, "Well I can only think of one thing you'd to want to discuss."

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"You know me so well." I laughed.

"I'm surprised your Father hasn't seen the difference in you. Edward, even if I

didn't know about Bella, it wouldn't take a genius to work out you were smitten with
someone. You have that 'look' in your eyes." She paused, "Tell me all about her."

"She's amazing Tan, there is really nothing to dislike. It's just a shame that..." I

didn't need to finish. She knew and I knew exactly what I was thinking.

"You never know," she added, "Things have a way of working themselves out - one

way or another."

"Somehow, I don't see that happening." I corrected. "The day the Bella I know, is

accepted into my family, I will quite happily run naked down The Mall."

"But, perhaps if they knew how important she was to you? If they actually sat

down and thought about it, they'd realise they could use Bella to get your head back
in the game. They could surprise you. Plenty of people have etiquette training,
maybe if Bella..."

"No," I snapped. "Not Bella. I won't let her change for me ... for them. I don't want

her poised and polite; she's perfect as she is. Just being a part of this family sucks
the life from you, Bella's too special for that."

And that I knew for certain.

Tanya knew me well enough to leave that subject alone. Instead she asked about

Esme. I had called her on the way to the airport. She listened eagerly as I gushed
about Bella. She even asked if I had plans to introduce her to my favourite family.
Truthfully, I would have loved it. But in reality, I doubted Bella would agree. Not
wanting to upset my Aunt, I said I would see what I could do, but warned her not to
get her hopes up.

As soon as we cleared security and customs at Canberra Airport, James and I were

driven to the hotel to shower and change. Despite the long flight, we were given no
time to recover and just an hour later we were driven over to Canberra Grammar
School, to meet the children and teachers. Thankfully, we were rid of my parents;
they were meeting with the Australian Prime Minister for lunch, along with my
Grandparents. Better them than us I say.

The entire school had prepared a selection of activities they thought best reflected

their talents. The youngest children performed a collection of nursery rhymes and

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wore costumes to accompany the wonderful recital. The older children offered us a
display of their sporting skills, and also their musical talents. After they had all
finished, James and I split up to mingle with the pupils. He joined in with a few boys
and girls playing football, and I sat beside a girl on a piano and played Heart and
Soul and Chopstick's with her. And if I do say so myself, we blew Tom Hanks and
Robert Loggia's attempt in Big right out of the water. When we had finished, I
encouraged her to her feet to take a bow. The watching teachers and students gave
her a rapturous round of applause, and she looked like the proudest girl on the

"Thank you Your Highness," she whispered shyly. "I didn't know you played the


"You're welcome, and my name is Edward." I told her. "I love the piano. I just wish

I had the opportunity to play more."

I had a wistful moment, thinking what could have been. Just the thought of

studying music at University had been the most exciting prospect. To then be told I
had the talent to pursue it was amazing. But that had never happened, and it never

We then moved on to take a look around the classrooms, with each teacher

showing us the work they had been doing that term. Both James and I enjoyed this,
meeting real people who made society what it was. The freeloaders and stuck up
aristocrats offered nothing but a false idea of what Great Britain was really like.

The following morning, I was still struggling to acclimatize to the shift in

temperature, and the time difference. After another restless night, we were now on
our way to have brunch with a charity of some sort, something all of the family
would be in attendance for. I had no idea what time it was in England, but I wanted
to, and needed to speak to Bella.

The second she answered the phone announcing she was a 'seriously hung-over

motherfucker', I laughed loudly ; earning me a roll of the eyes from James, who then
mouthed 'you love her' rather dramatically before closing his eyes again. I learned
she had been set upon by Alice the previous night, who had then insisted on meeting
her for lunch. To my relief, however, it didn't appear to have bothered her. I didn't
want the conversation to end, so I was disappointed when she had to get back to

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A few hours later, I was beyond bored. The initially interesting presentation by the

charity's founder had now become a financial breakdown of how their funds had
been allocated over the previous twelve months. I felt my phone vibrate in my
pocket and I glanced down at the display. It was only my cousin, Alice. No doubt she
would want to talk about her lunch with Bella, but I couldn't very well answer it in
the middle of this. I rejected the call, and pretended to pay attention to the speaker.

Almost immediately after, I received a text message. Glancing down I read the few

lines and froze.

WTF Edward? Since when does Kate accompany you on state visits FFS? Bella

knows - you need to fix this - NOW. - Alice x P.S - I love her

Without a second thought to the meeting, my family, or the lingering press. I

raced from the room, and dialled Bella's number. She answered and immediately
began apologising, but I cut her straight off. I needed to explain that I had no idea
Kate was even coming, and that I certainly didn't want her there with me.
Thankfully, by some small miracle she seemed to believe me.

With the situation with Bella appeased, it was time to speak to my Father. I didn't

return to the presentation, I waited patiently outside the room. Emmett was
hovering nervously, fully aware there was about to be another almighty row; he
asked me several times to calm down, but it wasn't physically possible. I heard the
meeting wrap up, and sure enough, people began leaving the room. I looked at no
one, waiting only for my Father to emerge. As soon as he did, I stood up and glared
at him.

"We need to talk," I spat. "You've got some fucking explaining to do."

He didn't answer me, he held back for the room to empty, and then strode back

inside. The door hadn't even closed behind me, when I let loose.

"Do you care to tell me why the fuck Kate and her family are about to board a

flight to fucking Canberra? Apparently, she has been invited along to accompany
me. This had better be a joke, because if it isn't I am getting on a plane back home
right now." I had my fists clenched tightly at my side. My entire body rigid, the fury
inside me was desperately trying to find an outlet, and right now, nothing looked
more appealing than the smug look on my Father's face. I was sure the second my
fist connected with his jaw, he'd lose the smirk.

"Don't be so dramatic, Edward." The all too familiar look of disgust and frustration

were fixed in place "Katharine will be a part of your future, one way or another. It's

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not as though you have any alternatives on the horizon, and she will be
accompanying you to the hospital. As of the third of next month, she will officially
become a member of my foundation, and with that comes certain duties she will
have to fulfil."

"Let me guess, the same ones as I have? You're beyond pathetic, it won't work I

can assure you of that. If you're so desperate for her to be a part of the fucking
family, I suggest you find another way. Perhaps you should marry her Dad, because,
there is no way I will. Not a chance - do you hear me?" I almost lunged, the anger
had become almost uncontrollable, but Emmett was between us in an instant,
holding me back.

"Edward, let's go." He wrestled me back towards the door.

"This conversation is by no means finished, Edward," my Father shouted after me.

"Go fuck yourself you egotistical bastard," I hissed and let Emmett walk me out of

the room.

"Nice, Edward. Wow, never seen you tell him straight like that before," Emmett

murmured appreciatively. "Bet it felt good huh?"

I agreed profusely. I didn't give a damn about the ramifications, I needed that.

Bella was right, vulgar or not, there was nothing quite like a round of fucks and shits
to really help clear your head. But, when they were directed towards one's dickhead
Father, it was even better.

I would like to have said my rants worked and Katharine wasn't forced upon me.

But, alas, my Grand-Bitch intervened. She was a wily old fox, and arranged for Kate
to arrive at the hospital shortly after James and I had. Whatever scene I was happy
to cause in private, Grand-Bitch knew I wouldn't do a thing when I was somewhere
that was important to me. Kate made a beeline straight for my side, and greeted my
brother and I warmly.

"Edward, James! Fabulous to see you. This is going to be such a wonderful

experience don't you agree?"

No. No way. Not in the slightest.

"We are slightly behind schedule. If we can move straight to the Paediatric Ward,"

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Tanya announced, and quite skilfully stepped in between Kate and I.

The hospital had recently undergone a huge transformation, mainly thanks to a

charity close to my own heart. Esme and Carlisle, although blessed with two healthy
children, had lost a son aged eight to Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. I had only vague
memories of Masen; he died when I was six. But, the Masen Cullen Foundation had
been set up in his memory, and in the only heartfelt gesture I ever remembered, my
Father agreed to take on an active role in fundraising. As soon as I had turned
eighteen, he had relinquished his position and I had taken over.

Thanks to tireless work, and a rather substantial investment from our foundation,

the Paediatric Oncology Department, was now able to offer children the best
medical services and treatments, therefore increasing their chances at survival.
Today, we were meeting some of the children who were patients on the ward.

Both my brother and I were completely comfortable with the children, some of

them terminally ill, however, Kate hung back. She was never rude, but it was
apparent she had not been prepared for some of the things she saw. Although, the
majority of the children were relatively well and in good spirits, some were hooked
up to machines and drips, and looked deathly pale and terribly poorly. The children
who were up and about, wanted to talk sports, music and of course the celebrities I
had met. Whilst we were talking to a group of older children, I noticed one young
girl gazing absently out of the window. A nurse noticed my attention and came

"That's Sasha, she's end stage I'm afraid. There's nothing else we can do but make

her comfortable," she said sadly.

"How long does she have?" I asked.

"Just a few weeks perhaps, it's hard to say for sure."

Not wanting to see her alone, I walked over slowly and cleared my throat to grab

her attention. "Hello," I whispered and perched on the edge of her bed. "I'm Edward,
what's your name?"

"Sasha," she replied weakly. "You're a Prince aren't you?"

I smiled, "Yes. Where are your parents?"

I couldn't see anyone around besides a nurse hovering by her bed. She looked so

ill. I couldn't believe she had been left here alone. But with the mention of her

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parents she smiled.

"My Daddy has just gone to get my Mummy. She had a baby yesterday, I haven't

met her yet, but Daddy showed me a picture this morning."

"Wow. That's wonderful. What is she called?" I reached out and took her little

hand in mine.

"She doesn't have one yet." The smile on her face became even more pronounced.

"They've told me I can pick her name."

"Do you have one already picked out then, Sasha?" I grinned, "It had better be

really good - giving someone a name is really special."

"No," she replied glumly, and then she looked at me excitedly. "Would you help me


Momentarily overwhelmed by such a simple yet touching gesture, I needed a few

seconds to get my emotions in check.

"She's so beautiful, and she has a lot of really dark curly hair. It's like mine

was...before." She tapped her head, which was covered in a pink head scarf. "I was
going to call her Grace, it's my middle name. But I decided I want something really
special for her instead. I think I'll choose Grace as her middle name, so I know she'll
remember me when I'm not there anymore."

I felt my throat ache, the girl was no more than nine, and yet she knew what fate

had in store for her. It was tragic, and I felt stupidly selfish for having the audacity
to complain about my fucked up life. At least I had one.

By now, James, Kate, Tanya, and Charlotte had wandered over to us. I knew that

the meeting was being filmed, but I ignored the cameraman lingering in the
background and focused my attention on Sasha.

"Can you think of any names?" She pressed, and I squeezed her hand.

"Actually, yes I can. I know someone who's really great. She's cool and fun, and

she's become quite important to me."

I heard Kate take a breath, and Tanya scoffed in reaction. I paid little attention

and continued to watch Sasha.

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"Does she have a pretty name?" Sasha moved forward and sat up. "What is it?"

"What if I whisper it to you?" I offered and she giggled.

"Okay," she replied.

So I moved forward and said the name so quietly, only she could hear me.

Her face was beaming and she let out a little squeal of excitement. "I love that


"But it has to be our little secret - for now. Can you keep a secret?" I asked


"Yes, I promise." She nodded solemnly and then held out her hand. "Wait! Is she

pretty? I mean, if she's not then I don't want to call my baby sister that."

Smiling at the image in my head, I shook my head. "Sasha, I promise, she's the

most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

A/N - Mmm - I wonder what name he suggested?

Thank you for reading.

I also have to point out that I own nothing except for the strange

interpretation of SM's wonderful characters.

Pre-read by Prettyflour who always does a fantastic job! She's has a new

story out - A Scarlet Night - which you have to read. It's brand spanking new
and I love it already!

Anyway, I hope you liked it. I'd love it if you hit review and let me know. I

love to hear you're thoughts - even the bad ones! They all make me smile :)

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Chapter 8 Mother Fucking London Eye

A/N - Here we are again. I cannot thank you enough for your reviews! I'm

so glad that you're enjoying this. FYI - We quite literally have puke in this
chapter and just wanted to warn you before you read. If you're stomach is
particularly sensitive, you might want to proceed with caution! After a little
more serious chapter last week, we are back to Bella & her girls so hopefully
it makes you smile!

Oh thanks as always to the awesome Prettyflour - she has the chapters

back almost as fast I send them.

Chapter 8 - Motherfucking London Eye!


Four and a half days later, and the date was...? Fuck if I know, but Edward was

currently on his way back to England, and that's all I gave a shit about.

"Come on, Bella. Move it, move it, move it," Angela shouted, doing her best

Captain Harris impression. She grabbed my ankle and proceeded to pull me off the

I landed on my ass really fucking hard. Again. "Ow, Angela. What the fuck?"

"Bella, we've all got the day off today, so get your skinny ass dressed. We've

decided to take you out for the day." She flung the curtains open.

"Jess and I are working tonight actually," I grumbled as I stood up and stretched.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"It's your birthday in a few weeks, so we figured we'd surprise you. Rose and Jess

are almost ready, so we're just waiting on you. Let's go."

My usual morning grouchiness disappeared, and I was buzzing with excitement.

On the few occasions we had the opportunity to spend any quality time out in centre
of London, we usually ended up shopping. My suggestions of visiting the British
Museum, Natural History Museum, or even the Science Museum were instantly met
with exaggerated snores from my so-called friends.

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The only time I ever got close to doing something I wanted to do, had been about

a month ago. I had won a small drinking bet, and had been allowed to choose where
we could spend the following day. I had chosen the Tate Modern, and was really
giddy about going. Unfortunately, my devious roommates had insisted on going on
for lunch first, and had then laced me with alcohol. I was staggering as we
approached the entrance, and of course I was refused entry.

But now it was my turn again, and I couldn't wait. My friends were so eager to

maintain the surprise, I had a blindfold placed over my eyes, and earphones stuffed
in my ears so I couldn't hear the announcements on the tube. Naturally, I felt like a
fucking moron, but I played along gamely.

Twelve songs later, the music stopped.

"Okay, Hun, step up carefully," Jess told me, and I clambered up a few steps


She backed me against a seat, and told me to sit down. I had no idea where we

were, we had been outside not thirty seconds ago, so I was thoroughly confused.
Jessica sat down on one side of me and I heard Rose on the other.

"Okay, Swan, let's take the blindfold off now."

"Where are we?" I asked, as someone fumbled with the tie behind my head.

Three sniggers of laughter came next - and that was not a good sign. Then my

vision was back, and as soon as I saw the sight in front of me, I wished the blindfold
was back on.

"Are you fucking crazy?" I started to pant anxiously. "You've brought me on the

London Eye? I hate heights guys, please let's get the fuck off."

I heard a huff of disgust, and noticed there was a woman and two small children

sitting across from us. Obviously, she wasn't a 'fuck' lover.

"Bella, we can't get off. We're already moving now. Come on, it'll be great fun,"

Angela encouraged. "Look at the view - it's amazing. Can you see?"

Was she serious? Could I see it? We were in a motherfucking glass bubble. "Of

course I can," I hissed. Against all instinct, I focused on the sight before me. Did I
see the Thames? Big Ben? Houses of Parliament?

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All I could see were the people on the streets below us, people who were getting

smaller and smaller with every passing second.

"Oh, God. I really need to get off guys." I took a few deep breaths through my

nose, trying to fight the onslaught of nausea.

I saw the girls exchange 'uh-oh' looks, none of them knowing what to do next.

Then the movement stopped, and we were stranded mid-air. The stress was too

much for my fragile stomach, and I clamped my hand over my mouth.

"Shit, I'm gonna be sick."

Someone thrust a flimsy paper bag at me just in time, and I threw up right there.

"Oh, for goodness sake," the woman retorted, and looked away in disgust. Her two

children paled considerably, as they kept their eyes on me.

"Bella, I'm so fucking sorry." Rose wrapped her arm around me. "We thought

you'd like it."

I quickly set the bag down in one corner hoping the worst was over. But to top it

all off, the smell began to fill the bubble and it was revolting.

I felt terrible. My head was pounding, my throat burned, and I was still feeling

nauseous and dizzy. Rose kept one arm around me, squeezing my shoulder with her
hand, as I dropped my head between my knees. With her other hand, she was
holding her shirt over her nose and mouth. Jessica and Angela were looking around
for something for me to clean up with, whilst spraying perfume to try and mask the
scent. If I didn't feel like death, I would have found the entire scene fucking

The poor woman and her children were trying to ignore us, and they continued to

point out some of the landmarks they could see. One child announced she was
feeling sick, and when I looked up at her, she was turning a very shifty looking
shade of green.

Fuck me, we weren't even halfway around yet.

I took another deep breath - big fucking mistake. My God the smell!

Angela continued to spray to no avail while Jess ripped open a tampon and started

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clawing away at the cotton.

"What in God's name are you doing, Jess?" Rose asked.

"It's made of cotton, right? I figured if I could unravel it, Bella could use it to clean

her face," Jess protested, and Rose groaned. "What? It's better than nothing."

Of course, it didn't work and I wasn't wiping my face with a tampon. So she

reluctantly admitted defeat, placing the lonely tampon on top of the precariously
delicate looking bag and sat back down. Then she grabbed her bag again. "I think
I've got a sanitary towel in here, we could try that."

"Jesus, Jess, enough with the feminine products. They're designed for periods, not

for facial hygiene." Rose shook her head and I cracked a smile. Jess, was certainly
one on her own.

"Look, Mummy, I can see Buckingham Palace." The less-sick looking child started

banging on the glass.

Hey kid, do you wanna stop doing that shit? I can see glass cracking, and bodies

hurtling to the ground!

"Oh yes, Darling. Good spot."

She continued to bang on the glass, and I almost throttled her. Was she trying to

kill us?

She stopped briefly and turned to look at her Mother. "I wonder if Prince Edward

is there?"

Fortunately, the mere mention of Edward instantly diverted my attention from the

hellish scene unfolding before me. I was looking forward to him coming home, I
vehemently denied it was because I missed him. It was purely the Staff. I needed the

We had talked regularly over the past few days, and despite the fact he never

quite mastered the time difference, I never once ignored his call. Just the Staff, just
the Staff.

Yeah right.

Edward told me about the argument he and his Father had on the plane, and then

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the one after he had confronted him about Katharine flying to Australia. As good as
it was to hear he was finally standing up for himself, I did feel guilty. It would
appear I was leading him way off the straight and narrow.

He swore a lot more, and even the press had picked up on his out of character

behaviour. At several photo's taken during various meetings, he had a face like
thunder. The press speculated on what was troubling him, and wondered if there
was a rift somewhere within the family.

Then the documentary was aired.

In an obvious attempt at damage control, following an anonymous report of

several arguments between Edward and his Father. Buckingham Palace released a
thirty minute piece of footage shot during the visit to a hospital in Canberra.

I had been at work when I heard Markus screaming for me to come and see. When

I ran into the office, he was sat at his desk pointing furiously at the television.

Edward was sitting on a hospital bed talking to a young girl. The narrator

explained that she was terminally ill and wasn't expected to live for much longer. He
looked so comfortable and was holding her hand so tenderly, it almost made me cry.

I saw him lean over and whisper something in her ear. Whatever he said made her

smile. I couldn't hear the actual conversation between them, but after Edward had
left, the cameraman and director and approached the girl to talk to her.

It turned out that she needed to choose a name for her baby sister, and she had

asked Edward to help her with that decision. When the director asked her what
name they had picked, she told him he would have to wait until she'd told her sister.

So, in true dramatic fashion, when the girl's parents arrived with her baby sister,

the cameramen zoomed in for a close-up of the family. She told them all about
meeting Edward, and how he had suggested the name because it reminded him of
someone really special.

Her Mom had asked what the name was, and when the girl answered, Aro gasped

and Markus burst out crying.

"Her name is, Isabella."

And since then I walked nowhere, I floated.

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Meanwhile, back in reality...

"Mummy, I really don't feel well."

I looked up just in time to see the now very green girl vomit all over her Mother's


"Oh, Jesus Christ." Rose gagged.

"Um, do you want this?" Jessica asked sweetly, holding out the sanitary towel to

the woman.

Her lips pursed, and her eyes narrowed. Wiping up the freakishly large pile of

puke on her lap with one of those things, would be like trying to chop down a forest
with a pair of scissors.

Finally, after what seemed like ten years of my life, we returned to the ground.

The glass bubble we had been in was now beyond disgusting.

The children were crying and their mother seemed to be close to joining them.

When the attendant pulled open the door he retched and turned his head to the side.

"Phew, Christ almighty." He stepped back and shouted to his colleague, "Let

maintenance know number four needs putting out of order."

We sheepishly climbed out and ran for our lives. This experience was definitely

worse than the Tate. I insisted on going home, and spent the rest of the afternoon in

Motherfucking London Eye.

I trudged wearily to work that evening. I was exhausted, grumpy, and I still felt off

it. The girls felt particularly bad for the whole disaster of a day, so I put on a brave
face and told them I was feeling much better.

When I arrived at work, I immediately checked the reservation book. The

restaurant was, of course, fully booked. But strangely enough, Table One was still
empty. The reserved tags were in their usual place, but there was nothing to suggest
anyone would be eating there tonight. I was more than happy to have night free of 'I
am considerably more important than you' celebrities.

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Markus and Aro were both here tonight. Ever since the footage from the hospital

had been aired, Markus had been an emotional fuck wit. He couldn't even talk about
it without tearing up. Tonight was no exception.

"Bella, lovely to see you. How is that handsome Prince of yours, My Darling?" He

asked as soon as I hung up my jacket and purse.

"I expect he's fine, Markus. I haven't spoken to him today, cell phones on planes

tend to be frowned upon," I teased and turned to leave.

"Wait!" He cried. "I was watching the Disney channel earlier..."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Do I even want to hear about this?"

"Of course you do. It was like a sign from the God's of love. They were showing

Cinderella and it reminded me of you, Bella. You could be Cinderbella." He beamed
with excitement and I groaned.

"Markus, are you sure your Mother didn't accidentally drop you three or four

hundred times as a child?"

"It's perfect, Bella. The entire story relates to your life," he said.

"No it doesn't. You're off your fucking rocker, Markus. Wait until I tell Rose you

compared her to an Ugly Stepsister." I drew my finger across my throat

"Well, we can amend her title to sexy-stepsister." Markus lit up like a Christmas

tree. "Oh my goodness, I could be the Fairy God Mother."

"Any excuse for you to be a damn fairy," I muttered.

"Such a cynic, Cinderbella. But we'll see you a believer. You mark my words." He

kissed my head and danced away.

It was almost nine thirty when the restaurant fell silent. The conversations halted,

and everyone began to talk in hushed whispers. Jess, Mike and I were in the kitchen
collecting our dishes, when Carmen walked in, announcing Table One was now
occupied - with eight people none-the-less.

"Brilliant. That's me here until the early hours," I grumbled.

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"Yeah, but listen to the reaction they got. It must be someone really cool." Jess

pointed out.

"Whatever," I said, completely disinterested. The more famous or powerful they

were, the more difficult they tended to be. "Anyone want to trade?"

Mike laughed at my offer. "I don't think so, Bella."


"No effing way, Bells. I wanna be outta here before midnight."

After I had served my other tables, I fixed my smile in place and walked around

the partition to the new customers. Usually, I would check who it was, make sure I
was familiar with their 'work' and try to remember who was who before I served.
But tonight, I simply could not be bothered, so I went in blind.

"Good evening," I began my usual introduction, and then looked around the table.

"Shit... oh... sorry... um. Hi?"

Smooth, Bella.

The Cullen's were back, with four extra faces. Emmett was here, as was Tanya,

and then we had the two very famous, and very handsome Princes. Fuck me, Edward
was back. Was he that hot before he left?

"Hello, Bella." He shot me his wonderful lopsided grin. "How are you?"

"Good, thank you. Yourself?" I fiddled with the button on my waistcoat nervously. I

was especially aware that everyone was watching our exchange. But it did nothing
to dampen the raging fire in my stomach, and I still wanted to jump his bones right
there. Just the thought of straddling his lap on the chair made me blush.

"Good evening, Bella. I guess I shall have to introduce myself. I doubt my Brother

could string a sentence together at this particular moment in time." James stood and
held out his hand. "I'm James."

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you Your..."

"No." James stopped me. "It's just James, please."

"Okay,James," I agreed. "So, may I get everyone a drink while you take a look at

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the menu?"

Alice was grinning at me. "We've already decided, Bella." She then reeled off what

everyone wanted. "Oh, and we'll have a bottle of that wine you suggested last week."

I noted everything down discreetly, and with one last smile in Edward's direction,

I left them alone. I gave the order to Demetri, and then went to retrieve their wine
from behind the bar.

As I wrestled with the cork, my head was filled entirely with Edward. I was finding

it difficult to concentrate on the simplest of things. I had just about managed to free
the cork when two hands snaked around my waist.

"Can I help?" Edward whispered in my ear, before pressing his lips softly against


His breath sent shivers down my spine, and I almost dropped the damn bottle. "No

you can't," I told him. "You're supposed to be sitting down, and you should probably
move before someone sees you."

He laughed and kissed the back of my neck. "Bella, you know I would much rather

stay right here."

What was I supposed to be doing? What day was it? Who am I?

The effect this man had on me was incomprehensible.

"Tough shit. Now shoo." I tried to move away, but his arms tightened around me,

pulling me tightly against him and fuck it felt really nice. "Please, Edward. I can't
think straight when you're doing shit like that."

"Really? I'll remember that," he whispered, and turned me to face him. "And you

should know, you have the same effect on me, Bella. I've missed you. I need you."

What was I supposed to be doing? What day was it? Who am I?

"Later. I promise." I breathed, rather wishing later actually meant in like thirty

seconds time.

"I won't let you forget." With a quick glance around the room, he leaned forward

and kissed me.

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I was relieved I had the bottle of wine still clutched in my hands. Because had they

been free, there was no way I wasn't copping a feel of that hair, or that ass. He
pulled back after a few seconds, and I swear to God his eyes were on fire. No one
should be allowed to smoulder like that.

"Go." I pushed him back slightly, and inclined my head back towards the table.


He was chuckling to himself as he disappeared from view. And as soon as he was

gone, Aro and Markus came hurtling from their office shrieking like a pair of dying

"Oh, Cinderbella. That man is adorable." Markus clutched at his chest and looked

at his partner. "Don't you agree, Aro?"

He nodded wistfully in response. "Just imagine the night they'll be having,

Markus. Bella, darling, you'll be walking like a cowboy and singing like Kate Bush in
Wuthering Heights. Goodness, he looked like he wanted to ravish you right there on
the bar."

I caught a lust filled glance between the two men, and grimaced.

"Memories," Markus said. "We should do that again soon. We need to keep the

passion alive, be more spontaneous - let the moment take us."

"Fuck no. That is ... Guys, I do not want or need to hear shit like that," I told them.

"Sheesh, Markus, do you keep anything to yourself. Sharing and scaring are not the
same you know?"

"I can keep a secret, Bella. I would, for instance, never let the Queen know just

how talented and well endowed her grandson is. It sounds almost as big as..."

"Argh, enough please. I'm going before my head explodes." I stalked from the bar

and over to the dining area, leaving behind two men who found themselves

At first, my time with Edward's table was kept to a minimum as I still had two

other tables to cover. But, as soon as they were clear, I gave him - I mean them - my
full attention. Once all the other guests had left, Markus and Aro joined the Cullen's
and Co. telling the other staff they were okay to go home.

"I'll be in Rose's room, Hun, okay?" Jess whispered before she left, and my

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stomach tensed in anticipation.

Oh yes, fucking yes.

Aro and Markus had known Tanya for years. Her brother had been a friend of the

couple, and he had been a silent partner in Volturi's before his death several years
earlier. They had named their second catering venture in his memory.

I ignored every ones protests to join them. Instead, I set about setting the tables

ready for the next day. I still listened to the conversation, Tanya had some classic
stories to tell about my employers. I archived each one in my head, ready to use
should I ever feel the need for blackmail.

Edward and James slotted into the group remarkably well. Had I not known who

they were, I would never have dreamed they were royalty. Each was down to earth
and friendly. Yet, similar in some ways, it was clear they were two entirely different
people. James was more outgoing, happy to be centre of attention, and quite brazen.
Edward, on the other hand, was more reserved and quiet. More than happy for his
brother to be the main focus.

After I had finished every last job, I was at a loss at what to do next. Markus

noticed and immediately ordered me to sit down.

"I just need to go to the bathroom." I protested and wandered away. I had no idea

why I was so against the idea of sitting with Edward and everyone else, I just was.

I took my purse with me; I wanted to clean myself up before I got home, because I

had every intention of pouncing on Edward the second we walked through the door.
I tidied up the few rogue strands of hair which had escaped my ponytail during the
course of the night, I popped in a breath mint and was just about to apply a coat of
lip gloss, when Edward walked through the door.

I looked at him through the mirror and raised an eyebrow. "You do realise this is

the ladies room, right?"

"Mm hm," he replied and locked the door behind him.

"What are you doing?" My voice cracked, undeniably turned on by the situation,

and of course the man stood looking at me like I was the sexiest woman on the

"It's later, Bella." Edward stood behind me, watching me through the mirror. He

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had one hand on either side of my body, gripping the basin tightly.

"Yes, I suppose it is. But still. You want to do this here? Now?" I bit down on my


Why weren't we naked already?

Edward laughed. "Let's get straight on that then shall we?"

Groaning, I turned to face him. "Out loud again? Shit, I thought I had that under


"I am glad you voiced that, because I couldn't agree more." He turned me to face

him, and rested his head on mine.

"We can't be long, or they'll know," I warned, reaching up and knotting my fingers

in his hair.

"Believe me, Bella. I've spent a week waiting for this, I assure you 'quick' will not

be a problem."

He lifted me up and sat me on the basin. But, as soon as it took my weight, I heard

a loud crack, and the entire fixture lurched away from the wall. It didn't fall
completely to the floor, but it was tilting forward rather precariously. The only thing
holding it up, were the pipes.

"Oh shit! No, no, no." I tried in vain to push the goddamn thing back up. But it

wouldn't budge. The tiles surrounding it had cracked, and several pieces had fallen
to the floor. "Motherfucker."

Instead of sharing my panic, Edward did nothing but laugh his ass off.

"Stop fucking laughing, Edward. It's not funny." I started gnawing at my finger.

Aro and Markus had spent thousands on the fittings in their restaurant. Even the

sinks were antique Victorian designs. Not just a run of the mill available from your
local DIY store. Fuck my life.

"Relax, Bella. I'll sort this out okay?" He wrapped his arms around me. "Let me

talk to Aro. It's nothing to get worried about."

I buried my face into his chest and sighed. "I'll be the butt of all jokes for months.

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Rose will just love reminding me that my fat ass broke a fucking sink."

As I relaxed, I felt his dick prodding at my hip. "You still have a problem huh?" I

pressed against it and laughed.

"It's been like that since last week. You have no idea how hard it was to hide the

fact I had the mother of all stiffies all the bloody time. I can only imagine the
reaction if anyone had noticed it when I was visiting that school, or the hospital," he

"Would you like me to help with that?" I asked as innocently as I could.

Edward's body tensed, and his friend poked at me some more. "As tempting as

that sounds, I don't particularly like the idea of getting naked on the bathroom

I winked and pushed him against the wall. "I had something else in mind."

I dropped to my knees and made light work of his pants. The poor guy was quite

literally bursting out of them. My much-missed friend sprang out like a caged animal
as soon as I pushed his boxers down. I know it was inappropriate and ridiculous, but
it reminded me of those emergency chutes that they deploy from aircraft after
emergency landings. I giggled at my ludicrous trail of thought.

"Should I be worried that you're laughing at me whilst staring at my dick?" He

asked, his voice was raspy and sexy as motherfucking hell.

"Not you, I promise," I assured him as I gripped him in my hand.

"Then what was funny?" He persisted.

"Trust me, Edward, you don't want to know."

"With you, Bella, I'll always want to know."

But, he seemed to instantly forget the second I wrapped my lips around him.

"God, that feels so fucking good," he croaked.

Edward certainly wasn't kidding when he said quick wouldn't be a problem. Only a

matter of minutes had passed when I felt his fingers grip my head and his entire
body stiffened. He urged me to take him deeper and I did my best to oblige. As his

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legs started to shake, he came, swearing again.

Once he had relaxed, I tucked him carefully back into his pants and stood up. "All

better?" I teased.

"You have no idea." He breathed.

I looked back towards the damage we had done and whimpered nervously.

"I told you I would take care of it, Bella. Stop worrying please. I'll talk to Aro

privately." He kissed my cheek, unlocked the door and pulled it open, allowing me to
walk out ahead of him.

When we rejoined the table, Edward pulled out a chair and instructed me to sit

down. He then sat close beside me, draping his arm around the back of my chair. No
one mentioned our prolonged absence from the table, but I did catch one or two
eyebrow waggles from Emmett in Edward's direction.

The talk of the group was now Emmett's birthday in October. Alice and Esme were

trying to arrange a party for him, but so far couldn't decide on a theme or venue.

"Oh, Darlings, you should have it here." Markus interrupted. "Every year we try

and have a fundraiser of sorts. We close the restaurant for the evening, and then
charge for the sale of tickets. We could still invite the generous people of course, but
it could be a celebration for Emmett too."

"That sounds wonderful, Markus. Are you sure you wouldn't mind?" Esme asked.

"No, of course not. But, we always have a theme, this year is going to be

characters from classic films. I have my outfit already finished, and Aro does too."
Markus replied, and I groaned.

"What?" Edward whispered.

"I have been roped into working that night. According to Mike, the staff serves

drinks and snacks until about midnight, and then we can join the party," I answered.
"We also have to dress up like everybody else. Stupid idea, I mean - surely the staff
should stand out?"

"I'd quite like to see you all dressed up. What are you wearing?"

I shrugged because I had no clue. Aro and Markus had been kind enough to give

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us first choice, but we had to clear it with them first. I was still hoping that I'd suffer
a trip the day before and sprain my ankle. Anything to avoid that event.

"Hey, don't forget we have the reunion match," Emmett announced. "Ed, James,

you're up for it right? Its the entire crew, we'll still beat the shit out of those pansy's
from Barnet."

"Wouldn't miss it, Em, I've been looking forward to kicking their arses for years,"

James declared. "Edward, how about you?"

"Absolutely." He winked.

"No scrum for him though, Emmett. You know the pussy wouldn't want to mess up

his pretty little face. Especially when his girl, Bella's watching him," James mocked.
His assumption that I would be invited was actually quite touching.

"You will come and watch, Bella?" Alice asked eagerly. "We can have some wine

on the sidelines, that's what we always do."

"You really have to see it, Bella." James laughed. "Esme gets absolutely wankered

before the end of the first half, and then Carlisle has to carry her to the car so she
can sleep it off."

Esme shook her head. "That happened once, James."

"So, will you come?" Alice persisted and everyone around the table looked at me.

"We can show them up by screaming like groupies."

The song, Under Pressure started playing in my head, as I tried to gauge Edward's

reaction to Alice's impromptu invite.

"Um, well, I tend to work most weekends and ..."

"Nonsense, take a few days holiday. You have accrued more than enough, Bella."

Markus dismissed my feeble protest.

I didn't know what to say, I chanced a glance at Edward, and he was smiling at me

expectantly. One hand moved up and began playing absently with my ponytail.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun," I agreed, and his smile grew wider. "Can I just ask,

what the hell is a scrum?"

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After a good twenty minute explanation of all the rules of rugby, I had learned

lots, and forgotten most of it. But, I was still weirdly giddy about the whole thing.

Silly, silly, Bella. It's just a game of rugby.

"I hope your Father won't be too against the idea, especially if both of you are

playing. Are you sure you'll be able to make it?" Esme asked.

"Oh I'm sure, Tan, can work her magic, right?" Edward asked sweetly.

Tanya raised her eyebrows at him, before saying, "After your little outburst on the

flight, I expect he'll be doing his up most to keep you out of the spotlight."

"Seriously, Ed, that was class," Emmett bellowed. "Better than an episode of Jerry

Springer, talk about airing his dirty underwear, and that of Maggie, I might add."

"Emmett, that's enough," Carlisle warned and gave Esme a sympathetic smile as

she excused herself from the table.

"Oh crap. Sorry, Mum, I didn't think." Emmett hung his head.

"I know, sweetheart. Elizabeth made her decision to stand by him years ago. But

she's still my sister and it's a little upsetting. I'll just go and freshen up. Be right

Freshen up? Bathroom? Fuck!

"NO!" I shouted and everyone looked at me.

"Bella, what on earth is the matter?" Aro asked.

"Um... I mean..." I dithered and then turned to Edward. "Bit of help here?"

"Of course, sorry," he said casually. "Aro, I'm terribly sorry, but one of the basins

in the ladies room is damaged."

I turned bright red and groaned under my breath. Me and the Prince would be

having words later. How the fuck was that handling the situation discreetly?

"Goodness me. How did that happen?" Aro gasped and then paused. "Oh, never

mind. I think I understand."

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There were a few fake coughs from around the table, and Emmett laughed loudly.

If possible, I continued to turn an even deeper shade of red. Here I was again, death
by blushing.

"Oh my, Bella, darling. In my bathroom?" Markus chuckled. "Well, I suppose when

the moment takes you, it takes you."

"It is not what you're thinking, I assure you," Edward said confidently. "Bella and I

were simply talking, and I put too much weight on the basin, and it separated from
the wall. I will cover the expense, Aro. Just tell me the cost."

It was blatantly obvious no one believed him. But, they let it go without another

word, Aro didn't seem too upset, and he didn't even go and inspect the damage.

The party broke up shortly after. Esme, Carlisle, Alice, and Jasper left together,

followed closely by James. Tanya was staying behind to talk with Aro and Markus, so
that left Edward, Emmett, and I. Sam was called to pick us up from the front of the
restaurant. Luckily, at almost one in the morning, there were no paparazzi loitering
around, and Edward slipped into the car unnoticed.

During course of the evening, Rose had texted me to say she and the rest of the

girls were downstairs with Jake and Seth. So I told Edward we had the apartment to

"Bella? Do you think your friend would mind if I popped in and said hello?"

Emmett asked nervously. "I'd like to see her again."

"I doubt she'd mind at all. We'll stop by at Jake's when we stop," I told him.

I made sure Edward was out of sight when I knocked on the door. Seth opened the

door with a huge grin.

"Yo, yo, Bella!" Seth grinned as he opened the door. "You here for your girlies? Or

for some of my awesome stash?"

Seth and Jake were both American. They had been here for a year on the same

kind of visa we were given. But, they spent all the money they earned on weed, and
couldn't afford to buy the ticket home after it expired. Basically, they were waiting
to get caught by the authorities so they could bum a free flight home.

They were from a small settlement, just a few hours drive from Forks, and they

had made us promise that we had to go and see them when they finally got

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deported. They were both sweethearts, but as I mentioned before, utterly wasted for
the majority of the day. Still, if you needed something you could ask them and if they
could - they would.

"Actually, Seth. Someone is here to see Rose. Could you shout her for me?" I


Seth did as I asked, and then peered around the door. His eyes landed on Edward

and he frowned. "Hey, I know you dude."

Rosalie swept through the door and smiled when she saw Emmett. She urged him

inside and he followed in an instant. Seth was still frowning at Edward, trying to pull
his last few braincells together to put a name to the face.

"Man, come on. We're wasting valuable smoking time." Jake stuck his head around

the door. "Oh hey, Bella. You good?"

"We know this dude, Jake." Seth pointed vigorously to Edward and Jake agreed.

"Yeah, it's that guy, from that thing," he agreed. "Know who I mean?"

"Not a fucking clue what you're talking about, man," Seth replied.

"Nah, me either. Damn this shit's good." Jake snickered. "You guy's wanna come

inside? There's plenty to go around."

"No thank you."

"Absolutely, that would be great."

Edward and I answered at the same time, and I gawked at him in disbelief as he

strode ahead of me into the apartment. Jake pulled a newly constructed joint from
behind his ear and held it out to Edward.

"Here, take this one."

"Thanks," Edward said, and took the joint from Jake.

I snatched it quickly from his hand. "What the fuck are you doing?" I whispered, "

You can't have that."

What the fuck was this guy doing? I couldn't let a future King get off his face -

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could I? Although, I sure as hell would love to see him stoned...

I can't corrupt him anymore than I already have. Surely that sort of offence would

result in capital punishment? God, imagine if getting high became a regular thing? I
had a brief glimpse into the future and saw a very stoned Edward accepting his
crown mumbling, "Thanks, dude. Hey, that crowns like totally shiny and shit," before
extending his arm to fist pump the Archbishop who was officiating the ceremony.

Edward scoffed. "Please, Bella. It wouldn't be the first time, and I dare to say it

won't be the last."

"Don't you think that it's bad enough that you're fighting with your Dad all the

time? Then add to that the obvious decline in your language, disappearing with me
whenever it suits you, and now you wanna get caught high?" I rambled.

Edward put two hands on my face and pressed his lips to my nose. "I fought with

him before I met you, Bella. I got high and much, much worse when I was younger;
and I always did what I could to avoid formalities. I do attribute my newly
discovered vocabulary to you, however. But, I like you because you just let me be
me. Okay?"

"Fine," I relented. "But I should warn you; we have no food in our apartment, and I

am not cooking for you later tonight when you get the fucking munchies," I warned
him sternly, and then gave him back the joint.

That had been a huge fucking mistake.

Just an hour later, Edward's eyes were bloodshot and heavy lidded, he was

giggling like a damn fool with Jake and Seth at the fucking news channel, and yes of
course, he was complaining of the munchies.

Rose and Emmett were getting on brilliantly. So brilliantly in fact, that Rose

begged and pleaded with me to let him spend the night. Now I didn't need to be a
math whizz to know that there was no fucking way that could work out in my favour.

"Sure, he can stay. On the fucking couch." I said forcefully. I was not sacrificing

tonight, I was already deprived of one orgasm thanks to the fucking sink. I wasn't
missing out again, not for anyone.

"Well, what if you stayed at Edward's place? That's alright with you, Edward?"

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Rose asked, lacing her voice with sickly sweet pleading.

"I've been dying to get her back there since we met. I'll call Sam to come pick us

up now," Edward agreed. "Go have fun you two."

I wasn't even given an input, but I was actually quite intrigued by the idea. I was

going to Edward's place. I was going to have sex in a motherfucking palace. How
cool was that?

A/N - Thanks for reading - I'd love to know what you think. Chapter 9 is

almost cooked, so next update within the week.

I'm obsessing over three fics this week (so they are to blame if the updates

for ANWTRS slow down ;))

A Scarlet Night - Prettyflour

Borderline - twinerdforlife

The Vagina Monologues - jtmd24


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Chapter 9 Off With her Head

Thankyou so much to everyone who added this to their alerts, favourites,

and who reviewed! I never though this crazy idea would interest anyone!

Anyway, here you go - chapter 9.

Thanks to prettyflour for prereading.

Chapter 9 - Off With Her Head


What do you expect when you think palace?

For me it is old fashioned decor with pieces of furniture more ancient than King

Henry the Eighth. I imagine maids, butlers, and cooks running around making sure
there wasn't a damn thing out of place.

It had been a little like that in Buckingham Palace, and I was expecting the same

of Edward's. But his apartment was nothing at all like I imagined. The walls were all
light shades of cream, blue, and beige and the only classic feature was the parquet
flooring which covered the entire apartment. All of the furniture was relatively
modern and stylish. It was actually a pretty cool place.

"Wow, I didn't expect this." I mused as he gave me the guided tour.

"What did you expect? Dungeon's, turrets, and thrones?" Edward rolled his eyes

as he spoke.

"Not turrets and dungeons. But perhaps the throne," I admitted. "That's the first

thing that comes to mind whenever I think about kings and queens."

"Bella," he groaned. "I think you're off by a few hundred years."

"What? I can't help it, Edward. I am a girl after all. I grew up watching Disney

movies and in every one, the King or Queen spent most of their time sitting on their
thrones, wearing their crowns and those velvet gowns, shouting "Off with their
heads" to anyone who was bad. Or was that Alice in Wonderland?"

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Edward sighed and shook his head. Then the corners of his lips turned up and he

started laughing. "Your crazy mind always makes me smile, Bella."

"Shut up." I glared at him and folded my arms across my chest. "I know I say

stupid shit all the time. But I can't help it. I think I have a disease."

I leaned back against the door frame to his bedroom. Edward walked slowly

towards me and placed his hands either side of my head.

"I happen to love the weird things that come out of your mouth. You constantly

take me by surprise." He fell silent and dipped his head to kiss and nibble on my

Then his hands were all over me. They softly ran down my face and neck, arms,

and then gripped my waist. Even the most innocent touch sent me into a tailspin so
you can imagine how I reacted in other places.

His fingers then began to slowly unbutton my shirt. Much too fucking slowly.

"Edward, please," I whimpered.

"What's wrong, Bella?" He asked innocently. Like the guy didn't know what he was

doing to me.

I appeared to have lost all ability to speak so I pushed him roughly towards the

bed. He followed my lead and flopped down onto his back. I finished opening my
shirt and shrugged it off my shoulders; allowing it to fall onto the floor. I slowly
stepped out of my pants and raised my eyebrows at him expectantly.

"You know," I whispered in what I hoped was a sexy voice, "For what I had in

mind, Edward, we both need to be naked." I winked and removed my underwear.

I watched as he swallowed hard and ran his eyes over my body; they were alight

with that burning desire again. Then, at a pace almost beyond all human capabilities
he began tearing his clothes off. I kept my eyes on his every move. Even in just a
pair of socks he looked sexier than anyone else on the fucking planet.

As soon as the socks were discarded I climbed onto the bed and pushed him onto

his back. I hovered over and kissed him before lowering myself onto him, feeling him
fill me entirely. I began moving, slowly rolling and rocking my hips to a steady

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rhythm. Edward's hands roamed lazily over my body before settling on my breasts.
After gently massaging them, he started toying with my nipples between his finger
and thumb. He tried sitting up and each time he did, I shook my head and pushed
him back down. This felt too good and I was enjoying being in control.

As the intense pleasure began to build, I moved with more urgency and Edward's

hold tightened on me. He let out several "fucks" and "Christ's" in a strangled moan.
And then, in another swift movement, he had me flat on my back. I was about to
protest, but he raised one of my legs over his shoulder and fuck me sideways it was

"Oh, fuck, Edward," I gasped.

He was hitting places I didn't even know existed. There were no fucked up scenes

playing out in my head tonight. Edward consumed my every thought.

"God, Edward. Please... more..." I urged, and he complied straight away.

As he pounded into me over and over, we were slowly moving up the bed. My head

began to bang on the headboard, but fuck if I cared. I'd take a concussion any day to
feel this damn good.

"Bella, I can't..." He choked and his movements became more erratic and forceful.

I could see he wasn't going to last much longer and I wanted to be right there with

him, so I did something I'd never done in the presence of any guy before. I reached
down between us and used my fingers to bring me closer.

"Shit, Bella, are you..." His eyes left mine and glanced down and then back up to

my face again. He was torn between watching me and watching my hand. "Jesus,
you're killing me."

Watching him, watching me; feeling him inside me and the added sensation from

my own hand caused an almighty scream to tear out of my lungs and my entire body
clamped down on Edward.

"Fuck, Bella. I can feel that... I can't ... I'm going to..." His hands gripped my

shoulders tightly and although it was quite painful, it only heightened the orgasm I
was still coming down from.

He collapsed onto me and rested his head on my chest. A few wild strands of hair

tickled my chin and lips and I squirmed.

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"No moving please, Bella," he said breathlessly. "I quite like it here."

"Your hair's tickling my face and you're kinda squishing me." I pretended to have

difficulty breathing.

"Oh, sorry, Love." He chuckled and rolled off me onto his side.


Edward called me love?

No he didn't. Did he?

Fuck me!

He already did that too didn't he?

Yeah and then he called me love!

Holy motherfucking shitsticles!

I wasn't sure if Edward had noticed exactly what he had said. Unfortunately, my

fucked up brain didn't seem to care and began bombarding me with images of
weddings, children, and old age. All of which featured me and a still hot as fuck,

Slow down there, Seabiscuit. He didn't actually say those magical three words. It's

just an affectionate gesture.

"What's wrong?"

I peeked at Edward. He was looking at me with a frown fixed on his face. He

reached over and picked up one of my hands.

"Nothing," I replied.

"Liar," he mumbled and shook his head slightly.

"Really, Edward. I'm perfectly fine. Actually, I'm better than fine after that." I

shuffled as close to him as I could.

"Yes I did quite enjoy it." He brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed each

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finger tip. "You have no idea how fucking incredible it was. Especially when you..."
He trailed off.

I felt my cheeks redden and I didn't know what else to say. I had always been

more reserved when it came to sex. Don't get me wrong I wasn't a prude or anything
even close, but I was unbelievably self-conscious. I would never have dared to do
anything like that with any of my previous exes. Perhaps if I had, I would have been
a little less orgasm deprived when Edward came along. I was sure, however, any
orgasm would never be the same now I had experienced being with this man.

The effect he was having on me after just two weeks was quite terrifying. When

we were alone everything was amazing. Even the silences were never awkward. I
had never felt like that with someone before. Thinking back, there had been two
occasions I had always assumed I had been in love. Yet, now those relationships
paled in insignificance.

I had been seeing someone shortly before we left for London and I didn't want to

have any ties back home, so I had ended things before I left and hadn't been
particularly upset. The thought of not seeing the guy for a year had little impact on
me. But now, knowing that in six months I would be leaving Edward behind - for
good, was actually painful and I felt tears prick my eyes.

Desperate not to let him see me cry, I excused myself and went to the bathroom.

After I had cleaned up I splashed my face with water. I was just drying off when I
heard a knock at the door.

"Can I come in?" Edward called from the other side.

"Sure," I replied. My shaky voice muffled somewhat by the towel.

I kept the towel over my face, feeling him kiss my shoulder sweetly as he walked

past me. I still had no faith in my ability to keep my voice steady so I left him alone
and climbed into bed. I'd at least managed to get my ridiculous emotions in check
before he emerged.

Edward moved in beside me and pulled me into his chest. "Bella, are you sure

you're okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine I promise," I lied. "I'm just really tired. It's been a long day." I managed

to distract him with the story of the shitness that was my day out.

By the time I got to Jessica holding out a sanitary towel to the vomit covered

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woman, Edward was laughing uncontrollably.

"I was going to say I wish I could have been there - but after hearing that I can

honestly say I'm glad I missed it."

I barely managed a response. My eyelids were heavy and I didn't have the energy

to move a single muscle. I was so fucking tired.

"Go to sleep, Bella."

And I did.

I woke up alone in the huge bed. The heavy, dark blue curtains were drawn and

the room was still immersed in darkness. I figured it was pretty early, so I closed my
eyes again with the intention of going back to sleep.

That was before I heard the voices.

"This is a conversation which is long overdue, Edward."

Shit, Edward's goddamn father was here. Edward's motherfucking father was here

and I was butt-ass naked in his bed. I looked around the room in blind panic
desperately trying to spot my clothes.

"Where the fuck are they?" I whispered and began to shiver nervously.

"Let me be frank, Edward," the voice continued.

"Why on earth would you want to be frank? Your name's Edward, isn't it?"

When I heard Edward's sarcastic response I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

"Edward, I have no idea what's got into you lately. But, your attitude needs

addressing." Oh dear, Daddy was pissed.

"And where would you have me address it exactly? Because wherever my attitude

goes, so do I."

Jesus effing Christ, Edward sounded hot. I'd never heard this bad ass side to him.

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"Enough!" A third voice echoed outside.

Oh, shitting shitters, it was his motherfucking Gran. I was so dead. Did the queen

still execute people these days?

I thought back to some of my old history classes. Guillotines. Garrotte. Gallows. I

remembered those things. Huh, I wonder why they all started with 'g'. The person
who created them would have to be a sick fucker thinking up those killing machines.
It was probably some anal retentive asshole called Gilroy, Gerald or another
mundane name beginning with the same letter. Maybe even Jack the Ripper's

Okay, so perhaps this wasn't the time to be thinking about shit like that. Finding

somewhere to hide might be a good idea right about now.

I was still naked as a baby; but it was the least of my worries. I crept out of bed

and over to the closet, I hid in the darkest corner and sat with my arms wrapped
tightly around my knees.

I could still hear the discussion outside and Granny sounded just as pissed as


"Edward, we will not tolerate this behaviour. I gave you the benefit of doubt

during your youth, but it stops right now."

I bit down on my lip, feeling even more nervous for Edward. There was something

about this old hag that sent shivers down my spine - and not in a good way. When
she spoke, no one interrupted. Hell, I bet no one even dared to take a breath.

"I have had your schedule re-arranged. As of October the first, you will have as

many engagements as your parents to honour."

It was a weird thing, because, although she spoke with so much assertiveness and

control making it was apparent she was angry, not once did she raise her voice. In
fact when I remembered the speech she gave that night at the palace, I could hear
no difference in her tone at all.

"Anymore insolence or unauthorised absences, and your privileges will be

revoked. Is that clear?" Edward Senior joined in the attack again and I cringed as
my Edward bit back immediately.

"Privileges? What privileges do I have exactly? My cars? No it couldn't be that -

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after all, God forbid I drive myself anywhere." Edward's voice got louder and louder
with every word. "My money? No it couldn't possibly be that either. Because you and
I both know that the Royal family never pay for a fucking thing?"

If he hadn't been talking to the ruler of the frickin country I would have cheered

him on. But I knew he was just making things so much worse for himself.

"This is absurd. I will not pretend I understand why you are acting like a spoiled

child, but I will put an end to it. Perhaps the solution is to find you a more suitable
aide; one who can control you a little more. Your relationship with Tanya has
become far too familiar. Maybe she is the reason you continue to defy and disrespect
your family and all it stands for." Granny's tone was unwavering and I didn't doubt
her threats for a second.

"Don't you fucking dare," Edward hissed. And I had a vision of both our severed

heads rolling around in a basket. "My 'behaviour' has nothing to do with Tanya, or
anyone else for that matter."

"That is a matter of opinion. And regardless, it is about time your entire staff had

an overhaul. Peter has been a very loyal employee but he has become far too lenient.
Also, it is clear now that hiring your cousin was a huge mistake." Edward's Father
began the onslaught again.

The poor guy had it coming from all sides.

"If you believe for one minute that changing any part of my team will have the

desired effect then you're idiocy is off the charts. This is my life and I will live it how
I choose."

Handcuffs? Whips? Punish me, Edward, I've been bad.

Seriously, I needed to stop fantasizing about angry, domineering Edward. This

was neither the time nor the place. But I couldn't help it - I was so fucking hot for
him it was insane.

The argument lasted for another twenty minutes or so. To give Edward credit, he

never backed down and he had an answer for everything they threw at him.
Shamefully though, he used the word motherfucker on several occasions.

Of all the cultural differences between us, I had to impress abusive and offensive

language onto the future King.

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"Where is Miss Swan, Your Highness?" Another female voice asked softly.


They knew I was here? That's it then. I'm either going to be beheaded in the

Tower of London, or I'll be forced to live my life in jail. Maybe Buckingham Palace
has dungeons?

"I left her asleep in the bedroom." Was Edward's response.

What? Edward was willingly telling them where I was? Motherfucking traitor.

I heard the door open and I cowered as far into the corner as I could. Footsteps

walked around the room and then checked the adjoining bathroom.


Oh, it was Edward.

"Bella, where are you? I'm sorry if I woke you."

I hesitated before I called out. Still trying to remain anonymous, I whispered as

loudly as I could, "I'm in here."

Edward approached the closet and opened the door. He bent down to look at me

and he was utterly bewildered. "What on earth are you doing in there?" He asked.

"Hiding of course. Have they gone?" I continued whispering.

"Have who gone? Are you feeling okay?" He dropped to his knees and crawled in

to sit beside me.

"Your Grandmother and your Father. I heard you guys arguing. I figured I wasn't

supposed to be here, so I hid." I flickered my attention between Edward and out to
the bedroom nervously.

Edward began to laugh. "Bella, they weren't actually here. It was a video call. I

didn't realize the volume on my laptop was so high." He wrapped one arm around
my shoulders and kissed my head. "They wanted me to pay them a visit, but I

"Oh, fuck me. I'm such a freak," I muttered, thoroughly embarrassed. "I thought...

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Well I had visions of a beheading ceremony or being kept in a jail cell for the rest of
my life."

"So you hid? Can I ask why you aren't wearing any clothes?" He was failing

miserably at stifling his laughter.

"Because I can't find mine," I huffed. "Where the fuck are they anyway?"

"I asked Ethel to wash them for you. They should be clean and pressed shortly. Let

me get you something to wear." He stood up and began looking through his clothes,
before handing me a sports jersey.

"Spend the day with me, Bella?" Edward asked as I dressed.

"I'd really like that. I am working later though, but I could go straight there from

here. If that's okay with you?" I clarified, and Edward immediately nodded.

I tidied myself up and we headed into the kitchen, where I saw some familiar

looking boxes on the counter and my stomach growled.

"I'm afraid you've rather set me off with these." Edward indicated to the boxes of

pop tarts in an assortment of flavours. "It helps, of course, that they are the only
things I can cook without assistance."

For the record, that wasn't entirely true. It took three attempts to toast them,

because for some reason he kept burning them. I suppose the fact that his hands
always seemed to find their way up my shirt, may have had something to do with it.

While we ate, Edward's housekeeper hovered around nervously. I could see she

was itching to clean up after us, but Edward appeared in no rush. No sooner had we
finished, she had whisked the plates away and wiped everywhere down.

"You're clothes are ready, Ms. Swan. I've laid them out on the bed for you." The

old woman did this weird half curtsy thing and then turned to Edward. "Anything
else, Your Highness?"

"No thank you, Ethel. I'm going to be spending the day here, so you can go home."

Edward didn't talk to her with any superiority. He was just 'normal'. It was

another thing that I found intriguing. I'd had so many preconceptions about the
Royal Family, and after meeting Prince Edward Snr. I had assumed these had been
correct. However, Edward and his brother were both nothing like I envisaged. They

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tried the hardest to live like regular twenty something's.

"So, what are you going to do now?" I asked. "I heard most of your discussion with

your family."

Edward sighed before saying, "I suppose we are experiencing an impasse. They

want me to act responsibly and become more involved, and I want to remain exactly
as I am." He casually shrugged his shoulders and looked intently at me. "There's not
a chance in hell that I'm changing anything. Not for the next six months at least."

"But if it saves you getting involved in these shitty arguments and confrontations,

why not just bite your tongue and do it?" I quizzed, eager to understand his point.

Edward hesitated. He seemed a little embarrassed. "Well, the only events I

actually enjoy are meeting people from all over the country and beyond. As it turns
out, those events only make up a small percentage of the work I would be expected
to undertake. The majority of the time I would be dealing with politicians and some
of the most in-genuine people I've ever met. And the problem I have with that, Bella,
is I am not willing to spend time in the company of people I dislike, when I could be
spending time with you."

"Oh," I mumbled.

Suddenly, I felt an overwhelming urge to jump up onto the table and do a happy

dance. Because Edward was choosing me. This important, in-demand guy who could
have his pick of any woman, thought Isabella Swan was more important than his...
um... subjects... work - whatever? In truth, perhaps the sex was the object of his
desire, but still I was delighted.

"The way I see it, the responsibility, the tedious visits, and the public speeches will

still be there in six months. You, on the other hand, will be going home."

Then, as quick as you like, my desire to happy dance evaporated and I felt

unbelievably sad. Edward seemed a little bummed too. I needed to change the
subject quickly otherwise the tears would no doubt make another appearance.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked, sincerely hoping it didn't involve leaving the


"I thought we could go for a walk in the grounds. They're lovely and very private

for the most part. It will be a pleasant change to be outside with you."

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Slightly peeved that spending the day in bed was off the table, I begrudgingly

agreed. I wasn't a lover of nature, and I certainly didn't have a clue when it came to
flowers and trees. But, he did seem eager to share this with me, so I was not going
to pop his balloon.

I didn't want to put on my uniform, so I kept Edward's shirt on. I did put on my

black pants, but left my underwear on the bed. You know, just in case Edward was
partial to a bit of alfresco lovin'.

I was pleasantly surprised. We walked around the private gardens which were

pretty and very secluded. I could hear the voices of people just yards away in the
areas which were open to the public. But, they couldn't see us, so I ignored them.
Edward gave me a brief history lesson on Kensington Palace. Apparently, about
eighty years after it had been built, Sir Christopher Wren had redesigned the palace.
I listened eagerly as he told me which other members of his family had apartments
here, it was nice to see Edward enthusiastic about something to do with his
heritage. In some way, he had right to be proud, he was part of something amazing
and historic. Something which would forever be remembered.

It was a lovely sunny day, there was a chill in the air, but it wasn't enough to drive

us back inside. We found a nice spot underneath a willow tree. The branches hung
almost to the floor, and allowed a few streams of sunlight to filter through. Edward
sat down and patted the floor beside him.

"I like this place; I try to stay within the grounds of the palace as much as I can.

It's only on very rare occasions that I'm graced with the company of my Father or
Grandmother," he told me sadly, and then asked, "So, did you enjoy your history

I was listening to him, but I was more interested in watching him. The way he ran

his hand through his hair, and the sad glaze in his eyes whenever he spoke about his
family, made it clear that this guy was under so much pressure I was surprised he
had remained sane for so long.

Edward needed distracting, and I could think of one thing that was sure to work. I

crawled up and sat on his lap, tangling my fingers in his hair.

"It was very enlightening. But..." I trailed off and kissed him.

"But?" He murmured against my lips.

"Well, I was always a big fan of the practical assignments." I moved my hands and

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rubbed his thighs, inching higher and higher. "You know, class excursions, field
visits etc."

I heard him gulp and he looked around anxiously. "Here?"

"Mm hm. Don't get all shy and shit now, you were more than happy for me to strip

in a public bathroom last night." I brushed my fingertips over his bulging pants and
laughed. "I think you're being outvoted, Edward."

He did nothing to stop me when I opened the button on his pants. Instead, he

raised his hips off the floor and let me yank them down. I stood up and checked the
coast was clear before I stripped off from the waist down.

I went to sit on his lap but he stopped me. "I think this would be the perfect time

to practice quiet, Bella. You do remember that your neighbours heard us? You
absolutely have to be quiet here, there are people close by."

I gaped at him as he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to his face. He shuffled

down and took position right between my legs.

Oh come to mama, this is wild!

"I can't, Edward, really I can't." I made a pathetic attempt to move, but he held me


"Try? For me, love." He planted a kiss on my thigh and I was a goner.

What am I trying to do? Where am I? Who am I?

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as I felt his tongue sweep up and down, he was

gripping my ass and I had to hold onto the trunk of the tree to keep my balance. The
sensation in this position was motherfucking amazing, and I was biting down on my
lip so hard I broke the skin, but the taste of my own blood did nothing to kill my
moment. Well it was either that or I screamed out that Edward was a fucking wizard
with his tongue.

"Jesus." I gasped, "I can't, Edward. Shit."

"Ssshh," he whispered and the feeling of his breath against me almost killed me.

I removed one hand from the trunk and clamped it over my mouth because the

urge to scream was almost uncontrollable. But, my legs appeared to be unable to

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hold my weight, so to my horror, I toppled over and fell into a heap on the floor.

"That was not fair." I panted as I tried to calm down. "I say fuck it. No more

keeping quiet. I don't give a rat's ass if anyone hears me."

Edward chuckled and looked deservingly pleased with himself. "If that's your

insistence, then we might have to avoid outdoor adventures in the future."

I raised my eyebrows and said, "What about now? Don't you want to finish what

we started?"

"Fuck, yes I do," he growled and pinned me on the floor. "But, for the record. We

still have to be quiet. I really don't want to have to explain why I was caught quite
literally with my trousers around my ankles."

He didn't actually give me time to agree, he pushed inside me and let out a shaky

breath. Holding me as close to him as he could, he moved uncharacteristically slow
for Edward. Don't get me wrong, it was still incredible, but strangely different.

Again, the urge to scream out was almost taking over me, so I pressed my mouth

against the crook of Edward's neck and bit down. I felt him react to the nip of my
teeth but he didn't try to stop me, if anything it spurred him on even more, and
although the pace didn't increase, the force of each thrust of his hips intensified.
Being quiet was becoming more and more difficult, and as the all too familiar knot
began to tighten in my stomach, I couldn't stop one scream bursting out of my
mouth. I squeezed my legs around Edward's waist and felt him tense as he came.
Although, he did appear to have a better handle on the silent aspect.

"Did you hear that? It sounded like someone was calling out," I heard a woman ask

and she sounded no further than fifteen feet away.

Edward froze and looked at me anxiously. "Get dressed, Bella," he whispered and

leaped to his feet.

"Perhaps we should make sure no one needs help," the woman continued as we

frantically pulled on our clothes.

"That area of the gardens is the private property belonging to the Palace. I'm

afraid it is strictly out of bounds," a man replied, but the woman was persistent.

"Look, I definitely heard a scream. Someone could be hurt or something. Can't you

at least go and check."

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"Fine, but please wait here," the man answered.

"Let's go," Edward whispered and towed me away before the man emerged.

We hid behind a freaky looking sculpted bush. I couldn't see the man who was

looking for us, but I could hear him calling out, checking to make sure no one
needed any help. When he got no response, he muttered grumpily to himself and
walked away, presumably back to the main path.

"Definitely no more outdoor adventures for you, Bella," Edward said. "You have

absolutely no self-control."

I agreed enthusiastically, "It's your fault of course. Self-control was never an issue

until you came along."

We wandered around the gardens for a little while longer, talking about

everything and nothing at all. I told him all about my life in Forks, which for some
reason I couldn't fathom, he actually wanted to see.

Okay, so, that's the grocery store, that's the outdoor store, that's the school,

there's the woods, and yup, that's pretty much that. Unless you want to visit the
Police Station or the hospital?

"Trust me, Edward, of all the places in the US you could go, Forks should not be

top of your list. It always fucking rains, everyone knows everyone else's business
and there is only one diner in town. That's basically the reason why my Mom walked
out on my Dad. She was sick and tired of the place, nothing to see, nowhere to go." I
protested but Edward dismissed my reasons.

"That's the thing though, Bella. Here in London everyone thinks they know who I

am. But they don't have a fucking clue, and they aren't really interested in finding
out. You pointed out how rude people are the day no one helped you when you fell
on the tube. I'm surrounded by all these people, and save for two or three, no one
knows who I really am. Places like Forks are bullshit free and what you see is what
you get. I mean, you should know that better than most people. The pictures of
London in magazines convey this incredible vibrant city, but the reality is somewhat
different. The majority of locals don't live in luxury apartments and drive fancy cars.
The real people from this city struggle each day to make ends meet. It's all bullshit,
and my family do nothing to promote that reality, they love to hide behind the
façade. I'd take somewhere like Forks any day over this place."

Now that was a passionate rant. He was gesticulating as he spoke, and his voice

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was full of pent up anger. I agreed wholly with him; the London I now knew had
been nothing at all like what I had been expecting. But still, for him to express so
much resentment for this city shocked me.

"Sorry, I'm getting a little intense aren't I?" He grinned sheepishly. "I guess, when

I'm with you I forget that I'm supposed to be an emotionless statue like the rest of
my family. You must bring out my sharing side." He nuzzled against me and sighed.
"I feel like I could tell you anything."

"Then tell me, I'm a good listener and you can trust me. Besides, it's not a bad

thing if the real side - the best side – of you is private. You need to keep something
of yourself hidden otherwise you'd forget who you really were." I squeezed his hand

"I don't want to keep anything hidden from you, Bella," he whispered so quietly I

almost missed it, and I didn't even know if I was supposed to hear him.

Hearing that, knowing that I had slotted into that elite group of people Edward

trusted, caused the hairs on my arms to stand on end and my heart to race. Again,
this was not the reaction of a friend, a buddy or anything in that category.

Yeah, I was in way over my head.

A/N No offense intended to any Gilroy's or Gerald's out there!

Chapter 10 is back in Edward's head and because Prettyflour works like a

speed demon, it is ready to go. So I might surprise you and post again before
the end of the week.

In between writing the chapters on this, I'm looking for some good fics to

read. I'm open to any suggestions - so if you know of any let me

Ooh, ANWTRS has a banner! It's on my profile so take a looksy.


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Chapter 10 Just Give Me Six Months

A/N - Here we are again! I'm so nervous about posting this chapter so I

would really love to know what you think. It's probably not what you were
expecting? Or was it?

Anyway, here it is.

Chapter 10 - Just Give Me Six Months


Who was I?

My Father had asked me the same question towards the end of our argument this

morning. And in all honesty I had no answer for him. Over the past two weeks I felt
like I had become a different person entirely.

Since leaving university it was almost as though a dark cloud had followed my

every move. I felt constantly overshadowed by my family and what was expected of
me. I rarely laughed and knew unequivocally I had nothing to look forward to in the

Now though, there was no doom and gloom feeling to be found. Even during the

most recent arguments with my family, I felt non-plussed, and happier, freer and
more optimistic than ever before. But why?

There was only one answer to that question.


I had finally found someone who accepted me for me. She liked the real Edward

and acted no differently around me just because I was the Queen's grandson.
Everything about her was perfection in my eyes; her no bullshit approach, her wit
and unwavering honesty. Even her foul mouth was endearing, and the fact that she
was the single most beautiful woman I had ever seen stirred something in me I had
never felt before.

I loved her, plain and simple and I had no problem admitting that to myself. I was

so much in love with her in fact, that I couldn't see anything but her when I closed

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my eyes. Not a minute passed where I wasn't thinking of her. Yes, Isabella Swan was
the one, make no mistake, yet I could only be with her for another six months. I was
in love with someone who I could never have a real future with.

Just knowing that she would eventually return home, and the likelihood was I

would never see her again, physically pained me. But I wouldn't trade a second. I
wanted to savour every minute I could with her, because I knew I would never come
close to feeling this happy again.

I finally understood how my Father felt all these years. Shit, I even sympathized

with the man. I made no excuses for him, he had hurt so many people over the years
and that damage was irreparable. But, he had found in Maggie, someone he loved;
and who, I presumed, loved him back. But, because of the ridiculous expectation of
the Royal Family, he had married another woman. Even after thirty years and two
children with my Mother, he had never been able to let Maggie go. Thirty years of
his life he had spent living a lie.

I loved Bella, and it was for that reason that I would walk away when her time in

England came to an end. She deserved so much more than the pitiful life I had to
offer her. Bella had dreams of her own and friends and family who truly loved her. I
could never ask her to leave that behind, that would be the most selfish thing I could
do. Nor would I be that man my Father chose to be. I refused to even contemplate
keeping Bella hidden in the shadows while I played house with another woman. She
was too good for that, too good for me.

So, after another wonderful day spent in the company of Bella, here I was, pacing

the floor of the apartment, fighting with the two most powerful emotions I felt. Love
for Bella and resentment for my Father. I needed help, but asking the one person
who could help me, who might even appreciate how I was feeling, went against my
every instinct. Desperate to prove I needed him for nothing, I had always vowed
never to ask a thing of him. But, right now he was the only chance I had to get my
six months with Bella.

She was at work for another few hours, so I had more than enough time to resolve


Take the wounded pride, take the humiliation. She's worth it a million times over.

I called up Peter from the staff quarters he always stayed in whilst I was secure in

my apartment. I instructed him to have Sam bring the car to the front quickly. His
eyebrows rose reactively when I told him where we were going and not to announce
our arrival. Peter knew only too well how much I hated visiting my Parents. Any

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occasions I had to go, Tanya usually had to drag me kicking and screaming. Tonight,
I was going of my own accord and it was confusing the hell out of him. But, ever the
professional, he did as he was asked without one single question.

Tanya had the day off so I left her alone. She would be back tomorrow and I would

explain all then, if by some miracle he even agreed. Not that I was holding out much
hope, but still there was no need for anyone else tonight, I had to do this alone. A
talk with my Father – man to man.

The drive was short and we were waved straight through the security gates on

arrival at Clarence House. I was out of the car before Sam had even stopped the car.

"Good evening, Your Highness," my parent's butler said politely as he opened the

front doors. "Your Father is in his study, and your Mother in the drawing room. I
shall just announce your presence."

"Not necessary," I replied curtly, and strode through the door and straight into the

study without so much as a knock.

My Father's head snapped up and looked at me in surprise. "Edward, I certainly

didn't expect to hear from you for a while. I assumed you would be wallowing in

I held back the sarcastic remark on the tip of my tongue, and instead admitted

why I was here. "This is not a social call; I have something I wish to discuss. A deal
of some sort."

"Very well, take a seat." He gestured to the chair in front of his desk, and sat back

in his own; waiting for me to elaborate. "Go on then, explain."

I took a deep breath and willed myself to do this. I had nothing to lose after all.

"I want you to give me six months." I paused, and saw his brow furrow in

confusion. I certainly had his attention. "If you allow me another six months to
myself, you have my word that I will commit full time to my responsibilities. There
will be no further arguments and my questionable attitude will no longer be an
issue, I assure you."

He scrutinised my face. I could almost see his mind turning things over and over,

somehow trying to understand what exactly I was asking of him. "Why now? Why six
months?" He asked, after several minutes of silence.

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"Why does it matter?" I shrugged. "I am promising to become an upstanding

member of this family. All I ask in return is six months."

"If you can't be truthful, then the answer is no. There is an underlying reason for

your request, Edward, and unless you explain that to me I want to hear no more."
He dropped his attention back to the paperwork on his desk.


Shit, was I actually begging? I must be desperate.

"The truth, Edward," my father replied simply, raising his glance back up to meet

my eye.

I laughed darkly. "If I told you the truth then you would never agree to it."

Looking back up at me, I almost saw a fleeting look of regret in his eyes. But it

lingered for only a fraction of a second before his cool expression was fixed firmly
back in place. "You might be surprised."

So, for the first time in as long as I can remember, I put some faith in him.

"I met someone," I whispered. "A girl."

With a sigh he asked, "Who?"

"That's not important. I'm simply asking for six months to spend time with her.

Then I guarantee you my entire focus."

"I ask again – who? And why just six months?" He persisted.

"Because in six months she will be gone," I admitted. "And her name is Bella."

"The waitress from your grandmother's party? She is American – correct?"

I was a little taken aback, because I saw no anger or judgement in his face. His

expression was impassive, yet I could tell he was curious. "You remember her?"

Now it was my Father's turn to laugh. "Of course, Edward. She is a beautiful girl,

and I think there wasn't a person in the room who failed to notice your interest. Tell
me more."

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"Bella is only here on a temporary visa, and it expires in six months. As soon as it

does, she will be returning home with her friends. She has no interest in staying in
the country any longer than that."

A pensive silence fell on the room. He continued to stare at me, and I was unable

to meet his gaze. Instead, I cast my eyes around the room. The bookshelves which
lined the wall behind my Father had always intrigued me, and as a child I had pulled
on every single book trying to find the secret passage I insisted was hidden in here
somewhere. I think it was me looking for an escape even then. I hated this life, and
yet here I was promising myself to it. All for Bella.

"And if I say yes, if I gave you the six months you are asking me for, what is to

stop you returning to your previous behaviour as soon as the girl leaves?"

I wanted to say, because what was the point? I'd found someone who I loved and

could never have. When Bella left, I had no desire to return to my old way of life.
She had given me something that changed me, and I couldn't be that shell of a
person again. That was even less of an existence than what I was promising my
Father. Anything I did would be varying degrees of awful, so perhaps it was time for
me to grow up. I hated the family and the expectation, but I needed to realize I could
never escape it.

I wanted to say that, but of course I didn't. "I can only give you my word. I

suppose that you are going to have to put some trust in me," I replied bluntly.

"There is one more subject to discuss. Another important factor in this 'deal'."

I didn't need him to be any more specific. I knew exactly what this important

factor would be. It was typical of my Father to draw every single possible thing in
his favour. To get my six months with Bella, I had one more thing to agree to.

"If I give you six months, then I want you to announce your engagement to

Katharine as soon as the girl leaves. Someone in your position needs to be
recognized as committed and family oriented and Katharine can provide that. What
do you have to say, Edward?"

I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn't even begin to contemplate the consequences

to my request. But, still walking away from Bella now was inconceivable. Besides, if
it wasn't Kate, it would be another carefully selected girl with whom I had nothing in
common with. When Kate and I had been together, it had always been pleasant. And
at the end of the day it didn't make a damn bit of difference. Whoever it was would
have one fatal flaw from the beginning. They would never be and could never be

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"Fine. But, I want to be left to live these six months as I choose," I warned. "And,

Bella will be permitted to visit my apartment." My father began to object and I
immediately cut him off, "Well, it is either that or I will be spending a considerable
amount of time with Bella in Peckham. She doesn't live in the most desirable of
streets. I'm thinking of my security, which I presume will still be deemed important."

The mention of security seemed to satisfy him somewhat, and he gave a slight nod

of his head in agreement. "The only thing I demand is discretion. No one can ever
find out about this relationship, Edward. I will discuss our agreement with your
Grandmother, but even she will not be privy to the details. No one and I mean no
is to know. If the press ever discovered this, the implications would be severe.
An heir to the throne of England and American woman. It would be reminiscent of
the abdication all over again."

Well fuck me sideways! He was actually going to agree to this.

"I assure you that will not be a problem. I have no intention of exposing Bella to

the press," I spoke truthfully. In all honesty, I would have been happy to keep us
locked up in my apartment for six months. I wasn't willing to waste one second.

"Then we have a deal. Six months." My Father dropped his attention back to his

work and waved his hand to dismiss me.

"Thank you," I said as I opened the door. I was sure my voice shook with shock.

He had barely put up any resistance. Shit, he was actually acting like a human being
with feelings and stuff. First time for everything I suppose.

Just as I was about to step out of the room, he spoke again, "What makes you so

sure you will be able to let her get on the plane in six months?"

"Because I'm not stupid. I know there is no way in hell, I would ever be permitted

to marry her, and she wouldn't want that regardless. Believe me, Bella is not the
kind of girl to sit happily on the sidelines for thirty years. She will never be my

My comment actually drew a smile from my Father, and he nodded appreciatively.

"And Bella? How do you know she doesn't want a future with you?"

"Because, she thinks you and the entire family are a set of old fashioned, pompous

ass holes. There is no way she would ever conform to fit in with this family, and I

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would never ask that of her. No one should change who they are to please others." I
stepped out of the room and heard my Father say one last thing.

"Sometimes, Edward, it is the people who we love who surprise us most of all."

I looked back at him and for a second I didn't recognise him. Gone was the firm,

cold expression that was always set in his features. And he was actually smiling. For
the first time in longer than I care to remember, I saw the man I once looked up to
and thought could do no wrong. For that split second he seemed like my Father.

I closed the door in a daze. I knew I had just given him the very thing he had been

waiting for, but still – wow. He had said yes.

My Mother was hovering anxiously in the drawing room. Usually any discussion

between my Father and I ended up in an argument, and she had every reason to
believe this case would be no different.

"Edward, is everything alright?" She asked.

"Yes. I just needed to talk to him about something." I didn't elaborate, I knew my

Mother too well.

She had only managed to survive all these years by my Father's side because she

didn't ask questions. She didn't want to know the details. My Mother was content to
spend every day living in her own little world. Immersing herself in books and living
her failed life through those pages in her hands. If my Father thought she should
know, then he would be the one to tell her.

Another figure came bursting into the room. "I thought I saw Sam's car

downstairs. What are you doing here, Edward?" James grinned at me. "Did you shit
your bed or something?"

"Goodness, James, please don't use that language in this house," my Mother


"Terribly sorry chaps." He winked and put on the most ridiculous English accent I

had ever heard. "Brother, for what reason has thou graced us with thy presence?
One has to think vulgar scenarios because finding you here... finding you here... Oh
bother, my vocabulary fails me."

"Finding me here is as likely as finding a virgin on a maternity ward?" I snickered

at my brother and he held out his fist to mine.

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"Emmett Cullen's influence on the pair of you is downright appalling. My sister

should be ashamed of herself for allowing her son to act in such a way," my Mother
muttered, but James and I ignored her.

"Virgin on a maternity ward. I like it – even though it's not yours." James laughed

and then began in that voice again. "Despicable, Edward. A member of the Royal
Family poaching crass lines such as that from an absolute classic movie."

"If you two are going to act so immature, please leave." My Mother shook her

head in our direction, and it only made us laugh even more.

I followed James outside. "What was that all about then?" He asked and leaned

against the door to the car.

"I needed to strike a deal. Grand-bitch decided to intervene this morning, and

threaten to revoke my privileges if I didn't stop avoiding my duty," I said. "I came for
help I suppose."

"And why on earth would you come here to ask for help? Please don't tell me this

has something to do with Bella?" When I shrugged James groaned. "Fuck me,
Edward, you do realise you're in over your head, don't you? Come on then, tell me..."

So I replayed the entire conversation with my Father to him. He kept quiet and let

me finish. He too, seemed stunned by my Father's reaction. But, he instantly started
telling me I had been a fool.

"You made a deal with the devil, Edward. You know you won't be able to back out

don't you? What happens if she stays? What happens if you can't let her walk away?
If you're sacrificing your soul for the girl after just two weeks, then what the fuck
are you going to do in another six months?"

"I know, I know. But you'd do exactly the same if you were in my shoes, James.

She's incredible and I am not missing out on that time with her. If you're going to
start giving me shit about it, then I'm going home." I reached for the door handle
and felt James grab my arm.

"Sorry, I didn't mean... Where is she? At work?" His tone softened, and I nodded.

"Then come inside for a drink. You can go with Sam to collect her later. I don't think
Aro would appreciate another sink being taken out of commission if you showed up
at the restaurant again."

There were some things I needed to say and James would be the perfect person.

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Emmett wasn't a fan of men sharing their feelings. Unless we were talking about sex
or sports, he was very rarely interested. Alice was an option and I did trust her, but
she wouldn't see it from my point of view. She wouldn't understand why I was
agreeing to it. Always the hopeless romantic, just like her Mother, she would have
visions of Bella in a horse-drawn carriage pulling up to St Paul's Cathedral to marry
her Prince Charming, with thousands of adoring fans screaming at her like she was

I certainly couldn't talk to Bella. If she thought for a second I had fallen for her, I

wouldn't see her for dust.

As soon as we were inside James thrust a bottle of beer at me. He spent just

twenty minutes warning me that I was making a huge mistake and then let me
literally pour my heart out like a fucking woman. I told him quite simply that I loved
her, and would take whatever I got and screw the repercussions. I needed this and I
needed her.

After that, James had insisted on manning it up, and we settled on drinking even

more beer and watching a rugby match on the television. It was the perfect
distraction, especially when he began enthusing about the upcoming reunion match
against one of our old rivals. James was a feisty sod when it came to rugby. He
would take on anyone, irrespective of their size. He managed to get Emmett and I
into trouble so many times, by taunting the other players with comments about their
mothers, wives, girlfriends and sisters.

We were both incredibly competitive and would stop at nothing to win. James

would dive into any tackle, ruck, or try-scoring opportunity without a second's
hesitation. I wasn't quite as brave, I tended to hang back and let him and Emmett do
all the dirty work, but still, I had the same desire to win. And we had some
unfinished business with Barnet. The last match we played had been several years
earlier, and to put it mildly, they had trounced us. This time we weren't going home

Of course, the talk of the reunion match, reminded me of Bella. I think everything,

somehow, came back to her. She was coming with me - I was taking Bella to spend
the weekend with Esme, Carlisle and the rest of my family. For those few days, I
could get a glimpse into what a normal life could be like with her, and I couldn't
fucking wait.

I had been sitting with James for a few hours when my phone buzzed.

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Guess who just got off work early? B x

If it isn't you, then this is a really boring message ;)

Good job it is then huh? Wanna hang out?

If by 'hang out' you mean a little more of what we did earlier, then


Sounds like a plan to me. Do you want to come back to mine?

No, go back to the restaurant to wait for me. I'm coming with Sam to pick

you up. Spend the night here again?

Okay. Don't be long x

I threw back the rest of my beer and shouted a quick "Bye," to James before I ran

from the apartment and jumped straight into the car. Peter and Sam were in the
staff quarters and I pressed on the horn of the car to get their attention. It took
them no more than a minute before they were in the car and we were on our way.

We manoeuvred our way through the busy London traffic relatively swiftly, and it

was less than half an hour before Sam idled outside the restaurant. I saw Bella
leaning against the wall around the corner smoking a cigarette. As soon as her eyes
landed on the car she threw the cigarette to the floor and grinned.

I opened the door from the inside and she jumped in.

"Hey, you," she whispered.

"Hey," I said, before leaning closer and kissing her. I would have spent the entire

journey home doing just this.

Bella pulled away slightly, looking in Peter's direction and her cheeks flushed.

"You taste like beer."

"I've been with James. He always has a plentiful supply." I moved as close to her

as I could, and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "Are you working again

She shook her head. "No, I'm not back for two nights. Thank God. I'm sick to

fucking death of working Table One. I swear to God, if I get one more jumped up

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fuckwit complaining about their food. I will spit in their fucking soup."

I laughed at her; she was adorable when she tried to be angry. "Do restaurants

actually do that?"

"Probably, I know I fucking would. In fact I..." She trailed off and bit her lip


"You what? You didn't spit in mine did you?" I asked.

"God, no!" She exclaimed. "I would never do that... to you."

"Then what did you do? And to whom?" I pressed. I could tell by her expression

that she was hiding something.

"You'll probably think I'm some crazy bitch if I tell you." She glanced at me


"I already know that, Bella," I teased. "Please tell me."

"Okay, but you can't tell her. That night when LittleMissPriss came into the

restaurant and started spewing all that shit about coming to Canberra to be with

"Kate? You call her that? That's hilarious," I told her, and then instructed her to

continue as I tried my hardest not to laugh at her.

"Yeah, it suits her right? Anyway, she was being the biggest pain in the ass. She

rejected fuck knows how many desserts for really stupid fucking reasons. So, before
she took the last one, I got the chef to rub her spoon on his dick." She grimaced as
she spoke and shook her head.

I heard a quiet chuckle and realized Peter was laughing. Even Sam, had a smile on

his face. It certainly was a classic revelation.

"Did she actually use the spoon to eat?" I asked.

"Yeah, she started saying how fucking delicious it was. Stupid bitch, if only she

knew where it had been. I mean, Demetri's a great guy, but Jesus he sweats like a
bitch on heat. I know it was gross, but I can't even lie and say I wouldn't do it again.
She got on my fucking nerves."

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Adorable. Did I mention that already?

"Hey, you won't say anything right? I mean I'd totally get fired for doing shit like

that." Bella looked at me for my assurance and I nodded.

"Of course not, you can trust me, Bella. It won't leave this car will it, Peter?"

"Certainly not, Your Highness. Although, Ms. Swan, please don't be offended if I

insist on choosing my own cutlery if I ever visit the restaurant," Peter said with a

We drove back to my apartment, and just as she had last night, Bella buried her

face in my shoulder as we passed through the gates.

"Why are you doing that?" I asked.

"Well, I bet your Father would freak out if he knew someone like me was here,"

she began to explain.

"No, Bella. It's not an issue any longer," I assured her and she frowned at me. "I'll

explain later I promise."

She ran her hand up my thigh, her slender fingers almost burned through my

trousers. She whispered, "Later?"

I could do nothing but nod. Suddenly the car was filled with an energy that even

Peter and Sam had to feel. I had never experienced want like this before. It didn't
matter how often I had her, it was never enough, and I always wanted... no I needed

As soon as Sam pulled up outside, I jumped out of the car and pulled Bella with

me. I told both Sam and Peter that they wouldn't be needed again until tomorrow
evening. I had no intention of leaving my apartment until then. Correction, I had no
intention of leaving the bedroom until then.

I flung the door open and pressed Bella against the wall, kicking the door closed

behind us. I attacked her mouth with mine and she held my face as close as she
could, her fingers knotted in my hair so tightly it stung.

I ground my hips against her and she moaned. Quickly freeing her hands, she

made light work of my trousers and boxer shorts. Pushing them down just enough to
release my dick which was so hard it was painful. As soon as her trousers and

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underwear were gone, she gripped onto my shoulders and I lifted her up. With her
legs wrapped tightly around my waist, I pushed into her and we both swore.

I would quite happily die right here. I swear to God nothing felt better than this. I

had always enjoyed sex, I mean what man doesn't? But, with Bella it was like
nothing I could ever have imagined; we fit together perfectly.

I tried to be careful with her as I drove into her over and over, but Bella wanted

more and she demanded it loudly. So, of course I didn't deny her and I drove into
her as hard as I could in this position. The thud of her back against the wall would
no doubt have been heard by the neighbouring apartment, but I couldn't think about
that long enough to care. I felt Bella grip my shoulders harder, her heels dug into
my backside, and I could feel her begin to tighten around me.

"Edward, I'm... I can't... I'm..." Bella's voice was shaky and rough, and she pressed

her forehead against mine and screamed out as she came. I felt her entire body
tremble and that made me explode inside her suddenly.

I could feel Bella play with the hairs at the nape of my neck as we stood there

silently. My arms were starting to ache, and I didn't trust my legs to support us both
for much longer, so I set her on the floor with an apology.

"As much as I would love to stay right here, I didn't think you'd want me to drop

you." I wrapped my arms around her neck and held her close against me.

"No, dropping and falling is my thing. You're not stealing that from me," she said

with a chuckle. "Do you mind if I take a shower? I'm all sticky and sweaty."

"Not at all." I stepped back and took her hand, leading her towards the bathroom.

"However, as you have just reminded me, you're quite prone to falling over, so I
think it is in the interest of health and safety that I join you."

"Mm, I like that idea," she murmured.

I turned the shower on, and then removed my shirt, socks and shoes. I turned to

help Bella but she was already leaning against the door with nothing on. My eyes
wandered over her perfect body. Slender but curvy at the same time. I reacted like a
hormonal teenager, and she giggled.

"Ready again?"

I groaned and shook my head. "Bella, you'd better get used to it. I know I am fully

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expecting to be permanently hard for the next six months. You're like my own brand
of fucking Viagra."

"Well, I can't say that's a bad thing, Edward," she said as I backed her inside the


The hot spray enveloped us, and we stood there for a few minutes, letting the

water soak us through. It was relaxing every muscle in my body – except one. But,
there was nothing else sexual about this, I washed her hair, her body and she did
the same to me. I had never done this with a girl. I had never wanted to share
something as intimate as this with anyone before.

I ignored the ache in my chest when my head began to remind me of the deal I

had made just a few hours earlier. It was worth it. Bella was worth it.

A/N - So? I have no fingers left at all now. I'd love it if you left a review - I

really hope you liked it and don't hate the "deal" too much? Do you trust
me? Please do!

Thanks to Prettyflour for prereading. Chapter 11 is done and I hope to

post at the weekend!

I've become fascinated with drabble fics this past few weeks and if you like

them you should take a look at hard Hats & High Heels by Twinerdforlife -
it's Edward with a drill - need I say more? Also, A Healing Touch by
Lulabelle98 is really intriguing and needs reading!

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Chapter 11 Happy Birthday, Sandra Dee

Hello! So after the "deal" I thought we needed a bit of nice this chapter! I

own nothing except the way I play with our fave characters! Thanks as
always to Pretty Flour for her help!

Chapter 11 - Happy Birthday Sandra Dee


After a very long and refreshing shower, Edward and I were lounging on his bed.

He had put on a movie and we were doing a great job not watching it. I couldn't
even tell you what it was called.

He seemed different tonight; more relaxed and definitely not as uptight. But,

perhaps our hot as fuck romp by the front door had something to do with that. I
certainly wasn't complaining, no woman would. It had been almost animalistic and I
was keen to engage in a bit of that again. Then, in the shower, he had been the exact
opposite. It was soft, sensual and although I was sure I was reading too much into it;

Not love. Not love. You cannot and will not fall for this guy.

Uh – too late?

"So when are you doing your next... um...I don't know what to call it... thing?" I

asked, placing soft kisses on his bare chest.

I heard his breath catch in his throat as my lips ghosted over one of his nipples.

"Mm, I'd say sometime in April," he murmured, slowly running his hand through my
damp hair.

"April?" I sat up and stared at him in confusion. "Are you high? That's months


Edward laughed and shook his head. "I'm not high, and it's seven months away as

a matter of fact."

"You've got seven months before you have to... work?" I clarified. Could I be high?

Maybe it was something to do with all those endorphins I had been firing out there

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thanks to Edward and his magic Staff? Would that even make you high?

"Yes, I have seven months to do as I please. My Father and I discussed few things

this evening, and he agreed to give me some time." He leaned forward and kissed

"Why? I mean that guy's been on your ass about getting more involved, why on

earth would he let you take more time off?" I asked as his lips were still on mine.

"I assured him of my commitment come April. He probably just realised it was

easier to agree than waste more energy attempting to argue with me." Edward put
his head back on the pillow and pulled me down beside him.

Why six months? I wanted so desperately to believe it was because of me. Could

he have asked for those six months so he and I could spend more time together? If
that were true, then it wouldn't help me in my quest to remain cool and unattached.

Ah fuck it, you already love the guy.

"Look, Bella. I told you yesterday that I wanted to spend as much time with you as

possible while you're here. I like to look at you as a kind of limited edition because
you won't be around in six months. So, I did what I had to do to ensure I got as much
of you as was physically possible."

And with that, I was officially a goner. He had done this for me!

"So what did you tell him... exactly?" I whispered.

"The truth, Bella. He knows about you and I, and as long as we remain discreet, he

sees no problem with us. I had to negotiate a few terms of course, but it was nothing
that hadn't already been expected of me."

"What terms?" I asked, not sure if I really wanted to know the answer.

"Can we not talk about my Father? I want to spend the time with you and you

alone. There is nothing I would rather discuss less than my family." There was a
finality in his tone that I had never heard before. It was his polite way of telling me
to shut the fuck up – so I did.

What was today? It was, for most people, just any other day. Get up, go to work,

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come home, have dinner and go to bed. But the difference for me was the date.
Today was September 13th – my birthday.

I hadn't mentioned it to Edward. Buying gifts was something very 'couply' and I

didn't want him to feel obliged to do anything which was normally reserved for a
boyfriend. Having him in my life right now was more than enough. Yes, I know I
sounded like a loved up fool, but I didn't fucking care. I needed to make the most of
Edward and I stopped fighting my own feelings, even though I knew they would
never be reciprocated.

Unfortunately, my insistence that my birthday remain secret, resulted in it being a

pretty non eventful day. Jess and I were working at six and Angela was pulling an
all-night shift thanks to the new twenty-four hour opening McDonald's now offered.
Rose too had been working, but right at this minute she was hiding her head in
shame in the apartment.

While I was with Edward, Angela and Jess had followed her to work in a local

shopping precinct. There had been a big push on sexual health in the area recently,
and today was another such promotion. To her absolute horror, and our absolute
delight, she had been given a human sized condom costume to wear. Then, she was
handed a tennis racket and instructed to bat away the balls which were being
thrown in her direction by other colleagues. The condoms were labelled as various
diseases such as gonorrhoea, syphilis, chlamydia etc. Hanging on the wall behind
her had been a huge banner which read;

Condoms are great and condoms are cool;

Get one on your pecker and don't be a fool.

Angela and Jessica had taken countless photos of her and even videoed her

swinging the racket around. Without a doubt, this had to be the most humiliating job
she'd ever had. Within minutes, Jess had posted her pictures on Facebook for the
rest of our friends back home to see. The girls sent me the photos and I could barely
hold my phone steady for long enough to show Edward.

I would certainly be keeping these ones safe. Nothing would give me greater

pleasure than enlarging these at future birthday parties and eventual bachelorette

Edward insisted Sam would drive me to work and as it was raining I agreed. I had

been here for months now, and even during the summer season, the weather had
been just as shitty as it was in Forks. Just another thing to add to my 'Shitty London'

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list. At this rate the only good thing on there would be Edward.

Jess was already there when I arrived, and we giggled hysterically for a while at

the images of Rose. We even let Aro and Markus see and believe me, when those
two guys laugh, it's fucking hilarious.

"Happy birthday, Cinderbella," Markus sang when he finally calmed down. "Come

with me, Aro and I have a gift for you."

"What? How did you even know?" I asked.

"Bella, I'm disappointed in you. I made a note of the date the second you filled out

your personal details. I love birthday's!" He trilled and did an elaborate twirl in front
of me.

Motherfucking pansy.

I groaned loudly. Markus didn't seem to be the kind of guy who settled for buying

flowers and chocolates, or other 'regular' gifts. I followed him reluctantly, and
braced myself for the unavoidable horror that would be my present.

"Aro and Tanya happened to be talking about costumes for the party, and when

she mentioned this happened to be one of Edward's favourites, we just couldn't
resist. It's perfect, and it even gives us a theme for the rest of the staff." He
produced a garment bag from behind the door and unzipped it.

As my eyes landed on the PVC material and wedges inside I shrieked. "Are you

fucking nuts? I cannot and will not wear that, Markus. No fucking way."

"Oh, Bella, stop being such a drama queen. You'll look fabulous darling. Now, try

it on," he instructed, and I folded my arms over my chest in defiance.

"Not a fucking chance. It's too tight. Every lump and bump on my body will be on

display for all to see, and I'll sweat like motherfucker." Against my better
judgement, I reached out and touched the fabric.

"Bah, Bella. The only lumps and bumps you have are those cute little boobies and

that very delectable bottom. If I wasn't as bent as a butchers hook, I doubt very
much I'd be able to keep my hands off you. Why on earth do you think Edward is so
smitten, darling? You're flawless." Markus scoffed and I felt my cheeks redden in
response. He then proceeded to show me a ridiculous blond wig. "This does come
with it, but I think you'd look far better if you just had one of the girlie's curl your

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I was still blushing furiously as I snatched the outfit from him. "I'd say thank you,

but I hate you too fucking much right now. And a few well placed compliments
doesn't get you off the hook, Markus. Fuck me, I'll look like a complete tool." I
cringed at the wedges, they were fucking huge and I fully expected to fall flat on my
face at this motherfucking party.

"You see, Bella, if you're the adorable Sandra Dee, the rest of the girls can be Pink

Ladies, and the boys can be T-Birds." Markus had a grin on his face like a fat kid in a
candy store. "Just wait until you see what my Aro and I are wearing. We are so
excited. And to think, Prince Edward and Prince James will be coming. I just hope
the plumber attached that sink securely. We wouldn't want a repeat of the other
night now would we?"

My cheeks burned again and I glared at him.

"Go, go Sandra Dee, get to work." He waved to the door and took the outfit back

off me.

"Gladly." I growled and slammed the door behind me.

Jess was prepping the tables for tonight, and I started helping her. "What was the

gift?" She asked.

"Grease," I said. "I get to wear that skin-tight PVC abomination, that Olivia

Newton-John wears at the end. I'm gonna look like a fucking idiot."

"Nice, Bella. You'll look hot." Jess laughed. "Just imagine how you'll affect Edward.

I'll bet he'll find it hard to keep his hands off you."

I had to admit that was an exciting prospect, but not nearly enough to put my

mind at ease. The evening passed in a slow blur. I was that distracted I couldn't
even remember who the guests were at Table One. Well, they weren't that important
- no one could quite compare once you'd served royalty.

As the tables began to empty, I tidied up the bar area and noticed Demetri bring a

basket from the kitchen and hand it to Markus. He then disappeared through the
back door before quickly returning empty handed. He saw me watching and winked.

"What was that all about?" I asked as Jessica brought some plates back to the


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"Huh?" She looked around oblivious to what had just happened.

"Never mind," I grumbled and turned my attention back to the job at hand.

As soon as the last customer left, Aro told me it was my turn to leave early. Mike

and Jessica were going out again, so I happily grabbed my coat and practically
skipped outside. I didn't even care that it was raining, and then my good mood
improved even more when I saw Edward's car parked out front.

There were no waiting paparazzi tonight, so I walked straight to the car and

jumped inside. I smiled as I looked for Edward and then scowled.

"Where's Edward?" I looked to Sam as I closed the door.

"He's waiting back at the apartment, I don't think he wanted to come out in the

rain." He kept his eyes on the road as he spoke.

Stayed behind because the guy didn't want to get wet? I was surprised how much

his absence pissed me off. Edward couldn't be bothered to come and meet me,
because of the fucking rain? It was my birthday for fucks sake. It didn't matter that I
hadn't told him the date, I was a woman after all. We women, fully expect our men
to find important things such as birthdays out.

Fucking dipshit.

I sulked for the rest of the drive home. The guy wasn't getting a piece of my pie

tonight, that was for sure. No way. This chick was feigning a headache.

But then again, no Royal Staff? Not the most appealing idea I'd had. Maybe we'd


it just the once. Yeah, and that ass could do all the work.

Thinking about it, I couldn't recall a time when we had only done it once. Edward

certainly didn't lack in the stamina department, and my lady-garden appreciated the

But not tonight. It was once and once only. I might even tell him to stop as soon as

I was done. Could I be that cruel? Fuck yeah I could, he forgot my birthday.

I knew I was being completely irrational. The poor guy was in trouble for not

wanting to get wet and forgetting a birthday he didn't even know about.

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Still wrestling with myself to cheer the fuck up, I didn't even notice that the car

had entered the grounds to the palace and Sam had stopped the car, walked around
and opened my door. He stood there patiently, in the rain, waiting for me to get out.
Usually I didn't give him to chance to do the door-holding thing, I didn't want to
draw attention to either the car or me if he did that when anyone was watching. But,
tonight I was a little distracted!

"Oops, sorry." I giggled and jumped out. "You didn't need to do that. I can open a

door perfectly by myself you know." Usually I didn't give him to chance to do the
door-holding thing, I didn't want to draw attention to either the car or me if he did
that when anyone was watching. But, tonight I was a little distracted!

"Of course, Miss Bella." He smiled and escorted me up the few steps to the main

door. "Prince Edward asked for you to go straight inside."

I walked tentatively through the door and then into Edward's apartment after

knocking once. The entire hallway was dark, the only light I could see was flickering
out from the main lounge. I called out to Edward, but received no response.

Nervously, I headed towards the room. I had no idea what was going on, and I

certainly didn't expect the sight that greeted me.

As I pushed the door open and entered the room I noticed all the furniture had

been pushed to the edges of the room, and in front of the burning fireplace, was a
large blanket and a basket. The same basket Markus had taken out through the back
door earlier. Edward was standing biting his fingernails waiting for my reaction.

"What is this?" I looked at him.

"Happy birthday." He walked towards me, a smile forming on his face. "I had

intended for this to be out in the gardens, underneath our tree. But, the wonderful
English weather put pay to that idea. I had to send Sam alone so I could get this

I felt a lump form in my throat, and my eyes stung. Thankful for the dim light, I

fought them back and then stepped closer to Edward. "Thank you. How did you even

He chuckled before saying, "Rosalie told Emmett. I'm relieved she did, I wouldn't

want to miss this, Bella."

"It's no big deal, Edward. Just another day." I shrugged. But just the fact he had

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made the effort for something I hadn't even mentioned made my day. Only doing it
once tonight? Yeah, maybe not anymore!

"Bella, your birth is definitely something to celebrate. I hope you like the food at


"Edward, you could have me eating mouldy bread and cheese and I'd still love it.

No one's ever done anything like this for me before," I admitted and took his hand,
letting him lead me to the blanket.

He instructed me to sit, and then sat beside me. "You didn't do anything to upset

Demetri tonight did you? I would hate to think I was eating any of his dick sweat."

I laughed and shook my head. "Nope, I promise."

Inside the basket there was a selection of breads and a small container of the

house soup. Edward poured us each a portion into bowls and offered me the bread. I
picked one without even looking at it. I couldn't take my eyes from his face.

After we finished the soup, he apologised, "Markus wouldn't let me have a warm

dish for the main course. He was adamant it would be cold before we got around to
eating it, and apparently nothing tastes good after it is reheated. Instead, he asked
Demetri to make us some luxurious sandwiches. I know we'll be overdoing it on the
bread, but..."

"It's perfect, Edward," I interrupted and leaned forward to kiss him. "This is all


We ate the sandwiches and Edward told me how he, James and Emmett, had tried

to shield the area underneath 'our' tree with sheets and umbrella's all to no avail.
Just fifteen minutes before I arrived home, they had been rearranging the room to
make way for our indoor picnic.

"I'll be the focus of all their jokes for a while," he said, "Especially from Emmett."

"Ah, but just remind him how his girlfriend was dressed up as a condom all day. I

have pictures to use as evidence should you need them," I told him. "Besides, they'd
both do the same, especially if they knew how lucky you were gonna get tonight
because of it."

Edward's eyes widened and he choked a little on his sandwich. "It is your

birthday, Bella. You should be the one 'getting lucky'."

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"Well, when you put it like that..." I moved the plate of food from his hand and

pushed him back, climbing over the top of him as I did.

Trust me to go and ruin this amazing moment by allowing my inner-klutz to make

an appearance. As I moved over him, I landed my knee right in his crotch and he
yelped out instantly.

"Oh fuck, Edward, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Is your... thingy... okay?" I asked

anxiously as he rolled over and clutched at his dick.

"I'm sure we'll both be fine, Bella. I just need a minute." He wheezed, and I saw

his eyes were squeezed shut, and every visible muscle was tensed.

"God, talk about killing the moment. You go to all this effort for me, and I break

your fucking dick. Can I do something to help?" I put my hand gently on top of his
and his eyes opened immediately.

"I think, for the time being, he's feeling a little shy. Don't worry thought, if anyone

can save his life it would be you." He carefully rolled over and smiled up at me.

"What if he's beyond saving? What if I've killed the poor guy?" I asked quietly,

moving his hands and gently placing a kiss on top of his trousers. "Would a little
mouth to mouth resuscitation help?"

I trailed my fingers up his thighs, and just a few seconds later, I had my answer.

The all to familiar bulge in his pants was beginning to show, and I very carefully,
opened his button and fly. "I definitely think I need to kiss him better?"

"Bella, wait. This is supposed to be about you. It's your birthday." He began to pull

me away.

"Well, consider this my thank you. Or my gift. Either works for me." I lowered my

head again and once more he stopped me.

"Not yet, Bella. I do actually have a gift for you." He sat up and produced a

gift-wrapped box. "I wasn't sure what to get you, but I wanted to give you something
you could keep. I liked the idea of you having something to... remember this...
remember me."

"Edward, like I could ever forget either," I said and tore open the paper.

It was nothing expensive, nothing over the top or flashy. It was such a simple, and

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widely available gift. Yet, it meant more than any other gift I'd ever received.

The box contained a souvenir snow globe, inside the snow globe was a mini

replica of Buckingham Palace. I pulled it out of the box and shook it. The flakes
inside swirled around and I was quite literally overwhelmed.

"I know it's ironic, considering how much I hate that place, but sooner or later I'll

end up there, and I like to think of you having a part of it back home." Edward
looked a little unsure, my silence was probably doing little to make him feel better.
"If you hate..."

"No!" I shouted, "I love it. Edward, it's perfect."

He breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Thank God."

Suddenly, the gift was out of my hands and Edward was on top of me. Kissing my

cheek, lips, nose, and neck passionately. His hands wandered down my body,
fumbling with the buttons on my waistcoat and shirt.

As my clothes were dispersed over the room, I began to remove Edward's. As soon

as there were no barriers, he relaxed and set to spoiling me rotten.

"I was wondering what else you'd like me to give you for your birthday?" He

teased and drifted lower and lower down my body. "I know what I'd like, but this is
all about you."

"Well, you've done such an amazing job so far I think you should continue making

all the decisions," I mumbled pathetically. Who was I kidding? I wanted his mouth on
me, but I was not good with the sexy talk, and there was no way I was telling him.

"In that case..." he didn't finish his sentence because he buried his face between

my legs and I revelled in every second.

Every single time he did this I swear to God it was better than the last time, every

single orgasm felt more and more incredible. I gripped onto his hair and pressed
him as close as was physically possible. I did consider the fact that I could quite
possibly be smothering him, but just as I was about to relax my hold, he moaned
against me.

As he licked and kissed me into ecstasy I thanked God there was no need to

practice quiet tonight, and an almighty scream exploded from my mouth and I
clamped my legs around his face.

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"Jesus, Edward. Did you take lessons in that?" I panted as he kissed his way back

up my body.

He didn't answer me, he just settled between my legs and kissed the top of my

nose as he pushed inside me swiftly.

I was lost for a moment, here I was on the floor on a picnic blanket, in front of a

burning fire, with Edward. It was such a romantic way to spend my birthday.

It was incredible how well we fit together, he knew exactly when I needed more

from him and vice versa. I felt Edward's body tense, knowing he was just about to
come. I needed nothing else, just feeling him deep inside hitting places I had long
since forgotten existed was enough to make me explode at the same time he did.

We stayed where we were for a while, silently. I knew there was something I

wanted to say. Had it been anyone else I wouldn't have hesitated to do it. Three
words which seemed so fitting now, but I couldn't do it. It would spoil everything
between us and I needed to keep things just as they were.

"Don't move, Bella. I'll go and get something to cover us up, I want to stay in here

for a while." Edward slowly pulled out and disappeared from the room.

I felt a little exposed, laying butt naked in the middle of the room. I looked around

for a blanket or item of clothing to cover myself up but everything was out of my
reach. I did manage to find a napkin in the basket and cleaned up as best I could.

Edward was back quickly, a blanket in his hand as promised.

And there we stayed for the most of the night. I didn't hold out on my original plan

to only have sex the one time. After all Edward did need rewarding for his efforts

As romantic and sweet as the night had been, there is nothing more

uncomfortable than sleeping on a wooden floor. By four in the morning my ass was
numb and I was irritated and fidgety. I sat up and turned to face Edward.

"Are you awake?" I asked and heard him laugh softly.

"Bella, you haven't kept still for longer than a minute. It would be impossible for

someone with narcolepsy to sleep beside you right now. Is something bothering

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"I'm really sorry, Edward. I think this was a really lovely idea to sleep out here,

but my ass is fucking killing me and I cannot get comfortable on this floor. It's too
fucking hard." I could barely make out his features in the glow from the dying fire.

"Thank God I completely agree. I just didn't want to seem like a cold hearted git

and suggest we go to bed." He jumped to his feet and scooped me up in his arms.

Utterly spent from another indescribable night, we curled up together on the bed

and fell asleep without more than a few murmured "good nights."

Neither of us surfaced until almost eleven the following morning. When we did, I

was embarrassed to see that our mess in the living room was gone, and all the
furniture restored. Even our strewn about clothes had been washed, dried and
pressed, and were now neatly folded by the bedroom door.

Ethel may have been old, but she would have known exactly what went down in

there last night. My snow globe was set on top of the fireplace. I couldn't resist
shaking it a few times, marvelling at how such a simple gift could affect me like this.

The weather was still pretty damned miserable, so we hid away inside the

apartment all afternoon. Sam drove me to work again and this time Edward came
along. After the previous night, I really didn't want to come back out to the real
world. Living in my Edward bubble kept me more than content. He refused to let me
out of the car for a while, kissing me like we were saying goodbye for days rather
than hours. I didn't stop him, even with Sam and Peter in the car, I couldn't bring
myself to be the one who pulled away. So there we stayed, only when a stupid
fucking traffic warden tapped on the window and told Sam he was in a no-parking
zone, did I make any attempt to get out of the car.

"We'll be back to pick you up later, Bella," Edward told me as I closed the door,

and I began counting down every last minute.

I tried in vain to control the ridiculously happy smile on my face, but Aro and

Markus looked at me knowingly. I thanked them for the hamper and they tried to
hackle me for all the details they could get. But, not this time. Last night was mine
alone. I had no intention of sharing that with anyone.

If I even attempted to describe it, I knew for a fact I wouldn't be able to hide just

how much I had fallen for this guy. It was bad enough I had, no one else could ever
know. Not a single person. I needed to get really good at lying and concealing my

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feelings, and I needed to do it quickly.

What did you think to the birthday surprise? I'll send over a sneaky

excerpt form Chapter 12 to those of you who want one! Just hit that review
button and say so!

Thanks for reading, reviewing and adding this to your faves / alerts! I can't

thank you enough!

Next update ... before next Sunday I've got the next two chapters done this

weekend, so updates will stay regular for the time being! To those who
asked how many chapters - I told you about 20 - but I think it's going to end
up being a few more. I've got a little carried away!

I have a few recs this week!

Pinky Swear by kharizzmatik - If you liked My Best Friends Wedding then

you'll love this! Go and check it out, I'm just praying it ends differently :0

New Habit - Bad Habit Book 2 by AmeryMarie - This is a pretty troubled

B&E story but it totally sucked me in. (Read bad Habit Book One first

Scarlet Night - Prettyflour - Fantastic AU take on Twilight!

Borderline - Twinerdforlife - Another angsty fic but a great story


The Morphing Games- Crossover with The Hunger Games and so far it is

absolutely fantastic!

Arms - VirginiaMay - Sad but brilliant fic about Bella in witness


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Chapter 12 Fuck It All

A/N - Wow - thank you so much to all those who read, reviewed, added to

your favourties and alerted! I'm completely blown away!

Thanking as I always do, Prettyflour, for working her magic on this


I point out I own nothing it's all Mrs Meyer!

Chapter 12 - Fuck It All


After my wonderful birthday I assumed things couldn't get any better? I was

wrong about that. Sure, over the next few weeks there were no more romantic
indoor picnics, or even outdoor ones for that matter, but Edward knew how to make
a girl feel like she was the most important person on the planet. It didn't need to be
anything elaborate, just the things he said and did were more than enough. A brush
of his lips on mine, a playful nudge, even a cute little nose to nose Eskimo kiss
seemed like the biggest gestures.

We spent all my free time together, and even when I was at work, he didn't stray

too far. If he wasn't with James, he would call in to Seth and Jake's and hang with
them until I finished. He told me that he liked the anonymity when he was there.
They still hadn't figured out who he was, and to give them credit, they never tried
to. It didn't matter to them who Edward was, because all they cared about was
getting high and having a good time.

Oh yeah let's not forget, stoned Edward was one horny motherfucker! The guy

literally couldn't get enough. His hands took on lives of their own and tried copping
a feel everywhere - and I do mean everywhere! In the car, in the hall, in Jake's
apartment and anywhere else we happened to be. He didn't even care when there
were others around us, and as tempting as it was, I donned the sensible cap and
tried my best to keep him at arm's length until we were some place more private.
Although, once there, I made the most of his libido and suffice to say we were both
lacking in the sleep department.

True to his word, Edward's Father left him in peace. There were no invites to

lunches, no video calls lecturing him about responsibilities, and no demands for him

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to attend family events. As each day passed, Edward visibly relaxed more and more.
It was great to see him finally letting himself go and enjoy the time he had to do as
he chose.

Just a week before Emmett's birthday, Alice insisted on taking me out to lunch.

She turned up unannounced at Edward's apartment, and refused to leave until I
came with her. The cousins argued over who got to spend time with me, leaving me
to try and appease them both. To my amusement, I found my man knew how to fight

"Alice, you do realise I will be your King one day right? You can't just turn up here

and demand to spend the afternoon with her. Take you annoying little arse and
bugger off home." He folded his arms across his chest and glared at her.

He actually looked intimidating and I made a mental note to piss him off a little

before we had sex, bad ass Edward was turning me on.

Anyone else would have backed down, but this was Alice we were talking about,

and she gave just as good as she got.

"Stop being a wanker, Edward. You've monopolised all the girl's time for weeks

now. Don't forget Em's seeing her friend and she was complaining to him how they
never see her thanks to you. I'm taking her out for the afternoon, and you are going
to wait patiently for her. Come on, Bella, go and get changed. I don't think a man's
shirt and boxer shorts work in public." She turned back to Edward and said, "And
don't you ever use the King card on me again, dickhead, it won't work and you know

Edward huffed and mumbled an annoyed, "Fine. But only if Bella wants to go."

I didn't particularly want to go anywhere, obviously I much preferred the company

of Edward but I didn't want Alice to feel shunned.

"Lunch and then back right, Alice?" I clarified and she nodded vigorously while

sticking her tongue out in Edward's direction.

I left them to it and I dressed quickly; over the past few weeks, more and more of

my clothes found their way over to Edward's place. I didn't bother making too much
effort with my hair or make up, it was only lunch after all.

I left Edward sulking just a little, promising to make it up to him when I got back.

I wasn't even the slightest bit peeved at his reluctance to let me spend time with

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anyone but him, because I shared the sentiment. There was nowhere else I would
rather be than with him, and I fully intended to keep it that way until the day I left
for home.

Stop thinking about that.

Having met Alice at the bistro last time, I didn't have the unfortunate experience

of sharing a car with her. Outside sat a bright canary yellow Porsche and she sped
off before I even finished putting on my seat belt. Even in the London traffic, she
was a fucking psycho. I kid you not; this chick was the definition of road rage. She
tailgated every car in front of her, gesticulating and honking her horn if they did
anything to irritate her. She accelerated wildly at every opportunity, before
slamming on the brakes when she caught up to the next car in her way.

I shrunk lower and lower in my seat, praying to God, she didn't piss off some

gun-toting homicidal maniac. I was looking forward to a few more months of sex
with Edward. I wasn't ready to be murdered roadside.

"Alice, please slow down. Jesus, I'm having a frickin heart attack here." My

knuckles were white I was gripping the side of my seat so hard.

"Relax, Bella. I have fantastic reflexes," Alice said as she screeched to a halt in a

parking space.

My heart was drumming in my chest, I didn't do well with near death experiences

and it took me a minute to calm down.

"I'm taking the fucking tube home." I growled as we walked inside another cute

little cafe. "You're officially the worst motherfucking driver I know."

Alice dismissed me with a wave of her hand as we were seated by a hostess in a

quiet corner, and handed a couple of menus. "I've never been here before. I've made
it my mission to eat at as many places as I can. We'll have to squeeze a few more in
before you go home."

"Well next time, I'll just meet you there, Alice."

She ignored my comment and instead began talking about the upcoming weekend.

The rugby match was on the Saturday afternoon, so she thought it best that Emmett,
James, Edward, and I travel up on Friday. We would be staying with Carlisle and
Esme for two nights before returning to London for the party at Volturi's on Sunday

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Alice had carefully selected costumes for most of her family, and refused to tell

me who was dressing up as what. All I knew was James and Edward were both
wearing something over their faces to conceal their identity from the other guests.
She and Jasper, as well as her parents, were dressing up in his and hers costumes,
while Emmett had been the only one to come up with his own idea.

"So, have you got your outfit sorted, Bella?" She quizzed as we ate.

"Yeah, unfortunately, I have. Markus and Aro picked it out and then gave the rest

of the staff the same theme. It's hideous, I'll look like a complete fucktard with a
perspiration problem," I grumbled.

At Markus' insistence, I had tried the ensemble on a few days earlier. After

writhing and rolling around I managed to squeeze it on, and I felt like I was butt ass
naked with just some black paint covering my body. Yes it was that fucking bad.
Markus of course, insisted I looked great. I knew just one thing, as soon as I was
done 'working' I was downing an unhealthy amount of alcohol in an effort to forget
all about what I was wearing.

"Well, I know whatever it is, Edward is going to love it. He's completely besotted

with you, Bella." She paused, looking at me studiously before saying, "What will you
do when your visa expires?"

I sighed and took a drink of my water. I really didn't need to be having this

conversation here and certainly not with someone so close to Edward.

Act cool. Don't let her see how bad you've got it.

"I'll go home." I shrugged, putting on my coolest face, hoping that I was


"But what about you and Edward? I mean you're perfect together, Bella. Surely-"

I cut her off sharply, "Alice, Edward and I both know exactly what the score is. As

soon as my visa expires, I leave and things go back to the way they were for the both
of us."

She cocked her head and smiled. "And you think it will be that easy?"

I bit down hard on my lip. Of course it wasn't going to be easy – for me at least. "It

has to be, Alice, because at the end of the day, he has his life and I have mine. This
was never going to be anything permanent."

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"Bella, come on, the pair of you are in complete denial. You expect me to believe

that you'll get on the plane home and never see him again?" She looked horrified
and I couldn't understand why. "He's a fucking idiot if he lets you go, Bella. You're
the best thing that's ever happened to him, I barely even recognise him now."

This conversation needed to stop right now. It was more than my brain could

process. "Please, Alice. Can we talk about something else?"

"Just explain to me how you're going to be able to leave, Bella? Then I'll ask no

more questions, I just need to understand what game you're both playing." She
looked upset, for some reason.

"You aren't serious? I can't speak for Edward, but I'm not playing a game. I came

here to have fun and do things I'd never get the chance to do again. I never
expected Edward to come along, and the fact that he has makes this experience so
much more than I ever thought it would be. But, it doesn't change a thing. I still
have to go home, Alice. What else can I do?" My voice shook as I spoke.

"Stay here of course. Apply for citizenship, marry my cousin eventually," Alice

spoke so blasé I spat out a mouthful of water onto the table.

"I don't think so, Alice." I shook my head furiously. "There is no way that's


"Why the hell not?" She persisted.

"Because I don't want that. Can you honestly see me dressing like a crusty old

woman and drinking tea with the Queen? That is not me and it never will be. And
you're fucking nuts if you think they'd ever let that happen anyway." I was beyond
frustrated, why did she have to bring this up now.

Shamefully, my eyes were burning and Alice to notice the tears forming despite

my best efforts to stop them.

"Sorry, Bella. I didn't realise... that's not the only option for you two..." Alice spoke

softly and she reached over the table to squeeze my arm.

"Please, Alice, let's not talk about this. As far as I'm concerned there is no other

option, I go home and Edward lives the life he's meant to. It will just be one of those
times I get to look back on in years to come and know I enjoyed every minute." I
shot her a feeble smile and then added, "Well every minute besides this one right
now. This one pretty much sucks balls."

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"Sorry." She giggled and moved her hand back. "Consider the subject closed, and

I won't talk to Edward about this either. It would annoy him even more. Can you
imagine the scowl on his face? That thing has a life of its own."

Thankfully, she did let it go, but the rest of the lunch was awkward and filled with

an uneasy silence. Alice knew how bummed out I was, but I didn't want to
acknowledge it. I insisted on sharing the tab, and then we headed back out to the

My mood was so glum, I didn't even fear for my life on the way home, and Alice's

driving had not improved in the slightest. She dropped me off at Edward's
apartment with an apology for the shitty lunch date. I lied terribly and told her I was
fine, and that I was looking forward to the following weekend.

After she drove away, I turned and sat on the steps outside the apartment for

several minutes. Needing the time to myself to gather my thoughts and keep my
emotions in check. Peter must have seen my arrival from the staff quarters and
informed Edward, because he appeared quickly and sat beside me.

"Bella?" He turned my face to look at him. "Are you okay?"

I nodded and bit down hard on my lip, before resting my head on his shoulder.

"Just a little tired."

"You lie really badly, Bella, do you know that?" I heard the smile in his voice.

"What did Alice do?"

"What makes you think Alice upset me?" I lifted my head and looked up at him.

"Because I know my cousin. She's a pain in the arse most of the time and she

doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut." He waited for me to continue.

"She just asked a few questions about... well... shit, I really don't want to talk

about. No big deal. I'll be fine."

I had to be right? Nothing I said to Alice was a lie - I couldn't ever have a future

with this guy so there was no point telling him about it.

"Hey, Edward? Can you do me a favour?" I stood up and held my hand out to him.

Smiling, that wonderful lop-sided grin that never failed to make my heart skip, he

nodded and let me pull him to his feet. "Anything, Bella."

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"Distract me please."

"My pleasure," he murmured and picked me up before heading straight to his

bedroom in which we stayed for the rest of the day.

"ROSE!" I yelled in a high-pitched frantic fashion that had my friend in my

bedroom instantly.

"What the fuck are you bellowing at, Swan?"

"What the fuck do I take with me? I mean what do people wear for things like

this?" I had an hour to pack before we were setting off to spend the weekend with
Esme and Carlisle.

"Um tweed shit? That's what country folk wear right?" Rose offered pathetically.

"I know you're not suggesting I wear a fucking flat cap and wax jacket, Rose, fuck

me. I'm not going fucking hunting for Christ's sake." I rifled through my limited
wardrobe and my panicked state worsened.

"Shit, Bella, I don't fucking know. Jeans are always safe I guess. What will that

little chick be wearing?" She moved to my side and cast a look over my clothes.

"Alice? I've never seen her in anything casual. I'm so nervous, Rose, do you think

I'm doing the right thing? I... I..." I sank to the floor and sighed.

Rose stopped what she was doing and sat beside me. "You're not doing so great

with the whole 'casual' thing I guess then?"

A sarcastic laugh burst out before I had chance to stop it. "I'm fucked, Rose. I've

never felt like this before... and it's all for nothing isn't it?"

Saying nothing, Rose wrapped her arm around my shoulders and hugged me


"Whoa, sorry. I didn't realise I was interrupting a bit of girl on girl time," Angela

said, standing in the doorway to my room. "I thought you were getting ready to
spend the weekend with your "friend"."

"I was trying, but I'm having a bit of a crisis here. What the fuck do I take?" I

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knew I was making a big deal out of nothing. This was just a rugby match, followed
by a night in a house with Edward's Aunt and Uncle. But I felt this strange urge to
'belong' and I had no idea how to actually do it.

"I said jeans, but then she had a bit of a meltdown," Rose said softly and then

began rifling through my wardrobe again.

"Yeah, jeans are good. Take a few pairs - you might get to roll around in the mud

with Edward." Angela giggled.

"Thanks guys, you're really helping," I muttered sarcastically and then decided the

hell with it. "Fuck this. I'll take a few sweaters, a few tank tops and a jacket. If I
drink some of Esme's home-made wine I'll stop giving a shit about my clothes."

I threw in the clothes, a few toiletries, and of course several pairs of shoes and

dumped my bag by the door. Next step - shower. And I certainly needed the help
relaxing today.

I took far too long trying to calm myself down, leaving myself just about twenty

minutes to make myself presentable. Angela and Rose immediately came to my aid.
They set to work drying my hair while I sat and drank coffee. I know it wasn't the
best thing to achieve 'calmness' but we had no alcohol in the apartment so it would
have to fucking do.

Thanks to my little miracle workers, I was ready with five minutes to spare. They

had somehow tamed the wild mess that was my hair and it was now hanging loosely
down my back. I had been ordered to look cute and had on a pair of figure hugging
jeans and a sleeveless white top, with a chunky knitted cardigan in a deep blue
colour. I got the seal of approval from my girls and then began pacing the apartment
nervously as I waited for Sam to arrive.

A heavy pounding on the door startled me and Rosalie danced to answer it.

Emmett, no doubt.

"Hey, Rosie. You look great, it's a shame you can't come along. I'd love for you to

meet the rest of the team," Emmett winked at my friend and she slapped his arm

Here we were with the whole weird mating ritual again. It didn't matter that these

two were at it like rabbits most nights, because they still danced around each other
whenever they were in the company of others. Emmett had invited Rose along for
the weekend, but she had to work. It would have been nice to have her there with

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me. I needed all the help I could get.

They flirted away for several minutes before Emmett's phone began to ring. He

glanced down at the display and rolled his eyes. "Sorry, that's my boss giving me the
hurry up. Apparently he's desperate to see Bella. After all he hasn't seen her for a
few hours."

Rose laughed and turned to give me a hug. "Have fun, Bella. I'll see you Sunday

night at the party yeah?"

"Mm, unfortunately you will," I grumbled.

"Come on then, Bella, get your arse downstairs before he throws a tantrum. I'm

just going to say bye to Rose in private for a minute." Emmett brushed past me and I
ran for the door. I had no desire to listen to those two make out.

Edward's car was idling on the kerb, and I smiled as soon as I saw it. I flung the

door open dumped my bag on the floor in front of the seat before shuffling across
the seat towards a very impatient looking Edward.

"Hey, you." I beamed like a schoolgirl.

He didn't say anything at first, he just pulled me as close as he could and kissed

me. He was clean-shaven and I could smell his aftershave, and let me tell you - it
was one of those scents that made me want to dry hump his leg. Masculine and
fucktastically sexy. Then add to that his hair, his eyes and those magic lips, and I
wanted to fuck his brains out in the backseat of his car. Shit, I didn't even care that
Sam and Peter were sat up front.

"I'm really looking forward to spending the weekend with you, away from London.

Thank you for coming with me," he murmured against my lips, before reluctantly
pulling back to look at me. "I'm afraid Alice is rather excited too. Esme almost asked
Carlisle to slip her a sedative without her knowing."

"Jesus, what was she like when she was a child?" I asked.

"Completely annoying and hyperactive. Emmett and James used to tie her up and

leave her in the garden shed just for some peace while we played. I'd always be the
one to go and untie her because I felt guilty."

"Hey, we could always do that again." I offered and Edward laughed.

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"As soon as Emmett joins us, we'll be on our way. James has already set off ahead

of us, apparently we're too valuable to both risk being found in this neighbourhood."
Edward rolled his eyes.

After a few more minutes, we were still waiting with no sign of Emmett. I could

see Peter look around nervously. Continually checking the coast was clear of
wannabe Prince abductors. "Your Highness, please - we really need to be moving

"Go and bring him down," Edward instructed and Peter jumped straight out of the

car with a quick instruction to Sam to just drive away should he become concerned
for Edward's safety.

When he emerged alone, Edward laughed. "I take it my cousins otherwise


"Yes, Sir. I told him to remain behind and make his own way to his parents' home,"

Peter said as Sam drove away.

The drive took us near on ninety minutes, and with Peter and Sam in the front of

the car, Edward and I were left alone to talk. He filled me in on all the 'history' they
had with the team they were playing on Saturday afternoon.

Esme and Carlisle lived in a village by the name of Baldock (you just knew I was

going to have problems with that when I was drunk on Esme's home-made wine.).
For years they had always been pretty useless at Rugby and it was only after
Edward, James, and Emmett joined the team about eight years ago that they
managed to start winning matches.

Of course, this hadn't gone down well with Barnet, who were, according to

Edward, a set of wankers. They hated the fact the shitty little team had managed to
pull a victory out over them and it had been the source of bitter rivalry ever since.
Of course the teams had changed drastically over those eight years, but every now
and then the original guys set up a 'friendly' game just to see who would come out
on top. I think the fact two princes were in the team was a major reason for their
desire to win.

I was once again told the rules of the game, and I tried so hard to remember them

this time. Although the second I saw the Cullen's home I think I lost almost every
thought in my head. Their house looked like something from a movie set. From the
front, a cobbled wall and trees covered in autumn tinged leaves almost concealed
the prettiest old house I'd ever seen. Ivy hugged the side of the building, grazing the

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edges of what looked to be original Georgian windows. I almost expected to see
smoke billowing from the chimney. The entrance to the grounds was around the
back, and that in itself was just as breathtaking.

Kensington Palace had shit on this place.

The rear of the house had been extended to almost twice its size. It was all done to

match the original style. The garden wasn't an immaculately preened spectacle that
I had expected. It was almost forest like. There were more trees and bushes dotted
about randomly. A cobbled path weaved between all the foliage and led to a
motherfucking lake with a small grassed island in the middle. On the island there
was what I saw as a Wendy house. Wondering to myself how you were supposed to
get across the water, I noticed a little jetty complete with rowing boat almost hidden
behind the trees.

"Wow," I whispered and felt Edward move close behind me. "It's so fucking pretty.

I've never seen anything like this my whole life."

"Neither have I."

I turned my head and he wasn't looking at the house, the lake, the gardens or

anything else but he was looking straight at me. He kissed my nose and then rested
his head on mine. This would have been the perfect time to say...

"BELLA! You're finally here." The shrill squeal of Alice interrupted our moment

and I sighed. "Come on, I'll give you a tour of the house."

Edward shook his head and took my hand, slowly leading me towards his

impatient cousin. Sam had already taken our bags into the house and I heard the car
crunching on the gravel driveway as he drove away.

"Peter said Emmett's coming later. I hope he's here in time for dinner, Mum's

making a wonderful meal for us all." Alice skipped about as we approached her.
"This weekend is going to be so much fun."

"Alice, Bella is here with me you know?" Edward said and narrowed his eyes at

her. "It would be nice if I got to spend time with her too."

"God, Edward, I know that." Alice ushered us through the back door and I lost

myself once again as I looked around.

The door led straight into the kitchen. The floor was made up of actual stone tiles

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which were varying shades of grey. There was one of those old-fashioned Aga
cooker's, standing in one corner, surrounded by country-esque style units and work
surfaces. The far end of the kitchen was part of the newer extension, and offered
incredible views of the grounds through the huge windows. There was a table and
chairs and positioned to make the most of that view.

"Edward, Bella." Esme appeared through another door and immediately pulled us

both into a sweet hug. She ruffled Edward's hair and kissed my cheek like she'd
know me for years. "I do hope Alice hasn't been irritating you? She tends to get a
little over-excited sometimes."

I insisted she hadn't and Edward snorted in disgust. This earned a laugh from

Esme, who insisted on joining us for the grand tour.

The rest of the house was just as impressive. There was a huge lounge area with a

huge television and the biggest and most comfortable looking couches I had ever
seen. To the front of the house was the formal sitting area which I was told never
got used unless Carlisle wanted to have colleagues around for work-related

There were eight huge bedrooms upstairs, most of which were decorated in styles

similar to the rest of the house. Homely, comfortable and lived in. Edward and I
were to share the guest suite which used to be Alice's room before she and Jasper
had bought their own place.

It overlooked the lake and part of the room had been cut back to allow for a small

outdoor space on which sat a small table and two chairs. The walls were dark blue
with a white carpet and white drapes billowing around an antique looking four
poster bed. The furniture looked as old as the house, yet had been perfectly

I'm ashamed to say I actually squealed myself when I saw the en-suite bathroom.

In addition to the expected essentials such as shower, sink and toilet; there was a
huge fucking Jacuzzi!

"Come on, Alice, let's leave these two to settle in." Esme began pulling Alice from

the room. "James and Jasper are practicing on the field. They said to join them when
you're ready."

"Okay, Esme, I'll be down shortly," Edward said.

"You can come and sit in the kitchen while Mum cooks if you like?" Alice asked

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and I nodded politely.

Esme closed the door behind her and I immediately turned to Edward. "Wow."

"It took them years to get everything how they liked it. They had been planning on

moving, but then Masen died... and they wanted to stay. When they finally finished,
Esme wanted another project, so she and Alice set the business up. I love coming
here, I almost feel normal." He forced a smile out.

"Then for two days, let's be normal. You can just be Edward Cullen, aspiring

Rugby player and not Your Royal Highness. We'll do things regular country people
do... What do regular country people do?" I cocked my head to one side and asked.
"Aside from foxhunting and shit like that?"

Edward laughed, a proper belly laugh and I loved that I was the reason. "No one

in this house has ever been hunting at all. I don't know about other people, but this
man wants to spend the weekend drinking homemade wines and beers, eating great
food, kicking arse at rugby, and of course, spend as much time with you as is
physically possible."

"Sounds good to me," I said and turned to my bag which had been left by the door.

"I'll just unpack and-"

"Later." Edward spun me around to face him and backed me towards the bed

capturing my lips with his.

Fuck the bag, fuck London, fuck Edward's real life, and most of all, fuck the fact

each minute I spent with him was a minute closer to leaving him.


I decided after my birthday that I wasn't fighting this anymore, so right now I was

just going to enjoy falling in love with the most incredible guy I would ever have the
pleasure of meeting.

As he kissed and caressed every inch of my body, I once again thought it the

perfect time to say those three words that burned at my lips. Still not prepared to
voice it, I waited until I knew he wasn't looking and mouthed it instead. Putting
everything I had into my silent declaration.

"Edward, I love you."

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A/n - So she sort of said it. I have the next chapter prepared, so I'll happily

send you over a sneaky look if you want one! Just hit that review button and
let me know!

I am completely obsessed with The Morphing games - - you seriously need

to read this. It is beautifully written and I love it!

Enough from me, same time next week...

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Chapter 13 What would you wish for?

A/N - Thanks to all of those who read, review and add to your alerts and

fave's - I am truly blown away! For the reviewer who asked if Bella said "I
love you" out loud or mouthed it - she mouthed it! I couldn't reply and tell
you last week sorry!

I do reply to every review but there were a few people last week who

reviewed and I couldn't reply -so thanks to you too!

I own nothing of course! Thanks to Prettyflour for working on my mistakes


This chapter continues in the 'softer' vein as the last one - so I hope you

like it!

Chapter 13 - What would you wish for?


Edward and I made an appearance downstairs just as Emmett arrived. He roared

up to the front of the house in a huge fucking Jeep. Seriously, the wheels on that
thing were almost as big as me. He strode into the house with a smug expression on
his face.

Esme was standing chopping vegetables as Alice, Edward and I leaned against the

counter. We had all offered to help but she refused, insisting, it was on rare
occasions she got to do it for so many people so she wanted to enjoy the opportunity.

"Oh, so you decided to show your face? Really, Emmett, you need to start taking

your work more seriously. You were hired to keep Edward safe. How on earth can
you do that when you're... when you're... well, when you're doing you know what
with your girlfriend." Esme scalded and slapped her son's hand when he tried to
pick at the carrots she was preparing.

"Aw, don't be like that, Peter was there and you have no idea what a feisty little

thing Bella is. Anyway, Eddie moans when anyone interrupts their 'alone' time. I
didn't fancy a drive in the same car as those two love birds." He wrapped his arm
around his Mother's shoulder and kissed her cheek. "For the record, Rose isn't my
girlfriend – she and I are just having fun."

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I smiled at the irony of Emmett's statement. That had been my thought when

Edward and I first met. Now look at me.

"Go on, away with you, Emmett. Jasper and James were expecting you two to join

them, but I doubt they'll stay out there for long, it's almost dark." She wriggled free
of Emmett's hold and shooed him out of her way.

"Where's Dad?" He asked as he came and stood with us.

"He had an emergency call out. Old Mrs Cope took a turn for the worse and her

family called him out. He should be home before dinner. He's looking forward to
seeing you all."

The Cullen's were clearly a close-knit family. There were family photos all around

the house. Pictures of the children as babies, toddlers, teenagers and more recently
adults. Their late son Masen featured just as prominently as Alice and Emmett.
Edward and James had pride of place on Esme's walls too. Their lives were on
display, but they were not the carefully poised photo's that were readily available on
the Internet. These images were wonderfully realistic. Edward smiling with his two
front teeth missing and James sticking his tongue out in protest at being forced to
go in front of the camera.

The door swung open and James started shouting at Edward and Emmett. "Where

the fuck were you two? We were trying to get back into the groove ready for
tomorrow while you two are standing in the kitchen like a bunch of washer women.
If we lose the game tomorrow I'll break your bloody jaws."

"I just got here, J, calm down. And you should know better than to ask where

Edward was, like he'd want to kick about with his brother when he could be balls
deep in-"

"Emmett Cullen!" Esme shrieked and moved to slap the back of his head with her


"Ow," he grumbled and rubbed the spot with his fingers.

"Bella is a guest here. At least try not to act like you were raised by savages.

Goodness me." Esme shook her head and smiled at me apologetically. "I'm terribly
sorry, sweetheart, take no mind of him. I'm sure he was swapped at birth he can't
possibly be my son."

I tried to smile back, but I was far too embarrassed. Edward squeezed my hand

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and punched his cousin on the arm playfully.

"Jazzy, are you sure you want to play? You do remember what happened last

time?" Alice asked and the three other guys burst out laughing.

"Yes, darling, I do want to play. I think I need to redeem myself." Jasper brushed

his hair off his face and winked at Alice.

"Why what happened last time?" I looked to the others for answers.

"Barnet don't play fair, Bella. They resort to sneaky tactics and taunts when things

don't go their way. Usually, it's just bad tackles and empty threats. But, last time
they decided to make inappropriate comments about Alice and Esme. One player
went too far and Jasper ended up punching him in the side of the head. He was out
cold for several minutes and of course, Jasper was sent off," Edward told me and the
others muttered expletives under their breath.

"The team couldn't keep up the pace with a man short, and we ended up losing the

game. Not this year though, we're kicking their arse back to Barnet aren't we boys?"
Jasper roared and exchanged fist-pumps with three now very agitated men.

"Too fucking right. Prepare to be impressed ladies," Emmett said smugly. "I need

to shower, have I got time Head Chef?"

"Yes, yes, plenty of time." Esme waved him away and he disappeared through the


The rest of us hung out in the kitchen. James, Jasper, and Edward talked rugby,

leaving Alice, Esme and I to talk about the home-made wine we'd be drinking
tomorrow afternoon.

"It's so strong; I don't like to drink much of it. I wouldn't want people to think I'm

a drunk," Esme said. "But it is delicious, really fruity. I'll pack us some lovely snacks
and we can really enjoy ourselves. I should warn you, Bella, the amenities at the
field are pretty dismal."

"Yes, there's one toilet that's always out of order, and unless you fancy trying the

men's changing rooms you're forced to go in the bushes," Alice told me. "Whatever
you do, don't wear heels. The grounds always boggy and the pitch is extremely far
from the car park."

I tuned her out after she said men's changing rooms. All I could imagine was

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Edward in sports gear all sweaty and rugged. Perhaps paying a visit to him in there
after the game wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Carlisle returned home a little after 7:30pm and sweetly gave Esme a hug and

kiss. His timing was impeccable, and we sat down to eat just a few minutes later.

The food was just as I imagined it would be, rustic, tasty, and homely. Apparently

it was her speciality dish, a casserole filled with vegetables, tender pieces of meat,
all smothered in a wonderfully thick and delicious gravy. It was the kind of food that
warmed every inch of your body as you ate it.

Only Emmett remained silent as he ate, the rest of us continued chatting mostly

about Edward. Esme and Alice wanted to tell me about all him as a boy, while James
wanted to tell me about all the ridiculous things he used to do to try and get himself
into trouble. I felt welcomed by everyone, not one person seemed to question my
presence, nor did they seemed fazed that a girl who they assumed was just Edward's
friend with benefits, would be spending the weekend in their home.

Throughout the meal, Edward always kept part of his body touching mine. It was

either his hand on my leg, or when he was eating he moved his foot to rest softly on
top of mine, affectionately stroking up and down. I caught him looking at me once or
twice, and each time it made my stomach flip, the hairs on my arm stand up, and my
heart drum loudly in my chest. He affected every part of me so intensely and not just
in a sexual way. When we finished he moved his arm around the back of my chair
and twirled his fingers absently through my hair. I noticed Alice and Esme exchange
a look and a smile, but nothing was said of it.

When everyone was finished Emmett polished off what was left of the casserole

still simmering on the stove. He truly did eat like a wild animal; he had gravy
running down his chin and shirt were pieces of vegetables that had fallen from his

"Emmett, look at the state of you. Anyone would think you hadn't been fed in a

month," Esme muttered as she threw her son a towel to wipe his face.

"How anything escapes that mouth of his is beyond me," James scoffed.

"Damn, Mum, that was the best yet." Emmett rubbed his stomach and groaned

loudly. "With a hearty meal like that and some good loving earlier from Rosie, I'll
sleep like a baby tonight."

"How she puts up with you I don't understand," Alice said and shook her head at

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her brother.

"She's just as bad as he is," I said. "She looks like this perfect creature but on the

inside she's not quite so refined."

Edward laughed and agreed wholly with me.

"She certainly is a fine looking woman," Emmett said, his head back against the

chair and his eyes closed. "Definitely the most beautiful woman in London shit -
probably even the world. Any man would agree with me on that."

"I wouldn't," Edward said so quietly I wondered if anyone was meant to hear.

James rolled his eyes at his brother, but smiled at the same time, and Esme and

Alice let out "Aw," before looking at me. I blushed furiously and looked down at the
table. Shit like that made it so much easier to believe he felt something too. He
couldn't though? Could he?

I insisted on helping Esme clear the table, while the rest of the family drifted from

the kitchen.

"Thanks for dinner, Esme, and for inviting me to stay. You have a beautiful home,

and the food was out of this world," I said as she loaded the plates into the

"Oh, Bella, you're welcome. It's lovely to see Edward so happy, I worry about him;

the boy has far too much weight on those shoulders of his." She sighed and then
smiled kindly at me. "You're good for him, I don't think you realise how much
difference you've made."

"I think that has more to do with the fact his Dad's not on his case all the time


She shot me a knowing look and shook her head. "Trust me, Bella, this is all you."

I frowned at her, and she laughed. "I've never seen him like this before – ever. I
think he could take anything his Father threw at him right now, because he's got
someone he can turn to."

I didn't know what to say, what did you say to something like that?

"I'm sorry if I've said the wrong thing, Bella." Esme stopped what she was doing

and put her hand on my arm. "Are you okay?"

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I nodded my head. "Yeah, it's just this... this thing between us... it was supposed to

be...I mean I'm going home in March. When I leave, it has to end. I can't stay here
and he can't... This right now is all we can have."

"I hope for both your sake that isn't the case." She whispered and resumed

loading the dishwasher. "Because, whether he cares to admit it or not, Edward
needs you."

I kept quiet, silently clearing the table. After we were done, I excused myself and

wandered outside to have a cigarette. It was dark and cold, but the gardens were
well lit. I walked slowly down the path towards the lake and stood at the edge of the
jetty. I was tempted to get in the boat, but I had never attempted rowing in my life
and didn't like the idea of calling out for help when I got stranded in the middle of
the lake.

I thought about what Esme had said. Did Edward need me? What good would I be

to him? The questions turned over and over in my head but I couldn't answer them.

I didn't hear anyone approaching, so hearing his voice startled me.

"I thought you'd be out here." Edward stood beside me and looked out towards the

house in the middle of the lake. "Do you want to go and take a look?"

"Can we? I'd really like that," I said and he took my hand and led me towards the

small boat.

"There's not that much to see, I haven't been inside it for years. Whenever I didn't

want to go back to the city I'd hide in there. Esme and Carlisle always knew where I
was, but still pretended to 'look' for me, just to give me more time I think." He
helped me into the boat, and sat opposite me.

The blades of the oars cut through the water with just a small ripple. I kept my

eyes on Edward and watched him manoeuvre the boat through the patches of grass
that sprouted up through the water.

"Is it deep?" I asked, finally tearing my eyes away and peered over the edge.

"No, I can walk all the way across. But I wouldn't recommend it at this time of the

year. It gets pretty chilly." He pulled the oars into the boat and stood up as we
reached the other side. After securing the boat to a wooden post he held out his

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"Thank you," I said as he helped me step out. "I can see why you love coming here,

it's like something from a dream."

He kept my hand in his and led me the few metres to the small Wendy house. The

doorway was so low we had to bend down to get through the door. Inside there were
four beanbags and a couple of blankets folded on top of a small table. There was
also a cordless radio on a shelf which Edward switched on and off several times
before complaining the batteries must have run out.

"This is so cute, no wonder you used to hide in here. I would have loved something

like this back home." I sank into one of the bean bags and stretched out my legs.

"It's definitely much better with you here," he said as he lay down beside me. "I

used to be so jealous that Alice and Emmett got to live here with Esme and Carlisle.
I know it seems so pathetic now, but when people used to tell me to make a wish, I
always wished for the same thing. I wanted to be called Edward Cullen and I wanted
to stay here and never go back to London. What about you, Bella, what did you wish
for as a child?"

"My parents divorced when I was young, I always wanted them to love each other

again, so we could all live together. I hated going back and forth between the two of
them. My Mom moved about so much, they both agreed me staying in Forks would
be better for me. It never happened though, and I kinda lost faith in the whole thing.
I guess when you get older and wiser you learn to ask for things you know can come
true." I rolled to face Edward and ran my fingers down his arm.

"Such as?" He whispered, his eyes staring intensely at me.

"Well... like wishing that the cute boy from school would ask me out on a date, and

then when we finally went out, I wished he wouldn't ask again..." I laughed at myself
and Edward chuckled. "Things change don't they? Would you still wish for the

"Until recently, honestly yes I would. But now, I'm not so sure," he closed his eyes

and took a deep breath.

"What would you wish for now then?" I pressed and he was about to answer when

Emmett started bellowing out our names from across the lake,



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"God, that guy doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut," I hissed and Edward


Without answering my question he stood up and opened the door. "Emmett, we're

just talking. Piss off and leave us alone."

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt, but us men need to talk sport. Get your arses

back over here quickly or I will come and get you both." Emmett persisted.

Edward turned back to me and held out his hand. "Sorry, Bella, he won't leave

until we move. We'll come back before we go back to the city. I think I like the idea
of violating Alice's little house."

"I'm up for that – any time you want." I stood up and wrapped my arms around his


Emmett waited as we rowed back across. "You're the most irritating shit I know,

Emmett," Edward grumbled when we followed him back to the house.

"You won't be saying that tomorrow afternoon when Bella's giving you a victory

blow job. We've got to win this one, because it might be the last game we can
arrange. Half the lads are getting fat and unfit now they're older. You want to
impress Bella with your skills on the pitch don't you? That won't happen if he get our
arses trounced will it?"

"Well, if you do lose, I know just how to cheer you up," I whispered in Edward's

ear and looked back deliberately at the small house.

A mischievous grin appeared on his face and he wrapped his arm around me

tightly. "I'm looking forward to it already."

Sure enough, Edward was dragged into the kitchen where the men spent the next

few hours pointing out the opposition's weaknesses and strengths. Esme, Alice and I
settled in the lounge with a bottle of wine and Esme insisted we watch a movie.

Alice made clear her sneaky, conniving side and suggested films such as The

Prince and Me, Ever-After, and even Cinderella.

"Alice, I know what you're doing." I hissed and she winked.

"Ooh Mum, you like Rufus Sewell don't you?" Alice trilled excitedly.

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"Well, yes he is rather handsome." Esme blushed slightly and smiled at me. "Don't

tell Carlisle – it's a little bit of a mid-life crisis crush."

"We should watch this film then. It's wonderful, Mum, I'm sure you'll like it." Alice

hid the case from me as she put the DVD in, and as soon as I heard the opening
credits I gave her a dirty look.

"What is this, Alice?" Esme asked.

"Tristan and Isolde," she replied simply. "It's about an Irish Princess and a British

knight who's love could destroy a kingdom..."

Esme looked to me and studied my expression for a few seconds before she said

sharply, "Not this, Alice. Turn it off."

"But-" Alice began to argue.

"Off. Now. And then I want to talk to you in private please." Esme waited for Alice

to turn off the film, and then asked if I would excuse them for a minute or too.

As soon as they left the room I heard them argue.

"I warned you before they came, Alice. I told you not to play games like this and

try to push either of them." Esme's voice was stern and Alice kept quiet as she
spoke. "I know you think you're helping, but this is something they have to sort out
between themselves."

"But, Mum, you know she's going to go back to America don't you?" Alice asked,

her voice high-pitched and frantic.

"And if she decides that's what she wants, we will let her go as will Edward. His

life isn't fitting for everyone, Alice, and your cousin knows that more than most. If
it's meant to be, then it will work out, one way or another. But you cannot interfere,
do you hear me?"

I heard Alice sniff a quiet yes and then no more was said on the subject. When

they returned to the room, I acted as if I hadn't heard their discussion, and Alice
suggested I choose the movie.

We were about halfway through a really lame action film when the sound of guns

and fighting drew the attention of the guys. They joined us in the lounge and
Edward announced he was tired, whilst giving me the look that said, "You, me,

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upstairs, now."

I feigned a yawn and followed him from the room, ignoring the taunts from

Emmett and James. I wasn't even halfway through the door when Edward started
removing my clothes. He rained kisses down on my face and neck and carried me
over to the bed. Laying above me he softly wiped several loose strands from my face
and kissed my lips softly.

I helped him out of his clothes all without breaking the kiss, but even after there

was no barrier between us, he remained in the same position. I could feel him
pressing against me, and rocked my hips slightly to try and encourage more from
him, but he seemed in no hurry. Pathetically, just this amount of contact was enough
to set me off and I felt the familiar sensation of heat in the pit of my stomach,
followed by the tightening, and I was sure he knew what was happening. Still,
kissing me, he slowly moved up and down, never allowing himself to slip fully inside
me. His tip brushed past my entrance and I arched my back to try and get closer.

Without quickening the pace, he continued to move against me and I moaned in

pleasure. I dug my nails into his shoulders and held him tightly. Just a few more
languid movements and I was almost on the brink, but it wasn't enough for either of
us. He pulled back and looked at me as he eased his way inside me. It felt like this
was the first time either of us had ever had sex with the tenderness he was

He lay flat out above me and began to move once again, the closeness created

amazing friction against my already sensitive skin and I forced my eyes to remain
open as I came, desperate to keep the connection between us. It wasn't the most
powerful orgasm I'd ever had, but it was far and away the most emotional. Edward
watched me and followed soon after, we hadn't spoken a word since we left the
room and the air was thick with something I couldn't put my finger on.

He dropped his head and kissed my shoulder. I felt his lips move as if he had said

something, but I heard no words.


Yes I'm a coward. That moment should have been the moment I told Bella I was in

love with her. Having her here with me, in the one place I felt more like myself than
anywhere else, spending time with those who I truly looked on as family, made me
realise that she was without a doubt the most important thing in my life.

I was no fool, the sex we'd just had wasn't sex at all, it had been another way I

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tried to show her what she meant to me. For the first time in my life I'd actually
made love to someone. I was shaking afterwards as I willed the words out of my
mouth. Wanting so badly to tell her but, I couldn't do it; I couldn't admit to her that I
loved her. So I chose to say it silently, mouthing the words against her soft skin.

"I love you, Bella."

They're getting there huh?

Hope you liked it? I've got a few chapters done so I will happily send over

a little sneaky look at Chapter 14 to all those who review.

Same time, same place?

Some good fics out there;

Enchantment by Pixe-belle88 - A great Alice & Jasper fic!

The Morphing Games is still right at the top of my list though!

Bye x

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Chapter 14 Baldock Vs Barnet

A/N - I was made up with cold last week and you guys cheered me up big

time! Thank you so much for all your reviews, alerts, faves etc. I still can't
believe that my silly idea for a one shot turned into this!

There were a couple of people who reviewed but weren't signed in - so I

couldn't send you the sneaky look at the next chapter - really sorry!

Anyway, I own nothing it's all borrowed for my enjoyment. Thanks to

Prettyflour for her keen eye! She doesn't even swear at me when I make the
same mistakes over and over and over...

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 14 - Baldock Vs. Barnet


I was drifting happily in and out of sleep, curled up against Edward's side. His arm

was wrapped tightly around me, holding my body against him. I could tell from his
breathing that he was still asleep and I remained where I was, not wanting to
disturb him just yet. I heard footsteps thump up the stairs and across the landing to
the bedroom. Assuming whoever it was would knock I didn't bother to pull the sheet
- tangled up haphazardly around our legs - up over Edward and I.

Unfortunately, I didn't realize Emmett ignored personal space, and screamed as

he barged into the room announcing it was time to get up. "Edward, get up man,
we're leaving for the pitch in a few hours."

Edward sat up with a start and immediately rolled over me to try and hide my very

naked state from his cousin. "Emmett, get the fuck out!" He shouted loudly and I
heard more footsteps run along towards our room.

"What the fuck are you lot shouting and balling at?" James poked his head through

the door and laughed. "Oh, Emmett's revealing his inner pervert I see."

"Nothing 'inner' about it Jimbo," Emmett guffawed, yet neither one thought to

actually get out of the fucking room.

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"Get out guys, Jesus Christ!" Edward was trying to get himself free of the sheet so

he could stand up, without exposing me. Had I not been butt-naked and on display
for all to see, I would have found the situation fucking hilarious.

"Excuse me you motherfucking perverts, you do realize that I'm not the only one

naked here right? You're laughing and joking while Edward's ass and manhood is
about to come flying across the room to kick you pair of freaks out of the bedroom."

Emmett grimaced and held up his hands. "Okay, okay, you guys clearly need a

personality transplant. Bella, you should be flattered that we're trying to check your
body out-"

Emmett never finished his sentence, because a bottle of water went flying across

the room and struck him on the side of his head. "Ow, fuck, Eddie! That was
uncalled for."

"Yet you're still here, Em, what's wrong with you?" Edward looked furious.

"God, I can here you lot arguing from the other side of the house, what's going on?

Oh hi, Bella...Oh..." Alice scanned the room and then blushed. "Um, Edward, you're
not doing a good job concealing yourself."

Edward groaned and buried his head in my hair. "Kill me now, this is humiliating."

Jesus fucking Christ, I was starting to think this family were all a bunch of fucking

perverts. "Um, hello? Can you all please get your asses out? This is really fucking
weird for me. I don't know how things roll here, but back home you'd get arrested
for shit like this."

"Sorry, Bella. Emmett, James, come on, Mum's cooking breakfast. It should be

ready in about five minutes, so unless you want Emmett to eat it all, I'd make sure
you were downstairs quickly." Alice ushered the others from the room and closed
the door behind her.

"I am so sorry, Bella. I swear to God, Emmett has serious fucking problems. I'm

going to kill him for that." Edward was still hovering protectively over the top of me.

I dismissed my brief thought of morning breath and kissed him. When he

responded, gone were the soft, gentle touches of the previous night. Now he was
hard and oh so domineering, he raised my arms over my head and held them in
place as he pushed inside me swiftly. I heard Emmett start shouting out to Edward
again, but ignored him. We both did and it was only when the footsteps neared the

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door again that Edward stopped.



I heard Emmett mutter something in response, but he didn't come knocking again.

I was finally getting my wish and bad-ass Edward was front and centre during sex.
He commanded every movement, every kiss and every touch, and I fucking loved it.
He snarled in my ear as he came, finally releasing my hands and shifting back to the
sweet guy he usually was.

"Wow, who was that?" I teased when we were getting dressed afterwards.

"Sorry, Bella, I didn't mean to be um... forceful? I don't know what came

over me..." He looked almost regretful and I quickly reassured him.

"Well, whatever it was, let it happen again please, I fucking liked it."

"You did?" He looked bewildered.

"Don't look so surprised, I can be obedient sometimes you know." I winked.

He snorted and waited patiently for me to sort out my hair, which was a tangled

mess thanks to all the pillow rubbing it had been subjected to.

As we neared the kitchen I was hit with the smell of bacon and my stomach

growled furiously. We were the last ones to arrive at the table, and Edward shot
Emmett an angry looking glare and shook his head.

"Out of line, Emmett." He pulled out a chair and instructed me to sit down.

"I thought you guys were awake and decent," he said and then apologised to me.

I smiled politely and tried to change the subject. "It smells so good, Esme. Can I


Esme danced to the table with a plateful of goodies. "No, everything's ready. I

once again need to apologise for my son. He's really outdoing himself this weekend,
isn't he?"

"I've already forgotten about it," I lied and then James immediately began talking

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about rugby again.

The guys all left about an hour and a half before the match started. Esme, Alice

and I followed about forty minutes later, the car stocked with a plentiful supply of
wine, nibbles and fold away chairs.

The ground wasn't really a ground at all; it was just a pitch, two goalposts, and

two porta-cabins which had been transformed into changing rooms. Two crowds of
people had congregated, presumably one for each team. I saw Peter, and two other
men I assumed were part of James' security detail, mingling with the crowd,
checking all was well for the two Princes.

Esme and Alice set up the chairs and told me to sit down. I had been given a

complimentary team jersey to wear, and was surprised to see both Alice and Esme in
the same. We opened the first bottle straight away and waited for the game to

I continually scanned the pitch, looking for Edward. I was particularly looking

forward to seeing the guy all dressed up in his kit, and even more excited at helping
him take it off after the match. Finally, the teams emerged onto the field and my
eyes locked on Edward immediately.

Hot as fuck!

The Baldock boys all huddled up and I could hear Emmett geeing them up,

shouting, "Can we beat 'em? Can we?"

In unison they all responded with a loud, "Hell fucking yes."

The other team didn't seem quite as up for the match. They were all warming up

individually and there was no motivating team talk. One or two had drifted closer to
where we were sitting and as soon as they saw our jerseys, they came over to talk to

"What on earth are three beautiful women such as yourselves doing supporting a

pisspoor team such as Baldock?" A tall, extremely muscular man with a shaved head
bent down in front of me. "If you want to switch allegiances then our fans are on the
other side of the pitch. What do you say?"

"Nope, I'm perfectly happy where I am thanks." I took a drink of my wine and

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looked back over at Edward who was standing looking over in our direction, a frown
fixed on his face.

"Mm, we have a girl from across the Atlantic." He winked at me and then held out

his hand. "I'm Liam, and it's an absolute pleasure to meet you. Now I can forgive
your naivety, but you should really listen to my advice and follow me to that
considerably larger group of fans. Someone as beautiful as you needs to be on the
winning side."

"I have some advice of my own, Liam. Take your shiny bald head and fuck off back

to the rest of those cocksuckers you call team mates." I gave him the finger and
heard Esme gasp.

"You'll regret it later, love, after we kick the Royal fuckers back to the shite village

they call home." He stood up and walked away, the two other men following him.

"Oh my goodness, Bella, you are funny. Cocksuckers, I think I love that word."

Esme laughed and Alice agreed.

"He'll be sorry he came over and talked to you," she said and looked over in

Edward's direction.

He was standing with his arms folded tightly across his chest, glaring at Liam as

he rejoined his team. James patted him on the back and pulled him towards the
centre of the pitch.

The referee called the two team captains together and set about telling them what

he would and wouldn't tolerate. He asked them to respect the other teams and play

FYI - that never happened.

"Okay, it's about to begin." Alice sat forward in her chair and clapped her hands.

"Come on, Baldock!"

I watched as Edward did this weird fucking kick off and then my eyes widened in

horror as I realised what a motherfucking brutal game Rugby was. People were
being taken out all over the place, men jumped on top of each other like a free for all
in an attempt to regain possession. They kicked, scraped and bit their opponents
and I was mortified.

I tried to pay attention to the action, but was far too concerned with Edward's

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well-being. Every time someone tackled him I jumped to my feet until he was back
up again. After only fifteen minutes every single player was caked in mud and
nursing some kind of cut or scrape.

Just as Alice had said, the guy who had approached us earlier was in for a rough

ride. Seizing every possible opportunity, Edward slammed him into the ground, each
time harder than the last. They eyeballed each other as they got to their feet, and I
saw Liam mutter one or two things to Edward during the course of the first half.

I was an absolute mess, and the only thing that even remotely settled my nerves

was the wine. We drank constantly and by the end of the first half, we had worked
our way through two and a half bottles. Boy was Esme right, this stuff was fucking

While the guys held another team-talk and Carlisle cleaned up any visible cuts, we

drank even more. Shamefully, my bad language didn't only impress on Edward. Just
after they began playing again, Barnet scored a try and their fans began cheering
away like hooligans.

I almost died when sweet and caring Esme, stood up and shouted, "You'll not be

cheering like that at the end of the game, COCKSUCKERS!"

Almost everyone on Edward's team looked on in shock and Alice burst out

laughing. The insults continued to spew from Esme's mouth throughout the second
half, and I shrank further and further into my chair as her language worsened with
every passing minute.

Then, the shit really hit the fan, there was about fifteen minutes left to play when I

saw Liam look deliberately over in my direction and then shout something over to
Edward. Faster than a motherfucking bullet, Edward was on his ass and the two
men began fighting. Emmett and James were there quickly and pulled the two apart.

"Oh no, not again, he's let him get under his skin." Alice groaned, "He might get

away with the sin-bin if he's lucky."

"Um, Alice... what the fuck is the sin-bin?" I clarified and she told me it was

basically a time out for bad play. Ten minutes off the pitch and the team were not
allowed to replace the offended player during that time.

Sure enough, because both men had thrown punches, the referee gave them both

a flash of the yellow card and pointed to the sidelines.

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Emmett shook his head at Edward as he walked over towards us. I checked him

over for any injuries and saw a cut above his eye, and a pretty busted up bottom lip.

"Edward, look at your face, sweetheart. Are you okay?" Esme stood up unsteadily

and reached out to Edward.

"I'm fine, Esme." Edward nodded and sat down on the floor beside me.

"Your lip and eye are bleeding." I reached out gingerly and touched his bottom lip,

hearing him wince as I did so. "What did he say?"

"Who the ref? Just off for ten minutes then I can go back and help finish these

bastards off. We're still up by nine points."

"Not the referee, the guy from the other team. He said something to set you off," I

pressed and Edward shook his head.

"Nothing I'd repeat in front of you, Bella, the fucking wanker deserved it. Even if

we lose it was worth it." He smiled at me and winced again. "Ow."

I wanted to kiss him, and thanks to the wine I didn't care who was looking. I

leaned forward to press my lips gently on his, but the fucking chair came with me
and I ended up flat on my face in the grass.

Esme and Alice burst out laughing, and Edward tried to stifle his as he helped me

to my feet.

"Bella, you're so funny." Alice squealed and I turned blood red.

"Every fucking time I try and do anything seductive, I end up making a

motherfucking fool of myself," I muttered and wobbled as I tried to pick the chair
back up. "I'd blame the wine, but I am just that Goddamn clumsy."

When I sat back down, Edward sat on the floor between my legs, and I played

discreetly with the hairs on the back of his neck. Just before he was due to go back
on, I saw Carlisle waving a bottle of petroleum jelly and beckoning him over.

"Should I be worried that your Uncle is waving lube and asking you to follow him?

I think I'm a little jealous," I whispered in his ear, and Edward chuckled.

"He'll put it on the cut, to seal it. If you like, I can slip it in my bag before I leave?"

He turned his head and winked, before kissing my cheek swiftly. "I'll see you when

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we're celebrating our win."

Carlisle covered the cut above his eye with the jelly, and then Edward waited to be

waved back onto the pitch. He was ordered to shake hands with Liam, which he did
but his entire body stiffened as he took his hand. Edward was still angry about
whatever it was he'd said and I was still non-the-wiser.

The last few minutes of the game passed without incident, and sure enough,

Baldock won by six points. We screamed in delight and Esme launched into another
tirade of "motherfuckers, cocksuckers and fucktards," at the other supporters.

"Right, we'll finish off this wine, before the men get changed. Then we'll head over

to the pub for some celebrating." Alice began to pour some more wine.

Um, sex with Edward rugged and dirty? Not gonna happen if you let him shower

now is it?

"I need to pee," I announced and walked towards the changing rooms, ignoring

Alice's protests about the lack of actual toilets.

The two teams were exchanging forced pleasantries, Barnet having to

congratulate Emmett, and the rest of his team. Edward saw me approach and I
raised my eyebrows at him suggestively. His mouth turned up into a smile and he
nodded once.

"Come to give your man his celebratory blow job, Bella?" Emmett said as I walked

past him.

"Of course, I think he deserves one don't you?" I shrugged and he laughed.

"You've probably got five minutes before the changing room is full of fourteen

other men. I doubt you can get much done in that time," he teased.

"Emmett, don't start again." Edward stepped forward but I stopped him.

"Oh, Emmett, you have no idea what I can do in five minutes. But, I think that

after this morning, you owe us both a little privacy don't you?"

I giggled as he coughed and spluttered. Still not sure what to say back to that,

Emmett left us alone to continue shaking the other players' hands.

Instead of making it glaringly obvious that we were off for a quickie in the

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changing rooms, we hung back and waited until everyone had disappeared to
shower. Edward scanned the ground, and when the referee appeared from a smaller
little hut I'd not even noticed, he marched straight over.

"Nice game, Ref." He offered his hand and the referee took it.

"You'll be getting a fine for that yellow. I can't ignore it, regardless of who you

are. I'll send in the paperwork tomorrow," he said smugly and walked away.

"Wow, he's got a bug up his ass doesn't he?" I retorted and Edward nodded.

"Ah, he's just pleased he got to send either me or James to the sin bin. It's a power

thing." He checked no one was watching and ushered me inside the small room.

Now, this time I knew I had to be quiet, but strangely enough, Edward didn't seem

to care. There was a small desk in the corner and he sat me on top as he fumbled
with his shorts and my pants. He knocked things to the floor and a glass of water fell
and smashed.

"Fuck, Edward, ssshh." I hissed and then almost cried out when he slammed into


I wrapped my legs around him, and dug my heels into his ass, the tension that had

built up during the game seemed to have him in some kind of hyper-sensitive and
aggressive mood. Almost instantly, I knew neither of us would last long. My body
was almost set to explode, each thrust was harder and deeper and I felt every single
muscle tense as I came. Edward faltered as I clamped down around him, and his
movements became more erratic before he pushed into me one last time.

He pressed his head against mine while he caught his breath, eyes closed and

beads of sweat forming on his brow. I could feel his heart drumming wildly in his
chest and his legs were shaking, probably with exhaustion from a pretty energy
sapping day.

Perhaps, two rounds of sex and eighty minutes of energetic rugby was a little too

much to expect of the guy?

"I need to go and change," he whispered and kissed my forehead. "Would you

mind waiting here for a few minutes after I leave? Just in case anyone's around."

"Sure, I'll wait." I nodded and let him pull me to my feet.

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"I'll be as quick as I can," he said with one more lingering kiss on my cheek and

then left the room.

I pulled up my underwear and jeans, and waited until the coast was clear before

leaving. A few of the other guys from Baldock were already changed, and Emmett
introduced me to them as a friend of the family. They all seemed nice enough, and
invited us to join them for a drink back at the local pub. We were already planning
to go along anyway, so Emmett told them we'd be along a little later.

Alice and Esme were trying to walk over to us, both looked unsteady on their feet,

and Emmett laughed when he saw them. He shouted to his Father who sighed.

"Not again," he mumbled and went to help them.

I waited for Edward to finish up, and when he did I admit I was a little

disappointed. Gone was his kit, and muddied skin. He was clean and in regular
clothes and his hair was still wet. Still hot as motherfucking hell, but we all love a
man in uniform right?

Given the large amount of wine Esme, Alice, and I had drunk over the course of

two hours, Carlisle had to drive us back to the pub. We arrived first, and I smiled to
myself as I looked around the car park. Something about the countryside made me
feel relaxed and comfortable. The Olde Oake was a typical old-fashioned place.
There was a creaky wooden sign hanging by the door and wooden picnic benches
outside and despite the weather, a few people had gathered around them while they

I was contemplating joining them when I heard a car roll up beside us and I

turned around to see Edward climbing out of the car. He moved straight to my side
and smiled. Peter looked around before he inclined his head towards the door with a
frown on his face.

"No need to worry, Petey." James slapped him on the back and walked ahead. "No

one cares who we are in here."

I looked up at Edward and he nodded. "We used to come here all the time – they

don't even bat an eyelid any more. If any press ever turned up, the landlord usually
shows us out of the back entrance through their home. When we come to visit, we
are really just 'locals'. I think that's why we like it so much."

There was an unmistakable buzz in the air as we walked inside. The rest of the

team were all re-telling the story to the other customers inside, and cheered when

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Edward, James, Jasper, and Emmett walked inside.

Edward remained close by my side as we tried to make our way to the bar. His

hand pressed against the small of my back and his body as close to mine as possible.
Everyone congratulated him as we passed and Edward talked back politely. I noticed
a few people glance in my direction and then look to him questioningly, but he just
introduced me as a close family friend. I doubt they believed him, but they didn't
question it and just welcomed me fervently.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Listen up!" The landlord climbed onto the bar and clapped

his hands to draw everyone's attention. "If you couldn't have guessed our boys won
this afternoon. The win has been a long time coming and to mark the occasion, I will
give each of you one free drink on the house."

A cheer erupted in the room at the announcement and the man took a bow before

jumping back down. He came to Edward first and held out his hand.

"Looks like you saw a bit of action, Edward," he said as he set two freshly pulled

pints of beer on the bar.

"Yes, some of the other team thought it gentlemanly conduct to talk

inappropriately about one of my friends." He cast a glance in my direction and took
a deep breath.

"Liam again? That kid never learns." He smiled at me and then looked to Edward.

"Maybe, it wasn't all to do with the game though, son."

Edward's arm slipped around my waist and squeezed tightly. "Oh, he made it

known he was interested in more than that."

"Pleasure to meet you...?" He held out his hand over the bar.

"Bella," I replied and shook his hand.

"Excuse us please, Colin. I think there will be a revolt if you don't get everyone

their free drink." Edward released his hold on my waist and picked up our drinks
motioned to the far corner of the pub.

The rest of Edward's family were already sitting at a table slightly out of the way

of the rest of the customers. They all shuffled up to make enough room for us to sit
down on the bench at one side of the table. I sat beside James and Edward slid in
next to me.

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"So, Bella, what did you think to rugby?" James asked.

"It was brutal," I replied. "I had no idea how rough it was."

Emmett laughed and shook his head dismissively. "It's nothing to us real men is it


"Is it always like that? The biting, scratching and the fighting?" I asked and James


"It's a physical game yes, but things got a little more hot tempered today. The dick

on the other side knew just what buttons to press to get Eddie to react." James
looked at me deliberately and then said nothing else.

"What does that mean?" I persisted and waited for someone to answer.

"The prick did it last year to get Jazz all riled up. He talks shit about people

watching. Last year it was Alice and Mum, and this year it was you. He knew it
pissed Edward off when he came over talking to you before kick-off, so he used that
to his advantage later on," Emmett replied casually.

"What did he say?" I asked and the four men glanced at Edward and then back to

the table again. "If the guy was talking shit about me, then don't you think I have a
right to know?"

"No," Edward said firmly.

Now, he should have known better than to think I'd leave it alone.

"Edward, tell me what the guy said. Quit trying to be chivalrous and let me decide

for myself if I'm offended." I narrowed my eyes at him and didn't relent until he

"Fine, Bella, shit you're always so stubborn." He sighed, and tugged at his hair.

Emmett decided to step in when he saw Edward stuttering and stammering, trying

to talk about it. "He said you had a filthy mouth, Bella. And that he had some good
'medicine' to help clean it out."

I looked at Edward and his fists were balled tightly. "And?" I pressed. "I know

there was more than that."

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"He said he was going to get his mates to hold you down so he could stick his dick

in your mouth and 'administer the medicine'. Apparently, after you got a taste of
him, you'd be back for more." Emmett smiled softly. "I would have done the same
thing as Edward, that guy is a prick."

"Oh, what a fucking tool," I mumbled and looked over at Edward. "Sorry, I guess I

see why you didn't want me to hear that. If he came anywhere near me with that
thing, I'd bite the fucker off."

Edward sighed but then I noticed he was smirking. I decided it would be best to

change the subject and lighten the mood a little. So I started talking about Esme
calling the other team cocksuckers.

As we chatted and drank more of the nicest beer I'd ever tasted, Edward did that

thing he did at dinner yesterday. There was always some contact, whether it be his
leg pressed against me, his foot playing idly with mine under the table, and he even
held my hand over the table.

Again, it didn't miss the hawk-eyed Alice and she smiled every time he did

something even remotely affectionate. It was lovely to be like this with him, not
worrying about who was watching, or even caring who he was. This life I could get
used to. Being with this Edward would be easy, of that I was sure. It was just a
shame that this was a rarity for him.

As the afternoon wore on and became evening, I was still drinking the beer like it

was soda, and it slowly began to affect me. I had never been drunk in Edward's
company before, and I had trouble keeping my hands to myself. My fingers
wandered lazily up and down his thigh, fleeting brushes against his dick which I
could feel growing inside his jeans.

I giggled as he tried to push my hand down without drawing any more attention to

ourselves. I was having far too much fun to stop, and when Emmett handed Edward
a drink for each of us, I made the most of a brief opportunity, and grabbed hold of
his crotch as tight as I could without hurting him.

He spilled some of the beer as I did it and shot me a warning look which only

made me laugh even more.

"Perhaps, it's time to be leaving, I have no idea what the hell these two are doing,

but I do know Bella's hand has been under that table for an awfully long time."
James winked at me. "She's not holding his hand that's for sure."

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"Nice, Bella," Emmett said and then saw the blush on my cheeks. "Pay no

attention to, Jimbo. He's just jealous; the poor bloke's experiencing a bit of a dry a
spell at the moment."

"Too bloody right. You have no idea – I'm going to have blisters on my hand at this

rate," James said so nonchalantly I gasped. "I need some good loving that's for sure."

Esme and Carlisle didn't appear to mind the topic of conversation and just

laughed along, but Alice certainly did mind. She clamped her hands over her ears
and began shouting, "Lalalala".

I was drunk, I was horny, but above all else I was hungry. Aside from small

crackers and pastries, I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and in one of the rare
silent moments, my stomach decided to growl loudly. Everyone heard it and looked
over to me with huge smiles.

"Sorry, I just need something to eat. I'm so fucking hungry I'll start chewing on my

own arm in a minute." I smiled sheepishly and then brought my hand to my mouth
when I realized I'd said the 'f' word in casual conversation. "Oh, fuck - sorry for
saying fucking! Shit, sorry for saying it... Aw, fuck it. I'm just making it worse."

Emmett and James burst out laughing and Edward leaned over and kissed my

cheek. I flushed and looked at the others who were just chuckling away absently.

"We can either eat here or get something at home?" Alice piped up and waited for

us to answer.

"Here." We all more or less answered at the same time.

It was nearing ten and the kitchen had stopped serving hot meals, but the

landlord happily offered to have his wife rustle something up.

Less than twenty minutes later, I was prepared with the monster of all

sandwiches. The huge baguette was crammed full of salad, cheese, and ham.

"Holy shit that's huge!" I exclaimed.

Alice laughed. "I bet all the guys will leave here with an inferiority complex."

Edward needn't worry. I thought as I went to take a bite. His Staff's awesome,

biggest I've ever seen.

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Edward began choking and James reached around to slap him on the back. Then I

noticed every other person at the table was looking at me like I'd just stripped naked
at the table.

"What?" I asked.

"A little too much information," Alice snickered.

"I didn't? Please, tell me I didn't? Jesus Christ." I dropped my sandwich and

thumped my head on the table twice before apologising profusely.

"Don't worry about it, Bella. They're used to hearing and seeing much worse from

me," Emmett tried to say with a mouthful of food.

I rammed the sandwich in my mouth, taking the biggest bites I could. At least with

food inside, I couldn't say anything else about anything embarrassing. Edward
noticed how embarrassed I was, and he kept nudging my leg or rubbing my back
with his hand. It didn't do much besides make me hornier than I had been before,
and I was ready to call it a night and head home to screw this guys brains out.

"Does anyone mind if we head back to the house?" Edward asked when we had all

finished eating.

"The night is still young, Edward. Stay out a little longer?" Emmett whined and

James agreed enthusiastically.

"No, I'm with Edward, it's been a long day. Why don't you two stay here? We can

squeeze into one car I'm sure," Esme offered.

"You up for it, Em?" James asked.

"Too damn right I am. Bring on the ale!" Emmett stood up and clapped his hands.

So Esme, Carlisle, Alice, Jasper, Edward and I left. Peter accompanied us, leaving

the two others behind at the bar. Carlisle's car was a large MPV, so we all managed
to fit inside for the short drive back to the Cullen's.

As we neared the house, my stomach balled in anticipation. Yes, tonight was going

to be fun!

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A/N - I hope you liked it?

Chapter 15 is ready so I will happily send you a preview over to all those

who review. But as I mentioned above - make sure you're signed in or I can't
reply :(

See you next week!

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Chapter 15 Words I couldn't say

A/N - So I'm a little early this week! I'm just writing the last few chapters

for this story, so I will try and update more often as soon as they are all

Love to all of you who are reading, reviewing & adding to your fave's /

alerts etc it's really humbling to think this silly little idea has turned into
something people seem to enjoy :)

I own nothing as always and as always Prettyflour is a pre-reading demon!

One reviewer asked how many chapters this was but he/she wasn't signed

in & there were three other people with similar pen-names so I couldn't
reply! But to answer, I expect all in all there to be 24 (ish) so we almost
there :(

Chapter 15 - Words I couldn't say


I had never been so consumed by rage in my entire life. Even the countless

arguments with my father, and the day I saw him and Maggie together for the first
time didn't come close to this. Liam had always played dirty, he had always tried to
get under our skin, but I had never had anyone with me for him to direct the crude
comments toward.

Not today though, today I had Bella. And the second she arrived with my Aunt and

cousin, I swear to God every man on the pitch noticed her. She was so free-spirited
and happy it drew people to her like moths to a flame. Of course the fact she was
gorgeous helped a little too. But I didn't react, and I tried to keep my cool. Losing
my rag and beating up anyone who looked at her the wrong way wasn't exactly
behaving discreetly.

Even when Liam and some of his friends approached her, I remained where I was,

watching his every move just to make sure he didn't lay a finger on her. I saw Bella
flip him the finger and he skulked away like a child. That was when he saw me
looking on, realizing quickly that for the first time he had a perfect weapon to come
at me with. So, that was what he did. For the majority of the match we singled each
other out, I heard one or two lewd remarks about Bella, but refused to let them

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bother me. Aside from tackling him at every possible opportunity of course.

But, the last one, that was too much and I lost all my self-control. I knew I'd been

reckless, I'd let him get under my skin, but I didn't give a fuck. If he said anything
like that again, I knew I'd have exactly the same reaction in a heartbeat.

She is mine.

So far, the entire weekend had been amazing. Spending time with Bella like this

was truly incredible. Alice and Jasper loved her, Esme and Carlisle thought she was
wonderful. Even James and Emmett couldn't find a bad word to say about her. I
already knew what I thought, but I still didn't have the courage to tell her to her
face. Maybe tonight? Maybe tomorrow night at the party?

Maybe it was best I never said it. How could those three words do any good at all?

We arrived back at the house, the lights out in the garden drew my attention

toward the lake and the Wendy House and I knew where I wanted Bella and I to
spend the night. Smiling to myself I turned back and saw Alice staring at me. I told
her, "goodnight" and proceeded into the house with Bella tucked under my arm.

"Edward, can I talk to you for a minute?" Alice asked, still hovering outside.

"Go on in, Bella. I won't be long." I waited until she was in the house and then let

Alice talk.

"There's pillows and more blankets in my room, I'll bring down as much as I can.

You'll need them, it gets cold in there," she said.

"What? I..."

"I get it, Edward. You two need to make the most of this time together, so

whatever you want this weekend is yours. Just save me all the gory details okay?"
She stepped forward and gave me a hug. "I love her, Edward. You and Bella... you
just fit. I just wish..."

"Me too, Alice," I murmured.

Not wanting to rejoin Bella looking like I'd come from a funeral, I focused on

tonight. Finding Bella in the kitchen I asked if she wanted to go out into the garden

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and of course she said yes. Her eyes lit up and she smiled.

Alice and a confused looking Jasper appeared with sleeping bags and pillows in

their arms and handed them over to Bella and I.

"See you two in the morning. I'm so excited about Emmett's party." Alice clapped

her hands and then dragged Jasper out of the room.

"Come on," I told Bella and she followed me outside and down to the boat. "If you

get too cold, we'll come back inside."

"I'm sure you'll be keeping me warm, Edward." She winked as I helped her into

the boat.

Although, she wasn't as drunk as she had been earlier in the evening, what alcohol

remained in her system did nothing to aide her already dubious balance. She
wobbled and giggled as she sat down.

"If I make it through this weekend without falling in there, it will be a fucking


She talked about how much fun she'd had this weekend, and also how much she

was dreading the party tomorrow night. I tried to persuade her to tell me what she
was wearing, but she refused. I couldn't even tell her what my costume was, Alice
had insisted it be a surprise and I'd know when I got dressed. All I knew about it was
that there would be a mask. I was perfectly happy with that, feeling anonymous in a
crowd full of people seemed like pure bliss.

The air was really damn cold and Bella was shivering before we even got to the

house. I frowned at her. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea, you're freezing, Bella."

"No way, Edward. This is perfect and a little shivering never killed anyone. This

place - it's just you and me. Please, let's just go inside and see how bad it gets." She
took my hand and walked me to the house.

I set the blankets, pillows and sleeping bags down and we made a cosy little nest

on the floor. I didn't have the foresight to bring a torch or anything, so I used the
light from my phone to illuminate the room.

"Can you turn it off?" Bella whispered and she opened the wooden shutters on one

of the windows.

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"Keep that closed, Bella, Jesus it's freezing," I argued but she shook her head.

"No, the moon is so pretty. What's the point in sleeping outside if you can't see the

sky?" She picked up my phone and shut it off and sure enough the light from outside
was enough to dimly light the house.


We snuggled up in the little nest and wrapped ourselves up in the blankets, and

each other. I knew getting naked wasn't the best idea in the world, but I simply had
to kiss her, I simply had to touch her, and... fuck it, I simply had to make love to her
here. I hated that expression, it had always sounded so cheesy, so unrealistic – until

I rolled over her slightly, and kissed her. She responded eagerly and pulled me

over her completely and hooked one leg up and over my hip. I traced my tongue
over her lips, and then began kissing her face and neck softly. I felt Bella's hands
tangle in my hair and pull my head back up so she could kiss me again.

Her hands drifted down and tugged at the hem of my t-shirt, I helped her pull it

over my head without moving any of the blankets. Almost immediately, she had my
jeans open and pushed halfway down, she lifted her feet and shimmied them down
to my ankles and over my feet.

Still completely smothered by layers upon layers I wriggled her trousers and

underwear down. When she moved to remove the Rugby shirt she was wearing, I
stopped her.

"Leave it on?" I kissed the tip of her nose. "Please, I really like that on you."

"Okay," she whispered.

He legs drew up and she shifted her hips slightly, just enough that my tip sat right

at her entrance. I watched her face as I slowly pushed inside her. There was no
better feeling than that, nothing could ever come close and I fought the typical male
instinct to go at it like the clappers. I wanted to take it slow, but Bella apparently
had other ideas.

She kicked off all the blankets and pushed me over onto my back. She rolled with

me and sat on top smiling. I wanted to watch her, keep my eyes fixed on her face,
but as she began to rock back and forth the sensation sent a shiver down my spine
and I squeezed my eyes shut to try and fight the urge to blow my load like a

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The moans that escaped her mouth were sexy yet sweet at the same time, she dug

her nails into my chest and she rolled her hips around. I forced her back a little and
sat up, pulling her legs behind me as I did so. The shift in position turned her moans
louder and louder, and although everyone was in the house, I didn't want anyone
hearing my Bella like this so I captured her mouth with mine. As the intensity built
in our movements, I felt her tighten around me, and she screamed against my lips.
Seeing and feeling her come undone like that was more than enough for me and I
pulled her down on to me hard one last time as I came.

Every muscle in my body felt it, I had shivers rippling through me, and they were

nothing to do with the cold. She always did this to me, always made sex into a truly
out of this world motherfucking experience.

I collapsed back against the floor and brought Bella with me. She moved onto her

side and traced her fingers up and down my abdomen. I felt her touch stir my
insides again. My body was working hard to get me ready for another dose of Bella.

Just give me ten minutes...

Great, I was fast becoming a fully fledged sex-addict. I could never get my fill of

this girl, and I loved it. She consumed me in the best way possible. We lay in silence
for a few minutes, I watched her fingers and she watched my face. When I turned to
look at her, I saw her jaw quivering, and heard her teeth chattering again.

"Bella, let's go back now, please." I began but she put her hand over my mouth.

"No, let's stick it out first. I love it here."

So as much as I complained, we dressed and then rebuilt the nest of blankets.

Lying behind Bella both of us on our sides, I pulled her as close as I could and
wrapped my arms tightly around her. It didn't take long, before I heard her
breathing become deep and rhythmic. My eyelids grew heavy, and I allowed my
body and mind to drift towards sleep.

"Edward, I..." Bella murmured.

"Bella?" I whispered, but she never said anything else. There were a few mumbled

words which I could make no sense of and as her body never moved a muscle and
her eyes were still closed I assumed she was talking in her sleep.

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Smiling to myself, I kissed her cheek. "You have no idea how much you've changed

my life, how happy you make me, Bella."

The words came from nowhere and I wanted to keep going, say everything I was

feeling, because I knew right now, I didn't have the guts to say it to her face.

"I wish I could say this when you were awake, but I fear you'll be angry with me,

because you see, I've been lying to you for weeks now. Probably since the first
morning I woke up next to you. I promised I wouldn't fall in love with you, Bella, but
I have. I love you and I know I will for the rest of my life." I buried my face in her
hair, and sighed.

Cowardly as it was, it felt good to say it to her. It didn't matter that she couldn't

hear me; it didn't matter that she wouldn't remember anything in the morning.

All of a sudden, Bella's hand tightened around mine and she raised it to her lips,

before placing a kiss on my knuckles.

My body went rigid, she was awake? She heard? Panic set in as I worried how

much I'd scared her with my declaration. Did she feel the same? Could she ever feel
love for someone like me?

My mind was still bracing itself for rejection when I felt something wet run onto

my hand. Tears?

"I love you too," she whispered and more tears rolled onto our entwined hands.

She loves me? She actually loves me?

"Bella, I-"

"No, Edward," she interrupted, "don't say anything else. Not tonight."

I kissed her shoulder and nodded. She was right, what else could be said? Just one

more thing.

"Bella, I honestly don't know how I'm ever going to let you go."

We braved the cold and spent the night in the house. Alice had woke us up,

shrieking from the other side of the lake.

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"Get up you two! It's almost eleven and we need to get back to the city to get

ready for Emmett's party."

"Can I drown her skinny ass in the water?" Bella muttered grumpily as she sat up.

"I'll help if you like?" I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek. "Were

you cold last night?"

"Not really, besides it was more than worth a little shivering." She looked at me

and a sexy blush swept across her cheeks.

"What time do you need to be at work?"

"Five-thirty. We have to help set up, before the guests arrive. Stupid fucking

thing, I really don't want to go. Would you kidnap me for the night?" Her eyes were
so hopeful, I almost agreed.

But, I really wanted to see what she was wearing, Alice had speculated over and

over again what it was, and she was certain that I would love it. "Sorry, Bella. My
cousin would hunt us down and drag you there herself."

We tidied up the blankets and I rowed us back across to where Alice was still


"We're coming, Alice, you don't need to wait for us. Jeez," Bella told her as we

climbed out of the boat.

"Oh, I just wanted to make sure you didn't distract one another. It's lovely in there

at night isn't it? Apart from the temperature of course, but I suppose you didn't
really feel that," Alice rambled and Bella and I exchanged a smile, remembering.
"You two should get something to eat and they we'll head off. Shall we say an hour?"

And an hour later we were loaded into three cars and on our way back to the city.

Bella and I hadn't had any time to ourselves to discuss last night, but there was no
tension between us. James, Bella and I travelled back with Sam, Peter and Garrett.
We hadn't even passed the outskirts of Baldock before Bella was falling asleep on
my shoulder.

"Tut, tut, Eddie, you should let the poor girl sleep at night." James laughed. "Have

you two had a nice time?"

"It's been wonderful," I replied. "Just tonight to endure and then back to normal I

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"Now, that I am looking forward to." James rubbed his hands together. "Just

imagine all those hot women dressed in skimpy costumes."

"You do realize Markus and Aro are gay right? The majority of their friends are

gay too," Bella said, an amused tone to her voice. "There may be some pretty hot
he-she's kicking about..."

"He-she's?" James asked and I burst out laughing.

"For someone who claims to be in the know, you really are clueless sometimes,

James. Even I understand what a he-she is."

"You mean cross-dressers? Transvestites? Oh dear God. What about hot women?"

"I think Markus mentioned one really hot friend who called himself Sissy Lupin.

Maybe I could ask him to introduce you?" Bella giggled and James groaned.

"There had better be a lot of damn alcohol," he muttered.

"I don't think Emmett quite understands what he's letting himself in for," Bella

said, "I was talking to Mike; one of the other waiter's and apparently, every year
Markus does a little number on the dance floor in honour of the special guest of the
evening. You'll want to capture that moment on film."

We dropped Bella off first and I watched her run to her building as we drove

away. It always felt pretty shit when I was forced to spend time without her. I was
also a little frustrated that we'd still not had chance to talk about last night. Now it
was out in the open, I wanted to tell her over and over. I'd never said it to anyone
before, and I mean not one single person.

Obviously, my parents and I didn't have that kind of relationship and James would

probably remove my dick with a plastic fork if I said it to him. Esme was the kind of
person who made sure she told those important to her that she loved them over and
over again. I was included in that bracket, but still I could never bring myself to say
it back. It was always something I'd been slightly ashamed of, until now.

Alice had sent strict orders to shower and be decent for six on the dot and I was

just about ready when she arrived, with Jasper, James, Esme and Carlisle in tow. I
laughed harder than I had done in a while when I took in their appearances.

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Alice and Jasper had gone for Woody and Jesse from Toy Story and Jasper actually

quite suited the cowboy look. Esme and Carlisle looked awesome as Austin Powers
and one of his female sidekicks. The velvet, blue suit and white cravat were already
making him sweat thanks to the ridiculous wig and thick black-rimmed glasses.
Esme looked like a woman half her age in a blue top and shorts with knee high
boots. Her hair had been styled into a huge quiff on the top of her head.

My brother had dressed as Chucky. He was almost unrecognisable, which was

part of the plan. He wore a flame coloured wig and had the striped sweater and
denim dungarees on. In his hand he held a plastic knife and the evil looking mask
over his face.

"You all look brilliant," I said to them and then immediately frowned when Alice

thrust a bag at me.

"Go and get dressed and then let me sort your hair out." She shook her head in


"What's wrong with my hair?" I asked and looked quickly in the mirror. "It looks

exactly the same."

"That's the problem, Edward. What's the point in you wearing a mask if your hairs

popping out screaming, "hello" to all the other guests?" It just needs taming." She
ushered me away.

When I unzipped the bag I was pleasantly surprised. Phantom of the Opera was a

cool choice on Alice's part. I dressed in the trousers, white shirt and heavy black
cape. Then I slipped on the white mask which covered half of my face. It didn't
exactly disguise my identity entirely, but it wouldn't be difficult to remain unnoticed
for the evening. After I put on the wide brimmed black hat, I laughed. My hair was
making a bid for freedom on one side of my head and I looked fucking ridiculous.

"Okay, Alice, come and sort it out," I shouted and she was at my side in a flash.

After spraying and coating the offending hairs she managed to flatten them

against my head and then stood back to admire her work.

"Perfect. Come and show the others." She dragged me back out and Esme


"Edward, sweetheart, look at you. Handsome as ever, even behind that mask.

Now, we need to have some photographs." She waved a camera and ordered

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everyone to stand together, before asking Peter to take the picture of us all.

"Hey, where's Emmett?" I asked.

"He's getting dressed at Volturi's, because he wouldn't fit in the car in his

costume." Alice laughed. "It's a great idea actually, and it wasn't anything to do with

"Okay, shall we make a move? I think it would be best if we arrived before the

majority of the guests. Garrett is already there assessing the security." Peter looked

Usually, any parties we attended were state organised and came with a

heightened security detail. The locations were scoped out and secured hours,
sometimes days beforehand, and all the guests were screened and searched on
arrival. The past two days had been very demanding for him, and he was a little out
of his comfort zone.

I was anxious to see Bella. Alice continued to make wild guesses at what she'd be

dressed as and I couldn't wait to see for myself.

I almost didn't recognise Volturi's when we arrived. A large canopy had been

erected in front of the glass windows at the front of the restaurant, and the car
pulled up directly in front of the small entrance. There were a few paparazzi
standing across the street but they couldn't get anywhere near the car and we
managed to slip inside unnoticed.

Even inside it was like a completely different place. All the tables had been

removed and replaced with five larger ones in the far corners of the main dining
area. The centre of the floor had been transformed into a dance floor. Complete with
black and white tiles which were flashing as people walked across them. There were
glitter balls and spotlights hanging from the ceiling and had I never been in here
before, I would assume this was how it looked all the time.

I searched the room for Bella. There were only a few people here, the majority

looked to be part of the staff and they were all dressed as either Pink Ladies or
T-Birds from Grease. I recognised Jessica, and held my hand up in a wave when she
saw me. She waved back but there was a puzzled expression on her face. It clicked
that she probably didn't recognise me and I laughed to myself.

I was still looking for Bella when the hostess showed us to our table. We had been

given the table which was more set back than the others, there would be no need for

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anyone to pass by our table to visit the toilet, bar or dance-floor.

"Check it out fella's." A huge shape appeared at the bottom of the table.

"Holy shit, Emmett, that's fucking top class." James smacked the table and


My goofy cousin was hidden from view behind a red and white polka dot shower

curtain, hanging on a circular frame. There was a shower head hanging above him
with streams of shiny fabric made to look like water.

He whipped open the curtain and grinned. "How cool am I?"

"Ah Daniel-son," James said in a terrible Japanese accent as he put his hands

together and bowed his head.

"Just think of all the fun I'm going to have later in this. There's room for two you

know." He winked and tried to sit down.

"Bella was full of shit," James said in my ear as we sat down. "There's hot women

all over the place. Check out that one, over there by the bar. I could stare at her
arse all damn night."

I followed James' line of sight and my mouth fell open. I knew who it was with just

one glance. There leaning over the bar in an all-in-one black, skin-tight, Lycra
masterpiece was my Bella. Her hair had been curled and hung down her back, while
her legs seemed to go on forever. I couldn't see her face but I was happy to admire
this view for a while. Of course, I was hard in an instant, and I shifted uncomfortably
in the tight trousers. There was no way I could stand up for a while that was for

"Who are we staring at?" Emmett asked, but I was too mesmerised to answer him

or interrupt James' eyefucking of my girl.

"The vision over by the bar," James answered and Emmett whistled in


"Um, James, that's Bella." Alice giggled and Emmett laughed loudly.

"That's Bella?" He swore and then slapped my back, snapping me out of my

blatant ogling. "You lucky fucking bastard."

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Instead of being pissed off that my brother had just been leering at my girl, I

smirked. "Tell me about it."

Jessica arrived at our table with a tray full of drinks and appetisers. "Good evening

Ladies and Gentleman. As soon as the other guests arrive we'll be introducing Aro
and Markus."

"Thank you, Jessica." I moved my mask slightly and she gasped.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. We didn't realise who you guys were. The name on the table is

Cullen, Bella never said anything." She set the drinks and tray on the table quickly.
"I'll tell her your here." She stopped and looked back. "I should warn you; she's
kinda self-conscious about her outfit, so she's a little pissy."

"Good to know." I smiled.

Jessica went straight over to Bella, and tapped her on the shoulder. She whispered

in her ear, and immediately, Bella spun around. She made her way straight over,
fiddling with her hands nervously.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't know you were here already." She smiled as she looked at our

costumes. "Wow, you guys look fucking awesome."

"Right back at you, Bella," James said. "I think Edward's about to combust."

She smiled at me and inclined her head slightly. I nodded and excused myself

from the table. She walked back towards the bar, and pulled out a stool for me.

"Shit, Edward, you look sexy as hell in that," she whispered and began filling trays

with drinks for the other servers.

"As do you, Bella. You have no idea how uncomfortable these damn trousers are,"

I grumbled and she laughed.

"Can't help with that for a while, baby, I'm afraid." She looked around to check we

were alone, and then leaned closer to me. "But I'm looking forward to leaving

A-fucking-men to that!

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A/N - So they said it! We all knew they had to eventually tho' right?

Thank you so much for reading I appreciate it so, so much! As we are well

ahead on prepared chapters, I will forward a teaser for the chapter 16 to
those who review.

Thanks to Bailey6030 who rec'd Words with Friends by Nolebucgirl & also

Words with Strangers which is EPOV of WWF - I read both in one night and
love, love, love it!

I won't say see you on... but it will be within the week I promise!


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Chapter 16 Peter Pan,Tinker bell & Raini

So it's party time! Oh and I own nada - it's all Stephanie Meyer.

Chapter 16 - Peter Pan, Tinker bell & Raining Men!


He loves me? Edward fucking loves me?

I'd tried to say it myself, I managed to say, "Edward, I..." then I bottled it. I knew

he'd heard me, so I kept my eyes closed and started to mumble incoherent shit,
hoping he'd think I was talking in my sleep.

Then he said it, and I felt the tears fill my eyes straight away. I loved him, and now

apparently he loved me. So I told him, I meant it, and I was crying because I was
shit scared. The last words he said before we fell into silence made me ache inside.

"I honestly don't know how I'm ever going to let you go."

Ditto, Edward, motherfucking ditto.

I was in a stinking bad mood, make no mistake. I hated the costume, I hated the

fact I would be working while everyone else got to drink and dance and enjoy
themselves. But most of all, I hated the fact I would have to spend an entire evening
in Edward's company without being able to kiss him, touch him, or remove his

Aro and Markus were AWOL. They wanted to make a big appearance after all the

guests had arrived, so we were left to set up alone. I had no idea what they were
wearing, but I could hear their snorts and giggles from inside the office and I took
that as a bad sign.

Naturally, as soon as I saw Edward, my mood improved considerably. He looked

incredibly sexy and mysterious and I was looking forward to helping him out of that
damn Phantom of the Opera costume already. I chatted with him for as long as I
could, but then the guests started to flock inside and I had work to do.

It was about 7:20pm when the doors were closed, and the guests were all seated.

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Carmen received the nod from Aro and Markus and she stood in the middle of the
dance floor and began her introduction.

I stood by the Cullen's table and listened in nervously. Markus was elaborate to

say the least and I had no idea what he was planning.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our annual charity party. This year all profits

will be donated to Great Ormond Street Hospital so we ask please give generously.
We also have a celebration this evening, a close friend of Aro and Markus is here to
enjoy his birthday. But more on that later..." She winked over at our table and
Emmett groaned.

"Close friend of Aro and Markus? Aw, shit, now everyone's going to think I'm gay."

He snapped his curtain shut sharply and continued to mutter to himself.

"Now, please be upstanding for your hosts for the evening. They have a very

special performance prepared – I give you Aro and Markus!" Carmen stepped off the
dance floor and the guests all cheered wildly.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," I said as I saw them emerge from their


Aro looked perfectly fine. He was Peter Pan and wore the typical green outfit with

tights and hat. His long hair was pulled back off his face and there was a toy bow
and arrow in one hand. His other hand was holding Markus' and let me tell you, he
was a sight!

Complete with white sparkly tights, a tutu, sequined vest and a pair of child's

wings. Markus was dressed as Tinker bell. He danced onto the stage waving a wand
in his hand cackling in delight as everyone laughed.

"My God," James said, "That's something you don't see every day."

Markus took a bow in the middle of the room and launched into a speech. He

thanked everyone for coming and playing along with the 'theme'.

"Now, feel free to join me after the first chorus, I'd love to dance with all of you

fabulous people. Let's get this party started!"

If I thought Tinker bell was a crazy idea, then it was nothing when I heard the

introduction to Raining Men begin to play.

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As the song kicked in, Markus danced and twirled around the room singing the

words at the top of his voice. He waved his wand around and tapped people on the
heads. Aro didn't join in straight away; he was clapping on the sidelines and
cheering for his man.

But, Markus' enjoyment and energy was infectious, and people soon flocked to join

him. It looked like some kind of fucked up Disney birthday party with all the crazy
characters on the dance floor. Despite my attempt to remain in a stinking bad mood,
I found my foot tapping away to the beat and I even started dancing on the spot.

Angela and Rose had left their seats to shake their asses and even Esme and Alice

were up on their feet dancing away. I looked around and saw amused smiles on the
rest of the guests' faces. You could see the men dying to disapprove of the scene but
it was impossible.

As the song came to an end, everyone gave Markus a rapturous round of applause,

and he took an eccentric bow to everyone.

"Thank you my lovelies. Now, drink your money away and let's make this night our

best yet!" He gave one final twirl and then left to mingle with the guests.

The music continued in a similar vein, all the songs were cheesy, camp, and I had

to admit, wonderfully fabulous. The kind of songs which people loved to dance to,
and for the rest of the evening the dance floor was heaving.

"Now I celebrate." Emmett threw back three glasses of champagne and then

wiggled his empty glass at me. "Come on, Bella, step to it."

"Em, get your lazy arse to the bar and leave her-" Edward began to argue but I

stopped him.

"That's kinda the point to me being here, for the next few hours I'm at your

beckon call as far as all things alcohol go." I stepped close to him and said so only he
could hear, "And then, later, I'm at your beckon call for absolutely anything."

I heard him growl and his hand ran across my ass. "You can't say something like

that, Bella, and then walk away."

"Oh, but I'm gonna." I winked and went to retrieve more drinks.

For almost four hours I didn't get a spare minute. I was back and forth with

drinks, appetisers, and any other shit the guests needed. No one was officially

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allocated to any one table like was customary at other events, tonight we just served
whoever asked. As much as I would have loved to spend the night waiting on the
Cullen's, it wasn't possible.

Heidi still hadn't forgiven me for the Buckingham Palace incident, so I was

especially careful around Edward, the last thing I wanted was her beady eye
noticing a lingering look or touch and spilling her guts to the press.

So, I remained professional and as aloof with the guy as was possible.

Tanya, being an old friend of the hosts, was here too. She had chosen to dress up

as Wonder-woman, and boy she looked hot. I admit despite knowing better, I was
jealous when she took a seat beside Edward and spent a long time chatting to him.
The feeling only passed when I noticed not more than a minute went by without him
looking around the room until his eyes landed on me. Each time he gave me that
signature crooked grin half hidden behind his mask.

I was exhausted, my feet were killing me, and yes I was sweating like a

motherfucking pig. At this rate I'd need three goddamn showers before I let Edward
anywhere me. All the servers were exactly the same. Poor Jessica, her hair was
expanding with every passing second.

Just after eleven thirty, Markus had the music stopped and announced that all

drinks would be served from the bar only, and we were let loose. I filled one last tray
full of drinks and headed straight to sit with the Cullen's. Emmett had invited Rose
and Angela to join them so to anyone watching, I was just hanging with my friends.

I slipped into the seat beside Edward and said hello to Tanya who was still sat on

his other side.

"Bella, you look gorgeous darling. I'm not surprised Edward's been watching you

all night." She grinned and elbowed Edward. "You can relax now."

"I suppose I can." He laughed and rested his hand on my leg under the table.

Emmett and James were having a great time and were having a dance off of their

own. It was hilarious to watch. At first the huge shower would jump around with
only Emmett's feet visible. Then you had Chucky doing psycho moves around the
floor pretending to hack at people. Neither could dance to save their lives, but it
didn't matter.

After a few glasses of champagne, a few shots, and one or two other drinks, I felt

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completely loosened up and felt the urge to dance. I knew there was no way Edward
would so I asked the other girls and we all staggered to strut our stuff.

I'm sure we looked ridiculous. I mean, come on. We had a few of the Pink Ladies,

Jesse, Felicity Shagwell, Wonder-woman, and then add Rose dressed as Jessica
Rabbit, and Angela as Lara Croft. All of us were drunk, and our dancing style
included swaying on the spot, shaking our butts around and spinning each other in
circles, all done while warbling to whatever song was blasting through the speakers.

Markus and Aro joined us and I found I was enjoying myself thoroughly. All the

time I was up there, I felt Edward's eyes on me. Even when he made a trip to the
bar, he watched. He didn't rejoin the table; he stood in another corner of the room,
closer to the dance floor, closer to me. It was too much, I decided that it didn't
fucking matter who was watching. None of the guests had even realised who the
Cullen's really were.

Edward was unrecognisable, and I wanted to enjoy the night with him. I stalked

towards him, tuning out every other person in the room. I stopped and leaned
against the wall beside him.

"Having a good time?" He asked, his eyes unable to stop looking my body up and


"Mm, I can think of only one thing that would make it much better," I grabbed his

shirt and pulled him closer to me.

"Oh really? And what would that be?" He asked.

I reached up and moved his mask slightly, just enough to reveal his mouth, and

then I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. His hands immediately locked around my
waist and he pressed me against the wall. It would have been easy to get to into the
moment with him, but we were both conscious of our surroundings and reluctantly
pried our lips apart.

"This outfit, it's fucking killing me, Bella," he said as he stepped back slightly to

once again stare at me.

"I want to leave – like now," I whispered and he nodded eagerly.

I went to retrieve my purse and jacket from Aro's office but was immediately

flanked by Peter Pan and Tinker bell.

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"Tut, tut, tut, Sandra Dee, I do hope you weren't thinking of leaving the party

early?" Aro shook his head.

"Cinderbella, that is disgraceful behaviour. Now, I can understand you want to

ravish your Prince senseless but surely you can wait for another few hours?" Markus
wrestled my things out of my hand and threw them back in the office.

"If you think that's going to stop me then you're deluded. I'm tired, I'm all hot and

bothered thanks to this motherfucking costume, and I'm pretty damn horny too. So if
you don't mind, I'm leaving right now." I barged my way between them and back
towards Edward who was stood with a very annoyed looking Alice.

As I approached she set on me straight away.

"Don't go, Bella. Pretty please?" She stuck out her bottom lip but that shit wasn't

working on me tonight.

"Nope, sorry, Alice. I'm outta here."

"Aw, come on you two. Don't be spoiled sports. It's a great party and there's still

hours and hours of dancing left to do." She was persistent, I'd give her that.

"Look, I'm tired, hot, and as tempting as it sounds, spending another two hours

drinking and dancing just doesn't compare to what I'll be doing if I leave now. So,
unless you want me to start telling you exactly what I plan to do with your cousin, I
suggest you let us walk on out of here." I folded my arms across my chest and

"Oh God, of course I don't want to hear about that shit, Jesus, Bella." Alice waved

her hands furiously to stop me. "Fine, go. But, the next time we have a shin-dig like
this - you're not getting out of it by using sex as an excuse."

Besides the hosts, and Alice, none of the others said much about us leaving.

Although, I did catch Emmett and James gyrating their hips back and forth when
they thought I wasn't looking. Fucking pervs. The number of photographers
gathered outside the restaurant had more than doubled, so rather than risk being
caught on camera, we snuck out through the back door. Sam had backed the car
right down the alley and we managed to drive away completely anonymously.

I was a fidgety mess in the car, because I was so damn horny and I couldn't sit

still. Kissing or touching Edward was out of the question, because I wouldn't be able
to refrain myself from taking it any further. It was the longest drive home I could

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recall, and Edward was towing me from the car before Sam had even cut the engine.

"You need to keep this, Bella," Edward said as he fumbled with the zipper. "I will

never tire of seeing you in it."

Unfortunately, my plan of having Edward inside me within thirty seconds of

entering his apartment was never realized. Why? Oh, this costume is the gift that
keeps on giving.

The tightness of the material meant it made me sweat, and when I did sweat, the

moisture must have created a vacuum or some shit, because it wouldn't fucking
come off! We managed to pry the damn thing to my waist and then Edward pulled
and tugged for ages but couldn't get it over my ass and down my legs. But that
wasn't the worst thing, not by a long fucking way.

Markus was dead. Extinct. Annihilated. Why? Well, when the black fabric got wet,

the colour ran. So now, the upper half of my body was covered in a black tinge, and I
presumed it was the same for my lower half too. But I couldn't say for sure because
the damn thing was still stuck firmly in place.

"Jesus, Edward, just cut the fucking thing off. I need to get it off me before I end

up looking like a chimney sweep."

Edward was trying so hard not to laugh, I could see his shoulders shake every now

and then and his eyes were lit up like a fucking Christmas tree.

"Please, Edward, cut it off me?"

He wasn't happy about it, but he carefully used a pair of scissors to cut through

the fabric, and finally, half an hour later I was no longer Sandra Dee.

"I've got to take a shower. I don't suppose you'd help get this black shit off me?

And no funny business, Edward." I pulled him with me towards the bathroom. "Not
right away anyway."

"I can't promise that I'm afraid, Bella. You know I can't resist you."

So showering with Edward wasn't an unpleasant experience.

"Is it all off me?" I asked, craning my neck around to see as much of my skin as I

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"The black is gone, but, Bella, you're quite red now. I think I may have scrubbed a

little too hard." Edward dipped his head and kissed my shoulder. "Sorry."

"Better red than people thinking I've been stuck up the fucking chimney. If Rose

saw me like that she'd never let me hear the end of it."

But, he wasn't listening to me. He captured my mouth in his and pressed me up

against the wall of the shower. The cold tiles made me gasp and immediately he
pulled me away from them and spun me around. I felt him stand directly behind me
and begin to rain down kisses on my neck. One hand gripped onto my hip and the
other lined himself up at my entrance.

"Is this okay?" He murmured in my ear.

Why the fuck was he even asking?

"Yes, I've been waiting for this all fucking night," I said.

With one swift movement he pushed inside and I swear to fucking God it was

beyond amazing. I could feel him fill every part of me and when he moved one hand
around and ran his fingers through my already sensitive folds I was in utter bliss.

Even when each thrust became harder than the last, it still wasn't hard enough. I

took one hand from the wall and brought it behind me to grab his ass. As I dug my
nails in and urged more from him I literally had an out of body experience. Beside
my moans (which fast became ear-splitting screams), the only other sound was the
slapping noise of our bodies as they reconnected over and over again.

Whenever he sensed I was about to come, his hand would stop and I heard a

breathy "not yet" in my ear. It was torturous yet ecstasy at the same time. When he
resumed his ministrations I felt his body tense and knew he was close. This time he
didn't stop and we tumbled over the edge together. I let out a shiver of pleasure,
which Edward mistook for cold and he pulled us back under the hot water of the

His arms wrapped around my shoulders and he rested his head in the crook of my


"I meant it, Bella. What I said last night." He turned me around and held my face

in his hands. "I love you."

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The mixture of emotions I felt at that moment was indescribable. One the one

hand my heart swelled and I was happier than I could ever remember. Then I
thought about leaving and it physically hurt. Against my cautious better judgement I
wanted to say it back, so I did.

"And I love you. So fucking much."

He rested his head on mine and sighed. We both heard his cell phone ringing

amongst the heap of clothes on the bathroom floor but neither of us made any
attempt to move. No one was interrupting this.

A/N Love as always to all of the readers, reviewers and anyone who adds

this (or me) to their fave's. You really make my day.

Thanks to my awesome prereader Prettyflour you will be getting updates

probably twice a week from here on in. She has written some amazing fics
and you really should go and take a look. I know I've said it before but A
Scarlet Night is fantastic!

What did you think to the costumes then? Imagining Markus in a

Tinkerbell costume made my day at work so much more bearable :)

Sneaky peek ready for Chapter 17 - just give me a shout if you want one!

See you soon.


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Chapter 17 The only place I want to be

I'm thanking Prettyflour of course! And I own nothing! Thanks to all of

you who read this I really, really love you for it!

Um... there may or may not be angst in this chapter...

Chapter 17 - The only place I want to be


We had remained standing in the shower for another ten minutes or so before

getting out. Edward wrapped one of his huge and incredibly fluffy towels around me
and we gently began to dry each other down. As soon as he was satisfied we were no
longer wet, I was scooped up and carried across to the bed.

He curled up against me, and I heard him make one or two attempts to speak. But

nothing came out.

"What do you want to say?" I asked and he laughed once.

"Do you miss anything?"

"Nope," I replied. "Now spit it out."

"What I want to say, and what I should say, are two completely different things at

the moment, Bella. And I don't want to mess this up." I thought I heard his voice
crack but I said nothing.

Then his cellphone rang again.

After we ignored it, the main line to the house began to ring. We chose to ignore

that too, and after about five minutes whoever it was gave up and the apartment fell

The interruption had been enough to make Edward change the subject. Now we

were talking about what we could do for the next few weeks. Not that we had much
in the way of options, but I wasn't fussed. As long as I was with Edward I'd probably
do anything.

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A loud and heavy pounding on the front door made us both jump. I could hear

someone calling out to Edward, and it sounded like Emmett.

"What the..." Edward muttered and pulled on a pair of boxer shorts. "Wait here."

He kissed my head and went to answer the door.

I wrapped a sheet around me and peered into the hallway. Whoever it was wasn't

giving up. The knocking and shouting continued right up until Edward swung open
the door.

"It's the early hours of the morning for God's sake, Emmett, what the hell are you

doing here?" Edward hissed and dragged his cousin inside the apartment. Behind
his huge frame stood Alice and Esme. "Esme? Alice? What's wrong?"

I immediately thought something had happened to one of Edward's grandparents.

They were both fucking ancient and knocking on deaths door surely?

Esme and Alice didn't answer him, instead when they stepped through the door,

they looked straight down the hall and their eyes landed on me. Alice raised her
hand to show me my purse which I'd left at work.

"Aro heard your phone ringing and ringing. He brought it out for someone to

answer. Um... it was a policeman. He works with your Father, Bella."

I froze and felt my body begin to shake. "Who? What did he want?"

Edward's head whipped back and forth between me and Alice who was struggling

to speak.

"Your Father's been in an accident, Bella. He was responding to an incident and

he was struck by a car at the scene. He's in hospital," Esme said softly. "We don't
know anything else at the moment. He was taken straight into surgery."

My eyes filled with tears and I stepped back into the bedroom, I put on the first

pair of pants and sweater I could find. Edward was just entering the room when I
was dressed.

"Bella, what can I do?" He asked quietly.

"Nothing, I just need to call the station, or the hospital." I yanked my hair back

into a ponytail and ran back out into the hallway. "I need to get back to my
apartment. Should I call a cab? I don't mind -"

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"No, there's a car outside. We can drive you, sweetheart." Esme reached out and

squeezed my arm.

I went to leave and then stopped. Edward was still hovering anxiously in the hall.

"Edward, I..."

"Its okay, Bella. I understand. Go, we can talk later. Call me as soon as you know

how he is." He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "I hope he's okay, love, I really

"I'll stay here with you, Ed," Emmett slurred, and Edward nodded his head.

"I'll call you, real soon, I promise." I blew him a quick kiss and followed the others


I inundated Esme and Alice with questions about the phone call. I felt sick, I was

crying, and my mind kept considering the worst possible outcomes. I tried to call the
station but the only person still there told me he hadn't heard anything new, and the
other officers were all at the hospital and my overactive imagination told me that
wasn't good sign.

I tried calling the hospital, but they were reluctant to give me information over the

phone. Instead they promised to find one of the officers and ask them to call me

When we arrived back at my apartment, I thanked the Cullen's briefly and ran

straight upstairs. Angela, Jessica, and Rose were all waiting for me. They pulled me
into a big hug and asked me what they could do.

What could they do? What could I fucking do? Nothing, nada, niente. I had to sit

and fucking wait for someone to call back.

"I tried to call Mom, on the way, but she didn't answer. I don't know what to do,

guys. No one will tell me what the fuck is going on." I sniffed and wiped my face.

Just on cue, my phone rang and I answered straight away.

"Oh, Bella, honey, it's Mom." I could hear the panic in her voice too. Someone had

obviously called her too.

"What the hell, Mom? No one is telling me anything," I sobbed down the phone.

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"Oh sweetie, sssh. Mark called and told me they'd been attending a multi-car

collision on the road outside town. Your Father was setting up a perimeter when
another car hit him. When the ambulance got him to the hospital he was
unconscious. Apparently they were worried he could lose his leg but they have taken
him straight to surgery and it's going to be a few hours before we know anything
else. I wish I could tell you everything is fine, but I don't know that yet, I'm sorry.
I'm just at the airport now, there's a flight leaving in an hour."

"I'm coming home, I... I don't know when there'll be a flight... but I'll just pack

some things and wait around at the airport. I'll call you as soon as I know."

"Bella, no you know he wouldn't -"

"NO! Mom, that's my Dad, and I want to see him. Call me as soon as you hear

anything and tell Mark to ring me, if he can't reach you. Okay?"

She told me to take care, and then we hung up. I strode straight into my room,

and saw my friends packing clothes into a bag for me.

"Thanks, guys." I smiled and then it hit me.

In an act of pure and utter selfishness I thought not of my Dad, in hospital, in

surgery. The ache I felt wasn't fear for losing him; it was the realisation that I was
leaving. I was going home. This was the time I would say goodbye to Edward.

I started crying again, and I sank to the floor.

"Oh, Bella, he'll be fine. Charlie's indestructible you know that. He has to be, all

those years spent living on fish fry and Vitamin R." Jess wrapped her arms around
me and rocked us from side to side.

I let them console me, not correcting them when they assumed I was crying for my


"I need to get to the airport... I should call a cab..." I wandered around in a daze.

I was utterly lost and had no idea what to do.

"You need to call Edward, Bella. You can't just leave without saying goodbye."

Rose thrust my phone at me and I shook my head.

"I can't, Rose." I choked. "I can't say that... not to him..."

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"It's better this way, Rose. I'll call you guys from the airport."

I gave them all a hug and told them to stop worrying about me and enjoy

themselves. I dragged my bags downstairs and outside.

"Edward said you would be in need of the car." I looked up and saw Sam walking

towards me. "Let me take your bags. Please get in."

I knew Edward would be there, and sure enough, when I opened the door, he was

sitting forward with his head in his hands.

"You didn't need to do this..." I whispered. "I..."

"You would have left without saying Goodbye." He smiled wryly. "I wasn't about to

let that happen, Bella." I climbed into the car and sat as close to him as I could.

"I don't want to go, Edward... but it's my Dad... I have to make sure..." I bit down

on my lip and closed my eyes.

"Of course you do, Bella. I wouldn't expect you to do anything else." He tugged my

lip out from between my teeth gently. "I've already spoken to Tanya. She's called
ahead and managed to secure you a seat on a British Airways flight leaving at 07:25.
It will take you to JFK, and then there is a connecting flight to Sea-Tac which you
should make provided there are no delays. But, if you need any more help just call
me, Bella."

"You didn't need to do that-" I began, but he cut me off abruptly.

"I'd do just about anything for you. And you do need this." He cocked his head and

forced a smile. "Besides, you never know. If all is well with your Father, you could
always come back."

I nodded, but I think we both knew that wasn't likely. This goodbye was going to

be hard enough and I seriously doubted I could take another.

We didn't say much, I nestled under Edward's arm and tried to commit every last

detail to my memory. His smell, his body, his face, his voice. All of it, I needed to
remember everything because as far as I was concerned this was it. After today I
wouldn't see him again.

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It seemed like no time had passed before Sam announced we were approaching

the terminal. My throat was aching, and I knew if I dared to speak I would burst into

"Could you get Bella's bags, Sam?" Edward asked quietly and Sam nodded

through the mirror before slipping out of the car.

Edward sat me up and grabbed my shoulders. "Bella, meeting you is the best thing

that has ever happened to me. You have absolutely no idea how much I've changed
because of you. I know I promised I wouldn't fall in love with you, but I can't tell you
how glad I am that I did. And as terribly cheesy as it sounds, if it weren't for you I
know that I would never how amazing love can be."

"Ed... I..." I couldn't speak, not a single word came out.

"As much as it kills me to let you leave, I don't regret a second of it. I'd do it again

in a heartbeat."

I ran my hands over his face and felt the wet on his cheeks which was my undoing.

I let out one hysterical sob, and buried my head in his shirt.

"I'm sorry, Bella. But we have to leave. This is a drop off zone only, if you want I

can move the car somewhere else to give you a little more time together?" Sam
opened the passenger door and asked softly.

"No. If I don't leave now, I don't think I ever will." In the last few seconds I had

with him, I found my voice. "Everything you said, Edward, I feel the same. I'll never
forget you, or anything about this trip. I wish things were different. I wish your
family weren't stuck up pieces of shit that don't give a rat's ass about anything
except 'tradition'. I love you so much it actually hurts me to think I won't see you
again, but I understand this was all it could ever be."

I kissed him one last time and the pain took my breath away, it was as though I

was being torn in two. As I stepped outside, my heart was screaming at me to get
back in the car or to take him with me.

Edward snatched my hand and pulled me back slightly. "You asked me, when we

were at Carlisle and Esme's, what I wished for."

I looked back at him and nodded.

"Just you. I just wish for a way I could somehow keep you forever. And I'll keep

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wishing that until I make it happen. I promise, Bella. I won't ever fucking stop."

He kissed my hand and then sat back in the seat.

I heard the door close as I stepped onto the sidewalk. Sam gave me a polite hug

and then got back into the car. I watched them drive away and it took every last
ounce of energy not to chase after them. I debated over and over again, if I was
doing the right thing. What if I stayed? What if we went public? Surely, his family
would have to seem sympathetic if Edward admitted to the Great British public that
he was in love with an American commoner - wouldn't they?

But there was just one flaw with all of those questions, and that flaw was me. I

would never fit in with that way of life, and as much as I loved Edward, I couldn't
change who I really was. And I knew that was why Edward hadn't asked me to stay.

My legs felt heavy as I entered the airport. It was a little after five in the morning,

yet there were hundreds of people around. Businessmen, families, groups of friends
and they were all looking forward to where they were going, they had purpose. But I
was lost.

I tried to focus on the display boards. I needed to find my flight, I needed to check

in, and I needed to go home. But the harder I looked, the less I could see. My eyes
were full of tears and the more I wiped them away, the more came streaming down
my face.

I was just about to give up and ask someone when I heard someone calling my

name. I turned around to see a very flustered looking Angela was running towards
me dragging her case behind her.

"Angela? What are you doing here?"

"Edward didn't tell you?" She stopped when she reached me and put her hands on

her knees as she tried to catch her breath. "He arranged for two seats, I guess he
didn't think you should be alone. His Uncle turned up after you left and drove me
straight here. Edward was right – by the way – you shouldn't be alone right now."

"No, Angela, you need to stay here and enjoy London -"

"Fuck that, Bella. I spend my time working at McDonald's and smoking weed. I

could do that at home, thank you very much. Besides, you're my friend and I know
for a fact you'd do the same thing if the tables were turned. It's a long way home,

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I dropped my bags and gave her an almighty hug. I needed a friend, and I was

never more grateful to have one who was willing to cut short a trip of a lifetime.

"Come on, its desks twelve to fifteen, let's get checked in." Angela pulled me along

towards the check in counter.

Tanya had informed the airline of our emergency and they were waiting for our

arrival. We were issued with boarding passes and asked the usual security
questions. One of the airline workers cast a look up and down my dishevelled
appearance and raised her eyes at her colleague.

"You will be in seats 2A and 2B. That is Business Class, Ladies. You will also have

use of our private lounge. There are facilities available, should you wish to change."

I was in no fucking mood to tolerate stuck up ass bandits like these two. I

narrowed my eyes at her and said, "Look, as much as I would love to put on my
Gucci dress and Jimmy Choo's to sit on a plane for hours and hours just to please
you, I'm kind of in a shitty place right now. My Dad is in hospital and I just want to
get home. If I don't fit in with your motherfucking standards for Business Class then
feel free to bump me down to cattle-class. Because quite frankly I don't give a shit
where I sit."

The two women exchanged shocked looks before one shook her head. "Of course

not, Madam. We are awfully sorry to hear about your Father, please make use of the
complimentary lounge. I sincerely hope you have a pleasant flight."

I snatched the passes from her hand and marched away with a shocked looking

Angela following me.

What was the lounge like? What was flying Business Class like? I had no fucking

idea because I wasn't really there. Just two people were on my mind. My Dad. He
was still in surgery and his condition was still being described as stable but serious.
And then there was Edward. Where was he now? Who was he with? What was he

I was a complete mess and it had only been a matter of minutes since I said

goodbye. How the hell I would make it through the rest of my life didn't warrant
thinking about.

Angela tried to talk to me about him. She asked if we were keeping in touch.

Honestly, I had no idea nothing had been said when I got out of the car. But perhaps
it was for the best if we left things be. A clean break heals faster, right?

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Yeah, I thought that was bullshit too.

We did make our connecting flight over to Sea-Tac. Tanya had timed everything to

perfection, and once again we found ourselves in Business Class. It didn't mean shit
to me, because my mind was too focused on getting home to care about much else.
I'd had to force Edward from my thoughts. It was too painful to deal with both things
at once.

As our plane touched down in Seattle it was dark, cold and wet. Angela's parents

had driven over to collect us from the airport. I turned on my phone and checked my
voice mail. There were two messages from my Mom, one from Alice and another
from Rose. I skipped straight to my Mother's and listened anxiously.

"Baby, I've just got to the hospital. Charlie is still in surgery, his leg was in pretty

bad shape. Try not to worry sweetie. I'll let you know the second I hear anything
else. Love you."

I sighed with disappointment, I still knew nothing. I moved straight onto the

second message, hoping for something more insightful.

"Good news, Charlie's on his way back to the ward now, Bella. The Doctor is

coming to talk to me in more detail as soon as they have him settled. But he has told
me he is stable and they hope he'll wake up as soon as the anaesthetic clears his
system. See you in a little while sweetie."

My Dad was okay. He wasn't in the best of shape but he was alive. I was beyond

relieved, of course I was. But somewhere in the back of my selfish mind I couldn't
help but wish I'd heard this news before I'd left London. Before I'd said goodbye to
Edward. Because, maybe, just maybe, my Mom would have convinced me to stay
and right now I'd be in the only place I really wanted to be.

How much am I hated right now? If I said trust this crazy woman you've

never met because she has a plan - would you?

It was going to happen eventually & we all know there's some pretty heavy

shit that Edward has to sort out right? I promise not to keep you hanging for
too long.

I do have a teaser for the next chapter if you want it? But... that may only

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make you hate me even more :s But feel free to ask if you do.

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Chapter 18 Seven Weeks

Thanks for not killing me after the last chapter ;) I would also like to

apologize to 15Juicylover who asked for the preview of this chapter. I
couldn't send it to you as your PM feature has been disabled. Sorry :(

Chapter 18 – Seven Weeks


I was standing in the kitchen making dinner. My Father was sitting in his favourite

chair with his leg still bound in cast. On the television was an old cowboy movie, and
in his hand a can of trusted Vitamin R.

He was still a long way from being back to his usual self, but he was doing great.

There had been a few long weeks spent in hospital which he hated. He had kicked
up a storm when he realized I had flown back to see him. I lied brilliantly and told
him I was about ready to come home anyway. I made a point of telling him the price
of rent, food, and the crappy apartment we lived in, and he stopped objecting.

He was lucky to be alive. The car had been travelling fast when it struck my

Father, but fortunately the driver veered to the right at the last moment and that
action probably saved his life. He suffered a concussion, bruises to the right side of
his body, but it was his right leg came out worst of all. It had been broken in four
places and the surgeons had to pin the bone back in place.

The cast would be on for a while yet, but he was having physical therapy and was

getting more and more mobile with each day. Eager to get back to work and fishing,
he was the model patient. There was no question in his mind that he would make a
full recovery. And with that unwavering determination he was making it happen.

"Hey, Bells? Grab your old man another beer would ya?"

I smiled to myself and was just about to take one from the refrigerator when I

heard my Mother shout up.

"No, you stay where you are. I'll get it for you, Charlie." She set down the trail of

lights she was wrapping around the Christmas tree and ran over to get my Dad his

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Did I not mention Renee had moved back in with us? Oh yes, apparently the fear

that she nearly lost my Dad made her re-evaluate a few things. They were starting
over, rekindling their romance and I couldn't remember seeing my parents as happy.

Me, on the other hand, well I had forgotten what the word meant. It had been

seven weeks since my Father's accident, seven long weeks since I last saw Edward.
It hadn't gotten any better, not one iota. In fact, if it was at all possible, I felt worse
now that I did that day at the airport. I walked around with a permanent dull ache in
my chest. It worsened whenever I thought about him and the time we spent
together, so I did all I could not to think about him.

It wasn't as easy as I'd like though, because over the past seven weeks there were

constant reminders of him. Music on the radio and films on the television that
reminded me of him. Also, it seemed that Edward had taken on more public
engagements since I left. Not a week went by without seeing him addressing a
function, visiting a hospital or school. And of course, the press coverage was
immense. Why wouldn't it be? He was Prince Edward - gorgeous, polite, and

But, there was something missing. He was that guy again, the one I'd met in

Buckingham Palace. When he smiled it never reached his eyes, and I wanted to
believe he was missing me.

I heard a lot of 'nothing' from Rose. She filled me in on all the happenings in

London, always mentioning where Emmett had been and where he was going. But
she never told me anything about Edward specifically. Well actually, I had asked her
not to. We hadn't been in contact once since that morning at the airport. What was
there to say?

"So, I'm dying here without you, how about you?"

It was probably a good thing that I could give most of my attention to my Dad for

the first week or so, because I came home an absolute mess. I couldn't eat, couldn't
sleep and I found it impossible to talk about my time in England without choking up.
My Mother asked me repeatedly what was wrong and I always insisted I was fine.
She knew that I absolutely wasn't fine, but she also knew I wasn't ready to talk
about it – so she left it alone.

Then she smoked my cigarettes.

When I wasn't at the hospital or at home with Mom, I was with Angela. She was

determined to try and distract me from my miserable mood and insisted on taking

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me out for coffee, pizza, and as much alcohol as I could possibly drink. It was after
spending an evening with Angela that I arrived home to find my Mom out on the
porch smoking a cigarette. Besides the occasional joint, she hadn't smoked for
years, but I guess the stress of the past few weeks had taken its toll on her too. I
joined her on the swing and held out my hand.

"We can't tell your Father, Bella. You know how much he hates this shit." She

laughed and handed me what was left.

"Where did you even get these? You know how much of a busybody that old

woman at the store is. She'll be dying to tell Charlie his flighty ex-wife was in here
buying smokes." I took a drag, and it stirred something in me. These cigarettes
weren't like the ones I smoked here in the States. These reminded me of...

"Oh, I found them in your purse. I hope you don't mind me going through your

things. I was looking for... Bella, what on earth's the matter?"

After smoking just a few of the cigarettes he had given me the night we met, I hid

them away and refused to have any more. He had bought me those, and I wanted to
keep them as another reminder that what I refused to think about really did happen.

I saw her look at me and frown. Without any warning, tears flooded my eyes and

rolled down my cheeks. I started to cry and shake. Everything I had been hiding
away since I left him had finally found a release.

"Bella, Bella, talk to me. Are you okay?" She wrapped her arm around me and

hugged me as tight as she could.

It didn't matter that it was freezing, that it was raining, or that my crazy

breakdown could be seen by anyone who passed the house. We sat there for what
seemed like hours, or it could have been minutes. Time was of no importance to me
anymore. She stopped asking me what was wrong, and let me cry it out instead.

Only when there were no more tears left, did she dare broach the subject again.

"Please talk to me, Bella. Whatever is on your mind you need to talk about it. Is

this what's been eating away at you? I assumed it was worry about Charlie, but it's
more than that. Come on sweetie, tell me."

So I did. And I do mean I told her everything.

I saw her smile when I told her I'd fallen head over heels for a guy. I saw her

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swoon when I told her all the romantic things he did, I saw her eyes fill with tears
when I told her how hard it was to leave him and then I saw her mouth fall open in
shock when I told her who exactly this guy was.

I took her upstairs and showed her the gift, and replayed what he'd said in the

car. How she understood a word I was saying, I had no idea. All I could hear were
my pathetic sobs and constant sniffling.

When I finally stopped talking she actually looked a little pissed. "And you left him

why? Get your ass back on a plane and-"

"Date the guy? Marry him? Yeah, can you see that, Mom? They'd never let that

happen, besides he's already got the perfect woman lined up. Do you want me to
hide away for the rest of my life while he has to pretend to be married to someone
else? Is that what you want for me?" I sat on my bed and shook the globe, watching
the swirling flakes cloud the replica of Buckingham Palace.

"It's not what I want for you, Bella? But, what do you want for yourself?"

We watched as the snow settled and I pictured Edward peering out through one of

the hundreds of windows. "I want him. All of him. Always. But not like that."

"Oh, Hun, you poor thing."

I swore Renee to absolute secrecy, I knew she wouldn't tell anyone, but for the

time being I even asked her to keep it from Dad. I didn't exactly want him knowing
that his baby girl had been getting her sex on with Prince Edward. He owns a gun or
two remember?

We didn't speak about it often - she knew it was still too raw. So as each day

passed, I tried to move on and get on with my life. And now, seven weeks later here
I was.

I snapped out of my reverie and made a start on serving up dinner. Mom was still

trying to rescue the Christmas tree – which was older than I was, by dressing it with
lights, tinsel, baubles and anything else she could get her hands on.

I'd done all my present shopping. Not like I had a long list to buy for – my parents,

Angela and yup that's your lot. I would have quite happily hibernated and missed the
entire season if I could. Unsurprisingly, I wasn't feeling in a very Christmassy place.

I called out to my parents that dinner was ready, and watched as Mom helped

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Charlie over to the table. As had become customary, they would eat and I would
push the food about on my plate trying not to think about him, what he was doing,
what he was eating, where he was sleeping, who he was sleeping with...

"So, how was work today?" Mom asked as she did every night.

And I answered as I did every night, "Good."

"What did you talk about?"

"Mom, I teach English Lit, we talk about nothing except books." I rolled my eyes

and Dad laughed.

I worked at Forks High school. A job that came about because everyone in this

town knew what had happened to Charlie. I hadn't even applied for anything, but I
received a call from the Principal inviting me in for an informal chat, and that was
that. My first teaching job. It was only a temporary position – I'd probably be
finished in no more than six months. One of the permanent teachers had taken a
leave of absence to care for her sick Mother and I was drafted in to cover for her
while she was off. But, I needed to do something and this was a step in the right
direction. It was something that had been important to me during my college years.
I'd worked hard for this, and I never considered doing anything else.

Funny how something you always wanted to do suddenly seemed so mundane and

redundant when there was something else out there you wanted more. I got paid a
pretty decent salary to read and talk about my favourite books of all time all day,
every day, and I just couldn't enjoy it.

Each sentence, paragraph, and chapter would somehow become a twisted

interpretation of my own pathetic life and all I left behind. I was slowly falling out of
love with the books that I once adored. The characters, the story, everything seemed
so dated and unrealistic.

I had started at the school three and a half weeks ago. The first few days I had

shadowed a relief teacher and then I was let loose. I admit to feeling out of my depth
at first, but the kids were great, and they gave me no trouble. Maybe the fact my
Dad was Chief Swan played at the back of their minds?

My parents chatted between themselves for the majority of dinner. Things did

seem to be going really well for them. As a child I'd plotted and schemed all sorts of
different ways I could get them back together, but it never happened. Admitting
defeat, I'd given up hope of a reconciliation years ago. It made me think about the

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conversation Edward and I had about what we wished for as a child. Ironic, how all
these years later I was finally getting a wish come true.

One thing about divorced parents, you never give much thought to what they get

up to during their 'private' time. When I was younger, I never noticed the cheeky ass
pinches, or the wiggle of my Mom's hips when she walked by my Dad. And you
certainly do miss the hidden connotation in the such innocent sounding words,
"Charlie, shall we call it a night? I'm ready to hit the sack."

In translation, my parents were going to go at it like rabbits for the next hour or

so. At first I always hid downstairs until things quietened down. But recently, they
seemed to be making the most out of my Dad's new found stamina, and fuck me
sideways they never stopped.

And believe me, I know – we share a wall!

So tonight, I was beating them to it. I was going to bed ridiculously early just to

try and fall asleep before they got going for the umpteenth time this week. That had
been me just a few months ago – but not with my Dad – obviously.

Jesus, how things change.

I was running the risk of dislocating my jaw as I drove to school the following

morning. I could not stop yawning I was so fucking tired. But I went to bed early last
night – how on earth is that even possible?

Because my randy motherfucking parents decided to do some sexercise at three

o'clock this morning. I was woken to their headboard rattling against the wall and
my Mother screaming out my Father's name.

Seriously, that shit should be classed as child abuse. I needed some fucking

bleach to strip those memories from my brain.

After that I hadn't been back to sleep. It only reminded me further that not only

was I, a sad and lonely twenty-three year old woman who lived at home with her
parents. But I was a sad twenty-three year old woman whose aforementioned
parents had a better fucking sex life!

I was in class ridiculously early and managed to grade all my student's papers,

prepare lesson plans for the week after returning from Christmas break, and decide

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on homework for the classes I had that day.

The day passed slowly and in all honesty, I was oblivious to mostly everything

around me. I hated to think what lasting impression I was leaving on Principal
Greene. Every time he'd seen me today. I had been away with the fairies.

As the last bell rang, I waited for my students to leave. I was in no rush

whatsoever. What did I have to get home to? My parents probably naked and at it on
the kitchen counter, or if I escaped that disturbing scene, I would be subjected to
more later tonight.

I tried to think back about my life before. I did pretty much the same shit before

we left for London. I went to work at the Lodge, the only diner in town, and then
came home. Occasionally me and the girls would head into Port Angeles for dinner.
But that was a rarity. Yet, I had been so content with that life. I didn't mope around
like a lost sheep, I enjoyed myself. Why couldn't I do that now? What had changed?

Simple and only answer was me. I had changed, Edward had changed me and now

I was utterly lost without him. I felt like I'd lost an actual piece of my soul and it
wouldn't come back without Edward.


I knew the second Bella heard about her Father's accident, that she would leave.

Of course she would. Any child would do that for their parents, well except for yours
truly of course. The second she left the apartment I tried to be selfless and not think
about how much I wanted her to stay here with me. I called a very
annoyed-sounding Tanya and begged for her help.

Although she didn't appreciate being woken at three in the morning, there was no

hesitation when I told her what Bella needed. Within twenty minutes she had two
seats reserved on the next flight leaving Heathrow.

She could come back afterwards, as soon she knew her Father was going to be

okay. I told myself that over and over again, but I knew deep down it wouldn't

So much for six months, I'd had just a matter of weeks with her.

The drive home from the airport was pure agony. Twice I'd told Sam to stop and

take me back, and twice I'd told him to continue. What would I even say to her?
Stay? Marry me? Let me come with you? To ask anything of Bella right at this

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moment would be beyond selfish.

She couldn't stay, I couldn't marry her, and there was no way I could accompany

her. How could such a perfect weekend turn on its head just like that?

Sam pulled into Kensington Palace and opened the door for me to exit the car. I

didn't move at first, I didn't particularly want to be here. But where else could I go?

Emmett had passed out on the couch just as I was leaving and he hadn't moved

when I walked back into the empty apartment. I knew he had tried to be there to
support me, but the man was so drunk it was impossible and there was nothing to
say. I left him alone and went to bed. It made my stomach lurch when I smelled her
on the pillows. I wasn't letting Ethel clean these for the foreseeable future.

I wasn't surprised that I struggled to sleep, and it was barely three hours later

when I gave up. I heard the voices of Alice and Esme out in the hallway and went to
see them.

"Edward," Esme cried and wrapped her arms around me tightly. "How are you

feeling, sweetheart?"

I shrugged and stepped away. "Like shit, Esme. But what's done is done."

"Has she gone?" Alice asked quietly.

I nodded and she sighed sadly.

"How is her Father?" Esme ushered me into the kitchen and pushed me down onto

a chair.

"I don't know,"

"How did you leave things with her?" Alice sat beside me. "When are you seeing

her again?"

I laughed darkly and shook my head at her. "I'm not, Alice. That's it – she's gone

home and we're done."

"But, that's just ridiculous, Edward. We saw you two, didn't we Mum? You're

perfect together," Alice said.

"It's irrelevant, Alice, and you know it. We both knew it was only going to be a

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short-term thing, but perhaps not quite as short as it turned out to be." Alice went to
speak again, but I cut her off. "Please, Alice. I feel terrible and I really don't want to
talk about it anymore."

"Come home with us, Edward?" Esme asked. "You need to get away for a little

while and get your head back together. It won't do you any good being holed up

"I'd like that, thank you."

So, I took a shower, packed a few bits and pieces – including the pillow that

smelled of Bella, and called Peter to tell him I was going to Baldock. I didn't want
him coming along, I had Emmett, and I had no intention of leaving the house

As Esme drove us out of London I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

God I missed her already.

For the next few weeks I was beyond pathetic. I had no idea being without Bella

would affect me as badly as it had. She was all I could think about, all I could see,
and all I could smell. Everyone tried to cheer me up, snap me out of the zombie-like
mood I was in. But they all failed.

I had no drive, nothing was important any more.

The only time I spoke was to ask Emmett for news on Bella. Through Rosalie, I

had found out that her father was on the mend, I learned she was teaching at her
local school and that her parents had reconciled.

She seemed to be getting her life in some sort of order – surely I should do the

same? It was over. Yes I missed her, but I couldn't live like this. Fuck, this wasn't
even living.

So, I returned to London and called in immediately at Clarence House.

My Father was at home, and more than a little surprised to see me. My Mother, I

presumed was reading, but I was only here for one reason and for that I needed my

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"Edward?" He directed me into his study, and we sat opposite each other at his

desk. "What have I done to warrant this visit?"

"Bella left," I said quietly. "She's back home and won't be returning. So I'm here to

fulfil my end of our deal."

"She left – already? I thought her Visa was valid for six months?"

I told him what had happened and he shook his head.

"Edward, clearly this is affecting you. Your Grandmother hasn't factored you in to

any of our plans until next year. Take some more time to get your head back in the
game firs-"

"Please, I can't just sit and mope about. I need to keep busy, and I can think of no

better way." I paused before adding, "You should be happy, I'm finally accepting
what my future holds. I can't keep trying to escape it, and it's time to grow up."

"Very well." I saw him nod once, as his eyes studied me intensely. "I will set things

in motion then. And Kate? If you announce your engagement before Christmas, it
would certainly work in our favour."

"Whatever you think best." I didn't care. Just as I thought when I made the stupid

fucking deal. It didn't matter who I was marrying, because it wasn't Bella.

She was all I wanted, and nothing would ever change.

I know it's a far cry from the light-hearted fic I promised but it's all part of

my plan I swear! I will be updating on Wednesday & for that we have a
surprise POV - let me know if you want a sneaky teaser!

Thanks as always to the fabtastical Pretty Flour for pre-reading super fast!

Also, thanks to everyone who is reading, reviewing, rec'ing & alerting etc... I
really appreciate it humongously! (i don't care if that's not even a real word
- it fitted perfectly for me lol)

See you all Wednesday


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Chapter 19 Remember this day

For those of you who hadn't already guessed / or read the teaser here is

the surprise POV Another sorry goes to a reader who asked for the teaser
but wasn't signed in or left her pen name. I couldn't reply - sorry :(

Chapter 19 – Remember this day


Throughout my life, I thought I had made the right decisions. Even, when it meant

turning my back on my marriage vows, I naively tried to justify it as I was doing it
for the good of my country. I sacrificed the love of my own children to maintain the
best impression and it was only now, twenty six years later that I realized what a
terrible mess I had created.

I had been friends with Alastair since school. And it was thanks to that friendship

that I had met Maggie. I was barely nineteen and not even thinking about
girlfriends, relationships, and certainly not marriage.

Maggie was Alastair's older sister. Within a matter of weeks, I was in love. She

had curly blonde hair and the prettiest blue eyes I had ever seen. At twenty-one she
was slightly older, but in all honesty, she was exactly what I needed. She was
mature enough to handle the pressure that came with my family and none of the
attention fazed her.

Although passionate and intense, our relationship did not run smoothly. Shortly

after we met, I attended Sandhurst Military Academy just as my Father had done
years earlier. It kept me away from home, and with Maggie studying at university in
Scotland we struggled to make it work.

My own Mother had been disappointed in my choice of girlfriend. She and

Alastair's parents were not part of the "clique" and Alastair had yet to make his
millions. When I wasn't training or studying, I was forced to attend formal events all
at my Mother's request. She made certain Maggie and I were gifted no time at all

After eighteen months, Maggie was given the opportunity to transfer her studies

and complete her degree in Paris. It was something she couldn't and wouldn't turn
down. And, knowing how she craved her own independence and life, I would have

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never asked her to. We both realized that it would be impossible to maintain a long
distance relationship and things ended amicably. It was a decision I regretted
almost instantaneously but I was too proud to admit it to Maggie and I let her leave
without another word.

As I was already into my twenties, my Mother had thought it was about time I

married a suitable woman. Maggie wasn't an option, her family were not considered
suitable and it would be unthinkable for a member of the royal family to take a bride
who was not from the accepted classes

I completed my military training, and at the Passing Out Parade my entire family

were in attendance. But, there was another guest invited, one who I had never met.
Elizabeth Platt was the daughter of a rich and powerful business man. She was
attractive. I'd be a fool to deny that. But, she was timid, shy and introverted. The
exact opposite of Maggie. I remained polite and gentlemanly, but left her without a
second thought as soon as the ceremony was over.

I missed Maggie. The time spent without her only heightened my feelings for her,

and I knew she belonged in my life. I flew over to Paris and we spent the next few
weeks together. It was without a doubt, the happiest time of my life.

When I had to return home, I paid my Mother a visit straight away and did my

utmost to try and persuade her to let me marry Maggie. It was futile and she never
wavered. Her answer was no and that was that. Just a few days later, she arranged
another meeting between Elizabeth and I, but this time it was more formal. I knew
what was happening - the girl was being groomed to become a member of the
family. And sure enough, just a few weeks later I was informed the engagement
would be announced within the month.

Instead of fighting for the woman I loved I agreed because it was in the family's

best interest. I was a coward and things soon spiralled out of control. I tried to do
the right thing by everyone, and decided it was best for me to end things with
Maggie once and for all. There was no screaming, fighting or heated words. She
handled the entire situation with such grace that I regretted my action all the more.

The wedding was a huge televised event. Everyone mistook my sombre face for

nerves and everyone mistook the awkward kiss on the balcony of Buckingham
Palace as embarrassment because of the millions of people who were watching.

The first few months of our marriage I played my part well and I remained loyal.

But, Elizabeth never changed from the timid girl I first met. She would follow
instructions without question and she never uttered a word out of place. I was bored

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and lonely and completely in love with another woman. Elizabeth was offered by her
parents and had little choice in the decision. But, on reflection, we were both as
guilty as each other and neither made enough effort to make the marriage work.

Unable to live in that way, I called Maggie and begged to see her. And that as they

say was that. I saw her as often as possible and shamefully I made no attempt to
conceal the affair from my wife. Even when she gave birth to my son, things
continued as they had done. We used those hours spent together to pretend what
our lives could be like.

I was a terrible husband and a terrible Father. I was angry, ashamed, and bitter

that I was being forced to live a lie. I never had a normal Father-son relationship
with Edward or James and it was only now that I regretted it.

If Maggie hadn't been considered suitable thirty years earlier, things had certainly

changed now. Alastair had set up a small engineering company which, thanks to his
friendship with me, had become the main supplier of bearings and seals to the
British Military. He had a picture perfect life. Rich, well educated and a perfect
family. The same could be said for his daughter Katharine.

It was over brandy when our children were infants, that we decided Edward and

Katharine would be a perfect match. And I never stopped trying to force the idea
onto my son. I ignored the fact he wasn't interested and thought only of my
sacrifices and what I had lost. If I had no choice, then why should he? But, while his
Mother was mild and meek, my sons were certainly anything but.

Both Edward and James had spent a lot of time with their Aunt and Uncle, and in

hindsight it had been a huge mistake. Elizabeth's sister, Esme, had always tried to
provide normality for my boys and they adored both her and Carlisle for it. They
gave their children a free rein and that rubbed off onto their cousins.

James had always been so much more accepting of the family he was born into. He

should have been the eldest; he should have been the heir. But he wasn't and that
responsibility fell on Edward's shoulders.

He fought it at every opportunity and did all he could to discredit himself. We had

drugs and alcohol, we had disruptive behaviour, and we had the women. But, the
power of the family was such that all his indiscretions were kept quiet.

It was becoming a concern, and we needed to somehow control his behaviour. The

press had been silenced so far, but with the Internet, mobile phones able to snap a
controversial picture at a moment's notice, we couldn't keep it quiet for long.

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However, we were at a total loss as to how to do it. So when Isabella Swan came
into his life, she became our weapon.

When Edward had first began to negotiate the 'deal', I seized the opportunity and

made certain to draw as much in my favour as possible. By giving him six months to
spend with the girl, I had secured his commitment to the family and his role in it. In
addition to that, we would finally be able to announce his engagement to Katharine

So, I made all the necessary arrangements to ensure no time was lost when

Edward's six months were up. Alastair was informed and Katharine too. I assumed I
would have no qualms about steering my son down a path chosen for by me.

I was wrong.

I didn't realize it straight away. Even after he informed me that Bella had returned

home earlier than expected, I failed to recognize just how much he had changed. I
stormed ahead with the plans. Bringing everything forward where possible. The
wedding would take place in early 2012 and planning was already in place.

Edward behaved impeccably and went anywhere he was told to go. He said what

he was supposed to say, and he acted as a true member of this family. The concerns
quickly disappeared and it appeared we had finally turned a corner.

Edward and Katharine's engagement would be announced on the nineteenth of

December, at a Christmas Gala. The event was a fund-raising extravaganza for The
Masen Cullen Foundation, and it was an easy way to bring all of our close friends,
family, and other important acquaintances together without raising questions

The days leading up to the Gala passed by without incident, but I hadn't factored

in my sister-in-law. The week before the Gala, Esme Cullen took matters into her
own hands and paid me an impromptu visit.

Elizabeth was at the country retreat and I was at home with Maggie. As soon as

the Butler answered the door, Esme strode into my home and threw a handful of
photos at me.

"I know you are usually incapable of looking at Edward as anything besides an

heir my sister produced for you twenty six years ago. But, I beg you to try to see him
as a man, a son, your son. Because if you look at these photo's I guarantee things
will not be as black and white. Look at them and look at him and you won't fail to

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notice. Do the right thing, Edward. For the first time in your damn life, do the right

She turned and left without another word. I looked at Maggie and she looked as

dumbfounded as I. Unsure what to expect, I picked up the photo's and as each
image began to register in my head, I understood.

It was almost as though I had been transported back thirty years. But instead of

looking at my son in the arms of another woman, I was looking at me with the
woman I loved.

Maggie moved closer and held out her hand to see the photographs. "May I?"

I nodded and passed them to her. Turning my chair around I watched for her

reaction. Her face softened and she let out a sigh.

"What are you going to do?" she asked quietly and placed one hand on my


"What can I do? Things are already in motion, Maggie. He's the future King –

there's no way my Mother would ever allow this girl to become a part of that." I
paused and then laughed darkly. "We of all people should know that."

"Perhaps, but you were alone. Not one single person in your family understood so

you didn't have a chance, Edward." She crouched down in front of me and rested
her head on mine.

"That's not entirely true," I told her and she pulled back to look at me. "My

Grandmother tried to fight my corner. On several occasions she fought back for me.
It didn't work of course..."

"Why did you never tell me?"

"I don't know. I felt weak for losing you and I tried all I could to pretend none of it

happened. Even now, when we're together I lose all sense of the real world." I kissed
her and stood up.

On the wall in the study was a single photograph of my Grandmother and I on the

morning of my wedding. It was taken just before we left for the ceremony. Alone in
my room, she had paid me a visit. She was standing at my side as I looked through
the window onto the courtyard at Buckingham Palace. After a few minutes silence
she turned my face to look at her and spoke.

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"Edward, this will stay with you for the rest of your life. Whatever you do over the

years, don't ever forget today. Remember it, Edward."

After she left me alone again, I thought about what she had said. At the time I

assumed she was trying to tell me to move forward and enjoy what hand I had been
dealt. But now, all these years later I actually realized what she had been telling me.

Remember how I felt marrying Elizabeth and being forced to walk away from

Maggie. I was no better than my parents. I understood exactly how my son was
feeling and yet I was doing the same thing to him.

I said to Maggie, "If I go through with this you do realize what that means for

Kate? I understand if this is too difficult for you to be a part of."

"Edward, Kate is my niece and yes I assume she won't be too happy. But, I lived

this with you remember? I spent many a night crying myself to sleep knowing you
had another woman waiting in bed for you. I had to watch as she carried your
children and know I could never do that. I made sacrifices for you, Edward, but I
admit I would do it again without hesitation. Saying that, I wouldn't wish this life on
anyone else."

I saw her eyes glisten and realized how unimaginably selfish I had been over the

years. I never once thought how many people had hurt because of my decisions.
Elizabeth had been locked away in a miserable marriage for more than half of her
life. My sons had suffered because of my bitterness and Maggie had given up more
than I had ever appreciated just to live in the background.

"Yes, I have loyalties to Kate I won't try and deny that." She let out a deep breath

and smiled at me. "But, your son has the chance to live a life he chooses with the
woman he quite obviously loves. What right does anyone have to deny him that?"

I looked at the woman who was the only person who really knew and understood

the real me and I knew exactly what had to be done. Picking up the telephone, I felt
a strange sense of relief and satisfaction immediately. Maybe because for the first
time in longer than I could remember I was doing the right thing.

"Tanya? I need to see you as a matter of urgency. Can you stop by Clarence House

as soon as possible? I need your help."

Well? I wonder what he'll do? Answers on a postcard please ;) As always

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thanks needs to be made to Prettyflour my fantastic and super fast
pre-reader and of course all of you who are reading, reviewing etc, etc. I
would quite like to send you all a Royal Staff to say thanks but... alas 'tis not

Let me know if you want to see the preview for the next chapter. I wonder

if you lot can get me to 500 reviews - I think that would be quite lovely ;)

See you on Sunday :)

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Chapter 20 What the hell just happened

Wow - you guys are absolutely fabulous - we passed 500 - yay!

We are almost there I promise...

Chapter 20 – What the hell just happened?


So, today was the day. When I had first agreed to this engagement, I had assumed

I would feel nothing. Which in one sense was true. I didn't feel a thing for the
woman I had agreed to marry, but to say I felt nothing at all was such a terrible lie. I
was in agony. Because, as much as I knew it was all a sham and all for pretences – I
also knew Bella would see the perfect charade that would be put on for the public.

Would she think I lied to her? Would she doubt my words that night in the Wendy


How had I created such a mess? I should have let her walk away that first


No, I shouldn't have let her walk away at all.

I dressed for the evening in what could only be described as funeral attire. Black

three piece suit and black shoes. It seemed quite fitting of my mood because I
looked like someone had died. Well, perhaps someone had - me. I didn't even bother
to check my appearance in the mirror before I left the suite.

After I began to honour my agreement, my parents and I met with the

Charles-Tanners for private lunches on several occasions. The topic was the
wedding, the party, and of course, the living arrangements afterwards. Kate was
more than willing to move into my apartment as soon as the engagement was
announced but I didn't want that. That was my home and Bella had spent time there.
There was no place for Kate in any room. I suggested we move into another
residence, and plans were under way to refurbish one of the vacant apartments at
Clarence House.

All in all I was a lousy fiancée. When the engagement ring was mentioned, I

simply told Kate to buy her own and I would cover the expense. I provided no input

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into the planning of the actual ceremony whatsoever. I didn't know where the
service was being held, I didn't know who would be attending, and I didn't give a

Everyone knew this was not what I wanted, Kate included. Yet, no one cared. All

my life I had done all I could to be everything my Father wasn't. Yet, here I was
doing the exact same thing he had done. His heart belonged to one, and he married

Everything this evening would be handled by others and I would play little part in

anything. Not trusting me to make a convincing speech, the actual announcement
would be made by my Father. When does that ever happen? I certainly knew of no
other instances in this day and age. Surely, that was warning enough for those

The hotel had been completely closed to everyone besides those invited to, or

working at the gala. The security was high and the tension higher still. I took no
notice to anything as I was escorted into the ballroom. This charity was important to
me, but not today. Today, it represented everything I hated, and all the things I
loved but could never have.

My parents, my brother and I were seated at the main table. As Carlisle and Esme

were on the board of the foundation, they joined us along with several other
members. Alice and Jasper had been forced to sit with Alastair Charles-Tanner, his
wife, Kate, and Maggie. My cousin was none too impressed with this arrangement,
and was casting evil glances in their direction.

My Father began his speech in the usual manner. He thanked people for coming

and praised the hard work of the fund-raisers and volunteers. After a brief synopsis
of the achievements over the past year, he set down his speech and clasped his
hands together.

Here we fucking go.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Before I wish you all a good evening, and we all begin to

enjoy our party. I have a very important and special announcement to make." He

I looked over at Kate who was literally bursting with pride. I could see she was

ready to jump up, the minute my Father said the words.

"It is with a wonderful feeling of pride and delight that I would like to exclusively

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reveal to you all a new addition to this "family"."

There were one or two murmurs of excitement and I felt sick to my stomach. I

wanted Bella, I loved Bella and yet I was about to be engaged to someone else. I was
a motherfucking coward.

I tried to ignore my Father as he continued his speech; I couldn't bear to him say

the actual words.

"The Masen Cullen Foundation grows, and as it grows it needs fresh faces to help

it become everything it can be. My son has done wonderful things over the years,
but he simply does not have the time to continue. So, I would like to present to you,
Ms. Tanya Denali. Ms. Denali will be taking over the day to day running of the
foundation as of January 1st. Please join me in congratulating the foundation on a
wonderful new addition."

I almost stood up, I almost waved and then I heard his words again. And I felt my

Father's hand on my shoulder, the slightest amount of pressure keeping me in my

The guests were applauding, and Tanya rose from her seat and waved nervously

to the crowd. I was at an utter loss for words. What the hell had just happened?
Shouldn't the world know I was engaged by now? Fuck – Kate!

I looked over and the looks on the Charles-Tanner's faces were to die for. Alastair

was blood-red and his fists were balled on top of the table. Irina looked horrified,
and Kate, well she actually looked devastated. But, to her left sat Maggie and she
was smiling. It wasn't a look of satisfaction that her niece had just been humiliated
and rejected in a room full of her peers. It was a look of absolute adoration and
pride, and she was only looking at my Father.

When the applause finally died down, my Father gave more words of welcome and

then encouraged everyone to mingle and enjoy the night. Just a few minutes later, I
was being escorted into a private room with my parents and the

"What in God's name is going on? We were supposed to have an engagement

announcement, not a damned personnel change." Alastair was now turning slightly
purple, and I wondered what shape his heart was in, because, well shit, he didn't
look healthy at all.

"Alastair, look at Edward. He looks miserable. Do you think he wants any part of

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this?" My Father sat down and sighed. "I think we both know the answer to that

"What difference does that make? For the love of God, Edward, we had an

agreement. Your son, my daughter. Why are you reneging on that now?"

"Because it's not right, and you shouldn't want that for your daughter. Do you

really want to commit her to a life with a man who is quite clearly taken by another
woman? I have lived that for thirty years, Alastair, and believe me, I wouldn't wish it
on anyone," my Mother said and shook her head sadly. I had never heard her speak
up like this before – why now?

"B...But... what about me?" Kate sniffed. "I would still marry him... I can make him

love me."

"And if you are happy to settle for a lie, then you're as foolish as your Father." My

Mother snapped and Kate's head dropped.

"Elizabeth is right. These two families know the consequence to what we were

about to do and I cannot live with that. Perhaps things would have been different
had he not met someone else. But, he has and forcing this upon him could have
serious repercussions in years to come," my Father spoke softly and his voice was
tinged with regret. "I am ashamed of the things I have done, and I will not put that
pressure on the shoulders of my son."

"This is about that waitress? You want to choose someone like her over me?" Kate

screeched and I surprised myself when I burst out laughing.

"No, Kate. There's no choice. I never wanted to marry you. Come on, you had to

know that? But, I suppose having met Bella, there was no way anyone else could
ever come close. I don't mean to be cruel – but we both knew I never loved you."

Kate started to turn the same shade as her Father. Were Bella here, I knew

exactly what she would say.

"Look at those motherfuckers. They look like Smurfs with sunburn!"

"I can't believe this is happening to me. I told my friends we would be engaged

tonight – what the hell am I going to say now?" Kate began to pace the room and
then she turned to sneer at me. "Oh well actually, Edward decided he wanted to
cavort with a trashy little slut from America. Just imagine how that will go down
with the public?"

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Funnily enough there were no tears. She wasn't upset because she was losing out

on a man she loved. I assumed it was the status, the power and the recognition that
came with being my wife. I saw her for the first time as manipulative and as
power-hungry as her Father.

"Edward? Are you actually considering letting the future King of England, take an

American whore to be his wife?" Alastair said to Father and it stirred emotions in me
I hadn't felt since the rugby match seven weeks earlier.

"Don't you ever speak of Bella like that." I shoved his shoulders roughly and

glared right at him. "You know nothing about her."

"Oh, please. She's a whore looking for a quick pay out. Imagine how much money

she'd make selling her story to the press." Alastair failed to recognize how infuriated
I was and continued to push me. "What an ambitious girl she is... Let's see,
waitressing for two Italian queers. I wouldn't be surprised if was trying to get
pregnant on the sly to really make some money."

My hand drew back and I was about to punch him right between the eyes when a

hand grabbed hold of my arm. I felt my Father pull me away and he stepped
between Alastair and I.

"Dirty tactics will not work in your favour, Alastair. This has nothing to with the

girl, and everything to do with my son. The subject is not open for discussion and I
expect you to accept my decision. And I say this to the both of you, there will be no
stories in the press about our arrangement, Edward's relationship or any part of this
conversation." My Father's voice was stern and yet so steady it was unnerving.
"Should you forget what discretion is, I will not be supporting your next bid to
remain as the main supplier to our Military."

"Are you threatening me?" Alastair roared.

"Oh no, a threat implies just that. A threat. I am telling you, if you make trouble

for my son I will ruin you. Maybe you should ask your financial advisor if you can
afford to lose out on contracts like that." My Father instructed Security escort the
family from the room. "You are welcome to remain at the Gala should you wish."

I stood there in shock as they left without another word and rejoined the party.

What in God's name had just happened?

"Edward, come and sit down please. There are things we need to discuss," My

Father said softly and beckoned me over to a table and chairs.

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"What about... I mean why..." I stuttered.

"Do you love her?" He asked simply.

"Kate? No, but that never stopped you before. Why now?" I replied.

"No, I wasn't referring to Kate." He smiled and I sighed.

"Bella?" Silly fucking question. "Yes. I love her, but it's irrelevant. She's not here

anymore is she?"

I saw my Mother slip quietly out of the room followed by the two members of

security leaving my Father and me alone.

"And if she was. Would you marry her?"

Was he giving me the choice? It didn't really matter if he was, because my answer

would be the same.

"No," I admitted and saw him frown as he waited for me to elaborate. "Bella would

hate this life. And it's because I love her that I won't subject her to that. But why
does it matter anyway?"

He reached into his jacket and pulled out a handful of photographs before handing

them to me. "I saw these."

I remembered them straight away. They were taken at Esme and Carlisle's the

weekend of the party. Bella with Alice and Esme before the match, all with a glass of
wine in their hands. Bella and I at the side of the pitch after I was sent to the sin bin.
Bella and I holding hands at the table in the Olde Oake after the game. More simple
photo's yet even I couldn't deny how happy I looked. Looked – past tense. I hadn't
smiled like that since.

"I don't understand," I said.

"Esme brought these to me last week. I don't think I've ever seen you look as

content, Edward. Then to see you now – it's a complete shift. There's no fight left in
you, and as much as your defiance infuriated me before, it saddens me to see it gone
now." He paused and took a breath. "You love the girl, but you don't want her to
become a part of this family."

I nodded and heard the door open. Tanya smiled and stepped inside the room. She

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gave my father a quick nod of her head and handed him a large, bulging manila

He sighed again and said, "Well then, I suppose you'll be needing this."

I took it from him, completely clueless. I nervously pulled out a wad of papers

from inside and began to read. I saw the words and recognized what they said, but I
couldn't comprehend it. My stomach flipped and my hands began to shake.

"W...What is this?"

"It's doing the right thing by my son. It's the first step in trying to make things

right." He sat beside me and rested his hand on my arm. "I know it's going to take
much more to repair the damage, but I hope it's a step in the right direction."

I still didn't understand and my Father took the papers from me. He separated

them and set one document on the table. "This needs to be signed, Edward. It is a
legal agreement that you wish to relinquish your right to the throne and sever all
ties with the family. It also states that you will be unable to lay claim on any of the
family assets or finances in later years. Once it has been signed, you will no longer
be HRH, Prince Edward."

"B... B... who... I mean what... does James..."

If I did this, if I signed the papers and walked away I was pouring all this shit onto

my brother's shoulders. What kind of selfish dick did that make me?

"I've spoken to your brother already. I don't think he was entirely surprised. It

seems he understood your feelings for the girl and this life more than I did. We both
know that James was far better suited to this, Edward. We are giving you the
opportunity to walk away and live a life for yourself. It's what you always wanted
and now you can take it." The sincerity in my Father was unmistakable.

"Perhaps you should explain the rest, Your Highness. He seems a little

overwhelmed." Tanya moved to sit beside me. She squeezed my hand and smiled.
"With good reason."

"Very well. It took a lot of persuasion on my part to convince your Grandmother

this was for the best. When she finally accepted that James becoming second in line
would benefit the family, she insisted on several terms of her own. All your finances,
property, cars and liberties will be stripped. If you choose this way out, you will have
nothing, Edward. I tried to-"

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I cut my Father off abruptly. "I don't care about that. Money was never important

to me."

"She also insisted you relocate – out of the country. You will no longer be a British

Citizen and depending on where you choose to go, you will only be allowed to return
on a temporary basis. There will be no invitations to formal events, weddings,
jubilee's etc. So, with that in mind, Tanya set a few things in motion for you." He
stopped and indicated to Tanya to explain.

I felt like I was dreaming. I had wished and fought for this for the majority of my

life and never received any compassion or understanding from my Father. Yet, here
we were, discussing the fine print of a deal I had no idea was even in place.

Could this be real? Dare I allow myself to dream that it was?

"Okay, so I think we all know which country your first choice would be," Tanya

said, with a wry smile on her face. "I sat down and explained the situation with a
contact at the American Embassy. In a completely unorthodox manner, I should add,
I managed to have several documents prepared and fast-tracked. You need to sign
and date several declarations and tomorrow morning you will need to authenticate
your application in person at the Embassy. But, as of noon tomorrow, you will
officially be Edward Anthony Cullen."

I was suddenly back in the Wendy House with Bella. Remembering a conversation

that we had.

"I used to be so jealous that Alice and Emmett got to live here with Esme and

Carlisle. I know it seems so pathetic now, but when people used to tell me to make a
wish, I always wished for the same thing. I wanted to be called Edward Cullen and I
wanted to stay here and never go back to London. What about you, Bella, what did
you wish for as a child?"

I would be Edward Cullen. I would never have to return to London.

"Emmett has been assigned to you for the next six months but then he will return

to London. It is a precautionary measure just until the attention subsides. The press
team are preparing a statement, which will be released after the New Year. You
have until then to decide where you wish to live and settle in. We will provide false
information as to your whereabouts but, of course, the press will inevitably track
you down unless you are diligent."

This was real. This was happening.

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"I presumed you'd be partial to the Pacific North West, so you are booked onto a

connecting flight to Sea-tac. The security at the airport will be the final assistance
you receive and then you're on your own." Tanya pushed a piece of paper with a
rental agreement for a car once we landed in Seattle. "Forks is about a three hour
drive. Emmett has Bella's address."

"Thank you, Tanya," my Father said when I failed to respond.

It took me a few minutes, maybe even longer. But when I finally put everything

together in my head there was only one thing left to say. "Do you have a pen?"

After, quite literally signing my life away I was unsure what to do next. Tanya

needed to take the documents back to her contact at the Embassy who was pulling
every favour in the book to get this whole process rushed through.

"I'll give you a minute to yourself. It's probably for the best you say your goodbyes

tonight. Keeping your departure a low profile can only help you in the long run." My
Father stood and began to leave. I jumped up and stopped him.

"Thank you," I said. "It doesn't seem like enough to say it – but thank you."

He smiled at me and patted my shoulder. "I think I owe you so much more than

this, Edward. I was a terrible Father and perhaps one day we can get that back. It
will be difficult at first, but things change with time. I hope you're happier in the
future, because God knows you haven't been in the past."

I saw him reach into his jacket and pull out another envelope. As I took it from

him, I saw the money banded together inside.

"This was all I had in my private safe. Your Grandmother has the accountant

monitoring our finances. For some reason she thought I would try and provide you
with money to help you get started." He winked. "There's about four thousand
pounds. It's not enough to sustain you for long, but it's something."

"You didn't need to do this," I whispered and I held out my hand and shook his

firmly. We weren't quite ready to hug it out, just yet. But this was more than I could
ever remember. I was reminded of the man I once respected, once idolised, and
once – loved.

"Yes I did." I watched as he opened the door and then stopped. "I know it will be

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extremely complicated for you to return – even temporarily. But, for the record, we
can quite easily visit you. And, should any important occasions arise I would hope
you won't forget about us."

He slipped through the door and disappeared. I moved back to the table and sat

down in a daze. I have no idea how long I sat there, I was struggling to understand
what had just happened. I had no idea what to do next, where to go or what to say.
This time tomorrow I would be Edward Cullen. This time tomorrow I would be
aboard a flight to begin a new life. Of course I was happy, deliriously so, but there in
the back of my head was one more issue which was yet to be resolved.


See I told you that you could trust me!

What do you think - honestly? Do I need to run and hide from the angry


I know this wasn't what all of you wanted & many were hoping for a

traditional HEA... but all I ask is that you think back (or read if you've
forgotten) to the very first chapter. Edward was miserable with the life he
led before Bella came along. And we wouldn't want poor motherfucking
Bella stifled with that life would we?

If anyone wants a teaser for the next chapter just let me know :) See you

Wednesday if you're still with me ;)

Disclaimer - don't think I've done this for a while - whoopsy! Anyway I own

nothing - it's all Stephanie Meyer. Also thanks to everyone for reading and
reviewing, and as my son would say - a MAFFIS thanks to Prettyflour for
being a fab prereader! (For all those who don't do kidspeak that was six year
old for "massive" LOL)

Also, I'm not a lawyer, not a expert on the way the Royal Fam work etc so

Edward Snrs offer may be entirely impossible etc etc - but I guess we are
reading fiction after all - right?

See you Wednesday x

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Chapter 21 Bamotherfuckinghumbug!

Hi to all of you who returned! There were a few people who weren't a fan

of the way this story is heading but for the most part you guys seem to have
understood what Edward thought before he met Bella! But, like it or loathe
it - I don't begrudge anyone telling me the truth - we can't all like the same
things can we?

Anyway, the last update before the mad rush to the cinema begins!

Chapter 21 - Ba-motherfucking-humbug!


Fucking Christmas sucks balls.

The mistletoe, the gifts, and the Christmas spirit everyone else seemed to have in

abundance. But not me, oh no. Ba-motherfucking-humbug to anything remotely
Christmas related.

It was the last day before the school broke for the holidays and I was determined

to piss as many students off as I could by completing an academically sound lesson.
But, as I wasn't a total bitch, I added a nice little twist.

The first class of the day strolled in expecting an easy hour ahead of them.

Ha-ha suckers!

"So, as you are well aware, we have been talking about the lead characters in

some of the novels we are studying, and how they are perceived by the reader." I
heard the groans chorus around the room and laughed. "Come on, I'm trying to
make a good impression here, guys. It's not like I was going to let you get away with
doing nothing for the entire hour."

I moved around to sit on my desk. I knew they'd appreciate it better once I

explained. "As I was saying. How we, the readers, interpret a characters action or
mood can be entirely different to how the author intended. So, using that I want
each of you to sell yourself. If you were a fictional character how would others
perceive you and on the flip side of that, how would you want to be perceived?"

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The class fell silent and I saw a few happy faces looking back at me. Of course the

usual suspects would be volunteering in a flash. Desperate to be the center of
attention as always, but today I wanted to give others the opportunity.

"I'll give you a few minutes to think about it and then I'll pick who gets to go first."

I clapped my hands and let them work in silence. I gave them a good five minutes
and then asked them to listen up. "Right, times up. Connor, why don't you go first?"

Connor Wilson was a jock through and through. Captain of the football team,

boyfriend of the most popular girl in school and admittedly he was a handsome guy.
But in his work I could see there was something else to him and I wanted to give
him the chance to put that across.

"First of all tell us how you think your character is perceived by those around

you," I encouraged.

Connor stood up and cleared his throat nervously. "Well, I suppose people would

see me as your typical all-American guy. They probably expect me to be a joker, a
player and probably a bit of an over confident ass."

"And how would you like to be seen?" I pressed.

"Well, I guess I am most of that... but I want to be taken seriously too. I want to be

more than just the jock. When I go to college I hope I can walk away with something
useful –"

A knock at the door interrupted us and I saw Principal Green hovering at the door.

I nodded and he entered the classroom. His face was flushed and he looked
extremely nervous.

"I'm sorry to disturb your class, Miss Swan. But we have a visitor at the school and

he would like to sit in on your lesson. I have explained you are very new to our team
and he may be best sitting in on another class, but he was insistent. Do you object to

Fucking fantastic. Just what I need, a spectator.

"Sure that's fine. Show him in," I answered but instead the Principal closed the


"Before he joins you, I cannot tell you how important it is that we make a good

first impression. To have a guest of this stature here in Forks is staggering and I

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want to leave him with only positive memories. Be polite, listen to Miss Swan, and
please ensure you address him correctly." I saw beads of sweat pouring down the
old guy's face and he was fidgeting with the button on his crumpled jacket.

Who the fucking hell was this guy?

"Of course we will – right everyone?" I reassured him and the class murmured a

weak agreement which didn't sound too convincing if I'm honest.

"Very well. I'll bring him in then."

I craned my neck to see who this stupid-ass guest was.

"Okay, class please give HRH Prince Edward our warmest welcome."

My heart flipped and my stomach lurched so badly I was almost sick. I felt my

eyes prick with tears as a torrent of memories flooded my mind. I looked down
quickly to the floor to hide them as I tried to keep a hold on my emotions.

No fucking way. It couldn't be – could it? It was probably the pompous ass Father

making sure I wasn't intending to return to England any time soon. Yes, that was it -
his Father. Not my Edward. Not my Edward.

Please let it be my Edward...

"Good morning everyone. It's an absolute pleasure to be here."

That voice, his voice. It sounded more perfect than I dared to remember. The soft,

warm, English accent with his typically perfect pronunciation of every damn

Fuck – I'm high. The bastard at the drive-thru slipped me drugs in my fucking

coffee this morning. That's why I can hear him, smell him...

My heart was literally racing and drumming against my chest and I chanced a look

up. Hoping that I wasn't losing my fucking mind.

I lost all comprehension of where I was. For a few fleeting seconds I was back in

England and looking at the face I'd never expected to see in person again. Even
before I saw his eyes, I could feel him looking at me. His intense and burning gaze
which made me feel like I was the only woman on the face of this motherfucking

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"Miss Swan, I believe?" Edward smiled as he spoke.

"Um, yes. Please take a seat, Your Highness," I mumbled and indicated to a vacant

chair in the middle of the room.

"Thank you," he said and took a seat. "So what are you studying today?"

I didn't trust my mind to string a sentence together without mumbling incoherent

bull shit or making some kind of lewd comment about how I needed to see him
naked to believe any of this was actually happening. So I asked one of the students
to tell him.

As the girl explained I saw his eyes flicker back and forth to me, and that crooked

smile formed on his face.

My God I think I loved him more now than ever before.

"That sounds interesting. Please continue as if I wasn't here."

I let as many students go as I could and Edward applauded each one. There were

only a few minutes to go before the end of the lesson when it was suggested that
Edward have a go himself.

"Would that be okay? I don't want to intrude." He looked to me and I did my best

to smile.

I don't think I had said more than four words since he walked into the room. I was

in turmoil. Why was he here? What did he want? Would I get some more time with
him? Would I want that? Could I get over him again?

Fuck that shit. I wasn't over him now, so I was hardly going to say no to spending

any amount of time with the man who I was pining for so badly.

"I think the perception of my character by others is quite obvious. I am defined

purely by my family and by the image they uphold. I don't think anyone sees any
particular individual but instead we are all cast with the same brush. Stiff, upper
class and completely out of touch with the real world. And you know what? Everyone
is spot on."

I heard the students whisper and they were transfixed almost as much as I was.

Even when the bell sounded, not one person made an attempt to move.

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"And, how would you want to be perceived?" I asked before I had even realized I


Edward shifted slightly in his chair and caught my gaze again. Keeping his eyes on

me he sighed deeply. "As someone brave enough to fight for what and who they
wanted. Someone who had the courage to stand up to more dominant people and
not allow his life to be controlled by others who never truly understood him. I would
also want to be able to tell the one person who was more important than anyone
else, that it was because of her I was finally able to do all of that."

The girls in the room all swooned in the chairs and the boys looked on like he was

giving them the best lines they'd ever heard.

"And will you? Will you tell her?" one girl whispered and Edward shrugged.

"Well, I have been given an unexpected opportunity to do so. I just hope I'm not

too late."

I felt more fucking tears begin to collect in my eyes and I had no idea what the

fuck I was supposed to say. I had forgotten all about Principal Green who was
standing by the door with a look of disbelief on his face. I hoped that he was still in
shock because a member of the Royal Family was in his school, and not because he
saw how I reacted to Edward's presence in the room.

"Well, class you all heard the bell. Move on quick as you can now." He ushered the

students from the room and then held out his hand to Edward.

"This had been a huge honour Your Highness, and I'm sure Miss Swan agrees.

Would you care to see any other classes? I would be more than happy to
accommodate any request you have."

"No, thank you. I have a few more places to pay a visit to. But, I appreciate your

kind welcome." Edward shook his hand and then turned to me. "It has been a
pleasure, Miss Swan."

"Likewise," I replied and then snorted at my pathetic comeback.

I watched as they left the room together and then I sank to my knees. He's here,

he's here.

Um, no – wrong tense. He was here and now he's gone again.

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What the fuck was I supposed to do now? Somehow, running through the halls of

the school screaming for him to stop didn't seem like such a good idea. But there
was no way I could just let him fucking leave.

So, I tried to have a go at nonchalant and casual, and tried to make my way

through the crowds of people who were swarming to get a look at the hot Prince
who was roaming the halls of Forks High School.

I could just make out the top of his head, and saw immediately that Emmett was

with him. I quickly realized I wasn't going to get close, without drawing attention to
myself, so admitting defeat I trudged sadly back to my class.

Now what? Has he gone? Will I see him again?

As I tidied up the chairs I saw a note on the table Edward had been sitting and I

snatched it up.


Sorry to take you by surprise showing up here as I did. I have so much I need to

explain, but I didn't think your place of employment was a suitable place. The truth
is I simply couldn't wait until this evening to see you.

I have your address and I hope you won't be unhappy if I stop by later.


What was going on? I was seriously about to lose my mind. I had a thousand

questions in my head and I had answers to none of them. This evening? Fuck, that
was hours away.

The entire school was talking of nothing else but Prince Edward. The students in

my class were accosted everywhere they went by those desperate to find out more
about what Edward said and did.

As much as I tried to conduct a lesson it was impossible. The students wouldn't

shut the fuck up about him. There was no way I could get through five more classes
and talk about anything that made any sense whatsoever. So, I threw my lesson
plans in the trash and decided we could watch an academic movie instead.

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So, I wheeled in the old fashioned television and VCR and told the class to enjoy a

really bad version of Wuthering Heights.

I spent the time... Ah fuck – need I even explain? I spent the next few hours

thinking of Edward – period.

Never had a day felt so long in my entire life. Knowing he was here, somewhere in

the shitty little town I called home was driving me up the motherfucking wall. It
seemed like an eternity, but eventually the day passed and as I wished my last class
all the best for Christmas and New Year I started to panic. Do I go home and wait
for him to drop by?

Oh fuckety fuck fuck fuck! My parents would be home and Edward was 'dropping

by'. The room began to spin and I put my head between my knees and took deep

"Bella, are you okay?"

I looked up and saw one of the other teachers, Eric Yorkie, stood at the back of

the class. He was eyeing me carefully. Not sure if I was sick or just a crazy woman
trying to sniff her own crotch.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just had a bit of a head rush." I gathered up my things and

walked towards the door.

"Good," he said quietly and then added, "Some of the staff are heading into Port

Angeles for dinner and drinks – would you like to come? I've been trying to build up
the nerve to ask you out since your first day."

No fucking way buddy!

"Um, no thank you. I have plans this evening, Eric. But I appreciate the offer.

Maybe some other time?" I replied and left the poor guy standing in my classroom

I scanned the car park for him, but there was nothing. I almost crashed three

times as I drove home in the hope he was visiting other places in Forks. But I saw

I parked my truck in the drive and let myself into the house. My parents were

fooling around on the couch like teenagers and I clamped my hand over my eyes.
"Aw, come on you two. At least have the fucking decency to do that shit in your

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bedroom. It's gonna leave me scarred for the rest of my life."

They blatantly ignored me and continued giggling and fucking groping. I wanted

to sit and wait by the door like a real fucking loser, but I was not listening to that
shit. So I stomped upstairs grumpily and decided to take a shower. And boy it was a
good thing I did. It was safe to say I had let myself go in the weeks since leaving
England. I swear to God there was more hair on my legs than on Elton John's

I kept one ear on the door as I dried and dressed and yet when I actually heard a

knock I couldn't move a muscle. My parents were grumbling at the interruption and
it was my Dad who told my Mom to straighten her clothes out while he answered the

The silence that followed told me exactly who was there and I suddenly regained

control of my body and raced down the stairs in time to hear Edward's voice.

"Good evening, Chief Swan."

My father didn't say a word and when my Mother moved to stand beside him, she

squealed and brought her hands to her mouth.

"I'm sorry to intrude on you like this but..." Edward began after my Dad said

nothing at all.

"It's not an intrusion, Your Highness. I'm sorry... I was just... well damn I was not

expecting to see you... there... I mean here..." my Dad mumbled nervously and I
waited at the foot of the stairs because I hadn't a clue what to do. "Can I ask... why
you're... well paying a visit to my house? Um, Your Highness."

"Actually, I think it's probably for the best if I formally introduce myself." Edward

stepped closer and extended his arm.

"I don't think that necessary, Your Highness. I think most of the town would know

who you are," my Father said coolly.

But Edward wasn't giving up. "Well, Chief Swan, I think I might surprise you. You

see my name is actually Edward Cullen."

My Mother swung her head around to me, her eyes almost bugging out of their

sockets. My own breath caught in my chest and I bit down hard on my lip. Needing
to hear more, I stepped forward to listen.

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"You see, as of yesterday I am no longer Prince Edward, HRH, or anything at all to

do with the rest of my family."

Holy. Motherfucking. Shit!

Edward looked over my Dad's shoulder and tried to gauge my reaction. I was

shell-shocked – I was absolutely reeling. He got his wish – he was now Edward
Cullen. He was a regular guy... and he was here on my doorstep.

"Ohhh...kaaay... I don't quite know what to say to that. I take it you aren't

planning to visit every household in the US to inform them of that fact?" Dad asked.

"No, Sir. It won't be officially released to the public until after the New Year,"

Edward answered without taking his eyes from mine.

"Mm hm. Now I'm worried." He followed Edward's gaze and sighed as he saw me

standing there with tears rolling down my face. "Call me crazy, but I can't help
feeling this is something to do with you, Bella. Would you like to explain, Mr. Cullen"

Edward broke out into a huge smile and nodded. "It's actually quite simple, Chief

Swan. I'm here because I'm in love with your daughter."

My Mom gasped and Dad groaned. "Jesus, Bella. You were supposed to go there

and sight see. Not bring down the goddamn British Monarchy."

"Charlie, perhaps it's best if we leave them to talk in private," my Mom whispered

but Dad shook his head.

"No, no. I want to hear what the boy has to say for himself."

"Dad," I hissed, speaking actual words for the first time since Edward arrived.

"He's not a 'boy', he's twenty-six. Stop acting all Police Chief on the guy."

"I'm relieved to hear you speak, Bella. I was worried there for a second," Edward

said and began to fidget with the lapel on his jacket.

"Well, it's been a pretty strange day," I replied and walked closer to the doorway.

Dad was still standing between us and he seemed in no hurry to move out of the

way. "So, you are in love with my daughter? How the hell did that happen?"

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"The restaurant I worked for also catered big events, Dad. I told you that,

remember?" I sighed. "Come on, please stop this. I'm not a little girl any more. You
don't need to check out every guy I meet."

"Charlie, at least invite the poor man inside. It's freezing outside." My Mom

tugged on Dad's arm and forced him out of the way. "Come on inside, Your... um...

"Thank you." Edward stepped into the house and immediately reached out to take

my hand. He moved as close as he could to me and kissed my forehead. "It almost
killed me in that classroom not being able to touch you."

"We'll have less of the canoodling, thank you very much!" my Dad shouted and I

growled. "This is still my house, that is still my daughter, and you are still a guest

"I'm sorry, of course," Edward said and dropped my hand. He followed my parents

into the room and took a seat in the only available chair.

No one spoke at first. My Dad was giving Edward the death glare. My Mom looked

like she was about to faint, and Edward couldn't seem to stop looking at me.

"I have to ask this, but I don't know if I actually want to know the answer." My

Dad rubbed his forehead before asking, "Did you do all of the name changing and
abdication stuff purely to come here with Bella?"

Edward thought about that for a moment and then shook his head. "Not entirely,

no. I was miserable before I met Bella. I always hated my life and what I would
eventually become. I just... I... I... Sir, your daughter changed my life. I never felt as
happy or complete as I did when I was with her. And these past seven weeks without
her... well I was utterly lost. Had it not been for my Aunt and one other person in
particular, I would be about to make the biggest mistake of my life. I know showing
up here like this was presumptuous. But, the truth is I honestly don't think I could
live without her."

And cue more fucking tears. Jesus Christ, this man was good with words. Mom

was sniffling away and even my Dad softened for a few seconds. Edward ran his
hands through his hair and then clasped them together on his lap.

"Bella, you are being strangely quiet. What do you have to say to that?" Dad asked

as he shifted to look at me.

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"Before you answer," Edward held up his hands and then stood. "I need to tell you

that I have absolutely nothing. By agreeing to all of this, I walked away from
everything I had. I have no job, no car, no home, and just a few thousand dollars to
see me through the next few months. I will probably have to hide away for a long
time until the hysteria subsides. Even then, I have no idea what I'll do with my life. I
have nothing whatsoever to offer you, Bella. Not a thing."

The enormity of what was happening hit me like a battering ram. Edward had

sacrificed everything and the first person he came to was me. Bella Swan, daughter
of a Police Chief and crazy-ass hippy. He had flown across the world to bum-fuck
nowhere to declare his love for a foul-mouthed, sometimes insane rookie school

"So you have absolutely nothing?" Charlie clarified.

Did that even fucking matter?

"Not a thing," Edward said.

"That's not entirely true." I smiled and walked closer to him. "You've got me."

See - I told you to have a little faith ;) Two more chapters plus the epi left

for these guys. I do have a teaser for the next chapter if you want it? Just
give me a shout.

Thanks to Prettyflour for a great job as always and also, I own absolutely

nothing. It all belongs to Stephanie Meyer.

Okay, sharing time :) As some of you know, I was planning to do the epi for

this (chap 24) and that would be that. But, when I started writing, it ran so
out of control I had to stop and think. I could either condense it and just
skim over the things I wanted to write about... or I could expand it a little
more, say into A
Life With The Royal Staff? It won't be as long as this story
(probably, maybe) but it will give me more time to explain about E's life
after the move to the States. So, if you're interested in continuing with these
two, add me to author alert or keep checking back here once ANWTRS is
complete :)

Thanks for reading - I really appreciate it :) See you on Sunday!

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Chapter 22 CrapalaRenee

So how was breaking dawn? I have to wait for my fix unfortunately.

Here's the update - hope you like it :)

Chapter 22 - Crap-a-la-Renee


I would have liked nothing more than to drag Edward's ass up the stairs and into

my bedroom at that very second and in the words of Jace Everett, "Do bad things
with you."
But my Dad wanted to ask Edward some more questions.

Motherfucking cock-blocker.

"Isabella Swan!" my Dad bellowed.

Yes it would seem I said that out loud. Edward let out a nervous laugh and my

Mom actually beamed with pride. I should have been humiliated and scared for
Edward's life. But I just shrugged it off.

"Don't preach to me, Dad. You and Mom owe me after what I've been subjected to

these past few weeks. You're lucky I'm not locked up in some lunatic asylum." I
grabbed Edward's hand and began to pull him towards the stairs. "Come on,
Edward. We can talk in my room."

"Um, actually, Bella and it's getting rather late. I wasn't sure if you would even

want to see me and... Well... I haven't secured anywhere to stay tonight..." Edward
stuttered and looked around nervously.

"You can stay here of course," my Mom said immediately, and told my Dad to,

"shut up," when he began to object.

"That's a very generous offer, but I'm not here alone, Mrs Swan. Emmett is

outside in the car. He's assigned to me for the next few months. Just in case."
Edward smiled. "We can find a hotel, or guest house I'm sure."

"Don't be silly, there's a perfectly good couch here," my Mom said.

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"Again, thank you, but I don't think Emmett would be too keen on the idea of

going head to toe with me," Edward replied.

"And why on earth would you two be sharing the couch? I meant your friend could

sleep there. You'll be in Bella's room won't you?"

Dad almost keeled over and he looked at my Mom in horror. "Renee?"

"Don't be such a prude, Charlie. What do you think they were doing in London?

Playing chess?" Mom rolled her eyes and sighed. "Please, invite your friend inside.
We were just about to prepare dinner – you're both welcome to join us."

"If you're sure?" Edward looked to my Dad for confirmation but he was sitting

with his head in his hands muttering something I couldn't hear.

"Of course I'm sure. Now go and get him, he'll be freezing out there." My Mother

gestured to the door and Edward grinned.

"Thank you." He kissed me quickly before jogging to the door and outside.

I watched him go and felt my heart flutter with excitement. He was here. He had

given up everything. He wanted me. He loved me.

"Bella, that was so romantic," my Mom whispered and pulled me into a suffocating

hug. "He's the cutest thing I've ever seen."

"I can't believe he's here," I said. "I can't believe he did that."

She stepped away and wiped her eyes. "When he's introduced his friend. You and

Edward need to talk. Pay no attention to Charlie and take him upstairs. Just... well...
try and be quiet."

"Ha! Like you two are?" I scoffed and she laughed.

Edward re-appeared with Emmett at his side and he strode into the kitchen like he

was an old friend of the family.

"How are you, Bella? And, Mrs Swan, thank you for the invitation. I really

appreciate it. I'm Emmett Cullen, Eddie's cousin... well technically he's still my
employer for the time being."

"It's lovely you meet you, Emmett. Please call me Renee, and that," she pointed in

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my Father's direction, "is Charlie. Make yourself at home. I'm just going to make us
all something to eat."

"Sounds good, Renee." Emmett winked. "Can I help you with anything?"

She agreed enthusiastically and began chatting away to Emmett. I pulled Edward

quietly from the room and upstairs. I felt nervous, for some reason, and my hands
were shaking as I closed the bedroom door. I sat on the bed and he sat beside me.

"Are you okay?" he whispered.

"Just a little overwhelmed I guess. I woke up this morning missing you, and fully

expecting I would never see you again. Then you turn up at school and now you're
here – on my bed." I let out a shaky breath. "What happened? How did all of this
come about?"

He ran his fingers softly down my face and rested his forehead on mine. "When I

tell you, I sincerely doubt you'll believe it. I'm still having difficulty believing it

"I want to hear it all..." I breathed as Edward leaned in close to me. I could feel

the warmth from his breath and smell the sweet, honey-tinged scent that I'd be
yearning for.

Finally together, and finally alone. For the first time in seven long weeks, I really

kissed him. All the pain I'd been feeling evaporated in an instant. This was better
than I remembered. The kiss brought back a thousand memories of England. He
pushed me back on the bed and hovered over me. I ran my hands over his arms,
shoulders, chest, back, and anywhere else I could reach. Fuck, I'd missed this – I'd
missed him.

"What's wrong, Bella?" he asked when I pushed him back slightly after a few


"I love you, Edward." I managed to choke out. "Tell me this is real and you're here

for good and I didn't just dream up that conversation downstairs. Because, if you
have to leave... I honestly don't think I could go through that... not again."

And then came the tears.

"I'm not going anywhere." Edward wiped them away and shook his head. "You're it

for me, Bella. Nothing else matters now I know I've still got you."

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And then? Yup, more fucking tears.

"Bella, love, don't cry," he begged and tried in vain to console me.

"But, look what you've done. What we've done, Edward. Jesus, fuck I'm Wallis

Simpson aren't I? The British people are gonna think America's hell bent on fucking
up your monarchy. Christ almighty, your Father must be furious, shit – what
happened when-"

"Bella!" Edward stopped me sharply. "I was going to explain later, but I think we

should talk about it now." He rolled over and wrapped his arms around me tightly
and I could have sworn he seemed nervous about something. After taking a deep
breath he said, "I never told you this in London, but there was something else to the
deal I made with my Father. In order to get those six months with you I had to agree
to marry Kate."

"What? Edward-" My stomach clenched and I closed my eyes. Had he been seeing

her? Had she been to his apartment? Had they...? I swallowed back the bile that rose
in my throat when I thought of them together. "I don't know if I want to listen to

"Please, Bella. Hear me out?" he asked and I nodded reluctantly. "I was desperate

for more time with you. I loved you even then, but I never thought you'd feel the
same. And even if you did, I would never subject you to the life I lived. In no way did
I want to marry anyone – except you." He smiled sheepishly and I stopped breathing

"So you two... you and Kate got back together after I left?" The pain that rippled

through me took my breath away. He was here now yes, but what had he been doing
for seven weeks? I closed my eyes and tried to dispel the images that were flooding
my mind.

"No!" Edward cried. "I swear to God, Bella. Nothing happened between us. The

only time I saw her was to meet with our parents to arrange the details. I sat there
like a zombie for most of the time and gave no input to anything. I would never...
Even after the wedding, I don't think I could have."

"Okay," I whispered and he held me even tighter. "Sorry, carry on."

But he turned my face toward him and kissed me. "I know I was an idiot to agree

to it in the first place, but it was the only thing I could think of. And I wasn't
prepared to miss out on a second of your time, Bella."

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"We were fucked from the start, weren't we?" I sighed. "Please tell me the rest,


"Okay," he murmured and kissed my nose before he started talking. "So, two

nights ago I attended a charity dinner with my family. Everyone who was considered
a friend of the family would be going, so the plan was to announce our engagement
to the guests and the press who were there. But there was a last minute change of
plan and instead my Father announced that Tanya was to be made the new head of
the charity," he said with a smile forming on his face. "It was after that
announcement that I was given the paperwork and documents to make this final

"Who? Tanya? Esme?" I whispered.

"My Father," he replied and I scowled.

"Are you kidding? Your Father? Why the fuck would he do that?"

Edward let out a deep breath. "You? Me? A brief moment of clarity perhaps? All I

know is Esme presented him with some photographs of us and whatever he saw set
everything else in motion."

"Wow," I said. "And that's it?"

"Apparently so, yes." He nodded before adding, "I don't know what it's going to be

like for you, Bella. As soon as the official statement is released, things will get
intense and if the press find out about you..."

"I don't care, Edward," I said and he raised his eyebrows questioningly. "I mean,

sure it's gonna be hard having people talking shit about me. But, it won't last forever
right? I love you, and these seven weeks have been awful. I would pretty much deal
with anything if I get to keep you."

"The attention won't last forever, Bella, but I promise we will. I won't let you go


His lips were on mine in an instant. He held me tight against him and it felt good,

but I wanted and needed more. Although, no longer nervous, my hands still shook.
And I fumbled with the buttons on his shirt.

"Your parents, Bella," Edward protested but I ignored him.

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I brushed my tongue across his bottom lip, and then took it between my teeth

gently. When I was finally done with the buttons, I pushed the shirt down his
shoulders and he rocked back onto his haunches to shrug it off completely. He
stayed there for a minute or so and just watched me. Then the room became a
frantic mess of clothing being all but torn from our bodies. Edward dipped his head
and began exploring my body with his lips. I was trembling from head to toe and my
heart was thumping in my chest. Although I loved the sensation of his mouth and
tongue tracing over my skin, I wanted him closer. I wanted to look at him, because I
still couldn't quite believe he was here.

"Edward, please I need you," I croaked and pulled him back up to look at me.


"Anything for you, Bella. Anything."

He shifted his hips slightly and slowly began to inch inside. If it felt good all those

times before, it was nothing in comparison with tonight. There was nothing in the
world that had ever felt like this and more tears collected in my eyes. Edward began
to rock back and forth and press hard against me. The warmth spread through my
body and a groan of pleasure escaped. Edward too seemed to be feeling the
intensity and his grip on me tightened.

I arched my back and urged him to give me more. He complied straight away and

the headboard began to thump against the wall. When he heard it, Edward hesitated
slightly and started to protest.

"Bella, your parents... they'll..."

"Don't stop. Please. So, so close, Edward." I panted unashamedly and with a

strangled, "fuck," he carried on.

As my climax built I began moaning louder and louder so Edward captured my

mouth with his. I came with a violent shudder and my teeth bit down on his bottom
lip. I was still coming down from my first Edward induced orgasm in seven weeks
when I heard a final guttural growl rumble in his chest and he pressed into me one
last time.

"I love you," I whispered and pressed my lips against his ear.

"I love you too." I heard him chuckle. "I do hope your Father didn't hear the

banging, Bella. Even with his leg in cast he frightens me."

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"I'll protect you," I said. "I know how to handle my Dad."

We didn't move for a while. Both of us were happy to stay as we were. Edward

explained in more detail about the conditions to his new life and openly worried
about what he was going to do after the attention subsided.

"Look, there's no rush. This is a big fucking thing for you, Edward. Let the shit

settle and then decide what you want. Hideaway here with me for as long as it
takes." I stroked his cheek and he closed his eyes. "I don't care what you do. Spend
the rest of your life fishing with my Dad if you like. Just be happy, that's all I want."

"What did I ever do to deserve you?"

I heard footsteps on the stairs and knowing Emmett was in the house and had a

tendency to overstep personal boundaries, I pulled the covers up around us. Edward
moved to the side and watched the door nervously.

"Um, sorry to... um interrupt. But, Renee wanted me to let you know dinner is

ready," Emmett said through the closed door.

"Okay, we'll be down in a minute," I called back and pulled Edward off the bed.

"Come on Mr. Cullen, let's go eat."

Freshened up, dressed, and trying hard not to look like I'd just had my first

reunion date with the no-longer-Royal Staff. My cheeks were flushed and my lips
swollen, but I hoped Dad might miss that.

Edward was anxious and he constantly fiddled with his clothes as we made our

way downstairs.

"Relax, Edward," I hissed and kept his hand tight in mine.

"Easy for you to say," he muttered, "You're not the one likely to get shot."

I laughed to myself and pulled him along behind me. The smell from the kitchen

wasn't exactly enticing, and I saw Edward's nose crinkle up.

"What on earth is that smell?" he whispered.

"Crap-a la-Renee," I said. "One thing you should know – my Mother can't cook for


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"Mm, perhaps you could have warned me about that before I took up her offer,"

Edward teased.

My Dad and Emmett were already at the table with matching looks of trepidation

on their faces. Although, Dad's quickly shifted to something a little more sinister
when Edward took a seat opposite him.

"So, after dinner, you and I will be having a few words, Edward." Dad put on his

most assertive and threatening voice.

Edward swallowed hard and nodded his head. The poor guy looked terrified. "Of

course, Mr. Swan."

"Knock it off, Charlie." Renee slapped him playfully around the back of his head.

"Pay no notice, Edward."

Dad was going to say something else, but then a lump of fuck knows what landed

on the plate in front of him. Seriously, it looked like canned dog food. "Um... Renee,
what in God's name is this?"

My Mom was oblivious to her awful culinary skills and actually looked proud as

punch. "It's a dish I picked up on the Internet. I forget the name; but it's supposed to
be delicious. There's brown rice, sautéed vegetables and lamb. The sauce is a bit
thicker than it should be – I think I put in too much flour – but hey, it's not what it
looks like. Go on, take a bite."

Everyone looked around the table reluctantly but none of us actually dared sample

the food. I glanced up and saw Mom's face fall. Edward saw it too, because he
scooped up a big forkful and stuffed it into his mouth. All eyes were on him as he
chewed and chewed – his expression unreadable.

"That's really nice, Renee," Edward said reassuringly and Mom took a breath in


"Come on everyone, eat up. Let me just grab us a bottle of wine." She danced


I leaned into Edward and asked, "Seriously? What was it like?"

He grimaced. "It was... different."

Different my fucking ass. The concoction before me tasted revolting. Edward and

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Emmett ate the lot and told Mom it was delicious. I lied and said I'd already eaten in
an attempt to appease her. But, Dad was his usual forthright self.

"Well, Renee, I'll pretty much eat anything you put in front of me. But, Jesus,

please don't ever cook that again. I love you, but that was the worst damn shit I've
ever tasted in my life."

I heard Edward gasp and we all waited for Mom's reaction. Instead of being

horrified, embarrassed, or angry; she just burst out laughing.

"Was it that bad? And you boys ate it?" she asked. Emmett and Edward nodded

and it only made her laugh even more. "Well why didn't you say something? Aw,
Bella, these two are far too polite aren't they?"

"Not polite enough to keep his hands to himself earlier though, was he?" my Dad

grumbled. "I think it's perfectly normal for a Father to ask that his daughter is
respected by a man who supposedly "loves" her."

Respected? I'd much rather be fucking ravaged. In the kitchen, the bathroom, the

car... ooh, the woods?

"Bella," Edward hissed and nudged me. "Are you trying to get me castrated?"

I looked around to find Emmett and my Mother trying to disguise their amusement

and my Father looked like he was about to spontaneously combust at the table.

"Out loud again?" I chuckled nervously and Edward nodded, an adorable blush

swept across his cheeks.


A/N So, as you guys seemed to like the idea of A Life With A Royal Staff,

there will be just one more update and then this story is finito! I have made
a start on Chapter 1 so should hopefully have an update for you pretty soon!

Thanks to all of you for your reviews & alerts etc - I seriously love you guys

(in a non-scary way though - honest).

Thanks also goes to the incredible prettyflour for agreeing to continue

with the next story :)

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I can send you a teaser for the last chapter if you want one?

I doubt I'll be able to update on Wednesday this week, but I will try! If not

I will post the final chapter next weekend I promise :)

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Chapter 23 I Always Hated Twilight

Okay this is it :) The last chapter for A Night With The Royal Staff - hope

you like it!

Chapter 23 - I Always Hated Twilight


My Mom was crying and Dad looked about ready to slam the door in our faces. I

laughed to myself at how things had turned full circle from the goodbye at the
airport all those months ago. There Mom had been waving me off excitedly and Dad
had wanted me to stay.

But today Edward and I were the proud owners of our very own home. We had

spent our last night in my bedroom and we would no longer have to sample Renee's
never improving cooking skills or tolerate my Father's grumblings about how there
were far too many people in his little house.

We had waited a few months before we bit the bullet and moved out... okay –

perhaps it was fair to say we'd been forcefully evicted by Dad

The reason?

Well it may or may not have had something to do with the fact that I simply

couldn't get enough of Edward and vice-versa. Obviously Edward wasn't working,
the buzz surrounding his disappearance was still intense and he was understandably
scared to burst our little bubble by revealing where he was to the public. So with
Edward being cooped up with my still recovering Dad and culinary challenged
Mother all day, he was wound up pretty tight.

Add to that, I spent the day in a classroom with hormonal teenagers – and yeah we

were pretty much desperate for a release by the time I got home.

And in my defence, I'd spent weeks listening to Mom and Dad go at it. I failed to

see the problem really.

"Oh, God, right there... mmm, Edward... so fucking close..."

"For the love of all that's goddamn holy, Bella, please can you two stop?"

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Edward's head popped up from between my legs with a terrified look on his face

and my Dad effectively rendered my imminent orgasm obsolete. Always trying to
cock-block. Damn motherfucking hypocrite.

"Look, I can't take this anymore. You two need to find your own place. No Father

needs to hear what I've been hearing for the past two months. I know it's not going
to be easy for you guys to find somewhere affordable with just one wage, but I'll pay
your damn rent if I have to." My Dad thumped on my door and almost broke down

After a "family meeting" a few hours later in which Dad presented us with a list of

available properties in Forks and its surrounding areas, I realised he was dead
serious about getting us out of his hair, so we agreed to try and find somewhere to
live alone. Well, perhaps not entirely alone – we still had Emmett and he had to be
wherever Edward was for the next few months at least.

It wasn't an easy task. Although a few residents of Forks knew the former Prince

Edward had shacked up at Chief Swan's house, it wasn't common knowledge for the
entire town and those who did know could be trusted to keep it quiet.

In fact, since the official statement had been released by Buckingham Palace,

there had been no clue as to Edward's whereabouts published. The press seemed to
be unable to track him down and of course his family would not divulge anything.
Edward didn't talk much about his family but I knew that in his own way he missed
them. James had always been a big part of his life, and aside from the occasional
phone call or text message he hadn't really spoken to him since he left England.

He was also a lot more at ease with his Father, and that too was difficult for him

to deal with. After years of animosity and resentment they had finally made steps
forward to regaining a healthy relationship, and again, he couldn't actually sit down
and spend any quality time with him.

All in all, Edward was in a difficult place, but it was clear to anyone who knew him

that this new life agreed with him. His eyes were free of worry and his smile was
genuine and happy. Even when he realised he'd moved to the wettest and dullest
place in the USA, he didn't seem upset. After twenty-six years spent wishing for
something, he'd finally achieved it. I suppose nothing could piss on his parade.

Anyway, back to house-hunting. So, wandering town around looking at properties

would prove difficult. I was still working at Forks High School and I didn't want to
be too far out of town, nor did we want to live in relatively close proximity to other
people. That wouldn't help Edward's privacy or my tendency to scream like a

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banshee whenever we were having sex.

After two weeks of covert viewings, we had nothing. My Dad was gaining more

grey hair every passing day, and Edward didn't want to upset him any more – so he
was holding back the Staff whenever Dad was home.


Desperate, horny, and fed up of being stuck indoors. I dragged Edward outside for

a "hike". I had no intention of trekking for miles and miles – I just wanted to get him
as far away from the house as I could. Alfresco loving had been fun in London and
I'd become quite a fan over the past few weeks.

As soon as I knew we were alone, I attacked the poor guy. Not that he wasn't

willing mind you. Fuck, this guy was as insatiable as I was. I knew the only
spectators would be the wild animals – I just hoped there weren't any fucking
man-eating creatures around.

"Bella, I swear to God, you're either going to get me shot by your Father, or

arrested for indecent fucking exposure." Edward said as I dropped to my knees and
opened his pants.

"Shall I stop then, baby?" I asked innocently, my lips just inches from his dick. "I

mean if you're uncomfortable doing this here..." I placed a soft kiss on the tip and
looked up at him.

"No... Shit... please don't stop." He choked out and I giggled to myself.

I ran my tongue up and down his shaft a few times before I took him inside my

mouth. I did what I knew he liked best, sucking and grazing my teeth against his
taut skin. It didn't matter how many times I did this, he never failed to react the
same. His entire body stiffened and his fingers pressed down on my head as he came
with a sexy fucking groan that unleashed an almighty flood in my underwear.

I was of course still the same Bella, and my crazy imagination still created

ludicrous scenarios for me to contemplate at completely inappropriate times. Today,
in my head, I suddenly became She-Ra and began chanting ""I have the power!" But
instead of a powerful sword I had the Staff. And instead of Spirit the horse – I had
the trusted rust-bucket truck who had never once failed me.

Yeah, still as motherfucking nuts as always. Poor, poor, Edward. He really has no

idea does he?

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"Take your jeans off, Bella," Edward commanded, his eyes still heavy lidded but

fierce and lust-filled at the same time.

I grinned and did as he said. He sank to the ground and pulled me roughly over

his face. Not gonna lie, this position was fucking amazing. I'd never forgotten how it
felt that day in the grounds of Kensington Palace and today I could scream my damn
head off because there was no one around to listen. And, as Edward's tongue swept
along my center in one swift movement that's exactly what I did.

He kissed, sucked and licked me into motherfucking heaven. Holding me steady

with one hand, he slipped two fingers from his other inside and I felt that fantastic
coil in the pit of my stomach explode and flood my body with toe-curling pleasure.
And, yes, shamefully I entered the land of crazy again as soon as I could form a
coherent thought.

Only now, Edward had become He-man and he was wiggling his hips and dick

around chanting "I have the power!"

Edward failed to notice I was away with the fairies, and as quick as a flash he was

on his feet and had me facing away from him with my hands pressed against a moss
covered tree. I turned my head and kissed him, tasting both of us on his lips and
tongue. His hands gripped my hips hard and he thrust into me.

Edward was constantly scared of being too rough and hurting me so he had a

tendency to hold back despite my assurances that I loved it just as much that way.
But, on rare occasions he would lose all inhibitions and quite literally fuck me
senseless. Today was one of those days.

Each thrust hit me deeper and deeper and I swear to God I saw motherfucking

stars. I clawed at the tree and balled up my feet as wave after wave of pleasure
swept over me. It felt that damn good I could barely stand, and were it not for
Edward's tight grip I would have been on the floor. I was so lost I almost didn't hear
Edward cry out one last time before he stilled and rested his head on my shoulder.

Neither of us could speak. He was physically breathless and I felt like I'd just

smoked the world's best fucking weed. Did I mention I loved alfresco lovin'?

When we had finally re-dressed, we decided to continue the exploration of the

forest. We found our way back to the main road which eventually led to Port
Angeles. It was off this road that we discovered an old and overgrown lane hidden
from view. The gravel was sprouting weeds almost as tall as I was. Obviously no one
had ventured down here for years, so we decided to find out what treasure was at

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the end. After about five minutes of battling the bushes and trees that had been left
untrimmed we saw it.

An old, two-storey, stone built house stood amongst the trees. The windows were

smashed, the tiles on the roof were broken and an old red-bricked chimney had
begun to crumble away from the main structure.

But, it was absolutely perfect.

Beside the main house was a smaller building – perhaps an old garage maybe?

That too was in pretty bad shape. The entire front of the house had been paved with
cobbled stones and somewhere not too far away, I could hear the unmistakable
sounds of a river. The trees surrounding the house itself provided perfect
camouflage, and anyone passing by would have no idea there was anything here at

We committed a little trespassing and explored the house and the gardens it stood

in. Some of the rooms were still furnished. A rocking chair in one room, a china
tea-set on the bedside table upstairs, and even an old newspaper on the kitchen
side. The dust inside the rooms was thick and heavy and the windows which weren't
broken were so caked in dirt you couldn't see through them. This had been
someone's home – this had once been full of life and it was almost sad to see it in
this state.

Despite the dilapidated, run-down appearance – I loved it and so did Edward.

As soon as we returned home we asked Dad to make some calls and by the end of

the day we discovered it was purchased by a young, married couple in 1929. They
lived there until their death, thirty years ago. Their only son inherited the house but
chose never to return to it, rent it out, or even sell it and so it had been left for all
that time – as some sort of shrine to the previous owners. We managed to track the
son down to a retirement home in Sarasota and asked him if he would consider
selling it on. We couldn't believe our luck when he said he would for the right price
and gave us the number for his attorney.

I had a temporary job with barely any savings, and Edward was unemployable at

the present moment in time, so there was no way we were being approved for any
kind of loan with the bank. My parents offered to use their home as collateral to
support the application, and although neither Edward nor I liked that idea, we
assumed we were left with little in the way of alternatives.

Enter the Cullen's.

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After Edward had left, Esme worried as if he were her own son. She wanted him

to be surrounded by people he could trust and love to help him adjust to this new
life. So, shortly after the news broke, Carlisle had taken an extended leave of
absence from his practice in England and accepted a short-term position at
Harborview Medical Centre in Seattle. Esme accompanied him, of course, and
despite the three hour drive to work for Carlisle, they invested in a property on the
outskirts of Forks. As soon as she heard about the house, she came with us to take
another look and immediately made us an offer we couldn't refuse.

Esme and Carlisle offered to provide the capital to buy the house and we would

simply pay them back at a schedule we could manage. There was one condition to
the offer, however. Esme wanted to help us rebuild and decorate which was entirely
fine with me.

So, Alice and Jasper flew out to join the project and just a matter of weeks later

the deal closed and work began. Edward, Emmett, and Jasper did most of the
manual labor themselves. But, when it was necessary to call in professional
contractors, Edward kept out of sight and Jasper took charge.

While I taught my classes at Forks High School, everyone else slaved away like

troopers. The roof was replaced, the chimney rebuilt, the electrics re-done and
windows repaired. Thanks to their tireless work, the old house was soon standing
proud and beautifully. After the majority of building work was complete, Jasper
began working on the landscaping. He cut back the trees and bushes, killed the
weeds and soon we had an accessible and pretty driveway. Alice had him install
lighting and electronic gates to secure the grounds. The river I had heard at the
back of the property was in fact the Hoke Riverand in keeping with the relaxing
sounds of running water. Jasper created a tranquil little garden for us complete with
a wooden swing and yes, our very own Wendy house set back amongst the trees.

The guy was a green-fingered fucking genius.

Esme was relentless. The charming and sweet woman I had met in England was

long gone and had been replaced with a pretty terrifying version of herself. She
made a schedule and no one dared question it. She didn't let anyone fall behind and
rode the guys' asses at every opportunity.

Interior walls were removed and the downstairs transformed into an open-plan

master-class. Esme's vision was unwavering and she had the back wall of the house
replaced with floor to ceiling windows. There were French doors in the kitchen
which opened onto the decking on the back garden and created a wonderful open
air feel to the entire downstairs.

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The lounge was fitted with a working fireplace which would be perfect for the cold

nights and it also reminded me of the picnic in Edward's old apartment for my
birthday. It was almost as though Esme had recreated all the best parts of our time
together and given them a permanent place in our new home.

Alice was waiting patiently for her time to shine and she took me shopping to a

thousand different stores to choose an assortment of shit to go inside the house.
Kitchen cabinets, tables, chairs, beds, bedding, flooring, curtains, toilets, couches...
yada, yada, yada. I was slowly losing the will to live. But I constantly reminded
myself of the finished article. My home – with Edward. Something I had never
dreamed I would get, and now it was something I wouldn't be able to live without.

In no time at all, the house was done. The interior was decorated and Emmett

even had his own little annexe for the remainder of his time here. The garage had
been rebuilt and a small studio apartment had been constructed on top. He loved it,
it provided security for Edward should he need it, and we had our privacy. Pretty
fucking perfect I thought.

There was also the subject of Rose. After Angela and I left England following my

Father's accident, Jess and Rose had stayed in London. But, when Emmett
accompanied Edward back to Forks, she suddenly lost all interest in seeing out the
rest of our original plan. She and Jess were on a flight back just three days after
Christmas. Emmett had been more than pleased to see her, and they had resumed
their "casual" relationship straight away.

I had to wonder what they'd do when Emmett's assigned six months were over – it

was eerily reminiscent of Edward and I's situation and just look how that turned out!

But, for the time being, everyone seemed to be happy. I know I was more than

content and without a doubt everything was working out better than I could have
ever hoped for.

As the morning of our move arrived, my Dad was loading boxes into my old rusty

truck before the sun even came up. Even with his cast still firmly in place, he was
getting around like grease-weasel-shit. If I was honest, yeah I was a bit fucking
offended he was so damn eager to get us moved out!

So, with a few boxes of clothes and sentimental crap from the house I grew up in,

Edward and I made the fifteen minute drive to our new home. Emmett was
following, of course, but for a few minutes I pretended this was just us. The sun was
setting and as I manoeuvred up the twisty drive I saw Edward smile.

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"What's with the smirk, Cullen?" I asked.

"It's twilight," he replied.

"Oh – and...?" I frowned.

"I always hated twilight." He shrugged. "The end of one day and the return of the

night. I always felt increasingly sorry for myself at night. The want for a normal life
seemed to overwhelm me when I was laid in bed alone."

"And now? Do you still think the same?" I stopped the truck in front of the garage

and turned to face Edward.

"No." Edward shook his head and looked at me. It was that look which made me

feel like I was the only person on the face of the planet. "Now, I realise that without
experiencing the darkness I'd never get to see the stars."

Smooth motherfucker.

That's that then! Until Chapter 1 of A Life With The Royal Staff. It is done

and almost ready to go, so I should have it posted within the week. So, if you
want to come along for the motherfucking ride ;) add me to author alert or
keep checking in and I'll post a new chapter letting you know when it its up!

I hope it didn't disappoint?

Serious stuff now. I cannot thank you guys enough - I never in a million

effing years thought this silly little idea would turn into 23 chapters + a
sequel! To all of you who read, reviewed and added to your alerts and fave's -
muchas gracias - you're the best!

So, if you're joining me for A Life With The Royal Staff yay! And if you

want to leave it here - bye & thanks for reading!

I have a little prologue that is far too small to post as a chapter on it's own

but I will happily send it to all of you guys who want to take a look. Just hit
that button and let me know! I will
post it at the same time as Chapter 1 so
if you'd rather read them both together you can :)

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Last thanks is to the fantastic Prettyflour for a wonderful job on this story

and for agreeing to take on another one of my stories and pre-read for

That's it from me (at long last I hear ;)



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Chapter 24 Sequel now posted!


If you want to see the rest of the story then tootle over to the sequel!

Prologue for A Life with the Royal Staff now posted.

A/N - Chapter 1 is coming straight after so hop on over to A Life With... for

more motherfucking fun!

See you in a few minutes!

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